#aroace spectrum headcanon
lothiriel84 · 1 year
Reserve and Respectability
Aroace-spec!Darcy, as seen through the eyes of those close to him.
A Pride and Prejudice ficlet. Aroace spectrum!Darcy.
On the eve of Fitzwilliam’s twelfth birthday, Mr Darcy summoned his son and heir to his study, and proceeded to enlighten him on creation’s greatest mystery, the act of procreation; he then made sure to impress upon the boy how it was his duty as a gentleman to attend to his own needs without imposing on vulnerable females within his employment, or – heaven forbid – ruining the reputation of unmarried ladies of good breeding.
Young Master Darcy listened very attentively, as he always did, and promised to do his best to comply with his father’s instructions. Then he begged leave to go and visit little Georgiana in the nursery, and the entire conversation was soon forgotten.
“Oh, yes, George, like that,” the milkmaid murmured encouragingly, and he dipped his head lower to press his mouth to her creamy bosom. As the son of Mr Darcy’s steward, he had his pick of pretty young females willing to share their favours with him, and he was determined to enjoy every second of it.
His hand was creeping steadily up under her skirts, and he had very nearly reached his goal when a pointed cough came from somewhere behind them, and Ann – or Mary, or whatever her name was – promptly let out a horrified shriek, pushing him away and hastily covering herself up in a belated attempt at modesty.
“Miss Parker, allow me to escort you back to your father’s,” Fitzwilliam Darcy had stated calmly, turning a cold glare on his childhood friend. George had glared right back, adjusted his ruffled clothes, and stalked back through the woods.
Just because the proud scion of the Darcy line was uptight enough to shun female company, it didn’t mean he was entitled to ruin everyone else’s fun. It would do him a world of good if someone were to teach him a much needed lesson, one day.
“She’s the most handsome woman I have ever seen,” Captain Fitzwilliam whispered in his cousin’s ear, turning a discreet glance across the room. “Surely even you cannot disagree on that.”
Darcy stiffened at his side, and replied in a distinctly offended voice. “Even I? And what could you possibly mean by that, Richard?”
He sighed, and made a mental note to watch his tongue more closely. Relations or not, it wouldn’t do for him to unwittingly insult a man of Darcy’s station; still, he valued their friendship too highly to let the matter slide completely, and as the elder between the two of them, it was his duty to guide his younger cousin where he could.
“Only that you don’t appear to take much pleasure in female company, that’s all.”
His cousin had the good grace to blush, but he could see the way his shoulder hunched, almost defensively. “If you mean to imply your brother was correct in his assumptions, I will have you know – ”
“Not at all,” he cut in with some urgency, raising a placating hand for good measure. “My brother was way out of line last night, and I do apologise for the way he conducted himself. Rest assured our father took it upon himself to check his behaviour in this regard.”
“Thank you,” Darcy replied stiffly, and it was testament to the length of their acquaintance that Richard was able to detect a modicum of warmth carefully disguised under the sharpness of his tone.
“Mama will hear none of it, as you can probably imagine, but I do not think I wish to marry at all,” Anne sighed, shaking her head somewhat dejectedly. “I do not feel strong enough to – to subject myself to a husband’s attentions, let alone providing him with the heir he surely requires. And I believe you, of all people, might understand how I feel.”
Her cousin pressed his hand to her own, and offered her one of his rare smiles. “Even your mother has no power to make you marry against your will. For my part, I will never consent to her scheme of uniting our estates in such a way, and she will eventually have to accept that.”
“Thank you, William,” she smiled weakly, leaning back against the couch and reaching for her smelling salts. “I wish you every joy.”
Never in all her – admittedly short – life had Georgiana Darcy experienced such grief as during the ride back to Pemberley after the whole Ramsgate debacle. Her dearest, most beloved brother had been sitting beside her the whole time, and yet, it was as if the distance between the two of them had been progressively increasing with every mile.
At last, when she felt like she couldn’t bear it any longer, she dared to glance up, and was met with a look of such undisguised sadness on her brother’s face that she all but cried out. “William, words cannot express how ashamed I am of causing you any pain, and I will not blame you, should you wish to send me somewhere far away from your sight.”
Her brother looked momentarily startled, and quickly reached between them to gather her hands in his own. “It is I, and I alone, who ought to be ashamed of myself, as I deserve the worst censure for failing in my duty to protect you.”
“Do not say so! How could I expect you to, when I was foolish enough to conceal my true intentions from you, and forgot myself so entirely as to throw all propriety to the wind for the sake of a mere infatuation? It’s a wonder you’re still willing to recognise me as your sister, for I am sure you would never conduct yourself in such an indecorous manner.”
“No more of that. You are the only family I have left, and the one I love more dearly in this world. If our dear parents were still with us, I feel sure they would have done better by you, but alas, I fear I share neither Father’s sense nor Mother’s sensibility when it comes to – matters of the heart.”
“What I have done to be blessed with such a kind and honourable brother, I do not know,” Georgiana declared in between her tears. “But I thank God every day for bestowing such a generous gift upon me.”
“Oh, come on, Darcy, it was just the one kiss,” Charles Bingley protested most vehemently, as his friend closed the door to the study and stood before him with an air of cool disapproval.
“Yes, I am sure that is why Miss Harriet was half reclining on the chaise, with her stays untied and her petticoats all bunched up around her knees. You do realise, had anyone else walked in the way I did, you would have had no choice but to marry her, do you?”
Bingley paled a little at such an unappealing prospect – yes, Miss Harriet was charming, and he had been more than pleased with how willingly she had welcomed his attentions, but – marriage was for all one’s life, and he couldn’t see himself embarking upon such an endeavour anytime soon.
“I will have to be more careful in the future, that is clear,” he sighed, valiantly ignoring the blush that was undoubtedly colouring his cheeks at this very moment. “But I am only flesh and blood, after all, and I feel sure you understand – ”
“I do nothing of the sort,” Darcy replied haughtily, and for a moment there, Charles was left to wonder whether the rumours concerning his friend were, in fact, much closer to the mark than he ever had reason to suspect.
“Oh, Mr Darcy, if only you could bring yourself to dance, I feel sure you would put everyone else in the room to shame.”
If the man at her side all but winced, she put it down to the foul mood he had appeared to be in all week. Caroline Bingley felt nothing but optimistic when it came to her pursuit of Mr Darcy’s hand and heart – well, she could do without his heart, she thought, if only he could bring himself to overcome his natural reserve and acknowledge the mutual advantages of choosing her as new mistress of Pemberley – and the sooner she could get him to offer for her, the better.
“I thank you, Miss Bingley, but as I fear I would not do my partner justice in my present state, I shall not impose my poor company on any of the ladies present at this ball.”
Caroline sighed – making sure to put her décolletage to full advantage – and resigned herself to yet another disappointing evening.
“Fitzwilliam!” Elizabeth Darcy laughed giddily as her husband leaned down to press a heated kiss to the side of her neck. “You promised you would behave.”
“I’m sorry, my love, you look way too appealing in this dress. It ought not to be allowed.”
“And whose fault is that, I wonder?” she chided him, still laughing. “I seem to remember a certain gentleman having it made most especially, and sending for it all the way from London.”
“Mmm. Such a scoundrel,” Fitzwilliam murmured, his fingers tracing a deliberately teasing pattern along the underside of her breast. “Whoever he is, I should call him out for being so daring as to disrespect my wife like that.”
Elizabeth closed her eyes momentarily, but she knew she was fighting a losing battle, and when all was said and done, it was one defeat she was most willing to concede. “You ought to see to your wife, Sir, for I have reason to believe she will disport herself most wantonly, should you fail to check her.”
“Minx,” her husband said with the utmost delight, and proceeded to demonstrate just how much he appreciated the way her dress put her pleasing figure to the best of advantages.
Bennet Darcy frowned as his father calmly explained everything there was to know about the caring of sheep, and how – as his eldest son, and the heir to the estate – he was expected to be knowledgeable on such matters. At nine years of age, it had never come upon him to question where lambs came from, until they had happen to be riding along a field where a ram was busy seeing to the ewes, and his father had thought it prudent to talk his son through the entire process of lambing.
“Father?” he ventured to ask at length, as a most peculiar thought dawned upon him. “Is that how you got my new brother or sister into Mama’s stomach, as well?”
Ben was suddenly faced with the most incongruous sight of his father’s cheeks colouring to an alarming shade of pink. “I – that is, well – your mother will be much better at explaining than I am, I feel.”
“I will ask her, then,” he nodded, and spurred his pony back to a trot.
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gregorovitch-adler · 21 days
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Translation: Junior, I have told you several times that Lily prefers to be single, remember?
Lily is the new aroace icon. That's all.
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chronicbeans · 5 months
I freaking love seeing the arguments lol. I've never seen this many people talking about aroace people before and it's over a demonic deer man that's a cannibal. Genuinely wouldn't have it any other way it's funny imo. Anyway here's how I feel as an aroace summarized.
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I just want to see someone write him as like... idk demisexual/demiromantic or aegosexual or something. More ace-spectrum and aro-sprctrum identities, alongside aroace, deserve representation too! I wanna see those interpretations of the character dangnabbit! Well, if you want it done, just gotta do it yourself I guess. Lol
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theyanderespecialist · 5 months
(Remake) Base Yandere Alastor Headcanons (Part1) Hazbin Hotel
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! Now That the show is out (The first four episodes) this is the remade Headcanons for Alastor, The Radio Demon! As we know more about his character. Though I feel we will learn more about him, so this is just part 1. I hope that you all enjoy this chapter here!] 
(DISCLAIMER: Alastor is AroAce but in this headcanons and possible scenario and video (on YouTube) he is yandere which means love sick. So the love he has for the reader or listener is not romantic and is more obsession and possession than anything. Asexuals and Aromantic or anyone on those spectrums are NOT like this in reality! Thank you! 
DISCLAIMER 2: Alastor is not yandere in canon. This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine, just do not be illegal or gross about it! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life, and neither are demons! Please remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank you!) 
-Remade Base Yandere Headcanons With Alastor, The Radio Demon Part 1- 
.Alastor he is not interested in sex or romance. 
.He is a bit of a chaotic evil or neutral (It is up for debate) 
.Though when he did see you, he got this strange feeling in his chest, a feeling he had NEVER felt before. 
.It made him feel unnerve like you had done something to him. 
.So he would start to watch you, like a hawk, having his shadow watch you at all times. 
.Sooner or later he realizes that he wants you, not sexually or romantic. No. 
.But he does want you to be HIS to own you and to have companionship with you 
.To spend the rest of eternity together. 
.It is very less romantic and more controlling and possessive. 
.Where he very much sees you as a prize and as HIS And HIS ALONE! 
.He would want to keep you though, and he would learn that sex and romantic acts help his cause of courting you to be his. 
.He also does like that when he does these things for you it makes you happy. 
.So even though sex and romance are not his thing, he does them for you! cause they make you happy. 
(Mid-headcanon disclaimer: Asexuals can choose to have sex and physically enjoy it (Sex is a physical act and anyone can do it regardless of attraction) Asexuality is a lack of sexual attraction. Choosing to have sex while on the ace spectrum is being sex favorable. And you can still choose to do romantic acts as an aromantic. Asexuality is a spectrum. Aromantic I am not 100 percent sure how that works but I know that Aromantic can still want to have a life partner and or closeness to other people just without the romantic parts, now! Back to headcanons!) 
.He does want you to be happy and content with him and he is willing to do those things cause of his twisted version of what is, for him. That is the closest he will ever feel to romance. 
.Of course, he is a yandere so there are some toxic traits as well. 
.Such as he is a tad bit controlling and very manipulative. 
.Using his charm and affection to manipulate you to want only him. 
.And also manipulate you from being near anyone who could try and trick you into being with them. 
.Cause let's be for real, Alastor has a bit of an ego and he for sure is confident that he is the best option for you. 
.That he is the only one that is good enough for you. 
.So there is no chance that lesser demons will be able to woo you. 
.But he knows that you, his sweet darling, could be manipulated and tricked into being with another demon or WORSE giving your soul to another demon. 
.Speaking of which, he will very much make a contract with you for your soul there is no way he is going to let that chance to have you bound to him and where he Will QUITE LITERALLY OWNS YOU! 
.So yeah, be ready for that. 
.He will of course not have it be a normal contract, but instead a marriage contract where you will be made his spouse. 
.That way you belong to him. And also, will be his life partner. 
.Still, he would have your soul, so it would not matter what you do, you will be his spouse FOREVER! 
.Now back to how else he would be as a yandere! He is beyond PETTY. 
.If he had rivals (Which he does not consider to be rivals) he would be SO Petty with them. 
.Always showing them and you, how much better of a partner he could be and how pathetic they are! 
.He is willing to humiliate them. 
.Though he does have a bit of a possessive jealous side of him. 
.If someone was to try and kiss you or touch you? Well, he is going to rip them from limb to limb. 
.He would take sick pleasure in destroying anyone who would DARE To defile you with even something as small as kissing your cheek or holding your hand! 
.It is unforgivable. 
.Though he fully outright denies being the jealous type. (He may even gaslight you into believing he is not the jealous type) 
.He loves to cook for you, and will slowly condition you to eating deer meat. 
.Do not worry he is not going to give you a bloody dead deer right away. He will cook it for you. 
.It makes him feel connected to you and feels a stronger bond and closeness to you when he cooks you a meal. 
.He may even teach you to cook, another bonding experience. 
.Though I am sorry vegans and vegetarians he is going to make meat for you and most likely trick you into liking it. He just would he is a cannibal he is for sure not going to let you eat like that! 
.Side note he may even take bites of you, maybe even during sex. 
.And lastly, for part one, I will go deeper into other things and dynamics he would be a bit more okay with you touching him. 
.THOUGH He prefers to initiate physical touch with you, as he would still tense up if you caught him off guard, but he would not fling you away. More just accepts it as he is a little uncomfortable. (I am pretty sure he is a touch-adverse AroAce and is only fine if HE is the one touching!) 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Part one is done, I hope that you all enjoyed this and, stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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glitchedcosmos · 6 days
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He’s the ultimate ace 🔥🌈
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asexualenjolras · 2 years
Tyler and Xavier this, Enid that ... what about Wednesday Addams aroace?
Platonic relationships are just as important as romantic ones. And Wednesday Addams shows 0 interest in romantic relations unless they are first initiated. That girl is on the spectrum in more ways than one.
A.K.A. she's on two different spectrums: autism and asexuality.
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stiffyck · 1 month
Hermitcraft is actually just an aroace support group
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setcolder · 11 days
SAIKI YOURE A SUCKER FOR ROMANCE GENRE I JUST KNOWWWWW wdym "dont you know if u want the girl, u have to win their friends first?" (Mixer episode)
"hm? What happened to the girl after the boy confessed to her?" (Library episode) (this is not his direct dialog i just concluded his long ass denial thoughts)
And he said he doesn't appeal to romance. At the very least, you find it entertaining;)
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sunnysam-my · 23 days
You know what, fuck you * headcanons Neil's gays a-spec*
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Flags: gay + aro spectrum, ace spectrum + aro spectrum. AroAce.
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lothiriel84 · 1 year
Never Knew Myself
All his life, Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy had prided himself on being a rational being above such trivial matters as the ever-changing dispositions of the heart.
A Pride and Prejudice ficlet. Aroace spectrum!Darcy.
All his life, Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy had prided himself on being a rational being above such trivial matters as the ever-changing dispositions of the heart. Over the past few years, he had watched Bingley fall in and out of love dozens of times, and every time his friend had sworn she was the one woman meant for him, while in fact that turned out to be not so. He quietly congratulated himself on his own level-headedness, and how he appeared to be immune to the trappings of anything as undignified as romantic affection, let alone those baser desires which, he was convinced, were utterly unbecoming to a gentleman of his station.
Of course, he would have to marry one day, as that was the only way open to him to procure an heir for his family estate; still, he was in no hurry to do so, and she truly would have to be a most remarkable woman for him to be willing to tolerate her as the companion of his future life. As it was, he felt uncomfortable enough when forced into close proximity to any eligible young lady that performing his basic social duties became such arduous a task he was left tired and irritable for days after. It was on such occasions that he found himself contemplating the possibility of defying all expectations set upon him by his own family and society at large, and refusing to enter the married state altogether; Pemberley was not entailed, after all, and he would happily leave it to any nephew or niece Georgiana would provide him with.
That was, until he set his eyes upon one Miss Elizabeth Bennet.
Caught in the turmoil of the most confusing emotions he had fallen prey to in all the eight-and-twenty years of his existence, it had taken him a considerably long time to acknowledge the strength of his feelings towards the lady in question, let alone putting a name to them.
And then, of course, he had to go and make an utter mess of things with his shameful disaster of a proposal. The only woman he could ever bring himself to love, and he had made it so that she hated him with a passion.
He was a complete, utter fool.
And he was going to die a bachelor, there were no two ways about it now.
Could you possibly tell me, brother – what does being in love feel like?
Darcy could still remember it like it was yesterday, Georgiana coming to him with such a loaded question in the aftermath of those terrible days at Ramsgate. She had fancied herself in love with that blackguard, and that had very nearly led her to her ruin. Oh, how dearly he had wished he could give her a straightforward answer, one that would help her with her current grief as well as protecting her from any further attempts on her virtue; instead he had merely shaken his head, and strived to reassure her that she would know, when the time came.
He had not known, back then. He had never once fancied himself in love, nor was he under any expectation to find himself in such a predicament one day.
He knew what it felt like now, and he wished to God he didn’t.
Mr Darcy had never known such happiness in his life as he did on the day his dearest Elizabeth finally consented to accept his hand in marriage. He thought she had never looked as handsome as she did when he informed her he had gained her father’s consent, and she surprised him by running into his arms and resting her beloved head on his chest.
That was the first time he experienced the stirring of something utterly unfamiliar, and he had to suppress the sudden urge to gather her even closer and be as daring as to press his lips to hers.
As it turned out, Elizabeth appeared to have no such qualms, and she surprised him even further by tugging at the lapels of his waistcoat until he was almost level with her, and kissed him as sweetly and inexpertly as she knew how.
My Elizabeth, he breathed against her mouth, and in a flash of clarity, he recognised those stirrings for what they truly were. Appalled at his own lack of propriety as well as the unexpected insurgence of such ungentlemanlike thoughts, he pulled back abruptly, staring down at her with an odd mixture of longing and what he could only describe as some kind of horrified fascination.
“I beg your pardon, ma’am,” he started, only for Elizabeth to gently press her fingers to his lips, effectively silencing him.
He would dream of her that night, and for the first time in his life, the urgency of his needs would outbalance his shame in finding himself so weak as to succumb to them.
Colonel Fitzwilliam had laughed at first, declaring it a near impossibility that a man of eight-and-twenty could be completely ignorant on such matters. Upon sensing the acuteness of his cousin’s embarrassment, he had eventually relented, and promised to procure him with the sort of literature he would find most enlightening when it came to the mysteries of the wedding night, and all kinds of intimacies afforded by the marital bed.
“Not that a bed is always required, of course,” Richard had jested, and very kindly ignored Darcy’s flushed countenance at the implications of such a statement.
He had diligently perused Richard’s books, of course, and while they had made him even more eager to be finally afforded the privilege of knowing Elizabeth in such an intimate way, they had also had the unfortunate effect of feeding his uneasiness at the prospect of making an utter fool of himself before his lovely bride.
There he was now, staring into the fire, desperately trying to summon whatever amount of courage was required to walk the distance to the connecting door and seek to be admitted into his wife’s bedchamber. He very nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a soft tapping at the door, followed by the lovely sight of his Elizabeth, dressed in nothing but a nightshift, her bare feet treading silently on the carpeted floor.
“What is it, Fitzwilliam?” she demanded at length, coming to stand directly in front of him. “You know you can always speak to me.”
He looked up at her, his features softening in a most reluctant smile. “You will think me the most ridiculous of men, surely.”
“And since when have such considerations been enough to stop me?” she teased him, her fine eyes sparkling with the warmth of her affection, and before he knew what he was doing, he had reached out to her and tugged her onto his lap.
He marvelled at the breathy sound she let out then, and suddenly his lips were on hers, all of his worries momentarily forgotten.
“We will have to leave these chambers, eventually,” his delightfully dishevelled bride murmured without much conviction, as he traced a path down the soft plains of her body with feverish lips.
“I disagree.” He paused momentarily, looking up from where he was nestled at the juncture of her thighs. “Unless you don’t wish it, Elizabeth. It was dreadful of me to presume – I truly do not wish to impose.”
“I would hardly call it imposing, Fitzwilliam,” she laughed, her fingers coming to gently stroke at his curls. “The servants will talk, however.”
“Let them talk,” he declared most fervently, pressing a heated kiss to the inside of her wrist. “I have never known such happiness in my entire life, I can hardly be expected to be parted with it so soon.”
Elizabeth sighed happily, and willingly surrendered herself to the ardour of his attentions.
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coffee-master · 1 month
Nothing special today. Just some aroace meme from sonic that I found on pinterest.
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chronicbeans · 5 months
Queerplatonic Alastor x Reader Headcanons
Hehe my plan of writing headcanons for various Aroace-spec identity Alastor headcanons has begun. This one is with a cupioromantic and asexual Alastor in mind. I haven't seen enough of them, and as they say! "If you want it done right, you gotta do it yourself."
TW: Frustrations regarding romantic identity, complete unawareness of certain LGBTQ+ topics (my man's from the 1920's, he's almost completely in the dark), slight yandere behavior? (I feel he's just obsessive by default, regardless of the relationship type)
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• So, this man has never necessarily identified himself with any sort of LGBTQ+ labels. Back in his day, there weren't any terms to use for being asexual or aromantic. At least, not any that he knew of. He's always been comfortable with his sexuality, though! His main thought process was always "I'll probably find someone that I'm attracted to at some point, and if I don't, that's alright." That thought process has also followed him down to Hell, and stayed the same for all these years.
• However... Whilst he's very comfortable with his sexuality... His romantic feelings are very complicated, now. He's always desired to have one, and he's very confused as to why he hasn't felt any romantic attraction, yet. It makes sense that someone who wants a romantic relationship to be able to feel romantic attraction, yes? He's very much in the dark to the complexities of how these things really work, mostly due to him being from the 1920s-30s. He's caught up on slang and technology, but he hasn't bothered to keep up with sexualities and romantic identities, as he doesn't think about them much.
• So, does he ask any more modern demons and sinners for help? Ha! No. He's too prideful, and simply assumes that there probably isn't much of a difference in knowledge on romantic attraction as compared to his day. Yes, he's aware that there's way more identities for sexualities. People talk about them often, and he hears terms thrown around here and there as he walks through Hell. He never hears anything in regards to romance, though. It's simply not talked about as often, from his experience. So, he's completely in the dark. If anything, he's probably completely unaware that there are identities for romantic attraction.
• He does what he can to cope. This whole situation is very frustrating for him. However, at the same time, he thinks that it shouldn't be so frustrating. So, it's embarrassing to him, and he doesn't tell anyone about it. Instead, he does what he believes everyone who is single and ready to mingle does: reading romance novels. More specifically, he flips to parts where said attraction is described, or little scenarios that he wants is going on. Restaurant dates, walking through the park, dancing, holding hands and cuddling. Those sorts of things! Things nobody would ever expect someone as unhinged as him would want...
• The most frustrating part, however, is that he feels he should already be feeling such an attraction to you. You, being his most close friend. You're the one he trusts with certain secrets, one of the few people he doesn't mind touching him unprompted (besides, say, Niffty), and probably the only person he lets his smile down around. Though, he rarely does so, as he doesn't want to worry you. Unlike Niffty, who he sees as having a more familial feeling towards, he sees you as a close friend. His closest friend, but just a close friend, which frustrates him to no end.
• It takes him a long time to even think of mentioning it to someone. However, when he does, he'd feel too awkward to bring it up to you. So, he decides to speak to Charlie about it! After all, she has one of the more "modern" relationships. So, she probably also knows something about whatever is going on with him! And after the long and grueling process of talking to her? He comes out even more frustrated than before. Being unable to feel romantic attraction, but still want romance? Cupioromantic? It is all so confusing. However, he won't question it. He's clearly out of his zone, and he was horribly wrong when assuming the world of romance hadn't progressed...
• You, however, are his most trusted friend. His closest friend. So, he decides to waste no time in deciding to propose an idea to you. He's heard of these things called "queerplatonic relationships", and his understanding is that they are like friendships, but with some more traditionally romantic interactions involved. Which, whilst his understanding of the nature of queerplatonic relationships may be a bit off, he's trying his best. Once you explain it a bit further, emphasizing that they're closer relationships than friendships, but not romantic and can vary widely in affectionate interactions, he is immediately is set on trying to start one with you. Luckily, though, you agree rather quickly.
• Despite him wanting many of your interactions and ways of showing affection to be more traditionally romantic, such as cuddling or going out on friendly dates, he won't cross any boundaries. Both because you're his closest, most prized relationship with another person, and because he can't think of many other people who would even be willing to enter such a relationship with him if he ever asked. Not that he'd want to ask anyone else. There's a reason why he immediately went to you. It's hard for him to describe it, though. Despite being a man of words, whenever he tries to explain why he feels like you are the perfect person for him to enter this queerplatonic relationship with, he stumbles heavily.
• His little ideal for this relationship is, essentially, the types of things he's read in the romance novels he has. Sure, a little bit of a twisted version of it, but at it's core it's the same. He wants to cuddle in a nice, safe, and warm room (while there's probably the screams of an extermination going on the background). He wants to go to restaurants (this man's a cannibal so check your food). He wants to do the cheesy move of handing you red roses and candy as a gift (do not ask how he was able to buy such an expensive brand, or where the two large, heavy trash bags came from or what they are filled with).
• He's going to be very, VERY protective of you. Almost, if not completely to an obsessive degree. He knows how Hell is. People want power, and he's powerful, and you are close to him. He's sure many people are going to go after you, in order to get to him. So, your little relationship is going to be as well protected of a secret as it can be, at first, until he believes he can properly protect you from any danger. And after the secret is out, he's going to be right by your side the entire time. Literally. Whenever he can be, he's next to you. Nobody, except maybe Vox or another pesky overlord, is going to try to hurt you as long as he is there. Even then, he could completely destroy them, anyways!
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cerulean-crow · 3 months
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Twicord my beloved <3 Using my redesigns this time!
Fun fact! This was basically my first real ship, basically ever! I was never too into shipping growing up and I was very confused about just how much discourse surrounded it and how absolutely feral some people got over their ships.
But Mlp was what would open me up to stuff like multishipping and crack shipping and how to enjoy a good rare pair- so at one point I just decided I was going to ship something I didn’t see anyone else really shipping. Thus! Twicord!!
At a certain point it stopped being a “joke” and this pairing has since owned my heart for the last decade <3
Sketch and flats under the cut because why not- I tried rendering this a bit differently and I like how it came out
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Power from Chainsaw Man is LITERALLY AroAce!
Self indulgent, not requested
Flags: AroAce flag, Alt AroAce flag, Alt AroAce flag 2, Aromantic flag
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fandompridehcs · 5 months
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Misfortune Ramirez Hernandez from Little Misfortune is aroace!
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radiohead-spiderman · 5 months
My Golden Trio Headcanons (some modern some not)
Oddly good at beer pong.
One time caught the snitch in his mouth and almost died.
Is REALLY good at cooking(less headcanon and more actually canon)
Loves the rain, absolutely hates thunder.
Had American southern tea ONCE and never looked at Earl Grey the same way again (Hermione gets upset about it every time they get tea together)
Soap opera lover(he watches them with Ron)
Is really good at drawing birds specifically.
He’s good at pottery but can only make bowls and plates.
Chess lover, both magic AND muggle(that’s canon but I’m including it anyways)
When Harry tried American sweet tea for the first time, Ron got to try fried butter for the first time too, he promptly inhaled it.
He hates crabs.
He often has stare offs with Crookshanks which either end with Ron getting mauled, or Crookshanks getting locked out of the room.
Is a DIEHARD Beastie Boys fan, Hermione introduced him to them and he hasn’t looked back since.
His favorite color is the exact shade of brown that Hermione’s eyes are :)
Soap opera lover(he watches them with Harry)
Wears bright neon crocs, has worn them on dates with Hermione before, will wear them on dates with Hermione again.
Got a buzz cut one time and Hermione screamed in pure unbridled terror when she saw it(she did not speak for him for a week, he had to magically grow it back)
Bad at pottery but loves playing with the clay.
Aroace spectrum(because I love projecting onto characters and it’s canon in my eyes)
One time tried to straighten her hair and both Ron and Harry got scared when they saw it(it did not work)
Knows ALL of the Elder Scrolls lore
Has played Skyrim to completion over 19 times.(that is not an exaggeration, she’s pulled various all nighters)
HORRIFIC sleep schedule
Will not read romance, UNLESS it’s completely historically accurate.
Bad at drawing, really good at pottery oddly enough.
While she’s good at pottery, she absolutely despises the feel of wet clay, and then the feel of dry clay on her skin so she doesn’t sculpt stuff without gloves on.
Hates the texture of pasta, it has to be made in a VERY specific way for her to enjoy it.
Doesn’t like being smooched on the temple because it’s too close to her eyes and she thinks it’s unsanitary.
Had a seafood boil one time and was out like a light for a full DAY.
Tried a vegan diet for like a year but she accidentally ate a wet piece of ham in a sleep deprived delirium.
Beans on toast FIEND.
One time had a five day mental breakdown over magic and specifically quidditch brooms not following the laws of physics.
Dinosaur nerd.
Dr Strange and Reed Richards fan
Golden Trio:
They have a book club, Ron’s favorite genre is a mix between really cheesy badly written romances and westerns, Harry’s favorite genre is murder mysteries and philosophy, funnily enough, Hermione doesn’t like murder mysteries because she guesses the plot/plot twists and they’re always correct, she usually only reads non-fiction but she occasionally likes accurate science fiction and she also enjoys biographies.
Hermione once sat them down to watch a bunch of muggle movies, some Harry recognized, while Ron was just utterly entranced by the television, occasionally shaking Harry’s shoulder when something happened on screen.
While Hermione was finishing her seventh/ “eighth” year she was sent at LEAST ten letters DAILY, from both Ron and Harry.
They shared an apartment for like two years and would quiet often all sleep in the same bed.
That habit followed them into adulthood, and they occasionally sleep in the same bed.
Both Harry and Ron, along with Ginny, will flaunt Hermione being the minister, often.
Harry has forced the other two to rewatch every Star Wars movie, more than ten times.
Ron and Hermione broke up one time in their relationship and Harry was more distraught than both of them combined.
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