#anon ask winter clean
the-travelling-witch · 4 months
Birthday FIC?! BIRTHDAY SMUT?!? God Hollys writing hits different let me enjoy this <33
idk people don’t seem to like it so i think it hits you in the stomach instead lol
maybe you enjoyed it though, that would be nice
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tired-and-triggered · 2 months
you are rly nice and ur pfp is great!!
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Thank you sooo much for the ask & the compliment, @matchalattegreen !!! You're sooo sweet! 🥺💗
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lazycats-stuff · 4 months
HEYYY, firstly how are you! I wanted to ask if you could write about a teen male reader with the Batfam. He is kinda like the winter soldier if you know what I mean ( skilled fighter, metal arm..), since he lived with the Batfam he was doing a good mental recovery, but one day he goes back to winter soldier mode on the fam, and they try to get him back to normal again, idk
Thanks you bye !
Hi anon, I'm well and I hope you are doing okay too. I can do it, no worries.
Summary: (Y/N) gets back into the Winter Soldier mode.
Warnings: implications of torture, mind control, mentions of Hydra, Bruce is sad for (Y/N), some violence... And everything else that goes with Hydra and brain washing.
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The road to recovery is often a long one. Bruce thought of it when he first saw (Y/N), aka the Winter Soldier. The infamous one, a ghost within the intel community. Many people didn't believe that the Winter Soldier even existed. But the trail of neat and clean murders was the one thing that made Bruce think there is something more.
Of course, the way to get (Y/N) was hell. Hell being and understatement of the decade. Bruce at one thought that he was indeed chasing a Ghost, but something in his mind told him that the Winter Soldier was real. Something in his gut made him chase that ghost.
Months of chasing, fighting and hoping he would be alive by the next encounter, they finally got him. Bruce was lucky to be alive. He hugged all of his kids right then and there. (Y/N) was put into a glass box, strong enough to contain Bane.
(Y/N) refused to back down, refused to retreat. He punched the glass of the cage with his metal arm and some were worried that he would actually brake it. Bruce knew that even if he broke the glass, he had no handler anymore.
His organization has been destroyed. Everyone important was caught. Those who weren't... Well, their time was running out. They may have scattered like rats, but you can bet your ass on anything that the League would find them all. Especially since they didn't burn down their base. One hell of a mistake.
Bruce and the rest searched through the base and they found something that can only be considered as a holy grail when it comes to someone who was brainwashed.
A dark red book, bounded in leather, with all the trigger words written on those pages... Bruce knew that he has hit a jackpot. He looked through them and then has decided to burn it. They also found the footage of (Y/N)'s brainwashing,
The footage, as much as it is damning, making it very easy to persecute anyone they needed, it was also nauseating. (Y/N) was tortured with electricity, memory wiped with electricity... Worse of all, (Y/N) fighting.
It had shaken Bruce to his core and made him triple check the manor security and it has made him check on his sons 5 times that night. He couldn't sleep at all. He refused to sleep that one single evening and night.
And when he stood in front of the glass cage, (Y/N) looked utterly defeated. He was sitting down, looking down at his metal arm and his human arm. He seemed mad beyond belief that he was even caught. Bruce knew he would have to be delicate and gentle with this (Y/N). He had taken the book with him, to try and have some sort of leverage.
And to show him that he was free. (Y/N) was finally free of the mental shackles that they have put on him. Bruce took a chair and sat down near the cell, but far enough to make sure that there was some sort of space.
He couldn't have (Y/N) feel cornered.
He sat down, book in his lap. (Y/N) still looked down, but looked up after a few moments.
" They will come and get me back. " (Y/N) said and Bruce wanted to laugh.
" Hydra is gone. " Bruce simply stated and watched (Y/N)'s reaction.
Nothing. Huh.
" Lies. "
Bruce stayed calm and shook his head. " I'm afraid I'm telling you the truth. The book you see in my hands? The book with your trigger words. Do you really think they would hand it over ever so willingly? " Bruce asked, showing him the dark red leather book.
" You are officially free. " Bruce said as and watched the way (Y/N) reacted.
Bruce nearly broke when he saw hope in (Y/N)'s eyes. He never lost hope.
" I'll never be free... " (Y/N) said quietly, looking at his metal arm. Bruce saw that it was not a nice arms, made with quality. While it looked strong, it wasn't made to be comfortable. And Bruce could see the claw marks at the part where the flesh and metal met.
" That may be true. But you can start healing. You can start working through all of the trauma that they put you through. Mental scars will always be there, but I can help you. " Bruce said softly and (Y/N) was still emotionless and with hope glimmering in his eyes, there was something else too. Bruce could only decipher it as happiness, but he knew that (Y/N) would rather die than admit it.
" I'll be with you the entire way. I have a great friend who can help you unpack everything they put you through. And I can give you a better metal arm, something that wouldn't be so uncomfortable and something that reminds you off the organization. " Bruce said as he looked at (Y/N), holding the book close.
" And what about the book? "(Y/N) asked quietly and Bruce knew exactly what (Y/N) meant.
" It will be destroyed by me. I wanted to show you that the thing keeping you in their grasp is destroyed. Well, will be destroyed. " Bruce said as he put the book down on the chair before moving closer.
" And you can officially start your new life. "
" I'm not sure if I can... " (Y/N) said softly and the defenses were slowly cracking.
" I can assure you, you can. You will have to put some work into it, but it will pay off. I'll be there to help you to start. "
" But the feeling of guilt will never go away, will it? "
" After some time it will. One way is to go through therapy and work it out or you can become a hero. But that only if you want it and after you went through therapy. " Bruce said softly.
" Maybe then I'll atone for it... " (Y/N) said softly.
" One step at the time (Y/N). One step at the time. " Bruce said softly.
And that's exactly what has happened at the time. Bruce made sure to be with (Y/N) before and after the therapy sessions. He made sure (Y/N) knew he had support while he was talking to the Black Canary. And once Black Canary said he could start meeting new people, Bruce slowly started bringing his sons around.
Damian knew exactly how (Y/N) felt. Being in that environment is not easy and it's just the battle of the fittest. And one hell of a battle for your mind. You truly had to be strong enough to make sure to not completely break. Somehow, (Y/N) has kept his humanity, but he had to give a part of his soul to keep it.
Jason just talked to him about stuff and has made sure that he has access to TV shows and movies. (Y/N) needed to be connected to the outside world. And also, Jason has been bringing books for (Y/N) to read. Jason took him his favorites and often took him some classics. (Y/N) appreciated it and liked all the recommendations that Jason has brought to him. It was a nice break.
Tim has always sneaked in some snacks and the two would just talk. It was a hell of a time and since (Y/N) has started school, Tim would help with mathematics and some other subjects. (Y/N) couldn't really go to a public school or any type of school, but he still needs his high school diploma.
And Dick? Dick has been involved in making sure that (Y/N) was getting physical activity. (Y/N) was stiff in Dick's opinion and he wanted to make sure (Y/N) felt good in his body too. Dick did stretches, some tricks and considering that (Y/N) did have some knowledge about gymnastics, it was slightly easier. Not to mention, stretches were something that everyone needs.
About a year after being saved, (Y/N) has moved into the Wayne Manor. It was a nice change of scenery for (Y/N). Beautiful manor, garden, not to mention no noises... And Titus, the Great Dane being an emotional support animal for (Y/N)...
(Y/N) was incredibly happy, but had hard time showing it. Everyone knew but didn't comment on it. They were helping him get adjusted to his new life now and they were more than happy to help. And one thing that made (Y/N) happy out of his mind was the fact that he got a new metal arm. It was black, with red, blue and green accents. It was something to signalized that he was a member of the family.
Bruce was going to adopt him soon enough. Just give him some time and he will do it.
But something happened at the two month mark. Something made him reverse back into the Winter Soldier mode. Bruce was certain that they wiped the triggers from his mind. Not to mention, the boys remembered the trigger words, just in case something like this happened and that they could be careful.
But something must have snapped inside of (Y/N). The boys were careful, but something must have gone awry. Something.
Jason and Dick were the first ones to see it and were the first ones to see it and the brunt end of it. Jason was hurled out the window, while Dick was thrown at the wall like a rag doll. The commotion woke Tim up and Damian was curious as to what was going on.
They were also thrown around the room.
" (Y/N), you are not a Winter Soldier, relax! " Jason said as he made his way through the window, grunting at the pain.
" Please, (Y/N) this is not you! " Dick yelled as he gripped his sides, huffing and panting.
(Y/N), seemingly didn't hear anything and nothing was reaching him. The cold and murderous look in his eyes was more than enough to tell them that they had to subdue him.
Damian jumped on (Y/N)'s shoulders, trying to take his metal arm off. Once they get that off, they are going to be fine. They hope at least.
" (Y/N) come on! Fight it! " Damian raised his voice, trying to make (Y/N) see his senses. (Y/N) didn't listen and threw himself into the wall, back first to throw Damian off and then he threw Damian into the shelves, making him groan in pain.
Bruce walked in from the outside and froze in shock. His adopted sons in various stages of pain and (Y/N) in the Winter Soldier mode. Bruce stayed calm as he glanced over his sons.
They were alive and breathing. That's the important thing right now.
" (Y/N) listen to me. " Bruce said softly as he moved closer, quickly checking on his sons, who were all softly confirming that they were good.
" Look at me. Remember me. It's Bruce. You are safe. The Winter Soldier doesn't control you, you control him. " Bruce said, raising his hands in the air, trying to make sure that he didn't look like threatening.
" You control him, remember that. " Bruce said as he quickly checked on Jason.
(Y/N) looked like he was confused and shook his head. Bruce watched in silence as (Y/N) was getting his bearings together. And once he saw tears falling down his cheeks, he swooped in and hugged his son.
(Y/N) wept as Bruce embraced him and everyone, including Alfred, brought him into a hug. It was a tight hug and Bruce refused to let (Y/N) shatter. And (Y/N) felt safe Bruce's embrace, but by God, guilt was eating him alive.
Apologies were falling from his lips and everyone assured him that it wasn't his fault. It really wasn't his fault.
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soapoet · 7 months
Your first kiss with them
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requested by anon.
like & rb if it resonates ♡
You very well may have felt this one coming long before it actually does. There is a sense of pieces falling into place as you had forseen. For some, you may have thought about this often, consciously or not manifesting it into your reality. Still, it feels special and somehow out of the blue. Despite scripting the perfect scene you are still in for the unexpected. Like a director watching the actor go off script with a strike of genius, giving an award winning performance worthy of applause.
There could be miscommunication receiving clarity prior to this kiss. It is possible one or both of you spend some time catastrophising words spoken previously and in the time spent apart a mountain is truly made from a molehill in your head. It may take quite a bit of courage to bring this to the table, but it is so very worth it in the end. It seems almost as if this obstacle is what clears not just the air of concern about the matter itself but the tension overall as well. Your person is hit quite hard by the revelation of having in some way hurt you unintentionally, and as they apologise for their trespasses against you they find it necessary to come clean about how it is that they truly feel about you, which may come as a surprise to you even if you already had your suspicions. They speak to you so earnestly, opening their heart and mind up like a book that appeared glued shut for so long. You may even go off script yourself. Having daydreamed and rehearsed this moment, you may stray from the practiced shock and awe and simply accept their feelings and show that you knew all along. Which could be to their horror as they were certain they had their feelings under lock and key.
Their prior stoicism and the austere walls built tall and daunting finally come down to let you in. They will ask to borrow your time outside their obligations. For many, you'll be taken by hand for a walk, or simply away from prying eyes for a moment of privacy. They seem concerned about your comfort, and it's possible this occurs late, outside, in chilly weather wherein you are left shivering, though telling them it's fine. I see biting cold winds and your hand in theirs. I'll be honest, much of this conversation feels like a job interview as they gauge your compatibility. They may ask major questions right away such as your wishes regarding children and marriage, and expressing theirs. The conclusion is that you are compatible at your core values despite being so different otherwise.
This first kiss is contrasted by the cold, like a home and hearth amidst the snow. Often we think of cinematic kisses as the rest of the world fading away to make room for the lovers, but in this instance it seems more like the lovers merge and blur into their environment. As an onlooker, it's akin to a mirage. Two figures under a streetlight, there in one moment and gone in the next. It feels like two previously disturbed souls at peace, finding home at last.
Additional details: hair dye, boundaries, text messages and phone calls, nostalgia, snow and rain, flowers (roses and lilies specifically), shoelaces, caffeine, napkins, gifts, disney, mental health, addiction, breakups, stress, muscle cramps, insomnia, fairy lights, dancing, candles, blue eyes, 4AM, winter and late autumn, short trips, playlists, lip gloss, hiking trails.
There is a distance which sometimes feels larger than it really is. For some this is moreso an emotional distance, but for many, this is a physical distance between you and your person. It seems that even the construction of the foundation had a steep price of time, and building upon this connection was a steady, albeit slow, progress. Some days you may have felt silly, wasting precious time and your youth on potential rather than promise, but you stuck it out and found that many of the things you so often thought were only in your head were true after all, and your feelings were mutual all along.
This distance, be it physical or otherwise through hectic and uncooperative schedules and poor timing, feels frustrating for a while. Yet the two of you stay strong and carry on trudging through the uncertainties and overcoming obstacles. The time spent on laying a stable foundation of sincere friendship pays off here as you both remain patient and faithful, and manage to work things out in your favour.
There is much anticipation going into this. For those of you for whom this is a long distance relationship, this first kiss occurs upon the very first meeting. Could be at an airport, train station, or some other mode of transportation. For those of whom this is merely an emotional distance or unfavourable schedules, this occurs at the very first meeting after agreeing to take the next step in the relationship from friends to something more. Commitment is very sure and stable, and you feel at peace knowing there is no rug beneath your feet for you to worry about being pulled, but strong and solid rock that will not crumble. A lot of messages and calls are exchanged, and you both feel as though you're a part of each other's day to day as if you've lived together for years. And thus, this first kiss may feel a little like making up for lost time, as though it's a formality that must be checked off the list as mentally and emotionally you are so much further along in the relationship than you are physically and must play catch-up.
Though it feels rushed, it's exactly as giddy and exciting as you had always hoped it would be. A warm embrace and a sense of relief, both filled to the brim with excitement to finally be in such close proximity and have the time and space to enjoy each other's company fully and undisturbed. A hug quickly turns to a kiss, and two and three and four. It is simultaneously bashful and bold, nervous and full of glee. A poor attempt at maintaining a balance between remaining calm and being chill, and the inability to keep your hands off of each other. Regardless how busy the environment, nothing else seems to matter than the two of you. Hustle and bustle, noise and people rushing here and there, with the two of you amidst it all in your own bubble of stillness.
Additional detail: linguistics, green, crochet, painting, singing, mozzarella, long hair, winter coat, autumn, pumpkins, cardamom, children, sleepovers, astrology, witches and wizards, cats and felines in general, politics, psychology, scrapbooks, baking, bills, anime, youtube, video games, typing, cars, small apartment, herbs and spices, nutrition, skincare.
This scenario feels the most outright romantic and purposeful. There is something so very classic about this situation altogether, as though it is here to prove courtship and chivalry are both alive and well in this era. And yet, it feels new and refreshing, like the romance novels of old received a brand new cover and a modern twist. The courtship feels meticulous, but not uptight or strained. There is a lot of ease and wind in the hair you're able to let down after a stressful period. For many this may occur some time after a breakup or another interpersonal relationship which comes to an end and you find yourself ready to accept suitors again, or pursue them yourself, or simply putting yourself out there, so to speak.
These new winds in your sail may feel different even solely by the way in which this circumstance comes about. Your person could be quite bold, or direct in a way you haven't experienced before. They make their intentions clear and allow you to call the shots and make the decision as to whether you'll take their hand and let them lead you on a brand new adventure, or simply choose to not get involved. This prospect is alluring to you especially if you have felt previously you have waited for initiative to be taken without having to ask, always feeling as though nothing gets done unless you serve as the taskmaster.
Many of you could meet, or agree to go on a date, somewhere quite public and loud. A gathering of sorts, like a concert, party, or other lively event with plenty of eyes. There likely is an element in which these many pairs of eyes play a role, and I won't lie, the two of you may garner some attention and whispers amongst the crowd or people the two of you know. This doesn't appear to faze either of you, as there seems to be a good balance of public displays of affection and clarity that the two of you are indeed out and about together, and also spending time talking just the two of you, so gossip can travel without your care or concern, and the two of you could even enjoy the attention and the speculations, especially ruffled feathers of the few envious pairs of eyes.
Things seem lighthearted on the outside, but have more purpose behind closed doors, and you may discuss dreams and the future, expectations and plans, very early on. Though you're out proudly prancing in the sun together, it is not until it sets and you have the privacy of the dark between just the two of you that a first kiss is shared. It is sweet and gentle, but bubbles with unexpected chemistry. It's possible that something about this is very new to both of you. You could come from different backgrounds, cultures, or seemingly different worlds, or perhaps you are not their usual type or vice versa, yet it works somehow, and feels quite exciting and magical. There is a lot of security here, and a mutual understanding of what you both wish for the future to hold. Agreeing to take things one step at a time and look out for one another to make sure you both move towards the future in union, always on the same page, and have each other to lean on in case the going gets rough. There is a lot of passion here and it shows the most in your privately shared moments, though many may doubt what could possibly come of you two. It seems the unexpected seems the most stable experience yet for both of you.
Additional details: dinner dates, pumpkin patches, Charlie Brown, acoustic guitars, birthdays, calendars, live music, handwritten notes, bouquets, cinema, popcorn, red, meeting the parents, karaoke and singing in general, dancing, swimming pools, sports, motorcycles, muscle cars, brown hair, cuddling, smiles, archery, airplanes.
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moonit3 · 6 months
Can I get a uhhhhh dragon yandere (it's ok if u don't btw!! I just love getting presents and the unusual)
yes, you can get a yandere dragon, anon.
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➥ warnings/notices: yandere male, obsession, manipulation, kidnapping, forced relationship, age gab (like the dragon is imortal and reader is a young adult), there is a child here, gn! reader, readers uses a cane later in the story, implied violence, implied death.
➥ yandere! dragon x gn! reader
➥ synopsis: the great dragon of the south never expected to become a caretaker of a human child, but luckily he has someone to help him with the task.
➥ a/n: did I love writing this one? yes. however, be warned that it takes a while to the yandere show up his tendencies as I try to make this one feel more ‘realistic’, to make the dragon slowly fall in love with reader with everything going on with their lifes. also, be aware this is quite long.
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the great dragon of the south always lived by himself since the beginning of humanity. staying by his own lair on the coldest mountains, he spend most of his cleaning his treasures and watching the humans from a village nearby the mountains.
it’s a lonely life, but that was dragon made for, to live by themself til one day their bodies stop working and then to ascend to the afterlife. that’s what oberon’s ancestors told him, he is destined to be a lonely dragon til his last breath on earth, but that changed after a day.
during the coldest winter that passed in earth, oberon was waking throughout the abandoned path once used by merchants and to his surprise, he finds a human shelter. it’s destroyed, corpses are everywhere and so is blood. what did happened here? it couldn’t be simply raiders who attacked, the marks on the now dead bodies shows sharp claws and the scene is too messy to be made by humans.
his eyes notice one the tents moving, so he steps closer to see what is inside and he made a great discovery. a baby.
“oh, a tiny human.” shaping into his human form, oberon hold the children into his arms as gently as possible and analyze the little one. few drops of blood in their face and despite everything, they aren’t crying like he thought they would. “a brave one, i see…”
the first thing that came to his head was going to village nearby and hand the child to the people there, hoping to find a living relative to raise them. however, there is too much snow for him to travel and using his dragon form is out of question, it would only scary the villagers. so another idea came to his mind, he would take care of the child in meanwhile until the weather changes for good.
inside his lair, the great dragon managed to make a makeshift bed for the tiny human made of old vests and fur of ancient animals he once hunted for fun. despite not being the most appropriate place to a baby rest, the little one probably found to be comfortable as their eyes closed in seconds, leaving oberon alone with his thoughts.
why would an expedition bring a baby with them? any human should know how the cold mountains aren’t a suitable place for a newborn, but he can’t ask it as the child’s probably parents are dead, meaning that he will have to go the humans’ village soon.
the next morning, before the sun raise on the sky, oberon put the heaviest coat to cover his human form and the little one who rest on a handmade baby sling on his chest. with that, he began walking down the mountain and sing a sweet melody to the child stay calm during the trip, it’s working as the two made their way to the village.
step by the step and a three hours late, oberon arrived at the small village after a snowstorm had calm a little, luckily no house or building seems to be torn apart. and pulling the hood down, the baby awake by the soft light of the sun and their giggles made the dragon smile as both approach the closest house.
he knocks at the door and someone opens it quickly, “oh my! what are you doing in a weather like this? please, come in.” oberon enters the tiny house and takes off the hoodie when the door closed behind him. “take a cup of tea, dear traveler.”
the dragon observes how small is the house. the bed serves the same purpose of a couch to watch the fireplace and the only walls inside are the one to separe the bathroom from the rest of the home. it’s so small, but it’s fit a human to live in comfort on their own.
“thank you for let us in.” oberon sit on the edge of the bed, carefully holding the baby and put them to rest on the warm blankets. with his hands now free, he removes his heavy coat and grab a cup of tea to take a sip from it. “may I ask if you have anything to feed a child? if that isn’t too much to ask, my fruits are long gone to the child’s belly.”
“I do have some berries,” the gentle voice of the human make oberon smile, this person simply didn’t notice the horns on his head or they just don’t care at all? “and I think that I might have some strawberries that I brought some days ago…”
as you search for the fruits, oberon analysis the interior of the house. there are a few portraits on the walls, photos that include you with other people he believes to be your family. it’s something that oberon envy from most humans, they can have family and relationships without worrying about immortality, as they live together til the end. while dragons get to live forever with one at their side.
“here I found some, mr…”
“oberon, just oberon.”
a small basket of fruits is now at his side, waiting to be eaten by the time when the child wakes up later. for now, the two share true same roof til the snowstorm ends and for what it’s look, they will have to be together for a while.
“so, why did you came to the village? the snowstorm won’t stop anytime soon and bringing a child so young isn’t the best idea.” the human pour another cup of tea to the dragon before taking a seat on a close chair to take a better look at the baby. “this child isn’t your, am i right?”
“indeed. i found them at destroyed campsite at the mountains, their parents are long gone.” the smile on the human’s face vanish by his words, sad about the true reality of the baby’s parents. “i would take care of the child on my own, but i lack the ability to raise them as I don’t know to take care of another living being.”
oberon felt guilty for what he is going to say next, but he has too. “could you help me raise them? just for a brief amount of time and then i can leave afterwards.”
the humans stay quiet, taking about the proposal gave by the dragon, unaware of his true intentions, “well, it’s sound a good deal.” a smile grown on their lips, a tint red on their cheeks of the idea of getting close to the mysterious man.
“then it’s a deal, mx…?”
“call me [name] and you are?”
“oberon, just oberon.”
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times goes on as oberon began to raise the little girl at your side, feeling happy knowing that you let stay at your home without expecting anything in return. it’s a generous act and the dragon knows that not many people would be as nice as you, so he makes sure to keep his value at your small house.
you continue doing the hard work such as cutting the wood for the fireplace to keep the house warm, fishing at the frozen river, going for the market to exchange your products to supplies for the cold winter, that’s your role in the house. while oberon become the main caregiver for the young girl, learning how to take of a baby who always need his attention, changing diapers and teaching her the old tales of mythological creatures he once meet in his dragon form.
life is going smooth, oberon can’t deny that. having someone to help him raise a human kid in an environment with other children sounds better than raising it at his lair, where no one would know their presence. but this life isn’t going too good for you, he can see the dark circles growing under your eyes for working long hours and he notice how sometimes the money wasn’t enough to cover the food, so you would just starve yourself to let him and the child eat. an generous, but foolish act as he doesn’t need to eat as much human does.
“you should eat more, oberon.” that you always say to him every time you give your barely touched plate of food to him. “taking care of a child on your own requires more energy than fishing.”
he tries to talk about it with you, but Oberon always lose the discussion as you give that sweet smile to him. the same smile you have when playing with the child after a long day of working, the very same smile that he has seeing for the last two years. you have endure so much because of him and the kid, oberon feels guilty about it. he sees himself as a failure for not giving or making your life easier, maybe things will change for good when the three of you start living at his lair back at the mountains.
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it was another day of work for you and definitely it was exhausting as there war almost nothing that you fished today. the villagers didn’t brought any the tiny fishes you offered, but they felt compassion knowing that you are the sole provider of the house, so they handed you the food they didn’t sell. it was a great gift as you won’t ever forget about it.
going back to your home, you’ve expected to be welcome by the child’s hugs and oberon’s sweet words, asking about your work. however, that didn’t happened. walls empty of the many family’s portraits, the clothes oberon sewed missing, food is gone and the worse, none of them are here. almost like they were nothing, but hallucinations.
you yelled their name, searching the surrounding area of the cabin as the snow gets heavier and the wind colder. there are no footprints of them, no trace of they could’ve been, perhaps your mind is playing tricks. if so, how can you stop it and how can you find the two most important people of your life?
the idea of them simply vanish made you uncomfortable, made you cry in the middle of the snow and scream of frustration. things got worse and you have no idea of to fix it. but a thought came to mind, maybe they went to the village to buy firewood when you were out.
the small chance of seeing them made you get up from the cold snow and clean the tears away from face, ready to go back to the village and ask the others.
unfortunately that never happened.
claws met your shoulder and in a blink of eyes, a dragon began to fly away from your cabin. his wing flapping and creating strong winds as you desperately try to get away from it. you try to yell for help, but the dragon was too high in the sky to anyone hear you scream and no one would be a fool to help you in this situation. so you had no other option than just stay still and hope for the creature don’t drop you. the high ground made you dizzy and without option, your eyes closed by the moment you saw the clouds.
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above the clouds and hide from danger, there is a lair of the great dragon do the south. he lives there’s along with two another people and those are his most important treasures, ones that he will never let it go.
the travelers brave enough to climb up there to exchange good with oberon, report the two people living with him are completely opposite.
the oldest, the spouse, always wearing the same expression in the face of tiredness. they use a cane to walk around the lair (now transformed into a cozy home) and some more aware travelers could see the scar on the spouse’s leg. it’s huge, definitely the reason why they need to use a cane to move.
some ask how them how was the accident, curious about the reason behind it. the spouse always replied there was a slippery ice that resulted in them becoming this way, yet some travelers doubt that by seeing fear in their eyes when answering it the dragon is always watching them talking with outsiders, but none pushed forward to know the truth.
and the second treasure is his daughter. an energetic and intelligent girl who is always reading about the world outside, dreaming to go out and explore the many places from the books she have read. her eyes sparkle whatever a traveler tell about the magnificent places she could visit when getting older and she is always writing in her journals about it.
and that’s what she did. finally of age, the little girl now grown as a smart and kind lady left the lair to adventure herself into the unknown. she doesn’t forget about to send magic letters (that literally just spawn at the lair) to her parents, telling about the world and the numerous cultures she has learned.
it’s great to know their daughter is doing okay, but for the great dragon, something is missing of the lair. it’s the silence that irritates him, the lack of a reason behind those make his spouse act happy and joyful with him and the fact they are begging to see the outside world again. it’s been years since the dragon let them walk at the mountain’s feet and the last time they did, the human tried something idiot and got to use the cane for their rest of their life.
they began to make him angry, always asking to be outside for just a little and they won’t stop talking about it! the dragon wanted to keep them occupied to ever think about it and so he found a way to chain them inside the lair once again.
one day, returning to the lair after flying around the southern region, the dragon brought someone else in his arms, a baby. the view of a small figure in the arms of their husband made the human just stare at it, fully scared to ask why there is blood on the child’s face, but brave enough to ask why he brought a kid to the lair.
“it’s our second born, my dear.” what? “you looked so sad after our daughter left, so I believe that being parents once again will make us happier, closer and of course, you will stop nagging about brainless things of going outside. now, you should give our baby a bath, right? I will make dinner for the three of us.”
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@moonit3 writings
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valsdelulucorner · 1 month
I love the way you write for Obey me characters. It fits nicely, that I enjoyed reading all of them. I had to make sure I’m requesting a character you haven’t done yet.
I would love to read Satan headcanons.
Thank you so much anon<3 of course I can do Satan, I haven't done him yet so I'll be happy to write for him
Satan Head cannons<3
Satan is always abit insecure when it comes to Lucifer, always being mistaken for him even though they are vastly different. He always gets mad at someone for comparing him to or calling him Lucifer and for a valid reason, he feels like he is just a cheep copy of him, that he isn't as loved by lucifer because he was born once lucifer fell
Once you came to the Devildom though, he was surprised that you never compared him to lucifer (out loud) or even mistaken him for Lucifer. He grew to appreciate you more when he overheard you correct one of his brothers when they were comparing him to Lucifer, overhearing you point out the differences and saying that they were different people. He never told you he heard you say this but he appreciates you for it, glad that you see him as his own person and not just a clone of Lucifer
Satan has gotten better at controlling his wrath but that doesn't mean it doesn't show, his anger can be explosive when triggered and we see this when he almost badly hurt us that one time. After the pact and when he started to grow closer with you, he discovered that he is alot calmer with you and that your not one of his triggers, but instead one of his methods of calming down
When Satan goes into one of his episodes, his brothers will either sprint up to you and use you as a shield (they know satan wont hurt you), his brothers will drag you down and try and make him calm down, or his will make his way to find you and rant to you. If your resting in his room and he storm in in his demon form, he will rant to you while throwing books around, making sure that none of them hit you and will try not to snap at you.
Satan normally feels really bad after a episode so if your there with him, he will lay with you and hold onto you tightly, mumbling apologies and "I hate feeling this angry", still in his demon form while he holds onto you. He holds you in his tail while he buries his face into your neck or chest, holding onto you while you either play with his hair or read to him. You help him calm down, he cant be more greatful to you whenever your there supporting him
Satan loves taking you on library, cafe, museum and book dates. He will take your hand and gently lead you around a library or museum, leading you around and softly going on about where some ancient text came from, where certain artifacts where founded. His favourite date idea though is a winter Cafe trip before renting some books from the library out, heading back home before cuddling up on the sofa and enjoying your food and books Infront of the fireplace
If you come to the devildom as a writer or a artist, he will make a few requests. As a writer, he would absolutely love to read anything you write and make a few requests about some ideas he's been wanting to write about, extremely happy when you do end up writing for him. He would Tresure it forever and make sure to keep it in a collection that no one is allowed to touch, only for his eyes to see. As a artist, he would give you a little list of attributes and traits and politely ask if you could draw a character from a book for him. wither your a writer or a artist, he would love and treasure your creations
I love the head cannon that Satan uses his tail as a whip, which gives me the idea that he can use his tail in combat. His tail is sharp but he can also close up his scales to make it smooth and harmless, the mode he uses to cuddle and hold you with. When he's threatened or pissed however, he will puff up his scales and harden them, making his tail sharp and dangerous. His tail can get very dirty after occasions like this so it is mandatory for him to clean his tail so he doesn't get a infection.
If you offered to help him clean his tail, he would absolutely refuse to let you touch his tail in the state its in, he doesn't want to accidently hurt you. He does appreciate it though if you sit next to him and just keep him company while he cleans his tail, having you hand him cleaning products while he scrubs in-between his sharp scales. He deeply appreciates you more then you know, even if its just something like sitting next to him while he cleans his tail of dirt and blood
He loves having you lay on his lap while he reads late into the night, playing with your hair as he reads a book, admiring your sleeping face from time to time. His tail gently holds your waist or wraps around your legs while you sleep against his thighs, subconsciously making sure your safe and sound while he continues to read. He loves to rest on your lap aswell, sleeping peacefully against your thighs as your fingers play with his hair. His tail wraps around your ankle and calf while he cuddles into you, a quite purr coming from his chest as he nuzzles into your belly
He calls you his darling, his muse, and his rose.
If he accidentally hurts you during one of his fits, he feels extremely guilty after he calms down. He goes to find you and tries not to grimace when he finds you patching yourself up, sighing softly before going to help you. Non stop apologies slip from his laps as he patches you up properly, his heart sinking as he makes sure you are properly ok. He gets so much more careful with you after this experience, making sure your not in the room when he gets violent
Satan does his research on humans and will randomly drop one of the most traumatizing facts about humans before just going on about his day, thinking he will impress you with these facts. "Hey my darling, did you know that [A random traumatizing fact about humans that will completely ruin your day]" "Satan..... darling...." *Proud of himself thinking he impressed you"
"Im scared I might loose myself and hurt you" "I'll still stand beside you"
Two fics in one day, im feeling good! I honestly really struggled with Satan because i don't normally write about him but i liked this! I hope I did Satan alright anon and i hope you enjoyed!
Who should i do next?
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delululand · 3 months
hii could you please do enha love languages? ty! <33
hii! this question has been in my inbox for a couple of months so thanks so much to this anon for the question and patience, i finally finished it!!
heeseung world of affirmation & physical touch
perhaps this is just my subjective perception, but i wouldn’t say that heeseung has a very noticeable love language that would immediately catch the eye, however, the words of affirmation seem to me to be his most noticeable love language. he really looks so happy and embarrassed when members or fans compliment him on his gaming skills or ask him to sing and admire his vocals. and this seems to be not only the language in which he chooses to receive love, but also the way he gives love. he always tries to praise and support the members and i’m sure that he would really be for his partner that person who constantly reminds you of what a wonderful person you are, really appreciates any of your skills and abilities, expressing his proud of you, never criticizes your ideas and always ready to listen and support. and physical touching seems a little less obvious, but he often casually touches participants by patting them on the back/head, patting them on the shoulder, and many other manifestations
jay act of service & physical touch (actually it’s seems like he has all 5, but i choose the biggest one)
the most visible language of love that immediately catches the eye is acts of service. he's literally the guy you don't need your brain with at all. you don't have to worry about ANYTHING. if you are going to go somewhere or even go on a trip, he will collect all the information, take into account everything you like to eat, drink, what you would like to see and experience, and based on this he will create an ideal route, all you need is your presence. if you are together, he will do absolutely everything for you, such as prepare food for you, set the table himself, serve you whatever you want, serve utensils, complete all-inclusive, i swear this guy is one step away from starting to feed you himself. cooking, cleaning, fixing anything, he is a wonderful housekeeper and knowing that you are tired, he will gladly free you from any household chores by doing everything himself. in any everyday matters, he is literally the most reliable person i have ever seen. at the same time, i cannot remain silent about how gentle he is in physical touch, he always treats members with such tenderness and is very responsive (?) to the desire to touch him from others. idk It sounds a little strange, but for example, i’m talking about that video where Jongwon was nervous and started to grab jay’s finger and jay immediately took his hand and allowed him to pull his arms, fingers, poke his knees and whatever he wanted as much as he wanted. there's nothing special with it, but it makes my heart melt. and as i mentioned above, he literally has all 5 love languages. we see how much he tries to spend time with the members the way they love, going bowling with niki, shopping with sunghoon and jungwon, playing with heeseung and so on, he really values ​​quality time together. and he also often mentions the importance of spending time together, as he talked about how nice it would be to go on a trip with his family or how he imagined relaxing by the fireplace with a jungwon during the winter holidays. we see him constantly paying for the maknae, taking his mom shopping and always trying to buy her whatever she wants (+ quality time). and speaking about words of affirmations, i think it’s important to emphasize not only that he’s really very responsive and loves not only to talk but also to listen, which is very important, but also how attentively he treats his words. for example, when they were cooking something in one of the episodes of en o’clock, he wanted to joke that they weren’t doing very well and jungwon replied that he had crooked hands, jay thought it was because of his joke and was afraid that jungwon wouldn’t accept this is at his own expense, so he immediately said that his hands are crooked and jungwon does a good job. how much more confirmation do we need that he is literally husband material? (+some additional)
jake physical touch & world of affirmation
okay i think physical touch is more obvious. we see how he loves to hug members from behind, stroke their backs, smell their hair, and even inanimate things he always treats with some tenderness (like how he strokes pillows and all that). but he also has another side that is not talked about as often. he is really very good with words of affirmations!! members often mention that jake is the person they are most likely to want to talk to when they are feeling down or worried about something. they mentioned many times that he listens very well and knows how to choose the right words of support, and can not only provide moral support, but also gives good advice. and the way he supports the participants is always so touching and funny at the same time, like when jay teased sunoo that he wasn’t funny, jake immediately told sunoo “don’t listen, tell him let’s see how funny you are”. he is the person who will not only console and support you in private, but will not remain silent in public
sunghoon quality time & gift giving
i would like to say that his love language is teasing but i really feel like this guy is often underestimated behind the mask of a cold, frightening, unemotional person and he may seem like that, but only at first glance. he cares so much about his members and it often looks like his love language adapts to the other person. jake loves physical touch and sunghoon often touches him by patting him on the back, high-fiving him, or patting him on the back. jay likes to talk a lot and sunghoon listens to him (even if he teases him after...). heeseung loves to hear praise and sunghoon tries to praise him in all sorts of games and stuff. sunoo loves to giggle and sunghoon makes him laugh. engine want to speak to him in different languages ​​and he tries every time even if he’s embarrassed by his english pronunciation. he always tries to take care of the people around him even if he does it unnoticed. and if we talk about his personal love language i would rather highlight quality time and gift giving, we all see that he is not very good at expressing feelings with words, so he would try to make up for it with actions. like just being together, even if you are not talking right now and everyone is busy with their own affairs, he would feel peace from the very fact that you are doing this next to each other in the same room. and speaking of giving gifts, he just constantly sponsors you with anything, but unlike jay, it wouldn’t be something expensive or something like that, just random things that he gives you with the words “nothing special, just went home, saw it and decided to buy”. i really hope that one day more people will see how much feeling and warmth really lies behind his cool exterior
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rookiesbookies · 6 months
Hi, I really love the greek gods au for the boys, could I request some more hcs for them?
I was lowkey so excited to have an ask! Welcome Anon! I appreciate you! You have braved my inbox and im super excited to have you!
I saw you ask and wrote this as fast as I could with some of the other ideas for them that swim around my brain.
Let me know what you think!
Masterlist is pinned on my account as always, and my inbox is open!
He had Hephaestus forge him a special razor so he could always keep his mustache in check after an incident where he tried to use a human razor and broke it.
He wears human clothes, he does have his godly robes but he prefers to wear something that may be comforting for whatever sacrificial woman he has at a given moment.
Has debated no longer accepting the women as sacrifices
for a long string of time the women were just the horniest ones or the village prostitutes. While they were nice for a week or two he did end up finding them homes elsewhere
Gaz says he fosters women like cats.
Price isnt looking at fostering anymore though. This most recent accidental sacrifice has by far been his favorite. She’s so warm, causes no problem, and isn’t like the last one he got who owned 8 cats.
Price likes cats, just not 8 of them.
He also worries Zeus will try to take his woman
Which is why the woman is hidden and protected by Price’s powerful shield from anyone who tries to creep on her. He doesn’t want his woman threatened by Hera.
Hera already knows he has decided to marry this one, as the goddess of marriage and is probably the most proud of him compared to Zeus’ other bastard children.
He most often wears his godly armor instead of his robes or human clothes.
The human clothes are really only to go see Price, the robes are really only for relaxing in his house, but the armor is for working.
He has to really just follow around his dad, Ares
He doesn’t know his goddess mom, and Ares wont tell him. Honestly he questions if he’s even Ares because the relationship isnt very father-son, they’re more just like Coworkers
He says his mom is probably Aphrodite but who knows
He spends most of his time with Simon.
Simon is relaxed and comes to work with him sometimes. Usually accidentally causing a cold breeze with his presence.
Soap linda digs the dark robes, he hates how shiny his white ones are.
Definitely hides amongst humans when he gets pent up or frustrated from work.
Gods are so demanding in bed, he’d rather have a human.
With Price looking like he’s going to settle down with his newest sacrifice, Soap thinks about finding his own woman. Price’s helps him cook and clean and look like she’d take it with no problems. Soap kinda wants that now
He’s a very antisocial god.
Price has tried to get him to loosen up.
Price has offered him the best of some of the sacrifices that he didn’t get along with.
Simon just hasn’t shifted.
He buddies around with Soap, says its because their work is the most similar.
In reality Soap is the one person he favors the most. Keegan is also up there, but he’s no Johnny.
He never understood why Price took the sacrifices of women. He doesnt bother with the mountain god who gets on his nerves. He loves Gaz but his social battery just dies.
He doesnt see anyone loving that.
Not to mention, he’s the god of Winter. His fingers are cold, his robes are a dark black instead of a beautiful white because he’s from the underworld, and he spends a lot of time down there as well.
He refuses to kidnap a woman how Hades had. Says he had standards and is too attractive for that. Tells people he’ll get a woman when he wants one.
Persephone worries about him. Persephone wants a daughter-in-law who can bring her cold son out of this.
Even Demeter worries, and she loves when he visits. She has no more work when he comes into town, she just wish he didn’t reek of death from the underworld.
You think Konig was tall at somewhere between 6’7” and 6’10”? Now he’s like 8 feet tall.
He’s probably the loneliest of all of gods, he lives at the top of his mountain (which is kinda like the one of Olympus where it was kinda just a glorified hill) and doesn’t get much company, unlike the 141 group.
He does wear a veil because of his anxiety, being a lonely god makes you self conscious, what if all the other gods are much more handsome?
He wears robes, unlike the 141 group, he doesnt try to blend in with humans so he only has his godly robes.
He doesnt often get sacrifices either, since his altar is at the top of the mountain. Its why he doesnt intervene when the war people come often.
If only there was a way to sacrifice someone to keep him company, he’d never need much more again.
Especially with Atlas holding up the world.
Zeus told him he was born from a single drop of Atlas’ sweat hitting the ground.
Konig has never met Atlas. So he wouldn’t doubt he maybe is secretly a Zeus child? However he doesn’t mind not being a Zeus child. Hera doesn’t give him problems and he likes it that way.
He cooks, he cleans. He’d do anything for someone to spend a bit of time with. He might start scoping out the local village and town again. Last time he was disappointed by all the interesting ones being taken, so he stayed at a distance. But maybe he’d try again.
Work is always calling Keegan.
As Thanatos says, “humans wont stop dying, birthing, fucking, or breathing”
Keegan doesn’t disagree.
He has black robes, similar to Ghost’s as they’re both from the underworld. He has spent a great deal of time with Simon as he has to deal with people suffering from hypothermia in the harsh winters.
Simon doesn’t cold shoulder him like most others. Compared to the gods from the underworld, Keegan is quite friendly. He just knows people dont live forever.
Or he hasn’t learned Price can protect humans and living things from death yet.
He has a solid relationship with Thanatos. He cant complain especially next to Soap’s and Price’s situations
He hasn’t ever really spent time with the 141 group because he’s worried he’ll have to get up and leave randomly due to his job.
He also doesn’t have human clothes like they do. He often wonders where they came from.
His home is in the underworld, so he worries about a human living there if he ever were to take on a bride.
Maybe he’d find a nice goddess like Hades did. But Price makes humans seem so nice.
He just worries he wouldnt be home enough to care for his human or he’d have to take his human to work to make sure she got enough vitamin D… i mean he can always gives you vitamin D but it’s a different vitamin.
He’s also worried about touching a human because what if he accidentally kills them or something ridiculous like that?
Too many risks. Maybe. Unless someone is brave enough to prove them wrong.
He saves a lot of dropped babies from serious damage. He never shows himself, always stays invisible to the human eye, but he saves a lot of babies.
Also saves a lot of kids. Toddlers and young children fall quite a bit.
He has the whitest and cleanest and shiniest robes btw
But yeah he loves saving kids. Especially when he can show his form because adults don’t believe kids anyway.
Especially if they say they were saved by a god.
He also saves quite a bit of animals. Like bird eggs.
He just prefers saving kids.
He thinks they’re really darn cute.
Wouldn’t mind a few of his own
Doesnt help Hermes keeps teasing him though.
Hermes never misses a chance to remind him he came from him jerking it on a cloud and letting it fall to the earth.
Hermes thinks its really funny.
Gaz wouldn’t hate a partner. Nymph, Human, or Goddess.
He’s taken a couple of them to bed and has to say Human is his favorite.
Did he mention he saves a lot of kids?
Would you, maybe, like to save his, perhaps, for like 9 months?
Sebastian makes Konig’s world a bit less lonely? However isn’t the most wonderful company.
Definitely defiles the virgins of random towns near by.
Has fun telling them he’s a god and was sent by their towns patron to defile them
Lowkey Hera had to ask if he was one of Zeus
He was actually carved from clay and given gifts from gods
Artemis made him a skilled hunter, Hades made him a quick thinker, Athena gave him tactical knowledge, Ares gave him strength, Apollo gave him impermeable skin, Zeus gave him a big dick, Eris gave him wild anger
The usual
His job is not terribly demanding and has quite a bit of free time to spend with Konig
He has big dark armor and a giant axe. Definitely has a lot of fun with it
his dream is to get a temple of his own and his own priestesses who would do his bidding and pray to him their city doesnt go on a hit list for the gods
He also dreams to get a virgin sacrificed to him.
He isnt greedy like Price when it comes to women, he just wants one. One is all he would need.
He’d never need to go around defiling random virgins anymore, he’d just get to have his virgin at home.
He’d love to have his own servant. He’d treat her well he promises. He’d love an embarrassed virgin for himself.
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mncxbe · 7 months
Hihi ! I love love love your work and I was wondering if you'd write about subby akutagawa and female reading giving him a hj for the first time?
tysm anon you're too sweet♡ and yes ofc I can write that I love subby Aku. It's a bit shorter than usual but I hope you like it mwuah^^
𝑨𝒌𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒘𝒂 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎! 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: smut♡/ Aku whimpers
Akutagawa had a rough childhood, everyone knew that. No matter how hard he tried to deny that it didn't affect him, that the years spent under Dazai's mentorship left no mark, deep down he knew that they did. And you knew too.
It was the small things that gave away his distress; the way he flinched when you first tried to kiss him, the tension seeping through every pore of his skin whenever you stood too close or hugged him for a bit too long and the unfading shadow of unease in his steel-grey gaze.
It still didn't stop you from trying to make him feel at ease and little by little you managed to coax him into accepting your chaste affections.
As for now the two of you were lying on the couch in front of the TV, watching a sappy old movie. It's not like you had anything else to do; the cold air of the winter months wasn't good for Akutagawa's lungs, so you had to stay inside, tucked under a fuzzy blanket you got from a shop hidden in the back of cozy alley- with a cup of steaming tea in your hands.
"You like the movie hon?" you asked, a mellow chuckle rolling past your lips when you noted your boyfriend's repulsed expression.
"It's stupid actually. I don't understand how someone could've come up with such a shitty script" he scoffed, earning another heartfelt giggle from you.
Tracing your fingertips along his thigh you shifted closer to him. "Then how about we do something else hm? Would you like that?" you cooed, feeling his muscles suddenly tense up under your touch.
"Y/N I-"
Your fingers reached his erection, causing his breath to hitch "C'mon love. I wanna help you with this"
Your boyfriend gave a quick nod, swallowing the last remains of his pride. It was so utterly embarassing for him, the way his body got the best of him whenever you were around; but now it was not the time to fret over this. Fixating his gaze on the gleaming screen, Akutagawa tries his best to remain calm as your lithe fingers opened the button and fly of his pants, sliding them down his hips.
A small gasp rolled off his lips when your thumb brushed over his leaking tip and you smiled, leaning in to pepper feathery kisses on his neck.
"Shh baby just relax. I'll take good care of you I promise" you spoke and for a moment, Akutagawa allowed himself to sink lower into the plush couch. Your velvety voice sent him into a dazed, dreamy state; fists clenching and unclenching as you slid your hand up and down his throbbing cock.
You moved impossibly closer to him, thigh hooking over his own to keep his leg from twitching. "You like it sweetie? Feels better than when you do it yourself, right?"
He gave a weak nod before his eyes fluttered shut, head falling back on the back of the sofa. Your lips immediately found his neck again, trailing warm, open mouth kisses along its expanse. God, it felt divine. Akutagawa felt his high building up with each of your gentle strokes, warmth pooling in his core as his eyebrows knitted in pleasure.
"You close baby? Wanna cum f'me?" you whispered, breath hot against his skin and he swore he almost came right then and there.
"Yes please- Wanna cum please f-fuck" he babbled out mindlessly, eyes squeezed shut in pure bliss.
You felt him twitching in your hand so you picked up the pace, coaxing muffled whines and moans out of him until he came in your hand; sticky cum glazing your fingers.
A faint sigh escaped his lips and he opened his eyes in time to see you lick your fingers clean. The sight of his cum glistening on your pretty lips was making his head spin and he averted his gaze; a futile attempt to hide the rosy blush that tinted his cheeks.
Tucking him back in his pants you scooted closer, letting your head rest on his shoulder.
"Now that wasn't that bad, was it?" you smiled and he felt his heart flutter. One of his arms wrapped around your shoulder, gently rubbing your arm; with a relieved sigh he finally brought himself to face you again, a sweet little smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Thanks. I... needed this."
"Anytime love"
You spent the rest of the evening in each other's arms under that fluffy blanket, lulled into a deep slumber by the soft sounds of the TV. Right before he fell asleep you called out his name, your voice a low whisper.
"Hey Ryuu..."
"What?" he hummed in response, face buried in your silky hair; breathing in your honeyed scent.
"You taste fucking amazing"
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year
Suddenly getting emotional thinking about Jamil and how his life was chosen for him when he was born. If he would take the chance to leave his position if he could- if he'd feel lost with his newfound freedom or resentment at all his skills that, while he's great at them, were gained because he served Kalim.
I wonder how it is that others can't notice Jamil, how others can see him as just Kalim's shadow, how anyone can say, "Just have Jamil do it." And then there's you, who will look past Kalim to look for Jamil. You, who can ignore Kalim unintentionally because your staring at and daydreaming about Jamil. When you ask something of Jamil, you're not asking because it's his duty as a servant or tossing him some task while not caring if he can do it or not- we ask specifically for him because we know he can do it.
And trying to imagine how Jamil would be able to see the difference. How he'd be used to not really being seen- the name Jamil is not an individual, just the name for a faceless, identity-less thing in the background who's supposed to live for others. How he is confused when you show up at the dorm and brush off Kalim's friendly advances because you came specifically for Jamil. How you invite him to be on the other social side that he's always served- "Jamil, you haven't eaten yet, come join us!", "Jamil, you keep doing homework, I can go get that for Kalim", "Leave it for someone else to clean up, we weren't the ones responsible in the first place."
How those sitting with Kalim don't even register that he's in the room, but when it's you, your whole face lights up when you spot him. How you can't look away from his face until you've given him a smile that's brimming with your love for him. And how foreign this feels to Jamil, but maybe he doesn't hate it.
(Aka how I hadn't fully understood how Jamil felt because I acknowledged him as an individual from the start and didn't think properly about how he's typically seen as just an object in the Al-Asim household)
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anon.............anon you should open a writing blog. like. i am at a loss. because you put into words the inexplicable sadness that i feel about jamil... this is so perfect that i don't think i'll be able to add much onto it, but i'll try anyway. maybe we'll take jamil's perspective, since you wrote so in depth about the prefect's perspective....
of course, your existence kind of greatly irritated jamil—at first. especially after you ruined his perfect plan to take over scarabia....but that doesn't matter now. now, he's perplexed.
he thought that you would avoid him like the plague, especially after all that he subjected you to during winter break. but instead, he started noticing you. it did help that you had a literal flaming cat next to you at all times, but he started seeing you a whole lot more.
and he felt like you were seeing him.
usually, he would wait on the side in busy hallways as kalim chattered happily with his classmates, waiting to deliver him to his next class. but he found that he was the one being sought out by you. which was weird, everyone had always wanted to talk to kalim, not him. but there you were, asking him mundane questions like how did he make that potion so easily? (practice, he answered.) what did he have for lunch? (kalim's favorite shawarmas. no, he didn't have extras.)
and he wouldn't be lying if he wasn't waiting for a certain question. one where you would ask him for a favor of some sort, and where he would have to don a mask and agree to whatever they wanted but... that question never came. he heard grim hollering for you, and just like that you were gone. huh. now that was new.
jamil noticed it happening more and more as time went by, especially as your visits to the scarabia dorm increased. at first he thought you visited solely for the food. which would mean more work for him. but he found that you weren't with kalim most of the time. rather you were rejecting kalim's proposals for holding feasts quite effectively.
instead you came to him, sometimes for a quick chat, sometimes you'd ask if he needed help. (he would always say no, the response trained into him for years upon years) but you would insist anyway, and he always found a small smile on his face whenever he was faced with your antics. (of course, he tried hard to make sure to hide those smiles behind a carefully placed hand)
jamil didn't really know when "resenting you" became "tolerating you" and he was even more clueless on how that feeling had evolved into "being fond of you".
maybe it was the time where you pushed him right past a messy-looking scarabia lounge, claiming that it wasn't his mess to clean up. or maybe it was one of the times where he was about to bunk basketball practice because kalim had called, and you said you could could meet kalim on his behalf. or maybe the time you pulled him into the school kitchens to show off lopsided-looking vada pavs that you made from one of the cookbooks he lent you.
maybe it was all the little things.
but around you, he didn't feel like "jamil viper, firstborn of the viper family" or "jamil viper, attendant to kalim al asim". no, he felt like "just jamil viper".
and maybe that's why jamil doesn't stop it when he felt that fondness turning into something brighter and more explosive. maybe that was why he started going to you— sitting next to you in your shared classes, bringing you snacks he made during lunch, or even visiting ramshackle. he found that he couldn't get enough of spending time with you. and jamil found that he didn't hate that.
(though jamil never said it outloud, you could see it in the way his eyes sparkled when he was with you, as cliche as it sounded. though his expressions remained schooled, there was something there that told you that jamil viper really, truly cared about you.)
n e ways, that's it for me. i hope you enjoyed reading my addition anon,,,,even though idk if you'll even see this since it's been so long. but i thoroughly enjoyed that sudden jamil brainrot ^^
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the-travelling-witch · 4 months
i spent it with him and we had an amazing time!! i’ll pass your wishes along though!! <3
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tired-and-triggered · 2 months
Freeze! ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful! (no pressure tho!) 💙💜
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Awww you're sooo sweet, anon. 🥺💗 Thank you so much for this ask!!!
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bloodsoeur · 4 months
For domestic/smutty ideas, how about post-game sleepy morning sex with Astarion? 👀👀
hello anon! i loved this idea. bliss. got carried away and wrote 1.2k words. thank you for trusting me with the VISION. c/w: 18+, smut, feeding, x afab reader, p in v
Muddling some rosemary and freshly-squeezed bergamot with sugar in an ornate short glass, topping with a lick of aged brandy.
The sun rises outside. Your heavy-lidded lover watches from the bed.
Eight months since the fall of the Absolute - the first six of which spent on the road, the latter two in your newly purchased Upper City townhouse - and every single hour by Astarion’s side has been a magic of the kind you once only imagined being on this mortal coil.
Your days consist of a hazy mingling of both light and dark; no set schedule. A hedonistic respite following the journey of a lifetime - well earned, as assured by the chamber of city councillors, who gave you a fat stipend from grateful patrons and access to Astarion’s long-forgotten bank account (which had been sitting accruing interest on his decent magistrate’s salary for two hundred years) so there’s no need for urgency in your plans. Just a desire to make up for lost years you didn’t know you were ever possibly missing.
Sheets half-ruffled over one leg, the other atop the crisp linens; he perches coquettishly on an elbow, impatient head resting on closed fist. The expanse of his body just as devastating as it has always been. Planes of shapely chalkened muscle, lithe in porcelain.
In your bed he looks phenomenal. Cattish. Lazy and swimming in the mindless bliss of inaction. 
You traipse back to bed and climb over him to your side, placing the aromatic on the nightstand. 
“Hungry?” You ask as you wriggle in and half-under the sheets to rest a hand on your abdomen, shifting your robe so it covers your own form a little better.
His smile is pure syrup. Dopey and fanged. You reach for a sip of the brandy and angle your head for him.
“Feed, lover.” You grin. 
Ever-so-slowly his eyes fall from the hold of your own to the plane of your bare throat.
It’s a clean canvas, minus two blooming pricks enclosed in raised flesh, tender and flush; aching with his frequent feeding and your own neglect to heal in the aftermath. 
He flattens his tongue at the nape of your neck.
The gasping hitch of a soft groan. 
Cruises over the flesh from collarbone to jaw, wet as sin and winter-cool with his breath of frost; a reverent slow-dance, a chaste kiss in a cathedral hall. Late night on his lap by the docks. The only lovers left alive. 
The thin layer of lick fast becomes a shallow clear pool over your current wounds and it becomes apparent that Astarion is salivating.
Drooling. Plush lips; lust-bitten, meeting the thin skin in slow sodden kisses. 
Astarion lifts his head and your eyes meet once more as he lies just below you on his side. Reaches for your hand with his own, captures it in a twisting lock of his fingers. A sedate blink. 
Asking permission.
In response you simply bring your body closer to his, and cradle his head with the inside of your upper arm. Slotting your leg at an angle between both of his in anticipation of his familiar need for friction. 
You nod.
The initial blunt sting of his bite is as grossly nauseating as ever. 
A small gouge of the flesh, a tug of the skin, and his incisors rock the torn skin back-and-forth; little-by-little, to open you wide and consume. 
Blood intermingles with a coat of his own spittle and spurts pulse-rhythm from the holes into his wanting mouth; wet lips closing over your open wounds and suckling fervently. Your thick iron nectar paints the underside of his tongue.
Strings of expletives.
The tips of his ears twitching violently in desire in the way you know that his cock will too. 
He whines in ragged yearning between messy swallows. 
You choose to feed him. To nurture, to please him. Tired and starving, you bring him to life. His want for you, his urgent need to consume you; his unending agony at the bestial nature of his condition turned innate lust by the fact that you choose him to bestow your lifeblood upon. 
Eyes still heavy in post-trance tire as he feeds. The rut of his hips, a sounding board he offers into your thigh mindlessly. You feel it and look to his waist.
His newly-ruddy cock head leaks a familiar pearlescent sheen as he cants his hips back and forth in a primal hump, christening your upper leg and his tummy alike with the balm of his sticky preseed; slit brushing open with each blunt thrust and gushing something ungodsly. 
You picture his euphoria as your own begins to bloom.
Feeding from you, weeping onto you; holding your warm form as if an extension of himself as he swallows, choking back praises as he feels you at the back of his throat, wracked with carnal fever.
Then he tears away from your neck with a hurried precision just as you feel the fuzz of bloodloss begin to settle. Sits above you and hooks a leg over.
When you dream, you dream of him like this. Laughing astride you on haunches, head thrown back; jawline firm with the hearty laughter of the morning gods and cascading ripples of amber through whitish curls. Swatting your curious hands from his divine face as you prod and poke, cock bobbing with his weighty tip bouncing against his abdomen while he reaches a hand to the apex of your thighs; and despite being so recently sated - he looks starving.
“What’s this, little one?’
His voice is pure butter. Palm, warmed by the heat of your blood; rests on the crux of your pubic bone with one finger settling atop your slit. Daring you to tell him to stop. You groan.
Then he dips just a little between them. A deep-satisfied laugh.
You’re completely soaked. Throbbing. Keening at his touch already, and he’s barely touched you; curling your hips to meet his friction and feeling the absolute shock of how wet you are in both warm cunt and dripping from the crimson drips of your neck. 
He slaps your ass and flops back to lie on his side.
‘Lie into me, dove.’
You shudder at the crack in his voice, shifting quickly to curl into him and feeling his cock hot against your ass. Hard. Your hole aches. 
‘Lift this leg for me now. Open up and bring it just -’
He brings your tense leg over his hip, giving his cock just the access it needs to penetrate the well of your desire. 
The space between you feels colossal. You try to shift back onto him and he allows it, the fat head you seek rubbing gently along your spill.
‘- there. Now.”
Astarion burrows his arm under your lying side and cants his hips back fully one last time, huffing forward and burying his throbbing cock between your legs with a brutal thrust, inch by inch, until he has settled at the hilt and you’re on the verge of euphoria-dazed tears.
He’s a man on his deathbed, a man seeing the pantheon of the gods for the first time as each movement displaces a ridiculous amount of your own arousal onto his milky skin. 
Panting, eyes lascivious and aflame.
You think you could spend eternity like this with him. 
It doesn’t take long for you both to reach your peak.
The white heat is incredible. Spasming together, coaxing every last bit of pleasure from the cores of your bodies; aching, whining, groaning.
In the aftermath you wonder if he feels the sun the moment you cum together the way you do.
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calxia · 9 months
By chance do you have any thoughts on Aether and Phantom or anything with Phantom and the older ghouls? I'm quite curious to see your take on it.
I still have yet to give my anonymous self a name.
- Curious Nameless Anon
One day I'll actually learn how to control myself when writing asks but that day is not today so have almost 1k of build-up to Phantom meeting Omega for the first time Anon!
Phantom’s not very good at his quintessence magic.
He was summoned from the pit during a time when there were no quintessence ghouls in the abbey to teach him, and even back in the pit his magic had only just settled into being. There was Swiss, who knew some basic quintessence skills, but Phantom couldn’t ask him about it after the rough start he had with the others. It was fine. Phantom handled having little control of his magic just fine.
Like yeah sometimes he would accidentally jolt people with pure quintessence if they got too close, and yeah, he couldn’t even heal a papercut or slightly ease a headache, but he managed. He’d never accidentally scorched someone with it and he’d never melted someone’s brain accidentally so it was all good. And sure, he couldn’t really switch off the whole quintessence empath thing but it was only overwhelming some of the time. He had been handling it just fine for the tour anyway so who cared if he couldn’t do what others could?
Copia apparently.
When they returned from the tour for their winter break all the band ghouls got assigned their chores, but instead of getting a chore assigned Phantom was pulled into Copia’s office. Papa looked exhausted from the tour and seemed like he had aged 10 years from where he was sitting hunched over at his desk. The young ghoul stood in front of him nervously playing with his tail. He was too anxious to sit down. Why had only he been called into Papa’s office? And why did everyone else get their assigned chores but not him?
“Do you know why I’ve called you into my office Phantom?” asked Copia. The ghoul shook his head briskly and shifted anxiously where he stood.
“Normally, quintessence ghouls will help out in the medical wing while not touring,” started Papa,” However am I right in saying that you do not have the skills or experience to be of any use there?”
Phantom tucked his head down in shame. He knew that he wasn’t useful to the clergy outside of being a kind of decent guitarist, but Copia saying it out loud made it hurt even more. He was hardly even a good ghoul, let alone a good quintessence ghoul. He couldn’t even do the basic skills that most quint kits could do because he’d never had anyone to teach him in the pit.
“Aether and Omega are due back next week, so you will be put on cleaning duty until then and they will train you when you return. We need to get you all trained up before the higher-ups realise you are unskilled, si?” Copia said.
He froze. He’d heard so much about the older quintessence ghouls in their absence. He had been summoned to take over for Aether after a tuberculosis outbreak had decimated one of their sister chapels and the two elder ghouls had been sent over to help tend to the sick and dying. They had already left the ministry before he’d taken his first breath surface side so he had never met them. They were highly respected and loved by the clergy, and even more respected and loved by the current and past band ghouls. Phantom had been present for many of Special’s rambling speeches about how much he missed Omega and how Omega was one of his favourite ghouls.
He was nervous about studying under two such renowned ghouls, but it was necessary. If the higher-ups found out just how useless he is he’d be sent back to the pit no matter how well he played. He could only hope that they would be kind and patient with him.
The week passed quickly. Phantom spent his time flitting between his cleaning duty and practising what little he could do with his magic. He’d gotten to the point where he could form little harmless sparks of magic across his body, but this was hardly useful in the long run. The band quarters were empty. Everyone was busy greeting their returning pack members but Phantom had elected to stay in his lonely room. Why should he go and disrupt the reunions when he had never met them before?
A sharp knock echoed through his room, and Phantom paused where he was idly strumming on his guitar in thought. All the ghouls should have been celebrating the return of the quintessence ghouls so why was someone knocking on his door? He placed the guitar on his bed before opening his door.
A tall broad ghoul blocked the doorway. He rippled with millennia-old wisdom and power, yet still had a somewhat calming and kind air to him. Phantom shrunk back a little and peered up at the other through his salt and pepper fringe.
“They warned me that you were young, but they didn’t quite tell me that you were barely old enough to be separated from your birth pack.” Stated the ghoul, his voice rich and velvety in a soothing way.
“No wonder you don’t know any quintessence control then Kid.”
At that statement, he lifted his hand to let it rest between Phantom’s horns. The younger relaxed under the soft, familial touch and rumbled out a quiet purr. The larger ghoul chuckled and started to run his fingers through the soft curls.
“Don’t worry, me and Aether will make sure you learn everything you’ll ever need to know kit.” And with that Aether let the smallest trickle of quintessence touch Phantom and watched all the tension drain from his form.
Omega may not have been around for the quintessence ghoul’s first few months, but he sure as hell was going to make sure that such a sweet ghoul would be treated well from that point onwards.
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dreamofjoys · 2 years
I love your writing so much! Thank you for your hard work! May I ask for a story (if you are still open) where reader gets captured by a dragon (malleus obviously) and he locks her in his tower. Turns out he has been watching her for months and fell in love with her to the point where he wanted to claim her as his forever. Reader discovers that the dragon is a handsome dark fae prince who has grown a liking to her. Can I request it be spicy ? Fjfjfj
a/n: anon...... this is so cute im crying // also i think this is the longest fic that i have so far written
scenario: y/n gets kidnapped by a dragon and was locked in his tower. she eventually decided to interact with the dragon and found out that he is a handsome dark fae, the crown prince of briar valley. the future king has fallen for her, and so did she.
characters involved: malleus draconia x fem reader
tw: kidnapping, stalking, reader falls for malleus/ stockholm syndrome (i mean, i myself would fall for an insanely hot, rich and a dragon man who is by chance a freaking royal), slight manipulative(??), biting, fingering, cumming, praising, overstimulation
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if someone told you that a dragon has been watching over you for months and has taken a liking towards you, you would have just laughed and shrugged them off. what are the chances that a dragon will fall for you? dragons are sacred, possessive and powerful creatures in twisted wonderland. they usually live in luxury, surrounded by hoards of gold and diamonds. they choose only one partner for life, so what are the chances that you will be picked as the mate of a dragon? the answer is a 100% yes.
you live in the outskirts of briar valley, in a small cottage home that consist of you and some of your barn animals. though you were a citizen of briar valley, you had never participated in any festivals that were hosted in the city. being one of the few humans here, you only care about living a normal life, a place to call home, food on the table, clean water, and a roof over your head. who were the royals in your country again? you don't know them either, not even their names and face.
it was nearing winter season in briar valley, which means is time to collect more log woods. you donned in winter clothing, paired with an ankle boots in your favourite colour with warm gloves. carrying your axe with you, you trotted out of your house and headed towards the woods, preparing to chope off some trees for log woods.
before you could step foot into the woods, you spotted a neatly stacked of log woods beside you. the amount of log woods was enough to last you for two winters? you stood shocked, wondering who left their log woods here. as far as you know, there wasn’t anyone living near you. your nearest neighbour was about an hour walk away from your house. you looked around the area, trying to see if it belongs to anyone. unfortunately, you were the only soul who was present in the area. welp, at least now you can save some time and energy and take thoes log woods for free!
you hummed happily, carrying those stack of log woods home; with many round trips. unbeknownst to you, a certain prince was lurking in the dark, watching you bring those log woods back home with a smile. the corner of his lip curled up a little, feeling delighted that his mate is happy with his “gifts”.
a few days later, a big box of parcel has appeared beside the door of your house. the parcel was addressed to you, which leaves you even more confuse. did you order something in the first place? the area that you live in was kinda secluded, so you had no idea why someone would come here.
you weren’t sure what to expect when you opened the parcel, it was full of winter clothings, some gold jewellery and stacks of cash that are being piled neatly in one corner…..
is this some early christmas present that santa claus decided to give you? you scratched your head, wondering if someone is pranking you. the stuff inside are indeed useful to you, but you weren’t sure if the parcel is really for you or just someone trolling. hence, you decided to put everything back and leave the parcel outside.
a certain dragon wasn’t very happy about it…
winter arrived a few days later. you tried to warm yourself near the fireplace, cuddling your body and reaching your hands near the fire, hoping that it would warm your frosty hands up.
a knock on the door snapped you out of your position. you rised up from the fireplace and head to the door, wondering who would even come to your house. "how may i help you-" you paused, looking at the awfully tall and handsome young men in front of you. he had a black mullet hair and a pair of emerald green slitted eyes. what stood out the most is his horns that makes him even more... refined and attractive.
"are you y/n?" his rich, deep timber voice reach your ears. you could feel your spine shivering at how hot he sounds. "yes, that's me. how may i help you?" the mysterious man said nothing but smiles. his hand reach forward to you, covering your eyes. and then, you lost conscious as the man placed a sleeping spell on you. a faint sweet dreams was all you heard before completely succumbing to darkness.
you snuggled into the warmth of your blanket, embracing the soft and silky material of it. then, you realized that you don't own any silk materials in your house......
your eyes flung opened as you shot up on the bed, expecting to see the sight of your room. however, you were unfamiliar with your current surroundings. the walls of the room were painted in a dark green colour, with gold marbled floor. the bed sheets and blanket was just purely black colour. whoever designed this....... surely has gothic vibes.
you flung the blanket away and let your feet touch the gold marbled floor. it was cold, and you could feel goosebumps appearing on your skin as your current outfit -a white night gown that you don't remember owning it- did nothing to protect you from it. you walked towards the window, trying to get gist of where you are right now.
opening the tinted window, you could feel the wind blasting onto your face as you looked down...? you gasped, realizing your situation. you are in a freaking tall tower that is as tall as the clouds! what you are seeing right now is thick cotton clouds floating below the tower. you could even see the sun setting. if you were to look up from the window, it would give you the perfect view of the galaxy.
it was truly a beautiful sight, until a certain someone cleared their throat to grab your attention.
you whipped around, finding an oh so familiar man standing 3 metres away from you. he wore a simple black dress shirt, the top 2 buttons were unbuttoned with a black blazer drape over his shoulders, pairing it with black pants. the front of his fringe is pulled back, revealing his black scales on top of his forehead, in between his horns.
in that moment, memories of what happened before you passed out came returning back into your mind. "were you the one who kidnapped me?" you point your finger at him while the man only chuckles.
"i didn't kidnap you. i brought you here."
"what for?"
"to court you."
you stared at that man in pure shock, jaw almost dropping to the ground. the man tilt his head and stares at you. did he say anything wrong? he told you nothing but the truth, so why are you staring at him as if he lied to you?
"i don't even know who you are."
"but i do."
"how is this going to work out?"
"i will make things work."
you sighed, knowing that this was going nowhere. you are well aware that this man in front of you is strong; it's quite obvious with his build and aura, plus it seems like your current solution is only to stay here and decide what's the best course of action to save yourself.
the man stepped forward, wanting to get a closer look at you. but you stepped back instinctively, forgetting that what's behind you is a large opened window.
your eyes widened in horror, realizing that half of your body is about to topple off a freakingly high tower. the man instantly teleports in front of you, placing one of his hand on your back while the other was on the back of your head. he you close to his chest, fearing that you might fall off. with a flick of his wrist, the windows were closed and you were saved from a near death experience.
"uhm, thanks..?" you blushed, feeling yourself insanely close to this unknown man whom you have only met twice; also the very same man that kidnapped you. "the name is malleus draconia, dear. just call me malleus."
"thank you, malleus." malleus smiled, feeling his heart thumping when he heard you saying his name. it was then he noticed the small little goosebumps on your skin. you were feeling cold and he only noticed it...now?!
he drapes his blazer over your shoulders, making sure that it at least covers up your upper body. "my apologies for not noticing that you are cold. i will bring in some warm clothes and food for you." malleus guides you to a dining table that is set in the middle of the room. he pulls out the chair for you, gesturing you to sit down first as he exited the room to get whatever that was needed.
malleus locked the door with a click sound, and you could only sigh and pull the blazer closer to you, basking into the warmth of it and praying that nothing bad would happen to you.
as a victim of kidnapping, you would have expected the kidnapper to make you do some laborious work, or take advantage of you; malleus was far from that.
he was there for you everyday, greeting you morning by the side of your bed with breakfast ready. he would bring you to the library, showing you some of the books that he have in his collection. everyday, he would shower you with gifts, saying how he thought that you would look good in the dresses and the jewelries that he had picked out for you.
"dear, i think this bracelet suits you. the colour of the gem stone really matches your beautiful eye colour. "
it's always compliments like these that sends your heart doing flip flops. not to mention how he would never fail to tuck you into bed, wishing you sweet dreams and giving you a forehead kiss; with consent of course.
those sweet little gestures of his has slowly made you fall in love with him. how could you not? this man practically pampers you, treats you as if you are the most precious thing in twisted wonderland. his hold on you was so fragile, almost as if you would break any moment. his words were so sweet. even when he talks about his favourite gargoyles to you, you didn't mind one bit. in fact, you thought that he looked very cute when he talks about his hobbies. it felt almost as if the world solely exist because of you two.
so when malleus tucks you in again like every other night, kissing you on the forehead and wishing you sweet dreams, you pulled on the hem of his shift before he could leave.
"sleep with me, please." you begged the dragon fae, feeling needy for him. malleus smiled, widely. you could see that he was visibly pleased with you request. with a snap of his fingers, his outfit was changed into a simple, plain black robe. he slipped into the covers as you turned your body to face him, admiring his features. looking at him up close now, he looks even more handsome. his green slitted eyes seems to be glowing as it stares back at you, observing your movements. you stared at malleus's lips, wondering how it would be like to kiss them. will it be soft? will he be rough or gentle-
"dearest, why are you staring at my lips? do you want to kiss me or something?" malleus joked, trying to get you to laugh so that he could hear that beautiful voice of yours. however, your next response threw him off guard.
"yes, i want to kiss you. malleus, can i kiss you?" you asked malleus boldly, feeling a sudden urge twitching inside you. malleus turned serious, feeling his heart thumping wildly again.
"if i tell you that i am the prince of briar valley, descendant of the dark dragon fae. would you still kiss me?"
"yes. i will still kiss you."
"because i like you."
and there is it. those are the words that malleus have been wanting to hear from you for a long, long time. malleus could feel butterflies in his stomach, and for the first time in forever, he felt happy.
within a blink of an eye, malleus was on top of you, pinning both of your wrist in one hand while the other caresses your cheek.
"prove it to me then, kiss me, y/n." and you did.
as soon as your lips crashed into his, malleus could no longer held himself back for what he has been wanting to do to you for months. he kisses you aggressively, desperate to feel the touch of your lips. malleus’s lips surprisingly felt soft and warm. the both of you pulled away with a string of saliva connected your lips to his, both panting and trying to catch some breath.
“y/n, can i touch your body?” malleus tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, watching you blush at his question. “sure, go ahead.”
“can i touch here too?” malleus’s hand travelled down to your inner thigh, closing in to your cloth cunt. ah, so he wanted to have sex with you. your face turned even a brighter shade of red at the thought of having sex with malleus. you have never been close to anyone, let alone guys, so this would be your first time being intimidate with someone.
“is-is my first time…please be gentle…” you felt embarrassed and shy under the gaze of future king of briar valley. malleus only laughs, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent. “thank you for giving me this opportunity to be yours.” malleus nips and bite on your porcelain skin, making love bites on your neck. his hand started rubbing on your cloth cunt, hearing you awkwardly gasps at the foreign sensation.
“mal-malleus,” malleus could feel his dick throbbing at the way you called out his name. he lifts up your night gown and slides off your panties, parting your legs and promptly inserting one finger into your pussy. “oh god-“ you gasped, feeling malleus knuckles deep inside you as he explored your pussy with his finger, trying to find your sweet spot.
“y/n, you just need to lie on your back and take whatever that i give you, okay?” malleus instructed you as you nodded, slightly opening your legs wider so that you could feel more of malleus’s fingers. “good girl.” malleus praised, watching you opening yourself up to him and grinding on his finger. he inserted another finger in, speeding up his pace. he would occasionally scissor you, curling up his finger to find your sweet spot.
once you let out a loud moan, he immediately knew that he found your spot and decided to abuse that spot continuously. you squirmed and moaned, taking everything like a good girl that malleus has praised you. even though it felt a little too much, malleus only coos you, telling you that you would be alright. you don’t know what was happening, all you could feel was a tight knot in your stomach, and then coating malleus’s hand with your sticky fluids.
malleus sat up and stares his hand that was coated with your cum. he licks the cum off his hand, telling you how good you taste. it was such a erotic sight; with the way malleus deep voice praises you and his lusted eyes staring at you. you could practically feel your pussy getting even more wet.
malleus unties his robe and toss it aside, revealing his six packs, beautiful biceps and his hardened dick that was already standing up straight and leaking with pre-cum.
“im going to put my dick inside you, okay? gonna make you mine.” you wanted to ask him if it would fit, but malleus only shush you, reassuring you that everything would be alright.
“just relax, y/n. you trust me, right?” malleus doesn’t wait for your answer, he rubs the tip of his dick on your folds, making sure that his dick is wet with lubricant before inserting it into you slowly.
“fuck!” you screamed, gripping onto the bed sheets as the head of malleus’s dick enters your pussy. because god damn it, he feels so big, each time he sinks another inch into you, you could feel his dick stretching your pussy to accommodate him. the stretch was a little painful, but it felt good to you. malleus only grits his teeth, a bead of sweat dripping down his forehead as he groans at the way your pussy is gripping onto him tightly.
fuck. malleus thought to himself. i can’t believe this pussy is finally mine.
when he finally bottoms out, he lets you adjust to his size, praising you for being a good girl and taking all of him.
“love, just scream my name okay? i wanna hear you loud and clear.”
you did exactly what malleus told you to do. laying on the bed like the good girl he asked you to be, spreading your legs wide apart and screaming his name as he thrust into you, continuously hitting onto the sweet spot that he discovered just now.
all the pain from the stretching was gone, only filled with pleasure as malleus fucks you like no tomorrow. your eyes rolling back and saliva dripping from the corner of your mouth. all you could think about was malleus and his dick.
and of course, malleus knew that. it was obvious with the way you were fucked dumbed. all you could say was only three words.
“yes, my love?”
“to-too big….”
“I know that. just take them in like what you are doing right now, okay?”
the moment malleus cummed inside your womb, filling you up with his seed, that’s when he knew that he had finally made you his.
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w1ldthoughts · 5 months
System Reboot
A/n: Anon requested second piece of sad girl winter!!!
Disclaimer: this is a work of FICTION, the characters are fictionalized versions of real life situations and real people. It’s all based on my imagination.
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Love was supposed to be patient. Love should have been kind. But lately love was…hard. It made you question your sanity and your self worth. Love wasn’t supposed to exhaust you or desert you. And that’s exactly what love was doing. It’s exactly what Justin was doing.
When you met him he was a rookie and your college friend Gabe’s super tidy and quiet roommate who loved all things Oregon and couldn’t resist a good movie quote. You stayed in touch with him even after Gabe was released by the Chargers and eventually dated him for a few years before getting married. The first few years of marriage were everything they say it is in the movies. You got to spend every single day with your best friend and the love of your life all wrapped into one. There were football games to attend, bruises and injuries along the way that were no match for the love you two shared and eventually you had a child, a perfect little girl named Remi. Your family was your entire world. And maybe somewhere along the way all of your jobs as a wife and a mom clouded your vision as to who you were as an individual.
It’s not like anyone noticed, let alone your husband. He had things to focus on too; games needed to be won, he had his team, the media and Remi of course. Justin was busy but never busy enough to skimp out on his duties as a father. He cherished every moment with her and it was embarrassing to admit that you envied how much effort he put into his relationship with Remi while his relationship with you had become relatively nonexistent. You weren’t jealous of your daughter by any means, you were just struggling to understand how the same person who would go out of his way to bring you your favorite coffee before leaving for practice had barely kissed you goodnight the last few weeks. What changed?
You were pulled out of your thoughts by the garage door opening and Remi running to the back door to wait for her dad.
“Is that my girl?” He immediately picks her up as soon as he comes in and it actually gives you goosebumps watching them interact. Your husband listens intently as the three year old describes her day in vivid detail. “Hi.” Justin says, finally looking at you when Remi leaves him to head back to her playroom.
“Hi. How was practice?”
He shrugs, moving into the kitchen to sit across from you. “It was fine, nothing new. I was actually going to talk to you about—”
“Daddy? It’s your turn tonight for bath time. Come on, let’s go.” Remi holds onto his leg, tugging on his shorts until he stands up.
“It is my turn isn’t it? Okay let’s go get your stuff.” He tells her, grabbing her tiny hand. Justin looks back over at you and whispers, “we’ll talk later.”
You nod and start putting away the dishes and making sure Remi cleaned up all of her toys like you asked. The giggles and talking you hear going on upstairs make you re-evaluate everything you’ve thought about today. Some people have it way worse than you, why in the world would you be complaining when you live in this beautiful house, with this beautifully sweet husband and an angel for a daughter? Instead of continuing to spiral, you headed upstairs to listen to your husband read your daughter a bedtime story and even joined in as the two of them sang the bedtime song, “Hey Jude.” You both kissed Remi goodnight and headed back downstairs.
“What did you want to talk about?” You asked immediately.
“I can’t be the only one that feels like there’s a disconnect between us, right? I mean don’t you think something just feels…off?”
You sigh, feeling a lump growing in your throat. “I don’t know what to do, but I know I want to fix it.”
“Me too.” He reassures you. “Come here.” You slowly make your way into his arms, holding in the tears that are really threatening to appear. And he can tell. “What if we go out to dinner tomorrow night? Just you and me.”
There’s no way you can muster up words so you just nod, letting out a sigh of relief at this potential marriage saving date.
He was late. Not late enough for you to cancel the night altogether but it was annoying. You had to resist the urge to roll your eyes when he walked in apologizing profusely. Now was not the time to make a scene. Dinner was…awkward to say the least. It was like trying to make small talk with an acquaintance from high school that you ran into at the grocery store. Your husband was becoming a stranger and maybe instead of fighting to hold on to something that was dying, you should just pull the plug. You thanked him for dinner and he walked in front of you on the way out of the restaurant. A hand that used to rest in yours or on the small of your back just remained at his side, crushing your spirit even more. The drive home was quiet and you headed straight to your room while your husband relieved the babysitter.
You looked in the mirror at yourself and couldn’t even recognize your own reflection. Staring back at you was a shell of your former self, someone who you vowed never to become and you cried silently the entire time you got ready for bed. All of your energy was focused on not making noise and you didn’t hear Justin come into the bathroom.
“Babe? What’s wrong? What happened?” He frantically asks, kneeling down in front of you as you sat on the edge of the tub.
“Justin, leave me alone please.” It came out a little harsher than you’d intended but maybe deep down you meant it exactly how it came out.
Either way, he was shocked. “I’m not leaving you like this y/n, tell me what’s going on.”
“Fine. If you won’t leave, then I will.” You ran a hand across your face and stood up to head back downstairs, the man trailing cross behind you. It wasn’t fair how long his stride was compared to yours. “Please stop following me. I just really need a minute to myself.”
“Why? You’re clearly upset and I want you to talk to me. I’m your partner, maybe we can figure it out together.” He’s almost begging, holding his hand out to you. Maybe a week ago you would’ve gladly taken his hand and fallen apart in his arms but there just wasn’t anything left for you to give. “Is it because I was late? Because I apologized and I thought we were good but—”
“No! It’s not because you were late.” You’ve never raised your voice at him but you clearly aren’t yourself anymore. “It’s…everything. It’s the fact that I can’t remember the last time we laughed about something that wasn’t related to football or kid stuff. Or that I don’t even know how long it’s been since we had sex. When was the last time you touched me or held me or I don’t know acted like I am the person you want to be with when you’re old and the most exciting thing in the world is sitting in a recliner reminiscing on the good days. These are supposed to be the good days and they’re not Justin. I am miserable and you can’t tell me you’re the happiest you’ve ever been either.”
He sits on the couch with a sigh, running a hand over his face. “I’m not happy. I mean we used to spend all day together, talking and laughing about random stuff and we just spent the last three hours together and couldn’t come up with anything to say.”
“So what do we do?” You ask hesitantly, already guessing where this is going.
“I don’t have any long term solutions but I do know we can’t keep going like this. I’ll sleep in one of the guest rooms tonight. We’ll have to figure out something more functional when the season ends.”
Watching him walk away from you felt real and final…but maybe this was for the best.
The week after the season ends Justin grabs some of his stuff and moves into the guesthouse. Two weeks after that you found yourself in a small coffee shop, googling “divorce lawyers in Los Angeles,” hitting a new emotional low. Nights were the worst. Times that you used to look forward to were just a reminder of everything you were losing. Remi wanted to watch her favorite movie, Elementals but even the sight of romance, even in cartoon form, had you holding back tears. You and your husband had been spending as much time with her as possible, trying to figure out the best way to explain to your child that your marriage was over.
“I mean what does that even do to a child that young? How do we even start? She’s already asking why we don’t do the bedtime song together anymore—”
This entire time since the separation has been hard on him too, even if he wasn’t physically that far away...yet. He’s got this headache that won’t go away and the thought of telling his baby girl something that will cause her pain makes his stomach hurt. So he tries to hide the pain with humor. “We shouldn’t have created a little genius. She’s probably already figured out something is up.”
You could see the pain in his face and hear it in his voice, but it wasn’t your job to nurse his wounds anymore…no matter how much you wanted to. It was decided that Justin would take her to the zoo next week and butter her up, and when they got home you would try your best to explain everything to her and move forward from there. That way you had time to read up on how to deliver difficult news to a toddler. Easy enough.
The week came a lot faster than you could prepare yourself for. On the morning of zoo day, the pain that radiates through your body is double the emotional pain you’ve been experiencing. All of your muscles ache, your sinuses are on fire and you really don’t know how you managed to get your daughter ready while Justin got her snacks, water and stroller in the car.
He took one look at you and knew something was wrong. “You alright?” There was an intense amount of concern in his tone and you nodded slowly, waving them goodbye and counting down the seconds until you could get back into bed and sleep off whatever this was.
In the car, Justin was interrogating his favorite spy. “Mini, are you excited for zoo day?”
“Yeah! I love the zoo. And animals. And you. But mama’s sick so she can’t come.” She says sadly.
“Mama’s sick? How do you know that?”
“Um,” she pauses, trying to put her words together. “She was coughing and blowing her nose, it sounded like an elephant.” He had to hold in a laugh. “And I hear her crying sometimes, maybe she has a really bad owie and you should kiss it better.”
The last part hurt, the thought of you all on your own dealing with all of these emotions and he wasn’t there to be your shoulder to lean on? It made him feel awful. “Maybe I should.” He turns around to face her and make a deal. “Would you be sad if we did zoo day another day? Mama really needs us to take care of her and I know Dr. Herbert is exactly what she needs to feel better.”
Remi had been obsessed with playing doctor lately and he knew she’d be all for it. She nodded excitedly as he drove to the store to pick up everything they would need. They came back into the house 30 minutes later with all of the essentials in hand and extra popsicles for his mini.
You woke up to a hand on your forehead…and then a tiny one. It would’ve been hilarious if you weren’t hot and cold at the same time.
“Her forehead is warm. She needs meic—the yucky stuff.” Remi whispers, holding the miniature stethoscope in her hands. Her dad nods at her and pulls out the medicine from the bag and hands her a bottle of Gatorade to set on the table. The doctor duo heads back downstairs to let you nap.
Two hours later, you woke up feeling refreshed and a lot less…gross. You gingerly walked down the stairs to find the cutest sous chef in the world hard at work.
“Hi mama, we’re making soup for you.” Remi sings, stirring the pot with Justin standing right behind her.
“Thank you baby, it smells amazing.” You give Justin a wink, whispering another “thank you.”
The three of you sit on the couch while you eat, taking in Remi’s movie for the eighth time this week. When you wake up from your third nap of the day, you are surrounded by your favorite people who are fast asleep next to you. At some point Justin must have gone upstairs to grab your favorite blanket because you know you weren’t covered in it when the movie started. These were the moments that you’d overlooked. Life was different now, you and Justin weren’t the 20-somethings that met and fell in love and it was a mistake trying to get back to that. This was your reality now and it could still be full of joy if you allowed it. That night, you asked Justin to stay for the bedtime song and asked to speak to him in the kitchen.
“I know we were supposed to tell Remi about everything today but—”
“Y/n, I don’t want a divorce.” He finishes for you. “This—you, me and mini, this is what I want. And honestly I don’t think we’ve tried hard enough to fight for each other so this is me, fighting for us.”
You reach out for his hand this time, which he happily grabs hold on to. “I don’t want to do this life with anyone else,” you whisper with your eyes watering. “You’re it for me and um…I want to fight for us too. Whatever it takes.”
“Maybe we could try counseling?” He suggests and you nod, vowing to help him look for someone you both liked in the morning. Your marriage wasn’t fixed in a day, but this was a huge step in the right direction.
“Thank you for taking care of me.” You give his hand a squeeze and he smiles, squeezing it back.
“In sickness and in health remember?”
Even in moments of darkness, love is patient, love is kind. And if it’s meant for you? Love will always find its way home.
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