#fertility archon childe
seakicker · 2 years
ok like. chubby fertility archon reader is so yummy and good but what about.. fertility archon childe and chubby reader?? he’s the number one believer that everybody should get pregnant and have children… rumour has it that several hundred years ago he went on a spree and impregnated more people than you could possibly count. as of late, however, he’s seemed to reign it in.
until he met you.
when he first saw you, he didn’t even think you were real; maybe you were something he’d conjured up from his imagination. after all, there was no way anyone’s body could be that perfect — from your head all the way down to your toes you were perfectly made to bear children. his children. and he made it his goal to seduce you from that no-good husband of yours; he couldn’t breed you nearly as well as childe could. your breeding hips, your full breasts, your cute chubby tummy — all perfect for bearing the children childe would give you. he could picture it as clear as day in his mind.
all you needed was to give in to him.
GOD i’m OBSESSED with this. big breeder childe who’s almost like an incubus rather than an esteemed archon given his penchant for tempting cute little darlings into carrying his children? yes please.
afab + gn reader below (no gendered pronouns or terms but afab anatomy), chubby reader, light dubcon/coercion, breeding kink, pregnancy kink, lactation kink, cheating/netorare, and body worship below!
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rumor has it that there was once a time where if you picked any pregnant stranger off the street, there was no less than a 100% chance the father of the baby (or babies, given childe’s insane fertility) in their tummy was childe, the very fertility archon himself. a whole generation comprised of almost nothing except for demiarchon babies with flaming ginger streaks in their hair came as a direct result of childe’s escapades; he swears that all the time he spent knocking up brood mama after brood mama until he had a harem large enough to fill an entire hotel twice over was the most fun he’s ever had.
keyword being was— sure, he had a blast going on a pleasure escapade so long and debauched that it’s a part of history books now, but there’s a reason why he’s since dropped that experience to second place on his list of his most enjoyable memories.
courting and wooing you has been far more fun.
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when childe first found out that you have a husband, he wasn’t exactly shocked per se— of course someone with a body and a face like yours would be married; anybody who would willingly pass up the opportunity to take a spouse like you is a moron through and through. the only thing that would be even dumber than passing up on such a gorgeous little thing would be marrying them and then failing to properly appreciate them— as is what seems to be the case with your husband.
it’s really not that hard for an archon to look into the lives of mortals— when you oversee a nation, it’s pretty easy to find ways to involve yourself with its people. some archons take to simply walking around their nation as if they’re just a normal citizen themselves and often go unrecognized as the archon— and childe’s no exception. as far as any onlooker is concerned, he’s just a handsome stranger with a certain air about him that places him a tier above the rest… but nobody would guess he’s the very same archon responsible for all those wild tales of breeding rampages and pregnancy cults.
as far as you’re concerned, childe’s just a regular at your humble little bakery. a handsome stranger, sure, but you know him more as the polite young man who always makes it a point to swing by and pick up a pastry or two. he says he doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth himself, but his children do.
it’s not a total lie to say that he has children— remember his blood runs through plenty of the now-grown up demiarchon adults working and living throughout the nation— it’s just that his children aren’t really… children anymore and that he doesn’t keep in touch with them. hell, they probably don’t even know that he’s their father; he can’t imagine any of the cuties he knocked up all those centuries ago would just tell their children that their dad’s an archon, and he’s sure that many of the children outlived their parents by decades due to their archon blood. who knows what excuse their parents gave when their children noticed how they never seem to age that much. similarly, the pastries usually end up going to children or pretty housewives he passes by on the streets as a gift rather than to his own flesh and blood.
the reason he says his purchases are gifts for his kids is because he knows that it makes your heart melt to see such a kindhearted, family-oriented man— you told him that yourself. one night some time ago when he was the only one in your shop as you wiped down the counter and swept the floors, you praised him for being such a good family man before offhandedly mentioning that you’d love to see little ones of your own running around your home.
well, that certainly caught childe’s interest. unknowingly expressing your desire to have children to the archon of fertility? you really are perfect.
he’ll keep his true identity as the very archon everyone turns to when they’re hoping to conceive a secret just for a little while longer. there’s no telling how anyone would react to being in an archon’s presence, especially when you already have somewhat of a connection with him. while he certainly wouldn’t be so bold as to claim you’re best friends or anything, he considers himself familiar enough with you to call you a friend, especially if you’re sharing your dreams and worries with him.
imagine childe’s surprise when you revealed you don’t already have children of your own— maybe he’s biased as, you know, the literal archon of fertility, but if he married a partner like you… celestia, he would have bred you the moment he first laid eyes on you. actually, that’s all he’s wanted to do since the moment he first met you after a chance visit to your bakery resulted in him meeting the most delicious little piece of ass he’s ever seen— so to hear that you’ve gone so many months feeling unloved and unworthy, and perhaps most importantly of all, unbred, just strikes pain right into this poor fertility archon’s heart.
again, call him biased if you’d like, but he really does mean it when he says that you have a body made for breeding. the joy of stopping by your humble bakery comes in the form of being able to watch your body as you move about your kitchen and the dining area— tight jeans hugging your wide, round hips and clinging to your soft, thick thighs as you scoot chairs and tables around, bending at the waist to better put your strength behind each push. with hips like those, you’re just begging to be bent over the very counter you always greet him at with his cock shoved deep and snug inside of you. the sight of your soft belly pushing against the tiny little apron you wear over your clothes is enough to make him hard right where he sits five feet away from you— thick darlings always know how to take a good, rough pounding, and the soft layer of fat on your midsection will serve as a wonderful protective cushion for a baby in your tummy. and don’t even get him started on your tits… has he jerked off to the mental image of them growing a cup size or two as they swell and swell with breastmilk to provide for the baby? absolutely.
how in teyvat has your husband not knocked you up three times over yet? you’re so perfect.
and now imagine your surprise when childe invites you out for dinner one evening— no, it’s not a date, he had said with an innocent smile. you’re taken, after all. consider this just an evening between friends, okay?
oh, it’s totally a date. and if things go the way he hopes they will, you’ll end up pregnant by the end of the night. it’s what you deserve. it’s what you want. it’s what you need— if he dwells too long on the thought of you trying to tie your tiny apron over an increasingly growing, round pregnant belly, he damn near comes right in his pants. there’s nobody in all of teyvat who’d make a lovelier pregnant parent than you… and he would know. he’s personally responsible for at least 70% of his nation’s pregnancies throughout history.
you don’t feel guilty in going out to dinner with childe because it’s just as he said— it’s not a date, just an evening between friends sharing a delicious meal together. having someone else prepare food for you is a welcome chance of pace— whereas you usually cook for you and your husband, childe said that there’s nothing he’d enjoy more than getting the opportunity to cook for you. after all, he’s always eating your cooking— why not let him return the favor by taking a seat at his kitchen table and sampling his cooking?
when childe innocently says that you could have his cooking every single day if you so desire after you praise his skills, you don’t think anything of it. when childe rests his hand on your hip as you help him with dishes afterwards— as you basically demanded to help with something after he worked so hard on a meal for you— you assume it was just an accident… or that’s what you would assume if his hand didn’t linger on your hip for a moment before pulling away. when he asks you again about your marriage and your desire to have children, you wouldn’t even begin to guess that he’d offer to help you in the very same breath.
“you said it yourself,” he murmurs in your ear, hand rubbing across your soft belly as you set your towel down. “that there’s nothing you’d love more than to hear your little ones running through the halls of your house.”
“you know that i…” you start, but despite your attempt at protesting, you arch into his touch when his hand makes its way back to your ass.
“that you’re married?” childe finishes for you, scoffing lightly. “sweetheart, that’s not a deterrent for me. besides, if a man can’t treat his spouse properly, then what’s so wrong with me just… filling out the gaps? if your husband won’t breed you and give you the family you want, what’s to say that i can’t do it for you?” what, do you think this is his first time wooing a married person?
you fall silent. of course you know that, in your heart, adultery is wrong and marriages are to be respected through showing loyalty to one another… but when your husband won’t meet your needs and fulfill the one wish you have… would it be so wrong to seek out someone who can help you? you and your husband do have sex— it seems it’s just that your evenings together have never lined up with your ovulation days, so it wouldn’t exactly be hard to pass the baby off as his… and there’s nothing you want more than to be a parent… and is it not true that your needs matter too? isn’t a marriage about fairness and compromise?
even childe’s surprised by just how easily you gave in to his offer to breed you silly. here you are, a married person, making out with a man other than your husband as he helps you out of your clothes. childe can’t help but relish in the fact that he’s about to breed you in his own kitchen— if knocking you up in the kitchen isn’t the spitting image of domesticity, he’s not sure what is.
oh, your lips are so sweet— it’s as if the sugar from all your baked goods you spend so much time making every day has become a permanent part of you, pulling him in and making him addicted to tasting more and more and more of you. you kiss so shyly and so purely he’d guess that you’ve never kissed before if he didn’t already know that you’re married.
“i want to be a parent more than anything else,” you whisper sadly against his lips, your hands clutching at the neckline of his shirt. “i just… it’s all i want, childe. why won’t he even just talk about the idea of having a family together?”
childe cups one of your cheeks in his hand, prompting you to look into his eyes. “you poor thing,” he murmurs. “why don’t you let me give it to you? that’s what i’m best for, after all.”
oh, does he mean that. more than you’ll ever, ever know.
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the guilt of going behind your husband’s back vanishes practically the second childe sinks his raw cock into you. archons, he’s thick— he fills you in ways your husband never has and never will, reaching so deep he hits your cervix once he’s sheathed all the way into you.
“look at you, sucking me right in,” childe purrs, sitting back to get a better look at you as you take him to the hilt. “so eager… you’ve wanted this all this time, haven’t you?”
you give a frantic nod and gasp as he begins to thrust in and out of you, heavy balls slapping against your ass on each brutal movement of his hips. being filled by something this big and this thick… how have you gone so long without experiencing this sensation? you’re so tight around him you can feel him twitch and throb against the hot walls of your cunt, the bush of pubic hair at the base of his cock tickling your lips each time your hips meet his.
“gonna be so fucking lovely,” childe grunts as he pounds away at your dripping cunt. “this belly of yours is already perfect, so the only thing that could make it even better is putting my baby in you. seeing you round out and grow so nice and pretty for me… fuck, i’ll come if i think about it too hard.”
you can’t help but imagine it yourself… how you’ll look with a round belly filling out all your clothes, your tits swelling nice and big with milk until they’re resting on your belly like a shelf. will you finally get your wish for a family granted tonight?
“i know,” he chirps, leaning forward and effectively lifting your hips up and off the table below.
“why don’t you ask the archon ajax for an extra blessing?”
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Congratulations on 1k followers! Your works are amazing, and you deserve it!
Can you do SAGAU, Ranpo (60) with Nahida and Furina (if you don't do both, Nahida is okay)? Plus a child!Reader still recovering from the trauma/abuse prior to the appearance of the BSD cast.
Take care, and keep up your good work!
Thank you :)
If you were not alone
Part V
Bungou stray dogs character: Self-Aware! Platonic! Ranpo Edogawa
Genshin Impact characters: Platonic! Nahida, Platonic! Furina. Aranaras. Melusines. Small Elynas Cameo.
Reader: Child! GN! Reader
Warning: English is my second language. Mentions of child abuse, terrible parents.
🕵🏻 Vanarana was quiet tonight. Araja was letting you two stay in his house. Ranpo was thinking about past few days, while you was trying to get dome sleep. You were whimpering in your sleep from time to time, so Ranpo gave you head pats, to ease your fear just for a moment. Ranpo let out a growl. This forsaken Teyvat did everything, to break you completely.
When almost a year ago, back in their old world, he and others learned, that you were a child, they were worried, that "their manga" will scare you. Oh, how they wish, that the manga's events would be the scariest thing in your life.
Ranpo had great memory. And he despised every memory about meeting with your "parents".
Ranpo hated, how, in the eyes of neighbors, they were a normal family. How no one would suspect, that they abuse their own flesh and blood.
Ranpo hated, how they couldn't just get rid of your parents, without raising a suspicion. Without having police on their back.
Ranpo still recall, how you looked when you first met. Scared, thin child, who were hiding behind the door, trembling, at the sight of adults arguing.
Ranpo still recall, when your parents asked for a tidy sum, when they realized that he and others are ready to do anything for you.
Ranpo had never seen such rotten people before. They literally traded you like a commodity...
Bless Karma for taking you and other kids outside, so you didn't witness that scene.
But Ranpo especially hated, the words, your "parents" said to them, after Fitzgerald paid and all of them were ready to leave with you.
"Last piece of advice. Don't expect anything from [Y/N]. Your job in making something out of them will a waste of time. Just bashed them with a shovel. Fertilizers are always will be useful."
In a two month they would prove their statement, when Chuuya and Verlaine would use their abilities to bury that "parents" alive.
🕵🏻 For a year Ranpo and others were taking care of you. They loved you, spoiled you, were kind towards you. They found you a therapist and support you. Small step by small step, you start recovering.
And Teyvat threw almost all of you progress away.
Nightmares, fear and tears have returned.
And Ranpo hated, that he can't completely take them away from you.
He wasn't powerful in terms of raw strength. He was genius and had Poe's book. You two can hide, you two can escape.
But this dumb religious fanatics were ruthless. They followed you and followed you two.
Sometimes, Ranpo wished, that Ayatsuji was with you two. Fellow detective was as protective over you, as every one of them, and "Another" would be a very useful in this world.
If wishes were horses...
There is no need in wishing for something.
Ranpo knew, that you need to return home as soon as possible. He must protect your little sibling.
🕵🏻 When you two reached Sumeru, Ranpo almost lost all hope. You two were hunted, and, despite having some helpers (whose help saved your lives), it doesn't change the fact, that powerful of this world hated you. They hated a child, Ranpo's little sibling.
They were trying to KILL a CHILD by the order of ANOTHER CHILD!
Ranpo's thought were interrupted by a jingle. A little sphere, that Nahida gave him, glow. Soon he heard Dendro Archon's voice.
"Ranpo? Is everything alright?"
Ranpo didn't recognize his voice, when he spat.
"[Y/N], before going to bed, asked if I can deduct, why they deserved to suffer."
Nahida wasn't answering for some time. When she spoke, her voice was soft.
"Ranpo... They are trying to find meaning in suffering. I think, for all their live, they heard, that bad things happens to bad people. And they knew, that they are good. So why..."
Nahida didn't finish the sentence. She doesn't need to.
Ranpo was quiet. He pet your head, when you whimpered in your sleep again.
Nahida spoke again.
"I asked Aranaras to help [Y/N] with nightmares... They will enter her dreams any moment now. Before that, let's discuss, what I have learned today about Alice's whereabouts."
🕵🏻 In Sumeru, Ranpo's hope bloomed again. Nahida was really helpful. And, thanks for Aranaras' help, your nightmares disappeared. Maybe, you two could peacefully stay in Sumeru, until Alice's next visit?
Ranpo hopped, that it would be the case.
This hopped disappeared in flames, that destroyed Vanarana.
🕵🏻 Merusea Village reminds you and Ranpo about Vanarana. Place, where some strange creatures lived, who were helping hiding you, and local (former) archon, who was helping them.
Ranpo was really grateful for that. Melusines were guarding you two, making sure, that you two are safe. Ranpo heard, how one melusine mentioned, that "father" also wanted to keep you safe.
Furina wasn't a master fighter, but something in her made you feel less afraid. She console you and bring sweets for you and Ranpo.
🕵🏻 Ranpo and Furina were eating their cakes, while you were playing with melusines. Ranpo can't help, but smile through tears. You looked happy. Furina spoke.
"I am glad, that [Y/N] are happy again. Even for a moment..."
Furina's gaze harden.
"And people are asking why I wish, that this creature on the Ivory Throne just rot away. For "The Holiness" sake, people lose every bit of empathy and mind."
Ranpo nodded.
"When we found a way to our world... Our friends might visit this place again. To have a small "talk" about kindness and kids..."
Furina nodded in return.
"Don't forget to punch someone of the Holy Guard for me."
🕵🏻 In a few days, Neuvillette found you. Dragon was ready to destroy the village. Melusines, he was found of. Furina, whose sacrifice saved Fontaine. Ranpo, who wanted to protect you. And you. A simple child, who already had enough violence in your life.
But, some power hold him down.
You were hiding. You wanted to protect Ranpo, Furina and melusines. You wanted to save Nahida and Aranaras.
You wanted to go home.
Your emotions and powers reached their peak.
And The Great Beast Elynas gave you all his powers, so you could reach Nahida's and Aranaras' prisons.
Portal was open.
👘🗡️ Fukuzawa expect, that he will find you and Ranpo tied up in some criminals' lair.
Not in their barn, after small earthquake and surrounded by a bunch of vegetable things, faun people, kid with white hair and girl dressed in blue and with a top hat.
🕵🏻 There is a lot of work to do. Nahida, Aranaras, Furina and Melusines heed help adjusting to new world. You need even more support and kindness. But Ranpo wasn't afraid of it. He will help you. He will make sure, that his little sibling will never cry or suffer ever again.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters
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heyheydidjaknow · 1 year
Hi, I absolutely love your portrayal of yandere venti! I was wondering if he's considered starting a family with the reader.
In 'Good Wine' he answered maybe later to the reader saying fuck you and in 'Incomprehensible' he said how he's trying not to force himself onto her, unless this one has a different meaning, English isn't my first language.
If so, does he understand the consequences of these actions? Old Mondstadt doesn't seem like a good environment to raise a kid, not to mention the lack of social interaction.
I am going to preface this by saying that I have no idea what the fuck the deal is with fertility in the genshin universe. I don’t know if the Biological Species concept applies to wind spirits turned archons turned human x another human. I don’t know if Venti would even be physically compatible with a human or if his windspiritness would make that impossible. I certainly don’t know what the kids would look like. If there is a lore answer and someone knows how that would go down or if there are lore examples of that happening please contact me because I asked my lore friend and they couldn’t tell me.
Also I will neither confirm nor deny that the phrasing in Inconceivable was meant to be taken that way. There is an answer but also feel free to take what you want out of my writing.
If you are not physically compatible with Venti he is not going to steal a child. That child would probably be mortal and that would be a bad deal. He’s already said “fuck it” to his morals enough to kidnap a partner; he’s not going to kidnap some mother’s baby.
If the baby would be mortal, also a no-go. Best case scenario he raises some poor kid in a cave their entire life because he’s paranoid about them getting hurt. Worst case scenario he leaves the kid and you alone and they suicide pact or, worse, you end up killing the kid to keep them away from him. Also a bad deal.
If the kid was immortal, then yes. He could be content with his child murdering him and be generally okay with them going out on their own to find their own path in life. At least then he would have someone to share your memory with.
If he didn’t know and would need to fuck around to find out, then he wouldn’t. The anxiety of the above scenarios would be enough of a deterrent to completely throw out the possibility unless you were incredibly persistent and insistent about it or if in a moment of passion he completely forgot.
Regardless, if the two of you were to have a child that would be a thing that happens long after you’ve given in to him. It’s not that he doesn’t want a family but the variables involved induce in him enough anxiety that it wouldn’t be something he’s pushy about.
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Greece: culture(pt2): Marrige
Marriage laws in greece were less often based on personal relationships and rather, on social or political responsibility and was a issue of public interest. As mentioned in the Pt1 post, Spartan marriages occurred to produce children, whilst athenian marriages followed the same line of reasoning, though instead of producing children for War, it was to produce an Heir or connect families. Marriages were usually arranged by the parents, though professional matchmakers were sometimes employed. Although each city had their own marriage system and laws, typically, the woman’s father or guardian gave permission to a man of suitable wealth. Wintertime marriages were popular as that time was significant to Hera.
Marriages in ancient greece were matters of public interest and kept monogamous. Plato proposed that when choosing a spouse, Men should consider the interests of the state over their own personal ones. 
In sparta, Childbearing was the main objective of marriage. There were many laws around what would happen if one married too late, or unsuitable, or were unable to produce children. And if the child produced was not suitably healthy, the parents would have to abandon the child. Athens had much stricter laws around the legality of a marriage over the objective of marriage. For a marriage to be legitimate, both the bride and groom had to be of Free status, and legitimate citizens of Athens. Children of such unions would then be considered Athenian citizens when they came of age. If you were wealthy enough, you could marry anyone- free, slave, citizen or non citizen, but they were not legally recognized.
 A man would choose his wife based on three things: the dowry, which was given by the father of the bride to the groom; her presumed fertility; and her skills such as weaving, among other things. There were no established age limits on marriage. Women usually married in their teens, while men married around the age of 30. The now-father-in-laws would then exchange gifts: a sign that the family of the bride was not just selling or rejecting the girl. It was through this gesture that marriage was legitimized.
Often times, however, women would marry a uncle or cousin in order to keep land within their family. You hear about inbreeding alot in history, and greece was no exception. Women could not own land, so there were no heiresses; only Heirs. 
In athens, once you were married, domestic life began, and the spaces were very strictly divided. The women would have their space upstairs, and the men downstairs. This was to keep the women out of sight when any visitors or strangers were present in the space. Any entertainment would also happen in the men's quarters so as to make sure the women were hidden. In sparta, men lived in the barracks regardless of their marital status even during times of peace. 
Divorce was(surprise, surprise) allowed in many places in Greece. Any negative reputation attributed to a divorce would’ve been about a scandal that lead to the divorce rather than the divorce itself. In Athens, both the husband and wife had the power to initiate a divorce, The husband simply had to send his wife back to her father to end the marriage. For the wife to obtain a divorce, she had to appear before the archon. The Archon would not initiate the divorce, however, and simply took record of it. The wife would likely also have needed the support of her father and family. Spartan divorces usually occurred due to infertility. 
Bonus section: Rome, soldiers, and marrying same-sex
Much like in greece, Roman marriges were instigated primarily to form alliances and were Monogamous. they shared many of the same laws as Greek marriages. However, Divorces in Rome were surprisingly informal. the Wife just. took back her dowry and left the house. no complicated procedures; that was it.
Roman and Greek soldiers were not allowed to marry during service. they were devoted to their service in a similar way that nuns are married to Jesus, but exceptions could be made for Roman and greek soldiers. 
There also did not appear to be any specific laws against homosexual relationships in Greece or Rome, though it was looked down upon by romans. There was a example of homosexual relationship in greece known as the “sacred band of Thebes”, a hoplite unit comprised of 150 or so couples. As far as I'm aware, however, none of them were married. Rome had references to same-sex marriage and relationships, but no official records(to my knowledge). Same-sex marriage in ancient Rome and Greece has alot of conflicting information, but it Happened at least with the Sacred Band of Thebes, and possibly with Emperor Nero, who had a castrated slave whom he treated like a wife.
Pt1 here:
Taglist: @aesthetic-writer18 @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling
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queenie-arts · 2 years
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After the horrendous design of the dendro archon was leaked, it was only a matter of time until I took things into my own hands and redesigned her. Left is my design, right is whatever monstrosity mihoyo made.
I decided to go ahead and not make her an adult, because so many amazing artists have already done that for her. Instead I wanted to keep her the same age while making a design that's not. Western fairy child. 
 If you take offence at the fact that I redesigned her or am “disrespecting” the original, See Yourself Out.
Design notes under the cut because I have a mini essay here
Kusanali’s name (via leakers), “Nahida'' is likely derived from “Nahid”, a derivative from the Zoroastrian goddess Anahita. However, the title “Kusanali” itself is of buddhist origin, from the Jataka Tales specifically. Keeping both these names in mind, I wanted to make a design that referenced both Anahita and the Buddhist influence on Nahida.
The first step was figuring out how much influence buddhism had on the persian empire and it was.. not a lot. Only the eastern part of the empire was influenced to some small degree. I then narrowed down the time of spread to when the Parthian empire was a major power.
With an empire spreading all the way from modern day Iran to Pakistan, it should be obvious that the cultures it covered are all not the same, and this isn’t even getting into how diverse the ethinic groups are. We do not randomly mash the most “aesthetic” cultures together here sir.
I was using the buddhist hotspot city of Gandhara (marked roughly with the white X) as a point of reference for where to take design inspiration from.
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Since Parthia was too far north from Gandhara, it would have been less influenced by buddhism. A friend stepped in and helped narrow down prominent regions that Parthia was allied with, and they finally located the one that was closest to Gandhara (circled in white).
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The Sistan and Baluchistan region is populated by the Baloch people of Afghanistan + Pakistan, with clothes having a very distinct embroidery style. I referenced the basic silhouette of the clothes and jewelry from them but took some liberties with the embroidery itself.
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The pattern I made for the dress was made using a peepal/bodhi leaf as base. The bodhi tree is symbolic of Buddha’s enlightenment. You can also see the leaf’s shape in her necklace and headpiece as well.
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The other buddhist elements I used were how sculptors drew the lotus the buddha sits on with her slippers, and her earrings. To my knowledge, plain hoops are not a commonly used style, but I wanted to draw parallels to how the buddha’s ears are shaped in sculptures.
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Anahita’s influence is more apparent in my colour choices. This extract describes how she looks;
She is regularly depicted as a beautiful woman in a white gown embroidered with gold, wearing golden earrings with a gold necklace around her throat and a golden crown. She carries the barsom twigs of life in one hand (representing the bounty of the earth and, so, fertility) and drives a chariot drawn by four horses of wind, rain, cloud, and sleet.
Hence the gold jewelery and white base clothes. No this is not a Saraswati reference because the two goddesses are Not The Same.
Finally her henna, when I looked up barsom, I found this Zoroastrian ritual tool by the same name that holds the barsom/barsam/myrrh twigs. I referenced the crescent shape of the tool in Nahida’s henna, and looked at other henna designs in order to create it.
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localplaguenurse · 5 months
- Regina Sanguine
- Blood Queen, Mother of Arts, Lady of Mothers, Lady of Fertility, Lord of Families
- Wife to Rex Lapis (Lord of Geo, God of Contracts, Warrior God Of War)
- Two main factions of believers (Sanguineous Scholars and Sanguineous Practitioners)
- Sanguineous Scholars believe in Mother of Arts, Lady of Mothers and, Lord of Families (mainly operate in Liyue Harbour.)
- Sanguineous Practitioner believe in Blood Queen and Lady of Fertility + self titled them as “Goddess of Vengeance” (Cult, mainly operate in remote villages)
- Casual worships (acts of worship are only performed when in need of the service of that particular deity) : prayers and offerings for safe delivery, easy pregnancy, health of children, harmony in families, successful insemination, creativity (over coming creative block)
- Sanguineous Scholars mainly worships Rex Lapis (Archon of Liyue) but they also worships Regina Sanguine alongside him, as they believe in worshipping both the Mother and Father (Older doctrine states both Rex Lapis and Regina Sanguine are Gods Of Family as, it was believed harmony between the father and the mother lead to a harmonious family)
- Minor sectors of Sanguineous worshippers believe Rex Lapis and Regina Sanguine are Gods of Death. Rex Lapis to ferry the soul, Regina Sanguine to calm and reassure the body.
- Accounts of expecting mothers have said that Regina Sanguine appear to them in a cloud of gold smoke to assist them in birth, they claimed that they had felt no pain from the delivery and all children delivered by Regina Sanguine have a 0% mortality rate of either mother and child
I’ll think of more later rn it’s sleepy time for meeee (12:05 am… cries, my sleep schedule)
Also working title is Gospel / Book of Ichor
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Hehehehehehe, that’s our wifey right there uwu
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constellaris-a · 2 years
the gods / archons i have to offer are the following
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   zhongli / rex lapis -  retired geo archon, god of contracts, funeral consultant. more draconic influence.
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   yuxin / morax -   female vessel of the geo archon. fulfils very much the same role as male self.
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   tatiana / saleos -  cryo archon,  tsaritsa,  head of the fatui.  super doting and loving.  snow leopard influence.
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   mikhail / tsar -  male vessel of the cryo archon.  more cold and reserved.  grumpy cat that wants love.
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   murata -  pyro archon.  gives zero fucks and lives however she wants.  runs on pure emotion over logic.
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   al - haitham  / rukkhadevata -  reincarnation of former dendro archon.  this is kept a secret.
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   ephine -  goddess of love,  sex and fertility.  free spirit to the extreme.
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   jianyu -  geo god of victory.  tsundere bird.  huffy little sub.
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   skirk -  heart of the abyss.  childe’s mentor.  blunt as hell.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Ever since I kinfirmed Mond, I can NOT stop thinking about Liyue Harbor?? I wonder if it is here somewhere...
We loved each other, in the way cities can love. I'm not sure how we met exactly, but I blame our respective Archons <3
We spoke about them often, I think. They were our friends and protectors, but also often frustrating or amusing to watch- often both. Something of both a parent and a child and also a pet and a close friend and a hero/celebrity. It is difficult to explain in human terms, as most things with this kin are...
Mm. Liyue... It was... Regal, but also playful. It loved people, not just its people, but people. Their noise, their laughter, their frustration, their curiosity, their greed... It loved the smell of the sea air and sweat, and though it tried to be composed, it had so much energy and desire to connect, on a deep, personal level that as an ancient city, and as a capitol city no less, it rarely got to experience. That was part of why it had so many... children? Would that be an adequate way of describing it in human words?
Me, I was happy with my people staying closer to home. It is ironic, that the city of wind and freedom would be in many ways less adventurous than that of fertile soil, but in many ways we did not conform to the stereotypes of our respective elements. I was far more domestic, and content with what I had.
That being said, I believed in the skill of passionate individuals, whereas Liyue preferred teams of trained professionals. It preferred consistency, and it was the less dangerous approach, but hmm... It always felt to me like it was defeating the purpose of adventuring, a little bit. Where is the thrill? My meddling tended to be more personal than its~
Hmm... Not many knew we were sentient, and the smaller cities did not see us as equals. Which is understandable. Capitol cities tend to grow somewhat indistinguishable with the soul of the larger country, and that can be overwhelming or confusing for our constituents. But it is lonely for us, sometimes.
Our archons knew, however. Rex Lapis always left me offerings whenever he came by to visit, which was very kind of him~ Even if he was often frustrated with Barbatos (understandably so. my dear friend and archon was a fair bit of a hassle to deal with), he was always considerate of me.
I wonder what they thought of us...
-Mondstadt #🌆🌬️🎶
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seakicker · 2 years
okay but what about fertility archon childe and rapid/surprise pregnancy. . . he doesn't even need to physically breed you because just a snap of his fingers is enough to knock you up. but one day when he's masquerading as a human in some no-name travel and he sees you, he simply decides your gonna end up pregnant. the way your apron wraps around your waist and tummy keeps tempting him, giving him ideas how he could make it rounder, more pronounced under the fabric - and the liquor he drank makes him even more mischevious than usual. so he keeps stealing glances at you through the evening as a few ideas began stirring in his head. you're a little ditzy, he notices, because you don't immediately catch on how other patrons try flirting with you, making crude jokes when you approach them to make sure the food and drinks are to their liking. in his mind, he already claimed you when he first looked at you and your gorgeous body - the soft curve of your stomach, or the lovely shape of your hips and the low-cut shirt that slips down dangerously when you move around, busy serving clients and cleaning. but he keeps coming back how he could make you balloon right here, in the middle of a busy shift. everyones eyes would be on you, as you would swell with his children, confused and panicked. he could walk out, making everything your problem, simply leave you in the exact spot you're in right now, maybe moaning in both pain, fear amd arousal his powers ignite in you. or maybe he would offer you a helping hand as your body changed drastically in a span of few minutes, take you to one of the rooms that are avivable for guests. there, he could show you how to appreciate the boon of THE fertility archon.
take two lmao but the concept has me salivating thank you juju for the food 🙏🙏
- 🍀
🍀 YOUR BIG BRAIN STRIKES AGAIN!!!!! GODDDD this is so hot. sudden pregnancy blessed upon you by none other than the archon of fertility himself… truly a blessing indeed ❤️ i like to imagine that when he’s in a horny/mischievous/Evil mood, he just kinda walks down the street and snaps his fingers whenever he comes across a beauty who would look even more perfect with their belly round and big with new life. almost like he’s just…. infecting people or shooting them with a Pregnancy Beam LMAO. he’s just walking by them and boom, they’re pregnant! congratulations on the baby!
and oh, when he lays eyes on you, he’s convinced that there’s nobody on this planet who was made for breeding more than you. he can’t help but imagine what you’d look like with a belly so big and round that apron you’re currently wearing no longer fits you… you’ve just grown too nice and heavy with his babies to secure the ribbon around your waist.
and the sheer humiliation you’d feel in such a scenario shouldn’t be turning him on as much as it is… just think about it! this adorable little waitress swelling up so beautifully in front of everyone as they just watch would be a delicious sight for the archon… and watching you try to make sense of what’s happening will be even better. just a frantic, flustered mess clutching a nearby table for support since your legs don’t feel strong enough to properly carry the weight of your new, heavy belly. he’d just sip his coffee and watch smugly as your shirt rides further up and up your belly as it grows, your tits filling with milk nearly instantly and puffing up over the cups of your bra, cleavage filling out the low neckline of your shirt and straining against the fabric. he swears he can see a peek of your areolas, your bra nearly comically small now from the way your tits have grown nearly 3 cup sizes before his very eyes—and, oh, what’s that? are those stains on your shirt from where your heavy tits have begun to leak milk? how embarrassing!
now childe could get up and leave you alone to enjoy your new, heavily pregnant body all by yourself, relishing in the feeling of a round belly, wide hips, huge tits… love the idea of him sneaking a little mindbreak spell or something in with his instant pregnancies so the people he magically knocks up instantly fall into a breeding slut mindspace where they don’t care who’s staring, they’re just happy to be so nice and round. he could go right now and leave you to continue embarrassing yourself in front of everyone, or he could snatch you up and take you away to a hotel room to enjoy your body with you… who’s to say? both options seem plenty fun!
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thethirdgenesisbooks · 6 months
The archons are those creatures genetically engineered to act as servants, messengers, and warriors of the false gods. By those loyal to Empyrean, they are considered above humans but below the gods in the hierarchy. Each of the false gods has a High Archon or a Grand Archon who leads the others.
Most archons live in cities that float in the skies above Ymir. The cities are made to be beautiful, often made of marble and decorated with gold. Some also have gardens, parks, and even vast forests in their midst. From these cities, they enforce the will of the false gods, whom they believe to be truly divine.
While most archons look like humans with feathered wings, they have a variety of other appearances as well. The ookami are a type of archon that resemble wolves with gleaming white fur. Ursarths are archons that resemble bears that walk upright like men and have brass or golden colored fur. Houri resemble women with gazelle horns and bewitching eyes. Ryu have long, serpentine bodies and are covered in metallic scales. Apkallu often have the head and talons of a bird, in addition to the wings, on an otherwise human body. Chayot are the strangest looking archons of all, for they have the head of a lion, the horns of a ram, a human torso, wings like an eagle, and a lower body like that of a lion, with all four legs.
In addition, there are some types of archons who have more than just two wings. The seraphim, for example, have six wings with eyes on them. Fravashi only have two wings, but also have tail feathers. The muut, who are natural-born assassins and are also called “Archons of Death,” have four wings, usually with black feathers.
Rather than live birth, archons hatch from eggs. The eggs start out small, but as the infant archon within the egg grows, the eggs get bigger, and eventually hatch.
When Nebo created the archons, he knew that if he made them ageless and gave them the same fertility rate as humans, this would cause them to overpopulate Ymir within a few generations. So, he made it so that roughly one out of every one-hundred archons would be fertile.
Since a fertile archon is not always fit to raise their own children, archons do not have the same family structures as humans do. When an egg hatches, the child is placed in the care of what is called a “memitz,” which translates to “mentor” from the Archonic tongue. One memitz may raise up to ten children at a time, and each memitz is specifically trained to raise children and be a good teacher to them. Occasionally, two or three mentors will work together to raise a group of children, but usually they work alone.
All of this is true in the archon cities, where they are loyal to the false gods, but those archons who have joined Seth’s Rebellion are not bound by so many rules. In Prometheus City, the capital of the Rebellion, there are archons who do raise their own children. There have been several instances where an archon mother has realized she was with child, and rather than give up her egg to be raised by someone else, she has fled to join the Rebellion specifically so that she could raise the child herself. Sometimes, this happens for couples, with both the mother and father joining the Rebellion together for the sake of being a united family.
In fiendish societies, even archons who’ve joined the Rebellion are often mistrusted or even hated. This is largely because of the suffering that fiends have endured at archon hands. Even so, archons are a crucial part of the Rebellion.
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scara-meow-che · 3 years
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knock me up, buttercup!
☰⠀FEATURING⠀ⵓ⠀various male genshin characters x fem! reader
☰⠀DETAILS⠀ⵓ⠀NSFW HEADCANONS ະ tons of cum ະ breeding a whole lot of it.
☰⠀NOTES⠀ⵓ⠀apparently, anything related to breeding makes me go stupid so enjoy all these thirsty headcanons. also, this was based on 🐇 anon’s list of those who has breeding kink. aCK I LOVE YOU SO, SO MUCH <3
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++⠀this man has his own dragon form
++⠀dragon going into heat??? breeding, knotting, just completely knocking you up until he can practically see your cute lil' tummy have this cute lil' bump, so full of his potent seeds.
++⠀it wasn't as if it's his choice from the very start. he just goes into some cycles but you, being the obedient, sweet, and caring wifey, just have the heart to tell him "let me help you with your heat."
++⠀he won't stop until he knows he really got you pregnant.
++⠀multiple rounds, your man got the stamina needed in breeding into you. has your legs high up on your chest, his cock plowing so deep inside your cunt. his rough and fast pace never felt enough as after each round, he would increase his pace and strength in ramming in and out of you.
++⠀when he finally makes sure you are well-bred and really knocked up, he would tend to you no. he would use himself as your own plug to keep all his cum inside your sensitive and abused cunt, really making sure he gets what he wants and that is to have a kid inside of you.
++⠀cockwarming would often be the way you do aftercare and gentle forehead kisses and whispers of his love for you. he would calm you down, let you relax your sore legs, and massage your small back.
++⠀it was the price you pay for helping your hubby in his rut cycle, knowing full well that you'd limp for a whole week. but you can't ignore how full and warm you still are around his fat and long cock. it was satisfying enough to not hate him for being so rough with you.
++⠀this was all because of the endless family tradition of needing to continue the ragnvindr name.
++⠀as he was raised, he was often told to have a family of his own. to continue their legacy, the prosperous name of this family... young crepus had already implanted in his mind how he needs to have a family.
++⠀so when he finally meets you, the love of his life, he can't help but have these nasty thoughts of just fucking you so full of his cum.
++⠀he would always try to find a way to ease you in getting fucked raw, just your cunt squeezing so tightly around his thick shaft makes it harder for him to pull back when he hears you say "please, not inside."
++⠀he knows it's bad. archons, he shouldn't be tempted to just shoot all his seed in your fertile cunt, mind swirling in the images of you having a swollen belly, bearing his own little bundle of happiness.
++⠀but crepus was really good in coaxing you, whispering sweet words, and telling you how he would love to have a family with you. such words had easily swooned your heart and soon you can feel him pumping all his cum in one blow.
++⠀it was so thick, so warm around your walls. you loved the feeling of having him come inside you so you asked him to do it again.
++⠀who was he to ignore your request when he benefits just so the same?
++⠀fuck do i even need to explain for this guy?
++⠀legit a family man, no double takes, no caps.
++⠀ah, he keeps on remembering the day when he almost got thrown away by your sheer strength alone
++⠀childe loves the thrill of a fight and when you can stand on the same ground as him, he knew that he wants you so damn much.
++⠀the time he finally got your heart, he was brutally honest with his intentions. and you, being oddly attracted to such an idea, can't help but listen to childe himself.
++⠀such a dirty talker, easily making you fucking wet and loose around him. he'd make your pussy the perfect hole to breed into. he gets so hard just imagining you carrying his children so when he sheaths himself inside the snug hold of your sex, he almost came at how drunk he was to the thought of breeding into you.
++⠀puts you into the ol' mating press but the twist in here is that he would literally make you cum so damn much before he dives in and cums himself. when you reached your third orgasm is when he'd shoot his first load. he wouldn't take your "too much! 's too much!"
++⠀"shut up, i know full well that you can take it," he says before cumming the second time that night.
++⠀he would be patient, waiting for your news or he himself is the one to check on your period cycle.
++⠀and when he finds out that he wasn't able to knock you up, he would use one week to just fuck you full of his cum, shooting it deep inside of you.
++⠀he will never stop until he gets you pregnant.
++⠀this wasn't because of his father. in fact, the breeding thought came crashing on him when he creampied you during one night when he can't control himself.
++⠀he was embarrassed to even think of such thoughts!
++⠀he was plenty nervous, not knowing whether he'd be a good father when he accidentally gets you pregnant.
++⠀but when he saw you in one of those dresses, so sweet and caring towards him, his mind just flips and visualize how you'd look like as the mother of his own kid.
++⠀heck, he even noticed how good you looked when you were the one taking good care of klee one day as you teach the child to make origamis.
++⠀and all those thoughts accumulated this profane depravity until he can no longer hold back and fuck you so good one night.
++⠀he would shove you down the bed, press your legs open as he settles in between you. his hips would smack so roughly on the middle of your legs, his cock hits every right spot of your gummy walls.
++⠀he was like a bunny in heat, humping in fast and uncalculated thrusts in and out of your sloppy hole. he doesn't care about his own ideals when you looked so breedable in front of him.
++⠀and the fact that you take him so well without any complaints makes his heart constricts in such a satisfied manner, making him cum right then and there when your hoarse voice whispers his name.
++⠀only does it when he is in a very intimate relationship with you.
++⠀like no secrets left unscathed, he truly trusts you that much to even want to have a family.
++⠀he thinks he is undeserving of it, heart aching as he gets flashbacks of his past
++⠀but when you were the one who asked him to fuck a child in your needy little pussy
++⠀fuck, you should do that more often with him.
++⠀you would literally feel the difference from the way he rolls his hips, angling his curved cock just right on where he felt your walls tighten upon hitting the very spot.
++⠀pulls your legs up, not caring about how this position would sometimes hit him in the face at how crazily good he makes you feel. he grunts, his eye glinting so darkly at your whimpering and writhing state.
++⠀cums in loads, would put you in different positions, testing the fucking waters whether he can fuck you silly until you just limp like a ragdoll in his arms.
++⠀merciless as he lets himself loose in just pumping all his cum in your greedy pussy, slapping your clit when he felt you clamping so tight. he would feel your muscles relax for a bit before contracting once more from the post-dazed feeling of your nth orgasm.
++⠀he just goes crazy at the moment you said you wanted to have a family with him so he'd really make sure to let your wishes happen. anything for you.
++⠀this fucker... i can't even gggrrrrr
++⠀breeds into you out of possessiveness. there are no other reasons as to why he would abuse your cute little pussy. everything was for the sake of toning down the jealousy he felt when someone commented how breedable you are.
++⠀he hates kids, no caps. he doesn't want to have one but he needs to assert his dominance over you. you were his and his alone so expect to be bred and marked so good by scara.
++⠀his words were already filthy on a normal basis but when he is like this, he would make you feel how nasty it was to even want him to fuck you full of his cum.
++⠀cums in loads after loads, surprised he would even last a lot of rounds considering how much he doesn't dwell in this carnal desire to populate.
++⠀but there he was, emptying himself, balls deep inside of you, biting and nipping at your skin as if the purple and blue marks already adorning it from last night's intense session wasn't enough for him.
++⠀he doesn't stop in just one day of literally having your insides so full of his seed. he would make use of all the chances he gets to breed into you when others are in earshot. he would have the word spread that you are his alone. his to fuck. his to breed. his to claim.
++⠀fuck you scaramouche, please i just want you to fuck me already. smh.
++⠀our sweet baby legit wants to start a family with you.
++⠀he somehow finds himself missing his family. well, he did grow up where he was thought to continue the family name, whether it be on their lowest or not.
++⠀so when he meets you, he just automatically thought of how it'd be to start a cute lil' family with you.
++⠀to even see you bend down in half beneath him, just accepting every ounce of cum he shoots from his still hard and throbbing cock... kazuha had his head in the clouds, groaning after his second load paints your fluttering hole white.
++⠀he is always balls deep inside you. the position may always be the same (he just loves seeing you come undone because of him and only him), he makes sure to hit all the sensitive spots inside of you.
++⠀gives you tons of kisses as he pumps another round of his seed, praising you for being such a good girl.
++⠀he is a soft dome through and through. i don't make the rules.
++⠀baby doesn't even know it's a kink :(
++⠀he just found the way your belly would always look a bit bloated when he cums so much inside of you.
++⠀nights were always spent visualizing the same image of you laid down the bed, chest rising and falling to let air calm your burning body as your cunt drips out his cum but the slight little bump on your belly was just too good for xiao!
++⠀he would jerk off to it, feeling his cock ache so badly inside his pants. please help your poor baby out :(
++⠀and the time he finally gets to be with you again, he would do all the nasty things he had thought of as he was away.
++⠀he hates how much he is dwelling into indulging mortal frivolities but he wouldn't complain when he gets to see your belly swelling once more, eyes closed and your lips can only utter his name in such a lewd voice.
++⠀he will get addicted to it so make sure to let him know what he's getting into!
++⠀someone once mentioned to him the idea of breeding it was kaeya...
++⠀finds it interesting so he tries to learn more about as much as... he can.
++⠀he surely knows that there is one factor he can't accomplish upon conducting the act of breeding.
++⠀but he surely knows how much you love it when he uses the mere mention of the term as he pounds into you in his office.
++⠀clearly not the ideal spot to do it for the first time but albedo would have you laid restless as he constantly whispers how he would use all his cum just to make sure you'd bear his kid.
++⠀you know all too well but it felt so good having your legs spread open on the table, face pushed down the smooth surface as albedo take you from behind.
++⠀his body leans down to whisper the nastiest phrases he could think of, ranging from "it seems like your cunt is asking me to knock you up, isn't that right f/n?" to "you have to keep my cum deep inside you, okay? i will fuck you in the next hour and on the next until we will defy the law of nature. i will make sure you will carry my kids f/n."
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☰⠀TAGLIST⠀ⵓ⠀@lucifucker​  ະ @colourless-cora [ i can’t tag you :( ]
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chilumi-shipper · 3 years
So I read the lamb!girl reader and it was amazing omg, and I wanted to ask if you can do something similar with Albedo, zhongli and kazuha. Please ignore it if you can't! Thank you :D
Little Lamb (2)
Zhongli x Fem!Reader / Childe x Fem!Reader / Albedo x Fem!Reader / Kazuha x Fem!Reader / Thoma x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut, NSFW, Lambgirl!Reader, Dumb and Innocent Reader, Manipulation, Zhongli has Two Cocks, Virgin Reader, Size Kink.
Summary: Genshin men manipulates you into fucking them. Go check out the other boys (Diluc, Kaeya, and Xiao) on part one.
All your life, everyone has looked down on you as an inferior creature, a stupid lamb that was just lucky enough to inherited the blood of an Adeptus.
But Lord Morax had shown you kindness that nobody, not even your own parents, have ever given to you.
As you spend the rest of your eternal life as his lovely little wife pet, you accepted everything... It was such an honor.
An honor to let the renowned Geo Archon use you, your body, in whatever ways he wanted.
As both his cocks vigorously stretched out your small hole, your hands were in his, and you were whimpering, smiling up at him whilst he sends brutal snaps to your hole.
Both of his cocks, red in anger and hard as a rock, inside your pussy broke you apart. Reduced to nothing but a babbling lamb, ears all twitchy and fluffy even when you're fucked dumb.
His little sheep just looked so cute as he shapes your pussy to accommodate him and only him.
It does hurt to have both cocks stuffed inside your cunt, but Morax called you an angel when he shoved his cocks inside you.
You'd give anything to have his approval, he's your everything.
So you, as the bestest lamb wife in the whole world, should do what you can to make sure that your Master gets what he wants.
"M-Master Mowax... T-Thank you for choosing me..." You say, almost screaming as you felt his hand press down on the obvious bulge on your stomach from both his cocks.
He absolutely loved seeing just how small you are compared to him. Yet still being a good girl even when he destroys your pussy.
"Oh, Y/N. You're just my little slut, aren't you?"
"Yes, M-Master..."
If he wants to obliterate you with his gigantic cocks, you will let him with a genuine smile on your face.
You've been getting terrible nightmares lately...
Thankfully, Master Tartaglia is always so smart and helpful! He even said that he'd help you cure your bad dreams streak.
"I-Is it w-working?" You stuttered, eyes flickering in tiredness as his tongue pulled your fifth orgasm out of your cunt.
Childe placed a kiss on your pussy lips, raising his head up before frowning at you. "I don't know, baby..."
He squirmed back on top of you, his naked form looming over your own. He absolutely loved seeing those adorable eyes of yours just get watery as you think that his "cure" didn't manage to help you.
"I'll have bad dreams forever..." He shushed you, forcing the tip of his length between your pussy lips.
"Master won't ever let that happen, baby." He couldn't wait any longer, just shoved his entire cock in, molding your pussy with his size and breaking you apart.
You almost scream, were it not for his hand covering your mouth.
You felt so good, exactly like he thought you would. Squeezing his dick and letting him see those sinfully bouncy tits.
"I'll have to fuck those nightmares out of you, alright?"
"O-Okay, Master."
Oh no! Mr. Albedo is in big trouble!
You accidentally created an aphrodisiac that he drank, now he's gonna die if he doesn't have sex with a very willing lambgirl :(
You don't know how you even made the aphrodisiac, you're pretty sure you were just making some fertilizer for Sucrose's plants.
But then, when you came back, Albedo rushed to you and told you about what happened. Ohhh, you can't believe you just put your teacher's life at risk.
As a good assistant and lamb, it is your duty to help your superior.
"Ahhhh... mhhhhf..." Your toes curl from the pressure of his cock just not being able to fit into your virgin pussy. No matter how hard Albedo pushes it in, you would just scream that it couldn't fit.
"How are you gonna help me of you keep stopping me?" You whimpered, not being able to answer his question. It hurts when he forces it in your small hole.
"I don't know..."
Your toes curl as Albedo forces his tip inside.
"You're the one that did this, Y/N." He said, his cock inching further into your center.
Mewls emit from your mouth as you feel something enter you for the first time.
"You have to pay for your actions..."
As the wandering samurai told you his story, you almost teared up. You pity him, he had nowhere to go before the Crux accepted him, and nobody else to go to when he's alone.
It's so sad :(
Your ears were pressed on your head when you listened to him talking about his past, an obvious frown on your face.
"'Zuha... I'll always be here for you!"
Kazuha is the only one in the Crux besides Captain Beidou that isn't weirder out by your ears and tail or the fact that you can really be so dumb sometimes.
You'd do anything to make your friend happy.
"A-Are you enjoying this?" You asked, eyes slightly watering from the harsh wooden wall against your back.
Your thighs were in his bandaged hands, holding you up as he penetrates your pussy with his hardened cock.
As a loyal lamb to Kazuha, it is your job to make sure that he enjoys himself here in the Crux. So no matter what he does to you, you should always let him do whatever he wants.
He had such a hard time back then, you don't want your best friend feeling so alone.
You may not know what you're doing now but he seems to really like it :D
That must mean you're doing a good job!
"Uhhhg... Y/N." Kazuha hissed, hands gripping your thighs even harder when your walls clamped down on his dick.
His lips landed on yours, and in Inazuma, he said that it means that you're a really good friend! That's so sweet of him!
You've never been to Inazuma before, but maybe Kazuha and you can go there one day. That be supper great.
"Hey... Focus on me, please." You were snapped out of your thoughts when he pounds into you with a hard thrust.
You feel even more confused when you felt liquid flow inside you, like it was coating your insides.
"W-What happened?" You asked oh so innocently, not sure what he just did to your body.
"You just make me so happy, Y/N..." He answered, making you smile despite the slight ache when he moved his hips again.
It makes your heart swell that you're able to make him happy again.
"'Z-Zuha, I love you..." Your voice was so small and cute, saying something so adorably innocent as he dicks you down.
Ever since you were both kids in Mondstadt, he's always been your knight and shining armor. The other kids would always point at you, laugh at you for being weird and different.
Plus your sheep ears, despite them looking just so cute and fluffy, you always think that it has been a curse.
But Thoma made you feel so special, when you met him, he was mesmerized by you. Since then, you've been inseparable!
The heavy looks on you got even worse when he had invited you to Inazuma to visit his father. You both got stuck there and now, you both work for the Kamisato Clan.
Well... Thoma works for the Kamisato Clan, you work for him.
And he's the nicest boss in the entire world!
Thoma even managed to make your job very fun! Like a sneaky spy project that ninjas in the clan do.
On the outside, you would just be his little helper, but on the inside, you're going to be his adorable "cum dump".
Ooh, but don't tell anyone, it's a secret...
You don't know exactly what an adorable "cum dump" does, but Thoma said that it's really important and you mustn't tell anyone.
You bet your fluffy ears you're not gonna be a bad lamb and ruin the job!
Sneaky spy project number one: make him "cum" inside your pussy, whatever that means.
Of course, a job is never easy, that's what you think as you were hovering on top of his naked body, only being able to fit the head of his cock inside your virgin hole.
"Ohhhh, h-how am I supposed to do this again?" You looked back down on Thoma's face for guidance, both your hands in his as you try to widen your hole to accommodate him.
The blond chuckled, hips slightly pushing up to inch into you further, making you groan. "Just put it in, and bounce up and down..." His hands left your own, before landing on your hips and slowly guiding you down.
"B-But it hurts..." You whimpered, feeling the ache of your walls being spread apart for the first time.
"Do you really wanna fail on your first project?" You shook your head, ears pressing against your head in determination.
You're not a weak little lamb, maybe you're a bit stupid, but you will pass your first job ever.
With courage, you plunged down on his entire length, impaling yourself on his hardened cock. Hissing a bit, you managed to finally put all of him inside.
"Y-Yaay, I did it!" You cheered for yourself, smiling so happily before looking down, a very obvious bulge on your tummy from his cock.
Thoma had chuckled once again, enjoying the proud look on your face.
"There's more to it, Y/N..."
Also Requested by: @guoguo-ba
I had to really brain storm to think of ways on how these characters may manipulate you into fucking them (special thanks to my buddy @daddy-diluc for helping me), but I really had fun writing this, I love writing about bimbo reader!
Hope you guys like this, and thank you for requesting! (~ ̄³ ̄)~
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pochipop · 2 years
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#. synopsis! — at birth, you were smuggled away from your small village at the dying request of your mother. thought to be a bad omen, a sign of divine retribution, you were cast from your birthplace in liyue and placed inside the cart of an unsuspecting merchant just passing through. you were raised by the people of mondstadt, —by the winds of freedom and the overlooking anemo archon. your life has been pleasant, despite its rough beginning. . . yet a single truth remains unchanging: you're cursed. a quarter of your dna is sullied by that of a snake's. your left canine is replaced by a sharp fang that secretes venom at will, while the other remains dry and human. scales line the length of your stomach, and you're sensitive to smell and taste, leaving you with minimal diet options. the worst part of it, however, is that there are only two ways to break the curse. you'll either have to kill the one who placed it on you or reach a soothing state of emotional bliss powerful enough to break away from its chains. lisa once advised you that true love might do the trick. . . convinced that your self-described flaws leave the second option unattainable, you set sail with kazuha and beidou on the crux in search of anyone who can help lead you to answers. a year passes before you realize it. little do you know, you're much closer to closure than you ever could have recognized .
#. characters! — kazuha .
#. warnings! — angst, depictions of abuse, misogynistic themes .
#. word count! — 8.2k .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @yyolkchi (reblog/spam) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
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A young woman stands below a rumbling sky, her frail arms curled protectively around her swollen belly. The baby in her womb will never know a mother’s gaze. . . Pain is sure to befall the forsaken child of a village outsider. She steels herself for the worst when a rough hand grasps at her shoulder. Tears glaze her eyes as droplets of rain begin to fall from the clouds. The sky seems to be crying for her, mourning the joy she once held so close.
“How could you do this?” Her father demands.
She’s heard this far too many times now. She knows, she knows, she knows, and she’ll know on her deathbed in time.
“A child conceived out of wedlock is shameful enough,” he says, “but a child fertilized by an outsider? How twisted. How sinful.”
The young woman wants to scoff at his condemnation. He of all people should not be looking down on anyone at all. He has no shame in feeding his own flesh and blood to the wolves. He has no shame in dooming his own grandchild to a life of suffering. And yet, she ponders, he has the will, even now, to believe that he’s above her. In spite of it all, she says nothing, lest the punishment be worse than death itself. Her father is a cruel man, hiding behind a mask, —a facade. The people of his village may think him to be good and righteous, but his path is stained with the blood of many, including that of his very own family.
He cares not for the will or wellness of others. He seeks control and power. As long as both are to be afforded to him, he will sell his only child up the river and throw her baby to the monsters that lurk in the forest without batting an eye. He proved as much when he sealed his fate, offering his allegiance to wicked, powerful spirits for the hefty price of his soul.
“The both of you will pay with your lives for what you’ve done,” her father says, grip tightening on her shoulder.
It hurts, and he can tell as much by the grimace on his daughter’s face. She takes what she can in stride, but his nails pinch at her skin and his hold whispers the same sickly tune as the sword sheathed at his hip.
The end is near.
She knows it so well that she can feel it in the very marrow of her bones, and when the baby inside her kicks, she fears her child has come to realize it as well. Her end will be her child's beginning, —but she knows nothing good will come of the life inside her that she's carefully nourished for months on end.
"Your child will live like a snake in the grass for your sins."
And so it was.
She gave birth that very night to a child sullied by the touch of a serpent. Along the torso, the baby was left with ghosting scales lining from lower chest to lower stomach. All those present were horrified, —and her father said it was divine punishment for fornicating with someone outside of the village. His blood ties with evil spirits beg to differ. His daughter lay devastated, body aching from the ordeal. Any hope she'd secretly held for survival was snuffed away. . . Every limb was limp, all her strength sedated, each blink of her eyes bringing her closer to eternal darkness.
A young man just a few years her senior held her baby close to his chest. His lips ghost the back of her hand, —and when he steps out into the storm with her child in his arms, he knows he may never return.
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You're here again, —wherever here is. Your body feels heavy, like it's made of pure lead, and you struggle to breathe as your mind reels from this complete and utter lack of control. There's a very distinct scent in the air, and somehow you know it all too well, like the back of your hand, and yet you can't ever seem to place it. Somewhere off in the distance, thunder resounds from the heavens. It's so loud that you can't help but wonder if some egotistical God is flexing power for the sake of it, just to watch regular people fall to their knees and beg for mercy. You steel yourself for the chills, and moments later, they creep up your arms and down your spine like little spiders, spindly legs making your body hair stand on end.
"How could you?" A man's gruff, enraged voice demands.
It's so loud that it makes your ears ring, but in the same breath, it sounds so far away. It always happens like this.
"How could you?" The man repeats, louder this time; meaner and angrier. "How could you do this?"
You can feel yourself bristle with every word he speaks. No matter how many times you've heard this same scene play out, it never gets easier. Each time it feels existential; like it'll never end, like you'll never forget the sound of his voice. Upon your wake it's always gritty, a long-lost memory that doesn't even seem to be your own. But right now, in the midst of it all, you wish you could drown yourself in the rainfall.
"I'm sorry," a woman says.
She sounds like she's been crying. Her words are laced with desperation, —yet there's a hollowness to them that haunts you. Her voice almost sounds like it's coming from inside you, like she's found refuge in the cavern of your chest or the pit of your stomach. You want to reach for her somehow, but your body still won't move. Something heavy is holding you in place, and try as you might, your eyes won't open. Or, if they are open already, the dark void around you would never let you know it.
"You bring shame upon this village!"
The man's condemnation is louder than even the thunder that seems to howl in disapproval.
"Please," she begs, choking on a sob, "please father! Have mercy!"
A stomach churning sound cracks through the black air. The girl weeps. Your heart splinters at the mere idea of what's happening beyond the boundary that seems to exist between your plane of consciousness and the place this scene is happening in. Selfishly, you're glad you don't have to bear direct witness to it.
"I am not your father!" The man grits through his teeth.
You feel a calloused hand grab at your face, four fingers on one cheek and a thumb on the other. It pulls on your head, straining the column of your neck. A plea for your life bubbles up, but your lips stay sealed as if you've forgotten how to spread them apart.
"You filthy wretch."
The hand slips down, now gripping at your throat. It squeezes with malice, but you still can't move, —can't scream for help or even attempt to fight back. You're powerless. Your air supply is ruined, running lower by the second, and try as you might you cannot will your mouth to move.
"Y/n," a voice calls from the depths of the darkness.
It's male, —but it's a different person. This one is soft and delicate, like a guardian angel. You know it from somewhere.
"Y/n," it repeats as the hand on your throat squeezes tighter, threatening to force the head off your body.
In contrast, another hand grips at your shoulder, shaking you gently. It seems to be willing you in an opposite direction, sinking you into the darkness and away from your assailant. Your body begins to tingle, as if it had been numb the whole time and you simply had to wait it out, —wait for your muscles to remember their jobs again.
Your eyes open and your body shoots forward. Anxiety pulses through every vein like a lightning; setting your insides ablaze. The pant to your breathing tapers off after a moment or two, and you force yourself to glance around.
This is a room on the bottom deck of the Crux, —the room you share with Kazuha. It's tight and cramped, but it serves its purpose well enough. A shaky breath slips between your now-parted lips. You curl your fingers just to make sure the option's there.
"That same nightmare again?" Kazuha asks, —but he doesn't seem irritated or annoyed.
He never does.
Maybe he's too caring for his own good, but he's never complained about you. In fact, it's rare to hear him complain at all. He's a young man of many words, but seldom are they negative. Instead, he prefers to offer prose to the most mundane things; wearing his rose-colored heart on his sleeves as they ripple in the wind.
Unable to find your voice, you nod in confirmation. You swallow the sob that creeps up your throat.
"You're safe," he assures you, moving a few strands of hair out of your eyes. "There's no reason to be afraid now. The seas are still, the sky is clear, and I won't let anyone hurt you."
You don't realize you're crying until he swipes a gentle thumb below each of your eyes, doing away with the teardrops you've shed.
"I bit my lip," you murmur, nearly gagging on the metallic taste of blood that finally begins to register on your tongue.
It's overwhelming.
This has happened so many times before, but it never gets easier. It always hurts the same.
Kazuha shuffles to the other side of the room, rummaging through a collection of his things. He pulls a small, brown baggy from the pile, fiddles with the string until it loosens, then pulls the little sack open and removes a cloth from inside. He returns to you, pulling the material away to reveal a handful of bright red petals. You're not certain what plant they're from.
"Thoma gave these to me," he explains in a soft voice, "they have medicinal properties. Many people in Inazuma and Liyue use them to numb the pain of wounds."
You let him pull your lip down. The closeness feels intimate, —but there's always been an unmistakable wall between yourself and Kazuha. Maybe it's all in your head, but you can't shake it. You can't shake the foundation of your relationship. You wouldn't dare.
He avoids the single fang that hangs in your mouth with ease, placing one of the petals against the wound. You wince at the initial contact, but within a handful of seconds, you feel the pain lessen and lessen until it tempers off to a distant sting.
"Do you. . . Want to talk about it?" Kazuha asks gently, leaving all the room in the world for you to turn his request away.
He just wants you to know that the option is there if you'd like to take him up on it. It's always there.
You reach up, and he takes the hint, removing his own hand so you can hold the petal there yourself.
"I'm sorry for waking you up," you apologize, averting your gaze somewhere else, —but nowhere in particular.
"That's not quite what I meant," he jokes, giving you a sympathetic smile.
"I know," you reply, "but I am. I just wanted to make sure you knew."
"You don't have to be sorry," he answers, hand pulling toward your own.
He stops himself just before his digits ghost against your skin, fingers curling back like he'd been burned by something unseen. Kazuha takes his hand away.
"I know," you repeat, biting back a smile as to not agitate the wound on your lip. "You always say that."
"And you always apologize," he counters playfully.
And he always does this, sending your heart into a whirlwind of emotion. As long as you're cursed, you know this gap will always exist. . . As long as this fang sits in your mouth, slitting through your lips and tongue, there will be distance between the two of you that affection can't seal. As long as you can taste his essence from the scent of dandelions and spring winds, cracks will always remain that desire can't repair. As long as these scales thread along your body, —these open wounds will never truly heal, and old scars will never be left to rest.
There will never be a well enough to leave alone.
"I just wish everything were different sometimes," you admit.
"I don't want to be selfish, but sometimes, I get lost thinking about what everything feels like to everyone else. People who are normal."
"That's not selfish," Kazuha replies. "I think everyone wonders what the world is like through the eyes of others."
"I don't want to scare people anymore," you say, voice catching in your throat. "And I'm tired of hurting myself. I'm sick of having nightmares and turning down food because it'll overload all my senses. I want to eat whatever Xiangling makes us when we dock in Liyue Harbor. I just want to be like everyone else, and I don't want to have to kill anyone else to do it," you ramble, pressing down on the petal far too hard.
Kazuha reaches up, grasping at your fingers. You pause, embarrassed by your sudden expression of frustration. He guides you to a softer touch.
"Let yourself feel," he says softly. "Your body isn't meant to house all your emotions until it bursts. Send some of these feelings off with the tide when they wear you down; send the others up to the stars and hope for a granted wish. Lay them on me, let me shoulder some of it for you when it gets heavy. But don't let them choke you."
You swallow, gaze falling to your hands.
"You've got a busy day ahead of you," he mumbles, "and the sun won't rise for another hour or two. You should get some more sleep. Lay back and I'll tell you a story."
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"How's the meal?" Xiangling smiles, her eyes squinting into little crescent shapes. "I did my best to make the flavors a bit more subtle so everyone could enjoy it! I know I'm a bit heavy handed though, so I hope I went easy enough for you especially, y/n."
You return her smile, feeling grateful for her efforts. Oftentimes, you joke that the worst part about your curse is your lack of ability to enjoy most foods, —but this is absolutely divine. It's tempered enough to not upset your extremely delicate senses of smell and taste, but not subtle enough to be flavorless. You can taste the layers from the broth, to the veggies, to the small bits of perfectly cooked protein thrown in here and there. Everyone at the table seems to be enjoying themselves, and you're thankful that you haven't ruined this meal for anyone else. 
"It's delicious! Thank you again, Xiangling!" You tell her, and she lights up like Yoimiya's fireworks bursting through the night sky in Inazuma.
This was really needed after the rough start to your morning. 
"It's great," Beidou nods in agreement, "probably the best food any of us have had since we last saw you."
Though the Captain laughs, it's painfully true. You're used to eating the same foods by now, but even you've grown tired of grilled fish. . .
"The flavor is soft, but in a balanced way," Kazuha notes, "—I'd like another bowl, if it's not too much trouble."
"No trouble at all!" Xiangling jumps a bit as your friend requests seconds of her cooking. "I'm so glad you like it enough to ask for more! That means I'm doing something right!"
Beidou chuckles, lifting her own bowl up as well, saying: "I could go for some more! How about you guys?"
The entire crew shouts out in agreement, and you giggle to yourself. They may not be "proper" by the standards of many, but they're like family to you. After all the time you've spent voyaging with them, it's impossible to think of them as anything less. It's been over a year now since Beidou welcomed you aboard her ship, accepting you as a member of her crew. To this day, you can still recall the way the tension melted like ice under harsh summer rays the moment Beidou stifled their worries with her assurance that you were to be trusted. They took her word like starving peasants to a free meal, —with joy and very little hesitation.
When they caught wind of your differences, they accepted you. . . Their questions never felt mocking or degrading, simply curious and asked with interest, never with malice. The adjustment to the open seas was hardly an easy one to make, and you'd often yearn for Mondstadt, the place where your heart ran free amongst cobble streets and laughter. But it was a choice you made for yourself, the very first of its kind to turn your life around so drastically, and you haven’t looked back since. You return home to visit every now and again, always greeted warmly by those that raised you as their own, but they know why you ventured off and why you cannot return until your heart has settled.
Though Mondstadt is where your roots are sewn to the earth, you were born in Liyue, according to the man you've always seen as your father. A gentle and caring soul, William was a traveling merchant who ventured out to Liyue many years ago expecting to return with vegetables from a small, obsolete village far removed from the major city and harbor. Instead, he got much more than he bargained for, and somewhere along the line, you wound up in the back of his wagon. The rest is history by now, you suppose.
He raised you as his own, helped you through the trying times you had growing up, especially as someone cursed with the DNA of a snake. William did all he could for you, no matter the cost, and never left you in the dark. He was there to soothe the ache of your wounds when your fang would puncture something it wasn't supposed to. He was there to try a million different recipes, searching for ones that wouldn't overwhelm you. He was there to tell you that it was okay to be different, —that it wasn't your choice to be born like this, and even if it were, you'd still be worthy of respect.
"How about you, y/n? Would you like some more?" Xiangling asks.
"No," you shake your head, "I'm full, but thank you! I really appreciate everything you've done for my friends and I."
"Don't mention it!" The vibrant girl replies.
You sit with the crew for the rest of brunch, laughing at the silly jokes they make, adding comments when the timing feels right. When everyone has had their fill, you venture off, agreeing to meet up with everyone else by sundown when the Crux will set sail again.
"Mind if I join you?" Kazuha asks, a soft smile playing on his lips.
"I don't mind at all," you answer, "in fact. . . I'm glad, actually. I don't like to be alone in Liyue. The people here are lovely, don't get me wrong, but. . ."
"I understand," Kazuha says, "don't worry."
You relax. He's a calm person by nature, and it's soothing. It has been ever since the first day you met him.
"Actually, the reason I asked to tag along with you was to ask how you're doing now that we've found a solid clue," he explains. "I can only imagine that such strong feelings must be overwhelming to a degree. If you'd like, I'll hear any of your worries."
Your heart sings. He does this every time, —sweeping in like some sort of fairytale prince. And the worst part of it all is that you've fallen for him, as cliche as you know it to be.
"It does feel. . . Strange," you acknowledge, seeing no reason to lie. "I mean, I lived so much of my life being so unaware of everything, and sometimes, I wish I could be that person again, you know? I was happy then, and I didn't feel it was necessary to know where I really came from. I've lived with my curse since birth as well, so it's not like I think about it every second of every day. It's normal to me." 
You glance over at Kazuha to find him listening intently, just as he always does.
"I miss the feeling of being indifferent to it all sometimes. Of course, I'd like to be rid of it, —but if what Lisa said is true, the only way to do that is to kill the person who put the curse on me, and I don't know if I'd ever be able to do that."
"Wasn't there another option?" Kazuha quips.
"Technically," you acknowledge, "but she also said love might be the only way to reach that kind of emotional serenity, and I. . . Doubt that I’m cut out for that.”
Then again, Lisa is the hopeless romantic type.
"Who knows," Kazuha says, "the closer you get to closure, you might feel differently."
"Maybe," you shrug, "if this actually goes anywhere noteworthy."
Having reached the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, you part ways with your dear friend who sets off to purchase a few items from Bubu Pharmacy to keep on hand aboard the Crux while you chat with someone very important. If anyone will know anything about strange rumors in Liyue, it's likely to be him.
"Hi, Mr Zhongli," you greet him politely, "—thank you for taking the time to meet with me."
The laugh that follows is deep and dismissive in a way that soothes your nerves. He may be an intimidating presence, someone who commands respect with his aura, but Zhongli is kind and helpful above all else.
"It's nice to see you again," he smiles warmly. "When you mentioned you were from Mondstadt that last time we met, I assumed it would be quite a while before you ventured back to Liyue."
"Ah, well, Mondstadt will always feel like home, but for now, I'm still traveling with Beidou and her crew. I join them in whatever journeys they take," you explain.
"Still searching for someone, I presume?" Zhongli inquires.
You nod.
"That's why I'm here, actually," you seize the opportunity to transition into your main topic, "recently, a crew member heard some kids talking about a man that supposedly lives somewhere in Liyue. He made his way to the harbor with a high fever, muttering something about a serpent child years ago. . ."
"And you think he may have been talking about you?" Zhongli asks.
Your face falls for a moment, but you can't say you're surprised. He's known for his intelligence around here, as well as his connections, so it's no wonder he caught on, and even more so, that he caught sight of your fang somewhere along the line. Not that you go out of your way to hide it by any means, either.
"What clued you in?" You question out of nothing more than plain curiosity.
"I noticed you had peculiar dietary restrictions last we met," he explains, "and now that we're speaking and sitting so closely, I can see one of your teeth seems to be a bit. . . Unusual, for a human."
He chooses his words carefully. You offer him a coy smile to let him know he hasn't upset you with his observation.
"As for your request, I do believe I can be of some help," he notes. "A man I've done business with on several occasions has always had strange rumors surrounding him. Though I find idle gossip a tedious endeavor, it was impossible not to hear slivers of chatter from time to time. That being said, I think the man you're searching for is Tao, —a retired ore expert who still does odd jobs for those that seek him out."
"Tao," you repeat, "do you know where I can find him?"
"He and his wife still reside in Liyue. Give me just a moment to fetch some paper and I'll write directions down for you," Zhongli says.
"Thank you!" You say, excitement seeping into your words.
As promised, Zhongli writes exact directions down for you, and you set off with Kazuha at your side, barely able to suppress your anticipation. He loves seeing you like this, he really does, but on the off chance this man knows nothing and the rumors are simply skewed versions of reality, he knows the fallout won't be pretty. Still, he can't bring himself to ask you to weigh your expectations appropriately. The fact that he can see right through you would likely be embarrassing enough.
"According to Zhongli, it should be just up here," Kazuha says.
You nod. With a shaky hand, you knock on the door of a quaint little house. When it opens, you're met with a beautiful woman who gives you a gentle smile that soothes your anxieties. Kazuha stands at your side.
"Hello," she greets, "what can I do for you?"
"Um, I'm sorry to bother you without notice, but does Tao live here?" You inquire.
Before she can reply, a man steps into view. He looks kind at first glance, though a scar runs from his temple to his lower cheek on the left side of his face.
"That'd be me," he says, "how can I—"
He pauses, eyes widening when he gets a good look at your face. It seems that he knows you, recognizes you as a long lost friend, despite having never made your acquaintance.
"Daddy?" A small voice says.
A little girl, no more than eight, grabs at the leg of his pants.
"Who are they?"
Tao blinks, seemingly snapping himself out of his daze.
"Just some friends, sweetheart," he tells her, "why don't you go help mommy prepare some tea for our guests, okay?"
The girl nods quickly, swapping the cloth of her father's pants for the bottom of her mother's casual dress. When they've slipped out of sight, Tao turns to you once more.
"You look so much like your mother," he tells you as tears gather in his eyes.
"You can tell who I am?" You question.
"I'd know you anywhere," he says, "I held you when you were first born."
Kazuha thinks he should hold your hand, offer you some emotional support as all of this washes over you. He stops himself just short of your fingers, thinking he hasn't the right to do so.
"Please, come inside," Tao ushers the both of you in, "make yourselves at home."
You sit with him at a table in the kitchen as his wife and daughter prepare tea on the opposite side. With pleasantries out of the way, you tell him your name, given to you by the only man you've ever known to be your father. It likely isn’t by blood, but he cared for you in your youth in a way no other man did, and he always returned to Mondstadt for you.
"Your father's name," Tao says, "what is it?"
"William," you reply, "he's a—"
"Traveling merchant," Tao finishes for you with a gentle smile on his face.
"You've met him?" Your eyes widen.
"I haven't seen him in many years by now, but he was always a kind young man. Never sought to scam anyone out of their Mora, —always honest with his business, even in hard times," he replies.
Kazuha stands up from the table, approaching Tao's wife. He asks her to dilute his cup of tea with water when she pours it, to which she nods and seems to be happy to oblige.
"He's still as honest as ever, especially when it comes to Mora," you say. "He knows what it's like to go without, but he made sure I never did. Even when he had to leave for a while, he never left me empty handed. I've lived happily, despite the. . ." You trail off.
How much did he know, exactly?
Tao nods like he understands where you were going with everything.
You clear your throat.
"If you don't mind me asking, could you. . . Tell me about myself? Whatever you know, it would mean the world to me," you request.
He couldn't possibly say no.
. . .
The storm rages on outside a filthy little hut that looks as if it could be torn apart in the wind. Tao kneels next to a weakened woman, her newborn held close to his chest as she struggles to breathe. The birth has taken a massive toll on her already ailing body, —and he knew it was only a matter of time before she passed on. She was a few years his junior, and he'd grown up with her. His feelings for her were hidden deep inside, and there they would stay. In the wake of her pregnancy, her father, the village leader, had not taken kindly to the news. Though Tao was privy only to the knowledge he could see on her skin, the bruises, welts, and scabbed over cuts, he knew more than enough to be disgusted. He pulls his gaze away from marks on her neck that clearly take the shape of fingers.
To be pregnant with a child out of wedlock was one thing, and in the eyes of the village leader, it was sinful enough on its own. But for said child to be the offspring of a village outsider was wholly detestable in his eyes, and his daughter would not fail to suffer the consequences of her actions if he had any say in the matter.
And he always did.
"Tao," she whispers to him, —voice strained and soft.
Her head is swimming, body aching, mind somewhere far away already. She knows her fate, has long since accepted it, and has but one wish left to beg for.
"Take my baby away," she pleads, eyelids drooping even as tears slide down her temples to seep into her hair.
Tao knows that if he does, he must leave now. There will be no time to do so later. Her father will return shortly, and if he is to get his hands on the child, the end will not be met without bloodshed.
"Please," she reaches out with her last shreds of strength, "please. . . Make sure my baby is safe."
A choice has to be made. He wants to save the both of them, —take them somewhere far away and meet their every wish and whim. She may not be in love with him, but his heart beats for her either way. His heart beats for the baby in his arms that he did not father, though he wishes he did.
He takes her hand in his, swallowing the sobs that threaten to erupt from deep inside his caving chest. The world as he's always known it is shattering to bits before his very eyes, and there's nothing he can do to stop it. When she goes limp, he sheds no more than a tear or two. The time for crying has long since passed. Now is the time for action.
He places a kiss on the back of her hand, but vows to take his feelings to the grave. When he stands, the weight of the world seems to shove at his shoulders, as if daring him to lie down beside her and die.
But he can't. Not when she used her dying breath to beg for the life of her newborn child.
The villagers are in a panic. Word of the baby born with serpent scales has spread like wildfire, even in this treacherous weather. They fear divine retribution. This is the first of many bad omens, they say. Tao sneaks himself into the surrounding forest, the cursed child pressed to his chest. There are no whines, no cries, no noises at all, but the child is undoubtedly alive. Alive and beautiful, resembling the mother to a T.
Tao travels through the trees until he catches sight of a familiar covered wagon. He knows the young man that travels in it, —not well, but enough to think him a good person. Desperation claws at Tao's chest, pulling him in a million different directions. He can't return to the village he's called home for as long as he's been alive. He'll surely be killed at worst, or outcasted officially and left in the same position he's in now at best.
Getting to Liyue will be a treacherous journey, and two grown men won't fit in the wagon. In the end, Tao does what he must. He places the forsaken baby, born of so-called sin and cursed with the scales of a serpent, into the back of the stationary wagon. The young merchant, William, Tao believes his name to be, sleeps soundly in the front, resting as he waits the storm out. 
"Please," he whispers to the strangely silent baby, "be safe."
Tao then moves onward, seeking Liyue out by foot. The rain has soaked him through and through, but he moves onward, no matter the cost. By the time he manages to get there some three odd nights later, running on empty with a high fever burning his body up, all his mumblings about a serpent child and a poor young woman's corpse are chalked up to the sickness driving him a bit mad. The rumors plague him in Liyue Harbor, but he stays there despite it all. . . Work is available, and it leaves him with the opportunity to make something of himself in the world outside the village. 
The covered wagon sets off when the rain subsides.
It's Mondstadt bound.
. . .
Kazuha swaps the teacups you're each given. You don't notice, —too enthralled by Tao's retelling to care. His wife doesn't seem shocked by the admissions, leaving you to believe she already knew of his past and had been willing to accept him not in spite of it, but as a part of him.
"You. . . You were the one who left me in the wagon?"
He looks almost ashamed as his gaze draws downward. Tao nods solemnly.
"If things had been different, I'd have raised you as my own," he clarifies, "but back then, I. . ."
"No," you shake your head, "it's okay. I'm glad you chose to do for yourself as well, and I'm glad you've gone on to live happily. My life has been peaceful, I'm proud to hail from Mondstadt, and I. . . I'm proud to be my mother's child, even if I never had the chance to meet her."
"When you were born, the timing was wrong. I didn't really know how to take care of myself, nonetheless a baby, and with your condition I didn't really know how to help. You had. . . Scales on your body, and you were so quiet that it scared me half to death," Tao admits.
"I still have the scales," you quip, attempting to make light of it.
But Kazuha notices that sad edge to your voice. He knows you wish they were gone, and if he could take them away, he would. Not because he thinks you’d be any more or less worthy of his affections without them, but because he knows the heartache they’ve caused for you. He can't help but think he isn't quite capable of that, though. Not now, maybe not ever. 
"Definitely not as quiet anymore, though."
Tao gives you a small laugh. He's little more than a stranger to you, but it feels like you've known him for a lifetime. Just speaking with him has opened up new doors for you, —has given you information about your past that you once thought to be long since lost to time.
"I'm glad," he says. "I've thought a lot about what I would say to you if I ever saw you again. I just never expected it to actually happen."
You smile.
"About the leader of the village, —my mother's father," you begin, unable to call that man your grandfather, "do you. . . Know if he's still alive? If there's any way I could find him?"
You can't kill him, and a part of you already knows that. Even if he did leave your mother to perish, even if he put this terrible curse on you. . . It's hard to imagine yourself taking the life of another living, breathing person. Still, you'd like to meet him, if only to show him that the forsaken child he was ready to throw to the wolves became someone so much more impressive than he ever could have dreamed.
"I'm afraid I can't say," Tao replies.
"That night was the last time I ever saw him, or anyone else from the village, for that matter. I haven't heard anything about them, but I do know the homes there have long since crumbled. Sometimes adventurers take shelter in whatever's left of it all, but that's about as much use as anyone can get from it."
"Nothing was left behind?" Kazuha asks. "No journals, letters, belongings?"
"Not that I know of," Tao answers, "and certainly nothing that could point anyone in the direction of their whereabouts."
"We could still go, if you'd like," Kazuha says to you.
"That's alright. I don't think I'd want to see whatever's left," you answer.
He nods, keen on respecting your wishes. This journey is about you, after all.
The conversation goes on for hours, never lolling. You and Kazuha share stories of being out on the open seas, and when Tao learns he's from Inazuma, he asks many questions out of sheer curiosity. You learn about the life of the man who saved you, and he learns about yours. It's edging on late evening by the time Kazuha notes that you should be returning soon, as the Crux will be departing after sunset.
Tao hugs you goodbye, and it feels comforting in the same way your father's hugs have always been. He asks that you visit him again sometime soon, —and his wife promises to do her best to accommodate your sensitive senses so you can have dinner with them in the future. His daughter waves goodbye to the both of you, but hugs Kazuha's side before scampering back to her mom.
"I think someone likes you," you giggle, nudging his arm.
A blush tints his cheeks.
"Ah, you think so?" He replies.
I know so, you think to yourself. And that makes two of us.
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You slept on it; turned all of it over in your head, —processed the good, the bad, and the ugly. That night, you weren't plagued by the same nightmare. Your mind was at ease. Kazuha was happy to see it, happy to feel the way your longing had all but tapered off into nothingness.
With nowhere else to turn, you accepted everything for what it has always been. Nothing will bring your mother back. There's very little chance you'll ever stumble across her father, —so whatever anger dwells within you against him, you do as Kazuha suggested and you let the tide take it out to sea, swallowing it whole. Maybe you'll never be like everyone else. . . Maybe these scales will always dwell on your body, maybe you'll forever be stuck biting little puncture wounds into your mouth every now and again. Maybe you'll never know what it's like to dine and drink as everyone else does.
And that sucks, —but it's nothing you can't handle. You've done it your whole life, after all.
Above all else, you have family and friends, people that love and care for you. Your father, biological or not, will still be there to greet you when you return home. The citizens of Mondstadt will welcome you with open arms, just as they always do. Cursed or not, you have Beidou and her crew who would seemingly go to the ends of Teyvat for you, just as you would for them. You have Kazuha, who never misses a beat in loving you, no matter the kind of love it is. Maybe one day you'll gather up the courage to tell him you've fallen for him, —and if you're lucky, he just might reciprocate. But if things simply stay as they are for now, that will be just fine.
You're alone in Liyue, and for the first time, it doesn't feel quite so scary. The air is crisp and clean along this rocky slope, and the sun has barely begun to slink its way out of the sky. The colors up above shift, dusty pink into pale yellow, and you trail your fingers along the ground. Green blades of grass offer you comfort, though you're not sure you need it right now. This feeling of security and hope. . . It's all new, and the intensity brews inside you, bubbling up with an intoxicating twinge of peace. Internal peace. For once, you're not chasing after something. Being here, alone, under a slowly setting sun with a soft breeze passing through is enough. There's likely nowhere else to turn, but it feels elating, —like you've been waiting for this moment your entire life.
Well, you ponder, I guess maybe I have. . .
And now that it's here, there's no existential feeling of grief. You've feared this end since the beginning of it all, scared that being left with only a single option would drive you to the darkest places one could ever go. But you don't feel like you're drowning. Instead, as you suck in a deep breath, letting the air expand your lungs until a little ache lingers, you feel at ease.
"Y/n?" A familiar voice calls out to you from behind.
It's Kazuha, and you recognize that pang of worry on his tongue. You glance back at him, offering up a lax smile. He seems to soften at the sight of it.
"Come sit," you offer, patting the ground beside you.
He does.
"Are you alright?" Comes the question you knew was little more than right around the corner.
"Yeah," you nod, gaze trailing back up the sky.
Little wispy clouds move along at their own pace, giving the illusion that time has somehow slowed down.
"I'm. . ."
It dawns on you that you don't really have the vocabulary to describe it, —although you're sure Kazuha would have the perfect word for it if you could manage to explain yourself well enough. The thought makes you giggle.
"I don't know what's funny, but I'm relieved to see you happy," he says, and it's so earnest that your heart skips a little beat.
"I'm relieved to be happy," you admit. "I didn't think I'd feel like this. I expected something more devastating, something I'd curl up into a ball and cry over or whatever. But now that everything's at its end, and there's probably nowhere else to turn, I feel weirdly calm. Like it's all okay, even if it's not."
Kazuha nods.
"I can sense that your heart has settled," he answers. "And there's no desperate edge to your voice anymore. It used to linger on anything you'd say, —and I recognized it because it lingers on my own sometimes as well. You've been in search of yourself for as long as I've known you, but this. . . Feels like meeting you as the person you've always yearned to be for the first time, and I'm honored to make your acquaintance."
When you look into his eyes, there's no longer any deep seated worry. It's soft and calm, like the tune he hums absentmindedly aboard the Crux.
"Kazuha," you say, attempting to bite back a smile, but it spreads across your face in spite of that, "I think I—"
"Wait," he halts you, bringing his face closer to your own.
Your heart begins to hammer away in your chest, pounding like a drum. Your face drops at the suddenness.
"Y/n, smile again," he requests, and you force your lips curve up at the ends.
"With teeth," he elaborates, an urgent undertone simmering below the simple words as a hand cups your cheek.
You follow his instructions.
He stares at you, and though you cast your gaze away, you can't bring yourself to feel judged or even embarrassed. Kazuha's hand slides from your cheek to the curve of your neck.
"Your fang," he breaks into a grin, "it's gone."
A small gasp escapes you as your tongue darts to the spot where your single snake fang has always been. You've cut your tongue on it more times than you can count, —but now, it slides gently over a much smoother, less dangerous canine. A human tooth to match the one on the other side of your mouth.
"It's gone," you breathe out, "it's gone." 
You turn away from him and he removes his hand. Your brain barely processes the loss of his warmth amongst the intense feelings that swim throughout your mind, body, and soul. You can hardly believe it, but the reality blossoms again and again each time your tongue nudges at the spot where your fang has always been up until this very moment.
Breathing in deeply, you notice that you can smell mingling scents being carried by the breeze that's swooped in from your homeland of Mondstadt. The scent of sweet flowers. . . It's not overwhelming at all; —just a sugary accent to the fresh air, and you can't taste it on your tongue. Even when you try, swirling spit across your taste buds just to catch a trace of something, there's nothing to latch onto. It's dull, but you can't bring yourself to mourn the loss.
Your heart blooms when you steal a quick peek at the skin under your shirt, only to find that all the risen, ghosting scales have disappeared without a trace. For the very first time, you're seeing your body how you've always envisioned it; —human, and nothing less than such. For the very first time, you feel like your skin is really, truly your own. It's not been sullied by a man you never wish to meet, a man who took your mother away from you before you ever had the chance to meet her gaze. This body has not been touched by his curses, hasn't been marked by his ill will for you. Tears prick at your eyes before you can register them.
"I don't understand," you say, but a smile still pulls across your face. "I certainly didn't kill anyone."
Kazuha laughs, light and airy. It feels like sunshine on your skin.
"That wasn't the only way to break the curse, remember?" He reminds you.
Right. . . Lisa said the curse could likely be broken one of two ways. Murder or emotional bliss.
"True love might do the trick, sweetheart!"
"I don't understand," you admit. "I always thought the love would have to be reciprocated before. . ."
"No one ever said the love had to come from the outside," Kazuha says. "Over the months we've spent together, I've seen you grow. Not into a different person, —but into who you were always meant to be. It may not be my place to say this, so forgive me if I'm crossing a line, but I truly believe that nobody broke your curse for you."
For someone so infinitely earnest, it's hard to believe this is the most sincere you've ever seen him.
"You think I. . ." You trail off, eyes drifting to your own hand as it rests amongst the grass.
"I know you did," Kazuha corrects. "You broke your own curse. You did it all by yourself because you're strong, and you should recognize that. Give yourself credit. Let that reality wash over you like the evening tide, —drown yourself in it. You held the key to your own fate, and you chose how to use it. There's nothing more precious than life itself, and you've taken yours back. Never let yourself forget how much you've overcome."
He's right. He's so painfully right.
"I broke my own curse," you whisper, still reeling from the shock of it.
You want to shout it from the mountaintops, —show your family and friends from both Mondstadt and Liyue alike. You want to eat all the foods you never had the chance to try, see the look on Xiangling's face when you tell her you're more than happy to volunteer to be her taste tester now that strong scents and tastes don't overwhelm you completely. You want to tell Tao that you've rid yourself of any and all forsaken titles put upon you unfairly at birth. You want to thank all the people who've helped you reach this point, from the man who aided in your escape, to the only real father you've ever known, to Beidou, her crew, and especially Kazuha, who never failed to reach for you when you fell behind.
And you'll do all of that. All of it and more, —because there's a lifetime of living waiting for you. There's hope out on the horizon. For now though, you sit along this rocky slope in Liyue. You're not alone, though it would have been okay if you were. A new day looms just around the corner. You're free from the curse that's plagued you all your life. The sky rings out in a chorus of color.
Kazuha inches his hand closer, closer. . .
You take it.
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penguinlop · 2 years
Oh my goodness I loved the sequel to “Tiny Hands, Tiny Feet”!!🥺😭💕 I’ve been thinking about how non-human characters like Albedo or Scaramouche would handle an S/O who wants kids, and you nailed it perfectly! And ugh, I’m in love with your writing style too btw *chefs kiss*. Please drink lots of water and have a lovely rest of your day :))
You're such a sweetheart!! Thank you! I love your writing as well!
Also, same!! It's intriguing to think about how they may be domestically when their creators (Gold and Ei) had no thought of that in mind, most likely. Now you got my brain thinking about all of this haha
warnings: fertility issues, spoilers for their lore
For Albedo, I wanted to showcase in my story how he knows his limits and wants the reader to be aware of his fertility issues. He doesn't want his s/o to feel cheated because he knows he was made to be a pivotal being for Gold's plans, not really made to be a father. If his s/o does stay with him and they adopt, as they do in my story, I think it would be cute to see how Albedo will interact with his adopted child! I think his experimental side may want to test out some of his hypotheses. But I can see it being very limited as he would never want to harm his baby in any shape or form. It will be interesting if he passes on his love for alchemy to his child. He's a product of it, after all. But still, he knows how much suffering can be caused by it, especially with the form he is most knowledgeable in, the Art of Khemia. He can't help but wonder if this is what Gold would've wanted in regards to the daunting mission she left him with. The task of finding the truth and meaning of Teyvat. Albedo wasn't created to be a very sentimental being, but I think he might say imperfection and love is the key to life.
On the other hand, I see Scaramouche not really caring about whether he is capable of having a child or not. Having a baby isn't in his goals as a Harbinger. Like the name he chose for himself, Kunikuzushi, he wants to be the destroyer of nations, not to settle down and be a doting dad. If his s/o really, really wants a baby, he may reluctantly agree, though put up a defensive front. He was made with the sole purpose of being a host for Ei's gnosis. That emptiness will never go away unless he obtains what he was designed to hold, but even then, as we know, a gnosis is connected to Celestia, the place most of the archons are trying to avoid. Scaramouche's origins aren't that pretty; it may not end as happily as Albedo's tale did. As a mere prototype puppet cast aside by his own mother, I can see the Balladeer doing the same with his adopted child if he is not careful. However, if all goes well, I can see him being fiercely protective and secretly loving his little found family.
Scaramouche to his kid and s/o: I hate you two with a burning passion
Also him: I will destroy this world ten times over for you two
LOL definitely a lot of trauma to unpack with both of them
Thanks for the message again! It was so nice to see! ༼つ ் ▽ ் ༽つ ♡
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kaeyazuha · 2 years
A little list of arbitrary facts and observations I’ve gotten from Genshin books and whatnot. AKA a post of nonsense I spend too much time researching.
Lore-Related things below the cut! I’ll keep adding onto this as time goes on.
slight spoilers ahead! this gets long haha-
Last Updated; 4/15/22
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✧ Between Ei and Makoto, Ei is the younger twin. Ei let Makoto be archon because she was better with people/more sociable.
✧ Hilichurls worship elements, not people, and have their fur dyed to match the color of the element they worship. So no, hilichurls can’t be naturally blue. Hilichurls can also change their form by using elemental energy and converting it into physical energy, making themselves larger (lawachurls).
✧ As a child, Diluc was a swordsman. He was also very upbeat and happy. Similar to Diluc, Xiao was a naïve and happy young boy before everything happened.
✧ Unlike the other archons, Venti does not care about much of anything, so the people of Mondstadt are free to investigate whatever they want. 
✧ Thoma’s favorite flowers are windwheel asters.
✧ The flower Lumine has in her hair is actually a Khaenri’an flower, only able to grow and flourish in Khaenri’ah.
warning; this part gets really long
✧ The first wing glider we get, the wings of companionship or smth, showcase Lumine and Aether’s swords. Lumine’s on the left, Aether’s on the right.
✧ Lumine and Aether represent the Moon and Sun.
✧ Most of the symbols in genshin are celtic knots, like the triquetra and the trinity knot. Most of these symbols are also related to eternity, death/life, and female empowerment.
✧ In Ei’s second story quest, she mentions her sister Makoto might’ve worked with Istaroth, the God of Time and Wind, to screw with the timeline and put her tree there. It looks like Ei accidentally skipped out on the timeline when she left to Khaenri’ah, hence why she was the only one who was confused about the tree.
✧ Paimon’s symbol, the triquetra, represents Mother, Maiden, and Crone, which are each represented by different parts of the moon. Mother is shown through the Full Moon and represents fertility, prosperity, life, and creation. Maiden’s shown by the waxing moon, and represents youth, beginnings, purity, etc. Crone, represented by the waning moon, represents death, afterlife, wisdom, etc.
✧ You might recognize those words from spiral abyss, where the first abyss is on the 1st and known as waxing, while the second one on the 15th is called waning. The end of spiral abyss is called the Moment of Syzygy. Syzygy is when three celestial beings (like the sun, moon, and earth) all align in a near perfect line.
✧ Lumine’s sword hilt features the waning moon, while Aether’s sword hilt is straight. In their constellations, Aether holds Lumine’s sword and vice versa. 
✧  The eclipse tribe of hilichurls from an early Mondstadt quest worships the eclipsed sun. These hilichurls are the darkest tribe, and their leaders are strongest. The sleepy tribe made themselves smarter by sleeping almost 24/7. The meaty tribe...ate meat and vibed ig.
✧ If you look down from Venti’s statue in Mondstadt and look at the writing, it seems to spell out, “The Gateway to/of Celestia.”  
✧ Marjorie’s store in Mondstadt features clocks and compasses. The compass points southeast and seems to point through windrise to musk reef. The clock seems to be locked on 1:45. A few theories say the clock represents Teyvat time, the jewels represent the archons, the large green jewel represents celestia in between Teyvat and the fake sun, the bigger globe represents Khaenri’ah, and the compass represents Khaenri’ah time.
✧ Most of the fairytale books we find feature a timeline of sorts, a cover (fox as a human, human as a different human, etc), etc. One book particularly, Heart’s Desire, showcases several different rituals and elements that could be important later.
✧ Supporting the Teyvat is Upside Down theory, the further we “descended” into the Chasm, the more Zhiqiong said the air was thinner, like she was climbing a mountain. Also, the deeper we go into Teyvat, the more “upside down” things we find.
✧ Out of everyone we’ve met, not ONE person has recognized Paimon. The lectors/heralds don’t know, Albedo/Kaeya don’t know, but unlike everyone else who questioned it, our abyss sibling didn’t even acknowledge her. Almost as if they knew.
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lostmyshadesanon · 3 years
Happy Birthday Felix 🎂🎁 🎉🎊
🦊 - Anon here!!! It's finally the day. I hope.
I have no idea what time zone you live in so I'm posting this a bit early just in case!
If it's still the 28th when you see this. Don't open it!
Let the anticipation build!
This should be the last part for our poor hydro archon, but I'm sure the most anticipated. Let's hope we can do it justice.
Mindbroken?Hydro!Archon!Male!Reader x FoulLegacy!Childe
Wouldn't it be funny if I put a rickroll here?
Or just an error message, lol.
But anyway moving on.
You feebly twitched as you felt Childe fuck you with his entire fist in your gaping hole. Leisurely opening and closing his hand as he ground his knuckles into your swollen prostate, and commented idly on your puffy rim.
By this point you could barely even feel when another orgasm was ripped from your soiled body, and your cock jerked underneath you.
Childe had been at this for hours. He hadn't been inside you or orgasmed since the first round, but he seemed determined to be able to shove both of his fists in your aching hole regardless of how long it took.
When you had the capacity to think between orgasms you wondered why your guards had not coming looking for you after all this time, and hoped that if the Fatui had restrained them that they hadn't died, but just been incapacitated.
Though you were never able to think long before another orgasm was dragged out of you. Combined with the saccharine sweet voice mockingly praising you. Your head was almost completely empty and body numb to the pleasure you were being put through.
You could only gurgle faintly when Childe finally got his way and stretched you enough that both his balled up fists could fit into your gaping hole. He didn't remain there for long quickly pulling both his hands free, as be grinned in glee at your ruined hole.
"I think you're finally ready, my darling patron!" He crowed, lightly petting your back as if you were a prized pet who had completed a new trick.
Staring at him through dazed and bleary eyes you wondered. "Ready for what? What more could you do to ruin me?"
He must have the ability to read your mind, or long ago you had lost the stoic control you had over your facial expression. Childe bared his fangs in a mean smile. "Though I made sure the preparation was pleasurable you've barely reacted! That's quite unfair considering how many orgasms you've had compared to me.", The demon masquerading as a man pouted. "So to make sure you're still paying attention I've brought this!"
Childe brought out a potion bottle with some unknown blue liquid inside. With a loud pop he uncorked it, tilted your hips high enough up to send sparks of pain through your spine, and promptly shoved it inside you so it could empty unhindered into your defenseless body.
There was only a moment where you felt the strange liquid mix with the remnants of your favored's cum were you debated on the odd sensation reminded you of, before it felt like it ignited inside you, and you screamed.
It was like liquid fire had been poured into you. The disassociation you had been able to reach banished like morning fog, as your nerves lit up like a livewire. You start to moan like a bitch in heat drool leaking from your mouth as the fire spread across your body. Making you feel every pulse of your insides and cock, your hole desperately grasping at the bottle inside it, but it was too small!
What had Childe done to you?! That something the size of a wine bottle would feel too small??? As your body desperately begged for something bigger, something warmer, and the aching need to cum.
That shouldn't be possible. You shouldn't even be able to come at this point considering how many orgasms had been forced upon you?!?! You could only cry out in delight eyes rolling when Childe's hands skimmed over your cock, and tugged teasingly at the bottle in your ass.
"Ah, already begging for more, my dear patron?" Childe stated teasingly. "Dottore did say this was strong but I didn't think it'd be this strong."
Barely leaving you room to breath. Childe ripped the bottle from your grasping insides sending you screaming into orgasm. You were barely aware of your begging as you sobbed at the empty feeling inside you.
"Oh, darling don't worry you'll be full very soon. I have to make sure to claim you in a way that NO ONE will ever be able to satisfy you again. That way both you and the world know you're MINE." Childe whispered the words confidently into the small of your back before dragging sharp canines growing steadily into fangs down to the swell of your ass.
"Prepare yourself!" He cautioned before sneering over your begging form and rolling eyes, "If you still have the capacity too." Before he slid his fangs deep into the small of your back a glowing riptide mark spreading out like ink over your skin as electricity started to coat his own.
Spine arched from the conflicting flashes of pain and pleasure you felt more than saw the transformation happening behind you.
Cool hands grew massive claws as they clutched at your hips drawing hints of blood from where they pressed. The cracking of electricity and bone as you were hoisted off the ground jerkily from your current partner's growth in height and size. The fangs in your back sliding smoothly out and a smooth texture replaced it almost like being pressed up against marble. You could feel fur tickling your back as you twisted to see what kind of horrors awaited you.
He was massive, he was intimidating, he was gorgeous. The feral boy who had struggled to survive in the abyss had not only tamed it but made it part of his strength in this new form. Massive blood red horns sprouted from his mask, and a cape seemingly made of stars and space.
Dragging your eyes down you froze. Childe's cock had already been awe inspiring as a human, but in this form...
It was terrifying. It seemed to emerge from some kind of protective slit. The shape was as inhuman as his current form, and a size to match. He was easily double if not closer to triple your height and his cock fit his current form. Easily the size of one of your thighs if not bigger. You now understood the need for hours of stretching. It was ribbed increasing it's girth though it did not have a bulbous head which made you weary. That implied that whatever Childe had turned into was a creature built for egg laying. You couldn't see any kind of testes but knew he was fertile considering the steady drip of pre cum from the swollen tip. You could also see a slight pouch towards the base of his member which you knew meant he probably had a knot too.
You were horrified when your body shivered in pleasure at the sight and smell of the crime against nature before you. You desperately were trying to convince yourself that the utter wanton lust inside you was based on whatever mysterious liquid Childe had forced you to consume.
A rolling purr vibrated through you from the creature before you as you chocked on your own drool unable to take your eyes off the cock before you, but Childe didn't allow you to stare for much longer.
Raising your body up as if it weighed no more than a toy, and similarly treating you no better than a ragdoll, Childe positioned you over his monstrosity of a cock.
Desperately you were muttering no over and over again as you pawed uselessly at his shoulders trying to climb away as you were lowered closer and closer to the leaking member. You knew you'd never recover from this once you got a taste of what was about to penetrate you you'd never be the same, and only be able to thirst and be filled by this monstrous thing.
A deep chuckle pressed near your ear as Childe bent so that his face was near yours still lowering and positioning you for his cock. "You did say on your honor as an Archon you'd take me. So take me!"
Before sheathing himself inside you in one smooth motion. Your nerves screamed with you. You could feel ever rib as they caressed your swollen insides and invaded your body. You could do nothing but cry and take it, as he used your body like nothing more then a sex toy to masturbate himself with.
Grunts and growls joined your screams and begging as he furiously bounced you on his dick. Whispering praises and croons near your head while your eyes crossed and tongue hung uselessly from your mouth. Though his tip wasn't shaped like a human man's it did its job of digging into your prostate so that pleasure was dragged from your willing body, and your unwilling submission from your mind.
You're going to break! 💙
You're going to brEAK! 💙💙
You'RE GoING To BrEAK! 💙💙💙
You screamed until your voice broke, eyes becoming fully unfocused, as your body spasmed uselessly through orgasm grasping desperately at the welcome intruder making itself home inside you.
Gleeful claws dug deeper into your hips drawing blood when Childe felt you completely relax no longer even a token struggle being put up by his patron. No his love. Now he could just TAKE.
Claws delicately crawled up your torso to carefully grasp and pull at your swollen teats intent on tugging and bruising them until they were swollen enough to be mistaken for small tits and the idea of covering up would be laughable due to sensitivity.
He watches in delight as you could only moan, and get out enough syllables to beg while he drove you far past overstimulation. Your pupils not even attempting to track anything occuring around you.
Though all good things must come to an end and Childe could feel the tightening in his gut and stir in his knot that this round was drawing to a close.
You could only sob and thrash in utter pleasure as Childe continued to stimulate your chest. Nipples bruised and swollen a cherry red easily the size of the tip of a person's thumb, before feeling the man, monster, behind you still with a deep groan.
Your animal hind brain could only gasp in relief thinking this trial of endurance was finally over. But you should stop under estimating your favored he loves to exceed expectations.
You could only twitch weakly, pinned to his crotch, as you were suspended in the air, when you felt his knot start to inflate. Your cock dripped a steady flow of pre cum from Childe's tip being ground against your probably bruised and weeping prostate, as you both waited for his knot to fully inflate.
But the worst had still yet to come. Finally after what felt like minutes and a few micro orgasms you felt Childe move. A twitch in his stomach before a lurch in his cock. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion before taking a ragged gasp.
Something solid was moving through the member nestled deep inside you. Stretching you out further to accommodate it. You could only sob as it worked further into you.
Childe dragged a clawed hand up to your cheek lightly caressing you. "You're doing so well pet. You'll make such a good incubator and brood mother. All for my lovely eggs." Childe sneered delighted at your faint moaned denials and twitches. He loved that even now you were attempting to fight him. Pleasure broken as you were.
Childe ground into you lightly tugging at your rim with his knot to hear you gasp and cry before leaning forward as if to hear you better. "What was that my love? I couldn't have heard you denying to be my broodmare after all you promised to take all of me. I'm only making sure you follow through. After all you'll look so pretty full of my eggs."
Childe's hand on your face dragged your chin down to look at your ever filling stomach. During your conversation he had been quick to fill you. You were so bloated at this point you could easily see the faint shape of the eggs inside you.
A ragged gasp left your lips as the next egg pressed sharply against your prostate finally sending you over the edge and into orgasm. You wailed as your eyes rolled grasping desperately at your ever increasing stomach. Unable to come down from orgasm as each egg made a pass over your prostate.
This seemed to delight your captor. Childe's voice deepened in mockery, "You try to keep your pride and make denials that you're not a whore who loves the idea of being fucked and filled constantly and yet you can't stop continuously orgasming on my cock like some desperate slit." Childe wickedly continued micro thrusting to fuck you with his knot as his eggs kept your orgasm from truly ending.
Over time Childe felt his eggs slow to a stop and his knot start to deflate. Carefully he lowered himself and you to the floor as he let his transformation peel away to show his human form keeping his still sizeable cock plugging you full.
Placing you delicately in his lap so you could continue to cockwarm him Childe hummed a jaunty tune. Waving a hand in front of your face his tune picked up in beat at the lack of reaction or recognition in his darlings eyes. He had finally broken you for now. He expected you'd pull yourself together eventually, but it should be long enough he can bundle you away, and sedate your now human form, for the long trip to Sneznaya.
After all his family had been inquiring when he would take a partner, but knew he'd had his eyes only on one. After all one day he'd been King of everything and he needed a capable partner at his side. Placing a kiss on your temple Childe continued humming as he watched his agents enter the room and prepare for their swift getaway.
He grinned your first mistake was truly saving his life and putting him in debt to you. After all he always keeps his promises and pays his debts.
I think that's it. That was hard to figure out how to end. 🤔
Hopefully you liked it Felix! After I did all that hype for this chapter.
Happy birthday again. 🎉🎉😆😆
From 🦊 Anon!
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