#and finally hesitantly says ‘….yes…..we’re….. as you put it…… *cool*……’
crypticpatterns · 11 months
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atsushi’s trying his best
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Beside Me
BNHA Masterlist 
TW: Angst, mention of death, hospitals Very loosely inspired by Electric Lover by Breathe Electric
He glances down at his phone for probably the fifteenth time since he'd gotten on the helicopter "Sweetheart, I wish you were beside me." He wants to reply but can't seem to find the right words. "Me too" was too simple and yet, was there really another way to reply? Maybe he should say "I'll be home soon" but what if something happens? He can't let his last words be a lie. So, he says nothing. Instead he opts to imagine them caressing his face.
"Chargebolt! We're almost at the drop site. Are you ready?" He blinks, drawn back to reality, back to the mission.
"Yeah." He stands, slipping his phone into his zipper pocket, ensuring it won't fall out. Checking that his parachute is properly strapped on, he prepares to jump.
~ ~ ~
You glance at your phone again, hoping for a message, but knowing there won't be any. He's on a mission after all, but it'd been so long since you've seen him; nearly two weeks. It wasn't odd for him to not text back immediately while working, but it's been too long. Everyday, you watch the news, hoping, praying to see anything about the hero.
Your heart drops to your stomach as you read the early afternoon headline. Three Heroes Critically Injured and One Dead on Raid. The announcer's voice carries through the room as you stare at the pictures on the screen.
"Authorities raided a villain's hideout late last night when the building went up in flames. Investigations are on-going as to how the fire started, however it seems that it was due to an electrical failure."
"Oh, God, please. . .no. . .please. . ."
You nearly scream as your phone begins to ring. Hastily, you answer, voice shaking.
"Is this Y/L/N Y/N?"
"Y-yes, it is."
"This is Akagawa Yumiko from Tohoku University Hospital. Pro hero Chargebolt requested we call you as soon as he woke up. Is there any way for you to come here so we can give you a full medical run down?"
You shout in agreement before you can stop yourself, "Yes! Yes, absolutely! I-I can be there in about 3 hours."
"Alright, I'll let the staff know. Have a safe trip."
~ ~ ~
You all but slam into the receptionists' desk, panting heavily. The staff look up startled as you choke out, "Kaminari Denki! Pro hero Chargebolt, please! Where is he?!"
One of the older ladies takes in your panicked state, "Are you Y/L/N Y/N?"
"Very well," She stands up walking out from behind the counter, "Follow me, dearie."
She leads you down a few hallways and into an elevator. Your heart pounds in your chest with every passing moment silently begging for her to move faster, but you don't utter a word. Taking a left into ICU, you subconsciously clench your jaw. You knew the news said he was in critical condition, but even after surgery, he was put in ICU?
You're brought to a stop in front of a closed door. Somehow, it seems to loom over you, taunting you.
"This is it, love. I'll leave you be, now." The receptionist carefully treads back the way she'd come, leaving you alone, staring at the piece of wood blocking you from the one you love.
Hesitantly, you bring your hand up to knock and a gentle "enter" sounds from the other side. When the door swings open the first thing you notice are the large viewing windows and equipment on the side. A steady beeping fills your ears before your eyes finally land on the person you came to see.
Tears form in your eyes and your legs threaten to give out under you. There, wrapped in bandages and with various IV drips attached to him, lies Denki. The steady beep of the heart monitor and the shallow rise and fall of his chest are the only things that indicate that he is, in fact, still alive.
"Oh my. . ." You're uneasy on your feet but somehow you manage to stay up right. Forcing yourself forward, you rest your hands against the cool glass and stare at the now blurry image before you.
"I know it seems bad," a gentle voice beside you pulls your attention away from Denki, "But he's strong. He won't let this keep him down for long."
"Recovery Girl, you. . ."
"I've done what I can for now, the rest is up to him. Besides, he has something to live for." There's a knowing look in her eyes as she gazes up at you. At her words, you finally drop to your knees and let your tears fall freely. Wrapping your arms around her smaller figure, you cry into her shoulder.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She pats your head in an attempt to comfort you.
"There, there. Why don't you dry those tears and go sit with him?" Your puffy eyes widen as you look up at her. Your voice catches as you try to speak normally, "I-I can do that?"
"Of course. Come now, stand up." She walks across the room to a door you hadn't noticed in your distress.
"Grab that chair there and take a mask. Stay as long as you need." With the push of a button the door clicks open, and you step through nervously. Before it closes behind you, though, Recovery Girl speaks once more, "I can't promise he'll wake anytime soon, but if he does, I know he'll be glad to see you. You were the first person he asked for after he came to after surgery. We can go over his operation details when you're in a better state of mind."
Carefully, you set the chair on the side of the bed with less equipment by it and take a seat. You can feel tears forming again as you scan his form more closely now. His sleeping face twitches every now and then in what you can only assume to be pain despite all the medication you know he's on.
"Oh, Denki, my love. . .I'm so sorry!" You gently grasp his limp hand and lower your forehead to his knuckles, too afraid to move his arm. Your tears are silent this time.
"I wish I could do something for you. . .I wish I could have done. . .some. . .thing. . ." Without realizing it, you slip into a dreamless slumber, completely exhausted from the stress of nearly losing your love.
There's a light pressure against your head as you try to open your eyes, however, they're determined to stick together from all your crying. You groan as you sit up rubbing and pulling gently at your eyelashes to free them from the goo.
"Hiya, Sunshine." You tense at the voice, eyes snapping fully open as you finally free them. For a moment you stare at his smiling face in disbelief.
"Denki. . ." It's barely above a whisper, but he hears you nonetheless. His hand moves to hold your face and it's then that you realize the thing on your head that had woken you up was, in fact, his hand as well.
"The one and only." Even though his voice is rough, it's full of his usual teasing tone. He really is going to be ok.
"Hey, why are you crying? It's alright."
"It's not!" You don't mean to raise your voice, but it's hard not to with all these emotions running through you.
"I saw the news and thought you'd died. When I got the call, I was so relieved but when I got here, I really thought you had died. I thought they were wrong. . .Denki, I-" You choke on your words for a moment, "I couldn't do anything except wait to hear from you or about you. When it was about you, I really thought I'd lost the light of my life. I was so afraid I wouldn't even get to say goodbye or that I love you one last time." The smile falls from his face and his hand moves from your face to your hand and holds it firmly.
"I know what I agreed to when I said 'I do' and the consequences that come with your profession, but even so, the thought of losing you terrifies me more than I thought it would now that it almost happened. I need you here, with me. Denki, I love you too much."
"It's ok now, I'm ok now. I promise I'll be more careful in the future, but for now just focus on me. I'm right here beside you, Sweetheart."
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maxfoxdbh · 3 years
Markus and a biker crush? Like they have this awesome motorcycle and helmet that give them the most intimidating/badass aesthetic and vibe but really they're just a teddy bear. Also some flustered Markus would be awesome (I just found your account so expect more requests from me!)
OMG I can totally see him being into that kind of person lol 🥰 Thank you for requesting :)
I'm sorry it took a while. I took a bit of a break because my school just started up 😓
You’re Not Scared, Are You?
Biker! Reader x Markus
Summary: Markus has never met anyone quite as great as you, he just doesn’t know how to vocalize it.
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Biker! reader
Post revolution
Jericho gang are buddies ❤️
Markus is whipped af
No warnings
It was finally over. Markus could relax. Of course, things still weren’t perfect for Androids, but the improvement was so great that he finally felt safe and secure.
Ever since becoming Deviant, almost all of what he felt was distress, anger, fear.
Real happiness was rare, purely because of the state of the world. His future was uncertain, his people were in camps. It was hard to be happy when so much was wrong.
But now? Things were alright. He sat in the cool darkness of one of North, Simon, Josh and his favorite hang on spots. A park not too far south of the Spirit of Detroit Statue.
Simon smiled softly at him, leaning against one of the old oak trees. “Someone seems dazed, ” he noted.
Markus’s eyes flickered up to meet those of his blonde friend. “We really did it,” he said simply, “we’re free.”
“Yeah, Markus,” North chuckled with a smile, “we have been for months now.”
He wasn’t sure how to justify his bewilderment. The truth was, reality hadn’t actually hit him until just now. Markus was free. It was all over.
“You saved all of us, Markus,” Josh chimed in, propping himself up against on of the metal poles of the swing set, “we couldn’t have done it without you.”
“That’s not true,” He insisted, slightly embarrassed to take all of the credit for something as big as a revolution, “you know we wouldn’t have won if we weren’t all together.”
Simon smiled, “Yes, but you’re our leader. We’re happy to have you, Markus.”
The elected leader’s face softened and the corners of his lips turned up. “I’m happy to-” He cut himself off, hearing the roaring noise of an engine.
Markus’s head spun to the right, staring as a figure approached, perched up upon the seat over a motorcycle.
He stared the person up and down, eyes wide.
You wore a sleek, black helmet. It was too dark to see your face under the tinted glass.
Your leather jacket was worn and well loved. It looked cool as hell on you, but the real showstopper, arguably, was your bike, shiny and black with horizontal red striping.
Markus gazed in awe at both the machine and at the person stepping off of it.
He didn't think he’d ever seen someone so cool.
“Y/n,” Simon grinned, LED glowing bright blue in the dark, “you’re here!” He turned to the group, “This is my friend,” He introduced you, “We met at the music store.”
“Hey,” Your voice was calm and airy as you lifted you hand and cocked it to the side to say hello.
“Hey,” Josh tilted his head up in acknowledgment, pressing the heel of his shoe against the swing set.
Markus’s eyes were wide, cheeks flushing slightly as he took in the cool, tranquil aura you gave off.
“I hear you’re a human,” Josh notes suspiciously, arms crossed.
You turn your head to him, nodding. “Yeah,” You twisted your boot in the dirt.
You blinked up at the night sky and felt a snowflake drop onto your hand.
“Y/n is a good friend of mine,” Simon insisted with his hands up, smiling, “you don’t have to worry.”
He takes a moment to introduce you to Josh and North, who loosened up slightly.
North looks you up and down with narrowed eyes, analyzing you, looking for any signs of danger. “If Simon trusts you, then I do too.”
You nodded even though you were sure that she was still skeptical of you. Your hands reached for the clasp of your helmet and with ease, you pulled it off of your head.
Markus felt his artificial heart pound as you made a weak attempt to smooth down your hair.
You tucked the helmet under your leather-clad arm with a smile. Your face was soft, much kinder than Markus had expected.
Josh shrugged, “I agree. Besides, I’ve never met a real biker before.”
You giggled and tilted your head, hair falling slightly in front of your eyes, “I’m not very exciting.”
Markus raised his eyebrows, artificial heart pounding.
If only you knew.
“You must be Markus,” You smiled, holding out your hand, “Simon told me a lot about you.”
Markus blinked, not expecting you to suddenly speak to him. Mustering up all of his courage, he opened his mouth.
“I-I like your bike!” He blurted out, cheeks a growing shade of blue.
Snickers echoed around you as the members of Jericho whispered something about a crush.
You raised your eyebrows and lowered you hand hesitantly as Markus rushed to explain himself.
“I mean- I like you too! Well, I don’t like you like you, but- Well actually-” He shook his head, rambling on and on. “I didn’t mean it like that, really. I was just saying-”
“Do you want to come on a ride?” You cut him off with a question, tilting your head to the side coyly.
The cold breeze drifted through the loose hairs around your face and looking at Markus’s face, you could already feel your adrenaline rush building, feel the surge of energy that came from riding your bike.
“O-On the motorcycle?” He stammered, pointing to it with wide eyes.
You nodded with a smile, listening to the scattered giggles of Jericho’s leading members. “Well, I didn’t bring a car.”
Markus’s face flushed with color, heat rising in his cheeks. It was hard to maintain eye contact with you. “Yes,” The side of his mouth twisted into a nervous smile, “I guess that’s true.”
You watched as his eyes flickered between you and the bike, eyebrows taut together with apprehension.
North scoffed, watching as their fearless leader clenched his jaw, foot twisting in the dirt. “You’re not scared, are you?” She teased.
“What?” Markus asked, whipping his head around to look at her. He shook his head. “No. No, I’m not.”
You smiled and grabbed his hand gently, eyes sparkling with anticipation, “Then let’s go,” You grinned, pulling a hesitant Markus to your side.
He felt his nerves untense, scooching behind you on the back of the black and red bike.
You felt his fingertips apprehensively press into your sides and electricity buzzed throughout your body as you turned you head to look at him, putting on your helmet. “Ready?” You smiled.
Markus took in your steely leather-clad appearance again and then listened to the sweetness of your voice before nodding.
Without another word, the two of you took off into the night.
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 3 years
(The Bad Batch) Tech x Reader: Pause - PART 2
(Set during episode 3 “Replacements”)
SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 3 below if you haven’t seen it yet!
Note:  I had multiple people ask for a second part to the first one, and I had so much fun writing it, so here we are!  This had me swooning at 8 in the morning while I was writing up the end!  I really hope you enjoy!
Link to Part 1 (set during episode 2)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   “I should’ve gone with them,” you muttered to yourself, staring through the viewport of the ship into the darkness outside.  “Omega is so young.  She really shouldn’t have gone in the first place.”
   “Hunter will look after her,” Tech spoke up as he welded a few parts of the ship together at one of the main consoles.  He didn’t take his eyes off the project in front of him, only spoke over his shoulder.  It gave you room to admire his profile for a moment while he so diligently worked.
   “You’re right,” you sighed.  “But still, I can’t help but worry.  Please give me something to do so I don’t drive myself crazy thinking about it.”
   Echo chuckled as he worked on a separate console on the other side of the cockpit, nodding you over.  “You could hold these sheets of metal while I screw them back into place.”
   “Yes, sir.”  You clambered past the assorted parts and pieces that littered the space, catching your foot on a particularly heavy chunk of metal.  It made your eyes water.  “Okay, ow.”
   “Are you alright?” Tech actually paused his endeavor and pulled his helmet up to glance your way.
   “Yeah,” you replied, shaking off the pain.  “I just tripped on this thing.”
   “Be careful.”
   “No worries, I’ll try not to break any of the parts.”
   “The parts weren’t what I was concerned about.”
   Your gaze found his for a split second before he lowered his helmet back on and resumed welding.  Rather than dwell on it too much, you turned your attention back to Echo and took hold of the metal sheets so he could screw them into place properly.  Wrecker was causing a bit of a commotion in the back of the ship, most likely putting together the room he announced he was going to make for Omega after she and Hunter had departed.  You were touched by his gesture and listened with amusement to the sounds of stuff being dragged around and dropped back there.
   “Hey, _________!” he called.  “Could you give me a hand with something?”
   You exchanged looks with Echo who had finished replacing all the sheet metal on his side by now.  He gave you a nod, letting you know he could spare you for a minute.  
   “I’ll be right back,” you told him.  You headed down the hall to see Wrecker holding a strand of lights in his hand with the other hand ghosting over the spot where he hit his head during the crash.  “What’s up?”
   “Can you hold this end of the strand?  While I hand the other side?”
   You smiled.  “Sure.  You know,  this is really nice of you.  Omega is going to love it.”
   “You think?”
   “I know it, Wrecker.”  The two of you exchanged grins before setting to work on hanging the lights.  Wrecker paused when he reached the end of the strand, and you were struggling to hold it up so high.  “Uh, what’s the hold up?”
   “I took too many hooks,” he said.
   “Oh,” you nodded.  “Well here, you hang the last part, and I’ll put the rest of the hooks away.”  He dropped the set of hooks into your palm, and you made your way to a compartment where the squad kept miscellaneous supplies.  On your way through the doorway, you encountered a figure on its way out.
   The first thing you registered was Tech’s eyes widening slightly in surprise as the two of you ended up squeezed in the small space together, nearly chest-to-chest.
   “Sorry, ________.”
   “No, it’s my bad,” you insisted.  “I didn’t look before going in.”
   “Well, I didn’t look before going out.”
   Meanwhile, neither of you had moved from the spot.  His close proximity sent your heart racing as he gazed down at you, close enough that you could lean in a few inches and kiss him if you wanted- which you did want, of course.  Did he?
   “Everything going okay up there?” you asked.
   “Yes, most of the individual parts repairs are complete.  “All we need now is that capacitor.”
   “That’s good news.”  Your face fell a little.  “I just hope Hunter and Omega both make it back alright.”
   His gaze was so sincere as he responded, “they will." The hand he had just rested on your shoulder twitched as he hesitantly pulled it away.  “We, ah, never had a chance to talk on Saleucami.”
   You nodded.  “Yeah, things have been a little crazy.  What was it you wanted to talk about?”
   “I recall we both had something to speak to the other about.”
   You suddenly felt bashful and tore your eyes from his and let them fall to the floor.  “Well, you first.”
   He went quiet for a moment.  “Alright.”  He inhaled deeply as if gathering the nerve.  “I wanted to speak with you because over the course of our missions together, I’ve developed feelings-”
   “_________!”  Wrecker called, his thudding footsteps nearing the closet.
   Tech clamped his mouth shut while you replied before he reached the closet.
   “Yeah, Wrecker?”
   “Omega’s room is done!  Wanna’ see?”
   “Oh, awesome!  I’ll be there in a minute!”
   His footsteps faded down the hall again, and you glanced back at Tech with a chuckle.  He adjusted his goggles, a small smile on his face at the amusement of the situation.  You were convinced that he was about to say what you really, really wanted to hear. 
   “Anyway, as I was saying,” he continued.  “I’ve developed feelings for you, _________.  It’s never happened before, and I only know from what I’ve read that the proper thing for me to do would be to tell you and to ask to court you, if you wish to do so.”
   Your heart was fluttering, eyes were watering, and the smile on your face grew even wider.  “Tech, I feel the same way,” you told him.  “I know this situation we’re in as a squad isn’t conventional, but I do have feelings for you and would love to ‘court.’”  The last word broke off into another giddy laugh.  You only had to move forward a few inches to wrap your arms around his form in an embrace.  It wasn’t super comfortable with his armor on, but it felt right when you pressed your cheek against his chest plate, and you felt his chin on your head.  The two of you stood there squeezing each other for a minute or so and listened to the quiet breaths that filled the air.  Then, you pulled your head away to angle your face up towards his, and he accepted the invitation.  His eyes fell closed as he kissed your lips.  It was warm and a sort of relief washed over you as your hands traveled up to grip his shoulders while his pulled you in tighter.  He was still a little rigid at first, but as soon your lips moved against his he responded.
   Your back fell against the cool metal wall as his lips chased yours.
   “Ah, sorry,” he murmured.  You bit your lip and smiled, leaning in for another kiss.
   “It’s okay,” you assured him.  “Didn’t bother me.”
   The moment was beautifully awkward as he pulled away to stare at you like he had many times before.  The pause went on longer than you expected, so you finally spoke again in a humorous tone.
   “I’m just admiring your beauty,” he said, reaching up to run his thumb down from your forehead to the tip of your nose, a small gesture that made you smile again.  “So many times I wanted to have this moment.”
   “Well, now it’s here.”  Then, your brows went up.  “Oh, I need to go see Omega’s room.  I told Wrecker I’d be there in a minute.”
   Tech was hesitant to let you go, but he seemed to understand.  He most likely also wasn’t up for a situation where Wrecker would come looking for you and see the two of you in the supply closet.  Even if he didn’t see any lips making contact, the jokes would go on and on for the rest of the time on this moon.  Neither of you were entirely up for it.  You’d let the rest of the squad know about your new relationship when the time was right, though Hunter might pick up on it before then.  He was pretty observant.
   “I’ll go with you,” Tech said.  “Wrecker will want me to see the room anyway.”
   “Okay,” you nodded.
   “Ladies first.”  He gestured to the small doorway, and you grinned.  You took his hand and headed out the door first, him following behind.  Neither of you let go until you neared the room where Wrecker was showing Echo already.
   “There you two are!” Wrecker said.  “Check it out!”  He gestured to the room past the lifted curtain to show the space he had made for Omega, and you gushed at how great it looked while he stood there proudly.  The lights shone in your eyes and reflected off Tech’s goggles beside you.
   There had been some rough times behind you, and there were sure to be more ahead.  The galaxy was in disarray while this new Empire claimed it was order.  The squad had lost one member.  Everyone missed Crosshair, but there was hope of bringing him back.
   This moment felt like another pause from all of that.  It was a day of new beginnings.
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tiffdawg · 3 years
Chaste | A Din Djarin x Reader Fic
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Gif: @bestintheparsec​
Pairing: Din Djarin/ The Mandalorian x Reader (fem; no y/n)
Word Count: 2.1k
Rating: E | Warnings: NSFW - explicit sexual content, heavy petting, mutual masturbation, creampie, dity talk featuring Din’s bedroom voice. 18+ only.
A/N: Thank you to everyone who voted in my little poll yesterday! And thank you to @huliabitch​ for encouraging me to write this. This is just something I wrote in between final papers. I don’t want to try to fit it into the current timeline so let’s just say this is sometime in the future well after Din decides to keep the kid. No spoilers for season two. No backstory, no plot; just smut. We might need that to cope depending on how the season finale goes tomorrow...
Read on AO3
My Masterlist
… . …
Unsurprisingly, Din woke up hard. Again.
Your semi-conscious brain registered his erection pressing against even before you’d opened your eyes that morning. It sent a rush of heat straight to your core. Just as it had every morning for the past week. And despite the early hour, you knew he was awake. Gentle fingertips traced abstract shapes along your side where your shirt had bunched up in your sleep. His dizzyingly light touch sent chills across your skin, but at your contented hum, his hand slipped under the hemline.
In his tender explorations he found your breast. You shifted against him, rubbing your thighs together in a pathetic relieve the mounting pressure building within you. He groaned behind you. His fingers circled your nipple before pinching the now stiff peak. You gasped at the electric mix of pain and pleasure.
“I knew you weren’t sleeping,” Din rasped, voice still hoarse from sleeping, as he pulled you back tighter against his chest, calloused hand still cupping your tit.
“You started it,” you mumbled back. Your eyes blinked open as you looked over your shoulder at him to find him lazily smirking at you. “Good morning, my love.” 
“Morning, cyar’ika,” he greeted before touching his lips to yours.
What was supposed to be a chaste kiss before the two of you reluctantly roused yourselves from bed to start the day, quickly became heated. Your lips slid against his and your tongues urgently explored each other’s mouths, seeking the familiar pleasure you’d been denying each other. Din deepened the kiss and your body yielded to his as he rolled you onto your back. You carded your fingers through his dark locks, pulling ever so slightly and eliciting quiet gasps from your partner.
Moving without thinking, your legs wrapped around his waist and you ground up against him, searching for even the slightest hint of friction where you needed it most. Spurred on by your actions, Din reached around you, his rough hand grabbing your ass to hold you in place as rolled his hips in time with yours. A matching pair of sighs resounded throughout the small room at the hint of relief.
But it still wasn’t enough. Not when you wanted each other this badly.
“Whose bright idea was it not to have sex again until we’re married?” Din asked in between messy kisses.
“Mine,” you admitted begrudgingly.
... . ...
“Will you marry me?”
Din’s words, delivered softly and without preamble, pierced your heart even before you could process the simple sentence. You flicked on your ship’s autopilot, letting your old astromech take over, and turned to him. You found him watching you carefully.
You paused to admire him and the little foundling sleeping against his chest, needing to remember everything about that moment for as long as you lived. You didn’t have to think about your answer; the two of them had stolen your heart years ago. “Yes,” you replied easily with a smile, “of course I will.” 
Din beamed at you. You crossed the small cabin to perch on the armrest of his seat. “I was hoping you’d say that,” he quipped as he leaned in to kiss you, careful not to disturb the baby.
“I was wondering if you were ever going to ask.”
“I know. You’ve been patient. That’s not like you,” he teased.
“Shut up before I change my mind,” you threatened playfully even as you pressed a kiss to his temple. “How exactly does a Mandalorian marry?”
“The riduurok is a simple exchange of vows. We can...” –he swallowed hard­– “we can do it right now.”
“Now?” you exclaimed. You grimaced as the baby stirred. Din adjusted his blanket and he settled down. He turned back to you with a raised brow.
You’d been through so much together. Loved each other for so long. Really, marriage vows were just a formality. Nothing would change. But it didn’t feel quite right. Something was missing.
“On my homeworld a marriage is something to celebrate. It’s kind of a big deal.”
“What did you have in mind?”
“I­ haven’t been back in years but I always imagined getting married at home and celebrating with my family. At the very least I always thought I’d take you home to meet them first. I guess that’s stupid,” you shook your head, trying to banish the thought. You had bigger priorities.
“No, it’s not,” Din said firmly. “I– I don’t have that. I’m glad that you do.”
“We can still say our vows in private. Just the three of us. But it would mean the world to me to share this with them.”
He nodded thoughtfully. “Then we’ll go as soon as we can.”
“Thank you,” you said around a smile before eagerly sealing your mouth to his.
He made a happy sound before speaking conspiratorially against your lips. “Let me put the kid to bed and we’ll start celebrating.” 
A cold heat ran through you at the insinuation. “Shit,” you cursed.
“What’s wrong?”
“How long do you think it’ll be before we can go to my planet?” 
Din shrugged. “It’ll be at least a month before we can make it to the Tashtor Sector. Why?”
“Well,” you started hesitantly, “it’s tradition for couples not to have sex once a marriage promise is made. Not until the wedding night.”
Din’s head hit the back of his seat as a long exhalation escaped him. “Anything else I should know about?” he grumbled.
“Nope,” you chirped, stifling a laugh. “I mean there’s a whole bunch of other stuff, but that’s the only thing that’s actually important.”
“Of course it is,” he grumbled with a shake of his head as he leaned forward. Except he paused just before his lips touched yours. “Am I still allowed to kiss you?”
“Yes,” you laughed. His mouth matched with yours and when you parted, he was smiling again. He rested his forehead against yours, an unbroken habit from the early days of your relationship, and you felt the weight of your new situation settle between the two of you. “Think you can last that long?” you teased. 
“Can you?” he challenged with a tilt of his head.
“You couldn’t go a whole month without this pussy,” you whispered, hoping to get a rise out of him.
“I’m a Mandalorian.” He said it stoically as if that was an explanation in itself. “You’ll be begging for my cock by the end of the week, cyar’ika. Just like you were last night.” 
“We’ll see about that, Mandalorian.”
... . ...
It had seemed like a good idea at the time. And a month seemed perfectly reasonable. You were wrong. It was supposed to make the night of your marriage special, but so far all it was doing was frustrating the hell out of both of you. Every night you slept next to him unable to touch him like this was fucking torture. You trailed hot, open-mouthed kisses down his neck in silent apology.
“How the fuck are we supposed to wait two more weeks?” He asked though heavy breaths, not expecting an answer. Normally, you were the wild spitfire that countered his cool demeanor, but at that moment – cheeks flushed, chest heaving, hair mussed – he looked absolutely wrecked. “I wanna bury my cock in you right now.” 
“I know you do,” you panted. “I want you inside me. Want you to fill me with your cum so bad.”
“Yeah?” He fumbled with your shirt that had twisted around in your sleep before hiking up your sleep shirt. His mouth latched onto your breast so he could kiss and suck and bite your breasts, marking the tender flesh as his own as he continued to rock against you. “You want that?” 
“I miss the way you make me feel so full. The way it drips out of me.” Your cunt clenched around nothing and your teeth sank into your bottom lip as you tried to control your desire. “I need it,” you whined instead.
“I know you do.” He raised his head from your chest to look at you. “Shit, sweetheart, you’re so pretty when you’re desperate for me.”
“Oh, Din,” you mewled, practically on the verge of tears. 
“Are you as wet as I think you are?” He leaned back on his knees to reach a hand between your bodies. He smirked, his brows lifting in amusement, as touched you through your panties. You were drenched. “Take it off.”
“What? What are you–” You placed your hands on his broad shoulders to stop him as he repositioned himself between your legs and covered your body with his. “We shouldn’t–”
“I’m not gonna fuck you,” he said as he pulled his briefs down just enough to release his cock, hard and leaking already leaking. “But I am going to fill you. Just like you need.”
Your chest caved in and a broken, pathetic whimper escaped you at his admission. “Really?” 
“Can I?” he asked, brown eyes practically beseeching you. He was always so polite even in moments like that. Even after all that time together.
Your hold on him softened, hands moving to gently cradle his face. “Please, Din.”
He helped you strip. As soon as you were exposed to him, his thick fingers teased your folds, coating them in your wetness, before wrapping around his length. His tongue darted out to wet his lips. “Ready?”
You nodded and he notched the tip of his dick at your entrance. He started pumping himself, using your slick to lubricate himself.
“Oh, fuck!” you cried when you realized what he was going to do.
The feeling of his hand moving in between your legs as he jerked himself off made your head spin. You felt filthy and you fucking liked it. You arched toward him, hips angled to take more of his dick, but he stopped you.
“No, cyare. Not this time,” he whispered against your cheek. You squeezed his tip as your cunt contracted instead, earning a delirious moan from him. “I missed this pussy.”
You could tell he was close. After weeks of hardly touching each other, it wouldn’t take much. You ran your hands down his bare chest and across his soft sides before gripping his hip, hoping to encourage him and hold in place as he neared his climax.
Eyes squeezed shut and teeth bared, he came with a shout. You felt him cum spurting inside you as he filled you. He continued to stroke himself, drawing out his orgasm as long as he could even as his spend started to leak out.
“Touch yourself for me,” Din demanded gently, placing light kisses on your face. “Wanna watch you cum.” 
He pulled out and leaned back just as your hand replaced him. Watching him watch you sent a fresh wave of arousal to your center. With a devilish smile, you gathered the cum dripping out of you and swirled your fingers around your throbbing clit. Din groaned at the sight. Two strong hands gripped your thighs and spread your legs further as his eyes locked on your cunt.
Every muscle in your body seemed to tighten as you played with yourself, your own climax was right behind his. But just as you were about to cum, Din grabbed your wrist and removed your hand. The noise he made was practically a growl as he leaned down to spit on your pussy.
“Oh fuck, Din!” you shouted, body keening off the bed. When he finally released your hand, you rubbed furiously at your clit, eased by the mix of his cum and saliva.
“That’s it. Cum for me.”
Your vision blacked out before an array of stars burst behind your closed eyes as your orgasm tore through you. Pleasure clouded your mind, but you could hear yourself chanting his name like a prayer.
When you fell back against the bed, Din collapsed half on top of you, his cheek pillowed on your chest. “Fuck, that felt good,” you sighed. You wrapped your arms around him, holding him close as you both caught your breath. “But I think that might be considered cheating.”
“No,” he insisted, “Just... bending the rules a little.” You both laughed and he held you a little tighter. “I can’t wait to marry you.”
“So you can finally fuck me again?”
 “No.” He shook his head. “So I can be your husband.” You felt him smile against your skin. “And so I can finally make love to my wife.”
... . ...
Forever Tags: @leo-moon​ @readsalot73​ @frietiemeloen​ @huliabitch​ @jerusomeeno​ @benedrylcumbersnatch @b0n-chann​ @scapricciatello​ @liadamerondjarin​ @pedropasscals​ @paintballkid711​ @mistermiraclee​ @honeyand-roses​
Story Tags: @softpedropascal​ @mindless--ramblings​ @disgruntledspacedad​
935 notes · View notes
Into The Unknown, Part 1
... I have no self-control do not perceive me
Marinette stared at the pile of bright red, yellow, and green clothes on the ground. It was all she’d done in the five-ish minutes since she’d portaled onto the scene. Just… stared.
It wasn’t like there was much else to do, anyways. Red Robin was currently beating the absolute fuck out of the person that had the audacity to disintegrate his brother right in front of him. It wasn’t like she could even fix it because the witch had been out cold before she had been able to pull Red Robin off to get a hit in so she could use her lucky charm.
So, she stared.
It was weird. She could almost feel a person inside the clothes but… maybe that was the residue or the ashes or whatever gets left behind when you zap a person out of existence? She didn’t really want to check, to be honest. Gross.
Eventually, though, she hesitantly leaned down and brushed her hand over it, trying to find the energy and get rid of it because it was really uncomfortable --.
… oh hell no that pile of clothes did not just fucking giggle at her.
She narrowed her eyes and carefully lifted up the bottom of the shirt, only to yelp and fall back. She scrabbled on the gross Gotham alley ground until her back hit Red Robin’s arm and he was forced to pause or risk hitting a meta (which would not have been good for his health).
“What?” He hissed.
She swallowed thickly. “That’s a child.”
“... what?” Red asked, all the anger bleeding from his tone in his confusion.
“We let Batman’s kid turn into a baby,” she whispered… then, it sunk in more. “We let Batman’s kid turn into a baby.”
He straightened on top of the thing that was really more bloody pulp than person at this point. “What do you mean ‘we let Batman’s kid turn into a baby’?”
But she didn’t really get a chance to answer because the baby chose that exact moment to be sick of being suffocated under all the armor and pushed it off.
Red Robin gulped. Because, yep, that was Robin as a baby. Batman was going to kill them.
Except he wasn’t going to kill them. Because Batman doesn't kill. No, Batman would find something even worse and that would suck.
The baby -- Robin? Should she still call him that mentally? -- giggled at their pain. Like an asshole.
They were so fucked.
He’d let B’s favorite kid get turned into a baby. Was there a way to get unadopted? Because if there was it was totally going to happen. Or maybe his dad would just cut him off because he was 19 now and could just get kicked out.
No. Nope! Not going to happen. No. He could fix this.
“Okay. Okay okay okay. We need a plan,” he heard himself saying.
Ladybug scoffed. “We? I was barely even here, this is on you.”
“Leave me alone to deal with this and I swear to god I will tell B that you did it.”
She paled. “You wouldn’t. No way.”
“Yes way. So, help me think of something.”
The baby giggled and started crawling over and both of them averted their eyes because, unfortunately, the child did not get baby clothes to go with his random transformation. Baby Damian didn't seem to care as he reached them and started climbing on Ladybug since she was closest. At least it wasn’t him. He did not want to see his adoptive brother’s… ew.
Ladybug made a gagging sound and then quickly summoned a lucky charm. She kept her face turned away as much as her neck would physically allow as she fumbled her way through swaddling the child in a polka-dotted blanket.
And then her shoulders slumped a little. “Great. Great. This is… great,” she muttered, picking up the bundle o’ baby.
He let himself look down now that it was safe.
“Alright, we need to go to another dimension where time moves faster,” Ladybug said after a few seconds. “And then we wait for him to age… fifteen-ish years. Best way to not make Batman notice.”
“... what about us? We also age.”
“Huh…? Oh. Right. You’re human.” She pulled off the glasses she was wearing and blinked a few times before handing it over. “Congrats on your upgrade. The tiny horse god is named Kaalki. She likes cake.”
“The tiny --?” He let out the world’s manliest screech as his eyes landed on the floating bug horse hybrid thing holy shit no no no no no the sci fi movies didn’t prepare him for this shit.
Kaalki looked a little offended but then her eyes landed on the baby and she gasped. “Aw, baby humans are always so cute.”
“Great, Kaalki, you take it,” said Ladybug.
Kaalki did try, to her credit. It just so happened that the approximately one-year-old baby was a lot bigger than the… whatever she was. Tim was refusing to believe that this was a god. Too many implications. He already had something to have a breakdown over, he didn’t need another thing right now, thank you very much.
Tim rested his head in his hands but he had more things to worry about than the blood that he was accidentally streaking through his hair.
“Okay. Okay. We can go to another dimension and try and raise him. Maybe we can make it have a ratio of one month here for every year there so any differences could be blamed on that.”
“Ya!” Said baby Damian. He probably didn’t actually know what was going on but he sure seemed excited so that was cool.
Ladybug sighed and nodded. “Great. You get food and money and clothes and I’ll take this lady to the cops… and I guess I’ll watch the kid until you get back because your dad cannot know.”
They shook on it.
This may be the dumbest idea that she’d ever had, and that was saying something. She didn’t know if she could trust Red Robin on this one, they hardly ever worked together. What if he just left her alone with this kid and let her try and figure this out on her own?
No. He wouldn’t do that. He was the last person known to be with Robin. Robin going missing would be bad for him, too. And, besides, she was pretty sure that he was a duty-driven person based on what she’d heard, she just had to hope that he saw this as his duty, too.
She turned the baby in her arms to get more comfortable as she waited for him to (hopefully) come back.
Part of her wanted to try and find someone from this world to reverse this but she didn’t know any outside of her, Adrien, Alix, and (now) Red Robin. Not on a personal level. Not enough that she knew for sure that they wouldn’t blab to Batman about it.
So, no, this is what she was doing.
But she had things to do. So, she pulled out her yoyo-phone-hybrid-thingy and wedged it against her ear.
“Chaton,” she said the moment he picked up. “You’re alone, right?”
“Uh… yeah?”
“Great. I, Ladybug, relinquish the Miracle Box and name Chat Noir the new guardian.”
“WHAT --?!” He didn’t get to finish as a box dropped on his lap and knocked the wind out of him.
“Just for, like, a year and a half. Sorry. Bye!”
She hung up and closed the yoyo, hooking it back to her belt and ignoring it when it started buzzing again.
She looked down at Robin, who was squinting up at her. She returned the squint. Why was this baby so quiet? She didn’t get it. Surely, he should have been crying at this point.
“Do you still… remember things?” She asked, hoping against all hope that maybe he had retained his memories at the very least.
Robin smiled at her, but it was the blank-eyed baby smile that meant he wasn’t really understanding her. She bit down a curse.
Great. So, she’d not only gotten a baby but she’d gotten a fucking weird one. Great.
Tim left a note for his family saying that he, Damian, and Ladybug were bored and were going dimension hopping. His family would probably be suspicious but, hey, at least it wouldn’t be his problem for a good fifteen years on his end.
And, yeah, he knew this was probably one of his dumber plans but… it wasn’t the dumbest. And he was always one to commit when it came down to it. One time he had faked being shot and dealt with crutches for an entire year just to convince Vicki Vale that he wasn’t Red Robin. He had no fears that he couldn’t see this through.
Ladybug, though? A total mystery. She did nearly everything on a whim as far as he knew. She hopped from city to city fighting crime for absolutely no reason outside of boredom and made up all of her plans on the fly. No, he was a bit concerned about her ability to keep doing it.
So, he went as quickly as he possibly could. There was no rhyme or reason to what he was grabbing. He was just… putting stuff in there. There was money and three watches to help them move between dimensions, yes, but there was also a fanta orange and a copy of Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy and exactly seven pairs of socks.
… yeah, he had the necessities. Probably.
He nearly got out the door before he realized he was still in his crime-fighting gear and he quickly shucked it all off and tossed it into the tub so the blood wouldn’t track any more than it already had. He did not need to avoid Batman’s wrath only to end up on the receiving end of Alfred’s.
He pulled on the first hoodie and jeans he could grab and looked around to make sure he hadn’t left anything of importance.
Okay. Now he was ready to go.
Marinette was awkwardly bouncing the baby when Red Robin finally showed up.
… not that she would have recognized him if she hadn’t felt Kaalki hovering in his pocket. In her eyes, he was just a random white guy wearing shades in the middle of the night.
She glanced up at him and gave him an awkward smile.
He smiled back and held out two watches. Neither fit baby Robin so she prepared herself to choke out a literal baby holy fuck what even was her life.
“Which dimension should we go to?”
“Preferably one without miraculi,” Marinette said. “I don’t want to know what happens if there’s two of the same god in a dimension.”
He nodded slowly. “Probably best if Batman doesn’t exist, either, he’d probably notice my existence.”
“... so… no heroes at all?”
“Looks like we’re going cold turkey,” Red Robin said in a tone that was probably supposed to be joking but just came out flat.
She pushed herself to her feet and waited as he scrolled through the millions of dimensions.
Finally, he came upon one and she added the coordinates to her and Robin’s watches.
She readied Robin’s watch against his neck and tried to ignore the kid’s sudden squirminess.
“3… 2… 1…”
They were gone in a whirl of blue light.
@nathleigh @peachmuses
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1-800-barnes · 3 years
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pairing: detective!bucky x detective!reader
summary: When you and bucky go undercover to catch an identity thief, the investigation brings both of you closer.
word count: 1.7k
A/N: This is my first fic ever, please be nice<3 English is not my first language so if you see any mistakes please contact me!
Warnings: fluff, like one curse word, slight mention of a gun, B99 AU.
After Captain Fury assigned you and Bucky to go after an identity thief, Bucky seemed to be reluctant of being your partner, and that left you confused the whole morning. So when lunchtime came, you decided to ask him about it, “Buck, did I do something to you?” you asked him while entering the break room.
“What? No” he answered quickly, but it didn’t convince you “Then why are you trying to keep me off this case?” you whisper-yelled.
“All right” he started “Remember when you told me that you didn’t want to date cops? That bummed me out because I was thinking about asking you out,” he told you “Oh, okay” you hesitantly said, his words definitely caught you off guard, when you first started on the precinct you developed a crush on the blue-eyed man but couldn’t bring yourself to admit it, and now he tells you that he was thinking about asking you out?
“I know that’s not what you want and it just took me a while but I totally get it” you were confused about everything that’s going on “Bucky, I don’t know what to say…” before you could finish he interrupted you “Let’s just not make it weird, this is a case, we’ll work at it together because we’re professionals” before you could say something he rushed out of the room.
After not seeing Bucky for the whole day, you, him, Steve, and Natasha were in a van observing the guy you’re looking for “Why is he getting out here? I thought your C.I. said the drop was happening in a park.” you told Bucky. “Rumlow has the laptop with him. We should just arrest him right here.” you suggested “No, the buyer's the bigger collar. We've got to follow him in and wait for the handoff, let’s go inside,” he said in a demanding tone. “Wait, we look like cops. We're never gonna blend in dressed like this” you put your hair down and adjusted your shirt “How’s this?” you asked Bucky. Natasha turned to look at you “You look fine. Here, wear this” she hands you a jacket.
You and Bucky got out of the van and went into the restaurant, as soon as you got in you were standing next to Rumlow “Hi. Table for two, please.” bucky says. “I'm so sorry. There's nothing available. We're booked up.” the hostess said looking not interested at all, then you had an idea and decided to barge in “Oh, no, that's horrible.” you start “Tonight's a really important night for us. Johnny and I just got engaged, and this is where our first date was.” It took a couple of seconds but Bucky caught up with you “Oh, yeah, it would mean so much to Dora and me. I would have made a reservation, but I didn't know if she was gonna say yes” after he finished you kissed him on the cheek.
The hostess finally looked at you two “You are just so sweet together. You know, I'm sure I can find room for two young lovers.” she said. “Yeah, we are lovers... together... in beds” Bucky stated awkwardly and you just glanced at him giving a ‘don’t fuck up’ look.
When both of you got to the table, you break the silence “ Sorry about springing the engagement and romantic stuff on you.” you gave him an apologetic smile “No, no, no. That was great. I mean, it's what got us in here. Cheek kiss was a bit much. Very wet.” you looked at each other and laugh. You looked to your side and there was Rumlow and maybe his girlfriend? You didn’t know exactly, the only thing you thought about was how you and Bucky were screwed, they put you right beside the guy you were keeping an eye on. His girlfriend turned to you both and started talking.
The night couldn’t have been going worse, Rumlow’s girlfriend, whose name was Lucy, didn’t stop talking to you and Bucky the whole night. Although Rumlow seemed a bit skeptical he talked too.
After some time Rumlow and Lucy leave the table, but he sends the girl to get the car and he went to the kitchen, you turned to Bucky “He took the laptop case with him, he’s gonna make the drop, let's go.” Both of you went to the kitchen door but then, Rumlow saw you. “Damn, he saw us,” Your partner said worried but then he pulled you into a kiss. You couldn’t even process what’s happening, did he really just kiss you? Brock passes you two and Bucky pulled away “Good, good, we kept our cover intact, nice work,” he said rather quickly “Quick professional thinking out there. Very quick. Very professional.” you couldn’t get the kiss out of your head “Detective,” he said reaching his hand “Detective” you shook his hands “Let’s get back on the case” he instantly pulled you to get to the car.
You were back in the van with Natasha and Steve, following Rumlow. “How was the restaurant?” Steve asked quietly “Such a normal time” you squealed “Why are you being weird?” he said curiously. “We kissed” Bucky calmly said. “What?” Steve and Nat screamed together “To keep our cover from being blown, okay? We didn’t have a choice!” you exclaimed. Steve was going to say something until Natasha started uttered “He’s pulling over. It’s going down”.
You saw Rumlow leave the package by a tree “Guys, it’s not a handoff, he’s leaving it there” Bucky told Steve “You and Nat follow Rumlow, we’re going to stay with the package and get the buyer” the blonde agreed and right after, you and bucky left the car.
While waiting near the package, he was feeling perplexed due to the event that happened in the restaurant but it didn’t matter what he thought about, it was always you in the end. “Hey” he turned to you “We’re cool right?” he was worried about your answer, he couldn’t handle you being mad at him “Yes” you started “We’re fine, totally fine” but you weren’t, the kiss kept replaying in your head. “You know what? I’m actually really hungry, never got to eat at that fancy restaurant”. Now that he mentioned it, you actually were hungry as well “You know what I’m getting on my way home?” you asked him rhetorically. “Yeah, you’re gonna go to that cafe near your house, and get a cinnamon roll and a cup of hot chocolate,” he said casually “That's exactly what I’m gonna get,” you told him, you were going to tell ask him how he knew that but you felt another presence there “Bucky” you whispered, “He’s looking at us”. You could see the confusion on his face. “What?” the guy seemed suspicious so you had to be quick. “Well, this is happening,” you said more to yourself than him “Huh?” he hummed. Before he could say something else you grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss, it was like you were made for each other, it felt so passionate and real, but you couldn’t forget that it was all an undercover act.
As you saw the guy start to move away with the case, you push Bucky away “NYPD! Freeze” you yelled “We are police colleagues” you said pointing your gun at him. “You’re under arrest. This is a work event” he quickly said. You both handcuffed the guy and brought him back to the precinct.
You were alone in the break room, the events of the evening running through your mind until Bucky comes in “Hey, could you sign this arrest report for Rumlow and the buyer?” he asked calmly. “Sure” you answered. How could he be so calm, did everything that you went through today not affect him the same way as it affected you? Maybe he just forgot about the idea of asking you out and didn’t want anything related to you in that way. “Man, I forgot how long your signature takes” he joked. “This whole night was really weird wasn’t it?” you question him “Yes, it totally was. I just want everything to go back to how it was”. You didn’t know why but his words hurt a little, wasn’t he willing to try to go out with you? “You're right y’know?” he continues “We shouldn’t date cops, ‘cause we make a great team, we work great together, doll” Doll? During all your years working side by side, he has never called you that, but maybe it was just a slip-up. “I don’t want anything to change.” you said “Me, neither”. Well, at least now you knew that he didn’t want anything more. “Okay, then that’s that detective Barnes” you whispered. “See you around the precinct” was the last thing he said before leaving the room.
Later, doing some paperwork, you went to the files room to get a file for your new case, everything was quiet there until you heard the door open. “Hey,” the person said, you could recognize that voice everywhere, it belonged to the person whose piercing blue eyes couldn’t leave your head “How are you holding up?” He asked. “I’m fine, just tired, today was a long day” you turned around, and there he was, standing right in front of you “what about you?” you returned the question. “Same” he starts “but I feel like something’s missing”. You looked into his eyes, not understanding what he meant, he stared right back at you, but then his eyes went to your mouth and next thing you knew, you were kissing again but know it didn’t involve an undercover it was just you and bucky, no one else. His hands were now warm, holding onto your waist, while yours were on the back of his neck, the kiss was everything you could’ve asked for, you felt like you were on a movie until you heard something.
“Hey, Bucky” It was Steve shouting from the other side of the door “I need your help here, pal”.
You both pulled away from each other, panting heavily, cheeks flushed and a smile on both faces.
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harrysgloves · 4 years
The Devil You Know
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Harry Styles x Reader
Story Summary: CEO!Harry punishes reader in his office after catching her flirting with his coworker.
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: Language // This is just straight up p*rn // Daddy kink // Spanking (belt) // Oral Sex (male receiving) // Vaginal Sex // Anal Sex // Degrading // The slightest bit of choking // Probably a whole lot more that I’m missing // Not edited... sorry
Authors Note: Another work in progress finally DONE! YAY! Hope you guys like it! Feedback is always loved and appreciated so much! Thank you guys so much for reading. xx
Your high heels clicked against the cold marble tile of the lobby floor for the second time that day. Your billowing black winter coat hit your knees with every step you took towards the elevator.
You could have seen him earlier but his secretary swore he was busy. Like he could ever be too busy for you. You scoffed, a roll of your pretty eyes before telling this no-good conniving bitch what was up.
"Tell my daddy that his girl was here," You said, tongue wetting your lips as you leaned over her desk. Your perfectly manicured hands landing loudly over the papers she should have been working on instead of hitting on your man. "And just so we're very clear on something, sweetheart. He's not my father."
You turned on the spot, hips swaying just a bit extra as you marched yourself back down to the elevator. Grumbling under your breath the whole way. 
Who did she think she was? 
Harry was yours. Your daddy, your sweetheart, your boyfriend. You two had been together for years. Your name was tattooed in red ink on his wrist for fuck sakes but that sense of jealousy burned deep into the pit of your stomach. 
The vibration from your phone was the only thing that pulled you out of your thoughts to go up there and teach that girl a lesson on who ran the show around here. His picture flashed across your screen. You scoffed, ignoring the call, and shoving the phone back into your expense handbag. Yes, it was against his stupid rules to ignore his phone calls but you were pissed. He could go screw Karen, or Tina, or whatever her name was for all you cared.
"Bad day?" The sound of another voice in the elevator made you jump. You didn't even notice someone else in here when you got on. How long had he been watching you throw a fit?
"You could say that." You sighed, your back leaning against the cool metal of the elevator as it reached the bottom floor. Door opening to reveal the perfectly decorated lobby floor.
"Pretty girls like you shouldn't have bad days." He flashed a smile towards you when you chuckled, shaking your head at him. He was cute, you'd give him that, but he was no Harry.
"I'll keep that in mind." You said as you started to walk out in front of him. Until your heel caught on the ledge of where the elevator met the floor. Your hands desperately trying to catch onto something before you hit your ass on the ground. You weren't dressed to be falling. A small silk camisole dress paired with no underwear didn't make for a good look if you landed with your legs wide open right now. 
Plus, that pretty pink plug Harry had fucked into your ass that morning before leaving you wanting and needy didn't exactly seem like the best thing to be landing on.
The hands around your waist was the only thing that saved you from mortifying public embarrassment. Your arms against his toned chest as he held you inches from the ground.
"Thanks." You breathed out, a cheeky smile on his face when he lifted you back to your feet.
"Well," he said, his arms still on the small of your waist. "I'm part-time broker, full-time knight in shining armor."
You laughed that big deep luscious laugh that made Harry fall in love with you. Your hand ran over his chest to lay back down the collar of his suit that you had grabbed. You backed away without a second thought, thanking him yet again before leaving the building. 
Not once seeing Harry's fuming face staring you down from the stairwell.
"Kristen?" Harry asked as he exited his office. His eyebrows scrunched together when he opened his door to see the new girl sitting there with no you in sight. He could have sworn he heard your voice.
"It's Catherine." She corrected what he assumed to be a flirty look crossed her face as he stood in front of her desk.
"Right. Anyway, was a girl jus' out 'ere looking fo' me?" He asked, describing you down to what you were wearing for the day. The mental picture of you sauntering around the apartment in that fucking dress when he didn't have the time to do what he really wanted to do to you that morning played in his mind.
"Uh, well, someone was but she ran off pretty quickly." She lied with a shrug of her shoulders. Harry's eyes narrowed at her when her cheeks flamed red. 
Why did he always end up with the crazy assistants?
"Y'sure 'bout that?" He asked again, his hardening stare made her splutter and crack as he rounded her desk to stand directly in front of her.
"You were busy, Mr. Styles, I sent her away." She mumbled, her eyes flashing away from him when he cursed under his breath.
He already knew what you'd be thinking. His hands fished in his suit pocket for his phone to press your icon. One ring, two rings, voice-mail. He took a deep breath, reminding himself of how insecure you could get sometimes.
Not like you ever needed to be insecure. He thought you were a total knockout. Plus, he was absolutely head over heels in love with you.
"Y'can pack up yeh things." He said as he slid his phone back into his pocket. Her eyes widened at his words, fake apologies started, but he didn't care. He only wanted to make sure you were okay. He needed to reassure you that you had no reason to feel insecure or jealous.
You were the only girl for him.
His fast steps down the stairs got him to the lobby in no time. Whatever thankfulness he had to catch you before you left was gone the second he saw that bastard touch you. 
He swore his eyes could have shot flames through that curly headed asshole. His chest pounded with a rage he didn't know he could feel when you laughed. God, that fucking laugh. His tongue wet his lips before his teeth ground together. 
You touched him. Your hands ran down his chest, smoothing out his suit, like you'd done for him so many times. Your fingers lingered a second too long. The guys hands tightened into the fleshy curves of your hips a little too much, pulling you in closer to him before you eventually walked off.
Your bouncing ass caught the attention of the guy who had touched you. Shameless staring at his fucking girl while you walked out of the building. He had to repeatedly remind himself that he couldn't beat the shit out of his own employees. 
His fist unclenched when you were long gone. He brought his phone out once again to send you a text.
My office. 7pm.
You stormed through the lobby, up the elevator, not paying any mind to the people around you. Ready to burst into an angry monsoon of jealousy, when the sight of his empty receptionist desk stopped you in your spot. Her things, gone. A baron desk with no sign of a girl simply gone for the evening greeted you.
He'd fired her.
Suddenly, the anger you'd had bubbling in your stomach faded. Replaced with that sinking feeling of guilt. He always seemed to know what was bothering you, even before you talked to him about it. Which was just another one of the many reasons you loved him so much.
You sighed, your shoulders slumped, as your hand laid on the doorknob, knowing he was going to be upset with you. It took everything in you to swing open the door to his office exactly at 7 on the dot. Not a minute early but not daring to be late after your little show of ignoring him earlier. 
His stiff demeanor screamed you were in trouble as you shut the door behind you. You swallowed thickly, heels clicking hesitantly against his floor as you made your way to his desk. Your fingers skimming the dark oak wood as you moved around to stand in front of him. Your bottom lip tucked between your teeth as you glanced down to see he hadn't moved a muscle.
No words had been spoken through the tense air. No sound dared to come from you. You knew better, knew how upset he got when you ignored him. So you stood, perfectly still in front of where he sat, your sight hyper focused on the scratch marks on his desk instead of his intense eyes.
You'd have to be easier on this desk in the future but you had a feeling today wasn't going to be the day.
"Got somethin' to say fo' yehself?" His voice was hard, leaving no room for your shit tonight. You swallowed the nervous lump in your throat as your eyes finally met his. They were colder than you'd ever seen before. 
Usually, when you acted out, he found a bit of humor in it. Teasing you about being nothing but a brat but always letting you know he wasn't going to put up with it. He always went easy on you and honestly, you were a good girl. You almost never broke the rules and when you did, it was something trivial.
You were never one to get in trouble on purpose, at least not with him.
"I'm sorry I ignored your call." You tried to say in the least shaky voice you could manage.
He hummed, acknowledging your words but not accepting your apology. Those dagger like green eyes burned through your body, directly into your soul as his thumb twisted his gold ring on his pointer finger. 
"Anythin' else y'need to tell me?" He asked as he raised from his chair. His large chest mere centimeters away from your face as you stood your ground, literally. 
"No?" Your eyebrows scrunched as you peered up to him. Utterly confused on why he was so pissed at you. 
The sharp stone like features of his face didn't help settle the racing thoughts in your mind. That cold chill that ran down your spine as his lips pressed into a hard line. The back of his hand as it skimmed across the highs of your cheek bone was the only feeling of warmth in the otherwise frigid room.
"Know why I got y'this?" His finger ran across the pink leather of your choker collar, across the gold "H" that was embedded in the middle.
Your big doe-eyes flashed up to him. You didn't sway an inch as his fingers laced through the ring that dangled at the bottom of your choker. His grip was firm around the cool metal. His hold kept in place as he stared down at you.
"Because I'm yours." Your eyebrows furrowed together as you looked at him, not having a clue as to why he needed to remind you. 
You gasped as he tugged you forward by your lead. Your feet barely stayed in their spot on the ground as your hands grasped around his arms for balance.
"And do you think I like what's mine flirting in the elevator with my employees?" His words shocked you, stuttering, spits of partial words fell from your mouth as you gaped up at him. "Think I didn't see?"
"Harry, I wasn't flirting with him." You tried to explain away the situation. It was simple, a misunderstanding. "He helped me when I-"
"Did I say y'could use my name?" He practically growled through clenched teeth. Your eyes widened as you stared up at him. Boy, were you in trouble.
"No, daddy." Your voice was soft, eyes all dewy as you stared up at him. A show, really, you loved when he got like this. That familiar ache already growing in your core as he dropped the lead on your collar. You quickly stood back up in your place, hands by your side as he stalked around you.
A hunter watching his prey.
"What's y'word?" He asked as he circled back in front of you. His suit jacket was abandoned over the back of the chair. Ringed finger hands loosening his tie around his neck.
"Peony." Your tongue wet your lips as he rolled up his sleeves in front of you. The crisp white linen of his shirt sleeves being rolled up was only a slight distraction from the nod of his head.
"And your hard no's?" 
He wasn't fucking around. You considered it for a second, all the things you two had previously taken off the table. 
"Still the same." You told him, knowing that this meant he was really going to push you tonight. 
He studied you for a second longer. His head dipping down to catch your line of vision, eyebrows raised as if he was mentally asking you the same question again.
"Good." He said when you gave a nod of your head. "Strip."
You took a deep breath, preparing yourself. Your hands shook by your side as you clenched and unclenched your fist, once, twice, three times. Just enough to get you in your head space.
The skin on your arms raised in goosebumps as the warm fur lined jacket slid off your shoulders and onto the floor. A pile of useless fabric pulled into a puddle at your feet. Your slip of a dress followed directly after it. 
A scoff of a laugh came from him, a shake of his head as he turned away from you. Long, silent, steps over to a much-needed drink from the bar cart in his office. Your eyes lowered to the floor, watching the pacing of his shoes. Ears zeroed into the sound of liquid pouring, a deep gulp, and then more pouring. That lump in your throat grew with every slap of his heel back in front of you.
Of course you had to pick today to be defiant.
"It's like y'wanna be in trouble, baby." He hummed and you swore if you looked at him right now he'd be wearing that smug little smirk. 
"Pretty." He mumbled, his fingers dancing across the lacy top of the underwear you'd slipped on when you got home. "Too bad yeh not 'posed to be wearin' 'em."
"Off." He snapped his fingers in front of your heated face. At least he wasn't ripping this pair. 
The stringy lace slid down your silky smooth legs. Each high heeled foot stepping out of the leg holes one at a time. Shaky hands handing over the garment you put on in a moment of anger. 
Your eyes refused to meet his as he slid the panties into his back pocket. Your lips rolled into your mouth as he stared at you. The heat in your body raised with each passing second as he finished his drink. 
God, you'd never been in this much trouble.
"Y'know I was gonna take it a little easy on yeh." His words and the sound of the glass being sat down snapped you out of your fixed trance on the floor. His shiny black shoes disappeared from your line of sight as he circled around you. "Figured my baby girl jus' got protective over her daddy."
His hand ran down your cheek from behind you. Your head instinctively nuzzled into the few fingers that trailed from your jawline to your lips. Chaste kisses pressed to his fingertips.
"But now, I see you need a good lesson on who makes the rules." You gasped when his hand clamped around the front of your neck, your head snapped back roughly against his shoulder. His fingers digging into the side of your neck made you whimpered, a low stirring in your stomach.
His hand released you only long enough to loosen his tie. The fabric you once gifted him for his birthday dug into the skin of your forearms and wrists behind your back. The restraint, a little tighter than usual, not enough to hurt but enough to let you know this wasn't some usual punishment. 
"Bend." He said with a tight grip on the tie that held your arms in an uncomfortable position behind you. Your body maneuvered by him until your hips hit the edge of his desk. You gasped as your bare chest was pushed against the cold wood. Your nipples peaked from the sudden ice like material that you now laid halfway over. His hand finally left the intricate knots holding your arms back when your cheek rested on the table top.
"Looks like y'know how to listen when it comes to this." You could imagine his eyes rolling as he stood behind you. His hand ran down your ass, to the plug he'd placed there this morning. A quick tug on the pink silicone drew a whimper from you, your legs shifting back and forth in their spot.
Harry had to hold back a groan as he watched your hips sway. His hand gripped his twitching cock that throbbed in his pants at the sight of your pretty wet pussy already soaking for him. A smirk spread across his lips, his hand gripping the flesh of your round ass again.
His perfect little baby girl was such a whore for him.
Fuck, you were perfect.
"Thinkin' three fo' 'ry rule yeh broke today." His accent somehow thickened the more turned on he got. That heat burned in your stomach that turned in anticipation and a bit of nerves.
"Y-yes, daddy." Your voice betrayed you with shaky cracks. 
The room quickly quieted again after his hum of approval. His hand left your ass, left you completely. Silence had you straining your ears for any hint of a sound when you heard it. 
That familiar clink of a sound.
You buried your head into the smooth surface of the table, lips pressed against the wood to hide the moan that wanted to slip past your lips. Your core clenched around nothing but air, not sure how this was anywhere close to a punishment when you constantly had to beg him to be this rough with you.
You gasped as the cool leather of his belt ran down the strain muscles of your back. Tauntingly slow as it passed over the fabric of the tie, dancing across your fingers.
"What're in trouble fo'?" He asked from behind you, your lips that had been tightly clamped between your teeth unrolled, just enough to talk.
"Not answering your call, wearing underwear, using your name, and-" you sighed, "Touching another guy." You finally spit out, not wanting to add anymore lashings to your ever growing amount. 
"Hm, think'll add three more fo' that one." His voice was hard and cold through the air around you. "Better hear yeh count, sweetheart."
He gave no warning other than that. The sound of the leather slicing through the thickened air in the office was your only clue of what was coming. The sharp snap of the hide hitting the soft flesh of your ass rang through your ears before you felt the sting. 
"One." You spoke into the wood. Your nose flat against the desk, hands tightening around your restraint as the shockwaves of a dull pain ran down your spine, directly to your steadily wettening folds. 
Two, three, four, more and the spark of a pleasure still burned, lingered down into a blazing river of red marks across your ass cheeks to your pulsating pussy.
"T-t-ten." Your words choked and contracted in your throat when the belt smacked across your ass, five more left and you were determined to make it through. The grunts and groans that rolled from deep in his chest as the leather dug into your flesh again and again. Whimpering sobs, face flushed with tears and mascara as he went harder on you than ever before.
And that fucking plug you decided to keep in.
You were teetering on the brink of your headspace when the final smack came. Your breast smashed against the now warmed surface with the force. You cried, pushed forward into that floating sensation of the deep part of your mind as you were lifted by your restraints. Body maneuvered until you kneeled before him, heels haphazardly kicked off in the motion downwards to the ground.
The searing skin of your ass cooled against the marble floor when your shaky legs gave out to the weight on them. You sighed from the little bit of relief you got, stuffy nose from crying so much, desperately trying to suck air into your lungs. You were too wrapped up in yourself to hear the clank of the belt hitting the floor.
Your foggy mind lifted out of the deep when you felt his hand around the back of your neck, his cold features barely broke through your vision that was clouded with tears.
"What do y'say, baby?" His hand tightened in the hairs at the back of your head. A hard jerk backwards had you gasping in surprise.
You were far from being done with your punishment.
"Thank you, daddy." Your voice cracked from the amount of tears you were holding back. The words you'd spoken did nothing to change his unimpressed facial features, his tongue slid across his front teeth as he studied your mess of mascara and eyeliner.
He stood up abruptly, his hand didn't leave the back of your neck, sufficiently holding you up from your ass resting on the cool tile. 
"Yeh know, darlin', daddy doesn't punish yeh as much as he should. That's on me more than yeh. Should've put yeh in y'place more often, sweetheart."
Your eyes widened up to him. Whatever shred Harry always kept of himself while he was in this role was abandoned. No, now, he was fully in his dominant role. The waves of demand rolled through every part of him. His voice, his demeanor, his words.
"That's okay though, baby, gonna learn who yeh belong to. Isn't that right?" He practically cooed at you. A mock tone that made your face heat as blood rushed to your face. 
"Yes, daddy." Your chest seemed to heave with anticipation.
"Open." He said as his hand clamped your mouth open for you. Your obedient tongue sticking out for him before you even had a chance to think twice about it. 
Harry hummed as he stared down at you. The hand that was around your jaw slipped into your open mouth. His finger fucked into your open and waiting throating. Your legs tightened together as his smirk grew wider at your movement.
Sure, you weren’t supposed to move but God, you always wanted it so bad he couldn't help the turning of his lips.
He lowered himself to your level. No words were said as he loosened your restraints. The fabric that held your arms back finally, finally, was gone. Your body slacked forward as Harry backed away from you. His towering form loomed over you as your hands fell forward to hold yourself up.
The strain on your muscles in the back seemed to lift only momentarily before he guided you upwards by your upper arm. Your back on the now warmed surface of the desk, your head hanging off the side, your freed hands clutched beside you as your anticipation for what was coming grew.
"Gonna show me how sorry yeh are, darlin'." His throbbing cock was finally released from its confinement. The hard, pulsating, tip was red and aching for relief. Only millimeters from your upside-down vision. 
Your legs spread wider at the sight of him. Your toes pointed against the smooth oak, your arousal felt like it could have been running in a river down your legs as you licked your lips. Your mouth opened without any demand from him as he stroked his cock in front of you.
"Good girl." He groaned, his hand guided himself into your mouth.
You always had a hard time taking him. He was just so big, so thick. Your tongue pressed against his tip as he slowly rocked into you. His hands grasped onto your breast as his cock slid further and further down your throat.
You moaned around his member that stretched open the sides of your mouth. You tried your best to relax your throat, breathe through your nose.
"Relax yeh throat." He grunted as your throat constructed around him again. The irritated tone in his voice only made your slick folds drip with your arousal.
"I said to relax." He said once your gag reflex halted his movement for a third time. A harsh slap of his hand landed on your open and waiting cunt. You would have yipped at the feeling if you could have. He ceased your moment of being off guard to finally push himself fully inside.
You moaned the best you could as your throat finally relaxed. His balls rested against your nose, the crotch of his pants and zipper rubbed against your face but you didn't care. He felt so good in your mouth. 
You heard him let out a moan as you felt your nipples harden. His fingers lazily rubbed at your swollen clit as he slipped down your mouth.
"Why can't yeh be a good girl like this all the time for me, baby?" He asked as his hand held the back of your neck. His hips picking up to a pace that was almost too much for you. "So much fuckin' better for me when yeh jus' a hole for me to fuck." 
He pulled out of you suddenly. A string of your spit connected from his red tip to your mouth before he bent down to your level. The look behind his eyes was intoxicating. Fuck, he was enjoying this.
"Gonna have to keep you tied up to my desk, aren't I? Only time yeh good for me if when yeh have a cock stuffed in you." 
"I'll be good." You said as he stood back up. His hands gripped your thighs to turn your body around like a rag doll, your ass in the air as your face laid on the desk, again.
"Be good, huh?" He teased his tip against your opening, a deep groan left him from just how fucking wet you were. "Yeh call throwin' yehself at my employees bein' good?" 
"I didn't." You pouted, your bottom lip stuck out even though he couldn't see it. His cock parting the folds of your pussy, the thick tip against your sensitive clit had your hips shifting. 
You wanted him to stop being mad at you and just fuck you already.
"If I wanted someone else to touch yeh I would have told them to." He started to slip into you, the overwhelming sense of him starting to stretch you already filled you. Blood rushed to your lightheaded head as you restrained yourself from pushing backwards onto him.
"Such a tight cunt." He grunted as the thought from your earlier run in fell from his mind. Your velvet caves pulled him, his anger melted away as you clenched around him.
A hard thrust forward had him directly on your sweet spot, your eyes rolled back in your head as you held on tightly to the front of the desk. 
He wasn't messing around and he wasn't holding back.
You could feel his hip bones smacking against the abused flesh of your ass. The sting sent an electric shock through your body as he wrecked you. You could feel him pounding all the way into your lower stomach as your jaw unhinged from a sea of moans.
"Think he could fuck yeh better, sweetheart?" Harry asked as he pulled on the plug in between your cheeks. His cock rammed into you as the silicone slipped out.
"No." You finally managed to get out an answer through your moans, your wrecked vocal cords cracked until he let up. You almost turned around but you knew better, the sound of his bottom draw opening gave away his next move.
You two needed to fuck at his office less. He had way too much sex shit laying around here.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the cold gel of his lube coated fingers slipping into your tighter hole. Your breath caught in your throat as he slid back inside of your pussy. Your eyebrows furrowed together from the overwhelming sense of pleasure that pulsed through your veins.
"Such a slut, know that?" He spoke as a second finger joined his first one, fucking you open enough to take him. "Lemme fuck yeh in ever hole in my office." 
"Fuck." You moaned into the wood, your hands gripped around the front edge of the desk as he pulled himself out of you, a generous amount of lube slathered across your hole before he put some on himself. 
He took a second just admiring your wrecked state. Your pussy opened wide for him, able to be fucked so easily now that he'd destroyed it. Your ass shined red with lash marks, your hair a complete mess.
He had to stop himself from shooting a load into his own hand. His thoughts getting the best of him as he stroked himself from behind you. His tip pressed into you slowly as he waited for your muscles to relax.
You felt like you could have bit your bottom lip off from how tightly it was tucked under your teeth. Your nails dug into the desk as he pushed further into you, his head finally getting past your tight ring. His hips laid flat against your ass, his hands pulled back each cheek to get a good look at himself stretching you out.
"Gonna ruin you for anyone else. Y'understand?" He mumbled into your ear as he pulled up to his chest by the front of your neck.
"Yes, daddy." You squeaked out as he finally moved his hips. His head rested against your shoulder as you let out a sound you never wanted to admit to making. His cock hit all the right places, the stretch wasn't painful but you were so tight there you could feel every one of his veins pushing against your walls. 
You felt so full of him it was almost overwhelming. You could feel every throbbing jump of his cock as he pumped in and out of you. His grunts as his teeth dug into your shoulder, his fingers from his free hand swirled around your clit while his other one squeezed the sides of your neck.
Your arousal slicked all the way down to your shaky knees as your body bounced against his cock. You panted out moans as your body burned red hot. Your orgasm was just on the horizon, so close you could hardly keep your eyes open.
"Gonna cum with daddy's cock in yeh ass?" He asked even though you had no idea how he managed to put together words in this moment. Your own mind wasn't able to let you do anything more than nod.
"Cum for me then, pet." His finger pressed down harder on your clit, cock shoved deeper inside of you. 
Your vision blacked around the edges, body shook, your high washed over your head all the way down to your toes. The sound of your moans carried through the office, down the halls of the almost emptied building. Your mind barely had time to put together the fact he'd pulled out of you.
Until he slammed back into your cunt. 
A warmth filled you as you whimpered, your body slacked in his arms as his cum dripped out around himself. 
"I gotcha." He mumbled as he moved you both into his office chair. Your makeup smudged face pressed into his chest as you came down from your high. His hand ran across your back in soothing circles.
"Baby, yeh did so good." He said into your hair, his lips pressed in light kisses against your scalp. "Such a good girl. Made me feel so good, baby."
"Gonna take yeh home and get yeh a bath, hm?" He asked when your body felt less limp. You hummed your agreement, head still in that floating space for a second.
"Harry, you know I didn't flirt with him, right?" You asked after a moment. Your fingers danced across his bicep absentmindedly.
"Yeah, jus' like yeh know I didn't sleep with my secretary." He let out a chuckle when you raised your head to pout at him. "Gave me a good reason to fuck yeh like that though." 
"Shut up." You muttered to him. Your eyes rolled as he gave you a stern look.
"Pup, I jus' fucked yeh into next week, do not start with me again."
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sunshineseung · 3 years
Journal Part 6 // Jeongin
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🍄 | genre: smut ☁️ | pairing: Yang Jeongin x female!reader 🌿 | wc: 6.8k 🌸 | includes: milf!reader x babysitter!college student!jeongin, “mommy/ma’am”, pretty vanilla sex actually, oral (receiving & giving), doggy style, creampie/unprotected sex, [spoilers from here on] ... okay, changbin x reader, oral (receiving), nonconsensual exhisibionism /voyeurism (jeongin spies on y/n without her knowing), start of a threesome, slight cucking? jeongin watches again but this time it’s known
🌊 | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Finale |
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“You guys have been in relationships before, right?” Jeongin was way too nervous about this considering he was just talking to his friends over Discord. “Can I ask something?”
“Sure, knock yourself out.” Hyunjin sounded so cool over his mic despite being way too interested in the youngest’s love life. Jeongin has been obviously lovesick for the past several weeks, and despite vaguely mentioning this mystery girl he was with, he’d never actually dropped too much information about her… or in this case, you. “We’re all ears.”
“How do I get a girl to like me back?” Jeongin’s slight pout could practically be heard through the call. The other boys go quiet trying to think of a proper response.
“Have you tried talking to her?” Jisung speaks first, asking an all-too essential question. Jeongin briefly explains the situation as vaguely as possible, leaving out the whole ‘mother-of-two’ thing. The other four older boys listen intently, mentally planning how they’re going to get their youngest friend laid. 
“Just tell her how you really feel, bro!” Felix’s smile could be heard through the call, his usual happy energy lifting the mood of everyone listening. “You have nothing to lose!”
“Well, you have a lot to lose, but it’ll be worth a shot,” Seungmin says, sighing out of boredom. “If she already sort of likes you, then you just have to make her stay.”
“Make her stay?” Jeongin pauses to think, “what do you mean?” 
“If you really want this girl, then you have to give her a reason to want to be with you for more than just sex or whatever. She has to enjoy your company. Don’t be afraid to show your flaws, either. Just be endearing, although you’re already good at that.”
“Thanks Seungmin! I’ll try that!” 
“Or do what Hyunjin did and knock her up,” Jisung laughs, his chair squeaking loud enough to be picked up by the microphone. Everyone else joins Jisung in laughter except Hyunjin, who’s about to drive over to Jisung’s house and beat the shit out of him for bringing that up.
“I’m gonna kick your ass, Jisung!”
“You and what army?” 
“I’ll help you kick his ass,” Seungmin says as he laughs with an exhale through his nose. Following Seungmin, Jeongin also agrees to beat up Jisung with his friends. 
“Fuck you guys,” Jisung laughs, the rather serious conversation turning into the boys having a laughing fit. “But for real, Jeongin, I think Seungmin’s right. Just get her to stay.” 
“Alright, I’ll try my best.” Jeongin’s smile on his face is light, but he’s truly thankful for his friends at this moment. Despite all the teasing, he really loves his hyungs. “Is there anything else I can do?” 
“Girls love when you buy them things. Get her flowers or something,” Hyunjin says, sounding confident as ever. “My girlfriend always loves it when I buy her gifts.”
“Flowers? Girls actually like flowers? I thought that was a joke…” Jeongin feels like he’s been fooled his entire life. He has so much to learn! 
“Hyunjin usually gets his girl plan B-“ and with that, Hyunjin muted Jisung in the Discord voice chat. Before Jisung notices he’s been muted, Jeongin thanks the boys and leaves, ready to go out and get some flowers in the morning. 
Jeongin stands at your doorstep, checking his shirt for stains one last time before knocking on your door. He hears you mumble something on the other side as he’s about to sweat through his shirt. When you swing open the door, Jeongin looks cute as a button in a pink button-up short sleeve shirt and jeans. In his hands is a small bouquet of yellow tulips. His smile makes your heart warm as you invite him inside. 
“These are for you, Y/n! I thought I’d get you something nice on your day off.” He sounded too chipper to be okay. You’ve never seen Jeongin beaming like this, especially before you’ve done anything to him. He hands you the tulips and watches you put them in a vase as he takes a seat on a stool at your kitchen island. “Do you like them?”
“I love them, baby. Thank you so much.” You brush his hair back and kiss his forehead, bringing him into a big hug. As you let go, you run your hand down his arm and sit in the stool next to his. “The girls are in school right now. Why’d you come over?” 
“I just wanted to hang out,” he says with a smile. 
“I’m 30 years old, Jeongin. I don’t ‘hang out’.” You laugh at him a bit, seeing a pout form on his lips. “But I’ll hang out with you if you really want.” 
“Great! I mean…” Jeongin struggles to start a conversation. “What have you been doing today?” 
“I got the girls ready and drove them to preschool, then I cleaned a bit. Really I’ve just been watching TV.” Jeongin nods as you speak, paying attention to every word. “What about you? I assume you woke up at noon.” 
“Not true!” He whines, “11 o’clock, actually.” 
“Ah, how brave.” You chuckle at your own joke. “You look so cute in that shirt, you know?” 
“Oh- thank you, m-... Y/n.” He almost let his kink slip by calling you mommy, but he quickly fixes his mistake. His face gets bright red from your complements, his heart fluttering in the process. “You look nice as well!” 
Unlike Jeongin, you didn’t get dressed up for this surprise visit. Your hair was a mess, and you wore no bra, only a loose tee shirt you got from a concert when you were a teenager. The shorts you wore were stained with bleach. You looked like a damn mess in every sense of the word. The fact that Jeongin could find beauty in any of that was mind boggling. 
“You want a drink, honey? I got water and little boxes of apple juice.” As tempting as the apple juice was, Jeongin settles for water. As you get the drinks, Jeongin takes out his phone to text his friends. 
The Boys 🥶
Jeongin: I’m blowing it.
Hyunjin: wtf did you mean? You got her flowers! Did you compliment her?
Jeongin: yeah I told her she looked nice but now she looks bored!!! :(((( 
Jisung: slap her ass 
Seungmin: Please don’t do that.
Hyunjin: are you sitting on a couch?
Jeongin: what? no? are we supposed to be?
Hyunjin: so you can put your arm around her!
Jeongin: ohhhh okay 
Felix: just be nice to her! no girl can resist your charms! 
Jisung: make her food! 
Seungmin: Listen to what she has to say. Make sure it’s not all about you. 
Jeongin: shut up she’s coming back 
Hyunjin: don’t blow this young my padawan 
Jisung: young what? 
Hyunjin: nevermind ㅜㅜ
“Let’s go sit on the couch!” Jeongin hops out of his stool as you hand him his water, already walking towards your living room. Shrugging, you follow him and lounge back where this whole relationship started. 
“So, how are your classes going?” You turn slightly to face him, watching him calculate his next move. 
“They’re alright, but you’ve heard enough about me. I want to know more about you.” His voice lowers on the second sentence as he leans forward and puts his arm around your shoulders. Your reaction could almost be classified as a cringe, getting flashbacks to every time Minho would do that to you when you first started dating. “Sorry, was that too slimy?” 
“Yes, very slimy.” You laugh at how Jeongin described his move, him leaning away from you back to his corner of the sofa. “What do you want to know about me, love?” 
“Well,” if he’s being totally honest, Jeongin didn’t expect to get this far, “what’s your… favorite color?”
You roll your eyes, “really?” 
“Yes, really.” 
“My favorite color is blue, Jeongin.” He nods as if it was an incredibly interesting and complex story, which makes him look like such a clown, but you don’t have the balls to say that to his face. “Are you sure you came over here just to hang out?” 
“What do you mean?” Of course he knows what you mean. Your entire relationship was based off of sex. How could he not know?
“Don’t act naive, baby boy. You know exactly what I mean.” You straddle his lap in an instant, kissing him on the lips like you’ve wanted to since he walked in the door. 
He pushes you away by your chest, his breaths already heavy from the most minimal action. “I really want to fuck you, I do, but I… I don’t want it like this.” 
You pause before quickly hopping off his lap just as quick as you hopped on. “What do you want then, Jeongin?” 
“Can we have sex without all the… stuff?” Jeongin looks like he could cry at any moment, not out of sadness, but just from the anxiety rattling through him. “No power dynamics or kinks. Just… sex.” 
“Just sex?” You smile at how cute he sounded when he said that. “Anything you want, sweetheart.” 
“Thank you… you can get back on my lap now.” You both giggle as you climb back on his lap, the constant movements making you feel older than you really are from your muscles getting sore too soon. His lips soon meet yours again, and his hands are on your waist, hesitantly moving up and down your sides. 
You grind down onto him, feeling his cock harden underneath of you. As you press your hips down harder, his hands squeeze your skin and he whimpers on your mouth. You smile against his lips, excited for what’s to come. 
His lips kiss down from your mouth to your neck, licking and nipping at the skin. You hiss as he bites down on a particularly sensitive area, a bruise surely being left in his wake. Your hands go into his hair as his hands grip your hips, pulling you down onto his bulge. 
“Let me undress you, babe.” You tap his back with one hand and let him lean up from your neck, laying back into the couch for you to unbutton his shirt and reveal his toned chest. His physique never failed to amaze you. “Fuck, you’re so sexy.”
“I could say the same about you.” His eyes are glued to your tits, him licking his lips as you push his shirt off of his shoulders and eventually off of his body. Just as he’s about to take your shirt off, his phone rings from his back pocket. “I should answer that.” 
“Go ahead.” You grind slightly onto him as he looks at the phone screen. You assume it’s one of his friends from school considering the emojis following the contact name. 
“Hey Hyunjin! Can I call y- yeah, it’s going great, can I call- oh my god, we can talk later, bye!” He hangs up and tosses his phone to the coffee table. “Sorry, he wanted to know how my date was going.” 
“Oh, so this was a date the whole time? Well you should have said so!” You kiss his cheek and lower to your knees, your hands resting on his upper thighs. “I would have started sucking you off a long time ago.” 
Jeongin bites his lip as you unzip his pants and pull them down his legs, his cock hard under his tight briefs. Your hand runs across his erection, teasing him just enough to make him whine. He scoots up to the edge of the couch and lifts his hips so you can pull his underwear off, finally revealing his perfect cock. 
“Relax, babe. You look so tense.” You look up at Jeongin, making eye contact as he perks up at your words. He leans back into the couch again, putting his hands at his sides as raising his hips to your face, urging you to take care of him. You harshly spit into your hand and wrap it around his shaft, stroking him just around the tip. In an instant, Jeongin throws his head back and lets you take him. 
As much as you want to praise him for being such a good boy right now, you take your time and silence yourself with his cock in your mouth. Your tongue runs over his slit before your lips wrap around him, your head bobbing in sync with your hand’s strokes. Jeongin is absolutely blissed out above you, feeling like all of his troubles are melting away. 
“I- I don’t want to cum just yet.” Jeongin digs his nails into the fabric of the cushion beneath him. “I want to eat you out.”
You pull your mouth off of his cock with a ‘pop’ before standing up, Jeongin’s eyes opening just in time to see you toss your shirt off, soon followed by the dropping of your pants and underwear. You stood in front of him, naked, your figure being figuratively eaten up by his eyes. 
“Can we go into your room?” Jeongin stands up with you and takes your hand in his, waiting for you to give the okay. Of course, you nod and allow him to lead you to your own bedroom in a bizarre twist. “Lay back on the bed, babe.”
Hearing Jeongin call you babe is just the cherry on top of this odd situation. 
Nevertheless, you follow his orders for once and lay on your bed, spreading your legs as he pins you beneath him, his cock dangling hard against your core. His hands grope your tits and pinch your nipples as he makes out with you, getting his saliva all around your mouth.
This feels like a different Jeongin, or at least, certainly not one you’ve met before. He’s more mature, taking action, directing you! As much as you love being his mommy, you also adore this side of him more than you were expecting. 
In a hurry, he moves his body down the bed and wraps his arms around your thighs, kissing your clit before sucking on the bundle of nerves. Your back arches fast, toes curling as one hand leaves your thigh and goes to your dripping cunt. He inserts two fingers inside you, pumping them and curling them at a slow pace. His tongue makes circles around your clit. You arch your back as he quickened his pace on both his fingers and his tongue. Looking down at Jeongin, his eyes are dark, looking off into the void as he focuses on only the actions of his mouth and hands. 
“Feel so good, baby~” You whine, one of your hands going down to his hair while your other plays with your hardened nipples. Jeongin hums in response, the vibrations from his voice giving the slightest extra stimulation to your cunt. “Keep going, please.”
The ‘please’ leaves your lips so naturally, and yet Jeongin is still caught off guard from hearing you so whiny, begging for him. Now he’s determined to make you cum, not that he wasn’t already. 
Your toes curl and a moan slips from your lips as he sucks harshy on your clit, his tongue flicking against your bud in his mouth. His fingers still, curving up into your g-spot. Your own mind is begging you to cum if not for yourself then for Jeongin. You feel so close, yet your body refuses to release. 
You look down one more time, making direct eye contact with the boy. He’s been watching your face since you arched your back, patiently waiting and watching to see if you cum. He looks so painfully sexy with his head between your legs, your thighs pressed against the side of his head and his fingers are fucking your pussy and his teeth brush against your clit. That visual is all you needed. 
After what felt like eternity for Jeongin, your pussy tightened and your head was thrown back. Senseless and thoughtless moans of your lover’s name escaped your throat as you covered Jeongin’s fingers in your creamy release. He slowed down his movements enough to help you still ride out your high without being overstimulated too quickly. As you get your mind back, he pulls his face away, coming back up your body to hover over you with his arms at your sides. 
“Let me fuck you from behind.” Jeongin’s tone is hot. That’s the only way you can describe it. It’s a total 180 from the little boy who begged for you to let him cum not too long ago. “Get on your hands and knees for me, Y/n.”
You eagerly nod at his command, giving him time to get off of you while you turn around and stick your ass up. Jeongin takes a minute to marvel at your ass before joining you back on the bed, his cock hard sitting on your ass as he watches you lean down into the pillows, holding one close to your face. 
“Fuck,” Jeongin says under his breath, simply running his hands over your ass. You shake your ass a bit, urging him to finally fill your cunt with his cock. Getting the hint, he lines his tip with your dripping cunt and pushes himself in slowly, allowing you to adjust to every inch as if you haven’t literally pushed out two kids. 
“You feel so good, Jeongin~” Hearing you moan makes him moan as embarrassing as that sounds. You fit around his cock so well, taking him easily while still being tight. His hold on your hips moves up to your waist, his arms wrapping around you and his chest hitting your back. He feels so pathetic again, losing his grip on reality as he fucks your pussy. 
“You take me so well,” don’t fucking say it, “mommy.” Damn it. 
You bite your lip when you hear him say that special word, tightening around him as his thrusts get faster. He starts getting whiny, impatient, back to the Jeongin you’ve known. 
“Babe, cum inside me.” You start talking to get him back out of his head, trying to catch him before he slips into subspace. He kisses your back before leaning up again, his hands back on your hips, pulling you against his cock. “Please cum inside me.” 
“A-alright, Y/n. Anything for you!” He huffs and puffs, groaning and moaning, trying to desperately reach his high for his own sake. You clench your muscles around his cock, sucking him in and forcing his thrusts to become deep and slow. He starts to twitch, groaning your name until he finally butters, his cock shooting its load inside you. “Oh my god… fuck. So good.” 
He stops, slowly slipping his cock out of you as his cum drips down your pussy lips to the bed. Jeongin stares at the mess he made, disappointed in himself that he couldn’t make you cum on his cock again. He sighs and falls next to you on the bed, and you lower your ass and turn your body over to cuddle on his chest. 
“You did so well, baby. You really know how to please a lady, you know?” Your fingers trace vague shapes around his chest, your eyes gazing up into his. He looks exhausted from all the hard work he just did, but at least it paid off. “We should shower now.” 
Jeongin groans as if he’s annoyed, pushing his hair back off of his sweaty forehead. “I need to sleep right now.” 
“That’s fine, honey. I’m gonna shower then pick up the girls. You rest.” You get up and kiss his forehead before walking into your bathroom. 
When he hears your shower start, Jeongin sneaks out into the living room to grab his phone from his pocket so he could text his friends with a little update. 
The Boys 🥶
Hyunjin: jeongin’s getting his dick sucked 
Jisung: ooooo 
Felix: i’m jealous
Hyunjin: Jeonginnie update us when you get back!!! 💋
Hyunjin: damn he’s getting his shit ROCKED 
Seungmin: Shut up omg
Felix: god I wish that we me 
Jisung: ew 
Jeongin: you guys are gross 
Jisung: you didn’t knock her up, did you? 
Jisung: I hope you didn’t pull a Hyunjin 
Jisung: please don’t remove me from the chat 
Hyunjin: you’re on thin fucking ice young man 
Jisung: we’re literally the same age
Hyunjin: okay young man 
Hyunjin: anyway… 
Hyunjin: how was it Jeongin? You’re finally not a virgin anymore!  
Jeongin: I’ve fucked this girl before I just don’t think she wants to date me. I thought I said that before.
Jisung: oh shit 
Jeongin: Oh my bad 
Seungmin: They grow up so fast. 😢
Felix: did you just… leave her?
Jeongin: No way! She’s showering right now. I’m just tired. 
Jeongin: I think I fucked it up 
Jisung: I mean you fucked her up… but if you two fucked at all I think she’s fine 
Jeongin: but I tried to be more serious and mature and I wasn’t! I still make it… weird 
Seungmin: Please don’t go into details. I just ate.
Jisung: please go into details. i’m horny. 
Felix: ew!!!! 
Jeongin: What do I do now? I’m just at her house for the rest of the day I guess. 
Hyunjin: don’t you have to babysit for your neighbor tonight? 
Hyunjin: secure the bag little man!!! 
Jeongin: first of all, little man? 
Jeongin: second of all… I should go now lol BYEEEE
Hyunjin: Weird time to exit but okay 
Felix: Maybe he’s fucking his neighbor lmao 
Hyunjin: No way! Jeongin has game but not enough to pull a milf
Jeongin: lol 
You get dressed in your bedroom before walking out to the living room to find Jeongin mindlessly scrolling through his phone. Kids these days.
“I thought you were tired?” Jeongin just laughs without responding. You get your keys by the door and start to head out. “You better be dressed by the time I come back with the girls! 15 minutes!” 
“Yes ma’am!” Although he says it jokingly, it sounds like something he’d say to you regularly in another setting. You say goodbye before getting in your car and driving off to pick up your two lovely daughters. 
When you come back with your kids, Jeongin is most importantly cleaned up and fully clothed, but also ready to watch them as you go to work. Unfortunately for him, you had to be kept overtime, so he was going to be at your house longer than expected. The day with the girls flies by, but after he puts them to sleep, Jeongin becomes bored out of his mind. 
In true Jeongin fashion, he pulls out his journal and a pencil, ready to write whatever comes to mind. For the first time in forever, though, he can’t come up with anything. He knows what he wants to do with you, but he can’t bring himself to write it. It feels too... real. 
He reads back on what he’s written in the past, sighing as he realizes that his fantasies have either been fulfilled or painfully unrealistic. Jeongin really thought there was more to his journal, but the repetition of his imagination becomes evident after the third time he reads about how he wants to be spanked. 
Putting his Journal back in his bag, he leans back on the couch. He didn’t even get hard from reading his journal entries! Either his dick is broken or he no longer needs his journal, which sounds ridiculous, even to him, but after thinking for a moment alone, he starts to believe with you in his life, Jeongin doesn’t need to write what he fantasizes about; he just needs you. 
After watching your kids for you as you work overtime, Jeongin is way too tired to not sleep in his own bed. You kiss him goodbye after you check on your kids, sending him off with a warm feeling in his heart. 
You started working in this office early last year, and since you started working here, there was one man that would always come over to your desk to chat with you. Obviously, it was always friendly, mature banter with no hidden meaning or ulterior motive. You two were simply coworkers and nothing more. 
That was until he asked you on a date. He was never flirty until he asked you out, so it kind of came out of left field. Still, he’s hot, you can’t deny that. You’d be a fool to say no to his offer. You planned it for a Saturday night when both of you were free, and Jeongin was happy to watch your kids for a “business meeting”. 
You didn’t have the heart to tell him that it was a date. Being a teenage boy, you were certain he would lash out and get mad at you for being an adult. And you didn’t want to break his heart. Although you’re going to be holding it off, you have to tell him eventually that you were seeing other people, and you know that. At least for now, for your sake and his sake, this is a secret you keep to yourself. 
After saying goodbye to your daughters and Jeongin, you head out to your date’s car parked right out front. He’s standing at the passenger side door holding it open to you. He takes your hand to help you step into his SUV. 
“You look absolutely lovely, Y/n.” His suit hugged his chest and arms perfectly, and you almost felt underdressed even in your evening cocktail dress that you felt made you look old. 
“Thank you, Changbin. You look amazing yourself.” You laugh to each other, chatting back and forth about work and life as he drives you to the restaurant. The entire ride there, his hand is playfully resting on your thigh. While the tension is low, you can still feel it. You haven’t done anything sexual with Jeongin for a few days, so this will be refreshing for sure. 
Changbin leads you into the restaurant, a reserved table waiting for you two as you walk in. The food is expensive, just as you expected, but he’s happy to pay. You forgot what it was like to be taken care of by a man considering the only two people you’ve been with in the past few years have been your shitty ex-husband and a college boy. 
“So, is there someone watching your daughters right now? I assume you didn’t just leave them home alone,” Changbin asks before taking a bite of his food.
“Yeah! My neighbor’s son watches them at night. I’m usually at my second job at this time, but I called off today.” He nods with a mouth full of food. “He’s in college right now but he finds the time. I pay him too, of course.” 
“You let a college boy watch your kids?” Changbin laughs in his chest. “I wouldn’t trust any teenage boy within 20 yards of my son. You must trust him.”
“He’s a sweet kid. He wouldn’t do anything to harm my girls, I’m sure.” You both go silent as you continue eating. “So, how’s your son?”
“My boy’s doing great! Middle school is a lot harder than elementary school, but he’s tough just like his daddy.” Again, you share a laugh with Changbin, the atmosphere sweet and sentimental as you discuss your children. “He’s home alone right now.”
When the waiter comes back to your table to give you the bill, Changbin sticks to his word and pays for the meal and the wine. He politely asks to go back to your house and stay a little longer, which is leading to exactly what you think it is. The tension rises when you get into his car and he keeps his hand on your thigh again, this time higher, closer to your hips. 
“We can have a few more drinks at my place. Just let me tell my babysitter to go home early. I’m sure he won’t mind.” 
Jeongin’s phone rings loudly from the living room as he lays in your bed, distracted with his thoughts. He’s been so high strung the past few days, but he hasn’t been able to tell you. He strokes himself slowly, almost teasing himself as he grunts and hops out of your bed to answer his phone who he’s happy to see is you!
“Hey Jeongin! You can go home early! I’ll be home in a few minutes, but you can leave now.” Your voice sounded so bright and pretty, and he was still dazed from his session that you interrupted. When he actually understands what you said, he’s beyond confused. 
“Are you sure? You don’t want to come home and… help me?” Your face heats up when you hear his voice turn weak at the end. Half of you wants to get fucked by Changbin, but the other half of you wants to fuck Jeongin. “I’m sorry for breaking rules mommy, but I’m so hard. I need you.” You can hear his pout through the phone. Thank God you didn’t have this call on speaker. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow. Bye Jeongin!” You hang up before he can say anything back so you don’t cause any worry from Changbin. Opening your messenger app, you hurriedly text Jeongin. 
Y/n 💗: I need you to go home now. I’ll be there in a minute. Don’t worry about the girls. They’ll be fine as long as they’re asleep.
Yang Jeongin: but I need you mommy! I haven’t been your little boy in so long :(
Y/n 💗: For God’s sake just go home.
Yang Jeongin: and what if I don’t? 
Y/n 💗: This isn’t the time to be a brat.
Yang Jeongin: Fine. see you tomorrow. 
Y/n 💗: Thank you. Bye!
No way in hell was Jeongin going home that easily. When he sees a car pull into your driveway which he assumes is yours, he runs to your room and hides in the closet hoping you’ll look for him so he can jump out and surprise you. He’s only wearing his tight boxer-briefs, his body shaking in excitement as he hears your front door open and close. 
It’s not your voice he hears, though. It’s another man’s. 
“You look so fucking sexy, Y/n. C'mere and kiss me, baby.” Obeying your date, you wrap your hands around his neck and meet his lips with yours, a messy, wet kiss making you both feel euphoric. His hands grope your ass and pull you close to him, his cock hardening against you. “I’ve been wanting this for so long.” 
“We need to be quiet. My kids are sleeping.” Your hands go over his chest, unbuttoning his white dress shirt as he shakes off his suit jacket. You rest your hands on his pecs and kiss him, your tongue swiping across his bottom lip. He held you so close, so tenderly. This is what you’ve been missing.
Jeongin brings his knees up to his chest, shaking with nerves and emotion rather than excitement. He should have listened to you, but now he has to hear you with another man. This is hell. Although it is tempted, he can’t just sneak out of your bedroom window. He needs an entire secret-agent-level escape plan, or at this point, divine intervention would be nice too. 
“Jump up, babe.” Changbin taps your thigh for you to jump into his arms, your legs wrapping around his waist as your arms are around his neck. “Bedroom?” 
“Second door on the left.” You pull him into another kiss as he carefully carries you to your bedroom and lowers you onto the bed gently. Changbin cages you under him with his arms at your sides and your legs spread around his thighs. He grinds against your cunt, your dress riding up to reveal a thin thong being the only thing covering your pussy. 
“Can I take your dress off?” He kisses on your neck as you run your hands down his gorgeous arms. 
“Only if you take your shirt off.” He sighs with a smile and sits up, revealing his entire torso for you to see after slowly unbuttoning the rest of his shirt. You can’t help but ogle at the sight before you. “God damn, Changbin.” 
“Now let me slip this little dress off of you, doll.” He bites his lip as he takes a hold of the straps of your dress and pulls them down, eventually slipping your dress off of your body. His eyes scan your body, taking in every curve of your figure. His bulge in his pants only gets bigger. “Oh my god, you’re a fucking dream.”
You raise your back to get your hands around yourself, unhooking your bra and tossing it to the side. Changbin only watches as you lay back, giving him an open invitation to play with your tits, which he graciously accepts. His lips wrap around your left nipple, while his hand plays with your right breast. With his right hand busy on your chest, his left hand ghosts over your covered cunt before rubbing you from over your underwear. 
Your closet door isn’t very practical as a door. There are little slots across the door so air can vent into the closet. In this case, those little slots give Jeongin a perfect view of the buff, older man pinning you down to your bed. As much as his heart aches to see you like this, his cock is unmistakably hard. One of his hands teases his dick from over his underwear while his other hand wipes away a tear he didn’t even notice fell. 
Changbin kisses down from your nipple to the hem of your panties, his hands taking a hold of the fabric at your hips and sliding it down so he can finally taste you. He licks his lips before licking up your cunt, one strong lick to get you ready before his tongue makes circles around your clit, and occasionally his lips wrap around the bud to suck gently. Your legs wrap around his head as you watch him take his time, something your previous partners were never good at doing, even if they tried. 
“Fuck, Changbin~ so good.” You can’t help but moan out from his mouth taking complete control of your thoughts. Your hips buck up into his face as he devours you. Looking down at him, he looks so driven by lust and need. This is exactly where you were hoping this night was leading to. 
Changbin’s tongue laps at your folds as he grips your thighs tighter, going in harder than before. It feels like heaven between your legs, and you can’t help but raise your hips off the bed and buck into his face. He laughs against your heat, sending vibrations through your spine. He loves your reactions so much that he can’t help but laugh at how pathetic you are rutting against his face. 
“Mmm, mommy…” Jeongin whines, holding his hand over his mouth to muffle his irrepressible moans. Unfortunately for him, he’s louder than he thinks. “Ah, Y/n.” 
Changbin’s ears perk up. His mouth leaves you for a moment. He’s perched between your legs like a dog that just heard a car door from outside. “What was that?” 
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Jeongin’s hand stops jerking himself as his heart falls through his chest. He goes bug eyed as the realization hits him that he might have been too loud. 
“What was what?” You breath fast as you come back to your senses, being totally out of it just a second ago for apparent reasons. “Was it my daughters?!”
“I swear I heard something…” Changbin stares at the closet, unknowingly making eye contact with Jeongin as he looks through a slot in the door. Jeongin rustles around to feel for a blanket or something to hide him, but that only makes more noise. “Wait here.” 
You sigh, frustrated from the sudden mood ruining sound that your one night stand claims to have heard. Changbin goes up to the closet and puts his ear against the door before sliding it open to reveal a half naked college boy covering himself with an old winter coat. 
“Who the fuck-” 
“Hi, I was just leaving…” 
“Jeongin?! Yang Jeongin?! Is that you?!” You were prepared to cover yourself with the blanket, but since it’s him there’s no need for that now. You get off the bed, knees only a little wobbly, and walk over to him, pushing Changbin out of the way in the process. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing spying on me like this?” 
Changbin steps back and looks over the scene. He doesn’t understand why you didn’t cover up in front of this boy, but he’s too startled to ask any questions, not to mention the visible rage on your face scaring him. 
“I was going to surprise you, Y/n.” Jeongin’s voice is more of a croak, his voice hoarse and squeaky from embarrassment. 
“I told you to go the fuck home. Why didn’t you listen to me?” Your speech gets louder and louder, practically being a shout at this point. You’re too angry to care if the girls hear. You soundproofed that room to high heaven; if your daughters heard, you’d be more than shocked. 
“I… needed you?” Before you can even yell again, Changbin steps in and pushes you back from the boy. You got so in your head that you accidentally managed to get in his face as if you were going to throw hands. “I’m sorry, I should go now.”
“Changbin,” you look back at the older man, “would you mind if we added a third?” 
Both of the men look at you, their faces reading nothing but confusion. You sigh at their dazed expressions and pull the jacket away from Jeongin, leaving him exposed aside from his underwear. Noticing he’s still hard, you can’t help but laugh. 
“Look at the poor boy, Bin! He wants to play, doesn’t he?” Despite clearly talking down to Jeongin, he nods like the needy little puppy he is. Changbin looks at you, looks at Jeongin, looks at you, looks at your tits, looks at Jeongin’s bulge, and finally looks back at you… This will be the end of him if he says yes. 
But he can’t possibly turn down this golden opportunity. 
“He does look like he needs some assistance, doesn’t he?” Changbin’s devilish smirk returns to his face, a look you’ve only seen during the car ride to your house. Changbin sizes up the younger boy, unsure of what he wants to do first with this fresh piece of meat. “Have you ever been in a threesome before… what’s his name?”
“Well, no, but I’m trying to be…” Jeongin trails off, remembering his effort to be more vanilla and domestic to impress you. Then for a moment he thinks to himself, if being vanilla made her hook up with another guy, maybe she wants… her prince back. As absurd as this sounded to Jeongin, his knees were weak and his dick was hard. Turning down a threesome with two doms would be a clear mistake, and if he does this, then he can brag to his friends that he had a threesome, sparing the gruesome details of the power dynamics of course. “Excuse me sir, what’s your name?”
“You can keep calling me sir, that’s fine.” Changbin didn’t care what Jeongin called him, he only wanted to please you with the help of a little servant. “Y/n, go lay on the bed. I wasn’t done between your legs.” 
“Yes, sir.” 
Jeongin’s never seen you be submissive, so he’s surely in for a treat. 
“Baby boy, why don’t you sit on that chair and watch how a mature man eats out a woman.” You wink to Jeongin as you get situated on the bed. Ever obedient, Jeongin goes to the cushioned chair in the corner of your room and slides his underwear down his legs, ready to finally be able to see your body tonight in all its glory, although another man between your legs sent shivers down his spine, he can’t deny that he likes seeing you in such a blissed out state like you make him. 
“So you’re calling me sir now too, huh?” Changbin lays between your legs, ready to continue where he left off. One of his fingers rakes through your cunt, collecting the wetness he left before plunging into your sensitive hole. “Be a good girl and keep those legs spread for me, okay?” 
“Don’t get overzealous, Changbin.” You laugh and throw your head back into the pillows, finally relaxing into the touch of your new lover. “We still have a little boy who wants to be fucked, doesn’t he?” Jeongin nods from the corner of the room, palming his freed cock, only allowing the slightest bit of friction to please him. 
This was going to be a long night.
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taglist: @binnie-m00n​​ @sparklysung​​ @starsareseen​ @sailorhyunjinz​ @gothicstay​​ @vogueinnie​ @mariannaab​ @spilledtee​
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captainimprobable · 3 years
Here’s a very messy first draft of a fic I’m working on! There will be five parts, which I’ll post together on Ao3 once theyre all done.  This is the first part!
I’ll edit this for ao3 but I was too excited about it and wanted to post it here first before I did RIP
There are many things Luz admits she doesn’t understand.  She can’t figure out how cars work, and she’s not so sure about long division.  But, she thinks, as she watches her girlfriend chop up vegetables in the fading light of the setting sun, some things she does understand.  
“How did you get so good at this?” Luz asks, stepping closer to peer over Amity’s shoulder.  Every cut is perfect, each individual piece almost exactly like the one before.  It makes sense.  It is so Amity.
“Don’t get excited,” Amity warns, tipping the vegetables into a pot of boiling water.  “This is all I know how to cook.  I had a chef growing up.”  She blushes brightly, and Luz grins.  Amity blushing has become one of her Top Five Favorite Things, right under Azura and above Hexside.  
Amity herself, of course, is above them all.
“Sorry,” Amity says sheepishly.  “I didn’t mean to sound spoiled or anything, it’s just- my parents don’t cook, and they don’t have time to-”
“Amity.  It’s fine.”  Luz laughs, and Amity’s blush intensifies.  Luz is about to say something about it when Eda bursts into the room with all the subtlety of a hurricane.  “Look what I foooound,” she sings, proudly presenting something extremely dusty and unidentifiable.  Luz and Amity raise their eyebrows in unison.  
“Uh, what is it?” Luz asks.
“It’s a human-” Eda pauses.  “Okay, I’ll admit, I have absolutely no idea what it is.  But it’s cool looking and I like it.” “Another human treasure? Lemme see!”
“Suit yourself,” Eda says, and hands it over.  
The thing is heavier than Luz expected, and she grunts as she puts it down quickly on the kitchen table.
“Dang, Owl Lady, you’ve got strong arms,” she says.  
“I work out,” Eda responds, flexing her muscles.
Amity and Luz look at each other, and then at Eda.  They blink.
“Fine,” Eda says.  “Buzzkills. I don’t work out. You caught me, congratulations.”  She stalks out of the kitchen, muttering something about “dumb kids and their dumb honesty”.
Luz snorts and turns her attention back to the thing on the counter.  “Let’s see what we’ve got here,” she says, and blows the dust off.  Once the cloud clears, the thing begins to take shape, and Luz squeals.  “A record player! With a record on it!  This is amazing! My mom has one of these back home!”
“Record player?” Amity says.  “What does it do?”
Luz grins, always happy to show off her human knowledge.  “I’ll show you,” she says, and sets the pin on the groove of the record.  It’s silent for a moment, but then a slow tune echoes through the room.  There are no words in the song, and Luz has no idea who wrote it, but she’s in awe.
“Wow,” Amity says, echoing Luz’s thoughts.  “It’s beautiful.”
“Yeah,” Luz agrees, completely entranced by the melody.  Once the song fades away and the next one starts, she gets an idea.  She regards Amity out of the corner of her eye, gathers her courage, and says “Amity Blight, may I have this dance?”
Surprise flashes across Amity’s face, but she recovers impressively quickly.
“I thought you’d never ask.”  
She reaches out her hand and Luz takes it, gently guiding Amity to the middle of the kitchen.  Amity hesitantly puts her arm around Luz’s waist, pulling her closer, as Luz puts a hand on Amity’s shoulder.  It feels familiar, and when they start swaying around the kitchen, Amity starts to laugh.
“What? What’s so funny? Did I do something?”
“No, no,” Amity says, tightening her hold around Luz’s waist.  “It’s just...this is so different from our first dance together.”
“Our first...oh, you mean Grom!”
Amity takes a step backwards, and Luz follows, trying not to trip over her own feet.  
“Yes I mean Grom!”
They dance in silence for a moment, moonlight shining through the window.  
“Hey,” Luz starts, not sure if she wants the answer to the question she’s about to ask. “Who did you wanna take to Grom, anyway?”
Amity stares blankly at her for a few seconds, and for a moment Luz is worried she said something out of turn.  But then she smiles softly, so softly that Luz’s heart does a funny thing in her chest, and she’s pretty sure that, for a second, she can’t breathe.
“It was you, Luz,” Amity says quietly.  “It was always you.”
Luz stops dancing.  She stops blinking.  She stops breathing.
“Uh, Luz?” Amity says, sounding worried.  “Are you okay?”
Luz blinks, comes back into herself, and says “YOU WERE GOING TO ASK ME TO GROM????”
“Yes? Why is that a surprise? You know I...like you.” Amity blushes again.  They’re still not used to saying these things out loud to each other.  It’s a process.  
This time, Luz blushes too.  “Yeah, but like..that long??? You’ve liked me since Grom???”
“Since before Grom, actually,” Amity admits, looking down at the floor.  “It’s...it’s been a long time.”
Luz’s grip on Amity’s shoulder slackens, then tightens again.”Wow,” she says, breathless.  “Me.  You’ve liked me for months.  You!!!”
Amity giggles.  “Me,” she agrees.  
Luz knows that the smile on her face is sappy, but she can’t help it.  She just likes Amity so much it’s overwhelming sometimes.  
They begin to sway again, and Luz feels like she’s in a trance.  She can’t believe that one person can make her feel this happy.  It’s like magic.
“So,” Amity says, cutting into Luz’s inner monologue, “When was it for you?”
“When did you start to like me?”  
Amity manages, with what looks like supreme willpower, not to blush this time.  Luz does not manage the same.
“O-oh,” Luz says, thinking back to all the times she made a fool of herself in front of Amity before they’d started dating.  “I don’t know? I mean, I realized it that time you saved my life, but I think I’ve probably liked you for a lot longer than that. Maybe even before Grom.”
“Which time?”
“Which time?  I save your life a lot,” Amity smirks.  Luz rolls her eyes.  “Okay, fair,” she says.  “But I mean that time at your parents’ presentation.  Right after you...when you called me “my Luz.”
“Oh, no, you heard that?” Amity looks extremely embarrassed as she leans forward and hides her face in Luz’s shoulder.  Luz tries not to smell her hair.  She fails.
“Of course I heard that!” She says when she’s done.  “You practically screamed it out loud to a room full of strangers!”
“I did, didn’t I? Wow, I was so obvious!”
Luz rubs the back of her neck sheepishly.  “I didn’t notice.”
“What??? How???” Amity asks, picking her head up to look Luz in the eye.  “I was a complete mess in front of you for months! What did you think was happening?”
Luz shrugs.  “I just thought you were cute, that’s all.  In hindsight, though, maybe I should’ve picked up some context clues.”
Amity snorts.  “It’s okay.  You being oblivious saved me a ton of embarrassment.  Until I kissed you on the cheek.  That..uh….that was not planned.”
Luz can’t stop the smile that takes over her face.  She remembers that day well.  She was so focused on finding Phillip’s diary entries and also not making a fool of herself in front of Amity, that she was taken completely by surprise when Amity kissed her.  She’s pretty sure she literally fell to the floor afterwards, overwhelmed with the fact that Amity had just kissed her and suddenly realizing that maybe, just maybe, her crush liked her too.  
“Well I’m glad you did,” she says gently, twirling Amity around once, twice, three times.  “I think it’s time for me to return the favor.”
“What do you-”
Before she can think about it long enough to stop herself, Luz leans in and kisses Amity on the cheek.  
The world freezes.  
Amity looks at her, and she looks at Amity, and Luz’s eyes are so wide, and Amity’s mouth is hanging slightly open, and suddenly Luz is completely, entirely unsure of herself.  Her confidence is gone, and suddenly she can hear the ghost of laughter and “Ew, why would anyone want her?” And she realizes she’s made a horrible mistake.  
“U-um sorry I-” She stutters, but can’t get a sentence out, until finally she manages “I’m gonna leave now.”
She backs up slowly until her back hits the door, and is about to turn the handle when Amity says “Luz, this is your house.”
“Drat,” Luz says, slapping a hand to her face.  “You’re right.”
Amity giggles, hand covering her mouth to stifle her laughter.  She’s bright red but so is Luz, and suddenly Luz is laughing too.
They laugh together for what seems like hours, until finally they manage to subdue themselves, tears in both their eyes.
“Hey,” Amity says softly, once the giggles have stopped.  “Come here.”
Luz complies, stepping around the table and over Ghost, who has an unidentifiable animal in her mouth.  When she finally reaches Amity, she finds herself pulled into a bone crushing hug.  Startled but pleased, she squeezes back, marvelling at the fact that she has the most perfect girl in the world in her arms.  
“Look,” Amity says, still wrapped up in the hug.  “I know we’re both new at this, and it’s kind of scary, but you don’t have to run away every time you kiss me on the cheek or something.  You have nothing to be afraid of, okay? You’re my girlfriend, and I’m not gonna stop liking you.”
Luz sniffles a little and squeezes harder.  “You don’t...you don’t think I’m too much?”
“Luz,” Amity says.  “I could never get enough of you.”  
They stand there like that, swaying slightly in the single stripe of moonlight that comes through the window.  When they part, it’s with a sigh, and a silent promise that they’ll come together again.  
“Thanks,” Luz says, eyes rimmed red.  “You’re a pretty awesome girlfriend.”
Amity smiles.  “I know.” 
Then she shrugs shyly.  “And if you ever want to kiss me again...I wouldn’t be opposed.”
“Noted,” Luz says weakly.  She thinks her knees might give out, actually.
When it’s time for Amity to go, Luz walks her to the door, like the gentleman she is.  “Goodnight,” she says, trying to ignore Hooty loudly digesting a mouse.  She doesn’t want to think about where his stomach even is.
“Goodnight,” Amity says.
They smile dumbly at each other, neither wanting to be the first one to leave.  But Amity needs to get home, and the night is moving quickly, so they reluctantly part ways.  Amity turns to wave at Luz when she reaches the end of the Owl House’s property, and Luz waves back, stars in her eyes and a breathless wonder at the fact that this girl, this amazing, brilliant, perfect girl, is hers.  
There are many things Luz doesn’t understand.  
But this, what she and Amity have, the bond she feels growing stronger and stronger every day they spend together; this she does understand.
She closes the door.  She doesn’t know what tomorrow will bring, but she knows that as long as she has Amity by her side, everything will be okay.
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Falling for you ( Falling from grace) ( Complete )
Summary : Friends with benefits? Or maybe Enemies who just happen to fuck? Areum and Jungkook love driving each other crazy, but also can’t keep their hands off each other.
Chapter 1 
 Chapter 2 
 Chapter 3
 Chapter 4
 Chapter 5  
Chapter 6  
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 ( Final ) 
Something about sitting on the counter in Jungkook’s kitchen, wearing nothing but his shirt and chopping carrots , while the clock read 2.20 AM felt so right, that I couldn’t stop grinning. 
Jungkook was singing softly and apparently singing was yet another thing he was ridiculously good at.
“You’re singing at our wedding. You sound like an angel.” I declared, pointing one red veggie at him.
Jungkook laughed.
“Sure, what song?”
“Something sweet and nice and-”
“ Take off those heels- Lay on my bed- Whisper dirty secrets as I’m pulling on your hair.....” 
I glared at him. 
“absolutely not.”
“Aww Come on... “ Jungkook gave me the full brunt of his puppy eyes, “We should be true to ourselves and lets be real, yes I enjoy being corny and romantic with you but...it’s in the bed that we truly shine as a couple.” He grinned, bunny teeth poking out in an entirely too adorable way considering that he wanted to sing a fucking sex song at our ‘not-even-sure-if-its-happening wedding’ . 
“No one else needs to know that...” I shuddered. My sister would expire on the spot. 
“ They will when we sneak out at the reception to have sex in the closet.” 
“In my wedding dress? Yeah right.” I rolled my eyes.
Jungkook’s eyes glittered. 
“We’re going to be married in the Maldives. You’re going to be in a bikini.” He said casually. 
I blinked.
“A bikini?”
“Yes. A bikini. The kind I can undo with just a couple of tugs on a string. “ 
“You’ve...given this a lot of thought.” I smirked.
He nodded.
“I am...but only because it’s damn near impossible to think of anything else when you’re in front of me.”
“You’re ridiculous.”.
He shrugged,
“Even picked out a ring.”
“Liar.” I hissed and he laughed.
“You’re right. I haven’t picked a ring. We’ll pick one together ....when we want to get married.” 
“But...thats ...not anytime soon right?” I said nervously. Jungkook gave me a smile, moving back to stirring the saucepan with the meat and adding some sauce. 
“It doesn’t have to be ever. I’m happy this way. If one day you wake up and feel like you’re missing a ring on your finger, we’ll go do the whole wedding shebang. If not, that's fine too. We can spend the rest of our lives being the horny couple everyone avoids at family gatherings. ” he shrugged. 
I laughed but felt my heart expand a few sizes inside me. 
“Thank you.” I whispered and he leaned over the counter to gently grip my chin, planting a soft kiss on my lips. 
“No one else gets to say what we are. No one else gets to say what we can or can’t do. Okay?” He rubbed his nose against mine and I nodded.
I bit my lips, thinking about something that had always bothered me. 
“Your parents-” He cut me off before I could finish.
“I won’t lie. They’ll probably want me to...reconsider.” He sighed. “ But I don’t think they’ll give  you  a hard time about it.. They’re polite and good people. Just have a different idea of what I need in a wife.”
I played with the hem of his shirt. 
“Sana , she’s-” i couldn’t even say it, just looking up at him. He was already staring at me. 
He nodded, smiling a little.
“Someone my parents have been trying to set me up with, yeah.” He admitted. 
“You didn’t turn her down ...” I said softly, feeling hurt . 
He stared at me, turning the heat down on the pan before coming around to stand in front of me. 
“Hey, come on, don’t look like that, baby...”
“And she’s going to be there at your fight today and-”
“I just didn’t want to pick a fight with my parents before today’s match. Because believe it or not, I was going to ask you out today , after I won.”
I blinked at him, surprised.
“Really. I... you’ve been staying over and stuff, and you actually looked jealous of Sana so I thought...you know maybe you’ve changed your mind about us.... So I wanted to ask you out. And I wanted my parents to  be in a good mood when I told them I’m with you. So I indulged them a little , that’s all.” 
I nodded. Talking about his parents made me think of my own mother and God, I could feel a headache coming on. But I had to tell him the truth. 
“My mom...she’s...she’s a little...”
He squeezed my knees, leaning closer and bumping my head with his.
“I’m not the kind of guy women usually want to bring home to their parents, but i will wear a nice button down,  brush my teeth  and get a whole bunch of flowers for her when you ask me to.” He whispered. 
“She’ll only want you for your money.” I blurted out.
He straightened, looking confused.
Embarrassment flooded me but I had to be honest with him.
“My mother, she... she got used to a really luxurious lifestyle with my dad and when he died, she just...she couldn’t accept that she’s going to have to give up a lot of stuff... So she’ll try to get you to buy her things. I’ll try to keep her away as much as I can but-”
“I really wouldn’t mind buying her stuff-”
I shook my head fiercely.
“No..No..that’s... I can’t ask you to that.”
Areum look at me-” He demanded and I stared at him. 
“You do know that I’m like, filthy rich, right?” He said firmly.
I rolled my eyes.
“Yes but-”
“Buying your mom a few trinkets every month wouldn’t even put a dent in the amount of money I make in a fucking  hour.” He raised both his eyebrows.
I frowned.
“Okay, stop bragging.” 
He laughed. 
“ I’m serious. You don’t have to worry about it okay? Besides you can always repay me for it. “ 
I gaped at him.
“I cannot repay-”
“In kisses.” He finished. 
I stared at him, not fooled at all.
“And office sex. I really really want to spend a whole entire day at work with you wrapped around my cock...not even fucking,,,just you in my lap, me inside you.... Its like my biggest fantasy.” His eyes looked a little glazed. 
I felt heat rush all the way up to my ears, my face flaming. 
“You’re insatiable” I muttered, whacking his shoulder. 
His eyes shifted, gaze darkening and heavy with something that was more than just lust. More than just attraction,. It was heavy and over powering, strong and impossible to ignore. It was so heavy and dark and sensuous and yet somehow so achingly soft and affectionate. 
“It’s never enough, “ He leaned in close, curving fingers on my waist and kissing my neck. “ After two years, I tell myself I should have had enough of you but...” He brushed his lips against mine, “   It’s not. I want to touch you more. I always come away from our time together wishing I could touch you some more. Want to touch you more, take in that scent of yours, watch your eyes flash when I make you cum. ” 
He grabbed my knees, spreading my legs and I became acutely aware of being completely naked underneath his shirt. 
“We’re not having sex on the kitchen counter.” I protested, laughing  and he hummed, kissing my jaw gently.
“Come on, its a rite of passage. Its not true love if you don’t have sex on the kitchen counter while your dinner burns on the stove...” 
Oh, well. 
Maybe he was right. 
“Should i just forfeit the match tonight?” Jungkook whispered, voice muffled against my shoulder blades as he pressed soft little kisses to my skin , deliciously slow and gentle. 
I frowned, face down on the soft duvet on his bed, fingers curled into the fabric, trying to chase sleep. 
The slightly golden light spilling into the room told me it was morning, but still pretty early. We could definitely afford to sleep in a few more hours at least. It had been almost four in the morning when we had finally fallen asleep. Jungkook had wanted to leave the kitchen as it was but I couldn’t fathom leaving some poor maid the task of cleaning cum off the mahogany surface. 
“Why would you say that?” i said, surprised. 
Jungkook sighed.
“I don’t know. “ He pulled away from me and rolled to the side. I stared at him as he gazed back at me. 
“What’s wrong?” I whispered, genuinely concerned.
He gave me a soft smile.
“It’s just a thought. I have it every morning of a major match.” He ran a palm over his face, mussing up his hair bore reaching out to press a kiss on my forehead. 
“Is it nervousness?” I asked, feeling anxious. There was something oddly frightening about seeing this side of Jungkook. I’d only ever seen the cool, confident asshole. The one that had no qualms about taking what he wanted, when he wanted. 
And I felt .... like it was a privilege he was granting me, letting me see the vulnerable side to his well earned cockiness. 
He shook his head. 
“It’s not. I’m not worried about losing, wouldn’t even mind losing once in a while.”
“But you don’t... you’re literally incapable of losing, golden maknae...” I teased and he rolled his eyes. 
“It’s actually about you.” He reached out and cupped my cheek gently. 
I blinked, pressing my own fingers over his. .
“I’m not sure you’ll....like  that  side of me.” He said hesitantly. 
“A large part of why I never let you see me fight is because, I’m not a nice person in the ring. I don’t show a lot of mercy ... I sometimes use more force than necessary and well, there’s nothing beautiful about beating the shit out of someone is there?”
I swallowed.
“You think I’ll see you differently, if I watch you fight.”
He nodded. 
“Won’t you? It’s not a very dignified sport.” 
I hesitated, not sure what to say to that. 
“I’ve not... I don’t think I’ve ever thought it was weird, in a bad way, that you boxed. I just thought it was something you were good at. It’s not... I don’t think I feel that deeply about it.” 
He nodded.
“I believe you . But it still worries me. I’m just scared I guess...”
“Scared that seeing me in the ring will make you change your mind about us.” 
I jolted, stunned. 
Moving quickly to his side , I threw my arms around his neck, kissing him hard. 
I pulled back to glare at him.
“I’m not going to leave you over a sport you play.” I said drily .
He chuckled and kissed the tip of my nose.
“If you say so.”
“I’m serious. I’m not a delicate flower, Jungkook. I’m not going to enjoy watching you get hurt, yes, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to just...give up on everything that you are.... because of this.” 
“You’re right.... I’m sorry if i worried you.” He said softly , and it was so disarming, how much adoration was writ large on his features.
 I was used to the lust and the passion and the roughness but this Jungkook, the tender, gentle lover....he was sending me into a downward spiral. 
“This is weird.” I laughed a little.
He grinned.
“What?” He scooted closer, reaching out to gently hold my hand.
“You...being so...” I stopped when he stroked the delicate skin on the back of my hand with feather light touches. 
“So...what?” His eyebrows quirked up, teasing and I felt myself blushing so furiously . 
“Stop it...” I whispered, mortified with how hot my face was getting. That tender, adoring look on his face was making it impossible for me to breathe.
Jungkook gave me a wicked smile and carefully slotted his fingers between mine, holding my hand gently before raising it up to kiss my knuckles.
“What’s making you turn so red, angel?” He pressed soft affectionate kisses, on each knuckle and then the inside of my wrist and I smiled so wide my cheeks began to hurt a bit. 
“Jungkook...” I could barely get the words out and it was so incredibly embarrassing that something as innocently affectionate as him holding my hand was filling me with an incontrollable urge to just burst into tears. 
“ I love you...” He whispered , blowing gently on my fingers. 
“Oh, God...” I could feel my soul threatening to leave my body. 
“Love every little bit of you...” He rolled over me, straddling my waist , arms caging me in as he pressed one soft kiss to my temple. 
“I’m going to cry.” I said firmly.
“Love that you’re so brave, so unafraid. “ He kissed the edge of my brows., “ love that you stand up for yourself, love that you don’t take shit from anyone, even me and I love that you’re here. In my arms. Like this, although I don’t deserve you at all, my beautiful goddess....” he whispered. 
The nickname made me astral project for one hot minute. 
Determined to get some control back, I grabbed the drawstrings of his sweatpants, untying the loose knot before slipping my fingers into the waistband. 
“Hmm... you’re right. You don’t deserve. But because I’m a generous generous goddess, how about I let you worship me, the way  I  deserve ....” I whispered, tugging his pants down, pushing the fabric past  his muscled thighs. He laughed.
“And how would that be?”
“Let me use that hot, thick dick of yours... Wanna ride it till my thighs shake, make you cum so hard you’ll see heaven...” I whispered and he rolled his eyes. 
“This is supposed to be a soft moment .... and all you’re interested in is my cock , you dirty little-” He choked when I shimmied down, quickly. Scooting down the bed till i was face to face with his dick, his thighs straddling my chest and his cock right up against my mouth. 
I licked the tip, gently. 
“I love you too..” I whispered, wrapping my lips around the soft head , letting my lips suck on the sensitive skin, tongue licking the soft underside as he grabbed on to the headboard to steady himself. 
“Love how much you care for me,” I ran the tip of my tongue all over the head , getting it nice and sloppy, “  how upset you get when I’m hurting....” I opened my mouth wide, lifting up just a bit to suck more of him into my mouth. 
“Oh God-”
“Love how kind, and talented and nice you are. Love how good you are at making me feel good. No one makes me feel as good as you do, Jungkook...” 
He was staring down at me, eyes blown with a mixture of arousal and affection, fingers carding through my hair gently.
I gave his hip a small pat.  
“Fuck my mouth... i can’t suck you off like this.” I squeezed his ass , enjoying how hard it felt beneath my hand. I gripped his thighs, stroking them up and down, leanly muscled and corded with strength. 
And then, completely losing my senses, 
“Namjoon’s thighs are a little bigger than yours right? ”  I said thoughtfully, completely serious and not even realizing what i was saying and  who  I was saying it to until his grip on my hair tightened hard enough  . 
Jungkook’s eyes widened comically and he was off me in a second. 
The look of sheer and absolute horror on his face made me laugh so hard i nearly choked. 
Growling, he grabbed me by the shoulders, flipping me over so fast, i bounced off the mattress. I laughed into the fabric of the pillow . 
“Jungkook, i was just jok--” I got cut off by a smack to the back of my thigh, hard and stinging. 
“Hyung’s thighs? Really, Areum, you wanna got there?” He smacked me again, and I whined. 
“Is this any way to treat a goddess?” I choked out, struggling to crawl away but he held me down easily. 
“Shouldn’t ever go soft on you..., called you a goddess one time and suddenly you wanna be a little brat about it......” He grunted, fingers closing around my upper arms and pulling my hands back so hard that my shoulder actually popped. 
He pulled me up till I was on my knees, his chest pressed to my back as he gripped my wrists hard. 
“Ow!! I’m sorry!” I yelped, but he wasn’t listening,  and I grinned when i felt the familiar cold of metal on my wrists. 
“You’re so easily riled...” I added a slight lilt to my words, knowing how much it annoyed him. 
He didn’t disappoint, grabbing my chin hard and yanking my head back so I could stare at him. 
“Only when you forget your place, angel.” He whispered . 
“My place?” I blinked innocently. “ And where is that?”
He gave me a quick bruising kiss.
“In my heart most of the time. But right now, on your knees up against the head board so I can fuck your brains out.” 
“I love you.” Jungkook said cheerfully, leaning against the wall and grinning like the Chesire cat. I straightened from where I was kneeling, tying my sneakers. 
I stared at him, completely amused.
“Jungkook you don’t have to say that so often...” I shook my head.
He frowned. 
“I like being able to say those words to you. I spent entirely too many months thinking them and not being allowed to say them.”
I felt my heart melt a little. 
“I love you too. “ I whispered.
“I wouldn’t mind you being there, you know. I know I said all that stuff, but if you really want to see me fight from up front....” 
I shook my head. 
“Its alright. I won’t be anywhere near the front and I’ll make sure to look away when you’re punching your opponent. “ I teased. 
He sighed.
“Just remember that’s not who I am, okay? I... I love you.” He said again.
“Now the word’s just beginning to lose all meaning.” I laughed. 
He looked hurt at that.
I rushed to sooth him.
“I’m just joking, I’m joking... Of course it has meaning and i love that you’ve suddenly turned into a love bot, but let’s just... tone it down. Just a little bit.” I pinched my fingers together,.
He tugged his lower lips between his teeth.
“You’ll be okay to get to the venue by yourself right? I’m going to take a shower and a nap before I head there.”
“I’ll be fine.” I waved him off. “ We’ll meet up after you win and celebrate properly.” I winked, giving him one last kiss before waving bye. 
As the door closed behind him, I couldn’t help but grin ear to ear.
Ain’t love grand? 
I was wrong. 
I couldn’t do this.
“He is so hot. Oh my God, you’re so lucky, Sana...look at his fucking abs.” 
I willed myself not to take a swing at the girl next to me. I wanted to clench my fist, raise my arm and just let loose till she was knocked out on the floor. The women from the office had seen me hovering awkwardly at the back and swooped on me like a pair of vultures. 
I’d been swept to the very front with them, my protests falling on deaf ears and now, suddenly I had front row seats to watching the love of my life get hurt. 
There was nothing even remotely enjoyable about watching Jungkook get hit. And although it was clear that he was winning , clear that he was so much better than his opponent, there was no denying that the other guy was good too.
And the two times he had managed to catch Jungkook off guard, landing a couple of punches, my entire heart had cracked into two. 
“He’s going to be my husband...can you believe?” San whispered next to me and I startled.,
Oh God. 
The girls looked at me eagerly.
“Oh...that’s yeah. Sounds amazing.” I smiled. 
“He could probably like fuck you against the wall, “ Jieun whispered, giggling .
Sana blushed so red I wanted to scream.
“So hot... Do you think he’s... you know...big?” She nudged me lightly, laughing. 
Oh wow. I clenched my fists, feeling rage fill my veins so fast that I saw red. 
But I was saved by the sound of a commotion up front and my head whipped around, panic setting in. 
I stared at the ring. Jungkook stood back while his opponent was flat on the floor, unmoving. 
Great, these horny bitches had made me miss him taking the winning shot. 
i watched the referee kneel beside the prone man, counting slowly and I saw Jungkook turn to stare right at me.
“He’s looking at you, Sana... He’s looking at you, look!!” Jieun grinned. 
I bit my lips, smiling at him. 
“I think you should go to him.” The girls told Sana and I jumped.
What the fuck??
Unable to bear it, I pushed past them, ignoring their surprised squawks as I pushed past the crowd to the aisle. 
“And , ladies and gentleman, we have ourselves a winner. Give it up for our very own, Jeon Jung Kook!!” 
The crowd went wild, the referee raising his hand up in victory.
I ran all the way up to the ring, narrowly missing the guard near the front and crawling up into the ring. 
Jungkook stared at me, wide eyes as I jumped on him with a running leap. 
He caught me around the waist easily, laughing. He gripped my butt, hoisting me up and I wrapped my thighs tight around his waist. 
“Oh, wow”. He whispered, but I was too busy searching the crowd for the three girls who had triggered me into this madness. 
Sana and her two friends stood slack jawed, eyes wide as saucers as they stared at me. 
I snatched the mic out of Jungkook’s hand. Glared right at them. 
“To answer your question...yes.. he’s big. The biggest I’ve ever had and what’s more he knows how to use it too. Also, stay the fuck away from my boyfriend and stop talking about him like he’s a piece of meat, you whores. You do know I work in the HR department right? I will file sexual harassment suits on the three of you so fast you’ll-” 
Jungkook grabbed the mic out of my hands before I could finish, looking absolutely horrified. 
“You crazy little bint!” He laughed aloud and I pouted.
“They’re taking about your dick. I don’t like that.” I protested. 
“Baby, you know my dick is yours.” 
“Damn right it is.” I said firmly. 
He grinned a bit. 
“And so is my heart.” 
I let him kiss me, the background noise and the sound of of cheering fading away as I let my eyes flutter shut, reveling in just him. 
Of course, we had things to do. Meet our parents. Make our relationship public.... a whole lot of messy grown up stuff that would annoy the fuck out of both of us. 
But for now, kissing him in front of everyone, ignoring Namjoon’s screams of, ‘ Jungkook there are reporters here!!! ’ and my sister’s shouts of, ‘ stop you heathens’.....
Well, this felt just right. 
The End .
Authors Note : Well, this was a whole entire journey wasn’t it!!!!! I will deeply miss Jungkook and Areum, I loved them with my whole entire heart. I hope you guys loved them too... Let me know if you did... As always, feedback is much, much appreciated !!!! Thank you for sticking by.  Love and kisses. 
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ratmonky · 3 years
Love Loser
Word Count: 7.7K
Warnings: Obsession, Manipulation, Gaslighting, Chikan, Breeding, dub-con
AO3 Link
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“Be careful and don’t forget that a professional sorcerer is going to pick you up from the station,” Gojo hugged both Megumi and you. “Don’t talk to strangers and don’t waste your allowance on junk food.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Megumi pushed him away. “We’re going to ride on the train for only two hours, what’s the worst that can happen?”
“It feels like just yesterday when I met you two…” Gojo smiled, ignoring Megumi, and gave a dreamy sigh, still hugging you. “Now, you’re leaving me~”
“We’re gonna come back,” Megumi mumbled. “You know that.”
“He likes to be dramatic.” You finally broke the hug. “Do you want me to say anything to Yuuji?”
“Tell him to come back!” Gojo pouted his lips, wrapping his arms around himself. “It’s because of him that all of my students are leaving.”
“Wasn’t it you who sent him away to train with that sorcerer?” Megumi didn’t need an answer.
Gojo paused and his arms went limp, falling to his sides. “Yeah…”
“Did they leave?”
A familiar voice made you turn around. There she was, you had thought she wasn’t going to make it. With the biggest smile on your lips, you threw yourself in Nobara’s arms.
“Ahh, listen, listen, (name)! You have to bring souvenirs!” She was practically yelling in your ear and embracing you tightly. “I’m gonna miss you so bad.”
“We’re going away only for a week...” Megumi rolled his eyes.
Gojo leaned to whisper to Megumi’s ear. “They like to be dramatic.”
A loud whistle tore the chatter of the crowd in the train station.
It was time.
While Megumi took your bag from the ground and threw it over his shoulder to give you a little longer time to embrace Nobara, the two of you were giggling over something he couldn’t hear.
Another whistle came, only then you managed to let go of your friend to follow Megumi to get on the train. You stood in front of the closing doors to wave at your teacher and friend.
They waved back, Nobara blew you a kiss and it made you giggle.
Megumi lazily waved at the two through the door’s glass window as the loud whistle once again was heard. The train started rolling forward.
You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the two until Megumi pulled you toward a seat.
“This is exciting,” you smiled. “I wonder what kind of place Yuuji is staying at.”
“Yes to what?” you chuckled. “Is it exciting or-”
“It’s exciting,” Megumi said firmly. “I’m also curious about what the place is like.”
“Sometimes I wonder if that guy has a brain,” Megumi huffed and put his hand on his hip in annoyance. “I’ve never seen this professional sorcerer before so how did he think we were going to recognize him somehow?”
You agreed with a small chuckle but it turned into a gasp. Your eyes landed on a familiar spiky pink hair. A smile tugged at your lips as you dropped your bags to run forward.
“(name)-?” Megumi stood there in shock as you ran towards the man who was waiting with open arms.
“Yuuji!” You jumped into his arms and as soon as Yuuji caught you, he spun around laughing.
“I missed you!”
Yuuji let you down and held your hand instead as you walked over to Megumi.
He was frowning while Yuuji grabbed all of your bags to carry them himself.
“The sorcerer training me is out of town today. He’ll be back in two days. He told me to come and get you two to his house,” Yuuji simply explained. “How ya been doing?”
“Fine,” you said.
“Terrible,” Megumi groaned.
“Good,” Yuuji snickered.
A professional sorcerer’s house was more cramped than you thought it would be. Megumi and Yuuji had to share a futon together and sleep in the same room as you.
“You lived like this for a month already?” Megumi grimaced at the messy room.
Yuuji proudly smiled. “What? You can’t handle not sleeping in your own giant private room?”
“Don’t fight on our first day together!” You yelled from the kitchen.
Yuuji entered the room and leaned on the counter, watching you quietly.
You didn’t look up at him since you were cooking but he was oddly quiet. Finally, you asked what he wanted.
“I missed you.”
The village Yuuji was staying at was located very close to the mountains.
You were checking the map, “Our trail is starting here.” You pointed at the map on the ground, circling the small green spot with a red marker. “That’s our exact position,” you muttered. “We’ll go up to the mountain until this part.” You marked another spot on the map which was very far away from the current position, then slowly tapped the marker on the destination.
You gave a contented sigh, the cool air of the summer breeze was creeping on all of you as you folded the map and looked up, “Any questions?”
“No.” Yuuji jumped on his spot, “Let’s get going.”
You were the only one without a large backpack but you were carrying the necessity bag and the firewood was given into your care. It was all pretty heavy but it wasn’t anything you couldn’t handle.
Yuuji was leading the way, while Megumi was at the end making sure that nobody fell behind, which only meant you, since only you weren’t able to keep up with the others’ pace. You were right on one thing, hiking was very difficult and tiring. You were already drenched in sweat and it had been only half an hour. You took a deep breath while trying to walk up the trail, avoiding all the rocks and weird-looking plants.
Yuuji found a nice opening to take a break and eat lunch. The moment he put his backpack down he could see the two of you cheer with exhaustion, he laughed. “We’re going to eat lunch, we’re not there yet.”
Huffing, you sat on a big rock while Yuuji was taking out the lunch from the basket. Megumi handed water bottles to each of you. You took one and drank the whole bottle in one go, wiping your sweat to the ends of your shirt while lifting it, omitting the way Megumi was blushing.
“We made it!” you cheered.
The large clearing you arrived at was covered by tall trees and there were large rocks laid in a circle in the middle of the clearing. Yuuji claimed that it was from when he came here with his friends from the village before. It was simply a really popular camping spot but Megumi wasn't sure if he only eaned to bring you all here because there was a fire pit ready or for another reason. The plan was to have a nice hike and a picnic before returning back, you weren't going to camp here. 
“You should check the view from that cliff.” Yuuji pointed towards the north with a smile. “It’s gorgeous, I’ve never seen anything like its view, it’s enough to make anyone tear up!”
“Where?” you asked, handing him a bottle of water.
“It’s like ten minutes that way.” He pointed north again. “I’m pointing at it, can’t you see?”
“Well, I thought you were going to give us the exact directions if it was located somewhere tricky and-” Megumi was walking inside the forest slowly without saying anything, “Wait, Fushiguro!” you yelled at him for not waiting and dropped your bags next to Yuuji.
He stopped walking, you caught up to him and you walked deeper into the forest together.
It was dead quiet. If it wasn’t for the shaking of the trees and the sounds of the cicadas, you would feel uncomfortable. Megumi liked the silence, it was peaceful.
Only a couple of minutes of walking later, you realized, the view from the cliff was breathtaking.
“I’ve never seen anything like this before.” You couldn’t hide the excitement in your voice. The sunlight made everything look like a painting, the colors of the trees and grass were an impossible bright orange.
Megumi nodded in agreement. “It was worth the walk.”
“Right? I thought he was overexaggerating but it’s actually prettier!” you gave a light chuckle. “I’m glad we got to see it together.”
“Yeah.” His gaze hesitantly dropped to your hand. A million thoughts went through his mind and he wanted to reach for you, taking your hand in his and holding it tightly. He wondered what you would do, you would just laugh and let him hold your hand as if it was no big deal.
To you it didn’t mean anything to be with him at this moment, enjoying the view and standing beside him. But to Megumi, it was heavenly yet not enough. He wanted to enjoy more time together or even spend years together. He knew once both of you graduated, you would go different ways but he desperately needed to stay with you.
He knew his life wouldn’t be the same without you in it.
“Fushiguro,” you said, voice quiet and soft. “I think I have someone I like.”
His body jolted, gaze lifting up to your face. You were blushing faintly.
“Who?” His voice was faint, not very like him. Clearing his throat, he asked again. “Who?”
You put your hands on your cheeks and closed your eyes with a grin. “Ahh, it’s so embarrassing.”
From the way you were blushing, he knew who it was.
I like you too.
He wanted to say it out loud. Megumi started blushing as well when he opened his mouth. “I-”
“It’s Yuuji!”
Megumi’s eyes widened, the view he had thought to be gorgeous was turning into a glimpse of hell and your lovely expression on your face nearly made him retch.
“That’s why Nobara wanted me to come here with you, she keeps telling me to say something but I’m just soooo embarrassed! I mean, I wanna be with him before that happens.”
Why him?
Your words didn’t reach him anymore, even if they did, he couldn’t register what they meant. Each word was something he couldn’t comprehend when put together, it felt like he was going insane.
Why him but not me?
As long as he treasured this time you had together, to him it would be enough. He didn’t have to be with you forever. He was fine just being friends.
“I’m gonna confess to him, Nobara thinks he likes me and-”
“Don’t.” Megumi turned to face you completely, his head was dizzy.
“Why not?” You were smiling, oh how cute. Knowing why you were smiling like this made his throat clench. “Don’t you think he likes me?”
“No,” he firmly responded. Your smile faltered, lips pressing together in worry. He had to do it. He had to do something. He was desperate to do something. “He likes Kugisaki.”
I love you more than he ever could.
“Oh,” you said, gaze dropping to the ground. “I… I never noticed.”
“I know it because he told me. You shouldn’t get in between him and her.” His tone was colder than ice. He realized how badly his hands were shaking and quickly put them in his pockets to hide them from your view.
“I see,” you whispered. Perhaps, your best friend liked him too. It would be cruel to prevent them from getting together. Yes. Although it hurt, you were fine. Fine.
Your vision blurred with tears.
Hastily, you wiped your tears and turned to look at the view one more time. Although your tears didn’t stop, Megumi didn’t want to say anything since he was fighting with his own demons but he couldn’t stand watching you cry.
“(name)?” You didn’t respond, so he took a step closer to you. “Hey,” he tried calling for you again and this time you flinched. You wiped your tears away with your forearms before turning to face him.
“I’m fine.” You beamed up at him despite how red your eyes were.
His eyes fixated on the ground in front of him. He was troubled, unable to look you in the face. “It’s not the end of the world.” His voice was calm.
“It still hurts.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, Fushiguro.”
Yuuji was placing big smooth rocks around the fireplace that was already lit when the two of you returned. He smiled at you, “Took you two long enough.”
“Yeah, it was prettier than I thought.” You took a blanket out from one of the bags and spread it on the ground.
“You’re okay?” Yuuji asked, raising a brow. “Your eyes are red.”
Nodding, you brushed it off with a lie, “The view made me tear up.”
He laughed and patted on your back. “Told you!”
“Todo was very interested in (name) today, huh?” Yuuji said as they were walking to their dorm.
Megumi hummed. 
“I mean, she’s kinda cute, I’m not sure.” He laughed and then stopped in front of his friend, blocking the way. “Actually, scratch that, she’s very cute.”
A disgusted expression settled on Megumi’s face but he shook it off instantly. 
“What do you think of her?”
“She’s my friend.” Megumi sounded… conflicted.
“What’s with the pause?” Yuuji chuckled.
Megumi was trying to walk around him to get to his room so he could avoid this pointless conversation altogether but Yuuji was barely giving him any space to move around the hallway.
“I think I like her,” Yuuji stepped in front of him once again as he had just managed to walk past him, “(name) is pretty and I like her.”
“Do you like her only because she’s pretty?” Megumi’s anger was starting to turn towards his friend even though he wasn’t the reason for his anger. “What do you like about her exactly?”
For a while, Yuuji couldn’t speak. His brows furrowed in anger because he didn’t know what to say. 
“I think we both know the truth now.” Megumi looked down at Yuuji, sending him a warning glare.
The color drained from Yuuji’s face but he tried not to show his shock on his face. 
They glared at each other for a moment before Megumi let out a sigh. “But, you know what Itadori?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “I believe she deserves someone better than you.” He walked past his friend and into his room, leaving Yuuji behind, alone with his thoughts.
As soon as he closed the door, he collapsed on the floor with his hands covering his ears. 
This wasn’t supposed to happen. 
Why? Why? WHY?
Neither of you confessed to each other in the passing years.
Megumi made sure of it.
“Ahh, I’m jealous! You two already kissed?” Yuuji kept whining, hitting his head on the table. “What was it like? Did she squirm a lot? What did she taste like?”
Inumaki flushed red and shook his head, refusing to give him an answer.
“I never thought Inumaki would be the first one between all of us to get a girlfriend,” Panda commented, taking a bite from one of the small rice cakes before he mumbled under his breath. "Especially her."
“You talk as if you were gonna get one,” Yuuji responded.
“That hurt!” Panda held his chest, pretending to be in pain.
“To be honest, I always thought Fushiguro would be first.”
It became silent when Yuuji said that. Everyone was staring at him now.
“You’re single, right?” Panda asked.
Megumi rolled his eyes. “Why are you asking?”
“You guys are next to graduate, Fushiguro! Find yourself a girl before sorcerer work starts building up!” Panda let out a noise closer to a groan and turned to Yuuji. “What about you?”
“Unfortunately, I’m single!”
“No, not that! Do you have anyone you like?” For some reason, they were yelling at each other now.
But that wasn’t the yelling that made Megumi almost drop his glass, it was the question.
Don’t answer.
They will encourage you.
Unaware of all the things running through Megumi’s head, Yuuji’s cheeks blushed. “I... do.”
Panda grinned, “Who is it?”
Shut up.
Don’t say it.
Megumi watched Yuuji’s lips move in terror as he said a name he was familiar with. “Jennifer Lawrence.”
Letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, the tension on Megumi’s shoulders eased while everyone else was laughing.
He had to make a move before it was too late.
When they started running out of necessities in the dorms, it was usually two of the seniors who went to restock them. Since you were all seniors now, it had become your duty which none of you looked forward to.
“We’ll just play rock paper scissors,” Nobara said. “It’ll be fair.”
Yuuji frowned, “I haven’t won a single time playing this.”
“Well, that means Fushiguro will have his Saturday free, unlike you, Yuuji.” You cracked your fingers. “I won’t lose, I need to catch up with my show today.”
“Let’s get this over with,” Megumi sighed.
“I always go with rock,” Nobara said with a grin. You were smarter than to fall for her trick, you knew she was going for a scissor, you were going to pick rock!
All four of you stood together and shouted rock paper scissors in unison. Except for Megumi.
The result was as expected.
While Nobara and Yuuji had gone with paper, both you and Megumi had gone for rock.
Nobara yelled in excitement and turned to Yuuji, the two high-fived and cheered as you stared at your hand.
“I can’t believe it worked!” Yuuji laughed.
“Fushiguro is a lot dumber than I thought! He actually fell for it!”
“I didn’t fall for anything. I always pick rock first.” Megumi noticed how distraught you looked over losing and slapped your fist that was still hovering in the air, “Come on, let’s go before it’s too late. We can come back early if we hurry.”
You nodded reluctantly and then pointed at Nobara threateningly. “Don’t watch the show without me.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she brushed it off with a wave of her hand.
Megumi realized the two of you were going to keep on bickering, decidedly, he put a hand on your shoulder to lead you out of the common room of the dorm.
After getting ready, you met up outside the campus. While you wanted to take the bus because it would be less crowded, Megumi insisted on taking the subway train which would be a lot faster despite being extremely crowded on the weekends.
In the end, you relented without knowing his true intentions.
The train was packed, even more than normal. Only then you remembered about Takada-chan’s concert downtown. Ugh, this was truly the worst. There wasn’t any place to hold onto and you were squished against Megumi’s body to the point of his phone in his pants poking your thigh.
The sudden turn of the train made you lose your balance and you held onto your friend. “Sorry,” you mumbled.
“It’s fine,” he said, not looking at you. “Hold onto me and stay close, otherwise you might disturb someone.”
Since he was tall enough to hold onto one of the bars above your head, he was able to hold his balance but somehow his body still managed to move against yours.
“Okay,” you murmured, gripping to his jacket and moving closer to him. “How long left?” You didn’t have the courage to complain about his phone poking you against your thigh but if you moved a little to your left, you could avoid it.
“Five minutes or less.” His voice broke into a sigh when you moved against what you thought was his phone. He was glad you moved away, now, you wouldn’t be able to notice the damp spot.
Getting off the train, Megumi quickly excused himself to go to the restroom. Taking the opportunity, you took out your phone to check out the list you had to buy one more time.
You were buying the necessities for yourself and Nobara while Megumi was going to buy the things the boys needed. It was a rule that helped both parties, boys didn’t know the difference between adult diapers and menstrual pads at the same time girls didn’t understand why boys couldn’t use fragranced hand lotions.
In the bathroom stall, Megumi wiped the inside of his pants and underwear as much as he could but the stickiness was there to stay. He put a paper towel perfectly lined up between his skin and the sticky fabric to spare himself from the discomfort. He had made a good choice to wear black pants today.
“Come on,” you whined as soon as he left the restroom and grabbed his arm. “We have to hurry to the mall.”
“Mall? I thought we were going to the store around the corner.”
“Nobara wants us to buy her skincare.” You showed him the text you had gotten from her and started pulling him towards the exit. “It’ll be fun anyway.”
Megumi let you drag him wherever you wanted, only focusing on how warm your touch was.
The loud chatter of the crowd, bright colors, children laughing, warm weather, and the smell of the delicious food.
“This sure takes me back.” You smiled brightly. “Malls are exciting. It’s like being a kid again.”
Although it was still a little early there were already quite a number of people in the mall.
“It’s too crowded,” Megumi pointed out.
“It’s because of Takada-chan’s concert downtown,” you said, with a quirky tone as you exited the drugstore. “I bet Todo’s there.” There was a pause before you beamed up at him. “Let’s go watch it together, they’re probably still selling tickets!”
He averted his gaze to hide his blushing face from you. “Didn’t you wanna go back to watch your show?”
You hummed. “Well, if we split up and bought everything we needed and met up back here… If we still had time, we could watch the end of her show!”
Megumi wasn’t a fan of that said idol but he was a fan of the two of you being pressed against in a small room as you jumped excitedly, perhaps you would even dance, moving your hips, and then he could get better friction than on the train and maybe-
“Hey!” You were snapping a finger in front of his face repeatedly, “What do you say?”
“Perfect!” You checked the time on your phone and looked around. “I already bought Nobara’s skincare so I don’t have much left to buy. I’ll meet you here.”
He didn’t even get to say something before you walked away. Thankfully, his list wasn’t as complicated as yours, it took him less than twenty minutes to buy everything and even had time to try out some of the samples being given out.
While he was looking down from the third floor, he could see you run from store to store, gathering all of the not-so-necessary stuff. His lips curled up to a smile and his phone buzzed.
It was a text from Yuuji, telling him to buy a new charger for his phone that he was going to pay for later.
Megumi lied and told him that there weren’t any phone chargers in the store.
Yuuji’s reply made his brows furrow.
[New Message]
Itadori: (name) called me n said u were in the mall dont lieeeeee to meeee  ):<  btw the concert is canceled cuz of heavy rain so i cant come sorry ); anywayy u should hurry home and buy an umbrella!!
So, you didn’t actually want to go and see the concert together with Megumi. Other than that… you called Yuuji… Why? You never called Megumi, you didn’t even text him.
His hands started shaking as the thought of you still being in love with Yuuji dawned on him.
He had been doing everything and anything to keep you guys away from each other. Purposely losing to be with you, making sure Yuuji was busy on the weekends so you could only spend time with Nobara.
What if you started going out with him?
What if you were already going out with him?
Megumi returned to the meeting point, you were already waiting for him. He tried to listen to your complaints about how Nobara was constantly adding new stuff to the list and how it took longer for you to buy everything or how heavy your backpack was but his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. It was hard for him to hold a conversation when he was unable to comprehend why you were acting the way you were.
In front of the place Takada-chan was supposed to do her show, it was crowded but something was off.
“Why are people leaving already?”
With your remark, he noticed the majority of people walking back the path that was leading to the exit.
After a sigh, he spoke. “It’s canceled. Apparently, there’s a risk of heavy rain.”
“The weather reports never mentioned that,” you pouted and paused momentarily. “Wait… you knew about it?”
“There,” Megumi let out a deep breath, pointing at a sign saying that the place was closed due to the weather.
“Oh.” You looked away from him, mumbling an apology.
“We should hurry up to the station, it looks like it’s going to rain soon.” Megumi turned to you. “Come on.”
The two of you started walking back to the station but as crowded as the station was there was no way you could hop on any of the trains leaving right now. So, you took the bus with the disadvantage of having to walk to the campus once you got off.
“It’s gonna rain,” you whined, stopping to walk.
“Don’t fall back,” Megumi said, offering you a hand. “We’ll walk through the park, it’s a shortcut.”
You took his hand and continued walking in stifling silence until a peal of thunder was heard, loud and long.
Your grip on his hand tightened.
The downpour came after the loud noise almost instantly, it was heavy and rapid.
Megumi cursed and you both started running towards a tree. You still had a long way to go but the large tree would be a perfect shelter from the heavy rain thanks to its size.
By the time you arrived under the tree, both of your clothes were soaked by the rain.
“It’s cold,” you whined and wrapped your arms around yourself. “A sudden downpour is just too much!”
“They say the weather during spring changes rapidly.” Megumi took his jacket off. “This is a problem. I hadn’t brought any rain gear.”
“Nobody did!” you laughed, “The weather report never mentioned once about it raining today!”
He didn’t say anything and turned around on his heels. “Now, what?” He was talking to himself. “We should call someone to get us.” Megumi turned around to look at you. He paused, you were soaking wet. Your clothes were sticking to your skin and your hair was messy.
What’s with that appearance?
“I’m going to call Kugisaki and tell her where we are. She can come here with umbrellas so we can leave.” Megumi turned back around and patted on his jacket’s pockets to find his phone. Once he found it, he called her.
Kugisaki said she would be there as soon as she could but Megumi knew it would take a minimum of half an hour for her to even step out of the campus. That’s why he chose to call her.
“What did she say?” you asked when he hung up.
“She’ll be here but it might take a while.”
You sneezed, rubbing your nose gently. “We’re both going to catch a cold by the time she comes to get us. You should’ve called Yuuji.”
“You can’t even stop talking about him when you’re with me." His eyes widened after he said it, he had apparently said it unbidden.
“Nothing.” He tried to move around you but stopped when you quickly laid a hand against his chest.
He couldn’t help shuddering at the contact. He had been trying to hold back all day but now that he had you here, alone with him. All he wanted to do was to press you against the tree, get in between your legs and-
“Are you alright, Megumi?” You looked concerned, completely unaware of his thoughts.
“I’m,” he started, trying to make his tone rational, serious. Stoic, like normal, as always. “I’m f-fine.”
He failed.
You frowned. “Are you sure?” Your hand pressed a little harder on his chest. “Your heart is beating really fast.”
Megumi pinched his eyes shut, taking a slow breath through his mouth. He was focusing on his own control. “Being stuck together like this… I can’t help being conscious of it.” His face was red as he admitted this. “I can’t really keep myself from focusing on you.”
“T-that’s kinda weird to say to a friend.” You took your trembling hand away from his chest, unable to say anything else.
He took a deep breath in and out before speaking. “I don’t see you as a friend.” His voice was devoid of any emotion. He was silent for a while, thinking. His eyes were serious, gazing down at you with desperation. “You’re beautiful,” he finally said. “I’ve liked you since we first met.”
“I… I like someone else, you know that… Fushiguro.”
He will die sooner or later.
He wanted to say it but resisted the urge.
“He doesn’t like you,” he said, his voice threatening to break. “Am I not good enough?”
You froze, seeing Megumi this vulnerable in front of you was too much. He wasn’t like this, he didn’t let his guard down in front of anyone. Yet-
“I just… I know we aren’t meant to be but I like him. It’s hard to give up on the one you like.”
“What about me?” he asked, “What about my feelings?”
At that moment, you got a glimpse of how much Megumi was hurting. Hurting and hurting. You had been acting selfishly, you had even told him your feelings about Yuuji all those years ago. If it weren’t for his warning, you would’ve been in his place right now. Being rejected by the person you liked.
Yuuji would have been gentler, he would have used all the words he knew that wouldn’t hurt you as he told you how he liked Nobara.
You weren’t all that considerate. This was all your fault.
“I-I will try to give up on him and give you an answer.”
“You need to be honest with yourself. How much more time do you need until you realize that he’ll never love you like me?”
His willpower and composure vanished. Everything that was holding him back, whether it be his thoughts or the consequences that might come after he acted without thinking was pushed back to the furthest back on his mind.
All he could think about was you.
“I can’t wait any longer.”
You watched him get closer to your face but didn’t move away from shock. Immediately, you closed your eyes shut. Although you couldn’t see him kissing you, the pressure of his lips was more than enough to let you know. Your pulse went berserk as his rough lips pressed against yours, eager and hard. He was firm, a little too forceful.
He placed his hands on your waist, feeling you up while his tongue pressed into your mouth, frenziedly trying to savor your taste.
A sound closer to a moan escaped you when he bit down on your bottom lip before leaning down and kissing your neck, forcing another lewd sound to leave your soft lips. He took a second to press a light kiss against your neck and pressed his hips against you experimentally. Slowly, just testing the waters, he grinded himself against you more firmly and let out a ragged sigh. Though he had already been hard, you felt him growing harder by the second.
“(name),” he whispered, full of passion. “Say my name.”
“Megumi,” he corrected. His skin was burning up and it felt like he was under direct sunlight, which given the weather, might have been far off. “Say my name.”
He pressed his forehead against yours. You were his and nobody else could touch you. He had to make sure of it.
“I like you,” Megumi uttered, he let out a soft sigh, letting his hand reach up to touch your face. He wanted to feel your skin, how soft it was but he stopped himself mid-way when he realized you had been crying.
Ah, so this was a failure.
He should have waited.
However before he could get any more anxious over anything, you got on your tiptoes and then your lips pressed against his.
You tasted sweet, your lips were soft and welcoming, urging him to do whatever he wanted to you, giving him your answer regarding his feelings.
His lips moved slowly against yours and his hands settled, hesitantly on your hips again.
A soft, wanton noise escaped you.
Megumi tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear with his shaking hand as your lips danced in harmony and he tugged you closer. He couldn’t stop himself from pulling you closer and closer. You pressed your chest flush onto him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He could smell your sweet scent, that scent he had been dying to know what it smelled like in person rather than your dirty laundry. He grinded into you frantically, making you moan into his mouth and allow him to snake his tongue further down your throat.
Your hips bucked against him, you were lost in lust to care about being in public. His eyes widened as another moan forced its way out of your throat. You tugged at his hair, pulling him closer to yourself desperately.
His face was flushed completely red as you kept letting out cute, sweet noises for him. He had to give himself a minute longer, cherishing the moment before withdrawing himself, unable to stop the grin that crawled up his face while a long strand of drool dripped from his lips and another small strand of drool connecting your lips together broke apart.
A soft gasp emerged from your lips as you looked at him dreamily. You were both blushing furiously, lips completely swollen and wet from the kiss and you couldn’t stop smiling at each other.
“You’re finally mine.” He pressed his forehead against yours, his hand on your cheek rubbed circles on the skin with his thumb. You stayed quiet, letting your arms around him stay there as both of you cherished the small moment of silence together.
Both of your smiles disappeared and the two of you let go of each other as if you were burned.
There stood Yuuji, holding his umbrella and another spare umbrella. “Kugisaki told me to bring you an umbrella,” His cheeks were flushed bright red because of embarrassment. “I didn’t want to interfere with you two.”
“Itadori!” Megumi took a step forward, his tone was frustrated. “This!-” He stopped, what was this? What was he going to say? Yuuji had most certainly seen you kiss or maybe more. Megumi had no idea of how long his friend stood there and watched you for.
“Even you should be able to fool around with a girl, Fushiguro!” Yuuji forced a laugh and glanced at you. “Are you two, well… going out?”
You glanced at Megumi, he was already looking at you.
His words from earlier came back to your mind. You had to move on, this was for the best.
“Kinda,” you answered.
“Oh, that explains a lot.” Yuuji’s stare found Megumi but then he quickly looked away.
There was a moment of silence.
“Could we just go home now?” you asked, realizing nobody was going to move unless you said something.
“That’s why I am here,” Yuuji beckoned the two of you to follow him.
You followed him to the campus. The two of you shared an umbrella together in silence and once you arrived at the entrance, Megumi hesitantly grabbed your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours.
“I’ll make you happy.”
It was a promise.
Passing days were normal, nothing out of ordinary.
You started dating Megumi and forgot about Yuuji.
“Short hair would look better on you,” Yuuji said, overhearing your conversation with Nobara.
“Nooo, her hair is fine as it is!” Nobara argued, walking over to the couch to hit Yuuji’s head. “You just like girls with short hair.”
While the two argued about it, Megumi slowly lifted his gaze up from the book he was reading to watch you blush.
“Don’t do that,” you whispered, trying to hold back your moan. “Nobara will hear.”
“It makes you feel good.” Megumi pushed his fingers inside your slick heat, lips pressing on your clit, “She knows we’re dating.”
“I-it’s embarrassing,” you stuttered.
“Is it embarrassing to date me?” He pulled back his lips but continued scissoring his fingers in and out of you.
“Noo,” you stretched the word out, biting back a moan. “Y-you know what I mean.”
“Hmm?” He lolled his tongue out and licked between your folds slow enough to make you squirm.
Your hands went to grab his hair out of instinct, trying to pull him back from your pussy. “M-Megumi, please… It’s embarrassing if she hears me do that sorta noise...”
Your words didn’t match your tone. He ignored your empty pleads and lapped at your cunt, his hands pressing on your inner thighs to keep them in place.
Instantly, you arched your back. Megumi’s tongue was hot against your sensitive pussy. It was nothing like when you touched yourself, it made your toes curl in pleasure no matter what he did.
His lips curled up into a smile when a moan escaped you, it was loud enough for Nobara in the next room to hear. He knew she wouldn’t stay quiet about it, running her mouth and telling Yuuji about how loud you were last night.
He sucked on your clit, drawing small circles over the delicate nub with his tongue and using the entire strength of his arm to fuck you with his digits. Your legs shook as your thighs pressed on between each side of his head, you were pulling his hair and moaning but Megumi didn’t stop until the pleasure building in your gut spread and took over all of your senses.
When your high came, it was euphoric, left you panting and exhausted.
Megumi threw himself next to you on your bed, one hand wrapped around his cock, “Turn to your side,” he whispered. Complying, you sluggishly turned to your side, your back against his chest.
Using his hand, he lifted your leg and guided his cock between your thighs. He let your leg fall back to instead use the same hand to cup your naked breast. “Press your thighs together.”
You followed his instructions with a hum. As soon as he felt the supple flesh of your thighs around his cock, he started moving his hips. Although he would have wanted to be inside you right now, he had time. He wanted to take all of your firsts one by one like collecting stamps and make sure to treasure each single first.
His lips pressed against your neck, he groaned softly as he came between your thighs. Turning around, you kissed him sloppily before burying your face on his neck.
It took him a while to catch his breath, he carded his fingers through your hair. “I like it like this.” He pressed a kiss against your hair.
The next day, Megumi was in the common room with Yuuji when you came back from hanging out with Nobara downtown.
He heard you mumbling and your girlfriend angrily scolding you through the halls.
“It’s definitely lipstick,” Yuuji said.
“Last time was lipstick, it’s probably because they bought the same dress or something.” Megumi shook his head with a faint smile on his lips, he was looking forward to listening to you complain about your day as you cuddled on his bed as usual.
“Wanna bet over it?” Yuuji smirked. “The loser has to clean the toilets.”
“It’s gonna be you.”
“I took my eyes off of you for one second!” Nobara was laughing but her tone was still upset as she entered the common room. “I can’t believe you!”
The boys were waiting for the reveal if it was a lipstick or a clothing item you two were fighting over but as soon as you walked in, they realized it was none of them.
“I think it looks good,” you mumbled, hesitantly moving your hand up to feel your haircut. “It was time for a change.”
The smile Megumi had on his face dropped, his eyes were on Yuuji who was smiling. “I think it looks gorgeous,” he complimented. It was a fairly innocent compliment but Megumi thought of it as something else.
“Thanks,” you said, cheeks blushing slightly. You walked over to your boyfriend, twirling around excitedly, “What do you think?”
“It’s shorter.” Megumi couldn’t find the words to describe how jealous he was but he made sure to not show it on his face. “Cute.”
“Aww, thank you!” You leaned and took his hand, pulling him up to his feet. “Now, help me carry the stuff I bought back to my room.”
You dragged him to the entrance hall, omitting the way he was frowning. He grabbed your shopping bags and followed you into your room without saying anything.
“I bought you something as well, it’s an early graduation gift!” You crouched next to the bags as soon as he put them down to look for his present. “I heard you’re going to have an internship in Kyoto and I also applied there so we can go there together.”
“Why did you cut your hair?”
Your shoulders tensed. “What?”
“Are you still in love with him?” Megumi’s tone was upset, he couldn’t hide it. “Is that it?”
Standing up, you turned to face him. “It’s just hair… I wanted to cut it so I did.”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“I’m not lying, Megumi. I don’t like him anymore. You’re making a big-”
He pushed you towards your bed, your body slammed against the soft sheets and a surprised yelp left your lips but Megumi’s lips stifled the sound. He was being too rough, his lips were moving as if to devour you whole but it didn’t stop you from wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him back.
His hand went to pull down his sweatpants. Ahh, sweatpants, the great invention of mankind, saving him from the hassle of unbuckling a belt and undoing the zipper to free his aching cock.
“Wait,” you said into the kiss but he shut you up with his lips, his free hand going under your skirt to pull your panties to the side. Using the same hand, he grabbed the back of your knee to make room for himself between your legs.
Megumi broke the kiss slowly so he could gaze down at you. “You’re mine.”
Wanting to assure him, you nodded rapidly.
“You’re in love with me.” He positioned himself between your thighs and rubbed the tip of his cock across your slit.
You made a small noise to confirm.
Megumi pushed himself inside you. The feeling of your walls stretching and a sudden pain made a yelp left your lips. He pulled his hips back to confirm if he was your first or not, a sickening smile spread across his face when he saw the proof. Thrusting back inside, he made sure to push himself deep inside your cunt until you could feel the heat and shape of his cock.
As he was trying to find a pace, he hit a spot that made you squirm. With a smug smile, he angled his hips just right to find your sweet spot once again to turn your mind into mush.
With each thrust of his hips stroking your sweet spot, you felt... overwhelmed, that was the only word that could describe how you felt.
Eventually, his steady pace slackened and he planted his hands on each side of your head to start humping you like a desperate dog in heat.
Your toes curled and the pain from your hymen being torn became a faint memory. All you could feel was Megumi’s desperation.
The desperation he felt and his inexperience combining was too much. He put all of that frenzy into his hips. Your bed frame started banging on the wall from the force he put behind each thrust.
Mind going completely numb, your eyes rolled up from pleasure, hips moving to meet Megumi’s brutal thrusts. He growled when your gummy walls clenched around his cock, he stopped moving for a moment as his hands hastily went to the back of your knees to push them towards your chest. Mounting you completely, he started fucking you almost frantically.
In this position his cock went deeper and stroked the gummy flesh of your walls enticingly.
The tip of his cock pressed against your cervix, causing your body to start spasming, legs shaking and mouth drooling. “M-M-Megumi-”
Megumi was too busy chasing after his own release and he continued fucking you through your orgasm. He put his entire weight behind his thrusts, growling each time his balls slapped against your ass.
He leaned forward and buried his face in your neck, his lips parted and his teeth sank on the sensitive skin. Squirming, you moaned as you wrapped your arms around his neck to keep him there.
Your pussy clenched around him one last time, squeezing his cock to milk it dry. He managed to steal a few more thrusts before his cock twitched inside your belly. His thick seed filled your womb until it overflowed.
Continuing to fuck his seed deep inside you, Megumi barely managed to pull himself back. He stopped biting your neck, withdrawing himself to stare at how deep he had bitten you. The pain of being bitten wasn’t there or at least it wasn’t there for this moment, you couldn’t feel anything but his cum slowly seeping out from your hole. The warmth in your tummy was leaving your body and spilling onto your sheets instead.
“You’re so cute when you’re jealous,” you giggled, an eerie smile on your lips. “So easy to provoke.”
Thus Megumi became aware of something. You weren’t dumb, you were always calculating whenever you spoke to him, always watching and always doing things that would spur him on.
You didn’t actually belong to him.
He belonged to you.
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lovewriting-5 · 3 years
Until Dawn
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2, part 1
Chapter 2, part 2
We walk down the stairs and Ashley and Chris were already in the living room by the fire. “Well...well, what took the two of you so long?” Chris asks. I had a hard time keeping a straight face. It felt good to be close with Josh again after a few days.
The four of us were talking about how cold it was in the lodge. The heat had to get turned on. I tell Josh “The fire is nice but it would be great if the heat was on.” I wrap my arms around myself for warmth. He wraps his arms around me to help. He says “Come on...”
Chris, Ashley and I were betting how long it would take him to get it started. Chris asks “How long do you think it’ll take him?” To be nice, I bet “An hour.” Ashley says “My money’s on blankets for everyone!” Chris tells him “You can do it, man. We believe in you.” She says “Yeah! Totally! Woo!” I do a chant “Let’s go Jo-osh, let’s go!” His arms tighten around me. I laugh.
There was the sound of footsteps moving around upstairs. Josh removes his arms. He tells all three of us, “Alright, peanut gallery, you know what? I got an idea.” I ask, suspiciously “What?” He continues “Okay well I am pretty sure that somewhere in this crazy place we used to have...a spirit board.” Ashley asks “A what?”
Sarcastically, Chris asks “Wow you have a ‘spirit board’?” I ask him, concerned “Wait are you saying...we should have a séance?” Still joking, Chris says “Those things are a joke, man. They don’t do shit.” Josh says with a little difficulty, “No way bro. We used to do it all the time. Me and...well...” This isn’t a good idea.
The footsteps reach the bottom. I turn and say “Hey Sam.” As she gets closer to us, she says “Hi. Hey Josh. No hot water’s kinda major oversight doncha think?” He tells her “Yeah yeah, just gotta fire up the boiler. It’s in the basement.” Turns back to Chris and Ashley, “You guys see if you can find the spirit board.”
Ashley gets up from the ottoman, “Chris, let’s go find it! It’ll be like a scavenger hunt!” Hesitantly, he says “Ummm...okay...guess so.” Josh says “Rad. You’re not gonna regret it.” The two of them leave.
Josh asks me “You up for a ride-along?” Nervously, I say “Sure.” I turn to Sam, “Sam, do you want to help us?” She looks behind me, “Uhhh...no, you two go for it. I’ll wait up here.”
We make our way to the direction of the basement. He pauses and says, mischievously “Hey. You notice how I gave Chris and Ashley a mission together? Yeah I was thinking they could use some ‘alone time.’” Supportively, I say “They are very sweet together. I wish they’d just freakin’ get on with it already.” A little too enthused, he says “I swear they just need like...something to bond over, y’know? Some sort of traumatic event to send them into each other’s arms.”
He opens a drawer and takes out a flashlight. I open the door that leads to the basement. Standing by the doorframe, it takes Josh a few minutes. He says “You know...” I ask “Yes?” He begins “I just wanted to say...” I ask “What?” Thoughtfully, he tells me “It really means a lot to me that everyone came back this year and you know, that you came.”
I smile, “Josh. I care about you and glad to hear you are doing a little better. We’re here for you. Really. Whatever you need. Whenever. We’re all gonna make it through this...together.” I give him a kiss on the cheek. He says with a sort of devilish smile, “Um...I want us to have a good time, you know...”
We continue down the stairs of the basement. Knowing that the stairs are crumbling a little, he tells me “Watch your step.” Jokingly, I tell him “I think I can handle a little old set of stairs.” Sarcastically, he says “Uh-huh.”
I follow him to the boiler cabinet. As he opens the cabinet, he says “Sorry to drag you down into the bowels.” I say “It’s fine. Like I said the fire is nice but some heat and hot water would be nice.” He says “I mean I wouldn’t want you coming down here on your own, you know?” Jokingly, I say “Such a gentleman.”
Looking around at the dark basement with a ton of boxes and the only other light is coming from the small windows. I tell him “Well it’s definitely creepy down here.” He says “Yep. Not a place to be on your own.”
He hands me the flashlight, “Here, can you...can you hold this steady?” There was a noise in the distance. I turn around to see where it came from. Now I’m starting to get a little freaked out.
I tighten my grip on the flashlight. I ask a little freaked out, “Josh...what was that?” Not believing, he says “What was what? Just shine it here so I can see what I’m doing.” I say “Fine.”
There was another sound, I turned to see where it came from. Josh says from the boiler cabinet, “(Y/N)...Can you just keep the light still so I can see, okay?”
This time I finally held the flashlight steady. He got everything hooked up. He stands up and smiles, “Nice one. Okay first things first: we gotta increase the water pressure before we get the boiler fired up.” I look at the machine, “Sounds kinda complicated.” Reassuringly, he tells me “No, it’s actually pretty simple.”
I turn the knob, waited and saw the light turn on. I pushed the button but apparently it didn’t work, “Damn!” He says “It’s okay, just try again.” I tried again but missed it, “Ugh!” He tells me “Relax...It’s not that hard. Just press the button when the light comes on.” I take a deep breath and let it out. I try again and got it.
The boiler fired up. Proud of myself, I say “Whoa!!” Josh was pretty proud too, “That’s more like it. Alright! Five, girl!” He holds up his hand and I slap it. I excitedly, say “Yeah!” He closes the boiler cabinet and locks it.
Curiosity hits me, I ask “Josh...so upstairs when I asked Sam if she would like to help...Did you tell her not to join us?” He gets a shocked expression, “What? No...why would I do that?” I tell him as I step a little closer, “Are you sure? Because I swear Sam looked behind me to see if she should.” Looking a little guilty, he begins “Well....I might -“
In the dark, damp basement there was another noise. I turn in the direction that I think it’s coming from, “What the hell is that?” I back a little closer to him. He says, jokingly “Could be a lot of things...and none of them nice...” as he wiggles his finger on my arm. I push it away, “Hey, quit it.”
He says with a chuckle “I’m just...just ‘Joshing’ ya.” “Har har.” I tell him. Trying to point it out, he says “You were really freaked out.”
Shaking my head in protest, “I was not scared.” With a sly grin, he says as he looks me up and down “No, no, you just jumped because you wanted to squeeze in some aerobics?” I roll my eyes.
After a few years of hanging out with the Washington family, I have picked up on some acting skills. I put on a terrified look and look behind him. I look from him to behind, “Oh my God - - don’t move - -“ Sounding a little concerned, he asks “What?” Sounding more terrified, I tell him “There’s something behind you.” Trying to sound brave, he says “Yeah right.”
Really wanting to get him, I continue “Josh...Seriously. There’s something back there...” He turns and looks over his shoulder. I tell him, very satisfied “Ha...Got - -ch - -ah.” Putting an arm around my waist as he pulls me closer, “Alright. Alright. Your point.” I wrap my arms around the back of his neck, “Thirty - - Love.” Josh raises an eyebrow, “What? No...Where’d you get the first point?” I ask “It doesn’t start at thirty?” He says “No. Fifteen.” I say, confidently “Oh. Well, I’m more of a ping-pong gal.” As I get the last sentence out, he kisses me.
The two of us probably would have stayed down there for awhile, if the sound didn’t happen again. We pull away. Really? I was just starting to get used to being down here.
Catching my breath, I ask “Okay, so you hear that too, right?” I look at Josh, “Josh?” He removes his arm and moves in front of me. He asks “What?” Starting to get freaked out again, “The rhythm’s like, weirdly regular...” We walk a little closer to the sound. He says “Not...No...Nothing ‘regular’ about it...”
As we walk closer to it, I place my right hand on his arm and my left hand in his right. His hand grip tightens. I ask “Maybe we should, you know, check it out?” He asks “Why?” Not really knowing what to say, I tell him “I dunno, what if it’s like, a pipe that’s about to burst or some problem with the furnace?” He tells me “Unlikely.” I say to convince him, “If it were me I wouldn’t want this place to burn down on my watch.” He pauses and then says “...Yeah. Right.”
As we venture farther into the basement, all of a sudden, a figure in a brown robe and hockey mask jumps out. Josh and I scream and run for our lives. Josh in front, says “Whoa - (Y/N) - whoa.” Along the path, I grab an obstacle and pull it down. The figure is blocked. Josh and I make it up the stairs and I try to open the door. I am struggling to get it open. The figure is getting closer.
I am throwing all my weight against this door, “Oh come ON now why are these doors locked?!” In a panic, Josh says “To...To keep out strangers!!”
I feel Josh get closer. The figure stops right in front of us, “Hey...” Confused, I ask “...What?” The figure says, again “Heeyyyyyy...” Still confused, I ask “...WHAT THE HELL?!”
The figure removes the mask and hood. He revealed himself as Chris. Thinking it is funny, Chris says “Boom! You just got monked!” I can feel anger starting to rise, “WHAT!!!” Josh says, proudly “Nice. Nice one. That was good.” First to Josh and then to Chris, I ask “No it was not. Why w...Why would you do that?”
Holding his arm out, Chris says “There’s all this cool old movie crap down here. What, was I...was I not supposed to take advantage of the opportunity?” To Chris, I ask “Are you...are you serious?” I turn to Josh and push him a little, “Were you in on this, you putz?” As he gives Chris a high-five, he says “Nope. But I wish I was! That was too good!” I tell him “Don’t high-five that.”
The three of us get back to the main part of the lodge. After calming down a little, I tell them “I’m ready to admit that your dumb little prank may have had a slight whiff of humor to it.” Chris says “Jokemaster!” I tell him to make myself clear, “I said nothing about jokes. I said your prank, which was dumb -“ Chris begins ascending the stairs. Josh walks over to the table to set the flashlight down. I wait at the bottom of the steps with my arms crossed for him.
Josh jokingly, says “Holy crap you were scared. Admit it.” Sternly, I tell him “I was not!” I begin ascending the stairs. Not giving up, he says “Come on, you totally pissed yourself!” Done with the joke, I say “Josh!”
We joined the others upstairs. I go and stand near the fireplace. Josh places his arms around my waist and places a kiss on my right temple. I whisper, trying to hide a smile “I hate you.” Knowing I can’t stay mad at him long, he whispers “No, you don’t.” I lay my cheek on his arm. Ashley walks over to Chris and notices his outfit of choice. She asks in disgust, “What...in god’s name...are you wearing?” Playing along, Chris tells her “I found my true calling.” He makes the sign of the cross in the air. Putting her hands in a praying motion, she tells him, sarcastically “Please tell me you’re going to take a vow of silence.”
Chris moves his mouth without sound. To make him quit the charade, I ask “Okay okay...Did you at least find the thingy?” Chris looks at me and pulls a board out of his robe, “Boi - oi - oi - oing! Here’s our one way ticket to the spirit realm!” Ashley says “Hmmm.”
Josh tells Sam “Sam, we got the boiler up and running. So the hot water should be working.” Grateful, she says “Thank you. I see a hot bath in my crystal ball. So have fun!”
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heliads · 3 years
The Gala
Based on this request: “a Buck imagine where Nat drags you to Tony’s Party cause she knows you have a crush on him. Then you see him talking to some woman and you decide to get drunk. Later at night Buck is with you, helping you and trying to take care of you (he also has a crush on you). Then he carries you to his Apartment & you blurt out your Feelings for him. In the morning he tells you he feels the same :)”
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You fold your arms across your chest, staring at your best friend. She’s got many talents, that Natasha Romanoff; master spy, agent, killer, and most recently, a confidant dragging you to a party so you can embarrass yourself in front of the man you like.
Natasha looks cajolingly at you. “Come on, Y/N! It’ll be fun, and Bucky will be there. You have to go.” “That’s exactly why I shouldn’t go. I’ll just end up making a fool of myself,” you argue, “There’s literally no good reason why I should be there at all.” Natasha rolls her eyes. “That’s nonsense, and you know that. I mean, how long have we been friends- five years? Six? And you’ve been working at S.H.I.E.L.D. for even longer. Y/N, you couldn’t embarrass yourself in public if you tried, you’re too well trained. No matter what you do, Bucky will end up smitten.”
You eye her hesitantly. So what if you’ve been trained in de-escalation and maintaining a cool face no matter what? That was in matters of pressing government business, not when you’re face to face with the man you’ve had a crush on for what feels like forever, the two of you packed close together by a room crowded with people, the slight flush of a drink on your cheeks and the sway of your hips as you dance. There’s no way you’re going to Stark’s latest gala, especially if Bucky is there. You have to maintain your proper agent decorum, no matter what it costs.
Natasha looks at you expectantly. “You’ll have me, and you’ll have your position as an agent guarding the place. You show up wearing a gorgeous outfit, look amazing as always, and he’ll be head over heels for you in a matter of seconds, if he wasn’t already. And I’m fairly sure he already is, he asks about you all the time. There’s no way this could go south.”
You sigh, feeling some part of yourself start to give in. “Even if I wanted to go, I still wouldn’t be able to. I’m not an Avenger or some important government official that Tony wants to wine and dine, I don’t have an invite.” Natasha grins at you, pulling out a creamy white envelope from behind her back. “About that… Well, Tony insisted that I give this to you myself. You’re one of the only agents he trusts as well as being someone he considers a friend. He insisted that you show up.”
You laugh in spite of yourself, reaching out to take the invitation from your friend. Sure enough, your name is printed in swirling black letters right in the center. You groan quietly. “Fine, I’ll go. Know that you owe me for forever if this doesn’t work out.” Natasha cheers. “Consider it done. We’re going to have such a good time!”
It’s nine o’clock, the shadows of night disappearing where they’re combated by the lights shining out from Avengers Tower. You arrive with Natasha, and the two of you are enveloped by the flashing lights of cameras as you walk up to the building. Once inside, you can’t help but smile. Tony certainly spares no expense when it comes to his parties, and this gala is no exception. There are chandeliers strung from the ceiling, casting a golden glow onto the throngs of people all dressed in the most expensive and dramatic of fashions. Waiters bustle around, offering beverages and appetizers that look like they cost about half of your rent. 
Natasha flashes you a grin, yelling to be heard over the din of the chatter and music. “Glad you came?” You smile back. “Absolutely!” Natasha is soon pulled away to discuss Avengers matters with Fury and a few other S.H.I.E.L.D. higher-ups, and you greet Tony before finally allowing yourself to circulate into the crowd of partygoers. You dance for a while, looking around in vain to see the metal-armed man you’d been hoping to meet. You see him in snatches and glimpses, just leaving the room or across that crowd of people. He makes eye contact with you a few times, looking like he’s just about to come talk to you when he gets dragged away by some important figure, glancing back at you with an apologetic smile every time.
Finally, you see him alone, walking out of the main room and down one of the hallways. You can hardly blame him- the noise of the party has reached a fever pitch and it’s hard to concentrate. You slip out of the multitude of gatherers, heading down that same hallway in the hopes of finally talking to Bucky. You’re not afraid of how this looks, you joining up with him with no one around- the two of you are actually quite good friends and work together frequently on missions for S.H.I.E.L.D.
You walk down the hallway for a while, peering into rooms but unable to spot him. You’re about to give up and turn around when you see a flicker of movement in one of the rooms at the very end of the hall. Assuming that must be him, you gather up your skirts and follow the sight. You are about to walk headlong into the room when you see something you weren’t expecting, and freeze in place.
Yes, Bucky is in the room. Yes, he was waiting for someone. No, that someone is not you. Bucky is wrapped around some woman, his hands on her hips and his lips on hers. He’s smiling into the kiss, leaning in further and eliciting a gasp from the woman. You find you have to stand there for a second, unable to move, then your senses finally return and you quickly turn around and leave. You’re grateful to your S.H.I.E.L.D. abilities in this moment, grateful that you can make a fast getaway and never be seen by any of the occupants of that room. Your heels don’t make a sound as you walk back down the hallway, the rustles of your skirts are quiet enough that they will go unnoticed, and the sound of your breaking hurt is muffled enough by your forever calm exterior that no one will ever notice that you’ve been damaged beyond repair.
When you find yourself back in the main room, you almost feel dizzy at the sudden onslaught of noise. Nothing’s changed here, even though everything has changed for you. Why did you ever think you had a chance with Bucky? Why would you ever be good enough for him? 
You slowly blend in with the other partygoers, watching the scenes around you with something that borders on apathy. Every man seems like he has the same shoulder length dark hair and charming smile, every woman that bloodred smirk of lipstick that was never quite your shade. Every pair just looks like them, a sick and twisted version that whispers in your ear, finding glee in saying that you will never be enough. They are here, everywhere. It’s all in your head, but that doesn’t make it any worse to bear.
You manage to make your way over to the bar, quietly asking for a drink. Once that one’s gone, you request another. Then another. This isn’t right, this isn’t what you’re supposed to be doing, but does it matter? Nobody’s looking for you. Nobody’s searching or pretending that you were ever their first choice. One more than slightly intoxicated woman in a sea of drunken revelers will always go unnoticed. You will go unnoticed. That is how it will always be.
Your drinks catch up with you about half an hour later, and you feel yourself stumble slightly when you walk. You grimace to yourself, deciding it’s time to head out. You’ve got a pretty good head when it comes to handling your liquor, and can put on a show so real it can seem like you never had a drop in the first place. 
So, you walk over to Natasha, smiling at her and telling her that you’re tired, that you’re just going to head out and no, there’s nothing wrong, no need to worry. She smiles at you, and despite all of her spy training she can’t read you this one time and assumes everything is fine, even if it most certainly is not. You wave a goodbye to Tony, then turn and walk out of Avengers Tower, leaving behind the party and the dancers and the hopes you had that now lie crushed on the floor of that hallway near the back.
Once you’re out of sight from the cameras and the onlookers, you finally let your guard down, just a little. You stumble once, twice, then grab onto the rusted metal of a sign to stop your fall. The metal is sharp, and cuts into your hand. You wince, watching as scarlet drops bead up in a thin line on your palm and then fall silently to the ground. You stand there for a long time, staring, so long that you almost think you’re imagining the voice shouting your name behind you until it finally manifests into someone a few feet away.
“Y/N! There you are!” You turn around, ready to tell Nat that you’re honestly fine and that she doesn’t need to leave, but your words die on your tongue when you realize the identity of the man behind you. “Bucky.” The name feels thick in your throat, barely making it past your lips before hanging there in the silence of the night.
Bucky nods. “I never got a chance to talk to you. You look amazing, by the way. I just kept getting stuck in never-ending conversations. I looked for you everywhere, then Nat told me you left.” He frowns at your hand. “Are you bleeding?” You glance back at your hand, dimly remembering the cut. You quickly close your hand, casually moving it to rest behind your back and out of sight. “No, no. It’s fine. Don’t worry.”
But Bucky refuses to believe you. “No, that was definitely blood.” He steps closer, taking your hand and forcing you to open it and reveal the cut slicing open your palm. He grabs a clean white cloth from his pocket, gently wrapping it around the wound. A small dot of blood starts to flower through the thin makeshift bandage, but other than that, it appears that the bleeding has stopped.
You mumble a thank you, and he just shakes his head dismissively. “Don’t worry about it. Are you coming back to the party, or-” You cut him off. “I had too much to drink, and it’s catching up with me now. I figured it would be better to recover in my own apartment rather than in front of everyone and all their cameras.” Bucky grins. “I can understand that. Here, I’ll walk you back.”
You shake your head. “You don’t need to do that. They’re probably still expecting you back at the gala. I don’t want to waste your time.” Bucky just tilts his head at you, starting to walk in the same direction you had. “Trust me, the last thing I want to do right now is go back to that party. I felt like I was going to suffocate in there from all the false charity. And besides, any moment with you is never a waste of time.” 
You feel a blush start to rise in your cheeks at his words, but you manage to suppress it when you remember the sight of him entangled with that woman earlier that night. He’s just being a friend. That’s all there is to it, and all there will ever be. Don’t make more out of this just because he’s being cordial to a coworker.
By the time you make it back to your apartment, you’re fully, unadulteratedly drunk. Your words have started to slur, and your footsteps don’t seem nearly as even as the perfectly unaffected Bucky next to you. You reach the door of your apartment, fishing around for your key, and turn to him. “This is where it ends, I guess. Thanks for walking me. Sorry about all this.” You say, gesturing languidly at yourself.
Bucky frowns. “You mean getting drunk? Trust me, if I could I’d be even worse than you. Tony hates Steve and me because we try to get drunk at every one of his parties to stomach the politicians and end up drinking half his supply of alcohol.” You laugh, glancing away to turn the key in the lock. “I was talking about myself. You didn’t have to walk me home or go out of your way to help some coworker.” You open the door, ready to put the night behind you, but Bucky follows you in.
“What are you talking about? Y/N, you’re one of the kindest, funniest, and most clever women I’ve ever met. Spending time with you is nothing to apologize for, never has and never will be.” You let out a small laugh at that, quiet as it is acidic in its bittersweet edge. “I was never your first choice. Not for friendship, not for time spent on late nights when you could be at parties, not for-”
You cut yourself off, clapping a hand to your mouth like a child caught saying more than they should have. You shake your head tiredly. “I think I need to go to bed.” You grin, starting to walk away again. Bucky just stretches an arm out to block your path. “Y/N, where is this coming from?” He rakes a hand through his hair, mussing up what had previously been a perfectly gelled style. You like it better like that, you think, not quite perfect. Just like you.
Your words feel like they’re stuck in your throat. “Why do you think I got this drunk, Bucky? Because I felt like it? Because I was bored? No, I saw you talking to-” Bucky holds up his hands. “Wait, what? I was talking to someone and that’s why you started on this cycle of self-destruction?”
You laugh bitterly. “You’re always the reason, the motivator for why I show up or why I don’t. I just didn’t think you would ever know that because I would never let you know.” Bucky’s staring at you, and you feel a tidal wave of words starting to rush out of you. Not now, not here. Not in front of him. But it’s too late, and it’s already crossed your lips. “I love you, Bucky. I know you would never feel the same, and that’s why this whole thing hurts so much.”
Bucky’s silent, silent for far too long. You’ve done it now, really and truly messed things up. Then Bucky leans over, and kisses you softly. You gasp quietly, and he pulls away. “I love you too. You’ve always been the most important person to me. Now and forever.” He lets out a little laugh. “That’s why Steve convinced me to go to Stark’s stupid gala in the first place. God knows I wasn’t supposed to be there, but I wanted to see you.” You feel frozen in place. “Then why did you- why did you kiss that woman?”
Bucky’s head flies up. “You saw that?” You nod silently. “That’s why I got myself this drunk. I couldn’t take the sight of you with her, not when you looked so happy with her. I knew in that moment that there would never be a chance of you loving me back.” Bucky raises a hand to his head. “I didn’t feel a thing for her. I left the room because it was insufferably loud and I couldn’t stand it. She followed me out and into that room. I thought she was you, and I let her kiss me. After about a second, I realized my mistake and I left as soon as I could.”
You look at him with hopeful eyes. “So you actually love me?” Bucky grins. “Have loved you for a while now, but I’m glad you feel the same way.” You breath out quietly, feeling a smile break out across your face. This is what you’d always hoped for, this moment that’s finally happening. Bucky glances at the clock across the room, and curses softly.
“It’s getting late. I think we both need to head to bed, and you especially.” You groan, turning to walk towards your room. “My head’s going to kill me tomorrow, isn’t it?” Bucky walks with you to your room, pausing at the door. You turn back to face him, pulling softly at his hand. “Stay. Please. Just this one night. I don’t want to be alone.”
He hesitates for a moment, then lets a slow smile cross his lips. “Anything for you, love.” You fall asleep that night in his arms, head tucked just so under his. When you wake up that next morning, your first sight is of his eyes, and the way he smiles when he tells you he loves you one more time.
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ecto-american · 3 years
Stuck (Stubbornly)
Phic Phight Oneshot for @deuynndoodles​ : Jack and Maddie are stuck in the Ghost Zone. Fortunately for them, Phantom's around and willing to help out. However, they'll rather be arrested by a ghost warden and put in ghost jail before they'd allow some teenage menace to help them. Oh wait...
Read on AO3 or FFN
"Should we call Jazz or Danny?" Jack suggested.
Maddie stared out into the unending void of the Ghost Zone. It hurt to think that their voyage, a trip that they had been planning out for months, would end so soon already, but they had barely made any progress when they realized just how much fuel the Specter Speeder was guzzling. Something was wrong.
"...Not yet," she determined. "We should have emergency fuel. We should be able to get back without any problems. Can you refill?"
"You got it," Jack replied, and he got out of the co-pilot seat. She could hear him go to the back, and shuffling around. He didn't say anything for a while, and that immediately began to unnerve her, but she kept her attention on the dashboard, trying to think of what went wrong when building. Was their fuel lines loose? Was there gas leaking everywhere? "Uh, Mads? I'm not seeing it?"
Her blood froze, but no need to panic. Maybe he just didn't see…
Maddie walked to the back and checked. And checked. Moved some stuff around, checked some more.
They had no emergency fuel.
"Why don't we go outside and check the engine?" Jack suggested. "Maybe we can figure something out." With a dry mouth, she nodded, and they hesitantly went outside to check.
There were no ghosts around, thankfully, just an endless green void. They knew that they would be safe breathing in the GZ air, thanks to their prior tests and experiments. They hooked themselves to a rope using a carabiner clip, the other end tied tightly to the speeder. Floating unnerved her, and she kept a hand on the speeder as they went to the front of the speeder. Jack popped the hood, and smoke floated out, making Maddie's heart sink. This was definitely not a good sign at all, or something that could be a simple fix.
"Need some help?"
Maddie looked over her shoulder to see…
"Absolutely not," she scowled. Phantom was floating nearby.
"Are you sure?" he asked. He floated up a bit higher to glance at their vehicle. "Looks like you got. Well, uh, basically car trouble."
"Leave. Now."
Phantom opened his mouth to say more, but Maddie pulled her ecto-gun out.
"We don't want help from some lowlife ghost!" she hissed. Phantom put his hands up in surrender and flew away.
An hour passed, and they decided to take a break working on the engine. Every possible problem that she could think of had been exhausted, and she had to take a break to both cool down and think. She sat on the steps leading into the speeder, with Jack deciding to lay on the floor of the inside.
"Fuel line wasn't broken, none of the lines were cut or had knicks. There's no reason it should be draining so much gas," Jack thunk aloud. "There shouldn't be anything besides the engine that the gas is going to, and there's no weird random connections to anywhere else. The battery's still good."
"And we forgot the emergency fuel," Maddie slumped over. Jack sighed.
"It's my own fault," he replied. "I should have checked to make sure Jazz and Danny had properly put all the supplies in. A proper exploration team always triple checks before a voyage."
Maddie could only give a low hum of agreement as she stared out into the zone. She felt somebody pat the side of the speeder, and she scowled as she saw Phantom grinning at her, giving a half way.
"What are you doing here?" she hissed.
"I brought help this time," Phantom told her, and he jerked a thumb behind him. It was finally then that she noticed the Red Huntress. Maddie raised an eyebrow.
"How in the world…" she murmured, only to trail off as she stared at the two of them. Jack sat up, and he poked his head out of the speeder.
"Oh dope! It's my favorite huntress!" Jack boomed. Red seemed bashful at the comment, shifting her weight onto her other foot and rubbing her upper arm.
"I mean, if you don't trust me or want my help, I figured you'd be willing to let a human help," Phantom explained, motioning towards Red.
"So, do you need help?" Red finally spoke up. She reached down to pat her left calf. "I have some tools with me, but I can always go and fetch more."
Something in Maddie's gut told her that this was very, very odd. Humans and ghosts working together so...willingly like this. She had taken note that Phantom and Red hadn't hunted each other down or fought like they used to, but she just assumed that they didn't quite run into each other that much anymore. Both were unpredictable with odd schedules and routines.
She glanced at Jack, who despite his initial enthusiasm, seemed to share her feelings, and she shook her head no.
"We'll be fine," she insisted. "You two should leave."
Red stared at Phantom, who shrugged his shoulders.
"So, wanna just go get some boba tea?" Phantom asked.
"And just leave them here?" Red scowled, motioning to the Fentons.
"They don't want our help," he replied. Red glanced from Phantom and the Fentons, who studied the two of them. She finally shrugged as well.
The two began to idly chat as they flew off, their conversation becoming more and more distant.
"That was weird," Maddie mused.
"Yeah, I thought she and Phantom were rivals," Jack mused. Maddie shrugged. Right now she wasn't too invested in the mystery. She'd worry about that later when they got home.
Judging by their phones (which they had worriedly learned that they oh-so-helpfully had no reception in the land of the undead), another hour passed since Phantom and Red had left. Jack was deep into the engine, fiddling with a possible solution to the problem as Maddie stood nearby. She continued to think as she looked around. She was surprised that they hadn't been bothered by now.
"Trespassing in an unauthorized vehicle that is also a real world item," a deep southern voice boomed. Well, she absolutely spoke too soon.
They whipped their heads to see a huge, hulking figure, an all white man with a black hat, black gloves and wearing a suit of white.
"Ghost!" Jack squawked. He scrambled to grab his gun, Maddie already having hers drawn. The ghost frowned deeply. Maddie was finally very aware of just how many ghosts were surrounding them. Too many to count, but they all looked exactly like the ghosts that terrorized Amity Park years before, all identical and matching in uniform that resembled a SWAT team. There was also vehicles resembling police cars and police vans.
"Resisting arrest. That's against the rules," he continued. He opened a large green and white book in his hands, flipping to another page. "Assault and battery with a deadly weapon." He glanced up at them with an angry glare. "Y'all are going away for a long, long time."
"We're not going anywhere," Jack frowned. He charged up his weapon.
Maddie looked around, and she shivered anxiously. There was no way they could take on all these ghosts. She nudged Jack, and he side-eyed her curiously. She lowered her weapon, and she used her head to motion around them. Jack blinked as he looked himself, and all of his confidence left him. He also lowered his weapon.
"We'll go," Maddie finally spoke. The ghost smirked, and he knocked on the side of a police van. The back opened up.
"Surrender your weapons," he ordered.
One of the SWAT ghosts came forward with his arms outstretched. Reluctantly, the adults handed their weapons over, detaching themselves from the speeder and getting into the van.
Their cell was a lot like a normal cell, and it was just them. Iron bars, no windows, single toilet, and four bunk beds. Jack was laying on one of the beds, facing the fall, as Maddie laid on the one across from him, staring up at the bunk bed above her.
Of course. Of course they ended up in ghost jail. It was just their luck. Though a scientist part of her was giddy at knowing that ghosts had some kind of legal system! Who would have known!
As she tried to start figuring out what on earth to do, she heard something banging against the jail bars.
She immediately sat up, staring to see Phantom making the noise by banging something in his hand on the bars. He was staring at them with a bright smile, and it only made her mood drop even more.
"Phantom!" Maddie hissed, standing fully and going up to the bars. "How did you find us?"
"We came back to check on you guys and see if you changed your minds," Phantom explained. Jack got up from his own bed to come over, looking surprised to see the infamous ghost teen. "Technus and Skulker were looting your speeder, and they said Walker arrested you. So we came by as quickly as we could."
The Fenton adults could see Red nearby, glancing around the corner. She was keeping watch.
"We're not going with you," Jack replied. Phantom rolled his eyes.
"Okay, and what? Stay here forever? Never see your kids again?" he asked. Their faces instantly dropped. "So do you wanna go home or not?"
Maddie narrowed her eyes at him before noticing that he was holding a metallic-looking cup of boba tea and raising an eyebrow.
"You brought a snack with you," she said. Phantom shrugged, offering it to her.
"Want a sip?"
"No! Just!" Maddie glanced at Jack worriedly, and he mirrored her expression. They, unfortunately, knew that they really...didn't have a choice. "Get us out of here!"
"Danny, you may wanna hurry it up," Red's voice called out softly to them. Maddie did a double take. Oh yeah. Danny Phantom. Huh, she kinda forgot about that.
Phantom nodded, and he dropped the boba tea, letting it float in the air as he phased them out of the jail cell. Maddie stared at him.
"Wait, you can just phase through?" she asked. Phantom shrugged.
"Uh, sorta yes, sorta no," he replied, grabbing his tea.
"Danny!" Red's voice hissed. Phantom glanced to her.
"Okay, so super quick rundown of Ghost Zone rules. In the Ghost Zone, you guys are the ghosts, so you basically can fly and phase through objects, so Red can phase through objects and you guys too, but this is also a human cell that only I can get you out, and speaking out getting out, we need to leave. Now," Phantom quickly explained. As soon as he finished, he motioned for them to follow him.
He began to fly towards Red, and they jogged after him. Phantom peered around the corner before pulling back. Red did too.
"How's our escape route looking?" Phantom asked. He took a sip of his drink as Red pulled up a map on her suit. She studied it for a bit.
"Hmm. We may run into some trouble," Red mused. "Best bet is for me to take Mr. and Mrs. Fenton and phase with them out of here, and…" She gave a weird pause. "We'll uh. Wait for you to escape on your own." Phantom sucked on his drink, and the sound of air coming through as he ran out of boba tea grinded Maddie's nerves.
"Oh would you just!" Maddie scowled, and she slapped the cup out of Phantom's hands.
"Hey! I paid for that!" Phantom cried out. He scrambled to pick it up. "They were having an unlimited refills special if you got that cup!" Red snorted in amusement.
"Danny, they kicked you out for getting too many refills anyway," she reminded him. Phantom made a face.
"Well maybe they shouldn't advertise it as unlimited refills then," he retorted.
"Most people don't drink twelve cups of boba tea," she replied.
"Maybe I should be rewarded for being able to drink that much then."
"Hm, we'll debate it later," Red replied. "Look, I'll get them out and meet you on the other side. Got it?"
"Got it," Phantom replied. To Maddie's horror and shock, Red lifted her visor up, but not all the way. Just enough to expose her lips, and she leaned into Phantom to give him a light peck on the lips.
"Be careful," she told him. Phantom nodded.
"I will," he promised. "If I'm not with you in five minutes. Just." He paused. "Leave without me, get the Fentons home, and then come back for me." Red nodded as her visor went all the way down.
"Grab my hands," Red instructed the Fentons. Maddie blinked, reluctantly taking one of her hands. Jack took the other. Red summoned her board, jumping in the air and allowing it to manifest beneath her. She held onto them tightly and flew through the walls.
Instinctively, Maddie closed her eyes as she flew through. Only to feel no impact. A blur of walls impaired her vision with constant flashes of the darkness of being in a thick jail wall and the light of the prison rooms and hallways. She blinked as the neutral green skies of the Ghost Zone finally greeted her, and Red continued flying until they were a decent distance from the prison. And now that she had a moment to think…
"What the hell are you thinking?" she exclaimed to Red. The huntress snapped her attention to her in confusion.
"What? You would have died if we let you stay in there!" she scowled.
"No, not that!" Maddie clarified. "I mean, thank you so much for helping us, but you? And Phantom?"
"Exactly!" Jack agreed. "He's an absolute menace! He's a danger! Don't you guys fight? What happened to all of that?"
She could see a glimpse of Red's face under her heavily tinted visor, and Maddie was sure that the girl looked embarrassed and was likely turning as red as her suit.
"Oh man, it's a looong story," Red sighed heavily. "Uh, best and easiest and quickest way I can explain it is; a lot of the things that made me angry with him was a misunderstanding, and I found out that he's...actually a really sweet guy. I know it's weird to say, but, um. Well, I've never met a guy who was so kind, thoughtful and romantic. My life's kinda hectic, and he just...he really goes out of his way to make it easier on me."
"How so?" Jack wondered.
"Well, like. He does a lot of my household chores and stuff like laundry, bringing me lunch when I have long shifts at work, listening to me when I have a bad day," she explained. "He makes life a lot easier and better."
How cute. If it wasn't between a dead teenage menace and this poor, obviously manipulated girl. It honestly reminded Maddie a lot of her own Danny and his little girlfriend, Valerie. Valerie told her a few times about Danny doing some of her chores at home since Valerie was so busy working and doing school. It kinda pissed Maddie off, since Danny never seemed to remember his own chores at home, but she never felt like bringing it up to him because, well, at least he was really good to her. She'd be ashamed of him if he was any lesser.
"Hey!" Phantom called out as he zoomed towards them. "Let's go! Quick!"
Red nodded. She passed Jack off to Phantom, and the two teenagers flew the Fentons home.
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Already Gone
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Dr. Spencer Reid x Reader
Words: 3477
Part One of Two
Summary: With a relationship interfering with your dangerous job, you force yourself to break things off with your boyfriend. Reid tries to maintain a professional relationship, but can’t deny his heart break. Inspired by Already Gone, a cover by Sleeping at Last. 
Notes: Welp. I can’t resist putting my boys through as much pain as possible and Spencer is no exception. I was actually inspired by a pair of imagines I did for Bellamy Blake a couple of years ago, so I recommend checking those out as well. As always, let me know what you think and what you look forward for in part two!
Warnings: Plenty of angst and violence
More Criminal Minds: HERE
It never would have worked out right
We were never meant for do or die
You had finally let it happen. You’d let your feelings cloud your judgement and nearly got a hostage killed. Throwing your badge down on your desk, you hunched over it, hands gripping the wooden edge and breathing heavily. You wanted to break something, anything, but most of all you wanted to punch the wall until your knuckles split. 
The rest of the team walked by your desk silently. They each knew you were beating yourself up, but they collectively decided it’d be best to let you cool off before anybody said anything. Even Hotch just gave you a reassuring nod and went to his office to fill out paperwork. While the group all moved on, one person remained. The one person you couldn’t look at right now. 
“Not now, Reid.” You snapped, jerking your head up to see his concerned eyes. You had hoped that your aggressive tone would make him steer clear, but he stood his ground. 
“You know what happened wasn’t your fault-”
“Don’t you start on me too.” You fell back into your chair, wanting to just disappear into the floor. 
“Can we at least talk?” Spencer’s quiet and hurt voice was breaking you and you just wanted to shut it out. You buried your face in your hands and felt his hand on your shoulder. You melted into his touch, your body giving in while your heart still ached over your mistake. You knew what you had to do. It was the only way to ensure nothing like today ever happened again. 
“Yeah, let’s go talk.” You said suddenly, heading to the elevator. Spencer followed you hesitantly, his face still painted with worry and confusion. As soon as the doors closed, he spoke. 
“I understand that you are upset about how things happened, but we still saved a young girl today.”
“No, Prentiss saved that girl. I almost let her die.” The elevator started its descent and you felt your body pulling you down with it. The weight on your chest was crushing you and while part of you knew that Spencer was the only one that could lift it off of you, you couldn’t afford to be that selfish anymore. 
“Y/N, that wasn’t your fault.” He reached out for you, but you pulled away. You kept your eyes forward, avoiding the wounded look in his eyes. 
“Yes. It was. Reid, the unsub got to me by using you.” 
“W-what do you mean?” His eyes widened. 
“He could tell that we’re together. Somehow, he knew and he used that against me. He told me everything he would do to you and I almost killed him.” You balled your fists at your sides, your mind running through everything that psycho had threatened to do to Spencer. “I almost killed him and lost that little girl because I couldn’t control myself. If Prentiss hadn’t found her in time…” 
“Y/N,” This time, when he grabbed your hands, you didn’t back away. He brought them up to his lips and gently kissed your knuckles- bruised from your struggle with the unsub, “it was one mistake. You hesitated. Agents hesitate all the time when they’re in a situation like that.”
“Not us, Reid. Not me.” You started to pull away, but his hands gripped yours. He wasn’t rough, but it was enough to keep you in place. 
“That’s another thing,” He started, his voice sounding more hurt than before, “why do you keep calling me Reid?” He was right. Like J.J., you always called him Spence, or Spencer, even before you’d started seeing each other. You never called him Reid like the rest of the team. Spencer let go of your hands so he could put a hand on your cheek. “Something else is wrong.”
“Yeah, Spence, it is.” You resisted the urge to lean into his touch. Instead, you stepped away from it. “We can’t do this anymore.” You kept your expression cold and collected, even if you were shattered within. Spencer’s face fell, eyes filling with even more confusion and pain. 
“Come on, Reid. We were kidding ourselves into thinking this would work. There’s a reason team members aren’t supposed to hook up.”
“We aren’t just ‘hooking up’, Y/N. We understand each other and-and we make each other better at our job, not worse. We’ve made it work. That doesn’t have to change.” 
“You’re supposed to be the logical one, right?” You snapped. “Tell me the logic in us staying together.” He had tears in his eyes now and you had to fight to hold your guard up. 
“I love you.” He said softly. You bit the inside of your cheek to keep from crying out. He just kept looking at you in that way that made you want to hold him and say you were sorry. But you couldn’t. Not this time. “Logic isn’t a part of it.” 
“That’s the problem.” You put as much anger into your words as you could. It was the final piece for him and a tear escaped onto his cheek. You tore your eyes away, looking down at the pavement. “I have paperwork to do.” 
You kept yourself from all out running until you got inside. You didn’t have the patients for the elevator, so you just sprinted up the stairs, taking them two at a time and tripping more than once. You kept a straight face until you closed the door to Garcia’s office. 
“Hey girl, what’s-” She started, but immediately stopped when you threw your arms around her and started to sob. 
I want you to know, that it doesn’t matter
Where we take this road
But someone’s gotta go
You were never sure if he was looking at you because you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him. You’d spent the weekend at Penelope’s house, bawling and convincing yourself that you did the right thing because you knew that even one moment of hesitation, and you would be at his apartment begging him to forgive you. 
Sensing the tension at the table, Morgan and Prentiss exchanged an uncomfortable look. Hotch had called you in on another case, but Rossi was stuck in traffic so you were forced to wait in a painfully awkward silence. 
“Jeez, kid, what’s going on with you?” Morgan looked at Reid, trying to get a read of what might be bothering him. 
“Nothing’s going on with me.” He replied coolly, keeping his gaze on the smooth surface of the desk. You felt Morgan’s inquiring stare turn to you, but you kept your eyes forward, desperately hoping Rossi would get there soon. 
“Sorry I’m late,” He entered the room with a scowl and took a seat with the rest of the team. “Damn roadwork.” 
“Alright, everyone,” J.J. began, passing out the files as she went around the table. Her hand briefly grazed your shoulder in a sign of sympathy. Somehow, she always knew. “Local authorities in Maine found the bodies of two women who had been reported missing two weeks ago. Their wrists showed signs of being bound, probably with duct tape, and they suffered multiple wounds to the chest. The M.E. thinks it was an arrow.”
“Bow hunting?” Prentiss suggested. 
“They said from the looks of the injuries, the arrow had to have been shot from a distance, so hunting is a possibility.” 
“Why shoot them more than once?” Morgan wondered, taking a look at the crime scene photos. 
“There’s one more thing.” J.J. sighed, clicking to a new picture on the screen. It was a smiling woman holding a child. “Rachel Bratton, 32, was reported missing a week after the first two victims. Police didn’t find her with the others so-”
“The unsubs might be holding her somewhere.” Hotch finished grimly. “Alright, everyone. Let’s move. Plane leaves in fifteen minutes.” 
Everyone hurried to grab their things from their desks. You just wanted to get out of that room. Before you grabbed your bag, however, you heard a quiet voice. 
“You aren’t even going to talk to me?” Spencer wondered, his voice sounded soft and broken. “I thought we could at least be friends.” 
“Reid, don’t do this now.” You begged. If he kept this up, you would break too and you couldn’t afford for that to happen. His jaw clenched and he reached into his jacket pocket. 
“Here.” He held out a closed fist, slowly opening his fingers to reveal a small golden star. It was your favorite hair pin. “You left this at my apartment. I thought you might want it back.” You picked up the small metal clip, running your fingers along the points. 
“I’ll see you on the plane.” He snapped, snatching up his own bag and heading out. You cursed to yourself, shoving the pin into your pocket and following the team out to go to the airport. 
You found a seat to yourself and focused on looking over the case files despite the aching feeling in your chest. By the time the plane was ready to take off, everyone had found places and a blonde-framed face appeared in front of you. 
“Alright, spill.” J.J. ordered, crossing her arms over her chest. You sighed, keeping your eyes on the M.E.’s report. 
“I’m fine, Jen.” 
“Come on, don’t give me that. You’re lucky I convinced Morgan to back off. He was ready for a full on interrogation.” 
“I seriously don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Y/N, everybody knows something happened between you and Spence. You’ve been distant from everyone. He has been burying his head in books every spare second when he isn’t painfully looking at you.” She was blunt because it made you listen. “We’re worried.” 
“There’s nothing to be worried about. We got into a little fight. Friends fight.” 
“Just friends?” She raised a brow. She always knew. You leaned back in your seat, defeated. 
“We dated for a while, but it got in the way of work so I broke things off.” You finally admitted, trying to read her face for a reaction. “Happy?” She frowned sympathetically. 
“How long were you together?” She asked. Just thinking about it still stung. 
“Almost a year.” 
“And you two didn’t tell anyone this whole time?” She gasped. You shook your head. 
“We knew that Hotch wouldn’t approve.” You turned to the team as they got ready to make a plan. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter anymore. It’s over.” Just saying the words made the lump in your throat bigger. 
Hotch briefed everyone on their focus and where each member would be headed. You would be meeting with the missing woman’s fiancé. Along with Reid. 
“Shouldn’t I go with Morgan and Rossi to the dump sight? I feel like I can be more helpful there than talking to the distressed fiancé.” Reid said, his gaze slipping in your direction. Hotch just blinked in annoyance. 
“If we can understand Rachel’s routine, we can figure out how and where she was abducted. I need you to work on the geological profile.” He said sternly. He wasn’t oblivious to the awkwardness on the plane, but it wasn’t remotely on his list of problems. Reid didn’t say anything for the rest of the meeting. 
I didn’t come here to hurt you
Now I can’t stop
“I still feel like it’s my fault.” Brendon Nathonson sat with his head in his hands. “I was in a rush to get to work so I didn’t stop to see if she came back from her run that morning. I should have checked.”
“Does Rachel run every morning?” You asked, your tone sympathetic and soothing. You’d lost count of how many grieving or panicked loved-ones you’d spoken to over the years. It was one of the common parts of the job, but sitting next to Spencer made it feel different. Brendon nodded. 
“She was a track star in high school. Guess she never grew out of it, right?” He sniffed, wiping his face on his sleeve. “Do you have any idea where these psychos could be keeping her?”
“That’s actually what you might be able to help us with, Mr. Nathonson.” 
“What do you mean?”
“If we can figure out exactly where Rachel was taken, we can compare it to where the other two women were taken and found and possibly create a geological profile that could help us narrow down where the unsubs may operate out of.” Reid explained. The poor man still looked incredibly confused so you translated. 
“He means that these guys probably have an area that they’re comfortable working in, meaning both where they take their victims and where they may be keeping them.” 
“Oh god,” Brendon cried, covering his eyes with his hand. “You know, we kept pushing it back? The wedding. It was supposed to be in June, but then her sister couldn’t make it so we made it October, but then my best friend got sick. And now I might never get to marry her.” 
“We are going to do everything we can to bring Rachel home, Mr. Nathonson.” You tried to give him a reassuring smile, but the presence beside you was making your heart beat out of your chest. 
“She’s my everything, you know?” Brendon finally looked up again. “When you lose that… it’s like losing a part of yourself.” 
When the interview was over, you felt like you couldn’t breathe. Everything that Brendon Nathonson said was searing itself into your brain, echoing around and around like a bad song on repeat. You slammed the door of the main office, making sure no one was already in there. You pressed your forehead against the cool wood of the door, trying to calm yourself down. This was why you wanted to end things to begin with. You couldn’t control your emotions around him. Even now, despite the case, all you could think about was him and how much he hated you. 
A quiet knock startled you. You jumped back from the door, and forced yourself to calm down. Spencer slowly stepped inside, closing the door again behind him. 
“I saw you run in here.” He started softly. 
“I didn’t run.” You scoffed, more frustrated with yourself than anything else. “You probably need some time to do the geological profile. I’ll call Hotch and tell him what Nathonson said-” You started to leave, but his hand gently grabbed your arm. 
“Wait.” He pleaded, those perfect eyes staring deeply into yours. “Can we just talk?” 
“Spence…” You trailed off. Frankly, it’s all you had wanted to do. He at least deserved that. You blew out a heavy sigh and sat down. “Honestly, I haven’t been able to focus on this case because of all of this.” You ran a hand down your face.
“Neither have I.” Spencer sat down across from you, placing his hand on top of yours. “All I can think about is you.” Before, whenever he was with you, he thought clearer, focused more, and noticed every little detail of a case. Now, all he could think about was how much he missed you. 
“Once we get through this case, I promise that we’ll talk, okay?” There was so much you wanted to say right there, but you couldn’t find the words. I still love you was all that came to mind. Spencer nodded. 
“Then let’s make sure we solve this.” His awkward, crooked smile made you laugh and the two of you got to work trying to find Rachel Bratton.
You know that I love you so
I love you enough to let you go
The team circled the building, ready to go in. You were with Reid and Rossi, guns drawn as you went in the back door. It was an old meat processing plant that was located right in the middle of both the abduction and dump sights. Without Reid, you wouldn’t have been able to find it. You checked the back warehouse before moving onto another room, but not before you noticed something. A big metal door was cracked open just enough for you to get a peek inside. 
“Guys, over here.” You signaled, seeing Rachel Bratton sitting on the far side of a cage just inside the room.
“Please help me.” She begged. You tried to pry the door open more, but it wouldn’t budge. The opening was just wide enough that you could barely slide through, but you would have to take off your vest to fit. Before Rossi or Reid could say anything, you had undone the straps and were sliding through the narrow gap. 
“Is anybody in there with you?” You asked, still keeping your gun ready. Rachel shook her head. 
“No.” She gulped back a sob. “No, they went out that hatch.” 
“Y/N, maybe you should wait-”
“I’m fine, Reid.” You glanced back at him as you finally slipped into the room. “She said that they went outside. Let Hotch know.” 
Reluctantly, Reid followed Rossi back outside in pursuit of the killers. You made quick work of the lock on the cage and helped Rachel stand up. She collapsed against you, sobbing and thanking you over and over again. 
“Can you walk?” You asked gently. She nodded and you approached the hatch on the floor. Sure enough, it led down to the forest floor. You helped her down and kept your weapon out in front of you, keeping Rachel close behind. 
“Y/N!” Reid shouted, joining you again. Rossi flanked Rachel’s other side, keeping his eyes on the trees. 
“Have they found them?” You asked, afraid of the answer. Rossi shook his head. “Alright, we need to get back to the car so we can get Rachel to the hospital. Let’s move.” 
The four of you moved cautiously towards the front of the warehouse. The trees surrounding you rustled and groaned in the midwestern winds. You thought it was a trick of light at first, but when you saw the shining tip of an arrow, you aimed your weapon and fired. Mikah Roman tumbled across the forest floor towards you. Rachel screamed and latched onto Spencer. 
“Mikah Roman, you’re under arrest for the murder of Abbie Stockwell and Bonnie Andrews and the kidnapping of Rachel Bratton.” You yanked Mikah’s arms behind his back, causing him to scream out. The shot in his arm was gushing blood as you cuffed his wrists. 
Rossi’s gaze jerked upwards suddenly and Reid pushed away from Rachel, calling out your name. You whirled around to see what they were looking at.
“No!” Spencer screamed, watching the arrow enter the center of your chest. You didn’t hear your own gasp over the sound of Rossi’s gun shot, taking out the second killer without hesitation. Funnily enough, you couldn’t hear Rachel’s screaming sobs. You just heard a small voice in your ear. Arms were holding you up off the ground, pulling you into their lap. When did you fall? Why was your shirt wet? 
“Spencer…” You started, but your words came out garbled and breathy. What was happening? Why was your chest so sore? 
“Shhh, don’t talk.” Spence put his hands on your wound. Why did he look so scared? 
“W-what’s going on?” You gasped, the pressure from his hands making you cry out. 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He muttered, blood quickly coating his hands. Rossi was lifting Micah to his feet and speaking into the radio in a panicked voice. That’s when Spencer started yelling. “Somebody help! Help us! Agent down! Somebody help us! Please, she needs help!” You finally understood what was going on, the initial shock of your injury clearing from your mind. 
“Somebody help!”
“Spence.” You reached up and touched his cheek. “I-I’m okay.” 
“Help is on the way.” Through the sound of his heart pounding, he could hear footsteps approaching. The rest of the team gathered around, Prentiss stopping cold at the sight in front of her. Spencer smiled with delusional relief. “See, Hotch and Morgan and Prentiss are all here. They can help you-” He looked back down and stopped. 
Your head was tilted back, a small trail of blood trickled down from your mouth. Your eyes blankly staring up at the clouded, grey sky. His crimson stained hands reached for your face, smearing the blood on the skin of your cheek. He recoiled from the sight, instead wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer to him. 
Morgan made a step towards Reid, the younger agent’s quiet sobs growing louder and louder until they were unbearable. Hotch put a hand out to stop him. He knew that Reid needed this moment. He needed to say goodbye.
And I want you to know, you couldn’t have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I’m already gone
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks; @kendahl0216
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