#radical feminist safe
several-forms · 3 days
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Handbooks for ‘sex workers’ from The Australian Scarlet Alliance warned: “Don’t relax after the job is done—this could be when he attacks you. Relax when he is gone!” (Victor Malarek, The Johns : Sex For Sale And The Men Who Buy It)
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redditreceipts · 2 days
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I love you, reddit terfs ❤️ keep going.
even though it may seem hopeless sometimes, just know that there are enough of us to get entire comment sections shut down - and that on reddit, the arguably most misogynist website after pornhub.
also, I'd rather keep my account, so I won't make a comment about what I wish happened to OP :) just know it involves a chainsaw and a meat grinder, and don't forget to follow my second blog @redditreceipts-2 in case I get banned 💕
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radwitchhh · 2 days
Women are the only oppressed group, who are tone policed and silenced the most
Don't say that a m@n of colour raped you, that's racism
Don't call out a homeless labour class m@n for harassing you, that's classism
Don't expose M7slim m3n's misogyny, that's I$lamophobia
Don't stop disabled m3n from abusing women coerced into prostitution, that's ableist
Don't talk about sex based oppression suffered by females, that's queerphobia
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vouam · 3 days
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Woman is when uncomfy jeans
Man is when comfy jeans
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feralbeastess · 3 days
As someone who had been active in the community as a radfem years ago, here is my nugget of wisdom:
If the world will not bend, you have to be the world-shaper. We need change NOW. In the everyday.
If we are denied female-exclusive spaces, De-center men. That's it. That's all you have to do. And you will begin reaping benefits immediately.
Any time someone acts like a moid, they are not worth your time. Period. They are not worth your presence. Do not seek wisdom from men. Find entertainment in them, but lessen their influence on your behavior.
You can make distance between yourself and men by your actions. You don't have to wait on the world to figure it out. This isn't about choice feminism. I'm not asking you to change the world. I'd say to drop the radfem label entirely. Finding online community is fine, but I need you to be powerful irl.
I'm telling you how you can benefit NOW from believing what you believe. Instead of taking on a label that makes you a target. The world is not owed your sacrifice. The world owes you.
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sandwichsugarbong · 3 days
If your definition of being a 'real woman' is having XX chromosomes, then you should know there's cis women who have male (XY) chromosomes. Conditions like Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome and Swyer syndrome prove it. Your biological sex doesn't define your gender identity.
In conditions like Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS), individuals assigned female at birth with XY chromosomes typically have a vagina and may have a short or underdeveloped uterus and fallopian tubes, but they typically lack functional ovaries. In Swyer syndrome, individuals with XY chromosomes have female internal reproductive organs, including a uterus and fallopian tubes, but they typically lack functional gonads (ovaries). These variations highlight the complexity of biological development and gender identity.
Would you refer to these cis women with he/him pronouns for having male chromosomes like you do with trans women?
Before you say 'but these people are rare' just know that Refusing to acknowledge individuals with conditions like Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS) and Swyer syndrome because of their rarity is ignorant and narrow-minded. Their existence punches holes in simplistic gender narratives, whether you like it or not. Dismissing them only reveals your unwillingness to confront the complexity of human biology and identity.
Sorry, but topics such as science, logic, and facts are not on your side.
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edonee · 2 days
> a TIM starts following me on here
> maybe he wants to educate himself on radical feminism 🤔
> i check his profile
> his bio reads "nsfw misgendering kink"
> i block
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godisfemale · 2 days
“Egalitarianism” is so funny to me because you go to every single one of their blogs and every post is screaming and crying about “men’s issues” and constantly bashing feminists, literally drop the act and just say you’re a men’s rights activist
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gachafem · 2 days
how fake "gender is fake and gender binary is dead" mfs look when the real gender abolitionists feminists come at them
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mandyfem · 2 days
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several-forms · 20 hours
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The Plight of Indian Widows
A woman's dignity is not her own possession. Her life is at the mercy of men around her. She is a commodity to be owned and sold first by her father then her husband. Her entire existence is tied to her servitude to those around her. After giving so much to the world, there is little life left inside of her. Yet, the world still demands her forfeit of this little life after the death of her husband. In India, a woman was expected to burn herself alive in the holy pyre of her husband's body as a show of loyalty in a practice called Sati that was outlawed in 1929(yet it is still rampant today in many rural parts of India).
With her husband no more, she must have no reason to live.Widowhood is the harbringer of acute discrimination for women in South Asia. Widows are ostracized by society and shunned by their family to live a destitute life in "Vidhwa Ashrams". Even the shadow of a widow was believed to inflict depredation and brought. They are called witches and man-eaters. They are forbidden from wearing anything but white clothes and are expected to practice strict abstinence. Widows in Afghanistan are called besarparast, meaning "household without a head". It is customary for a woman to shave off her head to appear undesirable. Her sexuality is confined, her needs and wants must die alongside her husband. Widow remarriage-although legal- is deeply stigmatized as a grave sin.
Widows are not considered to be a part of society. They can neither celebrate festivals nor travel without a religious purpose. In some extreme cases, they are made to drink the bathwater of their husbands’ dead bodies and have unprotected sex to "cleanse themselves of the sin of causing their husbands" death. Young widows also fall prey to the leering eyes of men. Child brides especially are prone to fall victim to manipulation by people around them. Men consider that since marriage has taken away her "innocence", she can now be sexually exploited.
Barring a few states, married women cannot inherit their husband's property. This lack of financial stability is the root cause of their exploitation. Most husbands leave their wives penniless. What little savings he might have had are spent on funeral rites. Relatives do not want to support her financially, considering her children and herself as excess baggage. Her parents also close the doors on her face for it is often said - "only a woman's dead body should come out of her husband's house."
This new found vulnerability makes her an easy prey for prostitution. A primary form of survival for widows is to sell their body through pimps. However, in most ashrams, they are forced to perform sexual favours by the heads of the ashram to gain money. The heads use their political power to silence the widows from raising their voice against this rape. With nowhere else to go, this cycle continues. The widows who get pregnant from this rape are "mauled by quacks for a painfully searing abortion and If that’s not done, then they would have an extra mouth to feed and an extra pair of hands to beg."
As of today, India is the abode of 42 million widows-a social class that is woefully exploited. Widows are often forced to dedicate the remaining parts of their lives to their religion. They must have no desires or wants except singing the God's praise. Widowhood for most women marks the death of their happines and social life. Although with changing times the attitude towards widows is turning positive, it is the bitter truth that the condition of widows from orthodox regions live a terrible life.
Laws protecting women are scarce- let alone widows. In India, widows are considered to be the class 1 heirs of ancestral properties. However, most of them are uneducated and unaware of the laws surrounding them. They are easily manipulated by relatives to give up their rights to the property. As for self acquired property, most men do not mention the name of their wives in their wills. After 2005, women alive on december, 2005 have a right over their father's ancestral property alongside their brothers. One must not forget that women inheriting property is still not socially acceptable in India and women who recieve property are few and far between.
To uplift widows, one must make them aware of the rights around them. Government and local NGOs should work together to organize awareness campaigns on the rights of widows. Women without capital left behind by their husbands should get a monthly stipend. "Vidhwa Ashrams" should be heavily regulated. More so, the social stigma shrouding widows must be removed. Treatment of women belonging to marginalized communities are a reflection of how dire the situation of women's rights are in India. Opening women owned women only shelters is the prime solution for the upliftment of women.
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have you considered picking up a different hobby?? like knitting or something instead of screaming about trans people
nah protecting female-only spaces is a really fulfilling hobby :3 no males in my spaces!!! trans women are men
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feliaes · 3 months
men be like "if women are really that intelligent, why are all major discoveries made by men? 🤓" as if they didn’t quite literally burn women alive if they were smart back in the day
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formywriyinglalala · 1 month
this genuinely breaks my heart
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vexingwoman · 2 months
why is it that Taylor Swift specifically is being made the face of eco-terrorism when she barely ranks 77th place on the list of celebrities with the most carbon emissions? why her, and not Travis Scott, who ranks 1st place? any idea?
and why is this gaining popularity again right after the AI pornography spectacle? any idea? any idea why people are so eager to demonize a woman who was just recently the victim of misogyny?
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