alien-shmalien · 3 months
I think you guys should send me some art requests. need to get back into art again
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iamleesi · 1 month
Pairing: Avenger! Bucky Barnes x OC! Avenger Reader
Summary: You and Bucky think there’s something the brothers are hiding. You and Dean go to investigate and let’s just say you leave the scene feeling worse than before.
Warnings: Mention of a missing person, mention of an alcoholic, creepy stuff.
Other: English isn’t my first language so I apologize for eventual mistakes. -> 18+ !!
-> Masterlist
-> Part two ; Part four
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-> Investigation (03)
As the shrill sound of the alarm pierced silence of the morning, you groaned and reluctantly cracked open your eyes. God, if you were tired. You and Bucky had spent the whole previous night with Sam and Dean, talking about the case and getting to know each other a little better. It had been a bit awkward, though, because Bucky didn’t even try to look interested and you weren’t really the social butterfly either.
But those two? Dean was about as social as a dead snake and Sam… at least Sam tried. But it was kind of hard considering the evident fight the two brothers had going on, whatever the reason was.
Tossing aside the sheets, you swung your legs over the edge of the bed, your feet meeting the cold hardwood floor. The sunlight filtered through the curtains and you lazily rubbed your eyes and got up, walking towards the bathroom to take a quick shower.
You didn’t sleep much last night, as your mind kept reminding you of the case you were working on. You had dealt with Hydra-related missions before, but never like this. And for some reason, this time you felt a shiver run down your spine every time you thought about it.
You walked downstairs all refreshed, even if you wouldn’t be opposite to hop into bed once again, and the scent of coffee filled the rooms. You figured it must have been Bucky, since the spot on the couch where he slept on last night was empty. He had refused to sleep in the same bed as you and, honestly, you didn’t comply much. No reason to make the situation more awkward than it already was.
As you walked into the kitchen, your eyes immediately fell on Bucky who was engrossed in the files of the case spread out on the table.
You cleared your throat, breaking the silence as you sat down a few seats away from him. “Morning.”
Bucky glanced up, almost as if he didn’t even hear you walk in. But you know he did, he was just not acknowledging you. “Took you long enough.” He muttered.
You rolled your eyes as you poured yourself some coffee, frowning when you noticed some muffins on the table as well. “Who are those from?”
“I bought them this morning.” He grunted. “As a sweet husband buying breakfast for his wife.”
“Mrs Barnes appreciates.” You mocked him, as you didn’t think twice about eating one of those delicious muffins. You were starving without even realizing. “Anything new?” You asked, referring to the files.
“No.” He simply said. “But I think those two are hiding something.” He admitted, and that made you frown.
“Who? Sam and Dean?”
“Yeah.” He nodded, his eyes finding yours. “Don’t tell me you didn’t notice their behavior yesterday. They’re also related, Fury never sends siblings on a mission together since it could compromise the whole thing if feelings are involved.”
“I did notice, that’s why I called Fury.” You said. “He told me they’re good in what they do and that he had no other options.”
“Sounds weird.” He muttered.
“Very. But Fury knows what he’s doing, so… let’s just go with the flow.” You shrugged, biting the chocolate muffin. “Mrs Barnes would also love some pizza tonight.” You hinted, smirking at his annoyed expression.
“Eat that quickly because Dean is taking you on a trip today.” He rolled his eyes at you, getting up. “Should be here anytime now, I met him early this morning.”
“He insisted on taking you to interrogate Cassandra’s family today, the nurse. See if you can find a lead or something.” He explained.
“Wasn’t I supposed to be the stay at home wife?” You raises a brown but didn’t complain. You could never complain if it meant trying to solve this case and go back home as soon as possible.
“Change of plans.”
“And you? What are you doing today?” You inquired. Knowing him, he’d never stay at home doing nothing.
“Sam’s gonna come over. There are a few files of missing people we need to look at.”
* * * *
You and Dean stood in front Cassandra’s parents’ house, both of you dressed formally for this. He gave you a fake badge that you had no idea how he got, but didn’t pry as it wasn’t the right time. He adjusted his tie, before turning to look at you. “Ready?” His voice was low, and he wanted to make sure you both were on the same page before starting.
Your nod was all he needed before he ran the bell, the sound was heard even from the outside.
It didn’t take long for someone to open the door, and soon enough it cracked open revealing Mrs Miller’s tear-streaked face. Her eyes were red-rimmed, her expression a mix of grief and suspicion.
“What do you want?” She snapped looking mostly at you rather than him, her voice full of bitterness.
Dean flashed his badge and the action reminded you to do the same, his expression remained stoic mirroring your own. “Mrs Miller, we’re the with the FBI. We need to ask you a few questions about your daughter.”
“Stepdaughter.” She clarified. The woman’s gaze flickered between the both of you, her demeanor was guarded which was rather suspicious. Or maybe it was just grief and she wanted to be left alone, you didn’t know. “I’ve already told the police everything I know. I don’t have time for this.”
You stepped forward as soon as you understood that she was about to close the door. “We understand this is a difficult time for you, Mrs Miller, but we’re here to know more about Cassandra. We want to bring her home.”
“Just…” The woman hesitated for a moment before reluctantly stepping aside, allowing you and Dean to walk inside. “Be quick.”
As you and him stepped over the threshold, you took your time to see your surrounding which weren’t exactly what you expected. Inside, the atmosphere was stagnant. You could see that all the windows in your sight were locked and dusty, which is something you didn’t notice from the outside.
At each step you took towards the living room, the flower beneath your weight cracked. The furniture was dusty, clearly untouched in a long, long time and the cobwebs hung from the ceiling - they almost occupied every angle of the house. The thing that really made you shiver were those pictures hanged on the walls.
The faces of Cassandra’s family starred back at you, their eyes seemed cold and lifeless. There was something off about the way they were arranged, but you couldn’t wrap your head around what it was.
You and Dean sat down onto the worn couch of the dusty living room, the tension could be cut with a knife. Mrs Miller hovered nearby, her movements seemed stiff and unnatural like a marionette being pulled by invisible strings.
On one side, you could understand. This woman had lost her only daughter just a few days ago - even if there were no proof she was dead, both you and Dean suspected it and maybe she thought so too.
Still, you knew something wasn’t quite right with the oldest woman.
Dean’s voice cut through the silence and the tense atmosphere as he began to ask questions about Cassandra’s whereabouts, his tone firm yet empathetic. “Can you tell us about Cassandra’s routine? Did she mention anything unusual happening to her the days before she went missing?” 
Mrs Miller shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her eyes flickering for the slightest moment towards the staircase. “She - she was always so independent. She didn’t have - she didn’t tell me much about her comings and goings.” Not once she met his eyes. Nor yours. “She - she had - she had an ex boyfriend I think.”
You saw it then. There was a guardedness in her response, as if she was scared to say the wrong thing and spill too much information.
“Can you think of anyone who wanted to harm Cassandra in anyway?” You inquired, your eyes fixed solely on her. “Maybe this ex boyfriend of hers?“
Mrs Miller’s gaze shifted nervously between you and the man at your side, but when you spoke up her eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that sent a chill down your spine. Nothing ever scared you, but this somehow felt almost supernatural. “Adam was - is - was - an alcoholic. Yes, yes he is an alcoholic.”
“Can you tell us more about their relationship?” You asked, trying to keep your tone neutral.
Mrs Miller’s lips tightened, her eyes staring into yours - she seemed to despise you. She looked at Dean normally, but whenever she turned to look at you it felt like she wanted to come for your neck. “Why do you want to know about - about Adam? What does he have to do with any of this - leave him alone! Please leave him alone!”
“Mrs Miller, we’re not accusing anyone. We just want to know more about Cassandra.” Dean said softly, trying to calm her down.
Her eyes widened, her breath coming in shallow gasps. “She - she was always so careful. Always looked over her shoulders - oh, he needs to eat, do you mind letting him eat?” She started to ramble incoherent words after wards, which left both you and Dean momentarily speechless. “He needs to eat now - it’s the voices. Always whispering - he needs to eat. Always - I need to feed him… where’s my husband? My husband, where’s my husband?”
“It’s best if we leave, Dean.” You whispered as Mrs Miller’s sanity became thinner by the second.
The look she gave you felt almost threatening, as if you had asked something way too personal. “No. He needs to eat.” She said sternly. “Everyone in this family loved her. Everyone. Everyone.” She started to nervously pinch her arm, and you wondered if perhaps you asked the wrong thing. “Everyone loved her.” She repeated again, as if it was a mantra.
Dean was about to say something when you all heard a sudden noise from upstairs, a sharp bang that reverberated through the quiet house. It happened once, then twice and then it transformed to something that you associated with someone scratching wood.
“We should take a look upstairs.” Dean said, keeping his voice slow and steady considering that woman seemed to be getting worse by the second.
In fact, without any of you two saying another word, her composure began to crack; her breathing became more ragged and erratic. Then, without you could comprehend what the fuck was going on, she erupted into a fit of hysterical laughter, the sound echoing off the walls like a sinister symphony.
Before you or Dean could react, Mrs Miller rose to her feet in an instant, her movements were frenetic and unpredictable. “You can’t help her! No one can!” Her laugh intensified if possible.
You wish to say you never assisted to something like this before, but you’d lie. Your composure in front of her meltdown was something that would leave people questioning whether you were sane yourself or not.
“Mrs Mil-”
The woman cut him off in an instant. “You need to leave! You can’t help her!” She yelled, her voice echoing through the house and the cracks on the walls.
From the corner of your eye, you saw Dean wanting to interviene but you were quick to grab his arm. “Dean.” You warned, your voice low as the woman started to throw things around. “Let’s go.”
With one last glance at the crazy woman before you, Dean nodded - to your surprise, he had that same look on your face. He didn’t seem fazed by what was happening which left you with a few questions. Together you made your way to the door with Mrs Miller hysterical screams echoing in your ears. 
You two stepped out of there closing the door behind you. Without a word you walked towards his car, but you suddenly stopped in your tracks - slowly, almost as if you felt someone watching you, you turned around again. Your eyes drifted to the upstairs window and your blood ran cold.
In the dim light, a shadowy figure loomed from behind the window; it’s form distorted and twisted. It seemed to sway ominously as if taunting you from the darkness. That thing stared back at you with those empty eyes - literally empty eyes, and your legs refused to move.
Dean followed your gaze, his jaw clenched. “It’s not my imagination, is it?” He muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.
“No.” You answered, your voice not louder than his.
You felt him grab your arm, and the next thing you knew is that he pulled you inside the car and drove away from the house - and you swore you were still feeling those empty eyes on you even when you were far away from it.
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midnightfire830 · 8 months
Blog Boundaries
So. It’s come to my attention that I need to set down some ground rules and boundaries. I’ve noticed some, uh, behavior for lack of a better term that just doesn’t sit right with me. So I’m going to lay out my boundaries for my blog and as an artists. I’ll put what I’m ok with and what I’m not ok with so this can kinda be a reference guide for my blog.
This may be a bit harsh and I’m sorry. Those who have gone across those boundaries BEFORE I made this post are ok as long as you start to follow the ground rules from here on.
I am ok with:
- People drawing my AUs and characters as long as you either @ me or mention that it belongs to me. (Hell, I’ll even reblog and help support ur drawings)
- Asks about my AUs and characters in general are ok. From questions about how an AU works/aspects, questions directed to my characters, or even if you wanna give something to the characters (I’ve seen that done in some blogs and as of now I don’t mind that, just pls don’t go overboard, thanks)
- I don’t think I mind inputting your OCs if your doing drawings of my AUs or characters. Just don’t expect me to make it canon or draw it into canon. (This one is iffy I might take this off if it goes overboard)
- Clarification in the comments section. If there was an ask that didn’t fully explain something or you wanted to clear something up then by all means go to the comments I don’t mind. Or put in another ask. That’s another way to do it.
- I also don’t think I mind people putting in requested ideas in asks for now. Tho there’s a chance I won’t do it if I’m not too motivated by the request. (Again this rule may change depending on how it goes from here on)
Things I am NOT ok with:
- Asking me or pressuring me to draw your AUs, characters, or OCs. This has come up a few times but I want to officially put it on record that if you ask me to, I will say no. Even for asks. Any kinds of other OCs or AUs I draw would only be for my close friends.
- Spamming me with the same asks. If you sent in an ask and I didn’t response don’t send in the same ask again. (That includes reiterating the same ask) I can see all interactions with my blog and posts. I see your asks, replies, comments, reblogs, and likes. If I do not respond to your ask it is for a good reason. Sometimes I’m trying to answer other asks, I’m drawing up a response (that takes time), I’m holding on to it for a later date, I’m lacking motivation on answering or I just don’t want to. Pressuring me to answer your ask Doesn’t. Help. Just because you put in an ask doesn’t always mean you’rs entitled to an answer.
- Being aggressive or pushy with asks. I’m ok with playful aggression targeted towards characters (say for example someone expressing they hate Dice from Royalty) that’s ok. But there’s a line. And some have started to toe that line. Please tone it down a bit.
- Please don’t include me in any kinds of drama. Both internet and off. This includes political topics, wars, events, gossip, etc. I seriously don’t want anything to do with it. The purpose of this blog is to share my AUs and ideas and support other artists. Not for internet drama. If you’re gonna tag me it should be about art, AUs, and fandom related. I’m not gonna waste my energy, time, or stress on other stuff like that.
- And ig in terms of topics I want to avoid things like: NSFW, incest, p*dophilia, r*pe, permanent disfiguration (like chopping off limbs stuff outside of I guess whatever I have built into the lore of my AUs), outright physical torture or major character death. (The usual things)
Warning: if you cross one of these boundaries I will give you a few warnings. If you continue to cross boundaries I will block you.
I’m sorry to be harsh about this but I really have to put my foot down on this. I can’t tolerate people who won’t respect my boundaries.
This post might be subject to change and updated as time goes and as I interact more with viewers/readers. If you are wondering if something you’re doing might be crossing a boundary, you can use this post as a reference. I’ll pin it to my blog so anyone can find it.
If you are still not sure or want clarification, or you have a specific circumstance in mind, you can jump down to the comments section of this post, send me an ask, or even go to my DMs (if you want to ask privately). I will more than likely see your question and I’ll try my best to answer as soon as possible. It might take a bit depending on if I’m busy IRL. So please be patient.
Anyway, thank you guys for taking the time to read this and respecting my boundaries. Your support with my blog and art so far is greatly appreciated im excited to continue to interact with y’all going forward! (stars I sound like I’m writing a business email XP)
Also, I apologize if it might come off as harsh or passive aggressive, I’m a little bit steamed at the moment and I’m trying to make this as neutral as possible! 😅
Thanks again,
Last updated: 11/01/23
Also bc this post was helpful, this link will take you to the AU guide I had pinned previously
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cyareclones · 1 year
Hey all! I wanted to post my new prices + updated terms/examples so those who are interested in commissions have an idea of what my rates look like.
flat color commissions have full color, but minimal shading
rendered commissions have full color, and are rendered with full detail, light source + bounce light, and an overall “finished” look
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$65 Rendered
(+50% per additional character, 2 max)
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$60 Flat
$75 Rendered
(+50% per additional character, 4 max)
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$90 Flat
$115 Rendered
(+50% per additional character, 4 max)
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Because finished pieces range in detail and composition, prices are calculated based on my existing base prices, the commissioners idea, and complexity of the background, lighting and overall composition. For a quote on a finished piece, please send me a proposal with the commission type (fullbody/half/portrait), total # of characters, and any background, posing, and lighting specifications!
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Payments are to be made upfront, in USD via PayPal.
Price may increase depending on the complexity of the character.
No refunds if I’ve already started working on the commission.
Rights + Usage:
I have the right to reject any commission for any reason.
I retain the rights to any commissioned artwork.
Commissioned artwork is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may mot use the artwork for commercial use/profit/merchandise.
You may post/crop/print the artwork for personal use with credit to me.
You may not use commissioned artwork in any AI training model/program or NFT projects.
Will draw: original characters, fanart/canon characters, your clone ocs!
Won’t draw: mecha, NSFW, excessive gore or PDA.
Clear reference photos are REQUIRED, I will not work from descriptions.
Please be specific about what you want, the more specific the better
Please make yourself familiar with my work if you aren’t already, more examples can be found in my art tag: #cyaredraws (there are also past commissions that can be found in my tag #cyarecomms)
I do not accept hard deadlines of any kind. I will work at my own pace, please do not rush me
If you’re interested in a commission (when they are open), please send proposals to my dms or in an email to [email protected] :]
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packedlunchmeat · 3 months
I’m deciding to open commissions once more! And finally making them public rather than just offering to friends.
This took a TON of deliberation, as I fear as an artist being taken advantage of for my time. And so, before we get into pricing and my boundaries as an artist, lets talk ground rules! Just so you, as a potential customer, understand my expectations as the artist.
(Also please be patient with me as I work 12 hour shifts at a hospital, so it may take a few weeks to get to yours if it’s behind a lot of others in the queue)
First come, first serve
This is mainly because I like to prioritize those who come to me first. With this being said though, if you express interest in a commission from me, but do not state what you are wanting, as well as a price range you are going for, I will prioritize a person who has already given me a commission request. Basically! I put you in the queue the moment we have a request worked out! :-)
No revisions after a finalized sketch
This is mainly to protect myself as the artist, and you as the customer from being in a perpetual revision cycle, after already finalizing the sketch. If you aren’t happy with something, please let me know before I begin the line art process! Once I begin to do line art or color, I enter a zone where doing any sort of serious revision could cause the quality to diminish!
Make sure it’s my art you are wanting!
I do do a plethora of art style mocks like persona 5 eye cut ins, as well as other sorts of persona art style stuff. But I don’t wish to copy another artists style thats already offering commissions. If you’re wanting a certain style that isn’t adjacent to mine, you’re better off saving up for the artist you truly wish you could commission :-). I like to feed into fandom wants and needs, but I don’t want to take away from other freelance artist’s business.
I will not send the art until paid
 Since I manage to work rather fast, I don’t mind making pieces that don’t get paid for, as any piece I do is good practice!! That being said, I won’t send my art until I have proof of payment for the time I spent on it. I will always be super clear on which part of the process I am in, but to protect myself from being scammed, I cannot send the piece until payment is proven.
Now lets get into the fun stuff!! To start, I do not charge my commissions based on how complex the art is, rather, how long it took me to make it. Which is the reason I can’t ask for up front payments. I charge, instead, by the hour. And my pricing is based on my state’s minimum wage. The software I use to make my art (Procreate) tracks the elapsed time I’ve spent drawing, and so I calculate the owed amount based upon that. So, to start:
Now that that’s out of the way, here’s what I CAN and CAN’T draw!!
Character references! (TTRPG CHARAS, OCS, ETC.)
Armor (I can do mecha, but because of the complexity it may bump up the price just because of how long it takes)
Main stream art style replication (Persona 2D Sprites, Ace Attorney, Steven Universe, The Owl House, and a few others as well)
Couples (hugging, kissing, holding hands, cute stuff :3)
Inklings & Octolings (anything splatoon related pretty much)
Pixel art
Weapons (this ones tricky because I can draw swords pretty quick, guns take quite a bit of effort to get right though)
NSFW/suggestive content
With the parameters out of the way, I’d like to talk about pricing now! Since I charge by the hour, I’d like to make it clear that I am 100% willing to work with money difficulties! I draw pretty fast, but as there are certain things that cause my pieces to take longer, it’s only fair I let you all know what those are, so that you can know what to avoid if you’re wanting some art from me!
Complex mecha/outfits
Complex props (e.g. instruments)
Anything in my CAN DRAW list
Complex backgrounds
And lastly…
(With time spent and how much they’d be priced)
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Time spent: 30m
Calculated price: $7.50
Time spent: 2h 16m
Calculated price: $34.00
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Time spent: 3h 44m
Calculated price: $56.00
Time spent: 5h 24m
Calculated price: $81.00
Anywho!! If anyone is interested, please DM me! I’ll hand over my discord so you can send me pictures easy :-)! Reblogs are greatly appreciated!!!!
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floofyboi57 · 5 months
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✨Guess who updated their commission sheet!✨
Alright, let’s get into TOS stuff-
I have the right to turn down any commission I’m either not capable of fulfilling or makes me uncomfortable. There are plenty of other artists who will fulfill your request, go seek them out.
If I do accept your commission, I will send an initial sketch of what you requested for feedback. Once I have that confirmation you will pay me and I will finish the request.
Provide poses, references, and a clear idea of what you want. Either that or be very descriptive. If I’m making a reference sheet it will cost extra
It is an additional $5 for every character you want to add
I can do: Furries, humans, selfships/OC x Canon, fake screenshots, comics, animals (reptiles are a tricky area), and NSFW (please contact me for those prices)
I won’t do: Anything political, pedophilia, incest, zoophilia, gore, complex mecha
I accept payment with PayPal only
Please message me on Tumblr if you wish to commission me, from there I will give you my discord to get in better contact.
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discommunicator · 1 year
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What is art commission? You pay me to make me draw things you want to see, as simple as that, but this is my commission so heed that there are rules/limitations of my own!
If you're seeing this post via reblog, please check the post date and look for the original post, not the reblogs, because commission status and the terms might've been changed/updated by the time you're reading it. I might reblog this myself whenever I open the commission.
Current commission status: CLOSED(taking a break)
SLOTS: [ ] [ ]
Detailed wall of texts guide goes down here, if you're going to apply please read them first so you're aware of what you can expect from me. ↓
Humanoid non-humans
It means anything that somehow shares silhouette of human(e.g. overall disposition of head and limbs), is obviously a person, but is not a human in an apparent way. Be it a goblin, imp, kobold, demon, furry people, inkling, android, whatevs. Go look what I've been drawing to these days, I bet you know what I'm talking about. You can bring them from your original character pool, or from a cartoon, or some games, etc.
Note that what I'm taking now is NOT 'design things from scratch' commission. I require clear references.
Along with those above, I'm capable of drawing some basic elemental visual effects like flames([1][2]), waters([1]), lightnings([1][2][3]), dust clouds([1][2][3]) and earth cracks([1][2]). Just tell me if you particularly want to include those in your commission piece.
Crossover - I won't put your OCs and other existing media characters together in a same piece. It also applies for different characters from different media.
Webtoon~Comics format
Most sky-scraping tall robotics - Transformers, GUNDAM or in that line of genre.
Background/Landscape details
Excessively complex objects
Realistic modern firearms
Sexual theme, either explicit or subtle
Nudity? - That depends like, Pokémons such as Tinkaton are humanoid and technically naked but look not so naked. Otherwise, unlikely.
Fetishes of all kind
Characters with astronomically huge tits - No offense, I just have no idea how to handle them properly.
Bloody gore element - Though mild body horrors are feasible in some degree. See my OC [Hess] for example. It's neither cuts nor bloodshed.
Independent original characters that belong to somebody other than you - Don't ask for third person's OC, unless you two are friends and there is approval. I'll double-check.
Whatever that makes me feel uncomfortable - Due to strict copyright? Personal preference? It might be anything that I didn't list here. If I don't feeling it, that's it.
Contact [email protected], then:
Let me know that you're asking for a commission.
Tell me whether it's about drawing your OC(Original Character. I need you to show me proper reference images. Either via email attachment or via image hosting sites.) or characters from existing media(you know, cartoons and games)
If I don't accept, I'll inform you that I'm not interested.
Otherwise, I'll respond and ask you "how do you want it to be". This is about direction of the piece, which refers to how the character will be presented, like the pose, action, facial expression and more. If you show me the exact references (like pictures searched up on Google) that's better. If you're only gonna suggest me a character and want to leave the rest up to me, you can tell me so. I can still reject your commission at this stage If I'm not really into your direction.
If I fully accept I'll send you a transaction link where you can pay directly from your PayPal balance. While you're at it please put a comment regarding your email under the sum section so I can identify your payment. As soon as I check the payment I'll start drawing, and send you the finished piece via email when it's done.
If there are obvious and critical errors I made like missing tail, flipped hand or such, I will fix them of course, but don't expect too much about further adjustment on demand. Even though the final version turns out not so satisfying to you, I can't really help about it. After verifying the delivery the transaction completes.
+ If you're about to upload the final piece which is larger than 850x850 to website like twitter please tell me that so I will send you an indexed color mode version along with the original. Indexed image loses some color palettes but prevent twitter's horrible png resizing.
Baseline is $80 per piece.
Includes 1 character, full color and shading by default.
Different characters in a single piece adds up $40 each, up to 2 more extra characters.
If an extra character is extremely simple or small compare to others I might just consider them as an appendage rather than an extra character. e.g. Big the Cat and Froggy (Sonic the Hedgehog series), Harmony/Annie and their clownfish (Splatoon series)
I prioritize drawing full-body. It can be thigh-up or even waist-up depending on your demand (or at my discretion if you didn't give me any direction) but this does not affect the price.
You can ask for multiple same characters in a single piece, but in that case it most likely be one simpler full-body and several waist-ups. This does not affect the price.
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Background is flat white by default. I can fill them with different flat colors or put simple figures or put gradients, or make it transparent as you ask. Pitch black background + outline around the character is also doable(check some of the deltarune fan arts I did). This does not affect the price.
Adding some elemental visual effects does not affect the price.
I doubt the discussing part alone can be somewhat dragged on due to the time zone/schedule difference, but I also believe the whole thing can be done under two weeks, or more depending on the conditions and real life issues.
Basically 'no refund' once I receive your payment and start drawing the piece, however, I'd willingly refund you if I can't finish the piece in time due to my own personal reason.
Commercial use of my commissioned artworks is prohibited.
Do not relate my drawings with cryptocurrency activities.
Final products may be used as a sample in my future commission introduction page.
It's okay to post them online, use them as a header, banner, profile or such for your blogs/social media page, as long as it's non-profit use.
I can post them on my own blog/social media if I'd like to.
You need PayPal account for the trade. I'm not accepting any other method as of now. Also please pay with USD if possible!
Please take a gander at fanart, original stuff and other's oc on my blog so you get what my art style is like and how I reinterpret existing characters. Applying for my commission also means that you're agreeing to the visual changes I make in the process.
My drawings are .png files and NOT resize-friendly due to use of binary pen! And the final size of a piece will barely exceed 1000x1000 so keep that in mind if you use super wide screen or if you're about to do something with my finished works.
제가 한국 계좌 쓰는 한국 사람인 관계로 한국인이시면 페이팔을 통한 거래가 불가능합니다
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league-of-sam · 10 months
As Grim as the Reaper | Simon 'GHOST' Riley PREQUEL
Ghost x Reader, Graves x Reader
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Phillip Graves x AFAB!Reader!OC 18+ MINORS DNI! t.w // angst, mental health, language, violence, death, sexual themes/SMUT, military inaccuracies, language inaccuracies (google translate).
As Grim as the Reaper: Masterlist
Standing atop the building as the sun set, you looked over the city of Urzikstan. 
After liberating the airbase, it was quiet...peaceful.
It looked beautiful.
"You have a really beautiful country, Farah." You spoke quietly.
The two of you, being the only women, had been killing time and getting to know each other better between updates from Laswell and the other liberation forces on ground. You'd found that you had a lot in common, and it was bonding you well.
Farah was a woman you would want in your corner; strong, beautiful, courageous. A natural born leader.
"Thank you, Reaper-"
You stopped her, pulling your mask down to offer her a smile, "Call me (Y/N), please."
It almost felt wrong that you were coming across as distrusting, when she'd saved your life earlier that day. So you showed her your face, and gave her your real name. She seemed to appreciate your openness, flashing a wide smile back at you before going back to rolling her cigarette.
"May I ask why you wear that?"
"To keep my family safe. Hides my identity enough that they can't be linked to me. Which I've found was a smart thing to do, when your brother is Captain Price." 
She laughed, then, shaking her head, "I thought you seemed familiar. I think it is the accent."
"Yeah, it's not very subtle, is it?" You laughed back.
Your conversation was interrupted by the crackling of the radio, Farah's forces confirming that AQ had taken over the hospital, and were using the civilians there as human shields to protect someone, or something.
You stood watching the streets below, as Alex and Farah spoke.
"Where will you go when this is over?" Farah asked him.
He sighed, hands moving to rest on his vest, "Wherever they send me." 
"You don't choose?"
"Not exactly." Alex scoffed. 
"Well, you're a brave man, Alex."
You stifled a chuckle as you saw his cheeks redden, and he cleared his throat, "Uh, yeah. Thanks, cuz."
"Rest up." Farah smiled, "Tomorrow is a big day."
"What about you and your men?" He asked.
"We'll be here until sunrise." Farah said, taking her position and raising her sniper to her eye. 
It was silent for a moment, you looking between the two of them as Alex stared at the back of Farah's head, a small smile playing on his lips.
"I'll cover the open corner."
Farah turned, raising an eyebrow to you as you both watched him do exactly that. Squatting down in the dust and resting his gun on the broken bit of wall in front of him.
She smiled, and turned back to her weapon.
"Is he always like that?" She whispered to you.
You giggled, standing up and brushing off your trousers, "Unfortunately, yes, but you get used to it."
With that, you left her to her thoughts, not missing the way she looked back to Alex and smiling to herself once more.
How cute.
You made your way over, kicking a few rocks out of the way to clear a nice area for you to set up next to him.
"Hey, Casanova." You nudged him as you sat down. "Here's a wee bit of advice, best friend to best friend - maybe don't refer to the women you'd like to sleep with as 'cuz'." 
You snorted as you used your fingers to imply air quotes around the word, still in disbelief that he was this incapable of flirting.
He groaned, rolling his head back on his neck, "Yeah I know- wait I don't want to...oh fuck off, angel. God, I sounded like a jackass..."
"Yes, yes you did. But I reckon you're well in there."
"You think?" He said, and the hopeful tone in his voice melted your heart.
"Oh yeah. She likes you."
You wiggled your brows at him, and he pushed you away playfully, the two of you giggling like schoolgirls.
But Farah was right, tomorrow was a big day, and you needed rest.
Tomorrow, down goes the Wolf.
Dust and smoke billowed around you in the town, being kicked up and disturbed by the various vehicles zooming around you.
You sat in the tailgate of a truck with Hadir, Farah, and Alex, waiting on the support that Laswell was sending you.
"Echo 3-1...?" A voice said.
"Call me Alex."
You turned, seeing a group of marines approaching you. A group you'd come to know very well over your time in the US; the Demon Dogs.
"Sergeant Griggs," You spoke, dropping down in front of the man, "You and your Dogs are the best Laswell had to offer?"
"All day, Sergeant Price. Didn't expect to see you here, gorgeous." He flirted, "Commander Graves know you're here?"
"I don't report to Phillip Graves." You rolled your eyes with a smile.
This made Griggs chuckle, "Nah, but he sure is protective over you. Think he might have a thing for you."
"I'll say." Alex butted in, causing you to elbow him in the side.
Griggs smirked, and then turned to Farah, "No locals on this one. Not my call."
With a hand to her shoulder, you bid goodbye to Farah, before being pulled forward, taking up the left side of Griggs, Alex on the right.
"Demon Dogs, time to take this shit to the fan!" Griggs called, rallying up him men.
You laughed as they whooped and jeered around you, making perfect formation as you swept through the streets. 
You and Alex were set on disarming the wire traps that had been scattered around in an attempt to slow your ascent on the hospital. IEDs blew around you, bullets raining from above as the AQ did everything they could to stop your assault, but they were no match for Reaper and the Demon Dogs.
You were just too damn good.
Fighting through the streets, you made it to the house at the end, where the rest of the AQ were hiding, shooting down at you from their heights.
"Get up there, Echo. Show us how it's done!" Griggs called.
With a nod to Alex, the two of you leapt forward, breaching the doors and swiftly cleaning house, moving controlled and in sync, like you'd always practised in training. 
Descending back into the street, the rest of the team had arrived, marching through with a convoy of tanks and other machinery in tow. 
This is the closest you'd been to a warzone since your last tour of Afghanistan, and the thought made you shiver, a sharp sting from your side being triggered.
"Nicely done, Reaper." A hand slapped your shoulder.
"Did ya expect any less of me, Griggs?"
With the air support and tanks in tow, it took no time at all to push to the hospital, clearing out the AQ for a clear path to the lobby. It seems that, no matter how many bodies you downed, more just came flooding out.
Whatever was here was essential to their cause.
Alex burst through the doors into the ward ahead, leading you and the Marines through the halls. You were actively pulling frightened civilians to safety, pointing them in the direction of your awaiting allies outside. 
"No sign of the Wolf!" Griggs called out as you began climbing the stars to the second floor.
"They're tryna keep us away from something." Alex spoke, turning to check that you were still right behind him.
"That's for damned sure." You answered.
You moved through the rooms, the groans and moans of injured civilians surrounding you as you passed them, discarded on the beds as if they meant nothing.
Farah was right - these forces had no regard for human life whatsoever.
Continuing to fight through, you made it to the end of the corridor, where a room was chained off. Setting a snakecam, Alex was able to look through, finding the Wolf holding two of Griggs' men at gunpoint.
An execution video.
Vaulting through the window, you crouched in an effort to silence your movements, leading the way around and through the next window, which lead to the back opening of the room.
"In here." You whispered, moving in.
"Demons set. Take this animal alive, Alex. Don't shoot him, get him on the ground."
As Alex moved in front of you, grabbing hold of the Wolf, you jumped up raising your gun to the two other AQ soldiers in the room. They raised theirs just as fast, and the popping of gunfire and the breaching of the doors made your ears ring.
But, with the help of the Marines, you got the Wolf.
"You good, Alex?" Griggs asked, stepping past you to him.
"Good, Griggs." Alex nodded, "Omar Sulaman, you are now in custody of Special Operations Force. Do exactly as you're told, or you're a dead man."
"Hell yeah." Griggs spoke, zip tying the man's hands behind his back.
You moved to step forward, but doubled over, a searing pain shooting through your side and your shoulder. You hissed, hand coming to rest over the place where your scar was, only when you pulled it back, all you saw was red.
So much red.
You began to wobble, head feeling light as you watched it drip from your body onto the floor.
"Uh, A-Alex?" You stuttered out as you looked up from your hand.
He turned, confused, handing the Wolf over to Griggs. 
The second he saw you, his heart stopped. 
Crimson blood dripped from your hand, what he could see of your face was paling rapidly, and the way in which the stain on your shirt grew sent shivers down his spine.
Not you, not now.
"No no no!" He yelled, diving for you just in time to catch you as you dropped, no longer able to keep yourself upright. "No no, baby, no. C'mon (Y/N), no you're okay. You're okay."
"A-Alex, f-fuck ow- it hurts it hurts."
"I know, angel, I know- shit!" He yelled, blood now pooling onto the floor around you, "Griggs, damn-it someone get Laswell! We need EVAC now!"
The men around you burst into action, some splitting off to secure the Wolf, while others called around, desperate to get you aid.
Griggs knelt down, using his own medi-kit to try and slow the bleeding as much as possible, but as soon as he placed down the white fabric, you bled through it.
"Watcher this is 3-1! Reaper is down, I repeat Reaper is down we need medical now!" Alex yelled through the radio
"Echo 3-1 this is Watcher, medical evac deploying now, ETA 7 minutes."
"You hear that, angel? 7 minutes, can you hold on for me? You can do that, yeah?"
You nodded vigorously, wincing as he pressed his hands into your wound, desperate to stop the rapid flow of blood.
"It's c-cold, Alex. M'cold-d."
Alex shook his head, moving to place yours in his lap, "No, no, it's alright, you're alright. Help's comin'."
He smoothed your hair, pulling your mask away from your face so you could breathe better, his other hand still firmly placed over your wound. Your eyes were slipping closed, and he knew he had to keep you awake.
"Stay awake for me, (Y/N). Hey, hey- remember you being scared of heights? Tell me about it."
You coughed, blood spatting onto your face as you tried to laugh, "D-don't like...fell o-out a big tree when I was... a-a kid. Hurt a l-lot."
He chuckled, it wasn't exactly the story he expected, but it was keeping you distracted. Keeping you alive.
"No more trees for you then, yeah?"
"Alex, EVAC is 3 minutes out- get to the roof now!"
With the help of the marines around him, he managed to get you onto a bed, wheeling you through the halls until he burst through the door, dust blowing in the wind of the helo's turbines.
On the roof was the rest of the team, as well as Hadir and Farah, who gasped at the sight of you. 
Everyone watched hopelessly as the medics poured out, pushing them out of the way to help you as quickly as possible. The entire time, Alex didn't take his eyes off you, breathing heavily as his heart pounded relentlessly in his chest even after they'd got you stable.
Not you. He couldn't lose you.
Not his angel.
"She'll be okay, Alex." Farah spoke, a soft hand on his arm.
He nodded, eyes not leaving you as you were wheeled away, "Look after her for me." He said, addressing the marine in front of him.
"Will do, sergeant." 
"Hey, angel!" Alex called to you, and you looked over, a weak smile on your face, "I'm comin' back for you, so you better be alive when I get home."
"Yes, sir." You whispered back.
Gently, you were loaded into the helo, too drugged up to even worry about the flight back.
You were going home, leaving Alex behind to finish the mission.
But at least you were alive.
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red-batty · 11 months
The Arkham Hellion: Year One
Chapter 1: The One Where Everything Worked Out (Part 1)
Characters: OC (Connie Inviglio), OC (Emril Griffith), Poison Ivy/Pamela Isley
Warnings: Prison/Hospital/Asylum setting, doctors and psychiatrists, mentions of pain. Swearing, violence, dehumanization, derealization, mentions of sex... this series isn't going to be PG, yall, so be warned.
Word count: 1.5k
A/N: I don't even know what to put here. This is part one of chapter one of TAH. I've beta read it a little, but not in a long time. I first wrote this chapter like. 3 years ago so it's probably. Not Great. And this chapter is pretty boring but you gotta start boring so you have a baseline for how fucked it gets :)
The Asylum was quieter today, so when Connie Inviglio heard her name being called over the comms, she heard it loud and clear.  She was checking in on an injured IT patient in the medical facility when she got the call, and it was a short walk across an open courtyard to the Penitentiary. Her overseer stood at the check-in desk at the front, waiting for her. 
“Inviglio,” Dr. Griffith said, studying the face of his novice, “Good, you’re here. Isley had a scheduled evaluation today, I’m sending you in.” 
“Her doctor didn’t show up, he’s busy in his office with ‘paperwork’ and put off the evaluation.” Griffith didn’t face her as he spoke, rather turning down the hall. The eccentric yet brilliant Welshman started walking mid sentence, as he often did, and Connie followed behind him in step.
“Ah, yes, the infamous paperwork,” Connie hummed, her voice dripping with sarcasm, “that definitely has nothing to do with the tech he's definitely not screwing.” 
Both Griffith and Inviglio flashed their IDs to the nurses, and once more at the guards, before the second and third sets of doors unlocked one by one and allowed them entry. 
“No, of course not, he’s a professional.” Griffith’s deadpan was enough to give Connie the story. A well-paid Arkham doctor slacking off on patients that were hostile and deemed untreatable? Frankly, she wasn’t surprised. 
“Isley’s doctor is Riviera, right?” 
“Aye. And for the record, it's not about the new tech he's not screwing, it's about the nurse he's not screwing.” 
Connie sighed irritably as she contemplated the correlation of Arkham’s spotty reputation and the work ethic of doctors like Riviera. It was no surprise why the lunatics never got any better and breakouts were polyannual events. 
“Isley’s evaluation, is it pharma or just psych?” 
“You’re not involved with pharma, Connie, just do an honest psych eval. And I want your notes on future care for her as well, you’re smart,” he waved his hand as he walked, “figure something out.” 
“Did you just compliment me?” Connie stopped in front of the heavy, automated metal door that led into what was referred to as "the Green Mile," in reference to the fact that no plants were allowed past the security gate.
“You’re already late for the eval,” Griffith replied over his shoulder. He scanned his badge to unlock the thick metal door.
“Thanks, Griffith,”  she mumbled, knowing that was as close as she’d ever get to “I trust your insight” from Dr. Emril Griffith. 
He didn’t regard her, blowing past her into the containment room. A large glass cell with a single chair hosted Pamela Isley, known to the public and media as Poison Ivy. she had ripped the legs off of her prison outfit, modifying them into a highly suggestive form of shorts, and her top was left with a single button done to cover her large breast. Isley regarded Griffith and Inviglio through thick lashes, arching her back just enough to accentuate her hips and chest. Seduction and manipulation was Ivy’s entire game, but Connie’s game was willpower. 
“This,” Griffith started, leaning very close to the glass and gesturing to Connie, “Is Ms. Inviglio. She will be handling your evaluation today.” 
“Did you bring me a woman in an attempt to evade my seduction, Dr. Griffith?” Ivy purred. There was so much wrong with that statement regarding Connie, but her gender and her sexuality was not of importance compared to her professionality. She didn’t bother to correct her.
“I brought you someone who you won’t be able to toy with,” Griffith practically spat. He was not one so easily intimidated, and even when he was, he never let it show.
Isley’s ruby red lips pulled back to show pearly white teeth, but no humor could be found in her dark green eyes. 
Without another word, he turned back to Connie. 
“You got this, yeah?” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Drop the formalities, Inviglio. Now sod off, get to work. You know where to call me after you’re done.” 
With that, Griffith strode out of the holding room, and the door clicked behind him. 
“Inviglio, date: July 30, 20xx,” Connie stated as the tape began rolling. “Psychological evaluation of Pamela Isley. Hello, Pamela.” 
“Please,” she hummed, “call me Ivy.” 
The word ‘Ivy’ was quickly etched across the first line of Connie’s legal pad. Insistence of an alternate identity was one red flag. 
“How are you doing today, Ivy?” 
“Not well,” Ivy sighed. “It’s so cold, and my plants are aching, Ms. Inviglio.” 
“Can you clarify what your plants are?” Connie had read Isley’s file, she already knew, but she wanted to talk to Ivy one on one. She wanted the information from the source. 
“My babies… all of the plants of Earth, they are my children. They are being cut down, neglected, hurt. I can feel their pain,” Ivy’s eyes squeezed shut as she spoke. “Humans are killing my plants, and I can hear their screams.” 
So much to work with, so many questions to ask, where to begin? Connie jotted down Ivy’s use of the word “humans,” as if she weren't one of them. 
“What does this pain feel like?” 
Ivy sighed at Inviglio’s apparent ignorance. “It depends on the injury, and the plant, darling. If an animal bites it, I feel the bite deep against my skin. If it is a blunt blow, it’s as if I feel the impact against my body. When their branches are cut, I feel the piercing pain in my arms and legs. It is agony.” 
“And this is a literal pain?” 
“Yes! You kill my plants, my babies, and you have no right to!” Ivy cried. She threw her head back, her vibrant red hair being flipped over her shoulders.
“How do you feel about that?” Connie studied Ivy’s reaction. 
Ivy’s upset display of emotion ceased. She looked up at her interviewer slowly, her eyes hooded and her reaction controlled. 
“Why do you want to know?” Interviews could go two ways. 
“Answering a question with a question. That’s called deflection, Ms. Isley. Would you please reconsider the question?” 
Ivy sighed once more. 
“I want my plants to stop hurting.” 
“Because it hurts you? Or do you genuinely care about them?” 
The question caught Ivy off guard. None of the other doctors considered questions like these. 
“Both. I feel their pain, and thus, I don’t want them to suffer anymore.” 
“Not just to relieve your own pain?” 
“No. But to relieve them of theirs. I only wish to see my plants thrive, and grow.” 
“Even if it disbalances natural order?” 
“What is natural about the destruction of life?” Ivy snapped. 
“In moderation, death and destruction makes space for new life, and growth. What do you think about that?” 
“Destroying places of natural growth is not moderation, doctor,” The patient seethed. 
“Alright. That is understandable. But too much growth, that leads to things like cancer. Where I’m from, kudzu is an invasive species that grows and grows and cannot be eradicated, and that chokes out other plantlife. Is cutting down kudzu acceptable? And… How do you feel about the pruning of plants?” 
Ivy studied Connie. She was strange to Ivy; she didn’t pry about her murderous history or her tendency towards violence. This wasn’t really about Ivy’s actions; it was about Ivy’s opinions, and opinions on her plants, nonetheless. 
“Why do you ask?” 
Connie smiled as warmly as she could. 
“You’re deflecting.” 
“I’ll answer your questions as soon as I know why you’re doing this.” 
She needed to stop holding her breath. As she exhaled, Connie sat forward, propping her elbows on her desk. 
“I simply want to understand. You are more than just the insults of guards and the antics of the news media. Does that answer your question?” 
After a moment of processing, Ivy replied. 
“You’re not arguing with me. You’re trying to learn.” 
“That’s right.” 
Another pause.
“If it is to assist in the growth of the plant, pruning is… acceptable.” 
Connie smiled genuinely to the woman on the other side of the glass. 
“Then that is all for today. Thank you for your cooperation, Ms. Ivy, I found it quite enlightening. We will see to furthering your care and assisting you in any way we can.” 
Connie stood, and started putting away her notepad, pen and file.
“That’s it?” Ivy sounded vaguely baffled. 
“That’s it.” Connie replied with a smile. “As long as you were completely honest, I think we can help you and your relationship with the plants. Pardon, your plants.” 
“Don’t belittle me.”
“I had no intention of doing so. I truly mean what I said in full kindness, Ivy. It sounds like you are in a lot of pain, and as you want to help the plants, I want to help you. You shouldn’t have to go through such pain.” 
With a click, Connie stopped the recording, and placed the tape and recorder into her bag. Ivy didn’t say anything as Connie moved towards the door. With a beep, she scanned her ID and unlocked the door. 
“Until the next time, Ms. Ivy.” 
Taglist: @arts-and-sharks @burnthashbrown27
comment or dm to get added !!
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scenecipriano · 4 months
Time Stands Still (3)
Chapter 2: A Deal to Die For
TW: Swearing
OC: Astaroth- Demon of Space and Time (Feel free to ask about them!)
The day of the Overlord meeting couldn’t have come at a better time, Vox agreed with Val that Velvette should be the one to represent them, but that didn’t mean Vox wasn’t going to keep an eye on things from a distance. He just needs to wait for the right time to make his entrance, all he wanted was to speak to Carmilla and Zestiel. 
The two Overlords have been in hell for years, some even speculate that Zestiel has been here from the beginning. Vox doubts that, yes, the man has been here a long time but not from the beginning of time. 
Vox can’t but grimace when Velvette starts her song, he told her before she left to try and keep a cool head. When the angel’s head came into play though Vox knew just who killed it. It was obvious, the shock and fear in Carmilla’s face gave it away quickly. 
“I guess with this revelation we can’t blame the princess for heaven’s ire against us,” Vox mutters as he watches the Overlords leave the room. He notices how Alastor stops mid stride and bends at the waist. 
“Follow them and report back to me what they say, will you?” 
Vox zooms in to get away from the static that Alastor’s presence brings whenever the demon is on camera. One of Pentious’s eggs salutes before waddling into the room that Zestiel and Carmilla went into. 
He curses silently, now he has to wait for that little parasite to get out of the way. He can’t take the chance of Alastor figuring out his plans, he was so close to possibly finding another way to get rid of the asshole he wasn’t about to let an undeveloped chicken fetus ruin that for him. 
It wasn’t long before the little egg demon stumbled out of the room, frantically going back to the elevator. Once the coast is clear, Vox takes his chance by zapping into the meeting room. 
“My, what a pleasure to have yet another V in my home.” 
He spins around when he hears Carmilla hiss at him, her angel reinforce slippers lighting up as she prepares for an attack. 
“Whoa whoa! I come in peace–I just need to speak to you both and I couldn’t do that around the others.” 
“I believe thou is referring to Alastor,” Zestiel replies. 
Vox glares at the older Overlord, “Sure–Listen, I’m sure I’m not the only one that was glad to see that prick gone for the last seven years.” 
Carmilla hums. 
“No, no I think you’re the only one who cares. He disappeared, so what? He’s back now, so what’s the big deal?” 
Vox groans and drags his hands down his screen, of course he was the only who cared because he minus Valentino is the only one who knows why the fucker disappeared. 
“Look this isn’t because of some petty rivalry–” Vox starts. 
“Are you sure? Because you two have been at this for years, we all heard his broadcast. It's understandable if you’re scared of his resurgence.” 
“It’s not because of that! Fuck look would you just–” 
“Thou art the reason he disappeared, hm?” Zestiel interrupts. 
That comment now captures Carmilla’s attention, she looks between him and Vox. The tv demon avoids looking at the older Overlords, hearing it said aloud from another person cements just how bad his situation is. 
“He was going to kill me, Valentino bought me one of your guns, Carmilla and I used it. I thought the fucker was dead but he’s not and now he’s going to try to tear down what me and the other V’s have built for the last couple of years.” 
The three Overlords stand in silence for a second before it’s broken by Carmilla’s laughter. 
“So, let me get this straight–You’re scared that the Radio Demon is going to get his revenge on you? Now how do you think coming to us is going to help you and your doomed existence?” 
Vox grits his teeth, he can feel sparks flying from his head. How dare this bitch just mock him? Without thinking, Vox sends his cables out to attack Carmilla only for them to be blocked by Zestiel himself. 
“Temper now,” Zestiel warns as he glares at Vox. 
“I don’t want your help, I just wanted to ask you for something. That asshole has the literal Princess of hell on his side, I want a one up on him, I want to fucking erase his whole existence from this place. Picture it,” Vox smirks as he retracts his cables, “Without Alastor you two could have the friends you lost back. With him gone none of the previous Overlords would have disappeared.” 
Both Zestiel and Carmilla look at each other, Vox can’t tell if the two of them are mocking him or actually considering his idea. 
“What exactly are you wanting to do, Vox?” Carmilla asks. 
“This place is full of powerful fucks, I want someone to send me back before that fucker died, if I can go back to the time before he sinned I can stop him from coming down here and fucking shit up for everyone.” 
The room goes quiet once more, now that Vox has said his plan aloud it seems redundant. There are some powerful demons in hell but thinking there may be someone strong enough to allow him to mess up a sinner's entire past? He waits for their laughter, but it never comes. Instead they share a look of concern and of knowledge. 
“Wouldn’t the other two be able to help you defend against him?” Carmilla asks. 
“No–While they don’t care about him, he’s not a threat to them. Why are you suggesting this? Do you two know someone?” 
They shared another look, it looked to Vox that they were having a silent argument with each other. It was clear to him that Carmilla was winning the argument, Zestiel yields when he heaves a sigh. 
“Yes, we know of one, but they’re not very fond of us Overlords,” Zestiel says as he faces Vox. 
“Who is it?” 
“Their name is Astaroth, they are part of the Hell Hierarchy. They fell around the same time as Lucifer himself, it was them and the king and queen before the sins came to be,” Carmilla bites her lip, “They are able to control time and space, it’s said they used to be an angel of death before their fall. So, when sinners come here they go through Astaroth first.” 
The name doesn’t remotely ring a bell to Vox’s memory, not even to his back up memory. How can a demon who is apparently part of Lucifer’s royal family go undetected by him?
“Astaroth used to be well attuned with the politics of Hell, but when Lucifer and Lilith had their daughter everything went wild. Sinners were making deals and stealing other’s souls…” 
“They disapprove of our very existence, and believe that sinners have no right to be as powerful as the Hierarchy,” Zestiel finishes. 
What did Overlords ever do this fucker? Being in hell is all about who can get the most power and territory. Sinners are here for a damn reason after all! If the fucker wanted happy go lucky get along session then they should have kept their ass in heaven. 
“Well, how can I find this guy? I get it he hates fucking Overlords cause they’re scared we’ll overthrow them and the other three, but I am not working towards that. I just want them to help me get rid of fucking Alastor.” 
Carmilla and Zestiel share one last look. 
“If that is what you wish…”
When Vox steps inside the first available elevator he thinks back to what Zestiel had told him. 
“When going to see Astaroth thou must enter a certain sequence of numbers. The numbers are 3215.” 
“Why that number? I was expecting a bunch of six’s,” Vox questioned. 
“That number stands for the evil trinity you idiot,” Carmilla huffed, “321, Astaroth, Lucifer, and Beezlebub; the number five is for the five points of a pentagram.”
He still thought that the number was stupid, if he were to do something like that he would have done something cooler, like 1111 or some shit. Vox huffs and presses the numbers in the order he was told, he expected the elevator to act as normal, not plunge him into total darkness and drop down as if it was a faulty amusement park ride. 
The thing stops before he even gets a chance to scream, not that he would admit that to anyone, not even the other V’s. The elevator dings and the doors slowly slide open, a dark void is the only thing Vox can see. He hesitantly takes a step forward, not expecting his foot to land on a solid floor. When he’s fully out of the elevator he doesn’t get a chance to rethink his plan as the doors slide shut, disappearing in the inky walls of the void. 
“Okay, maybe I don’t want Alastor gone this bad,” Vox laughs nervously as he looks around. Even the light from his screen wasn’t penetrating this vast expanse of darkness. 
“I believe I want you gone, sinner.” 
The sound of a deep voice echoes all around him, Vox does a three sixty, trying to figure out where exactly the voice came from. 
“Ah, I know you. Vox the TV Overlord, your name when you were alive was Victor Broz  and you died it appears in the late 80s… Cause of death suicide via electrocution. Quite a fitting demonic form for how you perished I suppose.” 
The sound of a feminine voice sends Vox for a loop, was there more than one being here? 
“How the fuck–” 
“Do I know this? Easy, I am Astaroth and I keep copies and memories from each sinner as they pass through. Now, you’ve exactly ten seconds to tell me why you’re here before I make your stay in hell become exactly as it’s supposed to be.” 
Vox wasn’t sure what that meant, but he wasn’t going to wait and possibly find out. 
“I want your help to get rid of another Overlord,” he blurts. 
The sound of two different laughs echo around the void, Vox hates the chill that runs down his spine. Carmilla and Zestiel never said that Astaroth was two people, how the fuck was he supposed to convince two demons to help him? 
“Isn’t the point of gaining this power is that you beasts tear each other apart?” It was the feminine voice again. 
“Yes-but this Overlord is…look I know you don’t fucking get into this politic shit anymore, but I’m pretty sure even a hermit like you has heard of the Radio Demon.” 
A shout of fear managed to slip from Vox’s mouth as he hoisted into the air, a pair of clawed hands gripping the front of his suit. He looks up and sees a pair of gold and emerald eyes, a male face staring right through his screen. Shark-like teeth barred aggressively at him as the demon before him lets out a low growl. 
“This is the thing about you filthy, Overlords,” Astaroth snarls, “You act as if you can speak to your superiors as you please, well guess what I am not Lucifer or his little naive daughter. You speak to me with some respect or I will give you the hell and damnation you deserve, do I make myself clear?” 
Vox gulps before nodding his head frantically, he yelps when Astaroth drops him as if he were a rag doll. He watches in awe and fear as Astaroth’s appearance changes from man to woman. 
“Oh, don’t be so shocked. Genderfluid is a thing after all, now what is your reasoning for wanting to get rid of Alastor Arceneaux?” 
Vox blinks before shaking his head, “I- okay look sir-..er ma’m? Jeez just look, he and I had a spat a few years back and I almost killed him, but now he’s back. He’s got Lucifer’s daughter under his wing and I am not about to go up against him when he’s got hell royalty on his side.” 
Astaroth takes on a bored look as their gender goes back to that of a male, they raise an eyebrow, silently telling Vox to continue. 
“Oh for heaven's sake! Zestiel told me you can control time and I want you to send me back to before that prick died or even sinned so I can stop him from coming here in the first place!” 
Vox waits for another reprimanding for raising his tone at the older demon, but it never comes. Instead he gets the same double laugh as if another person besides them was in the darkness.
“You want to change someone’s entire past?” Astaroth asks. 
“Y-Yes? Oh don’t tell me it’s not possible-” 
“Oh, it is, why I’ve done it a few times for souls sent here for the wrong reasons…being a former angel of death has its perks, but considering Alastor is here for a good reason I don’t see this little plan of yours working well within your favor.” 
Vox frowns, now it was his turn to be annoyed. 
“If that fucker isn’t here then that’s all the favor I need. Now are you going to help me or not?” 
Astaroth smirks as their appearance changes again, long black flowing hair dances around their shoulders as they ponder on the idea. 
“I’ll offer you my assistance…but I require a deal. That’s something you Overlords love to partake in, correct?” 
Vox didn’t like the sound of this, “My soul is not for sell-”
“Oh, not your soul, I’ve seen that before and it’s tainted, no I have something else in mind, but I shall keep the details to myself. If your little plan comes to fruition then consider our deal null and void-” 
“Okay deal!” Vox interrupts.
“But if it turns out to be a problem as I foresee then you must return to me to know the details of what I want you to do.” 
Vox groans, of course a centuries old demon was going to be cryptic as hell. He knows Astaroth is giving him the chance to turn back, to forget the idea of just getting rid of Alastor, but he’s desperate. 
“It’s a deal-If I don’t return to you after my plan then it’s null and void but if I do then I will do whatever is you want me to do,” Vox replies as he holds his hand out. 
Astaroth grins and takes the sinner's hand. 
“Good luck, Victor.” 
A bright light blinds Vox, a scream leaving him as he feels the void twisting him inside and out. 
A deal truly worth dying for. 
TAGLIST: @justakidicarus
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darsynia · 1 year
Trust Fall | Ch 12b
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ARC image by Eury Escodero
Story Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Summary: Tony/OC, ‘terrorists made us fall in love;’ IM1 timeline. In this chapter, Tony, Yinsen, and Emory attempt to escape the cave.
Length: 3,333
Tags (please don’t hesitate to ask!): @starryeyes2000 @raith-way @arrthurpendragon @starksbf @themaradaniels @chickensarentcheap @tiny-anne
I wrote a little meta post about the moment in the gif above, and highlight the line of dialogue I reference in this chapter. It would mean a lot to me if you'd check it out!
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“Get down, cover your head, and stay at least ten feet back, preferably around a corner. Keep sending bursts of air behind you just in case, got it?”
“Got it,” she says.
Tony makes short work of the three men who are trying to advance on him. Their bullets bounce right off of him, but the strikes he makes with his massive metal arms knock them out cold. As he looks toward the twisting path ahead of him, Tony feels a rush of wind fly past him, and smiles, inside the helmet.
“Need a recharge? You look gorgeous, even when you’re filthy,” he yells back at her.
“Gee, thanks. Right back at you, champ!” 
He’s not sure there isn’t a residual effect just from osmosis, there, because Tony definitely feels a surge of something. Out of nowhere, he wonders if he can persuade Rhodey to let them fly back on his own personal jet, once they’re found. It has a bed.
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Chapter Twelve: The Solar Illuminance Constant (Esc)
Yinsen’s barely gotten any of the screws tightened with the electric drill when they hear shouts outside the door. Tony can only understand the names they’re yelling; ‘Yinsen’ and ‘Stark.’ He jerks his head at Emory to back away from the door, and look down at Yinsen.
“Say something!” Tony tells him, hating the anger in his voice, but they’re all on edge, and for the first time, this rock-solid fatherly man looks like he’s about to fall apart from stress.
“They’re speaking Hungarian! I don’t speak--”
“You telling me you don’t know any--” Tony scoffs, and Yinsen calls out, his voice cracking and anxious. He’s fumbling at the screws, but still getting them tightened, at least.
“I don’t think that worked,” Emory says.
It’s then that Tony finally remembers the makeshift armor he’d made for her. “Shit. Emory, run. Over to my cot, there’s something under there you --it’ll be better than nothing.”
“What about the door?” Yinsen says, aghast, but Emory dashes over and gets the heavy mashup of metal and fabric, backing away just in time.
The large explosion blasts the doors out. Tony’s eyes are fixed on Emory; he’s basically locked in place by the not even half-fastened suit, so he can’t see what’s happening behind him. He watches as Emory throws a hand out, pushing a gust of wind against the blast.
“Anthony Stark, you did not!” she says when she gets a clear look at the garment.
“I did. Put it on,” Tony orders, looking down at Yinsen. “How’d that work?” he asks, meaning the results of the explosion.
“Oh, my goodness!” Yinsen says when he looks. “It worked, all right.”
“That’s what I do,” Tony says. He says them like it’s nothing, but the words hurt. He doesn’t want to be this person anymore, the warmonger, the Merchant of Death, but to escape and make changes, he’s going to have to fully embrace that persona. “Initialize the power sequence, it can run while we get the rest of the screws.”
Tony can’t see Emory anymore, but he’s got to focus on the boot-up or this is all for nothing anyway. With as calm and reassuring a voice as he can, he talks Yinsen through the process. Once that’s started, he suggests tightening every other hex bolt. He can hear the sound of angry yelling out in the cave proper; it’s only a matter of time before they show up en masse.
This will be very close.
“Emory?” Tony still can’t see her. She may be their only defense if the suit isn’t fully initialized by the time the goons show up.
She comes out wearing the outfit. It looks great, even though she’s still wearing his pants underneath. Her hands are on her hips. “When did you have time to--”
“Had to be sneaky,” he says. He can’t shrug in the suit.
“Come!” Yinsen says to her, and she scurries over, the black, filmy fabric floating behind her. Tony’s distracted by what seems like a whirlwind rotating around the fire and its makeshift chimney. The flames inside the vortex are roaring. It’s Emory’s own booby trap, one that reassures him that she knows this is all or nothing.
The sound of the drill resumes. Yinsen’s got his hands on Emory’s, showing her how to use it, his lips close to her ear. She’s nodding, her expression grave. Out in the cave complex, men are yelling, running.
“We need more time,” Yinsen says, turning around. He reaches out to touch the progress bar on the computer screen. “I’m going to go buy you some time,” he says, dipping towards Emory to kiss her on the top of her head before rushing towards the blasted doors.
“Stick to the plan!” Tony shouts, unable to stop him, unable to impose his will to prevent this. “Yinsen!” Nothing is moving fast enough. Emory’s tightening his hex bolts. The progress bar is creeping along. “Go, stop him, those are enough, it’ll hold,” he tells her, but she shakes her head. Tony looks more closely at her, sees that she’s practically sobbing. “What--”
Emory shakes her head vehemently. “Don’t ask.” 
He barely has the patience to stand still and wait for the suit to finish up. If he pulls the plug now, none of the controls will work.“He’s a sitting duck, you’ve got to--”
“He has a gun!” She says this as if Yinsen being armed matters at all, against odds like that. Emory kneels to check his legs, and Tony’s suddenly furious.
“With no armor, no protection, and neither of us as backup! Come on!”
She stands up and screams in his face. “He made me promise! He told me--” she breaks off, dropping the drill, both hands covering her mouth. Out in the cave, there’s an exchange of gunfire.
Tony’s angry with her but the utter grief on her face is something he doesn’t want to understand. As always when he’s confronted by something uncomfortable, his instinct is to deflect, to distract.
“Hey, over on the table, a kind of vee shaped metal thing, go get it, will you?” he tells her. Emory nods, her face wet, her hair blowing in her own self-contained wind. Her powers are banked and ready, even if his are still gatekept through a computer system so old he could probably have built it in his elementary school days.
She goes to hand it to him, and he shakes his head. “It’s for you. Couldn’t make a helmet, so I made a shield. Goes on your right forearm, you hold it up, protect your head.”
It’s woefully inadequate and probably the worst idea, because if Emory spends most of her time with it up, she could be killed any number of ways from any possible direction, and she’ll have no way to see it coming. But she straps it onto her arm and offers him a tremulous smile.
The sporadic gunfire and yelling from outside stops. “Get back, get behind me,” Tony tells her. “Hold that shield up.”
“Couldn’t I push them back with a heavy win--” She breaks off, hearing the footsteps approaching as clearly as he does.
The lights in the cave flicker as his progress bar finally completes, sending a last surge of data and energy into the suit at the exact moment he needs it. Secure in the knowledge that Emory is safely crouched against the wall, Tony attacks when the time is right, frightening the goons who had come to investigate.
His heart nearly stops when two of them stand in the doorway and just rake their machine guns over the whole cave.
When they stop firing, Tony looks to see that Emory is safe. Then he notices that the swirling mass of smoke and flame around their cooking fire is about to erupt. “Now,” he tells her quietly, referring to her comment about pushing the terrorists back with her powers.
Emory nods, stands, and thrusts her hands out in front of her, turning them after a few seconds as if directing the blast of air around the corner toward the doorway. That’s exactly what happens, Tony sees. The men are knocked down by the force of it, and they scramble away, leaving their guns behind.
“You know how to fire one of those?” Tony asks her.
“Not well enough to manage that and a cartoon superpower at the same time.”
“Fair enough. We gotta go,” he says, eyeing the widening smoke vortex. She nods and comes over, regarding him with a smile that makes his pulse jump.
“Better cover your pretty face,” she says, reaching up to wipe a smudge of dirt off of his cheek.
“You just did that to power back up,” Tony accuses, but he flips the faceplate down anyway. She’s an adorable, infuriating smartass, because that was at least 25% a quip about him not making a helmet for her.
They advance out of the doorway, with Emory periodically lobbing what he imagines are wide, powerful blasts of wind ahead of them to startle anyone coming their way. Once they figure out what she’s doing, it’ll warn the men, rather than frighten them, but they’re useful for now. Suddenly, there’s a loud noise from behind, and Tony gestures for Emory to get down as he crouches over her. A hot shockwave erupts from the cave they’d just left, and one of the men Tony had thought was dead on the ground lets out a bloodcurdling scream.
“Oh my god, I don’t think I can do this, I don’t think I can do this!” Emory whines in a terrified whisper.
“Yeah, well, that was the alternative, so I think it’s worth a try. Just picture a soft bed and an ocean view, okay?” he says, wishing he could risk lifting the faceplate so she could see him more clearly. “A big, soft bed.”
She’d been huddled against the wall in a fetal position, but when Tony straightens to a stand, she looks up at him, her own dirt-smudged face doing nothing to diminish her beauty. “Hard to picture comfort in a hotel environment, Tony,” she says sadly. “I don’t even know if Rory’s kept all my things.”
Her response is so illogical that he nearly forgets they’re mid-escape. Tony’s about to ask her why she’d think she’ll ever have to stay in a hotel again, when she freezes, her eyes going wide. There’s a fear, but also confidence, which is confusing until he hears a ‘ping’ against his helmet, and then a thud.
“Holy shit, he just tried to shoot you and the ricochet hit him in his own head!” Emory said in a sick, horrified voice. Tony’s certain she’d expected the bullet to be deflected, but not like that. The safety implications for her staying close to him are clear, though.
“That means you have to stay back,” Tony says with commanding urgency. “Promise me.”
Emory nods.
To make sure they can’t be snuck up on from behind, Tony backtracks just a little, but the smoke from their sabotaged fire is slowly filling the passageways behind them. Ahead, he sees movement.
“Get down, cover your head, and stay at least ten feet back, preferably around a corner. Keep sending bursts of air behind you just in case, got it?”
“Got it,” she says.
Tony makes short work of the three men who are trying to advance on him. Their bullets bounce right off of him, but the strikes he makes with his massive metal arms knock them out cold. As he looks toward the twisting path ahead of him, Tony feels a rush of wind fly past him, and smiles, inside the helmet.
“Need a recharge? You look gorgeous, even when you’re filthy,” he yells back at her.
“Gee, thanks. Right back at you, champ!” 
He’s not sure there isn’t a residual effect just from osmosis, there, because Tony definitely feels a surge of something. Out of nowhere, he wonders if he can persuade Rhodey to let them fly back on his own personal jet, once they’re found. It has a bed.
The sad part is that right now he just wants to sleep in it, with Emory curled up beside him. That’s what their escape is about, really. It’s not about murder. It’s not about revenge (well, some of it is). It’s about hamburgers and clean sheets and comfort.
They work their way toward the front, loosely following the directions that Yinsen had given him. Tony’s long since forgotten the number of steps and in which direction, but he doesn’t think any of these bozos want to run deeper into the cave, so he trusts that the way they’re running for their lives is probably toward the way out. He’s right. The sunlight he remembers as being so harsh and unforgiving is visible at the entrance.
So is a crumpled, bloodied body propped up on a pile of rice bags. His heart stops.
“Yinsen!” Tony cries out, starting toward him.
“Watch out!” the older man warns.
The light from the opening is so bright that Tony is momentarily dazzled, and then there’s an explosion beside him. It’s not enough to knock him down, and he knows Emory is safely enough behind, so Tony focuses his worry for Yinsen into the precise movements he’d practiced with the awkward rubber gauntlet on. He fires off the missile without a hitch, and the figure in the doorway falls to the ground. The fire around the man suddenly starts blazing, and then it lifts, spinning, scorching, as he crawls toward the open air before shuddering and going still.
When he turns around to yell at her for endangering herself, Emory is staring at Yinsen.
Tony rushes over, raising his faceplate. “Cmon. Gotta get up, we have to stick to the plan. Em, come help get him up,” he says, trying to inject some comfort into the nickname he’s only just started to use, hoping it’ll soothe the horror she’s undoubtedly feeling.
“This was always the plan, Stark,” Yinsen says, coughing.
“Come on,” Tony says to both of them, using all his mental strength to keep his voice soothing, encouraging, caring. “You’re gonna go see your family! Get up.” He looks for Emory, but she is pressed against the wall behind them, crying.
“My family is dead,” Yinsen whispers. His tone is that of a gentle parent, and Tony wants to scream, he yearns to destroy, he needs to refute.
“No, don’t lie to me, goddamnit, we’ve shared too much for that! Stop being a father figure for once in your life and get up, do what you’re told!” Tony demands. 
“It’s okay. I’m going to see them now, my family. My Jalila has been without me for long enough, now. I want this,” Yinsen whispers. “I want this.”
No amount of money, no magical powers, no hand-crafted armor will help. There’s nothing he can do. “Thank you for saving me,” Tony says. It’s a pathetic, useless statement in the face of what he wishes he could do.
“Don’t waste it, Tony,” Yinsen says, using his first name for the first time, the last time. “Don’t waste your life.” He gasps, turning his head in obvious pain, his eyes closing, before growing still.
Tony stands there and lets the guilt wash over him, bathing in it.
This is not about a soft bed, now. Not anymore.
“Stay back,” he tells Emory, hearing fury in his tone. He doesn’t wait to see her nod.
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Tony’s voice when he tells her to stay back is really chilling. Even though his footsteps had been heavy and frightening in the ironmonger suit already, now they sound like the harbinger of death for anyone who dares to challenge him. Emory slides down behind a metal barrel that coincidentally blocks Yinsen’s body from sight, listening to the frightening barrage of gunfire outside. She’s numb rather than terrified, hating that the fatherly interpreter had been right when he’d told her not to hope for his survival.
She’d obeyed him. Her hope now is that he hadn’t sought to die, but just accepted it was likely.
The gunfire ceases, and Tony says something she can’t hear. Then she hears screaming. He’s clearly activated the flamethrowers.
Emory sucks in one deep breath, then another, knowing she can’t delay her next task, no matter how painful it will be. She stands up and makes her way to the lifeless body of the man who had kept them alive over the past months. He’s still doing it; she gently unbuckles the bag he’d clasped around his waist, the one with their food in it. When she fastens it to her own waist, it’s still warm.
Grief is an emotion she can’t afford right now, so she pushes it away. She has had plenty of practice subsuming her own emotions after so much time with Rory. Emory reaches for the power she has banked up-- only to realize that it’s gone. The agony of watching Yinsen die in front of her has drained it away.
“Shit,” she whispers.
“Emory!” Tony’s voice is loud and distorted, and she is terrified that she’s just painted a target on herself by not following him closely enough. She can’t possibly answer, or the goons could use the sound to pinpoint her location. Emory raises her shield and moves cautiously to the mouth of the cave, peeking out.
Everything is on fire. Everything. And she can’t see Tony.
“Yeah, that’s right. I have TWO of them!” he screams out, and then she sees him, standing in the middle of the flat space that leads up to the cave, firing his flamethrowers in two different directions.
Just like that, hearing his voice, seeing him safe and confident is enough. She feels her energy levels start to tick up, layer upon layer of power sliding over each other on her skin.
“The metal is really warm,” Tony warns when he sees her. “Good thing that fabric’s kind of thick, because we need to jet. And I mean jet,” he says, walking unsteadily toward in her direction. There are bullets pinging off of him, Emory can see them. He probably can’t see or hear them, by now, though.
“Hold still!” she yells over.
When they’d been in the cave, Emory hadn’t risked pulling all the air she could instinctively sense she had access to, for fear that she’d do something dangerous with the fire, accidentally remove all the oxygen out of the room, or both. Now, though, she’s in the open, with air to spare.
Emory throws her shield aside and starts from behind, knowing the wind will gain speed and intensity as it rushes down the hillside. She pulls from the canyon off to her left, too, the one that isn’t full of flaming weaponry. She doesn’t need to make such grand physical gestures, she knows, but it helps her visualize what she’s doing-- so Emory lifts her hands above her head before rotating both arms, leaning them to the right and shoving with her hands and her power, sending the rolling horizontal wave she’s created straight for the hillside full of men with guns. Tony figures out what she’s doing at the last minute and aims his flamethrowers directly into the vortex.
At least one of the men flies so high and fast he ends up sailing over the peak of the small mountain they’re collected on, his clothes flaming.
There’s no sense of accomplishment here, though. Just a momentary break in an untenable, deadly situation.
“Gust me,” Tony says. He holds his arms out, and she pulls from as high as she possibly can reach, pulling straight down from the clouds towards Tony. “Holy shit!” he says, as the metal is etched with delicate patterns of ice crystals in a few places. He holds out one arm and flips a panel open, then waves her towards him. “Still pretty hot,” he warns as he leans down to pull her to his chest, the wide, solid metal of his right arm providing a seat of sorts. “Okay, turn this red switch and hold on!”
Emory does as he asks, and immediately there’s a huge jolt of energy that lifts the two of them up-- which is a very good thing, as it seems as though every weapon in the terrorists’ arsenal ignites at the same time as Tony’s escape boosters. She can barely hold on, digging her bare hands anywhere she can find purchase, wary of pinching them between the uncaring plates of metal.
“What was your plan?” she screams against the wind whipping past.
“Air cushion!” he hollers back.
“You didn’t think to--” Emory breaks off her rebuke right as Tony’s handmade thrusters stop firing. “--warn me?”
There’s no way to hold onto him as they start to tumble down, but with Tony Stark’s life on the line, Emory Autumn will call on the entire fucking atmosphere to save him if she has to.
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Next chapter, as they walk the desert, Tony does what he can to keep Emory alive, and she does the same right back.
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ahoge-fish · 2 years
soooOOOOO in this blog there are now 300 special people that enjoys the dumb stuff I post and I COULDN'T BE MORE HAPPY FOR IT!!!!
Sooooooo, what I wanted to announce with this blog is thaaaaat...
💫I'M OFFICIALLY OPENING COMMISSIONS!!💫And for this special, the first 5 people out of 10 that will request me a commission they'll have the 15% off the original prize! As a way to thank you for this incredible goal :3 💖💖💖
Under the read more there are all the informations you need to know about it. Thank you so much again for this surprise!! 💖💖💖
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You'll have to DM me that you'd like a commission from me, and when I'll add you to the list you'll be put in the waiting line. I'll start working on the draws when all (or almost) the list is done
I'll DM you when I'll start your draw and from there I'll have 2 weeks of time for each one of them, and if there'll be any problem that will make me not able to make the draw, then I'll tell you that and give you your money back
You'll pay me half the price before I'll start, and then after I'll send the finished draw you'll pay me the rest of the price
I'll accept payment only through PayPal, and if you prefer to have your draw in a better quality then you can send me your gmail so that I'll be able to send it to you! If not, then it is totally okay 💖💖💖
I'll need clear references/description of the character/s you want me to draw (OCs or self inserts from JJBA only, and Stands too), possibly detailed images of them. I would also appreciate a lot if you'd send to me the photo of a pose you want the character/s to be drawn in, but this is optional
I'll send to you the process of your draw, so that before I'll do the lineart and color we can correct together the things you'd like to adjust!
You can use your draw wherever you want as long as you'll tag my tumblr!
You can choose if you want a blank background or a monochrome geometrical figure, this is free! 💖💖💖
I'll accept NSWF requests only if you're over 18, your blog will need your age in it
And that is all! If you need more clarifications, then don't hesitate to aks me ;)
0/5 (the ones that'll have the 15% off the draw)
Thank you for commissioning me, I'll hope that the result will satisfy you! 💖💖💖
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If it's ok with you, may I send in a matchup request for an OC of mine?
Here's a reference and her info
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Name: Parvana Chowdhury
Race: Human
Pronouns: She/her
Ethnicity: Bangladeshi
Birthday: November 20 (Sagittarius sun)
Height: 165 cm
Likes: Books, herbal tea, classical music, lofi hip-hop, video games, anime, drawing, spicy food, affogato, outer space
Dislikes: Incompetence, unnecessary conflicts, bullies, fake friends, dishonesty, cruelty, dog-eared book pages, anyone who dares threaten her family, loud noises, itchy fabrics
Personality and interests: Parvana is calm, collected and hard-working. She has a self-possessed air that makes her come across as cold and aloof. While she can be a bit arrogant sometimes, she is careful not to let it get out of hand. Her hard-working, curious and perfectionistic nature as well as her academic intelligence (though she sometimes struggles with impostor syndrome.) has gained the attention and praise of many teachers and other adults throughout her childhood. It has helped her get into university to study engineering but it also isolated her from her peers and her younger sister, Saima. She has also found herself becoming increasingly overwhelmed with the workload from university as well as the pressure to be the perfect oldest daughter, and being an impromptu therapist for the seven demon brothers (despite psychology not being her major, more of a special interest). Despite her cold facade, she is much warmer and gentler than she lets on. She cares deeply about her friends and especially her younger sister, so she tries to make as much time for them as possible. She’s also more of a romantic than she lets on. Parvana has a tradition to bake the people she’s closest to a cake on their birthday. She usually writes something silly on their cake if they’re particularly close to her. Sometimes she gives it to them a couple days late due to her workload. She also has a soft spot special interest for outer space and loves to stargaze wherever the skies are clear
Hi Ithseem! Thank you for your request! I like writing for peoples OC's; it's a nice change of pace. Sorry it took a while. I hope you like the matchup!
In Obey Me, I match your OC with...
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Parvana and Lucifer would be able to bond over many shared interests. They both enjoy classical music and coffee, and they both care deeply about their family and close friends.
Lucifer loves that Parvana is a calm presence. He already has to deal with his brothers (and Diavolo) on a daily basis. And as much as he loves them, it can be a bit much sometimes.
If Parvana makes a birthday cake for him, Lucifer will enjoy every bite. Since his fall, he hasn’t really had many people care about his birthday or be coordinated enough to plan something out. So getting a specially made cake makes his day a whole lot better.
I feel like Lucifer is a reasonably honest guy. He doesn’t see the need to lie often since, if the truth has physically negative repercussions, he’s strong enough to deal with that.
However, he does lie if he thinks reputation is on the line, especially that of Diavolo. His standing in the Devildom is based on reputation and no matter how strong he is, he can’t take on every demon at once.
But because he knows how Parvana feels about dishonesty, he will do his best to never lie to her. He doesn’t want to betray her trust like that.
Stargazing dates are a must in this relationship! Lucifer knows a lot about stars (and most other things) so Parvana will be able to learn everything she could ever hope to about celestial bodies.
Stargazing is also a good way for both Lucifer and Parvana to relax and forget about their overwhelming workload. It’s a time when they can both just be in the company of the one they love.
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oddos · 2 years
Due to the imminent end of my internship at the university, I want to announce the opening of request!
What am I doing? I'm drawing you and your favorite slasher together and bring your drawing ideas to life
How to make a request correctly? Describe yourself/os (or send a reference pic) and in what situation would you like to be with a slasher. For more information on making a request, please scroll through the post below. Follow the rules
What does it look like? Single drawing. It can be a sketch or full art, it depends on my imagination and strength
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Friday 13th
A Nightmare On Elm Street
The Boy
Dead By Daylight
American Psycho
Resident Evil
I have indicated the fandoms that I prefer. Don't worry if your favorite fandom isn't on the list. You can still submit a request, but be sure to include the character's full name and what fandom they're from!
In order for me to accept your request, I need to know what you want to see in the picture and which character from the fandom should be on it (PLEASE, if you did not find the right one in the "fandoms" list, indicate not only the name of the character, but also the fandom where it came from, THX)
Optionally, you can describe your appearance or the appearance of your OC so that I can draw you and your favorite maniac (or not?) together. In the absence of this item in your request, I will draw S/O a random appearance or even myself lol (or mannequin style why not)
Don't specify in which style to draw (sketch or full art)
You can specify in what form to draw the characters (furry or human). Without clarification, everyone will be drawn in the image of a person!
NSFW is not illegal. Just be prepared for censorship (I like fluff better btw)
Don't touch on political topics
if something is not clear, you can ask a question in the comments
In addition, I can write the background of the situation depicted in my drawing
Have fun!
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hc-hq · 2 years
Rules For Requests
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Fandoms I write for;
MOVIES & SHOWS: Addams Family | Across/Into The Spiderverse | Avatar The Last Airbender | Arcane | BBC's Ghosts | Beastars | Castlevania | Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood | Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends | How To Train Your Dragon | Kung Fu Panda | Last of Us | Lion, Witch, & The Wardrobe | My Hero Academia | Our Flag Means Death | Primal | Scooby-Doo | Sense8 | Steven Universe | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | The Boys | X-Men | Witcher
VIDEO GAMES: FNAF: Security Breach | God of War | Last of Us | Monster Prom | Pokemon | TF2 | Undertale | Walking Dead
BOOKS & COMICS: Spider-Man: Miles Morales
Things that I'm especially interested in at the moment!!
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Things I love to write;
Angst - Things dealing with very painful, emotional, and upsetting content. Can range anywhere from something softer like being in a bad mood to dealing with a death in their personal life.
Fluff - Things dealing with very soft, fun, and loving content. Can range anywhere from small
Disability Content - Mental or physical, I am very open to writing for this kind of thing since there's so little out there for us </3 I'll try to educate myself as best I can if it's not something I experience, and I heavily encourage criticism if I mess up on anything.
Pairing Compatibility - Platonic or romantic, and can be character/character, character/OC, or even character/you! Just make sure to give a good description for me to work with :]
Platonic Content - Stuff between friends!
Romantic Content - Stuff between partners!
Suggestive Content - Stuff between two or more characters that is slightly sexual in nature. It should go without saying, but I'll make it clear anyways that this only applies for adult characters.
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Things I don't write;
Kid!Reader or Teenager!Reader - Absolutely nothing against you if you enjoy this, I just don't feel comfortable writing it.
Drug Use - With the exception of alcohol, I just can't write this sort of thing. Never been any good at it.
Dark Content - Abuse, SA, SH Scenarios, Torture.
NSFW - Including fetish content or heavy petting.
Pro-Shipping Content - Beastiality, Incest, Pedophilia.
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Other rules to keep in mind for my writing!
I will default to a gender & race-neutral reader for simplicity, but if you want a specific perspective, just make sure to note it in your request! - If you ask how I think that characters will react to certain situations/scenarios, I'm going to give you that. I'm not going to soften their personalities or flaws for romance. - If you ask for a reader in an anthropomorphic setting(ex. Beastars or KFP), don't feel shy about saying what kind of animal you want the reader to be! Just keep in mind that a lot of animals are much more dimorphic between sexes than humans are. - Goofy/Humour requests are highly encouraged, I'd love to see them! - To clarify, in reference to stuff like abuse, SA, and SH, I will write comfort for those who have had to deal with that in the past, but I won't write any characters/reader committing those acts or it being done to the reader/characters. - If you want to know if I'm into a certain fandom, ask and I'll let you know! There are some fandoms I don't feel comfortable writing for, but I still really love. Like Cookie Run because of the childish elements of its content, or Warrior Cats because all of the characters are literal animals. - Finally, at the end of the day, I am the person writing this stuff. If I don't understand or simply don't like the request, I will message you privately to let you know that I just couldn't get into it. This isn't my job, I'm literally just doing this for fun.
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Thank you so much for reading through all this, and remember the more specific the request, the better! I can't wait to see what you send in :)!
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About Patchwork Heart
So, this is probably going to be my pinned post or some shit. So if you do not know, I’m currently working on a project by the name of Patchwork Heart.
Patchwork Heart is a story about a monster by the name of Sapphire Valiant, who has amnesia, and social issues. She is forced into interacting with other people, a group of monsters she meets via being kidnapped by a monster trafficking ring.
Alongside these monsters she has to figure out who she is, right and wrong, and defeat at least 9 villains at this point, although it’s still in development so the number may rise or drop.
Patchwork Heart is a very dark story with incredibly mature themes and content. It will contain gore, a lot of swearing, mentions of abuse, drug use, references to murder, at one point a depiction of an attempted suicide, and likely much more. If you do not like these things, I do not recommend you read Patchwork Heart.
Patchwork Heart however despite the dark themes will not wallow excessively in darkness, it will be more under the surface (except for the gore, I’m warning you here, one of my OCs is literally a decomposing corpse full of bugs with his organs falling out). It plays more as a dark comedy about a group of bad people doing bad things and EVENTUALLY getting better.
I prioritize storytelling over comedy and edginess personally, in fact, my motto in writing is plot first. Patchwork Heart will be very heavily narrative based although it will have filler for the purposes of character exploration and of course one of my guilty pleasures, extreme anime fights.
So what is this post about?
I have said all of this, and much more in the past, so what am I getting at here? Well, this post is here to explain the project’s formatting, when it will exist, and my release schedule.
Although all of this may be subject to change, I have made a pretty solid plan for all of these things.
Patchwork Heart will be in a tv show format. And by that I mean it will have seasons and episodes. Each season will consist of about 24 episodes, and one main conflict, usually a villain, although the first season will not have one. These episodes will vary in length, but I promise they won’t be like 3 panels of nothing and that’s the end of the episode, I hate that.
Patchwork Heart is a passion project, and I am not going to get paid for it, at least not at this point in development. I may at some point open up a patreon, but I’m not going to lock this story behind a paywall. What’s the point of passion if you’re just going to monetize it?
No hate campaigns against people who don’t like my content, on the off chance I do get an audience I want to make one thing clear. I see the difference between hate, and a genuine criticism. Patchwork Heart contains many gay characters, and if someone dislikes the story, that doesn’t make them a homophobe unless they dislike the stories for homophobic reasons. People who criticize stuff like HGS and get accused by the creators of just being homophobic or transphobic deserve to have their opinions heard. In fact, if you have a criticism of Patchwork Heart and can offer advice on how to fix the issue, I might take up your advice if I find it to be reasonable. So don’t be afraid that I’ll be one of those creators who sends a rabid doxx crazy fan base after anyone who DARES slander my utterly perfect image with their gasp, actual criticism. I do not support these kinds of actions, in fact, I don’t support the mob mentality at all. Leave critics alone, opinions are opinions, and if they are right, I’ll listen.
There will never be a public discord. I do not see the point of one, I would never have time for one, and discord mods have a history of being really really bad people who abuse power and groom minors, of which I am one. Honestly, the website itself gives me the creeps, as do the people on it. So no, sorry, I refuse to make one. Very much in part by my not wanting to make a platform for people to groom people on, even if I would try to prevent it however possible the idea of it even happening to one person on a discord I made creeps me out because that would be my fault, and I’d feel like shit for letting it happen.
No Pedophiles, Proshippers, General Bigots, Doxxers, or otherwise terrible people. Regardless of what you call yourself, a pedo is a pedo, I don’t care if you identify as a “MAP”, you still wanna have sex with kids. Listen, I started in the Undertale fandom, aka, Proshipper paradise, containing Fontcest, Sanscest, Chariel, and Frans, and for years those shitty proshipper fantasies were hardly even seen as problems to me. Then one day I woke up and realized that incest, selfcest, incest again, and pedophilla, and none of it is ok, I was a kid, it pulled me in, and now I realized it for what it actually was, and that my initial skepticism that I had for the ships was founded. So basically, no I don’t respect proshippers, every fandom has an incest ship, an abusive ship, a pedophilla ship, and sometimes all of the above, but just because other fandoms are doing it does not make it any less of a problem. I wouldn’t send death threats because holy fuck who does that, I just don’t want any proshippers here, go back to vandalizing the works of Toby Fox or writing a concerning amount of Dipper x Mabel for Gravity Falls. I don’t accept bigotry in general, and I don’t want my fandom full of bigots, so leave. I don’t care why you do it, wether you just hate the person you’re doxxing or you genuinely believe that you’re somehow doing something good, I don’t care if you’re with me or against me, doxxing is unacceptable. You should never doxx anyone for any reason. And people who do, even for good causes, are just as bad if not worse than the person they doxx.
Patchwork Heart will not be out soon. This is one thing I am entirely confident on. Patchwork Heart will take YEARS. I don’t have the artistic skill to make it, it’s in early development and I don’t wanna pull a security breach and shove it out the door less than half finished. I have announced the project yes, and I will continue to supply updates right up until and even after the release of the first season.
Finally, my release schedule. I plan that once I start putting things out, it will be released in a bundle of 6 episodes dropped whenever they are ready similarly to Helluva Boss. There will be breaks in between seasons. But as I have said, I’m not leaving you high and dry, and you will be receiving constant updates and art.
Quickly before I go I’d like to say something more about the production. I am an indie author, I am working entirely alone on this project. Which I’ll admit might be part of why it’ll take so fucking long. If you are a writer and this project interests you feel free to contact me. But keep in mind, at this point I’m not getting paid for this at all, and have almost no audience. So I can’t pay you either sadly.
If you are interested in the project, and you’re a writer that would like to help, please contact me. Currently 100% of all art and writing comes from me, and that is terribly inefficient. Adding more members to the team would possibly cut down the time this takes by maybe even half.
Even if you aren’t interested in joining the project and you’re an artist or writer, still contact me, I’d love to chat with other creative people on this platform. Really it’s why I’m here.
Link to the patreon: Currently nonexistent.
Please repost this to spread it.
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