#fish and--- feathered serpent-
darabeatha · 1 year
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@imarahuyo​ replied ; anyone she can fight in the parking lot
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/  U know, the first thing that popped in my mind was Sen and Morgan throwing fists against each other for the dominion of the sea- I’m not gonna go into details over Morgan’s own convoluted and stacked stories that merge with each other and then get discarded and so on and so forth but basically, some early sources that might have contributed to the development of her character throughout history suggest that one of the inspirations that one of the many authors that have included Morgan in their story might have been influenced by this one character who could control the sea through incantations as well as the fishes in the sea; well Morgan’s own personality differs a lot depending on what parts u take and which u don’t, but she can be very petty- in the sense of;; if someone wants something that falls under her rulling, then out of spite she will want to reclaim such thing. Now does she really want that or is she simply bored? there is also a sense of power that is always enticing, so it could be really a bunch more of reasons; or maybe it just becomes routine to fight sen, kinda like tom and jerry- who knows; I think it could be funny
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kukulkane · 4 months
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namor the submariner by terry dodson.
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thecupidwitch · 23 days
Elements And Their Correspondences
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Direction: North
Time: Midnight
Season: Winter
Color: Green, brown
Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Ruling planets: Venus and Saturn
Tarot Cards: Pentacles, Coins
Tools: Pentacle, salt, stones, dirt, crystals, wood, flowers
Cystals: Emerald, Jet, tourmaline, quartz, onyx, azurite, amethyst, jasper, peridot, granite.
Animals: gopher, bear, wolf, ant, horse, stag, deer, dog, cow, bull, bison, snake, worms, moles, voles, grubs
Herbs: Oak, cedar, cypress, honeysuckle, ivy, primrose, sage, grains, patchouli, nuts, magnolia, comfrey, vetivert, moss, lilac, lichen, roots, barley, alfalfa, corn, rice.
Rules: Grounding, strength, healing, success, stability, sturdiness, steadfastness, foundations, empathy, fertility, death, rebirth, wisdom, nature, animals, plants, money, prosperity.
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Direction: West
Time: Dusk
Season: Fall
Color: Blue, Indigo, Sliver
Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Ruling planets: Moon, Neptune, Pluto
Tarot Cards: Cups
Tools: Ocean, sea glass, cup, bowl, seaweed, hag stones, cauldron
Cystals: Moonstone, pearl, silver, aquamarine, amethyst, blue tourmaline, lapis lazuli, fluorite, coral, blue topaz, beryl, opal, coral
Animals: fish, snake, frog, crab, lobster, eel, shark, dragonfly, seahorse, dolphin, sea otter, seal, whale, alligator, crocodile, beaver, octopus, penguin, salamander, turtle, starfish, koi, coral, barnacle, manta ray, manatee, jellyfish, nautilus, heron, duck, geese, crane, swan, water birds, ammonite, dragons, serpents
Herbs: seaweed, aloe, fern, water lily, lotus, moss, willow, gardenia, apple, catnip, chamomile, cattail, lettuce, kelp, birch, cabbage, coconut, cucumber, comfrey, eucalyptus, gourd, geranium, grape, licorice, lilac, pear, strawberry, tomato
Rules: emotion, intuition, psychic abilities, love, unconscious mind, fertility, self-healing, reflection, lunar energy, deep feelings, curses, death
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Direction: South
Time: Noon
Season: Summer
Color: Red, Orange
Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Ruling planets: Sun, Mars
Tarot Cards: Wands or Swords (depends on belief system)
Tools: Athame, candles, swords, wands, dagger, lamp, flame
Cystals: Carnelian, red jasper, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, agate, rhodochrosite, gold, pyrite, brass, fire opal, lavastone, tiger's eye
Animals: Lion, snake, coyote, fox, ladybug, bee, shark, scorpion, horse, mantis, tiger
Herbs: Cinnamon, cloves, ginger, allspice, basil, cacti, marigold, chilis, garlic, mustard, nettle, onion, heliotrope, hibiscus, juniper, lime, orange, red pepper, poppies, thistle, coffee, jalapenos, lemon, cumin, saffron, coriander
Rules: Energy, will, destruction, strength, courage, power, passion, lust, sexuality, anger, war, new beginnings, protection, loyalty, transformation, action, movement, achievement, creativity, desire, willpower
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Direction: East
Time: Down
Season: Spring
Color: Yellow, gold, white, light blue, pastels
Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Ruling planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus
Tarot Cards: Wands
Tools: Feather, wand, staff, incense, broom, bell, sword, pen
Cystals: Amber, topaz, citrine, jasper, agate, pumice, alexandrite, amethyst, fluorite, mica, clear quartz
Animals: Birds, flying insects, spiders, bats
Herbs: Bergamot, lavender, marjoram, peppermint, sage, dandelion, bluebell, clover, frankincense, primrose, lemongrass, pine, aspen, yarrow, violets, vervain, myrrh, dill, anise, aspen
Rules: Intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, logic, thought, communication, truth, inspiration, intuition, memory, creativity
Tip jar
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 8 months
What Is and Isn't a Fish: a List
A list of the animals I discussed in my fish essay, but for those who don't want to scroll through paragraphs of text to find out if an animal is or isn't a fish. Just CTRL+F your way through here!
I'll add onto here more animals whenever I get asked about them being fish. See my fish essay here!
Some notes before you proceed:
Yes, all tetrapods are fish! We are phylogenetically fish, as we are and our ancestors were lobe-finned fish! "Fish" in the phylogenetic sense is a paraphyletic group if you try to exclude tetrapods, so it is frankly impossible.
How come tetrapods aren't listed as fish then? Long answer, read my essay. Short answer, me and other fish accounts tend to operate on the morphological definition of fish, so does most of the world. Here I use the morphological definition of "fish".
Jawless fish
Cartilaginous fish
Whale shark
Chimaeras/Chimeras/Ghost sharks
Ray-finned fish
Moray eel
Sea dragon
Lobe-finned fish
Not Fish:
Spiny lobster
Mantis shrimp
Sea snail
Sea slug
Snails and slugs in general
Sea angel
Sea hare
Sea bunny
Horseshoe crab
Sea spider
Water mite
Diving bell spider
Jellyfish/Sea jelly/Jelly
Sea anemone/Anemone
Portugese man o' war
Sea cucumber
Sea pig
Feather star
Sand dollar
Sea biscuit
Sea cookie
Brittle star/Serpent star
Sea urchin
Starfish/Sea star
Comb jelly
Sea squirt
Bristle worm
Bobbit worm
Spoon worm
Giant tube worm
Bone-eating worm
Sea mouse/Sea mice
Feather duster worm
Christmas tree worm
Mudpuppy/Mud puppy
Sea snake
Water snake
Snakes in general
Sea krait
Snapping turtle
Softshell turtle
Sea turtle
Marine iguana
Baleen whale
Toothed whale
River dolphin
Beluga whale
Sperm whale
Sea lion
Leopard seal
Elephant seal
Sea cow
Sea otter
Water shrew
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0v3rcast · 1 year
Gnaw: Grudge Match
For the first time, the Archon War and its ending are subject to a second opinion.
(And that opinion is yours.)
Osial banks across the stormy sky, feathers of his right wing dipping into the clouds above, water and wind forming beads against his wingtips that follow him as he dips back down. You lend him your energy, and Electro arcs across the vast plumage of his wings and pools inside the beads.
He flaps his wing. A single storm bead rockets down from the sky.
Fishing boats and trading ships are reduced to soaked splinters and fractured metal. The remains of sails, now naught but tatters, writhe in the wind before falling into the sea.
Those who do not die from the sheer enormity of the impact drown in the harbor, bleed out from shrapnel of their own ships, or meet their end at the hands of your contributed Electro energy.
Within fifteen seconds, the harbor has been reduced to a graveyard, the ruined husks of an entire fleet now skeletons lying in deathless slumber on the seabed.
Osial laughs, wild and untamed, just this side of lost to mania, and he dives, his wings glimmering with Anemo.
The Golden House didn't really stand much of a chance.
Electrically-charged Mora are funneled en masse into the vortex above, glinting gold with lightning tails flowing up into the sky in chaotic patterns. Some magnetize against each other, some fly alone, others ricochet into the sea or embed themselves into the land.
Several unlucky souls are punched cleanly through by the symbol of their nation's prosperity, leaving gaping holes in their flesh and ruined bones.
Their screams, warped by the wind and rain and the song of thunder, are a beautiful chorus to you. A performance to welcome you home and give warning to those who foolishly stand against you.
Thunder roars, deafening, and lightning falls, piercing Millelith members. Rain weighs them down, wind steals their breath, and the wind chill robs even the most hale and hearty of a steady aim.
Osial flicks out another storm bead. Several buildings are blasted apart, their rubble crushing their neighbors, metal and stone and wood making a cacophony of ruin.
Entire lives are being uprooted. Centuries of tradition are vanishing under the onslaught. The work of thousands of human lives simply vanishes as it topples into the bay, the waves hungrily lapping at the base of the city and greedily swallowing all that cannot escape.
A small smile stretches over your face.
They deserve this.
With a flick of your wrist, the remaining Mora cluster together into a single massive ball, and you will it towards the wreckage of the city with a little mental exertion.
It crashes down into the heart of the city, right where Rex Lapis once died, and it then erupts as all the force keeping it together simply ceases to do so.
Golden coins and human gore scatter in every direction as fleeing civilians are reduced to mulch by this world's most ostentatious fragmentation explosive.
Osial howls in glee, currents of vicious wind tearing humans from the streets and into his waiting maw as he dives again and again.
In the distance, there is a roar.
The earth shakes to its foundations as immense stone pillars rip free, aimed for Osial, their normally flat tops ground to geometrically perfect diamond spearpoints.
"Morax," Osial sneers. "Come to watch your miserable excuse for a city die under my wings?"
The being that appears then is not Zhongli, or even Rex Lapis. It is Morax. An ancient dragon, Archon of Geo. The God of Contracts and War. This is no simple serpent, no puppet meant to be majestic and awe-inspiring - this is the war-form. The true face of a draconic god, plated in metals hewn from the heart of the world, innards glowing with yellow-orange energy.
This Morax is the face of death.
Morax roars in wordless fury at his old foe... but then his eyes catch sight of you.
The roar becomes deafening, full of such hatred and vitriol that Osial briefly forgets to fly from surprise, leading him to dive instead.
On some cruel instinct, you give Morax the smuggest, most shit-eating grin you can conjure, and you mouth 'where were you when they needed you?'
If looks could kill, Morax would have just reduced you to subatomic particles.
You gesture to Osial, your gift helping to subtly translate, and he launches up into the storm and the highest points of the atmosphere.
Morax follows, howling threats in a language you don't know.
(The elements lean forward in their seats. You've just invited them to the best fight this eon. Bets are already being made. Geo and Anemo both grin at the other, eager to see whose champion is superior.)
Meteors fall, carved apart by wind.
Voices carry for thousands of miles, roaring in pain and glee and fury.
Bones shatter, scales are torn apart, wounds ooze blood in quantities enough to bathe Liyue in a red rain... and Gods war.
On the ground, the storm has only increased in strength, now that so much more energy is being poured into the area.
Not helping is the hail of immense stone pieces.
Where godly blood lands, life is burnt away by the acidic touch of divinity.
Those who did not flee before can flee no longer without risking swift, painful death.
(Ganyu weeps, the work of thousands of years falling apart in less than five hours. What use were her labors?)
(Ningguang vanishes into a bunker beneath the stone, where she can wait out this chaos. She will build herself back up. This is simply a setback.)
(Hu Tao watches from a distant field as her home is utterly destroyed.
...some morbid little part of her gleefully remarks that business is about to be skyrocketing.)
(Shenhe is unaware of this happening, having been spirited away into Cloud Retainer's realm the moment said Adeptus realized just who had been given a burial at sea.)
(Yanfei is luckily out of the country right now, instead in Fontaine to deal with a reappearing case she'd long thought solved.)
(Xinyan assists in evacuation efforts, her flames burning away godsblood and rain to shelter those nearby.)
(Chongyun and Xingqiu barely manage to stem the tide of raging Hilichurls that are dead set on killing the escaping civilians.)
(Kequing lies in the collapsed rubble of a multi-story building, her Vision repeatedly shocking her as Electro takes the moment to be immensely petty.)
(Xiao drowns in his Karmic Debt, feathers trying to force their way through his skin as his more animalistic instincts refuse to obey.)
(Baizhu has already fled, knowing that he neither can be nor wishes to be of use in this fight. His work is not yet done.)
(Yaoyao stands guard over the population who have made it to her home village.)
(Yun Jin helps to gather scattered families back together amongst the crowds of refugees. Xiangling and her father work to feed the masses while they are all displaced.)
(Beidou watches the storm from the far horizon on the deck of the Alcor. Going in would be suicide, but not helping is just as unthinkable. She must choose, but the sheer weight of the choice is paralyzing. The fleet follows behind her, whether that is into certain death or into retreat.)
(Qiqi stands in the heaviest torrents of the storm. Where the blood of gods stains her skin, life is breathed back into dead flesh.))
Far above in the heavens, Osial and Zhongli are tangled, claws gouging into the new Anemo Archon's innards as coils attempt to shatter the Geo Archon's ancient spine.
There is a deafening crack as Morax's spine bends in a way it was never supposed to.
Ribbons of intestine hang from the massive wound in Osial's underbelly.
Both of them begin to fall to the face of Teyvat tens of thousands of miles below, and you are along for the ride.
Osial lets out a wheezy cackle as he tightens his grip on Morax, drowning in his own blood.
Morax writhes, wings unresponsive.
You hug yourself against Osial. Impact comes far sooner than you expected.
There is darkness.
When you wake, you are in the shallows of an immense crater, exactly where Liyue Harbor should have been. The moon glows pale white above you.
Shattered pillars and ruined buildings jut from the not-quite-bay.
Sitting next to you is a not-very-undead Qiqi. She gives you a relieved look when she sees you're alive. You offer her a thumbs up, as though that will solve the issue.
She accepts it with as much grace as anyone in her situation can and returns the thumbs up, smiling at you faintly.
Beneath you is Osial, dying from mortal wounds but still very alive. Somewhere in the distance is a similarly wounded Morax.
You climb down from your dying companion and come to face him.
"Ah... good. You still live. I did not fail you," Osial gurgles. "Thank you... for helping me settle the score, my maker."
You tell him to hold on. You're sure there's something you can do to heal him. He lets out an amused huff.
"Your kindness is touching, but I know my end is coming. I can feel the Abyss."
You refuse. Osial is yours, damn it. Your friend. Your first Archon. Your protector.
A feeling wells up inside of you.
He will not die. You won't allow it.
Your eyes burn as tears stream down your face. You rest a hand against his scaly face, and ask him to trust you one more time.
"Of course. Always."
You let your power flow. The world erupts into starlight as a new constellation is born, sky adorned with a new pattern of stars: Serpens Fidelis.
The loyal serpent.
Where once laid your dying companion is now a male of mortal human size, who sits up, obviously quite discombobulated. He manages to find his feet, though repeatedly stumbles as he takes his first steps.
Scarred tan skin faintly reflects the moonlight, bathing him in an ethereal glow. Silver locks of hair with deep blue accents seem to drink in the moonlight.
He turns to you, finally, and grins, canine teeth closer to fangs than human, Cherenkov blue eyes glimmering with undeniable joy.
"Thank you, my maker. This new form is far less damaged."
From his right hip dangles a Hydro vision. The Anemo Gnosis is in your hands instead. It appears the cost for his life was you reclaiming the archonhood you bestowed upon him.
He is otherwise entirely nude and doesn't particularly seem to notice this. Maybe that's because he's never had to wear clothes before.
You kindly point this out to him, more than a little embarrassed on his behalf, your hands over Qiqi's eyes so she doesn't see.
Holy shit, was he always that built?
He grins at you, shooting you a salacious wink. "Yes, yes. Get an eyeful of my statuesque physique. I worked for many years on it."
You ask how he managed that as best you can while dying of embarrassment.
"You become quite proficient at lifting weights and swimming at the same time while trying to struggle free of stone javelins pinning you to the seafloor," he says mildly.
He manipulates the water and stormclouds into a set of luxurious robes. A sash at his waist now holds the Hydro vision.
On his back rests a fragment of the Jade Chamber carved into a massive greatsword.
"Shall we gloat over our dying adversary together, my maker?"
Yes, this sounds like a phenomenal idea.
You let Qiqi go, now that Osial is not running a one-hydra nudist colony, and she follows behind the two of you like a lost puppy.
Morax has returned to the form of Zhongli by the time you get to him.
The Vortex Vanquisher lies shattered at his side, and hundreds of rips and tears in his clothes display his grievous wounds.
Osial confidently struts over.
"Why hello, hated enemy mine~"
Zhongli weakly snarls up at him, and also at you, his fists curling feebly at his sides.
"Damn you both. May the Creator strike you both down into the depths of the Abyss."
Osial lets out a small 'snrk', begins to lowly chuckle, and slowly escalates to peals of howling, gleeful laughter. Zhongli just looks offended while Osial laughs himself nearly sick.
"By the maker, you have no idea who you're talking to right now, do you?" He wheezes, tears in his eyes, clutching at his sides.
"The destroyer of my people and an abomination wearing the skin of the Creator of All." Zhongli fires back, indignant. "Are you blind?"
"Go ahead and pray for our maker to save you. See what happens," Osial says, grinning cruelly.
Zhongli murmurs a prayer for protection from evil.
A faint glimmer of magical energy escapes his lips and swirls just above your hands. You cringe at it and wave it away like it's smoke.
Zhongli goes ghost-white, his eyes becoming impossibly wide.
Tears bead at the corners of his eyes as his actions finally begin to play back in his mind.
"Please, my maker, forgive m-"
Osial cuts off his head.
"What an asshole," he snickers, some blood now on his cheek, a massive grin on his face. "I'm glad he's dead."
You just look at him like he's crazy. Which he probably is.
"Oooooooooohhhh, that's who you are." Qiqi says from behind you, having caught on to your true identity.
Another massive hydra erupts from the ocean in the distance and lets out a sound akin to whalesong.
"HI, HONEY!" Osial yells in her direction before immediately bolting towards her.
You let out a distressed sigh. Exactly what kind of mess have you just gotten into?
@the-dumber-scaramouche @thatdeadaquarius @ssak-i @imyme20 @fried-lotud @acacla @itz-luna @iruiji @crierofirony @itsredactedlove @sweetsthetik @leafanonsforest @oxyotl @kkazuyass @featuredtofu @resident-cryptid @d4y-dr3am3r @crimson-ashes @red1sg0n3 @the-real-fandom-person @code-roevember @yourlocalsourwolf @rhoswen-drake @minimari415 @reversearrowhead @call-me-shroom @evqnescents @valeriele3 @mochicurls21 @sinnful-darling @fleshdotmp4 @ash1 @chilling-on-the-moon @fluffy-koalala @extremelytoastybread @euphoricaldemise
This should probably be all of you.))
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lord-of-the-prompts · 2 years
(Please note that while I have included a variety of creatures, there are many many others that I haven’t been able to mention here. Had I listed every legendary/mythological/supernatural creature, I’d probably still be writing this post because let’s face it, there are thousands of badass mythological beings. Please also note that there are quite a few creatures that overlap in various categories. I hope that you all enjoy reading and that this helps with your writing!)
birds (bird people, caladrius, griffon, harpy, hippogriff, luan, phoenix, roc, sirin, strix, thunderbird.)
canines (amarok, cadejo, cerberus, fenrir, hellhound, werewolf.)
felines (demon cat, griffin, merlion, sphinx, tigris, underwater panther, white tiger.)
fish (hippocamp, undine, water spirit.)
primates (bigfoot, yeti, yowie.)
reptiles/serpents (basalisk, dragon, feathered serpent, hydra, loch ness monster, rainbow serpent, sea serpent, wyvern.)
aether (angel, demon, devil, elemental, elf, fairy, nymph, spirit.)
darkness (black dog, bogeyman, ghost, grim reaper, hellhound, vampire, werewolf, wild hunt.)
earth/subterranean (dwarf, earth dragon, gargoyle, giant, gnome, goblin, hobbit, ogre, troll.)
fire (dragon, hellhound, phoenix.)
light/rainbow (light elf, rainbow serpent.)
metal/gold (griffin, gnome, leprechaun.)
thunder/lightning (chinese dragon, cyclops, thunderbird, valkyrie.)
water (chinese dragon, drindylow, loch ness monster, mermaid/merman, nymph, pisces, water dragon, water spirit.)
cave/underground (dwarf, european dragon, gnome, goblin, troll.)
celestial/heaven (angel, feathered serpent, pegasus, grim reaper, swan maiden, valkyrie.)
desert (amphisbaena, chupacabra, cockatrice, ghoul, oliphaunt, sphinx.)
woodland (bigfoot, elf, unicorn.)
lake/river (chinese dragon, hydra, kraken, nixie, lake monster, ondine, rainbow serpent, warlock.)
mountain/hill (dwarf, griffin, hippogriff, hobbit, mountain giant, yeti.)
sea (dragon king, fish people, leviathan, mermaid/merman, sea monster, sea serpent, shen, siren, water dragon.)
polar/ice/winter (abominable snowman, jotun, yeti.)
urban/house (banshee, boggart, jinn, vampire.)
underworld/hell (cerberus, cyclops, demon, devil, earth dragon.)
human skinned (brownie, dwarf, elf, fairy, giant, gnome, gremlin, jinn, leprechaun, nix, nymph, pixie, siren, valkyrie, vampire, vetter.)
monster skinned (banshee, boggart, centaur, demon, ent, goblin, imp, manticore, mermaid/merman, orc, siren, sphinx, troll.)
monstrous (baba yaga, boogeyman, cyclops, gargoyle, ghoul, giant/giantess, goblin, hag, jotun, mummy, ogre, oni, orc, titan, troll, yeti, zombie.)
part human (angel, centaur, fairy, faun, gorgon, harpy, horus, meduza, mandrake, manticore, mermaid/merman, minotaur, siren, sphinx, tenju, triton, winged genie, werecat, werewolf.)
non-human (basilisk, capricorn, cerberus, chimera, griffin, hippogriff, merlion, pegasus, typhon, wyvren.)
Shapeshifters: (animagus, demon, kelpie, merpeople, nix, werecat, werehyena, werejaguar, werewolf.)
Undead: (banshee, ghost, ghoul, frankenstein, headless horseman, mummy, poltergeist, skeleton, spirit, vampire, wraith, zombie.)
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taxonomytournament · 29 days
Taxonomy Tournament: Propaganda Wanted
Now that we've gotten down to just 16 competitors, I think it's time to replace the quick summaries I wrote when they were just 16 among 256. Like look at this.
Serpentes. This reptile suborder is made up of snakes
Serves its original purpose fine (we all know what snakes are, it tells you what Serpentes is), but it could certainly be better.
I'm calling on you all to write short propaganda blurbs boosting your favourite remaining animals. They should be impersonal (ie. not "I have a pet tardigrade and he's awesome", instead some neat facts about Tardigrades). They should also be in point form, so I can more easily combine them with other submissions. Pictures are okay but I will not be able to fit all of them.
The clades competing are as follows. In square brackets is the number of propaganda that been submitted so far. Bolded are the ones that I expect might not get enough propaganda.
Chiroptera (bats) [1] Urodela (salamanders...) [0] Corvides (crows...) [0] Serpentes (snakes) [0] Syngnathiformes (seahorses, sea moths, trumpeted fishes...) [0] Stomiiformes (deep sea fishes) [1] Acipenseriformes (sturgeons and paddlefish) [0] Myliobatiformes (stingrays) [0] Coleoptera (beetles) [0] Isopoda (potato bugs) [0] Articulata (sea lilies and feather stars) [0] Eunicida (Bobbit worms and other marine worms) [0] Polycladida (marine flatworms) [0] Nudipleura (sea slugs) [1] Octopoda (octopodes) [0]
Propaganda can be submitted via the askbox or the replies/reblogs to this post.
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andromedasdomain · 8 months
Element: Water. ✦════ ⋆★⋆ ════✦
✦Direction: West ✦Substance: Rain, tsunami, ocean waves, dew drops, rivers, creeks, ponds, lakes, waterfalls. ✦Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio ✦Planets: Moon, Venus ✦Water Magical Properties: purification, emotions, intuition, dreams, love, rebirth/renewal, understanding, harmony, friendship, connection to the dead/ancestors/spirit realm ✦Water Animals: seagulls, seabirds, sea turtles, fish, sharks, whales, dolphins, crabs, starfish, seahorses, otters, seals, walrus, penguins, octopus, squid, barracuda, frogs ✦Colors: blue, teal/green, silver, white ✦Magical Tools: chalice, cauldron, bowl, scrying mirror ✦Magical Creatures with water magical properties: selkie, Chinese dragon, undine, mermaid, kelpie, siren, sea serpent ✦Plants with Water Magical Properties: lettuce, blue lotus, water lily, bella donna, burdock, spearmint, periwinkle, watermelon, lobelia, aloe vera, fern, seaweed, alga ✦Sea Witch Spell Ingredients: Seashells, Ocean water, sand, driftwood, sea salt, seagull feathers
✦════ ⋆★⋆ ════✦
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eternal-moss · 2 months
I wonder if his dragon form is an endotherm or not… I suspect Neuvillette’s is, he seems primarily mammalian based (he still has horns and a tail). I don’t know whether or not Zhongli is, I think the consensus for more reptilian dragons is that they’re ectothermic, like Apep & Ourobaxi, but for Chinese dragons I’m not sure.. he has some reptilian features like his main snake-like body having scales, and his claws are probably reptilian not avian. He also has antlers and a beard/mane which are features that endotherms would have, and whiskers which are probably most similar to fish (ectotherm) whiskers (sometimes called barbels)
Dvalin too is one that’s confusing, and I think he actually might be even more bird/mammal based. His body is covered in fur and feathers, and only really has scales at his head and feet. I originally imagined him to be like typically European dragons (ie. probably an ectotherm that reptilian like) but if anything he seems to be mainly bird-like, especially his tail. The material of his wings though is so confusing! It’s hard to tell whether there’s feathers or if it’s even butterfly-esque wings!! I’m tentatively putting him as warm blooded.
Azhdaha is probably cold blooded, although his body is heavily affected by the elements, and he even has a tree growing out of his tail… the designers of Azhdaha said he was inspired by many things (being crocodile-like, as well as based on a ‘quadruped toad’, Komodo dragon, alligator snapping turtle and stegosaurus) but they all are ectotherms.
Both Ursa the Drake and Durin (though he seems to have had a very damaged body even when he was alive) are much more based on typical European dragons than Dvalin, and appear to both be cold blooded too.
So my guess is this:
-Neuvillette (there’s a chance he might be more like a serpent, but he’s also designed very similarly to Fontaine otters. His ladle- very presumably based on his dragon- doesn’t give us many details either. He has horns & a tail that looks like a fluke (aquatic mammal tail) rather than a fish tail (caudal fin). So my guess is warm blooded!)
-Dvalin (bird/mammal/potentially insect type)
-Morax/Zhongli/Deus Auri <- this might be his oldest title, it precedes him being the Geo Archon by several thousand years. (Chinese dragon- 龙/龍 type. If anyone knows whether they’re official warm or cold blooded please tell me!)
-Ursa & Durin (European reptilian type)
-Azhdaha (mixed reptile/amphibian type)
-Apep & Ourobaxi (fully serpent types)
-Elynas (probably cold blooded, Rhine seems to make that kind. Melusines are confusing biologically, but how similar he is to them is unknown. His projected spirit looks like one, but his corpse/skeleton is like Durin. Melusines look potentially mammalian but also have rhinophores… then again they sometimes have small wings. Real life melusines are a mix of human & sea serpent. So like. I really don’t know what category to put them in)
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bellacardoza16 · 2 years
Namor x Mexican actress reader: when the camera stops
Plot: It’s the 1940’s and you are an up and coming actress in old Hollywood filming a movie in Mexico until you catch the attention of a certain fish creature and his other consorts.
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As you and the film crew were packing up for the night, you decide to head to hotel with your husband hand in hand.
“Mi vida, are you alright?” Your husband asks you as he notices how light-headed you are.
“Oh yes, it’s just a little migraine.” You groaned as you put a free hand in your head. For some strange reason, you kept hearing a weird song all day and it left you in a daze as well. You just decided to ignore it and also keep a close distance to your costume and set designer husband because the two of you have made a vow that by the year 1954 rolled around, the both of you would get a dual citizenship to America and move to New York or LA and try to do American movies or be on broadway. You always loved actresses like Judy garland, Lauren Bacall, Ingrid Bergman, Gene Tierney, Natalie wood, and your personal favorite, María Felix who you hope to be like some day.
*time skip*
“Y/N.” The call whispered.
“What?” You whispered back as you were all groggy. You then decided to brush your H/L H/C as you got up, left your hotel room, and went outside. As you went outside, you looked at the ocean and saw some blue creatures singing a song that was meant for you as you had nothing but a blank expression.
As you kept walking while ignoring your husband’s calls for help, you suddenly saw a blue lady with a feathered headdress and a blue man wearing a shark head. As you saw the two of them, the blue lady took your hand, caressed your cheek, and signaled the shark head man to take his mask off and when he did, he attached it to your face, and he shushed you gently.
“Shhhh, sleep now butterfly, don’t fight it.” The shark head man crooned in an unknown language that you didn’t know.
“I-,” you muffled until the blue lady in the feathered headdress rubbed your head.
“Sleep now, forget all your troubles and drift off.” She also crooned back in the same language as it clearly worked and you were knocked out.
*time skip*
As you woke up, you now realize that you were in a cave sleeping in a hammock.
“Hello my dear, did you have a good night’s rest?” The blue servant asked in the same foreign language as she came in with clothes that didn’t look like yours.
“Why am I here?” You asked as you wanted to know what was going on.
“Our lord Ku’kul’kan wishes to speak with you.” The lady bowed as she set the clothes down.
“Are you joking?” You ask in shock because you thought the feathered serpent god was fake.
“No, he wants to speak with you now.” The lady said once again.
*time skip*
As you arrived dressed in the clothes that were delivered to you, you arrive in a throne room that had a human man with pointy ears, a gold giant necklace, green shorts, and boots that have wings in the back.
“Come here my turtle dove, don’t be shy.” The pointy ear man said as he smiled at you.
“W-who are you? Why am I here?” You stuttered as your hand started to shake as you sat down.
“I am known as Ku’kul’kan but you may call me Namor.” The man said as he bowed in respect.
“The feathered serpent god.” You muttered as you looked around the place.
“You are a gem.” Namor smiled as he kissed your hand.
“Namor, can you please tell me on why I’m here? What is this place?” You demanded as you glared at him.
“Y/N this place is called Talocan, and we live here in secret so the surface world doesn’t know about us. Namor said as he took a strand of your H/C H/L hair and played with it.
“The real reason I brought you here is because me, Attuma, and my cousin Namora saw you with a group of people on the surface with strange devices. What were you doing?” He asked in curiosity as he tilted his head to the side.
“Well…, Uh…, I am what they call me an actress. I star in movies and pretend to be characters.” You said confidently.
“That is so interesting.” Namor smiled back as he suddenly took your hand and lead you in a waltz.
“How do you know how to do dance?” You gasped as he then spun you while ending in a dip pose.
“Growing up, I always watched people on the surface dance and I always analyzed their movements.” Namor smiled once again as he released you.
“Namor, can I please go back up to the surface? My husband is probably worried about me and I have to get back to filming my fourth movie in a few days.” You asked Namor hoping he would listen.
“Very well my turtle dove, your wish is my command.” Namor smiled as he then bowed in respect while he signaled for Attuma and Namora to take you back to land.
*time skip*
As you finished wrapping up filming, you couldn’t help but play with the strange bracelet that he had secretly slipped onto you before you were taken back to the surface world. As you decided to get ready for the cast and crew dinner party, you then looked back at the ocean from your window remembering the handsome and charming fish man.
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quotidianangsty · 2 years
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“ Are you out of your mind!? ” you shouted at Nakia while trying to cover the wound on the Talokanil girl's stomach.
“ I can't let her hurt the princess! ”
“ She's just scared! and you could have just talk to her but you don't! ”
In the first place. Nakia suppose to rescue the princess of wakanda alone by herself, but you and Shuri knew each other since the war with Thanos and became besties, you can't just sit here and wait. 
So you've asked her if you can go or not, when the answer is yes and you're the one who has a power and can breathe under water, you don't have to think twice.
Now, it's ends up with Nakia attack one of Talokanil and she's about to leave with no mercy at all.
“ Let's go! we don't have much time! ” Nakia said, looking at the woman who are sitting on the ground. “ Y/n! you have to get back! ”
You didn't answer, And Nakia can't wait any longer at all, because she knows who's coming after them. So you've left behind, but can't blame her 'cause it's your decision to stay.
“ U'uy, U'uy.. Ma' j-nuulech. Much P'áaten quietos. (Hey, hey..I won't hurt you. Please, stay still.) ” your voice is so soft and calm at that moment, made the girl hold still with no fears in her eyes.
“ Je'el u páajtal in wáantikech, ba'ale' yaan a yeelel ti'. Ya'ab. (I can help you, but it's gonna hurt..a lot.) ” She nodded in agreement. So you pick her up in bride style, walk a little to reach the pool and place her down near it.
Your left hand dip into water for a second, then it slowly floated and twirls around your hand before straight into the wound, so it made her scream painfully. But just like you said before, it's gonna hurt a lot but it does heal as well.
“ Get your hands of her. ”
Someone is here, and that stern voice of him made you flinched a bit. But before you could say anything or explain, your body just flew away immediately with unhuman strength and hit a brick wall so hard. 
Then you realized, it was Namor.
King of Talokan. Feathered serpent god. Fish man. Or whatever they've called him.
“ Fuck.. ” Gladly that your head didn't hit the ground when you fell, cause if it does, you'll be dead by now. “ You should've ask first, before insulting someone, Namor. ”
“ K'uk'ulkan..Leti' in ts'o'ok salvado. (She has save me.) ” A Talokanil girl who's now fully recovered rapidly grabs the king's arm.
So he just stood there and look at you with a confused expression on his face, not bothering to help you get up.
“ Hm, what a gentleman. ” You mumbled in sarcasm, slowly getting up by yourself and walk pass him to the same pool then kneel and let the tip of your finger touch it.
“ You're not..human. ”
“ Do I look like one? ” Again. A sarcastic look and tone, but he deserved it because you've done nothing except helped his people.
“ Don't you dare talk to me like tha- ”
“ Ts'o'ok u sanado u yaajil. (Has the wound healed yet?) ” You just cut him out by asking the young girl. When she nodded before saying thanks to you that meant you had no business here anymore.
“ Alright. Bye then. ”
“ You can't go anywhere, surface dweller. ”
Everything could just be fine if you leave as fast as you can but he doesn't let you, so you sighs and rolled your eyes.
The only reason that he's doing this, because he is interesting in you, even it's not the best way to seduced a woman.
But with you? Hell no. You won't fall for him, never ever even you died in peace or not.
“ Back off, Namor. ”
“ And If I don't ? ”
“ I'll kill you and chop you in piece, before feed a bunch of shark out there for sure. ”
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WIP Excerpt: The Myth of Tilyua
This is a response to a question asked by @patternwelded-quill pertaining to myths within my WIP and actual events that they are based on.
"It is said that the first snow fell from the heavens to mourn the death of the great serpent, Tiluya.” As Jani paused his story the only sound was the soft sound of the snow as it crunched beneath his and Ninma's feet. “She was the first and greatest of the beasts, beloved by the gods. When Re first placed her on the surface of the world it was flat, without valley or hill, only lifeless stone. But as she grew her body carved mountains, her shining scales ground stone to sand, her breath birthed the winds, and from her spittle and blood was born water and from that all mortal life, which the gods sent the spirits to steward. First came the green grasses, the trees, and the flowers. Then came those things that crawl and creep, than those which run and fly, and finally there came those who walk and speak; the awakened peoples those that were gifted knowledge, and the promise of the rebirth.”
Ninma listened silently, she had heard the tale before, recited by tutors and poets, but it had been long long ago. Her belt clicked and jingled as she walked.
“These first people sailed on boats of skin and leaf and built towns from bone and mud. But in time they grew strong and wise, and numerous. The spirits were kind, and made their crops blossom and the game docile. They say that men could live to see a thousand years, women two thousand. There was no sickness or disease, death was kind and soft. All peoples could see and converse with the spirits.”
“The Age of Woolen Spears.” Ninma interjected.
“Woolen Spears?” Jani asked, eye-brow cocked.
“That’s what my father called it, no money, no war, no sickness, no one going hungry, there was no need for blades, so you know, woolen spears.”
“Huh, we called it the Age of Full Bellies in my village. In any case, where was I?”
“All people could talk with spirits.”
“Oh right. All peoples could see and converse with the spirits. One day a girl called Hadi, was walking in the forest when she found a man dressed in a robe woven from fig leaves.”
“I was always told she was named Daruni and the man was wearing cedar bark.”
“Really? Strange little differences, anyway, as I was saying, Hadi or Daruni, came upon a man dressed in robe of leaves or bark in the forest. They began to talk, talking with strangers in the forest back in that age wasn’t such a stupid idea back then I suppose. She soon fell deeply in love with the man who called himself, Ayush. She laid with him, and afterwards she fell asleep there in the moss. When she awoke he was gone, and all that was left of him was a single fig leaf and a hoopoe feather. What she didn’t know was that he was a spirit, the Hoopoe King.”
Ninma nodded, the Hoopoe King, a trickster spirit of sorts, was a common visitor in many a Kishic bedtime story.
“When she returned to her village, she soon became pregnant, and when she gave birth the baby girl had hair the color of a hoopoe’s crest. Hadi named her daughter Biya, and she was the first spiritblood. She grew tall and strong, and was beloved by the people of her village. But all was not peaceful. For though the great Serpent Tiluya was called the Mother of the People and had given the fields full of wheat and the seas full of fish, she was restless and in her rumblings and writhings her great body crushed many villages, and the people of Biya's village feared that Tiluya would crush them as well.” 
Ninma smiled, she had vague memories of men dressed in bites of shiny glass and stone, meany to imitate the scales of the serpent, rolling and stomping on little houses of mud and twigs. 
“And so Biya set forth from her village with a plan to stop the serpent. She spoke with many people but none knew how she could stop the serpent. One day she came to the top of a great mountain and wrapped round its peak she found the dragon Ilhumba, eldest and greatest of Tiluya’s children. Though Biya did not know it, the dragon was jealous of his mother, and so when the demigod pleaded that the dragon show her the way to stop the serpent, he pulled from sky, lightning and entrapped it in a stalk of fennel. He told Biya that should she strike the serpent with the lightning it would have no choice but to heed her words. And so, with many of the great sages of old at her back, she traveled on sea and land to the head of the serpent. There she threw the fennel, and only then did the Dragon’s deceit become evident. The lightning struck and killed the serpent, when it fell the oceans rose up and swallowed many villages.”
Ninma looked back towards the sea, and imagined a great wave that would swallowed up Nituru.
“From the body of the serpent came evil things; monsters and beasts, from its rotting stench came disease and sickness. And so today Biya is called the Plague-Bringer. When the Sun God saw that their favorite creature had died they wept. To both honor Tiluya and to enact revenge on the people, the gods of the sky and sea created water that falls like petals from the sky but whose chill, kills the green and good, and so was born snow. Beautiful but cruel.” Jani said as he lifted his hand to catch a single falling flake.
Ninma waited to see if would continue the story, to tell how in revenge the people had used the teeth of the serpent to craft great weapons, how they would use these weapons to enact their vengeance and rage on Biya, Mother of Disease, Hunger, and War.
Continues below the cut!
The Truth
Tiluya (This is strictly the Kishic name for this being, and all cultures have their own), was indeed a real being, and was indeed the first living thing placed on the surface of the then desolate planet by the Heavenly Deities. The purpose of the "Serpent" was both to mold the planet and to seed it with the components necessary for the establishment of life alongside the Dragon, Ilhumba. Of course the myth vastly simplifies this concept as the initial introduction of biological components and the genesis of the first single celled organisms all the way to the development of the humans and the other sapient beings, was a process which took billions of years. Biya (Once again this is merely a Kishic name for this individual) was most certainly not the first Spiritblood, as humans and the other awakened races had already existed for tens of thousands of years before that time, when agriculture and even basic metallurgy had already been discovered. Though Biya was a real individual, and their father was indeed the famed Hoopoe King. These people, now living a sedentary lifestyle in cities and with fields, could no longer move on a whim to accommodate the movements of the massive Serpent. Thus Tiluya, once praised, became an object of fear and resentment. Biya, likely a warlord, joined by a number of sages and perhaps other Spiritbloods, did confront the Dragon, Ilhumba, demanding a way to stop the Serpent's continued destruction. While Ilhumba did not give Biya lightning, he instead gave humans knowledge of a certain kind of metal, crafted from the scales shed by Tiluya herself. This metal had the capability of attracting, containing, and subsequently releasing massive amounts of magical energy.
Using this new technology, whether intentional or not, Biya and her companions would slay the massive creature.Disease, War, and Snow were certainly not new to Kobani. However the murder of Tiluya would have disastrous effects on the planet. New deadly pathogens were released from the decomposing body, wild magic exuded from the corpse was responsible for creation of many species of monster and forestfolk, and its thrashings caused untold seismic damage, completely destroying entire landmasses and triggering the hundred of volcanic eruptions. It was the second most destructive event in the history of Kobani, only topped by the Calamity. To further add to this destruction, the heavy concentration of smoke in the atmosphere, blotting out the sun, produced a miniature Ice Age, thus destroying most of the world's agricultural cultures and plunging the awakened races back into the Stone Age. The technology used to kill Tiluya was lost, though it would later be rediscovered during the age of Metal and Glass. During this era, the remains of the Serpent, the likely origin of the story about Tiluya’s teeth being used to craft weapons, were combined with a number of other substances and materials, to create Ekatsim, the same technology which would lead to the destruction of civilization during the Calamity at the hands of the God. A part of the process would be accidentally and unknowingly rediscovered yet again thousands of years after the Calamity in the furnaces of Arkodai, thus allowing for the creation of the magical metal, Arkodian Bronze. Arkodian Bronze retains the ability to harm spirits and to temporarily trap magical energies, however it differs from Ekatism in its inability to absorb magical energies of its own accord and to subsequently render magical energy or even souls into other forms of energy.
@patternwelded-quill @flaneurarbiter @skyderman @blackblooms @roach-pizza @illarian-rambling @dezerex @theocticscribe @axl-ul, @persnickety-peahen, @surroundedbypearls
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
various chats mention "bufo egg milk tea" as the devildom version of tapioca/boba and for a long time i assumed it was just a made up word for some devildom animal. fast forward to me looking up various real life animals for non-obey me and to my surprise bufo is just latin for toad!
Anon, this is absolutely hilarious to me! Because as it turns out, I discovered that the word bufo actually meant something in a similar way, but it was quite some time before I started playing Obey Me.
I first encountered the word bufo while watching Adventure Time where there was a character who was a wizard by the name of Bufo. He was, you guessed it, a toad. But I just figured they made it up. I mean it sounds like a wizard name & that show was all over the place so I never once suspected there was anything more to it than that.
And then I think it was years later, I was researching constellations… you know, like you do. And I discovered that there are actually a lot of what they call obsolete constellations - ones that someone made up but that nobody really uses anymore. And one of those was, in fact, Bufo, the toad. I just about lost my mind. I was like WAIT the toad wizard’s name was Toad?!?
This is so funny to me because it’s very similar to your experience it just happened in a slightly different way lol.
But as I’m sure you discovered, there’s apparently a whole genus of toad that they call bufo?? I shouldn’t be surprised they’re always using Latin words for genus and species names.
Now my question is this. Are these demons really out here drinking toad egg milk tea? Or is that just what they call tapioca? Like it’s the same thing as boba but they call it bufo eggs because they’re demons & it fits the theme? Or they are drinking literal toad eggs??? Because yo… I mean okay they do kinda look like boba. And it’s not like humans don’t eat fish eggs so… maybe it’s good? I dunno, I like my milk tea sweet & for some reason toad eggs sound like they’d be salty lol.
It’s kind of like that time they said Satan flew off the handle due to some issue with a “La Mort de Socrate” pizza. Like?? Guys, that’s the name of a neoclassical painting. At least toad eggs are probably edible? What the hell is that pizza supposed to taste like???
But then they also have things like black tapir? That is an actual animal that exists. I don’t know if people eat it, though.
And then there’s Quetzalcoatl brains. That is the name of an Aztec deity. Often depicted as a feathered serpent, so I can only assume it’s supposed to be some kind of equivalent to mythical snake brains??
Okay okay sorry I got a little off topic lol. I just find quite a lot of the things they use to name foods somewhat baffling. But thank you for sharing your discovery with me, anon, it made me giggle! And now perhaps others too can know the truth of the toad eggs lol.
Though now I’m like what other such nonsensical things are they naming Devildom foods that I’m probably unaware of…
Anyway, I was going to include a picture of toad eggs, but… yeah it’s kinda gross. Y’all can look that up yourselves if you want. But here’s Bufo the Wizard instead.
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feasibilities · 1 year
In Diosa ♆
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Warnings: Yandere Aspects, Dom!Goddess, Stalking, BDSM, Ultimatum, etc.
Author's Note: Just a random blurb about a goddess OC who doesn't take no for an answer. Enjoy!
Being a goddess means you have everything at your disposal. Almost every need or want was fulfilled by your loyal devotees & servants. Any challengers or dissenters were met with a painful demise. Your powers were limitless.
You didn’t have access to one of your desires though—Namor. You had watched him for about a century. You studied every detail about him. Every word, every attribute, every tale from anyone who knew him. He was perfect for you.
You learned that he was a mutant that ruled the deep-sea kingdom of Talokan. He was worshipped by his people, just like you. The Talokanil called him the Feather Serpent God. He showed no mercy to the prying eyes of the surface would. This made you yearn for him even more.
Some of your past lovers died from old age or sickness. Some were banished from after you realized they couldn’t handle you. Something was missing. You were meant to share eternal love with a god & a god only. You had to meet him.
Near the Puerto Rico Trench, you sat on a jagged rock near a sea cliff. You were far from any shore. Waves were steady and the weather was mild. The frigid saltwater licked at your feet. The sun had just set, and the sky displayed beautiful oranges & purples. You felt the presence of all marine life around you. You could change anything about this, but you didn't. You enjoyed observing nature without intervention.
Feeling inspirited by your surroundings, you began to sing a siren song. It was the most beautiful melody anyone could hear--befitting for a goddess. The wind began to pick up. Humpback whales nearby began responding to your music. Your voice began to overshadow the susurration of the ocean.
Namor's routine was interrupted by the sonority of chorale. This was especially unusual as Talokanil sirens only sung to lure intruders to death. As melodious as their songs were, they never sang like this. He worried if Talokan's existence was threatened once again. He decided to investigate.
Swimming toward the surface, he saw a pod of whales gathered near the bottom of a cliff. The clicks & bellows they made signaled excitement. This was another oddity as they would dive to feed at this time, and there was no food here. He swam through the pod as the song grew louder. Peeking his head above water, he saw a woman resting on a rock. At this point, he worried that he was dreaming. No human could've made it this far out in the ocean. He dived under & swam closer in an effort to stay covert.
Although you didn't see him, you knew he was close. You can't say that you didn't sing to lure him out, but you loved to sing anyway. You couldn't help that it caught his attention. Looking into the water, you saw his face. You stopped singing and smiled brightly. It was obscured by the movement of the water, but his eyes were stark. You fluffed your hair & waited for you beloved to greet you.
Suddenly, Namor's spear flew from the water and nearly went through your head. Luckily, you caught it in mid-air. You saw him emerge from the water and dart through the air like a hummingbird. It was clear that he anticipated an attack. He stopped & turned around quickly to see if you were dead. To his surprise, you were unharmed with his prized possession in your hand.
"Now, is that any way to greet a goddess?" You teased.
Namor remained silent in a state of shock. He was floored by your nonchalance. Your glamour was a plus. His pride stung at the fact he was lured like a fish on a hook. No one brought this kind of hysteria out of him.
Namor then rested on the cliff above and stared down at you. You heard him speak. His voice was like velvet.
“Who are you & what could you possibly want from me?” He inquired.
In the blink of an eye, you were next to him. He was even more gorgeous up close. You sat his spear down & caressed his cheek with your thumb. Namor felt compelled to pull away but didn’t.
“Love. You and I are just alike. Two gods locked in the prison of immortality. We’re made for each other. Eternity deserves our union.” You explained, brushing your thumb against the prickles of his beard.
Namor finally realized who had been watching him for all these years. He was alarmed by your overzealous sentiments but was curious about what you could offer. None of his past flames burned quite like this.
“I would destroy a thousand civilizations if it meant I got to lay next to you each night. Without you, I am nothing. I would go to the ends of the universe for you, K’uk’ulkan.” You confessed, leaning in closer. He kissed you gently and lingered for a few moments. Your heart fluttered at the sensation of his warm breath on your skin. You then kissed him back with wild abandon. You felt as if all was right in the world.
“Je’el in diosa/Yes, my goddess.” Namor purred, pulling against his restraints. His hands were bound to the headboard as you rode him. You felt every inch & vein of his manhood. Your arousal dripped down his shaft. Namor felt like this was the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen: Your skin glistening with sweat. your breasts bouncing with every motion, and your face twisted in pleasure. He ached to grab at the plush flesh around your hips.
For days on end, both of you explored the sanctuaries you resided in and that of each other’s bodies. The delectation that was created between you was marvelous. Codependency was made as well. This was better than any mortal could offer you. You had finally achieved your century-long objective.
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cheapsweets · 4 months
The assiduous Kengliwa
My response to this week’s BestiaryPosting challenge from @maniculum
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Was slightly rushed with this one, been trying to get ideas without leaning too hard into what this creature is probably meant to be...
Jinhao shark fountain pen with a fine, hooded nib, with Monteverde Raven Noir ink, over initial pencil sketch.
As ever, reasoning under the cut…
The Kengliwa has three characteristics. The first is that they march in line, each one carrying a grain of corn in its mouth. Those who have none do not say to the others: ‘Give us some of your grain’, but follow the tracks of those who first went out to the place where they find the corn and carry it off to their nest. The Kengliwa’s second characteristic is that when it stores grain in its nest, it divides its supply in two, lest by chance it should be soaked in the winter rains, the seed germinate and the Kengliwa die of hunger. The Kengliwa’s third characteristic is that at harvest time it walks through the crop and finds out by nibbling the ears whether it is barley or wheat. If the crop is barley, the Kengliwa goes to another ear and sniffs it, and if it smells wheat, it climbs to the top of the ear and carries off the grain to its nest. For barley is food for beasts.
Okay, three core characteristics - marches in line, divides grain in two in its nest, and likes wheat, not grain. I can see how if I were to write a bestiary, and especially if I had a handy illustration beside the text, I may also be inclined to focus my writing on the behaviour of this weird critter, rather than its physical description. However, that does not help me work out even remotely what manner of animal the Kengliwa is...
...or does it? Clearly, this is a social animal, that lives in large groups. It's quite risk-averse, but most importantly, it doesn't eat barley, "For barley is food for beasts"...
Silly Kengliwa! Barley is for Beasts!
Now, generalising massively, we can categorise medieval creatures into a number of types; beasts (which live on the land), birds (which generally have feathers, and generally fly, except when they don't), serpents/reptiles (which crawl, including snakes and amphibians), fish (live in the sea) and worms (including insects). We specifically know it isn't a beast (since it turns its tiny nose up at barley), isn't a fish since it's clearly not keen on water, so its a bit of a toss up between serpent, worm or bird. We do know that it lives in a nest though, and you know what else lives in nests? Birds! Bingo!
We don't have any indicator of size, but given that each Kengliwa carries a single grain of wheat in its mouth, I've deduced that they must be pretty small; as amusing as emu-sized critters rampaging through a field would be (for me, not for the farmer...), I don't think that a creature as industrious as a Kengliwa would find carrying a single grain of wheat at a time particularly efficient unless it was pretty tiny!
For the Kengliwa has no knowledge of cultivation; it has no-one to force it do anything; nor does it act under the direction of a master, telling it how to lay in a store of food. Yet it gathers in its harvest from your labours. And although you often go hungry, it lacks for nothing. It has no locked storehouses, no impenetrable security, no piles of supplies which cannot be touched. The watchman looks on at thefts which he dares not prevent, the owner is aware of his losses but takes no revenge. They carry their booty in a black column across the fields, the paths swarming with the convoy as it passes; the grains that cannot be held in their narrow mouths in narrow parts are consigned to their shoulders. The owner of the harvest looks on and blushes with shame at the thought of denying such frugal gains won by such conscientious industry.
I'm getting slightly mixed messages from the author here - the Kengliwa gathers food from others labours, even as they go hungry, but we also have acknowledgement that what it does take is meagre, and we almost have a mote of admiration at the end. If this creature has some kind of religious symbology (and its a medieval bestiary, so changes are, yes...), it's going to be weird...
We also know that it has quite a narrow mouth (which fits with having a beak). I've drawn them carrying the grains on their shoulders/backs (supported in some cases by their wings) when they are making their way through narrow underground tunnels, and beaks when they are outside or maneuvering the grains in their vaults.
We also have a little more details about the colouration... not so useful for me with the (tiny) lineart, but it all helps!
Have a slightly confused looking farmer, observing the Kengwilas as they make off with some grain...
The Kengliwa has also learned to watch out for periods of fine weather. For if it sees that its supplies of corn are becoming wet, soaked by the rain, it carefully tests the air for signs of a mild spell, then it opens up its stores, and carries its supplies on its shoulders from its vaults underground out into the open, so that the corn can dry in the unbroken sunshine. Finally, you will never on any of those days see rain spouted from the clouds, unless the Kengliwa has first returned its supplies of corn to its stores.
Okay, we now know that they keep their grain underground... A bit weird for a bird, but not unknown (we get puffins, burrowing owls, etc, even if some of them do steal burrows from other critters).
Have some underground grain vaults! Note that one of them is higher than the other, so if the nest does get flooded, at least one of the chambers should be okay. I drew the nest in a similar style to the nest of the Rubkawat, though I wonder if these nests are lines more with roots than with twigs...
Yes, I now know more about the difference between wheat and barley than I ever hoped for!
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alinefrank · 2 years
Namor x MayaFem! Reader
I have to clarify a few things before you read:
I’m not Maya but I tried to be as respectful as possible by integrating different details of the culture.
I don’t speak Maya but I used a Spanish-Maya translator from the Mayan Intercultural University of Quintana Roo who helped me to be able to make the reader speak Maya, I apologize if there are any mistake.
Since English is not my first language, I use DeepL translator so that the text is in English, I apologize if there is any grammar mistake or if there are parts that are meaningless. Let me know if you see something.
DISCLAIMER: The protagonist is Mayan by birth and speaks Mayan as well as English (although in the original version it is Spanish but it is translated, anyways), the name of the reader town is not mentioned because I didn’t think of anything.
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I couldn't stop thinking about him.
That bothered me.
A long time ago I was no longer an inexperienced child who got excited when she felt butterflies in her stomach, even then I should have protected and cared for my people, but I have grown up and I should have learned to do it without distractions.
It was probably the times I dreamt about that man that caused me to not be able to get him out of my head.
Or even the insatiable desire I had to go swimming in the sea, with the slightest desire for him to be there.
It was ridiculous, this situation.
Even the council and my warriors asked me what had happened that afternoon, but I could not explain the situation logically so I simply played it down and gave them no further details.
I could not let a man who proposed to me to be his queen in such a disrespectful way, come and affect my thoughts day and night.
Even the goddess Moon had abandoned me and was not watching over my dreams and my rest as she let that underwater man break into my mind and play with it at night.
A few weeks had passed since that meeting and the day had come to commemorate my birth.
I could no longer think of that Namor.
I shouldn't.
People were laughing and dancing in my honour, families had cooked delicious dishes and offered them to me, it would be disrespectful not to give them the attention they deserved.
The atmosphere was festive, it had been that way for a week before the big day.
I was surrounded by my council as I watched children run and dance all around, couples enjoying each other's company and warmth as musicians brightened up the night.
As the moon was about to reach its highest point, out of the undergrowth, he appeared.
Namor was in front of my people and in front of me.
Behind him were some of his soldiers, they were blue and had a strange mask on their faces, all carrying weapons that looked lethal, very similar to ours.
The people were startled at the sight of the fish men and began to panic, with just a wave of my hand, I shushed them.
The jungle went completely silent.
All that could be heard was the crackling of the fire and the footsteps of one of the fish men, a woman wearing beautiful orange headdresses and animal bones.
“K'uk'ulkan, máako' u Talokan, taalak u solicitar junp'éel múuch'tambale' yéetel le ko'olelo' Ix chel" ("K'uk'ulkan, lord of Talokan, has come to request a meeting with Mrs. Ix chel").
This one walked to the front, he wore a beautiful cloak with finely made embroidery, it seemed to contain threads of gold, on his head was a beautiful arrangement resembling that of a feathered serpent as his name described it and precious jewels covered his chest.
He raised his hand and some of his men left at the foot of my throne, bread, chocolate and brandy, together with some jewellery made of Jade and some beautiful flowers that I had never seen before.
His audacity was impressive.
It was beginning its courting process on the day when all my people were gathered, praising and celebrating me.
Something that deep down inside made me tingle.
I got up from my seat, and walked down the steps that separated us, he offered me his hand as he looked at me like a hungry animal, I took it and headed towards my people.
"K'aame'ex le yu'ulabo'ob yéetel ma' cha'ake'ex u máansik utsil!" (Welcome the guests and don't stop enjoying yourselves).
It took them a few seconds to integrate.
A little girl ran up to the woman who spoke when they arrived and after saying something to her that I couldn't hear, took her hand and led her to her family.
When I saw this, I turned and my eyes went to Namor.
"Follow me, let's talk somewhere more private."
He nodded and started walking beside me.
My council looked at me worried and waiting for some indication but I just nodded my head and headed home.
"Teech ka wilik ki'ichpam" (You look beautiful).
Namor wasted no time in scanning my figure.
My voluminous black hair fell down my back adorned with the snake-like headdress I wore at important ceremonies, my gold jewellery and our star mineral, Jade. My white suit contrasting with my skin tone and my two wristbands shining with the light of the fire that illuminated our path.
When we arrived at my enclosure, an underground Cenote away from the hustle and bustle, I turned to him with the intention of reclaiming his boldness.
"Your people and mine are in danger."
My blood froze and my claim was forgotten.
"You can't come, with guns and warriors to tell me that my people and my territory is in danger, I need an explanation, now!"
"A few days ago my people discovered a machine 150 kilometres off your coast, they were extracting that mineral that you love so much and that has kept our people safe."
My heart froze.
"My people finished that thing, but if they have more, it will be a danger”
"Wa ku kaxtiko'ob asab, ku talo'ob in lu'um yéetel tia'alo'." (If they look for more, they will come to my land and yours.) I told him understanding the seriousness of the matter.
"Yaan k k xu'ulul yéetel leti'ob" (We have to finish them off).
"Ma'" (No)
I said forcefully
"Bin tuméen leti'ob chéen k ts'áabal ti' talamilo'ob, acabaste yéetel le amenaza, Teene' yaan in meentik k'ek'eno' wa ku tal waye'" (Going after them only puts us in danger, you ended the threat, I will do the same if they come here).
His gaze darkened and he clenched his jaw, his mouth didn't say it but he disagreed with me, it was obvious he wanted us to attack together.
"Ma' u páajtal k p'atik vuelvan" (We can't let them come back).
"Ba'ale' mina'an je'el u páajtal k bin in ch'a' le, lelo' ya'ab talamilo'ob, utia'al a máak yéetel utia'al utia'al u mía" (But we can't go looking for them either, that's too much danger, for your people and for mine).
"I didn't think you would allow the audacity of those men," he said to me with disguised annoyance.
"I allowed your insolence about bringing me premarital gifts to my village, with all my people present, even though I told you I did not accept your ridiculous offer."
His face changed from the scowl he maintained, to a half-laugh of pure coquetry.
"I apologise for making my first proposal in such a hasty manner."
"I should punish you for daring so much, when I already told you no."
Deep in my breast, that act of rebellion fanned the flame I had longed to quench.
His shoulders slumped and he said nothing for a few seconds.
"Come with me to Talokan," he begged, "Meet my home and see all that surrounds me.”
I hesitated for a second
"You live under the sea and I can't hold my breath that long" my excuse seemed to have worked as it took him a few seconds to regain his speech.
"It's true, you couldn't go like that, your bones wouldn't resist the pressure of the ocean, you would die of hypothermia and your lungs would collapse" he said as he brought his face dangerously close to mine.
"And how do you think I will meet Talokan?" my eyes connected with his and one of my hands rested on his chest.
I felt his breath on my face and if I did not wish to marry him and believed him to be a barbarian as he had repeated to me for the last few weeks, my attitude did not conform to this and neither did the urge to attack his lips.
"In suut ta wo'olal sáamal ken le k'iino' ka'ansaje' táan hiding u, Taas wéetel le loolo'obo' tin kíinsa'ab tu táan a trono ka conociás in wotoch ti' le ka le ujo' ilumine k beel" (I will return for you tomorrow when the sun is setting, bring with you the flowers I leave in front of your throne and you will know my home when the moon illuminates our path).
His voice hypnotised me and noticing the dangerous proximity, I tried to move away, but a strong hand grabbed me by the waist.
"I will bring no soldiers or weapons, it will just be you and me at the place where our meeting was first interrupted" his way of speaking was appealing in every way.
It took me only a second to realise that maybe it wasn't wrong once in a while to go back to my youth and escape from the council and go to the beach.
Satisfying my more primitive senses such as the desire for adventure was something I had put aside a long time ago.
"I'll see you there," I said.
He smiled and shook my hand to return to the celebration.
It was a lot easier to escape the council than I thought it would be.
All my people were tired of the celebration and security had been reduced so that my soldiers could spend time with their families.
I took those strange flowers and wrapped them in my white dress, heading for the beach as the sun began to turn orange.
When I arrived I dropped them on the beach and waited only a few seconds.
As promised, Namor came out of the sea and walked towards me, holding a mortar in his hands.
"Ma' tin wóotaj in meentik a pa'atik" (I didn't want to keep you waiting).
"K'uchen chéen jump'íit ka'ache'" (I arrived just a little early).
He gave me a smile full of innocence and began to crush the flowers while explaining why doing this was essential for me to get to know Talokan.
"Will I become the same as your men?" I asked with the mortar in my hands, holding it to my lips.
"Its effect will allow you to go to Talokan, you will become a mutant like me but the moon goddess gave you the role of protector and I will not prevent you from fulfilling it, no matter how much in love I am with you."
Her words reassured me and provoked a slight smile on my face.
"I trust you, K'uk'ulkan" and I took the mixture she prepared for me.
When I finished it, he wiped the corners of my lips and held out his hand.
"Ko'ox" (Let's go) he encouraged me.
Our hands intertwined and we both stood up, just as he said, the moon illuminating our field of vision and giving a pearly hue to our brown skin.
We walked together to the sea and when we reached the shore, he turned to look at me and wrapped my hands in his.
"If for some reason you don't feel comfortable there, let me know and I'll walk every ocean on the planet so I can please you".
My heart did a flip and I just nodded gawking.
When our feet stopped touching the sand, we began to swim into the depths.
My lungs began to itch and I wondered if the mixture had worked, but as I was about to return to the surface, I felt a change, my skin burned for a few seconds and the lack of air was no longer a problem.
"You're ready to visit Talokan," Namor admired.
We descended and descended to a point where the sunlight no longer reached, my body was unharmed, Namor made a movement with his hands and a swift current appeared.
"When he held out his hand, I didn't hesitate for a second and it was the best decision I could have made.
We moved quickly and aggressively to some extent, my head was spinning and being the first time I was here, I felt disoriented.
When I finished, I regained my stability and that's when I saw him.
A beautiful city lay before my eyes.
The magnitude of it was incomparable.
The first thing I saw was a beautiful throne that had the teeth of a shark as an ornament, which made it look big, terrifying.
"I brought the sun to my people" Namor, who at some point stood behind me, approached my back and grabbed me by the waist, with that grip, he made me turn around and appreciate everything around me.
"Jats'uts" (It's beautiful) really, there was no word to describe what I was seeing.
"Yaan in ka'ansik teech tuláakal" (I will teach you everything) he took my hand again and we swam together.
The people of Talokan greeted Namor and showed him their respect, it was clear that he loved his people and cared for them, some of his warriors greeted him and exchanged information about how everything had remained peaceful.
"I hope you don't mind if we move a little away from the centre, it's just that I want to show you something, a little more private," we swam a little more in a quiet silence.
When we reached what looked like stairs, Namor came out first and held out his hand to help me out.
I walked out of the water and smoothed my dripping hair and the dress tightened around my body.
"Le wíiniko'obo' Talokan, tu beetaj le ba'ala' teechi'" (The people of Talokan, made this for you).
He extended to me a beautiful costume typical of the city.
"Kin ts'áik ti' teech kúuchil utia'al a ts'áik ti' teech" (I'll give you room to wear it).
Namor withdrew and I was able to get rid of my wet clothes and put that work of art on my body.
When he returned to where I was, he praised the way I looked and guided me through the building, which was lit with a dim light that gave it a cosy aura.
We passed a beautiful frame that divided the two rooms, and as we entered the second room, I noticed how the walls were filled with beautiful paintings.
It took me a second to realise something.
It was our history painted on the walls.
The first was the meeting between our versions as children.
Then there was the image of him flying in front of me.
The third was the journey through Talokan that we had made just a short while ago.
The fourth was our wedding, my face was painted red.
And the last one was a beautiful painting divided in half where one half was representing his village and the other half mine, in the middle of it, we were both with a baby.
"Ta boonaj wáaj le ba'ala'." (Did you paint this?)
I turned around so I could see him, his eyes were shining and it took him a few seconds to react to my question, when he did he nodded embarrassed.
"Kaj in pintar tu ya'ab k'iin paachil" (I started painting it a long time ago).
He stood next to me.
"How did you know this would happen?" the trip to Talokan was something that had just happened.
"I didn't know, I just wished for it."
His breathing was calm, he stroked the painting and turned to look at me, noticing that my attention was focused on the last phase of the story.
"Ba'ax ku yúuchul." (What's going on?)
"It's just that, you and I are not a couple, yet" my fingers ran across the painting and for the first time in many years I felt embarrassed and wanted to run away.
"But we will be," he said confidently, bringing his face close to mine.
"How can you be so sure of that?" I leaned closer to him and the atmosphere felt magical again.
"I know that you too feel how our hearts dance in the same tune from the first moment our eyes connected," his strong arms wrapped around my waist.
And that's when it all came crashing down.
I kissed him.
And it was the best decision I could have made.
Our lips connected and all the stars in the universe shone brighter.
My hands caressed his chest and his hands rested on my back, he began to caress me in a loving way and I felt everything I had repressed the centuries I have lived, was released.
"J-oken ti' teen a pixan" I said breaking away from his addictive lips. (Give me your soul.)
"In wíinkilililil, pool yéetel pixan le a tia'al tak u u yáax súutukil le ku kaxanta'al k wicho'ob" his words made my heart flutter. (My body, mind and soul are yours from the first moment our eyes met.)
It was a fact.
I was in love with Namor.
The sun was beginning to rise and we went back to the beach.
We got out of the sea and he came closer to me to kiss again, or so I thought.
"P'úulech tin wéetel" he took my face and looked at me eager to hear an answer. (Marry me)
"Forget the colonisers and forget the war, if you ask me to, I would never raise a weapon again, unless it is to protect you" his voice showed the purest sentiment.
It was laden with love.
"Ma'alob, ts'o'okol k beel" (All right, let's get married).
And for the first time in my long life, the idea of marriage didn't seem so overwhelming or terrifying.
He kissed me again and I let myself go.
The rhythm he was keeping enveloped us in a harmonious dance.
"I must go," I said to him once I broke away from him.
"I'll be back in a few days to talk to the council and your people.
I nodded and we said goodbye.
He returned to the sea, but not before seeing me once more so that he could sink and disappear from my sight.
I quickly made my way back to my village.
When I arrived, everything was quiet, the bad thing was that the council was gathered in my house, waiting for my return.
"Ko'olelo' Ixchel, yaan u ts'o'okol waye'" (Lady Ixchel, you are here at last).
The older one, looked at me and invited me to sit down, clearly the clothes I was wearing were somewhat different from ours and my hair, totally wet, gave a sign of where I might have been.
"Yaan ba'ax u k'áat ya'al k." (Is there something you want to tell us?)
"K'uk'ulkan, máako' u Talokan yéetel teene', k tukultik u ts'o'okol k." (K'uk'ulkan, lord of Talokan and I have decided to get married).
I said it without further ado, for if I had decided to accept my future husband's proposal, I had to start with the preparations. And contrary to the reaction I expected, everyone present was overflowing with joy.
"We are happy that you have found your partner, great lady," said one of the wisest women in this community, she was like a mother to me.
And just imagining my mother and how happy it would have made her to know that I was finally getting married, I got a lump in my throat.
"Leti' yaan u taal ichil ichil jump'éel k'iino'ob tsikbal yéetel tuláakal To'one'" (He will come in a few days to talk to all of us) I cleared my voice and regained my posture.
I was going to marry Namor.
Yes, there will be a third part.
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