#and if they want to give some hints to an actual future engagement...
echofades · 2 months
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NCIS: HAWAI'I | 3.04 Dead On Arrival | Promo Photos
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How to Tell If That Post of Advice Is AI Bullshit
Right, I wasn't going to write more on this, but every time I block an obvious AI-driven blog, five more clutter up the tags. So this is my current (April 2024) advice on how to spot AI posts passing themselves off as useful writing advice.
No Personality - Look up a long-running writing blog, you'll notice most people try to make their posts engaging and coming from a personal perspective. We do this because we're writers and, well, we want to convey a sense of ourselves to our readers. A lot of AI posts are straight-forward - no sense of an actual person writing them, no variation in tone or text.
No Examples - No attempts to show how pieces of advice would work in a story, or cite a work where you could see it in action. An AI post might tell you to describe a person by highlighting two or three features, and that's great, but it's hard to figure out how that works without an example.
Short, Unhelpful Definitions - A lot of what I've seen amount to two or three-sentence listicles. 'When you want to write foreshadowing, include a hint of what you want foreshadowed in an earlier chapter.' Cool beans, could've figured that out myself.
SEO/AI Prompt Language Included - I've seen way too many posts start with "this post is about..." or "now we will discuss..." or "in this post we will..." in every single blog. This language is meant to catch a search engine or is ChatGPT reframing the prompt question. It's not a natural way of writing a post for the average tumblr user.
Oddly Clinical Language - Right, I'm calling out that post that tried to give advice on writing gay characters that called us "homosexuals" the entire time. That's a generative machine trying to stay within certain parameters, not an actual person who knows that's not a word you'd use unless you were trying to be insulting or dunking on your own gay ass in the funniest way possible.
Too Perfect - Most generative AI does not make mistakes (this is how many a student gets caught trying to use it to cheat). You can find ways to make it sound more natural and have it make mistakes, but that takes time and effort, and neither of those are really a factor in these posts. They also tend to have really polished graphics and use the same format every time.
Maximized Tags (That Are Pointless) - Anyone who uses more than 10 one-word tags is a cop. Okay, fine, I'm joking, but there's a minimal amount of tags that are actually useful when promoting a post. More tags are not going to get a post noticed by the algorithm, there is no algorithm. Not everyone has to use their tags to make snarky comments, but if your tags look like a spambot, I'm gonna assume you're a spambot.
No Reblogs From The Rest of Writblr - I'm always finding new Writblr folks who have been around for awhile, but every real person I've seen reblogs posts from other people. We've all got other stuff to do, I'm writing this blog to help others and so are they, the whole point of tumblr is to pass along something you think is great.
While you'll probably see some variation in the future - as people get wise to obviously generated text, they'll try to make it look less generated - but overall, there's still going to be tells to when something is fake.
I don't have any real advice for what to do about this (other than block those blogs, which is what I do). Like most AI bullshit, I suspect most of these blogs are just another grift, attempting to build large follower counts to leverage or sell something to in the future. They may progress past these tattletale features, but I'm still going to block them when I see them. I don't see any value in writing advice compiled from the work of better writers who put the effort in when I can just go find those writers myself.
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temporaryrose200 · 2 years
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Just imagine Yandere Claude x Childhood Friend Reader with a twist. This scenario has been stuck in my head for a week now. Before we start I just want to warn people that this is about yandere, it not that bad but still. Hinted murder is also in it.
You're a huge fan of the novel The Lovely Princess, but one day you get into an accident. When you wake up you find yourself reincarnated in the 6-year-old body of Claude’s childhood friend. For about 5 days you were just freaking out. You had died and now you’re stuck in the body of a minor character, not even an important one.
As you were going over the story in your head you realise what fate was going to happen to your character. You were going to die in the future by the heads of the soon-to-be emperor. After a while of even more freaking out, you made a plan. As you were in the young body of the character, Claude would be too. This means he’s not gone ‘crazy’ just yet. So the plan was to try and slowly distance yourself from the future emperor. Acting sweet to him, giving the young boy all your attention until you had slowly made your way out of his life completely. This plan shockingly took nearly 6 years until you were finally free. Of course, you felt bad for child Claude, but it was quickly dismissed after releasing that he would kill his daughter in the future…
After that, you began living a comfortable and rich life. That was until the day you turned 20… You knew the day would come when you would have to get married. The day you have to say goodbye to the comfortable life of not worrying about anything and say hello to a life that was filled with a husband that doesn’t even love you and some snot nose brats. But what you haven’t expected was to be engaged to Claude de Alger Obelia the emperor!
None had expected it, not even your parents. Claude had found out about your father trying to find you a suitable suitor for you, so he had written a letter saying he would like your head in marriage. You begged and pleaded in your head for your parents to politely decline the emperor's proposal, but they didn’t…This was the best suitor for you and even better you knew him! That is what your parents explain to you and sadly you couldn’t say no.
You had no idea why this was happening! This never happened in the story. Claude had not a single romantic interest in your character, so why did he want to marry you now? That’s what was going through your head as the carriage drove you to your new home. As soon as we’re at the palace you never left your new fiancé's side. There were a few times you could get some alone time when you had to use the bathroom room when he had an important meeting or at night when you both sleep in separate beds. But your rooms were right next to each other so it still felt suffocating. It wouldn’t be long before you moved to his room and start to sleep in the same bed as Claude.
You obviously felt so uncomfortable but you didn’t look much into it, maybe somehow you made the emperor fall in love with you. But how though? Was it because you actually treated him like a human or maybe it was just for personal matters? You doubted the second one…
But weird stuff began occurring, a couple of months later. You were never alone now. You always had someone with you. Would it be Claude or an assigned guard. You couldn’t leave the palace walls, if you even tried talking to any of the servants they would just scurry away muttering about a matter that they had to get to. At this point, all this was beginning to take a toll on your mental health.
But there was one thing that made you stop and realise. When you were out in the Garden with Claude, your personal maid (who had been with you since you were a teen) accidentally spilt tea all over your lap leaving a painful burn mark on your legs. You quickly had to excuse yourself to get changed and when you came back we a clean dress she was gone. The guards on duty stood there with a fearful expression and your fiancé sat there sipping tea as though nothing had happened but you knew. Even if you didn’t see it. It was your gut feeling that Claude did something to that poor woman. That was the day you began to worry something was truly wrong with the story you once had loved…
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aida-sparks · 3 months
To 9-1-1: Just Take One REAL Step Toward Buddie. See What Happens.
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Hello fellow 9-1-1 buddie fans! I've been mulling over season 7 and a topic close to our hearts: the possibility of buddie sailing into full-on canon territory. We've heard people say the show can't give us buddie, using the unfortunate reason that it's because the larger general audience doesn't "see" buddie as a thing. That while the buddie fandom is huge, it doesn't compare to the size of the overall viewing audience, most of which don't even engage online in the fandom and might not know about the potential of buddie as a ship.
So that's the reason we may only ever get a love story that's written entirely in the subtext of the show? No, that's not good enough. I want to believe this show of ours is daring enough to let the general audience in on things and let them make up their own minds on the matter. Give the idea of buddie canon a fighting chance. Sure, the subtle nods and secret messages woven into the show might be crystal clear to us. But casual viewers probably don't pick up on those messages nestled in the nooks and cracks where buddie has been written up till now. We need to aim for more than subtext. And definitely don't settle for that color theory. If we are to get anywhere, we need to see them start spelling it out with explicit dialogue and storyline moments for the entire audience to interpret on their own.
By this season's end, the show needs to step out of the carefully crafted, unspoken undertones they always give buddie fans, and instead they need to explicitly spell out to the casual viewing audience, 'Hey there's a strong potential that Buck and Eddie might just be more than buddies (no pun intended). It has to be well done with clear hints leading up to it, of course, not just something in a single scene that's dropped on the casual viewers' heads like a piano. But it's more than possible to do, especially using flashbacks to buddie scenes and stolen glances throughout the seasons. Think about it. Eddie wrote Buck (and Buck alone) into his will; that's no small gesture! They can weave and layer these past moments into a current storyline, building up to a revelation from Buck and/or Eddie that feels like a "Whoa!" moment for all viewers (not just the buddie shippers), like, "I didn't see it before, but it makes sense. I can see those two as something more now."
And there are many different paths the show can take to get Buck and/or Eddie to this revelation. (I have my own idea of how it might go. The options are as diverse as all our fandom theories.) But how they get there isn't the important piece. What matters is that the possibility of something potentially happening between Buck and Eddie is CRYSTAL CLEAR in the narrative! Actually written into the dialogue and storyline, in a plausible way.
The show doesn't even have to commit buddie-end-game. They just have to give them a fighting chance by putting the possibility of it out there in the plain light of day, in front of the entire audience and see how it sticks. They could shift course in future storylines if it doesn't go over well, but my honest guess is that a majority wouldn't mind buddie becoming canon at all once they're exposed to it, especially if it was written/produced well; Oliver's and Ryan's on-fire chemistry is already there to carry it through. Many would come to root for buddie, especially over another new love interest introduced so late in the series that can't match all we've seen Buck and Eddie build together. Some viewers might not care one way or the other; they might just be in for the crazy emergencies each week. So then if we the remove this perception that buddie canon would not take well with general audience, what else is stopping it? I can't think of anything.... full steam ahead!
Now, am I prepared for the heartbreaking possibility that buddie might never go full canon in the sense we hope? That we may only ever get a love story buried in the subtext, if that's the best the show is allowed to give us? Sure, but it's much harder and so unfulfilling to come to terms with that outcome if the show never gives them a real chance at it in the first place.
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This long ramble is all simply to say that I'm not demanding that buddie become canon. I'm asking that the possibility of it becomes canon.
If nothing else, it would take the "delusional" and "clown" stigmas off of buddie shippers' shoulders because addressing the potential of buddie in the show tells the audience that hey, maybe there could be something there; they didn't just "see things that weren't there". I don't see this as such a heavy thing to ask for. Please let this make sense to everyone. It does in my head. lol.
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novlr · 1 year
How do you write a dream sequence?
Dream sequences allow writers to tap into the mysterious and sometimes bizarre world of dreams, exploring the subconscious and integrating symbolism and metaphor into their storytelling. Dreams can reveal a character's deepest fears, desires, and motivations in ways that may not be immediately obvious in the waking world. Writing a dream sequence can be challenging, but it's also an opportunity to let your imagination run wild, bringing your characters and stories to life in powerful and unforgettable ways.
What makes a good dream sequence?
Dream sequences should mimic actual dreams: chaotic, disorienting, yet meaningful. Readers should experience the same confusion and vividness they would in their own dreams.
A good dream sequence should give insight into a character's inner world while also advancing the story. To achieve this, it's important to strike a balance between the logical structure of the narrative and the illogical nature of dreams.
Vivid imagery: Dreams are often hyper-real, so the more vivid your descriptions, the more captivating and immersive the dream becomes.
Sensory details: In dreams, senses are often heightened, and evoking the senses can both enhance and subvert expectations
Symbolism: Everything has meaning in dreams. Dream sequences use symbols to foreshadow, hint, and reinforce.
Emotion: Using emotion in dream sequences allows characters to explore their heightened state, and expose their feelings on events.
Confusion: Dreams can be illogical and disjointed. By disorienting both your characters and readers, you can explore new narrative avenues.
Representation of desires or fears: Dreams often reflect our subconscious thoughts and emotions, and the images and events in the dream can reveal important information about the character's inner world.
Types of dream sequences
There are several different types of dream sequences that you can use in your writing. Each type serves a different purpose and can be used to convey different information about your characters and their inner worlds.
Foreshadowing: Dreams that set up or hint at future events in the narrative.
Nightmares: Dreams that evoke fear or anxiety in the dreamer and can reveal their deepest fears.
Lucid dreams: Dreams where the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming and can control what happens.
Fantasy dreams: Dreams that involve fantastical elements, such as talking animals or magical powers.
Recurring dreams: Dreams that happen over and over again and may represent unresolved issues in the dreamer's life.
Realisation dreams: Where something “clicks” for a character that they couldn’t figure out while awake.
Internal conflict: Dreams that give a colourful illustration of a character’s inner turmoil, letting the writer show, not tell.
Linked dreams: Dreams that allow two characters to communicate while asleep through a shared connection.
Quick tips for writing dream sequences
Dream sequences can add a unique and captivating element to any story, but they can be difficult to write. To ensure that your dream sequences are engaging, there are three things to keep in mind.
Firstly, apply logic, but remember that the dream needs to function as a scene and needs some sort of narrative.
Secondly, use narrative distance to create a floaty, dreamlike feel that makes your readers feel they're dreaming too.
Finally, use detail to create a certain atmosphere, either vague and eerie or overcrowded and stressful. Take care not to overdo it and make your readers uneasy to the point of wanting to walk away.
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writing-with-sophia · 10 months
Foreshadowing (1)
Foreshadowing is a literary technique in which an author hints at or suggests what will happen later in a story. It is a way for the author to build anticipation and create tension, as well as to add depth and complexity to the plot and characters.
Foreshadowing can take many forms, such as a character's actions or words, an object or setting that has symbolic significance, or even a seemingly random event that later turns out to be important.
For example, in the opening scene of William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," the witches' prophecies foreshadow the tragic events that will unfold later in the story. Similarly, in J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter" series, various clues and hints are dropped throughout the books that foreshadow the ultimate defeat of the villainous Lord Voldemort.
There are several types of foreshadowing that authors can use to hint at future events in their stories:
Character Foreshadowing: This is when a character's actions, thoughts, or words hint at something that will happen later in the story. For example, a character who is always talking about their fear of water might foreshadow a future scene where they have to swim across a river.
Symbolic Foreshadowing: This is when an object or setting that has symbolic significance hints at something that will happen later in the story. For example, a broken mirror might foreshadow bad luck or a fractured relationship.
Dialogue Foreshadowing: This is when dialogue between characters hints at something that will happen later in the story. For example, if a character says "I have a bad feeling about this," it might foreshadow a dangerous situation.
Plot Foreshadowing: This is when the plot itself hints at future events. For example, the start of a mystery novel might foreshadow the revelation of a killer.
Title Foreshadowing: This is when the title of the story itself hints at future events. For example, the title "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" foreshadows the death of the protagonist.
Foreshadowing can be a tricky technique to get right. Give away too little, and you may confuse readers or lose their interest. Give away too much, and you take away your story’s suspense. Here are some tips for using foreshadowing effectively in your writing:
Plan ahead: Foreshadowing works best when it is planned in advance. Before you start writing, think about the key events in your story and how you can hint at them earlier in the narrative.
Be subtle: Foreshadowing should be subtle enough that readers don't immediately guess what will happen. Use small hints and clues that can be interpreted in multiple ways.
Use multiple types of foreshadowing: Don't rely on just one type of foreshadowing. Use a combination of foreshadowings to create a rich and complex narrative.
Don't overdo it: Too much foreshadowing can be distracting and annoying for readers. Use foreshadowing sparingly and only when it serves a purpose in the story.
Keep it relevant: Foreshadowing should always be relevant to the story. Don't include hints that never pay off or that are unrelated to the plot.
Use foreshadowing to create tension: Foreshadowing can be used to create tension and suspense in your narrative. By hinting at future events, you can keep readers engaged and eager to find out what happens next.
Pay off the foreshadowing: Foreshadowing is only effective if it pays off in the story. Make sure that the events you hint at actually happen later in the narrative, and that they have a significant impact on the plot or characters.
Foreshadowing is a common and effectively way to make your stories more exciting. By using foreshadowing, authors can create a sense of inevitability and give readers a sense of satisfaction when events come to fruition as predicted. It can also make the story feel more cohesive and well-planned, as if everything was leading up to the climactic moment.
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SFW Alphabet: Trafalgar Law
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Activities - What are their favorite things to do with you? How do you spend your free time?
One of his favorite things to do with you is take late night walks. The night is always more calming to him, and being in that moment with you puts his mind at peace. He feels like it's a very intimate moment because he can be very vulnerable in front you.
You're favorite way to spend your free time is just laying on the deck with him. He usually leans up against Bepo, and you lay in between his legs, your back against his chest.
BOO! - How do they feel about surprises, giving and receiving?
Law doesn't surprise you often. He feels like surprises are irrelevant. When he does surprise you, it is usually with flowers or a picnic. His best surprise that he's ever given you was, of course, your engagement ring... Though he admitted Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin helped him plan the whole thing
On the other hand... Law absolutely hates surprises. He always has a blank expression on his face during the few occasions that you do surprise him
Comfort - How do they comfort you when you’re upset? When the tables turn, do they come to you, or try to handle it themselves?
While you wouldn't think that Law would be good at comforting, he actually is. Law hates to see you upset. Any time you are upset, he always wants to hold you and sooth you. But if you need space, he will happily give that to you as well.
It is very hard to tell when Law is upset because he always has the same expression on his face. However, when you finally start to pick up on the little cues, you always sit with him whether that be in silence, or him ranting. He always enjoys your company when he is feeling down or upset about something
Dance - Do they like to dance with you? How good of a dancer are they?
Only in private. Law loves slow dancing with you in the privacy of his office or your bedroom. He's not a very good dancer, but you don't mind at all.
Excitement - How do they act when they’re excited? What excites them?
Since Law doesn't really show emotion that often, it is a little hard to tell when he is excited, but you can always see the hint of a smile on his face whenever he gets excited
Law usually shows that little bit of excitement whenever you start showing progress on training or even your medical studies. He also has that small smile on his face whenever he sees you getting along with the rest of his crew
Future - What are their plans for the future? Do they see themselves getting married, having kids?
Law does think about settling down once he's done with his pirate journey. He definitely does want to build a future with you and does want to have children with you, but not while you both are living a life of piracy. He would rather you both have a life of adventure first before picking a town to settle down in
Gifts - What do they give you as presents? How often do they get you gifts?
His usual gifts are usually flowers or candy. He knows how much you love sweet things
He tries to get you a gift at least once a week if he has time to grab them
Hold - How do they hold you? Cuddling, sleeping, holding hands…
Law isn't really a fan of PDA, so if you are out and about in a town, he usually won't hold your hand, but he will carry your bags for you while you do some shopping
When you guys sleep at night, he always enjoys being the big spoon, but eventually you both get too warm so you usually end up apart sometime during the night
Ideal - What’s their ideal date like?
His favorite kind of date is finding a nice Spring island to stop at and letting the crew go off to do their own things while you and him go for a nice walk and find a quiet spot of relax and have a picnic
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they handle it?
Law does get jealous but he doesn't show it. It is one of those that he silently watches to make sure that no one tries to make a move on you. He knows that you would not be unfaithful to him, but he doesn't trust other people
Kisses - How do they like to kiss you? How frequently do they kiss you?
He always like to give you sweet, soft kisses, but he usually won't do it in front of people
He kisses you as frequently as he can. He always enjoys the feeling of your lips on his
Love - How do they show you that they love you?
It's the little things that he does, like bringing you tea or tending to your wounds.
Melt - What do you do that absolutely makes them melt?
This man absolutely melts whenever you tend to his wounds. Seeing how much you have learned when traveling with him makes him lose his mind, but in the best way
Nicknames - What do they call you, and what are their favorite things to be called?
Law usually calls you love or sweetheart. His favorite things to be called are babe or captain, though captain is more so saved for the bedroom
Obvious - How obvious do they make it that they like you?
Law does not make it very obvious. As stated before, he keeps his emotions hidden pretty well. It does take a while before you figure it out, but it's the subtle blush that dusts his cheeks whenever you get close to him
Pets - Do they have pets? Do they want them?
Does Bepo count? Like I know he's a crew mate and Law's navigator, but he's a polar bear. I feel like he counts. So yes, Law does have a pet
Quiet - How are the calm, quiet moments with them?
They are some of your favorite moments. Just the two of you laying in bed, you humming a quiet tune while he runs his hands through your hair
Romance - How romantic are they? What are their go-to ways of being romantic?
Law isn't the most romantic person, but when the mood strikes him, his usual way of being romantic is running a hot bath for the two of you and lighting some candles. The man is cliche, but I feel like he learned that from Cora
Safe - What makes them feel safe and comfortable around you?
You're understanding of how he is always busy. If he's working hard in his office, you will sit with him and read a book. Comfortable silence, but still enjoying each others company
Your soft touch always sends a calm feeling through him, making him feel way more relaxed
Tend - How do they act when you’re hurt or sick, and vice versa?
Law goes into full doctor mode whenever you are sick or injured. He will stop at nothing to figure what is going on with you and how he can make it better
Law can usually take care of himself whenever he's sick, but you still like to bring him tea and soup to try and make him feel better
Unique - What’s an unusual thing about them that’s oddly charming?
The one thing that you always find oddly charming about Law is how focused he can get when he's study his medical books. The way he chews his bottom lip while flipping through pages of information trying to further his knowledge
Variety - Do they prefer to keep things the same, or spice it up?
Law does like to spice things up every once and a while, but he also likes things the way they are
Wash - What’s it like taking a bath with them, or helping them wash up after a fight?
Taking a bath with Law is always so relaxing. Getting him cleaned up after a fight, however, takes a little bit of time and can get quite frustrating. While he may be the Surgeon of Death, that man hates getting his wounds cleaned out, and will usually pout and complain as it's happening
XO - How do they show you affection? How much PDA are they willing to show?
As stated before, law doesn't really like PDA that much. He prefers those intimate moments stay between the two of you. That being said, when you guys are alone, he usually will show his affection by cuddling with you, holding your hand, and letting you sit on his lap while he does his work
Yearn - What do they do when they miss you?
Law usually sulks when he misses you. If you have to go out on a mission or just want to explore an island on your own, he'll pout and sulk around until you get back and then he won't leave your side for a good couple hours
Zzz - How do they act when they get sleepy? How is it sleeping in the same bed?
When sleepiness finally catches up to Law, he starts to get really clingy to you. All he wants to do is cuddle with you as you sing him to sleep. You love sharing a bed with him because while it can get a little warm when you sleep, it's comforting to know that you both with always be there for each other during the night
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peterpparkrr · 2 years
Pinned (pt. 3)
Series: Pinned
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x f!reader
Summary: Anthony attempts to apologize. The future is uncertain but neither of them are prepared to say goodbye.
Warnings: some mild period typical sexism, classism, brief mentions of sexual coercion
Word Count: 1.1k
A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! I was going to have something entirely different happen but I hated it so I’d decided to throw that out and rework the story from here so we can get a little more backstory and build up! 
prev. part // next part
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You honestly don’t know why you’re surprised when Lord Bridgerton walks into the shop just before closing. 
A part of you had hoped that he would take the hint. Not that it was really a hint, it had been more of a clear request for him to leave you alone. 
But the little that you did know about Lord Bridgerton should have made it clear that he was not one to easily admit defeat.
So now he’s here and the shop is empty so you have no excuse to avoid or ignore him.
“I upset you the last time I was here,” Anthony states as he walks up to where you’re working at the counter, before you can say anything to him. “Don’t deny it, I have four sisters, so I am actually quite attuned to female emotions,” He adds as he smiles hesitantly.
“Yes, I was upset,” You admit as you look up from your work to make direct eye contact with him. You have nothing to hide, and you will not allow yourself to be frightened into submission by him.
You have spent your entire adult life trying to unlearn the shame that society has tried to instill in you. Shame in your position in the world. Shame for the situation of your birth. Shame in your sex. 
In a world where women like you are taught to be unassuming and quiet and to not draw attention to oneself it feels herculean and borderline sisyphean to allow yourself to speak up for yourself and speak your mind. To not bow down to a man who is your better in every which way that society creates its orders. 
But Anthony does not chastise you for speaking out of turn, for pushing back at him. He seems to relish in your honesty, in the ability to meet your challenge.
“Why?” Anthony presses. “You must know that I care about you, I would never judge you, I just want you to be honest,” He says as he stares down at you intently.
“I can not have this conversation, especially not here,” You say in a huff as you push past him to finish cleaning up and closing up the shop for the day.
“You’re closing up the shop, let me walk you home and then we can talk,” Anthony pleads. 
You take a long, hard look at Anthony as you consider your options. Clearly, he does not intend to leave you alone. And the quicker you give in to the chase the sooner he’ll tire of you and leave you alone. 
“Fine,” You huff.
As you walk the streets of London in the twilight neither you nor Anthony say anything. You can feel him watching you, though, waiting for your explanation.
As you near your flat you realize that you can’t avoid this conversation forever.
“You flirt with me, yet you are to be married. I had hoped you were different from other men of your position. I was disappointed to discover that you are like all the others,” You admit.
Anthony tries not to dwell on the idea of ‘others’. He’s heard tales from other men, of their working-class conquests. Ever since he was at Eton had heard countless stories from ‘friends’ about their seductions of washerwomen, farmer’s daughters, maids, and the like. He knows the type of man that preys on vulnerable women and the idea that that might have happened to you makes him sick.
“I am not engaged,” Anthony replies quickly. Wanting desperately to assure you that you are not a conquest for him. That his interest in you is genuine and that his affections are not engaged elsewhere. That he’s not trying to use you or take advantage of you, but that he just can’t stop thinking about you and doesn’t know what to do with himself. 
“But you will be,” You tell him with a shake of your head. “You told me so yourself that this is the season you find yourself a wife. Lord Bridgerton-”
“Call me Anthony,” He interrupts. “I am not engaged. I do not expect to find myself sharing affections for anyone, but you. You invade my every waking thought in ways you cannot fathom.”
“Christian names are hardly appropriate for us,” You tell him. “None of this is appropriate.”
“I’d like to make it appropriate. I’d like to spend time with you, if you’ll allow me the honor.”
His words are sweet, truly. And you can’t help but find yourself leaning into the flattery. But you still cannot understand what it is that he truly wants from you.
“Are you attempting to court me, Lord Bridgerton?” You ask, with a teasing lilt. Just light enough that he will not imagine that you are genuinely asking if that is not what he meant, but your eyes study his face as you try to read his response. 
“I would like very much to try,” Anthony admits with his own sincerity.
“Gentlemen don’t court women like me,” You tell him as you shake your head.
You don’t know why you’ve even allowed this to go too far. You’re not naive, you know what men like him want from women like you, and normally you are quick to turn down those advances. 
But you don’t know if it’s hopeful thinking but you want to believe that Anthony is different, and you feel inexplicably pulled in. He’s a handsome man and he knows it but there’s something more to him that attracts you, deeper than lust. 
Anthony called out your name with such tenderness that you almost gave in right there. 
“Please, I’d like to prove to you that I’m not the man you think I am. Will you let me do that?” He asks.
“You are relentless is what you are,” You reply with a shake of your head, though your exasperation doesn’t bleed through your tone, instead you just smile.
“But do you not find it terribly endearing?” He teases.
“That is not the adjective I would use,” You reply.
“You haven’t given me an answer yet,” Anthony says. “May I see you again?”
“We must entrust that to providence, Lord Bridgerton,” You tell him. “Though I imagine the fates have already deemed you more than responsible for orchestrating another meeting.”
“Goodnight,” You bid him farewell as you take a step away from him. “Anthony,” You add before you turn towards your door.
“Goodnight,” He calls after you as he watches from the pavement as you disappear through the doorway and close the door behind you gently.
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witheredoffherwitch · 6 months
Hate to say it but if the writers go for Aemond and Helaena then all the changes they're making actually do make sense. If Helaena doesn't just stay in the keep then her being a dreamer gets expanded to the point that she could take up the seer role--- I think...she actually already is. I've lost all hope with Daeron. We knew this was coming. If he doesn't appear in season 2 then he might just as well don't---because why do Hugh Hammer and Ulf the White get more than time to be fleshed out than Daeron? The only explanation is Helaena and or Aemond getting his plot. Helaena already has dreamfyre---a formidable dragon and she has the best reason out of all the Greens to be a part of the Dance. I believe it was Hess who said that they want the show to be more about the women so I can't exactly be mad if Helaena does get her due.
by god if they cut out aemondcito just because aemond would already have children---whom he will be avenging I--- it does makes sense but does not mean we have to like it. I do wonder how they'll include him though because the show might just end with aegon iii's coronation---but queen of harrenhal plot happens in 132 AC after that. I just don't know at this point kind of losing hope
Hi nonnie,
I need to ask this time: what are 'all' the changes? Helaena was turned into a dreamer, but much has been altered for Aemond, Alicent, Rhaenyra and Aegon. Some for the worse! NOTHING about Helaena suggests that she will be a warrior: 1. she is neuro-divergent, 2. she speaks in cryptic sentences and 3. she mostly draws some hints for the upcoming events. She is in fact the least developed character out of all TG members. And now, we hear these conflicting reports of Helaena being relegated to a recurring character while both Tom and Ewan are billed in the main cast. If that is the case, even the 'dreamer' part will be downplayed! These showrunners would barely give her any scenes of mourning - and most of her 'dreamer' aspect will be reduced to her giving cryptic warnings to Rhaenyra about their potential future. This is bad news for all Helaena fans, as it appears that she will be used as a plot device rather than a proper flushed out character. We know that Helaena's death is important for Rhaenyra's arc (think Hodor to Bran), so there's little chance they will change it; this means she won't be participating in the battle.
Furthermore, we still don't know if Daeron leaks are true or not. Even if they are, his part will not be given to Helaena. It may even go to Aegon but Helaena's story arc in the show does not appear to be anything more than a dreamer, and her sole purpose during 'The Dance' will likely be that of a grieving mother. Plus, the introduction sequence has already revealed that Aegon fathered Helaena's children - so this should not even be a point of discussion. Basically, no one outside of the shippers believes these theories, which from your comments makes it sound like you're one of them. If you're interested in a more detailed explanation, take a look at this post.
If Aemondcito is removed from the show, it's not because Aemond already had three illegitimate children; it's because they decided to end Alys' story with Aemond's death in the battle above God's Eye. If you want to engage with this topic further, then you need to provide more proof for 'all' of the changes you're discussing here.
That's all! 🤗
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pascaloverx · 1 month
Summary: You and Jongin live wanting what you two can't have. For example, he wants to win over your best friend and you want him.
Warnings: This fanfic will describe some hot romantic moments and use of inappropriate language. In the future there may be both smut and moderate use of violence. Readers are warned. This fanfic will feature some members of EXO as characters but they are not part of a Kpop group in this scenario.
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"Engaged?" Luna asks, sounding more indignant than curious. This only confirms what you already suspected; she also has feelings for your foolish boss. Not that you can blame her. Kai is definitely something else.
"What Kai meant is that we're practically engaged. Nothing official yet, but we're about to move in together, and you know... marriage is just around the corner. But this isn't about us. It's about you guys. I just wanted to clear up this misunderstanding. Kai isn't in love with Luna. He's in love with me, but he's indeed a terrible drunk." You say, trying to smooth over the situation.
"So sorry for the confusion. I thought..." Sehun says, clearly embarrassed. Poor guy, he doesn't even know he's being deceived.
"That Kai and Luna had some unresolved romantic issue? That would be ridiculously stupid of them. But fortunately, this was just a misunderstanding." You reply, trying to send a hint to your boss and best friend. Whatever is going on between them, they should just forget about it.
"Darling, I think we should go greet some of the guests. But congratulations, Y/N and Kai. I'm sure your relationship has everything to succeed," Luna says, smiling, as she practically drags Sehun away. You finally feel the pressure of the moment.
"I don't know about you, but that's what I call teamwork. You were fantastic, all that invention..." Kai says, proud of himself, but you're not happy with any of this. So you give him a disapproving look and head out of the party.
"I must be a beautiful and pathetic idiot indeed. What a load of crap. Congratulations, Y/N, you always manage to be a clown." You mutter to yourself as you leave your best friend's engagement dinner.
"You don't need to put yourself down so much. You actually saved my skin back there; I thought Sehun was going to punch me. Not that I was scared..." Jongin says as he tries to keep up with your strides toward the parking lot, but you turn, almost bumping into each other face to face.
"Do you feel proud of being such an idiot, or are you just pretending?" Your question, as rude as it may sound, is sincerely something you're questioning. How can he act like what we did was okay?
"I don't think that's the right way to talk to your boss, Y/N. Even though we're friends, it doesn't give you the right to disrespect me." Kim Jongin says as he looks at you, and you huff in response. You then move away from him and continue heading nowhere in particular. You came to this damn engagement dinner with him, so leaving with him seems inevitable. But that doesn't stop you from looking for any taxi passing by nearby.
"I want to resign. Actually, I'm not just wanting it, I'm asking for it. You want to deceive Sehun and yourself by chasing after Luna? Go ahead, but I won't be a part of it. Enough. Years of anticipating your actions, being helpful, doing my best in the company your family built, just to become the woman who does the dirty work for you. What's the next step, huh? Marry you so you can have an affair with Luna right under Sehun's nose?" You turn to face Jongin, who seems a bit shocked by your words. Maybe until today he didn't know that you could set boundaries. But that's his problem.
"I understand that I may have crossed some boundaries. But I can't afford to lose..." Jongin seems to be trying to figure out how to say something, but you interrupt him.
"Losing your competent assistant, or your love for Luna? Maybe you don't understand things because you're used to having them in your hands all the time, but Kai, you've already lost Luna. She may kiss you in secret, or say she'll never forget you, but she's marrying someone else. And I think it's time for both of us to understand that we're not going to end up with the ones we love." You speak impulsively, only realizing seconds later that you revealed more than you intended. Damn it.
"What do you mean by that?" Kim Jongin questions as soon as you finish speaking, and you take a deep breath. This conversation just turned into a nightmare.
"I mean that while you wanted Luna, I wanted you. Which makes me a huge idiot, I know. But it's liberating to realize and let go of that. You should try it. And I'm really resigning if you're confused. So you better find another assistant, another all-time friend, and another fake almost-fiancée, because for me, I'M DONE." You say, somewhat heatedly, but hey, what better time than now to throw truths in the face of the man you're in love with. 
"You can't just say you love me and walk away. Y/N, can you please listen to me? Or at least stop running away from me?" Kai speaks, sounding tired of chasing after you. You then stop walking away from him. The truth is you didn't know where to go; you were just walking hurriedly towards nowhere. 
"What is it?" You almost shout in his direction. Looking at him, at that moment, seemed to be your greatest challenge. He looked so upset that you almost went towards him to try to console him. But that wouldn't make any sense.
"Stay with me. Don't leave me. I know we need to work out some issues in our relationship, but I don't want to have to replace you, because there's no one who can replace you. Not as an assistant, not as a friend, and certainly not as a fake almost-fiancée." Jongin says as he approaches you. His eyes locking onto yours, his words sounding sincere, almost winning you over.
"I'll give you the chance to take me home. But that doesn't mean I won't leave you. I just don't like to waste time, and waiting for a taxi seems foolish. But nothing has changed. You're without an assistant and friend. Got it, Kim Jongin?" You say as you walk towards his car now.
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fayesdiary · 9 months
Faye's Fòdlan Journal: Season 1 - Episode 5: Truly the best Academy
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As I still slightly suffer from the loss of footage, we get the mission for our second month at Garreg Mach: Wipe out a group of bandits that have taken refuge in the Red Canyon Zanado, led by Kostas.
Yes, that guy Byleth killed twice in the Prologue. Somehow he's still alive. Never thought I'd see the day an earlygame bandit boss would have plot armor.
So, time to go talk to everyone again. As a note in the future, I'll only point out the stuff I think it's interesting. Even if I wanted, I can't include everything due to the 30 image limit.
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Am I... getting sassed by a generic NPC?
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Oh by the way, here's the combat professor Jeritza. We actually met him last month but he got lost along with the footage.
There is very little to say about him right now, except he really wants to outedge Felix. His two passions are fighting and being alone. Thrilling stuff, let me tell you.
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Here we see the first glimpses of what will likely be a major theme in Three Houses: Fòdlan's huge problem of racism and xenophobia. It's going to get ugly fast, especially in the case of Duscur.
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Here I learn how recruiting students from other houses (and eventually other professors and knights) works: You have to reach a certain threshold on the things they require, be that Byleth's level or a specific stats, or even their rank with a particular weapon. You can still gain support conversations with them, and those lower the requirements for recruiting them. And since Bernie wants a high Bow rank, I will spend the following chapters trying to train Byleth in it. Luckily we have unlocked Faculty Training, which lets Byleth take lessons from the other professors in a specific skill whenever they have activity points to spare. Which unfortunately at this point is not often the case.
Similarly I got interested in recruiting Leonie since she seems so close to Jeralt (although to be honest I thought she was lying at first because certainly Byleth would know her if that was the case, right? Even more proof there's more going on between the two), and she requires a high Lance rank, so that will also be a priority.
And while I know I can potentially recruit everyone and crowd the Blue Lions class like crazy, I will be limiting myself to an extra students from each of the other two houses to preserve the experience. Besides, this game lets you deploy 12 units at most.
Speaking of Blue Lions: Hi, Felix.
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If I didn't know any better I'd just think he's being a dick as usual and don't get me wrong, he is. But given how Dimitri turns up at the start of the timeskip... there may be a hint of truth in what he's saying.
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AT TIMES, Ingrid!?
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Anyway, moving on. This month Jeralt gives us some battallions, an exclusive of this game: To put it simply, they grant the unit that equips one extra stats depending on the battallion which can be upgraded up to Lv5 simply by using it. Things like extra Attack, Hit/Crit/Avo, Def/Res and so on. For now the gains aren't much, but they will become way more significant when we gain higher rank battallions.
The main thing battallions grant, though, is Gambits.
Think of them as the precursor of Engage attacks: Most of them let you hit multiple enemies at once without risk of counterattack (the type and AOE depends on the battallion), and if you manage to hit , all of the enemies in that area will not only be damaged, but also be frozen in place and have their stats lowered. You can also use them whenever.
But compared to Engage Attacks, not only are they not guaranteed to hit (the chance to either hit or avoid a Gambit depends entirely on Charm, a stat unique to this game), they can also only kill the enemy directly targeted by it. And they also not replenishable until the end of the month. Regardless, they are still incredibly useful.
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A few days later Byleth gives their first lecture to the class, and once again makes an embarassment out of the Academy by not even knowing how to teach and having Dimitri explain it.
The fact that the house leaders give the tutorials for teaching instead of the staff is hilarious. The most esteemed Academy in Fòdlan and they don't even brief or tutor their new staff and have the students do it instead. Rhea please.
Well, I wouldn't say it's inaccurate. I know on my first day of work I got dumped right onto it with absolutely zero guidance or directions so... yeah, that unfortunately checks out. Three Houses takes place in Italy confirmed.
Anyway, before the mission itself we have a mandatory training battle where we have to beat up some church soldiers. Not much to say.
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No Dimitri. No they do not. And this is something they should know as a mercenary, but Jeralt says he never taught them much of tactics.
Seriously, what did Jeralt even teach Byleth beside wielding a sword? This is why homeschooling is bad, everyone.
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With all that said and done, it's the end of the month. And that means it's time to beat up some bandits.
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Also enjoy this Rhea screenshot. I didn't know where else to put it, but her pose is really cute. She's so excited!
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multifandominfj · 6 months
A New Beginning: A Supergirl 6x20 Re-Write
Chapter 12: The Countdown Begins
Days had passed. Everyone had gone about their normal business, acting as if nothing exciting was happening, aside from the occasional bad guy the Super Friends had to take down and lock up. However, that was all a front. Whenever the Super Friends weren’t saving people, they were helping Lena put the finishing touches on the big proposal and engagement party that was taking place later this evening. Alex, Kelly and Nia had gotten all the arrangements for the day taken care of, and Brainy and Sam called the ones that were available on the guest list for the party; the ones that couldn’t make it would come to the wedding. And Lena, well to say she was a mess was an understatement.
Pacing in her office at the headquarters for the Lena Luthor Foundation, there was a rap at her door. “Who is it?” Asking, not even bothering to actually look, she was that nervous.
“Thought you could use a pick me up.” Eliza pokes her head in with a bag of donuts and coffee. “Kara had called. She noticed you were a bit…”
“Preoccupied?” Finishing Eliza’s sentence, Lena finally stopped pacing to accept the treats her future mother in law had brought. “Thank you, both of you. I hope I didn’t worry Kara.”
“A little, but it’s Kara. She’s always going to worry about you. Especially because she noticed you didn’t really eat this morning, and you kind of sped out the door…without giving her a goodbye.”
“That is true…” She tapped the side of her cup, still thinking about later tonight.
“It’s about the proposal and party later tonight, isn’t it? That’s why you’ve been preoccupied.” Eliza could see that Lena had also adopted Kara’s famous crinkle whenever she was lost in thought.
“How could you tell?” Lena was gingerly nursing her caffeine, which was helping her remain somewhat calm, despite the drink doing the exact opposite.
“You’ve barely touched your favorite donut that Kara told me about…and you’ve adopted Kara’s crinkle when she gets lost thinking.” Putting her own mug down, she leans forward. “Lena, even if something does go wrong, you know Kara is going to be happy because she’s going to be with you, her friends and family. The added gesture of going down memory lane will just add to the special occasion.”
“You’re very sweet for saying that, Eliza, and I realize that I could be doing this in a potato sack and Kara would still be over the moon. But the reason why this has to be perfect…today is the anniversary of the day we first met. The helicopter ride over the city, and the restaurant where we had our first lunch date…I want this to remind her why we were meant to be in each other’s lives.”
“Time sure does fly, doesn’t it?“ Both Eliza and Lena stand, and she gives her a reassuring embrace, to make sure Lena got the hint that everything is going to be okay. “Make sure you keep your energy up. You don’t need to be fainting on the second most important day of your life.”
“Thanks again for stopping by, Eliza. And if you see Kara…tell her I said thank you for the donut.” At this point, there was a permanent rouge to Lena’s cheeks at all times; Kara had that effect on her.
And as Eliza was leaving…
“Alex, what a pleasant surprise.” Lena greets her warmly.
“Hey Lena, Mom…Donut run?” She Inquisitively asked correctly.
“You know Kara, she’s always looking out for her.” Eliza winked, meaning Lena, as she left to head back to work herself.
“Can I get you anything, Alex?”
“No, I’m good, thank you. I actually came by to see how you were doing. Asking how you’re feeling seems kinda redundant when I have a clue how you’re feeling…And I wanted to give you this.” What she hands over is a picture that Esme drew of Lena and Kara, saving the day.
“Awwww, that has to be the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.” Lena felt some of her nerves melt away slightly when she saw the picture. Anything that Esme has drawn her, she had kept in a folder to look at, whenever she needed a pick-me-up. And seeing that it was both her and Kara, she made sure it was front and center on her desk. “What do you think?”
“I think next time Esme comes by, her ego is going to go through the roof.” Alex snorted at her joke, but she was also being extremely serious.
“I believe it…” Lena chuckled along, simultaneously kneading her hands together.
“Lena, sit down.” Alex does her grabby hands, reaching for Lena to take a seat. “I know you’re nervous about going perfectly. Sam, Brainy, Nia and I got everything you asked for, we made the arrangements, and triple checked with everyone who could come. And I’m not saying anything won’t, but if anything does go wrong…we have a backup plan. Kara is going to be so happy about tonight, that I highly doubt she will even care if something about the party goes wrong.”
“And Kelly?”
One cue, Alex holds up her FaceTime. “I made sure the helicopter ride was taken care of.” She flashes Lena a calming smile. “I’m sure Alex already told you this, but things will go great. It probably just feels jarring because you’ve never experienced this kind of joy since…”
“Since I was young…and the first time I met Kara.” Lena finished Kelly’s sentence.
“Just remember to breathe, and give yourself a break. Everything you will say and do tonight will come naturally to you.” Kelly assures through the screen.
“I don’t know what I would do without either of you.” Graciously thanking them both, she looks at her watch, as if to be getting ready for something. “Sorry I can’t chat more, I have my…”
“Lunch date with Kara.” Alex and Kelly chime in unison.
“Exactly.” Laughing off the blushing, she goes to gather her bag.
“I should get going myself. I have to pick up Esme from school.” Alex opens her office door as they both exit.
“See both later tonight.” Lena waves goodbye as she heads off to grab food, and then to Kara’s office.
In one bag with their Big Belly Burger order, and the other with a couple of donuts, Lena headed up to Kara’s corner office. Was the proposal and party still on her mind? Absolutely. But she couldn’t let that give her away. She had to push that to the back of her mental filing cabinet for now. Right now, her focus was on her lunch date with her gorgeous girlfriend. Treating her to lunch was the perfect way to not only relax, but a much needed distraction.
Upon reaching the building, Lena was escorted to a private entrance that led right up to Kara’s office. Going up the private lift, it did give her a chance to gather herself more, and perfect her acting skills in that short amount of time. “Kara?”
“Lena, hi!” Practically leaping out of her chair like a puppy when someone comes home, she goes to greet her.
“Hi.” Lena closes the distance with a peck to Kara’s lips and a smile. “This is new. When did this happen?”
“Isn’t this cool? Miss Grant…let’s just say she can be very persuasive. Apparently she was working on this before I even accepted the offer to be Editor and Chief. And I don’t think I’m ever going to complain about work ever again.” Interjecting, she takes a couple quick sniffs. “Did you?”
“I had a feeling you needed a pick me up.” That signature eyebrow raise and smirk followed.
“Have I told you how much I love you?” Kara gave her heart eyes.
“Are those heart eyes for me…or the food?”
“Both. But you’re obviously first.” Kara quickly and jokingly assured. “Why don’t you take a seat on the couch, and I’ll grab us something to drink.”
“You’ve been hard at work changing the world one word at a time…” Transferring the bag of delicious aroma to Kara before she even made her seemingly genetic grabby hands, just like Alex, she then adds a kiss. “Let me get the drinks. Take a break.”
“Yes ma’am.” Not so subtlety biting her lip, she heads to the couch to plate the food on her coffee table, strewn with various issues of the magazine; at the top were the two stories about her as Supergirl. “Did you get the donut delivery this morning?”
“I did. Tell your mom again that I very much appreciated it…” There was a brief pause, knowing the rapidity of her leaving would be addressed. “I’m sorry if I worried you this morning.” A slight shyness was there as she handed over the fountain drinks that had been re-poured into Kara’s Crystal drink set; the other gift from Cat.
“Hey, you don’t need to explain yourself.” Quickly chewing before she spoke again, Kara made it a point to always validate Lena’s feelings. “If you were feeling off this morning, I don’t want to push you to talk. You know you can tell me anything; but if you’re feeling off, that’s your space until you’re ready.”
As Kara was speaking, Lena’s smile kept growing. “How in the Hell did I get this lucky? She could’ve been slightly annoyed, even poked fun. Nope, she just showers me in love in validation.” She thinks to herself as she listens. “I always know you mean what you say, but when you haven’t inhaled your food and your…almost hypnotic…gaze…doesn’t break…I know you’re serious.”
Smirking, seeing that Lena still got flustered, Kara too, felt lucky in that moment. “I’ll always look out for you. My precious and powerful spellcaster.” Reaching across the table, she caressed Lena’s hand tenderly. “I’m always going to make sure you’re happy and loved, because that’s what matters to me; that you know that beautiful, caring soul that you have is safe.”
It was those words that somehow melted any worry that Lena had left about the surprise for Kara…completely away. She felt this rush of certainty and confidence. She would embrace tonight, and all of the bumps should they happen. It wouldn’t matter. What would matter to her is that she was going to be engaged to the most amazing person in all of the Galaxy, but that she would be gaining a family she had always wanted for herself.
“So…do you remember what today is?” Lena jokingly winked, knowing her girlfriend had the mind of a steel trap and memory sharper than a tack.
“Like I’m going to forget the days we officially became friends. Which explains the…” Kara’s eyes lock onto a bag she missed. “Potstickers. I can’t believe I didn’t catch them.” Her adorably loud chortle filled the room. “Are they from?”
“The restaurant where we first met?” Lena answered simply with a nod. “And look…” Towering over the container, she didn’t have a utensil.
“You—I…” Kara’s cartoon gasp preceded. “You’re using your fingers! Isn’t it easier?”
“I can see why you find it appealing.” Lena couldn’t help but giggle at her reaction.
“They’re too much work sometimes, plush when you have the metabolism of a cheetah…” Kara motions up and down to herself. “You run the risk of accidentally eating them, over the food.” She shoveled in yet another potsticker.
And for the rest of that afternoon, Lena relaxed with Kara talking about anything and everything that would make each other laugh. She forgot about the party and she forgot about the helicopter ride. They were planned, and they would happen how they happened. Even if everything fell apart, she would still be surrounded by friends and family. She would be proposing to the woman of her dreams.
Time had passed so much that she had actually lost it and needed to get ready.
“I hate to dine and dash, babe, but I have to get back to my office. Have to finalize some paperwork for the next fundraiser.”
“Oh, let me walk you out.” Kara, without hesitating, puts down her food, and walks Lena to her elevator. Just before Lena steps in, she quickly grabs her wrist and pulls her in for a goodbye kiss that would most definitely occupy the rest of her remaining brain capacity.
“What was that for?” Lena asked, her eyes still closed with a smile, before seeing those ocean blue eyes staring right back at her.
“To make sure you have a good rest of your day…and to keep you satisfied till date night later.” Kara had a slightly sultry voice when she said that.
“That definitely worked.” Lena’s suit matched the color of her cheeks. Taking one last moment before she left to get ready for tonight, she reached to caress Kara’ s cheek while taking in that stare again. Kara’s eyes were not only her Kryptonite; one look would make her weak in the knees regardless of what emotion Kara was feeling, but they were also her personal yellow Sun. One look, and any confidence she though she lost was restored.
“What?” Kara asked.
“Nothing…” It was most certainly something, Lena just didn’t want to jynx her luck. “Okay, I really should get going. I love you and I will see you later.”
“I love you too.” Kara knee Lena had something on her mind, she could hear her heartbeat. But she didn’t want to spoil the moment, so she let it go. Waving goodbye, she blew Lena a kiss as the door closed.
Right when the door closed, Lena took out her phone and sent a group text.
“It's time. Let’s get everyone ready for a night to remember.”
Everyone get ready, Chapter 12 is the one right before the big moment! Hope You enjoy 🙏🏻.
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wonkyelk · 1 year
As there’s potentially a New Stargate thingy on the horizon and they might be confused how to go about it, here’s a rough template, based on no particular Atlantis’s.
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“Welcome, new characters, to our ensemble space show. We promise to give you all equal screen time and not to focus on two or three characters whom the writers can relate to/ and or want to bone.
(This promise is not legally binding and can be rescinded at any time)
“Okay… ah, yes, you’re the token Token character. You won’t get much to do, so just… be there. Here, your welcome pack comes with a set of travel games, cards and dice for the downtime.
There’ll be a lot of downtime.”
Hi there, welcome to the world of skimpy outfits and permanent goosebumps. Remember, you will be allowed to kick ass at intervals, but only if you do it in an aesthetically pleasing manner, with lots of leg.
As you are a woman, you are contractually obliged to remain attractive at all times and become exasperated with the menfolk at least once per episode.
No, you are not allowed shenanigans. That’s what you’re there to be exasperated with.”
“So, you’ve been with us before I see -  ah, yes the ‘kickable bastard, specifically introduced to make the main character(s) look good”.
But now you’ve been upgraded to… what was it… tart with a heart? Oh, right, still a bastard but with a reluctant soft side and hints of character development, which will ebb and flow like the tides. 
“No, you do not get an option to apply for tart status.”
“Ah, yes, we have you down as a ‘Jack O’Neill’ type… heroics, stoicism, deadpan banter… hides intelligence behind food, Ferris Wheels, etc.
“Hmm. Your hair is a little quirky for the part, but we’ll allow it.”
“Stay on script, face rigid, except for the smirk  - we like the smirk - and for Big Drama Wobbles and you’ll be fine.”
“So, as the leader of the expedition, you’ll be getting complicated character arcs, investigations into your inner life, some intelligent, in-depth, exploration of the moral dilemmas involved and… oh, hang on, sorry, you’re a woman.
Right then, you get the ‘main character-lite’ version of the above, which half asses all of that, but does come with flattering clothes and make-up. Don’t worry. The standard ‘exasperated with the menfolk’ clause applies to you too, so that should fill out any gaps in your character.”
“Exciting news, Token character ! No, sorry, it’s not actual development - you’ll be essentially sleeping through the next three episodes, so you get our complimentary pillow and duvet set. It comes with a free mint!
Please do not soil, we’ll want it back when your character inexplicably disappoints the people who didn’t develop it, by not being developed enough.”
“Fake O’Neill, It’s been brought to our attention that you’ve been using your face to directly contradict your strictly heterosexual hero status. Please brush the hearts out of your eyes before engaging in manly banter and for god’s sake be a little less … goofy.”
“Good news, Warrior Princess, we’ve been spending a lot of time and thought on your character and we think we’ve finally cracked the most important aspect of it. 
Your new hairstyle debuts next episode. We have high hopes.”
“Well, you’ve actually become a loveable and popular character, with great co-star chemistry and a nuanced emotional range. So, where we’d like to move in the future, is to interweave your moments of heroism and emotional development, with making you the city butt monkey for no good reason, except we think its kinda funny. And also, a token girlfriend, because the co-star chemistry thing isn’t actually supposed to be quite that, you-know. Chemical.
We’ve spoken to Fake O’Neill about it as well, of course, but frankly we think he’s started looking at your ass even more since then.
I mean, to be fair, it’s a damn fine ass.”
Token character, I’m pleased to announce that we finally have that character development you asked for. 
Your ‘Villain Arc’ pack is on the right chair and your marching orders are on the left. It’s been nondescript working with you.
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respectthepetty · 2 years
Second Season When?
A random post about the second seasons I want.
I hate second seasons, yet I still find myself praying for them and even plotting them out with my ideal scenarios:
 *spoilers ahead*
Manner of Death – This was already supposed to happen (Transplant)! When we left off, not all the bad guys were caught and Bun and Tan showed up on Triage where there was an entire missing kidneys plot! Sorn should be in medical school now while That should have more control in the family business. This is coming but the actors are busy (and blessed!), so it is just a matter of rearranging their schedules to give me my murder mystery husbands back! Likelihood – 9/10
Not Me – When we left off, Black hit Todd with a reverse Uno. The second season should focus on the aftermath. We get to learn more about Black since season one was White focused. What happened between Todd and Black while White was away? What happens when Todd wakes up? Will Todd and Black finally realize they are enemies AND lovers? We can also see how Akk Yok is doing with making Dan grovel. Likelihood – 2/10
History 3: Trapped – When we left off, Tang Yi was headed “upstate” but we weren’t told for how long. HE SHOULD BE FREE NOW! The sequel needs to focus on his pseudo-sister getting married, him coming back as the boss and all the discrimination he gets, and him making things work with his no-longer-on-the-force boyfriend. Likelihood – 4/10
KinnPorsche – When we left off, everyone was happy EXCEPT KimChay! People complained that KimChay felt like a different story compared to the others, so lean into it for the second season. Give me a university drama where we see the rich idol chase the once-poor university student. Mix in a bit of danger like Love in the Air is doing (according to the tags since I’m not watching it), and voila! Kinnporsche: KimChay writes itself! Likelihood – 5/10 (for an actual second season, but not THIS second season)
Vice Versa – When we left off, everyone was back in their original universe, but we knew NOTHING about the relationship between Tun and Tess. The second season has to focus on this! I don’t care if it backtracks and shows us how they were doing while in the alternate universe or simply picks up with them back in their universe. I’m not picky! I need to know about them and Fuse/Aou in any way, shape, or form. Likelihood – I’ll tell you next month after the GMMTV event
Love Mechanics – When we left off, the show hinted at all of the upcoming spinoffs in the final episode. We will get Call My Name and Future that focus on Vee’s brother and Mark’s friends, but we don’t know when we will actually get them. I trust Rookie Thailand after it gave me the excellent 21 Days Theory, so I’m keeping the faith that these spinoffs are coming. Likelihood – 8/10
Light on Me – When we left off, the boys were on a beach and happy. It felt complete. It was a solid ending. THEN TaeKyung and ShinWoo made a cameo in Best Mistake 3 looking even more adorable than they did in their series, and we still need to find out who that mystery guest was that visited the teacher. There is a story there, and we deserve it! Likelihood – 5/10 (Maybe To My Star 2 will help Korea see the potential of a sequel)
To My Star – It doesn’t matter where we left off because the third season should focus on Ho Min and his journey becoming an idol. What, you say. Ho Min, Seo Joon’s manager, quit because he wants to become an idol and the best CEO, Pil Hyun, gave him money to train remember? Plus, we had that other kind actor who was working with Seo Joon. He was a rising star. Let’s focus on them! – Likelihood – 0/10
We Best Love – This was supposed to happened! When we left off, Zhe Yu and Bing Wei were engaged, Zhou Shu Yo and Gao Shi De were back together, and the doctor/bar owner was figuring out his relationship with that guy who has been in love with him for forever and day. There was some type of announcement about this, and then it was gone. Maybe I dreamed it. Was it never real? I don’t know. Likelihood – I am crazy?! 0/10
Cutie Pie - When we left off, they were officially engaged...again. An announcement was made about three special episodes. If it's not the wedding, I don't want it. Likelihood - 10/10, but it better be the wedding or nothing at all.
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disneywizard · 1 year
The Best Animated Series of 2022
2022.  Another year of Animation has come and gone, and so it is now time to do the one thing that I do on this site: make my top 10 list. This year should be an interesting mix, since I am allowing myself to put adult animated shows on the list for the first time.  But only if they are exceptional.  While this definitely made making this list harder this year, due to more content, it wasn’t as bad a deluge as I feared.  
Before we unveil the list, I also wanted to give a shout-out to the best thing that happened in 2022: the return of Gargoyles in comic form.  From Dynamite Publishing, written by series creator Greg Weisman.  Gargoyles is my favorite show of all time, it’s the reason I became enamored of Animation in the first place.  So I highly encourage everyone to check the comics out, if you can.  
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And now for the list: Honorable Mentions: Green Eggs and Ham, Dragon Age Absolution, and Paranormal Park were all fantastic shows, I just thought that the following ten series were slightly better.  But all three of these shows ALMOST made the list as I was working on it, so I thought they belonged here.   And without further ado:
10) Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
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The French Action Adventure show about two superheroes in love with each other continues to go strong for it’s fourth and fifth seasons, which have included some of the best episodes of the show.  
Available on: Netflix (S1-3) Disney+ (S4 & 5*)  
9) Legend of Vox Machina
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Man I wish someone would animate my D&D campaign.  
Available on: Amazon Prime.
8) Kid Cosmic and the Global Heroes!
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Craig McCracken’s amazing superhero show is the first one on this list that officially ended this year, and went out quite strong.  I cried at the end of the series.  Definitely worth a look.
Available on: Netflix
7) Tales of the Jedi
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I’m not much of a Star Wars fan.  It’s hard for me to even care outside of the Rebels series.  But this anthology series was so good, I’d be remiss to exclude it from the list.  
Available on: Disney+
6) The Dragon Prince: The Mystery of Aaravos
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If I’m being honest, TDP was a bit weaker this season than previous showings.  We’ve had a time skip and the characters are now all in different places, which made it a little harder to get back into a groove with them.  But the story was still fantastic and I can’t wait to see how the next 4 seasons unfold.  
5) The Owl House
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Why are you not watching this show?  You definitely SHOULD BE, it’s FANTASTIC.  The top four-through-two shows on this list were, IMO all so good, it was impossible to objectively place them in any order, so I’m listing them by my favorites.
Available on: Disney+  
4) Star Trek: Prodigy
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This show taught me to love Star Trek again.  Everything from the voice work, to the animation, to the story is an absolute treat.  The easter eggs aren’t heavy handed, but will excite you trekkies when you see them, and the plot kept me fully excited and engaged all season long.
Available on: Paramount+
3) Amphibia
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Another show we said goodbye to this year, the series finale had me in tears.  I just love these characters so much.  Everyone should watch this show, especially if they want something more from the property, and the defictionalized Marcy’s Journal hinted at some interesting future possibilities...
Available on: Disney+
2) Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous
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Another show that we said goodbye to this year, Season 5 was an excellent close to the series, especially following the slightly weaker season 4.  The epilogue hinted at the possibility for further hijinks with these characters, and I hope we get them.  This is my favorite entry in a Movie Franchise that I already love.
Available on: Netflix
1) Young Justice Phantoms
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WOO-HOO!  It’s here!  It’s finally here.  I can finally actually put the show I actually thought was the best of the year on my actual list, instead of just being an “Honorable Mention” like in past years.  This season was an incredible well written roller coaster of character and story arcs, that kept my attention and interest from beginning to end.  I cannot emphasize how good this show.  There was never any question where it was going to fall on my list, unlike the rest of the shows on here.  It was always going to be #1 because it was the best.  Watch it on HBOMAX while you still can, because given what has been happening over there lately, who who knows how long that will be.
Available on: HBOMAX, for now.  
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writing-with-sophia · 10 months
Foreshadowing (2)
In the previous post, I introduced you to foreshadowing, some of its types, and how to use it effectively. However, there are also some common mistakes that writers often make. You must avoid them when using foreshadowing in your writing:
Being too obvious: If your foreshadowing is too obvious, it can ruin the surprise for readers and make the story feel predictable. Instead, use subtle hints and clues that can be interpreted in multiple ways.
Being too vague: On the other hand, if your foreshadowing is too vague, readers may not pick up on it at all. Make sure your hints are specific enough that readers can make connections to future events in the story.
Using too much foreshadowing: As I said, foreshadowing can be a tricky technique to get right. Give away too little, and you may confuse readers or lose their interest. Give away too much, and you take away your story’s suspense. If you use too much foreshadowing, it can become repetitive and lose its impact. Use foreshadowing sparingly and only when it serves a purpose in the story.
Ignoring foreshadowing: If you include foreshadowing but don't pay it off later in the story, it can feel like a wasted opportunity. Make sure that the events you hint at actually happen and have a significant impact on the plot or characters.
Using foreshadowing as a crutch: Foreshadowing should enhance the story, not replace it. Don't rely on foreshadowing to create tension or suspense if the story itself is lacking.
Forcing foreshadowing: Foreshadowing should feel natural and organic, not forced. Don't include hints just for the sake of foreshadowing - make sure they fit with the story and characters.
These resources offer a range of perspectives on foreshadowing and how to use it effectively in your writing. By studying these resources and practicing your own foreshadowing techniques, you can create compelling and memorable stories that keep readers engaged and intrigued.
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