#because its lonely and scared and starving
depresseddepot · 2 years
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we caught a baby numbered three
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animesimp-writes · 1 year
❥︎ Characters; Tanjiro, Muichro, Zenitsu, Inosuke
❥︎ Genre; sleeping at night with their s/o
❥︎ Warnings; none just pure fluff つ◕◡◕つ
❥︎ Notes; I still can't believe demon slayer season 3 have finished, now i have to wait next year for season 4 GEWKWMXSJA
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♥ he’s the type to fall asleep in one position and wake up exactly like that.
♥ once he develops the habit of sleeping next to you he also develops one of holding your hand while falling asleep. Too bad for him because he’ll feel lonely in missions where he has to sleep alone.
♥ immediately falls asleep when you play with his hair.
♥  hearing you talk about the most random things in a relaxed voice works like a sleeping gas on him.
♥ he’s a cuddle bug so expect a lot of cuddling before actually falling asleep. He loves to hold you in his arms while he tells you about his most recent mission and how scared Zenitsu looked because of a bug.
♥ 100% probabilities to wake up with him hugging you or playing with your hands looking at you.
♥ this baby would be stuck to you the moment you put a foot in the bedroom.
♥ LOVES to hold you tight as he falls asleep. You’re just a big teddy bear for him, and bonus points his favorite person too!
♥ he’ll play with your hair while you rant about everyting.
♥ he’s touch-starved so give him a lot of cuddles and shower him in love so he can relax and fall asleep. Maybe that’s just an excuse so you can baby him. 
♥ Would instantly fall asleep if you start telling him about your last mission, don’t take it wrong, your voice just relaxes him a lot.
♥ like it or not you’ll wake up with him sleeping on the floor with all the blankets because he’s too cold.
♥ he doesn't move around in his sleep so you don't have to worry about him.
♥ however you love to snuggle up in his arms tho, he thinks its cute but will never admit it.
♥ nights when he can't sleep he'll just lay there staring at your cute sleeping face.
♥ he likes to hold hands with you as you two sleep, so every time he knows your still there with him.
♥ You'll always wake up to him staring at your face every morning, but he stares without realizing so you can't get mad a him.
♥ you deserve heaven if you can put him to sleep.
♥ he’s the type to hold you tight while falling asleep (might break you a rib or two) and immediately push you away while he’s asleep. 
♥ gets so used to you playing with his hair before falling asleep that he can’t sleep without you anymore. Will totally drag you to his missions so you can sleep together.
♥ you have to lay with him one hour or two before you actually fall asleep because he’ll tell you everything about his day, doesn’t matter if you were with him or not.
♥ loves to hear you get mad with him or joke with him about something that happened today, it will put a smile on his face before driving into sleep.
♥ you’ll wake up in strange positions, he moves a lot in his sleep.
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© mitsuri-writes || do not copy/repost my work on other platforms || reblogs are much appreciated!
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chiara-hotel · 5 months
Vampire AU!
Characters: Chuuya, PM!Dazai, ADA! Dazai
Warnings: Mention of Blood, Suicide, Starving, Marking
Spoilers: S5, Chapter 111.5
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- Chuuya lives within the darkness already due to his job in the mafia, so having no access to sunlight doesn’t bother him
- Of course it does interfere with a few missions but he has other subordinates he can send for him
- He’s not a heavy drinker surprisingly, Chuuya can go a whole day without drinking blood
- Usually he drinks blood though his wineglass so it doesn’t seem too suspicious
- No one notices, unless they know its blood or have a keen eye
- Though if he’s on a mission to kill he’ll drink directly from the source
- Chuuya is obsessed with your blood too, if you’ll let him he’d gladly oblige to drinking yous
- Whenever your neck has a bite marks on it he gives you his choker to hide the marks (also so no one asks questions)
- For others, they’d also just see you wearing his choker as a symbol your taken by him, which he also loves aswell
- His fangs are tiny & cute, they look similar to what they looked like when he faked being a vampire
- They’d look so cute though
- Sometimes he threatens the port mafia’s enemies with his fangs and they get scared off
- Or even threaten them by trying to drink their blood
- Usually it works, if it doesn’t then hes always hungry for more food
- When he goes to pretend to be a vampire, its easier now that he actually is one
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PM! Dazai:
- Oh boy this man is even more sadistic
- Dazai loves to drink your blood, he refuses to have anyone elses after he starts dating you, he’d rather starve than drink off of someone else
- Dazai also threatens his victims that he’ll suck their blood, 9 times out of 10 it works
- When that 1/10 chance happens, he shoots the person instead, he can’t betray you and drink someone else’s blood now can he?
- Loves biting you and seeing his marks on your skin
- Not to mention he loves lying you down & hugging you while he bites
- Bites your wrist or thighs the most
- If any bite marks fade you bet he’s remarking you in the most obvious places
- Yes, he’s tried garlic as a suicide method (he hated it, was in a lot of pain, now bans garlic from everywhere)
- Dazai takes you on every mission as an excuse if he “needs blood” because he won’t want to “underperform” now would he? he just wants to hug you and will miss you
- As a vampire, he’s also very clingy (even though he’s already clingy…. hes extra clingy)
ADA Dazai:
- Not too different
- Whenever hes bored at work and your busy working he convinces you that hes starving at that exact moment so he needs to feed on you
- Especially right after he finishes a mission, dragging you into the nearest alleyway to bite into you
- Although, due to his inability to walk in the sun you guys only do nightmissions
- And throughout the day, he cuddles you while going to sleepover
- Every so often he makes you buy groceries and such as he can’t walk outside
- But while your out he gets lonely and doesn’t let you leave his grip for an hour
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kreumiya · 2 months
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★・ i'd let you read my mind!!
A short scenario if you and Sunday were both Halovian and he reads your mind while communicating telepathically when you deny that you were ever going to take him on a date as a joke when he comes late. :) 
Perhaps asking Sunday out on a date wasn’t the best idea. After all, you were a part of the family and had to uphold some kind of values. Asking your pretty boss out on a date was definitely not one of them. Not like you cared anyway. 
Holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a box of some mystery cupcakes that you had bought from some kid on the bustling streets of penacony, you walked through his long and winding hallways, solved the weird puzzles he had set up (they were actually quite hard but you’d gotten used to them) and into his office. Not many people were able to go into there unless they had a special appointment, but you were an exception. The only exception. 
“Sunday!” you called out. Somehow he was always cooped up in this office, it ought to be lonely sometimes – well maybe all the time… You paused. No answer. “Excuse me? Sunday…?” You yelled out again. Any longer and you were going to get quite annoyed.One of the only times when you could meet him and he’s out somewhere? You’ve got to be kidding me… “Uh-hum,” you cleared your throat, “Mr Sunday, leader of the Oak family and Representative of Penacony you have a visitor!” A few minutes passed and … no reply. You had specifically told him you were coming in 3 system hours. 
Screw it, you sighed, placing your gifts behind your chair and taking a seat on one of his plush velvet chairs. “If you don’t come now, I’ll eat all these cupcakes…” Pause. Silence. This room was genuinely like a prison, you couldn’t fathom how he could spend all of his days locked up in this place by himself like a bird in a cage. An hour passed by… 
And all of a sudden, the doors opened wide. “I’m so sorry, I’m late. I got caught up in some business.” 
“Late by an hour?” you sighed dramatically, “oh whatever shall I do? All my plans have been cancelled because I’ve waited here for so long.” You sulked, knowing full well that you did not have any other plans lined up for the entire week. “I had something planned for the two of us to do, but I guess not anymore…” you averted your gaze while suppressing a grin. 
He took a seat next to you, “what did you plan for us to do?” he asked thoughtfully, taking your hand in his and placing a kiss on it. 
“Ah well, since you came so late, I’ve had to cancel the plans,” you wistfully shook your head, trying to hide the fat bouquet of flowers behind your chair. “There’s not much I can do…” you began to get up before you heard something in your head. Sunday hadn’t been speaking but you had heard him trying to communicate with you telepathically, Damn Halovian powers… you smiled. 
So what is it?
Now all your thoughts would be relayed to him…
It was a date!! I wasn’t actually going to cancel it. I saw that you were pretty scared when I said I cancelled all my plans. I definitely tricked you didn’t I?
You shot him a beaming smile. Knowing full well that you did not trick him, you definitely forgot that Halovians were able to communicate telepathically, and that bouquet peeking out from behind your chair definitely didn’t help at all.
“Here you go,” you passed him the bouquet and then the box of cupcakes. “Now let’s go! We’re already running behind schedule by 1 hour and 14 minutes, we still have a lot to do you know!” You held his hand as you ran down the hallways while his other arm carried the bouquet and the half melted cupcakes. 
“Today will be a long day,” he laughed. 
i am actually so starved of sunday content and leaks its so sad
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#Genre: Smut
#Includes: Dilf Asahi x fem reader (in their 20s)
#Warnings: Daddy kink, creampie, M oral, F oral, fingering, slight edging, nipple play, pussy spank, age gap, praise, friends dad.
#Word Count: 2.7K
Minors for the love of all that’s holy please DO NOT interact , thank you :)
Dilf Asahi whose been divorced for a few years and is so touch starved and lonely. The divorce took a real hit to his self-esteem, so he had put no effort in putting himself out there again, thinking he was too old to start dating again so what’s the point. You just wanted him to see himself how you see him because the years have been kind to him, still so big and strong, he may be a little soft now, but it makes him more welcoming, makes you feel safe. You think you should feel a little guilt with using your friend to get closer to her dad, but you can’t find yourself caring every time you get a look at his thick cock straining against the front of his pants. You want him and you’ll get him.
However, you wouldn’t put so much effort into getting his attention if it wasn’t paying off. You can practically feel his gaze glued to you whenever you show up at his house in your tiny skirt, every time you slightly bend over and it ignites you, the evidence being the obvious wet patch in your underwear. But poor Asahi would never try anything, he wasn’t like that, he felt shame in just looking let alone trying to touch, but you’re okay with making the first few moves because they’ll pay off…and oh they do.
 It was late, your friend passed out long ago and when she’s out, she’s out, so you have no worry when it comes to her. You can hear the faint sound of the tv downstairs indicating that Asahi is still awake – perfect. You slowly make your way downstairs and smirk as he sputters once he gets a look at you. Your nipples are pebbled in the thin shirt you’re wearing – his shirt to be precise. It’s a tattered old band tee that he gave to his daughter years back, once it started to get tight on him and you pat yourself on the back for deciding to go with this outfit choice. He clears his throat and snaps out of his thoughts as he addresses you “what are you still doing up?”. “couldn’t sleep” you slightly pout, which draws his gaze to your plump glossy lips.
 You make your way towards the couch he was spread out on, “can I sit here?” you innocently ask. “I don’t think that’s a good idea” he gets out while keeping his gaze trained on the tv.
You slowly sank to your knees in front of him and rested your hand on his thigh, high enough for it to make his breath hitch. “What are you doing?” he rasped out while glancing down at you. “Just want to make you feel good…daddy” the word you decided to add at the end had him roughly swallowing the saliva that was collecting in his mouth. While he had yet to accept your advances, he made no move to reject them, and you took that as a good sign. To further encourage him, you slowly started to massage his thigh, barely inching your hand higher, you didn’t want to scare him off. “I see the way you look at me, no one has to know” you blinked up at him.
You rose on your knees and inched your face closer to his and repeated your previous words in a whisper against his parted lips “no one has to know”, briefly glancing down at his obvious bulge that indicated that he was enjoying this more than he let on, you gently closed the remaining gap and pressed your lips against his. After a few seconds of Asahi being frozen on the spot, his reserve had clearly broken as he reciprocated the kiss with vigour.
As the kiss grew more heated and passionate, you inched your hand up his thigh and massaged his cock through his sweats and felt it respond to your touch as it grew impossibly hard, desperate to be released from its confines.
By now he gave up on resisting any of your advances and welcomed them, quickly opening his mouth once he felt your tongue probing his lips and meeting it in a twisted dance. You moved to straddle his legs and he happily accommodated you by leaning back on the couch where he cupped the back of your neck and pushed you further into the kiss. “Do you know…how long…I’ve waited for this” he got out through rough kisses. “Definitely not as long as me”
You moved your hand from his cock to his wrist, gently grabbing it and guiding it up your shirt, until it made contact with your braless chest. Your tongues continued messily twisting around each other as he moved to fully cup your breast and delicately kneed it. Your nipples immediately hardened under his touch, and he let out a groan as he moved to remove your (his) shirt and toss it on the couch next to him. He briefly pulled away from you to admire the sight in front of him. He had wanted this for so long and he could barely believe that this was happening, that someone like you would even want him, even glance at him. But as you sat in front of him, chest heaving from your passionate kiss, he couldn’t bear to waste another moment, not when your puffy nipples looked oh so inviting.
He brought his head closer to your chest and at first just kissed around your breast, taking his time to shower you with his admiration, then he progressed to lapping at your nipples which had you clenching in his lap, before he eventually took your nipple into his mouth and sucked. He gently held it between his teeth and flicked it with his tongue. “ooooh god” you moaned out, gripping the back of his head and pulling him tight to your chest. He moved to cup your other breast and rolled your nipple between his fingers, while his mouth continued its torture with your other nipple. His ministrations had you grinding your pussy against him, the more aggressive he got with your nipples, the harder you ground your pussy against his throbbing length. “Oh fuck” you softly breathed out, pulling his head away from your nipple and bringing it back up to your mouth.
You broke of the kiss and tugged at his shirt “I think you’re a little overdressed” you grinned. With a brief chuckle he let you help him out of his shirt and now it was your turn to admire him. He had clearly still maintained his physique from his volleyball days and that was clear from his large arms and toned chest and while his abs may have faded, they left in place a still firm surface. You slid off his lap and wiggled out of your remaining article of clothing- your very damp panties.
You stood for a few seconds and let him gaze at your wet slit that the light from the tv clearly highlighted before you leaned over him and tugged at his sweats, “let me help you out of those”. You pulled his sweats and boxers off together and his hard cock sprang to attention, the tip already swollen and leaking. “Fuck, if I knew you had such a big cock, I would have made a move long ago”, all he did was sweetly smile at you as you sank to your knees between his legs and took his cock into your hand and gave it an experimental stroke. Like music to your ears, you received a gruff groan from above as he cleared your hair away from your face. Starting from the base of his dick, you licked a stripe up to his tip and sucked it into you mouth, “shit baby, that feels so good” he panted out.
You released his cock and gave him a sultry smile. Taking your time, you started to lick the length of his shaft, occasionally paying attention to his balls, and taking them into your mouth. You brought him to the edge multiple times but pulled him back just as fast, enjoying his panting and flushed face as he begged you to let him cum. Precum was dripping down his cock, making it look even more delectable and you couldn’t help taking it back into your mouth and sliding it further and further until it hit the back of your throat. He was so thick and long that it was a struggle to accommodate him, but you so desperately wanted to make him fit – to make him feel good. He slowly slid back out, leaving just the tip to give you a chance to catch your breath. With the remaining length, you used your hands to stroke him with twisting motions which seeming to be the last straw. He pumped his load into your mouth with broken moans and bated breaths while you worked your throat to swallow it and looked up at him to catch him looking at you with glazed eyes. You opened your mouth showing him the remnants of his cum on your tongue before swallowing it down, “you like me being your little cum slut daddy?”
With a soft curse all he could do was nod yes – even in this situation he was still your soft and shy Asahi.
“You’re amazing. Come up here, I want to taste your pussy princess”. You crawled up towards him as he shuffled down to make room for you to straddle his face, your bare pussy now spread out before him. Reaching up he grabs the flesh of your ass in both hands to drag your wet pussy closer to his face where he proceeds to tentatively lick it. Spurred on by your quiet moans, he became bolder with his strokes, alternating from sucking your clit and sliding his tongue into your dripping hole. Asahi voiced his appreciation of your taste with muffled groans into your pussy, the vibrations making you grip his long hair and drag him further into you.
“Oh fuck Asahi, that feels so good” you groaned. Your praise was met with more eager sucking as you continued to wantonly moan and grind your cunt harder against his face, the slight stubble he supported lightly scratched the sensitive parts of your thighs which further turned you on. So entranced with your own pleasure you don’t notice him slide his middle finger into your tight hole, it clenching around the intrusion. He laps at your clit to ease the grip it has on his finger “shh its okay princess, loosen up for me, okay?” he mumbles against your wet core before proceeding to push his finger in and out.
Your breathing was starting to get more erratic and the noises you were making were getting to a dangerous level which resulted in a sharp slap to your pussy. You groaned in surprise at the sting that shorty transformed into pleasure, almost tipping you over the edge “you’ve got to be quiet, wouldn’t want you waking up f/n and cutting this short”. All you could do was nod in reply as he continued his ministrations, adding another finger and picking up speed while all you could do was bite your bottom lip to conceal the sounds. The tight string in your tummy snapped as he assaulted the sweet spot inside you and you came with a silent scream, eyes screwed shut as he looked up at you from under hooded eyes. You spasmed above him as he slowly brought you down from your high, placing gentle kisses on your puffy pussy and thighs “You done so well baby, came so hard and you managed to keep quiet”.
You lowered yourself onto his lap and brought your faces closer, “just for you daddy” before your lips met again in a less heated kiss. As his tongue invaded your mouth, you could taste yourself on him and groaned at the taste, “I like the taste of my pussy on you, you should eat it more often”. Even after everything he found himself blushing at that, unable to stop himself from gripping you harder and dragging you against him, his now hard dick sliding through your wet folds. “Mmh I can’t wait to finally have you inside me”.
And with that you reached back and gripped his thick length and slid it between your slit, getting him nice and wet and teasing yourself as you felt his tip bump against your still throbbing clit, causing you to whine. “Please baby put it in” he desperately begged. Ever so slowly you lowered yourself onto him, taking your time to feel every inch invade you, feel every vein rub against you, it seemed like an eternity before you reached the base, sitting firmly against his lap now with his dick deep inside you. You planted your hands against his chest, and he moved his hands to your hips, letting you get comfortable with his size, “fuck you’re so big daddy, can feel you deep inside me”, “I know baby I know, I can feel you clenching around me, so fucking tight”.
After a few seconds, you slowly rose, clenching at the sheer size of him before dropping down. You continued this motion for every inch before you got to his tip and slammed back down, both of you throwing your heads back at the feeling, “fuck just like that baby, just like that”. You continued this rhythm, riding his cock as his nails left crescent moons on your ass and his eager hands helped you in rising and dropping back down, “mmh fuck, I want you deeper” you moaned out. With firm hands he placed his hand on your back and pushed you towards him, your chest now flush with his and your face safely in the crook of his neck. You placed your hands against the back of the couch for support as he planted his feet and roughly thrusted up. The new angle had him hitting places inside you that had you seeing stars and clenching around him impossibly tighter, “shit, you like that princess?” “yes daddy” you cried out.
He continued to roughly pound into you, the slapping sounds echoing around the room, and you should have been slightly worried about the noise but all you could focus on was what he was doing to your body and your quickly rising orgasm. Each thrust became deeper, and your juices freely leaked out of you, a white ring surrounded the base of his dick, indicating your arousal. His movements soon became erratic, and he reached down to slide his hand between you both, fingers making quick work of your clit “cum for me baby, I know you’re close”. A few hard thrusts were all it took for you to break, your teeth sinking into his shoulder to hide you moans as you tightened around him. He let out a few curses as he continued his brutal pace, “where do you want me to cum?” he managed to ask through clenched teeth. “Inside me” you replied with zero hesitation, “fuckkk” he groaned out before he joined you in bliss, shooting hot jets of cum deep inside you, the throbbing of his cock becoming to much for you – you were bordering on overstimulation at this point.
You were both breathing heavily as you came down, you rested your head on his shoulder as he massaged your hips that were previously in his bruising grip. His cock was still lodged inside you and you could feel him softening up, something that was far more pleasant than you expected. With a gentle grip on your neck, he brought your face out of his neck so he could place a kiss on your lips and forehead. He looked good like this you thought, all fucked out and sweaty. “That was far better than I imagined” you grinned at him. “Definitely better than my dreams” he grinned back before noticing his cum leaking out of you, a sight that had him hardening again, “we should get you cleaned up” he said before gently lifting you off him. Before either of you could move any further a sound at the top of the stairs caught your attention…
Note: in honour of me finishing my exams (which I think I failed) enjoy this smut that’s been sitting in my drafts since forever.
🏷️: @crystal-lilac @tendo-sxtori @lmaoimagine90 @lynvshuji  @ray-lol @pshwaa @princessatoru @milk-and-cherryjuice @itsmeteiiteii @the-massive-simp @momoewn @euryale16 @mitzwinchester @o0lucid-imagination0o @a-book-lover-things @tojitsukaisen @dakumarauder @7mrs-malfoy7 @briokayama @teruteruyuuji @thisbicc @renster05 @queen-aria-things ༺♡༻
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© property of simpforanyanimeguywithdarkhair
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s3raphimssins · 9 months
warnings: suicide, dazai being dazai, abit dark
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➼OKAY SO, hes probably in denial about everything, and does not start dating you right away
➼he dosent trust anyone but odasaku ykyk so like he would probably be the first one to know about your relationship with him
➼in the early stages in your relationship he will probably be very distant by that i mean, avoiding any topic about you with anyone or not be so big on pda at first but eventually will trust you and loosen up
➼be patient with him and he'll fall even more for you
➼he would be the type of person who will be constantly asking if you are really sure you want to date a person like him and when you re assure him he feels like someone does care about him and he'll warm up
➼okay so after you've gained his trust and everything he will be UNBEARABLE
➼he always wants you with him at all times, during meetings, during missions literally everywhere
➼if anyone is looking for him the first place they would go to was where you are because he's there with you
➼he brings you with him to lupin with odasaku and ango to show you off and to make ango annoyed, he probably kisses you infront of him on purpose and full on makes out with you just to hear ango say "please stop"
➼odasaku though is happy dazai found someone and really respects you for keeping up with someone like him
➼hes a mafia executive so his pay is really high, he will buy anything and everything for you
➼no one dares to even think about hurting you they wont see the light of day again, so you wont have to worry about that
➼you'll never be lonely with him btw so, you always have a little annoying cat on your shoulder at all times.
➼hes very touchy too so you will not be touch starved because his hands are glued to you
➼ofcourse because of his personality he is manipulative and often times he manipulates you during something
➼he will also sometimes be distant if something happens in his life so often times you'll find him wanting to be alone
➼that said he also says harsh stuff like he dosent care about you even if he does just because hes having a bad day
➼his job also puts him in a constant state of paranoia as hes scared of losing you or you getting hurt. he wont forgive himself if you got hurt
➼he is NOT a good boyfriend at this time and will be possessive and rude but, he'll try and change his behaviors even if its just infront of you
other than that good luck with having him as your s/o now youre stuck to him for life <3
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shotokimchi · 1 year
When Their S/O Is a Seggs God 2
Minors DNI
A/N: Here's a part 2 since I had so much fun while writing the first one, I appreciate the reblogs and the comments!
I'm planning to continue this drabble and write for other characters too, so you can suggest different fandoms as well.
Note: They arent in an established relationship in Dabi's one
Characters are aged up! Part1 w/Shoto and Katsuki
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So you and Dabi are playing this game called cat and mouse for a while since you are a pro hero and whenever the League is causing trouble, your main target is always him
Why you ask?
You see, you have this very important hero-like reason...
You think he's hot.🔥 (fair enough)
So when you and your friends get a call from the police, telling you that the League is gonna strike (act like bitchy teens) again, being the responsible server of society you are, you immediately attend the mission
After telling your hero friends Shoto, Deku, Pinky and Dynamight that you are trailing quietly behind Dabi you turn off your earphone and watch your villain crush slowly make his way into a narrow alley
Then you hear Pinky's voice in your ear "ThickThighs, you need to distract him till we get there." (Yes your hero name?)
In a swift motion, you appear in front of him and a sly smirk makes its way onto his lips
"Well well the stalker hero is here."
"You are lucky Dabi because i like my meat burnt." (🍆)
Before he can process what nonsense you are talking about he finds himself on the ground laying on his back while you are keeping his head locked between your thighs, he quickly grabs your thighs and you feel his hands warming up "I'll turn you into a roasted chi-"
"Want a quick head?"
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The cockroach is speechless
Not waiting for his brain to function, you put your juicy phat ass on his face 🍑🍑
And face toward his portal opener leg spreader zucchini, then quickly get him out of his cheap drugstore pants
Your soft hand finally meets his touch starved lonely villain dick and starts pumping him like REAL FAST
literally can create electricity with how fast you are jerking him off
too bad he cant see whats happening since all he can see is your ass on his face
but you are giving a real show to the street rats so
lucky rodents ig 🐭
He is grunting and moaning uncontrollably into your core
Legit thinks you have an extra sex-related quirk or smthn Thought his dick was on fire and got scared for a moment bc it was getting too hot thanks to the speed of your hand so tried to pry you off of his face but you quickly caged his arms with your thighs (Even Nicki Minaj is jealous of your thighs at this point) Eventually gives in since you are giving him the time of his life but mf wasn't ready for your brand new Dyson V12 Detect Slim Vacuum 👅👅👅
boy ejaculated in 45 seconds and wants the ground to swallow him whole LMAO and to make it even worse you even compared 45 seconds to a butterflies lifespan
to make him feel better ofc
"If you look at it, it's probably like 5 years for a butterfly Dabi don't worry."
yep, he definitely wants to kill you now
Quickly gets up to scurry away, you embarrassed the baddy ok his pride is HURT he won't let you see him in this pathetic state
so he cages you with his flames and disappears once you manage to escape but not before scraping his private number on the concrete so you can see it later with his initials on the bottom
so when you see it you are doing the happy dance you can finally see him again
not before getting interrupted with an awkward cough from your earphone tho
"We heard everything Y/n..."
Izu says
and Katsuki is probably gagging in the background
"She ate tho."
Thanks, Mina (got them villains whimpering under your ass💅)
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So when I tell you that Midoriya worships the ground you walk on it is not an exaggeration 🛐
Baby is that in love with you and wants to spend his whole life with you so he decides to wait till marriage
Virgin Pro hero Izuku is so attractive ok no buts like he's the number one hero in the whole world so strong, undefeatable and scary to the villains
But when it comes to you he just wants everything to be so special and perfect, always smiling and making sure you're feeling loved
Baby thinks you deserve all of his firsts KHDASDKJS- CUTE
So when he gets on one knee and asks you to marry him while you guys were out on a trip to Spain you can't help but jump around in your cute summer dress while hugging him and screaming "YES" at the top of your lungs
AND NOW . . .
In his head(notebook), everything is planned
-Drink champagne together
-Take a bubble bath together
-Give her a massage
-Warm up a little bit(yes literal work out)
-Make love
he totally wrote it into his notebook. 📝
It's hidden in the drawer and you dont need to know that
Before he can open the drawer and take a slight peek at his notes, you are suddenly butt naked and sitting on the bed calling for him with your sweet voice
Baby literally SCREAMED when he saw you
Because you are so gorgeous WTF Asks if you want a drink first and you say no, then realizes the notes aren't helping him with shit so gets in front of the bed and quickly starts doing stretches And you are giving him the *tf is he doing* look but meh you are used to his weird antics already lol cant pull a muscle babes so you sigh and drag him onto the bed
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literally looks at you like this LOL AND HAS A HAND RESTING ON HIS HIPS TOO BOY WE DIDNT EVEN STARTED- Don't get mad at him he is just that nervous
Smiling at his silliness you slowly drag him on top of you and start kissing his shaky lips and it actually helps him ease up a bit
..till you start pinching and massaging his nipples
Baby literally squeaks and tries to move away only to be stopped by your legs around his waist, caging him and pulling him towards you more "Where are you running off to, hm?" Bro is about to cream his boxers HE KNOWS THAT YOU'RE A VIRGIN SO HOW ARE YOU SO EFFORTLESSLY DOMINANT? Guess all of that smut you've read paid off well
You make him lay on his stomach while whining and whimpering with you on his back stroking his cock from behind
%100 gripping the sheets and biting down on the pillow so he doesnt disturb the people on the floor
but you have other plans so you grab his chin lift his face and shove 2 fingers in his mouth
He just obeys you like that bc he doesn't know what to do aww he is too embarrassed at this point
gets 20 spanks on his plump buttocks bc you just love seeing them jiggle
But you show no mercy and suggest trying the position "69"
Surprisingly he is very eager to do it, it sounds so erotic to him he ends up cumming 3 times just from your mouth and when you finally cum on his face you quickly grab your phone, open your camera and tell him to smile
Best selfie ever: Tired looking izuku with your cum on his face smiling shyly at the camera
Baby is bathing in his own sweat at this point
But is y/n done?
NO NOT EVEN CLOSE? So the night continued like that, you acting like letting him take the lead then swapping the roles and embarrassing him non-stop milking him till his balls turn into deflated balloons  🎈 
That's how the first sex tape of the Midoriya couple was created and trust me, there are many tapes to be filmed
And believe it or not, whenever he goes drinking with his hero friends, he gets so drunk that he spills every spicy detail about your sex life and everybody in the room listens to him in awe, with jealousy and mouths wide open.
A/N: AAAAHHHH FINALLY DONE HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE IT, reblogs and feedbacks r appreciated!
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nottapossum · 3 months
can i see some sad little pentious hcs ..??? ☹️
Awwww sad snek? Oki 😢
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⚙️Sir Pentious is very sensitive. Vaggy and Charlie have to be very careful when correcting him because he's likely to cry.
He hates to disappoint people. He wants to be known as a good little, and he needs to receive praise because he's very insecure.
⚙️Like Alastor, Pentious did not have many friends as a child, so he's not sure how to act when playing with other littles. But unlike Alastor, Pen will try really hard to get the other littles to accept him and play with him... and often he comes on top strong.
⚙️He's very lonely at first, and he'll often feel that way when the caregivers are busy with other littles. He'll try to play by himself but- its just not the same.
⚙️He will have dreams about his parents... sometimes good ones, and sometimes bad ones. Either way, he'll wake up crying... he'll just silence his tears and go to Charlie and Vaggies room to watch them sleep... It helps him remember that he's not alone without bothering anyone.
⚙️He is very insecure. He works very hard to prove he's good and worthy of praise and comfort.
⚙️He can't sleep without the company of his minions. He can't stand being alone.
⚙️He's very touch starved... but he's scared to ask for a hug.
@todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @dex-dawn @ask-dusty-boy @abby5577
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lookismstuff · 11 months
Lookism Webtoon/Manhwa is Still About Lookism, After All
Added some new analysis. SPOILERS ALERT.
I read many complaints that Lookism webtoon/manhwa isn't about lookism anymore (some even call it "fightism" or "gangism"). I respectfully beg to disagree, since I think the manhwa/webtoon is still a story about lookism, despite the genre shift. I recently binge-read the webtoon/manhwa for about three weeks, so maybe that's why I can spot the threads of the lookism theme across the story.
If you want to read about the current arcs, please read point B right away.
A. Lookism in its basic definition (early arcs)
Spotlight Characters
Lookism is "societal discrimination based on looks or perceived notion of beauty". As we all know, this concept can easily be applied to the case of Daniel (Hyungseok). With his second body, Daniel could access the things he previously couldn't even dream of: becoming a model, a singer, even a trainee, finding friends, crushes, etc.
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2. Crystal, Duke, Aru,Jasmine, Yui and Zoe
Crystal (Soojung)'s smaller body and Duke (Deokhwa) experienced discrimination based on their looks. Others used their looks or appearance to manipulate others, like Aru (the singer of PTJ Company), or Jasmine (Youngmi), the girl who framed Vasco for theft. Yui and Zoe (Haneul) had to "sell" more than looks as streamers (they had to dress and act provocatively even though they're minors).
3. Vasco and Burn Knuckles
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People like Vasco and the rest of the Burn Knuckles suffer from being stigmatized as coarse criminals simply because of their looks, tattoos and built, when actually they're really kind people.
4. The Stalker
The stalker ended up getting the attention she craved after putting on some makeup, making her look pretty even though she's a hideous criminal inside and outside.
So the school/trainee/daily life chapters of Lookism are very straightforward about what lookism is and about its impacts. Maybe that's why some readers think that the lookism theme stops there. But actually the theme stays even after the genre shifts to scifi/thriller/action.
B. Lookism and Its Further Consequences (later arcs)
Ever since the genre shifted, the manhwa/webtoon expanded its notion of lookism into further observation on its consequences.
Let's see.
1.Juvenile Prison and Jiho's Last Moment Arcs
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In his desperation, Jiho sought for societal acceptance through a series of crimes. He kept making the wrong choices just because he felt victimized and alienated (from lookism reasons). He ended up in a vicious mentality as a tragic, suicidal murderer.
2. Hostel Arc
Spotlight Characters
Eli (Jang Hyun)'s studies hairdressing, benefits from his gentle looks and mannerisms. So people previously always excluded him from the list of J (Jaewon) High gangsters (unlike Vasco, Zack (Jinsung), Logan (Taesung), Burn Knuckles members) before the God Dog crew came to find him. Had he dressed, talked, and looked like a gang member, many people would've distanced themselves from him from the get go.
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On the other hand, Olly (Ochun / Ohchun), who at times acted and looked unhinged, started out as a sheltered kid who was starving for attention and kindness. People were scared of him but he didn't start out that way, and he made himself scary, ironically, to gain some footing in the world that Eli lived in and later abandoned.
In Eli and Olly's case, the former benefited from lookism while the latter was disadvantaged by it, that until their respective backgrounds were revealed people never knew that they were biased towards these two.
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Sally and Warren
Sally (Serim) is perceived as a rich princess just because of her looks and her rumored wealth, but is actually a very lonely child who lives alone in a shabby place. Warren (Wonseok) is rumored and regarded as a scary school thug but is actually a brave and protective orphan. The two characters suffer from prejudices that are rooted in lookism.
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3. Fourth, Third and Second Affiliate Arcs
Spotlight Characters
Vivi and Mitsuki
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In the Third and Second Affiliate of Workers (Ilhae) arcs, people like Vivi and Mitsuki benefit from their wealth and beauty that they (almost) got away with horrible crimes that range from illicit drug use, manufacture, and trade, multiple counts of sexual assaults, human trafficking, and abduction. In a lookism-based society, the rich and privileged could benefit more when they are also beautiful.
Jake (and Daniel)
During the Third Affiliate Arc, Jake (Gimyung) was allowed to enter Vivi's nightclub and work there mainly because he doesn't look like a minor. While Daniel wasn't allowed, until he shows the Workers pin that Gun (Jonggun) gave him. They're both minors but only Daniel was suspected, because of how different they look, showing a bias caused by lookism.
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Ms. Raccoon and Arin
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In the Fourth Affiliate arc, an innocent-looking streamer nicknamed as Ms Raccoon lured Hostel's Amy and Natalie (Yejin and Eunbi) and later bound them under a slave contract in a secluded location. The two young girls would not be easily deceived had the streamer seemed hostile.
Daniel also met Arin, a beautiful but poor newbie streamer, who was later drugged and almost sexually assaulted by Vivi's cohorts. He regretted introducing Kwitch streaming to her. Her case is an example that lookism can turn beauty into harm when the beautiful is socially disadvantaged.
Johan and Vin
Johan (Yohan) and Vin (Hobin) live with a disability (visual impairment). In Johan's case he always covers his impaired eye with his hair, while Vin hides his polycoria behind super dark sunglasses. But Johan's disability was discovered by Zack in the Fourth Affiliate arc, and Vin was forced to show his during the Second Affiliate arc. In both ocassions, both characters were furious that their disability was revealed.
Before the Lookism arc, Vin even told Mary (Miru) that his dream of becoming a rapper had ended since people had seen his disability implying that what society wants is a perfect celebrity.
Although both Johan and Vin don't fully lose their self-confidence from their disabilities (and Vin spitefully targeted Duke because of his physique), we can't ignore the fact that both characters choose to conceal their disability and consider it as their blemish. This behavior is also a facet of lookism.
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Channing and Jace
Channing (Changwon) of Ansan Public hurt and shamed his opponents by slashing them with tattoo pens. The purpose of this torture isn't simply to inflict pain but also to bring shame, since tattoos are still stigmatized in many aspects and in many places, including in Korea. So when Jace was slashed and branded with Ansan Public's name and address and in uneven colors, Vasco was livid. It was more than just his own trauma resurfacing, you know. Jace already got his own tattoos, but being branded and stripped like that was humiliating.
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4. The Hunt for Big Deal, United Major Crews, Holiday 1, Holiday 2 Arcs
Spotlight Characters
D.G., Gun and Goo
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D.G. (Diego/Dagyeom/James Lee/Lee Jihoon). Behind that beautiful façade is a guy who got away with murder and erased everything about his past.
Compare his case with Gun's and Goo (Joongoo)'s, who exude dangerous gangster-ish vibes (especially Gun).
Even though all three had killed people before, D.G. is viewed as angelic, while Gun and Goo are portrayed as demonic. Their case is a clear example of lookism-based discrimination.
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CEO Charles Choi and CEO Steve Hong
Charles Choi (Dongsoo), who beautified D.G. (through plastic surgery? a second body?), knew all too well of the power of beauty. It's his true and tested method: he used his own daughter Crystal (Soojung)'s disarming beauty in the same way.
Charles himself benefits from lookism. Out of all the fighters from Gen 0, Charles is the only one whose face and mannerisms look like a legit businessman. So he passes as one, even though he was Elite, a killer like the rest of those fighters.
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On the other hand, Steve Hong (Hong Kyungyeong), Charles's business rival, is brash and often poorly dressed, so the public probably would probably lend more support towards Charles if their enmity was exposed.
Though both men are terrible fathers, Steve clearly abandons Jay and would probably be more criticized by the public than Charles, who fakes his affection for Crystal and face it he's a good looking old man. Charles is better at lookism-based P.R.
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Small, slender, and pretty, Luah (Rua) is underestimated and often feels unsafe when she's out alone in public. In fact, she's a thorough investigator under the Big Deal crew, enough for Jake and the others to acknowledge her capabilities.
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Daniel (Again)
After being underestimated for years by his relatives especially his cousins Dylan (Hyungjoon) and David (Hyunggoo) and their families, Daniel only gains full acceptance and recognition after he slimmed down, became more confident, and grew taller. This situation shows how lookism is a social wrong because it can break families apart.
5. Lookism Arc
Spotlight Characters
Hangyeol (The Grimm Plastic Surgery Clinic)
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Hangyeol of Workers runs a legit plastic surgery clinic. Without the high demand for plastic surgery, it would've been difficult for him to hide the dubious malpractice, asylum and shelter operations. And why is there such a rush for plastic surgeries? The answer is lookism.
Hangyeol himself takes advantage of his looks and demeanor. Because of these, his patients takes it for granted that he's a pro through and through when in fact he's insane (and is a minor).
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Mary has to hide her background as a judoka because of her past body size and another undisclosed trauma. She and Vin had to leave their hometown Cheonliang (Chunryang) and settled in Seoul, and could only recently embraced their Cheonliang identity again after Vin's escape from Mitsuki's illegal fight club.
Their shared trauma of body shaming and disability makes it hard for them to believe in other people, an example of how lookism works in alienation.
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6. Jake Kim, James Lee & First Generation King Arcs
Spotlight Characters:
Sinu, Taesoo, and Seokdu
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Taesoo, who is Hudson (Hyunseong)'s teacher from Ansan, is traumatized by his disability. His bitterness and shame drove him to lose his belief in himself, and to retreat from society.
Meanwhile Sinu (Shinwoo) and Seokdu are never discriminated only because they put up a "tough front" that seem to have "surpassed" their respective disability (in what is probably an example of how their society treats them as an 'inspiration porn', a term coined by Australian disability activist Stella Young).
7. First Affiliate Arc (Current Arc)
Spotlight Characters
Logan (and Daniel)
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Logan is back at his worst in the First Affiliate arc when he taunted Daniel with the past crude name "Pikachu". Daniel too had to resort to call Logan "Pig" even though he knows that it's a name given by bullies including Logan himself.
This situation is an example of how lookism in society makes it difficult for people to escape from labels, no matter how far they've come.
Side Notes
Not exactly lookism here but ageism: the dismissive attitude by younger characters towards the aging members of Gen 0. Well of course physically they're different from when they were young but they're still formidable people! But they themselves despise the younger generation, so the hatred is mutual.
Maybe Samuel (Seongeun)'s bitter rivalry with Jake about Big Deal etc. counts as lookism. Jake benefits from his Gapryong looks, and is the more acknowledged one in the criminal underworld, for better or worse. I'm not saying that Jake only has his looks, of course he's talented and tough, but Samuel had nothing (the running joke between the creators and the fandom is how he's cool because his father was an AC repairman). I wonder if that was why Samuel tried hard to make his physique more formidable before meeting Jake again (but Samuel is literally a bag of insecurities and maybe not just about his looks or heritage alone so who knows).
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In the Future...
I think the lookism consequences would keep appearing in the manhwa/webtoon. I mean there's the problem of Daniel's, Crystal's and who knows who else's alternate bodies. Daniel's alternate body was probably created as a perfect human weapon, while Crystal's was to observe people (and Daniel?). I have this feeling in my gut that the alternate bodies were products of someone's (Charles's? Someone else's?) morbid dissatisfaction about human imperfections.
There goes my rant about the threads of the lookism theme across the Lookism manhwa/webtoon. I'm sorry that this turns out to be very long.
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meowcatsposts · 2 years
Better [Werewolf bf]
╰► warning: mentions of stalking and kidnapping
You get kidnapped by a werewolf, basically
(But don't worry, he has your best interests at heart)
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“You deserve better,” he murmured, rough voice raspy from the lack of use. His copper eyes bore into yours, so icily striking yet fiery warm. “You really do.”
Argos was his name, you learned–the hound-human who captured you. He had an unruly and dark but smooth mane for hair, and his complexion was rather pale, like white lilies under waning moonlight. Ropes of lean muscle undulated beneath his milky skin as he scrounged for something in a heap of bones. He kept his “treasures” hidden there.
From the ghoulish pile he produced yet another skull–a dog skull. Hollowed dead eyes stared back at you as he put the piece of bone in front of your eyes, and you suppressed a small scream. Were you going to end up like this?
“You’re scared,” Argos said, dark eyebrows drawing together. “I didn’t mean to do that…” 
He paused to look you in the eyes once more, as if checking a wounded bird. Then he continued–after encapsulating your hand in his larger, rougher one. They were warm, like a hot cup of tea.
“This could have been me, a long time ago,” Argos trailed, rotating the dog skull and tilting his head to see its void eyes, too. “Neglected, starved, dead…” He set the skull down with a soft clunk. “I’ve watched you, and I see it in you, too. The people around you don’t see your worth, do they? They treat you like vermin, from what I see–something to never befriend, something to never worship.” Suddenly his eyes burned dark, a moon in a solar eclipse. A guttural growl escaped his parted lips. “And I’ve seen you cry by yourself…with no one to cry on…”
Then, gazing into your eyes like a pet who lovingly sidles up to its owner, he asked, “Was it lonely?”
You hadn’t noticed the hot tears searing your eyelids nor the blurred Argos in front of you, who held both of your hands in both of his. It was so unnerving and creepy and freaky that a hound-human like him stalked you, but at the same time it was so fuzzy and gentle and warm that it made your heart clench. Oh, how you wished for a genuine connection–a connection of trust and love and nothing else. But alas, thick ropes of human connections strangle you, leaving you breathless and choking, raw and bruised. 
Did Argos understand? Perhaps he did, because with a small smile he wiped your tears away with his thumb, murmuring soft ‘it’s ok’ s, or ‘I’ll be with you now’ s. 
“Yeah…it was lonely,” you croaked. “How do you know?”
Argos said nothing, just held you close. 
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You had just returned from a hangout, rather large, consisting of several friends. A part of you was happy you went, but another whole was glad to be far, far away from that suffocating setting. Sure, everyone was cordial and bubbly and kind, but they knew each other more than you did. So you were left to drift by yourself most of the time, left to gaze upon tightly-knit trios and duos who were talking and smiling. One, as a joke, called you something foul–but apologized later on for potentially hurting your feelings. 
Minutes dragged into hours, and you soon grew exhausted by the continuous chatter that you couldn’t keep up with–or really be a part of. It was an odd number of people anyway, you told yourself. It’d be natural for someone like yourself to be floating. So you excused yourself, before you grew too sick. (Not like the others really cared, right, though they waved and said cheery ‘bye!’ s to you.)
Currently in the shower, fresh tears streamed down your wet cheeks. Why were you crying, again? Was it relief? Was it hurt? What was it, anyway?
All you knew, though, was that it felt good to cry.
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Argos heard your soft sobs and whimpers bounce off the ambient shower walls. 
Heck, he even heard you blow your nose every so often, probably because you were crying so much. His sharp ears flattened on his head and he prowled around in endless circles, large paws making no sound on the prickly grass. His tail dangled limply and his thick fur bristled against the chilly fall breeze. 
Why did your outing have to turn so bitter? he wondered. Why did you always have to end up like this?
Argos saw how bright your hopeful eyes looked, only for it to drain drain drain away until your once beautiful eyes turned nearly dull. It reminded him of when he was infested by maggots–lying limply on cold stone, life slowly draining from his eyes. It took all of his resolve not to whisk you right away, into his humble little shack. At least he could provide you with warmth there. He would protect you–love you–unlike those unappreciative posers. There were too many of that kind, he thought bitterly.
Argos gazed blankly at the dimly lit road. It was good that it was dark; he melted into the shadows. No one to see him. No one to hear him.
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“Argos, do you think I’m selfish?” you asked the now-hound male, whose large head was on your lap. Argos rumbled his throat as if to say, ‘No, you are not.’
Your fingers glided through his dense, black fur. It had been quite a while now, since he claimed you as his. Perhaps it’d been a few months now, maybe more. And your former home? Argos told you not to worry about it–apparently it’d been taken care of. How, though, you didn’t know. 
Argos treated you quite well; you were his royalty, after all. He fed you your favorite meals and snacks, gave you space (to some extent–you couldn’t leave the premises), and drowned you in his affections. When he was a wolf he licked and nipped gently at your skin, and provided you with his fur to play with. When he was human he embraced you and napped with you, and loved to kiss you–sometimes on the forehead, sometimes on the lips, but mostly on the neck, right where your heartbeat was. His kisses were usually light and sweet, a stark contrast to his brooding eyes and glacial complexion.
“Mmh, Argos,” you mumbled, resting your hands on his lean pale arms. 
Argos, on the other hand, was resting his hands on your hips, caging you between his body and a wall. His lips trailed up and down your neck, peppering it with sweet kisses. His copper eyes smoldered with heat, and his body was no different; you thought you would burn under his touch. You knew you couldn’t escape, either, since he was so big; he made you feel so small, somehow, like prey caught by a predator.
“You’re not telling me to stop, are you?” Argos stated; the way his voice lowered by octaves, clearly, it wasn’t a question.
As your breath hitched in your throat, he chuckled, eyes fluttering up to meet yours. They really looked like melted copper now, dissolved by his primal instincts–to press you into the wall…pin your wrists above your head…ravage you until dawn. But somehow, he managed to push them back to the depths of his hungry core, sticking to pressing soft kisses all over your exposed skin.
Feeling a little awkward just standing there, you slipped your fingers through his dark hair and played with the thick strands and massaged his scalp. Argos groaned faintly, just under his breath; you felt it on your skin–hot and needy. 
Getting a surge of confidence you murmured in his ear, “Do you like it?”
Argos just pressed you harder against the hard wooden walls, eliciting a cute squeak from you. (He made sure not to hurt you, though, because he knew just how easily you’d break.) It wasn’t the first time he tossed you around like a ragdoll. He loved how your eyes widened with fear, how your lips parted, how your breath became ragged and uneven; it made his blood burn with adrenaline. 
“I do,” Argos replied gruffly, “but let’s not forget about who’s pinned against the wall, now…”
Sometimes, you hated the man for his cockiness; it dripped off of him like a pungent perfume. 
But he was all you could ever ask for…
So why not stay with him?
yellow dividers from: firefly-graphics
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skylarsblue · 1 year
✦Bo Sinclair Fluff Alphabet ✦
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Bo’s a bit superficial, admittedly. It’s not something he can really deny, nor does he try to. He’ll readily admit to a few past flings that were insufferable, but pretty. It’s not hard for him to be lured in by plush curves and some simple sweet talking. Deep down, he’s a lonely man with a hard time finding connection.
I will say he’s a bit of a chubby chaser, for one. It’s not required but he certainly likes his plushness. In general though, though he’s got vanity, he’s not picky. Pretty is pretty, there are many kinds. Be it a nice ass, a doe eyed gaze, or an alluring voice.
What’s harder to understand is what he looks for in personality. Again, he won’t be actively looking for a deep, intimate connection on an emotional level. It sort've just…happens. He’s not sure how and he probably tries to resist it. But this is where it stops being about what he wants and more so what he needs. He needs someone with a lot of patience, some sternness, and the ability to read between lines. He’s not good at expressing how he really feels, sometimes he doesn’t even know what he’s feeling, so he doesn’t know what he should do about his emotions. That’s where you need to be able to notice and take action for him, even if he bitches about it.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Bit of a 50/50 here. He’s never thought too hard about it, because he didn’t see a need to. He never planned on getting tied down in any form, and he definitely doesn’t see himself as the fathering type. But, while he’s unaware of it, he has a soft spot for kids somewhere in that hardened shell. Bo just doesn’t know it’s there. Be it of his own blood or a bundle of joy left on his doorstep in a woven basket. At first, he’s terrified. He leaves, he isolates, he panics. But it doesn’t take much more than an innocent giggle and a wide eyed gawk to get him softening. Somewhere in his ribs there’s a child aching for the care he and his brothers never got. He can’t get a do over, but he can prevent it from happening again.
He raised his brothers, he loves them beyond words. Being in charge of a baby was basically what he was when Lester was born. Even if it scares him to death, he could be convinced.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Bo will swear up and down he’s no cuddler, and he’s an absolute fucking liar. It’s just hard for him to find a cuddling position that doesn’t feel too restrictive, which is why he thinks he’s not into it. But he’s starved for gentle contact, and he enjoys the rare feeling of safe peace. During the day, you’re only likely to get subtler stuff. Getting to sit across his lap, letting you mess with his hands, hug his arm, etc.
But at night, no matter how far away on the bed he starts, he ends up in your vicinity. One of his favorite positions, aside from classing spooning, is when he gets to lay on top of you. Between your legs with his head on your sternum, listening to your heart. It’s one of the few times he lets himself stop being on edge, to fully relax. Bonus if you run your nails along his back and shoulders. Hum a lullaby if you feel like it. Best sleep he’ll ever get.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
He doesn’t really take you on dates. Not that he doesn’t like them or anything, he just doesn’t often have the time or energy to take you places. Especially if it’s early on. He’s got trust issues, for the first few years he’s worried you’ll run. But that doesn’t mean it never happens, unlike the case with most slashers, he has the means, money, and the lack of a wanted poster on a bulletin somewhere.
He probably won’t go for anything fancy, it’s not his style and it makes him uncomfortable. He’s a vain humble man, an oxymoron. The town outside of Ambrose has its local diner, its little shops, a bar. These are the typical places he’ll take you. If it’s an anniversary and you show you want something more conventionally romantic, he’ll take you to Baton Rouge or a picnic, depends on your preference.
E = Everything (You are my___ (e.g. my life, my world)
“My do-over.”
It sounds insulting at first, but that’s not how he means it. Bo has been in a routine his entire life, and every stage, every routine, has always been with big negatives. As a child; he’d act out because of the treatment his parents gave, they’d “discipline” him, he’d do it over again. As a teen; he’d get into trouble, weasel his way out of it, do it over again.
But what he’s never gotten is an actual restart on life. He’s never gotten to, in his soul, start over. He’s always been carrying all his bad decisions and pain with him. So, when you show up, and give him a break in the pattern, it gives him the ability to get a do-over. Nothing will change on the outside, not immediately anyway. However, on the inside, he feels different. You make him feel like a different man even if his behavior hasn’t changed.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
It’s hard to say. He knows his attraction to you is deeper than normal, but the concept of love scares him. It’s a bit too new, a bit too vulnerable. Still, he can’t help but enjoy it. It’s slow to set in, slow to be put in place. He’ll rarely, rarely, say it, and when it finally hits him that his feelings for you aren’t going away, it scares him away. But he comes back. It’ll at least take two years to properly be set, but you’ll see the signs near the end of year one. If you’re observant, that is.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Bo is all sharp metal and stinging cuts. He’s never been treated gently and his hands show it, both in scars and in his grip. It’s not that he really means to be rough with you, not in a way that’s unenjoyable anyway. You’re obviously a very different situation than anyone else, so while he knows how much pressure to apply to your throat, or the crease of where your thigh meets your hip, his gentleness is unpracticed. It’s shaky and uncertain. His gentleness comes from inside, allowing you to see him more as himself than the mask he puts on for strangers, or the hardass he pretends to be for the sake of his emotional safety.
It’s in long glances with admiration behind the pupils. In the slope of his shoulders as they come at ease beside you. The hand he rests possessively on your lower back when you’re in the kitchen. It’s in the moments you catch him at his weakest and he doesn’t run away, but to you instead.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Bo’s not much of the hand holding type. He prefers his hand in your back pocket, around your waist, or you hugging his arm. Still though, every now and then it’s that little bit of contact he needs, without being too much. Usually when driving. He’ll lock your fingers together, feel the skin of your palm press against his. Especially if your hands run cold, he’ll always make a comment about it, blow hot air on the back of it in order to warm your hand up.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
The same as everyone else, really. Likely finding you attractive, another pretty face he’ll have to shoot at. His opinion only changes when he sees how you behave, how the others around you treat you, how you treat him as a stranger. It’ll start to shift. He’s met nice people before, even let a few go because of their situation. Like a single mother looking for gas or a young teen boy on the run from his parents.
He could justify why he’d let you live, what he doesn’t understand is why he can’t let you go either. Not just because you could tell the cops. But something deeper in him aches at the thought, that long loneliness that he’s been denying for so long.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
He absolutely is a jealous man. As confident as he can be, he hates gawking eyes running over you. He’s possessive, and while you’re not an object, he does feel like he owns you in a certain way. You can have your free will, but he’s stamped his name on your heart, and he intends to put his initials everywhere he can reach. He won’t show it all the time, it’ll start subtly. Cracking his jaw, a glare, a little less southern kindness in his act.
God forbid someone come onto you though. It’s not jealousy then, he’s enraged at the audacity. He’s a murderer, one with little to no morals and a severe lack of empathy. But he draws the line at you. Doesn’t matter if he’d a hypocrite, if he had behaved in a similar flirtatious way with taken individuals before you. With you, no one gets any leeway.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
50/50 based on time, but most likely him. If your timeline includes heavy resistance on your part, he’ll initiate it. It won’t be sweet, it’ll be a move for power, even if he’s gentle. If your timeline includes you being more willing, and open, then it’ll likely be you. This way, you can make it sweet. Convey the kindness you have to him again in unspoken words, allow him to melt against you for once. It’ll be the only kiss he actually remembers.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Definitely you, and he won’t believe you at first. No matter when you first say it, or how, he’s taken aback. He thinks you’re exaggerating or you’re outright lying. Aside from brotherly love, no one has ever loved him. Not earnestly, not honestly. They may love what he can do, what he can provide, his face. But he knows at the core of his soul, he’s rotten and covered in razor wire. He understands no one wants to hold something that hurts them. But yet here you are, cradling his heart covered in razor blades, letting your blood fall down the arms he leaves kisses on in the dark, when he thinks you’re asleep.
He’ll say it back after you’ve shown him you mean it. You haven’t walked away, you haven’t hated him, you haven’t dumbed him down to the untalented version of his twin. You’ve stayed, and you’ve cared. He says it softly, almost uncertain if the words can leave his throat. But he means it.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
Coming home to you after a long day and seeing you seem like you’re enjoying yourself. Like you’ve settled into the home, like you’re no longer a prisoner and instead a member of the family. Lester & Vincent were in the same room, chatting, though Vincent silently, and laughing with you. At ease around you like he was, you at ease with them in return. With a warm meal on the stove and a pleasantness in the air. He can see you at your brightest. He swears that day you made the world slow when you looked at him, smiling, beckoning him in on the conversation.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Usually he does so on dates. Though dates are sparse, you never come home without him spending at least 200$, half of which went to you specifically. Does he bring you a gift home every day? No. But he knows when you deserve a spoiling, and he follows through consistently. He also struggles saying no to things you want, within reason. Suddenly, 200$ seems like a small price in comparison to your joy. Don’t think you get away without a little comment though.
“You’re a real spoiled brat, ya know that? Better thank me, at least”
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Bo’s not one for caring about colors. He knows his favorites are black and denim blue, but that’s about it. Still, the colors that seem to invoke emotion in him, that bring you up in his mind? The colors of the sunset. Pinks blending into purples, and eventually a deep blue. It brings him a sense of peace, and it reminds him that it's the end of the day, so he can come home to you. Listen to you rattle off about something, or sit in silence with the aura you bring into the room. Especially when the dipping sun hits your face just right. Every time it happens, it makes his breath catch in his lungs. And every time he wonders how someone so awful as him got someone so celestial as you.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
He’s a Southern man, he’s got a surplus to pull from. A classic “sweetheart”, “hun”, and “baby” are frequent. Sometimes he throws in a “sweet thing”, or thang, if we include the accent. Darling missing the ‘G’ and sugar make an appearance now and then. But he’s also likely to give you at least one fond nickname based on something you two have discussed.
“Anyone ever tell ya you look like a lil rabbit? Cute lil’ bunny, eh? Oh don’t get shy on me now, you had all that talk a second ago!”
As for ones he enjoys, he prefers them simple, nothing that’s over the top. “Love” & “babe” work best most of the time, but he’s got a soft spot for being called “sugar”. One that he pretends to hate but he adores? “Lover boy.” Call him that, trust me.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Bo isn’t really for new things anyway, aside from maybe TVs. Even his cars he prefers are old. He’s a pretty firm believer in the “quality back then was better” idea. Still, his heart always goes back to old cars, trucks specifically. He’s a simple man, he wants a simple truck that’ll do its job and last him years. He’ll never understand the hype behind sleek sports cars and shiny leather interiors.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Rain doesn’t do much for him. Unless it’s a heavy storm, he’s gonna do what he needs to do, albeit in a slightly calmer mood. He finds rain calming, even if he’s not super fond of the mess of mud Jonesy tracks in the house. Storms however, especially heavy ones, worry him. It's not that he’s afraid of lightning, and they’re far enough from the water to not have much worry of any flooding. It’s because Lester hates thunder. On these days, he tries to make an excuse to go see his baby brother. When you catch on, don’t comment, but encourage. Lester always appreciates it and it helps you see Bo’s softer side to being a big brother.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Bo’s self destructive, we know this. He doesn’t cope well and he doesn’t like people giving him advice on how to handle his emotions, even if he needs it desperately. On a rough day, he smokes more, he might crack open a beer, but worst of all? He hides, metaphorically. He gets loud, he snaps, he hurts the feelings of people around him because he’s upset. And apologizing isn’t his forte. The longer he’s with you, the calmer he gets, and the more likely he is to direct his anger out, but not at you and his brothers. Coax him into a rant, while he goes on about his gripes, do small things to make him comfortable. Slip a drink in his hand, sneakily place an ice pack on his sore bruises, gently play with the hair near the nape of his neck.
By the end of it all, he’ll be tuckered out. Ready for a little couch nap and maybe some lovin’, if you’re alright with him laying on your lap, that is.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Bo’s actually the quiet type. Unless he’s angry, he doesn’t say much unprompted. He can carry a conversation though, and he has his subjects that he’ll gush about, you just have to bring it out of him. Aside from rants on cars and some random history facts from his phase as a teenager, he likes to talk about what you bring up. If you’re the talkative type, he enjoys the long conversations with all the topics you seem to pull from thin air. Lighthearted debates and such. But if you’re also the quiet type, he’s more than happy with silent company. He doesn’t need words to be entertained.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
His hobby of fixing up cars, a cigarette, the occasional beer at dinner time. Laying on you at bed time seems to work really well, he goes as limp as a corpse, almost like his limbs are weighted by how relaxed he gets. Petting Jonesy helps, but he only does that if no one’s looking. He had other things that worked, up until someone ruined it for him.
Piano, poetry, and photography were all things he used when he was younger to ease himself. Each time though, criticism and comparison to Vincent killed his passion for it. He could pick these things up again though, should he have someone the encourage him
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
He’s cocky, let’s be honest. He likes to show off his looks, since it's one of the few things he’s always had over his brothers, according to others. He doesn’t flaunt things like his truck or the rings he wears, although he takes pride in his appearance. Best bet he’s proud of having you beside him though. He brags a lot. To the point that the people at the bar he visits are sick of you before they even meet you.
“I dunno why the bartender don’t like ya, hun. Just don’t worry bout it, she just don’t know you like I do.”
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
He takes you out to a picnic on the back of his truck, sent a rare prayer to the lord that the weather will match his plan. You’ll probably notice how stiff he is, the tenseness in his muscles is impressive. He’ll drive you two out to a little pasture out of Ambrose, a patch of land surrounded by trees, likely near a large pond or lake. He made sure to do it in Spring, having convinced himself that doing it on the same day he got that first dream would give him better luck.
He sits with you and slowly relaxes as you coax him out of his shell once more. Like you did all those years ago. Showing what all that barbed wire around his insides is hiding. He’ll get to reminiscing, ensure to make you laugh. When he stops talking, it worries you. He’s just as worried. He had a speech rehearsed, he forgets it all the second his fingers touch the velvet box in his pocket. Still, Bo will manage to stutter out some paraphrased lines, keeping his gaze down. His confidence is gone, and he feels like he’s five again, begging for the approval he feels he doesn’t deserve.
But then you say yes, you say it with enthusiasm and raw emotion. Suddenly the world has air again and he can bring himself to smile, allowing you a glimpse at his soul when he gets the ring on your hand. The ceremony won’t be anything but a church service in the next town over, in his tux, you in whatever you chose. Only his brothers and Jonesy will be there, but it doesn’t matter to him. As sappy as he feels, it doesn’t feel like a bad thing.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Middle Finger - Bohnes Cowboy Casanova - Carrie Underwood Wrecking Ball - Mother Mother
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Bo has never seen himself as the type to get married. He’s never considered it really, not until you come along. For a long time, he still doesn’t think about it, until a dream hits him out of nowhere in the Spring and it tips the first domino. Whether his brain put you in a tux or white lace, it doesn’t matter, his heart palpitates all the same. It scares him. So, while the thought is now there, it still takes years for him to actually consider doing it. When he sucks it up and buys a ring, it takes him another five months to actually plan and go through with it.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
He’s not much of an animal person. Jonesy was found by Lester, and Vincent was the one that convinced Bo to let her stay. He still swears he doesn’t like the dog, but he’s brutally beaten a man to death with his bare hands for kicking her. Simply put, if he had to pick, he’d be a dog person. Pitbulls specifically.
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cosmal · 2 years
Hi <3 could i make a request for Eddie Munson? One where after everything that happened with him and in the upside down, he has constant nightmares and such, and even though he hates it, he's always alone. Then one day, reader spends the night at his place for whatever reason, and she wakes up with Eddie having a nightmare, and she just comforts him through it, and he's overwhelmed for finally having someone there with him, clinging to her, crying and such, could we have some touch starved!Eddie, because you write him so fucking perfectly? 🥺 And maybe through all that, the feelings he's been having for her finally slip, and he's kinda scared she'd never feel the same but she does? Thank you, you're the best and your writing is top tier <3
𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐞 — 𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧
summary eddie wakes up from a nightmare when you stay the night. you let him know yu're not going anywhere.
warnings/tags fem!reader, she/her pronouns, scared!eddie, crying!eddie
note this kinda got away from me so I ended it short. I don't really like it but here we go.
word count 1k
Eddie regrets asking you to sleep in the same bed as him. He’d needed the comfort, his day was long, tiring, and horribly lonely. You’d come over when he called, didn’t even ask questions. He really only wanted some company, maybe watch a movie. But when you’d asked if he wanted you to stay over, in the softest, kindest voice, he wasn’t going to ask you to sleep on his couch. 
Not only had it taken him forever to get to sleep, tossing and turning, rolling over every time he’d remember you were a few inches across from him. The look on your face when he’d woken up gasping and screaming was one he wanted erased from memory.
It doesn’t take you long to wake completely, becoming coherent, rubbing sleep from your eyes a little too roughly. “Eddie?” 
Eddie’s shaking, badly. Worse than normal, hands that are fisted in his sheets tremble, his eyes blink back the images of the nightmare he’s just woken from. Each breath he takes feels like it might be his last, his throat all dry like it’s closing up. 
You think you can hear him murmuring something. Protests that die on his chapped lips before they reach a volume you can understand, “Hey, Eddie,” You sit up with him until your shoulders are touching, reaching across to grab one of his hands from the mattress. He flinches. “it’s okay. Just a nightmare.”
Suddenly, the biting and the clawing Eddie could feel in his dream is replaced by the soft touch your even softer hand brings to his palm. He blinks back the burning fatigue from his eyelids and turns to look at you. Still panting like his life depends on it.
“Y/N,” he says it like he’s more shocked than anything. Y/N, what are you doing here?
“Eddie,” you affirm with a squeeze to his clammy palm, “Hey.” You try to encourage him from the daze he’s in. His tensed shoulders and glassy eyes worry you.
“Shit, M’sorry, I woke you.” Eddie thinks that's what he says, but the words come out jumbled and gaspy. Like one big word.
“Don’t be, it happens.” You say it to be reassuring but you’re not sure he’s listening. You turn so you’re facing him, knees pushed into his thighs under his flannelette sheets, and can see the beginnings of tears in the corners of his eyes.
Reaching up to cup his cheek in your palm, turning his face to yours, you say, “Eddie.” It’s firm, not unkind, but he seems to catch you finally, “It’s alright, just breathe.”
The tears fall but he’s trying his best to even out his breathing, “I thought I was back.” A sob racks its way up his throat, tears cascading down his flushed face. “I thought I was back down there. The bats.” 
“You’re here. Your trailer, Eddie, with me.” You press your thumb into the corner of his mouth and he keens under your touch, eyes fluttering closed.
“With you,” he echoes. Barely a whisper to be heard under the harsh sounds of cicadas, and the frogs in his drainpipes. “I’m with you.”
“Yeah.” You smile. It’s sad and worrying, but Eddie melts under it.
Wiping away the tears from his cheeks, Eddie’s suddenly engulfed with the feeling of your skin on his. Where your fingers prod his flesh with a tentative touch that juxtaposes cruelly with the nightmare he’s just woken from. It makes his throat ache.
“Do you want a drink?” You ask before pulling your caring hands from his face. He misses your contact instantly and he’s sure he shows it. Even more sure you notice when you settle your hands on his knees.
He realises you’re about to get up and thinks he can skip a glass of water if it means you won’t leave his side. Grabbing your bicep, he sounds almost desperate when he says, “I’m okay. Just, could you-“ he doesn't know how to finish the question. It feels foreign on his tongue. 
You hum, a tiny sound to prompt him to continue. 
“You won’t leave me, will you?” Eddies voice is tiny, so quiet he can barely hear it himself. 
You clock his tired but still desperate eyes, the tiniest pout his lip gives. Even if he didn’t look so awfully sad, you’d never be one to say no to him. You never have been, it’s the exact reason you’re here right now. 
“Oh, Eds.” You close the tiny gap between the both of you, hooking your arms over his shoulders and crossing them behind his back. Pulling him in as close as possible. You hear his breath catch and feel his tensed shoulders go limp under your weight. 
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs again, right into the skin of your neck. It promptly breaks out into goosebumps at the proximity. 
“It’s okay.” You reassure him, traversing a path up the length of his back with a caring hand, over the cotton of his pyjama shirt until you can feel the ridges and bumps of his spine. He shivers. “I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Promise,” you echo, “You wanna lay back down?” 
Reluctantly, you pull back away and tuck the curling hairs away from his face and behind his ears. Wiping the last of the wetness off his flushed cheeks 
“I think so.” He nods against your palm, eyes fluttering closed. 
Eddie lets you lay him back down against his pillows, going down with him and pulling up the sheets to your shoulders. 
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to get back to sleep,” Eddie whispers into the stillness. You throw an arm over his calming chest and hold him close to your side. 
“It’s okay, I’ll stay up with you,” you tell him. He buries his face in the crook of your neck and breathes deeply. 
“Why?” he asks, mumbled by skin and hair. It tickles. 
“Because I want to,” you tell him matter-of-factly. 
Eddie’s breath catches for what feels like the tenth time tonight. He’s never had anyone want to do something so kind for him in such a long time. 
“Thank you,” Eddie murmurs. If you kept up your lovely touches, he’d be back to sleep in no time.
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(...) Something something even in journalism being specifically a sports/football journalist and dealing with players, owners, and coaches like Ted’s predecessor. (...) // god I have so many thoughts about this entire post and especially this part! george cartrick uses a homophobic term in one of his first lines. that first scene with george and rebecca is probably what the press room environment was like while trent was deeply closeted, unhappy in his relationship with a woman. to think of him being in that chair week after week for years... no wonder he was so cold when we first met him. and no wonder ted's warm presence changed him so profoundly
RIGHT!!!!!!!!! i think about this so so so much . like. trent pre-canon just. being so deeply unhappy. bored with his job, scared of himself, lonely and bitter and with so little affection in his life. his work environment is outright hostile and his home life feels like a lie and he has nowhere he feels safe. and yeah just. specifically with him going to work every day to talk to people like cartrick, to be immersed in a very toxic and homophobic culture, one he grew up with with his father, and like. him being sharp and unforgiving and snappish and aloof because he has to be, because the world he deals with daily is cold and sharp to him, and then--
then ted comes along and he is completely unprepared. thrown off guard, searching for what angle ted has, what trick this is, what he's playing at, because he is completely unprepared to deal with someone who is warm and genuine and open. and when it becomes increasingly clear that ted's sincere, that he really is warm and caring and kind, that he not only isn't going to but never would say the kind of shit cartrick did, that trent--trent can let his guard down around him--it's... kind of irresistible. how can he be anything but helpless to that when he's been starved of it for so long? i remember in that same quote that james lance said that he wanted to be loved but truly felt he was unlovable he said something like. even from the beginning there was more inside wanting desperately to come out, that he couldn't express himself because of his oppressive childhood (and, we can assume, his prior work environment) so he couldn't show the sweetheart he really was and i'm just crying. like. yeah. him just utterly melting. like.
this is barely coherent but just. something about how ted's whole thing is getting through to people and crumbling tough cookies, and trent is presented--an early challenge--as a very tough cookie indeed, the coldest of the bunch, the worst and most cutting journalist of all the shitty journalists, literally handpicked by rebecca to destroy ted as the most respected but also the biggest cunt. and like. it takes a while for ted to get through to roy, and jamie, and rebecca, right? but trent??? like. there's the two brief press conference meetings (in which trent is borderline hostile, although he seems bemusedly impressed by ted's clever answers once he's prepared) and then like, what, half a day? a brief conversation or two, watching him interact with kids, and then half a dinner that he basically flees halfway through directly after realizing ted's genuine and looking like he's been fucking cracked open about it. like. it doesn't even take that much for him to change his mind and listen to what ted's saying. yeah, it takes him a little while longer to fully soften up--and in fact, we only see him really, truly his most authentic sweetheart self once he's fully immersed in the community ted's helped cultivate--but like. wow. literally just. ted being sincere, ted being kind to him, and that's enough. like. a wild beast that wants to be tamed so it can lay its head in a warm lap, a knight that wants to be disarmed so he can finally stop fighting. it took so little to get through to him. like it's kind of tragic. maybe no one else could have done it--could have been as boldly, incredibly, almost stupidly sincere and open as ted is--or maybe anyone could have and it's simply that no one did. like just!!!!!! trent growing to be cold and aloof and sharp as armor, defense against the world that's hurt him, that he's already hiding from, and just. ted disarming him. trent letting his guard down and for once not being punished for it. i just. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHGH!!!!!!! no wonder he was so cold with how unhappy and scared and alone he was!!!!!!! no wonder ted's kindness and warmth affected him so badly!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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gurlbur · 10 months
gurlburs long winded L.N. rant (the fandom is rising from the dead so you KNOW I had to make this post)
I fucking hate 90% of little nightmares fans because none of them understand the game. I understand it is up to interpretation for the most part but there's also a lot of complex themes and stories going on you can't conclude your stupid fucking game theory with "So that's why this 6 year old girl should be tried and hung."
Did the overwhelming theme of evil capitalism not get through to you?
Did the themes of generational trauma not make it through your thick skull?
Did the game wringing your neck and pleading with you to not blame these children for the way things are just not compute?
Because they ARE children. They are children who are in INSANELY traumatic situations but no one is ready to talk about that yet. But its true, they're traumatized, and starved, and lonely, and scared, and the things around them don't make sense, and the things around them are big and scary.
They won't make logical choices because they are traumatized children trying to survive. Why did Six drop Mono? I dunno but I can assure you its not because Six is an evil monster who wants the time-loop to keep going. And it also wasn't because Mono was an irredeemable monster who was destined to kill her no matter what.
they're still children, they still have compassion and love for each other. R.K. gave Six food (even if he did get eaten in the end) Six still helped mono up all those times, LITTLE NIGHTMARES TWO WAS FOCUSED AROUND MONO AND SIX'S FRIENDSHIP. And L.N. 3 is about Low and Alones friendship.
These are children who get distracted by wooden toy blocks and little model trains, these are children who throw around paper airplanes and hold each others hands, these are children who braid flowers into their hair and wear bags on their heads, these are children who wear smeared makeup, these are children who wear silly hats, these are children!!!
please stop treating these kids who aren't even close to having fully developed brains like full grown adults who have all the information the audience does!
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spitinsideme · 3 months
In that one post you talked a lot about hands and stuff. I kind of like hands. I think they're pretty great, but for different reasons from what you listed. You seem to know a lot about kinks, so if you don't mind could you do like a reverse diagnoses and try to tell me why Im like this, or what it means? Here are my... symptoms? kink symptoms? I like soft effeminate hands. Rough manly hands are a no-go for me. Also not into penetration. The idea of doing it to someone or having it done to me is scary, but there is something about the sensation of being touched by soft woman hands that gives me butterflies, and the idea of getting to touch soft woman body is exciting. I get that people like things for different reasons, but I don't know what kind of stuff would influence me to have these attractions. Is there any general explanation for what kind of stuff leads to these feelings?
Idk if my gender matters but Im a girl.
(Sorry this turned out longer than I thought it would be. I hope you don't mind me asking about this.) 😖
never evrr ap9ligise for sending me questions about kinks in my inbox do you knlw how little i get nto talk about kinks ? this is literally paradise to me i LOVE talkig to peopoe about kinks and having them ask me questions about kinks this is amazing i love yoi for thos and i will do my very best to .. diagose you ?? i guess. BE WARNED !!! i am going to analyse you a bit, i am going to say shit based on what i thibk personally from the peoppe i have met and youknow the things i know. i coukd be COMPLELTY wrong, but nevertheless, i hope you enjoy and find entertainment in me trying my besy to find out your lore like youre a silly characyter in a dhow or soemthint, have a laugh about it !
fron what i can tell based on what you said, you kind of do fit under the category of things i was talking ahout in my other post about hand kinks, but you fit into like the opposite. the exaft same way women like veiny and rough hands because theyre masculine, you like soft hands becaude thet are feminine ! youre into girls, abd im guessing you are more into feminine women ? honestly there is literally no reason for this except its just your type, you like women so obviously you are going to lije softer hands because they are feminine, isnt that complex ahout it !
you seem to valur touch a lot too, so im guessing youre probbaly a bit touch starved for it but im not here to talk aboit your issues ! one of the reasons you lije hands falls under the "what i can do to them" category of attraction, becaude you see them and yoir first thoufh (fron what you said) is that you want to feel them and not that theyre pretty, whoch honestly links back to that touch starved thing and probbaly i think your love language is physical touch ! a theory of mine is that people with things for hands are actually the sort of peoole who wnat yo be touched more, it usually isnt even sexual but can be (like you said) just wanting to feel someone close to you and feel them there with you. idontknow, im goig to analyee that a bit more sorry if im going off topic about the kinks but im treating this like a "whats your lore" game and seeing what i can get righr ir not
i think you are scared of people leaving you and not being there, whixh is why you value feeling the warmth of someone else with you there so much. it just stood out to me how you didnt say "tbeyre pretty" but that you wanted to touch them, havibg soneone physixally there with you and touxhibg them maybe calms you down and comforts you because youre scared or them leaving, youre probbaly a bit lonely, reallly desperatr for physixal affectiion
back to kinks, youre just into women honestly, i meanx you see hands and one of yoir main thoughts is "god, i want to touch her body" ? yeah, thats just gay. youre a lady whos into other ladies there really is no other complex explanation for that. what you have told me is really jsut common mostly everyone whos into girls feels. going to that "not into penetration" thing, honestly thats probbaly just a preference you have. some peooe dont like penetrations and thats complelty normal i dont think it really has anything to do with your hand kink. a lot of women ive met who arent into penetration because of fear is usually because of guilt or shame at having sexual feelings, and especially acting upon them. i dont think you have that though, you talk about wanting ajd thinking about touching womebs bodies pretty happily, so i honestly think that your no penetration thing is just somethinf you dont like.
in conclusion, i diagnose you with sapphic yearning and lady loving, with a side of touch starved and fear of abandonment and love language physical affection. i dont think what you have couod he considered a hand kink becaude you dont seem .. sexually attracyed to hands ? you just seem to like them a normal amount and just wanting to touch them and then going straugjt to thinking about how the body feels, but im just going basrd off what you have told me here . normal symptoms, you are fine and that is a complelty normal way to feel
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Sometimes I just get so lonely. I think I crave physical affection, cuddling, hand holding, things typically associated with romantic couples, but I’ve never been attracted to anyone like that. It’s just, it’s like when you want a snack but you just stare at your pantry bc nothing sounds good, so, dejected, you close the door and pretend you never really wanted a snack in the first place
It always comes out of nowhere too. I’ll be fine as long as I don’t focus on myself, but the second I think think too hard about how I actually feel, it hits me likes truck. Like I’ll be watching a sweet show, like Heartstopper for example, and I’ll be so happy because it’s so heartwarming, but underneath there’s a melancholy. It feels like I’ll never have someone that makes me happy like that.
I almost want to ask a friend if they’d want to do these kinds of things platonically, but the only friend I feel close enough to lives in a completely different state, which isn’t exactly helpful on the physical touch front. And I’m so scared for my future, I live in an extremely conservative area, and I plan on attending a college known for its…less than diverse demographics (something like five guys to every girl, made more complicated by the fact that I am neither). It doesn’t feel like I’ll ever meet someone I feel comfortable doing these things with.
I’m just so lonely but it’s hollow. I miss something that I might never fully experience. It’s like mourning something that never fully existed in the first place. Why don’t I deserve the things that make me happy?
You definitely deserve things that make you happy, Anon. It sounds like you're in a rough place right now, but you're not always going to be in an isolated place like this. It doesn't hurt to start planning now how you're going to get out of it though.
Even in conservative areas you can still find your people, and still make meaningful connections. And you will eventually have the freedom to choose where you live, and it will be good for you to have practiced skills around reaching out and meeting people now. Think about hobbies you like, or would like to get into. See if your college has an LGBTQ club of some kind (and if not, see if there's a local LGBTQ chapter that does events or meetups). Check out their other clubs too to see if anything interests you. There's a lot of advice around online on how to make friends, but the biggest thing is just finding ways to be around people consistently (especially the same people), and making sure you're actually talking to them and putting yourself out there.
You may be touch starved. There are coping mechanisms you can try like getting a weighted blanket (other suggestions in the link).
There are a lot of people who are very tactile and like showing platonic physical affection. Keep doing what you can to meet others, and mention that you're comfortable with touch and platonic affection, and eventually you will meet people who are platonically physically affectionate too.
All you can do is your best, Anon. But things aren't as bleak as they may seem.
All the best, and good luck!
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