#I'm frustrated bc for every bit closer to it I get
diwatopia · 1 month
★ lovely ; james potter.
info: comfort, james potter x fem!reader, under 1k.
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your head nuzzles into james' neck, inhaling greedily. "you smell good..." you sigh dreamily, nails raking the tiny curls at the base of his neck.
"yeah? i took a shower earlier... used that lavender soap you like," he hums while adjusting at the duvet. he huffs softly, unsure whether the cold touch of the wall that digs into his side annoys him more or the small amount of bedding left.
he tugs at the thick blanket as if attempting to get comfortable but you choose to not think much of it. in your mind, he fancies your cuddles, your affection, like he does every day.
after few seconds of finagling and a growing frown of frustration, "can you back up just a little bit? you've left me no space and this window sill is just stabbing my side like mad..." he groans.
you pout slightly, cheeks flushing a soft hue that closely resembles one of embarrassment. "sorry," you reply softly, body rolling over before scooting towards the opposite end of the bed.
"oh, love..." he makes an awfully sweet crooning sound, lips matching your bitty frown as you hug the bunched up duvet in your arms as if wired to cuddle something, to cuddle james.
james sighs, inching closer till your back meets his front. toned arms wrap around your midriff in attempt to apologize further.
"'m sorry, i didn't mean to be all over you." you speak understandingly, barely there and james feels his heart crack into trillions of pieces.
because here you are, being his undoubtedly sweet girl, showering him in your love that it makes his own affection cower next to yours.
"it's not your fault, baby. i dunno' why i spoke that way, 'm sorry." he speak weakly, as if barely noticing his original tone of voice.
you hum, "you seemed like you had a rough day... cuddles always seem to do the trick, but i guess today's different and that's okay." your voice is nothing but a squeak, soft and meek in a way that makes james believe that you'd rather not upset him again.
he's quick to prove otherwise as he showers your nape and cheek with the sweetest of kisses, soft lips against your supple skin.
"i'm not mad, my beautiful girl. you're so kind, always caring for others, thank you for the cuddles!" he lays it on thick, tone drenched in the finest of honey from the most richest of hives.
you giggle as his kisses grow tenfold, thicker fingers tickling at your waist. "jamie!" you laugh, swatting at his wrists with no real defense, more or less for show.
laughter and tickles turn to soft grazes and a love-sick gaze that makes you melt into the sheets like putty.
"why're you looking at me like that?" you whisper, thumb grazing his hairline absentmindedly.
"'cause you're lovely," he whispers back.
"you're lovely," you quip back with ease.
"nuh-uh, sweet girl. you're definitely loveliest." he coos.
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★ diwa's notes: haiii this is my first post in ages and i'm super nervous bc ik my small amount of followers are def gone bc this isn't atwow TT this was just something sitting in my drafts so i hope ppl enjoy it :3 (and ellecdc if ur reading this which is a very low chance, ty for ur advice 🤍)
© hobietopia 2024.
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talaok · 8 months
ok first of all, I love your writing!!! a scenario just popped into my head and I found it so funny, the reader and Pedro have been dating for some time, Pedro doesn't want to have children but you were always good with children and after a children's party you went together and he realized (or thought) that you were strange when interacting with the children (which would be just tiredness) made him nervous and anxious thinking that you were frustrated because you wanted children and he didn't, during the night he can barely sleep and that means he gets up early and being impatient waiting for you to wake up, and at the first sign that you are waking up the first thing he says is: be honest, do you want to have children? and the reader is confused like dude it’s 7 am wtf??? I leave her answer and the end up to you and your incredible imagination, kisses 💋
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x reader
a/n: no bc bestie I genuinely love this idea so much like omg im sorry if i didn't do it justice but tomorrow im getting some very fucking important news and my mind is a bit all over the place
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Your beaming niece ran to you as soon as soon as you stepped into the backyard.
"There's the birthday girl!" you grinned, picking Nora up to give her a tight hug
"I missed you!" she squealed, as her small arms reached around your neck "You never visit anymore"
You snorted "Did your mom tell you to say that?"
The way your sister was biting down a grin told you all you needed to know.
"no" she mumbled, making you huff a laugh.
Your sister was raising the perfect actress.
"Well aren't you miss popular?" you gasped, looking around at all the children running around the place "These all your friends?" you asked, as she turned to follow your gaze
"yep" she nodded proudly "I basically know every kid at school"
"well there's something you didn't take from your mom..." you joked, raising your eyebrows at your sister
"hey!" she shot you a look
"I'm just saying" you shrugged "I don't remember your birthday parties being this big"
"oh shut up, you're one to talk" she rolled her eyes.
"hi Pedro!" Nora noticed him as he walked into the backyard with your sister's husband.
"hi Nora" he smiled, walking closer
"Is it your fault that y/n never visits anymore?"
Pedro was very much taken aback by the bluntness, but all you could do was chuckle.
"oh my god, I'm so sorry" your sister intervened, taking her daughter from you "Here why don't you go play with your friends?" she suggested, making her comply immediately.
"I swear I didn't tell her to say that" she promised, looking as mortified as she sounded.
"I know Alice" you grinned "don't worry"
"I'm sorry Pedro" she turned to him nonetheless.
"It's fine" he smiled that charming smile of his 
"Nora's just very..."
"Exuberant" her husband finished the sentence for her
"yes, exactly" she nodded
You laughed softly "That's definitely one way to put it"
The next hour was spent chatting at one of the tables Jeremy, your sister's husband, had set up on the lawn, and as you talked and ate, and drank more champagne than water the tiredness started to really make itself heard.
The flight from LA to Washington was six hours and a half, so you had to travel during the night, and as much as you wanted to sleep during it, you never were able to do so on planes.
So you were basically only running on coffee, and not even the good kind, no, the shitty airport one.
A tug at your hand brought you out of your own thoughts.
"Auntie!" your niece was saying
"sorry" you smiled down at her, setting your glass down "What's up sweetie?"
"come play Simon says!"
You had to fight the urge to groan. The last thing you wanted to do right now was to play a game with a bunch of screaming children.
"right now?" you asked
"c'mooon," Nora moaned, jumping up and down a bit "I want you to meet my friends"
You sighed slightly as you stood up 
"lead the way birthday girl"
And as you disappeared behind a tree, dragged by your own niece, Pedro couldn't help but think
That was weird
And that same thought continued making its way into his mind over and over again.
You've never hesitated when it came to playing with Nora, you loved that kid so much you would have given her the world on a silver platter had she just said the word.
You weren't constantly taking pictures of her because you "wanted to remember every single moment with her" as you insisted every time, you weren't smiling every time you just looked at her either, and you weren't even entertaining the kids like you always did.
Fuck, Jacob and Alice used to tease you every time saying that they didn't need entertainers for her parties when you were there, that's how good you were with children.
Not that today you weren't good with them, Pedro could see and hear the laughs you'd elicit from the small crowd, but still, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong... and that he had something to do with it.
You were asleep beside him, and he didn't know if it was because you were in your sister's guest room and not in your own bedroom, or if was because guilt was clawing at him from within, but as much as he tried to sleep, his body opposed to it.
He was looking at you... so peaceful, so pretty, so beautiful and all he could feel was guilty.
He had racked his brain as to why you were acting weird for hours and then finally, thirty minutes ago he'd finally got it.
It was his fault
Of course, it was.
The only thing that had changed since you last saw Nora, was that talk you'd had that day at the park.
God, he was so goddamn stupid.
"Another reason as to why I don't want children" 
He'd said it so casually too, as a stupid joke, like it was nothing, without even thinking that maybe that's not what you wanted, that maybe he was ruining everything.
And now he'd fucked everything up, and panic was rising in his chest so fast that he worried in mere minutes he was gonna go into cardiac arrest.
And yes you'd told him you didn't want children too, but maybe you just said it because that's what he said and you probably hated him and-
Fuck were you ever gonna wake up?
he had thought about doing it himself but then realized how bad of an idea that was when he was halfway into shaking your arm.
He needed to talk to you. Now.
He needed to know, and to beg you, and to tell you to forget all about what he said at the park because it all went flying out the window when it was about you and-
Your eyelids fluttered, and shit but for a moment he pondered the existence of a god.
A whimper left your mouth as you readjusted your head on the pillow and he couldn't hold it anymore.
"Be honest"
Your eyes flew open in shock as your heart skipped a beat.
"Holy fucking- Jesus!" you breathed "You scared me, Pedro"
"Do you want children?"
Your eyes widened even more as your features filled with confusion 
"What the actual f-"
"I know that I said that I don't want kids, and I know that you agreed with me, but if that's not really what you want or if- if you changed your mind I want you to know that I-"
You propped yourself on your elbows to get a better look at him.
Was he fucking high or something?
"Pedro first of all it's..." you trailed off, glancing at your phone and groaning when you read the numbers on the screen "Oh my god" you sighed, running a hand down the length of your face "and second of all, what are you talking about baby?" you sighed, your voice softening as you took in his worried face for the fist time since you'd opened your eyes.
He took your hand in his
"I'm talking about the fact that I take it back- that if you want to have children then I'm sure I can make it work, that I love you y/n, and I don't want to lose you and that-"
"lose me?" you frowned, trying to squint your sleep away "Children?" you shook your head, trying to make some sense of what was going on "Pedro I- I'm sorry I thought we'd agreed neither of us wanted children?"
"Yes, but I understand if you've changed your mind"
"Why would I have changed my mind?" you asked, sitting up "Where is this coming from?"
"I just-" he looked like a sad puppy with those big brown eyes of his "You were acting weird today at the birthday and I couldn't help but think that-"
"That I wanted children?" you smiled, doing a poor job of hiding your amusement
"oh my god" you breathed, moving some messy hair out of your face "I was tired baby" you explained with a grin "I didn't sleep for shit on the plane and I wasn't exactly feeling like running around kids like I usually do"
Now was his turn to frown
"yeah, oh" you shook your head, still unable to get rid of the smile on your lips.
"Well this is embarrassing" he let out a low huff "I just... I don't know-"
you sat up to get closer to him as you inspected his face.
"Oh baby," you cooed, stroking his cheek "Did you even sleep?"
"I tried to" 
Your lips pulled into a sorry tilt as you intertwined your arms behind his neck.
"I don't want children baby" you said "I love our life exactly as it is"
"I'm sorry" he murmured
"No don't be" you shook your head, letting your forehead meet with his "It was kind of sweet to be honest" you beamed, leaving a quick kiss on his lips
"Did you really mean it? that you'd have children if that's what I wanted?"
And when he looked at you now, you felt as if he was staring right into your soul.
"Sweetheart" he murmured "I'm not sure there's anything on this earth I wouldn't do for you"
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peachesofteal · 11 months
Simon praising Darling for being a good girl when she announces she’s pregnant 😮‍💨 like I’m sorry sir, who gave you the right to be so damn hot when you’re FICTIONAL?!
And Darling is just confused af about wtf he means. Like does she ever find out they fucked with her BC and knocked her up?? I must know, I must have more 😈🤭
He's like, 'you've done so well, darling' and she's like 'wait, what the fuck just happened?'
AU - not canon for Dead Disco Warnings-tags: 18+ Minors DNI. Brief mention of smut, mature themes. Angst. Vomiting. Doctors. Pregnant reader. Relationship issues. Dark themes.
"I've got ya." Johnny coos while he rubs your back where you are kneeling over the toilet, breakfast and bile coming up your throat with every other heave.
"I hate this." you moan between pants, propping your arm up to rest your head. He clucks his tongue, standing to run a cloth under the sink and returning to press it to your forehead gently. It's cold, and soft, and moving in easy circles.
"I know, darling. I know." You push away, slumping into his arms, letting him cuddle you close while he leans back against the bathroom wall and you count his heartbeats from where your head lays on his chest.
The door creaks open, and Simon's halfway inside, peering down at the two of you, mild concern in his eyes while he studies your slouching form.
"Third time today." He notes with a frown, and you nod. They count, keep track of everything, so they can recall it for your doctor's visits and make sure everything is still within 'normal' range. Morning sickness, your doctor has assured them too many times to count, is very normal.
"Morning sickness, the nausea, vomiting, is all normal."
"She's sick multiple times a day." Simon grits out. Johnny shifts his weight nervously, while you sigh and pat his hand comfortingly.
"If we were seeing drastic weight loss, or the panels were coming back outside of normal range, I would be concerned. But that's not happening. So, you've nothing to worry about." You give her a relieved smile, and hope they'll actually listen this time, although you know it's kind of pointless. "So," she claps her hands, and then motions to the table, and Johnny visibly brightens. This is everyone's favorite part, the ultrasound. You always glue your eyes to the screen, holding you breath to see the baby, the little blob in black and grey, your own little bean. You're obsessed with the sound of the heartbeat, taking comfort in its strength, its steadiness. So much so you bought a fetal doppler, just so you could all hear it at home. "Should we take a peek?"
"I'm fine." you assure him, holding a hand out. "Help me up." He grips you by your elbow, pulling you to your feet and into him briefly, so he can nuzzle his nose into your hair with a deep breath. "Now get out, I'm gross. Need to wash my face." You insist, pushing both him and Johnny into the hallway playfully before closing the door.
You have a lot of drawers, in this bathroom. Almost all of them actually, and most of them are a bit of a mess, unorganized, things strewn about. Sometimes, like now, you have to dig around for things. You're looking for something specific, a heavier moisturizer, one that can combat some of the dryness around your nose. Your fingers flip through tubes and tubs and creams, old mascara and half busted hair clips. You tsk, irritated that you're having a hard time finding the blue jar, until-
Your fingers brush against your old birth control pack. Encased in a cream colored piece of plastic, little pills lined up in a row. Just the sight of it frustrates you. After so many years, it finally failed. Finally let you down.
You don't know, but you pull it out. Maybe to look at it closer, to see if it will be expired by the time you finally need it again, or maybe, just to look at the thing that was your one constant since you were practically a child.
Either way. You study it closer, and that's how you notice the corner of the pill tray. The little foil piece on the corner is lifted, just a smidge, just enough for you not to notice, but when you peel it, it comes away so easily, so perfectly, with minimal adhesive. Like's it been pulled away before and put back in place. Like it's been moved.
When you realize, the floor room spins. It shudders around you, bathroom walls curving closer and closer to where you stand in front of the sink, eyes wide, dumbfounded. They wouldn't. They wouldn't. Would they? You blink at yourself in the mirror. You look, tired, but mostly healthy, a true testament to absolute hovering that has been occurring in your life over the past five months. You never lift a finger, you don't want for anything.
Because you're pregnant.
Because you're pregnant, with their baby, that you thought you got knocked up with on accident.
Your stomach curdles. They did this on purpose. Your fingers clench against the stone of the sink while you remember, all those nights when they pressed you to the mattress and made you see stars, while they filled you with their come over and over, every day. They were actively trying. They wanted this. A giant black hole rips open inside of you. It sucks your joy, your happiness, your dreams of future into it immediately. It dismantles everything you thought you knew as truth, takes a hammer and smashes apart every single second of the last five months.
They took your choice away. You stomach flips, and the you’re flinging yourself back in front of the toilet, bile spewing on your lips while you dry heave. It burns, the sting matching the sear of the tears that track down your face.
How could they do this?
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averageallogene · 10 months
Hello~ I found your Tighnari fanfic and my lord, I admired how it was beautifully written. I know you get a lot of praise for it and deservedly so. I do find myself wanting a tad bit more tho. I was imagining after all that spicy time, some wholesome aftercare would be nice. I hope you write it with Diluc as the male lead bc I think he's a man that can give you both spicy and sweet 😊
DILUC ♡⊹˚ Burning passion [NSFW]
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fem. reader (3rd person) ; sweet fluffy smut, my favorite <333.
2k words.
notes. HELLO DEAR!!! So sorry for the wait, I've been trying to answer all asks through work breaks and it took me a while to reach yours ;( thank you so much for the sweet message, I'm so happy you liked my first fic! Just know I always smile when I see you in my notes, I appreciate the support!!! I hope you enjoy this~ ✧˖°. Evidently I got carried away bc Diluc always makes me go 😫😫😫 *cupcakke noises*
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Ah, Diluc, sweet sweet Diluc. He's not one to outwardly show much affection when in public, but when in private… The quiet winery tycoon becomes the most vocal, the honeyed little whispers he offers his beloved [F/N] as they passionately make love never fails to make her drunk on his love. He's never one to let her stray far, his body grinding against her own as he sets a slow and deep pace, always close, always whispering how good she's making him feel. 
"You're so good to me, [F/N]... So, good," He's breathing deeper, his voice reduced to grunts as his lips brush against her own. His half lidded eyes delight themselves on the mirage under him, his lover's naked body glistening with sweat as he pounds deeper. 
"Diluc!" She sighs in bliss, her mouth chasing his as his hand roams to find her own. Fingers lace with one another, him placing them gently to the side of her head as his other rests on her hip. He can never get enough, truly he would've never guessed he would be so greedy when it came to [F/N]. 
"I love you, so so much." He always says so many times throughout the day, his tone always raw and honest. Yet, it was during such moments that her heart leapt the highest, a moan being ripped from his throat as he feels her gummy walls squeeze around him deliriously in response to his confession. 
"And I love you always." It's her turn to hush him with lovely words, the hint of a smile on her face earning his response of thrusting deeper, hitting the particular spot that made her see white. The whine that followed only made Diluc grow more and more eager, the rhythm slowly becoming sloppier, his own urges nearly escaping him as he carefully nibbled on her puffy lips.
"I'm close, love." He admits, the hint of frustration evident as he picks up speed. His free hand no longer lingers on her waist, instead slithering down to find her clit, circling and toying with it knowingly as he drinks in the way her body jolts and shivers.
"Ah, 'Luc!" Her voice is nothing short of music to his ears, eyes fluttering shut as she seems to drown on the pleasure inflicted by him. Her legs wrap around his waist, effectively caging him in as her free hand roams through his free hair. "Please, inside."
His otherwise gleaming eyes darken, lust clouding him as the only response he manages is a low grunt. After all, who was he to deny his lovely girlfriend? He can feel a shiver run down his spine as his cock begins to pulsate, the urge to paint her inner walls white giving him the strength to thrust even deeper, quicker. His tip repeatedly kisses her cervix as his mouth clashes with her own, muffling all and every moan as he consumes them for himself, tongues dancing together as his arms bring her closer. His strong grip cages [F/N] against his toned body, yearning to melt with her as they chase their release. 
Diluc can feel it, his orgasm right at the tip of his cock, yet as disciplined as he is, he somehow manages to restrain himself, edging his own release before he can feel the all too familiar sensation of her pussy spasming around his length, squeezing him for all he's worth as she finally releases the knot that had been pounded into her. 
"A-Ahhnnn… Cumming, ah-" Her words slurred as his lips suck on her tongue, tasting her every word as her legs wrap around him tighter, her body begging him for his cum, thick and warm, to claim her.  
"Fuck love, that feels so good…" In a hiss he curses, a small smile blooming on [F/N]'s face as pride swells in her chest. 
To know she was the cause to render the otherwise level headed Diluc into a cursing, rutting mess, it left her wet and ready all over again. She hadn't even reached her zenith a moment ago, yet she was already yearning for him all over again, never truly satisfied with all the ways he was able to pleasure her.
"Are you ready, baby?" He moans against her lips, eyes intensively gazing right at her own as his face flushes. Licking his dry lips, Diluc devours her whimpers yet again, speaking between kisses as he pounds into her relentlessly, finally caving to his own lust. "Here we go, have my cum just as you want."
The thick spurts finally fill her up, the sensation nearly edging her into cumming yet again. [F/N] moans in delight as she hums, releasing her hand to wrap her arms around his neck, bringing him even closer. Her chest presses against his own, feeling him heaving as his pace finally slows down, riding his own high as the lewd squelching sounds fill their now quiet room. 
His head slowly lowers to rest on the crook of her neck, his cheeks flushed with a vivid red that rivals that of his hair. [F/N] can feel against her skin the way he breathes rapidly, lips parted as he brings her closer, relishing in her mere presence as he finally comes to a halt. He doesn't dare move though, his cock still buried deep inside her walls as his seed spills with the overflow. Her hands find their way to his hair, breathing slower, a smile forming on her face.
"That was amazing, honey." She hums in honest delight, silently amusing herself over the way his confidence seems to quiet down. The once raging fire soothes into a glowing ember, the previous passion fizzled into endearment as his touch was now softer, gentler.
"I didn't go too far, did I?" He murmured, lips trailing from her neck up to her face before he watched the way he left her lips puffy and red. He blushes deeply in response, his beloved laughing softly. 
"Never, love." You can always go harder, she thinks, yet the words die in her mouth, lest she wish for her beloved to clear his throat in embarrassment. In all honesty, that sounded quite humorous, yet she restrained herself. 
"Thank you." Diluc smiles, his kiss returning to the gentle worshiping gesture he portrays during daytime. Yet as always, it never remains as one single kiss, his lips lingering as he indulges. "It felt wonderful. I can never get enough of you…"
"You're always welcome to take more, you know?" He was asking for it this time. [F/N] giggles as she watches him struggle to agree or hold himself back, his thumb caressing her face before he wipes the little drool of pleasure away from her face. 
"I wouldn't want to keep you up too late…" He reasons, his eyebrows furrowing softly. He still winces when remembering the one night he'd gotten too carried away, watching with slight horror how his lovely [F/N] limped the following morning. It wasn't like she hadn't enjoyed it, yet the ever gentle Diluc felt oh so guilty. 
"Honey…." She whined, her arms opening to take him closer, peppering his face with kisses. He was just so sweet, so giving, so perfect. "And I wouldn't want you pent up with lust. I can take it, really."
"Archons, you're too good for me." He sighed in bliss, his body coursing with adrenaline as he felt the desire within him rage once more. Still, he smiled, humming in satisfaction as she pampered him with her lips. 
"I think the same thing about you everyday." She giggled, her fingers combing through his crimson hair with nothing short of pure adoration. She could feel his hesitancy to even pull out, her legs pressing against him as she made herself comfortable. "Well, what does my handsome lover feel like, then?"
The smile he gave was [F/N]'s favorite sight to ever behold. "Perhaps some rest… Before we pick back up?"
"Anything you'd like, baby." She smiled, kisses following suit. 
Kisses lingered, constant and consuming, a make out session forming not long after. The pair remained entangled, Diluc atop as he could feel the desire to never move from such a wonderful situation. Under him his beloved simply looked and felt ethereal, their bodies piecing like the most well designed puzzle, simply perfect. His passion began to spark once more, the searing fire reappearing before his touches grew needier, his voice became hushed, his eyes darkened yet again. 
"Take me once more, Diluc." [F/N] whispered against his ear, her voice fanning against his skin as his hands went lower and lower. "I need you."
His vision once more clouded, he succumbed to his desires before he took her yet again. Slow, passionate, intense. His rhythm never faltered until the very end, his hold always strong and caring, his love raw as he poured his every emotion into each thrust. Together they tangled around their bed, him now under as his gaze drunk in the sight of his beloved atop, her hips matching his set rhythm as he met her halfway. His calloused hand held her lower back in support, their hands together as he laced their fingers, squeezing hers with intensity. I love you, I love you, Archons I love you so much [F/N], his head repeated like a sacred prayer right up until they came yet again, bodies resting against one another as they basked in their afterglow. 
"Would you like some water, honey?" He inquired, moving some hair away from her eyes as his own softened. She was simply gorgeous, perfection. 
"I'm alright, but perhaps a shower?" She instead proposed with a smile, her boyfriend humming in agreement. His eyes lingered lower, a furious blush creeping all the way to his ears as he noticed the way his seed leaked down her thighs. 
"Yes… A shower is in order." He smiled shyly, picking her up with ease. Against her protests he continued, hushing her with soft kisses. "No no, I insist. You ought to be pampered after taking me so well."
It was her turn to blush, face hiding against his long, luscious hair. Despite the innocent tone in which he spoke, his choice of words never failed to leave her lightheaded. Goodness, Diluc simply was too good.
A warm bath was quickly prepared for the both of them, and in it they sat. Diluc wrapped his arms around her figure, chin resting against her shoulder as he sighed in pure content. He always questioned if he was too… Clingy, was the word, always gluing himself to [F/N]'s hip whenever he could, yet time and time again he was reassured he was always welcome. His warmth, his protection, his love, it was all something [F/N] could never be tired of. 
"'Luc, can you please wash my hair?" She questioned quietly, her beloved humming in agreement. 
His fingers against her scalp felt soothing, her eyes closing with peace. She would hum in delight over the small action, Diluc behind her being unable to resist the smile from blooming on his face. 
"Do you want me to wash yours?" [F/N] proposed, him not being able to resist. After all, he was always craving her touch in whichever way. 
The water was still hot as they finished, passing onward to pick up the soap. He was the first to volunteer washing her body, insisting she rest for putting up with his antics. Nonsense to her, she herself always loved when he indulged in his own desires - after all, if a man deserved to, it was definitely Diluc! 
His hands lingered through her legs, massaging her skin carefully, like he were worshiping a divine deity. His touch was loving and soft, yet underneath the warm soapy waters she could feel his own heat take over, slowly but surely boiling with other motives as he remained quiet. 
"Something on your mind, Diluc?" She hummed with a smile, watching how his hands faltered before he resumed stroking through her skin. His thumb drew circling patterns on her inner thigh, not so subtly coming closer. 
"Perhaps..." He mused, smiling upon hearing her giggle in response. He could feel his cheeks burn in both embarrassment and desire, almost ashamed of never being truly satiated of his girlfriend. 
"Oh? And would you like to share?" It was now her turn to linger her touch on his leg, smiling knowingly before she leaned back, allowing his lips to come closer to her ear if he so desired. She seemed to read him like an open book, watching as he indeed came closer. 
"Would you really like to know? It might just be too… Shameful, love." He murmured, the lightheartedness in his tone evident as she could practically feel the smile on his breath.
"Shameful? Oh, now I'm left wondering just what my Diluc is daydreaming of." [F/N] giggled, her fingers tracing more and more towards his inner thigh. 
He didn't take long to give in, whispering all the dirty thoughts he couldn't let go for that night. It seemed as though that night's blaze burned thrice as strong, his desire never fully ceasing. Their soothing aftercare was suddenly interrupted, put on hold as his hands lowered, caressed her, gave her all the deserving attention. He couldn't get enough of her sighs, her moans, her praises for him. It felt so difficult to contain himself, his wish to convey his burning love through his actions fueling him to continue onward. 
The water was long cold by the time they truly finished, and even when they retired to the bedroom, it seemed like they couldn't get enough. Goodness, what had gotten into him, [F/N] wondered with amusement as under his administrations she came time after time again. Well, she certainly wasn’t complaining… Unbeknownst to her, the truth was that Diluc was downright addicted to her face as she reached the peak, how her pussy would squelch around his digits, or around his tongue, or would squeeze his cock dry, their fluids mixing and staining their bedsheets long into the early hours of the morning.
[F/N] couldn't remember having such a restless night, but she surely wasn't finding any fault in that. It was only as the sun rose that they had finally ceased their escapades, Diluc holding her lovingly before finally gaining the courage to get up. 
"Must you really go?" He heard his [F/N] pout, receiving a smile as he caressed her cheek.
"I'm afraid so, love." He hummed, his lips brushing against her temple ever so lovingly. "Why don't you take the day off?"
"I have to work, Luc." She laughed it off softly, her eyes opening to lazily look up at him. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized just how lovingly he looked at her, his fingers lingering on her hair as he played with it ever so gently.
"Don't worry about it, just rest." He reassured her, finally kissing her one final time before he gathered the strength to get up. "I'll see that your boss is informed that you won't be clocking in today."
She could only blush and offer him a thankful smile. A day spent in his manor… It simply felt far too good to pass up. 
Besides, her entire body ached. Some rest would surely do her well.
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ifangirlalot · 8 months
hiii, i just wanted to mention that i love your writing and if you could please write a finn smut with she/her pronouns? y/n and him could be actors and are working on stranger things together and they get hot and heavy in her trailer 20 minutes before shooting their scene, so someone knocks on the door and is asking if y/n's in there but finn doesn't stop ykyk doing his thing and so she's struggling to answer and this is such a long request im so sorry 😭😭😭
˗ˏˋ 𝐇𝐎𝐓, 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐘, 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄 ˎˊ˗ | starring finn wolfhard
FINALLY AN ACTUAL PLOT TO WORK WITH! I love getting requests, but most of the time you guys just ask for smut/fluff with a character and don't give me any ideas as to what to include, so it takes me forever to actually write- But thank you Nonnie for your (thankfully specific) request!
~*smut!*~ [𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘:] p in v, dirty talk, kind of public sex, exhibitation (if you squint), clit rubbing, basically porn w/o plot bc this is literally just smut the whole way through
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[Finn's POV]
With the scene finished, I immediately grabbed [Name] by the collar of her shirt and yanked her into my trailer with me. I've been pent up all morning from her little tease fest during hair and makeup. She thought she was so fucking slick, sliding her skirt up to show more of her smooth thighs, letting her shirt skid off her shoulder to show some more skin. Well now she was going to show me every bit of skin on her body. Since she so clearly wanted to anyways.
"Finn! Jesus, what is your problem, we're shooting again in twe-" I cut off her words with my mouth as I gathered her wrists into my hands and held them against the door of my trailer, my other hand holding her hip firmly in place. I was hardly ever this forward and blunt, but sexual frustration was enough to make any man crumble into a heap of desperation and desire.
[Name] stopped mid-sentence, her words dissolving into a quiet groan as her lips parted against mine. Her hands twitched in my grip, but I didn't let them go. My lips hurried to her throat in a frenzy as my hand slid off her hip and gathered her hair into a ponytail in my fist so I could kiss her neck without her hair trying to strangle me. I tugged the makeshift ponytail and flicked my tongue over her soft skin, so tempted to make a hickey, but still having at least a shred enough of common sense to know that it probably wasn't a good idea to leave one now… at least, not on her neck.
After sucking a few small red marks that would disappear completely within a few minutes, I slid both of my hands to her waist and picked her up. Turns out being horny made me a little stronger than I was usually.. I slammed her body down on the bed and crawled over her, pinning her body down with mine.
"Jesus Finn, what has gotten into you today?" [Name] panted quietly, tilting her head back while my mouth continued its exploration of her neck.
"Like you don't know." I shot back, gently placing my hand on her neck and pulling her head closer. "You teased me this morning and I haven't forgotten. I'm horny [Name]. And you're gonna fix this issue for me." Before she replied, I moved my hands to the hem of her shirt and pulled it off her body, tossing it away into a faraway corner; it crumpled to the floor, forgotten for the moment. I felt around on her back until I found the clasp for her bra. I struggled for a moment, trying to get it free, but when I couldn't, I groaned in irritation and flipped her body over roughly. My hormones were running rampid in my body, I couldn't wait for much longer, and it felt like [Name]'s bra was purposefully trying to ruin it for me.
I finally got the damn thing unhooked and shot it away quickly, letting my hands wander over her breasts, my fingers rubbing her nipples. I moaned quietly under my breath as I moved my head down and let my tongue flick her nipples into my mouth. Her tit felt so good in my mouth, so full, so perfect, so soft.
[Name] moaned quietly, her body arching up in my hands as her her hands wandered into my mouth. She was down to her panties now and I was absolutely loving it. This morning, I woke up planning to wake up and go to work just like every other day, but now I was in [Name]'s trailer with her tit in my mouth and my hand down her panties rubbing circles into her swollen clit while she moaned helplessly under me. Life was fucking great.
I couldn't wait anymore. I needed her now. My cock was throbbing so hard and painfully against my jeans that I felt like it might actually explode if I didn't shove it into her tight, pink pussy right fucking now. I pulled my fingers out of her underwear and lapped up her sticky juices from my fingertips, my eyes meeting hers as she watched me, her eyebrows crinkled up in arousal and her chest heaving from my tease. She moaned and tilted her head back, hips pushing forward into mine.
I grabbed her lush hips in my hands and shoved them into the mattress, keeping her body pinned down as I used one hand to unhook my belt and yank my dick out. I tugged a condom packet out of my back pocket and ripped the foil wrapper with my teeth.
Oh yeah. I came prepared to fuck her dumb with my cock.
I rolled the condom onto my cock and moved down slowly, taking the elastic band of her panties between my teeth and moving them down slowly, my tongue darting out to kiss her wherever it could reach- her thighs, her hips, even the entrance of her pussy, as my teeth slowly moved her underwear down her perfect legs and around her ankles.
[Name] kicked them off and wrapped her arms around my back as I pushed myself between her legs, holding her thighs in place on my waist as I eased my dick into her, inch by inch. I pulled a hiss of pleasure between my teeth, slowly exhaling as her warm core welcomed me in. "Sssss.. ahh.. Fuck, good girl, that's it.."
A cracked moan left my lips as I thrusted my hips into her. I could hear the fap of my cock penetrating her wet hole over and over as she moaned loudly beneath me, shouting my name over and over. For the first time in a while, I felt confident.
"Oh god Finn, yes, yes! Oh god yes, fuck, fuck. fuuuuck!" [Name] moaned, spreading her legs wider, her mouth open wide in pleasure as her eyes rolled back in euphoric pleasure. I pummelled my hips forward again and again, my hand grabbing at the headboard to keep it from smashing against the wall again and again. There wasn't much I could do about the mattress and bedframe creaking underneath us as I fucked her, though.
A knock at the door. "[Name]?" a producer said, knocking once more. "Hey, you're up in about five minutes and you haven't gotten your hair fixed up yet."
[Name]'s eyes went wide with alarm as she looked at me. Oh, was she expecting me to stop? Right now? She was fucking insane, if she was. No fucking way was I stopping now.
I smirked mischieviously and pulled her hips taunt against mine, ravishing her body faster and harder. She was drooling now, cock-drunk from my blatant usage of her body.
Try talking now, I challenged her silently. Do it. I dare you.
"I-I.. nghhhh. I-I, fuck I'm s-sssss…." [Name]'s apology died on her tongue as I slammed my hips into her harder than before and she bit her lip hard to keep from making a noise.
"That's it, good girl, keep quiet. Don't make it obvious what's happening here." I taunted in her ear as I continued to fuck her forcefully. I could feel a knot forming in my stomach, threatening to unravel completely in the next few minutes.
The producer knocked again. "[Name]? Hello? What's going on in there, are you okay?"
Her eyes begged me for mercy, but I just smirked and continued doing my thing. I could feel her pussy clenching around me, letting me know she was close to cumming. I just smirked at her expectantly, waiting for her to let the producer know she was perfectly fine and would be out as soon as we were done. With noticeably shaky legs, might I add.
"Y-yes!" she screamed, panting heavily, but somehow managing not to moan. "I-I'll be out.. s-soon!"
My eyes were locked on her breasts, watching them bounce with every thrust I made against her body.
The producer's footsteps receded and I smirked at her again, pushing my hips directly into her g-spot. [Name] moaned out before she could stop herself and her body shook desperately as she screamed out my name, her body emptying out every ounce of sweet, sweet cum. "Oh God, Fiiiiiiiiiiinn!"
I pushed my hips against hers a few more times before finally spilling into the condom with a load, throaty groan. I panted heavily, my body sticky with sweat as I rolled off her.
"I'm so fucking pissed at you." [Name] scolded breathlessly, but I could tell she wasn't really mad at me. She was more embarrassed than anything. I was sure I'd be embarrassed too, once the high from my orgasm wore off. But for now, I was cocky, smug, and pretty fucking proud of myself.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure you are. Just hush and get your pretty little ass out there before they come looking for you again." I smirked and gave her a cheeky wink as she groaned and tossed a pillow at me, hurriedly shoving clothes back onto her body and running out, leaving me alone, cackling at her as I cleaned up after us.
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fire-lizard-ro · 1 month
Ah yes. I've come to inquire about a certain blond fellow with the pretty eyes. Aventurine
So here's my bit. Reader is going through a break up with Aventurine and then they make up. I'm writing this while attention (females perspective)is playing in my mind. Maybe you could like incorporate it into the ask. Because I'm thinking in a way that the reader is trying to get Aventurines attention whilst keeping him at a distance. Sor of cat and mouse. And he's buying into it though he's much prefer without the sneakiness.
Also I hope this asks finds you in good spirits and a joyful mood. Caio.
Okay, okay- I have no clue what attention is. A song? I’m not good at this game help-
Anyways I will try my best.
Thank you sm for the ask. 🫶
I really do love this twinky little blond man and I’m happy to be writing about him.
It’s like two in the morning rn and I’m rambling here to distract myself from things. ANY!!! WAYS!!!
No gender is mentioned for the reader.
CW: exactly one (1) 2.1 spoiler (Aventurine’s real name- It’s at the very end), break up-make up time, mild angst bc ofc there is it’s Aventurine, hurt/comfort, happy ending hehe 🫶
Writing under the cut (SFW):
You couldn’t help but smile as you saw a certain someone’s nickname flashing across your screen. Right on time.
Though you supposed he knew what you were doing. After all, Aventurine is smart. Even if he didn’t realize it right away, he had to know by now.
You picked up the phone.
“Well hello, stranger. To what do I owe the honor?” It was hard to keep the sly lilt and inflection out of your voice when you knew he was definitely gripping his phone tightly on the other end of the line.
“I’m sure you know, dear. You’re slick but not that slick. You’ll have to do better than that to outplay me,” Aventurine said, his voice still fixed in that unhurried cadence and unbothered tone like usual despite the situation.
You rested your cheek on a hand and leaned back in your seat with a smile. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean. In any case, it’s a bit odd of you to call me. After all, we did break up. You remember that, I’m sure.”
You could practically hear the leather of his gloves crunching (is it crunching I forgot-) as he clenched a fist, keeping hold of his restraint.
The two of you had been dancing around each other like cat and mouse. Though at this point, who was the cat and who was the mouse was anyone’s guess.
Despite having gotten to the point of breaking up, you ended up missing him a lot. And thus you began the dance only to find his hand already waiting for you. It was unspoken that you both wanted the same thing. But every time he drew closer, you’d pull back. A frustrating back and forth that seemed to confuse him. Aventurine was sure you wanted him back. And yet you never let the cat finally catch his prey. Why? He didn’t get it.
“Oh sweetheart- Let’s not keep pretending, yes? I know you’ve been trying to catch my attention. You can’t hide your intentions.”
“Seems it’s working, then.”
It was true. You had been doing things to keep Aventurine’s eyes on you. Despite playing a game of keep away with him with how you’d draw him in and push him away, you didn’t want him looking at anyone else. At the same time, you weren’t sure if you’d truly be willing to get together again. What if the train went off the tracks again? The first time had been rough enough with the two of you waging a passive aggressive war and pointedly ignoring each other at some points.
And thus, this odd little game of yours. One that Aventurine was growing tired of it he had finally called you.
“Let’s talk in person, shall we?” “What-?”
A knock at the door. No fucking way- You opened the door to see your favorite the blond man himself.
“Hiya, darling dearest~”
“No need to be like that. I was serious about that talk.” He then pulled a bouquet of your favorite flowers out from behind his back. “For you,” Aventurine said with that stupid charming smirk of his. You squinted at him for a moment before accepting the flowers with a huff and a faux annoyed, “Fine.”
You were a bit conflicted. You were excited that he was here. Especially because he seemed desperate enough to actually seek you out and talk to you in person. But at the same time this was not something you calculated or expected to happen.
“I know you’re glad to see me. You don’t have to pretend,” he practically purred as you shot a glare over your shoulder, still keeping up appearances. “Oh but of course- I’m absolutely just tickled pink.”
Aventurine chuckled, tipping his head down to look at you over his shades, lids low and eyes practically glowing. “You always did have a way with words, sweetheart.”
He then took off the sunglasses (and oh that was another stupid, dorky little thing about him you found oddly endearing- shades inside a building- stupid silly adorable man-) and plopped down on your couch while you put the flowers down on the counter in the kitchen. You’d deal with them later. For now you had him to deal with. You sat in the chair instead of the couch. He pouted playfully about it, but didn’t comment. “I’ll cut to the chase- I want you back. And I know you want me back, too. I just can’t figure out why you’re leading me closer and then shoving me away. I’m starting to get the feeling you just like my attention. But even so- We both know the truth. So why don’t you just give in, lovely? I know you want to,” he said, surprisingly not using the old song and dance of leading someone around to get the information he wanted. He didn’t talk in circles and didn’t even seem all that flirty despite his words. He was… oddly serious.
“And what about the reason we broke up before?” You didn’t even try to pretend anymore. Aventurine has always been able to see right through you. That ability had clearly not gone anywhere. “I can’t make promises, but we can talk. We’ll work something out. I’ll even compromise on it.” Compromise was not an Aventurine word. Any deals he made were made in his favor without the other person even knowing what they were going to lose. Your incredulity must have been showing on your face more than you thought because he laughed lightly, the sound somehow dry- tired and heavy. “I see that look. I’m serious, baby. I’m sorry I ever let you go. You’re the only one who stayed. The only one who has stuck around. I need you. I’ll give it all to you. My attention, my trust, my… my heart, even. You don’t have to play these games to make me want you.”
Now you feel a bit guilty. But at the same time, elated. Even before you broke up, he never once brought up matters of trust and love. He seemed far too uncomfortable even edging around the topic. But now Aventurine was the first one to bring it up.
You said nothing but silently stood. And his eyes dimmed, waiting for disappointment. But then you walked over and sat next to him, pulling him into a hug. “I missed you, Aven.”
He let out a shaky sigh and wrapped you up in his embrace, arms tight around you.
“You should tell me, ‘I missed you, Kakavasha,’” he (Kakavasha?) said, his voice was shaky with emotion.
“I… I missed you, Kakavasha.”
“And I love you, sweetheart.”
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trollex-is-gay · 6 months
Buncha' info about my trolls au bc I wanna infodump abt it
Under the cut bc it got a bit long whoopsie-
Branch and Poppy are not a romantic couple in this. Major apologies to the Broppy fans, but I never felt them. And because I'm making my own au that's supposed to cater to me, I just couldn't force myself to include a ship I didn't enjoy writing about. Instead of being a romantic pair, they instead develop a sibling dynamic post-first movie and they openly consider themselves brother and sister by the time that World Tour happens. Branch has no remaining family and Poppy has always wanted a sibling, so it worked out well for them because they felt closer than friends but didn't feel romantic. Remember that this is not canon, this is my own thing and I'm not trying to attack the ship or the people who ship it, they're simply not romantic in MY au.
The duo do end up with romantic partners though! Some time after Trollstopia was created, Branch hit it off with Synth and found out he actually kind wanted to try dating him, and so far (as of after Band Together happens) they're going pretty steady and show no signs of breaking up. Poppy and Barb were an unexpected couple but are VERY attached to each other now. They've got a few issues to work out but they're getting better at communicating with each other and making their personalities work, so they're doing okay.
If you were to cast a normal average human into this world, they'd be immediately outmatched in height by essentially every troll except the classicals. Your average pop troll would be maybe around 6'1 (with exceptions like Smidge) and they can only get bigger from there. Techno trolls are the species with the ability to grow the largest due to living in a massive ocean with very few restrictions on their size. And yes, this does mean that compared to a human, someone like Bridget or Velvet and Veneer are absolute giants.
Now for some more Band Together related stuff for my au:
Synth and Barb didn't join their partners for the wedding because Barb kinda has a kingdom to run and Synth was one of the trolls left in charge of managing things while Poppy and her father were away, but also partially because they don't really know Bridget and Gristle and didn't think there'd be much point in going.
Branch was VERY affected by his brothers abandoning him, he held a pretty tough grudge against everyone except Floyd. His other brothers all just left without saying goodbye to him or acknowledging him, but Floyd took the time to let him know he cared and that he was only leaving because he couldn't handle everything going on. He was the only one to actually show he still cared before he left. Branch has a lot of trouble reconnecting with all of his brothers except for Floyd, they're on better terms. He IS connecting with all of them, and he still has a bit of frustration with Floyd, but he's just more comfortable with him because he's the only one who actually took him seriously when they were reunited and back before they'd split up. I'm not saying he hates his brothers ofc! But there's still a lot of baggage they all need to work through together. And his brothers also deserve to have a second to mourn their grandmother.
All of the returning trolls are a bit...startled by how the village has changed. Viva ended up growing up away from the pop village and lead her own, so she didn't know much about their history at all, and Branch's brothers have been in various places far away from the village, so safe to say none of them ever learned that there were other kinds of trolls out there. Poppy wants to write a letter to Barb and have her come back as soon as possible so that she can introduce her long lost sister to her new girlfriend. Synth is VERY surprised to hear that Branch has brothers, and excitedly rambles off about how he ALSO has a bunch of siblings to the returning trolls. He clicks especially well with Floyd and Bruce. Branch's brothers are a bit surprised to find out that he has a boyfriend, especially one that's a prince, but they're very happy for him and do their best to make a good impression.
It takes a bit of time for them all to adjust. Viva bunks with Poppy for the time being, and while Branch's brothers did come back to visit, Bruce is the only one who's decided not to stay in the village. He does kind of have a wife and kids after all! But he promises to visit them as often as he can. Send letters and such. The rest of the group are staying with Branch for now, but aren't sure if they want to live in the same house forever.
Viva is given a few days to adjust before they make any big announcements about her. After all, she's still processing a lot. The village is very happy to hear about the fact she's returned, and the trolls that lived with her also came to live in the village. No reason they shouldn't all stick together after all. Before Bruce leaves they have a family dinner together, if Poppy and Branch are brother and sister now, no reason for Branch's brothers and Poppy's sister can't be siblings either. Poppy is very very happy to have such a big family now.
I want to do something with Velvet and Veneer. I know they did some terrible shit and all that but considering how the trolls made peace with the Bergens even though they'd spent the last however long eating and basically torturing the trolls, and Barb kinda tried to convert all other tribes to one genre and caused some mass destruction...idk I feel like the siblings should get another shot under close surveillance or something (code for I love them and I want them in my au but not in a jail cell you feel me?).
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honnelander · 7 months
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alright, this is such a niche and self-indulgent little piece of writing bc i freaking LOVE this (awful and huge asshole) character buuut i do like to write for whatever i love in the moment sooo here's a little Brad Wolfe aka Hunter X-5 fic (he's cute ok??) (and if you're into marvel and are not watching the loki series, PLEASE go watch it! it's so amazing!) credit to @mrsbawar21-blog for the still!
word count: 2.8
pairing: Brad Wolfe (Hunter X-5) x reader
summary: Mobius could tell Brad knew you a lot better than he was letting on, and he wanted to get to the bottom of it.
taglist: @antrenna @buggy0827 @laviiv @feelinmatcha @ivonarfsh @facelessfionna @deserticwren @shadydeanmuffin
"See? Isn't this nice, Brad?" Mobius asked his beige jumpsuit-claded prisoner as he sipped on his vanilla milkshake, happy as a clam. "I mean, literally ten minutes ago we were at each other's throats, yelling at one another, and here we are," Mobius gestured around with his hands, emphasizing the 1980s McDonald's they were currently sitting in, "sharing a meal like two adults."
"Yeah, and you also tortured me," Brad replied quickly, not missing a beat as he kept his gaze set on the pair of Lokis conversing in the parking lot through the window. He drummed his fingers on the plastic tabletop, bouncing his leg up and down as he quickly glanced at Mobius with a quirked eyebrow. "Forgot to mention that part, huh?"
"Yeah, and you called me a 'nobody'," Mobius rebutted quickly, a hint of irritation dripping from his voice. He stopped himself, shaking his head slightly with closed eyes as he exhaled curtly.
Now wasn't the time to dispute that and the silver-haired TVA analyst knew that arguing with X-5- or Brad, whoever, was a waste of everyone's time and he didn't feel like renewing their earlier verbal scrimmage here when there were more pressing matters at hand. Ultimately, Brad did bring them to Slyvie in the end so that must count for something, right?
"But, that doesn't matter. See, I even bought you a shake," Mobius said, reaching across the table to pick up Bradley's vanilla shake and put it closer to him. "A little peace offering."
Brad's eyes flitted to Mobius' obvious olive branch for a second before looking back up to the analyst, unimpressed. After a beat, he raised his right hand, jabbing an accusatory index finger at Mobius, as he cocked his head to the side, saying, "But you did slap me, right in the face. I'm not gonna forget that."
"Just take the shake, Brad," Mobius said swiftly, slightly exasperated as he suppressed the urge to roll his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh.
Now, Mobius M. Mobius prided himself on his seemingly never-ending well of patience, but even he felt himself start to get annoyed at Brad's unrelenting persistence on being as difficult as can be. Did he always try to be as annoying as possible or was this just how the ex-hunter always is naturally? It was exhausting.
The former minute man-turned-actor glanced down at the shake again, leaving it untouched before looking out the window to refocus on the Lokis outside. "What- what are they even doing out there?" he asked with a huff, gesturing a hand towards the pair of variants. "It's like they're going over every detail of their relationship or something."
"Yeah, well," Mobius relented with a small sigh, taking another sip of his shake. "There's a lot of baggage to unpack when you're basically in a relationship with yourself," he explained casually like he was talking about a bad day at the office.
Brad picked up on the slight disdain in his captor's tone but he didn't care enough to broach the topic any further. Instead, Brad sighed in slight disgust as he resumed drumming his fingers on the table saying, "God... it's weird."
Not wanting to harp on his partner's unorthodox romantic relationship any more than he had to, Mobius picked up a plastic fork, getting ready to dig into his pie. "Now, why don't you tell me a little bit more about your movie, huh?"
Brad rolled his eyes and scoffed at Mobius's obvious deflecting technique. "What about it?"
"Tell me about all about it." The analyst took a forkful of pie, asking with an encouraging smile, "Is it a horror flick?"
"Oh, come on, Mobius. You don't care."
"No, really! I'm serious," he said through a mouthful of pie. "The poster we saw looked scary."
Not being one to pass up discussing his work and real life that awaited him back on the sacred timeline, Brad took the bait. "It's not scary... it's elevated thriller," he explained in a slightly matter-of-fact tone, waving his hand around for emphasis. In a condescending tone, he added, "It's cinema, thank you very much."
Mobius had no clue if there really was a difference between a scary movie and an 'elevated thriller', since it all sounded the same to him, but he appreciated Brad's enthusiasm on the topic.
Lifting his milkshake up to his mouth to try and hide his amused smirk, Mobius relented, "Oh, my bad. You're right... 'elevated thriller', got it." He nodded as he took a sip, putting his cup back down when he was finished. "I'll have to check that out then."
"And you have to get your own ticket!" Brad continued. "I'm not hooking you up. Especially not after all of," he waved his hands around at their current setting, "this."
"Right, of course," Mobius agreed patiently, watching Brad with a small smile. "I'll get my own tickets."
After his small spiel, the ex-hunter let out a small sigh. He blinked, a look of recognition overcoming his face as he straightened up like he was remembering the situation he was currently in.
He turned his torso to face Mobius head-on, putting his arms on the table and motioning towards the TVA analyst's meal. "Look, why don't we get this all to go, huh? It- it packs right up. Why don't we just- get it to go, so we can get out of here," he said, emphasizing the second half of his sentence as he mimicked packing something up and motioned towards the exit.
"We can't do that," Mobius rejected quickly. "Not yet, anyway. I haven't finished eating and besides, y/n hasn't even gotten her food yet," he added, jabbing a thumb over at you, who was loitering by the cashier in the front, hands on your hips as you looked up at the menu.
Brad followed Mobius' thumb, huffing out another irritated sigh at your figure and rolling his eyes. "She's still ordering? We don't have time for this- God," he muttered under his breath and slumped in his chair, rubbing his jaw. "She always takes forever to do anything," he added with a mumble.
However, Brad's little admission right there didn't escape Mobius' keen ears. Trying to keep casual, he dug back into his pie. "'Takes forever to do anything', huh?" he asked nonchalantly. "It kinda sounds like you know a lot about y/n."
Brad's eyes flashed to Mobius's briefly before looking elsewhere, shifting in his plastic seat. "Yeah, well, she's your partner, isn't she?" He glanced out at Loki for a second, "Or, at least one of them? You should know how slow she can be sometimes."
The silver-haired analyst shook his head once. "She's not slow. I prefer the term meticulous, actually."
For whatever reason, Brad felt the need to clarify himself, which Mobius couldn't help but find interesting since he knew X-5 to be a guy who always brazenly said what was on his mind no matter the circumstances.
"I didn't mean slow as in stupid," Brad quickly clarified. "I-I meant as in she just takes a long time to do anything."
"Uh-huh," Mobius replied simply, secretly enjoying how bent out of shape the man in front of him was getting. "Right."
"Yeah..." Bradley trailed off, finally picking up his forgotten shake and taking a long sip of it, avoiding Mobius's expectant gaze. After a few beats of silence, he put his shake back on the table, looking over at Mobius with an annoyed glance. "What?"
"Nothing," Mobius replied easily, looking over at Brad once again before looking back at his food, munching on a fry. "I just think it's interesting how you know how 'slow' y/n can be sometimes, that's all."
"Look," he looked back at Mobius, a hint of irritation (and embarrassment?) in his features. "Whatever little 'thing' you're trying to imply here between me and her, just drop it."
Mobius perked up, looking back at his prisoner. There it was again, Brad's peculiar choice of words. "'Drop it'? Don't you mean 'give it up'? Since 'giving up' would imply that there's absolutely nothing there, whereas 'dropping it' would mean that something is there but you just don't want to talk about it?"
Brad sat up. "Drop it, give it up- whatever Mobius, just stop talking about it."
A smile started to creep up on Mobius's face, finding joy in all of this. This little impromptu interrogation was turning out to be a lot more fun than the last one he had with the actor. "'It'? So there's an 'it' now? What's 'it'? Do you mean your little crush on y/n?"
The actor's body stiffened for a nanosecond before turning to fully face the analyst. "Mobius, I swear to God-"
"OH! So that's a 'yes'!" Mobius declared, hitting the tabletop playfully with a grin, his smile only getting wider at seeing Brad become more and more agitated. "You do have a crush on y/n! Aw, that's so adorable Bradley, really."
The ex-hunter leaned back in his chair, scrunching up his face as he looked to away. "'A crush'? Really, Mobius? What are we- five? Please."
"Oh, so you love her?"
Brad's eyes widened, snapping back to look at him. "What? No, I don't-"
"Oh, that's ok," Mobius reassured with a wave. "Maybe your crush on her will blossom into love one day, who knows? I mean, life is crazy right?" He got another forkful of pie as he said, "I just can't believe that you had a crush on my partner this whole time and I didn't even notice. What kind of analyst am I?"
Mobius shook his head, laughing at his own joke. It seemed so obvious to him now. He should've realized that X-5 had some type of feelings for his long-time work partner eons ago. He always thought it was strange how X-5 would randomly stop to chat with them, well, with you mostly he now realized, at seemingly random times throughout the day, like when you both were having lunch in the cafeteria or how X-5 would always be the minute man to volunteer and be the muscle for one of your missions if need be. He had always thought it was weird and strange, but now it just made sense.
"Mobius," Brad said, letting out a defeated sigh. "Can you just, drop it? Please?"
Mobius looked back up, eyebrows raised as he looked up at the former minute man. "And now you're saying 'please'? Wow, you're just full of surprises today Bradley, aren't you?" he asked with a disbelieving laugh. He watched as Brad slunk back into his seat, a resigned look on his face. Ever the kind soul, Mobius kinda felt kinda bad for him. "Hey, look," Mobius started, in a softer tone, "X-5, Brad, Bradley, whatever you want to be called, your secret is safe with me, alright? I won't tell her, I promise."
The movie star was quiet for a moment, sucking on his teeth. Even though he personally might not like Mobius, he did know that Mobius was a man of his word and kept his promises so, he had no choice but to trust him. "Yeah, well... thanks," he said, flashing the analyst with a quick look of gratitude as he rapt his knuckle on the table.
"Hey, no problem," Mobius said, regarding the man across from him for another moment before finishing up his pie. With a small, surprised laugh, Mobius said, "You know, I just think it's funny how a," jerk, he thought to himself, "guy like you ends up with a little, school-yard crush on such a kind and caring person like y/n."
Brad raised an eyebrow at Mobius's choice of words. "'A guy like me'? Liking someone like her? What is that supposed to mean Mobius?"
"Oh, nothing," he replied innocently. "I just think it's funny. I guess, in this case, opposites really do attract, huh?"
"Oh, what? Now you're calling me a jerk?" Brad started, ready to go at it with Mobius again. "Why don't you just-"
"Hey, guys," you said, finally arriving at the table with a brown to-go paper bag with your food, sliding into the seat next to Mobius, your partner, unknowingly stopping the argument that was about to take place. "Sorry I took so long. There were just so many options to choose from, you know? It was hard to decide."
Now that Mobius was keen on Brad's little crush on you, he couldn't help but want to mess with him even further. "Ah that's ok y/n, I know that sometimes those things can be a little slow," he said, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards when Brad sent him a glare. "So don't worry about it."
"No word from Loki yet?" you asked, completely oblivious to the invisible sparing match occurring between the two men. "They're still out there?" you asked as you leaned on the table, craning your neck to try and see the two variants better.
"No, nothing yet. Hey, y/n," Mobius said suddenly, hitting your shoulder slightly like he had just come up with a great idea. "Why don't you move and sit next to Brad? I think he has a better vantage point to see them than I do," he innocently suggested, sending Brad a good-natured wink.
Brad nearly face-palmed himself. He forgot that Mobius could sometimes be as subtle as a baseball bat. "Mobius," he warned lowly.
But the mentioned analyst continued unphased. "And while you're sitting over there, watching the Lokis, you know, next to Brad," he added again for emphasis, "you can eat your meal."
"Oh, no need," you answered easily, to which question, the guys didn't know. "I got my food to go."
"See?" Brad quickly straightened, a newfound urgency in his tone and movements are he looked back and forth between you and Mobius. "She's smart, she got her food to go, to have back at the TVA. Which is exactly where we all need to be. Right now. Let's go."
"Jeez, Brad, what is it with you?" He asked exasperatedly, rolling his eyes. "You're like a broken record. First, you're all like, 'get me back to the sacred timeline' and now you're all like, 'get me out of here'." He shook his head. "It's like you-"
"Know something," you said, cutting off Mobius' train of thought, your eyes looking at your beige jumpsuited prisoner with a calculating gaze.
At your words, Mobius stopped his spiel, blinking as he leaned back in his seat, his eyes looking over at Brad in thought. "Do you know something?" he asked.
Brad, however, stayed quiet. He picked up his milkshake, swirling it around before taking a couple of sips as he turned his body away from you both, looking out the window.
"Hey," Mobius said a little more firmly, slapping the actor's forearm to get his attention. "Don't get all quiet on me now, Zaniac. What do you know? Is this a setup?"
"It's an ambush," you said.
But Brad continued to suck on the straw, not looking at either of you.
"Bradley, answer me," Mobius said forcefully.
Brad put his milkshake down, swallowing the sweet treat before looking at you. "We need to get out of here," was all he said.
You held eye contact with him, discerning the urgency and panic you saw held within his gaze. You couldn't help but feel that when Brad had said 'we', he really only meant you and him. His look and words sent a shiver down your spine.
Mobius was the first to get up, the rest of his meal forgotten. "Alright, let's go. We need to regroup with Loki so our friend Brad here can tell us what's really going on." He picked up his tray, walking over to the trash to dump the rest of his fast food scraps away, and put his tray on top of the can.
Brad held your stare for another moment before finally blinking, breaking the spell, as he hastily got up himself. "Finally," he muttered. He tossed his drink away as he quickly followed behind Mobius.
But you didn't move. You stared at the now empty spot that X-5 had occupied seconds ago, trying to discern why you felt that he knew about a lot more than just this current situation.
As always, your long-time partner and best friend knew when you needed to be broken out of your train of thought and get you back on track. "Y/n!" Mobius called out as he headed towards the exit. "Let's go!"
Snapping back to reality, you blinked, shaking off your wandering thoughts and stood up, following Mobius and Brad outside. Now wasn't the time to analyze Brad's actions and choice of words, right now all you needed to know was what Brad knew right at this moment and why he was so adamant about getting back to the TVA.
If you wanted to question Brad more, you could do that later. He was your prisoner after all and time worked differently in the TVA, right?
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aidensixeye · 12 days
haiiiiiiiii just wanna req a smut fic of btm trans ftm reader and nanami in an established healthy relationship where nanami came home late after work bc he was forced to work overtime (he despises overtime) AND HES VERY FRUSTRATED and pent up maybe... and wanted to cool off by just eating his husband's 🐱 out bc he hasnt had dinner yet ykwim HHAHAHA and then go all soft for aftercare.... ggrgggrrrr m so delusional...
its jujutsu 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 (btw u can do this req anytime u want even tho this is like a cliche req but i wanna see on ur perspective how u write abt this!!! take ur time if needed ya!! have an orange while ur at it 🍊)
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"i'm starving."
nanami x trans!male reader
nanami had to work overtime and came home hungry, so he decided to have you as his dinner.
cw: nsfw, reader is a bottom, use of "cunt" for reader, eating out, penetrative sex, breeding, and aftercare!
tw: none
w.c: 2.4k
(constructive criticism is welcome! im still trying to figure out my writing style, so i apologize if anything is choppy or poorly written. please use tone tags when giving constructive criticism, otherwise i'll accidentally take it the wrong way <3)
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the sound of nanami’s stomach growling, followed by a sigh from the man, was damn near enough to make him go insane. if he gripped his steering wheel any tighter, he might’ve popped a vein.
images were racing through his mind, teeth gritting, his focus set awry from you. ‘focus on driving, nanami. you're almost there,’ he told himself over and over like a matra. but he couldn't focus. what was your goal, sending him pictures of yourself like that, knowing he was working overtime?
he was starving. on one hand, for actual food, but another, he didn't want food, he just wanted you.
overtime didn't make it better, either. then gojo was bothering him as well. but thankfully, all those thoughts were set aside as he finally pulled into the driveway, getting out of his car and slamming the door. unintentionally of course, he was usually gentle with such things as to not damage them or wear them down quicker.
the front door opening made you perk up from your spot on the bed. you were on your phone, laying on bed, but now you sat upright, patiently waiting for your husband to come in.
nanami didn't exactly walk in and scoop his husband up like normal, muttering sweet nothings, complaining about his day. instead, he walked in, dipping two fingers in his tie to loosen it, then hastily grabbing your legs to pull your body closer to his own. you let out a surprised yelp, awkwardly chuckling.
“(name.)” he started, his voice firm, which made you tense a bit.
“um.. yes, nanami?”
“i'm starving.”
“i can go get you something, i know traffic is bad. or i can c-”
“no,” he interrupted you, jaw clenched, and hands pulling off your shorts. you, of course, knew what he meant by now and knew what to expect. nanami didn't even need to say anything further, he was looking at you like you were prey and he was ready to eat you alive (which he was).
before you could even blink, your shirt was pushed up but not taken off, boxers laying on the ground, and nanami was tearing his clothes off as well. he didn't have plans to go straight to sex though, not him. he's a patient man who waited long enough to have you in the palm of his hands, and he’d be damned if he didnt savor every moment, if he didnt savor every bit of you. right now, he needed you like water, and seeing the hunger - almost desperation - in his eyes turned you on.
“you're already wet.”
“well.. you're already hard!”
a brow raised, testing you to keep talking, which you didn't.
“can i?” he inquired. he already knew the answer, but he liked to hear you say what you want him to do.
“for fuck’s sake- yes, of course! c’mon, nanami, just get to it!” now you were the desperate one. it was ironic, a smile pulling at the sorcerer’s lips.
he laid down on the bed next to you, your curious eyes watching and following his every move, but you didn't quite catch the way his sneaky hands pulled you onto his chest, then adjusted their positions to pull your cunt right over his face.
you were shocked at the position. quite honestly, he’d never done the sixty nine position with you, he just ate you out whilst prepping you, let you suck him off, then it went to penetrative sex.
his tongue dragging along your clit, fingers digging into the soft skin of your hip dips, sent a shiver down your spine. you weren't sure what to do now, hips attempting to jerk against his lips, but to no avail thanks to his strong grip.
“suck me off, sweetheart.” his voice was like honey to you, a whine leaving your lips as you moved your body down to follow his order. as soon as the tip of his cock was in your mouth, you felt his tongue dip into your hole. your brain fogged for a moment, moaning against his length, which made him groan from the vibration.
with every lick, suck, and “mmm” nanami would give, you would try your best to suck him off. your head bobbed up and down, tongue dragging along his veins, trying your hardest to deepthroat him. sadly, you had to use your hand for whatever your throat couldn't take.
nanami was a gentleman too. a bit of a sadist when it came to sex, but still a gentleman. he knew you were insecure of your chest sometimes, so he would leave your shirt on for you so you could decide if you wanted it on or off. he wouldn't force his entire cock in your mouth because he knew your limits, although sometimes he did enjoy using your mouth if you let him.. the way you cried and gagged around his dick was too good. but, he’d never go against your wishes, so he always asks just to be sure.
you thought so fondly of your husband, just as he thought so fondly of you.
immediately, your thoughts were interrupted by a finger slipping in your hole, your free hand gripping at his thigh like a lifeline. your bobbing stopped, pulling off his cock with a ‘pop’, and trying to catch your breath.
“nanami, please..” you didn't even know what you were begging for. more of him, maybe? another finger? more of his tongue? neither of you knew, but the only thing on your mind was him.
… and the way he stopped the moment you did. this bastard!
“keep sucking me off if you want more.”
you frowned, then huffed, but complied and stuffed your mouth full with his cock again. your head moved up, down, up down, over and over.
“good boy, (name). very good.”
you could hear the shitty smirk in his voice, and it made you more wet - if you could even get more wet.
another finger slipped inside your cunt, both his digits thrusting inside of you while he bit, sucked, and nibbled at the back of your legs. you were in pure ecstasy, thighs trembling slightly already.
his tongue was one thing, but the way his fingers curled, thrusted, and stretched you out so perfectly was surreal. it was pure ecstasy, and nanami knew every button to press, every sensitive spot of yours, every string to pull to make you moan and cum for him. he knew everything about your body at this point, using that to his advantage, of course. how couldn't he? with the way you squirm and beg for him?
“wait, nanami-” you interrupted your own sentence by cumming, a loud moan leaving you. he didn't even notice how you stopped sucking him off, he was too engrossed in fingering you.
he frowned, though. he wanted to taste your cum on his tongue, but alas, he’d have to lick it off his fingers. then eat you out again, of course.
even though he didn't get to cum yet, he didn't mind waiting, his fingers pulling out of you to lick them clean. as soon as they were licked off, he moved your body and sat up. you were soon laid on your back, legs spread, confusion spreading across your features.
then, you watched as nanami lowered his head once more between your thighs and started licking between your folds. your back arched, crying out from the overstimulation, hands grabbing at his hair and pulling lightly. he ignored it though, his thumbs spreading your cunt apart for his eyes to see, tongue licking up and then sucking on your clit.
you had turned into a mess. squirming, moaning, whimpering, grabbing anywhere and anything you could, yet nanami somehow managed to keep you still long enough for you to reach another orgasm.
this time, he got to really taste you, his tongue lapping up your juices like a thirsty man. your body was trembling and spazzing, chest heaving up and down with each breath.
“there, now im full.” he smiled, standing up. he pulled your body closer to his, your ass nearly hanging off the bed, then he lifted your hips just a bit.
“ah- nanami, wait, please.. let me catch my breath.”
“of course.” one of his hands moved to caress your cheek, then grab at one of your hands, bringing your knuckles up to your lips. he let you calm down, your body relaxing more, moving your hand up to cup his cheek, which he leaned into.
“you can go ahead now.”
without wasting much time, he lined his cock up to your entrance, then pushed in. he didn't move too fast so you could adjust, but he certainly wasn't slow with it either. once he bottomed out, he lets you really adjust, hearing your whines and whimpers.
your hands gripped at the bed sheets beneath you, eyes squeezing shut.
“look at me, (name). i want you to see me when i start to fuck you.”
you slowly opened your eyes to watch him, the both of you making eye contact as he began to move his hips. you had to refrain from letting your eyes flutter closed again, moaning out.
it was all too much, but also not enough at the same time. nanami filled you up so good and made sure you felt loved.
his thrusts began to quicken, hands roaming along your body as he fucked into you. it made your body tingle.
“can i- shit- can i take your shirt off?” he breathed out, pulling at your shirt, to which you nodded. he nearly tore it off of you, then pulled your legs up to rest your ankles on his shoulders, giving him a much better angle to drive his cock into your cunt.
“you feel so good, my love.. so tight.” his vice was breathy and almost whiny, mesmerized by the way your body jolted each time his hips met yours, the way beads of sweat formed around your body and your hair stuck to your forehead, and the way your mouth hung open, just letting any noise be heard. you made no effort to silence yourself.
you both were mesmerized with each other. nanami looked so pretty when he fucked you, it was a much different sight than his more professional look.
however, your smile - which you had no idea had formed - faded due to nanami stopping. you whined and tried to move your hips to get friction, squirming around, but before you could even speak, you were lifted.
then the realization hit you that he was just changing positions, his knees making the mattress sink when he got on it, and your legs being pushed further back.
this time, he didn't give you time to adjust. he practically slammed his cock into you, his body hunched over, palms on each side of your head. the sound of skin slapping started echoing through the room, but it was hardly heard from your loud moans.
he just put you in a mating press, and it felt like he was somehow deeper than before. it was all too good.
“... can i.. cum in you this time?”
just from his question, you came. you squealed and arched your back once more, hands going up to cover your face.
“please, yes!”
nanami smiled at your response, kissing your hands to try and get them to move. you did move them, letting him capture your lips in a rather passionate kiss.
his thrusts got rougher, but sloppier, so you knew he was getting close. one of his hands went to rest on your stomach, lightly pressing on it, then stopping as soon as he reached orgasm. he broke the kiss so he could groan.
“ah, fuck. i hope you get pregnant, (name). i want.. to see your belly get round. no doubt, it'd be cute to see you carry our kid.”
as if to prove his words, he thrusted again, pushing his cum deep inside of you.
both of you were in pure ecstasy, but especially you. he was pressing sweet kisses to your face and neck, the both of you starting to calm down from your highs.
once he pulled out, you whined, feeling empty. he picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist, and carried you to the bathroom to clean you up. you heard some water run, not even paying attention to the way he managed to hold you with one arm, albeit with the help of your legs around him. then soon after, you were placed in the bath.
he sat behind you, scooping some water to run along your arms and hair. you began to come to your senses, relaxing into his touch and letting out hums of content as his fingers scratched at your scalp, the orange scented shampoo filling your nostrils.
“how do you feel, my love?” he questioned, rinsing the shampoo out before kissing your cheek.
“hmm.. good.. a little tired, but good.” you leaned your head back against his chest to smile up at him, a smile which he returned and leaned down to kiss.
“good. i apologize for being so abrupt.”
“i kind of expected it. i did mess with you by sending those pictures..”
“you are truly a menace for teasing me in such a way, especially during overtime. but i love when you take naked pictures of yourself to send to me.”
his hands traced along your arms, fingertips brushing against your skin, making you giggle and move away.
after he had finished cleaning and kissing all over you, you moved so you were facing him and began washing him as well. he didn't question it. he always found it nice how you gave him aftercare as well, even though you were the one with trembling legs.
“you know, you don't have to treat me as well. i am the one who exhausted you.” even despite his words, he leaned into your gentle touches, eyes closing.
“i know, but you still did all the work! i'm sure its tiring.”
“truthfully, i never tire of doing anything with or for you.”
your face burned at his sentence, a stupid lovesick smile pulling at your lips. you didn't say anything after, just repeating his words in your head and finishing your bath with him.
as soon as you were both done, he got up and lifted you out, wrapping a towel around you both. you dried off, walked into your closet, and put your pajamas on. nanami did the same, lifting you up again to carry you to the living room.
“i’ll wash the bedsheets, can you find a movie for us to watch? then maybe i can cook for us or something..” as if on cue, you heard his stomach growl, making you chuckle with a nod.
“love you, nanami.”
“where’s the ‘i’?”
“i looove you, nanamiiiii!”
“i love you too, (name).”
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reposting and translating my works are allowed, but please do not claim my writing as your own. this was written by @aidensixeye
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givehimthemedicine · 5 months
even more Rainbow Room door bs
I'm tracking how there are multiple Rainbow Rooms and I have a gigantic analysis in the works on that, but I'ma post this tidbit on its own -
so there's that freakout sequence where El keeps bursting into the RR through different doors. and obv this is trip architecture and not the true layout of the lab, but there are still a couple strange things here if you can believe it:
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so we can very clearly see which way this door opens and which side its hinges and locks are on (slay james, there's your barrel lock on the door frame). all of that indicates that this is the single door to the left of the mirror (if you're facing the mirror).
and yet this is the El POV they pair it with: coming from the right-of-mirror door. the left-of-mirror door we JUST saw her fling open is the one that's visible in the shot.
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so look closer at that left door.
in this very similar angle in the El-seeing-herself-in-the-mirror shot, the door is closed and we are able to see its handle. compare to the El-burst-in shot (I've brightened it a little to help see)
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I don't see the handle. so the door must be open? no. because the door swings inward, so if it were open it'd be sticking out into the room. it's just. gone. I don't even see the hinges.
leading me to conclude that that door is not open but absent, hinges and all, for this particular shot.
I'm still trying to figure out why they would've needed to do that even for filming reasons, because there is no left-door POV in this entire sequence so it's not like it was easier to take the door off to get a clear view.
WAIT I FIGURED IT OUT (but in a way that just makes it worse)
ok go back to this shot for a sec. it's backwards. flipped horizontally (Millie's face is wrong)
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so if Millie's backwards then what they really did is filmed her bursting in that right door, and then flipped the shot to make it look like it's the left door.
(so we've never truly seen that left door open, have we? that's the one we know leads to the bizarro set so it's easier to just never let us see through it. which is why they had to fake it here using the right door)
but still, WHY did they go out of their way to make it look like this was the left door when they weren't even gonna pair it with a left-door-POV? (I actually have a hypothesis but I need to check some stuff first)
next, El bursts in again:
and then when we go back in the hallway, we can glimpse a little bit of rainbow through the crack of the door she just opened.
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normally, the rainbow on the single-doors-and-mirror end of the room is purple top. always, in every version I've got nailed down so far (several). ALWAYS. including in the shot they just showed us.
but the version we can glimpse through that hinge crack is red-top. so. impossible to be the same RR.
that's one of many hints that the RR version glimpsed from the hallway shot is not the same RR version as the interior view they just gave us, so I don't have any reliable intel on how else that red-top-mirror-end version looks inside, which is why I'm not saving this for my big post.
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this time, she yells and slams this door in frustration, but when we go back into the hallway, the door is still open.
and I can't tell for sure whether the screen left doors have rainbow crack visible in them even if I make them crazy bright
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but both doors on screen right have the red top rainbow crack. and no, those don't work as the backsides of the RR doors for several reasons I won't even bother listing bc again, trip architecture.
so uh. there you go
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capillaryspice · 2 months
Unpopular opinion rant incoming:
I did not enjoy Baldurs Gate 3
Before anything else I will admit I am biased, as strategy turn based games aren't something I'm usually into to begin with. I mostly ended up playing it because my partners and a friend are SUPER into the game and wanted to do a 4 player run. I do have 30 hours on a solo run I tried to get used to the game with, so I have a decent bit of experience with how it's supposed to run as a single player but I'm not judging companion stories or anything because I haven't completed them.
I do understand why people like BG3, and I don't wanna rain on anyone's parade for a very critically acclaimed game, but I do have some thoughts that I just need to get out of my head, so if you like the game and don't wanna hear me complain about it just scroll on ahead. If you do want to hear me complain, I'd love to hear if anyone else has had the same thoughts, because genuinely I've not really had anyone to talk to that hasn't been head-over-heels for it. (Actual thoughts under the cut)
With that out of the way, for starters BG3 is a very impressive game. From a technical perspective, from a voice acting quality perspective, the sheer amount of tiny tiny details, etc... it is IMPRESSIVE. Too impressive, I'd almost have to say. Because, despite being impressed by it, I did not have FUN playing the game. For all its details it doesn't draw me in. For all the technical marvel, it's just too janky. It's all of the rules of DND and none of the immersion or fun
I would love to have had a functioning camera position that didn't give me whiplash whenever a new character in the combat of 20+ NPCs decides to do so much as shuffle to the left. It feels like pulling teeth when trying to select/interact with anything, god forbid a reaction happens while you're trying to attack and you just completely lose the action bc the interruption to movement pauses everything and screws u up. I'd love to be able to jump without going through two menu screens and a map to just hop over a gap(I'm never complaining about the Dark Souls jump being too complicated ever again). Also everything moves so slow, I would kill for a fucking Sprint button.
I would have liked anything approaching a streamlined combat system that didn't take a long ass time to set up a move that takes six seconds to play out, and then wait for ten minutes literally doing nothing while the rest of the NPCs in initiative whip the viewpoint around and get it stuck in walls and corpses so I can't even see what's happening while I can't do anything for the rest of the round
A lesser gripe, but just a bizarre choice to not do: Id like to hear the character voice I chose in character creation for cutscenes, instead of just background ambient lines. Like, if the last dragon age game (from 2014 mind you) can have a voiced main character with multiple voice options, this new game that has unique voice lines for every goddamn squirrel on the map and ALREADY PAID VOICE ACTORS TO VOICE THE MAIN CHARACTER TO BEGIN WITH can probably afford to do so. Hell, I'd like some background music that isn't just the tenth rendition of Down By The River in a different key. The bard music is all gorgeous, why couldn't they have reused some of those compositions as ambient music for different locations?
This is a MASSIVE game, and what they've put into it is definitely admirable, but like. Not in the ways that make a game breathable or immersive? The choices in where they've decided to dedicate the anal level of detail seems misguided from a just general player standpoint; There's some gorgeous settings in the game, but I was distracted every time by getting frustrated that I couldn't even get a more-than-vague look at any of the scenery I actually enjoyed because the camera is so limited in its angles. So I can't take a good look around what should be a beautiful temple that I'd love to see closer, but I can individually inspect every moldy apple and tax form on a random dinner table instead. It's a vast open world, but the character models have very clearly defined paths they have to stay within. The amount of unique NPCs is insane, but the mechanics themselves TREAT them as NPCs(i.e., resurrection rules), and they don't react to PCs unless ur doing Violence or Crimes (even og skyrim had NPCs have comments on if u weren't like wearing clothes, for instance). Every shelf and bag and nook and cranny are searchable, but that gets overwhelming very quickly as you have to choose between taking like an hour of real time to clear a cluttered area and possibly find something important but more likely just end up with a bajillion rotten carrots, or move on but have the anxiety of knowing you've possibly missed something vital. There's a million options you can take at any moment with any object or character, but there's rarely anything indicating what will be vital later for general world stuff. But then with the main plot (the Emperor, Raphael, the crèche) it felt very railroaded in the sense that TECHNICALLY you could try and choose between outcomes, but your choices don't actually matter because you die if you choose The Wrong Option (or end up in effectively death sentence combat) and will end up where they want you to go regardless.
BG3 isn't a game I want to spend time playing; it's not a world I can wander around and appreciate the beauty of and get lost in the soundtrack or the environments. The whole combat system is incredibly frustrating to manage, and just feels like Hurry Up And Wait. I'm not gonna knock the romance parts of the game, I've heard good things and haven't gotten far enough in any of em to have an educated opinion on, so really the only thing the game has to offer in spades OTHER than romance is replayability. Which normally I would say is a good thing, but for how long of a game it is and how non immersive the gameplay and world feel, it really just ends up being a game of fucking around and seeing how many things you can get an alternate dialogue for or create new stats around. Like, this is great for completionist folks who love collecting achievements and making the most busted crunchy math-based builds possible, but Baldurs Gate 3 to me just isn't a game I can sit down and have Fun(TM) relaxing and playing.
It's a game that I feel absolutely missed the forest for the trees.
So anyways, essay complete. I've only slept like 6 hours total in the last three days so a lot of this may or may not even make sense. But on so much sleep deprivation finishing this game and realizing I was just frustrated with it instead of actually feeling accomplished for having finished it, it was the final straw and I just needed to get the thoughts down somewhere
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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yandereloversblog · 2 years
Towjdjjf imagine a mitsuya yan vs dere where u both are arguing over meals or bc u were home late and u were on the last straw and wanted to end things with him 🫢
❤ 𝐘𝐚𝐧 𝐕𝐒 𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞 💘 -> 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐌𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐲𝐚
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╰┈➤ . . . 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧: 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚑𝚒𝚖 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚑𝚒𝚖.
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╰┈➤ . . . 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Oooohhhh drama 👀 actually I don't see Mitsuya arguing with his darling, he ✨️ Gaslight ✨️ tho
💘 𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞 💘
"[Y/N]..." Mitsuya's voice was soft as he called out your name, his presence clear on your side yet you refused to look at him and instead staring at the side, arms crossed over your chest "Don't." You scowled, trying to move away and looking anywhere but Mitsuya, knowing your boyfriend's worried expression would pain you and force you to give in as always... But not this time "I'm worried about you [Y/N], you know that. I just think that it isn't safe for you to stay out so late without me..." It's always you arguing, Mitsuya never dares say anything with a loud voice when he refers to you, but his behavior....
"I'm an adult Takashi, I've told you a million times that I can take care of myself. I don't need you to interrogate me every time I go out without telling you where, what and with who!" You shot back with a stern and louder tone, reaching up to carefully rub your face in frustration "I know that, but it doesn't make me worry any less darling... I wouldn't be asking all those questions if you texted me and told me you were safe beforehand." Mitsuya remained calmer than you, his attitude not only frustrated you when you were upset with him but added to the guilt ten fold when the problem was resolved, making you apologize and try to make it up to him in any way you can- Takashi was never the one to apologize "You know I don't like arguing with you, but you've been coming home so late these past few days. Without even calling me and telling where you are, you're not ignoring my calls and texts right? I'm just trying to make sure you're okay..."
You clenched your jaw when the smooth and gentle voice reached your ears, Mitsuya having inched closer again and gently rubbing your arm. Almost as if comforting you to open up. But his words "I know darling, sometimes you get a little excited and can't help yourself, it's cute don't get me wrong! But all the people that approach and that you choose to befriend seem like... A bad influence." It seemed like Mitsuya was talking to a child or someone who doesn't know anything. The way he'd smother you and explain things. He always took care of you, but it was reaching a point where he didn't let you make any decisions for yourself without inserting himself and his opinion- or flat out telling you to do something different "Takashi, when will you stop telling me that I can't make decisions for myself!?" You snapped, lifting your head up to glare at Mitsuya, as usual he was staring at you with that same patient and sad puppy look "I never said that-"
"You were implying it! I-I don't know, but whenever I do something you don't approve of you always seem to treat me like a child who doesn't know any better! You pick my outfits, meals, where I should go, what friends I should be around- which mind you are always people you need to know first, it's..." You bit the inside of your cheek, first time it had happened you felt ashamed for not knowing any better when Mitsuya gently pointed out the mistakes in your choices, then annoyed, you almost got used to it but now you were just angry "It's belittling." Mitsuya's eyes widened at your words, seeming panicked "I... [Y/N], I didn't know you took my words and advice like that, you know I'm just conce-"
"Maybe... Maybe we should take a break. I-I can stay at a friend's house... I want to leave." Your words made Mitusya visibly flinch "... I need to leave Takashi, this- this isn't making me happy... I feel crazy sometimes..." The confession you spat out seemed to hurt Mitsuya more than it hurt you, he quickly looked away and you caught glimpses of a serious expression on him "... I-I'll help you pack." You sighed, ignoring the gut feeling and more so glad Mitsuya agreed to it "Thank you."
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❤ 𝐘𝐚𝐧 ❤️
And Mitsuya did help, with the awkward silence hanging around the entire time and Mitsuya avoiding to look at you "Here." You glanced at the glass of water he handed to you and nodded, drinking it quickly and grabbing your bag to leave already, only then for your body to give out and hit the floor "H-huh???" You starred at the floor in confusion, dread creeping up inside you from being unable to move "Wha..." Words were stuck in your throat as Mitsuya carefully lifted your torso from the floor, sitting you up and having you lean on his chest "Damn, that was a bad fall..."
"T-taka..." Your breathing was heavy, limbs barely twitching when seeing the uncaring and nonchalant expression on his face. Mitsuya didn't say anything as his eyes scanned your face "Least you didn't get any bruises here. I'll check your body later." And easily lifted you up in his arms "Must've been surprised huh darling? But as always you're acting stupid." The condescending tone had your chest tighten, looking at Mitsuya with wide and terrified eyes when he laid you on his bed, finally noticing how he was smirking, eyes holding a light mocking look as he patted your head "Thinking I'lll let you leave me. I'm not above using a few drugs to keep you still darling... Actually, I've stocked them for a while, just in case you did something especially dumb but this... Hah."
After he made sure you didn't get badly injured, you were only left to observe how Mitsuya unloaded your bags and threw a few of your clothes onto the floor instead "Always hated that... This too... The guy who gave you this for your birthday? Yeah he was an annoying fuck to deal with..." Your blood ran cold when Mitsuya, in a carefree and casual manner, started talking to you about what he has done "I was so mad when you bought this dear, wanted to burn it... Least now I can. Like I burned the person you bought it with, she was a bad influence anyways."
'What the fuck... What the fuck!?' You couldn't help the tears forming in your eyes when Mitsuya's words got more disturbing and his voice got even louder "Do you know how frustrating it is, darling? To deal with those bastards who approach you and say you need to think for yourself? Am I alone not enough!? Huh!?" Mitsuya turned to give you a heated glare "We were doing fine, you were leaning on me and letting me take care of you- but once those fuckers came to tell you to do stuff on your own everything was ruined, for months I had to pretend to smile and get along with them because my stupid little darling doesn't know when to take a hint."
Throwing the final shirt on the floor Mitsuya walked back to you, despite your best efforts to move away your body didn't budge, the scream caught in your throat as he sat next to your laying body and sighed, frowning in trouble "Look at the state I'm in, yelling at you like this..." He chuckled, giving a small smile as he cupped your face and kissed your forehead, wiping at your tears with a satisfied look "So don't say some bullshit like "We need a break" or "I'll leave" ever again, okay darling? After all, we don't want any more arguments to happen between us."
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davemybeloved · 7 months
if you're up for it, maybe you could do a marty smut? like where he comes home from tour and they're all cutesy bc they missed each other so much ykyk?🤭🤭
(crying bc I'm so in love with him 😔😔)
Of coursssee!!! Thank you so much for your request and sorry for making you wait!
I find Marty so cute sbrdbssn I mean look at him!!
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I tried my best!! I’m sorry if it’s not very good babe 💕
(Marty Friedman x reader)
Warnings: smut (I meannn it ain’t sex, he’s making looooove🤭), I got a little lazy in the end
You were sitting on the couch, waiting for your boyfriend to come home from his tour with his band, Megadeth.
They had some problems on the return trip, so you didn't know when exactly they would arrive home, even though he was supposed to come back yesterday.
It was starting to getting late. You gave a tired look at the clock on the wall: it was 3 a.m.
you thought that maybe you should just go to bed and sleep until he comes home, but you didn’t want him to come back home without a welcome back.
You decided to cook him his favorite cake, you knew he would be so happy to see you made it for him. You knew he love this kind of little gesture.
At the exact moment you took the cake out of the oven, you heard the sound of keys turning in the lock. You got so excited that you dropped the cake on the floor without even noticing it before running towards the front door.
Marty opened the door, his guitar on his shoulder and a bag in his right hand as a big smile grew on his face as he saw you just in front of him “Hi baby!” He said, letting the bag fall on the ground when you jumped on him.
“What are you still doing awake? You were waiting for me?” He asked, seeming genuinely surprised by seeing you awake so late.
You chuckled and took the bag in your hand, bringing it upstairs, followed by Marty “of course, silly. I would never let you come back home from a tour without a welcome back!”
Marty putted his guitar against the wall, placing his hands on my hips and turning my around “you’re the sweetest thing on this planet” he said to you before placing a sweet kiss on your lips.
You immediately melted into the simple contact you missed so much in these past few months. You wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss, making it more passionate.
Suddenly you pulled away to catch breath “I made you you’re favorite cake, chocolate coconut cake!” You said excited before realizing “…but I dropped it on the ground.. damn it”
He burst into laughter, hugging me again, squeezing me with his arms “oh god I missed you so much, thank you for the cake baby”
“Yeah… It was good too…” I said a little disappointed “you stink by the way, let’s go take a shower”
Marty chuckled a bit, kissing your forehead “that’s just what I wanted to hear”
You smiled and took his hand, heading to the bathroom and turning on the hot water.
You took off your clothes before stepping into the shower. Marty didn’t move, he just started at you as you stripped naked and entered the shower, watching how your hips swayed at your every step.
You relaxed at the feeling of the hot water running down your skin when suddenly you felt Marty’s arms hug your hips, bringing you closer to him, your back pressing on his chest as his hand rested on your shoulder.
You gently stroked his arms with your hands as he left lazy kisses on you neck.
He helped you get clean with some soap, caressing every curve of your body. Then you helped him too, scrubbing some shampoo on his hair and helping him wash it away. He then helped you wash away the soap but after a couple of minutes you felt him getting hard against your back and you smiled “you need a hand with that?” You asked teasingly.
Marty groaned a little and just nodded mumbling a “yes please..” before you turned around and started to kiss him passionately once again.
As the hot water fell on the two of you, you started to rub his length gently and slowly, in a teasing way.
He groaned frustrated, kissing you again “please baby… just want you to feel good” he said between kisses “I need you so bad, please…” he almost begged you.
You smiled, gently caressing his cheek “how could I say no to you, love?”
He kissed you once again, before lowering on you collarbone, sucking and kissing some spots more then others “jump” he suddenly said, and you did as he told you.
He quickly grabbed you in his arms, pushing you against the shower wall and his own body.
“You ready?” he asked you, watching you in the eyes.
You just nodded, and he pulled in slowly, letting you get used to his size again.
“Oh fuck, Marty.. oh I missed you so much..” you said as he started to move slowly.
“Me too babe.. uh fuck you’re so tight…” I groaned before quickening his thrusts, making you moan more loudly as he left sloppy kisses on your neck.
“Oh Marty!” you moaned his name as he quickened his pace even more, making you clenched around him, which made him twitch inside you.
“You’re feeling good, babe?” He asked you as he started to rub your clit, stimulating it more.
You moaned, pushing your head back into the wall “yes.. oh fuck… Marty I’m close”
Marty’s breath became heavier and his thrusts messier “yeah me too… fuck” He moaned as he kept pushing in and out of you and rubbing your clit.
After another couple of thrusts you came over him and he ride you out of his climax before he cum inside you, filling you up with his seed.
“Thank you… thank you baby” He whispered into your ear as he kissed your cheek and helped you stand up again.
“I love you Marty.” you said kissing him once more and holding into him to be able to stand up.
“Me too, honey. Let’s go to bed.” he said, not caring to grab towels and just picking you up bridal style to bring you to bed.
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harryfeatgaga · 2 years
being pretty inexperienced and being so scared that Harry's gonna be upset or push you away, even though you know he's a good guy you can't help but be worried 😔 so you stop him every time things start to get a little intense, and he always respects that 😔 he never complains or gets annoyed, even though you can tell it's probably really frustrating for him, but every time you try to apologize he shuses you with a quick peck on the lips and says "none of that, hm? let's watch that movie you were talking about earlier" or something else to ease the tension 😔 then one day you're just toooo worked up and not feeling like you should stop, so when he pulls away to try and slow things down you shake your head, grabbing his face and pulling him in for another kiss 🤕 he gives you a few more before he's pulling away again, furrowing his brows saying "we can stop, baby, we don't have to do anything you're not ready for" and you're nervous but you say "I don't want to stop... can we just keep going?" and he has to close his eyes for a second 🤕 then he's nodding and he says "of course, we can do whatever you want to do" and you nod, then say "okay, but- you have to, um, show me what to do, because I've never really... done this before, and I don't exactly know what to do and all that, so you have to just- teach me" and he's losing his fucking mind hearing you talk like that 🤕 telling him you're not sure what to do and how to handle all of this, and asking him to teach you? yeah he's about to cum in his pants 🤕 but he doesn't want you to take his silence as being upset or anything, so he just kisses the corner of your lips and says "of course, of course I'll show you, you have nothing to worry about, okay?" and you nod, looking up at him with so much trust in your eyes 🤕 he murmurs "we'll go slow, okay? gonna make sure my pretty girl feels so good" as he starts kissing down your neck 🤕
you tilt your head to the side, giving him easier access, and he smirks at how responsive you are 🤕 you're making the prettiest noises, little gasps and whimpers whenever he finds a nice spot, and you're clutching his shoulders so hard to try and stay grounded 🤕 soon you're lifting your hips a bit to press against his, and he uses one hand to press down gently on your lower stomach and says "feel it, right here? that's cause I'm doing a good job, and you're ready for me" and you can barely respond from how turned on you are 🤕 his fingers are dancing down to your waistband, and he whipsers "can i touch you?" and you're nodding before he even finishes his sentence 🤕 he says "let me know if you need me to slow down, okay pretty girl?" and you whipser an agreement, and then he's touching you where you've wanted him for so long 🤕 his fingers are sliding against your clit so easily from how wet you are, rubbing gentle circles to spread it around even more 🤕 he's nosing against your neck softly, kissing every so often 🤕 he murmurs "spread your legs a little more for me- that's it, such a good girl" 🤕 all too soon he's pulling his fingers out, he brings them up to his lips and keeps eye contact while he sucks them into his mouth 🤕 he moans softly and says "taste so sweet, love, gonna let me have a real taste?" and it takes you a second to process what you just saw bc that's so fucking hot 🤕 but then you're nodding and say "yes, please, i want you to make me- make me feel good" and he smiles, leaning closer to say "I can make that happen" against your lips 🤕so he's pulling at your shorts and you lift your hips to help him, and he takes his sweet time kissing down your body 🤕he keeps saying sweet nothings, telling you how gorgeous you are and how he just "wants to make his sweet girl feel so good" 🤕 he definitely leaves a little hickey right above where your stomach meets your hip, bc he knows it's sensitive there and it'll be hidden so only you two can see it 🤕 he's holding onto your waist so you don't move around too much 🤕 he doesn't tease too bad, he figures he'll save that for a little later 🤕 for now, he just takes a deep breath bc you smell so so good, and then he gets to work 🤕 licking a long stripe over you so he can taste you as much as possible, and when he gets to your clit he hears your first real moan 🤕 and he thinks that's the prettiest sound he's ever heard, so he flicks his tongue against you again and then sucks your clit between his lips 🤕 by now your eyes are rolling back and your grip on his hair is so tight it has to hurt, but he doesn't seem to care as he's just nuzzling deeper and basically making out with you 🤕
you can feel and hear how wet you are, every time he moves you both hear it and everything feels so warm and sticky 🤕he pulls away just enough to murmur "you getting close, baby?" and gets his mouth back on you, you just nod and push up against him a little 🤕 he grips a little tighter to hold you still, but he doesn't care too much bc he knows you're just feeling too good 🤕 soon you're gripping his hair even tighter and gasping that you're close, he doesn't respond he just keeps working 🤕 your muscles are tensing up around him and you're letting out the most breathless little moans as it washes over you, and he doesn't stop, he just wants to help you ride it out 🤕 but soon it's too much so you're tensing up and then pushing him away, and then grabbing at him again to pull him up for a kiss 🤕 your hips are moving a little as the last waves hit, and you can barely breathe from how much you're feeling 🤕 you're whimpering because you can taste yourself on his lips and it's so filthy but so hot 🤕 after a few moments you realize he hasn't been taken care of, so you glance down and say "I want to touch you too, you just have to help me and show me what to do" and he shakes his head, but before you can even start to overthink he ducks down to kiss your ear and says "i already came" and your eyes go wide, bc how did that happen without either of you touching him, but he just smirks and says "that's what you do to me baby... let me go get a towel to clean you up" and he kisses your nose, and then he's gone 🤕 and when he comes back he's wearing different pants, and somehow that's the thing that makes you blush the most about this whole night 🤕
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femmefatalevibe · 11 months
What tips do you have for someone who is trying to date/get out there but has become really jaded by people (especially men)?
I'm trying to get out there and go on dates but I'm SO jaded and negative towards it. Like I'll go on a few dates with someone and get attached too easily and then they end up being a terrible person, or I'l go out with someone a few times and feel nothing towards them. Then by the end I'm like "woe is me, I'm gonna die alone, this is stupid bullsh*t."
I feel like I always get hurt or that there's no point bc I never find anyone that I like that is also interested. (I'm also pretty picky, so I'm sure that's part of why I don't really get many dates lol).
I feel like there's a bit of an all or nothing mentality when I meet them like "we're either going to be together or this is going to fall apart". and I hate that mindset.
I've mostly avoided it because I don't want to be hurt, and part of me is still fighting that part that's trying to protect me from being hurt. It's just frustrating because I want to date but it can feel like nobody wants to date me (which is something I'm def. working on with a therapist). Every time I meet a guy that seems interested, I try to remind myself there's no other shoe to drop, then another shoe always drops.
TLDR: How can I date without getting too attached/not feeling anything and stop worrying about if I'm going to get hurt or not? Is there some way to look at dating in another light that takes some of this pressure off?
Hi love! I feel you on being jaded when it comes to dating/the dating scene.
My best advice is to reframe dating as a self-discovery journey (versus a self-imposed mission to find love). Get to know these people as a way to learn what characteristics you like, dislike, desire, and/or despise in a (potential) partner. Consider the qualities, gestures, and character traits that you find compatible or incompatible with your needs and values along the way. You might just find particular green or red flags you didn't know to look for until you encounter them in the wild.
Instead of telling yourself ""we're either going to be together or this is going to fall apart," try to evaluate the relationship by discerning the compatibilities vs. the incompatibilities you see. After some time, you probably will start to see some patterns and early warning signs of incompatibilities or toxic behaviors before you invest too much time or energy into the relationship.
Before a date, just think of the meeting as a networking opportunity. it offers you the opportunity to learn about someone else, observe how you present yourself to others, discuss likes, dislikes, hobbies, values, etc. and see if there's a connection there. Every date brings you closer to better understanding yourself and what you're looking for in a partner, so finding someone who is long-term partner potential is simply a welcomed bonus.
Hope this helps xx
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harryconcepts · 2 years
part 52
i sent a concept like this a few days ago but I just... i have more to say. your relationship with harry is still pretty new, and you haven't had sex or really done much physical stuff at all yet, but you're getting to the point where you really want to 😌 but you're honestly just so nervous, because it usually takes a long time before you feel anywhere near ready to finish, and it always ends up being an issue with partners because they get tired or you just start feeling over it because you can tell they're not super into it anymore, etc, etc... and with harry you feel like things are in such a good place that you don't want to ruin that 😔 so every time his hands start to wander a bit when you're kissing you grab onto them with your own and pull back, and he apologizes saying he shouldn't have moved so fast and you just get a bit shy and ask if you can watch a movie or something, and of course he always agrees never wanting to push any boundaries 😔 then one day he's getting pretty worked up, and he can tell you are too, and he knows you're about to stop him, so he pulls away first and says "can we- can i do something for you?" and you're a bit shocked that that's how he's asking, but he keeps talking "i just want to, I want to make you feel good, want to show you how good I can be" and you're still surprised, but knowing how that type of intimacy always ends for you you're shaking your head before you can even think about it, and his face falls just a tiny bit before he says "is there something I'm doing wrong? it's okay if you just don't want to, but i just- i don't want to push you, or make you uncomfortable at all" and then you realize how sad and worried this is making him and you feel so bad that you never explained things, so you take his hands and say "it's not that I don't want to, because I do, I really do" and he nods, waiting for you to go on, so you sigh and say "it's just that every time- whenever I've had people, um, try things, in the past, it never really... leads anywhere? and then it's awkward, because i don't want to lie and say it was good, and then they feel bad, and then i feel bad, and then they want to try again, and it still doesn't really... get me there, and then they get frustrated, and it's just..... it's just a whole thing" and then you let out a big breath, and he's watching you with wide eyes before he says "I'm so sorry, i didn't know it was- I didn't know you were so upset over this" and his voice is so soft and caring 😔 you nod, not quite meeting his eyes, but he says "if you ever want me to try, I'd be more than happy, alright? not because i have anything to prove, but because i want to give my girl all the pleasure i possibly can" and you're blushing a little at his words 😌 then a few days later you're kissing lazily in his bed, rolling around every so often to change positions, and when he ends up on top of you you let out a big sigh after a few kisses and say "i really like it when you're on top of me" and he smirks soooo big saying "yeah? like being under me like this?" and you nod, pulling him in again 😌 after a few more seconds you turn your head to breathe, but that doesn't slow him down he just starts kissing on your neck 😌 you sigh when he finds a very nice spot and you say "i want you to try" and he hums, not sure what you mean, but you say "I want you to go down on me" and that has his head whipping up so fast he almost knocks into your chin, but he doesn't care at all 😌
he says "really? you'll let me?" and you nod, he has to close his eyes for a moment bc he's so turned on 😌he says "tell me again" and you're like "harry 🙄" but he says "no, please, baby, I've wanted this for so long, please just tell me again" so you lean closer, using your hand on his cheek to turn his head so you can whisper in his ear "i want you to go down on me" and you can literally feel him shiver 😌 he says "jesus christ, baby, you're gonna be the death of me" before he leans in for another kiss 😌 you're raising your hips up to get some friction, but he just grips your sides and pushes you back down 😌 you pout and say "you can just do it, I'm ready" and he smirks a little, saying "i don't think so, we're doing this my way" and you frown, not sure what he means, so he says "how do you normally do this?" and you shrug a little, saying "I guess we just kiss for a bit and then- get to the other stuff?" and he shakes his head, saying "see, that's where you're going wrong. s'a rookie mistake, truly, "getting to the other stuff" before you're really good and ready" and you huff a little, saying "i am good and ready, we've been kissing for like ten minutes it's fine" but he just clicks his tongue and says "I don't think so, and like I said, we're doing this my way" so you give in, sighing dramatically and saying "fine then, how will i know when I'm "good and ready"?" and he smiles, saying "I'm so glad you asked 😌 when we do things my way, that means we kiss for a while. and i love on the rest of you for a bit, I'll pay some attention to your neck and chest, those are always crowd pleasers... then I'll start to rub on you a bit, seems like you're already ready for that step seeing as your hips keep twitching up...but even then we'll keep kissing for a while, wait until you're really worked up for me... then when you're flushed, and shaking with how bad you want me, and you can barely think about anything except me, and the heat between your hips is so hot it burns, and you'd do anything to make it feel better... that's when I'll slip my fingers inside your panties, and feel how wet you've gotten for me" and you're absolutely speechless at this point, because he's never spoken like this with you and you're so turned on you can barely breathe, but he just keeps talking 😌
he says "I'll rub at your pretty little clit for a while, feeling how warm and swollen it's gotten, just for me... I'll feel how much you're dripping onto my fingers, and I'll look to see if you've soaked through your panties just yet" and you manage to breathe out "and if i haven't?" and he says "well then we know you're not ready yet, and we have some more work to do before we "get into things", isn't that right?" and at this point he could say anything and you'd agree, so you're just wordlessly nodding, he smiles down at you and says "always such a good girl for me, aren't you" and that makes you blush even harder, and he's such a menace so he's all "oooh you like that don't you? I'll keep that in mind then 😌" and he leans back down to kiss you 😌 and he can tell you're getting so so frustrated, so finally he grinds his hips against yours, and you're so turned on that that little bit of friction has you going feral 😌 you're moaning into his mouth and gripping his arms so tight, and you can feel him smirking 😌 but he just keeps going, careful that he's only giving you enough to tease you and work you up, and never enough to actually lead anywhere 😌 any time you try to arch up into him he just hums and pushes you back down into the bed, making it very clear that he's in charge here 😌 finally you're getting so worked up you just don't know what to do with all the energy, so you turn your head and gasp out "harry, i- I need you to touch me, this is too much-" and he shushes you gently, brushing a few strands of hair out of your face and saying "I know, i know baby, you're doing so good for me... ready for me to touch you?" and you nod so fast, he grins and says "well you have been good for me, haven't you? and good girls get what they want" and he finally reaches down 😌just like he expected you're completely soaked, he's running his fingers through it and says "you made a mess, baby, you like kissing me that much?" and his voice is just a tad condescending 😌 all you can do is nod, you're having a hard time breathing normally when his fingers start to circle slowly around your clit, and you can't help but raise your hips up, but he just pulls back a little 😌
he says "what did we just talk about, pretty girl? you have to be good if you want me to be nice to you... do you want me to be nice to you?" and you nod, so desperate to get his hands back on you, so he smiles and says "then you better do what I told you, and lay still while I'm touching" and he gets his hands on you again, and you let out the loudest moan he's ever heard from you, and he's very much a fan 😌he loves how you're so desperate from just this little bit of touching, and he knows he's gonna have fun with you 😌 he say almost absentmindedly "I was right, wasn't i? you're so warm, and I can feel how swollen you are down here, I bet it's almost hurting, hm? how you're so ready for me, and I just won't give you what you want" and he pouts a little at the end, definitely mocking you, but you don't even care at this point so you're nodding and saying "yes, so will you please just- please?" and he's smirking at how desperate you are, but finally he says "should we check if you're soaking through your panties yet?" and you're nodding because you're 100% sure you are, and he moves down so he's more laying between your legs and he lets out a deep breath when he says "you are, baby, you're so wet I can smell you from here" and you bite your lip to hold in your whimper 😌 he doesn't give you any warning before he leans in and licks you over the fabric, and you have to grip the pillow next to your head so you don't buck up into him 😌 you honestly think you're about to lose your mind, he keeps teasing and teasing and touching so lightly you can barely feel anything, and you're so close to breaking down and begging when he says "now i think you're ready for me" and you let out a big sigh, saying "yes, I'm so ready" and he smiles, pulling at the lacy fabric so you know he wants you to lift your hips 😌once he works those off your legs, he settles back between your thighs, spreading you open with his big hands so he can just look 😌 he's wanted to do this for soooo long, so now that he's getting the opportunity he's not wasting even a second 😌you're trying not to squirm under his gaze, but it just feels so intense to have him looking like this... then he leans a little closer and blows some cold air on you 😌 you gasp and arch away from the feeling, but he's holding you so tight you can't move much, and your breathing is heavy because there's so much going on right now and you're just feeling everything... but he smiles and says "I'm sorry, baby, let me warm you up?" and that's all the warning he gives before his tongue is on you 😌
he's giving you long, slow strokes, like he just wants to taste every inch of you 🤕 basically making out with you down there, and you can hear the messy sounds from how wet you are 🤕 his tongue doesn't let up, even when you're whining and trying to pull away so you can breathe for a second, he just tightens his arms around you and moans as he tries to get deeper 🤕 he has one hand pressing on your lower stomach to add more pressure, and god it just makes everything better (or worse? maybe worse because he is not letting up, even for a second 🤕) and you're whining because everything is so intense, and you haven't been able to breathe properly since he got his mouth on you, and he clearly isn't about to stop any time soon 🤕 and you can't even find it in you to be worried about how long it's taking, or if you look good right now, or if he likes the noises you're making, because he's moaning almost as much as you are so you can tell he's preeeetty into this 🤕finally he gets his lips around your clit and he sucks, and it's the most intense thing you've felt all night so you're fighting even harder against his hold, honestly not even sure if you're trying to pull away or push yourself closer 🤕 but again he's so strong he really has no issue keeping you still, and you can feel his muscles flexing against your legs as he holds you 🤕 your hands fly to his hair to have something to grip onto, and before you can even process how close you are you're gasping out "harry, I'm gonna- I'm close I think i'm-" and he doesn't respond, he just doubles down and sucks a little harder to help get you there 🤕 your legs are straining so much to close but he's there keeping them open for him 🤕 finally you let out a loud moan and all your muscles seem to tense up around him, and he does nooooot slow down bc he wants to help you ride it out as long as he can 🤕 then finally you relax back down onto the sheets, your eyes closed and your chest heaving, and he's still licking around so gently 🤕 he hears a few soft whimpers from how sensitive you are, but you don't make any move to stop him, so he keeps working to clean you up as much as he can with his tongue 🤕 finally he comes up to lay next to you, and he's just watching how you're still breathing so heavily, but he can't help it he just needs to kiss you 🤕 so he does, and he's nearly going feral at how you moan when you taste yourself 🤕 but he can tell you're tired, so he pulls away to look at you, wiping the stray tears off your face with his thumb, and he says "isn't it so much better when we do things my way?"
coming over to sit on his lap while he's on the couch and you're just all smiley and 🥰 when you wrap your arms around his neck and say "hi 🥰" and he's like "hi baby" leaning in to kiss your nose 🥰 then you kiss his nose, and he scrunches up his face a little bit but he's still smiling, and then you kiss down his nose and along his cheek to get to his lips 🥰 giving him a few pecks at first before he grabs your face and holds you there for a good long kiss 🥰 when you pull away to breathe you have your forehead on his and he's just enjoying being so close to you 🥰then you start to kiss him again, and you feel him shifting around a bit before you feel how hard he is under you 🥰 and you know he loves to tease you so you decide to flip it on him and say "really? after only a few minutes? wow you're literally obsessed with me" and he's bluuushing saying "can't help it, you know I can't" and you kiss him again saying "i know" against his lips 🥰
ok but being in a new relationship with harry and you're just kind of shy when it comes to physical intimacy and initiating things bc you just don't know how to ask for what you want, he would literally be so sweet 🥹 when he's leaving your house he sees you hesitate like maybe you want to hug him, so he just steps in and says "is it okay if I hug you?" taking the pressure off you 🥹 when you're sitting on the couch and watching a show with him, you're both on separate cushions but he notices how you keep glancing over at him and looking super unsure so he says "how come you're so far away? get over here" in a cutesy little tone so you know he's not upset or anything, he just wants the same thing you want 🥹 and when things start going a little farther he says stuff like "do you want to kiss me?" and you nod, anf he says "I want to kiss you too... can i?" and he's always so open and communicates so well to make you comfortable with him 🥹
when harry's spooning you and he's feeling a little horny I know he just starts grinding on you 🤕 it's soft and gentle and he's basically just teasing himself until you get worked up too 🤕
I'm rlly thinking about wet dream tonight 🤕 specifically the what makes you think part 🤕 specifically meanrry saying something along the lines of "what makes you think you get to think about me when you're touching yourself? how come you think you're good enough to deserve that?" and you just whine 🤕 he holds your hands above your head and says "you don't get to touch yourself, not when you don't deserve it" and he thumbs open your mouth, leans closer, and spits on your tongue 🤕 when your eyes slip closed he gives you a gentle slap on your cheek to make you focus on him again 🤕 saying "don't be ungrateful" and makes you thank him 🤕 he's just so mean when the mood calls for it and you love every second 🤕
I want harry to be condescending w me 🤕 when it's been a few days since you've had sex and he starts kissing you and you're getting worked up and needy right away, rubbing against him for some friction and just generally being a little desperate, he's all "I know baby, you need me to touch you so bad hm? it's been a few days, and I know how needy you get" 🤕
harry for sure gets a bit pouty and grumpy when you haven't seen each other for a few days so you're getting texts from his team being like "can you please get on a plane he's being so fucking annoying" and then as soon as he sees you he's immediately all 😁😁😁 acting like nothing was wrong and everyone's like ohh so you're in a good mood now that your girl is here? and he's all "i have no idea what you're talking about, but if you'll excuse me, my girl and i have some catching up to do" and he's dragging you back to the hotel 😌
bsf harry who absolutely hates your bf and he's always "accidentally" calling him the wrong name 😋 you correct him and he's all "yeah, that's what i meant" in an offhanded tone like he's brushing off a fly 😋 when he's having a party and you ask if your boyfriend should come he says "who?" acting like he has no idea who you're talking about and like he's never heard that name before 😋 offering to give you a ride home from class and you say "oh no I think he's on his way-" and harry says "mmm well i don't see him standing here ready to escort you and you know what they say, early bird and all, so just let me drive you" and he stops to get you coffee on the way 😋
now I'm thinking about harry letting his baby paint his nails 😭 she's not very good at it yet so his fingers are a mess but he doesn't care, he thinks she's the most talented artist in the world 😭 so he walks around with 10 random colors on his nails bc it's his baby's artwork and he never wants to take it off 🥹
being Harry's long term gf but you didn't go on your with him at first bc you had school or whatever else. but then soon your schedule works out and you can go join him, as a surprise ofc 😌 so naturally the week before you leave you get a tiny little H tattoo right below the crease of your hip 😌 then you get on a plane and head to him 😌 you decide to surprise him by showing up to his concert, and ofc Jeff and the rest of the team helps you be sneaky 😌 so you're in the VIP section dancing having a great time when he spots you 😌 and the rest of the night his energy is skyyyy high bc he can't believe you're really here 😌 you're escorted backstage to his dressing room once the show is over, and he's banging down the door within seconds 😌 he's on you right away, not even letting you say hello before he's kissing you 😌 he has you up against the wall and you really think he's about to drop to his knees right then and there, but then he rests his forehead on your shoulder and says "we should go back to the hotel, I want to take my time with you" and he's leading you out to the car 😌 once you're in the room he's kissing you again, and he walks you backwards to the bed so he can push you down 😌 he's on his knees and pushing up your dress so he can taste you like he's been wanting to do for ages, but he completely freezes when he sees the little H 😌 he pushes the fabric up the rest of the way, almost in disbelief, when he says "what- what is this?" and his voice is strained from how hard he's trying to keep it together 😌 you smile a bit and say "do you like it?" and he nods so fast, leaning down to kiss it gently 😌 then he says "I'm gonna fucking wreck you" before he's diving it 😌
thinking about how feral harry would be the first time you ask him to cum in you 🤕lifting your hips up to get a better angle and so he'll be so deep inside whe he finally lets go 🤕he pulls out so he can watch it drip out of you 🤕 he runs his fingers through it and fucks it back inside 🤕 then brings his hand up and has you clean it off for him 🤕
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