#park taejoon
lookismstuff · 9 months
Lookism Webtoon/Manhwa is Still About Lookism, After All
Added some new analysis. SPOILERS ALERT.
I read many complaints that Lookism webtoon/manhwa isn't about lookism anymore (some even call it "fightism" or "gangism"). I respectfully beg to disagree, since I think the manhwa/webtoon is still a story about lookism, despite the genre shift. I recently binge-read the webtoon/manhwa for about three weeks, so maybe that's why I can spot the threads of the lookism theme across the story.
If you want to read about the current arcs, please read point B right away.
A. Lookism in its basic definition (early arcs)
Spotlight Characters
Lookism is "societal discrimination based on looks or perceived notion of beauty". As we all know, this concept can easily be applied to the case of Daniel (Hyungseok). With his second body, Daniel could access the things he previously couldn't even dream of: becoming a model, a singer, even a trainee, finding friends, crushes, etc.
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2. Crystal, Duke, Aru,Jasmine, Yui and Zoe
Crystal (Soojung)'s smaller body and Duke (Deokhwa) experienced discrimination based on their looks. Others used their looks or appearance to manipulate others, like Aru (the singer of PTJ Company), or Jasmine (Youngmi), the girl who framed Vasco for theft. Yui and Zoe (Haneul) had to "sell" more than looks as streamers (they had to dress and act provocatively even though they're minors).
3. Vasco and Burn Knuckles
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People like Vasco and the rest of the Burn Knuckles suffer from being stigmatized as coarse criminals simply because of their looks, tattoos and built, when actually they're really kind people.
4. The Stalker
The stalker ended up getting the attention she craved after putting on some makeup, making her look pretty even though she's a hideous criminal inside and outside.
So the school/trainee/daily life chapters of Lookism are very straightforward about what lookism is and about its impacts. Maybe that's why some readers think that the lookism theme stops there. But actually the theme stays even after the genre shifts to scifi/thriller/action.
B. Lookism and Its Further Consequences (later arcs)
Ever since the genre shifted, the manhwa/webtoon expanded its notion of lookism into further observation on its consequences.
Let's see.
1.Juvenile Prison and Jiho's Last Moment Arcs
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In his desperation, Jiho sought for societal acceptance through a series of crimes. He kept making the wrong choices just because he felt victimized and alienated (from lookism reasons). He ended up in a vicious mentality as a tragic, suicidal murderer.
2. Hostel Arc
Spotlight Characters
Eli (Jang Hyun)'s studies hairdressing, benefits from his gentle looks and mannerisms. So people previously always excluded him from the list of J (Jaewon) High gangsters (unlike Vasco, Zack (Jinsung), Logan (Taesung), Burn Knuckles members) before the God Dog crew came to find him. Had he dressed, talked, and looked like a gang member, many people would've distanced themselves from him from the get go.
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On the other hand, Olly (Ochun / Ohchun), who at times acted and looked unhinged, started out as a sheltered kid who was starving for attention and kindness. People were scared of him but he didn't start out that way, and he made himself scary, ironically, to gain some footing in the world that Eli lived in and later abandoned.
In Eli and Olly's case, the former benefited from lookism while the latter was disadvantaged by it, that until their respective backgrounds were revealed people never knew that they were biased towards these two.
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Sally and Warren
Sally (Serim) is perceived as a rich princess just because of her looks and her rumored wealth, but is actually a very lonely child who lives alone in a shabby place. Warren (Wonseok) is rumored and regarded as a scary school thug but is actually a brave and protective orphan. The two characters suffer from prejudices that are rooted in lookism.
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3. Fourth, Third and Second Affiliate Arcs
Spotlight Characters
Vivi and Mitsuki
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In the Third and Second Affiliate of Workers (Ilhae) arcs, people like Vivi and Mitsuki benefit from their wealth and beauty that they (almost) got away with horrible crimes that range from illicit drug use, manufacture, and trade, multiple counts of sexual assaults, human trafficking, and abduction. In a lookism-based society, the rich and privileged could benefit more when they are also beautiful.
Jake (and Daniel)
During the Third Affiliate Arc, Jake (Gimyung) was allowed to enter Vivi's nightclub and work there mainly because he doesn't look like a minor. While Daniel wasn't allowed, until he shows the Workers pin that Gun (Jonggun) gave him. They're both minors but only Daniel was suspected, because of how different they look, showing a bias caused by lookism.
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Ms. Raccoon and Arin
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In the Fourth Affiliate arc, an innocent-looking streamer nicknamed as Ms Raccoon lured Hostel's Amy and Natalie (Yejin and Eunbi) and later bound them under a slave contract in a secluded location. The two young girls would not be easily deceived had the streamer seemed hostile.
Daniel also met Arin, a beautiful but poor newbie streamer, who was later drugged and almost sexually assaulted by Vivi's cohorts. He regretted introducing Kwitch streaming to her. Her case is an example that lookism can turn beauty into harm when the beautiful is socially disadvantaged.
Johan and Vin
Johan (Yohan) and Vin (Hobin) live with a disability (visual impairment). In Johan's case he always covers his impaired eye with his hair, while Vin hides his polycoria behind super dark sunglasses. But Johan's disability was discovered by Zack in the Fourth Affiliate arc, and Vin was forced to show his during the Second Affiliate arc. In both ocassions, both characters were furious that their disability was revealed.
Before the Lookism arc, Vin even told Mary (Miru) that his dream of becoming a rapper had ended since people had seen his disability implying that what society wants is a perfect celebrity.
Although both Johan and Vin don't fully lose their self-confidence from their disabilities (and Vin spitefully targeted Duke because of his physique), we can't ignore the fact that both characters choose to conceal their disability and consider it as their blemish. This behavior is also a facet of lookism.
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Channing and Jace
Channing (Changwon) of Ansan Public hurt and shamed his opponents by slashing them with tattoo pens. The purpose of this torture isn't simply to inflict pain but also to bring shame, since tattoos are still stigmatized in many aspects and in many places, including in Korea. So when Jace was slashed and branded with Ansan Public's name and address and in uneven colors, Vasco was livid. It was more than just his own trauma resurfacing, you know. Jace already got his own tattoos, but being branded and stripped like that was humiliating.
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4. The Hunt for Big Deal, United Major Crews, Holiday 1, Holiday 2 Arcs
Spotlight Characters
D.G., Gun and Goo
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D.G. (Diego/Dagyeom/James Lee/Lee Jihoon). Behind that beautiful façade is a guy who got away with murder and erased everything about his past.
Compare his case with Gun's and Goo (Joongoo)'s, who exude dangerous gangster-ish vibes (especially Gun).
Even though all three had killed people before, D.G. is viewed as angelic, while Gun and Goo are portrayed as demonic. Their case is a clear example of lookism-based discrimination.
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CEO Charles Choi and CEO Steve Hong
Charles Choi (Dongsoo), who beautified D.G. (through plastic surgery? a second body?), knew all too well of the power of beauty. It's his true and tested method: he used his own daughter Crystal (Soojung)'s disarming beauty in the same way.
Charles himself benefits from lookism. Out of all the fighters from Gen 0, Charles is the only one whose face and mannerisms look like a legit businessman. So he passes as one, even though he was Elite, a killer like the rest of those fighters.
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On the other hand, Steve Hong (Hong Kyungyeong), Charles's business rival, is brash and often poorly dressed, so the public probably would probably lend more support towards Charles if their enmity was exposed.
Though both men are terrible fathers, Steve clearly abandons Jay and would probably be more criticized by the public than Charles, who fakes his affection for Crystal and face it he's a good looking old man. Charles is better at lookism-based P.R.
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Small, slender, and pretty, Luah (Rua) is underestimated and often feels unsafe when she's out alone in public. In fact, she's a thorough investigator under the Big Deal crew, enough for Jake and the others to acknowledge her capabilities.
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Daniel (Again)
After being underestimated for years by his relatives especially his cousins Dylan (Hyungjoon) and David (Hyunggoo) and their families, Daniel only gains full acceptance and recognition after he slimmed down, became more confident, and grew taller. This situation shows how lookism is a social wrong because it can break families apart.
5. Lookism Arc
Spotlight Characters
Hangyeol (The Grimm Plastic Surgery Clinic)
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Hangyeol of Workers runs a legit plastic surgery clinic. Without the high demand for plastic surgery, it would've been difficult for him to hide the dubious malpractice, asylum and shelter operations. And why is there such a rush for plastic surgeries? The answer is lookism.
Hangyeol himself takes advantage of his looks and demeanor. Because of these, his patients takes it for granted that he's a pro through and through when in fact he's insane (and is a minor).
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Mary has to hide her background as a judoka because of her past body size and another undisclosed trauma. She and Vin had to leave their hometown Cheonliang (Chunryang) and settled in Seoul, and could only recently embraced their Cheonliang identity again after Vin's escape from Mitsuki's illegal fight club.
Their shared trauma of body shaming and disability makes it hard for them to believe in other people, an example of how lookism works in alienation.
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6. Jake Kim, James Lee & First Generation King Arcs
Spotlight Characters:
Sinu, Taesoo, and Seokdu
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Taesoo, who is Hudson (Hyunseong)'s teacher from Ansan, is traumatized by his disability. His bitterness and shame drove him to lose his belief in himself, and to retreat from society.
Meanwhile Sinu (Shinwoo) and Seokdu are never discriminated only because they put up a "tough front" that seem to have "surpassed" their respective disability (in what is probably an example of how their society treats them as an 'inspiration porn', a term coined by Australian disability activist Stella Young).
7. First Affiliate Arc (Current Arc)
Spotlight Characters
Logan (and Daniel)
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Logan is back at his worst in the First Affiliate arc when he taunted Daniel with the past crude name "Pikachu". Daniel too had to resort to call Logan "Pig" even though he knows that it's a name given by bullies including Logan himself.
This situation is an example of how lookism in society makes it difficult for people to escape from labels, no matter how far they've come.
Side Notes
Not exactly lookism here but ageism: the dismissive attitude by younger characters towards the aging members of Gen 0. Well of course physically they're different from when they were young but they're still formidable people! But they themselves despise the younger generation, so the hatred is mutual.
Maybe Samuel (Seongeun)'s bitter rivalry with Jake about Big Deal etc. counts as lookism. Jake benefits from his Gapryong looks, and is the more acknowledged one in the criminal underworld, for better or worse. I'm not saying that Jake only has his looks, of course he's talented and tough, but Samuel had nothing (the running joke between the creators and the fandom is how he's cool because his father was an AC repairman). I wonder if that was why Samuel tried hard to make his physique more formidable before meeting Jake again (but Samuel is literally a bag of insecurities and maybe not just about his looks or heritage alone so who knows).
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In the Future...
I think the lookism consequences would keep appearing in the manhwa/webtoon. I mean there's the problem of Daniel's, Crystal's and who knows who else's alternate bodies. Daniel's alternate body was probably created as a perfect human weapon, while Crystal's was to observe people (and Daniel?). I have this feeling in my gut that the alternate bodies were products of someone's (Charles's? Someone else's?) morbid dissatisfaction about human imperfections.
There goes my rant about the threads of the lookism theme across the Lookism manhwa/webtoon. I'm sorry that this turns out to be very long.
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uglytintedshades · 3 months
Park Taejoon finally spoke up about concerns regarding the MCD's logo. He said that his actions were not deliberate and he was genuinely unaware of MCD's involvement in such matters. He also emphasized that he would try his best to be an educated adult about global issues and humanitarian crises.
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amanizali · 1 year
the way
I would absolutely
for this man.
he's so badass
he's so cool
he's so fine
he's an antihero and has been soloing the story for a while
he delivers the best lines my GOD
"You're not the only one with a history. Everyone's dealing with their own issues."
"War? This is how we greet each other"
"Well, I'm fucked."
I am.
someone free me of the chokehold Jake Kim has on me 😩
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kdramedies · 2 years
Every week I tell myself that Park Tae-jun couldn’t get any more perfect and every week he proves me wrong
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plasticbaggo · 2 years
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i read this manhwa like two weeks ago and i still come back to rereading the chapters bc it was just so funny.
first time i bought webtoon coins just so i could unlock the daily passes.
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woodybuzz · 2 years
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If you're so desperate for that wish, make it come true yourself. Just do it. Even if it rains. Even if someone tries to stop you. I’ll just do it myself.
Love All Play (2022)
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arctophile7 · 2 years
My reasons for happiness these days...😘🤗✨😍💜💜💜
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akiyamanemu01 · 2 years
How To Fight icons
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moonchildicons · 2 years
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Love All Play
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xdarkestdesirex · 2 years
Okay, listen, gun and reader have been friends since young. Gun didn’t have a good life and neither did reader. Readers dad was abusive to her and Gun hates it. So one day Gun beats him and he 😵 and he takes reader and they run away. He teaches her how to fight and she’s just as strong as him and helps him with work. But she isn’t as deep into as him. Then he takes on Eli and reader doesn’t agree with it cause Eli good boi and reader wants him to stay that way. When Eli finds out about Heather and the baby he leaves and reader is upset with Gun and doesn’t want to be apart of his life. Reader leaves with Eli and helps him and it isn’t till the festival that reader sees Gun again and he tries to get her back but it’s hard. She still is deeply in love with him but doesn’t want to go back to that life. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SOMEONE WRITE THIS
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lookismstuff · 9 months
SHINee - Identity
This song is so nice! It reminds me of Daniel (Hyungseok) especially the assertion of true identity...well, in his case the context is the need to integrate his two selves to find his final identity. I keep imagining what if the anime reaches the current arc and it's the opening theme of that season hahaha.
감춰둔 짙은 Shadow, It’s Another Me.. Oooh Yeah 부정했던 내 안의, 그런 내 모습도 인정해, This Is My Identity..
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There's a panel in the webtoon (before Gun (Jonggun)'s training) where real Daniel and alternate Daniel are parallelized. I edited one of alternate Daniel's Workers (Ilhae) panels and a real Daniel panel from Holiday 2 arc to see them in yet another parallel. It's just so satisfying to see Daniel's internal and external growth so far.
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uglytintedshades · 2 years
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amanizali · 1 year
choose your Eli Jang era:
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kdramedies · 2 years
Just thinking about Jun-young, who was back from a three year stint where she had no contact with her brother, realizing that he had a girlfriend and begging him to tell her who it was within days of being back in his life. Then upon learning that it was someone whom she didn’t like, encouraging her brother to give up his happiness because she cared more about the unhappiness of Tae-yang than the happiness of the brother who worried about her and loved her despite being considered less than her by literally everyone his entire life.
Also thinking about how Tae-jun’s mom would have seen him regularly in the three years Jun-young was AWOL, and how she not only didn’t notice he was dating anyone, but once she found out, her first reaction was to hit him, call him selfish, and beg him to break up with the one person who actually gave a shit about him.
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juliemolinaz · 2 years
Tae Yang is so incredibly self-destructive that it makes me so sad for her. She has so much shame that she’s internalized that she’s a bad person and doesn’t deserve happiness. Because Tae Yang thinks that about herself, she purposely (and by purposely, it’s definitely on an unconscious level) puts herself into situations where she will be treated in a way to reinforce that shame and narrative about herself.
Tae Yang didn’t have to go to the national team party for Joon Young, but she chose to do so. She knew that Joon Young would get upset, say some harsh words to Tae Yang, and then probably leave. So, knowing those things, why would Tae Yang decide to go? I’m sure that Tae Yang thinks that if Joon Young gets everything out, then things might get better, but I definitely think it runs a whole lot deeper than that. By going to that party and getting chewed out by Joon Young, Tae Yang’s narrative that she’s a bad person and doesn’t deserve happiness gets reinforced. As much of a bully Young Sim was in earlier episodes, she was right in that Tae Yang can’t force someone to listen to an apology if they’re not ready, which I’m sure Tae Yang would be able to tell someone else, but it doesn’t apply to her because she wants to get punished.
The thing about Tae Yang’s self-destructive shame is that it prevents her from being able to see a life beyond that shame and that drive to be punished for being a bad person by other people. Whenever she starts to feel happy, like she did when she won that international match, she can’t let herself experience that happiness because how could a bad person be happy, so she self-sabotages or runs away.
In order for Tae Yang to heal, she’s going to need to let go of that shame and her narrative that she’s a bad person. While she does have a big role in what happened to Joon Young, she’s not the only person at fault. Joon Young made choices that day/night that helped contribute to what happened and Tae Yang should only be taking on responsibility for her role in what happened. Tae Yang will need to realize that she deserves to be happy, that she deserves to be loved, and that she deserves to have people to lean on instead of doing things alone.
We are definitely seeing Tae Yang take some baby steps in this area because of her relationship with Tae Joon. She is making the effort to be in a relationship with him, even though she obviously doesn’t feel like she deserves to be happy with him. While she doesn’t know yet that Tae Joon is Joon Young’s younger brother, I do think having someone who doesn’t idolize Joon Young will be helpful for Tae Yang. Tae Yang sees Joon Young as someone who is perfect, but she has her faults and flaws like everyone else. Tae Joon has a much different perspective on his sister than Tae Yang does, so that will help her realize that Joon Young isn’t some perfect person.
The dad also needs to stop making Tae Yang feel like she’s only worthy when she’s good at badminton, but that’s a whole other topic for another time.
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thenorthsky · 2 years
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did you feel sorry for me? did you pity me?
no. i simply love you. that's all.
love all play (2022)
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