#control your mindset
jordynbreeloa777 · 5 months
This document is by Solar which was a subliminal maker but sadly her page got terminated:( She really helped me change the mindset and become the master manifestor I am so ALL CREDITS GOES TO HER! ( I did not make this at all Solar did! ) { I HIGHLY RECOMMEND READING THIS, AND APPLY ALL THE INFORMATION STATED. LIKE FR. 💝 }
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saber-monet · 4 months
“They’re talking shit” manifesting technique
“Let them talk shit” Method
So this is the technique that I used, and still currently use as an over-thinker to manifest my desired reality and maintain my desired mental state.
So back in college, I was insecure. The type of insecure, where if I hung out with friends and then I left the room, only thing that would be racing through my mind would be the idea of them talking about me behind my back. Like Just talking the most shit and calling me out of my name. Granted these are the types of friends I had back then, I now know better.
So here was the pattern :
Every time I left the room, and I felt insecure about something I had just said or done, I would imagine them saying bad things about me or finding me weird of off putting. The things I would imagine them saying, would break my heart. So I put a stop to it.
And I recognized those people were not in the room with me and I was using my imagination to hurt myself .
I could have been imagining them saying anything because I have that power and I’m choosing to see them saying most terrible things about me. So, I made the decision to imagine them still talking shit, but this time it was about all the good things I wanted.
( you have to keep the same hater energy when you do this btw)
“Who does she think she is? Just because she has a great body and works out and is always in a happy state of being. She think she’s better than us. 😒.  she think she’s rich too. She only has about $100,000 in her bank account. The rest is tied up in the stock market and crypto currency. So she technically doesn’t even have that much money. 🙄”
“ she wants to be an influencer sooo bad .ugh, So what if your YouTube channel grew by 200,000 subs in less than 3 weeks and you’re getting amazing sponsorship oppertunities. So what bitch you ain’t pewdie pie. You don’t even have 1,000,000 subs yet . Pipe down”
So in those examples, I just affirmed a reality where:
- I great healthy body
- im in a happy/content state of being
- $100,000 in in my bank account
-I have plentiful bountiful investments/crypto currency
-my YouTube channel successful
-I’m getting great sponsorship opportunities
And because I used other people to affirm those for me, it’s a stronger self concept/reality. Because I’m affirming it in, first person, third person and second person( by default).
This technique works with any “negative” dominating emotion.
So if you were anxious or have anxious dominant feelings. Start affirming, anxious thoughts that you would WANT to have.
For example:
“I hope my professor doesn’t hate me for being more educated/smarter on the subject than he is 😭. Like I get he spent years in school studying this stuff, but it comes easy to me and surpass his expertise every time without fail. I hope he doesn’t think I’m trying to show him up😰”
“ I hope the bank doesn’t get suspicious about how much money I’ve been depositing into my account. 😥Plus I’ve been getting so much money this year from random sources, in such large amounts, I’m kind of worried that the IRS is going to get involved and make filing my taxes a little complicated this year.☹️”
So, in those two short sentences, you just affirm that
you’re smart,
you’re doing well in the class, and
you’ve been getting large amounts of money throughout the year, from expected and unexpected sources. 
Remember if you want it, you can get it. Try “under-thinking” , it’s easier than you’d expect. No matter what state you are in. If you were able to tell a consistent story about how you want to be, you’re good.
* when I use the word “negative”, I’m talking about the words you are using to describe the situation. Because by default every situation is neutral. It doesn’t become positive or negative until you choose to assign it a value .
Don’t force yourself to be happy, force your thoughts to tell a better story. One that wouldn’t mind living out and experience. And the only except thoughts that affirmed the reality that you want. From any angle. You have to learn when and how to work with your emotions. Emotions are only bad if you identify them as bad.
When you come up with any other examples, please, I would love to hear them. share them with me.
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ao3commentoftheday · 2 years
A few months ago, I posted about the term "proshipper" and how it had changed over time from meaning "someone who is in favour of the idea of shipping characters in the media they consume" to meaning "someone who is probably a real life abuser of children."
To say that there has been some definitional drift would be an understatement.
Anyway, I posted basically the same thing on tiktok a few weeks ago and today I got a comment thanking me for sharing and the commentered ended with the statement, "being an 'anti' sounds exhausting."
I've been (over)thinking about why 'antis' are they way they are for a long time now, and this really does hit the nail on the head for me. People who are involved in 'anti' culture probably are exhausted. All the time.
I've never been a part of that area of fandom, but from an outside perspective it seems like it requires:
constant vigilance over your own public behaviours
distrust in your friends because they might turn on you if you ever did something they considered "problematic"
fear that something you enjoy might actually make you a "bad person"
a near-constant state of emotional distress - either anger at what others in fandom are doing, moral outrage that is being harnessed towards harassment, shame over your own thoughts and feelings...
a need to police your own thoughts to ensure you aren't accidentally shipping something "wrong" or liking an "abusive" character etc.
constantly shifting goal posts for what is deemed acceptable or cancellable within your own community
constantly changing definitions of terms to suit the agenda of the loudest person in the room
immense pressure to abandon people you are close to if they are deemed unsuitable by rest of the group
feeling like you're surrounded by literal child abusers with nowhere to turn that's safe
If that doesn't sound physically, emotionally, and mentally draining then I don't know what does. Anger and outrage can be like a burst of adrenaline, but the thing is: anger and outrage, like adrenaline, don't last forever and when they run out you feel empty and burnt out.
So why do people go down this route? That's a great question, and I don't know the answer. There are probably various reasons, depending on who you ask and that person's particular background, but a lot of it seems to centre on the idea of control.
Controlling yourself. Controlling the people around you. Controlling strangers. Controlling the internet. Only one of these is possible, and if you don't know which one then take a second and try again.
It's not entirely shocking that a very controlling thought pattern is gaining in noise, if not popularity, right now. We're still in a global pandemic. There's political and economic uncertainty everywhere. Violence and discrimination are at extremely high levels. It feels like the world is going to shit sometimes, and like everything is out of control. And if you're a teenager, you have even less control over your life than the rest of us do.
I don't like the behaviours of 'antis' and I don't share their beliefs. But I do feel badly for them. I hope they find healthier ways to gain a feeling of control, and I hope they get some rest.
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 3 months
Oh for crying out-
Yall I'm so for real right now, if I have to see one more person say something like "a Lesbian can't date a Trans man, it's disrespectful to both identities!" I will lose my goddamn mind.
The problem here is that you are conflating "Lesbian" with "only likes girls" and Trans man with "guy who previously identified as a woman". And these are both true, however there is one very important aspect you forgot while piecing these together.
Sexuality and gender identity are both fluid.
You saw the labels and logically thought "well Lesbians like girls, therefore being interested in a Trans man would be invalidating to his gender identity". But you forgot that key factor. We don't choose who we are attracted to. It's what we've been saying this whole time while the hets tell us to choose straightness.
Nobody ever falls into labels perfectly. If they did, history would be much simpler. But nobody gets to choose the way they feel. This is how these labels were formed to begin with. You think there was always a word for Nonbinary? Nope. But people explored, they learned about themselves and realized they didn't fit the bubbles that were already made.
Hell, I've had a Lesbian friend confess she had feelings for me even while I was a guy. To look her in the eyes and tell her that she's not a Lesbian anymore, that she needs to find a new label because this one isn't for her? That is what's disrespectful to her identity, not her own feelings.
I'm not saying these words don't have meaning, they do. And the distinguishment between them is very important. But like all things, they are still fluid. There is a difference between man and woman but that doesn't stop yours truly from being here.
If the fluidity of these things did not exist, many of the labels you like to force people in would not either. And once we begin adding ridged borders to what dictates who people can be, we become the same as the people who would have us dead.
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thejournallo · 4 months
Daily Reminder:
We are little, tiny things on a rock in the middle of nothing, where around the nothing there is the super nothing.
Realize it, let it sink in, and go on about your day knowing that you can literally do "the impossible.".
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hometownrockstar · 11 months
i followed the aita tumblr blog (ppl send asks describing their situation n theres a poll to vote on whether theyre TA, its not reposting reddit aitas just to clarify) and theres so many of them that are "aita for having a thought or feeling" which is exactly what i expected out of a tumblr aita blog but also how many times do we need to unlearn the idea of thought crimes
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1introvertedsage · 8 months
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. ~M. Aurelius~
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ruth-t · 3 months
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You can’t expect to follow your dreams while watching other people’s dreams. Re-read that. Let it sink in.
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her-thoughts-zone · 5 months
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mystikvenusian · 8 months
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🫶🏻 keep doing it anyways 👑
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golohours · 3 months
smth in me is saying she's taking her time to pull up more bullshit and go "um actually he did xyz and abc so..... yeah no one did anything abt it wild" Or!!! she knows no ones going to be on her side after this so she's just letting it linger in hopes ppl will forget and if thats the case I got some news for her
i mean i am a little scared it’s heading in this direction but i am still hoping she’s reflecting on everything and talking to people [NOT HER “FRIENDS”] and maybe reaching out to george and/or dream privately to resolve things. but. idk that may be too optimistic.
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timetobelieveinmyself · 4 months
PLEASE STOP (for me). I want to get in your head for a minute :
Life is too short to compare yourself to others. Please, live your life, just for me. I believe in you. I know how long you have been thinking about it. You have to start doing it. Winner is not who wins, winner is who got a lot of failures and still going to his goal. Yes, it is hard to stand up from all these difficulties, but better trying than doing nothing. You are beautiful and priceless. I know how hard you are going through and everybody have tough days, when it seems that the world stops and you don’t want to be in it. But no. You want to be in it. You will get all your dreams. You will push yourself to do small things everyday to get forward and then few years later you will thanked yourself that you have been started today.
Please, remember these words❤️
Thank you, I am proud of you❤️
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aemiron-main · 2 years
many thoughts today and i promise this is not a vague about anything recent at all its literally just me thinking about things today but hot take: things that make you personally uncomfortable or are a personal boundary or trigger for you are not the same as something that is inherently immoral or harmful or shouldn’t be spoken about. sometimes these things overlap. sometimes they don’t. if something being spoken about or the way it’s spoken about makes you uncomfortable, that doesn’t automatically mean that it’s inherently harmful to speak about those things, or speak about those things in that way. sometimes it does! again, sometimes that overlap is there, but not always, and often, it isn’t there.
for example: not all discussion of disordered eating that isn't  “doom and gloom this is a completely serious topic that must be approached in a serious way at all times,” is inherently harmful, nor is it inherently romanticization. for me, getting away from that doom and gloom inherently serious approach was integral for me to be able to overcome it. i’m not saying that these topics should never be approached in that serious way, but rather, that it shouldn’t be forced to solely be approached in that way. and there is a huge difference between approaching something in a more lighthearted way versus active romanticization (hell imo  the solely doom and gloom approach feeds genuine romanticization and fuels the disordered mindset more than anything else ever could but thats a topic for another post).
im gonna make a full huge post abt this topic specifically AND the ways in which mental health discussions in general are often stigmatized and framed as inherently, wholly immoral/inherently harmful/inherently romanticization due to PERSONAL discomfort but these are just some thoughts for rn. 
if everywhere you go smells like dog shit, check under your own shoe. if every post about disordered eating or mental health issues or suicidality that you encounter/makes you uncomfortable comes across as romanticization to you, then maybe you’re the one romanticizing it. maybe you’re not as past your issues as you think you are. or maybe you just don’t understand what romanticization is and thats fine!! and maybe it is romanticization sometimes and you’re right!! but if it’s every single time something doesn’t align with you/makes you uncomfortable? avoid what you need to avoid! but don’t project those things onto other people and try to dictate their behaviour/the way that they discuss topics unless actual harm can be demonstrated, and even then, if something is harming your mindset personally or triggering you personally, that’s still on YOU to avoid and address and deal with, and is different from tangible harm as a whole. you needing to avoid something is not the same as that thing needing to stop existing. the call is coming from inside the house, quit accusing other people of calling you. 
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alightofrose · 7 months
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pastriesandsundries · 7 months
I need some close friends but. I suck. 😅
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carissa3mae · 7 months
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Hey, that thing that you're carrying that's out of your control? Let it go. You don't have to carry unnecessary baggage around with you. 🛍 If you can't control it, if it's out of your hands, then you shouldn't be thinking about it either. Save yourself the mental anguish, and let it go.
Trying to take control over every aspect of your life sounds easy, but there are going to be things that happen that you won't like: situations, people, changes. Rather than trying to control them, ask yourself how you can or should respond to them. 🤔 You may not be able to control everything, but you can control how you react.
Your energy is precious, so you should be spending it on things that are within your realm of control, like your mindset and your attitude. Trust that the things out of your control will have positive outcomes and then let them go. 😌
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