#Jason and the batfam are ehhhh
thekidthesuperkid · 2 years
Okay, listen guys. I get what you’re all saying with insisting that Bruce shouldn’t be written as an abusive parent. I get that you don’t want him to be abusive. I don’t want him to be either. But I keep seeing people argue that he can’t be abusive because he’s such an empathetic person. And I don’t necessarily disagree that he’s empathetic! But please understand that empathy and abuse are not mutually exclusive. A person can be perfectly capable of being kind sometimes and being abusive other times, and the kindness can even be completely genuine. A lot of people with abusive parents also have good memories with their parents. An abusive parent is rarely some sort of completely evil person. Most abusive parents do love their children to some extent. They might believe that what they’re doing is for the child’s benefit, or might not even realize that they are being abusive. Anyone can be abusive. And the idea that abusive parents only have the most horrible motivations for their actions tends to indirectly hurt the children of abusive parents, because their experiences get dismissed or ignored on the basis that “this person can’t be abusive, they’re so nice!” Bruce is perfectly capable of believing in redemption for the villains he faces, of treating victims with kindness and understanding, of fighting for Gotham citizens getting help and support to avoid a criminal lifestyle, and hurting his children. Please understand that “this person shows empathy” is not an argument against the possibility of abuse.
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brucewaynehater101 · 19 days
There's this messy robins age reversal idea in my mind, but it centers around Tim mostly:
○ Tim Drake joins the batfamily late, only because him becoming a vigilante is still inspired by Dick, and Robin needs a Batman.
○ Ages: Babs - 9, Dick - 10, Cass - 15, Jason - 16, Stephanie - 18, Tim - 19, Damian - 25, Bruce - Old, Alfred - Ancient
○ Bruce is dead (lost in the timestream), Damian doesn't seem interested in taking care of Dick, Alfred is persevering, and Dick is on the loose and out for blood more than Damian and Stephanie are.
○ Not sure what Jason, Stephanie and Cass are doing :( I'm sorry
○ Nobody wants to take care of the newest ward with anger issues that rivals Damian. And no one stops him from going out one night. Because he snuck out.
○ Tim, on his usual night photography (collecting evidence for the GCPD AND some pics of the local vigilantes worryingly getting worse in their mental states) finds Robin cornered.
○ There's no way that the child is trained enough to be out on the streets with no parental supervision *cough*hypocrite*cough*, especially when they're wearing that.
○ Tim, who's only taken online self-defense lessons, jumps in and assists, "What's your vigilante name?!" "Robin!" "...You're serious?"
○ This is also the time he realizes the Batfam's identities because of Robin's quadruple flip. Yikes.
○ He lets Robin punch all the goons with all the anger of a prepubescent boy, and ties them all up.
○ "What are you doing out here? Where's Batman?"
○ "Batman's dead." And Tim realizes that Damian didn't take up the mantle.
○ After he takes Dick home, he tries and convince Damian to become Batman.
○ "Robin needs Batman!" "Being Batman is nothing but a curse!"
○ When a breakout happens, Nightwing (Damian) goes to take care of it, and Robin sneaks into helping. The both of them gets caught by Two-Face, and Alfred gives Tim Bruce's first costume. Which. Is super heavy so Tim opts to remove some (a whole bunch of) kevlar.
○ He arrives on scene, Damian tries to verbally eviscerate him, Dick is just happy to see Tim.
○ Tim outsmarts Two-Face and assists Damian and Dick in taking him down, mostly using more of his brain to beat Two-Face down smarter instead of harder.
○ The moment everyone is back home, Damian agrees to let Tim be Batman. But he (and Dick) will only go out once they're trained.
○ Ah, I know what Jason's doing now:
● "So, little warrior, do we have a deal?"
● "You better help me find my dad, Ra's."
● Maybe this is where Jason finds Cass, or something. Maybe before he left, he had a fallout with Damian because, "Him?! Batman is Dad's!"
● And you bet your money buckets that this family calls Bruce any variation of "Dad" because Damian calls him "Father" and when he's being affectionate, "Baba". Everyone picks it up.
● It's Dick who refuses to call Bruce anything more than B. Well, the others, too the first few months but, ehhhh... Also, Dick barely knows him other than that this is the guy who adopted him a week (months) ago and now he's gone???? What is his life? Why is it like this? Welp, time to punch some goons instead of facing the grief of losing another parental figure he definitely DID NOT get attached to :(
■ Jason, who recently died after Bruce because he was desperate to find at least one parent who isn't Damian to love him. Damian was Batman at the time, but was too late to save his little brother.
■ And then, Jason is revived because of universe altering shenanigans, and he sees that Damian let some random stranger take up the Batman mantle. He sees that there's this little child getting all of Damian's attention. He sees this girl who isn't Stephanie taking up the Spoiler Mantle.
■ Jason is still a child. One that Talia could use to manipulate to get rid of all the obstacles in Damian's way to greatness. It's so easy to whisper info into his head and let him come up with the wrong conclusions.
Like I said, this is all pretty messy. It made sense in my brain, but after writing it nothing made sense anymore.
There's a part in my mind where I want Dick to hand the Batman title back to Damian because the older man seemed ready for it, but Tim in his grief is still holding on to it. Damian, who is more mature about it, allows Tim to be Batman for a while more. He's waited his whole life, he can wait a few more years.
Heck, Jason could have a try at it as well if he wants.
Aghhh, I dunno. I just had vibes of: Older civilian Tim sees quadruple somersault = immediately knows almost all of the Batfamily's identities = "i can fix them and i'm allowed to because i'm an adult"
Hello!!! I love the opposite take of Tim becoming Batman for Robin instead of what happens in canon. It's a really cool idea I haven't seen before!
I am so interested in their backstories too. Did Tim's parents still die? Did Jason and Steph still die? How did Cass join the family? What was Damian's childhood like? Also, how does Tim joining late affect YJ?
There's so much to try to figure out here that I'm intrigued ^^
I would be down for figuring it out a bit more!
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night-fallz · 3 years
would anyone be interested in a Jason Todd x avengers crossover where the batfam get jealous cause of Jason’s interactions with them?
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asinoeiv · 5 years
My Jason looks like a Zombie, but I guess that's a good thing
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hood-ex · 3 years
I just saw the nick names for Dick by Jason ask and wondered if, Bruce has Nick names for Dick or his other children?
Not really. In older comics, he called Jason "Jay" sometimes. He's also called Cass "Cassie" before. The other ones don't really have nicknames. Stuff like "chum" and "lad" are more so variations of words like "kid" or "kiddo" sooo ehhhh. Yeah.
Bruce did call Dick "Robbie" one time or so when Dick was Robin lmao. That's usually a nickname you'd hear the Titans call Dick.
You can check out some other names the batfam have called each other here.
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corner-stories · 2 years
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
the first character i ever fell in love with:
Jason Todd (yes, i will confess that I was once a Jason Todd fangirl)
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
I hate to say it but Jason has changed so much over the years that I don't really like him anymore. I liked him pre-flashpoint bc he was an absolute bastard but also better written, but nowadays i don't really dig him
Admittedly I absolutely like the Arkham Knight portrayal of him because Troy Baker is an incredible actor but also instead of making him a sassy snarker they just lay on the angst and idk, i like it a bit more
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
Tim and Cassie (wonder girl)
my ultimate favorite character™:
Steph or Cass or Tim. I love them all equally.
prettiest character:
I gotta admit i'm a sucker for Babs and her hot librarian look
my most hated character:
When writers attempt to make Bruce the ultimate badass who can predict every move he just gets boring for me. Also writers who gloss over his occasional mistreatment of his children really gets on my nerves.
I don't hate Bruce but some certain writers just make him very intolerable imo
my OTP:
my NOTP:
Y'know as a kid I was very very into Wonderbat due to the DCAU so now no other Bruce ship really does it for me
favorite episode:
Recently I reread Teen Titans: Year One and the very layered portrayal of Dick's complicated relationship with Bruce (when he's barely sixteen even!) really spoke to me.
saddest death:
The OG Death in the Family comic still breaks my heart
favorite season:
Red Hood: Lost Days i.e what I think of when I think of Jason Todd
least favorite season:
lol remember Ric Grayson?
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
I think I've already established I don't really love the sassy snarky Jaybird of recent. A good Jason Todd doesn't need Roy Harper to be character assassinated to stand out
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
Uhhhhh I formally reject this question to not get any more angry anons then I will already have
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
Listen I barely even know what DC is doing with Cassandra Cain rn but my instincts say that she deserves better
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
Bc I haven't mentioned my fondness for pre-Flashpoint Jason enough I will confess my soft spot for JayDonna.
Especially because pre-Flashpoint they definitely bonded over the shared experience of dying and being reborn. Also that one NTT issue where Donna leads a squad with him in it has a very great character moment where Jason reminds her that she should stop treating him like he's Dick Grayson and it helps bring Donna back to earth when she struggles with leadership.
God, I can't believe I was dumb enough to believe that Titans United would build upon this dynamic.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:
ehhhh can't think of anything rn
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3ijgjHw
by night_fallz
It wasn’t a secret that Jason isn’t the easiest person to get along with. It was why so many people in the Justice League kept him at arms length until they needed him. So imagine Jason’s surprise when he manages to find a family in the avengers.
or: that one time Jason decided to be a decent human being and helped someone fight off a bunch of ninjas.
Words: 1471, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of jason todd x avengers
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Jason Todd, Clint Barton, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Roy Harper, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Loki (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel)
Relationships: Batfamily Members & Jason Todd, Avengers Team & Jason Todd, Clint Barton & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Roy Harper & Jason Todd
Additional Tags: BAMF Jason Todd, cause I'm done with him being underestimated, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Clint Barton Is a Good Bro, Batfamily (DCU) Feels, Batfamily Dynamics (DCU), Bruce Wayne is Bad at Relationships, Jealous Batfamily, Jealous Bruce Wayne, Jealous Dick Grayson, Jealous Tim Drake, Jealous Damian Wayne, avengers and Jason get along, jason and batfam are ehhhh, Jason Todd-centric, Protective Jason Todd, civil war didn't happen so they avengers are all happy, because I said so, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, and the avengers will give it to him, Smart Jason Todd, Protective Avengers, Protective Roy Harper
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3ijgjHw
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breezy-cheezy · 7 years
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Last doodle batch for like...18 months. Haha. I’m just glad I could finally get these compiled! Mainly a sketch dump for my Psychonauts daemon AU, now along with some batfam daemon sketches (thanks @x-i-l-verify for enabling me :’D ) I was inspired by a patronus post that used similar language as daemon typing, and kinda...ran with it. Most were pretty spot on, but I did mess with Bruce’s and Damian’s daemons a little bit. Now Damian is a cat soul (more about that here), and Bruce is a greater sooty owl who’s nocturnal, adaptable, sedentary, introverted, sometimes found to live in caves, and very protective of their babies. :’> I felt like birds of prey would be close, owls in particular, and I think this one could work nicely~
Annnnnd Batfam Voltron AU. Thanks @raberbagirl.  I’d place Jason as Black just for laughs haha he looks like SHiro we get it but his instability and rather wild temperament seemed better for Red! Bruce for Black, Dick for blue (hahaha it even looks kind of like his Nightwing outfit X’D) and...I really went back and forth for the last 2 alot. I eventually decided Green for Timmy, since he seems to rely more on intellect/technology as his strength, and Damian has been putting more focus and drive in his strength of heart. So yeah, could go either way, probably not the best fit, but I think he could work for Yellow? Not to mention he has mechanical skills similar to Hunk...like when he fixed himself up a jetpack :P 
Just...maybe swap Jason’s and TImmy’s motivations a bit. Jason ends up getting in a ton of trouble (and dying) in his canon, all to look for his missing (biological) mother, so maybe she got lost in space and he dropped out of school to look for her??...meanwhile TImmy continued to search for Bruce when he “died” that one time in the comics, even when no one else believed him...so he’s the one searching for the Black paladin/his father/mentor, sneaking into school to sift through so many lies and data...you could do some things with this.
I have NO IDEA who’d be Allura and Coran though?? Babara and Gordon?? Starfire would be a fabulous fit for Allura I think, but who’d be Coran??? ...Maybe Cass and Alfred could work???? I really don’t know, up to you guys I guess.
I got some other great prompts I’ll be working with on my mission, maybe I’ll get to share them someday ;;v;; Thank you all!!!
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night-fallz · 3 years
Jason Todd x Avengers Crossover
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Ao3 // Wattpad
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Unexpected (part 3)
If he knew that he would be blamed for murdering someone the moment he got back to Gotham, then Jason would’ve waited another week or two before returning.
No matter what a lot of people said, Jason wasn’t stupid. He knows not to expect things that were unlikely to happen.
Jason couldn’t risk raising his hopes when it came to the bats.
He knew that he wasn’t gonna receive a warm welcome filled with hugs and cupcakes. Honestly, the most he expected was a nod of acknowledgment. And if he was lucky, then maybe- maybe he would’ve gotten a smile with the quiet whisper of a welcome back.
It made his heart twist in all the wrong ways to know that his family didn’t trust him as much as he thought. Jason genuinely believed that he and the bats were on good enough terms to earn him the benefit of the doubt.
He forced himself not to flinch as he met Batman’s harsh, distrustful gaze.
“I wasn’t even here when he was killed,” Jason tried to say as calmly as he could, knowing that if he loses his temper, everyone would use it against him. “I was following a case up in New York.”
He couldn’t go back to Arkham! Not again. Not with the Joker only a few cells away from him, taunting him with his laughter— his voice filled with cruel exhilaration as he continuously promised Jason that they would play together once again. How he would soon be reunited with his favorite playmate.
His favorite Robin.
He heard someone suck in a breath behind him.
Jason didn’t expect anyone to defend him. Not against Batman. But still-
He didn’t expect them to just stand and watch as Batman tore him into shreds once again. Batman threw accusation over accusation, yet he never once provided a single piece of evidence that proved it was Jason that did it.
He took a step towards Jason and he had to force himself not to flinch. Batman wouldn’t… not with his kids in the same room.
He ignored the rising panic in his stomach. Jason was safe.
He was safe.
Bruce wouldn’t beat him in the cave. Not in front of everyone. Not in front of Damian.
Jason would be able to walk out of the cave with his ability to walk. He was gonna be okay.
“Look, B. You can even ask them,” he pointed at the spot where Dick and the others were standing. “I told them that I was leaving Gotham for a while.”
Batman turned to where Jason was pointing. “Well?” he asked expectantly.
The cave was engulfed in eerie silence before Tim opened his mouth, faltering a little when he met Jason’s pleading gaze. “He’s not lying Bruce. He told me that he had a mission out of Gotham while we were hanging out a few weeks ago.”
Jason could feel his chest loosen up for a few seconds, thankful that Tim confirmed his statement.
He remembered the day that Tim was talking about. The bats were getting even clingier than usual. They weren’t even trying to hide the fact that they were following Jason anymore.
Tim asked Jason if he wanted to watch a movie and Jason agreed.
The bats were gonna be watching him anyways— they didn’t even try to hide the fact that they bugged him and all the known safehouses he has.
At this point, Jason didn’t know whether he should feel offended with how much they underestimated or relieved.
They already viewed him as dangerous and unpredictable. If they ever find out that Jason’s been holding back, even if it was just a little-
He won’t let them throw him back to Arkham. Jason would rather go back to the League of Assassins.
If Jason wasn’t watching Batman so closely, he would’ve missed the sliver of a nod the man-made.
Jason tried not to think of the fact that Bruce immediately accepted Tim’s answer without hesitation.
For the millionth time in this conversation, he wished that he was wearing his helmet. Instead, he forced his expression to remain calm. To remain bored as turned back to Bruce an eyebrow raised.
“Is that good enough proof for you, old man?” he couldn’t help but spit out, bitterness clear in his voice.
Batman remained unaffected, not even bothering to verbally answer Jason’s question. Instead, he just nodded.
Jason’s heart clenched, of course, he wouldn’t get an apology. Batman was too prideful for that.
“Truth.” Cassandra’s voice rang across the cave, breaking the heavy silence. “No… not lie.”
Batman nodded once again and Cassandra’s eyes met his. It took everything in him to stop a retort from coming out of his mouth.
Couldn’t she have said that a few minutes ago? Before Batman ripped him apart like he was nothing but flimsy paper.
Still, he guessed he should be thankful that she defended him. Even though it was too late.
After a few seconds of no one saying anything, Dick broke the awkwardness with an annoying smile on his face. “Now that that’s settled, why don’t we get that movie started?”
It was only because of all his training that Jason didn’t break down right there.
Of course this was just another thing that they’d sweep under the rug. Something that they would never want to speak off again.
Discussions of what movie they were supposed to watch erupted the room. It didn’t take long for an argument to break out between Damian and Tim.
Jason watched the scene for a few seconds before looking away.
They looked like a real family.
He turned away, these things happened frequently enough for Jason to know that he wasn’t welcomed.
He blocked out all the noise as he walked towards his helmet, eager to put it back on.
It was only a matter of luck that the universe hated him so much that he knocked something down, the thumping noise alerting everyone that he was about to leave.
Jason couldn’t help but feel relieved that he put on his helmet as soon as he got his hands on it.
At least he didn’t have to go to all the trouble to force his expression to remain impassive anymore.
Batman could use it against him.
Dick’s eyebrows furrowed, “Where are you going, Jay? I thought you were joining us tonight.”
“Yeah, well maybe I’m not in the mood to watch a stupid movie tonight.” Jason spits out.
Was Dick being serious right now? There were so many things wrong with that question.
One: Why would Jason want to spend more time with the people who thought he murdered someone and didn’t even bother to defend him.
And two-
No one invited Jason.
Before anyone could say anything else, Jason hopped on his motorcycle. He needed to get out of the cave.
He could feel their eyes on his back but no one bothered to stop him.
The last thing he heard was Cassandra’s voice assuring the bats. “Be back,” she said with enough confidence that one would think that she could command Jason to turn around with only her words. “He will be back.”
Jason held in the harsh remark that threatened to leave his lips.
Plus, it wasn’t like Cassandra was lying. He knew it— and hell, the rest of Bats probably knew it too.
Jason would come back. He always did.
It wasn’t like he had anywhere else to go.
But for now, he needed to get away. He thought that one week would be enough to calm the pit.
It wasn’t.
In fact, he feels like the interaction with the bats today just made it worst.
He’ll stay away from them for two weeks. That should be enough time for the pit to stop screaming at him.
But who would he stay with?
Jason had enough experience to know that the best way to calm the pit was to surround yourself with people you trust.
Kori and Roy were still in space.
And Talia was busy with the civil war against Ra’s.
Jason had no one else.
His phone grew heavier in his pocket and he remembered that an Avenger owed him a favor.
Clint said that Jason could text him whenever.
And the more he thought about it, the more Jason decided that he did trust the archer in some way.  
Jason soon found himself staring at the side mirror of the vehicle and poisonous green eyes stared back.
He quickly averted his eyes.
Clint was his last choice. And Jason couldn’t risk being in the peak of a pit episode without anyone to keep him in his place.  
He could do this.
It wasn’t like he had another choice.
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Balancing out school and volleyball was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Only one month has passed and I am swamped with work.
I don’t know how I feel about this chapter. It’s not my best work but I wanted to put something out for you guys!!
I hope that you liked it.
I’m gonna spend this weekend to try and get my life together so hopefully, that means that next week will be easier for me.
Especially since I still need to finish my permit course. (If you couldn’t tell, I’m kinda hating sophomore year of high school right now)
Like always, please leave a comment. i love reading them and they just motivate me so much! And they would help an extra ton these days.
And once again, if you have any fanfic requests, questions, or just suggestions for a specific fanfic i’m writing, just leave it in a comment down below or you can just message me here on tumblr.  
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night-fallz · 3 years
Jason Todd x Avengers Crossover
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Ao3 // Wattpad
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Unexpected (part 2)
Two days have passed since Clint was saved by Jason. And for some reason, he still can't get the vigilante out of his mind.
Natasha teased him about it but he knows that if she sees Jason in action, she would be intrigued as well.
The way he fought was mesmerizing. Every bullet that was shot was so precisely aimed that the wounds weren't deadly.
Sure it knocked them out, but they weren't gonna die.
That form of marksmanship was only earned through years of hard work. And Clint's worked with Bucky enough times to know that Jason somehow predicted the next move of the attackers, aiming at the non-lethal body parts.
He has a feeling that Bucky and Jason would make an incredible duo.
Which is why he needs them to meet.
Clint doesn't usually do this but the more he thought about the bucket-wearing vigilante, the higher his list of questions got.
He took out his phone, leaning against the couch as he searched for the man that saved him.
vigilante wearing red bucket
He scrolled through google trying to find a decent article on the guy.
After thirty whole minutes of barely finding information, Clint wanted to throw his phone across the room. So far, all he's figured out was that Jason's territory was in Gotham and that his vigilante name is 'Red Hood'.
Which was... creative in a way?
At least it wasn't 'Red Bucket' or 'Bucket Head' or anything like that. It was definitely better than 'Green Arrow'.
After another failed search, he decided to finally give up. There was nothing about Red Hood. All the articles were mainly about Batman, Nightwing, a restaurant place, and a Robin!
He groaned and put his face in his hands. He doesn't care about those overrated heroes, he wants to find out more about Red Hood.
The guy was so cool... he wonders why there were barely any pieces written about him. The few sentences that he's read about the vigilante almost always depicted him in a bad light.
Which was honestly unfair.
He stared at his phone, contemplating on whether or not he should ask Natasha.
On the positive side, he knows that the assassin would have information on Red Hood. Natasha has information on everyone.
Clint didn't want Natasha to tease him even more! If she keeps up with the sarcastic comments then the other Avengers would be curious. And curious Avengers meant nosy people.
He felt himself shiver, really nosy people.
He swears that if he had a sister— older or younger, they would act exactly like how Natasha was acting right now.
He could practically imagine the smirk she was wearing on her face when she picked up.
"Hey, Clint." she casually greeted, "How are you?"
He refrained from gritting his teeth, "I'm doing good." he paused, eyes closing as he took a breath in, this hurt to admit. "I need your help."
"I know."
"What do you know about the Red Hood?"
"The Red Hood?" she hummed under her breath, "Let's see."
Clint heard her moving things around, then he could distinctly hear the noise of paper being flipped. "Do you just have documents of random vigilantes lying around your room?" he couldn't help but ask. "Is this an assassin thing?"
Does Bucky do this too?
"I'm getting you the information you need." she reminded, "How I keep track of the data I have is none of your business."
"Okay, okay." he surrendered, a smile making its way onto his face. "But why don't you just keep it on a computer? Wouldn't that make things easier for you?"
She ignored his question, "Red Hood is an excellent marksman," she stated. "He made his debut as a crime lord by showing a bunch of people a duffel bag filled with the heads of notorious criminals."
Clint let out a whistle, "That is an intense introduction. He's even better than I thought he would be."
"Yeah," Natasha agreed. "He's easily one of the most dangerous and capable vigilantes in Gotham. In a matter of months, he's managed to bring crime down Crime Alley by at least fifty percent. Something that Batman himself, couldn't do. His methods were vicious, but they worked. Extremely well. He's killed a lot of child molesters, human traffickers, and rapists."
Even though Natasha couldn't see him, he tilted his head to the side, biting the inside of his cheek. Clint could care less about what methods Jason used. If they worked, they worked. And it's not like those criminals didn't deserve it. It's just-
Killing takes a lot out of you. Especially when you're young. Clint would know.
He had no doubt in his head that Jason was an incredible fighter. Not to mention that he was also huge— in both height and muscle.
He can see why he has a majority of Gotham fooled.
But, for about a minute, after they won against the ninjas, Jason removed his helmet in order to get a breath of fresh air.
A mask might've been covering his eyes, but Clint's been in the vigilante business for years now. He remembers clear as day, just how young the vigilante looked under the sun.
When Clint first started, he was thankful that he had Natasha to talk to whenever things got hard. Whenever he felt guilty for taking someone's life. No matter how much they deserved it.
Hell, he's still thankful for Natasha now. Without her, Clint would probably be dead. His body found bleeding out in an abandoned area, a neat row of scars on his thighs and arms.
He hopes that Jason has a friend like Natasha. Someone who'd be there for him no matter what. Someone who'd remind him that he was worth it. That he was loved.
Cause if not, then there is no way that the kid is okay.
Natasha's sharp voice interrupted his thoughts, "That was a few years ago. As far as I know, he doesn't kill anymore. The farthest that Hood would go now would be to permanently cripple someone. And even then, he would only do that when the person did something unforgivable."
After a few seconds of silence, Clint opened his mouth. "Is that it?" he couldn't help but question.
"Nope," Natasha admitted. "But it's all I'm willing to tell you."
"Fine then," he smirked. "Keep your assassiny secrets. I got more than I expected anyways."
"What did you get yourself into, Clint? Why all the sudden interest in him? Why all the sudden interest in a vigilante in Gotham?"
He knows that Natasha was just looking out for him. She was worried. "Do you remember a few days ago when I was saved by this Jason guy?" he asked.
"Yeah? You've been talking about him nonstop. He saved your ass and you gave him your number." she paused before adding, "Your private one."
He nodded, "Yeah. Well, he's the Red Hood."
"You're kidding."
"Nope. I searched him up and he had the same costume and everything."
"And he actually said that his name was Jason?"
"Yep." he tried to casually say, "It's probably cause Jason's a popular name and stuff."
"Maybe." Natasha hesitantly agreed, "But anyway, since you gave him your number, I think you should know that I've always wanted to meet him so if he texts you soon..."
Her voice trailed off and Clint couldn't hold in his sigh, "Yeah, yeah. I'll arrange a meet-up or whatever."
Her voice automatically brightened, "Actually?"
The corner of his mouth lifted, "Sure. But I wanted to introduce him to Bucky first."
Natasha made a shocked sound of betrayal, "Wha- but Clint!" she whined, "I'm the one who's asking. Not him."
"I know."
It took everything in him to stop the laugh from escaping his mouth.
Complaints about how unfair Clint was being made their way onto his ears and he relished each and every one of them. It wasn't often that he had something Natasha wanted.
Revenge was sweet.
After a few minutes, he let out an incredibly fake gasp. "Sorry, Natasha. I gotta go. I have a kitchen emergency."
"What the fuck, Clint." she demanded, "You don't even know how to cook. Remember the omelet incident? What emerg-"
He hung up.
Clint's definitely going to regret ending the call later. He knows it.
But right now, he could care less.
He has something Natasha wants, so she won't murder him.
... hopefully.
He hopes that he runs into the vigilante soon. Jason was cool and pretty fun to talk to. Clint definitely won't mind fighting at Red Hood's side once more.
They worked really well together.
While they were fighting, he knew that Jason was gonna have his back. He knew that Jason wasn't gonna let him get hurt. It was weird, considering that was the first encounter he's ever had with him.
He doesn't know when Jason is gonna decide to use his number, but he hopes that it'll be soon.
He has questions. And whenever Jason was ready, Clint hopes that he can answer.
Starting with the one that's been clouding his head; why did the Red Hood stop killing?
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okay, I didn’t expect to write a chapter this soon. but reading all the comments you guys left on the previous chapter motivated me. to be honest, I didn’t expect this fanfic to get as many hits as it did.
I don’t know when I’m planning on posting this chapter but right now, my goal is to write as much as I can.
I also don’t know exactly how busy my sophomore year of high school will be, but I feel like it’s better to be safe than sorry. Especially if I make the school volleyball team.
I finished writing this chapter on August 8th, and I have tryouts on the 9th through the 11th from 4-6 pm. (wish me luck!)
like always, please, please, please, leave a comment. i love reading them and they just motivate me so much! Whenever I get author’s block, I just re-read them and they help so, so much. If you don’t wanna leave a comment, that’s fine. If you liked this fanfic, please hit that kudos button though.
and if you just wanna chat or if you want to request any ideas or prompts, just message me here.
ooh, and if there’s anything specific you want to read in this series, please tell me. It never hurts to have any extra ideas. plus, I really want to make this fic more enjoyable for everyone.
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