#ptd live onstage
whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Okay But What If...
The reason we have not seen Park Jimin in anything other than long sleeves all season is...
...new ink? I know, I KNOW. I am delusional, we are ALL AWARE OKAY but just go with me on this. Usually Jimin is in short sleeves, or, you know, naked.
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But Jimin hasn't been seen with his arms exposed since they left Las Vegas that I know of. CORRECT ME IF YOU CAN I NEED TO BE WRONG ABOUT THIS I CANNOT SLEEP but we got this in PTD Live Onstage oh hey Jeon whatcha lookin at, buddy
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And we saw this in Vegas, no evidence of new ink except the Youth and moon tattoos WHICH WAS MORE THAN ENOUGH THANK YOU SIR
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But with the exception of maybe MAYBE a photoshoot here or there, if even that, I really don't think we've seen much of Jiminie's arms, lately. He even did this with long sleeves on (thanks to whoever edited this version, it's quite pretty):
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But GAWD YSJ, you may be saying, WHY YOU SUCH A THIRSTY BITCH and the answer is that I am single, fairly recently divorced, and love beautiful men who are both intelligent and totally unavailable. It's a problem. I've sought counseling, let me breathe, DAMN.
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I'm not even talking about that shadow or bruise up there that people seem to think is a shoulder tat. I'm not talking about his moons or whatever he has on his back. (Because, let's be fair, we think we know and we might be right but we have no confirmation. What if it's a whole snecky snek or, like, a bunch of emojis? Or a segmented dragon?)
I'm talking about that right arm at elbow/forearm level. Enough ink to sit through some pain for awhile. And don't come at me about "that would hurt," the man has tattooed his rib cage FFS. And his spine. And behind his ear. He done hit the ouchy spots long ago.
Could it just be shadows? YES BUT WHERE'S THE FUN IN THAT HUH?
I'm just saying maybe Polyc has been doing a little worky work on members other than Jungkook. I mean we already know Jimin and Jungkook both went to Blind Studio at around the same time, possibly together, remember those autographs and that whole guy that apparently isn't Koo's artist anymore?
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Yeah so it's not out of the realm of possibility, is all I'm saying, and I probably won't say it out loud too much more until we see the man's arms again.
TAKE IT OFF PARK JIMIN, PROVE ME WRONG I DARE YOU. And while you're at it, I have questions about how low that spine piece goes.
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ask-serendipity-sky · 8 months
Wasn't BTS Vegas 2022 concerts just few months after jimin had covid and appendicitis surgery? That could answer the lack of energy there. But after that except busan expo they didn't really have any performances no?
Anyway genuine question tho, don't pre vegas 2022 jimin performances (both solo or goup) don't hold any value for you to consider his potential?
(I won't get back to you after this ask I promise , thanks for answering and being pantient)
I've been on the fence about answering asks about this topic because people got really intense since I didn't include Jimin in my list of artists in that post. I only mentioned 3 people and said etc (because my list is not limited to kpop -_-) but people made it about Jimin and then some started saying I was hating and shading Jimin.
This is not directed at you but it's directed to all the people who are immature, and because of that we can't have a proper conversation being objective about a certain topic.
It's also not the first time I see my blog in other people's blogs. A few people have sent me links to these posts where a blogger will give their opinion on what I'm saying as if they know my mind. It should be blogger etiquette to not do this.
You can't debunk an opinion. That's not how opinions work.
For the people who don't believe in my posts and like to discredit me, please write your own posts with your own research or at least a proper debunking post because, up to now, my posts are facts. There is nothing fabricated. But saying stuff like "it doesn't sound real" means absolutely nothing because you don't have facts to disprove what I'm saying.
If you as a reader are sending a post so someone else can give you their opinion on a post that is not theirs, you have serious insecurity issues. You need to develop reading comprehension skills and come to conclusions yourself instead of wanting validation from others.
Now, this is directed to you, anon:
I never said Jimin didn't have potential. I said the exact opposite.
I compare Jimin's solo project to his older solo stages, and even PTD. There is a stark difference in the way he handled himself onstage. Like I said, pre-pandemic Jimin had a different confidence level. His stage presence was different. Then along came PTD and Jimin came back but not entirely. You can see this in the Busan concert too. For me, it does seem like whatever he went through in his life affected his onstage persona (which he says is basically the same as his offstage persona).
I said Jimin wasn't at MY list yet but he would get there. This means that I believe he has potential and it doesn't even matter what I believe because he does. I'm not his fan because he is on top of a random made up list, I'm his fan because I admire and love his work.
Maybe he is on your list of whatever and that's fine. But if I give my point of view as a fan and as a musician (I've been a musician longer than some people have been alive here), I think Jimin can still give more. It was his first solo project. You can't possibly expect someone to be at the top since day 1. He doesn't have years as a soloist.
And he spoke about it in his live too.
I don't know why people were trying to convince me to place Jimin on my list and trying to make me feel bad for not having him there.
Um...ok? Make your own list and place him there and be happy.
Hope this helps.
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tk-tae-and-symphony · 2 years
7 reasons why (edited)
here are 7 reasons why re-posted bc tumblr won't let me change my original post:
1 kbs news behind the scenes
being on kbs news was the moment where it really sunk in with the boys that they were famous. it was a big goddamn deal for them as shown by the shout-outs to their parents. and tae turned to jk for physical reassurance on the way to the studio. after, as they were exiting the building, tk started getting clingy before springing apart when they realized the cameras were still on them.
2 their encyclopedic knowledge of each other
not only do they know minute details about each other, they're more than willing to share with the class. it's adorable how they call each other out on things like tae telling everyone he's allergic to beans (he's not, claims jk in a run ep, he just doesn't want to eat them), or tae broadcasting jk's love of white wine (dykm). tae also knows how jk likes his drinks and helps him top his drink off without even looking (fdp 2022). jk takes tae's steak off his plate to cut it up (fdp 2022). what's even cuter is that many times no one even asks but they volunteer information like when they share about the fortune teller or their playing dress up on a trip (v.lives).
3 the amount of care that jk takes when it comes to tae
jk's said that he gives up on things easily but when he really wants to do something he gives it his all. look at the time he took and the amount of care over the snow globe he made for tae (in one of the winter packages). when he cooked for tae in one of the cutest its2 moments, his own version looked delicious but lackluster compared to the feast he whipped up for tae.
4 tae's hands
tae has the habit of reaching forward when he's making a point he's interested in. watch the way he reaches in jk's direction with his palms facing down when he mentions jk in a group conversation. or the way he pulls at jk's arms (3J+tae vlive in ptd lv when jk tries to leave to shower, gda 2020, proof live onstage at kbs music show).
5 the perilla leaf argument and food
in which tk argue that there's no f-ing way they'd be ok with their partner helping a friend with the perilla leaf. chopsticks are an extension of the self and chopsticks touching denotes closeness.
yet jk has fed tae with his own chopsticks many times. tae has literally eaten food that was halfway to jk's mouth (the documentary premiere). tae has stuck his fingers in jk's mouth while feeding him (its1).
more on the topic of food. tae's love language revolves around food. it's something he's learned from his mother (who packed sandwiches for everyone in its1) and he's given kimchi to his wooga friends. while waiting for the 2021 grammys announcement, tae is visibly peeved when jk asks for food. not because he doesn't want to share but the tone is more "babe, i asked you! and you said no but now you're hungry". note that he gives jk food (and even feeds him) when jk acts cute for him. in its2, they spend almost all the food scenes next to each other.
6 they're each other's biggest fans
tae waxes lyrical (pun intended) about jk's music. his tone is gentle in the recording he makes for jk in the 2020 winter package where he tells jk he thinks jjk is the best singer in korea. note that he thought this recording was going to be private.
tae takes pride in being one of the first/only people to listen to jk's music. he's championed stay, talked about listening to my you a month before it was released, and praised your eyes tell over the song he was supposed to be promoting.
normally reticent jk goes on and on about how hot he thinks tae is. and let's not forget the number of times he's been caught giving tae the up and down. instances that come to mind: maknae vlive in ptd la, my universe btb, dynamite mv making clip).
7 physical touch
how many bros or friends do you know who touch each other's inner thighs for an extended period? or cuddle and nap wrapped up together?
there are too many instances to count where they've lounged on each other (its1, festa dinner party 2022, and gda 2020 for a small sample). they're touchy on camera and in front of a stadium full of people (dope and dna in ptd lv) or when they think they're off camera like when they're reviewing pictures. the way jk ran his hand along tae's back and then patted his ass in the proof live premiere. they get visibly pouty when asked to step away from each other.
the mvp: the styles concert video jh took where jk pulls tae's hand over his heart.
there's an abundance of moments. i'm sure other people have their own favorites, this is just a shortlist that comes to mind.
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miiinthe · 2 years
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This post just contains some information for you about me, excpecially about my taste in K-Pop (favorite groups, favorite songs).
Just so you're prepared!
Favorite Groups
In the beginning of my K-Pop discovery I really didn't know any group besides BTS (cliché, I know). But as I continued my journey, I found so many new groups I got to love!
Today, I'm proud to call myself a multistan.
It's also worth to say, that I'm getting into new music daily, which does not always mean I also want to stan the group. Music vise, I think I listen to quite a lot of different artists. But I do not stan that many groups. Maybe because the music is still the most important thing about K-Pop to me.
Anyways, let's get into my favorite groups!
| ⁎*⁕ Seventeen
My number one (and maybe only?) ult group is (and most likely will forever be) Seventeen.
There are a lot of reasons for that, starting with the way how and when I discovered them. It was a time in my life where I had just overcome a lot of struggles and insecurities, and had just started to enjoy life again. Something that wasn't so easy for me, but also something I could do way better because of Seventeen.
So many of their songs mean a lot to me.
They're also the first group I really got into completely. And the first group I could find my taste represented in.
Little warning: There will be a lot of Seventeen songs in my posts. What else tough, their discography is flawless!
| ⁎*⁕ Ateez
Ateez will also remain special to me forever, however in a total different way than Seventeen.
Ateez were the first K-Pop group I discovered by myself. They were the first group nobody recommended to me. I just heard one of there songs on Spotify one day and began to listen through their whole discography.
Some of their songs belong to my all time favorite K-Pop songs and will forever stay there (looking at you wave).
Also, Ateez are special to me because my little sister first found out what it means to have a bias through them.
| ⁎*⁕ BTS
Like I said above, BTS was the first group I ever got introduced to. In some way, they will forever stay in my heart because of that. Even tough I'm not the biggest Army anymore.
Here's a good point to thank my big sister, the person who introduced me to BTS, and to K-Pop in general. Thank you!
Another thing I'll never forget is the live stream of PTD onstage, which I attended with my sister in the cinemas. It's a memory I hold very close to my heart.
In general I think I might have the most memories about BTS, just because both my sisters are also fans.
Well, these were my three main groups! Now for the groups I listen to the most (they're all groups I kinda wanna get into, too).
| ⁎*⁕ TxT
I've been listening to so many of their songs lately! But aside from that, I don't really know a lot about them. Sadly, I guess.
| ⁎*⁕ The Boyz
I'm obsessed with every single one of their songs! At least with the ones I've heard before. I think they'd be a group I'd really like to get into.
| ⁎*⁕ The Rose
Okay, hear me out: They're kinda misplaced here. I'm actually getting into The Rose right now. But since I just started yesterday (yikes) I decided to put them here.
Fun Fact: Red is playing right now. On loop.
| ⁎*⁕ Stray Kids
When I say I'm kinda getting forced to stan them, I do not mean that in a negative way (but if my older sister reads this I totally do!).
I like Stray Kids' music a lot. At least the tracks I've heard by now. But I'm not sure yet, if their music really fits my taste. Maybe if I listen to some more calm songs, I'll find some I like more.
Does anyone have recommendations?
Favorite Songs
I will just put a list here. That's easier for you, and a lot easier for me. Hope you enjoy!
ps: I'm more into calm music and it shows.
⁎*⁕ My My & Kidult & Pinwheel & Thanks & Campfire by Seventeen
⁎*⁕ Mikrokosmos & Lights & Film Out & 2! 3! & Spring Day by BTS
⁎*⁕ Red & Sorry by The Rose
⁎*⁕ Wave & Aurora & Dancing like Butterfly Wings by Ateez
⁎*⁕ Wishlist & Crown by TxT
⁎*⁕ No Air & Whiplash & Bloom Bloom by The Boyz
That's it for now!
This post's gonna be updated a lot, I guess.
yours, sincerly
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thebtssoulmateline · 2 years
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King got his own seat in the cinema 😌
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nvmguk · 3 years
They’re so cute and I love them so much 🥺
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kpoptarotvibes · 2 years
Idk if it's just me, but I'm thinking Hybe is basically keeping BTS in this weird stagnant place where they're not releasing a full album or having 'proper' releases until they see an 'all clear' (or at least as much of one as possible) for them to do a full world tour. I think they are actually holding their album back waiting for the right moment so that they can have a real comeback in Korea and then start touring. I feel like now apparently Korea is about to drop most of their remaining restrictions, we'll probably hear a comeback announcement soon...
But for now... I really am not a fan of the recycling of this same setlist. I also really hate that they didn't at least take this opportunity to let MOTS 7 (with all the songs) properly get its shine in concert cause that was a good album and it deserved the tour they had planned for 2020.
Building a concert around PTD (their worst song without question imo) just wasn't a great idea, nor was not performing any solo or unit songs... although the guys are giving their all onstage and you can feel their love for performing and the fans... the choice to recycle this set list feels tired and lazy (idk whose idea that was, them or the company?...)... and the fact that every song is a group song doesn't allow anyone a chance to rest and catch themselves which means that the performances, despite their efforts, are overall not up to the highest quality cause the guys are just exhausted. I also can't believe the guys themselves aren't at least a little tired of performing Dynamite, Butter and PTD at this point.... surely they're bored and want to move on too.
I honestly think these concerts are like a stop gap for Hybe to suck some more money from the fans while they wait for the right moment to launch the next era and I don't like that... it feels kinda half assed.... yet people are paying a lot of money to see a substandard bts concert... (prepandemic armys should know this is not up to par). Rather than having the same old concert again, they could be working on their music, focusing on their health and getting a some more rest in between because they'll need it for when they finally have a real comeback. Some of Namjoon's words about them getting more involved in their music and sharing their voices and going back to their roots in his recent live are giving me hope for their next album at least... I really hope it's authentic Bangtan energy 🙏.
On a lighter note... I have a feeling the collab with Snoop could possibly end up being a bit gimmicky cheesy/silly but still fun and enjoyable to listen to (depending on the involvement of the rap line, whether they get to sing / rap in Korean and write their lyrics) but I actually hope it surprises me and ends up bringing an old school hip hop vibe back and has a bit of edge to it... either way, I don't think it will be bad cause the rap line for sure wouldn't want to waste the opportunity to rap with Snoop... 🤞
Remember they are in a stagnate place because Korea is still deciding whether to let them serve in the military or not. So I think they are to prepare how to schedule things outside of that.
I totally agree with you about PTD tour it's just so lazy. And I really wish if they were to have the same setlist that they would just remix a few songs. Yeah we pre-pandemic Army know this ain't up to par. They really could have done this once and then let all the members recover properly from COVID. Then have a new comeback. SMH. Just poor planning on their part.
I hope they go back to focusing on the music and going back to their roots because they have just lost their own sound and style.
Yeah I feel like that whole Snoop dog song is going to be corny. SMH.
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linkucom · 3 years
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BTS online concert will be live in about an hour and half!!!! https://venewlive.com/concerts/bts-ptd-onstage/#/ #btsconcert #permissiontodance https://www.instagram.com/p/CVZuqCth-WE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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solplparty · 3 years
BTS (방탄소년단) PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE Official Teaser | We’re just getting started https://youtu.be/cC9aarA1Mhg BTS PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE 📆 2021. 10. 24. 18:30 (KST) 🔗 Live Streaming: https://venewlive.com/concerts/bts-ptd-onstage #PTD_ON_STAGE #PermissiontoDance #BTS #방탄소년단 #BTSCONCERT Connect with BTS: https://ibighit.com/bts http://twitter.com/BTS_bighit http://twitter.com/BTS_twt http://www.facebook.com/bangtan.official https://www.youtube.com/user/BANGTANTV http://instagram.com/BTS.bighitofficial https://channels.vlive.tv/FE619 https://www.tiktok.com/@bts_official_bighit? https://weverse.onelink.me/qt3S/94808190 https://www.weibo.com/BTSbighit https://www.weibo.com/BTSmembers http://i.youku.com/btsofficial http://btsblog.ibighit.com HYBE LABELS
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tk-tae-and-symphony · 2 years
why tk?
here are 7 reasons why:
1 the perilla leaf argument
in which tk argue that there's no f-ing way they'd be ok with their partner helping a friend with the perilla leaf. chopsticks are an extension of the self and chopsticks touching denotes closeness.
yet jk has fed tae with his own chopsticks many times. tae has literally eaten food that was halfway to jk's mouth (the documentary premiere). tae has stuck his fingers in jk's mouth while feeding him (its1).
2 food
more on the topic of food. tae's love language revolves around food. it's something he's learned from his mother (who packed sandwiches for everyone in its1) and he's given kimchi to his wooga friends. while waiting for the 2021 grammys announcement, tae is visibly peeved when jk asks for food. not because he doesn't want to share but the tone is more "babe, i asked you! and you said no but now you're hungry". note that he gives jk food (and even feeds him) when jk acts cute for him.
tae also knows how jk likes his drinks (festa dinner party 2022). in its2, they spend almost all the food scenes next to each other.
3 the amount of care that jk takes when it comes to tae
jk's said that he gives up on things easily but when he really wants to do something he gives it his all. look at the time he took and the amount of care over the snow globe he made for tae (in one of the winter packages). when he cooked for tae in one of the cutest its2 moments, his own version looked delicious but lackluster compared to the feast he whipped up for tae.
4 tae's hands
tae has the habit of reaching forward when he's making a point he's interested in. watch the way he reaches in jk's direction with his palms facing down when he mentions jk in a group conversation. or the way he pulls at jk's arms (3J+tae vlive in ptd lv when jk tries to leave to shower, gda 2020, proof live onstage at kbs music show).
5 kbs news behind the scenes
being on kbs news was the moment where it really sunk in with the boys that they were famous. it was a big goddamn deal for them. and tae turned to jk for physical reassurance on the way to the studio. after, as they were exiting the building, tk started getting clingy before springing apart when they realized the cameras were still on them.
6 they're each other's biggest fans
tae waxes lyrical (pun intended) about jk's music. his tone is gentle in the recording he makes for jk in the 2020 winter package where he tells jk he thinks jjk is the best singer in korea. note that he thought this recording was going to be private.
tae takes pride in being one of the first/only people to listen to jk's music. he's championed stay, talked about listening to my you a month before it was released, and praised your eyes tell over the song he was supposed to be promoting.
normally reticent jk goes on and on about how hot he thinks tae is. and let's not forget the number of times he's been caught giving tae the up and down. instances that come to mind: maknae vlive in ptd la, my universe btb, dynamite mv making clip)
7 physical touch
how many bros or friends do you know who touch each other's inner thighs for an extended period? or cuddle and nap wrapped up together?
there are too many instances to count where they've lounged on each other (its1, festa dinner party 2022, and gda 2020 for a small sample). they're touchy on camera and in front of a stadium full of people (dope and dna in ptd lv) or when they think they're off camera like when they're reviewing pictures. the way jk ran his hand along tae's back and then patted his ass in the proof live premiere.
the mvp: the styles concert video jh took where jk pulls tae's hand over his heart
there's an abundance of moments. i'm sure other people have their own favorites, this is just a shortlist that comes to mind
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Just a thing I realized: JK's face during that moment looks exactly like his Smiley Tattoo on his middle finger.
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hihihihihihihi frennnnd I'm so glad to see you!
I took the liberty of playing screenshot roulette on this two-second low-res clip and it was fun:
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THERE it is.
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Thank you @guacamoli-avocadorado, this is great, you might have solved the mystery of What Does That Emoji Mean To Jungkook! All this time I thought it was to be cute when he told people "fuck you" but no, it's that face. Which I guess could also be used in conjunction with the finger, sometimes. I LOVE IT HERE THANK YOU ILY
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
https://www.instagram.com/p/CbG8fQeolDd/?utm_medium=copy_link I don't know what to do with this information 😳
BWAAAHAHAHAH and also hi nice anon!! I know exactly what we do with this information. ;)
Same thing we always do. We go "oh well it MUST HAVE BEEN SUNDAY AT THE JEON-PARK HOUSE" because the Jeon half of that household has a THING for Jiminie's ears.
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WELL HE DOES! It's like Jiminie's ears are to Jungkook as Jungkook's neck is to Jimin and that is your analogy for the day.
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Koo has a long history of getting right up in there in kissing / sucking / blowing / teasing range. He thinks he's slick and it halfway works because people work SO HARD to explain it away.
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I'm so mad I lost all my files when my computer died, I used to have a much better angle of this. But same thing - it looked a whisper UNTIL IT WASN'T. (Jimin looks unsually unbothered by the proximity I'M JUST SAYING)
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Sharing secrets one way or another since 2016, is all I'm saying. Some nice Twitter person made a collage about it:
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Looks about right. Been going on for awhile I'd say.
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
Hello YSJ! I was at PTD Day 2 and while the concert was great, I left feeling doubtful about Jikook. All of the Jikook moments during the performance that everyone is cooing over felt like regular friendly interactions rather than “loud” moments (except the butt squeeze which I didn’t see due to being so short). I was hoping to see for myself their love since there’s no better “original content” than what you see with your own eyes, and I saw nothing but professional behavior. Thoughts?
Hi anon, WELL THIS IS LONGER THAN INTENDED OKAY I wasn't there live, but I did catch it via some very kind Friends of the People - well, mostly. I was super tired and also on some rather heavy meds. Also the streams weren't nearly as stable on Day Two. (If it helps I PAID FOR MY DAY FOUR 4K MULTIVIEW HYBE DON'T COME FOR ME) but I saw a number of things that made me coo and sigh and smile. So it might come down to what we saw and personal opinion, but...
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Two things: One, moments in real time are FAST. We don't get those sweet slowed-down edits set to Doja Cat grooves that I LOVE LOVE LOVE do not get me wrong, I watch them for fun and ... fun. They are also not reactor vids that go back and catch the same moment twice. Hell, they're not even Weverse translations. A lot gets lost in context onstage. and B., moments in real time are often overshadowed by LIGHTS and LOUD MUSIC and your eyes are literally EVERYWHERE. Rose Bowl, for example, was MUCH LOUDER on video and because it was caught on the big screens and it was long enough that the hyungs had all moved away before it was over - and it still was less than ten seconds long in total. Also, you're looking at stuff from a distance instead of the video and photo closeups we get later:
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So if you're at the concert and you are enjoying yourself, as you should, you are probably missing as much as your eyes can catch and interpret just by the nature of the event. And as a hobbit I can empathize also with the short thing, I even lie to my own doctors about my height, they have stopped arguing with me and just adjust my BMI accordingly but WE ALL KNOW I CAN'T SEE SHIT WITHOUT PLATFORMS AND A BUDDY.
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This is actually how I started watching edits - because I was missing so much in original content, even in performance video that focused on the guys. But after a few weeks and finding the youtubers I like and don't, (see me for recommendations), I made myself watch original content mainly for context. Korean is an incredibly contextual language - verbal and written translation alone is not nearly adequate to get it into English as it is meant to be. Even good translators have a hard time making it sound as it is intended. Physical moments are QUICK - a brush of a hand on an ass or a chest, or a missed bro bump because Koo was tryna BRIDAL CATCH HIS MAN is so rapid in real time that it is very blink-and-miss-it. But the guys are, in fact, AT WORK when they are onstage and this is something we like to forget. THEY WORKING BB. They damn well better look and act professional or they are gonna hear about it.
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And right now there is the military question to contend with. If you are expecting kisses and declarations of love that is not going to happen, not in Vegas, not any time until and unless that is resolved in a manner favorable to a coming-out party. The Korean military does not look kindly upon faggotry of any stripe, not in the guise of fanservice, not in any way at all thank you. Not under the incoming administration - President Yoon is virulently homophobic and so are his cronies and that is not something the Taekookers are taking into account. But for me, I saw SO MANY LITTLE MOMENTS. But I'm not the Jeon-Parks' evangelist - I'm more of a... Jeon Park Roomba? IDK in my house the Roomba is named Dobby and we don't give it socks and sometimes Yoongi tries to ride it so I identify as a Roomba in this story. (Whatever that's my brain sorry) But I am sorry you didn't get to see this:
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I guess basically we all see different things, and we can miss a lot in live shows. And if the offstage lives and content they give us combined with the professional, working moments we get from a staged concert (okay the ass grab was... not professional) wasn't enough to keep you thinking they're a couple, then I don't really have any advice for you. Maybe you just see a friendship. And that's okay.
The real question is, do you still love them? Still love BTS? Have a great concert experience? If the answer is "yes", that's all good. :)
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
It’s new PTD Live Onstage Seoul video!
With rehearsal
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And cute boys walking together for sound checks
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And a beanie
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And more jikook just jikooking nbd
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And banana milk
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It’s a half hour of stuff we haven’t seen yet so GO GO GOOOOOO
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