#dabi humor
autumnmobile12 · 18 days
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Now they’re prepared.
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blackberrylight1 · 2 months
I call it "laughter through tears"
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jasontoddssuper · 9 months
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The idea for this meme wouldn't leave me alone so here it is
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airanke · 1 month
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One of the dumbest things I've ever drawn 🤣🤣🤣
Please appreciate these two idiots if their story was a Rom-Com! It's a scene from a manga called "Do-Chokkyuu Kareshi x Do-Chokkyuu Kanojo (Super Straightforward Boyfriend x Super Straightforward Girlfriend)"!!! The panel is under the cut (also that's why you read it <<<<<<<<< that way)
Props to @celest-star-collection for sending me the panel!
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valenteal · 1 month
Ok I have an idea for a fic and idk if anyone would be interested in it and rn I only have a concept rather than a specific line in my head which is how I usually get going. It’s not just coming to me so if I write it it’s going to take more energy than usual so I’m gonna throw the vague idea out there and if anyone is actually interested I might write it.
Anyway the idea is that Touya Todoroki used to play Star Wars: the Old Republic, he had his own laptop and an annual subscription and he played pretty frequently as a way to vent his frustration when he couldn’t sneak away to train or when he had already tired himself out but wasn’t ready to sleep. All his characters, every last one, is dark side. He doesn’t really do multiplayer, doesn’t have any friends he plays with and mostly sticks to the story quests. His main character, the one in the center of his legacy tree, totally maxed out and op, super cool outfit, designed to resemble Touya himself, is Darth Dabi. Dark side Sith Warrior, but he’s not cruel to his own companions. No romance with anyone until SoR where he can’t help flirting with Theron a bit. Anyway not the important part here just my brain going on a tangent.
The important part of the story is that after Touya “dies” Shouto steals his laptop. Everyone is grieving and different people take turns packing up Touya’s things so no one notices when a single item goes missing. Shouto just took it because he knew it was something fun his siblings got but he didn’t. His access to the internet was extremely limited and he just wanted to know what he was missing. He wasn’t able to actually do much with it, especially when he was still little but by the time he’s like 11 he’s figured it out. He explores what Touya had done on it, found school work and such but then he came across a document that Touya had used to record his swtor character backgrounds and reasoning. Touya didn’t like, write the whole story, it was just for himself to remember what he was thinking while he played, why he made which choices an such. He checks out swtor and luckily Touya had auto fill passwords and no security key. And lo and behold the subscription is still renewing annually and Touya had only played on one server. Shouto claimed another server for himself and started playing. He had so many cartel coins it was insane. He had a really easy time getting started but the more he played and figured out what Touya’s character notes implied he got worried about his brother even though Touya was already dead. He mostly puts it out of his mind but he realized that Touya was kinda not okay at all.
Years later when he meets Dabi for the first time he just kinda stops in his tracks and stares until blurting out “are you actually using the sith name you came up with in middle school to be a villain? Should I call you Darth Dabi now?”
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draymany · 7 months
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No me he olvidado de Bnha. Mi hiperfijación está a tal nivel que, ni siquiera un nuevo interés me permite dejar el anterior.
Así que, sí... me resulta muy díficil dejar ir las cosas
(PD. Nótese que coloreé cada imagen en diferentes tiempos)
I haven't forgotten Bnha. My hyperfixation is at such a level that not even a new interest allows me to leave the previous one.
So yeah... I find it very difficult to let things go.
(P.S. Note that I colored each image at different times)
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ghost-the-writer · 1 year
I find it pretty ironic that fuyumi likes soap operas considering she’s living one
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mamamangaka · 7 months
lmao just one game is all he wanted to finish before having to bail him out but nooo
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fra080389-2-me · 1 year
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I'm sorry, but Dabi calling what is happening right now with his family icing and burning to be there while he is threatening to blow up himself with the city to have attention, "an easy thing"... is craking me up.
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ramenaddicted · 1 year
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autumnmobile12 · 4 months
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Game Night!!!
I said I was taking a break to work on other projects.
Apparently, what that means for me is drawing My Hero Academia in a Ducktales 2017 parody.
And going further down the rabbit hole of how the Todoroki family as a whole are three brothers and a sister, the wealthy parent who shouldn't be a parent, the absent mother...what have I done?
"Who's the evil sibling?"
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blackberrylight1 · 9 months
Summer. Pt. 3.
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Spinner is a guy who cares about his mates but sometimes his good intentions fail
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sugar-and-spite13 · 7 months
The LOV as random shit I've said/done:
Compress: rp is just improv if you think about it
Tomura: I can't play anything right now. Only one of my hands works!
Twice: *cackling, copying duolingo* oh nein! wo ist die maus?
Spinner: but I am the lizard king so...
Magne: he apologized for that shit. As he should
Toga: I'm an iPad kid on a budget
Dabi: that's so depressing I'm obsessed
Kurogiri: why do you talk? Do you have to?
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quirklove · 8 months
S/O, gently fanning their non-heat-resistant boyfriend because it's currently like 38 C outside: Dabi, slowly boiling alive but grateful for the effort: 's okay babe you don't gotta keep doing that S/O: no no!! you're tolerant to cold, not heat. I don't want you to burn to a crisp, sweetie! Geten who just happens to be walking by: isn't it a little late for THAT? he looks like a piece of chicken someone left in the fryer overnight. S/O, gasping in offense on behalf of their poor boyfriend: Dabi: Dabi: Dabi: Dabi, instantly lighting himself on fire: LET'S SEE IF YOUR ASS DOESN'T MELT ON CONTACT, FROSTY
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myershorror · 1 month
Great, now I'm stuck. Lol.
In 'Daichi Orochi', Dabi had just received his roommate's luggage, *cough cough* it's Hawks' *cough cough*
And my dilemma, how would Dabi know that this bag belongs to Hawks before having the pleasure of seeing each other face-to-face?
Like, a hero wouldn't go completely without something or some form of protection, but also can't be seen with any form of weaponry on him; not in a high-school setting with normal teenagers and civilians! *screams in pure agony*
Lol. I'm desperate and open to suggestions as well, so feel free to comment any as well.
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dabisqueen · 1 year
Hair growing back. Me looking like
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