#I am the kind of person who is like AWWWW NO ASKS…
ssreeder · 4 months
Hey!! I just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work <3<3
I had been a little down when it came to creating more content or being involved in Zukka side of the fandom but seeing your update reminded me to just have fun. And okay this is going to sound bad but I swear I mean this as a compliment; I thought I was wasting my time working for months and years on the stuff I made, but then I realized your fic series brings me so much joy and I'd never, ever judge you for the amount of effort you put into your writing. Seeing it's actually inspiring, to see that someone holds that much passion and creativity and you are sharing it all for FREE. That a person could take all this time to intricately weave together a story, create memorable OCs, breathe new life and make the ATLA world so much bigger than it ever was in canon.
So thanks for accidentally giving me a kick in the butt to stop being judgy about my own work and making me realize you and every fan creator is AWESOME.
I hope you have a wonderful day, your writing is a blessing.
awwww I wanted to say thank you for sending me this ask! I know it’s not easy to put yourself out there, even on anon, so I think it’s cool you felt confident enough to come here and tell me about how you’re feeling.
I don;t think what you’re saying is bad at all haha, because honestly, I feel the same way. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wondered why the fuck am I still doing this? What’s the point? Do people even still care? What if it’s not good enough? What if people discover I have no fucking idea what I’m doing? Why am i spending so much of my time and effort doing this?? I mean… the self doubt is super real, and shiiiiiit let me discover one person that feeds into my self doubt and I’m full on spiraling haha. (Be nice to creators damn it! we are doing our damn best lol)
I’m really glad you think my fic is awesome, and if it weren’t people like you reminding me, I probably would have given up a long time ago haha. I do give my fic a lot of effort, and I hope you continue to give your creations the same amount of love and effort! I’m sure you’re amazing, and seriously don’t give up! I care about your creations and if I don’t get to stop neither do you! WOHOOO!!
Thanks for the ask anon sorry it took me so long to answer
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storiesbyjes2g · 1 month
3.113 Respect your elders
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Since we were right down the street, we walked to the cemetery to lay fresh flowers on my grandparents' graves. As soon as we stepped outside, a chilly wind brushed past us, and snow began falling. Summer was just days away. Newcrest wasn't the warmest city I'd lived in, but the cold and snow should have been over a long time ago. I expressed my desire to see Gammy again, but knew it probably wouldn't happen in the middle of the afternoon. But Sophia, my sweet Sophia, was a great cheerleader.
"You'll see her," she said.
"But it's daytime. I don't think they come out in daylight."
"She'll come out as soon as she hears your voice. She loves you so much."
"Well...I hope you're right. I won't hold my breath, though."
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"While we wait for her...it's still Love Day, and I love you," she said sweetly, inching toward me.
My eyebrow went up.
"You look like you're looking for trouble."
"Trouble?" she asked, cocking her head to the side. "I don't know her."
"Mmm hmm. I love you too. You and your trouble."
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No sooner than she planted a kiss on my cheek, mist poured out of Gammy's headstone.
"Oh my Watcher," I shouted. "You were right! She's coming!"
The mist spilled onto the plot and swirled around our feet. Gammy's ghost popped as orange as a sunset.
"I know y'all not trying to get busy in the graveyard," she shouted. "I'm not mad, though. Come here, my baby!"
I laughed and threw my arms around her.
"Hey, Gammy! Happy Love Day!"
"Oh! Is that what day it is? Happy Love Day to you!"
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She squeezed me tightly, and just like Mama did when I announced I had proposed, she pushed me aside and turned her attention to Sophia. Pope women. I shook my head lovingly at her.
"Let me see that ring!"
Sophia extended her hand and let Gammy ooh and ahh.
"Okay, Luca," she said. "You did well! Let me see some pictures! I want to know everything!"
Sophia whipped out her phone and scrolled through the wedding pictures she was tagged in.
"Oooh a beach wedding," she shouted. "That dress was perfect! Awwww look at my baby! You were so handsome, Mr. Cute Face!"
Now I had to know. Did Mama name me that, or did she steal it from Gammy?
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"Oh, look at my child," she said with a tremor in her voice. "She was always so beautiful. I miss her so much. Hmph...I see she's still messing with that ol spineless...let me be nice. Oh! You had Ali officiate? That's so special. And there's my other baby, looking like a model! She probably doesn't remember me. That venue was perfect! Was that Tartosa?"
"Yes, ma'am," Sophia said.
"I would have loved to get married there, but we eloped at the romance festival."
Sophia's face lit up.
"Really? I always heard of sims doing that but never met anyone who did."
"Now you have! It was magical...but oh so cold! That fool has us out there in a blizzard! Speaking of, let's get you out of this cold."
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We went inside the building, but it didn't provide much warmth. It was eerily cold in there, and I thought I saw a figure floating around the casket in the font.
"Gammy...are you okay? You don't seem like yourself. And you're orange."
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"I am," she said. "Don't worry about me. Tell me about you. How's married life? Are you trying for babies yet?"
I glanced over at Sophia, who nodded at me, giving her blessing to share our story with Gammy.
"Married life is amazing. I've never been happier. We're moving to a bigger house in San Sequoia tomorrow. And...uhhh...we're still working on a baby."
"Oh noooo. Are you..."
"I'm so sorry to hear that. That kind of thing can knock the wind out of your sails. I personally haven't gone through it, but I'm familiar with wanting something really bad and not getting it. Don't give up, you hear? It'll happen! Just be good yourselves and don't get stressed out. You'll see!"
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"Thanks, Gammy. We're trying to stay positive."
"Good. Well, you two should get out of here. It's Love Day! Take this young lady home and blow her back out until you pass out! Put THREE babies in there, ha ha!"
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I'd always been one to respect and listen to my elders...
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sahinechan · 2 years
Third years as incorrect quotes (ft.Mc/Yuu)
Mc/Yuu: Can you recommend a book that'll make me cry?
Cater: General Mathematics 8th Grade Edition.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Lilia: Did you like the food I made?
Mc/Yuu: No, not really.
Lilia: But I put my heart and soul into it!
Mc/Yuu: No wonder it tastes so cold and dead.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Lilia: Alcohol is delicious! ...I mean, MAlicious. Sorry guys, I’m really drunk right now.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Rook: I just want someone to take me out.
Lilia: On a date?
Idia: With a sniper gun?
Mc/Yuu: Both if you're not a coward.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Malleus, near tears: Please, Lilia, I don’t speak meme! I don't know what a 'yeet' is!
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Leona: I hope you have an explanation for this.
Lilia: We have three actually-
Rook: Pick your favorite.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Mc/Yuu: Hey Lilia, I’ve got an idea for how to solve this.
Lilia, pulling out a shotgun: Yeah?
Mc/Yuu: Wh- No! That’s not the idea, Lilia!
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Mc/Yuu: I am very small and I have no money, so you can imagine the kind of stress that I'm under.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Mc/Yuu: Thought I was meowing back at my cat for the past hour, but it was just me and Rook meowing at each other from different rooms in the house.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Cater: Can we go to a haunted house?
Mc/Yuu: What’s wrong with the one we live in?
Cater: Wh-what?
Mc/Yuu: Goodnight, Cater.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Lilia, holding in their laughter: Hey, how do you ask a glass of water what it’s doing?
Malleus: A glass of water is an inanimate object. Therefore, it's incapable of having a thought process or understanding basic human language.
Lilia: Water you doing?
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Mc/Yuu: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything?
Trey: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital.
Mc/Yuu: That wasn't an ambulance, I drove you.
Trey: But I heard a siren.
Rook: That was Cater.
Cater: Sorry, I got nervous.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Mc/Yuu: Did you know you remind me of all 26 letters of the alphabet?
Lilia: What? Like J F K W S Q X-
Mc/Yuu: No, like, U R A Q T.
Lilia: Awwww!
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Trey: I hate taking off my glasses, because without them, my vision goes from Full HD all the way down to buffering at 240p and I just can't handle that.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Mc/Yuu: My assistance will be an act of beneviolence.
Trey: ...Don’t you mean benevolence?
Mc/Yuu: No.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Rook: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.
Mc/Yuu: Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you.
*Vil walks in*
Mc/Yuu: Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
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todomemolesta18 · 6 months
N and Uzi meet Stolas! :D
WARNING: This doesnt make sense at all, is just a parody to vent my frustrations out :3
N and Uzi are hangin out together, doing cute stuff. Stolas is watching them from a distance, like the creep he is.
Uzi: Wait, what the...
N: Whats wrong?
Uzi: *frowning and whispering* There is a weirdo looking at us.
N: *looks up and sees Stolas* Oh, haha, maybe he is just shy...
Uzi: He has been staring at us for a long time.
N: We can ask him.
Uzi: Wait-
N: Hey, you, come over here!
Stolas: Me?
Uzi: Do you see anyone else?
Stolas: Am, sorry for bothering you, haha, I was just... ejem, curious.
Uzi: *raising an eyebrow* About what?
Stolas: Well, you look like a cute couple...
*Uzi blushes*
N: Thanks!
Uzi: Well, is not of your bussines!
Stolas: *ignoring her* I never had a relationship like yours... My wife is... hard with me.. I dont even love her...
Uzi: Oh... I see.
N: Im sorry :(
Stolas: Its okay. Im divorcing her.
N: Thats good!
Stolas: Actually... there is someone I like...
N: Awwww!
Uzi: Oh, really?
Stolas: Yes... Is... an imp.
N: A what?
Stolas: Someone from lower class.
Uzi: *frowning* Ok, but, I mean who is? His name and stuff.
Stolas: *dreamily* His name is Blitzo... I... am in love with him.
N: Awwww, so cute!
Uzi: *suspicious* Hm, yeah.... How did you meet him?
Stolas: Once when we were kids... He was... *realizes that the context is disturbing*. Am, we met once as kids and played.
N: *gasp* Childhood romance!
Uzi: *suspecting* So... like... you just met once as kids?
Stolas: Yes, and then, years later, we saw each other again! He came to my palace to see me again! We made love.
Uzi: I didnt need to know that. So, why are you asking us about relationship stuff? You have that guy. You said that he loves you.
Stolas: Oh, uh, yeah, but... OK, the true is, he just um... pretended at first. Actually...
Uzi: You are confusing me.
Stolas: He... pretended. So he could steal something important from me.
N: *gasp* Thats terrible, Im so sorry.
Stolas: *enjoying the simpaty of pure N* Its fine.
Uzi: *not falling* What did he steal from you? Like, why?
Stolas: A book... that can make you travel to the living world... He stealed it for his bussines...
Uzi: Oh, I see. I understand. I mean, is not okay, still, he played and robbed you, but I understand.
Stolas: Yes, but, since I do care for him, I lent him the book.
N: Oh, thats nice from you!
Stolas: Hehe, thanks. Just doing something for my loved one.
Uzi: Okay, but... that book sounds important. You just... give it to him?
Stolas: No, he makes some favours for me.
N: Oh, that sounds fair!
Uzi: Wait. What kind of favours?
Stolas: We, once a month, he gives me back the book... and then we fu- I mean, sleep together.
Uzi and N: ....
Stolas: What?
Uzi: So, you are forcing this guy to make sexual favours.
*N gets an horrofied look on his face*
Stolas: I-I dont force him! I... I made him an offer and he accepted.
N: That... sounds weird. To want to, uh, sleep together in exchange for something. I dont know, it doesnt sound right to me.
Stolas: But- he... he is okay with it! He said yes!
Uzi and N: Hmmmm.
Stolas: Come on! Is a fair exchange!
Uzi: Why did you ask for sexual favours? Thats the weird part.
Stolas: I just wanted to do something with him! Have him close to me!
N: Then why didnt you ask for a date?
Stolas: I was nervous!
Uzi: But not nervous to ask for sex?
Stolas: I-I-I.... HE seduced me! We slept together! Thats why I wasnt nervous with sex!
N: Didnt you tell us before that he didnt actually like you and only did it to get your book?
Stolas: Well, if he really wasnt uncomfortable he wouldn have do it!
*N and Uzi look disgusted at him*
Stolas: WHAT?!
Uzi: Dude, maybe he was just desperate. Didnt you say before that he needs the book for his job?
Stolas: I... Look, I asked him and he said yes, so thats it!
Uzi: *rolls her eyes*
N: Ok... Can you tell us more about him?
Stolas: I told you everything!
N: No, I mean, his personality and other stuff. What do you like from him?
Stolas: Oh... Okay. He is very.... intense. He gets angry very easily. Actually, everytime we are together he looks angry or annoyed.
N: Ooookay.
Stolas: He also has a dirty mouth. He really likes to swear!
Uzi: Aha.
Stolas: And... he is really good in bed.
Uzi and N: Ew!
Uzi: We didnt need to know that, man!
Stolas: Well, sorry, you asked about him!
Uzi: You idiot, N asked about his personality, not his ability in bed!
N: What does he like? :D
Uzi: Or what hobbies does he have?
N: Phobias?
Uzi: That kind of stuff, you idiot!
Stolas: O-Oh... I see... Well, then...
Uzi: Go on.
Stolas: Well, I... I actually... dont know...
Uzi: What do you mean you dont know? Arent you suposedly in love with him?
Stolas: Yes I am!
Uzi: Then how is it that the only things you can say about him is that he is always angry, annoyed, swearing and good in bed. Thats all you know?
Stolas: I cant know everything about him!!!
N: *getting in front of Uzi because he is geting scared of the bird* OK, OK, please, calm down. Is just weird that you dont know more... basic stuff, thats it.
Stolas: Oh, please, like you know everything from each other!
Uzi: *still behind N* N is a very kind, sweet, gentle, warm, adorable, enthusiastic, patient person, who really loves dogs, specially Golden retrievers, and who would give his life for anyone else. He is also a really brave person, specially when is about someone he cares. He also loves drawing. AND I SHOULD ADD HE IS VERY GOOD AT IT.
N: *blushing hard* Wow... thanks, Uzi... I... I didnt expect that...
Uzi: Of course... You are my boyfriend... I... Anyway! *moving to stay in front of N* Now you see my point?
Stolas: Well, yeah, but... but... Is because we barely know each other!
N: Then ask him questions. Try to know him.
Stolas: I... I dont know, he always closes himself and is so hard-
Uzi: Maybe if you didnt ask for sexual exchanges...
N: ENOUGH! *grabs Uzi and puts her on his shoulder* I dont wanna talk anymore with you, sir. If you insist on seeing nothing wrong with what are you doing, then you are waisting me and Uzi´s time.
Uzi: Stay away from us.
*they both leave*
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lutawolf · 2 years
Love In the Air Ep 11 Review & Running Commentary
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My previous reviews and commentary can be found here. One thing I want to talk about is that a lot of people think Pai is too persistent. We are talking about fantasy guys. MAME writes what survivors dream about. We have very high and thick walls. We are brisk and tough to the point we often feel unlovable. It will take someone persistent to get through/over the moat we have around ourselves. Remember, I threw away my husband's number away four times and only took it on the fifth. I'm not saying that the way Pai went about thing is not problematic, I'm saying that in a survivor's fantasy. He damn attractive.
So we left off with a sleep over in which Pai slept on the floor. They both stared adoringly at their palms. This series starts with Pai in his office working. His work wife might not kill him. Oh, she making a play. LOVE the look coming from work wife. Love the sound effects, yeah sorry hun. He's gone. You don't stand a chance.
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Look at that bite... Oh me likes. "I suggest using the phone instead of staring at it." also "Since your mom says you've been tamed."
"Everyone acting like you are in control of me." If this is the exact wording. That some interesting turn of phrase. His smile says he doesn't care if everyone thinks that. Niiiiiice. Here we go. We are seeing Pai be persistent. Honestly if Pai is a Dom even a switch, he got some Primal in there. He enjoys this too much not to. Pai starts naming off food to Sky and sky teases him to go to Beijing. Oh don't think he won't Sky. Have you met the determined boy? Love it! "Don't dare me."
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Sky told him he wanted stewed eggs. He essentially consented to him coming over. There is a big ass crack in that wall. Hahahah! "Looks like I really am under his control. voluntarily" Lets see how things unfold but we might be dealing with a switch couple. Awwww, he staring at his palm. So is Sky! Woot! Awww, grumpy boy is upset it's fading.
Here comes dorky Rain. Love the boy but he a dork. Did he really hold that poster up to his eye?! 🤣🤣🤣 This stupid act of his!! You know damn well he knows but he over here teasing. Read my palm too! 🤣 At least I hope he is teasing... He can't be that stupid right? OH yeah Sky got some Sadist in him. Sky for sure being a Dom here and look how Rain is nodding. I love this D/s friendship soooooo much!!! At this moment, I need to take the time to apologize. I'm apologizing to the person who sent me an ASK about Sky being Dom. I laughed and was like "NO!" because I was basing my opinion on the book. To which he is not but they are clearly making this a D/s friendship in which Sky is the Dom. So he is a switch. I'm sorry! When I'm wrong, I say I'm wrong.
Here come Pai with the food! And here comes nosey land lady. He knows exactly who to butter up, doesn't he. The person always in the know. HAHAHAHA, not that little douche canoe! Telling her that they are but not to tell anyone because Sky is shy. I'm dead. You are not very good at keeping secrets. No, you are not. Ohhhh, I should have called you demon. Look at you scoring a copy of the key. You a smooth operator. I love that she at least owns it. "There are no such things as secrets." Ahh that fucking smile on his face and thanking her for spreading the news. He so conniving and proud of himself.
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Aww, look at sleepy baby and Pai drove two hours for his baby. Okay, this is fucking cute. The way he cups his cheek and asks him if he got sleep. Sky being all soft. Now they are in the apartment and Sky is too tired to open the bag. Pai finding him all kinds of adorable. This man gone! Yeah ain't no saving this man, he is feeding him. And he is doing dishes. 👀👀👀 Now look at him telling him to go to bed. He is telling him, no suggestion and now guiding him to bed. More and more I'm thinking these bitches are switches. "Change your clothes first." There is no asking, it's a command. Sky easily listens and just does it. Also notice he isn't uncomfortable with Pai undressing him. He isn't sick, he is just tired but in that tired state if he didn't trust Pai this would be a trigger. "You still waited for me even though you were this sleepy." See, Pai ain't no Dummy Dummy. Sky wanted to because he knew Pai was coming and that he would have to open the door. He could have called and cancelled but he wanted to see him. Now look at him cuddling into Pai. He's sleepy but he is talking coherently. This is trust guys. Otherwise everything right here would cause some ptsd.
Ohhhh, he told Pai that his drawing on his palm is fading. Asking him what he should do. Ugh, so fucking cute. The moment Pai realizes he has got his prey at least by the tail. Oh damn, that kiss and that hand going right for skin. I'm all verklempt. OH OH OH! It was a hallucination caused by cum blockage. Clearly the desperate man is seeing mirages. So he settle for kissing his palm instead, and a face sniff. Cute! A cheek kiss and then he leaves.
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I love Pai's mom! Ha! look at his brother calling him out. Drew it yourself, his ass. 🤣🤣🤣 I love how laid back Pai is. It's really what Sky needs, someone who is passionate in bed but isn't easily upset.
Oh, Damn. Sky wrong tone! Pai is gonna come racing. Aww, look at how concerned Pai is, even turning Sky around to look at him. See you guys. Pai is so laid back. He gives Sky a look, see that look on his face. He mad but there is no yelling. He doesn't do anything to startle Sky. He very calmly says " you called me here to work." Sky is like, oh shit, but I need help! Sky begins freaking out. Pai grabs both arms... ohhh this could be a trigger but nope it just gets Sky's attention. Pai's voice is slightly louder but not a yell. I never heard it get higher than Sky's own voice, more like he is pitching it to be heard. Okay, here is a Dom voice. "I don't mind you calling me here. I can come no matter how far I have to drive. But could you at least tell me? You called me and sounded like you were crying. You didn't answer your phone. Have you ever thought that I might be worried?" Takes a calming breath. "I might be a psychotic stalker in your eyes." See even he can see he is a bit much. Doesn't mean he'll stop or that we want him to. "But please understand how worried I am of you." Look at Sky, he isn't interrupting but listening. "I'm sorry." "Forget it. I could only blame myself." "P'Pai, I didn't mean to worry you. I'm sorry."
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When all else fails. Kiss him. We know that works. It short circuits his brain. We see *Act A Fool* *Act A Fool* *Act A Fool* circling his head where stars should be.
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He tells him sorry once again. "Don't be mad at me." Oh baby boy, don't worry. You've got this one by the balls. "Please help me. Pretty please." OMG look at him pulling the "You're cute when you smile." I fucking love Sky. Look at Sky going all soft. His walls are starting to soften. We got more than a crack now. Look at Sky getting all upset that Pai hurt himself. Oh damn Pai, I know you upset but you just upset your baby. Look at that face when you yanked your hand away. Dude, not gonna lie, this is totally how I act when I am mad. I keep a very tight control of my temper. If I get to yelling point, just run. This is much more me and this is exactly how my husband acts with much more jokes thrown in. Cause both him and the kids have figured out that if I laugh, I can't stay mad. Real quick let's talk about Sky's shirt... More than friends but less than lovers. LOVE IT!
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Oh, Pai asleep in the bed without a shirt and Sky sliding in to lay next to him. Okay then. He upgrading. Inner dialogue. He doesn't want Pai to be mad at him any more. Oh damn, he really upgraded cause Sky getting close. Ahh there we go, touching. See touching is funny. If not done right it causes flash backs but if done right it can help keep them at bay.
Now that Boo boy got some sleep he is less in his feels. Tells Sky to catch some more sleep. Look how happy Sky is that his head is getting patted again. Then he drives him to school on the bike. Bet that was a pain in the ass. Sky apologizes once again.
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"Let me punish you with a kiss." "Crazy." "What it's a punishment." "You think it's funny." "Wanna hear me laugh." Huge smile and then assures him that he isn't angry anymore. See, he just had to take the time to think it through. See the positives that Sky thought of him just like other students think to call their boyfriends to help with school projects. Bet Rain uses Payu. In more ways then one. "Besides the reword is worth it." "What a cheap reward." Damn see how much value he puts on himself. Sky is struggling with some serious self esteem issues. Again, this is very normal for a SA survivor. "Working all night in exchange for one kiss." "Everyone places different value on different things." "To me, you are priceless." See, he is just what Sky needs. "You can always call me when your in trouble. Explain to me first, don't scare me like yesterday." "Okay." and Sky nods. Guideline understood and heard.
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So, Pai, are you okay? Are you okay, Pai? You've been hit by. You've been struck dumb by A smooth criminal. "I've received my punishment, get home safe." AHAHAHA "Can you do it one more time? I wasn't prepared!" "Just leave already!" 🤣🤣🤣
I know you are not sitting there touching your lip. You simp. Nah, I'm gonna shut up cause you deserve this. Go on then.
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SEE!!!! Payu had to help Rain!!! That is what you do. You ask for help from your partner. The coconut is totally clueless to his friend because he is just as fucking gone. HAHAHA, what's wrong with you. How dare you not call Rain out, he is clearly expecting it. There are requirements in D/s friendships, when the brat is acting like a brat that's supposed to get some notice. 🤣🤣🤣 Fuck, I love these two together. "It's good you know. I was just trying to ignore you." But a brats gonna brat! You go Sky. You should brag about your man too. Go head then. Oh! Look at the brat breaking out the finger but I'm gonna let you cause this is fun. You fucking coconut are too easily distracted. You and the dog from Up got a lot in common. *squirrel*
Aww. He left him food. Sky knows his ship is sinking. It's okay though Pai is clearly gone too with all this food he is ordering. Oh, that girl got his number. She know that Pai wants Sky's texts. Oh, look at that flirting going on between text.
"He's so cute. I just want to eat him up." You should really get on with that. I mean, I don't know about Sky but I'm okay with it. Look at him deleting all the sneaky links. Ohhhh, that's so fucking cute!! I love it!!
Now Sky over here looking moon struck. Looking at the ugly ass drawing that his boyfriend drew and smiling. You are gutting me Sky, stop but seriously these are again, very typical SA survivor thoughts. He put that drawing on the wall. Seriously he did. So cute. "Then please shut your mouth." 🤣🤣🤣 Oh Pai, you got yourself in trouble. Now you gonna be punished. Oh Oh, look at that scared look on his face. Pai knows he is in deep shit now but he thinks he got a paddle.
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I should not enjoy this moment as much as I do but I'm a Sadist so, I am. "Wouldn't it be easier if you just went home. Why are you putting in so much effort for a one night stand." "I told you that it wouldn't be easy to drive me away." I'm not the only one who is a sadist. "Then make it spotless." 🤣🤣🤣 Look at him trying to push him away. Good luck with that. I'm only saying that because I know you can't. As my bestie @victooooorious said. Sky saying "When will you get bored of me." is such a mood. "You want an honest answer or sweet words?" Come on, I think we all know what Sky will choose. "I don't know. I won't know until that day comes." See in the book, he doesn't see it happening but he also knows that Sky won't trust that. "But you'll get bored someday?" "What are you so scared of?" Then he pulls him near. "It's alright, I'll be here. I won't leave you." Ohh. We are getting inner dialogue. You said that so confidently. How much do you like him, Pai? "Okay, I give in." "Wait, wait, what do you mean? Please don't joke with me." "I meant exactly what I said. I won't stop you anymore." "Wait, I didn't do all this just to sleep with you." Look whose learned communication. Fuck boy no more. "Fine I want to do it but it's not the whole reason. I came here because I wanted to see you. I'm fine with just making out." Anybody else just fall in love with him. No just me? Okay then. "But it's nice if I could take your whole body." Okay, so a little fuck boy is still in here but HE RECOGNIZED IT! "I sound like a dick! Forget it!" "I'm not looking for just sex from you."
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He's checking again. He is clearly wanting 100% consent this time, no confusion. Boy learning communication. "I'll take both your body and heart." So neither of these actors have any issues going for that nipple. Just want to point out that difference. Also that skill at unzipping those pants, yeah no it's not cause he is a boy. That's somebody who knows his way around it. Oh, this is without a doubt love making. They're both so committed to each other. "Pai, hurry up and get bored of me soon." I don't want my heart broken any more than it is. Meanwhile Pai is hearing, please don't ever get board of me. Because that's really what Sky is saying. He doesn't want you to ever get bored of him.
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Yeah, you totally slept with him because you want him to stop pestering you. We believe you.
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Ohh, the getting to know you stage. I'm not judging this order. Look after I didn't throw away hubby's number, I called him for a one night stand... It's turned into the longest one night stand of my life. I love that Sky can talk to Pai about his life with a smile. You know being alone at such a young age was tough, it's gonna have effects but he looks at the positives. Pai is also connected and asking important questions.
Ahh, and the nipple piercing is brought up. You can see the sensitivity on the face but it's also not overwhelming. Remember when I talk about how touch can trigger but when done right it can help block the triggers. It can help you talk about stuff that are normally painful. It's because your grounded in the here and now. It takes being skin to skin with someone you trust, just like aftercare for a sub drop.
Ohhh, look at that though. Pai doesn't want the nipple rings put in anymore. Nothing that will remind Sky of the ex. Did your dumb ass really ask if Sky still like him? Douche Canoe. Sky tries to pull back but Pai ain't having it. "I always come across assholes." "That's not true at all. You won't come across another guy like me even if you were reborn three times." "Your full of yourself." All the cute cuddling. Sky totally deserves it. "I'm so happy." Sky's like, that's nice, go shower. You stink. Yet, I'm gonna cuddle with the shirt that you cleaned in. "How could I get bored of you. All I do is fall for you more."
Ahhhhh.... He is waiting for Sky. Look how bashful Sky is and Sky immediately notices the pin. Fuck me but Rain is a white crayon. It's bad when Sig, SIG! is smarter than you. Go ask that auntie she know. I'm so fucking dead. I'm crying with laughter. These fucking lovely bunch of coconuts. 🥥🥥
If you don't like it then give me a hickey!!!!!!!!!! Yes, you absolutely should. "I love when you claim ownership."
Fuck this episode what so sweet it almost put me in a diabetic coma. What a way to go though. Hell to the yeah. Am I right or am I right!?
Okay so we only have two episodes left. I'm expecting the next one to kill us. I will not even look at anything until I've gotten a trigger warning. I'll post for you guys. For those of you risking it, if your a survivor please buddy watch. If you do get triggered it's helpful to have someone there to ground you. See you guys next week, hope you enjoyed this. This is dedicated as always to the Coconut Mafia for the constant support and love. Special shout out to @notfreetoday @ellaspore @thebirkenstocksocialist @tleighblack @tabbygray and @hael987
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itsyourstarboy · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes
·°★·Streamer!Honey Addition·★°·
Aka: Guy/Honey incorrect quotes but Chat is also there
*Guy sneezes*
Chat: Guy, are you sick? Here, let us wrap you in a blanket and hand-feed you some warm soup while singing you a lullaby!
*Honey sneezes*
Chat: Oh my god. Shut the hell up.
Honey: Goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out Guy’s birthday invitations.
Chat: What were they supposed to say?
Honey: “Guy’s birthday”.
Chat: What do they say instead?
Honey: “Guy’s bi”.
Chat: Works out either way.
Guy: Not gonna lie, I’m kind of afraid of Chat...
Honey: As you should be.
Guy: No, for real, they’re kind of-
Honey: As. You. Should. Be.
Chat: We all have our demons.
Guy, grabbing Honey: This one’s mine!
Honey: I lost Guy.
Chat: How did you LOSE Guy?!
Honey: To be fair, he is very small-
Chat: Hey, Guy? Can we get some dating advice?
Guy: Just because I’m with Honey doesn’t mean I know how I did it.
Chat: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon?
Honey: I’m a knife.
Guy, across the room: They’re the little spoon.
Chat: If you get in trouble, we’re gonna be like... lawyers to you. Okay?
Guy: Okay.
Honey: Guy! Sit down on the chair, you’re in trouble.
Chat, whispering: Deny everything.
Guy, loudly: That isn’t a chair.
Honey: Hello all, it is I, your favorite person.
Chat: Actually, Guy is our favorite.
Honey: Okay then, it is I, that bitch.
Chat: Oh Honey, we have a visitor!
Honey: Don’t tell me it’s Guy.
Chat: It’s Guy.
Chat: I’ve never asked someone out. How do you even do it?
Honey: What I do is, I look them up and down and I say: “Hey... how you doin’?”
Guy, scoffing: Oh, please.
Honey, to Guy: Hey, how you doin’?
Guy: *giggles and blushes*
Guy: Honey got into a fight.
Chat: That’s bad.
Chat: Did they win?
Chat: I dare you-
Honey: Guy is not allowed to accept dares anymore.
Chat: Why not?
Guy: “I have no regard for my own or others personal safety”, as some would say.
Chat: So... who’s the big spoon and who’s the little spoon?
Guy: We’re chopsticks!
Chat: Well... that’s cute!
Chat: Does that mean you two snuggle together perfectly?
Honey: No, it means that if you take one away, the only thing the other is good for is stabbing.
Honey: Chat, Guy, I love you and all, but may I ask what in the hell are you doing?
Chat, trying to stabilize a tower of folding chairs that Guy is sitting atop: Oh nothing much.
Guy: I love you too :)
Chat: H-how do you ask someone out?
Guy: Well, first-
Honey: Don’t ask him, he asked me out in a McDonalds parking lot.
Chat: ...And you said yes?
Chat: *looks at Guy*
Chat: Baby boy. Baby.
Chat: *looks at Honey*
Chat: Evil.
Guy: Hi.
Chat: Hey, did you do what we said? Did you tell them?
Guy: I did.
Chat: And what did they say?
Guy: “Thank you.”
Chat: You’re totally welcome. What’d they say?
Guy: They said, “Thank you.” I said “I love you” and Honey said, “Thank you.”
Guy: If I say I love you, will you say it back?
Honey: Yes.
Guy: I love you.
Honey: It back.
Chat: Why is Guy crying face-down on the floor?
Guy: Awwww, you’re so adorable! Give me a hug~
Chat, recording: This is so cute.
Honey, gardening: Hey, can you bring me the hoe?
Chat: Yeah, sure.
*a few minutes later*
Chat: Here you go.
Guy: Why am I here?
Honey: Why do you let me win when we race up the stairs? You’re the faster one.
Guy: Erm... it’s nice to see your smile when you win!
Honey: He’s probably just staring at my ass, isn’t he.
Chat: Yeah, probably.
Guy: Why is everyone so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I’d just be excited to have a bunk bed.
Chat: I’m gonna tell him.
Honey: Don’t you dare.
Honey: *sucking on a popsicle*
Chat: You practicing for when Guy gets here?
Honey: *takes a huge ass bite out of the popsicle*
Chat: *concern*
Guy: Honey doesn’t look very happy.
Chat: They are happy. They’re just a bitch.
Honey: Guy annoyed me today so I told him that I can’t wait to see what he has planned for our special day tomorrow.
Chat: There isn't anything special about tomorrow.
Honey: But there is something special about watching the color leave his face as panic takes over.
Chat: Why is Guy crying?
Honey: He saw a leaf on the sidewalk and-
Chat: Please don’t say what I think you’re gonna say-
Honey: Where are you going?
Guy: To get MYSELF a gift, because somebody didn’t get me one!
Honey: I told you I did! It’s coming here on Friday!
Chat, knowing full well that Honey got Guy an engagement ring: *eats popcorn*
Chat: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.
Honey: Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you.
*Guy walks in*
Honey: Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
Ah, Chat... The only original character, that is not actually a character (and is also multiple characters) of the Streamer!Honey series 😌😌
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queerfables · 1 month
911 season 5 liveblog part 3
I'm finding it hard to believe these women are busy squabbling with each other when their husband has been blatantly lying to both of them
And they both have kids who are probably feeling very confused and upset right now maybe go take care of that
Lmfao Hen's advice about what Buck should get Taylor for Christmas. "Don't overthink it just make sure it's sweet and something she needs and also shows you know her really well" SO HELPFUL
Thank God for Athena telling these two women exactly what I've been wanting to say
Awwww they're bonding
Noooo lady ask him out you can do it
Awwwww he likes her too even though he hated the present she got him. Cuuute.
Oh NO Chris is freaking out about Christmas because he's worried about Eddie T_T
Oh jeeze Eddie so does not need a child frantically asking if his dad is dead right now
OK Buck's present to Taylor was crazy romantic
Oh no Eddie's leaviiiiing.
I'm sure Evan "Abandonment Issues" Buckley is gonna be super chill and normal about that
Lol at Hen's revolving door of partners
Oh God horrible??
This show has actually really desensitised me to TV injuries involving the bone showing, that used to be suuuch a major squick for me
Omg Eddie is doing 911 dispatch? Please. How long is that going to last. He's perpetually 0.5 seconds away from climbing out a third storey window to rescue a kitten. Eddie trying to keep himself out of danger by coordinating 911 responses like an alcoholic trying to pay for therapy by working at a bar.
Oh he's doing PR? That's so much worse. He'll be stir crazy in a week.
On one hand, Buck should probably not broadcast his scepticism over Eddie's career change quite so loudly. On the other hand he is meeee so how can I judge him.
It's very romantic of the wife to wanna take over driving in this Speed re-run for her husband but wasn't the whole point of Eddie's call that they can't switch him out?
Yeah so this is the kind of thing I mean though, how is Eddie supposed to watch from the sidelines while the people he cares about put themselves in danger doing the job he loves?
Oh no Eddie, left on the outside
Lol yeah Athena pegged it. Bobby's bullshit about trying to find the ~right person~ as if that has ever mattered so much before. Buck hated Eddie at first and Bobby told him to get over it.
I really love that Athena rides solo. Her being the only cop and the one who works without a partner, compared to all these firefighters who work as a team, and I don't know, I just think it shows up in some really well crafted ways in everyone's characterisation and the ways that Athena is a little different from the others.
Wow this lady is really hitting on Buck
Buck do not???
Buck stop this????
Oh he's so drunk
Hen you are giving Buck terrible advice
Yeah no that's better telling the truth is the only option but oof this is not gonna be good
I am having some thoughts and feelings about how Buck's spiral over Eddie leaving is manifesting as kissing the last person he jumped onto the roof of a car with
I'm gonna get weepy again, Chris is such a good kid and he loves his dad so much
Lol at how Eddie's response to Bobby benching him for his own good is identical to Buck's
Come on you'd done the hardest part she knew something was wrong and honestly in the grand scheme briefly kissing someone else is not that bad
But now it is VERY bad
You asked her to move in instead of telling her
At this point the only thing you can do is change your name, move to another country and pray she never finds you
Oh shit Lucy is transferring here isn't she
Buckley you are fucked
Maddie! I've just been thinking about how much I missed her
Oh Maddie honey
And Chimney!! Hi Chimney
Aaaah them finding each other again gave me chills
They're two of my fav characters I've really missed them
Oh no I just full on started bawling when Maddie started singing "the wheels on the bus" to jee-an. That song is one of my son's favourites and there were a few months where singing it was the only thing that would calm him down. I was already way too emotional imagining myself in Maddie's shoes and I guess that was the breaking point lol.
Then Maddie and Chimney started singing it together and I got teary all over again
Oh this is bad I cannot have a hair trigger weeping response to the wheels on the freaking bus that's so dumb
"We broke up" what the FUCK
Lol at Maddie and Chimney catching up on all the gossip from the 118 while they've been gone
Erg, the bends is my nightmare, it's one of those human body related things I'm squeamish about
Lol Buck you are being SO weird about Lucy it's very funny
Eddie really looks like he's not doing so hot
"Pain is just weakness leaving the body" for fucks sake. you would have internalised that, wouldn't you?
Well at least Buck knows it was dumb
Urg, spiders, another nightmare :/
Yeaaaaaah this is real bad Buck
Holy fuck the woman just dousing the mugger and then herself in gasoline
Omg the fact that Eddie is having a breakdown and Christopher is freaking out and the person he calls is Buck T_T
God this is awful for Chris though
Oh jeeze, Eddie. This is awful.
Man this is devastating but in some ways I'm happy Eddie finally reached a breaking point and let himself feel his feelings
I'm also really happy that Christopher had someone he could call. That kid has been through enough.
Oh Eddie
Buck drew a heart that's so cute
Buck you REALLY should have told Taylor everything. She is going to find out, you know that right? That's literally her job description
I'm really liking this arc for Eddie. I don't know, his primary coping mechanism seems to be to compartmentalise and shut down the difficult feelings and it's been good to see him externalise a bit more. It's shown a different side of his character I think.
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redheadspark · 1 year
Could I get a 20 with Barry Keoghan please. Feeling like Barry needs a little love
A/N - AWWWW. How cute is this for Barry! Thanks for requesting this, anon!
This is PURE FICTION, his prompt has nothing to do with Barry's personal life! :)
Summary - Barry gives you the best night of your life while you wait for news
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Warnings - Just some cute fluff with Barry :)
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"Barry, what else do you have planned?"
"Not gonna tell you, Luv. How about you come into bed with me and we can chat,"
You peered over your shoulder at Barry, seeing him perched on the bed and watching you with intrigue as you were stripping off your dress and then getting on your pajamas. You were still feeling rather warmed and light-hearted from the entire evening, all thanks to Barry. He planned the entire evening for you, not just because he loved you and you two were in a committed relationship together. He knew you were stressed.
Waiting on some important news.
You hated waiting on news, you would rather know then and there. Being patient when it comes to something big in your life was not your forte, and Barry was the one who taught you how to be patient. He was a pro at it, he had to be thanks to his career as an actor. You were amazed at how calm he would be waiting on an audition, hearing if he got a job or if he was rejected, he's done it for some time it was routine for him. Although he was getting more traction with his career in both mega movies and indie films, you were always on his arm and giving him all your support.
He was the same for you in your own job and your own personal life. You worked behind the scenes on film sets and behind the computer as an AD. That's how you two met and got together, meeting on the set of Eternals as you were passing each other on set. He claimed you got his eye first, though he caught yours with his striking blue eyes and laugh. On the last day of filming, he asked you for your number. Seeing him flustered and rather guy made you instantly say yes and put in your number himself, which made Barry dumbstruck as you were typing your number in on his phone.
You two were an item ever since.
Barry knew you far too well, so when he saw you stressed out the past week he knew he needed to help release some of the tension for you. Now he knew you were no fan of massive presents or massive gestures of love, you were more of a homebody. So he called your boss and requested an afternoon off, meeting you on the set of a film you were working on during your lunch and whisking you away for a getaway vacation for the weekend.
He rented out an Airbnb along the coast with private access to the beach, already having the kitchen stocked with the food you two would need for the weekend and making sure neither one of you needed to leave the house at all. You were surprised by this, but Barry simply said that the weekend was all planned out and you never had to lift a finger.
So on the last night of your getaway, Barry took you out to go to one of the museums that you've been wanting to go to for weeks and then a romantic dinner. At every turn, Barry was showering you with love and with affection, and you felt that stress melting away moment by moment.
"What are we gonna chat about?" You asked as you slipped into bed, head on his shoulder as he was playing with your fingers with his own. He looked over at you, a small smile on his lips that seemed genuine and almost kind that was reserved for only you.
"How proud I am of you," Barry replied to you softly, his voice was low and a murmur, almost melting into the sounds of the rolling ocean outside the slightly opened door of your balcony, "You've gone through so much bein' with me and helpin' me with my own life, I wanna be able to help with yours,"
"You do," You reassured him, "You've helped me so many times by just being here with me and keeping me grounded. Especially this entire weekend, it felt like far too much--"
"Well I think it wasn't enough for you," Barry interrupted soothingly as he pressed a kiss against your head, "And I wanna tell you a story to help ya fall asleep,"
"What, like a lullaby?" You asked with a grin. He chuckled and nodded, you both then scooting down to be snuggled under the thin sheets and wrapped in each other's arms. You breathed in the cologne he wore for dinner and the small sweat along his neck, his thick finger drumming along your arms and lower back as he started to talk.
"There once was a lad named.....Benny," He said, you snorting as he kept going and trying to compose himself, "He was an okay guy, a bit cocky and far too good-looking,"
You swatted his arm as he laughed.
"But he wasn't happy. He had the best job in the world and could have anything he would ever want. He was still unhappy...and he felt like he was missing somethin' in his life. One day he was at work and he saw the most beautiful girl he's ever seen walking past him,"
You grinned, feeling him hold you a bit tighter as his voice changed with the story. The fluttering in your heart was now a bit bigger, almost against your skin while Barry kept talking.
"She was amazin', her smile made Benny think of the sun and her laugh was infectious," Barry explained as you kissed his cheek, "And when he talked with her, he felt like he could fly. She made him beyond happy, and he felt like the luckiest man in the world to be with her and consider her a friend. And to this day, Benny will always love her, and will always continue to love her,"
It was a simple story, and it would have been seen as silly by someone else, but you thought of it as everything. You fell asleep in his embrace, the anxiety and stress you were feeling before melting away like the rolling waves, and your love for Barry deepened.
The email you were waiting for was in your inbox the next morning, yet you've forgotten about it and never cared to read it.
The End.
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Spring Prompt Session
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thelunarfairy · 4 months
HIIIII!!!!!! I just wanted to say that I am such a big fan and love your works sooooo much authough they can be hard to follow since I'm an anime watcher who is just starting to read the manga, they still bring me soo much joy whenever I see you post! Also, do you have a favourite theory? If so could you tell us? If not that's totally fine, I understand since I take character x reader requests, sometimes you just don't wanna do one! Love your work!
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️ Awwww what a beautiful message, I'm so happy to know that my posts leave you this way, thank you ❤️❤️❤️
And, I'm very flattered to meet you, such a kind person who took the time to send me this ask, very sweet 🥺
Hahaha if you don't mind spoilers then it's ok
Well, the ones I like most are these two, one complements the other. I think it makes sense, but I always feel like something is missing
I'm still buzzing with some new theories but not enough good evidence to make a post -_-'''
Anyway, thank you sweetie, you brightened my day and warmed my heart ❤️
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boxingcleverrr · 6 months
one thing I've tried to do the last few years is REALLY pick apart WHY certain, mainly harmless fun things don't jive with me, or even downright annoy me. Like, just shutting my mouth and not being a hater is good, no reason to yuck other people's yum and all.
But often times when you actually dig in and figure out the root of shit, it tends to annoy you a bit less. And in my case with many things they just become background static I ignore, as opposed to a glaring annoyance that stabs my brain every time I encounter it.
Lately both the Abbies on my dash reminded me how oh, so many harmless things that annoy me can be boiled down to infantilization.
Like, "No Talk Me I Angy" was super cute the first time I saw it, like yeah! A grumpy lil kitten the size of a pea would say it like that, how correct!
Then a few months later I saw it on a sticker on someone's travel mug, marking it as a thing that resonated with their personality, and internally I eye-rolled so hard I saw the back of my skull. Which is my same reaction to "choccy milk" and adults unironically saying "my tummy hurts D:" and yeah, SQUIDGE.
These are harmless fun things people enjoy and say. And I am an adult woman whose desk is covered in pre-FIM My Little Ponies.
But I was also infantilized a LOT growing up. I was bright for my age (now I know, also undiagnosed), buuuuut my intelligence and fact-retaining were kinda seen as a party trick, esp as I was the only person my age at family gatherings (big age gap between my nearest youngest and oldest siblings). My ideas and solutions were rarely taken seriously, and oh boy that lasted in my family uh, until I came back to Vermont as a 30 year old woman, lol.
My mother STILL has times of catching herself going "that can't be ri-..." before remembering hi, it's me, AND I'm almost 40 now. I'm not always right, but I usually am. Cause I got that brain that drives her crazy cause it remembers EVERYTHING.
My first serious conversation about boundaries with a coworker was with a woman in her 60s who baby-talked at EVERYONE (customers loved her, go figure). And while 90% of my coworkers were annoyed by it too, they just shrugged it off. But it seriously affected my mood, and ability to work really, as her desk was right next to mine.
So one day during lunch when she said something along the lines of "Awwww you're still a kid! You have lots of time to worry about ---!"
And I politely but firmly said, "I know you mean it kindly, but when you say things like 'I'm a kid' and so on, it kind of gives the impression that you don't see me as a peer, or mature enough for this job." And it was fine, she apologized, and shared HER point of view which was basically, she WISHES she were still a kid, cause she associated that time of her life with being carefree, and oh man.
Lots of annoyances in life can also be traced to a touch of envy: I envy people that find solace in not just childhood things (again, see: ponies and barbies all over my desk rn), but a childhood mindset. That going there is a way a lot of us are processing a world that is so, so impossibly tiring and expensive and yeah good god it'd feel nice to get tucked in and read Laura Ingalls before sleeps.
Buuuuut a childhood mindset for me was full of anxiety, lol. It was not being taken seriously, and wishing for challenges, or a portal to open up and swallow me and take me to my home planet where I'm a scholar-princess. So yeah naw, no thanks, there was lots of great fun stuff in my childhood, I had a loving home and all, but the anxiety and 'tism have been there too, making me the weird kid who knew stuff.
So yeah anyway. Knowing it and typing it out really DOES make me have less of an asshole reaction in the day to day. I might have a little envy for choccy milk people, but I do prefer being the 10 Obnoxious Facts About Chocolate You Didn't Ask For person.
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afpwestcoast · 6 months
The Observatory North Park, San Diego, 12/9/23
Though we were in a different city the setup for this show was very similar to last night in LA: large, ornate theater with a barricade keeping people back from the stage. But this was no impediment to the band torching through a stellar set.
Amanda calls me Tom the Critic because after shows I have a tendency to skip over the OMYGOD THAT WAS AWESOME part and pick nits over minor issues. It’s a character flaw; I’m working on it.
After this show I took Amanda’s face in my hand, looked her in the eye, and said, “Amanda, you know I love you, but I am about to tell you something that you probably thought you’d never hear me say.”
“Oh god,” she replied, bracing for the worst. “What is it?”
I leaned in close and whispered, “Perfect show. No notes.”
“AWWWW!” she said as she melted into my arms for a big hug.
And it really was a truly stupendous show, but even so it came close to being overshadowed by the after party.
Amanda’s sister Alyson (of forced wedding / gross cake fame) was in town for a hematology conference, and her “book doula” Jamy Ian Swiss lives in San Diego, so they were both there.
I convinced them - and Amanda’s brilliant long-time sound guy Dave - to join us for drinks at Part Time Lover, a nearby combination bar and vinyl record store. As we headed out I snuck up behind Amanda and said, “I think I just convinced your sister to come out drinking.” She said, “Yeah, that tracks.”
The place was jammed with a boisterous young crowd when we arrived, but we closed the place down and there hardly was anyone left by 2am.
I got to learn about Alyson’s efforts to cure cancer with targeted drugs and Dave’s work training the next generation of sound engineers. That was lovely, but Jamy stole the show. Or rather, put one on.
Knowing him primarily from his work with Amanda on her book, I thought the magic was a bit of a side hustle. When I asked, “Are you any good?” his look said, ‘I will tolerate that because you are buying me drinks,’ but his mouth said, “I am much better than good.” And then he pulled out a deck of cards and proved it.
I had never actually seen close magic up close, like literally standing next to the magician. Let me tell you, it is quite an experience. You know it’s a trick, you know he’s doing something, but you cannot see anything, which makes you start questioning your sanity. He really is much better than good.
After we closed the bar Dave and Alyson bailed but Jamy soldiered on and we went to an all-night diner where the spirited (pardon the pun) conversation continued until we finally parted ways around 4am. This was one for the annals.
Annotated Set List:
Good Day
Sex Changes
My Alcoholic Friends
Shores of California
Delilah (featuring Veronica Swift) Welcome to the Internet (Bo Burnham cover)
Another lengthy intro before launching into a set of new songs, although this didn’t feel like the angsty delay tactic of the previous night but just bringing the audience up to speed on what was about to happen. Mister God
By way of introduction to the next song Amanda said that the friend who was the first person she sent it to when it was finished was in the audience.
“A really dear friend of mine is in the audience tonight … his name is Jamy Ian Swiss and he’s a man of many talents, among them: he’s an incredible professional magician. But he also helped me write a book called “The Art of Asking,” which was kind of a magic trick itself. Over the course of working on this book together he got to know me very very very well.”
And I thought, ‘Oh yeah I need to party with this guy.’
Believe it or not, as Amanda was telling the background story of the next song, there was another medical emergency that necessitated bringing up the house lights, same as the previous night in LA. Once again the staff was on it and the band and the crowd were very respectful.
Afterwards Brian said, “It is actually really amazingly rad to have venue after venue’s staff come up to us after shows and go, ‘Your crowd is really awesome; they’re really good people!’”
Whakenewha Amsterdam (Jacques Brel cover)
Another Christmas
Boyfriend in a Coma
The Runner
The Nail (Amanda on synthesizer)
Coin-Operated Boy
“We don’t take for granted that we’ve been a band for 23 years now and without a record out since fucking 2008 and like a thousand people still came to see us play. That does not necessarily have to happen when you’re a band. And so we want to thank every single one of you for just like loving us and believing in us.”
Merch commercial
Astronaut (A Brief History of Nearly Nothing) (Amanda Palmer cover)
War Pigs (Black Sabbath cover)
Girl Anachronism
Photo Gallery:
The scene of the crime.
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Ready to Rock! (photo by Deanna Aliano)
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The Dresden Dolls!
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Amanda is WAY up on the balcony for Amsterdam
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The many faces of Brian Viglione
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Merry Christmas motherfuckers
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Technicolor Dolls
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Beautiful shot of Brian by Deanna Aliano
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Big finish!
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rainiishowers · 2 years
Obey Me Incorrect Quotes
MC, gesturing to Simeon: I think my guardian angel drinks.
Satan: "Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge" - Charles Darwin
Mammon: What the fuck? Begets isn't a word. Quit trying to make up words, fuckface.
Belphegor: Watcha doin?
Satan: Stealing my neighbour’s cat.
Belphegor: Scandalous.
Belphegor: Can I help?
Asmodeus: What’s the dumbest thing you believed as a child?
Belphegor: That naptime was a punishment.
Mammon: Uh, I think I got your lunch. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘I am very proud of you. Love, Lucifer’*
MC: Oh yeah. I didn’t think this was for me. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘Be good. For the love of Diavolo, Please be good.’*
Simeon: Barbatos and I got married!!
Belphegor: Don't share your personal problems with everyone.
Beelzebub: I think I did fairly well on my anatomy quiz! :)
Belphegor: I forgot I was doing a test.
Lucifer: Belphie.
Belphegor: I said the vertebrae was the back stick because I thought it was funny
Lucifer: Belphegor.
Lucifer: I hope you have an explanation for this.
Satan: We have three actually-
Belphegor: Pick your favorite.
Asmodeus: Look at you! All cute and small! I could just eat you up!
Luke: *proceeds to kick him in the shin and run away*
Asmodeus: Wha- Oww! How dare you!
Mammon, walking past: Rule number 1, don't call Fido cute or small.
Solomon: I dare you-
Lucifer, exasperated: MC is not allowed to accept dares anymore.
Solomon: Why not?
MC: "I have no regard for my own safety", as some would say.
MC: Belphie annoyed me today so I told him that I can’t wait to see what he has planned for our special day tomorrow.
Beelzebub: There is nothing special about tomorrow...
MC: But there is something special about watching the color leave his face as panic takes over.
Beelzebub: I lost Asmo..
Lucifer: How do you LOSE Asmo?
Mammon: To be fair, he is small-
Solomon: So... who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon?
MC: We're chopsticks!
Simeon: Well... that's cute!
Solomon: Does that mean you two snuggle together perfectly?
Belphegor, protectively curling around MC: No, it means that if you take the other away, the only thing the other is good for is stabbing.
MC: Awwww, you’re so adorable! Give me a hug~
Mammon: You know the sound a fork makes in the garbage disposal? That's the sound that my brain makes all the time.
Mammon: *Pulls a glass a water from out of nowhere*
Leviathan: Where did you get that?
Mammon: My pocket.
Leviathan: How do you keep a glass of water in your pocket?
Mammon: Skills.
Lucifer: I hope he’s calmed down...
Satan: Shut the fuck up you annoying ass pig.
Belphegor: I hate when people ask me, 'What did you do today?' Buddy listen, I woke up at noon and then it was five p.m., okay? I don't KNOW!
Asmodeus: My gender is in a constant state of flux.
Leviathan: I came out here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now.
MC: So I have made the decision to trust you.
Leviathan: A horrible decision, really.
Barbatos: *Coughs* Ah.. What kind of tea is this?
Solomon: I boiled Gatorade :D
Lucifer, possibly drunk: I have no respect for Santa. Don’t sneak in through the chimney and undermine my authority by bringing my family presents. Walk in through the front door and fight me like a man.
Luke: Everything’s fine, Barbatos, it’s just a rat-
Barbatos: Luke, I know your relationship with the english language is strictly casual, but you- I- *deep inhale* ALLOW ME TO TELL YOU WHAT’S NOT FINE.
MC: Why does everyone in this house want to kill Sol?
Satan: Because, goddamnit, have you seen him? His neck looks so snappable.
Leviathan, to Mammon: If karma doesn't hit you, I fucking will.
Lucifer: Enough! How dare you mock me in such a manner!?
MC: Well. How would you like me to mock you? I take requests.
Leviathan: Pros and cons of dating me.
Leviathan: Pros. You'll be the cute one.
Leviathan: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
Satan: I couldn't do this without you, Asmo.
Asmodeus: Sure you could. Not as stylishly, of course.
Lucifer: Mammon, can I speak to you for a minute? In private.
Mammon: Ooh, someone's in trouble.
Mammon: It's me. I don't know why I did that.
- -
Lucifer: you'll be working with Beel and Belphie
Rainy: Alright! My fantasy threesome!
Everyone else: *blank stares*
Rainy: ...Of people on a team.
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aspoonofsugar · 3 months
Hello!!!! Anon who asked about your process here!! Oh my god. Oh my god. This is literally nothing short of being enlightened. I’m really so grateful you took so much time to help others by sharing what you know. It’s really just so generous of you- years maybe, of just. So much experience and knowledge. Absolutely speechless with how much you shared. It was not confusing, not even one bit. I really feel so lucky to be able to learn directly from who I look up to 😭 It’s really a blessing one can never come by. Your kindness and generosity to growing artists is. Baffling 🫂🫂🫂🫂 thank you so much!!!!!!!! do you mind also sharing how you started, or what made you start?? I’m kind of really curious about what road you took I guess that lead you to discover so much about. Everything you know now 😭 honestly wait going off track- personally speaking taking such a close look and picking apart something you love is such an awesome thing. The fact that you’re curious about impact, impression and meaning of a work to such an extent in which you analyze it, break it down, by observing it so compassionately- i really feel like you’re doing the artists good. To me there’s little else that conveys ‘this is meaningful. This is so cool to me!’ to such an extent, so ridiculously clearly and passionately. If I were one of the artists you’d had written for, I would be ecstatic to see someone so compassionate and obsessed(?exaggerating) with my work and the meaning of/behind it. Your passion and love towards your subjects is ridiculous evident in your work, and I just hope you know that it’s. It’s really amazing, what you’re doing. How clearly it means something to you. As an artist, I can’t help but feel excited just for whoever artist you wrote an analysis for.
once again oh my godddddd thank you so so so ridiculously much for your time attention and support its actually so much more than I could ever ask for!!!!!!! I will pay you back with being so awesome and promising I’ll make good use of all the everything!! The everything!!!!! I’m so sorry oh my gosh too excited after reading your reply
HI!! writing process anon here!! what i meant to say in my last ask was that your love and compassion shows through very clearly in your analysis’!!!!! Your blatant appreciation through meticulous efforts in breaking down meaning and what it entails/entailed shine through in everything you write. Thank you so much for all you do!!!!
Hello anon!
Awwww thank you so much for your nice words, they really mean a lot! And I am happy my answer was useful <3
As for how I started... I was Meta Anon in @hambliet's askbox!
I started by reading analyses here on tumbrl and before making a blog of my own I was an anon sharing my thoughts in people's inboxes. Hamliet realized it was the same person sending her meta-thoughts and after some time I made my own blog and here I am <3
Thank you for passing by and I hope you have fun analyzing stories, as much as I do! It really is an activity that brings me joy!
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midnightmah07 · 9 months
this was inspired in a headcanon I just did, where my oc and vil mets the characters they were inspired on, but I made it Daiggie, hope you like it (will be doing it with your other characters) (*¯ ³¯*) :
A mirror, the reflection of everything.
Ruggie looks around lost in the mirror maze, hitting his head more than once, he doesn't know how he accepted this idea of entering the labyrinth along with Daisy, but, here they are... I mean, here he is. He lost Daisy, along the way.
The deep sigh leaves his lips, as he walks further, occasionally calling out Daisy's name. He personally wasn't that worried, but, whenever she hits her the same frequency as him, Ruggie will be worried she would be hurt once they found each other.
Ruggie fells a weird sensation of three pair of eyes staring at him, a quiet laugh, a quiet hyenas' laughs. Turning his head, he gasps with a pain in the neck, putting his hand to rub it gently. He opens his eyes to see nothing, and no weird feeling at all. Shrugging he walks away, but he is still thinking about it.
Meanwhile with Daisy, she carefully walks around to not hit any part of her body in the mirrors, slowly getting nauseous from seeing so much movement around her. Getting distracted, her sandal slipping from her foot.
"Shoot." She says, in a soft tone, not too loud. Turning herself to take the slipper back.
Looking down, she noticed a different figure in the mirror, as she raises her head, away from the big blue dress, she sees a girl, probably a bit older than her, blonde hair, pearl earrings, and a kind expression in her face. Daisy tilts her head, as the mirror do the same as her. She looks at it in awe, her lips slightly parted. Out of nowhere, she feels some images flashing into her mind, images that she didn't saw before.
Horses, rats in clothes, cups of tea, a cat, bubbles, torn clothes, pumpkin, a clock, a crystal high heel, a carriage, a pumpkin again, key, and the same crystal high heel.
She looks up again to the... Almost mirage, and asks. "Are you... Who..." She is unsure how to speak, and she is snapped back to reality by Ruggie's voice.
"There you are, Daisy! Didn't hear me calling you?" He says putting his hand in her shoulders, she looks back to the mirror, her normal silhouette standing there. "Gee, you are spending too much time with Vil, nyheheeh." He gives his signature laugh.
"Is not that, I just..." Daisy keeps looking at her reflection. "I just..."
"You just?"
Silence, she looks to the floor face in Ruggie's direction.
"Maybe I am just nauseous..."
Ruggie grows a bit worried, taking her hand. Making she look into his eyes, as the atmosphere seems to easy down.
"Worry not, your prince charming found the way out." She chuckles at the nickname he had given himself, as he pulls her closer to him. "Let's go, Eléa."
She follows him, not looking back, not looking back and seeing the small crystal slipper in the floor, that shines on the place. As a gloved hand takes it back, putting up her blue gorgeous dress to put the high heel, leaving the place.
A small laugh was heard as three paws of a certain savanna creature goes to the other way around.
A mirror, the reflection of everything. Now, multiple mirrors, were just more than their reflection.
This made me giggle sm, kicking my blanket and squealing rn😭 I really love that you made Ruggie call Daisy's real name at the end, that's so cute, and Cinderella!! Shenzi Banzai and Ed(?)!!! Aw~~ this was adorable 🤭💙
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alexs-playground · 2 years
You asked for Eddie requests and I am so very gay and in love with that man so-
Himbo reader that is a senior (probably not for the first time) on the wrestling team who everybody knows is gay but nobody says anything because he's intimidating. Maybe they're paired up for a project or something and the reader is just a heart-eyes mf the whole time.
Artsy (trad)goth weirdo reader who everybody at school is scared of but Eddie sees them feeding/talking to birds at his bench (or baby-talking with a stray cat somewhere) and figures that they're actually a softie.
Awwww i love both of these!!! Im gonna do the Artsy goth It sounds so heart warming and adorable.
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CW: fluffy shit that makes you feel all giddy inside :))
No spoilers involved!!!!
It was half-way through fourth period when Eddie got bored of the dumb lecture, he has heard many times before, when he decided to skip. Quickly with the teacher's eyes were on the board did he slip out of the classroom with his stuff and dashing out the school. Deciding that after he put his stuff in his van he would head out to his spot in the woods.
You were sitting on the picnic bench out in the middle of the woods far from the school. You were sketching the surprisingly nice raccoon in front of you. Technically you should be in the art room, but the teacher honestly couldn't care less where you were. Reaching out to pet it, the raccoon was first startled by you quick movements and spikes hanging from your wrists. It soon settled and let you touch them. You let out a huff of relief and smiled giving it light strokes on their head.
Eddie had saw from a distance that you were sat on the bench as he tried to quietly maneuver himself through the trees. He wasn't so surprised to see you, honestly, he thought you were there for a drug deal. thinking back to himself he never remembered having a scheduled "appointment" with you. What shocked him was your aura, to say the least your hardcore devotion to being goth scared everyone, but your face wasn't wearing your usual RBF that was only more extenuated with your heavy eyeshadow. You were smiling and... talking to a raccoon?
The man wasn't really afraid of you he honestly admired you. I mean how could he not you were crowned the freak of all freaks at school. It was when you both first got into high school when you were caught sketching a character that resembled Satan. You didn't try to fit anywhere not even with him and the other so-called freaks.
"I don't see why people are afraid of animals like you. You aren't so vicious are you, little guy." You coo at the animal that snuggles into your and gently gnawing at your fingers. Your soft voice in stark contrast to how you look.
As Eddie drew closer a twig snapped cause your movements to cease and the raccoon to run realizing Eddie was there. You sigh knowing you've been caught out of your facade of "evil" and "brooding". Quickly you reach for your stuff to collect it when Eddie finally speaks up.
"Sorry I didn't mean to intrude on you. I just usually come here when I'm skipping. You don't have to leave." He speaks with a small skittish smile on his face. He may have not been afraid, but he was still nervous as he realized his "admiration" of you was a crush. Something about seeing your soft side even when on accident it lit a flame in him causing his heart to race.
You slowly nod putting your stuff down and relaxing noticing that you were going to be fine around him. Eddie walks around to the other side of the table and sits down flashing you a bigger smile. An idea popped into your head when you saw him smile.
"Could I draw you?" You mumbled out in a soft tone hoping Eddie wouldn't be weirded out.
His head snapped up to meet your eyes a slight blush covering his face. No one has ever asked to draw him, mainly because he isn't the most liked person ever, but it was just new. Smile never faltering as he nodded. You pulled your sketch book out in front of you again flipping to a new page kind of embarrassed you were just sketching a raccoon. The sounds of your pencil sliding all across the paper filled the silence perfectly.
Eddie took the time to look at you now that he is closer to you than any other human being has been. Your teeth gnawing at your bottom lip as you concentrate only every looking up when you need to. The make-up that covers your eyes is far more detailed when looked at closer from the different shades of blacks and grays to the design.
While you were drawing him, he was painting portrait of you in his head. Your soft expression and vulnerability in that moment would forever be in his brain.
"So, is the goth thing a front or do you truly like dressing like this?" He asks to break the silence. He was genuinely curious. You seemed so soft in this moment it was hard to believe that your style wasn't just a front.
Your face morphed into shock as no one has ever questioned your style, only ridiculed it. You knew Eddie might be the only person who you could ever tell who you truly are.
"Y'know I could ask the same of you the same thing, but since you asked..." you sigh slightly "No it's not a 'ploy' I dress goth 'cause I feel great in it and my personality outside school just happens to oddly contradict with it." I explain
Eddie smiles and leans over the table grabbing the hand that was unconsciously fidgeting nails clawing at the table. You look up at him studying his face trying to read him. His doe-eyes hold so much behind them with his wolfish smile to cover the secrets that lie behind his face.
"Thought so, it's just you seem to resent everyone in school and on the off chance I see you out and about you still do. Then I see you here and you, Y/n, the 'mean and scary' goth of Hawkins...is a softie who enjoys art." He explains coming to a conclusion about you, something he has tried to do since you said "no" to joining the other outcast.
The smile on his face widens once you avert your gaze to the open sketch book page filled with art of his 'Hellfire Club' shirt, sketches of Eddie's side profile, and sketches of his eyes. The heat rushes to your face as you want to erode away to avoid the man that sits across from you. quickly you shove the sketch book into your lap completely out of view from Eddie.
"No need to embarrassed. I'm flattered that the outcast of all outcasts decided to draw me." he giggled as he got up to sit next to you instead of a crossed from.
"Do you think we could start meeting like this?" You ask making Eddie look surprised. He honestly thought you were annoyed with him and only talking to entertain him.
"Uh, Yea...yea I'd like that. Your pretty cool y/n, so I guess I'll continue gracing you with my presence." Eddie slightly jokes pulling a laugh from you.
"Yeah, right I think it's the other way around, sweetheart." You joke back opening up more.
Eddie's face now dusted with blush. As he went to reply, you could hear the faint sound of the school bell saying fifth period would soon start. Sighing you slowly pick yourself and grab your things stuffing them in your bag before turning to Eddie.
"Y'know, let's make the next meet up a date. Saturday night at the arcade at eight o'clock." You say boldly and wink at him before walking off bag slung over one shoulder.
Eddie stares in awe as you disappear between the trees to head back to the school building. You may have been a softie, but you seemed to be more of a flirty tease than him. You didn't think he would actually show up at eight, but you would be proven wrong when he shows up with music blaring from his van and a smile you could see for miles.
"I know you said eight, but.... I have a few things to add to our agenda." Eddie says leaning on the side of his van never once taking his eyes of you.
This was a bit cheesy at the end but I'm pretty proud of this. I'm so sorry that I didn't get this out till now I got wrapped up with family things but voila!!!! -Author
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matan4il · 1 year
I really love how you point out the importance of Buddie choosing to raise Chris together as important LBGTQ representation because it's so close to my heart I need to see it. We never get that kind of representation for gay fathers but also gay men who are not into "gay hook up" culture as it's been labeled in Hollywood. Listen I loved Boys as much as the next and loved seeing a side not always portrayed in the mainstream...
But we never get soft gay boys choosing to start families. Wanting the family life and being like all the other soccer families you know?
Maybe it's easier for writers to portray women that way? I often joked it's because women are more naturally tactile. You can put 2 women best friends together on screen and easily blur the lines where an audience member can take the leap you know. Beaches, Fried Green Tomatoes, heck even Rizzoli and Isles.
But writers haven't seem to be able to Crack the code IMHO with men. It's one of the reasons I don't want a slutty Eddie Era. It's not my story but I don't see the need. Eddie is soft for 2 people in the world. Evan and Christopher. Can't I just have that you know??
And let me backtrack we did get Schitts Creek, but I think we can all agree that was an exception to the rules in gay storytelling. Even to the small point that the gay couple got the HEA, the straight couple realized their dreams lied elsewhere, and the straight bestie got to go live their best version of life.
Hopefully that made sense???
Hi Nonnie! Awwww, thank you for the kindness! I’m so happy to hear we’re on the same wavelength when it comes to what I said in this ask reply!
And I agree, there is so much more diversity in the real life queer community than in its reflection on screen. A part of it is not showing enough the more domestic couples, the older-when-coming-out men who don’t go through a phase of reliving the gay version of their adolescence, the ones who aren’t as colorful and who are not looking to party, the ones who want to be partners and parents and not party-goers. And who are still into sex! Just... domesticated sex. This isn’t to say that there’s an issue with any of the queer (especially male) characters that are often being portrayed, but for obvious reasons (they’re perceived as more interesting and drama-inducing), TV and movies tend to favor one over the other, rather than showing us a fuller range of the gay experience with love and acceptance for all. And EVERY kind of queer person deserves to see a reflection of themselves on our screens. And to not be sterilized if domesticated. 911 has done this so well for the lesbians with Henren, I am so hopeful it can do the same for gay men with Buddie, and to give us a breakthrough for queer men with a proper mlm slow burn.
And TBH, I would have actually really loved to see Buck and Eddie, after getting together, not only raising Chris together, but some time after they get together, also choosing to bring another kid into the world as a couple. We were almost gonna see it with Henren, but then the show took a turn with that storyline. The few times when TV and movies do portray queer couples, and especially male ones, as becoming parents, it’s almost always due to circumstances... I think I’ve only ever seen one such couple (on Modern Family) going through adoption, or choosing one of the other ways in which MOST same sex couples in REAL LIFE become parents. Again, that’s just a piece of representation that’s MISSING. It would be amazing to see Buck and Eddie doing THAT. Or Chris getting to be enthusiastic about being an older brother.
Oh man, I still need to watch Schitt’s Creek, I heard only good things about it. I know I’ll love it once I watch it. But from what I’ve gathered, they didn’t get to the stage of parenthood on the show, right? So yeah, they got to be soft and domestic, but not start on that next stage of building a family together?
You made perfect sense, lovely! I hope I did too. Thank you so much for this and have a great day! As always, here’s my ask tag. xoxox
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