#anti natalism
hadesoftheladies · 3 days
corporations be like “noooooo women please fuck your natural predator or we won’t have more consumers to generate more profits in the next decade pleaaasssuuuhhh😩😩”
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freckled-radfem · 9 months
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Reasons not to get pregnant/have a child/raise children. From girlwiththelist1 on tiktok
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bbmbaby1 · 1 year
Just saw how literally no country on this godforsaken planet prefers daughters over sons.
No one wants to have daughters, yet everyone expects people's daughters to date their sons, to give birth to more sons, and to marry their sons. Fucking ridiculous. You don't want us to be born, but you want us to birth more of you. Fuck off.
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balkanradfem · 6 months
Learning more about animals made me think about an interesting comparison on how we decide to reproduce, compared to how animals do it.
In the wild, animals will usually reproduce less, or simply survive less and thus do less populating, if the habitat isn't suitable for them, temperature is wrong, and if they don't have enough reliable food sources. Sometimes they will be able to adapt to a different habitat and temperature, like having their reproduction cycle delayed or done in a different time of year so that their young would survive, but if there's no food source, they'll reproduce in smaller numbers.
This is why sometimes animals will overpopulate the areas near humans, if they're able to access people's food storage, trashbags and pantries, it will give them a great, fulfilling source of food and thus an incentive to reproduce as much as they want to - after all, there's food for everyone.
But with humans, it's like we don't even pay attention to that. Or rather, our reproduction is governed by culture that isn't built around human needs and quality of life. We're taught that we need to reproduce, especially if we're women, because:
everyone else is doing it and it's the only normal thing to do
if we don't do it we're failing to contribute to future society
we're going to be an outcast if we don't do it
we're going to end up alone and unloved if we don't do it
there's a limited time frame in which we can do it, and if we don't we might regret it later
there's intense pressure all around us from our peers, relatives, family, cousins and others to do it, and they are all assuming we will and ask us why
if we don't we're contributing to extinction of the human species
we're supposed to want to do it
we're threatened of missing out on a fulfilled life if we don't do it
we're depicted as wasted potential if we don't do it
we're told it's what we exist for and it should be our only purpose to do it
And this fails to take into account absolutely everything that comes into being with creating human life. We aren't supposed to pay attention to the amount and quality of food that we have, to the state of the habitat all around us (if we can even access the information about it), the amount of energy, free time and willingness we have to nurture and raise a human child, or what kind of life this child can have in a world like this. It's almost like we're pushed to be more mindless than animals, reproducing simply because it's the thing that is done, rather than assessing the situation and making a reasonable call of whether someone should be living in a world in this state.
So whose idea was it to create a culture like this, who benefits from it? The answer is very simple, m*n. Just from looking at the culture they developed, it's obvious they don't care about the quality, length, or resources put into a new human's life, all they care about is producing as much offspring as possible, regardless of circumstances. All of the beliefs I've mentioned above, that are forced onto women, come from that simple-minded desire: let us multiply uncontrollably. That's also where the idea of taking away womens choices comes from; it makes it all male choice. They can decide for a woman, whether she'll have a child or not, giving them absolute control over human reproduction, while they clearly do not care what kind of society this builds or what are the consequences for the said children.
When this control is put into women's hands, all of these circumstances are taken into account. Quality of environment, available funds, food, energy, human influence, the amount of danger and threat to the child, the climate, the chance of that child having a safe and happy life, woman will be aware of all of this, because she is the one who will make sure that child stays alive and well. Fathers can ignore all of this because they know mothers will take on this labour on themselves if given no other options.
I've read recently, on how human lifespan increased so grandmothers would be able to take care of their grandchildren, giving the parents more time to work and care for themselves, and isn't it interesting? How only women were ever expected to do that. Every grandfather I've heard of was not only incapable of taking care of a child, but also incapable of taking care of himself, burdening his wife with his every need until his death. Often, they were also a danger to the children (not every single time, but often enough to be mentioned).
And we're stuck in the world where they're the ones making the calls to create more children endlessly, all while ignoring the circumstances of that child's life, and doing massive acts of violence, wars, terrorism, destruction and devastation of human life worldwide, ultimately killing both mothers and children.
It feels wrong on every level that anyone except women should have authority on human life, when to reproduce and in which circumstances. We have to endure devastating trauma and pain, intrusion in our own bodies and risk of death to make just one person. We evolved to live longer in order to take care of children, to create a better environment for them to live in, and we should let someone else make the call? It's insane.
Not only women should have the ultimate say in this, for the sake of quality of human life and the environment, but all of the culture surrounding reproduction should change. Making children in a world where we can't care for, feed and protect them isn't normal. Not paying attention to whether a creation of a child will only cause extra suffering to the child, is not how we create a future our children can live happily in. Males spreading their broken dna is not worth creating a human society that is built up on suffering, and will lead into more suffering.
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moidhaterxxx · 5 months
Idk if it's me getting older but genuinely hate younger kids. They have zero discipline are absolutely rude and if they're boys already becoming sex pests and molesters.
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swagging-back-to · 4 months
it is not controversial to say that if you cannot finacially, emotionally provide for a child and/or your genetics would lead to them suffering then you should not have said child.
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battleangel · 6 months
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imnalien · 7 months
EDIT: Corrected for ableist language. NPD hate isn't cool!
When reactionaries talk about "parental rights" what they really mean is their perceived "right" to own and control an entire person for at least 18 years while the state does the bare minimum to protect the aforementioned child/children.
But it goes deeper than that. Even well meaning liberals and progressives will treat their children as their inherent property.
"No one gets to tell me how to raise MY child!", "kids have it SO easy", "My kids will understand why I'm punishing them when they're older." All of it is condescending and crummy.
I'm so so sick of it. Me and so many others (especially those who don't fit the NT cishet norm) were so totally failed by their well-meaning parents who had no qualm about utilizing verbal, psychological, and even physical abuse in a vain effort to make their children conform to a world that fundamentally isn't made for them.
My status as a poor queer person will most likely preclude me from ever having children of my own, be they biological/fostered/or adopted (this is by design, btw. Don't want the disease spreading through the populace). But I'm rapidly approaching the point where I see all willing parents as suspect. Why do you want to have kids? What makes you equipped to do so? Do you agree that children are an oppressed people group? How are you planning on mitigating this? How are you planning on fostering a diverse community for your child to inhabit? How do you plan on going about unschooling your children?
I see no one except for the most radical/punk parents asking half of these questions. Gee, it's almost as if parenthood attracts abusers who want an excuse to live out their pent-up power fantasies and repeat the cycle of abuse and trauma for one more generation.
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blackpilljesus · 5 months
What do you think of anti-natalism?
A based ideology that keeps me sane. I can't imagine forcing a soul into a lifetime of suffering how disgusting. Suffering is guaranteed in the world but joy isn't. People find it dark but I find peace knowing that the suffering ends with me, I'm not dragging another person into this. It's my final "fuck you" act aswell given the fact that the world pushes us to reproduce. Not another son from me that'll wreak terror on the environment, not another daughter from me that'll suffer this & also release subterror to whomever they can. Not another disadvantaged soul from me that'll be exploited by the government, religious institutions, or capitalists.
No matter how bad life gets I always remember that the suffering in my line ends with me & I feel better because the truth is things aren't going to get better. Humans are going to exploit ourselves to extinction despite efforts to the contrary. Better to quit while ahead I cant imagine bringing a daughter to a world where AI deepfake porn technology is getting more precise & invasive and I wont commit economical terrorism by birthing a moid to do that either. No point bringing a child to a world where they have limited resources & no future.
Despite anti-natalists labelled as selfish it's one of the most selfless things to end the cycle of abuse in your line despite everything in the world telling you otherwise. To prevent & protect (x) amount of souls from suffering too.
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niiwa-angel · 3 months
Guys... Guess who is OFFICIALLY approved for a tubal ligation?
This girl!!!
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hadesoftheladies · 15 days
"separatism/anti-natalism is so unrealistic. it won't fix the problem." okay and marrying men worked? bearing their children worked? educating them worked? transing your gender worked? did the patriarchy stop when you wore eyeliner "sharp enough to kill a man"? did it stop when you got a mastectomy? did it come to a screeching halt when you said "sex work is work" and "not all men"? bffr
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realasslesbian · 11 days
Those "I'm childfree but I don't hate kids" types are great and all, but I'm a childfree who DOES hate kids, so what now? Lmao
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celestiallygazing · 13 days
So don’t look at me with those eyes when you’re the one dealing with Stockholm syndrome
Walking around your cell with a lie on your lips to tell
A lie it costs you to sell
“Life is beautiful”
Beautiful like the love between a battered wife and her abuser -
Extract from “Lifelong” by Kunzhi
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balkanradfem · 4 months
I feel that any bad-faith argument about abortion needs to be turned into argument about quality and value of all life on earth. Because we are an intelligent species, and are capable of looking ahead and seeing the consequences of out actions.
For instance, we are living in a world with current ongoing wars, where certain people are given the orders to end thousands of lives, without any consequences or retributions. And yet this is not where pro-life is focusing their intent; apparently once babies grow up it's perfectly fine to gruesomely end those same lives in a genocide, or be starved to death during wars, that kind of thing just 'can't be helped'. But women can be pressured and guilted into birthing more babies, so apparently that's the way to go, sure way to increase the amount of suffering in the world.
But, you'll say, not all born babies will be killed off in wars (weird thing to say honestly), what about children who will live their lives safely and happily on this planet?
Well, tell me how?
Any child being born is going to experience the devastating effect of the climate change, they'll watch whole ecosystems collapse, animals going into extinction, and thousands of humans losing their homes and survival resources. They're being born into a misogynistic world, and if the child is female, she'll experience oppression that she won't even be able to prove is real to the male part of the population.
This child will grow up in the world where empathy is scarce, they'll be bombarded with news about human suffering almost every day, they're likely to come down with mental illness or at least feel that the future is bleak and brings more pain. They're also likely to fall victim to pedophiles, predators, and brainwashed boys who learned to sexually assault other kids due to the exposure of p*rn. Is pro-life trying to protect them from any of it? No. They're fighting to stop teaching them about puberty and what sex is, so once these traumatic things happen to them, they're unable to recognize them or speak about it.
But let's look into even more immediate effects of having a child born against their mother's consent. Once a baby is born, they're alive, but we all know that if they're not tended to, they'll die, experiencing nothing but pain. We always assume women will do this labour unprompted, but how can we assume this?
The forced mother, who is already traumatized from having to go trough forced birth, is likely both unwilling and without proper resources to care for a baby. The baby will feel this, they will know they're unloved. They'll know they're unwanted before they even grow up. As a solution to this, you suggest we blame and shame all mothers for not being good enough, for struggling with post-birth trauma or post-partum depression, for being unwilling to be a parent? You can't control what an unwilling mother does with her baby. You forced her to give birth but you can't do anything beyond that point.
Why did you do it? Why did you make sure a baby exists in a world where there is nobody who wants them, is willing to take care of them or give them a good life? What is it worth to you if there's another unwanted, unloved, suffering child out there? Does it make your life better if there's more human suffering? Do you fight for support of new mothers, for better healthcare, for better resources to take care of abandoned babies, for better institutions to take care of unwanted children? No. You feel entitled to women's unlimited labour and endless caretaking of children they don't want. You don't want to acknowledge it's undertaking of a huge scale, that requires endless resources, finances, complete exhaustion, loss of health, sleep, protection, sometimes education and career. It's nothing to you. Loss of quality of life, for everyone involved, means nothing to you.
As long as there is more human suffering. As long as mother didn't get any say over whether she'll become a mother or not, and how many times, and when. As long as her life was put at risk without her consent. As long as she was punished for something you consider she should be punished for.
And now I'm going to circle back to where I started, the war. Because mothers have to watch their children both go to war, risk their lives in war, and be killed in wars. After putting that endless amount of energy and resources to grow and raise a single child, they'll have to watch them go to slaughter. And what happens if a child dies, as a solider in a war? Mother gets payment for it. That's right. For having that child murdered by someone else, the mother will get paid. Murder of that child is not only okay, legal, approved by government and somehow necessary, but is also rewardable to the mother, who, had she refused to birth that same child, causing zero suffering to ensue, would have been punished. Nobody except the mother can get punished.
If the child was killed in a war, and not a soldier, nothing. Apparently loss of life with extreme amount of human suffering, is worth absolutely nothing. But refusing to put that life out there, is a punishable crime. Because it only matters if it's unborn or a newborn. Once that same baby grows up, it's slaughter time. Humans apparently lose value after they grow up, they're only worth as 'endless human potential' in unwilling hands, but after they've reached the age of 'not a baby anymore', worthless.
We have observed the world for long enough to see the consequences of the actions we make. Women are the only ones who can and should decide whether they are willing and able to bring another life into the world, that is worth living, that will provide a life which is livable, enjoyable, worth being alive for. Life is extremely precious and bringing it into the world where it will be subjected to neglect, torture, and possibly a painful death, is unacceptable.
Caring for mother's rights is the first thing that will improve any child's quality of life. Caring about the environment is the second. Ending wars and debilitating male's ability to even start a war, is a fight for life. Not fighting for them to take control of female bodies, which they'll use to make themselves endless supply of soldiers, endless war resources. Taking control from women always means putting it in hands of m*n, who don't find any problem with human suffering, who celebrate wars, find themselves at home doing massive murdering, torturing and raping of women and children.
Women in charge of life means making life compatible with joy, love, care and warmth. We are the only ones who give children have safety, community, care and protection only a willing mother can give. You're wrangling it away from us further away from control the women are. We are fighting for a world where every mother is willing, and every child wanted. Why aren't you?
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superfuxkinghungry · 3 months
Why put a living breathing being into a world full of torture, racism, physical pain, mental illness, mental pain, disabilities, danger, murder, restrictions, and hate rather than just let your little children rest in a no pain feeling no thirst or hunger feeling forever state of unconsciousness? Sounds soooo much better than making those cute little babes suffer inflation, climate change, societal norm, and other nasty stuff 🥺🤢
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swagging-back-to · 2 months
every single time you stress out about your taxes, or your rent, or your debt, or your mortgage, or your car payment, or your medical bills, or climate change, or your stress over having to work and just do basic things like eating----- remember that if you have children, *you are directly responsible** for them feeling all of that suffering and stress and pain when they grow up.
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