#and apparently i didn't so i had to go digging for them LMAO
talesoftextposts · 2 years
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nicistrying · 2 months
Friday 8th March
Happy International Women's Day!
Had to work out after work today bc I was feeling all anxious and stressed after my mother in law asked what she could do to help with the wedding and I gave her a couple of ideas and she was just v short with me and didn't seem happy with anything I had suggested although she said she was bored and wanted to help (I asked if she could dig us out some nice photos of Matt's grandparents for the memory table, or she could have a browse for her dress and treat herself). I'm kind of done with his family atm they have so much drama going on and everything I think and say and do is wrong so I'm just trying to keep my head down 😂
Anyway so I worked out and felt much better! Mostly upper body & core as I'm planning to run tomorrow
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Ordered Thai food for dinner as a treat and finally caught up with Matt as we've barely seen each other all week. Maggie had to come and join us on the couch even though there definitely was not enough room for her
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She lay like this making weird noises for a good 10 minutes before she gave up and got down lmao
Now snuggled up on the couch by myself after she and Matt have gone to bed, eating chocolate and cuddling my hot water bottle bc apparently we have full on mini periods in between the usual horrific periods 😅 this needs to stop before Sunday bc we are seeing the in laws and I don't need a lecture from them about how I made the 'wrong' decision based on the information I had 🙃
Happy weekend! 💃🏼
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akkpipitphattana · 6 months
Okay so! I wanted to know your opinion about this because idk what to think.
So in ep10, in the fight scene, Ray is pretty aggresive with Sand and pushes him against the lockers repeatedly (enough to bruise him apparently) and then punches the lockers on Sand's side. Now, when I first saw this I thought this was kinda abusive? maybe that is too strong of a word? maybe just alarming to me but because no one was saying anything I let it go.
Now in this ep, we have the bathtub scene where they acknowledge Ray's temper and the fight and they also acknowledge the bruises Sand had bc of Ray pushing him. and it seems the scene is played for laughs almost? like Sand is like 'haha ow it hurts!' and then Ray is like 'oops sorry ty for putting up with my temper' and it just makes me kinda uncomfortable? imo you can't get physical like this and idk, no one is mentioning it and I feel like I am exaggerating maybe?
I think i am exaggerating but idk it rubs me the wrong way sigh
You can totally ignore this ask if you feel like it's gonna bring too much discourse, thank you for reading and i am sorry if you don't wanna discuss this, it's totally fine if you wanna ignore this, as i said, i get it!
helloooo! so first of all, i don't care about bringing discourse lmao, one thing about me is i will talk about whatever i want, and i think this is actually an incredibly important discussion to have, especially as someone that does strongly want sandray to end up together for a plethora of reasons. and like i can joke about the "i hope they bite each others dicks off" thing all day long and while that is fun, that's not actually what keeps me invested in sandray or makes me root for them. and i absolutely do not think you're exaggerating because i totally get feeling uncomfortable with the way they joked about it and how it was glossed over - everyone has a different relationship with that kind of stuff.
here's my thing. sand and ray have always been aggressive with one another. and yes, when i say that i mean sand AND ray. i was actually talking to antania about this the other day, because even though i'd never seen anything about it, apparently people HAVE been talking about the fact that ray tends to get aggressive with sand. and it's not like i think it's bad to discuss those things because again, it's a good discussion to have - it's just that sand has always been aggressive right back. ray has knocked sand on his ass, but sand did the same thing to ray. the only time sand DIDN'T fight back was in ep10, and that was because at that point, he felt like he deserved it for what he'd done. is that actually true? absolutely not, especially since we know that sand gave the money back. however, it is why he didn't fight back when otherwise we know he would.
and while we can get into whether or not them being aggressive with one another is okay or not, i do think it's important to point out that that's really not their issue. sure, if they continue to get physical with one another whenever they have a fight, that's not good, but neither is a lot of the way that ray has treated sand. which really brings me to my main point - i think while it's not a bad thing to be uncomfortable with the way they brushed over the physical violence, you also have to be uncomfortable with the way every other conflict they've had has been brushed over. because this is really just another thing that ray has done wrong by sand. and this is not a dig at you by any means, nonnie, and people HAVE complained about these things in the past. i do just think it's important to address the fact that way more people have an aversion to physical abuse than they do to emotional abuse when the thing is - they are just as bad as each other. they both leave you with scars, whether mental or physical, and neither of them is good to endure in a relationship.
but i think the important thing to draw from that conversation is that ray not only apologized, but promised to listen next time. does that mean that's definitely what's going to happen? no, not at all. i'm sure he'll have slip ups and continue to fuck up - i mean we already see him going about the boeing situation in probably the worst way possible instead of just talking to sand. the point, though, is that he's trying. ray is in therapy, he's in rehab, he is actively trying to change for sand. and we already see him making great strides! no, not everything's solved, no he's not doing everything perfectly, but he's trying and it takes time. he'll get there.
also, when it comes to them joking about it, i honestly get it. yes, it's a serious thing and not everyone's comfortable joking about that stuff, but for some people that's how they deal with things (speaking from experience here lmao). not to mention, there's not really a whole lot either of them can say in a serious way - ray apologized, he promised to do better, he's actively trying to. why beat a dead horse?
and we can argue about whether or not he deserves the chance that sand's giving him or not, but at the end of the day, it is up to sand, and sand has clearly decided that the love and happiness ray gives him outweighs whatever slip ups ray might take on his way to getting better.
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the-diabolist · 2 years
Could I get “If you don’t take your clothes off, I’ll take them off for you.” for Jack? I love the way you write him.
aww thank you <3 this is kind of becoming a Jack appreciation blog lmao
c.w: risky semi-public shenanigans, creampie, he's rough, jokingly(?) threatens to share you. As always, minors dni. 700w
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"Off," he huffs, short, impatient.
"Pardon?" You ask, eyebrows raising in alarm. Surely he doesn't mean what you think he does.
His eyes travel quickly up and down your body and then meet yours again with an expectant stare. Once again, it seems you were overly optimistic - naive, even - in giving him the benefit of the doubt. Of course that's what he means.
"You've gotta be kidding. We're in public," you remind him, reasonably, glancing nervously toward the closed bathroom door.
"And?" He says, unreasonably, shrugging.
You should have known, the moment he dragged you in here, that he was up to no good. You suppose you did, deep down.
"Surely you can w-" your words drop off as he takes a threatening step toward you. You swallow hard.
"Take your clothes off, or I'll take them off for you," he says firmly in a low murmur. There's a short pause as you weigh your options.
Truth be told, it always turns you on when he uses that tone. Might as well make him do the work, though.
"Do it then," you purr, and then nearly squeal when he seizes you with both hands, yanking you closer, roughly tugging your shirt over your head.
Several more articles of clothing and a few bruises later, you're bare and bent forward against the sink as his fingers dig into your hips, pulling you backwards to meet his thrust, burying himself inside you a little too quickly for comfort.
"Ah! Fuck, slow down," you gasp, gripping the sink like a lifeline.
In lieu of a response, he leans down, pressing his chest flush against your back, and groans into the nape of your neck. His hips start to move, back and forth, a little faster each time. You know from experience that his pace will ramp up quickly.
You haven't forgotten where you are, even amid the fog of arousal. You glance back at the door again apprehensively.
"Did- did you lock the door?" You can't tell from here, and you want to make sure he didn't forget.
"No," he grumbles, punctuated with a harsh thrust.
Well, apparently he didn't forget - he just chose not to do it, which is decidedly worse.
"Jack!" You scold, panting too hard to put as much force behind it as you'd like. "What if someone walks in?!"
"Then they get a turn with you next," he responds simply, then sinks his teeth into the side of your neck.
You sputter something incoherent, torn between outrage, trepidation, and pleasure. He's not serious - at least, you're pretty sure he's not - but the thought sends a shameful little thrill through you, and you can't help the way your body tightens around him.
"Like that, huh?" He laughs breathlessly and bites down again, a little higher, and you moan. His hips are moving even faster now, his strokes deep and rough. You're close, so he's gotta be close. You hope so, anyway - you've been gone too long already.
"They're gonna start to wonder where we are," you whimper. Your friends would make assumptions about what you'd been doing alone together for so long (they'd be right, but it would still be embarrassing).
"Better come quick, then," he growls in your ear, and it's enough to kick you over the edge; you slap a hand over your mouth to stifle the cry you can't keep in your lungs. He chuckles. "Very good."
A few seconds later, his thrusts cease as you feel him release inside you with a grunt.
As you get dressed and try to make yourself presentable, hoping not to return looking like someone who had just been railed in a bathroom, you shoot him a wary glance.
"You're not going to say anything about this, right?"
He pulls out a cigarette and lights it, not bothering to meet your eyes. His hair is a bit unkempt, and there's a light sheen of sweat on his brow. You'll have to fix him up before he walks out like that.
"We'll see," he finally responds, before taking a drag and blowing smoke in your direction.
Immediately, you make a decision: you're never bringing him out with your friends ever again.
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papirouge · 7 months
"l also think they went hard on her bc she's very beautiful and nothing angers conservative men more than attractive liberal women lmao"
You are onto something here. I remember once in my country there was this polemic because a right wing politician said in a show he hosted that a female leftist politician had stated that pedophilia "had to be reinstated", which turned out to be false. This sparked a conversation in which a member of his political party (and also ex co-host of the show) also spoke up. He talked about how many middle aged men from the right would obssess over the young women from the left. He said that this guy was like this; he would say a lot of outrageous things about pretty leftist women just so they would go to his show and be near him. He also said even right wing women though he was too much and too sexist and pervy.
He also expanded on the right wing's men obsesion with young leftist women, saying how many of their conversations would focus on these women physical appareance. He also commented that male right wingers also had this delusion/fantasy where they believe they can 'save' these women from the left with their masculinity and rationality, and they compare themselves to the 'effeminate, somewhat homosexual" men from the left, believing themselves to be superior to these 'soyboys'.
Funnily enough, this same dude who would antagonize the young pretty women from the left just so they would pay attention to him, also tweeted something like "teen girl first anal", apparently confusing Twitter with the search engine. Once he also told a reporter he was attracted to her since she was 12 years old. He was 19 when she was 12.
Conservatives? Being hypocrite sex freaks? Color me shocked ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
This also confirms my theory that conservatives are ultimately only attracted by liberal women to have the satisfaction of taming/humbling them. Such gratification is impossible when they date doormat conservative pickmes. Look at all the women fawning at Musk or Andrew Tate... they aren't those they pick to date or breed with.
This obsession with tranny groomers and gay pedo of conservatives is peak projection. It's insane how the straight up pedo narrative of some conservative figures is glossed over, but someone being gay or with a gender identity is enough for them to suspects them of being a predator... I always said conservatives didn't care about pedophilia unless it was to dunk on liberals or "progressive" symbols (Epstein, Balenciaga, etc). They won't peep a word about conservatives caught with teens if not defend them (isn't Russell Brand -although not conservative got into conservatives good favor ever since he got vocal against the c0vid vaccîne- is accused of dating/sexually abusing a minor? and yet they're defending him like there's no tomorrow). Lately there's a twitter account who got suspended for accusing Musk of being a pedo (to get back at him after he accused a marine dude of being one when he refused his held when rescuing kids lost in a cave in Asia). I really think there's something to dig with him about it.... I'm still not over how fast Musk simps shrugged off his twitter side account where he role played as his own child and made sexual tweet.... His laptop should be investigated. Unfortunately the Musk savior syndrome is so strong, I think he could be caught raping a child people would still defend him, so.....
Sexual offenders & pedophiles are in the majority cis straight male so their obsessions to paint LGBT as these predatory groomers is lowkey insane. I've always said that since rape and sexual abuse stats disproportionately incriminate MEN they are desperate to find way of other'ing the issue. They'll either point fingers at non White men (so ugh, still men) or promote the idea that these stats are over amplified by false rape allegations 🤡
Aren't most father of teen moms grown adults? But suuuure, we should be focused on trans people in schools... controversial opinion but a drag doing a lecture in school is less concerning than grown men impregnating young girls...
I think the obsession with AOC of many conservatives also reeks from the fact they lowkey want to bang her.
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antonblastdeluxe · 1 year
I was there for some of the SU freaks from 2018-2020 but PLEASE feel free to regale, I'm here to relive & be mad /LH SILLY
Ngl I think I'll use this ask as an opportunity to give everyone Kirm lore™️. The SU bulletpoint WILL be here but;
Semi-cognitive 'Kirm Bullies People :(' saga;
tldr: Back in mid-late 2018, freshly 18 me took notice of this particular person who was vagueblogging my friends in the RPC (roleplay community, think of it like a collaborative fanfic community if you're unaware) on the basis that my friends didn't want to interact with this person. After I decided to do some digging I decided to confront this person (who was well over 10 years my age) and told them to stop. And I left it at that.
Later I found out that were posting our private dms in their personal server and many of my friends told me other things about this person and how they were scared to speak up, so I naturally did some digging and found out this person was. Blatantly homophobic. Like, 'I respect gays but don't condone their lifestyle' homophobia. So, I called them out. Things snowballed and I was sort of thrust into the position of 'make callouts on weirdos.
Things that happened to me in 2018-2021 (broadly). Please note that every callout I have vocally supported / assisted in creating had plenty of evidence to prove the wrongdoings of folks;
I was told I'd go to jail and look 'good in orange' for calling out this guilttripping homophobe by somebody who was pregnant at the time. Yes, she took time out of her day to cry about somebody cyberbullying her homophobic friend instead of spending time with her partner.
Another homophobe (who was later revealed to be anti B/_M and pro-trum///p, fun) going up to bat and constantly trying to smear me while victimizing herself for years
Somebody I told off for forcing nsfw content on people because they forced their 30+ female mario character rp blogs that oversexualized them onto people at random decided to stalk me for multiple months and tried to rally a hate forum to harass me by using a family vacation photo I posted.
Was called the R slur for putting an ableist transphobe on blast
I was called 'elitist' and 'fac1st' by another pro-trum///p jackass because I called them weird for being very passive aggressive towards people not wanting to interact with them
Pr0-cop weirdo & friends got very very mad at me for taking a screenshot of a public blog and tried to frame me as a 'rich white woman who'd never be profiled by c0ps', tried to threaten multiple people in the rpc, including poc, of reporting their 'IPs to the p0lice for cyberstalking'
Basically being called a stalker, harasser, bully, etc for just taking screenshots and informing people of what URLs to block
Somebody who likes hp a lot and victimizes themselves over liking it apparently talking shit about me to this day because I rightfully grilled them for supporting an abuser a few years back
Broadly speaking, the SU rpc hates me because I assisted in boosting callouts against their 'golden gooses'. You know, the people who fetishmined and guilt-tripped as if they were being paid for it. Also a lot of oc drama and a golden goose accusing somebody of oc theft because they made an oc of the same rock they used, fun. I was accused of writing a callout I didn't even write because one of these golden geese recognized me in a rpc and screamed, despite the fact if you read that callout you would've known I didn't write it because the author identified themselves.
Also if anybody 'recognizes' themselves from this post, didn't you accuse me of being a stalker for looking at your blog and gathering evidence for like, a week at post. Why are you still here. Or, if you're a friend of any of these people in 2023 for some reason, fuck off, you're only giving your friend more stress by being their messenger. You're a shitty friend. Lol. Poor Kirm living in your head, still? Pay me reparations, lmao.
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Hey, if you still do reacts, could you do a react for the fnv companions reacting to a courier that's a wraith?
Hey! Sorry I'm just now getting around to this, I still do reacts I promise lmao. So when I first read your ask I was envisioning more of a grim reaper type specter scythe and all, but I think I'm gonna settle for the cloaked ghost definition to play it safe. Also wrote this as their fist meeting because that made the most sense to me, but if thats not what you meant feel free to correct me and I'll re-write it!
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"I...... Umm... can I help you, or, uh....?"
He has no idea what's happening... he's seen some really sick people before, but this? He'd think they were just insanely malnourished at first but once it became apparent that they were a supernatural entity, that would um.... that would change things... He'd begin reading weird books that go beyond pseudo-science and leans way closer to magical madness to try and understand what the hell was happening. safe to say this is way out of his leage
"What in the goddamn.....Jesus pal, Look I know I shouldn't have wasted ya back at goodsprings, but I didn't think you'd have the moxie to come on a floatin' your way back here to haunt little old me! Look I get it we got beef, but you put the bump on me here it'll get all kinds of awkward in the afterlife, ya dig?"
He treats it pretty much the same way he would treat meeting any old courier the first time.... like he's seen a ghost, except this time he has so there's that.
"What the hell?"
He'd think his past had finally come for him... he'd always thought karma would send an over ambitious legionairy, or a well placed bullet, not some sort of ghosts but here they were or so hw thought. Once he realized they weren't here to kill him he'd be confused if not a bit disappointing, but he'd chose to follow this symbol of death if for not for the sheer hell of it and also to see the look on any legion bastards face who see them.
"Jesus you're one ugly fucker...."
good ol cass is nothing if not simple and straight to the point.... but seriously though what the fuck is sher looking at? Whiskey better not have been laced with something or else heads are gonna roll
"Imma be honest here, I've been around a while, and I've seen a lot, but this is a first for me.... sorry if I'm at a loss for words .... just awed by you're remarkable beauty boss"
Hes sarcastic as ever. When you get to be as old as raul you learn it's better not to question things and just take em as they come... for your sanity's sake that is.
"Woah.... Where the hell have you been, and how do I make sure to never go there....like ever?
What exactly is she seeing? She's heard about a lot of strange and unusual mutations from the brotherhood scribes, but this one was definitely a first for her.... and hopefully a last as well.
"Don't worry I won't have you lashed to a cross.... *disgusted tone* and not just because that's not an option in your case....it useful you happened by"
Pretty much the exact same except he's slightly confused, but given that his last witness just ran into a hoard of radscorpions... his options were slim... so the spector would have to do....
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taylortruther · 7 months
In your high school, did people steal phones?? cause in my high school, it was pretty much guaranteed that if you didn't put your bag in a locker during gym class- someone was going to come in and go through your stuff and take your phone 😅 Also there was this time where someone got into my locker and literally just threw my food all over my locker and wrote me a really nasty note?? Turns out it was a friend who was jealous i was hanging out with other people without her. it was so strange.
it wasn't guaranteed to get stolen but i'm sure it happened pretty frequently because i went to a GIGANTIC high school so there was just a lot of kids around constantly and phones are easy to slip in a pocket. but i don't think it was common for people to dig into bags. actually it was way more common for teachers to take your phone away if they saw it, my school was really strict about it (and still is apparently) because we had to pay $10 to get them back and the funds paid for things lmao.
THAT LOCKER STORY IS CRAZY THOUGH what happened after that?? did you get revenge?
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Set the scene here
The world she grew up on was . Lets just say not friendly to her or her mom
Theyre witches, like biologically. Not human. Theyre very similar to humans, but not actually human. The main difference is the blood, which unlike human blood is pinkish, kinda sparkly, and has magical properties. They can also see through time but those are person specific powers and not an overall thing like the blood
Lexax can see into the past (including other peoples pasts but only if shes touching them) her mom can see into the future
Lexax has tried to see into the future but her eyes temporarily exploded so she doesnt do that lmao
Before lexax was born her mom used a love potion on her dad and that cursed not only the relationship, but any child born out of it (meaning poor little lex)
Things go fine until lexax (then iris vae) turned 6. The people in the nearboy town got some kind of proof of what her mother had done, and . Well. You know the typical execution for witches right ?
With orchid (her mother) dead, the spell she had used on lexaxs father was broken. Because of this, he panicked, abandoned his poor already very traumatized child and fled the town.
With no one left to protect her, the kid had to learn how to survive on the streets, and FAST. And she did. Though not without consequences.
She became sharp, but bitter. Fear and rage drove pretty much her every action.
With her survival skills, she had to learn to steal . The theft, paired with no protection, had her getting beat fairly often. It wasnt until she was around 12-13 that it got Bad, but she could mostly patch herself up with the potions she could brew from her blood (the magical properties i mentioned)
Eventually, someone New showed up in the town. He saw this kid passed out from her wounds in the middle of the square, saw no one helping her, and decided "well damn clearly this kid has no one" and helped her.
When she came to, the man asked for her name. Trying to distance herself from the father that abandoned her, she gave him a new name she came up with on the spot. Axel.
He stuck around for a couple years, watching out for her, teaching her how to wield a weapon, teaching her how not to survive but to Live,
He taught her about worlds other than the one she lived in, about creatures called heartless, about keyblades
If you havent guessed already, the guy is xehanort
Except a much "kinder" version (to thsi day lexax doesnt know if it was an act she shed trust him or if it was real. Shell never get the answers she wants now)
When she was 14-15 ish, she came home to find her "dad" beaten half to death and fading fast. She was fully convinced he died in her arms, but when she returned from digging the grave, the body was gone. She didn't think twice about it, only assumed it was the townspeople taking away her chance at closure, like with her mother.
This was the final nail in the coffin for her to become fully closed off, bitter and angry and frankly would rather die than make any connections ever again
Not to mention is fully willing to kill, if it would protect herself.
Like 11 years later, heartless start popping up everywhere. While trying to take one out, she almost accidentally skewers some goofy lookin kid in a red jumpsuit with an oversized housekey.
Apparently, the townspeople had told the kid, sora, that she had summoned the heartless. Complete lies, she was the one who was keeping them at bay, but prejudice will have people believe anything.
It becomes clear pretty fast what happened, and sora and his friends end up growing really fast on her. A day or two after that, she and sora found themselves completely surrounded by heartless, with no end to them in sight.
She made sora run and leave her behind, sacrificing herself to hold back the tide so he could escape. She didnt stop fighting for a second, even as she watched them tear the heart from her chest.
When she came to, the heartless were gone, but strangely, so was all the rage and fear and sorrow she had relied on to keep her going for all those years. And for some reason, she ... didnt care.
For about a year, she went on like that. The townspeople largely left her alone now, as apparently she had been seen "die and come back"
It made them more afraid of her, but whatever worked.
Eventually, two men showed up at her house. One with a ponytail, and one that both, in a weird way reminded her of her "dead" father figure and also SUPREMELY creeped her out.
They offered her a way out, a new name -- lexax --, and a job as a weapon of sorts, and she took it. Anything was better than where she was.
She passed out when she agreed, and when she woke up, her vision was. Wrong. When she looked in the mirror, her left eye had been replaced. The new eye was red and had an x shaped pupil, and when she looked at herself, she could see every last one of her weaknesses. It was unnerving. Immediately she made herself an eyepatch to cover it, and changed up her appearance, a way to signify her new life. Her made her originally dark brown hair blonde, and shaved half her head. Why not right never too late for an emo phase
OH SHIT I FORGOT SOMETHING WHEN SHE WAS LIKE 15 SOMEONE TRIED TO KILL HER . They tried to burn her at the stake like her mom
She managed to kill her would be executioner and get away, but not without extreme burns on her legs and severe pyrophobia
ANOTHER THING I FORGOT at like age 16-17 for a few months she was able to go to the realm of darkness in her dreams. She ended up finding/making friends with/having a bisexual awakening over a girl there. One with blue hair and a keyblade.
But it wasnt long before she lost the ability to go there.
Anyway, her first day she gets paired up with some rehead guy. Something about "proving himself" after losing... someone. she was really not paying attention to anything that was being said unless it was being said to her directly
The guy doesnt seem too jazzed about it, but hey, neither is she.
They get their mission done, but last second get swarmed by a random hoard of heartless. It seems like theyll be fine, but then she realizes. This guy is fighting with *fire*. Lexax freaks out and bolts, so the guy has to go hunt her down
They have a little bit of a bonding moment, but shes not here to make friends so as soon as they get back she locks herself in her room
Over time, as much as she was trying not to, she ends up making friends with the redhead guy, along with the ponytail guy that originally came to get her, but ESPECIALLY demyx who is the only one who gets to be named here. Best friend privilege lol
Well. The main events of kh2 happen. Finding out about the demise about 2/3 of her friends but especially demyx, lexax goes a little. Apeshit. Initially she wasnt going to fight sora because he was her friend too, but after finding out he was the one that killed demyx, and being lied to abt him "being the one that killed axel" (she was purposely very much kept out of all the loops and lied to at every turn because that worked SO well with roxas and xion) (speaking of. She was made xv but no one knew why . If she tried to ask x*mnas he would just give her this look that really creeped her out until she left)
Anyway she vowed for revenge and hunted down sora when he went for his whole seige on tctnw
Problem was her whole rage thing made her sloppy. She ended up with a whole ass keyblade through her gut and was forced to hear soras side of the story as she laid on the ground half dead
Realizing how badly her head had been fucked with, she forgave him and wished him luck going forward, then forced him to leave her, since she wanted to die alone
Before she could die though she realized she had One healing potion left. It brought her back from the brink of death, but not by much.
By the time lexax had caught up with sora and co, the only one left was x*mnas. So, she does what any reasonable person does and shows up to the fight, claiming that bc it was just the two of them now that there wasnt an organization left for her to betray and she was just there to watch the fireworks. After all, she never fuckin liked him anyway.
In a show of power, he attacks her by surprise and force chokes her to death. She didnt get any words out but she Did flip him off on her way out
She comes to back in her old home, and while she cant use dark corridors anymore, she Does have a form of teleportation she can use, provided she has the right ingredients for the potion + has been where shes trying to go
So she goes somewhere she always thought was peaceful and calm, which, frankly, is something she fuckin needs at this point -- twilight town.
She also decides to keep her name and new appearance. If she came back, her friends might too, and it would be better if they could actually recognize her when they did.
Just a heads up beyond this point is when the romancy stuff starts to kick in bc she deserves love so much forever poor woman has experienced The Horrors for 27 years let her Rest (oh . Yeah . I should mention i hc kh2 to take about a year in itself. 6 ish months at the very least there was so much happening in it its the longest kh game by far) oh yeah also now that shes no longer a nobody the red eye is gone so shes just kinda normal now
Anyway shes minding her own business in her little house in tt and she hears a voice that she hadnt expected to hear again and quite literally falls out of her 2nd story window in shock. Dw she lands in the bushes shes fine shes survived way worse
But when she wrestles herself Out of the bushes, there he is, one of her friends that is Supposed to be dead
She had told herself that if she came back, they probably did too, but it wasn't much of a hope. More of a bandaid on the bullet wound that was the despair she was feeling over it
Anyway she sees axel (or lea now but how would she know that) and shes just. Standing there. Because thats all she can think to do . Shes in shock but she manages to say his name and he turns around and she just fucking. LAUNCHES herself at him in the biggest fuckin hug shes ever given
Yknow at least until her legs turn to jelly and she starts Bawling because no one has ever come back before
They catch up and then eventually the start of kh3 happens
Sora shows up and warns her the org is back but doesnt mention xehanort
No one knows her connection to him except xigbar who is keeping his mouth shut about all this because its funnier to just watch it all happen
Well guess who shows up in her house to try and sway her over to his side
Lexax feels Every Emotion At Once on finding out her long lost father figure wasnt actually dead. She goes to hug him but last second, surprising both herself and xehanort, FUCKING DECKS HIM GET HIS ASS LEXAX
All the joy she felt at realizing he was alive turned to rage in an instant when she realized that he abandoned her after he PROMISED he would get her out of that world, knowing full well the amount of danger she was constantly in
This turned to even more rage when she found out that technically he was xemnas and he fucking killed her
She went apeshit and kicked him out of her house, as she should
So then immediately he sent in xigbar, because they were friends so hes probably got a better chance at swaying her
Well shes overjoyed to see him too
But then something clicks about a reaction hed had to her in the past and she realizes. He knew abt xehanort the whole damn time so now shes pissed at him too
Not quite so much, he doesnt get decked, but shes mad nonetheless
This is when she officially joins up with sora.
But because of that, theres a last ditch effort from Daddy Issues to try and bring her over
And of course, its the most logical move anyone can use
Fucking. Remotely EXPLODE lexaxs left eye and have the red one grow back in its place ! It doesnt have its old powers anymore, but instead has a new function -- he can watch her every move, and she knows it.
Fucking scary right
Anyway she tells sora about this and he sends her to radiant garden because if anyone can help its the biggest emo nerd with the most lab unsafe haircut ever ienzo
Well. He cant help.
So lexax, being the badass she is, decides to take it upon herself and fix the problem.
By gouging out her own eye.
After this, she decides that xehanort needs to be dealt with, and he needs to be dealt with NOW. Fuck all his plans for whatever
So she sends a message not only to sora (by the way i forgot to mention her nickname for him, she calls him starboy :] ) but to lea as well that shes taking him on herself and if she doesnt contact them in like 10 minutes to assume shes dead
The element of surprise worked in her favor, but not enough to kill him like shed planned. Instead, she cut off one of his arms. Before she could get a second swing in, he got her in a move similar to how xemnas had killed her
But, learning from her mistakes, she had a teleportation potion locked in her teeth in case of this exact scenario, and was able to bite down on it and get herself out of there before she died, with only some heavy bruising around her windpipe
Lexax girlboss moments
Fast forward to the scene with everyone in the mysterious tower bc like hell she isnt getting involved in that (somewhere in there theres a reunion with demyx and now shes One Happy Lexax. Also he lives in her house now (meaning he just kinda showed up and she never told him to leave))
She and aqua have a whole pointing spiderman meme moment like "HOLY SHIT YOURE REAL???" and also she comes clean to everyone abt her ties with xehanort and everyone gets a little freaked out abt that, and rightfully so but its still a little insulting its pretty clear no one wants him dead more than her
During the whole fuckin battle sequence where Everyone Dies she focuses almost solely on keeping lea safe . She lost him once, no way in hell shes gonna do it again thats her Fuckign Boyfriend
When the maze shit initially happened, the L&L duo got separated, and lexax ended up fighting xigbar
During this fight, she manages to make a sort of whip out of tangible darkness. Xigbars like "dont you think youre getting too op lol" and lexax hits him with the "i had to take out my own eye i think i earned this" and it comes out. He had no fucking idea what she had been put through. And considering they are still friends, hes a little bit Shook about it
Like he hides it well but theres a certain air of horror to his reaction that you can tell hes a little fucked up over it
And, deciding he doesnt wanna fight her anymkre, just fuckin. Teleports her over to The Boyf.
She meant to stay by leas side during this and protect him, but as soon as she saw x*nmas she got Revenge Tunnelvision and went all out attackjng him and only him.
Her sword shatters in the fight, leaving her with just a jagged stump of metal to attack with . Fucked up
When x*mnas goes to attack lea, lexax goes a Little Bit Apeshit and tries to attack him with said jagged stump of metal, only for (in the most anime way possible) it to turn into a whole ass keyblade
But then she immediately catches saixs claymore in the guts and gets flung into the wall and left to bleed out in the dirt
Maybe dont wear a crop top to war next time, lexax
Fast forward to right before everyone care bear stares xehanort with their keyblades. Turns out, he had replaced his lost arm with one made of darkness, not unlike the whip lexax had made
Like father like daughter yknow
Well just to taunt him, lexax cusses him out and shows off her new keyblade, because the main reason he had left her was her inability to manifest one
Anyway fast forward Again to his Defeat Defeat
While the wayfinder trio is having their moment with force ghost eraqus lexax ends up clinging to xehanort and sobbing, saying that she "hates him so much"
All he can do is hug her back and say "i know"
Then following his Peaceful Fuckoff With His Ghost Ex, she has a full on breakdown. Screaming, crying, punching the ground. He hurt everyone so much, he hurt HER so much, why should he get to have such a peaceful happy ending???
She tells everyone she needs to be alone for a bit and fucks off back to her original world for a few hours, and comes back to her house in like the middle of the night
Cue the epilogue cutscene era
Lexax is genuinely so much happier now. Found family is the best drug out there /j
She doesnt live alone, instead in her house its her, lea, demyx, isa And xion
She tricked out the basement into the coolest room a 15 year old girl could ask for for her (with the help of the boys in the house + roxas) (demyx didnt help. but he did buy the pizza)
Shes happy and gets to have soft domestic moments and is jsut!! Not being traumatized for the first time like ever!!! Look at her go!!
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thetomcruiseblr · 9 months
Occasionally, I check out Fightertown and see that there is zero RoosMav conversation going on there (sometimes I skim the HangMav stuff because I have nothing else to do, lol), and I get even more depressed than if I just didn't try seeing anything.
I mean, there was literally no way I could have survived in any satisfactory way just being on there. I'm really sorry if it was taken any other way, but I had to create the other server (a.k.a. my Rooster Assfuck Server, apparently, where I go to talk to less than a handful of other people about Rooster Assfuck) in order to carry on even 0.1% of the minute in-depth Roosmav conversation that I was used to having.
This whole thing still is extremely depressing, but it really forced me to accelerate every RoosMav thought process I would ever have, and dig into my deepest, most intense feelings about these characters and this ship because all I basically have is me and my own brain now, and all the latent feelings I have ever felt about them (a lot).
I really was like, "If I'm going to have to do Roosmav all by myself, then I'm going S-tier with it." Bottom!Bradley, ONLY (the worst take, lol).
I'm currently writing bottom!Mav - for a friend; that's the only way I would feel incentivized to do it, tbh - and it's a huge change in mental calibration to be sure, and tbh, not a natural one for me despite all the bottom!Mav that I've enjoyed reading (I always say - please, other people write bottom!Mav for me, lol). I'm barely a Roosmav at this point - I'm a Rooster-fucker, lol.
Buuutttt, I think I always will be intrigued in portraying Bradley in general, and dom!Bradley is and will always be scorchingly sexy to me (that's the guy who is always in my head when I'm writing Brad-fucking), so I will see what I come up with for this. (But I'm ngl, I am always looking forward to the next time I have the honor of writing Brad-fucking, lmao.)
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bts5sosempire · 2 years
close to you (i); secrets
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: gojo satoru x reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 2,609
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: dark, future gore, gojo is a menace/ childish/ yandere-ish, implied abuse (verbal), cursing, arrange marriage, will edit content if I miss any
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲:  "being pursued by Gojo and rejecting him, had led you to the start of an impending doom."
𝐚/𝐧: just something else for the moment besides the Sukuna series, something a little darker on the side. This plot had been in my head for quite a while, and it was kind of hard to actually execute it out (lmao) with the going back and forth to re-read what I wrote would make it sound plausible. Gonna have to split this up into two parts.
chapter 2
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"Oi, what's the meaning of this?" A voice snides behind you like a whip, and you stop reading your paragraph. Closing the book shut with a smack, it echoes around, and you glance over your shoulder to see Gojo standing tall and giving you the coldest glare through his shades. Gojo's hands were tucked inside his black pants pockets as he tapped his foot slowly every few seconds, waiting for your answer. "You think that letting one of your younger sisters marry in your stead is right?"
"I don't see the problem why it should bother you, Gojo." You snap back at the man, facing him with an equal glare, your arms overlapping over one another. For the past few days, Gojo wasn't happy when you turned down the marriage proposal and gave it to your elated younger sister, Hitomi, who happily accepted it on the spot since she had liked the white hair male for quite a while, and by that, you mean ever since as a kid. "As long as you're marrying a (Surname), your clan doesn't give a shit, so do mine with yours."
Gojo wasn't happy with your reply; he doesn't like any of your sisters as he does with you. You both were born the same year (his excuse, apparently) but in other months, and he feels more akin to hanging out with someone similar to his age. Plus, you're not like your sisters, who quickly anything given to them with no question asked. In plain answer, they're boring. "So shrinking your responsibilities is a new habit? I thought you were better than this."
You look to the side and scoff in disbelief. You really can't believe this man. "What the fuck is even your problem, Satoru? So I'm supposed to kiss your ass or something to make you happy?" Walking up to the man, you look at him; your demeanor is already filled with annoyance and anger. Using the book's spine, you push the tip into his chest gently, "Just because I say 'no' to you doesn't give you the right to bitch at me." Then you dig the book harder, feet closing the gap until a few inches are left, "I don't view you as a romantic interest, don't make me drop you as a friend; the friendship is already on pending right now." With your words dripping out in venom, you left a distance between you both and walked away from Gojo without glancing at him.
Gojo grounds his teeth in frustration as his jaw tightens up. His cerulean eyes trace your steps, he wanted to shout at you to rethink, but that would be uncharacteristic. So if you're going to play it that way, Gojo can do it that way.
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The wedding came fast for the Gojo and (Surname) clan; everyone was happy. Your sister Hitomi flashed the ring around, showing the stunning diamond that adorned her marriage finger. Gojo was all smiles too, but it didn't seem to reach his eyes. He didn't even sit near her like the now-husband that he is; his smile vanishes whenever people's eyes are away from him and they're on his wife. Disgruntled feelings of bitterness settle in deep at the pit of his stomach. Gojo will make you change your mind.
You were sitting across the room, poise and dressed like a doll for this special occasion. You know how to put on an act when needed. Your eyes flitted to Hitomi, chatting happily with anyone, and then it went to Gojo, whose eyes dagger right back at you. There were still cold as it was those months ago when you left him alone on the school balcony. You can't read what's going on in those orbs of his through the glasses, and it's been a while that you can't pick up what he's thinking. But if you have to make a conclusive judgment, it has to be him striking at you anytime soon. Gojo gets impulsive when experimenting with thoughts of aggression that he wouldn't hesitate to test. You hadn't forgotten what happened before when Gojo ended the Sorcerer Killer from those thirteen years ago.
Blinking away the eye contact, you focus on the alcohol set up in front of you. Your other sisters were already feeling tipsy when they hit the eighth cup—such lightweight. Lifting the teacup elegantly to your cherry red lips, you sip the alcohol. The tart but sweet flavor hits your taste bud; then, there's an aftertaste of slight bitterness when it reaches the back of your throat.
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It was late at night when the consummation was needed. Only Gojo and Hitomi are alone in the dimly light room; Gojo drops his usual act. Hitomi can't see his face with his back turned towards her. She was taught what was expected of husband and wife when they joined as one, so Hitomi gripped her white shiromuku in anxiety and anticipation.
“Gojo- I mean Satoru-”
“Satoru?” Gojo drones his name out in a question as if he hasn't heard his name before. “You know, I'm gonna make this simple, but I don't appreciate my name coming out of your mouth Hitomi-chan.”
Hitomi felt a tremor run through her veins; this Gojo was different from the one she had married last hours ago. Gojo's charisma and charming personality were replaced with a frigid tone, and a callous attitude appeared in the room.
Gojo turned to face her, “You can sleep in this room. I'll go sleep in the guest bedroom.”
“What do you mean? We need to consume-” Once again cut off, Gojo motion a finger to his lips and tell her to hush up. To which she did quickly. Gojo removes his glasses in the dark, and he stares down at Hitomi like she is nothing in his eyes.
"There's no we in this marriage, and the last thing I want to do is lay with you; you're not worthy of me and my seed." Tears gloss over the young woman's eyes as she can't believe what she's hearing from Gojo. "You're just a tool for me to get back at someone." Gojo laughs with a ting of mockery when he sees Hitomi about to cry, "Maybe hurting you will make her come back to me faster."
It took Hitomi a few moments of realization that he meant you. What does he see in you? Hurt, bitterness, and a pinch of jealousy rose in her chest. But most of all, desperation always best Hitomi when it comes to anything else if there's Gojo in it. "Please," Hitomi clings to the lower half of Gojo's hakama, "just give me a chance to prove that I'm better than my older sister."
Gojo laughs at her more; he knows that Hitomi is desperate. But this? This should be entertaining.
"Such a simpleton, you're not what I needed and want." Cruel words continue to spill out of Gojo's lips as he breaks down Hitomi slowly, "You're barely a quarter of the woman your sister is; she's self-made and well known in the Jujutsu world who doesn't need to live off the back of her parents unlike you here, you have everything handed down to you to the very core." Hitomi wavers, her grips loosen on Gojo's hakama. Hearing Gojo praising you as if you're the best thing he has to achieve no matter what, tears finally spilled from her eyes. Gojo pulls his hakama away, and a sense of triumph runs into his head.
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Your sister visited the family more often than before; during the first few months of her marriage, she didn't even talk or glance your way; she didn't greet you when she saw you. Hitomi was purposely ignoring you, giving you the cold shoulders whenever you approached for a talk, but with everyone else, she's is all smiles and sunshine. But you can see a piece of her going through a mishap.
You pulled Hitomi to a conjoined hallway, she was startled, but when she realized it was you, her demeanor changed in the blink of an eye. "Did something or someone put a stick up your ass? You are acting like a real fucking brat right now." Hitomi was tight-lipped, refusing to answer you, but you know what cracks her down quickly. "It's Gojo, isn't it?" Hitomi's devoid expression and body languages give her away when you hit the mark; she shifts uncomfortably under your stare. "It is that mutt, I see." You let out a tired sigh.
"Why does it matter?!" Hitomi snapped and hissed at you; anger and jealousy crawled out of her, "I'll never be enough for him; all he talks about is you!" Hitomi started crying in the middle of the hallway, "He always says how great you are, and you're a much more perfect match for him!"
You didn't realize the outcome would be this bad; her marriage is so unbearable that she visits the family more to escape what she's experiencing than to stay and be Gojo's abusive target. "Maybe I shouldn't have made you marry that man. Knowing Gojo, he's quite the insufferable person when he wants to be." Calmly putting a hand on her shoulder, you give it a reassuring squeeze, "If I were to talk to father, maybe he would pull you out of the marriage."
As if those words shook her, Hitomi didn't want you to call off her marriage. "Don't; what if the deal falls through?" Fear emitted from her voice. "We've been trying to establish a relationship with either the Gojo or Zen'in for so long; it would be too stupid to pull out now."
"It's quite the opposite, actually," you told Hitomi, "with both the Gojo and Zen'in going at each other throats for so long, we're just middle ground for them. We're powerful enough to tip either of them on the equilibrium scale. Pulling out would result in losing status, but a loss on their side when it comes to being aide."
Hitomi: "B-But what about the deal?"
You: "They need us more than we need them. All hope is that they don't join hands and eliminate us, but that's a wide reach dream that'll never happen."
Hitomi: "What if we sided with the Zen'in?"
You: "Ugh. Zen'in is notorious for treating women more like breeding grounds and second-class citizens. They're the last family you want to have allegiance to."
Hitomi: "Then why did father want to send Chisa Onee-san to marry Naoya?"
You: "He had big dreams. Something I tried to persuade him from."
You didn’t want to indulge her with Chisa, but after a few more talks, Hitomi starts going around being regular with you but not entirely. Hitomi is still in the middle of thinking about her marriage to Gojo. Many things you say make sense, considering you're one of your father's most trusted advisors. But she was left with more questions than answers.
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"Father, it's me," announcing your presence, you made your way inside the dim lightroom. For a man who detests modern technology, he set up his quarter entirely old-fashioned. The smell of burnt candles and their waxes gripped every wood and objected it was placed upon. Even the sense of old books and new alone mingle with the scent. Your father was a man in his 40s going to 50s in a few shy years; hair was mixed with strands of white, and a few fine lines of crow tits were noticeable underneath his eyes.
Settling yourself in front of your father, you kneel with heels digging the bottom of your rear. From the shadow, you could see a smoking pipe burning at the tip with the tobacco being used. With a puff, he exhales from his lungs. "What's the progress?"
You: "Everything is going smoothly."
"Smoothly?" He asks, his tone light and airy, but don't be fooled by it. "You let a cursed spirit run away! A Grade-A one too! I know you're capable enough to capture it and bring it to me, but you let it escape!" His voice resonated loudly in the room, he tossed his smoking pipe towards you, and you made no move to dodge it as part of the burning tobacco caught the side of your ample cheek, burning it. "Maybe the binding spell I place upon your heart and soul isn't enough to make you obey me."
Your brunt cheek heals instantly as your natural demeanor of an unfilial daughter slowly unmasks itself. "Can't you let this slip one time, father? Or better yet, Gensai?" Your original eyes suddenly shifted to a glowing red, filled with malice as you went head to head with Gensai in the room. Unleashing your energy into the room, you could see the man sitting across from you gripping a box sealed with yellow wax papers.
"If you know what's good for you, I suggest you stop." He threatened, a finger tracing the edge and corner of the polish box that hadn't aged from what you remember.
"So you're not gonna let it slide?" You test the water, "You took so many things from me, Gensai, and a simple, honest mistake that I make, isn't it?" Gensai blinked, and suddenly, you were next to him. "The sealed box in your hand never left your side; you love me so much that you can't part away from it, can you? What would your wife Narumi think and feel that you harbored feelings for a halfling like me? For so many years?" Peering into Gensai's grey eyes, dark emotions swirl dangerously.
"You treacherous woman," Gensai growls out, every accusing and condescending question you spew out to hit him like hot, searing daggers into his side. Gensai was an honorable man in the public eyes of the Jujutsu world for many years; reputation and fame were his live work and hallmark. To hear you say lines of misgiving cynicism would tarnish his livelihood if it got out to the wrong ears. After all, walls could be thin too sometimes.
Clicking your tongue at him, you drew your brows together in mock concern, and with a hush, you placed a finger on his lips. "The Great Gensai shouldn't lose his temper over such a woman like me. It could be bad for your health since it's the only thing you have left; after all, considering I have given you what your wife had failed all these years, I should be excused for the mistake." Pulling yourself back, you were a few strides away from Gensai. "Until then, see you next time."
With you out the door, Gensai grabs the nearest object and throws it at where you exit in anger. It was an old book, barely being held by its spine as its pages spread all over the tatami mat once it impacted.
"(Name), you cursed woman of that wretched fiend." Gensai cursed out; he looked down where one of his hands always occupied the sealed box wrapped in yellow wax papers. Gensai palms the wooden chest, feeling a faint thumping sound against it. No matter how much he hates you, Gensai could never get rid of you because of sick, dark, and obsessed feeling only rose day by day from those years ago, always managing to shroud his logical side. He remembers the first time seeing you almost 30 years ago when he was in his early 20s, a genuine and fine specimen of Sukuna's. His only live successful progeny.
Lock away in a lonely cell, almost like the room he solitudes in.
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froggy-frogz · 2 years
Soo hello during the polly headcanon you mentioned you could write a entire fic about Silco going down on reader while they’re between Sevikas thighs, would you mind actually writing that?
A/N: Lmaoooo this happened way faster than I thought it was. I was actually working on writing it when I saw your request- This is also like my first time writing actually smut so be patient with me lmao. Also, there isn't just a lot of Sevika stuff by herself so if anything I'll just write one with both of them later if I get people asking for that. Enjoy y'all ;)
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Sevika x GN!Reader
Warnings: Pure smut. 18+ and as always read at your own risk loves <3
Sevika's fingers curled in your hair as she pushed your head down between her thighs, she didn't even have to say anything, as just by the look she gave you was all you need.
You pressed your lips against the soft flesh of her thighs, peppering kisses up and down her thigh as she lets out a small grunt, her thighs twitching.
"Don't make me wait baby," She rumbles, her tone vibrating deep inside your gut.
Your eyes flick up to hers and you can see a smirk very apparent on her face, "What are you waiting on? Go on-"
Not wanting to displease her, you lean forward, giving her one long lick up her slit, and when she lets out a small grunt you see that as a good sign to move on, your tongue moving to swirl around her clit.
Her legs push against your head, creating pressure that made your head spin. The number of times that you had imagined this scenario was absurd, but you didn't know it would actually happen.
"Go on baby, you want to please Daddy don't you?" She smirks at you, her hand still very much gripping your hair. You nod dumbly, your eyes lazily trained on hers, and she lets out a small chuckle, "Good baby, keep going."
Normally she was a bit rougher on you, but after coming to her with a request, telling her it'd be your first time doing something like this, she promised she'd be gentle with you, and you didn't want to let her down.
Your hands wrap around her thighs, clutching onto them, her muscles strained as you moved your focus to her cunt, your tongue darting inside her.
God she tasted better than anything you've ever eaten.
"That's it," She lets out a loud moan, tugging at your hair, "Right there baby."
Digging your fingers into her thigh, you dart your tongue in and out of her, trying to copy what she's done to you dozens of times before. The curses and moans that spilled from her lips were enough for you to gain a bit more confidence and pick up the pace.
Her hips roll against your face as you're deeper inside her, making you whimper, your own arousal becoming more apparent by the minute.
"What's wrong?" She teases as if she wasn't planning on releasing you anytime soon, which was most likely the case, "You getting tired on me? Well, if you make me cum, I'll reward you."
That was all you needed to hear, as you went back to licking, sucking, and nipping at her cunt, brewing more noises that escaped from Sevika's lips, the need between your legs almost painful now.
You sneak your hand from her thigh to brush against her clit as you worked on her cunt, trying to edge her close to release. From how flustered her face was and the strained expression, you hoped that it soon.
As your tongue hits an especially sensitive spot inside of her, Sevika throws her head back against the wall, profanities, and hisses emptying from her mouth as you abuse that spot, your finger busying rubbing her clit.
"Getting close," The older woman grunts, her thrusts against your mouth lessening as her throbs against your tongue, letting out a long hiss as she grunted out a "Fuck baby, right there."
You continued to abuse the spot as she grunted, her eyes squeezing shut. Picking up the pace with your finger, you pressed your finger harder on her clit, making her let out a long gasp.
You lock your hand on her thigh as you try to hit her spot just right, and when you do, Sevika curses, her hips stalling against you as she finally gets to her release, your tongue still fucking her through her orgasm.
Looking up at her, you take in the sight, Sevika's chest heaving as her face glistens with sweat, her cheeks tinted pink as she stares down at you with an expression you can't pin down.
"You did good," She finally speaks, and you can finally pin down her expression, it was one of lust, yes, but you could tell she was proud too, and after a good minute of silence, and shifts so that her thighs free your head, "I think you earned a reward."
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
I Love You Too, Love
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Bang Chan x reader; just some good ol' tooth-rotting fluff
A/N: My first attempt at writing a real scenario lmao. Do lmk how it was❤Also, it's funny how I'm an anti-romantic to the core, but it all goes out the window when it's Chan
Coming back home at night after a long day at uni/work, you wanted nothing more than to cuddle and watch a nice movie with Chan. Your best friend had been on tour with his group, Stray Kids, for the past three months, and the daily messages and FaceTime calls were not nearly enough to stop you from missing him like crazy. The teeny tiny (or so you insisted) crush that you had on him, didn't help either. You missed his voice, his tight hugs, the way he would always listen to rant about your day, the way he would always know what to say, the way his smile would light up your day, everything. While he did try to fill the gap by still listening to your rants on a daily basis on FaceTime, it just wasn't the same without him being there in person.
Sighing, you unlock your door, expecting to be met with pitch darkness. Instead, what you saw made you drop your bag to the floor, as tears welled up in your eyes. There, standing in the middle of your living room, was Chan, your best friend, who was supposed to be away for yet another month. Not able to believe your eyes, you pinch yourself, only to realize that he is indeed there, in the flesh, smiling at you as if you mean the world to him (unbeknownst to you, you most certainly do).
"Missed me?," he asks, and you suddenly find yourself running towards him at full speed, crashing into his chest and wrapping your arms around him in the tightest hug ever. This causes Chan to slightly lose his balance, and makes him laugh heartily before placing a gentle kiss atop your head. "I missed you too, love. So so so much."
After staying like that for a solid two minutes, you finally break free, glaring up at him playfully. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming home?," You ask, trying your best to suppress your smile and appear angry. This causes him to chuckle before cheekily saying, "If I had told you, I wouldn't have been able to seen your true happiness at seeing me. If you already knew, you would probably have acted as if you're disgusted that I'm back, and we didn't want that now, did we?"
You shove his chest slightly, before finally turning your head towards the dining table, only to be met with the sight and aroma of all your favourite dishes, that Chan had apparently spent all evening trying to make. "You must be hungry. Freshen up and let's dig in, I'm starving," He says, pushing you lightly towards the bathroom. While getting changed, you finally register the fact that your heart is hammering in your chest, reminding you that the man standing in your living room means so much more to you than just your best friend.
Being away from Chan for months has made you realize that what you feel for him is much more than just a crush. You may very well be in love with him, but you're too scared to admit it because neither do you want to face rejection, nor can you bring yourself to put his career at risk. With these thoughts in mind, you finally exit the bathroom, sighing deeply to yourself.
You don't, however, notice that Chan too, is in a dilemma of his own. Before going on tour, he too, knew that he liked you. But being away from you made him realize that you are his home, and that he would much rather be with you than with anyone else. He has been planning to confess today, and has been trying to gauge your feelings ever since you came back home. Your sigh doesn't escape him, and, full of concern, he asks, "What's wrong, love? Got something on your mind? You know you can always tell me." Truth be told, he's worried and scared that you already know about his feelings, and don't reciprocate them. He fails to see your knees going week and a blush creeping up your cheeks at the nickname, and instead, all he notices is you giving him a small smile and saying, "Not at all Channie, I'm completely fine. Now let's eat up before the food goes cold."
Once you guys get a couple bites in, the awkward atmosphere starts easing once again. Chan tells you all about the tour and all the places he saw. "London was the best, but I wish you were there. You would have enjoyed the London Eye." "Well then, you'll have to take me there one day." You tell him about how life has been back in Seoul, ranting about your annoying professor/boss, and he tells you about all the small trinkets that he saw at souvenir shops that reminded him of you. "That charm bracelet was so you, I just had to buy it." "You didn't have to Chan. I don't need any gifts, having you back home is enough."
After dessert, you ask him if he'd stay the night, and he says that since he has the week off, the boys don't expect him to back at dorms until the following morning. "So.....you're staying?," You ask with a small smile tugging at your lips. He smiles back at you lovingly, and ruffles your hair before saying, "Yes love, I'm staying. Now let's watch a movie."
After picking the movie, you come back to sit on the couch next to Chan, throwing your legs across his lap. Now it's his turn to blush, but unlike him, you're not oblivious to his reddening cheeks. "Awww, is Channie blushing? Why? This isn't the first time I've thrown my legs over your lap," You chuckle, causing him to hide his face in his hands. "Yeah but, I've really missed this being away from you all this while," He smiles warmly.
The first half of the movie goes by with the both of you making random comments about it. At one particular scene where the characters are having nachos, Chan suddenly exclaims, "Salsa reminds me, the boys and I learnt a little Salsa during our time in Italy, and I really wanted to teach you some of the moves." "Me?," You ask, bewildered, causing Chan to become shy and start stuttering. "I-I m-mean if you w-want to. It's o-okay if y-you don't."
You're having a hard time trying not to melt into a puddle at his cuteness, as you force your mouth to open, and say, "No Chan, I'd love to." "Really?," He returns to his giggly self, as he gets up off the couch and extends his hand out for your to take. You smile and take his hand, and he brings you to the center of the room. "Just one sec," He says, pausing to pick the music on his phone. Once he's done, he places his phone on the table, and starts guiding you through the dance, one step at a time, with the movie being nothing more than a long-forgotten background noise. "Left foot forward, right foot backward. That's right, now dip, and come back. Now place your leg on my waist....," You both freeze at this, realizing what he just said. It's only then that you notice just how close you are to him, and the familiar feeling of your heart racing comes back. You both stare at each other, hypnotized, before your eyes flick to his lips and back up to his eyes. When he does the same, you timidly ask, "Can I kiss you?"
That's all it takes to break Chan out of his trance, as he crashes his lips onto yours, kissing you as if his life depends on it. You don't even notice that he is backing you up, until you feel your back hit the wall. His lips taste sweet and a little spicy, which you attribute to the food you had earlier. The kiss is soft but full of emotions, and even though it does seem a bit cliche, you can feel fireworks fly. The butterflies in your stomach every time you see Chan seem to have been replaced by a whole zoo, and you can't help but smile into the kiss. This causes Chan to break into a smile as well, before he gently lets go.
"I really want to keep kissing you because God have I been waiting to do that for years, but I feel like I need to get this off my chest first," He says, shy once again. "I like you, a hell lot. Actually no, screw that, I think I'm already in love with you. I've known this for a long time, but I was just scared to admit it. Being away from you during the tour made me realize that I want to be more than just 'best friends' with you. I want to call you 'mine,' and I want to be yours." "Oh Channie, you don't know how much I have wanted to hear you say that you love me too, this distance has been a wake-up call for me too, but I was just so scared of jeopardizing either our friendship, or your career. And I can't have either of those two." "Don't worry about my career, we'll find a way out love. Just say the word, say that you love me." To this, you gawk at him, before saying, "I gave you a speech on that just now, didn't I? Of course I love you." "Yeah but you didn't explicitly say that you love me, idiot. But now that you've said the right words, I legit feel like the happiest man on earth." You shove him slightly before wrapping your arms around his torso. "So, now that we've got our feelings sorted, what does that mean for us?" "Well, for starters, I think it means that my nickname for you just took on a literal meaning," Chan smirks. You pout at this, but then say, "I love you Channie." He places his chin in your head, and says, "I love you too, love."
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disaster-j · 2 years
i feel like white seeing sean have a nightmare, desperately cling onto him and just be at his most vulnerable really was a turning point in his attitude towards him (as well as just generally seeing his determination and genuity), we didn't really know what he was thinking cause he's either always putting on an act or is focused of gathering information or jumps to conclusions but in today's episode we got to hear more of his inner thoughts and it was just so apparent when he said (or thought i guess??) that he basically wants him and sean to trust and rely on eo in the future. he's also just obsessed with him like he's literally always talking about him even tho he supposedly already ruled him out as someone who could've hurt black. i would also love to talk about the bedroom scene cause it perfectly shows how torn and confused he is but i still need to process that lmao though i feel like it wouldn't be too far-fetched to say that white was also just simply a little bit jealous
also i can't wait to see white get more and more attached to the gang... we don't really talk about this but white also seems like he craves that connection and trust (as well as someone to open his eyes) and a gay little social justice gang might be just the way!!
No but you're right. White seeing Sean vulnerable really changed his perspective of him. Until that point he was still doubting Sean and treating him like a suspect but seeing him cry chipped away at the walls White had been putting up to keep all those feelings away. The way that he looks at Sean, you can see that he's worried, that he cares. I also think Sean confronting White after the tear gas incident is what really solidified in White's mind that Sean's aggressive behaviour towards Black is justified and not a sign of murderous tendencies. Sean really shows White the worst of Black and when he recounts Black's words it hits home to White, yet again, that Black can be a real bad guy too when he wants. And it's after this incident that his obsession with Sean starts to show.
The way he watches him in class, wonders about and seeks him out, tries to dig into secrets he doesn't even know Sean is keeping. When he lets Sean take the lead, provokes him to strike at Tawi, even though he's putting up an asshole act as Black it really feels like he's doing it for Sean. He wants to watch Sean take another hit at Tawi, wants to see Sean take charge and lead the gang again. Sean intrigues White and I love how he doesn't try to deny it anymore. I love that he's starting to acknowledge it because it means we're getting closer to the start of the romance.
As for the bedroom scene, White was absolutely jealous. He's a jelly boy and they've kept it in the show and I love it. It's really good to see White's suppressed feelings bubbling up because of jealousy over Namo. He doesn't know who she is, doesn't know their history, has no clue that there's nothing romantic going on between them. A part of White feels betrayed seeing her in his spot. The part of him that is attracted to Sean, that notices Sean's lingering gaze on him. That can sense the sexual tension and unacknowledged attraction brewing between them. That part of him is thinking why would he make me feel all these things when he's already with someone else? Why would he do this to me? What does he want from me?
I don't think he had really realised that he likes Sean in that scene. I believe he didn't understand why he was so upset and why he yelled like that. But the feelings had bubbled up without him noticing and it all just exploded out of him.
And finally! He definitely does crave it and I think the rooftop scene is where he finally acknowledges all this, which I've explained in detail here.
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
Summary: Y/n and George had been crushing on each other for too long, but neither of them said anything. They both were waiting for the right moment to do it, but with a war upon them, was there really such thing as 'the right moment'?
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst-fluff
George Weasley: ———
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: injuries, blood, implicit beating
A/N: (dis bish long lmao) Idk what is this, I just wanted to do something for George. Bill and Fleur's wedding came to my mind and I was like, ok but what happened after the death eaters arrived? And this came out, so enjoy <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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I wasn't expecting to see her.
I had heard my mother mention her name whilst talking about the Order, and I knew she had befriended Fleur at the Triwizard Tournament, but seeing her apparate in our yard was... Well, surprising.
"Son, snap out of it!" My father called me out and I corrected my wand movement; I had almost messed up the canopy, and I blamed the way her dress and hair flew with the wind as she approached our home's entrance.
Fred walked to me the moment we had secured everything, glancing at the house before questioning, "am I delirious or that was Y/n?" with a knowing grin and an intent eyebrow wiggle.
As if taking a cue, we saw the girl coming out, now with a borrowed jacket on, making a beeline to us. "I'm... Pretty sure it's her." I replied, giving the girl a smile when she waved. "Morning, lady."
"Morning, gentlemen." Fred then turned around and stepped to her in order to give her a hug. "Long time no see, huh?"
"Indeed." I agreed, following my brother's lead and hugging Y/n; her arms were quick to wrap around my neck and shoulders and squeeze me tight; I would have sworn she let out a relieved sigh. "Fleur invited you?"
"Your mom, actually." Her reply left me puzzled. "I heard your night was... Eventful." She pointed at the bandages covering my ear with a worried look. "How are you feeling?"
"Better than last night." I replied, scratching the back of my neck.
"You sure, Georgie?" It was then that I remembered we weren't alone. "Last night he was feeling Saint-like." Y/n frowned in confusion. "Because he's holey." Fred pointed at his ear just like I had done the night before and I could feel my cheeks burning. "Get it?"
"Oh, no! it's sooo bad!" She laughed at the joke and a smile tugged the corners of my lips. "I think that's the lamest joke you've cracked." She pointed out.
"I know! I told him."
"Okay, I was bleeding out." I defended myself. "I think I'm allowed to crack a lame joke."
"Dunno, George, it was really bad." I threw my head back with a groan at Y/n's teasing. She waved at Fred, who said something about having things to do inside, and when my eyes landed on him over Y/n's shoulder, he mouthed a clear 'go for it'. "Tonks told me about Mad-Eye." She spoke again in a more serious note.
"You said it," the smile vanishing from my face. "Last night was eventful."
"When your mother told me you got hurt, I just... I got really scared." Her anxious words took me aback. "I went straight into the house to see you." The wind made her hair flow again, and I had to put my hands in my pockets to stop myself from tucking that bloody strand that kept getting in her face back behind her ear. "I was so happy you were out preparing stuff and not in there, unconscious in a bed."
"Well, I'm very happy to see you." I replied, my eyes digging into hers to make sure she knew how much I meant that. "Missed tons that smile of yours."
"I missed your lame jokes." I rolled my eyes at her response. Right after, she stepped forward and gently pulled me down; one of her hands holding onto my forearm, steadying her, while the other one cupped one of my cheeks so she could press a kiss to the other. "See you." And with that, she was off to greet the rest.
"Do it."
"She's talking with Luna."
"Excuses." I puffed tired at Fred's reproach before taking a sip of my drink. "C'mon, you got absolutely nothing to lose."
"My dignity?"
"She fancies you!" I shook my head no. "How many times are you gonna have the opportunity to dance with her, Georgie? Stop being a twit."
"Not yet."
"Oi, have you seen Y/n?" Ron approached us, taking a seat by my side.
"It's the only thing he's seen." I pinched the bridge of my nose, unable to deny what my twin had just said. "Just do it." I groaned. "Okay, I'll do it."
"No!" I jumped up and tugged Fred down in the process. "Alright, I'll go."
"Yeah, I was about to—"
I involuntarily let out a squeal when a hand tickled my side. "Hello, ladies." I spun my head to see George behind me. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but may I have this dance?"
Luna replied before I could. "You see, I was wondering how much time it'd take you to ask her." I turned as red as a beetroot; my only comfort was that the towering ginger's face was the colour of his hair. "I think I'm odd man out." She waved us goodbye and headed to see Harry.
"I reckon Luna is way too observant." He spoke, tugging my hand.
"Were you ogling me, Weasley?"
"Maybe." He came to a stop in the middle of the dancefloor and pulled me close. "Couldn't take my eyes off you." He confessed quietly.
As we swayed, I let my forehead land on his chest, savouring what I dreaded would be one of the last precious moments before everything went down.
"George?" He hummed, raising his brows as a prompt for me to talk. I took a deep breath and told myself that what I was going to say mattered little compared to whatever was looming over us. "I've been wanting to tell you this, but I just... Didn't find the right time." Our faces were mere inches away. "But I don't think I'll ever find the right time at this point so—"
I jolted, holding onto George, when a blue volute plunged into the tent; a Patronus.
It was not until Shacklebolt message was ending that I realized George's arms were around me, pulling me flush against his chest.
Both our hearts were hammering violently, and I was sure he could feel mine as clearly as I felt his.
When the Patronus vanished, panic began to spread. I noticed how my own breathing picked up. "Y/n." This time it was George the one calling my name; his whisper sounded so clear compared to everyone else's screams and cries. "If I don't say this out loud, I'll combust—"
"Y/N! GET DOWN!" Tonks's shouts snapped us out of it. We obeyed just in time to see a red hex flying over us, being stopped by Tonks herself.
George and I grabbed our wands and pulled each other back to our feet before joining the Order.
We parted ways, George making his way to reach his twin while I ran to a moderately tipsy Luna, who seemed to be struggling to find her father.
As soon as I made sure she was out of the picture, I jogged to help the twins, casting protection spells against two death eaters.
"STUPEFY!" I managed to take out the one attacking George, and he was quick to stun the one duelling his brother.
"Leave!" George tugged my hand, attempting to get me out of the canopy, his brother quickly rushing to their little sister.
"I'm not leaving!"
"Y/n—" I moved him out of the way to shield us from another hex. "Please— Flipendo!!" I saw another death eater flying away from us. "Shit!" George's hand gripped mine for dear life, making me back off with him to get back in when he realized it was too late for me to leave.
Soon enough it was just the Weasleys, Fleur and her family, Tonks, Lupin and me inside the tent, all back-to-back, surrounded by death eaters.
Corban Yaxley stepped out. "My apologies to disrupt the celebrations." he offered a fake apology to the newlyweds which was equally disgusting and scary. "Let's try by fair means." I knew my knuckles had gone white, given the strength with which I was gripping George's hand. "Where is Harry Potter?" He knew no one would speak. "Aight, by foul it'll be."
I looked around and I saw Molly and Arthur shielding Ginny; Bill and Fleur held onto each other; Lupin and Tonks pulled Fleur's sister and parents behind them; Fred gave a quick look at his twin before moving closer to us.
"Take them inside and register the house."
Soon we were being pushed into the Burrow, a bunch of death eaters before us ready to put all upside down.
We stayed quiet meanwhile, leaving out an occasional 'don't touch that' or a 'there's no need to break that' from Molly and Arthur.
"I reckon you won't find Harry in my grandma's glass cabinet, smart arse." We all turned to Fred, his mother giving him a pleading look.
"Maybe he's between the plates, Freddie," George jumped in, attempting to draw the attention off his brother. "You'll want to check the cutlery too, in case he's now a teaspoon." He suggested to Yaxley with a challenging look.
The death eater tilted his head to the side, as if he had noticed something worth of interest in George. "What happened to you?"
Everyone went livid.
"I fell downstairs." George replied through gritted teeth. His tone was full of what could be easily passed as anger, but by the way his hand was shaking, I reckoned it was fear.
Yaxley seemed to think for a second before turning to two of his mates. "Start with him, then the twin and we'll move on to—"
Before I knew what I was doing, my wand was out and hexing one of the guys that had tried to remove George from us.
"Take their BLOODY WANDS!" Yaxley stalked to me and grabbed my arm, pulling me away. "We'll start with you, miss."
"No! Wait, she doesn't know anything!" George tried in vain to persuade them, pushing through the death eaters in an attempt to get to me. I looked at him and shook my head no, already psyching myself up.
They were rather quick, and not half as bad as I thought they would be. I was thrown back into the living room with only a shiner and the promise of bruised wrists.
It was enough for George to jump up; not to check on me, though, but to do something as stupid as my impulsive hexing.
"Okay, crippled," three death eaters grabbed him before he could do anything and dragged to the bathroom they had gotten me in. "your turn."
He looked bad.
Molly was about to throw hands when we saw George leaving the bathroom; a cut on the cheek, a bloody nose, a black eye and by the way he flinched while walking, probably an injured rib.
But the worst was the red pooling the bandage around his head, and the way he was struggling to keep his hand off it.
"C'mon, blabber." It wasn't surprising when Fred willingly approached Yaxley and punched him strong enough to throw him down. "You know-” He got up, motioning at his minions so they would get Fred in. “that just made it worse."
I spared Molly an enquiring look, to which she replied with a nod; in an instant, I was gently pulling George to the settee. "Let me see..." I pursed my lips, tilting his head to the side so I could check his wound. A sigh left my lips, suddenly realizing I couldn't really take off the bandage in front of them. "Can you sit it up?" I whispered only for him to hear.
He nodded, his hand travelling up to mine, which rested on his cheek, to give it a reassuring squeeze. I didn't think twice about how wrong the timing was before leaning in and placing a kiss on his lips.
My body moved forward by itself when she pulled back, attempting to chase her lips. I managed to stop myself when I remembered we were surrounded by death eaters and my family was right behind Y/n.
She then gave me a small smile and moved to grab a fresh towel from the kitchen. I caught a glimpse of my family's looks before she came back, ready to clean the blood on my face.
She aided Fred along with my mom; he bore the burnt along with me.
The sun was rising when Yaxley decided to leave. My father rushed to send a Patronus to the trio, and everyone felt a bit of relief and finally scattered through the Burrow. Ginny claimed she would take care of Fred, and she took my twin to our room.
"Now, let's check that." Y/n spoke, standing up so she could remove the damp bandage. "What happened?"
"He threw a punch and—" I hissed when the bandage left my ear, earning a concerned ‘sorry’ from Y/n. "The wound opened. It began to bleed, and they decided to stop." She only nodded, grabbing again the towel, now mildly red due to the blood it had cleaned. "That kiss was too short." I didn't even know how I managed to let that out.
She stopped, her eyes going up and down my body before inquiring, "want another one?"
"Please." She didn't need anything else for her soft lips to return to mines. This time it was one hell of a kiss, but my mouth chased them again when Y/n pulled away, only that this time her lips did return to mines for another short kiss. "Should I ask you on a date?"
"I doubt we'll be able to go on a proper date." We both chuckled; as sad as it sounded, it was true. "You can make me a coffee after I fix this, though."
"Gladly." I replied, my thumb caressing her cheek before bringing her to my lips one more time.
"FINALLY!" We both jumped at Fred's yelling. "It was about fucking time, really."
"Do you wanna get beaten up again?" Y/n harmlessly shoved my shoulder, hiding a laugh. "I just realized," I signalled my black eye and then hers. "We're matching."
"What a lovely way to match, is it not?" She replied, shaking her head with a smile on her face. “Come,” she caressed my cheek before carefully pulling me up. “I saw clean bandages over the sink.”
“Yes ma’am.” 
“Y/l/n,” her eyes travelled to my brother. “don’t you snog my brother in the lavatory where we just got beaten up.”
“Piss off, Fred.” She responded indifferent, pulling me with her into the bathroom, leaving the door completely open; she probably feared my mother would burst it open at the possibility of us doing inappropriate things in there.
“Yeah, piss off.” I agreed, siting down on the toilet so she could clean the wound. “She can snog me wherever she wants.” I added, muffling a laugh when Y/n cursed us both under her breath. “I’m sorry, love.”
“No, you’re not.” 
“No, I’m not.” I confessed with an amused grin.
“Why do I even fancy you?” She questioned, faking disappointment in herself.
“I’m very handsome?” I casually suggested, tilting my head for her to wrap the bandage without much difficulty. 
“Must be.” She agreed, leaning on to peck my lips. “Now where’s that coffee, sir?”
I got up, leading Y/n to the kitchen and instantly preparing the coffee pot. “It’s gonna be the best coffee you’ll ever taste.” I stated, as if it was a scientifical fact.
“Confident, are we?” she laughed, sitting on the counter besides me.
“Well, my four-year-long crush just kissed me.” I confessed. “So yeah, very.”
“Fred’s right.” I hummed, looking at her with an eyebrow raised as I handed her the coffee. “It was about fucking time.” We smiled at each other, way too widely for two people who had just gotten roughed up. We stayed next to one another in silence, looking through the window; I found the customary landscape particularly beautiful. 
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hops-hunny · 3 years
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Pairing: Neville Longbottom x Black!Reader
Word Count: 2.9k
Request: N/A
Summary: Neville and (Y/n) get high together often.
Warnings: drugs( weed lmao), swearing, making out
A/N: This was based on the specific lyric below from Hello? by Clairo ft Reji Snow. Pothead confident Neville is my favorite headcanon dfregfefe. I also felt like writing for Neville bc after reading a lot of @lxngbottom​‘s fics I was DEEPLY inspired.
“Are you into me, like I'm into you?
Do you wanna do the things I wanna do with you?
You're so close, and yet so far
I wonder how you look when you're in the dark”
The Weasley siblings all found themselves in absolute bliss when their parents told them they were going on a getaway. Apparently Arthur had learned about muggle spas and thought it’d be a lovely idea to take his wife to one for a much needed vacation after many years she had been caring for her children (and sometimes their guess) without barely any breaks. The gaggle of gingers all found it to be quite a wonderful idea too, but for other reasons. Although they had varying reasons of why they were excited for their parents to leave the house, Ron’s being wanting to invite over the other ⅔ members of the Golden Trio, Ginny wanting to wear that skirt that her mum always told her was ‘just a tad too short, dear’, and lastly Fred & George wanting to try out new and exciting inventions there was that one thing that tied them all together: wanting to get blazed out of their fucking minds. 
However, as quickly as that mischievous glint formed in all their eyes, their mother said something they all dreaded.
“Oh and by the way, we’re leaving Percy in charge!”
A collective groan was shared as the boy in question held a proud and cocky smirk that once again, he was the most trusted out of his siblings. However as per usual, Fred and George were not giving up that easily.
“What are we going to do?! You know Percy will rat on us!” Ron whispered yelled at the other three through gritted teeth. They all sat around the quaint little living room, distressed at what to do. Ron had already sent a text (is that what they were called? He wasn’t used to the muggle technology (Y/n) had got them all to use) to both Hermione and Harry telling them to pack their bags. He’d never live it down!
“Oh relax dear brother of mine! Me and Freddie here suspected something like this would happen so we came prepared. Right Fred?” George said with a smirk as he looked to his twin to the right of him. George nodded before pulling out an envelope.
“Exhibit A also known as ‘Blackmail dear Percival Into Leaving the House for the Summer.” he grin grew wider as he opened the envelope pulling out the photos. In the photos, Percy was shirtless during a party in the gryffindor common room. He had a half drunk bottle of fire whiskey in one hand and a blunt in his other which was held to his lips. “Wouldn’t it be a shame if dear ol’ mum and pop anonymously got pictures of their golden boy doing such awful acts?” he cooed, feigning a voice of disappointment.
“While you two idiots may not be helpful for jack shit else, leave it up to you to have a plan to get into trouble.” Ginny said rolling her eyes, a small smile forming on her face. “Well I guess that’s settled then. I’ll hit up (Y/n), Ron you hit up Nev and tell him to bring the loud. Lots of it too!”
That’s how they all ended up where they are currently. ‘Exhibit A’ was more than enough to get Percy packing his bags and leaving for a friends house after their parents had left. And of course, Hermione, Harry, (Y/n), and Neville had all shown up at the Burrow bright and as happy as ever. 
Although many people dealt around Hogwarts, Neville’s weed was always the best. He grew custom strains which were infused with other magical plants that had all sorts of properties. You wanted it to taste and smell like cheesecake? Done. Something odorless that packed a mean punch? Also done. He took good care of his product and went through the precautions to make sure it was not only safe but also that he didn’t get caught. He wasn’t always an avid weed smoker though. Originally, a friend had suggested it to him to help with his anxiety which had increased over the years but eventually it became less of an anxiety reducer and more of a favorite pastime. And hell, it left him with a pretty fucking nice amount of galleons in his pocket. It was also how he had met her.
He looked up at her form as she sat across the shed, looking as radiant as ever. She was laughing at something but he didn't know what over the sound of the music. One of his favorite things about her was how beautiful the whiteness of her smile was in comparison to her rich brown skin. It drove him absolutely nuts. It had only been a few weeks since he last saw her but as usual there was something new about her appearance.
He let his eyes wander over the work of art that was (Y/n). Her hair was different, her usual shoulder length black box braids had been swapped our for a beautiful set of honey blonde faux locs that stopped at her waist. In addition to her septum, she now had a nose ring on the left side of her nose and- was that a smiley piercing? Her skin was glowing vibrantly under the different hues of gold of LED lights that corresponded with the music. His eyes shifted down to her chest. 'Hm, she finally got the other one pierced' he noted due to the fact that her crochet bikini top left only the best bits of her breast to the imagination. And then he got to his favorite part. Her legs. Her supple, plush, smooth as glass legs. This wasn’t the first time he had stared at them longer than needed. He couldn’t help it, they were so fucking thick. And, were those his shorts? She must've stolen them from him last smoke sesh. He didn't mind though, she pulled off those denim shorts well and they hugged her in all the right fucking places.
“Bloody hell Nev, what’s taking you so long to roll the joint? Are you already that gone?” Ron groaned as he threw his head back. Neville looked down at the half rolled blunt in his hands, continuing to lick and roll it skillfully.
“Shut up Ron, just hit the fucking bong and leave Neville alone. Ol’ dramatic ass.” there was that honeysuckle voice he loved. God he could listen to her talk for fucking hours. I mean he had before. Her voice was sweet in the center and rough around the edges, a thick american accent still prominent in her voice. He smiled at that, looking up at her to find her already looking at him. As he continued to roll, he licked a fat strip on the wrap before shooting her a wink. 
“Thank you, petal.” he murmured quietly knowing she hadn’t heard as he looked back down at his hands finishing up. He grabbed the same lighter that he carried with him everywhere before lighting the end. As he was about to take a hit, a certain pair of gloss coated lips leaned over his shoulders taking a hit as she wrapped her arms around his upper half. 
Ron groaned again in irritation. “I hate it when you get the first hit! You always leave that damn sticky shit all over the blunt.” as he glared at the girl. She giggled before crawling off the wraparound couch taking her place next to brunette ruffling his long shaggy hair. He had been growing it out recently for no particular reason (definitely not the girl to his right).
“Ron you always buggin on something, nigga shut the fuck up! That’s why when you hit the blunt you leave it wet. Ol’ soppy mouth nigga I swear to god. Share with Mione.” she retorted as she leaned into Neville’s side looking up at him. He smiled down at her before wrapping his arm around her bringing her impossibly close. They both loved each other's touch when they were high. Whenever he’d touch her in one spot, (Y/n) always felt it in another- especially between her legs. She leaned up, kissing his freckled cheek with a smile. “Hey sir, how’s my favorite doing today?” she questioned as he bent down, placing a kiss right below her ear. 
“You know I’m always content when you’re next to me, flower. You don’t even have to question it.” he whispered in her ear before pulling back. She felt her face heat up as she rolled her eyes shoving him lightly. She crawled in his lap, straddling him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He instinctively moved one to her waist, stroking the smooth exposed sepia skin that was there for his enjoyment.
“You always talking some mess, Nev. Why don’t you do something bout it?” she said, motioning for him to hold the blunt up to her lips. He ignored her, looking into her eyes as he took a fat rip. He removed his hand from her waist, gripping her cheeks with it, rings digging into her skin. He leaned impossibly close as he shot gunned the smoke into her mouth. His lips hovered impossibly close to hers. ‘Finally’ she found herself thinking as she closed her eyes. However, the feeling of his soft pink lips never hit hers and she opened her eyes to find him smirking at her.
“And ruin this little game we have? Never.” He said, finally passing the blunt to her. If he had to be honest with himself, he was scared shitless. He was afraid if he actually did make that final move, jumped that final obstacle that she would be gone from his life. Sure, they made out all the time. It was normal for the two of them to get quite handsy with each other during smoke sessions but he found not even that being enough. He didn’t just wanna have his hands on her when he was high or wasted out of his fucking mind, he wanted her all the time. He wanted to sneak into each other's dorms and cuddle till wee hours of the morning. To carry her things to class for her. He wanted to live, breathe, and sleep (Y/n). But, is that what she wanted? He never knew. 
She sighed softly to herself, contemplating. It was very apparent to her that Neville wanted her just as badly as he wanted her. So, why had he never jumped the gun? Did he not want more? Was he really content with this little cat and mouse game they had? He couldn’t be, she knew who he was at heart which was a romantic just as she was. She was pulled from her thoughts as she heard the familiar beat of Hello? by Clairo ft Reji Snow. She smirked at him, leaning her forehead against his as she began to grind softly on his lap.
“Are you into me? Like I’m into you. Do you wanna do the things I wanna do with you?” she sung to him softly, her (e/c) eyes meeting his hazel ones. He moved his hands up and down her body as she continued to grind her hips down on his. He let his hands travel to her ass, gripping it firmly. She leaned back slightly as she hit the blunt before returning the favor he had earlier. “You’re so close, and yet so far. I wonder how you look when you’re in the dark.” (Y/n)  continued singing as kissed up his neck, nibbling at the junction of his jaw and neck. He took one of the hands from her ass, moving some of the locs that had fallen into her face. He quickly tossed the blunt out of her hand into the ashtray in the table in front of them before leaning in and kissing her with such strong intensity.
The honey blonde haired girl moaned softly, already putty in the boy’s hands. Neville always knew exactly what to do with his hands. Where to kiss, where to tug, where to bite. Anything but actually dealing with the problem between her legs. She tangled her hands into the back of his hair, matching his lip movement. As he continued holding her ass with one hand, he used his other to stroke her cheek gently. A stark contrast to the kiss they were in which was wet, rough, and fast. He trailed his tongue over her lip which she gladly accepted. Their tongues danced together lazily as sweat began to build up on both of them. She pulled away partly, a trail of spit connecting them.
“Take this dumb ass jacket off. It’s the middle of July.” She grumbled as she began to unzip it, leaving him in some muggle band shirt she had gotten him one year from the states. She leaned back in, continuing to move her hips to the beat of the song. Neville began to move his hips up to match her movements. “Oh? So you got moves now huh? Who taught you those?”
“Don’t play dumb petal, you know you did.” He responded before gripping at her neck with his ringed hand. She gasped softly, looking into his blood shot blown out eyes. The music, the lighting, his touch? It was all much too much to handle. Her senses were overloaded by pleasure, the jane in her system. He tightened his hand some, leaning in closer. “You’re driving me absolutely mad, darling. Do you know that? I’d do anything you asked me to.” the movement of her hips had stilled but he kept going. She could feel the imprint of his member through his pants. Suddenly it was the only thing (Y/n) could focus on.
“Them Ravenclaw girls weren’t lying then, huh? You packin like that Nev?” she said suddenly. She knew he had asked her something a second ago, but the weed was really starting to hit. Her brain was foggy and hazed, the only thing she could think about now was him. She took one of her manicured hands, trailing it down his shirt till she reached his crotch. She gripped it in her hands, eyes widening slightly. He chuckled softly, catching her attention.
“Don’t act so surprised. You know I used to get around quite a bit.” He said, moving so his tent was resting against her inner thigh.
“Used to?” she questioned, laying her head on his shoulder with her eyes closed. She took in his scent sighing softly. Neville always smelled like a mix of lavenders, cologne, and that loud. She knew it from anywhere, especially when she smelled it in the amortentia they brewed during potions that one time.
“Yeah I don’t really pipe girls like I used to.” He moved his hands up, embracing her close as he kissed the top of her head. “Ever since a certain pesky little American girl started making their way into my life, she’s all I could think about.” she rolled her eyes some, punching him on the arm as he began to laugh.
“Don’t fuck around like that, that shit aint even funny.” she grumbled, pouting as she crossed her arms. “I thought you had an actual answer!”
“On god that was my actual answer, (Y/n)! You asked why and I told you why. Absolutely anyone could tell I’m mad for you.” Neville said as he uncrossed her arms, holding her small delicate hands in his large ones. He intertwined their hands, her sharp acrylic nails digging into his hands slightly. “Did you know when Keaton Willis asked you to Hogsmeade, I was so mad that I wouldn’t sell to him for 3 months?!”
“But I didn’t even go with him! Me and you went together to go get ice cream, remember?”
“So?! He still fucking asked you. I’m getting heated just thinkin’ about it.” He mumbled as he looked away from her. He pulled her closer, resting his head on the top of hers. “I couldn’t stand the thought of you dating such a loser. He’s not even a good guy and he’s always fucking short with his galleons when he buys. I have to practically hound the guy for my money. Yknow what? Fuck it.” he looked up at the brown skinned girl before holding her face in both his hands. He took in her features. Her plump lips, edges laid to perfection, face ‘beat to the gods’ as she would say. “Go out with me. Be my girl, petal. I can’t bear you not being mine for another second.” he said. She pretended to ponder for a bit before she looked back at him.
“Depends, will I get free weed? I expect free weed from dating the weed man, you know.” she said with a giggle. He rolled his eyes shaking his head.
“You already get free weed! Don’t pretend you don’t.” he said loudly, catching the others’ attention.
“What? Nev that’s not fair! You always make me pay and we’re mates! What happened to bros befo-”
“Ron you finish that and you ain’t leavin this shed with an eye, I can promise you that boy.” she whipped her head around quickly, glaring at the boy. Ron quickly shut his mouth knowing first hand that her promises were never empty. He gulped slightly before nodding, turning back to Hermione who handed him the bong muttering something about how he looked like he needed it.
“But to answer your question, Nev baby, I’d love to be your girl. Nothing would bring me greater pleasure than doing so.” (Y/n) leaned forward, leaving a lip gloss print on his cheek. 
“Well I’m glad you said yes because it would’ve been very awkward explaining to everyone tomorrow where that hickey on your neck came from.”
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