#decide which Robin this is
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Robins can be found with a variety of patterns, colors, and shapes. However trying to use their appearance as an indicator for their nature would not be advised. All Robins, in their own way, are capable of quite dangerous feats, and are not to be taken lightly.
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ruestheday · 1 month
being a dc fan is crazy because half these fuckers have black hair and blue eyes
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riverdeansart · 1 month
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scary bf privileges
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werewolfhooligan · 7 months
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it is halloween
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methoughtsphantom · 4 months
not me thinking about imaginary scenarios of ten year old Tim Drake in the ghost zone (pariah’s castle)
where Tim thinks it’s strangely soothing that despite being the only one whose steps connect to the ground, there’s not that eerie silence that befell drake manor
strange blob creatures chitter softly and nip at his hair and swooshes and wisps of wind betray the presence of an invisible ghost
which after following he realizes it’s almost like he’s trailing after the black dark shadow that is batman again
which gives him the idea that, maybe, just this one time, he can play the part of robin
that in mind Tim makes out a game of sneaking to the side of ghosts that look like they’re brooding and if they can spot him he loses
most just grunt in response (very in character) while others fuss over him and ask questions which Tim uses to infodump
he also politely asks the ghost that always asks him how he’s doing to instead say the word “report”
(the ghost looks at him weirdly but humors him and besides the answer would be the same anyways)
Tim also(!!)
gets on the case of why the walls lack tangibility when he is the one leaning on them (he doesn’t live down the time he wanted to look cool only to fall through the wall)
hyperfixates on how gravity works in the ghost zone because he couldn’t do a skateboard trick he has pulled off many many times and he’s salty about it
tries to figure out where they are getting human food from (cause it’s hot enough to be homemade but also there’s no kitchen —so how could it be) (also he wants coffee)
finds out the dude that often gives him a side eye when he finds that Tim knows how to do something (math homework), is next in line for the throne and yet doesn’t have a single “mingle and talk people up” bone in his body. (despite it his networking is a solid 7/10)
gets a ghost horse to adopt him what
discovers pretty quickly that there are rooms to which he can’t phase through (a.k.a. he’s not allowed entry) to which he begrudgingly backs off even though that stands in his way of doing a very thorough layout™ of the place (robin would)
sulks over the lack of extreme sports in the place
(Danny takes him to the Far Frozen where they go tire sliding in the snow and where tim learns how to use a skateboard skate and also that ghost ice cream is just as good as normal ice cream)
sulks again cuz he caught a common cold
also because there’s no sun or moon poor Timmy’s already screwed sleep schedule gets more messed up to the point no one knows when or where he will fall asleep
(ghosts find him in the most unhinged of places with a signature purple cloak draped over him every. single. time.)
overall, be a menace
see-> the time he threatened to build ghost weapons he’d somehow memorized the blueprints of cause Danny wouldn’t let him visit the radium girls factory but yes the renaissance period
see-> that time he went through the whole ghost energy and how to work with it book section in the library and half an hour later had a prototype of a star wars laser beam made
(note: bribing only works for hot chocolate, not for letting him keep cool-looking guns)
just tim having the time of his life
clockwork being no help at all (the ghost loves being a cryptid)
and danny trying not to get attached while he progressively gets more concerned over this chaos child he emotionally adopted as his little brother
(to fit canon cause i want it to this would just be until Danny finds the dimension little Timmy is from, then they can safely yeet the child back to the moment he first went missing)
anyways before anyone knows it’s been three months
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allthegothihopgirls · 3 months
i think it would have been funny if tim, after discovering his bisexuality and thinking that was the 'unique feature' he brought to his iteration of robin, mentioned this to the rest of batfam, only to find out they've all been some degree of queer this whole time.
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qprstobin · 9 months
Stobiners don't want all of Robin's decisions to revolve around Steve - Stobiners want Robin to follow her dreams! And to pack Steve up in her carry on as her emotional support Himbo ❤️
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thoughtsaboutbats · 1 year
Jason: ok, ok so beyond those 3 things, are there any OTHER crazy things you’ve done?
Tim: I mean, I don’t think so? I guess some of what happened when I was working with the league of assassins?
Jason: when you what? When?
Tim: when everyone thought B was dead. But honestly, the craziest thing that happened there was loosing my spleen, and that was more something that was done to me than something I did.
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chrissymunsons · 6 months
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*eddie every 5 mins*: okay but look at how hot my girlfriend is
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Wanna know what would be cool as a comic cover?
Young dick grayson as Robin spinning in a cyr wheel while two face looms in the background waiting to see which way he falls
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batrachised · 2 days
question: what do you think would have happened to Jane if her Grandmother had intercepted Andrew's letter for the second time? Let's assume that Andrew, for whatever reason, does not make good on his threats, so Jane grows up at 60 Gay. I think Jane always would have come into herself, but I'm wondering if she would have ended up in a blue castle-esque scenario. Jane is not as dreamy as Valancy is, but she is naturally more plucky. However, Valancy has nothing to leave behind, while Jane has Robin. Food for thought
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spookystarfishzombie · 2 months
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porrettaposting · 3 months
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stellar-jay · 3 months
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"She was born to rule! Born to it, and somehow now she has awakened to it! It could not have come at a better time! She may yet save us all!"
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Part 4 of the Steddie Vegas AU! With a very special thanks to @estrellami-1 for fixing all my mistakes ❤️
Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3
The concert was incredible! Steve didn't appreciate the band in the way his three companions did, but Metallica had put on a great show. The fans were having a ball! Even when they started what Eddie had called a mosh pit, which he'd been sceptical of at first until Eddie invited Steve to join him in it and he realised he'd never felt exhilaration like it, not with both feet on the ground anyway.
Overall, he'd had a fantastic time, a better time than he thought he'd have when they were standing in line for the venue. The fans surrounding them were dressed the same as they were, but it was almost like they could sense he didn't belong, like they could smell it on him. It wasn't like they were hostile or anything, everyone he met was super friendly, he supposed he just wasn't used to being a newbie or the odd one out.
And although very loud music really wasn't his favourite thing, he'd enjoyed being there, he'd delighted in the way Eddie lit up from the inside as soon as the first beat kicked in like all his dreams were coming true. Savoured the feeling of Eddie's hand in his, or his arm around his waist, or his legs around his neck from when a particularly tall guy had temporarily stood in front of them and Eddie was standing on his tiptoes desperately trying to see the stage, to Steve it just felt like the obvious solution! The finger to the eyeball wasn't all that fun and Eddie didn't seem too keen on being nine feet tall, but the song ended and the guy moved, and Eddie was happy enough back on the ground at Steve’s side, grinning ear-to-ear at him. Steve relished the smile Eddie sent him whenever he would recognise a song from one of Robin's many mixtapes, the first one he knew so well he was even able to sing along.
And Chris and Robin were nothing short of adorable! They spent the whole night wrapped around each other, singing together into an imaginary microphone like kids at a sleepover, dancing and screaming and jumping up and down. Stumbling home together, hand in hand, Robin so obviously falling more and more in love with every passing moment.
Honestly, it was one of the best nights of his life, revelling in the giddiness his three companions were exuding, stopping for delicious street food and heading back to Eddie and Chris' suite for the night, it was just... perfect.
Eddie's hair up his nose was the only thing that'd disturbed him from his blissful slumber. It'd been a while since he'd been the big spoon and he'd forgotten where he was supposed to put his face, and by the time he'd finally found a comfortable position, he and his stomach were wide awake.
Eddie was still sleeping peacefully, not that Steve was surprised; they hadn't exactly made sleep a priority, but it did make extracting himself from the bed all the more tricky. Not that Eddie cared, he slept like the dead. He didn't even stir as Steve wiggled his arm free from underneath him, he just kept snoring softly, still all snuggled up to the pillow he was hugging, a content smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
He knew the kitchenette was filled with goodies, he'd seen it all himself that night when Eddie had been snackish, but he was so hungry at this point he couldn't work out what he wanted and was now wishing he'd had something when Eddie had offered. He was rummaging through the cabinets when Chrissy came bounding through the front door dressed in her gym gear.
"Morning, hon!" she greeted cheerily, "Surprised you're up," she teased with a wink, making Steve grin. "Is His Royal Highness awake?" she asked, gesturing towards their bedroom door.
Steve couldn't keep the endeared smile off of his face as he thought about Eddie's face, all happy and relaxed, fast asleep and snuggled up. "Nah, still sleeping like a log," he muttered affectionately, absentmindedly rummaging through the cabinets.
Chrissy giggled, rolling her eyes with faux exasperation, "Make pancakes," she advised. "The smell of pancakes is the only thing that'll get him outta bed before noon," she informed him fondly, walking over and pulling the box out of the only cabinet Steve hadn't searched yet.
Pulling out the necessary implements and ingredients to tackle the task, he gave Chrissy a soft smile, "Thanks for the tip, the only thing I've found that works on Robin is the promise of waffles." Their new partner's similarities made them both giggle, "Speaking of, I said I'd take her to Rachel today, if you wanna join us?"
Chrissy's eyes lit up, "Really?" she asked disbelievingly, like maybe Steve was joking. Steve tried not to let his brows furrow, just smiled and nodded enthusiastically. She bounced excitedly on her toes, "That sounds so awesome! Thank you, Steve, you're so sweet!" she said, giving him a hug before heading towards her and Robin's room, her ponytail swinging wildly,"I'll just go take a shower and then I'll try to wake her."
"Good luck," Steve joked with a wave as she disappeared behind her bedroom door. God! That girl!
Being left alone in someone else's place should feel awkward, getting caught searching through their cabinets should too, but it just didn't. The four of them got along so well, it felt like they'd known each other forever. Even if in reality it'd been a little over a day, they each had easy smiles and deep affection for one another, and Steve so easily could see this life for the four of them. Sharing a space, he and Chrissy waking up early and maybe exercising together, making breakfast for the four of them, or maybe brunch if Eddie and Chrissy were going to be working late. Going to work with Robin, coming home to spend evenings together, watching movies and eating pizza, going to watch Eddie perform, going dancing together, maybe even…
He was dragged out of his musings by Eddie shuffling out of the bedroom, hooking his leg around Steve's hips and hoisting himself up to attach himself koala-style to Steve's back, "Good morning, Sunshine," Steve greeted cheerily, rebalancing himself.
"Hmmnph," came Eddie’s muffled response, huffing hot air all over the side of Steve's neck. It tickled, sending tingles down his body and making him feel giddy.
"I'll take that as good morning," Steve teased, kissing Eddie's forearm where it rested around his shoulder.
Eddie raised his chin to kiss Steve's neck, "Mornin'. Pancakes?" he asked, groggy and sleep-gruff.
Steve tried to dampen the grin on his face, but he just couldn't. Eddie was fucking adorable, all sleep rumpled and affectionate. Not that he wasn't affectionate when he was awake, it just felt amazing to have someone who was subconsciously affectionate towards him. "Yep, pancakes, especially for you," Steve declared, and when his stomach rumbled loudly, added, "And for me, 'cause I'm hungry," he admitted with a chuckle.
Eddie hummed fondly. Steve could feel Eddie's smile being pressed into the back of his neck and couldn't repress his own, nor the butterflies fluttering around in his stomach.
Steve wasn't usually one for it, spluttering words was usually Robin's forte, but he found in that moment the words just started spilling out of his mouth without really bypassing his brain, "I'm taking the girls to Rachel today, maybe you could come too? If you felt like it, you don't have to. It'd be amazing to spend the day with you, but this is your holiday. I get it if you don't wanna come-"
"Sweetheart," Eddie interrupted, gently turning Steve's head to face him, "Stop talking. I'd love to," he added, smiling so tenderly it made Steve want to burst.
"Okay," Steve murmured, blushing under Eddie's intense gaze and turning back to the pancakes as an excuse to hide it.
Eddie settled back against him, just watching him as he added the batter to the pan, flipped the pancake and slid it out onto the steadily growing pile. And although the monotony of the task was relaxing, feeling Eddie's intense gaze and his heartbeat thrumming against his back was so intimate, it thrilled Steve. He snuck a sneaky glance out of his peripheral, trying desperately not to think about what had Eddie so deep in thought.
He was losing his battle with just outright asking when the moment was abruptly interrupted by Robin barging into the living space, "There better be pancakes for me, Dingus," she yelled unnecessarily, flopping herself down on one of the sofas.
"Always," Steve called back. "Rachel today!" he reminded her, kind of excited to do something solely for his best friend for once. They did lots of things together, things they both enjoyed, but this was something just for her, something she'd wanted to do for a long time, and he was going to get to witness her in her full element. It was going to be like taking a kid to Disneyland for the first time, and honestly, he couldn't wait.
Eddie dismounted with a kiss to Steve's shoulder as Steve turned off the heat, collected the stack of pancakes and the empty plates, and headed over to the coffee table. It shocked Steve when he turned around to go back and found Eddie had Eddie grabbed the cutlery and the plate of fruits and syrups, so Steve wouldn't have to go back for them. Other than Robin, he'd never had someone who just did things like that. El and Dustin would do things when asked, Hop was the free-for-all type, everything you could possibly need already lived on the dining table and Claudia never let anyone help her do anything, mainly because her ex said some pretty nasty and uncalled for bullshit when he left. But Eddie had just helped, just like that. Steve had stood there gawking so long, Eddie just pecked him on the cheek and passed him to put the stuff down on the coffee table.
Robin was excitedly bouncing around the sofas, so much so both boys had to dodge her as they found a comfy spot around the table. Not that either of them minded, they both had affectionate grins for her childlike excitement. 
"Yes! Oh my god, I can't wait! Eddie, did you know..." she started, and Steve had to admit he kinda tuned her out a bit, he knew it wouldn't be anything he hadn't heard before, and honestly, watching the two of them interact was far more fascinating than facts about a small town.
They were amazing together, Eddie listened to Robin with rapt attention, nodding in all the appropriate places, asking questions that sent Robin deeper into a tangent instead of desperately trying to get her back on topic like some people did with her. Eddie only ever seemed to shift his attention away from her for long enough to put more pancake in his mouth or to beam softly back at Steve when he'd catch him staring.
And Robin seemed to genuinely enjoy spending time with Eddie. At the concert, he and Chrissy had gone off to the bathroom together, only to come back to Eddie and Robin dancing! He'd never seen her dance with another guy before, hell Robin would barely even dance with him, but somehow Eddie seemed to have cast a spell over her, it wasn't even forced dancing either, if anything he was pretty sure she was the one dancing with Eddie, and she was actually having fun doing it!
Steve had seen her fake her way through a friendship with the odd few people Steve had contemplated dating since Billy, but Robin, for all her wonderful qualities wasn't that good of an actor, and her friendship was far too important to fuck up. For all her eccentricities, he trusted her instincts. But she smiled genuine smiles and got into deep conversations and laughed raucously with Eddie. He'd probably be jealous if he didn't know beyond a doubt she was his soulmate and if he wasn't so smitten with Eddie himself.
Chrissy had arrived a short time after Robin began chatting away, wrapped in a fluffy dressing gown and a hair towel, but other than eating, she was similarly lost in the same world as he was. Steve liked that about her, that she was just as beguiled with his best friend as he was with hers. Because Robin deserved nothing but the best, and somehow he just knew that Chrissy was the kind of person who’d give her nothing less.
And as weird as it seemed, she felt like someone he knew. It felt almost like looking in a mirror when he looked at her, like when he watched her watching Robin, he just knew that she felt the same way about Robin as he felt about Eddie, like he could physically see her emotions flowing across the room.
Watching the three of them, he finally understood what it meant to feel content. He could've sat in his warm spot by the window watching them chatting and smiling and laughing all day. He wished he could take a picture to be able to remember it forever, but he didn't have a camera and unfortunately needed clean clothes and to pack a bag of essentials for a trip to the desert. So when all the pancakes were gone and the plates were finally empty, Steve gathered them and took them over to the kitchen sink, Chrissy following him, immediately taking the task of washing up off of his hands, and shooing him away the same way Claudia would, stating she’d already showered and Eddie and Robin were still deep in conversation, and she was happy to do it.
"Are you sure?" he asked her quietly. She just nodded, keeping one ear tilted toward the conversation going off in the lounge. Steve smiled gratefully and thanked her, disappearing off into the bedroom to steal the other ridiculously fluffy dressing gown from the back of the bathroom door. Wrapping it firmly around himself and checking he had his room key, he tried to wait for a lull in their conversation, but they were deep down a rabbit hole, so he gave up calling to the other two, "I'm gonna go take a shower and to get some clean clothes, meet back here in an hour?"
The conversation skidded to a halt as Eddie screeched, "An hour! What'll take an hour?" looking bewildered that anyone had even moved without his notice.
Steve was about to reply when Robin tutted and rolled her eyes, "His hair," she grumbled. She'd always hated how long he spent on haircare, her eyes had nearly bugged out when she'd been with him when he'd first bought new products. It didn't faze him, though, even now with all three of them giving him the same bemused look.
Steve headed for the door, shrugging, "Some of us aren't blessed with naturally perfect locks, sue me," he yelled as he left, letting the door fall shut behind him, heading downstairs to his room for a shower, taking the stairs for the same reason he’d borrowed the dressing gown instead of getting dressed: he didn't want anyone to think he was doing the walk of shame. People strolled around the hotel in the fluffy white robes, heading to the pool or the spa or even to breakfast, but wandering around in nighttime clothes with last night's eyeliner still smudged under your eyes said things about his night he didn't want anyone to think.
Luckily, he made it all the way to his room without bumping into anyone, sliding the key into the lock and shutting himself inside with a sigh. The light on the answering machine was flashing again, he knew it wouldn’t be his parents, but he wouldn’t be surprised if it was a lawyer. Steve pushed himself off the door and wandered over to hit the button. Thankfully it was just El. “Stevie! Dad’s trying to book a flight, so unless you want him crashing your sex holiday, I suggest you call. him. back! Love you!” Beep. Shit! He sat on the edge of the bed and called the cabin, it rang and rang but no one answered, he tried the station, but Flo just told him Hop wasn't on shift, but she’d let him know he called when she saw him. Steve just kept hoping he wasn’t too late! Claud! She’ll know how to get a hold of him! The phone rang a few times before Dustin picked up, “Hullo!”
“Dustin! It’s me.”
“Steve-o! Got my book?”
“What? No, not yet!” Steve snapped, “Your mom home?”
“Nope! She’s buying supplies for our epic tournament! Why?”
“Need to know where Hop is. Can you get El on the walkie?”
“Why not?”
“Why haven’t you got my book yet?”
“I will, alright! I just haven’t had time to go shopping!”
“Like brother, like sister,” Dustin muttered and Steve could hear him shaking his head against the phone.
“The reason I can’t get El on the walkie is because she’s too busy sucking face with Max! Which I’m assuming, and please don’t actually confirm, is the so-called reason you’re too busy to get my book!” Dustin grumbled.
“You’d be sucking face too if your girlfriend didn’t live a couple thousand miles away!” Steve points out.
“Touché! Hang on!” Steve heard Dustin put the phone on the counter, then the rustling sounds of him moving around and the static of the walkie as he picks the phone back up, “Max! Code red. Pick up!”
There was a pause and then Steve could just about hear Max shouting, “I swear to God, Henderson, this better be important! I’m talking life or death! Or you will. be. sorry!” 
Steve couldn't help chuckling to himself, no-one liked to be interrupted mid-make-out, but Max always had to take it to the next level. 
Dustin swallowed audibly before squeaking out, “Steve needs to know where Hop is!”
There was a pause and then El had the walkie, “Are you talking to Steve?”
“Yeah, he’s on the phone, where’s Hop?” Dustin enquired.
“He’s at Joyce’s, tell him dad’s flipping his shit!”
“I know!” Steve answered, even though chances are El can’t hear him.
“He says he knows!” Dustin repeated for him, because although he’s a little shit, he’s a good kid really.
“Okay, tell him I love him!” El yelled into the walkie.
“I’m not saying that!” Dustin huffed.
“Tell her I love her too!” Steve returned with a grin, because he does, but knowing it has the added bonus of annoying Dustin too makes it all the sweeter to say.
“I’m not saying that either!” Dustin squawked indignantly.
“You’re not saying what?” El asked at the same time as Steve adds, “Okay, shitheads, I love you all, I’m going to talk to Hop.” And just before hanging up, he hears Dustin mumble into the walkie, “He said he loves us!” making Steve grin wildly.
Luckily he still remembers the Byers’ number from his babysitting days. He punches in the code and then the number and swings his feet by the bed while it rings.
“What?” Hop snapped. Apparently, Max and El aren’t the only ones I interrupted!
“Hop, it’s Steve.”
“Fucking hell, kid! Where’ve you been?” Hop grumbled, but it had relief in it.
“Sorry. Vegas is wild!” Steve replied, as an excuse and an explanation.
“Too damn right! Did you really get married?” he asked, sounding kind of disappointed.
“Yep. I was too drunk to even remember doing it,” Steve admitted, sounding kind of disappointed himself, not that he did it, just that he doesn't really remember doing it.
“Joining the lonely and divorced club, then?” Hop only half joked. Steve vaguely remembers yelling that at Hop once upon a time after he’d broken up one of Steve’s parties, sending everyone home and leaving him in the silence of that massive empty house. He hadn’t meant it, doesn’t mean Hop hadn’t felt it, definitely gave him the right to tease Steve with it.
“No!” Steve asserted quickly, “Not if I can help it, no,” he confides because if anyone would understand it’d be Hop. And he did.
“Must be special,” Hop wondered aloud.
“So special! I could talk about him all day, but I’m taking Bobbie to Rachel today, I have to go,” Steve whined, because he really does want to stay on the phone with his dad and gush about his husband!
“Okay, okay, I’ll let you go. Just be careful, okay, kid?” Hop muttered affectionately.
“I will,” Steve assured him, “Love you!” he added, because he did.
“Love you, too” Hop replied before hanging up.
Steve sighed heavily as he put the phone down, the silence of the room ringing loudly in his ears. He hated it, got up to turn the shower on, to warm the water and to fill the emptiness he felt now he’s finally well and truly alone. He absentmindedly twisted his ring around his finger, thinking about that one part of their wedding he could remember, wondering if maybe, just maybe, Eddie would like to do it again. Sober this time, with some friends and some family, I wonder if El’s too old to be a flower girl? The woods around the cabin would be nice! We could hang fairy lights! Steve stepped under the warm spray and let his mind run away with him, hoping that maybe, just maybe, this little daydream would come true.
Part 5
Tag list @gregre369 @adhdsummer @newtstabber @nerdfighteratheart @anaibis @hbyrde36 @dolphincliffs @marinarasarah just lmk if you want removing 💖
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flowercrowngods · 5 months
okay okay who did this to you part 3 incoming actually
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