#Sirius x Lucius
fiendishfyre · 1 year
Okay okay, ship game. I'll start eith Deerhunter because OBSESSION. And mmm... what about Sirius/Lucius? Dunno just in a mood for rare ships today
Bruh, ya know I love deerhunter~
What made you ship it? Because it's hot, dilf Orion.
What are your favorite things about the ship? James fucking sirius' daddy.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? That shite prob won't end well? I don't know, only me and you have opinions on it. XD Sirius/Lucius
What made you ship it? Because they would be hot together and I don't know, Lucius was prob one of Sirius' first crushes.
What are your favorite things about the ship? That they would so bicker together, but understand aspects of each other, they grew up in similar environments.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Hm, Sirius is def taller and hotter than Lucius. Maybe that is not unpopular though. XD
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pansytansyart · 1 year
Sirius and Lucius
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myartcloudsstuff · 7 months
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Draco Malfoy and The House of Black
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noelan1 · 6 days
Do you ever read a really questionable fanfiction or a spicy love story and think "what the fuck did I just read"
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slytherintrikru · 9 months
— || Revenge is Sweet || —
Pairing: Lucius Malfoy x gryffindor!muggleborn!reader (SHE’S OF AGE) 
Word count: 6224
Warnings: SMUT, NSFW, 16+, fingering, clit rubbing, cock in Vigina, male and female, adult content, adult language, cuss words, clit licking, degrading, fluff if you squint, pet names, anguish, cheating, heartbreak, revenge, crying, Lucius comforting Y/N?, aftercare, praise, daddy kink, cum swallowing, fluff, out of character Lucius, 2 almost 3 years after the 2nd wizarding war, younger woman with older man, first time together, heated make out session, kissing, hickeys, love bites, SFW if you squint. (SHE IS OF AGE) 
Summary: Y/N wanted to surprise Draco by visiting him at the Malfoy Manor but ended up catching him cheating instead. While leaving she bumps into Lucius Malfoy and things get kinda heated. (SHE’S OF AGE)
Requested: by no one this is my idea 
A/N: Hello, my fellow Dreamers, hope you like this. Please give me your feedback. BTW I also already posted this on my AO3 account @ slytherintrikru.
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Y/N navigated her way up the meandering, earthy path that led to the formidable gates of the Malfoy Manor. These gates, a grand testament to the opulence within, were adorned with wrought-iron craftsmanship that gleamed even in the muted light of dusk. Beyond the gates, a long, majestic driveway, flanked by a procession of ancient trees, guided her toward the mansion's imposing facade. Standing before her, the Malfoy Manor exuded an aura of architectural splendor. Its stately stone walls rose gracefully, adorned with intricate details that whispered of centuries past. Tall, narrow windows punctuated the facade, their panes seeming to conceal secrets within, bestowing upon the house an air of sinister allure.
The estate on which the manor resided was vast and mysterious. A dark forest encroached upon the edges of the property, casting eerie shadows that played hide-and-seek with the waning daylight. In stark contrast to this enigmatic woodland, a lush and meticulously cultivated garden graced the manor's rear, a testament to the Malfoy family's penchant for grandeur and elegance.
With each deliberate step, Y/N's heartbeat quickened. Her trembling hand reached out to rap upon the massive, wooden double doors that guarded the entrance. She couldn't have fathomed that she would ever find herself returning to this nightmarish place, where the echoes of her torment at the hands of Voldemort and his fanatical followers still reverberated in the depths of her memory. It had been two agonizing years since that fateful day when Fenrir Greyback had dragged her through those very doors, her hair pulled viciously as she struggled to match the monstrous pace set by her captor. The same mansion had borne witness to her harrowing encounter with the Dark Lord himself, the malevolent figure who had imprinted the dreaded Death Eater mark upon her left arm—a mark she had desperately sought to eradicate for almost three long years.
The reason for her presence here, despite the haunting memories, was her enduring love for Draco. Three years had passed since the inception of their clandestine relationship, but their bond remained unshaken. Draco's parents, however, were a formidable obstacle in their path. They looked down upon her as a 'filthy Mudblood,' a fact that had never deterred her resolve, so long as Draco stood by her side. Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy had resorted to devious tactics, attempting to buy her loyalty, attempting to pry her away from their son. Their efforts had met with stubborn resistance, leaving them fuming with frustration. On countless occasions, they subjected her to scathing tirades, especially Narcissa, whose cruelty knew no bounds. After a week, Lucius resigned to a sullen silence, but Narcissa's venomous words and occasionally physical aggression persisted as a daily ordeal that Y/N endured with steely determination.
Y/N flinched as the manor door creaked open, her reaction akin to that of someone stumbling into a jinx. Her startled gaze dropped to the floor, where a familiar figure stood. It was Rue, the endearing house elf, a cherished presence in Y/N's life.
"What can Rue do for Draco's lovely girlfriend?" Rue inquired, her lips curving into a warm, welcoming smile.
Y/N couldn't help but smile in return; Rue had always held a special place in her heart. With her bright blue eyes and those endearing pointy ears, Rue exuded an unmistakable charm. Not only did she anticipate Y/N's every need, but she also prepared food and drinks precisely to Y/N's liking. Since the law against elf brutality had been enacted, Y/N had taken it upon herself to ensure Rue's comfort, providing her with clothing. Over the months, Rue had transformed, shedding the weight of servitude to become a happier, more carefree presence.
"I'd like to see Draco, please, Rue," Y/N replied, her voice gentle and careful not to startle the petite house elf.
Rue's smile widened, and with a tiny, reassuring grip on Y/N's hand, she led her inside. As the door closed softly behind them, Rue spoke again, her voice filled with an eagerness to assist. "Master Draco is in his room. Rue will take you."
Y/N hesitated for a moment, a playful idea forming in her mind. "No, no, it's fine. I can go myself. I want to surprise him."
The adorable house elf nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. With a snap of her fingers, she vanished from sight, leaving Y/N to navigate the winding corridors of the Malfoy Manor alone.
Y/N couldn't help but grin at the thought of Rue experiencing a moment of personal indulgence, wondering if the house elf was trying to savor the pleasures she had missed in her life of servitude. With that pleasant thought, Y/N embarked on her ascent up the many flights of wooden stairs that led to the upper reaches of the manor. Her footsteps echoed softly through the hallway as she made her way toward Draco's room.
As she arrived at her destination, Y/N came to an abrupt halt, her senses keenly attuned to an unexpected sound emanating from behind Draco's door. She strained her ears, desperately hoping it wasn't a case of accidentally stumbling upon an intimate moment between Lucius and Narcissa. A glance at the door's label confirmed it was indeed Draco's room, and then she heard it again.
Specifically, the unmistakable sounds of male and female moans. Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she leaned closer to the door, attempting to confirm what she dreaded most. She heard his name, Draco's name, whimpered from a female voice within, a voice that sent shockwaves through her.
Her blood ran cold, her heart rate spiked, and tears welled up in her eyes. Y/N prayed it wasn't true, that Draco wasn't betraying her. She cautiously pushed the door open, her movements silent as she observed the heart-wrenching scene before her. Draco, lost in passion, buried his face in Astoria Greengrass's neck, his vigorous thrusts filling the room.
Their eyes met, Y/N's and Astoria's, in a moment of cruel recognition. Astoria's smirk seemed to taunt Y/N, as if declaring, 'He's mine now, you filthy Mudblood.' With a heavy heart, Y/N gently closed the door, tears streaming down her face. She turned and fled down the hallway, down the stairs, without a care for her surroundings or the possibility of colliding with someone.
Tears flowed freely as Y/N reached the bottom of the stairs, her heart shattering into a million pieces. Her cries escaped in a heartbreaking crescendo, echoing through the manor's grandeur. In her distraught state, she collided with an unexpected presence, teetering dangerously on the brink of falling backward. However, strong arms enveloped her, steadying her in her moment of despair.
"What in Merlin's name are you doing, girl?" The voice, dripping with disdain, hissed through the tense air. Y/N's heart lurched at the sound, her gut telling her it was all too familiar. As her tear-blurred gaze lifted, she was met with the sight of a thoroughly baffled and irate Lucius Malfoy, his aristocratic features etched with a mix of anger and confusion. Her own expressive eyes, a mesmerizing shade of E/C, locked onto his cold, steely gray ones.
Blinking away the tears that blurred her vision, she stared at the formidable pureblood wizard who stood before her. Their eye contact held an unspoken tension, a connection fraught with history and complex emotions. It was in that moment that Y/N noticed something she hadn't expected in Lucius – concern. The realization was like a jolt, sending a shiver down her spine.
It couldn't be right, could it? Why on earth would Lucius Malfoy, of all people, be concerned about her well-being? Y/N hesitated, her hand instinctively rising to wipe her eyes once more, as if questioning her own senses, wondering if her eyes were playing tricks on her. But the look in Lucius's eyes remained, a glimmer of unexpected humanity in the formidable man who had long been an enigma to her.
"Are you going to speak, or just stand there like a dumb-witted Mudblood?" Lucius's words, laced with venom, cut through the heavy silence. Y/N turned away from him, hurt etched in her eyes, his cruel words piercing her heart. In that moment, the gap between them seemed insurmountable.
Lucius, however, couldn't ignore the pain he had inadvertently caused, and for a fleeting second, remorse tugged at his conscience. Yet, his pride prevailed, and instead of apologizing, he pressed further, his tone demanding answers. "What's wrong with you, girl?"
Y/N pulled herself away from him, a mixture of emotions welling up inside her. She hesitated for a moment, then her voice trembled as she questioned him, "W-Why do y-you care?"
The unexpected vulnerability in her voice caught Lucius off guard, and a flicker of something uncharacteristic passed through his stormy gray eyes. He blocked her path as she attempted to move past him, their proximity intensifying the tension between them. "Just because we got off to the wrong foot when we first met doesn't mean I'm the same person I was before," he hissed, a rare hint of vulnerability seeping into his words. "Now tell me what's wrong, or I'll use Legilimency on you."
Her defenses crumbling, Y/N couldn't hold back the flood of emotion any longer. The words tumbled out of her, her voice wavering as she confessed, "Your son cheated on me with Astoria, that's what happened." She glanced away, bracing herself for the judgment she anticipated. "You're probably happy that he's not with a filthy Mudblood like me anymore. I'll just—"
"He did what?!" Lucius's voice reverberated through the manor, his anger palpable as it resounded against the walls. Y/N glanced at him, a puzzled expression on her face. She couldn't comprehend why he would be so furious that his son, Draco, had cheated on her—a Mudblood—with a pureblood. Lucius Malfoy had never harbored any warmth toward Y/N, so this sudden outburst was baffling. She had always assumed that Draco's parents would be delighted if something like this were to happen.
Lucius's voice, filled with indignation, interrupted her thoughts once more. "How dare that boy break someone's heart instead of just telling you that he wants to end the relationship. I raised him to treat women with respect. Even if the girl is a filthy Mudblood!"
Y/N frowned, her gaze drifting downward to her feet, unable to meet Lucius's eyes. His words were laden with a complex mixture of anger, disappointment, and something she couldn't quite fathom.
"Why would you care anyway? You should be happy that he cheated on me. Now he can go marry a pureblood who's more beautiful than me," she muttered bitterly, her self-esteem shattered.
In an unexpected turn of events, the cold metal of the snake handle of Lucius's cane lifted her chin. She blinked in surprise as he swiftly pulled his cane away and grasped her chin roughly with his hand, forcing her to hold eye contact with him.
"Don't ever say those words again. Am. I. Understand, Y/N?" Lucius's voice, though stern, held a strange mixture of concern. She nodded in response, but it seemed that wasn't sufficient for him. He demanded more. "I expect you to answer when I ask you something!"
"Y-Yes, Sir!" she squeaked, her gaze locked onto his features. She couldn't help but notice the commanding presence he exuded, the sharp lines of his jaw, the strength evident in his angular face. His long, platinum blonde hair cascaded gracefully past his shoulders, framing his striking countenance. The blueish-gray eyes that held an air of authority seemed to peer directly into her soul. Y/N's cheeks flushed inexplicably as she found herself momentarily entranced by his striking appearance. ‘He's handsome’, she thought, a realization that seemed to take her by surprise.
Y/N's unspoken admiration for Lucius had been a well-guarded secret, a silent confession her heart made each time she crossed the threshold of the Malfoy Manor. Her heart would do a subtle dance of anticipation whenever she knew she'd encounter him, and a flush would steal across her cheeks, like a clandestine tribute to his striking presence. It was an irrational reaction, one she couldn't quite understand, given that Lucius had never hidden his disdain for her—well, at least, he hadn't before.
Lucius's trademark smirk played on his lips, but there was a curious shift in his demeanor. Gone was the initial cockiness, replaced by genuine amusement as he surveyed Y/N's puzzled expression. Her blush intensified, a shade that rivaled the crimson and gold of the Gryffindor house colors.
"You really think I'm handsome?" he probed, his tone now laced with curiosity. He leaned in closer, the proximity between them causing a subtle flutter in Y/N's heart. Lucius's eyes sparkled with a newfound charm as he awaited her response.
"I—what? I didn't—" she stammered, but her words were abruptly silenced.
"Legilimens, my darling girl," Lucius smoothly interrupted. His smirk remained, but it was tinged with a magnetic confidence that left her feeling exposed. He leaned even closer, his lips brushing against her ear, and he whispered softly, his voice a provocative caress, "Ah, yes. It appears you've conveniently forgotten that I possess the ability to delve into your mind. You see, I heard every thought you've had about me. Like your secret desire for me to pin you down on my bed, to make you forget how to walk."
Y/N's eyes widened, her cheeks aflame with embarrassment. Her heart raced, and she felt a shiver of vulnerability wash over her. Lucius's audacious revelation had unraveled a new layer of intrigue and desire, transforming their dynamic into something far more intricate and captivating.
She gasped, disbelief coursing through her. Could he truly have been privy to her every innermost thought? It felt surreal, like a dream she was unable to awaken from. In an attempt to regain her composure, she instinctively retreated a step, allowing her gaze to lock with his. His eyes held the same intense emotion she had noticed earlier – a smoldering, undeniable lust that sent a tingle down her spine. He leaned closer, his body almost brushing against hers, and she could feel the heat radiating from him.
"That's the very reason I've maintained my distance from you all these months," he admitted, his voice betraying a hint of vulnerability beneath its low, seductive tone. "After my ex-wife and I discovered the truth about you and my son's relationship, I tried to keep my demeanor cold. Yet every night, unable to control my desires, I found myself lost in fantasies of you," he confessed, his words a hushed, intimate secret shared between them.
A blush painted her cheeks once more as his voice whispered sensually into her ear, sending shivers coursing down her spine. His hands found their way to her sides, exerting a gentle, yet possessive squeeze. She couldn't help but shudder at his touch.
"My son is a fool for betraying such a beautiful, enchanting nymph like you," he purred, his lips grazing the tender skin just below her earlobe. His kisses left a fiery trail down her neck, only to ascend slowly back towards her lips. When their mouths met, it was as though a swarm of butterflies took flight in her stomach, fluttering wildly. She didn't respond immediately, her brain struggling to catch up with the whirlwind of sensations. Gradually, she inhaled his intoxicating scent, responding to his kisses with a growing hunger of her own.
Y/N's moans of desire seemed to echo within the cavernous expanse of Lucius's opulent mansion. Every step she took away from the memory of Draco's betrayal and closer to Lucius felt like a transgressive leap into the unknown. The kiss, fueled by a volatile mix of guilt and longing, deepened with each passing second. It was a magnetic force pulling them closer together, their lips becoming the epicenter of their shared need.
Her fingers wove themselves deeper into Lucius's long, platinum blonde hair, the strands silky and cool to the touch. He couldn't help but groan in response, the sound a testament to the intensity of their connection. His powerful hands, previously residing at her sides, ventured boldly downward, reaching her shapely derrière. With a delicate yet firm touch, he squeezed, sending exhilarating waves of sensation through her body.
With a sudden surge of passion, Lucius lifted Y/N off her feet, her legs instinctively wrapping around his waist to maintain their electrifying kiss. The sensation of being carried by him, the firmness of his grip, and the heat of his body against hers were intoxicating. They ascended the grand staircase, their rhythmic ascent echoing through the mansion's ornate halls.
As they turned down the dimly lit hallway, the portraits of stern-faced ancestors bore witness to their clandestine rendezvous. The anticipation was palpable, each step a deliberate stride toward the unknown. The soft glow of moonlight spilled through heavy, brocade curtains, casting intricate patterns on the Persian rugs that lined the floor.
With an audacious display of strength and desire, Lucius kicked open the door to his lavishly appointed bedroom. The door swung wide with a creak, revealing a chamber bathed in shadows. The grandeur of the room was nothing short of breathtaking, with its sumptuous canopy bed, antique furnishings, and gilded accents. The room exuded an air of timeless elegance, a stark contrast to the illicit passion that had led them there. Yet, with another commanding kick, he shut the door behind them, sealing their secret within the confines of the room's opulent embrace.
In the opulent chamber, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight filtered through heavy curtains, he guided her towards his bed with a gentleness that belied the intense desire simmering between them. The sumptuous sheets, adorned with intricate patterns, awaited their embrace, a testament to the luxury that surrounded them. With a feather-light touch, he laid her down, the mattress conforming to the curves of her body like a lover's caress.
Desire surged between them, an irresistible force pulling them closer together. She eagerly wound her legs around him, her longing palpable. A deep, resonant chuckle rumbled from his chest, a seductive reverberation that filled the room. It was a sound that resonated with promise, the promise of what was to come.
His lips embarked on a slow descent down the delicate curve of her neck, leaving a trail of searing kisses in their wake. His teeth grazed her skin, eliciting sharp gasps and urgent moans from her trembling lips. Y/N's moans danced in harmony with the hushed symphony of their passion, their clandestine desires woven into every sound.
With a masterful touch, his hands began their sensual exploration, fingers tracing the contours of her body. He reached for the fabric of her shirt, the anticipation of their impending intimacy electrifying the air. But as he made to unveil her, he paused, gazing into her eyes with a mixture of tenderness and raw desire. His voice, a sultry whisper, hung in the air like an unspoken invitation, "Do you want to continue this?"
Her heart swelled with a heady blend of love and desire at his considerate question. It wasn't just about the act itself; it was about the connection they shared, the intimacy that extended beyond the physical. Her eyes met his, and she nodded in fervent agreement, but his gaze turned insistent, demanding more than a mere gesture.
She acquiesced, her voice a soft, breathless confession. "Yes, I want to continue."
With the patience of a man intoxicated by her presence, he lifted her shirt, revealing her in all her vulnerability and desire. Each moment was a deliberate act of unveiling, an exploration of the secrets they had kept hidden for too long. Her whimpers of longing grew more pronounced, a sweet symphony of passion that ignited the room.
Their discarded shirts lay scattered, forgotten remnants of the world they had left behind. Their lips collided once more, a fervent clash of desires. His hands, strong and gentle, cradled her face, deepening the kiss into a consuming blaze of longing. In this stolen moment, their connection transcended the physical, binding them together in a fiery embrace that defied the boundaries of reason and restraint.
In the cocoon of their desires, time seemed to slow, allowing them to savor every tantalizing moment. The room, adorned with rich, heavy curtains that filtered the moon's soft glow, bathed them in an otherworldly ambiance. They paused briefly to remove the remaining garments that clung to their heated bodies, leaving a trail of discarded clothing scattered haphazardly across the floor.
With a profound longing etched upon their faces, they surrendered to the pull of their desires. He took the initiative, his lips blazing a path of fiery kisses down her form. Every inch of her skin he touched seemed to ignite with desire, his teeth delicately grazing, and his mouth fervently claiming her.
One of his hands, large and commanding, found its place on her breast, the fingers expertly working her sensitive flesh. The other sought solace on her hip, the grip possessive yet tender. Y/N's response was immediate, her back arching sensually as she pressed herself closer to him. The room bore witness to her unrestrained passion, shadows playing tricks on their entangled figures.
The dimly lit room provided an intimate backdrop to their stolen moment, amplifying the intensity of their connection. She gasped, unable to stifle the whirlwind of sensations coursing through her body. Her longing and need reached a fevered pitch as his lips moved relentlessly over her skin.
This sensation was unlike anything she had ever encountered, not even with Draco. It was a heady concoction of raw desire and an emotional connection that left her feeling utterly exposed and vulnerable, yet simultaneously empowered and alive.
His lips reluctantly abandoned her chest, tracing a searing path downward, inching closer to the epicenter of her desire. Her hips reacted instinctively, a silent plea for more, a plea for him to satiate the burgeoning hunger that consumed her. In response, he chuckled darkly, a knowing grin playing upon his lips.
"So, so greedy for me, aren't you?" he purred, his voice a sultry whisper that sent shivers down her spine. "I've barely even started, my little nymph, and you're already squirming."
Her moans grew in volume, punctuating the charged atmosphere. Her hips continued their rhythmic dance, a wordless invitation for him to delve deeper into her desires. Just as hope began to wane, he boldly ventured between her legs. His thumb found her eager clit, tracing slow, electrifying circles that sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her body. She couldn't help but gasp loudly, her moans intensifying as her body surrendered to his skillful touch.
“L-Lucius!” Y/N's fervent whimper hung in the air, a plea for more that only fueled Lucius's desire to push her further into the depths of pleasure. He reveled in the sound, a wicked grin playing upon his lips as he continued to work his magic. His fingers, slick with her arousal, glided effortlessly inside her, seeking out her g-spot with uncanny precision. The sensation of his touch sent electric jolts of pleasure coursing through her, her moans becoming a chorus of surrender.
The room seemed to close in around them, the ambiance heavy with the heady scent of their desire. Shadows danced seductively across the walls, an intimate audience to their clandestine tryst. Every subtle movement, every trembling breath, was magnified in the dim light, intensifying the eroticism of the moment.
Lucius's voice, a velvet caress of dominance, lured her deeper into submission. "That's right, my little slut," he whispered huskily, his words both an affirmation and a command. "Feel how good I'm making you. Did he ever make you feel like this? Did he know all the right spots to please you?"
She struggled to form coherent words, the pleasure he evoked rendering her speechless. Her response was a breathless admission of truth, punctuated by her moans of ecstasy. "N-No... aahh-"
Lucius's eyes bore into her with an intensity that left her feeling exposed and vulnerable, yet utterly consumed by desire. His fingers continued their relentless assault on her g-spot, her body quivering in response. Her pussy clenched around him, a physical manifestation of her escalating pleasure, and he couldn't help but grunt with satisfaction.
"My little slut," he growled, his voice dripping with unrestrained lust, "you've never felt this kind of pleasure before, have you? Well, let's make sure you're fully satisfied, my dear."
With each word, he propelled her further into the abyss of desire, his fingers dancing with a masterful touch that promised to fulfill her every longing. In the dimly lit room, their forbidden encounter continued, a symphony of passion and submission that echoed through the night.
Lucius's descent towards her quivering core was an agonizingly slow and tantalizing journey. His head moved lower, inch by tantalizing inch, until his mouth hovered just above her dripping wet pussy. The room, bathed in the soft, dim light of concealed passion, seemed to hold its breath in anticipation of the forbidden act about to unfold.
Y/N's body was a live wire, tingling with desire as his warm breath caressed her sensitive flesh. Her back arched in a primal response, a silent plea for him to continue, to grant her the pleasure she craved. The air was thick with tension, the electrifying atmosphere heightened by the palpable anticipation of what was to come.
With a deliberate, torturous slowness, his tongue made its first sensuous contact with her throbbing clit. Y/N's response was immediate and intense; she arched her back, a breathless gasp escaping her lips. Waves of desire surged through her, her hips rising to meet his mouth in a fervent demand for more. His tongue traced lazy circles around her clit, each pass a teasing caress that left her trembling with need.
Her hips moved in rhythmic desperation, bucking into his mouth as she sought to intensify the pleasure. Lucius, the master of seduction, had her in a hypnotic trance, his tongue shifting tactics to move from side to side, skillfully exploring every sensitive inch of her. He returned to her clit, sucking with a purposeful hunger that sent shivers coursing through her body. Her moans grew in intensity, a symphony of ecstasy that filled the room.
As if orchestrating a symphony of pleasure, his fingers joined the sensual dance, slick with her arousal. They thrust in and out with a relentless rhythm, each penetration hitting her g-spot with pinpoint accuracy. Y/N's body was a trembling instrument of desire, her moans and whimpers filling the room like a seductive melody.
A familiar sensation began to coil within her abdomen, growing in intensity with each tantalizing moment. Her pussy clenched around his fingers as the waves of pleasure overtook her. With a gasp that shattered the air, she climaxed, her body trembling in the throes of ecstasy.
Lucius's voice, thick with desire and dominance, broke through her post-orgasmic haze. "Good girl, my good girl," he murmured, his words both a praise and a command. Her cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and satisfaction. He withdrew his hand from her quivering pussy, his fingers glistening with her essence. With forceful insistence, he grasped her jaw, parting her lips and presenting his cum-covered fingers to her mouth. "Taste yourself, whore!" he demanded, his voice a potent blend of authority and lust, igniting a primal hunger within her.
The room, cloaked in shadows, seemed to hold its breath as Y/N's lips encircled Lucius's fingers, moving with an almost hypnotic rhythm as she licked and sucked them clean. Her tongue, eager and tantalizing, left no trace of her essence behind, and Lucius watched her with a predatory hunger that mirrored her own desire. With an excruciating slowness, he withdrew his fingers from her mouth, his grip shifting to encircle her delicate throat, a possessive hold that sent a jolt of excitement through her.
A deep, throaty chuckle resonated from Lucius, a dark sound that underscored his mastery over her. It was a symphony of submission, her whimper in response to his control weaving through the charged air. His other hand, which had been on her jaw, descended with purposeful intent to his throbbing cock. With tantalizing deliberation, he began to stroke himself, each languid movement of his hand a seductive overture to the impending climax of their desires.
Y/N grappled with a myriad of emotions. She knew she should be overwhelmed with guilt, entangled in an illicit affair with her ex-boyfriend's father. Yet, beneath the layers of her moral reservations, a burning desire and a thirst for revenge surged within her. She yearned to make her ex-boyfriend pay for his betrayal, to mend her shattered heart by indulging in the very act that had caused her so much pain.
Her internal turmoil was momentarily eclipsed as she felt the firm tip of his cock teasing her wet, throbbing pussy. The exquisite friction sent a shiver of anticipation coursing through her, and her moans and whimpers filled the room like a seductive aria. Her body was a symphony of need, the sultry dance of his cock against her clit driving her to the brink of ecstasy.
Lucius's voice, dripping with dominance and desire, anchored her in the present moment. "My little mudblood," he taunted, his words laden with a derogatory term that should have stung. Instead, the sultry timbre of his voice rendered her helpless, a willing captive to his seduction. "Is this what you've desired all this time? For a real man to fuck you, to slide his cock deep inside you and make you feel good?"
Despite the term, her moans and whimpers betrayed her true desires, her voice trembling with need. "Y-Yes, Daddy," she whimpered, her plea echoing through the room, a fervent entreaty for the fulfillment of her deepest, most forbidden fantasies. “ Please, fuck me!”
"Daddy? Hmm?" Lucius questioned, his voice dripping with irresistible seduction that hung in the air like a sultry promise. A low, dark chuckle followed, resonating with a wicked allure as his eyes sparkled with mischief and a hint of malevolence. It was a look that promised a thrilling journey into forbidden desires, an intoxicating blend of pleasure and danger.
The room, cloaked in shadows and secrecy, bore witness to their clandestine rendezvous—a sensual dance of dominance and submission that unfolded in hushed gasps and fervent touches. Lucius reveled in her surrender, delighting in the way the derogatory term slipped off his tongue, and, to his surprise, she seemed to share in that twisted pleasure. "My little mudblood is filthy, isn't she?" he continued, his words dripping with desire and a touch of cruelty. In their intimate connection, the term had evolved into an oddly cherished secret, symbolizing her eager willingness to plunge into the irresistible depths of their forbidden passions. "I like that."
With deliberate intent, Lucius poised himself at the edge of her ecstasy, the air thick with anticipation. He surged into her abruptly, a powerful thrust that drew an electrified whimper from Y/N. Her body responded instinctively, arching in response to the sudden intrusion, a wordless plea for more. Lucius groaned in satisfaction, luxuriating in the exquisite sensation of her tight, wet heat enveloping him.
"Daddy!" Y/N's moan, fervent and desperate, reverberated through the room, echoing the intensity of her longing and submission.
Lucius wasted no time in unleashing the primal depths of his desire, setting a relentless pace that sent tremors through the bed beneath them. Pleasure and pain intertwined as Y/N's body stretched to accommodate him, her moans and gasps forming a seductive symphony that filled the room. Each powerful thrust propelled her closer to the precipice of ecstasy, the headboard bearing witness to the fervor of their illicit union.
"F-Fuck," Lucius hissed, his voice a symphony of unquenchable desire as he intensified his rhythm. His hips surged against her with unrestrained lust, each collision sending waves of pleasure coursing through her. The room resounded with their shared passion, an intoxicating rhythm that reverberated through the air and ignited an inferno of sensations. “You’re so tight and wet, aaah- I’m going to have so much fun destroying this tight little hole of yours.”
The hand that encircled her throat tightened incrementally, a gesture of dominance that sent a thrill of arousal coursing through Y/N. Her fingers tangled in Lucius's long, platinum blonde hair, tugging gently as she sought to draw him closer. His primal groans and moans in response only served to deepen her desire, each intoxicating sound forging an unbreakable connection between them in the hidden world they had created.
Their moans, like an intricate duet, melded into an intoxicating symphony of desire, echoing through the dimly lit room. With each primal thrust, he plunged deeper and faster into her, igniting a passionate crescendo that left them both gasping for breath. Her heart raced in response to the electrifying pleasure coursing through her veins.
"Lucius—Lucius! Aaaahhh—fuck! Daddy!" Her words, a fervent chant of need and submission, spilled from her lips in breathless abandon. Her hips responded in kind, moving in a seductive rhythm that matched his powerful thrusts, a dance of desire that transcended the bounds of their forbidden liaison.
"So damn good! Aahh—yes! Oh fuck, my little mudblood knows how to please me," he growled with unapologetic desire, his voice a seductive purr that sent shivers cascading down her spine. His hips quickened their relentless pace, pounding into her with an unyielding urgency that caused the bed to groan and creak beneath them, a testament to the fierce intensity of their union. “Tell me how good I’m making you feel, slut!
Her moans swelled, a wild symphony of ecstasy and surrender that reverberated through the room like a siren's call. She clawed at the sheets beneath her, her fingers desperately seeking purchase in the soft fabric as waves of pleasure crashed over her. It was an exquisite torment, a tantalizing whirlwind of sensations that threatened to consume her entirely.
"Daddy, you—ahh—feel so good," she gasped, her voice trembling with a potent mix of longing and desperation. Her nails traced feverish patterns over his heated skin, leaving trails of tingling sensation in their wake. Her silent entreaty was clear: she yearned for him to take her harder, to claim her completely in the tempest of their shared passion. “You make me feel so good! You’re fucking me so much better than him.”
Amid the dimly lit room, their passionate entwining continued, each feverish moment adding a new layer to their shared desire. Lucius, a commanding figure, maintained his relentless thrusts, his dominance evident in every movement. Her fervent responses wove a tapestry of longing and ecstasy, their chemistry igniting the air around them.
"I know, my little nymph," he purred, his voice an intoxicating blend of pleasure and command. His grip on her tightened possessively, fingers leaving tantalizing imprints on her heated skin. "Cum for me, slut. Show me how good I make you feel." His words hung in the air like a seductive spell, sending electrifying shivers throughout her body.
With each powerful thrust, the tip of his cock skillfully teased her cervix, intensifying the delicious ache in the pit of her stomach. Their bodies moved in perfect unison, a dance that seemed to transcend the boundaries of time and reason, an intricate symphony of passion that left them breathless.
Lucius, releasing his hold on her throat, replaced it with his mouth, his lips and teeth marking her skin as he continued to slam into her with primal urgency. Love bites and passionate kisses adorned her flesh, evidence of their unrestrained fervor. They moved together, bodies melding into one, a force of nature that defied control. In a rapturous climax, they reached the pinnacle of their desire, their voices rising in unison, filling the room with their unrestrained passion.
As Lucius withdrew from her, a plaintive whimper escaped her lips, a testament to the aching desire that still clung to her. His triumphant smirk hinted at the pleasure he derived from her desperate longing. As he made his way to the bathroom to cleanse himself, her eyes remained fixed on the vacant space he had occupied, her body still tingling with the fading echoes of their intense union.
Upon his return, a damp cloth in hand, he approached her with eyes that held both tenderness and desire. Every stroke of the cloth was a gentle caress, an unspoken declaration of their strange intimacy. The discarded rag landed carelessly beside them, a forgotten relic of their fervent encounter.
"Go to sleep, my little nymph," he whispered, his arms enveloping her in a protective embrace. "I'll be here when you wake." His words were a soothing promise, lulling her into a cocoon of security and contentment that belied the complexity of their relationship.
She nestled against him, her heart aflutter with emotions that defied easy categorization. Despite the impending repercussions of their actions, she couldn't deny the profound satisfaction she felt. As her eyes fluttered closed, the only thought that remained was that revenge, in its twisted and tumultuous way, could be intoxicatingly sweet.
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meemoop · 3 months
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RIP Gourdon pt. 2
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bey0nd-1he-stars · 4 months
I know Snape was the only death eater that was able to produce a patrons and I’d just like to beg your pardon.
Snape conjured a patrons based on an obsession. What he had for Lily might have been love once but let be real, we’ve surpassed that phase. Now it feels like it’s just an obsession over her.
Other than Lily, his life was fucking miserable. His father was a prat and his mother was weird. He got bullied at school and he doesn’t really seem to enjoy his teaching life very much.
It’s also portrayed that his patronus is conjured from love and not happiness.
So excuse me if I feel like any other death eater has happier memories than Severus Snape.
Lucius Malfoy, he’s respected at the ministry and has a wife, a son that he at least cares about, a nice ass mansion. He’s wealthy and grew up in a famous, rich family, why can’t he conjure a patronus?
Bellatrix Lestrange, like the only death eater who really enjoys what she’s doing with Voldemort. She straight up laughs when killing Sirius. Why can’t she conjure a patronus?
Regulus Black, whose love for his god damn house elf got himself killed. Why can’t he conjure a patronus?
Narcissa Malfoy, who loves her son more than anything, so much that she straight up lied to Voldemort who can read minds just because there’s a chance her son is still alive. Why can’t she conjure a patronus?
Why can’t any of the death eaters conjure a patronus especially since Harry, at 13 years old, could do it based on a made up memory.
It’s a shit excuse to get people to like Snape more.
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exhaustedcatte · 8 days
You’re a Wizard.
Remus bit his cheek, the juvenile words of “Detention Prewett” were on the tip of his tongue.
No, he reminded himself harshly. That’s Fred and George Weasley. Not Fabian and Gideon. I’m not a Prefect, I’m the Professor.
Remus grit his teeth.
Luna Lovegood floated into the room and Remus saw unwelcome visions, the present melting away to accommodate the past. Regulus Black was there, guiding Pandora when she was batting her lashes at Xenophilius Lovegood.
Draco Malfoy was an amusing mixture of Lucius and Narcissa. He stuck his nose up and raised one manicured brow like his mother, but his ugly words and prideful manners were all his father.
Remus laughed guilelessly, what was wrong with him. Fraternising with the enemy, Moony? A very familiar voice chirped in his head.
It hurt so bad.
Every time Hermione Granger raised her hand, to the chagrin of the rest of the class, Remus saw Lily Evans. Her fierce intelligence and determination a weapon to dismantle the prejudice faced by Muggleborns. Lily would’ve loved her.
He wiped his face with tired hands.
Honestly, Remus was never meant to survive this. He was simply unfortunate, unlucky. An anomaly.
Hah, now suffer.
There was Neville Longbottom, with ears that stuck out like his father and a shy smile to match his mother’s. I’ll watch over him now, Remus promised the smiling Alice and Frank in his memories, apologising for the years gone by.
Then there were the little things.
Snape always caused a spark of his old Marauder spirit to overtake his senses. It also brought forth very vivid sounds of two devils whispering into his ears. Potter and Black, always at the crime scene.
No, no. He batted that thought away before he could spiral.
Remus found himself shocked by the streaks of white in Minerva McGonagall’s hair, which 15 years ago that would’ve caused an uproar. Not even his own greying roots had caused him so much sadness.
His heart ached when he saw Madame Pomfrey pressing her knuckles into her strained back. How much had he missed while hiding from this wretched world?
But what struck a raw nerve was Harry Potter, of course.
The Toad green of his eyes and the bird’s nest of his hair. It had been so long but all he could see in the young Potter boy was his friend. A friend who had betrayed him, but his friend nonetheless.
I know you, he pursed his lips to prevent screaming that when he was addressed as Professor Lupin and not Unc’e Moo’y. He had to remind himself that he wasn’t the one who could get Prongslet to burp or take a nap anymore. He was the weird, mismatched man for a teacher.
You know Harry doesn’t think of you like that. Ah, Lily, wise as always.
The James in Harry Potter stuck out like a sore thumb, much like his hair, when he whizzed across the quidditch pitch with innate talent, when he couldn’t hold back his tongue while talking to Snape, when he faffed about in lessons. But it pained more to see Harry stand up for his friends, like his father had always done, and when he went searching for trouble despite being explicitly warned against it.
Oh, how I miss you Prongs.
He sat back in his chair, creaky and hard as it was. There was only one person he hadn’t found in his students.
Remus closed his eyes.
Sirius Black grinned at him from behind his eyelids. Miss me, Moony?
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Draco at the Potters for dinner
James: Draco, we’re so happy to have you here
Draco: Thank you Mr. Potter
Sirius: *constantly judging Draco*
Remus: Oh come on Sirius. Aren’t you happy that Harry got a boyfriend?
Sirius: Harry, you know that he’s your second cousin right?
Regulus: Well at least he’s following the family tradition
Remus: *spits out his tea*
James: wtf just happened…
*Harry and Draco totally traumatised*
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entitled-fangirl · 4 months
His betrothed.
Barty Crouch Jr. x reader
Summary: The youngest Black sibling is getting near courting age. Regulus and Barty have a plan, and Sirius doesn't like it.
Warnings: the Black family literally, cursing, siblings fighting, idk
Author's note: I wrote this while I had a fever, so if it's horrendous, let's not judge :|
Part 2!
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Sirius turned his head to look over his shoulder. 
Sweet little Y/N Black was standing behind him with a worried look in her eyes.
Being the caring older brother he was, he pushed James slightly, making room for her to sit next to him at the Gryffindor table of the Great Hall. She accepted, sitting down gently, her expression never changing.
Remus saw the look as well, and seemed to be just as concerned, "What's going on?"
They weren't the only two marauders concerned. In fact, they all were.
When Sirius' sibling Y/N was sorted into Gryffindor, Sirius had physically cringed. He couldn't stand seeing his darling little sister go through the Black family's mental and physical abuse due to her house. At that point, away from Walburga's watch, the marauders had taken the girl under their wings. During the summer, she still remained in the Black household at Grimmauld Place with her twin Regulus. But during the school year, she was raised by Sirius.
Hence, where this situation had come from.
James threw an arm around the girl's shoulder, leaning close to her ear, "Whatever it is, you can tell us. That's what we're here for."
She simply stared at the plate in front of Remus across the table.
The four boys stared at each other, worried and unsure of what to do at this point.
Her small voice came out, "Mum is having me go to my first… meeting…. This winter…"
Sirius' hand had a steady grip on his fork, his knuckles turning white. His voice was low. Scarily low, "What."
Remus leaned forward to him, "Pads, control yourself in front of everyone."
Sirius' head lifted to him, "I would, but she's 17 fucking years old. Too young to be staring this… this shit…."
The girl remained unmoving, James' eyes never leaving her, "Y/N…?"
A small sigh came from her lips, "that's not all…"
Sirius looked as if he would explode. "Not…all?"
Peter finally peeped, "Is everything going to be okay?"
She looked up at him, "I'm not sure…"
Sirius rubbed his hands over his face before leaning on the table, "Alright, sweetheart. Tell me."
"Mum is… well… setting up… alliances…"
Sirius knew what that meant. Merlin, he knew what that meant. And he was angry. Beyond angry.
Remus' eyebrows furrowed, "…alliances?"
She nodded, her frame getting smaller as if she was shrinking into herself with every word, "It's…. Well it's when-"
Sirius interrupted, "Mum's marrying her off."
The table went silent, each boy trying to come to terms with what they had heard. 
Finally, Peter spoke up, "to…. To who?"
All of their eyes were on her. Well, almost everyone's eyes.
She shrugged, "Mum hasn't told me yet."
James, who had been staring off past the siblings to a different table, was holding a slight smirk to his face. "I bet I can tell you who it is."
Y/N looked up to him with teary eyes, her emotions finally getting to her, "Who?"
His eyes never left the person, his head moving as if to point in that direction. Sirius and Y/N followed his gaze.
Barty Crouch Jr. sat at the Slytherin table, his eyes flickering up in her direction every few seconds. When he saw the entire table looking in his direction, he quickly looked down at his food, as if forcing himself to not look up at her again until they looked away.
Sirius' voice was practically a growl, "It's. Not. Gonna. Fucking. Happen."
James sighed, "I don't know if you get a choice, Pads."
Remus looked up at Y/N, who was near tears. His hand reached out, grabbing hers from across the table, "Hey. Are you alright little dove?"
That was their name for her. Little dove. She was no animangus. But, hoping to make her feel included, they had given her a name during her 3rd year. And it had stuck ever since.
She shrugged, her bottom lip quivering. "I'm not sure."
He nodded, "That's alright. We'll figure this out… Pads?"
Sirius was in his own world. His eyes flickered around the room at every person, as if anyone could jump out and take her from them. 
When Regulus entered the Great Hall, Sirius immediately jumped up, walking to him. "Regulus…"
Regulus stopped, confused. Sirius never spoke to him unless it had to do with Y/N. "…what."
"I want you to tell me what the fuck Mum is doing to her."
Regulus sighed, "Let's…," his eyes wandered around, "Let's get away from listening ears."
"What the hell, Reg?!"
"Hear me out, Sirius!"
"No! You're letting Mum marry her away like a piece of fucking meat-"
Sirius went quiet. The only sound in the hall was the occasional student that walked a few corridors over. His voice finally came out calm, "What… what do you mean?"
Regulus sighed, "It's… complicated."
"Yeah, I can fucking tell…"
"Crouch…," Regulus looked like he was ready to get hit by his brother, "he asked."
Sirius' eyebrows furrowed, "Asked for what?"
"Sirius, please. Don't make me spell it out."
"He asked for Y/N?"
Regulus nodded, "He's liked her for the longest time, really. Since I can remember. And when Mum mentioned that she was going to make arrangements for me soon, I panicked knowing she'd be soon after. I told Crouch, and he said he'd happily marry Y/N. And I helped him win Mum's favor." He looked back up at Sirius, "Look. Don't judge me. I'm doing what's best for her."
Sirius scoffed, "'what's best for her'? What's best is getting her away from the hellhole we call our family. They don't fucking deserve her. Marrying her to a fucking death eater, Reg? Not the brightest idea you've had. Merlin…"
Sirius slowly began to walk away until Reg spoke up again, "I thought it through, Siri. Swear to God."
The 7th year stopped, turning around once more, "…how?"
Reggie sighed again, "Crouch… he's… he's only a first generation death eater. There's not many responsibilities he has to hold. He's loyal only to himself and those he deems worthy."
Sirius thinks it over, "And would he be loyal to her?"
Regulus let out a small laugh, "Merlin. He is already."
When Sirius didn't answer, Regulus continued, "He may not be close to his father, but… it gives her options. If they decide to run away, he can protect them. And if she decides just to leave Bartimus, then his father could protect her on his own. Crouch brought it up to Mum as a way to give more connections between the death eaters and the Ministry. But, we both know. It was for her protection."
Sirius was staring to be slightly shocked at his brother's reasoning, "I…. Okay?"
Regulus gave a final statement. "And He'll treat her well, brother."
"How can you be sure?"
Reg shrugged, "Don't believe me? Make them interact. You'll see. He's like a loyal dog. He'll do anything for her."
Sirius sighed, "I should wring your neck. But I won't. Because you've thought this out so well. I won't say I'm agreeing with it. But… I'll let it grow a bit. To see where it goes."
Regulus smiles, "That's all I ask, brother."
Sirius entered the Great Hall once more, sitting in his spot with a huff. At this point, James is gently running his hands through the girl's hair. She's talking to Peter and Remus over an omelette, her mind far from the previous conversation.
He interrupts, "We're talking about this later. The four of us."
She turned, "Not me?"
Sirius' tone turned condescending, his voice harsh, "When have you ever been a part of the four of us? You're not a marauder."
James' hand in her hair immediately paused, Peter dropping his fork clumsily. Remus choked on his drink. But none of them said a word in her defense.
She stared at her brother with a guilty look that slowly morphed into slight hatred. Her voice was still as soft as always, but it held a bite to it, "Fine. I didn't want Mum to know I'm around the Black family traitor anyway." She stood up, leaving the table without another word. 
Remus stood up, watching her go, "Dove?"
But she had already left.
She approached the Slytherin table, her red and gold tie standing out from that side of the room. 
And Barty Crouch Jr. was already looking for her, noticing her leave from the Gryffindor table. 
She stood behind him, quietly trying to speak up, "Excuse me?"
Barty's eyes closed. Her voice was so sweet. He never got to hear it. And she was trying to speak to him. This situation couldn't be better. 
He turned around on the bench, a small smile gracing his face and a happy look in his eye, "Hello. What do you need?"
She pointed to where Regulus always sat, "Could I… maybe…?"
He looked over to the spot next to him before immediately, "Oh. Yes. Please."
She sat, finally taking note of the people around him. The most notable one being Lucius across the table.
Lucius held an arrogant look in his eyes, "What? The blood traitor finally got tired of you too?"
Barty's jaw clenched, "Watch your tone, Malfoy."
Malfoy snickered, leaning forward. "Why are you here, Black?"
Barty was becoming highly irritated, "Hey. What did I fucking say?"
Lucius held his hands up in a surrendering way, not saying a word, but his eyes were saying more than his mouth needed to.
She stood, "I'm sorry. This was a dumb idea…"
Barty grabbed her wrist. "No, please. I want you to sit."
She hesitantly does so.
A silence falls over the table before Barty breaks it, "Regulus hasn't been back since Sirius drug him out. Think he beat him up?"
She laughs, "No. I'm sure that just had a small fight is all."
Barty smiles, "I have a feeling I know what it's about."
She nods, deciding to avoid the subject. "Do you have classes today?"
He nods as well, "Just one. Potions. Tell me yours."
She pulls out her wand, waving it. A small piece of paper lands on the table, her entire schedule written on it. She begins to study it to give him an answer.
He leans over to her, peering at it slightly over her shoulder. He smiles, "You have astronomy tonight?"
She nods, "It's my favorite."
He points at one of the classes for the day. "I know where that is. Why don't I walk you?"
She shakes her head, "You don't have to. I know where it is, I just-"
His voice was a whisper, "-please. I would love to."
She decided to look at him finally, and when she did so, she found their faces to be inches apart, his deep brown eyes staring longingly into hers. She felt her face heat up, a light pink shade overtaking them. They stayed this way for a while before she decided to talk first, her voice softer than a whisper as she caught him staring at her lips, "Do you really want to marry me, Crouch?"
He smiled, "More than anything."
The moment sat for a while before she looked away, now a deep shade of red. "Perhaps you can walk me to class then."
"And a walk after dinner."
She looked up at him, "…a walk?"
He nodded, "Please."
He points at another class on the paper, "I can walk you to this one as well… if you'll have me?"
Her eyes soften as tried to see if this was a joke. If he had an ulterior motive. But he didn't.
Regulus came up from behind, completely unnoticed until Y/N felt a kiss to the top of her head and a small, "scoot over."
She did so, pushing herself closer to Barty, who held a smile on his face the entire time.
Regulus could feel the stares from the Gryffindor table. He looked up to meet their gazes, smiling in an almost mocking way at the sight of the two betrothed finally bonding.
She was still looking at Barty, "I…. Yes. I would…. I would like that very much."
He nodded, "Then it shall be done." He stood up, grabbing his books next to him, "I must get to potions, but I'll meet you by the Gryffindor common room entrance before your class, yes?" When she nodded, he gave a nod to her brother, "Regulus," then took his free hand, grabbing the girl's hand, kissing it gently, "Y/N." And with that, he left.
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author-david-jimenez · 11 months
Wolfstar raising Harry
Remus: Okay, Harry, what is this? *holds up banana*
Baby Harry: Fruit
Remus: Well, technically yes. How about this? *holds up apple*
Harry: Fruit
Remus: Again, you are technically right
Sirius: *enters the apartment* Hello, how are my favorite boys doing?
Harry: *points at Sirius* Fruit
Remus: *barley containing laughter* Most definitely right!
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daantihero · 6 months
Scorpius: Did you have a bully growing up?
Draco:Have you met your grandfather?
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gods-graveyard · 7 months
Little Harry Potter-
"This is my Mom, and my Dad, and my Papa, and my Padfoot, and my Moony, and Uncle Severus, and my Uncle Barty, and my Uncle Evan, and my Auntie Andromeda, and Aunt Narcissa- oh and Lucius, and my Aunt Pandora, and my-"
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charliedawn · 5 months
The Yule Ball
You were nicely dressed for the occasion and looked around you, but all the people present were wearing masks and you couldn't find any familiar faces..However then, someone that you didn't know took your wrist and you frowned at him. He was smelling like alcohol and he looked at you like a free coursed meal..
" Are you going to dance with me, little bird ?" 
You frowned and were about to answer that he could go elsewhere to have his dance when someone else interrupted you.
Severus Snape
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"I believe she asked you to leave her alone. Can't you understand English ?" 
​​​​​​You both turned around in the direction of the voice and the boy nearly laughed at the boy who had spoken up. 
"You should probably watch your mouth, creep..I swear you give me the creeps even with your mask on. Besides, I'm sure the lady will probably choose me over you, isn't that right little bird ?!" 
He asked you loudly and a new determination filled you when you saw the crushed expression on the other boy's face. You got out of the other brute’s grip and punched him in the face so hard that you're sure he would feel it for days to come. You then spat angrily at him. 
​​​​​​"I would prefer his sweet company over yours any day, you oaf ! Now, get lost !"
The boy started crying and ran away with a bloody nose. You watched him leave and suddenly grimaced in pain at your injured wrist. The oaf had a hard face to punch…The nice boy who had tried to save you looked around shyly and you extended your hand with a kind smile. 
"I'm sorry..I'm usually not so violent but, enough is enough and sometimes, a punch in the face is all that they need to get on the right path..Will you dance with me ?"
He looked at your hand and your face multiple times over in shock before finally nodding. 
"But…But your hand ?"
You took out your wand and used a spell to make it brand as new and smiled reassuringly at him. 
"See ? As good as new."
He didn’t seem that convinced but, decided to take your hand anyway. You then started dancing slowly and you even caught a smile or two coming from your partner.
A few days later, you would learn that the nice young man’s name was Severus. Severus Snape.
James Potter
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"I'm sorry but, where did you read on my forehead "Little Bird"? Because that's not my name and I sure as Hell am not dancing with you..ever."
The mean boy frowned at you before tightening his grip on your arm. 
​​​​​​"Who do you think you are ?!"
You were about to answer when someone did it for you.
"A classy woman with taste. And you are trash..Now that the presentations are done, could you please get away from my date ?" 
You turned around, surprised to see another boy standing there with his hands in his pockets and smiling forcefully at the one who had gripped your arm. 
​​​​​​"I don't like repeating myself..So, either you will have disappeared from my sight in the remaining 5 seconds or I’ll get out my wand and give you a little lesson on manners.."
The mean boy—fortunately for you—did not want to fight and ran away when he understood that the threat was real. The boy who defended you then tsskd and whispered angrily. 
You smiled and put your hands on your hips. 
​​​​​​"Thanks for the help…But, I could have managed.."
He snorted mockingly at you and you frowned. 
"Like Hell you could. The guy was practically dragging you to the exit.."
You humphed unhappily at his reply and was about to get going when he gently took your hand. 
"Okay. I'm sorry. I tend to be a bit rude when I see things that pisses me off. And this guy definitely pissed me off. But, I would really like a..?!"
He didn’t have time to finish the end of his sentence that you were already dragging him on the dance floor. You started dancing and he smirked teasingly down at you. 
​​​​​​"I was gonna ask for a kiss…but that's nice too."
You blushed a little but replied with another humph. 
"Don't push your luck, Potter.."
But, you couldn’t hide your smile and he noticed it. He smiled back at you and whispered in your ear. 
"In all honesty, I was kinda jealous..I was not gonna leave that guy take your first dance..After all, you are my date, Y/N.."
Peter Pettigrew
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You smiled politely but still insisted on the fact that you didn't want to dance, especially since you didn't know how, but the mean boy was persistent and you started raising your voice at him. 
"Hey ! Stop it ! I already have a date and I'm sure he'll be there soon !" 
The boy snorted mockingly at you before replying. 
"Sorry, sweetcheeks, but if anyone was coming, they would have been there already. Especially after seeing such a piece of work.."
He eyed you up and down suggestively and you blushed in embarrassment—with tears in your eyes. You were about to scream for help when someone suddenly took the hand of the boy and twisted it painfully, making the boy scream in pain. 
​​​​​​"The girl said she didn't want to dance. You should have taken the hint the first time around. By the way, sorry for the wait—darling—I took too much time to get prepared.."
Peter looked at you with a smile and winked playfully at you while the pervert got out of his grip and screamed. 
​​​​​​"You're crazy !"
He then ran away and you watched him go with a sigh of relief. But then, your savior took a step towards you and extended his hand forward. 
"I'm not a good dancer either…but it's better than being harassed by jerks like him all night, right ?"
You hesitated to take his hand, but finally did with a small smile. 
"Yes. Thank you, Peter."
He nodded understandingly before finding a corner where you would be far enough from any unrequited attention. He then started to dance with you and you felt safe in his arms.
Lucius Malfoy
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You ignored the mean boy and politely asked him to move his hand away, but he only tightened his grip on you. 
"Come on. A girl like you should not be alone at a party like this one."
He whispered in your ear and you repeated firmly. 
"I was perfectly fine until you came along, sir..And now you're hurting me, so please stop and remove your hand from my person ?" 
He frowned at you but, as he was about to say something else, a hand gripped his wrist and you both turned towards the gentleman who was exceptionally well-dressed. There was only one person with such lovely blond hair and splendid fashion style. Lucius. He was frowning at the boy and said in a rather calm but threatening tone. 
​​​​​​"I think the lady was clear enough. You are hurting her and she does not want to dance with you.."
The boy glared at him but, let you go and walked away. Your savior glared at the boy until he was out of view and then, he looked back at you with a gentle smile. 
"Are you alright, my dear ?" 
​​​​​​You smiled back and nodded. 
​​​​​​"Yes, thank you.."
He nodded back and to his surprise, you were the one extending your hand towards him. 
"I know I just turned him down but, I really want to dance with you. You seem kind and I want to thank you for your help. But, if you don't want to dance, I'll understand and leave you be.."
​​​​​He looked down at your hand for a second before smiling and taking it. 
​​​​​​"It would be my pleasure.." He lead you to the dance floor and you started waltzing together. Then, he bent down and whispered in your ear. 
​​​​​​"You are lovely tonight, and as endearingly honest as the first time I met you…Y/N."
You smiled as he uttered your name and pulled him closer.
Sirius Black
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"Are you sure you wouldn't prefer a dance with me ? See, the lady and I are a duo kind of deal and if you want to get into her pants..You shall also have to get into mine..Unfortunately, you're not really my type, so, I'll ask you kindly to bugger off, buddy." You looked at your mysterious savior with widened eyes and started laughing as he winked at you playfully. 
​​​​​​"Ugh ! Weirdos !" The boy said before walking away, surely to search for another young girl who wasn't protected by a nutcase. You looked up at him and he looked down at you with a knowing smirk. 
"Well ? Don't I get a dance after my brave attempt to save you ?" 
You arked an eyebrow at him before smirking too. 
"Would that not ruin our "duo" ? And brave ? Really ? You just made the both of us look like fools.."
He rolled his eyes playfully before extending his hand forward towards you. 
​​​​​​"For you ? I'll take the chance. And I don't really care what they all think, I saved a pretty lady and if you accept to dance with me ? It would have been worth it.."
You chuckled before putting your hand in his and answering. 
"Lead the way !" 
He then made you both break a path through the many dancers, searching for the spot with the most light and you arked an eyebrow. 
​​​​​​"Narcissistic much ?"
He pretended to be offended and gasped dramatically. 
"Me ?! Never.."
You both laughed together before starting dancing until the end of the song. You then looked up at him and he smiled down at you. 
"Anything on your mind, Y/N ?"
Your eyes widened in surprise.
"You know me ?" 
He chuckled before gently running his hand in your hair. 
"Of course I know you. Don't you recognize me ? After nearly one year in the same transfiguration class. I thought you would at least have learned my name."
It then clicked and you laughed.
"Well…I’ll be damned. The infamous Sirius Black. McGonagall’s worst nightmare. The prank master. Dancing with little old me. I feel humbled."
Sirius grinned wildly before pulling you closer.
"Yeah…But, tonight. Sirius will do just fine."
You were momentarily stunned before smiling back and accepting his hug wholeheartedly.
"Alright, Sirius."
Remus Lupin
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"I'm sorry gentleman but, this lady is already taken."
The mean boy turned towards the boy who had just spoken—ready to protest—but finding that he was at least two heads taller than him and smiled awkwardly. 
"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know."
He then quickly let go of you and walked away without adding anything. You smiled gratefully at the other boy while gently trying to soothe your wrist by massaging it. 
"Thank you. I thought he would never leave."
But then, he frowned at you and you felt scared for a second, only to be reassured when he extended his hand forward and asked. 
"Your wrist…May I see it ?" 
You showed it to him and he gently ran his thumb over the bruise already forming. He then surprised you by kissing it gently and you blushed multiple shades of red at the intimate gesture. He then guided you away to the part of Hogwarts where you could see the stars and you followed him, as if hypnotised…
He took out a chocolate bar from his pocket and handed it to you. 
"It will help with the pain. Trust me."
You took it with a grateful smile. 
" Thank you. You are very kind."
He smiled back at you and took off his mask. He then took a deep breath with his eyes closed.
"Finally…I hate masks." He then turned towards you and extended his hand towards you with a smile. "Remus. Remus Lupin."
You looked down at his hand before smiling and shaking it.
"…Y/N. Pleasure."
The Twins
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"Hey ! That's no way to treat someone, especially a lady ! And sorry big boy but, she already promised me that dance..." 
A ginger-headed boy said while wrapping his arm around your waist. But the mean boy only snickered at him. 
"What are you gonna do about it, carrots ?" 
Suddenly, another arm wrapped itself around your waist on the other side of you and you were surprised to see the exact same boy who smiled cheekily at him. 
"Actually, she promised us that dance, Fred. And it's what we're gonna do to you that you should be worried about. And carrots ?! Really ?! Find some originality at least !"
The boy who was bothering you—outnumbered—ran off while the two boys looked at each other and laughed as they threw the same insults at him. 
"Chicken ! Ape ! Gorilla ! Cat-fish !…"
The one called Fred then added. 
​​​​​​"See ?! That's originality and talent in one swing ! Take some notes next time !" 
You smiled gratefully at them both, recognising your favorite twin brothers and kissed them both on the cheeks. 
"Thank you. You're my heroes."
They both blushed wildly and smiled widely at you before answering at the same time. 
"No problem !" 
You faked trying to remember before asking with a teasing grin. 
"Now…who’s my date again ?"
…They started arguing with each other before you decided to give each of them a dance.
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noelan1 · 4 days
I can’t stand those Y/N’s who stay with a person even though that character did some fucked up things to them…. For example “ oh I know you have ran over my dog, killed my mom, told my dad to kill himself, strangled me, cheated on me multiple times for my mom before she died, and burned down my house but I can fix you 😊😊😊😊😊” LIKE LIL BRO NO… LEAVE THAT MOTHERFUCKER …
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fried-pistachio · 6 days
I think my new catch phrase for any posts about Barty is “Evan gotta know ‘bout this”
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