#I didn’t know he was a vampire until he tried to bite her and I realized I could not NOT have them together
baba-the-fool · 7 months
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I’ve been obsessed a lil with my Tav(Phoebe) and everyone’s favorite vampire
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buckybarnesb-tch · 7 months
In your last post you said about Klaus getting turned on by watching the reader eat?
Could we have more on/about that in a separate one-shot if you have the time? 💕
One More Bite -Klaus M.
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I combined this request with another one I had gotten in my PM’s for Klaus’ mate giving him a blowjob when he’s in his wolf form, so fair warning on that.
If that is something that the original requester isn’t okay with and you don’t want to read this, send me another request and I’ll write something else for you as I understand you may not want to read something like this because it’s for such a specific kind of reader I assume (even though I am one of those readers).
Warning: Severe Warning on this fic! This fic contains Smut while our favorite Hybrid is in his wolf form! Blow-Job warning! Klaus becoming aroused by watching his Mate eat food. Also brief mentions of a school shooting when talking about the Scream movie series.
Sitophilia: Arousal involving food
Don’t Like=Don’t Read
Dead Dove:Do Not Eat!
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Klaus has no clue where it came from.
It started when he was in Alarics body in the lunch room, watching over his Doppelgänger and her friends was proving entertaining to him…until he saw her. Y/n was a friend of theirs that didn’t seem to be all that involved in their Supernatural affairs, blatantly ignoring them as they spoke about the immortal Hybrid that sat 2 tables away possessing their History teacher.
She was a beautiful girl, one of the sweetest the 1000 year old man had ever seen, he swore it was true with how kind and naive she seemed to be. Klaus felt the need to protect her and ensure her safety, swearing to himself he would leave her out of all of this but just as he was about to leave the lunchroom he found himself captivated by her once more. It took a bit too long to notice that he was staring at the girl as she ate her lunch.
Klaus had never really been fascinated by watching someone eat before and it was an odd thought all together, but he couldn’t deny his enjoyment at watching her…he also couldn’t deny the raging erection in his pants that he willed away as strongly as he could as he wasn’t in his pants or his body and he was Not dealing with that!
He had gone to the front office later that day, finding her file and reading as much about her as he could. Her name was Y/F/n, she was on the honor roll with mostly all A’s and a few B’s, he found her address as well as the fact that she is emancipated and living in that apartment alone. He looked more into that, finding out that her parents had died a few months prior (when Damon had released the tomb vampires) and she lived on money they left as well as what she made working in a movie theater in the next town.
He found himself hating the idea of his girl being forced to work a job on top of going to school and getting amazing grades, only to come home to an apartment all alone with no family and no real friends as that Scooby Gang doesn’t seem to be very close with her. Klaus can’t explain his feelings, his attraction, or why he wants to take care of her so badly but he knows he doesn’t want her working this hard so that she can be all alone and in pain.
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Klaus ditched Alarics body as soon as he was able and while his witches were dealing with the things he needed for his curse, he made his way to the next town and into the little movie theater. He walked into the theater and up to the snack counter where she was sat, reading something on her phone before jumping up as she saw him.
‘Good afternoon sir, what can I get for you to make your movie experience better?’ She asked, a smile on her face as if anyone could enjoy this job everyday. He hated seeing the dark circles under her eyes that she tried to cover with makeup, he wanted to see her in a comfortable bed, sleeping as much as she needed, wanted to watch her enjoy breakfast in bed with the knowledge that she didn’t have to go to work or school or do anything other than be with him. He found himself staring down at her as he imagined feeding her that breakfast while his cock was still buried deep inside of her cu- ‘Sir?’
‘Sorry, lost in thought there.’ He chuckled and she did as well.
‘I do it all the time, no worries. Can I get you something to eat?’ He looked as if he was considering it before responding.
‘Actually, I would love to get you something to eat.’ She looked up at him confused and he thought it was adorable. ‘Would you like to see a movie with me?’ She was shocked by this, clearly, and didn’t respond very quickly. ‘What time do you get done?’ He asked as if he didn’t know it was in 5 minutes.
‘Oh, I’m done in about 5 minutes. I have to get home and study for a test though-‘
‘Aw, let yourself relax a bit. Let me treat you to a movie, you can get whatever you want to eat, and you can pick the movie.’ The blush that spread over her face was adorable and he loved every second of it.
‘Really? Even if I pick a chick flick?’ He nodded, seeing a coworker walking out to take over her shift. ‘Okay, I want to see 5 Nights at Freddy’s…let me go get changed.’ Her smile lit up Klaus’ whole world and he smiled as he watched her walk away, her cute little ass nearly on display in the short skirt she had to wear as a uniform. Klaus only waited about 5 minutes for her to return after getting the tickets (and experiencing the man’s shocked face as he bought all the tickets in the entire theater so that they would be alone), wearing a dark tank top and fluffy pajama pants. ‘Sorry about the clothes, I was prepared to go home and get in bed.’ She explained but he waved her off.
‘Not a problem, next time I’ll wear pajamas too. I’m Nik, by the way.’ He teased, seeing her eyes light up at the idea of a second date.
‘Y/n, nice to meet you Nik.’
‘Alright, what do you want to eat?’ This was a dine-in theater, and while Klaus remembered when theaters sold popcorn, soda and candy exclusively, he found himself happy about the idea of providing his girl a good meal and getting to watch her eat it.
‘Oh, I’ll just get a small popcorn-‘
‘You just got off work, you must be hungry. Please let me get you a meal? Anything you want, if you don’t choose I’ll choose for you and I’ll be forced to feed it to you.’ He teased, wrapping his arm around her waist to test the water of how she felt about him touching her and to his surprise she leaned into his side, allowing his hand to stay on her waist. She was attracted to him too, he could practically smell it, and it made the Hybrid truly happy to know that his girl at least liked him as well.
‘Fine, okay. Hey Kyle, can I get an order of cheese fries, please?’
‘And?’ She shot him a teasing glare before rolling her eyes.
‘And a large order of chicken tenders with extra honey mustard. And since we’re bending this guys wallet, I’ll also have a large chocolate brownie milkshake-with extra chocolate sauce…I hope you like chocolate cause I won’t drink all of that, it’s huge.’ Klaus just grinned as he handed over his card. ‘Wait! You’re not getting anything?’
‘A bucket of popcorn too, please?’ He ordered and she stared at him as he paid for the wildly overpriced food. He carried the popcorn, allowing her to drizzle butter all over it along with salt before they went and found their seats, a girl bringing Y/n’s food about 10 minutes later just as the movie started.
‘I can’t believe there’s no one else in here, especially this late.’
‘Is this a popular movie?’ He asked, genuinely having no idea what it’s about. Klaus hadn’t come here with any intention of watching a movie, he just wanted to be with his girl so to him, the movie didn’t make one single fucking difference.
‘Oh yeah, it’s based on a horror game that I loved, plus Matthew Lillard is in this so I want to see it desperately. People really believe that his character is just Stu from the Original Scream a few years after he “died”. Which he 100% didn’t by the way.’ He could see how sure she was of this and enjoyed her dedicated belief to a movie she clearly loved.
‘How are you so sure he lived?’ He wondered and she turned her body to him more, ready to explain her theory.
‘Okay, so he was supposed to be the killer in the third scream movie! He was cast and everything but they had to scrap the whole plot. It was going to be based on a school shooting but that was right as Columbine happened so they changed the whole movie. Respect for them not doing that, 100%, but it proves that canonically he is absolutely alive. I don’t really get the connection to this movie, but if people believe it then why not?’ He nodded along, enjoying himself as much she seemed to enjoy these horror plots.
‘You’re a horror movie girl, aren’t you?’
‘Yup. Which is weird cause I used to be terrified of all scary movies but now I love them. We should have a horror movie marathon, clearly you haven’t seen the Scream movies and if you haven’t seen them, what else haven’t you seen?!’
‘Most of them, I’m not much of a TV watcher. I mostly just paint in my free time, I’ve seen a few though. The one in the mask who tries to kill his sister.’
‘Michael Myers, Halloween.’ She said, instantly knowing what he was talking about.
‘The Hick who has a chainsaw and wears people’s faces?’
‘Leatherface, Texas Chainsaw Massacre.’
‘The demon people, one of them has pins all over his head?’
‘Pinhead, HellRaiser. Truly an amazing movie, probably one of my favorite plot lines.’ He was amazed at how she knew every one of these from just the simple descriptions, he knew they were probably popular but it was so cute how sure and excited she was.
‘And the guy with knives for hands.’ Her eyebrows raised as he said this.
‘I’m going to assume you mean Freddy Kruger from Nightmare on Elm Street as we’re talking about horror movies and not Edward Scissorhands which is a sad movie that ripped my soul from my body. It a great movie but it’s sad as hell. Why are people so mean to everyone just because they’re different?’ He shrugged at this.
‘People will always judge what they don’t understand, especially when it’s other people. It’s always been that way.’ He knew from personal experience and Y/n seemed to hear the emotion in his voice because she reached over and took his hand in hers.
‘People suck. Cheese fry?’ She offered, holding out the box and he took one, watching as she bit into a couple as the lights went down. He was thankful for his vampire vision as he leaned back into the seat and kept his eyes on her. She was fascinated by the movie but he was fascinated by her. Klaus watched as she ate, finally getting to watch her eat a meal that wasn’t a snack in a cafeteria. The idea that he had provided his girl food, a real meal (for seemingly the first time since he first saw her 3 days ago) was satisfying to say the least. He stared as she ate her fries, her tongue peeking out every now and again to lick the cheese from her lips, causing his cock to twitch every single time. The moan that came from her as she first bit into a piece of chicken had him fully hard and completely desperate, watching as her tongue licked the honey mustard from her finger, her lips wrapping around her thumb and sucking on it with a “pop” as she pulled it from her mouth. He was so lost in his thoughts as he watched her perfect little mouth, he didn’t even hear the words that came from it. ‘Nik? You okay?’
‘Hmm? Yes! Of course, I’m great…you’re so damn gorgeous, and it’s distracting.’ Her cheeks turned red as he said this and she couldn’t hide it from him.
‘You are really sweet…please tell me this isn’t some kind of weird joke.’ As she said this his mind was ripped from his fantasies, confused as to why she would think something like that.
‘What? That’s crazy, why would you-‘
‘You walked into a movie theater without a ticket, came up to the food counter and asked me out to then buy a ticket and buy me dinner. You’re either the oddest and luckiest man in the world considering I was finished my shift when you came in, or this was planned and someone put you up to it…I’m an 18 year old girl in high school on a date with a hot dude in his 20’s…you can at least imagine why I’m a bit skeptical?’ She looked sad and he hated that he had caused it…why is this girl getting to him like this?!
‘I’m sorry that you feel the need to be skeptical of someone asking you out. I admit, I planned to ask you on a date. I saw you yesterday and I thought you were lovely so I decided to ask you out, I thought taking you to a movie after work would be a nice idea, I also thought you would enjoy relaxing and watching a movie right after your shift-‘ A look of guilt overtook her eyes as she realized how much thought he put into asking her on this date and she felt horrible instantly.
‘Oh God…I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m a bitch! I-‘
‘No you’re not, relax love. It’s okay, I can see why you were questioning the situation. I want to take you out again, I enjoy you already and I admittedly enjoy feeding you.’ Her eyes widened a bit but she couldn’t turn more red than she already was.
‘Oh…okay? I-I can honestly say I haven’t heard that one before but it sounds nice to me.’ She joked as he reached out, picking up a French fry and feeding it to her, grunting as she wrapped her lips around the tip of his thumb to get the melted cheese off of his skin, taking her time a bit too much as she did this and Klaus couldn’t hold in his groan.
‘Christ Y/n, you’re going to be the death of me.’
Through the rest of their date Klaus enjoyed feeding his girl nearly all of the food he had bought her, her insisting he at least have some as well and he brought her home that night, pressing his lips to hers sweetly and deciding he liked that his girl blushed 90% of their time together.
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It was 3 days later that he found out why he was so desperate for this girl more than any other in his entire lifetime.
They had been texting almost all day every day along with him visiting her daily, Klaus getting everything ready to break his curse and actually getting it done with some help from his annoying elder brother (after he tried to murder him) before running off into the forest, his wolf determined to get where he needed to be.
It was the first time in 1000 years that Klaus could hear his wolf in his head the way other werewolves could. In the almost month he had been a Hybrid 1000 years ago he had gotten used to him being there and the curse had taken that from him.
As his paws slammed against the dirt, sprinting through the forest Klaus couldn’t help but wonder where they were going and he quickly got his answer.
“Mate!” The voice he had so sorely missed, growled roughly.
“Mate?” He wondered, having heard the term before but knowing that werewolves finding their mates was extremely rare. Maybe because they were so far out of time if Klaus’ mate being alive 1000 years after his human life was an indication. “Y/n is my mate…no wonder I’m so drawn to her!” A happy feeling was bubbling up in his chest as he realized he had finally found his mate, something he had hoped could exist for him since he found out soulmates were real for wolves.
“Need Mate! Need Mate Now!” The aggressive growl was almost concerning to him as his paws slowed to a trot when he arrived at the home he had been visiting his girl in for the last few days.
“She’s going to be scared! We can’t let her see us-Stop!” He snapped, feeling stupid that he was literally shouting at himself.
“Mate Knows! Mate Not Stupid!” His wolf snarled, sounding offended by the idea that she didn’t know who he was. He scratched at the apartment door and Klaus tried to control his body, to run back into the trees and away from her when the door swung open and his Mate looked down at him in shock.
‘I have to be honest, didn’t see this coming Nik. I mean I got the whole “Nik-Klaus” thing, Elijah told us all your real name but…what exactly do you want me to do with this?’ She asked, clearly entertained by him showing up in his wolf form. He whined, scratching at the doorframe which made her chuckle. ‘Okay, you can come in Niklaus-oh, okay.’ He walked into her apartment before she was even done speaking, hopping up onto the couch and staring up at her as if waiting for something to happen. ‘I seriously thought your interest in me was a joke when I realized who you were. Damon was making fun of me for falling for it…you’re actually into me, aren’t you? Cause I figure you being here right now means either you really like me or you plan to rip me to shreds in my own home. Which is it?’ She asked him and Klaus rolled his eyes, laying his head onto her lap when she sat down beside him on the couch. ‘Oh…good…I could get used to this.’
For the rest of the evening Klaus lounged on Y/n’s couch with her, watching horror movies from the extensive list that she had made of “Horror Movies Nik Needs to Watch”. He also enjoyed once again watching as she ate her dinner, or his personal favorite, watching her eat a pint of ice cream. God, he wants her tongue on his cock so badly, which she noticed as it was on display and larger than one would expect. To her credit, she ignored it for quite a long time, pretending it wasn’t there until the voice in his head made it physically impossible any longer. He was talking about all the different ways he wanted to bend her over and fuck her tight little cunt until she was begging him to stop, practically drooling over how her tongue peeked out and licked the ice cream off of the spoon, desperate to watch her lick his cream off of his hard cock which is around the time his member began leaking onto the blanket underneath him on the couch.
‘Nik?’ She questioned and he lifted his head from her lap to look up at her, as if pretending he hadn’t been staring at her this whole time. ‘Do you need help?’ He tilted his head as if asking her what she meant…she couldn’t possibly mean- ‘Do you need help with your…problem? It’s distracting and it seems to be getting worse.’
At this moment Klaus is happy that he is not just a vampire, but also in his wolf form and unable to show her how embarrassed he is with a look on (what would now be) his completely red face. He couldn’t stop the slight whine that escaped him before jumping down from the couch and trotting over to the door, scratching the wood and waiting for her to release him. “Let Mate Help!” That aggressive voice piped up again and he tried to shove it back down.
‘I didn’t mean I wanted you to leave, I…I mean if you wanted me to, I…it would have to be really fucking private, I mean if you ever told anyone I would skin you alive!’
Klaus suddenly felt his tail come to life, wagging around behind him like crazy as he released a small “yip” sound, moving back over and hopping up onto the couch again, nuzzling his nose against her cheek.
‘Ahh! It’s cold and wet!’ She was giggling and it was a sound that Klaus knew he adored from the moment he first heard it in the schools cafeteria. ‘I hope you realize that when you’re human again, I want an explanation as to why watching me eat gets you so worked up.’ She teased, moving from the couch to her knees. ‘Are all wolves cocks this big, or is it a werewolf thing?’
“Perfect Mate! Pretty, Perfect Mate! Need to Fuck Mate!” Klaus shook his head quickly as that thought came from nowhere, trying to keep his wolf from controlling anything else when suddenly his cock was enveloped into her hot mouth causing the pathetic sounding whine that exited him.
Her lips were stretched wide around his thick member as he now leaned back against the couch, wanting desperately to hold onto her hair but knowing that he can’t. He settled for one paw resting on the back of her head and couldn’t hold back the growl that burst from his chest, her tongue trailing over the head of his cock which nearly made him finish laughably fast.
You could have never convinced Klaus that this would be something that he wanted, in 1000 years the thought had crossed his mind, of course, but it wasn’t something that really got him off until now. Now, rutting into his mate was all he could think about like it was playing on a constant loop in his mind. As he looked down and saw her on her knees in front of him a content purr built up in his chest. He didn’t know how deeply he had longed for his mate, maybe if his wolf hadn’t been bound from him, he would have.
His thoughts were cut off by the choking noise that came from her as his large cock hit the back of her throat. “Perfect Mate! Perfect Little Tongue!” The growl that exploded from him made her eyes widen in fear before he was cumming in ropes into her mouth, her hand coming up to catch what leaked from her lips.
‘Fuck!’ She cursed after swallowing everything he had to give and looking up at him, as if an innocent little virgin who hadn’t just sucked his wolf cock into next year. ‘Do all werewolves cum that much?’ She giggled and he whined in response, leaning forward and licking her face. ‘I’m not doing that again until you prove how good you are in bed as a man first.’ She was teasing him but he nipped at her throat, catching the skin and watching a drop of blood rise to the surface. ‘Ow…shouldn’t you be out slaughtering innocent humans right now?’ He shook his head, which he’s sure looked like a dog shaking off the water after being in the rain. ‘But that’s what you were going to do before finding me?’ He didn’t respond to this, simply moving to lay down across her lap as she sat back on the couch. ‘It’s okay, I’ll still be here when you’re human again, go.’ He peeked up at her, from this angle the light made her look like an Angel sent from Heaven, as if a gift just for his devilish soul.
“Stay Close! Never Leave Mate! Never Again!” He really hopes that once he fucks his mate and makes her his that his wolf will calm down about her, he may be right but he’s intense.
‘Go Nik, I’ll be right here when you get back, I promise. I have nothing to do tomorrow, I will stay until you come and get me. When you do we’ll order take out and you can stare at me while I eat it.’ He sat up, making a questioning noise that he honestly didn’t know he could make. ‘I Promise.’ She insisted, jumping up and opening the back door towards the woods. ‘I won’t leave, I won’t open the door for anyone either. Get, before you get needier and decide to hump me in my sleep.’ He did as she said, leaving out the back door and taking one final look at her before he was gone, running through the woods as he had always longed for, every day of his immortal life since it was snatched away from him and for the first time in his very long life, knowing that he had someone to come back to.
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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bwabys-scenarios · 2 months
Vampire kurapika?? ITS BEEN ON MY MIND ALL DAY
Strange Girl(NSFW)
Vampire!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
A/N: This post has been in my drafts since October 😭
warnings: slight yandere behavior, Kurapika is possessive/protective over you, fingering, creampie, biting, Kurapika drinks your blood
NSFW: @lightshowerrr @jungtoast @nenggie @pannacottababy @aliceattheart @atransmuter
‼️If you want to be added to the taglist, please check out the taglist information then comment what you want to be added to! Make sure you have your age in your bio and that your blog can be tagged/mentioned!‼️
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In his few centuries of being a vampire, Kurapika had grown lonely. He hid himself away in the large manor that had been passed down in his family, only coming out to feed at night.
Although, on one of these nights, Kurapika’s life would change forever.
It was late October, perhaps even Halloween night. Kurapika had stopped keeping track of the exact date years ago. It didn’t really matter, he couldn’t feel the cold or the heat on his undead skin, so the changes in months and weather meant little to him.
He wasn’t really that hungry, but had decided to feed that night to get it over with. Honestly, the blonde tried not to feed all that often, preferring to stay in his manor and read to pass the time.
However, he heard the town nearby would be relatively quiet, considering there would be a huge party that all the humans would be attending. That meant he could easily pick off one of the stragglers in the dead of night, giving him an easy meal.
Kurapika roamed the streets, wearing a new coat from one of his latest victims and using the streetlights to read as he walked. It was a new book, some kind of romance novel. He wasn’t the biggest fan of the genre, honestly it just depressed him, but over his 300 years of life, the things he hadn’t read became smaller and smaller. He didn’t have the privilege of being picky anymore.
It was around midnight when he sensed someone else on the path ahead of him. He glanced up from his book for a split second, long enough to see who it was, but not long enough to cause suspicion.
Already, he was feeling bad. It was a girl, a pretty one at that. She was strolling down the street, humming along to something she was listening to in her headphones. The girl didn’t seem to notice him until she got closer, glancing up to give him a friendly smile, pulling off one of her headphones.
Kurapika gave a quick nod in response before looking away. He didn’t like talking too much with his victims before he drained them, it just left a bigger impact on him to talk to his food before he ate it. “Did you not get invited to the party either? I thought I was the only one!”
He attempted to ignore her, waiting for her to get close enough to strike. “Oh, is that a romance novel? I haven’t seen it before!”
‘This human sure likes to talk.’ Kurapika thought, his scarlet eyes peeking over his book to get a better glimpse at her.
She was closer now, only a few feet away. Now he could tell she was rather plump, and incredibly cute. The woman was wearing a thin silk nightgown with a cardigan thrown over it to keep somewhat warm.
“… why are you dressed like that? Its the end of October, it’s not exactly warm out.”
Although Kurapika couldn’t feel the cold, but he could tell she could. She hummed, stopping 2 feet in front of him. “Oh, sometimes I have trouble sleeping, so I walk around and listen outside and listen to music until I get tired.”
The vampire sighed, looking her over. “You shouldn’t do that. The people say there’s a serial killer on the loose.”
‘That serial killer being me,’ he thought, his eyes scanning her figure.
She tilted her head, seeming to take in his appearance before speaking again. “Hmm? I’m pretty tough I’ll have you know! Look!”
She pulls out a little pocket knife, and it was almost amusing how small and useless it looked. “I’m armed!”
Kurapika looked at this girl standing before him and smiling, and he knew he was going to be leaving hungry tonight. “I see… well, I’ll be off then.”
The woman blinked, quickly turning to grab his hand. “Hey wait!”
Kurapika froze, the soft, warm feeling of her touch sinking into his hand. He almost shuddered. The only ways for vampires to experience warmth was through human touch or blood, so it almost a euphoric feeling to be touched. “What?”
He glanced back at her, giving her a slightly surprised look when he saw she was pouting. “You didn’t tell me why you’re out here all by yourself. It’s not safe for you either!”
Was this little human… worried for him? He wanted to laugh, but instead, Kurapika decided to indulge her. “I guess I’m on a walk as well.”
She seemed unimpressed with his answer, but didn’t push further. “Ah…”
He looked down, noticing she still hadn’t let go of his hand. When she caught him looking, she blushed and pulled her hand away. “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
She twiddled her thumbs, glancing up at him. Kurapika found this human somewhat… cute.
“One more thing!”
She smiled shyly at him. “What’s your name? I haven’t seen you around town!”
Kurapika thought for a moment. He could lie to her, but he considered lying a sin. It was a little hypocritical of him, considering he killed people to eat.
“It’s Kurapika.”
She smiled, offering her hand to him. “Well I’m (Name), nice to meet you Kurapika!”
And like that, they were exchanging phone numbers. It took him a moment once he was alone to process that she had snatched his phone, gotten his number, and given him hers. He was too distracted by the kissy mark now on his cheek… and the sweet smile she gave him when she left.
This human had caught his interest… and he wouldn’t be letting her slip through his fingers.
(Name) ended up being quite interesting, keeping him entertained. At first, that all she was, entertainment for him until he got bored of her presence.
But after spending yet another night as her personal body guard while she went out for drinks… he felt the creeping feeling of protectiveness beginning to evade his mind. He didn’t like the way the other humans spoke with her, how they touched her with little regards to who she may belong to.
Lately, when she requested he’d join her, Kurapika preferred spending nights in at her home. She enjoyed this as well, calling their meetings “sleepovers”. He hated how he found that cute…
“Kurapika, do you want to sleep on the couch or my bed? I promise I don’t mind sleeping on the couch-“
He stopped her by raising an eyebrow. “I would not kick you out of your bed, (Name).”
She pouted a little, something that always softened Kurapika’s cold exterior. “Do you have any other ideas, my dear?”
(Name) thought for a moment, furrowing her eyebrows. “Hmm… oh!”
Kurapika blinked when she grabbed him by the shoulder. “We can share my bed! Ah, that’s the best way to have a sleepover, isn’t it?”
Oh, his naive and innocent little friend. Kurapika sighed, rubbing his temple. “Dear, I am a grown man and you are a defenseless woman. Are you sure?”
(Name) tilted her head, looking up at him. “Yeah… because you would never hurt me, right?”
If his cold, undead heart could race, it would. He melted, cooing softly as he caressed her chubby cheek. “Of course not, my dear. I would never hurt you, never.”
She giggled, tugging him towards her bedroom. “Then let’s get ready for bed!”
It was hard for Kurapika to concentrate on sleeping when (Name) was curled up next to him, clinging to his side. Did this woman know what personal space was?
He sighed, reaching out to gently caress her cheek. She was so soft, so warm… and she smelled like home. Kurapika had never felt more at ease in his long, miserable life. He only was able to relax and truly be himself when he was with her.
She slept so soundly, even with him, a man eating monster in her bed. Kurapika had told her of his true nature a month into their friendship… yet she stayed with him.
“You’re beautiful, you know…”
Kurapika leaned forward, giving her forehead a kiss. “I love you…”
The words just came out… and he found himself blushing at the fact. He… loved her? Was that what these feelings were?
That explained how protective and possessive he was over her, how all he wanted to do was keep her tucked away in his embrace for all eternity. His lips found hers, and he gave her a gentle kiss as she slept.
When he pulled away, his eyes flashed scarlet. Kurapika wanted her more than anything, and for once his connection to this human had nothing to do with his need to feed.
Kurapika… he genuinely loved her. Her kindness, gentle nature, and understanding mind all made him fall head over heels. No human had ever accepted him for who he was, but she had with ease.
As he gently caressed her cheek, Kurapika vowed to love her for the rest of his life, to keep her safe and happy.
And as the sun rose, he made sure the blinds protected him from its harmful rays. Kurapika didn’t want to hide in his coffin, he wanted to spend more time with her. Now that he knew what he was feeling, all he wanted was to soak in her presence for as long as he could.
“Good morning, my darling.”
She rubbed her eyes, still waking up when she felt his hand on her cheek. “Mmph… Kurapika? Good morning…”
He was still in awe at the fact she didn’t flinch at his touch. “You don’t mind?”
“Mind what?”
Kurapika caressed her cheek with his thumb, his scarlet eyes soft with affection. “This. Me touching you…”
She blushed a bit, looking away. “I don’t mind at all… don’t you know how precious to me you are?”
“Precious? To you?”
Kurapika leaned in closer, his undead heart soaring. “You mean it, (Name)? Truly?”
Her cheeks continued to get warmer. “Of course… why would I let you stay with me if I didn’t care for you? I’m not stupid, I wouldn’t just share my bed with anyone.”
It was Kurapika’s turn to blush this time. A vampire as old as him getting flustered over one human? It was embarrassing.
But he couldn’t help but swoon when she touched her forehead to his. “I love you too, you know.”
His face flushed an even brighter red. “Y-you heard that?”
“Felt it too.”
She smiled, pointing to her lips. Kurapika whined in embarrassment, hiding his face. He felt like a teenage boy again, embarrassed by his first crush.
His blonde eyelashes fluttered when she captured his lips with hers. Kurapika raised his hands to cup her chubby cheeks, lightly squishing them as he melted into the kiss.
She tasted so sweet, her tongue more delectable than any blood he’d ever drank. He felt almost drunk off of her affection, his eyes half lidded as he pulled her into his lap.
It wasn’t until she whimpered into the kiss and shifted in his lap that he realized he was hard. He felt humiliated, popping a boner from a heated kiss.
“Want you…”
His teeth grazed against her neck as he whimpered out his needs. “Need you, (Name)… so warm, wanna…”
Kurapika slipped his fingers into your panties right as his fangs sunk into your neck. You hissed in pain at first, but the feeling of him stroking your needy cunt was enough to have you mewling out his name. “K-Kurapika!”
He’d never pleasured a woman before, but she wouldn’t have guessed by the way he was touching her as if he had done it a hundred times already. His fingers sank into her just as he retracted his fangs, lapping at the small pinpricks in her neck.
“So pretty, like an angel…”
He pulled down his pajama pants just enough for his cock to spring forward, rubbing it against her needy pussy. “Warm… so warm, all wet for me…”
He pulled her down onto his cock, capturing your lips in a kiss. She could taste the metallic taste of her blood on his tongue, his hands moving her up and down on his cock.
“Squeezing me…” he said with a grunt, feeling her clench around him as she came.
“C-cumming, Pika!”
He kept moving her, his mouth moving to her pretty breast. His tongue flicked against her nipple, quickly taking the (color) bud into his mouth to suck on.
Kurapika left hickeys all over her, occasionally sinking his gangs into her skin. As he continued to fuck into her pretty cunt, his possessive feelings continued to grow until he was growling into her ear.
“Mine, all mine. No one touches you but me.”
He was almost feral, his teeth bared as he came inside of her. She was a panting mess, whimpering as his cum painted her walls.
After giving her a creampie, Kurapika calmed down a bit, feeling like he had claimed her in some way. He let out a soft purr, rubbing his face against her neck and licking the bite marks he had left there.
She clung to him, letting him clean her up and apply small bandages to the bite marks he left. He felt slightly guilty, but that guilt was outweighed by the immense satisfaction he felt so see his beloved covered in his love bites.
“Mine, all mine…” he purred, curling up with her in bed. The two spent the rest of the day snuggling, never leaving each other’s side.
Kurapika had found a reason to keep living his eternal life, and would never let her go. His (Name), his love.
His everything.
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bellatrixscurls · 1 month
bite me | steddie x reader
warnings : vampire!reader, boyfriend!eddie, best friend!steve, kisses, blood, biting, sexual tension.
summary : steve can be a bit clueless, but he learns quickly.
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“Sweetheart, you have to eat something” Eddie suggests, but you groan into the palm of his hand, lips forming into a pout.
Once again, your face finds its way to his neck, nosing gently at his pulse point. “But you smell so good, Eddie” you look up at him, and Eddie swallows thickly. He tries to be discreet with his words and his actions, but you still notice. Of course you do.
“Ah, you want it. Tell me, Eds” you taunt him, fingers tracing the abs underneath his shirt, causing him to shudder.
“Sweetheart, Steve is here. He─”
“Woah, hey!” Steve interrupts him, his eyes wide as he points at you, then Eddie, and back at you. “She’s done this before?! So s-so you are a vampire too?”
Eddie swallows, glancing at you for merely a second before his eyes move to Steve’s. He doesn’t need more than a second to know what’s going on in that chaotic, pretty mind of yours.
You give Steve a sweet smile as you let go of Eddie’s waist. Steve is your best friend, always been, but you didn’t show this side of you to anyone but your boyfriend. Until now.
“You believe that, Stevie?” your eyes are dark, clouded with something that he cannot place. He only stares at you. “Say, if I were to get a taste of you now, you’d turn into a vampire too?” You step closer to him, step by step, until you reach his spot on the couch, towering over him.
Steve gulps. You have looked at him in many ways, shown him many sides of you, but never this one. “I d-don’t know” he looks up at you with wide eyes, though he is not scared, his heart is palpitating with anticipation. He loves every second of it.
You curl a finger under his chin and bring it up so you have an up close view of his handsome face. “You are a very pretty boy, Stevie” you whisper, fingers cradling his face, “not very smart, though.”
You let go of his face and turn around, mumbling “It takes a lot more than that.”
“Do it” his quivering voice stops you in your tracks, and your eyes meet Eddie’s wide eyes. You smirk and turn around.
“No- Y/n, don’t you dare─”
“Do what, baby?” you move to sit on Steve’s lap, ignoring Eddie’s desperate pleas.
“Bite me” he exhales, “please bite me.”
Not wanting him to change his mind or Eddie to intervene, you smash your lips to his, gripping his face. The kiss is desperate and Steve wants to deepen it, but he has no chance as your lips move down his face, not once leaving his skin.
You lick the underside of his jaw before biting softly into it, tasting his delicious blood on your tongue, which gets a loud moan out of you.
“Nngh- Honey... honey it feels so good” the boy shifts from under you, his hands settling on your hips as he gropes you. His hands lift your shirt only slightly as his head tips back.
“Take her shirt off, Harrington” you hear your boyfriend demand, along with the familiar clink of his belt─
“And your pants as well.”
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monstersflashlight · 27 days
The bratty human and his vampire dom
A/N: Trying something new with the male!reader, let me know if you want more of it.
Vampire x male!reader || dom/sub, spanking, praise kink, dirty talk || tw: blood
You were spending the week at your boyfriend’s at his insistence. He pleaded you to spend some time with him because he missed you so much when the sun got up and he couldn’t be with you. So you complied. Your vampire boyfriend was just too hot and you were just too horny. A whole week in his house sounded like a great way to enjoy both.
But he still had to work, and you had a few hours of boredom with only social media to keep you company. And it was so funny to play with him. You couldn’t resist teasing him every once in a while. The idea came from one Tumblr post about driving your partner crazy while he was on a Skype meeting, and you thought about until the opportunity appeared.
“I have a long meeting this afternoon, will you be entertained all on your own for a couple hours?” He told you as he kissed your neck in the shower.
“Yeah, sure. I’ll try not to bother you too much.” You had to bite your lip not to smile. It was the perfect opportunity to tease him and, luckily, made him snap.
“You never bother me, babe.” Your heart skipped a beat, you still felt jittery when he said shit like that. He played the mean vampire card with everyone, but in the inside he was just a cinnamon roll. A cinnamon roll that liked to bend you over and fuck you into oblivion as he spanked your ass red.
You took a shower and prepared yourself, your plan set in motion. Your boyfriend was taking the call in his study, and sometimes you sat in the couch he had there, just to keep her company as you read. It was nothing weird about it. So he didn’t suspect anything when you walked in wearing just gray sweatpants. You knew they looked indecently low on your hips, your happy tail framed perfectly.
You sat down on the couch and saw how he looked at you over his laptop. You didn’t listen to whatever the other person at the meeting was saying. You got yourself comfortable and opened a book. You tried to ignore the intense look your boyfriend was giving you, his eyes fixed on your naked torso as you rested one hand over your stomach and traced patterns there. You saw how his jaw closed and his intake of breath. You were sure he could smell your arousal, probably even the lube you used. He knew you were up to something. You didn’t say anything, still “reading” as your anticipation grew.
Normally it was your boyfriend who teased you, he liked to play with your for hours before letting you come. He loved to push a vibrating bullet inside you and play with the controller when you were out for dinner (you ate, he looked). He loved to tie you down and fuck you senseless. But today… today was your turn for payback.
You kept tracing your abs, occasionally gracing your fingers over your nipples, biting your lip until it was red and swollen. You kept it soft and innocent for a bit, biting back the smiles when you felt his eyes on you, clearly not paying attention to the meeting. But then you decided it was time, your cock looked unholy against your pants and you knew he could clearly see it from across the room. You pinched your left nipple and moaned softly, his super hearing enough to hear you. You saw his fangs descend as he choked on a breath. His eyes were focused on you, ignoring completely the meeting.
“What game are you playing, babe?” He asked, moving the laptop so his face wasn’t on frame when he talked. You smirked at him.
“Nothing… Just bored.” You answered, your hand going to rub your hardness through the pants, opening your mouth in a silent moan. You bet you looked completely hot, and the heat in his eyes confirmed it.
“Watch it.” He warned. The edge of danger in his voice made precum build at the tip of your cock. Dang, he was so hot when he was all commanding and scary.
“Or what? Are you going to punish me, sir?” You teased, using your best bratty voice.
“You are playing with fire.” He warned again.
“Then I’ll burn.” You said as you pushed your hand inside your pants. The outline of your hand rubbing your dick was clear against the fabric, your tiny groans fueling his anger. He growled. You panted.
He didn’t say anything else, but his eyes were glued to the point where your hand rubbed your erection. Grunts and whimpers were escaping your mouth as your boyfriend looked at you. The meeting completely forgotten in the background. You hoped he had his mic muted, but the thought of someone else listening as you got himself off in front of him made your dick jump.
You pushed your hand lower, playing with your balls for a second before going lower, playing with your wet, puffy hole. You prepped yourself in the shower, and you were so ready for him to pound you that your hole was twitching, eager. But you didn’t push inside you pocked and teased yourself, not wanting to come without his permission. You didn’t want to push him too hard, just enough that he lost it and became a bit feral on you. You wanted him to feast on your blood as he fucked you until you went limp in his arms.
“It feels so good, I’m so warm and ready… so ready for you.” You whispered. His nostrils were flared, his eyes burning. You felt hot all over. “I wish my fingers were yours, sir.” You added, the tip of your index finger pressing inside as you moaned.
You threw your head back as you pinched your nipple with your free hand, exposing the column of your neck to his hungry eyes. Your blood was rushing through your veins, you were sure he could hear your heart from across the room. That was what did it. He un-muted the meeting and made some excuses you didn’t listen to as you pushed two fingers inside your hungry hole, moaning like a whore. The sound of the laptop being closed harshly sounded deafening in the room.
He was looking at you, not moving, eyes big and pupils blown wide. His fangs glimmered as he slowly licked over them. Yeah… You were going to get ruined. “You were a bad boy today… You better run. Now.” He told you as you tried to get up and push your pants up, almost falling down. You got them sorted out as you sprinted in the direction of his bedroom. You heard him walking behind you, your anticipation and a bit of fear fueling your every step.
You almost got to the bed before you felt him wrap his arms around your middle, stopping you from moving. He pressed his whole body against yours, you could feel the outline of his dick against your ass. You pushed back, trying to get more friction. He rocked back into you, giving in what you wanted but not nearly enough.
“You need to be punished.” He told you, your insides twisting with anticipation, your dick leaking.
“Yes. Yes, sir. I’ve been bad.” You agreed, eager.
He chuckled. “If you want it so bad it won’t be a punishment. Maybe I should just leave you here, tie you down so you can’t touch yourself. Maybe I can jerk off on you. You wouldn’t be able to come. You want that? Or you want to come?”
“N- no, sir. I want to come. Please, sir, make me come.” You begged, you really needed to come. You couldn’t think of anything else that wasn’t his dick. His dick inside you, pounding you into the mattress.
“Just today, I’ll indulge you, because you asked so nicely.” He said in the softest voice possible. You knew that meant your punishment wasn’t going to be so nice. “Bed. Hands and knees.” You were so fast to take your clothes off and get into position that your arms almost gave out and you face planted in the bed, but you got yourself together at the last second. “This is how things are going to go: first, I’m going to fuck you until I come. I’m going to fill you to the brim and let it drip. Then I’m going to spank your sweet little ass while your hole is stretched and dripping with my come. And if you are good, I’ll fuck you again and let you come as I feed from you. Understood?”
“Yes!” You agreed, rapidly.
“Yes, what?” He urged, an edge of danger in his voice.
“Yes, sir. I’ll be good, please. Please… Plea-”
You didn’t get to keep pleading, he didn’t get you time. You didn’t even register him getting his pants down, but the next thing you knew was that his dick was inside of you, so deep that you felt him in his throat. He didn’t let you catch your breath, or even think about what was happening. He grabbed your hips and started a punishing pace, his claws extending and pocking at your skin. That was going to leave marks. Your arms gave out as he fucked you like a piston, he didn’t stop.
He pressed your head against the bed and pushed your ass up, your back arched in an impossible angle. You went pliant under his ministration, feeling hot all over. The only sound in the room where your “ah ah ah” every time he hit your prostate and the sound of slaps of his skin against your ass, a filthy symphony.
“Look at you, baby. Your hole looks so good wrapped around my cock.” He kept talking, praising you and calling you how good you were. His breath was labored, he was getting close. “You will look so pretty all stuffed up with my come… So cute.” You whined, clenching around him, trying to push him over the edge. “Yes, just like that. Your hungry hole is taking me so well…” You were ready to combust.
“I want it. Come in me, please. Fill me up.” You begged, pushing your ass back against him. And he did just that, burying himself deep inside of you, emptying his balls until you felt stuffed.
He pulled out as you cried out, your hole felt raw and used. “Look at that… You look so pretty like this.” His finger traced your abused hole, circling it, collecting some of the come oozing out of you and pushing it back inside. “Are you ready for your second punishment, babe?” You nodded against the pillow, unable to form words. He was massaging your ass cheeks softly, opening you up to stare at your puffy hole. “Prepare yourself.” That was the only warning you got before you felt his hand slapping your ass. Hard. You cried out and tears pooled at your eyes instantly.
The spanking kept going, He didn’t let you catch your breath, going back again every few seconds until you didn’t know what was happening anymore. You felt your ass raw and burning, bruises probably forming against your tender skin. It was heaven. Your face was wet from tears and your voice felt raw.
You didn’t know how much time it happened, but at some point he stopped. You whimpered as he massaged your abused flesh. “You look so good babe, your ass is so red… So pretty with my marks all over you.” He praised you, making your heart warm.
“Please, sir…” You said, your voice barely a whisper.
“I’m gonna fuck my come out of you.” You felt the tip of his dick against your quivering hole. He pushed in slowly, until his hips were flushed against your ass again. It hurt in the best way possible. “I’m gonna fill you up again, until you are all loose and stretched, until you can take it anymore. And then some more.” Every time he pushed inside, you felt everything. The bruises on your hips, your abused ass, your stretched hole… It was marvelous. You felt so close. “One of these days, I’m gonna tie you up and fill you over and over until you can’t take it anymore, and then I will do it again. Until you are crying and asking me to stop. Would you like that?” You nodded against the bed, not able to form words. You whimpered when he hit your prostate. “I got you, babe.”
He grabbed your neck and pushed you up, flushed against his body as he kept fucking you restlessly. And then you felt his mouth against your pulse point. He bit down on your jugular as he hit your prostate over and over. Each suck on your neck feeling like he was sucking your dick.
You had an extracorporeal experience, the pleasure so intense that your vision blacked out, and your legs gave up under you, but he supported you. He fucked you through your orgasm, your dick shooting so far you hit the pillow. He kept sucking out your blood, his cock hitting your prostate until you were so sensitive you started to cry. It felt too good. Finally, you felt his cum inside of you again, his dick twitching making you whimper again.
“I hope that taught you a lesson.” He whispered against your ear as he carefully placed you back on the bed, not caring about you landing on your fresh cum. You tried to nod, but you didn’t bother, both of you knew the truth.
You were 100% going to do it again.
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borathae · 1 year
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"All it takes is one evening of getting Yoongi drunk to find out just how needy this man can actually get. Alternatively: Yoongi is drunk and that means his restraints are gone. So he decides to ride you, because that's all he really wants to do."
Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x f.Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, Smut
Warnings: sub!Yoongi, Dom!Reader, he is cute & a lil bratty & also a total painslut, then his instincts kick in and he becomes so fucking needy, like SO NEEDY, she is so gentle but also slaps his face like twice, she calls him a good boy & a slut, consensual drunk sex, needy pegging in cowboy & lotus position, lotsa making out, butt spanking, cock slapping, anal fingering, handjob, blowjob, edging (m.receiving), multiple orgasms (m.& f.receiving), prostate milking, so much cum, so much drool, he squirts, belly bulging :’), vaginal fingering, he has his fangs out, biting, a very vocal Yoongi, i just need him to know that he is cute, loving aftercare
Wordcount: 10.8k
a/n: this is Sanguis!Yoongi when he is drunk and trusts her completely. It's so cute and hot and I just want him to be happy. hahah help me. I love them so much, I'm gonna rip off my own face skin and cry about them
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“I wanna be fucked”, Yoongi whines against your neck, pressing your hand to his clothed crotch. He begins rubbing himself against it, lips parting in a needy moan.
“What are you doing?”
“Wanna be fucked, please”, he is lulling his words, tugging you closer as he tries to get your hand inside his pants. 
“And you decided that in the middle of the hallway?” you laugh, feeling your stomach tingle in excitement. He is so needy. It’s so hot when he is.
“Yeah”, he whines, “come please. Come”, he orders in a huff of air and tugs you with him as he stumbles to your wing. 
“Okay, okay I'm already coming. Holy moly, you really didn’t do well with that wine, did you?”
“No”, Yoongi giggles the word. Yeah. He giggles. He giggles as he shakes his head and lifts his shoulders to his ears, adding two little skips into his steps on top of that.
“Okay, wait. Love, slow-“
The door falls closed.
Your back hits it. 
Yoongi cages you in and grabs your face to kiss you. 
And sloppy. 
He tastes like desire and wine. He sounds desperate. Feels like fucking heaven. His knee is between your legs, punching up the fabric of your floor length dress and grinding right against your pussy. The thin fabric of your panties does little to mask how amazing his thigh feels. 
“Fuck Yoongi”, you rasp, tilting your head back. The kiss breaks but he litters your neck with wet kisses instantly. 
“Fuck me”, Yoongi answers you in a keen, dragging his tongue up your pulse point until he ends it with a flick right under your ear, “wanna be fucked, please”, he begs in a whisper, letting his voice tickle your ear.
You went out tonight. Like every year, the university hosted its late autumn masquerade ball and like always, you wanted to go. As did Taehyung and the boys of former Sanguis and, well, Yoongi wanted to go too once he saw how excited you were. He went with a suit and black mask like every year, while you went with the prettiest dress inspired by the Regency period and an intricately done venetian mask. Taehyung made it for you. Your masks have long been discarded by the front door. As has Yoongi’s long coat somewhere on the endless hallways of the estate. 
You had so much fun at the ball. There was zero drama and even less danger. Just dancing, laughter and way too much booze. One should also mention that you did a lot of making out and that Hoseok ended up winning the costume contest with his realistic Mothman costume (it looked hotter than it sounds, promise). Back to the booze however. You drank a lot, all of you, to the point where you had to call a cab back to the estate because none of you were able to drive. Yes, even Yoongi. The Creator who normally never gets drunk because he'll heal before that could happen. Not tonight however, no amount of healing will get this man sober again. And you love it because drunk Yoongi means clingy Yoongi and that’s one of your favourites. 
Most of you arrived home safely except for Hoseok who refused to come as he met a woman at the ball and he wanted to spend the night with her. The others were all busy too. At Seokjin's place. No further details needed. 
Which left you and Yoongi stumbling to your wing and Yoongi acting the horniest you have ever witnessed him act. 
You witnessed Yoongi drunk one time before tonight. It was back when you were still on the road and you came back from a dance. That night will always stay in your memories. It truly will.  
Yoongi swoops you off your feet, making you squeak because you didn’t expect it.
He grunts, swaying from side to side dangerously. 
“Don’t drop me, I’m serious”, you warn in a laugh. 
“I’ve got you”, he lulls, stumbling down the hallways, “kiss me, wanna be kissed please.”
“Mhm my prince”, you sigh, kissing him gladly. 
It was strange at first to return to university after everything you went through. People looked at you weird, but you tried to ignore them. The masquerade ball is too much fun to miss out on. Especially this year when the world was finally safe. Even Yoongi let loose, asking you for one dance in the ballroom while the others got drunk in the disco. It was very nice, but also the moment you realised just how wasted Yoongi was as he whined about how pretty you were in front of other people and he never does that. 
“Ah Yoongs”, you gasp. 
Yoongi just hit the door with your back, now fumbling with the doorknob to open it. 
“You said you’ll be careful”, you whine. 
“Sorry”, he tries to kiss you, “don’t be mad. Are you okay?”
“Yeah I guess”, you giggle, “what are you doing?” 
“Tryna open the door. Is it stuck or something, the fuck?” he tries to wiggle the doorknob. 
“You gotta push.”
Yoongi does it with little pressure. The door opens instantly. 
“Oh”, he lets out, sneaky a shy glance at you, “I knew that.”
“Mhm sure”, you say and chuckle, “kiss me, you idiot.”
“You's mean”, he mumbles and leans in to kiss you. He stumbles to your bed, dropping you on top of it and without ever breaking the kiss, he climbs atop your lap. He plops down, moving his hips back and forth in a needy grind while his hands are cradling your face. Your legs are tangling over the edge, as are his feet. 
“I'm mean?” you ask him in a chuckle.
“Yeah. You messing with my heart. It keeps racing”, he says, guiding your hand to his chest, “feel it.”
“Yoongs, your heart stopped beating three thousand years ago.”
“Oh yeah”, he flutters his lashes, “doesn’t matter. Being with you's making me feel flutters in it”, he says, tapping his chest with your hand, “right there. Tingles so much.”
You twist his shirt and pull him close. Yoongi falls with a surprised gasp, gasping again when you kiss him deeply. He grows limp atop of you, except for his hips. They begin wiggling like crazy. And his feet. He begins kicking them happily. 
He cups your face, breaking the kiss solely for the purpose of littering your face in big smooches. 
“Loveyou, you's the best, loveyousomuch”, he slurs his words but they are clear to you. 
“You are so drunk”, you giggle in a squeak.
“Ye, drunk on you”, he retorts, wiggling cutely, “is what you said to me. Remember?”
“Ye. I do.”
Yoongi kisses up and down your nose, moving on to your left cheek. He makes loud kissing noises, mixing in the occasional "mwuah" or a lulled confession of his eternal love. 
Truly, drunk Yoongi is the most precious treasure on earth. Freed of his restraints and anxiety, he finally becomes who he wants to be deep down. This is him. This is the real Yoongi. And you can’t get enough of him.
Yoongi ends his love attack by sucking in your cheek and biting it gently. 
“Ah Yoongi”, you gasp, moving away. 
He releases you with a bop, gawking at you with puckered lips. 
“You bit me.”
“I did not.”
You snicker, reaching up it squish his cheeks.
“You're so cute.”
He huffs out air, cupping your cheeks and kissing your lips, using his tongue for it until you moan and kiss him back with just as much passion. 
Yoongi is the best kisser on earth. No. In the universe. Gentle but so passionate. Sweet but so rough. Loving and oh so skilled. Kissing him is paradise. Kissing him while you are both stupidly drunk? The best experience ever. You don’t ever want to stop. He makes you so happy. He feels so right. He is so perfect. 
Overwhelmed by your feelings you break the kiss to litter his face with kisses.
“My cutie. My Yoongi Boongie. My handsome prince”, you mumble, kissing every inch of his perfect face.
Yoongi lets it happen with squeezed shut eyes and his prettiest gummy smile. He kicks his feet the whole time, wiggling his hips because nothing in the world could contain the happiness he currently feels.
You end your love attack by kissing his lips, falling back into the most passionate kiss ever. You are smiling so much, holding each other, feeling so high on one another. 
His fingers begin fumbling with your dress. Clumsily and without any sort of plan in mind. Their only goal is to get you out of that dress. 
“Shit. Goddamn it”, Yoongi breaks the kiss to curse under his breath.
“What's wrong?”
“Your dress's not opening. Why's it not opening?”
“Maybe ‘cause you're tugging on the collar instead of the lacing?” 
“Oh”, his fingers slip, “I knew that. Just wanted to test you”, he mumbles, changing his grip to finally open your dress. 
“Yeah, sure you did”, you say in a chuckle.
You sit up to help him, giggling when Yoongi gets off your lap to fall to his knees before you. He tugs the dress down your legs, caressing your ankles as he helps you step out of the big heap of fabric. He discards it on the floor and moves on to taking off your shoes. 
Once they are discarded as well, he lowers himself to place a worshipping kiss upon your left instep. 
Your breath hitches in your throat, eyes mesmerised by him. You are towering over him atop your big bed while he lays worshiping by your feet. You feel hot all over because of it. 
Yoongi kisses your right instep as well, ending it with a little hiccup.
“Scuse me”, he lifts his head, “I'm so drunk. You have really pretty feet.”
“Well thank you, my prince”, you say and giggle, lifting your foot to dance it up and down the buttons of his dress shirt. Yoongi arches into the touch, presenting his palms on his lap as if he was made to do so. 
He is fully dressed while you are barely clothed. Only a matching set of satin lingerie is keeping you modest. Yoongi can’t seem to take his eyes off of it, breathing heavily while his thighs squeeze together desperately. 
“Can I see you tonight?” you ask him, trying to open his bow tie with your toes. You are failing miserably.
Yoongi replaces your toes with his fingers, opening the tie and letting it drop on the ground. He begins opening his dress shirt afterwards, submissive eyes glued to your face. This is his answer. He feels really sexy tonight. He knows that it is because of the booze. The knowledge doesn’t stop him, on the contrary, it encourages him. If he ends up doing something embarrassing, he can just blame it on being too drunk and then you won’t be able to judge him. He feels so confident tonight. Confident and like the hottest person ever born. 
He drops his shirt on the floor, gasping softly when you stop his fingers from opening his belt by stepping on his hand. 
“Stand up”, you order.
Yoongi obeys, getting to his feet before you. You tug him closer by his belt. Yoongi stumbles with wobbly knees, feeling his stomach tingle. He loves it so much when you are rough with him. He stumbles, catching himself on your shoulder. 
“Careful”, you giggle, hugging his middle with your cheeks squished against his soft tummy. 
“Sorry, is really hard to stand”, he lulls, hugging you back.
“I know, I’ll be fast”, you say, placing a loving kiss on his tummy before lifting your head. You smile at him, eyes spilling over with love. You are still hugging his waist, “you're so handsome, my love.”
“Thanks”, Yoongi mumbles, swaying his shoulders from side to side. Your sweet words only strengthen tonight's feelings. He is so, so sexy and handsome. Yoongi loves feeling that way. It makes his tummy all tingly and his brain all fuzzy. 
You turn your head and bite him. 
“Ah”, he gasps, cupping your head. 
It was a gentle bite. Nothing more than a nibble of love. But it was on his tummy. And his tummy is terribly sensitive. Yoongi rubs his thighs together, swaying like crazy.
“Don't do that”, he whines. 
You release his skin, “why?” you ask, gazing up at him with sparkly eyes.
“Feels so much”, he whispers, scratching the spot you bit. 
“Yeah? You like it?”
You scrunch your nose up, giving him a blinding smile. One last kiss to his tummy and you sadly release him, moving on to getting his pants down. He slips out of his shoes as you work, wanting to waste as little time as possible.
The belt buckle hits his thigh as you let it fall open. It doesn't hurt, merely making a metallic clinking sound. 
Yoongi is holding his breath, looking down at you with his lower lip between his teeth. You are opening his pants. One button at a time until it is finally done. You run your hands to his butt, slipping them inside the pants and tugging them down but not before squeezing his round buttocks. 
He gasps because of it, feeling dizzy. The pants fall down, pooling by his feet. You touch his hips, tugging him closer. Yoongi steps out of his clothes, finally he is freed of them. He would feel really self conscious on other days, but tonight he feels good. He is so handsome when he is naked. That’s how he feels. 
Your eyes are glued to his clothed cock. It is already straining the fabric of his black briefs. 
“All mine”, you whisper, making his knees buckle. 
“___”, he moans your name, climbing onto your lap messily. He grinds against your thighs instantly, kissing you with a needy mewl.
You chuckle because the kiss surprised you, breaking it just so you can grin at him. 
“I'm yours”, he lulls, “is true. All yours”, he says, fighting you gently just so he can kiss you again.
“You're so freaking cute”, you say, “goddamn it Yoongi, I love you like crazy.”
“Love you too”, he mumbles, hiding his giddiness by pushing you into the sheets and burying his face in your neck. He begins kissing your skin instantly, nibbling and sucking on it until you feel lightheaded. The thing with Yoongi is that he loves biting. Obviously because he is a vampire. He loves biting, but he doesn’t want to go too far, which results in those really tingly and gentle bites all over your body. And they drive you insane. Truly insane.
Yoongi whines, lifting his head. He is pouting at you.
“Why? What’s wrong now?” you whine and chuckle.
“I wanna suck your tits. Why do you have a bra on?”
“Tzt, crybaby”, you arch your back off the mattress, “open it.”
Yoongi follows gladly, opening the clasp in the back and pulling the straps off your arms. He throws the piece of clothing over his back.
“That's really expensive, just saying”, you snicker.
“Is fine”, he dismisses you and gathers your breasts just to bury his face in them. 
“Mhhm Yoongi”, you sigh, closing your eyes in delight. His lips are so soft, his tongue so eager. He is nibbling again, biting and sucking every inch of your chest without ever going too far. It feels so good. His fingers caress your skin as he kisses you. He adds just a little bit of strength every now and then, sending electric sparks through your veins each time he does. 
Yoongi giggles, kicking his feet happily. He is so, so happy. You are so perfect and the fact that he can kiss you feels so, so good. 
He lifts his head only to rest his cheek on your breasts, sparkly eyes gazing up at you. 
“You're so pretty”, he whispers, sparkles in his eyes growing, “and soft and warm and perfect. You's so perfect.”
You smile, running the back of your hand over his cheek, “you're so cute.”
Yoongi looks away, wiggles and then attacks you with the tightest hug in human history. You squeak, allowing him to shake you around as he does everything in his power to squeeze you against him. 
Somehow in the sweet mess of it all, he managed to change positions so you were fully resting on the bed now, heads supported by pillows and toes facing the foot end. 
Yoongi breaks the hug, but stays close enough that he can kiss your neck. He is humping the side of your leg, panting against your skin. 
One arm is still under your head while the other is draped over your tummy. Not for long however, just as Yoongi begins mewling softly and his cock is oh so hard against your leg, his hand begins traveling down your body, soon disappearing inside your panties. 
You open your legs happily, sighing his name when his fingers begin feeling up your pussy. 
“So wet”, he whispers, drawing circles on your soaked entrance.
“It's your fault”, you answer him in a sigh. 
Yoongi snorts and giggles, rubbing against you in a giddy squirm.
“You always say so much”, he whines, “so mean.”
“I'm not mean I'm-oh”, you struggle with your words because Yoongi just buried two of his fingers inside of you and is now moving them in and out carefully, “I-I'm telling the…truth.”
Oh, he's got you so sensitive already. Being with Yoongi does that to you. You like him so, so much and being with him makes you so eager for his touches that whenever he finally gives them to you, you can barely even handle them. It feels so nice to be touched by Yoongi. Especially when he is as perfect and cute and amazing as he is tonight. 
You slip your hand into his briefs, palming his cock.
“Wait”, he gasps, tensing up.
“What's wrong? Don’t want it?”
“No, is just that. Wanna be naked.” 
He abandons you for just a second as he wiggles out of his briefs. You do the same, watching him with the biggest heart eyes ever. Whatever was in the wine tonight made him brave. You are so giddy. Normally it takes Yoongi at least an hour of sex to feel safe enough to undress and now he is doing it willingly during foreplay. He is so perfect when he is like that. 
Yoongi drops into the sheets and shimmies back to you. You roll to your side, kissing his lips with sighs of his name. Yoongi purrs, kissing you back with a dizzy head. It happens naturally that his hand slips back between your legs. You lift your leg, draping it over his hips to give him better access. Yoongi buries his fingers back in your pussy, forcing a shudder to run through you. 
“Feels so good”, you whisper.
“Good, you’re so pretty”, he whispers.
“What's it?”
“Yoongi, you feel so good”, you sigh, gazing into his eyes. 
He seems mesmerised by you, eyes racing between yours. 
“I'm so drunk”, he whispers. 
“Me too”, you snicker.
“You're not real. I'm so drunk, you can’t be real”, he lulls.
“Does that feel real?” you ask him, wrapping your fingers around his cock. You give him slow strokes up and down as best as possible in the position, putting more pressure each time you reach his tip. 
“Y-yeah”, Yoongi croaks, squeezing his eyes shut, "oh god", he huffs out and whimpers softly.
“It's real, Yoongs”, you promise him.
“You's real”, he sighs, throbbing in your hand, “I'm so lucky”, he adds in a barely there whisper. 
“I'm lucky too”, you breathe, closing your eyes as you fall into the sensation. 
Soft moans, gasps for air, sounds of eager touches. The room fills with the melodies of your pleasure, mixing with the ruffling of sheets and the sounds of kissing each time one of you steals a kiss or two. You both know you won’t be able to orgasm soon. You are too drunk for that. But you don’t mind because it’s so goddamn amazing to be close and to touch each other and to feel those nice tingles of a loving hand for as long as you want to. You don’t want to climax because being with each other like that, all dizzy and droopy and bursting with happiness, is the best reward ever. 
Yoongi stubs you with his nose, calling your attention. Your eyes meet. He looks so droopy. His face is glowing now that you are sharing so much heat with each other. 
“Finger me”, he lulls. 
Your hand around his cock falters.
“I'm sorry?” you gasp. 
“Want your fingers up my butt. Please”, he begs, wiggling his hips. 
“Hot. What the hell? Hot?”
“Uh heck yeah? This is the hottest thing you ever said. Let me just get the lube.”
You hate that you have to end the amazing thing you currently had going on, but this is more important. Yoongi never asks for things. At least not for himself. He'll take what you give him, but he will never ask for more. Even while you are doing something he won’t ask for another spot to be touched and you are left figuring it out yourself by accidentally touching his favourite spots and making his body shake involuntarily. So to have him ask you to do something to him, especially butt stuff, makes you want to squeal. This is the best night ever. 
Yoongi is on his back once you return, welcoming you back by grabbing your waist and scrunching his nose up.
“I can't believe you're letting me do that to you.”
“Want it so bad”, Yoongi says and opens his legs, “is that good? Want another position?”
“No. No, it’s perfect. You’re perfect”, you say, having to kiss him because otherwise you would have exploded in emotion. He is the best person ever. 
Yoongi kisses you back, mewling quietly. 
“You're so perfect. My perfect man”, you mumble, feeling him up desperately. 
Yoongi barely handles the touches, writhing under you with flutters in his tummy. His skin is so sensitive. Your palm is so soft and warm. He can’t handle how good you make him feel. 
The kiss breaks once you reach his inner thighs, Yoongi has more important things to do. Like gasp your name and part his pouty lips. His skin feels electric wherever you touch it.
“The prettiest. You’re so pretty”, you praise, “and soft. Why are you so soft?” 
“I'm soft”, he repeats, wiggling his toes. 
“Yeah you are. Wanna keep squeezing you”, you say, squishing his inner thigh right next to his cock. 
Yoongi keens, parting his legs more. It tickles, but also feels intense. His cock begins aching because of it, yearning for a touch. 
You don’t give it to him, which he dislikes at first until he can feel your touch on his balls. You massage them gently, forcing the warmest sparks to course through his tummy. 
“Except for there. You’re so hard”, you say, squeezing them until it hurts. 
Yoongi gasps, opening his legs further. His balls feel like bursting. 
“Mo-oh my god”, he chokes out and arches his back.
“That was a reward for being so cute”, you tell him.
“Want it again”, he begs, touching your tummy with shaky fingers. He scratches your skin softly, “please.”
And because he is so adorable right now, you can’t deny him. You slap his balls a second time, ending it with a harsh squeeze. 
Yoongi moans in gratefulness, letting his eyes fall closed by rolling them back first. 
“You're so sexy like this. Fuck, Yoongi”, you rasp, spanking him one last time before moving on to a new spot. You know better than to keep going. Yoongi can - and did - cum from cock torture and you don’t want this to happen. Yet. 
Yoongi wants to complain at first, but doesn’t when he feels your fingers brush against his hole. Just once and nothing more than a feather light touch. He is so sensitive that it felt a million times more intense however. He chases you, tilting his hips to make it easier for you. He drops them again the second you touch him, veins filling with tingles.
You put more pressure than last time, drawing circles. 
“Feels so good”, he sighs, seeking you by rolling his head to the side. Like this he can almost bury his face in your tits. 
“And I haven’t even started yet”, you whisper, sending shivers down his spine. You sound so confident. Yoongi feels dizzy. You are so hot like this. 
Your touch retreats for a moment. A click lets Yoongi know that you are covering your fingers in lube. Another click as you close the bottle then you touch his rim. 
“Ah”, he gasps, twitching in surprise. 
“Sorry, was that too cold?”
“No, is good”, he says, shivering when you begin moving, “is so good. You so good.”
“You're so sensitive”, you put the slightest sound of teasing into your voice, making Yoongi huff out air. 
He flusters way too easily. He can’t bear to be teased. Especially not tonight when his senses are so heightened because of the booze. Of course he is sensitive. He danced with you and kissed you and you called him handsome so many times. He had to get sensitive. It was unavoidable. 
“Now take a deep breath for me”, you whisper.
Yoongi obeys, releasing it a second later despite his efforts. He can’t help it, your finger is in his ass and that feels so good.
“Slipped right in. Wow my Boongie, you’re so greedy, aren’t you?”
He nods his head vigorously.
“Love your finger. Is so good.”
“Of course you do”, you whisper, moving it in and out of him slowly. To get him used to it. To feel him up. To enjoy his tight warmth for as long as possible. 
“Don't stop”, he whispers, adding a breathy “please” as he widens his eyes at you. His pouty lips are parted and his sparkly eyes widened. He looks so cute right now. 
“Oh my Boongie, you’re so cute”, you giggle, scrunching your nose up before leaning down and rubbing the tip of your nose against his’. His eyes flutter closed, a sigh slips past his lips, “my dearest love”, you whisper, curling your finger in search for his favourite spot. 
“Good, is good it’s- ah, a-ah”, Yoongi gets out, voice pitched in surprised pleasure.
“There? Right there?” you ask, massaging the spot inside of him.
Yoongi opens his legs, thighs twitching involuntarily. He purrs deeply, scrunching his nose up as he nods his head. 
“Yeah, right there”, you rasp, drinking in his expression, “you're taking me so well, my prince.”
It is fascinating just how tight and warm he feels around you. Truly, Yoongi’s warmth is so addicting and quite frankly, adorable as well. You realised that whenever he is close to you and he feels especially happy, he becomes warmer than on normal days. As if your presence in itself gives him enough nutrition for his body to heat up. You love to cuddle him whenever that happens, which results in Yoongi purring happily and becoming even warmer. 
“You're burning up, love”, you whisper, kissing his temple. 
“Feels so good”, Yoongi sighs, “one more, please.”
You slip your ring finger inside, eliciting a raspy purr from him. It vibrates deep in his chest and is filled with his honest bliss.
“Like this?”
He nods his head, cock twitching angrily as you scissor your fingers.
“You're so tight, I’m surprised that you can take me.”
Yoongi peels his eyes open, frowning at you.
“What?” you ask in a chuckle.
“Don't slutshame me.”
“Slutshame you?” You snort, “what are you talking about?”
Yoongi closes his eyes, “shut up.”
“No, no I'm not. Are you telling me that you’re my slut? Mhm Yoongi? Is that it?”
“No it’s not. Stop. Take your fingers out. I don’t want it.”
“No? You don’t? So if I do this, you don’t want it?” you challenge, curling your fingers against his prostate. You begin massaging it, forcing him to gasp and shudder. 
You get to your knees between his legs and wrap your hand around his cock. 
“And if I do this, you don’t want it?” you taunt, jerking him off quickly as you continue fingering his greedy bum. Quick and hard, just like you jerk off his leaking cock. It’s what deserves for pretending that he isn’t into it.
Yoongi squeaks and grips your hand with trembling fingers. He writhes, thighs trying to close in a desperate attempt to flee from the harsh fingering. It’s too much, Yoongi doesn’t know how to handle it. It feels too good.
“Mhm? If I do this, you don’t want it? Mhm?” you challenge with hunger in your eyes. He is shaking so much, it’s so cute. His bum looks so good taking the harsh finger fuck, his cock is all twitchy and leaky. 
“___”, Yoongi gasps and lets out a loud “ah” followed by a whiney moan. He is trying so hard to get your hand to stop, weak fingers barely closing around your wrist.
“So cute. You’re so cute when you're shaking. You’re such a cute, little slut, Yoongi love. Such a cutie”, you coo, forcing his cock to leak all over your fingers.
“Please not so, so fast”, he begs, squeezing your wrist weakly.
“Cum”, he gets out and arches his back with a whiney little sound escaping him. 
He feels fucked. Your fingers are so fast and know exactly where to touch. It’s like you're already fucking him. That, mixed with the dizziness of the booze and Yoongi swears he is going to crumble any second now.
“Please slow”, he begs, gasping for air. 
“Cute”, you rasp and slow down, but only so you could take him into your mouth. Yoongi arches off the mattress, fingers twisting the sheets and cute hole squeezing around your digits. You are fucking them in and out of him slowly and to their fullest, giving Yoongi a taste of how it feels to be stretched out over and over again. He takes you so well, sounding oh so perfect doing it. 
“No please”, he gasps, “___, please”, he whimpers, throbbing in your mouth. 
He tastes so good. Like desperation and pleasure. You love it so much, slurping it up hungrily. His cock fits down your throat so nicely. Yoongi normally hates it when you deep throat him. Not because he dislikes the feeling, on the contrary he loves it, but because he is always scared that he will make you gag and therefore uncomfortable. He doesn’t have to worry about that tonight, because you are drunk. And when you are drunk, your gag reflex ceases to exist. It’s probably the added boost of confidence. You won’t ever complain, it feels so fucking empowering to be able to take his entire cock down your throat without needing to gag. 
Yoongi is appreciating it as well, thighs trembling like crazy and hole pulsating around your fingers.
“You're really un-unfair”, he stutters, punching up the sheets with his toes as he curls them. Nothing else helps. He is getting his ass fingered and his cock throat fucked. He wasn’t ready for what he bargained for when he asked you to finger him. You are too good and way too eager to destroy him. 
You slip off of him, allowing your drool to drip down on him. It runs down his veiny shaft until it soils his dark pubes, marking him as your property. 
“So you don’t want this?” you rasp, playing with your spit, “mhm? You don’t want any of it?”
Yoongi swallows heavily, recovering for a short moment with quick pants for air. 
You pull your fingers out, anticipating his reaction.
“No”, he whines breathily, “no, back. Please back”, he whispers and you hear him.
You do. But you want to tease him. You press your wet fingers against his soft rim, drawing slow circles on it. It’s remarkable how relaxed and loosened up he already feels. 
“Back”, he breathes.
“Mhm? What was that? I couldn’t hear you”, you tease.
Yoongi places his hands on the back of your head, pushing you down shyly. He bucks his hips up, hitting your nose with his cock. It makes you giggle because it was funny to be nudged with his cock.
“Please”, he whispers. 
“You're so fucking cute”, you gush, taking him back into your mouth. He glides over your tongue until your throat hugs him tightly. Only then, do you stuff your fingers back into him, using your wrist to control the movements. Deep and quickened and just enough to force him to twitch inside your mouth over and over again. You moan deliciously and begin bopping your head up and down, going fast because it makes him whine so cutely. 
Yoongi grips the sheets again, hitting his head against the pillow twice before he decides to arch his back instead.
“More fingers please”, he begs, shaking when you purr around his cock. Deeply and deliciously. The stretch of his hole which follows makes him shake again. You listened, now burying your pointer finger in his butt as well. Deep and so thick. Your fingers in that position stretch him out so much.
“___”, Yoongi moans, “___ please. Please.”
Yoongi is awkward. About literally everything, but especially about his sexuality. Now. He never looked for labels or definitions. If a person attracts him sexually then so be it, he never cared about what was between their legs or what that would make him. He does care about how he fucks however, what he receives and how he receives it. Because receiving is hard for him, especially butt stuff. He doesn’t let anyone other than you close to this part of his body. It’s too intimate, makes him too vulnerable and requires a level of trust only you – and maybe Jungkook – achieved. So yes, Yoongi is awkward about butt stuff. Even if he loves it so much. So, so much. But this right here? This right here makes him want to keep begging you and act like a complete slut. This is the endgame. The real deal and he is burning up. 
“Thank you”, he croaks, thighs shaking each time you fuck your fingertips against his prostate. 
You moan around his cock, sending sparks through his veins. He is too sensitive.
“I'm gonna- ah”, he gasps, gripping your hair and twisting it desperately, “you're making me cum”, he croaks, relaxing his muscles in preparation for the warmest most amazing high ever. 
Pain and suffering. 
Yoongi has to sob and writhe.
You stopped. 
Slipped off his cock, removed your fingers. They are gripping his thighs now, forcing him to stay open even if all he wants to do is close his legs and rub them together. 
You laugh. Tauntingly and with enough craze in it to make Yoongi’s skin crawl in hot, dumb pleasure. 
“You didn’t actually think that I'd let you cum did you?” you ask and laugh, “oh Yoongi, you’re so gullible.”
Yoongi whines and wraps his fingers around his cock, trying to jerk it off. Anything please.
You slapped them away instantly.
“Ah”, he gasps, peeling his eyes open just in time to watch you place yourself atop of him. His legs, you force to stay open by keeping his thighs thrown over yours. Like this, your crotch is pressed right against his ass, taunting him because there is no cock inside him but all he wants is for you to stuff him with your strap. 
His grabby, misbehaving hands you pin right above his head, digging your fingers into him in a strong grip. 
“Keep those hands where they belong. Hear me?” you growl. 
Yoongi rarely falls into subspace. Entering that state means giving up control and letting another person see the part of him he is most ashamed of. He thinks there is nothing wrong with wanting to be like that when other people want it, but he thinks it’s embarrassing when he wants to be like that. You however make it easy to fall. And fun. And quite frankly you make him love every fucking second of it. He feels so tiny and weak and that’s all he wants right now. That and your strap.
“Yeah”, he gets out.
“You do? So why did you try to touch yourself, mhm?”
“I'm a slut”, he lulls, going dizzy under your piercing gaze.
“No, that’s not it is it? Tell me the truth.”
Yoongi shakes his head, earning himself an aggressive roll of your hips. He mewls, wishing for another one.
“Tell me Yoongi, tell me.”
“I'm a brat”, he keens, rubbing himself against you by wiggling his hips needily. He needs the friction, needs to feel as if you are already fucking him. Oh god, it doesn’t feel the same. Yoongi wants to cry, why doesn’t it feel the same? He needs to be fucked so bad. 
“Exactly. You’re a brat”, you rasp, abandoning his wrists to scratch down his arms. 
Yoongi keeps them above his head naturally, mewling your name with closed eyes. He opens them a second later when you slap his face and therefore surprise him. They are widened and glassy, looking at you with so much submission burning in them. You slap his other cheek, gripping his face right afterwards. Your fingers dig into his cheeks as you keep him hostage.
“Don't look at me like that. It makes me feel bad that I had to slap you”, you rasp, forcing even more submission into his droopy gaze. “What's wrong?” the question may be of nurturing nature, but Yoongi knows your true intentions behind it. This is to mock him, to force him to voice his wishes even if it embarrasses him so, so much. He wants to kiss the ground you walk on. You are so mean and perfect. 
“Fuck me”, he gets out, feeling his cheeks heat up instantly. 
“That's not very polite of you, is it?”
“Fuck me please. Please. Please fuck me”, he begs, trembling desperately. He wants to burst, he is so embarrassed and weak and fucking sensitive. He should stop humping you like a needy dog, because it makes him want to cum but he can’t stop. It feels so good to grind against you. 
“There we go. That’s better”, your features soften in fondness, “you’re so perfect when you’re being my good boy”, you praise, releasing his cheeks to instead caress them gently.
There you go again. Messing with him. To go from slapping his face and calling him a slutty brat to caressing his cheeks and calling him your good boy. Yoongi can’t handle it. He felt so perfectly degraded only to be lifted and be made feeling like the most treasured person on earth. He is too drunk and giddy for that.
Yoongi whines and throws his hands over his face, kicking the sheets.
“Please just do it, why are you so mean?” he mewls.
“Why?” you giggle, tugging his hands away to beam at him, “why are you so shy, huh? It’s just me.”
“Yeah, it’s you. Exactly”, he pouts.
Your eyes soften. You rest your chin on his hands as you hold them.
“You’re so cute”, you whisper, stubbing him with your nose. Yoongi closes his eyes, chasing you with a tilt of his head. You stay, whispering the words against his lips, “do you wanna be my good boy and get the strap for me, mhm?”
He nods his head in obedience.
“Good boy, such a good boy”, you praise, rolling off of him, “off you go, get my strap”, you order him and as Yoongi climbs out of bed, you can’t help yourself and slap his butt just once.
“Hey”, he complains, pouting at you with furrowed brows.
“You’re so cute”, you snicker, giving him the biggest heart eyes.
He huffs out air and turns his back to you to waddle to your sextoy dresser instead. He takes out his strap of choice and waddles back to bed. You watch him with a fond grin on your face, stifling a giggle because his walk is rather hilarious.
“Don’t look at me. I hate walking with a boner”, he whines, making you laugh.
“I think you look cute”, you say, “you’re swaying so much, my love. Are you really drunk?”
He falls atop your lap, rubbing himself against you. He nods his head, humming deeply.
“I’m drunk too”, you say.
“I wanna fuck”, he whines, “please put it on. Why are you taking so long?”
“Oh excuse me that I can’t really move when you’re plopping yourself down on me”, you laugh, pinching his sides.
Yoongi giggles, writhing away, “don’t tickle me”, he whines, rolling off of you. You chase him instantly, gripping his waist just to tickle him more. He laughs squeakily, pushing at your chest, “please stop. I hate it.”
“Sorry, sorry”, you snicker, caressing his waist instead, “I couldn’t resist. I love it so much when you laugh.”
“Put it on please”, he begs with burning cheeks. Truly, he is adorable. You realised by now that Yoongi gets those really pink cheeks when he's drunk. Paired with his naturally shy blush and he looks beyond adorable. 
“I am, I am”, you say, slipping on the harness. You make sure that everything sits in place, sighing happily because it grinds against your clit all nicely. You are going to love using it, that much is for sure. You climb back on bed, “done, you- eeek”, you squeak in surprise as Yoongi grips you by your shoulders and throws you into the sheets. 
He climbs on top of you, intertwining his fingers with you and pinning your hands above your head. Like this, his long hair is hanging into his face, framing his glowing features. 
“Wanna ride you”, he confesses, grinding against your tummy. 
“Hot”, you whisper, gawking at him with a dizzy head.
“So stay please”, he begs, widening his eyes.
“Okay. I’ll stay”, you whisper, having to smile, “you're so perfect, my prince.”
“You too”, he says, stealing one kiss from you and then he shimmies down your body, sitting down on your lap. He reaches for the lube bottle and opens it with one hand as the other is busy feeling up your strap.
He spills the lube all over it, lips curling into a dirty smirk as he begins jerking it off while his other hand grips your waist, thumb tracing your tummy.
“You're so fucking hard”, he rasps, leaning over you so his hair was hanging all into his face again. He places his hand right next to your head, lowering his eyes playfully, “you're so fucking into me, aren’t you?”
“Uuuh…yeah?” you let out a breathy laugh, “what the hell is happening? Where's my shy Yoongi Boongie gone?”
“He left”, Yoongi says and laughs, kissing you midsmile which results in him biting your lower lip and tugging on it until you moan, “wanna eat you up. Fuck, I can’t wait to get your strap.”
“You're so hot”, you squeak out, head feeling dizzy in disbelief.  
“I know”, Yoongi says nonchalantly and straightens up, placing his hand on your tummy for support. He lifts himself, shimmying up your body until your strap was aligned with his hole. He grinds on your tip back and forth, half-lidded eyes glued to your face. “Wanna take you so bad, princess.” 
“Then do it”, you rasp, gripping his hips and giving them a little push down.
Yoongi lets you, widening his stance so he could take you easier. The bulbous head breaches him after a second of struggle, forcing an audible gasp out of him.
“Now I’m in. There we go”, you say, caressing his tensing thighs, “how's that, love?” 
Yoongi sinks down further, placing both his hands on your tummy. Like this, his fingers are tickling your sides nicely. He huffs out air loudly, scrunching his nose up.
“How's that, mhm?” 
“Good”, he croaks and bottoms out, arching his back just so his ass sticks out. His lips curl into a dirty smirk, eyes falling closed, “fuck yeah”, he rasps, chasing your girth with smooth rolls back and forth, “ah fuck. Yes, princess. Fuck princess…”
“You're so hot, I can’t believe that you’re real”, you get out, feeling dizzy. He is rubbing the strap against your clit each time he moves his hips. You are not missing out on any of the sensations, that much is sure. 
“Fuck. That feels so good”, he moans, straightening up and tensing his tummy. He begins moving up and down on your cock, not wasting any second with going slow. He is drunk, dumb and horny. And free. He feels so fucking free right now. No self doubt, insecurities and mean voices in his head telling him that he is ugly. Just silence, pleasure and loud voices telling him how much of a sexy motherfucker he is riding your cock. And he wants it. Wants the rush of confidence it gives him, chasing you with fast movements.
“You're so hot, holy fuck, you’re so hot”, you pant, gawking at him with a racing heart. 
Your words only encourage him to keep bouncing on you. He doesn’t care about how loud he sounds doing it, he doesn’t care about what faces he is making or how his cock moves. He'd ruin the moment on other nights, questioning every single thing, but not tonight. Tonight he is free and desperate for more. More. More. More. Give him more. Make him fall freely. More.
“Keep going, holy fuck, you’re so hot”, you praise, slapping his bouncing cock. 
“A-ah”, Yoongi’s hips falter. He looks at you with ruby eyes. Your gazes meet, electric sparks course through your veins at the connection. “again”, he orders, fucking his hips into your palm.
“You drive me insane", you rasp, spanking his pretty cock. 
“Yes”, Yoongi throws his head back, bouncing on your strap within seconds. Hard and fast and with the intent to not stop any time soon. That’s what he needs. Pain and pleasure. It’s the same thing to him and drives him absolutely insane.
Moaning his name, you spank his cock a third time, watching in delight as this makes it leak. You wrap your fingers around him, spreading the hot slick all over his length. 
“Please continue, feels so fucking good”, Yoongi begs, dropping his head back in synch with his hands slamming down on your thighs. Like this, he is grinding on your strap more than he bounces, but the desperate freedom in his movements remains. He is making sure that his hole will remember tonight. That much is sure.
Wet squelching joins the slapping of skin and Yoongi’s unapologetic moaning, mixing with your mewls and the sound of you jerking him off. 
“Leaky boy, you’re so wet for me”, you taunt, holding his cock just so you can spank the tip with your other hand.
Yoongi trembles, squeezing your thighs. He whimpers, chasing the pain with desperate hips. 
“There we go, keep leaking for me. Love that so much”, you praise, rewarding him with a merciless slap to his cockhead followed by you jerking him off with two hands. 
“I’m cumming”, Yoongi gasps, “I'm cumming, I’m cu- ah!” he yelps, releasing all over your torso as he thrusts into your fists. It lands on parts of your face as well, feeling hot on your skin.
“Yes Yoongi, yes”, you growl, forcing him to shake uncontrollably by jerking him off quickly, “cum for me. You perfect slut, cum for me. That’s it, shake for me. Love it when you do.” 
Yoongi writhes, slamming his hands into the pillow on each side of your head.
“Fuck”, he hisses, following it up with a throaty mewl and his lips curling back to reveal his exposed fangs. He chases you. Harsh and fast. His hole is so tight, his cock so sensitive and yet he can’t stop. He can barely even think. All he runs on, is pleasure. It feels so good. He never felt like this before. Is this what he could have if only his own head wasn’t holding him back so much? Is this how sex could feel like? 
Yoongi slams his hips down on you over and over again, drooling from his parted lips because that’s what he does when he feels too good. It normally only happens when he eats your pussy, but tonight you’ve fucked him into complete dumb pleasure.
You don’t mind that he is dripping onto your face, gazing up at him with droopy, foggy eyes. You have never seen him like that. So utterly lost to the pleasure. He has no idea how much this fuels you, how you are shaking in bliss because it feels like a dream come true to have him act so freely. 
Your right hand moves around his cock, while your left runs up to his chest. You pinch his nipple, rolling it between your fingers afterwards. 
“___”, Yoongi moans, squeezing his eyes shut, “___, I’m yours”, he pants, throbbing in your hand.
“Yeah you are. Fuck, you’re mine. Fuck, Yoongi I can’t stop cumming you’re so hot”, you growl, shaking again because his words just felt too good to hear. 
“___, I’m cumming too”, he croaks, scrunching his nose up, “you're milking me”, he adds and groans, climaxing all over your tits and neck.
“I’m milking you?” you gasp, laughing breathily, “oh my fucking god, keep talking like that and I’ll break you.”
“___”, he moans, fucking his pulsating hole through the tightness. His prostate feels on fire and yet he can’t stop. This feels so good. You feel so good. 
Yoongi straightens up and grips your thighs again, showing you his fangs as he throws his head back with an agape mouth.
“___ I’m yours!” he moans loudly, arching his back. His cock is leaking like crazy. His white milky pleasure is running down your tummy by now, soaking the sheets. And yet he can’t stop, leaking continuously as he fucks himself stupid on your strap.
“Holy fuck”, you choke out, “holy fuck, you’re so hot”, you whimper, spilling tears, “Yoongi, my Yoongi, you’re my Yoongi”, you sob, gripping his cock. 
“I'm yours”, he moans deliciously, “spank me, please.”
You grant him his wish instantly, spanking his throbbing cock. 
“Again”, Yoongi demands, chasing your hand. 
“Again”, he growls, clenching around your strap. He can’t get enough of being fucked and spanked and milked. He wants it so bad. Needs it like air.
“Yes! Again.”
“Yoongi, you’re leaking like crazy”, you rasp, voice trembling in pleasure. You spank his cockhead, rubbing your palm against it afterwards. 
“Yes, again please again”, he begs, convulsing on you with trembling thighs. 
“Holy fuck, you’re making me cum”, Yoongi laughs darkly, ending it with an audible gasp and an aggressive, “fuck.”
He arches his back, shifting your strap deeper into him. He hasn't noticed it yet, but like this you can see your cock inside of him. It is bulging his tummy, moving each time he bounces on you. 
“Yoongi”, you moan, “Yoongi, why are you so hot?” you keen, spanking his cock with all the love you have for him. You can’t believe that he is real. And that the universe aligned your paths, “I'm so lucky. So fucking lucky”, you say, digging your thumb into his belly bulge in synch with your hand connecting with his cock in a slap. 
“Woah”, Yoongi gasps, holding your wrist, “woah, woah, woah.”
“Feel that? That’s my cock moving inside you”, you taunt, grinding against his bulge.
“Holy shit”, Yoongi croaks, squeezing his thighs around your hips.
“Yeah that’s it. Feel it. That's how deep I go”, you growl, slamming your hips into him as best as the position allows you to. 
“You're making me…cum. ___, I can’t stop”, Yoongi chokes out, shaking in anticipation.
“You're so hot, holy shit", you spit, fucking him angrily. You need him cumming again, need him to continue making a mess on you.
“Yes, yes, yes”, Yoongi chants, chasing you, “now. Now. Ah, now- ah!”
You can feel his high hitting him. You can’t believe it’s real, but you do. His tummy tenses and begins convulsing, taking your cock with hungry ease.
“Fuck, I can feel you cumming”, you growl, digging your thumb deeper into his belly, “you’re so hot.”
“A-ah”, Yoongi lets out and flinches, “no. No. Nonono why?” he sobs and comes to a stop abruptly, forcing you to lift your eyes. He is gawking at you, lips pouted and eyes sad. His hands are on your stomach, fumbling nervously. 
“What's wrong?” you ask him, “don’t wanna make yourself cum anymore, mhm?”
Yoongi blinks rapidly, parting his lips.
“What's wrong?”
“I healed”, he confesses. 
You furrow your brows in confusion.
“I'm sober.”
“Ah”, you understand immediately. His powers healed him. The sobering up process, which takes normal humans many many hours, is sped up for Yoongi. Which means he is clear in the head again and self-conscious. And being on top of your lap with your strap inside of him after he fucked himself senseless is not his preferred comfort place to be. 
You sit up, forcing him to tilt his head back in order not to headbutt you. Your lips are almost touching, your bodies are grinding against each other, smearing his cum everywhere.
“So? Means I gotta fuck you dumb again”, you rasp, eyes pinning him down, “I wanna fucking ruin you.”
He widens his eyes. You grab his hips and force them to move. Back and forth in smooth rolls, forcing your strap to grind against his sensitive insides. 
Yoongi squeezes his eyes shut, falling around you in a tight hug. His face is buried in the crook of your neck, his chest is melted with yours and his hard cock is rubbing between your stomachs. 
“Oh god”, he gets out, shuddering desperately.
“That's it, my prince, hold me close”, you whisper and wrap your arms around him, hugging him close, “don’t stop now, you fucking love it so much. Hold me baby, hold me.”
Yoongi thanks you with little moans and stuttering hips, fingers twisting in your hair and parted lips moving against your neck.
He is naked with you. Naked, hot and bursting in pleasure. And now you are hugging. Yoongi is actually able to feel your naked skin against his own as you make him drown in pleasure. He is in paradise. He gets to hug you naked. You are hugging. And he is sober for it. Which means, he'll actually remember it tomorrow.  
“Please don’t stop”, he begs, chasing you with growing desperation. He can’t help himself. It feels so good to have you inside him. 
“I won’t, my love”, you promise him, bending your legs so he can sit even more comfortably. 
Yoongi arches his back, moaning each time his little bubble butt connects with your lap. The position forces your strap to go so deep. Yoongi feels fulfilled in ways that still feel like a dream to him. 
“Such a good boy, you’re doing so well”, you praise him, caressing his hips. He tingles because of it, chasing you with even more eagerness. He has more leverage like that. When he was riding you, he didn’t really have a lot of support and Yoongi fucking loved it, but this right here is on a whole other level. To be able to lean against you, to rest against your body and find support in your hug gives him so much comfort. Comfort, but also the opportunity to move on your strap like he needs to. Fast and desperate. Yoongi bends his legs, hooking them behind you and begins moving like he needs to.
“Please don’t stop”, he begs you, drooling all over your shoulder, “oh god, it feels so good.”
“Yeah it does. You fuck me so good, love. So fucking amazing”, you rasp, rubbing his round buttocks in an encouraging manner.
Yoongi hates being a vampire. There is no denying that. He hates it so much, except for when he has sex with you and his powers make him feel everything a million times more intensely. That’s when he fucking loves his nature. That and when his instincts kick in and force him to act against his will in the best way possible. Like rut against you as if he was an animal in heat for example. Or drool all over you because his head tells him that it was feeding time, but he forces his body to feed on something other than blood. Your warmth and the pleasure only you can give him. It tastes so much better than any amount of blood could ever taste.
Yoongi fucks fast and hard once his instincts kick in. The gluttonous, insatiable hunger for whatever addictive substance his body got a taste from takes control of him and makes him its puppet. And that substance was your strap tonight. Your strap and the deafening amount of pleasure you make him feel with it. 
Yoongi may be sober again, but mentally he is completely and utterly busted. Intoxicated on the instinctive urge to fuck and rut and ruin his little hole. Your loving hug and comforting warmth encourage him to go even harder. 
“I can’t stop”, he croaks, trembling harshly, “I can’- ah, stop.”
“That's so fucking hot. You’re so hot, my love”, you moan, feeling lightheaded. He is moving the strap over your clit as he bounces on your length. Mixing that with the sound of his needy fuck and you are this close to giving up, “you feel so good, Yoongi. So good.”
“You. Too. Ah”, he gets out, breaking his lips away from your neck to instead cup your cheek and pull you into a messy tongue kiss. 
You kiss him back gladly, loving every fucking second of it even it is oh so sloppy. Saliva gets mixed, loud moans exchanged and tongues shoved down throats. Truly, this is the kiss between two people utterly lost in the pleasure they give each other. It is nasty and it is fucking glorious. Breaks for air are scattered throughout the kiss, Yoongi uses the opportunities to curse and moan your name. You use the opportunities to praise him and call him handsome.
“Oh god, fuck”, Yoongi croaks, moaning weakly when you run your fingers under his lips.
“You’re drooling so much”, you rasp, forcing him to drool even more.
“Feels so good”, he whimpers, resting his forehead against yours. He knows that he is drooling. His entire chin is covered in it. It’s so embarrassing to him, but you fuck him so hard that he doesn’t even mind right now. Even in his sober state, he doesn’t care. You have him dumb and stupid on your strap, chasing his high because that’s all he wants.
“Spank me”, he begs, “please ___,  please.”
“Spank you”, you repeat, “fuck Yoongi, you drive me insane”, you moan, connecting your hand with his bubble butt.
“Aa-ah”, Yoongi lets out, convulsing on top of you. 
“Like this? Mhm? Is that what you want?” you taunt, landing another spank.
“Yes”, he mewls, “oh ___”, he sobs, falling around your neck. He hides his face in your shoulder, fighting for air as his body moves all on its own. It is sloppy and uncoordinated, but makes him feel so good.
“Good boy”, you praise, spanking him harshly, “you’re my good boy. Such a good boy.”
It burns so much. Yoongi sobs and forces his lips to lift from your shoulder. He guides his trembling hand to his own mouth and bites down hard. If he hadn’t, he would have ended up biting you instead and that would have made him hate himself forever. So he bites his own hand, moans muffled and body trembling like crazy.
You haven’t noticed it yet, enjoying the tighter hug he gives you and spanking his pretty butt.
“Eeh”, Yoongi squeaks, jerking into you, “hgngeng”, he lets out, coming undone from the pain and pleasure. One last time, but this time feels so good that Yoongi starts squirting all over your bodies, clawing at you because quite frankly he is a little scared of what happens to him.
You join him in his wet bliss with a pounding head, holding him so close that you could honestly merge with him.
“Holy fuck that feels so good”, you whimper, moving your hips into him needily.
Just five more strokes and then Yoongi begins flinching in discomfort, tapping your back in panic. He releases his hand, gasping loudly.
“No more”, he begs, “I can’t anymore.”
“Mhm love”, you purr, slowing down your movements until you come to a stop.
Yoongi grows heavy on your lap, flinching and twitching as he recovers. You are both so fucking sweaty, but still hold each other tighter. It’s all you need right now. To hug as you recover. No words need to be spoken – quite frankly neither of you could – and no touches need to be exchanged. Just a hug. One honest, loving hug which says everything the two of you can’t say right now.
You feel sobered up as well. Not a lot, because you are still really dizzy, but the needy fucking definitely helped your mind clear up a little. You still feel ruined though, but that’s only because Yoongi always does that to you. You finally find strength in your arm, running your hand up and down his lower back. Just a little, on the area of where his tailbone and his buttocks meet. His skin is covered in goosebumps instantly.
“Nobody gets me like you do”, Yoongi whispers, voice completely ruined.
“I feel the same, my love”, you breathe, nuzzling your nose into his neck.
“Did I actually do that?”
“You did”, you smile, caressing his hip, “you were amazing.”
“What’s wrong with me?”
“Hush, don’t start like this. You feel good right now, don’t you?”
“Yeah, so good.”
“Then don’t ruin it with stupid questions. You know that your brain’s mean. Don’t start believing it.”
“I know, sorry”, he whispers.
“It’s okay. You’re my most loved. You know that, don’t you?”
“I am?”
“You are, my love.”
“I love you too”, Yoongi breathes, hugging you tightly, “so fucking much.”
You giggle, squeezing him right back.
“Oh Yoongi Boongie, you are so sweet.”
He purrs, snuggling into you. He sighs, growing heavier on your lap.
“I’m done for”, he whispers.
“Yeah same. I have no idea how often I just orgasmed”, you say, making him chuckle.
“Same”, he says, wiggling his hips, “we’re so dirty.”
“Yeah I know”, you snicker, making him snicker as well.
“Did I hurt you?” he asks.
“Of course not”, you assure him, “why? Did you hurt yourself?”
“No. No, I was just asking because I lost control.”
“You did?” you gasp.
“Yeah”, he says and huffs out air, “felt so good, it’s not my fault”, he whispers in a little whine.
“So that’s how you lose control? Oh my fucking god Yoongi, you are so hot. What the hell?” you gasp, forcing him to lift his head just so you can smooch his lips.
He managed to lick them clean so you would have no idea that he bit himself, except for one little stain of blood on his chin. You wipe it away, furrowing your brows.
“Did you bite yourself?” you ask him.
“No?” he lowers his eyes, “shut up, you’re so mean. It’s your fault”, he whines with a pout.
“Wow okay, I see how it is”, you laugh, “fine, I’m taking all the blame, but I’m not regretting it. You were so hot”, you say, pecking his lips.
Yoongi grumbles, but smiles shyly, leaning into your touch with closed eyes. He looks utterly content with the situation.
“My pretty prince”, you whisper, grinning goofily, “I wanna eat you up.”
“Mhm”, he hums, wiggling his toes when you bite his cheek gently.
“So sweet”, you say, snickering, “also sweaty as fuck”, you say, smacking your lips.
“Ew, you’re so weird”, he whines, pushing at your chest gently, “why would you say that?”
“Why? It’s the truth”, you tease, laughing when he pulls a funny face because of it.
“I’m insecure, don’t say that”, he whispers, pouting cutely.
“Gosh, I’m sorry”, you caress his cheek, “I was only teasing, I don’t mind when you’re sweaty. You know that, don’t you?”
“Yeah”, he mumbles.
“Mhm good”, you peck his cheek, “still wanna take a shower together? I feel really sticky.”
“Give me two minutes. My legs are dead”, he says, sighing loudly, “seriously, they’re dead.”
“You’re so cute. Of course, take as much time as you need”, you say, “I think you just like sitting on my strap and you’re pretending that your legs are weak.”
Yoongi stays silent but huffs out air, making you snicker and pat his butt.
“Be quiet”, he mumbles, hiding his face in the crook of your neck.
“I am, I am”, you say, chuckling fondly.
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eleganzadellarosa · 8 months
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pairing: vampire!au, kyungsoo x fem!reader, dom!kyungsoo x sub!reader, kyungsoo x virgin!reader, Prince!Jongin x reader
genres: smut, angst
words: 14.8K
warnings: EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT, MINORS DNI [masturbation, slight spit play, face sitting, squirting, unprotected sex (wrap it up fr), biting kink, pet names (darling, princess, love, baby),choking, oral (m and f receiving), fingering…etc.],cheating, blood (this should make sense)
author's note: I got tired of there not being enough Kyungsoo smut (to my knowledge anyway. If you have some recs, please do share) so I decided to write my own. Plus the teaser pics for cream soda did something to me and I needed to express it through writing lol. There's some plot but we're all here for the smut, and trust me it's smutty. So please enjoy, tell me what you think and thank you for reading <3
part 2 can be found here
Tomorrow was a special day, a day that you longed so earnestly for. Prince Jongin would be visiting again and with the amount of times he’s come over, a proposal was definitely underway. Jongin was a dream come true, the epitome of the “perfect husband". He possessed qualities that one could only ask for while on their knees. From his looks to his status, he was desired by many, yet his heart only yearned for you. It made you blush just to think about everything and how much of a blessing it truly was. The man was gorgeous, from his sun kissed tanned skin, to his tall frame and toned body.
But his physical appearance had nothing to do with why you fell head over heels for him. He was kind, sweet and gentle, something that most suitors only faked while courting their potential spouse. You’ve heard the stories and how many women lost the love for their husbands within the first couple months of marriage only to be stuck with bearing their children until death did them part. That wouldn’t be you though because that wasn’t Jongin--he was different. His personality was genuine and it was apparent from head to toe.
3 months in total counted for the amount of days that he’s visited which was considered standard courting practice for your time period. Your parents loved him and your heart skipped a beat whenever he was close. You wanted no one but him and you knew he felt the same about you. The time drifted by way too slowly and as you lay awake on your bed, your mind ran at 100 miles per minute. Scenario after scenario about how tomorrow would go kept you occupied until your mind finally relaxed enough for you to drift off to sleep.
“Wake up...wake up! It’s half past eleven!”
The sun shined brightly through the window across from you, violently pulling your heavy lids open. Your body tries to coast back into its peaceful slumber, but the person shaking you vetoed your plans. Your eyes once again opening to find said person extremely close to your face, making you immediately sit up as if you were already fully awake. It was Vivian, your servant, but you didn’t like to call her that because she was much closer to you than someone who would do whatever because of your superiority over them.
You were an only child, so she has been the only one around your age for as long as you could remember. She’s the daughter of a previous servant that once lived here but she died before you or Vivian were older than newborns and your parents were kind enough to let her stay instead of leaving her in the hands of an orphanage. You pitied her but she hated when you did so you tried not to show it, but you knew how hard it must have been without a mother. She never admitted it but your family is the only she’s ever really known so she didn’t know what to miss.
“Hurry, you have about 30 minutes before he gets here and you still haven’t bathed!” she says as she tugs at your arm, slightly pulling you off the bed. As much as you thought about him last night, you almost forgot who was coming today. You rushed off into the bathroom, where Vivian already had your bath set. She made sure to add some rose petals to your water, ensuring that your smell would linger every time you passed the prince by.
She left the bathroom after making sure everything was just right to give you some privacy. The bath relaxed you, maybe a little too much and the moment you stumbled into dreamland for the second time this morning, there was a knock at the door. Vivian came rushing in, towels in hand.
“He’s here! Get out right now, you still have to get dressed! And why are you so tired?!”
"I stayed up all night thinking about today, I couldn't help it!" you pouted as you reluctantly stepped out of the tub.
She shook her head while chuckling and pushed you out the bathroom door.
Your heart beat so fast it felt as though it would break through your rib cage at any moment. You both quickly rushed into your room, ready to choose the perfect outfit for today. Being aware of his love for soft colors, you opted for a powder blue peasant cut dress and white corset. You styled your long black tresses in a half up half down style with curtain bangs. The accessories were simple; dangling pearl earrings and a pearl hairpin to match. You weren’t one to wear makeup, but today being the special day that it is, powder set your face and a rose balm on your lips complimented your slightly tanned skin. You stood from your place at your marble vanity and did a small twirl for Vivian to assess the final look. Before she could speak, there was a knock on your door.
“Princess, please come down to the main hall and greet Prince Jongin, he has arrived.” The familiar voice of the butler spoke on the other end of the door. The anxiety began to swell when everything set in but you couldn’t let your emotions get the best of you. Feeling anxious was pointless anyway because you’ve met with Prince Jongin multiple times, but for some reason there was suddenly a heaviness in the air that made your stomach churn. She gives you a nod of approval and you both make your way out the door to head downstairs to greet your guest.
As you walk down the imperial staircase, you see two faces; one familiar and the other not so much. You curtsy in front of Jongin and he takes your hand in his, placing a small kiss on the back.
“It’s a pleasure to see you again Princess. You look gorgeous as always.” he says smiling.
You return his smile and compliments but can’t help letting your gaze fall on the unfamiliar man standing feet apart from him. There was something in the way he stood, something in the way he looked, something you couldn’t put your finger on, but there was something off about him.
“Oh yes, please excuse my manners. Allow me to introduce you to my servant, Kyungsoo. A man of few words, but loyal nonetheless. You shall be seeing him a lot more often I hope?” he says insinuating that you accept his proposal; one which you’d be stupid to refuse.
Kyungsoo bows and makes his way over. Studying the man in front of you, he’s clad in a white blouse, the first three buttons unsecured so a small amount of the skin on his chest shone like the moon peaking out from the clouds. Black slacks, black dress shoes and then three dainty gold necklaces don his neck. His hair was also black, tousled perfectly in an elegant manner. A handsome man indeed, you had to admit, and the sense of mystery surrounding him had you staring for a lot longer than you’d have liked.
He stared back awaiting your move so he may properly greet you, yet here you were stuck, trapped and falling into his deep black orbs. There was a feeling there, something different from when you looked at Jongin. Like the pair whose love was forbidden yet the two couldn’t stay apart. The love could not be portrayed in plain sight but the tension between the two created a impenetrable force field.
Vivian clears her throat next to you which snaps you out of your thoughts. You curtsy and offer your hand to him who gently takes your hand in his. He also places a small kiss on the back, yet he doesn’t break eye contact. The small action making your breath get caught in the back of your throat.
With him being so close, you could smell the fragrance that wafted your way. It was breathtaking, like nothing you’ve ever smelled before. It was so perfect that it seemed to come from his pores, pheromones clouding and intoxicating your judgement.
“The king said he would be waiting for us. We should not keep him any longer.”
The statement from Jongin makes you avert your eyes from Kyungsoo and he removes his lips from your hand. He made your knees like jelly and your heart race a marathon. Your guard was down and you allowed yourself to fall prey to the subtle seduction.
Lunch in the banquet went quite well. Laughs, clinking wine glasses and cutlery colliding with the china filled the large space. Every once in a while those sounds were replaced with sips, breaths and sighs. You caught Jongin stealing a few glances your way when you moved to tuck your bangs behind your ear, making you blush every time. In the meantime, this is what kept your head on straight and you had almost forgot he brought his servant along, until he came in with Vivian to announce that dessert would be served shortly.
Having Kyungsoo in your presence made your posture straighter, if that was even possible. Everything about him made the hairs on the back of your neck erect. You shakily reach for the wine glass in front of you and knock it over, the red liquid spilling onto your dress. You gasp and quickly stand up from your chair and dab the area with the spare cloth from the table. You look up to see all eyes on you and you mentally slap yourself for the embarrassing act.
"Are you okay Princess?" Jongin asks, walking up to you with a fresh cloth.
“Yes, thank you. I must excuse myself, I would hate for my suitor to see me in such a messy manner.”
“Please, do not worry about such trivial things. I will be here when you return so please take your time.”
You smiled and bowed your head before heading toward the exit, Kyungsoo’s eyes never leaving your form. It made your body shudder. For what reason did Jongin bring him along? He was usually by himself but this time he brought his plus one. Was he to act as a test for your loyalty? You would have to keep your eyes on any tricks that he may try to play, you would hate for the prince to back out on the proposal because you couldn’t contain your newfound lust for his servant.
By the time you finished changing into something that wasn’t stained with wine, it was announced that lunch would be ending early. It felt like your fault even though you knew there must have been another reason. Dessert was the only part of the meal that would be missed so it was not that big of a deal.
You searched around for Jongin only to find that he was with your father in his study. A guard blocked the door and informed you that their conversation was important and the king ordered they were to not be disturbed. You thanked him for the information and tried to contain the giddiness you felt rising in your chest. They could only be talking about one thing and you hoped you were right. As you turned on your heels to leave, the guard cleared his throat.
“You did not hear this from me, but Prince Jongin will be staying with us until Sunday.”
Although surprising, it was a logical decision since the journey back for him was quite long and the day was almost over. By the time dinner came around, he had excused himself and settled for a nap instead, further confirming the trip was taxing. You wanted to bring up their conversation over the meal but you knew your impatience would only irritate your father, so finding out would have to wait. If only waiting wasn't so hard.
After dinner, you made up your mind to get ready for bed early so you would have all your energy for a full day with Jongin tomorrow. You enter the bathroom and undress in front of the tub, throwing your worn clothes to the side not caring where they landed. The water was warm yet kissing the temperature of being too hot, but it relaxed your muscles which was much needed after feeling so tense for most of the day. You cup your hand to gather water and run it down your body, taking deep breaths and closing your eyes, the scent of lavender floating through your nostrils.
"Princess..." an unfamiliar voice making you jolt, your eyes shooting open. There was no knock on the door or sound of the door opening. You turn around and see Kyungsoo standing not far from where you were. You quickly sink further down into the tub in hopes that the water would cover your breasts.
"Sir Kyungsoo…what are you doing here?" He walks closer to the tub which ultimately causes you to try and back up, only resulting in your top half being exposed. You quickly cover your chest with your arms and your heart rate flies through the roof.
"Prince Jongin told me to come and check on you and to also see if you needed assistance with anything. Miss Vivian was very kind and told me where you were, although I suspect she didn't think I would be entering. And please, no need for formalities, I’m but a mere servant.” He ends his sentence as he sits on the edge of the large tub. He runs his fingers through your bath water and scoops some up in his hand, your eyes following his every movement.
“You don’t have to be so tense around me darling, I won’t hurt you. I give you my word.” As you look up at him ready to deny his claims, the water he stored in his hand cascades down your back making you gasp. He repeats the action, this time letting his hand run down the damp skin. “I thought your beauty had limits”, he gently grabs your chin with the same hand and leans in closer to your face, “but here you are proving me wrong”.
Not trusting your voice you stayed silent, mentally punishing yourself for letting him get away with this. If he hadn’t been holding onto your chin, your jaw would’ve fallen slack. Your arms were already at your sides when his gaze travels down your body and land on your chest and hard nipples. His tongue peeks out from inside his mouth to wet his lips, and it immediately sent tingles straight to your core. He looks back up at you and smirks before standing and exiting the bathroom.
On the outside of the door, his chest heaved. He suddenly felt restricted in his loose clothing. He leaned his head back against the door and ran a hand through his hair. “What in God’s name am I doing?” he thought. He was unlike his normal self, reserved and respectful. You were doing things to him, taking his control away from him. You were the puppeteer manipulating his movements. You were the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on and don't get him started on how lovely you smelled. He cursed his heightened sense, only making it harder to resist you. He knew of the intensity of your relationship with Jongin; yet he wanted to snatch the man's happiness away.
He didn’t believe you could be as perfect as Jongin described you in his many stories but seeing you today made him realize they did you no justice. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. The way you moved, the way you spoke, the way you dressed. Each and every thing about you had been perfectly molded by God himself, the only reasonable answer for such a beautiful being. He wanted you, and seeing you in your most vulnerable form in the bathtub made his pants a little tighter.
He knew what he was doing to you, how his actions had heavy consequences on your body. He wanted you enamored, wanted you within his grasp. He fell for you as soon as his eyes met yours and he knew he would do whatever it took to have you. However, he knew of the possibility of that never happening especially since he held onto a secret that only a small few had knowledge of, and that included Jongin.
You hadn’t noticed you were holding your breath until the door shut and the air filling your lungs makes you cough. This man was unpredictable, risky and for your own sake, it would be best to avoid him as much as you could. Your plan to stay grounded against any foul play went down the drain when he got close to you. You hoped everything you felt was all in your head and the consequences weren’t a heavy burden to bear.
For the rest of the evening, any thought of what happened earlier you tried to shove to the back of your mind. It was becoming hard to not think of the man the more you would occasionally pass Jongin in the halls. He still had your heart but whenever you crossed paths, your mind was never on the man in front of you. Instead you seemed to look through and around him wondering if his shadow would be following closely behind. This disappointed you as he was never to be found and you couldn’t help but wonder why. Alas, you were too nervous to ask and truthfully you had no reason to, especially when the man passing you by in the corridors would claim you as his any day now.
“I hope you sleep well Princess. I am grateful to be given the opportunity to see you again in the morning.” Jongin bows and walks past you, down the hall and into his room for the night.
You offered him a small and respectful smile and couldn't deny the warm and tingly feeling you felt when he spoke to you. You sighed deeply knowing that the next few days would be hell with both men in your home.
Midnight soon came and you went into your room to change into your pajamas. You opened the armoire, one that matched the marble pattern on your vanity. An ivory, satin nightgown would be perfect for tonight's weather and also with how warm your body felt. You flopped onto the bed and covered your face with your hands before letting them drop to the sides of your head. Today had put a lot of stress on your mind and rightfully so. Having this strange and beautiful man around had your mind doing mental olympics. "I thought your beauty had limits, but here you are proving me wrong" that line played in your mind over and over and never failed to confuse your heart more each time.
Memory of the way he touched you replayed on loop. The words to stop him were stuck on the tip of your tongue but deep down you wanted him to continue and that's what made it scary. You loved Prince Jongin and your answer to whatever question he had would always be an immediate yes, still you couldn't take your mind off of Kyungsoo. The way he licked his lips as he scanned your body, his touch making you gasp, just everything about his entire being was starting to make you feral even though you only met the man today. Your hormones were getting the best of you and you blamed it on your period possibly arriving soon. The more you thought about him the more the throb between your legs became increasingly obvious and it begged to be touched.
Jumping up and carefully locking the door, you returned to your bed to get comfortable under your blanket and remove your panties. This was so unlike you, but the thought of him sent fire through your veins and there was no other option to satisfy the agonizing thump. Starting with larger circles, they quickly turned into smaller, concentrated ones as you settled into the new feeling. You continued to rub your clit and the slick from in between your folds coated your finger. You wanted more, no, you needed more and the only way to ease your arousal was to insert a finger. The feeling was definitely foreign but it helped alleviate some of the pressure that didn't seem to go away with your earlier actions. The image of Kyungsoo licking his beautiful plump lips popped into your head once more and a small whimper slipped past your lips.
Slightly startled, you quickly sat up and looked around as if there would be an audience watching you touch yourself. You've never once worried about the sound travelling throughout the castle but even if you did it would be useless. The castle wasn't small and with the old stone walls, no sound would penetrate its forces. You settle back into your spot and finish what you started. Knowing no one would hear you, Kyungsoo's name rolled off your tongue as you moaned. You added another finger and began to thrust into yourself faster, back arching off the bed. It didn't take long before the knot building in your stomach snapped and you released your juices all over your fingers.
You lay there in awe of the new sensation, a sheen of sweat dancing across your chest and forehead. Whatever control you believed you had over yourself was snatched away from you in the last 15 minutes and it would be safe to think you'd never get it back. You reach for the handkerchief on your bedside table to clean the mess on your fingers and between your legs. The guilt washed over you when you finally laid your head on your pillow. Your loyalty knew no bounds but now you questioned if it was ever one of your qualities. The thought of Jongin finding out what you did tonight made you cover your face in embarrassment and curl your body into a ball. What if he didn't want you anymore, what if he could tell that your mind hasn't been on him since you laid eyes on Kyungsoo? What would he think of you?
Kyungsoo also had no luck with getting you off his mind. He stood with his hands gripping the sink, staring at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, wondering if the man on the other side was still him. It was becoming too difficult to keep his urge of releasing all the pent up feelings while he was all alone. He thought of how the droplets of water glimmered against your soft and supple skin. He imagined you moaning his name when you gasped at his touch. Every thought sent blood right to his lower organ. It was painful, the way it pressed against the fabric of his pants as if it would break through any second.
He reached down and palmed his erection through his clothes, grip on the sink getting tighter. His breath quickened as he moved his hand faster. It felt good but still wasn't enough to shake the thought of you. He pulled the zipper down along with the waistband of his briefs just enough so his dick popped free. Concentration deep within his brows as he focused stroking his length as if he was within your velvety walls. He felt it, the feeling of ecstasy building up waiting to explode. A few more pumps and he came in his hand, moans hidden behind the lip caught between his teeth. It wasn’t until his lip fell free that he noticed the drops of blood coming from it.
Another look in the mirror and he saw just how much of himself he let go. Piercing red eyes and fangs to match. This was dangerous, you were dangerous. He would never be able to keep his secret to himself with you around, but he craved you. He so badly wanted to have his dick buried deep inside you and his teeth sunk into your skin. It would be euphoric and if he didn't get it, he might just wish for death.
Breakfast the next morning was quite large given that there were extra guests but sometimes you thought it a waste since the abundance of food left over could feed a whole village. As you entered the great hall, you scanned the grand area in search of Jongin. He wasn’t here and you wanted to be courteous and wait for him before you touched your food. You spot Vivian on the other side talking to Kyungsoo and your curiosity got the best of you. Jealous wouldn’t be the right word to use but you felt the need to go over and cut their conversation short no matter how important.
You wave to Vivian as you close in on the pair and her eyes light up when she sees you, making Kyungsoo turn around. He bows and you extend a curtsy.
“Prince Jongin will be here shortly, he’s just having a slow morning so please do excuse him.” Kyungsoo looks at you as if to watch your face for any changes.
“That’s quite alright, you both must be tired from your long journey yesterday. I have no problem with waiting for him.”
He smiles softly and excuses himself, walking toward the exit.
Vivian nudges you and leans in when he's no longer in sight. "Is it just me or is something really weird about him? Or...maybe it's just because he fancies you." her voice being a mere whisper, inaudible if you hadn't been so close to her.
Your head whips in her direction, "Nonsense! He does not! But yes something is very different about him and I'm not sure how one would describe it."
"You may not think so, but I definitely do. He watches you every time you're around. He pays no mind to anything else going on around him and he looks at you like you're rations on harvest day."
You wanted to call her delusional but you knew of the interactions you had with him yesterday and you could never muster up enough courage to tell her about your conflict. As the hopeless romantic she is, the situation would excite her but she would tell you to think logically and remember how much you love and waited for Jongin. Maybe that's what you needed, someone to tell you that it was stupid to even think about someone else. Not now though, you would do everything in your power to deny the feelings budding for the new man and focus solely on your suitor.
Breakfast was served and your stomach grumbled the second the variety of aromas caressed your nose.
"Good morning Princess, I hope I did not make you wait too long. I would have rushed here sooner if I knew you were already present."
You turn to look in the direction of the voice. Jongin stands before you and you offer him your hand. He kisses it and you give his a light squeeze. "Please do not worry about such things my prince. I did not wait long but would have waited longer if you needed.
He smiled brightly hearing you call him "your prince" for the first time and admittedly it felt weird to you even though it left your mouth with ease.
After the meal, everyone returned to their rooms to await the next. You laid on your bed while indulging in your favorite book. There was a soft knock on your door.
"Please come in" you say, shifting your weight from your stomach to your elbows to gain leverage and look in the direction of the door.
To your pleasant surprise, Jongin enters with a bow. You quickly stand up from your bed and run your hands down your dress to straighten it out.
"Oh! Prince Jongin, what brings you here?"
"I was wondering if you'd like to take a walk in the garden with me? I love to take walks around noon, the sun is at its highest then."
Perfect timing. This is what you needed, some time completely alone with him so you had no other distractions. "I would love to, I will be right down."
A big smile paints his face and he releases a breath that was anxiously waiting in his chest. "Take your time, I will meet you outside when you are ready."
To say the garden was huge was an understatement but it was the perfect place to relax and unwind. Jongin offers you his arm to hold while you two take the stroll.
"Is the sun too bright? I can ask Kyungsoo to bring an umbrella if you'd li-"
You tighten your grip on his arm slightly startling him, "No no, it's perfectly fine! The rays from the sun are healthy in small amounts and it feels great on the skin." The excuse was corny but it was the best you could come up with.
He offers you a warm smile and extends his hand in front of you as a way to say "lead the way". The last thing you needed was for Kyungsoo to come and ruin this time with Jongin. If the man you had your arms locked with right now knew of the exchanges with his servant, he would probably look at you in disgust. You were going to pass this test one way or another.
Thankfully Kyungsoo was the last person on your mind the entire time. The prince lead most of the conversations but you didn't mind, his voice was just as attractive as the rest of him and seeing him laugh so freely was like a breath of fresh air.
He gave you butterflies and to think that he wanted to marry you and no one else, made you feel like you were on cloud 9. You didn't give much thought to what your husband would look or be like when you were younger, but if you did, you know he would fit the description perfectly.
"We must head back now, it will be time for lunch soon and we wouldn't want everyone looking for us. But before we go-" he pauses as he brings a hand from around his back to reveal a pink rose.
You gasp in delight and grab it, fingers brushing against his. Courageously, you stand on the tips of your toes and place a small kiss on his cheek. "I love it so much, it's beautiful! Thank you."
Although he tried to hide it, the obvious blush on his cheeks told you just how much the kiss excited him. If you wanted to keep the other one off your brain, things like this would have to be more frequent. You didn't want to come on too strongly but there was no denying how much he loved you and you had to do whatever it took to keep your feelings in order.
Now you were curious what he spoke about with your father since he still hadn't proposed. Was he rethinking his decision? The thought made you nervous and wondered if everything Kyungsoo did was simply a test and Jongin knew about it all. It would be futile to ask him now especially if it meant opening a can of worms; you definitely weren't ready for that conversation.
After lunch, Vivian dragged you to her room to interrogate you.
"How was your date with Jongin? Did you hold hands? Did you kiss him? Tell me everything!"
You chuckled at her straightforwardness. "It was amazing! He's such a lovely person, I could hear him talk all day. And...maybe I did kiss him." You had to quickly add more to your sentence before she screamed "But only on the cheek, nothing serious!"
"Oh how great it must feel to have two men longing for you at once." She clasped her hands at her chest and looked up as if she were imagining it.
Your smile dropped. "Vivian again with this? He doesn't like me, I'm just new to him."
"If you saw him today, you wouldn't be saying that." She tilted her head and looked off to the side.
Suddenly your interest was piqued. "W-what do you mean?"
"I mean, he looked like a dog who lost its master. The entire time you were out with Jongin, he walked around aimlessly like he counted down the minutes until you returned. I have seen my fair share of people in love and he's definitely one of them. He wishes he was Prince Jongin, I can see it in his eyes."
You had thought about it and on multiple occasions within the past two days. What would it be like to have Kyungsoo wanting to spend the rest of his life with you? Would you want the other instead? It felt selfish thinking about something like this when Jongin was so nice to you. It felt inconsiderate to think that the thought of Kyungsoo was the one to send you over the edge when you pleasured yourself at night.
You would talk to him tomorrow you decided. You needed to know the intent behind his actions and would politely ask him to keep the relationship platonic.
After bathing, you returned to your quarters. Tonight's attire was a white, sheer, long nightgown that was maybe a bit too sheer to even be considered clothing. You hop into bed and lay on your back, relishing the way the silk sheets felt against your skin. The feeling sent shivers down your spine and memories of your orgasm coaxed you into wanting another. You tried to compel the idea to the back of your mind, but unsuccessfully so when you remembered what Vivian said about Kyungsoo. You spending most of the day with Jongin equating to nothing in this moment. Remembering how disappointed he looked when you waited patiently for Jongin at breakfast. And his voice. It was so deep and sultry, every word laced with passion and you wondered what it’d be like to have him whisper in your ear. He was too intoxicating.
Succumbing to the growing feeling between your legs, you reach under your nightgown and start to rub your clit through the thin fabric of your panties. The initial feeling makes you squirm in place, closing your legs to add to the friction. One finger, then two gets inserted and it quickly turns into you riding the palm of your hand when you curl your fingers upwards to hit the gummy spot that shortens your breath. Whimpers turn into moans and before you know it, Kyungsoo's name is rolling off your tongue again like it's the only name you know. You speed up and right before you can reach your climax, there's a knock on your door. Quickly sitting up and adjusting your appearance, you rush over to the door to open it. You peek around the door, shielding your body as best as you can from whoever awaited on the other side.
It was him. The man whose name you were just moaning like crazy. Your face instantly turns a shade of red when you realize that he could have heard you before he knocked on the door. Angling your body further away from the door, you stare at the man a bit longer before he decides to speak up instead.
"May I come in?" He waits for your response which felt like an eternity. “You seem…busy? I promise it will be quick.” He says slightly pushing the door to allow himself in, becoming impatient with waiting for you to speak up and afraid someone would catch him.
It was the embarrassment and the way you had no strength to debate that made you back away and allow him to step past the barrier of your door. He closed it behind him and leaned against it. It was then that he took the time to realize your almost naked frame in front of him.
He’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to attack you then and there but there were more important things at hand. You noticed how his eyes traveled down your body and you finally became conscious of your scantily clad figure, quickly covering your chest with your arms, forgetting that left your bottom half exposed under the sheer gown.
"What is it that you need Kyungsoo? Perhaps we can discuss this in the morning?"
“No! No…it can’t wait. I have to tell you how I feel now before I go insane.” You look at him confused, heart racing the more he spoke. “You’ve been driving me mad since I’ve first laid eyes on you. You’re more perfect than words can describe. I hate myself for not believing Jongin when he would come home and brag about just how pretty you were. I know you understand how I’m feeling too because even now you look at me with an indescribable want in your eyes.”
He walks closer to you and lets his hands rest atop the arms that cover your breasts. He moves them away from your body and lets his hand travel down your right arm, stopping at your wrist. He brings the hand up to his mouth and sucks on the two middle fingers. His eyes close and he lets out a low sigh.
“And with the way you moaned my name while riding these fingers, there’s no denying my existence ignites you from within.”
He looks to you expecting you to prove him wrong, to tell him he had no business confessing his feelings for you when Jongin lay his head a few rooms away, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t acknowledge that his feelings were invalid and not mutual. So when he leaned in closer, you met him halfway and allowed him to connect his lips to yours.
The kiss was needy and filled with hunger. His tongue swiped your lips asking permission and you opened your mouth giving him access to explore you. He wraps a hand around your neck, squeezing the sides lightly and drags his teeth over your bottom lip making you whimper. He begins to pepper light and gentle kisses across your law line and down to your neck where he nips and sucks on the skin. Tongue sliding across your jugular, a moan escapes your lips. He continues his abuse on your neck and brings his hands up to cup your boobs. He massages the flesh, hands dancing across the skin in search for your nipples, pinching them when he finds them. He suddenly halts his movements, cupping your chin in his hand looking at you for what felt like a millennium.
“My love if you want me to stop now, tell me. Tell me you don’t want me and I’ll stop.”
You grabbed his hand and looked at him with hooded lids, eyes filled with lust.
“I don’t wish for you to stop and I don’t wish to regret this moment.”
His lips are back on yours, this time more passionate and filled with love. He kisses his way past your neck and down to your chest. He goes to suck on your nipple through the thin fabric, massaging the other between his fingers. There was nothing you could do to hold back your moans and he loved every second. Just as you were about to lock your fingers in his hair, he stops and pulls you in the direction of the bed. He sits down on the edge and pats his lap.
"Come here." he says pulling you forward to straddle him. His hands travel up your thighs and settle on your ass, massaging it as he looks back up at you. "Would it make me selfish if I said I was jealous of Jongin even though I have you here like this?" he says pecking your lips after every couple of words. "You were on my mind all day, I couldn't contain myself. I had to come taste you, I wouldn't be satisfied any other way." He moves your hips to grind on his lap and your head falls back as you moan.
You couldn't let him take over just yet, you wanted a clear mind but with the way he had you feeling, you would bet he cast a spell on you.
"If I said you were, then I'd have to call myself something much harsher." You say through broken and choked moans.
Leaning back, he pulls you up so that you now sit on his chest. "I want you to sit on my face, I need to taste you now before I lose my mind."
Hesitant at first, you couldn't shake the thought of suffocating him. He had gained your trust in the short amount of time though and everything else has felt great so far, so you expected he had already weighed the pros and cons.
As if reading your mind, he pulls you up higher on his chest, “I’ll be okay and you'll feel good if you listen, I promise."
You hover over his face for a few more seconds before you lower yourself onto his mouth, your thighs resting on either side of his head. His licks a long stripe from your entrance to your clit and your hips buck involuntarily. A low breathy moan comes from the both of you. He wraps his hands around your upper thighs to stop you from moving. He laps away at you like a parched dog, making your toes curl. You tangle your fingers in his hair to try and regain your control only to fail miserably when he dips his tongue inside. A loud moan escapes you and you can feel him smile against your heat.
"Kyungsoo p-please, it's too much!"
Of course he doesn't stop and instead rubs circles on your clit with the pad of his thumb. At this point your brain was fuzzy, no thoughts running through it. A few more licks and sucks on your clit and you become undone, cumming all over his tongue as you scream his name. He continues to lick to let you come down from your high and then quickly flips you so that your back is against the bed, his chin glistening with your juices.
"Open your mouth, see how fucking good you taste." Not caring about your image anymore, you open your mouth to allow him to dribble the mixture of his own saliva and your essence down your throat. "Swallow."
Not giving you time to process, he dips down to kiss you, the rest of your fluids spreading over your lips. He brings his hand back to your pussy and uses his fingers to tease your folds.
"You're so wet for me baby, is this how badly you wanted me?" You nod as he brings you back into a kiss, easing one of his fingers in. You felt so good around his fingers and he could only imagine how you would feel once he finally got his dick inside. For now, he wanted to take his time and feel every inch of you. "Come here. I want to feel your mouth on me, see how good your throat feels."
You sit up on your knees and see that he's already removed most of his clothing except for his shirt. You look down and see his dick hard, tip touching his belly button. He was big, bigger than you expected but you've also never been with a man like this so there was nothing to go off of as reference. He positions himself back at the edge of your bed and you sit on your knees in front of him.
He tapped on your left cheek, "Open. Tongue out."
Following instructions, he tapped his length on your tongue, precum leaking from the tip. Everything about this felt sinful and in truth it was, but it was exhilarating and you craved the adrenaline rush. Maybe it was the way he looked at you or the way he handled you, whatever it was, it was becoming poisonous. He sat back on the palms of his hands and you took it as a sign to do whatever you wanted. You've only seen things like this in the books that the maids kept hidden in their belongings; you and Vivian sneaking to read them when no one was looking. You had no idea what you were doing but you knew you wanted to make him feel good.
You lick from the base to the head, seemingly doing something right because he hisses and bites on his bottom lip. You kitten lick and place a light kiss on the head before taking his length in your mouth as far as you can go. He hits the back of your throat, making you gag.
"Good girl. Fuuuck...just like that." he reaches down to grab a handful of your hair but not to force you back down. He so badly wanted to buck up into your mouth but didn't want to hurt you or cum too quickly.
You bob your head and hollow your cheeks, sucking as much as you can before easing your way back down. His eyes are closed and his head is back, veins straining in his neck. You brought a hand up to stroke whatever didn't fit in your mouth and the grip in your hair got tighter. Seeing him like this boosted your confidence and also made you wetter. You were testing his self control and if you kept this up he wouldn't be able to stop himself from going too far.
The muscles in his thighs were starting to tighten and he knew he was close. "I don't want to come just yet, I want to be inside of you." You let go of his dick with a pop, eyes watering and saliva trickling out the side of your mouth.
He pulls you back into his lap and into another heated kiss. Without the barrier from the clothing, the skin to skin sent your mind into a frenzy and it made you throb in anticipation. You mimic what he did to you and dragged your teeth across his bottom lip, earning a deep groan from him. He breaks the kiss and once again lets his lips travel to your neck. He trails the kisses up your jaw and bites your earlobe.
"Would you like for me to fuck you so hard you forget your own name?", his breath is warm against your ear and you were sure you made a wet spot in his lap.
"Please, I need you. I can't take this anymore." You could feel him grow harder beneath you when your begging came out more like whines. He roughly pulls back on your hair, exposing your neck to him and he doesn't miss the chance to suck harshly and almost leave hickeys behind. You moan and grind your hips on him, making him curse under his breath. "Please Kyungsoo, I need you. You make me feel so good, I want you so badly."
He stops his attacks and lifts you off his lap to throw you back onto the bed. He hovers over you staring into your eyes deeply. "Are you sure you want to continue? We don't have to."
You were past the point of questioning if you wanted him anymore and you weren't going to pass up the opportunity after getting this far. You wanted your first time to be with someone you chose and right now that was him. "My heart would never forgive me if I said no and I'm not one to not give it what it wants."
He smiles and kisses you once more, "I'll go slow my love, I'll take care of you." He eases his way inch by inch, making sure to give you time to adjust to his size; constantly watching your face for any signs of discomfort.
He was stagnant, not minding that you took your time to get comfortable. You were thankful it didn’t hurt as much as everyone made it seem but knowing the circumstances in which you were doing it, only made it feel like the punishment would be stronger.
You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. "Kyungsoo...I want to feel you now."
His pace started slow and steady, ensuring you didn't feel any pain even though you gave him the okay. When you lifted your hips to meet his thrusts, that was all it took for him to speed up. His rhythm is relentless, but you didn't want it any other way. The feeling was beyond words and if there was a way to pause time in this moment you would have done so.
"Look at me while I fuck you. Close your eyes and I'll stop" he says, holding the back of your head so you could look at him. Keeping your eyes open was easier said than done when they closed every time he thrust back in. Every moan you tried to hold back, forced its way past your lips. "Let me hear them, let me hear how I make you feel."
He tried to keep it together, but the way you were clenching around him, he wasn't going to last much longer. It all felt like a dream and it started when he walked through your door. He didn't plan on this but hearing you moan his name before he knocked and seeing the way your fingers glistened when they wrapped around the door only corrupted his thoughts.
"This pussy is mine, tell me it's mine. Tell me you want me to fuck you like this forever."
The combination of him fucking you so deeply and the way he spoke to you made your head spin and you knew your orgasm was approaching for the second time tonight.
"It’s all yours Kyungsoo! Fuck me like this forever, make me yours forever!"
You didn't think it was possible, but his thrusts felt deeper and harder. His head went down to your chest and he sucked a red spot in a place that only he’d know. The blood rushing to that area had him thirsting for more and before he let his teeth break the threshold, your walls fluttered around him violently.
You were sure you saw stars, your legs shaking. It took a few more thrusts from him before he pulled out and finished on your stomach.
Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"
It was a close call at most or perhaps it was a sign that he was letting his guard down too much. You were pushing him to the edge of insanity so much so that the side of him he spent so much of his life trying to hide was easing its way to the forefront. If he wanted you to trust him, he could never let you know of the real him.
"That was the best feeling I’ve ever had in my life." It came out almost monotonously but you had no strength to put more feeling behind it.
He smiles and reaches to your bedside table for anything to clean the both of you off. In contrast to how he was a few minutes ago, he was extremely gentle as he wiped the mess you created. Watching him made your heart flutter, more than it did when you were with Jongin. Oh no, Jongin. He hadn't crossed your mind since your walk in the garden with him earlier. The guilt came flooding in and it made you feel sick to your stomach. You were supposed to be marrying Jongin, not Kyungsoo and now with what you've done, you feel like you've ruined your chances of that ever happening.
Kyungsoo notices the shift in your mood and pulls you into a hug. "What's wrong my love? What is weighing heavily on your mind?" he asks, placing a kiss to the crown of your head and small strokes to your back.
"What about Jongin? How will I ever marry him after what we've done tonight?"
He stops rubbing your back, making you look up at him. "I will not be informing him of what happened tonight. It doesn't matter who you marry, you're mine for as long as we live."
You push yourself off of him, "How would that even be possible? I cannot have these relationships coincide."
"He doesn't have to know, and he won't. I can't let you go now that I have you. I want you and I will always want you till the day I die." He cups your face in his hands. "Even if I have to wait 100 years, I will never stop loving you."
Spending this night with Kyungsoo made you unsure of what you wanted, but you definitely weren't sure if what you wanted was Jongin anymore. You wanted to marry him but thinking of being able to have Kyungsoo whenever you wanted him made your heart beat with excitement. The thought made you feel like a whore, but you never meant for any of this to happen. Kyungsoo was irresistible and thinking back on it, he was also very sweet and caring. There was no way you could marry Jongin and be with Kyungsoo, without him or anyone else in your castle finding out about it. All of it was too confusing but for now you wanted Kyungsoo as much as you wanted to marry Jongin, you just wish there was a way to make both things work.
The following day Jongin was stuck to you like velcro which you didn't hate but him being around meant that Kyungsoo was around too. You couldn't help but feel guilty and now there was no reversing it. You didn't regret your night with Kyungsoo but it only complicated things more. Every touch or glance in your direction from Jongin never went unnoticed by him, and he watched you like an animal would stalk its prey. The eye contact was another thing. Each time your eyes met his, it was like reliving your moments with him in your bedroom. You felt your face and body heat up and you prayed the blush didn't show on your cheeks.
It also didn’t help that he looked extra good today. Instead of a blouse, he wore a black vest over a white button down, a single chain accentuating the breast pocket. It fit him so nicely and complimented his wide shoulders.
Jongin sits up in his seat and leaned over the table, resting his head in his hand. "I'm going to go horseback riding, would you care to join me Princess?"
"Sure, I would love to. I haven't been riding in some time though so my skills may not be to your liking."
"Ah well, you can ride on my horse with me if that is best. I wouldn't want you to feel as though you're a burden, even though you truly wouldn't be."
You nod in agreement although you weren't really sure what you just agreed to with feeling Kyungsoo's eyes piercing the back of your skull. It drove him crazy to be this close to you and not be able to touch you. After last night he wasn't sure how he would live without you and tolerate seeing you with another man. Jongin didn't know how good he had it, he could walk around with you freely and not be judged. That's what Kyungsoo wanted, you all to himself. You were his, not the property of a prince. He reluctantly followed the both of you outside and awaited his next order.
“Kyungsoo, do you mind helping the Princess with her boots while I go get my things? I want her to be as comfortable as possible.”
He bows his head lightly and grabs the boots to put on your feet. You take a seat on the small bench between the tall, green hedges that lined most of the garden. He kneels on one knee in front of you and places your foot on top of his thigh. Jongin was barely out of eyesight when he lifts your dress high on your legs. You shoot him a shocked look when you feel him pepper kisses up your inner thigh.
“K-kyungsoo, w-what are you doing? Someone will see…” you try to push his head away before you lost yourself in the feeling. He didn’t take heed to your warning and nipped at the soft skin, letting a moan rip through you. He keeps his eyes on you the entire time. His dick can’t help but twitch watching the way you try to keep your composure and with knowing how easily you can both be caught at any second. He wastes no time to push your thighs further apart while dragging his nails down your other leg.
“P-please, not now. Not here.” was all you could manage to say while trying to stay coherent. You wanted to scold him for being so bold but every time you felt his mouth get closer and closer to your clothed heat, all thoughts of reprimanding him left your head.
You look down to see his eyes on you and seeing him so content between your legs did something to you. He hooks his fingers around the fabric of your panties and pulls them to the side to give himself better access. He licks long and achingly slow stripes through your folds. You had lost the battle of trying to keep yourself together and already had one hand tangled in his hair.
You bit down on your other fist to hush the sound of you moaning but the more he ate you out, the louder you became. As if he knew you wouldn’t be able to control your volume, he slips a finger inside and curls it upwards, hitting the spot that made you weak. At this point you were riding his mouth with the way your hips bucked up against his face. He added another finger and sped up the thrusts. He switched between sucking on your clit and fucking you with his fingers. You were so close now that you could taste it, however he suddenly halted his movements and quickly slipped on both of your boots. You open your mouth to protest but he gives you a look that kept your lips pressed together tightly. He fixed your dress and licked his lips to rid himself of any evidence that he just had his face nestled between your legs.
Jongin returns mere seconds later with a saddle nuzzled under his arm. “Are you okay Princess, you look a bit flushed? Are you feeling under the weather?”
Embarrassing was an understatement and knowing you were in a noticeably messy state, brightened the blush on your cheeks. “No no, I’m alright. Perhaps I should start wearing more sunscreen?”
Your answer seemed to satisfy him as he offered his hand to you to lead you toward the stables. You look back at Kyungsoo who bows as Jongin takes you further away.
Jongin had frequented the palace enough to have claimed one of the horses as his own. It was a beautiful black Friesian horse he named Trophy. When you entered the stable, the horse began to whinny seemingly knowing of Jongin’s presence. He offered it pats and rubs over its head and body before placing the saddle on its back. Making sure it’s secure before hopping on the horse and grabbing your hand, letting you sit in front of him so that he had complete control.
You were practically sitting in his lap with how close he was. You thought you would be behind him and find security in holding onto his waist, but the tables were turned and his arms rested on either side of you as he held onto the reins.
“Are you comfortable Princess?” he looks from around you, almost resting his head on your shoulder. It made your heart flutter and in the moment you wanted to turn your head and lock your lips with his.
“Yes, thank you. Are you comfortable as well?” You heard the smile in his voice when he agreed to your question.
“Please let me know if you need me to slow down or if you’re ready to return.” And with that he snapped the reins and the horse was off, slowly walking out of the stable.
For the remainder of the ride you couldn’t help but notice how good of a horseback rider Jongin was. Every move that he made was precise and calculated and it was like the horse was made just for him. The more the horse picked up speed the more Jongin would rut against you from the force of the gallop. The constant friction was starting to turn you on and you could only imagine what went through his mind behind you.
Although wanting to turn around and straddle him, you were having fun. Horseback riding used to be one of your favorite pastimes and now you wonder why you ever stopped. It was the adrenaline that came from the speed and the wind that blew through your hair that made you feel like you could do it all day. He made Trophy come to a halt and you took a look at your surroundings. It was an area that you’ve never seen before and you questioned whether you were still within the kingdom walls.
“Oh my, this is breathtaking! This doesn’t even feel like home.”
“But it is, it’s just very far away from the palace. I learned about this place while out on a ride and it’s been my favorite to visit ever since. I can bring you here often if you’d like?”
You nodded and he helped you off the horse. It was like a mini oasis within this small forest. The trees were all covered in fresh blooms, a waterfall flowed down into a midsized pond which held some of the clearest water you’ve ever seen.
“Do you like swimming Princess? We can take a quick dip before returning.”
You quickly nodded and a smile lit up his face. He took your hand and lead you closer to the edge of the pond. He began unbuttoning his sky blue blouse and pulled it over his head, revealing his toned abs. You knew he was fit but never knew just how sculpted his body was. Seeing him like this made your insides stir, not dismissing how you finished undressing him with your eyes. He guided you into the water slowly and never took his eyes off you. The water sloshed around you both as you moved further in, your dress already soaked from your waist down. He let go of your hand to give you more freedom and you immediately submerged yourself to drench your entire body.
When you came up, you playfully swatted some water on him causing him to chuckle and mimic the action. The splash fight continued for a few minutes before you both grew tired of clearing the dripping water from your faces. He swam closer to you and grabbed you by the waist. He looked down at you, a mixture of love and lust in his eyes. Looking at you for a few seconds more, he dipped down and placed his lips on yours. His lips were soft and he moved them in such a rhythmic manner, much more innocently than Kyungsoo. You bring your hands up to cup the back of his neck and deepen the kiss.
He pulled you into him some more and slid his tongue over yours, earning a moan from you. He kept one hand on the small of your back and the other rested on the back of your head as he kissed you hungrily. He broke the kiss, chest heaving and lips red.
“I love you” he says as if he couldn’t contain the words in his mouth. He looks at you scared as if he had made a mistake saying it to you.
“I-I love you too Jongin.” You didn’t lie when you said it back. You’ve known him for some time now and being on edge waiting for his proposal further proved just how much you cared for him. The problem now was you found yourself falling in love with Kyungsoo too which was for lack of better words, insensitive.
“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me and I can’t wait to make you my wife.”
It was like an arrow shot through your heart as he finished his sentence. Here he was pouring his heart out to you and last night you tangled bodies with his servant whom he trusts. Your conscience scolded you and you wanted to clutch your chest to stop the pain.
“We should start heading back now, the sun will set soon.” he says already adjusting the equipment on the stallion.
Thankfully you sat in front of him so he wouldn't question the tears that streamed down your cheeks. Guilt was hitting you hard, wishing you never made the mistake but not regretting your time with his right hand man.
Kyungsoo is already waiting when you and Jongin return from the stables, his face stoic but his eyes told a different story.
“Please grab the Princess a towel so she may dry herself off, we wouldn’t want her to catch a cold. I shall be inside doing the same.” Jongin walks up to you and kisses your forehead. “I had a great time today and I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”
You exchange smiles before he walks away and turn your attention to Kyungsoo whose face is twisted.
“You smell like him. Too much like him.”
"What? How?" You looked down, grabbing the closest piece of your dress to see what he smelled on you, yet to your senses you only smelled wet.
Ignoring your question, he picks a towel up from the glass table and pulls you in by your waist. Your hands fall onto his chest and he begins by drying your hair. “Why are you so wet? What did you do with him? You can see right through your dress!”
He wasn’t lying, your dress stuck to you like paint so nothing was left to the imagination. Your nipples poked and prodded their way through the material.
“We went swimming…”
Visibly annoyed, he rolled his eyes and continued drying the rest of you. The sky was already beginning to get darker with the sun declining, but it seemed darker than it should have. Large drops of rain started to fall from above instantly darkening spots on the concrete path. You look up and open your hands to catch a few. You really should get inside before your immune system gave up on you.
“I’m going to go inside.” You go to walk away but he grabs your wrist and pulls you back toward him, catching you again by the waist.
“I'm sorry but I can't help being jealous. If you can’t handle being with me, at least don’t make it so hard for me to stay away from you. You’re driving me crazy, I can’t live without you.”
It was confusing. How could your heart love someone you’ve only known for less than a week? And it was starting to become more so than the person you’ve known for 3 months. How were you to solve this matter when there was no logical answer; always concluding with one or the other?
"I-I don't know what to say."
"Say you love me. Love me forever."
His lips brush gently against yours, once again weakening your knees. You gently shove him away.
"I want to...but you know I can't."
"Hm, I understand. It's best you go in now, you've been out here long enough." He bows slightly and walks away from you. His heart ached, all he wanted was to be able to love you without consequence. He's never hated his life so much than he did now.
"Oh to be reborn again as something other than a peasant" he thinks. Better yet, to be reborn as Jongin would satisfy him the most. All he wanted was you, all he needed was you and knowing he couldn't have you had him torn between anger and sadness. He was becoming desperate now, willing to do any and everything to split you two apart. He hated that he was so weak for you, for being so unlike himself. Tomorrow was the last day of their stay and he was aware of the plans Jongin had with you.
A proposal. A promise of a union between two parties. "In sickness and in health; till death do us part", he would have to hear you say those words and see you seal them with a kiss. It would be torture but he wasn't blessed with royalty nor in a different body and this would be his punishment for letting things get so far with you.
It was late and you have long since been dry. Having taken too many sips from the glass of water next to you, it was best to make a quick trip to the bathroom before you got too comfortable in bed. A single candle in its holder dimly lit your way, your feet slapping against the cold marble flooring. Someone clears their throat softly next to you making you almost drop the candle.
"I'm sorry if I startled you princess." Jongin walks up to you, face illuminating in the small light. "W-would you like to spend the night with me? Tomorrow is my last day with you and I would love if I at least got the chance to share my bed with my future wife."
Admittedly taken aback by his request, you would miss him when he was gone and didn't get much time with him with your mind so preoccupied.
"Everyone is asleep so they won't notice."
You followed him after using the bathroom. You had never been in his room before, let alone any of the guest rooms so seeing how different everything looked made you feel like you already lived together.
He grabbed your hand and guided you to the bed and let you climb in.
"Goodnight my love, tomorrow will be a great day" he says kissing your cheek before turning over with his back pressed against yours.
You laid awake too many thoughts going through your mind to settle into relaxation. Based off of what he said, he was sure to propose tomorrow. It excited you, the thought of being a wife but also his wife. You've waited long enough to get to this point and backing down because of some new feelings would not get in your way. This was a test, you thought, and although you've failed most of it, you were going to make the rest count.
There was a shift in weight behind you and now Jongin no longer had his back pressed against yours. There was something hard pressed against your ass, you knowing what it was almost immediately. He snakes an arm around your waist and pulls you closer making his hard on settle in the crevice of your behind. You grabbed his hand that draped over your midsection and gave it a squeeze, letting him know he could continue.
He kissed his way down from your ear to your shoulder. He rolled you onto your back and hovered above you. The moonlight lit the room just enough so he could see your expression. It felt different, being under him versus being under Kyungsoo. It was like darkness and light, Jongin being the latter.
His hand ran down the sides of your body, taking his time to admire every inch. The gentle touches leaving lingering tingles on your skin. He moved back up to caress your face and finally leaned down to put his lips on yours. After kissing you earlier, he knew he wanted another, not being able to wait for the wedding day. Your lips were soft and he loved how your nose would brush his ever so slightly.
You were like a painting in his eyes, each brushstroke carefully placed to form your very image. But something changed in the way you looked at him since his stay. He had his doubts but seeing his close companion look at you the way he did, he knew there was something there. Not something like he had with you, something so much more mature and unadulterated.
He wasn’t going to let his fear obstruct his goal, he was going to marry the love of his life even if your heart leaned more toward Kyungsoo. He took this opportunity to pour his feelings into his actions and he hoped they would properly relay the message.
His hand reached under your night dress and brushed between your folds through the fabric. You bit your lip as he watched your changing expressions.
“Feels good?” He pressed down a bit harder and quickly swiped over your clit.
You nodded and reached down to massage his dick. It felt thick and warm in your hand and his eyes threatened to close from your ministrations. He discarded you of your undergarments and playfully teased your pussy. He wanted to see just how far he could go before you begged him for more. You reached under his pajamas and released his achingly hard dick from its restraints. He hissed as the cold air kissed the tip making him leak more precum.
He finally let a finger dip inside your cave and he quickly added another when he felt just how wet you were. His dick twitched in your hand. To think he would be able to fuck you whenever he wanted had him already making plans for babies.
You stroked him with both hands now, precum making it easier for your hands to glide over him. One hand reached down to cup his balls and gently roll them while the other fisted closer to the head. He was bucking into your hand, dick growing more sensitive by the second.
His fingers already started to speed up to get you closer to your climax as well. You were both breathing heavily and moaning, falling weak to the work you put into each other. His fingers curled up and hit your sweet spot making your back arch off the bed. Your hands sped up the more his did and your orgasms were approaching quickly.
“Fuck, I’m so close please don’t stop”, he pleaded with you adding his thumb on your clit to speed up the process.
Your words dissolved into the air above you as your vision started to close in. You writhed under his touch and chased your high.
“Oh fuck I’m gonna cum, please tell me you’re close” his fingers were thrusting sloppily but he felt your walls tighten, giving him the motivation he needed to push through.
Your stomach balled into a knot ready to snap and when he came down to suck on your collarbone, you moaned loudly as your climax spilled over. You squirted all over his already sensitive dick and he couldn’t hold back the cum that spurted out onto your chest and stomach.
You winced at the emptiness when he removed his fingers. His hair stuck to his forehead, face flushed red. He dropped down next to you, both of your chests heaving.
“Thank you for making this night special, I’m sorry if it didn’t live up to your expectations.”
You felt sad that he thought that way, not really knowing what made his self esteem so low. You look over at him excited to tell him how much you loved it but his eyes were already closed. You rolled over and pressed a kiss to his temple and rested your head on his chest, sleep coming to claim you as well.
You woke up in a daze, unable to tell how much time had passed. You had to get back to your room before morning came, not needing anyone to find you anywhere else. Jongin’s arm wrapped around your torso and his face nuzzled in your neck--you were stuck. You eased your way out of his grasp and tiptoed toward the door, looking back to make sure he didn't stir awake. You took a deep breath before twisting the knob as quietly as possible. The real mission would be getting to your room and not being spotted by anyone. The floor was cold and you wished you wore socks or at least something on your feet. You ran lightly and as quickly as possible with your arms being the only things that kept you warm.
You passed by a room and heard shuffling on the other side so you moved as fast as your feet would allow.
"What are you doing?"
You stopped in your tracks when you heard the voice. You knew who it belonged to and didn't have the confidence to face him. You slowly turned on your heels and saw Kyungsoo standing in the doorway of his room. He barely wore anything so his body was on full display.
"You frightened me, I'm just going back to my room."
He cocked an eyebrow upwards and stepped passed the threshold of the door.
"Going back?" He knew exactly what you meant but he didn't want to accept that Jongin would be ballsy enough to get you caught in the morning just because he wanted more time with you. Yet he knew he'd do the same especially since his heart was already starting to break into pieces knowing he wouldn't see you for a while after tomorrow. This was unacceptable and borderline unfair. “If you can enjoy getting wet with him, stay and get wet with me.”
Your mouth was dry and you truly had nothing to say. He had a way with his words that turned you into a puddle. You stared at him trying to think of something that would make him let you off the hook. He walked over and stared down at you. He leaned in to kiss you softly, conveying a different feeling than he usually does. His hand comes up to rest on the back of your head, tilting his to gain advantage. He pulls back and look at you.
"Don't leave me to deal with these feelings by myself. If I have to live with you being with him, then just for tonight let me be the only one you think of."
How could you say no? After tomorrow, you would have to act like your feelings for him didn't exist. As hard as that would be, unless you wanted to be executed for adultery, it was all you could do. He escorted you to his room and shut the door, being extra careful to lock it. You followed him to the edge of the bed, watching how he removed the rest of his clothing slowly, making sure your eyes never left him. Your eyes were everywhere, from his face, his chest, all the way down to his hardening length. He cupped your face and dragged his hands down to your neck, then to cup your breasts.
He slowly pulled the straps of your nightie down and left open mouthed kisses on any inch of skin that became exposed. Stopping at your nipples, he made sure to suck and massage them before continuing his journey down your body. Soon the gown reached your pelvic bones and he wasted no time in hooking a finger under the waistband of your panties to pull them down with the rest of the material. You were both now completely naked, skin basking in the candlelight. He pulled you onto the bed with him and sat against the headboard making you straddle his lap.
This time you didn't wait for him to make a move and kissed him with your hands linked behind his neck. His hands were all over you massaging circles into the flesh. Tongues wrapped around each other like a waltz, a work of team effort. Your body called for oxygen, the kiss becoming too intense but neither of you cared enough to let go. You took initiative to stop the kiss before it snatched the last breath in your lungs.
"Ride me." he pressed down on your hips as he ground up against your core.
You let out a shaky breath as you leaned forward on your knees and aligned your hole with the head of his dick. The stretch as you gradually eased your way down was magnificent and he bit his lip as he watched your face contort from the pleasure. The more you bounced on top of him the less he could control his sounds. The squelching noise that came from your bodies clashing only added to the vulgar sounds that filled the room. He ran a hand up your back and grabbed a handful of your hair. He tugged at it roughly and sucked and licked on the vulnerable skin on your neck. His other hand came around to grab your ass, digging his nails in and spreading it so your pussy opened more.
Your head was spinning, so much overstimulation, you knew you wouldn't last much longer. His strokes were getting sloppier indicating he was just as close.
"Fuck-I love you so much" he said through grunts. He knew what he wanted to do next based off of your response. If he were to get over you, he'd have to expose his true self even if that meant scaring you away.
"I love you too Kyungsoo~" your mouth hung open and you moaned his name, toes curling from your impending orgasm. You needed just a little more to push you over the edge.
He took that as a sign to carry out his plan. He let the lust consume him fully, baring his fangs, sinking them into your neck and not letting up on the animalistic pace he set. It was painful but it mixed so deliciously with how he rolled his hips into you. Your eyes rolled back and your body tensed up. It's what has your orgasm hitting you like a train, vision turning white. The feeling was incredible even though as you came down from your high, you can't tell what just happened.
Just the image of you in this moment could make him cum, but that combined with the taste of your blood was heaven sent. He had never had anything like it. So fresh, sweet and pure. He never thought living his fantasy would play out so soon but your reaction was even more surprising. He didn't count on you enjoying it and wanted to use it as an escape route, but here he was drowning in the sight of you cumming all over him which lead to his own orgasm. He sucked in a breath, abs contracting as he painted your walls white.
You looked down at him and couldn’t believe the astonishing sight. He looked beautiful, dashing red eyes and canines sharper than a knife. As the few drops of blood trickled from the side of his mouth, everything all made sense now. The strange man you've come to fall in love with these past few days was a vampire. It’s why he carried such a mysterious aura, why he smelled so ethereal, why his presence was so lethal.
He had you speechless and now he was even more scared awaiting your next words. He licked the remaining drops from his lips, eyes wide. “Please say something.” His eyes searched your face for anything but he couldn’t decipher your expression.
“Kyungsoo…you’re beautiful. I-I don’t know what else to say.”
Tears brimmed his eyes knowing you didn’t hate him for who he was. Though now, his ploy of using this to get over you fell through and he had nothing left to try. Truthfully he wasn’t going to try. He loved you deeply and if he had to live with you married to someone else, he would take whatever he could get. You were his forever, he would never allow himself to love anyone else. He hated that he fought for the top spot with Jongin but the heart wants what it wants and as you said to him before he wasn’t going to not give it what it wanted.
Lying to yourself wasn’t an option anymore. You thought you would be scared seeing him in his true form, but it added so much depth to his character that you couldn’t help but be attracted. You knew now that life without Kyungsoo would throw you into a deep depression. You needed him like your organs needed blood.
Morning came and you felt your eyes had only been closed for 5 minutes. When they finally opened you quickly processed that you weren’t where you were supposed to be. There was a loud knock on the door and you looked at Kyungsoo’s sleeping form next to you. Another knock woke him up and he quickly threw the blanket over you and told you to stay quiet and lay down. He put on whatever clothing he discarded last night and shuffled over to the door.
“Oh, sorry to wake you but I’m looking for the Princess, she’s not in her room and I wondered if you knew where she was but it looks like you haven’t left your room this morning.”
You heard Vivian’s voice from under the cover and cursed under your breath. You swore you would make it back to your room last night and ended up staying with the man you definitely shouldn’t be caught with.
“I will be out momentarily and I will help you look for her. Perhaps she is outside or in another area of the castle.” Kyungsoo made up an excuse as fast as his mind could conjure and shooed Vivian away. He returned to you after he closed the door and removed the blanket from your head. “They’re looking for you, you know what today is.”
You got up and gathered all your clothes before making your way to your bathroom unseen with Kyungsoo’s help. He left your room after kissing your forehead and going to tell Vivian that he “found you”.
What a way to start off your proposal day. You’re just glad that Jongin wasn’t the one running around the castle in search for you. Vivian came knocking on the bathroom door a few minutes later.
“Why didn’t I think to check here first?” She says tapping a finger to her lips when you opened the door. “Your father has requested you meet him downstairs in 10 minutes, so we need to hurry.”
After much preparation in so little time, you made your way down to the main hall to see both of your parents, Jongin and Kyungsoo standing there. You knew what this meant and it had your nerves jumping. After such a long wait, you were finally here at the end goal, something you thought to be so far away. Jongin and Kyungsoo bowed when you reached the bottom of the stairs, a big smile plastered over Jongin’s face.
“As you know, Prince Jongin has been coming to spend his hours with us over a long period of time in hopes that he would one day ask for your hand in marriage. Today he would like to go forward with that and make you his wife so long as you should accept.”
A lump formed in your throat as your father spoke. Tears fought to leave your eyes but you held them back as much as you could.
Jongin went and bowed slightly in front of your parents. “Your highness, if you would please allow me to take your daughter as my wife and protect her with my all as her husband.”
Your parents nodded their head, your mother also fighting the urge to cry. You quickly glance at Kyungsoo whose eyes were watching you. You both knew of what you had to do and would have to deal with it for the rest of your lives. So when Jongin stepped in front of you, you knew what came next.
“Princess…will you accept my proposal and spend the rest of your life with me as my wife?” He looks over at Kyungsoo before continuing. “You will have free reign to do whatever you please as long as you promise to never let your love fade.”
You gasped softly, no longer able to contain the tears. This whole time he knew of your feelings for Kyungsoo but wouldn’t let his feelings for you dissipate. You turned such a happy moment into something sorrowful unbeknownst to the onlookers.
“I accept your proposal Jongin and you have my word.”
Cheers erupted all around you and Jongin pulled you into a hug, him too letting tears fall onto his cheeks.
Your fate was sealed, destined to marry the man of your dreams while you got the dick wet of another. There was no turning back, especially not with the child brewing in your womb belonging to the man you snuck and spent your last night single with. You would have to face the burden of it all one day but as for now, you mentally crossed off today; the day you longed so earnestly for.
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junkdrawerfics · 9 months
Hello! love your stories so much.
May I please request Jasper and the reader kissing in the rain?
Thank you!
Reunion in the Rain
Summary: Takes place when the Cullens come back at the end of New Moon. After six months of being separated from your love, Jasper, he finally comes back, and you have a sweet reunion in the rain.
Words: 746
Note: I'm glad you like my writing! I had a lot of fun writing this. Hope it fits what you wanted!
It’s raining in Forks the day they come back. The sound of it pounding against your roof almost drowns out the thundering of your heart as you sit at the front window, eyes narrowed to try and see through the blur of the rain.
You’re waiting. Waiting for Jasper.
They were gone for half a year. Six months. And each day of it was like hell. 
You missed him. His touch. His voice. His smile. The way he would sit with you on the nights you couldn’t fall asleep, and how he would hold every door for you. You’d talk on the phone practically every night, but that only seemed to make the ache worse.
And Bella. You had to watch your best friend turn into a shell of herself. You tried everything you could to help, but nothing did. Your pain felt like nothing compared to hers and the guilt almost broke you. She didn’t know. She didn’t know and it killed you that you couldn’t tell her.
But now they’re coming back.
And the moment you catch the blurry shape of Jasper’s Ducatti pulling up the driveway, you’re shooting out the door.
You barely notice the rain soaking your clothes, or how the cold concrete bites into your bare feet. It all fades away as you launch yourself at Jasper and he practically drops his bike in his haste to catch you.
The second you feel his arms wrap around you, the dam bursts.
A soft sob tears from your chest. It’s desperate, the way you hold on to each other, your fingers fisting in the soaked fabric of his sweater, his hands in your hair, on your waist, splaying across your back. Desperate and cold and perfect. He smells like rain, books, and old caramels - like home. 
You missed this so much.
Jasper draws you back, just enough to see your face, his cold fingers brushing over your cheek. You’re both a mess, hair dripping, rain - and tears in your case - trailing down your faces, clothes soaked. And he still looks beautiful. 
“I missed you,” you croak, voice barely above a whisper, “I missed you so much, Jazz.”
Jasper can hear the ache in your voice, can feel it - the loss, the loneliness of the past several months. The same things he’s felt since he was forced to leave. But now you’re here, in his arms, and he never plans to let you go.
In the blink of an eye, Jasper surges forward, drawing you into a bruising kiss. His lips press against yours, tender and desperate all at once, like he’s drowning and you’re his air, and you love it. Love the way his hands cup your jaw, pull you closer, closer, until you’re leaning into his chest, arms curling over his shoulders, fingers threading through the gold strands at the base of his neck. You all but forget the rain and the cold, too caught up in the feeling of his body pressed against yours. 
You missed this too.
You only break away when the burning in your lungs becomes too much to bear. Your chest stutters as you tuck your face against his neck to hide your smile, your cheeks flushed. Jasper chuckles, wrapping his arms back around you. The two of you stay like that for what feels like forever, soaking in each other's touch, until Jasper feels you start to shiver.
The vampire leans back, brows furrowing with a familiar look of concern, “You’re goin’ to catch a cold, darlin’.”
“It’ll be worth it,” you laugh, teeth chattering.
Jasper rolls his eyes, but a fond smile pulls at the corners of his lips. Without a word, he turns you around, ushering you back into the warmth of your house. You both change - he “accidentally” left some comfy clothes with you - and end up cuddling on your bed. 
You curl into his side, breathing out a soft sigh as you rest your head on his chest. It’s almost like he never left, if you don’t think about it hard enough at least. Which you are more than happy to do.
He’s back now, after all. That’s all you could ever ask for.
“I love you, Jasper,” you whisper, tilting your face to look up at him adoringly.
Jasper’s eyes glow with warmth and he traces his thumb over your cheek, “I love you too, darlin’, more than you’ll ever know. And I’m never leavin’ you again.”
“You better not.”
Sometimes it's nice to just write something short and sweet. I hope you guys liked it!
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whumpsoda · 2 months
Coming Back to Bite You Part 1 - Swept Up
Finally putting this out there, hopefully I continue it :) updates will probably be pretty slow and gradual!
cw: vampire whumper, kidnapping, hypnosis, alcohol use, mention of death
He was going to throw up. 
Marshall gripped the can of beer in one calloused hand, taking an aggressive swig of the beverage, still cold droplets of liquid dribbling over his fingers. His throat bobbed with each continuing gulp, and his stomach churned in a boil of acidic bile. The bitter taste of alcohol coated his mouth, swishing off his tongue and dancing down his throat, until he realized he was going to choke. Marshall’s moist lips released the can with a weak gasp. 
He lazily dropped it to the concrete with a clang, the last sip of liquid slipping And seeping into the cracks of the concrete. With a groan he dug his trembling hands into the skin of his flushed face, bits of dried and cracked blood still crammed in rings underneath his crooked nails.
The sour smell of gore still tainted his runny nostrils, infecting the scent of his several tossed away and half finished drinks. Begrudged tears pricked at his eyes, leaving his vision glassy and wet as he desperately tried to wipe them gone.
He should’ve be used to it. Five plus years of vampire hunting experience should’ve prepared him, but it didn’t. It never did.
Marshall choked back a soft sob, brushing at his face roughly in an attempt to rid the tears stained with embarrassment. He didn’t know why he did it. Why he had for five years, and why he continued to. Why he still didn’t quit after seeing yet another young newbie die a gruesome death at the hand of a monstrous creature, with nothing to do to stop it.
How pathetic.
“Something wrong?”
His limbs froze rigid, the sharp, close words cutting through the nightly silence. He shifted, gaze meeting with that of a small woman seated neatly beside him. 
Her face was shadowed by the light shining upon her back, but he could still clearly see her soft grin and glittering eyes. 
“Um,” he sputtered, gears turning to catch his mind up with his mouth. “Leave, leave me alone.”
She grinned, eerily soft and sweet, tilting her head a smidge. The essence of a mother speaking to her child. “I’d love to help.”
Help? Puzzled anger bubbled bigger in his belly, only strengthened by her audaciousness. “I said,” he snarled, face twisting and seething, his crooked teeth bared in likeness to that of the creatures he was trained to kill. “Leave me alone.”
“Driving home?” 
Marshall groaned, sickly, taking a peek at his tattered old truck sitting in the empty lot. His vision shifted, rolling down to the can he’d placed beside his foot, previously filled with alcohol.
He gritted his teeth, grabbing the can once again and lifting it to his lips as the stranger watched. “Yeah? So what?” He spat, taking a petty sip. 
The woman sighed, her smug grin never so much as faltering. “Just thought I’d remind you.” She huffed, holding back a chuckle.
“Why don’t you just mind your own business?” Marshall grumbled, glaring sharply at the stranger. She simply giggled, dripping with condescension, waving him off. Was it so hard to get five minutes to himself?
“Oh, you are very funny, dear. A bit temperamental as well, I see.” She chuckled again.
What was her problem?
That was it. It was not the time. The stranger obviously didn’t have anything better to do than irritate someone crying in the middle of nowhere covered in grime and vampire blood, and seemed to be having a good time with it. Marshall, on the other hand, was no short of seething.
He pushed himself to his feet, wiping his cheeks of sweat and tears and adjusting his coat. Without another word he stepped to leave.
To his surprise, shocking strength wrapped around his wrist, holding him back and leaving him unable to walk off.
“Oh, please don’t go. I didn’t mean to upset you. Sit back down with me, won’t you?”
Marshall stared back in bewilderment at the woman firmly clutching his wrist. What? Confusion was boggling him, poking at his brain. Was she crazy? Who was she to think he would follow her request? After she’d been practically taunting him when he was obviously distressed?
He paused. He had meant to snap another insolent response, but nothing came out. Why did he-
His vision swiftly glazed over blurry, fogging up his eyes as they turned glassy and unfocused. Marshall wobbled in his spot, legs buckling and shivering with weakness. The ground spun under him, dizzying his head and coating his mind with wretched nausea. His fingers reached out for something to grab, something to stabilize him.
He needed to sit, he needed to sit, he needed to sit, he needed to sit, he needed to sit-
He lazily stumbled back, nearly tripping over his own feet, plopping right back into his seat. This time, he was a smidge closer to the woman. Marshall’s head lolled into his hand, catching himself from such dizzying disorientation.
Why was he… back on the bench? Was he not just about to leave? Was she touching him?
Lightly she rubbed in circles over his back, a motion he almost took no notice of. “Sorry about that, dear. It’s alright now.”
“I… what…?” Marshall slurred, his mind still a thick sludge that desperately gripped the walls of his, hopeful not to slip further into befuddlement.
He… he’d felt similar. Before. Marshall knew the sensation well, the sensation of his brain slipping through his fingers like water, liquified and stolen right out from his own control. Stomped to mush.
No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no-
“Very pretty rings you have. Mind if I take a look?” She held his hand between both of her gloved ones, fingers trailing over silver that glimmered in the light.
Not waiting for an answer, the stranger swiftly slipped each ring off each finger, holding them oh so carefully. “Very nice. Very.” She inspected them for a moment, right before turning and tossing them in a garbage bin behind her.
With widened eyes he sputtered, lazily trying to claw for them a second too late. She swept right back into his personal space, forcing him to retreat back with distraction. “Hm. And what might that be?”
She pointed to his pocket.
To his wooden stake, a necessity for vampire hunters.
It couldn’t be-
“I- you, that’s-”
Before he could so much as react, she slipped it right from him with her impossibly quick and nimble hands. “A wooden stake? Silly, silly.” She tisked, ignoring his growing concern and tossing it to the floor. It rolled a few feet away, and with drowsy, draped eyes Marshall watched it crawl out of reach. “You won’t be needing that.”
Please, no-
“You! You- you’re-!” Voice rising with muddled heat, his brain’s realization was catching up with his mouth.
Oh, God-
“Relax. I’m just here to help you. Calm down, dear.”
“N-no… you’re-! Get off me!” He swiped at her outstretched hand, feebly slapping it away.
How could he have been so foolish? How could he have let a vampire so close? How? He’d been so distressed and out of it from that nights job he hadn’t even noticed. What a fool, what a fool, what a fool.
He recoiled, jumping right off the bench and running. With his brain already such a mangled mess he nearly fell over, only catching himself with one hand and pushing himself back up.
His steps were slow and drowsy, swaying arduously and dramatically on his weighted feet. Nonchalantly the stranger stood behind him, taking her sweet time to catch up.
“Go-! Go away! Go away!” he hollered, stumbling around in a growing daze toward his truck, slipping over nothing several times. Her follow persisted. “Go away!”
Her vampiric aura strengthened by the second, taking hold of his susceptible mind and pushing him back into a distant, fuzzy haze. His words were tumbling and quieting, his movements gradually decreasing.
“N- no… no… leave…! Go…”
Soon enough subtle fingers trailed swiftly down his spine, stopping him in place. “Shhh, shhh… relax, dear. Just allow your limbs to go all numb and sleepy.”
His shoulders buckled, jaw falling slack under the immense weight of hypnotic force. Even still, infected by disgusting pleasure, his stomach tensed with sour acid. “Nooo…”
She walked around him, meeting his gaze with sweet, mind melting eyes. “I know you must be scared, little one. My apologies for messing with you, I just couldn’t help it. I’ll be nice now, okay? So be a good boy and just sleep.”
Easy. She’d overpowered him, so easily. Five years of practice and he’d lost just like that. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. How could he not hate himself? How could he not detest the world for such a fate he never deserved? Five years of service and he was going to lose his life at the hands of a vampire?
He’d been so careful.
“Just calm, oh so calm. Your mind settles, all sleepy and exhausted. Just let go for now. I won’t hurt you.” She soothed, cupping his face in her palms.
“Nuh… no… go…”
He didn’t want to let go. He had to escape. He wanted to escape. He wanted…
He wanted…
“Let… go…”
She smiled, warmth spreading through his belly, a blissful, distracting sensation that scattered any coherent thoughts clawing to the edges of his mind. “Good, good. Let go, dear. Just for a bit. You’ll have a very nice nap, okay? It’s all dark out here, which means you must be very tired. And nighttime means you sleep, doesn’t it?”
Marshall yawned, head lolling and body melting. He’d like a nap. He’d been working so dreadfully hard, he deserved one, did he not? A nap would be just wonderful.
“Aw, how cute. You’re so drowsy. Just falling asleep right in my arms, huh? Lovely. An easy catch, weren’t you?” He hummed in agreement, her words flowing through one ear and out the other. He was swiftly floating into unconsciousness, head gradually falling forward into his chest. “Shh… so very relaxed, sleep just holding your putty like mind in it’s hands. Just let go to the call of sleep and exhaustion. I know you want to, dear.”
It was strange, how delightful it felt. He’d been enthralled before, but never so deeply and thoroughly. His brain never so overridden. Why had he ever fought it? Why had he ever rejected such heaven? Marshall couldn’t so much as think of an answer.
Or, think at all, really.
Placing the kind pressure of her hand on the back of his neck, she easily guided the exhausted Marshall’s slick with sweat forehead into the nape of her neck.
“Good boy, good boy. Just let all your worries go. I tried so hard to make this easy on you, I know how easily fussy you humans can get. But everything is fine and calm. Calm and sleepy. Sleepy and relaxed. The darkness of the night makes you oh so exhausted and ready for bed.”
He shivered from the sound of praise, as well as the vampire stroking down his arms and stirring more pleasant feel as he drifted, brain coming to a stop. It felt better than it ever had to fall asleep. He smiled, and so did she. Even in the middle of winter, he’d never felt so pleasantly warm.
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head.” She whispered sweetly, rocking him gently like a small child into an entranced sleep. “I’ll take great care of you, dear.”
Taglist- @softvampirewhump
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generic-wattpad-badboy · 10 months
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word count :2,223
episode : S1 EP1 
beta read : Yes
Why had he agreed to go back home to mystic falls with his brother? when he had spent the past 145 years staying as far away as he possibly could get, and now he was back and going to high school all because his big brother missed home. It was a strange feeling being back in the town he once grew up in, but Y/N couldn’t deny that he was happy to be with his brother again after so long being alone. He had missed Stefan over the years of being apart. However, any love for his brother was being tested as he stood beside him listening to the reception talk.
“ Your records are incomplete. You’re missing immunization records, and we do insist on transcripts”
Y/N looked over with a grin as his brother leaned over slightly to compel the reception“Please look again, I’m sure everything you need is there”
Y/N reached over to grab one as he and Stefan left the office weaving around the students without looking up from the paper “ I can’t believe I have to be a sophomore, ” Y/N scowled looking over the schedule.
“ Here you go These are your schedules have a great First day”
“ Are you okay-?” he asks only to stop when he sees her face. She looks as  surprised as he feels as she speaks “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t see you”
“Well you’re right, so it is,” the woman replied, smiling before getting up and walking into another room to get something before returning with papers.
Y/N hummed in agreement “Well guess I’m going to biology”
“ stay out of trouble”
Y/N grinned mockingly“ Don’t I always brother?” He joked walking away from his brother.
After asking for the bathroom halfway through the world’s most boring biology lesson, Y/N found himself wandering around hallways. He turned a random corner only to crash into someone. His hand shot out to steady them.
Y/N shakes his surprise off “It’s fine, I didn’t see you either” There’s no way it’s her, right? , This girl is very much human. she’s looks almost identical to Kathrine other than her hair being straight instead of the curls kathrine prefered. and she does lack the cunning look in her eye that Katherine always had. 
Stefan looked down at his schedule “It made the most sense for our story people won’t ask any questions ”.
“It has” Stefan tried, putting his hand on his brother’s shoulder  to calm him it just made him angrier.
“ It’s okay, thanks” She replies before turning and walking away leaving Y/N staring after her. If there is one thing Y/N is sure of it’s that he’s going to kill Stefan when he sees him.
Y/N finally heard Stefan come home and close the door of his bedroom, Y/N slammed his book down before making his way to Stefan’s room and slamming his brother’s door open. “ You are unbelievable, you know that,” Y/N snarled, making his way towards the desk, Ignoring any of Stefan’s attempts to calm him down. “I want to go back home Y/N, it’s been too long” he snorted “ Yeah right”
“Oh please, I just met the real reason we came back, Katherine really” Y/N snarked shrugging Stefan off and moving away.
They both stare at each other before the lookalike finally tries moving around the young vampire “I’m going this way” Y/N moves out the way quickly “Right- sorry again about almost knocking over”
“ Fine but if this comes back to bite you in the ass don’t say I didn’t warn you” Y/N warned pointing a finger and glaring slightly.
“I know it is” Y/N watched as his brother looked away and began to clam up, Trust his brother to do something so stupid and not tell him anything until it was too late. He really could kill him sometimes.
“ Stefan..” Y/N sighed out a breath and walked over to pull his dumbass brother into a hug. He felt Stefan let out a breath and returned the hug “ Y/N, trust me, okay?” Stefan said as they both pulled away
Stefan smiled slightly  “ I think she is,” he said grabbing his jacket and picking something up off his desk.
“ Elena’s nothing like Katherine “ Stefan argued, crossing his arms across his chest. Y/N rolled his eyes “ Even if she’s not it fucking weird Stefan” His brother is an idiot.
Y/N watched his brother for a second before humming in agreement and moving towards Stefan’s bed to sit down on the end of it. “I hope she’s worth it”
  “ Where are you going now?” Y/N asked lounging back onto his hands and watching his brother move around his bedroom.
“ I won’t,” Stefan said, holding his hands up and smiling "Okay?”
It was much later in the night when Zach caught him coming back from the cellar with a snack. “ was it you ?” Zach asked, pushing the newspaper into his chest
“ Out, don’t wait up” Stefan replied practically springing out his bedroom door, leaving his younger brother behind.
“ I have no idea what you’re talking about. Y/N said, taking the paper out of his nephew’s hands and reading. An animal attack? It wasn’t him he hadn’t hunted in mystic falls since they had come back. he hadn’t wanted to draw attention to them.
  “ it wasn’t me, you think I’d be drinking this” he held up the blood bag shaking it a little “If I was getting it fresh from the vein?”.
Y/N sat in silence waiting to hear the front door closing, he shook his head when it did “Idiot".
  “ Somebody is responsible for their deaths,” Zach said wrinkling his nose and watching Y/n bring the blood bag tube up to his lips and drink from it.
“I think you need a hobby” Y/n taunted pushing past his nephew, checking him with his shoulder as he went. “ sometimes an animal attack is just an animal attack”
Y/N heard Stefan before he saw him he sat curled slightly in a chair reading, only looking up when his brother pushed his door open.
“ was it you?”
Y/N rolled his eyes from his seat “ Zach told you about the animal attack then”. sometimes his brother was so predictable, he knew Stefan would think it was him which was rather hypocritical if you asked him. y/n knew how to control himself, unlike his idiot brother who had to snack on squirrels and bunnies because he couldn’t.
Stefan glared “ Y/N, was it you?“
“ No it wasn’t me” Y/N argued glaring back at his brother His mouth was set in a hard line, it wasn’t he wouldn’t be stupid enough to just leave bodies behind he’s not an idiot.
Stefan said nothing only continued staring at him with his eyebrow raised.
"It wasn’t me” Y/n insisted crossing his arms.
"Are you sure don’t want to come?”
“ don’t you have a party to go to anyway to see Kathrine- I mean Elean” Y/N teased “Oops… slips of the tongue”
Stefan rolled his eyes  “You’re a dick” his mouth twitched up when Y/N continued to laugh at him.
Stefan sighed “ You could have fun if you tried"
Y/n  screwed up his face up “I’ll pass, I don’t want to be a third wheel”
Y/N sighed, “Fine I’ll come,“. The young vampire stood up to find a jacket, he look over at Stefan when he found one "Happy now?”.
“ Very”
As they arrived at the party Y/N stayed stood next to Stefan as they listened to Elena and her friend talk.
“ Just admit it, Elena”
“ Okay, so he’s a little pretty”
Y/n rolled his eyes at his brother’s smug face, He shrugged his jacket on as stalked past him out the door" God you’re annoying"
This girl is forward Y/n likes her she goes after things she wants and She’s also pretty good at annoying Stefan. Stefan catches his eye, a plea for help shining in his eyes, Y/N just waves with a stupid grin on his face, laughing when Stefan glares at him.
The young vampire snickered  “Aww she thinks you’re pretty” Stefan scowled at him.
“ Hey! You made it” A feminine voice spoke suddenly from behind them they both turned to reveal a pretty blonde-haired girl. Y/n had never seen this girl before but Stefan obviously had going off her bright eyes and wide smile.  Y/N turned towards his brother with raised eyebrows.
Y/N wanders around for a while when he notices his brother walking over to Elena or at least trying to. he’s stopped by the same girl that dragged him off earlier, he thinks her name is Caroline. He listens in as Stefan lets the girl down, yikes. He decided to join his brother when he sees him finally make it over to Elena.
“are you going to introduce me to her or what?” Y/N asks as they both finally notice him. Stefan clears his throat. “ Y/N this is Elena, Elena this is my little brother Y/N” Elena tilts her head with a smile “ Guy from the hallway it’s nice to put a name to a face". she looks between them.
Y/n smiles a lopsided grin when he spots the smitten look on his brother’s face, God he’s so easy.
“ I did,” Stefan replied with a tight-lipped smile. The blonde girl doesn’t even acknowledge the younger vampire completely enamored by Stefan “ Well let’s get you a drink.” she doesn’t wait for Stefan to respond before she’s pulling him away.
“ so how ar-“ she stops “ God, you gotta be kidding me!”
Both Salvatore brothers turn to look at what had caught her attention, it’s a teenage boy. A very drunk teenage boy.
“ What is it ?”
“ My brother,” she said, “ excuse me.”
Stefan goes to follow after her “Need some help?”.Y/n hopes she doesn’t.
She shakes her head “Trust me, you’re not going to want to witness this” She passes her drink over to Stefan to hold and walks away shouting “Jeremy! Jeremy!”
“ God you’re gross “ Y/N muttered as his brother stares at her walking away, Stefan turns to face him when Elena disappears out of sight.
“Shut up”
“ Well, I’ve seen way too much tonight, can we leave yet?” Y/N asked, leaning against Stefan’s shoulder, Stefan rolled his eyes but leaned into it
“ you can leave whenever you want”
“ Fine I’ll go but only because I know you’ll want to walk Elena home”  the young vampire teased standing up properly.“ and they say chivalry is dead”.
Stefan snorts knocking his shoulder against  Y/n “Hilarious”. Y/n lets the knock push him forwards, He grins.
Y/n doesn’t get the chance to retort because they both hear shouting in the distance “Oh god no”
“Somebody help!”
Elena and her brother break through the tree line with a body covered in blood in Jeremy’s arms. Stefan steps forward as a crowd begins to form around them. He turns and walks away quickly fleeing the scene Y/N follows after him.
They both make it back to the Salvatore boarding house in minutes. Stefan slams open the door making Zach jump. “ What’s going on?“
Y/N shuts the door behind them both. letting Stefan answers
“ Someone else was attacked tonight, Zach and it wasn’t us”. Stefan stalks off up the stairs leaving his brother and Zach together.
“What happened?”
Y/N walks over to pour a drink  “I don’t know, we were at the party everything was fine then it wasn’t ” Y/n downs the bourbon in one go, and Zach watches him.
“ Did you see anything?”
Y/N huffed as he poured another drink “ Nope nothing you think I would–” Y/N’s cut off when there was a bang from somewhere upstairs followed by the sound of glass smashing. Y/N put his glass down and listens, he turns to Zach when he hears the banging continue outside. he points his finger at  his nephew  “Stay here”
He follows the noise to see a figure holding Stefan against the garage by his throat. He looks closer and recognizes who it is “ Damon?”  he asks a grin spreading across his face. The dark-haired figure turns and smirks “ There he is” Damon drops his other brother and walks over to him and pulls the young vampire against him tightly and presses a dramatic kiss to Y/N’s hair “I missed you, little brother”. Y/N quickly returns the hug, The leather of Damon’s leather jacket squeaked between them. Y/n doesn’t care he squeezes tighter it’s been a long time since he’s seen his other big brother he’s missed him even if he’s a dick.
Damon finally lets go “It’s good to be back”y/n watches as he sauntered over to the house “Sorry Zach”
Y/N turns to face Stefan “ Remember when I said it would come back to bite you?” Stefan stays silent his face hard and shoulders tense. Y/N stares at his brother for a second, then turns away walking back to the house.
He doesn’t hear Stefan come back that night, which is probably for the best, all things considered. If there’s one thing Y/N knows, it’s that with Damon back, everything has become a lot more complicated for them all.
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klausysworld · 1 year
Hi there! I just wanted to say that your writing is excellent and I hoped to make a request. Could you do one where Kol gets upset after his mom (I hate her) tries to kill him so he shows up at the reader's house because he doesn't know where else to go. The reader tries to comfort him with hugs and cuddles but he's just really upset and distracted and he accidentally bites her. The reader is scared and not sure what to think but after feeding on her for a bit, he just kinda passes out. Then when he wakes up and sees what he did hes just horrified. Whatever you want after that.
Ik it's kinda specific but it's okay if you can't do it. Thank you!!!
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The one that i never got
I was already in bed hidden beneath the warmth of a pile of blankets when a loud knock sounded from downstairs. I shut my eyes and silently prayed the person would leave but another pounding at the door followed shortly after
“y/n! darling? are you home…? i need to see you” oh it was Kol. I quickly shoved the duvet away and padded my way down the stairs. I hurriedly undid the locks and opened the door to see a teary eyed Kol, my heart broke a little at the lost look he had on his face.
“what happened?” i asked quietly as i took his hand and lead him inside in the warm. I locked the door back up before turning back to him
“my mother…she didn’t actually want to be a family…she just uh she wanted to kill is…so um” his eyes wondered around the room aimlessly until i pulled him in for a hug, i wrapped my arms around his torso tightly and lightly kissed his shoulder as he let his hands hold me against him
“i hate her” he whispered
“i know” i replied while rubbing his back
“she’s a horrible mother and i wish she would just stay dead” his words became more broken each time as a sob left his lips
“where is she now?” i asked hesitantly
“Nik…he killed her i think…again hah um yea but who knows if she’ll actually stay in the ground or just pop up to murder her family” his voice was falling into a sarcastic tone as he laughed through his struggle
“maybe it’d be best for you to get some rest? i know that vampires don’t sleep much but…” he squeezed me a little tighter before pulling away
“yeah okay, lets get to sleep” we silently went up the stairs and climbed into bed, i pulled him closer to me as he cried and ran my fingers through his soft hair
“she thinks i’m a monster” he weeped.
Just before i could tell him how wrong she was i felt sharp teeth at my throat
“if she thinks i’m a monster…” his voice was so quiet and so dark compared to normal before a sharp pain stabbed into my neck making me scream for him to stop
“KOL! KOL STOP IT! KOL” i was thrashing against him but he was now on-top of me and managed to hold my flying arms and legs down with his own, it occurred to me that my struggle was a game to him as he growled into my neck while i grew weaker by the second.
“no no no no” i chanted quietly as my eyes began to droop, everything in me felt heavy as i fell into an unknown darkness.
(third person)
Kol woke the next morning feeling much better than the night before. Chances were his mother would probably still be dead and he could have a few days to relax. He stretched out a little before turning around to see his love. What he found however would haunt him for an eternity.
She was deathly pale, deep red blood coated her from her jaw to her shoulders and her hands were also covered. He couldn’t concentrate enough to find a heartbeat, he could only hear his own as he quickly grabbed her in his arms, when he looked at his own, he was even more horrified.
“oh my god” he breathed seeing the dry blood all over his hands he glanced back at his girl, bruises all over her arms and legs, his own hand prints pressed into her soft skin. Only her face still held an element of peace and yet that sight was not at all comforting, she wasn’t in pain, she couldn’t feel it, she was going to die or was already dead.
Hurriedly he tore into his own wrist before shoving it against her parted lips, he tilted her head back so the metallic liquid would slide down her throat and into her system
“please darling, just drink and i’ll make it all better, i’ll fix everything i swear”
but she did not wake
he waited with her now cold body held in his blood stained arms, his sobs did not cease when his siblings got a witch to find him, when they dragged her body from his grip and fought with him to leave, not when your family held your funeral and he had to sit amongst people who adored you and pretend that he was not the reason for you absence
an almost silent “i love you” was uttered as he planted a white rose on your coffin “you are my always and forever, the one that i never got”
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mymoodwriting · 1 year
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12.5k, vampires, blood, bullying, abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse, biting, kidnapping, restraints, torture, knives, stabbing, near-death experience, mind control, manipulation, yandere
“What do we have here?”
    Seonghwa had just been walking down the street when he heard giggling. He wouldn’t really care for it until he caught the scent. He followed the sound and found a bunch of school girls pouring strawberry milk onto another in a back alley, laughing and calling her names. She was curled up on the floor with her head down and eyes closed, taking it all without so much as a whimper. He pulled the lollipop out of his mouth and called them out.
“Ya! What are you doing?”
“Mind your business.” One of the girls spoke. “And get lost.”
“Are you picking on her because she’s a vampire?”
“What’s it matter to you?”
“Because I’m the real deal.” Seonghwa flashed his fangs, eyes glowing red. “Now get lost.”
    The girls scurried off without a word. He watched them go as he got closer to the other one on the floor. Even from a distance, even while covered in strawberry milk, he could tell she was a vampire like him.
“Are you alright?”
    You wiped away some milk from your face, slowly looking up at the gentlemen standing before you. When you looked up you were immediately caught off guard by his beauty, but that just confused you all the more.
“Why did you do that?”
“Why were you taking it?”
“I’m not a monster…” You slowly got up. “I’m not gonna give anyone a reason to believe I am.”
“Then what does that make me?”
“Huh?” The boy’s eyes glowed red. “You’re a vampire…”
“You couldn’t tell?”
“Anyway, here.” The boy offered you a small blood bag. “Don’t worry, it’s from the blood bank. You probably need it more than me.”
“I don’t drink human blood…”
“Ah, so that’s why they were picking on you. You’re not a proper vampire. No wonder you couldn’t recognize my scent.”
“Sa… sorry for causing you trouble… I’ll be going now…”
    You politely bowed and started walking off but the boy followed you, getting in your way. You thought the girls were bad enough, but an actual vampire was far worse in your mind.
“Why do you go to a public school? You know there’s a private school for vampires, right?”
“I prefer a public one…”
“You’re not human, you know that, right?”
“By your standards I’m not a vampire either.”
He scoffed. “Touché.” 
“I’m sorry for the trouble, but… thank you…”
“No problem.” He looked down at your name tag. “Y/n.”
    Seonghwa put the lollipop back in his mouth, stepping aside so you could be on your way. He watched you go for a while, a lot on his mind. He couldn’t understand why some vampires didn’t drink human blood, let alone why some went to school alongside humans. It was honestly quite annoying to see, especially that you were getting picked on for being different, and letting it happen. He couldn’t really just stand by and let this go though.
    School wasn’t really easy for you, especially being the only vampire in your class, but you got by just fine. You had good grades, did just fine in gym class, and mostly kept to yourself. If you weren’t a vampire they’d probably have you be class president or something, but that wasn’t gonna happen. You’d probably refuse it as well, not wanting to be a bother to anyone. Of course that didn’t stop your peers from bothering you.
“Shit… paper cut… ya, bloodsucker.”
    It didn’t make sense how your classmates feared you, yet had no problem picking on you. The smallest drop of blood made you uneasy, and they were well aware of that. The second the scent hit you the atmosphere grew tense. You tried to make yourself small, but your classmate and her friends had gotten up, coming over to your desk.
“You want a taste?”
“Ya, come on. I hear the tiniest bit of blood makes you go crazy.”
“Please leave me alone…”
“Aren’t you hungry though? We’re just tryna help.”
“I’m alright…”
“Don’t be shy.”
    The girl chuckled and wiped some blood on your cheek. You immediately freaked out and rushed out of the room, making your way to the nearest bathroom. You didn’t care to see if anyone else was around, going to the sink and washing your face. Thankfully it was only a small amount, but even after you washed it off the scent lingered for a while longer. You made your way outside, wanting the smell of everything to fill your nose. Despite it all, you were used to this type of behavior from your peers. In the end it was relatively harmless, but you always feared a line would be crossed.
“Ya, vampire, didn’t you leave something in the kitchen?”
    Your things would always go missing, but they were never gone for long. The others really just liked making you run around, and this time it seemed your pencil case was hidden in the kitchen classroom somewhere. You merely offered a smile and went off to retrieve it. To you it was just another day that you didn’t think anything would happen, that is until you entered the room. As soon as you stepped in you wound up getting soaked in a red liquid. You got a taste of said liquid, the smell also hitting you, it was pigs blood.
“Is this what you look like in your natural state? Not just playing pretend.”
    You wanted to run, but the door had already been shut and locked behind you. When you got your sight back you noticed five others in the room with you. None were recording you, but they were all approaching you, and in your panic you slipped and fell to the floor. They cornered you, and two of them flashed a knife in your face. You thought they might cut up your cheek or something, not like there would be evidence of it, but instead you watched as they slid the blade across their palm, showing you the bloody wound.
“This is what you really want, don’t you?”
“Maybe I’ll let you have some, if you beg.”
    The pigs blood was already messing with you, so to add human blood to that, you knew you were in danger. Your throat felt extremely dry, your heart racing and pounding in your chest. The world was fading and all you could see was red, the sound of blood flow filling your ears. This was bad, and you had to do something before someone got hurt, so you did the only thing you could. When your fangs appeared you bit into your wrist, hard, blood dripping down onto the floor along with your red stained tears. Of course this whole situation couldn’t go unnoticed and soon enough a teacher came into the room, seeing the scene laid out before them.
    The halls were empty, so a crowd hadn’t formed. The teacher sent the two who hurt themselves to the infirmary, a third going with them while the other two went to the principal’s office. You on the other hand were given some time to calm down, and clean up a bit. At least there was a big sink here, so you managed to clean off most of the pigs blood. There was no getting the smell off, and you knew you’d have to change into your gym clothes. At least you didn’t have to clean the bloody mess, just return to class in some sense of shame. You could hear all the whispers going around you, and you did your best to ignore them, but that wasn’t the worst of it. Everything came crashing down when you came in the next day.
“You… you want me to transfer?”
“I believe it would be for the best. A lot has happened, and I worry that you could wind up getting hurt in the process.”
“You mean you’re afraid I’ll hurt someone…”
“That’s not what I said.”
“I didn’t do anything! The others have been-”
“It has been difficult for you from the beginning. Don’t you think it would be better for you if you were among your actual peers?”
“You mean vampires…”
“This isn’t official, just a suggestion. Asinis is a school that’s only for vampires, you might feel more at home there.”
“I guess…”
“Think about it.”
    You had always known about Asinis, looking back, that boy who saved you was wearing their uniform. It had been an option for you from the beginning, but you wanted to try a more normal route. Although it looked like that idea had come to an end. You had always known that your peers would harbor some fear, or hate, towards you, but you knew that they had nothing to fear. Now things had changed, now you were the one who was afraid. That stunt in the kitchen the other day, if they had done something like that, it was possible they’d take it further, and you wouldn’t be safe if they did. By the end of the day you put in the transfer request, and by the end of the week you were all set. 
    You couldn’t even rest during the weekend, too anxious about starting at your new school. Since it was one for vampires, there was serious security at the entrance. All the students had to show an ID card to a guard, and even if it seemed tedious, no one seemed to mind. In fact some seemed a bit smug, proud to be entering a private school, proud to be a vampire. The set up did make it a drag to get in, but it was designed to keep humans from entering without authorization. It would be very dangerous for one to get in. Many have tried, but failed, and if someone did succeed, there was no word of it. Obviously, with this being your first day, you didn’t have an ID card. Even if you were a vampire, and a student, no ID card, meant no entry.
“I’m the new transfer student… today is my first day…”
    You were trying to explain to a guard your situation. You had been told you would get your ID card on our first day, but the problem was getting in without one. You figured you were probably gonna have to wait until everyone else had gotten in before someone would be called over about you, but you were suddenly grabbed. Someone wrapped their arm around your shoulder and pulled you close to them.
“I’m happy to see you here.”
    When you got a good look you were able to recognize the person, it was the boy from before, the one who had saved you.
“You finally made the right choice by coming here.”
“Yeah… sure…”
“Let’s go. You’ll love it. I’ll show-”
“I can’t…”
“It’s my first day… I don’t have an ID card yet…”
“Right. Just a security precaution. Can’t have a human sneaking in, they wouldn’t be safe.” 
    He chuckled and pulled you along as he went up to a guard and showed his ID card. He explained to the guard you were new and that you didn’t have your ID card yet. The guard said you couldn’t enter without it, but the boy vouched for you, saying he’d escort you to the teachers office and help you get settled. For whatever reason the guard allowed it, and you were allowed to enter. The boy hadn’t let you go, and you were a bit afraid to move away since he said he’d be taking you to the teachers office. You didn’t want to get lost.
“Uh… thank you…”
“No problem. It’s better than waiting for a teacher to come confirm everything and let you in.”
“Right… uh… can I ask you something?”
“What’s your name…”
“Oh, right. I haven’t properly introduced myself. My apologies” The boy stepped back and offered you a bow. “Park Seonghwa. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
    Before you speak another boy had come from out of nowhere and put Seonghwa in a headlock, spinning him around and laughing.
“Been looking for you all morning! Where’s the blood bag you owe me! We had a deal!”
“Wooyoung!” Seonghwa hissed. “This is not how you treat your elders!”
    A few other boys had gathered around, one of the taller ones yanking Wooyoung away. Seonghwa composed himself, glaring at Wooyoung before getting a blood bag out of his bag and offering it to the boy.
“Here you go, just as promised.”
“Alright! You’re the best, hyung!”
“I know.”
“So, what were you-”
    Wooyoung suddenly noticed you quietly standing off to the side. His eyes lit up and he stepped towards you, looking you over.
“Hello gorgeous… would you like some breakfast?” Wooyoung offered you the blood bag. “It’s the best there is.”
“She doesn’t drink human blood.” Seonghwa stated. “So don’t bother.”
“Huh? Do you know her?”
“Kinda. It’s her first day, and I’m taking her up to the teachers office.”
“Ah, in that case, welcome. I’m Wooyoung, nice to meet you.”
“Y/n… nice to meet you.”
“We should get going.” Seonghwa said. “Before classes start.”
    Along the way the rest of what seemed to be Seonghwa’s friends introduced themselves to you. They seemed nice, and you could at least appreciate that they didn’t comment on your dietary choices. They dropped you off at the teachers office, hoping to see you around. You thanked them and made your way into the office, introducing yourself. Your homeroom teacher greeted you, having you sit down with them while they got you settled in. You received your ID card, and told not to lose it as replacing it was going to cost you. They even showed you around a bit, letting you know how to navigate the school, as well as the rules.
“There are two lunchrooms.”
“One for those who drink human blood, and one for those who don’t. We’re all the same here, but we respect those who chose not to consume human blood. We also understand the difficulties with that, so we have two separate lunch rooms to accommodate.”
“It’s very nice of you.”
“We do our best. Now shall we get you to class?”
    You were introduced to your class, immediately seeing the familiar face of Seonghwa and his friends. They all seemed pretty excited to see you, and seeing them did put you a bit at ease. Although, even if this place was different, it felt the same to you. So the fear of being an outcast lingered. You quietly took your seat, and got your things out. It would take some time to adjust to everything, but you knew you’d put your best effort into it. This place could be good to you. At least that’s what you hoped.
“Lunch time!” You heard Wooyoung cheer. “Let’s go!”
    When the bell rang you got a bit anxious. You knew where the lunch room was, but you knew that was gonna be a whole new experience. Back at your old school you wouldn’t have lunch with your peers. You could eat human food, but your primary diet was blood, not human, but an alternative type of blood. So you’d always find a quiet place to have a blood bag. A handful of times you were caught and had to find a new place, but you knew that didn’t need to be the case here. 
“Are you gonna come with us?”
    You hadn’t noticed that Seonghwa and his friends had come up to you, surrounding you. That is until Yunho asked you about lunch.
“No better place to fix your diet than here.”
“You’re a vampire.” Seonghwa commented. “You should eat properly, get all the nutrients you need. I can promise you it’s wonderful. Especially for a first time.”
“Ah, I’m good. I know alternative blood probably doesn’t sound appealing to you, but it provides me with everything I need.”
“Don’t kid yourself. You’re curious, aren’t you?” Seonghwa leaned down close to you. “Wondering what human blood tastes like, wanting a taste…”
“Leave her alone, Seonghwa.”
    Seonghwa rolled his eyes and stood up, looking over at the boy who had called him. All his friends were glaring too, and you looked over as well. It was one of your new classmates.
“Mind your business, Choi San.”
    Seonghwa and his gang headed out without another word. This San boy walked over to you, a kind smile on his face.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah. I just thought he was nice…”
“Seonghwa is like that. He’s charming, and nice, and a good guy, but only to those who drink human blood. To the rest of us he’s a completely different person. I don’t know what his problem is.”
“You… you don’t drink human blood?”
“No. I prefer the alternative.”
“Shall we go to lunch then? Since it’s your first day I can imagine you’re nervous, and I’d be happy to show you around.”
“That’d be nice.”
“Cool. Come on then.”
    You gathered your things and headed to lunch with San. He properly introduced himself, and told you that you could always go to him with any questions. You thanked him for his kindness, starting to feel like you’ve made a friend. The fact that he was more like you really put you at ease too. Walking into the lunchroom was a new experience for you, and you were quite amazed. There was actually a full on menu available for you. Some foods were laced with alternative blood, and there were some without. San made some recommendations, and you were also eager to try new things. You sat together, getting to know each other more as well. San even shared some of his food with you, glad to see you so happy.
“You’re adjusting nicely.”
“It’s a nice place…”
“You’re with your people, so it only makes sense you’re more at ease.”
“Can I ask something?”
“Why didn’t you come here from the start? Why go to a normal school?”
“Well… I didn’t think I’d fit in here…”
“Here? Asinis? A school for vampires? What do you mean?”
“I thought everyone here drank human blood… and since I don’t… I’d be an outcast…”
“You weren’t an outcast at your old school?”
“I was, but that’s cause I am different from them. My nature, my diet, I’m not human. Everyone here is like me, so to be an outcast among my own people…”
“Better to be an outcast among humans than your own kind.”
“Well that’s not gonna be happening here. You’re not alone.”
“I can see that now. Thanks.”
    You found yourself settling in nicely, as well as coming out of your shell. You socialized with your classmates, and San introduced you to some of his friends. It made you realize that this is what school was supposed to be like. Of course it wasn’t perfect either. Every now and then Seonghwa and his gang would bother you. They’d corner you out in the halls or in between classes, and it was always the same thing. This was a reason why you were afraid of being at an all vampires school. You always figured others would be shoving human blood in your face, trying to get a reaction out of you.
    Thankfully you had practice keeping yourself composed. Humans may not have been able to shove blood bags in your face, or simply breathe down your neck with the smell of blood on their breath, but they had their ways of messing with you. Of course you weren’t always dealing with them. San acted like your guardian angel, getting Seonghwa and his gang to leave you alone, even coming to your rescue at times. Although as much as you appreciated him, he couldn’t always be there for you and you had to hold your own.
“Why don’t you drink human blood?” Yeosang asked. “I’m genuinely curious.”
    You were enjoying a free period, sitting in the gym bleachers with some homework when you were suddenly surrounded. Yeosang threw his arm around your shoulder, talking to you as if he had always been there, as if you two were close.
“I mean, you’re really missing out here.”
    It had always been a rumor to you, but ever since you came to Asinis, you saw the truth. You had a heightened sense of smell, of sight, of hearing, you healed faster than humans, but that’s as far as your vampire abilities went. You had always heard that those who drink human blood had more power, and now you saw it for yourself. Those vampires had super strength, super speed, they practically healed instantaneously. It gave you all the more reason to be afraid of them, and all the more reason to behave.
“I’m happy as I am.”
“But why?” Seonghwa questioned. “You’re weak. Even by human standards. Don’t you think that’s embarrassing?”
“I’m not the only one who consumes alternative blood, and I’m not weak.”
“Right. It’s not like you were cornered by a bunch of humans and doused in pigs blood. They even went as far as to cut themselves to get a rise out of you.”
“How… how do you…”
    Despite how insane of an incident that was, the news didn’t get out. The kids who did it never said anything, even lied about their injuries. None of it was filmed either, which was strange because they had done so before. In truth, no one really knew what happened, and yet Seonghwa did, and with details. You couldn’t comprehend it until an idea hit you.
“Did you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Did you mind control my classmates to-”
    Seonghwa was suddenly standing right in front of you, his face all up in yours. His eyes were glowing red and he had a cocky grin on his face.
“Are you accusing me of something, love?”
“Use your words. What did I do?”
“You… you…”
    A vampire being able to control humans, that was a rumor that didn’t go around often. If it were true, humans would certainly freak out, and this sense of peace in the world would start to crumble. It seemed far-fetched, even to you who was a vampire, but Seonghwa was making you question the possibility.
    You didn’t know where San had come from, but he rushed over to you, pulling Seonghwa away. He got you to your feet and had you stand behind him, glaring at the others.
“Why can’t you just leave her alone!”
“I’m just trying to help.”
“Well she doesn’t want it.”
“Can’t she speak for herself?”
“Please leave me alone…” You mumbled. “I’m fine as I am.”
Seonghwa scoffed. “If you say so. Let’s go guys.”
    San watched them all go, keeping you behind him. Once they were gone he turned to you, making sure you were alright and weren’t hurt.
“I’m sorry…”
“For what?”
“You’re always coming to my rescue… what if you get hurt?”
“Seonghwa isn’t the type to actually hurt someone. He’d get in trouble with the school if he did. He’s just annoying you with words.”
“I don’t get why though…”
“You’re the new kid, he sees you as an easy target.”
“I wish he’d stop…”
“I’m sure he’ll get bored eventually, but you got me to protect you, so don’t worry.”
“Aren’t you scared of him?”
“Of Seonghwa? Nah, he just likes to flaunt around his power and status. We’ll be okay.”
    San’s words always managed to put you at ease. He knew better than you how things worked around the school. Although you couldn’t easily move past it either. Even if you were with your kind, you were still different and bullied over that. At least it was just words, well, it started off that way. After accusing Seonghwa of messing with your classmates, you couldn’t get the idea out of your head. It explained everything, why the sudden change and boldness in their actions, but you couldn’t understand why Seonghwa would care to do that to you. Maybe he had been there to witness it, but that seemed highly unlikely given how good of a student he was. He wouldn’t sneak out to see that, the school also had strong security to keep people out and the students in. You were probably overthinking this, but something kept nagging at you that there was more. It was only a matter of time before you figured out what that was.
“Are you gonna keep hiding behind San?”
    You were walking the halls, lost in thought, when you were suddenly pinned against the wall. Seonghwa had his hand pressed to the wall at the side of your head, staring you down.
“I… I…”
“You’re finally among your people and you don’t care to grow? You don’t have to be weak for everyone else’s sake. Now you can embrace who you are and yet you still-”
“You wanted me to transfer.”
    It clicked then, why Seonghwa would care to mess with your old classmates. He was being such a jerk to you now, but when you first met him he was kind. Even on your first day he was nice, getting you through the front gate, introducing you to his friends, even defending your diet and taking you where you needed to go. He was very different to the Seonghwa who stood before you now, but all this bullying went back to one thing. Your diet, and trying to peer pressure you into changing it. You would never consider such a thing if you were still in your old school, because you’d be a danger to your human classmates, and even then Seonghwa wouldn’t have much access to you. Now that you were here he could bother you about it whenever he wanted, but that still didn’t explain why he’d care to do this.
“You made my classmates do that to me so I’d have no choice but to transfer here! Why? What reason-”
“You think I was just gonna sit around knowing one of my kind was being harassed by some low life humans? Just because they were different, because they were seen as weak.”
“If you wanted me here, maybe some better words would have done it!”
“With your human loving demeanor you wouldn’t listen to reason. So I had to take matters into my own hands.”
“You manipulated-”
“Don’t kid yourself. Those humans harassed you, and wanted you gone. They would have done something like that eventually, I just provided a little push.”
“Then why are you harassing me now? You’re no better than them!”
“Do not compare me to those creatures!”
“What is your problem? Why did you bring me here? Why do you care about my diet? Do you like me or something?”
Seonghwa scoffed, a cocky grin appearing on his face. “If that’s the case will you finally be a good girl and listen to me?”
    You heard San’s voice, seeing him running over from the corner of your eye, although he wasn’t that fast. In seconds he was pinned to the wall next to you, Seonghwa’s hand around his throat, squeezing. Your eyes went wide in panic and you grabbed Seonghwa’s arm, trying to get him to let go, but he didn’t budge.
“Seonghwa! Seonghwa, please! Let him go!”
“Did you really think that was gonna work?” Seonghwa hissed. “You forget your place.”
“Seonghwa, please let him go.” Tears stung your eyes. “Please.”
“Look at that, you made her cry.”
    Seonghwa squeezed tighter, San quietly struggling to breath before he was released. San slipped to the floor, gasping in air, and you quickly joined him, looking him over. His neck was purple, bruised in the shape of a hand mark, but it was already starting to heal.
“Get in my way again, and you will pay dearly.” Seonghwa threatened. “Let’s go.”
    You glanced up to see Seonghwa and his group leave, but you remained with San. His breathing had already returned to normal, and the bruise had gotten smaller too. He reached up and wiped away some tears.
“Are you okay?”
“Me? What about you? What were you thinking?”
“I don’t like it…”
“When you’re afraid… your scent… I don’t like it…”
“Oh… you can tell…”
“It’s how I know when he’s bothering you.”
“You need to be careful. What if you get hurt? Like today, or worse.”
“I’d rather be hurt than see you scared.”
“I’m alright.”
“I wish he’d just stop…”
“Let’s stick together more, okay? He doesn’t seem to do anything when I’m around.”
    Even with some answers that encounter left you with new questions. You didn’t really know Seonghwa’s motivations, and your list of possible answers got longer and more confusing. Still, with San at your side you saw much less of Seonghwa. It was a great relief, and it even gave you all the more reason to get closer to San. You both thought he might stop if he didn’t have a chance to bother you but there would always be times where you two would be separate. You’d try not to be alone when that happened, but there were things you couldn’t avoid. Even if you’d rush from one place to another, Seonghwa was faster than you.
    One day while you were roaming the nearly barren halls, you were suddenly shoved into an empty classroom. You stumbled in your steps and almost fell, but you managed to keep yourself up. Although soon enough you were slammed against the lockers, finding yourself staring down Seonghwa. His friends had locked the doors, keeping guard, and closing the windows and blinds. Once you regained your composure you stared back at Seonghwa. This needed to end, which meant you also needed to stand up to him. So you held your head up high.
“What is your problem with me?”
“Good, I like it better when you don’t cower in fear.”
“Let go.”
“Or what?”
“I’ve let your bullshit slide for too long. Leave me alone or I’ll report you.”
Seonghwa laughed. “And what are you gonna say? You think they’ll listen to you over me?”
“What evidence would you even have? It’s not like anything I do would leave a mark.”
“That’s not-”
    It all happened so fast you struggled to process it. One moment you were staring down Seonghwa, the next he had his fangs in your neck. You didn’t even struggle under him, a pleasurable feeling overwhelming your senses, but you eventually got a hold of yourself. You tried to get him off but he was way stronger than you, and you were losing strength by the second.
    When he pulled away you nearly collapsed to the floor, but he held you up. The world was spinning and you were sure you were on the verge of passing out. Still you tried to focus, ignoring the tingling feeling that lingered. You were trying to form words, but even keeping your eyes open were a struggle. You could vaguely make out Seonghwa’s face, his bloody lips, fangs poking out. He seemed content, licking his lips, and when your wound healed he ran his tongue along your neck to get the last few drops.
“You taste lovely.” Seonghwa whispered. “Imagine how much better you’d be if you ate properly.”
“You… you…”
“Sh, sh, sh, you’re fine. Just take a little nap for me, okay?”
“… why…”
“Close your eyes.”
    It was hard to fight it. The darkness was consuming you, and you were too weak to resist. Everything in your vision got blurry, and as you slipped under you could vaguely make out Seonghwa’s smiling face.
“Y/n! Y/n!”
    As you came to you could hear your voice being called. You slowly opened your eyes, seeing white, and then San was in your field of vision. He was relieved to see you had woken up.
“What… what happened… where am I?”
“I found you passed out in a classroom and brought you to the infirmary. You were a lot colder than usual. What happened?”
    Everything slowly started coming back to you, and your hand shot up to your neck. You knew there wouldn’t be a mark, but you had to be sure. There was still a lingering feeling of the whole ordeal, and it brought so many more questions to mind. Vampires didn’t feed off humans directly, it wasn’t allowed given the addictive qualities of a vampire bite. It seemed the bite was pleasurable among their own kind too, which meant you couldn’t tell San about this. You were too embarrassed and you had no idea how he’d react.
“Y/n, are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’ve just been running around all day, and I didn’t eat enough. Must have finally hit. I didn’t mean to worry you.”
    San was giving you a weird look, and you were sure he had caught on that you were lying. You were trying to control yourself, knowing your heartbeat could give you away. Even if he did seem suspicious, he had no idea what had really happened, and wasn’t gonna push it any further. You were grateful for that. He walked with you to your next class, you did share most of your schedule after all, but you had forgotten Seonghwa was there too. You were worried he’d make some sort of comment, but luckily he kept away. Although you did look over at him, and he flashed you a cocky grin. You weren’t sure why he bit you, not really, but it was certainly proof that he could do anything to you and there wouldn’t be any evidence.
“Y/n, you good?”
“Huh? Fine.”
“If you’re still hungry I have extra blood bags in my locker.”
“No, I’m alright. Don’t wanna ruin my appetite.”
    You thought you could end things. That standing up to Seonghwa and showing him you weren’t afraid would finally make him stop. Instead you had a whole new problem with him. Now you were self conscious of having your neck exposed whenever you were alone. It had gotten chiller outside and you thought to wear a scarf but that drew unwanted attention.
“Are you cold? You’re a vampire though, we don’t get cold.”
“I know, just a fashion choice.”
“Why now?”
“Since it’s gotten colder out I thought I could change my wardrobe a bit. You don’t like it?”
“No, it’s great.” San assured. “Just curious.”
    You could tell San was suspicious of you, that you were keeping something from him, but he was being very respectful about it too. He trusted you would tell him when you were ready. Although you hoped you’d never have to. So you did your best to be normal, even if you could always feel Seonghwa’s gaze on you when he was nearby. You really couldn’t go on always looking over your shoulder, and you thought to confront him, but you weren’t sure you could do it alone. You wanted San at your side, but that involved telling him the truth, and if you did you were sure he wouldn’t keep a level head. So you were stuck, unsure of what to do. You had to do something soon though, before you went mad, or Seonghwa did something worse.
“Long day?”
    You were heading out by yourself, San staying behind for study hall when you came across Seonghwa. You hadn’t noticed him waiting by the doors, too lost in though until his voice pulled you out. You glanced over and tried to run off but he got in your way. As he stepped forward you stepped back, trying to think of something to do.
“Missed me? You’ve been clinging to San so much I was starting to think you didn’t like me.”
“What… what do you want…”
“I’m surprised you didn’t tell San what happened. At the same time I’m pleased. It’s our little secret.”
“Leave me alone.”
“And what makes you think I’m going to do that?”
“Cause you have no reason to be doing this… there are others like me but you don’t bother them.”
“They’re not you. Remember? You called me out. I like you.”
“That hurts, but I’ll rectify that soon enough.”
    Seonghwa took your hand, ripping your scarf off, and started dragging you along, back towards the school building. You tried to free yourself but his grip was tight, and the more you struggled the stronger his hold on you got. You thought to scream, but once you had been grabbed the rest of Seonghwa’s friends had surrounded you. Not like anyone else would care to help. You’ve been here long enough to know everyone liked Seonghwa, and no one really dared to cross him. What made you more nervous was that all his friends seemed excited about something. You wound up getting dragged down to the basement, taken into a room that seemed abandoned, but it certainly wasn’t empty.
“What… what is this? Seonghwa, please-”
“Don’t bother screaming, no one’s gonna hear you.”
    Now you were very afraid, your heart pounding in your chest.Whatever this was, it wasn't good, and you really didn't wanna find out what Seonghwa had prepared. Whatever this was, it wasn’t good, and you really didn’t wanna find out what Seonghwa had prepared. You started thrashing, hitting his arm, desperately trying to get him to release you. Escaping probably would have been impossible since you were outnumbered, but you had to try anyway. Before you knew it though Seonghwa yanked you so you stood before him, grabbing your other arm and pinning them both to your side. 
    He only gave you a smile before sinking his fangs into you. Any attempt to struggle was quickly beaten down, and Seonghwa’s grip on you finally loosen. He didn’t drink as heavily as before, just enough to make you pliable. He took in a satisfied breath when he pulled away from you, licking his lips and then pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“You’re gonna taste so much better.”
    Somehow you were still on your feet, but certainly not stable. Seonghwa wasn’t holding you tight anymore, but he kept a hold of your arms to keep you steady. He carefully led you over to a chair, getting you to sit down. Your bite wound had already healed, and he licked up the bit of blood that remained.
“Just relax for me.”
    Even with the blood loss you were trying to regain your sense of self. You were giddy, and felt floaty, but this wasn’t the time to let your guard down. You tried to focus, but you couldn’t really do that until you were tied down. You vaguely watched as Jongho and Yeosang tied your arms and legs to the chair. you couldn’t really move, so this raised some flags.
“Wat... stop…”
“You don’t need to be scared.” Jongho stated. “You’ll be just fine.”
“It didn’t need to come to this if you had just listened to me from the start.” Seonghwa grabbed your chin, making your eyes meet. “But this is for the best.”
“What are you…”
“You’ll enjoy it.”
    Seonghwa stepped away, going over to a table. From where you were you couldn’t really see what was there, but you recognized the blood bags.
“One moment, love.”
    You were starting to feel more like yourself, gently tugging on your restraints to discover how much wiggle room you had, which was practically nothing. While you were haphazardly trying to come up with something you didn’t notice Seonghwa approach, not until he grabbed your face and pulled your gaze up to him.
“Let’s try not to be wasteful.” Seonghwa held up a blood bag. “Okay.”
“No... no, no, Seonghwa…”
“You’ll thank me later.”
    You shut your mouth tight, or as tight as you could with your strength. Seonghwa chuckled, finding your actions cute, but that wasn’t going to stop him. You could feel the tears building up, trying to prepare for the worst when you suddenly heard a loud crash. Seonghwa stopped, and despite the weird position, you managed to see San. He had broken the door down, breathing heavily as he stood up and took in the scene.
    You had no idea how he found you all the way down here, but you were terrified as to what Seonghwa would do to him. The others had gathered around San, but didn’t do anything, not without Seonghwa’s say.
“What the fuck are you doing to her!”
“I told you that if you got in my way again, you’d pay dearly.”
“Let her go this instant!”
“Grab him.”
    Seonghwa released you, placing the blood bag back on the table. You watched as San tussled with the other boys, clearly outnumbered and soon enough overpowered. Mingi and Yunho dragged him over, keeping him on his knees.
“I didn’t think you’d find me down here, but you’re full of surprises.” Seonghwa opened a case that had been on the table. “I came prepared though, as I’m one to keep my word.”
    Seonghwa put on some gloves and grabbed a silver dagger from the case. He ran the blade across his cheek, the wound healing instantaneously without a drop of blood spilling.
“Our power is truly amazing, isn’t it. Although it’s a shame some of you seem satisfied with just a fraction of it.”
“We’re all the same!” San yelled. “Don’t think you’re all high and mighty because you drink human blood.”
“But I am high and mighty. I’m better than you, but I won’t hold that over you forever.”
    Seonghwa grabbed a jar from the case as well, setting it on the table and unscrewing the lid. You could all see the cross on it, and you knew what it was, holy water. Seonghwa dipped the blade into the water, letting it soak a bit before pulling it out and sealing the jar. He walked over to San, the others holding him still.
“What are you doing?!” San hissed. “Are you going to kill me? Is this how I’ll pay dearly?”
“Hardly.” Seonghwa knelt down, placing a hand on San’s shoulders. “We’re going to be good friends, you and I.”
    With a devilish grin Seonghwa dug the blade into San’s chest. You heard San scream in agony, causing you great distress. You pulled against your restraints, screaming at Seonghwa to leave him alone. Seonghwa didn’t care for your cries, twisting the knife and digging it in deeper. San was released as the blade was dragged up and pulled out, causing him to collapse to the floor, blood pooling around him. Somehow he managed to get on his hands and knees, coughing up blood as he grabbed his wound.
“Choi San, you know I liked you better when you knew your place and didn’t cross me. Don’t worry though, you’ll heal.” Seonghwa stated. “But not fast enough to save your life. At least not on your current diet.”
    Seonghwa put the bloody blade back into the case, grabbing a blood bag and throwing it to the ground before San. He grabbed another and walked back over to you. Tears were streaming down your face, and you refused to look at Seonghwa, but he grabbed your face and forced your eyes to meet.
“He made you cry again.”
“You… monster…”
“You haven’t seen a monster. Not yet.”
    Seonghwa tore open the blood bag, spilling its contents all over your chest. You didn’t get any on your face, but the smell alone was making you light headed. You tried to keep your focus though, worried about San. Seonghwa wiped some blood on your neck, placing a soft kiss on your head before looking back at San.
“If you don’t drink that blood, you will die.” Seonghwa reminded. “Are you really going to make y/n watch?”
“Fuck… you…”
“Hm. Well, I’m not gonna make her witness such a thing.”
    Seonghwa stalked over grabbing the blood bag off the floor and grabbing San’s face. He flashed his fangs, eyes glowing red, biting into the blood bag and pouring the contents down San’s throat.
“I really didn’t want any blood to go to waste.”
    San gagged, choking on the blood, but despite his efforts it went down, and it tasted divine. When he had enough strength he grabbed the bag from Seonghwa, drinking down the last drops. Seonghwa chuckled and got up, tossing another bag to the floor, which San eagerly grabbed and drank.
“San…” You were choking back more tears. “San…”
“He’s not listening right now, love.” Seonghwa said. “Tasting human blood for the first time can be quite an experience. For someone like him, it’s quite a frenzy. All he wants is more and more, can’t even tell the difference between his own kind and humans.”
“San, over here boy.”
    Seonghwa caught San’s attention, which in turn drew San’s eyes to you. All he could smell was the blood on you, human blood, and that’s all he cared to know. Before you knew it San was digging his fangs into your neck. You screamed out, horrified that your friend was doing this to you, but you were soon choking on your own tears.
“San… San…”
    You hadn’t fully recovered from Seonghwa, and now San was draining you, and fast. Your vision was going black, and you knew you’d pass out soon enough. Before that happened though Seonghwa pulled San off of you, meeting his eyes and chuckling.
“She tastes good doesn’t she?”
    Seonghwa shoved San back, dropping him to the floor. The boy tried to lunge for you again, but Mingi and Wooyoung grabbed him, holding him back. Seonghwa ordered them to take him away, and you vaguely saw a feral San being dragged off. Once they were gone Seonghwa grabbed your face, looking down on you with a soft smile on his lips.
“We’ll finish this later. I have a new friend to look after.”
    Seonghwa drew his claws and cut the ropes, grabbing his case and leaving. You tried to stand up, to go after them, but you collapsed to the floor, lucky enough to avoid any blood. You rolled over and stared up at the ceiling. You weren’t going to be moving anytime soon, so you let the darkness take you. You’d come up with a plan once you had enough strength.
    You opened your eyes, finding yourself in a familiar unfamiliar place, the infirmary. You quickly sat up, noticing that your clothes were clean, and the smell of blood was completely gone. Without thinking you got up, finding Hongjoong on the other side of the curtain playing on his phone. When he saw you he offered you a smile.
“You’re up.”
“Where’s San!”
“You don’t have to worry about him. He’s fine.”
“Where is he!”
“Get home safe.”
    Hongjoong got up, intending to leave, but you weren’t done with him. You grabbed him, only for him to grab your arm in return, getting you to let him go. He did it all with a kind smile on his face too.
“See you tomorrow.”
    You were all alone, still trying to process, trying to figure out where to go. Once you had an idea you grabbed your things. The sun was barely setting, but you weren’t heading out just yet. You went down to the basement, finding the room you had been held hostage in. It was spotless, nothing out of place, and not a whiff of blood. They cleaned up all the evidence so fast. So it didn’t matter if you reported the situation, which meant you needed to find San. Your sense of smell wasn’t as good as others, and you certainly weren’t attuned to San’s scent, which you cursed yourself out for. That left you with one option.
    You headed out, going to the only place you could think, San’s home. You had walked him there once, after a long afternoon of studying. When you got there you knocked on the door, but there was no response, so you thought to stay. For a couple hours you waited for him, wanting him to come back safe and sound, but given how you saw him last time, you were worried. As it got late you realized he wouldn’t be home, which meant you had to go. Surely you’d see him at school tomorrow, so you just had to wait. You stayed up all night, couldn’t even bring yourself to eat anything, just waiting for the sun.
    For the first time ever you were the first student of your class at school. Even then all you could do was wait until the others arrived, hoping San was among them. Guilt was eating you alive, and you just wanted to know if he was alright. You did doze off a bit, somehow, but were woken up by a loud commotion. You snapped awake, seeing Seonghwa and his friends messing around with each other, but more importantly you saw San walking in. He seemed to be alright, he was smiling, and you scrambled out of your seat, going over to him and hugging him tight.
    He was a bit taken aback by the sudden hug, but he happily embraced you. The tears began to flow, and he gently pet your head, trying to shush you.
“It’s okay, everything’s okay.”
“I’m so sorry, this is all my fault.”
“Easy, you’re not to blame.”
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry…”
“Don’t cry. I’m alright.”
“What happened? You were hurt and-”
“Are you okay though?” San questioned. “I hurt you without meaning to. I wasn’t in my right mind then, but I am now.”
“I know that wasn’t you. I’ve just been worried about you.”
“There’s no need to be.”
“I’ll do better. I won’t let this happen. Let’s go to the teachers and-”
“Wa… what?”
“Y/n, I was wrong. I thought I was living well, but that’s not the case anymore.”
“I… I don’t understand.”
“Seonghwa helped me out last night. He opened my eyes to the truth.”
    Seonghwa suddenly came up to you from behind, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you close. You were still processing, refusing to accept the obvious conclusion.
“I told you, human blood is what we truly need.” Seonghwa stated. “I’m glad I could get San to understand that.”
“No… you forced that stuff down his throat! You-”
Seonghwa covered your mouth. “Easy there, love. We’re just having a polite conversation here, aren’t we?”
“It’s okay.” San said. “The circumstances weren’t the best, but that doesn’t change the fact that he was right. I feel so much better now, like I’m complete.”
    You shook your head, getting Seonghwa to move his hand away. Once he did you shoved him back, stepping away from the group that had been surrounding you.
“You’re not San, this isn’t you.”
“It is, it’s who I’ve always been.”
“They hurt you!”
“I wouldn’t listen to reason, but you should.”
“No, no you’re not San… you’re not…”
    You ran out of the room in tears, needing a place to be alone. This was all your fault. You knew Seonghwa wasn’t gonna leave you alone and you knew San was going to keep interfering, and yet you let him do that. It cost him dearly, and the boy you saw now wasn’t him. You found a quiet room to cry in, letting yourself come to terms with your new reality. You missed your first two classes, not sure if you even wanted to go back, but you had to. You couldn’t just run away like before. As you returned you told the teacher you had been in the infirmary, which they accepted. You tried to focus, on occasion looking over at San. 
    He seemed just like his old self like this, and for a while you could delude yourself into thinking yesterday didn’t happen. Yet when the bell rang you remembered the truth. San hung out with Seonghwa, everyone seemed like long time friends. When they glanced your way you quickly rushed out, going to the lunchroom knowing they wouldn’t follow you. That day you ate alone, and it was worse than back at your old school. Even San’s other friends figured his sudden change was your fault, and you wouldn’t disprove them. This was all just a reminder of how alone you were. Although you couldn’t just let this go without consequences. You went to the teachers office.
“I… I don’t understand.”
“Seonghwa made San drink human blood. I was there, and now… San’s different. Aren’t you going to do anything?”
“So that’s why San changed his diet, because of Seonghwa?”
“Well it is for the best.”
“Apologies. I mean no disrespect to your dietary choices, but human blood is very beneficial. If San has changed his diet due to another student’s recommendation, that’s his choice.”
“But he was forced… you’re not going to do anything, are you?”
“What exactly do you want me to do?”
    Without evidence you couldn’t just tell them you had been taken and tied down, and San was severely hurt in the process. As far as they were concerned Seonghwa had a chat with San and convinced him, nothing wrong with that even though you knew that wasn’t the truth. You sulked back to your class, feeling defeated. This place was worse than your old school, you wished you had never come here.
    You were wallowing in your own defeat when you were yanked into an empty classroom. You didn’t care anymore, letting yourself get tossed around. Whatever pain you felt, it was deserved. You met Seonghwa’s eyes, seeing that he was annoyed.
“What were you doing in the teachers office?”
“I don’t believe you. Now talk.”
“There’s nothing you need to worry about. I told them you’re the reason San changed his diet. They were actually happy to hear he was eating better. Maybe they’ll give you an award.”
Seonghwa chuckled. “Didn’t I tell you this would happen?”
“Are we done here?”
“Yes. With transgressions settled we should talk about your health. You see how San is doing. He’s much better now, isn’t he?”
“Fuck you.”
“You better watch your mouth.”
“You win okay, you’ve made your point. Now leave me alone.”
“This isn’t over.”
“Well it is for me. You’ve made it clear I don’t belong anywhere…”
    You stormed out of the room before Seonghwa could think to do anything more. You got your things from your locker, opting to hide out until classes were over so you could leave. When you got home you locked yourself in the bathroom, sitting under the shower head and letting yourself get soaked. It hid your tears and sobbing. You felt like such a terrible person, a terrible friend. The only person you felt you could even call a friend in the last decade or so of your existence was taken from you, and it was all your fault. You tried so hard to live your life peacefully but it was becoming clear that wasn’t possible for you. It would be best to start over, and just keep to yourself. It’d be lonely, but that was better than getting others hurt.
“Has anyone seen y/n?”
    Seonghwa glanced back at your seat. It was going on day three of you being absent. There was no official statement about you dropping out or transferring, but this didn’t seem like you at all. You kept up your grades, regardless of your peers. Perhaps his antics had gone too far. That was on him as he was always told not to play with his food. Still, he wasn’t gonna let this go either.
“I believe she hasn’t been feeling well.” Mingi stated. “She should return soon.”
“Getting sick isn’t common for our kind.”
“We’ll check on her after classes.” Seonghwa volunteered. “Promise.”
“Alright. We’ll continue then.”
    It would have been easy to get his hands on your file to find your address, but he had San now so it was less trouble. After school the eight of them went to your apartment. Some things were stacked at the door and Seonghwa was starting to get irritated. He politely knocked, but that got no response. He tried again, more aggressive and calling out your name but nothing. He tried listening but it sounded like the place was empty. Without thinking he kicked in the door, stepping inside. The others followed, and they all spread out. He would have thought no one was home, but he soon enough found you on the living room floor wrapped up in blankets, a mess of papers around you. Hongjoong and San picked some up, looking them over.
“She looks to be studying for a GED.” Hongjoong reported. “Or at least doing research on how to get one.”
“These seem to be job listings.” San added. “She’s really gonna drop out cause of me…”
“Not you, me.” Seonghwa stated. “Might have pushed the little thing too much. I should have just cut to it.”
    Seonghwa knelt down, seeing a half eaten blood bag around. You weren’t getting proper meals from school anymore, and were probably rationing what little bit you had at home. He did feel guilty for playing around with you for as long as he did. It wouldn’t have gone so far if San hadn’t gotten involved, but he didn’t mind the new friend. He reached over and pet your head.
“Y/n, wake up.”
    You groaned, slowly lifting your head up and peeking your eyes open. You could vaguely make out Seonghwa before you, confused. You hadn’t been eating much, so you were certain this wasn’t real.
“Seonghwa... what are you doing here…”
“I don’t know, why don’t you tell me.”
“Why would I... hallucinate you…”
“I’m a hallucination?”
“Why else would you... be here…”
“Good question. Why would you hallucinate me?”
“I don’t know... cause I liked you... at one point…”
“Did you now?”
“You were... nice… thought we… could be friends…”
“Me too.”
“Go back to sleep for me, okay. Just close your eyes and go back to sleep.”
“Hm… okay.”
    You laid your head back down, closing your eyes. To you it was just a dream that would fade in your memory. For Seonghwa though, it was confirmation on what he needed to do. He carefully pulled back the blankets, not wanting to wake you.
“Let’s go.”
“Are you taking her home?” San asked.
“Something like that.”
    The boys always followed Seonghwa without question, even San had quickly fallen into the fold. Wherever they were heading, it made the others excited, but San was curious. He had yet to know everything that goes on with Seonghwa. They had driven to the city, going into an alleyway. The keys were handed over and Seonghwa stepped up to a door, knocking.
“Who is it?”
“A friendly face.”
    A slot in the metal door opened up, revealing red glowing eyes. Seonghwa offered up a smile, his eyes matching the crimson color.
“Of course.”
    Seonghwa held up his hand, using his claws to cut deep into his wrist, enough to properly draw blood. As it flowed down his arm a symbol began to glow. The gentleman behind the door closed the peep hole, and unlocked the entrance, opening it and gesturing for Seonghwa to enter. Although when the doorman realized your unconscious body in Yunho’s arm he stopped Seonghwa.
“No outside food.”
“She’ll be dining with us tonight.”
“Fledglings aren’t allowed either.”
“I know, and she’s not one. It is her first time though, so congratulate her on her awakening.” Seonghwa pushed the gentleman aside. “I hope my usual room is available.”
“Of course.”
“Oh, and remember the little favors I brought in before. I’d like them now.”
“Yes, sir.”
    Seonghwa led his people to a VIP lounge, having Yunho set you down on the couch. The others had been there before, immediately going over to the open bar and getting some drinks.
“Everything is laced with blood, so take it easy, San. We’re still working on your blood lust.”
“I know.”
    Everyone got themselves a drink, settling around the room. Seonghwa sat by you, letting you rest your head in his lap. He pet your hair for a while, letting you rest. Although you had to wake up at some point. Seonghwa took a sip of his glass, and then held it up to your nose.
“Wake up, darling.”
    You groggily opened your eyes, slowly trying to take in your surroundings. You sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“Where…” This place was completely unfamiliar. “What the hell…”
“It’s good to see you.”
    Your gaze snapped over to the voice, seeing Seonghwa at your side. He raised his glass to you with a smile and took a sip. Now you were wide awake, seeing all the others around the room drinking, even San.
“What… what is this place?”
“My go-to, it’s quite wonderful.”
“Wait… how am I here? I was at home… how did you-”
“San walked you home a few times, so we knew where to go.” Seonghwa finished his drink. “You’ve been missing school. That’s very unlike you.”
“How would you know?”
“Were you really planning on running away?”
“That’s none of your concern.”
“Oh, but it is. How could I let such a pretty thing get away from me.”
“Maybe if you had been nicer-”
“That wouldn’t change anything. My kindness would leave you just as weak, and just as vulnerable as you’ve always been.”
“And being a dick was supposed to help me?”
“I’ll admit, I took it too far. I never intended for someone else to get involved.” Seonghwa glanced over at San for a moment. “I don’t mind the extra company though. He’s coming along nicely, and so will you.”
“I already told you to leave me alone. This is kidnapping!”
“You already saw how reporting me to the teachers went, you think this will be any different?”
“I’m leaving.”
    You got up to leave, and Seonghwa called out for someone to come in. As you reached the door they suddenly opened by themselves, three girls stepping in. Their eyes were glassy, and you could tell they weren’t fully aware of what was going on, but what stood out was that you recognized them. They were your old classmates, the ones who had always picked on you.
“What… what is this?”
“A gift.”
“They’re not gonna do anything to you, but you are free to do anything with them.”
“What?! You think I want something like this?”
“Yes, I’m aware you refuse to listen to reason, so we’ll do this my way.”
“Your way involves kidnapping. Last time you tried to shove human blood down my throat!”
“San took that for you, what a hero.” 
“Aren’t you tired, love?” Seonghwa asked. “Of being weak and defenseless. You remained that way at your old school so you could stay there, so you wouldn’t hurt anyone. Yet you were punished for it, and had to hold yourself together for the sake of peace, but tell me, what have humans done for peace?”
“You may hate humans for whatever reason, but I’m not like you!”
“I don’t hate them, I just know I’m better than them. You are too, even in your weakened state, but you can be just as great as I am.”
“I don’t want it!”
“Why!” Seonghwa snapped. “I can not understand any of you who refuse human blood. That is our true source of life, the source of our power, and yet you deny your instincts as if that makes you better than the rest of us!”
“I don’t think I’m better than you!”
“Then why do you deny your true nature?”
“Because I’m afraid…”
“What? You’re afraid? What do you have to fear?”
“… turning into a monster…”
“You said something like that when we first met. Are the rest of us in this room monsters?”
“I may have gone to a human school, but I did study vampire history. There are those of us who struggle to control their hunger. They wind up locked up… and if they can’t control themselves… they’re killed…”
“You think you’ll turn into some monster?”
“I don’t know. But I’m not going to take that chance, so I won’t drink human blood.”
“Oh, y/n, you don’t have to be afraid.” Seonghwa came up to you, taking your hands in his. “I’ll be right here to make sure you don’t lose control. Just as I watch over my boys, as I watch over San. We’ll all look after you.”
    You didn’t know what to do anymore. You had laid yourself out bare for Seonghwa and the others to see. Admitting to your fears. You knew Seonghwa’s words weren’t a lie. Despite what he had done to San he hadn’t left the boy to suffer or cause trouble. They got along just like friends. Seonghwa gently tugged you along, closer to one of the girls. He bit into her neck, getting a small taste before pulling away and licking his lips. He pulled you closer, the smell of fresh blood hitting you, making you a bit dizzy.
“You’ll love it.”
“We… we’re not supposed to feed off humans… the bite…”
“These humans have been here a while. You’d be doing them a favor.”
“Come on now. You’ve wondered why I’ve done everything I have, and it’s been for this. You shouldn’t be weak, letting others walk all over you. I want you to be powerful, I want you to be true to yourself.”
    Your throat felt dry, and you swallowed nervously. Things have changed for you. There wasn’t much reason to fear your nature. You took a step forward, drawing out your fangs. Seonghwa gave you a smile, gently tilting the girls head to the side to expose her neck more. In the moment you desperately wanted to sink your fangs in. To know what it felt like to drink fresh blood, to drink human blood, to feel powerful, but you stepped back, shutting your eyes.
“I won’t…”
“Y/n, you don’t have to be scared. I won’t let you turn into a monster.”
“And I believe that, but this is still my choice. I don’t want to drink human blood. You should respect that.”
Seonghwa scoffed. “I thought for sure this approach would suit you better, but I see I’ve just wasted my time again.”
“I do appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but this is where I must refuse you.”
“That’s not an option. Grab her.”
    You only took a few steps before Yeosang and Wooyoung were holding you in place. You weren’t as strong as them, and far weaker now, but that never stopped you from fighting. Wherever you were now, you were completely at Seonghwa’s mercy. You were scared of turning into a monster, but you were afraid of Seonghwa as well.
“Let me go! Seonghwa! This isn’t right! You can’t just force someone to do something they don’t want!”
“You’re right, but this is for your own good.”
“San thanked me in the end, you will too.”
    Seonghwa sunk his fangs into the girl again, drinking heavily. When he pulled away she collapsed to the floor. He took in a deep breath, his lips stained with blood. As he approached you leaned back, trying to avoid him, but you could only go so far.
“This will be so good.”
    Seonghwa took your head in his hands and pulled you into a deep kiss. You tried not to give in, but the second you tasted blood your eyes went wide. You were suddenly kissing back, wanting more and more of this sweet taste. The two who were holding you let go, allowing Seonghwa to pull you closer. It was so easy to get lost in the taste, in him, but as the blood on his lips disappeared, you came back to your senses. You were soon horrified by your actions, trying to move away from Seonghwa but he had his arms wrapped around you.
“What’s wrong? Didn’t you enjoy that?”
“No… no, no, no!”
    You started squirming in Seonghwa’s grasp, but he didn’t intend on letting you go. You already had a taste, and going back was practically impossible. He had won, but you didn’t want to give in. If he wasn’t going to let you go you opted to continue with your plans regardless. You stuck your fingers down your throat, wanting to throw up the blood before you truly took it in. 
“Ah, ah, none of that!”
    Seonghwa quickly pulled your hand away and turned you around, having your back pressed against his chest. He placed his hand over your mouth, his other arm around your waist and holding you still. You tried to move his hand away, but forced your head back against his shoulder, giving you little room to move.
“Just let it happen, baby. You’re going to be much happier.”
    You had tears streaming down your face, not wanting to admit to any of this. You still had a chance, you kept telling yourself that. Even with the little bit of human blood you had, your strength wasn’t at his level. If you wanted him to let you go, you needed to try something else. You managed to move his hand just enough so you could draw your fangs and bite him. Your actions caught him off guard and he let you go. You collapsed to the floor, coughing and spitting out blood, then it hit you and you froze.
“Aish, you’re a little psycho, aren’t you? Leave her.” Seonghwa ordered his boys to stay where they were. “She won’t be trouble anymore. Isn’t that right?”
“Why… why does…” Blood was dripping out of your mouth. “… why is… your blood… sweeter… than humans…”
“You already know the answer. You said you studied our history.”
“That’s… impossible…”
“Is it?”
“Your kind was wiped out.”
“Oh please, that’s what we wanted you all to believe. As if you could get rid of us.”
“You can’t be!”
“Perhaps I should have snuck you my blood beforehand. It would have made things easier, but I did want you to make the right choice in the end. You didn’t, but that’s alright.”
“There’s no point denying it or worrying about the truth. You won’t tell anyone, I won’t let you.”
“You can’t… you can’t be…”
“Come here.” Seonghwa said. “Crawl to me.”
    You couldn’t say no, looking over to see that Seonghwa had gotten a drink and sat down. You crawled over to him, keeping your head down. When you got to him you got on your knees.
“Look at me, love.” You raised your gaze to him. “Still don’t believe me?”
“When you said… I wouldn’t turn into a monster…”
“I meant it. It’s my gift after all. The power of a royal vampire, able to control humans like others, but also vampires, once they have a taste of royal blood that is. All it takes is a drop. Incredible, isn’t it?”
“You don’t have to be afraid. I’m not going to hurt you, that was never my goal. I just wanted you to be true to yourself.”
“You mean a real vampire.”
“One in the same.”
“So I was right… you are a monster…”
Seonghwa laughed. “Say what you want. I’ll wipe away all those pesky thoughts of yours soon enough.”
“San… and the others, they’ve all-”
“Had a taste of my blood, yes. It’s important to keep order.”
“You’re controlling them!”
“They listen to me, love, I don’t control every action of theirs.”
“Same thing, isn’t it?”
“Hm, you really do have quite a mouth.”
“This is why your kind shouldn’t exist! You’re all just power hungry monsters who take whatever they want without consequence! Your kind is the reason-”
“Silence! You shouldn’t be babbling on about things you know nothing about! You think the way we live now maintains peace between vampires and humans? Don’t kid yourself. You’ve suffered first hand because of those creatures. They are beneath you.”
“And so am I, aren’t I?”
“You shouldn’t sell yourself short. I went through a lot of trouble for you.”
    Seonghwa had one of the other girls come to his side. He bit into her neck, getting a good mouth full before moving away.
“Things will change one day.” Seonghwa ran his fingers along the wound, licking the blood off them. “And proper order will be restored to this world.”
“Come here, have a drink. I know you want to, so give in.”
    Your throat was suddenly dry again, and the world was starting to fade. All you could hear was the heart beat of the girl, salivating by merely thinking of the blood in her veins. Despite your best efforts to hold yourself together you moved towards the human, exposing your fangs. Seonghwa happily watched you, whispering encouraging things as you bit into the girls neck. Your mouth was immediately filled with sweet blood, and you swallowed it down with ease. You shut your eyes as you drank, the action feeling natural to you, and every gulp was making you feel so good. You had no intention of stopping, but Seonghwa eventually pulled you off, wiping the blood off your lips with his thumb, getting a taste for himself afterwards.
“Easy now, I can’t have you killing the little thing. We have to be careful of our precious livestock here.”
“This place…”
“Sh, it’s nothing to worry about.” Seonghwa pulled you into his lap. “All you have to do is be happy. You’re free now. No need to be afraid, no need to pretend that you actually care about humans.”
“Sh, sh, sh… I’ve been waiting so long for this.” 
    Seonghwa ripped into your shirt, exposing your neck. He inhaled your scent, noting the changes. He drew his fangs, running them along your neck before taking a bite. A soft moan escaped your lips. He had bitten you before, but this felt different, this felt better. You let the feeling consume you, the edges of your vision going dark as Seonghwa pulled away. He was breathing heavily, grabbing your chin to see your little blissed out expression.
“Just as I imagined, you taste divine. Don’t worry, darling, I’ll give you what you want too.”
    Seonghwa pulled you in for a kiss, sharing a taste of you. He watched you for a moment before pulling your head closer to his neck.
“Go on now, you know what to do.”
    Even in your daze you’d recognize his scent, his heartbeat, and you wanted to taste him again. You sunk your fangs into Seonghwa’s neck, practically moaning as you drank from him. He held your head, petting you, his own blissed out smile present on his face. Seonghwa wanted you from the moment he laid eyes on you. He could have had you at any moment, but he wanted you to choose him. Things had gone way off course, but he knew you had picked him in the end. So what came next didn’t matter much, you were his.
“Good girl… that’s a good girl…”
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letsunity · 11 months
With Thunder Comes Lightning
Summery: Peter and MJ tried again, but the spark wasn't there; they stay as friends to raise their soon-to-be daughter. Everything was going great until evil goop and a spooky vampire guy fall out of an orange portal. Little does Peter know that the biggest pain in his ass and future mutant best friend has landed right at his feet.  
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art by @gryphll
Chapter 4 - Appointment
Doctor appointments weren't MJ's favourite thing. She had a phobia of needles and other medical garbage. The smell of sterile stuff made her ill.
Of course, Peter has to be the friendly neighbourhood Spiderman. For her safety, MJ had their new buddy.
"It's just a checkup. Everything's going to be fine," MJ told herself, biting her lower lip. "I don't feel fine. Ok. Can I have some encouragement?"
"I've never been to a hospital, so I can't accurately assure your safety," Miguel stated, the coldness of it concerning her. "I'll kill whoever comes too close. Does that help?"
"You're trying. That's helpful enough, tough guy."
"I suspect you're infantilising me."
"I have a baby growing in me. Everyone is an infant to me now. And you're, y'know, a decade younger than me."
His little grumble was cute.
MJ might not know how to make a portal watch or swing webs, but she could see when someone was hurt.
The entire situation hurt her best friend; Peter was a good man with a titanic heart, and it weighed heavily on him. She wanted to hug and tell him it was ok, but she couldn't lie to his face. She didn't know how this would turn out.
He cried himself to sleep last night. He was grieving the loss of his friends alone. He tended to put himself on an island when in pain, not wanting to put the burden on others. It was a selfless part of him she used to love, but now she worried.
Her best friend was in pain, as was her new friend.
"Is there anything that they can do here to help you?" MJ asked, her blue eyes wandering up to meet those dark sunglasses.
"There's nothing to help in my universe. I doubt it'll be any different here."
"You never know. They might have something for those allergies and the light thing."
"Hmm, that sounds like self-harm."
"It's not undeserved."
"What is it with Spidermen and being all self-sacrificing?"
"We have the power to do something. We can do enough to make a significant change. By sacrificing ourselves, the people we protect can rest in peace. That's what it means to be Spiderman."
"Almost sounds like a quote."
"It was. From the Spiderman of my universe before me."
He was from the future, but MJ didn't even consider there might have been a previous Spiderman. Was it like Peter and Miles?
It's exciting learning about other universes.
"What was he like? The one before you?"
"I never met him. He died long, long before I came to be. When Klyntarus ruled our universe, there weren't any heroes or anybody with the power to do something - I'm... still alone on that front. But he was a good man from what I understand."
At least Peter had co-workers, allies and friends.
She was sad knowing that Peter had died there. All of the other heroes, too. It wouldn't be surprising if Klyntarus had something to do with that.
It's sweet that he was inspired by the original Spiderman, though.
He's right, though. If you can make a change for the better, you should.
The creed of Spiderman is to put others before yourself; it's a heavy burden but an honourable one. She respected it.
"I'm glad that he inspired you."
MJ didn't like the smell of the hospital entrance. It was messy, sterile and also tainted with puke. Thankfully, she wasn't alone in her disgust.
"Oh, mierda. Huele como una morgue horneada," he hissed, cringing.
"No idea what you said, tough guy, but agreed."
She didn't enjoy having to sign in. The receptionists weren't interested in being helpful, mostly ignoring MJ. They only started to pay attention when Miguel growled; it reminded MJ of a pissed-off cane corso.
Having a giant buff Latino vampire proved helpful. He's like a bodyguard, scaring people into listening to her. She used to do that for Peter when people ignored him for being a nerd.
She loves nerds. They've got so many interests and know many intriguing things. They can never bore you.
With the giant having kidnapped their attention, MJ was finally able to get things moving. All they had to do now was linger in the cesspool of stench until her doctor could be assed.
MJ's not happy about sitting on a warm chair surrounded by sick people, all looking as pleased as her.
She hates hospitals.
"How's your first hospital visit?"
Although MJ didn't have spidey sense, she had bullshit sense, courtesy of being a little redhead spitfire. She could detect something akin to one of those space wizards in those movies that Peter enjoyed.
There is a foulness in the force.
With some scouring, MJ spotted the source of the foulness. It was a woman glowering at her and her friend, paler than carved marble; she must be anaemic.
MJ's been around long enough to see one of those people.
She's not standing for it. She might be eight months pregnant and a shorty, but MJ had a spider's spirit.
Hopefully, she could distract him from that witch.
"If it's not rude for me to ask, is Nueva a Spanish version of new york?"
"No. It was destroyed in the calamity of 2038 and was rebuilt by Hector Nueva, soon named after him. I'm just Mexican. A little Irish, too."
"You're a damn big leprechaun."
"Very funny. I'm more like a Chupacabra, anyway."
"And here I thought you didn't like vampires."
"I don't. Vampires suck. Chupacabras are cool."
"They do suck."
"You're worse than Parker."
"I take that as a compliment, thank you."
Peter will feel much better knowing that she's not alone. She's got a buddy guard to protect her from any ominous sludge.
All Miguel has to do is sit in the corner and be spooky.
She was due measurements, weighing, blood pressure, a quick ultrasound, and possibly a pelvic exam - she hated those. It's so awkward and invasive.
While MJ should want nobody else in the room, she doesn't get a pervy vibe from Miguel. He didn't react when she came out of the shower, not bothered or even interested. He didn't have a single care about that sort of thing.
Her bullshit sense often intertwines with her gaydar. He's not straight; she knew that much. If she were a gambler, MJ would put her money on asexual.
Does he know what that is? She might ask later.
"We need to leave."
"Wait, is it him? Is he coming?" MJ questioned.
She was scared of being too close to that monster. It's hurt her friends so much, and she hasn't even seen it.
MJ didn't get to ask more as a roar echoed from outside.
Before she knew what was happening, she was facing the pale ceiling, bright orange webbing keeping her there. Several other people were up as well, but not her surprise roommate.
A suited Miguel was beneath her in the waiting room, his hands gripping the thick horn of nonother than Aleksei Sytsevich, also known as the Rhino.
Something was wrong, though. His thick hide was burned and scorched, ooze dripping and refusing to mix with his blood.
His face, usually mixed with rage and bloodlust, was full of fear and anguish. Most of his face was gone, reduced to burned bone. He only had a single eye, but she doubted he could see from it.
"Помогите мне кто-нибудь!" Rhino roared, his voice bloodcurdling and terrified. "Обжигает! Обжигает!"
MJ didn't understand Russian, but she knew he was in agony.
A black sludge ripped from his spine, red eyes scowling at Miguel.
"2099! What a coincidence! Such a little universe, hmm?" Klyntarus cackled, forcing Rhino to push forward. "Such weak little bodies. Can you imagine how it feels to be a flame sailing a sea of kerosene?"
"Eres toda mía, perra mocosa!"
"I look forward to you trying."
She winced as Rhino cried again, begging for help that couldn't come.
Klyntarus rammed into Miguel again, pushing him through the empty reception desk. People were running in panic, terrified.
MJ scrambled for her phone, texting Peter as quickly as she could. As soon as he realised she was there, it would go to ultimate shit.
Pick up your damn phone, Parker!
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Peter hopped past Morbius' claws, finding them far less impressive than Miguel's. Honestly, the vamp had nothing on Peter's roommate.
He didn't have Miguel's power or claws; even Miguel's fangs were much more intimidating. The red of his eyes had much more potency than Morbius'.
"You are depriving some village of their idiot!" Morbius sneered, trying to pierce Peter.
"And Twilight is missing one of its vamps!"
Peter jumped on the ledge of a balcony, cracking his aching back.
He wasn't sure how to feel about Morbius now. He was somewhat interested at the beginning. After ten years, though? it got old.
At this point, Morbius was the villain of the week.
Weirdly, he felt like a knockoff compared to his fellow spider. He didn't have the same energy or vibe.
He can't put it into words exactly, but compared to Miguel, Morbius is nothing.
"That movie is an insult to what makes vampires so-"
"-Lame?" Peter finished, uninterested. "Are you going to sparkle now?"
"Insolent brat!"
"I'm almost forty, dude."
"You're younger than me, so you're a brat!"
Man, so this is how Miguel felt.
He's still going to annoy him over being younger. What friend would Peter be if he didn't?
When Morbius pounced, Peter jumped onto a nearby roof, feeling his cracked phone buzz. He should ignore it, given he's fighting a "mighty" foe, but his senses demand otherwise.
Peter looked at his phone, seeing a missed call from MJ. Was she done with her appointment already? That was quick!
The text, however, told him otherwise.
Fuck Peter with a salty menorah. He's there.
"I've got a thing. Debate movies with you later, Mikey!"
"Darn you, Spiderman!"
He wasted no chance racing towards the hospital, and police were already surrounding the chaos. He landed upon a police car, fear dancing in his bones.
Peter's spidey senses were screaming to run away, but he couldn't. His friends and baby were in there.
As expected, Jameson was still kicking, talking to news cameras, no doubt blaming Peter for this, somehow. He's glad he quit working for that asshole; it was such a toxic environment.
Whatever, he's too old to care about what Jameson's whining about.
Peter swung inside, smelling the rot already. He's here alright. It disgusted him that Klyntarus was attacking a hospital, but he was already vile; Peter shouldn't be shocked at his evil.
There were glowing, orange webs on the ceiling where MJ's text said she'd been. He couldn't see her anywhere, so he would have to go looking. The trail of bloody melted viscera and rot was a good indicator.
The hospital looked like something out of a horror movie; it was decayed, in ruin. It's been infected by Klyntarus.
He was scared that he would find her and hurt them. He was terrified of being a father but even more afraid of losing his child.
Fuck, how can Miguel cope with losing his daughter? Peter hadn't even met his kid and was scared for them.
Peter crept through the ruins, cautiously stepping over suspicious mounds that stank of death. He relied on his spidey senses, but they were overwhelmed by that monster's presence.
Something big had barrelled through the hospital, almost like a torpedo or tank. It would take ages to fix this place up if that were even possible.
Klyntarus destroyed everything around him. It's likely that wherever he goes, it's inhospitable.
He saw some glowing web, a sign of his teammate. He followed it, finding a deep hole that ran so far down that Peter couldn't see the bottom. It appeared to reach the under levels of the hospital; there should only be a basement, though.
Another buzz from his damaged phone - a text!
Peter stared at it, analysing the three dancing dots that eventually became a message. His heart was tachycardic with worry and fear.
The older Spiderman ran, looking at the fading numbers on the doors he passed. He paused at 16B, the one that MJ's number indicated. Despite knowing it could be a trap, Peter broke the door open, scouring the room.
MJ was sitting beside a gurney. She was in shock, afraid and alone.
A recently deceased young man lay not far from her. He was horrifically burned, and most of his left leg was reduced to sludge. He died slowly; Peter knew that as soon as he spotted him.
He quickly came to his best friend's side, checking her for injuries.
"He had Rhino's body," MJ whimpered, shaking from the ordeal. "He was crying for help, Peter. Rhino. He was in agony."
That explained why the hospital had a giant hole in it.
"Come on, let's get out of here," Peter said, bridal carrying his close friend. "Are you hurt anywhere?"
"No. No, Miguel distracted him so we could run out. Something went wrong, though. The bodies didn't stay -"
Peter twisted to the deceased man, who was now sitting up, black fluid running from his orifices. His eyes were empty, devoid of life, but something was in there, puppeteering him.
He was close to tightening his grip but knew it'd hurt MJ. He wouldn't do that to her.
She clung to his body, hiding her face in his chest.
"He will reign long, and your friend will be far too gone!" the corpse cackled, rotting at an astonishing rate. He melted to bones before Peter's eyes. Not even his clothes survived the rot.
As cryptic as that was, Peter knew what it was implying.
Peter had to get MJ outside first, however.
He made his way out of the hospital, feeling that fear fade with each step. The further from Klyntarus he was, the more confident he felt.
Did Klyntarus' very presence rot your soul? It seemed so.
"Keep her safe," Peter ordered a surprised and confused police officer, turning back towards the building. "And don't let anybody else inside. I mean it."
"It's the same thing that killed those heroes, isn't it?" the officer said, removing her jacket to cover MJ. "Don't die in there, Spiderman."
"I don't plan on it."
He couldn't make any promises.
So, fear growing in his chest, Peter returned to the leftover Walking Dead set. He wouldn't be shocked to find Rick Grimes' room where he was somehow untouched in a coma for a year.
That entire show was a fever dream; he was sure of it. After Glenn died, the only fun left was, ironically, Negan. He'll have to make Miguel watch that.
When he arrived at the suspicious hole, Peter jumped. His knees complained when he landed, cracking in all the wrong and unsatisfying ways.
The fear of Klyntarus was far more potent than before, suffocating Peter in an aura of fear and death.
He's not looking for that thing, though.
Peter quickly spotted the entrance to a tunnel that shouldn't exist.
Rhino's body lay mangled and twisted at the entrance like a macabre decoration. Instead of being melted, it looked like a savage beast and tore the poor bastard apart. He didn't want to be on the backside of whatever caused that.
He walked down the tunnels, listening out for his friend.
His senses went off, sending a tingle down his spine. He turned around, annoyed to see Morbius had followed him.
"Not the time, Count Lame-ula. Ugh, that sounded better in my head. Whatever, could you go and haunt some little kid's birthday party? I'm in the middle of something."
"What horrors could have created such strife?" Morbius asked, both in awe and horrified by the situation.
"An extradimensional genocidal evil Symbiote that decays whatever he touches. You should go before you eats you, too."
"I don't believe you."
"I don't care."
"You're trying to deceive me!"
"Not everything is about you!"
"Fool! I am the reincarnation of the great Count Dracula!"
"Sure, and I'm the reincarnation of Link - see my little fairy, Navi? We're on our way to rescue Zelda," Peter sighed, rolling his eyes behind his mask. "Just go bother someone else, alright?"
Vampires suck.
Peter paused, feeling something else was down here. It wasn't Klyntarus, but it felt similar and yet distinct. He could feel it was nearby and dangerous, but not the precise position.
That "something" was coming and fast.
Of course, Morbius acted like a child and attempted to attack Peter while distracted. He wouldn't get the chance to get close, however.
A blur of red and dark pounced upon Morbius before he could reach Peter, his senses screaming at him to run. He couldn't see what it was but could hear the rabid rage and terrified cries.
Peter webbed the mysterious form and pulled it away from Michael, hearing a dog-like grunt of annoyance and frustration.
A pair of deep, red eyes stared back at Peter. They were similar to Klyntarus'; they had his unique shade, but Klyntarus didn't have pupils or irises. The eye shape was far too human to be Klyntarus, even if he tried to make a human body.
The eyes were what Peter was focused on at first, but then he saw what the rest of the red was.
A suit.
"Miguel?" Peter questioned, realising what, or rather who, he was looking at.
His pupils were so thin they were almost non-existent. He was shaking, breathing heavily and hunched over, foamy drool dripping onto the ground.
While Miguel didn't exist to Peter's spidey sense, this did. It wasn't the same as Klyntarus, but it was similar enough.
Miguel was swallowing air. It's like he was in a scary trance, trapped far away.
His claws were out, ready to scratch something that wasn't there. His fingers were shaking so much.
Peter felt like he was looking at a werewolf, pure instinct and consciousness battling for control, and the former was dominant.
Morbius shifted into shadows, reforming behind "Miguel". It was a stupid idea, for Miguel turned and bit Morbius' arm.
Having seen what it could do to Klyntarus, Peter grabbed his friend. The stupid villain was clawing at Miguel's face, trying to make him let go. Glowing blue was dripping from Morbius' arm - the venom was already being delivered.
"Get it off me!" Morbius yelled, turning his vampiric claws to Miguel's neck. He wouldn't let go, eyes staring at something that wasn't there.
It was clear Miguel wasn't there. He couldn't hear Peter, stuck in this bizarre and scary trance.
An idea came to Peter.
He took out his phone and turned on the flashlight, shining it directly into Miguel's eyes.
The trance version of his friend yowled, letting go to cover his eyes. While Morbius had left deep scratches on his face, the photophobia forced him to let go.
Morbius stumbled back, his arm shaking horribly.
Ignoring the vampire, Peter grabbed Miguel's shoulders, trying to figure out what was happening.
His "buddy" dropped his arms loosely, glowering towards Peter, but it didn't seem directed at him.
"It's me. It's Peter, alright?" Peter said, trying to get through to him. "How about we sit down? Does that sound good?"
He knew Miguel was much more powerful than him, but Peter's faster. If he needed to, Peter could stick to the walls or ceiling.
Encouraging his distant friend to sit down, Peter watched him, paying attention to his eyes.
Without any stimulation, he watched the redness in his eyes fade. When the red left, some awareness returned, replaced by confusion.
"What happened?" Peter asked, glancing at the groaning Morbius still clutching his arm.
"Había mucho ruido," Miguel muttered, rubbing his eyes. "He tried to take me. Estúpido bastardo."
The corpse's warning.
Did Klyntarus trigger a flight or fight response, only instead of Miles' invisibility, Miguel went rabid? It could've been a PTSD thing, too.
"Where's MJ?"
"She's safe," Peter said, feeling Klyntarus' presence growing. "We need to go."
Peter grabbed the taller man's side, feeling his broken ribs. That never seemed to stop him.
"I can move."
"I don't doubt that, but you still seem out of it."
The possession attempt had an impact, as he was still spaced out. It was like he was stoned or drunk.
"Happens sometimes," his friend grunted, a noise that did things Peter wished it didn't. "I didn't hurt you?"
"No. All I'm hurting from is arthritis."
"I always hurt someone..."
He didn't like hearing the sadness and regret there. And Peter couldn't say that he hadn't. He attacked Morbius and must've killed Rhino, though that seemed to be a mercy.
Peter scowled at Morbius' body, watching "his" head tilt. While Peter was focused on Miguel, he didn't even realise Morbius got snatched.
He didn't like the guy, but Morbius didn't deserve that fate.
The kidnapped body was already starting to decay.
"I'm going to take everything from you, Peter. I'll break you in ways you didn't think could be broken. And I'll have him, too," Klyntarus vowed, tilting Morbius' head too far to the right. "I'll let you play with my toy for now. It'll make it all the easier to break him after I've shredded your soul."
"What's to stop me from walking over there and ripping you out of there?"
"Because you're like all the other Parkers I've eaten. You don't kill, even when you want to. You won't kill me while I'm in someone's body. It's cowardice I thankfully bred out of my true body." His friend hissed, but it only made Klyntarus smile. "You've come so far from the fragile ball of flesh I ripped from that whore wetback."
Peter can't kill. It's his greatest strength and his weakness. How is he meant to beat something that'll only stop if it's destroyed?
He needed to get Miguel out of here and look after MJ. He had to find somewhere safe for her to stay.
Regardless of how his friend felt, they needed help. They were going to get the X-Men for backup.
"Until I find a more suitable temporary vessel, Parker. Farewell."
Peter shot a web at Morbius' possessed body, but he vanished into shadow.
Another day where he could've done something but didn't have the balls. That was a theme he was getting angry at.
"Maldito cobarde."
"Yeah, to whatever you said, pal."
Xavier's going to have a field day over this.
Special thanks to spider-the-bat for the borders!
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dark-elf-writes · 1 month
Feral teen mom Harry Au
Harry sees a small, pale girl, delirious from hunger, who tries to take a bite out of his neck. Harry stuns her and manages to find blood (it doesn’t matter where it is from as long as it isn’t tainted) for her.
The girl tells him, after about a gallon of blood, that her name is Toga Himiko, but he can call her Himi. He made her not feel as hungry for the first time in so long. She tells him she loves him after he fixes her fangs, almost torn out by her supposed family.
Harry decides that he likes her, and the way she can get so passionate about support items and doesn’t even get mad when he flinches from touching them. She never tried to take a bite out of Teddy, even when she was starving, because ‘babies are too cute to eat’.
Later, they meet a twenty-something with burn scars running all over (like how Voldemort looked when Harry killed him for the first time). He is shaking biting back a yell as he dabs burn cream on himself, injured badly after a bad fight where someone tried to attack him in his sleep.
And maybe Harry almost failed out of potions, but Hermione had been generous enough to give him as many healing potions as she could, as well as a book about them and what can and can’t be used on muggles (she knew he would find someone who needed help, and she was going to make sure he could help them.)
Harry helps Dabi, who sees the broken family the trio made, with a crazy elf, a baby whose quirk is too strong, a girl who is always starving, and a boy who, like Shoto, was raised to be a soldier. Dabi agrees to join them as they go around, trying to find odd jobs that hire them.
They both know about magic, Toga from a vampire she met a while back who she had brushed off as a hunger fuelled hallucination, and Dabi from hearing his dad talk about it on the phone. They don’t know much more, but they accept Harry when they realize what he was. What Teddy was.
When Harry tells them about Eraserhead, they force him to go. Let one of them live, and thrive.
Harry promises to rescue his family when he can.
Harry promised himself he wasn’t going to open himself up again. Wasn’t going to give himself more people to lose but.
Himi smiled at him like he had hung the stars just for her. Dabi’s laugh is smoke rough and sends pleasant shivers down his back. Both of them had stepped in front of Harry and Teddy more than once while they went around looking for anyone and everyone who would hire them. Had stepped in so Harry didn’t have to reach for the writhing mass of power just under his skin and have to start running again. Both of them had stayed up waiting for Harry to come back from his patrols seemingly taking it in shifts so one of them was always there waiting for him, was always watching over Teddy and Kreature where they rested.
(They weren’t Ron and Hermione, but Harry didn’t want them to be. He wasn’t sure his broken pieces fit with theirs anymore. Didn’t think they would run with him if he had to move again. It ached to think. His oldest friends. His first friends.
But this was for Teddy so he would keep moving.)
They wormed their way into Harry’s shattered heart without him knowing until it seemed… normal to turn and see them there. To hear the echo of footsteps after his own as he ran. To know no matter what he and Teddy were not so alone.
And yet.
“I say take his offer.” Harry actually hissed at Dabi’s casual words, something that never failed to make the man laugh. He did now, seated on the fire escape of some building so the smoke of his cigarette wouldn’t hurt Teddy. (Harry had nearly made him eat one the first time he had lit up around his baby. He still glared at him now, watching the trail of smoke with narrowed eyes.) “Seriously, kid, you’re meant for more than this.”
Himi nodded jingling the keys she had stolen from someone earlier in front of Teddy much to his delighted giggles. “You should be a hero. I mean you’re already a hero, but the costume would look cute on you.”
Harry grumbled, low and dangerous in his chest. Neither of them flinched. They never flinched from him. “What happened to ‘Heroes are pigs?’”
Dabi’s laugh was full of smoke and snapping debris. “You happened.”
And how the hell was Harry supposed to respond to that? He didn’t instead saying: “Come with me.”
He knew the answer before he said the words. Knew that while they would follow them anywhere to follow him now would be… unwise. Knew but it still ached when Dabi leaned over the fire escape to raise an eyebrow at him.
“I’m dead, remember? If I show myself now…”
True. Very true. If Harry hadn’t promised Endeavor to Dabi he would have taken care of that issue already but as it was…
“I still have a warrant for my arrest.” Himi sighed, a frown dancing at the corner of her lips. “People won’t believe that I was… sick.”
They never believed no matter where they were. They hadn’t believed Harry when he was eleven and starving. They hadn’t believed Harry when he was seventeen and desperate to protect the only thing that mattered to him the only way he knew how, had been trained how. They wouldn’t believe Himi now.
The window opposite of Dabi shattered and Harry forced himself to take slow deep breaths. Control it. He could control it.
“Then I wont go.”
Himi’s eyes flicked to him immediately, narrowed with her fangs flashing in the grimy light of the streetlight at the mouth of the alley. “You will. For Teddy.”
Harry flashed his teeth back, not as sharp but just as deadly, then he sighed. He didn’t want to leave them. Didn’t want to stop running if they had to continue but…
His baby came first. He had to.
“I’ll come back for both of you.” He swore. “So don’t do anything fucking stupid in the meantime.”
“Fu!” Teddy jabbered, as bright and bubbly as always.
Dabi and Himi’s laughter filled the alley, roiling smoke and knife-sharp.
“We should say the same to you. You’re the king of stupid.” It was Dabi’s turn to get teeth flashed at him but he only laughed and flicked ash in Harry’s vague direction far too far away for it to do anything.
He will be back for them. He won’t accept any other option.
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astarionfreak · 2 months
I'm not sure if you are taking prompts 👉👈 But i had an idea and i haven't seen any fics of it yet.
What if after escaping the nautiloid, tav found Astarion first, and they are all alone when she finds him. Then he does his little thing with his dagger, demanding answers, but then tav is sorta touch starved. Maybe she is kinky, or something like that, so tav ends up moaning and/or breathing heavy under his blade, and astarion realizes what is happening and is very excited to give tav what she needs?????? >.<
I know I am not good at writing, but your fics are so good, i find myself thinking about them throughout my day, and it's distracting 😭
Feel free to change whatever if my idea is kinda dumb or unrefined
Anyways, whether or not you take this prompt is up to you, and i hope you have a great day <3
ANON. Anon! Anon! Listen. Listen. I love this idea. So -- yes. Okay. YES. Thank you!!
As with most things I write, this fic spiraled out of control. It turned into completely self indulgent filth. I hope you enjoy my take on the prompt <3
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That darling neck of yours
// Astarion x Fem!Reader (Tav)
When Astarion pulled you down to the ground and held that blade to your throat, it awakened your desire. He noticed -- and he's going to hold it against you (again).
18+ • NSFW • 4.2K words | Teaser below (Read on AO3)
Tags/Warnings: POV second person, Present tense, Knife play (if you squint, Tav does get a small cut on her neck but it's an accident), Masturbation, Vaginal Fingering, Penis in vagina sex, Vampire bites, Blood kink, Light choking/breath play, Submissive Tav, Dominant Astarion.
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You sit on your bedroll, staring deep into the campfire. Sometimes, if you sit still enough, you can feel the tadpole wriggling around in your brain. You wonder if you should have pressed on, but the sun set quickly after the pale elf joined your side. So you set up camp.
Astarion. He’s an interesting find. Maybe you’re a fool for letting him travel with you. He did hold a dagger to your throat.
Although . . .
A shiver rolls up your spine. Your skin prickles. You’re immediately aroused by the mere memory of him threatening you — the thought of him claiming you as his own.
You glance over your shoulder and watch Astarion for a moment as he struggles to set up his tent. You’d offer to help, but, well, no. You won’t offer to help. You turn back to the fire and let your mind wander.
Time seemed to slow when the sharp edge of his blade pressed against your throat. His body was so close to yours as you went tumbling backwards and crashing into the dirt. All you could think about was how the back of your head didn’t hit the ground — and how he held you. How he threatened you: his willing captive.
You tug at the collar of your shirt, suddenly finding the warmth of the fire practically unbearable. But your thoughts, they begin to drift again . . .
“What the hells are you doing?” you choked out. Your mouth went dry. You were certain that your face and chest were flushed red from anxiety — or, maybe, it was arousal. You swallowed thickly and tried to plan your escape. When was the last time someone held you or even touched you at all?
“Shh. Not a sound. Not if you want to keep that darling neck of yours,” he purred. The low timbre of his voice went straight to your cunt. You locked eyes with his. Crimson, dark, deep. A soft moan clawed its way up your throat and slipped past your lips. He didn’t say anything, but he heard it, you watched as his eyes darkened. Part of you hoped that he’d defile you right there — in the dirt where you met.
Heat pools between your legs. If only you could find some relief. There’s one thing that would help. You check behind you again. Astarion is still busy with his tent. Surely he wouldn’t notice if you . . .
You slip your hand beneath the hem of your pants. Your fingers travel lower, lower, lower. Only pausing when you’ve brushed over your clit. You bite your lip and shiver. Then you continue down until your fingers are low enough to dip between your lips.
You find exactly what you expected. You’re drenched. Just from a thought, just the idea of him — this stranger — pulling you to the ground, holding a dagger to your throat, and taking control of your body.
You sink two fingers into your cunt, down to the second knuckle. It’s almost agonizing, clenching around your own fingers while thinking about his. The dexterous hands of a rogue. He’d know exactly how to pleasure you — when to take and when to give.
You struggle to push your fingers in deeper without making too much of a scene. You grind the palm of your hand against your clit. Ugh. It’s not enough.
You bite back a whimper as you withdraw your fingers. You drag them back up through your slick folds until you find your clit again. Just once, you lie to yourself. Just one, tiny, stroke. You check over your shoulder. Astarion hasn’t noticed you pleasuring yourself yet — he’s busy. He doesn’t ever need to know.
Read on AO3.
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fanficshiddles · 2 months
The Redbridge Hunts, Chapter 38
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It had been a couple of weeks since school returned after the easter holidays, all of the students and the teachers were nice and refreshed after some well-deserved time off.
One Friday afternoon, after classes ended, a vampire student called Mandy went to see Chris at his office.
‘Come in.’ Chris called through his office door.
Mandy entered, and Chris could instantly tell there was something wrong, she looked very antsy and irritable.
‘Mandy. Is everything ok?’ He asked with a frown.
‘I uhm… I need help.’ She said quietly.
‘Help with what? Take a seat.’ Chris motioned to the chair opposite his desk and he closed his laptop.
Mandy sat down and took a moment before speaking further, she was fiddling with her hands as she spoke. ‘I really want to hunt, I’m craving for blood… but my parents keep telling me to go to the blood bank. But I just… I want to hunt, I feel like I need to. Can you help me? Please?’ She pleaded him, the desperation was evident in her voice.
Chris grinned widely. ‘You’ve come to the right person. Of course, I can. It’s good that there are still young vampires like yourself that have that traditional instinct of wanting to hunt the proper way, the real way.’
That night, Chris had arranged to meet Mandy in the city. It was quite late, so plenty of opportunities with drunken humans making their way home after a night out would be present. They made their way down a quieter street, and saw a couple walking further ahead of them, clearly they'd been drinking.
Mandy was desperate to go for it, to finally feed from a human and get blood. She was about to chase after the two humans, but Chris grabbed her arm to stop her.
‘No, you have to wait and pick the right one. You don’t want to attack if there’s more than one, you go for someone that’s on their own. Follow them, wait until they’re somewhere nice and secluded.’ He said firmly and tried to lead her in a different direction to look for someone else.
‘I’m hungry!’ Mandy snarled, her fangs emerged and her eyes were turning red.
‘I know, but you need to learn to control yourself, or you’ll only end up getting into trouble. Or worse, killed. Now behave and do as you’re told, or’ Chris couldn’t finish what he was saying as Mandy tore herself away from him and ran after the couple she’d had her eye on with a snarl.
‘Mandy!’ Chris roared at her, but she was in a frenzied state and ignored him.
Chris hissed angrily as he watched the scene unfold on front of him. It was a disaster, Mandy went for the woman’s neck but the man turned on her and started punching her to get off his girlfriend, who began screaming hysterically. Mandy tried biting them both, she did get a bite into the woman’s arm but she couldn’t handle two of them.
She got beaten up quite badly when the man got hold of her properly, as Mandy wasn’t that strong of a vampire yet. Chris ended up having to go over when Mandy fell to the ground and was getting kicked. Chris quickly hypnotised the two humans to make them forget about the incident, then he grabbed Mandy and tossed her over his shoulder.
He levitated up off the street, onto the top of the nearest building, just in time as some more people came running after hearing the humans scream.
Chris leapt down the other side, onto the next street, which was where Loki stayed. He didn’t really want to get Loki involved, but he was closest and Mandy was in pretty bad shape, so he had no choice.
Chris rushed to Loki’s house and banged on the door.
When Loki answered, he was about to ask what the hell Chris was doing here, when he noticed their student over his shoulder.
‘What have you done to her?’ Loki yelled at him.
‘Always assume the worst of me, don’t you?’ Chris snapped back at him. ‘Can we come in? She needs help. Call dad!’
‘Come in.’ Loki snarled and stepped backwards to let them through.
Claire was shocked when Chris and Mandy came into the living room. She grabbed cushions and put them at one side of the sofa, for Chris to place her down.
‘I think her ribs are broken.’ Chris said as Loki quickly called Lucius.
‘Can’t you fix her?’ Loki barked at him while he waited for Lucius to answer.
‘You know it doesn’t work like that.’ Chris snapped. ‘What do you expect me to do, tear her flesh open and drool all over her ribs? We need dad to stabilise her before getting her to the hospital.’
Loki glared at him, then spoke to Lucius who finally answered his phone. It was a short call, Loki hung up and walked over closer to them.
‘He’s on his way.’
‘Good.’ Chris said as he ran a hand down his face.
‘What the fuck happened?’ Loki asked, hands on his hips.
‘She came to me for help. She wanted to go hunting, so I took her out. She couldn’t control herself though, wasn’t listening to me and tried to attack a couple.’ Chris said angrily.
‘WHAT? You took her hunting? How stupid can you be?’ Loki yelled at him.
‘She didn’t want to go to the blood banks. She said she was desperate to hunt. It’s about time more young vampires want to carry on the traditional ways. It’s not my fault that she couldn’t control herself though, she wouldn’t bloody listen to me.’
Claire comforted Mandy as best she could while the brothers argued. Mandy kept groaning in pain, she was sweating badly, too.
Lucius arrived very quickly, he gave Mandy some medicine which calmed her down almost instantly. Chris had to explain what happened again, and Lucius was more understanding than Loki was.
‘She was born a vampire, mother and father are vampires, correct?’ Lucius asked.
Loki nodded in response.
‘It’s more difficult for the pure-blooded vampires, their instincts do tend to be stronger at first, when they come of age and start craving blood. I’ve found it’s becoming worse than previous years, they just can’t control themselves the same. It sounds like she would have gone out hunting herself anyway, which could’ve ended up fatal for her. So it’s good that she went to Chris, that he could stop her from being harmed further.’ Lucius explained calmly.
‘He should’ve stopped her from attacking them in the first place.’ Loki growled.
‘Well… Sometimes the young ones need a good hard wake up call like this. She certainly won’t be rushing to attack like that again, she will likely listen next time.’ Lucius said, much to Loki’s annoyance.
Chris smirked a little at Loki.
‘I’ll get her fixed up, don’t worry. She’s going to be fine.’ Lucius assured them as he scooped Mandy up carefully into his arms.
Loki and Claire saw Lucius and Chris to the door. Lucius took Mandy straight to the hospital, Chris turned into a bat and flew off before Loki could say anything further. Loki was just glad to get Chris out of his house.
When Loki slammed the door shut, Claire knew she was going to need to try and help calm him down.
‘I know you’re angry at Chris, but like Lucius said. At least she went to someone for help, it would’ve been much worse if she had been on her own.’ Claire said softly as she wrapped her arms around his arm.
Loki pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. ‘I know… I just wish she had come to any of us other teachers instead. Why go to him?’
‘I think everyone knows that Chris is more… traditional. If the young vampires are wanting to go that way too, of course they’re going to go to him.’
‘She’s learned a hard lesson tonight, that’s for sure.’ Loki sighed as he let Claire drag him through to the living room.
‘I’d say so.’ Claire nodded in agreement as they sat down on the sofa, back to watching TV before they’d been interrupted.
Though Claire could tell Loki was still annoyed, he was just staring at the TV, barely even blinking. His leg was bobbing up and down, and he had his hand up at his mouth, which she knew meant he was deep in thought.
‘Hey… let me help you forget about tonight.’ Claire suggested as she quickly hauled off her leggings and knickers in one go, then she straddled over him. Which snapped him out of his trance and very quickly got his attention.
Loki smirked as she reached down and unbuckled his belt, then slowly undid his zipper. He reached out to stroke her hair while she pulled his cock out and gave him a few strokes to get him nice and hard.
‘I was planning to watch this show… but I think you’ve got a much more exciting idea.’ Loki teased.
Claire lifted herself up and lined his cock up with her. She was aroused just enough, she was almost always ready for Loki whenever he wanted. Though there was a very slight tugging sensation as she slowly sank down onto him, feeling him stretch her wide open and fill her.
She let out a shaky breath as she sank down fully onto him, she paused to let her body adjust. Loki slid his fingers slowly through her hair.
‘Mmm… maybe you could still watch your show?’ Claire suggested as she slid her arms around him and put her head on his shoulder, nuzzling in against his neck.
‘Ohh, you’re going to be my cockwarmer, are you?’ Loki growled and slid his hand under her top to stroke up and down her spine, making her tremble. He felt her body clench around him too at his words.
Claire nodded against him and squirmed a little.
‘How long will you last before you break?’ Loki whispered with a smirk.
‘Before I break? You’ll be first to break.’ Claire said as she turned to face him more and leaned back a little.
‘Oh you think so, hmm?’ Loki moved his hips upwards just ever so slightly, making her whine. ‘I rest my case.’ He grinned widely.
‘No cheating.’ Claire hummed against him.
Loki chuckled and just continued stroking her back as he tried to focus on the programme. He was torn though. On the one hand, it felt so good and intimate just having Claire cockwarming him, part of him felt like he could just stay like that all night. On the other hand, it was so difficult not to move, not to just start thrusting up into her. It was a delightful kind of torture that was messing with his mind.
Claire felt exactly the same. She loved being connected with him in that way, having him inside of her and filling her so nicely felt heavenly, but there was a torturous aspect to it. Her body just loved being stretched around him and being so full, the feeling alone was enough to give her so much pleasure.
Even if Loki hadn’t been able to completely focus on his show, Claire certainly got him to forget about his argument with Chris.
Every now and then, he felt her clenching ever so slightly around him, making him growl and tighten his hold on her. ‘I know what you’re doing, little minx. I can feel every single movement while buried inside of you like this.’
That caused Claire to shiver and squeeze around him even more, making him chuckle.
‘Now you’re cheating.’ She whined against his neck.
‘Me? You’re the one squeezing me.’ Loki rumbled.
‘You’re making noises and speaking. That’s cheating.’
‘Speaking?’ Loki laughed.
‘Yeah. Your voice is sexy. So just speaking is cheating.’
Loki laughed again and slid his fingers through her hair, he then pulled harder on some strands, making her moan as he tugged her head backwards so he could dip down and suckle on her neck. His teeth grazed across her skin, making her tremble some more.
He swore he could feel her trying to push down even further, as if trying to get him deeper than he already was, which was impossible.
‘Please, Loki.’ She whined breathlessly.
‘Do you give in?’ He growled over her skin.
Claire nodded quickly.
‘Very well…’ Loki gripped her ass and lifted her up slightly, then brought her down on him again. It was no surprise to either of them that it only took a few thrusts before they both came together, Loki emptied deep inside her as she came on his cock at the same time.
They both moaned together and kissed roughly, their tongues moved together sloppily as they panted against one another.
‘We need to do this more often.’ Loki hummed.
‘Definitely.’ Claire nodded eagerly as she collapsed against him.
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