#and kill the envious moon
darkcrowprincess · 5 months
Team Jacob thoughts:
Jacob is the Juliet, and Bella is the Romeo trying to get over the Rosaline Edward.
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Jacob is constantly compared to the sun. He is warmth. Home and sunlight. And I constantly think of this quote:
Romeo: But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks?It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,Who is already sick and pale with grief,That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she.
Jacob is Bellas warm sun. While Edward is her cold cruel moon. If only Jacob could have killed the envious moon Bella would have been free.
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clood · 6 months
the way fifth gear is just the littlest guy imaginable… luffy you are the sun and sometimes you shine so brightly that i must look away!!!!
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teenangstbullsh1t · 2 years
new meta: learn romeo’s lines from the balcony scene to seduce girls
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crees-a · 3 months
Super messy sketch because I really REALLY wanna tell you about this AU
Also thanks to @milkyrrr for helping me :>
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So. Villainous trio AU is an AU where Eclipse, Jigsaw and Solar are a group of antagonists working together
Solar is brain of team, a mechanic with crazy scientist vibes who can spend weeks in his lab working on some weird machines that most likely won’t even work. Sometimes he builds them just to see them blowing up. Something went boom in the kitchen? Don’t worry it’s just Solar making himself some coffee
Solar killed his Moon after numerous threats and abuse and ran away to a different dimension. He still keeps Moon’s hat like a trophy making Eclipse envious
Jigsaw (Ruin):
Self-proclaimed leader of the group who comes up with most plans and ideas. He is also a carrier of the ruin virus and creator of Eclipse. His personality is almost identical to one he had when first appeared in sams
Eclipse was infected with the ruin virus by Jigsaw which made him more aggressive and uncontrollably violent. I think the next part will explain everything. It’s honestly my favourite thing about this AU
The ruin virus:
I searched what exactly this virus does in sams and found some facts about Ruin’s dimension instead. So I used them to create my version of this virus
The ruin virus makes animatronics much more aggressive and blood-thirsty but also more fragile and quick to break. That’s why infected animatronics need repairs more often than others. However they don’t turn into some brainless zombies. The virus just makes them really hard to cope with emotions, especially anger and intolerant to humans
I also found that animatronics in Ruin’s dimension have their own hierarchy and thought… what if it’s not just a way to organize themselves but an instinct to obey the one who infected them? So Jigsaw being the one who infected Eclipse made a very interesting “master and his servant” connection between them. No that doesn’t mean Eclipse is just some obedient dog now. This means it’s just more likely to see him next to Jigsaw than anyone else. Eclipse has no choice but look after him like a bodyguard because of the virus
Phew I think that’s all for now. You can always ask some questions about this AU if you'd like :D
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ataraxiaspainting · 4 months
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Yan (Emperor) Zhongli x F Reader.
Synopsis: You were taught ever since you opened your eyes to never go against your god. So why do you wish now that you have never opened them at all?
Warnings: Yandere themes, major power imbalances, manipulation, future forced marriage, some violence/gore, and unhealthy relationships.
Word Count: 3k.
Ten Songs Like This Piece:
Little Dark Age by MGMT
As the World Caves In by Matt Maltese
The Other Side Of Paradise by Glass Animals
All Eyes On Me by Bo Burnham
Space Song by Beach House
Murders by Miracle Musical
Tongues & Teeth by The Crane Wives
Teacher’s Pet by Melanie Martinez
A Pearl by Mitski
Isabella’s Lullaby by Takahiro Obata
“‘You know that I love you.’ And despite herself, Coraline nodded. It was true. The other mother loved her. But she loved Coraline as a miser loves money, or a dragon loves its gold. In the other mother's button eyes, Coraline knew that the other mother loved her as a possession, nothing more, a tolerated pet whose behavior was no longer amusing.” – Neil Gaiman, Coraline
There is no sin greater than to be a bird.
To be a bird is to be devoid of all burdens, soaring above all who are shackled by them, like a warden overseeing prisoners, or the sweetest and ripest peaches up on the highest of branches so no one can reach it. They can go anywhere, birds, with the winds at their call, the very embodiment of freedom itself, something your god has taught all his people to be wary of. Freedom can be a blessing, he told one of his counselors once, but it can also cause humans to be too conceited. There is no sin greater than to be a bird because all others will be envious. Envy is also a sin, one so common that even Archons are said to possess it. Sin gives birth to more sin, more suffering, and thus only the original that birthed it all shall be punished by Celestia’s fury. 
There is no greater sin than to be a bird, so the gods put in place cages, made to make those trapped by gold and chains and other things entirely. Birds who are not lured into such traps are dealt with by lightning, making them fall back down to the ground below, the last thing they see is the very sky that punished them. The sky, the stars, the moon, the sun… the entire world will be against you when you are a bird.
It will be that way until you die. The world hates birds and the way they fly and soar. Birds are meant for cages, or to be struck down with their corpses made into trophies.
There is no title greater than to be a hunter.
The sin; to be a bird, freedom… the title; to be a hunter, despotism.
To shoot, to stab, to twist until the prey bursts, is the way of someone whose greatest sin is doing good for this world.
To bleed, to be trapped, to be killed and put on display for all to see, that is what a bird’s purpose truly is, in the eyes of the divine.
They are different, quite so, like different ripples in lakes of mixed blood and water.
You can almost hear them, can’t you?
Celestia favors the strong. Celestia despises the weak. It makes sense to most people, those who were born into power be it money made from blood or strength made from blood. They don’t see the way the world works. The way flies feast upon rotting meat and are soon to be eaten by something bigger. It makes sense for most people, but not for you. Despite everything you have ever been taught from word of mouth, life on the streets teaches you otherwise. For everything you have endured, you have learned that you are not weak. In any case, quite the opposite.
You don’t pray anymore with everyone else, as they keep reciting such things over and over again at the states positioned throughout Liyue as if the emperor would listen to them. 
“O Almighty Geo Archon, give us your blessings for the many moons ahead of us all!” They would hold hands with their bodies being placed in circles around the sculptures. They close their eyes altogether, to not see the sacrifices trapped between them at the monuments, the last thing they see is the Lord of Geo’s face, looking down at them with a stone-cold glare laced with eerie delight. “O Almighty Geo Archon, give us your blessings for the many moons ahead of us all! O Almighty Geo Archon, give us your blessings for the many moons ahead of us all!”
To be praying and to be preying are two quite different things, but to the people of Liyue, there is no difference. Blood seeps into the earth all the same, regardless of who sheds it. So, as evidence that the people of Liyue do indeed bow down to Celestia’s every whim, they bring birds of all kinds and steal them of all they have. Their feathers make for excellent clothing, their bones make for stellar weaponry, and their feet make for charms of good luck. Celestia only smiles down upon the strong, after all. Celestia despises freedom because, without the divine, humans would have nothing to leash them onto rationality and laws. Perhaps that is why Mondstadt is very much in chaos now. Their god was said to have betrayed Celestia by giving his people forbidden knowledge of how nature originally ran its course, causing an uproar among the citizens. 
No one knows what happened to the god of Mondstadt after that.
Was he smitten down? Did his people turn on him? No one in Liyue knows for certain, as people of Mondstadt are forbidden from entering the land said to be made up of the purest of gold.
“O Almighty Geo Archon, give us your blessings for the many moons ahead of us all!”
That is the first thing you hear when you wake up, huddled in a corner to prevent yourself from getting even more wet from the rain. You assume that maybe it will be the last thing you hear when you close your eyes for good.
You grew up in Qiaoying Village and, once you grew up, got exiled from Qiaoying Village. You stood out, which no one saw in a good light. You were a mischievous, rule-breaking child, always stealing Jadevein Tea Eggs and both tea and tea sets made of fine porcelain. Your older brother taught you lessons far too valuable and unique for the traditionalist settings of Qiaoying Village, lessons like how to pick the elderly’s door’s locks, how to properly identify which pockets had the most Mora, and how to make alleyways a labyrinth for those who chase you.
Your older brother, though, did not partake in thievery himself. You suppose that might have been the first warning sign of many more to come. He made you, a child about half his age, do his dirty work for him. He always hoarded the rewards afterward, and if you got caught or he got caught with whatever treasure you had given him, he would pretend to scold you for going against the way of the Qiaoying. He said it was just pretend, but that look in his eyes still haunts you to this very day. As you got older, though, you got dumber. You crossed a line with everyone. You decided to steal from a Fontainian duke.
It was a foolish decision. Fontainians are known for their high sense of justice, and their tunnel vision when it comes to crimes and punishments. But you were just a child, were you not?
You couldn’t help it. You were just a child. That is what you told yourself then, and it is what you tell yourself now.
No one helped you then, and no one helps you now. Hell, it would be a miracle, a blessing from Celestia, if your older brother came to Liyue Harbor to visit you. But he never loved you, did he? He never loved you, and you never hated him until you saw him for what he truly is. A petty servant of Madam Mei with a spine thinner than that of a twig. He was a coward then, and likely still a coward now. Perhaps it would have been noble of him, while you were still an infant, to use that pocket knife he always carried around. It would have been better for you, for you to not know anything you know about him now. 
But he was a coward, your older brother. The person who taught you everything about thievery is also now the person who taught you how important it is to keep your cards close. Life on the streets calls for both, you suppose. Liyue Harbor may not be the friendliest for the homeless, but at the very least it had pockets to swipe into when no one was looking. Old habits die hard. You ended up relying on every memory of the past, no matter how bitter or how deceivingly sweet they were. You bore it. You bore it all. Every memory, every fragment of a lie, and every fragment of a half-truth. Life is never so simple after all, is it?
Your life was never perfect, and therefore still is not now. But you know deep in your heart that you would prefer this life over seeing your older brother’s face ever again.
But now, with eyes brighter than amber staring above you as you lay, your arm broken, you wish that your brother had taught you some fighting skills instead of everything else he taught you.
But he was a coward, and so are you.
To be fair, though, he never met the emperor and never thought that he would. So did you. No one in Qiaoying Village did, most likely. It was so far from the proclaimed harbor made of gold and trader’s blood and prayers. This was where the emperor lived, in his castle in the mountains surrounding Lingju Pass and Mount Tianheng. It was made up of the finest gold and wood and jewels. Only the best for the emperor, while people like you get mere pebbles. That is why, when you saw yet another stranger in a white cloak roaming around the alleyways, you attempted to strike. Your mistake.
Your mistake.
You were on the ground in an instant, your arm breaking so loudly an elderly man on his deathbed could hear it. 
The stranger’s eyes glittered like gold.
Frozen gold, perhaps, with how he was staring down at you with such disappointment.
So, he stared down at you.
You stared down at your arm.
You should have known better. But you are just someone trying to live, are you not? It’s not your fault. It’s not your fault. But that white cloak the man is wearing with the sigil of geo on the back, one of the few symbols of the emperor himself, should have made you not attempt to pickpocket him. You should have known better. You really should have known better. Should you apologize? You are already as good as dead though, aren’t you?
Does a death sentence await you?
Life? Death? Prison? Life. Death. Prison.
You have to escape.
But the emperor seems to know what you are doing, what you are planning.
So he stops you with a simple hand raised, and pillars of geo appear out of nowhere, trapping you in the corner. Now there is nowhere to run.
He stares down at you.
You stare down at your feet, all mangled up from a life made of thievery and poverty.
He doesn’t speak. Neither do you. You prefer it that way.
You are in a cage. But he is not.
Please don’t kill me. 
Is it a sin to indulge? Perhaps it is, perhaps it is not. Perhaps it depends. Is the indulgence centered in reality or fantasy? This escape attempt, perhaps, is both.
Like the many that came before it, the only sounds you can hear is the rain, the water falling from the glass windows like teardrops, and sometimes you can swear you hear the sound of someone weeping. Despite everything you have gone through though, you do not weep with them, whoever they are. You only keep stepping on ahead for a brighter future, one where you sneak off to Sumeru, a land that prioritizes knowledge over riches. You’d have a better life there than here, you think. Anywhere but here you would run off to actually, even if it was Snezhnaya. 
You are treated well, too well.
You still don’t know why instead of throwing you in the dungeons, Morax placed your unconscious body in one of the many, many guest rooms that were spread about in his castle.
You are treated far too well, almost to the point that it is maddening. Everything is so perfect, from the morning birds outside your window that wake you up every morning when it just so happens to be time for breakfast to the hairbrush you use to put your hair up when it is time to sleep, the design intricately laced with jade and topaz. Perfect, perfect, perfect. It’s maddening, sickening, how perfect everything is. You wish he had just put you in a cell because at least then everything would not have been so planned out for you, even the type of flowers you saw in the gardens that week. 
“Damn it all…”
In your opinion, the clothes you received today were more intricate than usual. The sleeves are puffed and transition from white to a deep teal color. The dress itself showcases delicate lace patterns of glaze lilies around the waist and wrists, while the skirt is impractically long for any running. Strangely, the inside of the skirt features a constellation pattern, though it seems to be a design meant for your eyes alone. The purpose of this starry sky motif remains unclear. The dress, like everything else, appears flawless and fits you perfectly, almost as if it was tailored specifically for you. Given Morax's wealth, you can't help but entertain the possibility. However, the overwhelming perfection of it all borders on madness. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Perfect, so damn perfect. 
Today, you were not given shoes, presumably due to the rain and the consequent cancellation of your garden visit with Morax, where you typically indulge in tea and wine. As you approached the staircase leading to the dining room, however, the guards obstructed your path. Their actions were gentle, but their words were not. They formed a human barricade, preventing your descent. One guard clicked their tongue disapprovingly, while the other remained silent. Perhaps they harbored some disdain towards you. The servants in this establishment either treated you with utmost care or completely disregarded your presence, so it was not entirely surprising that the guards displayed a semblance of dislike.
The real surprise was you not being allowed to go to the dining room to eat.
“The emperor wants you to stay in your room for the time being. He shall see you shortly there.”
So, you went back, albeit muttering curses along the way. Due to your lack of shoes and the guards not even allowing you to go downstairs, this escape attempt is as short-lived as a moth flying much too close to a flame.
As you were told, Morax came in his usual attire, black and brown robes with a geo sigil on the back. 
“I have been told that you have been getting a bit too curious with your wandering.”
Ah, straight to the point, it would seem. 
There is no point trying to beat around the bush when it comes to Morax. “It is not like there is anything else to do here.”
He sits beside you on the bed, not too close but not too far either. A perfect balance. “I can give you other activities to do if you would like. I can also answer some questions you have since you’ll be living here from now on.”
“...This isn’t temporary…” You look down at the arm he broke, a time which feels like a millennium ago. “Am I being charged?” Your question is quietly said. “Aren’t thieves simply sent to cells for a few moons?”
His chuckle was unexpected, causing a slight surprise. Morax, who was typically expressionless, wore a smile on his face. Despite the possibly good intentions behind it, the sight and sound were unsettling and made your skin crawl.
“...You don’t tell me anything.” You whisper under your breath. That much is clear. Despite Morax's little attempts to conceal it, his secrecy is unmistakable. You can't help but feel like a naive child stating the obvious.
“You are here for multiple reasons. For instance… you remind me of someone. As such, you must have questions, if you are anything like her.” His eyes glaze over you, from the top of your head where your hair is half put up with a hairpin to the anklet just hovering over your right foot. “All humans are born with an innate sense to pry. I won’t judge, as I am an Archon.” Are his words heartfelt? “Through my veins flow gold, but yours flow with sanguine, life, and desires.” 
His hand reaches forward, but he does not touch you. “You must see yourself as better than us because of this. Am I correct?”
“My feelings are not as monochrome as they seem to you. They are complex, quite so. But you are right, in some regard.”
“This is why I cannot stand the so-called divine.”
“Another reason as to why you are here. You are a sleeper of such, and I intend to help you open your eyes to the truth.”
You look at his eyes, seeing all the horrors within their depths.
The emperor known as Morax possesses eyes of pure gold, along with attractive features and pale, rosy lips that curl into a sickly sweet smile. Your body instinctively reacts, urging you to flee before your mind can fully comprehend the situation. However, your brain, awakening and analyzing the situation, is interrupted by the overpowering force of instinct, echoing the same warning as your body: the charming smile is a mere facade, reminiscent of something unsettlingly artificial. It is akin to a sculpture with painted skin and eyes or a doll with exaggerated, intricate features. This man, with his literal golden eyes, his potentially persuasive words, and his captivating yet unnerving countenance, is someone you cannot trust.
Desperate to escape, you attempt to run, only to find that arms and hands, seemingly made of stone, emerge from the walls, gripping and restraining your own. Two of these strong hands ascend, slithering towards the center of your back, forcefully pushing you down into a bow, while you remain compelled to gaze upwards. Your focus remains fixated solely on the emperor's eyes, observing the eloquent patterns of gold within them.
The caress of their touch is tender upon your cheeks, unlike solid ones that demand for you to stay.
“You shall become my consort and see the gates of Celestia for yourself. Humans are made to worship, after all. The divine are made to simply awaken those who have strayed off the path of destiny.”
To possess the gift of sight, encompassing all, is the gravest transgression one can commit. Thus, those winged creatures who lack this awareness are banished to the depths of the earth, their vision, their literal eyes stripped away until their cries reverberate to the surface, where the emperor Morax shall pronounce the ultimate verdict.
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tonixe · 1 year
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; Fandom ``` 🎱 Kimestu No Yaiba
w.c - 711
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Muzan would be totally caught off guard by how strong you were stronger than his, the very beings he made that manage to be stronger than him.
☆ Muzan would have definitely put you to the test with your strength. Would still be in disbelief that you were actually stronger than that, might be gotten a flashback of Yorrichi.
☆ He would probably favor you over all his other uppermoons either than or he would totally envy you.
☆ You would accompany him every time he is in a meeting, right by his side, showing his favoritism even if in front of the other uppermoons.
☆ I have a feeling he would try to kill you just to get packed up by you. 💀
📎 Kokushibo, along with Muzan would be shocked too, about how strong were are; no doubt he would be a little jealous.
☆ Kokushibo would be shocked, especially with his years of trying to get stronger just for you to spawn in, beating him.
☆ He would definitely be jealous of you but also admire you at the same time.
☆ You would probably spar with him as practice for him to get stronger or smth.
☆ You guys would be a totally cute power couple.
Doma would be little shocked but would still tease you about it.
☆ Doma would be lowkey shocked that A) your woman and B) you stronger than him.
☆ He would tease you either way; when you're fighting a slayer or you're just doing something in general, he would follow you.
☆ I feel the thought of you being stronger than him would make him horny or smth.
☆ You would probably punch his head before he can even speak to you.
📎Akaza he wouldn't care about it, he demand you to fight him.
☆ Akaza would be the first to want to spar with you (though you beat him every time he always demands rematches).
☆ He would literally worship you from the ground up by your strength, literally in love.
☆ He would definitely get teased by Doma about it, but he wouldn't care at all because he is with you.
Nakime, she wouldn't care, she would still treat you like demon you are.
☆ Nakime lowkey wouldn't care. She would be chill about it. You would be her little bodyguard from Doma.
☆ She would be there while you train or fight a demon slayer, just chilling there.
📎Hantengu, you would be his bodyguard, especially with the upper moons and muzan.
☆ Karaku and Urogi would definitely admire your strength and find it entertaining how strong you really were.
☆ Sekido is envious of strength, but he would secretly respect and applaud your strength too, though he is seething right at you.
☆ Urogi would definitely tease you about your strength and would want to spar with you, everything.
☆ Aizetsu wouldn't mind the strength difference; more like he would be less agitated when he's with you, and able to protect as well as him.
☆ Zohakuten would be slightly bitter about you being stronger than him, maybe unbothered. He would probably want to spar with you as well.
☆ You would be Urami's bodyguard, he would be scared of you but probably hide behind if he sees a threat or is scared.
📎Daki, she would adore you and you would also be a body guard for her.
☆ Daki would love to be around you; you would be her little body guard.
☆ She would admire your strength, always wanting to be you.
☆ You would accompany her to the red-light district, helping her and stuff, and she would be following you, always complimenting you; you would definitely replace muzan on her scale.
Gyutaro, he would be low-key envious but look up to you at the same.
☆ Gyutaro would also respect your strength and always wondered why a person like you was even with him.
☆ He would love to spar with you, and even Daki likes you with him, thought you kind of intimidate her.
☆ I feel he would make passive-aggressive comments about you and your strength, most definitely maybe positively, but hey, he still loves you but envies you all the same time.
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iamyourdailydoseofbi · 10 months
Hii I was wondering if maybe you could write a Aemond Targaryen fic? Where Aemond is like Gomez Addams and he says, "Look at her --I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way --what bliss." With maybe even a taylor swift song? Thanks :))
EITHER WAY WHAT BLISS ( House of the Dragon x Reader )
AUTHOR NOTE! It makes me so happy to know that you requested my writing! I love this idea! He does ( lowkey ) give off this vibe <3
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Fem! Tully! Reader 
prompt: Aemond is willing to die for the Reader if it means he'll get an ounce of her love.. ( The inspo was 'Gorgeous' by Taylor Swift. )
key: h/c = hair color, Dahlia = random servant girl, Evan Tully
word count: 2,000+ words
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Brushing away a strand of white hair from their face, Y/n scans the rows of men, her eyes lingering on her brother Brynden. Her name day was supposed to be a small affair between her family and her bethorthal’s. But, the King was stubborn and insisted on having a Tourney at the very least. So, she’d be sitting through at least an hour of jousting, games of archery, and grueling duels. Not exactly what she wanted to do on her name day. But, what can she do? 
Picking at her bottom lip, Brynden gives her a weak smile as he adjusts his armor, her heart clenched tightly. He could barely hold a sword, and of course, he had to enter a bloody swordsman match. Feeling Dahlia nudge her side hard, she snaps out of her daze, her cheeks flushing red from embarrassment. Shit. Turning to look at Dahlia, she tries to smile as the black haired girl continues to ramble away about something about men and their ‘walks’. 
“I bet you my finest necklace, that knight. The one in black armor is really fine under that helmet.” Dahlia giggles, twirling a strand of her hair. 
“Oh? How do you know that? For all you know he’s got the face of a donkey. How good he looks in armor, doesn’t mean that he’s that good in regular clothes.” Y/n scoffs, following Dahlia’s eyes. 
“It’s the walk. Look at how he holds himself. A fine looking man walks with a little extra pep in his step. Like he knows that the moment he removes that helmet, girls are going to swoon over him.” Dahlia smirks, “Just like your little Prince.” 
“Just because you want to fuck my betrothed does not mean that I wish to hear about it, Dahlia.  Keep that talk for the other maids.” Y/n scoffs, rolling her eyes. 
“I am envious that you, little Y/n Tully, are going to call that man her husband. The ungodly things I would do make him look at me the way he does to you. He looks at you like you crafted the moon and stars.” Dahlia rambles, a dreamy look on her face. 
Scoffing at Dahlia’s teasing, she narrows her eyes at the knight, inspecting the black armor he adorned. His face was hidden under his helmet. Looking for some kind of hint of which house he was from, the only thing that was kind of a hint was the sapphire blue cape he was wearing. But, even then it could mean nothing. Tilting her head to the side, she didn’t like that the man was a mystery, why was he hiding? What was he hiding? Watching as he strolls over to Brynden, she stands up a little straighter in her seat, her jaw clenching. If he so much as touched a hair on her baby brother’s head, she’d make Maegor the Cruel seem like a baby compared to her. 
“Brynden will be fine, Y/n.” Dahlia reasons, but her voice is weak. 
“Brynden cannot even hold a sword upright.” Y/n argues, “Not to mention he’s got two left feet!” 
“Well you’ve always looked rather pretty in black?” Dahlia weakly smiles. 
“Dahlia!” Y/n scolds, shooting her friend a look. 
“I know! But, at least he’ll look good dying?” Dahlia cringes at her own words, “I don’t know! I don't really know what to say..”
Slapping Dahlia’s shoulder, the pit in her stomach only worsens, her face curling up in anger and uneasiness. She did not have any other siblings but Brynden. He was her whole world. Her baby brother. She had practically raised him! She was the one to teach him how to say his first words. She was the one who taught him how to walk. She was there to teach him how to handle a horse. How to be a just and kind Lord. How to be the perfect husband. She did everything that a parent would do. Except how to hold a sword. 
Picking at her bottom lip with her teeth, she slowly rises from  her seat, pacing back and forth in place. She wouldn’t be able to stomach her baby brother getting hurt. It’d kill her, surely! Feeling Dahlia grab her arm, she’s pulled from her darkening thoughts. The taste of blood floods her mouth. Shit. Wiping her bottom lip clean of blood, she’s aware of the eyes that now shifted onto her. The maiden of the day.  Aemond Targaryen’s betrothed. The sweet little Tully girl born with white curls. The Enchantress of the Realm. 
"Ocean blue eyes looking in mine I feel like..I might sink and drown and die.."
“If that was your attempt to make me feel better, it failed..” Y/n breaths out, “Perhaps, I should just talk to him about pulling out. It’s not too late..” 
“My Lady…” Dahlia tries, but Y/n doesn’t hear her. 
“Do not try to talk me out of this, Dahlia. I will not allow my brother to make a fool of himself, or worse kill himself.” Y/n shakes her head, “I have made my mind! Come let us⎯”
“It’s your future husband..” Dahlia speaks through her teeth.
“You're so gorgeous, I can't say anything to your face..'Cause look at your face..gorgeous...” 
Furrowing her brows at Dahlia’s odd words, the black haired girl turns her around, forcing her to look down. Shit.  She finds herself staring down at Aemond, the mysterious knight in black armor. Her face flushes a bright red from embarrassment. The knight they had⎯Well the knight Dahlia was gawking at was Aemond. Staring at him with wide eyes, Dahlia nudges her side, trying to snap her out of her little daze. But, it feels like her tongue is made of lead. Looking him up and down, his long white locs are braided back from his face, but a few stray strands frame his face. There’s a small smirk on his face, as he adjusts his armor. Gods almighty, he looked gorgeous in armor. 
“And I'm so furious..At you for making me feel this way..But what can I say? You're gorgeous..”
“Aemond..” Y/n breathes out, “You're the blue knight..I..I thought you didn’t give a shit about Tourneys?” 
“I don’t. But, it would be a shame if I did not participate in my future-brides Name Day Tourney.” He smirks, licking his bottom lip. 
“I..Aemond, could you..?” She chews on her bottom lip, “Could you possibly? Please watch out for my brother?” 
“I will.” He nods, making her smile gratefully. 
“Thank you.” 
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He kept his word, or at least that was what Dahlia was telling her. She hadn’t dared to open her eyes just yet. She didn’t not care if that made her a coward. She just couldn’t stand to watch the fights and not think about her brother while men pummeled each other with swords. Squeezing Dahlia’s hand tightly, she tenses at the call of her brother’s name and Aemond’s. Her eyes shoot open, her jaw dropping slightly. No. No. No. No. That couldn't be right! She must have misheard! Sharply turning her head to the fighting circle, she bolts from her seat, leaning against the railing. Her nails dig into the wood like a cat’s would. Her eyes are flickering between the two of them. 
One of them would get hurt, she was sure of it, whether it be intentional or not. Her breathing grows ragged, her heart pounding against her ribcage. She was afraid that it would jump out of her chest. Watching as they  raise their swords, she stuck in a trance as they slowly circled each other. Their swords collide, her eyes shutting tightly at the horrid sound of metal against metal. Biting her lip, she doesn’t know why her eyes peel open, but her heart stops in her chest as  she catches the sight of Aemond falling to the ground. His sapphire blue cape slowly turned red. She nearly faints at the sight of red, he’s bleeding. Oh gods..He was bleeding. 
“You make me so happy, it turns back to sad, yeah..”
“AEMOND!” She shouts, the words escaping her lips before she can stop it.
“My Prince!” Someone shouts, their voice a blur in her mind. 
No. No. No. No. Watching with blurry eyes as Maesters rush to him, she wants to bolt to him, but her legs are frozen in place. Brynden drops his sword, the realization creeping on his face. Feeling Dahlia’s arms wrap around her, it seems like the Arena explodes with chaos in an instant. Everyone is shouting loudly. Guards are rushing around in every direction. But, throughout the chaos her eyes are on him. Her Aemond. 
“He’ll be okay…” Dahlia reassures, “Maesters are tending to him..” 
“Take me to him.” Y/n breaths out, tears flooding her eyes. 
“Y/n..” Dahlia nervously warns, “I..I don’t think we should. Not right now at least.” 
“Take me to him.” Y/n repeats, her voice more firm than before.
Shooting Dahlia an icy glare, Dahlia chews on her lip before nodding her head at the request, a nervous look on her face. What if it was bad? What if he died? Would Brynden be punished? Gods, how in the Seven bloody hells did this happen? Following Dahlia, she picks up her skirt, her eyes searching for the white haired man that was to be her husband. Pushing past frantic Lords and Guards,  it felt like an invisible force had her by the throat,  squeezing her lungs and throat with each step she took closer to a bleeding out Aemond.  
Seeing him laying on the ground, his chest piece was removed, his white tunic cut open to reveal the rather gnarly gash on his stomach.  Tears flood her eyes at the sight before her.  Covering her mouth with her hand, she rushes to his side,  her eyes scanning every little detail that she can. His chest was moving up and down, he was drenched in sweat and dirt. That was a good thing. Looking at his face, his eye patch was removed, his hair completely unbraided and spread around him like a halo. 
“Oh..Aemond..” She whispers, petting his sweat soaked hair. 
“My Lady, you should not be here.” 
“He is my husband to be, I will not be leaving.” She argues, turning back to Aemond. “Aemond, are you okay, love?”
“I am fine. Do not worry.” He grunts, clenching his jaw.
Staring into his eyes, she tenses up at the sight of his missing eye-patch. Fuck, he looked gorgeous with that scar. Looking up at her, he notices her attention on his face. Lifting a hand to touch his face, his face drains of color when he doesn’t feel the leather of his eye-patch. He had been purposeful in hiding his scar from the world. He didn’t want to be viewed as a monster. But, she looked at him with such softness in her eyes. Hunching over him, she casually places her hand over his eye, hiding his eye from everyone. Giving him a small nod, his breathing grows shaky. 
“You dodged his attack. But, not like someone as experienced with a sword as you are, would. Why?” Dahlia asks, narrowing her eyes at Aemond.  
“Look at her, I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way⎯what bliss.” He whispers, High Valyrian flowing off his tongue. 
“You are a lovestruck fool, Aemond Targaryen.” Dahlia scoffs, “I hope this is the bloodloss talking.”
“What did you say?” Y/n furrows her brows, “Dahlia..?”
“He didn’t want to risk hurting your brother. That he rather he be the one hurt and not your brother. Come, let us reassure your little brother that he hasn’t killed your beloved.” Dahlia lies smoothly, nodding her head at Aemond.
Y/n looks between Dahlia and Aemond unsure, chewing on her bottom lip. She didn’t know enough High Valyrian to understand what the two of them were discussing. But, she trusted Dahlia enough to take her word for it. Opening her mouth to speak, Aemond grabs onto her hand, stopping her. Looking down at Aemond, her cheeks flushing involuntarily, her heart was pounding frantically in her chest. She wanted him to keep on looking at her like that. 
“Go..” He nods, "I will be fine."
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Lilia: Were you still not able to remove it?
Sebek: This thing has attached itself firmly on Silver!
Malleus: Would you explain what happened?
Silver: *nods* It happened in Professor Trein's class. We were having a normal lesson when the headmage came in and showed us this artifact.
Professor Trein: *looks worried* Headmage, is that what I think it is?
Crowley: We're still trying to confirm if it's the real thing.
Professor Trein: Well, it seems like any other replicas.
Crowley: Do you think so? Hmm...
Jamil: What is that, headmage?
Crowley: Oh, Mr. Viper. This artifact I have here could be one of the twins.
Silver: Twins?
Professor Trein: The twins who were known as Blessing and Curse. Their real name was unknown, however, they had received such title for some obvious reasons.
Crowley: Yes. It was assumed that the twins had decided to create an artifact that would contain their magic. However, a tragedy had occurred. One of the twins became envious of the other and murdered their twin, Blessing, in order to claim their power.
Crowley: Curse was executed after their family found out. And this artifact right here, Blessing, could be the twin, as the angel is cuddling the sun.
Jamil: So the Curse is an angel holding the moon?
Crowley: Yes. But it was long destroyed.
Silver: *looks at the artifact*
*noticed that the angel doesn't seem to "cuddle the sun"*
*it seems to be mourning*
Professor Trein: Even so, I do believe that it hasn't confirmed yet if the Cursed artifact was destroyed and if the Blessing remained.
Crowley: Oh don't be a killjoy, Professor Trein. That's why I'm here to ask you.
Silver: Headmage, can I take a closer look of the artifact?
Crowley: Of course. But not too close.
Silver: *approaches the artifact*
Silver: ...
"Birds with the same feather..."
*the angel moves and attaches itself on Silver*
Silver: !!!
Crowley: Oh no! What happened?!
Professor Trein: That artifact is the real one!
Silver: And that's what happened?
Malleus: Hm... Then it's a living artifact.
Lilia: Birds with the same feather... The twins : Blessing and Curse... *eyes widened*
Lilia: It might be-!
"Yes. It's me... The one who you called the Curse."
Malleus, Lilia, and Sebek: !!!
Sebek: We need to remove that thing!
Malleus: Silver, I will destroy it.
Silver: Wait. They haven't done anything to me.
Lilia: Then why are you attaching yourself on Silver?
"He's kind... like my twin."
"I miss her..."
Sebek: What a funny thing to say when you were the one who killed her!
"Were you there?"
Sebek: ...
Malleus: If you're not planning to curse Silver, you need to let go of him.
"I will." *the angel letting go of Silver and dropping itself to the ground*
Silver: *goes to pick it up*
Sebek: Silver! Why you—
Silver: I don't think they have any ill intent towards me.
Silver: Malleus, may I ask to keep this artifact?
Malleus: ...
Malleus: No. I would've let you if it was the Blessing. *getting the artifact from him*
*a slight crack forms on the angel's face*
Silver: *grabbing it from him* No. I promise to be careful and... I think they're being hurt by your words.
Lilia, Sebek, and Malleus: ...
Lilia: It's up to you, Silver.
Silver: *places them on his nightstand table*
Silver: I want to apologize about earlier.
Silver: ...
Silver: Curse...?
*light chuckles*
Silver: Right. That wasn't your name. Would you tell me what it is?
"I have forgotten. Why don't you give me a name?"
Silver: ...
Silver: MC.
"MC it is."
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apompkwrites · 1 year
threats against the asims || kalim al-asim
masterlist characters: kalim (platonic) genre: angst contains: kidnapping/assassination attempts (mentioned), guilt/self-deprecation, foreshadowing hehe, lots of new characters bc the asims have 32 CHILDREN summary: the asim name comes with some setbacks. it usually involves the oldest sibling. so why does your body seem on such high alert recently? notes: woohoo finally lil asim was long overdue for a new chapter :DD sorry for the names taken off like one website :// parts: [og post] | [previous] | [next]
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typically, you didn't worry about the countless hardships that befell you and your siblings all because of your family name. you didn't have to worry about all of that because, despite being a part of the asim family, the threats didn't involve you. more often than not, they involved the eldest son, kalim, and, on rare occasions, the youngest twins, nawra and rawda.
they were the most logical victims in your family, more so kalim than the twins considering he was the heir of the family. the tendency of kalim to fall victim to these threats and dangers had caused your parents to be extra cautious with him, doting on him every second of the day.
meanwhile, the rest of your siblings sat in the middle of all of the chaos, torn between being relieved that your brother would be safe and sound at the end of the day and jealous, a feeling that often made you feel sick to your stomach.
the jealousy made you sick because how dare you all feel this way? there was your brother, having been the victim of countless kidnappings and assassination attempts, and you had the gall to be jealous of him?
...deep down, you knew it wasn't because of the tragedies that seemed to follow him. no, in fact, you knew you all prayed for the day your precious big brother who smiled brighter than the sun would get to live peacefully without worrying about being taken or killed in an instant.
what made you, and a majority of your siblings, jealous was the fact that your parents doted on him. the younger siblings never worried about that, not until they found themselves being replaced by another much younger child. but the older children were envious, the feeling bubbling in their chests and gripping at their hearts like snakes coiled around their prey.
you all wished for nothing more than to be loved and doted on by your parents.
but you knew you wouldn't get that. not unless...
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it was quite common for qamar and hala to wake up in the middle of the night in search of you. ever since they had caught you sitting on one of the windowsills, staring out into the night sky as the sounds of kalim and your younger siblings sneaking out faded into the distance, the twins had made it their mission to sit with you until they passed out.
they were always drawn to the moon and stars. that's what you told yourself. that's why they sought to find you in the late hours of the night.
and you didn't mind that. even if they didn't come here for you, they were here. they were curled up by your side, squeezed against you to fit on the windowsill with their hands gripping your pajamas and their heads laying against you. you would have your arms wrapped around them, lightly stroking your thumbs against their hair that would no doubt be tangled and messy by the time they woke up in their beds.
but this night, when they had found their usual spots in your arms, was much different than the others.
you didn't feel relief with a little twinge of doubt in your body. no, there was no relief to be felt at all. instead, your anxiety spiked, your heart and stomach feeling as if they were being squeezed and twisted in your body.
you didn't hear kalim that night. it was oddly quiet and that only added to the dread building in your stomach.
"(name)..." qamar's quiet whine was enough to pull your attention elsewhere. you glanced down at him, letting your fingers comb through his hair.
"i thought you were still asleep," you whispered to him, smiling softly when he nuzzled further into your side.
"you're shaking..." he muttered into your clothes, clutching at the cloth as if to steady you. "are you cold...?"
"no," you responded, hoisting the twins in your arms, the entire situation comical to watch considering the twins were very close in age to you. hala, still sound asleep, tucked her head into your shoulder and wrapped her legs around your waist. meanwhile, qamar, still sluggish and tired, managed to stand beside you and walked as you headed back to their room. "but, it's probably best to head back now."
"m'kay," qamar yawned, leaning more into your side with each step.
in hindsight, you probably should have trusted your gut that night.
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faraj was one of the older siblings you felt you could turn to in your house. maybe it was because he wasn't one of the oldest but also because his entire demeanor was welcoming.
of course, you didn't like bothering him with anything. no, just sitting in his room as he read a book was enough for you. sometimes, he would mutter the words out loud and you'd listen to his voice fill the quiet room.
you usually found solace and peace during these times. but not today. you didn't know what it was but you had the same twisting feeling in your gut that told you something was wrong. something was wrong and you had no idea what it was.
"(name)?" much like that night on the windowsill, faraj called out to you in the same way that qamar did, albeit without the sleepy tone. his book was partly closed, his thumb keeping his spot marked. "something's bothering you. what's wrong?"
"huh?" unlike that night, faraj's words weren't enough to distract you from the twisting feeling in your gut. "uh, just not feeling good... that's all."
"you're feeling sick? do you need to see mahdi?" faraj questioned, slipping his bookmark in between his pages and placing his book on his bed. "i'm sure he has some things that'll make you feel better."
"no!" you yelped, jumping to grab onto faraj before he could leave. "no, no, no... i'm... i'm fine. just need some rest is all."
faraj stared at you for what seemed like minutes. he stared as if he were picking apart each and every lie you had told him over the years, starting with this very one. it wasn't until he let out a resigned sigh and trudged back to his bed did you let yourself relax as much as you could.
"if you're sure," he huffed, burying his face back in his book. granted, his eyes didn't seem to be fully reading the words on the page.
in hindsight, you probably should have let faraj take you to mahdi.
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the night was quiet again. the twins had yet to make their appearance, so you were left all alone to revel in the silence. it was surprisingly calming, a welcome difference compared to the sinking feeling in your gut that had been a constant ever since that night.
it was so dark that you didn't even notice the person outside the window, staring at you.
it only allowed them the perfect opportunity to--
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taglist: @brokenncrown @help-meplz @destinationdesignation @rainys-personal-garden @kalims @sxftiebee @luxaryllis @auld-a @the-dumber-scaramouche @ayra2452008 @tinywho-man @spadecentral @justeclem44 @bajifairyy @mulandi @sadimon @stormyovent0aster @sn00zl4x @f1fty-f1fty @bloomed-night-flower @madusas-girlfriend @b0nkers-papaya @arandomeroacher @randonamedcl @potabletable @meerpea @luvcalico @chlousp @prettyinblack231 @dindarasuum @elizaboba @ravenlking @reveristmain @lasignoramybeloved @1midnightcoffee @thesirenwashere @twst-rui
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theadorableapprentice · 2 months
You Must Be Mad
MC x Solomon Warnings: Fluff Word Count: 894
A/N: Another Solomon story... But my next story will be either Satan, Barbatos, or Belphegor as I have stories planned for all three of them! I hope you enjoy this!
You were pacing in your bedroom, completely lost in your own thoughts. Not even the nasty weather outside could distract you. 
Did he really love you too? Was Asmo right? No, there was no way. Solomon keeps everyone at arms length… But Asmo would know better than anyone… Right? I mean, he seems to know Solomon the best. And Asmo had a point. Solomon does try to spend a lot of time with you. He would drop anything to help you. And there was that one time you thought he was going to kiss you… But surely you misinterpreted what was happening. Surely. 
Lightening strikes outside and you don’t stop thinking about it. Thinking about every interaction.
“MC, I saw this trinket while I was out and it reminded me of you… So here you go!”
“MC, I saw a cat that reminded me of you! Would you like to see?”
“MC, I have to go to the human world to pick something up for Diavolo. Do you want to come with? We can stop by that store you really like.”
Okay, so maybe he did go out of his way to spend time with you… But that doesn’t mean he has feelings for you. Those are totally things friends do too. 
You could almost hear Asmo’s voice in your head refuting that. “Yes, friends can do those things, but not Solomon. Stop denying it.”
Why were you denying it? If he had feelings for you back, that would be great, right? So why hasn’t he said anything? No, you know the answer to that. Fear of rejection and also there’s the whole thing of him losing so many loved ones so confessing to you could bring him more pain in the end… But wait, why should he have to confess anyways? 
No, you’re going to confess to him. You’re going to do something big and dramatic for him because he deserves that. He does big and dramatic things for you, so why shouldn’t you do something for him? But what should you do? Actually, you knew exactly what you were going to do. And hopefully he would find it equally as sweet as he will funny. 
Standing in the pouring rain outside of his window at Purgatory Hall, you wondered why you thought this was a good idea. You cast a small spell that would amplify your voice so Solomon could hear you over the rain and the thunder. 
“But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Solomon is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief, that thou, her maid, art far more fair than she. Be not her maid since she is envious. Her vestal livery is but sick and green, and none but fools do wear it. Cast it off.”
Solomon appeared at the window, opening it and looking really concerned. “MC? What are you doing out there? You must be mad coming here like this!”
You smiled. “It is my gentleman, O, it is my love! O, that he knew he were! He speaks, yet he says nothing. What of that?”
Solomon looked even more confused, but a slight blush dusted his cheeks. “MC, are you quoting Shakespeare at me?”
You tried not to laugh. You skipped ahead a few lines. “He speaks! O, speak again, bright angel, for thou art as glorious to this night, being o'er my head.”
Solomon let out a small laugh. “Hold on, MC.” Solomon closed his window and a moment later the front door opened and he met you outside in the pouring rain. “It’s a little wet to be outside, don’t you think?”
“I find it increases the drama.” 
“And, why exactly are you dramatically quoting Shakespeare to me?”
You gently grabbed his hands in yours. “Solomon the Wise, the most wonderful sorcerer and best human being I know, you mean more to me than I can describe with words. When I see you or hear from you, my heart does a little happy dance.”
“MC, I-”
“Solomon, let me finish. You are one of the smartest, funniest, kindest, and most chaotic people I know. Now that you’re in my life, I would feel as if something were missing if you were gone. All of this is to say, I’m quoting Shakespeare at you because I am without a doubt in love with you… And if Asmo tells me to tell you one more time I might have to strangle him.” You chuckled at the end of that, but smiled up at Solomon.
Solomon chuckled too. “Yeah, he can be a bit persistent, can’t he? MC, you didn’t have to do all of this for me. A simple ‘I love you’ text would’ve sufficed.”
You shook your head. “No way. You deserve big dramatic gestures of love. So now that we have that established, can we have the classic kiss in the rain?”
Solomon was about to say yes when lightening struck a tree not too far away from you guys. “Maybe we should skip that and go inside.”
You hurriedly nod and follow him into Purgatory Hall. 
Not so unfortunately, you and Solomon got sick and spent the week together. You could’ve probably used magic to make things better, but where was the fun in that?
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p3achysuki · 3 months
A/N: hello! This will be my first Baldur’s gate 3 writing and I’m a huge Gortash simp so obviously I needed to write something for Gortash and dark urge.
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summary: before the tadpoles you were Bhaal’s favorite child, you worshipped him the way he wished his sired children did. You offered him lords, ladies even champions. Yet Bhaal would feel you slip away from his grasps because of a certain tyrant proposing you an alliance.
Warnings: mentions of murder, blood, manipulation, mentions of pregnancy, angst.
Til death do us part
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The first time you killed someone you didn’t have much memories about it, you remembered your dominant hand feeling sore and the warmth on your skin and the smell, most people would find it disgusting yet you found it.. comforting.
When you came back to your senses you felt the bile your stomach turn into knots, “m’lady” you heard a voice behind you say and when you turned around you saw sceleritas for the first time. You desperately tried to explain to him it wasn’t you who did it, but he laughed it off “of course it was you m’lady! Such fine work you did of them, father would be very proud of you.”
After that Sceleritas said he would lead you back home, to your real family every night you thought about that day. It wasn’t until your father fueled the urge for you to kill that you would forget about the people you murdered, the more killings you did for your father the less you started to think about them your victims.
Worshippers at the temple praised you for your work even while you weren’t the main speaker for your father yet, so many people named you the prophet who would set the world on fire for Bhaal. You didn’t realize that your kin was envious of this, Orin thought all of your sacrifices to Bhaal was a disgrace. She deserved every bit of praises that the cultist would shower you in, she’s the only one who’s a pure blood of Bhaal not you.
Orin knew about the plan you had in mind, using the chosen of Bane and Myrkul to gain control of Baldur’s gate to sacrifice all the lives that the mind flyers would take control of. You were an embarrassment to father, no spawn of Bhaal ever needed an alliance with other gods. She desperately wanted to push her knife deep in your skull to show you a lesson, but she knew father wouldn’t allow it. Father only has his eyes on you, he’s favorite child, his prophet.
The first time Orin accompanied you to moonrise towers, she saw the way the tyrant’s eyes never left you, she saw the way his eyes would scan over your figure a smirk resting on his lips when your eyes would meet his. Afterwards when you were meant to go home with her back to Baldur’s gate you would tell her you had something to do, she already knew you were spending time with that little lordling.
She tried getting information out of Ketheric, but he would always deny it. Why did they favor you so much?! You tried hiding the affection you had for Gortash, the first night you spent with him you promised yourself you wouldn’t allow it to happen again. Yet when Gortash runs his thumb against your lower lip calling you his favorite assassin, you can’t help but melt into his touch.
Gortash wasn’t quiet about his admiration for you, even in front of Ketheric he would wrap his arm around your waist “what does my favorite assassin say hm?”
Ketheric either didn’t care about the relationship you two developed or personally wasn’t against it, he would just sigh rubbing his temple before explaining more about his plan.
After a month an unexpected event happened, you haven’t had your period for a full moon cycle. You thought it was the stress from having to commit fear among the streets of Baldur’s gate until later a cleric confirmed it for you, “our lord will be delighted at this news m’lady” no he wouldn’t, he would lash against you for letting it happen, for letting the tyrant seduce you so easily.
Orin overheard what happened and thought father would finally see the truth that you were not deserving of his blessing, but instead he allowed it “while I did not command you to procreate, any offspring you produce will have my blood running in their veins I will make them of use in the future to come” Orin was livid at this, she showed her frustration to her own butler cutting and slicing him every time he would come back.
You told Gortash about the pregnancy, for the first time you were actually worried what he was going to say to you. Instead he pulls you in his arms pressing his forehead against yours, “I’m surprised your father didn’t lash against you for this” he was worried for you, so every night he tried convincing you to stay with him. He knew Orin despised you, anytime he would get near you he would see the way her eyes glared daggers into you. It was only a matter of time before she would break away from her leash and kill you, and he was worried he wouldn’t be there to protect you or his child.
As the months passed by Gortash saw that you struggled to put on your armorer as your belly started to show more, he suggested you wear something more comfortable but you scoffed and denied him each time “what kind of chosen do I look like if I’m wearing something frail?” He rolled his eyes, hells if he thought you were stubborn before you’re even more stubborn now.
Yet nobody disrespected you even while you were carrying his babe, even Ketheric would assign guards to be with you “I’m not worried about you, this child could be a successor for all of us in the future” Gortash saw through his lies though it was obvious he was worried for you, he still remembers when Ketheric sent him a letter and a gift about a metal contraption he found at moonrise.
As your due date was approaching closer you kept traveling to moonrise towers without him, he would get angry telling you that it wasn’t safe to travel “my father demands me of seeing everything at moonrise towers Gortash I can’t just disobey him”
He knew you weren’t wrong, “and what about the babe? will you keep them safe?”
“With my life Gortash, if they’re meant to be a successor for my father then I will not let anyone harm them”
Gortash regretted that day not going with you, but his lord demanded he stay behind at Baldur’s gate to attend a few party gatherings.
“I’ll be safe Gortash Orin will be with me.”
He should’ve told you that he didn’t trust Orin with you, that he would see the hate in her eyes growing each day, each passing month.
A meeting was called for Ketheric and him, and when they arrived they expected to see you and not Orin grinning in pride. “From this fourth I will be the speaker for Bhaal’s temple” Gortash felt Ketheric’s eyes drift over to him almost to see what reaction he had of this, but Gortash couldn’t speak he felt his mouth go dry as he struggled to think about what to say.
“What is it lordling” she grinned again, she knew she was getting under his skin.
“The babe-“
“At Bhaal’s temple lordling, he’s not yours to keep” with that Orin left leaving only a red dust behind.
Ketheric could see Gortash digging his nails into his palms, “we must continue our plan” was all Ketheric said before leaving Gortash to be alone in his thoughts.
You both had a baby boy, but you two would never get to see him now.
(Not sure if I want to make this into a mini series or not, but I hope you guys enjoyed!)
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princesssarisa · 3 months
I've now reached the last of the main list of Cinderella stories from Cinderella Tales Around the World. The book is nowhere near over, though: after this it goes into the various "subtypes" of Cinderella, such as Donkeyskin.
The last few "official" Cinderella stories in this book are from Mexico and Chile. I was disappointed not to see more South American versions, and particularly that there were none from Brazil for @ariel-seagull-wings. But the Donkeyskin tales later in the book do include a Brazilian version, which I look forward to sharing!
*As in the versions from the Philippines, the heroine is named Maria in all three of these Latin American tales.
*The Mexican version is called Maria Cenzia, or "Cinder-Mary." The title character is a homeless orphan who lives in an ash-hole belonging to a household of black Moorish witches. They eventually discover her, take her in as a servant, and send her to the river with a black sheepskin, ordering her to wash it until it's white. But a lady appears and magically does the task for her, then gives her a magic wand to grant her wishes and puts a shining star on her forehead. When the jealous daughter of one of the witches sees this, she takes a black sheepskin to the river too, but the lady puts an ugly growth on her forehead instead of a star. Maria later uses her magic wand to give herself finery to wear to church and to give herself wings to fly home before the witches can catch her. She loses a shoe, of course, which leads to her marriage to the prince. But then the witches turn her into a dove with a magic pin. Yet one day, her father-in-law the king finds her and takes out the pin, breaking the spell, and when all is revealed, the witches are burned at the stake.
*The two Chilean versions, Maria the Cinder-Maiden and Maria the Ash-Girl, are nearly identical to each other and very similar to Maria Cenzia too. Maria persuades her father to marry a seemingly-kind widow with a daughter of her own, but is abused afterwards. She has a pet cow, which the stepmother spitefully has killed, but inside its body Maria finds a magic wand. She then has to wash the cow's organs in a stream, but they fall in and are swept away. An old woman comes along and offers to get them for her, and in return Maria cleans her house and cooks supper for her; for this, the old woman gives Maria a shining star on her forehead. The next day the envious stepsister has her own pet cow killed, takes the organs to the stream, and loses them on purpose, but she shows the old woman no kindness, and so she receives a turkey wattle on her forehead instead of a star. Some time later, there's a ball at the royal palace. Maria uses her wand to give herself finery and a coach, and of course she loses a shoe, and the prince uses it to search for her. The stepsister binds her own foot with tight bandages to make the slipper fit, but either a dog or a parrot alerts the prince, and Maria is found.
*It's interesting that the motif of the heroine receiving a shining mark on her forehead (a star, a moon, or a jewel) is found in Cinderella tales from both Latin America and Iran, yet rarely seen elsewhere. My guess is that the motif originated in the Middle East, was brought to Spain by the Arabs, and then traveled from Spain to Latin America.
*This is probably as good a time as any to discuss another recurring theme I've noticed. While around the world it varies whether the heroine's abusers are punished, forgiven, or neither, it seems that when they are punished, the worst punishment usually falls on the (step)sister(s), not the (step)mother. Just look at the Grimms' version: the stepmother is Aschenputtel's main antagonist, and she abuses her own daughters too by forcing them to cut off parts of their feet, yet in the end she goes unpunished, while her daughters' eyes are pecked out by birds. Yet even in versions where the (step)mother does get a punishment, the more brutal killing, maiming, or permanent disfigurement tends to be reserved for her daughter(s). Some versions try to justify it by portraying the sisters as abusing Cinderella more than their mother does, but most don't bother. In many versions, the simple "crime" of being Cinderella's rival is treated as if it were worse than being her chief abuser.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @adarkrainbow, @themousefromfantasyland
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
What's your options on bugbears in Golorian being all serial killers or atleast obsessed with fear? I think that has room for, improvement. Definitely feels weird for them though.
I love it.
It's one of my favorite lore changes between D&D and Pathfinder. It makes bugbears feel less like "goblin, but giant". And Paizo has made it clear that some goblins mutate and just grow to Medium size, so you can have giant goblins if you want 'em.
@monstersdownthepath suggested that bugbears have a demonic taint to them. Despite their CE nature, I'd suggest sahkils instead. Bugbears are the Fear of Marauders, of Banditry, of Murder. Only they're mortal. But I bet a lot of their souls end up in Xilbaba when they die.
I imagine that small groups of bugbears are somewhere between bandit gangs and terrorist cells, roaming around and striking for maximum psychological impact as much as to get material goods. Larger communities would be like Halloweentown, only much less friendly. With running competitions for "most blood drained in a single evening". And adopting more terrible monsters into their numbers as Honorary Bugbears. Life's no fun without a good scare! If the Thing Hiding Under Your Stairs and The Shadow on the Moon At Night really wanted to kill you, and then looted your supplies and took over your village until the well runs dry or next year's crop doesn't plant itself. That's a bugbear clan.
I also love the implication in Ironfang Invasion, through characters like Scarvinious and Scabvistin (great naming convention too, IMO), that some, but not all, bugbears are envious of hobgoblins. They like the idea of civilization, of order and rigidity. And so they enlist. And because of their strength and power, they can succeed. If they "beat the bear" out, in Scabvistin's words.
So if you want to give bugbears another hook, here's my alternate, but not necessarily incompatible take. They're brood parasites. Because what's scarier than a baby that's not yours taking over your life?
We know that in Pathfinder canon, goblins and hobgoblins are both communal breeders (thanks to nursery locations in both Rise of the Runelords and Jade Regent). A mother bugbear sneaks into a goblin creche and leaves her baby behind, after killing one of the young and either eating it themselves or feeding it to Junior. The somewhat addlepated and mutation-prone goblins won't notice or mind a slightly hairier infant, right? And then the bugbear baby takes more than its fair share of resources, maybe knocks off a few of the other kids, and then either leaves the goblin colony at a young age in order to find more bugbears, or stays and muscles his way into a leadership position.
Doing the same to a hobgoblin community is riskier. The hobgoblins are much more in tune and observant. But in this case, it becomes more of a mutualistic relationship that could tip into parasitism on either end. Maybe the bugbear can get along in the hobgoblin village by learning discipline, or be content with the role of scavenger or brute. Or the bugbear could try to take over, if the hobgoblins are weak. And if the bugbear doesn't have the resources to survive and thrive, the hobgoblins send them off on a suicide mission.
And even though they only rely on other goblinoids for raising their young...most of the time, there are rumors that they do this to other peoples. Even if it happens once in a hundred years, everyone will know the story of how the Munson boy got very hairy and very big very quickly, and then slaughtered and spit-roasted the family dog when he was only 4? That kind of fear keeps the bugbears powerful. And makes the bugbears very happy.
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michelleleewise · 1 year
🌹Her Romeo🌹
Pairing: Avenger Loki x insecure female reader
Warnings: crying, flashbacks, tiny but of angst, fluff, soft smut (mildly graphic), soft dom reader,
Summary: Loki enacts his plan, you find out what really happened....
A/n- graphics by @harlequin-hangout, and special thanks to @mochie85 for letting me send this to you and @vbecker10 for letting me bounce ideas off of!! You guys are amazing!!! 💚💚
Part Five -- Part Six-
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Loki got out of the cab, pulling some money from his pocket he tossed it into the window as he walked up the sidewalk. He looked up to the large house with a heavy sigh. This has to work he thought as he checked his other pocket before walking around to the back. He looked around the sparsly lit yard smiling, Val had done her due diligence hanging small balls of light across the space, his eyes traveled around the edge of the area lined with rose bushes and flowers, crickets singing their song in the distance made a warmth wash over him, it almost reminded him of his evenings spent in his mother's gardens. He looked up to the room Val had told him you were in seeing the light was still on as he walked closer..
"But, soft, What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and y/n is the sun." He whispered "Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief." He continued, stopping under the window watching as you walked out onto the balcony holding something in your hand. He watched you silently, stepping into the shadows as you leaned on the balustrade. "It is my lady, O, it is my love, O, that she knew she were." He whispered seeing you set a small frame next to you "I miss you Loki, but I don't want to." He heard you whisper into the night.
"She speaks, yet she says nothing. What of that? Her eye discourses, i will answer it. I am too bold, 'tis not to me she speaks." He said aloud stepping out of the shadows to get a better look at you "two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, Having some business, do entreat her eyes to twinkle in their spheres till they return." He continued, his eyes not leaving you "What if her eyes were there, they in her head? The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars, as daylight doth a lamp. Her eye in heaven. Would, through the airy region, stream so bright that birds would sing and think it were not night." His mind filled with images of the last two years, the moments you shared as he watched you lean your head in your hand "See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand. O, that I were a glove upon that hand, That I might touch that cheek!" He said as his knees met the ground, tears welling in his eyes when you looked down.
"Loki? What are you doing here?" You called out wiping your cheeks "I have come to see you my love." He said watching you. "How did you even know where I was!? How did you get here?" You yelled looking around "With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls, For stony limits cannot hold love out, And what love can do, that dares love attempt." He yelled up to you seeing you shake your head "loki...I've been doing alot of thinking and maybe..." you trailed off watching him jump up and stride to the house "what are you..." you said seeing him begin to climb the trellis "loki! Your going to fall!" You yelled rushing to the side of the balcony when his hand reached over the balustrade pulling himself up and over "please my love, let me explain." He said quietly walking towards you "i..I don't know, I just..." you said looking down
"O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?" He asked making you look up at him, now noticing he was wearing his deep green leathers, the gold of his armor glinting in the light as you watched him fall to his knees "w...what satisfaction are you talking about Loki?" You asked stepping back "The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine, I take thee at thy word, Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized." He said sending shiver up your spine, his voice was a balm to your aching soul "I told you how much I love you loki, multiple times! But it wasnt..." He cut you off "Wouldst thou withdraw it? For what purpose, love?" He asked, looking into his eyes you saw tears beginning to gather "Loki...I...I'm not enough for you, I know that now." You said sitting in the chair putting your head in your hands. "No my love, you are more then enough, you are everything to me." Loki said coming to kneel in front of you.
You cleared you throat looking up seeing tear lines steaming down his cheeks "my love, please...allow me to show you what transpired opening night." He said holding his hands up "and if after you still wish me to go...I will never darken your door again." He said shakely "please..." he whispered. You nodded, closing your eyes feeling his fingers on your temples "this may feel a bit odd." He said. images flashed In your mind when suddenly you were standing in Loki's dressing room. Looking over you saw Loki fixing his tie in the mirror before checking his watch when someone knocked on the door. Everything happened in rapid succession as you saw her jump into his lap, the door opening next to you as she pressed her lips to his. You closed your eyes, shaking your head when you felt the room spin, opening them seeing her laying on the couch when Loki stormed in.
"is she finally gone?" You heard her snark as she sat up "get out of my dressing room...now!" He yelled making you jump as he grabbed his coat. "looking for this?" You heard her ask holding up a small box when Loki snatched it out of her hand. "No...he wasn't..." you whispered watching him put it in his pocket when his voice brought you back "she is a better woman then you will ever be." He growled stepping closer her "you are nothing but a trollop...a harlot looking for her next opportunity." He said watching her eyes widen "did you truly believe you could win my affections with your manipulation?" He asked, you looked to her smiling at her terror as he continued his verbal assualt "you are nothing but a conniving, deceitful cunt." He snarled towering over her as she fell back onto the couch "you are the dirt beneath my queens feet." He said leaning over her "you...are...nothing." He hissed standing back up.
You were jerked back to the present, gasping as Loki slowly took his fingers from your head "that is what happened." He said looking down "I should have listened to you, i..." he started when you put your finger on his lips "no, I should have talked to you, told you how I was feeling but I...I thought I was losing you." You said dropping your hand. "No love, I should have paid more attention, if I had been more observant." He trailed off fidgeting with his fingers "Loki, can I ask you something?" You asked when his eyes met yours "anything love." He said straightening his back "were you...the box..." you said looking down "yes...I was." He said reaching into his pocket pulling out the same box you saw in the memory clearing his throat.
"Y/n, you are the sun to my moon...I cannot exist without you. You regulate me...steady me. The last two years of my life have been the best I've ever had, will you honor me and be my juliet?" He asked opening the box holding it out to you. You felt tears well in your eyes seeing the bright emerald shining back at you, looking up meeting his eyes "only if you'll be my romeo." You said smiling feeling a tear roll down your cheek "only yours my love." He said pulling the ring from the box he gently grabbed your hand, sliding it on when he brought it to his lips. You gripped his hand, sliding off the chair you slid into his lap wrapping an arm around his neck you pressed your lips to his "im...kiss...sorry...kiss...for everything." You said between kissing him feeling his arms wrap around your back "no, I'm sorry love..." he said pulling back "it will never happen again." He said sternly "no, I want you to do what you love, I...i need to be more open with you." You breathed against his lips feeling him smile.
"I love you so much y/n." He said pulling back to look into your eyes "and I love you, Loki Laufeyson." You said pressing your lips to his hearing him groan. His hips pressed gently up against your core, gasping feeling his hard length press into you "i..I need you y/n...I need to feel you." He panted biting your bottom lip as you moaned "yes...please god yes.." you breathed, squealing as he suddenly stood up his large hands wrapping around your thighs "I have you love." He said kissing you deeply, his tongue grazing your bottom lip you quickly parted them letting him in. Your nails dug into his shoulders, your tongues exploring as he walked you into your room, gently kicking the balcony door closed behind him.
You sucked his bottom lip, releasing it with a soft pop as you trailed kisses along his jaw, traveling to his neck biting his pulse point hearing him growl "mm...norns y/n..." he groaned as your tongue swiped up towards his ear. "How do you get this off?" You purred pulling on the leather strap running along his chest "magic darling." He breathed, gently setting you down on the edge of the bed he stood up, looking down at you through hooded eyes he lifted his hand, a green glow emanating from his fingertips as the leather slowly melted away, exposing his smooth porcelain skin to you. Biting your lip as your eyes traveled down taking in his beautiful body. You reached your fingers out, slowly trailing down chest, feeling his muscles flex as your nails slowly glided down his abs "Darling..." he growled. Looking up your were met with his dark lust filled eyes, something feral in them sending a chill down your spine "lay back love." He said sternly, leaving no room for argument.
You slid back across the bed, settling on the pillows you looked down watching Loki climb up, slowly stalking up on his hands and knees, not taking his eyes off you as the bed shifted under his weight. The fairy lights glistened above casting a halo over his ebony curls "God your beautiful.." you muttered seeing him smile "not as much as you are my love." He purred sitting up he kneeled by your feet, his hands slowly sliding up your calves to your knees as he gently pushed them apart "may i?" He asked lifting a hand up in the air "y..yes..." you whispered seeing the same glow eminate from his fingers, a tingling spread over you as your clothes slowly faded leaving you bare to him. You lifted your arms slightly out of instinct but the look in Loki's eyes told you to put them down. "Good girl." He whispered, smiling as he leaned forward, crawling between your parted thighs settling over you.
"You are gorgeous y/n...perfect...ethereal." He whispered against your skin, punctuating each word with a kiss. "Loki...please..." you breathed, arching your back up pressing your chest to his. "Is my darling...impatient?" He snarked when you grabbed a handful of his hair lifting his head up "loki..." you growled rocking your hips hearing him laugh "yes love..." he said, leaning down he kissed you slowly...gently as he reached between, his fingers trailing down your stomach before dipping down between your thighs, his long fingers spreading your open as he slowly rocked his hand up and down making you moan into his mouth. You reached down, pressing your hand over his rocking your hips with your joined hands "that's it love...take what you want." He growled, nipping at your collarbone as you pulled his hair hard.
"L..loki..." you moaned, feeling the familiar tightening in your core "that's it love...come for me." He purred, his lips latching onto your neck as his fingers pressed harder against your clit, the pressure sending you over edge coming hard your thighs squeezed Loki's sides. "Exquisite.." he whispered against your neck, his warm breath making you shiver "l..loki I need you...now." You growled, reaching up your wrapped your fingers around his cock, moaning feeling him twitch in your hand "aahh...d...darling i..." you cut him off leaning up biting his lip gripping his hair "now loki." You groaned releasing his lip you pulled him to you, lining him up "y..yes my goddess." He moaned leaning on his elbows you guided him as he pressed into you, your nails digging into his scalp feeling every inch of him stretch you to your limit "d...did you miss me darling?" He groaned jerking his hips into you "aaahh f..fuck Loki..." you moaned as he bottomed out.
"Norns...i..." he moaned lifting his knees to spread your legs wider "God Loki fuck me...please..." you gritted, clenching your jaw when he slowly pulled his hips back, pulling out to the tip before pressing back in. "H..harder! Please!." You yelled, digging your nails down his back hearing him hiss "yes...aahh ma'am." He panted, wrapping his hands under your shoulder he pulled back before snapping his hips hard into you "yes...like...ahhh fuck like that!" You moaned, your hands traveling down cupping his ass pulling him into you. His pace was relentless....unforgiving as he slammed into you, knocking the headboard against the wall with every thrust. "I...I can feel you squeezing me.....mmm fuck..." Loki moaned, burying his face in your neck. You closed your eyes, the room filled with your combined pants and moans as you both careened towards your peak.
"I...loki im..." you tried, feeling your orgasm approaching when he shifted his hips slightly, hitting that soft spot inside you making you cry out "t..that's it love...give it to me.." loki growled, his tip hitting the same spot relentlessly with each thrust "give it all to me." He snarled slamming into you hard sending you over into ecstasy, your nails digging into his cheeks seeing stars behind your eyelids "m...my God Loki!" You yelled feeling him twitch inside you "c..come Loki...aahh let me feel you." You moaned, tilting your head you sucked his earlobe between your lips, biting down hard feeling him spill inside you "f..fuck y/n!" He yelled, holding his hips to yours, feeling the tension seep out of his muscles as he rocked back and forth a few times before stilling, his weight settling on top of you making you sigh.
"yes, I did miss you." You whispered in his ear as he lifted his head, looking into your eyes you brushed his hair off his sweat soaked forehead seeing him smile "I was lost without you." He panted, rubbing your cheek with his thumb. You leaned up, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips as he slowly pulled out making you whimper. "Will you come home love?" He asked, laying down next to you running his fingers through your hair "of course, but tomorrow." You smiled feeling his magic working to clean you up "for now, just hold me...please." You whispered when he rolled to his back, pulling you to his chest "ill never let you go again." He said kissing the top of your head as you closed your eyes. Letting the steady beat of his heart lull you to sleep you smiled, knowing tomorrow was going to be a good day.
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@lokisgoodgirl @springdandelixn @kinky-faerie @xorpsbane @midnights-ramblings @simping-for-marvel @holdmytesseract @kkdvkyya @slpnbty2001 @lokixryss @vane28282 @violethaze @coldnique @aniar4wniak @nate-ate-hate @buttercupcookies-blog @brattymum96 @dukes2581 @your-taste-on-my-lips @mybabyh @blog-the-lilly @irishhappiness @sinsandguilt @filthyhiddles @lovebyloki @kikster606 @javagirl328 @misunderstoodself @highkeysimpingforloki @eleniblue @commanding-officer @athalialaufeyson @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokiandbuckysdoll @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @kittiowolf210 @slytherclaw1227 @joyfullymassivewhispers @wolfsmom1 @libbybeaz @lokikissesmyforehead @goblingirlsarah @thomase1
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Student: Professor, there is a sad hot goth standing at the door
Hob, who already interrupted two lessons this week because of Dream and is determined to finish this one: oh he knows I'm busy, just let him be
Dream *starts quoting Shakespeare*: But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Hob is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon
Hob: oh for fuck's sake-
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dailyadventureprompts · 9 months
What do you think the standard effects would be if day and night were caused by the Feywild* and Shadowfell* in a tandem orbit around the material plane instead of simply a sun?
I'd only dislike it because there's great thematic potential for night in the feywild and day in the shadowfell.
That said, making a pair of specifically day and night themed demiplanes that orbit your world is a great bit of worldbuilding, especially if there was a different set of gods that lived on each and governed different regions of the world, affecting its history in different ways.
I'd maybe steal some inspirations from the league of legends solari/lunari
If I had to give a basic outline of a plot I'd say that the world was ruled by the soft light of the moon for before the rising of the first dawn, which set off a dramatic series of cultural, environmental, and religious shifts as the world entered a new age.
People who previously lived in a harsh and starry tundra would rejoice at the sun's arrival as it thawed their lands into arable fields, where as those living in the lush equatorial jungles would lament the daylight withering their home into a barren desert.
I'd specifically avoid the light good, darkness bad angle, but thats just me talking.
"Rise o Sun and kill the envious moon"
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