#Sam Wilson/T'Challa
stuckyfingers · 5 months
Characters who lowkey canonically ship Stucky
Natasha ( "I know how much he means to you")
Sam ("when do we start")
Sharon ("Mr. America")
T'Challa (literally everything he's done for them)
Shuri (definitely gave Bucky the makeover to impress Steve in IW)
Erskine (chose Steve after seeing him argue with his bf)
Rumlow ("your pal, your buddy, your bucky")
Zemo (the whole premise of his evil plan)
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heckcareoxytwit · 4 months
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Eli Bradley (a.k.a Patriot) is back in action! And he's fighting Crossbones to save the captured kids.
Marvel's Voices: Legends #1, 2024
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katatonicimpression · 29 days
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Marvel as text posts (assorted)
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avengerscompound · 3 months
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The Avengers
MARVEL'S BLOOD HUNT | Official Event Trailer 
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Marvel + text posts
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hessobbingincabo · 3 months
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Captain America #750 (2023) by C.F. Villa
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Thor Annual #1 (vol. 6, 2023) by David Marquez
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Incredible Hulk #2 (vol. 4, 2023) by Bryan Hitch
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Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #1 (vol. 1, 2023) by Jen Bartel
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Black Panther #2 (vol. 9, 2023) by Mateus Manahani
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Doctor Strange #5 (vol. 6, 2023) by Dustin Nguyen
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Avengers #3 (vol. 9, 2023) by David Baldeón
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Moon Knight #25 (vol. 9, 2023) by W. Scott Forbes
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Amazing Spider-Man #30 (vol. 6, 2023) by Betsy Cola
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Guardians of the Galaxy #4 (vol. 7, 2023) by Lee Garbett
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Ghost Rider #16 (vol. 10, 2023) by Gerald Parel
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Miles Morales: Spider-Man #8 (vol. 2, 2023) by Bernard Chang
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Amazing Spider-Man #29 (vol. 6, 2023) by David Nakayama
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Hallow's Eve #5 (vol. 1, 2023) by Bengal
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Venom #22 (vol. 5, 2023) by Joshua Cassara
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Daredevil #13 (vol. 7, 2023) by Javier Garrón
Avengers Hellfire Gala (2023) Cover Gallery
(open images for higher quality)
+bonus under the cut
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Stunning Captain Marvel piece by Angel Solorzano
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gh0stlygen0 · 2 years
Marvel Characters reactions to asking if they'd still love you if you were a worm
─── ✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Warnings: None!
Characters featured: Tony, Steve, Bruce, Thor, Loki, Natasha, Clint, Scott, Stephen, Peter, T'Challa, Vision, Wanda, Sam, Bucky
Genre: Comedy
Reader's Gender: Male aligned
Reader's Age: Not specified!
─── ✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Tony: "A worm? Ew no, I would step on you and watch you squirm under my shoe for fun and leave you to burn on the concrete."
Steve: "A worm?... As in the bug?.. Why would you be a worm?.."
Bruce: "What kinda question is that?"
Thor: "Loki is a two faced snake and I still hold him dear to my heart, of course I would love you if you were turned into a worm!"
Loki: ".... Pardon?.."
Natasha: *starts laughing at how fucking stupid the question is and doesn't answer after laughing for a straight 5 minutes, walking away while shaking her head and giving you a few pats on your shoulder before leaving, still laughing*
Clint: "No."
Scott: "Oh my god a worm?! Of course I would!! We can be Ant-Man and Worm-guy! Most kickass duo on the block."
Stephen: "I draw the line at bugs, I'll pass.."
Peter: "A worm? I mean..."
*thinks about it for a second*
"I guess so? You'd still be you, just- really small, and pink... And squishy and slimy... And- I'll stop, sorry."
T'Challa: "... Are you feeling alright? Have you eaten today? Did you get enough sleep?.."
Vision: "I'm not quite sure I understand what you're trying to ask. Why are you a worm?"
Wanda: *small laugh*
"Of course. I'd be right behind you turning into a worm as well. We can be happy worms together."
Sam: *stares at you with a blank face*
"Is that a serious question."
Bucky: *silence for a few seconds as he furrows his brows*
"... Huh?"
─── ✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
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Avengers (2023-) #5
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comicwaren · 15 days
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From Blood Hunt #002
Art by Pepe Larraz and Marte Gracia
Written by Jed MacKay
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Anywhere but Westview: alternate futures for Wanda if someone, ANYONE, had actually looked out for her after Endgame:
Clint takes her in and she lives with him and his family, eventually meeting Kate and Yelena
She throws in with Sam and Bucky and helps out against the Flag Smashers
She ends up bonding with Peter Parker and eventually accompanies him against Mysterio and the Multiverse (also, I only just thought of this, but Wanda meeting Quentin Beck would be pretty interesting, as he could try to sway her with their mutual hatred of Tony).
She accompanies Steve to put back the Stones and convinces him to return to the present instead of going back to the 40s.
T’Challa and Shuri, feeling guilty over not being able to save Vision, invite her to stay in Wakanda, and she eventually helps Shuri against Namor.
Peter Quill invites her to join the Guardians because he wants a buffer between Thor and himself and she ends up becoming close with the crew, especially Rocket and Nebula. (While I would love to imagine her written into Volume 3, I respect Gunn too much to pollute his story.)
Scott asks her if she wants to meet Cassie, and she ends up bonding with the Lang family, eventually going with them to the Quantum Realm and battling Kang
Bruce offers her help to make amends between the two of them, and she goes with him to Sakaar
Strange is fascinated by her powers and invites her to Kamar-Taj
Rhodey, seeking to make amends with her in a way Tony never wanted to, offers her a place to stay.
If anyone wants to try their hand at making one of these a full fanfic story, be my guest.
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swan-of-sunrise · 3 months
Hawkeye (Part I)
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Summary: Six days before Christmas, a four-month pregnant (Y/N) accompanies Sam and Bucky to a performance of Rogers: The Musical while Steve and Carina stay home, and any hope of a quiet Christmas for the growing Rogers-(Y/L/N) family is dashed when the married couple catches a shocking news report that threatens to expose their friend as the world’s most prolific vigilante.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: Hi there and welcome to the 4-part series centering around Hawkeye and the Christmas of 2024! This is such an underrated and underappreciated show, and I always knew that I wanted to write (Y/N), Steve and their growing family into it (and give a little extra love to Clint, ‘cause he deserves it!). This’ll be very faithful to the show, but expect a few surprises along the way lol thank you for reading, and I hope you all enjoy!
Hawkeye (Part I) December 19th, 2024 The Home of (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and Steve Rogers, Brooklyn (Previous One-Shot)
With Christmas only a week away, the Rogers-(Y/L/N) house was filled to the brim with festive cheer. Their beautifully adorned tree stood tall in the living room beside their grand piano and throughout the rest of the house, they’d set out their plethora of holiday decorations; thanks to Steve’s growing proficiency at baking, the air was laced with the mouthwatering aroma of peppermint, gingerbread and vanilla. The only thing that could improve their cheerful home was the laughter of close friends inspired by the greatly anticipated opening of Broadway’s newest hit show, Rogers: The Musical.
“I’m tellin’ you, Steve, you missed out on one hell of a show!” Sam twisted the cap off his beer and smirked as he took a long sip. “I can’t believe I’m gonna say this, but watchin’ these two trying their damndest to keep their cool was way more entertaining than watchin’ Nick Fury sing.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes at her best friend’s exaggeration, taking off her jewelry piece by piece and looking through the living room mirror that she was stood before at her highly-amused husband seated behind her. “Don’t listen to Birdbrain, sweetheart, he’s embellishing the truth yet again; as long as you ignore all the blatant historical inaccuracies, it’s a perfectly enjoyable musical.”
“That’s easy for you to say, doll, they didn’t have you doin’ a corny tap dance number to somehow symbolize the hell of war,” Bucky grumbled under his breath, still miffed by his out-of-character portrayal in the musical and Sam’s overly-enthusiastic reaction whenever ‘Sergeant Bucky Barnes’ had appeared onstage to sing or dance. “Trust me, buddy, you saved yourself a whole heap of annoyance and justifiable indignation by staying home.”
“Well, I figured that my brief brush with showbiz back in ’43 was plenty enough for one lifetime,” Steve replied with a grin, patting his best friend’s shoulder as he got up from the couch and crossed the living room to help (Y/N) undo the clasp of her necklace. “Even one as long as mine. But hey, I had a stack of unfinished sketches and my little angel to keep me company here at home, and I didn’t have to watch the guy playing me sing a power ballad to a giant poster of Uncle Sam.”
When the necklace’s chain loosened, (Y/N) turned around and pressed her lips against her husband’s in a brief but sweet kiss of thanks. “I should count myself lucky; the rest of the world has to buy a ticket to a hit Broadway show to hear Steve Rogers belt out a power ballad, but all I have to do is listen in on him whenever he takes a shower.”
Sam and Bucky laughed at that and after a chuckling Steve retaliated by tickling the sensitive skin of her neck and stealing another kiss from her, (Y/N) headed upstairs to change out of her black cocktail dress and into her pajamas. She breathed a sigh of relief when she kicked off her black kitten heels and after peeling off her dress, she hung it over the back of her vanity’s chair and smoothed a hand over the satin slip that covered the slight swell of her four-month-pregnant belly. “Thanks for being so cooperative in there tonight, gumball. I had a really fun time with your Uncle Sam and your Uncle Bucky.”
Unfortunately, (Y/N)’s second pregnancy was almost the polar opposite of her first; where she hadn’t begun to show until her second trimester and she never once experienced morning sickness, she was already transitioning into maternity wear and she’d been plagued with intense nausea for over a month straight that was only just beginning to ease up. Their night on the town served as both an enjoyable evening with friends at a so-bad-it’s-good musical adaptation of her husband’s life, and a test to see how well she’d do during her latest book promotion tour in January.
It seemed as though she’d be able to physically handle all the interviews, press conferences and book signing, but she was still working on preparing herself mentally to discuss the chapter of her life that had brought her the greatest joys and largest despairs. While Assemble: The Unabridged History of the Avengers was the definitive chronicle of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, it wasn’t quite as unabridged as one would expect; the remaining Avengers had agreed on what details should be kept from the public – namely, their utilization of Pym Particles to achieve time travel, the entirety of the time heist and Clint’s five-year-long stint as the vengeful Ronin – so not only would she be tasked with discussing the deaths of her friends and allies, she’d also have to carefully work to keep those certain details a secret. Not an easy feat when you’re already experiencing pregnancy brain, she thought to herself with an inward sigh, slipping into her satin nightgown and tugging her robe on as she crept across the hall into Carina’s dimly-lit nursery.
Predictably, her fifteen-month old daughter was fast asleep in her crib, curled up under her colorful Wakandan-made blanket and clutching her stuffed white wolf; Indy, their senior German Shepard rescue, was nestled in his dog bed at the foot of the crib and when (Y/N) quietly entered, his head snapped up at attention but he immediately relaxed when she scratched behind his ears and the thick fur of his neck. Once their protective family dog was placated with scratches, she leaned over the crib and took a moment to observe her peaceful daughter; as energetic as the half super-soldier was throughout the day, she absolutely loved to sleep and hardly ever complained when they put her down for her two daily naps. Greg and Mara warned her that her daughter’s mild-mannered attitude could always fade away once she entered her ‘Terrible Two’s,’ but (Y/N) had a gut-feeling that Carina’s early adventures through space and all the battles against un-dead Asgardians and Thanos’ bloodthirsty army that she’d been present for gave her a resilience that most grown adults would never come to possess.
“Sweet dreams, my little lemon drop,” (Y/N) murmured, her fingers gently brushing her (Y/H/C) locks out of her face before she leaned down and pressed a feather-light kiss onto her forehead. “I love you.”
After tucking the blanket around her daughter’s sleeping form, (Y/N) gave her one last smile and turned away from her crib, unsurprised to see Steve leaning against the nursery’s door frame with a content smile playing on his lips. “Sam and Buck already turned in for the night, so I thought I’d check in and see how my three lovely ladies were doing.”
“Two, sweetheart; you know as well as I do that we haven’t found out the sex of the baby yet.” She quietly closed the nursery door and looked at her husband with playful suspicion as they strolled hand-in-hand into their bedroom. “Unless you called up Dr. Prince behind my back.”
“Nope, just some good old-fashioned fatherly intuition.” Steve chuckled, bending down to press a kiss onto her small bump before they went about getting ready for bed, with him changing into his pajamas while she removed her makeup and applied her nighttime skincare in their room’s adjoining bathroom. “The guys mentioned that Barton and his kids were there, too.”
(Y/N)’s fingers momentarily stopped massaging moisturizer into the skin of her face as she recalled the grief etched into the archer’s face when Natasha’s character first twirled onto the stage. “Yeah, they were kicking off their Barton Family Christmas with a little trip to the city to see the show. They left about halfway through; Clint texted me later saying that it was because the kids were a little restless and they wanted to go out for Chinese food before it got too late, but…but I think it had something to do with Nat.”
Steve sighed but remained silent; when (Y/N) finished her nighttime routine and walked back into the bedroom, he was already sitting on his side of the bed with a downcast expression on his face. “He still blames himself for what happened on Vormir.”
“I think so, but I also think he knows that nothing he could’ve done would’ve stopped Nat from making that call…” With a sad sort of smile, she slipped out of her robe and climbed into bed beside her husband, adjusting the comforter over their laps and meeting his saddened azure eyes. “Most of all, I think he just misses her.” And I know exactly how he feels, she thought to herself as her throat burned and she tried her hardest not to imagine the faces of those she still grieved over.
Not a day went by when (Y/N) didn’t think about all the friends they’d lost over the past several years: Tony, Natasha, Vision, Loki and most recently, T’Challa; just as suddenly as they’d lost their four friends and teammates in the battle against Thanos, the King of Wakanda had passed away after a private battle with illness over two months ago. It seemed that with each blessing that appeared in their life, there was an equally devastating blow waiting just around the corner for them and as each one was dealt, (Y/N) started to truly comprehend the all-consuming grief that had followed Clint like a shadow since Thanos’ Snap in 2018.
Being with Steve and Carina and knowing that there was a new baby on the way certainly helped, as did sharing memories of those they’d lost with her husband and their two best friends and focusing her attention on her upcoming book tour. Steve, understanding all too well the emotions that were brewing within her, brought a hand up to cradle her cheek and drew his thumb across her cheekbone as his eyes softened with empathy. “When Cari dumped her entire bowl of spaghetti onto her head the other night and we had to give her an emergency bath, one of the first things that went through my mind was that Nat would get a kick out of hearing that story. It took me a second to remember that she…” Steve’s voice cracked and he swallowed thickly before continuing. “I’ve fought gods and monsters, I’ve traveled through space and time and I’ve lived long enough to believe that in this universe, anything is possible. She knows, sunshine…they all do.”
With tears in her eyes, (Y/N) let out a watery laugh and accepted the tissue that he offered her. “You sure you’re not the New York Times best-selling author in this family?”
“Nah, it’s just easier to land an emotional speech when your wife’s hormones are constantly being thrown for a loop by a four month old fetus,” Steve replied with a lopsided grin while she shook her head in playful exasperation and dabbed at her tear-filled eyes. “We should probably get some sleep; Sam and Buck have an early flight to New Orleans tomorrow, and we’ve still gotta take Cari to the mall for her picture with Santa.”
(Y/N), recalling her best friend Greg and his wife Mara’s many horror stories of taking their little Abbie to see Santa, bit her lip and replied, “Our daughter spent the first month of her life surrounded by Sakaarians, un-dead Asgardians and Chitauri soldiers, so I’m sure that a picture with a complete stranger dressed as Santa Claus’ll be a piece of cake.”
“Of course…” The longer her husband thought it over, though, the more hesitant he appeared. “But maybe we should pack her stuffed wolf just in case-?”
“Oh, absolutely.”
Ever the true gentleman, Steve discarded her tissue for her and switched off their bedside lamp before burrowing under the bedcovers beside her, leaning over to brush his lips against her brow while she slipped her arm over his torso. “I also have to text Scott; when we were finishing up my interview for his book last week, he made me promise to give him a review of the musical. I think he wants to take Hope and Cassie when the touring company comes to San Francisco in the spring.”
Steve chuckled and carefully wound his arm around her to hold her closer. “He’ll be happy to know that they decided to add him to the Battle of New York. Speaking as one of the six people who was there, though, I’m not too sure what the presence of Ant-Man’s meant to add to one of Earth’s first alien invasions.”
“That’s the beauty of historical fiction: you can play fast and loose with dates, times and events for the sake of dramatic purposes while still portraying a person’s real-life story. In this case, adding one of the most popular Avengers to one of the most famous Avengers battles doesn’t change the fact that you – the main character – really were there.” (Y/N)’s eyes drifted closed and she could feel her body relaxing against Steve’s as sleep began to take hold. “With that being said, I just know he’s never ever gonna stop talking about it…”
Their tired laughs were suddenly interrupted by a sharp rap on their closed bedroom door and before either of them could say anything, the door opened and the light flickered on to reveal Sam and Bucky entering their room with matching frowns on their faces. “Sorry for barging in, guys, but you’re gonna wanna see this.” While Sam crossed over to retrieve the television remote from (Y/N)’s nightstand, she and Steve exchanged a look of confusion as they sat up and Bucky sat himself down on the edge of their bed as Sam switched their television on to NY1.
“…following a breaking news story, a high society gala rocked by an explosion when it went off at Park Avenue and 68th Street tonight. The cause of the explosion is still under investigation, but witnesses captured cell phone footage of a masked assailant fleeing the scene.” The news anchor’s face was replaced with an unsteady video of a bustling 68th Street; a masked figure dressed from head to toe in black vaulted over a speeding car and scooped a matted Golden Retriever up into their arms, both sliding out of the busy traffic just in the nick of time. The amateur footage paused on a close-up of the masked figure, and (Y/N)’s heart leapt into her throat when she recognized the imposing black and gold leather suit. “Authorities believe the assailant could be-”
“The Ronin,” (Y/N) breathed, and the implications of the infamous suit’s reappearance were not lost on her or the other three men in the room.
“-Who once terrorized organized crime here in New York and around the world for five brutal years. This is the first potential sighting of the Ronin in years, and his identity continues to remain a mystery to this day. We will continue to follow this breaking news story and report on any developments as they come in-”
Sam muted the television and turned to face them with a troubled expression written across his face. “That sure as hell wasn’t Barton in that video.”
“Which means one of two possibilities: either somebody with a sick sense of humor’s running around New York in a handmade Ronin suit and playing out their little fantasy of being a vigilante…” The fingers of Bucky’s vibranium hand traced along the raised lettering of his old dog tags as his brows furrowed, his earlier pleasant mood long gone and replaced with a dark trepidation. “Or someone found the real suit in the wreckage of the Avengers Facility.”
His features drawn with a solemnity reminiscent of his days as Captain America, Steve carded his hand through his rumpled blonde hair and stared at the muted footage of the imposter. “Either way, Barton and his kids are in danger; if they manage to find out the Ronin’s true identity, then every single member of the city’s criminal underworld is gonna go after him for revenge.”
(Y/N) let out a weary sigh and reached for her cell phone that was charging on her nightstand. “So much for that Barton Family Christmas…”
A/N: And there you have it! How do you think the Rogers-(Y/L/N) family will fit into this show? What're the surprises that are gonna pop up? I guess you'll have to tune in for the rest of the chapters to find out! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series, and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new chapter. Enjoy!
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ziGMhEsAw833GQ9eV44nR?si=6dfead09c76848d5 
Hawkeye (Part II)
Stumblin’ In Book VII: “Superhero Snapshots” Masterlist 
Tagging:  @mrs-obrien​​​​​ @lahoete​​​​​ @awkward117 @cminr @natdrunk​​​​ @momc95​​​​​ @savedbystyle​​​​​ @miraculouscloud @awkwardnesshabitat​​​​​ @marinettepotterandplagg​​​​​ @mangosandmimosas @supersouthy @benakenalove​​​​​ @brooke0297​​​​​ @hufflepeople​​​​​ @becausewelie​​​​​ @outoftheregular​​​​​​ @junipermurdock​​​​​ @ladydmalfoy @mads-weasley​​​​​ @username23345@crist1216​​​​​ @capswife​​​​​ @lilmschild​​​​​ @avngrsinitiative @crowleysqueenofhell​​​​​ @y-napotat​​​ @mary1raven​​​​​ @groovyqueer​​​​​ @ljej95​​​​​ @innersublimefury​​​ @prettysbliss​​​​​​  
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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Carol Danvers is appointed as a new chairperson of the Avengers by Tony Stark and she spends a week in assembling the yet another all-new Avengers team.
Avengers v9 #1, 2023
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katatonicimpression · 8 months
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Sam Wilson and T'Challa edited from The Avengers (2023) #5
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avengerscompound · 7 months
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Sam Wilson & T'Challa
Avengers United Infinity Comic (2023)
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galaxyglaze · 11 months
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The Avengers at the 2023 Hellfire Gala
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