#forestal fights technology
forestal-ramblings · 4 months
Acloset has really shoot me down with their new pay model ( I can't even plan my outfits) I'm a bit sick of apps paywalling everything or just disappearing, so I'm in the lookout for a new closet app or some other system like an spreadsheet ( tried making a budget tracker and failed ).
I just need a visual of what I wore this month, and to plan my outfits for the week.
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eucanthos · 11 months
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"Seagle" by Roadfour SA (BE)
The strange bird called “Seagle” will be able to carry up to 12,500 liters of water, twice as much as the current Canadairs CL-415 which have a capacity of 6137 liters. The plane’s “gull wings” keep the engines high above the water. Its “side skirts” forming a floating platform, it does not need wingtip floats.
s: https://www.paudal.com/2023/01/29/a-european-competitor-to-our-canadairs/
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wait also NOTE: i fucking LOVE that there is such a growing group of rep now, like u said podcasts (i.e. tma the beloved??? or at least the fandom idk??? where did the poc fanart come from like is that canon is it hcs) and like COMICS (like squire and the well etc!!!) and just. SO many things dude!!!! and los espookys as well!!!! it's just so cool that there are so many things now
Yes!!! Things are happening I am so excited for the future!!!
Steven Universe trailblazer? hmm
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foone · 4 months
So here's how the story goes. Four young adults are teleported away from 1940s earth, where it turns out they're the last descendants of the great sages who defeated evil all those years ago, but with his last breath banished the sages to earth. Now, 200 years later, evil has risen again: a vile sorcerer has raised an army and is threatening the peaceful kingdoms of a fantasy world, and only the Divine Bloodline can weild the Weapons of Light and defeat the rampaging hordes. The heroes take up their weapons and fight the good fight, leading the armies of man and elf and dwarf and beast against the evil orcs, who are vaporized by their touch. They cut a path through the horde and defeat evil's greatest champions, who were guarding the Gem of Control, an ancient artifact that gave the terrible wizard control over the orcish population. Just as one of them swings their hammer to shatter it, the wizard intervenes, and uses the last bit of his control to destroy his army, lest they join you in their freed state. As the pieces of the gem hit the floor, already losing their sickly green glow, they see the attacking orcs fade into mist. They'd killed hundreds in your crusade, sure, but he just killed all of them. They later learn, against all fervent hopes, that this extended to the orcish homelands. Men, women, and children, cooking in their homes, planting the crops, raising brutecows and hunting in the dark forests... All gone in an instant. The scouts report a silent land with tools lying in workshops, food left uneaten at dining tables, and bursting into tears at entering a house to find it was a schoolhouse: Quills lying in all the seats, with rough parchment next to it showing the first few letters of the orcish alphabet.
They redouble their efforts, now fueled with genuine hatred for the evil sorcerer. He shifts his tactics, relying on darker magics to summon undead minions, which don't need the Gem of Control. They don't go poof when a holy weapon touches them, but are still no match for the divine warriors. With a skeleton the size of a zeppelin smashing down towers around them, the warriors reach the wizard and drive a broadsword of light through his chest. The skeletons collapse back into their eternal slumber in little piles on the floor.
The warriors put aside their weapons as they're received with great cheer. They're invited to join the royal families of the four kingdoms, marrying into the human, elf, dwarf, and beast royalty. They spend the rest of their long reign ensuring peace returns, monuments are made for the fallen orc nation, and the remaining undead who fled are not allowed to prey on the peasants, only taking up arms again to fight a den of vampires left behind.
In their old age, the wizard who brought them here reappears. It's taken him decades to develop the right magics, but he can finally send them home. They abdicate, letting their hybrid offspring take control, certain in their ability to run a kingdom with wisdom and justice. They leave behind their holy weapons, in case evil rises again. The wizard warns them that much may have changed in the world they left, as 80 years has passed there while it was only 40 for them, but they still want to see if London still stands and if their families or their descendants are alive.
They appear in the modern day, 2024. They're amazed at the technological progress, of course, but then there's a bigger shock. This isn't just an isekai story: this is a reverse-isekai story.
The holy weapons were forged using the same magics that brought them to the fantasy world in the first place. When they vaporized orcs, they didn't die, they were teleported. Teleported here. Every mind-controlled orc warrior that tasted their blade woke up uninjured... in Portsmouth.
And when the sorcerer tried to wipe them all out as the Gem of Control shattered, all he did was transfer that magic to every one of them. None of them died, except for a few elderly orcs who dropped dead from shock at ending up in England, Earth, 1943.
It's now 2024. The Orc population of London is 3 million. There's twelve orcs in parliament, and another in the house of lords. The world has changed a lot since they left, for the better, the weirder, and the greener.
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|||—If we do not strike first who will?—|||
[[mayday timeline- @cyberghost-scout
((Shortened for convenience of reading)
It had been some time since the last formal and major meeting came together. Many things on Olkarion had remained the same for most; Rebels moving from one planet to another for shipments of supplies and rations, Refugees returning for shelter and medical care, the paladins coming and going for missions and supplies with the Voltron lions. Each and everyone playing a particular part in the rise against the Galra empire. Their efforts against the empire growing more and more each and everyday.
Though, the blade of Marmora and a certain black and red Paladin had seemed to have gone missing, the spot of red being adopted by the blue Paladin, and a new pink colored Paladin taking ownership of the blue lion had occurred in the last few movements. Resulting in little changing say for the fighting style and color of a few. The almost complete disappearance of the Blades had not Ben noticed just yet, mostly due to their scarcity and privacy. Unknown to many and even the paladins, most if not all had been called to Olkarion on standby, resting in one of the deeper parts of the forests. Away from prying eyes and to the knowledge of a few trusted Olkrian’s.
A small lab forged with the aid of their technology gifted Allie’s, one which held a rather deadly secret from the wider universe. While small, the lab wasn’t the only thing housed there. A few hidden and underground housing units made specifically for the group had been formed and even a small area for storage of various items and private ships. It was their life now, at least for that time.
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teyamsilly · 6 months
reader flinching during an argument w neteyam?
maybe he raises his voice or throws his hands up in expectation and reader misinterprets it and flinches, ofc he notices and feels super guilty, comfort after
deffered warrior
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pairing: neteyam x omaticaya fem! reader tags & warning: reader is pregnant but not showing, a mom of one child, dad! neteyam, they're both aged up, angry neteyam, reader is so stubborn summary: with the sky people back, neteyam doesn't want you going out in the forest without his company. he's been extra protective of his family within reason, but you didn't like feeling helpless. you went to the forest without telling anyone, maybe you should have. index sempu - dad, muntxate - wife/female spouse, tawtute - human, nìftxan - so, ngäzìk - difficult, olo'eyktan - clan leader word count 3.5k
a/n spinned this a little hope you like it! i've been working on this for a while because i wanted to make sure it was good. enjoy <3
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Because of the pregnancy, your duties as a warrior were temporarily suspended. It was frustrating that you were forbidden to participate in the raid. You were barely showing and still capable of fighting, but Neteyam insisted that you stayed behind. 
With the the sky people back, their attacks became even more ruthless and unforgiving. Their technology advanced which gave them the upper hand, but everyday you prayed to Eywa that she protects the people. Especially your family.
Nutxe watched his father putting his cummerbund on followed by his leather armguard. Neteyam was preparing for another rally to stop the humans from creating their own space to live in. They were getting too close, and their preparations have been getting quick. Because of it, he's barely home and only coming back to his wife and son asleep.
"Sempu, how hard will it be this time?" asked Nutxe, eyes wide from curiousity.
"It doesn't get easier, 'itan," sighed Neteyam. He managed to pull a smile for his child, and placed his hand on top of his head. "We will do everything to stop them," he reassures.
Nutxe nodded. "I know. You'll defeat them because sempu, uncle Lo'ak, and grandpa are there!" he cheered as he raised his fists.
You laughed from where you were standing. After hearing his father's accomplishments, Nutxe admired him greatly. You'll always hear him saying he wants to be like his sempu one day, and protect you from danger.
Of course, he got the idea to protect you from the man himself.
Neteyam only chuckled. He approached you, and you handed him his bow and arrows. You couldn't help but inspect his warrior look with envy. It's been a long time since you've worn your own cummerbund, and the feeling of adrenaline was missed.
"I am still strong enough to fight," you said. You made sure to keep your voice low from Nutxe's big ears.
Neteyam exhaled before he pursed his lips momentarily. "We've talked about this, muntxate. You are with child, our child," he emphasised with a frustrated look. "I want you out from the field."
You hissed, "I feel helpless! I wouldn't be the first woman pregnant there."
"Your mother went to war with you inside of her. I don't see why I cannot be there."
He shook his head. "I don't want to argue about this with you anymore. I don't want to leave like this, please."
Both of you stared into each other's eyes intensely. Neteyam waited for you to back down, your eyes were full of determination that he almost felt like you would go against him. Eventually, your eyelids drooped, showing your defeat.
Neteyam couldn't help let his grin show. "See me off?" he asked softly.
"Always." You managed to crack a little grin, which was enough for him.
As the three of you went towards the edge of High camp, Nutxe shifted on your hip and Neteyam's hand rested on your back. There were already warriors staying by there ikrans as they waited for their Olo'eyktan's signal. Jake could be seen standing beside his ikran, speaking with Neytiri about the raid.
"Grandpa!" yelled Nutxe.
Jake turned his head to the voice, and his lips broke into a smile that was rare to see lately. With the tawtute's back, it was difficult not to worry each second that they striked back with an even callous defense. But he can't hold back the joy he sees from his grandson.
"Came to see your grandpa and grandma off, bud?" he opened his arms for the boy.
Nutxe jumped off from your arms and dashed to his. Jake groaned when he lifted him up, complaining about how heavy he had gotten. Neytiri laughed, her finger tickling the boy's chubby stomach which earned her a fit of giggles.
"Look at you, so big," cooed Neytiri.
Nutxe smiled, "I cant wait to be taller. I want to be tall like sempu."
Jake gasped, offended, "What about me?"
He shook his, a mischevious smile on his face. "No."
Neteyam chuckled at his father's playfulness. Nutxe truly is a blessing from Eywa, he brought joy everywhere with him in the midst of this war. The burden of being Olo'eyktan had gotten heavier, and the bags under Jake's eyes only turned worse. He was relieved to see his father relaxed even for a little while. 
"Dad," called Lo'ak as he approached them firmly. "Tarsem and his unit is on the way to tail the humans."
Jake nodded, his playfulness was now gone. He put Nutxe on the ground, and the boy went to your side. He turned to the warriors, telling them to get ready. As a parting gesture, Neytiri gave you a squeeze on the shoulder.e, before she headed to her ikran.
Nutxe patted his uncle's hands and smiled at him, "Good luck, uncle Lo'ak."
Lo'ak returned the smile, placing his hand on top of his head. "Thanks bud." He gave you a nod before he left to his own ikran.
Neteyam kneeled down to his son's height. "Watch mama for me?"
His eyebrows were pinched together as he nodded with determination. "Yes, sempu!"
"I will see you when I get back." Neteyam pressed his lips on his forehead briefly. He stood up, looking at you. 
You nodded, "Be safe."
The raid was successful again. There were less injured warriors compared to the previous raid and they managed to avoid casualties this time which made the each Omatikaya beam with pride. It brought hope that they could defeat the tawtute, and maybe leave their home alone.
Although, that didn't stop them from being vigilant. 
You were in the Tsahik's tent along with Tuk, rearranging the herbs that were not in their usual spot. Since you were reprived from your duties as a warrior, you searched for other ways to help the clan. Mo'at offered you to help her aid injured warriors which you did not decline. Your skills as a healer weren't as great as your athleticism, but it was better than nothing.
Nutxe was off with Spider and Kiri in the lab. You and Neteyam didn't mind that your son was getting along well with the scientists. They were loyal to the na'vi, and it always reminded you that Jake was once human. You cant take that away from Nutxe, not that you ever intended to.
"Is it all done?" asked Tuk. She sighed loudly, laying down on the mat as she stretched her arms and limbs.
"Yes," you hummed. Counting the number of bowls, you noticed that one was nearly empty. Yalnabark was most commonly used amongst injuries since they sting less, Kiri suggested this to her grandmother and they have used it ever since. "Oh, we're almost finished."
"What?!" Tuk immediately shot up from her position. She groaned once she saw the bowl you raised to show her. "We can't go out to the forest at this time. The party is still inspecting the area to make sure there aren't any surprise attacks."
"I will check my tent if we have some. I'll be back, Tuk."
Satisfied with Tuk's nod, you exited the Tsahik's tent and walked to yours. Unfortunately, the situation stayed the same: yalnabarak was nearly finished. 
An idea came into your head, but it was something that you knew your mate would go against. However, you cant just stay and rely the work on other na'vi. There was no way you would make yourself a liability.
You attached your comm's around your neck and tucked the ear piece in your ear gently, just in case things were to go wrong, which you prayed that it wouldn't come to that. You hang your satchel over your shoulder with your bow and arrows in your hand. Exhiliration filled your body at the thought being able to travel around the forest.
The air caressing your face made you sigh. This must what Lo'ak felt everytime he was going behind his parents' back. It was envigorating, but you felt guilty going against Neteyam. What he doesn't know wont hurt him, you tried to convince yourself, but there was that conscious part of yourself constantly telling you that it was wrong. Pushing those thoughts away, you let your ikran fly down and landed on forest ground.
As soon as your feet touched the ground, you searched for the necessary herbs to make yalnabark. They weren't hard to find if you knew where to search. The herbs were always close to the Link Shack which was one of the reasons why the medicine wasn't often used.
Since the RDA returned to Pandora, the Shack has been deemed unsafe and off-limits. Their chances of returning the area were highly probable. But when silence met you and the lone sounds you could hear in the forest were chirping insects, you sighed in relief.
Your satchel was almost filled with herbs you collected. It would be enough to aid the injured people for a while. Your arm was outstretched to pick out another leaf, but your eyes stopped on the muddy part of the ground. 
A fresh footprint. 
"We've got a na'vi here!"
The day continues to be quiet since the successful raid. Neteyam and Lo'ak were in the air, inspecting for any suspicion. The oldest frowned when he could see the damage that the humans brought to his home, trees were broken and what was once green and nature were destroyed.
"Nothing," said Lo'ak with a shrug.
Neteyam turned his head to him with furrowed eyebrows until it hit him that he was talking about the humans. He nodded. "Let's go back."
They turned their ikrans to the direction of their home. Silence fell between them, but comfortable, as they headed back home.
Neteyam's ear twitched when he realised the voice came from the comm's. He pressed his neck where the speaker was, he spoke, "Muntxate?" 
The worst possible scenarios started forming into his head. You never used your comms before, promising to him that it would only be used when something was wrong.
"Neteyam, I am being attacked! Near the Shack! There is three of them!"
His heart sank. Realising you had gone behind his back, he let out a growl. Lo'ak looked at his brother questioningly. "Bro, what is it?"
"My mate is in trouble. Three avatars by the Shack." Neteyam's ear were pinned against his head, his jaw clenched. His hand gripped the handle of his ikran's halters tightly, mentally praying that she would be okay. And that their child would be fine.
You hid behind a tree, hugging your bow close. Leaning slightly to the side, you noticed an avatar walking slowly through the trees, his rifle pointing straight ahead. You inhaled deeply and drew the string of your bow until it touched your nose and lips. Your arrow was directed straight to the avatar. 
You drew your fingers back, releasing the arrow, which penetrated his skull. 
"Na'vi!" his partner yelled. Bullets roared through the woods, and you assessed it as an indication to flee. Without glancing behind, you forced your feet to run faster than the wind. Jumping from one branch to the next.
A scream escaped your lips when the branch you jumped on rattled from a big explosion, causing you to slip and fall. Your body hit large leaves, slightly softening your fall but hurt nonetheless. You whimpered, feeling pain course through your body. Immediately, your hand flew to your stomach. "Please, great mother," you whispered with tears in your eyes.
Large footsteps entered your ears. Hope surged through your body until you looked up only to realise it was one of the avatars chasing you. His smirk sent shivers down your spine. He pressed the speaker on his neck, saying, "I got her."
His face wrinkled in anguish as he groaned, just as he prepared to take another step towards you. His corpse dropped forward right in front of you, and you stifled a sob as you realised who was responsible.
"Muntxate," Neteyam exclaimed. He felt loose after seeing you harmed on the ground; he felt as if he would rip each of their limbs off for doing this to you.
You sobbed, "Neteyam."
He knelt on the ground and hugged your form closer to him as he quietly listened to you weep. He trailed his hand to yours, which was resting on your belly, and kissed your temple softly while whispering soothing words. 
Neteyam couldn't tell whether you had injuries from where he used to stand, but now that the glowing light from the plants reflected your body… he could see bruises and blood. Neteyam pursed his lips, holding you tighter against him. What could have happened if he didn't arrive on time.
"Last one killed." He heard Lo'ak voice from his earpiece. "I've notified dad of this, he said to find whatever's useful on them and bring it in. He'll meet us as soon as we land in High Camp with grandmother to make sure your mate is okay."
Neteyam removed one of his hands and used it to press the button on his neck. "Copy. I will see you by the ikrans."
"I hear you. By the way, the second avatar was dead while I was making sure there aren't any more surprises. It was a straight shot to the skull. Your mate must've done this, she does have the best aim despite being in sticky situations."
Chuckles were heard through the other side, Lo'ak was clearly elated by this but Neteyam couldn't share the same feeling. 
"Can you stand?"
The gentle tone of his voice resonated in your ears. You only nodded as a response because you were afraid that your voice would betray you. You felt ashamed that it had come to this, even after he warned you. 
You stood up as Neteyam stood close to you, his arm extended just in case you felt unwell. "I came here to collect herbs for yalnabark. It was nearly finished," you explained, only gancing at his eyes for a second before looking away.
Neteyam's gaze transferred to the satchel, it's contents spilled out. He sighed deeply and grabbed the satchel, picking up the herbs and putting it back in. "We will talk once we go back home."
You felt like a child who was about to get scolded by a parent. Lo'ak's amused grin didn't help make you feel better. Just like Neteyam, you scolded him for getting into plenty of trouble back when you were just teenagers. So, forgive him if he found the situation a little bit amused.
When you got back to High Camp, Mo'at was already there to check your wounds and she brought you to her tent immediately. Tuk and Kiri were already there to assist her. The youngest sully was quick to apologise and blamed herself for not being with you, but none of it was her fault and you made sure she knew that.
Tuk did not have the responsibility to take care of you because you are a grown woman who is capable of making her own decisions. And you are mature enough to accept the consequences.
Questions about the baby quickly came out from your mouth. It was the first thing Mo'at did, checking the baby. She felt your heart racing against her hand. The beating of your heart only slowed down to its normal rate when you she told you the baby is fine, but you needed rest to make sure.
Neteyam was there the whole time, watching his sisters apply medicine to your wounds whilst listening to his grandmother intently. You met his gaze, and you could tell he was relieved but disappointed at the same time. 
Fortunately, Nutxe dozed off in Jake's hut while he was with them. Neteyam stayed behind you on the way to the tent you both shared. He looked at the scratches on your back, his fury building with each glance, until he forced himself to turn his head away.
As soon as you entered your tent, you crossed your arms as you faced your mate.
"What were you thinking?" he hissed.
"I told you why, did I not?" you sassed.
He shook his head. "You do not get to act like this, not after you went behind my back. You did not even say a word to anyone!"
"I thought that it would be quick."
"You thought wrong," he seethed. "I told you so many times that this is for your own safety. Why wont you just listen? Do you not see that this is my way of protecting you?"
You turned aside, growling. You were already exhausted from being treated like a child. "I am not weak. I am still capable of standing without hurting!"
"Muntxate, this is not about your incapability." Neteyam pressed his palms against his eyes as he shut them tightly. He looked at you, annoyed. "You are carrying our prrnen. That should be enough for you to stay put."
"You forget who you are speaking to," you hissed angrily. "I am recognised as one of the strongest warriors along with you. Unless, my state makes me a liability, I should be-"
Neteyam suddenly took quick steps in front of you. You blinked, surprised at his stance but you didn't back down. He snarled, "I said no. Whether you like it or not, you will stay. I will tie you against a rope if I must."
"You are not Olo'eyktan yet," you scoffed. "I do not take orders from you!" 
You moved away from him, but he grabbed your forearm with his grip tight. You glanced at his hand wearily before looking up to his eyes, it was full of fury. "Nìftxan ngäzìk. If you do not want to be treated like a child, do not act like one."
Breathing heavily, you yelled, "I am already treated like one, skxawng!" 
Neteyam abruptly raised his arm, causing you to close your eyes and inhale sharply.. He pointed his finger to the exit of your tent, his gaze stuck on it. "Those demons have gotten stronger. They-" 
The words died on his mouth when he saw how you cowered with his touch. He released himself off you, his guilt consuming him. He can't believe he did it– that he let his rage get the best of him. He took a step back, his breath unsteady. "No, muntxate… I was not going to hit you. I would never."
You nodded, pressing your fingers to your temple before cupping your face. "I know, I just…" you sighed. Neteyam heard you sniffle, but it was muffled from your hand. You removed them for your face, and hugged your body. 
He watched your body language, because the last thing he wants is you to be scared of him. He only raised his arm to point outside but you thought otherwise. Neteyam would hate himself forever if he had caused anything for you to assume that.
Relief washed over him when you reached out to him, holding his hand. He trailed his other hand to your arm softly before he held your elbow, carressing it.
"I do not like thinking that I am not there to protect you," you revealed. Tears pooled into your eyes as you looked up at him. "What if something happens to you? What if it will be too late to save you? What would I do?" you croaked out.
"Nothing will-"
"You do not know that." You shook your head. "We need you, Neteyam. And I get scared everytime you go out there. I beg the great mother to protect you always, to watch you because I cannot."
Neteyam held your face, his thumbs caressing your cheekbones. "Nothing will happen," he pressed, his gaze loving. "Because I'm not only doing this for my people, but for you and Nutxe. I will protect my family with all my strength and I cannot do that when I'm dead." 
A tear left your cheek when he leaned his forehead aginst yours with a grin present on his lips. "I will always come home to you, muntxate," he promised.
You pouted, "You should. I will haunt your soul if you dare to leave."
Neteyam laughed.
"And I'm sorry for leaving without telling anyone. I thought it would be simple."
"I know. What matters is that you are both okay."
You smiled as you pushed yourself against him and pressed his lips with yours. Neteyam wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer until your chests are touching each other. A moan escaped your lips when you felt a hand squeeze your cheek.
Neteyam pulled away slightly, his breath fanning your lips as he spoke, "Good thing Nutxe is with my mother and father." His eyes heavy with a look you became so familiar with. You said nothing and roughly kissed him making him groan.
Great mother, how long has it been since you let this man devour you?
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support banner by @cafekitsune <3
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etfrin · 6 months
⤷❝Catch Me Now | Lucy Gray❞ˎˊ-
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⇢☾Warning: SFW | kinda suggestive
⇢☾Pairing: Lucy Gray x fem! Reader
⇢☾Summary: she chases you into the woods because of a bet
⇢☾A/N: this was originally going to be a nsfw fic but then I found out she was sixteen so y'all get this instead, enjoy :) and oh! This is her canon ending, I don't make the rules (JK)
<masterlist> | < bc: @cafekitsune >
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“But I'm in the trees, I'm in the breeze
My footsteps on the ground
You'll see my face in every place
But you can't catch me now” Lucy sang to you, her hand in your hair, stroking the strands gently. Your eyes were closed but hearing the last line made you open your eyes and grin. “Bet you can't catch me,” you whispered and Lucy giggled, “You think so, sweetheart? I would like to see you try.”
You get up from her lap, the sounds of Mockingjay in the air. “Okay,” you said, “What would you like to bet?” “I get to play,” she whispered with a mischievous smirk, “with you however I want.” She leaned in, pressing a small kiss to your forehead, her finger twirling one of your hair strands.
“If I win,” you replied, blushing on your face because of her kiss, “you'll tell me what happened with Snow.” A dark shadow clouded her face but you didn't take back what you said. You wanted to know the mystery that was Lucy Gray. The songbird who would tell you everything but her past. You knew she won the games but what beyond that?
She didn't agree with the words but only gave you a smile that made your heart skip. “Run,” she said, “I'll even give you a headstart.”
You get up, walking further and further away from the cabin you both called your home. The woods surrounding you. Both of you had a smile on your face as you kept walking backward before turning around. Your feet snap the twigs as you begin to run in earnest.
A faint laugh could be heard in the air, you were passing through the trees like a shadow.
Your legs strain with burn as you run to an all too familiar location in the forest. Something important to you both. You knew Lucy would recognize the path, she was the one who found it, after all, found you with it too.
The meadow where it all started you and her, a faint memory of gunshots had crept into your mind. It slowed you down as you remembered the first time you had met her.
The bullets echoed in the air, as she showed herself to the bed of flowers. How you had flinched from the sound, backing away from her with a panicking heart. How she calmed you down with her eyes and hands. You had taken her in, hiding her from the tyrant of Snow. You showed her your cabin and the technology you had made of scraps from the black market that kept you away from the eyes of Capitol. You had shown her your ways of hunting, sneaking into the district and the world beyond the district and Capitol.
She was your friend now, perhaps more but family. A part of your beating heart was Lucy Gray.
Thinking about her and the memories you shared slowed down and you hadn't even realized it. You had also forgotten to take into account how fast and agile Lucy was, she was a victor after all.
You let out a yelp of surprise as you get pushed into a tree bark. Your and her breath mixed into the air you shared with her. Both of your faces are mirroring a grin. The adrenaline rushed off quickly when you realized you had lost and you pouted. You think of excuses so you convince her for a rematch but the fight leaves you when her lips pressed against your neck.
“Lucy,” you let out, breathless for a whole nother reason rather than running. “I get to play,” she whispered against your skin. She kept pressing kisses to your pulse. “And I am gonna play,” she smirks.
“I promise to be nice about it.”
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
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ᴀ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʙᴇɢɪɴɴɪɴɢ ɴᴏᴡ ɪꜱ ᴏᴜʀꜱ...
❝ there's no storm we can't outrun, we will always find the sun, leave the past and all its scars [...] ; if we're facing endless night, take my hand and join the fight, past the clouds we'll find the stars... ❞ — cast of once upon a time
notes: these wedding headcanons are part of our @briarvalleyarchives wedding event! it was super fun brainstorming how weddings would be in the characters' homelands. used my own experience of german customs for vil's, for leona i checked out some kenyan wedding traditions and lion king lore! hope you guys like these ♡
contains: wedding headcanons, character x gn!reader
characters: malleus, vil, azul, leona
warnings: some blood in malleus's (pricking your finger)
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You were a little nervous, when the day had finally come for Queen Maleficia to introduce you to her kingdom's people as Prince Malleus's fiance. News that the heir to the throne of Briar Valley was getting married travelled very far very quickly, and that despite the lack of modern technology. But contrary to your fears and extensive list of worst case scenarios, you were well-received as Malleus's beloved and your prince was more than excited about the upcoming wedding.
According to Briar Valley traditions, both of your wedding attire is going to be black, as it is the royal color of the Draconia family. Nevertheless, neither the queen nor the people will mind you having a little color on your otherwise black clothing, symbolizing how you were not native to your beloved's kingdom; yet your union made you a part of fae society nonetheless, regardless of your origins.
The wedding venue is deep in the forest and has been in preparation by the castle staff for months. Malleus and you are to be wed under a floral arbor, decorated with roses from Malleus's garden.
On the day of the ceremony, butterflies and fireflies surround the venue and rose petals are scattered across it.
You're waiting under the arbor as the queen leads Malleus down the aisle, guided by small forest fae who were chosen as the ring bearers. They carry a small wooden basket with local plants of Briar Valley and the rings are placed upon them. Halfway through, Queen Maleficia lets go of her grandson's arm and lets him walk the rest of the way to you on his own, symbolizing her trust in him to walk his own path from here on out and a new part of his life beginning. You can see a soft smile on her face that is only seen from the usually so serious and stern queen on rare occasions. The guests are assembled at the side of the venue, watching you unite under the arbor and giving you their blessings.
You and Malleus exchange your vows. He takes your hands into his as he speaks to you. "I have to confess that when I met you, I was inexperienced and still had so much to learn about this world. But sharing these experiences with you, exploring what lies beyond the borders of my home by your side, were some of the happiest moments of my life and I still have no doubt that they marked the beginning of something even more grand to come", Malleus's expression was so loving and soft, but you could also tell how giddy and excited he was feeling inside, "just by being there, you brought so much color and vibrance into my life and made me look at the world through different eyes. From the moment we met, I never wanted to lose you and now I promise to you to stay by your side forever, if you allow me. I love you dearly and with all my heart."
Malleus listens attentively to your vows and his heart beats faster when he hears them. He's definitely tearing up.
In remembrance of the Thorn Fairy, it is custom in Briar Valley to prick your finger on a thorn to sign the wedding certificate. Malleus heals the cut with his magic immediately, so there's no need to worry.
Next you shall be crowned as part of the royal family. Every member of the Draconia family receives a custom-made crown. You have a say in deciding how it looks and Malleus hasn't actually seen it until he gets to place it on top of your head at the ceremony. Before doing so, he kisses the dragon markings on your forehead or the skin where they should be, if you had them, and you do the same with him. Malleus smiles as he feels your lips on his markings, taking your hand into his once more and squeezing it gently. You know him too well not to be aware that he's basically itching to pull you into a kiss.
Malleus and you exchange rings and are pronounced newlyweds. "You may kiss-"
Malleus's lips are already on yours before that sentence is even finished. He kisses you deeply and lovingly and holds you tightly in his arms. He doesn't let go of you just yet even after the kiss has ended, hugging you closely and nuzzling your temple.
It is said that the marriage is sealed with true love's kiss.
The eldest fairies in the royal court bestow their magic blessings on you. How effective these actually are? You're not sure, but you're willing to be surprised.
The wedding reception is held in Malleus's rose garden and the guests are reduced to the royal court, both of your family members, friends and the closest noble associates to the Draconia family.
Bowls with flowers as well as twigs decorate the tables at the reception and fairy lights adorn the rose garden.
Traditional Briar Valley folk music plays as you and your guests dance the night away.
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Vil and you ring in your wedding celebrations with a "Polterabend", as is typical in the area of the Shaftlands that Vil lives in. This custom is held on the night before the wedding. The guests bring porcelain, but also commonly flowerpots and ceramics to the party that are later smashed onto the ground, supposedly to bring good luck to the couple.
A barbecue is held to provide food for the guests. Vil made sure there's lots of salads and grilled vegetables as well to provide enough variety of foods. Lively chatter can be heard at the tables between your family members and friends as drinks are served.
This gathering is used as an opportunity to accept well-wishes from acquaintances, co-workers and people who aren't able to come to the actual wedding. They stop by for a while to give wedding cards and small gifts to you and Vil. This includes your former classmates from NRC.
"Epel, I swear to the Seven, this is your grandmother's antique tableware, don't you dare", Vil scolds his Pomefiore underclassman as the porcelain smashing ceremony is about to begin. "Are you kidding me, this is the literal point of this evening", Epel pouts. Vil also has to stop Ace from smashing a whole mirror. "Did you never hear about smashing a mirror meaning 7 years of bad luck?", Vil sighs. "Aw, come on, let them have their fun for the night", you chuckle. Vil raises his eyebrows at you. "If we end up cursed, it's your fault."
The actual wedding ceremony happens on the next day at the registry office. You greet your guests in front of the building and provide them with champagne and juice to toast to your marriage. The guests take their seats and eagerly await the beginning of the ceremony. You and Vil have decided to walk in together. One of your guests sings a love song with a piano accompaniment as you two enter and take your seats in front of the registrar's desk. Vil's dad is tearing up as he sees you walk in to the slow music.
You and Vil exchange vows. "Y/n... I have met plenty of people who have said that there's hardly one who understands beauty better than I do. But you proved to me that there were things I had yet to see and understand about the beauty surrounding me", Vil smiles at you and takes your hand into his, "your love made me see a new kind of beauty in this world and just like the radiance of the Beautiful Queen, our love, too, will shine on eternally. I cherish every day we spend together and I know that I can count on you to be there through the good times and the bad. And I promise that I will stay by your side and love you more with every year that passes. I will be there for you whenever you need me. I love you with all my heart."
You exchange rings (Vil's own design) and the registrar makes your marriage official. Vil seals his promise with a kiss. His kiss is soft and doesn't last very long, but you know he's saving the passionate kisses for later.
The guests congratulate you for your union and you leave the building, getting into the car that has been specifically rented for the occasion and decorated with flowers. With your guests behind you, you drive to the reception, hearing them honk their car horns in celebration of your wedding. "I just know we're interrupting some poor soul's afternoon nap", Vil sighs and chuckles.
A log has been placed in front of the entrance of your wedding reception, resembling the first obstacle you and Vil have to overcome as newlyweds. Vil's father hands you the saw to cut it as per tradition. "Hold on, I need to get my gloves", Vil gets his gloves from the car and you chuckle at how on brand this was for him. God forbid Vil Schoenheit breaks a nail on his wedding day. But since Vil is pretty physically strong, the two of you saw through the log rather quickly. "Magnifique!", Rook exclaims and starts clapping.
As the wedding reception you picked an elegant ballroom that reminds you a lot of Pomefiore during your school years. Carefully designed flower bouquets decorate the tables.
You and Vil sit down at the forefront of the tables where all your guests are able to see you. Before the buffet is opened, one of you holds a speech, thanking the guests for the gifts and their attendance and telling the story of how you met and fell in love. Vil's father and optionally, your closest family members, hold speeches as well to express their joy about your union.
After everyone has finished dinner, you share your first dance on the ballroom floor. Vil being Vil, has actually practiced this dance with you for a while before the wedding. Still, even if you'd step on his foot today, he's too happy to care. A slow song plays as you seem to only have eyes for each other for as long as your waltz lasts.
Once your dance concludes, you open the dancefloor to your guests as well to dance with their partners, friends and family. Vil and you hand-picked every song on your wedding playlist.
Sometime later during the evening, your guests have prepared some speeches and party games for you, including a slideshow of your most important memories together and a round of musical chairs which Vil happens to win.
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Azul and you decide to hold two wedding celebrations, both under the sea and on land. You hire a wedding planner to help you set the whole thing up and you convince Azul not to charge the guests for the food.
Only your closest family members and friends attend the wedding ceremony under the sea, to make sure that Azul is able to provide enough potions for all of you to breathe underwater.
He's totally the nervous one out of the two of you. Kinda freaks out internally if anything doesn't go according to plan and during the time you spend planning your wedding, he sometimes needs you to take his mind off things and let him rest his head in your lap as you run your fingertips through your fiance's silver hair.
Since there's no real "wedding attire" for merfolk, Azul receives some traditional coral sea body paint which is temporary and luminous. You cup his cheeks before the ceremony. "You're so pretty", you gush quietly and Azul reminds you to save this for after the wedding with a blush on his face.
Azul's mother has to be the happiest guest. She sweeps her son up in a hug. "Awww my little Azul is getting married....they grow up so fast", she wipes her tears, "I remember when you were just 3 and you tried practicing your signature with ink on our living room walls." You giggle. "Mum...please", Azul groans and hides his expression behind his hand.
In remembrance of the mermaid princess's beautiful singing, the mermaids who have been invited to your wedding sing for you as you are united in front of the altar. Azul wraps an arm around your shoulder as the two of you listen to the siren song.
During your vows, you make sure to drive the point home about how beautiful you think Azul is inside and out, something that still gets him a little flustered even after all this time.
"My dearest y/n", Azul begins his own vows and can't resist pressing a kiss to your forehead before continuing with his speech, "when we met, my heart knew no rest nor satisfaction. I grasped for everything within my reach because I myself was unsure of what I was looking for. I know now, that what I really needed was closure and acceptance and love. You were there throughout my journey so far and I want you to be there for the rest of it. I have grown to love you from the bottom of my heart and I fall in love with you more and more every day. I want to share my future with you and I'll stand by your side, come what may, for as long as you'll let me be part of your world."
You seal your marriage with a soft and loving kiss and Azul can't repress the joyful "It's a deal!" that comes out of his mouth. "The only contract I'll be happy to sign with you", you joke.
You receive headpieces that are decorated with shells, featuring a golden shell reminiscent of the necklace the Sea Witch used to wear as the centerpiece.
After the ceremony you are given gifts by your guests. The merfolk typically give you items from land to accompany you on your journey beyond the sea, a tradition that originated from the collection of the mermaid princess and her union with the human prince.
Your celebration on land happens the day after at the beach. There's food and drinks and the atmosphere is as lively as you would expect from a beach wedding. There's sparklers and a bonfire as well.
As the sun sets, you and Azul are sent off in a boat to a ship you have rented where the celebration continues. Your closest friends accompany you with boats as well before the rest of your guests follow you. Your merfolk guests are watching from the surface of the sea.
The wedding celebration ends with a huge firework at midnight. "I love you", Azul whispers to remind you as the fireworks light up the night sky. He has his arms wrapped around you and presses a kiss to your cheek.
After the guests have left the ship, you and Azul are sent off to your honeymoon together.
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Leona sees his family members gather around him and ask him a million questions about your upcoming wedding and everyone seems to have their own ideas for how to improve the festivities for the second prince. “You know”, he holds you in his arms on the evening before the wedding, “it’s not too late to ditch everyone and have a shotgun wedding in a neighboring country.” You chuckle and shake your head. “I think Farena would have a crisis if we did that.”
A couple of months before the wedding, the royal family invites your family and they get together over dinner to get to know each other better and discuss your wedding plans with you. Farena is really happy that Leona is getting married and that he’s seeing him actually put effort into something. 
The wedding ceremony is held at Pride Rock, just as recorded for every royal couple since the time of the King of Beasts. You, along with several guests, are wrapped in cloth and Leona has to guess which one is his betrothed. His senses never fail him though.
“You know, it would have been so embarrassing if you actually got it wrong. I would have never let you live this down”, you tease him. Leona shrugs. “Literally no one else here smells this much like herbivore”, he smirks and pokes your side affectionately. “I like to think this is a compliment”, you grin. “It is by now. I thought you were a pain back when I met you”, he whispers into your ear. You roll your eyes with a laugh. “What? I’m not allowed to say this during my vows, might as well do it now”, Leona pulls you close as your guests are busy talking to each other, “I don’t know what possessed you to stick around even through my obvious annoyance and terrible attitude but you crawled your way into my heart. I admit I wasn’t…the easiest person to love in the beginning. But I promise that I’ll never let you down again. Or… overblot. Actually I would appreciate it if we could just forget about the overblot.” Leona cringes. “Anyway, ‘suppose what I wanted to say is, thank you for stickin’ by me. I love you. A lot, actually. There was a long time where I didn’t really see a future for myself. But now I do. And I want to spend it with you.”
You are escorted to the wedding ceremony by your respective families. They shake hands before entering the venue together, accompanied by singing, dancing and drums. 
Leona’s official vows are very formal and something you knew Farena had beta-read. Nevertheless, you appreciate the gesture. You and Leona exchange rings and your families sign off on it as you are pronounced a married couple. Leona pulls you close and kisses you, wrapping his tail around your waist.
Your closest relatives and associates of the royal court assemble in a circle with you and Leona and your ceremony is concluded by the Royal Mjuzi giving his blessings for your marriage, just as it had already been done during the times where the King of Beasts roamed these lands. The Royal Mjuzi takes his bakora staff adorned with baobab fruits and shakes it in front of you. 
Leona and you light a unity candle before you ascend to the top of Pride Rock along with Farena and the queen. “I could lift you up and show you to the people like they did with Cheka when he was born”, Leona whispered with a smirk on his face. “I would prefer it if you do not do that”, you whisper back and shake your head. “Seriously don’t”, Farena warns his younger brother and Leona lets out a quiet laugh.
When you reach the top of Pride Rock, masses of people from Sunset Savannah have assembled below you, clapping and cheering as congratulations to your marriage. The royal family waves to the people and the live music reaches its climax.
As you descend from the large rock, the elders of the community give their wisdom and encouragement to you and Leona
The celebration after the ceremony happens on the palace grounds. Several emissaries from foreign countries as well as Sunset Savannah nobles have been invited and the celebration is also seen as an opportunity to improve Sunset Savannah’s ties with other nations. “Now we get to talk to stuck-up politicians, advocate for King Farena’s ideas and look pretty”, Leona whispers, never really having dropped the cynicism about his status as the second prince, “unless you’re open for suggestions…” “Leona, we’re not going to ditch the celebration, take a jeep out into the wilderness and kiss under the stars….okay maybe after the event we can do that.” “You know me too well”, your husband chuckles and wraps his arms around you from behind. 
“Do you think the great kings of the past give us their blessings as well?”, he asks, looking up at the stars. “I thought you said the stars were just giant balls of hot gas burning millions of miles away from us?”, you raise an eyebrow. “Eh, it’s a pick and choose thing for me, really”, Leona smiles and kisses your cheek, “I love you, herbivore.”
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strawberrystepmom · 5 months
senku x f!reader. senku and reader are both 25, reader has a hair that can be tucked behind her ear. wc 1.5k
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You aren’t sure what time it is. The sun has been set for long enough that you know it is well into nighttime, stars twinkling right outside of your window. The oil lamp in your home is still lit and you sit next to Senku on the floor, pages and pages of plans he has drawn in front of the two of you. He has spent most of the evening and night explaining his plans to you, each of them a bigger and bolder leap than the last. Usually you’d be listening to him raptly and you have done so for most of the evening but right now you feel a little…sleepy.
You keep catching yourself shutting your eyes and fluttering them open, the smooth and mellow sound of the scientist’s voice doing little to prevent your relaxation and comfort. Maybe you listen to him too much, wrapping his knowledge around you like a warm blanket, letting it keep you believing in the world the two of you desire for the people you care about. This is your usual evening routine, anyway.
He walks you to your home once dinner is done and the two of you talk all through the night. Neither of you sleeps easily; this is the first thing you learned about each other all those months ago. Racing minds with big plans rarely rest but the lead up into the summer has been grueling, planting and assisting with the late spring births of the horses and one of the cows.
It’s nothing personal against him. Tonight, you’re just sleepy.
“We would need to do some significant clearing of the forest around 38 kilometers away from here for this one, so we will need to build machinery first.”
Humming your response your eyes fall shut again and Senku chuckles when he turns to look at you. Your arms are folded over your chest and your eyes are shut so tightly it has to be painful. Exhaustion seeps from you and he moves closer in your direction, sliding across the floor until your hip touches his. The touch startles you awake and you smile when your eyes pop open and see him glancing at you fondly.
“Hey,” he mutters quietly. “You tired?”
You shake your head stubbornly and he smirks, watching you make a show out of straightening your slumped posture. Sighing, you smile again and wipe your thumbs over your eyes to keep them from closing again immediately.
“You said clearing the forest a ways out, right? We could probably do that now if we went with larger groups of people for shorter amounts of time, it would just take all summer.”
He nods, humming himself and scribbling your notes down on the plans he created for whatever he wants to build there. You can tell he’s writing because you hear his own handcrafted pen nib scribbling over the scratchy paper the settlement has been using ever since yourself and your friend, the doctor, started taking the time to make it.
It��s a reservoir, you remember and your eyes fly open with a gasp. Senku looks up at you and furrows his eyebrows, still scribbling away without even looking. Rather than show his concern, he turns it into a joke so he can gauge how exhausted you really are by how hard you laugh.
“You like the idea that much?”
Giggles bubble out of you uncontrollably and he cannot help but chuckle along at a few of them. It’s official, you are deliriously sleepy, laughing over nothing.
“Alright, let’s get you to bed…” your friend (although the blurry edges of friendship and lover seem more and more smudged every day) starts to rise to his feet but you grab his hand and stop him, pulling him back down to the ground beside you gently.
“No, I’m fine and I’m listening. Keep explaining.”
You have shown him this isn’t true but who is he to deny a willing audience? Settling back down, he begins talking about his second summer project which are technological improvements for the grain bins and corn silos to keep them climate controlled. Humming your interest every few words, your eyes feel heavy again and you no longer fight them, slumping forward. You just need to rest your eyes.
“Minor changes may help us keep larger quantities fresher for lon…”
Senku cuts himself off when he looks over at you. He dares to reach out, brushing a strand of hair that has fallen over your face behind your ear. This far the motion hasn’t startled you so he presses further, brushing the cold tips of his fingers against the shell of your ear. This startles you enough that your eyes open again and he feels the skin beneath his fingertips heat as you realize he’s touching you.
“Cold fingers.”
Your sleepy remark makes the man chuckle again and he brushes his thumb down the remainder of your ear lobe, feeling hardened cartilage and soft skin and long closed holes where earrings once resided.
“Let’s go to bed.”
You perk up slightly at the suggestion that he’ll be joining you. It would be far from the first time the two of you have shared this intimacy, falling asleep in shared space before either of you were aware of the other's feelings. Well, Senku was aware of your feelings at least considering that you’re pretty bad at hiding them. For a moment you worry you’ve overestimated his want to be around you and you pout, looking up at his now standing form and the hand he’s holding out to help you up.
“Will you stay?”
He nods, wiggling his fingers to make sure you know to grab his hand before standing. Tired legs are wobbly ones and it finally strikes him as funny that this is the moment you’re vulnerable enough to ask for what you want from him. Not the nights you’ve cried while talking about how much you miss your family or when you were sick with fever that made you babble half awake for days on end in the wintertime.
“Good,” you mutter while grabbing his hand. Your head swims with even the simplest touches from him and it makes you feel incredibly immature and silly, more of a girl pining so hard even a glance makes her giddy than the grown woman you are. He helps you over to the small area you sleep in, grateful you’re already in your pajamas, and helps you into the heap of furs and blankets.
Rolling into the mess of blankets, you pat the space next to you and he laughs at your eagerness to be this close to him, unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it over his head. You are too sleepy to stay alert but your eyes, heavy as they are, simply cannot shut fully when he is half clothed standing this close to you. He unfastens his belt and lets it fall to the floor, keeping his pants on and crawling into the pile beside you.
“If you aren’t sleepy, you can keep talkin’.”
Your voice is thin and more of a mumble than it is anything else but Senku laughs, rolling over to face you and tucking the same unruly hair that keeps sticking out back behind your ear so he can look at your face. Your eyes are shut far more gently than they were moments ago and your mouth is relaxed and suddenly he realizes that your face is illuminated a little too brightly for likely the wee hours of the night…damn it he left the lamp on across the room.
He isn’t particularly sleepy anyway and he sighs, using his light touch on your head as a means to guide you in his direction, stopping just short of pressing his lips against your hairline. This wouldn’t be the first time he kissed you, the other time was during a far less chaste and aphrodisiac fueled scenario the two of you mutually agreed to never mention again after it happened, but he stops himself.
Senku has considered every mathematical possibility. Every scenario, every tried and true and tested theory, every last trail he could possibly chase in his own overflowing brain to figure out how he ended up in a situation he could ever be this close to you. It was improbable before petrification and probably close to impossible after it yet it happened.
He closes the small gap between your hair and his lips and kisses you so gently all your face does is twitch in response, sleep finally winning over your willingness to listen to your very good friend explain his thought processes until dawn.
Quickly rolling out of bed, he scurries across the floor as fast as he can to shut the lamp off and heads back into the warmth of the space next to you. You shift and smack your lips together, eyes closed and brows twisting.
He gently brushes your arm with his index and middle fingers, lying on his side and watching you get settled back in.
“Right here, don’t worry about it.”
The assurance is enough for you to relax and he watches you return to sleep, smiling wistfully and considering how he could do this every night. He doesn’t want to consider the possibility of forever, knowing how quickly people one cares about can be ripped away in the new world, but it’s something to at least entertain while your breath comes in soft puffs at his side.
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gammija · 1 year
[CECIL]: "So, as we move into the final hours of the competition, vote! Whether it's for your favorite, local, Night Vale community radio host or some... pile of bones, don't let your voice go unheard.
Also... Well, this might be a little bit outside the rules, but you could even make a second account to show a little more support for whoever you think should win. You probably won't get caught. As City Council declared in a recent press release, "Voter fraud doesn't exist."
"There is no such thing as voter fraud," City Council said last Wednesday, their many mouths moving as one. "No one can vote more than once. We certainly can't. Ha, ha." Some of their feet shuffled. "We definitely did NOT commit voter fraud by using the recently developed cloning technology to make copies of ourselves, force them to vote for us, then bus them into the Whispering Forest where we threw them out. That. Never. Happened," they added emphatically.
Immediately after the press conference they disbanded the City Council's, 'Night Vale committee for Fair Elections', by eating them."
[A door creaks.]
[CECIL]: "Listeners, someone has just entered my studio.
Uhm, excuse me! You're not allowed to be in here!
It looks like it's a small man, with a smoothly bald head, and dark empty eyes...
Oh no. They're sockets. This must be him, this 'Snas' the skeleton. He's coming to defend his title...
Listeners, as I prepare myself for what will surely be a fight to the death, seeing who takes who out first, I take you... To the weather."
[CECIL]: "Welcome back. I know you're all dying to know whether I won the Tumblr sexyman poll, and if I defeated the small skeleton. Well...
I was all ready to fight, getting into a stance, when the skeleton held up his hands. He said that he didn't want to fight, and that he'd come here to concede and hand me the title.
I'll admit, I was a bit taken aback by this at first. Of course, I had to protest. Wouldn't that be unfair to the few people who voted for him, I asked?
But he explained that, since he already won last year, he wasn't really looking forward to all the attention and hassle from winning a second time. And seeing as it apparently meant a lot to me, he'd rather just let me win than miss his wedding.
Yeah, apparently he's about to be wed to someone named Komaeda in a few days? Good for him.
Dear listeners, after his heartfelt plee, I felt I had no choice but to accept the win.
Which means I am now, officially, Tumblr sexyman of 2023. Yay!
Stay tuned next for muffled sounds of celebration, overheard from a neighbour's house nearby.
Good night, Night Vale. Good night."
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777rare · 1 year
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Disclaimer :
THIS CONTAINS MENTIONING OF seggs,De@th, abu$e, bl0od,alc0hol, dru*gs,so please scroll if ur under 18+ and uncomfortable to read this content!
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Having Pluto in 12th house makes the native fantasize a lot about sex. Can also make the native go through a huge spiritual transformation.
Signs/planets in 12th house can show the frequent dreams you get when you sleep/what you fantasize about that year. (Also check which house is pisces over and check the planets under that sign or in that house.)
⬇️If these planets are placed in 12h/planets placed in pisces or 12h aspecting other planets(check the subjects of other planets as well if it's aspects by the planet in 12h) /under pisces or in the house pisces is over then the things you get in ur dream are :
SUN- light,happiness,fun,kids,celebrities,art,father,pregnancy
MOON- mother,water,home,emotional,waterbodies,beach
MERCURY- garden,pets,work,phones,books,siblings,technology,neighborhood,neighbours,school,friends,trees,greenery,nature
VENUS- money,food,luxuries,fashion,music,art,business,beauty,crush,lovers
MARS- war,abuse,death,nightmares,fire,blood,fighting,sex
JUPITER- college,trevelling,foreign place,exploring,teachers,ancestors,the divine,your guides
SATURN- public,elderly people,chains,traps,cages,prison,grandparents,parents
URANUS- technology,friends,surprises,rebellion,adventure,wings,angels,flying
NEPTUNE- Drugs,alcohol,fantasy world,unclear,mirrors,water,mystical stuff,escapism,feet
PLUTO- sex,intimacy,death,wealth,secrets,jealousy,pregnancy,nightmares,blood,sinister,murder,weapons
CHIRON- things related to your trauma,healing,could show hospitals,forests,nature,ancestors
Suppose you don't have any planets under pisces/in 12th house, Types of dreams can also be seen by which house pisces is over. Ex: having pisces over 5th house, 5th house ruler is sun so the types of dreams you get are all the subjects that are mentioned in sun⬆️ also check which planets that house ruler is aspecting, ex: pisces being over 5th house, ruler is sun so if sun is aspecting moon in SR chart, the types of dreams you get are all the subjects that are mentioned in moon.🙌🏻🌙
Mars in 4rth house/cancer natives can have a very tough time in their family life. Can also show lots of abuse or wounds connecting to your emotions. Family members or you can get pissed off on eachother often and most of the times for no reason at all. Lots of fights and arguments with family members. Anger outbursts. Mood swings. Short temper. Not wanting to be around or not feeling comfortable around family members, especially male family members like your brother, father, etc.💥🔥
Ascendant in fixed signs- being seen as /appearing :-
AQUARIUS- independent,aloof,cold,unordered,a rebel,unbothered,distant,unapproachable
LEO- boastful,confident,firey,active,angry
TAURUS- sensual,serious,bad bitch,charming
SCORPIO- mysterious,secretive,sexual,emotional,alluring,captivating,dark energy
Ascendant in cardinal signs- being seen as /appearing :-
LIBRA- beautiful,graceful,sweet,approachable,kind,popular
CAPRICORN- pissed,unapproachable,sensual,bossy,stubborn
ARIES- confident,outgoing,energetic, a fighter
CANCER- soft,loving,sweet,kind,trustworthy,emotional,caring,non judgemental
Ascendant in mutable signs- being seen as /appearing :-
GEMINI- supportive,casual,charming,mesmerizing,free spirited,two-faced
VIRGO- helpful,organized,pretty,charming
SAGITTARIUS- playful,fun-going, jolly,flirt,hot
PISCES- sensitive,soft,day dreaming,ethereal,fairy, a fantasy
This also applies to the MC but it's how others see you.ex: having Taurus MC, then sensual,serious,bad bitch and charming I'd how others see me.
Check the sign and planet over/in your 11th house..that's how you view friendships, communication and your future this year. It can also how your friendships are this year.
Ex: Capricorn over/saturn in 11th house - you could be more serious or mature when it comes to making friends. Can also show you love feeling independent or being alone on your own feet from friendships. Like you know, you feel like you don't need friends cuz you feel really independent. Not saying you'll have no friends at all. You will have friends but you crave independence from them. You dont want to depend on friends anymore. You can also be really serious about your future this year. Can be different if other planets are seated there too.
Always check if fama in in conjunction with personal planets. It can show exposure of that topic to the public or surroundings. Ex: I have fama conjunct moon last year and my emotional life got exposed because of myself due to some addiction issues and I told everything to the whomever spoke to me, I was like unconsciously spilling everything without even myself knowing.its messed up but yes, teachers, friends, most of the people know about my emotions now. I just hate it. And I'm okay now though. No more addiction🙌🏻
where scorpio is in your chart can tell you what do you get deeper into, have a deeper connection with or even have a deep curiosity to find out things in that area of your life, also powerful intense areas of your life that year (check which house it's over, planets under the sign)
Ex: I have scorpio over 9th house this year and I have a deep curiosity to learn about my ancestors, gods and goddesses, history, ditties, guides. I feel powerful in the areas of my ancestors, connecting with God's. Discovering dark knowledge of spirituality like witchcraft,etc.
Check where your capricorn is seated in your chart, which house it's over can show the area of your life, you are more independent, serious or structured. Even formal, authoritative and responsible.
Where your virgo is in your chart can show where you're picky, perfectionist, not easily convinced.
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Hope you all enjoyed today's post! Have a great day ahead!🏝💓
Feel free to reblog and tag me when you do❤🙌🏻
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youryanderedaddy · 8 months
Love, Loss, Fire
Summary: In times of vampire oppression, you decide to fight back. This attracts the attention of a certain human hunter who's had his eyes on you for a while - waiting for an oppurtunity to strike. Commissioned piece. tw: nsfw, female reader, non - con, possessive behavior, vampires, hinted apocalypse, degradation, biting/blood sucking, hinted inprisonment, murder (not reader) Part 2
You stepped carefully through the forest as the moon raised higher and higher, lighting up the sky in warm, fluorescent blue. You swiftly swiped the sweat down your brow, kneeling deep into the mud in a desperate attempt to push the shapeless piece of metal further into the ground. You suppressed a frown as the bare soil slipped through your fingers, thin and barren. It was a painful reminder of what was once earth. Actual, fertile earth that filled the autumn air with the humm of birds and the scent of healing herbs. This soil, on the other hand, couldn’t heal anyone - it was just a means to trap a beast. A predator.
You looked at the naked stars, trying to guess whether midnight had already fallen. You missed watches. You missed the web and guides and tutorials - you missed computers. The series of numbers on the screen that seemed so bizarre to you now; just like an antique of the past. It was a hard pill to swallow, the realization that humankind once created life and technology, and even culture. Laughter. You didn’t remember the last time you laughed or let yourself rest - but could anyone blame you? With the hunter attacks now more frequent than ever, it was a whole miracle that you were still breathing; that your psyche wasn’t completely crumbled and rotten. You knew many lost their mind or sold themselves to the demons. You had heard the stories mothers whisper to their daughters in the dead of the night, the songs the elders don’t dare sing after dark. You shook your head. You had no time to reminisce. The steps were getting closer now.
You quickly hid behind the wild bushes, crouching as close to the ground as your shaking knees would allow you to. Your hand gripped the container tightly, your eyes scanning the sign “Extremely flammable aerosol” with little hesitance and a pitiful amount of hope. You could hear the boots digging into the grass, the sharp heels destroying any resemblance of flora. There was a low, guttural humm to his every movement - teasing you, slowly, but surely approaching with each passing beat of your thumping heart. The whole universe had slowed down, covered by an oppressive layer of silence, except for the sound of your pounding lifeline and the predator aching to end it with one sharp bite. No deers or foxes, or even hedgehogs in sight to distract him or quench his growing thirst for blood. It was just you and him.
“It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it?” His voice cut the silence in two, smooth and sharp like a knife. So silky and soft you could feel your whole body stiffen, fighting the involuntary ticks of fear taking hold of your frozen limbs. You squeezed your jaw, cupping your cheeks so tightly you couldn’t produce a sound no matter how much your insides seemed to try and scream. You pinched your thigh, hoping to remain conscious - hoping to survive just one more time. After all you had managed to run so many times in the past. It was always frightening, the type of terror that leaves you immobile for hours after, but you had done it. Time and time again, and that meant something. That meant that you still had fire left. That you weren’t going to bend the knee and break. 
“A full moon.” The hunter observed with a trail of melancholy, stepping closer to your trap. You held your breath, praying to whoever was listening that this would work. It had to - otherwise everything so far would be meaningless. Every life lost, every family torn apart. Every friend or lover lost to the hunts - to slavery and eternal torment. To shame. “It reminds me of your mother. It was a Bloody moon, do you know that?” You knew he was staring at your direction, a dangerous, barely contained smile threatening to spill all over his cruel lips. He was looking for a reaction - a slight crook of your nose, a twitching of your hand, a tear down your cheek. He couldn’t see you if you were an unmoving force, an object. “When I killed her, the moon was completely red. It was a sight for sore eyes.” He finally smiled in that nasty, crooked way. You could feel it. “Her screams were beautiful.” The vampire clicked his tongue. “But I’m sure yours would be breathtaking.” He took another step towards the trap - he was now on the very edge of the razors.
Don’t scream. Don’t scream. Don’t screa–
“A bear trap.” Bane grinned, sending shivers down your spine. By this point you were shaking like a leaf. “What a smart girl you are.” He paused to fix the collar of his white shirt. Not a single wrinkle on the fabric. Just blood. “Too bad I’m not a bear.” His voice suddenly dropped, taking on a more sinister note. Your heart stopped. “I’m more of a snake, really.” He kicked the metal trap across the ground, and it landed inches away from you. You were getting light - headed. “Although my venom works in… other ways.” His demonic chuckle was enough to make your empty stomach rumble, fear setting in deep into your guts. 
Bane jumped over the hole you had dug gracefully, almost theatrically. If you weren’t so scared, you would have been annoyed at his constant need to assert dominance with even the smallest gesture of his perfectly white finger.
“You wound me, darling.” The hunter leaned against a tree, crossing his hands like a disappointed father - like a preacher ready to start a mass, yet the sadistic twinge of amusement didn’t leave his face. “You know I can smell this cheap, ratty metal from miles away. I thought you knew me better.” His eyes gleamed dangerously, orbs both emerald and poisonous green. He was so close to your hiding spot you could feel the ice radiating off his dead body as he oh so slowly raised his hand. 
Panic tore into your chest, digging its ugly nails, kicking and fighting to be let out, and you instinctively uncapped the bottle of sylic gas, leaking it into the forest. You took a deep breath and covered your mouth, preparing to turn blue before you could inhale again. You mentally apologized to any surviving crop or flower you were about to kill due to the toxic fumes, but had to remind yourself through tears that sometimes the end justifies the means. And now the end was so near you could taste it, with the Terror of the night unmoving and cold.
But he just grinned. 
His nostrils tightened for a split second, taking in the deadly poison. Bane slowed down, looking around, but there was little sense of distress on his sharp, cubic features. Then he quickly, unceremoniously dragged his wrist over his lips, muttering words you couldn’t hear - and instantly a silky black piece of fabric wrapped around his neck up to his cheeks. From afar it looked just like a scarf, but you could make out the thin platin lines. Damn it. He knew. He could anticipate all your moves now after months of playing cat and mouse. He could read you like a book.
You were beginning to sweat and your feet were sinking into the mud. You tried to move from one leg to the other, shifting the balance, and that was your first, and perhaps most fatal mistake - the realization hit you the moment your eyes landed on his. The vampire laughed. A scorching hot, humiliating laugh echoed all the way to the mountain hill behind you, icy and sticky down his throat. You shook your head, refusing to accept the grim reality standing before you, but it was too late now.
“Aah…” The hunter purred contently, bringing his hands together, excited like a child. “Seems like I caught you again, little mouse.” He whispered, his honeyed voice bursting with barely contained thrill and satisfaction. “Come out now - no point in hiding.” He titled his head playfully. “I promise I won’t bite.” He chuckled throatily, baring his fangs as he took that dreaded step that separated you. Now he was towering above you with the only thing keeping you away from his gaze being the absolute darkness and a couple of heavy branches. 
It was nothing short of degrading - the way he played with his food, the way he kept you dancing in his palm while poking here and there with his claws. You couldn’t take it anymore - you made a run for it, light like a bird on your feet despite the starving hunger and fatigue. 
“Not so fast now, little one.” The predator asserted, his clenched jaw proof of his quickly thinning patience. If only he knew that your own patience had run out months ago, maybe even before the apocalypse started. “You don’t want to upset me, do you?” He smiled in a mockery of gentleness, the thinly veiled threat stopping you in your tracks, completely paralyzed. “Be a darling and come to me. I’m honestly getting a bit bored of our little game.”
You hesitated for a moment. Something was wrong - terribly wrong today. You had managed to outsmart him time and time again, but tonight he just seemed untouchable. Drunk on power. And for all your unwillingly gathered knowledge of vampires and their demonic powers, you couldn’t exactly put your finger on what was different. Yet you could feel it buzzing and thumping under his flesh, the aura of force - the stench of evil. 
“Come to me.” Bane hissed, voice devoid of its previous playfulness. He wasn’t playing around anymore. And just like that your feet started moving on their own, despite your mind’s painful protests. There was nothing you could do to fight his voice in your mind, hypnotizing you; making you bend. You broke into a cold sweat, looking at your wrist - you had forgotten your bracelet, the only weapon that could be used against his mind control. You were screwed. The game was over.
“Good girl.” The hunter whispered once you found yourself in his arms, squeezed against his chest like an insect. The unhuman hardness and coldness of his skin should have frightened you, but it was his tone that truly terrified you - just how tender it was as opposed to the clear bloodlust in his pale green orbs.
“You’ve done well so far.” You tried to avert your gaze so you could at least save yourself the humiliation of his sickly - sweet words, but his magic kept you still in place. “You’ve kept me entertained for a while now, little human. I think I’m starting to become attached to you.” He offered you a sleazy little grin while he stroked your hair, imagining the way it would feel to pull on those messy locks. “So attached, in fact, I’ve decided to keep you for myself.” He licked his lips slowly, and you almost choked on your own spit. Did he plan to…? 
“You should be honored to have been chosen by me. Most nosy little humans who cross my path end up in a ditch. But you…” He stopped mid-sentence, groaning in pleasure, eyes turning scarlet. His whole face was reddenning as his heartbeat fastened, growing more and more excited the longer he felt you struggle against him. Your raw fear was delectable, and he couldn’t wait to taste it. “You are different. I can’t bring myself to kill you.” His head lowered towards your ear. “I need to have you.” He whispered, and you took a step back, feeling his control crumble as desire overtook his senses.
“I would never belong to a leeching bloodsucker like you!” You uttered through clenched teeth, using the vampire’s distracted state to pour the acid drops you had hid in your pocket all over his knees, causing him to crouch in pain as his flesh burned hot. The magic hold he had on you weakened and finally disappeared completely. 
You didn’t waste any time, running towards the hills as soon as your body could move freely. Soon you were greeted with an overwhelming amount of paths, all surrounded with similar looking trees and bushes. It was already long past midnight and the sky had taken on the darkest shades of gray. You didn’t stop moving even when you lost his steps behind you - you kept going until you found a large old oak, and you basically slipped against it, knees weak and mushy. The adrenaline almost knocked you out, but you couldn’t let yourself lose consciousness just yet. 
“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” Bane clicked his tongue, materializing before you from thin air. You tried to scream, but it was futile. The whole forest was empty. “Such a bad pet. Running away from your owner.” He leered sadistically, finding sick appeasement in your puzzled expression. How did he find you? How was it even possible to be so fast? “I really ought to punish you so you don’t misbehave in the future.” He chuckled to himself before turning towards you. “But that can wait.” The hunter shoved you against the tree with little regard to your comfort. He took off his mask, throwing it to the ground. “I’ve been eyeing that little neck of yours since the moment I saw you.”
The predator grasped your throat, tilting your head so your neck would be bared for him. You inhaled sharply, preparing for the pain, but it didn’t come just yet. Instead he licked your wet cheeks, moaning at the salty, slightly bitter taste of your tears.
“Please don’t.” You gasped inaudibly, body stiff like a stretched string. All you got in return was a sharp laugh. “Your little weapons can’t save you now, little girl.” Bane teased with glee, placing a small kiss against your throat. You cringed at the ticklish sensation, but deep down you knew this was only the beginning.  
The hunter opened his mouth, purposefully prolonging the moment and your anticipation. He slowly sank his fangs into your warm, vulnerable flesh - enjoying the way you squirmed beneath him with no way to free yourself. All you could feel was pain. Red, hot pain traveling from your neck to your arteries, your blood mixing with his venom. Breaking into a sweat as your body tried desperately to reject the venom. Relaxing against your torment as you let the pain consume every inch of your being. And then it began to subside, replaced by an entirely different feeling that you couldn’t name. Suddenly your insides were burning again and your skin was pricked by a thousand tiny explosions. A gentle caress wiped the sweat off your forehead as your eyes rolled back. An aching whine escaped your parted lips. You needed more. You wanted to beg for more—
He pulled away.
You quickly lost your balance, staggering backwards, confused and light - headed due to the blood loss. You prepared to hit the ground, but this small mercy wasn’t granted to you, because in the next moment the vampire was onto you, holding you tightly. As if the tiniest movement would make you stumble and flee into the grim nightly nothingness - as if you were the most precious thing in his world.
You were met with eyes of vivid ruby, the gems staring into your core and tearing you to pieces. You should have been frightened, body paralyzed by suffocating dread - but instead you couldn’t look away, hypnotized by the demon before you, and all the magic colors that surrounded him. His lips looked so soft and gentle, dripping with blood that was unmistakably yours. A part of you that now undeniably belonged to him. 
“I can’t get enough of that expression on your face.” Bane mumbled quietly as he pulled you closer to take in your scent. You couldn’t move an inch. “I can’t get enough of your… blood.” He continued, voice shaky with uncontrollable lust and need, unbecoming of a monster in a human form. 
His words sobered you up, breaking off the trance you had fallen in. You shoved him off, taking a step away. The vampire stumbled back, his eyes darkening at your disobedience. “Silly girl.” He grinned sinisterly as his expression hardened, and he pointed towards you with his thin white finger. His golden locks fell gently over one raised eyebrow, contrasting the sheer intensity of his sharp features.
“Kneel.” He ordered, and your body followed automatically - without hesitation. The vampire towered over you, gleefully toying with the buttons of your shirt before undoing the first one. “You know, this is something I really admire about you, little one.” He caught your chin in a bruising grip, forcing you to look up at him. “You’re so weak - so helpless. And yet you never. Stop. Fucking. Fighting me.” He exaggerated every word, applying more pressure to your skin, marking it for all to see. “And I love it. You don’t know how many times I’ve wanted nothing more than to push you down and make a mess out of you.” He admitted shamelessly, offering a nasty little smile at the end as he crouched down to your level. You were going to be sick. 
“Yet you always manage to run away. Every single time. Such a smart little human.” The hunter taunted you yet again, ripping off the torn patched up hoodie barely sticking to your chest. “You really know how to drive a man wild, little minx.” He whispered, lowering his head to latch onto your bare chest with a lewd pop, covering it in hundred wet kisses - making you shudder with discomfort.
“Y-you’re no man.” You uttered with difficulty, voice shaky and uneven. Your fists clenched together despite the violent fright inside you begging you to play nice - to beg for mercy and forgiveness. “You’re just a monster.” You spat out, holding back the hot tears pricking in your eyes. “I hate you.” You added quietly, trying to lose yourself in all the endless frustration and detestment. But even your anger wasn’t enough of a distraction - you were still in the mouth of the lion.
“Mmh, keep going, darling.” The predator growled, pinning your hands down. “Hate me as much as you can.” He kissed your throat, letting his fangs linger against the bristled skin. “Call me a monster again. Don’t hold back, baby, be ruthless.” He gently cupped your breasts through the bra before releasing the hooks all together, leaving you bare and defenseless. “Because when I am gone with you…” He grinned. “You will hate me even more.”
Bane didn’t hesitate to spread your legs roughly, reaching to take off your trousers. Suddenly you felt extremely vulnerable - you were laying there half nude like a feast for his eyes only. The rage was long gone, now replaced by an entirely new feeling. Debasement. 
“Aww, gamer much?” Your tormentor stopped to have a good look at your panties, chuckling at the joystick pattern. You could feel your sides burning and you made a desperate attempt to close your legs, but the noble had different ideas - he slipped your underwear to your knees, exposing your untouched core to the cold midnight air. “No need to get shy, darling. I think it’s adorable.” He insisted, your silent pleas falling on deaf ears. “But I guess you got the bad ending this time. I mean…” He bit his lip in a terribly lewd way. “Just look at you. Writhing beneath me like an obedient little slut–”
“I am not a slut!” You cut him off, growing more and more agitated - your nerves stretched beyond repair. You couldn’t stand listening to his crude remarks or looking at his eager lips, ready to devour you. You covered your face. “I’ve n-never… I’ve n-never even…!” You tried to explain, but you couldn’t finish the sentence because the tears just bursted out before you could stop them, white and shiny like little pearls on your cheeks.
The hunter grew eerily quiet. Then he slowly removed your hands from your face, and pinned your wrists back to the ground. The message was clear - no use fighting it. 
“You’re a virgin?” The vampire whispered more to himself than to you, while his gaze was still boring invasively into your hips. You averted your eyes, looking away in silence. Dissociating. “Ha! So it’s true.” He laughed mockingly, letting his hands roam all over your quivering thighs. “Oh, darling, we’re going to have so much fun.”
With that you could feel him trace small circles across your skin until eventually his palm met your pubic bone, his long fingers resting against your entrance. You writhed, trying to kick him off, but his other hand wrapped around your leg like a cuff and brought it down with inhuman strength. Bane then rubbed his fingertips along your slit in a torturously gentle manner, making you jump in surprise. He started pressing his thumb against your clit slowly, prolonging the uncomfortable eye contact between the two of you with a self - assured smirk that you wanted to wipe off his handsome face - but the curling of his fingers inside you prevented any thoughts of action. 
“You’re already getting wet for me. Such a good girl.” The hunter noted, almost giddy with satisfaction as he kissed your sweaty forehead. You opened your mouth to deny it, but all that came out of it was a broken gasp due to the sudden change in rhythm. The noble had finally penetrated you with two fingers, thrusting in and out with a nasty sloppy sound. “Shh, don’t talk. Just stay quiet and pretty for me, doll.” He purred down your neck, taking in the pure look of shock on your face when the stinging pain turned to pleasure. After that the man assumed a steady pace, only speeding up or down when he wanted to see your hips buck in desperation. You could picture what your expression looked like right now, and it made you blush even more.
“Open your mouth.” The vampire commanded in a low, guttural way, his eyes now scarlet like the blood on his fangs. You hesitated for a moment, shaking your head, and he shoved his fingers in between your lips unceremoniously, grinning. “Don’t defy me, little one. It won’t end well. Don’t forget I hold your life in my claws.” He hummed lightly, which made the threat appear even more cruel. You let your muscles relax, letting his fingers explore your throat. Despite it all, you still weren’t ready to die. “Can’t be fucking you dry now.” The monster sneered, using your spit to lubricate his digits. After a few long, tantalizing moments he let you breathe - and your walls clenched down on nothing, throbbing in painful emptiness.
“W-why are you doing this to me?” You sobbed, ashamed of your body’s reaction to the torment. “You already defeated me, do you also need to humiliate me?” You mumbled pitifully, hoping to appeal to whatever human was left in him - but the answer was none. “Would you prefer me to take you raw, little lamb?” He smiled sadistically, staring at you from above. He seemed like a malevolent God with vengeance for anything ungodly. “Not even I am that cruel, darling.”
Bane kept going for a while, enjoying your quiet moans each time he hit a sensitive spot or brushed against your clit - and all the petty little insults you threw his way only seemed to stir him more. “I think you’re ready to take me.” He remarked, breathless, palming himself through his black slacks. The manipulation of your warm, malleable body had made him rock hard, and he couldn’t wait to feel your insides flutter around him. He lined himself up against your hole as you looked on, helpless and terrified.
“Look at me as I defile you, little mouse.” The predator ordered in a deep voice, slowly sinking his length into your quivering quim. You clenched your teeth tight and looked away, refusing to become a willing participant in your own assault. But then his fist wrapped around your neck, squeezing, and you were forced to look at him. “I said look.” He hissed with venom, tightening his grip. “I want you here and present.” He pushed his cock deeper into you, licking his lips. “I want you to feel every inch stretching you out.” He finally shoved himself around you, groaning at your velvety tightness. 
“F-fuck, darling, you feel so good.” Bane thrust into you once, twice - several times. Your sobs were stuck at your swollen throat, making it hard to breathe, much less protest, but if you could, you would have screamed with full lungs. You weren’t sure whether it was the sting of the stretch, the feeling of a foreign body inside you or just your inexperience, but the heaviness and warmth of flesh on flesh made you feel hot all over. 
“I am going to m-make you mine.” He moaned lewdly, gripping your hair and just pulling. You were going to lose your mind. “I will mold you into the perfect little pet, mmmh, just an… ngh… just a mindless little toy for my amusement.” The vampire swore, drunk off your pussy and the way it was sucking him in - your body didn’t care how much it hurt. It wanted more. “The bloody humans… t-they don’t need you anymore. You’re much more useful as my little f-fucktoy.” He kept debasing you, all his senses tingling with overwhelming pleasure as your hole milked him dry. “Ha-ha.” A maniacal chuckle amidst it all. “And to think you were their leader with your silly little weapons and spells. What a joke.” He pumped into you with even more ferocity, a twinge of jealousy on his face. “You were always destined to be mine. All mine.”
“N-no, I am not yours–” You suddenly evoked, finding his sadistic obsession suffocating. You were stuck underneath the beast, your back soaking in the rain as he took you apart. Once again the lamb had been sacrificed to the wolf.
“You can deny it as much as you want.” The noble mouthed, kissing your neck with scorching hot, unbearable passion. “But your body knows who it belongs to. Just look at how well you’re taking me. All of me.” He bit you again, this time just teasing - barely breaking the skin as he picked up the pace, now fucking into you like the feral demon he pretended not to be. “I want to see you blissed out again.” He sucked at your jugular, scraping against your neck until he could see the pretty blue bruises forming - and he licked them. “Fuck, I’m close. Cry for me, doll, make me cum with your pathetic little pleas. I want to hear you sing.”
You couldn’t keep quiet, you needed to let it all out - the pain, the fear, the grief. Your progress, your plans for the future, your friends, your family… all lost to the monster and its greed. So you cried - you broke down and wailed, begging for mercy as your misery echoed through the forest. Too bad no one could hear. 
“Just like that.” Your enemy purred, pounding into you in short, sharp thrusts. You could feel something warm and thick fill you up, and you shivered from the horrific discomfort of unfamiliarity. The human anatomy was being challenged in front of your eyes, and you were forced to bend and break in whatever twisted way he wanted. “Take it, take it, take it–” He barked over and over, lost in orgasmic pleasure as he spread your legs further apart to gain better access to your soft insides. “Fuck.” He pulled out sharply, letting his seed pour out down your thighs.
“So pretty.” The hunter hushed, pulling you into a smothering hug. It was too hot. Too much - but you were too tired to fight. “You did so well, darling. So good for me.” He cooed in your ear, stroking your wet hair with his big, strong hand that had just taken everything from you. You found some strength within yourself to swat it away, but the monster just laughed softly, kissing your wrist. “So strong too. You must have some energy left if you still have fight in you.” He sneered lightly, looking away for a split moment. “Does this mean you’re ready for round two already?” He taunted, grabbing your hips roughly to rub himself against you.
You freezed completely, still in place. Shivering. You could feel the sniffles tightening your chest once again.
“I’m just joking, my love.” Bane chuckled, loosening his grip on you - but the predatory spark didn’t leave his lovesick gaze. “You’re so jumpy.” He gloated, caressing your shoulders in a soothing manner - although you didn’t find any comfort in his arms. “It’s okay. You will have plenty of time to adjust to me soon.” He promised gently and covered you with his long damp cloak. You looked up, confused. 
“It’s time to go home.”
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sunandsstars · 1 year
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Jake x Neytiri x Na’vi!Reader
Summary: One other mate was enough, but two? Unneeded. ___ was the outcast, the unwanted woman. Jake and Neytiri wouldn’t ever see her..right?
Warnings: Talks of war, Briefly mentions death/Bodily harm, Angst, Swearing, Non-con Word count: 2.4k
A/N: Here it is people, the angst series :( Prepare yourselves
Taglist: @itsyoboysparkel @dumb-fawkin-bitch @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @fanboyluvr
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Having one mate was enough for a Na’vi, they did not need another to deal with or weigh them down. It was a huge commitment and for most, a waste of time. More than one significant other was a rare case these days anyway, usually only reserved for Na’vi of a higher ranking, like an Olo’eyktan or Tsahìk.
Jake didn’t know that the Na’vi can bond with more than one at a time until Grace brought it to his attention one day, “Na’vi will mate with only one other person for their whole life, unless duty brings them to marry another” she stated, smoking a cigarette haphazardly in the lab room, eyeing the man who sat uninterested in his wheelchair.
Mating. Jake thought it sounded primal, animalistic, something the creatures back on Earth used to do just to get a quick fuck. But when Neytiri brought it up and he finally experienced it himself, it could only be described as sublime. He’s never felt such feelings, emotions. You share them with your partner in such a deep level it left him feeling breathless.
Following their mating the skypeople attacked and cut down the Tree of Voices, severing one of their main connections to their ancestors. That’s when he realised it was time for war. Several clans joined the mighty Toruk Makto to fight for Pandora, when he called they answered. But the battle was bloody, long and gruelling, they all lost brothers and sisters that day. But at least now they will find peace in Eywa’s warm embrace.
The Great Sorrow then became something of the past and the Omaticaya were relocated to an area by Hellsgate, the humans and Na’vi finally living in harmony but not peace, a lot preferring to still shun the aliens away from their home.
But the forest provided tall trees to cover them from predators and plenty of abundance, humans will also be with their technology inside an environment they can thrive in, so each side wins. Jake had finally been anointed as Olo’eyktan with Neytiri being his tsakarem, the couple couldn’t be more happier with the way things have become, fully believing the skypeople will not return.
But happiness must soon come to an end.
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“Ma sa’nok! Why?! Why must we be mated to her?! She is useless!” Neytiri yelled angrily at her mother, the Tsahìk, she has just been told her mother has been seeing visions in her sleep and suspected Eywa was trying to tell her something. This ‘something’ was about her child’s third mate, which she did not anticipate.
“All of our roles play an important part here daughter” Mo’at glared, has she taught her child no less? “your new wife will be a good edition to your family and therefore the clan. It must be done, Eywa has spoken”
Neytiri did not understand, her and Jake were happy together. Alone. They did not need another person to ruin the balance of their life. She turned around sharply to her husband who was sat on the ground by the tree of souls, urging him to make an opinion on the matter with a glare. Jake coughed.
“I agree Mo’at. We are fine together just as it is”
“This is not your decision to make Jake Sully. The great mother will not be happy, she has done this for a reason and we must trust her judgement. She has shown me what will happen if this does not happen, you and your family will fall under a great despair, it will disrupt all we have made” Jake’s ears perked up, alarmed, ‘what does she mean a great despair’. As his thoughts started to turmoil Neytiri continued to talk to her mother, coming to an understanding that it was the way of life. She cannot disregard Eywa’s wishes.
With a huff she walked towards Jake and pulled him up by the arm with no effort, eyes a glare and ears pinned to her head. She walked away and towards her new ikran, ready to get back to camp. “So.. do you know who we’re supposed to mate?”
“Are you gonna tell me?” They flew into the air, Bob screeching as they went above the trees, staying low to the forest. Neytiri didn’t answer his question and stayed silent, shit. He was just a man, a man who knows when NOT to anger a woman, especially one like her. He decided to not take it any further.
Arriving back to Hellsgate they dismounted and landed onto the floor, Jake greeting the humans who passed by them, taking samples from the nature. Neytiri walked up to where the food was being prepared, a group of woman sat by some small children who they looked after while parents were away doing chores. She grabbed one of ladies by the arm and dragged her towards Jake who only stared in confusion. Soon morphing into realisation.
“Introduce yourself” The warrior exclaimed harshly. Knowing that Mo’at has already told her of the plans, she knew going to her daughter first would cause another war and the elder planned to avoid it. So telling the new mate first was the best option for everyone.
“___ te Syakx Hìfey’ite” the woman’s ears lowered to her head and she faced the ground. The pain in her arm where Neytiri gripped was hard, sure to bruise. “I am a gatherer, a healer. I do not hunt like you or -“ Neytiri squeezed her arm to silence her, having enough of her talking.
They were close in age, both eighteen years old and fully grown adults. They both attended Grace’s school together growing up, they were close. ___ was closer with Neytiri’s sister though, Sylwanin. When she died, the younger sister blamed everything on the other girl. Cursing her out and they never talked again until now.
___ was nervous, she knew she had to mate with them, both of them. She knew that the other woman was angry at her still, even after two years. She could not blame her for the grief of her sibling. But over something she did not do? She was not at fault here.
“Nice to meet you” Jake said curtly, not really wanting to talk any further. He did not like the idea of a second mate either, even on Earth it was extremely taboo so he felt awkward on the matter. Neytiri let go of her arm and dragged Jake off, presumably to talk about anything but the ceremony that is supposed to be held later today. Announcing the decisions their Tsahìk has made to the clan, surely they would all be most pleased. ___ could not say the same towards the couple who walked off.
One part of her thought that they just wanted to be alone for a while, being more recently mated and being thrown into another relationship was confusing and disrupting, she understood that. But the more rational part knew that while Neytiri continued to dislike her, she knew their life together would be filled with nothing but pain and suffering. But she would put on a brave face. For her own sake and the clans. Eywa has spoken.
But is what Eywa saying right?
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She was correct, the clan was most happy. Despite some whisperings here and there, they would have to agree that they would all make a good trio. ___ was a good healer, she was gifted with her skills. She was also good to the elderly and children, always happy with a smile on her face. Neytiri was a good huntress and a Tsahìk in training, her battle abilities are most adored on. Jake, he was their Toruk Makto, Rider of Last Shadow. He was well respected in that alone.
But while the Omaticaya was happy, she was not. Sat next to Jake on his left she was left to eat in silence as him and Neytiri conversed without her. Not even looking in her direction once. She figured that they would not talk to her all through the night and decided to make peace with herself.
A little girl tapped her shoulder and ___ turned around to face one of the children she often looked after, Sray. “You are going to be mated to them?” she looked at her Olo’eyktan and his wife, yellow eyes wide.
___ nodded and forced a smile on her face “Yes, Sray. I will be” she stated softly, not comfortable with saying the revelation out loud.
Suddenly Sray sniffed, doe eyes watering “does that mean you will not have time for us anymore? Please sa’nu! I do not want you to leave!” the sweet girl jumped in the adults arms and clung to her chest, fearing that if she let go, ___ will disappear.
“Ma ‘evi, I will always have time for you and everyone else, just because I will be mated, does not mean I will not see you ever again” ___ kissed Sray’s head, wiping her little tears and grinning. Bringing comfort to the girl, Sray smiled back, still sniffling.
“LeNa’vi! Fìtxon awnga fpe’ pxefo mìso!” the people cheered, raising their drinks and whooping. The three will be mated under the tree of souls, to legitimise the union.
Jake and Neytiri looked at each other, worry in the man’s and anger in the woman’s. They did not want to do anything with her, but would have to make it look like they had, they were not stupid. If they did not do this then the people will become angry, it would be a disgrace. Only the great mother shall know.
Standing up, Jake held his large hand out to his wife who took it. Letting go and walking towards the direction of the tree, they would not take the ikran, but rather run through the night. Jake then turned to look at ___ who still sat with Sray in her warm arms, he nodded his head to the direction Neytiri went and followed her.
A little hurt that he did not offer his hand to her, ___ kissed Sray’s forehead and stood up, walking after them. As they got deeper into the forest they began to run, ___ tried her best to catch up but the two were hunters, they were more used to navigating the thickness of the fauna better than her.
“W-Wait!” she called in English, but the two ignored her and ran further ahead of her. ___’s ears slicked back and she huffed to herself, heart beating erratically with annoyance.
At some point the jungle got too thick for her to get through and she paused, the two she was following nowhere in sight. She twisted around, straining her ears to hear any calls or footsteps to help guide her. But to no avail, she lost them. Meaning she herself did not know where she was, this part of the forest was so much further out from the old hometree, a part she has not navigated before.
Her breathing started to speed up, panicking. Did they leave her? Alone? Here? She knew they did not like her, but this was too much. It was past eclipse and night, anything could come to kill her.
A rough hand grabbed her arm, the same one Neytiri held earlier that day and turned her around. An angry Jake stood there with brows furrowed, fangs bared. “Why did you stop?” he growled, ears slicked back “you were supposed to follow, not stop and sightsee like a lunatic!”
She did not know what that word meant, but by his tone it was something mean. Her own ears pressed against her head and her tail tucked between her legs, she yelped as she was harshly dragged through the forest, Jake never letting go of her arm even as they got to the tree of souls.
He let go and stood next to Neytiri who had her queue attacked to one of the hanging branches, tendrils letting go and she broke the bond. Turning to see ___ with a hand on her arm, the bruises were darker than before, the sting aching the area and making her hesitant to move it.
The warrior glared at her and snarled “you will have a baby put in you, as it is the way. But we are not bonding. Never. You will deal with that shame” she barked in Jake’s native tongue, her words were harsh and the prospect of not bonding with the only people she could was demeaning, it brought water to her yellow eyes. This was low, a baby without a bond was seen as disgrace. She would bring great shame to Na’vi.
“Kem si ke plltxe kurkung!” ___ closed her mouth, she did not want to anger Neytiri further than she has. Jake, who stood watching the ordeal, strolled towards ___ and pushed her down onto the ground, pulling her loincloth to the side and doing the same to his.
“Pey! Oe kawkrr-“ her words were again cut off as pain filled her lower abdomen, he entered her. It was her first time and he just did it so fast without considering her feelings. Tears streamed down her soft cheeks, pained noises leaving her mouth as Jake started to move. He manhandled her onto her stomach, pressing his hand to her lower back above her tail bone, if the pain at her core wasn’t enough then the sensitive space on her back was.
Neytiri simply watched as her glare burned holes into the girl beneath her, the person that ruined her life. That took her sister away from her, took everything. She was not going to welcome this destroyer into her family, never. She’ll make sure ___ and her children will be shamed, if not by the people then by her own kids and husband.
___ felt something warm release inside of her, oozing out of her hole. She felt Jake lift off of her and heard him step towards his mate, both of them softly talking to one another while ___ was left to curl up, sobbing quietly. The man that was supposed to care for her, supposed to love her, took her dignity and now her first child.
Her heart squeezed in her chest as she could only imagine the future to come.
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apas-95 · 4 months
I think a lot of the basis for anarchism's common 'How would we deal with that? Well, it simply wouldn't happen,' problem is the notion of human behaviour 'in a vacuum'.
In reality, we're not building society in a vacuum. We're building it in the real world, out of our real society. We're not imagining some scenario where a bunch of generic people appear in a forest clearing and build a town, we're planning how to improve the society we actually exist in, a society populated by our real neighbours, with all their social dependencies and baggage. Maybe, indeed, a human being in the abstract would have no reason to steal from common stockpiles, or behave antisocially, or refuse to work when able - it is vacuously true. We can't care about supposed innate human nature, all human behaviour is dependent on context and environment. You need to think through the question of 'what happens when someone does anyway?' - because the answer might not be a comfortable one. Refusing to acknowledge the hard questions and their implications doesn't make you better than those that have openly stated what difficult measures and compromises they will navigate. Most of the time, when pressed, the answer to 'what happens' from those who have attempted to ignore the question, is 'death squad', or 'nobody owes you anything'.
Necessarily, whenever we look ahead to a planned future, we also need to look at what it requires to go from here to there. Instead of just appearing, history-free in a settlement, we must make our own way there, fighting against every force that would intend to keep us where we are. We can definitively say this about our future: the organisations and institutions that will build it will have to be ones that have not only survived but also won a revolutionary civil war, against the forces of police and military technology and equipment. That immediately precludes what directions we can organise towards. We have a fixed basis: our present society; and we have now, too, a fixed direction: a fighting organisation that can survive, grow, and organise an entire society around itself. Critically, we also have a wealth of historical experience as to how such things are done - how to fight, how to win. Those are the key things - how do we, tomorrow, today if we're free, start working towards the total military defeat of our enemy, and the preservation of ourselves, in the real world? 'How will we deal with that?' is an incredibly important question to answer now, when we're not yet in a muddy hole shooting fascists and bleeding.
Fundamentally, this is not a thought experiment, this is not a ponderance on the nature of man, it is a matter of practical planning, for when our strikes are dispersed by armed force, and when our breakfast programs are assaulted by fascist thugs. Anything less can only reveal a lack of actual revolutionary aims.
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ozzgin · 3 months
Hi it’s me again 😁. I wanted to try to request something but it’s very specific so if you don’t like the idea or just don’t have the time you can just put it aside 😅.
It’s another female predator story but in this one reader is a preator that was born black with white markings which is seen as a bad omen ( i don’t think it’s real in the Yautja culture but let’s just role with it ). Reader was abandoned by her family and was found by a family of thanator ( you know those fierce alien panther from avatar ) so she was a savage and knew how to hunt without any tools from a young age. Her grandmother, a strong and important matriarch, found her and took her back to their planet. But reader doesn’t really have contact with her kind except for her grandmother and her thanators and she hunts alone a lot of dangerous enemies ( like xenoporph queens ).
I’m totally making the even up but let’s imagine it’s mating season and there is a huge a tournament to help yautjas find a good partner. Like wrestling, shooting or small combat matches… It’s time for the females to compete, reader is participating cause her grandma asked her ( she wants grandpups 😂 ) and is wrecking the events and catches the interest of many males. Especialy after the one on one fight where she would use a lot of her natural features and thanator fighting style ( we don’t really see them using there claws, feet or teeth a lot and it’s disapointing cause those are mass murder weapons). The males are enamoured and quickly process to begin the courting but reader doesn’t really know how to act with males and she never really paid it much attention before cause she’s usually hunting or founding and taking care of new alien pets companions. I bet the males are amazed with this unique and strong ( and kind of inexperienced 😏 ) female yautja.
Thanks for reading this ( long ass fuck to be honest 😂😅) resquest and i hope everything is alright for you, 😘 bye.
You'll have to excuse potentially wrong assumptions as I haven't watched Avatar and have no idea what it is about 🥲 buut otherwise I just detailed around your ideas, they’re pretty solid and I didn’t want to tamper with them more than necessary
Predator Headcanons: Predator Reader in Tournament
Featuring a Yautja female with an unusual background.
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Everything happened so suddenly. Your peaceful like among your family, uprooted within seconds. One particular day and out of nowhere, a bizarre vessel hovered over Pandora's forests, alerting everyone in its vicinity. The intruders that teleported down caused even greater confusion: they looked just like you. Yet you couldn't understand their odd clicks and guttural noises, nor did you trust the intricate holograms and machinery pointed in your direction.
After what felt like an eternity - and with the help of a translator - the uninvited guests announced their purpose: to retrieve you and bring you back to Yautja Prime. Nonsense, you thought at the time. There's no "back" when your home has always been on this Planet. Despite your protests, you'd quickly learned that your hunting expertise was no proper defense against their foreign technology and so you begrudgingly accepted the proposal.
The first few months were, plainly put, depressing. The matriarch - you'd soon learn she is your remaining family - insisted on keeping your integration a secret at first. Many factors were still unknown to them: would you be able to learn their language after so many years? What about defending yourself against other Predators? Yautja communities are ruthless and unforgiving, and the matriarch could not risk killing off her only successor.
Thankfully you proved yourself efficient enough with your skills. Growing up in the forest has honed your senses, perhaps to an even greater degree when compared to a Predator who relies on modern weaponry. Impressed with the outcome, your grandmother decides to register you for the Grand Tournament. What better way to reveal the return of her long-lost suckling? You don't know what it entails, but the time spent hunting xenomorphs has gotten quite monotonous. You'd take any challenge to entertain you.
The gate opens and you step inside the ring without hesitation. There's a moment of silence, followed by suspicious murmurs from a confused audience. Unbeknownst to you, the patterns you're donning are not only a rare occurrence among the Yautja species, but a bad omen as well. The males are studying your movements carefully. It's not just your appearance; Your fighting stance is unusual, resembling a wild animal. And, as the end of the match quickly follows with an effortless win on your side, they're certain of one thing: they've found their mate.
You raise your first victoriously and don't even notice the predatory stares. Nor do you comprehend the sudden gathering of males that has formed towards the exit, awaiting your return. What's the meaning of this? You glare at the matriarch, and she responds with a smirk. You'll figure it out soon enough.
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marymary-diva17 · 7 months
ok so i saw someone with a similar request but not too similar but i wanna request jake sully x reader where they were dating back on earth and decided to go to pandora together. they both have their avatars and sleep with eachother but jake ends up falling in love with neytiri and reader finds out blablabla. reader leaves the forest and goes to another clan which is the ocean clan where tonowari and them are. they let reader stay. reader find out that she’s pregnant with twins (i don’t think they have twins in pandora so let’s just say that twins don’t exist there and ronal is shocked because she’s never seen this before). reader never went back to the forest to tell jake and doesn’t plan on telling him. she has twins a boy and a girl reyna and ralan(reader is poc btw but it’s ok if she’s not). fast forward to 15 years later where the sully family comes and they reunite but reader doesn’t speak to him or look at him and reader doesn’t want her kids around the sully family at all. reader and her kids use some technology(the little thing that the sullys use to communicate) that she stole. the rest is yours to come up with. srry if it’s a lot u don’t have to do it if u don’t want to
Jake x ex reader + sully family/ kids/metkayian clan
My past and future
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avatar masterlist
You had went to pandora as a scientist and looking for a new life, with your long term boyfriend Jake sully. You had been there for him in his time of grief over the death of his brother and the choice of taking his brother place. You and jaw were deeply in love and you thought of spending the rest of your life with him. Even you had thought he will want to be the rest of his life with you, but that all changed when he fall in love with neytiri and ended your relationships. Jake and neytiri are so in love that they forgot their might be others who will be affected by their relationships. Many thing changed for you losing your boyfriend/ friends and even your friends as you were having a hard time dealing with a broken heart. You had given up your human life to fight for the omatacayia and none of them seem to welcome you, think you were the other women coming to steal their toruk makto from neytiri. So one night you couldn't take it anymore and decide it will be best to leave, only mo'at caught you leaving the night and wished you luck on your journey and new life. So your life to the forest and headed toward the reef only looking back once, that night your life had changed and will never be the same.
y/n " ......." you were walking around the village that become your new home, the metkayain clan had taken you in and allowed you to stay, after they saw you meet them no harm. Life here was wonderful and beautiful even brought you joy as well, because you soon discovered you are pregnant and Jake was the father there was no lying there.
ronal " good morning y/n"
y/n " good morning ronal how are you doing I hope your family took your new well"
ronal " I 'm doing well tonowari and the kids are happy about the news of the new addition of our family, that will be here in less then a year"
y/n " that wonderful my friend"
ronal " how are you and the twins"
y/n " we are doing well and as for my twins Reyna and relena, they have ran off with your children this morning" you had given birth to twins which shocked the clan as they never seen twins before, the twins had inherited human DNA from you and their father. They are born and are navi like you but have five fingers/toes along with eye brows as well.
ronal " that is wonderful I'm happy our children have become friends, as all three of you have learn our ways and become one of us"
y/n " thank you ronal"
ronal " you have helped us as well understanding the return of the sky people and their ways, along with teach me your medical ways as well" you and ronal had become friend over the year bonding over motherhood and, the ways of eywa you had become important to the people.
???? " mom" you soon heard your daughter voice you turned around to see relena and tsireya coming over to you and ronal.
y/n " hello girls"
tsireya " hey mom and y/n we came to ask you two a question"
ronal " what have you come to ask us my daughter"
relena " we came to tell you that we will be going on the open water today"
y/n " that very mature of you girls to tell us where you will be going"
ronal " yes it this"
y/n " where is your brother"
relena " he went off with aonung and rotxo saying he will be home later"
y/n " well like my grandmother and mom told me be home before the lights are on and don;t let them beat you home" the girls laugh they enjoyed hearing your earth sayings, even due they might not completely understand them.
relena " yes mom" the girls soon ran off and you were with ronal a while longer until she was called away, you soon reached home and say your son and his friends.
Rotxo " so this thing flies everything"
renya " yes mom calls them camera she allowed me and my sister to film some stuff in the past, we still do"
aonung " wow your mom has all the human technology it amazing"
renya " be careful around it aonung it very special to my mom and she can't replace them easily"
y/n " what are you boys doing" all three teenage boys soon looked at you as you standing there.
renya " hey mom I was showing the guys some of the stuff they have seen here, I was also wondering if I can borrow the camera as well"
y/n " sure my boy"
rotxo " we mean no harm"
y/n " I know rotxo but these are the last few things I have of my past before I came here"
aonung " we understand we will make sure they don't get damage"
y/n " I know you all will now run along don't waste a whole good day laying around" the three teens soon smiled taking off with the camera, there was no lying renya was like his father but had more sense to him, while relena was like you. leaving home was the greatest thing you had done as it allowed you to start over and move on from the past.
later that night
y/n " it good the day is finally now over"
????? " I swear y/n I don't even know what you see Jake sully jarhead is completely idiot" you soon heard grace voice you were now standing in the entrance of your home.
???? "hey that hurt"
y/n " be nice you twi Jake doing us a great favor on helping us with the navi" you had seen the twins and their friends watching some of your video tapes.
tsireya " wow you mom is so beautiful as a human"
relena " I know right but who this Jake guy mama has never mentioned him"
renya " maybe he an old friend of hers from the past"
aonung " wow some of these human seem kinda of nice"
rotxo " let watch another one"
renya " okay but we have to make it sure before mom get home"
y/n " oh I'm home" the kids soon stopped the video tape and looked at you as you standing there.
renya " hey mom we were just hanging around at home"
y/n " boy I'm not a fool I know what you are doing"
the kids " sorry"
y/n " there nothing to be sorry about children"
tsireya " we really love watching your videos y/n there are amazing"
y/n "thank you now hurry home all three of you your mom will be waiting for you" the three teens soon nodded their heads bidding goodbye to the twins.
relena " mama who is this Jake sully he seems very close to you"
y/n " kids sit down there is something I wish to speak to you all about, you are all older enough to know now"
renya " mom"
y/n " I will tell you all over dinner it might help deal with the news" the twins didn't say anything else as they helped you make dinner, you soon told them the story of you and their father Jake sully. The mighty toruk makto. The one ones who knew of your kids father here was ronal and tonowair and they kept that a secret.
renya " does he know about us"
y/n " no he doesn't know he was starting a family with neytiri, and it soon become uncomfortable to be there for me"
relena " so we might have siblings"
y/n " yes"
renya " will the RDA be after us mom"
y/n " no they think I"m dead along with everyone else back home, there was a fire and bad storm, I don't think anyone knows I'm alive"
relena " mom do you regret having us"
y/n " no you guys are my greatest treasure and I will not changing have you all for anything"The kids smile towards you they had so long wanted to know about their dad, and now they are learning about him.
renya " mom why are you not mad about how they treated you, he was your almost mate then he betrayed you and so did everyone else"
y/n " I was mad at first and upset but I soon moved come coming here, gave me a new start on life away from the past but I can't always run from my past"
renya " well we love you mom and we think you are amazing"
y/n " thank you kids" The twins soon got up and hugged you they ere happy to know you still love them and will always love them, but they felt hurt as they hated how you had been treated. It seems like the kids had shared the news with their friends, talking about Jake made you feel better as it helped you deal with the pain that was caused by him and everyone else.
Few days later
ronal " thank you for coming over to help me today"
y/n " anytime it good to be helpful" you were helping ronal in the healer hut when the horn had been blown, single someone had come to the village. You soon stopped what you were doing and rushed to see what was the matter, as everyone was gather you had been able to see a little bit.
navi child " mommy those ikran look like y/n ikran"
navi women " they sure do my son" you soon got a better look to see abig group of ikran, on the sandy beach soon many thoughts were running through you head. It couldn't be them right there was not ay maybe it was another forest or mountain tribe. As you moved closer and closer you soon saw face you had never thought you will ever see again it was Jake sully and most of the omatacayia clan. You could feel your heart racing as you looked at him as he walked towards the village with his Neytiri and children behind them.
Jake " hey" it seems like none of them had noticed your they might not even remember you as fifteen years had gone by for you and them. You were standing alone the the sully group soon stopped walking. Soon a warrior cry had been heard it was tonowari he soon landing his strimwing in the water and came up to where everyone was standing.
Jake " I see you tonowair"
tonowari " i see you Jake sully" you were looking for the twins and their friends but you hadn't spotted them yet. Ronal soon made her way towards the newcomers as well.
Jake " I see you ronal"
tonowari " why have you come here Jake sully"
Jake " we came here to sneak uturu"
ronal " uturu"
Jake " yes refugee for my family and clan here please"
tonowari " we dont want any part of your war as we are dealing with our own troubles with the sky people"
Jake " I promise I'm not here to bring war I'm done with that"
tonowari " yes we know of your war and the sky people who are called humans, someone who was just like you came to us fifteen years ago" the adult omatacaya and human seem very confused by tonowari words.
y/n " that person will be me that tonowari is talking about" you soon stepped out from the crowd and looked, towards the people and navi who were once apart of your life.
Jake " y/n is that you"
y/n " who else will it be Jake" Jake had a smile on his face seeing you and so did neytiri, you didnt pay them any attention. You were looking at the group two of the children who had human features looked at you and smiled.
ronal " there arms and tails are weak they won't be fit here"
y/n " they can learn ronal like I have and many other as well" you soon stopped around them.
tonowari " ......" tonowari and ronal were looking at each other and soon nodded their heads in agreement.
ronal " y/n as you know these navi and have a past with them what is your choice"
y/n " we should help them as it the will of eywa and they have asked for help so we will help them"
tonowari " then it decided the sully family and company will be staying with us and learning our wars, my children along with their friends will help the sully children learn our ways"
aonung " father are you sure that a good idea for the twins"
renya " aonung it will be okay"
tonowari " y/n"
y/n " the children will be best suited it help the sully children and any of their friends tonowari" tonowari knew what his son meant even he was regretting saying the twins should help out. The kids had helped the sully family move their stuff along with you as well.
y/n " this where you family will be staying the rest of the clan will be staying the the empty homes near by"
Jake " thank you y/n so much"
kiri " dad what about norm and the others"
y/n " don't worry young lady it will be okay they have been given some land to say on, that has been approved by the tshaik and oloeythan"
tuk " hey I'm tuk and you are very beautiful"
y/n " hello tuk I'm y/n and thank you"
tuk " you are just like my daddy and siblings"
y/n " yes I'm" you had placed some of the stuff down near te entreat to be moved later. you had seen all the kids talking about something with the sully kids they seem to be getting along well. That made you happy.
Jake " umm y/n"
y/n " jake"
Jake " there is some much I wish to say right now I can't wait to tell everyone you are alive and well here, once they get here it has been"
y/n " fifteen years you and neytiri are happy together and have a family I'm happy for you"
Jake " thank you"
neytiri " y/n"
y/n " neytiri .... well I will leave you to get unpacked and settled even some rest it has been a long journey here" you soon started walking away from the couple towards the children.The sully kids soon bid goodbye to tonowari kids and the twins. You had stayed back to take sure everyone was doing well but one of the kids had gotten everyone attention, it was the boy who looked like he could be neteyaj twin. You were soon gone with the children before anyone else could ask or speak to you.
renya " mom what are we going to do now"
y/n " well we will help them as it the ways of eywa you don't have to have a father and child relationship with him, if you don't wish that my children that for you to decide"
relena " yes mom what about our siblings"
y/n " you can have a relationship with them they are innocent of what happened in the past, you can have a relationship with them"
renya " what about you mom"
y/n " I will be civil with Jake and neytiri I will love to get to know the kids, a bit more but I will have to deal with everyone from my past on my own at some point I will share the news of you both with Jake ... as after today many questions will be asked"
twins " yes mom"
y/n " I know you kids will make me proud no matter what happens" the twins smiled towards you as the family of three gather around for dinner. That night you were up think about what the future days will hold of you and your kids, know that your ex is back and knowing everyone they will not take the news of your hiding your pregnancy and leaving but in truth that was not their decision it was your decision and that the end of the day you never regret it at all.
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