#supportive is absolutely a thing a person can be in general my dude
vicariouseyes · 9 months
#i know its the RSD and the fact that my meds have most likely worn off for the day#and i know it's not what he meant#but when i show my partner one of those what color do i give off style memes with personality traits#and he says none of them fully fit but one of them is closest#like#i asked which trait of the three listed under the one he picked didn't fit#the three listed for that color were gentle supportive and sensitive#his stance was that he didn't think of supportive as being a personality trait but based on a series of actions#i can see his point of view#but like#supportive is absolutely a thing a person can be in general my dude#now I'm just laying here thinking he doesn't think I'm supportive#which hurts if true because I've been nothing BUT supportive of him the entire time we've been together#but i know it's the RSD talking and his possible/probable autism being purely analytical and direct in that moment#and I'll clear it up with him tomorrow#just sucks to go to bed feeling out of sorts#he already went to bed though#and it's his birthday so i don't wanna get into a whole insecure semantic discussion rn anyway#idk why he has to be like that though#he's always so supportive and patient and kind normally#and highly intelligent and emotionally literate#but sometimes he just doesn't understand seemingly basic shit and puts his foot in his mouth#like bro#you could just have said 'uhhh i think this one is closest' and left it at that#it didn't have to turn into a whole thing#now my feelings are hurt for no real reason because i understand where he was trying to go even though i disagree#but if i tell him my feelings are hurt he's gonna feel like shit#I'mma tell him anyway#just sucks to have a miscommunication that leads to insecurity
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icyowl · 3 months
Bluelock Cuddling headcanons
ft. Isagi, Chigiri, and Kunigami
Request: none
A/N: one of my racehorses won a race today so here’s a little gift to celebrate my good mood!
Yoichi Isagi
the respectful kind
his favorite is half-cuddle — him on his back, you curled up into his side, head on his chest. Does his arm fall asleep? Absolutely. Will he stop? Never.
make his heart wobble any time you look up and about how much you like this — spending time with him, being close like this, knowing he cares about your opinion enough to ask so frequently for it.
Isagi is the kind that likes to cuddle the nights before a stressful thing. He gets to talk out his troubles and generally feel better about whatever anxieties he's got. Also, he genuinely seeks your life advice. He talks through his problems, that's who he is, and with you like this it feels like such a private time of vulnerability.
You habitually play with one another's fingers and hands. Usually it's sweet, but sometimes it devolves into thumb wars, arm wrestling, and even all out tickle battles. Sometimes he even lets you win
If he's lucky he can get you to fall asleep before he does. Reason? He likes watching you doze on him. Something about you falling asleep to the dip and rise of his chest makes him all giddy and humble at the same time.
Inevitably someone walks in on you two only to be greeted with the terror-inducing glare he pins them down with. Wake you up and they are not long for this world.
Hyoma Chigiri
the timid kind
go-to is the traditional spoon. It means you don't have to look at him and whatever embarrassment he's gotta be showing while being this close to you.
As time goes on, he starts to get almost too comfortable with it. On the phone? Playing a game? Fuckin' doing laundry? Doesn't matter. When he's lying on any bed or couch, there is a distinct bubble of space, and if you invade the bubble, you're within striking distance. His arms are nearly as fast as his legs. Chigiri will latch onto you, will pull you in, and will interrupt whatever it is you wanted to do so he can spoon you.
Rub his hand or intertwine fingers while he's got an arm draped over you and he is GONE
There have been times when he's pushed you away, and though it makes sense — he's always been the kind to close himself off, turn vile and harsh when he's hurting — it breaks you. When you're both ready to reconcile, somehow it ends with your back to his chest, his legs mixed with yours, and his warm hand holding you snug to his body.
Also likes this position because it lets him nuzzle in right on the wispy hairs at the bottom of your neck or the big vein on the side.
Turn the tables on him by flipping over in his grip and facing him head-on. It's also a nice way to get even closer to him when you've had a bad day. A kind of haven can be found in nestling under his chin. He's alright with this — it means you can't see his face and the obvious love-sick tint to his eyes.
Rensuke Kunigami
the kind that doesn't know his own strength
best likes the space-saver, aka, one person laying on top of the other. Boy doesn't care which of you is on top. He likes supporting your body or you supporting his — something about being the other person's strength makes the back of his head tingle.
first time he lays on you, he doesn't check his weight at all, just flops down. Immediately thinks he's broken you when you squeak. After that he's almost too wary about hurting you. Am I too heavy? Can you breathe okay? Do I need to get up? You can get on top if you want. Relax Kunigami, just don't fall from orbit and you'll be fine.
Icing on the cake is when you play with his hair. Dude could be angry as an ox, ready to rip someone in half, and two minutes of your fingers in his hair has him fighting to stay awake and spend time with you. What was he angry about again?
One time you fell asleep on his chest, all blissed out and comfy, only to wake up in a shiny puddle of your own drool. You were, understandably, mortified, but the embarrassment turns to affection when he casually disregards the whole thing: it's just a shirt, it'll dry.
You figured you repaid the favor when several weeks later he was one on top of you, head burrowed unceremoniously into your stomach, arms underneath your back, refusing to look up or speak. The reason revealed itself when he finally met your eyes.
Tears. Tiny sniffs too. Four words: I failed my team. That was all he said before digging his face back into your skin. It took time, and a lot of encouragement, but he did eventually snap out of the funk and even apologized for messing up your clothes. It'll dry, you said, and you shared a little snicker.
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mermmarie · 2 years
DATING THE BAYVERSE BOYS The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, and The Sexy
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Authors Note: In my TMNT phase hardcore right now and I thought... I wanna share my headcanons for dating the the Bayverse Ninja Turtles!! 😋 Mostly under the cut because of mature themes/ideas. Hope you like 'em! Also, small thanks to @seafoamtaffy for helping me out with a few of Leonardos! 💙
Disclaimer: All characters depicted are 20+
Warnings: Mature/sexual themes, NSFW mentions, mature language. MINORS DNI
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The good:
The master of positive encouragement/reinforcement. This boy builds you up like no other! It’s almost impossible to think bad of yourself around him.
Lots of physical affection, especially PDA. (As public as it can be living a life in the shadows) Loves kissing you, holding your hands, cuddling. No shame around his brothers, father, or April and Casey.
Would graffiti random buildings, subway cars, and trains in your name or with symbols that represent your love.
Food is his love language. Not a fantastic cook, but he can follow instructions and he’d try making your favorite meal for special events like your birthday, Valentines, anniversaries, or when you had a bad week. He’d also spoil you with your favorite snacks and sweets whenever he has the means to do so.
Would serenade you a lot, and makes playlists for you. They’d consist of songs he thinks you would like, and songs that reminded him of you and your relationship with him.
The bad:
Cliiiiiingy. Always has to have his hands on you and follows you everywhere. Even wants to be in the bathroom with you when you’re using the toilet.  
Generally, not the jealous type, but absolutely needs your constant attention.
Texts and calls you a lot. (Almost too much) Like, goddamn. You know he has a lot of time on his hands cause he’s cooped down in the sewers until nighttime, but dude—chill.
The ugly:
Guilt trips you over having to return to your surface life and personal duties.
Straight up avoids and ignores if there’s problems with your relationship. He knows no relationship is perfect, but he doesn’t want to break the fantasy, So, if you’re upset and wanna talk things out, he’ll redirect the conversation a lot of the time. You’ll have to be pretty stern to get through to him.
Horny. All. The. TIME. He’d push boundaries to get you in the mood, even going as far to make unwanted advances. (Wouldn’t do anything against your will, or force himself upon you though.)
The sexy:
Can and will laugh during sex. And good, because it’s definitely interesting between a giant mutant turtle and normal human being. There’s a lot for both of you to learn, but he’s surprisingly patient and things are never awkward with him.
He is willing to do the horizontal tango any time you want it. You could literally spend thirty minutes shitting your guts out due to having indulged on your favorite, but forbidden dairy product, and he’d still be down to clown afterwards.
Looooves oral. (Both giving and receiving) He can’t get enough of the taste of you, and would work diligently to give you multiple orgasms through going down on you.
He’s confident in his abilities and open to anything. You want him to put on a sexy dance for you? You got it! Wanna try a new move? Say no more! Have a kink you’ve been reluctant to tell him about? Baby, you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of! 
Great with aftercare. Ya’ll would either fall asleep in each other’s arms, cuddle up watching your favorite streaming shows, or play some hand-held video games together afterwards.
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The good:
Thoroughly interested and supportive of your passions and hobbies. Loves listening to you speak on them and would try his best to get involved in some way.
Since he’s the tech guy, a good majority of your dates would consist of pirating your favorite shows, and movies. He’d take you out in the turtle van to some desolate underpass, and project the picture on a wide slab of concrete. Afterwards, he’d put the media on your favorite format so you could have it always; downloads, dvds, even the nearly nonfunctional vhs’s!
Also, since he’s the tech guy he would surprise you with deliveries to your work place from time to time. Flowers, edible arrangements, your favorite drinks, thoughtful cards (with some spending money~ bounces eyebrows. He’d love the idea of being your sugar daddy when he’s able to. 😩 )
 Because he’s such a tall boy, forehead kisses are his thing. He peppers your cute little dome with small little pecks any chance he gets.
When he’s low on energy he drags you into power naps with him, which inevitably turns into a slumber because he’s so comfortable in your presence, and you find content in his warmth.
An added extra: Since Donatello is the tattoo artist of the group, free ink if you’re into that kind of thing! 👀
The bad:
This guy works off a schedule, and sometimes he just doesn’t have the time to fit you into it. With training, patrol, lair upkeep, creating new tech, and being the only one to have an actual job (because how else are they paying for food?), he’s unfortunately a very busy turtle.
Is the silent type when upset, and worst of all, he gets more upset if you don’t realize that something’s bothering him.
Double standards. He would insist that you properly take care of yourself. Drink lots of water, cut back on caffeine, shower and moisturize, eat three meals a day and snack in between, get eight hours of sleep, take a day off of work, etc… But Donnie doesn’t hold himself to the same expectations and good luck trying to get him to change. (Sometimes he shares his red-cladded brothers’ stubbornness.)
The ugly:
Internet stalks you, your family and your exes... He mostly does it as a means to gather useful information, and he’s clever enough to only use it in the appropriate situations, but it’ll take you aback when he mentions the name of an ex when you two fight. (He’ll never do it again after the first time however.)
Gets almost unreasonably upset when you have to cancel plans with him. To reference back to how busy he is, and double standards; he just expects you to be able to make time for him. After all, you’re not a defender of New York, nor are you confined to specific hours of the day like he is. How busy can you be?
Since you have a life on the surface, he sometimes gets into his head and assumes the worst. He’s stuck in the lair until nightfall, and his stupid brain likes to torture him with made up scenarios. He’ll make jokes of it, but you know there’s a hint of truth and insecurity behind the question, “So, who’d ya cheat on me with today?” It’s never funny…
The sexy:
Dandere in the streets, Kuudere in the sheets. (Yes, I’m a weeb. Look it up.) He’s not too big on the idea of PDA in front of his brothers, but as soon as it’s just the two of you, his hands will be all over your body and he’ll be macking on those plush lips of yours.
While he enjoys getting off himself, he’s all about pleasing you. A lot of the time, you cumming is more than suffice for him.
Because he is the most internet savvy, he’s done his research on your anatomy. So, unlike the other brothers, your first time together would be quite pleasurable. (Which is a feat considering Donatello has the biggest dick (fight me), so there would be a lot of work put into getting you prepared for it, but he enjoys the foreplay.)
Blindfolds. He can’t see during sex (if he removes his glasses of course) so why should you? It’s a fun little venture from time to time exploring each other’s bodies with your other senses.
He will fucking lap up the ground you walk on if you moan or scream his name during. For the love of god, just do it. It’ll make him absolutely wild.
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The good:
You wouldn’t expect it of him before you started dating, but once you enter a relationship, he is the best listener. You’ll accidentally spend long amounts of time vent dumping on him, because he’s actually very attentive and empathetic of your feelings.
Since Raph leaves the lair the most (due to needing “fresh air”) he knows New York the best. Which means he takes you to all the cool and secret attractions of the city for date nights.  
He includes you in his workouts, if you know what I’m saying? 😏😏😏 I mean, he asks for your assistance… Uses you as added weights, has you help him with certain stretches, asks you to time him on specific drills. He just wants you to be part of one of his favorite activities. (WHICH INCLUDES SEX! Duh. 😋)
You already knew this was coming but… He knits you clothes! Mainly stuff to keep you warm in the winter. So, sweaters, scarves, gloves, and socks. Buuut-- He also dabbles in jewelry in secret. None of his brothers know about it, but Donnie is always curious as to why he borrows/steals his pliers, wire cutters and soldering tools every once in a while. You get custom made bracelets, earrings, and necklaces out of this. (He wouldn’t make you rings until far long into your relationship. He’s a shy boy and doesn’t want to scare you off with the implications. Plus, they’re hard to make, lol.)
Playful teasing and showboating of you. Only to levels you’re comfortable with, but he’s proud to be your significant other, and you’re so attractive to him, he’s gotta show you off to his brothers a little bit. He’ll pinch/grab/smack your ass (gently, lol), caress your face, arms, thighs, and nuzzle his snout into the crook of your neck in front of them, just to get all of you flustered and worked up.
The bad:
Has the millennial phone fear. He doesn’t like talking on the phone much because he dislikes the way his voice sounds to him when you put him on speaker, and he isn’t good at texting you back in a timely matter either… He argues that your conversations are more meaningful in person.
Prone to fighting, duh. Verbal fights of course. Raphael would never lay a hand on you, but if upset enough, he would break things around you. Punch a wall, throw a chair, shatter a glass. He’s also quick to raise his voice and yell, so if that kind of thing makes you uncomfortable, expect tears. (Although, as soon as you start crying, he crumbles.)
Would avoid missionary position, or any position that gave you an angle on his face at first. He’s insecure about his physique and features, and wouldn’t want to scare you or turn your off with his looks. (Though, as soon as you cupped your hands against his cheeks and stared down his emerald eyes, lorrrddd!! It’d ignite a passionate fury in him!)
The ugly:
We all expect jealousy of Raphael, but it’s in the worst ways. He’ll get jealous of his brothers interacting with you and vice versa. He won’t act on his feelings, but he doesn’t like the others touching you or being too interested in conversation with you. He’s also jealous of you specifically. He hates it, but you’re beautiful and normal. You get so many opportunities being human that he couldn’t even possibly dream of. He’d try to keep those insecurities to himself, but they of course bubble up when you fight.
(Like his purple-coded brother) He stalks you. He tells himself he’s being a good boyfriend and he’s just watching over you; making sure nobody messes with ya, but in reality he wants to know what you’re up too at all times. If your residence has the view for it, he’ll become a peeping tom and watch you undress.
Raph always grows distant when your time together is coming to an end. He just checks out hours before you actually have to go. He must think it’s a way to protect himself mentally, but it’s just unfair to you and almost impossible to pull him back into the moment.
The sexy:
Raph just emits sexual tension into everything. The way he lifts weights, how his brows furrow when he looks at you, the way his tongue dances around the toothpick in his mouth, how he folds laundry… Like, how? WHY?? I mean you’re not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, but boy it’s almost troublesome how he can make you so hot and bothered so easily.
 A double standard, but he wouldn’t let you be insecure about anything during sexy time, especially not your body. - You: I don’t want to do x,y,or z because I’m too heavy/too boney/have too much hair/don’t like my stretch marks/my bits are different from others/etc… - Raph: … If you don’t get your ass over here and sit on my face right now.
His tongue… is so long… 😳💦 Do I really need to say anything more??
Have you been interested in standing sex positions, but could never try them out because your past partners weren’t strong enough for them? Well, these are Raphy-boys specialty! Holding you up and pumping away in ya is a breeze for him, and good thing too! Because your legs are gonna be wet noodles afterwards~
He is actually okay with you egging him on during sex. As in: Saying things to purposely piss him off to make him fuck you raw. You would need to talk about what’s okay to say beforehand, and make non-verbal cues for safe words; but once that’s said and done, he’s game. It gets him riled up in the best ways possible.
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The good:
Leonardo will just pop in on you randomly during the DAY, just to say hi, and see how you’re doing, maybe even give you a few kisses. He’s so confident in his stealth abilities, and honestly… it’s justified. Still, it nearly gives you a heart attack every time and a playful fight breaks out as you urge him to leave so he won’t be seen by other surface dwellers.
If you need a task done, Leonardo is your #1 motivator. He won't do it for you, pfft! No. But he will absolutely help you stay on track. So, if there’s something you need a push to do, like finish a college essay you’ve been procrastinating on, doing an exercise routine after a long day of work, or making a stress inducing dentist appointment on your own; he’s your guy!
Massages. The guy actually knows what he’s doing and isn’t just pinching and pulling your skin. Knows what muscles to work on to relieve you of that headache, and what pressure points to hit to release the stress and tension you’ve been holding.
It’s a little silly, but he ‘bridal carries’ you a lot. He loves holding you in his arms, so when there’s an opportunity for it, he scoops you right up! It’s definitely unnecessary sometimes; like when he carries you from the living room area to his bedroom, but are you really gonna say no to those biceps, triceps and delts? 😩💦
All the turtles would teach you self-defense and CQC at some point in your relationship with them, but Leonardo would be adamant on it from the beginning. He would want you to be able to protect yourself when he’s not around. If you’re able to successfully to take him down, (which is gonna be hard because…he big 😳) he would instantly pop a hard one.
The bad:
Not so creative with date nights. He just likes spending time with you and figures you feel the same way. You’ll have to be the one to come up with fun ideas to do, or at least drop him hints on how to spice things up.
Needs you to be independent. He’s the leader, he’s got a whole city to defend and four brothers to take care of. So, you aren’t going to have his attention 100% of the time. Not to mention, he’s the kind of guy who likes his space. He’s got his things that he likes to do on his own, so you need some of your own.
Ironically, he also kind of… parents you. Especially when you don’t want it or ask. He thinks he knows best and will try to steer you in a certain direction. “You shouldn’t wear that article of clothing, it’s too revealing.” “If you want a raise, ask for it.” “Don’t stay up all night doing ____, it’s bad for your health.” “ _____ person is right, you were being ____” (Oooh, the last one. You definitely have to teach him the difference between wanting him to just listen and wanting him to respond.)
The ugly:
He doesn’t have the time for your interest. Don’t get it wrong, he likes to hear about them and supports you pursuing them it’s just… if they aren’t his specifically, or they don’t mix in some way, he just can’t be bothered to be involved.
When you get into major disagreements his tongue can be quite sharp. He’s only used to Raphael questioning his authority and opinions, so his temper is surprisingly short and his remarks are critical. If he’s losing the battle, he’ll sometimes resort to just straight up ignoring you by going silent or leaving the room.
Jealous of toys and the idea of you getting off by yourself. While he absolutely has no problem making you cum, he wants to be the only one to make you moan and scream. So, best to leave the solo sessions at home.
The sexy:
(Technically, this could be a ‘bad’ point but…) Don’t wear any clothes you really like when planning on getting down and dirty with Leo because has a bad habit of ripping them off of you.
Leo’s really good with foreplay, and not just with stimulating you. He’s good at setting the mood, and building tension, all while keeping a cool head himself. It’s a bit infuriating how hard it is to rile him up the same way, but at least it makes for a fun game you both enjoy.  
(Being the weeb he is) Leo loves to practice Shibari on you. He loves seeing you restrained and completely submissive to him. He’s even gone out of his way to find/buy decorative rope to tie you up with, it’s gotta accentuate your beauty. If you’re lucky enough, he may let you try it out on him. (Although, you can only do a handful of knots and ties considering his shell gets in the way.)
He marks you with hickeys and bites. Most of the time, he is considerate enough to only leave them in spots where you can hide them, buuut--- Every once in a while he wants to remind his brothers, and surface dwellers that you are his.
Katoptronophilia babyyyy! You already know Leonardo is the type of guy who’d be into watching his performance in the mirror. (Not to mention taking in how good you look in the reflective glass. 😏)
If you liked these, check out my Dating the Rise Boys headcanons!!
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Rescue Bots x Reader romantic hcs
[A/n: I know its weird that i like these four. Shish.]
Anyways here yall go.
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Beeg frumpy man
Literally just picked you up and said, "I love you. You're mine now." And walked off with you
Hes a tsundere at first but grows softer the longer you're with him.
Fr he needs someone who'll listen to him rant or smth without making fun of him
Give this big boi a hug
He'll be confused, but he'll grow to like it
Kiss the big man.
He got BIG soft lips, well, big compared to you but you get the point.
You may be wondering how the flip they're soft.
The answer is, 'a flip ton of bendy cords and fuel lines layered with some memory foam and waterproof carbon fiber cloth' (same goes for the others)
Another thing you can do is pepper his face plates with kisses
Automatically starts blushing.
VERY protective and lowkey jealous
He carries you around like a baby. Theres no reason for it, thats just what he does. If Kade has any snarky remarks to say about it, you bet Heatwave is gonna clap back with something better.
Treats you like glass.
You're just so teeny tiny compared to him and he doesn't want to hurt you.
He'll feel absolutely terrible if he does.
Despite all of that though, he does generally treat you like a normal person. As well as letting you have your own life.
Do NOT make self deprivating jokes around this dude. For multiple reasons.
1, they make him stressed and sad (he won't admit that hes sad in front of the others tho)
2, It automatically triggers him to be even MORE protective
3, Heatwave will aggressively tell you how much he loves you and how pretty/handsome you are
For example,
'*Squishes your face with his fingers*, "Shush. You're fragging amazing. Say anything like that again, and i'm snuggling you for the entire godamn day."'
He doesn't yell at you though. Just has an aggressive tone.
He does the same for any insecurities you have too.
Oh, and he means every word he says when it comes to his bellicose praises.
"...I warned you, Dear."
*proceeds to pick you up in his hands and lay down somewhere while holding you against his chassis*
LOTS of kisses. Like for real you'll be out of breath when he's done with you.
It doesn't end there either.
He sometimes puts you in the passenger seat if there's an emergency so he can still keep an eye on you.
Depends on the emergency
He gets angrier than usual if you're the one in danger, he only calms down once you're safe.
He loves and supports you so much aaa-
He was VERY blunt when he confessed to you
"(Name). Forgive me for saying but I have fallen in love with you, and wish for you to be my conjunx endura. You don't have to feel the same, but you have the right to know."
He was lowkey surprised when you said you felt the same
Chase proceeded to kneel down and pull you into a hug. You responded with hugging him back along with a kiss on the faceplates, the rest is history.
He loves any kind of affection you give him, just don't use sarcasm, he can't pick up on it.
His love language is usually physical touch, words of affirmation, and quality time
Chase only wants three things from you throughout this relationship.
Your happiness, your affection, and your safety.
Though he does want to keep you safe he's not really overprotective.
He insists on carrying you if you're somewhere where one of them could step on you.
You used to go on patrol with him...
Until you almost got merc'd by a haywire lawn mower.
Since then you stay at base, and he always looks forward to seeing you run up to him when he gets back.
Hes not a fan of scary movies, but he'll be fine if you're holding his hand or hugging him.
Bring an inhaler, you'll need it for how much he'll make you laugh
At this point he's still trying to learn human culture... that (un)fortunately includes slang
"(Name), look. I have acquired an 'annelid on a string'"
"Dearest conjunx, what is 'Goated with the sauce' and why does a caprine have a condiment?"
"(Name), what does it mean to 'simp' for someone?"
Whether you feed this fire or not is up to you.
Pet names include; Dearest, Honey, Love, My Light, My Conjunx Endura, ....scrinkle (I'm not sorry)
Despite the mixups with slang, hes still pretty damn blunt.
Not to mention, even with how monotonous Chase is pretty romantic when hes talking to you.
This means that you can tell that he's being honest whenever he starts whispering sweet nothings to you.
And Chase mean everything he says.
And he always looks you in the eyes when he says one specific line, just so you know he really means it.
"I love you"
Oml hes so friggin nervous.
He didn't confess to you... Kade did
He heard Blades talking to Dani about you so he decided to mess with him.
He only admitted it once you said you felt the same
"...you do!? This isn't a cruel joke right?... I.. love you too."
He leaned down and gave you a kiss on the forehead
Lots of snuggles, hand holding, kisses, hugs, carrying you around, you name it!
Flip, he loves touching you in general.
You're just so squishy compared to his kind, he can't help but be enamored
Big touch-starved snugglebug
He likes watching tv with you on his chest
Sometimes the baking shows he comes across motivate him to bake something for you.
Half the time its good, half the time it isn't.
Pet names are; Sweetie, Honey Bunny, Cupcake, Lil Squisha, and My Spark if he's feeling really romantic
Don't yell at him please :(
He will be more anxious and sad if you do.
Its enough from others, it hurts more if its from you.
Unless you're happy and excited. He'll be yelling with you.
Very protective and jealous
He isn't too overbearing with it though
Hes just nervous and scared
Nervous about something/someone hurting you, and scared that someone will take you from him.
Thats why he doesn't take you with him on missions, even with how much he misses you.
Please comfort him when hes scared, he REALLY needs it.
Blades loves your laugh so much
He'll find the cheesiest jokes to say just to get the smallest noise out of you.
He'll be very impressed with whatever talent you have, and will try his best to support you.
He needs it... badly.
Will immediately turn blue and get extremely flustered, but he loves it and won't stop you
He gives you little trinkets he finds at random... well, they're little to him.
"Y/N! I got something for you :3" *Proceeds to place the biggest tumbleweed you've ever seen right in front of you*
Sometimes, Blades legit out of nowhere picks you and and carries you somewhere where nobody else is around
He proceeds to lay down and put you on his chest
Totally peppers your face in kisses before looking you right in your eyes and saying how much he loves you.
"I love you so much, Honey bunny. You're my little cupcake and i won't give you up for anything or anyone. I promise."
Hes so sweet to you
It took some encouragement and advice from Gram for him to confess to you, but he did it!
He went out and picked a bouquet for you too
He sat down criss cross applesauce and told you how he felt after taking a deep breath.
"(Name)... I have.. developed some strong feelings for you.. romantic ones. You don't have to say yes, but i still want to ask.. will you please be my love for life?"
You of course said yes and gave him a hug before he could even give you your bouquet
He closed his eyes and returned the hug, all the while rubbing your back.
Dates at the zoo are a must. Obviously. Like cmon now. This is Boulder we're talking about.
Will bring you random plants and animals and ask if he can keep them
If not that, then he'll pick flowers and other plants for you. Ofc he makes sure theyre not spiky.
He paints for you.
Theres nothing he loves more than your lips
Well- he loves your tummy too.
Its a tie
(They all do but you get the point)
Like Heatwave, he carries you like a baby. But he just does it because he thinks you're cute.
Like for real, to Boulder, you're the cutest little fleshy he's ever seen.
Until he sees a baby.
He looks at you with the most "🥺" expression ever
"No we're not having a baby, bubbas. Sorry"
His pet names for you are; Dearest, Bunny, My Flower, Small one, Sweetie, Dove, Angelfish, Wifey/Hubby/Lovey (whichever you prefer or identify as)
He loves you, but no. You can't go w him on emergencies.
Literally on the verge of tears if you're the one in danger
If that happens, prepare to be snuggled for 3 days straight.
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hush-writes-preg · 9 months
Man, I'm still thinking about that chambermaid snippet you wrote and it's kind of developed into it's own daydream. It's definitely got my own twist to it since it's turned into a fantasy, buuut I thought I'd toss it to ya.
In my head it goes a little something like this. There's a petite transmasc person who's lovers with an important lord who is also married. Said lord is kind of emotionally distant and unfriendly but eventually this lil dude worms his way from in the general court to right up in said Lord's personal social circle. Eventually, an arrangement is founded with the Lord, his wife, and this trans guy, after the wife is assumed to be infertile after years of not conceiving, that he will be a kind of willing concubine for him.
So ofc, Lord guy starts absolutely plowing him on the reg. And also still his wife. And in some fucking miracle of nature they both actually manage to get pregnant.
The wife is sick most of the pregnancy, she's got all the negatives, the bloating, the headaches, the nausea, etc- The concubine has the opposite experience, round, full, glowing, insane sex drive, the whole shebang. So Wifey starts to resent him a little bit.
Story concludes with them both going into labor at the same time. For whatever reason or another there's no medical attendants around or even any chambermaids to help so they have to help each other.
The wife is having a really hard time. She's in a lot of pain, pushing, panting, moaning, but it feels stuck. The concubine on the other hand by that point has a head directly lodged into his pelvis, but he's sat himself on the ground to help her in such a way that he's purposefully not progressing, instead making the effort to help her.
They're both soaked in sweat. The wife is screaming, her labor pains immense and almost impossible to withstand, and she's barely making any progress. Meanwhile the pressure inside the Concubine is nearly orgasmic. He's so close to crowning now, and he's on edge. He's borderline delirious and every movement causes waves of bittersweet pain and pleasure through his entire midsection. He knows if he were too shift too much now, he'd likely succumb to his body's increasing need to push.
After maybe hours of labor, the Wife finally manages to push the shoulders out and her baby comes out with a gush of fluid. She probably thinks the Concubine is still in the earlier stages of labor given how they've had their legs practically glued shut this entire time.
The wife is absolutely like, destroyed. Hair is all frazzled, covered in sweat and various other body fluids, all sticky, just generally having a bad time. But she kind of snaps out of the post-birth haze when the other guy starts to pant rapidly.
She watches as the Concubine's body start to spasm as they shift their position. They give a loud yelp as with an intense sudden ferocity, the Concubine pushes once and their own baby gushes out of them with orgasmic fury.
What an incredible scenario, 🛸 anon!
I love the thought of the Concubine struggling to hold his own labor in check while helping the Wife, knowing that she needs every bit of support he can give her during this time. Meanwhile, his body is doing wild things to him, on the cusp of edging while his baby slides lower and lower.
Imagine the Concubine slouching forward as his hips instinctively rise, opening up just enough room for that long-delayed baby to finally surge forward. It's just enough to set him off and into one of the most intense orgasms of his life. 💖
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Could you maybe do Darry Curtis x fem! Reader sfw alphabet please? I love your writing btw! :)
Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoy!! Out of personal preference, I am keeping my SFW Alphabets pretty gender neutral, but you can totally read them as more fem. Sorry, love.
Also, this man is one of my favorite characters in this damn book. I want nothing but the best for him. For some reason putting hcs into words was killing me this time, I'm so sorry if it's noticeable!!!
SFW Alphabet : Darry Curtis
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Not huge on PDA aside from holding hands and a kiss on the cheek. Pretty private about personal (especially romantic) relationships, people will know you two are together, it will be obvious in how you interact, but there isn't much open affection.
Around close friends, the gang, and his brothers, he's a bit (but not much) more affectionate. He'll call you a few pet-names (hun/honey, sweetheart, beautiful), might wrap an arm around you when you're sitting together, little things.
All alone, he'll pull you onto his lap or wrap his hands around your waist while you're doing the dishes, resting his head on you and giving you a quick kiss.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You know Darry from yalls school days. You two were good, but never quite friends. You interacted with each other, but more in passing or in group settings.
After graduation, you two just didn't really interact at all. You two weren't close or anything, there was never a reason to keep in touch. Later, you cross paths again and catch up a bit.
Being close friends with Darry is just a lot of little things. Having a scheduled day a week where you come over for coffee, going grocery shopping together, hanging out with his brothers a ton, etc. Also, hearing him vent. You're hearing about every single time Ponyboy is an idiot, in great detail. And he also trusts you as someone he can talk out his more serious problems with, because dude is going through TOO MUCH for his age (I'm 22 and my only obligations are myself and 2 cats, I could not IMAGINE being both younger and in charge of anything more serious than the shit I'm dealing with right now, give this man some support and a break, holy hell). He doesn't expect or want you to help with anything at all, he just wants to have an outlet to verbalize whatever is going on. You're there to listen.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Isn't one to cuddle often. That would require him to stay relaxed for an extended period of time and that's rare. Besides being a fairly busy person as *literally the only person in the gang with actual obligations and an ounce of responsibility* and essentially having to be there to put up with all of their bullshit, he is the type of person that needs to do something with his time or he doesn't feel productive. Even when he's going to bed, he is asleep so fast that cuddling isn't really an option, you can cuddle into him but he's already dead asleep so you aren't getting anything back.
If no one is expected to come around (which is rare because the door is always unlocked, his brothers are usually around, you're working with the assumption that someone's going to barge in whenever) he might have you sit on his lap while he reads the paper or something.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Pretty good at cleaning. Things aren't perfect and sometimes life is just hectic so things don't get done, but nothing generally gets absolutely disgusting when he's around. Doesn't mind cleaning, actually quite enjoys it. There may be piles of dirty clothes sometimes or laundry might not get folded or put up right away, and "weekly" chores might be a bit late, but it all gets done.
Good at cooking the basics. Darry is good enough in the kitchen to tweak a recipe on the fly and make it a bit better than it otherwise would be, but he isn't able to make entire meals based on what sounds like it would work out well. Isn't inventing any new dishes or anything.
If he met the right person he'd be willing to reconsider, but Darry mostly sees himself having a pretty traditional life in the future, not really by choice but more because its the 60s and thats whats expected. He's the provider, he works long hours. He would expect you to do the housework and cooking and such. Isn't 100% conservatively split about it, would still absolutely help out some and make dinner on his days off. Again, if you were like "yeah, that's not going to work out, we're going to be tag-teaming on this domestic stuff, I'm going to have my own money" then he'd be totally okay with that. It isn't preferred because there's more of a chance that you'll both be too tired from work and things won't get done, but if it's important to you then it's a compromise he's willing to make.
(I also like making him a househusband. I think if you made BANK and convinced him that you were okay with being the breadwinner, he can be convinced to stay at home and do the domestic work while also doing freelance. He wouldn't have the pressure to make money, so he'd be able to prioritize the home, but he'd also want to not be unemployed so he'd do odd-jobs fixing things for shorter hours than a normal job would have. Less realistic, perhaps, but man's been through it so he deserves to just be taken care of instead of having to take care of others.)
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
The most logical/mature about a relationship ending, but it can come off as a bit cold when you're hurt by it. Darry will sit you down and basically discuss whatever problem there is. He'll say "we either fix this or break up" and mean it. He'll definitely put in the work to solve whatever's going on, but if he feels that he's doing most of the work then it's over. Is disappointed by a breakup, is absolutely sad about it in private and a bit more irritable for a while, but life goes on. Sometimes relationships end, and he frankly doesn't have time to mope about it when that isn't fixing anything.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Would incorporate you into his life pretty quickly (having you stay over and doing dinner/chores/life stuff together). Introduces you to his brothers fast. That's pretty decent commitment because, like I touched on above, Darry can deal with a break up well but it's harder to separate when there are three people that are kind of attached to you rather than just one.
The entire gang really gets along with you, so they're all constantly asking when you and Darry are getting married. Hard to tell if that has any influence on when he proposes, but it's probably about a year or two in. Quick, but not irresponsibly so. Yall stay engaged for a long while, he wants you to be able to have a nice wedding (small and simple, but still nice) so he waits until both of his brothers are actually out of the house and he can *attempt* to save up the tiniest bit for it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Pretty gentle, but in a stereotypically man way specifically emotionally, if that makes sense? Like, genuinely an amazing boyfriend, treats you so good. But emotions aren't a strong point for him, he likes things that have reason and sound logic behind them. Likes to rationalize things. He'll give advice that you didn't ask for it and you just wanted him to listen, or will tell you that you're problems really aren't urgent/major. Will be very confused when you get upset by that. If you aren't the emotional type, then it's all good!! If you are, then he'll really try to learn when to just not try to "help" when you need him to be more gentle.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Likes hugs. Darry usually wraps his arms around you from behind when you're doing something. Any time he's in a good or sillier mood, you're getting picked up. Loves doing that thing where he, like, lifts you up and spins you around. If he's in a bad mood, he'll get a tiny bit clingy with you and tends to end up in long, silent embraces with you. They really give him comfort.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
A few months, maybe 4? He doesn't want to take things too fast or really anything, so it takes a bit. The gang (especially his brothers, ESPECIALLY Soda) tease the hell out of you two for being so in love way before then, and he usually tells them to shut the hell up. But one day when you're making dinner he comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist like always, and he just says it. Shocked the hell out of both of you, he had a long day and just kind of blurted it out without even really meaning to, but obviously you love him too (how couldn't you?) so it was alright.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Trusts you fully. Does not get jealous hardly ever. If someone was clearly into you and flirting with you, he wouldn't care at all because he's confident you wouldn't be into it. Even if he caught the vibe that you were cheating or you were getting REALLY friendly with someone else, he wouldn't get jealous so much as frustrated that you would cheat instead of just breaking up with him. Very quick to want to talk out any issues, so misunderstandings are usually put to rest there. On the very rare occasion that he does feel jealous, he doesn't even mention it.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Usually a kiss on your forehead or the top of your head, quick and sweet are most common but slow, lingering kisses on the mouth aren't rare either.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Good with kids. Definitely the most responsible with kids, more strict than most. While not the "most fun" for kids out of the gang, Darry is way better than a lot of the gang gives him credit for. If he was in a position where he knew he was going to have to watch some younger kids for a day, he'd make plans to keep them entertained. Take them to the park and for some kind of small treat, would be rather active in playing with them if they wanted him to.
He doesn't want kids for a WHILE, after both of his brothers are out of the house he would prefer to have a few years at least. But kids are an eventually thing for Darry. Just one, maybe two.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
You two wake up fairly early so that he can get ready for work (he doesn't even work THAT early, he's just one of those people that likes to not feel rushed in the morning), you start some coffee and maybe get started on breakfast. Breakfast is eaten, and Darry goes to read the paper while you get ready.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
On an average night when yall don't have any other plans, usually dinner and hanging out with his brothers a bit. Pony goes to bed kind of early if he doesn't have anything better to do because he's a little bitch he has school the next day, and Soda usually finds something to do with his late evening/night. After they're gone, you climb into Darry's lap as he's sitting on his chair and yall just talk for a while until he's literally drifting off mid conversation so you two go to bed.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Doesn't get emotionally vulnerable early on, but also doesn't know the difference between basic information and deeper stuff. You'll say "tell me a bit about yourself" on the first date and he'll instantly start kind of trauma-dumping. You expect some hobbies or something and he'll start getting into how he had to give up on college to take care of his brothers after his parents died and your just sitting there like "damn... I really thought you would just tell me your favorite color or smth..."
Kind of doesn't know what to say, so will just give you various bits of his entire life story whenever something makes him think of some story to tell.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Easily frustrated or annoyed. Harder to properly anger, more likely to happen because it's been building up over several different things and he hits a breaking point.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Would remember most things, but also has the tendency to temporarily forget them. They just slip his mind, the second you mention it he gets hit with an "OH YEAH, I DID KNOW THAT" but he might forget things. Too much stuff, not enough brain space. It's a stress thing, a symptom of anxiety. He tries to remember everything. Big on intentionally doing things to help, he writes dates in a calender and if anything is important he'll make a note and kind of repeat information to himself.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When you guys made your relationship official. You two had been friends for a little while before even dating, then dated a bit before you had to ask if you two were actually together or not. Darry was already pretty in love with you, tbh, he just wanted to take things slow because if you two were really together then there would be more expectations that he was afraid he couldn't meet. He felt that he couldn't give you the attention that you deserved in an actual relationship. You basically had to say "listen, my love, I *KNOW* that you're going through some shit, and I know your brothers are your top priority, and I know that you can't give me all of your time. I am signing up for this, I care about you and I want to be with you." And, holy fuck, he needed that so damn bad.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Will absolutely protect you if you need it, but hopes you don't need it. Like, if someone is treating you badly when you are literally just minding your own business then he's by your side INSTANTLY. If something happens when he's not there, he is one call away. He'll call someone to check on you usually, but in an emergency he will drop what he's doing for you instantly.
If you were being unsafe, being super unaware of your surroundings or picking a fight or something, he'll obviously still be there for you but will be mad about it. Will tell you to be more careful because that was easily avoidable.
Darry would prefer to just tell anyone messing with you to politely fuck off. Very "is this person bothering you, darlin?" and usually it works because he's a big guy, people aren't usually going to double down on being nasty/creepy/rude to you when he comes over. If need be, he will absolutely kick some guy's ass for you. The second some dude so much as touches you (whether pervy or violent), that dude is getting several broken bones.
If you found yourself in those situations often, he'd probably get you to carry a small knife or a makeshift pepper spray for self defense (pepper spray was invented in the 60s, but wasn't sold to the public until the 80s, but I feel like he would have you carry something similar because it's non-lethal and can be used at a longer range) because he can't really be around you all the time.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Always gives the relationship everything he's got, but what he's got varies wildly. There are going to be periods of time when he is able to put small bits of money aside for gifts and anniversaries, makes sure that he schedules out one date a week just so you two are guaranteed to see each other alone, does what he can around the house so you don't have to do it all, etc. There are also times when he doesn't get to see you or take you on dates, forgets anniversaries and has to make it up to you, etc. It isn't out of lack of effort at all, he feels terrible about it when things get like that, but it happens.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
It takes a lot to convince him to accept help. I think a lot of the guys have this problem, it's a problem that a lot of men have in general and in the 60s the gender expectations went even harder, but Darry can be especially bad about it.
Not only will he not let you help him with things, but he will also get too overwhelmed by having to put energy into a relationship too and will probably want a break (especially in the beginning) if he gets too stressed about other things. After you fight him on it, he'll realize that you actually signed up for this and are totally down to stay with him even when he's busy or exhausted or just doesn't have any time/energy/money to spare for you. He'll still feel hella bad about it, wants you to have someone that can give you the attention that he feels you deserve, but he's not putting your relationship on hold over it anymore.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Knows he looks good as hell, all of the Curtis brothers are super conventionally attractive and they know it. Darry also takes a lot of pride in his body. He isn't vain or overly caught up in his looks, but he isn't oblivious to them either.
He knows he's fine, he cleans up really well when he wants to, he does not care if he looks rough or unfashionable sometimes.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
No. He's whole outside of a relationship, a partner is extra. Very much of the mindset that a healthy relationship is when two whole people create something bigger than themselves.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Loves to know things, very into learning. Always looking into classes (though he doesn't have the money or time to take them, he just likes seeing what's there), huge on the importance of keeping up with the news and current events, reads a lot of nonfiction and watched documentaries. Likes facts, especially history and sciences like biology and earth science. Has a lot of skills that he's picked up and is always looking to pick up more. If you need anything done or you need to know anything that could be considered useless trivia, check with Darry first because there's a good chance he'll have an answer.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Lack of damn common sense, not being able to take a rational and honest answer. He REALLY tries to be understanding about it with the people that he cares about. It's a major issue between him and Ponyboy especially, but it could be a problem with any more emotional person. He doesn't get it at all, so it's SO frustrating when he has to stand by and watch someone make a stupid decision because they just refuse to by logical about it. Even worse when it turns into an argument, because he's usually objectively right but it's so hard to win against someone so intensely emotionally charged even when his points are completely sound and valid.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Sleeps in chairs 80% of the time. Doesn't mean to, he sits too long and he's out, though. Between that and work, he has no right to wonder why when his body is fucked up. No way it isn't catching up to him as he gets older.
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hkkingofshades · 3 months
Tumblr's new policy, and updates going forward
Yeah, I bet we all saw this coming, huh.
So, given tungl dot hell(tm)'s new deal with midjourney, I think pretty much all artists on tumblr are, well, not having a great time. Like deviantart, tumblr has provided a way to opt out from having your blog content scraped, but like deviantart, it's a little unclear what has already been shared before the opt-out went into place, and how much they'll actually work to stop machine trawlers from trawling opted-out blogs.
I'll put the tl;dr up front:
King of Shades will not be leaving Tumblr, but due to the new policy, I won't be posting full pages here anymore.
There's no point in taking down all the pages I've already posted. Deleting them from my page won't delete subsequent reblogs, and there's a pretty high chance that tumblr has already scraped them. (haveibeentrained.com seems to think I haven't been yet, at least. I don't think I really have a big enough following for that to happen, although I don't want to jinx it...) But I certainly won't be posting the full-size pages here anymore.
Instead, I think I'll go the Trying Human route and post a little preview of the update (possibly heavily watermarked; my computer can't run glaze/nightshade, unfortunately), so you guys will still get notifications, but you'll have to visit the ComicFury main website in order to read it. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience (although I will say that I think it's a much better reading experience over there)!
Speaking of which:
I have never and will never ask for any kind of compensation (other than your wonderful feedback, which I've just been absolutely blown away by) for doing this. Even putting legality aside, that's not why I'm here! However, if you've enjoyed this comic, ever thought that you might be willing to tip me on ko-fi if I had one, or even just want to continue having an internet that isn't entirely a corporate wasteland, I ask that you consider donating to ComicFury instead.
ComicFury is a relic of the old, good internet: it's been around for at least 15 years, and it's all hosted and managed by one guy (Kyo). Aside from his team of volunteer moderators, everything on this website is done by one person with a passion for supporting artists. I've chatted with him a little, and he's a great dude! Most of his operating costs are paid for out of pocket, and the site is currently hurting a little bit because it doesn't run ads, it doesn't have subscriptions or paywalled content, it doesn't have any corporate interference or monetization of any kind outside of his Patreon. And—perhaps most relevantly for this post:
I will cut right to the chase, we have decided not to allow AI-art based webcomics on the site. [...] As for our reasoning, there are obviously ethical concerns regarding the source images of most commonly used AI image generators (namely them just being scraped off the internet without anyones permission). But even beyond that, another concern is that due to the extremely low effort involved, webcomics of this nature could just over time completely drown out in numbers art by passionate people who put a lot of time into it , which would be a real shame. So we asked ourselves what would be better for the community, and we agreed that banning it would probably be the better thing overall.
—Kyo has been quite firm that he will not allow AI art to be posted to or scraped from any ComicFury domain. While this isn't a protection against huge web trawls or people putting someone's art in individually—there's not a lot anyone can do about that yet, even with tools like glaze and nightshade—it's a little peace of mind that the art posted there won't abruptly be sold en masse to the highest bidder.
The Patreon starts at $2/month, and Kyo has said that he doesn't mind people pledging for a short time and then dipping if they can't afford an ongoing subscription. If and only if this is something you can afford, and you want to continue seeing independent webcomics including King of Shades, please consider donating!
The Patreon is here. There's not much in the way of reward tiers, especially if you're not a member, but I posit that the real reward is being able to read free webcomics done by real humans as labors of love, without being advertised to or sold as the product. And also maybe the friends we made along the way. Or something.
Once again, there is no pressure, and no shame if you're not willing or able to give money. But if you've ever thought you might be willing to tip me for what I do, consider passing it along to the guy who makes it possible instead.
Thank you for your time!
P.S. Page 64 is coming, I promise! Recent developments kind of kneecapped my motivation for making online art 🙃
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marley-manson · 6 months
Do you have any petpeaves regarding the M*A*S*H fandom?
lol sure i'll take the opportunity provided to express a few, ty for the ask!
Overall Mash fandom is pretty awesome imo, and I actually don't have many compared to a lot of fandoms I've been in, and the ones I do have tend to apply to most fandoms anyway lol, they're staples of fandom in general.
-- The biggest one is probably the common take that Hawkeye is insecure, self-loathing, emotionally repressed, thinks he doesn't deserve love, yadda yadda yadda. This isn't really Mash specific because the bad-self-esteem-ray hits every bottom in fandom at some point lol, but it's extra grating in Mash fandom for me because to me it feels more blatantly OOC than most versions of this.
Now to be fair to fandom there are a few scattered lines throughout the series you can take out of context to justify this take, and one bad episode that provably contradicts the rest of the show (Who Knew), but I feel like you have to stretch like a gymnast to justify it and ignore 99% of the rest of the show and Hawkeye's behaviour.
And it's boring and flattens Hawkeye to a caricature of someone else imho.
-- Generally, and again this applies to all fandoms lbr, I dislike the way a lot of people need to jump to accusations of bigotry to justify their personal preferences. One example I've seen a couple of times that's absolutely bizarre to me is the take that if Klinger gets dicked down and/or feminized in fic it's because of racist fetishization. That's Maxwell Q. Klinger, the dude who wears dresses throughout most of the show and canonically grows to genuinely enjoy it. And even if he was 100% masculine, that's what a lot of fandom does to every single dude they love ever lol, all it means is that Klinger has a fanbase, which is a good thing. imo attitudes like these help contribute to non-white characters getting less fanworks about them, and while I don't think it's prevalent enough in Mash fandom to have a negative effect, I've seen it destroy other ships featuring characters of colour.
Another example is the classic bad take that if you don't ship women in het or interpret a heterosexual relationship as doomed/not romantic/etc, it's because of misogyny lol. It's not hugely common in Mash fandom but I've seen it occasionally from BJ/Peg shippers and the very occasional Margaret enthusiast.
Oh and another example is that depicting Hawkeye as effeminate is homophobia. Again, this is Hawkeye, the dude who proudly calls himself unmanly in various ways every episode and makes 50 jokes about wanting to get fucked in the ass. Frankly it's a bigger stretch to me to assume he wouldn't easily and happily adopt actual effeminate body language/phrasing and tone if he's, say, at the bar and wants to pull a top. Or maybe even just if there are no straight people around, yk? Why not? The take that writing unmasculine men is offensive is a fandom classic and usually strikes me itself as homophobic, gender essentialist, and basically just someone's masc4masc kink masquerading as an issue.
Like to be clear there is certainly bigotry in the Mash fandom, as in every fandom, and it's worth discussing, and sometimes depending on context it can even apply in the above cases (eg if a fic about Klinger getting dicked down earnestly described him as idk exotic or something, or if people who 'feminize' male characters take it to silly extremes and start writing meta about how these men are woman-coded/victims of misogyny lol) but this ain't it chief, this is people repackaging their own pet peeves in social justice language to win perceived arguments, and it's a bad vibe.
-- This one IS fairly Mash specific lol, and to be clear it's 100% harmless and just something that makes me roll my eyes sometimes because I'm not into it myself and it strips away the things I do like about the ship: the way a lot of Hawk/BJ fans headcanon BJ as much more supportive and sensitive to Hawkeye than he actually is, by taking various things he does and assuming he does them for Hawkeye, like he's constantly aware of Hawkeye's unexpressed needs and catering to them.
Yk, he wears pink shirts for Hawkeye! He grew the moustache for Hawkeye (never mind that Hawkeye hates it)! He stole Hawkeye's joke to give Hawkeye enrichment because Hawkeye loves... being upset I guess. Joker Is Wild? All for Hawkeye because Hawkeye loves being paranoid and alienating people. (The reasoning I've actually seen is that Hawkeye loves having an excuse to throw a tantrum lol). He totally comforts Hawkeye when Hawkeye is upset, they just never show it. He is devoted to Hawkeye, he'd do anything for him, ignore the episodes where he calls him crazy and ditches him while he's facing adversity. He's Hawkeye's emotional support!
I've seen it in serious meta and casual headcanons and fic where BJ just falls into role of tender, emotionally intelligent emotional support like it's an assumed part of their dynamic despite not only never seeing that in canon, but Hawkeye actually pointing out multiple times that BJ is not very supportive.
It's also a misreading of Hawkeye who is actually the emotional support of their friendship, rather than vice versa, and tends to go hand in hand with my first pet peeve: Hawkeye as an emotionally insecure, repressed mess lol. BJ goes to him when he needs a shoulder to cry on, something consistent to the point of it being a way to manipulate Hawkeye in Picture This. Not vice versa. Hawkeye goes to Margaret or Mulcahy or Sidney. The only example I can think of where BJ provides emotional support (by which I mean listening to Hawkeye's emotional concerns and offering supportive input) to Hawkeye is the end of Comrades in Arms, and it's like the bare minimum of fulfilling the typical best friend on tv role.
(I like that BJ doesn't fulfill that role tbh! It's more interesting that way, it makes their dynamic feel more unique and intriguing.)
-- Also people who think Mash got more progressive in the later seasons. I think it demonstrates a shallow understanding of the political implications of the show. Getting rid of the character with a slur for a nickname doesn't automatically equal less racist, it's just an easy thing to point to that doesn't require much critical thought. And the growing feminist concerns go hand in hand with depicting republicans, patriots, and racist imperialistic military commanders as good people.
And to be fair I sympathize with this take, I've seen it everywhere from fandom to grumbling republicans complaining about mash getting preachier to professionally written retrospectives and academic analysis lol, so it's not like I hold fandom to higher standards. The ways Mash grows more regressive are more insidious, and the problems in the early seasons are much more obvious and in your face than in the later seasons. And there will always be some debate on whether eg rampant womanizing is worse than pro-imperialism messages, though I know what side I fall on there.
But imo it still sucks that it's such a popular opinion.
-- The emphasis on found family, especially in a 'the war brought them together' sense. Any hint of gratitude that the war let them meet people they love in fic, or whatever. This is something I can't completely blame on fandom because the show itself veered uncomfortably close to this a few times too in the later years, but yeah I'm not a fan. To me the most important aspect of Mash is the fact that they all hate it there, the war is worse than hell, they're virtually prisoners trapped in a nightmare, and any of the draftees would absolutely trade those relationships for an end to the war or just a ticket home. Their friendships are less a silver lining and more a painkiller that just barely takes the edge off. I think this vibe is clearer in the first half of the show, but that's yet another reason the first half is better and more progressive politically lol. And it doesn't disappear in the latter half either, just gets a bit more muddied.
-- This kind of goes hand in hand with the above points, but I feel like it's more of an older Mash fandom issue that I encounter when archive diving moreso than a thing currently (though I do occasionally still see it these days): fans who actively like the military stuff lol. I've read fic where dog tags are kinked on/romanticized, fic that depicts draft-dodging as bad, etc. These days it's more stuff in line with the worst parts of canon, like taking Potter at face value as a Good authority figure who deserves respect because of his military experience, but yeah. Don't like that.
-- Okay that's all I got off the top of my head. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to whine lol
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13thdoctorposts · 1 year
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Sacha Dhawan Panel Part 1
Please note this IS NOT word for word, but so you can get a general gist of the panel.
Whovians of all ages got to ask him questions.
This post is just Sachs’s part of the panel there is a seperate post for Michelle’s panel and Michelle and Sacha’s panel.
How do you over come embarrassment?
Being part of Doctor Who, I do think I struggled with quiet a bit of anxiety and I kept it quite private, but weirdly doing Doctor Who allowed me over come it a little bit probably because of the nature of the character where he’s gotta do these confident crazy things so you throw yourself in the deep end. But it immediately felt, being a part of Doctor Who it’s such a welcoming community, not just you guys but also the people who make it. I felt they allowed me to over come my anxiety a little bit. It’s not that it will ever go away but I was just encouraged to be bold and fearless and yes I was doing it in my performance but it made me realise with my anxiety in real life those who are suffering from anxiety lose confidence in themselves so I guess playing the Master allowed me to find my confidence again and not really care to much about being embarrassed and embrace it and from that magic can happen.
So you just met the greatest Master of all time, she just left the stage
Sacha: Oh wow, 😂
What was it like following her?… I mean you are like the second greatest.
Sacha: before Doctor who, yeah I was an actor but I felt like the average guy on the street, when you get the call saying not only are you coming into Doctor Who but your coming into play this iconic character, it’s absolutely terrifying and initially your like how am I going to do that, where do I start? And then people are telling you oh do you know who played him before, people like Michelle, Derek Jacobi, Eric Roberts, John Simm and then I’m like… me? This dude? (Points to himself) so it’s really nerve racking so I started watching little bits and then I though ok I’m not going to be as imaginative if I just think about all of that, I have to approach it like I would any role and over the last couple of years I’ve tried to be just be bold and make crazy choices and sometimes it doesn’t work and that’s cool cos something even better happens. So once I let go of the prestige of the role it really freed me up and I had a lot of support from the creators to put my own stamp on it which they kindly asked me to do it. And it’s only now having done it and stepped off the Whoniverse that you can really take it in sometimes, I’m like how did I do all that, you know from getting the costume to being in the TARDIS, to working with Jodie, having some of those intense scenes. I look back and I think was that me that did that, so yeah it feels great to be able to be a part of it and sitting with you guys.
What was it like going from something like Doctor Who into something like Wolf?
Sacha: It was actually the producer of Doctor Who who was working on it. It’s great I always like to keep challenging myself and playing different people, that’s what I really get excited about a project where I go, that person is completely different to me, I have a moment of panic and wonder how am I gonna play it, I love the idea of just chipping away at it and the ahhhh… that, that’s who that person is. Whether it be a psychopath or a police officer, I think the more complex they are or the more challenging they are going into it the more exciting I find it. Even with the Master I always try to find some truth in it. With the Master I was really interested in the relationship with the Doctor I think that was the real kind of hook point for me.
Moderator: You master was the first time where I actually thought the Doctor might not get out of it, even with Simms you know the Doctor would figured it out but I honestly didn’t see how it was going to happen. That was the terrifying part of your portrayal
Sacha: I was chatting to Chris about it, I felt what I liked about playing the Master, well my version, he was already in such a dark place he had nothing left to lose so it was like to die for the cause and bring down the Doctor with him then it was a win for him so that made him utterly terrifying.
Do you think you can take me on? (Kid is dressed as Darth Vader)
I think you could take me on actually, I’m a bit scared of you.
Does the 4 heartbeat tap on the microphone
Sacha: oh yeah the tap
Moderator: now your scaring me
Sacha: I’m not sure if I want to take you on or to be your best friend
Does the 4 heartbeat tap on the microphone
Moderator: I think that’s psychological warfare
You’ve played a lot of different characters which did you enjoy playing the most and why?
Sacha: I’d probably say the Master actually, it’s the only character I’ve played that has such an emotional range, and then he also appears in so many different time periods, there was so much range to play and also the character has so much fun doing it so yeah playing the Master. Even going back to do the Centenary Special I couldn’t wait to get back into it again.
Did you come up with the choreography for Rasputin on the spot and by yourself? And did you enjoy it?
Sacha: I did yeah, I didn’t plan anything I was gonna do I just couldn’t wait, it was such a big scene. Such an emotionally charged scene. Between me and you I was in London and I was listening to that song constantly just kind of like jamming out, feeling it on the tube so when they played the music, what’s amazing when we came to do the scene filming in the amazing studio and they blasted it through huge speakers so you couldn’t help but just go for it and you know, listen, you put me in front of an audience and I’m going to throw some serious shapes, I loved it and I’m really glad people responded to it as well.
Sacha who do you like better Daemon (the moderator) or Michelle?
Moderator: easy answer
Sacha: You know what, we did the zoo interview, it was lovely doing that interview because we were in lockdown and everything. I can say this now I was a little bit intimidated meeting Michelle, it’s the first time we’ve meet and even though I’ve played the Master, I’m just like the average guy now and I think my god she played Missy! So I think I adore you both. But coming away this, being in NZ I’ve come away with a little soft spot for Michelle I think she’s so sweet.
Given that you’ve been able to travel around the world and meet a bunch of different people have there been any colloquialism that you grew up with that you’re surprised aren’t else where and are there any in NZ that you don’t know or understand?
I think it’s amazing that I’m literally on the other side of the world and I think you guys really get British culture don’t you? It feels oddly like I’m home from home.
Moderator: we’re still part of the commonwealth remember…
Sacha: oh yeah… I don’t know are there some colloquialism that I should know?
Moderator: um…. yeh, nar… sweet as…
Sacha: what other colloquialism are there let’s hear them
Moderator: Yeh, Nar… which is yes, no but then there Nar, Yeh, or we might go Yeh, Nar, Yeh.
Questioner: it means whatever the last word is
Moderator: Sweet as
Sacha: Sweet ass 🤨
Moderator: no not sweet ass, sweet as, like in sweet as sweet thing
Sacha: oh sweet as, I get that
Moderator: chur bro
Sacha: Cheers?
Moderator: no Chur, it’s like a cheers, or a sweet as. Now the word mate
Sacha: I say mate a lot
Moderator: mattttte, Nar mate, now what else have we got?… it’s gone to custard. A nik minute.
Sacha: nik minute? 🤨
Moderator: there was their guy who was a bit of a skateboarder and he said “I took my scooter to the Dairy and went inside nik minute someone stole it” and it became this meme, and now it’s a thing.
What do you think are the motivations for your Master?
Sacha: in terms of the story?
Sacha: For me it was the timeless child and all of that and realising the Doctor wasn’t really one of us, and was regarded as so special when it felt like it should have been me. So that, the origins of all of that was really the main motivation. And like I was saying earlier I’d already lost so much I really got nothing else to lose so why not go out with a bang. So I think one of the motivations was to create chaos and even though it seems kind of messy, underneath it all it was extremely organised and it felt like the Master, even though he presents himself as chaotic there’s a lot of… he’s incredibly intelligent underneath all that, so there’s so many different things and the relationship with the Doctor was a huge part of it for me, you may have noticed it was very playful, chaotic, but for me it was very emotionally charged as well, so those things together were a really interesting concoction.
Moderator: here’s a question for the audience, doesn’t the timeless child mean that prior to the timeless child’s existence the gallifreyans couldn’t regenerate? Doesn’t that mean technically the Doctor created your ability to regenerate? How did that happen? Were you subjected to a bunch of experiments and injected with DNA?
Sacha: so partly yes, that’s the thing, they are strangely connected in a way, the thing that really frustrated me (as in the Master) was like the part of her in me, in terms of our story anyway so I was really frustrated.
With your master I got a a vibe of split personality, mentally unstable did you approach the role with a mental health spin to it?
Sacha: I think the character is certainly complex so I wasn’t afraid of leaning into that to be honest, I think I found it really trusting and made him very bold, imaginative, intelligent I couldn’t label him as one specific thing but I utilised a range of different things and just made sure not to be afraid of going there and I did want people to feel slightly intimidated by him.
You came across as really unhinged but when you’re watching it, it’s almost like you kinda feel for the guy but at the same time he’s destroying the universe.
Sacha: yeah, that’s the thing I wanted that and by the end of it you kind of realise he’s just a damaged young boy really
He just needs a hug
Sacha: yeah, lol, that’s really the stem of it I think, he’s totally unloved and incredibly lonely I think, his purpose is to constantly chase the Doctor and once the Doctor was out of the picture and he was the Doctor it didn’t really give him the happiness that he thought it was going to be because he had nothing to chase anymore.
Iron fist is the first time I remember seeing you on screen how did you get the role and how did it feel to became part of the marvel universe?
Sacha: yeah it was amazing, when you audition for Marvel you don’t it’s Marvel because they are really secretive they give you dummy sides, the script is made up, so it’s only until you get later down the process you get “it’s the new marvel show” and I did this thing where they said to me how is your martial arts, and I said it’s amazing and I had never ever even done any martial arts in my life and the most embarrassing thing happened I was in New York and my screen-test, my final audition for iron fist and it went ok and then they said oh before you leave our big stunt coordinator wants to see your martial arts and I thought oh my god, and asked them to give me 5 minutes so I could go get my trainers and I was thinking what do I do. And guys if you could have seen me in that test, when you’re under that much pressure because you want the part, you should have seen the kicks, (demonstrates on stage… they are terrible, lol) and I could see the stunt coordinator was like this guy can’t even throw a kick, but I was filming Sherlock at the same time with Benedict Cumberbatch and we had a fight scene and I had footage on my phone so I showed him that, and asked him to just give me the chance, I’ll learn, and luckily he gave me the chance and I learnt, I spent about a year or so learning. It was amazing.
Did you get really recognised after that?
Sacha: yeah I did a little bit, it’s such a big franchise, it was the first step into me being able to play characters I never thought I would be able to play, I always thought I’m always going to be limited by how I look, we don’t really get to play those kinds of interesting parts, I think the world is shifting slightly so to be able to play a marvel villain or the Master in Doctor Who it’s pretty iconic. And it’s only when I get to chat to your guys I think oh wow, and I feel so incredibly honoured to be a part of two amazing universes.
Who’s your favourite Doctor?
Sacha: My favourite Doctor? I really like Matt Smith. I think he’s great.
Audience: what about Jodie?
Sacha: Jodie is amazing. But if I had to work with another Doctor I’d say Matt Smith I think he’s again, he’s so playful and so sharp I’d love to be able to do scenes with him he’s such a good actor and a really nice guy.
If you had your own TARDIS and the chameleon broke what would you like your TARDIS to be stuck as?
Sacha: I don’t know, I’d have to think on what that would be… I don’t think a police box can be topped honestly.
Moderator: I’d go with a kombi
Sacha: or a mini like Mr Bean drives
Do you have any funny behind the scenes stories?
Sacha: they told me everything was really secretive (on Doctor Who) and I didn’t tell anybody anything and I was also filming a show called Dracula at the same time and I went to dinner with Steven Moffatt and in my head I just presumed he would be working on the show and I must admit my knowledge of Doctor Who was a little lacking and so somethings I didn’t realise the importance of, so we’re having dinner and he said “oh you’re filming Doctor Who” and I was like “yeah yeah yeah, I’m doing Doctor Who they’ve given me this like tissue compressor eliminator thing, you know” and I could see in his face he was like oh my god he’s playing the Master, and I didn’t realise, then I got a call from the BBC saying “could you not be telling people” “I was like yeah but it Steven and they were like yeah but he doesn’t work on the show anymore” So yeah I gave it away some.
Moderator: so you’re the Tom Holland of the Doctor Who universe.
Sacha: yeah, lol
I love The Great, we’re a little behind here in New Zealand, but I thought Rasputin was even funnier because of the link to The Great. Was there actually a link did they do it deliberately?
Sacha: no, there wasn’t, I remember reading it and thinking god there’s such a connection, but no, I think Chris always felt Rasputin would be.. is the perfect kind of Master, the perfect kind of person for me to be disguised as, he’s quite evil, quite manipulative, so yeah it was pure coincidence.
Do you have any any weird or funny fan interaction?
Sacha: they have all been pretty good, I think I had in a picture line up someone said can I pick you up, is it alright if I carry you and I was like “yessss please”. The fan interactions, were the one thing people spoke about but didn’t quite prepare me for is just the community and the fan base is so amazing on Doctor Who and it’s like on Twitter if anyone says a bad word, I don’t have to do anything because I’ve got my own security! Everyone’s great, I’ve had great fan interaction.
That’s it for part 1 of Sacha’s Panel, part 2 will be up soon, and I promise Part 2 will be worth the wait.
Also if you ever defended our little Spy Master on Twitter he’s seen you and appreciates you!
If you wanna know what went down in the other panels they are linked below
Michelle and Sacha
VIP Panel
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cannibalismyuri · 10 months
People aren’t obligated to reblog your fanfics if they don’t enjoy the writing. You don’t get as much attention because you’re not as known. You haven’t been publishing as long as the “big authors” you pretend to love but then bash them immediately afterwards. It sucks, but you can’t buy people’s affection. You pretend to be more humble than everyone else but then get pissed so easily because you don’t have bragging rights.
i never said everyone has to enjoy my writing. also the Thing is; these big authors have been publishing for longer yeah !! and their writing is absolutely marvelous and i genuinely adore them. but. they also are popular bc they're seen as Better than other creators and put on a pedestal. which is both uncomfortable for them and Highly discouraging for others. and this is due to a cliquey mindset. it Is. as much as u like to pretend it isn't, it rlly rlly is. people can be just friends. there is nothing wrong with supporting ur friends' work more or being more invested in ur friends' work. the problem lies in the fact that many people just disregard other rlly talented creators in favor of the already popular ones (who are popular for a reason. their art / fics / wtv Are really good and i read their stuff too! not trying to put them down here, just trying to lift other people up) which makes for a fandom that is going to die out. and dont u fucking dare bring my fics and my engagement and me into this. maybe i was petty abt that before and i acknowledge that. but i haven't made a single post abt how my fics are getting less engagement in Months. the post i did make and the one ur probably so butthurt abt wasn't even initially abt cliques. it was just saying that we need to rb more and be more vocal of our support of creators in the tags or - wherever. NOT underrated / underappreciated / smaller / less popular creators. i was Very general abt it. creators. period. the talk of cliques came into play when i peer reviewed someone's tags on that post. bc they were extremely real and the problem of less vocal support affects "popular" creators too! ive been noticing that they're also getting less engagement. but mostly the people affected by it are creators in the fandom with no prior popularity. and it is an actual issue. also when the actual fuck have i ever bought someone's affection?? im too broke for that, my dude, i struggle to pay rent most months. and i've Not acted humble or holier than thou. the reason i have so many moots and friends is bc im a genuinely nice person who wants to support and uplift EVERYONE in this fandom. i do have personal beef with people, but im civil to Everyone. thats the reason i have friends. unlike you, i dont send anon hate bc im butthurt over one (1) post <3 hope that fucking helps <3 also the post wasnt even abt ME. bc i genuinely dont give a fuck abt people seeing and liking my writing anymore bc i have Grown Past That and just... adopted a give no fucks mindset. the post was abt the fandom slacking and not appreciating creators (PERIOD.) enough. it was never abt me. also bragging rights? babe nobody's bragging abt how they get more interaction. that's rude asf and entirely out of the question. and those popular writers ur talking abt who Could brag if they wanted to DON'T. bc they aren't despicable human beings who love to put others down. i'm Friends, or at the very least, friendly moots w the writers ur talking abt. and im not trying to put them down. im trying to lift other people up, which is smth u just Don't understand apparently. i even contributed in a whole ass event to shine light on talented, less popular writers in the fandom. bylerficrecweek? u might ive heard of it. it helped, or i like to Think it did, with helping people branch out, but the problem wasn't completely solved. people who are equally as talented as the already popular creators have talked abt their experience with engagement in the exact same post that ur so pissed abt. im going to put tags from various people under the cut so that u can see exactly how much people are affected by the prominent clique problem in the byler fandom. hope u have a good day and u wanna kiss me so bad it makes u look stupid 😚
THIS is the post im talking abt in question, the og post along with denise @bylertruther 's tags. i'm going to be putting screenshots of people's tags on this post with due credit. (to any of the people featured here : if u want me to remove ur tags feel free to say so!)
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via @holyvirgilscriptures
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via @runninguplenorahills
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via @unwisewizard
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via @apatheticlexicographer
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via @fireflywitch
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via @hawkwidows
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via @sandinmybed
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via @katimanki2
ANDDDDD thats it! hope u fucking realized that i was speaking generally and also Many people face this problem. kiss my ass 💋
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idyllic-affections · 11 months
I see that you do tbhk! If you could can I request friendship hcs for nene, hanako, and Kou? Ty in advance :)
general friendship hcs.
summary. general friendship headcanons with the main three.
trigger & content warnings. references to death.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. yashiro nene & reader, hanako & reader, minamoto kou & reader. 0.8k words. no pronouns for reader.
author's thoughts. hello dear!!!! yes ofc you can.... the tbhk fans have been finding me recently and it makes me so happy helshsjghfh that's my comfort manga (i say, knowing it is the most horrible, gut-wrenching, soul-crushing manga i have read thus far)!!! i COULD say that this is my first time writing for tbhk, but that would make me a liar, because it's not! my first reader insert longfic was a tbhk one on quotev way back in 2021. i'd say i've improved a lot since then.
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being friends with nene means getting dragged into all of her supernatural adventures. if you're close enough to her, that is.
she, without a doubt, rants to you about her crushes and asks you for advice! she'll also complain about hanako to you, if you so happen to know about him.
she's super supportive. she's always cheering you on and encouraging you! and also, if you want advice or want to rant to her, she's completely open to that.
she rants to you, so you should be able to rant to her too. it's only fair. she does admit, though, that her advice might not be that good.
also i think nene would be physically affectionate. always hugging you, maybe giving you a lil kiss on the forehead if you're comfortable with that! hand-holding is also common with her.
she would be SO happy if you shared her interest in gardening or cooking! she'd love to have another friend to do those things with. if not, that's okay too! she doesn't want her friends to feel uncomfortable or forced to participate in any way.
she cares about you so so deeply and genuinely would be devastated if you ever got hurt because of her.
if you're a ghost, i don't think your dynamic would change much at all, actually. i think she would still treat you the same!
tell her she is pretty!!!! do not let her insecurities get to her!!!! reciprocate her supportive energy!!!!!
she might actually cry if a friend of hers were to support her so passionately.
like nene, being close enough friends with hanako means you end up getting involved in things you probably shouldn't be involved in LMAO
i don't think he MEANS to get you involved, because he does worry about your safety, but it just sort of... happens. you end up involved regardless.
dude follows you everywhere, 100%
it's like what he does with nene, just without the romantic subtext LMAO
if you're human? he's sitting in your classes with you. he does it mainly for two reasons: one, because it reminds him of when he was alive, and it's strangely comforting. two, because he loves you and wants to annoy you <3
he's generally very clingy, and if you happen to be a ghost? ohohoho it's FAR worse.
he's always touching you in some way.
playing with your hair, fidgeting with your hands, hanging off of your shoulders... he's very touchy. poor thing is so touch starved.
personal space? he has no idea what that phrase means!
(he does, and if you seriously ask him to, he will respect your personal space and boundaries.)
it doesn't come from a bad place. he just finds it grounding. reassuring.
hanako also generally won't come to you with his problems.
he's not keen on being an open book. if you've known him for long enough, he would absolutely be more open to being honest with you, but if you haven't known him long at all? yeah... he's not cracking. trying to forcefully pry him open wouldn't help either.
he will absolutely, without a doubt, make you cute little homecooked meals.
we all know he's the only one out of his sibling's who is both old enough to use a stove and competent enough not to burn the kitchen down, so of course he would spend time making you a lunch!
especially if he felt like you weren't eating enough or you needed something extra to get you through the day. he notices the little details like that.
he's an acts of service kind of guy. he does little things to show you that he cares.
btw. if you're close enough friends with him? tiara and teru will both know you by name. you'll become like another member of their family <3
(tiara would get so excited every time she gets to see you, practically bouncing on her heels.)
i like to think he's a lil protective!!!! he worries about your safety and worries that supernaturals might want to hurt you bc of his involvement with you :c
teru would smite them before they got the chance, though, so kou really doesn't have much to worry about.
if you're a ghost, i think this dynamic would be very fascinating.
teru would try to kill you. yeah... sorry.
kou wouldn't let him though!! he would believe wholeheartedly that you're good and have no intention of being harmful, and because teru isn't really interested in ruining his relationship with his brother... you get to keep living your afterlife!
(please don't betray kou's trust.)
also if you're a little bit older than him, or if you just seem wiser, i think he'd ask you for advice on a bunch of things!
he doubts himself a lot. be sure to reassure him that he's doing the best he can for someone so young.
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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rowanwithaz · 9 months
"Can't People (of the same gender) Just Be Friends Anymore? "
This is gonna be a fun one.
I kinda never went over this in my, "Deku Is Straight" post,and I guess it is a little different; but it's still a very popular argument against just queer ships in general. So,I will bring up how queer shippers get treated in most fandoms and just some problems in the media when it comes to representation; but it will mostly be about GreeNade and BNHA.
(⚠This post is not supposed to be hating on any one! It's absolutely fine if people view certain relationships as platonic,but what's not okay is having double standards and being a godamned hypocrite about it. This is just addressing issues that seem to pop up mainly against the queer shipping communities; not some kind of hate post. I encourage everyone to try and have an open mind and to try and be respectful of everyone's opinions.And as usual: as long as something is legal,ship away!⚠)
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If you could not tell the ones on the top are taking about this scene:
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And,from what I'm reading,they didn't get it. Bakugo didn't do it for "humanity" he didn't do it because Izuku is just a good friend of his. His.Body.Moved.On.Its.Own. He wanted to protect Izuku so badly that his body made him do it. He also copied Izuku,like when Izuku's body moved in its own...? Y'know,like,the scientifically proven thing you do when you love someone in a romantic way?
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(*Also,when Izuku does this for Ochaco he second guesses himself and forces himself to do it unlike with Kacchan. Just found that interesting; and Izuku even says "it wasn't like last time" because he had to force himself to move. His thoughts also get cut off before he can come to a conclusion...hmmm,interesting.*)
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Which Izuku has done this about a million times and even admits to it,
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but chapter 285 is where Bakugo mirrors Izuku(he has,I believe in some other moments in the manga,I can't remember for sure; but this is the chapter it's most apparent in.) ,he also does the analyzing thing Izuku does.
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Okay,now that is the significance (there is so much more that makes it so beautiful but that was just some of the quick stuff) So,can we really call this "friendship" ? Honestly,I guess,if you don't know anything about the relationship prior to this scene...actually no that's wrong. My Aunt saw this scene and asked if they were canon,she had not known anything about bnha/mha at the time. And when I gave context she was like, "so they're gay,?"
So, yeah. That scene even with no context; looks like someone dying for the person they love. But,perspective.
Here's the thing I'm addressing in this post. It isn't, "Guys,they don't do this for their other friends and they mirror each other on accident and the author himself doesn't refer to them as friends,ect,ect." There is too much that supports them being romantically interested in each other,but that's not the point. The whole "Friendship is dead,isn't it?" because people can see two dudes/girls liking each other romantically is.
And that moves us to the next section of this post.
Double Standards
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The only time when someone says something like this Is when it's between people of the same gender. They aren't mad at people for shipping Momo with Izuku because they're just friends,that's okay because...don't tell anyone this is a secret antis have...they don't care as long as it's straight.
If it's queer it's "Friendship dead :(" but if it's someone like Melissa it's okay. It's honestly so...pathetic.
"Boy and boy have to be friend or my life is over 😠" or "Gal Pals or my life is RUINED 😨" Like, I have never seen someone get mad about straight ships like this. Honey,if someone said, "WHY can't a guy and girl just be friends for once?" Everyone would laugh in their face. Which is actually something I wish was normalized more. Once I had a dude friend and my whole family made fun of us and I literally cried because I had just figured out I liked girls a lot more than boys and I was having this thing pushed on me. That does not happen with gay people,actually get this,being called gay is still used as an insult.
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(*That first one though...Like do they not know there are several canon trans characters and bisexual characters in bnha? And the Izuchako drawing 💀 I cried I was laughing so hard the first time I saw it.*)
If you know about the sonic idw comics,there are these two characters Whisper and Tangle. People instantly started shipping them because they were so cute with each other,but other people were mad because "two girls just can't be friends anymore" and it pretty much happens in every show that isn't LGBTQ+ centric.
Because people aren't going to read/watch Heartstopper and go, "Uh,these guys are straight why do you keep shipping them?" And as much as I love that we are getting stories and shows all about the queer experience, it does still piss me off that if it isn't something like a queer romance drama and or comedy people get mad at queer people for being in other things. People will be like, "You have shows that are centered around being queer,stop bringing it into our stuff," and it's exhausting. Like,there are billions of T.V shows,moves,books,comics,ect,that have nothing to do with a romance centered plot but they throw in this random hetro relationship that doesn't add to the characters or plot.
And that's one of the reasons I love BloodBubbles and GreNade,they add to the characters and parallel the story into their dynamics. I think all romance in stories should be like that. If a romantic relationship doesn't add anything but a little *smooch* *smooch* then it is ultimately useless. I understand if people like the *smooch* *smooches* but don't act like the relationship is well developed and needed. With a romance centered plot the romance is obviously needed. But does it mean it's good? Hell no. Most romantic movies have the characters fall in love in a week. That's just my opinion though.
Stop using the "can't two people of the same sex/gender be friends anymore" argument,it just shows how much you do not know about queer people/relationships or just relationships in general. Queer people should be able to be represented in (God forbid) a Shonen and just media in general that isn't just a romance show. Everyone has different thoughts,opinions,and experiences,that shapes them into having a different perspective on things; but just because they have a different perspective doesn't mean it can disprove a plantain fact: Straight people have representation. Straight people do not need to fight for it either. So,stop fighting to be oppressed so badly.
Sorry to get so serious in the end...here this might lighten the mood!
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This is the angle number for 285! The chapter Bakugo's body moved on its own. I find the angle number being about kindness very interesting. :)
That worked right? Also,I like doing the conclusion in a bigger font,so I'll probably be doing that from now on when I'm wrapping my posts up.
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deansmom · 1 month
listen it’s 2021, nobody can yell at me for my Hot Takes on the w*nchester bros and specifically sam because none of you care about me anymore lmao
and no, I will not be responding to defenses of these things, I just want to yell about this because I can’t stop thinking about it now
I don’t think anything demon!dean said to sam was out of line, not really, because like yeah, it was mean whatever, but sam has said WAY crueler things to and about dean when he was just a normal human person. but dean gets crucified for being a demon and fully expressing himself and his trauma and his feelings? nah fuck that lmao
I’m up to s8 in my rewatch and it’s absolutely wild to me how sam STILL thinks he’s better than dean. not only does he still somehow think he’s smarter, but he also thinks he’s BETTER than dean. that dean’s like, a bad person or whatever - as if both of them aren’t mass murderers ffs
this mans really said “I don’t know if my brother is alive or dead...... hm sucks for him I guess lol.” like yeah, sure, trauma, whatever. everybody handles and processes trauma differently, I know, but seriously sam??? sure, take a couple months if you need it, but just - no effort? didn’t even try? didn’t even do a quick google search? 
just fucking ditched kevin, a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD KID, and then got mad at dean when dean was like “dude wtf is the matter with you this kid was our responsibility” 
fandom ALWAYS wants to talk about how dean’s the more toxic one but damn, dean gets one friend - his first friend who isn’t cas!!! - and sam’s like “lmao this dude has to die” LITERALLY ONLY BECAUSE DEAN KILLED AMY, WHO WAS KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE (for a good reason, sure, but like, she was still killing innocent people and benny’s out here just minding his own business, stealing AB- negative blood because they can get blood transfusions from any negative blood type!! his old ass wasn’t hurting anybody) and the episode before sam finds out about benny they let kate go be a werewolf and then when dean mentions that to sam about benny he’s like “so?! she was a victim!” and he’s like “and benny hasn’t done anything wrong!” and sam just doesn’t give a shit lmao
he ALWAYS bitches about how dean doesn’t trust him and I’m just sitting here like??? damn bro I WONDER FUCKING WHY. sam only takes responsibility for his actions when it’s convenient for him, generally when he’s being portrayed as the victim, and it!!!!!! [screams into a pillow]
dean’s like “he’s never given me a reason to doubt him” (about benny) and sam immediately goes “well it must be nice to find that” and dean takes a second to figure out what sam’s talking about and it’s just like WOW, didn’t fucking mean it like that, but yeah IT IS NICE SAM TO HAVE A FRIEND THAT THUS FAR HASN’T BETRAYED ME, IT’S A GOOD FEELING like tf is the matter with you dude come on
OH OH OH and when dean came back from hell in s4 sam’s going around like “dean’s weak he can’t handle it” but doesn’t try to help his brother?????? doesn’t offer him emotional support or validation or anything that you should offer someone who’s just been through something profoundly traumatic and is ~*~struggling~*~ to keep themselves afloat. 
listen dean certainly isn’t an unproblematic saint in this relationship specifically, but sam is SO MEAN??? ALL THE TIME??? and I know it’s because especially in the early seasons he associates dean with his dad and him and john never got along because they were too much alike, blah blah blah, whatever,  it’s still not cool to project your trauma onto other people and take it out on them. 
will I ever be over 9.13? no. no I will not, because that was the cruelest thing that could have maybe ever been said to dean, and yeah again, trauma, whatever, but like......... if you’ve been traumatized and your response is to purposefully emotionally devastate someone that you know 1) had no malicious intentions and 2) is emotionally unstable and perpetually suicidal, I’m allowed to hate you wtf??? 
sam knows NOTHING about his brother. 
like ok in the fic that I’ve been writing somebody was like “it’s very in character but edgier but dean didn’t hate john” and listen, I TRULY think that dean hated him in canon. yeah, even in s1. watch 2.01 again, watch the episode where john is possessed by azazel, the dream root episode, I think it’s 12.22 that speech with mary, but like, especially on my rewatch, I cannot read their relationship as anything other than at that point neither one of them liked each other. something happened in between sam leaving and dean coming to get him, and dean went searching for john out of obligation and an excuse to see sam. 
you can’t convince me that john liked dean. of course he loved him, a familial obligation was deeply ingrained in that man, but I don’t think he liked dean at all. I think dean reminded him of mary, I think he thought dean was too soft, and to be completely honest, I don’t think he liked that dean listened to him so easily. john wanted to be in charge, obviously, but he’s such an antagonistic fuck always looking for a fight with somebody, that it probably bothered him that dean didn’t really push back. john didn’t think he was assertive enough, dean just didn’t want to be used as a punching bag, and I’ve always figured there was some sort of blowout after sam left between the two of them and they didn’t really talk much after that. “it was the worst night of my life” is what dean called the night sam left for stanford, and while his little brother leaving would’ve been devastating, I don’t think that alone would qualify it (in season 5, mind you, after hell and the hellhounds and everything) as the worst night of his life. I also think that’s why john was such a POS in s1 when they found him, giving dean shit for the impala, y’know. god, I really fucking hate him lmao
nobody seems to agree with me on this, but sam is very much his father’s son, and that’s why they never got along. the two of them were so much alike (and so self-centered) that they couldn’t help but butt heads together because they both wanted to be the center of attention, and also just enjoy picking fights. and like, I think this is a big reason why dean has a harder time being honest with sam than sam has with being honest with dean. because dean sees john when he looks at sam, and sam just sees dean. and sam’s like “why don’t you talk to me dean” and dean probably just hears his dad making fun of him for being honest or talking about his feelings or yelling at him. 
familial/generational trauma genuinely makes it hard to interact in meaningful and productive ways, I get it, believe me I do, but sam is just so... cruel sometimes? and I think dean really worked his way through a solid portion of that trauma by the end of the show, and I don’t think sam ever really did.
Dean: All right, you want to be honest? If the situation were reversed and I was dying, you'd do the same thing.
SAM [very softly]: No, Dean. I wouldn't. Same circumstances...I wouldn't. I'm gonna get to bed.
see, when I say sam is cruel, this is the shit I’m talking about because that is a bald faced lie and sam knows it. he said it specifically to hurt dean. he didn’t mean it, and he fucking knows that, but he knows that it will devastate dean to hear that, so he says it. 
anyways, sam fights dirty all the time. it’s 2024 now and I have no notes for past me, she was right. 
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ineffabildaddy · 4 months
6, 8, and 21 for the soft asks <3
omg hiii hehehe
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
oh god okay, physical: my tattoos are sick, my beard's coming along nicely, and ermmm i'm stacked in the back lmfao
non-physical: i try to be a friendly person, i'm very organised and clean at work which i'm proud of, anddd i'd like to think i know a good amount about music
8. tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good
this bit's gna be long so i'll put it under the cut dlfjlkdg
@raining-stars-somewhere-else he's an inactive king atm but he's my bestie and i love him<3 so so hilarious and observant and talented and kind. he's my dude and he means a lot to me go away
@sad-chaos-goblin i feel like i can be totally insane around you and you'll get on my wavelength immediately, it's amazing dlkkkljgfjkld. also i feel really lucky to be friends with someone so well-rounded and driven and fun, not to mention compassionate<3 i'm really really lucky to have met you and i hope we get to do irl adventures in the nearish future!!! until then we're great friends from afar!!!
@omens-for-ophelia we're just perfectly matched for our headcanons and kinks and shit and i absolutely love it. u get me, i get u, we get each other on this front and on many others!!! ur an extremely nurturing person too. i also love having u around bc ur full of fun facts and passion and energy, and of course ur art is absolutely incredible, i'm scratching at the walls just thinking about it dklkjldfgjkl. can't wait to create more absolutely feral works of crowley and aziraphale [redacted] in various ways hahahhkshjdf. and also hopefully have some london hangouts soon<3
@queer-reader-07 of course i've gotta mention ya because you're one of my fave blogs! i feel so warm and welcome reading all your posts and tags because you're a very lovely individual, and you've also got so many valuable things to say and i really look forward to seeing your takes on everything<3 also as i said before ur a very funny person and i enjoy that heh. i always get so excited when u pop up in my notifs i'm like little old me????
@foolishlovers bestie your writing makes me so happy but chatting and things makes me even happier<3 you're a really enthusiastic friend to have and you've got so many wonderful qualities that i just wanna share the love as much as possible hehe. i'm very glad we're doing shhh it's a secret together and that we've become close in general uwu
@crowleyslvt ur a little lad who's always got something hilarious and insightful to say about literally anything i come to u with, whether it's fkn silly memes or an existential crisis lol. you have such a unique way of looking at the world and i really enjoy it. also having a giggle with u is always top tier and on top of that ur a very supportive king<3 and of course u writing's delish at all times in any context
@voluptatiscausa i can literally tell you my most redacted thoughts and you'll be like yeah this is just another day at the office dkffjddgl. you're a silly and goofy guy (gn) who's simultaneously very easy to open up to which is always a comfort<3 the fact that we both like mitchell and webb makes us collectively Not Like Other Girls and we need to capitalise on that more tbh. also i greatly enjoy ur writing ofc
@bowtiepastabitch you're jokes. also we're very different and yet somehow the same brand of fucked up which i love<3 the lore could not be more disparate but the vibes could not be more immaculate. pls continue to be my friend smh
some more legends i love @crowleyholmes @fearandhatred @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @celestialcrowley @sabotage-on-mercury @quoththemaiden @ineffable-rohese @crawley-fell
21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
probably this - one day you're going to start sticking up for yourself, i promise<3
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bluebelleisabelle · 1 year
Zee headcanons !! Cuz why not? Also, this post will include some spoilers for TDI 2023:
The drummer on the wall of his bedroom is a member of a really obscure band that absolutely no one has heard of except Zee, but he loves their music. Their music fits within the Bongo Flava genre, which is the sort of stuff that Zee likes to listen to. Zee also listens to Pass the Dutchie by Musical Youth. I don’t need to say anything else. That’s his vibe jdjdjd. This band inspired him to learn the drums (bongos), but he hasn’t played in a while due to “not having enough time” (aka, he has no motivation and procrastinates 😭). So now, he holds a speaker on one drum and uses the other as a makeshift bedside table. Something that isn’t addressed within the series is his love for music. This dude, from what we’ve seen in his audition tape, has a couple drums, a record player, and a piano. I would say he’s always enjoyed music. Listening to it, and then playing it.
Zee lives by the sea. His room reminds me of a beach house, and he has a surfboard as the headboard of his bed. During the warmer months, Zee is a fan of riding the giant waves on a surfboard or boogie board. He’ll get absolutely bombarded by the waves, but he always comes out of the water with a smile on his face and excited to go again. In the second episode, when he’s seen confidently swimming back to shore (before the shark assaults him, like damn 😭😭), you can TELL that he has experience swimming. Dude has certainly let a wave take him to shore in the past after surfing.
Zee’s parents are, like, the chillest people on the planet. If you’re friends with Zee and go to his house, you’re automatically friends with his parents. If his personality is influenced by his homelife, his fam is absolutely chill to the max and probably super supportive of Zee and his decision to be on TDI
He’s neurodivergent. That’s it. That’s the headcanon.
Though I can’t be sure what exactly it is, there are boards that look similar to skateboards (without the wheels) mounted on Zee’s wall, so I like the idea that Zee tried his hand at skateboarding. I can’t say if he’s good at it, but he’s certainly tried lol. I also like to envision that those skateboards were made by a friend of his that has a knack for woodworking. So this friend of Zee’s created and painted him a couple of skateboards to mount on his wall.
I literally have no way of explaining this, but Zee probably works for the summer (or generally) at a local arcade. I sense that he either walks or rides his bike to his job, cause I’m pretty sure he doesn’t drive (he just hasn’t gotten around to learning how to lmao).
Even if TDI allowed swearing, Zee is someone that never swears. Not only does he likely not know a lot of swears, lol, but he just generally isn’t someone who enjoys swearing or who feels the need to curse.
In my mind, Zee has many love languages, but there are three that stand out to me as possibilities. One of Zee’s love languages is physical touch. Within the first episode alone, he immediately went to hug Chris, and though he didn’t really hug any other characters in the season, I get the vibe that he would greet you with a hearty hug and slap on the back. But hey, at least he got to hug Chris before he left 😭 (something Zee initiated because there’s no way Chris would actively hug someone lol). Another one of Zee’s love languages is words of affirmation. Numerous times during the season, Zee is seen hyping up another character, reassuring them, or serving as a sort of cheerleader to another character. It’s very sweet. And the final love language I’m thinking of is quality time. Zee is always appreciative of getting to know someone (he literally responds with “cool” when Ripper info dumps to him about flatulence 😭). So I just get the vibe that Zee’s favorite thing is spending time with other people, and getting to know them.
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the dude’s stylish room djjdjd
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 month
I have a strong dislike for the people on the fringes of Alycia's core friends group. They are the ones who make the little comments about her fanbase while her core friends have embraced her fanbase.
Well I'm not entirely sure who you're even talking about or what happened, but generally speaking idrgaf what people think anyway. People always got opinions on every damn thing you do, think, feel, and enjoy, and some people just like to ridicule the things that don't fall entirely within their own little hiveminded interests. Some people really never mentally leave high school, they're eternally the class bully, so it's not even worth paying attention to. So that's a pretty good point to start at. Like what you like, ignore other people.
That being said, my opinion on this is - in a general sense - split, because tbh it is true that there is a decent portion of her fanbase who act absolutely fucking wild and inappropriate, and it is weird. If you've ever ventured into her comments section? My insides necrotize instantaneously from embarrassment on her behalf more often than not. And they do it under other people's posts that involve her too! They'll dm her friends and costars asking about her, jump on people's IG lives and only talk about her (they used to do this to poor Colman regularly, god bless and protect that man), I've seen them do really fucking creepy location tracking on her friends/bf to try and pry into her personal life.
Like. She does have fans that do overstep lines on a regular basis and it is gross and weird. That behavior should be called out, and it makes sense that it is fucking tiring to deal with. I'm sure Alycia complains about it to them herself! I would too! I would also get tired if under every single post - including posts about new projects and new work I've done - people spammed it with messages about old roles that I had finished years prior. I would also get annoyed if people constantly made directly sexual comments right to me and my posts without any regard to my comfort. I would feel embarrassed af if people went to my friends pages and left those same comments, or ignored my friend's wonderful accomplishments just to talk about me. It's not hard to be decent to someone, and yet some people just do not care.
On the flip side of that, some people are just professional haters and extremely pretentious/self aggrandizing. Some people truly are only happy when they're ridiculing other people because it gives them self-validation 🤷‍♀️. Most ardent fans of celebs tend to be women as well, and historically anything women do or like is cause for shaming and mocking because misogyny and internalized misogyny is very real. A dude can know literally every single piece of trivia about their favorite athlete and follow their entire career and they're just deemed "a loyal fan", but a woman could know a bunch of factoids about her fave celeb and support their career and suddenly she's "a weird obsessive fanatic." There's always going to be double standards, which is why I say at some point you have to just like what you like and say fuck you to everything else. Especially when you're a queer woman (which the majority of her fans are) and your interest is intrinsically queer-based, because whew buddy the only thing worse than a woman liking things is a gay woman liking things.
Ya know. Cuz we're icky 🥰😘
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