#drunken emoji tattoo
gerardspuppy · 2 years
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Mairon’s tattoos... meanings are below  👍
Mushrooms (left arm) - Melkors associated with them so it’s a nod to him, also some mushrooms have hallucinatory properties and have been linked to early human brain development, and I feel like Mairon would be into that whole expand your mind and knowledge shit
Roses (left arm) - These are for Yavanna, I hc that there was a rosebush in her garden that he’d always go to hide in when he didn’t want to be around people. I also feel like he had a stronger emotional connection with her than Aule.
Spider (left arm) - Either this one was a drunken joke on Melkor (who was very displeased), or it’s a reminder that no one is infallible so he should watch himself. Maybe a bit of both.
Swirly fire dragon shape (lower stomach) - I hc that Mairon was the one to imbue the dragons with fire, and it’s one of the projects he’s most proud of. Considering the placement it’s possible that Melkor tattooed this one on him as a reward for his good work :eyes emoji:
Eye  (back) - He wants to know all and see all. It’s also his insignia. Pretty self explanatory.
Dragon (chest) - A gift for Melkor. It’s right over his heart. 
Melkor’s insignia  (idk what this spot is called. chest?) - self explanatory. I do like the idea that Melkor forcefully tattooed that onto him as a punishment.
Draugluin (left arm) - This is like the equivalent of those parents who get their kids’ portraits tattooed onto themselves.
Small eyes (neck) - Again, miniature versions of his insignia
Stars (everywhere/under eyes) - Ok this is kind of me referencing my own fic but I hc that for him stars = divinity. They’re the highest you can reach, and he wants to be at the top, the best at everything. They’re also a reminder that Melkor is not invincible, so it kind of varies whether he interprets that as “so this torture i face at his hands is not forever” vs “so i must do everything i can to protect him”. Depends on what style of angbang im in the mood for. I also like the idea that Melkor is outwardly pretty mad that his lieutenant has symbols of his defeat tattooed on him, but its also like... kind of a relief that Mairon doesn’t seem to care that Melkor isnt neccesarily all powerful, no matter how much he tries to project that image.
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indyflanery · 3 months
Bold what the signs remind me of
ARIES: The smell of burnt matches, whiskey burning your throat, running at night, fiery gazes, freckles, laughs that expose their teeth, winning an arcade game, the thundering sounds of a crowded bowling alley, hearing music blaring from someone else’s headphones, cherry stained lips.
TAURUS: Thick hair, septum piercings/nose rings, earthy eyeshadow palettes, red wine, blasting Adele, standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean, leather bound journals, wearing expensive lingerie underneath casual outfits, MAC nudes, splurging at your local bakery, brownstone buildings, suede skirts, online shopping.
GEMINI: Synth pop playlists, neon signs, blurry nightclub photos, high school cliques, collecting crystals, getting dressed up to go to concerts/festivals, fleeting but intense crushes, conversations composed of gibberish, sitting in diners late at night, body glitter, witty comebacks, complicated coffee orders.
CANCER: Small tattoos, tasting teardrops on your lips, bed hair, swimming at night, high school English classes, the importance of platonic relationships, herbal tea, random quotes on post it notes, combing a friends hair out of their face, hermit crabs, swallowing the lump in your throat when you’re about to cry.
LEO: Theatre/drama kids, loud drunks, enthusiastic bear hugs, gold jewellery, leading the pack, grins that are a mixture of mischievous and sinister, eye catching outfits, temporary tattoos, dancers/musicians/painters (artists in general), a flair for the dramatic, flirtatiously winking at strangers, sunflowers.
VIRGO: New car smell, aesthetic highlighted notes, wire frame glasses, succulents, light denim, eyeliner and sass so sharp, wandering through antique stores, lace bralettes, Fleetwood Mac, flowers blooming, typewriter keys clicking, minty breath, dated polaroids, skepticism, organised bookshelves.
LIBRA: Collecting teacups, bright coloured pool floats, orchids, soft lips, Valentine’s day memes, float like a butterfly sting like a bee, smearing cream blush onto cheeks, bubblegum, Marina’s Electra Heart era, classic romance novels, songs that reference Paris, hoop earrings, pink lemonade, fluffy blankets.
SCORPIO: Menthol cigarettes, jealousy, original ChapStick, deep glares, tongue/lip piercings, crushed ice, cold hands, picking at your nails, storm clouds rolling in, maroon lipstick, band tees, suppressed emotions, Lorde aesthetic, an air of mystery, standing your ground, monochromatic themes, kept secrets.
SAGITTARIUS: Roadtrips with the windows down, drunken debates, loose jeans, camping with friends, speeding tickets, kissing strangers, action flicks with surround sound, messy bedrooms, wind swept hair, sneaking out of windows, chasing sunsets, big sunglasses, Ride by Lana Del Rey, backroads, wildflowers.
CAPRICORN: Black coffee, silver stationary, Arctic Monkeys, pencil sketches, cast iron gates, calligraphy, sleep deprivation, black skinny jeans, well written essays, deadly ambition, unboxing new shoes, absinthe, garter belts, tracing fingers over hardcover books, planning outfits in advance, expensive perfume.
AQUARIUS: Street smarts, revolutions, racing cars at traffic lights, sci-fi aesthetic, pool parties, dyeing your hair bright colours, spontaneity, conspiracy theories, dream catcher collections, random pockets of knowledge, lava lamps, artistic graffiti, stoner movies, flashing carnival lights, seldom used emojis.
PISCES: Giggly drunks, heart eyes, making playlists, seeing the good in people, aquariums, daydreaming in class, volunteering at animal shelters, watery eyes, acoustic guitar, anime, childhood teddy bears, shoeboxes full of things, talking to pets, wishing wells, clear umbrellas, flying a kite, philosophy.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Just a thing I realized: JK's face during that moment looks exactly like his Smiley Tattoo on his middle finger.
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hihihihihihihi frennnnd I'm so glad to see you!
I took the liberty of playing screenshot roulette on this two-second low-res clip and it was fun:
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THERE it is.
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Thank you @guacamoli-avocadorado, this is great, you might have solved the mystery of What Does That Emoji Mean To Jungkook! All this time I thought it was to be cute when he told people "fuck you" but no, it's that face. Which I guess could also be used in conjunction with the finger, sometimes. I LOVE IT HERE THANK YOU ILY
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yslkook · 3 years
mind of mine masterlist
summary: one month later...and things start to come to a head. you feel more at peace than you've ever felt, but as usual, what remains peaceful is always interrupted.
pairing: “badboy” jk x “shy/reserved” oc
warnings: cursing, alc, excessive use of pet names, HELLA HELLA toxic friendship and dynamics, suggestive content (hooking up and other mentions)
word count: 4066
a/n: if you want to be tagged, send an ask plz. would love to hear your thoughts
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Despite a month going by from the last time you spoke to Jungkook in the park and put all of your feelings out in the open, spring air, you feel lighter than ever. Maybe most of that has to do with the simple fact that you’ve finally cut out a toxic, deadweight from your life. Regardless of what ends up happening with you and Jungkook as friends or more than that, at least you are at peace and happy with being yourself.
Besides, it’s not like you don’t ever see him. You see him when you visit the tattoo parlor (but you haven’t allowed yourself to be alone with him and he hasn’t initiated), you’ve seen him at impromptu nights out, at Yoongi’s apartment. Neither of you allow yourself to be alone with each other, since you had both agreed to wait. Even your text message thread with him is dry, though.
You miss him, hoping that a notification of his name with the bunny emoji attached to it flashes across the screen. But it doesn’t.
For all of his bravado, he feels somewhat shy around you on the few occasions that he’s seen you. Jungkook will go out of his way to avoid you, hiding (as much as he can) behind Mina and Mei.
He misses you. Jungkook misses the feel of your lips molding against his, the way you felt in his arms, but most of all he misses your shy smile and your loud laugh. He misses the way your eyes shine when you speak about something you’re passionate about.
Mina had said you were both being stupid, taking time away from each other when you both are denying the inevitable. But it made sense in your mind and his. You want to know what kind of person you were without the burden of Sora’s judgment weighing heavily in every frame of your life. You take the time you need to take to recenter yourself and feel somewhat whole again.
It doesn’t take you long to adjust to life without a former best friend. You quickly begin to notice how different you feel, how differently you approach basic things that you hadn’t really put much thought to before.
It feels so refreshing to not feel like you’re walking in some metaphorical shadow of someone who didn’t really care about you. Well, you think on some level, she did care. But along with the insignificant way she made you feel, it’s not enough to justify it. And you’re really grateful that you don’t need to anymore.
In fact, you’ve already deleted most pictures with her on your social medias. You haven’t quite been able to block her yet, but you think you’ll be ready to do that soon enough.
The ever elusive notion of time really does seem to heal nearly all forms of hurt.
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“So,” Yoongi starts, sitting next to you on his new black leather couch and handing you a glass of red wine.
“Don’t start with me,” You say, poking his shoulder.
“I’m not starting anything with you,” Yoongi shrugs, but his eyes twinkle.
“Oh? That’s the voice you use when you have gossip or when you’re about to interrogate me,” You mutter, rolling your eyes with a fond smile.
“Maybe it’s a little of both,” Hobi chimes in, sitting on your other side. He leans back and drapes his legs over your lap, to which you instantly rest your hands over his legs.
“How lucky for me,” You mumble, taking a long swig of your wine. You’ll need it.
“How’s that witch doing,” Yoongi asks bluntly.
“I don’t know, I told you I cut her off and kicked her out of my house like a month ago,” You reply, “Did you forget already?”
“No, I just like hearing that you finally came to your fucking senses,” Yoongi says, “She was awful, but I’ll commend you for sticking it out for this long. Cheers, the witch is finally gone-”
“I believe the phrase is, ‘ding dong, the witch is dead’, but this will suffice,” Hobi says and yelps when you swat his shoulder.
“Don’t be rude,” You say, “But… thank you for helping me see the light. Even if it took a while. And I’m sorry it affected our friendship, too.”
“Ah, well, we’re all here now,” Hobi says, pulling you in for a side hug.
“Yeah. So cheers,” Yoongi says again, raising his glass to you both, “Cheers to you for choosing yourself. And to new beginnings.”
“You’ll make me cry,” You say honestly, offering your friends a watery smile.
“As if we’ve never seen you cry before,” Hobi scoffs. And it’s true- they are two of your oldest friends, and even if you’ve come to the realization that maybe you hadn’t been the greatest friend to them… That bond is hard to sever, and you’re grateful that they’ve always had your back.
“Drink up,” You say with a smile, “Cheers to new beginnings.”
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Yoongi has always been a little sly, unassuming but always with several tricks up his sleeve. When he so desires to cause a little mischief and stir the pot a little. And Hobi is all too happy to engage.
Which is how you end up several glasses of red wine and rose deep (yes, you mixed, rookie mistake but who cares. You’re in the presence of some of your greatest friends, after all).
And then Yoongi goes in for the kill.
“How’s our Jungkookie,” He asks, without missing a beat. You choke on your wine and wince when it somehow gets lodged in your nose.
“I don’t know. Think he’s good,” You finally respond, your words sounding slurred, “Ask Hobi. They work together, if you didn’t know.”
“Oh, thanks for the information. I had no idea.”
“Happy to be of service,” You say, leaning into Hobi's side, “Ikindofmisshim.”
“What was that? Didn’t quite catch that,” Yoongi says, a self-satisfied smirk blooming on his lips. He heard you, of course he did, but you don’t seem to pick up on it.
“I said I kind of miss him,” You reply, a dreamy look in your eyes, “Do you think he misses me, too?”
Hobi chokes back a laugh but you hear it and offer him a glare. “Don’t make fun of me!”
“Nobody’s making fun of you, stupid,” Yoongi says poking your forehead, “And yeah. Your man doesn’t shut up about you. Always with those eyes around you.”
“He’s not my man,” You whine pathetically.
“Yeah, that’s a mystery to both of us,” Hobi says, “How long are you both gonna keep this up?”
“Keep what up?”
“This weird awkward dance you both do around each other. Avoiding each other when we’re all together. It’s kinda funny, like we all know you both wanna fuck so bad-”
“Shut up! That’s- that’s not- shut up!”
Yoongi and Hoseok both burst into laughter, drunken giggles loud in the living room and you can’t help but laugh with them.
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Clubs were never your most favorite place to unwind, but you make an exception for tonight. For Mina and Mei, you’ll make an exception. The three of you had gotten ready together in Mei’s home, in between sips of cocktails that she had poured out. Mina had done your makeup for you, giving you the sharpest eyeliner you’ve ever seen on your eyelids as well as a bold red lipstick.
It’s not a club night if there is no red lipstick involved, after all.
Your makeup usually looks good when you apply it yourself, but Mina has a genuine eye and skill for makeup artistry. You recall her telling you that she’d always dreamed of going to beauty school but hadn’t pursued it. You had told her that it’s never too late to fulfill a dream and she had only smiled at you.
“Hey,” You say, “Is Jimin coming tonight? How’d your date last week go?”
“It was really good,” Mina says, something sweet in her voice, “He made me dinner and dessert. And then I sucked his soul from his cock an hour later and he even made me squirt. And yeah, he’s coming tonight to the club. We’ll see what happens...”
“Wow,” You nod, listening with wide eyes, “That sounds amazing. I’m really happy things are going well for you both. Including the horny stuff.”
“The horny stuff?” Mei laughs, “You’re cute.”
“Shut up,” You say, playfully shoving her shoulder, “It’s no joking matter that he made you squirt.”
“Yeah, I high fived him after,” Mina says slyly, “It was… a night. Can’t wait to have another night like that. But I’m gonna make him work for it tonight.”
“As you should,” You nod solemnly, “What about you Mei? Are we drinking until we blackout or are you playing hard to get with Seulgi?”
“Who says we can’t do both?” Comes Mei’s muffled response.
“Cheers to that,” You reply, “Are… Jimin’s roommates coming?”
“You think you’re slick, huh?” Mina snorts, “You wondering about Jungkook?”
“N-no, I haven’t seen Taehyung in a while either-”
“Tae’s coming, but Jungkook isn’t. Something about having a long week and wanting to chill at home.”
“Oh, gotcha,” You say, cheeks ablaze as you avoid her eyes. Unable to hold the slight sting of disappointment from your voice.
Mina and Mei see right through it but they say nothing, only handing you a refill of your now empty glass.
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Despite the relatively steady stream of drinks in your hand (an illusion, really, you’ve been nursing the same two drinks all night), you’re almost completely sober. In fact, you’re more tired than anything else. It seems that Jungkook had the right idea to stay home tonight. You’re rather benignly jealous of his decision.
You enjoy dancing and singing with your friends, feeling the thrum and excitement of music and your close companions bursting through your veins.But environments like this overwhelm you sometimes. All of the flashing lights, sometimes smoke and all of the people… Tonight seems to be one of those nights.
“Wanna dance?” Comes a rich, velvety voice behind you to the right. It’s Taehyung, and you’d rather dance with Taehyung than anyone else in this club. With the exception being Jungkook, but he’s not here right now.
“Okay,” You nod, taking his hand when he offers it to you. Your thoughts flit to Jungkook briefly.
Taehyung is good company, always keeping you with a smile on your face and filling you up with laughter. He keeps you close with easy, gentle movements as you both belt out the words to whatever song is playing on the speakers. But Taehyung has always been observant.
“You don’t really wanna be here, huh? I’d take it personally, if I didn’t know you,” Taehyung teases.
“No, it’s not that,” You murmur, “Just have never been a big club goer, that’s all. Jungkook had the right idea in staying home.”
“Yeah,” Taehyung muses, “What are you two doing?”
He’s almost as blunt as Yoongi (who’s also in some corner of the club. Usually, he keeps you company at things like this, but conveniently, he’s nowhere to be found.).
“If I knew I was going to be interrogated in this club, I would’ve drank more,” You say dryly. Taehyung laughs at that and squeezes your shoulder.
“You both deserve to be happy. Just want you to know that.”
“Thanks, Tae,” You say, a grin spreading across your face, “I guess you’re not as sleazy as Mina says you are-”
“Me? Sleazy?” Taehyung gasps, pretending to be affronted. You roll your eyes and offer him your hand.
“Wanna dance?”
Taehyung turns you around and holds your hips tightly in his hands, dancing with you to the beat of the music. It’s nice to be held like this, even if it’s a little dirty.
You don’t notice a pair of sly eyes watching you from across the club.
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By the time you excuse yourself to catch a breath and grab some water from the bar, you realize that most of your friends are off doing their own thing. It gives you a second to people watch from the second floor of the curb and lean on the railings, taking in your surroundings. Despite stifling a yawn.
You relish in the cool feel of the icy water flooding your senses, waking you up a little more. You wonder if you can convince Yoongi to take you to get fries or tacos after the night ends. At the thought of tacos, you salivate a little.
But your taco fueled fantasies are broken when a few girls try to push past you to get to the bar. You mumble a soft apology, but it goes unheard. The unmistakable sound of a voice, a voice that you’ve only recently been able to put out of your mind, breaks through the barrier and it makes your heart drop.
It’s an angry call of your name. Your stomach churns, and suddenly you’ve never wanted to learn the art of teleportation more.
Sora, in all her bitter glory, stands in front of you with a full drink in her hands. Beside her are two of her friends, looking resigned and trying to plead with her that they should go.
“Missed me so much that you followed me here, huh?” Sora sneers.
“I’m not even going to entertain that with a response. Or you for that matter,” You say tiredly, trying to step past her.
“All your friends left you. Look at you all alone,” She says and you roll your eyes with a dry laugh.
“I’d rather be alone than have anything to do with you, Sora,” You reply easily, “I’m leaving now-”
But she sidesteps you again, gripping your forearm and looking at you with so much animosity that it makes your skin crawl. Had she always looked at you like that?
“I can’t believe you just dropped me like nothing. After I gave you everything,” Sora says, as if you had said nothing at all. She’s clearly a little drunk, telltale signs of her drunkenness clear on her face. Her words are slurred and she stumbles a little on her feet. You cringe. You don’t want to have this conversation with her whether she’s sober or drunk.
“You treated me like I was nothing,” You snap, “I don’t want to discuss this with you. Now let me go.”
“Or what? There’s nobody here ‘cept you and me, babe,” She says, her lips twisting into a cruel smirk. Her friends have disappeared and warning bells start to go off in your head. She’s right, all of your friends have dispersed. But you manage to fish your phone out of your purse while she rambles to you and send a text to the groupchat, simply stating “pls help, Sora is here”.
Dread seeps into your pores. You just want to be done with her presence.
“Sora, just let me go. Nothing you say will change anything,” You say heatedly, “Fucking let go of me!”
You try to yank your arm out of her grip but her nails are sharp against your skin.
“I loved you, you know that? I fucking gave you everything, you were my best friend,” Sora hisses, “I just wanted to you be happy. To see that I’d do anything for you.”
It takes a minute for the dust to settle but you suddenly begin to understand. “You hurt me! That’s not friendship or l-love, or anything remotely close to it. Nothing you say will change that. I don’t want you around anymore. Take a hint, Sora,” Your voice is cold and deadly, nothing like what Sora is accustomed to.
“Please, let me go,” You beg softly, “Why won’t you let me go?”
Tears spring into your eyes, both from the force she’s holding you with and from how much this is exhausting you.
“What does he have that’s worth all of this?” Sora hisses.
“It doesn’t matter what he has. I like him and I enjoy spending time with him, that’s all that should matter, and I’m not explaining Jungkook to you,” You say coldly, “You lost the right to know a long time ago. If you took your head out of your ass for two seconds, you’d know that this friendship was over months ago.”
By now, both of your voices have raised in volume and pitch, attracting the attention of bystanders. This makes no sense to you, your head is starting to hurt from the implications of her words. You just want to go home. By now, Yoongi has seen your text and is trying to get to the bar to rescue you from Sora.
“He won’t give you what you need,” Sora exclaims.
“Shut up! Just fucking stop talking about him,” You shout, “I’m so fucking sick of this, just leave me the fuck alone. Your opinion doesn’t matter to me anymore, just drop it!”
You feel the need to defend him though, “He’s kind, he has a big heart a-and, you know what, I don’t need to explain myself to you. Just fucking drop it! Leave me alone!”
“You are so fucking blind! You’ve always been such an oblivious fucking bitch,” She screams at you and your blood goes cold. You’ve seen her angry, but not like this not when her eyes are blown over with rage.
Yoongi’s heart is beating in his ears as he tries to find you- this club is fucking huge, where the hell could you be? He’s already sent a text to Jungkook, telling him that you might be in trouble at the club and that nobody could find you.
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“Where is he then? If he’s so kind, he must be here right?”
“What the fuck is your problem? You’ve always had a stick up your ass about him specifically- I mean you’ve always have a stick up your ass, but with him it’s like something crawled up there and died-”
“You couldn’t even cuff him? You dropped me for him and you didn’t even cuff him?”
“That’s none of your business!”
“What are you afraid of, babe?” She sneers cruelly, “Afraid he’ll find something he doesn’t like? Or are you afraid you’ll find something that you don’t like?”
Frustration and hurt boils in your belly, causing wetness to pool in your eyes. You shut your eyes tightly, willing the feeling to go away. With all of the calmness you can muster, you throw her hand off of you and rub your forearm gingerly.
Before you can say anything, her eyes narrow to slits. You don’t even have time to react before you feel a sudden wetness drench the front of your top. Remnants of her drink are splashed on your torso and you gasp, rage flaring through your veins once more. How dare she throw her drink at you? Before you can do anything though, a pair of arms circle your waist and you’re pulled into a strong chest.
You recognize the scent of his cologne immediately and the feel of his leather jacket. “Jungkook,” You mumble, looking up at him. He immediately gives you his jacket and pushes it through your arms wordlessly.
“Hi,” He murmurs, taking in your wide, nervous eyes and the trembling of your hands. He brushes a thumb over your cheek before standing in front of you and you take his hand in yours. Jungkook squeezes reassuringly.
He offers Sora a long, hard look and a shake of his head. She almost balks at his intense gaze. Almost.
“C’mon baby,” Jungkook finally says, “Let’s get out of here.”
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“My knight in shining arm-” You shiver once you’re both outside the club, away from the eyes of strangers. You cut your train of thought off when he pulls you close to him, cupping your cheeks with both hands. Worry dots his eyes and he presses his forehead to yours shakily.
“Jungkook?” You say softly, “Is everything-”
He exhales, a shudder felt against your skin. He seems to be at odds with himself, an internal battle dancing in his dark eyes. But Jungkook makes up his mind and cradles your face again, the gentle pads of his thumbs brushing over your cheeks.
“I missed you,” Jungkook croaks, “Shit, I miss you so fucking much. Can I kiss you, baby? Is it okay if I kiss you?”
You nod instantly, breathing out a soft ‘yes’. Whatever this recent development means for both of you, it makes sense. You want this and you want him.
And then he kisses you as if it was meant to be, as if he’s been thinking about your lips every minute of every day- soft, balmy lips against your chapped, red lips. Jungkook swallows your gasp, somehow brushing against the parts of your heart that missed him. His kiss is sweet and desperate as his tongue traces over your teeth before dipping further into your mouth. Your knees weaken slightly, but he holds you steady with one arm around your waist and his other hand cradling your cheek.
You’re overwhelmed by him and from the events of the night. Whatever wetness had gathered in your eyes clings to your lashes before dropping down your cheeks.
“Baby,” Jungkook says softly. He gathers you in his arms, hugging you tightly. You sink into his hold on you, inhaling deeply. The faint thrum of his heart calms you slightly.
“I missed you,” You reply, voice barely above a whisper, “Fuck, I missed you a lot.”
He kisses your forehead with a small smile, the hint of his dimples making you smile, too. Jungkook looks at you as if you’re transparent, trying to study the reason for your wet lashes and the tear stains down your face. A feeling of understanding passes between you both, calming your racing heart and your nerves.
“Jungkook,” You murmur, “Take me home.”
“Yours or mine?”
“Yours,” You reply, not really wanting to be in your home just yet, “It’s only fair, since you spent the night at my place last time, right?”
“I guess I can’t argue with that,” Jungkook chuckles. He kisses you one more time before adjusting his motorcycle helmet over your head. When you wrap your arms around him, you press a kiss to the back of his neck and behind his ear.
He shivers.
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Jungkook can tell you’re in your head a little bit, a little quiet and shaky. Even as you head into his bathroom to change into the clothes he’d given you, you couldn’t quite meet his eyes. When you returned from the bathroom with a bare face, you’re lost in thought, biting down on your bottom lip and chewing harshly.
He’d pulled you into his arms, applied his clear balm on your lips, and chided you for treating your lips like that.
You only smiled weakly at him and meekly asked him to hold you under his covers. He doesn’t deny you.
He’d caught the tail end of Sora’s tirade at the club, and he’d begun to understand. He thinks you had begun to understand, too.
“Hey,” Jungkook whispers into your hair, “Do you want to talk, baby?”
“I don’t know what to say,” You admit softly, pressing your hand over his.
“I can talk for both of us,” Jungkook says, kissing your temple, “Can I do that?”
“Yeah,” You mumble, threading your fingers through his and squeezing.
“I heard some of what Sora said,” Jungkook says and you tense up but he wordlessly tells you to relax, “I think in some weird, twisted, fucked up way. She loved you and her way of showing you how was keeping you to herself. It’s shitty, but it made sense to her. But you don’t owe her anything, baby. Not a damn thing.”
“Yeah,” You sigh, “I feel really gross and I don’t know why.”
“That’s alright, baby,” Jungkook says, rubbing your arm, “You didn’t know. That’s not love, not really. You’re safe here.”
“I know,” You say, turning to look at him with a small smile, “I trust you.”
You turn fully in his arms, resting your head on his chest and wrapping an arm around his waist. His heartbeat lulls you to sleep, as well as his gentle fingers over your back. It’s so easy with him, and you don’t need to think too much. Just how you like it.
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Tags: @kookdbean @codeinebelle
MoM Tags: @tiemeuptogoldenchains @boymeetsparadise @jungkooksseuphoria @kaepjjangiya @drumsofheaven @ppeachyttae @tae-bebe @yiyi4657 @mygscafe @beeeetsandskzreads @maichiverse @hordanhearsawhooo @anonymous2505
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kookiesjoonies · 4 years
risk it — jjk | masterlist.
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↠ fic type: social media au, exes to lovers
↠ main pairing: tattoo artist!jungkook x salon owner!reader
↠ side ships: namjin, vmin (fwb), hoseok x makeup artist!oc
↠ genre: heavy angst
↠ warnings: explicit language, mature themes, smut, light pining, jealousy, alcohol usage, light violence
↠ status: ongoing
✧ a drunken text ends with you wrapped up in the arms of your ex-boyfriend. aka the man that you dumped two years prior, after he refused to marry you. suddenly, all of the feelings that you’d seemingly had buried come rushing back up to the surface, and you’re not sure how long you can ignore them.
a/n: if you’d like to be added to the tag list, send me an ask!
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character profiles. 
one: quote me on that.
two: dumb as fuck.
three: plastered.
four: pretend.
five: already forgotten.
six: try it and see.
seven: easy lay.
eight: most toxic two.
nine: one more chance.
ten: get our shit together.
eleven: i hate it here.
twelve: wicked witch.
thirteen: drop dead.
bonus: getting serious.
fourteen: men ain’t shit.
fifteen: the truth.
sixteen: moving on. 
seventeen: happy n stuff.
eighteen: character growth.
nineteen: risk it.
twenty: evil twin.
twenty-one: hong kong.
twenty-two: fake love.
twenty-three: baby emoji.
twenty-four: aunt or uncle.
twenty-five: my everything.
epilogue 01: the wedding.
epilogue 02: the marriage.
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
Valentine's Collab - Day Six!
"Don't be stubborn! Try it!"
Early Valentine's gift as part of this great collaboration event together with seven other lovely authors, for Feb 13! Masterlist here, read them all, they're greaaaat~
Here's more sauce for motorcycle and tattoo artist Xiao brrttt, header by @Cut3knife on twitter.
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Customers are always right! A simple and straightforward philosophy in the world of commerce exercised and spoken like a mantra for many years.
Xiao takes this to heart in his business. He had never refused a customer on their choices when it comes to the design they pick. Even if it's a bad tattoo, even if they were high,
even if they were drunk off their assess, too.
He was silent and obedient if he was silently judging the customer, hardcore, in his head.
So, what is it about now that made him hesitate.
"Don't be stubborn! Try it!"
Your flushed face from one too many drinks swayed side to side as you giggled, his head lifting from the image to stare- squint at your intoxicated state.
Xiao is known as an Ink Master for his mad talent in generating designs AND copying requests to the dot. You are one of his frequent and loyal customer, maybe the most loyal one of all, who always asks for the most aesthetically pleasing designs you customize or combine from different designs into a bigger masterpiece.
That's the main reason he's very hesitant on your request, the thought making him look at the digital design displayed on your phone and cringe again at the image.
This is a dare, this is definitely a horrible drunk dare.
"You know this is going to be permanent, you can never erase this from your skin, (Y/N)." His repeated argument was made in a vain attempt as he watched you climb in his workbench, the artist's head snapping to the side when you suddenly started undressing your top without provocation.
"Come on, come on, it would be good! I trust you!" Your drunken stupor mumbles nonchalantly as you ever so slowly pass out from your hangover.
Well now he really can't do anything about it. Xiao sighs as he snaps on his surgical gloves, bashfully running his hand over your entire back in pure adoration before settling on your lower back, where he starts sketching the ordered design— with a few changes here and there as he knows you've always liked about his service.
When he thought he was finished, his hand moves again to redo a finer detail, scratching off the center portion into a totally different design. This would be— his boldest move yet, but it's going to be something you'd (hopefully) not berate him about. And all things were done.
As the tool starts in his hand, he realized that this body part brings immense pain you never had before in your trips. "Sorry," he mumbles as the needle punches at your skin.
You woke up with a scream.
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"Remember you can remove the gauze after five hours, nothing more, nothing less. Be very careful on irritations, especially since it's on your back," the ever so vigilant inker expertly recites the precautions without missing a beat as he locks the shop for the night. You were his last appointment for the day and the design finished just in time for closing.
You nod behind with a whine and groan as you fought the urge to scratch at the pain, the numbness lessening the full agony by half at this point.
You're most likely sober now, with light headedness here and there, with the urge to chug a whole liter of water as well as puke your guts out into the nearest bush.
Drunk you must be so proud of themselves.
"Sorry for whatever trouble I might have caused."
"I'm saying sorry in advance for whatever comes out on your back in a month or two."
You grumbled in response at his quip. The angle already makes it hard to make out for your vision, and the scabbing as well as peeling would also obscure the end result of whatever abomination you and him done to yourself. And judging by Xiao's interactions, it's not looking pretty good on your end.
Him revving up his motorcycle snaps you out of your self-deprication and you realized just how late it already was. You never reached after hours in this shop, "Thanks again, Xiao, I'm sure you did your best to make damage control for whatever horror I asked-"
"Are you gonna make me wait more or will you finally get on?"
With a gasp, your head turns to the sigh of the motorcyclist holding out a black helmet with neon accents tailored to your favorite colors. Whatever thoughts you had were erased as you rushed over to his side, bouncing on your tiptoes as you held out your hand for your designated helmet he keeps around whenever you needed a lift.
Xiao flips down his tinted visor to hide the unstoppable smile that creeped up to his lips at the sight of the adorable you. And to indulge, he took the long road.
It wasn't until 90 days later when you barged into his shop while Xiao was in the middle of inking someone, screaming incoherently with a flushed red face, with your hands lifting up to show the tattoo on your back to him.
It still had a few skin waiting to peel off naturally but the vibrant color of his work had started manifesting, the design in entirety easily recognizable in its condition:
A crying pepehands emoji tattoo with his words Xiao written in striking cursive in neon teal and black.
If you wanted him to ink over the pepehands for a more pleasing design, he'd be glad to do so for free.
But the mark of his name stays there. Permanently.
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Eheh, early Valentine's gift, dears. I switched. between three damn prompts before finally settling on this.
Special mentions:
@yellowflowre @kookieyachi @anormalguyreader @dandelion-dreams @lehra @starlynxx @reicandies @heiayen @xiaophilia @hanniejji
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belovedbangtan · 4 years
Dive| Part 9| jjk
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Pairings: Jungkook x y/n, Yoongi x oc
Word Count: 4.5k
Series Description:  Camping with your ex, sounds horrible right? The camping trip was   planned and payed for long before y/n’s shitty boyfriend broke up with   her. Her best friend Abby, Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook are there to make sure she has an amazing time. However, sharing a tent with  a smoke show like Jungkook is bound to lead to some complications.
Warnings: language, drinking, mentions of sex, hardcore flirting,  maybe Jungkook didnt change afterall?, 
You wake up on Saturday morning, in potentially the best mood you’ve ever been in. A ‘good morning beautiful’ text from Jungkook definitely helped set things off on the right foot. You reply back when he instantly asks if he can Face Time, so you get up and get dressed.
When the calls connect, your breathe hitches; fuck he was so attractive. You lean in giving him a cheesy smile, scrunching your nose and telling him good morning properly. Pretending not to be phased when he rolls onto his back keeping the phone above him. You totally weren’t thinking about riding him this early, nope.
“You look pretty,” He says with a playful smile. You pause coming back over to the camera, resting your forearms on the counter.
“You’re one to talk, do you just wake up looking like that?” You tease, giggling when he tries to contain his blush. Pushing his long, tattooed fingers through his recently washed hair.
“So… where do you want to get dinner tomorrow?” He changes the subject.
“Mmm I don’t care, you can pick.” You reach into your fridge pulling fruits out so you can make a smoothie.
“Well, what’s your favorite food?”
You grin at him, you were in a teasing mood, “I told you… remember?” your face drops a little.
He instantly sits up in the bed, his brows knitting together, “You did?” he asks quietly, “Uhm, let me think.” He pulls his thumb up to his mouth and he starts to nibble at his fingernail.
“You don’t remember Kookie?” You tease again, this time pouting a bit to really sell it.
“No… I-I I remember, it’s uhm Pizza? Or Pasta?” he pulls his lip in looking at you, clearly still trying to scan his brain for a memory that you knew didn’t exist. Pausing, you come close to the camera smiling wide.
“You know, I’m actually pretty impressed. I was fucking with you. I’ve never told you my favorite food, but you guessed right somehow,” You squint, giggling when he throws his head back onto his pillow at your confession.
“You’re so mean! I really felt like an asshole! All I could remember was on the float trip, you were so drunk and you wouldn’t stop talking about Pizza,” You both start laughing at the faint memory that seemed like it was so long ago.
“Ahh so drunk me told you, that bitch,” You shake your head earning a laugh from him.
“Yeah well drunk me likes to tell secrets too, so it’s all good,” You nod your head thinking of his own drunken confession and how thankful you were for it.
“What other secrets did drunk me tell you?” you ask throwing all of your ingredients into the blender.
He  looks up thinking about his answer when a smug smile starts to pull at his lips, “I mean besides when you told me that I was the sexiest person you had ever laid your eyes on and you wanted to try every sex position known to existance with me?”
You choke on air, eyes wide as you turn to look at him through the phone screen, “I said what now?”
“That I was the sexi-“He starts to repeat himself, but you don’t need to hear it again.
“Yeah, no I got it. Uhm, when did I… when did I say that?” you stutter, trying to seem nonchalant. It definitely sounds like something you would think, but why the fuck would you say that… to him! You hold your finger up, telling him to pause. Turning the blender on he watches you patiently for about a minute. You’re eyes nervously flicking to his, hoping to recall at least a piece of this memory. Once you’re done, you pour your smoothie into a cup. You take a sip as you walk over to the phone, leaning down to hear him.
“You don’t remember? Come on babe, not even a little bit?” He cocks his head, his sinister grin making you think that maybe it wasn’t so farfetched.
“No, I kind of remember… we’re we in the tent?” you lie, you had no idea. Maybe if he thought you remembered a little bit; he might ease up. Was it better if you were completely black out and didn’t remember, or you were only a little drunk and the memory is fuzzy? Either way, your cheeks were burning red.
“Nope, not in the tent,” He giggles readjusting the phone and you see his toned chest for just a split second. Again… maybe drunk you was onto something.
You tilt your head, closing your eyes tight trying to remember any moment where you would have been bold enough to say such a thing. Suddenly his laughing brings you from your thoughts, “What’s so funny?”
“Well, I was lying but is that something you feel like you would say, y/n?” His head tilts and you realize he just pulled a you on you. “Because, I have a Karma Sutra book and we can do a few pages a day… it might take some time but i-“ He rambles on sarcastically.
“You are such an ass,” You bury your face in your hands. How didn’t you catch on sooner? Probably because you had that thought but a more R rated version of it every time you made eye contact with the fucker. Of course, it was something you would say.
“So Pizza and Karma Sutra? Is that our date,” you quip raising your brows. His face hardens, his eyes locking on yours, you can tell he’s attempting to read you. Was this a part of the joke or were you serious?
“I’m joking,” You giggle, getting closer to the camera before whispering, “or am I?”
He tilts his head and runs his tongue along the inside of his bottom lip, “How’s your smoothie?” His voice is quiet. You smile, giggling a bit because he took the easy way out. You admired him for that. Obviously, you wanted to finally have sex with Jungkook. Clearly the sexual attraction was there. You gave him the perfect opportunity to talk about sex, and he deflected.
“It’s really yummy,” you smile sweetly, the both of you just enjoying each other, “Ill have to make one for you.”
He lets out a big sigh, and the smile that takes over his face reach up to his eyes, “Do you remember me telling you about how I wanted to uhm…” He rubs the back of his neck nervously, “just be home with you? Like do normal day to day things with you?”
You smile nodding your head softly, how could you forget.
“Well I meant it then, but… I really mean it now. I wish I was there to drink smoothies with you, and just talk about our day. Maybe lay on the couch and watch a movie with you, until we’re both starving.”
Your heart feels like it could beat out of your chest. You’d be lying if your head didn’t interfere a little, warning you of the last time he made you feel this way with these promises. You take a deep breath looking away from the screen.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” He says softly and you quickly shake your head. That last thing you wanted was for him to think that he should second guess telling you anything like that.
“No, I-uhm, I still feel the same way about that. I liked the idea then, and I like it now,” You tell him.
“Im glad,” he smiles again before clearing his throat, clearly letting the moment make him softer than he was used to being, “So you’ve got your work thing and I’ve got my family thing, then tomorrow we can get dinner and uhm… talk.” He mumbles and you nod your head, laughing to yourself at how flustered he seemed to be.
“Okay then I’ll text you, bye beautiful.”
“Bye Kookie.”
As your finger hits the red button, you wait for second to make sure he’s gone before collapsing onto your kitchen floor. Your stomach filled with an army of butterflies, and your chest thumping so hard you could feel it in your ears. You wished you could skip today and fast forward to tomorrow, eager to finally be able to call him yours.
The day flew by and before you knew it you were in the Uber on your way to meet up with your co-workers. It was Johnny’s birthday, and he all but begged you to be there. You’d be a bold face liar if you said that the men you worked with weren’t attractive. All of them were breaking the scale of attractiveness. However, you never once thought about them in the way that Jungkook was worried about. To be completely honest, it was hard for you to think about anyone the way you thought about Jungkook. Even when you hated him, you still thought the world of him.
You thank your Uber Driver, flattening your peplum skirt down when you get out of the car. Texting Namjoon to announce you arrive. He meets you outside instantly enveloping you in a hug, taking your hand and leading you to the table where the rest of your co-workers are.
“y/n! I was wondering if you would make it!” Johnny yells, standing up to hug you. His tall frame hovering above yours.
You chuckle, “How could I miss it? You told me if I didn’t come you would stop getting my coffee every morning!” you quip, he shushes you by handing you one of the readily available shots on the table. Tequila. Wonderful.
After a few more shots of the harsh white liquid, you’re standing at a table with Namjoon. He’s checking his phone because he can’t seem to stop working. You pull out your phone, thumb hovering above his name and the cute monkey emoji that accompanied it. You decide to send him a simple, Hey you. He told you he had to do a favor for his Aunt. After your call in the morning you texted a bit and he told you to call him when you left the bar. It was only an hour in and you wanted to leave already. Scratch that, you wanted to talk to him already.
“You seem to be in a good mood,” Namjoon’s calm voice snaps you from your reverie.
Smiling down at the name on your screen, “I am actually,” you giggle because you were. You were so excited and happy for the next step in your life, “You know that guy I was talking to you about?”
Is brows raise and he lets out a huff, “You mean the only guy you talk about, Jungkook, right? Yes, y/n, we all know about Jungkook.” He giggles and you playfully smack his arm. Okay maybe you were talking about him a little too much.
“Yes him, well we’re going to dinner tomorrow and I think I’m ready to ask him out.” You bite your bottom lip hard, just thinking about it.
“I think that’s probably a good idea,” He laughs, bringing his beer to his lips.
“I think so too. I just wish all of the doubt was gone, ya know?” you take a drink from your drink, “Like, a tiny part of my brain just keeps reminding me of how much he hurt me.”
“But he explained all of that right?” Namjoon asks, you nod sucking your drink down anxiously, “Well I think that speaks volumes. If he meant it, and he actually feels sorry, AND he explained why he reacted that way… I’m pretty sure he cares about you as much as you care about him.”
You slowly drag your eyes to meet Namjoon’s, a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. He widens his eyes as he cocks his head, as if to silently say, ‘I know, I’m a genius’. You couldn’t argue, because he was right. If Jungkook truly didn’t care about you or your feelings, he wouldn’t explained himself at all. You inhale deeply, looking at your phone for the umpteenth time. Maybe he was still busy with helping his aunt, you think.
Before you can start overthinking, a very intoxicated Johnny finds you and Namjoon. Three more tequila shots, and your head is spinning now. You’re drunk but at this point you can manage to get an Uber. You tell Namjoon you’re leaving, and you beg him not to tell Johnny. You watched how he guilt tripped another of your co-workers when she was attempting to leave early, and you don’t think you have it in you to tell him no. He seemed like beast on the outside, but he had those puppy dog eyes on lock down. Namjoon hugs you and tells you to let him know when you’ve gotten home safely.
After your Uber is confirmed you walk outside to the busy street to wait for it. The strip of bars was insanely crowded, so you sit along the window frame of the bar you had just left. Looking at your phone once again, it was almost 1 am. Your hazy thoughts wondered if he forgot about you. What would he still be doing for his aunt this late? You get a notification telling you that your uber was about to arrive, so you stand up and walk to the edge of the side walk. As you search for the white Chevy Cruze your gaze is pulled to the group of people piling out of the bar to your left.
You roll your eyes at how obnoxious they were. Loud and clearly piss drunk. Suddenly the crowd spreads apart, and what you see must be a mirage. Her dress was clinging to her body and she was clinging to him. Him. His arm was around her waist as he walks with her to a car. Her drunken form wobbling along the cobblestone. He laughed at something she said, and it made feel like you were dying inside. She says something in response, but he only seems to be concerned with getting her home. He slides in after her, and you watch his familiar tattoos disappear as the car door closes.
Your Uber honks obnoxiously, making you jump. Inhaling for the first time in what felt like a lifetime. You get into the Uber, and you almost want him to take you the hospital. That cant be right, you think to yourself over and over again. So many questions running through your mind and you can’t find an answer for any of them. All of your questions reminding you of the reason you stopped talking to him to begin with. Reminding you of the fact that you really didn’t know who he was. It felt like your chest was on fire, burning your lungs from the inside out. You don’t know when the tears started to fall, but now they weren’t stopping. You sit back and you think. Your brain and the 8 shots of tequila having very different opinions on how to handle this situation. Fuck it, you think to yourself, tequila wins this time.
“Excuse me sir,” You sniffle, attempting to mask the heartbreak, “Could I change my destination please?”
His eyes flick to your red, wet ones through the review mirror and he listens closely as you tell him the new address. Once he changes his route, you melt into your seat. Wishing it would swallow you whole so you wouldn’t have to deal with any of this. As fucked up as all of this was, and as much as you wanted to disappear; more than anything you wanted a fucking answer. Why would anyone toy with someone this much? It wasn’t a fucking game and he deserved to know that. The Uber slows to a stop and you thank him repeatedly, and he asks you again if you’re sure you were okay.
The Uber drives away, and you stop, staring up at the tall building. The last time you were here, Jungkook was the drunk one. His arm slung over your shoulder, much like the image that scorched itself into your brain of him and mystery girl. The tears are back, you decide that they have a mind of their own, because right now you can not be sad. Sure it feels like your heart was ripped out of your chest, but you can be broken later. Right now, you have to be the girl that stands up for herself, the girl that knows she doesn’t deserve to be treated like an old plaything that you love one day and throw out the next. You deserve better, and you hate yourself for giving into his deception.
It feels like a video game as you walk the familiar path. Your hand tingles when you picture his hand pulling you up the stairs. When you finally get to his door, you stand there for what seems like a decade. Your fingernails digging into your sweaty palms, trying to build an ounce of courage so you can knock. You start to over think it all, as you start to walk away you hear a high pitched giggle and then a very aggressive ‘shush’. Then before you can overthink it any more your knuckles are knocking aggressively.
The door opens quickly, “Im sorry! We will be quiet I prom-“ His eyes meet yours turning pale in an instant, “y/n, wh-what are you doing here.” His voice is shaky.
You bite your lip hard to keep from crying on the spot, without saying a word you push past him and into his apartment.
He closes the door and turns to see you running your finger along mystery girls’ purse and coat, His eyes widen when he realizes why you’re here.
“Baby, No! I swear that is not what it looks like! She is-“ He rushes to you taking your hands in his and you fling them away from you pushing him back.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” You scream and his face drops, “I don’t care who she is! I don’t want to know anything! I really thought you cared about me Jungkook! I thought that you were different, even after all of those horrible things you said to Ben. I believed that. Turns out you were worse than him! At least Ben never fucking lied to me! He might have been a piece of shit but he didn’t lie to me! You don’t want to come home to me! You don’t want to be with me! This is all just some fucking game to you! Well guess what, I fucking quit. I don’t want to play anymore.” The tears on your face are constant now. Your knees tremble as you watch him reach out for you, pushing him away again.
“Kook,” a small voice yells out, “what is going on?” Mystery girl asks as she comes into view. She was probably waiting for him in his bed, your fist curls at the thought.
“Oh is this y/n?” She slurs, clearly still way too drunk, “Oh gosh she’s so pretty, why are you crying?” she tilts her head as he ushers her back to the hallway, whispering something to help her understand.
You exhale a shaky breath, why did she know your name? You swallow hard, wondering why something felt wrong. When he appears again, his face is hard.
“She’s my cousin…” He explains and suddenly the wind is knocked out of you.
“I should have told you what was going on but, I honestly didn’t know I would be doing all of this. It’s her birthday and she wanted to go out, so my aunt asked me if I would show her a few places. Her friends got way too fucked up, and she got way too fucked up. She started throwing up, so I brought her back here because I didn’t want to leave her like that…” He runs his hand through his hair stopping when he gets to his neck.
“I’m… I’m so sorry…” You blink at him, “I just saw you with her leaving the bar, and you weren’t responding to my text… and I don’t know..” you start to ramble, wishing that you could take it all back.
In one stride his hands find your waist, pulling you close to his chest. He reaches up to your tear stained face and delicately pushes your hair from your face.
“I’m not mad at you. It looked bad. I get it, I know that I still have to work on your trust,” His voice is soft as his forehead rest against yours.
You look up locking your glassy eyes with apologetic ones, “I’m sorry for screaming at you,” is all you can manage to say. Your head stopping you from spewing all of the thing your heart (and tequila) want you to say.
You feel his chest when he laughs to himself, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“You can scream at me, I don’t mind,” He chuckles reaching up to wipe another tear away, “But I really hate seeing you cry. I never want to be reason for your tears.” His eyes start to mirror yours, before he cries too you wrap your arms around his neck pulling him down to you so you can press your lips to his.
His hands meet behind your neck pulling you closer. The longer the kiss goes on, the more you don’t want to stop. His tongue presses against your bottom lip before you allow it to meet your own. You suck his bottom lip into your mouth before pulling away.
“Are you drunk baby?” He asks quietly pressing his swollen lips to your temple.
“I drank a lot of tequila,” you answer methodically, only causing him to chuckle.
“Well you should stay here, with me. My aunt is picking her up in the morning, but we can cuddle on the couch, is that okay?”
You smile and nod knowing he wishes the circumstances were different. What he doesn’t know is that even if you had to sleep inside the bathtub, you would stay because you wanted to be with him.
“Ill go get you some clothes,” He smiles and kisses your lips fervently once more before he disappears.
You put your things down and you quickly text Namjoon to tell him you’re home safe. Smiling as your fingers type the words because ‘home’ was starting to have an entirely new meaning to you. Jungkook returns with a pair of grey sweatpants and baggy t-shirt, handing them to you as he looks you up and down.
He sighs, “You look like an absolute Goddess in that outfit but I have to be honest,” He grins, pulling you close to his chest again, “I’ve been dying to see you in my clothes again.”
You giggle as his hands travel down the length of your skirt, stopping at the hem. His fingertips brush along your thigh, before traveling up slowly. You reach out grabbing a fist full of his t-shirt to pull him impossibly closer to you. When your lips connect with his jawbone, he lets out a sharp exhale. His hands ball up and he places them back onto your hips, making you slow your attack on his neck.
“What’s wrong?” you ask with a dramatic pout, pushing yourself back so you can look up at him.
“Nothing baby, its just that you’ve drank a lot,” a soft smile forms on his lips as he leans in to kiss your forehead once more, “Now go change so we can cuddle, yeah?”
You nod instead of protesting, walking to the bathroom to change into his clothes. His baggy sweatpants hang off of your hips and you know they look so much better on him. You fold your clothes up and place them on top of your purse when you walk out. His eyes are on you as you walk over to his seat on the couch, his eyes seemingly satisfied.
“Yeah… I don’t think I’ll ever get used to seeing you in my clothes,” He mumbles, pulling you down to him. You decide to straddle his hip, resting your head on his chest. You feel rather than hear his laugh as you exhale dramatically. The combination of his fingers running up your spine and the melodic beat of his heart slowly turns you into mush on his chest.
“I’ve missed you,” you say quietly before you can even think about it.
“Mm, I’ve missed you too baby,” He tilts your chin up, brushing your hair from your eyes so he can look at you before pressing his lips to yours once more, “Get some sleep, don’t want you to be tired on our date.”
A/N: I think the next chapter will be the final chapter guys! Please tell me what you think! Also, request are open! I have a few that I'm working on currently but I'm searching for a new series to write! Also check out my new one shot, Simple Things, if you haven't already! 
Also, Im getting so fucking pumped for comeback, how are we gonna handle this new era guysss?!?! 
@cainami @carolsummerlove @zeharilisharaban @jikooksgirl19 @fallen-for-luke @madygswich @sugalarity @lofikoo​ @ggukkieeee @peachy-bhun @megs58298 @kawaiiayasan @ jeonchan26  @ambersaesthetics​ @hopekookies​ @rumpucis @iaintnohollybackgirl​
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genmusings · 3 years
*  ◞  𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒  .
𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙 𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒 :  gentry  thylane  barton  . 𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑒(𝑠) :  goes  predominantly  by  gen  ,  genny  on  occasion  ,  and  gigi  begrudgingly  in  the  presence  of  old  family  friends  and  relatives  . 𝑎𝑔𝑒 :  twenty - three  . 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒  𝑜𝑓  𝑏𝑖𝑟𝑡ℎ :  tbd  . 𝑏𝑖𝑟𝑡ℎ  𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑡 :  libra  sun  ,  libra  moon  ,  cancer  rising  . ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑛 :  roswell  ,  georgia  . 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 :  cis  woman  . 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑠 :  she  &  her  . 𝑠𝑒𝑥𝑢𝑎𝑙  𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 :  bisexual  .
𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑖𝑚 :  janae  roberts  . ℎ𝑎𝑖𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑟 :  blonde  . 𝑒𝑦𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑟 :  green  . ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 :  5  ft  7 '  . 𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑜𝑠 :  a  stick  and  poke  heart  above  her  right  collar  bone  ,  a  winking  and  now  faded  smiley  face  above  her  left  elbow  ,  but  out  of  all  the  girlish  and  now  a  bit  unfortunate  markings  ,  the  most  unfortunate  had  to  have  been  a  three  week  long  ex’s  signature  in  grandiose  cursive  above  her  hip  bone  .  though  the  fact  that  she  had  amassed  a  collection  of  thirteen  tiny  tattoos  without  ever  stepping  foot  into  a  tattoo  shop  could  be  considered  fairly impressive  ,  comical  would  be  a  better  word  ,  tragic  even  ,  considering  at  least  four  of  them  were  someone  else's  faint  and  fading  initials  and  another  three  were  shaky  and  smiling  faces  scattered  at  random  across  her  skin  .   the  only  two  with  any  meaning  outside  of  fleeting  infatuation  or  drunken  shenanigans  is  the  444  on  the  back  of  her  neck  or  the  divine  feminine  tattooed  in  red  beneath  her  left  breast  . 𝑝𝑖𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 :  three  in  tight  succession  on  each  earlobe  .  her  tolerance  for  pain  is  low  ,  and  while  aesthetically  she  loved  cartilage  piercings  ,  they're  not  quite  cute  enough  to  persevere  . 𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑡𝑦𝑙𝑒 :  think  ,  carrie  bradshaw  . . .  or  jenna  rink  with  an  edge  .  her  sense  of  style  is  what  most  would  consider  funky  eclectic  ,  and  rarely  ventures  outside  the  realm  of  50  shades  of  pink  and  bold  pieces  no  matter  the  occasion  .
𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑛  𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 ( 𝟻𝟶𝟶 ) 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠  𝑜𝑓  𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑟 :  a  self - proclaimed  hopeless  romantic  who  ,  not  unlike  summer  ,  has  an  aversion  to  love  .  born  the  product  of  an  already  disintegrating  relationship  ,  gentry  was  granted  an  innate  understanding  of  the  ache  that  followed  in  the  wake  of  " love  "  lost  ,  recognized  quickly  just  how  messy  relationships  could  be  somewhere  in  between  her  father's  first  and  sixth  failed  fling  .  but  she  had  been  weaned  on  the  hollywood  ending  ,  loved  love  almost  as  much  as  she  loathed  it  . . .  she  knew  better  than  anyone  that  the  end  to  all  her  favorite  romances  could  very  well  become  a  tragedy —  if  it  happened  to  her  mother  and  father  ,  who's  to  say  anna  scott  and  william  thacker  were  still  living  out  their  happily  ever  after  in  notting  hill  —  but  that  didn't  stop  her  from  following  in  her  father’s  own  love  sick  (  or  was  it  lust  drunk  )  footsteps  ,  always  falling  so  quickly  ,  so  deeply  into  an  intense  like  that  the  lack  of  love  pained  her  .  there  has  always  been  a  certain  disconnect  ,  a  complete  lack  of  sureness  in  relationships  (  platonic  ,  romantic  ,  and  everything  in  between  )  she  feared  might  never  be  remedied  .
𝑡𝑜𝑚 ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑛 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 ( 𝟻𝟶𝟶 ) 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠  𝑜𝑓  𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑟 :  gentry  doesn't  see  the  best  in  people  nor  the  worst  ,  instead  she  aged  unfortunately  into  the  same  curse  that  troubled  tom  —  the  tendency  to  see  everything  as  she  wanted  it  to  appear  . . .  she  had  always  been  well  versed  in  the  art  of  playing  at  pretend  ,  her  father  was  more  than  a  few  quick  texts  every  other  week  ,  her  mother  more  than  a  memory  told  from  someone  else's  jaded  perspective  ,  and  every  single  person  she  shared  a  commonality  with  ,  no  matter  how  insubstantial  ,  could  very  easily  be  the  love  of  her  life  .  being  so  out  of  touch  with  reality  ,  a  side  effect  of  films  stepping  in  in  place  of  a  parent  ,  had  kept  her  childish  and  chasing  after  all  the  pretty  things  that  made  her  feel  something  akin  to  what  she  felt  watching  one  of  her  romances  .  but  aside  from  bringing  new  meaning  to  the  term  hopeless  romantic  ,  the  comparisons  between  gentry  and  tom  don't  stop  there  .  she  ,  like  tom  ,  is  quick  to  settle  for  things  that  don't  necessarily  please  her  (  a  friendship  ,  a  relationship  ,  her  career  )  so  long  as  it  suited  her  childish  notions  of  an  easy  life  and  an  easy  love  .  she  ,  like  tom  ,  often  reduces  people  to  a  few  personality  traits  or  hobbies  that  perfectly  align  with  her  own  .  and  she  ,  like  tom  ,  handles  rejection  very  poorly  .
𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑦𝑛 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑏𝑜𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑘 ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛 :  tbd .
*  ◞  𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐒   .
from  filling  a diary  chock - full  of  cotton  candy  fluff  —  all  those  pretty ,  pink  glitter  gel  penned  sweet  nothings  you  yearned  to  hear  from  a  revolving  door  of  fleeting  flames  and  fascinations  —  to  crossing  through  them  over  and  over  again  until  the  page  began  to  tear  the  following  week  .  donning  thin  ,  rose  hued  sunglasses  and  head  scarves  to  ride  passenger  seat  in  your  vintage  convertible  :  the  perfect  pink  accessory  that  would  have  been  made  even  more  perfect  should  you  ever  learn  to  drive  it  .  grandmother’s  timeless  heirloom  pearls  come  unstrung  ,  undone  ,  bouncing  and  bobbling  across  grand  harlequin  tile  floors  ,  traded  in  for  a  pearl  ball  gag  nestled  pretty  between  the  swollen  pink  -  red  of  your  lips  .  blowing  out  all  twenty  -  three  (  at  least  the  housekeeper  in  charge  of  preparations  had  remembered  how  old  you  were  turning  )  of  your  candles  at  an  elaborate  party  for  a  crowd  that  would  barely  remember  your  first  name  come  sunrise  ,  and  wishing  for  it  to  not  be  so  on  each  one  .  a  distinct  brand  of  jaded  birthed  from  your  skewed  love  for  skewed  love  .  your  at  home  remedy  for  everything  from  heartbreak  to  the  flu  an  hour  long  bubble  bath  ,  a  popped  and  fizzling  bottle  of  veuve  clicquot  all  to  yourself  ,  and  a  good  night's  rest  in  nothing  but  a  matching  pink  lingerie  set  .  plucking  the  petals  of  a  rose  in  a  game  of  i  love  them  ,  i  love  them  not  and  convincing  yourself  it's  fated  or  doomed  in  conclusion  .  boasting  valentine's  day  as  your  absolute  favorite  holiday  .  a  pale  pink  birkin  bag  filled  with  jasmine  and  tuberose  scented  hand  creams  ,  a  few  too  many  hidden  nerf  bullets  ,  and  a  worse  for  wear  and  glitter  smeared  copy  of  romeo  and  juliet  .  a  perpetually  unmade  bed  .  and  using  xxx  and  pink  heart  emojis  in  lieu  of  actual  punctuation  .
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playsthetics · 5 years
What the signs remind me of:
Aries: The smell of burnt matches, whiskey burning your throat, running at night, fiery gazes, freckles, laughs that expose their teeth, winning an arcade game, the thundering sounds of a crowded bowling alley, hearing music blaring from someone else’s headphones, cherry stained lips.
Taurus: Thick hair, septum piercings/nose rings, earthy eyeshadow palettes, red wine, blasting Adele, standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean, leather bound journals, wearing expensive lingerie underneath casual outfits, MAC nudes, splurging at your local bakery, brownstone buildings, suede skirts, online shopping.
Gemini: Synth pop playlists, neon signs, blurry nightclub photos, high school cliques, collecting crystals, getting dressed up to go to concerts/festivals, fleeting but intense crushes, conversations composed of gibberish, sitting in diners late at night, body glitter, witty comebacks, complicated coffee orders.
Cancer: Small tattoos, tasting teardrops on your lips, bed hair, swimming at night, high school English classes, the importance of platonic relationships, herbal tea, random quotes on post it notes, combing a friends hair out of their face, hermit crabs, swallowing the lump in your throat when you’re about to cry.
Leo: Theatre/drama kids, loud drunks, enthusiastic bear hugs, gold jewellery, leading the pack, grins that are a mixture of mischievous and sinister, eye catching outfits, temporary tattoos, dancers/musicians/painters (artists in general), a flair for the dramatic, flirtatiously winking at strangers, sunflowers.
Virgo: New car smell, aesthetic highlighted notes, wire frame glasses, succulents, light denim, eyeliner and sass so sharp, wandering through antique stores, lace bralettes, Fleetwood Mac, flowers blooming, typewriter keys clicking, minty breath, dated polaroids, skepticism, organised bookshelves.
Libra: Collecting teacups, bright coloured pool floats, orchids, soft lips, Valentine’s day memes, float like a butterfly sting like a bee, smearing cream blush onto cheeks, bubblegum, Marina’s Electra Heart era, classic romance novels, songs that reference Paris, hoop earrings, pink lemonade, fluffy blankets.
Scorpio: Menthol cigarettes, jealousy, original ChapStick, deep glares, tongue/lip piercings, crushed ice, cold hands, picking at your nails, storm clouds rolling in, maroon lipstick, band tees, suppressed emotions, Lorde aesthetic, an air of mystery, standing your ground, monochromatic themes, kept secrets.
Sagittarius: Roadtrips with the windows down, drunken debates, loose jeans, camping with friends, speeding tickets, kissing strangers, action flicks with surround sound, messy bedrooms, wind swept hair, sneaking out of windows, chasing sunsets, big sunglasses, Ride by Lana Del Rey, backroads, wildflowers.
Capricorn: Black coffee, silver stationary, Arctic Monkeys, pencil sketches, cast iron gates, calligraphy, sleep deprivation, black skinny jeans, well written essays, deadly ambition, unboxing new shoes, absinthe, garter belts, tracing fingers over hardcover books, planning outfits in advance, expensive perfume.
Aquarius: Street smarts, revolutions, racing cars at traffic lights, sci-fi aesthetic, pool parties, dyeing your hair bright colours, spontaneity, conspiracy theories, dream catcher collections, random pockets of knowledge, lava lamps, artistic graffiti, stoner movies, flashing carnival lights, seldom used emojis.
Pisces: Giggly drunks, heart eyes, making playlists, seeing the good in people, aquariums, daydreaming in class, volunteering at animal shelters, watery eyes, acoustic guitar, anime, childhood teddy bears, shoeboxes full of things, talking to pets, wishing wells, clear umbrellas, flying a kite, philosophy.
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hillrot · 6 years
them there beer emojis + “ what’s the meanest thing you have done ?”
drunken confession.
// to fully contextualize this, you’re probably gonna want to hop on my multi @fatesought and read the bio for stipa ironwood
      The question should be met with solemn stares or expressions of guilt and regret. Instead, Molly was treated to his fellow tiefling biting back a thin smile. “You don’t want to know that~,” Godric warned, almost sing-song with lips loosened from an evening spent in overindulgence. But they both know full well that Molly wouldn’t have asked if without being fully prepared for an answer. Or, at least in such a state with Godric’s cheeks run pleasantly warm with heat and a familiar urge to entertain, he hoped could only assume that Mollymauk had discerned by now that Godric’s own scars and tattoos didn’t come without reason. (And likewise, he assumed the same was true of Molly.) 
      “There’s a long list of foul and mean things my former masters beckoned me and twisted my arm into doing in their name.” No secret that Paladins lived lives in service and devotion of others, but this was the first time Godric gave any mention to masters and by proxy, another kind of subservience. Maybe if Molly was the more sober of the two, the card reader might be able to link it to what stories had been shared previously about the fighting pits. “But the meanest? It was far worse than that.” He tipped back his mug, polishing off what was left of their most recent round – something light and sweet out of necessity to make it back to the wagons before last call. Mead, maybe? 
     “I had orders to reclaim territory that was once belonged to the winter court, lest the summer children gain a foothold against us. However, there had been a destructive group of settlers ruining the land for some time – sullying it, performing acts of blasphemy against my Queen. So I was sent in to take it back and chase them out only….” He pauses, searching for the words. Proud of the accomplishment, but not of the means by which to achieve it. “They wouldn’t leave, and the fey do not take kindly to being slighted.” For a moment, there might be a hitch of air at the back of his throat, a tightly veiled sentiment of shame at what would be said next. “I gave their leaders an alternative to my Queen’s pending massacre; a sacrificial lamb as representative of their future. Didn’t think it would be their own son they would offer up for the slaughter. One death to save hundreds, including the lives of any other child in their encampment – but that’s not mean, is it? That is a textbook example of how the other knights trained me to serve and carry myself under Her flag – to douse the flame of hope, wherever possible.”
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notwithout-mymuse · 7 years
Fic: Changes
Day 4 of Robert Week - “That’s my favourite outfit on you.”  
Set during the break-up. Robert explores his identity; featuring new friends, a certain bar, and THAT floral shirt.
It all starts in the Woolpack one night, Robert is there having a quiet pint, chatting across the bar with Victoria who’s drying glasses.
They both hear Adam’s cackle before he enters the pub, his arm slung around Aaron’s neck as they stumble up to the bar. Aaron shoots him a reserved smile, but doesn’t say anything, turning to Charity and ordering two pints instead.
Robert tries to ignore them, the same way that Vic is, but it’s hard. It’s clear they’ve had a couple of drinks already, as Adam loudly tells Charity about their plans to go into town now he’s got his wingman back. Robert can’t help but wince at that.
Vic must clock his reaction because she passes him a bottle of wine from behind the bar.
“I’ll be done soon, why don’t you take this back to mine and order us some Chinese food or summat. Rebecca’s up at Home Farm, so we can just chill out together.” Vic’s voice is cheerful and upbeat, but Robert knows by the way she is avoiding looking anywhere near Adam, that the comfort isn’t just for him.
“Ok, will you be alright?” he asks, not wanting to leave her, but not sure he can stand another second of Adam crowing about him and Aaron being “free, and single, and back on the pull.”
“Course.” Vic says, “I’ve only got another ten minutes, I’ll be fine!” She shoes him towards the door with a flick of her towel.
As Robert heads to bed that night, too full with Chinese food, and slightly light-headed from the wine, he tries not to think about what Aaron might be doing right now. But because he can’t sleep, he can’t ignore the negative thoughts that swirl around his head, his stomach churning sickeningly at the thought of Aaron out at Bar West, no doubt with men hanging all over him, all hoping that he’ll take them to his home, his bed.
(Not their home. Not their bed. Not anymore.)
There’s also a twinge of regret at the thought of Bar West. Robert had never gone back after their disastrous earlier attempt, even though Aaron had brought it up a few times, Robert had always refused. Now he’s angry at himself for his own stubbornness. He should have taken Aaron there. He shouldn’t have let his feelings of discomfort prevent him from taking Aaron out and showing him off proudly, while Aaron was still his to be proud of.
He would later blame the three bottles of wine that he and Vic had drowned their sorrows in for his brilliant idea. But right now, the drink is swirling with guilt, regret, and frustration. So he throws back the covers, and wanders towards the bathroom, where he can hear the tap running, proof that Vic is still up.
She’s brushing her teeth over the sink when Robert knocks on the doorframe, causing her to jump slightly.
“I was thinking, we should go out tomorrow, me and you. Check out a few bars. We should be able to have fun too.” Vic narrows her eyes, like she’s trying to work out what he’s up to.
“I’m just saying. Why shouldn’t we?” Robert shrugs.
“All right then, you’re on!” She says, enthusiasm seeping into her voice now.
“You’re sure this isn’t too much?” Robert asks, doubt seeping in now, as he stands in front of Vic’s kitchen mirror, playing with the collar of his shirt.
“No, it’s cute!” Vic reassures him.
“I’m not sure what I’m going for, but I’m pretty sure ‘cute’ isn’t it.” Robert mutters. “Maybe I should change?” he wonders aloud, still playing with the bright, floral-print shirt that he’s only ever worn once, the one that both Aaron and Rebecca had teased him for wearing.
“No!” Vic says firmly, shoving him in the direction of the front door, and their waiting taxi. “I’ve spent long enough waiting for you to get ready. This was your idea, remember?”
“All right, all right… we’re going!”
They haven’t even finished their first drink, when Vic’s phone rings, and she meanders round the crowds to the outdoor smoking area, so that she can hear.
Robert plays with one of the beer mats with the Bar West logo on, as he waits for his sister to return. He’d seen the eyebrow she had raised at his when they pulled up outside the bar, the rainbow flags in the window making clear exactly what sort of bar they were heading to, but he’d been grateful that she hadn’t questioned it.
He’s surprised by how at ease he feels here now, content to sit on a stool with a beer and people watch, in a place that he wouldn’t have been caught dead in a few years ago. Despite everything, Robert thinks he feels a little bit proud of himself for that.
Vic looks stressed when she returns, her curled hair bouncing on her shoulders.
“That was Chas, work emergency. Apparently, Marlon and the kids have all got norovirus, so he can’t go anywhere near the kitchen, and they’ve got a huge engagement party in. I’m sorry, can we finish this another time?”
“Yeah, don’t worry, go! I’ll see you later.” Robert tells her.
“Are ya not coming too?” Vic asks.
“I’ve just ordered another beer.” He lies. “I’ll finish it, then head back.”
“Ok.” Vic says, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “I’ll see you at home.”
As he watches her leave, he feels a pang of guilt. Vic is one of the few people he tries to avoid lying to. But the truth is he feels more free and normal here tonight, as just an anonymous face in a sea of people, in a way that he can’t really explain to himself, let alone to someone else.
“That’s my favourite outfit on you.” An unfamiliar voice comes from the stool beside him. When he looks to his left, he sees a good-looking bloke with light brown hair and a smart white shirt rolled up to the elbows.
“Uh… I’m pretty sure this is the only outfit you’ve ever seen me in, considering I’ve only just met you.” Robert replies, startled.
“Yeah, I’m sorry.” The guy says, visibly cringing. “That was a really dreadful pick-up line. At least let me buy you a drink to make up for it?”
The strangeness of the moment makes Robert freeze. It’s not as though he hasn’t been hit on plenty of times before, by both men and women, but this feels different. His experiences with men prior to Aaron had always been limited to brief, drunken fumbles. Scratching an itch, he had always told himself, never letting himself consider anything beyond that.
It makes him feel strangely off-kilter now, to be here, out and single and being chatted up by an admittedly good-looking bloke who seemed genuinely interested in getting to know him.
“I’m… no offense but I’m not really looking for that right now.” Robert tries to explain. “Bad breakup” he adds, shrugging.
“Ouch. Been there, don’t worry about it.” The guy says cheerfully, ordering two beers from the bartender regardless.
“Daniel” he adds.
Robert’s not sure how he ended up at one of the booth tables, downing shots with a bunch of people who had been strangers two hours ago, but that’s exactly what he’s doing.
Daniel’s open smile and friendly nature hadn’t been dimmed by rejection, quite the opposite. They had chatted for a while about where they were from, and what they did for a living, before Daniel insisted he join his group of friends at their table, performing introductions with a wave of his beer bottle.
There was Joe, a guy with broad shoulders and seemingly endless tattoos, who had a relaxed and easy-going manner.
Then there was Kate, a short, curvy young woman with dark hair and a dirty laugh.
On the other side of the table was Jamie, the life and soul of the party, with a boyish face and a constant stream of bad jokes that had everyone else creasing.
But by far his favourite was Dana, a dark-skinned woman with hair down to her waist, who immediately pulled Robert down into the booth to sit between her and Daniel. She was brutally honest, with a dry, sarcastic sense of humour and immediately Robert could see the two of them being great friends.
The group all welcomed him without batting an eyelid, and as Robert knocks back another shot of something foul-tasting, he realises that he feels more relaxed and cheerful than he has in a long time. He doesn’t think this night could have gone better, until Dana speaks.
“Help me out guys, you see that guy and girl by the bar… black shirt and red dress… who do you reckon is fitter, ‘cause I can’t decide.” She muses aloud, twirling her straw around in her violently blue cocktail.
The group is busy debating, when Robert’s alcohol-loose tongue blurts out the only thought running around his brain.
“You’re bi?” he asks Dana, surprised.
The group goes quiet, but Dana just coolly raises a carefully sculpted eyebrow.
“Problem?” she asks, and Robert belatedly realises that he’s given off the wrong impression.
“No! God no. I’d be a bit of a hypocrite if I did have a problem, given that I am too… I just don’t meet too many people around here who are, you know…” he trails off, relieved to see understanding wash over the faces round the table.
“Oh my god! I found another one!” Dana yells excitedly, like she’s just found a particularly rare Pokémon, throwing an arm over Robert’s shoulder and making the whole group burst out laughing.
“Where did you get to last night then?” Is the question that immediately greets Robert as he goes in search of coffee.
Vic is already sitting at the kitchen table, dressed, with a bowl of cereal in front of her when he slumps down opposite with a steaming mug and a thumping headache. He ignores her mock-scandalised tone.
“Got chatting to some people at the bar… ended up staying longer than I expected.” He says.
“You? Making friends?” Vic questions.
Robert just reaches for a stray cheerio on the table, and flicks it at his sister in retaliation, laughing when it lands in her loose hair.
“Well it seems like you had a good night.” She says genuinely. “I’m glad, it’s nice to see you smiling again”.
His phone chimes, and he pauses to read the message (from Kate, asking him how his head feels this morning, followed by a string of emojis), before replying to Vic.
“Yeah. Yeah it is.”
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flameof-tae · 7 years
Tag Game
Tagged by @justexistingthroughlife thanks love!!
The last…
drink - Milk
phone call - Prob my best friend idk I don’t call people that much.
text message - Meme pic of Bambam I sent to my mom bc there was no emoji to convey my feelings in the conversation lol so i had to use Bambams face.
time you cried -prob a few days or maybe a week ago idk man
Have you ever…
dated someone twice - no
kissed someone and regretted it - nope
been cheated on -never
lost someone special - yea
been depressed - pretty sure right now, i’m just too scared to go to talk to a doctor about it lol. 
gotten drunk&thrown up - never
Three favorite colors…
Red, Light pink and black
In the last year have you…
made new friends - yup
laughed until you cried - totally but it only happens like once a year.
found out that someone was talking about me - yup
met someone who changed you - lol does bts count?? no but srsly yes I have met a few.
kissed someone on your facebook list - nope
do you have any pets - yea my dog Luigi
do you want to change your name - nah I love my name
what did you do for your last birthday - I went to the beach at night with my sister and parents and we had dinner. 
what time did you wake up -  7:00am wooo
what were you doing at midnight last night - procrastinating studying for chem and scrolling on tumblr.
name something you cant wait for -i ’m hanging out with my best friend today and we haven't hung out in forever. so i’m so excited!!
when was the last time you saw your mom - last night
what are you listening to rn - my chem professor lol. and Rise by Taemin.
have you ever talked to someone named tom - i think so???
something that gets on your nerves - crying children, people who walk slow, loud chewers, people who come to class sick and sniff their nose every 5 seconds, and obnoxious people.
most visited website - my chem homework website *sigh* chem rules my life and i’m not even a chem major.
hair color - dirty blonde/light brown
long or short hair - Long. I’ve never had my hair short/medium length. 
do you have a crush on someone - nope unless we’re talking celebs then i have soooooo many.
what do you like about yourself - My height??? idk man my personality makes me cringe so deff not that.
blood type - no clue
nickname - I only liked to be called Angelina.
relationship status - Single 
zodiac - Aquarius
pronouns - she/her
favorite t.v. shows - The Office and Death Note
tattoos -  nope but i want one, i just don’t know what to get and i’m indecisive so theres that.
right or left handed - right
surgery - nah
sport - i used to play basketball till i broke my hip. And i really enjoyed that so i kinda miss it. But i run on my own now, idk if that counts as a sport or not???
vacation - i went to the beach with my mom and sis for a weekend and few months ago and that was the only vacation i’ve been on in a while.
pair of shoes - i wear my white vans and black chelsea boots the most but i also really love my doc martens, they're just harder to match with stuff.
eating - nothing right now but i’m getting some Japanese food in a few hours :DDD
drinking - nothing right now but most likely water soon bc other than milk in the morning i only drink water.
im about to - typing this and then my math homework.
waiting for - class to start and then end soon so i CaN lEaVE tHiS plACe.
want - literally all i asked for Christmas this year is kpop merch and i don’t regret a thing. Also i want some motivation in life, that too.
get married - i don’t really want to get married tbh. unless its to Jiyong lol, id do anything for him.
career - eh my dream is to be an astronaut so i’m studying engineering but i hate it???? So i might switch. The only other thing i’m passionate about is learning languages and i’m not sure what i would want to do with that so i’m just a lost child right now someone help.
Which is better?
hugs or kisses -both. at the same time. cuddle kisses. make this a thing.
lips or eyes - eyes
shorter or taller - taller. unless its Jiyong. again id do anything for him. 
older or younger - no preference.
nice arms or stomach - no preference again.
hook up or relationship - right now in my stage of life id prob prefer a hook up but i’m sure that’ll change soon when i find time and get over my fear of commitment. 
troublemaker or hesitant - troublemaker
Have you…
kissed a stranger -no
drunken hard liquor -no
lost glasses/contact lenses - i,m sure I've dropped contact lenses before
turned someone down -  oh yeah
sex on the first date - nope
broken someones heart - nope
had a broken heart -no
been arrested - no
cried when someone died - yeah 
fallen for a friend - nope
Do you believe in…
yourself - eh working on it
miracles - yup
love at first sight -  nope, UnLEsS ItS JiYOnG.
santa claus - hahaha i wish i miss those days.
kiss on the first date - if its not my first time ever meeting them, then sure why not.
tagging: all my followers lol this was long and i’m lazy. 
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 Full name: Clyde Micheal Sanders 
Pronunciation: CLY-DE
Nickname(s) or alias:  Clyde 
Preferred name: Clyde
Current age: twenty 
Astrological sign: Leo 
Title: MR
Label: The misfit 
Gender:  Male
Preferred pronouns: He/him
Sexual preference: bisexual 
Romantic preference: Grayromantic
Resides in: Princeton, NJ
Current occupation: student 
Language(s) spoken: english 
Native language:  english 
Current marital status: 
( &&. background )
Reason behind name: his mother named him after clyde barrow 
Birth order:  first born 
Ethnicity: CAUCASIAN
Nationality:  American 
Species: human 
Religion: catholic 
Political views: none
Financial status: rich 
IQ: 127
Hometown: Santa monica, CA
( &&. physical appearance )
Looks like (or face claim, if applicable): cole sprouse 
Height: 6′0 
Weight: 170 
Shoe size: 12
Figure/build: slim
Hair colour, Dyed?: raven
Hair length: short
Eye colour: green
Glasses? Colour? / Contacts? Are they coloured?:
Shape of face: round
Facial hair: 
Do they shave/wax? Where?: 
Skin tone: white
Tattoos: none
Piercings: none
Birthmarks/scars/distinguishing marks: birthmarks 
Dominant hand: right
If painted, what color are their nails/toenails?: 
Usual style of clothing: casual 
Frequently worn jewelry: gold rolex 
Describe their voice, what accent?: none
What is their speaking style (fast, monotone, loquacious)?: loquacious
Describe their scent: soap and cigarettes 
Describe their posture: normal 
( &&. legal information )
Birth Name: (if changed)
Other names they go by:
Any speeding tickets?: yes
Have they ever been arrested?: yes
Do they have a criminal record?:  no
Have they committed any violent crimes?: no
Property crimes?: no
Traffic crimes?: yes
Other crimes?: no
( &&. medical information )
Blood type: o positive 
Date/time of birth: 8/4/97 , 9am
Place of birth: santa monica, CA
Vaginal birth or cesauren section?: vaginal 
Sex: Male
Diet: regular 
Smoker? / Drinker? / Drug User?, Which?:  all
Addictions: cannabis, xanax and alcohol 
Allergies: none
Do they get occasional checkups?: yes
Ever broken a bone?: yes
Hospital visits, what for?: overdoses 
Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: none
Any medication regularly taken: none
( &&. career information )
Past occupation(s): modeling 
Why are they no longer working as it?: disagreements with the boss
Do they enjoy their current occupation?: yes
Why do they do it?: for fun
How did they end up in their current occupation?: personal manger 
How long have they been in their current occupation?:  3 years
( &&. personality )
Direct quote from them: ‘ life is too short so do what you want to do’
Positive traits: warmhearted, affectionate, helpful
Negative traits: moody, ill tempered, impulsive 
Likes: working out, music, reading, sleeping 
Dislikes: crowded places
Strengths: photography, science 
Weaknesses:  Math, flirting 
Insecurities: his nose 
Fears/phobias: being stuck in tight spaces
Habits: playing with hair , biting nails, shaking leg 
Quirks: always chewing gum
Hobbies: photography 
Guilty pleasure: xanax 
Desires: to travel the world 
Wishes:  to go back in time 
Regrets: not forgiving his mother for leaving 
Secrets: he was involved in a drunken hit and run 
Turn ons: neck kisses 
Turn offs: spitting 
Kinks/fetishes: being tied up
Superstitions: opening an umbrella inside 
Lucky number: 7
Pet peeves: People Who Don't Cover Their Cough/sneeze, animal cruelty 
Their motto: you only live once 
( &&. favourites )
Food: pasta 
Drink: mountain dew 
Fast food restaurant: olive garden 
Flavour: vanilla 
Word: dope
Colour: red
Clothing: gucci
Accessory: gold rolex 
Candle scent: apple cinnamon 
Store: apple
Instrument: guitar
Game: call of duty black opps 
Occupation: student 
Animal: dog 
Holiday: halloween 
Weather: cold
Season: fall
Book: hunger games
Artist: eminem 
Band/group: linkin park 
Song: what’s my age again by blink 182
Movie/film: Constantine
TV show: south park 
Sport: lacrosse 
Sports team: the giants 
Quote: ‘live fast die young’ 
School subject: english 
Possession: ring 
Name: clyde 
Number: 7
Emoji: purple devil 
Mythological creature: Zeus
( &&. skills )
Talents: photography 
Special powers/abilities: none
Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles?: yes
Can they ride a bike?:yes
Do they play any sports?: yes 
Anything they’re bad at?: singing 
Do they have any combat training? Why?: N/A
( &&. firsts )
Childhood memory: hearing mom and dad arguing 
Crush: the girl from next door 
Email address: [email protected]
Job: photographer 
Phone: iphone 7 
Computer: mac
Kiss: the girl next door
Love: N/A
Sexual experience: in her bedroom 
( &&. childhood )
Best childhood memory?:  opening presents on christmas 
Worst childhood memory?: getting an ass whooping from dad
What were they like as a child?: energetic 
Any crushes growing up?: brother’s best friend 
Did they know/like their parents?:yes
Worst influence on them as a kid?: brother 
Did they have a lot of friends?: no
Were they heavily punished?: yes
Anything they wish they could cut out?: ass beatings from dad
Were they more feminine or masculine?: masculine 
Were they an early or late bloomer for puberty?: late 
Do they still know any of their childhood friends?: yes
Did they have any chores? What?: dishes and garbage 
Describe their childhood home: mansion 
( &&. this or that )
Expensive or inexpensive tastes?: expensive 
Hygienic or Unhygienic?: hygienic 
Open-minded or close-minded?: open 
Introvert or extrovert?: introvert 
Optimistic or pessimistic?: pessimistic 
Daredevil or cautious?: daredevil 
Logical or emotional?: emotional 
Generous or stingy?: generous 
Polite or rude?: polite 
Book smart or street smart?: both
Dominant or submissive?: dominant 
Popular or loner?: loner
Leader or follower?: leader 
Day or night person?: night
Cat or dog person?: dog
Closet door open or closed while sleeping?: closed
( &&. family relationships )
Father: Michael  Bryan Sanders 
Describe their relationship: rocky 
Mother: Hayley Lockwood 
Describe their relationship: estranged 
Brothers: Bryan elton sanders 
Describe their relationship: love/hate 
( &&. other relationships )
Best friend: N/A
Childhood friend: peter vega 
Enemy: brice evans 
Past romances: N/A
Pets: dogs 
Heroes: superman 
( &&. social media )
Do they have a Facebook? Twitter? Instagram? Vine? Snapchat? Tinder/Grindr? Tumblr? YouTube?
If so; Name on Facebook: Clyde sanders 
Twitter handle: @clydesanders
Instagram user: @clydesanders
Vine user: none
Snapchat user: @snap-clyde
Name on Tinder/Grindr: none
Tumblr URL: 
YouTube channel:Clydesandersvlogs
( &&. musical tastes )
Theme song: Heathens top
Can relate to: crawling linkin park 
Makes them happy: always blink 182
Makes them sad: i miss you blink 182
Makes them dance:  wake me up before you go 
Loves the most: heavy linkin park 
Describes them: numb linkin park 
Never gets tired of: leave out all the rest linkin park
Would like to be played at their wedding: i was made for loving you ED sheeran
Would like to play at their funeral: 27 MGK
( &&. miscellaneous )
Do they have a fake I.D.?: yes 
Are they a virgin?: no 
Describe their signature: cursive and neat 
How long would they survive in a zombie apocalypse?: until the end 
Do they travel?: yes
One place they would like to live: bora bora 
One place they would like to visit: Egypt 
Celebrity crush: megan fox 
What can you find in their pockets/wallet/purse: general 
Place(s) your character can always be found: beach 
When does your character like to wake up?: late
What’s your character’s morning routine?: normal 
What does your character eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner?: poptarts, anything that’s good 
How does your character spend their free days?: clubbing 
What’s your character’s bedtime routine?: normal 
What does your character wear to bed?: boxers
If your character can’t fall asleep, what are they thinking about?: life 
What has been their greatest achievement?: making 8 mill on youtube 
What is their idea of perfect happiness?: finishing school and getting married 
What or who is the greatest love of their life?: girlfriend 
On what occasions do they lie?: none 
Most marked characteristic: eyes and hair 
What is one thing they’d most like to change about themselves?: nothing 
How would they like to die?: sleeping 
Do they snore?: no
Do they chew their pens/pencils?: yes 
Can they whistle?: yes 
Do they believe in the supernatural?: no 
Have they ever cheated on anyone?: no 
Have they ever been cheated on?: yes
Has anyone ever broken their heart?: yes
Have they ever broken anyone’s heart?:no 
Are they squeamish?: depends
Have they ever killed anyone? Why? How?: no
Have they ever seen anyone die? What happened?: yes, a friend got shot during a shoot out 
Are they a lightweight?: no
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artificialqueens · 7 years
welcome to the dollhouse pt. 1 (Trixie/Violet) - Fryshook
Trixie Mattel thought she was going to NYC to cut an album.
AN: Idk tbh. I really d. AO3.
Trixie was in NYC and, well. Bob was out of town, and Trixie needed to crash with someone.
“You stupid fucking bitch,” Violet greeted him with a hug. They were outside this old glory hole-in-the-wall Violet recommended; 4/5 clown emojis.
“Violet,” Trixie said, “You look fat.”
“Not all of us can be masc4masc gym rats like Trixie fucking Mattel.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Trixie posed, lifting his arm behind his neck and flexing. Violet shook their head. “Feel free to Snapchat this or whatever, I can hold it.”
“I can’t with you. Let’s get drunk.”
About five minutes into drinks the pair were approached by a fan who squealed, “I can’t believe I’m finally making Contact™ with the legend, icon, and star–”
Trixie suppressed the desire to roll his eyes at the goddamned motherfucking Contact reference, nodded the fan along, sipped his whiskey, and fucking lived for the fact that Chachki was being completely ignored right next to him.
And Violet, to their credit, only huffed and puffed a couple times before finally giving up and returning to scroll their phone until the interaction ended. Trixie eventually sent the fan away with his patented stone-faced selfie.
“Oh, you know,” Trixie turned back to Violet. “Just one of my like, fans or, whatever.”
Violet was only able to feign disinterest for so long before they finally asked what that was all about.
“It’s all…UNHhhh,” Trixie said with a shrug. His face fell at Violet’s blank stare. “Oh bitch, don’t play dumb. It’s a YouTube sensation.”
“You and Katya doing makeup tutorials now? Sickening…” Trixie laughed, genuinely annoyed. Violet took a sip of their cocktail. “‘YouTube fucking sensation’, bitch…”
“Girl, we average a hundred thousand views in like, an hour. I’m not joking, bitch.”
“Oh,” Violet took off their hat and ran their fingers through their flattened pompadour. This was when Trixie knew they were drunk. “At all. How is that whore?”
“Girl, you haven’t been watching her periscopes?”
“Who the fuck periscopes anymore,” Violet muttered into their drink. Trixie laughed and ordered himself another double, fuck it.
“Didn’t you guys just see each other on the Christmas Cunts tour or whatever?”
Violet rolled their eyes. “Fucking BOTS. I barely remember that trip. Although,” Violet set their drink down and gave a Trixie a look, “We were painting next to each other and she was all ripped and shit.” They downed their drink and signaled for another. “Talking about fucking tanning and Botox and shit, bitch. You’re both so Hollywood now, it's…”
“Inevitable,” Trixie finished for her.
“Girl,” Violet took her drink from the bartender. “I guess.”
It took about two and a half drinks more for Mexico to come up again.
“But girl…” Violet’s smile was easier to come by, now, the bitch persona having melted away with the vodkas. “She was looking good.”
“You are so gross,” Trixie said.
Violet giggled and sighed. Something in her demeanor was setting off a little voice in Trixie’s head.
“Did you actually…do… something…?” Violet rubbed their face with a groan and looked at a him. “Don’t be specific,” Trixie warned.
“No,” they said. “Don’t be a freak.”
“But you thought about it.” Violet squinted at him.
“We have all,” they began, setting their drink down slowly, “thought about it, bitch. You know what, fuck that. If we didn’t get poisoned by those edibles, yes, some shit would’ve gone down.”
“Violet Chachki going down. Well I never…”
Violet cackled and slammed the rest of her drink, pulling Trixie out of his chair by the neck of his shirt. “C'mon, idiot. I’m ready to dance.”
They danced. They ran into some people under the lights; a couple other queens, other queens’ assistants, friends from New York, friends of friends who may or may not be assistants, and the occasional fan…
By the time they headed back to Violet’s apartment they were both sloshed for the Gods, Violet clinging to Trixie’s arm like a seasick koala.
“I never fucked Katya,” Violet confessed on the ride over, her words curdling all the alcohol in Trixie’s stomach. “Because I felt like she was too distracted or some shit. I need someone to be like, obsessed, you know?”
“Uh huh.”
“I totally could have though.”
Violet’s eyes narrowed. “Do you not think I could?”
“Girl,” Trixie pried the drunken queen off his arm. “I have literally seen Katya get up and leave a room because she got too aroused during a documentary about black. Holes.” He held one finger up to Violet’s twisted face, “In space, bitch. Can we have one fucking conversation that passes the Bechdel test?”
At the apartment, Violet put on a pot of coffee. Trixie was grateful for the cup she handed him until he took a sip of what tasted like pure whiskey.
“Are you for real?”
“Girl,” Violet took a sip of their own coffee, a small smile spreading across their face like a fungus. “You thought we were done?”
Trixie shrieked with laughter, setting his cup down carefully so he could throw his swimming head back and silently ask God why they put him in the company of psychotic people so often; and why did he enjoy their company so much?
“This is it,” he wheezed to the heavens. “Pearl warned me about you, but I had no idea…”
“Listen bitch,” Violet laughed and leaned over the counter top, “Fuck Pearl, fuck fucking Katya–”
“I thought we agreed to stop talking about that.”
“–I am really glad you’re here.”
Trixie swallowed another sarcastic response, getting a good long look at his drunken frenemy; clocking the disheveled hair, the ugly bruise on their arm from the stupid move they had tried to pull off on the dance floor. The dumb new tattoo that was kind of cool in a dumb tattoo way. “Me too,” he said, reaching over to toast their mugs. “I think. But girl,” he took another swig of his coffee, “it’s gonna be a long week if you keep spiking the coffee, giiiiirl…”
It was day five of six of his trip and Trixie was fucking hungover. Trixie hadn’t been this fucking hungover since, uh… the day before.
“How does this bitch get anything done?” He muttered to himself. His phone started to chirp with a FaceTime request as he made his way out of the studio. He answered it and was greeted by a bloodshot eyeball.
“Mama, can you use your vast medical expertise and tell me: is this a stye?”
“I dunno,” Trixie said, “looks like eye herpes.”
Katya cackled on the other end, pulling back so Trixie could see the rest of him. He looked exhausted, though that was nothing new. Trixie always worried, anyway.
“I hope not, although I kind of think I would have had a breakout way before now if so,” Katya said. “How’s it going? You and Trinket tear each other apart yet?”
“We’ve been getting along great, actually.” Trixie grinned down at Katya’s stupid, handsome face. As disturbing as Violet’s Mexican epiphany was, it wasn’t exactly shocking; Katya is beautiful - even crusty and sleepless. Also, Violet’s a gigantic whore. “She does seem determined to keep me heavily intoxicated, though,” he continued. “Not that I’m complaining.”
“Oh, yeah, that sounds, ah…” Katya took an extremely long drag of his cigarette. “Fun. Look. I was actually - I was wondering, I know you’re busy, but I have a cut of that video I’m working on for the thing-”
“The thing! How exciting!”
“Yes! I want - can I send you the rough cut? Like, tonight? I just want your opinion.”
“Katya, yeah, of course. Send it.”
“Aw, Tracy. You’re the best.” Katya planted a kiss on the camera.
“Oh, you know what,” Trixie began as Katya pulled the camera back. “That’s definitely eye herpes.”
Trixie was surprised to find Violet at the apartment when he got home. They had their laptop open on the kitchen counter and barely glanced up at him when he came through the door, obviously looking for something.
“Hey,” Trixie nodded at the other queen. Violet grunted in reply.
Trixie rolled his eyes and dumped his backpack on the couch. “Since you’re here, you wanna order takeout or something? I’m starving.” Violet ignored him, still staring at their computer. “Hello? Cunt?”
A ding! popped out of Violet’s laptop speakers. They ripped a tiny USB drive out of the machine and held it up for Trixie to see.
“Do you know what this is?” They said. Trixie looked from the drive, to Violet, slowly shaking his head.
“Just jackin’ it: The Return of Frankie Malone?‘”
Violet shook their head, a grin spreading across their face like a barn fire.
“This, you barbie doll bitch, is the rough cut of a little something called ‘Welcome to the Dollhouse.’”
Trixie froze. “You’re fucking kidding me.”
Violet shook their head. Trixie buried his face in his hands and began to laugh.
Welcome to the Dollhouse was a failed reality show idea cooked up by a couple Drag Race producers who saw “potential” in their contentious, achingly millennial rivalry. The pitch for the show was: Violet, fresh off her win, decides to make up for her bad attitude by letting her season 7 sister Trixie Mattel crash with her while she tried to find new footing in the ATL drag scene.
They rented out a little bungalow to act as Violet’s place and shot for about four weeks. Trixie had never had so much fun in his life, and he was surprised it was with Violet, of all people.
Violet, on the other hand, was not having it; every day there was a new dispute with the producers, with her reps, with fucking craft services. She was miserable.
Once the pilot was in the can, Trixie went home. A couple months later, his agent called to tell him the network gave it a pass.
Trixie was no stranger to heartbreak, but this had taken him a little while to get over.
“Hello? Cunt?”
Violet was still waving the USB drive in his face. “Amazing,” Trixie said, shaking his head. “That’s amazing. I can’t believe you have that.”
“So… are we watching this or not? i have a bottle in the fridge I was gonna open when it premiered, but. You know.”
“That’s funny,” Trixie said. “I drank mine a long time ago. Pop it in, I’ll grab the bottle.”
The footage was kinda eerie without any music.
They cut to a talking head with Violet saying something shady about Trixie’s look for the pageant Violet had entered her in.
“Jon Benet Ramsey? More like Jon Benet I-don’t-want-to-see-that.”
On the couch, Trixie shrieked and Violet shook their head.
“I wrote that line, right?” Trixie said. Violet nodded, rolling their eyes. “Fuck, I’m funny. Man. I can’t believe they didn’t pick this show up. It’s good!”
“I mean, it’s no Finding Prince Charming, but…”
They laughed as the camera cut to the horrified looks of the pageant queens Trixie had beat out for the crown with nothing but a pair of tap shoes and a wig made out of 17 other wigs.   
“Do you ever think,” Violet began, “of what it would have been like if we knew each other before doing the show?”
Trixie grunted, trying to concentrate on the show. The camera stayed on Violet watching from off-stage, laughing at Trixie’s idiotic victory speech; and it was twisting up his insides a bit, for some reason. 
I guess it was always her show, he thought. That would have changed if they’d made it past the pilot. It would have changed. 
“Like,” Violet said, breaking Trixie’s concentration again. They pushed their face in so their chin disappeared into a series of folds. “If we…”
“Oh,” Trixie set his drink down to finally look at Violet, “you mean if you weren’t such a raging cunt to me the entire time.”
“Not exactly,” Violet shrugged, smirking. “But c’mon, girl. You loved it.”
Trixie rolled his eyes and picked his drink back up. “Girl, I’ll tell you what would have been different: absolutely fucking nothing.”
Violet nodded. “Well,” They took a sip of their drink. “I was thinking: maybe they would have made me knock you out instead of Pearl. You know,” Their eyes slid to Trixie, who was pointedly not looking at them. “Capitalize on those emotional stakes…”
Trixie felt his lip curl. He took another sip of his drink.
“Then again. They never took advantage of you and Max, did they?”
“Max was too boring,” Trixie muttered.
“True,” Violet said. They shook their head, turning back to the TV. “Our rivalry would have been so good. What a fucking shame.”
It was the most blatant act of antagonism from Violet in the entire week Trixie had been there. He really should have seen it coming, but he didn’t want to take the bait. He really didn’t. Then again, he couldn’t just sit there while–
Trixie’s phone whistled with an email.
“Ah, Katya’s thing…”
“What’s that?” Violet leaned over to peer at the phone.
“Her - it’s a rough cut of this short she’s making, well, one of them, for the show.”
“Oh, cool. Forward it to me and I’ll put it on the TV. Give it a proper premiere…”
Trixie hesitated for a moment before sending the file along; Katya wouldn’t mind the extra pair of eyes, especially not Violet’s. 
Ding. Violet whipped the thumb drive back out and connected it to the TV, settling back in next to Trixie and taking a long sip of champagne. 
The video started with a fumbling phone. The camera focused on a green eye, then a flash of teeth. Violet glanced at Trixie and then back at the screen, eyes wide.
Katya settled back into a chair.
“Oh my god,” Trixie and Violet said in unison. Katya was wearing nothing but clip-on bangs.
And he was hard.
It was the wrong file. Someone out in the world was trying to figure out a way to get hard to a video of Katya Zamolodchikova doing a surreal monologue in broken Russian, while Trixie Mattel and Violet Chachki sat on the couch and watched Brian McCook adjust his bangs and wrap his hand around his dick.
“No,” Trixie reached for the remote, “no, no, no–”
Violet snatched the remote away. “Yes, bitch. This is HAPPENING.”
Trixie stared at Violet, jaw on the floor. “You cannot be serious? This is a total violation–”
“Oh, spare me. You sluts probably send each other this shit all the– OH!“ They scrambled to hide the remote under themself as Trixie lunged at them. Violet laughed as Trixie effectively hugged her, trying to find the remote. “Did I hit it on the head or what, bitch? I can’t believe you just came for me that way!”
“Violet,” Trixie hissed, sliding away from where he had the other queen pinned into the couch, trying to ignore the husky noises coming out of the television. “Turn. It. Off.”
Violet just stared up at him, shaking their head. “Did you,“ they began quietly, "or did you not, watch my ancient porn with this bitch, and then send me detailed fucking reviews, Trixie Mattel? Including a fucking write-up on the volume and consistency of my cum?”
Behind them, Katya let out a weird whine, babbling in Russian.
Trixie blinked. That was true, they had; but that was a professional fucking production…ish. And the cum thing was all Katya; Trixie was more interested in the mis-en-scene. He said as much to Violet, who pushed him away, pausing the video and pulling out their phone.
She took a picture of the screen and sent it to Katya and Trixie’s phones with the message:
V: bangs are a good look on u, girl.
Violet stared at Trixie while they waited for a response. They were both holding their breath until their phones finally vibrated with a response.
K: Oh cool.
K: I guess this is what I get for naming all of my files SMH
Trixie and Violet looked at each other. “She would,” Violet said, typing a response.
“What are you saying?” Trixie muttered, not liking at all where this was going.
Violet smirked at him as the message went through to the chat. It read:
V: TRASHHHHHH. U don’t mind if we watch it right??
“You’re insane,” Trixie whispered, staring at his phone.
There was a long pause before Katya finally replied.
K: Only if you record yourselves jerking off to it
K: lol
Trixie and Violet glanced at each other again. Trixie did not care for the glint in the other queen’s eyes.
“Don’t you fucking dare–”
V: Challenge accepted, hooker.
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sawthingsiimagined · 7 years
A New Me - 2
We Can’t Be Friends
It felt like old times. I was so happy. Here we are again at a Diner the night before I open for the musical sensation Miguel. It was reminiscent of the night I shared the first time I met my crew the night before our first show with the superstar pop group SASSY. This time I knew most of the crew and over the last 2 days had grown to enjoy the new additions. I was both nervous and excited about opening for Miguel. I had grown to love his music a couple of years back and won’t lie, his music made me think sexual thoughts. I was anxious to see him perform his music live and prayed that my set was impressive to the fans since I would be the first act they would experience the night of his show. Talking to my grandad, the Bishop, and my parents back home reassured me that things would be fine. They informed me that they wouldn’t be able to attend the first show, as they did when Jada and I performed our first show on the SASSY tour but the assured me they would attend a show soon. I understood because Jada was currently dealing with her pregnancy news and grandpa was still recovering from his heart attack. 
The seating chart at the table reminded me so much of the night I joined my crew at the diner and had my first drink, as well as first drunken night. I didn’t plan to get as drunk as I did that time but I was definitely planning on celebrating. My music was great, the show was going to be great, I felt great and I looked great. I was growing more confident being alone on the road without my sister. This solo gig may just work in my favor. I was wearing some grey-washed, skinny jean shorts with an oversized marble colored tank top and some white Yeezy Boosts. I had cut the sides of my hair and let the top grow back out longer than my previous haircut. My hair was in a slick man-bun and I was definitely feeling myself. Beside me was TJ, my bro who was currently drunk and talking loud as ever, on the other side of me was my new assistant Ashley, Mona’s niece who was a gorgeous girl with squinty eyes, soft copper skin tone and a stylish short hairstyle. She was a little tomboyish but in a very chic way that accented her shape and feminine features. Also at the table was my new stylist, Bryson a very attractive guy with a weird sense of fashion. He had about 6 piercings and tattoos along his neck and the sleeve of his arm. He was Dominican and bilingual, rocking a goatee with a mustache that complimented his full pink lips and slick bald head that made him look like a trendsetter. I was excited to learn a lot from him about being myself and embracing who I really was. The band also came to dine with me and across from me was...him. Demarion really knocked the wind out of me in ways I couldn’t prepare for me. A part of me wishes I would have suggested more ladies be a part of the crew. All of these males working for me really played with my imagination especially since they behaved as if they were indebted to me. Still, no one mattered on this crew like Demarion did. He was wearing a vintage, navy Atlanta Braves baseball jersey which he left the top four buttons unbuttoned to expose his chest and top set of abs. He also was wearing a fitted cap that covered his eyes, although I could still see them. We made a lot of eye contact sitting at the table. He had grown a beard since we started rehearsing for the new tour. It was something about the jet black color of the hair on his face that contrasted against his chocolate colored skin that made me want to risk it all. At this point, I had admitted that I was VERY attracted to him. I still hadn’t identified with gay, bi or curious. I wasn’t quite aware what each label meant and didn’t want to disrespect either group until I gained proper knowledge. As far as I was concerned I didn’t need a label to tell me that I wanted him. After 2 shots and 2 rounds of 1800 Tequila and pineapple juice, I felt I not only wanted him but I needed him. 
We finished our meals and I paid everyone’s tab thanking them for all of the hard work that I trusted that would deliver for the tour. Everyone jumped in the Mercedes Sprinter that was loaned to us by Miguel so we could all travel together around the city. No sooner as we pulled away from the diner everyone dozed off. The alcohol was definitely was working on us. I fought hard to stay awake. Demarion sat in front of me I noticed that he was still awake so I shot him a text message. I changed my name in his phone so no one would know who he was texting if they happened to see his phone. My name his phone was Dream. His name in my phone was an emoji of the snare drum. 
MY TEXT : “My room or yours? I don’t want to sleep alone tonight. I’m anxious”
I saw him jump as he felt his phone vibrate. It was so cute to see him speedily reply after he knew it was me. 
DEMARION’S TEXT: “I’ll come to your room. I didn’t clean up haha”
It’s funny that we text ‘lol’ and ‘haha’ and don’t be laughing. I didn’t even see him laugh but I understood. He lived out of suitcase and usually had clothing items thrown all over his hotel room. 
MY TEXT: “Thanks my friend”
I noticed he titled his head to the side and stared into space. I checked my message to see if I said something wrong. I didn’t see an error. 
The sprinter pulled into the hotel and once parked everyone immediately piled out, Demarion leading the way. Before I could step out the door closed in front of me also slamming on my leg. I looked through the window and saw Demarion talking to Walter, our driver/audio guy. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I was about to get annoyed because I figured they forgot about me and I just bought all of them food. I was too drunk for the shenanigans. I suddenly noticed Demarion hopping in the front seat and cranking up the ignition. 
“Um.. excuse me. Where are we going?” I said with a confused attitude. 
He looked at me through the rearview mirror with a serious face. 
“I want to take my Friend somewhere is that cool,” he replied with a flat tone. 
“Man I didn’t mean anything by that,” I said noticing that’s what offended him about my text. I sat back in my seat and he pulled into traffic. We road in silence for about 15 minutes until we pulled into the loading dock of the auditorium where we’d be performing tomorrow. I was confused. The place was a ghost town. The trucks that carried our tour gear were parked outside but everyone had retreated to the hotel for the night. Demarion parked and jumped out the car. I sat up waiting to see what he was about to do. He opened the back door and climbed inside.
“Scoot over,” he said. 
Without putting up a fuss I obliged but I’d be the one with the next demand. 
“What are we doing. I thought we were going to go to bed in my room. No one..,” I said before he broke my next statement with a kiss. He thrust his tongue into my mouth. He slightly broke the kiss and begin talking to me in begin kisses. 
“You were right. A pretty boy like you has probably had experiences kissing your friends. That’s all we’ve done is share a kiss. But I don’t want to be your friend. I want to be your man. So I wanted to show you the difference real quick. If you let me,” he said in a low whisper tone. It felt like we were in a movie. I was speechless. I could still taste the alcohol on his breath. He had been drinking Hennesy but Demarion never seemed to be drunk so I knew he wasn’t in this moment. He was fully functioning. 
I reached in and kissed him deeply. As if he didn’t like it, he pushed me on my back causing me to lay on the seat. He lifted my legs and reached for the button and zipper of my shorts. 
OMG! I was not ready for this. I’m not going to lie, I wanted him but I was a virgin and I’ve never expressed that to him. I had never been with a guy or girl but I knew what sex with both parties entailed. I was not ready. However, for some reason, I couldn’t put up much of a fight. I let him pull down my shorts followed by navy blue H&M boxer briefs. He reached down and kissed me. 
“Demarion,” I said with my hands on his chest, “I’ve never done this before.”
“So. Neither have I. But I want to with you. Bad,” he said with an evil grin that lit my insides on fire. I don’t know how to do anything but I was going to figure it out. 
He began kissing me on my neck and lifted my tank making a trail with his tongue down to my belly button. I squirmed trying not to make any noises. In all of my years, I had never been touched like this. My private area was hard as a brick. I had never been harder. Before I knew it, he grabbed my thighs from underneath, pulling my knees apart. He lifted my legs high and I clenched my eyes shut to prepare for what I expected to be painful. However, I remembered he still had his jeans on. Next thing I knew he buried his head in between my legs using his tongue to spread my cheeks apart. Afterward, I completely understood what Jhene Aiko meant when she said: “eat the booty like groceries”. At this point, I could no longer hold in my moan. I breathed heavy and let out a moan. That made him go crazy. He started using his tongue faster. I grabbed my privacy to keep it from hitting him on the top of his head. I could no longer feel my toes. He slapped my hands down so they would fall beside me. Without letting up, he started stroking my manhood, slowly and I knew then that I wouldn’t survive the night. No one had EVER touched that area besides me and my mom when she changed my diaper as a baby. I breathed harder and harder trying to contain myself. I felt myself about to climax but I tried to avoid it so I wouldn’t spill my liquid on him. That would be weird. He made the mistake by talking.
“Your friends do this shit to you? Huh? ” he asked him between strokes of his tongue and hand. 
I tried to answer but words wouldn’t leave my throat. 
“So you gonna let me be your man Jace? You gonna let a nigga be your man baby?” he asked a little more aggressive and louder than the last question. 
I managed to find words. “Yea MAN!” I screamed. Before I knew it I climaxed, shooting my load onto the top of his Nike fitted cap and on his hand. I immediately felt embarrassed I had never climaxed so hard. I start shaking involuntarily and he pulled up and leaned down burying his face in my neck while I grabbed on to him. 
“You like that? I ain’t your friend. I’m your man. You got that?” he asked.
Exasperated I answered “Yes.”
He laid on top of me for a few minutes and I felt tears swell in my eye. What did this mean? My heart was beating fast and all I wanted to do was lay here all night. I knew that we would have to leave but I felt something deep for this guy. What should I do? We sat at the arena another hour and he told me how infatuated he was with me and how he wanted to protect me and be the man of my dreams. Only thing is that I never really dreamed of a man but I told him we could attempt to try this together. He would be my first. My first sexual encounter, first boyfriend and possibly first love. I was terrified.
“Oh and I’m sorry for cursing. I know you don’t like that. But just had to let you know I ain’t your lil’ friend,” he said. We both burst into laughter. 
We Can’t Be Friends
It was rather ironic that I was sitting at the airport gate waiting for my flight to board and listening to Adele belt her hit song “Hello”. I was headed to surprise Jace for his first show. I told him that wouldn’t be able to make it because of pregnancy issues but I really wanted to be there for my brother. Besides, the only pregnancy issue I was having is that I didn’t know who the baby’s daddy was. I texted Ernest earlier that day and he agreed to meet me back in Augusta at the end of the week. He seemed to be rather calm about the whole ordeal which caught me off guard because he never expressed interest in me besides my legs being wrapped around his waist. 
I watched the people deboard the plane that I was about to get on. Luckily the flight was not delayed. I caught Spirit flight for cheap and every knows Spirit is notorious for cancellations and delays. I had just realized that I had Adele’s song on repeat when I heard her sing the intro to  “Hello” for the third time. It was at that moment that I noticed him. Q walked off the plane. My heart fell to my feet. He didn’t notice me. I really wasn’t 100% sure that it was him but I gathered my things to get a closer look. He was wearing a gray bomber jacket with gray joggers. He looked rather normal. His sunglasses gave me the impression that he was incognito and I didn’t see anyone with him. I started to second guess myself even more as I followed him closely a few feet away from the gate. I was a silly hoe but not a stupid hoe. I know who I gapped these legs open for. I may don't know his mom’s name but I knew what he looked like. 
I decided to tap him on the shoulder when I was a few inches away from him. Startled he turned around with a frown on his face. It quickly softens when he recognized me. 
“Jada!” he said loudly as if he had seen a ghost. He grabbed my hands and I pulled away. He could tell I was upset.
“Let me explain,” he said.
“You have 5 minutes because my plane is leaving,” I said with my hand on my hip and the neck roll of every woman on Love and Hip Hop when they do their confessional interviews. 
“I’ve been calling you. I told Jace to let you know,” he said. 
“You what? Wait. You talked to Jace?” I asked. 
“Yes briefly. Look do you trust me?” he asked. 
“HELL NO NIGGA! HELL YOU MEAN?” I shrieked. I was almost embarrassed at my reaction but this boy almost had me killed and then went ghost on me and now I may be pregnant with his baby. What is trust? 
“Look come with me. Where are you going? I can get you another flight,” he pleaded. I could tell by his eyes that he was desperate. I looked back at my gate watching passengers board and without thinking it through I waved my hand in the direction he was headed to signal that I would go with him. I take it back. I am a stupid hoe. 
We go to the pickup area and I notice one of his crew members standing outside of a black truck. We both get inside. Once we were inside he reached over and hugged me and I begin hitting at him. Tears filled my eyes. He grabbed my hands. 
“Baby! I’m sorry,” he said. “There is so much that happened. There’s so much I didn’t want to introduce you to so fast dealing with me. Look I’m not these other rap niggas out here. I’m street. Real street. So you have to understand, these clothes, my jewelry, and these cars.... that’s the most glamorous shit about me,” he said looking me directly in my eye. 
I started bawling and laid my head in his lap. “I was so worried Q. I didn’t know what to do,” I said in between sobs. 
“To the W,” he said to the driver.
“I know baby. I’m gonna make it up to you. I swear,” he said running his fingers through my hair.
We rode the rest of the way to the hotel in silence. I had driven my car to Atlanta to catch a flight from here to meet up with my brother. Q was the last person I expected to see. Luckily the show wasn’t until tomorrow night so it was possible that I could still make it to support him. 
Once we got to the hotel we went immediately to his room. When we walked in Q went straight the bathroom shutting the door behind him. I sat on the bed and contemplated how I was going to tell him that I was possibly carrying his baby. After a few minutes I heard the shower turn on. ‘This nigga didn’t even say give me a few minutes or nothing’ I thought to myself. A few more minutes went by and I heard him call my name. I called back but he didn’t say anything. I walked to the bathroom door and opened it. He was standing in the middle of the bathroom naked with steam floating around him like he was in some kinky music video. A part of me was turned on and a part of me wanted to slap him for thinking he could whip out the dick and all would be forgotten. But I had something in store for him. 
I looked at him and rolled my eyes.
“Come shower with me. I just got out of jail and hopped on the first flight leaving for Atlanta. I came here to hide for a few days until the press dies down. A nigga feels dirty. Come help me get clean,” he said grabbing his leg....and by leg I mean the tree trunk of a dick between his legs. I felt my nipples harden and my garden moisten. I took off my clothes and proceeded to join him in the shower. 
“Q you know I was almost killed messing around with you?” I asked sincerely. 
“Yes, I know. And they were looking for you after the fact as well to try and get back at me. But I got you. Ok?” he said. I scoffed. 
“I said OK?” he repeated himself.
“I’m not a damn child,” I said pushing away from him. 
“You’re not a child. Because if you were I wouldn’t be able to do this,” he said reaching from behind me palming one of my breasts and using another hand to find the gateway to heaven between my legs. I was sold. “But you are my baby,” he said in my ear before taking it in his mouth. I let out a soft moan while he fingered me. The warm water running over my body stimulated me more. Before I could think further, he inserted himself inside of me from behind. It had been a while since I had sex so it hurt in a pleasureable way. He enjoyed how tigh I was becuase I could hear him trying to surpress his moans. He picked up my right leg to help balance himself and to give me the death stroke. I literally felt like my soul was leaving my body. If it was possible he would possibly get me pregant again tonight.
I thought about how much I wanted to understand him and how I really would rather him be the father of my child more than Ernest. Before I knew if he grabbed my hair and begin growling. I knew he had climaxed. For the first time having sex with him I did not. My mind must have been elsewhere. I pullled away from him and used a towel to lather soap and begin washing our bodies. He kissed me in between wipes and told me that I was his Queen and shit. He also excused himself for climaxing so fast. Something about him not jerking off because he had been in jail and the sight of me made him horny. Eye roll. 
I decided to wait until the morning to tell him the news. It was already late so I knew that there were no more departing flights but I was for sure getting on a plane to see my brother at Q’s expense. He flew out on me, I’m going to fly out on him. 
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Take Another Piece of My Heart
Prompt: You and Baron are friends with benefits but you both secretly want to be together. @kiasummers This turned into fluffy smut.
@blondekel77 @wweismyguiltypleasure
@charlitflair @lip-sync @emmarablack @lunaticfringe216 @amberhere-hi @thatonegirloncealways @queenreignsempire @debeauxmots @kittencutie245 @ilovesamizaynn @banrioncethlenn @screamersdontdance @redalternativefirefly @filthy-parade @welshwitch5 @nickysmum1909 @msgem @uberduber-loulou @cutester  @harleyquinnnikki @lclb12 @imagines–assemble @wrasslin-rollins @xenofi  @daywalker666 @heilisk @racheo91 @lilmisscrisis  @alexispoo
@wrasslesmut   @hardcorewwetrash
@caramara3         @underwaterwonderwoman
@randyortonstattoos  @hevluvsya102   @blondekel77
@50-shades-of-roman-reigns   @sarahmatthews7     @hiitsmecharlie
@tooweirdforlifex  @covergirlcollarbones  @valeonmars  @daintymissdevitt
@dolph-wwe   @pjanina13   @enzoshair   @emmarablack @legitlunatic
@ashleymarie2021 @fangirltrash-25  @phlebotomyprincess1  @devittslegos
@avixenwrites     @iloveenzoamore     @theitscammy     @thatonegirloncealways     @finnbalorsbabygirl     @lavitabella87   @thedeboniardevistation   @fmlallthewayup    @itsjustemillly  @karaboomhower   @msgem  @iceninekiller-blog-blog    @littledeadrottinghood
“What time is your flight?” I stood up, pulling my shirt over my head.
“Eight,” Baron grunted, propping his arm behind his head against the headboard.
“Lucky,” I laughed “Mine’s at six.”
“Shit, and you’re sure as hell not a morning person. I’ve seen you,” he smirked.
I tossed my bundled up sweater at him and he let out a little laugh, before tossing it onto the end of the bed.
I dropped back down beside him. His naked body covered in nothing but a cheap hotel bed sheet. I knew I shouldn’t but I couldn’t stop myself from nuzzling into his side. His arm came up and wrapped around me.
“Five days is a long time,” I sighed, my hand absently petting at his tattooed chest.
“Too fuckin’ long,” he scoffed.
“I’m sure you’ll find someone to keep you occupied,” I managed to get out.
I winced waiting for the answer. I knew it shouldn’t matter. My hookups with Baron were all strictly casual. They started with one drunken night and then never stopped. He was my absolute best friend on the entire planet and outside of the bedroom we never treated each other as anything more than friends. Very few people even knew about our dalliances behind closed doors.
“Nah,” he breathed out after a few seconds of silence “I got to much ass kicking to do.”
Baron’s career was growing stronger by the day. He was getting some epic feuds. He had been battling some of the biggest stars on the roster. His demeanor was always something left to be desired but with a massive ego like his, he kept it reigned in pretty well. Only a select few, got to see the more civilized side of him.
“You keep it up, that Intercontinental Title will be around your waist next pay per view,” I breathed lightly against his shoulder.
“Yup,” he shifted to sit up.
I watched as he stood naked, his toned back facing me as he slid on his underwear and swept his hair up off his neck.
“I better let you get some sleep,” he pulled his jeans up on his hips.
I wanted desperately to beg him to stay but we didn’t do that. We never spent the entire night together. It was sort of an unspoken rule in our arrangement.
“Yeah,” I laughed “Four comes really early.”
“See you in a week,” he shrugged on his button up.
“Yeah,” I bit my lip nervously “See ya.”
He leaned down, his lips lightly pressing on the crown of my head for not even a full second. Then he was gone.
I crawled back under the sheet, bringing it to my nose to inhale the scene of his cologne…the scent of him. I wrapped it around myself and drew my knees to my chest.
I had to tell him. I had to tell him I couldn’t do this anymore. It hurt to much. It hurt not being able to hold his hand in public, to kiss him the way I wanted to, to tell him I loved him and him not freak out about it.
Baron Corbin was not the type of guy to fall in love and if those words left my mouth, I knew our hookups would be over. I had clung to them for far too long now. The feel of his hands on my skin, the sound of his shallow breathing as he fucked me into the mattress, the way his eyes lingered on mine as he watched for me to come undone beneath him. It was all to much to bare anymore. This had to end, if for nothing more than my heart and my sanity.
The week ticked by achingly slow. I got a few texts here and there from him. Most of them were goofy gym selfies that he posted on Instagram first. He took a picture of the fresh snow fall in Philadelphia while I was working with the house tours in Los Angeles. He knew how much I loved winter and I had replied with a half dozen eye roll emojis. He replied with his detest of emojis, so I sent him a few more with a smile on my face.
“What’s that smile for?” Naomi pulled me out of my trance.
“Huh?” I laid down my phone and picked up my contour brush.
I was supposed to have her makeup done in twenty minutes and there I was day dreaming.
“Nothing,” I chewed on my bottom lip nervously, as I carved out her amazing cheek bones.
“Come on now girl, you gotta spill. You got a look on your eyes like you’re in love or somethin’.”
“What?” I laughed, “I do not!”
“Girl, it’s been on your face all week,” Carmella added from the next chair over “Every time you have the phone in your hand, your face lights up like a freakin’ Christmas tree.”
“It’s nothing,” I shook my head “ I mean..it can’t be anything. It just can’t so…I need to stop day dreaming.”
“What’s the matter? He married?” Carmella popped her gum loudly.
“No,” I shook my head “Nothing like that.”
“So, what’s the reason?” Naomi closed her eyes as I began her eyeshadow.
“It’s just, not gonna happen,” I sighed “He’s just not ready for a relationship…I don’t think he ever will be.”
“Oh,” Carmella nodded “Fuck boy, huh?”
“Not exactly,” I concentrated on the line of Naomi’s eye pencil “He just, doesn’t like labels. Or commitments. Or basically anything.”
“So it’s strictly sex?” Naomi asked once she could open her eyes again.
“No,” I reached for some glitter shadow “When we’re together, it’s like we’re the only two people in the world. I can talk to him about anything and he’s so different than when we’re around other people.”
“Sounds shady,” Carmella leaned forward to put on her own lip gloss “Girl, you need to go find you a real man.”
“What about Baron?” Naomi asked.
I dropped the lid to the glitter and it puffed all over the counter.
“Baron?” I laughed.
“Yeah, you two are close right? And I have seen him staring at you.”
“He’s pretty damn fine,” Carmella stood up, scrunching her hair in her hands “He’s got that whole badass thing going on.”
“Ladies, curtain in two minutes!”
Saved by the damn curtain.
Baron’s strong hands gripped my face as he backed me into his hotel room, kicking the door shut behind him.
“I missed you,” he breathed into my mouth.
“Me too,” I panted, sliding his shirt over his head and immediately licking my tongue up his chest.
“Fuck,” he groaned, stripping me of my shirt too.
As his hands roamed all over me, I suddenly came out of the Baron fog and realized what I was doing. I was falling right back into the trap. I couldn’t allow myself to do that anymore.
“You’re so beautiful,” he moaned, his hands moving up my back and into my hair.
I had to put an end to this. No matter how bad it hurt. No matter how big the hole in my chest would be from where I ripped my own heart out.
“Baron,” I pulled away from him.
His hand was halfway done unzipping his jeans and he looked up in confusion.
“I can’t do this anymore,” I shook my head and reached for my discard shirt, sliding it back on.
“This, this whatever this is,” I held my arms up “I don’t even know anymore what it is, all I know is that I can’t do it.”
“Y/N,” he sighed, running his hand over his face “You can’t leave…”
“Yes, I can,” I whispered, walking over to him and pressing my forehead into his chest briefly.
His chin rested on top of my head as I felt the heavy rise and fall of his breathing against me. The silence in the room was deafening except the beat of both our hearts pounding in my ears.
“What’s the matter?” he picked my face up to look at him “I do somethin’?”
“No,” I shook my head, tears brimming in the corners of my eyes “I just, I’m not cut out for this…I’m sorry.”
“Y/N, wait!” he called after me as I headed for the door.
I let it shut behind me before I could hear his voice again.
I cried all night into my lumpy pillow. The television rolled rerun after rerun of Frasier and I didn’t bother to change the channel. Around two am, I ordered room service. Breakfast food, complete with two mimosas. Nothing seemed to help, nothing would erase the feeling from my brain, from my heart, that I had stirred when I left that room.
Baron had only tried to call me twice in the space of five hours. His last call had been hours earlier. No voicemail, no text messages.
I scooped up a spoonful of eggs benedict and desperately pleaded for the ache in my heart to go away.
My phone buzzed next to my leg and I warily picked it up.
You ok? Baron asked me to check on you. Something up?
It was Corey. If Baron hadn’t told him what was going on, then he must be angry. I typed out a message that I was fine and to go back to sleep. He didn’t respond and I was grateful as I downed my two mimosas back to back.
I must have drifted off around six in the morning but by eight there was a loud knocking on my door. I groaned, sliding off the bed, still dressed in my clothes from the night before.
“I’m coming,” I whispered, finally getting a steady enough hand on the door to open it.
“What’s going on?” Corey stood on the other side.
“Seriously?” I leaned against the door frame “I’m sleeping. Go back to your room.”
I didn’t shut the door but I turned and stumbled back to my bed. He followed me in, slamming it behind him.
“Baron calls me in the middle of the night. His voice is all fuckin twitchy and he’s begging me to check on you like your life is in fucking danger. Then he texts me half the night wanting to know if I heard from you. He’s fucking flipping out and I want to know what’s going on. Right now.”
Corey knew about our hookups. He had told us both from the start it was a bad idea but our hormones were raging so loud, we hadn’t listened.
“I ended it,” I grabbed the room service tray off the end of the bed and sat it on the nightstand.
He raised a curious eyebrow.
“I told him that I couldn’t see him like that anymore.”
“Why’s that?” Corey asked bluntly and I felt like I was being interviewed for The Network.
“Honestly,” I stared down at my hands “I care to much about him. It hurts to be with him…Not being the only one.”
Corey laughed, running his hand over his mouth to stifle it.
“You can’t be serious?” he sat down beside me “You honestly think that Corbin is hooking up with other women?”
“Well, yeah,” I shrugged “I mean, we’re not exclusive.”
“Baron is in love with you, Y/N. Are you blind?” Corey mused “The man follows you around like a puppy dog, he worries himself sick about you all the time. You are the only woman he gives a damn about and the only woman he sleeps with. I can promise you that.”
“He told you that?” I felt my heart flutter with hope.
“Not in those exact words but yeah,” he laughed “You’re like his lifeline and he’s scared shitless that he’s pushed you away…You gotta go talk to him.”
“I don’t know,” my eyes dropped to my nervous hands resting in my lap.
“You love him too…Don’t you?”
I looked up at him and I saw warm understanding on his normally wild face.
I nodded.
“Then you only got one option.”
“Baron!” I knocked on his door a few minutes later.
I had showered and changed clothes. Still dressed in blue jeans and a t-shirt, not exactly the outfit you wear when you’re trying to win a man.
The door flew open. He was dressed for work. A suit and tie on, which would normally make me inwardly giggle cause I knew he hated it. His hair was twisted up and when his eyes fell on me, I saw him breathe a little sigh of relief.
“You ok?” he immediately asked.
“No,” I shook my head “Can I come in?”
He moved to let me pass him and shut the door.
“About last night,” he moved toward me “I’m not sure why you…”
“Do you care about me?” I blurted out.
“What?” he whispered hoarsely, a wave of vulnerability I had never seen came over his face.
“What I mean is, this whole arrangement we have…Is it enough for you?”
He stood frozen for a minute.
“Cause it’s not for me,” I shook my head “I want more from you. I want to be able to go out in public with you and let everybody know that you’re with me. I want you to be more than just some comfortable hook up to pass away the days on the road….And if you don’t want that then you need to just tell me and I promise I’ll leave you alone but I won’t be back like this. I won’t come crawling back wanting sex and…”
“You’re right,” he finished, his hand scratching the back of his neck.
I stopped mid sentence and stood silent to hear what he had to say.
“It’s not fair to you,” he let out a heavy sigh.
I felt my heart sink into my stomach.
“To me…” I drew out slowly “So you’re ok with how things are then…?”
“I didn’t say that,” he sighed, his hands running down his face in frustration “I don’t know what I’m fucking saying.”
I watched as he circled the room before he slumped down on the bed, his head going into his hands.
“Look,” he finally cast his gaze up to me “I have interviews scheduled in thirty minutes and…”
“And they’re more important,” I nodded “Than figuring out us.”
“I know what I want!” he sat straight up “I wanna keep seeing you. I want to kiss you and feel you and all that shit…”
“But you don’t want to date me.”
I felt like I was deflating before his eyes and he had no desire to breathe any life back into me.
He stood up, towering over me as I felt tears start to slide down my cheeks.
“Don’t do that,” he growled, his thumb tracing my lower lip as it trembled.
“I, I can’t see you anymore, Baron,” I shook my head “I’m sorry.”
I turned toward the door, my hand gripping the handle tightly.
“Yes, I care about you,” he growled out.
I froze and slowly turned around. His hands were stuffed into the pockets of his dress pants and his eyes were pinned to the floor.
I walked toward him and he finally looked up at me.
“I care,” he mumbled awkwardly “I wonder what you’re doing when we’re not together, like if you’re seeing somebody else. I wonder if some guys hands are pawing all over you…because you deserve better than that.”
I stood back from him and lightly folded my arms across my chest.
“At night, I care that I can’t just roll over and feel you. I care that you’re all I can fucking think about, that I can’t get you out of my head. I care that you’re the best friend I’ve ever had in my whole god damn life and I can’t even tell you how much I love you.”
I drew in gasp of air and his eyes closed tight. I could tell he hadn’t meant to take it that far.
“And last night,” he continued “When you ran out of here, all I wanted to do was to tell you that I wanted everything that you did. But I couldn’t fucking say it. I was up all night worried about you, kicking my self in the ass for every stupid thing I have ever done. The way I just get dressed and leave you, after I’ve been staring into your eyes and touching you…I just leave you like you’re somethin’ I don’t need….I need you. Every time I kiss you…It’s like I know in the back of my head, it’s where I’m supposed to be, you know?”
“Wow,” I whispered.
“Yeah, so I care,” he finally locked eyes with me for longer than a couple seconds.
“I think I always knew it…I just didn’t think that was something you wanted.”
“Me either,” he shook his head ‘But sometimes things happen.“
“Like falling in love,” I whispered.
“Yeah,” he reached out, pulling me slowly up against him “Just like that.”
His hands slid down the sides of my face, his thumbs pushing my hair out of my eyes.
“I’ve never told you how much I like your eyes,” he whispered in a gravely voice.
“Why’s that?” I managed to get the words out.
“When I look in them…” he shook his head “I get lost.”
His hands slid down to wrap around my waist and lift me up like he had a million times. My legs tightened around him.
“Your meetings,” I gasped suddenly.
“Let me worry about that,” he mumbled, as his mouth tilted toward mine.
He lowered me onto the bed, biting at the base of my throat with moans escaping his eager mouth.
“I like you in a suit,” I groaned, as his knee pressed in between my legs.
“Don’t get used to it,” he chuckled softly.
I reached up, unbuttoning the two buttons and sliding it off his shoulders. He finished removing it and tossed it.
I took hold of his tie, pulling him back down to my throat. Baron kissed a trail up to my mouth and pressed our noses together.
“Did I say I love you yet?” he growled.
“No,” I shook my head “You didn’t have to.”
He bit at my lower lip before he engulfed my mouth. Our kisses deepened as his hand roamed down to the button of my jeans. He unhooked it and slowly moved down the zipper. I raised up so he could slide them off.
His warm hand, slid slowly into the top of my underwear and danced along how wet I was for him.
He moaned against my ear, dipping his fingers into it and drawing them out. He brought them to his mouth, lightly sucking them inside.
I watched him with wide eyes, his knee still pressing against me as I started to grind against it.
“You always want me, don’t you?” he lapped at the side of my neck, just below my ear.
“Always,” I gasped, the sensation growing from the pressure his knee was providing.
He finally took notice and pulled it away, standing to strip himself completely as I watched.
Baron crawled back onto the bed, hovering above me again. He ran his finger down across my lips and his eyes grew incredibly serious.
“I always want you, Y/N,” he moved down to tilt my chin up “Just you.”
I raised up, pulling my t-shirt over my head. His teeth dug softly into the flesh below my collarbone, moving down until he was at the valley of my cleavage. One hook of his hand behind my back and my bra was discarded. His large hands took one of my breasts in each as he lightly bit the flesh of them.
“Baron,” I groaned, bucking my pelvis up against his naked one.
“Shh,” he whispered, moving his hands back to my face.
“Please,” I pleaded, as he looked me in the eyes.
“There you go again,” he hissed, his mouth catching mine in our most intense kiss yet.
While he kissed me, his hands slid my panties off with my help and he pressed himself between my bare thighs. I could feel his hard arousal scraping against my leg as he moved with each takeover of my bruised lips.
Finally, we broke apart and I heard his breathing increase as he pushed the head of his dick against my opening.
We had done this hundreds of times but it felt like the very first time we had been so vulnerable. Our eyes remained locked as he slid inside me and I moaned as he filled me.
He started moving inside me, slowly and delicately. Not like him at all but I could tell he was enjoying it. I was too, as our eyes never left each other. His fingers darted out to trace the top of my cheek, then cup the side of my face.
Baron’s mouth went to my cheek, kissing it slowly, then moving further down until he sucked on the side of my neck. His teeth digging in on occasion.
I felt him speed up inside me and he raised back up to look at me again. I moaned, when he spread my legs wider apart and started pushing harder into me.
“Shit,” he chuckled in disbelief.
I felt the same. It was amazing how different it all was, knowing what we knew now.
I felt his hips start to slam against mine and before long the familiar slapping sound of his deeper thrusts.
My muscles clenched around him and I dug my nails deep into his back.
“Oh god,” I whimpered beneath him “Baron, I can’t…”
He grunted, releasing inside me with a string of gasps as I came all around him.
“Baron,” I moaned again, as his mouth fell against my neck.
My fingers tangled in the hair that had fallen from his bun and I gripped him tighter against me.
We both regained our breath, our senses and came back to Earth. He sat up on his knees, pulling me up with him. His hands roamed over my face before he placed a kiss on my forehead.
“Fuck,” his eyes dropped to where our hands had intertwined absently “I love you.”
I reached up and brushed his hair behind his ear, drawing his mouth close to mine.
“I fucking love you too.”
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