#but when i show my partner one of those what color do i give off style memes with personality traits
vicariouseyes · 9 months
#i know its the RSD and the fact that my meds have most likely worn off for the day#and i know it's not what he meant#but when i show my partner one of those what color do i give off style memes with personality traits#and he says none of them fully fit but one of them is closest#like#i asked which trait of the three listed under the one he picked didn't fit#the three listed for that color were gentle supportive and sensitive#his stance was that he didn't think of supportive as being a personality trait but based on a series of actions#i can see his point of view#but like#supportive is absolutely a thing a person can be in general my dude#now I'm just laying here thinking he doesn't think I'm supportive#which hurts if true because I've been nothing BUT supportive of him the entire time we've been together#but i know it's the RSD talking and his possible/probable autism being purely analytical and direct in that moment#and I'll clear it up with him tomorrow#just sucks to go to bed feeling out of sorts#he already went to bed though#and it's his birthday so i don't wanna get into a whole insecure semantic discussion rn anyway#idk why he has to be like that though#he's always so supportive and patient and kind normally#and highly intelligent and emotionally literate#but sometimes he just doesn't understand seemingly basic shit and puts his foot in his mouth#like bro#you could just have said 'uhhh i think this one is closest' and left it at that#it didn't have to turn into a whole thing#now my feelings are hurt for no real reason because i understand where he was trying to go even though i disagree#but if i tell him my feelings are hurt he's gonna feel like shit#I'mma tell him anyway#just sucks to have a miscommunication that leads to insecurity
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quimichi · 1 month
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warnings: weird fetishes, don't read if you're uncomfortable! Picked the most "normal" or tame ones-also, this is my view and visions of those fetishes
summary: Some rare, unspoken fetishes the characters have.
characters: genshin guys + harbingers x F!Reader
a/n: this is uhhh, interesting? I was bored, wanted to try something yk. I couldn't fit some characters into different fetishes, but you can idk--
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Being in life-threatening situations
Many say that the thrill of being caught is already hot enough, but it's not enough for him. He wants the adrenaline rushing through his body constantly. It's almost addictive...no, he is addicted already. Fucking you standing, so close to the edge of a cliff or at the edge of a building is good...but not enough. Having you choking him, or him choking you, being close to pass out, is not enough. Giving him head while driving, fingering you while you drive...is.not.enough...so what will be? ♡ Childe Wriothesley Scaramouche Capitano
cardiophiles are people who are, quite simply, in love with hearts. they enjoy and are aroused by the sight, sound, and/or feeling of the heart/heartbeat.
Whenever he holds your hand, his fingers can't help but wander to your wrist, feeling youe pulse. The beats inder his fingertips feel so intimate. Knowing your heart is beating, beating for him is almost to much to handle. And whenever you two cuddle and he's the little spoon, he'll place his head on your chest, listening close to your beating heart...oh how lovely you sound. Your heart beats so strong against his ear, he can literally feel it. ♡ Ayato Baizhu Dottore Albedo Venti
Exposing one's partner or images of their partner to others.
Oh, how he loves you and your body. Your pretty little head and soul. He's so sure many others will love you just the same (but never as much as he will). He takes pictures of you, has you as his wallpaper even. Lockscreen too! You know your tits are out, cum covered with your tounge sticking out. You're also aware your ass with his dick stuffed in your cunt is also somewhere in his gallery. And many many more. And he just fucking loves to show it off. No one is save, not even the mid 30s guy sittong beside him in the train. The nice grandmother buying her groceries. He'll accidentally or intentionally shove it in their faces, that you belong to him. And he belongs to you. ♡ Lyney Kaeya Itto Heizou
Females or femininity, regardless of one's own sex or gender identity
He'll pay you to get your nails done, you pick the color, shape, length, accessories, anything you want. You want make up too? Have his card and have fun, be wild, be bold, make a statement with that pretty face. No make up at all? Baby, you're such a beautiful woman regardless. You wanna have your hair done? Sure thing, tell him when the appointment is he'll drive you there. At the end of the day all of this and so much more is just for one purpose, to fuck you. He'll pull that hair, watch the mascara run down your pretty cheeks. Taste your lipgloss on his lips. Watch your nails looking stunning around his dick. A goddess like you, should step on a man like him. ♡ Diluc Pantalone Aether Kaveh Al-Haitham Pierro
A sexual fetish that involves people swimming, posing, or even drowning in water.
Dw he won't drown you-. You just look so elegant in water, how it hugs your body. How it makes your skin shine and glimmer, the droplets looking like little diamonds carefully placed on your skin by the hands of god himself. Not to mention how beautiful you look in your swim wear...It already happened so often you stopped counting after 20. You two having sex in water. Wheter its in a pool, lake, river or the ocean itself, he can't help himself. Heck, even you in your bathtub is a sight to behold. And if he had to be honest...maybe the bathtub is his favorite. Cause no one will see and hear anything, and it feels way more closer to you...♡ Neuvillette Freminet Kazuha Dainsleif
Had no idea what to do with these- Cyno Gorou Thoma Tighnari Xiao Xingqiu Zhongli
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pucksandpower · 9 months
Fit for a Queen
Stand-alone Charles Leclerc x Reader / Lewis Hamilton x Reader / Toto Wolff x Reader / Max Verstappen x Reader
Summary: all the ways that you partner loves to spoil you (a compilation of unrelated stories)
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Charles Leclerc: His and Hers
You’re parked by the side of a winding road, smoke pouring out from the hood of your old car. As you curse the bad timing, your phone lights up. It’s a call from your boyfriend.
“Hey mon ange, I saw on the tracker that you’ve stopped. Everything alright?”
You sigh, “Not really. My car has decided to give up on life. I’m stranded.”
There’s a brief pause. “Where are you?”
“I was driving back from that little cafe we love in Nice.”
“I’m on my way. Wait for me,” Charles says and before you can protest the line goes dead.
True to his word, in less than twenty minutes, a sleek black Ferrari pulls up in front of you. The window rolls down to reveal Charles’ concerned face. “Need a ride?” He teases.
You laugh, your worries momentarily forgotten. “Always showing off, aren’t you?”
He grins, “Get in.”
Over the next few days, he insists you borrow his Ferrari. “It suits you,” he often remarks with a wink. Every morning, you’re met with the thrill of driving that beast, the roar of the engine, the luxury of the leather seats, the admiring and envious looks from strangers.
It’s heady.
One evening, after a particularly long day, you return home to find Charles waiting for you in the garage. Parked next to his car is a red Ferrari 488 Pista, a striking stripe in the colors of your home country’s flag running down the middle.
“What’s this?” You ask, your heart racing.
“For you,” he replies with a smile. “Figured you needed an upgrade.”
You’re stunned. “Charles ... this is too much.”
He steps closer, wrapping an arm around your waist. “Nothing is too much for you. I love seeing the way your eyes light up when you drive. I wanted to give you that every day.”
Your eyes tear up, overwhelmed. “Thank you, mon amour.”
He pulls you in, his lips capturing yours as he presses you against the Ferrari. “How about we take it for a spin?” He murmurs against your lips. “And maybe ... christen the new car?”
A playful smirk tugs at your lips as you nod in agreement, “I can think of a few ways to show you how much I appreciate the gift.”
Lewis Hamilton: Knight in Shining Armor
“What do you mean they’re foreclosing?” Your voice trembles as you pace the living room of your boyfriend’s penthouse.
“I’m so sorry, my darling. We tried to keep up with the payments but after your father’s medical bills ... it just became too much.” Your mother’s voice is heavy with guilt and despair.
Tears sting your eyes. “We’ll figure something out. I promise.” You end the call, sliding down the wall to sit on the marble floor, overwhelmed.
A discreet cough interrupts your thoughts and you glance up to find Lewis standing in the doorway, looking concerned. You didn’t even see him come in. How much did he hear?
“Babe, are you okay?” He asks softly, approaching you.
You wipe away your tears, attempting to put on a brave face. “It’s just family stuff. I’ll handle it.”
Lewis crouches down in front of you, his fingers gently tilting your chin up. “Talk to me.”
Taking a deep breath, you explain, “My family’s house ... the bank is foreclosing on it. It’s the home I grew up in, Lew. All those memories ...”
He pulls you into his arms as you break down again despite your best efforts, “I’m so sorry.”
A few days pass and you’re doing your best to focus on finding a solution when Lewis calls you into his office. The floor-to-ceiling windows overlook Port Hercules but you barely notice, still lost in your churning thoughts. A series of documents are spread out on the desk.
“What’s all this?” You ask, curiosity piqued.
“Just take a look,” Lewis urges with a gentle smile.
You start reading and realization hits. The paperwork states that the mortgage on your family’s home has been fully paid off. You look up at Lewis, incredulous. “Did you ...”
He shrugs modestly, “I overheard your phone call. How could I not help? That house means the world to you. And all it took was a few phone calls to make sure your family could keep it.”
You’re speechless, tears of gratitude spilling over. “Lew, this is ... I can’t believe you did this for me.”
He reaches out, tucking a stray hair behind your ear. “I love spoiling you but it’s not just about luxury trips or designer clothes. It’s about making sure you and your family are safe and happy. Knowing I’m the reason for the smile on your face … that’s the best gift I could ever ask for in return.”
You hug him tight, overwhelmed by his gesture, and bury your face in his neck. “Thank you. This means more than words can express.”
He kisses your forehead. “Anything for you, love.”
Toto Wolff: Still Bejeweled
The ornate chandeliers of the luxurious Parisian boutique cast reflections from the exquisite jewelry on display. Toto’s hand rests lightly on the small of your back as you peruse the selection, clearly lost in the artistry of each piece.
“That will look stunning on you,” Toto observes as you admire a necklace with delicate diamonds cascading down, each gleaming brighter than the last.
You laugh, “I haven’t even tried it on yet.”
His confident smirk remains. “Doesn’t matter. I can tell.”
On impulse, you ask the sales associate to let you try it on. As it settles around your neck, you can’t help but be mesmerized by its beauty.
Toto steps closer, appreciating the way it lays against your skin. “It’s perfect. Let’s take it.”
You feel a flutter of excitement but reality sets in. “How much is it?”
Toto immediately interjects, “It doesn't matter, we’ll—”
“€290,000. From the Pluie de Cartier collection,” the sales associate replies with a practiced smile.
Your heart sinks. It’s astronomical. You gently take the necklace off. “It’s beautiful but not for me.”
Toto looks at you, eyes filled with an earnest plea. “Let me get it for you.”
You shake your head firmly, “No, Toto. It’s too way much.”
He sighs, a mix of frustration and understanding. “You’re worth every penny and more.”
You smile, touched by his words. “I appreciate it but I’m just not comfortable with you spending that much money on me.”
He nods, respecting your wishes, but the disappointment in his eyes is evident. After browsing a bit more, the two of you make your way out of the store, the necklace you both fell in love with left behind.
Life with Toto is a whirlwind of races, galas, and stolen intimate moments. The necklace, though unforgettable, fades to the back of your mind.
One evening, after a particularly lovely dinner, Toto guides you to the master bedroom you both share. The city lights outside cast a gentle glow and at the foot of your bed is a small red box.
Curious, you open the embellished leather to find the same necklace you had admired weeks ago. Tears spring to your eyes as you spin around to face your partner.
“You didn’t …”
Toto kneels before you as your shaky legs collapse backwards to sit on the bed. “I know you said you didn’t want it. But every time I saw it, I imagined it on you. I saw the glimmer in your eyes when you tried it on. It’s where it belongs.”
You shiver as he takes the necklace from your hands and gently puts it around your neck, his fingers tracing your skin as he locks the clasps together. “Toto, I ... thank you.”
He smiles, placing a tender kiss on your lips. “I just want you to have everything your heart desires.”
You lean into his embrace, the feeling of truly being cherished sending warmth through your whole body. “I already do.”
Max Verstappen: Jet Setters
You’re reclined on the couch, leafing through a magazine with one hand while petting Sassy with the other, when a sudden craving strikes. That gelato from Milan, the one you have whenever you are there with Max for the Italian Grand Prix. The mere thought has your mouth watering.
Seeing your restless expression, Max puts down his tablet and raises an eyebrow. “You alright, schatje?”
You sigh dramatically, cradling your pregnant belly. “I’m craving that gelato we had in Milan. Nothing else will do.”
He chuckles, “Are you serious?”
You nod, trying to suppress a smile. “Very.”
Without missing a beat, Max picks up his phone. “Alright. Milan it is, then.”
You laugh, thinking he’s joking, but within hours, you’re aboard a private jet, Milan-bound. The luxurious interior, plush seats, and array of gourmet snacks would be the highlight for most but your mind is firmly stuck on that gelato.
As the jet descends, the sprawling Lombard countryside greets you. Max holds your hand, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on your skin. “Anything for my girls,” he promises, placing a kiss on your forehead and then your belly.
The car waiting for you outside speeds through the crowded streets, bringing you to the familiar storefront in Centro Storico. The owner, recognizing you both, greets you with a wide smile and hands over multiple coolers filled with your favorite flavor that Max called ahead for.
Back on the jet, Milan a fading dot in the distance, you sit contentedly savoring each spoonful as Max watches with a tender smile on his face.
“You could have had any gelato in the world and you chose this one,” he teases.
You grin, “Just like I chose you.”
He leans in, capturing your lips in a sweet kiss. “And I would fly with you to the ends of the earth just to keep that smile on your face.”
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scented-morker · 11 months
Enha when their actress partner films with a hot actor
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jealous boyfriend enha! established relationship, actress reader, 1164 words, requested!!
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He pretends he's not phased at all
He knows you love him obviously, you spend like four hours a week crying and telling him how pretty he is and how much he means to you
But that was before he knew it was THE Song Kang
"Baby, he's literally the prettiest person ever!"
"You think he's prettier than me?" You pout
"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to"
Homeboy is SWEATING watching you guys film
Literally saying a hallelujah when there's no romance between your characters
But when you come back and tell him he was right that it was the prettiest person ever he gets mad about it
But he wants to be the only boy you think is pretty 😔
Won't let you escape his grasp for the next week
Listen he likes to act all confident, but deep down he is a little bit insecure about his looks
So when you tell him you're filming with one of the actors who made "worlds most beautiful" list
😐 he is not impressed
On the outside he's all "oh that's cool"
But on the inside he's screaming crying throwing up
Wears the outfits he knows make you weak the whole week leading up to it
I'm talking turtle necks, rolled sleeves, rings, all of it 😵‍💫
His masterplan is working, and you get so affectionate you don't even want to leave him to film
He lowkey feels so silly about being jealous when on a film break you bring your costar over and introduce him to "the love of my life Jay"
Literally SO POUTY
"Noooo, baby do you haveee to??"
Acts like it's the worst thing to ever happen
"What if you just quit your job as an actress?? I can take care of you!! I'll pay for everything!! You'll never have to work again!"
"Jake, I like my job"
"But I thought you LOVED me!"
Insists on going with you to set (also leaves a hickey on you that your makeup artist is very mad about 😭)
You have to ignore him the whole time you're filming because you know he's making those injured puppy dog eyes and you just can't handle it
He literally is hanging out with the actor during one of his breaks tho so ???
He's all "yeah bro you're awesome" so you think it's all good now
But then you go over to them and he gives you the most mind melting, earth shattering, blush inducing kiss ever right in front of your coworker
You will never recover
Tells you he's more attractive than the other guy 🤪
You tell him because you want to be open and warn him
But he's all "okay and? He's not better than me, why should I be worried?"
You're like wow my boyfriend is so mature and cool
But you realize very quickly that he is, indeed, worried
"Hey y/n, be honest. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?"
"Hey y/n, do you think idols or actors would make better husbands?"
"Hey y/n, do you think onscreen chemistry ever transfers off screen?"
"I prefer whatever color is currently on your head, you over anyone of any profession, and I wouldn't know because I don't need to worry about that seeing as how I'm in a very happy relationship."
He grumbles at your answers, mad you caught on
He's not one for pda but he does bring you a bouquet and your favorite drink to the film sight <3
The guy was one of his favorite actors!!
He was so so excited for you to work with him, until he found out he was your love interest 😐
"Sun, he's married." 😒
He boycotts the actors other shows 😭 whenever you guys hang out and watch dramas together he'll turn it off if the guy comes on screen
Eventually gives up on drama nights and makes you watch a bunch of enhypen performance videos instead
"Wahhh he's so handsome! Even more handsome then that actor, don't you think?"
"Yes Sun, you're way more handsome."
He's fishing for compliments but you don't care, willing to give him all the reassurances you have
You think he's gotten over it by the time filming comes up
But lo and behold... he's sent you an entire coffee truck with pictures of the two of you and messages about your relationship 😭
He wants SO BADLY to be okay with it 🥹
He was so supportive, celebrating with you when you first got the role and now coming to every filming that you have
Except he's noticed the slowly developing love story between you and the hottest guy on the show
So when you get the script for episode ten and read it to him he knows it's coming
"Oh, so you're like... gonna kiss someone else?"
You literally want to burst into tears, he's so precious and he looks like a little sad cat and just- 😭😭😭
"Yeah, but we've both been very open that we have partners! His girlfriend is on set all the time too! And you can totally be there when we film it!"
He shudders, "I'm not sure I want to"
But he goes anyway, and you introduce him to your costars partner
So now they're standing together, making small talk and looking away every time they say action
"I'm gonna need a drink," she mumbled after her boyfriend has to get his makeup fixed because of your lipstick on him
"Yeah, me too"
Listen, he is your number one fan
He’s seen every episode and won’t let you read him the script because he wants to find out with everyone else
He checks Twitter about it all the time too
So when soompi reports that there’s a new, very attractive guy on set— he sees it immediately
“Hey ynie~ can I come to filming with you?”
You’re so suprised, because he never wants to come with you
“Really? You’re not freaking out about it being spoiled for you?”
“I just want to be with you 🤷🏻‍♀️” he says it so nonchalantly like you’re not literally turning into mush because of it
So fast forward, your hair and makeup is done, costume on, and you’re finally getting ready to film
You’re on set while the scene before you is shooting, and your boyfriend lets out a gasp
“Who is that shirtless man over there?”
You look over and shrug, explaining the new character
“Why is he shirtless??” Man is so fixated on this
“He’s always like that.”
There’s been a shirtless actor walking around you all days of the week and you hadn’t said anything
Steps up the pda immediately, holding your hand during off times and loudly cheering for you during shooting
By the end EVERYONE knew you were dating
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
hi pookie can I get an mcyt with reader that bakes?? Like they'll just come in on stream and give mcyts a fucking platter of baked goods lol
-🎀 anon
oooo yes omg!! thank you 🎀 anon! <3 got the whole gang in here for this one LOL
MCYT ; "in my baker era"
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, quackity, foolish gamers, slimecicle, karl jacobs, & cellbit
warnings ; language, mentions of drugs
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"Hi y/n- oh, thank you, darling!'
literally has the widest smile on his face
shows off the goods to the stream
"do these have any drugs in them? me n charlie are trying to sell drugs, y/n. we need more stock"
you hear charlie screaming through tommys headphones, "we need the grain, y/n! we need THE GRAIN"
bro is munching away on those cookies holy shit
he feeds chat as well dw
"Oh, hi y/n/n. wh- ohmygosh, thank you!"
smiles and gives you a little hug before showing off the goodies to stream & his friends
"look what y/n made me! I can't wait to try these" He smiles looking back at you
"new recipe, tell me if you like them"
"will do!"
he gives you a thumbs up as he shoves his mouth full of the cupcakes
safe to say he's a fan of the birthday cake flavored cupcakes
"Hey babe! Oh, thank you!"
does a whole 360 of the plate for chat 💀💀💀💀
"Oh my God, these are so fucking good"
"guys, y/ns in their baking era. can you write an album about that? please become Taylor swift for us"
literally takes a picture as per usual and posts it to Twitter LMAO
he gets some fans to send you recipes you should try for a serious baking stream LMAO
"Hey love- oh, hi!"
all smiles and shit, he swears you have a sixth sense to know when people are hungry
"guys, y/n made me some bisexuality cake!" He giggles, showing off the tri-colored cake on the plate
he was making a video with harry, tubbo & tommy so everyone had their facecams on
it was like a three tier cake you made and cut out a slice for him
the inside was just the bi flag and the outside was plain white with some fun icing piper testing
he tries it and it's SO MOIST AND SOFT IT IS PERFECT.
there's just 5 raw minutes of him telling you how amazing this fucking cake is LMAO
"Hey, I'm streaming ba- ohmyfuckinggodthankyou!!"
does a 360 of the plate for the camera
"Holy shit these look so fucking good, thank you so much, y/n"
he's literally just streaming on the qsmp with roeir and fit and he like games and eats the damn cookies at the same time LMFAO
"Dude I feel like I'm high, these are so good, what's in this shit?"
you're just playing into the bit dw
best red velvet cookies he's ever eaten
"Hey darling, what's up?"
you hand him the little strawberry shortcake and he just looks at you like 😍😍
turns to his stream and shoves the plate up to the camera all happy like "Oh my God look what they made for me!"
he eats the entirety of it on stream and asks you a bunch of questions
like how you made it, where you found the recipe, etc
he shares it with you too 💔🫶
"Hi honey! Ooo, what's this called?"
"Chocolate mousse. it's a little thick because it's my first time making it but let me know if it's good"
she holds that little glass like it's her child
she tries it with a tiny spoon you gave her and she's like "oh my God this is amazing, y/n/n"
shows it off to the friends she's streaming with too
"send them more recipes guys, I wanna be spoiled with sweets!"
"thank you nikis viewers!! love you all"
when I tell you this man's face LIGHTS UP.
"you made me fudge? oh my God! I love you"
literally spends the next 15 minutes talking to you and gobbling the fudge down
"since when do you make fudge??"
"since I wanted to try" you shrug
"you should totally make some more... when you're not busy and if you want to!"
"Thank you y/n! everyone say thank you!"
"Hi babe! Oh my God, thank you!!"
literally jumping around
you made him a chocolate cake, and the icing was multicolored and you made sure to make it like karl themed basically
it was so cute omg
"guys!! look what they made me, I love my partner so fucking much!"
gives you multiple kisses before he gulps it down lmaooo
"Oh, hi y/n! thank you so much"
does a 360 for stream
"when did you find time to make this? I thought you were at work????"
"special treat" you shrug
you watch him run across the qsmp and go to ems bakery to sit inside and eat it 😭
he keeps you on stream for a while cause chat loves you n stuff 🫶🫶
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skullrockbi · 4 months
Eddie Munson’s Sex Dungeon, 636 words, rated T for language, Steddie fluff
Steve doesn’t always look at the tabloids, especially the ones about his husband. But this one caught his eye in the check out aisle. “Eddie Munson’s Sex Dungeon!”
Eddie having a sex dungeon was news to him. He picks the magazine up to read the article.
“We all know Eddie Munson is a dungeon master for Dungeons and Dragons, but rumor has it there’s another dungeon in this rocker’s life! In an exclusive interview with a close personal friend, details have been revealed of his basement sex dungeon.
‘Eddie asked me over to play a game, I didn’t realize what type of game he meant. I asked him about his partner and he told me I was too pretty to resist. I don’t want to be vulgar, but the night we had together was very passionate and kinky.’
The article included a picture of a woman’s hand being handcuffed by “Eddie.”  It was cropped to protect the source’s identity. Steve thinks if the source really wanted to remain anonymous she’d have a less distinct hair color. He knows those terrible and tacky highlights. The male hand closing around the metal had chipped black nail polish and one of Eddie’s signature rings. It was a convincing photo of you didn’t know any better. The unnamed source also shared a few snaps of the dungeon. Walls were covered in red drapery and there was a black velvet bench.
Steve refrains from cackling like a madman at the grocery store, but he can’t wait to bring this article home.
“Oh loverboy! Eds baby where are you?” Steve can’t help but use a sing-song tone of voice. 
“Sweetheart you don’t have to butter me up to help you bring in the groceries.” Eddie pulls Steve closer for a hello kiss. Steve starts to kiss all over Eddie’s face.
Eddie pulls him in for a deeper kiss before slightly pulling away. “I’m not letting the ice cream melt again.
They bring the groceries in and make sure all perishables are put away safely before Steve brings out the magazine. “Now Edward, is there something you need to tell me?”
He shows the cover proclaiming Eddie having a sex dungeon.
“Oh damn,” he replies deadpan. “The tabloids are onto my secret sex dungeon.”
Steve is giggling, “you have to read the article! Look at the pictures baby.”
“Is that my closet?”
“I mean we did have sex in there before.”
“Steve, this isn’t funny!”
“You’re right. It’s hilarious.”
Eddie throws the magazine on the table. “A stranger took pictures of my closet and is telling people I’m cheating on you.”
Steve points to the hair. “Not a  stranger.”
Eddie sighs, “I guess I need a new assistant again. Fuck.”
“You can worry about that tomorrow. Frankly I think right now what you need to do is take me to your sex dungeon and ravish me.”
“I can do that.” Eddie uses all his muscles to pick up Steve and throw him over his shoulder. “You can see my sex dungeon anytime sweetheart.” Steve chuckles breathlessly and smacks Eddie on the ass. 
Eddie tosses Steve on their bed and gazes adoringly at him for a moment. “Steve, you know I’d never cheat on you, right?”
“Baby, it was a silly tabloid story.”
“I know, but I just need you to know that I’m never going do that to you. I don’t like when those stories get published.”
Steve laces his fingers with Eddie’s and pulls him down. Steve presses a gentle kiss to Eddie’s lips. “I know you love me. Just like I love you. Now I was promised ravishing and a sex dungeon.”
Eddie gives his most cocky grin while pulling off Steve’s shirt and kissing the exposed skin. “Sweetheart when I’m done with you, you won’t be worried about our location.”
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itaipava · 7 months
— lewis hamilton as your boyfriend.
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he is the type of boyfriend who loves taking you everywhere he goes; if you can (and want to) he will be taking you to all the races. also to his favorite restaurant, his favorite park, favorite cafe, favorite record store, the house of his family and friends. he loves your company and always wants you around.
he remembers almost everything you like and dislike: which additionally makes him amazing at buying gifts, among other things like; surprising you with your favorite coffee or food, making playlists with songs he knows you’ll enjoy, giving your flowers in your favorite color with a little note with a sweet and thoughtful poem or a sweet lyric from your favorite song.
he always remembers your schedule or when you’re free: and calls you at those times because he wants to hear your voice. if not calls, then he likes to leave little voice messages; he loves to talk to you everyday, specially to hear about your day or what you did or gonna do. he also likes to talk about his day or what day he’s going gome (and almost ruining the surprise when talking about the gift he bought you)
he’s a smooth talker: he always knows the right things to say and mean them; he’s very open minded and hope you are too. he likes to grow and learn with (and from) you. he’s very sincere, but he knows how to say things; so if you say or do something he doesn’t like or appreciate, he will talk about it with you in a kind way with the intention of helping you and recognizing your mistake. and he honestly appreciate so much when you do the same to him. like i said, he loves learning from you, so when you talk to him about your boundaries or something he did wrong, he always say “thank you for telling me how you feel”. he really wants to improve as a person, both for himself and for you.
he always seems to know what you’re feeling - he’s good at noticing small changes in your voice, expressions, habits, or mannerisms, so “i’m fine” lies don’t really work on him. but, if you don’t want to talk about it, he will respect you 100% and will make it clear that if you need him for anything or if you want to vent or ask for advice, you can call him at any time because he will always be there for you.
he respects you a lot; your ideas, opinions, tastes and styles. he never judges you or laughs at you for something you like and appreciate, quite the opposite, he encourages you to do the things you like and even tries to take part in your interests.
he thinks a lot about your future together; about what your house would be like when you live together and the things you will do together. about trips he wants to take with you, about holidays and festivals he wants to go to with you, about your family and friends, about children... literally everything; he can’t imagine his future without you, in everything he thinks, you are there by his side and that couldn’t make him more excited.
he is very cuddly and just soothing and comfortable to be around; he’s so sweet and lovely with you that always makes your heart race. he loves to wake you up with hugs and little kisses spreads all over your face; you always open your eyes with a soft smile, he smiles back and says “good morning, love.” he likes to sends you sweet, little texts throughout the day to check on you: always making sure you’re healthy and eating well. 
he loves showing you off to people; he introduces you to friends and family with a big smile on his face, his eyes shining as he says “this is y/n, my partner”. he is so proud to be your boyfriend and you can feel how much he loves you.
he’s just so in love with you: he loves looking at you and doesn’t stop when you look back or get shy. he loves taking candid photos of you and loves being your personal photographer when you need. his wallpaper is one of your pics that he loves so much or one of the two of you that represents how much you two love each other. he loves talking about you or mentioning you in conversations with friends and family, like “oh, y/n likes that!” or “do you know y/n? my part er?”
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pippin-katz · 9 months
Alright, I have mostly restrained myself, but I cannot stay quiet any longer. There is a question that has been eating at me...
Whose fucking idea was it to have Henry (Nicholas) constantly grabbing Alex's (Taylor's) hair?!
Note: I'm adding this in after finishing writing this because this was supposed to be a relatively short post, and then it spiraled out of control, so if you want to listen to me gradually lose my sanity over this question, feel free to keep reading, cause it is admittedly funny lmfao
Another Note: This is me being overly sarcastic and hyper cause it’s funny for me to think about that situation. This is supposed to be a funny post. I said that at the end, but I’m adding it here too.
Listen, remember what they said about the intimate scenes: they were planned down to every detail. Remember what Nicholas said about having conversations with Taylor, Matthew, and Robbie about boundaries, what was okay, and not okay. Remember that they have A LINE IN THE FILM ABOUT HENRY GRABBING HIS HAIR (iconic).
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Do you see it? Do you see where this is going?
The hair pulling/grabbing is not random. It doesn't happen in just the New Year's kiss to set up a funny line later.
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It happens all the time.
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Even in soft moments, Henry has a hand in his hair.
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The hair grabbing gets its own shot in their love-making scene.
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Consistent small actions (twisting a ring, biting nails, drumming with fingers, etc.) are character habits. They're things that they do all the time, subconsciously or for a decisive reason, usually if you know that action causes a specific response that you want for any reason.
There's a coworker that drives you crazy, so you purposefully hum really loudly whenever they're in the room to piss them off. Your friend has a sensitivity to the color red, so on days you know you're going to see them, you avoid wearing it. Your partner has muscle cramps, so you massage their shoulders whenever you're standing behind them.
These habits usually start as conscious decisions, then gradually become subconscious, hence the term "habit". You've been doing something for so long or for frequently enough that you do it while on "autopilot".
I think it's pretty obvious why this action happens. It's because A: Henry likes feeling of his hair, and/or B: Alex likes when someone touches his hair. Note: This could be in any context, not just sexual; running fingers through it, washing it, styling it, etc.
Either you figured out what I am going to say, and you're wondering why I'm blabbering on so much, or you're just confused about where I'm going with this at all, so here's where it all clicks together.
When you have a character, habits are something you give them to give them more personality, more insight into their mentality through subtle things they do. It's something the director/writer/actor chooses to give to the character.
BUT - nothing in the intimacy scenes happen without being discussed and agreed upon.
This isn't like Nicholas fidgeting with the signet ring to show Henry's nerves. This isn't like Taylor frequently making little hand gestures (peace signs, finger guns, tapping the side of his glass, etc.) because Alex has undiagnosed ADHD and that's one way to physically imply it.
They can do those things without being told or given "permission" because it's their portrayal of the character, it doesn't effect anyone else, and small details like that are typically up to the actors, unless the director is incredibly strict.
That means that someone, one of the four of them, brought up grabbing his hair as a suggestion, and further more, Taylor (and Nick, but obviously Taylor's consent is more important in this specific case) was fine with it.
Think about it. Think about them sitting around a table discussing the kinds of stuff that Matthew and Robbie would want to see, and what Nick and Taylor would be okay with. Think about the fact that one of them was sitting there, and looked at the other three, and said: "What if Henry grabs Alex's hair a lot?"
And then the four of them had to sit there, and talk, in depth, about what that would mean.
Who... the fuck... said it?
Did Matthew and Robbie present it as part of the initial planning?? Or did one of them look Taylor and Nick in the eye and say it?? Did Nick throw it out there as something he thought Henry would do?? Was it Taylor??? Since it's his hair???
Cause it's not just like, running Nick running his fingers through it, combing it during some tender moment, like when Alex talks about his father being an immigrant.
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What the fuck were these conversations like?! I cannot think of a single way to have that conversation where someone wouldn't have to say something that would make me make me go UHHH-
What? So - Matthew's like "how do you guys feel about touching each other's hair?" -and they're like "what, you mean like running our fingers through it?" -and he's like "nah yanking it while you're making out"
Like... what do you say to that?! - "oh which one of us would do it to the other?" -and what, did Taylor fucking volunteer?? Just like - "he can pull my hair, it's chill" - WTF?!
Or did he suggest it in the first place, like they were discussing things that would that could be part of Alex and Henry's dynamic and he's just like - "he could pull my hair?" -and the other three just stared at him for a second, because wtf that's a intensely intimate action to suggest?!
Hair touching in general is really intimate, in like, every context, at least I think to most people, and definitely to me. Most people wouldn't just let someone, even someone they were friends with, start playing with their hair or touching their head. I wouldn't even let my best friend randomly touch my head; I would instinctually try to bite their hand off (not a joke). Maybe I'm a slight bit more touch-repulsed than most, but I feel like it's safe to say that the majority of people don't want their hair and head being touched, grabbed, or played with unless they say so.
And again, they do it CONSISTENTLY. It's not a one and done scene. It is an actual dynamic between Alex and Henry they chose to establish.
I'm looking at you four, Matthew, Robbie, Taylor, and Nicholas. I know it was one of you cheeky bastards that suggested it. One of you brought it up, and the rest of you were like "sure".
I will be forever haunted by this mystery, as I doubt I will ever get an answer.
Note: Please don't take this super seriously. I'm not trying to imply anything; I'm literally just joking around cause the concept of having that conversation boggles my mind lol
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cinnbar-bun · 6 months
Ruler of the Heart (Crocodile x Reader)
Summary: Crocodile is not a man who gives up easily. He’s not someone who just submits to others. He has to be in control.
That is, except, when it involves you, in which he is a helpless victim to you.
AKA: Crocodile is a big softie for his wifey.
Notes: Female pronouns for reader, MENA! Crocodile, MENA! Reader
Rating: G
Read on my AO3 here!
It doesn’t take much to make his eyes linger on you. Despite his stoic outer appearance, the ex-Warlord is hopelessly obsessed with you. All it takes is a snap of your finger and he immediately turns to you.
You are his oasis in the desert, the water that flows past his lips to save him from the overwhelming thirst he has. And to you, he is your king, your protector and provider who grants every wish of yours like a mythical genie.
His power, both physically and politically, is overwhelming and dominating. He doesn’t need to do much to make others comply. A simple command, a flick of his hand, and all issues crumble into dust.
But when it comes to matters concerning you, Crocodile can’t help but fall victim to you every time. From the dark, smokey eye makeup you wear, a bat of your lashes, or the pouting of your lips that are colored with the lipstick he purchased for you. From perfectly manicured nails, to gorgeous skin that glows from the oils you wanted, to the scent of oud in your hair from the bakhoor. You enchant him with your beauty, your voice, and your attitude.
Crocodile can’t help but think your attitude is the most beautiful part of you.
You walk like you’re a million dollars. Wherever you walk, everyone is immediately struck by you and your confidence. Your heels click against the floor as he stands beside you to purchase you another gold necklace for no reason other than he felt like. The grin on your lips is worth far more than the necklace he just bought you, he thinks.
You are so naturally charismatic and social, that others can’t help but be taken in with you. Crocodile, who wasn’t too fond of socializing, was taken aback by how you managed to make even Mihawk talk more during a meeting. But that’s just who you were. A laugh here, a silly anecdote there, and all were listening to you.
Crocodile also adored your loyalty. You’d go through hell if it meant saving him, and the thought warmed his heart in a way few things ever could. When other men tried to approach you, you blew them off with a snarky response and a show of your ring. When his colleagues or subordinates were pushing their luck, you stepped in to take control.
You were a true Warlord’s wife, in every sense of the word. You were the wife men could not even dare to dream of or even hope existed. You were his number one supporter, his partner, and closest, most trusted confidant.
But much like the ocean, while you were beautiful and strong, you also had your moments of devastation. Ah, you were passionate- but so, so jealous.
“Habibi, eyes over here,” you’d warn with that sickly saccharine tone of yours that meant he was pushing his luck. “Perhaps I should take those eyes of yours so they never wander again.”
Whether that was an empty threat or a promise didn’t matter- Crocodile loved it. “Ah… you know my eyes are only ever on you, my love. You already take my eyes,” he’d say the last part in his native tongue.
You were stubborn and didn’t take any disrespect- not even from him. Even when he was getting snappy, you never looked at him in fear or shrank back.
“I said-“ He snarled, raising his voice at you after a long day at work.
“No, no, no. Don’t raise your voice at me,” you cut him off with a wag of your finger.
“Don’t tell me what-“
“No. I’m not one of your men,” you placed your hands on your hips. “I did not marry you to be treated like your men. I’m your wife, not some servant.”
Well, he was angry at the time but he wondered if you knew how pretty you looked when you lectured him. He nodded, and then enveloped your smaller hand in his large, functional hand.
“I’m sorry, habibti,” he remorsefully said, kissing every knuckle on your hand. “I’m sorry. I was stressed.”
You kissed his nose back and ran a hand through his gelled, slick-back hair.
“We can talk about it over dinner.”
“Hm? What is for dinner?” He mumbled, pressing a kiss to your lips.
“Kafta bil-sanieh. It needs a few more minutes to bake,” you say then kiss him back.
“Gods, I love you,” he sighed happily, before lifting you in his arms. You smirk.
“Then you’ll love what is for dessert.”
“Which is?”
His smile widens as he peppers your face with kisses.
“Your words are honey on my heart,” he chuckles, showering you in more affection.
“You’ll bury my heart,” you reply back, and he twirls you around like a lovesick teenager.
It is times like these where he can’t help but let his boyish feelings of love and affection come out. No matter how hard the day is, no matter how shitty his attitude, he was always ready to hold, spoil, and adore you. He loved and worshiped you on his knees as his queen. His beautiful, radiant queen who managed to reinvigorate his dried-up heart full of life.
His heart beat only for you, only knowing what love was because of you.
How you could so easily tug at his heartstrings like an oud. How you could make this invincible, stone-cold man melt with a simple touch or a smile. How you held his life in your hands, and how he happily let you do so. Only you were the one who could make him so weak and mushy as if he were a young man again.
But his favorite part of when you were together was at night.
At night, the scent of your perfume lingered in the air and on the sheets. He could only sit and marvel at you as you removed your jewelry and makeup from your face while in your nightgown. While to you, it was just a nightly routine, to him, it was like seeing a masterpiece being made. Your makeup was wiped off with a touch of rose water, and you made sure your hair was taken care of. You noticed his stare from the mirror.
“Yes, habibi?” You curiously asked.
“Nothing. I’m just looking at a treasure,” he responded, tapping his cigar on the ashtray on his bedside. He hears your satisfied chuckle.
“You flatter me too much.”
“I don’t think I flatter you enough,” he exhales a puff of smoke. “Words cannot do you justice. Even if I give you the world, it still wouldn’t be enough.”
Your smile is contagious, obviously enjoying his dramatic proclamations of his love for you. You finish with your routine and settle into bed, and he inhales the scent of your perfume.
You rest your head against his broad and muscular chest, and he leans down to kiss the top of your head. You’re careful to not irritate his left arm as you listen to the pounding of his heartbeat.
Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.
The sounds that entered your bedroom from the window varied night by night. You’d commonly hear the winds blowing, with the leaves of the date palm tree rustling gently from it. Sometimes the chatter of people would make its way to you. But he could ignore those, in exchange for hearing your soft breaths as you slept. You looked so peaceful and happy when you fell asleep. You’d nuzzle closer to him, and he’d keep his arm tightly wrapped around you. He’d think to himself how he never thought he’d be here. You were never something he imagined would exist. But after you entered his life, you were his dream- his every fantasy made physical. From the best of times to the worst of times, you were there.
There would never be anyone else he’d rather serve as “husband” or “lover” to, than you. There would never be another who he could happily give his heart to and bow for. Only you. Because only you could ever be the ruler of his heart.
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mochinomnoms · 3 months
About the babies hiding in their parents i just think about how before going to work the twins need a check up so that they don't go to work with shirmpies in their hair
My reference is going to be so specific but there is this show/comics named Hilda/Helda (can't remember) but on one of the chapters her hair gets tiny cats? I can vividly remember Hilda's mom brushing her hair and going "Tienes gatitos en tu cabello!" (You have kitties in your hair!) followed by continued mews sort of that is how I feel like it would be like or just ruffling the twins hair and watching a bunch of tiny shirmps fall off lol
(for that person that recommended 31 minutos i wanna say that Azul gives Tulio vibes)
Ah! They probably have to have you clean them before they head off to work, just to make sure that they don't have any shrimp fries in their hair! It gets difficult with the teal colored ones, but the pink and red fries are easy to spot. You just gotta actually catch them, they're quick and slippery kiddos.
Floyd will just shake his hair wildly until the fries are falling out and giggling with their Daddy as they do. Jade likes your attention on him, so he'll sit patiently as you pick for fries one by one, dropping them in his hands so Papa can coo at them before bidding goodbye.
"But Mochi!" You say, "What about the baby eels?" Well, they're just as clingy as their fathers! They like to attach themselves to your tail and shrimp legs by your hips as you swim around and tend to your partners and fries. They chirp and click for attention, which their fathers return in kind. Though, you think amidst those clicking sounds, they tell the elvers to let go and let you swim in peace, as shortly after they fall off and chase after their fry siblings instead.
It's so cute when they're small! Just wait until they get bigger though…then their resemblance to the Leeches will be very obvious with the trouble they get into.
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skylarsblue · 1 year
this isn’t really a request or anythin’, just a thought. 141 havin to deal with a southern team member who only gets progressively more accented the more they get mad.
100% projecting here
pretty unaccented, American, whatever —> ✨ anger ✨ —> Memphis called they want their “oo-ol” back (translation: oil).
i have no idea if they’d be annoyed, charmed, or just confused.
✦141 + Los Vaqueros With A Southern!Teammate✦
(My first C.o.D request and it's for pEOPLE LIKE MEEEE, southern traassh! This my shit. Fair warning, I've never played one of these games cause I don't have a console, so if they're ooc, please tell me how I can improve writing them!)
✦Random headcanons, Southern slang, GN!Reader, Race neutral as well but American, implied to be Oklahoma/Texas style southern, aggressive cursing because I have the mouth of a sailor, a bit of Google Translated Spanish(forgive me), Rudy doesn't have a color cause I ran out I'm so sorry precious boy✦
✧Simon Riley✧
He's not real fond of Americans, admittedly. He's got a little voice in the back of his head that automatically associates Americans with betrayal, but he'll keep quiet.
He cringes at your accent at first. He's not fond of Americans, even less so of most American accents. It's a very thick drawl and after being in the team for a while, he'll tease you about it, telling you to "Speak English" like he does with Soap.
He shuts up when you bring up his Manchester accent being illegible sometimes. It's all in good fun though!
After proving you're trustworthy, he'll basically call you his "special American", to show you're an exception. He will never stop poking fun at you though, just as you do to him. Particularly when you say something intensely American.
"Look at her ass, out here pitchin' a bitch fit with a tail on it." "...What in the hell is that even supposed to mean?"
He'll give you one thing, you treat beef well, which he appreciates. Given he used to be a butcher's apprentice. Americans from the southern states know how to make a hamburger and we know how to cook a steak, that's like...the one thing we can brag about.
If you're like me and you dunk on your own country, he thinks those moments are really funny. Especially when you sound so American.
He probably enjoys you being angry the most. He loves it so much, he thinks it's extremely entertaining. Especially if you're a more small, non-intimidating person on the surface.
"Fuck off! Out here makin' a damn mess of the place, runnin' around like a chicken with its head cut off, wrecking my shit! I outta whoop yer ass!" "Should we step in?" "No no, let it go on a little longer..."
Probably tries to make your call sign something heavily American stereotypical, in a funny way. (ie. Bald Eagle, Stars(JILL!), Shotgun, etc.)
A bit hypocritical but if you have a farm with cows on it, he doesn't really wanna see them. His first thought his how to butcher them from years of training, and if they're not butcher cows, he feels kinda bad for thinking it.
Congrats! You're the only American Simon likes, aside from maybe Alex but I don't know for sure.
✧Johnny MacTavish✧
Laughs when you first speak. He apologizes but like, he laughs at you, I'm sorry.
Definitely asks if you have a cowboy hat, and he will lose his fucking mind if you do. The more cowboy shit you own the more he's entertained, especially if you wear them around base/on field.
He understands you super well but no one understands how or why. Johnny explains that it's just because he's good with accents. He'll hear weird euphemisms and, though it may take a second, 9 times out of 10 he'll get it.
"Fucker's so cheap I bet he pinches quarters til they scream." "What?! What does that mean!?" "Means he's a penny pincher! He's cheap. C'mon, that one was obvious, keep up, yeah?"
If you're a woman/female leaning, he'll call you cowgirl. If you're male/male leaning, you get the nickname cowboy. Non-binary/Genderfluid/Etc.? He calls you partner, and he'll always say it with a shitty imitation of your accent.
Asks you a buncha questions about American-Southern stereotypes to see if they're true. If they are, he gets really giggly about it.
If they ever have a mission in America, he'll insist you lead them everywhere. He likes seeing how you interact with people, especially if you're in a big city where some nutsos are. This man would have a blast watching you in a Waffle House. It's the only time he likes seeing you yell in public, thinks it's hilarious.
If you have any farm experience he's gotta see it. He needs to. I don't care if the farm is your great grandpa's and you haven't been there in a decade, you better take him to see the cows and tractors right now, immediately. Especially if there are chickens. He loves chickens.
He makes fun of your accent but he thinks it's really hot sometimes and he's very annoyed at himself for it. Particularly when you speak softly, trying to console/comfort him, slipping in a typical southern pet name.
"You alright there, sugar? Took quite a hit there. You need anythin', sweetheart?" "...I uh, uhm, ahem. N-no, no I'm alright." "Are ya sure, sweetpea? Your face is goin' redder than a tomato."" NO, I'M GOOD."
Manages to get the entire team to call you a southern callsign, whether you like it or not. He'll force it to stick. Most are animal-based too. (Cowboy/Cowgirl, Chick/Rooster, Bull/Heffer, Big Tex, etc.)
Your accent grows on him significantly. While he thinks you're very sexy when you're angry, he's really affected when you're soft and sweet. (bonus note; if you're faux sweet when you're mad? The whole "Oh...bless your heart" type thing? He's prolly gonna pop a boner, not gonna lie.)
✧John Price✧
He's not American but there are a lot of American things he likes, admittedly. Specifically, old western stuff, horses, ranches, etc. That whole aesthetic is something he's always enjoyed. He won't say it, but he has a particular fondness for your accent when he first hears it.
Doesn't understand you when your accent gets super thick but he thinks it's entertaining nevertheless. Unlike Ghost or Soap, he doesn't comment on it, because he doesn't think he has room to talk. Maybe he'd do it once and then you'd throw it back at him and he'd realize that...yeah he has no room to talk.
He's a calm individual but he will yell when necessary. But, what he finds admirable is when you jump in and yell for him. Like you can read his mind and he can save his throat, watching the people who were pissing him off jump back at thick southern curses being yelled at them.
"I outta jerk a damn knot in your fuckin' tail, ya fuckin' dumbass! Didn't ya momma ever teach you respect?! You ain't ever gonna talk to my damn captain like that again or I'll skin yer fuckin' hide!" "Ahem, thank you, sergeant, that's enough."
Buys you a cowboy hat if you don't already have one, for sure. Whether you take it as a genuine gift or you take it as a light jab at your roots, he'll get a lil' dopey smile if you decide to wear it. Gaz definitely makes fun of you two. Soap points out that Gaz also wears a hat religiously and he & Ghost start callin' you the hat trio.
Man melts at southern-drawl-spoken pet names. He truly does. Much like Soap, there's something about it that makes the tension leaves his body, though he's not really sure why.
"You alright there, Cap? You're lookin' bout ready to drop..." "I'm alright soldier, just need to finish this." "Captain, it'll be there in the mornin'. How bout a nap instead, huh? You can't go workin' yourself to the bone, hun. It ain't healthy."" ...oh alright, just for a bit though." "Sure, sugarcube, just long enough to have some tea."
He'll probably pick up on a few pet names and call you them. Whether you wanna take it as platonic or not, it's really just a sweet gesture that he wants to return. Pet names are kinda just...a staple of southern slang. It's part of the accent that he really enjoys, therefore he wants to return it.
If he ends up helping you with a call sign, it's going to be a really sweet & nice one. Or perhaps something that's from an old western he's seen. Probably based on something you've said before. (Sugarcube, Lasso, Hun/Hunny.) Bonus points if you get a super sweet name that doesn't match your stature, he thinks it's funny if it throws people off.
Piggybacking off the last one, I think it'd be real funny if your call name was "Sugarcube" and you're like...a 6'0"+ buff dude with a deep voice. That shit would be funny. Anyway!
If you own/live on a ranch or farm in your off time, he'll feel honored if you invite him to see it. Don't worry, he won't laze around and just appreciate the cute animals. (Looking at you Soap) He's got a little bit of experience with cows & horses, so he'll do his best to help you move the hay and such. Don't let him drive a tractor though, it's one of the few things he just can't do.
John doesn't play favorites, he's fair and precise to his entire team. But...off the field? ...you might get a little favoritism, he's got a weakness for bein' sweettalked through southern drawl. Don't let that go to your head though!
✧Kyle Garrick✧
Kyle doesn't care too much, he thinks every country has shitty stuff and cool stuff. He's a pretty big believer in silver linings. While America is far from his favorite country, and he knows the common trope of uh...less than tolerant people from the south, that doesn't affect how he sees you at all.
He does snicker at your accent sometimes, but only when you say something really aggressively southern. Especially making up random southern phrases that he doesn't understand at all. He finds it endearing.
"We just gotta haul ass and go tear shit up, run through like a buncha Tasmanian devils, right?" "...I understood...some of those words. Uh, sure, right." "We need to move our asses and fuck shit up." "Ah, okay. Could've just said that, but alright."
Thinks you're kinda scary when you're mad. He'll be the type to try and calm you down, but he understands if it's someone who deserves it. Not that he doesn't find your drawl fun to listen too, especially if someone was being an ass, but he doesn't like seeing you upset.
If the person you're yelling at was being a real big ass, he'll let you yell for a little, but step in. However, if you're doing condescending rage? Oh, go for it, do it all you want. He thinks it's hilarious.
Finds it particularly sweet if you're angry on the teams/his behalf. He can fight his own battles but he thinks it's a big sign of trust, friendship, etc. that you feel the need to defend him.
"Bless your heart, your brain ain't firing off on all cylinders is it, hun? Tsk, that's a shame..." "Excuse me?!" "You're excused, sweetpea. You're not gonna talk to my team that way, but you can turn your happy ass around and walk away. I ain't gonna have you disrespectin' the people who've been fightin' the good fight. Have a lovely day!" "How can you sound so sweet and yet so angry at the same time?" "Southern livin', sugar. Southern livin'."
Gaz is a bit of a foodie type, he likes trying cooking from any area he can go to. Southern cooking would...it'd be a new weakness for sure. A lot of it is unhealthy, yes, but he doesn't give a shit. It tastes good. Sometimes he thinks American food is an absolute sin and a disgrace, and he'll state it as such. Usually, it's stuff you agree on. Like bacon-covered donuts or fried butter. That shit's egregious. But things like southern-style chicken or rib-eye on a grill? You're gonna make him swoon with them roasted vegetables. Cooking for him is a surefire way to make you an unapologetic favorite in his book.
He won't say anything at the little jokes that people jab at you for your accent, but he will tell someone off if they say something that's clearly not funny and upsets you. Like trying to imply you're stupid because you come from Texas. (Speaking from personal experience) He thinks it's such a dumb thing to give someone shit over and he won't hesitate to say they're an idiot for trying to use it against you.
Hates sweet tea, I'm sorry. It's just tea but he can't stand it. He'll drink the unsweetened tea you make, but he'll make a dramatic face if he mixes them up. Something that you always laugh at.
He's great at driving basically any vehicle. Helicopters to mini coopers. He's never controlled a tractor before, but if you sit him in one and tell him the levers, it'll take him like...three minutes to get it down perfectly. Definitely gets a smug ass grin if you show you're amazed.
If he helps get you your call sign, he won't necessarily make it based on where you're from, it'll probably be based on a nickname, skill, or crucial event in your career. (Crash; you were thrown through a window, Hotshot; skill for sniping, etc.) But if he were to have one based on your southern ways? Sweet Tea, both for the fact you make it and the pet name you sometimes call him. (sweet pea)
✧Alejandro Vargas✧
Like Ghost, he's not super fond of Americans. His experience with most Americans are annoying tourists and Graves, leaves a pretty bad impression. He comes across unintentionally snappy when he first meets you, but Rudy will point it out, and he'll correct himself.
You aren't the annoying people he's dealt with and he knows it's not fair to say you are. Definitely talks shit on America though, and he'll honestly give you respect if you do the same. Since he's used to the kind of Americans that think being American give them a right to treat others like shit. He hates entitlement.
If you speak Spanish, he's gonna try really hard to not laugh at how your accent affects some words, but it's really hard. He means it in kind and if you're still learning when you meet him, he's proud when he hears you doing well in comprehension and sentences. Still, sounds just a lil silly.
He loves when your accent gets thick from rage, but he his favorite thing is if you speak Spanish in a rage, with your accent on top of it. It's a combination that fills his brain with serotonin.
"Eres un maldito idiota. ¡Tan útil como las tetas de un toro!" "Wha- Haha! What does that mean?!" "Did they say some super weird analogy?" "Si! They did!" "Yeaaah, they do that a lot."
He's notorious for having a naturally flirty personality, it's just how he's always been. Hence why not much phases him, but he does get a quite wide & genuine grin if you flirt back, making your accent extra intense. Especially with the pet names, another man who likes sweet words.
Thinks you having a southern call sign is really cute, especially if it's something your team calls you exclusively. He thinks it shows your endearment to your team. However, if your call sign is something you insist is only for friends, he'll get super giddy about being allowed to call you it.
If he were to pick? (Belle; Like southern belle whether you're fem! or not, Rodeo, and he might call you Americano- but like, in the coffee way. Like it's a sweet nickname, not just him saying your nationality)
Southern hospitality is something he is not used to. Again, bad experience with Americans. So if you explain all the various manners and nice gestures that are considered expected in your home state? He's completely confused, wondering why the Americans he's met don't keep that attitude up when they leave home.
Again, really likes it if you use southern pet names. Especially if you're trying to console him after a really tough day/mission. For some reason it really helps, like a cup of warm coffee on a cold morning.
"Aye, don't stress yourself over it, darlin'. Bad things happen that we can't control, you did everything you could and you were great at it. Don't let it eat at'cha, honey-bun." "Gracias, Bella. Lo necesitaba…" "Anytime, big guy. Now, you wanna see me try and fail again to open a de la Rosa without breaking it?" "Aha! How about I show you a trick to do it instead?"
Again, like Ghost, you're his special American. Gaz calls you his emotional-support American once and he thinks it's really funny, he'll call you as such every now and then.
✧Rodolfo Parra✧
Sweet darling man. He has nothing against you being American, nothing. But...he cannot understand anything you're saying. He's doing his best but he really doesn't know. He can feel his brain frying every time you bring up something super southern, trying to understand.
He'll have to lean over to your team to ask for a translation, anyone but Soap & Price will tack on an "I think, I'm not sure" at the end of their explanation. If he hears you use a phrase more than once, he'll add it to a little list of notes with the translation underneath it. Treats it like a whole different language. It's adorable.
Like Alejandro, he thinks it's funny if you speak Spanish with your accent. He'll keep a straight face because he knows you can't help it, but man is it fun to hear.
He's not very fond of a lot of yelling if he can avoid it, Rudy prefers disputes to be handled with calm words if possible. But he understands that sometimes it's necessary. Still, he'd want to try and calm you down if you're yelling. But, if you're just acting sickeningly-sweet, kind words that are clearly dripping with venom? He'll just watch. He thinks that shows you handle yourself very well and it's pretty attractive to him, not gonna lie.
"Awww I'm so sorry you're upset, poor thing. God bless you, sir, you have a lovely day. I hope that stick up your ass doesn't hurt too bad." "¡Soldado! No digas eso…" "Shh, sugar, it's fine. He wants to be rude, I can be rude back. An eye for an eye. Don't worry your pretty lil' head bout it, sweetheart." "Dios, a veces me asombras y me aterrorizas."
He's really hesitant about American food. It smells great sometimes but all he hears about American food is that it's greasy, or too salty, etc. Still, he won't deny any meal you make. He thinks it's rude to deny food unless it's something you're allergic to.
He ends up liking a few things, but he is biased to his home cooking. But if you start making his favorite foods, or somehow combine the styles in an honoring way? Oh, those are his favorites. He's particularly fond of American sweets though!
Please bake for this man, bake for him, I beg. Apple pie is an American staple for a reason and he'll jokingly claim he'll move to America if it means he can have apple pie every day.
"Rudy, that's your fourth piece! Ahaha, if I knew you liked it so much I woulda made ya more." "Ay, please do! ¡Fue enviado desde el cielo!" "Alright then, hun, I'll be sure to make you all the apple pie ya want."
Rudy really likes if you wear stuff like a cowboy hat. He's not really sure why, he just thinks it's really cute. If it's a staple of your whole look(like John's hat), seeing you protective over it, he thinks that's really cute. If you're protective of your cowboy hat but let him hold it/put it on his head to hold it, it's gonna fluster him. Even if your guy's relationship is completely platonic.
If you live near the border of Texas & Mexico, it makes visiting you pretty easy, so he'll have no qualms about going back and forth when off duty. He'll be more comfortable in his home but he won't turn down the offer to see your home, especially if it's a ranch. He's got a soft spot for farm animals. (Particularly goats)
If he has any control of how you choose your call sign, he'll likely pick something the same way Gaz does. But, if you have a thing about what certain people call you - like how only Ghost can call Soap "Johnny" - He feels really warm and fuzzy if he gets a special privilege.
(Translations; "Eres un maldito idiota. ¡Tan útil como las tetas de un toro!" - "You're a fucking idiot - as useful as a bull's tits/about as useful as tits on a bull!" "Gracias, Bella. Lo necesitaba…" - "Thank you, bella/beauty. I needed it." "¡Soldado! No digas eso…" - "Soldier! You can't say that..." "Dios, a veces me asombras y me aterrorizas." - "God, sometimes you amaze and terrify me." "¡Fue enviado desde el cielo!" - "It was sent from heaven!")
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cowpokeomens · 6 months
nicholas finger fucking you in front of the rest of the guys :(((( n theyre all degrading you for being such a slut that likes when her bf’s friends watch Oh my lord
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!! This started out as a headcanon then turned into 2.5k words. I'm not sorry, but I thought you should know.
It starts with a discussion. 
Nicholas, sweet boy that he is, always wants to make sure all parties are enthusiastically consenting before getting into anything. You’re the one who brings it up first- the thought of being watched, the thought of being watched by those closest to him. You had been hesitant to admit how much it turned you on. But Nicholas is nothing if not a devoted boyfriend who will do whatever it takes to make you come, so he gets to work.
Noah is the first to agree. You, he reasons, are objectively hot. He is, objectively, horny 73% of the time. It works out well, he thinks. The nice thing about Noah is that he helps set boundaries with Nicholas. Nicholas quickly realizes that he’s fine with them watching you, fine with them talking to you. But touching you? Out of the question. The mere thought of it gets Nicholas feeling feisty so he decides to save that for another time, after he sees how this goes.
He also realizes belatedly that he's not sure he wants all his bros to see his fully erect dick yet, so that part gets shelved for another time, too. There's lots of ways to make you come without fucking you, though, so he's not even sweating it.
Next up is Nick- who would be the most surprised at the offer, I think. Like, again, hell yeah, you're hot; But also woah Nicholas is sharing? Inch resting. Asks lots of questions about what he can and can't do, makes Nicholas realize that maybe...... Nick has thought about this before. He bookmarks that thought, Nick helps plot how they're gonna do it. 
Now Jolly. Jolly likes to watch and I'll die on this hill. I've seen this man on a stage, you’ve seen this man on stage, he has a commanding presence, okay? He very much enjoys the idea of watching a display, doesn't get too hung up on it being one of his best friends and said friend's partner, he's just down to clown.
So with the Avengers assembled, Nicholas gets to plotting. It starts with a cozy night in; There's wine, there's a movie, there's dinner. You're feeling loose as a goose, relaxing on the couch with your back against Nicholas' chest when he pipes up. “Remember what we talked about, about the guys watching?"
Um?? Fuck YEAH you remember!!!!
"Mhm" is your demure reply.
"Wanna try that tonight?" His voice is against your ear, kissing you softly there. You give it some real thought, wanting your answer to be honest, not clouded by worry or anxiety. Finally you realized that, yeah, you were ready, so you tell him so.
You could feel his grin. You didn't see it, but he sent off a quick text to the guys with your affirmative. "Color system sound good?" 
"Yep. I'm green. Obviously." 
He’d snort, hands coming around to tug at your nipple. It was just supposed to be a night in, so you were absolutely wearing the largest shirt in Nicholas' closet and a pair of shorts.
You’d arch into his hand as he rolled the bud around between his fingers, as his other hand would start tugging at the hem of your shorts, trying to get them off. Lifting up so he could pull them off, his hand immediately cupping your mound. You'd whimper slightly, grinding up into his hand as your eyes slip closed
"Good girl." He'd say sweetly.
"Good girl?" A snide voice repeats.
Your eyes fly open, landing on Noah's imposing figure standing in the kitchen.
"What kind of 'good girl' let's herself be finger fucked on the couch of a shared living room?" He questions as he fills a glass with water from the fridge. He's looking at you expectantly, waiting for an answer you don't have. You feel a rush of wetness at his gaze.
Finally he speaks again. "Folio, come check out the show."
Your cheeks turn crimson at his words, but soon Nick comes into view, freezing when he sees you. A smirk makes its way across his face. "Well, what do we have here?"
Your legs come together instinctively, trying to hide yourself from their hungry stares.
"Nope, open them up" Nick barks. "Noah got to see, now it's my turn."
Slowly, you open your legs back up for them, blushing profusely at the vulnerability. You could feel Nicholas' fingers back on you, stroking your folds softly. He went just a little deeper and you shivered, body arching into him.
"She's so fucking wet, dude." Nick said to Noah.
The way they talked about you- like you weren't even there- sent sparks up your spine.
"Of course she's wet." Noah said flatly. "Little slut likes being watched."
That made you gasp, grinding into Nicholas' hand again.
"Where's Jolly at? He'd get a kick out of this" Noah asked, still looking at you. 
"I'm here." came a lightly accented voice in the doorway opposite them. You jumped again at his presence.
"Take a look." Nick gestured with a nod in your direction. Jolly finally looked your way, cocking his head to the side.
"Not much of a surprise, is it? I mean, we all knew she was a greedy little whore." Nick shrugged.
Jolly nods. He's the first to speak to Nicholas. "How many times can she come?"
Your mouth goes dry. You can feel Nicholas looking down at you, then he speaks.
"As many times as I feel like."
You gulp loudly, Jolly giving you an evil grin. "Bit late to be nervous, pretty girl. We can all see how wet your slutty little hole is."
Your mouth is open, panting. "Oh, she likes that." Noah is smiling too, the kind of smile you see in horror films. "Likes knowing all her boyfriend's friends know what a dirty girl she is. How bad do you wanna come?"
Your chest is heaving, you can't even think of words. Nicholas slaps your pussy once, to get your attention, making you moan at the contact. 
"Stop being rude. They asked you a question." He pushes.
"I-" You stammer "I wanna come."
Noah rolls his eyes, Nick outright laughs at you.
"You can do better than that." Jolly finally says.
"Please" Your voice is barely above a whisper. "I wanna come so bad, please."
"The little slut does know how to beg, isn't that nice?" Nick croons at you.
They're all slowly moving closer to you, and you finally snap.
"Please, please, I'll be so good, please I wanna come-"
"That's better." Noah praised. "Now take off your panties. They look soaked anyways."
You were scrambling to yank off the garment before he had even finished his sentence. Before you could lay back down, Jolly spoke up. "Shirt too."
You felt your blush deepen, but did as he said, laying back against Nicholas again. "Color?" You heard him whisper.
"Green" you breathed, wriggling around, trying to get comfortable.
"Good girl." Jolly said before Nicholas could. 
You didn't have time to linger on that before Nicholas was stuffing two fingers deep inside you. Your back arched off his chest, a wanton moan escaping you.
"Christ, didn't ease her into it, did ya?" Nick muttered.
"She likes it." Nicholas said flatly, pulling his fingers out to thrust them back in.
"Oh yeah? Do you like that, slutty girl?" Noah asked you, sitting down on the edge of the couch.
You nodded profusely, canting your hips into Nicholas' fingers.
"Look at her go, she'd probably just fuck herself if you let her." Noah sneered.
"Let's try it." Nicholas said, halting his movement, fingers still inside you
You understood immediately what they expected of you, shame coloring your cheeks as you began fucking yourself on your boyfriend's fingers in earnest.
You couldn't fight back the moan that you made, hands coming up to cover your face in shame. 
“Hands by your sides.” Jolly commanded immediately. 
Your hands came down instinctively, fingers digging into your thighs as you looked at them all helplessly. 
“Think she could come like that?” Nick wondered aloud.
You could feel Nicholas’ smirk behind you. “Wanna see?”
He curled his fingers up inside you, aiming them just barely left, and- oh fuck.
“Fuck-” was your only warning before you were shuddering through your orgasm, walls clenching around Nicholas’ fingers. Your legs shifted as the waves passed over your body, toes curling. You were still panting when Jolly spoke.
You gasped, head swiveling around to look at each of them. Even Nick was grinning now, obviously pleased with the direction the evening took. Nicholas slapped your pussy once, again, directing your attention back to him. 
“Ask to come again.” He demanded. 
“What-” You were cut off by another slap, making your whole body shake with the stimulation. 
“Color?” He asked quickly.
“Green.” Was your immediate response. He kissed your temple once, then slapped your pussy a third time.
“Ask to come again.” He repeated. 
“Can I come again?” You whined.
A fourth slap. You could feel your own wetness leaking out of your hole, sliding down your thighs. 
“You can do better than that. Put on a show for our friends.” His words were directly in your ear, breath hot on your neck.
“Please, can I come again, please- I need it so bad, please-” You were a stuttering mess, wriggling around in his lap. 
“That’s a good girl.” Nick said approvingly, sounding smug. You didn’t have time to relish in your victory before Nicholas was rubbing at your clit, the slide of his fingers having virtually no drag amongst the wetness of your pussy. 
“The little whore is gonna ruin the couch.” Noah stated flatly, as if you weren’t about to lose your mind in front of him.
Jolly snorted. “Like you won’t be in here trying to wring out the cushions into your morning coffee tomorrow.”
“Fuck off.” Was Noah’s quick-witted response. 
You could barely hear them over the sensation of your clit being played with, the overstimulation pushing you so close to the edge. 
“She wants it so bad.” Nick said with a soft chuckle. 
“Tell Nick how bad you want it.” Nicholas’ voice was in your ear again. 
“So bad.” Came your hoarse response. “I want it so bad, please let me come again, please, I’ll be good.”
“Such an obedient girl.” Jolly praised. “Do you always do what you’re told?”
A shiver went up your spine. “Um-”
“No, she doesn’t.” Nicholas answered for you. “I had to practically fuck her through the mattress the other day because she didn’t get her way.” 
Your eyes glazed over at the memory. You’d been extra bratty that day, but putting you in your place was something you knew Nicholas enjoyed thoroughly. 
Jolly tsked at you. “Maybe not so obedient. Maybe you shouldn’t get to come again, if you can’t be good.”
“I’ll be good for you.” Was your automatic reply. Nicholas’ ministrations slowed momentarily, then he plunged three fingers into your waiting cunt. 
You came with a sound so carnal that it left your throat sore. You were shaking, whimpering, clawing at the couch beneath you as you all but convulsed in Nicholas’ lap. 
“Look at how her pussy is clenching.” Nick sounded amused.
There were tears in your eyes now from the constant stimulation. Nicholas was kissing your head, petting down your hair. “Color?”
“Green.” You whined softly. 
“Think you can ride my thigh?” Nicholas questioned, rubbing circles on your hip with his thumb.
“Yeah.” You responded, sounding pitiful even to yourself. 
“Three?” Noah asked, looking surprised.
You could hear the smirk in Nicholas’ voice. “She’s had worse.” He shifted you so that his thigh was nestled between your folds, the friction already causing your legs to quake. “Whenever you’re ready, baby.” 
You ground down experimentally, eliciting a moan from yourself that surprised even you. The glide was delicious, smoother and gentler than Nicholas’ calloused fingers. You knew you wouldn’t last long.
Still, you continued to ride his thigh, body on full display for the other three men in the room, who were watching you with rapt attention. 
“Feel good, slutty girl?” Nick questioned, sounding like he already knew the answer.
You nodded, unable to form a cohesive sentence. 
“You have a pretty mouth.” Noah said suddenly. “Shame to see it so empty.”
You shivered at his words, an idea coming into your head. Slowly, deliberately, you brought your hand up to your mouth, popping three fingers in and sucking deeply. 
“Poor slut needs all her needy little holes filled, huh?” Jolly goaded, eyes dark. You realized belatedly that all of them were sporting obvious bulges, pants tenting over their cocks. Nick was outright palming himself. 
While sucking on your own fingers gave you something to focus on besides the feeling of being set on fire, it wasn’t enough to fight off the tears of overstimulation as you grew closer and closer to your third orgasm. They rolled down your cheeks as you ground yourself further and further onto your boyfriend’s thigh. 
“C’mon pretty girl, give us one more.” Nick encouraged, sensing how close you were. 
Nicholas’ hands came up to your waist to help slide you back and forth on his thigh, fingertips digging into your flesh. Your free hand came up to rest atop his, as you popped your fingers out of your mouth. 
“Nicky, I’m so close, I’m-” You all but sobbed to your boyfriend. 
“Shh, I know sweet girl, it’s okay, let go.” He said soothingly.
“No, Nicky I- I-” You stammered.
Realization dawned on him. “That’s okay, baby, you can do it.”
That was all the confirmation you needed as you came with a sob, your slick squirting onto his leg in rivulets. You shook violently as you came, only staying upright due to his hands on your waist. Someone said “Holy shit.” but you couldn’t place the voice, overcome with pleasure as you trembled through it. 
You were still shaking as Nicholas pulled you down into his chest, rubbing arcs onto your back. “Good girl, you did so good baby, good job.” He was whispering in your ear softly. A split second later, Noah was there with a glass of water for you. You took it and gulped it down gratefully, giving him a small, “Thank you.”
Jolly was next, laying a blanket over the both of you, hands careful not to brush against you. You hadn’t realized you were shivering, and you were about to thank him when Nick handed you a sleeve of Ritz crackers, making you giggle at the gesture. 
“Thanks guys.” You gave them a small smile, tearing open the package and nibbling on a cracker. 
“Thank you.” Nick said with a bow, making you laugh again. 
“Seriously, I’m gonna go have some ‘me’ time and burn the last 2 hours into my brain so I can recall it when needed.” Noah said with a grin. 
“I was thinking of having a frame by frame storyboard tattooed on my back.” Jolly added helpfully. 
You snorted. “Guys, please no brain burning or tattoos. There’s always next time.”
They all froze, then spoke in unison. 
“Next time?”
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bvidzsoo · 7 months
Hi! First off I just wanna say how much I love your work! You are such a talented writer🤍 okay okay so for the Halloween prompt request, I was thinking maybe Vampire Seonghwa? (He's been plaguing my mind hella hard) with the prompts 3 and 22? I'm excited to see what you come up with!🤍
Thank you so much!🤍
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◆Vampire!Seonghwa◆ (pink haired Seonghwa has me in an unhealthy grip and it will end me one day)
↳3. Well, that didn’t hurt nearly as badly as I was expecting it to.
↳22. Do I look tasty?
A/N: Hii! Thank you for your kind words, it makes me happy to know people like my stories as I place a lot of time in them. I shall say that pink haired Seonghwa has me in a GRIP and I'll NEVER escape it, so uhm, I did a little something here, haha. I hope you enjoy this little one and requests are open until the 1st of November for anyone interested! Before you start the short story, I want to say that this was inspired by Vampire Academy written by Richelle Mead, so here's a little explanation for those who haven't read the books:
1. Moroi-are born vampires, imbued with the magic to have power over the elements;
2. Dhampir-are half-human, half-vampires who are born to protect the Moroi. Don't have elemental magic, but have enhanced strength and senses making them the strongest protection against the Strigoi;
3. Strigoi- are the type of vampires that one would expect from an old horror classic
TW: cussing, blood, very slightly suggestive?
◆Halloween Prompts◆
That damned pink hair could be visible from miles away. If his desperate need to be distinguishable by some feature wasn't enough, then his flamboyant persona certainly was. Park Seonghwa was absolutely detestable. It isn’t enough that he comes from one of the royal moroi families, which makes him incredibly famous, he also makes sure to remind everyone of his high status in the order by looking down on you while flaunting his riches, the arrogant smirk never absent from his face. I truly wish one day I'll be able to punch that perfect nose of his, even if dhampirs weren't allowed to hurt morois. I tried to keep the sneer off my face as I glared at the back of his pink head, a disgusting color if anyone asks me, as his loud laughter carried over the crowd. How was it possible that he could be heard over all the chatter in the auditorium? I felt a nudge to my side and my attention was off Seonghwa as I stared at my best friend, whose eyebrows were raised. She already knew I would be in a sour mood when I realized I was forced to breathe the same air as Seonghwa, but today was also the day we'd be paired up for our field trip. The dreaded field trip. Us, dhampirs, would be assigned to a moroi to protect for a week, totally left alone by our teachers and other guardians. Basically, we were forced to fend for ourselves for a week in order to show how capable we were in completing our duties once we graduated. I, on one hand, was ready. I was born ready; I knew I could do this. The only problem was that I didn't know who I'd be assigned to protect and the thought of having to possibly spend a whole ass week with Seonghwa was giving me a freaking headache.
"I think he can feel your glare, Y/N." Kazuha muttered as I turned to look back towards the front, Seonghwa’s annoying hair bugging my eyes again. I just rolled my eyes and ignored my best friend’s comment, thinking to myself, that it was only good if he felt my glare. Everyone knew I didn’t like Seonghwa, why try and hide it? The head teacher walked in holding a big paper scroll in his hands, stopping in the center of the auditorium.
“Quiet down, everyone.” Despite the authority in his voice, Seonghwa proceeded to finish his joke and laugh loudly as everyone else glanced his way, the teacher sighing before continuing, “I’ll read the dhampir names first and then the moroi they’ll have to protect for the following week. Changing your partners isn’t allowed, and if anyone does so in secret, they’ll be expulsed from the Academy, never to graduate. And then you can try and live a miserable life.”
I don’t think I agree with the teacher. Having to live without being surrounded by some annoying spoiled morois sounded like every dhampirs most secret wish. The teacher opened the scroll and started reading the names, most students looking content and even happy with their partners, but there was one problem. Park Seonghwa’s name hasn’t been read yet, and with my luck…my fate in this whole thing was slowly dying out.
“Lee Y/N.” I stood up straighter in my seat, debating whether to say a quick prayer, but the moroi’s name was already called, “Park Seonghwa.”
Fuck. I hissed and allowed my head to fall against the table, creating a loud bang as I groaned lowly. The people sitting around me chuckled, amused by my reaction, and probably thankful they didn’t get paired with Seonghwa. Lucky bastards. I felt eyes on me before I could lift my head and I braced myself for the conceited smirk on his face as I looked up, eyes connecting with his. Seonghwa was smirking, and as if to make things worse, he winked before turning around and ignoring my existence.
I would’ve done anything to avoid this moment. To avoid sitting in a car as Seonghwa was handed the keys to the Academy’s expensive Mercedes, as if he didn’t own at least two muscle cars back at home. God, I wanted to die. He opened the door and sat inside, head turning to look at me. My jaw was clenched as I looked straight ahead, refusing to look at him, able to see from the corner of my eyes the amusement written all over his features. God, if only I was allowed to punch him.
“Since when are morois allowed to drive?” I snapped as he ignited the engine to life, “You know the dhampirs are the ones supposed to drive around and shit.”
“I know,” Seonghwa shrugged nonchalantly as he backed out of the parking lot of the Academy, our head teacher and the dhampir supervisor watching us with hawk like eyes as I mouthed a small ‘please, save me’ to them, a displeased look crossing their features, “But I don’t trust a woman with driving.”
I scoffed annoyed, my tongue pressing against my cheek as I tried to hold myself back, Kazuha’s words ringing loudly in my head. ‘Ignore him, think of anything else and just stay calm. You can do this.’ In fact, no, I was certain I couldn’t do this, and we have barely left the safety of our Academy.
“Do you even know where we’re supposed to go?” I opted to ask instead, glaring at the radio as Seonghwa turned it on, browsing through the channels.
“To my family’s vacation house?” Seonghwa gave me a look which said, ‘are you crazy for even asking that?’.
“If that’s where you’re taking us, just pull over, and I’ll walk back to the Academy myself and sabotage my own future.” I groaned and allowed my head to fall back against the headrest. Seonghwa scoffed and gave me a quick glance as we turned onto the highway.
“You seriously want to live in a shady neighborhood in a dodgy apartment for a week?” He looked at me as if I was crazy and I closed my eyes, pressing the button to roll down the window. I needed some fresh air. Perhaps that would stop me from wanting to crash our car, which I was supposed to be driving. I’ve never driven such a luxury car, Seonghwa robbed me of another once in a lifetime experience…once again.
“Yes, Seonghwa, because this is a test to what our lives will look like very soon, you conceited idiot!” I snapped, finally breaking as I turned to face Seonghwa, “You might have everything handed to you on a silver plate, but I certainly won’t be living in a mansion or my family’s vacation home once I’ve graduated.”
“If you graduate.” God, I really wanted to punch that arrogant smirk off his face. I didn’t have to be top of my class to graduate. I was one of the best dhampirs at our Academy currently and I was needed as female dhampirs were rare. Unlike him, who was raised on a silver plate, he had no significance whatsoever if he was stripped of his title. He wasn’t even a prince, he was around fifth in line to the throne, so he really was unimportant. His skills were mid and unless he continued his family’s business, he was a no one. That brought a content smile on my lips and Seonghwa threw me an annoyed glance, probably able to sense that my thoughts weren’t the nicest. He didn’t say anything else as he focused on the road, turning up the volume of the radio, making me sigh as I relaxed into the car seat and closed my eyes. It’s not that I trusted him, but I had barely gotten any sleep last night as we threw a secret party before our departure. It was wild.
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            Four days had gone by and things were going surprisingly well. For me, at least. I quickly got familiar with the area and did my patrols regularly, keeping an eye out for any unwanted danger. I even managed to become friends with our upstairs neighbor, who was a nice old lady. I found mundane tasks quite enjoyable as I walked to the market each morning and bought fresh fruits and vegetables to cook later, and of course, since it was Seonghwa’s money, I enjoyed spending it even more. I finally managed to get that long deserved haircut and all in all, this test turned out to be a lot more manageable than I expected it to be. Living with Seonghwa wasn’t too difficult, surprisingly, as he stayed in his room almost all day, listening to loud music and facetiming with his other moroi friends almost every other hour. Hearing his boisterous laughter and awful jokes through the thin walls was rather depressing, but I managed to block his voice out as I turned on the TV in the living room and turned the volume up, hearing Seonghwa scream at me to be quieter, only to get ignored. Of course, things weren’t going constantly smoothly as he always found something to start a petty fight based on, but after realizing that my anger was only bringing him enjoyment, I stopped showing my emotions. That didn’t mean that I didn’t want to bash his head against the wall at times, I was just smarter and started hiding it. However, despite me living my best life for the past four days, Seonghwa seemed to hate it here. He would jump at the slightest sound coming from outside and the curtains would have to be drawn almost all day as his skin was specifically sensitive to sunlight. That was a thing I didn’t believe, but I didn’t want to try my luck and actually set him on fire, that wouldn’t only get me expelled from the Academy, it would earn me the death penalty too. I preferred staying away from that one if possible. It was one of those serene nights, where I almost couldn’t tell if Seonghwa and I were living together, but my heightened senses could pick up on his breathing, a thing which annoyed me, but normally was very good as I could protect the morois in case of danger. Earlier today I bought some red wine and condiments to cook some pasta as I missed the taste of it, the chef’s cooking back at the Academy is rather bland, almost makes you think she’s a moroi. I have prepared everything and threw the ingredients together, letting it boil before pouring the heavy cream over it, letting it simmer for a few more minutes as I stirred it. I was lost in my world, humming a song which Seonghwa had been listening to on repeat, when suddenly I felt warmth behind me and my muscle memory kicked in as I whirled around, grabbing the intruder by the neck and slamming them against the nearest wall. My grip instantly loosened around Seonghwa’s neck when I finally realized it was just him, his normally round eyes wider than I’ve seen them ever before.
“Don’t ever creep up on me again, Seonghwa.” I hissed, eyebrows furrowed, “I could’ve hurt you.”
“Isn’t that what you want?” The stunned look was gone from his face, replaced with an annoying smirk. God, I hated his stupid face.
“Yeah, it is.” I muttered as I released him and went back to stir my sauce before shutting the gas off, taking the pot to the table. Seonghwa followed after me and watched me as I sat at the table, pouring the sauce over my spaghetti. I grabbed my glass of wine and took a sip, humming at the rich taste of it. It was expensive, but then again, Seonghwa was founding me so I only bought the priciest things, hoping to deprive him of all of his money. It was impossible, but it still bought a little satisfaction to my heart.
“You cooked dinner and didn’t even tell me…” Seonghwa trailed off, face falling for a second before it became composed again as he walked to the cupboard, taking out a plate.
“I didn’t know in what mood you were.” It was clear, Seonghwa was struggling without blood. I might’ve hated him, but I knew a moroi, a vampire, couldn’t survive without blood. Yes, they were able to eat normal food, but it could make them sick for days even. Seonghwa hasn’t eaten anything since we left the Academy. Hasn’t fed since we left the Academy. I tried to convince him to come to the hospital with me and I’d take a few blood bags for him, but he refused and said he’d survive without this week. He preferred fresh blood, apparently. And the lack of blood was already showing its first signs, his skin was paler than usual and dark bags were slowly forming underneath his eyes. I noticed his eyes glowing red every now and then, but that wasn’t necessarily a sign of bloodlust.
“I’m starving.” Seonghwa muttered more to himself, forgetting that I could hear him. I paused chewing as he sat down opposite me, surprised that he was willingly sitting at a table with me. He’d never do that at the Academy, but then again, I probably would pour my food all over his head if he did. I pushed the spaghetti and sauce pot towards him as Seonghwa reluctantly leaned forward and inhaled, eyes widening a little.
“Oh, this actually smells really nice.” He muttered absentmindedly and my eyes narrowed as I analyzed him. Was he being sincere? He seemed like he forgot I was even sitting at a table with him.
“I probably won’t be able to eat much, my stomach’s rather weak these days.” He said as he looked up and placed some spaghetti and sauce on his plate. I nodded and continued eating, watching his face for a reaction when he finally took a bite. He chewed slowly on the food and his eyebrows furrowed before he gulped the food down. He just glanced up at me and wordlessly continued to take a few more bites, but stopped at the fifth one. He pushed the plate away and grabbed a stray glass from the table, pouring himself wine.
“That wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected it to be.” I was about to thank him, for the first time in my life, but he had to continue, “I didn’t know dhampirs are now taught how to cook. But then again…you’re a woman, you’re supposed to know how to do that.”
“If you don’t shut up I will push that knife down your heart.” It was an empty threat, but it felt nice saying it as Seonghwa chuckled and took a big gulp of the wine, eyes going to the bottle before settling back on me.
“Are you trying to bereave me of my money, Y/N?” He cocked an eyebrow elegantly and I rolled my eyes, leaning back in my chair as I was finished with dinner too.
“As if you don’t have more than enough already,” I scoffed and took a sip of my wine, “Since I risk my life to protect you, you at least can let me spend as much as I’d like—”
“Yeah, like at the hairdresser.” Seonghwa cut me off with a scoff, eyes narrowing, “Who even charges that much?”
“I might’ve left a bigger tip than necessary.” I replied nonchalantly and hid my smirk behind my glass as I took another sip, Seonghwa scoffing as he drank the contents of his own glass before pouring some more wine for himself.
A few hours later, the lights seemed to dance around me as I sat in the chair, leaned back and one leg brought up on the chair, hair pulled in a low ponytail as I was feeling hot. It was from the wine, I knew that, but I couldn’t help fan myself as Seonghwa placed another card on the table. It was red. I didn’t have any red cards, so I had to pick up one from the deck. If anyone told me four days ago that I would be playing some silly card games with Seonghwa while the both of us were tipsy, I would’ve laughed in their face and asked them to walk to the psychic ward. But it was happening right now and Seonghwa was winning, for the fifth time. I was getting fed up.
“You’re cheating, okay?!” I exclaimed and slammed my cards on the table as Seonghwa placed his last one down, winning again. He just chuckled and took another sip of his wine, cheeks slightly flushed. One would say he looked like a living creature for once. It was late in the night and we were supposed to be sleeping, but I haven’t done my patrolling duty yet and it was cold outside, I really didn’t want to go. Besides, I was tipsy, my reflexes were dull, and if a strigoi were to attack me, I probably wouldn’t get very far, let alone be able protect Seonghwa.
“I’m not cheating,” He scoffed, looking offended, “I’m just really good at this game.”
“Yeah, right,” I scoffed and rolled my eyes, “Like you are at everything else.”
“Of course, I am.” He smirked and flicked a stray pink strand out of his eyes.
“Then why do you refuse to go to the hospital and steal one or two blood bags with me?” I raised my eyebrows challengingly, crossing my arms in front of my chest. Seonghwa stiffened for a second before he leaned forward, placing his interlaced hands on the table and his chin on them.
“Because,” His voice lowered, as if he was scared someone was eavesdropping on us, “I only drink fresh blood.”
I scoffed, of course he did, he had the circumstances to, he was rich, “And why is that? Did mommy and daddy spoil you that much?”
That annoying smirk was back on his lips, “Yes, they did. I can’t stand the stale taste of blood; it makes me throw up. I like drinking it from the source, when it’s still warm and gushing, thick and rich and full of aroma.”
His eyes flashed red again and I watched as he licked his lips, suddenly the bloodlust obvious on his face. Perhaps I shouldn’t have brought up this topic, but I wanted to know the real reason. A vampire who was thirsty shouldn’t be challenged, but I was safe. It was strictly forbidden for morois to drink blood from dhampirs. And it would make me seem like a whore. But the alcohol was hitting hard and I was genuinely curious, never having talked to a moroi about this before, almost wanting to experience the euphoric feeling it’s said a vampire’s bite gives you.
“Do I look tasty?” The words left my lips before I could think much as Seonghwa and I made eye contact. I knew my eyes were glazed over with intoxication from the alcohol, but suddenly Seonghwa’s pupils grew in size as his eyes flashed red and remained like that. The ceiling lamp’s light falling on him made his eyes seem a deep red, swirling around almost in his round eyes.
“You or your blood?” Seonghwa’s voice was low and a strand of pink hair fell into his eyes as he stared me down. Suddenly, I felt glued to my place. He looked like a predator ready to pounce on its pray.
“Both.” I answered breathless, taken aback by Seonghwa’s sudden change of character. He was always so arrogant, so uncaring and so irritating, you’d never think he was capable of looking at you with such danger written all over his face and body. A vein in his neck was visibly pulsing and his hands tightened around each other, knuckles turning white as he inhaled deeply, eyes slightly fluttering closed.
“You smell like flowers, but it’s so—sweet.” His voice was strained as he blinked his eyes open, red glinting back at me as I straightened up in my chair, body suddenly flushing at his words. It was most certainly the alcohol making me feel like this, but I pushed my ponytail behind my shoulders, and I didn’t miss Seonghwa’s eyes focusing on my neck as I cleared my throat.
“Have you tasted sweet blood before?” I whispered, Seonghwa’s jaw clenching and unclenching as if he was fighting back his demons. He said nothing as he shook his head no and I sucked in a deep breath, making eye contact with him, “Would you like to?”
Before I could blink, Seonghwa was up on his feet and next to me, sending his chair to the floor with a loud clank, and I was hauled up by a grip around my bicep. Seonghwa’s long fingers dug into my skin with a bruising force as he sneered down at me, our height difference very obvious. He’s never stood so close to me before.
“You’re playing with fire, Y/N, stop.” He warned, voice deep and eyes flickering from red back to its brown color to red again. I bit my lower lip and stood on my tip toes, lips barely brushing against his earlobe.
“I know you want to bite me, Seonghwa, suck my blood—” What was the reason of my taunting? Probably nothing more than wanting to fuck with him. To finally see him so out of control and desperate, anything like the Seonghwa he always presented himself to be. And it was the alcohol, of course, because I would’ve never asked such thing of him sober. I was ruining my dignity at the moment.
“If anyone finds out…” His voice was horse as he slightly pulled me back, looking down at me, eyes trained on the smooth skin of my neck.
“Nobody will,” I smirked at him, barring my neck more for him as his eyes flicked back to red, “But you have to swear you will keep your mouth shut, Seonghwa.”
“Will you become my supplier, then?” That annoying smirk was back on his lips and I hissed at him, glaring fiercely.
“Don’t overstep your boundaries, asshole.”
“As if you aren’t the one begging me to bite you.”
“As if you aren’t the one desperate to bite me.”
That’s all it took for Seonghwa to finally give in, lips parting and fangs shirking as he opened his mouth more, locking eyes with me. I nodded subtly and my body tensed as Seonghwa slowly leaned down, closer to my neck. My breath caught in my throat as Seonghwa’s plush lips pressed softly against my neck in a small kiss before I felt them retreating and instead two sharp fangs poked against my skin. Before I could have time to rethink my poor choices, the sharp fangs pressed hard into my skin, making me gasp loudly and grasp onto Seonghwa’s shoulders as his teeth tore through my untouched skin, sharp pain erupting in the area as it traveled towards my shoulder and ear. My grip on Seonghwa turned harsh and suddenly I felt him pulling my body flushed against his as he held my nape, sucking on my blood. As soon as the pain came it was gone, the feeling of his fangs foreign as my eyes started becoming blurry, brain fogged up. My lips fell open as my whole body seemed to tingle, from head to toe, and Seonghwa suddenly moaned, lightly pushing me backwards until my hips were pressing against the table. The euphoria was becoming overwhelming as my breathing stuttered and I whined quietly as my head lulled back, knees feeling faint all of a sudden. Seonghwa moaned again, sending vibrations down my neck, my skin covered in goosebumps as I had to grab onto the table with one hand as the other still held onto Seonghwa. Dark spots started covering my vision, but I was unable to speak, unable to let Seonghwa know that he was probably drinking too much. But he must’ve known as suddenly, his cold fangs were gone from my neck, the cool air hitting the marks as Seonghwa’s nose nuzzled against my jaw, breathing hard. I gasped as my knees bucked for a second, Seonghwa’s arms holding me up as my mind slowly started to clear up. The fog was lifting, but just barely, as I squeezed my eyes shut, suddenly the light too much for them. I took deep breaths, the marks pulsed as I was finally able to close my mouth and swallowed, my throat dry all of a sudden. The dark spots were gone, but a slight headache started overtaking the haze, forehead lightly pulsing rhythmically. As I opened my eyes, I was met with Seonghwa staring down at me with lust coating his whole face, his red eyes shinning as he was breathing hard. Apparently I wasn’t the only one affected as my body continued to tingle, a different kind of want overtaking it. Seonghwa’s hand was still gripping my nape and my eyes fell to his plump lips, the inside of the still bloody. Coated with my blood. Something inside of Seonghwa snapped again as he leaned down, crashing his cherry red lips against mine, tasting like iron, nothing like the sweet taste he described. His lips moved against mine hungrily and I kissed him back with just as much fervor, fingers tangling in his pushed back pink hair, yanking on it when he pushed my lips more open with his tongue. His tongue slipped inside my mouth and lapped at my own, sucking on it hard, making me moan involuntarily. Seonghwa’s hands gripped my cheeks hard as my lungs screamed for air, but I was drunk on his warmth and passion, teeth clanking against the other. I bit his lower lip hard, making Seonghwa hiss before I released it, licking the saliva off my lips. Seonghwa went and clipped my lower lip with his suddenly shirked fangs. His breath was fanning my face, quick and hot, and all I could do was look up in his brown eyes and chuckle, pulling my head back slightly to free my lip from his assaults.
“Well, that didn’t hurt nearly as badly as I was expecting it to.” I muttered and Seonghwa smirked, leaning close again that his lips were brushing against mine.
“If you think you’ll ever get away from me after this,” He chuckled and shook his head, “you’re very wrong. Once we have graduated I will request for you to be my guardian.”
“Fuck you.” I snapped, suddenly glaring at him as Seonghwa smirked viciously, “You’ll never have me.”
“Oh, but don’t I already?” He taunted and pressed a soft kiss against my lips mockingly, making me wrestle out of his grip as he just laughed, “I always get what I want.”
“If you tell anyone that I—” Suddenly I felt too sober, suddenly I realized the weight of my actions.
“Oh, I wouldn’t want anyone to know about our dirty little secret, love.” Seonghwa chuckled as I walked away from him, needing to put distance between our bodies, “I hope you do know vampire venom is addictive—”
“Of course, I know!” My voice raised as I whirled around to glare at him, “One bite won’t make me addicted, though.”
“One or two won’t, indeed.” I didn’t like the glint in his eyes nor the promise in his voice. Something told me that this wasn’t the last time he’d come to me to drink my blood. Fuck, I just fucked myself over for a lifetime. Park Seonghwa always gets what he wants, and if he requests for me to be his guardian after graduation, he would get just that. It’s true what they say after all, curiosity killed the cat.
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Masterlist (divider) Next part
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venerablemonk27 · 1 year
I've done a lot of birding the past couple months and not a lot of posting, so I'm going back to our Tucson, AZ trip from April. I hadn't been to the Western US since picking up birding or wildlife photography, so I knew I was going to pick up a ton of lifers. One of our target species for the trip was also my fifth Owl species ever: the Burrowing Owl.
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[ID: A Burrowing Owl stands on a mound of dirt. They are facing left and looking toward the camera. The sun is low in the sky off to the right, which illuminates the right side of the Owl's face and their back, while casting the rest in shadow. They have striking yellow eyes and a furrowed brow that gives them the appearance of a permanent scowl. Their oval-shaped head transitions naturally into a slender cylindrical body covered in mottled tan and white feathers. About half the bird's height is body and folded wings, with two naked grey legs planted on the ground. End ID]
This was the morning we had picked for me to do some solo birding, so I drove out to a spot west of Tucson where eBird indicated that Burrowing Owls were likely to appear. It was just after sunrise when I found the road cutting between farm fields where the Owls were reported. I drove slowly down the side of the road in my rented Dodge Charger, stopping occasionally to inspect a suspicious clump of dirt with my binoculars. I had not seen any sign of the Owls when a Land Rover pulled up behind me. A group of three folks in their 60s with binoculars piled out of car, clearly more birders here to do exactly what I was doing.
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[ID: A Burrowing Owl stands on a mound of dirt, facing the camera. The sun is still low in the sky, but now the bird's face and chest are more brightly lit, showing the transition in feather colors from tan to mottled tan to white as they progress downward from collar to belly.]
They introduced themselves as coming from the UK, and had been visiting Arizona for several weeks in search of all the unique birds the state could offer. The driver was particularly puzzled about the location of the Owls, saying he was "absolutely foxed" that this place with no real habitat could host Burrowing Owls. I showed him the recent sightings on eBird and explained that it was possible the birds just hadn't emerged from their burrows yet.
After another 15 minutes of searching the fields, I offered to lead them to an alternate site nearby. We got in our cars and slowly drove back the way we had come. Just as we were approaching the end of the road, I spotted a small tan creature standing right on the edge of the irrigation ditch along the near side of the field. A Burrowing Owl! I swung the Charger around and flagged down my companions, who had also spotted the Owl.
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[ID: A pair of Burrowing Owls stand on a mound of dirt. The one in the foreground looks decidedly sleepier and plumper than the one in the background (seen in previous images). Both Owls are similar in coloration, but the one in the foreground has an aluminum leg band for identifying them. End ID]
We got out to take a look and grab some photos from long distance, then slowly crept forward with my Charger as a rolling blind. There turned out to be four Owls spread out along the irrigation ditch, likely close to their burrows which were out of sight. They were surprisingly unbothered by the cars rolling up to them, probably because they see trucks and farm vehicles driving past all day every day. Once we were directly across the irrigation ditch from the closest pair, I climbed into the passenger seat to take some better photosm. Mostly the Owls just stood on their tiny hill and looked around. Though I did witness one of the pair above fly down to pounce on a grasshopper, then return to feed it to their partner.
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[ID: A pair of Burrowing Owls stand on a mound of dirt. This photo was taken midday, with the sun directly overhead. At least one of these individuals is different from those above, as they have two leg bands instead of one. It's also apparent in the photo that the Owls are standing at the edge of a farm field from the row of green plants out of focus in the background. End ID]
I had such a great view of the Burrowing Owls that I had to bring my family back to see them on our last day in Tucson. Because we were heading out of town in the middle of the day, I was confident we'd find them right away and avoid testing the patience of my kid. It turns out I didn't have to worry. Not only were the Owls right where I left them, but the kid had fallen asleep on the drive, so we had to wake him up to see them! And seeing as I already had the camera within easy reach, I had to take a few more photos.
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[ID: A Burrowing Owl stands on a mound of dirt. This one is looking alert in the midday sun, standing and scanning the area around the edge of the farm field. End ID]
On a trip full of exciting views, long hikes, and thousands of photos, it was nice to finish the trip quietly sitting in the car just a few yards away from such a compelling bird. And it always feels good to track down a lifer and share that experience with others!
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arueternity · 1 month
IV's ABC's
PAIRING - IV x reader, IV x polyves (Briefly mentioned)
WARNING - NSFW! Rough sex, Cum feeding/eating, primal play, blood play, knife play, slight virginity kink (?)
AUTHOR'S NOTE - I totally meant to post this earlier but I didn't. Anyway, my IV is a mix of shy but a huge flirt. Wanted him to slowly gain his confidence... Plus include my primal IV fic
WORD COUNT - 1,087
Master List
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❥ A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
➛ He’s always rough during the act, so afterward he’s picking you up and taking you to the bathroom, running you a nice warm bath.  ➛ When y’all are done, he’s wrapping you in his clothes and cuddling you in bed. 
❥ B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
➛ His? He's really self-conscious but gotta say it’s his hands. Loves how rough they are from playing the guitar.  ➛ Yours? Haha.. your thighs. He just loves to bury his face between them to taste you, squeezing them and marking them up. 
❥ C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
➛ There will NOT be any wasted cum with this man. It is always in your mouth or in your hole. He refuses to cum in a condom and will take it off just so he can fuck your mouth. 
❥ D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
➛ He actually doesn’t have any! The next prompt will explain!
❥ E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
➛ He knows little to nothing. Has only had one partner before you and the vessels.  ➛ With his little experience, he is very nervous but tries not to show it. Every experience is a new one to him. 
❥ F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
➛ So it’s considered a variation of missionary/butterfly, pushing your legs up till they reach the bed, pinning you down by the backs of your thighs, pounding into you while grunting. 
❥ G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
➛ You’d have to be the one to crack the first joke, he’s nervous about it but afterward he’ll laugh with you. 
❥ H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
➛ Mm fuck he has a bush. He doesn’t shave often and just lets it grow. 
❥ I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
➛ The romantic aspect is there yes… but in a rougher way than you’d think.  ➛ Petting your hair as you sob on his cock, cooeing at you for taking him so well 
❥ J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
➛ This is his main form of pleasure. He’s a flirt at times yes, but he’s nervous to ask to bed you.  ➛ One of those who tries to stay quiet but accidentally ends up moaning while biting his fist. 
❥ K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
➛ Primal play. Please that’s MM, he loves the “fear” you have.  ➛ Blood play. He loves the taste and just how pretty you look covered in your own blood ➛ Knife play. Knife play kinda aids both of the other kinks, just really loves to run it up and down your thighs and chest 
❥ L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
➛ His favorite place is in the woods, somewhere he’s chased you and claimed you 
❥ M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
➛ If you wear a pair of thigh-highs and one of his hoodies. The way you look in his stuff makes him feral for you
❥ N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
➛ He won’t do CNC or anything that plays with consent ➛ He knows he’s into pretty intense stuff so he feels like he has to always ask for your color
❥ O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
➛ He prefers receiving. The tears down your face as you struggle to take his thick cock down your throat. ➛ Does give sometimes but it's mostly for cleaning you up
❥ P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
➛ Slow and rough. He likes to make his thrusts as hard as he can, making sure you can feel him whenever he’s not in you.
❥ Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
➛ No quickies with him till he’s more experienced, nervous bc he doesn’t feel like he’s good enough. ➛ After he’s got the experience I am very sorry, he’ll turn into a flirt and bed you as often as he can.. Anywhere. 
❥ R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
➛ At first, he’s nervous about it, only doing a slight bit of touching. After he’s used to it, used to the thrill, he’ll try anything that you’re comfortable with
❥ S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
➛ He starts out as a 2-minute man, can’t contain himself, the way you feel wrapped around him, your touch. God, he doesn’t last long.  ➛ But slowly but surely he gets that under control and takes notice of the signs he’s gonna cum soon. Afterwards, it just depends on his mood, as many rounds as he feels like he wants to go. 
❥ T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
➛ Don’t say anything but he does, he’s embarrassed about it because he feels like he’ll be made fun of (he won’t)  ➛ If you have toys he’ll try them out with you but you can tell he’s kinda nervous bc the way his hand shakes. 
❥ U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
➛ You’ve seen him on stage, this man is a fucking tease okay.  ➛ The hard looks, the brushing against you, standing behind you just to push his cock up against your ass. 
❥ V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
➛ Quiet boy. Only some soft groans here and there, he is used to having to be quiet. He does kinda feel bad about it sometimes but he really doesn’t know how to be vocal 
❥ W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
➛ My version of IV has backstory… he’s ex-military… he uses that to his advantage when hunting you.  ➛ He also knows bondage because of it! But it’s still in the works so he only ties himself. 
❥ X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
➛ A lot of scars and some tattoos. It’s very pretty actually… ➛ A bite mark from Vessel on his hip, don’t ask. 
❥ Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
➛ You know how horny virgins are? Yeah, that’s basically him.  ➛ Excuse him if he just happens to be hard, he can’t help it. 
❥ Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
➛ I’ll give you this… he doesn’t fall asleep right away, rather he likes to watch over you to make sure you’re okay. Maybe then he’ll lay
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treysimp · 2 years
Taking A Bath With Them (Part 2)
GN!Reader/TWST Third Year Boys (Cater, Idia, Lilia, Malleus, Rook, Trey, Vil)
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Part 1 (Second Years) // Part 2 (This one!) // Part 3 (First Years) // Part 4 (Coming Soon!) Bonus Chapter (Coming Soon!)
Words: 3K
Tags: Reader's body not described, bathing together but no description of nudity or lewd behavior so you can imagine y'all are wearing swimsuits if you want, fluff fluff fluff handsy cute fluff
Want more TWST? Here’s my masterlist!
Cater Diamond
If you got an ad for it on MagiCam, Cater owns it! His shelves are full of the newest and shiniest self-care products, and Cater follows the routines of the stars to a T! Currently, he is very invested in Vil's skincare line, but he likes you enough to share it. Rest assured that the second you see a sold-out glitter mask, Cater will have it on deck.
While Cater owns a million products he also never has the attention span to use all of them, which is great for you if you wanna snag something and steal it away to your bathroom, he doesn't mind. He's got everything in every color anyway, not to mention some of the free products he gets from people hoping for a shoutout on MagiCam. This also means that there are a million tee shirts of random brands up for grabs too, so if you and Cater wear close to the same size of anything, you can share.
When you two do get time to take a bath together, expect that it will be long and come with a whole spa day attached. Cater is a pretty handsy bathing partner, and while sometimes it is flirty and smooth, other times he is ticking you within an inch of your life. If you're a naturally ticklish person, he might not even be doing this on purpose. The sweet boy may offer to help wash and pumice your feet and ends up getting kicked in the throat. 'It was funny' he croaks through his poor crushed windpipe. Maybe he'll have to tie you down next time. He keeps that thought to himself though.
It's not easy to make time for it, but being able to do each other's hair, paint your nails (you choose the colors for each other, of course), and mess around with all sorts of gizmos and gadgets makes you feel like a little kid at a sleepover. Speaking of sleepovers, since this is a whole-day affair, expect to be having one. I hope you brought pajamas! (Or you could always steal one of those shirts).
Once you are both pampered and put together, expect a long cuddle sesh in your cuddly-soft bathrobes while scrolling through your phones and pausing to give each other a smooch or show off an 'omg have you seen this?' kind of post.
Idia Shroud
While not one to take baths in general (showers are more efficient, right?) Idia is always interested in learning more about you and what you like, so he will put up with whatever you suggest. Idia usually pulls his hair up and back out of his face when bathing, which is great for you since it allows you to appreciate his exquisite bone structure for once. If you want to style his hair, this is the time he will let you do it. You're a bit partial to how his gorgeous blue locks look in a braid or a messy bun but never expect anything other than a ponytail if Idia is the one in charge of choosing.
While Idia certainly has plenty of waterproof electronics and he would play video games in the bath if you're interested, he will settle for listening to you talk as you wash him down as well. It's hard not to be a little mad that the little introvert has a decent amount of muscle definition, but if you try to ask Idia why that is, he will be too flustered to answer.  
If Idia is the one tasked with washing you, it is a little too easy to see his thought process as he tries to do a speed-scrub-100% run of your poor body. His eyes are a bit manic when this happens, and it unsettles you how quickly he goes from a blushing little darling to a back-scrubbing demon. Idia is just nervous though, and he has a habit of falling into familiar patterns when he's stressed. As long as you humor him and just gently tell him that he's allowed to slow down, he will usually realize how over the top he is on his own.
The other option is that you can challenge him to a competition (fastest to wash their hair, fastest to shave, etc) and he will have a blast. Playing to his competitive nature doesn't work in every circumstance, but when it's you he does feel like he has something to prove. Regardless of who 'wins' you will both be laughing and trash-talking with the best of them.
Leona Kingscholar
As you might have guessed, this guy loves a good soak. Leona is one for relaxing things, lavender bath salts, soothing lotions, and getting a little too pruny from overstaying in the water. That isn't to say that you're going to have an easy time getting him in the bath though, as much as he likes them when he is in one.
Washing his hair is a bit depressing as this man has the softest and most gorgeous chestnut hair in the entire world and yet there are actual sticks and leaves stuck in it due to his outdoor naps. You want to shake him, you would kill for your hair to be like his! Despite that, he looks refined and sultry no matter what you do. Regardless, seeing his hair wet and the rest of his gorgeous self sparkling with water like dewdrops on a rose in the early morning is almost sinfully indulgent.
Leona is another one who will probably mess with you with his tail, smacking you without warning on the butt to make you yelp in surprise and then having a smirk on his face for the next hour that never goes away. Despite all of the struggle and sassiness that you have to deal with, getting Leona to be loving is the one thing you will never need to coax out of him. He will actively be complaining about how long the bath is taking while pulling you to his chest for a cuddle. All of Leona's bath products are spicy and warm, and it's hard to keep your eyes open when every bone in your body wants you to just give in to a watery little nap.
If you do happen to fall asleep, surprisingly Leona will be the one to wake up first. It happens so consistently that you wonder if he's been faking it. Leona will pull your tired self out of the bath, towel you off and take you to lounge the rest of the day away in his bed. As much as he complains, seeing your sweet sleeping face makes his day, even if he does have to be a little conniving to make it happen.
Lilia Vanrouge
If you've never dyed hair before you are going to learn! Lilia loves to change his highlights on the reg and while he could get it done somewhere, isn't it just more punk rock to DIY it sometimes? If you're interested in doing your hair in unnatural colors too, Lilia would be thrilled to dye it for you! He will also use magic to change it back if you hate it, but when you ask him if he could have just been dying both of your hair with magic the whole time he will just chuckle mischievously and make a getaway. What a scamp that old man is.
As for the actual bathing, you will also have a hard time getting this man relaxed enough to chill out with you, as he is quite the chatterbox if you manage to get him into the tub. He has more than once floated above said tub playfully challenging you to ‘come and get (him)'. To the surprise of no one, he would float just barely out of your reach and cackle. 
Another game that he seems to like to play you have internally named ‘back in my day’, where he tells you a frankly ridiculous story about the past and you try to decide if he is fucking with you or not. Every time you have called bullshit on him though, he comes to you later with undeniable proof that said event happened, so maybe he is messing with you less than you thought.
Lilia bathes rather simply, he soaks in the water leisurely for a bit, cleans himself off, and gets out. There is very little fuss about the process, though he is happy to go along with anything you bring for him. Fun bath products are something he enjoys, but just not on the top of his ‘weird things to collect’ list, that’s what his bedroom is for, not his bathroom.
If you ask Lilia to help you bathe, he will do so with gentle care, taking his time to enjoy every little goosebump on your flesh and count the moles, freckles, or any other distinctive markings you have. It sometimes feels like he’s drawing constellations on your back, thinking of what your body could be saying to him based on the imagined patterns. Said body means a whole lot to him, of course, but your mind is what matters. He gets a bit misty-eyed thinking about it. He’s so lucky, a loving family and the opportunity to love and be loved by someone as once-in-a-lifetime as you are? How truly wonderful.
Malleus Draconia
First things first, Malleus will insist on doing everything himself. He enjoys you trying to take the initiative and help him bathe, and he will certainly allow you, but the second you try to do anything for yourself Malleus will immediately take over. You wouldn’t want to deprive him of the chance of showing his devotion by taking care of you, would you dearest? You only have so much time together, after all. He is very persuasive in this regard, and as soon as you agree you swear that you might go blind from how dazzling his smile is. 
Malleus is also one for complimenting you while also telling you what he is doing. ‘I am going to wash your hair now, my dove.’ he will say, gently massaging your scalp with his fingers and scratching the skin delicately with his nails. Nicknames are another thing that is incredibly charming about Malleus’ speech because while there are certainly normal ones in the mix, you have also heard more outdated terms spill from his lips.
One particularly memorable instance was Malleus calling you ‘dollface’, but you would never tell him that his terms of endearment were out of date, they were far too charming. 
Seeing Malleus with his hair wet and pushed back is another treat, and seeing the way that his markings crown his head makes you remember just how ethereal his beauty is. You thought that the Briar Valley might be onto something when they thought Malleus worthy of worship.
When you’re done bathing, Malleus will dry both of you with a snap of his fingers, laughing any time that his doing so causes you to jump in surprise. It’s just hard to get used to magic when you don’t have any, you know? Malleus had matching robes made for the two of you, and he will coax you to sit in his lap while he reads a book, stoking your back as you fight the urge to comfortably doze in his embrace. 
Malleus will pause every so often to give you a soft kiss on the hair, forehead, cheek, lips, or whatever is closest to him at that moment. It’s his way of making sure that you know he is always thinking of you, even when he’s busy.
Rook Hunt
Good luck trying to catch him long enough to find out. Rook loves taking a bath, and he especially loves seeing you bathe with him, but there is a certain amount of nervousness he has at being exposed with no weapons, so it can take some convincing at times to get him to relax with you. Once he is in the bath, you will never get that fountain of endearments to turn off, even if they start getting weird and less than flattering. ‘Oh ma cherie, you are just like a wounded animal taking its last breath!’, you ask Rook to elaborate, he ignores this request. 
Rook seems to enjoy the post-bath routine rather than the bath itself, taking great joy in blowdrying both of your hair and styling them so they look just right. Rook also is a purveyor of fancy foreign lotions, and he will happily bathe you in moisturizer at a moment’s notice. 
For the times that Rook is willing to settle down and relax with you, he will almost cry in appreciation if you offer him a massage or any other sort of skinship. While Rook does his utmost to care for himself with the highest ideal of beauty, he deeply craves physical contact and the kind of pampering that only someone you love can provide. He’s surprisingly obedient when this happens, happily moving into different shapes and positions to allow you to better soothe his aching muscles. He will offer you an amazing sensual experience in return, which is very difficult to turn down, given how insistent he is.
Rook feels most at ease once you are both done and back in the comfort of his room. He has dreams of the day that you both might live in the same space, his possessions mixing with yours into the perfect blend of a home that suits you both. Being with you in the dorms would have to do for now, but his heart does skip a beat if you leave something in his room ‘for later', because it’s one baby step closer to being in the shared space that he daydreams of while aiming his bow for the kill. 
What a lovely day it will be when he can wake up to your face each morning, kissing you awake with sleepy giggles and a soft embrace.
Trey Clover
Being the practical one that he is, if you want to use anything other than shampoo and soap in the bath you are going to have to provide it yourself. Seeing the way that Trey’s eyes soften when you condition his hair for the first time, or the smile on his lips when you rub lotion into his chapped knuckles is worth the effort though. 
He tends to chide you a bit, noting that you’re not taking as good of care of your nails as you should and lecturing you on the best ways to clean your body to not strip it of its natural oils. It sounds like he is admonishing you, but it comes from a place of love and care, I promise. While he knows the ideal ways to maintain your hygiene, it is also obvious that this man exists to pamper others rather than himself. 
Trey will volunteer to do anything you ask of him, but when you opt to do things for him he is in absolute heaven. Feeling your touch on his body makes it difficult to still his heartbeat, no matter how long you both have been together, but that is just another reason he loves you, every day feels just as wonderful as the first. Trey melts under your gaze, your touch, and seeing his eyes without his glasses is breathtaking, even if it comes at the cost of him sometimes knocking every product into the tub in search of the soap.  
Vil Schoenheit
I hope you are prepared, it’s gonna be a while. Vil has the most extensive list of body care and routines, they fluctuate every third Thursday and fourth Tuesday and he has a spreadsheet to keep track of it all as well. 
This is an exaggeration, but not by much. However, Vil is not a hoarder. He will quiz you about your hair and skin and assign customized routines for you to follow. If you don’t follow it, he can tell. If you do follow it, he will glow with pride, lauding himself for his accomplishment. You did all the work of actually doing the routine, but it was his accomplishment. Obviously.
In the bath itself he puppets you around like you had strings attached to your limbs, barking orders to lift one arm, then another, move your leg, don’t move a hair he will be right back! You listened to him, but you were shaking in discomfort by minute three. Upon returning and seeing the earnest effort that you made, Vil did cut you some slack and kiss you on the cheek and tell you that you did a good job. That softness did dissolve rather quickly as he snapped back into a beauty drill instructor, but you appreciated the affection nevertheless. 
Once your multi-hour prep is done, you do get a little time to soak together and hold Vil for a fleeting moment of decadent romance. He cuts it short so that neither of you can get pruny, which is sad but he is probably right. There is a post-bath routine as well, and you are nervous to walk on the tile with how slippery your feet are from all the unpronounceable beauty treatments they have been subjected to.
After both of you are done (Vil does not let you touch him, but he does allow you to hand him products, much like a kid handing their parents a wrench in the garage) you are allowed to relax. It is time to wear your embroidered silk robes and lay back with face masks and spa music filtering through Vil’s room. You finally start seeing the tidbits of affection as he holds your hand, kisses your hair, and thanks you for spending all of this time with him. 
He treasures you, and he wants you to know that, though he can sometimes be oddly bashful about saying so. Vil will smooth the hair from your face, a look of unmistakable fondness on his face, and plant a perfect kiss on your perfectly exfoliated and moisturized lips. If bliss did exist, this was a part of it, surely.
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What did you all think? Should I do the first years to round it out or are y'all happy? Let me know, send me prompts, drool over fictional men with me, beg for smut or whatever!
Love you reader!
Requested tags: @readinganas, @yandere-kou, @daeda21, @sideofblog, @buckketboy, @hxlcyon, @stygianoir, @kxhyuns, @aikochan4859, @kumiko-desu, @destinationdesignation, @ninjas-are-the-shit, @prince-zukohere, @star-gods, @fragmentedstarlight, @sarahyumiko2, @sappyisyourpappy, @sunnyseaside, @twstandsh0ut, @seli-beli12222005, @bunntsu, @rosalie-in-twisted-wonderland, @chopid-lulu, @rebel-faes-writing, @stillserene, @witch-waycult, @fr0llo, @bluesylveon2, @dari-kun, @naniky, @the-mermaid-of-the-stars
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