#I feel so guilty for everything that has ever happened to anyone in the history of ever
accio-victuuri · 3 days
my mostly calm(er) reaction and reflection post on the magnolia awards nomination list 🥀
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sir i don’t understand. why aren’t good people rewarded? // as the old saying goes, evil doers get gold belts and good people can’t even keep their corpses. { war of faith episode 24 }
the quote above is one of my favorites from the show and i feel the truth to it now more than ever. i have already posted about my initial rage and that hasn’t changed, it’s not okay and will never be. i’m mostly a pacifist but i’m not a doormat. there is a reason why the WOF account or the other nominees like the director and “best actor” have not posted their thanks as soon as the nominations were out because they are guilty. it speaks volumes and they should be ashamed of themselves. if you look at the most recent post for WOF weibo account, they are being torn apart. not to mention blog accounts and the same audience who supported the drama calling them out.
this should not be a surprise to those of us who watched the show and understood it’s meaning. because this is what the show thought us, to not stay quiet when there is injustice. much like how wei ruolai said that he is ashamed to be in this mountain. how he was not afraid to leave his dream and literally walk back to Jiangxi for what he believes is the right thing to do. i don’t think you will fully understand the hurt, this is not just me being a yibo stan but someone who saw myself in Wei Ruolai.
the drama was about how the youth can change the world. the reality, and what just happened is proving otherwise. i’m sharing this quote here cause it perfectly explains the problem:
"If the youth are strong, the country will be strong" but the truth is the youth are strong, but you don't recognize it.
this incident exposed the problem with these acting awards. i daresay, not only that, but with other industries where everything has to be about seniority. which in turn makes the younger generation feel burned out and contribute to wanting to lie flat. because what’s the point if the game is rigged. the CCP have always given importance to the youth. often inserting the message of why you all should have kids now because they are the future. they are important blah blah blah — but this simple award? you can’t even show fairness? Wang Yibo is the poster boy for CCP’s propaganda on how an upstanding Chinese Youth should be. He has been in the most recent years, we all cannot deny that with how prominent he is showing up in nationalistic programs tied to the “youth”. So if someone as popular/well-known/talented as WYB can’t be treated fairly. can’t be rewarded with his efforts, then what more for a normal citizen?
WOF team and Magnolia Awards really opened a can of worms here. It goes deeper than nominations and a fandom. In a way, it’s good how this exposed the corrupt system and contributed to why people are so angry. The tag for him continued to stay on top because a lot of netizen can relate, even if you didn’t watch it, i bet they had something to say. It’s been happening for some time but definitely is magnified because of Yibo’s popularity and it made them look really bad.
I am aware of Yibo’s chances with the history of older nominees when it comes to this Awards show but I am confident that he had a good chance of getting it. What made me livid was Wang Yang taking the nom. You can slice and dice it however you want, but Yibo carried that show. He is the main lead. The story is about Wei Ruolai. If Yibo didn’t get it i will still speak up but with the betrayal, not only to him but also the screenwriter — i can’t stay silent and be the “rational” vic that most of you are familiar with. WAR OF FAITH is still one of my favorite dramas with how it affected me and is largely contributing to why i’m reacting the way i do.
I’m not gonna defend anyone. Only Wang Yibo. Honestly. Fuck them all. I watched the show and supported it for WYB — everyone else don’t matter. I won’t post any hate message on their accounts but they get no love from me either.
So now let me get to the good part. Because no matter how hurt we all are, there is still a lot of good that came out of this. The silver lining(s) if you will.
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1. Everyone who said that WYB has some backers can fuck off. This proves that he hasn’t. He has no background. There is no big-name pulling the strings for him. He is where he is because he is WANG YIBO. His name alone is enough. WOF got the green light because Wang Yibo’s name was on it. Now more than ever, it is proven that he is where he is because of who he is and what he can bring to the table.
2. We are reminded once again that producers are not our friends. LOL. if you know, you know. it’s all business. So don’t kiss their ass.
3. The fact that he trended #1 for hours, and still is right now at number 4 is proof of how great he represented the character of Wei Ruolai. People now recognize him as an actor who deserves a nomination and a win. The general public are now on his side. He is the underdog and there is nothing more that we want to see than a beaten down person rise above it and win. In a way, this creates more buzz and anticipation for his next movie that will be out. 🫶🏼
4. This has really set him apart from his peers of idol actors who crossed over to being professionals. He did it so effectively and in a short span of time. What happened is sad, but he won people’s hearts and those who already do stan him are more geared up to support him in the future. 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
I’m happy for WOF’s nomination. If i’m being honest, it was a sure thing. I’m proud WYB was part and led this amazing drama to what it is. He will continue to give us more excellent works because that is his gift to the audience who always support him.
In the next coming days, if WYB or most likely YBO puts something out, that’s what i’m gonna follow. The most i will do is congratulate WOF, but the others? no thank you.
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lovepersevering13 · 6 months
Why? Please, tell me why every injustice in the entire fucking universe has been placed on my shoulders?
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lunehong · 9 months
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college student! Jongho X college student! fem oc
Soulmate AU, just cuteness and fluff
warnings : mentions of anxiety, illness, pregnancy.
word count : 6.9k
synopsis : what happens when your soulmate bond is finally activated but it doesn't fall under any of the existing types? Jongho and Yunhee try to establish their connection with no clue and minimal examples to follow. Would they succeed in meeting each other and seal the bond or would they fall gradually ill?
a/n : okay so my first ever oneshot, and I'm glad I could write one for our baby bear jjong cuz there aren't many jongho fics on here PLUS I miss him so much :(( I hope he's recovering well and also his birthday is coming up next month! feedback is always appreciated!
----- A reblog would mean the world to me <33 ------
Yesterday was Yunhee’s 18th birthday, which meant that she was finally an adult according to society’s standards. It also meant that she could watch netflix shows that were adult rated without feeling guilty about her age and of course, call chronically online minors out on their behaviour as someone who’d automatically be deemed more mature and responsible.
However, this also entailed that her soulmate bond was activated. 
Yunhee did feel a tingly sensation and the butterflies in her stomach like the others said she would, but after that everything went back to normal. No tattoos were etched onto her body, nor did she see a flash of her soulmate’s face in her mind and there was no response when she thought of a bunch of things to test if they had telepathy. 
She really didn’t know what went wrong but it made her anxious. Also the fact that she had no way of knowing if something happened to her soulmate, as their soulmate bond was still unidentified. 
“You should really calm down, Yunhee.” said Minha, her best friend of 7 years. 
“What if I don’t find him soon enough? We have to meet each other as soon as possible after our soulmate bond has been activated or else we’d both gradually fall ill! Don’t you remember what happened to Nina and her boyfriend?” Yunhee muttered anxiously. 
“It has only been a day! I don’t understand why you’re panicking so much. Give it a week and if there’s still nothing after that, then we can panic.” She concluded.
Taking her best friend’s advice, Yunhee decided to leave the matters into her soulmate’s hands, thinking if she was frantically trying out different confirmation methods, it was safe to assume that he was also doing the same. 
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“Dude, I’m telling you, your soulmate bond is telepathy! There isn’t any other type that matches!”  Wooyoung exclaimed, while flailing his hands around to prove his point. 
“But I haven’t heard anything from my soulmate so far! Nor do I know if the things I thought reached her!” Jongho yelled back. 
“Okay… Well, try again later! Don’t give up on this, because I’m a hundred percent sure it’s telepathy of some sort even if it isn’t the common one.” Wooyoung got up to leave. 
“How are you so sure? Are you a soulmate specialist or something?” Jongho scoffed at him. 
Wooyoung smiled at that. “Remember how my soulmate bond was telepathy?” Jongho nodded, “I never told anyone this but, mine wasn’t your typical telepathy… It was one-sided.”
“What? No way!” Jongho stared at him in disbelief.
“Yes, our bond was such that I couldn’t hear anything from her but she could hear everything I thought about. I was ready to give up when I got this idea and decided to give it a last shot.” Wooyoung continued.
“What did you do?” Jongho asked.
“I sat down and started revealing my full name, my social media handles, my address and other details in my head, so if there really was anyone listening they’d know how to find me. She showed up on my doorstep with my favourite snacks not long after. The rest is history.” Wooyoung grinned while recalling the memory. 
“How the hell did we not know this before? It’s literally a story worth telling!” 
“Yes, I’m aware but the topic never came up and I can’t just randomly reveal that my soulmate bond was flawed you know?” Wooyoung tried to reason with Jongho. 
“Okay, fine I got it. I’ll try thinking of different things and hope it’ll reach my soulmate somehow” Jongho sighed, giving in.
“That’s the spirit! Let me and the other guys know if you feel anything and I’ll see you later. Bye!” 
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Jongho headed to bed early that day, feeling exhausted. As he was lying in bed, trying to fall asleep, an idea came to him. ‘What if I focus on one topic to think about instead of multiple things at once? It might be a more organised approach and less strenuous for my brain.’ 
So he sat up and started consciously thinking about one topic, but phrased them in various ways. 
‘What is your name?’ He waited a bit but there wasn’t a response. 
“At least I know this won't work,” he said out loud. 
‘Can you tell me your name?’
 No response.
“Okay, that’s crossed out too then. How else can I phrase it…”
 If anyone saw him then, they’d think he had gone mad by the way he was talking to himself.
‘Could you speak your name?’
‘Could you spell your name?’
‘Could you trace your name on your hand?’
Jongho tried phrasing it as many ways as he could, even if some sounded ridiculous. 
‘Telleth me thy name.’
 He paused before laughing at himself. 
“So, Shakespearean English is crossed out too it seems.” 
When he ran out of all the ‘tell’, ‘spell’, ‘speak’ and ‘think’ questions he took a different route. 
‘Can you write your name?’
No response. 
Jongho yawned, feeling sleepy. Lying back down on the bed, he tried thinking of a few more sentences before deciding to continue again the next day. 
‘Could you write your name on paper?’ 
No response. 
“Okay, then” he said.
‘Write your name down on paper for me please?’ 
He paused, just about to fall asleep. 
That was when the most unexpected thing happened to him.
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Yunhee was tossing and turning in bed, unable to fall asleep. She had just finished her college assignment, due the next day and all the stress she took for it made her extremely tired. 
Assuming sleep would come easy to her, she finished her nighttime routine and headed to bed. But alas, sleep was nowhere to be found. It was one of those days where her body was tired but her mind was wide awake and she despised when that happened because it meant that she would not be able to fall asleep anytime soon. 
She started counting sheep in her head as a last resort.
 When she was on her 29th sheep, Yunhee heard something resonate in her head. The first noise sounded like an incoherent crackle and she almost dismissed it as her mind playing tricks, when she clearly heard a soothing male voice telling her to write her name on paper. 
She sat up on her bed abruptly and tried to reach out to the guy, but to no avail. Her heart was beating very fast at the prospect of finally receiving a telepathic message. She was able to hear her soulmate’s voice and it was a feeling like no other. 
After waiting a bit, she decided to do what the voice told her to: write her name on paper. 
Yunhee got up, retrieving her notebook and a pen from the desk. Sitting back down on the bed once again, she opened the notebook to an empty page and scribbled her name on it. She also wrote “What is your name?” underneath.
She waited for a bit in case another message came through but there were no other responses. 
Yunhee was completely unable to sleep that night. 
Jongho couldn’t believe what he just saw. It was like a flash that only lasted for a few seconds, but he saw a vision through someone else’s eyes. He saw a hand pick up a light blue notebook with the words “hakuna matata” written in a corner with golden ink. The hand also picked up a pen and wrote down something in the notebook. What it wrote, Jongho couldn’t make out because the writing became hazy and blurry. He could only read out ‘Park’ and the writing underneath that said ‘what is your name?’.
He was sure the person wrote her name down but he could only read her surname. 
Jongho felt something unexplainable in his gut. He was finally able to reach his soulmate, even though he couldn’t see her name. Thinking about the vision brought out a sense of longing inside him. He wanted to see more, feel more and know more about her, but he didn’t yet know how.
 ‘At least this is progress’ he thought. ‘I need to tell the others about this and figure out what I should do next.’
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The doorbell rang but the sound went unheard by the group of guys inside the apartment. The person standing outside got impatient after a while, and had to bang on the door to gain everyone’s attention. 
“Geez, Hongjoong-hyung why are you banging on the door like that? The bell exists for a reason.” Wooyoung tsked while opening the door for him.
“I rang the bell like 10 times already! None of you brats could hear it over the noise pollution! I swear y’all can be heard from down the hallway!” Hongjoong yelled at him. 
“Cut us some slack though, Hongjoong. We met up after almost a month!” Seonghwa reasoned with him. 
The seven guys excluding Jongho made themselves comfortable in Jongho’s living room, catching up with each other. Meanwhile, the resident of the apartment arranged some refreshments for the eight of them, bringing them over to the living area before plopping down between Yeosang and Mingi. 
“So let’s come to the reason why I called you guys here–” 
“You called us for a reason!?” San fake gasped. 
“You wouldn’t have invited us if you didn’t have a use for us!?” Yunho butted in. 
“Guys let the poor boy speak! I can kinda guess what it’s about.” Wooyoung tried to defend Jongho. 
“Yes, thank you Wooyoung-hyung. The reason why I called you here is because I was able to contact my soulmate yesterday and I still don’t know what type of bond this is.” 
At the revelation, everyone started yelling over each other and asking questions, of which Jongho was unable to decipher a single sentence.
The seven looked like a bunch of chattering baby birds that wanted food from its mother. He sighed and shook his head, thinking how the people in front of him were supposed to be older in age. 
“Guys, one at a time!” he yelled. 
“Okay, so it’s telepathy right?” Wooyoung asked.
“Yes and no.” Jongho paused to sort out what he wanted to say, “It’s telepathy, yes, because I consciously thought of something and it went through. But, only one kind of conscious thought out of all the other ones I tried to send, elicited a response.”
“That’s…weird?” Hongjoong muttered. 
“And not just that, hyung. The response I received was in the form of a glimpse, showing me a vision through my soulmate’s eyes!”
“What?” exclaimed Mingi.
“So, it’s not just telepathy, it’s specific and supposedly one sided, while you receive sporadic glimpses through your soulmate’s eyes. That’s a very odd combination.” Wooyoung said, in deep thought. 
“This is more complicated than yours was, hyung.” Jongho muttered.
“What do you mean?” Yeosang questioned, being able to hear what he said. 
Jongho proceeded to tell them all the details regarding what he thought and what he saw in the glimpse, meanwhile not forgetting to expose Wooyoung and how he hid such crucial information about his own experience. The rest reprimanded Wooyoung for it, making him sulk, but they also collectively tried to figure out exactly how the bond worked. 
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“What happened!” Minha burst into Yunhee’s place, panting like she just ran a marathon. 
“Why hello there best friend, why do you look as if you got chased by a dog?” Hayoon, their other best friend, asked sarcastically. 
“Dude? I came here as fast as I could! I got Yunhee’s text a while ago that said ‘EMERGENCY’ in all caps! I thought some code blue shit happened to her!” Minha exclaimed.
“Wow, and I thought the text I received was bad… she sent, ‘come over, I have something to say’ that made me rush here because I thought she was pregnant or something, which would’ve been really bad considering her soulmate bond just activated.” Hayoon laughed. 
At that very moment, Yunhee walked in with tubs of ice cream, suddenly feeling like she entered a lion’s den. The two girls yelled at her for being so dramatic over nothing but calmed down once she handed them their favourite ice cream. 
“So, the reason I sent those ‘dramatic’ texts as you two so eloquently put it, is because I got contacted by my soulmate and I freaked out.” Yunhee revealed while rolling her eyes.
“What?” Minha yelled. 
“When? How?” Hayoon followed. 
“At night yesterday! I was trying to sleep after finishing the assignment and that’s when I heard his voice in my head telling me to write my name on paper. I don’t know why that was so specific but yeah I did as he said.” 
“Did you hear anything in return?” Hayoon inquired.
“No, unfortunately. That was the only thing that came through.” Yunhee sulked. 
“But hey! You got contacted by your soulmate! So we are sure that nothing happened to him and he’s probably trying to figure out how the bond works as well right?” Minha tried to cheer her up like the mom she was, unable to see her kid sad.
“Yeah, that’s true. I hope he figures it out though because I’m at a dead end here.” 
“I’m sure he’ll figure it out! We currently have nothing to do but trust him and cheer him on. So don’t stress too much, Yuns. Stay alert and just wait for him to make the connection again.” Hayoon exclaimed, in a cheery voice. 
“Exactly! Let’s trust him on this one and we can think more about it when he manages to contact you again. Meanwhile, tell us how he sounded! What did you feel?” Minha shook Yunhee in excitement. 
So, the three girls spent the rest of their time discussing the interaction and other’s soulmate experiences while they enjoyed their ice cream.
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Jongho recalled the conversation that he had with the guys earlier, who managed to come up with a few hypothetical situations for him to experiment. 
He sat down on his desk with a notebook before him, taking notes like he would for a science class. The guys did have a few different ideas but Hongjoong’s idea made the most sense to Jongho. 
Hongjoong proposed that the message that went through was a command rather than a suggestion or a question. And what Jongho received as a glimpse was the completion of said task that got sent as a command. 
So what Jongho had to do was make his soulmate do tasks for him and if it worked out every time, then eventually find a way for them to meet face to face. 
He relaxed himself and thought of a task for her to do. 
“Okay, so I know that I’d probably not be able to know her name or see what she looks like through the bond so I can’t ask anything related to that.” He spoke out loud. 
After thinking for a while, Jongho got an idea. He decided to send his soulmate to her favourite cafe and order her favourite drink. In this way he’ll be able to figure out which cafe she frequented and what drink she liked as well. 
‘Go to your favourite cafe and order your favourite drink first thing in the morning.’ He thought, hoping that his soulmate heard it. 
“Did it sound too rude? But I can’t send anything other than a command and commands don’t particularly sound nice though.” He spoke to himself again while scratching his head.
Before he could overthink more, Jongho wrote down what he said and headed to bed as he had classes to attend the next day. 
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Taking a last minute impulsive decision, Minha and Hayoon chose to stay the night at Yunhee’s house. The three slept over at each other’s places quite often, making it a regular occurrence in their lives. Yunhee let her mother know about it and she told her to grab the extra mattress that they had for such occasions. 
While she was dragging the mattress to her room, she heard a crackle resonate in her mind like the last time. Yunhee dropped the mattress, focusing intently to see if her soulmate’s voice came through. 
Minha was walking back with a glass of water when she spotted her by the living room standing as if she saw a ghost while the mattress was abandoned on the floor.
“Yuns, what happened–” 
“Shush! I think I’m getting another message.” Yunhee quickly cut her off. 
Indeed, the soothing voice she heard the first time spoke to her again, making the darn butterflies in her stomach return to torment her. She unconsciously smiled, the emotions that hearing her soulmate’s voice evoked in her being all very new. 
Minha stared at her from the side, relating with the lovesick look on her friend’s face all too well. 
“Go to your favourite cafe… and order your favourite drink first thing in the morning?” Yunhee repeated what her soulmate said to her out loud. She looked at Minha, tilting her head in obvious confusion.  
“That’s what he said?” Minha looked equally perplexed. 
“What is taking you two so long– why are y’all standing there with the mattress on the floor?” Hayoon came out of her room to check on the two. 
Minha told her what happened while they dragged the mattress to Yunhee’s room. They sat down to think why her soulmate would send in yet another oddly specific message asking her to do something. 
“You know what I think?” Hayoon said in a serious tone, unlike her usual carefree demeanour, “The only form of message he can send are the ones that tell Yunhee to do something. ‘Cause think about it! He probably already tried saying the common stuff like ‘what is your name’ or ‘where do you live’ like we telepathy types did, but in our case all the things we tried to send went through.” 
 Yunhee and Minha looked at each other for a few seconds before directing their attention back to Hayoon, who was raising her eyebrows at them. 
“Wow dude, what’s up with you? You’re actually making sense today!” Yunhee exclaimed with fake enthusiasm while patting Hayoon on the shoulder, who rolled her eyes and pointed her middle finger towards Yunhee in return.
“Yeah! But Yoon’s right. Can’t relate though, ‘cause I was the tattoo type but she has a point. And I also think that he can somehow sense if you have done the given task or not or else he wouldn’t have any way of knowing if his messages are going through.” Minha added while laughing at Hayoon.
“I mean, the task is simple enough. I do visit cafe Aurora before heading to class anyway, so it won’t be anything out of the ordinary, I guess.” Yunhee muttered. 
The three girls started their movie marathon, when Minha’s phone rang. It was a facetime call from her soulmate Changbin, who was also their childhood friend since middle school. 
When Minha turned 18, which was three months back, she invited all her friends to attend the party, including Changbin. He was out of town that week so he couldn’t attend her birthday party. 
The tattoo that appeared on Minha’s wrist was supposed to be the first thing her soulmate told her after it was activated, which said, “Happy birthday! Sorry I couldn’t make it, Min.” 
 Minha looked absolutely bewildered while Yunhee and Hayoon laughed at it like maniacs. She got teased by the other two the entire day, while she tried to appear nonchalant about it. 
When they were younger, Minha never liked the concept of soulmates and always complained about the idea of getting paired up with a complete stranger for the rest of their lives as it seemed unnerving to her. But when she realised that her soulmate might be good old Changbin, she didn’t hate the idea anymore. It was true that Minha never saw him as anything more than a friend but he was an amazing guy and she did think he’d make a good partner. 
At night she received a call from him and indeed, the first thing he said was “Happy birthday! Sorry I couldn’t make it, Min.” 
Minha laughed and said, “Thanks, idiot.” when it dawned upon Changbin as well that his soulmate was none other than Minha.
 They met up when Changbin returned (he basically scrambled to return as fast as he could) and made it official.
 Among Yunhee’s friends, Minha and Changbin were probably the fastest soulmates to seal the bond which made a lot of them jealous because of how easy it was for them to find each other. 
Back to the present, Changbin facetimed Minha who received the call. 
“Hey Min, are you staying over at Yunhee’s today?” 
“Yep. Sudden decision.”
“Oh okay, have fun! And pass the phone to Yunhee please.” Changbin spoke. 
Yunhee peeked from the back and waved at him. 
“You! What were you thinking when you sent a text like that, dumbass? Who sends ‘EMERGENCY’ and dips without explaining what happened?” He exclaimed.
“Ugh, okay fine sorry. I won’t send texts like that again. I got nagged enough by these two, I don’t need you to add anything to it, Binnie.” Yunhee whined. 
“At least you’re fine and dandy so I’ll spare your ass today. How's the soulmate situation going?” 
They told him everything that happened and gossiped with him for a few more minutes before hanging up. 
Yunhee left to talk to her parents about something, only to come back to the room with her brows furrowed at the screen of her phone. 
“Uh, Yoonie? Why is Eric texting me saying if I decided to keep the baby or not, and if I did he’ll help me convince my soulmate to keep it too?” 
At this, Hayoon and Minha looked at each other, before they burst out laughing. Yunhee was still looking at them in bewilderment but the two were not being able to stop. 
After two minutes of them laughing without break and Yunhee standing like the clown that she was, they finally stopped. 
“Remember the text that you sent me? I showed it to Eric and he was the one who said ‘why does she sound like she’s going to announce her pregnancy or something’ and we realised that it could be a possibility, because dude, everyone knows that you write paragraphs when you text. So, such a thing was not to be taken lightly.” Hayoon shrugged.
At this Yunhee threw a pillow at her, yelling how her love life was as barren as the Sahara desert (because she couldn’t fall for anyone else when the thought of having a soulmate later in life hit her) and how she and her soulmate shared the same braincell. 
“Come on! At least he’s supportive!” Hayoon defended Eric.
“Yeah yeah, I can see that. Let me call him and explain the whole thing, or else he’ll start preparing to be an uncle.”
Eric was Hayoon’s soulmate that she met 3 weeks after her 18th birthday. They were the telepathy type, being able to contact each other almost immediately after the soulmate bond was activated.
The two had a few bumps on the road, as Eric wasn’t cooperative in the beginning. The reason being that he liked this other girl and he couldn’t accept the fact that his soulmate was someone else. But the said girl found her soulmate a week after, which finally pushed Eric to move on and seek his own soulmate. 
Minha and Yunhee didn’t like him, as he made their best friend suffer and put her at risk of getting ill due to the unsealed bond, but he redeemed himself eventually. Now they were a pretty wholesome couple.
After clearing the misunderstanding, they resumed the movie marathon, falling asleep in the midst of it. 
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Jongho didn’t feel like getting up. It was a cold winter morning, which made sleeping under the warmth of the duvet all the more enticing. But he had to wake up as he had an important class to attend that day. 
He reached college early, so he was waiting inside the classroom when he saw it.
a glimpse of an awfully familiar cafe. He was able to hear her voice this time, when she spoke to order a regular hot mocha. A shiver ran down his body when he heard it, realising how sweet her voice sounded to him. Keeping his emotions at bay, he noticed two very familiar faces through the glimpse before it ended. 
“Cafe Aurora, huh.” He smiled to himself. His soulmate was nearer to him than he thought. 
As he entered through the door in a hurry to get away from the cold, Jongho noticed that the cafe was busier than usual. He figured that it was due to the freezing weather outside, while the cafe provided the warmth everyone including himself was seeking. 
Upon reaching the front he spotted Soobin behind the cashier counter, taking orders like he usually does with a smile on his face. Beomgyu was in the middle calling out names and distributing drinks while San was at the back making them for the customers. 
He eventually spotted Jongho and called another worker to take his place, so that he could go greet his friend. 
“Jongho? Fancy seeing you here.” San spoke up in a playful tone. 
“Why? Can’t I visit my dear hyung during his shift?” Jongho retaliated. 
“No, of course you can but you usually don’t frequent this place. Remember when you told me it was far from your house and you already found another place to get your iced americano from?” San raised his eyebrows making Jongho avert his gaze.
“Okay, fine! You got me there. I came here to ask you something.” he pouted. 
“Ei, don’t feel bad! I was teasing you! But do visit me more often from now okay? What did you want to ask?” San laughed while patting his back.
“So, I saw another glimpse this morning. I’ll tell you the details later but I think Hongjoong hyung’s theory worked. Can you tell me if you remember any girl, possibly a regular here, ordering hot mocha around 8 am?” 
“I make the drinks dude, I wouldn’t know. Hey, Gyu? Can you come over for a sec?” San yelled. 
Beomgyu, who finally got to breathe after distributing the drinks, clicked his tongue and walked over to where the two were standing. 
“Yeah, what’s up?” 
“Do you remember any regular female customer that came today around 8 am to order a hot mocha?” San asked him.
“Okay first of all, I have been distributing over hundreds of drinks, at least 30 of which were hot mochas. And if we are talking about 8 am then a lot of people came in to get their morning fix before college so I don’t think I can help you.” He paused.
“You could check the server but I doubt that would be of any help either, because a lot of female regular customers order hot mochas in the morning so…” Beomgyu shrugged. 
“Okay thanks, Gyu. We’ll figure something out.” San sighed.
“Why? Did anyone take a drink without paying again?” Beomgyu inquired in a concerned voice. 
“No, no. We’re trying to find Jongho’s soulmate.” San and Jongho laughed at Beomgyu’s expression.
“Oh, thank god. Good luck searching for her, bro.” Beomgyu gave Jongho a thumbs up before resuming his work. 
San looked at Jongho, who was deep in thought. 
“How’d you know she came to Aurora?” 
“Oh, come on hyung, I’d recognise the interior anywhere! Plus, she gave her order to Soobin and you were at the back making drinks. I saw you two in the glimpse.” Jongho poked San in the shoulders, making him swat his hand away. 
“Moreover, I think I found out how the bond works. So, I’ll increase contact and try to get her to meet me somehow.”
“That’s the spirit! I know you’ll succeed Jongho-yah.” San said with a proud look on his face. 
He asked Jongho if he still wanted to order an iced americano in a weather like that, to which he said yes. San shook his head at the boy but proceeded to make him what he wanted, yelling how he wouldn’t take any responsibility if Jongho caught a cold later. 
He just smiled and gestured at him to continue making the drink.
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Two days have passed since Yunhee received the last message from her soulmate. She was trying not to think about it, distracting herself with other things but every now and then her mind would fleet to the honey-like voice which evoked an unexplainable sense of longing in her. She wanted to hear his voice again.
During breaks, the trio made a point to gather whenever their schedules coincided, to catch up and complain about college, even though it was just their freshman year. 
Yunhee was walking towards their hangout spot with Hayoon when she felt like another message was coming through. She stopped walking and tapped Hayoon on the shoulder to do the same. 
The now familiar voice reverberated in her head saying “Write the name of your favourite flower on your notebook.” 
She stood there with a faraway look in her eyes, while the girl beside her extended and retracted her hand awkwardly, not knowing if she should shake her best friend or not. 
Hayoon didn’t have to suffer in indecisiveness for long, as Minha approached them and did the job for her by back hugging Yunhee, bringing her out of her trance.
“Why are you two standing here? Let’s go.” 
“Wait, Yunhee received another telepathic message. What is it bro?” Hayoon asked Yunhee. 
“He asked me to write the name of my favourite flower. What is he up to?” 
“It’s just flowers Yunhee, he probably wanted to know basic stuff like that so that he can be prepared when he finally meets you.” Minha reasoned.
“Okay let’s go sit, so that I can write it down.” 
The three headed to their hangout place. As soon as Yunhee sat down, she reached for her bag to bring the notebook out. She opened it and wrote, ‘sunflowers, but pink roses are great too’ after much thought. 
The other two teased her saying they already knew she was going to write sunflowers so she really didn’t have to ponder so much, but Yunhee disagreed by saying how she found all flowers pretty so it was hard for her to pick one.
The following day, Yunhee received another message that asked her to write yes in the notebook if she was available on the weekend and no if she wasn’t. 
She ended up writing a ‘YES’ in capital letters on her notebook that probably covered the whole page, out of sheer excitement. 
Jongho on the other hand received a glimpse of it, laughing at how adorable she was. It was as though he felt the excitement of his soulmate and that made him more eager and impatient to meet her. 
Yunhee immediately informed Hayoon and Minha about it, who were equally thrilled for their best friend and promised to help her get ready for the occasion. 
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Weekend arrived faster than the two soulmates anticipated. Jongho made sure to send her a message saying “Go to cafe Aurora at 4pm” before he started preparing to meet her. 
He got ready at three and sent a message to his group chat asking which flower he should pick between sunflowers and pink roses. Most of them suggested him to buy both and get them arranged in a nice bouquet. 
What Jongho didn’t know, however, was that the seven were already camping at cafe Aurora (excluding San because it was his shift anyway) to watch the scene unfold. 
Yunhee finally finished getting ready with the help of her two best friends. She opted for a classy but casual look: flared jeans, puffy sleeved black top, minimal pearl accessories and light makeup. 
She kept stressing and overthinking about the entire situation like the worrywart she was. At first Minha and Hayoon were trying to reassure her and alleviate her concerns but after a while it became frustrating for them so they nagged her and threw her out of the house before it was too late.
Yunhee, although still anxious about the whole meeting up with her soulmate situation, took deep breaths and reminded herself how much she had been wanting to meet her soulmate for the past few days. After calming down a bit, she headed towards the cafe. 
Jongho arrived at the cafe, the bouquet of flowers in hand. It seemed as though he attracted quite a bit of attention, because of how big the assortment of flowers looked due to the big and vibrant sunflowers. He didn’t think much of it however, opting to find a suitable seat while he waited for his soulmate to arrive. 
San on the other hand, went inside the storage room upon Jongho’s arrival to alert the other six who were hiding in there. The guys were trying to find a suitable position to peek in through the door; bickering in low voices to prevent being seen. Yunho had to hold his hand over Wooyoung’s mouth in case he yelled unintentionally and gave out their position. 
Meanwhile, San explained the whole situation to Beomgyu and Soobin, who finally understood what was going on.
“Here goes nothing.” Yunhee muttered to herself while she pushed the door to the cafe open. Upon entering she noticed that the cafe was moderately busy– an unusual sight for her as she always visited early in the morning during the rush hour, when all the seats were occupied and a huge queue present.
She didn’t know what to look for as her soulmate hadn’t really mentioned anything that would help her identify him in the crowd, but she hoped that her ‘soulmate senses’ would assist her with it (if such a thing existed).
Soobin noticed her standing awkwardly by the door and called her.
“Hello! Yunhee, right?” he said. 
“Oh, hi! Yeah, I usually drop by before going to college. I’m glad you remember my name!” Yunhee was grateful to him for striking up a conversation. 
“You seemed like you were searching for someone. Do you perhaps need some help?” He inquired. 
“I was, actually! To be honest, I don’t know what he looks like.” she paused. “It’s… my soulmate and today is supposed to be our first meeting.” Yunhee said truthfully.
Upon hearing what she said, Soobin immediately yelled at San to come to the counter, who was standing at the back. 
Yunhee saw Soobin whisper something to his ear and he looked at her with his eyebrows raised in shock. He then moved back to allow the guy to stand in his place.
“Hi! I’m San and I usually handle making beverages at the back. Soobin here just told me that you are looking for your soulmate, is that right?” He asked politely. 
“Nice to meet you! And yeah, I am.” She replied. 
“Looks like we’ll meet each other more often from now on, Ms.Yunhee.” San said while smiling. “And you might want to look there, on the right side, where a guy is sitting with a huge bouquet of flowers. Good luck!” He instructed while pointing towards the table. 
Yunhee approached said table and immediately noticed the assortment of sunflowers and pink roses along with a few other flowers. She tapped on the table to get the guy’s attention, who was on his phone with his back to her.
Jongho looked up, only to find, arguably, the most beautiful girl he has ever laid eyes upon. He seemed to be in a trance, everything but the girl in front of him becoming a blur.
Yunhee wasn’t faring any better, feeling like her heart was beating out of her chest as she stared at the guy that was supposed to be her soulmate. 
Both of them felt like something clicked in place, like the final piece in a puzzle that they didn’t even know was missing all this time.
Jongho recovered first, standing up to move the bouquet so that Yunhee could sit in the seat in front of him. Once she settled down, he swiftly handed the flowers to her, to which she thanked him in a bashful way. 
“I did think your choice of flower was unique, but now that I saw you face to face, it suits you.” Jongho said, after clearing his voice. 
“I’ll take that as a compliment, thanks.” Yunhee replied. 
“I’m Jongho. Choi Jongho. Sophomore in college.” 
“Park Yunhee. Freshman.” 
“Yunhee… a pretty name for an even prettier person it seems.” Jongho replied playfully, making her blush. 
They carried their conversation, feeling quite relaxed and comfortable after a while. Yunhee asked him a bunch of different questions, as she couldn’t do that with their bond earlier and Jongho patiently answered every query that she had with a smile on his face, not missing to ask her some in return. 
The more they communicated, the more they realised how similar their values and preferences were, which dispelled all the concerns they had about liking each other.
Jongho got up to collect their order when he noticed the six heads peeking through a door in the distance. He made his way towards the door and swung it open, to see the six guys trying to hide behind carton boxes. 
Jongho folded his arms and glared at them while they stuttered trying to explain the situation. Meanwhile, San pretended he did not see anything and continued his work.
Being discovered already, the guys came out from the storage room and greeted Yunhee, who was taken aback at first but reciprocated their enthusiasm almost immediately. 
She could see how embarrassed Jongho looked because of them so she tried to console him by saying that her friends were like this too and they’d all get along really well once they met. 
The guys started leaving one by one, seeing how Jongho’s death glare was still quite evident and they didn’t want to be at the receiving end of their youngest’s wrath. 
Jongho sighed and apologised to Yunhee again for his friends’ sudden intrusion to which she was fine with and said that it was quite nice to meet the people he was close to.
They finished their beverages and chose to take a walk outside before heading home. 
As they were walking along the pavement, Jongho felt a sudden urge to hold her hand. He tried to appear nonchalant and brushed his hand with hers, to which Yunhee responded by grabbing his hand while looking the other way. 
As someone who hated skinship with all his being, Jongho didn’t quite fathom why he felt the need to initiate physical contact with the girl walking beside him. Something as simple as holding hands was making his emotions go haywire. 
'So this is what having a soulmate feels like.' Jongho thought. 
“Right? I always felt like it was a foreign concept to me, which I couldn’t relate to at all when the people around me shared their stories. But now that I’m experiencing it for myself, I get what they were saying.” Yunhee replied, while swinging their joint hands back and forth. 
Jongho looked at her, perplexed about how she knew what he was thinking when their soulmate bond was supposed to dissipate once they met; not to mention it wasn’t regular telepathy to begin with.
Yunhee glanced back at him, to see his head tilted endearingly towards her in confusion.
“You said that out loud, Jongho.” She pointed out while giggling at his expression. 
“Oh, I didn’t realise that.” Jongho turned his head away to hide his embarrassment but Yunhee noticed how red his ears were, making her chuckle again. He figured that he really loved how her laugh sounded. 
After their impromptu stroll, Jongho took Yunhee home. 
They were at the gate, when the girl turned around and held both of Jongho’s hands.
“I had a lovely time today, so thank you so much for that. Thank you for not giving up on me even after knowing how complicated it was trying to find how our bond worked, as I completely started depending on you after not having a single clue about it. I know that our life was kind of on the line too but still I’d like to express my gratitude. And also… thanks for not turning out a jerk I guess?” Yunhee ended with a mischievous smile, making Jongho laugh. 
“Then I’d also like to express my gratitude for the fact that you chose to trust me on this and I’m so glad that you’re my soulmate.” Jongho smiled warmly while squeezing her hands tighter. “Also, thanks for not being a snobbish Karen.” He ended with a wink. 
Both Yunhee and Jongho felt all warm inside just by looking at each other. Every emotion that they felt just by doing the bare minimum seemed heightened and it was a complete new experience for both of them. 
The day ended as Yunhee hugged Jongho despite him telling her he hated skinship, and surprisingly Jongho didn’t mind it and hugged her back. 
Yunhee promised to introduce her parents and friends to him some other day, to which Jongho wholeheartedly agreed, saying he’d do the same. 
At last they parted ways, Yunhee entering her house and Jongho on his way home even though they didn’t want the day to end. 
Unspoken promises of a life together at each other's side lingered on. A life, where they were bound to be together, chosen as each other’s counterparts by fate itself. No matter how many lives they lived, the red string of fate would always bring the destined souls to one another; such was the way of the universe.
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I was just listening to suburban legends and, first thing first, what and absolute total banger. I genuinely cannot understand why I did not listen to this song more often. And second, the lyrics are like, really queer-coded.
The one that really called my attention was "1950s gymnasium". Now, if you dont know that, in the 1950s the lavander scare, a process where queer people where maked to be outcast on the society by the goverment, took place. People needed to hide and did not really know who to trust (since the people caught "guilty" were force by torture and manipulation to give names or other queer people), it was really a strugle. She says she is "standing in a 1950s gymnasium" like, trying to survive the scrutiny and navigaiting her life not knowing who to trust about her true self alongside other queer people. All together in one place, practicing not getting caught (and we all now that era was when Taylor was really bad at hiding her alleged relationships with women)
Then, theres the chorus. I didnt come here to make friends, when would you need to clarify that in a straight scenario? Almost never and, based on the lyrics, I dont think thats the case. And then the "you kissed me on a way thats gonna screw me up forever" its really deep if we read it as queer. Taylor queerness was an obstacle to her career, something that should be hidden and secretive because the consecuences of it being know were too catastrofic (like in the 1950s). Her queerness could screw her career and dreams forever, so that kiss (that I think represents her whole relationship with the muse) could screw her up forever, everything she has worked for could go away because of who she was in love with. Yet, when she hold her, it hold her together, so it was worth it.
Now in the second verse, there are (appart from the 1950s lyrics) a few things that caught my attention. First, the fantasy she has about surprising everyone with their mismatched sings, its a fantasy because it cannot happen. Its not posible, that is why it is a fantasy. Second, theres the lyric, "You'd be more than a chapter in my old diaries with the pages ripped out" she says "You'd" as in a way of hoping, like saying: if our love was not something we have to hide you will be more than a than a chapter in my old diaries with the pages ripped out. Now, this thing about ripping of pages of a diary is honestly heartbreaking. She feels so afraid, she needs to hide that much that she even erased any prove of her love from her diaries, one of the most personal things anyone could ever own, were you pour your feeling to yourself and yourself only; she could not even trust her diaries to keep her love secret.
To finish, we have to tie it all to the title: suburban legends. A history that everyones knows yet no one can tell if it is or not true, because there us no proof. It could be real or not, but everyone has heard of it. Taylor saying her and her muse were born to be suburban legends insinuates that the relationships she is singing about was secret, very few people knew that it existed for real (bacause it was not safe) but everyone heard the rumors about it.
Disclaimer: this is just my interpretation and by sharing this I am not saying this is the truth or that Taylor said that to me or something like that. I am just reading and analising the art she putted out there.
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supernovaa-remnant · 3 months
I heard about this Shubble person recently, I stayed out of drama as much as I could but, what happened now??? You even wrote this in one of your tags "#I really did love him a lot (parasocially)". I was busy this week so I don't know what is happening now.
I highly recommend people watch Shubble’s vod on her twitch channel (I don’t have a link but I can’t imagine it’s that difficult to find). Be mindful though as the vod does talk about abuse which is a very triggering topic, so make sure to be taking care of yourself. I’m gonna put the rest of the post under the cut, so people can easily scroll past this if they want to.
As a little summary, Shubble streamed yesterday and talked about her abusive ex. She didn’t name anyone, but she also wasn’t hiding who it was, and contrary to what some people may say, a lot of the dots being connected are stuff we know from past streams and comments from friends and not leaked info.
So, the incredibly most likely case is that it was Wilbur. I’m not gonna get into everything Shelby said because she said it on her stream, but the signs do point to Wilbur, and you’d have to reach significantly further to claim she was talking about someone else. There’s not a lot of British male ccs who have a bigger audience than her who have a history of biting people and have reason to be going on long travels (tour) where they wouldn’t see each other often.
Listen. I was a certified dreambur blog, okay? Everyone who glanced in my direction knew that I was a Wilbur fan. Everyone knows that I loved him so fucking much. But that’s not an excuse to bury my head in the sand and ignore everything, y’know?
Anyway, this is gonna be the last time I talk abt this publicly (I’m sure my friends will hear more in DMs though sorry <3), so I’m gonna throw a bit more stuff here abt my blog going forward.
I will eventually talk abt c!wilbur again. I’m still gonna write my silly little c!dreambur aus, I’ve just put them on the back burner. regardless of cc actions, I genuinely do love so many of the characters on the dsmp. I’ll probably be focused on some other fics for a while, but c!wilbur’s my cat and I don’t think he’s leaving my brain soon. I just need a little time.
I think cc!wilbur is someone who needs help. and I genuinely do hope he gets that help. but having mental health struggles isn’t an excuse. and I just can’t see myself engaging in his content in the foreseeable future. you’re not gonna see me post neg about him. you’re just likely not gonna see me post anything about him at all.
I’m happy to know Shubble has an amazing support system. I’m so sorry she had to go through something so horrible. I’m wishing her nothing but the best, and everyone should check out her YouTube channel!! I haven’t watched her newest video yet, but I did watch Lizzie’s pov of the collab, so I know it’s a fun concept
If people have questions that this post doesn’t answer, then I’m happy to answer them in DMs, but I don’t wanna talk abt this publicly anymore. (I reserve a right to change my mind though if I for some reason feel the need to post abt it again)
Anyway, take care of yourselves. Love is never ever wasted, okay? And all that love belongs to you. And it’s always a good thing to put more love out into the world. Never feel guilty for loving, okay? 🫂
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horsetailcurlers2 · 4 months
watching grey’s anatomy for the first time after only watching private practice: another long and obnoxious stream of my thoughts while watching (season 8 edition)
-webber is taking the fall!!! i genuinely didn’t see that coming and i totally should have
-now that the dynamics are all really really settled, i’ve been really enjoying christina and alex’s antagonistic brother-sister relationship
-wasn’t webber gonna retire like a bunch of times anyway? why is everyone acting like it’s the end of the world that he’s stepping down
-derek AND meredith are both pissing me off. i know she has abandonment issues and he has trust issues but she just acts like their marriage is something that could end at any moment as if it’s no different from them dating and he acts like everything is black and white and every time somebody breaks his trust they are automatically morally bankrupt and he runs away and ignores the issue until HE deigns that there’s no issue anymore. they both need therapy if they’re gonna fully commit to this marriage.
-MAYFIELD IN 22! richard is so fucking funny for this
-owen comparing his and derek’s situations is ridiculous
-teddy is kind of hot this season
-well now i feel guilty that i made that note in the episode where her husband apparently dies
-meredith saying “if zola takes her first steps while in daycare, i’m gonna kms” is bonkers considering her history
-i love lexie she’s so embarrassing. she’s like me if i was hot
-there’s a big suicide prevention flyer in the background of a scene. am i being paranoid or are they foreshadowing something awful?
-not the first time a woman named adele has made me cry
-owen hunt sucks harder than anyone has ever sucked before
-i don’t hate the if/then episode. it’s fun and interesting. but i think some of the choices they made make absolutely no sense. i get that the point is like “if this variable changed, what would happen” and they just did that w a bunch of variables. but w some of them i’m like… that’s not what would happen tbh.but it’s fun and silly and i like the idea of exploring alternate possibilities
-and the alternate universe weird shaped grey scrubs are so ugly. worse than the orange
-zola is so goddamn cute i can’t stand it
-go off, teddy. get his ass. (idea: me and teddy start a fight club but it’s literally just us ambushing and jumping owen for funsies)
-i can’t talk about owen anymore bc i’m getting way too worked about a pretend man who works in a pretend hospital
-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! holy mother of fuck
-one day she will repent for her Shonda Crimes
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shadowglens · 5 months
alone, break, desire, future & guilt for nuala 🤸
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
well🧍‍♀️.... nuala has actually spent a lot of her life alone. after she was ostracised and essentially kicked out of her clan, she spent many years living alone between towns and cities and forests in the free marches - because of those years wandering, she became very accustomed to being alone. it actually brings her a lot of peace, or at least it used to. being so thoroughly surrounded by people for 2-3 years with the inquisition forced her to grow out of that habit, but after she loses her hand and disbands the inquisiton along with it, well. she finds herself slipping back into her old, solitary habits very very fast. it aches more than it ever used to, though.
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
nuala keeps a very tight lid on her emotions and doesn't like showing vulnerability to others, so if she ever does break down it's always in private. she tends to get angry more than anything, and is prone to shoving everything off her desk, to crying angry tears. the most anyone will ever usually see of that though is her being more curt than normal, or maybe getting a bit too intense in the archery range. it's why her yelling at the advisors towards the end of trespasser takes them all so aback.
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
freedom for the people, a better future for the people, for the people to not be so chained by their past. it's why she was kicked out of her clan (for speaking against the dalish ways so vehemently), and it's what she tries to put her power as inquisitor towards (elevating briala, taking the well's knowledge to keep it in elven hands, supporting elven power as much as she can). it's why, after her arm's fizzled to nothing and bull has all-but carried her back to the winter palace, the only emotion she can really settle with is rage (because it's all she's ever wanted, how could he just leave her behind).
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
oh boy. one of the worst would be her dying in obscurity, her not being remembered for all she'd done. she fought so hard for so long and sacrificed so much, so for history to wipe her away into a corner to be forgotten would be more than an insult. beyond that, i think another possible worst future is her being so blinded by her love for solas that it destroys her, or him, or them both, and that neither of them actually manage to save / elevate the elven people like they'd initially set out to do.
guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid guilt, or do they accept it?
part of nuala feels guilty that she didn't make more of an effort with the inner circle, that she didn't try to cultivate more friendships. she had iron bull, thom, dorian and leliana, but beyond that ... all her other relationships were tense or downright bad. i think a small part of her also feels guilty for disappearing into the wilderness barely a day after disbanding the inquisition. the only person she properly says goodbye to is leliana, and dorian (when he calls in a panic over the sending crystal, but she's already two hours gone).
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asvterias · 2 years
can you do an angela headcanon/one shot where she bullies picks on eleven out of jealousy bc you two are close and she has a crush on you
𝖲𝗍𝗋𝖺𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝖠𝗀𝖺𝗂𝗇... ~ 𝖠𝗇𝗀𝖾𝗅𝖺
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Warnings: Major Angst, Implications of a Possessive!Angela & Bullying
Pairings: Angela x Fem!Black!Reader
Summary: Falling for your best friend can be overbearing so when confessing your love to the blonde, strangely, goes according to plan, someone will always be with a barrier.
Tag List: @janeswhore @yurdreamgirlfriend @clarkegriffinslever @danielchopa1
Word Count: 1,038
Author’s Note: Decide to turn this into a angsty one-shot, still hope you like this, anon! This angsty one-shot is based on ‘Strangers’ by Celeste.
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♫ from strangers to friends ♫
You were a new girl, just transferring from Canada and Angela had her eyes set on you. At first, she wanted you to become apart of her friend group and, surprisingly, she managed to snag you.
Everything seemed to be going great until two other new students transferred from Hawkins, Indiana.
Personally, the blonde didn't have a problem with Jane at first, if she was being honest. If only, Jane had been aware of her surroundings, this wouldn't have happened, if the brunette had just kept her eyes off of you but, no – she wanted to latch onto you like a lost puppy.
The blonde wasn't blind, she saw the twinkle in her eyes whenever you complimented her. You used to compliment her but it all became a tinted blur, at least, on her end.
Angela is one to get insanely jealous based on the proximity. For instance, she wasn't supposed to feel jealous, because you weren't hers and you were just a friend to her, right? Oh, how wrong she was, she didn't want to admit it but maybe – just maybe, her heart swooned by the thought of you alone.
♫ friends into lovers ♫
Or perhaps, you were just being friendly, but, do friends often kiss and hold hands like you regularly do? For starters, her parents are extremely homophobic and would often chastise their daughter about the wrongdoings of the LGBTQ+ community. If being queer was wrong, why did Angela feel so serene whenever she feels butterflies by just scrutinizing at you.
Sun rays kissed your ebony complexion which made Angela envious, dreaming that it was her instead, kissing your soft skin.
When the girl decided to insult the brunette teen during her presentation in history class, you quickly shut that party down, “Angela, you already had your turn. Let Jane, speak.”
That statement earned a side eye from the blonde, making her question whose side you were really on. In which the brunette girl kindly smiles at you in response, making you mirror it back.
Apparently, you couldn't go to the outing because, currently, you were on a 4-hour plane ride over to Canada to visit some family and would return back mid-July.
This was a perfect opportunity to scare Jane into not interacting with you anymore. Therefore, you would be her best friend and she would distance herself from the other teen girl.
“Stay away from [name] or you'll regret it.” Angela warned the brunette before skating off with her friends.
Angela would be lying if she didn't feel a bit guilty for embarrassing the Hopper girl at the skating rink and only wondered what you would now assume of her. Unfortunately for her, Will had told you what went down at the rink, and you were infuriated at the girl.
How could she just do that? Especially to someone as carefree as Jane.
Ever since you knew her, she didn't bully anyone and kept her friend group small. At this point, you seemed genuinely concerned for your dear friend; why was she acting out like this?
“It's not important anyway, [name].” She sighed deeply, her gaze faltering somewhere else in your room. Her voice became instantly hushed, “I did it for you, anyway.”
You scoffed incredulously, folding your arms. “It is a big deal, Angie. You bully Jane for no reason whatsoever.” You somehow caught onto Angela's last words and your heart sunk to your stomach.
Were you the problem that caused a rift between Jane and Angela?
Turns out you ended up confessing to her during the heated argument and it was like the world stopped. You liked her. Which meant that those small kisses were significant and not just for laughs.
♫ and strangers again... ♫
As the universe intended, all good times must always come to a short end. Thereafter, you both calmed down, still furious at the reasoning behind Jane's torment; all because she was just jealous of your friendship with Jane.
Yet, she still refused to apologize to Jane for mistreating her. As a result of her selfishness, she received the consequences.
“Well, if you can't apologize to Jane, then we're no longer friends...” You concluded with a shaky exhale.
“Come on, [nickname], you don't mean that,” She reached out for your hands but you pulled them away, eliciting a frown on the blonde's face.
“I really thought that we could have been more than friends but despite everything we've been through, jealousy isn't your strongest suit.” You affirmed, tears already rushing down your cheeks. “I need you to leave.”
“[name]...” You turned your gaze away. You weren't ready to hear her pleading excuses anymore. You were tired – so fucking tired. Tired of feeling like someone's else puppet all of the time. You should be able to have other friends too.
If she truly loved you, she would have made things right with Jane.
With her head held down, she walked past you, her footsteps padding against your floor as you briefly caught her perfume scent before your bedroom door slammed shut.
This strong bond of friendship was bound to break someday and unexpectedly, it was today, and all because of the brunette girl.
For the first time in her life, the blonde had no one else to blame but herself. Oh, how she wished that things were different.
Now Angela was a meaningless stranger in your life, once again, and she would do anything to have you back in her arms.
From this day forward, she couldn't win you over with a cheery smile and a warm welcome anymore, she had to earn her way back into your heart because if she couldn't change for you, is she even worthy of you at all?
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© asvterias, 2022. please do not plagiarize any of my works.
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lonelyvomit · 2 years
It's the anon from a few days ago that wrote about feeling lonely and forgotten. I just, I don't know, I want to say you are right. I know that I am the one causing this. But it is so hard to actually open up to people when all I have ever learned is that I am the problem. When I first opened up to my dad about my mental illness he actually said "How dare you to emotionally blackmail me with this". Then he went and told someone from the family about this, but I have never been asked about it. I also never told anyone about my self harming history but learned that they know from a worker at the youth welfare office (I google translated this so no idea if it means what I want to say). My mom told them this to make my dad look bad. Never once she asked me about it, or anyone else for that matter. My best friend who was the only person who I actually talked to about stuff like this, actually doesn't speak to me anymore, because they like you said that this is my fault. I really want to change, but I am so afraid of rejection.
first off, love, it's not your fault. I never wanted to say that, but I can understand why it might've come across that way and I apologise. I never wanted to put any blame about this on you, because it's not that you're doing anything wrong - you're doing what most humans in your situation do. I probably should've mentioned this in the previous ask, but I used to do the exact same thing myself. and I never realized the walls I was holding up were there until I learned to let them down, and I have since looked back and realized that during those years when I felt incredibly alone, I did in fact have people around me, I just didn't let them in. my intention was not to point fingers and make you feel guilty about where you are, because your situation is super common and what you're doing makes perfect sense. you're protecting yourself, I understand, and that's not wrong. but the ways in which we protect ourselves from getting hurt are rarely if ever easily split in right and wrong ways, because all of them have pros and cons and some are easier than other or fit our personal situation better. I just wanted to make sure you're seeing both sides of it so you can decide for yourself if this is how you want to go forward.
secondly, I'm so sorry your family has let you down like that and refused to listen to you or help you. you deserve a lot better, and you deserve to find people who care about you. and I know how terrifying that is, but that's the shitty part of life - you don't know who would be there for you until you trust them enough to give them a chance. and yeah, there's a chance someone will be hurtful about it. unfortunately it does happen. but the good people you can find who can actually make you feel like someone cares about you are worth it. in the end they will matter more and they will outweight the bad.
you have a valid reason to feel like you need to protect yourself when the people closest to you have failed you that badly. but that protective shield has it's down side too. you haven't done anything wrong - it's not that black and white. there is no right or wrong way to deal with these things, and I certainly am not the person to tell you how you should handle your life. your situation is much more complicated than the limited context I have, and out of everything I say I hope you're able to weed out anything that doesn't make sense or actually apply because of something I'm not aware of. you make your own decisions and I'm not trying to point fingers and pick out faults in any of them, I don't know your life and that is not my place. I can only offer a different point of view that may or may not help you.
and regardless of any of this, your feelings of loneliness are just as valid. where they stem from doesn't change the fact that they're real and hurtful, and I'm really sorry you have to deal with them. I hope you find a way to connect with people, even if it's scary. 🖤
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oathofpromises · 2 years
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x-continued from here with @destallo​
Jill's eyes soften, her grasp on the glass tightens. There’s so much they both blamed themselves for, that burning regret. How deep down they longed for this war to end. They might even find a tiny bit of happiness. The one thing that always seemed out of reach. There was too much going on in the world. Everything else came first before any of their own feelings. At least that’s what her parents drilled into her head at such a young age. Jill's personal feelings weren’t relevant. The mission always took priority, even at the cost of her own contentment. It was just how her parents taught her to live. It could be considered both a good and bad thing. Sometimes Jill hated it. The very belief that everything esle came first, and their own feelings took a beak seat. Couldn’t they be a tiny bit selfish? Even for just a single moment in time. It was the least the world could give them. 
“Leon..I know I can’t just tell you not to blame yourself for that. I’m guilty of doing the exact same thing. Sometimes we take on so much because the world asks us to. Rather, it’s necessary, or we are always forced into situations that demand a heavy price. Sometimes I look at the vaccine container I kept from that day. How I wished I was faster, but I know I can’t keep clinging to that moment. " 
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It's easier said than done, though. So many people out there were counting on her to save this world from the threat of bioweapons. Years ago, she was only a young girl serving in the army, and after getting read to S.T.A.R.S everything changed. Never did Jill imagine that things would turn out as they have or how much anguish would run through her veins. Try as she did, it was hard to hide those emotions from the people closest to her. Sure, she could remain calm during battle. Focus on fighting enemies, but when it came to confronting things, it seemed easier to just numb those emotions. A bad habit, but could anyone fault her for wanting to avoid these deeper emotions? It was opening up a part of yourself that was vulnerable. Something that actually did make Jill nervous. It was just a lot of trust, and she never wanted to pile any of the weight she was carrying on another person. 
Slowly, her hand reached up and touched the side of Leon’s face. Ever since the two of them met, it has been easier to be more affectionate. Jill trusted Leon, and that was very rare for the woman, especially with her history of people betraying her. It didn’t matter how calm she appeared to be about it. In the end, it hurt that people she once felt comfortable having her back just left. Her thumb gently caressed Leon's face, a gentle look in her blue eyes. 
“Leon, I never once blamed you for anything that happened. You were tossed into a hard situation on your first day on the force. Maybe you won’t believe my words or think that I’m just trying to appease things. However, I lived many years with so many regrets. I don’t want you to feel like you have to carry all of that yourself. I want you to know that I care.” a lot more than Jill realized. The other had found his way into her heart, and that shocked the woman to her core. 
“Leon, I want to know you. Perhaps you think that’s some horrible idea or it would be easier to push me away, but..I am right here.” Jill said, as she grabbed his hand and placed it against her heart. It was done to prove a point. Hopefully he understood and didn’t take it the wrong way. The last thing she wanted to do was scare him off, that would hurt more than anything. 
She knew he was right, being who they were, scars and all could very well be the world's last resort. However, that didn’t mean she wanted Leon to see his own life as just something that could be tossed away. It could be simple as just showing him that someone would still stay beside him, and she had done just that. Ever since the two of them meet. He had tried so hard to push her away, too. Might have even took one look at Jill direction and felt all that regret rise inside his chest. 
They both had seen a lot, been through so much. Bruises and scars remained, and some days it felt like those wouldn’t fade at all. Taking a breath, Jill knew how hard this was on both of them. It wasn’t everyday they got to be open with these emotions. He was her support, someone that held so much inside that he might shatter. That was the last thing Jill wanted to see. Leon deserved better. If only they had run into each earlier in life, perhaps they could’ve been there more. However, it seemed pointless to worry about that. The important thing is they were both here, still trying their best. Even if some days it was merely numbing those emotions they wished to hide from the world.  Jill hand still rested against Leon face, it was an action she hardly did with just anyone. 
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“You are right..perhaps a lot of what happened needed to. Even if we try and dwell on what if’s sometimes. I try and put on this mask since people want to see us as some heroes. I never thought of myself as one. We were just doing our part, our duty. It might surprise you but there are times I wish I could be selfish. To push away duty and just be happy. It’s the least we deserve after everything but you know..I don’t regret meeting you. If things had to happen the way they did at least it allowed me to run into you.” 
Life had been hard on them both, but in the end could they say everything was bad? There were some memories Jill cherished more than anything. Hardly anyone in her life took the time to care about her. Let alone sit down and listen to her talk about things like this. Most would probably turn and run, but Leon never did. He let her talk, didn’t judge her for feeling a particular way. She felt...at home with him. 
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persephoneggsy · 11 months
Marian: Isabela 3, Merrill 2, Carver 5 (wow look at me showing restraint not asking a Sebastian question :p )
(That's because you already know all the answers LOL)
Isabela 3: How did your Hawke feel about Isabela’s indifference to the mage-templar war? Were they offended? Or indifferent themselves?
Marian was equally apathetic about the conflict... Though perhaps more aggressively than Isabela. Whereas Isabela just doesn't seem to have a dog in the fight (though it seems she's more in favor of the mages having freedom), Marian does, and she chooses to not think about it because it's not directly affecting her (at least, not yet).
Which I think lends itself well to a parallel between her and Isabela re: sticking to their comfort zones instead of trying to be better people. The difference is once Marian gets better influences in her life (Sebastian, mainly, but her friendship with Fenris also slowly enables her to be better) she's actively making those choices to start caring.
Unfortunately, she wasn't close enough to Isabela to be that influence for her, so she just disappeared after the Arishok fight. And part of her will always wonder if she could've brought out a side of Isabela that cared.
Merrill 2: Was your Hawke intrigued by Merrill’s Eluvian? Were they concerned?
Honestly, she thought that thing looked super suspicious. For all that she was raised an apostate, without the chantry's rhetoric regarding magic in her head, she was still extremely wary of this new, mysterious, and almost definitely cursed magical artifact.
Mostly she was frustrated - Merrill is obviously smart, she knows to take precautions... but she cares so much about restoring elvhen history that she's willing to throw away her relationships with actual elves in order to do it.
And Marian, who has lost family not through choice but circumstance, wants to scream at Merrill that she's throwing away everything for a dumb mirror.
(Full disclosure: I get Merrill's reasoning. I know why it's important to her, and honestly I think her clan is a bunch of assholes. But Marian just sees a blood mage who thinks she knows better than everyone else she grew up with and it leaves a bad taste in her mouth.)
Carver 5: How did Leandra and/or Bethany’s death affect your Hawke’s relationship with Carver?
After Bethany died, they both closed off. Neither of them are good at emotions, so they either just didn't talk about it or did and screamed at each other, hurling blame like daggers before storming off in opposite directions.
After that first year in Kirkwall, they've both had time to grieve, but they've never really talked about it. Their grief at losing Bethany, whom they both privately agree was the best of them, having their mother constantly remind them of her death and making them feel guilty about it, plus all the other struggles they've faced since arriving in this shit city... it's all simmering there, under the surface, until the Deep Roads.
Then Marian is faced with the prospect of losing Carver, too. And she can't do that, she can't lose her baby brother. As they try to find the Wardens to cure him, she finally lets the dam break and tells him she's sorry for everything, Bethany was her fault. I think this is enough to encourage Carver to apologize too, and tell her that it isn't anyone fault what happened to Bethany. By the time they finally find the Wardens, both Hawkes have cried more in hours than they have in years, and Carver's future in uncertain, but at least they had some closure.
When Leandra dies, both have matured a lot more. Carver's come into his own as a Warden, Marian's allowed herself to be vulnerable. Carver never, ever blames Marian for what happened. If anything, he's pissed at everyone else - the city guard, fucking Aveline, blood mages, whatever - but never Marian. He tries to reach out to her more after Leandra's death, and she clings to that; after all, they're basically the only family they have left.
(Carver insists Gamlen doesn't count. Marian says fuck you he absolutely does. Gamlen is stuck between two children who are just as prickly as he is.)
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messers-moony · 3 years
Secrets | R.L
Paring: Remus Lupin X Wife!Reader
Summary: Y/n withholds her past from the Order of the Phoenix but it all comes loose after one eavesdropped conversation with Sirius.
Standing in the kitchen of Grimmauld Twelve after cleaning up dinner was always a fun experience. The Aurors finally allowed themselves to relax, even if it was just for a moment. Everyone could feel the amount of ease in the room, including the children. Harry Potter always remained grateful for these moments to relax. But he was never far from the woman who raised him, Y/n Lupin.
Remus was having an animated conversation with Sirius, Nymphadora, and Mad-Eye. Meanwhile, Molly, Arthur, Y/n, and the kids all spoke together, just joking around. Y/n couldn’t believe that Harry was fifteen. It felt like yesterday when he had gotten spit up all over her shirt while she tried to feed him. It was astonishing to watch Harry grow into the man Lily and James always wanted.
“ Professor Lupin! “ The Weasley twins called in symphony making both Lupins turn their way, “ The female Professor Lupin. “ Fred specified, and Remus chuckled.
The twins pulled her away into a secluded corner, “ Did you get them? “ George queried, and Y/n scoffed, “ Of course, I did. What do you take me for? A liar? “
“ Absolutely not! “ Fred replied, “ They’re all in your room. Make good work of those fireworks. “ Y/n whispered, and both boys were jumping with joy.
They bowed, “ Only for you, Professor. “
Both boys ran off to presumably go and check their new items. Y/n chuckled at their antics when arms wrapped around her waist. A chin was rested on her right shoulder, and the scratch of scruff tickled her jaw. Caramel-brown hair fading and flecked with grey obscured part of her vision. Two hands were rested on her waist—the left hand adoring a very familiar ring.
“ What have you given those mischievous boys? “ Remus asked, “ Nothing. I’m not quite sure what you’re on about? “ Y/n answered, turning to face her husband.
His eyebrow quirked, “ Okay, I made a trip to a particular store. I got them some fireworks. “ Y/n informed, “ Fireworks? “ Remus questioned.
“ They’re magical fireworks. “ Y/n stated, “ The boys like to experiment, so I let them have their fun. “
“ And that’s why you refuse to give them detention. “ Remus rolled his eyes, “ I do give them detention! “ Y/n exclaimed, pouting slightly.
“ I lecture them about all the things they did wrong. “ Y/n added before Remus could speak, “ And then I tell them how to do it better. “ She mumbled.
Her husband laughed, “ Oh, there's the marauder in you, my dear. “
There was a prominent silence between them before Remus spoke up again, “ Have you told Harry about your former last name? “
“ No, I haven’t. “ Y/n swallowed, “ He doesn’t need to know. “
“ I think he’d like to know. “ Remus replied as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, “ I think he’d like to hear all the stories about your twin brother. “
She shook her head, “ Sirius can tell him. “
“ Sirius can’t tell him everything, love. “ Remus informed sweetly, “ Only you knew James Potter since he was born. “
“ I know, I just- it’s hard. “ Y/n bit her lower lip, “ I know, darling. “ Remus responded as he pulled her lower lip from her teeth with his thumb, gently.
They stared at each other for a moment before someone interrupted, “ Y/n, I think you should talk to Sirius. “ Molly informed, and she furrowed her eyebrows, “ He showed Harry the Black Family tree. “
Molly left, and Y/n kissed her husband on the cheek, “ Talk about this later. “ Y/n whispered, leaving him.
She walked around the house. Sirius was standing in the doorway, about to close the black wooden door. Y/n only stood a couple of feet away, but he was hesitant. He didn’t want to shut the door just yet. So much history laid on the wallpaper of the room. So many awful memories. Y/n laid a hand on his shoulder gently.
“ Come on. “ Y/n beckoned as she pulled him into the room, and he shut the door behind them, “ Colloportus. “ She muttered, locking the door.
Sirius stood in front of Regulus’s name, “ Go on, speak. “ Y/n said, and Sirius sighed.
“ It was hard. Losing him, I mean. Even though we didn’t have the greatest relationship, it still felt like I should’ve been there. I should’ve protected him. He was my little brother, for Merlin’s sake. “ Sirius ranted, “ Maybe if I stayed. Maybe if I took him with me that night, this would’ve never happened.
“ Losing a brother is hard. “ Y/n began, “ It’s a pain I wouldn’t wish upon anyone, but people die. People come and go. Truth be told, there isn’t much you can do about it. “
“ My brother wouldn’t have wanted me to live my life suffering. That’s why I married Remus even if he wasn’t by my side. Even if he wasn’t the one walking me down the aisle like he promised. “ Y/n continued, and tears streamed down Sirius’ face, “ Harry still doesn’t know. “
Sirius turned faster than a threatened spider, “ What? Haven’t you told him? “
“ No. He doesn’t know. I’m Y/n Lupin to him and everyone else aside from the adults. “ She shook her head, “ To be fair, it feels nice. “
“ Call me daft, but it feels nice not to be Pity Potter anymore. It feels nice to be Professor Lupin. “ Y/n shrugged, “ You raised him, and you lied to him. “ Sirius retorted.
“ I’m not lying to him; I’m just not telling him the entire truth. “ Y/n corrected, and Sirius turned back to the family tree, “ You were never Pity Potter. “ Sirius muttered.
Y/n chuckled, “ Everyone pitied me after they died. Poor Y/n Potter. She lost her parents at seventeen, lost her brother at twenty-one, became an unexpected parent at twenty-one with her brother's son. People didn’t have to say ‘I’m sorry for your loss’ for me to see the pity in their eyes. “
“ When Regulus died, nobody even said I’m sorry. “ Sirius whispered, “ Nobody knew Regulus like you did. “ Y/n replied.
“ Regulus wasn’t meant to die. He shouldn’t have died. But he did, Sirius. “ Y/n stated, and Sirius turned to her with tear-filled eyes, “ And if your brother was anything like mine, he wouldn’t want you to sulk your entire life. He wouldn’t want you to ask yourself ‘what if’; he’d want you to live your life. “
She took steps in front of the crying man, her hands placed on his shoulders, “ Regulus Black and James Potter didn’t die because they wanted us to suffer. They died because they wanted us to live. “
“ So please. Live for them. Don’t let their death be in vain. “ Y/n said, taking Sirius in for a hug which he returned gratefully, “ Harry loves you. He likes having his godfather in his life. Live for Harry. “
Sirius nodded, and they pulled apart, “ Remus got really lucky. “
Y/n laughed, “ James used to say the same thing. “
When they left the room, it felt like time stopped. Everyone stared at them. Sirius and Y/n were given glares aside from the adults. The children looked betrayed. Harry looked almost in tears. The Weasley twins looked guilty. It seemed to freeze, and Remus looked stressed. Molly and Arthur looked disappointed in their children. Mad-Eye looked unimpressed. Nymphadora looked intrigued. Remus and Y/n exchanged looks, his saying everything– he found out.
Y/n coughed, “ Why- Why is everyone staring? “
“ You lied! “ Harry’s voice sounded heartbroken, betrayed, “ I never lied to you, Harry. I just- you never asked, and there was never a suitable time. “ Y/n tried to explain.
The extendable ear in Fred’s hand told her everything, and she took a breath, “ Harry, can we talk about this in private, please? “
Remus walked forward and took Harry from the shoulders, guiding him to their shared bedroom; once Harry was out of earshot, the Weasley twins stared at their Professor, “ I’m- I’m so sorry, Professor. We didn't- “
“ I’m not mad at you. “ Y/n interrupt, “ I’m not mad at any of you. To clear the rumors, yes, James Potter was my twin brother- “
Before Y/n could continue, Sirius interjected, “ And Y/n Lupin is one of the strongest people I’ve ever met. “
“ She has suffered a more remarkable feat than any other witch I know. Y/n was the one who found Marlene McKinnon’s family dead. She watched her best friend bleed out right in front of her eyes. “ Sirius continued, and Y/n swallowed, looking at the ground, “ She watched Frank, and Alice Longbottom get tortured to insanity. “
“ And finally Y/n suffered losing her other half, James Potter and her sister in law, Lily Evans or Lily Potter. “ Sirius put two hands on her shoulders as he stood behind her, “ So before you glare at her, understand what she’s been through. Understand that she’s been tortured, hurt, and killed in more ways than one. “
Sirius still wasn’t finished, “ Her husband is a werewolf. Her husband has hurt her before, and she bears the scars. Her brother was killed. Her brother by choice- “ Sirius chuckled before he continued, “ Was sent to Azkaban for twelve years, and someone she trusted betrayed us all. “
“ Y/n Euphemia Potter-Lupin has endured more pain than everyone in this room combined. But Y/n Euphemia Potter-Lupin is always the one holding us together, the glue to this horrid new world we live in. So please, before you glare. “ Sirius repeated, “ Understand that she’s been tortured, hurt, and killed in more ways than one. “
Hesitantly, Y/n raised her head to see everyone almost in tears. The children weren’t meant to know; they weren’t meant to hear all the suffering she’s endured. It wasn’t their time yet. But as she looked up, she saw Harry and Remus. They hadn’t entirely made it to the bedroom before Sirius began talking. Tears trailed down her husband's cheek, remembering that faithful night he had broken his vows and attacked her. She didn’t blame him.
Hermione was fully sobbing. The Weasley boys had light tears falling down their cheeks. Molly cried in Arthur’s arms while he tried withholding his tears. Nymphadora and Mad-Eye looked astonished. Ron was brought into a hug by Hermione but remained shocked. Y/n didn’t quite know what to do from here. They had just heard her entire life story.
“ I’m sorry you all had to hear that. “ Y/n chuckled, “ I didn’t know Sirius was going to give you a biography on how the first wizarding war went for me. “
She swallowed, “ I’m sorry for keeping this secret from you guys. And Harry, because I know you’re only a floor above me right now in the comfort of Remus’ arms. You need to know that I love you from the bottom of my heart. I just- I just didn’t want you to find out and get too excited. “
“ But I’m your biological Aunt. I fought Dumbledore tooth and nail to take care of you. I remember sobbing and wailing in Remus’ arms because you were right there, right in front of my face, yet I couldn’t have you. “ Y/n explained, “ Vernon and Petunia are awful people. You deserved love, and you wouldn’t have gotten it there. You would’ve been an outsider your entire life. “
Y/n was sobbing as Sirius rubbed her back, her words choked up, “ B- But, I love you, Harry James Potter. “
Harry left Remus’s arms and ran down the flight of stairs. His arms took around his Aunt. The fifteen-year-old held onto his aunt closer than he could ever imagine. Remus walked down the steps slowly to take his place beside Sirius. Harry pulled away slightly, and Y/n wiped her face. Harry’s eyes had that glint of mischief James always had, and it made her want to sob all over again, but Harry spoke before she could.
“ What was your marauder name? “
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norangeyyy · 3 years
Late Night HCs
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Bucci Gang Edition
TW: nothing too extreme, just a little bit of hurt/comfort stuff sprinkled right here and there.
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Bruno Bucciarati
► Bucciarati typically doesn't stay up late at night, he has work and would squeeze all the amount of sleep he can get on his free time.
► Unless he has a lot of things in mind.
► It doesn't matter whether it's a work-related problem, his past, a random thought, or just generally his worries about his future. It will keep him up.
► He'll definitely need someone to be an outlet but if no one's available, he'll just stare at the night sky and distract himself with the moving clouds or finish some of his work until he's too tired to think of anything.
► If you happen to be in the same situation and same place that night though, then make sure that you take care of the trust he has for you when he was at most vulnerable and he will do same with you.
► I personally headcannon Bucciarati to be the type to like those kind of conversations since i highly doubt that he has been so vulnerable in front of anyone besides Abbachio ever since he joined the mafia.
► And even then, he's mostly the one who lifts the spirits up and not the other way around since he's the leader.
► So expect to hear things and words you wouldn't expect to come from the Bucciarati you see everyday come spilling out of his mouth, it'll be a lot.
► Pat his back or better yet, give him a hug and brush his hair while doing so. He needs it a lot since he hasn't really got one after his family fell apart.
► "I feel so much better now, thank you. I'll make sure not to forget about this night. "
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Leone Abbachio
► The night owl of the gang.
► Staying up until 3AM is nothing new to this man, hell, he could even go on a whole day without sleep if he has a lot of things that's bothering him.
► He's the opposite of Bucciarati, he prefers to shoulder his intrusive thoughts alone. It'd take some great amount of effort and trust to make him talk and let it out.
► What he does during those times is either using his stand to replay certain memories that could either worsen his guilt or put him at ease, or just drink until he passes out but most of the time, he does both.
► He could also be listening to some music while he does so but if he's feeling guilty for making Bucciarati concerned about his frequent drinking, then he'll just listen to music and hope that he'll fall asleep and not just keep his eyes closed until the sun rises.
► It works, kind of, but even without alcohol driving him to sleep, he'll always be tired. His sleeping schedule is seriously messed up because he never really cared about it in the first place.
► Would sometimes go out for a walk. Leone is fond of the city's peacefulness when everyone is asleep, with the only thing keeping him accompany is the cold air and the dim light of the lampposts.
► Secretly still has his police uniform and would occasionally take it out just to stare at it or talk to it in a not-so-kind of way as he sees his younger self in it.
► Gets dragged in whatever shit Narancia and the others are up to if he gets spotted. Mostly it's just for a movie night behind Bucciarati's back but Abbachio knows better and expects the unexpected when it comes to the gang.
► Knows what everyone does in late night if they're still up and has seen a lot of ungodly sights.
► Whether it be seeing a sleepy Mista and the pistols chanting a weird prayer to a bowl of cereals or Fugo being dragged out of his room by Narancia, Leone knows it.
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Pannacotta Fugo
► Just like Bucciarati, Fugo rarely stays up late at night and if he does, it's usually just because he's busy.
► Fugo has hobbies like painting and reading, everyone in the gang knows that. It's just that he gets carried way too far sometimes and loses track of time.
► Who could blame him though when the book he's reading is just too interesting or the painting he's currently working on is almost done, right?
► On extremely rare occasions where something unpleasant enough to keep Fugo up at night happens, he'll bundle himself in his fluffy blanket like a butterfly in its cocoon.
► He always does this back when he's still living with his parents, it makes him feel safe from anything that's haunting him.
► And if it's neither his hobbies or problems that's keeping him up, he'll just hear Narancia whispering outside his door or Mista throwing pebbles at his window.
► For the first few times the duo did this, Fugo was still able to resist until he just can't anymore knowing that they wouldn't leave him alone all night.
► "Well, this isn't so bad. "
► He says as he enthusiastically tosses a popcorn into his mouth with his eyes glued all over the lit screen of the TV.
► Movie nights, along with sneaking out to go the nearest convenience store, became a common thing between the Torture Dance Trio™ ever since then.
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Narancia Ghirga
► The type to wake up in the middle of the night and think "Hmm... Everyone's asleep, let's commit robbery tonight!"
► Fugo's sleep paralysis demon.
► Would literally not hesitate to steal chocolate bars with Mista and probably does 3AM challenges with him too.
► Never runs out of ideas to keep himself up at night and is the one who comes up with everything but what he does still depends on his mood.
► If Narancia's feeling a little too lazy then he'll just sleep and most of the time, with music keeping him accompany. But unlike Abbachio, he purposely doesn't wear headphones just to annoy Fugo whose room is right next to his.
► If he's feeling like it, he'll straight up just invite the others to watch a movie or play videogames even though Bruno has already made it clear not to use the TV after 11PM.
► But just as he likes staying up at night doing crazy things with the boys, he also uses his energy left and free time to self-study, as surprising that may sound.
► He may hate reading but he takes advantage of the fact that his brain is much active at night and he doesn't want to depend on Fugo too much. After all, he dreams on going back to school and he's more than willing to be capable enough to do so alone and pass without the other teen's help.
► Will cuddle anything that's near him while he studies but if you give him a plushie, it'll be instantly his favorite and he would definitely use it as a study buddy.
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Guido Mista
► Alright, let's be honest here, this dude wouldn't even stay up if it weren't for his bros.
► 5 seconds lying on the bed and he's already knocked out for a good 10 hours if there's no work he has to do for the day. Make it 8 at weekdays thanks to his mafia-related responsibilities.
► He sleeps like a log so only a combination of shaking him up awake with Fugo and Narancia can make him rise from what seems like a two year coma but is really just a normal tuesday night.
► Will pretty much join Narancia at anything he does but since his last three brain cells are obviously still as half asleep as him, he won't be able to remember that much the next day.
► And once he's out of the room and is already sitting on the couch with the guys, Mista's the type to fall asleep halfway through the movie.
► You can't blame him though, it's 12AM and it seems that Fugo got to choose what movie they'll watch since Narancia already got to choose the other night.
► Unless they're playing videogames or are going out then he won't be acting like a slow ass PVZ zombie with a fried brain. Actually, he'll be hella active if that's the case.
► Active at grabbing every snack each second, that is.
► Actually, it's the pistols who does that but oh well, it's not like Mista's innocent too.
► "I swear it's not me who ate all of our groceries for this month! Right, guys?! It's the pistols! "
► And that, everyone, is how Guido blew their little rendezvous without even trying.
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Giorno Giovanna
► There's not much to be said about this boy since just like Mista, Giorno goes to bed early as he makes sure he still gets the proper amount of sleep.
► He already has a lot of things to deal with at day so of course, by the end of it, he'll be exhausted.
► Nights before exams are excluded because although he may seem like he skips class sometimes, Giorno still knows his priorities.
► Only when he became the head of the mafia did he really started to lose sleep as great power comes with great responsibilities.
► It took a LONG time for Giorno to adjust to a lot of things cause come on, he maybe resilient but he's still a 15 year old teen.
► Not only does he have towers after towers of work but i like to imagine that he still continued his education and used some of the things he learns in class in the mafia, specifically in classes like history or geography class since as a boss, he has to know every nook and cranny of Italy.
► Not to mention that emergencies happen and he always has to be ready to give out orders, even if it means being woken up at 1AM.
► God, help this child because all the things mentioned above are just an understatement of what happens on the first few months of being in charge of Passione.
► "So this is why Diavolo looks like he's about to explode whenever something goes wrong huh. "
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doiecstasy · 3 years
She’s Confident
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She’s Confident (Diluc x Reader)
Summary: Being an Imunlaukr, you were destined to travel and discover many things all around Teyvat. Even if being the lover of the uncrowned king of Mondstadt, who owns the famous winery and tavern inside the nation of freedom, you didn't stop traveling. Now that you're back from your recent travel, you wanted to taunt your boyfriend and probably show him your hidden bold attitude that is only for him to see. 
Warnings: Oral, Teasing, Smut, Breeding, Impreg
Note/s: Minors DNI. I cross-posted this fic on Ao3 so if you also found it in there, don't worry. I need more Diluc fics so I wrote one and decided to share it with y'all Diluc simps. Enjoy! 
Artwork: eriimyon in Twitter
The tension between the new honorary knight and the former cavalry captain in a room full of the Knights of Favonius is palpable. Very. Noticeable. 
Perhaps they all know the history between the two hence no one ever dares speak up. An Imunlaukr from the clan of the grandmaster Varka and the son of Master Crepus Ragnvindr. Who would dare speak in front of them?
Except, of course, the cunning cavalry captain of the Knights of Favonius. Kaeya.
"I think it is better to sit shoulder-to-shoulder rather than facing each other. Isn't it Diluc?"
The redhead hissed, straightened up on his seat, and crossed his arms on his chest, enunciating through his actions that he is not interested in what his brother has said just a moment ago. He simply did not care and continued to stare into your azure orbs. Those blue-like ocean eyes that successfully captured his flaming ones.
Sensing how the other knights exchanged looks as if being able to communicate with just their eyes, you stood up and walked around the room to sit beside the uncrowned king of Mondstadt. 
You looked over your shoulder and saw a surprised-looking knight. He seems new and shy. You could quite see that he was amazed. Mesmerized, even. A beauty like you, coming from the Imunlaukr clan with impressive combat skills and was gifted with a cryo vision matching perfectly to your blue eyes, who would not be captivated by your existence? 
Glancing to your right, you saw how Diluc stilled and stared blankly in front of him, where you once seated. You smirked and looked at Kaeya, urging him to start the meeting he so-called important to the point where it needs the help of the two respected nobles of Mondstadt.
Kaeya didn't hide his smirk as he started briefing all of the people inside the room about the sightings of suspicious members of the Fatui outside the borders of Mondstadt and how the Liyue Qixing also wants to cooperate with this mission since there are also sights near Stone Gate, Liyue. 
You understood how this is an important matter, for the safety of the citizens of Mondstadt is on the line. However, the man beside you once again hissed. 
"Knights of Favonius, always so inefficient. Couldn't even handle matters like this alone." He said while staring directly at the cavalry captain in the center of the room. 
The other knights averted their eyes on Diluc and looked down on their laps, feeling ashamed and guilty, partly because it is quite true. Something inside you was triggered and you directed your look to the redhead which caused him to look back into you. 
"You can always back down, Diluc. You are not in debt to always cooperate in situations like this. After all, you are not part of the Knights of Favonius, aren't you?"
The room was quiet and an amused man was smiling boldly in the center of the room, enjoying the little show in front of him. But before everything reach its climax you stood up and excused yourself for you already know the details of the meeting.
"I'll be off now. If anyone needs something from me, I am just sheathing my claymore" you looked discreetly at Diluc, "at the practice grounds." You turned the knob and left the room with Diluc slightly shaking his head and Kaeya who is ready to irritate his brother more.
You saw Diluc leaving the headquarters and surmised that he is heading to Angel's Shares. You shook your head as you still couldn't fathom why the man owns a winery and tends the bar full of booze when he despises alcohol and is deeply in love with grape juice. 
Picking up your claymore, you placed it back on the armory together with the other weapons exclusively for nobles like you and made your way to the tavern. 
"Because I want to." You answered yourself while painting a smirk on your face. 
While on your way, a hand was placed around your waist making you gasp and hold your tracks in front of little Flora's flower shop. Good thing it was almost dawn and the child is surprisingly not tending her shop at the moment. 
"An Imunlaukr following a Ragnvindr, hm?" He tightens his hold on your waist, your chests now inch apart from each other. "Perhaps you need something from an ex-Knights of Favonius captain, honorary knight." He said staring directly into your orbs. 
If it wasn't for the fact that you were both out in the open, you would gladly melt under his crimson eyes. But you were completely aware of your surroundings. You could feel the stares of a woman just above flora's shop. Quickly glancing in her direction, you saw the horror in her eyes and the way her hands slowly creep on her mouth as if suppressing silent sobs. 
This is interesting.
Being aware that the woman's eyes are still locked in your position, you placed both of your arms around Diluc's neck and gently pulled him down to your height, making him bend slightly. 
"Why don't we continue this inside your tavern, Diluc. I hate having an audience for private matters like this." You saw flames in his eyes like you've ignited something inside him. Moreover, you saw how the woman averted her gaze into you. She heard it. Definitely. 
Diluc removed his arm on your waist and made his way back to his tavern. You hissed. This man never changes. But you followed him nonetheless. 
When you entered the tavern you were surprised that it is empty. Considering the time, it's the hour that the tavern is supposedly packed with customers and bards. As if he has read your thoughts, Diluc answered. "The tavern is closed for today if that's what you're wondering. But I know that you heard it somewhere and to someone that we're closed for today, yet you still made your way here. So I supposed you're not here for the wine." He said while wiping mugs behind the bar.
Walking over to him, you settled on one of the seats in front of him and placed both of your elbows on the bar, plastering a smile on your face.
"I'm here for my welcome back greetings." You said while watching him. "And probably for some, 'I missed you', words as well." You still watched him and saw that he is not bothered by your words, he just continued wiping noticeably clean beer mugs. Placing your hands under your chin to support your face, you said,
"Or a kiss from you, perhaps?"
Sounds of clanking of mugs that fell on the floor were heard inside the tavern and a pair of crimson eyes were darted into your azure ones. He stopped wiping mugs and placed his hands on the edge of the bar to support himself, completely disregarding the scattered mugs on the floor. 
His stares are of those like predators' look on their prey. You're sensing he got something up on his sleeves and you're not someone who backs out easily. Breaking the game of staring, you inched a little closer to him, being careful not to fall on your chair. But you saw him leave his position and slowly made his way around the bar. You followed his movements and your back is now facing his previous spot. 
Diluc is now in front of you, caging you between the bar and his arms. His face is dangerously close to yours. The edge of the bar is digging behind your back, but you did not care and focused on the piece of art standing in front of you. 
"Look who needs something from me, former cavalry captain of the Knights of Favonius. You said it yourself, hm?" He said and you felt shivers run down your spine. 
You smirked. 
"I didn't know that you hold grudges for small things like that, Diluc. I am surprised." You snickered. "After being with you for all these years, it just so happens that I only knew this trait of yours." You placed a hand on his chest.
"Is it because of how I travel? Maybe I'm traveling too much to the point of almost ignoring you." 
You saw the protruding veins in his jaw. He is provoked. You internally praised yourself for making him like this. 
He removed his hand on the edge of the bar and placed it on your waist while his other hand supports his body against yours. You felt him grip your side a little too tight. Maybe you're doing this a little too much for him. But you didn't care. You also like him this way.
"You changed your hair color." He said while burning his gaze into yours. "Why?"
Your previous hair color was dark brown. Your recent travel required you to change it so you colored it to ash gray. It still made you beautiful. More mesmerizing.
"Do you not like it? I could change it back for you." You said while slowly rubbing your hand on his chest.
He looked at your hand for a second and came back into your eyes. "I love it." 
"Now, pick among the three." He said while smirking.
You were confused and he saw it too. "A welcome greeting, an I missed you, or..." He leaned in at your ear, 
"a hot kiss from me."
He backed away from your ear and faced you once again, waiting for your answer. His eyes burning with what you could see and very well know.
You didn't break the stare as you said your answer. "The latter."
Diluc leaned in and caught your bottom lip between his. Slightly sucking it before giving you a sloppy yet hot kiss. His hand slipped under your tight shirt, gripping and massaging your waist slightly. Your hands are now around his neck as he ravished your lips. He bit your lip and you moaned as his tongue met yours. "I fucking missed you." He said between your kisses. 
The sound of wet kisses and muffled moans filled the whole tavern. You already started thinking that he did close the tavern on purpose for your arrival, but you were averted from your thoughts as he pressed his bulging erection on your thighs. You giggled between your kisses and one of your hands slowly made its way to cup his erection. 
"Ah, baby," Diluc moaned parting from your lips as you slowly rub his member. Feeling how it begs to be free from his restricting pants. He finds it so hot seeing you rub your hand on his filthy cock. Slipping your hand inside his pants, you grabbed his member and slowly releasing it free from its cage. You felt proud of yourself seeing how you made Diluc all worked up.
You left your seat and situated yourself kneeling in front of his mad erection. All for you. 
You pumped it several times before slowly and teasingly licking his tip already filled with pre-cum. "Ah. Baby, stop teasing." He said while running his hand on your hair. 
You grabbed his balls as you took his cock in your mouth. Taking him and moaning while his cock slides in and out of your mouth. You pumped the remaining parts of his shaft that didn't fit in your mouth and you could sense that he is close to coming. Diluc was panting as you continuously blow him off, guiding your head with his hand. You intentionally ground your teeth on his cock and you felt him squirmed from pleasure. 
"If you keep on doing that I might come right now, baby." He pleads. You continued sucking his cock like a popsicle until he finally came and filled your mouth. "I'm hard again just by seeing you swallow my semen, baby." 
You moaned. "Then I might just suck you off again, hm." You said palming his still erect cock.
Diluc pulled you from the floor and positioned you on top of the bar. Parting your legs and settling his body between your thighs. He slowly palmed your clothed clit. "You're wet down here, hm." 
He stripped you from your bottom garments and only left bare only for him to see and... taste.
Your head fell back and moans left your mouth as he eats you out like a predator. He licks, kisses, and tongue-fucks your pussy. After ravishing your mound with his mouth, Diluc inserted a finger in your opening and slowly pumps it in your hole while he's busy playing with your clit.
"Ah, Diluc... Add another in there, baby. Please." You grabbed his red hair tightly as he added another finger and this time it wasn't slow.
You heard him grunt and it vibrated to your pussy making you moan louder. His other hand snaked around your back to push your hips even more on his face.
"I fucking missed the taste of this pussy too." He said while adding another finger and continue eating your clit. You were shaking from too much pleasure but you didn't mind.
When his fingers found your g-spot, you couldn't hold it in any longer and came right in front of his face.
A moan escaped your mouth as he licked you off clean. You didn't have time to calm down as he grabbed your waist and carried you to one of the tables inside the tavern.
"I can't wait to fuck you, baby. I need you right now." He said while laying down on the hard surface. You didn't mind the discomfort as long as you're with him.
Diluc pumped his cock slowly as he watches you being impatient and desperately wants to be filled.
"Diluc stop teasing me and put it in me already." You said while massaging your breasts. He caught you off-guard when he suddenly slid it in you. Hard.
He pounded you like he never saw you for a year. When in reality, it was only for 2 weeks. Loud moans escaped from your mouth as he continuously hit your spot.
Diluc hoisted your legs up on his shoulders and fucks you deeper. A growl escaping his mouth. "Fuck, you're so tight and hot, baby. Fucking you still feels like the first time. Ah."
He leaned in and gave you sloppy kisses as he fucks the life out of you. "Want me to breed you, baby?" He said between thrusts and kisses. "Make you a Ragnvindr and mark you so no one could have you except me, hm?"
You couldn't form words from the pleasure he's giving you. You could tell that the table you're lying on will be destroyed moments from now. The idea of bearing a child of Diluc in you made you feel so hot and even more turned on.
You ground on him in sync with his thrusts. "Ah, Diluc. Yes!"
You were almost there but he slides out of you and picked you up from the table. You almost snapped from the lack of his cock in your mound, but when he placed you in front of the wall, hoisted your leg on his arm then quickly penetrated your pussy from behind, another set of loud moans escaped your mouth.
He moaned as he felt your hole clenching his cock between his heavy thrusts. Every time he thrusts it out, your pussy pulls it back in.
His other hand crept under you and rubs your clit fast, overstimulating you. "Come for me, baby. Let me fill you with my semen. I'll fucking put a baby in you."
"Ah, yes! Give it to me, baby." You said as you felt your release coming the same time he came inside you. A grunt left Diluc's mouth as his semen floods into you.
He stilled and moaned as you slowly pumped his cock back in your pussy, helping him cream your mound. "Don't want your release to come to waste." You giggled.
Diluc didn't let go of you as he very well knows you'd fall if he does. He situated you in one of the seats that have a cushion so that you'll be more comfortable after an intense fucking inside his tavern.
He grabbed tissues behind the bar and went directly to your position and slowly cleaned off the excess cum on your thighs. He helped you put back your clothes on and did the same to himself.
After a few moments, he just stared at you like you're the only woman in Teyvat. His woman.
"So, how did the ex-Knights of Favonius satisfy the honorary knight, hm?" He asked, crossing his arms on his firm chest.
You looked up to him and a smirk formed on your lips.
"Well, he did great. Very. Great. Perhaps, the other way to get railed like this again is by officially joining the Knights of Favonius." You said with a smirk on your face.
Diluc raised an eyebrow. "I hate the Knights."
You grabbed his arms and made him wrap them around your waist. You carefully stood up from your seat as your mound is still sore and you put a chaste kiss on his lips.
"But I like it when you're mad at me." You placed another kiss on his lips. "You wanna know why, hm?"
Diluc kissed you back as an answer. His tongue seeking entrance in your mouth.
"Because you fuck me harder when you're mad." You said between his kisses.
He guided your hand on his pants and a gasp left your mouth in his kisses when you felt him hard again. He parted his lips from you and whispered in your ears.
"I can't hate you, love. But I can make you suffer in bed later."
You're anticipating that 'later' in bed at home.
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I don't think Seven's completely cut off from her Voyager friends. I think they're all in that very cemented "old friend" stage where they go for a year without talking and then pick up right where they left off. But Seven's got so much guilt over Icheb, you know?
(lengthy headcanon-like thinking to follow)
If Icheb was Starfleet and died, there's no way that Starfleet goes over a decade without hearing about it. There's no way the Voyager crew doesn't get together to mourn him. And knowing our darling Seven, she probably doesn't tell anyone the full story of what happened. But she doesn't have to. They all know something horrific happened, and they know better than to push her to talk about it. They know she blames herself, because like, that's Seven. Of course she would, whether or not she was there. But they don't know the extent to which her guilt extends.
And Seven. Honey baby Seven. Who has such a long history of waiting too long to let people know how she feels about them because of her trauma. Who could barely admit to herself that she thought of Icheb as her son. She feels so guilty. She pushes everyone away and goes out to the stars to help, to do dangerous things that make moral sense to her. To maybe find the woman who betrayed her worse than anyone ever has and, in turn, caused Seven to betray (unknowingly, but Seven's done plenty of bad things unknowingly as a drone and has decided that that's not an excuse) the person she loved the most. And she stays away.
Not for everything, of course. She shows up for Naomi Wildman's milestones (she somehow never misses them, and no one can figure out how she knows but they don't ask too many questions when it comes to Seven and Naomi), some of Harry's promotions (there are so many). Her hair is wavy and wild, and she's in foreign, rough fabrics that no one's used to seeing her in. No one really knows when she's going to show up, but she'll show up and kind of be...ghostlike. She doesn't talk much. Everyone knows not to talk to her too much. One day, when Seven's not there but everyone else is, Miral looks around the silent room and says what they're all thinking.
"I miss her."
Tuvok looks around the room - at this point, there are very few of them who don't understand what it's like to be a parent. "Loss of a child is acute," he says. "It is hard to understand, but it is my hope you never will."
And it's like that for years. They hear the odd tale now and again about Seven's achievements as a Fenris Ranger. They even hear that she's working with Admiral Picard (which lol, the rumor mill is wild these days).
Only one of them is there to see it. But one is enough (gossip, you know).
I personally like the idea of it being B'elanna.
So B'elanna's visiting Starfleet Academy to accept yet another honorary award. Tom and Miral arrive in a few days, but B'elanna is curious, wandering around, kind of hoping to get a glimpse of the first Romulan cadet.
She doesn't (that happens later). But she does see Raffi. (Raffi and B'elanna were roommates for like two weeks during B'elanna's brief stint at the Academy, and they ended up having to switch rooms after that because of some weird student mix-up. But trust me, it was enough to make an impression, and also Raffi 1000000% had a little crush on B'elanna, but B'elanna was too angry and preoccupied with her own stuff at the time to see it.)
B'elanna's happy for Raffi - she's heard rumors about her over the years, but B'elanna is certainly no one to judge. But she hears things are better now. Anyway, the sunlight is lovely in San Francisco that day, and it's bouncing off Seven's hair so nicely that B'elanna takes a minute to realize that it's her.
With Raffi.
Holding hands.
B'elanna stares just a little too long, which is a surefire way to get ex-Starfleet Intelligence to notice you.
Raffi catches up to her at a run, with Seven following slowly but purposefully behind. Seven then watches on while Raffi spins her story to get B'elanna to come to lunch with the both of them - but oh wow, looks like Raffi's late for class. She'll see them after. They'll catch up in the meantime.
Raffi rushes away - she's always been a whirlwind of a person - leaving B'elanna looking at Seven.
Seven looks down. Her swaggery posture slips just a little bit, and for a minute, B'elanna's catapulted back to the early days when Voyager had just come back to Earth. She and Seven (and Miral) had clung to each other in those days much more than they'd probably ever admit. "I'm sorry," says Seven. "I didn't know you'd be here, and I also didn't plan on staying long enough to inconvenience anyone."
"You're never an inconvenience," B'elanna tells her.
(They're both a little choked up while also doing the other the kindness of ignoring it.)
"Are you well?" asks Seven, because she doesn't know what to say, and B'elanna smiles and nods.
"You look good," says B'elanna. She doesn't have to say "happier".
When Raffi leaves class, she gets a message from Seven telling her to meet them for banana pancakes.
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yoonpobs · 3 years
bad boy good thing vii.
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pairing: jeon jungkook x oc
genre: angst, smut, fluff, miscommunication (we hate her lol), pining
warnings: smut, jungkook is really an asshole, the angst hurts a lot tbh, unhealthy relationships (?)
words: 4, 627
summary: a series of drabbles where you're confused and jungkook's confusing
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Despite being friends with three (well, now four) people on the football team—you didn’t fancy attending football games at all. It was highly unlike the usual scene you were comfortable with. It was loud, rowdy and people didn’t understand the concept of personal space when they’d shove and push others aside just to get a better glimpse of the players on the field.
Yet, you attended every single one of the football games—and you were a familiar enough face that the coach smiles at you when you hover outside the changing rooms; a simple request from the captain himself.
You’re a little shocked at yourself at the fact that you had no idea who Namjoon was prior to his introduction. He was the captain of the current football team, which apparently, throughout your college’s history—brought the most wins ever. And, he was also well-known that lecturers applauded him for his impeccable work-to-life balance.
Somehow, the divulgence of your own thoughts makes you frown. Because perhaps you were truly anti-social. You weren’t even acquainted with common school affairs in spite of being apart of the student council.
Maybe Jungkook was right.
You don’t dwell too much on your thoughts because you’re unable to, not when the door slams open and bodies of college men pour out with large shouts and their padded shoulders—looking very much prepared for their game.
The anxiety settles into the pit of your stomach when you realise you stick out like a sore thumb. The jeans and white top you were wearing was quite a typical outfit to wear to a game, with the addition of ironically—a baseball jacket. But when you were definitely smaller than the footballers; it was hard not to feel out of place.
Especially when they look you over before continuing out to the field. While you attended games before, you were never asked to meet in the changing rooms. Jimin and Taehyung knew well enough not to ask you, and Jungkook … well. You were always his dirty little secret, weren’t you?
And you see Jungkook first, grinning like a madman when another footballer brings him into a headlock and hollers something you assume is their hype-cheer.
It isn’t supposed to feel like this. Things were meant to have been settled, but the tight feeling in your chest when you look at him only reminds you that some things were hard to erase.
Before you can look away, Jungkook spots you—and he pushes the arms of his teammate off ever so slightly before turning to him and muttering a few words before he’s stalking towards you.
Your eyes widen, definitely not expecting him to pay you any mind.
“You’re here?” He furrows his brows.
You clear your throat, and you realise navigating a conversation with him after what’s transpired is much harder than you expected it to be. The fact that he was so casual about it when he left you with a kiss on your forehead makes you even more conflicted.
“I am.” You mumble. “I told you, remember?”
Jungkook blinks as if he remembers something, and his expression hardens ever so slightly before he’s schooling his features.
“Yeah.” He breathes. “I knew that. Just didn’t know you’d be … here.”
Here was probably referring to standing outside the changing rooms, and you can’t help but flush at the declaration.
“Um, yeah. Namjoon—” Before you can finish your sentence, you see the captain heading towards you with a large grin; looking over Jungkook for a brief moment.
“You’re here!” His words are exactly the same as Jungkook’s, but it evokes a different set of emotions in your chest.
You smile as sincerely as you can, which is proven difficult when you can feel Jungkook’s gaze on you.
“I am.” And you repeat the same thing you said to Jungkook. It feels odd, but you push the feelings aside. “Good luck, you.”
You offer a small punch to his shoulder, an awkward attempt at supporting him and you almost apologise but Namjoon smiles even wider.
His hand reaches out to your hair, gently patting it as he looks at you fondly. You don’t think anyone’s ever treated you so … tenderly before, not upfront and after one meeting at least. And you’re definitely flustered.
“Thank you. It means a lot that you’re here.” His dimples are on full show when he looks down at you with a kind gaze.
You clear your throat and look away, hoping the dim lights didn’t amplify the blush on your cheeks.
“Of course. We have that exhibition next to look forward to if all else goes South.” You grin cheekily up at him, words still soft.
You hope that your joke doesn’t rub him the wrong way, and it doesn’t because he snorts in response. All while Jungkook is silent.
“That’s a win itself, isn’t it?” He says smoothly, and your eyes widen at his blatant—or at least you think—flirting.
And before you can splutter a response, Jungkook is nudging Namjoon’s arm with his shoulder, the movement slightly rougher with his shoulder pads in place.
“We gotta go, Cap,” Jungkook says stiffly.
Namjoon doesn’t realise the hostility in his tone, but you do. And you frown ever so slightly, but you cover it up when Namjoon looks over at you with an apologetic expression.
“I’ll see you after the game?” He asks, eyes lighting up.
Your lips tilt upwards and you nod your head.
Namjoon jogs off first, not before grabbing his protective gear as Jungkook lingers ever so slightly, stuttering in his feet as you have the vision of his back towards you.
You’re about to head towards the bleachers, a spot that Namjoon purposefully reserved for you with help of his coach; but Jungkook turns around and his face is hesitant.
“Will you …” He swallows as you raise an eyebrow at his uncertainty. “Will you cheer for me?”
The question is odd, especially when you know that he’s aware that you were here for Namjoon. Usually, that would imply that you were rooting for him. But, you’ve never been able to say no to Jungkook. Not even when you want him to feel the same hurt you’ve felt.
“What friends are for, right?” You mumble, eyes darting to the ground for a second until you look back up at him again.
What you don’t say is that friends don’t do the things we did, or that there was no manual to teach you how to navigate the throes of your relationship after everything that’s happened. Nor do you tell Jungkook that you’re always cheering him on, but you can’t do it outwardly. Not tonight. Not for a while, too.
Jungkook’s face falls obscurely, but he forces a tight smile before grabbing his protective gear too.
“I’ll look for you,” Jungkook says.
Then he’s off, with a squeeze to your shoulder that leaves your heart feeling a lot heavier.
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You ended up sitting next to the school photographer, who you now know as Yena. Prior to this, you’ve heard the student reporter club have a few intense individuals apart of them—word you heard from Yoongi, the President himself—and he was already as intimidating as one could get. But there was Yena, who essentially made people cower in fear when they’d make eye contact with her.
“What are you doing here?” Is the first thing she asks when you slide into your seat. Her tone isn’t condescending, neither was it purposely made to make you feel uncomfortable. Rather, she asked it in a rather bored tone—as if there were better things she could be doing.
“Um.” You squeak.
Yena rolls her eyes, “Relax. I’m not going to bite your head off despite my grotesque appearance. Ever heard of a conversation starter?”
You blink.
“You’re very pretty.” You say softly.
Yena narrows her eyes at you for what seems like forever as you clear your throat. Then, she snorts before patting you on the shoulder.
“I didn’t mean objectively ugly, sweetheart.”
The tilt of her lips make your ears flush and you never found yourself downright intimidated by someone, but there was something about her that made you want to listen to her.
She rolls her eyes. “You’re too nice, _____. Has anyone ever told you that?” She emphasises her point with a tilt of her head.
“N-Not really …” You mumble.
She sighs as she kicks her feet on top of the railings in front of her while her eyes follow the line of footballers that pour onto the field, already moving towards a group huddle.
Her camera is already in her hands when she snaps the shot like second nature, before plopping back into her seat.
“Well, you are. People are gonna eat you alive, you know?” She says pointedly.
You fiddle with your fingers before you find the courage to look at her.
“How did you know who I was?” You wonder out loud with furrowed brows.
Yena scoffs before turning to look at you with a blank expression. And it’s the worst part in you that makes you think that you’ve said something wrong.
“You’re kidding, right?” She deadpans. “Girl who made honours three years in a row? First female student council president? Lecturers pet? Curve-setter? The list goes on, really.”
You flush as you turn your head away.
“I didn’t mean …” You mutter.
She waves you off. “You don’t have to sound so guilty about it. You’re smart and you’re capable. Own it.” She shrugs.
You blink up at her with wide eyes, and for the first time; she properly looks at you and your surprised expression.
“Thank you.” You say softly.
When a whistle blows, the game has somehow started and you have half the mind to begin cheering like the rest of the crowd. But the awkward part of you remains rooted in position.
“So.” Yena leans in with a grin on her face. “Who’s the lucky guy?”
It’s … odd. Purely because you’ve never spoken to her before and you’ve briefly heard about her in passing when you communicate with Yoongi on pastoral affairs. And for someone to speak to you so freely and casually, like you’ve been friends for years—feels nice.
And it’s probably also because you didn’t have any girl friends that you could really trust. People on campus were … they were mean and they usually wanted something from you, whether it was to get to one of your friends or get insights on events so they’d get a boost on their reputation.
“Earth to _____?” She drawls.
You snap your head towards her and your ears turn red once again.
“There’s isn’t … any guy.” You confess.
Yena snorts as if she doesn’t believe you.
“Really now?” Her grin approaches a smile when she rests her chin on her palm. “You know not just anyone sits here, right?”
You shrug. “What about you? Who’s the lucky guy?”
She blinks, then leans back before kicking one leg across her other.
“Photographer pros. Or cons. Especially if you consider watching disgusting men sweat and chase after balls is something to be grateful for.” She rolls her eyes.
You laugh when she complains, and it’s likely the first time you’ve relaxed your shoulders around her.
“That does sound kind of gross.”
She nods her head as if to say right, before offering you a cheeky grin.
Then, her eyes zero onto the field, then back to your face—and eventually back to the field before she hops off her seat once again; waving her camera to signal you that she was going to carry out her duties.
You think Yena’s cool. A little intense, and kind of scary—but a nice person nevertheless. Maybe you were a blind optimist that saw the good in everyone, but there was something about her that you really liked. The kind of person you wish you could become.
The cheers get immensely louder, especially when you note that Jungkook’s scored a goal—his beaming expression displayed on the big screen while you hear girls and guys alike cheering his name.
It’s times like this where you’re reminded of how different you were from him. While he received praise and approval from the masses and was born to be loved by them. You were quite the opposite; the cheerer and the supporter but never quite the one receiving it.
His eyes skim the crowd, and you can see from the screen that his brows furrow ever so slightly. But he’s quick to return to his groove, fist-bumping a teammate along the way.
You sigh because even when you weren’t intentionally looking for him it’s like your heart only wants you to see what’s familiar. And funnily enough, the hurt is familiar too.
In the middle of it all, you try your best to smile—and throw in a small whoop on your own, hoping to blend in but be present enough to be heard.
Yena returns only when it’s half-time, her own body covered in sweat while she huffs, slapping a stray strand of hair away from her face.
“God. You’d think they’d slow down after fifteen minutes but nooo. They have to go flex on their fragile masculinities because they think growling and ripping off their shirts is peak alpha male character.” Yena mutters and it’s the first thing you hear from her.
You offer her a sympathetic smile before digging into your bag and pulling out a handkerchief, one that you always carry around.
“Here.” You smile at her toothily.
Yena eyes the fabric sceptically before looking at your face and back to the handkerchief.
“You sure?”
You nod your head, jutting out your hand once more to emphasise your point.
“Ah. I can see why Namjoon nabbed you up.” Yena coos, ruffling your hair as your eyes widen.
“How did I know? Well besides the fact that my job is to literally stick with the team and capture moments and make them look pretty—I’m nosey.” Yena shrugs and your face pales. “Oh, and I saw you guys at the changing room too.”
If she saw … that meant—
“Thought you were with the meathead Jeon for a moment.” Yena snorts.
Your eyes dart down to your lap, and Yena picks up on your silence immediately. But unlike the conventional person; despite her curiousity, she respected your privacy more. So she doesn’t, she just offers you a smile and a nudge to your shoulder.
“Don’t worry,” Yena assures, sighing as the voices of the footballers fill your area as they come up for refreshment. “He’s nice.” You weren’t sure who she was referring to so you just nod.
“Yena—pass me a bottle!” A boy calls, and you half expect her to do so, but instead, she delivers him one better—a middle finger.
“Get it your self you dickwad!” Yena calls back.
Your eyes widen when you turn your head to look at her, completely unbothered when the footballer shoots daggers at her nonchalant figure.
“Men. Think you always owe them something.” She scoffs.
You find yourself unconsciously nodding your head, and once again Yena recognises the gesture but doesn’t mention anything.
Instead, she turns towards you and levels you with a wide grin of her own.
“You’re cool. We should hang out.”
The declaration makes your eyes widen even more and you realise how much you’ve fumbled and made yourself look … stiff the entire time you were attempting to converse with Yena. But she seemed to be unbothered, and the thought makes you excited.
“We should?” You parrot with a squeak.
She nods and you’re still finding it hard to process the fact that she’d brought that up out of the blue.
You weren’t bad company. But you were … you.
“You’re like Ms Bona Fide.” Yena tuts. “People these days are either out to please or to receive.”
You furrow your brows.
“And I’m … not?” You say softly.
“You’re present.” Yena shrugs and throws you an easy-going smile.
God. She was so cool.
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Namjoon scores the final goal.
You expect him to call the hangout off because, well, he’d closed the game and he was the captain. It was only normal that he’d want to celebrate.
So when Yena nudges your shoulders while your head is bent and focused on your mobile device, you slowly looked up with furrowed brows to see her cocking her head to the side with a knowing grin on her face.
And you see Namjoon, out of his gear and in a plain t-shirt and sweats while he waves at you.
You can’t help but gape at him.
“I see you’ve surrendered to good company instead of a zoo.” Yena greets Namjoon first with a snort.
Namjoon rolls his eyes, and you gauge that they’re at least well-acquainted. Acquainted enough that Namjoon subtly tries to flick her off, but you catch the gesture as soon as it comes.
“Promises are promises.” Namjoon shrugs as if he wasn’t aware that you were still gaping at him. Mouth open like a fish out of the water.
“Well—be nice, captain.” Yena whistles, throwing her camera into her bag and slinging it over her shoulder before she turns to look at you, a gentle nudge with her shoulder to yours as she levels you with an intentional look in her eyes.
“Don’t start any fights, Yena.” Namjoon gently chides, but his tone is joking.
Yena waves him off, then waves at you one last time, leaning down to whisper something into your ear that has you flushing.
“Tell me how it goes when we hang out.”
And she leaves you with a keen sense of excitement on the prospect of a new friend like her to look forward to hanging out with.
Namjoon looks over at you, and gently reaches for the tote bag you’ve slung over your shoulder as he tugs it off you with a soft pull.
“Let me.” His smile is all teeth and dimpled grins when you reluctantly let him take your bag from you.
“Thank you.” You murmur, eyes attempting to look at him but his gaze is so focused on yours that you find it difficult to make eye contact.
“We’ve got an exhibition to go to, don’t we?”
You nod your head enthusiastically as he chuckles, allowing you to lead the way as you find a little prep in your steps. It was nice. Having a friend like Namjoon.
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“Captain’s not coming?” Yugyeom groans, ruffling his hair with a towel as the rest of the footballers filter out of the changing room.
Jimin snorts in response. “No. He’s got a date.” The emphasis on the word date is obvious in the immature sense, evoking wide eyes as responses.
“He bailed on us for some pussy?!” Yugyeom cries.
Jungkook has to clench his fists by his side when he hears how his teammate casually referred to you as just some pussy. You weren’t just … that.
“Watch your tone,” Jimin growls, and Jungkook’s thankful that Jimin was more of the confrontational type and didn’t allow shit like this to slide easily. Especially when it came to you. “That’s my best friend you’re talking about.”
Yugyeom’s eyes widened before gawking at the blonde boy.
“You mean Namjoon is going on a date with _____?” The rest of the footballers murmur in response, possibly out of confusion. “How did they—doesn’t she not … date?”
Jimin sighs, already ready with a response on the tip of his tongue but Jeonghan, the keeper interjects.
“Wait, I was under the impression that she and Jeon were a thing?”
At the mention of his name tangled with yours, Jungkook, who has been relatively silent throughout, freezes as his hands stop rummaging through his duffel bag while he tries to ignore the inquisitive stares he’s receiving from his teammates.
“W-What?” Jungkook stutters caught off guard.
Yugyeom narrows his eyes at the boy, while Jimin silently observes with an unreadable expression.
“Now that you mention it …” He trails off, head tilting upwards as if he was deep in thought. “I did always see the two of them alone with each other.”
Jungkook clears his throat as he lets out a nervous chuckle, his hand reaching to scratch the back of his neck.
“We’re friends,” Jungkook says stiffly and he hopes it’s believable, despite his hoarse voice. “Friends hang out.”
Jeonghan snorts. “Or she’s a two-timer.”
This time, Jungkook can’t keep his face neutral.
“Talk about her like that one more time and I’ll make sure you never speak again.” He growls to the other boy, whose eyes widen in response.
“I was kidding—” He raises his hands in defense but Jungkook is shoving the remainder of his belongings into his duffel bag before hauling it over his shoulder and storming out of the room, ears burning in both frustration and anger.
“You don’t joke about this type of shit,” Jungkook mutters under his breath right as he leaves the rest of the members brewing with confused expressions as they look at one another with concerned expressions.
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Namjoon, as expected, is a museum enthusiast. That much you could assess when he was excitedly chirping about how much he appreciated all types of art, abstract, modern and contemporary and vintage—you name it and he could likely give you a break down of the nuances behind styles and techniques.
He is also great company. Namjoon is a comfortable line between involved and chivalrous, never pushing farther than what you were able to offer but engaging you in insightful discussions that you found yourself being intrigued by.
While you expected more … forward gestures, Namjoon is respectful and you’re surprised but not really. He was mannered encompassed into human form.
So, when the security guard informs you that the exhibition was over and that the two were the last guests in the hall—the two of you reluctantly had to bring your night to an end.
“That was fun,” Namjoon says once the two of you exit the hall, just two figures in the night who have thousands of words to say about the masterpieces you’ve witnessed.
“Honestly, I was already looking forward to it but seeing the pieces the art students curated in person was just another type of euphoria.” You confess.
Namjoon nods in agreement. “I totally agree. You can just tell that they’ve really dedicated all their free time to the work they’ve displayed.”
“Art is beautiful, isn’t it?” You mumble, eyes looking back to the museum as you grin up at Namjoon who’s already looking at you.
“Yeah.” He breathes, and the way he’s looking at you under the dim moonlight makes you irrevocably flustered. “Beautiful.”
You clear your throat as you shift on your heels, hoping the blush on your cheeks isn’t too apparent. The night was still wondrous, and you feel a type of comfort in Namjoon that you haven’t felt in a very long time. But there’s still a lingering thought in the substandard part of your mind that reminds you of doe-eyes and a bunny smile.
“Thank you for your time, Namjoon.” You say shy, fiddling with your thumbs.
When you find the courage to look at his face, he’s already beaming at you.
“No. Thank you.” He reassures. “I know you’re super busy so for you to find time out of your schedule to hang with a virtual stranger really means a lot to me.”
Your eyes widen, but then your face neutralises as you flush.
“I’m not that busy …” You mumble.
Namjoon chuckles. He doesn’t even snort or offer a sarcastic remark in response. He just acknowledges it with a kind smile and doesn’t comment further.
He’s different from what you’re used to. A challenge. A burst of rebellion that loved to roll remarks off his tongue.
You don’t want to think of him just yet.
“Regardless. You’re here. And I’m grateful.”
You nod your head lamely, clutching your bag into your chest (after relentlessly whining to Namjoon to allow you to hold it yourself when you felt a little useless).
“I should—I should head back.” You cock your thumb towards the direction of your apartment.
Immediately, Namjoon steps forward and is ready to head the same way you are.
“Let me walk you back.”
“I can’t possibly—”
“I’m not asking this time, ______.” He frowns.
You snap your lips shut. Though you did feel a little bad, it was late and the rational part of you knew that it was best if Namjoon walked you home.
“Okay.” You say softly.
Before you can begin walking, he tugs you by the elbow so gently, but firm enough for you to nearly stumble into his chest.
And he’s so tall, so you’re peering up at him with wide eyes as you gauge his nervous expression.
“I-I’m sorry if this is a little forward but—” Namjoon clears his throat. “W-Well I think—I really think you’re nice. And great. Like—good company, you know? So I’d r-really—I’d enjoy—”
You blink at him as he attempts to find his words.
“Namjoon.” You whisper gently, tugging the hem of his shirt.
At your gesture, his mind blanks but he remembers that you’re still looking up at him with a confused gaze.
“Okay. Fuck.” He whines as a giggle escapes your throat when he peers at you with an exasperated expression. “I’m not usually this much of a mess. You just make me nervous.”
“O-Oh.” You breathe, “I do?”
Namjoon sighs, rubbing his hands over his face.
“I don’t know if it was obvious but I’m kind of into you.” He says softly, rubbing his hand over his neck.
You don’t expect it, not at all. So you can only muster gawking at him at his sudden confession.
“And you don’t need to—you don’t need to say anything about it. We can pretend like I didn’t just confess to you. We can just be friends.” He rambles, eyes wide. “I just wanted to let you know … yeah. So I really hope we can still continue to hang out even though you might think I’m a creep and I really didn’t offer to walk you home because I had intentions. Really just wanted to make sure you were safe.”
You continue looking at Namjoon with wide eyes. Because you’ve never been on this end before. The one receiving the confession. You’ve never really given a confession either, and you try to suppress the bitter memories of the confession you tried to give Jungkook that wasn’t verbal but with your presence.
With you giving up certain parts of yourself for him so he could see you.
“Please say something.” Namjoon chuckles nervously.
“I—…” You choke. “I don’t know what to say.”
“We can pretend like I didn’t just say that.” He winces.
You shake your head. “No. No. It’s fine, Namjoon. Really.” You reassure him gently. “I really appreciate it … I just didn’t … expect it.” You finish lamely.
“You’re a very interesting person,” Namjoon tells you, lips twitching in an attempt to lighten the awkward atmosphere.
Interesting? You don’t think you’ve ever heard anyone call you interesting before. Not outright, at least.
“I’m really not.” You say sadly.
Namjoon furrows his brows but doesn’t reach out to you further, his hands still remaining limp by his sides.
“Hey.” His voice calls out. “You are. You’re definitely one of the most interesting people I’ve met in my life.”
You blink.
“T-Thank you.”
He waves you off, gesturing towards where you gestured towards earlier.
“Shall we?”
And somehow, Namjoon has a way of making everything feel easy. Like a temporary space for you to feel safe, to feel wanted.
So why doesn’t your heart flutter?
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