#gender abolitionist
hadesoftheladies · 15 days
"separatism/anti-natalism is so unrealistic. it won't fix the problem." okay and marrying men worked? bearing their children worked? educating them worked? transing your gender worked? did the patriarchy stop when you wore eyeliner "sharp enough to kill a man"? did it stop when you got a mastectomy? did it come to a screeching halt when you said "sex work is work" and "not all men"? bffr
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marblecakemix · 11 days
It's honestly astounding how many people do not know that gender is a construct to impose power over women. Gender roles were created by men to control women and it's so easy to see when you understand that. And they are well crafted into girls minds from a young age.
Girls are meant to be quiet (so when they need to shout for help they won't know how or are taken for crazy ones).
Girls shouldn't move so much (so when they need to flee, run from danger men will catch them easily)
Girls should look a certain way (so when they aren't they will self deprecate and become easy to control, buy whatever there is from men so they can appeal to a man)
Girls should put others before themselves (so when they are hurt by men, men's feelings are more important than their)
Girls are meant to be petite (so when there's a threat they won't be able to fight back)
Girls should impose gender roles on each other (so when they say it's men's fault, men say they did it to themselves)
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hard--headed--woman · 10 months
my dear companions, I'm here to warn you about the rise of blasphemy transphobia. many of our siblings still doubt the existence of the soul gender identity, this innate entity, locked inside our carnal envelope, which represents who we really are. many of our siblings prefer to listen to the great lie that is science, biology, which is nothing but a manipulation aimed at discrediting the word of the lord the experiences of trans and non binary people ! they dare to discuss the fact that every man and woman must follow social rules, and that if these are not respected, then these people are straying from the path laid out by god probably trans or non binary. you can recognize them for example because they do not carry the cross of jesus write their pronouns in their bio. every word they say criticizing our community is a sin pure bigotry. you must not listen to them ! avoid them, ignore them ! it is for your protection and safety. if you want to fight them, you must not be afraid to break all the rules we usually follow about what is good and what is bad. when it comes to people who do not believe in god gender, we must not have any mercy ! they do not deserve it ! it is a holy war, a fight against the devil, a fight to spread the truth to those who have not yet accepted Jesus, and during a holy war, there are no rules, you can use violence, it is a good cause a fight for justice, a fight against the horrible terfs, a fight to spread the truth to those who have not yet accepted your identity and their own, and for a fight like this one, there are no rules, you can use violence, it is a good cause. make sure you do not fall for the atheists/devils terfs propaganda. ah and of course, the evil comes from women terfs !
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endpatriarch · 1 year
Women, don’t be soft.
In a world where men are the most dangerous risk to women, and said men want women who are styled in the patriarchy’s costume, feminists must reject this costume!
We must refuse to be soft. Refuse to be shy. Refuse to be quiet, over accommodating, cute, seductive, small. It’s only logical: don’t be what men want women to be. Don’t give them the satisfaction or opportunity. Don’t let men win. You must be tough, independent, loud, ugly, mean. Command your space.
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radi-cali · 1 year
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Stop raising your daughters to be damsels in distress.
It's the parent's fault for teaching her to prioritize her looks, putting her in sandals in the rain, and raising her different than your son.
RAISE YOUR DAUGHTERS AND SONS THE SAME. Gender roles start before conception when you choose to buy your female fetus bows and tell her as a newborn how pretty she is, versus buying your male fetus sensible shit like teething rings and telling him as a newborn how tough he is.
I'm sick of seeing girls call themselves princesses and being groomed to be pathetic and 100% dependent on males.
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august-beee · 6 months
“B-but clownfish change sexes 🥺”
That is a normal part of their reproduction (all clownfish are born male and when the alpha female in the community dies the next male in line becomes female) and they are fish. Not a single mammal does this. Plus, any non-mammal animals that do this also do not need hormones and surgery to become the other sex.
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butch-reidentified · 1 year
I notice articles of Radfems' teaming up with conservatives to curb trans activists. I thought radfems are left-leaning. Why do radfems team up with the right wingers if that's the case?
This is going to be long but contain a lot of very important information people need to understand about the radfem perspective on gender compared to both the conservative one and the genderist one.
I don't personally know any radfem who would ever do this so the simple answer is I can't tell you why someone would bc I've never even witnessed it, let alone gotten to ask their reasoning. People who call themselves gender critical and get called TERF aren't necessarily radfems. Radical feminism is by definition a left wing ideology. If you were active on radblr, you would see frequent posts calling out conservative women who try to act all buddy-buddy with radfems re: trans stuff. We on radblr do not tolerate that or their presence - at least not in the corner of radblr where I exist. I block right wing blogs on sight.
Contrary to popular trans belief, we don't agree with conservatives on trans matters either. Where conservatives want to reinforce gender, maintain the existence of gender, and are bioessentialist (a term genderists use incorrectly btw*) by nature of their predominantly Christian beliefs, radfems are gender atheists and abolitionists.
*Bioessentialism doesn't mean "vagina = woman, penis = man." It refers to the belief that women (aka female humans) are genetically/inherently nurturing, caregivers, emotional, sensitive, intuitive, quiet, physically weak, like pink and princesses and flowery dresses, etc., and that men are genetically/inherently strong, resilient, tough, outdoorsy, aggressive/violent, stoic, rational, leaders, like trucks and mud and red meat, etc.
While bioessentialism is the belief that all these stereotypes are innate, these stereotypes themselves are what make up gender. "Gender stereotypes" and "Gender roles" are redundant phrases. Gender *is* just stereotypes based on sex. Male aka "amab" people are expected to adhere to the truck-loving, tough, aggressive, stereotypes mentioned above. Those stereotypes are placed based on their physical body - the male body - not placed on them because of their INTERNAL "gender identity." For proof, look no further than the baby gifts an expecting mother receives after finding out the sex of her unborn child: they are not random, gender-neutral gifts, they're blue pajamas with dinosaurs on them because boy.
Radfems want to eliminate gender. We view sex as a neutral biological fact, like your height, foot width, or hair or eye color.
Imagine if, before a baby is born, doctors tested its future hair color, and that information was believed to determine everything about the child. Oh, it's a brunette! So it will be opinionated, love playing with building blocks, enjoy science, and its favorite color will be green! Oh, a blond? Well, better get it yellow EVERYTHING covered in butterflies, and order some craft supplies (blonds are just naturally more creative than brunettes, of course). Be prepared... blonds are soft and sensitive and moody. They're very artistic but struggle to keep up in math and science classes, and are so indecisive!
This is what gender is. A massive, all-encompassing set of traits that are assigned to one sex or the other, designed explicitly by patriarchy to maintain the oppression of the female sex. It defines everything, starting with how people treat you before you're even born, including who you will be expected to be all your life forever, up to what jobs you're likely to get and how much you'll be paid. Society has decided that which type of gametes your body is designed to produce (whether or not you successfully produce them is utterly irrelevant to what your body is DESIGNED genetically to do) determines every last thing about your life. There's a stronger argument for astrology than gender.
So conservatives want to perpetuate gender, keep males doing all those things I listed (which we call "masculinity") and females doing all those things I listed (often called "femininity"). Radfems want gender gone. We want your sex to be no more relevant to your life than your height or hair color. We believe that regardless of whether your body is structured to produce large gametes or small ones says absolutely fucking nothing about who you are, what you are capable of, your likes or dislikes, your intelligence, or anything else.
So, no. I would sooner die than team up with conservatives. We have nothing in common. You are by definition NOT radical feminist if you support gender and will team up with those who do, just to ~own the trains~. That isn't a no true Scotsman, it's just how definitions work.
I am not against trans people. I am 100% in favor of safety and protection for trans people. I simply don't view gender the same way many trans people (specifically those we call genderists or TRAs) do. I don't believe in an internal gender identity any more than I believe in an internal hair color identity. I do, however, believe in EVERY human's fundamental rights to bodily autonomy, healthcare, self-expression, non-discrimination, etc. I believe clothes and toys and hobbies and occupations and likes and dislikes and skills and weaknesses all have zero to do with your sex.
This is my struggle with gender identity ideology: nobody has been able to answer the most fundamental defining question I have about it. If, as many trans activists claim, their gender identity has nothing to do with clothing, nothing to do with haircut, nothing to do with being hairy vs shaven, nothing to do with personality traits, nothing to do with likes and dislikes, nothing to do with whether you prefer dolls or hotwheels, nothing to do with all those stereotypes I mentioned... but it's also not simply a descriptor for one's sex, what is left? What remains to give gender meaning? What is a boy/man or girl/woman? Without referencing any sex stereotypes or sexed body parts, how do you know which one you are?
If anyone could give me a genuine, logical answer to this, an explanation for gender identity that has nothing to do with sex stereotypes and makes concrete sense, on God I would become the biggest TRA on earth.
Because I don't believe that gender is anything more than sexist stereotypes, the idea of gender identity is incompatible with my values. Because I view sex as a simple biological fact which should be as neutral as hair color, I don't think it makes sense to believe one can fully and truly change sex. If you dye your hair blond, the roots will still grow in the original brown color determined by your genetics. You may be able to appear as a blond and convince some people you are naturally blond, but it doesn't *actually* change the reality.
I believe there are people with physical sex dysphoria, like myself and my best friend, for whom medical transition is in many cases beneficial (it was for me) in alleviating those odd "phantom sex characteristic," very neurological-seeming symptoms. But while having a double mastectomy did help the sensations, it didn't turn me into a male human (man), and I have certainly never wanted to be one. My best friend lives a life where everyone perceives her to be female, though she was born male, simply because the medical process she went through to alleviate those neurological sensations resulted in people perceiving her as female (passing). Her "social transition" was not intentional or gender related, just an incidental byproduct of the medical one. It was simply easier, and probably safer, to assimilate into social womanhood than to tell everyone she's actually male despite appearing female, though she still does not have a gender identity, does not wear makeup or skirts or perform femininity, and couldn't care less about pronouns - I use "she" because that's how my brain naturally perceives her. Outside of this concrete, material, neurologically plausible view of sex dysphoria (which still has nothing inherently related to *gender* about it), I don't understand what it means to be trans.
Radfems want both sexes to be utterly free to be whoever they are, without being influenced/socialized into gendered (aka sex-stereotypical) behaviors and preferences. We want males comfortable & safe wearing flowery sundresses and crying often and being homemakers if they wish, and females under zero societal pressure to shave, wear makeup, etc., and totally free to speak their minds and wear cargo shorts without so much as a sideways glance. Conservatives want males to be "masculine" and females to be "feminine," whereas we want "masculine" and "feminine" to be as absurd concepts as "blondian" and "brunettian" sound. Fundamentally, radfems & conservatives exist in opposition.
Anyone who has an issue with trans people, and for whom that issue is so important they'll team up with conservatives just to fight the trans movement, has utterly lost sight of the goal of feminism (if they were feminist to begin with), which is female liberation. Radfems believe gender abolition is a crucial step toward female liberation; working with people who want to enforce gender such as conservatives would be working against our own interests.
I've been on radblr a few years and never seen anyone team up with conservatives. Whoever you've heard about in the news, idk who they are, but I fully condemn cooperation with the right wing and assure you that is not something your standard radfem will tolerate. Much like how most trans people feel about Caitlyn Jenner.
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tomboyfriends · 10 months
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i'm claiming this one for the gender abolitionist women!!
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radicaldivine · 2 years
TRAs will look at an already gender neutral word and go ”hmm better add an ’x’ to this to make it gender neutral”
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Eddie Munson, gotta be my favorite gender
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hadesoftheladies · 11 days
it's normal to be insulted by femininity as a girl or woman and it's really simple why.
the core philosophy of patriarchy is that men and women are not defined by their sex but by their sexual roles in the male sexual hierarchy (a naturalistic fallacy). the philosophy of patriarchy cannot allow for equality at any given point, because a man ceases to be a man if he is not dominant and a woman seizes to be a woman if she is not submissive. keep this in mind.
so a woman as defined by patriarchy is a complementary thing (non-human, like animals or "nature") to a man's estate. the woman identity, as construed by patriarchy, exists solely for male pleasure and estate. that means the woman is only a woman if (it/she) is an asset to a male's estate. so it/she must be a wife, a concubine, a tradeable daughter (this is opportunity for wealth), a prostitute or mother. please note, in all these roles, a woman is always meant to be subordinate or she/it is not a woman.
now remember, this is only patriarchal philosophy, but this philosophy/worldview needs to become an ideology and way of life. so patriarchs, in order to justify their made-up bullshit about the sexes and their right to exploit without consequences, must naturalize this worldview. they can create patriarchal religions (for whichever has the power over life and death defines the value and purpose of a soul) and language (whoever defines the world controls how it is perceived).
but CLOTHES are an expression of both. clothes, aside from simply being utilitarian (even in ancient times), were visual symbols denoting things like class, age, sex, nationality, and beliefs. NOW UNDERSTAND, the first class distinction in human societies was between men and women. men were higher humans hence were to be treated as a distinct upper class, and women were lower-class.
class distinction via sex was the first kind of class distinction. so it became increasingly important to the patriarchal state that women and men had to dress according to their class (the Old Testament of the Bible shows that this was indeed important to early patriarchal states in the ANE via verses like Deuteronomy 22:5 which reads, “A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.”) In short, clothes do not have sex (no garment can chan he your chromosomes), but they do have sex-class (which is gender).
in the development of patriarchy, the veil in the ancient near east, became a symbol of women's sexual status, publicly announcing them as married, concubines, virgins, etc. (i encourage you to read The Beginning of Patriarchy by Gerda Lerner for more in-depth information on all this). clothes then, and today, have always been about determining women as a sexual class and what role they performed in that sexual class (modest, up for sale, married, low-value, lesbian/deviant).
because men get to define what women are, they get to define what our clothes mean. they get to decide if something is modest or if a woman is "asking for it."
what does this have to do with femininity?
patriarchal belief= a woman is a thing, defined explicitly by her inequality to man, that exists purely for the pleasure and purpose of the man. this means a woman can only be a sexual slave (whether as a mother/wife or a whore) and cannot live or exist outside of this male-defined sexuality (temptress/justified sexualization of underage girls) without becoming something other than a woman (a monster, a witch, ungodly, mentally ill). since it was made for man, it cannot pursue interests outside of pleasing him and still be a natural, healthy thing.
enter gender.
femininity (and gender) is how women are regulated by the patriarchal state. it is a costume, a uniform, that signifies an obedient subordinate, but it is also a performance that is constantly tested and scored. women with low scores get re-educated or removed from society (via death or ostracization). femininity is how women are policed. all you have to do is to look at the traits of femininity and it's rules.
the natural female face/body should always be palatable, pleasing and presentable to the man and what he specifically finds attractive (so it doesn't matter that you're from a different culture or of a different class, if you're dressing "modestly" or "promiscuously"--this is the only primary rule: that you please men and that you are tasteful to the man who fancies you)
this means that the woman's health is secondary and her body should be editable, adaptable, picked apart and put back together on a whim, on any and every level to appeal to any man who wants her (cosmetic surgery, corsets, trends)
nurture is paramount to the character of a woman (because a woman is meant to be an excellent breeder)
softness and smallness (signals submissiveness, passiveness, defeat, weakness--all of which are proper womanly behaviour)
martyrdom (a woman exists for the preservation of the man and his estate)
silence (this communicates mental submission which is important, women should not voice their experiences, grievances, frustrations, desires, stories because she is showing agency and none of these qualities aid her identity as a sexual servant)
i want you to look at and analyze, even within your own cultures, what femininity is defined as wherever it exists, and then see if you can find any connection to how it enforces the idea of the patriarchal woman-thing. the entire performance, clothing and behaviour, is enforced in order to justify the fictional woman-thing in patriarchal imagination.
but you are a human being.
you have always been able to think, feel, disagree, feel anger . . . because you are a person with a sense of dignity, history and purpose outside male-defined sexuality. so when you as a girl or woman express disdain at femininity, it is not because you think "feminine" women are beneath you. it is because you know femininity is beneath every woman and yourself.
the capitalistically driven insecurity market that pushes women to seek out the security of male validation is beneath all of us. the performance is beneath all of us. we were human before we were mothers, wives, sex workers. we were beautiful and wonderful before makeup. we were human before men looked at us and called us fuckable. we were powerful and divine before men told us we were demonic and simply angelic, servants of gods rather than goddesses ourselves. we had the capacity to create and invent the world before men told us we didn't have heads for learning.
we have always been human and always will be.
femininity is a patriarchal polemic against our humanity. it's fundamental philosophy disagrees with the reality of us. that's why there's so much anger and fear around this culture.
some of us, as girls, resented the fact that our mothers asked us to swallow the fact that they accepted (as right) their humiliation and ours. that they wanted us to show men and boys that we accepted that we were made to be humiliated. of course we got angry. of course we felt confused. didn't our mothers, sisters, aunts, friends care that this performance was never-ending humiliation as we were forced to parade ourselves in order to compete for male approval? in front of the eyes of men and boys we knew mocked us for everything? so we said, we're not like other girls. other girls want to keep up with this. maybe they like humiliation? but we can't live this way. something must be wrong with us, or with them. they're sheep, or we're disgusting lesbians. but the truth is that we're all just in a world of pain and desperation.
your (feminine) clothes are not made with you in mind, but they are also made to keep you minding yourself. checking yourself. making sure your bra doesn't show. your underwear doesn't slip. your belly isn't too prominent. it keeps you eager to perform your role. to win against a race you can't even define because you haven't ever questioned if it ends. you get approval from the state because you are trained to self-regulate, and you have been trained well. the relief you feel at the approval of other girls or boys is that they are giving you a high score. which means you are safe. you are beautiful, you are a good performer. you will be picked and not left behind.
you may say you dress for the girls, but that's part of the problem, still. you and the girls are. you are still agreeing with the political philosophy of patriarchy when you uncritically wear the uniform of the woman-thing. you think of yourself as the woman-thing. you think of your face and body as infinitely editable. delete the breasts, delete the pores, enlarge the eyes like you're a doll on a Wii avatar creator. and so other girls are scared of being themselves because you all know there's something here to fear. there's rejection and punishment waiting for pretty ladies who don't comply.
but you're a living, complete human being, darling. you are an ecosystem with mysteries as old as the universe in you. you are a person that deserves to be here fully and freely. this is your world, too. our world.
so you see why gender cannot be reclaimed by us in a meaningful sense? it is a performance that is invented, re-invented and validated by the philosophy of our dehumanization. it will never be independent of it in this system.
you are worth the freedom and strength you can give yourself. you are worth the fight out of this.
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marblecakemix · 2 months
One crustal thing I see a lot of TRAs not getting is that most of the younger radfems (like me) were first subscribed to the gender ideology and were somewhat believers of the "woke" trans agenda.
Most radfems know from experience what your believes are. And this is the same reason why I'm no longer subscribed to that bullshit.
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hard--headed--woman · 8 months
i keep getting these "but you don't look like a woman" comments and it's fine when it's from my 6yo cousin who's never seen a "masculine" woman and adds "that's so cool" right after but when it's from literal adults it's getting exhausting. listen kevin my boobs are tiny but they are there, it's your problem if you think any human with short hair in comfortable clothes must be a man.
this applies to both TRAs and conservatives because no matter how different they think they are from each other, all of them actually think i'm not a woman
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endpatriarch · 1 year
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Women are taught to maintain beauty, humility, and purity. When she defies this, she has lost her mind. What if we held men to the same standards?
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radi-cali · 1 year
Thinking about my enby sister going "you all still don't see me as a non-woman deep down" and I just want to laugh and say "your body doesn't see you as that either"
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criminal-worms · 10 months
xenogenders are criticized a lot for being impractical. if everyone has their own not widely known gender, people will not know what you're talking about.
that's part of the point. the more labels we have, the less power and authority western gender has over us.
xeno labels are impractical if you're still using gender to oppress and discriminate.
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