#cuz I wrote it when it was three in the morning
the-crimson · 1 year
I’m not sure how to word my sadness while scrolling through the qsmp tag this morning. There was only one person that I saw (well I saw other people mentioning them as id blocked them about a week ago lmao) stiring the pot and being negative/racist while most others were either reacting to the cesspool that is Twitter or that one person which was kind of creating an echo chamber of worry/negativity.
Unfortunately there isn’t really anything we can do about the assholes other than block and move on. Don’t engage with them as they are looking for that. They want outrage and drama.
The only thing we can do is be extra positive towards the ccs. Encourage them, make more fan content supporting their rp choices, engage in the fandom in a positive way to drown out the negative.
The qsmp is very special. Don’t let the ass holes ruin it for you. Take a break from Twitter if you need to. Block people and report them for hate speech if need be. Be a positive force to counter the negativity
Forever and Cellbit were talking about cross banning everyone shitting on Bagerah and I think that is the best way we can also proceed. Don’t give the assholes any attention. Don’t argue with them. Just block and move on/continue supporting the ccs.
Please don’t let this fandom turn into the dsmp fandom
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ivysangel · 4 months
Okay but a threesome with Dick and Jason. what would that be like? Are they competing to see who makes you come harder? Does each try to out do the other because he’s secretly jealous? Are they gonna Eiffel Tower? Is one really sweet while the other is being aggressive and rough? I need opinions.
honey i am so so so so so sorry. this has been sitting in my drafts for so long and i hope you're still around to see it! i already wrote a lil smth smth about this a while ago here but allow me to elaborate.
i think the dynamic can get pretty crazy because dick can get wayyy nasty; not to say jason doesn't either, but i don't think jason would get crazy nasty in front of dick. dick's there to overstimulate you, tease you, play around with you, and bring you to the edge and back and then over, and jason's there to comfort you through it. i think they both could be "he talks you through it," guys, but in this specific scenario, i think it would be jason who sweet talks you, whispers in your ear, tells you you're doing so good for them, and quiets you down when you get too loud. i don't really know how to explain it, but he'd be the comforting presence out of the two of them, not even taking a submissive role or anything, just not as actively winding you up as much as dick.
dick, a menace as always, treats it like a game. how many times can he make you cum before you're begging for a break, and how many different ways can he make it happen. i think he'd be like that on a normal day, too, but i feel like it's very amplified in this situation because however this threesome happens, it's a very tense and intimate affair, out of character for both of them and, therefore everything about it is just different (?) i can't even think of a good way to explain it other than the next morning you're all kinda like woah. lost all inhibition the night before and don't really know how to go back to the way things were. he's quick to get nasty; he's the one eating you out while jason is kissing your neck and lightly grazing your skin, touching and squeezing, etc. the combination of both of them is really just insane, and both of their actions, in tandem, are what makes it so much more intense.
i do think they could be eiffel tower guys, but idk, i think (and walk with me here)…double penetration might be the way they go. like, you can't say, "dick grayson is an ass man," without admitting that he'd probably be into anal, so boom. and if your pussy is open, then yeah, ofc jasons taking it; it just makes sense TO ME. it's definitely a lot and not for the faint of heart, and you have to hold onto one (or both) of them while you get used to the sensation and while they find a nice rhythm, so it feels good for all three of you. during this part, the talking might die down just because you're all so in the moment; it's definitely out of character for dick because he's a D1 yapper, but it's cool cuz he was dirty talking so much during the foreplay, like lifting his head from between your legs just to look you in the eye and say something nasty.
i'm also ngl i could see the roles reversed where jason is eating you out or fingering you, and dick is the one whispering crazy shit in your ear. i could see it working both ways, but the first more so.
when i tell you this would be probably the best orgasm you've ever had, i mean that. there's just so much that went into it that there's really no way you aren't gasping for air and clutching your chest when it's over. damn near passing out, and they gotta shake you a little to make sure you're still kicking. and it's not even really over because if you show any semblance of energy after, they might try to go another round i fear.
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myscenic · 22 days
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Pairing: na jaemin x male reader
Genre: college au, smut
Warnings: top!jaemin btm!reader, jaemin is a jerk lol, swearing, protected sex, using a vibrator, public sex
Word Count: 3.9k
Synopsis: jaemin has been annoying y/n non stop for the past few months since they became roommates. one day, jaemin came up to y/n and asked him to play a game, if y/n wins, he's not gonna bother him anymore, if he wins y/n has to do anything he say.
🃁 Note: i had this idea for months and now I'm writing it. kinda not proofread cuz i wrote it in one go so there might be some mistakes, hope u don't mind :)
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y/n sighed as he closed his locker. it had only been two months into his first year of college and he was already exhausted. his roommate jaemin was much too hyper and social for y/n's liking. while most found jaemin's constant cheerful attitude endearing, y/n found it extremely draining.
all he wanted was some peace and quiet to study, but it seemed like jaemin was always barging into their dorm room with his loud friends in tow. they would play music, laugh loudly, and generally disrupt y/n's studying. he had tried talking to jaemin about respecting his study time but it never seemed to stick.
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it was just morning but y/n felt that he already had a long day. he just wanted to go back to his dorm and rest on his bed with his headphones on. but he couldn't because he still had five classes left until school is out.
y/n was about to walk and get to the history classroom but he saw someone coming up to him, of course it was jaemin. y/n internally groaned, preparing for yet another annoying interruption. as he walked passed, jaemin skipped in front of him, blocking his path.
"yah, y/n! don't leave so fast," jaemin said, still beaming.
y/n sighed, "what do you want?"
"aww don't be like that, i just wanted to walk with you." jaemin pouted.
against his better judgement, y/n found himself pausing. "fine, but make it quick."
“let's play a game!” jaemin said.
“I don't have time for games jaemin." y/n rolled his eyes.
“please!!!!” jaemin begged while shaking y/n.
“fine! you're so annoying.” y/n stopped jaemin
jaemin's grin widened. "we'll play rock paper scissors. best two out of three. if you win, i'll leave you alone to study in peace from now on. but if i win..." he trailed off mysteriously.
“if you win, i'll have to do anything you say?" y/n finished for him with a sigh.
he knew accepting such an open ended condition was risky with jaemin, but part of him was desperate for some quiet study time free of interruptions. it was worth the gamble if it meant finally having the dorm to himself.
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"alright, you're on." y/n stuck out his fist. "rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"
their fists blurred as they each threw their choice. y/n's paper smashed jaemin's rock. "one for me," y/n said triumphantly.
jaemin pouted briefly before regaining his grin. "lucky shot. don't get too comfortable yet!"
they played again, this time jaemin throwing scissors to slice through y/n's paper. "tie!"
y/n studied jaemin's face, trying to anticipate his move. but jaemin's expression gave nothing away. they counted down together and revealed their final choices.
to y/n's dismay, jaemin's rock beat his scissors. "looks like i win," Jaemin sang, throwing an arm back around y/n's shoulders.
y/n sighed in defeat. "alright, you got me. i have to do what you say for winning the bet. just nothing too crazy, okay?"
jaemin's smirk grew wider as he pulled something out of his pocket. y/n's eyes widened in shock as he realized what it was - a vibrator. his was stunned.
jaemin's voice dripped with innocence as he held the vibrator up. "put this inside you for a day!" he said, his words laced with a sinister undertone.
y/n's face flushed with anger. "no fucking way i'm doing that, you perv!" he spat.
jaemin's grin only widened. "oh come on, y/n," he taunted. "you made a promise, didn't you? and you know what happens when you lose a bet."
y/n clenched his fists, his frustration boiling over. he couldn't believe he had fallen into jaemin's trap.
"fine," y/n muttered under his breath, his voice laced with irritation. "i’ll do it, but don't think i’m enjoying this."
jaemin's eyes widened in surprise. "well, well, y/n," he chuckled. "looks like you finally came to your senses."
y/n shot him a glare, his eyebrows knitted together in defiance. "don't get too comfortable," he warned, his voice dripping with venom. "this doesn't mean you've won."
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with those words hanging in the air, y/n slammed the bathroom door shut, his heart pounding in his chest. he couldn't believe he was actually going through with this, but he had made a promise, and as much as it pained him, he intended to keep it.
inside the bathroom, y/n took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart and calm his nerves. he regarded the vibrator in his hand, his thoughts consumed by a mix of trepidation and a stubborn determination not to let jaemin have the satisfaction of breaking him.
he unzipped his jeans, the sound echoing through the quiet bathroom, and with a mixture of hesitation and resignation, pulled them down, exposing his legs. the room felt suffocating, the air heavy with a sense of anticipation and discomfort.
he found himself unable to tear his gaze away from the vibrator, its sleek, smooth surface glinting under the harsh bathroom lights.
as he positioned himself on the edge of the cold porcelain sink, y/n's thoughts raced, a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. he couldn't deny the tingling sensation that coursed through his body, a strange mix of apprehension and curiosity.
with a trembling hand, y/n brought the vibrator closer to his exposed entrance, his breath hitching in his throat. the room seemed to grow quieter, the sound of his own heartbeat filling his ears. he closed his eyes, trying to drown out the world around him.
and then, with a mix of determination and resignation, y/n slowly inserted the vibrator, his body tensing as it filled him. the feeling was strange and weird.
y/n's face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and arousal as he let out a shaky breath, his mind clouded with a mix of conflicting emotions. he couldn't help but wonder what jaemin's reaction would be, how he would gloat and revel in his victory.
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y/n's heart sank as he walked into his class, only to find jaemin smirking and waving at him from the back seats. his eyes narrowed in frustration as jaemin signaled for him to come and sit with him. the classroom seemed to shrink in size, trapping y/n in an uncomfortable tension.
reluctantly, y/n made his way towards jaemin, his steps heavy with resentment. as he approached, he couldn't help but notice the empty seats around them. it seemed luck was on their side, as no one else had chosen to sit in such close proximity.
jaemin's smirk widened as y/n took the seat beside him, their isolation heightening the intensity of their encounter. the atmosphere grew thick with an unspoken challenge as the rest of the class carried on, oblivious to the power dynamics unfolding at the back.
with a low chuckle, jaemin leaned closer to y/n, his voice dripping with mischief. "well, well, look who decided to join me," he taunted, his eyes glinting with a mixture of amusement and dominance. "i hope you're ready for a little private session, y/n."
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the class carried on with an unexpected peace, and y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settle over him. jaemin, usually relentless in his torment, seemed strangely quiet and focused on his own work. it was an unsettling calm that sent shivers down y/n's spine.
just as y/n began to relax into the illusion of safety, the professor's voice broke through the silence, calling on y/n to answer a question. his heart skipped a beat, realizing that he was about to be thrust into the spotlight.
with a determined resolve, y/n stood up, ready to showcase his knowledge to the class. but as he did, he felt an unexpected vibration inside his body. his body tensed, a wave of pleasure coursing through him. he quickly covered it up with a well timed cough, trying to mask the sensations that threatened to overwhelm him.
his eyes shot daggers at jaemin, who sat beside him with a devious smirk on his face. it was clear that jaemin did this, using the remote to prank y/n in front of the entire class. the audacity of it all infuriated y/n, but jaemin's innocent expression only added fuel to the fire.
y/n's glare intensified, the mix of pleasure and anger warring within him. he was determined not to let jaemin's games break him. with a deep breath, he regained his composure and focused on the question at hand, determined to answer it flawlessly despite the distracting vibrations.
as y/n opened his mouth to speak, he could feel the vibrations intensify, threatening to disrupt his concentration. but he refused to let it deter him. with a steely gaze, he locked eyes with the professor, his voice steady and confident as he delivered his answer.
the classroom seemed to hold its breath, the tension palpable as y/n powered through the unwanted sensations. he wouldn't give jaemin the satisfaction of seeing him falter. not this time.
y/n's legs trembled uncontrollably, the persistent vibrations from the hidden vibrator wreaking havoc on his concentration. it became increasingly difficult to string together coherent thoughts, let alone answer the professor's question with clarity.
as the struggle intensified, the professor's concerned voice cut through the haze. "y/n, are you feeling alright?" the professor inquired, genuine worry etched on their face.
y/n's mind raced, desperately searching for an excuse to escape this torment. in a moment of desperation, he feigned illness, hoping to gain some respite. "i... i'm feeling kind of sick," he stammered, his voice strained.
professor xu's expression softened, concern evident in her eyes. "oh, i'm sorry to hear that. please, have a seat and take care of yourself," the professor responded with genuine care and compassion.
jaemin's chuckle quietly.
summoning every ounce of courage, y/n mustered the strength to ask the professor for permission to go to the bathroom. it was his only chance at escaping the relentless vibrations and regaining control over his own body.
"professor xu, may i be excused to use the restroom?" y/n requested, his voice strained but determined.
the professor nodded sympathetically, granting y/n's request. "of course, y/n. take your time and feel better," she replied, her caring tone contrasting sharply with jaemin's gleeful laughter.
y/n rose from his seat, his legs still trembling from the lingering effects of the vibrator. with a mix of frustration and relief, he made his way out of the classroom, determined to regain his composure and come up with a plan to turn the tables on jaemin.
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as y/n entered the bathroom, a wave of relief washed over him. at least here, he could finally escape jaemin. the empty stalls beckoned to him, promising a momentary reprieve from jaemin's stupid little games.
but just as he was about to step inside to a stall and finally take out the vinrator, the sound of the bathroom door swinging open shattered his hopes. his eyes widened in disbelief as jaemin sauntered into the room, a wicked grin playing across his lips.
y/n’s breath caught in his throat, his body freezing in place. how could jaemin always manage to ruin even the smallest moments of respite?
jaemin's eyes gleamed with malicious intent as he locked gazes with y/n. "well, well, well," he sneered. "looks like you were trying to escape, huh?"
y/n's jaw clenched as he fought to maintain his composure. he refused to let Jaemin see how much he was affected by these games. "what do you want?" y/n spat.
jaemin's grinned, his gaze roaming over y/n's trembling form. "oh, just thought i'd join you for a little bathroom break," he taunted, taking deliberate steps closer to y/n. "after all, it's much more fun to watch you squirm in person."
y/n's frustration reached its boiling point as he mustered the strength to confront Jaemin. "stop this, you jerk!" he exclaimed, “you’re gonna be so fucking dead after this.”
jaemin's eyes narrowed, relishing in y/n's display of defiance. he responded. "oh, you want me to turn it up? sure thing!" he taunted, his fingers swiftly adjusting the remote to its highest level.
the sudden surge of intensity overwhelmed y/n, his body convulsing uncontrollably as waves of pleasure crashed over him. his resistance crumbled, and he couldn't hold back any longer. with a shuddering moan, he came, collapsing onto the cold bathroom floor, his body trembling in the aftermath.
y/n struggled to form coherent words, his voice strained and shaky. "y-you... bitch..." he managed to gasp, his breath ragged as he fought to regain his composure.
jaemin's laughter echoed through the bathroom, his amusement evident as he took in the sight of y/n's wet pants.
jaemin's laughter subsided as he saw the defeated state of y/n before him. with a smug smirk, he decided to grant y/n a brief respite. "alright, alright, fine," he sneered, turning off the vibrator.
y/n's body trembled as he lay on the floor, his breathing slowly returning to normal. the intense pleasure had left him drained and vulnerable. he mustered the strength to raise his gaze to meet jaemin's mocking eyes.
"you son of a bitch you almost made me cum during class!" y/n hissed.
jaemin's grin faltered for a moment, his dominant facade momentarily shaken by y/n's unexpected resistance. he chuckled softly, his tone dripping with condescension. "oh, how amusing," he replied, his voice filled with false sympathy. "i should’ve turned it higher then."
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jaemin's sadistic smirk remained intact as he extended a hand to help y/n up from the cold bathroom floor. y/n, still reeling from the intense pleasure and the rush of conflicting emotions, hesitantly accepted the gesture, unaware of what jaemin had in store for him.
as y/n thought the torture was finally over, jaemin pulled him into one of the stalls. confusion washed over y/n. before he could voice his confusion, jaemin's voice dripped with anticipation and mischief. "i’m not done having fun yet," he teased, relishing in y/n's bewilderment.
y/n's eyes widened. "no way you're doing it here!" he protested, his words laced with anger and desperation.
jaemin's chuckled. "but y/n, you seem to have forgotten," he taunted. "you lost, remember? and when you lose, you have no say."
y/n's mind raced, searching for any shred of control he could hold onto. he mustered his courage and shot back. "at least not in public, you bastard!" he spat.
jaemin's smirk deepened, his confidence unwavering. "ohh~ so you mean we can do it in our dorms, huh?" he mused. he leaned in closer, his hot breath grazing y/n's ear, his smirk sending shivers down y/n's spine. "well, too bad. you made me so fucking hard and i’m gonna fuck you now."
y/n did as jaemin commanded him to strip. with a heavy sigh, y/n reluctantly began to remove his clothes, piece by piece.
his face flushed with humiliation as each garment fell to the floor, leaving him exposed and vulnerable in front of his tormentor. the sound of fabric hitting the ground echoed in the confined space of the bathroom stall, intensifying the rawness of the moment.
jaemin watched with a predatory gaze. he savored every inch of y/n's body, his eyes lingering on y/n's exposed skin, his attention fixated on the curves and contours that adorned y/n's form.
y/n's heart pounded in his chest as he stood before jaemin, completely naked.
jaemin's voice took on a new tone as he uttered the unexpected words, "damn, you look beautiful..." the shift in his demeanor caught y/n off guard, momentarily confusing him amidst the whirlwind of emotions. he couldn't help but blush at the unexpected compliment, his cheeks turning a shade of crimson.
as jaemin's fingers grazed against y/n's exposed skin, a surprising tenderness accompanied his touch. the gentle caress sent shivers down y/n's spine. the softness of jaemin's touch seemed comforting.
y/n's blush deepened as he felt the warmth of jaemin's hand explore his body with surprising delicacy. fingertips traced lightly along y/n's curves.
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a surge of surprise coursed through y/n as jaemin swiftly stripped off his own clothes, revealing his throbbing, erect cock. y/n's eyes widened, unable to tear his gaze away from the sight before him.
y/n couldn't help but let out a mumbled curse under his breath, the word "jerk" slipping past his lips. jaemin's grinned at y/n's reaction, clearly relishing in his power over him. "oh, y/n, i know you're secretly enjoying this too," he chuckled, his voice dripping with amusement. "look at your cock, it's betraying you," he taunted.
y/n's face flushed even deeper, his embarrassment mingling with a hint of reluctant pleasure. he averted his gaze, his voice trembling slightly as he spoke. "shut up and just do it already," he muttered.
jaemin's licked his lips. "alright~," he replied. jaemin took a condom packet out of his pants’ pocket. he wrapped the condom around his cock and closed the distance between them, his hand firmly gripping his own pulsating cock. the air crackled with tension as he positioned himself, ready to take what he desired.
as jaemin entered y/n, a sharp gasp escaped y/n's lips, immediately followed by a loud, unabashed moan. the sensation of jaemin filling him sent waves of pleasure coursing through his body.
jaemin smirked. "you wouldn't want to get caught, would you?" he teased, his words laced with a twisted sense of control. "be quiet," he said coldly.
y/n's moans transformed into stifled whimpers as he desperately tried to comply with jaemin's demand. the struggle to keep his voice at a hushed level only heightened the intensity of the experience, pushing y/n to the edge of his limits.
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with each forceful thrust, jaemin expertly hit y/n's sweet spot. y/n's mind was consumed by the overwhelming sensation, he wanted to moan out loud. yet, he fought against it, struggling to maintain the facade of silence as jaemin's relentless teasing continued.
jaemin, noticing y/n's internal struggle, couldn't resist taunting him further. his voice dripped with cruel amusement as he whispered, his breath hot against y/n's ear, "i can see how badly you want to scream, to let evyerine know how good you’re taking my cock. but you know what happens if you do, don't you?" the threat laced within his words only fueled y/n's inner battle.
y/n's body quivered with the desperate need to release his pent-up moans, the pleasure building to an almost unbearable peak. jaemin keep stroking his cock, pushing him closer to the edge, the pressure mounting with every electrifying sensation. y/n's mouth opened slightly, a suppressed whimper escaping, but he quickly clamped his lips shut, stifling the sound.
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as jaemin's thrusts became sloppy, his control slipping away, both he and y/n could feel the impending release drawing near. the intensity of their connection grew with each erratic movement, pushing them both closer to the edge of climax.
"i'm so close, y/n," jaemin gasped. a wicked smile playing on his lips. "let's cum together, yeah?" he suggested.
y/n, overwhelmed by the pleasure coursing through his body, could only manage a nod in response. his mind was consumed by the impending release.
jaemin's thrusts became more erratic, his grip on y/n's hips tightening as he approached the edge.
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with a final, powerful thrust, jaemin let out a moan, his body convulsing as he spilled his hot seed deep into the condom. y/n could feel the wariness of jaemin’s cum. his body trembling as he released his own pleasure, their moans blending together.
both y/n and jaemin were left breathless, their bodies entangled in the aftermath of their intense release. their gazes locked, satisfaction and connection shining in their eyes.
as the waves of pleasure gradually subsided, y/n and jaemin were left panting, their bodies still intertwined, basking in the aftermath of their intense release. the room was filled with heavy breathing and the scent of sex lingering in the air.
jaemin slowly pulled out, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips as he admired the sight of his cum fully filling the condom. with a mischievous glint in his eyes, he held up the condom, examining the milky contents within.
"look at all that cum," jaemin said with a hint of pride in his voice. he brought the condom closer to y/n's face, teasingly waving it in front of him. "see what you made me do? you made me cum so fucking hard."
y/n's cheeks flushed of embarrassment and arousal as he glanced at the evidence of their passionate encounter.
jaemin chuckled softly. "you loved it, didn't you? feeling me empty myself inside you.”
y/n's breath hitched at jaemin's words, a shiver running down his spine. his gaze remained fixed on the condom, the explicit reminder of the pleasure they had indulged in together.
jaemin continued to tease y/n. he leaned close to y/n's ear.
"it's such a pity that i can't fill my seed inside of you," jaemin whispered.
y/n's blushed. he mustered up the courage to respond, feeling embarrassed.
"shut up!" y/n snapped, “you’re lucky this time…”
"oh, feisty, aren't we?" jaemin chuckled. "but we both know deep down that you love it~"
y/n stumbled over his words, his voice coming out in a soft, stuttering tone.
"w-whatever," y/n managed to say, his voice quivering. "we still have classes... we should... we should get dressed and go."
jaemin's smirk softened slightly, his eyes flickered at y/n's flustered state.
"fine, fine," jaemin said boringly.
jaemin, still wearing a satisfied grin, helped y/n gather their clothes scattered around the room. with gentle hands, he guided y/n into his clothes, taking extra care to ensure he was properly dressed. as y/n slipped on his pants, jaemin's eyes lingered on the damp spot between his legs, a reminder of their recent intimate escapade.
noticing y/n's wet pants, jaemin couldn't resist a teasing remark. he grabbed his jacket, wrapping it around y/n's waist. his touch was lingering, his fingers brushing against y/n's skin as he secured the jacket.
"i don't think anyone would want to see your wet pants," jaemin teased. his playful taunting earned him a soft hit from y/n, accompanied by a deeper blush that spread across his cheeks.
“i hate you..” y/n muttered.
with a final chuckle, jaemin left the bathroom, leaving y/n alone to gather his thoughts and finish getting ready for his classes. as the door closed, the room fell into a momentary silence, giving y/n a chance to reflect on the encounter they had just shared.
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hours later, the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. jaemin spotted y/n walking towards the dorms, and he quickened his pace to catch up with him.
“hey, wait for me!” jaemin shouted.
once they reached the dorm together, y/n wasted no time. he grabbed jaemin's hands and led him straight to his bedroom. jaemin was confused.
without hesitation, y/n pushed jaemin onto the bed, pinning his hands on the bedsheet. a smirk danced across his lips as he leaned in.
"i think we have some unfinished business to attend to, don't you think?"
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loonmartell · 1 month
𓄹𓄼 Rainy day brew 𓄼𓄹
(No outbreak Joel Miller x f!reader)
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Summary : Can a stormy night and well brewed coffee bring two hearts together?
Rating : Explicit/+18 (Smut! MDNI)
Word count : 6,336 (I got carried away sorry..)
Warnings/tags : No outbreak AU, pining, Alternating POV, pet names, one “yes, ma’am” because I couldn’t help it, a sprinkle of plot, SMUT (unprotected PiV sex, fingering, dirty talk, grinding, kissing, teasing, One (1) playful ass slap, creampie), storms (rain, thunder & lightning), A LOT of yapping about pour over coffee, no use of y/n.
A/N : Hello again! Today I come with Joel smut 🙏🏻. I wrote this for @undercoverpena ‘s April Showers Challenge! I absolutely fell in love with the idea when i saw it, cuz if there’s one thing about me it’s that I LOVE rain! So ofc i had to try and do it <3 A big huge colossal thank you to @joels-darlin for being my lovely beta <33 and @coispunk for not blocking me after i bounced off the walls contemplating if i should upload this or not ✨✨✨
“You need a ride home darlin’?”
You turn to the source of the voice and find Joel talking to you through the rolled down window of his pick up truck.
“Oh! no it’s okay I can wait for the rain to—”
“Non ‘a that now, This storm could last ‘til tomorrow night” he leans over the passenger seat to open the door for you.
It’s not that you wouldn’t appreciate the ride —you most certainly would— but you didn’t want to be an inconvenience and you especially didn’t want Joel to think that you were aburden.
You didn’t know each other very well. Your best friend Maria is dating his brother Tommy. And you’ve been dragged to a couple of dinners and drinks over the last couple of months with the three of them. But the conversations were always guided by the other two, so you and Joel never really spoke much. In fact, you had the fleeting idea that maybe Joel didn’t like you. He’s always so tense around you, you know this because you literally saw his jaw tensing after you showed up. And you caught him glaring at you a couple of times. You thought you may have unknowingly offended him somehow, but Maria assured you afterwards that you didn't say or do anything wrong and that he was probably just tired. So you let it go, but the idea is still floating around in your head.
Tonight was one of those nights where you went out for drinks, Maria and Tommy headed home early and left you with Joel half an hour ago. And not long after that Joel excused himself saying he had an early morning and said his goodbyes.
You waited a couple of minutes before you got out as well. Only, much to your delight; a storm was brewing and it was raining by the time you were ready to walk home. What an incredible choice you made to walk instead of drive on this day.
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When Joel was one street away from where he left you at the bar. He thought back on when you mentioned leaving your car at home because you thought it was nice weather for a stroll. He tried really hard to get the idea of you walking home in this storm out of his head. You can manage. Get an uber, call a cab, whatever. But then again, Joel's southern manners would never allow him. That, and this big, colossal crush he has on you.
The first time he ever saw you was when he picked up Tommy from Maria’s (and your) apartment one morning. Tommy left him waiting long enough for you to get out and go to work (he assumed). You really had him in a chokehold. You were really, breathtakingly beautiful. You had your hair in a high ponytail with a few strands deliberately out, framing the gorgeous features of your face. You had both your hands full. One had a large handbag hanging from your wrist, hand holding a travel mug and a coat hanging on your forearm. The other hand was holding a bright red watering can. You started watering the flower beds on the windowsills and the big pot of gardenias right by the door. Your next door neighbour, an old lady, got out at that time. And Joel saw your cheery smile for the first time, and what he assumed were good mornings were exchanged. What a sweet, little thing.
He had the sudden urge to roll down the car window so he could hear what voice accompanied that divine face. But he thought better of it. And sooner than he would prefer, you were in your car and driving off.
When Tommy finally showed up, apparently physically unable to take his lips off of Maria’s, judging by how they never separated even after he was out the door. Joel rolled his eyes and turned his face away from that scene and towards the street on his other side.
Finally Tommy got into the car with a disgusting, lovesick smile on his face. But he smelled like shampoo and his hair was relatively wet. He showered and for that Joel is eternally grateful.
“You’re late” Joel deadpanned.
“And good morning to you too, brother” The younger man scoffed before placing two travel mugs in the cup holders.
Joel scrunched his eyebrows “what's that?”
“Coffee, Maria’s roommate brews her own with one ‘a those pour over kits and she insisted that we try hers.”
Joel’s throat went dry, thinking about that pretty girl he was unashamedly staring at, going out of her way to make enough coffee for her friend’s boyfriend’s brother. A sweet, delightful little thing.
“That’s real nice of her” if his voice cracked a little, Tommy didn’t notice.
“Yeah it is. So I’ve been thinkin’,” Tommy changed the subject faster than Joel would like. “You think you can drop me off at my place at say.. Two?”
“Two? We finish at the site at least after Three, what d’ya mean you wanna get out at Two?” Joel shifted his eyes from the road long enough to glare at his brother.
“Yeah I know but I was thinkin’” Joel is really starting to hate it when Tommy thinks “today’s me and Maria’s six months anniversary, and I kinda wanna do somethin’ special for her”
Six months anniversary Joel mentally scoffed, the fuck is a six months anniversary? And why isn’t he talking more about that damn sweet roommate!
“Yeah no can do, Romeo. We’re already behind ‘cause ’a last week, need I remind you that you ditched me laying down parquet on my own? had to do the three bedrooms that day all by myself”
“I told you we should’a done planks instead of parquet but you never listen to me, do you?” Tommy’s counter argument was weaker than he was hoping for. It was the owner’s choice, not Joel’s. And they both knew it. “Plus I had a damn plausible excuse that day”
“Not sure if a discount on an already cheap restaurant counts as plausible”
“It wasn’t just a ’discount’, Joel. It was a surf ‘n turf for half the price!”
“Yeah well I was surfin’ and turfin’ alone on the floors of the Johnsons. You’re not ditchin’ me again.”
Tommy slumped down on his chair like a toddler would.
On a red light Joel finally picked up his mug and took his first sip. A sweet, delightful, damn-good coffee making little thing.
Before he even knew it, Joel was opening the passenger side door for you, not taking no for an answer. Thankfully, you didn’t put up that much of a fight and climbed your pretty ass in his truck.
The ride was pretty short and silent. The sound of thunder and loud smacks of raindrops against the car not leaving much room for chatting anyway.
When he parked as close as he could to your door, he reached behind your seat to the pocket of it. And brought out a small, folded umbrella. He knew it was a mere seconds walk from the car to your door, but he had the umbrella with him already, so why risk giving you a cold? Your nose, red and sniffling. He had to actively suppress the upturn of the corners of his lips.
“Here” he handed you the umbrella and before you could get a chance to speak, he followed with “not taking no for an answer, darlin’. Gettin’ soaked in this wind could get you sick”
“Um.. actually the storm’s getting stronger, and I was gonna suggest you come inside? I don’t know if I’m comfortable with you driving in this weather”
A sweet, delightful, damn-good coffee making, thoughtful little thing.
He looked out the windows, trying to figure out his next move.
“Think I’ll take you up on that offer. It does look pretty bad, and the slippery streets are harder to navigate when I can’t see further than my nose.” He brought his eyes to you. Hoping he wouldn’t seem too eager to agree.
You graced him with a smile and said “well alright then, guess now I don’t have to feel bad for hogging you umbrella”
“ ‘s not hogging if I’m voluntarily givin’ it to you” he smirked as he turned off the car. He got out of it with a quick “stay where you are” and opened the umbrella as he rounded to your side of the truck.
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You walked under the umbrella he was holding. You’ve never been this close to him before and it gave you goosebumps that had nothing to do with the weather. You fiddled with your keys until you got the door open. There was no car outside or shoes in the foyer. They must’ve gone to Tommy's then. As much as you always wanted some quiet, alone time in your apartment. This was not one of those times. You were hoping Maria and Tommy were here to take the edge off of being alone with Joel, but you can’t really back out now and you’re already here. So, time to take a page out of the southern manners book.
”What would you like to drink?” you offered after he settled on the couch. His large frame dwarfing your whole living room, making everything look almost miniature. The thought had you blushing and you don’t really know why, but you don’t even want to find out.
“Coffee would be nice, if it's not a bother” his voice travelled through his place on the couch to the kitchen.
You can’t help the excited grin you have on “not at all! I just got a new Holklotz set that I’ve been dying to try out” when you get a new brewing set, you need time to experiment with different coffee grinds, ratios and timing between blooming and brewing to master the perfect cup. Time is a luxury not available to you on late mornings when you trade it for extra minutes of sleep.
Footsteps approaching the kitchen make you raise your head to see Joel coming into view, his eyebrows scrunched and confused “you got a what?”
You smile and hold the wooden base of the dripstand that you took out of the cabinet “this is my newest set, it arrived a week ago but between work and being too tired after, I haven’t had the time to bring it out and try it yet. Until now” you look at him with a too excited smile that you don’t try to hide.
“Well alrighty then, you happen to have here the perfect white mouse, test away” he settles at the barstool by the kitchen island that you’re standing by. You weigh the coffee beans and put them in the manual grinder, set to the size you need. Not too coarse but not too fine.
“Okay white mouse, care to help?” You hold up the grinder.
“Tell me what you need, boss” he concludes. So, you hand him the grinder to work on it as you heat the water and take the rest of the set out and put it together.
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He continues working on grinding the coffee and wonders if you have immensely great upper body strength, since you do this every morning. His coffee is already ground and comes in a container. He doesn’t see the necessity for an upper body workout every time you need a little caffeine. But truth be told, he has been craving that coffee you made him that one time. Damned if it wasn’t the best cup he’s ever had.
The silence is killing him, and he has to avail from the storm that brought him to your home. “So, when you’re not at work or training for an arm wrestlin’ tournament,” he gestures to the grinder “what do you like to do?”
“Obviously, I take part in the tournaments I train for” you say with a serious expression that has his eyes widened in surprise. “I’m kidding, Joel. Although I think I have a good solid shot at winning.” You stick your nose up in the prettiest little smug face and Joel wants to kiss it away so bad. Focus.
He drags himself back to the present “can’t argue with that. But, if you’re basing that over this,” he again gestures to the grinder in his hands “then it’s not enough bargain for winning”.
You scoff and raise your hands up, wiggling your fingers “you have no idea what these hands can do” Joel can see you regretted blurting out the words without thinking, judging by the rising blush on your face and the way you don’t meet his eyes anymore. He can’t say he’s any better, his mind is already conjuring unholy images, reeling his brain and sending a rush of tingling heat down south.
What can they do? He imagines your small hands trying to wrap around his throbbing cock. Or you writhing on your bed stuffing yourself with three of your too small fingers, desperately trying to cum. He bets he can do it faster and better for you. If you give him the chance.
He knows he shouldn’t be picturing you like this. It’s crazy to even think about you like this. You haven’t even told him if you’re interested. Hell he never even said anything to show you he’s interested.
Clearing your throat, this time you’re the one bringing him back to the present, you say “anyway, I think I got off topic there” you let out a nervous chuckle. “To answer your question. My time is pretty much divided between work, coffee and my plants. I’m kinda boring, don’t really got much going on”
Joel doesn’t hear the presence of a partner in your life, and he selfishly likes it.
“Don’t sound boring to me, ‘s pretty comfortable” you smile at his comment and he gives you the coffee grounds, ready to be used.
You start your brewing process, talking him through every step you’re doing. Wetting the filter, dumping the coffee grounds in and meticulously pouring the water on the dripper. The blooming, the timing. He can’t promise he heard everything. Because you bite your bottom lip and your face contorts in the cutest focused face and he can’t help but stare. You really love doing this and he wants to eat you up.
“My chemex is my go-to on late mornings,” You suddenly pipe up as you’re waiting for the water to drip through the coffee grounds. “Even though it takes longer than a V60, It’s just faster to clean up and I can dual-task while it’s brewing. So I don’t mind.”
He lets out a hum from the back of his throat, considering what you said. “What about the taste? Whaddya like more?” He surprises himself that he actually cares and not just trying to be polite.
“I like them both the same, the flavour with the V60 is usually richer ‘cause the filters are thinner, but I still like the soft, smooth taste when using the chemex”.
In the back of his mind, Joel thinks he’s ready to fall in love with you. He loves coffee, sure. But to him it’s just something he needs in the morning and sometimes later in the day. Never really thought much of it, he has a coffee machine that gets work done for him. And yet, here you are, showing him a different, almost artistic aspect of it.
“Although..” Okay so you’re not done yet. “If we’re talking taste-wise in the brewing methods, I’ll have to go with the syphon”
“Yes syphon, I tried it once in a lovely family owned coffee shop across town. I’m telling you, if I lived near there? I would be a regular faster than you can say syphon”
“Well syphon is a long word, two full syllables” he faux ponders, making you giggle.
“Okay smartass, coffee’s ready.” You pull out two mugs from the cabinet. And fill them up. And slide his across the kitchen island, a brown owl adorning the ceramic surface.
You both sip at the same time then let out a ridiculously simultaneous soft sighs. You look at Joel with wide, pleading eyes, gauging his reaction. And of course, being the honest man that he is, he would never lie.
“Damn, that is good” he clicks his tongue and goes for another sip.
You smile brightly “I like it too. Although it’s a little more bitter for my liking, think I'll adjust the grind next time.”
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You want to kick yourself so bad. You’re only now realising that you got too comfortable and you let yourself go on and on about something he probably doesn’t even care about. You had to shut the caffeine talk down.
“So, Joel, how's Sarah?” You gestured for him to follow you to the living room.
He settled on one side of the loveseat while you occupied the other, folding your legs under yourself. “She’s alright, her mom wanted her to see her grandma so she’s with her this week.” Maria told you all about their co-parenting system and how they’re succeeding in making it work so far. Little 10 years old Sarah spends equal amounts of time with both her parents and she feels loved by both. Not everything is a bed of roses, of course. But they deal with obstacles when they appear in their time.
“That’s nice, and how was her game last week? I remember you said she was nervous about it?” He stared at you for a few seconds too long that it makes you wonder if you crossed a line or said something wrong. But he blinked a couple of times and continued.
“Doin’ great actually, my little goal getter” he pondered softly before announcing “she scored the winning goal in last week’s game!” He sat up a little, you think it’s unconsciously as a result of his excitement.
“Oh my god! That’s so amazing!” You matched his energy “you must be so proud!”.
His smile widened if it was possible “I am, she puts her mind into something and never rests ‘til she gets it,” he reclined against the couch again “dunno where she got it from, but I sure as hell am not gonna complain”
“You’re selling yourself short, Joel.” You offered a warm smile “I’m sure you’ve been a great influence on her, your determination is probably rubbing off on her.”
Joel’s expression softened, a hint of pride flickering in his eyes. “Thanks, sure means a lot coming from you, sweetheart. If I’m bein’ honest, I just wanna see my girl chasin’ her dreams and be happy. ‘s all I want”
“I have no doubt she’ll do so much, and she’ll achieve great things with your guidance and support” you placed your hand on his knees for reassurance.
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He felt warmth all over his chest, his heartbeats exceeding those of a hummingbird. His eyes fell down to where your hand was touching and almost burning him, and they stayed there for a while before looking back at your eyes. He has this immense urge to kiss you. The tension has been building all night and his ability to hold himself off is getting harder and harder by the second.
He cleared his throat, trying to steady his racing heart as he met your gaze. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "Your faith in her means the world to me."
Your hand lingered on his knee for a moment longer before you withdrew it, a faint blush coloring your cheeks. "She's lucky to have you as her dad, y’know" you said softly, the look in your eyes showing the sincerity of your words.
A moment of silence passed between you, the air thick with unspoken emotions. Joel's gaze flickered to your lips, his own heart still pounding accompanied by longing. He swallowed hard, struggling to find the right words to convey the feelings swirling inside him.
He brought his eyes back up to yours only to see that your gaze had been on his lips, mirroring his desires. Your gazes met, the tension snapped. Lightning flashes through the window right before your eyes and your lips crash in a bruising, soaring kiss that to outsiders would look as if you were trying to devour each other. Everything happened at a rather fast pace. The roaring of the thunder dwindled by frantic breathing and the rush of blood in his ears. His tongue demanded entry, which you gave no problem. He brought his large palm over your hips, pulling you over to straddle him, never breaking the kiss.
He felt your heat through the layers of clothes between you as you settled on his lap, pulling a soft gasp out of you. Using his grasp on your hips, he rocked you back and forth to grind your center on his bulge, eliciting a string of whines you let out in between the clashing of tongues. In a moment of sudden clarity, he broke off your lips but never moved too far away, he rested his forehead to yours, sharing the air. Finally, he spoke, his voice husky with emotion.“Um- I’m sorry, is- is this okay?”
You continued to move against him, seeking more friction. Then you chuckled through your laboured breathing, “yeah, yes I want this. If- if you do too.”
“Oh darlin’ you have no idea” he hurried out before picking up where he left off, trailing his lips down the corner of your mouth, your jaw, your neck where he settled on open mouthed kisses that sent your head falling back, giving him more of you. He got addicted to the taste of your skin on his tongue fast and he craved to taste more.
Dragging his mouth over your shoulders then to your collarbone. He huffed in frustration, your shirt was personally offending him by denying him the access he needed. Seeming to sense his frustration, you pushed him away slightly so you could pull off your shirt over your head in one smooth motion. He wasted no time roaming his hands all over your torso, returning his mouth to your collarbones, kissing his way down to the parts of your breasts spilling out from your bra.
His hands slithered up from your hips to the sides of your waist, then wrapped around your back and moved up to hook his fingers underneath the strap of your bra. He mumbled against your skin, “can I take it off?” You gasped your affirmation. Overwhelming sensations leaving you breathless.
Even though it was a simple bra strap, he struggled to unhook it. Hands too shaky and excited. You breathed a laugh and did it yourself. Once you’re completely bare, nipples perking up as soon as the cold air hits them. He pulled away, looking at you with wide, fascinated eyes. His lips immediately latched around a nipple, flicking his tongue slowly, almost as if he’s savouring the feeling. He pulled away and murmured “beautiful”. Just to latch onto the other one with the same treatment, “absolutely beautiful” he murmured again into the plushness of your tits.
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You felt a shiver at the undivided attention from the gorgeous man that seems to never get enough of you. Of course you always thought he was handsome, that was non negotiable. The man was gorgeous from day one. And tonight, you felt a connection that you never felt before. And as soon as the ties were made, the tension rose suddenly, as if it had always been there but you were too much in your head to notice it, contemplating whether he likes you or not. But now, you do notice it. Very much so. And it’s becoming unbearable. You want him so bad. You want him to drown all your senses. You want him inside, outside, under and over you.
Joel, Joel, Joel.
You held his head with both your hands to pull him away from your chest before saying “need to see you too, Joel” you pleaded as you fumbled with the hem of his shirt trying to lift it. His eyes darkened at your desperation. As quick as the lightning that occasionally lights up the room around you, he flipped you so your back is against the couch and took off his shirt and jeans and hovered above you.
You took a steadying breath and your eyes drank in the sight in front of you, bringing your hands on each of his wrists. You mapped the outlines of his thick arms, moving towards his shoulders. Then brought them back to his broad chest, bare except for the hair that formed a thick layer in the center. You felt the muscles ripple under your fingertips. Built from the physical labour that a contractor would endure. You lowered your touch a little to feel his soft stomach. Squishy tummy, a sign of a man that was actually living and feeding himself well. Not shying away from a meal or obsessing over fitting society’s mould of perfection. You wanted to kiss it and nibble on it so bad, but you weren’t sure if he’d be okay with it, that was probably more of a second time type of thing. Mentally shaking your head away from the idea that you’re already thinking of next time when nothing even happened yet. Lastly, you ran your fingers on the smattering of coarse, dark hair that dipped further down into his tented boxers.
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Mostly empty coffee cups long abandoned on the table. He knelt on his knees between your spread legs, and yanked your pants and panties in one quick motion. Towering over your naked form. His eyes danced around every inch of your body. He brought his thumbs to each side of your heat. Tracing the outside of your folds. He murmured so low, almost as if he’s talking to himself “Too goddamn pretty for your own good, baby”. He was basking in the sight of your desperate writhing as your need for any kind of friction became unfathomable.
“Please,” you whined in frustration, A smirk pulled on his lips at your little pouty face.
“Please what, darlin’?”
“Touch me” your keen hands reach for his wrists to coax them where you want him. But he was determined to keep his hands at their place.
Yeah, your hands are too small, too soft for such a sweet, delightful, damn-good coffee making, thoughtful, eager little thing.
“I am touching you now, ain’t I?” He keeps stroking the outside of your lower lips.
“More, please.” You whimpered.
“Well, you leave me no choice now, since you asked so nicely”
He wasted no time gathering the slick from your opening and plunging his thick middle finger in and out. Your breath catching at the sudden but welcome stretch. Not long after, his ring finger joined inside and he curled them both up, searching and finding the spot that makes your eyes roll and your hips buck into his hand in shock.
“sit still, angel.” He placed his other hand on your lower stomach to keep your back rested on the couch. He picked up the pace of his fingers thrusting in and out, in and out, massaging the same spot over and over and over. He felt your walls slightly tightening around his fingers, and there’s a change in the rhythm of your breathing. You’re close. “Cum for me, angel. Come on lemme see this pretty pussy droolin’ for me”. He kept his pace up until you were gasping for air. And with a specifically strong stroke, your walls clumped down, choking his fingers and soaking them to the wrist. Working you through your high, he kept his eyes on you, the sight of you coming apart on his fingers. Heavenly.
He took his fingers out and sucked them with lewd, obscene sounds. He made a show to lick his palm clean of your release and humming around his fingers. “Next time, I’m havin’ it straight from its source” he leaned down and kissed your parted lips. “Oughta have a palate cleanser ‘f we’re gonna give your coffee a fair shot” he gave a playful smack to your ass “and you sure know how to make ‘em.”
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You blushed and giggled as you couldn’t help the giddy feeling of the prospect of a next time. The image of Joel relishing the taste of you is already seared deep in your brain. You couldn’t wait to have these slurping noises happening between your legs, certain already that he doesn’t eat, he devours.
He sat up on his haunches and lowered his boxers below his balls. He took his cock in his hand. Not even his large hand wrapped around it makes it seem any less girthy. The head is angry and leaking a steady stream. He gives himself slow, languid strokes from base to red-purplish head. You couldn’t help yourself, you sat up and your hand took over his. Stroking him at the same pace he was. He shuddered at your touch and marvelled at the contrast between his rough, calloused hand versus your soft, smooth ones on his cock. You gradually increased the pressure, adding a twist at the end that sent his head falling back with a stifled groan between his clenched teeth.
His hands were tight fists by his sides, desperately trying to hold off but ready to pounce at you any moment. “Hold on, baby” he groaned “I- I gotta grab a condom”
“But I wanna feel you, and I’m safe” you said in a little, unsure voice. Still stroking him and loving the velvety softness enveloping the steely hardness. When your gazes met again, the hungry look in his eyes made a tiny sound climb to the back of your throat. With that, the last thread holding off the beast inside him snapped. With a low growl he grabbed your ankles, yanking you closer to his pelvis, making your back hit the soft pillow on the couch with a dull thud.
“Baby, I’m clean too. But I need ya to be sure, angel. ‘Cause when I start, ‘m not really sure I can stop” He said through dark eyes that were straining to hold off.
You held firm eye contact with him “I’m sure, Joel. Please fuck me now”
“Yes, ma’am” with that, he ran his cock through your slit, gathering you wetness before lining it with your entrance and with one quick motion he sinks into you. Your moans and his name on your tongue, dripping honey onto his ear. He feels your warmth enveloping every inch of him. He wants to get lost in the feeling. To replace every bad memory he has with this sensation, the divine fit of your silky smooth walls, encompassing him. So tight, so soft, so perfect.
As his hips rocked back and forth, you wrapped your legs around him, and dug your heels into his ass, wanting him impossibly deeper. Sweet, delightful, damn-good coffee making, thoughtful, eager, greedy little thing. He removed his hands from beside your head to hold the base of your skull in one of his palms and wrap the other under your waist for leverage. Grunting into your neck while your pretty moans filling his ears got louder as he moved in a pace that promised him a date with painkillers and an ice pack on his back tomorrow night.
When he felt the telltale signs of your near release, he gently let go of your head to bring his hand down and circle your bundle of nerves. Your continuous string of frantic pleads prompted him to lay soothing kisses to the corner of your mouth. With a compulsive string of “it’s okay, baby”, “sound so pretty whinin’ like that”, and “just let go for me, princess.”
The last one pushing you over the edge. With your legs quivering, your breathing turning into shallow panting and your hands clawing at his back. He was working you through it all with a “that’s it, angel. There ya go”, “so good for me” and “look so pretty cummin’ on my cock”.
Once your muscles stopped contracting and your heartbeat settled on. Joel switched to a more gentle pace. You stuttered out between small gasps of air “cum for me, Joel. Fill me up”. Leaving him no choice but to buck into you wildly with renewed vigour. Fucking you like all of his goddamn life is depending on it.
Loving the effect you have on him, you whispered “Wanna feel you inside me after you leave, Joel”. This makes his release hit him like a freight train. With a few forceful plunges and a string of grunted out fucks. He shoots his load with a prolonged groan of your name, painting your walls with strong, long spurts. He came so hard, he thinks he blacked out for a minute.
He collapsed on top of you, nuzzling in your neck and surrounding himself in your scent as he comes down from his high. In the middle of the chaos of regulating heartbeats and relaxing bodies, your laboured breathing turns into a giggle when his beard tickles your neck and under your jaw. He lifted his head to look at you with a “what?” and scrunched eyebrows. You stifled your giggle with a shake of your head. Only failing when he dips his head in your neck again. He smirked when realisation hit him. Lifting his head again “You’re ticklish ain’tcha, angel?” His face is so close your noses were touching.
You pressed your lips in a firm, straight line and shook your head again.
“No? So you don’t mind me doing this?” He rubbed his beard on your neck again and again. You went into a giggle fit that triggered his own breathy chuckles as he switched to the other side.
“Okay, okay I am, I am!” You managed to say between giggles.
He stopped and looked you straight in the eyes “ ‘s what I thought” he descended his lips on yours and they mingled in a soft, deep kiss that made you lightheaded. He wouldn’t mind getting used to this, “Lemme clean ya up, princess”.
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One year later.
The anniversary of your first “get together” is today. Joel wanted to skip work all together, but he knew Tommy would give him shit about it. How ironic.
He rented a gorgeous, comfy cabin for the weekend, that’s a thirty minutes drive away from town. Joel coaxed Sarah into a slumber party at her uncle’s, which she would’ve very happily agreed to either way. But she’s a smart kid and she chose to haggle for a later bedtime and ice cream for dessert both nights.
He wanted to take the extra time to prepare everything you might need, from basic essentials like food or first aid kits, to extra entertainment options like books or puzzles. He doubts they’ll need the latter though.
But then again, it’s April, and a storm was closing in. Rendering the drive there too dangerous to make during the night. And the storm is predicted to last the whole weekend, even threatening to close schools on Monday.
“I’m just upset you didn’t get your money’s worth from that cabin” you say with worried expressions as you put away the food that you aimlessly packed earlier.
Joel brings the last of the suitcases in, sitting them by the door. “The owners seem pretty nice, bet they’ll understand and agree to push the reservation back”
“Then, that settles it.” You sighed and closed the fridge with finality. “We’re having our anniversary weekend here” you approached him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
He instinctively placed his hands on the dip of your waist, and grunted with furrowed eyebrows “I got a long ass list of things I wanted to do to you in that cabin, now ‘s just sitting in my wallet mockin’ me”.
“It’s for the better, gives me time to make my own list” you teased him with a wink and a bite to your lower lip.
He squeezed your waist with a low, gravel groan. Eyes on your lips in a strong, hungry stare.
But before he can act on his thoughts you unwrap yourself from his tight grasp and turn away with a shout that carries upstairs “Sarah, change of plans! We’re staying here for the weekend!”
Hearing her footsteps descending the stairs, Sarah asked “you’re staying with us too?”. She squeals when you nod with a bright grin. “Now we can watch that movie I told you about last week!” With that, she drags you into the living room, gushing to you about the movie while you listen with interest and occasional oohs and aahs and reactions Joel knows are genuine.
Every other sound dies down as one thought only echoes in his head.
Oh god, please let me keep her.
The black, velvet box burns a hole in his suitcase. And item no.1 on his list sits idle by, just waiting to be checked.
He knows you’ll say yes, this isn’t a subject you avoid. You’re both aware of what you want in a relationship and you communicate your needs to each other. So you’re both sure that you’re on the same page. The element of surprise lies in the timing and method only.
As he looks at you and his daughter, he knows that this feels right. This is how it is supposed to be.
Okay, he owes Tommy an apology. Because now he understands disgusting, lovesick smiles and the urge to get out of work early. He understands six month anniversaries, because when he’s with you; there isn’t a damn thing he wouldn’t do for the mere chance to make you happy.
A Sweet, delightful, damn-good coffee making, thoughtful, eager, greedy, dreamy little thing.
My Sweet, delightful, damn-good coffee making, thoughtful, eager, greedy, dreamy little thing.
A/N : Again, if you’re still here, I love you so much & you made my day <333 pls tell me your thoughts! I write cuz i love doing it but i need to know if i should continue to upload or just let the contents of my delulu brain stay in my phone 🫣
Loon out, luv yaa <33
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harmshake · 3 months
didn't mean to unfollow, just followed back, im stupid lmao.
I was thinking, maybe your Romans ex wife (black reader) and you two aren't exactly on good terms, but you have to pretend for the kids (two boys, 6 and 9) and while your waiting for the boys to get ready, he notices the reader still has her wedding ring on- Can either be smut or fluff, up to you!
Hey, STOP that, you are not stupid. I'M stupid cuz I wrote this and missed the "ex" in "ex-wife," but I hope you still enjoy, my friend. 🥹💗
Because I Love You
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Roman Reigns x Fem Black Reader | Angst and fluff | ~2k words
Happy reading! Read my other Roman stories here, if you'd like. ✨
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If stress had a name, you were pretty sure it would be spelled exactly like yours.
If it wasn't early mornings when your beautiful but rowdy sons were up before the sun and jumping on your bed to wake you up after having only a few hours of productive sleep, it was dragging yourself out of bed to start the day, get your kiddos to school and yourself to work where you sat behind a desk, locked away from sunlight until you were back in your car and home again.
With him.
He was the real catalyst, the true stress factor as your job paid you well and your young sons could be a handful but you'd do anything for them.
And that's why you were still with him.
Being married wasn't the glamorous life you thought it'd be when you were a little girl, watching romance movies where the two protagonists fell head over heels for each other on a whim; couldn't go a day without saying how much they loved one another; and got married with a stunning, white wedding that made your eyes twinkle in awe.
The wife adorned in an elegant dress and a shining ring on her finger. Her loving husband dressed to the nines with a smile on his lips that would only be for her. A lifetime together of living, laughing, and loving.
And for three years, your marriage to Roman was something like that moving picture. He made you feel beautiful. He couldn't get enough of fondling and kissing your brown skin that was soft like cocoa butter and the rich complexion of chocolate. He made you feel special. He'd run his fingers through your deep brown coils as he held you close and told you that you were the only woman in the world to him. He made you feel loved. He wanted to give you a house, a family, the stars, and the moon.
Yet something changed. Roman started going out more, coming back home later. He started traveling for work often, leaving you home alone with the kids for weeks on end. You understood it from the beginning as it was his busy career and it put food on the table. But something changed.
You didn't find out what until several text messages, emails, and arguments later that while Roman loved you, he loved himself more. It wasn't exactly "cheating" as from what you read and what he told you, it was nothing more than conversations. 
However, one conversation with a woman that wasn't you and wasn't about anything that felt appropriate to discuss with a married man was one too many for you.
For the last few months, the conversations between you two had dwindled to a bare minimum. The basics. As long as the bills were paid and the boys were happy, you went to sleep at night in the bed you shared with him. Yet you felt like you were lying next to a stranger.
Roman had to talk you out of leaving the home you both built together. Then he had to talk you out of sleeping in separate beds. And you agreed to both because while you loved him, you loved your children more. You knew what it was like to grow up in a one-parent home, watching your mother struggle to make ends meet all alone while trying to hold you, herself, and everything together. You refused to pass that burden down to your boys. No matter what went wrong for you, you were determined to always make it right for them.
Yet the one thing Roman couldn't convince you to do was keep on the wedding ring. For those last few months, you kept it tucked away in your jewelry box on the dresser. While he still wore his, in your mind, you were no longer truly married to him, but to the situation. You were devoted to your family and committed to creating the most picturesque life you could for them.
Where that left you in the picture, you weren't quite sure. But as those three months passed, you kept the idea of love for your sons to be all the love you needed for yourself.
Until he came home this weekend from work.
"Let's take the boys to the water park today," Roman said softly, as softly as his deep voice could manage as his guilt still weighed down his tone. 
Your tone was just as soft as you agreed with a simple, "Alright," and let the day commence. He noticed for the hundredth time that your wedding ring was missing from your finger. You told him you didn't want to lose it in the pool but he knew the real reason. He knew he was the reason.
Later that night as you lay in bed after tucking in the boys, he came into the bedroom from the bathroom, the steam flooding the room as he approached you with a towel still around his waist and a pathetic look on his face. You felt the lecture coming, another spiel about how much he appreciated and loved you and wished you'd let him back in. You didn't want to waste your breath because you'd tell him your same spiel, too: That you know and you love him, too, but you're not in love with him anymore, and for him to just drop it.
"You work Monday?" Roman asked as he changed into his pajamas, an old pair of gym shorts, and nothing else. You shook your head. It was a holiday. "The boys will be in school and I'm not back on the road until Tuesday. We should go out...if you want."
His voice had that soft, hesitant tone yet again. You looked up at him with curious, tired brown eyes as you were just trying to read your romance novel before bed. Yet he'd piqued your interest enough to lift your eyes from the page to meet his and ask, "Why?"
You and Roman hadn't been out together without the kids in so long that you weren't sure what that would look like anymore. Dinner and a movie? A drink or two at a lounge and dancing? You didn't know if you could even have fun in those kinds of settings with him.
"Because I love you, baby."
You sighed and murmured you'd think about it before you went back to your book. But your heartbeat wouldn't calm down from its slight fluttering as he crawled under the sheets behind you to head to bed, his warmth filling the sheets without his touch because, as usual, you wouldn't allow it. 
Yet your heart pounded at the idea of a date with your estranged husband. 
Because he loved you.
You loved him, too, even if it wasn't in that live, laugh, love way anymore.
But you did love him.
When Monday morning came, you woke up early, getting your boys' school uniforms ironed and lunches packed into bags. Roman was up, as well, cooking them breakfast and reminding them that Dad would be back home later in the week. You could never say he was an unattentive parent as the love he had for your boys was bigger and brighter than the sun. 
Your heartbeat hadn't calmed at the thought that he loved you in the same way. It wasn't something you wanted to give much thought to after he did what he did because how could he love you the same when you would have never done that to him? 
His voice...his quiet, almost scared to bother you with his emotions singing softly in his heart tone still echoed in your thoughts no matter how hard you tried to think it away. "Because I love you, baby."
After dropping off the kids at school, you got ready for brunch with your husband and attempted to will away his tone lingering in your mind as you stood in front of the mirror reflecting your thoughts on your face that held an odd look. Not a frown, not a smile, but something in between, something like where your feelings for your husband lay.
"You look beautiful."
His voice floated into your ears, made your cheeks feel warm, made that strange expression on your face soften after you saw his reflection walk into the room, sit on the bed, and admire you as you put on your earrings, fastened on your necklace, and eyed your wedding ring buried beneath a pile of bracelets.
"Thank you. You, too," you mumbled with a flash of your eyes on him before they fell to the ring again. Roman did look beautiful. He always did. Even in his simple, short-sleeved button-up and slacks. He matched your casual look, a halter-top sundress, even sporting the same powder blue for his shirt.
Suddenly, his huge hands matched the length of your jewelry box as he stood beside you and pulled it towards him, carefully sorting through it until he picked out a gold, diamond tennis bracelet. Your heart fluttered again when his fingers grazed your wedding ring.
"May I?" Roman asked, in that soft, pleading way that made you look up at him with soft, intrigued eyes and nod once as he held your bracelet before you extended your wrist. His big fingers struggled a bit with the tiny clasp yet once he hooked it, those fingers tentatively slid around your wrist, as well, as he spoke. "Looks nice with your necklace...not that you need any more help bein' the most gorgeous woman in the room."
A small, coy laugh escaped you as you thanked him again. The way he coyly studied you with a timid smile wobbling to life on his lips reminded you of your first date all those years ago. Two young, flirty twentysomethings who would blush if they held each other's gaze for too long.
Yet you fell in love so deeply that after a while you couldn't imagine not gazing into his eyes every day. And when he betrayed your trust, he couldn't go a day without trying to make it up to you and restore that twinkle in your eyes.
Because he loved you.
"Maybe this would look nice with it, too," you said under your breath as you took your wedding ring and slid it onto your left ring finger. Roman's eyes filled with that twinkle you recognized as it was the same one steadily growing in yours when your heart raced behind your chest.
"It does. Goes well with mine." His gentle tone again. His fingers gentle, too, when they laced with yours and showed his wedding band the same luminous gold as yours. You weren't certain why your heartbeat wouldn't rest until this moment...until his warm touch soothed it back to a gentle pace.
Months without that touch. Months without that warmth. Months without that belief that there was still something lively, whimsical, and passionate between you.
Yet as Roman held your hand and slowly brought it to his lips with a tender kiss that sent tingles up your arms, you took a step closer to him until your head rested on his chest. You felt him stiffen with surprise, felt his heartbeat jump to that fluttering pace as he delicately placed his arms around you.
Time seemed to stand still, all the times you doubted him, yourself, your marriage, his love, your love, and everything that tied you two together without the security of love...
...But how Roman wouldn't let go of you and how you didn't bother to move made that stress melt off you and shielded you in a truth you were finally ready to accept.
You stayed with him because you loved him. Because you were still in love with him.
"You ready to go, baby?" Roman asked in a hushed tone, his warm breath caressing your coils before his chin did as he nuzzled the top of your head with a hum.
"Not yet...I love you." You matched his tone, even more hushed with your face buried in his chest that he had to uncover with his fingers cupping your chin. Roman's eyes bore into yours like he was searching for the mistake you made to have uttered those words to him unprompted. Words you no longer wanted to withhold from him as you brought your lips to his in a kiss that made you both tremble in each other's arms.
"I love you, too, baby. And I'll do anything you want to hear you say it again."
Thanks for reading! ❤️
🫶🏾 Tagging: @wrestlingprincess80 @visionarymode @cyberdejos2 @thesamoanqueen @vebner37 @dreamsinfocus @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @jeyusos-girl @nayys-world @msbigredmachine @purplehairgawdess @mohawkmama @po3ticb3auty @alyyaanna @murrylove @papireigns-05 @vintage-pvssy @bebesobrielo @urasunflower @seeingstarks @555sage @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @theninthwonder @tabletheofhead @venusesworld @ariieeesworld @sassginaswanmills @theglamclosetsl @2-muchsauce @empressdede @woahdude9481 @leaderofthebadbitchbrigade @twocentuar @claymorexpunisher @alichesmi @eclectic-tee @brwnsugababe @joannasteez @whatdoeseverybodywant @puppetmastermya @carmenreigns
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idlerin · 4 months
nonsense — 40. only your love
preferably listen to old love by yuji while reading :)
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masterlist — previous | epilogue
✦ fun facts !
oikawa showed [name] the letters he wrote for her :)
[name] is wearing her necklace with oikawa’s initials on it again :)
oikawa is regularly showered with [name]’s random drabble ideas :)
they have a joint morning routine now :)
oikawa went with [name] when she talked to her parents :)
sometimes they spend nights together with [name] writing papers and oikawa reading manuscripts :)
oikawa is spoiled with affection ([name] is too) :)
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nonsense ! an oikawa tooru social media au
synopsis. you were oikawa tooru’s #1 fan, until you became his #1 hater. you hated him so much you went viral on twitter (accidentally) and literally became known as “the oikawa tooru hater”, doesn’t help that he keeps fueling the fire by subtweeting you. everyone is all in for this new drama. what isn’t known to the public, is that this particular drama’s been on hold for three years (him being your ex and all).
a/n — THIS IS IT officially the end of the main story!!! its been such a long journey with u guys (cuz of my hiatuses) and IM ACTUALLY SO HAPPY AND THANKFUL AND GRATEFUL TO EVERYONE WHO STAYED READ COMMENTED REBLOGGED AND MORE nonsense wouldnt be nonsense without you guys ☹️❤️ i have more to say but i’ll be putting it in the epilogue (3-parts, will be short) the epilogue is essentially just a bonus and this is like the actual last part of the story :(( love you guys i’ll construct a proper message i swear HAHAHAHAA okay last thing, thank you for loving oikawa and [name]’s love and sticking till the end!
taglist is closed ! + (1/2) @kawaii-angelanne @ceneridiankaa @kittycasie @rukia-uchiha-98 @polish-cereal @kellesvt @rockleeisbaeeee @kashxyou @imsoluvly @jjulliette @tooruchiiscribs @littlefreakjulia @gomjohs @qualitygiantshoepsychic @mellowknightcolorfarm @konzumeken @migosple @kuroogguk @sangwooooo @katsu-shi @wolffmaiden @rijhi @2baddies-1porsche @yeehawcity @aishkaaa @crueldinasty @renardiererin @yyuiz @llamakenma @penguinlovestowrite @princelingperfect @hearts4faey @yoonabeo @pantherhappy @julia-1901 @godsbiggestmenace @angel-luv-04 @noideawhothatis @bethbat @natsvmie @luna-mothii @lylovw @apinu @leave-rae-alone @kamikokii @bananasquash @eitaababe @minimari415 @hanabihwa @nilopillo
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alienpersonnn · 1 year
Lava shipping fanart + oneshot fanfic
I hope you like it!
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I'm glad you're here
Kai woke as the sun shined on his face; he couldn't move but nor did he want to. Ninjago had been through so much chaos and distruction that it makes him anxious every time he gets a mission, not knowing when the next world-ending war is going to start. But right now he feels at peace in the arms of his lover, cole.
He can't help but love how he put is arms around him as if he were the most precious treasure in the world, as he laid on his chest Kai can hear his heart beating so rhythmically- it's somehow calming to him; he loves how his partner smells like the earth after a rainy day, he loves how the rays of sunlight shine on his lovers dark skin like gold and oh how he loves his stupid dumbass smile; he wants to tell cole all these things because a simple "i love you" just isn't enough for-
Kai feels a gentle stroke behind his neck.
"Morning kai" cole mumbled that's quickly met with a yawn
He responds with a small hum, too tired to speak a word
Cole rubs his eyes trying to get the grogginess out of them "what time is it?"
He glances at the digital clock on the bedside table groaning "around 6 am."
"Shouldn't we be getting ready..?"
"Yeah but... Can't we just stay like this a little longer?" Cole puts back his hand where it was before and gently tighten his hug
"Yeah, sure we can" he said before kissing the top of his head
"Hey cole?"
"I... Uh..." He wanted to say something other than the three words because they never felt right, he's more of a show-not-tell kind of person. The only thing he could get out is: "im glad you're here"
Cole can't help but smile a little on the sudden statement
"Im glad that you're here too"
(authors note: im sorry if it's kinda bad, I've never wrote any romance before and i wrote this at 2 AM cuz i couldn't sleep so yea)
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neoballsucker · 4 months
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Summary : you and your co-workers/ friends decided to go on a trip for a vacation from work what else could happen?
Genre : friends/ coworkers to lovers
Pairs : doyoung X fem!reader X Johnny
Waring : Smut , fluff at the end , threesome , Double Penetration , if there any else pls lemme know 😭🙏
WC : 1.8k
A/N : it's kinda quick cuz I wrote that when I was half asleep I'm sorry 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️
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You always dreamed of a man to fit the standards your standards tall handsome face muscular body a sweet smile smooth voice talented can cook can take care of you and understand you and show you love as much as you do you tried dating multiple times it never worked out you really thought you were the problem you never lasted with any of them while they find the love of their life getting married and even having kids you didn't really care children and marriage weren't really your thing being the hopeless romantic you are , you went to the bar after work , you worked in a really big company and you were getting paid really well , you never complained about anything in your life
I'm the bar you sometimes go with your workmates but most of the times you go alone, the job was alot so you go to get drunk and maybe get laid if you're lucky enough
“The usual or something new this time?” The bartender asked you
“Nah get me the usual or do you have anything special ?” you asks and rolls her eyes
“Then the usual” he chuckles and disappears
You look around the bar you notice some familiar faces but you weren't really interested in any of them until your eyes were fixed on doyoung and Johnny
They were from the office you worked at they were everyone's crush , when someone try and flirt with any of them they just smile and nod simply, some people thought they had girlfriends some thought they were gay and dating cause they always stick to eachother and hang out together
You were kinda interested in them they were handsome and so gentle and kind with everyone but you didn't really wanna date someone from work
“Here's your drink miss” he taps your shoulder
“ah thank you” you take the drink from his hand as you turn your back you find a muscular body Infront of you…well two of them actually
“Oh hey y/n right?” It was a familiar voice you looked up to see the two beautiful men from your office the voice was coming from doyoung
“Ahh yes you're right that's me” you smile and nod slightly
“You look stunning by the way” the other older man says with a sweet smile
“Oh well thank you you look great as well” you smile back at him
“Oh let's go take a seat” doyoung noted and both you and Johnny nod in agreement all three of you walk over to the nearest table
The three of you talked and got to know eachother more it was really nice talking to them they were nice and had a really stable life both of them were gentle with you had a really sweet smile the night ended with all three of you drunk everyone barely could walk on their feet
The next day when you woke up you found both of them checking if you went home safely it was really sweet of them
Days after days weeks after weeks you developed a really good friendship
Months passed and you decided to go on a vacation it was nice to go on a beach trip after working most of the year right?
After a long trip everybody goes to their room and rest til the next morning
“Good morning y/n !!” A text from doyoung was sent
“ahh good morning doyoung did you sleep well?”
“Oh yes I did wanna head to the beach?”
“Oh yeah sure just wait until I get ready”
“Yeah alright then see you soon”
You smile at his text and go to change and get ready you wore your 2 piece swimsuit and did your hair and wore some sunscreen after that you got out of your room heading to the hotel's gate and met doyoung and Johnny there
“Good morning princess did you sleep well?” Johnny asked while smiling
“Oh yes I did , did you sleep well ?” You smile back at him
“Of course I did” he chuckles softly as you roll your eyes
As both men sit in the front seats you sit in the backseat
“i had to reserve the beach” doyoung says
“What ? Why did you do that there's literally nothing special about it” you ask confusedly
“Well that beach is really famous and it has alot good services so it was worth it y/n” doyoung says trying to convince you
“Yeah we will also stay the whole day there they has some house Infront of the beach so don't worry about it so much” Johnny added to the younger man's words
“Oh well…at that point it's fine I guess “ you can hear them both chuckles after about 30 minutes you finally arrived to your destination
“C'mon y/m we arrived” doyoung says
Johnny was more flirty than doyoung he always flirted with you it's not like you're the only one he always flirted with people it was something he does while doyoung was more serious while talking he didn't like being really flirty or anything but never complained about any of them it's their nature
You got out of the car grabbing your bag and tried helping them taking out the things they got but they refused
“Let me guess you didn't grab any clothes to stay here did you?” Doyoung asks you and chuckles
“And how was I supposed to know we're staying here? Nobody told me”
“Well luckily I got extra pajama in case something happened or whatever”
“Aww thank you doyoung “ you hugged him for few seconds and pulled out
“Anyways love birds are you ready to have fun?” Johnny says and rolls his eyes
“Oh stop Johnny you're not funny anyways let's go” doyoung chuckles and grabs few things like towels sunscreen sunglasses etc
You all headed to the beach it was fun Johnny tried showing off his skills but failed trying some tricks you saw on the internet it was fun you laughed talked time passed really quickly everyone got out showered and slept for about an hour
“Wake up sleepy head” you feel doyoung shake you off
“I'm awake doyoung” you said In a sleepy tone
“I can see that” he tsks as you feel his face closer to you
You tried to keep distance
“Are you trying to kiss me or what?” You ask jokingly
“Oh is it that obvious?” He chuckles and got closer to you, it was kinda surprising to you cause doyoung wasn't the type to flirt at all you panicked as he got closer to you
You felt his lips on yours you didn't know what to do that moment but you gave in and kissed him back you can feel his hands around your waist pulling your body closer against him as you wrap your hands around his neck the kiss last for few moments until you hear someone clearing his throat both of you and doyoung pulled out and looked at johnny awkwardly
“uhh well…Johnny it's not like th-”
“Wanna join us?” Doyoung cuts you off
“Oh well hell yeah dude you know I'm in” Johnny sits next you and now you're stuck between both of them like a sandwich
As you feel Johnny leans in and kisses your lips you didn't resist it this time you actually returned the kiss immediately after few moments you feel doyoung pulling you to meet his lips he kisses your lips passionately and gently you feel Johnny taking off his shirt revealing his toned body and tattoos he then pulls you to kiss him again as doyoung takes off his shirt as well , it was like a dream of yours you didn't fantasize about them before you alway saw them as some friends from work you never expected it to end up like that
Kissing doyoung then Johnny then doyoung again it kept going like that for a while until doyoung throws you on the bed as both of them take off their pants you take off your shirt and pants as well being only left in your laced underwear and bra they both get on bed and Johnny captures your lips in a kiss while doyoung kisses your neck you moan in Johnny lips and you feel your bra being ripped off revealing your breasts Johnny let go off your mouth and puts one of your nipples in your mouth and doyoung takes the other one in his mouth you rub your thighs against eachother as you feel wet you feel hands on your thighs taking off your panties carefully both of them inserts one of their fingers inside you you moan loudly as your eyes roll back due to the pleasure
“O-oh fuck I want b-both of you of fuck” you could barely talk due to Overstimulation
“There is no condoms in here y/n” doyoung says
“It doesn't matter just…just fuck me” you
“As you wish princess” Johnny says and looks at doyoung
“C'mon doyoung stop being so boring I know you're hard too” Johnny say as you hear doyoung sighs
“Fine I swear I don't know how this will turn out” doyoung finally gives in
They both get up
“You sure you can take both of us babe?” Doyoung says as him and Johnny settled between your legs
“Yes I can just please do it” you begged them
As you feel them in you already
“Oh fuck you're so tight oh my god” Johnny says his voice was much deeper and low
Doyoung was quiet moaning his moans was like music for your ears they both try to move in sync adjusting themselves as you moan loudly hips thrusting the sound of your moans the whole thing seemed like a dream to your vision was blurry as you can barely breathe you feel your release as your eyes close tightly gripping on the sheets as you feel their seeds in you , you moan loudly and roll your eyes they both stop and throw themselves next you on both sides and the three of you just fall asleep
You wake up the next day you found yourself sleeping by yourself you just go shower and head to the kitchen you found them both there talking
“Good morning y/n” doyoung smiles
“Oh good morning doie” you smile back and hug him awkwardly he returns the hug he usually doesn't do that something was wrong but you didn't mind it
“So me and Johnny were talking..and well would you want to be my…well our girlfriend”
You look at them for a while
“Oh well yeah sure you guys are great but can you both share” you chuckles and hug doyoung even tighter Johnny joins and you three end up making love on the floor”
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selineram3421 · 1 year
I'm turning some pain into a oneshot. Also I like this art on the merch.
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In The Morning, part 3🌹
Alastor X Sweet Reader Oneshot
Warnings? ⚠
⚠ fluff, kisses, hugs, soft Alastor, food mention, hint at cannibalism, domestic ⚠
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One of the rare moments in your afterlife, you woke up at the same time as Alastor.
"Good morning.", you mumble, slowly blinking your eyes to try having them adjust to the light coming in from the window.
"Good morning my dear.", he said, moving closer to you and placing a kiss on your forehead. "Shall we make breakfast?"
"Hm..", you hummed, still comfortable where you were, limbs tangled and all.
But breakfast didn't sound too bad.
"Yes.", you decide and give him a quick peck before sitting up. "What do you want to make today?", you ask.
"French toast?", he suggests, taking a hold of your hand and pressing kisses on your knuckles. "Or perhaps an American styled breakfast? Eggs, toast, and sausages or bacon on the side."
"What about you love?", you say and pull on his hand holding yours, kissing it before getting out of bed. "Huevos con chorriso? Or grits?"
"Let's see what we have in the kitchen.", he says before getting up as well.
After tossing on some robes and slippers, both of you make your way downstairs and head over to the kitchen, opening the refrigerator to glance at your options.
"We can prepare..", he mumbles, picking up the eggs. "Egg sandwiches, omelets, boiled egg, egg.. What are the flat things called again?"
"Tortillas.", you say.
"Yes, we can also make those egg burritos.", he nods. "Then there's the option of pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast.."
With a smile and a shake of your head, you make your way over to the coffee machine, getting the pot and filling it with water.
"I'll start the coffee.", you say.
After putting the water in and setting the pot back in place, Alastor brings ingredients over to the counter.
"I'm making beans and sunny side up eggs with sausage. Is that fine?", he asks.
"Mhm.", you nod and get the mugs from the cupboard. "Are you going to cook your meat separately?", you ask.
"Don't worry, I won't eat that kind until later.", he says and puts a large pan on the stove. "For dinner."
You put in the filter before putting in scoops of ground coffee, making sure to count them as you go.
Then there's music.
Darlin', if I sat down and I wrote a song
I would know where every word belongs
'Cuz I'd write my song about you
Looking over, you find the microphone just a bit away from the fridge, playing an oldie. The mic looks happy after you give it a wave.
When the coffee starts after a push of a button, you head over to your man in red, wrapping your arms around his torso and resting your forehead against his back.
"Want help?", you question, tightening your hold just a bit before going back to holding him regularly.
"I'd be grateful but I like you hugging me from behind. Stay?", he glances back, only seeing the top of your head.
You nod and stay, listening to the music and the sizzling of beans. Without letting go completely, you get the bean masher and place it on his waiting hand.
"Thank you dear.", the deer demon says and mashes the beans a bit.
When he's done with the beans, he places a lid on it before putting the flame on low. Getting out another pan, smaller for the sausages and eggs.
You let go and pat his back lightly.
"I'm going to make toast and get some avocado.", you tell him before making your way to get the bread.
Another song plays from the mic.
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
My Cherie amour, lovely as a summer day
My Cherie amour, distant as the Milky Way
You can hear him hum along to the song, a smile forms on your lips.
Cutting the bread, you make sure its not too thin before cutting out four more. You clean the bread crumbs off the knife before putting it away.
Putting the bread in the toaster, you push down the little lever and turn the knob to three minutes. On your way to get the coffee, you pocket a knife and avocado to bring to the table.
Alastor is almost done cooking, already on the eggs.
You pour the coffee into the mugs and put the pot back before going to the table, setting everything down. And making sure to get the items out of your pocket too.
Hearing the clinking of plates, you go to help, taking one from his hand.
"I've got mine love.", you say and peck his cheek. "Thank you."
Both of you serve your plates and get ready to head to the table.
Then the toast pops up.
"I'll get it, go sit down.", he says, stealing a kiss and the plates of food.
You blink and blush, turning to the table before he could see that he's made you flush so easily.
Sitting down, you make sure there's napkins for both of you.
Alastor comes with the plates full of food, placing them down and giving you your utensils.
The song on the mic changes again when you begin to eat, and as you go to drink your coffee, you remember about the cream and sugar.
"I forgot-", you start.
With a snap of his fingers, the Radio Demon makes the cream and sugar appear on the table, along with a small vase with a red rose.
"Enjoy darling.", he says cutting the avocado.
'Cause we've got a life of love that won't ever change and
Everyday love me your own special way
Melt all my heart away with a smile
Adding the cream and sugar the way you like it, you can't help but keep a smile on.
You really liked these kinds of mornings with Alastor, even if they were somewhat rare.
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I'm fine now, so don't worry. ❤ Song names in the tags.
~Seline, the person.
🌹In The Morning, part 1 , part 2.
@ducky-died-inside @willowaudreykeyes @c4rved-pumpk1n @stolas-thebirb @scary-noodlesblog @naelys-the-aster @bisexualboba @kiraisastay @+?
ML for Alastor🎙
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beanibon · 1 year
Can I request some post-canon domestic fluff headcanons with Vash? Cuz after everything he deserves to be a cute little husband to a loving doting spouse in a warm stable house.
Our Happily Ever After
Potential Trimax Spoilers! Though I will keep it as spoiler free as possible.
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You could only imagine how absolutely exhausted Vash was once delivered to your home, covered in grime, blood and sweat from the final battle. It shocked you, panicked as you held him close.
Vash was in a temporary coma for some time but the moment he woke up, looking at your sleeping form tucked up against him, he cried. It had woken you instantly, soothing hands cupping his face as you whispered sweet reassurances to him.
Those first few months of Vash awakening had been the hardest, yet you persevered for his sake. Through those months you were patient, caring and most of all loving. And that sparked something in Vash, as if he'd met you for the first time since he posed as Eriks.
That ring, created from melted down bullets looked so beautiful to you despite its rough appearance. You accepted without any hesitation, leaping into Vash's arms, kissing him as you cried out endless yesses.
Vash couldn't be more happy to spend the rest of his life with his amazing spouse, holding onto them, kissing them each morning and night, and forever being by their side.
You both ended up moving a little further away from town, not too much but enough to have your own privacy away from anyone that might pass through and harm Vash. It was peaceful and that's what Vash needed after 150 years of pain and sorrow.
You ended up taking an interest in making your own jams and chutneys, selling those to make further money from your small job as a waitress. Often dragging Vash into taste testing any new combinations you weren't sure of, able to read his expressions on whether he was telling the truth or not about how things tasted.
Vash took up writing, a suggestion you threw his way at keeping positive memories alive when he came to you crying about how he feared he forget those he cared for, along with the adventures he embarked on with them as time went on. So that's what he did, he wrote everything down, sliding some pages to you for 'proof-reading'. You adored anything he wrote, knowing that talking about these things would be hard, so entrusting you with reading them was something you felt honoured with fulfilling.
Vash grew out his hair again, often keeping it in messy ponytails when writing or doing any kind of work that required heavy concentration. You loved playing with his hair, styling it while he busied himself writing.
Vash has an adorable habit of pouting when he's in deep thought, pair that with writing and you have the cutest pout with a pen/pencil resting either on his chin or lip. Also wears the same glasses he used when disguised as Eriks, only this time getting special prescription lenses for reading.
The conversation of children has been a topic both of you have discussed in the past, and now that Vash is no longer looking behind his shoulder every second of the day, you've been considering it heavily.
Eventually you do have children, whether through adoption or birth. Vash doting on every single one of them, while you have to play the bad guy to make sure no rules are broken.
Three children you raised with Vash, watching as your husband slowly became a fourth as he was being scolded alongside your kids. But you didn't mind whatsoever, finding you couldn't stay mad for long at him or your children.
You couldn't have asked for a more perfect husband, watching as he went from the most wanted gunman to the most loving husband and father. It still pained you that it took so long for Vash to start properly healing, allowing himself to open up to someone enough to drag them along with his crazy life, but you didn't care.
You'd follow that man to the ends of Gunsmoke if you had to, forever the anchor he needs to keep going.
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marchiekana · 1 year
Greetings fella, I have way too many ideas and since I love your writing I'll drop some over time. Can I request an s/o with calloused and rough hands with some of the hsr ladies maybe Kafka, Stelle and Serval ? I don't know if you do Asta too, there isn't enough love for her she is so witty and sweet 😞
Hsr ladies with a s/o who has rough hands?? Count me in babes🫡
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This is basically a word vomit i did while speed running through my projects🤭
Kafka x reader
Stelle x reader
Asta x reader
✨ fluff, established relationships, women❤️, cuteness, reader is a fighter in Stelle's, and Asta's.
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(your a violinist in this.)(no questions asked. Shush.)
Kafka doesn't really mind it cause she has calloused hands too since she wields a katana (probably?) And she loves that your hands are calloused and rough because you play the violin. Shows how much of a hardworking person you are.
Also loves it when you play for her. As a certified violin enjoyer, Kafka would definitely ask you to play her a a song and would praise you for how well you play.
Holds your hands ALL the time. Clingiest women in the whole of HSR fr.
Will unconsciously play with your hands or hair while talking to you or doing other things. She just loves touching you all the time. Overall she's a touchy women so let her touch you (😏)
Stelle calls you and her as the "Power couple of the century" (self proclaimed)
This women is just absolutely, shamelessly, indefinitely in love with you (let me be delulu for a while pls) and so she loves every part of you which includes your hands too. As a fighter herself she too has calloused hands, and in her words, having rough hands shows how strong you are! Maybe it was her way of saying she loves your hands.
Will hold your hands all the time too(like mother like daughter) clingy women no.2 also shows off to everyone that your her lover. You don't see the point but oh well. Just let her go crazy(as if she wasn't already ❤️) the type of girl to boast about her lover and tell how great and nice they are .
Also loves how strong you are. Kinda relieved to know that you can keep yourself safe, but that won't stop her from protecting you.
This girlfailure probably doesn't even notice! But ofc you don't care. But really she does know how rough your hands are but just doesn't ask cause she knows it's normal for someone who fights
She's quite busy too so less time with you. The most time you spend together are in the mornings and night or when she has a break. It's sad but it's fineee you know how much she loves you.
Will also hold your hands when you're out on a date(which is rare af) and most of your dates consist of going to the museum or an aquarium!(you'd have to scold and stop her cuz she ends up spending too much money.)
On days you feel insecure of your hands or body, she'll always be right next to you. She'll say something cheesy like" this shows how strong you are, and how much you've practiced and improved in fighting love" with a geeky smile and a flushed face(such a girlfailure fr. I love her) Will try to take you clothes shopping but then again she bought you clothes just a few days ago. And a few days before that. And a few more days before that. And- well you get the point she spoils you rotten and doesn't even realise that she's spoiling you. Sugar mommy (unintentionally)
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Only wrote for three cause now I'm just tryna speedrun through my drafts cause I'm busy for the next two weeks. But ANYWAYS women + boobies=happiness (this is exactly why I'm single 😔)
© marchiekana do not repost, copy, translate or, plagiarize my work .
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helloimnini · 5 months
Don't waste your tears
Pairing: female reader X Ni-Ki
Genre: best friends to lovers
Warnings: female pronouns used, use of YN, mentions of crying
Word counting: 570 (if I counted well)
You were really excited when you got the invitation to Minji's birthday party. You perfectly knew that also your crush would be there because him and Minji are close friends.
You immediately went to take a shower and get ready. You put on a mini dress, you set your makeup then you ran to catch the first bus that would take you to the bar where the party was.
As soon as you got into the bar your eyes started wandering around the room, searching him.
You spotted your crush in the huge crowd of people - it's incredible how many friends Minji has!- and you immediately ran to him.
You didn't know someone was staring at you...
You were approaching your crush with a smile on the lips that faded as soon as you saw the scene. He was dancing. With a girl. And sometimes he kissed her. You felt your eyes getting teary so you ran outside the place.
You couldn't believe it. How was it possible? You've been liking him for almost three years, is it possible that he was so blind to not see that?
You couldn't hold it in anymore. You started crying, letting all the pains out.
But someone suddenly hugged you. You got scared at first, but then a familiar hand started patting your head... Also the perfume was familiar... You realized it was your best friend, Riki.
You hugged him back and continued crying in his chest while he said things like:- Shh stop crying..- or - does that boy mean that much to you? Cuz you should use your tears for more important things-
After some time you stopped crying and spoke:
Yn- I love you...
Riki- WHAT THE ****
Riki- Actually?
Yn- It might be...
Riki- Something more?
Riki- Hyung, I don't know what to do... After what she said... I actually like her too ..
Jungwon- Propose to her, no? Ask her to become your girlfriend!
Riki- Right, but how?
Jungwon- Ask her to come to the park, put there some decorations like flowers or balloons then propose. That's easy!
Riki- Ok I'll try
You noticed you got a text message from Riki so you checked it
Riki- Hey YN, can you come to the park?
Yn- yeah, gimme ten minutes
You just got into the park when you Heard a familiar voice: - Hey YN!-
You turned round to see Riki approaching you and saying: - Follow me! But don't look!-
He used one hand to cover your eyes and the other to guide you. You walked some time then he took his hand off your eyes.
There were balloons of your favourite colour everywhere and Riki was handing you a bouquet of your favourite flowers
Riki- I need to tell you something...
He started blushing
Riki- YN, I love you so much. But not only as a friend, it's something else. So... Would you like to be my girlfriend?
You immediately answered, 'cause after all he's the boy you want to spend your life with.
Yn- Yes of course!
His eyes lighted up, and you could see he was smiling in a way he never did.
Lil author's note: I wrote this after having a strange dream, I was still sleepy so I'm sorry if it isn't that good😅
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thania-keiji-gf · 2 years
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featuring by »
izana kurokawa ✓
inui seishu ✓
haitani rindou ✓
summary »
just a little scenarios about will some boyfriend!characters in tokrev give you a goodbye kiss before he's going to fight with another gang?
genre & time setting »
fluff, crack, comfort — night
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IZANA KUROKAWA -> always yes
"I'll send you a message after everything is done, don't wait me okay princess? Just sleep well and we will meet again tomorrow. Good Night, 'kay? Love u."
He's kissing the top of your head softly.
As a reflex little move, you close your eyes to enjoy the moment before he leaves.
Without him know your eyes lowkey saw Izana draw a small smile in his lips. It's warm your heart.
No need to concern anymore. You says that to your innerself.
If Izana promises back, then he will keep his promise only for you.
He's the best, never make worse your feeling whenever you're worry about him.
Izana know you're afraid something happen to him, but he always reassuring you everything will be fine.
He's the King and no one can touch him because he's the strongest.
Enough to make you don't too worry.
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INUI SEISHU -> absolutely yes
"Wait me, 'kay? Tomorrow as my promise, i'll pick you up to the Cat Cafe that you've been talk to me yesterday."
Then, Inui is kissing your lips.
And he's teasing you too, Inui doesn't forget to giving a little touch to your nose by his nose. So, soft.
Success make you giggles (cuz it's ticklish) and forget your concern, Inui sigh in relief inside his soul.
He's happy can see your smile before going to beating his gang's opponent.
Ah, the things like this that always make him want to comeback to you as soon as he can.
"Okay, now go to your bed and sleep. The time will come fast if you take a rest tonight. Sleep well, my sweet cheeks."
It's the 10 times since he's in relationship with you. How impressive. (Claps)
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RINDOU HAITANI -> no, but yes
"No way. That's such a clingy things. We'll meet again in the morning, dumbass. It's stupid for me to giving you goodbye kiss."
He says that as he's avoiding his eyes from your want-the-goodbye-kiss-from-him gaze.
Your eyes showing a bit gloomy expression, but Rindou doesn't seems like he wants to looking to you anymore.
He stay staring something that far from both of you position right now. Like tree.
Slightly, you're seeing a bit blush on his cheeks.
Knowing that's your chance, your lips draw a small smile into a seconds.
And then, you're starting whining and act like the innocent one (playing with fingers and pouting a bit).
"B—But. My Rinnie once says that his lucky charm to winning in the gang's fight is kissing me before leaving. You still remember that, aren't you Rin?"
Argh why the fuck with the soft tone.
Rindou hates his weakness that totally cause of you.
With a sigh, he just grab your jaw and giving a peck in your lips only for a seconds. But success leaving a soft feels in your lips.
You're chuckling with eyes-smile
"Thank you hehe. I'll wait you, Rinnie!"
"It should be from earlier, you dummy. Make sure you're take care yourself. I'm leaving, Good Night."
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— thania's notes
okay i'm feel dizzy when i wrote this. maybe there's some mistake because i don't check it for three times like usual. but don't worry, even tho i'm struggling when wrote this—i make sure i'm writing so careful to avoiding some mistake hehe. there's so many fluff too, isn't it? i hope y'all like this one >< honestly i was thinking to including mitsuya, but my head too dizzy to write more hehe—if i can, next time i will write another one with mitsuya there :D anyway sorry for grammar mistake that maybe i make without me realized, English is not my first language and i still learning it ^.^ hope you understand <3 see ya !
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quotidian-oblivion · 9 months
Fic Stats Game
Got tagged by @uncertainwallflower for this game and THANKS SO MUCH!!
Rules: Give us links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most bookmarks, fourth most comments, fifth most words, and fic with the least amount of words.
Most hits
My School’s Local Mafia Boss
I think the title really explains it all? But anyway:
Jason knew that attending a rich ass school was going to be the toughest and most mind-grating thing ever. His beliefs were confirmed when he got cornered by bullies on his first day. The only thing he was surprised about was that it took them so long to find the school's new street rat. Just as he's about to be punched, a fucking 10 year old (he's actually 12) steps in and... starts threatening the bullies? And they actually listen?? What the fuck???
And that isn't the only surprise that's waiting for him.
Yep, knew it would be this one. I'm so proud of it
Second most kudos
Sometimes You Have To Find Your Own Genes
Timothy Jackson Drake just wants peace. So far, it’s going well with his time as Robin and hanging out with Batman and Nightwing while the occasional messy, violent visits from his parents. But when a certain someone comes back from the dead and reveals the secret he was honing and hiding for most of his life... well, it basically all goes to shit.
The multichap fics have the most stats cuz... they're multichaps. They appear in the filters more often
Third most bookmarks
Phone Alarms
"Just imagine Jason recording Batman angrily yelling "Nightwing!" then setting it as the sound of Dick's phone alarm so in the next morning when it goes off he flips the fuck out"
Saw the prompt on Pinterest. Wrote this in one setting.
I'm actually really proud of this one, might reread it
Fourth most comments
Can You Deduce Where I Am Now?
As soon as he woke up after coming back from Titans Tower, the second Dick and Bruce stepped into the room, Tim had eagerly told them that Jason was alive and that he was Red Hood! They didn’t believe him, blaming it on lack of sleep and the haze being shot brought, but Tim was sure he saw Jason. Older, bigger, with a white streak in his fringe, but still Jason.
Tim goes out to find Jason to bring his big brother back home. Jason... Jason has other matters to ponder on before deciding to come back.
I love this fic!! I went through like three or four different plots before writing it right before posting it (i write everything before posting). And then Cyg came in and beta-ed it so that was fun!
Fifth most words
Let Them Be Siblings
After the Waynes burst through his door and whisk him away from his parents and their harsh belting, their plane blows up, leaving Tim an orphan. Living in the manor is getting a little suffocating because no one seems to understand that he still loves his parents. They expect him to just “get over” his grief and—
Tim can’t stay anymore. So he runs away. And meets two very interesting people.
Least words
Regarding The Workings Of A Zoo
Damian collecting a series of increasingly non-domesticated animals and naming them after his siblings.
A drabble for 105 subscribers on ao3 and 100 followers on Tumblr!
This is 886 words i cant write small stuff, i keep blabbering
No pressure at all tags: @sardonic-sprite @tristicorde @wakkoroni @foursixtwonineoh-pieces-of-lego
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pup-in-transit · 3 months
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At this stage post-op we are about three weeks out from the surgery. Things are healing fine, but not without some complications:
Wound dehiscence at the front of my canal. It'll heal on its own but kind of slowly. Plus according to the trans care nurse I saw it's likely to develop granular tissue, which is treated very easily but it's profoundly inconvenient nonetheless
Urinary tract infection. Search me how I contracted the fuckin' thing but we caught it early it seems. I was given some antibiotics at my last medical appointment, and I hope to christ they kick in soon cuz I had a fever of about 101.6 this morning. Cannot remember the last time I felt that physically weak and miserable. The other day I didn't have the strength to keep my legs prone to air dry properly
There's a hematoma underneath my vulva on my right side. It sounds worse than it is, and it seems to be going down on its own. Still, it is lengthening my recovery time for longer than I want, and it bleeds out of a pinprick sized wound on right side
Mentally I've been all over the place. I've been going through phases of regret and fear, which as I wrote about earlier this month I experience when I feel particularly bad. It passes just as i expect it too once the pain and dread stops. It doesn't make it any easier to deal with in the moment though. Sometimes you just have to ride the feeling out.
I get asked sometimes what it feels like to be cockless. The honest answer is that is that I don't know yet. I like how it looks and I love not having something dangle between my legs, but it still hurts. I won't be able to use my new parts the way I want to for at least a few more months. I'm still a little too swollen to find my clit too, and quite frankly I miss being able to cum.
I'm not fucking around with my health so despite all of the pain and fever I'm going through I'm still dilating on schedule four times a days and doing my hygiene routines as required. There are consequences if I don't, and I don't want to become complacent and stop. I've downsized to the blue and green dilators for the time being due to the pain caused by my dehiscence. I can always work back up to the orange one once everything heals up more. Right now I want to be sure that I maintain my depth and do so with the least amount of pain possible.
There's someone I follow online who has a Q&A section about their own gender affirming surgery on their social media who has a very salient point in one of the entries. I'm not gonna tag them and risk embarrassing them (but if you happen to be reading this please know that I think very highly of you!), but essentially their point was that, if you're asking someone if you should get bottom surgery of any kind, the answer is no you should not. Asking that means that you're still uncertain about whether or not it's the best decision. If you ask yourself if you want bottom surgery and the answer you come up with is "I don't know," that isn't good enough. For your own safety you need to wait until you are certain. That could take a very long time but it's still the most responsible thing you can.
I had several appointments with therapist and doctors in order to be sure this is what I wanted. When I am in my right mind I am confident in my choice and I don't regret it. You need to be sure you won't regret it too.
Anyway. My next appointment with the trans health care nurse is friday of next week. Luckily my husband is able to drive me since my brother isn't available this time and I really do not want to take transit for that long in order to get there. Ideally my UTI will have gotten better by then. I'll let y'all know how it goes.
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 9 months
OC Questions Tag
Thanks for the tag @annlillyjose!!!
Will do this for Changing States because JEREMIAH BOYS RISEEE!!
5 words to physically describe your OC (do you have a drawing? even better!)
hot, hot, hot, hot, hot (LMAO SORRY).
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am I WRONG (HE'S AN ANGELLLL - okay so angelic, sleek, fashionable, warm, beautiful <3)
Who inspired your OC?
Jeremiah appeared out of nowhere & isn't inspired by anyone! I was in Maryland when I created him during a writing sprint. He wasn't supposed to be a major character but the chemistry between him and Harrison took me by surprise that I had to keep going. I'll paste the first note I have of JJ under the cut (and the scene it turned into for those wondering about my drafting process).
Give me a song to define your OC
Changing States playlist HERE but one of the most important driving songs rn is Faith by George Michael because "oh but I need some time off from that emotion time to pick my heart up off the floor oh when that love comes down without devotion well it takes a strong man baby but I'm showing you the door cuz I gotta have faith" (waiting & the concept of faith are soooo important to CS!).
If I met your OC on the street how would they greet me?
Jeremiah is the WARMEST greeter in the world. He would def go for a hug after asking (UNLESS he knew you don't like hugs--like me!).
Can your OC be your best friend? Why?
YES PLEASEEEEEE my heart feels warm every time I think of him! <3 really generous, attentive but not clingy, deeply empathetic.
1 adjective and 1 noun to describe your OC
Gracious, gold. <3
Tagging @dallonwrites, @subtlefires & @encrucijada if u want (and an open tag!!!)
So a big part of the Moth Work drafting process occurred on my PHONE!!! As a teenager I didn't always have my computer on me lol (me in my 20s with my emotional support laptop lmao), so I wrote a lot of "scene skeletons" in the notes app. I actually envyyyy this process looking back because I RARELY think when I write now <3
But here's the very first Jeremiah note, though I did actually create him DURING the writing sprint (lol I love my brain):
At the motel Harrison becomes interested in Jeremiah. On their first night him and Lonan fall asleep only for Lonan to be missing along with the car the next morning. Harrison, distressed, is noticed by Jeremiah who is finished with his night shift. He realizes he’s distressed and asks if he’s okay. Do you need a ride somewhere? He asks Harrison. Harrison nods. They go to the Chinese restaurant and get the egg rolls. Harrison learns Jeremiah is a part time student at the university. He’s charming and wears a bracelet and has scribbly tattoos on his forearm. Harrison goes back to his apartment after breakfast and he fixes him a drink. Jeremiah puts on disco music and dances and Harrison is entranced by the way he moves. Harrison takes off his jacket and slings it on the back of the bar chair. You live here alone? My roommate is backpacking in Vietnam. He passes him his drink. How long have you worked at the hotel? Since I moved here. It pays the bills. Dance with me? Jeremiah asks. Harrison gets up and they move together, limber limbs. The music moves through his throat and the drink is good. He’s successfully enchanted by this boy.
The above note became three separate scenes, most of which is the penultimate scene in chapter 5 (Dead Disco).
"On their first night him and Lonan fall asleep only for Lonan to be missing along with the car the next morning.
The next morning when the light filters through the cheap lace curtains and the hum of the freeway harmonizes with the birds, Harrison wakes up to find Lonan gone. At first, he doesn’t panic—it’s easy to list solutions for his absence. It’s easy to check the bathroom and excuse the miniature bottle of shampoos sitting in place like pieces on a game board, the towels still folded, as Lonan being extra methodical. It’s easy to head outside to check if he’s on the porch with a box of cigarettes, and easy to excuse the empty space as a walk gone on too long. It’s easy to head to the lobby to check for a dining area only to realize there isn’t one. What isn’t easy is finding an answer for the missing car when he checks the lot ten minutes later.
early chapters MW lonan irritates me sm we should all kill him <3
2. "He realizes he’s distressed and asks if he’s okay. Do you need a ride somewhere? He asks Harrison. Harrison nods. They go to the Chinese restaurant and get the egg rolls."
Harrison continues fiddling with his zipper. He retraces the night previous, from check-in, to losing the car, to finding Lonan with the cigarettes, every word a curse, how of course he took the keys, how of course Harrison was too angry last night to notice. The sunlight scabs the ceiling of Greta, the parking space the car once idled in now empty. So many directions to turn—out of the front lot, the back, left on the main road, or right. Harrison looks back at Jeremiah who’s still fluffing his hair with the pick. “Is there a place close by where I can grab something to eat? Or at least a coffee?” he asks. Jeremiah leans back to grab another stack of those familiar coupons. He sets them down on the desk and says, “I think you know my stance on these egg rolls. I’ll take you.”
And the rest of the note (in JJ's apartment):
Disco isn’t dead. It’s all an illusion. This is what Jeremiah says when Harrison asks why he has a disco ball hanging from his popcorn ceiling. His apartment is small and decorated like it’s Paris in the 70s, broad windows, a dozen mason jars of propagated ivy. Harrison sits on a barstool at the counter. His head has stopped pounding because Jeremiah gave him Ibuprofen and a vat of hard candies to suck on. He currently mixes him a cocktail behind his kitchen island and it’s blue like Lonan’s eyes so Harrison drinks it without looking.    Harrison knows he shouldn’t drink around a stranger, but Jeremiah’s got a handmade bracelet and scribbly tattoos on his forearm so it’s hard not to trust him. Photo prints of hostels in Japan, statues in Europe, cathedrals in Paraguay decorate the walls in perfectly cut rectangles. Each is plumed with a dried flower and it reminds Harrison so much of Emily, he looks away, back to the Lonan-coloured drink. He studies the shot glass like it isn’t transparent, the grooves around the perimeter, the engraving that reads Cancun 1987. He loses Jeremiah’s absent swish around him and gets lost in the blue. The trifecta amazes him, how a colour as unnatural as this has manifested in Lonan’s eyes, his earring, this drink. He tips the glass back and finishes it in one go, and even though it’s strong of artificial blueberries, his mouth is tasteless. “You live here alone?” Harrison asks. The apartment overlooks the strip across the street and Harrison gets lost in it, the artificial signs like bad advertising, the neons ill, an influenza. When he looks toward Jeremiah again, his glass is refilled, and he can’t remember if he emptied it in the first place. “My roommate’s backpacking in Vietnam.” Jeremiah’s earring pings off the disco ball, and it creates a constellation on the ceiling. It could be Orion; it could be the Ursa Major. “You like the drink?” Harrison doesn’t want to say he tastes nothing, that he sees nothing but Lonan at the bottom of the glass at full retina, that he hardly understands the concept of blue. He is so numb when he stands that his feet meeting the hardwood feels like floating. Harrison slings his jacket off his shoulders and throws it over the barstool. Words enter and exit his mouth like gunfire, and he hears his heartbeat like the organ has moved to his eardrums. Jeremiah doesn’t comment when he twitches the nob on the radio, pooling through the channels. He doesn’t comment when Harrison lands on a throwback station brimming with the 80s, takes him by the palm and leads him under the disco ball. Jeremiah is intuitive and easy on the eyes, and this isn’t as difficult as Harrison thought it would be—he blinks Lonan away and keeps blinking.
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