#bts jin fanfic
magicshopaholic · 22 days
A Lack of Colour
Summary: Seokjin realises he needs to have a talk with his girlfriend. Yoongi makes a promise. "i should have given you a reason to stay" - death cab for cutie, a lack of color
Pairing: Seokjin x OC, Yoongi x OC (different OCs)
Genre: Angst, sort of
Word count: 9K
Rating: 18+
Warnings: language
A/N: Please don’t hate me. Takes place a week after Helping Hands. If you want to yell at me with other readers after you're done , you can do so on the Discord channel.
Tagging: @bbl32 @quarter-life-crisis2 @meirkive @faearchives @margopinkerton @dreaming-with-happiness @purpleseoul7
Listen to: "a lack of color“ by death cab for cutie
seokjin masterlist | yoongi masterlist | main masterlist
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The ER is quiet today - too quiet.
Nari tries to ignore the giggles and whispers that are permeating the sanitizer whiteness of the room, and concentrates on the breath sounds of the patient on the bed before her. She’s come in complaining vaguely of “chest pains” but it’s mildly frustrating; Nari can’t hear anything except absolutely normal breath sounds and heartbeats.
“Show me where you’re feeling the pain again?” she asks kindly, watching closely as the girl - a kid probably in her early twenties - frowns and gestures largely at the front of her torso.
“Just… everywhere,” she answers unhelpfully. 
Nari frowns slightly, not wanting to alarm her patient while a variety of scenarios start flipping through her mind as to why her chest sounds perfectly normal, not dismissing the possibility that her stethoscope is damaged.
She glances up at the girl’s friends, two similar looking girls who seem least bothered about their friend’s situation. Instead, they’re on their phones, exchanging grins and excitedly whispering, nudging the girl on the bed to look at something on their screens.
“Just - give me a moment. I’ll be right back.” Nari walks away calmly and doesn’t stop until she reaches the front desk of the ER. She leans over to the first year resident who’s manning the desk for the day.
“Hey, have you seen Dr Kang or… Cheon or… anyone else?” she asks. “I need a consult.”
“Oh, um, I think they’re all in surgery…” The resident checks a large board behind her. “Yeah, won’t be out for a while. Anything I can help with?” she asks quickly.
Nari nods, empathising with the annoyance of having to answer phones in the ER in place of practising medicine. “I have a case of chest pain - female, early twenties, otherwise seemingly healthy. Her breath sounds, heart beat and EKG are completely normal and she can’t seem to pinpoint any singular area of pain. Can you do some research to understand what this could be?”
Her eyebrows shoot up. “Yeah, of course -“ She retrieves a notebook from her pocket and flips through it vigorously. “I’m sure I can find something -“ 
They’re interrupted momentarily by another sound of furious whispering - a group of medical student interns pass by them, giggling in hushed tones.
“Not to sound old or anything, but I swear we were more professional at that age,” mutters Nari, shaking her head.
“I kind of get it, though,” says the resident, shrugging apologetically. “It’s not every day there’s an idol somewhere in the hospital.”
Nari raises her eyebrows. “Like a k-pop idol? Here?”
“Uh-huh. It’s all super secret and high profile, though. He’s in the VIP section and has bodyguards everywhere.”
“Wow. That explains a lot. Anyway, let me know if you find something on the chest -“ Nari pauses abruptly, something clicking. She turns around slowly to look at the girl with the mysterious chest pains, sitting up straight on her bed and whispering with her friends.
“You know what,” she says instead, turning to the resident. “It’s a slow day. Why don’t you take over my patient instead?” she offers.
The resident’s eyes widen. “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. Make sure to really ask her a lot of questions,” adds Nari. As the resident hurries away, pulling on her lab coat, Nari stops her. “By the way… who’s the idol?”
“Oh. Nobody knows.” The resident shrugs. “Rumour is that it’s someone from BTS.”
Nari waits outside the entrance of the VIP section, watching as one of the bulky bodyguards slips inside the private hospital room, presumably to ask the said BTS member if he knows and would be okay to see a Dr Choi Nari.
It’s a fifteen percent chance it’s Seokjin. If it’s any of the others, it will be a pleasant run-in. If it’s him… it occurs to Nari for the first time that he might not actually want to see her.
Just as she begins processing this possibility, the bodyguard pokes the upper half of his body outside the room and waves at her to enter.
Her heart leaping slightly, she saunters down the corridor silently, ignoring the two surely-vetted nurses giving her bewildered looks as she pushes open the door.
“Hey.” Seokjin, in a hospital gown, looks tired yet relieved. “I was hoping I’d see you.”
“Yeah?” Nari takes a few steps towards the bed, hands in the pocket of her lab coat, noting that he seems okay, except for an IV in his forearm and one of his feet elevated on a cushion. “You know where I work. Why didn’t you tell me you were here?”
He purses his lips hesitantly. “I didn’t know if you’d want to see me,” he says lightly. “I thought… this might one of those times where lack of privacy would actually come in handy.”
She nods, waiting for the heaviness in her chest to reappear, but it doesn’t. “It did. What happened to you?”
“Oh.” He seems to remember why he’s here. “Um… twisted my ankle. And our regular doctor is out sick today. Irony,” he adds in a soft sing-song voice, grinning when he realises they've done it in unison.
“M-hm. Who’s your doctor here?” 
“Uh… Park something. Park Naeun.”
Nari raises her eyebrows. “Head of the department?” She taps his foot with her pen, ignoring his dramatic gasp of pain. “Must be some twisted ankle.”
“That hurt!”
“No, it didn’t,” she says, giving him a look when his face immediately drops to normal. She points at his chart hooked at the bottom of his bed. “Do you mind?”
“Go ahead. You don’t have to ask.”
“Yeah, I do. Patient information is confidential and I’m not your doctor.”
Seokjin nods slowly but his expression is clear. Nari waits for him to say what she thinks he’s about to but then decides she doesn’t want him to.
She flips through the chart. “Your vitals seem fine. BP is a bit low…” Automatically, she pulls her stethoscope from the pockets of her lab coat and puts it on. “Sit up?”
Seokjin raises an eyebrow but obeys. Keeping the chart down, Nari places a hand on his shoulder and gently presses the chest piece to his chest. “Take a deep breath,” she murmurs, listening closely, frowning when his heart speeds up slightly. She moves to his back. “Lean forward a bit?”
He does so, and the hospital gown falls from his chest to his waist. His skin feels warm where Nari places the chest piece on his back. “Slightly tachycardic. You’re dehydrated, Kimbap.”
“Bingo,” he says, sounding tired again. Up close, he looks paler. But his eyes look more full of life than Nari has seen them in a while. She frowns curiously for a moment before realising it’s the first time she’s called him Kimbap in months.
In order to break the silence, heavy with meaning, she places the back of her hand on his forehead. “You’re feverish. And you look thinner,” she adds, stepping away. “Have you been eating properly?”
He chuckles pointedly. “Hello, pot. I’m kettle.”
A smile flits across her face. “Shut up. I’m serious.”
“Airplane food is shit.”
“Even business class?”
“Absolutely. And touring is tiring.”
Nari nods, placing the chart back. There’s nothing much for her to do; rest and fluids are all he needs and both are taken care of for now. She hesitates, wondering if she should leave. A moment later, she takes a seat on the chair next to his bed.
Seokjin doesn’t try to hide his smile. “Don’t have surgery to get to?”
“It’s a slow day.” She nudges his bed lightly with her foot. “How have you been?”
Seokjin’s smile fades slightly, and his eyes fall. Nari bites her lip; it’s only been a week, but it feels like forever ago. Standing inches away from each other, his cheekbones under her fingers, his palpable desperation followed by clear, transparent realisation.
Despite that, it’s the first time in months that she’s been around him without wanting to cry. Talking with him is easier. Being around him feels like it used to. The truth is out there, and it feels like a weight has been lifted off her chest. 
“Okay. Been thinking a lot,” he says, glancing up at her.
She nods. She wants to ask more, but looking at his pale face and clammy forehead, she decides not to. Not while there’s a chance of delirious answers.
“Where’s Seulgi?”
His face falls. “Oh, crap. I should call her.” He reaches over to his bedside table and picks up his phone, only to see a black screen. “Damn it.”
“You should let your people know to let her in,” says Nari, taking his phone from him and plugging it in to charge behind the bedside table. “They’re fairly intimidating.”
He half-chuckles. “And yet here you are.”
“The whole hospital’s talking about a famous idol here somewhere. Had to check out the rumour for myself.”
“Good to know.” He turns to check that his phone is charging and sits back. “She’s gone to see her parents in Busan,” he says after a moment. “So I don’t think I’ll see her. I fly out the day after tomorrow,” he adds, answering her silent question.
“Oh. You may not be in a state to,” she tells him, pointing to the IV in his forearm.
“Don’t have a choice.” He sighs and closes his eyes, placing his other arm over them. His chest looks white, not a single bit of loose flesh anywhere. But she knows better than to argue with his schedule.
“Keep a water bottle on you at all times. One with a carabiner that you can hook onto your bag.” She clicks her tongue. “There is no way that this is the first time I’m telling you this.”
“Okay, Dr Choi,” he mutters, not moving.
She slaps his shoulder lightly. “I’m not kidding. You’re making yourself sick. You look like a ghost, Kimbap.”
“On the plus side, my hair game has never been stronger.”
She reaches over and ruffles his hair until he slaps her hand away, laughing.
“Don’t be jealous, Nari,” he says loftily, delicately straightening his bangs along his forehead.
“I’m not,” she says honestly.
He gives her a small smile but says nothing. “Thanks for coming,” he says after a moment. “Truth be told… I don’t feel that great.”
Nari wonders if she’s imagining the double meaning, or if she simply wants to. The look on his face at the restaurant opening when she’d finally told him, in as many words as she could, how she felt; it had simultaneously broken her heart and renewed hope because now he knew.
Part of her had expected their lingering desperation at maintaining a friendship to die a feeble death right then, but Seokjin seems to be genuinely glad she’s here right now. She searches, again, for the heaviness - but it has disappeared.
“‘Course I did,” she says softly, squeezing his hand. He squeezes it back, warm and dry, and Nari feels like crying. Not out of sadness, or heartbreak - but out of relief. There was a lack of colour in her life but it’s back now, clear, beautiful and messy.
“Nari, look… about -”
The door flies open and Dr Park Naeun stands at the doorway, youthful as ever in her late forties, with a sharp frown on her forehead. 
“Dr Choi,” she states sternly. “I don’t remember assigning you on this case. Are you cleared to be here?” Without waiting for Nari’s response, she turns to Seokjin and her face softens. “I’m sorry, I was told you didn’t want to be disturbed.”
“I’m not,” he says instantly, letting go of Nari’s hand. “Nari - er, Dr Choi,” he amends, glancing at her sheepishly, “is my oldest friend. No disturbance at all.”
Dr Park nods, still seeming a little unconvinced. “Alright. You should rest, though. Dr Choi - the ER isn’t going to run itself.”
Sensing her cue, Nari stands up, her hand brushing Seokjin’s. “Of course. Take care,” she says softly to him before walking past her boss and out of the hospital room.
Nari doesn’t stop by again except later that night to inform him she’s going home and checking his vitals once more. Seokjin stays motionless while she presses the chest piece of her stethoscope once more to his torso, soft and familiar fingers brushing against his skin. The medication makes his heart race but he tries not to show it, and he doesn’t exhale until she leaves the room.
He is discharged the next day; a shiny black SUV takes him back to the dorm, where all the members have elected to stay until the tour ends. It’s both convenient yet mildly chaotic; the only time any of them go back to their own apartments is when Dilara is in town, or if Jimin is to meet Sooah, or if Jungkook is entertaining one of his casual lady friends.
As it so happens, the only person in the house when Seokjin returns is Min Yoongi, eating a bowl of cereal at four pm in front of the television.
“Hey, you’re back,” he says unnecessarily. “When did - wait, why didn’t you tell any of us when you were coming back? We could’ve picked you up.”
Seokjin waves his hand dismissively. “Not necessary. Everyone has enough going on.” He takes a seat next to Yoongi on the sofa and sighs, gratefully accepting the bowl of cereal and taking a large bite of choco flakes and cold milk. “Oh, God, that’s good,” he murmurs, closing his eyes.
“I can get you a bowl,” offers Yoongi, heading to the kitchen when Seokjin nods. He brings back a plate with a bowl of cereal on it, along with toast and blueberry jam. “I know it’s carbs but you were sick - you need your energy.”
“Yeah, I don’t care about carbs right now,” agrees Seokjin, eagerly taking the plate and going straight for the toast, not emerging until he finishes an entire slice. “Jesus. It feels like I haven’t eaten in days.”
Yoongi nods, patting him on the shoulder. “Good. How are you feeling now?”
“Much better. Yesterday was a bit shit but I woke up feeling pretty okay. Nari’s convinced it was the rest and fluids but I think it was the super comfortable hospital bed and jelly cups that did the trick.”
“You met Nari?” Yoongi raises his eyebrows. “How, uh, how is she?” he asks, sounding a bit guilty.
Seokjin is sure he’s recalling the disastrous not-date that occurred at the restaurant opening a week ago, but says nothing. Nari’s transparent embarrassment from that night doesn’t need to become public knowledge. 
“She’s okay. It was kind of weird seeing her in work mode, but - but it was good,” he replies, realising as he says it, that for the first time in a long time, it actually was good. Maybe it was the fact that he was sick or that he hadn’t actually seen her smile at him in forever, but it was the closest he’d felt to her in months.
Kimbap. And maybe - just maybe - he wasn’t alone in it. 
“Why are you smiling?”
“What?” Seokjin stares at his remaining cereal. “I’m -” About to deny it, he stops. “Okay, I need to get something off my chest.”
“Okay.” Yoongi mutes the television.
“I -” He takes a deep breath, not really sure where to begin. “Um… after the restaurant opening, when Nari was leaving…” He swallows, feeling his stomach squirm the same it has the entirety of the last week, every single time he thought about her and that night. “I think… Nari might have feelings for me.”
There’s a few moments of silence. When Yoongi doesn’t answer, Seokjin turns to him to see him looking back expectantly. “And?” he asks in a hushed voice.
“Well…” Seokjin frowns.
Yoongi squints. “Please don’t tell me that’s news to you.”
Seokjin opens his mouth then closes it, knowing he’s been caught. “It’s not… news,” he admits. “But it’s confirmation. I didn’t think it was likely, not after the pregnancy scare and with that Jason guy… but I did wonder. Maybe,” he finishes, shrugging tiredly. “Kind of felt wrong to speculate once I got together with Seulgi,” he mutters.
“Does Seulgi know? Wait - what actually happened?” Yoongi asks instead.
“Nothing happened,” he clarifies immediately. “Not like that.” But it could have. Another second and I might have. “But… I mean, I would be deliberately obtuse if I didn’t see it now, right?”
Although it doesn’t answer his question, Yoongi tactfully doesn’t repeat it. “But you said everything was good with her yesterday?”
“That’s just it.” Seokjin pounces on what’s been going through his head for the last twenty-four hours. “It’s been a nightmare for almost a year and then suddenly it’s… we’re back to normal. Kind of.” He shakes his head. “I kept thinking it might have made it worse, having it out in the open. But it isn’t. It’s like a switch flipped.” I got my best friend back, he thinks, and a part of his heart soars.
“What does Seulgi think?” When Seokjin doesn’t answer, Yoongi sits back on the couch, still observing his friend. “Does she know about this new development at all?”
“It’s complicated,” he mutters. “I don’t even know what this development is.” He catches Yoongi’s knowing look. “I’m serious. It was, like, fifteen minutes in total and it was… normal. If anything, the last few months were a development. This is the default.”
Seokjin is mildly aware he’s rambling now, especially when Yoongi conspicuously utters nothing. It’s just as well; he’s run out of ways to explain the situation. There are no appropriate words to describe the wave of emotions he’d experienced since last week, beginning with shock and solace that Nari was finally communicating with him, stress and fear that this may just have pushed her away for good, and a numbing relief when she’d shown up yesterday. 
He wishes he’d hugged her. He wishes she’d stayed longer, or that stupid Dr Park hadn’t told her to leave. He wishes he knew what she was going through last week, if she was truly as relaxed as she seemed, if her confession really had been as cathartic for her to make as it had been for him to hear.
“Do you think you can travel tomorrow?” Yoongi asks, breaking the silence.
“What? Yeah. Yeah, of course.” Seokjin shifts on the sofa, running a hand over his face. “It should be fine.” 
Tomorrow. It seems too soon now, now that there’s so much to leave behind in Seoul. She was happy. It was, at the crux of it, the detail that sticks in his mind. He imagines the weight off her chest, imagines her expecting something from him, imagines telling her what she wants to hear. It could get complicated, for certain, but the thought of it doesn’t tire him the way it used to.
“Hey, you know what?” Seokjin asks, a thought suddenly occurring to him. “That night, when Nari was leaving the party, she said you were… kissing someone?”
Yoongi goes very still. “She told you about that?” he asks, and there’s a bite to his tone.
“Well… she was upset,” he says hastily. “I don’t think she knew it was a secret… is it a secret?” he asks hesitantly, not wanting to overstep.
Yoongi is silent for a moment longer. “There’s nothing to tell, honestly,” he mutters, and that’s enough to indicate that the topic is closed.
Later that evening, as he drives to the Big Hit building, Yoongi finds himself regretting being so abrupt with Seokjin.
But there is nothing to tell. He didn’t lie. There has been virtually no contact with Miso since that night, and he hasn’t been able to come up with a single appropriate way to begin conversation. Hey, I just want to skirt around the awkwardness of kissing you in a coat closet right after you admitted your psychotic mother has a habit of stealing men from you, so how’s it going? I miss you.
It was variations of this until Yoongi gave up, choosing to give her space and time to process everything and let the ball be in her court for once.
Even when he reaches the floor, he makes sure to only wave at her while she’s standing with Donghyuk and a couple of other people before ducking into his own studio. He stays there for a while, distractedly flipping through his files and trying to remember why exactly he’d come in today at all.
After a few minutes, he decides he needs a cigarette, taking the elevator to the terrace and stepping out into the pleasant evening air.
He lights his first cigarette and takes a deep drag, closing his eyes when the door creaks open behind him.
“They don’t let you smoke on tour?”
Yoongi doesn’t move. “They’d probably have a heart attack if I did. Although my make-up artist joins me for a secret one once in a while.”
“Clandestine smoke breaks feel different,” she agrees, slipping out her own pack and placing a cigarette between her lips. Yoongi reaches forward and lights it for her, and her eyes look brown in the brightness of the flame.
Miso breathes it in and lets the smoke out without flinching. “Didn’t think I’d see you back so soon.”
“You didn’t?”
“Yeah… weren’t you in Europe or something this week?” She frowns. “The flying must be playing havoc with your system.”
She means the tour. Yoongi nods a little belatedly. “I guess. I’m used to it. I sleep when I can. How are you?” he ask after a moment.
“Same as always.” Miso takes another drag before giving him a side glance. “Also… I just want to move on from the whole… weirdness of our - of us, you know, kissing in the aftermath of my whole word vomit about my demented mother going after men far too young for her.” She exhales, having said everything in one breath.
Yoongi stares at her, blinking wordlessly before he realises she’s expecting a response from him. “Oh, hey… don’t worry. No weirdness whatsoever.”
She gives him a small smile and leans back against the railing he’s looking over, the city of Seoul lit up under them. Their shoulders brush and Yoongi tries to grasp at anything to keep the conversation going. “Um, so… how are things with - with you and your mom?”
Miso frowns slightly, as though she hadn’t expected this question. “As good as they’ll ever be? We’ve successfully ignored each other all week,” she explains, half-chuckling. 
Yoongi doesn’t know whether to laugh or cringe; it’s not a common cue to take, so he simply nods. She seems a bit jittery; the last time he’d seen her like this, it was almost a year ago at her house, the first glimpse he’d gotten a peek into her life. He’s about to reach for her hand which is holding the cigarette and tapping absently at the railing, but at that moment she raises her hand to take another drag.
“Anyway, I, uh…” She clears her throat and taps the cigarette, ash falling on the ground, “I’m just glad we didn’t… I mean, you don’t have to feel like… God, it was a weird night,” she sighs awkwardly. “But it doesn’t have to… go anywhere. We can just go back to normal.”
Unlike her, Yoongi doesn’t look away. “Truth be told, I’m not really sure what normal is with us.”
Looking at the ground, Miso half-chuckles again, without humour. She’s wearing full sleeves again, despite a mostly warm day. Beige sleeves and a dark t-shirt on top; her skin looked white against it, like porcelain.
“I know,” she admits, flicking ash again. “But I’m just saying, it doesn’t have to be… anything different. Whatever normal is.” She shrugs and when Yoongi doesn’t respond, she looks up. “I’m just saying… it was a long night. I was on edge, surrounded by my mother and her friends and you… and everyone was hungry because they took forever to serve dinner…” She exhales, and grey smoke comes out of her nostrils. “Nothing… really happened.”
Yoongi stares at her, his face making no movement whatsoever for he finally feels as though she’s reaching the point. “What?”
Miso gazes at him, pursing her lips. It feels as though she’s reading him, trying to gauge what his question is referring to. She takes a last, deep drag and finishes her cigarette. “This is a good thing, Yoongi,” she says at last, stamping out the butt. “You got a look into the shitshow and… you’re getting out ahead.” She gives him a small, forced smile. “You’re off the hook,” she says in English, the unfamiliar accent jarring. 
She moves to leave while Yoongi stays frozen to the spot, his stomach sinking slowly. Then, as though jerked out of a trance, he extinguishes his cigarette against a metal pipe on the side and drops the butt, turning around and catching up to her in a few steps. 
“I’m off the hook?” he repeats, voice low and sticking to Korean.
She doesn’t look too surprised that he’s stopped her, but her forced nonchalance wobbles slightly. “Well, the proverbial hook.”
“Yeah? What hook is that?”
“The hook that pegged you to kiss me in a coat closet after I… dumped my mommy-trauma on you.” She shakes her head. “There was a lot going on and I don’t… I’m not expecting anything from you. Not for that.”
Yoongi bites his lip. “So… I’m off the hook for the spur-of-the-moment kiss we shared after I assured you that you can trust me.”
Miso’s eyes flicker momentarily but she reverts to her blasé expression instantly. “The words sound like you get me, but your tone is throwing me off,” she says wryly.
He takes a step closer to her. “You are,” he mutters tightly, his hand clenching into a fist, “the single most uniquely frustrating person I have ever met.”
“I don’t understand why you’re getting annoyed with me,” she replies, but Yoongi doesn’t believe her, scoffing and turning away. “You want this, believe me.” When he doesn’t answer, she folds her arms across her chest. “I’ve told you a dozen times not to get involved. I don’t know why you’re still trying to.”
“You know, I’m starting to wonder the same thing myself,” he snaps, walking past her and out of the terrace. He catches a glimpse of her just as the elevator doors close and he bristles; there’s no doubt, guilt or anger on her face. It’s an expression he’s seen numerous times before, annoying him more each time: the one of being proven right.
Donghyuk [21:15] Going out with some of the prods in a bit. Drinks on BH. You in?
Yoongi [21:16] Don’t think so. Too much to get done.
Donghyuk [21:16] Sure? Kim Namjoon’s coming too. Probably.
Yoongi [21:17] You asked him?
Donghyuk [21:17] Not yet.
Yoongi rolls his eyes, although Namjoon might just agree to go. Anything to get his mind off his girl.
Yoongi [21:18] Raincheck. In the zone right now.
Donghyuk replies with an irrelevant emoji but doesn’t push. Yoongi locks his phone and stares at the wide screens in front of him. A part of him had planned to return to the dorm tonight to give Seokjin some company; something about how deep in thought the older member had been earlier today was throwing Yoongi off. Seokjin didn’t divulge much, but Yoongi had a feeling he might want to just this once.
There’s also the added bonus of a hot meal most likely awaiting him at the dorm, for when Seokjin was stressed, he tended to cook.
Yoongi [21:25] Hyung. Need me to pick up anything for dinner?
Seokjin [21:27] Not for me. I’m probably going out.
Yoongi raises his eyebrows at this unexpected response, his stomach rumbling sadly. But he ignores it, reaching for his half empty pack of cigarettes and debating another smoke break, when his studio door opens without permission and he turns, his heart skipping an automatic beat.
Miso pokes her head in, expressionless. “Donghyuk’s leaving. He asked me to check if you want to schedule the demo with that rookie girl group tomorrow at noon.”
Yoongi turns back around. “Sure. Anything else?”
She hesitates. “That Chinese place you recommended sucks, by the way. Their portion sizes are deceptively huge and now I’m stuck with enough Kung Pao chicken to feed a small army,” she states in mild exasperation before leaving.
The door swings shut behind her. Yoongi scoffs under his breath, shaking his head. Uniquely frustrating. Everything had to be an argument, and every argument had to be won by her, even if it was about an excess of Kung Pao chicken.
He checks his pack to see about half a dozen cigarettes left, when something clicks. He pauses and, on cue, his stomach rumbles again.
Grabbing his phone and the smokes, Yoongi stands up and heads out of his studio, making a beeline down the corridor for Donghyuk's. He can smell the food even before he pushes the door open.
Miso looks up when he enters, not looking entirely surprised, but - he notes with caution - her shoulders relax as though in relief. Four boxes of food are on the console table in front of her while she unpacks the chopsticks. As he takes a seat next to her mutely, she unpacks the last items in the bag: two cans of lemonade. She slides one over to him and he catches it.
She nods, handing him a pair of chopsticks. “I’ve heard the food’s not bad.”
“So have I. I didn’t know about the lemonade on their menu, though.” He takes a sip and swallows it slowly, wincing slightly at the tartness. “Not bad.”
Miso, her can unopened in front of her, observes him thoughtfully before bending over the other side of her chair and retrieving two cans of Budweiser Premium. She offers one to him, eyebrows raised.
“Are we allowed alcohol in here?” he asks mildly, taking the can anyway. 
“No idea.”
“Not afraid of getting caught?”
She hitches one leg on the edge of her chair and pops her can open, taking a long sip. “What are they going to do? Fire me?” 
Nope. Not daddy’s nepo princess.
A year ago, Yoongi would’ve said it out loud. The arrogance of her statement would have struck him in his very core, except now he can only detect apathy in it. What’s the worst they can do? Fire me?
He opens his own can and takes a sip, the cold beer feeling incredible in his chest. “God, I feel healed.”
The corner of her mouth lifts and she reaches over, and they clink their cans together. “Cheers.”
As they eat, Yoongi finds himself more confused than ever. Not only did Miso, in her own twisted way, offer an olive branch and buy him dinner, but for the first time since he’s known her, she is initiating conversation.
“Are you allowed to drink on tour?” she asks him, curiously scooping some noodles into her paper bowl.
“Only as long as we’re not seen. And as long as it doesn’t make us put on weight or bloat or break out…” He shrugs. “So… no. Not really.”
“Is the company afraid your fans will get scandalized if they see you, an adult man, consuming alcohol?”
He cracks a smile. “Something like that.”
“Damn. How do you smoke?”
“I don’t, as much. I wait to come home and do it in peace.”
She grins and his heart catches. “Yeah? Dreaming about the Big Hit terrace while sailing around the world?”
“You have no idea. Sometimes I wake up smelling instant coffee and cornflakes.”
“A man so loyal to his work,” she says dryly, chuckling when he waves a hand in mock-embarrassment. “Big Hit is so lucky to have you.”
“They make me do a lot more dancing than I ever signed up for, so… you know what? They kind of are,” he agrees, smiling when she laughs. “Damn, this is good beer.”
Without being asked, she hands him another one, and their fingers brush on the cold can. Their eyes meet for a fraction of a second before Miso lets go and leans back, busying herself with something else. Yoongi glances at her as he absently bites down on a mushroom, wanting to bring up their earlier encounter today, last week and all the preceding weeks - but it’s not a good idea. Not during this precarious time of… he isn’t even sure what to call it.
“How come you didn’t go out with Donghyuk and the guys?”
“Work,” he answers simply. “How come you didn’t?”
“Work, I guess. And I had all this food to finish,” she reminds him, gesturing to the half a dozen boxes on the table. “You’re only back for a couple days, though. How come you don’t want to, you know…” She does an awkward wave with her shoulders. “... party?”
Yoongi stifles a chuckle. “Someone had to help you finish all this food. Apparently it’s my fault there’s so much of it.”
“It is. But the food is actually quite… not bad,” she adds generously. “How’d you know about this place?”
“Oh, I, uh… I used to deliver for them,” he confesses, nodding when she raises her eyebrows in surprise. “It’s been a few years, but… there was this one apartment over in Hongdae that ordered in from there almost every single day. A couple of roommates, fresh out of college, I think,” he recalls. “I asked them once about it and they said they worked long hours and ordering in from here was what kept them going.”
“Wow.” Miso is quiet for a moment. “So you started eating from here, too?”
“Once I could afford it, yeah.” He catches her eye but she lowers her eyes, almost as if ashamed. “The shrimp fried rice is the best thing on the menu, though.”
She nods, glancing up at him. “Noted. For next time.”
Yoongi’s heart soars unexpectedly before his mind forces their disagreement on the terrace to the forefront of his mind.
“I didn’t know you delivered food,” she says after a moment. 
“Mhm. It’s also when I learned to pick a lock, because these kids in one of the Gangnam neighbourhoods would lock people’s bicycles for fun,” he tells her, rolling his eyes. 
“What? Why?”
“Who knows.” He tosses his empty bowl on the table and stretches back in his chair. “Dumb, rich kids with nothing better to do,” he mutters, looking up at the ceiling. When he glances back down at her, it’s to see her quietly cleaning up, her hair covering the side of her face.
Yoongi starts to say something but thinks the better of it, instead helping her clear the table.
“Tell me something about you,” he says a little while later, as they share a single serving of chocolate mousse. “Not your parents or your… driver or whoever. You.”
Miso raises her eyebrows, looking a little startled at the question; it’s clear that it’s not something she gets asked too often.
“I don’t know. I’m really not that interesting.”
He gives her a look. “I told you about being a delivery boy. Interesting isn’t the criteria here.”
“Fine.” She purses her lips and frowns, apparently thinking. “Okay, I have one. Ready?”
“On the edge of my seat.”
A smile flits across her face. “Okay… I’m red-green colourblind.” She shrugs hugely, looking slightly uncomfortable.
“Huh. Really?” Yoongi wasn’t expecting that. “So, can you…”
“I can,” she confirms. “I wear contact lenses so I can pretty much see everything normally. But, yeah. That’s something about me.”
“Have you - sorry, this might be a stupid question -“ He raises a hand and she waves her own, permitting him to ask. “Have you always had it?”
“Pretty much, yeah. It’s genetic,” she adds. “My mother used to take me to the optometrist in secret, as if she was afraid that my father would explode at a reminder of a weakness,” she explains, rolling her eyes. “Actually, that seems pretty on brand for him.”
Yoongi frowns. “But if it’s genetic…”
“Yeah, but he doesn’t have it,” she confirms. “Neither does my mother, which means she’s a carrier.” She shrugs. “Doesn’t matter. It’s not something we talk about. Ever.”
She says it in a matter-of-fact way, as though it’s the most understandable thing in the world for her own issues to take a backseat to her egocentric father’s insecurities. 
Yoongi lets out a low whistle. “So it’s your little secret?”
“Kind of. Strange to think about,” she agrees. She is quiet for a moment. “She really did seem to care that I had the best possible doctors and specialists and whatnot.” She shudders. “It’s like a fever dream.”
He doesn’t know how to react to this so he follows her cue and returns her wry smile. “I saw a picture of you as a kid at your house. You were a cute kid.”
Miso narrows her eyes at him. “Uh-huh. Where are you going with this?”
“Nothing. Just picturing you holding your mother’s hand, going to the optometrist.” He grins when she rolls her eyes. “You did say she took you in secret.”
“Well, she and Seungkwan,” she amends. “Not that we ever discussed it with him but I’m pretty sure he guessed.”
This is news. Yoongi’s eyebrows shoot up. “Really? And he never told your father?”
A faint smile appears on Miso’s face. “It’s a dangerous thing to be that loyal to my father. Some things are better left ignored.”
He senses something else in her words, but doesn’t ask. He remembers her driver vaguely; somehow, he appears everywhere she is, whenever she needs him. 
“Well, I can keep your secret,” he promises her, leaving the last bite of the mousse and handing it to her.
Her smile widens as she takes it from him. “I know,” she says. “I trust you.”
Yoongi holds her gaze for a moment. “Are you sure?”
Miso’s smile fades. “Yoongi…” She trails off when he drops his head, suddenly tired. She begins again. “You know, you’re the only person in the world who’s ever apologised to me,” she tells him. 
She waits until he meets her eyes again, and he’s slightly startled at how sorry she looks. He struggles for a moment to recall what she’s talking about, the memories of the aftermath of the launch party crawling to the forefront of his mind.
“That isn’t -“
“I’m just saying… It seems okay now. Now,” she repeats. “But you really don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. I’m not talking about my parents,” she says quickly when he opens his mouth. “I’m saying…” She sighs. “Yoongi, I don’t think I can give you what you want. I don’t know how.”
Yoongi says nothing; his throat feels stuck and he worries that if he speaks, his voice might break. It doesn’t feel like a rejection, but he also can’t find a way to respond. Once again, she’s won the argument. 
They leave soon after that, once they clean up in silence and Yoongi takes out the trash while Miso closes down Donghyuk’s studio. He walks her to the elevator, both of them walking beside each other with just enough distance between them to not touch.
I don’t know how. It bothers him more than he’d like to admit, and he can’t tell if it’s because of her fucked up parents or her general tendency to keep a distance that she believes she’s incapable of genuine human connection. 
When they reach the elevator and she reaches up to press the button, his eyes fall on her wrist and he wants, once again, to grab it and push her sleeve up her forearm. The bruise he’d seen all those months ago feels like a siren he’d ignored; it makes him sick to think about another potential one on her wrist right now.
The doors open, Miso glances at him hesitantly. “I don’t know about you… but I actually had a good time tonight.” She nods once. “Thanks, Yoongi.”
He slips his hands in his pockets and shrugs. “Thanks for what?”
“You know…” She steps in between the doors to stop them from closing and turns to face him. “Helping me out… with the Kung Pao chicken and everything,” she finishes, her mouth lifting up at the corners. By the way she bites her lip, he knows his own face is betraying at least a hint of humour. Or maybe it’s exasperation, or annoyance, or infatuation, or everything at once.
“Your driver… Seungkwan?” He waits for her to nod. “He’s here?”
“Downstairs,” she confirms.
Take care. Call me if you need anything. Call me if you don’t need anything, too.
“See you around, Miso.” He waves mechanically and it immediately feels ridiculous.
She frowns curiously but mimics his awkward wave. “Bye.” She takes a step back into the elevator and presses the button, and he takes a similar step further back. She gives him a small smile as the doors start to close.
Yoongi starts to walk back towards his studio, noting the elevator only in his peripheral vision. As he leaves, the image of her on the terrace comes back to him; through another set of closing elevator doors, her look of mild satisfaction, almost expectant.
It only takes a fraction of a second; Yoongi turns on the spot and hurries back to the elevator, slipping through just before the doors close fully.
“Whoa.” Miso jerks back slightly, but doesn’t look annoyed “What are you doing?” she asks as he steps towards her.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to kiss you again,” he assures her dryly, ignoring the look she gives him and reaching over to wrap her in a hug. He waits a moment, and then two, and then relaxes when he feels her arms go stiffly around his waist.
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” he murmurs, his lips brushing the shell of her ear. She smells of lilies and cigarette smoke. “But you’re not getting rid of me that easily. I’m not going anywhere,” he promises her, closing his eyes and meaning every word of it.
It takes another moment but she tightens her arms around him. Her fingertips brush his shoulders and - he hopes he’s not imagining this - he feels her smile against his collarbone. 
They step away from each other a few seconds later when the doors start to open. There’s a tinge of pink on her cheeks he’s never seen before. She hitches her bag on her shoulders as she exits.
“Don’t be such a sap, Min Suga.” But the blush says differently, as does the small smile she visibly struggles and fails to hide. 
Yoongi grins at her, wide and gummy, feeling lighter and taller all at once. He’s made a decision, and now she’s in on it, too.
It’s almost close to dinner time, but for once Seokjin isn’t hungry.
His phone stares at him from where he’d tossed it on the futon a few minutes ago, the screen painfully dark. He was trying to spare himself the temptation of checking it every second, but this isn’t any better.
After staring at it for a few more seconds, he reaches for it and replays the voicemail he’d sent to Nari over an hour ago.
“Hey. It’s me. Seokjin. Er, Kim Seokjin. I got discharged and I’m home. I hydrated, too, like you said. Still am, in fact. You may have been onto something, Dr Choi. Anyway… thanks for coming yesterday. It really meant a lot and I’m… God, I can’t tell you how good it was to hang out with you again. I didn’t realise how much I’d missed it. And… I do want to talk about last week. I know things have been really weird with us for a while but I don’t want them to be anymore. I’ve been thinking a lot this last week - I can’t help it, I’ve tried to stop, believe me. I’ve been way too afraid to lose you as a friend. I’d be lost without you, Nari. But… I may have been overcompensating on that front. I don’t know where this leaves us, but I want to figure it out. With you. Not in my own head, the way I’ve been doing it this whole time. I’m flying out tomorrow, but do you think we could talk tonight? Coincidentally, I have everything needed to whip up jajjangmyeon, too. Just throwing that in there. Let me know. Oh, this Seokjin.”
There’s a click to signal the end of the message, but Seokjin’s stomach churns more than ever, though not necessarily in a bad way. He’s officially entered the ring, albeit to do what, he isn’t completely sure. All he knows is that there’s no ignoring this anymore, the uncomfortable distance with Nari, the subtle hostility between her and Seulgi, the distaste with which he thinks of Kang Jason at the oddest times.
Nari hasn’t replied or called him back yet, but he tries not to stress about it. Most likely, she’s in surgery, or the ER, or even catching up on sleep in an on-call room. He’s determined to stay up all night, though; he can sleep on the flight tomorrow.
Automatically, his eyes fall to the last message he’d sent to Seulgi. Hey. I was hoping we could talk. Call me when you’re free?
She had replied a little while ago. Sure. Everything okay?
Seokjin didn’t have a response to that, so he’d sent her a skull emoji instead, hoping that would do the trick.
He wishes he wasn’t touring right now. There’s a better way to do this: with Seulgi, in person, thorough and rational - and then with Nari, slow and gentle, giving her space and control. 
But he has one day - no, one night - before he leaves once more for weeks, with all three of them left to stew in their own thoughts for that time. Sure, he can call - but calls can be ignored. So can messages, and voicemails, and then before he knows it, he’s back in Seoul, tired and jet lagged only to find out that the situation has progressed, leaving him completely out of the loop.
After considering it for a minute, he picks up the phone and calls Seulgi. Fortunately, she picks it up on the second ring.
“Hey,” she says, panting slightly. “I went out for a run; I was just about to call you. What’s up?”
“Um -“ He bites his lip. “Not - not much. How are you? How are your folks?”
“They’re good. Mum’s asking when she can meet you but I deflected that,” she adds, but there’s a knowing lilt to her voice. “You have enough going on right now.”
Do I ever. “I appreciate that. I just wanted to talk before I fly out tomorrow.”
She sighs. “I’m sorry. I really wish I could’ve been there. You barely get any time off as it is and even when you do, I’m not in town.”
“Nah, don’t worry about it.” He picks at a loose thread on the corner of the sofa. “You don’t have to accommodate your family plans around my crazy schedule. And I’ll be back again soon.”
“Can’t wait.” She pauses. “What did you want to talk to me about?” she asks, apparently done with small talk. “You seemed serious.”
It’s not serious, he’s about to say, but stops himself. “It’s… it’s about Nari. We kind of… ran into each other.”
There’s another pause, a longer one this time. “Okay. When?”
“Yesterday, when she visited me at the hospital. I wasn’t expecting -“
“You were in the hospital?” She interrupts him, tone suddenly anxious.
He freezes. “Yeah, but it - it wasn’t serious. I was dehydrated, that’s all. I don’t even know why they took me to the hospital, honestly. I’m back home now.”
Her next response is instant. “But Nari knew?”
“I - only because it was her hospital. And I didn’t tell her - she found out.” He waits for her to respond. “Seulgi, it wasn’t a big deal. You weren’t here - I didn’t want to worry you. I’m perfectly fine, really.”
There’s another pause and then she sighs deeply. “Okay. Is this what you wanted to talk about?”
Oh, boy. “Kind of. Well, no. I…” He sighs. “God, I really wish we were doing this in person,” he mutters.
“Wait. Are you -“ She scoffs, but it breaks slightly. “Are you breaking up with me? Over the phone?”
“No! No, I’m not. Look, I think I need to talk to Nari,” he says quickly before he loses his nerve. “It’s been a long time and I… I really need to know what’s going on. But I want you to know.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well…” Where do I start? “I mean, you know what it’s been like. But it’s just been too long - and I think she might be ready to talk to me, too. I have to try and fix it with her… I hope you understand why, Seulgi,” he adds, meaning it and already feeling horrendous.
“But I thought she was mad at you.” Seulgi is calm - too calm, and it’s worrying. “Or something. What’s changed?”
“That’s the thing, I don’t know.” It’s not a complete lie. I think she might have feelings for me based on a moment we shared a week ago, where neither of us actually spoke. Not only did it sound insane, it didn’t actually clarify anything. There was no point bringing it up when he wasn’t sure of it either.
“So…” She takes a deep breath on the other end. “Let me get this straight. She’s been evasive and distant and - let’s face it - sort of pissed at you. And then something changed… and suddenly she’s nursing you back to health during a hospital visit that I’m finding out about now.”
Seokjin closes his eyes. “I know it sounds bad,” he murmurs. “And I know it’s my fault it’s so messed up. I don’t… If I think back, I don’t know where I went wrong, but I’m sure I did something. You know?” He bites his lip, suddenly glad he’s flying out tomorrow, far away from his girlfriend and his best friend where he can’t hurt them anymore. “I don’t want to be unfair to you,” he admits.
“Why do you think you are?” she asks quietly.
“I don’t know…” He runs a hand down his face tiredly. “There’s a lot of history there and baggage and stuff…” There's no telling what we’ll find.
“You know what I think, Seokjin?” she says after a few moments. “I think you’re not fully sure of what you want. Or you are,” she guesses, “and you just don’t want to admit it because if you do and you don’t get it, you’re afraid it’ll devastate you.”
Seokjin swallows. His vision blurs without warning and he blinks rapidly, a distinct memory threatening to surface, of hope being crushed in his chest, a life he’d dared to imagine disappearing before he’d even fully wrapped his head around it. He’d repressed it as best as he could, figuring there was no one to blame but himself for this lapse in judgement, but it had inadvertently set actions in motion that he will regret for a long time. 
He’s taking too long to respond, he realises, but he’s afraid to speak. It might all boil down to that one night and the thought of what it meant - of what it might still mean - is too overwhelming to think about. 
“I’m glad you don’t want to be unfair to me,” she states, and there’s finally a bite to her tone. “So call me when you figure it out.” She hangs up.
Seokjin stays frozen for a minute before he sighs, tossing his phone back on the sofa and dropping his head in his hands. Suddenly, everything about his relationship with Seulgi feels tainted, now that his mind is involuntarily tracing the timeline of events back to the day he met her, and then ran into her again. She was lovely and calm and straightforward and put together - and he was so tired.
He needs to talk to Nari. He needs to. His mind is blocked and so is his heart, and it’s occurring to him now that it all comes to Nari. Everything comes down to Nari.
He’d been vague but he can’t imagine she would simply ignore his message, not unless she absolutely hated him. She didn’t, though, his brain reasoned. 
She’d visited him, actually talked with him, and she’d called him Kimbap. She would call. Even if she couldn’t meet him, she would call, or text. All he has to do is wait.
Nari takes off her lab coat and shakes her hair out, glad to be done with the day.
“See you tomorrow, Nari,” says one of her friends, a perky first year resident with the kind of confidence Nari could only dream of. “Say hi to your famous friend for me.” She winks and leaves.
Nari rolls her eyes but scoffs in humour. Somehow, the other residents in the surgical wing had caught wind of the fact that she knew the elusive celebrity idol that was admitted to the hospital yesterday and while she’d neither confirmed nor denied it, the story spread anyway.
“You’re in a good mood,” comments Hyeri, her friend, changing out of her scrubs at the locker next door. “What did you take and can I have some?”
Nari frowns curiously and laughs. “What are you talking about?”
“That. The laughing and the smiling and the… being nice to first years and interns.” Hyeri raises her eyebrows. “We haven’t had the mental capacity for that shit in years.” She raises her eyebrows. “Is it actually because of your famous friend? I mean -” She steps closer and lowers her voice. “We’re talking about Seokjin, right?”
“I - yeah. He was here,” admits Nari. “Nothing serious, though. He got discharged today.”
“Oh.” Hyeri sounds surprised at the admission. “That makes sense. You’re relieved.”
Yes… and no. She’s certainly glad Seokjin’s okay, but despite how selfish it makes her feel, she’s even gladder that for the first time in a long time, she was able to be herself around her best friend. It’s definitely relief - Hyeri isn’t wrong about that.
“I can’t believe we’re actually out early enough to have dinner,” remarks Hyeri as they head out of the locker room, out of scrubs and in normal clothes again. “I’m going to get in the tub with a glass of wine and fall asleep in there. Obviously I’m not serious,” she adds quickly, catching Nari’s eye.
“Hey, no judgement. Add some candles while you’re at it and it’ll look like a Madonna video.”
Hyeri chortles. “I’m out of wine, though. Can you send me the number to that liquor store? The one that delivers?”
Nari nods, fishing her phone out of her bag. “Shit. My phone’s dead. Daeun has it, though - she’s the one who sent it to me.”
“Okay, let me - oh, there she is!” Waving hurriedly, Hyeri jogs towards the entrance to catch up with Daeun, another of their resident class who’s leaving for the night as well.
Nari smiles as she watches her friend dash away, and catches herself. The laughing and the smiling and the being nice to interns. It’s not a mystery, the origin of this brand new version of herself. It took a long time and a lot of frustration and courage, but a week after the fact, she knows she’s at a place with Seokjin that she was only hoping she would eventually reach.
It’s a start, she tells herself. It’s a start and irrespective of what happens next, at least it’s a start. She’s lighter and she’s calmer - sometimes, there are moments where she feels freer, as though the invisible chain that kept her tethered to her suppressed feelings has been cut through with a chainsaw. 
She stops by the pharmacy in the lobby of the surgical wing to pick up some antiseptic for her first aid box. While the cashier rings up her purchase, she turns absently and spots Jason at the reception, still in scrubs and handing in a couple of patient charts. As he clicks his pen closed and tucks it in his pocket, he grins at something the nurse says and responds, making her laugh.
Grabbing her antiseptic, Nari walks over to him, smiling when he spots her.
“Hey.” He takes in her clothing? “Leaving already? I thought you were helping Dr Park with her trial research.”
Nari shrugs. “She gave me the night off.”
“Wow. Is she okay?”
“I’m not going to ask; I’m just taking the night,” she tells him. It’s a start. “What about you? Are you, uh, free tonight?”
Jason raises his eyebrows casually. “Uh, yeah. I have a couple of things to close out, but I can head out in a bit. Or I can meet you back at my apartment, too, if you want.”
“No, um…” She shakes her head and bites her lip. She hasn’t done this in… ever. “I meant, are you free… for a drink.”
He clearly notices the change in her tone. “A drink,” he repeats. “Just you and me. Like a…”
“M-hm.” Nari nods, but she doesn’t think he’ll say no. Familiarity builds over time, and Nari is suddenly seeing the world - and the people in it - in a newer light.
After a moment, Jason nods. “Absolutely. Just give me fifteen minutes?” He waits for her to nod as well and smiles, touching her elbow as he leaves.
She watches him go and her heart beats pleasantly fast with a small risk that’s paid off. She’s definitely lighter, brighter, calmer - and she can only route it back to the night of her confession to Seokjin. It felt like a start but maybe - just maybe - it was closure.
Thanks for reading. Don't forget to drop a review :)
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justimajin · 6 months
The Profit & Love Statement » Pt. 20
↠ Pairing: Seokjin x Reader
↠ Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst
↳ 3.1k / CEO AU
↠ Summary: Through hours of endless training and hard work, Kim Seokjin is finally the CEO of Kim Electronics. He has everything at his hands - status, money, power. He owes it all to you, his rigid and sarcastic mentor who overseed his entire training. But as he steps into the shoes of becoming the CEO, he can only wonder what it means for your relationship now.
↠ Warnings: *sprinkles some more fluff*
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↠ Next Update: Tuesday, November 14 (series masterpost here)
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Yoongi raises a brow. 
It’s roughly been around an hour past nine, too early of a time for his own sake. Yet, he's here sitting in the office, working on his statistics like every other office worker in his department. 
Scratch that. Every office worker except you. 
You emerge bright and early, two cups of warm brewed coffee in your hands. You place one on his desk, greeting him with a friendly good morning and turning to your desk. Booting your desktop up, your attention immediately gravitates towards your phone.
A small smile curls on the corner of your lips, before you’re resuming back to looking at your monitor, eyes sweeping over the sheer load of emails that have piled up. 
And yet, you haphazardly run through them, a smile still lingering on your lips. 
It’s freaking the hell out of him. 
“Y/N,” He calls, your rounded irises revolving over to him, “Is everything okay?” 
“Yeah, of course.” You narrow your eyes, “Is everything okay with you, Yoongi?” 
“Sure.” He mutters, features still contorted. You nod, rotating around to view your monitor and clicking on an email to answer it. 
Yoongi watches you carefully, noticing you replying to all of them how you usually would – with sharpened eyes and fingertips frantically typing. It brings him some ease, but he can’t quite place his finger on what has changed. 
It doesn’t take long for him to get answers. 
There’s a man that appears in the far corner, line of vision concentrated on Soyou and the file she hands him. He attentively listens, humming alongside her words and then he turns, appearing to head back to his office. 
His eyes linger. 
He looks like he’s trying to be subtle, but he isn’t actually – Yoongi notes. They flicker everywhere before landing onto your working form, a sheepish grin tugging on his lips. 
The CEO takes a couple of strides over. 
“Hi,” He quietly enunciates, standing in front of your cubicle and sounding breathless. Your gaze immediately snaps outwards, eyes brightening. 
“CEO Kim.” You formally address, abandoning your emails instantly. 
“Been busy today?” He softly inquires. 
“Yeah, there’s just so much to do.” 
“Ah, I see.” He grimaces, smiling at you all too tenderly. 
Yoongi breaks the silence, feeling like suffocating himself. 
“Are you two together?” 
You spin around, mouth falling agape. Jin’s eyes enlarge twice the size. 
Yoongi stares back at the two painfully oblivious people before him.
“H-How did you know?” You can only manage to sputter out, and he looks unamused. 
“Really? Have you seen yourselves?” He quirks up a smile, “Don’t forget I’m married, Y/N.” 
You roll your eyes and Jin sighs, “We need to get better at this.” 
“I know.” You scratch the back of your neck, “It’s just really hard not seeing each other.” 
“Tell me about it.” Jin remarks, “I should get back to work.” 
You nod and he swivels, intent on heading back to his office. But then a call of your name has you glancing in his direction. 
Jin places a hand on his lips, gesturing it towards you before leaving. 
Face flushing, you awkwardly clear your throat, pretending like you hadn’t just witnessed him throw a flying kiss in your direction. 
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Jungkook nearly chokes on his noodles. 
“You’re in a relationship?” Recognition floods him, an accusatory finger being pointed towards Jin, “With him?!” 
Jin raises an annoyed brow and you nod, munching down on your food. 
“How on earth–” 
“Congrats, Y/N!” Hoseok exclaims, turning to Jungkook and wrapping an arm around him. “Trust me, this has been in the making for a long time.” 
“Welcome to the party, kid.” Yoongi snorts, taking a sip of his coffee. 
“Wow…” Jungkook mutters, “It just seems like yesterday you were complaining about him.” 
“Or running after him for his training.” Yoongi adds on. 
“Yah! Don’t you all have something nice to say about me?!” Jin protests, to which Jungkook rolls his eyes and a corner of Yoongi’s mouth lifts. 
“We’d just ask you to keep this to yourselves.” You add on, and Jin hums. Although you were more than happy to be together, you weren’t keen on advertising the status of your relationship within the workplace, coming to the agreement that you had separate work lives to attend to. 
“Of course.” Hoseok confirms. 
Yoongi speaks up, “Don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone.” 
“Thank you.” You retort as the door to the break room opens, with Taehyung and Jimin emerging. 
In an instant, the former’s vision lands right upon your intertwined hands. 
“You’re together?!” He loudly boasts and Hoseok hushes him down, ushering the two of them to join quietly. 
“Oh my gosh, this is great!” He whispers, making eye contact with Jin, “Our plan worked!” 
Jin sheepishly chuckles, but you frown. 
“Uh….” He throws a side-eye in Yoongi and Hoseok’s direction – much to yours, Jungkook and Jimin’s confusion. “How do I explain this?” 
“We kind of knew…” Hoseok begins with a light chuckle, “About Jin’s feelings, so we tried to help him out.” 
You take in their words with complete bafflement. “All of you knew?” 
“I didn’t know!” Jungkook pipes up, but you ignore him. 
“Wait, that means Taehyung knew, Hoseok knew–” You stop counting on your fingers, eyes landing on the cat-like man that’s smirking at you. 
“Bingo.” Yoongi chimes, watching you let out a huff. 
“Even Yoongi knew?” You let out in exasperation, watching him chuckle. Glancing at Jin in puzzlement, he simply shrugs. 
“He’s surprisingly good at giving relationship advice.” 
“Aw, hyung.” Taehyung pouts in his direction and Yoongi grimaces at the reaction. 
However in the midst of their conversation, your mind is still buzzing and churning, bringing you back to all the antics that were occurring before the two of you got together.
The memories flash by one by one again – Jin approaching you abruptly, Taehyung pitching in and declaring everything he was wearing, Hoseok and Yoongi chiding you, making you utterly puzzled at their words. 
Amongst all of this, Jin’s odd behaviour stands out most to you. 
“Wait a minute, were you trying to impress me?” 
You eye him and he visibly pales, but Taehyung beats him to it. 
“He was! That’s why he dressed up for you and everything too!”
A gasp leaves you and Jin attempts to cover his face. 
But your next words have him doing a double take. 
“Wow,” You retort, “That was around when I realized I had feelings for you.” 
“See! I told you it worked!” Tehyung exclaims, but Jin just stares at you. 
The corners of your lips curl into a tender smile and his gaze turns warm.
Hoseok loudly sighs, observing you. 
“Man, being in love is nice.” 
“You’ll find someone, Hoseok.” Yoongi pats him on the back and he appreciatively smiles. 
“You’re so kind, hyung.” Taehyung inches towards the cat-like man, embracing him immediately. 
Yoongi scoffs, attempting to push him back to which Taehyung complains at. You and Jin chuckle at the sight of Yoongi being utterly smothered with affection. 
He gets up to head back to his office, detangling Taehyung’s arms off of him and mumbling underneath his breath, “I swear, everyone in this office is out to get me.” 
“I’m not.” Jin winks, sending a flying kiss in his direction that Yoongi deeply recoils at. 
“Go away, you’re the worst one.” 
Jin cheekily snickers as Yoongi turns to leave. 
After Yoongi’s departure, you had quickly finished up your lunch. Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung remained, while the rest of you decided to head out soon as well. 
“Oh–” Jimin immediately stands up, tapping you on the shoulder as you pack up your belongings. 
You spin around in surprise. “Before I forget, I wanted to say congratulations on your relationship, Y/N.” He timidly brings up, drawing up a soft smile on your lips.
“Uh, I–” A sheepish expression crosses him upon hearing Jungkook and Taehyung make a ruckus in the background. “I just want to say thanks, for trusting me about it.” There’s a small smile on his lips as he watches Taehyung steal one of Jungkook’s snacks, “All of you have been very kind to me.” 
You pat his shoulder, “Of course, Jimin.” 
“Jimin!” Taehyung hollers. “Quick! Take Jungkook’s other arm off so I can eat this!” 
Jungkook snaps back at him and you chuckle, giving Jimin a knowing look. 
“I also think you fit perfectly into this group of ours.” 
He breaks out in a giant grin, an endless list of gratitude ready to spill from him. 
Bidding all of them goodbye, you leave the room to find Jin and Hoseok talking to each other.
Jin's eyes perk up and he swings an arm around you. “Going back to work, Sugarplum?” 
You recoil, “Sugarplum? Really?” 
He frowns, “What? What other fruit do you want me to call you?”
“Anything but that!” 
“Alright, raisin it is!” 
You glare at him and Jin cheekily smiles. Hoseok snickers at the interaction, walking alongside you. 
“You know, you two are so perfect for each other that it’s actually ridiculous.” He grins, “But I’m really happy for you.” 
You glance at him knowingly and he soon departs, heading over to his office. You trudge over to your cubicle and Jin leans against your desk, watching you sit down. 
“Don’t you need to go back?” You ponder, pointing in the direction of his office. 
“I don’t want to.” He appears, leaning forward. “I want to spend more time with you.” 
You giggle at that and Yoongi coughs loudly, peering over the plastic separating the two of you.
He groans, “Can you two go be lovey dovey somewhere else?” 
Jin sends him a flying kiss. “It’s okay Yoongi, I know you love me too.” 
Yoongi grimaces like he’s been shaken to the core, and you stifle a laugh at Jin's shamelessness. 
He sighs, mumbling underneath his breath. “I swear, you and this boyfriend of yours.” 
You and Jin make eye contact, laughing at his remark. All while the man grumbles and tries to get his work done. 
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The end of your day comes sooner than you had hoped. 
When the clock strikes 5pm, you’re actually surprised and wonder where time has escaped to. You contemplate if it has to do with the good mood you’ve recently been in, the day not stretching out and feeling close to a tiring whirlwind as it usually does. 
You’re also not used to someone waiting for you once you’re done packing up. 
Throughout the rest of the day, you don’t see Jin as much – acknowledging that he was as busy with his work as you are, but you notice that he’ll come by every once in a while,excuses of paperwork or walking by tumbling from him. It was only when you saw the wide grin on his features that you know exactly why he’s near your cubicle, stirring up conversations with you or asking you if you needed coffee. 
It’s extremely endearing – you have to note – especially when you walk past the line of cubicles late into the evening only to find him leaned against the wall and his gaze fixated on his phone, very clearly waiting for someone to show up. 
You step in front of him and he immediately looks up, a grin pulling on his face. 
“Been waiting long?” You inquire. 
“Not at all.” He steps off from the wall, reaching out his hand that you gladly take. 
“How was work?” You honestly ponder, strolling towards the elevator with him.
“Not too bad,” Pressing the button, the numbers on the elevator begin to tick down, “They’ve been wanting me to make some executive decisions and I had been consulting my dad about it, but for the most part,” He shrugs, as if the mere thought of doing them before weren’t bringing him great amounts of stress the weeks prior, “I think I can do them on my own now.” 
You step into the elevator, twirling at the sound of his voice. “Is that confidence I hear?” 
“Of course.” He articulates smugly, “I’m Kim Seokjin, the CEO of Kim Electronics. What were you expecting?”
“Honestly, nothing else.” You chide at his notorious self-praises and he chuckles. 
The elevator doors open with a ding and a familiar face peers up. 
“Oh? Going home?” You speculate, gaze coming into contact with Jungkook’s surprised one. 
“Yeah, just debating if I want to catch the bus or take a cab home.” 
You grimace, “You must be really exhausted.” 
“Not as exhausted as when I was working at the restaurant.” A knowing smile crosses him and you mimic his expression, all too aware of how much you’ve been through together. 
Jin’s eyes glint, something impassible spreading across his expression. 
“Well, I’m going to go.” Jungkook turns, waving over to Jin. “Don’t be so annoying to Y/N!” 
“Yah!” Jin looks like he’s about to run after him and you shake your head with a laugh. 
After leaving work, Jin ends up driving you home. 
You talk about going on another date, one on the weekend and away from your busy schedules, since the two of you were quick to realize that you weren’t left with much time after work to do something more significant. Jin agrees wholeheartedly with your sentiments, stating that his work as a CEO only seems to be increasing with time and he wanted to at least spend some proper time with you. 
You open the car door and he reaches to help you out. 
“Oh, I never asked–” He raises his head to look at you, “How has the restaurant planning been going?”
“Pretty good.” He brings up, “Based on time I get from not working, I’ve been going through the details with Namjoon and we’ve started finalizing the permits.”
You clap your hands together. “That’s amazing!”
Jin softly smiles and you continue, “Honestly, after working at a restaurant for so long, I can’t wait to see what yours will look like.” 
“Right, you worked at a restaurant…” He mumbles, voice dropping down a tone. 
“Yeah, remember?” Puzzlement strikes you at his change in demeanor. “Me and Jungkook used to work together.” 
Your words fall into silence, and you blink wide-eyed, not quite expecting it. Jin stands with his hands in pockets, his eyes averted. 
Having been with him for so long, his reactions are always a dead giveaway for you. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“What?” He’s thrown off guard, not expecting you to ask. “N-Nothing’s wrong.” 
“Is it your restaurant? Work?” His silence doesn’t give you any answers, so you take a wild guess based on your conversation. “Me working at a restaurant?” 
He stiffens, and your eyes light up. 
“I’m not working there anymore if you’re concerned about my wellbeing, in fact I have more time now to–” 
“It’s not that…” Jin lets out a drawn out sigh. 
“Then what is it?” You press forward, completely baffled. Racking your brain, there’s nothing else that you talked about recently, nothing else except– 
Eyes flickering, your lips move and you blurt out your next question. 
“Is it Jungkook?” 
His eyes are wide and when it looks like he’s about to deny it immediately, your brows raise. 
You can’t believe the next words you sputter out. 
“Are you jealous?” 
“N-No!” He immediately falters, resolve dwindling. “Okay, maybe a bit…” 
“Really? You’re jealous of Jungkook?” You’re in disbelief at his resolution, “We’re just friends, Jin. That’s all, in fact we–” 
You catch yourself in an instant, and he stares at you attentively, too hooked on your words. 
“You what?” You’re silent, but he continues, “Y/N?” 
You wince, unsure of how this will sound. 
“We…actually went on a date once.” Jin’s eyes are as wide as ever and you raise your hands in defense, already anticipating his reaction. “We didn’t want to go! Hoseok was convinced after seeing us at the internship together that we’d be a good match, and ended up pushing us into going on a date.” 
You sigh, remembering the disaster of the entire ordeal. “Truth be told, neither of us came out of it to be anything more than just friends.” 
Jin crosses his arms, his gaze on you heavy. 
“Where did you go?” 
“To the movies, Jungkook wanted to watch some Marvel film.” 
“What did you talk about?” 
“Mostly work, or about Hoseok and Yoongi…” You furrow your brows. “I think a bit about his resume too, he wanted me to look over it.” 
His voice falters, “So… you didn’t have feelings for each other?” 
You shake your head. “We didn’t, Jungkook even left early because he was tired and felt like we only went for Hoseok.” 
He holds a deep frown, arms still crossed with suspicion gleaming in his eyes. However after a moment passes, he exhales and nods, shoulders slumping down. 
The tension leaves his form as easily as it rose. 
A playful glint enters your eyes, attempting to lighten the mood. 
“Who knows, maybe after all that we do have lingering feelings for each other,” You wave your hand around, pulling off your most dramatic tone that you’ve heard him use before. “Sometimes when I see him, I just–”
Jin grasps onto your hand mid-air. 
“Hey.” He intently gazes at you. “I like you. A lot.” 
You’re rendered speechless – fully expecting him to retort something playful in turn to you as always. Instead, you’re left resorting to simply nodding, frozen by his sudden surge of confidence. 
At the sharp silence, you sputter out. “I-I was just joking.”
His confidence dwindles just as fast. 
“I-I didn’t mean to…” He appears flustered, realization dawning across him. You softly smile, finding his wavering confidence at moments like this endearing.
“I guess I just saw the two of you together,” He explains, “and well… I think I saw what Hoseok saw.”
You look at him in concern, before letting out a low wistful sigh. 
“Hoseok buys plants to excuse his mom’s requests for grandchildren.” You point-blankly state and Jin snorts underneath his breath, “Besides, he did say that we were a perfect match.” 
His eyes twinkle at the recollection, a wide smile breaking out on his features. “He did, didn’t he?” 
You tenderly nod and he cutely wraps his arms around you, pulling you against him. You laugh at the gesture, smiling into his embrace. 
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bteezxyewriter12 · 6 months
Come Sit
Pairing- Jin x Named Reader
Word count- 3.4k
Includes- Unrequited feelings, cock riding, missionary, multiple orgasms, so much fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny
Gif Credit- scokjinkim
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Jin Masterlist
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Sitting on the couch in the dressing room, I move my legs up and down watching my best friend talk and laugh with Tae and Jimin
I keep looking down but when I hear her laugh I can't help looking up
She should be here, next to me
After all she came to this performance for me
We just performed for this variety show and there are like seven or eight more groups to go
I'm fucking tired and I want to go home and sleep
But I have to be here right now and I thought having her here would make everything less boring
She's just not paying attention to me
Another twenty minutes pass before their conversation ends and she's coming towards me
I avert my eyes immediately, not wanting to hear her make fun of me
"Jeez Jinnie, close your fucking legs", she says, standing next to me
I raise my eyebrow, "There's no one on the couch with me"
"Still, you're sitting like you're waiting for someone to sit on you", she snorts, rolling her eyes
"So", I say, smirking, not knowing where I'm getting this confidence, this cockiness from, "Come sit"
Her eyebrows raise immediately, "What"
"Come sit on me", I repeat
I seriously don't know what the fuck I'm doing
I don't do things like this
But god, do I want her to sit on me
I completely don't expect her to though
So I'm completely thrown off guard when she moves one of her legs over me, getting in my lap, straddling me
"This what you want?", she says, sitting right on me
My mind is blown but I don't want to act like it is
I don't want to act like a fool
"Yeah", I nod, moving my arms around her waist, holding onto her
I'm hyperventilating inside but outside I'm acting normal
Or at least I hope I come off as normal
"Now what?", she asks, tilting her head looking down at me
I really don't know
I didn't think this through because I didn't think it would actually happen
"Just sit", I answer
She shrugs, moving in my lap, getting comfortable
But all the moving is rubbing on my dick, making me stiff
And to make matters worse, when she stops moving, she ends up directly on my hard on
She looks at me, her eyebrow raised, "Are you...hard?"
I roll my eyes, trying not to panic, "You were moving and rubbing all over me. What do you think was going to happen?"
"I was getting comfortable!", she argues
"Well, I don't know what to tell you", I answer, "If you don't like it, get off"
It's not what I want but I don't want to make her uncomfortable
I can't help it and my dick is not going down
Not while she's sitting on me
"I don't want to", she says so softly
"Then stay"
She nods, "Ok"
I lean back on the couch, both of us just sitting, not sure what to do
Her fingers fiddle with my shirt, bunching the fabric in her fingers then smoothing it out
My heart is racing the more we stay like this
I want her so fucking much it's stupid
Her hands slowly move up my shirt, touching my chest
I stay deathly still, letting her do what she wants
She bites her lips as her hands slide to the sides of my neck, her fingers leaving sparks of fire on my bare skin
Her hands continue the path behind my neck, sliding into my hair, softly running through the strands
I hold back a moan as I feel her fingers move the hair in front of my face back
My own hands have started moving, sliding up her back, just feeling her
I don't know what the fuck is happening but I don't want it to stop
Her fingers glide on my face, softly trailing down my cheeks, then ghosting over my lips
I stare up into her beautiful brown eyes, slowing getting lost in them
"Jinnie", she whispers
Then her lips are against mine, kissing me
And my mind explodes, my body shivering, fire running through me
All from a kiss
I kiss her back just as passionately, my arms locked around her, hers around my neck
"Yeah I don't know what the fuck is going on over there but I don't want to see it", Hobi says
"What are you talking- oh god my eyes", Namjoon exclaims
"Food time", Tae sings
I don't care about anything right now but her
I hear lots of footsteps then the sound of a door closing but I don't give a shit
I'm too focused on her
On her lips against mine, her tongue against mine, her fucking hot body against mine
And her hips moving, sliding her clothed pussy against my cock, making me harder
Moving my hands under her skirt, I grip her ass, squeezing, helping her move on me
God it feels so good
"Mmm Jinnie", she murmurs between kisses
I don't answer, I can't answer, my lips are glued to hers
Her hands slide down my body, undoing my belt
It's then that I pull back, looking at her to make sure this is what she wants
I know it's definitely what I want
It's what I wanted for the longest time
She smirks, undoing my pants, sliding her hand under my boxers, palming me
"Think I should try it out?", she teases, blowing my mind
"Yeah. You should", I egg her on, "See how it feels in your pussy"
My god, I never talk like this
She just smiles, pulling my pants and boxers down
I lift myself, helping her get everything down as far as we can
Her hand slides in the back of my hair, pulling my head back, her lips against my neck, while her other hand wraps around my cock, stroking me
"God, Jinnie, you feel so fucking big"
I whimper, moving my hips up, shoving my cock into her hand
"Tell me what I should do", she murmurs, pressing kisses to my neck
"Sit on my cock", I mumble, her lips clouding my brain
I nod, reaching under her skirt and pulling her panties to the side, "Put my cock in your pussy. Wanna feel you around me"
"Ok", she whispers, lifting herself up
She leans back, positioning my cock to her hole and I can't help but look down
Her skirt is in the way, so I use my free hand to lift it up, watching intensely
She lowers herself, my head disappearing into a tight space
My god, she's so fucking wet, dripping all over my shaft
She pushes down, taking more of my cock in, her hips moving in circle as her pussy wiggles down
"Oh fuck", I moan, my eyes watching as she takes me inch by inch
The pleasure of just getting inside her is astounding
I've never been in a pussy this tight before
Her cunt envelopes me just right, sucking me in the more she slides down
And all the while, she's gripping my shirt so hard, moaning and gasping
She bottoms me out, both of us crying out, her hips rocking back and forth
"Oh my god", she cries, "So good Jinnie. Fuck so good. Perfect"
"Mmm hmmm", I murmurs, "So tight. Goddamn it, so fucking tight"
"So hard", she whines, grinding down on my cock, "So fucking big. God, so big"
"So wet for me", I mutter, the pleasure clouding everything
"Just for you", she confirms, driving me crazy
"Think I'm gonna need you to sit on my cock everyday baby"
"Mmm hmm", she nods
"My cock good for you?", I ask, squeezing her ass hard
She nods, "Yes. So good. Mmm..my pussy good for you?"
"The best", I groan, "Tightest ever been in"
"Fuck Jinnie. Wanna ride you. Can I?"
"Yes, fuck, please yes", I agree
She immediately slides up my cock, my length glistening in her juice, her hands twisting in my shirt
She slams down, taking me all in, my cock slamming against a spot inside her that has her crying out so loudly, her pussy drenching my cock even more
She bounces hard, so fucking fast, taking me in over and over
I'm thrown into intense pleasure, breathing heavily as I watch her ride my dick like a fucking pro
She pushes my jacket off me immediately, throwing my inner ear pieces to the floor, my shirt up and over my head before I know what's going on
She shoves me back against the couch, her eyes raking over my body, her hands all over, touching my stomach, my chest, my shoulders, my arms, fucking heat running everywhere
"Fuck you're so fucking hot Jinnie", she says making my mind implode, "So sexy. God this chest, these abs these fucking shoulders and arms"
My skin shivers at her every touch, I'm absolutely loving it
"And this face", she murmurs, stroking my cheek, looking down at me in awe and want
A look I've never seen before on her
"So fucking beautiful", she whispers, "So perfect. You're perfect Jinnie. Inside and out. My perfect man"
I actually can't believe she's saying this
I'm hoping I'm not dreaming and I'm hearing her right
"You drive me crazy all the time Jin and you don't even fucking know it", she tells me, "I'm so fucking in love with you, you have no fucking idea"
Shock hits my body so hard as my brain processes her words
"What?", I say, not sure I heard her right
She leans her forehead against mine, her arms around my neck, fingers in my hair, her hips grinding down on me, pleasure flowing everywhere
"I love you", she repeats, "Fuck Jinnie, I've always loved you, since I could remember"
She moves back, her eyes on mine, smiling sadly, "I know you don't feel the same way Jinnie. You've never paid attention to me that way and it's ok."
That's where she's so fucking wrong
She's all I ever paid attention to but I thought she wasn't paying attention to me
"I just want to be with you one time and I'll never talk about it again ok? Not my feelings, not this happening. We can just forget about it ok?"
"No", I answer, gazing into her eyes
I'm not forgetting about this
I can finally have the girl I want and I'm not throwing that away
"We can't forget about it"
Her face falls, her eyes down as she looks to defeated
Raising her face to mine, I kiss her, throwing all my love into it
She kisses me back, just as passionately and I can feel her love it in
When the kiss ends, I cup her face, softly caressing her cheek, "I love you so fucking much"
Shock fills her face, making me smile
"See, just like you, I'm so fucking in love with you too. Since I could remember, you are the only girl I've ever noticed, ever wanted", I tell her, "So no, I can't forget about it. I won't. You're mine. And this, us together, will never only be one time. In fact, it's going to be a reoccurring thing. Ok?"
"Ok", she whispers, smiling beautiful
"Good", I answer, pressing a soft kiss to her lips, "Now, bounce on my dick baby"
She nods, her movements starting up again, her pretty tight cunt opening for me over and over
As she bounces, I start undressing her, pulling her shirt over her head, undoing her bra, tearing her panties off, her gorgeous body hitting me in the face
"Oh fuck princess", I gape, my hands immediately roaming all over her body
I can't help but grope her boobs, squeezing the soft skin, then running my hands down her back
"God, you're skin is so fucking soft", I marvel, my hands moving around to her stomach
"Jinnie", she moans, moving my hands around her breasts, her hands over mine, squeezing
"Mm princess", I groan, watching her move on me, "Ride my cock harder baby. Lemme see your pretty tits bounce for me"
She leans back on my thighs, her movements increasing in speed
Her boobs jiggle everywhere and I'm fucking mesmerized
God, her body is perfect, her face is stunning, pleasure all over her as she rides my cock hard
Moving my eyes down, I lift her skirt to watch her fuck me
"Oh my fucking god", I gasp, the sight of her creaming my cock so much burned in my memory
There's just so much, such a big fucking mess all over my lap
And her pussy, fuck, swallowing my cock again and again, her swollen lips hugging my shaft so prettily
"God princess, you're cunt looks so pretty around my cock", I murmur
Not only does she look good around me, she feels incredible
Every time she takes me in, my head hits her spot, her body shaking on me, her pussy clenching so hard around my dick, sending pleasure up my spine
I'm hypnotized by her cunt, watching her soak me, cream me, fuck me, her hole so tight
"Jinnie", she cries, "I'm...I'm gonna...fuck baby, you're cock is so good...I'm.."
"Cum for my cock baby. It's ok. I want it", I assure her, my eyes not moving from her pussy on me
"Jjj..Jin!", she cries as she cums, her tiny cunt strangling my cock, more creamy cum pouring from her, coating every inch of my cock
The sight is so fucking beautiful and the pleasure I'm getting from her orgasm is fucking insane
Like no pleasure I ever felt before
She moans my name as she keeps bouncing, her little pulsing clit peeking out from between her swollen lips
I move my finger to it, rubbing slowly in a circle
"Oh my god!", she moans, her fingers digging into my thighs
I need to fuck her
Right now
Pulling her off me, she whines loudly as I put her on her back on the couch
I kick the rest of my bottom clothes off along with my shoes so I can move better
Getting her skirt off, I spread her legs open wide, my arm around her waist, lifting her off the couch
Moving to my knees, I guide my cock to her dripping hole, pushing into her
We both moan as I enter her, her tiny hole spreading so wide for me, taking my cock so fucking well
I bottom out, feeling her throb around me, shivers of bliss running up and down my back
I move my thumb back to her clit, resuming the slow circles, watching her cunt water my cock, feeling her tight hole suck on my dick, pleasure running up my spine
"Fuck, so good", I whimper
As I keep playing with her clit, I pull back until just my head is inside her
Then I thrust back in hard, burying to the hilt, smashing her spot hard
"Seokjin!", she screams, visibly shaking under me
I smirk, getting a good pace going, fucking into her over and over, going so deep into her little cunt
I increase the speed of my finger as I fuck into her, the sound of her soaking squelching cunt sucking me back in so fucking pretty
Every thrust into her send her boobs wiggling, her stomach popping up
"Jinnie, mmm", she moans, her eyes closed, pleasure all over her face
Pleasure, I'm giving her
Playing with her clit, each swipe over it makes her cunt clench tighter and tighter around me, creaming my cock until it's dripping off on to the couch
"Fuck princess, you're cunt looks so fucking pretty taking my cock", I murmur, "Little slit splitting around my big dick. Such a good pussy for me"
She moans softly, her eyes opening, moving onto me and her cunt tightens harder around me
I just smirk at her, "Hmm princess, did you cunt just squeeze my cock when you looked at me?"
She nods, not shy about admitting it, "You're so hot Jinnie"
I feel myself blush, her hands wrapping around my wrists, holding on
"You're so beautiful", she murmurs, "You don't know how many times I imagined you looking down at me like this. All those times and it doesn't compare to the real thing"
I let her words seep in, loving that's what she thinks of me
Liking that she's thought of me like this before
Putting her hips back down on the couch, I move her legs around my waist, I lay on top of her, her soft skin against mine, leaning on my arms beside her head
I press my lips to hers, awed at how utterly happy her kiss makes me
Her arms move around me, her palms flat against my back, feeling so small
I lean my forehead against hers after the kiss, resuming a soft, slow but hard pace, burying deep inside her
"You don't know, princess, how much I've thought about you under me just like this", I tell her, pressing a kiss to her shoulder, "Letting me inside you, making you feel good, holding me tightly, touching me, loving me"
I press more kisses along her shoulder until I get to the crook of her neck, burying my face there, inhaling her scent that drives me insane
"You don't know how much I've thought of you loving me. Imagining spending the night with you in my arms, spending the day with you, cooking for you, kissing you, holding you. Everything I could ever want, I always wanted it with you"
"I wanted the same things with you Jinnie. Always with you", she murmurs, her fingers sliding into the back of my hair
"Now we can", I answer softly, "Right princess?"
"Yeah baby", she confirms
Lifting my head, I crash my lips to hers, picking up speed as I thrust deeply into her
"Jinnie", she whimpers, between kisses, taking my length over and over, throbbing around me quickly, "Jinnie, cum inside me"
Moaning in her mouth, I tell her between kisses, "Yeah baby. First you baby, then I'll fill you"
"More Jinnie", she begs, "Harder"
Increasing my thrusting, I sink into her again and again, rubbing against her spot each movement
She arches into me, moaning my name loudly as she cums all over me, "Seokjin"
Ecstasy slams into me hard, blinding me
I pump my cock into her a few more times then I sheath my length inside her, my cum spilling into her, moaning her name
"Joanne, princess, princess", I cry, the sheer pleasure taking over
Burying my face in her neck, her pussy milks my cock, her hands running up and down my back, whispering "I love you Jin" over and over, making this the best fucking orgasm I ever had
I come back to my senses, feeling her kiss my hair over and over, holding me tightly
"Princess", I murmur, cuddling into her
"My baby", she coos, making me smile
"Hey! Are you done in there or what?", I hear Namjoon yell
My head snaps to the door
It's open slightly, no one looking in, Namjoon's silhouette casting a shadow on the floor
"Go away", I snap
"You guys can't stay in there forever! They're announcing the winners in like ten minutes! Get dressed Jin! You can be with her later!"
"Fine!", I scowl, "Gimme a few minutes
When the door closes, I turn back to her, hugging her and groaning
"Don't want to get up"
She giggles, kissing my cheek, "Tonight baby. I get you all to myself"
"Mmm wish it was now"
"Hmm maybe like an hour or so?"
I sigh, "Ok princess"
Kissing her again, we both reluctantly get up
"Mmm so comfy Jinnie", she giggles, cuddling into me as I pull the blanket over us
We're in my bed, after another round of fun, sweaty, naked and snuggly, ready to sleep after this hectic and revealing day
"Yeah princess. And it's even better with you here"
She snorts, "Nice one Jinnie"
"Oh baby, you know you're gonna have to hear even more of my jokes now", I tease her, looking down at her
She looks up, smiling, "You're lucky I love your jokes baby"
"See, I knew you were perfect for me"
"And you're perfect for me Jinnie. I love you"
"I love you Jo", I tell her, "So much"
"So much", she confirms
We meet each other for a sweet loving kiss that has me seeing stars and I know she feels the same way
She cuddles into me, her body tangled with mine, ready for sleep, fitting perfect in my arms
Just like I knew she would
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yeonkimintakecare · 4 months
Bus Stop Meet Cute
Pairing: Jin X Reader; Fluff
Summary: You're known for always having your head in the clouds, dreaming yourself a better life. One day you try to make your dreams a reality by doing something extremely out of character.
Author's Note: This is my personal favorites of all of my old writings, I also think this is the only one of the old ones that I wrote sober, so that checks out.
Warnings: I don't think any? Let me know if you think there should be. It's mainly just fluff?
Love Story by Suran plays in your headphones while you stare out the window. You watch all the people pass by as you smile. This was your favorite part of the day. You had just gotten off of work at the cafe you work at, and now you get to people watch on the bus ride home.
You often look at the people who are passing by and create little stories of their lives. Your mother always told you that it wasn’t healthy how much you daydream. Maybe she’s right, but it was your escape. You wanted to be a writer, but until you finish your novel, you need to continue to pay your bills. Working a full time job makes it hard to write, so you have to find time when you can.
You see a woman in a beautiful pale blue dress and you start writing a story in your head about how she is about to go on a date with the man of her dreams. You imagine how they met, what may have kept them apart, and how they finally got together. You smile at the nice ending that you gave the stranger, but soon frown, you feel a longing to have your own love story. These things don’t really happen in real life.
You search for your next stranger, when your eyes fall on him. A tall and handsome man sitting at the bus stop. He has headphones in and is reading a book. You note his great sense of fashion, he is wearing a deep greet turtleneck with a houndstooth coat and dark wash jeans. He has hair hangs in his face a little bit, but you can still see that he is extremely attractive.
You feel the bus coming to a stop and your window stops right in front of him. He looks up and makes eye contact with you. He gives a small smile and a nod and continues to stare at you. Your stomach fills with butterflies and your knees feel weak. You give him a wave with a slight smile. He gives a small laugh, goodness, you would pay to hear that laugh. But it doesn’t seem that he is necessarily getting on at this stop. You decide to do something a little risky.
You open your window.
He looks at you and you both take out one of your ear buds.
‘Is this your bus?” You ask him with a nervous smile.
“It can be.” He replies with a raised eyebrow and a grin. He then walks away from the pole he was leaning against and gets on the bus. As he walks towards your seat you begin to feel your heartbeat faster. You put your things away in your bag and make room on the seat next to you. He sits down next to you and you can smell his cologne. He turns to you and holds out his hand.
“Hi, I’m Kim Seokjin, but you can just call me Jin.” He states.
“Hello, I’m ____. Very nice to meet you.” You blush as you shake his hand. It’s very warm and it lights your soul. This isn’t some made up story in your head. This is real. This is happening.
“So where are we headed?” He asks with a small chuckle.
“We are going to a book store actually, then maybe dinner?” You say with a small question mark at the end.
Wow, where is this confidence is suddenly coming from? you ask yourself.
“Sounds great.” He says as he continues to look at you with a smile. You both continue to make conversation. You learn that he runs a publishing company, and he was actually just heading to a book store himself. It was almost like it was fate. You loved the way he laughed, while others may find it weird, you found it cute.
When you both reached the stop you continued on to the bookstore.
You show him your favorite novel, and he shows you a poetry book. You guys could’ve spent hours in that store, getting to know each other and talking about books and stories. He had so many cute little quirks, like when he got really passionate about something he talked quicker. Eventually you guys check out and he surprises you by paying for your books. You thank him and you let him pick the place to eat.
He picked a restaurant that served naengmyeon. You guys eat and talk. You can’t stop smiling. He really is a dream. You have to pinch yourself to tell your self this is real.
“Are you ok?” He asks afterwards.
“Yeah, of course. I just am convincing myself that all of this is real.” You say with a small laugh.
“Do you often find yourself imagining things?” He said poking fun at you. You laugh.
“Well no and yes. I don’t hallucinate or anything, but I do often enjoy creating scenarios in my head. My mom has always told me that my overactive imagination would be bad for me and one day I would begin to believe my stories are real. I guess all of this seems too good to be true… You seem too good to be true.” You say while fiddling with your hands. He rests his hands on yours and you look up at him.
“I can promise you I am as real as it gets.” He says with a comforting smile. You smile back to him and hold his hand. Hoping that this lasts forever.
~ time jump - 5 years later ~
You stand on the podium looking out to the sea of people staring back at you. You begin to read the pages from your book.
“Soft love songs play in her headphones while she lazily daydreams out of the window. She quietly envies the people that pass by. She longed for a life with interest. She longed to shed her tedious job at the cafe. She longed to have romance in her life.
As if she spoke it into the universe her eyes landed on the most handsome man she had ever seen. A man that radiated the confidence she had longed for. While the bus comes to a stop their eyes meet. They can feel the chemistry grow as they continue to stare at each other. Almost as if she had absorbed some of him through this limited contact, she opens the window.
‘Is this your bus?’ She asks with a nervous smile and a tight chest. He looks up at her with a smirk.
‘It can be.’ He replies before getting onto the bus.” You close the book while the crowd claps.
“I want to thank you all for supporting me. This is my third book, and I have been thankful everyday that you guys have enjoyed my stories. They have always been my comfort, my escape from a dull life. Although you may not know, that my most recent novel isn’t just a story. It’s something that happened to me. This novel was inspired by the meeting of my very own partner and publisher, Kim Seokjin.” You say while holding your arm out to the back corner of your room. You make eye contact with your husband, Jin. He smiles and gives small bows as people turn to look at him and clap.
“Of course there are differences, but I had to write a story about how we met. My life changed from dull to exciting the day our eyes connected on that bus. His company was small, and I was an unknown writer, but people were, thankfully, drawn to my novel. I wouldn’t have had the strength to finish that story without him. He has kept me going for so long, and I owe everything I have to him. I love you my darling.” You say with tears welling in your eyes.
He gives you a heartfelt nod and mouths an ‘I Love You’ back. You continue to talk about your book. You take some questions and sometimes making eye contact with Jin and feeling a burst of warmth shoot through your veins.
After the book reading, you were talking one on one with your fans. You feel a hand snake around your waist and look up to see your beautiful husband.
“Excuse me, I don’t mean to interrupt your conversation, but we have a very important meeting to get to.” Your husband says as you both take your leave.
You sit in the car as he drives. You stare at him as you hear a familiar song by Suran play. He rests a hand on your leg facing up, a request for you to hold his hand. You accept of course.
You guys pull up to the very same noodle place you had come to the night you had met. You enjoy a nice bowl of naengmyeon with your husband as you both talk about the current books you are reading. You will always thank fate for that day you had two met at the bus. You will always thank the universe for giving you the courage to open your window and talk to him. You will always thank Kim Seokjin for getting on that bus and never leaving your side since.
“Happy anniversary baby 💕”
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ze-eternalmarsh · 1 month
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Name: Ghost Hunting AU (doesn't have a name yet)
Ships: Namgi (Namjoon/Yoongi), 2seokkook (Hoseok/Seokjin/Jungkook) + side Vmin (Taehyung/Jimin) - BTS
Rating: Explicit
Category: M/M
Wordcount: TBD (so far ~16k posted but big writing thing it's from is 165k+)
Type: Twitter Thread AU (posting scenes as separate threads and adding information to the side with questions and also has some interactions with readers for suggestions or answering questions!)
Tags: crack, fluff, smut, angst, friends to lovers, fuckbuddies, fuckbuddies to lovers, strangers to friends to lovers, ghost hunting AU, survival horror (no one dies though), ghosts, pining, literal sleeping together, hurt/comfort, injuries, youtuber!JK (and youtubers!BTS after a while), near death experiences, trauma, healing, exorcisms, all the fun ghost stuff and more!
Warnings: Main one is Graphic Depiction of Violence as well as trauma responses. Can find more TWs and CWs on this post.
Namjoon and Yoongi used to have a ghost hunting channel. Due to an event that neither want to ever talk about again, they leave everything behind and vow to never get back into ghost hunting again.
Years later, they break that promise to find out the truth about what happened back then.
[This is also based on the game phasmophobia! You do not really need to know anything about the game, but if you do, it adds a little plus. I also post information about the game and how it interacts with the AU, as well as other worldbuilding stuff, info on the characters and more here! Oh, and here's the thread with just the story threads. I also posted a pre-story 2seok smut for this AU on AO3 and will post more smuts from this universe on AO3 probably.]
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bunnybubae · 1 year
(F) Worth it | KSJ
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Pairing: Reader x Seokjin
Genre: F2L - Fluff - Mutual Yearning
Warnings: None
Summary: Jin's visit to prepare pizzas turns into something unexpected... but so, so wanted💜
Word Count: 1.547
A/N: Let me know what you think about this little something! I'm missing Jin so so much! 😔
- Joy 🐰
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What's better than pizza? Homemade pizza with Jin! That's what Jin himself enthusiastically announced as he showed up at your apartment door. It's not unusual for you and the boys to organize things to do throughout weekends, in fact, in addition to the countless friday nights spent drunk at the club, saturdays's karaoke battles and sundays's museum visits, it's usually almost a tradition to get together at one of you's apartments to eat pizza and watch a movie, just for the simple sake of being together. Something less chaotic and a bit lazier that doesn't require leaving home. Hence Jin's sudden and early visit. You look at him in surprise, albeit with a smile that immediately forms on your lips at the sight of him. "Well- hello to you too, huh?" You huff in amusement as you follows Hurricane Jin's way into your kitchen, clutching heavy envelopes in his hands. "Technically, there's nothing like freshly made pizza delivered right to your door," you pointed out as you walked up to him. "But yes, homemade pizza tastes better." Jin looks away from the envelopes just placed on the kitchen counter, to look at you, offended by your previous sentence. "You're forgetting the most important thing," he moves to position himself directly in front of you "There's nothing like delicious homemade pizza AND a just-as-delicious Jin to make it with— you're welcome Y/N!" he snorts dramatically in one breath, making you laugh. Between you two there has always been this playful atmosphere, constant exchange of jokes and teasing. But you realized you felt something more than friendship for him when you genuinely started laughing at his awful dad jokes. Seriously, even the sleaziest of jokes. A little secret you've been keeping to yourself all this time. "I apologize to have offended you with my shallowness, Mr. J—" "Chef Jin," he interrupts to correct you, while a pleased smile forms on his face "Tonight I'm Chef Jin, the best pizza chef in town baby!" Although the nickname is used to joke with you, the way it rolls out of his mouth always affects you. You shake your head smiling, partly to hide the slight blush that colors your cheeks, partly because you've realized what spending time with him will entail, completely alone (even if for a few hours).
Organizing your tasks wasn't difficult, after taking out all the ingredients from the bags, and the container with the dough already leavened and ready, Jin took the rolling pin to roll out eight pizzas, while you take care of cooking the sauce and cutting the ingredients. It all plays out with your favorite playlist playing in the background, with him softly humming the lyrics to the randomly spinning songs from the speakers. It all seems so domestic to you, it's not the first time that he has come to your house, that he uses your kitchen, that he sings for you. But tonight feels different, it's like you feel the effect of your surroundings right in your chest.
As if his presence is lurking deeper and deeper in your heart.
You watch fondly as you lazily stir the sauce, smiling lovingly at his appearance. His face is full of flour here and there and he wears that funny apron that he himself gave you some time ago, blaming you for being too clumsy and always getting your clothes dirty when you cook. Sometimes you still forget you have to wear it, like in this case. As you absentmindedly stir, some sauce splashes on you, staining your shirt. You hiss while cursing yourself, your sudden snap attracting Jin's attention that stops humming. You quickly abandon the ladle and grab a wet cloth from the sink, the gesture unfortunately further worsens the situation, enlarging the stain. "Nonono don't do it!" Jin exclaims, but the damage was already done. He quickly approaches you grabbing your hands and sighing. The sudden gesture immobilizes you while his hands stretch the fabric of the shirt together with yours. "It will go away with a little detergent," he releases your hands to untie the knot of the apron he's wearing "I got you this for a reason, didn't I?" he nods to the garment he's holding, his tone of voice is still sweet towards you, while he helps you put it on. As his hands guide the ring of fabric around your head, he gently strokes your hair and then your cheeks which immediately catch fire. He seems equally affected by the light touch, a light shade of pink tinge his cheeks. You look into his eyes, scanning carefully for any shift in his expressions. Unexpectedly, Jin lifts his hand, bringing it to your cheek again, this time to stroke it on purpose. His touch is delicate, almost imperceptible, uncertain, but there must be something magnetic in all of this, because he can't explain this so sudden attraction, this desire to touch your skin. His gaze travels from his hand on your cheek to your eyes, your gazes lock and in response you feel the need to press your cheek into his hand more firmly. "Jin-" You pronounce his name for some strange reason, in a thin voice. Your eyes close, a strange relief washes down your chest as you savor the sweet sensation of his hand on your face. There is something surreal in the air, an indescribable atmosphere.
Up until a few minutes ago you were laughing and joking preparing pizzas, the shift was sudden but natural, you feel your body drawn to his as if they've been wanting to collide with each other for too long. One caress that has only brought down an invisible barrier, the blown fuse that triggered all this.
His thumb gently rubs the apple of your cheek and one of your hands wraps around his, you don't want this moment to end, you can almost feel the warmth of your own cheeks through his hand, but you don't care, something has finally been released, and you just want to immerse yourself in it. You open your eyes to find Jin with his lip clamped between his teeth, an inner struggle can be seen in his eyes. But when he releases his lip to run his tongue over it, the uncertainty that seemed to swirl in his eyes seems to stop. A silent invitation to finally let yourself go into what you so desire right now. And so you do. You let go completely, thrusting yourself forward as you grip his clothes tightly, bringing your lips to his. He automatically moves his hand to the back of your neck letting it rest there as he wraps his other arm around your waist. And just like that, simultaneously, your bodies collide, yielding to the magnetism they feel. This moment seems to last forever and the flash of an instant at the same time. Enveloped in his arms, his soft plump lips on yours and the gentle grazing of his fingers along the back of your neck. You could live off of this, a long-dreamed-of moment finally savored. You thought it could only happen in your mind, in your night dreams and instead, here you are. Jin tightens his grip, his lips momentarily detach from yours to look at you and if a moment before your lips seemed to attract at the same time, the ardor inside him seems to take over, kissing you fervently as he deepens the kiss. You tilt your head to give him more access, allowing him to savor you as he desires. When your tongues caress and swirl together, you moans softly into his mouth and in response he wraps you around more firmly, if only he could make your bodies one, here and now, he would.
A sudden sound breaks the magic of the moment.
You start, returning to your senses, breaking the feverish kiss. Apparently the boys are early to start the hangout. Even though your lips and tongues have been forced to stop their dance, your bodies remain wrapped around each other for a while longer. "I'm gonna kill the boys—I swear." You sigh as you try to catch your breath. With your heart still beating hard. Jin laughs, the sound of his laughter echoing in your chest, causing you to giggle as a result. When you look into his eyes again, his gaze is still the same, perhaps… Clearer? You couldn't decipher it, until now. It mirrors yours, a gaze with growing affection and longing, something more than what you believed he felt for you. "Well I guess the sauce got burnt," He states between breaths, "I can already hear Namjoon's voice," he said as he hesitantly let go of your body heat. "You only had one job!" he recited in his usual dramatic way, imitating Joon's voice. You giggle again, approaching the interphone. Jin walks towards the sauce to try to recover the recoverable. "Seriously though, if he kills me tonight, just know it was worth it." Even though he says it in his usual joking way, you know there is much more to it and his kiss was the purest demonstration.
When you turn back to him you smile at him and he smiles back, making your heart beat almost faster than before.
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moccahobi · 1 year
Listen and Learn (Seokjin x Reader)
Summery: This Friday: Mandatory team fun time. Grow together and learn! We will be going on a small team building retreat! Check your emails, read the information, sign the consent forms, and tell us what food you want for lunch! Note: There will be a body swap during this retreat.
Pairings: Seokjin (BTS) x Hard of Hearing Reader
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: None
Word Count:  4k words
Genre: Angst, A touch of fluff
A/N: Thank you so much @btsmosphere​ for betaing this fic! Your thoughts and feedback were so helpful and wonderful to me. Ru is also an amazing writer so of y’all want some wonderful fics, please go check their stuff out!
A/N2: I use “Y/n” as a sign name for ease of writing and keeping the reader a reader insert. Generally though, sign names are characteristics and/or nouns and not actually one’s name. They’re given by someone in the d/Deaf community~
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You looked down at the sheet of paper, the first of many that had written information which the facilitator, Soyoung, would give as she explained stuff today. Thankfully, she seemed to have tact as she gave them to you discreetly and while explaining stuff to others. She even let you bring a small bag to carry the papers. Given, what did you expect? She'd also reached out to you weeks before this team building program started with questions and ideas on how to make sure you were able to participate fully. It warmed your heart and made you realize once again just how tired you were. This was maybe the second time that someone has reached out to you about accommodations before you had a chance to step forward and explain stuff. Over twenty years of voicing your needs took a toll on you.
Soyoung was handing out folded pieces of paper to everyone, explaining the activity to those and you chose not to try to listen. You had the sheet of paper that explained it all anyways. This slip of paper was charmed to assign you with someone else in the group who they see as best fit for the future activities. You'd have to watch them and take note of stuff they do today that you liked. Praise and all that. 
Unfolding the paper carefully, you found yourself blushing at the name that was present: Seokjin. 
You didn't talk to him much. He intimidated you with how social and friendly he was but you were always struck by how sweet and hard working he was. Given, his hard working nature was always something you were reminded of since your company, a consulting firm for small businesses, liked to pit the two of you against each other. You sighed and closed your eyes, listening to the quiet sound of birds from somewhere around you. They were faint and felt distant but when you moved your head around, you figured that they were somewhere to your left... since you could only hear them if your left ear was angled that way. 
Watching as everyone started opening their sheets of paper, you tried to see if you could guess who got who. Jinsung might’ve gotten Mingyu. Mina looked at Chaewon so maybe she got them. Seokjin… Seokjin looked at you. You quickly looked away, a warmth rising within you. After so long of skirting around each other at work, looking away when the company talked about the two of you being competitors… and now you’d have to keep an eye on him to talk about his strengths later? 
Today would be interesting.
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Everything was too loud. People were shouting. The platform creaked and screamed with each movement. Soyoung was saying something. People were bumping into you. Pointing for you to go somewhere. A hazy tiredness washed over you as you looked anxiously from person to person. You heard so much, your hearing aid, a microphone repeating everything in your ear just in case you missed it, and yet you processed nothing. You missed everything. 
Taking in a shaky breath, you sat down, looking intently at the wood grain on the wobbly platform. It needed to stay in the air for just thirty seconds. It shouldn’t be too hard, the thing was enchanted to elevate with only one point of contact when Soyoung told it to and the group simply had to find that point of contact and balance around it. But everyone had a different idea of how to do it and no one wanted to listen (ironic since in theory they could hear each other). God, how you wanted to just turn your ears off right now. To sink into the quiet of your hearing aid not working or to take out your phone and start playing music (they’d never know if you were sly enough). You couldn’t do anything like that though. Instead, you were forced to look around at people gesticulating frustratingly and saying stuff you couldn’t hear. At one point, you met Seokjin’s eyes, his brows furrowed in thought but he didn’t say anything to you.
One year into working at the company together and he was still the same. He’d offer small smiles and nods but rarely talk to you. He wasn’t a quiet person normally though. You’d heard (truly shocking) him talking to people, his laughter rising above everything. His laugh was loud and it left you discombobulated as you tried to look for where he was laughing. The first few times you heard it, you thought someone was washing windows right next to you but you didn’t have a window by your cubicle. It wasn’t until you saw him laughing in a nearby empty break room that you managed to place his laugh.  
People were getting off. The platform was more wobbly now. Seokjin reached down with a smile and helped you up, flashing you an O.K. sign with raised eyebrows. You nodded, grabbing onto his soft hand and getting up. 
“This current strategy isn’t working,” Chaewon started once everyone had sat down. 
People nodded.
“What could we do to…” Mingyu turned around, his words leaving your grasp as he left your sight. He was searching for something.
“A talking stick?” Seokjin asked before looking around for something to pass around.
Mingyu nodded with a big smile and turned around with a big stick from somewhere in the area. People nodded and spoke agreement and you found yourself excited at the idea. Maybe you’d be able to hear some of people’s ideas with this plan. 
“Could we decide on a plan to try before getting on? I can’t hear well on the platform.” You asked, focusing on the words as you spoke them. 
Somehow people managed to agree on a plan without arguing, the talking stick doing wonders to help with not talking over people and helping you hear what people were saying. With Soyoung helping everyone back on the wobbly platform, people got to work once again on trying to balance it. The talking stick was still being used to help make adjustments on the platform and you found yourself relaxing some into the process. In the end, the platform was only balanced for a wobbly ten seconds but you found yourself walking off the platform with more growing affection towards Seokjin, a small ember of a crush still glowing from all that time ago.
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Your nerves were hypersensitive and on fire, a familiar tiredness growing in you from all your hearing and anxiety about the zipline. Helmet and harness on, even more gear attached to you and the zipline structure, you didn’t feel like there was a way out from this now. Sure you could turn around but one look at the person you were partnered with, Seokjin, and you knew that you wouldn’t turn around. If you did, he’d have to go with someone else or not go at all and he seemed similarly nervous. Looking back down at the paper that explained this activity, you tried to reread it as best as you could with how shaky your hands were. Soyoung was helping Seokjin into the equipment and you wanted to do everything you could to not focus on the impending activity.
Too soon, he was strapped in and saying something to you (or maybe it wasn’t actually for you), but you heard nothing (please feign shock). He didn’t seem to fully notice your lack of response and he started up the activity. You quickly went through your commands as best as you could before starting to climb yourself when you saw people move into position to spot you (sure you hadn’t heard them say anything but they were clearly ready and Soyoung said nothing to counter you). 
Oh how you regretted climbing up to the first platform. It was so much higher than you expected and even though you were quickly hooked into the platform itself, you felt more unstable than ever before. The sweet and stable ground was calling to you but to get to it, you either had to climb back down (no) or keep going to the second platform (another no). The person on this platform handed you another sheet and started talking ( Seokjin) through the next steps. Seokjin and you had to walk across two wires with just a thick rope attached to a third between them to help. You both needed to lean back against the rope to keep your balance. 
Seokjin looked over at you again to ask something but you didn’t hear anything. You shook your head with a sigh. Seokjin’s brows furrowed and he once again made the O.K. sign with raised eyebrows. You sighed. You weren’t ok. 
He signs out your name, “How can I help?” He asks. 
“Sign language?” You ask, brows raising questioningly. Since When had he known sign language? He hadn’t always because otherwise he probably would’ve talked to you more in the beginning. 
He nodded, “I’ve been learning. I know a little. How can I help?” 
“I just… I just need to go. I am too anxious to hear though. Please sign with me.” 
Seokjin nodded before laughing, a soft smile on his face, “It may be hard to do as we walk on these wires. I want two hands on the rope.”
You nodded, “We’ll just have to talk more on the next platform then.” 
With a bit more talking about a plan (and Seokjin translating for you and the person on the platform), the two of you shakily stepped on your wire, both holding an end of the big rope. Somehow you both made it across with much wobbling orscreaming. You honestly didn’t remember much about it other than how wobbly your legs felt once you made it to the ground. Somehow you even made it through the zipline… There was definitely air that rushed past you but honestly after getting to the first platform, everything went fuzzy. 
You do remember excitedly signing to Seokjin once you made it back to solid ground (right after you kissed the ground). Whether he understood what you said or not was a different story but you didn’t really care if he understood you then or not. In your excitement and thankfulness to be back on solid ground, you also remember hugging Seokjin tightly, swinging him around aggressively before catching yourself and apologizing. 
Your excitement didn’t taper after finishing the zipline, the two of you sitting a bit away from others during lunch and talking excitedly about anything and everything. Honestly, you were just so excited to actually have someone you could talk to without struggling. It was energizing to not have to strain your body just to hear, to not worry about how you were speaking, to finally have someone at your office actually talk and understand you. Of course there were some moments; sometimes over the small lunch when Seokjin spoke or others spoke to you, but none of them compared to the private conversations the two of you shared as your coworkers chatted around you. 
A semblance of sadness crawled into you when the lunch break was over and you cleaned up to start your final activity. After this activity, would you and Seokjin still be so close? Or will the company’s manufactured separation isolate you from everyone once again? You were tired of having people become flustered because you said you were deaf (and then proceeded to not know how to talk to you when paper and notes apps exist). You were tired of people walking on eggshells when you correct them that “hearing impared” isn’t a term the deaf community doesn’t like. You were tired of being relegated to a group on the outskirts of society when you, like everyone, deserved to be welcomed in society as another part of it. 
Soyoung broke your sulking when she handed you a paper that explained the next part of the activity and once again, you were thankful that she’d printed out the directions because the second you started reading, the second your body processed what it was saying, you felt frozen with thoughts. Body switching with your secret admirer (which apparently just made a bunch of pairs in the group)? 
You’d be in Seokjin’s body.
He’d be in your’s. 
*... in a non-sexual way.*
 You followed Soyoung’s directions as she organized everyone in a circle on some of the tables and walked people through some sort of spell. The magic cracked in the air and for the first time, you felt uncomfortably aware that Soyoung was a magical being, that she was a witch who was now casting a spell. Magic has always been something talked about quietly for you. People occasionally talked in entitled voices as they did with drinking water and exercising about how it might help make you hear (but after so long of living this way, you don’t even remember or care about what “hearing” means). Your roommate in college knew some magic but rarely used it for anything other than to read their books faster. 
It was rarely used for anything that wasn’t small and personal, or work related. Now it was so potently around you, swirling like mist on a hot cup of coffee, warming your senses and leaving you buzzing. It felt unreal (even if this was Soyoung using it for her job). You sighed into the magic and readjusted in your seat, the bench feeling more uncomfortable than before. Stress and anxiety was making you hear more things, they were making you uncomfortable in your own skin, and your mind fuzzier than before. It was an odd feeling and as it continued to grow, you wondered if this was actually you swapping bodies.
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He shifted in his seat, accidentally bumping against the person next to him as he adjusted. A small “sorry” left his lips… he knew it did, but for some reason, it sounded distant, the words foregin in his mouth and almost nonexistent in his ears. If the person responded, he didn’t catch it. He felt oddly disoriented because of the magic, like some of his senses weren’t working like they should. Whereas before, the magic heightened his senses, wrapping him in a warm embrace and lifting him up, he felt like now, his body was getting used to it and it was coating him in some sort of film. 
When will this body change happen? 
They still had some sort of activity left to do as well.
Surely the body swap would happen soon. He wondered what it would be like to have a hearing aid in and to be deaf. How different would it be to his normal life? Would it feel as unnatural as sound-proof headphones or would it be some sort of background change that he doesn’t perceive? Seokjin had so many questions and soon he might get answers. Until then, he leaned back and tried to enjoy the seat and the growing silence. 
Eventually someone tapped his shoulder and when he looked up, he was met with Soyoung. She smiled and handed him a sheet of paper like he’d seen her do for Y/n all day. 
It didn’t seem too different right now. Just a little quiet. 
That was true… until Soyung started talking. Despite her being only a few meters away, she sounded so far away and distant. Occasionally when she was facing Seokjin, he could try to read her lips, but other than that, he felt lost. She was inaccessible to him. 
Seokjin looked over at Y/n (well… kind of Seokjin? It was Y/n in his body), a similarly stressed look on their face. 
“Can you hear?” They signed.
Seokjin shook his head.
“Read.” They pointed down to the sheet of paper that rested limply in his lap. 
“Can you hear?” He asked.
They nodded, “I don’t like it.” 
Seokjin wanted to laugh. Just as this was a sudden change for him, this must’ve been a very sudden change for Y/n. Were they noticing tons different right now? Or was it like Seokjin where, aside from when Soyoung started speaking, they hadn’t noticed anything? 
Maybe later Seokjin would be able to ask them. For now though, he looked down at the sheet of paper and read some. While it seemed Soyoung had intended for him to stop reading after a paragraph or two, he kept reading (Seokjin was always amazing at following directions) until he read the whole sheet with information about the activity before people started getting up to walk to the actual location of the next activity. There was bird song and crunching of leaves and sticks as people walked but even if he knew where the sound was coming from, it was as if nothing was lining up. Everything was closer than he expected and nothing was in the direction he thought it was. 
Y/n walked next to him, gently bumping his shoulder, “How are you fairing?” 
“I am a bit overwhelmed… is this how you normally hear everything? I can’t place anything or hear much.”
They shrugged, “Yeah. It happened gradually though so it’s my norm. It’s super overwhelming to hear so much! Give me back my lack of hearing!” 
Seokjin laughed, “Happily! But I think we can’t until after this activity.” 
Y/n blew a raspberry at that before looking shocked once again, “That’s how a raspberry sounds?! I didn’t remember it having a sound.” 
Seokjin laughed again, “Are there other things that are having sounds that you don’t remember?” 
They shrugged, “I don’t know but I will tell you if I notice more!”
Commitment was the name of the final activity… as if switching bodies wasn’t enough of a commitment. Seokjin sighed as he watched other pairs try the exercise time and time again. Even though he was spotting people, he didn’t feel engaged in the activity. All of their voices blended together and unless Y/n signed for him (something they were becoming increasingly less frequent and sure of as the exercise continued) it was as if something was separating him from everyone else. The hearing aid did little to help filter the noise, simply making everything louder than it would’ve been and occasionally leading to pain when someone shouted or said something too close to him. 
Finally it was their time to try the exercise and aside from the spotter commands, they were completely quiet. People were cheering and chattering but it was background noise for Seokjin as he leaned further and further into Y/n (his own face staring back at him with focus and determination as they walked). Even though he couldn’t talk with Y/n now that they were on the element, it was as if there was a mental link (pew pew) that led to them being on the same page. They’d go as far as possible before stopping. Sure they may end up facing the ground if they manage to go far, but they would manage it. 
As the two kept walking further and further out, leaning more and more on each other and using more and more of their core, people started getting louder and louder. Screaming something akin to encouragement. Y/n and Seokjin were getting further along the element than anyone else. After three grueling minutes of walking out, they finally fell into their spotters, exhaustion and happiness coursing through him as he hugged Y/n and celebrated how far they got. It was odd to see his own ears grow red after the hug and he wanted to laugh at how clearly flustered Y/n became (or maybe it was only clear because Seokjin knew his body’s tells). 
All tired out from the exercise, Seokjin zoned out during the debriefing and before he knew it, they were all on their way back to the main area to wrap up. Along the walk, Seokjin looked out at the world around him, wondering if what he was hearing was the same as what he heard before. Were the birds singing the same? Was the world’s song the same? 
Someone tapped his shoulder. 
“Do you want to hear something cool?” Y/n asked, a mischievous smile on their face. 
He nodded and watched as Y/n pulled out their phone, opened their music app, and pressed play on a song. The next thing he knew, the soft sound of classical music was overpowering everything else in the woods. How? 
The hearing aid. 
“It uses bluetooth! Great for those boring meetings that we don’t actually need to be in.” They smiled excitedly, “I especially use it when they start listing our rankings for sales. I don’t care about that stuff in the slightest.” 
Seokjin laughed and nodded, ignoring the glances from their coworkers, “I feel you. If I could, I’d so do this but I think I’d be yelled at for putting earbuds in.” 
Y/n shrugged, “Deaf gains!” 
He laughed and nodded. Focusing in on the music as they continued walking back to the base. Although he was so ready to be back in his body, he was enjoying this little sliver of wonder that came with Y/n’s.
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You sighed, thankful to be back in your body with your normal hearing. How did hearies hear so much and still function? Sound assaulted you from every angle and all your nerves were running haywire at it. You’d barely even had time to think about all the things you could hear that you forgot had sounds like Seokjin asked you to. You felt fried and tired, yet there was something in you that still thrummed with excitement. Today was almost ending too soon and you didn’t want it to. 
“Hey,” Seokjin spelled out your name, “Would you want to get some dinner? I am famished and would love to keep talking.” 
You nodded quickly, surely looking like a bobble head with how vigorous you were nodding, “As long as I can turn off my hearing aid and put headphones on. I am done with hearing today.” 
Seokjin laughed and nodded. After a little discussion (full of “I don’t know”s), the two of you met back up at a small local restaurant nearby that had high ratings for traditional Korean food. Conversation flowed as smoothly as a river’s water flows in the spring and you found yourself leaning into it all with wonder. It’d been so long since you’d had such a nice conversation with a hearie in person. Last time might have been when you were a TA for a sign class, and that was a long time ago. You relished in the conversation and swooned when he took the jump into going voice off, both of you writing down what you wanted on your notepad for ordering and him spelling stuff that he didn’t know the sign for. 
You paid for the meal (much to Seokjin’s protest) and the two of you went out into the night, hand in hand. Meandering through the streets, you found yourself in a concrete park, a small water fountain in the middle. 
“I’ve really enjoyed tonight! Thank you!” Seokjin said, once again signing out your name.
“No! Thank you! I am so glad we got to talk more. Honestly… I kind of liked you when we first started working together.”
“What changed?” He asked, shifting closer. 
You shrugged, “We stopped working together as much. Didn’t help that the company started pushing the stupid competition as well.” 
Seokjin nodded but before he could say something you continued.
“By the way. My sign name is Y/n.” You said, signing your sign name. 
He repeated it a few times and you found your age old crush bubbling in you once again.
“Well… Y/n. Would you want to go on a date sometime next week?” 
“Wow! Competitors on the job but partners outside of work? I like the sound of that!” You laughed loudly, earning a few glares from passersby.
“Is that a yes?”
You nodded, pulling him into a tight hug.
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bangtansmauyeondan · 2 years
Moonstruck Crumbs - Jin’s Mini-Me
Moonstruck Crumbs is a collection of scenarios that take place after the series has wrapped up!
Moonstruck Series Masterlist.
When you started dressing Lily Sue up like her dad, because her uncles have been dressing her up like them.
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23 notes · View notes
basketofverbiage · 2 years
Face Down pt 5
I’m a little scared to share this, but okay. Here we go.
tw: sex, violence, gun violence, minor character death, language, police, barebacking, top Jungkook, bottom Seokjin, they’re in love okay! 
Seokjin felt like the next two months flew past. He spent at least two full days a week with his new attorney, Son Hyunwoo, trying his best to prepare for Kangdae’s upcoming trial. Shownu, as he’d told Seokjin to call him, was a soft spoken, gentle man when around Seokjin. However, Seokjin had heard from a few others that he was a hard ass in the courtroom. Shownu was working with the District Attorney prosecuting Kangdae to ensure that they had their ducks in a row and could send him to prison where he belonged. He was being charged with multiple counts of assault and battery, resisting arrest, and attempted murder. But in order to ensure that the case went well, Seokjin had to essentially relive every single thing Kangdae had done to him. In the midst of the trial preparation, they knew that Kangdae’s government appointed attorney was attempting to convince the magistrate to release him on bail. The first act as his attorney that Shownu fulfilled was following up with Detective Jung to ensure that the restraining order had been filed in the case that some idiotic judge let Kangdae out of jail.
Despite all of the intense therapy and trial preparation that Seokjin was enduring, he and Jungkook had met with Minhyuk a couple of times. The apartment was officially listed on the market after Minhyuk had toured the place and asked them to paint the entryway walls and the walls in the bedroom. The bedroom walls had had several scuffs where Kangdae had thrown things at Seokjin there and there were blood stains in the entry way that Jungkook had been unable to scrub off without damaging the paint. Seokjin honestly felt horribly guilty about not being able to do any repairs needed in the apartment, but Jungkook and Yoongi had ganged up on him and told him to stop complaining. Somehow, Taehyung had gotten ahold of Jimin’s phone number when Seokjin had been hospitalized, so he arranged an afternoon for Seokjin to spend time with him. While he was gone, Jungkook and Yoongi dove in and painted the walls and repaired any other little things they found around the apartment.
It had taken two full days to get all of Seokjin’s miscellaneous items that hadn’t already been moved out sorted. Most of his things had already found their way into Jungkook’s apartment, but the remaining few things found a home in Namjoon’s spare bedroom closet. Seokjin had decided to list the apartment as furnished so that he could sell it all together with the exception of the mattress. As far as he was concerned, the site of Kangdae’s most horrific acts against him should be burned in a raging bonfire.
Once they had gotten Minhyuk’s approval, the apartment actually sold faster than Seokjin had ever dreamed. It had sold to an adorable couple, Jooheon and Hyungwon. They actually offered more than the list price for the apartment with all the furniture, so Seokjin ended up making a sizeable profit from the sale. The relief of never having to go there again was worth more than the money to Seokjin in all honesty.
Just a week after the sale of the apartment had gone through, Seokjin got Wonho’s approval to go back to work. Seokjin would only be returning to his job on a part time basis for a while so that he’d have the time to continue trial preparation and his intensive therapy meetings with Wonho. He could tell he was finally beginning to make progress when the panic attacks went from a few times a week to one a week or so. It was a relief to finally be getting back to normal.
One seemingly normal afternoon, he left their flat to grocery shop. He’d wanted to make a recipe that his grandmother had made he and Namjoon when they were small. Seokjin had rediscovered her handwritten recipe when they had been sorting through his things to move them out of the flat he’d sold. The grocer was only a couple of blocks from the apartment and the weather was beautiful, so he had opted to walk. He spoke politely to Hyungwon in the elevator as they shared the space on the way down and set off to shop happily. Seokjin was beginning to feel normal again, and it was amazing.
He grabbed the things he needed to make the soup he had in mind then returned back to the apartment to put the meal on to simmer while he worked. When he approached the door, he was immediately put on edge as the door was slightly ajar. He’d been certain he’d closed it tightly and locked it when he left. Seokjin gripped the bag of grocery items tightly in one hand and his phone in the other as he bumped the door open. He peeped in and didn’t immediately see anyone, so he cautiously locked the door behind him and moved into the kitchen. After placing the grocery bag on the counter, he walked into the living room to see if Jungkook had gotten home early.
“Ongoo-ah? Are you home?” he called as he stepped around the corner. Seokjin walked into the living room to see his worst nightmare standing in the middle of the room. Kangdae had smashed the glass-top coffee table into a million pieces and had the largest shard in his gloved hand.
“Hello, Seokjin.”
 Jungkook and Yoongi had been working a rather intense corporate function all afternoon. The formal environment filled with men in stiff suits and ties had been incredibly difficult to photograph in a happy light, but they had done their best. Jungkook had just gotten to his desk to load the memory card from his camera into his computer when his office phone rang. His cell phone had been on silent locked in his desk drawer during the event so he wouldn’t have any distractions. He quickly picked up the receiver and answered with his professional greeting.
“Ah, Jungkook. Thank god I reached you. This is Detective Jung Hoseok. I was calling because we were notified an hour ago that Lee Kangdae was released from jail on bail. His attorney succeeded in his attempts to get him freed. I have been trying to reach Seokjin for an hour and he isn’t answering. His phone goes straight to voicemail.”
Jungkook’s stomach sank. “Oh shit. I’d better go home. Seokjin is staying with me in my apartment next door to their former residence.”
“Something about this feels off to me, Mr. Jeon. My partner and I will meet you there.”
Jungkook didn’t bother saying his goodbyes to the detective, instead slamming down the phone and grabbing his coat, phone, and keys. He ran at a dead sprint out of the room and nearly bowled Yoongi over.
“Yoongi-hyung, I’ve got to go. They released that motherfucker from jail and the detective can’t get ahold of Seokjin,” Jungkook barked out as he brushed by.
“Oh shit. Let me grab my keys. I drove in this morning.”
Yoongi moved faster than Jungkook had ever seen him go as he fetched his keys and coat. On the way out of the building, Yoongi called their boss to let him know they had an emergency while Jungkook frantically tried to call Seokjin. Jungkook growled in frustration as his call immediately went to voicemail. He was trying not to panic, but he couldn’t help it. He could just feel it in his chest that Seokjin was in trouble. Yoongi, normally an extremely cautious driver, broke at least seven traffic laws in rushing them across town, weaving in and out of traffic with his emergency lights flashing. Their office was a solid twenty-minute drive from Jungkook’s apartment, but they made it in twelve. Yoongi barely got the car slowed down to park when Jungkook leapt out of the car, running toward the door. Yanking the emergency break, Yoongi left the emergency lights flashing in the loading zone before turning the car off and chasing Jungkook into the building. Jungkook had summoned the elevator and was shoving his way through several people exiting the cabin; Yoongi shuffled in beside him just barely before the doors closed.
“Why do I think that asshole is in my house?” Jungkook snarled.
“Because he said he wanted to finish what he started. But it’s okay. We’re here now,” Yoongi replied, trying to soothe Jungkook’s rapidly fraying nerves.
“I’ll kill him with my bare hands if he has laid a single pinky finger on Seokjin.”
The elevator dinged their arrival and Jungkook sped down the hallway to his apartment. The door to the apartment was closed and locked, but Jungkook slid his key into the door as quietly as he could. He and Yoongi glanced at each other silently before Jungkook eased the door open and they slipped into the apartment. Jungkook was trying to keep his cool until Seokjin whined. The sound swept through his ears and stabbed into his chest with rage and disquiet.
A loud slap echoed through the apartment, followed by a crash, and Kangdae screaming, “Shut up, whore. I’m here to give you what you fucking deserve for ruining my life!”
Jungkook rushed into the living room to see Seokjin lying in a shining confetti of broken glass from his coffee table and Kangdae with a large shard in one hand and the leg of the table in the other. He had the leg raised above his head to thump into Seokjin when Jungkook rounded the corner. Jungkook saw red and started across the room to stop him when Kangdae saw him. Kangdae dropped the table leg and yanked Seokjin off the floor, pressing the sharpest edge of the sliver of glass into Seokjin’s throat. He held Seokjin in front of him by holding one of his arms behind his back and the arm gripping the glass dagger across Seokjin’s chest.
“Go ahead. Play the hero again, boy. I’ll slit the slut’s throat before you ever get here,” Kangdae sneered.
The threat froze Jungkook in his place, watching as the glass began to dig into Seokjin’s throat more. Seokjin’s delicate skin began to tear, and a trickle of blood started down the right side. His terrified tears watered down the crimson a little as they mixed just under the edge of the glass and he stared into Jungkook’s eyes, begging him not to move.
“Kangdae-ssi, you don’t have to do this,” Jungkook murmured. “We can get you help.”
“I don’t want help!” Kangdae roared. “I want to end this piece of shit that ruined my life!”
Jungkook paused for a moment to think, frozen in place with his hands lifted in front of him, watching helplessly as the glass dug harder into Seokjin’s neck. “Please. Just let him go. You’ll never have to see him again.”
“And what? Just let you have him? Let him keep whoring around with the fucking neighbors?” Kangdae laughed and twisted the arm he was using to hold Seokjin up. Seokjin screamed at the strain on his shoulder, which only made Kangdae laugh more. “Does that hurt, Whore? I hope it does.”
Just as Jungkook was considering doing something crazy, he heard the door slam open. Jung Hoseok and Im Changkyun ran up beside Jungkook accompanied by several other uniformed officers. They stood, guns drawn and homed in on Kangdae.
“Kangdae-ssi, I need you to let Seokjin-ssi go,” Hoseok commanded.
“Fuck no. What do I have to lose at this point? This whore has already taken everything from me.”
Changkyun spoke up quickly from Jungkook’s left. “You’re still alive, Kangdae-ssi. You can walk out of this apartment in one piece, and we can help you get a new place to live and another job. Just let him go and drop your weapon.”
Kandae sneered at Changkyun but turned just slightly towards him. Jungkook watched Hoseok inch his way just a little further to the right, opening up his space. Changkyun kept speaking, offering empty platitudes and distracting him in an attempt to let Hoseok get in place.
“Come on. I know how angry you are, Kangdae-ssi. But this isn��t the way to resolve it and get your life back,” Changkyun compelled.
“NO!” Kangdae screamed. “I’m going to kill this piece of trash. I’M DONE TALKING!”
Just as Kangdae pressed the jagged fragment harder into Seokjin’s neck, Hoseok pulled the trigger. He’d been able to slip to the side enough to bury a bullet in Kangdae’s skull without injuring Seokjin in the process. The impact was immediate, but the terror mixed with the weight of the body dragged Seokjin down with him as Kangdae collapsed. Seokjin flung Kangdae’s grip off of him and crawled through the remaining chips of glass on the floor until he was close enough to fling himself at Jungkook. Jungkook held him tightly to his chest, allowing Seokjin to bury his face into his neck as they sank to the floor. Jungkook watched as Detective Jung leaned over Kangdae’s motionless body to check for a pulse while snapping his gun back into the holster at his belt. When it was apparent that Kangdae wouldn’t be getting back up, paramedics swarmed into the flat to check on Seokjin. The blood trickling down his neck had already begun to slow but he clung to Jungkook so hard that they eventually just gave up and allowed Jungkook to lie on the stretcher and Seokjin to lay down on top of him to ride to the hospital.
Yoongi had stood behind Jungkook and watched the whole scene helplessly but was calm enough to move his car into Jungkook’s parking place at the apartment building before climbing into the ambulance to ride with them to get Seokjin checked out better. Along the way, he called to tell Namjoon to meet them in the emergency room even as he held one of Seokjin’s shaking hands.
 Namjoon had been the middle of a video call with an author he was working with when Yoongi called. It was a random hour of the day for Yoongi to be calling. He never called during work hours since their breaks and lunches never really aligned. Namjoon excused himself from the video call for a moment to answer Yoongi. He’d barely accepted the call when Yoongi’s voice shocked him through the speaker.
“Namjoonie?” Yoongi’s normally calm voice was tremulous at best.
“Yeah, Yoon? Are you okay?”
“Yes, but no. I need you to meet us at the emergency room, okay?”
Namjoon frowned. “The emergency room? What’s going on?”
“Baby, they let Seokjin’s psycho ex out of jail, and he broke into their apartment. Jungkook and I got there to their coffee table shattered and he tried to kill Seokjin again. He’s alive and conscious, but we’re in the ambulance to get him checked out.”
Namjoon rushed off the call and apologized to the author he’d muted on the video call. He promised to reschedule their meeting and ended the call. He practically ran out of the apartment, frantically hailing a cab as soon as he reached the street. The taxi driver must have been able to sense Namjoon’s urgency even and he tried to suppress it as he floored it then undercharged him as he dropped Namjoon off at the door to the emergency room. He hurried in the doors of the hospital looking for the information desk but was intercepted by Yoongi before he got there.
“God, Yoongi, what the fuck? Hasn’t my brother been through enough?” He gasped out as Yoongi pulled him into a tight hug.
“He definitely has. But he’ll never be submitted to anything else like this. One of the detectives shot that motherfucker in the head. That’s how they were able to get Seokjin free. He’s terrified and clinging to Jungkook like he’ll disappear if he lets go. The nurse popped out a few minutes ago at Jungkook’s request to let me know that his neck is being stitched up.”
“Stitched up?” Namjoon murmured.
“Yeah. Kangdae had a big piece of glass pressed to Seokjin’s neck. The cut is pretty shallow for the most part but apparently it was a little deeper towards the front. He also had some cuts on the bottom of one of his feet from falling out of his slippers onto the glass when Kangdae was shot. He’s okay, Joonie. But fuck, I was super scared watching.”
Namjoon and Yoongi walked to a small sofa in the corner of the waiting room. Yoongi pressed into Namjoon’s chest, still trembling after the ordeal. Namjoon was honestly still trying to process everything that had happened but wrapped his arms around Yoongi while he worked through the afternoon’s events. Holding his love helped to soothe some of the agitation ricocheting around his chest. He honestly couldn’t believe that some judicial officer looked at the documentation of Seokjin’s prior injuries and the testimonies of the arresting officers and thought, “Oh, he’s not that dangerous. Let’s just let him out of jail.”
Before Namjoon could have the time to get himself more worked up, a nurse wheeled Seokjin out of a set of double doors. Seokjin’s face was pale, and he still looked absolutely terrified, squeezing one of Jungkook’s hands so tightly his knuckles were white. But he was alive. Yoongi and Namjoon rose and walked over to intercept the nurse.
“Jinnie, I’m so sorry,” Namjoon whispered into his brother’s hair as he knelt in front of the wheelchair, pulling him into a tight hug.
Seokjin started to sob brokenly into Namjoon’s neck, even as his left hand still clung to Jungkook. They hugged for a few more minutes, then Namjoon pulled back.
“Why don’t you two come back to my apartment for a while?” he said, looking at Jungkook.
“Okay. Detective Jung said that they’d call when we are able to come home. They need to…um…do some cleanup.”
Namjoon could tell that there was more that Jungkook wanted to say, but he didn’t want to upset Seokjin further. So, they allowed the nurse to wheel him outside and Yoongi flagged down a taxi to take them all back to Namjoon’s apartment. Seokjin was so jumpy that he insisted on sitting near the door, so Jungkook squeezed into the middle of the back seat between the two brothers, and Yoongi rode in the passenger seat to help the driver navigate. Seokjin kept one hand on the door handle the entire ride but curled into Jungkook and closed his eyes during the trip to Namjoon’s apartment.
When they got there, Namjoon noticed the blood stains on both Seokjin’s sweater and Jungkook’s work shirt, so he offered them the shower and dug out some comfortable clothes for them to put on. Seokjin refused to shower unless Jungkook went with him, so they pressed themselves into the shower in Namjoon’s larger master bath instead of the smaller bathroom that Seokjin had used in the guest room when he was staying there before.
If Jungkook hadn’t known better, he’d have thought that Seokjin was going into shock since he was trembling all over, but the doctor in the emergency room had warned that he may have an adrenaline crash after the episode. While they stood under the shower in an unfamiliar space, Seokjin went completely pliant. He just stood limply under the spray, letting Jungkook move and wash him however he wanted. Once the soap from both their bodies had trickled down the drain, Jungkook turned off the water and dried them both. Yoongi had slipped in, placing a change of clothes for both of them on the vanity. Jungkook turned around to grab an outfit for Seokjin but was stopped when Seokjin whimpered in fear. Seokjin had begun to cry again; Jungkook just pulled him close, their shower-flushed skin pressed together, just pressing Seokjin further into his chest.
“Ongoo-ah, I’m so scared,” Seokjin whispered.
“I know you are, baby. But he can never hurt you again. Ever,” Jungkook murmured into Seokjin’s hair. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you.”
Seokjin lifted his head where he’d buried his face into Jungkook’s chest. “You shouldn’t be sorry, Ongoo-ah. You came when you thought something was wrong. No one else besides Namjoon-ah has ever done that for me.”
They stood there for a few more moments, just staring into each other’s eyes, before Seokjin leaned up and pressed his lips into Jungkook’s. They kissed softly for a few moments, just a precious exchange of comfort and love between the two before finally getting dressed. Yoongi had gathered their dirty clothes to try to salvage the blood stains off the shirts when he’d brought the change of clothes in, so they walked into Namjoon’s living room to the soft swish of the washing machine swirling in its small alcove off the kitchen.
“Feel better?” Namjoon asked from where he was seated in an armchair with Yoongi in his lap.
“Much. Thank you, Joonie-hyung,” Jungkook replied.
Jungkook settled into the corner of the sofa. He’d wanted to leave extra space in case Seokjin wanted to lay down, but Seokjin had simply straddled Jungkook’s lap and curled into him to rest his head on Jungkook’s shoulder. The position reminded Jungkook of when he’d babysat Taehyung’s younger sister and she’d fallen asleep on his lap, her little face resting on his shoulder and her arms and legs octopus wrapped around him. Seokjin was sitting very similarly, making his taller frame as small as possible to curl into the safety of Jungkook’s gentle hold.
While the other three talked softly about nonsense things, Seokjin finally felt safe for the first time since he’d left the shop. In his mind, he knew he should never have gone into the apartment by himself. But at the same time, he really thought that it had been Jungkook coming home early. Sitting curled in Jungkook’s arms, with his gentle hands rubbing up and down his back, soothed some deep wound in Seokjin’s chest that had been reopened by Kangdae’s attack. He finally felt his tight muscles begin to loosen a little, and after a while, he drifted off to a wispy, cloudlike doze.
 Jung Hoseok walked into his apartment just after 2 am, kicking his shoes off slowly before, slipping through the house. His husband was home already, sleeping soundly on his evening off, so Hoseok showered as quietly as possible before sliding naked between their sheets to slither over and hold Jimin in his arms. Jimin had always been a light sleeper, so the motion of Hoseok moving to hold him jarred him out of his dreams.
“Hi, lovey. What time is it?” he sleepily whispered.
“2:37 am. Go back to sleep, Minnie. I’m sorry for waking you.” Hoseok’s voice cracked on the apology, causing Jimin to open his eyes and properly look at his husband.
“Love, what happened? You’re crying.”
Hoseok gasped in a breath before saying anything else. “You remember that case I worked of the abusive boyfriend? He got released from jail and tried to kill the guy. I shot him in the head when he tried to slit his throat.”
“Oh, god, baby! You’ve really had a hard day. Come here,” Jimin uttered, rearranging their positions to pull his husband into his chest. “I know it doesn’t really change it, but you killed him to save someone else’s life.”
“That’s not why I’m upset,” Hoseok whispered. “I’m upset because I was glad I had a reason to kill him. He was awful, but I feel so guilty for wanting him dead for what he did to another man.”
Jimin didn’t really say anything else. In both of their jobs, they had to maintain a level of privacy. They couldn’t tell each other the people’s names that they helped, but they still shared the things that bothered them or made them glad they’d chosen their professions. He didn’t know the details of what this man had done, but he must have been a monster to make his empathetic treasure of a husband wish he was dead and to be glad he’d been the one to pull the trigger.
 Yoongi was lying in Namjoon’s bed that night, his ear pressed just above Namjoon’s heartbeat. They’d spent the evening watching Jungkook hold Seokjin and comfort him after the traumatic events of the day, and while it had been a very taxing time, it had amazed Yoongi at how well his headstrong best friend had responded to Jungkook’s care. Seokjin had been fiercely independent their whole lives and extremely protective of the people he loved, downplaying anything bad or stressful he went through so that they didn’t have to carry the burden in any way. But something about Jungkook had fully dismantled that coping mechanism. It was amazing to watch Seokjin let go and let Jungkook carry his heart when it was too heavy or when Seokjin was too overwhelmed to continue.
“Darling, if you think any louder, it’s going to echo around this bedroom,” Namjoon teased. “What’s going on in your head?”
Yoongi huffed out a laugh. “I was just thinking about how fucked up this day has been. And how nice it is to see Seokjin letting someone help him for a change.”
Namjoon paused for a moment to slide his hand under Yoongi’s shirt to stroke the soft skin of his back, letting the gentle touch soak into Yoongi’s still tense body. “I mean, Jungkook did literally fight for him at a time when no one else would. He smashed Kangdae’s face and Seokjin’s barriers the night he intervened the first time. Just having someone who would try to break someone’s face on his behalf did a lot to let Seokjin trust him.”
Yoongi hummed his agreement. “Yeah. I think it also helps that Jungkook is gentle as a kitten when it matters. I just hope his whole thing doesn’t destroy the progress Seokjin has made with Wonho.”
 The day had really taken it’s toll on Seokjin. He had taken a three-hour nap earlier after his trip to the emergency room, but it was now 10:30 at night and he was sleeping soundly in Jungkook’s arms. Jungkook could feel the terror and anger he’d struggled with all afternoon catching up with him but holding Seokjin in his arms while he slept had helped. He’d been really worried for a bit in the evening when Seokjin had been essentially non-verbal, just latched on to Jungkook and motionless on Namjoon’s couch. He’d been extremely jumpy as well, having nearly jumped out of his skin and bursting into tears when Namjoon’s tea kettle had whistled from the kitchen.
While Jungkook had made a concerted effort to keep his nose out of Seokjin’s mental health treatment (he knew that was a very personal thing), he’d called and set up an appointment with Wonho for the following morning. As much as he wanted to help, Jungkook did not have the skills to bring Seokjin back from this massive roadblock. Seokjin had seemed okay with it until Jungkook had reminded him that he’d have to speak to Wonho alone. He’d begged Jungkook to go in with him and sobbed in his arms. They’d finally come to the agreement that Jungkook would go with him to the office, even walk him into the room where Wonho would talk with him if he needed it, then Jungkook would go into the coffee shop next door until Seokjin was finished. Jungkook wanted Seokjin to have the privacy he needed to talk about things that he may not be ready to tell him, but he had to battle down the protective instinct that rose when Seokjin got even a tiny bit scared.
Jungkook laid there a very long time, pondering over everything that happened and sorting through his own emotions about it. He was immensely relieved that Kangdae would never again be able to approach or hurt Seokjin again. Death is exactly what Kangdae deserved, and as far as Jungkook was concerned, he’s lucky that Detective Jung had been the one to kill him. Smashing that thought down, he snuggled deeper into Seokjin, who in turn nuzzled closer into Jungkook until his lips were pressed into Jungkook’s collarbone and his sleep-deepened breaths sighed into Jungkook’s bare shoulder. The feel of Seokjin’s breaths lulled Jungkook out of his thoughts and into dreams of his own.
 Seokjin woke up the next morning in a haze of terror. Namjoon had dropped his coffee cup in the kitchen and the sound of the smash ripped Seokjin out of pleasant dreams straight into a panic attack. The sound of Seokjin hyperventilating into his chest roused Jungkook, who leapt straight to trying to slow Seokjin’s anxiety. He’d gotten incredibly good at it and Seokjin was slightly annoyed that Jungkook had to do this so often that he’d mastered settling him.
As soon as Seokjin had calmed down enough to be able to breathe normally, they’d gotten up. Namjoon, of course, felt terrible for waking him that way and had apologized profusely while Yoongi grumbled.
“Joon-ah, your clumsy ass is a walking timebomb,” Yoongi fussed as he steamed eggs and buttered toast for their breakfast.
While everyone else sipped coffee, Seokjin steeped chamomile tea. He’d found that caffeine made his anxiety worse, and he was currently vibrating at a frequency that could probably be detected from outer space, so coffee would have been disastrous. They all ate quietly before parting ways to get ready for the day. Namjoon and Yoongi would be returning to work this morning to try to sort the messes left in their wake from the day before. Jungkook would be accompanying Seokjin to therapy then they’d planned to have lunch with Taehyung. As they were getting dressed to leave, Detective Jung called to let them know that they’d be able to go back home after 2 this afternoon. Since he’d called Jungkook directly, he’d mentioned that they’d gathered all the evidence and taken photos before the body had been removed the night before and that a team of professional crime scene cleaners would take care of the space. That way all evidence of Kangdae’s death would be missing from their living room. Jungkook figured that they’d have to buy a new coffee table and maybe a new rug if the stains couldn’t be removed, but that was a small price to pay not to have to scrub brains off the furniture themselves.
Jungkook was impressed with the determination with which Seokjin left Namjoon’s flat that morning, but watched his resolve start to flag the closer they got to Wonho’s office. When they arrived outside his therapist’s office, Seokjin had to stop and take a deep breath.
“Ongoo-ah, I know Wonho is a good man and won’t hurt me, but I’m honestly scared shitless.”
Jungkook pulled Seokjin into a hug. “I know, baby. You’ve had a scary couple of days. But he’s going to help, just like he did before.”
The hug seemed to bolster Seokjin’s courage as he was able to walk into the office holding Jungkook’s hand. He introduced Jungkook to his therapist and to Kihyun (who’d been manning the reception desk) as his boyfriend. That was new. They’d never given their relationship titles before, but hearing “This is Jungkook, my boyfriend” come out of Seokjin’s mouth lit Jungkook up like a fireworks display. They chatted amicably for a few more minutes, and that seemed to be enough to calm some of Seokjin’s fears. He pulled Jungkook into a sweet kiss, then let go of him for pretty much the first time in 24 hours to walk behind Wonho into a room to talk. Pride at Seokjin’s strength bubbled up and Jungkook just smiled at Kihyun before excusing himself to the coffee shop next door.
 Two hours later, Seokjin walked out of Wonho’s office considerable lighter. Wonho had been able to remind him that he was the victim here and should not feel responsible for Kangdae’s death, which he’d been struggling with. He could acknowledge that he hadn’t pulled the trigger or fired the shot that had ended his life, but he’d felt like if he hadn’t agreed to press charges that this may not have happened. Wonho had straight up told him that if Seokjin hadn’t agreed to press charges, there was a really good chance that Kangdae may have killed him. Kangdae was a sick man who needed mental help and to be weaned properly off the many substances he’d gotten addicted to, but his death was the consequence to decisions that he’d made on his own. Seokjin could not take responsibility for those actions.
Jungkook had been sitting at a small table by the window of the coffee shop so that he’d be able to see Seokjin walk up. Seokjin walked up to him and stole the mug he was sipping from out of his hands, being pleasantly surprised to get a mouthful of hot cocoa instead of the dark roast coffee with cream Jungkook favored.
“I figured you might do that, so I opted for cocoa in case you were still anxious,” Jungkook giggled at Seokjin’s confusion. “Ready to go meet Tae for lunch?”
Seokjin downed the last of Jungkook’s cocoa like he was taking a shot before grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the door. They walked hand in hand to the subway to catch a ride to the café that Jungkook and Taehyung favored across town. They loved the café because it was one of the cafés in the city that offered small, cute animals to play with alongside the meal. This particular café catered more towards bunnies.
“No wonder you like this place,” Seokjin laughed when he saw the bunnies hopping happily around the café. “I’m amazed they haven’t tried to keep you, Ongoo-ah.”
The three spent the next few hours sharing lunch and playing with the bunnies, which unsurprisingly seemed to favor Jungkook. As soon as he’d sat down at the floor-seating style table, three separate bunnies hopped over to nuzzle him. A small black one flopped across one of his thighs and took a nap as he stroked its ears with his fingers.
“Ah, hyung! I see you’ve met our newest friend,” their waiter, Soobin, said with a smile when he dropped by with a refill of their drinks. “His name is Soktan. He’s just a baby and has been really timid so far, but he’s only been here a week.”
Seokjin pouted a little at first because many of the small, fuzzy friends seemed to ignore him in favor of Jungkook and Taehyung. It didn’t take long for one of them to get curious about him though. A larger white lop-eared rabbit climbed into the space between where his legs were pretzled under the table and nosed at his hand until he began to stroke its back gently.
“Baby, the sweetie in your lap’s name is Danggeun. She was actually abandoned on the doorstep but hopped in and made herself at home in a big bag of carrots,” Jungkook explained. “All the babies here are available to be adopted to good homes.”
“I’m kind of surprised you’ve never taken one home, Starboy,” Taehyung said.
“Maybe one day. There for a while I was so busy looking for a place to live and getting settled into my job better. I’d love to have a bunny or two someday though.”
After a couple of hours, Taehyung had to get going as he’d signed up for a new art class being offered to his apartment building and they were going to be learning pottery that afternoon. Seokjin and Jungkook bid goodbye to their little bunny friends and started out the door but were stopped before they could open in so that Soobin could catch Soktan who’d been hopping as quickly as he could behind Jungkook. Jungkook paused to pet him one more time as Soobin held him before they left to head back to their own apartment.
Jungkook had anticipated that Seokjin might be anxious about returning to their apartment after the events that had taken place there the day before, but he actually seemed perfectly calm as they took the lift0. to their floor. Jungkook kept an eye on him as they walked down the hall and paused to unlock the door. He was still perfectly calm, which was kind of amazing considering the ordeal he’d been through.
“I already talked to Yoongi-hyung, and he’s going to come by Saturday and help me change the lock on the door. It seems to latch okay, but I’m wary of it since Kangdae was able to pick it so easily,” Jungkook advised as they slipped their shoes off.
The apartment smelled slightly of some industrial cleaner, but looking at the living room, there was no way to tell that anything had happened there. Seokjin sat down in his favorite place on the sofa and patted the space beside him to encourage Jungkook to sit down beside him. He waited a moment for Jungkook to get comfortable before he reached out and took his hand.
“Thank you for today, Ongoo-ah. The bunnies were adorable,” he said with a smile, playing with Jungkook’s fingers.
“I’m glad you liked them,” Jungkook grinned. “We can go back anytime you like.”
They sat there in silence for a few moments before Seokjin lifted Jungkook’s arm to wrap it around his shoulders. “Ongoo-ah, I don’t know why but I feel like I can’t get close enough to you today.”
Jungkook laughed a little bit before pulling Seokjin a little closer to his chest. “How’s this, Baby?”
“Better, but still not close enough,” Seokin murmured before leaning back against the arm of the couch and pulling Jungkook more on top of him.
He hummed a little before Jungkook pressed a soft kiss to his lips, “How about now?”
“Closer,” Seokjin whimpered against his lips before tilting his head to deepen the kiss.
They’d kissed before, so many times. Seokjin adored the way Jungkook tasted and the way he let him lead their relationship, but Seokjin hadn’t been ready to do more than kiss for the most part. Even as he licked the seam of Jungkook’s lips and slid his tongue into his willing mouth, Seokjin realized that Kangdae had shattered something inside him the day before. Kangdae had been holding glass and threatening to slit his throat, and all Seokjin could think about was how he missed Jungkook even from across the room. The biggest part of the fear he’d been held captive by was that he was terrified he’d never see Jungkook again. Seokjin ran his tongue across Jungkook’s and swallowed down the gasp of pleasure that Jungkook let out before breaking the kiss to look into the other’s eyes.
“Ongoo-ah, you still aren’t close enough,” he sighed, teasing the tip of his nose across Jungkook’s cheek. “I need you inside me.”
“Seokjin, baby,” Jungkook moaned. “Are you saying what I think you are? You don’t have to do anything you aren’t ready for.”
“Yesterday, all I could think about when he was holding me hostage and threatening to kill me was that you were across the room, and I missed you. And how I couldn’t bear the thought of never seeing you again. I love you, Jungkook. So much. And I need you closer, need you inside me.”
That seemed to break Jungkook’s resolve. He kissed Seokjin hard, sucking his tongue into his mouth before nibbling on his bottom lip. He pulled away a little, leaving them both panting.
“Let’s do this right,” he whispered before standing and lifting Seokjin off the couch.
Jungkook carried him bridal style down the hallway to their shared bed and gently laid Seokjin on the bed before laughing softly.
“RJ, love, I need to relocate you. You are too innocent to see what we’re going to do,” he said before carrying the plushie into the living room. He came back to the bedroom to find Seokjin laying back on the bed shirtless and his borrowed pants dipped low enough that Jungkook shivered at the revealed skin. Jungkook stripped his own shirt off and tossed it toward the hamper in the corner of the room before climbing on the bed to kiss Seokjin again. Seokjin spread his legs so that Jungkook could position himself in between them as he started to kiss down Jungkook’s neck.
“Fuck, Ongoo-ah. You look so good. I’ve wanted you since the first time you helped me shower. I just had to get my mind to agree with my heart and body,” Seokjin groaned before sucking the skin over Jungkook’s collarbone into his mouth.
For the first time, Jungkook let his hands wander. He’d been so careful not to touch Seokjin, but now that he’d been given permission, he didn’t know where to touch first. He stroked his hands down Seokjin’s chest to graze back up over his sides, bypassing his nipples, as he licked and sucked red marks down Seokjin’s neck to the top of his chest. On the next pass, he teased his fingertips just underneath the waistline of Seokjin’s pants as Jungkook sucked his left nipple into his mouth. Seokjin moaned loudly and bucked his hips up into Jungkook’s and slid his own hands down Jungkook’s pants to get both hands on his ass. Using the leverage he’d gained by the handfuls of flesh he’d grabbed, Seokjin pressed on Jungkook’s hips to grind them against one another a few times. Seokjin had been semi-hard since they’d been making out on the couch, but with the friction of their hips combined with the loose pants they’d both been wearing, he was quickly ready to go.
“Goddamn, baby. We have to get these pants off. Namjoon will kill me if we get cum on the pants he loaned us,” Jungkook muttered before kicking his own pants off.
Seokjin lifted his hips off the bed so that Jungkook could yank the offending garment off his legs and toss them off the bed. Once they were both fully nude, Seokjin pulled Jungkook back down into a searing kiss as he wrapped his legs around Jungkook’s tiny waist. The shift was enough to press their erections together, the pleasure of skin on skin shooting a whimper up Seokjin’s throat as Jungkook sucked another hickie on Seokjin’s shoulder.
“Ongoo-ah, please,” he begged when Jungkook peeled his legs from around his waist to start kissing down Seokjin’s body.
“Shh, baby. Gotta get you ready for me, okay?” Jungkook kissed the words into his skin as he licked his way down Seokjin’s abs. “I promise I’ll make you feel so good, baby.”
Seokjin had been in such a haze since he’d admitted that he wanted Jungkook inside him that he’d somehow missed Jungkook getting out a condom and some lube. By this point, Jungkook was kissing the inside of Seokjin’s thigh even as he warmed some of the lube on his fingers. When it was warm enough to be less of a shock, Jungkook locked his eyes on Seokjin as he softly traced his finger around the pucker of Seokjin’s hole. Jungkook planted one last kiss on Seokjin’s thigh before sucking some of the skin there into his mouth and biting down just enough to leave a mark; at the same time, he slowly started to press a finger into Seokjin. The sting of the bite with the pleasure of having part of Jungkook inside him made him cry out louder than he’d intended.
Seokjin lifted one hand to press across his lips to buffer the next sound but dropped the hand limply on his chest when Jungkook growled, “Baby, don’t you fucking dare. Wanna hear every sound you can give me.”
Jungkook kept up the slow slide of one finger in and out of Seokjin until Seokjin thought he’d die from anticipation. Seokjin begged for a second finger for a few minutes as Jungkook leaned up and sucked one of his balls into his mouth. The gentle suckling made Seokjin lose all coherency for a few moments until Jungkook finally released that one to suck the other into his mouth in tandem with working a second finger inside Seokjin. Jungkook continued this for a few moments, before leaning up to slide his tongue up the underside of Seokjin’s cock.
“No, don’t, Ongoo-ah. If you suck my cock, I’ll come,” Seokjin begged. “Wanna come with you inside me properly.”
“Okay, baby. Be patient, okay? Need at least one more finger before you’re ready.”
Seokjin honestly expected Jungkook to slip a third finger in but glanced down with his eyebrows furrowed when he slid both fingers completely out. He’d been using one hand up until this point, but now he slid the index fingers of both hands inside Seokjin and stretched him enough to slide his tongue in between them. He fucked his tongue in and out of Seokjin for a few minutes, moaning obscenely into his hole like Seokjin was his favorite ice cream. Seokjin started to squirm as he started to feel that familiar burn in his lower abdomen.”
“Goo-ah, hurry. Get inside me. I’m ready. Please, so ready,” he whined.
Jungkook slid his tongue out and plunged three fingers inside to make sure that Seokjin was stretched enough not to get hurt before he sat up on his knees and grabbed the condom off the bed. Before he was able to tear the foil, Seokjin stopped him.
“No. Wanna feel you, only you. We’re both clean,” he said.
After double checking that Seokjin was sure, Jungkook grabbed the lube. He met Seokjin’s hungry gaze as he held the tube up and drizzled lube along the length of his cock. He spread it out with a few slow strokes before leaning up to kiss Seokjin. The tip of his cock brushed gently against Seokjin’s entrance as they kissed, and Seokjin pressed against it as he wrapped his legs around Jungkook.
“Ready, baby?” Jungkook asked, slapping the tip against Seokjin’s hole a few times.
Seokjin nodded frantically, then keened with pleasure when Jungkook finally pressed his tip inside. Jungkook paused for a moment to check that Seokjin was okay and to kiss him gently before inching his way further inside. Seokjin was so worked up that he kept begging Jungkook just to slam fully inside, but Jungkook took his sweet time.
“No, baby. This is our first time and I’m going to make this last,” Jungkook replied.
When their hips were finally flush against each other, they kissed deeply as Seokjin adjusted. Seokjin loved how full he felt and buried his fingers in Jungkook’s hair, just relishing the slight pressure and burn, before circling his hips. Jungkook moaned into his mouth at the motion, and Seokin nibbled on the freckle on Jungkook’s bottom lip.
“Goo-ah, move,” Seokjin panted. “Come on and fuck me.”
Jungkook finally listened and Seokjin would swear he saw fireworks every time Jungkook slid deep inside him. Seokjin held Jungkook chest to chest even as Jungkook thrust inside him. Every press inside him caused Jungkook’s skin to rub against Seokjin’s cock, lighting him up inside.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so tight,” Jungkook growled into Seokjin’s open mouth.
Seokjin had lost the ability to kiss him properly, but still kept his lips where they’d rub against Jungkook’s. He was so lost in the pleasure that he was caught off guard when Jungkook leaned back and draped Seokjin’s knees across his bent elbows. Just lifting them that much shifted the angle enough that Jungkook’s tip pushed against Seokjin’s prostate on the next thrust.
“There, Ongoo-ah. Oh fuck, right there.”
It only took a few more thrusts this way, with Jungkook’s cock zeroed in on Seokjin’s prostate, for him to tip over the edge and spurt cum all over his own tummy. Jungkook fucked him through it then leaned back to pull out, but Seokjin stopped him.
“No. Want to feel you come inside me. Please Ongoo-ah, please,” Seokjin pleaded.
Jungkook moaned loudly before speaking. “Okay, baby. I’ll come inside you.”
Jungkook kept up the same steady rhythm but lowered Seokjin’s knees back down so he’d stay off his prostate. Seokjin leaned up to kiss him, pressing encouragements into Jungkook’s shoulders, neck and jaw.
“That’s it, Ongoo-ah,” Seokjin moaned when Jungkook thrust in as deep as he could. “Fill me up, just like that.”
Something about Seokjin begging to be filled up pushed Jungkook over the edge and he came hard inside of Seokjin. He stayed as still as possible to catch his breath for a second before pulling out. Jungkook watched as Seokjin’s entrance fluttered from the sudden emptiness and his own release started to dribble out onto the bedsheets. Jungkook got up after a few more kisses pressed to Seokjin’s thighs and calves then grabbed a warm cloth from the bathroom to clean them up. He’d been quick enough that the bedsheets weren’t too ruined, so he wiped the few streaks that had soiled them up then climbed into bed to pull Seokjin closer to him.
They shared sweet kisses in each others’ arms as they came down from the high. Seokjin reveled in the warmth and safety of Jungkook’s love. He wasn’t sure that any man (apart from the friend he’d given his virginity to, but that was a different situation) had ever treated him this well. Seokjin had dated and had boyfriends before. While Kangdae was the worst of the bunch, the others were generally nice and treated him decently. But he’d never been with anyone where he could feel the depth of their love for him burn into his skin with every kiss or touch like he could with Jungkook. For all of the fact that his love sank into Seokjin like a brand with every caress, Seokjin knew he’d display the marks on his skin with pride.
“I love you so much, Ongoo-ah,” he murmured into the flesh of Jungkook’s chest that was protecting his heart.
“Love you, Baby.” Jungkook’s vocalization of love stayed with Seokjin long after they’d been said, echoing in his ears even as he fell asleep in his arms.
 The next morning was Saturday, so they were able to wake up gently on their own, no pressures of getting ready for the day or alarm clocks to disturb them. Jungkook woke first, his limbs still feeling loose and relaxed from the activities of the night before. Seokjin was still sleeping with his face on Jungkook’s shoulder and his nose grazing Jungkook’s jawline. Jungkook honestly felt the relief of Kangdae no longer being an issue melded with an insane amount of adoration for Seokjin just flooding every cell in his body. He pressed gentle kisses to Seokjin’s forehead and then his nose, reveling in the sheer sweetness when Seokjin wrinkled his nose at the press of lips. Jungkook giggled at the disgruntled expression Seokjin had at first when he woke up until his eyes met Jungkook’s; then Seokjin smiled the cutest, in love smile, and Jungkook’s heart ached in his chest with love.
“Good morning, my baby,” Jungkook murmured, his voice still crackly and deep with leftover sleep.
“Hi, Ongoo-ah.” Seokjin essentially spoke the words into Jungkook’s lips. “It’s always a good morning to wake up to you.”
“How are you feeling this morning?” Jungkook asked gently. He fully anticipated that Seokjin might be a little sore, both from their lovemaking and from the attack he’d endured.
Seokjin wiggled around a little, seeming to take stock of his own body. “Well, my neck is a little achy from the stitches, and my muscles are a little sore from being so tight from fear. But otherwise, I still feel so good. I love that morning-after-good-sex ache and knowing it’s from you just makes it so much better.”
Before Jungkook was able to say anything more, there was a hard set of knocks at the door. Considering the fact that they were both stark naked under the sheets, Seokjin let out a squeaky cackle at the look of terror in Jungkook’s wide eyes as he jumped out of bed. They’d both invested in bathrobes when Seokjin had moved in, but Seokjin had gone for an unconventional robe because he loved the feel of silk against his skin. Since he’d technically chosen it out of the women’s section of the store, it was a little shorter than a normal men’s robe. Seokjin’s robe was the only one sitting out where it could be grabbed quickly, so Seokjin laughed hysterically as Jungkook slipped the pale pink silk with lace cuffs around the sleeves and dashed out of their bedroom to open the door. The robe itself was just barely long enough to cover his interesting bits, but it would have to do.
Jungkook jogged through the apartment, still tying the flimsy pink fabric around his waist. Luckily, Seokjin was much broader than Jungkook through the shoulders, so most of his chest was covered minus about what would show in a v-neck tee. Just as he tied the belt, he jerked the door open to find Yoongi on the other side of the door with a tool bag in hand. Jungkook felt his entire face turn strawberry red as Yoongi’s eyes roamed over the insubstantial clothing and catch on a spot on his chest. Glancing down to see what he was staring at, Jungkook was even more mortified to find Yoongi staring at a magenta bite mark Seokjin had painted across his skin.
“Have fun with my hyung, Jungkookie?” Yoongi dryly commented.
Before Jungkook was able to stutter out a response, Seokjin appeared at his side in a stolen pair of Jungkook’s sweatpants and a tank top he exclusively wore at the gym for arm day. Seokjin had obvious marks proudly displayed across his chest and shoulders; if Jungkook wasn’t about to die from sheer awkwardness, he’d have been thrilled to see his handiwork decorating the man he loved.
“Yoongichi, stop harassing my boyfriend! I asked him to fuck me, and he did. So, so well.”
“Hyung, I honestly don’t want to know what depravity you two get up to. I’m just a little concerned about what Namjoon is going to say when he gets here after picking up breakfast,” Yoongi whined.
“Oh god,” Jungkook groaned as he covered his flaming cheeks.
“God can’t help you now, you deviant!” Yoongi snarked. “But you might want to go put on some pants because I don’t want to see your barely covered junk.”
Seokjin cackled as Jungkook practically sprinted back to their bedroom, using both arms to hold the silk bathrobe as tightly to his body as possible. Once Jungkook had closed their bedroom door to change, Seokjin lead Yoongi into the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee. Yoongi found safety in silence, and Seokjin was aware of that, but something about the quiet he was currently portraying made Seokjin pause.
“Say what you need to say, Yoongichi. I can feel it eating you up,” Seokjin commented as he pulled some mugs out of the cabinet once the coffee started to drip.
“Are you okay, hyung? Like for real?” Yoongi replied after a moment. “Don’t you think you’re moving a little fast with Jungkook?”
Seokjin took a deep breath in before turning to look at Yoongi. “Honestly, Jungkook is the only thing in my life that is safe and brings me joy. I love him, Yoongichi. When Kangdae was threatening to slit my throat, the primary thought in my brain was that I didn’t want to leave Jungkook. The thought of never seeing him again was worse than the fear of dying in pain. I don’t have the words to say to explain it but, damnit, being with him feels right.”
Yoongi absorbed the words for a moment before saying, “Okay. I just had to ask. I care about you both, you know?”
“I know. I love you too, Yoongi,” Seokjin said softly as he pulled his friend into a hug. “That doesn’t mean we’re going to get together to swap steaming sex stories because I might spontaneously combust if I have to hear you wax poetic about my brother’s dick game.”
Jungkook walked into the kitchen as Yoongi was making a disgruntled face and smacking lightly at Seokjin’s chest while Seokjin’s trilling laughter bounced off the kitchen cabinets. Before he could comment, a light tap on the entrance door announced Namjoon’s presence. Jungkook let him in, still mildly cringing in embarrassment over the obvious marks still glaring against Seokjin’s radiant skin. He followed behind Namjoon, trying to focus on the smell of fresh-brewed coffee to distract himself enough to stop blushing. Namjoon placed the bags containing their breakfast on the counter before turning to greet Seokjin, stopping in his tracks when his eyes found the marks Jungkook had left.
“What the fuck, Seokjin! Did you get mauled by a bear after you left my apartment?” Namjoon screeched.
Seokjin grabbed Jungkook’s hand and pulled him closer to press a kiss on his still flaming cheek, before saying, “Nope, not a bear. Just the cutest little bunny. He was so good to me too.”
Namjoon’s mouth dropped open for a moment, eyes darting back and forth between the two. Before he could say anything else, Seokjin handed him a steaming mug of coffee.
“I think I need something stronger than coffee. Do you have…oh, I don’t know…bleach? Then I can forget seeing any of this,” Namjoon groaned, gesturing wildly at Seokjin’s mostly bare chest.
Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4
14 notes · View notes
marxy-06 · 10 months
Favorites Rec List 3
More of my favs -> Thanks to all these incredible writers for making my day a little better :))
Kim Namjoon
Stretch you out (@chateautae)
A little bit in love with you (@joonbo)
Mr. masseuse (@lavenjoon)
"Let me take care of you" (@mintelepathy)
Fantasies (@sweetwritertanya)
Kim Seokjin
24/7 Marriage counselor (@jimlingss)
A better grip (@jinkookspencil)
A helping hand (@jjungkookislife)
You again (@gashinabts)
Soarin' (@aquagustd)
Seokjin's ho ho ho (@yoongsisbae)
Jealous (@youtifulhobi)
Sacrifices (@justcallmenikki7)
Influence (@aquagustd)
Min Yoongi
Back burner (@yoonpobs)
Escapism (@yoonlattesworld)
Finding home (@helenazbmrskai)
Strawberry icecream (@euphoricfilter)
When I needed you (@dreamescapeswriting)
The cockpile: love birds (@httpjeon)
Crescendo (@ugh-yoongi)
Apricity (@delightfulserendipity)
Jung Hoseok
All it takes (@yoongiofmine)
Nibbling it (@jjksblackgf)
The promises we keep (@vyduan)
Your body is an artwork (@borathae)
Maybe the first, but not the last time (@euphoricfilter)
Park Jimin
Oh so reluctant (@back2bluesidex)
Pretty like you (@axigailxo)
Serendipity (@angellesword)
Blowing dandelions (@httpjeon)
All I need (@joonberriess)
Apricot (@vminity21)
Triads and tribulations (@rendaze)
Star light, star bright (@readyplayerhobi)
High school sweethearts (@choiwrites)
Taste of little (@maliby)
Cherry king (@jiminrings)
Turning to stone (@jjungkookislife)
He makes you insecure (@kookiesbuckethat)
Kim Taehyung
The art of touch (@chateautae)
Nude (@btssmutgalore)
Triads and tribulations (@rendaze)
Match made in heaven (@beenbaanbuun)
"I'll take care of you" (@guqwrvte)
Library kisses (@kwanslvr)
Jeon Jungkook
Way Back Home (@solemnreads)
Stretch you out (@chateautae)
Seven Days (@bonny-kookoo)
Jock!jungkook (@joonberriess)
Tracing your tattoos (@btsugarush)
Shades of red (@thatlongspringnight)
Pu$$y fairy (@angelguk)
Idealizations concerning real life relations (@venusiangguk)
Little blue pill (@dreamescapeswriting)
Brown eyed baby (@jeonstudios)
Superstar (@jinkookspencil)
Spicy n' sweet (@thvhoe)
The ability to fathom (@hanniwrites)
Bad omega, sweet omega (@helenazbmrskai)
"I couldn't live without you" (@jungk0oksthighs)
In my eyes (@axigailxo)
"Besties for the resties?" (@jessikahathaway)
You're leaving me (@delukoo)
Love; weakness (@akinnie75)
Bloodline (@jjkeverlast)
Greek god (@bonny-kookoo)
Size kink (@lavenjoon)
Ex on the beach (@beahae)
Off-league (@hansolmates)
Accidental roommates (@jjkeverlast)
Good girl (@bonny-kookoo)
Crazy (@kookiecrumb)
Curious boy (@jinkookspencil)
Confident (@h0neypjm)
Still perfect (@cupoftaae)
Trouvaille (@spookyserenades)
A comforting hand (@purpleyoonn)
Abundance (@angelicyoongie)
Appreciation (@vminizzle)
Reaction: faking orgasms (@dreamescapeswriting)
Mean kitty, soft kitty (@purpleyoonn)
Best of us (@bts-trash-blog)
You belong (@imnotlauriane)
(If you have any recs pls share, especially for Hobi, Jin, & Rm :))
7K notes · View notes
magicshopaholic · 3 months
Helping Hands
Summary: Seokjin makes a suggestion without realising its consequences. Yoongi tries to help but faces resistance. Hoseok skips dance rehearsal. Jungkook gets involved against his will.
Pairing: Seokjin x OC, Yoongi x OC, Hoseok x OC, minor Namjoon x OC (different OCs)
Genre: Mild humour, awkwardness, tension, angst
Word count: 14.1 K
Rating: 18+
Warnings: language, alcohol, kissing, dubious sexual harassment
A/N: It's been a whole month since the last fic; I feel like I've been reborn as I format this post. Hope you all enjoy this - it's a lot of chaos and movement of plot. Enjoy and let me know what you think!
You will all be pleased to know that I have once again not edited this fic. Takes place approximately two months after Touch, three months after Near Misses, and about four months after Tea and Olive (and about a month after Final Destination).
Tagging: @bbl32@ quarter-life-crisis2 @meirkive  @faearchives @margopinkerton  @dreaming-with-happiness  @confessionsofamarshlily  @purpleseoul7 @sumzysworld
Listen to: "mr brightside" by the killers
seokjin masterlist | yoongi masterlist | hoseok masterlist | main masterlist
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Chaeyoung [19:10] Big Hit lobby. SOS.
Something catches in Hoseok’s chest. Suddenly, Seokjin’s struggles with a combination don’t seem as worrisome.
“I’ll be right back,” he says shortly, picking up his jacket and racing down the hallway to the lifts, ignoring Namjoon calling his name.
Hoseok hurries into the lobby and scans the area, noting that nothing seems to look out of place. He spots her then; she’s by the sofas in the waiting area, standing on one hip and frowning mildly at her phone in one hand. The other hand is absently playing with the corner of a sparkly pink scarf around her neck.
He walks up to her, his heart already slowing slightly. “Chae,” he says, mostly to snap her out of her laser gaze at her phone.
She looks up at him and her face breaks out into a grin. “Oppa, hi!” she exclaims brightly. “What’s up?”
“What’s -” He shakes his head. “What do you mean? Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she says, nodding. “Why?”
“Because -” Hoseok frowns, fishing his phone out of his pocket and finding her text, wondering wildly if he’d imagined this. “Did you send me this?” he asks, turning the screen to her. “SOS?”
Chaeyoung raises her eyebrows and nods in understanding. “Yeah. Yeah, I did. The receptionist wouldn’t let me upstairs to see you without having to sign in and I needed to find a way to bring you down here immediately. I’m taking the bus home and it’s going to be here in, like, ten minutes.” She shrugs in a what-are-you-going-to-do kind of way.
Hoseok stares at her incredulously. “Are you kidding me right now? I just had a heart attack.”
“Because you said SOS! Save - Our - Souls!” he exclaims, clapping his hands to punctuate each word. “I thought something was wrong. I thought you were -” Here, he catches himself and forces himself to take a deep breath. “Forget it. What do you want?”
Chaeyoung doesn’t answer right away. She looks somewhat uncertain, as though just realising her harmless trick might have backfired. “I, uh…” She clears her throat and rummages in her tote bag. “I brought you a coffee,” she says, bringing out a clear glass with brown liquid and ice cubes rattling inside it. “It’s an Americano,” she adds, stretching her hand out to him until he takes it.
Hoseok stares. “And?”
“And -” She dives into her tote bag again, this time revealing a baby blue cardboard box. “- a muffin!”
His eyes dart from her face to the muffin and back to her. “I’m on tour. I can’t eat sugar.”
“Oh, it’s a sugar-free muffin.”
“Yes. Probably. I don’t know.” She sighs and Hoseok hopes she’s finally getting to the point. “Can we - can we talk somewhere a little more private?”
He struggles not to roll his eyes. “Okay,” he says drily, turning around and leading them to a meeting room inside a corridor behind the main lobby. He pushes the glass door open and holds it for her to skip inside, before closing it behind him. The white lights turn on automatically and the projector screen blinks to life.
“Alright,” he says, placing the coffee on the table and sighing. “What was so important that you needed to trick me into leaving rehearsal midway?”
“Okay,” she begins, placing her hands on the table and licking her lips. They are a glossy pink, notices Hoseok, looking light and natural yet perfectly made up. Maybe they’re pinker against her skin, or it’s the lighting. 
“- have a proposal for you. Oppa?”
Hoseok starts, realising he’s missed what she’s said while being distracted by the colour of her lips. Mortified, he clears his throat. “Sorry,” he mutters shortly, shaking his head. “Uh, I haven’t… slept. What did you say?”
She frowns but nods. “I was saying… do you remember when Chanyeol threw his fifteenth birthday party at our house and when all of you were playing Truth or Dare and I tried to join in, you said that the game was only for people without braces and then I ran away and cried in my bedroom?”
He stares at her, dumbfounded. “I… what?”
Chaeyoung raises her eyebrows. “I’m not making this up. This actually happened.”
“No, I - I remember. Oh, God,” he mutters, his neck starts to heat up with embarrassment. “Why are you bringing this up now?”
“And,” she continues, on a roll apparently, “remember when one of your idiot classmates sneaked in peppermint schnapps and even though I saw you all drinking, I still didn’t rat you out even after you were a jerk to me?”
Hoseok chokes, wishing the ground would swallow him up. “Is this why you showed up here? To remind me of my shameful past?”
“No, actually. I came here to give you a chance to redeem yourself.”
“And to very generously unburden you of the plus-one you have for the three Michelin star restaurant opening at the St Regis tomorrow night at six pm, hosted by Marco Pierre White,” she adds seamlessly.
Hoseok stares at her for a moment before chuckling. “Wow, that was worth the journey. You bought a coffee and a muffin for that?” he asks, rolling his eyes.
Chaeyoung squeezes her eyes shut and clasps her hands in front of her chest. “Please, oppa? Please, please, please, please -”
“You want to be my date to an event?” 
“No, I don’t want to be your date - I want to be a plus-one. Just - just allow me entry into the event and I’ll leave you alone after that,” she promises. “You won’t even remember I’m there.”
Fat chance of that. But he doesn’t say it, opting to take a minuscule bite of the muffin and let her continue on her spiel.
“Look,” she sighs through her nose. “This is for work. I need content, okay? The last few stories I’ve submitted have been nothing special,” she says. “Those are the actual words my boss used: nothing special. And the other two in my team - one is the son of a CEO and the other is the literal niece of the editor. The only person I have is you,” she finishes.
He raises his eyebrows. “Me?”
“Yes! And if I get to cover this -” She lets out a low breath. “It’ll be everything. It’s super exclusive so it’ll be luxury, it’ll be art, culture, music, business. It’ll be everything,” she repeats, her eyes huge and wide and pleading. “I really need this, oppa, please, please?”
Something feels like it’s being squeezed in Hoseok’s heart and he resists the urge to pinch her cheeks. He sighs hugely and closes his eyes, wondering how the hell he went from barely being able to stand her to being on the verge of inventing a plus-one for her if needed.
“Oh, my God.” Chaeyoung gasps suddenly, her cheeks reddening. “You’ve already used your plus-one, haven’t you?”
“No! No - no, I haven’t,” he answers, shaking his head. “And… fine. I’ll take you.”
She freezes for a second, then breaks out into a grin. “Really? Oh - thank you, oppa!” she exclaims in delight, reaching forward and hugging him before stepping back and clapping her hands. “It was the coffee, wasn’t it?”
“That - that helped,” he agrees, reeling slightly in the flowery scent.
“And I promise you won’t even know I’m there,” she reiterates. “I’ll get there on time - I’ll take the bus. Just give my name to the door or whatever and I’ll get there myself and I won’t bother you at all.”
“You don’t have to do that,” he tells her, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at her dramatics. “There won’t be any cameras inside so you’ll be fine.”
Chaeyoung shrugs and beams. “Either way. I owe you big time. Or not, actually,” she adds suddenly. “You know, because of the whole… schnapps and braces thing.”
“Yes, I remember,” he says quickly, his face heating up again. “We’re even.”
“Okay, great. See you tomorrow!” She hugs him again before gathering her stuff and heading to the door. “Thanks again!”
Hoseok watches her leave through the glass doors, his stomach floating. A moment later, he picks up the muffin and takes a large bite of it and scoffs inwardly. Chocolate. 
He takes a second bite and heads back up to practice.
Seokjin takes advantage of the few minutes that Hoseok has disappeared and lies down on the floor of the practice room, spread-eagled. All he can hear are the sounds of his heart pounding from the intense cardio, his heavy breathing and the blood pumping in his ears.
“Hyung.” A foot nudges his shoulder. “Do the bridge combo with me.”
Seokjin doesn’t even open his eyes. “No.”
“Come on, we need to practice.”
He appreciates the we that Jungkook tactfully tacks on, but shakes his head. “I’m good.”
“Just once.”
“Hyung, what about you?” He’s talking to someone else now. Seokjin is too tired to open his eyes and see who it is, but thankfully that person lets himself be known.
Yoongi’s answer has a finality to it that Seokjin will never be able to achieve, its biggest achievement being that Jungkook doesn’t ask him a second time. Seokjin opens his eyes a millimeter to see the maknae skip to the other side of the practice room and harass Jimin, watching them for a few seconds before sighing and dragging himself up into a sitting position.
“How great would it be if I sprained my ankle or something right now?” he mutters to Yoongi.
Yoongi doesn’t look away from where Taehyung and Jimin, and now Jungkook, are practicing their routine. “So you can sit out the next couple of days and get some rest?”
He shurgs. “Tomorrow is a light day. Ish. Just filming in the morning and the other thing in the evening.” 
“Oh, yeah.” Seokjin doesn’t mind it. He’s not looking forward to it, per se, but Seulgi will be there, other friends from the industry will be there and since they won’t be in an English-speaking country, he’s sure to be less self-conscious while making conversation.
“Are you bringing Seulgi?”
Seokjin nods. “I told the company two weeks ago, when they emailed us the invite. I don’t miss the constant follow-ups, believe me,” he sighs, stretching. “Are you bringing anyone?”
Yoongi doesn’t answer for a moment. “I don’t think so,” he says eventually. “I guess I’ll have to tell the company. They’ll make a fuss, though, that I’m telling them at the last moment.”
“Wait, you still have your plus-one?” He waits for Yoongi to nod, just to confirm. “You know who really wants to go? Nari.”
Yoongi raises his eyebrows. “Your Nari?”
“My friend Nari,” he clarifies, having expected this. “But… yeah. I told her about it a couple of days ago and she said she tried to get tickets to it but the handful of public ones sold out in half a day. I mean… obviously, I can’t take her. But if you have an extra and you aren’t doing anything with it…” He trails off, giving Yoongi a meaningful look.
Yoongi frowns mildly. “You’re really okay with that? You, Nari… your girlfriend… together?”
Seokjin bites his lip and looks away. He and Nari had resumed their friendship tentatively - so tentatively that he doesn’t even want to talk about it for fear of jinxing it. He’d decided to give Nari space after that disastrous dinner, utterly confused as to why she was so angry with him all the time and what he was meant to do to make it better. Weeks passed with no contact until it occurred to Seokjin that if he didn’t reach out first, they would potentially never speak again.
It began with a single text; he’d messaged requesting her to wish her parents a happy anniversary. She’d responded hours later with a Sure, but since it was more than Seokjin had expected, he’d used it as a segue to mention her parents’ anniversary party years ago and the conversation continued. 
For the first time in his life, Seokjin was glad to be on tour. It provided the right amount of distance while also giving him a valid excuse to miss her - somehow, missing Nari felt like he was being unfair to Seulgi. He didn’t want to talk to any of his friends about it for fear of being right so he kept it restricted to texts as far as possible, something which seemed to suit Nari as well.
He’d been upfront about it with Seulgi; she’d sounded a bit surprised at first but didn’t say much more about it. He knew it couldn’t go on like this forever, though, that they would have to meet sometime. This event seemed as good as anything: Nari actively wanted to go, Seokjin had found a way for that to happen, and there was no pressure on any of them to host.
“It’s an event,” says Seokjin. “It’s not going to be the three of us alone.”
Yoongi nods but doesn’t pry. “Sure. I’ll let Nari know.” 
A weight seems to have been lifted from Seokjin’s shoulders. “Thank you.” 
Yoongi simply nods, but Seokjin sighs inwardly in relief. He would be seeing Nari again; maybe this would be the beginning of something new. Something different.
Nari’s hand jerks by a millimeter when her phone rings suddenly, causing her to disturb the clean line of sutures she’s practicing.
“Damn it,” she whispers, moving the surgical scissors to her left hand and retrieving her phone from the pocket of her lab coat hanging on the back of her chair. She reads the name on the screen and frowns, her momentary irritation forgotten as she answers it uncertainly. 
“Yoongi?” she asks, just to be sure. She can’t remember the last time she met Yoongi; it has to have been a year, at least.
“Hey, Nari.” There’s a shuffle on the other end. “Hope I’m not bothering you.” There’s a pause. “I texted.”
“Oh.” She checks her notifications to see two messages from him from half an hour ago. “Sorry. I’ve been busy today,” she says, placing the phone on the table, putting it on speaker. She’s alone in the skills lab for once and she’s determined to master these sutures today, even if she has to do it while on the phone.
“No problem. I, uh… do you want to go to this restaurant opening tomorrow? It’s called… Mélanges, I think. I have an extra ticket.”
Nari almost messes up another suture. Placing the practice kit to the side and frowning at the phone, she repeats his own words back to him. “Do I want to go… to the Melange opening night… with you?”
“That’s right.”
There’s another pause, this time lasting longer while Nari tries to process this. She wonders briefly if she’s missing something.
“You have an extra ticket? Or is it a plus-one?” she prods, hoping he’ll prove her wrong.
“It’s a plus-one,” he confirms, his voice a monotone. “The company gave all of us the option to bring someone.”
This, she knows. She knows who Namjoon will bring, who Taehyung will bring depending on what his situation with that racer girl is, who Seokjin will bring…
“Are you in?”
Nari bites her lip. “Why me? Don’t you have anyone else you’d like to take?” She says this with an awkward chuckle.
“No,” he says flatly. “And Jin hyung said you wanted to go and I have an extra, so I thought I’d ask.”
“Seokjin told you to ask me?” The words are out of her mouth before she can help it. She can’t imagine Seokjin would ever set her up, with Yoongi no less. Something feels like it’s sinking in her stomach, but it’s so slow and so heavy that she doesn’t have the mental bandwidth to focus on it right now.
“I have to get into a meeting.”
The hint is clear. Nari leans back in her chair, her gaze falling on the abandoned sutures. She’s scrubbing in on a CABG surgery tonight, one that’s sure to go on well into the morning. She has to get these sutures right by then, just like she has to be in a place where Seokjin setting her up doesn’t it bother her.
Besides, she really wants to go. It’s an opportunity to get out of the hospital and be in something other than scrubs and, if she’s lucky, put on some make-up.
“Um, yeah. Sure. What time?”
“It starts at six. I’ll text you the address.” There’s a click and Yoongi hangs up.
Nari watches her phone screen go dark, her mind moving in slow motion. Yoongi is the last person she ever expected to have this conversation with but then again, Seokjin is the last person she expected to meddle in her love life. 
But it’s time, she supposes. She would have had to see him sometime and if she’s seeing him with Seulgi, it wouldn’t hurt to have a date on her arm as well, even if it is a person who until today was only ever Seokjin’s quietest friend.
Chaeyoung stares at two pairs of heels, one white and one violet, wondering which one would be more professional and still the one that would allow her to stay on her feet longer.
She wishes they would speak to her. She’s already getting late and if the bus is also late, she can say goodbye to the first section of her research on the set-up and arrival of the attendants.
The doorbell rings just as she picks the violet pair. Pulling them on as she hops to the door, she opens it to reveal Hoseok, in an all-black ensemble, with the shirt unbuttoned to reveal a sliver of tan collarbone, and his hair perfectly styled.
“Hey,” she says slowly, placing her foot back on the ground. “What are you doing here?”
Hoseok, who seems to be momentarily surprised at seeing her in a dress, shrugs belatedly. “What do you mean? You’re my date for tonight, so… I’m picking you up.”
He says it like it’s obvious. Chaeyoung doesn’t respond for a moment, an ancient, repressed part of her heart skipping a beat at the sentiment. 
“Oh,” she says. “You didn’t have to do that. I was going to take the bus, but… come in,” she adds, opening the door wider.
“Unfortunately, my parents raised me better than that,” he quips, stepping inside with his hands inside his pockets. A faint, comforting scent of cologne travels with him, of something light and airy. “Are you ready?”
“Almost,” she replies, suddenly remembering her heels and bending to fasten them. When she stands up straight, she’s nearly three inches taller.
Hoseok raises his eyebrows. “It’s like magic,” he jokes dryly, his eyes dropping lower and his smile fading slightly. His gaze stutters around her chest before he meets her eyes deliberately. “Are you sure that’s not…” He swallows awkwardly. “Too revealing?”
Chaeyoung frowns and looks down, seeing the hints of cleavage she’d deliberately picked this dress out for. In her opinion, it made her look more womanly and less childish; it has come to her notice that she might be taken less seriously than her peers due to her youthful appearance and while it sounds like a compliment, Chaeyoung knows it’s no way to get ahead in her career.
“No,” she answers, adjusting her neckline. “Believe me, I chose this dress for a reason. You know, you really didn’t have to come,” she repeats, sounding slightly apologetic. “You’re doing me a big enough favour by just inviting me.”
“It’s not a big deal. The last thing I need is you calling me from outside the event because security won’t let you in.”
Chaeyoung chuckles good-naturedly. “Well, that doesn’t not sound like me,” she agrees, disappearing back into her room. “Still,” she adds from inside, “it’s really cool of you.”
Hoseok struggles not to roll his eyes and checks his watch. They’ll make it on time if she wraps up in the next couple of minutes. He wonders if he can talk her into wearing some kind of scarf before deciding it’s not worth the hassle, for it’s almost guaranteed to start a fight.
“Chae, I don’t mean to be that guy,” he calls out, hearing vague sounds from inside her room, “but we should head out soon.”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry,” she says hurriedly, clutching a fistful of jewellery and shuffling out of the room in tiny steps, he presumes, so as to not trip over her heels. “You really didn’t have to do this, you know. I’m totally fine getting there by myself,” she tells him sombrely. “I hate to inconvenience you.”
“Fine, I’ll just leave in that case. You can take the bus and meet me there.” He turns to leave.
“Okay, okay.” She grabs his arm and grins sheepishly. “Thank you for the ride, oppa,” she says sweetly.
Hoseok does his best to ignore the vague fluttering in his stomach. “You got it. Now can we go?”
“Yeah, just a minute.” She heads over to the dining table and lays out the jewellery and mercifully doesn’t spend much time deciding on the simple silver chain with a pendant dangling from it. Grabbing a small clutch from the table, she approaches him.
“Do you mind?” She hands him the necklace. “I spent an hour doing my nails to perfection today and I really don’t want to ruin them.”
“Oh - um, okay.” A little taken aback, Hoseok takes the necklace, noting the dark purple pendant that matches her shoes. Chaeyoung turns around expectantly and he gingerly moves his arms over her head to bring the necklace around her neck. Before he can say anything, she sweeps her long hair off her neck and over her shoulder, revealing more skin than Hoseok had anticipated.
His fingers slightly unsteady, he tries to focus all his concentration on the delicate silver clasp and not on anything else - not his fingers brushing the indents of her spine, not the thin straps of her dress against her exposed back, not her moving closer to him to give him a better view so he can -
“Oh!” Hoseok jumps backwards like he’s been burnt. Chaeyoung turns around, too, looking startled.
“I -” He looks up to see her frowning. “Nothing. It - it’s done,” he stutters, watching as she feels for the clasp and tugs at it once.
“Cool. Thanks.” She nods, flipping her hair back and looking at him. “Are you okay?”
Not trusting himself to speak, Hoseok nods. He can still feel her hips brushing against his, the suddenness of it and the smoothness of the satin, mixed with the flowery perfume.
“Let’s go,” he says abruptly, spinning on his heel and stalking out the front door. He hears her gathering her keys and closing the door and he subtly adjusts his slacks, making sure she doesn’t notice when she joins him.
When they enter the venue, Chaeyoung lets out a low whistle.
“Holy shit,” she whispers, her gaze darting around the interior bathed in golden light. “I owe you big time for this, oppa.” She fluffs out her hair and takes a deep breath as Yoongi joins them, to whom she gives a small wave. “Okay, I see Sooah. She promised me tips on which guest to start with so I can work my way through the crowd. Thanks again for this,” she says, squeezing Hoseok’s arm appreciatively and walking away. 
Hoseok watches her go in the direction of the small makeshift stage, her long hair dancing behind her. He can’t help but feel a little sorry as she does, for he was hoping she would at least hang around with him for the initial bit of the party.
“Isn’t that your friend’s sister?”
“What?” His train of thought interrupted, he turns to see Yoongi raising his eyebrows blankly. “Oh. Yeah. She needed access to a bunch of socialites for work, so I thought…” He gestures vaguely.
Yoongi nods. “She’ll definitely find those here. I kind of thought this would be a totally different crowd.” He clicks his tongue.
“The Samsung chairman is here,” he replies, tilting his head towards a group of men in slick suits. “So it’s that crowd. I mean, look around - there’s his daughter, she’s always in the paper. Then there’s… oh, that actor - Dong-won? Something like that. Choi Siwon is here, whoa… Suh Minjung, Kang Sera, Lim Hayeon…”
Yoongi pauses. Something stirs in the back of his mind. A name, a face, lots of diamonds, an air of superiority laced with insecurity. Just as he starts flipping through the memories, they’re joined by Seokjin and with him, his girlfriend Seulgi in a salmon-coloured dress, holding a martini glass.
“This restaurant is going to be insane,” declares Seokjin, once they’re done with basic pleasantries. “The appetisers are to die for.”
“The cocktails aren’t bad either,” says Seulgi approvingly, taking a sip of hers.
“I’ll take your word for it,” says Hoseok, his stomach already rumbling. He looks around again to see if he can spot Chaeyoung, his heart sinking slightly when he doesn’t see her. He doesn’t know how she’s planning to approach all these people tonight; he wonders if he should bring her a drink, just for liquid courage.
“Who else is here?” Seokjin asks.
“Taehyung and Jimin are running late, as usual,” supplies Yoongi. “Jungkook is here somewhere and Namjoon said he was reaching a few minutes ago…” He fishes out his phone, presumably to check.
“Isn’t that him right there?” Seulgi points towards the bar, and all three men turn to see Namjoon, tall and blond, at the bar. They watch as he accepts a glass of whiskey and takes a big sip from it, swallowing it with a pained frown before visibly forcing his face to relax as he starts to socialise.
“That’s not good,” remarks Hoseok in a low voice. “How was he in the studio today?” he asks Yoongi.
“I didn’t go. He said he could do it himself.” He shrugs apologetically. “I was fine avoiding him for a bit.”
Seulgi frowns. “Why are you guys avoiding him?”
Seokjin sighs hugely. “He and his girlfriend broke up and he’s… kind of using all his energy to be normal on stage and in public,” he ventures.
“So, he’s totally depressed in private,” says Hoseok, voicing what Seokjin had tactfully left unsaid.
She winces. “That’s rough.”
Seokjin makes a noise of acknowledgement. “We can’t let him drink himself to death tonight just because there’s an open bar, though. Someone needs to look out for him.”
Hoseok gives him a look. “He’ll be fine; he’s technically working. But I can do it,” he adds quickly, when Seokjin narrows his eyes at him. “For a while.”
“I’ll take over for you,” offers Yoongi as Hoseok leaves to go to Namjoon, looking at his phone again. “Nari’s calling - hang on.” He answers it and backs away from the rest of the group.
“Right.” Seokjin exhales and puts his hands in his pockets. “I almost forgot Nari was coming.”
He misses Seulgi’s fleeting frown. “Really? You mentioned it in the car.”
“Did I?”
Seokjin looks confused for a moment but then looks ahead to see Yoongi and Nari entering the venue, stopping at the bar first. They seem to be speaking in short sentences, his hands in his pockets and hers crossed over her chest as she looks around warily. Her eyes meet Seokjin’s for a moment and he smiles a bit in response, raising a tentative hand in greeting. At that moment, however, the bartender slides her drink across the bar and she turns away, nodding at something Yoongi says.
They walk over, Nari hanging back slightly as they approach. 
Seulgi speaks first. “Hi, Nari,” she says, giving her a small smile. “It’s good to see you.”
“Yeah,” replies Nari, looking slightly awkward. “You, too.” There’s a pause where no one speaks. “You look nice.”
“Thank you. You do, too.”
Seokjin, feeling rather like he wants to die, takes a deep breath. “Good to know you got the evening off.”
“Yeah, I was in a fourteen hour surgery last night and I’ve worked overtime this week.” She shrugs and her face relaxes a bit. “They basically told me to take the night off.”
He smiles a little wider, glad they’re at least talking, when Yoongi interrupts them.
“I’ll be right back,” he says abruptly, walking away with no further explanation, his gaze trained in one direction.
Leaving the others, he walks as quickly as he can without attracting attention, making a beeline for a person whom the universe has made it impossible for him to run into at Big Hit during the last two days that he’s been here in Seoul.
Miso notices him when he’s about ten feet away, her face lighting up momentarily at the sight of him before it immediately freezes into a warning one. Her eyes widen and she shakes her head infinitesimally, but he’s already reached her.
“Hey, stranger,” he mutters, sounding slightly breathless to his own ears.
“Go away,” she whispers through gritted teeth. “Now.”
Something feels like it’s getting crushed in his stomach when she looks away from him, but it’s only then that he notices who she’s with; a group of women, all dressed in designer wear and holding glasses of champagne, beginning to take notice of him one by one.
“You look familiar,” says one of them, looking brilliantly beautiful in a red low-cut gown. “Are you an actor?”
Yoongi starts to shake his head, but someone else answers for him.
“No. He’s Miso’s… friend.” Kang Sera, once again laden in diamond jewellery and a beige dress with smaller diamonds encrusted in it, smiles without disturbing the rest of her face. “You have been to my house,” she states.
“Well… yes, ma’am.” Yoongi nods, noting from the corner of his eye how Miso stiffens next to him. She’s in a white dress tonight, looking smaller and more delicate among this crowd of rich socialites than he’s ever seen her. He forces himself not to turn towards her. “It’s nice to see you again.”
Sera gives him that same cold smile before turning to her daughter. “Miso, you may go with your friend if you wish,” she offers. “You don’t have to stay with us. We’ll just bore you.” Everyone titters in response.
Yoongi is about to sigh inwardly in relief when, to his surprise, Miso shakes her head. “Thank you, Mother, but we’re just colleagues. Yoongi has other friends here. I’ll see you tomorrow at work,” she says to him smoothly, reaching over to switch her empty champagne flute from a passing waiter. She turns away again, this time with a sinking finality.
He swallows and backs away, before turning around and finishing the rest of his drink in one go as he walks away. He’s barely reached the bar again when his phone buzzes in his pocket.
Kang Chanel [18:50] I’m sorry. But you have to stay away tonight.
All of a sudden, the room seems a little brighter. Yoongi looks in her direction; she isn’t looking at him, standing silently and unsmiling among the other women of Seoul, looking terribly out of place. 
Min Suga [18:51] Why? I’m not afraid of your mother.
He watches as she subtly turns her phone towards her, her hand near her hip, and types out a reply with one hand.
Kang Chanel [18:51] You don’t have to be. Just do as I ask. Please.
Yoongi clutches his phone tightly, feeling every lingering ounce of worry and fear and downright uncertainty about Miso that he’s kept to himself the last two months while on tour. That’s the worst part: the uncertainty of what the hell her life is, of why she’s so guarded all the time. Every conversation he’d initiated stayed frustratingly limited to texting, making it far easier for her to divert the topic every time it came to her. 
“How’s it going?” Hoseok appears from seemingly nowhere, tapping his fingers on the bar. “Um… one appletini and… one Long Island Iced Tea,” he says to the bartender before turning back to Yoongi. “Hyung?”
“Fine,” he says shortly. “What about you? Two drinks?”
“One’s for Chaeyoung,” he answers. “She’s been gone for a while and I just want to make sure she’s okay and stuff. Have a drink with her, make sure she’s not lonely or bored. I brought her here; it’s only polite.”
Yoongi nods absently before frowning. “Weren’t you on Namjoon duty?”
“Yeah, but you’re going to have to take over now. If you want company, you can ask… no, Jimin is hanging around Sooah… oh, Taehyung is free,” he offers. “He and Jungkook are discussing the conditions for Dilara’s race this weekend but other than that, they might be fun.”
He considers this. “Sure. Not like I have anything else to do,” he mutters, taking his second whiskey and hopping off the stool.
Something is off with Yoongi, Hoseok is sure. But he isn’t about to let that negativity dim his focus. He grabs the drinks and snakes through the crowd to where he sees Chaeyoung with a couple of vaguely familiar chaebol-turned-actors, and Park Jimin. They’re all smiling and talking, and she has her phone out as one of them talks deliberately into the speaker.
“And that’s my official statement,” he declares, winking at her as Hoseok comes closer.
Chaeyoung laughs and locks her phone deliberately. “Thank you. I can’t wait to hear your unofficial statements now.” She turns to see Hoseok. “Oh - hey.”
“Hey,” he says, casually making his way in between her and the guy she was talking to. “Thought I’d get you a drink, in case you’re too busy to get one.”
“Oh, well… technically, I’m working,” she says sheepishly, accepting it anyway. “But one drink won’t hurt, I guess.”
“The more, the better,” her new friend says.
“Hyung, did you get a drink for me, too?” Jimin pipes up hopefully.
“Nope. Who are your friends?” he asks Chaeyoung, smiling frozenly at the other two.
“Oh, this is Lee Eunwoo -” she points to the first one “- and this is, of course, Kim Baekhyun from The Lost Ship,” she finishes, smiling brightly. It’s a different smile, Hoseok notices. He wonders if this is her work smile; either way, he knows it’s one he’s never seen. “This is -”
“J-Hope!” One of them - Eunwoo or Baekhyun - says loudly and in mild wonder. “Honour to meet you!”
Slightly mollified, he nods. “Er, thank you. Are you both -”
“Drinks!” he continues, snapping at a waiter and beckoning for him to come over. Hoseok frowns at him while Chaeyoung and Jimin visibly cringe, and watches as he supplies Jimin and his friend with fresh drinks. “To BTS!” he declares randomly, holding his glass out so everyone clinks theirs with it. 
“Chaeyoung was telling us about her job,” says the other one - Hoseok can’t remember which one he is. “She’s been working very hard tonight,” he adds, giving her another wink.
Hoseok imagines knocking his glass out of his hand so his drink spills down his crisp white shirt. “She’s a hard worker. Always has been,” he says instead, throwing a brave arm around her shoulders. He ignores Jimin’s raise of the eyebrows and the slight pink tinge that appears on Chaeyoung’s cheeks.
He hangs around there for a while, a chaotic group of twenty-somethings drinking with gusto at what was supposed to be a classy event. Sooah joins them for about ten minutes as well, taking a short break from her organising duties, and somehow influences everyone to chug their drinks and get fresh ones.
“I’m good,” says Chaeyoung, good-naturedly declining another drink. Sooah doesn’t push and Hoseok, relieved at Chaeyoung’s decision, is about to decline another one as well when one of the chaebols gets involved.
“I thought we were just getting started!” he groans jokingly. “It’s seven-thirty - the drinking has barely commenced,” he adds, taking another drink from a waiter, who pauses expectantly with the remaining drinks on the tray.
Something about the guy’s - Eunwoo, Hoseok decides - statement sounds vaguely challenging. Hoseok knows better, though. He should know better, but the image of Eunwoo winking at Chaeyoung compels him to accept another flute of champagne and clink it hard with his.
“Hoseok, are you sure?” Chaeyoung asks in a low voice.
“Of course, I am,” he answers, even as his vision swims slightly. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because you’re kind of leaning on me a bit,” she tells him, holding his shoulder to steady him.
“Isn’t that what friends are for?” he asks vaguely, taking another long swig of the bubbly champagne and feeling it go directly to his head. It stings his throat pleasantly and he welcomes the sensation, the only other ones he’s completely aware of being Chaeyoung’s hand on his shoulder and the familiar flowery scent.
She chuckles. “Sure. But maybe you should drink some water?”
It sounds like a good idea. He bites his lip, though, and looks down at Chaeyoung seriously. “And you’ll stay right here when I’m gone?”
“Absolutely,” she promises. “I won’t go anywhere.”
“Alrighty. I’ll come find you.” He pats her head and makes his way to the bar, using all his concentration to walk to the bar in a straight line. The further he gets away from that noisy group, the steadier he feels. He reaches the bar and stops himself next to a woman nibbling on an hors d'oeuvre. 
He does a double take when he notices her. “Nari?” He blinks a couple of times to confirm that it is indeed her. “Wh - hey! It’s been a while. Are you here with, um…”
“Jin? No.” She shakes her head. “I’m here with Yoongi, actually?”
Hoseok wonders if he’s heard her correctly. “Really?” When she nods, he frowns. “Min Yoongi? Like, our -”
“Yes, that one.” She rolls her eyes as her drink arrives, along with Hoseok’s glass of water.
“Oh.” He takes a slow sip. “Does Jin hyung know?”
Nari exhales heavily. “It was his idea, apparently. Unfortunately, my date seems to be very busy and has been MIA for most of the evening so far.”
Hoseok feels rather like he’s missing something, but he’s intrigued. He locates Chaeyoung with some effort, still with the same group, Jimin still with them. Almost as though she can hear his train of thought, she catches his eye and waves, miming drinking something.
“She’s cute,” remarks Nari. “Do you know her?”
“Yeah, she’s my date,” he says, surprisingly easily.
“Mhm. Like a date-date or a date you kind of abandon once she’s inside?”
“Erm… a date-date.” Hoseok chews his bottom lip awkwardly. “God, I hope they serve the food soon,” he says after a few moments.
“Me, too,” she starts to say when, to Hoseok’s immense relief, Namjoon and Yoongi approach them, the latter giving Hoseok a meaningful look as he trails slightly behind the leader.
“Please tell me they’re serving the food soon,” groans Namjoon, placing his empty glass on the bar and standing next to Hoseok. “Oh - hey, Nari.”
Nari nods at him while Yoongi stands on her other side. “Cheers,” he says quietly, clinking his glass with hers, apparently not noticing her motionless stature. “Where’s Jin hyung?” he asks after a moment.
“No idea. How’s your night going?” she asks in turn, a slight bite in her tone.
He shakes his head. “Crap.”
She doesn’t bother answering, choosing to sip at her drink instead. “I could really use some food,” she mutters, mostly to herself.
“I’m heading over to the appetiser station. If you want to come,” offers Namjoon indifferently.
“Sure, why not?” With that, she and Namjoon leave the bar without another word to Hoseok or Yoongi.
“Wait, aren’t you supposed to go with him?” Hoseok hisses.
“Namjoon is a big boy. He can manage himself for a while,” says Yoongi dismissively. His eyes roam the hall, searching for Miso. Every moment that he doesn’t see her feels like something bad waiting to happen; the memories of the last time they were at a party and she disappeared from his sight haunts him. How late he’d been to save her, what possibly happened as a result of it… it’s kept him up more nights than he cares to count, despite Miso herself absolving him of any guilt.
His anger at the enigmatic Kang Jaesung rises again, as it has at various times in the last couple of months. He’s not here tonight, though; Yoongi has checked the guest list with Sooah, but it’s no matter. Miso’s father isn’t here, but her mother certainly is. 
Miso’s message floats through his mind. He knows he should adhere to her wishes but it’s so hard, so difficult to sit here and do nothing and know nothing when he has at least an inkling of how horrible her parents are. Just as he’s struggling with this dilemma, in an insane coincidence, Kang Sera takes Nari’s vacant spot and orders a drink.
Yoongi freezes, noting vaguely as Hoseok floats away with a fresh drink in his hand. Before he can decide whether to say anything, she seems to notice who he is.
“Miso’s friend,” she exclaims, the same half-smile on her face again. 
“Yoongi.” He pauses. “Nice to meet you again.”
“It’s nice to meet a friend of Miso’s. It doesn’t happen very often, actually,” she chuckles. “Remind me again how you know each other?”
“We’re co-producers at Big Hit,” he answers. “We’re in the same - we used to be in the same team. Until recently.” He bites his lip.
“Oh?” She raises an eyebrow. “Why aren’t you anymore?”
She wanted a change and I pushed her into it without knowing. “It’s just part of the deal,” he says instead. “We all work with different producers.”
“Interesting. You’re the only one I’ve ever heard of, though,” she points out. “I’m glad she has a friend. I worry about her sometimes, you know.”
Yoongi lowers his head, trying not to look too confused. He’s insightful enough to know that she’s not being genuine about concern for her daughter, but he also can’t tell what she’s getting at. 
“She’s - she’s good at her job,” he says eventually. “We’ve worked together for a while.”
It’s back, the cold smile, as though she’s forgotten how to show real happiness. “That’s great. You should come home sometime, in that case. For dinner. We have a world renowned private chef who can make you anything you like.”
Yoongi nods his head in silence, more preoccupied with imagining being seated opposite Kang Jaesung at the dining table and keeping calm rather than the private chef and his prowess.
He feels a hand on his shoulder. “In fact, if you’re free -“ 
Something appears in between them and Yoongi realises a moment later that it’s Miso, placing herself between them with her back to him. Her hair brushes against his shoulders and his heart catches.
“Mother, Minseo from Balmain is here,” she says calmly, cutting her off. “She said she was looking for you, so I thought I’d look for - oh. Hello, Yoongi.”
She glances at him for barely a moment; he can almost believe that they hardly know each other. 
Sera raises her eyebrows and her eyes flit between both of them before she nods. “Of course. Have a good evening, Yoongi. And it’s rude to interrupt, Miso.”
With that, she sweeps away in a flash of finery and Chanel No. 5. 
“Wow,” he exhales, shaking his head. “Your mother is -“
“Unbelievable,” hisses Miso, glaring at him before stalking away in the opposite direction from her mother.
“Wait, what?” Momentarily stumped, Yoongi abandons his drink and follows her. She’s fast, though; he doesn’t catch up with her until she’s halfway to the appetiser station, by the giant four foot menus with he five-course meal printed on it. There are fewer people here and she automatically slows down.
“Miso -“ He reaches for her arm but she flinches out of his grasp.
“What do you think you’re doing?” she whispers furiously, her head farting around cautiously.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to - look, you told me to stay away from you and I did, but -“
“When I said stay away, I meant from me and my family. Especially my mother,” she adds with a disgusted look. “Why can’t you just do what I ask, for once?”
“But I didn’t even do anything - she came up to me.”
“So? You couldn’t have walked away?”
“No, that’s rude!” he exclaims, still in the same exchange of whispers, sighing when she scoffs in disbelief. “Look, can you just tell me why -“
“No, I can’t, because it’s none of your business,” she snaps. “Stay away, Yoongi. I mean it.” As though completely unaware of his stomach sinking into his knees, she storms off in a sea of white.
Nari states at her reflection in the women’s powder room, the entire area bigger than her living room. She’s starting to realise she has no idea why she’s here or why she’d ever wanted to come in the first place. 
Even worse, she has no idea why it occurred to her one second after she told Seokjin that she wanted to go, that he would be bringing his girlfriend along. Far from it being a way to gingerly reconcile, it’s only serving to remind her why she’d chosen to stay away all this time.
She hasn’t seen any of the others for longer than a few seconds. Hoseok already seems on his way to getting wasted, Jimin greeted her warmly but then scooted off, while Taehyung and Jungkook haven’t been spotted at all.
Ironically, the only person she’s actually talked to tonight has been Namjoon, the one person Yoongi advised her dryly to try and avoid. It was one of eight words that her blessed date had uttered to her before disappearing. Namjoon was clearly in a bad way but misery loves company, and on some cathartic level, Nari was glad to be miserable with someone else who was also miserable.
Except Namjoon knew what he was miserable about. Nari had only an inkling that she refused to get into right now, when the stall door behind her opens, and Seulgi appears.
“Oh.” She looks surprised as well, taking a beat before standing one basin away from Nari. “Hi. Haven’t seen you much tonight.”
Nari nods, not looking at her. She wishes Seulgi hated her. She wishes she hated Seulgi, but beyond a nagging indifference, she can’t find anything.
She is not the problem, says a voice in her head. The voice is knowing, and Nari shuts it up instantly. 
With a huge effort, she meets Seulgi’s gaze in the mirror. “Yeah, I’ve been… around,” she answers. “Went out to get some air and stuff.”
Seulgi nods. She seems far more guarded than she had during the dinner, much more like their accidental chance meeting at the coffee shop. ��Yeah, it’s more crowded than I thought it would be. Seokjin’s been in work-mode all night, talking to all these important people.” She shakes her head and half-chuckles. “It’s kind of boring.”
Tell me about it. “I’m just here for the food,” says Nari wryly.
A smile flashes across Seulgi’s face as she washes her hands. “Me, too. Can’t come soon enough.” She pauses. “You came with Yoongi, right?”
“Sort of.”
“Right. Seokjin told me. I wasn’t sure - I saw you with Namjoon a couple of times so I thought maybe…” She shrugs uncertainly.
There’s a couple of seconds where Nari processes what she means. “Oh. No. God, no.” She shakes her head vigorously. “No, no. Absolutely not.”
Seulgi raises her eyebrows at this emphatic denial. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Sorry. Didn’t mean to assume.”
“That’s okay.”
She nods and begins rummaging in her clutch for lipstick. Nari sneaks a glance at her, wondering wildly for a moment what would happen if Seulgi’s assumption was true. If she and Namjoon did hook up tonight, the amount of alcohol it would take for that to happen, how Seokjin might react…
A moment later, she shakes her head, a little shocked at the road her thoughts took. She sticks her hand out under the faucet and rinses them with rigour, as if hoping to get rid of her momentary insanity.
She and Seulgi exit the powder room together, an awkward distance maintained between them.
“Do you want to join us for a drink?” Seulgi asks, pointing towards the party.
Nari follows the direction of her thumb and sees Seokjin standing with Taehyung and another person she doesn’t recognise, the latter two doing all the talking while Seokjin stands with them, hands in his pockets and comfortably silent. 
He doesn’t like these parties at all. There was a time, aeons ago, where Nari would be studying late at night and would suddenly get a text from Seokjin, complaining about the number of people he was around. They would then engage in a game of reverse twenty questions where Seokjin would get a picture taken with a handful of guests, and he and Nari would invent an entire background and personality for them.
That was Before, though. Now, Nari looks at Seokjin and then at Namjoon across the room where he’s speaking to someone else, nodding with a forced smile on his face. It’s a choice between mostly comfortable silence and minor small talk with a friend, and feeling like her heart is getting squeezed further with every breath she takes.
“Maybe later. Thanks.” Nari waits for her to nod before walking towards Namjoon, deliberately not looking in Seokjin’s direction. “Hey,” she says to him, as his companion floats away. “Do you want another drink?”
“Always,” he mutters, and they head to the bar and order two whiskey sours. Namjoon leans against the bar and surveys the room, exhaling. “Can this night end already?”
“I know, right?”
Namjoon frowns slightly. “Didn’t you come here with Yoongi? Where is he?”
“Who knows?” It was annoying her before, but now she’s over it. Mostly. “Last time I saw him he was talking to some lady at the bar.”
“Really? Who?”
“The rich one.”
He chuckles without humour. “That narrows it down,” he agrees wryly as their drinks arrive. They don’t bother moving but as it turns out, they don’t have to. Her aforementioned date appears then, frowning deeply at nothing in particular as he holds a glass with a tiny bit of golden liquid in it. He gives both Namjoon and Nari a cursory nod and finishes the rest of his drink in one go.
Before they can exchange any more words, Seokjin arrives with Hoseok in tow. He meets Nari’s eyes and gives her a tentative smile that she tries to return before averting her gaze. Namjoon’s words have reminded her of Seokjin’s role in this mess of a situation; his monumentally stupid decision of setting her up with someone who obviously didn’t want to be set up.
“Uh… Namjoon?” Seokjin asks delicately, his eyes on his glass now. “Is that your… fourth? Fifth drink?”
Namjoon pauses, his glass halfway to his mouth. “Third. Why?”
He shrugs. “Just. None of us have actually… seen you drinking for a while, so we weren’t sure. But, okay. Third is… not bad. Third is good.”
Nari struggles not to roll her eyes at how transparent all three of the newcomers are, and if she can tell what they’re up to, Namjoon certainly can.
“I’m fine, hyung,” he says at last. “Just letting loose a little bit.”
Yoongi scoffs, so softly that Nari takes a moment to realise. “What have you been the last two hours then?”
“Keeping your date company,” he shoots back calmly. “Good thing I didn’t bring one, turns out.”
On her other side, Yoongi nods, his jaw hard and his tongue in his cheek. “Not by choice, though.”
Namjoon freezes and even Nari winces inwardly. In front of her, Seokjin purses his lips as though bracing himself for something, while Hoseok openly flinches with his entire face.
“Is that what this is?” Namjoon asks after a moment, looking around at them. “You’re… what? Trying to keep tabs on how much I’m drinking because I went through a break-up?”
“Of course not,” says Seokjin the same time that Hoseok says, “Not exactly.”
Namjoon raises his eyebrows. “I’m doing a lot better than him,” he points out, gesturing at Hoseok, whose face is a brilliant red and is gently swaying next to Seokjin.
He looks like a deer caught in headlights at being called out, before his face relaxes slightly. “Ah, don’t feel bad, Namjoon,” he slurs slightly, placing a sympathetic hand on Namjoon’s shoulder. “We’ve all had fights with girlfriends, so we - we get it,” he says, gesturing towards all three of them.
Yoongi scoffs again. “Yeah, except we don’t make it everybody else’s problem.”
Seokjin clicks his tongue. “Yoongi,” he snaps admonishingly, sneaking a hesitant glance at Namjoon.
“I need some air,” he mutters, not looking at Yoongi. He places his glass on the bar in a deliberate motion and makes a show of displaying his empty hands to everyone, before leaving their small circle and striding away.
There’s some truly awkward silence while Nari sips at her drink for lack of anything better to do. Seokjin is still giving Yoongi a pointed look that the latter is avoiding while Hoseok, rocks back and forth on his feet before letting out a loud breath.
“Okayyy,” he says slowly. “So, I’m going to go find Chaeyoung. You know… make sure she’s doing okay and everything.” Nodding at his own words, he walks away in careful, straight steps.
Nari immediately foresees further discomfort, whether or not either Seokjin or Yoongi leave next, so beats them to it. “And I’m going to go…” She looks around hopefully, spotting Seulgi with Jungkook and deciding that even that is a better pair to be with right now. “... somewhere else.”
Yoongi avoids Seokjin’s gaze, interrupted briefly as he watches Nari walk away, before it returns to him.
“You really had to go there? We all know why he is in such a bad mood,” says Seokjin sternly, “but why the hell are you?”
Yoongi can’t bring himself to respond, for the answer is simply too ironic. The image of Miso walking away from him, her face when she’d first seen Sera speak to him, and her stinging rejection of his desire to help her make him want to yell into a dark tunnel.
Seokjin shakes his head in disappointment and walks off, leaving Yoongi alone to stew in his hideous mixture of anger and stress, and now guilt and shame. His feet take the lead, directing him automatically to Namjoon who has stepped outside near the smoking zone, both his hands in his pockets.
Yoongi stops beside him, half-hoping he’ll walk away. But he doesn’t; in fact, it doesn’t even seem like he’s registered the presence of another person.
“It’s a lot of second-hand smoke,” remarks Yoongi weakly. When Namjoon doesn’t respond, he sighs. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.”
Namjoon shakes his head once, slowly, presumably indicating his acknowledgement. Yoongi nods and is about to leave, except now that this topic has been broached, he can’t seem to follow his usual habit of not prying.
“I don’t get it, though,” he says, trying his best to be gentle. “How bad was this fight that she broke up with you? Is it the long-distance thing again? Because you’re on tour? I mean, it’s understandable that -”
“It wasn’t a fight,” interrupts Namjoon, not looking at him. “And she didn’t break up with me. I broke up with her.”
Yoongi frowns, for none of them would have guessed that. “What?” he exclaims, unable to keep the surprise out of his voice. “Why?” 
Namjoon is quiet for so long that Yoongi thinks he may not answer at all. “Someone broke into her house,” he answers finally, his voice barely more than a whisper.
A ripple of shock flows through Yoongi. “What? Like… by a burglar?”
“No. By fans. Our fans,” he clarifies, clearer now. “My - “ He breaks off, his tongue sharp in his cheek.
Yoongi remembers the few weeks of intense scrutiny and stress in the aftermath of that leaked video. It’s not hard to put two and two together. “Oh, shit,” he mutters, feeling another stab of guilt he wasn’t expecting to feel tonight. “Is she okay?”
“Yeah, she’s…” Namjoon trails away, then shrugs. “They didn’t hurt her this time.”
There’s a beat of silence. “Wait… is that why you ended it?” He tries to keep his tone neutral but isn’t sure he’s succeeded. 
“I had to. This can’t happen again.” There’s a note of finality in the way he says it, and Yoongi knows he’s not meant to argue with him. He bites his lip as he watches Namjoon, his jaw tight and his eyes frozen straight ahead.
“How - how did she take it?”
He makes a sound of defeat. “She hates me.”
Yoongi tries to picture Kaya - beautiful, mature, dusky-skinned Kaya with adoring eyes when she looks at her taller boyfriend - hating Namjoon, and he decides he can’t. “I’m sure she doesn’t hate you. She’s probably angry, maybe -”
“Oh, she is. But I don’t care.” He does a double take at Yoongi, then looks away. “I mean… of course I care… but she’s safe. She’s angry but she’s safe.” He swallows and continues looking resolutely ahead. “I’ll take any amount of anger from her if it means I’m doing what I can to protect her.”
Something in the way he says it makes Yoongi feel extremely sorry for Namjoon. The logic of his decision aside, it occurs to Yoongi how his twenty-six year old leader probably wrestled with this alone, and suddenly his jab at the bar seems extremely petty.
“Namjoon…” he begins, feeling distinctly like a bad friend and brother, “why didn’t you tell us?”
He shakes his head. “We’re on tour. And it’s not your problem.” He says it matter-of-factly, a moment before he squeezes his eyes shut and presses his thumb and middle finger against them. “But I’m sorry,” he adds. “I haven’t - I haven’t been a good leader.” He sniffs and exhales, not responding to Yoongi’s resolute shake of the head. “I’ll be inside in a minute,” he says, giving Yoongi a momentary glance.
Yoongi nods and grips his shoulder supportively before heading inside. The hall suddenly seems too small, too crowded and too stifling. He needs a cigarette, he decides, and heads to the lobby after checking that it’s devoid of photographers or fans. He passes by the powder rooms on the way to the coat check, when the door opens and Miso steps out, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.
“Oh.” He halts, not knowing what more to say to her. She opens her mouth as if to say something, but apparently thinks better of it, side-stepping him and starting to walk away.
Namjoon’s words play in his mind. I’ll take any amount of anger from her if it means I’m doing what I can to protect her. It’s not the same situation, but it’s enough to spur Yoongi into action.
“Miso -” He waits until she turns around, then grabs her hand and motions towards the coat room. “Just one second,” he insists, immensely relieved when she rolls her eyes and follows him. Closing the door behind her and surrounded by designer shrugs, wraps and summer jackets, Yoongi finally breathes.
“You are impossible,” she states, but there’s less anger and more exasperation in her tone. “I swear, Min Suga, sometimes you act like you have nothing better to do than -”
Yoongi interrupts her. “I don’t care if you’re angry,” he declares.
She looks taken aback for a second at being cut off, but then her eyes narrow. “Excuse me?” she asks icily.
He hesitates; somehow, the words sounded far more impactful and heroic when Namjoon uttered them. “I just mean…” He closes his eyes, gathering his thoughts. He really doesn’t want to go overboard. “I don’t want you… to be angry with me. I’m not trying to make you angry but… Miso, I’m not afraid of your parents, okay?”
Miso sighs. “Yoongi -”
“And if I should be, at least tell me why,” he continues. “Because asking me to forget about it or pretend it doesn’t exist is not working. If you’re afraid of your mother, then -”
“I’m not afraid of her,” she blurts out, sighing and placing her hands on her hips before dropping them to her sides. “God, Min Suga… I can’t believe you’re making me say this. Do you remember that time I told you that my mother was sleeping with my twenty-four year old maths tutor?”
Yoongi frowns in surprise, remembering a cold night outside the Big Hit studio, shared cigarettes and mutual bickering. “Uh… yeah. You said you made that up,” he reminds her.
She gives him a look. “Obviously, you know I didn’t. She was sleeping with him… but I was sleeping with him first.” She doesn’t give Yoongi time to process this statement. “Right before I left for Australia? I was in a… situation with a classmate of mine. But then I ended it with him because I found my mom’s earring in his car and I left the country.”
Yoongi’s throat feels stuck. “What are you -”
“My mother was very young when she got married. My father ignores her. She craves attention, especially when it’s someone else’s.” Miso shakes her head and looks away. “And for some reason, she’s got it in her head that I’m her competition,” she finishes in a low voice.
There’s something she isn’t saying, but it’s also clear from the way she folds her arms across her chest that she isn’t going to. Something tugs at Yoongi’s heart as he watches Miso stare defiantly at something behind him, until her eyes dart up to him and she rolls them.
“Jesus, don’t make me spell this out, Min Suga,” she snaps, dropping her arms. “Just… do what I ask and stay away.” She doesn’t move, though, her hard gaze subsiding.
Yoongi closes his fingers into a fist to make sure his hand stays at his side. “You have nothing to worry about,” he says softly. 
Miso’s eyes flicker. “I’m not worried about anything.” But the annoyance and chagrin is fading and unlike every time she’s held his gaze while making some sort of sarcastic point, this time she’s struggling to hold it with the same confidence.
“Good.” His fingers loosen and he lets them. “You shouldn’t be.” He just about registers the statement dawning on her before he steps forward and kisses her, one hand in her hair and the other hovering against her elbow.
He can tell she wasn’t expecting it so he waits for her, waits until the shock wears off and she hesitantly responds, her eyes fluttering shut and her lips slowly increasing in pressure. He opens his mouth against hers only when she does, euphoric that she’s finally, finally telling him something. 
She tilts her head up a bit more and places one hand on his chest for support, and Yoongi gently clutches her hair, suddenly resonating so desperately with Namjoon’s words.
The door of the coat room opens then and Miso jerks away from him. Both their heads whip around to see Nari in the doorway, the surprise in her face already fading away when she sees Yoongi. With a quiet scoff, she steps back and pushes the door shut again.
Miso lets out a shaky breath. “Shit. Who was that?”
“Nari. She’s a friend. Don’t worry,” he adds when she turns slowly towards him again. “She won’t tell anyone.”
She nods and Yoongi realises his hand is still in her hair. He retrieves it with care, his heart still racing with what just transpired. Miso bites her lower lip as her gaze falls to the floor, licking her lips before she looks up at him again.
“Min Suga,” she murmurs, pursing her lips slightly. “You really shouldn’t have done that.”
He shrugs, trying to ignore the pit of disappointment in his stomach. “Too late.”
She shakes her head slightly but doesn’t look angry, or sad, or afraid. But there’s something in her eyes, something conflicted that convinces Yoongi not to regret his impulsive act. She reaches up and rubs the side of his lower lip with her thumb and he has to stop himself from taking her wrist. The skin is clear now but the memory of the bruise around it, something he’s now sure he knows the cause of, stays burned in his mind.
“Wait a couple minutes before you leave, okay?” She raises her eyebrows until he eventually nods, watching her as she slips out of the room and closes the door behind her. 
Alone, Yoongi muffles a groan into his hands. He obeys her, though, counting down the seconds until he deems it appropriate to leave. On his way back to that wretched party, however, he’s accosted by someone.
“Yoongi!” Kang Sera gives him a pearly smile, still guarded, still assessing. “What a coincidence. I haven’t seen Miso around for a while - would you have any idea where she is?”
Yoongi shakes his head, not trusting himself to speak.
“Oh. Never mind.” She tilts her head slightly and her eyes soften. “I do hope you’ll consider the offer I made, though. It would be so nice to have one of Miso’s friends over for dinner.”
He imagines admitting to Miso that she might be onto something, imagines the smugness that would accompany her response. She would be insufferable at his admission and for some reason, the thought excites him immensely.
“Thank you, ma’am, but that looks a little difficult. Have a good night.” He bows before she can say anything and continues past her, feeling more energetic than he has the whole night, his lips tingling.
Jungkook glances backwards at the appetiser station longingly, wishing they weren’t on tour so he wouldn't have to simply watch people eat. As fancy as the menu looks, they still haven’t served dinner and he is famished. Luckily, he’d managed to sneak in a protein bar in his jacket on Taehyung’s advice and in a fortunate turn of events, the coat room is out of the way enough from the main hall that they can break the rules.
He marches in a straight line, head down and careful not to draw any attention. Sneaking around the attendant at the desk, he slides towards the door, only to see it slightly ajar. He moves to open it a little further when he hears a voice inside - crying.
Or not crying, exactly, but there’s a shaking of the voice and some sniffling, and Jungkook feels his insides cringe at the awkwardness of catching someone in a moment of vulnerability. His stomach rumbles again at that moment and he closes his eyes, knowing he needs that protein bar before he snaps and swallows a tempura roll whole in public.
“- everyone else!” The voice cries, the voice high-pitched yet in a clear effort to not be loud. “No, no, that’s not what I’m saying, but you -” The voice, a woman’s pauses, and Jungkook can hear the garbled sound of a response through a phone speaker, sounding far calmer than her.
“But everyone else is here! You didn’t come for the Spring Gala last month and now this - it’s so embarrassing every time!” She pauses again and scoffs. “She’s fine! How does that matter? Is she all you care about?” There’s another pause and a sniffle before the woman responds, this time sounding far more annoyed. “She has some friend here, apparently. Doesn’t seem very impressive,” she adds in a mutter.
Jungkook wonders if he can sneak in anyway. The hunger is killing him and this woman seems so invested in her phone call that she might not notice him at all. Biting his lip and holding his breath, he slips into the dim room and looks around for his jacket. There are rows of clothing, though, and he hasn’t a clue how to locate his own.
“You said that last time, too! Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” There’s the sound of a response again, followed by the unmistakable click of the call ending. The woman sniffles again but stops abruptly. “Is someone there?” she asks sharply.
Jungkook freezes, but before he can devise a way out, the woman appears from behind a row of coats and glares at him through red eyes. 
“I’m sorry,” he blurts out. “I was just looking for my, um -” He looks around desperately, hoping his black jacket will pop out to him from the sea of other black jackets.
To his surprise, the woman simply shakes her head and dabs at the corner of her eye with a knuckle. She’s beautiful, in an old-fashioned, seventies movie kind of way, her dress dripping with diamonds. Terribly uncomfortable, Jungkook clears his throat. 
“Are - are you okay?” he ventures bravely.
She turns away and sniffs again. “Fine. Just alone.” 
She says no more and Jungkook takes that as his opportunity to get the hell out of here, protein bar be damned. He can survive a few more minutes before dinner; he’s survived worse. 
“Well, I’ll just…” He trails off and makes a beeline for the door when she turns to him again. He halts, trying not to look too panicked at the sight of his exit behind her.
“You look familiar,” she states, frowning slightly. She smells of something vaguely sweet. It’s not perfume; it takes him a moment to realise she smells like Jimin - like cocktails. “Have we met before?”
“I don’t think so,” he answers, although she looks somewhat familiar as well, like one of the many faces on the socialite pages in Seoul’s local newspapers.
She gives him a watery smile. “Pity.” She reaches out and smooths down the collar of his shirt. “Such a handsome boy. I knew so many like you when I was your age. I’m sure you have a girlfriend, though.”
Jungkook shakes his head wordlessly, feeling his ears and neck heat up. She’s really close, this woman. Her nails are painted a calm nude and her cheeks and nose are rosy, probably from the crying. 
“Imagine that,” she murmurs, reaching up and kissing him. Jungkook is too shocked to move, freezing in his spot and feeling with staggering clarity her lips against his, the taste of her lipstick and her hand cupping his neck. It takes a few more seconds for it to click and the horror to settle in, and he immediately steps away.
“Sorry, I - I’m not…” Unable to form a full response, Jungkook passes around her and dashes out of the coat room.
Nari hurries out of the hotel, welcoming the slight chill of the evening and the fresh air after the pervasive goldenness of the hall. She’ll miss the dinner but nothing is worth staying another second at the most boring party she’s ever been to.
She ignores Seokjin and continues on her way, eager to make it past the gate to where Jason will pick her up. She hears him shout her name again but doesn’t turn until she hears his footsteps right behind her and he suddenly comes into view.
“You’re leaving?” He sounds slightly breathless. “Already?”
“Seokjin, this has been a crappy night and I really don’t want to do this with you, okay?” she states and tries to skirt around him but he stops her.
“What? What did I do?” he asks, looking genuinely baffled. “I’ve been trying to talk to you all night but you’ve been avoiding me ever since you got here. Then I thought I should probably leave you alone because I saw you with Namjoon and then Yoongi for a little while -”
“You want to know what you did?” Nari feels as though she might burst. “How about setting me up on a date without asking me?”
Seokjin frowns in bewilderment. “Who are you - wait, are you talking about Yoongi?”
“How about setting me up on the worst date of my life, with someone who couldn’t even be bothered to talk to me all night?” she continues, ignoring him because now that she’s begun, she can’t seem to stop. “And then there’s Namjoon, who seems borderline suicidal, while Yoongi is making out with some girl in a coat closet and Hoseok seems to be on the verge of passing out while you’re -”
“Okay, wait, wait - hold on!” He interrupts her, looking thoroughly confused. He doesn’t speak until Nari falls silent. “Who was Yoongi kissing?” Nari turns to leave in a huff but Seokjin grabs her arm again. “And also… I’m confused. I thought you liked Yoongi.”
“I do like Yoongi. He’s a good guy - but a terrible date,” she informs him. “And I can’t believe you’d set me up with him! It’s like you don’t know anything about me - when have he and I ever had anything in common?”
“But -” Seokjin shakes his head. “Nari, I didn’t set you up. You said you wanted to go and he had an extra ticket, so I suggested he check with you. That’s all.”
Nari swallows, her heartbeat loud in her ears. “Yeah… he checked with me and asked me to go with him?”
“On a date?” Seokjin doesn’t look convinced. “Did he actually say it was a date?”
“Yes, he - oh, my God. He didn’t.” She freezes and covers her mouth with her hands. “Oh, my God.” Did she just imagine a date? She feels light-headed, suddenly reminded that she hasn’t slept properly in thirty hours. Her stomach crawls in embarrassment and she squeezes her eyes shut before turning around on the spot and starting to walk away in bigger steps.
“No. No way.” Seokjin darts in front of her again. “You don’t get to be mad at me and yell at me for something I didn’t even do.”
“Oh, believe me, I know this was all me, okay?” She shudders, unable to meet his eyes out of sheer humiliation. “I’m leaving. We’re on the same page.”
“No, we aren’t. I don’t want you to leave.”
“Tough. Move, Seokjin.”
“Nari -” He grabs her shoulders for one moment, stopping her in her tracks before releasing her. “You are mad at me. You’re mad at me about something but you don’t want to talk about it, so you’re just looking for other reasons to be mad at me, just so you can be mad at me. But I’m done,” he declares, and she hasn’t seen him look this serious in a long time. “I’m done being your punching bag and I’m done letting you chew me out until you tell me what’s actually bothering you.”
Her heart races uncomfortably. “Seokjin… I’m sorry I blamed you, okay? But I… nothing’s bothering me. I just want to leave.”
“Bullshit.” He fixes her with a look, his jaw sharp and his eyebrows slanted. “For heaven’s sake, Nari. Seventeen years. We’ve been friends for seventeen years - what is so bad that you can’t tell me?”
“It’s not… bad.”
“Then why can’t you tell me?”
“Because you didn’t do anything wrong!” she blurts out, frustrated. “You didn’t do anything wrong,” she repeats. “But I’m mad at you anyway, which means this is my problem. I can’t tell you because… because you can’t do anything about it.”
Seokjin swallows. “Tell me anyway,” he says quietly.
There’s a loaded silence between them and Nari knows it’s because they’ve reached the crux of the issue, the thing they’ve been avoiding all this time.  
But maybe this is it. Maybe this is the time. It would make a mess of everything, but maybe it wouldn’t. Maybe it would become easier if she put it into words, if she took a risk and stepped over the line once in her life.
Taking a step forward, she takes a deep breath. Her hands go up to his face, thumbs on his cheekbones, only an inch above her own. She bravely meets his gaze. He isn’t stopping her, or stepping away. His eyes flicker, and it’s anticipation. Nari glances from his eyes to his mouth, pink and plush, and touches it with her thumb before moving closer.
Do it. Every cell in her body wants to do it, to take the plunge and deal with whatever comes out of it. But even as she talks herself into it, her heart sinks because she knows, she knows that despite what she feels, it will make no difference if she drags him down with her, if she is the reason he becomes a cheater. So, she drops her hands from his face and steps back, feeling her heart bang against her ribcage painfully.
“Nari - ”
“I wish,” she says, looking at the ground as she searches her heart for the moment it all went wrong. “I wish… that after you kissed me at Hyeri’s house… I wish I hadn’t left.”
The last word lingers in the night. “So stay now,” he murmurs, almost pleadingly.
But Nari shakes her head. “It’s not really the same thing. It’s fine, Seokjin. Really.” She takes a deep breath. “I need to sleep anyway.”
Seokjin looks like he wants to argue, but doesn’t. “How are you getting home?”
“A friend is picking me up.” She doesn’t mention a name but something in how he nods makes her quite certain that he knows she means Jason. “I’ll just…” She trails off when she sees someone else behind him. “Jungkook?”
Seokjin frowns and turns around and they both see Jungkook ambling out of the hotel, looking dazed. “Oi, Jungkook!” Seokjin exclaims when he doesn’t answer.
Jungkook’s head snaps up, and he looks slightly unfocused. “Hey,” he mutters, trudging over to them.
“Are you okay?” Nari asks, observing his quiet demeanour.
He nods immediately. “Yeah, yeah. Just… not feeling well.” 
He’s clearly lying, but Nari doesn’t pry. “Okay. I’ll drop you home in that case. Come on.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen and he nods gratefully. “Yes, please.” He looks over at Seokjin. “I already told Namjoon hyung and he said we don’t have any pictures left…”
“Go,” agrees Seokjin, glancing at Nari. “And… take care.”
Nari doesn’t move for a moment, sharing a look with Seokjin before following Jungkook out of the gate.
“Careful, careful…” 
Chaeyoung takes careful, deliberate steps as she helps Hoseok up the steps. Her heels dangle from one hand and his shoes dangle from one of his, from when he’d insisted on taking them off because he didn’t believe that she should be the only one barefoot.
“That’s not what it means to be a date,” he’d slurred as they crossed the street to her apartment building a few minutes ago.
Chaeyoung had given up on trying to make him put them on, focusing instead on ensuring that his phone, house keys and car keys were with her, along with her own belongings, and getting him into her apartment in one piece.
“I still don’t understand why you kept drinking,” she says admonishingly as they begin ascending the last flight of stairs. “Just because one guy says he won drinking games in college doesn’t mean you make it your mission to compete with him. Especially when you’re clearly out of your depth.”
“Hey, now wait a minute,” he replies, his words flowing into each other. “I didn’t do it for fun. I did it for a good reason.”
“Which is?”
“That he was being an obnoxious jerk.”
Chaeyoung rolls her eyes as they reach her doorstep. Fumbling a little with her keys, she manages to open the door and drag Hoseok inside, who stumbles into her tiny living room and flops onto the couch.
“Is it just me or is it sweltering?” he asks, taking off his jacket and groaning.
“It’s just you,” she confirms, chucking her heels to the corner and heading inside to the kitchen. “Don’t move,” she instructs him on her way out. “I’m going to get you some water.”
Hoseok smiles dreamily in acknowledgement. “Careful, caterpillar. You’re starting to sound like an adult.” But his tone is filled with fondness and endearment, enough that Chaeyoung is willing to overlook the ancient nickname.
“I am an adult,” she informs him, returning with a bottle of water and dropping it softly into his lap. He leans back and grins up at her, cheeks red and hair ruffled. “In fact, after tonight, I think I’m the adult here,” she points out, sitting down next to him. “Drink.”
He obeys without fuss, downing almost half the bottle before emerging breathlessly. “Wow, that was…” He glances at the bottle and squints “... cold.”
“It’s summer.”
“Thanks.” He sighs hugely. “Okay, I’m going to take off.”
“Wait, what?”
But Hoseok is already standing before he halts, swaying slightly before stumbling into Chaeyoung when she stands up to stop him.
“You are wasted, Hoseok,” she reminds him, pushing against him to make him sit back down. “Unless you can get one of your friends to come pick you up, you’re not going anywhere. I didn’t drive your gigantic car all the way here just for you to crash it into a lamp post.”
He pouts. “Buzzkill.”
Chaeyoung sticks her tongue out at him but is relieved when he doesn’t argue further. “You should lie down or something, oppa,” she tells him.
To her surprise, he nods, looking drained and on the verge of passing out. “I should,” he agrees weakly.
“Come on,” she says, standing up and helping him up. She steers him to her bedroom, glad he’s taken off his shoes and jacket already. “Why don’t you lie down and I’ll see if -” She breaks off when he falls on the bed onto his stomach, groaning.
Chaeyoung purses her lips in sympathy. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I have any clothes that will fit you.”
“Issokay,” he mumbles into the pillow, his eyes already fluttering shut before he opens them with some effort. “Don’t you want to sleep, too?”
“Yeah, I will.” She pauses, taking a moment to register how absurd this would be to ten year old Chaeyoung; taking care of Hoseok, the love of her life, because he got drunk trying to keep up with every person she talked to tonight. “Hoseok,” she says after a moment, her own voice sounding slightly different. “I’m going to get you the rest of that water and one of those Pop Tarts you brought me back from America. You shouldn’t sleep on an empty stomach. Okay?”
He cracks a smile, his eyes still closed. “You smell nice.”
Chaeyoung doesn’t bother suppressing her smile at that. When she returns from the kitchen, Hoseok is asleep.
Hoseok wakes up the next morning and immediately wishes he was asleep again. His head pounds with a vengeance and his stomach feels bloated and empty at the same time. As soon as he thinks it, he feels the bile in his throat and immediately scrambles out of the room and into the hallway bathroom, and throws up all the contents in his stomach.
Ten minutes later, after puking his guts out and lying down with his forehead pressed to the cool tiles, he emerges from the bathroom and shuffles into the kitchen and dining area. Chaeyoung is scrambling eggs and the smell of fresh coffee wafts from the machine in the corner.
“Wow,” she comments, looking up with the spatula in her hand. “You look like hell, Hoseok.”
He responds noncommittally and sits at the small table, dropping his head onto his arms. He remembers two things right then: the first, that he has dance practice starting in exactly one hour, and the second, 
“Would you like some eggs?” she asks cheerily. “There’s coffee, too.”
“How are you not drunk?” he demands, raising his head and wincing.
She glances back at him with a frown. “Because I didn’t drink enough for a whole army? I was able to come home, change, drink water, scroll through Instagram for a while and wake up after a nice sleep.”
Hoseok is about to remark that he must have been dead to the world to not notice her awake when he catches a glimpse of the sofa. “Wait,” he says slowly, taking in the pillow and folded covers. “You slept on the sofa?”
Chaeyoung shrugs. “Yeah. Why?”
“But -” His shoulders fall. “I didn’t mean to kick you out of your own room. You could’ve slept there, too - there was  enough room.”
“Yeah, I thought about it, but I didn’t want it to be accidentally weird this morning,” she reasons calmly, bringing him a mug of black coffee with ice floating in it. “And the sofa is totally comfortable. So don’t worry about it.”
“But -”
He opens his mouth to continue arguing but stops. “Yes, please,” he mutters sheepishly. “Thanks, Chae. Really. I owe you one.”
“Even after the braces and schnapps thing?”
“Especially after that.”
She grins and places a plate of toast and scrambled eggs before him. “Eat. You’ll need the energy. Especially if you were serious about the whole Harry Potter marathon thing. Actually,” she adds, frowning, “don’t you have dance practice?”
“Um -” It’s a simple question but he can’t seem to answer it. “Why?”
“I distinctly remember you mentioning it to me in the car. I definitely remember you warning Namjoon not to be late or you’d throw a shoe at him,” she adds dryly. “If it helps, he promised he would do his best to be on time.”
“Huh.” The schedule is on his phone; Hoseok suddenly remembers he hasn’t seen it at all this morning.
“Your phone is on the centre table,” she supplies, pre-empting his question when a soft ding sounds. “Oh, that’s the Pop Tarts.” Both of them leave the table in opposite directions. 
Hoseok checks his messages and then his calendar. Yep, dance practice in forty-five minutes. He bites his lip; while he is feeling remarkably better than he had when he’d woken up this morning, his head still feels a bit heavy and his throat feels dry as sawdust, despite the coffee.
Just then, his phone pings.
Jimin [8:15] Leaving in 5. Suga hyung, Namjoon and Jungkook are already in the building. What’s your ETA?
It’s a good question. If he’s planning to drive his car home, shower, change and then leave, he might make it on time by the skin of his teeth. 
“Everything okay?” Chaeyoung asks from the dining table, legs long and lean in her cotton shorts as she leans slightly over the table and places the Pop Tarts in the centre.
Then there’s the alternative. Chaeyoung’s sofa, Chaeyoung’s food, Chaeyoung’s Harry Potter marathon. He wonders how he would ever justify it to himself when he realises he already has.
Hobi [8:18] Threw up this morning. Might have food poisoning. I’ll try to come in after lunch. Sorry.
Sending it, he slides the phone into his pocket and tugs open the collar of his dress shirt. “No practice,” he says as he returns to the table. He returns Chaeyoung’s surprised expression with a shrug. “This is good toast, by the way.”
She beams, taking a bite of her own. “Thanks.”
Hoseok grins back, feeling his stomach do a backflip. “Now,” he says, dusting the crumbs off his hands, “when are we starting this marathon?”
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justimajin · 5 months
The Profit & Love Statement » Pt. 22
↠ Pairing: Seokjin x Reader
↠ Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst
↳ 4k / CEO AU
↠ Summary: Through hours of endless training and hard work, Kim Seokjin is finally the CEO of Kim Electronics. He has everything at his hands - status, money, power. He owes it all to you, his rigid and sarcastic mentor who overseed his entire training. But as he steps into the shoes of becoming the CEO, he can only wonder what it means for your relationship now.
↠ Warnings: domestic yoongi, bts being chaotic
↠ A/N: This will be bit of a side chapter with the other characters!
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↠ Next Update: Tuesday, November 28 (series masterpost here)
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Yoongi's never looked worse.
He’s dressed in black baggy pants and a ruffled white t-shirt. His shoulders are bowed, deep eye bags lining his eyes and hair absolutely messy. 
Hoseok speaks up about his haggard appearance. 
“Hyung, are you okay?” 
“I’m fine.” He states, as if it was a fact. 
A low cry resonates through the home, and he sighs. “I’m not too sure about Haru though.” 
Hoseok takes a step into the home, followed by Jungkook who trails behind and widely glances around. 
“How’s Hana?” The younger man dwells. 
“Tired – very tired.” He shuts the door behind the two of them. 
Hoseok is utterly speechless. 
Yoongi is incredibly systematic, whether it was consistently keeping his office organized or always having the same black coffee resting on his desk during work hours. His home is typically kept in the same fashion, contained within a small living room and kitchen, two bedrooms and one bathroom. 
In summary, the man is very put together on normal days. But Hoseok can’t say the same for today. 
The living room is littered with both baskets of laundry and several small children’s toys. 
A young boy in a white shirt and blue overalls suddenly runs into the room. He stumbles straight into Yoongi, glancing up at him with bright cat-like eyes. 
Yoongi softly smiles, “Hi, buddy.” 
Leaning down, he lifts him up into his arms and Hoseok pokes the boy’s cheek. 
“Hi! It’s Uncle Hobi!” He giggles, a large gummy smile emerging on full display. 
Jungkook glances at Yoongi astonished, “Hyung, he looks just like you.” 
“It’s the Min genes.” He warmly retorts, gazing down at his son. 
A new voice pitches in, exhaling with fatigue. 
“Yoongi, she wants you– oh.”
The woman that emerges from the bedroom door appears to be in her early to mid thirties, dressed in sweatpants with a dark cardigan thrown over. Her light curly locks have been tightened up into a messy bun, lethargy evident in her sluggish expression. 
The corner of her lip lifts.
“I didn’t know you guys were here already.” 
“Hana!” Hoseok loudly exclaims, going in for a hug immediately. “It’s been too long.” 
“It has been.” She grins, “I’ve heard that instead of going out on dates, you’ve been buying dead plants.”
Hoseok’s mouth drops wide open and Hana crosses her arms. “You know you have to take care of those, right?” 
He glances at Yoongi, exasperated. The latter merely shrugs with a smile. 
“If you’re not going to hear it from me, take it from her.” 
Hoseok pouts and Jungkook shuffles over, smiling sheepishly.
“Hi, Noona.” 
“Jungkook.” She greets, stepping forward to hug him. “Congrats on the new job.” 
He smiles, “Thanks.” 
She deeply exhales, “Thank you for coming here today guys. Normally, we’re okay, but…” 
Her and Yoongi make eye contact, and he speaks up. 
“We really need a day off.” 
A sharp cry resonates through the room. Immediately, Yoongi reaches out, putting Yoonsun into Hana’s arms. 
“I’ll go check on her.” He mumbles, before swiftly entering the second bedroom.
She sighs, “We’ll only be out for a couple of hours. This one is calmer,” She lifts Yoonsun with a smile, who giggles, “–much like his father, I believe. But Haru has been having trouble with falling asleep on schedule.” 
Hoseok nods, leaning down to set his bag aside. He glances at Jungkook with confidence. 
“I think we’ve got this.” 
Hana nods, stuffing her hand into her pocket. She takes out a sheet of paper with scribbles on it as Yoonsun plays with her hair. 
“Here’s a list of everything you need to keep in mind.” She explains, “Don’t hesitate to call either me or Yoongi if you need anything.” 
“Where are you going, Noona?” Jungkook wonders, a sly tone to his voice. 
A giant grin stretches on her lips. 
“Well, my husband’s promised me a nice and quiet dinner, but–” She leans forward, as if she was telling a secret. “I plan on getting absolutely wasted and dragging him down to karaoke.” 
Jungkook chuckles and her eyes crinkle. 
“Maybe wait for your husband to leave before revealing all your plans.” Yoongi strolls up behind her, a two-year-old girl settled in his arms.
The corner of Hana’s lip lifts, “As if you would say no to me.” 
Yoongi scoffs and she snickers, before putting Yoonsun down onto the ground and kneeling to his small height.
“They’re going to be looking after you for a while.” She whispers, softly ruffling his hair, “Be on your best behaviour, okay?” 
The boy eagerly nods. “Is Dad going too?” 
“Dad has to go.” Yoongi mentions, handing Haru to Jungkook, “Otherwise Mom might come after him for not taking her out.” 
She gyrates around, sending a playful glare in his direction. Yoongi simply grins. 
After a moment had passed, Hana and Yoongi had proceeded to get dressed for the night. 
Hoseok let out a low whistle once Yoongi had emerged, dressed in a perfectly ironed out dress shirt and black shacks, clean-shaven and hair parted to the side. He had mumbled something along the lines of wanting to look nice for his wife, to which Hoseok had grinned at. Hana had been waiting for him by the door, dressed in a deep jade green dress and slipping on a pair of stilettos. 
She had looped her arm around his, departing with Yoongi and he reiterated to call if they needed anything. Hoseok had opened the door for them, whisking them away and wishing them a good time. 
It had been a few moments since their leave. 
“Alright then,” Hoseok spins around, “How much do you know about taking care of kids?” 
Jungkook shrugs, “Not much, just what Yoongi hyung has told me about them.” 
“Okay…” He ponders, “I’m sure it’ll be alright. They're just kids, after all.” 
A huge optimistic grin surfaces on him, “How hard could it be?” 
The sound of a harsh cry breaks them out of their thoughts.
They both whirl around at the same, noticing that Yoonsun was situated on the carpet of the living room, occupied with building some toy blocks. The sound comes again, this time radiating from the second bedroom. 
Hoseok and Jungkook burst into Haru’s room. 
The two-year-old shakes on the small bed, having observed the absence of her parents.
Hoseok scoops her up, cradling her. “There, there, Uncle Hobi is here~” 
She grabs a fistful of his hair, “Ouch.” 
“Maybe she’s hungry?” Jungkook suggests, turning around. Hoseok follows behind him into the kitchen, attempting to break out of the little girl's strong hold. 
“The list said she can eat cut up fruits and veggies.” 
“Fruits and vegetables…” Jungkook is scanning the fridge, astonishment crossing him at the way the shelves are all carefully organized, with everything having a place. “Wow.” 
Hoseok chuckles, “That’s Yoongi for you.” 
Haru wiggles in Hoseok’s grasp, excited fingers pointing towards the apples in one section. Jungkook laughs at her actions, taking them onto the counter. 
He quickly peels one, cutting it into the small slices. 
“Here comes the airplane~” He motions the apple around. Haru flails her arms around and nearly jumps out of Hoseok’s lap.
She grabs it immediately, chewing on it with puffed out cheeks. 
“She’s too cute.” Hoseok states, looking down at her as if she can answer, “How did you come from Yoongi?” 
“Between the two of us, I personally think she has to be all Hana.” Jungkook points out. 
Hoseok chuckles, glancing around. 
“Say – where’s Yoonsun?” 
A frown mars Jungkook’s lips, before his eyes widen at seeing the toy blocks abandoned. 
“He was right here.” He states, quickly filtering through the two bedrooms. To his dismay, he can’t find the young boy and panic starts to arise within him. 
The bathroom door creaks out and Yoonsun stands outside of it, blinking at Jungkook's frantic form. 
“Oh, thank god.” Jungkook holds onto his hand. 
But Yoonsun stares at him with large eyes. 
“Where’s Dad?” 
“Your Dad went out with your Mom for a while.” He explains. 
His eyes well up without warning, and before Jungkook can say anything– 
Yoonsun bursts into tears. 
Jungkook scrambles to hold him in his arms, attempting to rock him back and forth. But he doesn’t consider that Yoonsun is older than Haru by three years, picking up on Yoongi’s absence far more. 
“Hoseok hyung.” He bursts into the kitchen, “I-I don’t know what to do.” 
“Speak for yourself.” Hoseok deeply sighs. 
Jungkook’s irises round, noticing Hoseok holding up the little girl in his arms with a tinged mixture of apple all over his clothes.
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“Okay, I get that, but–” You huff, annoyed. “Hoseok, stop crying for one second.” 
The statement earns you strange and concern glances from nearby shoppers. You wince, reminding yourself to keep your voice down. 
You were situated in front of a handful of changing rooms, seated on a cushioned bench with your phone in hand. 
Your day had been going good, until well, this phone call. 
“You just need to clean up and wait,” You explain, “Don’t feed her right away.” 
Hoseok continues to bombard you with questions, and you hear somewhat of a shriek come from the background. 
“Was that Jungkook?” 
“N-No!” He hurriedly responds, but then you hear a ‘I lost him again!’ and it’s a dead giveaway. 
The curtains in front of you pull back and Jin emerges out, dressed in a tailored black suit. He smiles in your direction, but frowns upon noticing the hints of distress in your expression. 
He points to your phone and you sigh lightly, gesturing that you’ll tell him afterwards.
Instead, he decides to draw your attention to the suit he dons, spinning around. Your mouth twists, and you shake your head, finding it far too similar to the suits he wears to work.
Glancing around, you survey the various suits and land on a particular dark blue one. Eyeing light up, you arise from your seat, placing it against him and nodding enthusiastically. 
He chuckles at your reaction, heading back into the changing room.
You plop back onto your cushion, alarmed from the silence. “Hoseok?” 
“Sorry, still here!” He nearly yells, cutting off your hearing, “There’s just a lot going on.”
“Will you guys be okay?” You softly question. 
“We’ll be fine!” Hoseok reassures, despite you clearly hearing Jungkook’s voice in the background. “I’m going to just call Taehyung over. He loves kids!” 
“Doesn’t mean he knows how to take care of them.” You retort, glancing at your watch. “Look, if I leave in a couple of minutes, I can be there soon.” 
“No, no! You were supposed to go out with Jin and–” 
“Tell me honestly, Hoseok.” You state, “Do you have the situation under control?”
“Y/N, please come over.” Jungkook’s voice blares through, and you presume he yanked the phone from Hoseok’s grasp, “Don’t listen to him, we could use the help.” 
You hear Hoseok in the background let out a small ‘Hey!’ before there’s more crying and his voice disappears completely. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll be there.” Jungkook mutters a quick thank you before the line cuts off and Jin emerges from the changing room. 
The dark blue looks incredible on him, contrasting nicely with his brown hair. It’s fancier than the previous suit, and adds a mature air around him. 
“It looks nice.” You softly smile, getting up instantly. 
“Looks like this one’s the winner then.” He grins, eyes glancing at the phone in your hands, “Trouble in paradise?” 
You let out a drawn out sigh, a grimace crossing you. 
“I might have some bad news…” 
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Taehyung pulls a silly face for the infinite time. 
Hoseok scoffs, “I told you that’s not going to work!” 
“It always does!” Taehyung protests, attempting to pull another peekaboo one – to which Haru cries even more. 
Jungkook rolls his eyes, glancing at the man near the foyer who’s currently in the midst of taking off his coat and shoes. 
There’s remorse in his eyes, “Sorry for dragging you into this.” 
Jimin’s eyes light up and he shakes his head. “It’s okay, we were just at the movies and the film was close to its end.”
He gestures to Taehyung, who continues with his antics. Jungkook softly smiles at the thought of the two of them spending time together, musing that they’ve grown close. 
“May I?” Jimin asks, gesturing to the attached boy in Jungkook's arms. Jungkook places him down and Jimin kneels, fondly smiling. 
“Hi there, my name is Jimin.” 
“I’m Yoonsun.” The boy stares at him, sniffling a bit, “Do you know where my Dad is?” 
“He’s out right now, but I have a picture of him.” Jimin reaches for his phone, displaying a selfie he took with Yoongi at karaoke. 
Yoonsun’s eyes are wide and he curiously shuffles over to Jimin, staring at the screen in fascination. 
Jungkook watches in disbelief, “How did you know to…?” 
“I look after my nieces often.” He mentions, bringing Yoonsun into his lap for a better view of the phone. 
Jungkook nods, sitting down with them and scrolling through his phone for any pictures of Yoongi. But he pauses himself, glancing over at Hoseok struggling and Taehyung, who hadn’t been much help. 
He mulls over if he should just call Yoongi and Hana at this point. It was his absolute last resort, not wanting to probe and let them enjoy their evening together. 
There’s a loud knock on the door. 
He gets up, eyes twinkling at the inkling of who it might possibly be. Twisting the lock, you stand before him, taking in the chaos of the home. 
The apartment is a mess – belongings and different children's toys scattered everywhere. You find the two children quite swiftly, Haru being with Hoseok and Taehyung, her small eyes red as they horribly attempt to get her to smile. Jungkook and Jimin are on the ground with Yoonsun, who seems glued to a brightly lit phone in Jimin’s hands. 
Every single person’s head spins at your entrance and you are thoroughly shocked. 
“Y/N!” Jungkook gets up in relief and Hoseok practically tackles you. 
“You came!” Hoseok screeches. 
“What happened in here?”
There’s a second voice behind you, and everyone turns to see Jin step inside the home, his irises as wide as your own as he scans the area. 
“Jin?” Jungkook cocks his head to the side, not quite expecting him to appear. 
You shrug, “I thought it’d be helpful if we both came over.”
“Where do we even begin?” Jin ponders, shrugging off his coat and shoes instantly. You follow his gestures, not quite having an answer. 
“Anywhere, honestly.” Jungkook states, letting out a deep exhale. 
You take your collective belongings and set them aside. Jin proceeds to step over the toys on the ground, picking up things along the way. You observe as he scolds Taehyung at the same time, telling him to leave his things in one place rather than scattering them. 
Jungkook glances at you amused from the display. 
You grin, “What’d I tell you?” 
You take long strides towards Haru, just as Jin gestures to Jungkook and Jimin to move over to the couch. Picking her up immediately, you carefully sway her and step into the bedroom. 
Haru’s eyelids begin to flutter close, a small yawn leaving her lips. 
Hoseok blinks, wondering if a miracle just occurred before him. 
“How were you able to do that?!” 
“I was just rocking her back and forth.” You lift her up and place her into his arms. “It’s a soothing motion that can help with sleep.” 
Hoseok hums, cautiously trying to repeat what you had done. Sure enough, Haru holds onto him, another low yawn leaving her lips. 
Hoseok looks up in astonishment and you smile. 
“That is amazing!” 
“Right?” You gesture for him to lie her down, “It was something I did often with Yuna and she would fall asleep right away.” 
Hoseok nods, watching over her with a bright smile. You quietly peer out of the bedroom, noticing Yoonsun with Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung. The living room appears considerably better, with toys no longer scattered everywhere in a disarray. 
You find Jin in the kitchen. 
“Do you need any help?” 
He turns, occupied with grabbing packets of ramen noodles from one of Yoongi's cupboards. 
“Just heat up some water for me.” 
You hum, moving to grab a pot. Taehyung shows up as you’re filling it up, glancing at the two of you. 
“Hey, do you guys–” He freezes, gaze landing straight at you in front of the stove. “Wait, Y/N….You’re not cooking, right…?”
A nervous laugh leaves him and you swivel around with a frown. “And if I was?” 
Taehyung immediately holds his stomach. “You know what? On second thought, everything here seems to be under control so maybe it’s best I go hom—” 
“I’m not cooking!” You proclaim, ignoring how Jin’s attempting to stifle his laughter. 
“Really?” Taehyung looks at you bright-eyed and you huff. 
“Who’s not cooking?” Jungkook pokes his head in, raising a playful brow. 
Taehyung chimes in. “Y/N isn’t!” 
“Oh, thank god.” Jungkook whispers, but you still catch it and glare at him. “I-I mean, your cooking has such…such interesting taste–” 
“Save it.” You retort, turning to Taehyung. “What did you need in the first place?” 
His eyes widen, “Oh, strange request, but do either of you have pictures of Yoongi?” 
Before you can say anything, Jin takes out his phone. “It depends. I have a couple I took while he was training me, but they’re mainly me trying to be cute and Yoongi being annoyed.” 
Your mouth drops open. “You got pictures of him while training?” 
He cheekily nods and you watch as he presents the pictures to all of you. The majority of them are of him throwing up peace signs or smiling, with Yoongi in the background either deadpanning or grimacing. 
“Damn, he’s really got just one expression.” Jungkook retorts as Taehyung claps his hands in satisfaction. 
“Okay! I think these can work.” Jin nods, following behind him into the living room. 
You watch as he leans down to Yoonsun. 
“Look,” He whispers with a grin, “It’s your Dad who loves me very much~” 
A laugh escapes you as Yoonsun takes Jin’s phone in fascination. 
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Yoongi is as bewildered as ever. 
Firstly, his wife is drunk out of her mind. Yes, she’s still able to stand and mutter coherent words here and there, but she pretends like she needs him around, latching onto his arm and not letting go. Yoongi doesn’t mind, watching over her carefully and even letting her drag him into a karaoke room after dinner, to where she proceeds to sing old cheesy romantic songs to serenade him. 
She’s cute – he knows. There was a reason why he mustered up all his energy in saving up for a ring, proposing to her underneath a starry night with the cool breeze of fall after one of their many dinner dates together. Hana hadn’t skipped a beat in saying yes, taking his hand ever since that day. Their two children had been like a blessing to him and throughout all the hardships, he considers himself lucky to have her as his wife. 
The second reason for his confusion…has nothing to do with his date at all. He checks his phone a couple of times, surprised to see no new messages and calls. Although he had trusted Hoseok and Jungkook with his children, he’s aware of their lack of experience with them and half-expected a frantic call at any time during the evening. But he’s greeted with no notifications. 
It’s odd, but he shakes it off, wondering if he perhaps misjudged the situation. It’s true that his first instinct was to have asked you, but considering you had mentioned to him that you were looking forward to going out with Jin over the weekend, he had decided against it. 
After all, who but him to understand wanting to spend time with your significant other. 
He reaches the door to his house, puzzlement crossing him. 
“What is it?” Hana mumbles against his shoulder, her hands still tightly wrapped around her husband’s arm. 
“It’s too quiet.” He whispers, eyes darting around.
Were the kids asleep? Were Hoseok and Jungkook okay? 
Putting his keys in, he twists the lock and enters with Hana. 
To be fair, he wasn’t too sure what to expect at that point, but he’d be lying if he wasn’t utterly shocked. 
Everything’s clean – down to the stacked laundry baskets on the side and the absence of littered toys and blankets around the living room. The kitchen’s clean too, bags of garbage long removed and a handful of dishes, including several pots and bowls, scrubbed and left to dry by the sink. 
The first person he finds is Taehyung, who’s snoring loudly on his couch. Next to him sits Jimin, who’s leaning against the foot of the couch with his eyes closed. 
Jin is there as well – asleep like the others, but his phone is in his hand and within his arms is Yoongi's son, whose eyes are softly shut. 
He hears light footsteps, eyes widening to see you emerge out of the bedroom.
“Oh, hi.” You whisper.
“Y/N!” Hana excitedly throws herself onto you, and you quickly catch her with a warm chuckle. 
“Long time no see, Hana.” 
She sheepishly grins at you and Yoongi’s eyes flicker around. 
“What are you doing here?” He questions, “And where’s Hoseok and Jungkook?” 
“They left about an hour ago.” You bring them over to the kitchen, so as to not disturb everyone’s slumber. “They weren’t in the best condition.” 
Yoongi leans against the counter, “Was it that bad?”
You grimace. “Define bad.” 
He looks at you intently, “Did Hoseok cry?” 
“A little–” You chuckle, “He mostly was exhausted, and left looking like he hadn’t slept in a week. Jungkook on the other hand, was okay and calmed down after eating Jin’s ramen.” 
“Well, sounds like they had a fun night.” Hana snorts and Yoongi chuckles, shaking his head. 
You smile and shrug, “They tried their best.” 
“And you?” 
“Both Taehyung and I came when Hoseok called us in panic. Jimin was with Taehyung and Jin was with me.” 
“Oh, so that’s Jin?” Hana widely smirks, pointing to his sleeping form. 
You grow flustered at the observation, “Yeah, that’s him.” 
She has a silly smile on her lips and Yoongi slowly walks over, picking up Yoonsun from Jin’s arms. 
“Dad?” He sleepily mumbles, and Yoongi grins. 
“We’re back.” He whispers, “Were you being good?” 
He tiredly nods and Yoongi hugs his son, softly caressing his head. 
Hana warmly smiles, “Haru’s asleep by the way, it’s been a couple of hours.” 
Her head spins around. “You got her to sleep?”
You hum, “I can show you what we did.” 
“Thank you, Y/N.” She holds onto your hands, “We weren’t expecting you to come, but I’m glad you did.” 
“Of course.” You reassure, “Thankfully, I wasn’t alone.” 
She childishly grins, peeking at Jin from the corner of the eye. “You know, I do have a word of advice for you.” 
You lean down and she whispers in your ear. 
“With men like that, you’ve got to put a ring on it fast.” 
Her words only result in a deep flush spreading across your cheeks. She mischievously laughs, directing her fond gaze over to Yoongi smiling down at Yoonsun.
49 notes · View notes
bteezxyewriter12 · 1 year
Pairing- Jin x Named Reader
Word count- 4.2k
Includes- risque photo shoot, fingering, oral, pussy eating, cum swallowing, missionary, taking pictures during sex, riding, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Jin Masterlist
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"Are you kidding?", I ask my best friend
I'm completely shocked that she'd ask me this
"No I'm not kidding Jinnie. I trust you and I'd rather you do it than some stranger"
"You do know I've never done this before? I photograph fashion shows, not model shoots"
"Yeah but you know what you're doing. You had to take classes on all kinds of photography when you were in school right?"
I did
I could do what she's asking
But it's her
"Jin please? I don't want some stranger taking these kind of pictures. I feel comfortable with you"
I know she's comfortable with me
We've been friends since we were toddlers
I just didn't know she was this comfortable with me
"Why do you want this kind of pictures anyway?"
She sighs, "My agent said I needed riskier pictures to show agencies and photographers that I'm up for modeling anything. She suggested lingerie and nudes"
Her agent suggested this?
"Look, I'll pay you as if I hired you. We can be professional and pretend we're not friends"
I snort, "You're not paying me"
She raises her eyebrow, "Yes I am. This is a legit photoshoot Jinnie. It's your job. I want high quality photos. And I'm not taking anything for free"
I scoff, a little insulted, "You think I wouldn't give you high quality pictures for free?"
"I know you would Jinnie but I can't let you do it for free. You're taking your time that could be used for another shoot. You're using your materials and equipment that can be used for legit work. I'm paying you"
"No you're not"
She's insane if she thinks she's gonna pay me
I do lots of photography for our friends for free all the time
I'm especially not going to take money from her
"That's the deal", I interrupt, "If you want me to do this, I will but I'm doing it for free. You never have to pay me for anything Jo. Never"
She huffs, crossing her arms, "Fine. Thank you"
I nod, "Where so you want to do this?"
"Uh couch I guess. I want tasteful pictures, not porno ones on a bed"
Yeah I doubt I could keep a hard on from forming if it was on a bed
As it is it's going to be so hard to not get hard
Especially with my feelings for her
Yes it's the cliche falling in love with your best friend trope
I just fell hard when we were teenagers and it's always been her
Yes I've had girlfriends but I've never loved any of them
And she's completely oblivious
She's like that with most things but when it comes to me she's completely blind about my feelings although I tried to make her aware of it without saying it
I eventually gave up and figured she doesn't see me like that
It sucks but I don't know what I can do
Nothing now because she's seeing someone
Not a boyfriend but a guy she's been dating
Pisses me off but whatever
If she's happy, I'm happy for her
"Alright then", I tell her, "You should go get ready and I'll set up everything"
She nods, "Thanks Jinnie"
"Sure Jo. Anything for you. You know that"
She smiles, taking my breath away then leaves to her room
I let out a breath, telling myself that this is just like any job
Yeah right
How I'm gonna do this I don't know but I will, for her
While she's getting ready, I pull out my camera, laptop and all the equipment I need
Her couch is near a window and I pull the curtains back, deciding to try to use natural light
If it doesn't work, I'll set up the lights
On my camera, I make sure the battery is full and switch the SD card to a blank one
I take a few pictures to make sure everything is working and clear
"Uh Jinnie? Are you ready?"
"Yeah Jo, I'm rea-"
My words die on my lips as I stare at her
I don't know where to look
At her big boobs in the small bra, the tiny panties, the stomach piece attached to panties or the strings attached to garters around both thighs
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I had no clue she had her belly pierced or a big tattoo on the right side of her body
'Stop staring!', I yell at myself
I avert my eyes to her beautiful face, her eyes done in pretty eye makeup, her lips glossy
Fuck me
"You ok Jinnie?"
"Yeah. Fine", I say
I'm so not fine
"Let's start", I say, wanting to get this over with
She nods, getting to the couch and sitting on it
She puts her arm on the arm rest, leaning against it, her long brown hair falling over her shoulder
She looks at me and I swallow hard, raising the camera and taking the picture
She moves and I take picture after picture of her
Of her in the same position but laying her head on the arm rest
Of her leaning back against the couch
Of her sitting with her legs tucked under her
Of her sitting with her back to me, looking over her shoulder, a small smirk on her face
Another where she's laying on her side, looking innocently into the camera
Another of her laying on her back, one arm above her head, biting her lip
And each one makes me harder and harder and I hope to God she doesn't notice
"We got lots of good shots", I tell her
She nods, "Great. Should I take the lingerie off?"
"I uh...sure"
"Well should I just take it off or are you going to take pictures while I do? Would those be good shots"
Christ, she's trying to kill me
"Yeah I could do that. They'd be nice shots"
She nods, unbuckling the strings on the garders, peeling off the stomach piece
Then she takes off the garders from around her pretty thighs
I'm taking pictures of everything she's doing and hyperventilating at the same time
'Be professional', I yell at myself
I have to pretend this isn't the girl I want
I have to pretend this is a stranger who booked me
I have to stay professional
She reaches around her back and the next thing I know, she's pulling the bra down, her big perky breasts exposed
Oh my god
She drops the bra, then stands up, pulling down the strings of her panties, slowly taking them off
They pool at her ankle and she steps out of them
I choke on air, seeing her completely naked
She's fucking gorgeous
And her pussy is so fucking pretty, so small
She sits on the couch and I take pictures of her doing similar poses to the ones where she was dressed
She lays down on her back, and I move closer, taking a picture from above, a small smile on her face
I swallow hard, lowering the camera and checking the picture
My eyes move from the camera screen to her lower stomach, right above her pretty pussy
Biting my lip, I can't tear my eyes from that piece of skin
I don't even know that I'm touching her until I see my hand run over her skin
I snatch my hand away, cursing myself but at the same time loving how soft and smooth she felt
I need to get a grip
I feel her hand on mine, my eyes moving up to hers
She puts my hand back on the same spot
"You can touch", she says so softly
I can what?
Did I hear her right?
She sits up a little, taking my camera and gently placing it on the floor
Then she takes my other hand and puts it on her chest between her breasts
My heart is pounding in my chest and my brain is not working
"You can touch if you want", she repeats
Her words finally penetrate my brain and my hands move on their own
I run one hand down her body, feeling her skin tremble under my touch
Moving to her thighs, I slowly move my hands up, reveling in the way her skin feels
Getting to her breasts, I wrap my hands around them, squeezing softly
My gaze moves to her face and I'm completely in shock at seeing her eyes closed, biting her lip and what seems like pleasure on her face
Getting braver, I lean down, kissing the skin between her breasts
I almost don't believe what I'm hearing when she lets out a soft moan
"More Jinnie"
I can do that
I press more kisses on her skin, feeling it tremble beneath my lips
Moving to her nipple, I lick it, feeling it get hard under my tongue
"Mmm Jinnie"
I lick that nipple a few times then switch to her other, licking that one slowly
Once it's hard, I suck it in my mouth, tugging and playing with it
"Oh fuck Jin! Yes baby"
Hear her fuels me to keep going and I suck on her nipple like I can't get enough, rubbing the other with my hand
I play with her nipples for a little, listening to her soft moans
Then I press kiss after kiss to her skin, down her gorgeous body, my hands moving down slowly, more soft moans spilling from her lips
I can't believe this is happening
I stop right above her pussy, thinking kissing there would be going too far
She however, runs her hand in my hair asking, "Please"
Looking up at her, I ask, "Are you sure?"
She nods
Ok then
I press a soft kiss on the top of her pussy, loving how it feels under my lips
I kiss her a few more times, opening her legs as I move lower, feeling how wet she is under my lips
God I just want to eat her pussy
Looking up at her, I ask, "Can I taste you?"
"Yes Jinnie. Please"
Without saying anything, I lay my tongue on her pussy and slowly lick up
Groaning against her, I taste her and fuck she tastes incredible
I knew she would
"Jinnie!", she cries and fuck I love the sound of my name in her voice
"Wanna make you cum", I murmur, licking her again
"Yes yes yes", she yells
Thank god
Pushing her legs open more, I bury my tongue in her, swirling everywhere, running along her slit
"Jin! Oh my fucking god! Jin!"
Moaning against her, I grip her thighs hard as I roll my tongue over her clit
"Yes Jin! There! Fuck there!", she cries
Moving my tongue fast, I lick her throbbing bump over and over
As I do that, I move my hand and start pushing two fingers in
"Oh my god! Jin! Fuck Jin!"
As I sink my fingers in, I feel her tiny tight pussy suck them in
God she's so fucking wet it's all over my hand
I move my fingers in and out, slowly at first, picking up speed every few thrusts
She loudly cries my name over and over and I've never had a girl respond to me this way
Never this loud, never yelling my name like she is
I really like it
I'm making her feel really good, I always wanted to and I'm achieving it
Wrapping my lips around her clit, I suck hard and fast, her screams so loud in the room
Her clit is throbbing so hard against my lips, each pulse sending pleasure straight to my hard cock
Still moving my fingers inside her, I feel a soft spot and I press down on it
"Fuck!", she cries, her body arching slightly
Got her spot
I move my mouth faster, slurping on her small clit while I rub her spot over and over
Her hand plunges in my hair, pulling as she screams my name
"Jin! Jin!"
Her pussy pulses so fast, so hard as she cums, her legs shaking around my head
I finger and suck her through it, feeling my hand get fucking drenched
When it's over, I move back and pull my fingers out of her
I gape at how creamy her cum is
It's all over my hand and I immediately put my fingers in her mouth, tasting her
Oh my fucking god
So good, so sweet
I need more
Pushing her legs to her chest, I tell her, "Hold your legs"
She does and I look down at her pretty pussy
Spreading her lips, I lick along her entrance, cleaning up all her cum
I need more
Circling her hole a few times, I plunge my tongue inside her
"Fuck!", she yells, clenching around my tongue immediately, making me moan
Pulling my tongue out, I shove it back in over and over, tongue fucking her little pussy
"Jinnie! Oh my god! Don't stop! Baby!", she cries
That's not a problem as I'm not stopping anytime soon
Rubbing her clit with my thumb, I continue to fuck my tongue into her, loving the way she tightens around my tongue, the way she's creaming my mouth
"I'm gonna cum!", she yells, her body starting to shake
I wiggle my tongue in as much as I can just as she throbs hard, her cream coating my mouth
I swallow eagerly, licking back in for more
"Baby. So fucking good", I moan
"Fuck Jin"
Reluctantly I move away when she finishes only to be so shocked when her hand grabs my shirt and pulling me against her, her lips crashing into mine
Fucking fireworks go off in my vision, my heart beating so fast as I kiss her
She leans back down, taking me with her, her arms wrapping around my body
I go with it, slipping my tongue in her mouth, hers playing with mine
I feel her hands go under my shirt, softly touching me, my skin going crazy, trembling and shuddering
God her small hands feel so fucking good
As her fingers travel up my back, she takes my shirt along until she separates from me for the second it takes to get my shirt off
She throws it on the floor, her arms wrapping around my neck, kissing me passionately
Laying on top of her, my skin touches hers and it feels fucking incredible
As I kiss her, her hands continue to touch me, sliding down from my neck, down my body to my hips where she starts pushing my sweatpants and boxers down
She gets them a little down my thighs and I help her, pushing and kicking them off, our lips never parting
Her legs open widely, letting me lay between them
Her hand wraps around my dick, jerking me off softly
"Fuck", I moan against her lips
"I need you Jinnie"
Pulling away from her lips, I look at her in shock
"I need you", she repeats
"Uh where?"
She lets go of me, taking my hand and putting it against her cunt
"Here. I need your big cock buried inside me, need you to fuck me"
"I...I....uh...", I stammer, my brain not functioning
"Please? Fuck I wanted you for so long baby", she whispers
What the fuck is she saying?
"Please Jinnie, just once. Let me have you once"
I nod, crashing my mouth against hers
As I kiss her deeply, I move her legs around my waist, the head of my cock pushing into her tiny hole
She cries out as I sink into her, spreading her hole around my length
"Oh my fucking god. So tight princess", I gasp
Her pussy latches onto my cock so tightly, sucking me in as I move inside her, spasming so pleasurably, soaking every inch of my shaft
"Fuck Jin. You're so fucking hard baby. God you feel so fucking good", she cries, clinging onto me, "Please fuck me baby. I need you to fuck me right now"
"I will princess. I'll fuck you so good you won't want any other cock but mine", I promise her
I start moving, slamming into her cunt hard over and over, feeling her tiny hole split around my dick
It feels incredible, I can't believe it
I can't believe this is happening
I can't believe I'm inside her, can't believe it's my name she's screaming, that she's begging me to fuck her harder
I thrust in, moving my tip right into where I think her spot is
"Seokjin! Oh my fuck!", she cries, her body shuddering and I think I found it
Sitting up, I hold her legs open, looking down and watching the sight of my cock moving in her
Her pussy is creaming my cock so much, it's fucking pouring from her, making a huge mess
"Your pussy looks so fucking pretty stuffed with my cock", I tell her, "God, your tiny hole is straining to fit me in"
"It feels so good baby", she moans, "Fuck, I love your big thick cock"
I can't believe she's saying this to me or that's she's enjoying it this much
Her hands grip my wrists hard as I pound into her again and again
"Fuck so pretty", I murmur, watching her hole throb around me, "Would be such a pretty picture"
"Take one", she whimpers
My head snaps up, my eyes on her
"Take one?"
She nods, her eyes so fucked out, "Take a picture of your cock inside me. Take whatever pictures you want. Just don't stop fucking me"
"Are you sure?", I ask
"Yes Jinnie. I trust you"
Stopping my movements but staying buried in her, I lean over and grab my camera from the floor
My hands shake as I turn it on, focusing the lens on my dick completely inside her, her swollen lips wrapped around me so snugly
Snapping the shutter, the camera makes the sound that indicates a photo was taken
"Spread your lips for me princess", I ask
Her fingers move, holding her swollen pussy lips open
"Oh fuck", I whimper, taking a picture of her straining hole around my dick
Pulling back I move in slowly, taking picture after picture of her hole getting wider and wider the more I get in
My head hits her spot and she whines, shivering
Taking her hand, I put it on her clit
"Play for me princess. Make yourself cum on my cock"
Her fingers start moving rapidly, rubbing circles on her clit
Her pussy immediately throbs faster, clenching my cock repeatedly
I take a picture, focusing on her hand playing with her clit
Then I take a wider view of my cock inside her while she plays with herself
"So pretty baby"
She breathes faster, getting tighter and tighter, the pleasure amazing
I start grinding inside her, right against her spot to help her get closer
"Jinnie", she cries, "Oh god Jin! You feel so good baby. Fuck, I love your cock"
Her body shakes, her hand moving like lightening, her cream leaking around us
I take picture after picture of her pretty stuffed pussy, while watching her bring herself right there
Pushing her hand off her, I replace it with mine, rubbing her clit while I pull back a little then slam back in
"Seokjin!", she screams, her orgasm starting, her cunt choking my cock, sending me into fucking intense bliss
My eyes move to her body, her face and mouth drops at how stunning she is while she cums
I immediately lift the camera taking picture after picture of her- her body arching, her head pushed back into the couch, pleasure all over her face, her eyes closed, her mouth screaming my name
I can't believe I'm seeing her cum
Hell, I can't believe I made her cum
It's like a dream and if it is one I never want to wake up
As she finishes, her body relaxes into the couch, her breathing ragged
Moving my attention back to her cunt, I slowly pull out, capturing photos of her cream coating my cock
My head slides out of her but she creamed so much that there's a string of cum still connecting my head to her hole
It's so hot and of course I need a picture of it
After taking it, she sits up, pushing me backwards until I'm sitting against the arm of the couch
She climbs on top of me, getting my cock in her hole, taking me in and sitting against my skin
I look up at her as she brushes hair out of my face, her arms moving around my neck
She smiles, then presses her lips against mine
I put the camera down then wrap my arms around her, holding her against me as I eagerly kiss her
I honestly don't know what I'm going to do after this
I had her amazing kisses, I don't know how I'm going to go without them
Her tongue slips in my mouth as she starts bouncing slowly on me
With each bounce, she moves faster and faster, pleasure blasting in my body
Her hand moves into the back of my hair, pulling my head back, her soft lips pressing kiss after kiss to my neck as she rides me perfectly
The pleasure is insane, my hand gripping her hips, helping her slide up my cock and slamming her back down
"Fuck princess. Feels so good", I whimper, her tongue licking a spot on my neck
"No baby, you feel good Jinnie. Fuck, I knew you'd feel this good", she murmurs against my skin, "I knew you'd be perfect for me"
I knew she's be perfect for me too
As her words sink into my brain, I realize what she's saying
It sounds like she's saying she thought about us like this before
But that's impossible
She never said anything about any feelings for me
Nor acted like she has any
She moves harder, jumping up and down my cock, her cunt flooding my entire lap, pussy so tight, so clenching
"Please Jinnie, want you"
"You have me baby", I tell her
"No Jinnie. Want you always", she says softly, leaning her forehead against my neck, pressing kisses at the base of my neck and sending shivers down my spine, "I can't only be with you once. Not now. Not now that I know how you feel"
"You have me baby. I promise"
She shakes her head, murmuring in my neck, "I don't Jinnie. I love you so much and you don't love me. You'll never be mine"
My heart explodes in happiness asy brain absorbes that she loves me
We love each other and I'll be damned if she's not going to be mine
Lifting her head, I look in her eyes and seeing love in them as she looks at me takes my breath away
"You have me princess", I repeat, "Always. I love you"
Her eyes widen, surprise in them, "You do?"
I nod, "I love you so much. We don't have to be apart anymore"
She nods, "Ok baby"
"Ok princess", I smile before pulling her to me, kissing her sweet lips
As she kisses me, her tongue against mine, she moves along my cock, taking me so well
She breaks the kiss, leaning to my ear, "Cum for me Jinnie"
"Fuck princess"
"Please baby. Wanna be filled with your cum"
Oh my fuck
I didn't know that I'd love hearing her ask for my cum as much as I do
"I will baby but I need you to cum first", I murmur, slamming her up and down my length, "Cum for my cock and I'll fill you right up"
Bringing her down, I hit her spot and she screams my name, coming all over me
"Fuck baby!", I cry, ecstacy filling me from her orgasm, throwing me into my orgasm
Holding her down on my dick, I cry her name, spilling into her waiting pussy
"Yes Jinnie", she urges, "Fuck you feel so good when you cum. Give me everything baby"
"Fuck Jo", I moan, her words making everything better
"Want it all Jinnie. Gonna milk your cock for all your cum"
Her pussy is doing an amazing job of milking my cock, throbbing and sucking everything I give her
When it's over, I open my eyes I didn't know I closed, out of breath
She touches my cheek softly, smiling at me
"I love you Jinnie. My Jinnie"
I nod
I'm her
Always was, always will be
"I love you Jo. My princess"
"Always", she whispers
"Always", I confirm
I miss her softly, keeping her against me, loving how perfectly she fits into my arms
"Can we cuddle?", she asks when the kiss ends
"Absolutely. But how about we go to your bed for that?"
She nods, "Good idea"
Holding her, I stand up and carry her to her room with her giggling
Getting into her bed, she moves right into my arms, our bodies and limbs tangling, pulling the covers over us
"Mm this feels so good baby", she says
It does
It feels right
"We have to do this all the time", I tell her, running my fingers in her hair
Holding her hand up, I kiss the back of it, listening to her giggle
"I love you Jin"
"I love you Jo"
With that she snuggles into me and we lay in comfortable silence and I silently thank her for asking me to take those pictures of her
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seokjinsonlyone · 5 months
this how i think bts would be if they was your husband
you’d have your own rooftop garden together; like he’d get someone to get it setup architecturally the way he has it envisioned in his head and to give like advice on the types of plants that are good for this set up but y’all would do all the seeding and watering and weed pulling yourselves
evening walks together around sunset through the park or around the river hand in hand where you just soak up nature and talk about any and everything
you both like the idea of having a pet but know that you're too busy to keep one regularly so you end up getting fish; he gets a cute little 20 gallon tank and like five fish but he actually does a lot of research on which fish live the best together, which food and treats they like best, the best plants and knick knacks to put inside, how to clean it, etc.; all in all takes the whole situation way more seriously than you'd thought he would; it was supposed to be sumn light for the summer time but you'd think he's filming an episode of tanked for all the time and effort he pours into it
sits side by side with you rubbing circles into your lower back whenever you need to rant about something
loves it when you get desperate for him so sometimes around the time you're ovulating he teases you; will walk around the house in nothing but his briefs with his glasses on talking in his deep voice; will invade your space like if you're in the kitchen making food or something he's gonna come up behind you and wrap that strong arm around your middle kissing up on you asking meaningless questions about what you're doing until you finally snap and drag him to the bedroom
consistently opens every door for you and pulls out your chair at restaurants even if it's five, ten years down the line
the type to never know where anything is; it's not even that you switch things up a lot it's just that he never forgot the muscle memory of where things were when he lived alone; so he's constantly calling out to you asking where something is; half the time what he looking for be in very obvious locations but his mind is just so all over the place that he overlooks it
uses you as his sounding board when he has a situation he needs handled; will just sit there and think out loud to you for minutes and hours; you don't even be saying that much really like occasionally he'll ask what you think but he appreciates having a listening ear more than anything and you're happy to be there for him even if his incessant rambling makes you wanna strangle yourself sometimes
would learn to help you take out your box braids; it makes you nervous when he first offers to help because he can be a bit rough sometimes but he's oddly gentle and diligent with the task; once he's gotten good with that you convince him to wash your hair too; and take down/wash day is less dreadful because of it
you two become a package deal; like it could be a boys night or a girl's night and you're always gonna try to bring the other with and most of the time y'alls friends don't mind like you're one of the boys and he's one of the girls so it's fine; even if he like invites some friends over the house and you stay in the room to give them some space at some point he's gonna go and check up on you; you'll just be laying in bed on your laptop or phone, watching tv or something and he's gonna lay beside you and ask what you doing make sure you're okay next thing you know 30 minutes gon go by and you'll have to remind him that he has guests over; then he's gonna convince you to come out with him and stay tucked up under his arm until his friends leave or pass out
draws you a bath when he knows you’ve had a long day; it’d be really nice too; he'd light your favorite candle and set it on the counter; add a fragrant moisturizing bath bomb and sprinkle in some flower petals; once you settle in he'll put down one of them over the tub trays and hand you a glass of wine and your laptop so you can watch whatever you want or stream music while you’re in the tub
loves referring to you as 'his wife'; like y'all will be with a group of your friends that knew you from the get go and they'll ask him where he got his jacket from and he'll be like "oh my wife bought it for me" and they'll be like "🥴 boi we knew her long before she was ever worried about you just say her name" aksksksk
every couple months y’all will go on cooking dates with his celebrity chef friends and their wives; which is basically them in the kitchen being loud cooking a meal he specifically chose for you and you and the wife not too far away watching them while being wined and dined
not particularly handy but he feels like as a man there’s just certain things he should be able to do; so if your sink is leaking or there’s a problem with your car battery or something he’s gonna hop on youtube and figure out how to solve it first; calls an actual repairman to deal with it if he can’t fix it without being moderately inconvenienced
insists on getting a pool installed even tho you tell him you would barely use it bc you hate having to redo your hair more than you like to swim; you actually do end up using it all the time bc he orders one of those giant canopy floats and y'all just lay up there and take naps or talk; the whole outdoor area is actually bomb tbh like there's an entire sheltered outdoor kitchen and grill patio area with fans on the ceiling for when it gets hot and a fully loaded bar; y'all honestly spend more time outside during the summer than inside and get scolded for not entertaining people more often
if you reeeaaalllyyy want him to go shopping with you he will but he’d rather just give you his card and you gather up some of your girls and y’all can go nuts together
tries to butter you up when he knows he's in trouble but it's never with anything good like he'll stop at the convenience store on the way home and pick up some things to try to sway you; he get home and you're waiting for him slightly ticked off and he's like "i know you're mad but look at what i got you and it's a cosmic brownie, sour gummy worms (his favorite candy mind you), some wet wipes, and an arizona tea
official driver of the relationship; lets you be the passenger princess of your dreams like whenever you need to get from point a to point b he’s getting you there all you gotta do is sit down and look pretty (and play decent music while he’s driving)
even if you’re not a certified Gamer Girl™️ when there’s like a new mario game or something along those lines that doesn’t require a ton of skill and know how to play you’ll no life it together; like will straight up play for like 16 hours a day until you beat it; you still force him to eat and shower however but you’re not allowed to touch the controller until he returns bc he’d be afraid you’ll lose all your lives
the type to get super close with your family; like you look over one day and see yo mama calling him and you listen to him and they're literally just catching up???; he goes out on bros days with your dad and brothers; all your cousins follow him on instagram and be sending him memes; and you just sit there tryna figure out how he singlehandedly replaced you in your family bc they be treating him better than they treat you
after hearing you talk about wanting a detached claw foot jacuzzi tub for the 1000th time he decides to just go ahead and get your dream house built from the ground up; gives his input in every step of the process since he has so many opinions on architecture, furniture, finishes, and overall aesthetics; sometimes there’s little disagreements when your design styles clash but in the end he makes sure that you definitely get everything you’ve ever wanted included
warms your car up for you in the morning during winter months; unimportant but i just know he would go out in a sweatshirt and some slides like barefoot toes out in 20° weather shuffling out to make sure your car is nice and cozy and the frost is off the windshield
every now and again you’ll just be chilling at home and then he’ll be like “yah go get dressed we’re going out” and then he’ll genuinely take you on one of the best dates ever; it may not be over the top every time but somehow it’s always exactly what you needed; acts nonchalant about it when you’re gushing over how great of a time you’re having; “ah it’s nothing” but he’s secretly super self satisfied bc he knows he’s killing it
sometimes he’ll be sprawled out on the couch watching basketball and you’ll be tryna tell him something but he’s so engrossed that he won’t hear a word you say so you gotta throw a pillow at him to get his attention
untangles your necklaces for you; sweeps the hair from the back of your neck and clasps it together once he's got it free
likes leaning on your shoulder when you’re in bed on the computer; not really nosy about what it is that you’re doing whether it’s work or whatever but just likes to listen to the sound of your typing as his own personal asmr; also loves it when you get your nails done like will happily pay for a new set every other week because of the tippity tapping that accompanies everything you do
sets up a joint bank account for you two like immediately bc he doesn't have anything to hide and what's his is yours; but also sets you up a separate savings account that he funnels money into biweekly bc he wants you to be okay always even if one day it has to be without him
if you're both up late and you're feeling peckish he'll whip up a quick late night snack for y'all to munch on
never really comments when your hormones throw your body system out of wack; like if you randomly had night sweats for a couple days and sweat through your clothes and blanket he'd just nudge you awake so you can dry off and turn the ac on
is extra physically affectionate whenever you start getting irritated even if he’s the source of your irritation; will grab your hand and pull you into him planting kisses on top of your head and rubbing up and down your back until you’re sufficiently pacified
all his numeric passcodes are related to you; like it’s either your birthday or your anniversary, the day y’all met, first date, etc.
sometimes he likes to sit on the toilet when you're in the shower and talk to you; will periodically poke his head in to check your progress depending on how long you're in there; ooos and aahs and waggles his eyebrows every time he does so
some people think you’re some kind of dictator bc his response to every proposal he receives is “let me check with my wife first”; you’re not tho he just likes running things by you bc he’s only ever okay if y’all are on the same page; sometimes you really are his scapegoat if he doesn’t wanna do something tho and you’re fine with being his excuse! you love spending time with your man!!
y’all draw lots over who has to kill the bugs in the house; he tries his best to overcome his fear for you he really does but sometimes he look at the bug and the bug look at him and his heart can’t take it; generally tho there’s less fear of y’all conquer it together
at least once a month he books a couples spa day appointment for you two; deep tissue massages, facials, manicures, pedicures, the works like you just get absolutely spoiled; his motto is that if you feel good and look good then you can be good and be good to each other; unrelated but he get a kick out of eating the cucumbers that are supposed to help soothe around your eyes
you get so used to the sound effects he makes all the time that when he’s not around you have to have some kind of background sounds whether it’s music or white noise just something to fill the air.
you both like plushies, funko pops, action figures and all that so there's a dedicated toy room in your home; all the toys that you actually care about are placed higher up and in cases to keep in good condition but things that you don't mind having some use are accessible; the whole room is carpeted and there are some fluffy rugs too; there's a 65 inch tv on one wall and a computer area for gaming as well; the whole room is illuminated via led lights; needless to say all the kids you know love when y'all babysit them; they stay in that one room the entire time except when they want a snack bc there's no eating in the toy room; jungkook also loves to randomly come and hangout in the toy room by himself
wouldn't tolerate any kind of disrespect toward you; say you went out to a restaurant and the server was being rude to you, he'd clock it so fast he'd be talking to a manager having your server swapped out and dessert on the house before you even realized what they said
y'all try new hobbies together; it's never anything you have experience or are good at which makes it even more fun as you're doing it; like you'll get one of those woobles crochet kits and spend like a month trying to figure it out in your free time and make whatever little creature you bought
never actually stops dating you; will still have an active folder with activities and restaurants he wants the both of you to go to; even if you both lack the time and energy to actually go out on a date he's lighting a candle and pulling out the fine china for you it doesn't matter that you're wearing loungewear and sitting on the floor in front of the tv; he wants you to feel special always
intimacy between you two go crazy; you’re as close as close can be like if there were such a thing as soulmates you two would be it; you’re consistently trapped within your own bubble and even if you’re out and about it’s still almost as if no one else existed; like say y’all went out to a club music is thumping people are everywhere it’s a generally Loud environment if you softly called his name from beside him he would turn to you immediately; or someone could brush past him and it’d be whatever but if you ghosted your hand up his arm he would get goosebumps; you’re just insanely in tuned to each other
would love if you had a softer build bc he likes the way you feel like heaven when he lays on you; also he just likes squeezing at your squishy bits; he finds it equal parts amusing and satisfying; like he'll squeeze at your boob when you're half asleep in bed just to annoy you; you'll be turned on your side and his arm will be slung across your waist and he'll just inch his hand up until he reaches your boob and squeezes; giggles evilly every time you smack his hand away and won't stop until you're whining and kicking at him to leave you alone and let you sleep
sometimes you’ll build a giant fort in the living room when he’s getting overwhelmed by life complete with fairy lights strung up overhead and pillows and more blankets covering the floor to make it extra comfy; you spend all day together in there playing games and talking nonsense and eating snacks and end the night cuddled up his arm wrapped around your shoulders, your head tucked into his neck watching movies until you’re sure his head is free from all his worries
loves to be fed, literally; like when dinner time comes he will make one big plate and pull up with a fork and a knife and a waiting attitude; if you don't play along immediately he's gonna put his hands over yours and make you feed him bites until you take over; likes to feed you as well; just always sharing his food with you and expects you to do the same
he gets obsessive when you don't answer his calls; like if he knows you're not busy and he calls you and you don't answer it drives him up a wall and he will spam you with texts and at least a dozen more calls until you pick up; not even because he has anything urgent to tell you he just always craves your attention; bonus: ends every conversation by saying i love you like you could be on the phone for 15 seconds just confirming something really quickly and he's gonna make sure he's told you he loves you before you click end call
doesn’t say anything when he finds you crying just pulls you into him and lets you get it all out; once you start calming down a bit he’ll pull back slightly, gently cupping your face in his hands and swipe away all your tears; only when he’s sure the tears have come to a complete stop does he softly ask “what’s going on?”
still gets shy and flustered around you; it doesn’t stop him from being himself around you whatsoever but it’s very obvious when you have the upper hand in a situation
you can't just tell him you need an item from the store bc half the time he'll go and come back with the wrong thing; you gotta send him a picture of it and that don't even work all the time; most of his solo ventures to the store at your request end in him facetimeing you bc he swears up and down they don't have what you asked for but then you end up finding it for him and you not even there
knows you admire his art skills so he leaves little doodles on post it notes around the house; is really proud when you display the ones you find really cute in your phone case
the type to put his life in your hands; when y'all go out to eat he tells you to order for him bc "you know what i like"; will let you dress him/style his hair however bc "you know what looks good on me"; he just literally trusts and defers to your judgement as much as possible
the type to tighten all the jars when you’re upset with him so you’re forced to ask him for help and talk to him anyway
would try to set up a really romantic dinner for you complete with rose petals and candles and champagne on ice but he'd be so focused on creating the right ambience that he forgets to order the food and one thing bout tae is he ain't a chef and even if he was he wouldn't have enough time before you showed up so you'd end up having a pb&j and cup noodles
sometimes if he has a lot of energy but you’re asleep he’ll poke at you until you’re awake and then he’ll ask if you’re asleep and when you say yes he’ll keep messing with you until he’s able to drag you out to play with him
knows how to tie a tie but claims it looks better when you tie it so whenever he wears a suit he gets you to finish off his look; really he just likes to be manhandled by you and the grip you have around his neck does something for him
if you get him riled up in the morning he just lives there all day; partially aware of what's going on around him but undoubtedly distracted, thinking about you, wanting you; hands and eyes are glued to the phone at all times hoping you'll message him or something even if it is just you teasing him some more; he's putty in your hands and he knows it but when the day is over and y'all are both home you're his
you have to come to major compromises when it comes to decorations; like you let him have his accent wall that he puts his paintings of his basquiat-esque faces but the weird cyber bug and person shark statues and the butt chair have to go
you do majority of the cooking so he takes dish duty very seriously; will swat you away if you try to help most times; however there’s a special place in his heart for the times you ignore him and help anyway by drying the dishes and it’s you him and some music playing and you’re singing and dancing around the kitchen together
there's a legitimate argument about your use of a body pillow; he genuinely gets offended bc is he not enough for you? why can't you just cuddle him? why would you go and put the great wall of china in between you two? what's with the distance? was he too much for you? like the situation blows completely out of proportion for no reason skslklsks the argument ends when you force him to cuddle it and he instantly understands the hype behind it; that doesn't curb his jealousy towards the object however and you're only allowed to use it when he's not in bed with you
a whiny baby when he's sick; you'd think he had tuberculosis in the 12th century instead of a common cold the way he be acting; a piece of tissue stuck in his nose, piled under three blankets, shivering every five minutes on cue; you give him a good day of dealing with the dramatics after that you leave him in the room with a bottle of dayquil and a packet of vitamin c until he decides to get on with his life like a normal human being
loves planning weekend getaways for the two of you; like every other month you guys are out of town for like 3-4 days in the spirit of “rekindling”; he always rents a really nice and cozy cabin type joint and most of the trips are spent just enjoying each others company and the scenery, walking around the town latched onto his arm and eating good food; you come back from each outing refreshed and more in love than you already were
every sunday he checks your car to make sure it has a full tank and if it doesn’t he fills it up for you
you two have separate rooms bc you both like to have space to just exist as an individual from time to time (also it’s really nice to have a place to storm away to when you’re in a fight) but you end up cuddled up next to each other every night anyway
has a very strict laundry schedule and routine; gets annoyed if you don't do it how he likes when he's unable to
watches you while you’re getting ready; he’ll be sitting at the edge of the bed while you walk around from your closet to the dressers circling the room trying to find something to wear; you’ll be having a conversation with him the whole time and after you walk past him for the 4th time his clinginess gets the best of him and he catches you by the waist before you can fully bypass him; he pulls you in between his legs and just hugs you to him for a few moments while you run your hands through his hair
follows you around the house with his mic serenading you like three times a week
comes behind you when you’re cooking or washing dishes or something and just pats at your butt for a while and by a while i mean he won’t stop until you elbow him and threaten to cut his hands off; he just laughs and gets one more grope in before backing off
traces the contours of your face and murmurs all kinds of cute and lovely and cheesy stuff about you when you’re both in bed and he thinks you’re sleep
if you made him a good meal you’d hear about it constantly for the next week; like every other sentence is a “seriously, it was so good” and he won’t stop until you make it again; sometimes he’ll try making it himself to see if he could do better but it always tastes best coming from you
an absolute menace in the grocery store; will spend the first 15-20 minutes behaving as he grabs whatever he needs personally and once that's done he's acting a fool; doing that thing that kids do when they use the cart as a skateboard like push off on it and then hop on to ride out the wave; grabbing all kinds of junk that neither of you need; touching everything even when he has no intention of buying it; you have to grab his ear and threaten him with celibacy to get him to calm down
whenever you’re sitting next to each other could be on the couch out at dinner in bed etc he likes to play with your hand and fiddle with your ring; will often slide it off and try to fit the ring on his fingers; then he’ll put it back on and kiss your fingertips for safekeeping
a/n: i worked on this for months and months and now it’s finally here lemme know what u thought 😩🙏
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ze-eternalmarsh · 2 months
Name: Min Yoongi, or the demon in progress
Ship: ot7, Yoongi/everyone - BTS
Rating: Explicit
Category: M/M
Wordcount: 36,026k
Type: Long fic [discontinued!!]
Tags: demon au, seven deadly sins, retail worker yoongi, eventual relationship, crack, fluff, smut, angst, strangers to friends to lovers, polyamory, hurt/comfort, feelings, depressed!min yoongi
Retail worker Yoongi has seen so much shit in his job that he doesn't give a fuck when demons start showing up and try to scare him. However, it becomes a problem for him when 6 demons representing 6 of the deadly sins, invite themselves in his house to ask him to become the last missing sin.
Or the story of how sometimes demons can help you with your depression while simultaneously trying to corrupt your soul.
[Based on these two iconic ideas that I used for my university creative writing class as a play LOL! This fic is old, but I'm posting all my works ig! This one is for registered users only.]
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staytinyville · 7 months
Stay Alive Masterlist
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" Came like a Miracle, Look like a miracle, Just like Miracle, Those few words...."
Synopsis: When you started working at a pharmaceutical company, you didn’t realize where it was your life was heading. After getting a patient mix up, you meet seven men who would didn’t seem to want any other nurse that wasn’t you. When you start to know them, you notice things that made you question if they were really human. No matter what excuse they would give though, you would always go home with a heavy heart. The day the truth is revealed to you, things take a turn for the worst.
Pairings: BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Genre: Mystical Creatures AU, Fluff, Romance, Angst, Fantasy
Warnings: Smut in future chapters, toxic work environment, abuse
Taglist: I have decided to write smut chapters. However it’s just one per member. Maybe some things here and there. With that being said. I will not have a taglist on those chapters for fear of having minors tagged. My books are mostly for a general audience because smut isn’t my main writing. However with the very small number of chapters I will probably do, it’s best to not tag anyone. I understand some of you have ages but I don’t want to struggle with picking out each adult blog. Thank you for understanding.
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" Those few words that saved me I'll be by your side after many nights..."
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Taglist is officially closed!
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