#adhd & transitions
my-autism-adhd-blog · 28 days
ADHD and Transitions
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Mollys ADHD Mayhem
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I'm scared that if I eventually transition I will look like a dumpster. I'm like 6'2" and a bit overweight at like 285lbs. I'm scared that I'll be built quite shittily especially because of my general build right now. Hoping that with some weight loss the E will help my build a bit. I wanna be pretty but I'm worried I'll look horrendous. AAAAAAAA!!!
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fellow-queer-birdguy · 3 months
Hey guys!!!
I have a very important thing to share. My boyfriend is planning on getting top surgery and he needs some donations to make it possible :3
Here's his funding page, please share around so he can reach his goal!!
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exclusivelyhomosexual · 2 months
I never understood the “autistics have a hard time with transitions” thing, bc doesn’t everyone have a hard time with transitions???
Yet I was only ever thinking about HUGE, life-altering transitions, like moving far away or having a kid, which is scary for anybody (but tbf autistics probably still rank higher on the “this is fucking terrifying” scale than allistics do).
But apparently, it also applies to the most basic transitions in day to day tasks. It’s harder for us to switch from one task to the next bc our brains generally function most efficiently when we are able to work in one uninterrupted segment on a task.
I’ve alwaysss struggled with this, especially when I need to use the bathroom - I will hold it for very long periods of time to avoid interruption in my task. For a while I thought it was just bc I also have adhd which causes lack of dopamine/executive dysfunction, and makes it difficult to *initiate* tasks. Which ofc plays a big part into it too. But I never knew it was a double whammy with the classic autism trait of “change and transitions are harder.” (Also the ignoring of my interoception doesn’t help with me avoiding using the bathroom)
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sainzstorms · 4 months
everyone that says 'percy is not stupid he just thinks he is' is actually so right, that's like borderline self-sabotage and sometimes adhd-ers does that. it's just that this time the show isn't fully from percy's pov. the boy can think when he wants and needs too, he's just slow sometimes.
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amtrak-conductor · 7 months
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Those Stroke Traits Have Gotten So Much Worse. We Told Our Abuser She Only Insulted And Dehumanized Us And Said We Look Completely Fine Abuser Style. We Could Die And That's That.
And The Doctors Won't Find Anything Again If We Get There.
This Has Only Gotten Worse. And None Of You Care Either.
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My niece (in a family chalk full of neurodivergencies) is two and keeps absolutely losing it (meltdown perhaps) when she’s forced into transitions with little to no warning (understandable bc girl same) and my brother (her conservative catholic-convert father) keeps trying to comfort her by hugging her and saying things like “ohh you’re fine, nothing actually bad is happening to you, you’re just my little drama queen aren’t you” and holy fuck I can’t even type these out without my face twisting up
Anyway it’s not my place to step in and even if it were I’m the most ridiculously PDA asocial non-confrontational kind of autistic there is so I don’t even know if I’m psychologically capable anyway.
But still, adults treating me like that as a kid had me believing it was okay and good so adults kept treating me that way well into my adulthood so I didn’t understand until mid twenties that nobody should be treated that way, I’m not “just a drama queen,” my very real and valid problems have just been dismissed my whole life.
I do not want this to happen to her.
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smallergalaxies · 2 months
i wrote a silly little poem at work and now my brain is like ‘YES. TIME TO WRITE. TIME TO CREATE.’
which like, makes Sense. creating something no matter how nonsensical or small being the trigger to motivate and inspire even more creation.
but it still feels like a constant upwards battle to get my brain to even begin something.
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canicinabre · 8 months
Scrapbooking pages
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voldheart · 2 months
How comes Ghost gains a likeness towards Godseeker? (I wanna know mooore about the AU sorrynotsorry)
In Game Godseeker at first was very arrogant towards them and just started to show interest in Ghost, when they reached higher Pantheons. She doesn't strike me as the Kind of Person that would be interested in Rebuilding Hallownest because the Bugs there are no Gods. But feel free to change my mind!
Yeah, theyre not gods to a "Higher being" degree, but she considers them "holy" in some way....? you can actually see statues of vengeflies and husks in the hall of gods Which is kind of funny knowing how lowly she thinks of the knight at first lol
my interpretation is that the "holiness" these bugs possess comes from being under the influence of a higher being, be it Radiance or pk in Hallownest's case (mantis lords being the exception for being cool as fuck), which would explain why she doesn't want to have anything to do with the Knight, as it probably has its own thing going on that she did not understand at the time.
In this case she probably wouldn't care much for the bugs at Dirtmouth since most are new to the kingdom. But now that tk ascended into "godhood", maybe she wouldn't mind them much for being it's friends…? idk
As to why Ghost ends up liking Godseeker, i think that her call for powerful beings might have unintentionally pulled it into godhome, getting it to complete pantheons and, subconsciously, getting interested in her. even through all the insults and everything. i mean who doesnt like a big mean woman am i right  haha *SWEATING*
THOUGH, as to why i believe it feels affection towards her i'll be talking about that below the cut (post got a bit too long sorryy)
ok just to be clear, the knight barely gets any sort of indication of personality in game, this is all just me overanalyzing Every single little crumb of possible person(bug?)hood I could find. which is kind of nothing honestly since all of this could be intentional or not, but i'm feasting on that shit like crazy
1: One thing (and its kind of the main thing that funnily made me descend into this rabbit hole) is that canonically, you can only gift her a delicate flower AFTER completing p2, which by this point it very much knows what she is like. Now i am aware that this could mean literally anything, but i highly doubt it would gift her a flower out of hate or indiference. That shit is hard as hell to deliver.
2: So a while ago i made this gifset about its walking animations. Something that, as I've noted in the post, it normally does when confronted with something important to it... For some reason TC felt compelled to program that for whenever it encountered Godseeker in between pantheons, despite the slight inconvenience it might cause for gameplay, so it was probably not added for that. at the very least i assume that theres a sort of respect it has for her
3: this post team cherry made promoting Godmaster which i find very funny
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4: ok i know this sounds like reaching too hard but im just so obsessed with how despite falling down so violently, it still holds her so very gently here . it's almost as if it puts in the effort to not hurt her in a way. i mean shes standing there on her goddamn bug tippy toes and she barely even budges ? like 🏳️‍🌈?
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5: shes hot asfuckkkkkk i rest my case
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brainwormcity · 21 days
Help me help others?
Okay, so this isn't really my usual type of post, but I recently was hired as a peer support specialist. They hired me specifically for my lived experience as a queer, trans person in the Midwest and a big part of my work will be providing resources.
I was hoping to compile a relatively exhaustive list/database of resources for a myriad of different issues and I intend to do a lot of research on my own but I was hoping you all might give me a hand by replying with some resources that have been helpful to you. They don't have to specifically be LGBTQIA related, of course, but those are especially helpful.
I'm talking about things relating to college, housing, transportation, childcare, etc. A huge part of peer support is helping people traverse barriers and I know that some of you have an experience that is valuable in that area.
If you can, please reply below with websites, hotlines, or otherwise that have been helpful to you in transitional periods of life and if you don't have anything, please consider reblogging. I plan to create some sort of organized document and when I have something composed, I'll make it available here as well. I really want to do well by my future clients and I know that with your help, I can do even better.
Thanks in advance!
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afrogeekgoddess · 4 months
Public Transit Coping Help?
Riding the bus to/from work can be iffy for me at times—the extra engine noise, noises of other people, the jolting of the vehicle. Sometimes, it’s bearable; others, it’s sensory hell, even with headphones/sunglasses.
How have you made your public transit rides bearable, if this is something you’re sensitive to? Thanks in advance!
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goldkirk · 1 year
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cygnahime · 9 months
So, in the space of an hour I went from, "meds and food are a resource management game I am failing at, what are decisions," to, "oh where to seat the guests? yeah I know that. I've written down my tasks, do you need anything else?"
I think...possibly...the ritalin is working.
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goodgriefnd · 1 year
Autism & Transitions: Why Is It So Hard?
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[image id: poster titled " Autism & Transitions: why is it so hard?”. Beneath the title there is a scattered range of words on a purple background written in Open Dyslexic font describing the difficulties of transition. Full transcript and acronyms in full below the cut.]
Boom & Bust (i.e. over-extending our energy on good days, and then needing time to recover following this)
Change in Routine
Control (e.g. the need for control and certainty, and the lack of it which may occur during transitions)
Lack of Support
Navigating New Settings
Social Demands
The Unknown
Attention (e.g. difficulty shifting our attention from one task to the next)
Executive Dysfunction
Autistic Burnout
Autistic Monotropism (i.e. the tendency for our interests to be intense and very focused, so their is difficulty to step back from these and shift to a new task)
Inappropriate Support
Sensory Demands
Interest (or lack thereof)
Context (e.g. difficulty navigating new contexts or understanding what to do in a new context)
PDA (i.e. Pathological Demand Avoidance or Persistent Drive for Autonomy)
Menstrual Cycle
Autistic Inertia
The Need for Sameness
Emotion Regulation (and dysregulation)
Co-Occurring Conditions
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