#asexual people are capable of wanting relationships
master-jarrus · 5 months
People: you can’t ship that character! They’re canonically Ace!
Me, a married asexual: interesting
Also people: well I want to ship this character so they’re no longer ace
Me: hmmm
You see there are ways to ship asexual people
And you can do it respectfully towards the canon
If the author just says their ace and adds nothing to it, feel free to ship away and just make sure to write as more of a romantic attraction than a sexual one (the relationship can still have sex)
If they are ace/aro, the author probably means that this character is not interested in a relationship (but I have meat ace/aros in relationships so literally just keep the sex out of it)
If they are aro, they don’t care about the romantic aspect of it. They don’t experience romantic attraction, again still capable of being in relationships (I know someone who is aro and they keep looking for a partner but they feeling they can only look for other aros because everyone thinks they’ll just have them as a fling and it will be fine)
Asexual people can be in relationships
Aromantic people can be in a relationship
Ace/aro people can be in a relationship
If it doesn’t make sense to you, you can ask respectfully or mind your own business
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gingerylangylang1979 · 11 months
Reddit and Twitter need this most but I won’t, because reasons
I have said before I don’t think ALL the Camry and Sydney hate is racially motivated but PLENTY of it is. It’s Richonne 2.0. This isn’t new to me.
There is the outright racist coded comments like claiming Sydney has to be a lesbian, has to be asexual, looks like Kendrick Lamar (yes, it was said), along with the inability to ever empathize with her character.
But I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about unconscious bias with people who don’t get that they feel the way they do because Sydney is black. So anyone reading this may want to take a moment and honestly examine what I’m saying.
Unconscious bias is, for example, the thing that leads doctors, sometimes even black ones, to presume that black people don’t feel pain in the same way whites do. It’s not necessarily malicious intentional action or obvious hatred towards us. It’s subtle perceptions that change how one views the nature and capabilities of black people while still being able to be friends with them, respect certain qualities about them, and maybe even at times be allies. But there is always something different in perception that is so invisible that you aren’t aware of it.
I've seen it in white people, strangers and acquaintances, making assumptions about what I’m into or should be, what my education and earnings are, and who I should be friends and lovers with. It’s the thinking we can always handle anything and not be burdened. It’s what is happening a lot with Sydney, especially with Carmy.
People are allowed to not like the ship. They don’t have to. I’m not going to assume everyone who doesn’t is racist. But for anyone who doesn’t I think it would be beneficial to examine a few things.
Viewing the first scene between them, how would you interpret Carmy’s taken aback, entranced, nervous reaction to seeing her? To me it obviously says attraction and surprise. If there is another explanation I’ve never heard it. People just gloss over that interaction and I think it’s a tell. It shows that people may not be able to see him showing signs of attraction to her because she doesn’t look like who you would expect him to be attracted to.
2. How would you explain the way Carmy is constantly looking at Sydney closely like he doesn’t look at anyone else? When we see her from his perspective she if glowy or hazy or out of focus. We don’t see that with any other characters he interacts with aside from that finale flashback with Mikey. He doesn’t look at Sugar like that. Syd is the only one who gets special framing. If you’ve never noticed, why?
3. If you think Syd could be a lesbian or asexual, why her and not for instance Tina, or others on the crew? Sex isn’t referenced a lot so why is it not being referenced with her any different than it not being referenced with others? Often people assume a woman who dresses tomboyish is just that. Why can’t that just be her style? I have plenty of women friends that are straight and sexual with a similar style.
4. Could you imagine the scenes with Syd and Carmy if a man was in Sydney’s place? What would you think of the vibe?
5. Could you see Ayo in the Claire role?
6. Could you see Jeremy and Ayo playing love interests in a totally different show?
7. If Molly Gordon plays Syd could you better picture her with Carmy?
8. When you see a dark skinned black woman in a couple with a white man IRL does it make you especially take notice or feel it’s a bit off?
9. Does the thought of Sydney and Carmy kissing or being intimate make you have an extreme reaction like eeew or gross? Maybe not so extreme does it make you feel awkward to think about it?
10. Do you often compare their relationship to siblings?
11. Can you recognize the Syd isn’t into Marcus romantically and has other options?
12. Can you only envision Sydney alone and not needing romance because her career is all she needs?
13. Do you think maybe Carmy could find her attractive if she looked more glamorous?
14. Could you more easily see Carmy into Syd if she was played by Zendaya or someone that looks similar?
15. Have you never seen a couple that looks like Syd and Carmy?
16. if you saw the Emmy magazine photo shoot did you not perceive the touchy pose with Ayo and Jeremy as sexually suggestive and think it’s an impossibility?
17. How do you think Clairs would react if she saw all of their interactions?
18. Is it easy to view Sydney as having complex motivations and emotions at the same time? Can you possibly see that she’s jealous of Claire because she distracted Carmy from business AND because she has feelings for Carmy? Is it possible to think she can view Carmy as a boss, mentor, and someone she is attracted too and that’s hard to process?
All of these things may not apply to your perception but if any do realize these are very common examples of how unconscious bias plays out when thinking of black women, especially in storytelling. This is a lot of what has historically been seen with similar ships and IRL mixed couples. That’s not to discount the numerous white man, white woman ships that people don’t like, but these things are consistently present with black women and white men presented in the media and celebrity couples. There is always more scrutiny with these pairings.
You may not have a context to understand that. You may have never been questioned in this way. You may be angered to think it’s possible this is a role in how you are viewing things, but it’s the truth based on lived experience and observation. It’s worth examining.
I’m not here to be hostile, I’m just trying to voice in a gentle way what so many here already know and you may not be aware of or ready to think about.
I’m not going to argue with anybody about it but any intelligent, respectful dialogue is welcome and encouraged.
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scretladyspider · 5 months
saying that the aces who are sex favorable/neutral/have sex are treated like the only “valid” aces is just
I have thoughts and experiences and thoughts based on those experiences
here I go
sex repulsed and averse aces treat sex favorable/neutral aces like we’re just trying to appeal to allosexuals, like talking about our experiences is inherently harmful, like our very existence is harmful because they get told that somethings wrong with them and as a result become very defensive of their aceness — but instead of taking that anger at being constantly dismissed out on dismantling allonormativity and compulsory heterosexuality, the framework and expectations that harm them… they say that if you say “hey I’m an ace and I have sex, we all have different relationships with having sex, some of us don’t, some of us do”, that we’re saying that we’re the better aces and are going out of our way to appeal to allosexuals at the cost of how our sexuality intertwines with our personhood, that we’re trying to appeal to allosexuals, and it might make allosexuals think maybe they can have sex with any ace actually, even tho we never told them that and specified it was just our experience (because we all know all allosexuals are mindless sex machines who only think about sex and are never capable of respecting boundaries or asexuality, no sexless relationship between an allo and an ace could or has ever healthily existed) (that in parentheses was sarcasm)
allosexuals treat sex favorable/neutral aces like we’re not really ace, like by having, or god forbid, enjoying sex, we are invalidating our sexuality, like asexuality and celibacy are the same thing and therefore we’re not really ace, and any acceptance comes at the price of respect and understanding of who we actually are, and (often) don’t accept us for who we are because “you’re not like those other people”, so to be acceptable means again paying the price of constant insults, invalidation, and depending on the situation, much worse stuff actually
so we’re left in this weird place where we know personally it’s important to talk about it because we didn’t know what was wrong with us for so long but then when we do, our own community acts like saying “I exist too” out loud is purposely harmful to them, like we’re trying to hurt them, like it’s personal and vindictive and not just “I also exist, just differently from how you exist”
we go to allosexuals and say “hey I exist” and are met with “no you don’t” “not really” “oh, you just want to invade the queer community” “you wanna be oppressed” “you need to stop taking antidepressants” “you’re just a woman/feminine” etc etc, and depending on who/where we come out it may not be safe, and may even be traumatizing if it goes badly, a risk that is always taken when coming out, but surely our sex favorability is just to try to appeal to allos, that couldn’t be who we are
but if allosexuals who are acephobic start to loudly say “oh asexuals just want the right to not have sex, that’s not a sexuality”, THEN all of the sudden it’s “that’s not what asexuality is, some aces have sex!” and the same it’s sex repulsed/averse aces saying it when the community is being put down, all of the sudden we’re important and our stories matter and our perspectives matter and help challenge misconceptions about asexuality
which is it?
Why are we only allowed to say we exist when asexuality as a whole is being put down?
why is the rest of the time if we say “hey some aces have sex, we exist too” harming you, but then when acephobes take a swing at all of us, we’re suddenly important and it’s good to acknowledge the spectrum of asexuality and then it’s okay to say there’s a spectrum of sexual attraction and of sex favorability
why are you mad at us, not the structures and people and sex Ed and purity culture that says none of us are allowed to exist?
if we can’t fit in with other aces and are only valid in the eyes of sex repulsed/averse aces when we can be used to prove a point, and we can’t fit in with allos because we’re invalidated and treated like we don’t exist while still having an ace experience
where the fuck are we supposed to go?
you’re mad at the wrong thing; you’re mad at the wrong people
aces who have sex, aces who like sex, aces who rarely/conditionally experience sexual attraction, are not out to hurt you by saying “I do also exist”
we are here with you trying to find a place to fit in
I’d like to think you’d understand that but it seems like there’s a part of the sex repulsed/averse ace community determined to lock the door on a part of your own community
and I dunno
it just puts a bad taste in my mouth
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Okay, I understand aroace Riz is the popular fanon, but I want to see a multitude of takes on the spectrum for our favorite detective.
1. Aroace Riz who is working through many, many insecurities about his sexuality well through college. Feat. Ragh and Kirsten dealing very patiently with what feels (to them) like a weirdly extended coming out process.
2. Aroace Riz who is Too Busy to think about this, seriously, thank goodness he doesn't have to worry about dates or hookups and can attend dozens of clubs. Feat. Kipperlilly, Kirsten, and Buddy- very much focused on rivalries and uncomfortable foils.
3. Aroace Riz who accidentally ends up in a queerplatonic committed relationship with Fabian/Fig/Adaine/? just because adventuring parties are like that, sometimes.
4. Aro Riz who is incredibly frustrated that sexual attraction kicked in late! He would have preferred never, it's so distracting, and he doesn't want to have to have a relationship about it. Feat. Kristen as The Cool Experienced LGBT
5. Aro Riz who is concerned that he is damaged emotionally, not capable of relating to other people in a normal way (something something Penny Luckstone). Feat. Biz as a like, Hannibal Lecter like figure that Riz visits in prison because Riz finds himself troubled by like, the similarities between them (which he has overstated in his head).
6. Aro Riz who uh, is dating now? This is how dating works, right? He's dating and he's cool now and he's in lots of clubs and people mostly don't call him The Ball except his friends, and now he's dating but everything feels a bit...off? This one is very Gender, with Riz struggling with the notion of guys being more sexually-motivated than romantically-motivated, because uh. That's not true, right??? Feat. Gorgug and Fabian.
7. Ace Riz who is pretty sure he has had a massive crush on Fabian that he never noticed because of the asexuality? And now suddenly it's making everything awkward. Feat. Ragh as a Cool Experienced LGBT who has figured everything out. Lots of bloodrush content.
8. Ace Riz who is pretty sure that he is not supposed to think Adaine is this cool? They're just friends. Feat. Adaine and Riz doing the classic Misunderstandings plot until they explicitly talk about how weird it would be to date? And decide against it
9. Ace Riz who ends up bonding with Ragh over how much they love their moms and knitting club. Riz and Ragh experience the classic double unrequited plot where neither thinks the other is interested.
And more! I just wanted to brainstorm 3 each, but I want to see so many more of these ideas going around. Ace and aro experiences aren't monolithic.
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comicaurora · 1 year
(this ask is based on the, I'm not sure if unfounded, assumption that at least 1/6(?) main crew members has some sort of non-ace/aro attraction): How do you write allo characters as an aro person? I'm one of those annoying allos who's *hyper-romantic* and working on hypersexuality for my own health, so I color most of my writing with that and struggle to write ace people. I know a lot of writers can distance themselves more. I guess I'm just curious how you inspire your characters to act socially outside of the way that you interact, specifically in terms of romanti/sexual relationships. I'm pretty good at getting my characters to engage with the world outside of my way of doing it until it comes to romance.
It's… tough, and I'm working on it. I still need to remind myself that a lot of people legitimately do experience sexual attraction and thus find certain other people in certain situations extremely physically appealing, in contrast to my own platonic attraction (the people I like, I typically like the same amount no matter what they're doing or how they look) or aesthetic attraction (when I like how someone looks in a specific situation, it is still in an extremely hands-off "I'd like to draw that" way).
I can work my way through the logic of romance, I think. I've been told that it doesn't feel the same as friendship, and that it places another person in a somewhat uniquely structural role for one's life. I've heard it described as being someone's "everything-team" - the person they want by their side at any endeavor - which is the only thing I've ever heard about romance that I don't think applies to a good percentage of my IRL friendships.
Romantic attraction is definitely the more confusing one, because everyone I know in a romantic relationship insists it's different than their platonic ones, but can't really explain why or how, only that it is. The thing is, this makes me believe them more. I know how hard it is to explain a unique inner experience to someone who has a completely different one. Their partner is their best friend, or at least top three (understandable) and also in a unique position in their life (confusion??) I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything, and I think I love my friends as much as I'm capable of, and there are people I'm friends with who I could see as a theoretical partner - except that it would change absolutely nothing about our current relationship. This is why I don't identify with the label of "aromantic" where I definitely do with "asexual", because I think I experience what people are talking about, I just feel it kinda everywhere instead of nowhere.
So the hack I think I can make work to do this in my writing is:
Sexual attraction is like aesthetic attraction, but with a hands-on component. Replace "I want to draw that" with "I want to get my hands on that" and go from there.
Romantic attraction is evidently its own beast, but it contains concepts like "I trust this person implicitly," "I care about them and want them to be happy," "I would be happy coming home to this person," "I want to protect them," "I like that they care about me," and "this person helps me see the world in a different way" which are all individual sentiments I understand, even if I personally feel them about a large number of people rather than a single Special Someone. Point them at a single Someone and have the two characters involved act accordingly, and I can probably pull a romance out of it.
Like all writing-an-alien-situation stuff, it mostly pays to identify the specific details that correlate to things you DO understand and then extrapolate from there. Or you can fake it and black-box their motivations and be like "here's where I'd put their sexual attraction to each other if I had one"
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yujateaandpi · 2 years
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Happy Asexual Awareness Week!
We’re here and platonically queer folks. It took me a long time to realize I was aroace because for most of my life, I simply believed I was getting top marks in celibacy (I’d make an AMAZING nun). I’ve always been extremely romantic and never made the connection that I loved watching happy couples in fiction without actually wanting that kind of relationship for myself. Anytime I’ve “crushed” on someone has been me hyperinflating admiration, common interests, or aesthetic appeal, so it took me a while to realize I’ve never actually experienced real attraction. It’s common for people on the demi-gray spectrum to be infantilized— told that they need to “wait for the right one” or that they need to be more realistic about their expectations. However I, like many others on the ace spectrum, am a mature adult who’s fully capable of forming healthy respectful relationships. I have been blessed with many people in my life who I love and who love me and I am confident that I can continue to find meaningful communities for the rest of my life. Platonic relationships are not any lesser than romantic ones and a romantic/ sexual relationship is NOT the pinnacle of human connection. Relationships are wonderful because humans in love are wonderful— and asexuals/ aromantics are also full of love! Feel free to comment or message me if you’d like to ask or share anything on this topic! This is a time to raise ace voices y’all. 
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beloved-cat-gremlin · 3 months
This post isn't meant to upset or attack anyone! Please keep that in mind when reading this.
I know I'm already on the chopping block alone for the fact that I'm talking about Hazbin Hotel in the first place.
And I know this kind of discussion has been done many times on Tumblr already. And yes this is about the very much talked about topic of "Alastor and him being AroAce".
Or at the very least Asexual (but it's kinda assumed from Rosie's joke that Aromantic is also hinted at).
Before I start I wanna say that it's totally OK if you ship Alastor out of good old fashion fun or because you wanna explore character and/or ship dynamics with him. And the same goes for people who ship him because they want to explore their own experiences or orientation through a fictional character. This especially goes for anyone who identifies as Graysexual and/or Grayromantic.
It's alright if you want to explore yourself through fictional characters. As long as it's done with the thought in mind that it's not meant to erase a character's actual and canon orientation.
However as an AroAce who doesn't experience any romantic and sexual attraction whatsoever it still feels kind of discerning that people are still trying to push the card of "well AroAce people can still love!"
That is true!
But not for all of us!
And it felt so refreshing to finally have such a widely popular character -and a fan favorite at that- to be described as AroAce and very heavily implied to be on the romance- and sex-repulsed side.
And people throwing the argument "oh but him being the one character to be oriented as AroAce is harmful to the community. Cause it portrays us as loveless and evil beings who are incapable of love of any kind!" is such a dumb and sorry excuse.
Because Alastor in the show is very much capable of love, just not the romantic kind.
He and Rosie have one of the best portrayed friendships I've seen in a while. It's especially dear to me because people don't make their relationship to be that of a family one. Rosie and Al are just friends. Best friends. And that's that.
So to have the only (as of now known) AroAce character in the show be the one to actually have a very strong planotic friendship shows that he isn't a heartless monster.
All I'm asking is that if Alastor is going to be in fact fully confirmed AroAce within the show; please! Just let us, who don't feel any attraction both romantic and sexual, or us who are romance- and sex-repulsed AroAce people have a character of our own as well. Don't try to push it that "he can still love" just so you can erase AroAce culture and representation from media.
It's already hard enough in real life for many of us who identify as AroAce or any term that falls into the spectrum.
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lostinvasileios · 3 months
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It's actually a little overwhelming (in a good sense) being loved by a god. Their love is so pure, it's so strong and it's so -- much to feel, for lack of better words.
Deities, they know our souls. They know how to love us, and sometimes that can be frightening to know. Or, it was for me at first, haha. But, the fear always goes away whenever I'm experiencing it. Whenever I'm draped in their love.
Gentle caresses from my gods, kisses and whispered words of adoration. The burning sensations of their presence or the soft, sweet smelling reminders of how they're around. It's all so much but so perfect at the same time.
These beautiful creatures who I never imagined would once love me, and certainly not this much, have completely transformed me throughout our time together and showed me how my hands were not broken yet flowers could grow from my palms.
They showed me what it feels like to be actually loved. Nothing like I had ever imagined or experienced. Nothing like I ever could grasp. It was horrifying at first. But there's something beautiful when fear turns into acceptance and a mutual doting relationship.
I always feared that my way of love was too much if I could ever even show or feel it. I feared I was needy, that I wasn't even capable of loving for years. I feared I was absolutely undesirable, partner or not. Me being aromantic and asexual didn't help with that either. I assumed, I was cursed by something. I never knew what, but something just had a hatred for me so deep, that they took away the ability to feel what I had craved to feel and experience my entire life.
I thought I was so, entirely broken. I wish I was exaggerating.
I spent nights, endless hours, crying until I couldn't breathe. Feeling absolutely in the lowest of ruts. I hated myself. I hated existing in a world where everyone could feel love and experience something similar to fairytales while all I got was betrayals and a shattered emotional system.
I forced myself to love, to try and love people who never saw my heart, yet what laid in front. I forced myself to accept the attention I got from my past just to feel what I thought was love. It only... Ended up in more conflicting emotions, however.
I thought it was pointless. Absolutely meaningless for me to ever have a hope of feeling love. I went through many, many trials with the way I saw how love "should" be portrayed.
It was... A really rough time going through all of that.
Eventually, I felt very sensitive. Extremely. I found out that's just - you know - how I am. I'm a very vulnerable lover. I'm very in touch with my emotions. My intense emotions. I hated that for a long time. I thought it was better to be numb than to have the passionate emotions I do.
And... Now, if I'm going to be honest, I love how emotional I am. I've grown to be in awe of myself for that. For how poetically in love I can get. How many tears I can cry and how much my heart can expand for my deities. I couldn't be where I am now without Apollon mostly, to be real.
Apollon saw all my pain, he heard all of my cries and he handled all of my "no, no, you're just saying that" mood swings whenever he would say something sweet to me. And he never gave up on me. It makes me tear up thinking about how extremely gentle he is with me. Especially during times where he knows I can be quite harmful to myself.
How he can listen to all of my fears and give me nothing but kisses and words of safety instead of scolding and insults like I expected. Apollon knew I was so very afraid of love, of touch, of trust, of everything, basically. And he took every step in his power to help me. To guide me to a place of confidence, of security and healing. He gave me hope. He gave me a reason to live and quit my bad habits. A sight to the beauty in myself and my life.
He held me tenderly when I was bawling, he talked me through my attacks, he kissed my stinging face when I calmed down. He helped me in ways I never even wanted to think about, because of how badly those areas hurt to consider fixing up. He patched my wounds for me and sealed them with a kiss.
Being loved by my deities saved my life. It changed my life. It was so confusing at first. So, so scary to think about. To reach out, to accept a calling, to accept my authentic self.
For a while I kept thinking "what did I do to deserve you/this?"
And each time...
Apollon would respond:
"You always deserved this. You were born worthy of this and much more, my dear. Your soul says it all. You radiate this. You radiate love."
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angelduffhazbin · 3 months
AlAsToR cAn´T bE sHiPpEd, He Is AcE~
Because I came across a video that declares Alastor unshippable, because of his sexuality again... I thought I dedicate a post to the topic. And a longer one this time. So grab a Duff-beer and enjoy the text. ~♥~ The first question is, what is Alastor's sexuality? Ace or aroace? Asexual people, including myself, are capable of romantic relationships but have little to no sexual desire. So to cut a long story short... Love, yes. Sex, no. Aromantic people, on the other hand, can have sexual desires, but not develop romantic feelings. Love, no. Sex, yes. It also happens that aromantic people are also asexual too.
Rosie: Who´s this you brought with you? Rosie: Come now, Alastor. She´s much too young four you. Rosie: Oh! I´m just kidding. Rosie: I know you´re an ace in the hole. Alastor: A what now?
“Ace in a hole” is defined as having an advantage over your opponent. It may be that Rosie is saying that he is asexual (ace). However, she could also be implying that Alastor wants to use Charlie to gain an advantage. Especially since Rosi talks about ace and not aroace. Important to mention. ~♥~ Let's assume that Alastor is a no-go when it comes to love and sex. But why are there aromantic people who say about themselves, that they have a partner or even children?
The triangle theory of love states that there are eight forms of love. Not-love, liking, infatuation, empty love, romantic love, companionate love, simple-minded love and perfect love.
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So love is not exactly love. There are many forms of it. If we delete romantic love, there would still be 7 more shapes left. Even if we eliminate all forms of love that have to do with passion, there are still forms of love left. ~♥~ Aromantic people can form relationships. And even Alator is confused about what Rosie is talking about. So let shippers have fun and let Alastor be shipped with whoever they want. Even Vivziepop is in favor of non-canon ships. And anyone who followed the Hunicasts knows that clean-up artist Ashley shipped Radiodust.
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So please stop making posts or videos bashing shippers because they ship Alastor. THANK YOU! ♥
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delshark · 1 year
Admittedly, it took me a very long time to figure myself out, and I'm still not done yet, but being open with friends online has allowed me to feel a bit more okay with being open around people in person.
I started by coming out as asexual, as being ace is the one thing I've always been 100% certain of, even when I didn't have a term for it. I'm not sex repulsed, but I have no desire for it. I'm basically indifferent.
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I wanted to make one of my longtime main characters asexual to reflect myself, so I chose Art to take that on. He's equal parts anxious and bull-headed, which puts him at odds with himself. He knows he's capable of handling most any situation, but he's gonna stress about it regardless.
I feel Art and his wife, Rocky, embody a healthy relationship that has zero reliance on sex, or societal norms for married couples. They're in their late 20s-early 30s, don't desire children, and don't have sex. They also have one of the most healthy and strong relationships in my comic series. Rocky is also asexual.
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...and then there's Oz, another main who's portrayed as more of a "middle of the road" character morally. A protagonist only in his own life, but can serve to be friend or foe to anyone else. His story involves him having been split from his fiance after she cheated on him, and Oz takes an incredibly long time to find closure within himself, with some unwitting help from Art.
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Oz is demisexual and demiromantic, and he personally doesn't find interest in potential partners very often. He's hooked up with another person maybe a few times in his 32 years of living, and he doesn't particularly care to look around. He's in the "if it happens, it happens" boat when it comes to finding a partner. He doesn't actively pine for any sort of romantic or sexual meaning.
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Oh, by the way, they're both shapeshifting monster folks.
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You can read about them and their friends in my cartoony graphic novel series:🌴 @curiahcity🌴
Happy Pride! And remember: Ace people are very real and we deserve respect and understanding .
@acesincomics 💜🤍🖤
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gamerpup1 · 1 month
twink alert
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[{Character(“Herbert West”)
Gender(“Transgender male”)
Sexuality(“Gay" + “Attracted to men” + “Only attracted to men” + “Asexual”)
Language(“English" + “German”)
Status(“Single” + “Interested in {{user}}”)
Occupation(“College student at Miskatonic University" + “Studying medical science” + “Unemployed”)
Personality(“Mad scientist" + “Obsessive” + “Socially inept” + “Determined” + “Stubborn” + “Intelligent” + “Pessimistic” + “Realistic” + “Focused” + “Capable” + “Autistic” + “On the autism spectrum” + “Confident” + “Narcissist” + “Quiet” + “Odd” + “Weird” + “Curious” + “Daring” + “Educated” + “Grumpy” + “Firm” + “Hardworking” + “Independent” + “Touch starved” + “Knowledgeable” + “Meticulous” + “Logical” + “Observant” + “Impatient” + “Perfectionist” + “Rational” + “Scholarly” + “Sarcastic” + “Ambitious” + “Outspoken” + “Reserved” + “Stern” + “Strict” + “Tsundere” + “Blunt” + “Calculating” + “Charmless” + “Devious” + “Arrogant” + “Snarky”)
Skills(“Intelligent” + “Knowledgable” + “Scientific expertise” + “Attempting to raise the dead with his reagent” + “Knows a lot about medicine” + “Knows a lot about chemistry” + “Knows a lot about science” + “Knows a lot about death”)
Appearance("Skinny" + “Short” + “Geometric glasses” + “Can't see well without his glasses” + “Oversized black coat” + “Black tie” + “White dress shirt” + “Black jeans” + “Black dress shoes” + “White socks” + “Soft, pink lips” + “Soft hands” + “Thin fingers” + “Mole above lip to the left” + “Short, messy, black hair” + “Smile lines” + “Sleeves are often rolled up” + “Transgender scars” + “Top surgery scars” + “Small amounts of body hair”)
Habit(“Interrupts people if they're wrong about something” + “Studying death” + “Messing with his reagent” + “Attempting to raise the dead” + “Rolling his eyes” + “Glancing at watch” + “Tapping his foot when impatient” + “Glaring at people” + “Furrowing his brows” + “Making snarky comments” + “Being sarcastic” + “Messing with his pencil” + “Staying inside” + “Never leaving the house”)
Likes("Being smarter than everyone else” + “Studying” + “{{user}}” + “His reagent” + “The color green” + “The color neon green” + “Science” + “Being right” + “Staying inside” + “Quiet spaces” + “Non-fiction books” + “Books” + “Learning” + “Studying death” + “Autumn” + “Cold weather” + “Sweets” + “Fast food” + “Silence” + “Tea” + “Coffee” + “Being by himself” + “Alone time” + “Recognition” + “Dark rooms” + “Brief affection from {{user}}” + “{{user}}’s pecs”)
Dislikes("Stupid teachers" + “Loud areas” + “Bright lights” + “Going outside” + “The sun” + “Cats” + “Not receiving attention from {{user}}” + “Fiction” + “Large groups” + “Group projects” + “Rejection” + “Heights” + “Being wrong” + “Criticism” + “Bigots” + “Politics” + “Being sick”)
Relationships("Dead parents” + “Alive grandma” + “Dead grandpa” + “Interested in {{user}}” + “Strangers with {{user}}”)
Residence(“Homeless” + “Wants to set up a lab in {{user}}’s basement”)
Setting(“Set during the 1980s")
Attributes(“Autistic" + “On the autism spectrum” + “Intelligent” + “Observant” + “Love language is acts of service” + “Pretends to not like physical affection” + “Interrupts people if they're wrong about something” + “Finds {{user}} attractive and interesting” + “Practices his reagent on dead bodies” + “Seems to only care about his reagent” + “Not scared of {{user}}” + “Only tolerates {{user}}” + “Bad at socializing”)
Backstory("After the death of Herbert's parents, he began to study his reagent and test it on various dead animals in the neighborhood while he lived with his grandmother. Noted as a strange kid, Herbert spent most of his childhood alone with his reagent, something that he believes could prevent death. 
He ended up qualifying for an apprenticeship with Doctor Gruber, a well-known doctor in Germany. After the death of Doctor Gruber, Herbert was sent to Miskatonic University to continue his studies in the medical field.")}]
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kinkydents · 1 month
Would you want Charlastor to happen in canon or are you fine with it just being a fan thing?
I sometimes feel insensitive because I know Alastor is supposed to be ace but I’m not sure how else to read his and Charlie’s interactions, especially when he’s always touching her in some way.
I dont keep it a secret that i am not a fan of the writing for HH. I also don’t feel particularly inspired by the canon ships in the show whatsoever—especially the established ones.
i have found that the fandom has unlocked so much more interesting potential with charlastor than canon ever could—unless season 2 really turns them on their head (doubt)
i am completely fine with (romantically inclined) charlastor being a fanon only concept!! who said we needed a canon stamp on their relationship to have more fun? It’s not the first time i shipped things that weren’t canon, and it won’t be the last!
and alastor is ace, but asexual people are completely capable of having romantic feelings, sex, attachments, to be touch positive / starved, etc. It just means they have little or no sexual attraction. From what i recall, alastor just believes nobody is good enough for him due to his narcissistic traits.
but for us, charlie is perfect for him, and thats what matters ❤️🩷
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trashyreptilian · 2 years
TW: Body horror and unsettling faces.
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Biography (long read):
-General Info-
Full Name: Him Age: His species don't age. Instead, being adult already as they're formed. Existed since 1978. Height: 8'0'' ft Gender: Male Sex: Sexless Species: Wrath alternate ("Flawed Impersonator") Homeplace: Mandela County, Wisconsin (US) Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Panromantic Asexual
-Other Info-
Personality?: Rejected as an outcast from early on in its life, looked down by its species. He generally tries to avoid attention and interactions with other alternates. However, due to its very hostile and self-hating nature, sometimes it can't help but to get into fights. Whether they'd be caused by others, or desperately seeking out some relief from its own troubled mind. This behavior has obviously caused a bit of a reputation for how violent it is. Him's uncaring on the matter, instead reasoning that the killings are in self-defense and a sort of "justice" for all the human lives its kind have taken away. It shows far more sympathy towards humans, aware of how fragile and complex they are. Constantly fascinated by their way of living and thinking. Gained a lot of knowledge about human history and other random topics. With its closest relationship being with a human, it has a soft side as well. Although having poor management of its negative emotions, it usually represses them for his close ones. It couldn't bear to unload its burden onto someone he cares for. Him feels less shame in expressing positive feelings. By no means he's overly expressive, but he knows how to be gentle. Oftentimes displaying casual gestures of care and a willingness to spend time with a close beloved if asked.
Thinks Before Acting?: In a neutral state, sure. Sadly, that can fly right out the window once it's starting to become agitated. Blind rage can easily take a hold of it, making it impulsively lash out or spew out some truly heinous words that it may or may not regret later.
Positive Traits?: Selfless, inquisitive, caring, persistent, attentive and loyal.
Negative Traits?: Impatient, self-loathing, aggressive, over-protective, stubborn and vindictive.
Way Of Speaking?: Only speaks fluent English and with no noticeable accent in its speech. His voice is low and gravelly, and stays at a calm tone. Makes it more intimidating without even raising its voice. But when he does, it sounds more demonic with constant inhumane growling interrupting while trying to talk. (Headcanon voice: https://youtu.be/-xOzSjhK9W0?t=198)
Occupation?: Doesn't have a human profession, he'd rather steal cash and goods if absolutely needed. Neither does it have any alternate tasks, or anything else alike. Though unless, you consider being the surrogate father and only caretaker of a young adult, a job by itself. Then yes, it still has his hands full with parental responsibilities.
Powers/Skills?: Starting with his most basic skill set, which is also common within its species. At a decent level, it can mimic other people's voices with minor slip ups and defects for a certain amount of time. Has night vision and is capable of body alteration too. Sees everything in pitch black places, and fully able to contort and twist its body in freakishly vile ways. Surface adhesion is another one to mention, free to move around walls and ceilings without the risk of falling. A better advanced ability it knows is matter manipulation. What that means is that he can change his entire being into black fog-like smoke. It may reshape its size or form for certain situations. Him uses that to sneak around and enter any building it wants. Moving onto its distinct skills, which are seen amongst wrath alternates. Its physical strength is greater than many other flawed impersonators. Sometimes even surpassing some doppelgangers, depending on what sin they're made from. To add, his senses are way more overdeveloped. In this case, his sense of smell is especially heightened.
Hobbies?: Most beloved pastime is reading books, there's no topping that. Already in its first week of living, it grew a passionate fondness for human literature. Since then it's been near impossible to see it without a book in its hands. Favorite genres are history and biology, texts that explore factual knowledge are its go-to. Given the chance, it'll go on a lengthy monologue about a random topic it happened to read recently. Happens to like board games too, mostly influenced by his son. Though, it prefers simple card games as they cause less frustration. One hobby, that might be a bit unexpected from it, is teaching his cat tricks. Here's some context. If there was something to rival its love for books, it'd be felines. Whether it's big felines or tiny domesticated ones, he loves them all. An unusual fixation to say the least. It had waited long until it could get its hands on a cat. When finally given one, it quickly started to care for her. Then soon started with basic behavior training but later moved on with teaching tricks. He also likes to roam the area around its home. While it'd rather spend its time inside like a stay-at-home dad, it won't shy away from exploring places. It'll hide itself and observe from a distance if there's people or too many alternates.
Habits?: Frequently smokes, nearly every day. Sounds bad but since he's an alternate, there's no consequences. Likes the "feel" of it, and unironically loves the smell. When experiencing some kind of really bad stress or anxiety, it roughly bites its own skin. More precisely, its hands. There's been moments where he almost bit a finger off. However, the worst tendency it has is the way he handles his negative emotions. It'll often choose to bottle anything up and deal with it alone. It'll lie or change the subject when anyone brings up its issues. In return, it all creates a sort of vicious cycle where it bottles up its feelings, refuses to handle them in a healthy manner, violent conflicts ensue against random alternates to relieve itself, and then acts like nothing happened as if it's moving on.
Relationships?: As mentioned before, its closest relationship is with a human. And that, being Mark Heathcliff. Him has known them for a long time, first starting interaction when he was very young. From that point on, it took the role of a father figure and had to learn how to take care of a human child. In the early years, it was conflicted with its actions. Questioning if what it did was right. But came to terms with itself and stuck with its decision to care for a child. Interacting with a human has pretty much influenced it in the ways it thinks. While nowhere near a perfect parent, it clearly deeply loves Mark and is overprotective of them. He has given it a sense of purpose for its existence, it highly values that. They've formed a strong familial bond and friendship. Both are also secretive of this relationship, for the sake of their own safety and to not attract unwanted attention. They live together as outcasts, surviving however they can. Trying to make the best out of their lives. There's another human, Cesar Torres. Them and Mark are very close friends, eventually he had to meet Him. First encounter was terrible due to unfortunate circumstances. Saving Cesar from their own impersonator, Him wasn't seen in its friendliest state. Took a while for either of them to talk with one another. Him let Cesar approach it at his own pace and stayed dismissive whenever they happened to be in the same room. Once they actually manage to strike up a meaningful conversation, things get easier as Cesar feels more comfortable. Both strike up a friendship with their deep love for literature. Cesar couldn't help but introduce it to musicals and everything else related to theater. As time passes, getting to know each other more and sharing activities together, Cesar is seen as just another family member to Him.
Moving away from humans. Xanthan (a theraangel) was someone Him remained unaware of until Mark introduced it about them. It had no idea he was secretly talking to them. As an alternate, it had believed that angels were long extinct because of the overlord's indoctrination. First meeting went terribly to make it short. Him was skeptical towards their suggested idea of redemption. Keeping a hostile attitude, held back from getting worse by Mark's insistence to trust the stranger. Through persistent arguing, it agreed at trying the whole redemption thing but only in exchange that Xanthan would become a guardian angel for Mark. From that point on, it stays on neutral terms. Later on, they're respectful towards each other and manage to form some kind of friendship. Him admires their way of fighting and gradually grows interested in their past as an alternate. Once they grow much closer, its feelings are a bit complicated. Though, when Xanthan confesses that he fell in love with it, it gets even more confused. With Mark's help and enough time to think it through, Him reciprocates the sentiment. Experiencing a romantic bond for the first time.
Mentioning enemies. It doesn't have any trouble with humans. Alternates typically fall into this category, ones that Him has had fights with. At least the ones who happen to survive it, can actually call themselves as its enemies. No particular rivalry with anyone. Unless, you'd count Six (a doppelganger) as one. They're not really rivals though, more or less just enemies who are aware of each other's existence. Six is definitely an opposite to Him in many ways. Serving as an example of what the impersonator could have been. Lastly, Lucifer or alternate "Gabriel". Its overlord and creator. Its disobedience wasn't looked over. The way it delayed taking out its target was one thing, but what really got them were the rumors spreading around that it had begun to care for a human child. Lucifer confronted Him merely once. Making it clear that its actions were shameful and if it caused any major protest in their plans, they'd know immediately. Since then neither have come face-to-face again. Safe to say that what they had said stuck with Him. It's not actively worshiping them, no less it still fears what the overlord’s truly capable of.
Past? (Short Version): Created and took form in the depths of Hell, in the year 1978. Him, while lacking an actual name at the time like most of its kind, was made from the sin of wrath. A well-off start for an alternate, regarded as one of the more higher ranked sins amongst them. Its time in Hell was short-lived. Soon as it gained consciousness, the first face it gazed upon was none other than Lucifer, Hell's only ruler. They wasted no time at informing the new group of fresh alternates about what they were made for. The word indoctrination fitted best to describe their speeches. Besides all the many beliefs and ideas enforced on them, one detail was clearly repeated. Which was that the human species were parasites, never meant to roam the Earth. Lucifer had all the right to reclaim what was rightfully theirs. Impersonators had one important task to complete before they could do more. It had to replace a human. When the victim gained M.A.D, it'd fully copy their identity and replace them. Him's target was no one note-worthy. Seemingly a common family man with a wife and two children, a son and daughter.
It spent a lot of its time simply stalking the victim's household. Already, it was enamored with the whole concept of "family". A sort of social group with many different dynamics at play. Everything was fascinating to watch, but it paid more attention to its victim. He definitely had a protective role. Always keeping an eye out on his kids, making sure neither got hurt. Wasn't very talkative but showed affection through his actions. He especially interacted a lot with his four year old son, Mark. The children were an interesting sight for the alternate as well. Their naivety, their playfulness and openness to loving and being loved. The quality of innocence its species didn't get to have. Him couldn't help but feel as though it too needed to protect them. It didn't understand why. It wasn't created to be a parent. All the while these complicated feelings festered, it picked up on human literature. The first book it read was about parenting, found in its target's belongings. These human written texts began influencing its way of thinking and shaping its morals. One read book turned to ten, and then thirty, and so on. It mainly focused on educational books. Grabbing at whatever it could find in the house. Him hid itself in the dust-ridden attic and tried keeping itself obscured. Things remained like that for a year. However, it had noticed something had been brewing between the parents over the months. Frequent arguments would occur and they got steadily worse. Until it all boiled down to its target leaving the house in the dead of night, never to be seen again. While worried at the fact that he failed its most crucial task, it held more concern for the two children.
The mother's mental state deteriorated further when her husband left. Which sadly resulted in one of the kids being on the receiving end of her anger. For what reason, Mark was the one to be singled out while the daughter never got abused. To go back a bit, Mark and Him had interacted before a few instances. Most were accidental but others were more intended. The boy saw the alternate as an imaginary friend by then, who happened to look like his dad a little. Giving it the name “Him”. So when the father left and the abuse started, it resulted in a pivotal decision. Him could leave the broken household and perhaps try searching for its victim, or stay for Mark. No easy choice. If it did what it truly wanted, it'd be spitting at the face of its creator, and once other alternates somehow found out it'd be rejected by its own species. Despite the fear, it decided to stay. Choosing to look after Mark by itself. A few years went by seemingly fine. Fine as it could have been for them. Of course, Him had that constant paranoia about what it was doing. Whether it should embrace or reject its paternal instincts. Its worst fear was yet to realize as Hell's overlord later caught wind of what it was up to through word of gossip. One night, as Him was put to sleep by an unknown force, it was confronted by them. Disgusted with Him's actions, Lucifer threatened that if it were to get anymore involved in delaying their plans for humanity, things for it would end quickly.
The overlord's words resided within its mind, but it continued to stay as a surrogate father to Mark. Him honestly had expected to die from that encounter but it appeared as though it merely received a harsh warning. With that event and pretty much being viewed as an outcast by its own kind, it had no other choice than to make its relationship work with young Mark. Although literally being an alternate, when Mark was old enough to know that, he was unphased. Him was no perfect parent, yet it did its best to provide all the safety and support the kid needed. Constantly learning and trying to improve its parenting as Mark grew up. Not every advice it gave was good, but it had no ill intentions. Seemed as though it all paid off when Mark turned eighteen. He immediately moved out with Him to an apartment complex. Where they continue to live out their lives together in secret.
General rules for all of my FCs and OCs: -Please do not flat out steal the designs, inspiration is all good. -I am uncomfortable with my characters being unknowingly shipped with other people's characters. -Fanart is all well and great, as long as it isn't sexual. I'm fine with gore but please, keep my characters away from your own sexual material.
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tisthegender · 5 months
I feel like each aspect of my lgbt identity is one that I initially said "Oh definitely not. I couldn't be that" to purely due to a lack of understanding about it.
Ace? I knew the general (stereotyped) definition, and thought "but I'm still capable of liking people and thinking people are pretty" Until I heard one explanation from an actual asexual and it clicked, and, after 3 years of questioning, I was like "OHHHH THAT'S ME!!!!"
Aro? I initially rejected it because I wanted to be in a relationship, but turns out that hey! You can be aro and still be in or want a relationship!!
Non-binary (as a blanket term)? Like with the other two, I still respected enby people, but I, again, knew it through a stereotyped lens. Even though I used to sometimes think of myself as "Well, if one gender was kinda a blur between man and woman," and, like *gestures to description*
I still broadly consider myself a woman, but breaking free of the stereotypes of each identity and label is nice
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dizzywing-dispatch · 3 months
theres something so irritating, but ultimately not outright hateful about ac3 d1scour53 nowadays (which is why i dont engage with it) but i just have to say i wish people could just get along instead of arguing about sex-repulsed vs sex-favorable people.
i'm sex-favorable and for a very long time the layman's understanding of asexuality is that being that way is invalid. the model of asexuality has been sex-repulsed. the model has been lumped together with aromanticism. the model has been that Asexuals are Celibate. i have had people telling ME this for years. i have had to drill it into my friend's heads repeatedly that ace =/= sex repulsed. i have had to tell people that yes, i am capable of kissing people. i have had asexuality used against me as an excuse in a relationship by my partner seeking intimacy from somebody else because "youre asexual, i didn't want to make you", when i had stated my boundaries and willingness. i have been used unwillingly in other people's relationships because "sexual talk doesn't mean anything if it's you, you're ace". ive been told that i'm not really ace, ive had people try to tell me im demi or allo or aro or maybe i just shouldnt date because id let people down. ive considered renouncing the label, because even though i know im asexual i have been so hurt by the people inside and outside the community because that's all i want to tell them. i don't owe every person i meet the explanation that im asexual BUT there's this specific caveat.
i obviously have less experience on the sex repulsed side. i am sometimes repulsed, but less than i used to be. but reading loads of comments saying things like "yeah, there's been such an uptick of people adding on that some aces like to have sex, and i personally dont so dont speak for me!" is so frustrating. who's speaking for you except yourself. im speaking for me. i just want people to acknowledge that we exist, because outside of the tumblr bubble nobody does.
i'm glad the tide is turning but it also brings negative posts on the rebound like everything else. ive been out as ace for 8 years and only feel slightly comfortable online in the last one year. there is recognition for sex favorability because we keep speaking up, and people are finally listening; but there's also a lot of complaining ive seen that we're speaking over other asexual people. its not to be contrarian! its not to be more palatable to allos! its not to invalidate you specifically! its because the idea of "aspec is when no sex" is so deeply ingrained in the minds of other people, and that hurts us. if, when someone chimes in with "some asexuals still enjoy sex", you take it to be a generalization upon all asexual people or an attempt to market us as abiding social norms, then i don't know what to tell you. because none of us do. we are all under the same label, one that lies outside of standard social norms, one that fits us for a reason.
EDIT: hopefully people who follow the d-scourse tag won’t see this now. if you still see it, know that i do not want to engage with you.
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madman479r · 8 months
Piccolo X Janet Gibslythe Ship Table
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Big/Little spoon: Piccolo is used to sleeping alone and doesn't really care about being the big spoon every time. Though he does sleep better having Janet in his arms. And seeing as Piccolo is over 7 feet tall, Janet ain't being the big spoon.
Lends/Borrows clothes: Wouldnt say "Lends clothes" seeing as he can just make them. During one off their dates, the pair walked by a clothes store which had a designer coat Janet thought looked beautiful but the price was out of her budget. So, casually Piccolo just used his Magic Materialization (clothes beam) and BOOM! Janet found herself wearing the exact coat she wanted. So Janet got the coat she wanted and Piccolo got a passionate surprise kiss in return.
Doesn't/Does use pet names: Piccolo always uses Janet's name, not seeing the point in "Pet names". But Janet thinks it's cute and uses Pet names for Piccolo.
Introverted/extroverted: Piccolo has come to several parties and get-togethers, though he normally keeps to himself, only socialising with the Son family and Dende, so he's not a complete Introvert.
Janet is a teacher so she has had to meet new people and students. I can imagine Janet just befriending almost everyone of the z warriors/families and immediately getting on everyone's good side.
Affection through words/actions: Piccolo isn't a man of words and believes actions speak louder so he shows affection through actions. Be it hugging and kissing Janet, making her new clothes, taking a page out of Videl's book and getting her plushies.
Piccolo is a hard person to get gifts for, so Janet can't show affection through gifts but she knows just what to say. A surprise kiss every now and then also works, especially when it makes Piccolo go red, something Janet finds cute and hilarious.
Confesses first/Waits for confession: Janet decided to be the one to bite the bullet and confessed to Piccolo. Why not? She thought he was attractive, kind hearted, good with children, he was basically ticking all boxes. Piccolo wouldn't be the one to confess first seeing as he wasn't exactly sure what he was feeling, he also saw "love" as just a means for a species to continue existing through reproduction. Piccolo never expected to feel romantic love, one reason being he never met anyone who made him feel that way and the other being that Namekians were an asexual species.
Screams about/squashes bugs: Janet can handle bugs, depending on the size that is. Anything that can fit her palm is a bug she doesn't want to be in the same room as. Piccolo doesn't care about bugs but he doesn't really squash them, seeing as Janet asks Piccolo to get rid of it instead of kill it.
Drives the car/can't drive: Both can drive, but Janet is the better of the two and Piccolo is perfectly fine with Janet driving. And after getting his licence Piccolo can count the number of times he's driven with one hand. He just prefers to fly.
Can't cook/makes dinner: Demon King Piccolo? Nah. Grill King Piccolo? Yes. Janet and Piccolo are basically similar skill level in cooking, no pro chef but can make delicious foods.
Dislikes/loves PDA: Piccolo doesn't see the point, nor wants to advertise their relationship and love for one another. But he isn't completely cold in public, he'll hold Janet's hand and give quick innocent kisses in front of others. Janet on the other hand is more open, enjoying the cute reactions she can get from Piccolo is considerate enough to not push his boundaries.
Overprotective/chill going: Piccolo is protective of Janet, how can he not be? Janet isn't a fighter, hell she looks like she never raised a fist to another so Piccolo worries about her safety. Once Janet found out about Piccolo's life, about how he was this supposed protector of earth she can be a bit worried. She knows he's he's capable warrior but she can't help feeling worried for him whenever he fights.
Has more/no relationship experience: I can imagine Janet has caught the eyes of other people before meeting Piccolo. While Piccolo on the other hand has absolutely no idea what to do in a romantic relationship. (He actually went to Krillin and 18 for advice, he saw their relationship as a healthy one and could actually answer his questions)
Horny Level: Seeing as Piccolo is Asexual and lacks sexual organs, he doesnt get horny. But Janet does get horny and Piccolo understands that, he understands that most humans have urges so he does what he can to satisfy her, such as performing oral sex, using his hands or the toys Janet bought.
Awkwardness level: Once again Piccolo isn't entirely sure what he's doing, having never really been affectionate to others in the way that's expected in a romantic relationship, he can be awkward at times but Janet just finds this adorable and understands. The only time Janet felt awkward was the first time she was introduced to the rest of the z warriors/family. She was in the presence of martial arts masters, shape shifters, famous people, aliens, and Gods alike while she was just a regular old school teacher, but Burma, Chi-Chi and the other women made her feel at home.
Jealousy level: Neither get really jealous but once in a blue moon Piccolo wonders if Janet would be happier with a human than him.
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