#I am a washed up child star
greyeyedmonster-18 · 1 year
Was tagged in the WIP game by both bestie @femme--de--lettres and lovely @tracingpatternswrites so felt like I should partake:
Wip Game Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
please let the record show while none of these have been updated in eons nor do they have a timeline for updates and I am simply just…vibing at the moment, they are still WIPS
-one brush with love (a starking au)
-the greenest grass (a postcard from Paris au)
-first war wolfstar
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sovksluv · 4 months
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i promise, angel
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𖤐 . pairing - Luke Castellan x fem!Hera!reader
𖤐 . summary - luke changes your lastname
𖤐 . content includes - luke being cute and lovesick, forbidden child because who doesn’t love attention, can’t really thing of anything else
𖤐 . word count - 1386
𖤐 . taglist - @perseus-jackass @niktwazny303
𖤐 . a/n - ugh this is so cute i was kicking my feet the whole time 🤭🤭
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you had a small feeling bubbling deep inside you all day, one that had only grown as the day went on. from the moment you woke up to right now, where you and your stunning boyfriend Luke were lying on a beautiful field, amazed at the bright shining stars above you. 
it was you guys’ seven year anniversary, which you had spent the whole day celebrating. you and Luke met when you were sixteen, and you had just arrived at Camp Half-Blood for the first time. you were claimed the second you made eye contact with him, by your mother, Hera.
it was an indescribable feeling that washed over you that day. you had already met other people before Luke, but when your eyes met his for the very first time, that’s when you felt it. not only did you feel the presence of your elegant mother, but you swore you met the love of your life right then and there. 
you don’t think Luke realized as quickly as you did, though, considering it took almost two whole years for him to finally ask you out. and that’s what you’re doing here in the field with him, relishing in the seven perfect years you spent with each other. you didn’t think the day could get any more perfect, but that feeling from before still gave you hope.
while you ogled at the stars above, you felt the gaze of your lover on the side of your face. your head slowly turned towards him, finding a soft smile rested on his lips. “what?” you giggled, grinning widely while your boyfriend shamelessly stared at you.
“am i not allowed to stare at my gorgeous girlfriend?” he joked, carelessly exaggerating the label. you felt your heart flutter, gaping at the man you'd loved since you were just a teenager, assuming you wouldn't last more than a year. 
you flashed him a pearly smile while he carefully reached his left hand towards you, tucking your hair behind your ear. it sent goosebumps down the right side of your body, emitting a squeaky giggle from you. “weeeell… i never said ya couldn’t look at me,” you shrugged, still brightly grinning at him. 
Luke sat up, grabbing your hand to pull you too. he wrapped his right arm around your shoulder and tucked your body into his, kissing all over the top of your head. “i wanna show you something,” he mumbled in your ear, standing up on his feet and offering his hand out to you. 
tilting your head, you looked at him suspiciously, “what?” your hand lifted cautiously to his. he rolled his eyes, grasping your hand and pulling you up with him, right into his arms. “just come on, it’s not like i’m gonna kill you,” he chuckled, lacing his arm around your waist as he guided you to your next destination. 
he led you back to the trail you left off from, walking further down it until you stopped at a lit pavilion. the lights that surrounded you made your skin glow with an ethereal beauty. Luke gawked at you, unable to tear your eyes from the mesmerizing girl that was standing in front of him. 
“Luke, this is beautiful,” you gasped at the scene, carefully taking it all in as you felt him take both your hands in his, holding them comfortably. “it is, isn’t it?” you hear him say, your head turns back towards him, finding him already looking at you. a warm blush creeps up onto your face, and you feel that familiar bubbling in your stomach once again.
he whispers your name, not breaking eye contact, not letting go of your hands. “Luke,” you whisper back, reciprocating the squeeze he left on your hands. he smiles at you, not a cheeky one, but a genuine smile. a smile that tells you all you’d ever need to hear, without even uttering a single word.
he lets go of your hands, gently making sure they are by your side before he reaches to his back pocket, pulling something from it but not showing you. your eyebrows furrowed, confusion etched on your face until he moved again. 
slowly, Luke lowered, his right knee resting on the ground. your eyes widened in shock as he looked up at you, revealing what was behind his back to be a white velvet ring box. “Luke.” you warned, as if there was any possible way he could be messing with you. 
but he wasn’t. he bashfully stared at you with a goofy grin on his face, holding up the box in front of you. your heartbeat sped up, hands shooting to cup your gaping mouth. “Luke,” you murmured, muffled by your own hands. 
he just kept staring at you, slowly opening the box to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring, one that reflected on the lights around you. you were so in awe, feeling tears pool in your eyes as your heart exploded. Luke’s voice muttering your name again was barely heard, but you still looked at him.
“i have loved you sniff since the moment i laid eyes on you.” he quickly wiped under his left eye before continuing, “and i knew- i knew right at that moment that i sniff was gonna marry you one day,” you smiled widely and he smiled back, tearfully chuckling. 
his name left your lips once again but he interrupted you, “no, no, wait, let me finish, okay? I’m almost done, angel, i promise,” he sniffed again, still holding the delicate ring box with his shaky hands. you nodded, signaling him to continue.
he called your name once more, taking a deep breath to prepare himself for your upcoming answer. “will you do me the greatest honor in the world sniff of becoming my wife?” he finished, a hopeful, lovestruck look pooling in his eyes. his heart stopped, the wait, which was only a few seconds, felt like hours, years even.
but then you squealed, loudly, freaking out at his question. “yes! yes, yes, yes! a million times yes! oh my Gods, yes!” Luke was still in shock, partially frozen, unsure if the words he heard were real or not. he quickly shot up onto his feet, barely having any time to balance himself before you basically threw your body at him.
your arms locked around his neck, practically choking him with how hard you held him. with your face buried into his neck and the ring box held tightly in his left hand, he wrapped his right arm around you, tugging you even closer to him, if that was possible.
you kept your hold around him but slightly pulled away, cupping his face you shoved your lips on his, kissing him so aggressively that he almost fell backwards. Luke kissed you back with just as much ferocity, pushing your head closer using the back of his wrist.
after a while, you finally pulled away, desperate for air. “yes, Luke Castellan, i will marry you,” you grinned, breathlessly. he smiled widely, pulling from you as you lifted your left hand to him. he carefully pulled your ring from its confinements, then he held your hand in his and placed it on your ring finger.
“it’s perfect,” you whispered, entranced by the gleaming diamond that decorated your finger. you were so quiet Luke almost didn’t hear you, but he did. his hand cupped your cheek, moving your head to look at him.
his eyes were glassy and his smile left wrinkles in the corners of them. he slowly leaned down, capturing your lips once more. one hand slid further down your jaw, keeping your lips close to his, while the other found the small of your back, leaning your lower body closer into his.
the kiss was delicate and un-rushed. you closed your eyes and savored it, wrapping one of your arms around his neck while the other, the one adorned with your new accessory rested on his chest, gripping his shirt and tugging him closer.
you both slowly pulled away at the same time, lovingly staring into each other’s eyes. you brightly smiled at him again, feeling your mother’s presence all around you. Luke repeated your name one last time, like he had all night, but ended with his last name trailing right behind it.
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© sovksluv 2024 , please do not repost or translate my work !
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daughterofyore · 1 year
How would George behave while you were pregnant?
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a/n;; a little headcannon about how George would act while you, his queen were pregnant. summary;; George caring for you and how I believe he would treat you throughout your queenly pregnancy.
contents;; sickening amount of fluff, almost smothering amount of love, pregnancy, birth, !!W!!;; vomiting
wc;; 566 music inspo;; falling in love
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In the early stages of your pregnancy he would be an excited mess. Constantly asking if you were sure you were pregnant, just because he wanted to make sure he was being blessed with a little baby.
When a doctor would arrive to confirm the pregnancy, he would be at your side. Peppering your knuckles and cheek with kisses. Whispering sweet nothings into your ear, only loud enough for you to hear.
He would demand you move to his room so that he may take care of you. He wouldn’t trust the staff to care for you and would adopt the jobs of helping you dress, get baths etc. Nothing would stop him caring for his wife and the mother of his child.
The morning sickness would break his heart, seeing you convulsing above a toilet bowl. He would be by your side in moments, in fact if he was busy and heard you weren’t feeling well he’d sprint to be by your side.
He’d hold your hair back as you are sick, rubbing soothing circles into the small of your back. Giving you gentle encouragement.
“That’s it dearest, you’ll be okay.”
“I am here my love.”
“Once this has passed I’ll wrap you up and lay with you.”
He’d be an absolute fiend when it came to baths. He’d be so doting, carefully filling the bath with warm water and topping it off with different (safe) dried flowers.
He’d wash you, allowing you to just relax.
He’d constantly be touching your growing belly, speaking to the baby growing inside.
“Hello my little darling. I am so excited to meet you.”
At night he’d hold you close, even in his sleep he’d be reaching for you and pulling you to be flush with him. His hand would almost always be splayed across your stomach.
He’d pay special attention to foods which made you sick and the cravings. He’d take it upon himself to go and retrieve your cravings from the kitchen, even going as far as too learn how to make them. He’d take lessons with the chef to make sure they tasted great.
Anything you wanted, whenever you wanted you can be sure he’d be making it happen.
He’d set up a comfy nook in the observatory, as the pair of you lay down he’d point to different stars and tell you their names. He’d trace constellations with his index finger.
When it came time to give birth he’d race to your side, probably coming from a meeting or a kingly duty.
If anyone tried to stop him from entering the room he’d diminish them to nothing, ripping into them. How dare they try to prevent him from being by your side, he’d push by them and deal with them later.
As you would be in labour he’d be on the bed at your side, holding you and brushing your hair out of your face. He would encourage you to no end.
He’d be nervous, but extremely excited to see his little family grow together.
He would be so proud of you, pressing little kisses to your forehead. His heart would break at seeing you in pain, though.
When it would be all said and done and the baby would cry, he’d cradle it as he lay beside you. His heart swelling with love at seeing his perfect child and beautiful wife at his side.
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zenokei · 14 days
— the sun has set ; michael kaiser.
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starring :: michael kaiser x reader
wc :: 800
tags :: hurt/comfort, reverse comfort, nightmares, implied self harm and abuse, kaisers backstory (brief)
synopsis :: michael kaiser often times has nightmares about his past, and you’re the only one who seems to not mind his outbursts.
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when michael kaiser has days where the weight of his life seems to overcome his resolve, there will be no doubt that on that night, scenes of his past come and haunt him. agonizing nightmares keeping him pinned onto nothing but illusion as he chokes on awaiting tears in his sleep. it’s unbearable, really: constant tossing and turning without his consciousness, harsh clutching of his blanket, and the straining furrow of his eyebrows—and it hasn’t changed ever since.
well, perhaps it’s been bearable from the moment you’ve been by his side when he sleeps.
“mihya,” you call softly, “come on, wake up.” 
drenched in sweat, kaiser gasps as his eyes open to darkness. he reaches out for what’s closest to him, and to his advantage, it’s you. “you’re with me.” you mumble, fingers combing through his hair—not stopping until you feel his body’s tension loosen up, even for a little bit. “i’m with you.” from his head that’s buried on your abdomen, he looks up; breath still undeniably trembling with frustration and anxiety.
“you- what time is it?” it’s too quiet around you both, the busy streets outside sounding empty–only the sound of light rain echoing is out. “it doesn’t matter, rest up again. i’m right here.” when kaiser realizes he’s overslept from the initial nap he took many, many hours ago, he feels around for his phone.
“liebling, sorry- you should be the one asleep. i’ve had plenty already.” suddenly, kaiser rushes off the bed, slightly stumbling as he does so. the abrupt loss of his presence creates a frown on your face. knowing his usual ways when facing a nightmare of such level, kaiser isolates himself. 
“mihya,” you call out, voice still kind as ever, yet he doesn’t look back.
“mihya,” you call once more, and you’re standing up from the bed, going after him.
“michael!” now, he looks at you: eyes in disbelief when you tug on his arm with force. “let me go. i’m going for a walk.” he pulls back, but you don’t let him. “not tonight, stay inside.” although you knew what to be expecting, the sheer anger and pain in his voice has you wincing. “it’s too fucking suffocating here right now- damn it, don’t touch me!” as kaiser hears his own words when you reluctantly let go of his arm, his body slumps down to the floor.
his back is against the doorframe, legs tucked onto his chest like a pitiful child as his head is hung low. looking down at him, your breath shudders for a moment. you assume–rather you’re fairly certain that kaiser’s nightmare still lingers in his eyes. him mistaking you for someone that would hurt him is most likely. 
so you take his pace, sitting down in front of him on the cold ground even if he doesn’t dare look at you. “out of all people, why you?” kaiser tiredly whispers, arms muffling his voice. “me?” you whisper back, copying the way he’s sitting, although it only differs as your eyes are locked on him. “why did i think you were him? you’re not him.” kaiser’s voice is small, hands tentatively tapping on his skin as he trembles. “mn. i’m not. it was just a nightmare, mihya.” once more, his breath is uneven, and it’s bothering you more.
“it’s not about that! why am i always thinking about that bastard, even though there’s no reason? even in my fucking sleep, i see him! what the fuck is up with that?” you only hum, feeling sorrow come undone from kaiser’s body. “am i not free? despite everything i’ve done to leave that shitty place?” when you see kaiser’s hand itch to grasp at his neck, you quickly intervene. concern washes over you when you notice just how glossy kaiser’s cheeks are, its faint shine is reflecting under the dim light. 
“mihya, you’re with me. are you not? that should answer everything.”
you gently lean your body towards his, and kaiser’s head rests itself on the warmth of your neck. “but-” his frustrated sobs are getting covered up by you. “no. nothing more, nothing less, mihya. i’m with you, and you’re with me.” his arms heavily grip on your shirt, fingers trembling as he tightly embraces you. “it was only a bad day,” you whisper in his hair, lovingly hushing him to only listen to your lone voice. “mihya, it’s okay.” kaiser’s body is still shivering under your hold, tears dampening your collarbone as it seems to not give in anytime soon. but that’s fine.
“we can stay here like this, or maybe go back to sleep if you’d like that instead.” the palms of your hand gently pry his face from your shoulder, and it continues to caress it as kaiser sniffles. “what do you think?” the burden in kaiser’s mind dissipates to your palm, its weight getting heavier as he pushes his head onto it. 
“stay,” and you will. with a tender thumb that wipes away his tears, it consoles him, making kaiser feel the most humane as he’s ever felt.
“okay.” you smile at him, before pulling him back into an embrace that kaiser will never take for granted.   
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© zenokei | do not repost, copy, or use my works.
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munsonsprincess11111 · 4 months
Eddie munson x reader:
Summary: Eddie's friends decide to all have a sleepover at the trailer. Eddie completely forgets and invites you over.
Eddie's on top of you head on your chest arms around your waist. You've got your legs spread for him to lay in between one hand stroking his back. The other stroking his head. "This is nice." HE mumbles closing his eyes relaxing into your touch.
Your eyes slowly begin to shut when there's loud banging on the door. Eddie jumps out of his skin sitting up. Eddie and you both look at eachother with wide eyes. "If that's the cops m jumping out the window." Eddie says standing up pulling his shirt down getting his shoes on.
"I'll get the door." You mumble walking over to the door. Peeking through the peep hole. "Babe it's only the boys." You shout laughing.
"Ah fuck." Eddie shouts in the distance running down the hallway. "Fuck I forgot they wanted to stay here tonight." HE says biting his lip looking at you. You step out the way and let Eddie open thr door. He let's the group of boys in and says hello to them all. Then Gareth sees you. "OH hey y/n why are you here..." HE askes confused.
Eddie groans "OK I'm sorry I forgot. I completely forgot you guys wanted to stay and invited y/n over for the night. And then you was knocking on the door so I don't know what you want me to do." HE says looking like a child crossing his arms over his chest.
The group of boys groan. Sudden wash of anxiety running over you. "I can just go." You say trying to fix Eddie's mess up.
All the boys says yes and nod. Except Eddie he looks at you annoyed. "NO. Nope. Your not going OK." HE says ignoring the boys.
"Eddie its fine OK." You says smiling walking to Eddie's room to get your bag. He followed after you. "I'll see ya on Monday." You say kissing his cheek. Before he can protest you've walked out the door.
The boys all whooping and cheering Gareth putting beer on the table n the boys taking one. "Common man don't be a downer." Gareth says handing Eddie a beer.
-2 hours later-
" we should all call our girlfriends." Jeff suggests. Eddie's eyes shoot up at him frowning. The boys agree. Going to the phone. First Gareth calls his girlfriend saying he loves her ans stuff. Then Jeff telling his girlfriend he can't wait for there date on Sunday. And then they get Eddie to call you.
You answer within 2 rings. "Hello" you answer.
"Hey babe it's me." HE says glancing at the boys. "What's up Eddie?" You ask sounding slightly disappointed.
"Nothing much just making sure your OK." HE answers biting his lip. "Yeah I'm OK are you?"
Eddie looks at the guys who are silently laughing. "Yeah I'm fine. Glad your OK I'm gonna come over tomorrow at 11 am to spend time with ya OK?" HE askes twisting his ring.
"Yeah that's fine see ya then babe." You answer. "Kay great I love you." HE says looking at his feet.
"I love you too." You say hanging up. The boys start laughing when he puts thr phone down at how awkward Eddie was. He rolls his eyes and sits on the couch.
1:34 AM. the clock starred at him. The others where asleep. And Eddie couldn't sleep. He needed you. He crept up from his spot on the floor over to the door. Silently grabbing his keys slipping his shoes on walking out the door closing it silently.
He got in the van and drove out the trailer park. He parked a block away from your house and walked around to your window which was left open a crack. Lucky for him. He slid the window up and slipped through. He took his shoes off placing them next to the window. He took off his jacket dropping it with his shoes. Then putting his keys on your desk.
He crept to your bed climbing in next to you. "Babe?" HE whispered. Nothing.
"Princess." HE says a little louder. You stir wnd then go back to sleep. "Y/n." HE says louder making you jump awake. Calming when you see who it is.
"The fuck you doing here." You ask half asleep running a hand through his curls. "Can't sleep wanna come back to the trailer with me n go sleep. I'd crash here but I don't want to leave them dicks alone." HE says kissing your cheek.
You nod. Eddie helps you up putting his jacket on you. You slip on your slippers as Eddie slips on his boots. He goes out the window first. You follow him out grabbing his hand as you stand. He wraps and arm around your shoulder walking to the van like that.
Once in the van you turn on the heater nuzzling into Eddie's jacket holing the hand that's not on the steering wheel.
"I felt really bad about you going earlier. N then you sounded pussed on the phone. N I couldn't sleep. So I come to get ya. Sorry if that's annoying." HE says starting at the empty roads
You shake your head. "I was kinda annoyed at the others reaction when I said I'd go. But I'm glad you come to get me. I don't mind you woke me up. Rather be with you then on my own." You say running a finger over his knuckles. You look over at him and see how he looks in the streetlight. Making you smile.
"I love you." You whisper to him. He stops at a stop light. There were no over cars about but he did for the first time in his life. "I love you too." HE whispers back kissing you sweetly.
You arrive at the trailer and Eddie helps you out. Opening your door for you. Then the trailer door. You enter the trailer feeling comfort at the feeling of Eddie. You slip your shoes off so does Eddie. But you keep his jacket on until your in his bed. His arms go around your waist. Yours around his neck so you can stroke his head. He's out like a light within seconds. One more kiss on his head and your out.
The boys notice Eddie's gone so doug walks down to his room. Only to see you both tangled in eachother fast asleep.
"Y/ns here Eddie's asleep." HE tells the others. The others nod. Gareth rights a note for Eddie when he awakens.
Can't believe you ditched us to go get your girl ya softy. Great night call us when your alive.
They pack up and leave.
Eddie wakes up and goes into thr living room seeing the boys have left and the note. He called Gareth asking him to call thr others for him. Then he heads back to his room. Climbing into his bed behind you kissing your neck.
You stir awake smiling feeling Eddie kiss your neck. You turn your head catching his lips on yours. "Morning." You smile.
"Morning gorgeous." HE smiles kissing you again.
"The guys already left so you can walking around naked if ya wanna." HE smirks running his fingers up your side. You giggle at Eddie.
"That make you happy?" You ask smirking. He nods like a child hair going everywhere. "Come shower with me then if your lucky. Maybe." HE needs no more convincing. He stand up pulling you up. Dropping his pj pants and boxers. Taking off your shirt dropping your shorts and panties.
He pick you up bridal style. Your laughing as he kissing you as you enter the bathroom.
"I love you."
"I love you too ya douchbag." You say kissing him
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jessaerys · 1 day
what really worked for me in challengers is that they all had so many loser idiot psychological issues. truly the dreamers walked so challengers could run and you could say but with less incest and you'd be wrong. because tashi and patrick are boygirl twins who kind of can't escape that they are the same person. and art is their idiot pet that patrick is unhealthily attached to and tashi tolerates as collateral. like patrick raised him since he was a puppy and like held in his arms when art got run over by a ups truck and he had to be taken to the vet ER and art was there to lick his face through his parent's divorce and be fed scraps under the table patrick would die and kill for him but he is still ultimately his dog you know. he's the beverly to his ellie. he's the needy to his jennifer. in the grand slam of things. and tashi needs to make them miserable for the power trip for the validation for the she has loser washed out former child star issues she refuses to face. and i'm only scratching the surface. this is black sails levels of entanglement. the highest of praise. literally tashi duncan emotionally unavailable fujoshi puppetmaster of all time. i am begging u fuck a woman and- well i don't think she'd heal but it can't possibly make her worse
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bradshawssugarbaby · 2 months
Do I? - Beau Simpson x Reader
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a/n: I've been wanting to write for Beau for a while (I love Jon Hamm and this is a hill I am willing to die on), so here's my first one for him. Inspired loosely by Do I? by Luke Bryan.
pairing: Beau Simpson x reader
warnings/content: angst to fluff, mentions of divorce if you squint, Beau being kinda soft, allusions to smut, allusions to child ab*se, Beau doesn't always know how to show his emotions but damn it he tries his best.
word count: 1.9k
taglist: @nouis-bum, @jessicab1991, @b-bradshaw, @ahopelessromanticwritersworld
Do I turn you on at all when I kiss you, baby? Does the sight of me wanting you drive you crazy? Do I have your love? Am I still enough? Tell me don't I? Or tell me, do I, baby Give you everything that you ever wanted? Would you rather just turn away and leave me lonely? Do I just need to give up and get on with my life? Tell me, baby do I get one more try?
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Beau grumbled as he walked through the door, his keys dropping into the catch-all dish on the table with a clatter. His brows knit together as he looked around the room, searching for any sign of you being home. His tired blue-green eyes blinked as he raked a hand over his face, trying to wake himself up as he searched the house for you. Calling your name to no response, he furrowed his brow as he pulled his phone from his pocket. He frowned as he saw there were zero missed calls and zero missed messages from you, a sign that you were truly mad at him this time. 
He let out an exhausted sigh as he slumped into the armchair in the living room, picking up a discarded baseball your son had forgotten to put away and rolling it in his hands, over his fingers and back as his mind ran over the events that unfolded that morning.
He hadn’t meant to be cold towards you or Dylan. He’d been stressed and overworked, struggling with an upcoming mission that he had to plan out, trying to ensure the right team was put together for the job. Combing through dozens of personnel files until his eyes were sore, staying up all hours of the night trying to create an action plan, briefing notes - he rarely left base anymore. He knew you’d felt neglected, and God, he hated making you feel that way. He hated that you felt unwanted, unloved, and yet, you did everything you could to still make life easier for him. He knew he didn’t deserve that. In fact, he knew he didn’t deserve you–your patience, your understanding, your love and affection. He didn’t deserve to be Dylan’s father either, not that he’d been a particularly good one anyway. 
Dylan had a baseball tournament coming up, and you’d asked Beau if he’d be able to make it. Dylan’s team had never been invited to play before, but they’d managed to make it to a statewide tournament, teams from all over California would be there with their children, ages 8-10. The Coronado Crowns were having a record season, and Dylan had begun to emerge as their star pitcher. When you’d asked him about it, he’d had a dozen other things on his mind - he couldn’t even remember you mentioning it in the first place, if he was honest. He figured he’d hummed along in response, not hearing what you’d said, but not wanting to give off the impression he wasn’t listening. 
Unaware of what he’d agreed to, Beau bounded down the stairs this morning, his footsteps heavy as he headed to the kitchen. He was running late, and barely had time to have coffee with you, but he was determined to at least kiss you good morning before heading out the door. You’d frowned at him when you saw him in uniform, and immediately, his mind began to race, running through a list of scenarios that could have upset you. He wasn’t the most romantic husband - he knew that, but he was sure he’d never forgotten an anniversary or a birthday. It wasn’t until Dylan came down in his baseball uniform, his duffel bag packed for the four-day tournament slung over his shoulder. His face fell as he looked at Beau, an instant wave of guilt washing over Beau’s face.
“I’m sorry, I forgot, buddy, listen, I really have to get this done at work, I have a briefing scheduled for today, I can’t miss it,” Beau had explained, trying to reason with his 9 year old son. 
“I get it, Dad, it’s ok,” Dylan shrugged before sitting down at the breakfast nook for some scrambled eggs. 
“We’re leaving at 10, get to Oakland for about 8 tonight,” you explained, nodding your head as you forced a smile in Dylan’s direction.
Beau let out a frustrated sigh, of course you weren’t home now - you left four hours ago. You were halfway to Oakland by this point. He leaned his head back against the chair, shutting his eyes for a moment as he dragged his hand over his face once more. He knew he’d fucked up. He knew he’d let you both down. He checked his phone again. If he left now, he could probably make it to you and Dylan by 11 if he made minimal stops on his way. He could make this right, he could show up tonight, surprise you - surprise Dylan in the morning when he woke up, spend the weekend being the father and husband he’d failed to be for the last month or so. 
Beau bolted up the stairs, quickly changing out of his uniform and into more relaxed, civilian clothes. He grabbed a bag from the closet and began to shove some clean clothes inside, showing little care about keeping them neat or organized. He headed to the bathroom, grabbing his toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant and his razor, tossing them all into the bag in a hurry. Bounding back down the staircase, he stepped into his running shoes and flew out the door with his keys and bag in hand. A well-loved baseball cap from his college days sat in the front seat - a relic he’d meant to bestow to Dylan but forgotten about. He placed the cap on his head, sporting it backwards, just as he would have done 30+ years ago when he got it. 
As he drove down the interstate, he thought about the ways he could apologize to you. His mind ran through all the things you liked, the romantic gestures he’d heard you mention, the different romcom tropes you loved - anything he could think of that could make up for what he’d lacked in as a husband. When he stopped for dinner, pulling into a fast-food restaurant just off the highway, he contemplated what he’d say when you asked him if he was insane, knowing that was exactly how you’d respond to hearing that he drove down after all, determined not to miss a minute of Dylan’s tournament. He thought about how he’d pull you in close, giving you an emblazoned, passionate kiss as he held you in his arms, giving a rare, dramatic, public display of affection. He yawned as he pulled into the parking lot of the hotel you were staying at with Dylan, finding an open spot next to your car. He got out, smiling fondly as he spotted the bedazzled steering wheel cover that he always teased you about - the one he’d begrudgingly bought for your birthday when you’d asked for it, pretending to find it ridiculous when really, he was admiring you for it, for being so unashamedly yourself. It was a quality he was jealous of in you - he’d been brought up in an old-school military family, taught to be seen and not heard, to blend in with everyone else and to remain reserved the majority of the time. He rarely cracked a smile outside of the house, and really, even wearing a baseball cap outside of a Padres game was unlike him. 
He approached the front desk with a look of pure determination on his face, his bag clutched in his hand. Once he made it to your room, he rapped on the door with a gentle knock, trying not to make too much noise in the hopes he didn’t wake Dylan. You opened the door, looking ready to chew out whoever it was knocking for waking you, but your look of anger quickly dissipated as you wrapped your arms around Beau tightly. 
“You flew down here?!” You whispered excitedly, arms draped around his neck.
“No, flights were booked,” Beau shook his head with a chuckle, a soft smile forming on his lips, “I drove.”
“You…you drove?”
“Mhmm, all nine hours. I’m surprised I made it before midnight, I finished my briefing early, managed to get the plans set for the mission, and then got home and realized I had time to fix things with you and Dylan.”
“He’ll be so excited. He was devastated at the thought of you not making it to see him play.”
“Look, I have to talk to you, ok?” He began, shaking his head as he let out an awkward chuckle, frowning as he tried to collect his thoughts.
“I’ve been the worst husband to you. I know I have. I know I’ve made you feel unloved, and unwanted, and unimportant, and I’m sorry. I never wanted to make you feel that way. I’ve never wanted our marriage to be strained over my work, and I know my job is demanding and it’s difficult some days for me to put you and Dylan first - but believe me, I love you two more than anything. You know that, right? And, I know you probably aren’t happy with me - I don’t blame you. I know you probably wanted to divorce me ten minutes ago, and you’re complete right in thinking that - I would have deserved it.”
You pressed your lips to his gently, interrupting his rambling with a soft, tender kiss. He pulled away gently, reaching up to take the baseball cap off of his head before ducking down to kiss you again. He pulled away after a moment, breathless and blissful as he gazed at you.
“So, am I still enough for you? Do you want me to leave or do I get another chance?”
“You’ve always been enough, Beau,” you shook your head, beaming up at him, “Even when you forget commitments and you get caught up with work, or when you don’t always say the right thing, you always make up for it and try to fix things, and that’s one of the things I love about you. You drove nine hours when you realized you couldn’t catch a flight down here because you realized how much it meant to Dylan and I for you to be here. I don’t know many other men who’d drop everything on a dime to do that.”
“I guess that’s true,” he nodded, shaking his head in disbelief before leaning in to kiss your cheek. “I mean it though, I really think you could have done better than a middle-aged Admiral who can’t show his emotions very well and doesn’t know how to prioritze anything correctly.”
“You’re right, I could have, but where’s the fun in that?” You teased, taking the baseball cap from his hand and placing it back on his head, backwards.
“By the way, Beau, you should wear a hat like this more often.” 
“Yeah? You think so?”
You bit your lip seductively, holding back a wicked grin as you looked up at him, nodding your head, “Kinda makes me wanna show you just how much I love you.”
“Dylan’s asleep in here,” he laughed, shaking his head as his cheeks flushed.
“Dylan is sleeping in Ryder’s room, three doors away, actually.”
Beau’s eyes widened slightly, his hands drifting down to your hips. He raised an eyebrow as he looked at you, turning his head to the side to scan the room, seeing that, you were in fact, alone. When he turned, you caught a glimpse of the salt and pepper streaks that ran through his hair on the side of his head, the sight alone almost enough to make you melt. 
“Well, in that case, let me show you just how sorry I am.” 
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first-edition · 1 month
if you still take requests and ofc if you're willing to, could you please do a one shot of sandor clegane x f reader with lactation kink? like they're married & he survived (post got) and have children - type of scenario?🤍
OFCOURSE omg. Firstly thank you to @dat1angel aka my bestie for helping me figure this out as I’ve never wrote a lactation kink fic before but it was fun.
Cw- pinv unprotected, fem reader, pregnant reader, lactation kink, consumption of human milk, Husband a wife ,mother and father , with little plot, not proof reader sorry for any error as usual i write this shit at 3 am usually lol.
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Sandor holds your waist as you grind against him. His cock has been buried in your cunt for over an hour and just being able to watch you riding him is enough to keep him hard and cum better than he ever has.
You’ve had the greatest honor in giving him two sons both of which are old enough to be riding thier own horses and exploring the village under the supervision of the guards you have at the castle and that is where they are now. Exploring the village as the festival goes on.
You’ve become pregnant with sanders third child only a few months ago your belly every growing as you prepare to give birth once again. Sandro cannot help the fact that he is utterly obsessed with your plump state. How you flesh grows softer and your body becomes rounder in support of the little life he helped create inside you.
Any chance he gets he. Has you strip and dance for him the new baby fat perfectly giving you more curves than before. Even now as he groans under you his large hand grips the flesh of your waist once in a while giving your apple ass a slap causing your cunt to clench around him as you jump.
You open your eyes only to see him lustfully starring back at you his hand exploring your sides feelign every inch of you. His actions and look of adoration makes you smile but that smile fade when you feel liquid secrete from your breast your face reddens as cover your chest gasps about to get off your husband in embarrassment.
But he grips you still and sits you looking you square in the eyes before he runs his thumb over your hardened nipple taking your breast into hand.
“Fuck…we cant let this go to wast now can we.” He speaks before dipping down and licking the liquid off. The sweet taste of your milk coating his tounge as he moves to the other.
He groans as he sucks on it wanting more. You moan out as he then turns your both over so he’s on top only to pull his lips away for one second to being fucking up into you relentlessly your tits begin bouncing up as he does.
He grips one and massages it causing more milk to seep out. He quickly laps it up and does the same with the other. Somehow keeping control as he roughly fucks you. Drinking up your sweet nectar. You clown at him and moan out as he continues to stimulate you.
“Fuck you taste like gold!” He groans deeply continuing to feast.
“Ah-ah s-Sandor i-“ you trail off as your toes curl and your pussy clenches. The sensation of your orgasm washed over you in shock causing your back to arch only giving your husband better access to your breasts.
Moments later his thrusts falter and hes cumming up in you making sure you get all of his seed despite being currently pregnant.
You pant as you stay in place for a moment. Sandro comes off your boob with a light ‘pop’ you look to him as his lips and chin are coated in a sheen as he licks off the access. You glance down at your chest seeing it littered with mini bruises from his rough suckling.
You wrap your arms around his neck pulling him too you kissing his lips deeply tasting your own on him. And fuck he was right.
You do taste like gold.
111 notes · View notes
writemywaytoyourheart · 9 months
Bedeviled | Chapter 14: Always Faithful, Always Strong
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Pairing: demon!jungkook x female reader
Genre: romance, angst, drama, horror
WC: 16.3k
Warnings for this chapter: strong language, anxiety, fear, mentions of blood and injuries, religious themes, mentions of past death and grief, tensionnnn, talk of loss of virginity, JK has mood issues, cruelty, insinuation of torture, betrayal...if there is anything i missed pls kindly let me know
Previous ML
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The little angel holding your hand smiled excitedly at you. 
“See? It doesn’t hurt anymore,” she whispered. 
You nodded slowly, looking over at the taller figure beside the small angel. You couldn’t see their face due to the forest-green glow illuminating them from the inside out. Still, they felt so very familiar.
“Are you ready?”
You looked back at the small child when she spoke again, still grinning. Her smile was brighter than all the stars in the sky, the pale yellow wings on her back so tiny and fragile. 
Larger front teeth protruded slightly from her mouth, making her look like a rabbit. 
A very cute rabbit. 
You couldn’t stop the smile from spreading on your face. 
Her sweet grin really did remind you of someone…
“Am I ready for what?” You asked, confused. Your mind was a little blank.
A tiny giggle that sounded like ringing bells fell from the child’s lips, “To go home.”
You blinked slowly. 
The ghost of the word left your mouth quietly in a single breath, full of a longing you’d never felt. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat.
The grip on your hand tightened a little more. 
Turning your head, your brows furrowed when you saw someone lying in the bed you got out of. She was in a very worn-through white nightgown, her face drained of life as she lay there, a thin layer of sweat glistening on her splotchy face. She appeared to be in a deep sleep.
One she would not wake from. 
The rest of the shack was no livelier. There was a vase full of roses, but they were wilted beyond saving.
It was cold and dark. 
And lonely.
You turned back to the two beings and gave a small nod. 
“I’d like to go home.”
The little girl smiled giddily, then all you could see was white brightness closing in around you and a warmth that enveloped your cold body. 
Blue, pink, and purple lights appeared, surrounding you. Gold and silver swirled around in beautiful shapes. Colors you’d never seen before danced in your vision as the sound of beautiful music played, bringing a deep and wonderful ache into your heart.
Then everything was white again. 
You blinked hard a few times. 
Your heart stopped for a moment when you saw that you were surrounded by clouds. Looking down, you realized you were standing on one. 
Oh my.
The voice was that of a woman’s; deep but gentle, like a pool of warm chocolate. It brought a comfort so strong you felt your eyes water at just the single word. 
It came from the shining figure. 
The little angel was gone, only the tall being remained, standing in front of you. You still couldn’t see their face, but you were not afraid. You looked at them expectantly. 
“You suffered for a long time.”
A single unwitting tear fell from your eye at the unexpected words. It slid down your cheek and fell to the clouds underfoot. 
No one had ever spoken to you with such empathy in your entire existence; an empathy that reached deep into your soul where no other had touched.
You’d never felt more understood.
Then the feeling of grief washed over you. It was as if every painful thing that ever happened to you was consuming your mind and body in a matter of seconds, taking your breath away. Even though you couldn’t remember what exactly had happened before waking up in that room, you could feel every agonizing minute of it.
“You were alone for so long, scared for so many years, carrying it all on your own. Everything you gained along the way, you lost horribly by the end.”
You looked at the figure that was watching you closely and gulped, the pain not ceasing as you fell to your knees, unable to handle the agony surging through you. 
 “Was it worth it, ____?”
Tears fell from your eyes steadily as you held your heart, body shaking. 
Then you could see him: his sweet smile as he handed you an apple, the warmth of his hand that held yours, the big brown eyes that looked into your own with a comfort so strong it never failed to fix anything that was scaring you…his beautiful soul.
No matter how wretched it felt at times in that life, you were never alone.
A sob tore itself from your throat as you began to remember everything that you had forgotten at first. Everything that you had, no matter how fleeting, before it was ripped from you. 
You looked up at the figure that brought you to this place. 
“Yes,” you whispered.
Although you couldn’t see it, you felt the invisible person smile.
All at once, the pain was gone, replaced with a joy so breathtaking you knew you would do every single second of it again, even if you had been truly alone.
You walked along slowly, the invisible person at your right as the two of you strolled through the clouds. She was so tall that if you could see her clearly, you were sure the top of your head would only reach her elbow. 
“Why did you say I was alone most of my life?” You asked quietly, “If you already knew I wasn’t after meeting him.”
“Did the thought not cross your mind, ____?” The woman’s voice asked gently, “Were there not times you felt it was that way?”
You gulped, then gave a small nod, “At the hardest times…I suppose I did, yes.”
“That is why I phrased it that way. That thought, that doubt, was always there; lingering in the back of your mind. No, you didn’t think he wasn’t there for you. But on those dark nights without him there, it would come back. That anger of what was happening to you would come back, wouldn’t it?”
You nodded slowly. 
“You needed to answer the question with that present. You needed to realize the truth yourself in the face of that despair.”
“Oh. That makes sense.”
They nodded and you two fell into silence once more.
“Where are we going?” You asked, watching your feet disappear into clouds impossibly soft but still strong enough to hold you up. 
You had always dreamed of being in the clouds. It was so much more than you had ever imagined.
“We’re going home.”
You hummed in response, then spoke up again, “Why did I forget everything for a little bit? How could I have forgotten him?” 
“Do not blame yourself. It can happen at times, when someone passes. Especially if that person passed in a traumatic way. Those that do, tend to forget briefly who they were or where they came from. But it comes back rather quickly.”
“Oh…where did she go?” You whispered after a moment of contemplating, “The little angel.”
“You will see her again,” There was a gentle amusement in the being’s tone as she continued to walk beside you. You had a feeling she was more amused by your incessant questions than irritated.
“Oh, good.”
As you walked, you suddenly saw a huge golden gate ahead, appearing from the clouds. 
“Is this home?” You asked breathlessly, stopping in front of the magnificent structure. You weren’t sure what was beyond them, but something was pulling you there, tugging gently at your heart. 
“It is.”
You just knew that the moment you stepped through those gates, you would never feel out of place again. 
Someone was waiting inside for you. 
They had waited a very long time. 
There, you would belong. 
“Can I go in?”
“You can. Before you do, there is one more thing.”
“I’m letting you out of the deal.”
You feel your heart stop in your chest at his words, then tears spring to your eyes. You shake your head and pull back, not missing the way he reluctantly lets go of you. 
“What?” His brows scrunch and he takes a step towards you as you move back even more, wincing at the pain when you walk. 
“I don’t want out-”
“You don’t know what you’re saying,” He snaps, “Because you can’t stop thinking about him. Just stop for a moment and think!!”
You shake your head but he steps closer, an angry yet desperate look on his face. 
“If you refuse me now, I won’t give you another chance.”
“I know.”
“Are you fucking insane?” He looks at you in disbelief, “Do you have any idea what you’re getting yourself into by agreeing to this?”
“Why are you so in love with him?! Why can’t you see what’s happening?” His eyes are wild with rage, “You are damning yourself to He-”
“What if I stay?”
You see the look of shock flash over his face as he takes a step back, going from one hundred to zero in a millisecond.
You swallow, feeling very small and unsure right now. 
“You want me to stay, don’t you?”
The demon blinks a few times. 
If you stay, it will be horrendous for you. It will be painful and wretched and nothing will ever make it better. But he doesn’t say that. He doesn’t tell you that. 
He’s selfish. 
And he wants you to stay, no matter what it might do to you. 
If you go through all of this just for some idiot mortal boy, he wants no part of it. But if you stay for him…
If one thing is true, it is that misery so very much loves company. 
You see one of his black brows raise slightly, as if you’ve gotten his attention. 
Taking a deep breath, you stay strong. 
Although it was a rash decision to use those words driven by exhaustion and panic, you knew you could buy time, that he would take it, that he would consider it.
What else could you expect from a demon?
“You don’t want him anymore?”
The way he says ‘him’ is bitter. Jealousy and rage crammed into that one small word.
You eye him carefully, “We still need to go through with the deal. We don’t stop here.”
He glares at you, “Why.”
“I came here to get something. I want to finish what I started. I won’t just toss it all out the window now.”
JK grinds his teeth for a moment, trying not to get angry. 
“Fine,” he eventually spits, “You’ll get the Flame, if that’s what you’re so fucking obsessed with.”
“Thank you,” you whisper, voice breaking a little. 
He rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh, “Your stupid little friend apparently doesn’t have a lot of time to become immortal. Let’s just keep going.”
You nod, following as he starts off. Almost immediately, you notice him slowing to keep pace with you as you limp slowly. He doesn’t talk much at first and you get the sense that he’s embarrassed for exposing himself like he did. The fact that he wants you to stay, no matter how selfish the intentions are…it means there’s something there.
Not long after walking again, though, he starts to talk. 
“Why ‘Apple’?”
“I like apples.”
Only a second passes before the next question. 
“What made you decide to wear a dress? It’s not a very practical decision when one is planning to get the Flame of Immortality from the center of Hell.”
“I like dresses,” your voice cracks a little and you swallow, rubbing your throat with your hand gently. 
He rolls his eyes. 
“Well…is white your favorite color to wear then? Or brown…?”
You look sideways at him suspiciously but answer slowly anyway, “Umm…they’re some of my favorites, yeah.”
“What are your other favorites-”
He stops speaking and comes to a halt when you turn to him, badly scraped hands moving to your hips. 
“Why are you asking me all these-...innocent questions?”
“What? You’d rather I ask something else?” He snaps, handsome face set in an annoyed scowl.
“Well, no-”
“Are you a virgin?”
You take a step back, looking at him with an appalled expression. 
He only smirks. 
“You got pissy when I asked questions I thought suited you. Figured I’d try something different.”
“Yellow and pink…and blue.”
You ignore the confusion written all over his face as you walk around him and keep hobbling along. 
The sores on your hands and feet are extremely irritated and sore, the ones in your mouth a little less so. There’s still dried blood on the corners of your mouth and your bones ache so deeply you could curl into a ball on the ground and be fine with never moving again. The pain in your stomach lingers, but is nothing compared to when you were in the eighth circle. You still refuse to look at the wound on your right ankle from when the old man covered in flames grabbed you. It’s painful enough without getting a mental picture that will probably make it worse.
Overall, everything hurts. Your body continues to grow weaker simply being in Hell, steadily shutting down by the hour. 
But you can certainly manage. 
You have to. 
“What the hell does that even mean?”
You bite your tongue as he jogs over to keep in step with you again.
“You asked what my favorite colors are to wear.”
He groans loudly next to you, “I don’t know why I keep forgetting how fucking annoying you are.”
“Aw, that’s sweet, JK.”
You chuckle quietly, gnawing gently on your tender bottom lip as you keep your eyes forward, a million thoughts swarming your brain. 
“What’s your favorite color to wear?” You ask as you glance at him teasingly, “Black? How original.”
He sneers at you, “Wow, you’re so fucking funny. You should be a comedian.”
“I might just do that.”
“What do you do, anyway?” He slows down a little more to stay alongside you after unconsciously walking faster. He can’t help it, with legs as long as his it’s second nature, “You said you’re nineteen. School? Work?”
“Mm, neither.”
“Well, work I guess.”
“You guess.”
“Mhm,” You pick at the blood under your fingernails. 
“Care to elaborate?” 
He sounds annoyed with needing to ask for further details. 
“No, not really.”
He bites his tongue before he gets the chance to snap at you. 
“Ok, fine,” He says slowly, controlled, “You kind of work.”
You hide the smile creeping up on you. 
“So you’ve never really had any hopes for the future?”
“I didn’t say that,” You correct him calmly. 
“Well you sure as hell aren’t convincing me otherwise.”
You look at him as you walk, “Why should I need to convince anyone but myself?”
“I-” He stares at you for a second, “Never mind.”
It’s not even quiet for thirty seconds before his next wave of probing comes.
“Why apples, though? Pears are better than apples.”
A lump forms in your throat and you have to mentally push the memories out of your mind. Memories of him always preferring pears over any fruit. 
“Because Pear would be a stupid name.”
He chuckles, taking you by surprise. 
“Well,” You hum, “Pear is actually pretty cute now that I think about it.”
“Whatever you say, mortal.”
“It’s Apple.”
“I’m not calling you Apple.”
“Well then I’ll just call you Pear-”
“You absolutely will not.”
You scowl at him. 
“I’ll do whatever I want.”
“Yeah?” He snags your arm, making you stop and pulling you to him at the same time, a dangerously flirty smirk on his face, “Is that supposed to scare me, Apple?”
Your heart lurches and your mouth feels dry.
He leans closer, “Go ahead and do what you want, I’ve nothing against that.”
You try to scoff but it doesn’t come out very strong so it kind of just sounds like you choke. 
“Y-y-you what?” The smirk is still on his face, mischief lighting up his dark eyes. 
You try your best to glare at him, but it doesn’t seem to deter him at all. 
He just leans in again, “If you stay,” his lips are close to your ear as cold breath sends tingles down your spine, “We could cause all sorts of trouble, Apple girl.”
You’re beginning to second guess your judgment of telling him that name.
It’s not the same as him saying it. It hurts a lot more than when he said it. It’s his voice, his face, his eyes that look into yours as it’s whispered. 
But it’s not the same. 
It used to be filled with so much love. 
Now it’s tainted with a shadowy wickedness whispering behind it. But after not hearing it from his lips for five hundred years, it still makes your heart race. 
“I get the impression you cause enough trouble on your own,” you whisper, pulling back and looking at him. 
“You’d be right,” he chuckles darkly, also pulling away. 
Your eyes fall away from his piercing gaze, looking over his shoulder. 
He snaps out of the trance he was in as he looked at you when you point over his shoulder and ask, “What’s that?”
JK turns to see a gnarled mountain in the distance that’s smaller than the others, right in the middle of the barren wasteland; the bottom thick and the top coming to a sharp point. 
“Ah,” he tilts his head and stretches his neck both ways, “You’ll see later.”
You give him a look but don’t bother responding. 
It feels like you can finally breathe when he steps away.You don’t understand how he can so easily flit from one emotion to the next. He’s acting like he didn’t just bare his entire soul to you when he offered to let you go not even that long ago. 
“You never answered my question,” He says as he starts to walk, once again matching your speed, or lack thereof. 
“Which one?”
“I think you know which one.”
Your cheeks heat involuntarily and you clear your throat. 
“I’m not having this conversation with you.”
“Why not?” 
“Because it’s none of your business!”
“I think you’re embarrassed.”
“And why would I be?” You ask. 
“Because you’re definitely a virgin.”
You scoff loudly, “If I am or I’m not, neither of them would make me embarrassed. I have no reason to be ashamed either way.”
“That’s exactly what a virgin would say.”
“Shut up!” You grumble, “If you want to know so bad then you have to answer a question of mine.”
“Fire away.”
“Just like that?” You look at him in disbelief, “After all this time and all the trouble you’ve given me, you’ll answer anything just to know if I’m a virgin?”
He shrugs, “I’m curious.”
You mutter in annoyance to yourself for a moment, then you look at him. 
“What’s with the tattoos? Why are two colored and the rest not?”
“I don’t know.”
“I-” You glare fiercely at him, “Tell me you’re joking.”
“I’m not.”
You stop walking, which makes him stop to look at you. 
“So, let me get this straight,” You say calmly, scratched up and bruised hands folded nicely in front of you, “It has been however long…I have answered many of your questions, and you have avoided almost every single one of mine.”
“And you acted like it was some huge deal that you would only tell me in exchange for something equally as big, and yet you don’t even know the answer yourself.”
“Pretty much, yeah.”
You wouldn’t be surprised if he could see steam billowing out from your ears. 
“You’re so- so exasperating!!”
He laughs at the fact that that’s the best insult you could come up with in your state of enraged shock. 
“Technically I never said I knew.”
“Agh!” You throw your hands up in the air before pointing a finger in his face and standing up on your tiptoes to get closer, “I’m never telling you if I’m a virgin or not! Never!” Then you hurry around him and start marching away. You hear him laughing behind you, then the sound of him running to catch up with you. 
“You’re so naive.”
“Don’t talk to me.”
He grins annoyingly, shaking his head, “Such a grouch.”
“I’ll show you a grouch in a minute if you don’t let me calm down.”
He puts his hands up in defense, “Damn, ok.”
Your face feels hot with anger, your cheeks undoubtedly red with the blood that’s rushed there. 
Cool air would be nice right about now, but that’s a joke to even think about. Fanning with your hands does absolutely nothing. In fact, it might be making it worse. 
You drop your hands to your side and sigh. 
It’s no use being so angry. Him not knowing is technically an answer in itself. That’s what you wanted to know anyway, with several things. 
Back when you first got here, he spoke as if he was a demon since the fall of the angels, that he was one of them, that he chose it. 
Clearly his memories are not only gone, but corrupted into a false story that he believes is true though there are gaps in it that confuse even him. Like the fire, and the tattoos, and probably several other things; like the handkerchief in his pocket that he gave you when your eyes were burning. The one that looked like his mother’s…
She used to carry soft cream-colored ones around everywhere, and gave some to him. 
That’s what he used to bandage your ankle when you were young.
What would his answer be if you asked him about that handkerchief?
You gulp.
He’s confused when you ask certain questions like that, you can tell. And confusion is the first step, as long as the timing is right.
Your breathing has calmed considerably and the anger has dissipated when he speaks up again. 
“Are you calm now?”
“Yes,” you laugh quietly. 
“You can have another go, if it’s made you that upset.”
“You must seriously want to know if I’ve done it, nothing ever makes you this generous…I’m not upset anymore, I do have a question though, that I’d like to be answered.”
“Go ahead.”
“I’ll answer yours first.”
You nibble your bottom lip, your cheeks flushing for a reason entirely different from anger now. 
“I’m not a virgin.”
You turn your head to see that he looks genuinely surprised as he stares at you while you walk. 
“Why does that shock you so much?” You chuckle. 
“It’s just-” He shakes his head, “You’re so pure, it-”
“I’m pure?”
When his eyes lift to yours again, he sees a teasing smile on your face.
“Two questions,” You hold up two fingers. 
He nods, apparently shocked into temporary silence. 
“One: how do you know that I’m pure? And two: who says that not being a virgin would take that away?”
He scoffs, “Isn’t it obvious? I can see your soul, mortal. All demons can see the state of someone’s soul. It’s how they know their weak points, how easy they are to break.”
The demon stops and turns to you then, a look in his eyes that you don’t understand. 
“How valuable they are to them.”
One of your brows lifts, “Ah, I see. And why would I be any less pure without being a virgin?”
“Your innocence would be gone.”
“And?” You look him dead in the eye, “Is my innocence gone?”
The way he stares at you makes you feel exposed, as if he’s peeled away your skin and can see right through you, into the deepest parts of your being. He is quite literally staring into your soul. 
“No,” he whispers, his voice sounding confused at this revelation. 
“Didn’t He make it for the human race as a gift?”
“I mean…I suppose, but-”
“And if I didn’t abuse it, if I used the gift as it was meant to be used, did I not do what He had intended for me?”
The demon swallows, confusion thick in the air as he stares at you, extremely unsure of everything he thought he knew.
“The act itself is not sinful,” you whisper, watching all the emotions flitting across his face as he tries to figure it out, “The intentions and circumstances behind it? They certainly can be.”
He says nothing, thoroughly befuddled in every sense of the word. 
“I think innocence comes in many forms. I am far from perfect, but I do know that I did no wrong when it came to losing my virginity.”
“Oh.” Is all he’s able to come up with. 
After another minute of him working through things in his brain, he clears his throat. 
“So this…this best friend of yours…is he-?”
“Is he the one that I shared myself with?”
He nods, uncertainty still clear on his face. 
How strange it is to be informing him that you are not a virgin when he himself is the only one you had ever been with.
“Why does it matter?”
“It doesn’t.”
You step closer, eyes not leaving his, “You said demons know when souls are valuable to them.”
He nods, but says nothing. 
“And?” You take another step towards him, as if offering for him to look again, “How valuable is my soul to you?”
“Any demon would stop at nothing to take your soul.”
“I’m not interested in just any demon,” you whisper, “I want to know how valuable it is to you. That’s my question, that’s what I want you to tell me. You didn’t answer me before, when I asked you how you felt.”
“I did.”
“No, you didn’t. Not really.”
“I told you,” he grits out as you step ever closer, “I can’t.”
“If I am so valuable to Hell’s collection of souls, how could you offer to free me? How valuable can I possibly be if you’re willing to let me keep my soul?”
JK gulps, pursing his lips. 
“How can a demon let go of a soul that any other would stop at nothing to take?” You whisper, eyes searching his, pushing just a little more. 
“You said you would answer me.”
His eyes fall from yours. 
“Why are you doing this?”
“Why did you offer to let me leave?”
“It doesn’t matter now,” he hisses, “You refused, and I told you, I will not offer it again.”
“Then why offer it in the first place?”
You gulp when his eyes raise to yours again, anger and something else there, something you’ve seen flash through them before, but very rarely.
You realize with a jolt to your heart what it is. 
“You want to know how valuable your soul is to me?” He glares at you, stepping closer until you can feel his cold breath on your cheeks, “I would do anything to rip it straight out of you. Anything.”
You blink rapidly, holding back the tears that are threatening to come. 
“I would risk losing hundreds of other souls just to have this one.”
A cold finger runs along your chest, stopping right in the middle and not moving.
“How valuable are you to me…?” A painful ache surges through you at his slight change of words 
“So valuable-” His voice drops below a whisper, “That I would’ve let.. you.. go..”
Your heart is hammering in your chest and you know he can feel it. 
You don’t finish your sentence and he says nothing to fill the quiet. That’s when something else hits you. 
Tears spring to your eyes at the realization. 
His eyes stay locked on yours. 
“You kept talking earlier, asking silly things,” you mumble tearfully, sniffling, “Because you knew I didn’t like it to be quiet.”
His following silence is answer enough. 
“I can’t,” is all he says after a minute. 
You nod slowly, his previous words floating through your mind. 
‘I can’t…love you.’
He can’t love you, but he can let you go; that’s all he knows how to do.
You bite your bottom lip harshly, the stinging pain a welcome distraction from the one on the inside. After a moment to gather yourself, you nod again, not looking directly at him as he watches you with a look so unlike this version of him you don’t think you can handle it. 
Then you raise yourself up, just enough to plant a quick kiss on his cheek. 
As you’re lowering yourself back down, you stop at the feeling of his hand on your cheek, though you keep your eyes downcast.
I’m sorry, Jungkook. 
That you had to be alone for so long, that you had to wait for me, until I could come to you. 
I am so sorry.
You finally look at him at the light tone of his voice.
“We’ll be at the ninth circle before too long, you can’t grow soft on me now,” he smirks gently at you, “What happened to that feisty little attitude of yours, little mortal?”
You swallow the tears building up in your throat, bottling them up and putting a cap on it.
You will not fail, ____. 
Do not doubt yourself so. 
Nodding slowly, you swallow again, biting your lip as hard as you can handle. 
“I think I’m tired,” you croak, dropping your gaze to the ground between you. 
His boots are still sleek and shiny, completely flawless. The laces going up his shins look brand new, not a fray to be seen. The contrast to your beaten and bloody feet wrapped in torn black silk from his shirt is almost comical. 
“Only now?” He asks, a teasing lilt to his voice.
You breathe out a tiny laugh, “Yeah, didn’t really hit until now.”
You rub your eyes, fighting the yawn creeping up on you. 
“Let’s not talk about it,” you mumble, “It’s making me more tired.”
The sound of gravel moving makes you look at him as he turns to keep walking, granting your wish without a single protest. 
“Come on,” he calls out without facing you, “If you fall asleep standing there I’m not carrying you.”
You follow slowly, your brain spinning in circles as you try to stay calm. 
“Can I go in?”
“You can. Before you do, there is one more thing.”
“What is it?”
“If you had the choice, would you like to become an angel?”
“I don’t understand,” You stared at the being that brought you to the golden gate in the clouds, brows furrowed in confusion at what they just said, “So…everyone that comes here is an angel…?”
Just like before, you felt her smile, even though you couldn’t see it, “Not everyone, no. The little ones that pass away in the womb become angels,” her voice was still so gentle and deep, it brought a wave of comfort over you just hearing it, “And some that were born and have lived a life worthy of it. Do not worry, everyone else that comes here is joyous regardless.”
‘The little ones that pass away in the womb become angels.’ 
Your heart stuttered in your chest when you thought of the little angel.
Could it really have been…?
Before you could break down into sobs and start begging to see the child, you cleared your throat, knowing the time would come to see her again. “And you…are you an angel?”
“I am.”
“Were you a human once?”
“No,” The voice had a distinct smile in it, “I was always your angel.”
“My angel?” You asked in astonishment.
“What-” You shook your head to clear it, “What does that mean?”
Instead of getting an answer with words, you suddenly felt a strange pull in your chest. Then the being was gone and you were in your beloved forest, the breeze blowing the leaves gently. You turned this way and that, beyond confused. 
You got cut off by the sound of a tiny giggle. Turning in alarm, you froze at the sight of a small child on the ground by the apple tree, her back leaning against it as she played in the grass with her feet.
You, it was you…at four years old…
Taking a step closer to the small version of you, the grass soft beneath your feet, you sucked in a breath when you saw someone else there too, a warm smile on their face as they watched you laugh. 
It was a woman who looked no older than twenty-five, but with an ancient wisdom in her emerald green eyes. She wore a dress of dark green that matched the deepest parts of the forest. Over it were thin plates of armor, a slender sword with a verdant hilt at her side. On her back were large wings that looked like a bird’s; the color of a sunlit field. One of the wings was wrapping around your small figure protectively.
Her hair was blonde, but looked to have hints of leaf green in it as well. 
The angel’s beauty was unmatched; you had never even imagined someone could be so utterly breathtaking. She truly looked like an otherworldly being that had come from the forest itself. 
There was a soft green glow about her as she placed a gentle hand on your head right after a bright red apple had bonked it harshly.
Her head turned at the same moment as your tiny one, looking at the fruit laying on the ground. 
As little you stared at it in bewilderment, the angel looked up and a smile graced her elegant features.
You watched yourself reach for the apple, then you noticed the woman looking up into the tree and laughing delightedly. So, you looked up to see what she was watching. 
Heart flying to your throat, you took a step back when you saw him. 
The small boy with dark hair and eyes that were wide as he looked down at the child he accidentally dropped an apple on. He scrambled down the tree quickly to apologize. 
All of the figures began to shimmer before disappearing, despite your sudden cry for them not to go. 
You gulped and pressed a hand to your forehead as another scene unfolded in front of you. 
The river was there, just ahead. Cold water rushed by, higher than it usually was. After only a moment, you realized what day you were looking back on. Seconds later, you saw two children running over to the river and laughing. 
The little girl said something you couldn’t hear as the boy bent down to pick up a pretty rock. In the next instant, the girl ran into the water. It was swift as it took her off her feet immediately. 
The boy looked up, then dropped the rock and leapt into the water to save the younger child. 
You watched in horror as he screamed for her, swimming as best as he could. 
But his arms were too small and the current was too strong. 
You couldn’t even see the girl anymore, she was gone, dragged under the surface. 
Then you saw the woman again. 
She was on the riverbank, tall and beautiful as always. She reached a hand down into the river and grabbed hold of something before pulling it up effortlessly. 
You saw your own little hand come out of the water as she pulled you out, then your head broke the surface. You gasped and looked around before seeing your best friend holding on to the rose bush. 
It was her…
That was the only thought in your head as the scene changed yet again.
You were back in the forest, by the apple tree. This time, you were watching yourself at fifteen as you cried your heart out after finding out that you were to marry Hoseok and your mother had hurled horrid insults at you. 
“Why me?!” You heard yourself scream at the top of your lungs into the grass, throat burning and heart pounding painfully in your ears.
The angel was there on the ground beside you, bent over in order to have an arm and a wing around you in a warm embrace. You noticed with a hitch in your breath that she was crying too, crystal tears dripping down her porcelain skin and falling to the forest floor as she stroked your hair ever so gently. 
She was whispering words of encouragement and reassurance in your ear even if you couldn’t hear it at the time. 
Once again, the two figures weeping on the forest floor shimmered and disappeared. They were replaced with quick flashes of your life running across your vision, the angel always there; a warm proud smile on her face when you were kind or shining tears drenching her cheeks as you lay sobbing in your mother-in-law’s house after losing your child. 
Then it was all gone. 
You were once again surrounded by white clouds, the giant golden gate looming in front of you. 
But this time, the being was no longer hidden from your view. 
The woman from the visions stood in front of you, a soft knowing smile on her pretty lips. 
If possible, she looked even more magnificent than in the memories. 
She was twice your height, dressed in that beautiful green gown, the armor shining brilliantly and the sword safe at her side. 
You gawked wordlessly at the huge wings behind her. 
You gulped, shocked into speechlessness. 
Her smile grew warmer at the look on your face. 
Finally, you found the words. 
“The invisible person,” you breathed, “That was you?”
Her head dipped slightly in confirmation. 
All the times you ever felt scared, felt unsafe in any way, all the nights you couldn’t sleep thinking of the ghost in the forest…all of it seemed so silly then. With the angelic warrior walking beside you during every step in life, nothing was ever going to hurt you.
You blinked owlishly. “You…how are you my angel?” Was all you could think to say.
Her laughter was like waves crashing against the golden shore. 
“There are many different angels. I am a guardian and I was tasked with keeping watch over you. Guardians have always been angels, from the beginning of time.”
“But…why me?”
“Everyone has a guardian angel,” she explained softly, “Most of them don’t know it until the end. When the Creator made me, He showed me some of your life. He asked me if I would love and protect you. I said yes. Until you were conceived, I simply waited.”
Your heart burst in your chest. 
The angel’s first choice…was to love you?
Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes. 
“Why don’t some people ever know of their angel until they die?” You whispered sadly. 
She leaned down, blonde locks tinted with green falling over her shoulders. 
“There are many forces at work in the world, ____. So very many of them with wicked intentions and a desire to wreak havoc and despair. They try their best to be the loudest. Sin is attractive, until you see its truest form.”
You gulped, “I didn’t know of you though, yet I still felt you there. Do others not?”
Your angel nodded sadly.
The look in her eyes was so vivid, it felt as though you were looking through each and every moment in history, every little thing she ever saw…Your heart ached deeply in your chest at her next words. 
“Because mankind is lost,” she whispered lowly, “And has very much forgotten how to listen.”
The exhaustion is heavy on your shoulders. 
Your eyelids feel like they’re being weighed down with hundred pound weights. But still you walk, dragging one foot after another, again and again. Steps eventually turn into miles. The scenery never changes. 
JK walks beside you, but neither of you speaks very much. Every once in a while, you’ll mention something about how long this stretch is and how hot it is, and he’ll mumble an agreement. 
It’s maddening that you can’t keep him in a certain state for long. He was opening up, he was softening even if just a little. The second the moment passes though, he clams right back up. 
It happened when he offered to let you go, it happened when you spoke by the fire, it happened when you asked him about the value of your soul to him. 
It has happened multiple times. 
And yet each time it passes, he is no sooner retreating into his shell and pretending like it never happened in the first place. 
The only thing keeping your spirits up at this point, is reminding yourself that if it wasn’t getting anywhere, he wouldn’t have softened even for a moment. 
None of this is futile. 
It is slow and it is painful. 
But it is not futile. 
Your stomach turns when you suddenly remember the voice. 
The one that came back when you saw JK’s true form, that mocked him and delighted in his agony. It said something. 
“This is my territory, little angel…you get out.”
He knows you’re here, and that you are not a mere mortal. 
A sickening pit forms in your stomach. You don’t know what will come of it. But one thing is for sure; you have even less time than you thought. 
“Back at the shed.”
You jump a little at the sound of his voice, but recover quickly and look at him as you continue to make your slow trek towards the oddly shaped mountain all alone in the middle of the wasteland. 
You watch him as he stares into the distance ahead, a small frown on his face. 
“You said it was my fault.”
“Huh?” Your voice is weak. 
You know exactly what he’s referring to, but you need time to think of an excuse. 
“When you were losing your shit,” he speaks calmly, not a hint of anything but curiosity in his tone, “You said that it was all my fault.”
“W-Well, yeah,” you try to scoff, but it still shows the anxiety consuming you, “I was delirious from exhaustion and not to mention the unbearable heat. I mean come on, out here is bad enough, but in that circle-”
“Stop lying.”
You gulp, glancing at him briefly as you try not to stop the rhythm of your walk. 
“I was exhausted and overheated,” you mumble quietly. 
Technically you were, so that isn’t really a lie. 
He sighs, “I suppose I brought this upon myself.”
“I should’ve known that sooner or later you would refuse to answer my questions as I have yours,” he shakes his head, an annoyed smile on his face. 
“I mean,” you laugh lightly, “It took me long enough to stop offering answers so freely.”
“Why did you? Before.”
“I don’t know,” you say softly, staring at a black cloud in the sky, “I think maybe I wanted to tell you, as unwise as it seemed at times.”
He doesn’t answer, but he does look at you closely as you walk. 
“Have you never felt that way?” You whisper, still not looking away from that little cloud up there in the bloodstained sky, “Have you never felt so burdened with secrets and struggles that you felt such an urge to just let it out? To let it out to whoever gave you that chance, even if you knew that they would hurt you in the end…”
He blinks slowly, “That sounds like a burdensome way to live.”
“Oh it is,” you say softly as you drag your eyes away from the cloud and over to him. 
“That’s why you offered things up so freely. Why you kept wanting to exchange information.”
“I suppose that’s one reason.” A sad laugh huffs from your lips. 
“What’re the other reasons?”
“There you go again,” you look at him with a playful glare, “Tempting me to say all my secrets, just for a second of fresh air to breathe because I won’t be the only one holding them.”
He shakes his head, “That’s not what I’m doing.”
“Oh? And what are you doing, demon?”
He feels a strange unpleasant thud in his chest when you call him that. You’d been calling him by his name for so long now he had gotten almost used to it. 
When he looks at you, he can see something different in your eyes. Something subtle but calculating. It’s a very careful look as you watch him, as if waiting to see what he’ll do, waiting to see the reaction you’ll get from him.
You know something that he doesn’t. 
A foreign chill runs down his spine, startling him. You are a lot smarter than he’s given you credit for. A split second passes where he’s full of an uncomfortable thought that perhaps he’s never had the upper hand. 
Perhaps everything has been on your terms. 
A pit forms in his stomach when you begin to look different. Your hair doesn’t appear quite as tangled, nor does it look dirty. It tumbles down your shoulders in soft waves. The dress and cardigan you wear are not torn or messy with mud and other unsavory things.
As he stares into your eyes, there’s a very subtle color change in them. As if someone was standing behind him and flashed a bright golden light into your eyes for only a second. 
Then it all fades away and he sees just you looking at him expectantly. 
Just messy little you.
You look the same as you always have, only just a little confused now at his long stretch of silence. You don’t seem aware at all that he was quite literally seeing you in a different light momentarily. 
“JK?” Your voice is soft, “Are you okay?”
“What?” He chokes out, voice thick with confusion and maybe just a little fear.
“You look like you just saw a ghost,” you giggle at the silly term down here and with a demon no less.
“Why did you call me that?”
“Huh?” You step closer, confused by his question. 
“Why did you call me demon?”
“Did I?” Your brows furrow and you cock your head to the side, “I don’t think I did, though.”
“You did,” his voice comes out harsher than he intended.
“Oh,” you watch him closely, bewildered at his behavior, “Well, I’m sorry if I did. I wouldn’t have thought you’d mind if I did anyway, though.”
“I-” JK clears his throat, “I don’t. It just confused me for a second.”
Awkward silence falls between you two, then you nod slowly and turn to keep walking. 
You’re not sure what just happened, but whatever it was, it rattled him quite a bit. 
It takes a moment before you hear him start walking behind you. 
“I shared because I thought you might share as well,” you call to him, “Nothing about you makes sense. You know that, right?”
“You’re the one that doesn’t make sense,” he scoffs, but jogs to catch up to you anyway. 
“Look at us,” you gesture your arms out weakly, “What a pair we make. Nothing about us makes sense!”
He chuckles as you smile.
“Speak for yourself,” he nudges you in the arm as you walk, which makes you smile harder. 
Maybe you can get that shell to crack again after all. 
It took less time than you thought it would to get to the lone mountain. You look at it in confusion, head tilted back to see as high up as you can. “That took forever…it looked further away,” you mumble. 
“When are you going to learn that nothing here is made to make sense?” JK looks up at it alongside you, “If it makes sense, you’re comfortable. You’re not supposed to be comfortable here.”
You turn to him, “Since you’re being somewhat honest right now, I’ve been curious about something for a long while.”
“Mm?” He doesn’t seem to be paying attention to you, his gaze directed towards the bent and twisted vines that cover the small mountain, all the way up to the top. 
You two are around a hundred feet away, but you can see the dead climbing plants clearly. Part of you wonders if those are also snakes, like the ones at the entrance to the fourth circle. 
The memory of that feels so old, like you had given your shoes up and had been walking on bare feet through Hell for years. It makes you feel strange, and unsettlingly confused. 
“When I first got here,” you speak a little louder, relieved when he turns to you, “There was something I noticed that you did.”
“And what was that?” He whispers, subtle mischief reflecting in his dark eyes. 
“Before we even got to the entrance, when we first spoke,” you keep your eyes on his face, watching for a hint of anything other than the bored expression now painting it, “You referred to it as the Underworld. Only after we passed through the gate-...”
There it is. 
You see a flicker of something in his gaze. Swallowing thickly, you quietly finish what you were saying. 
“Only after we passed through the gate did you call it Hell.”
You’re surprised to see a smirk spread on his face. 
“Here I thought you were too daft to catch on to that, and yet you knew the whole time. I’m surprised, little mortal.”
You look indignant at that, but he doesn’t stop. 
“Most humans don’t catch it consciously. Only in their subconscious do they realize how much more uncomfortable it feels to hear the word Hell.”
He whispers that last word as he leans closer, as if the term itself is dirty and he finds pleasure in seeing you squirm because of it. 
You gulp but hold your ground as he moves even closer. 
“I won’t tell you,” he whispers. 
You’re about to protest but he startles you by placing a cold finger to your lips, effectively shutting you up. 
“I won’t tell you,” he says again, staring into your eyes, “Because you’re a smart girl.”
Grinding your teeth, you force yourself not to pay any attention to the feeling in your lower stomach. 
“Aren’t you, Apple?” He asks innocently, the look in his eyes showing the true delight he feels making you twitch, “Tell me that you’re a smart girl.”
One of your brows raises and you purse your lips. 
He’s really pushing it, and he knows that. 
“I also have dignity,” you whisper back. 
If anything his smirk grows.He finds it amusing when you snap back at him. 
“You didn’t say Hell because you wanted to be sure I’d follow you,” you keep eye contact with him, “Make it sound less than it is until it’s too late, right? Underworld sounds far less intimidating, less of a chance for the turning back of a potential soul for you to steal.”
“I don’t steal anything,” he hisses, “I told you that.” 
The staredown lasts another ten seconds before he speaks again, voice a bit strained from trying to reign in his irritation at your accusation. 
“See? I knew you were smarter than you let on. Why bother asking all these silly little questions if you already know the answer to them?”
“I wanted you to confirm it.”
“And?” He seems to have gathered himself again, “Has it been confirmed enough for you?”
One of his black brows raises as he clenches his jaw. 
“Good. Now, can we move on, or would you like to stand here and spew more nonsense?”
You shake your head, eyes drifting back over to the gnarled mountain. 
“We can go.”
The demon turns on his heel and all but marches angrily towards your next destination. 
You sigh, then do your best to pick up your pace in order to keep up with him. 
“Does it annoy you that I talk a lot and ask questions that seem useless to you, or does it annoy you that I know more than those you typically deal with?”
“Both, little mortal,” he snaps, “Fucking both.”
You stumble to a stop and wince when he halts suddenly, looking up at the looming form of nature in front of you. 
A pit forms in your tummy when you see the vines ever so slightly writhe under your careful observation. 
Great. More snakes. 
A shaky sigh leaves your mouth, “Is this the ninth circle?”
“Oh…what is it?” 
“It doesn’t matter,” JK mumbles, then turns to walk away, “We need to go around it, not through it.”
“Wait!” You call out before he can get too far, relieved when he stops. He says nothing though, just stands there. 
“I-” You clear your throat, “I think we should go in.”
“Why?” He scoffs, turning to look at you with an irritated glare. 
“I don’t know,” your voice breaks, betraying you, “I’m…curious?”
“You’re curious?”
You nod.
He stares at you in disbelief. 
“Are you fucking serious?”
When you don’t say anything, he turns the rest of his body, hip tilted and arms crossing over his chest, biceps bulging slightly at the action. 
“You’re telling me that you want to waste more time by looking inside of a useless fucking mountain?” His glare narrows even more, “We’re almost to the ninth circle. It isn’t far from there that your stupid Flame is waiting. Why do you suddenly have time to tour every fucking corner of Hell?”
You glance back at the mountain helplessly; you have to get in there. It might be exactly what you need. 
“Aren’t we just wasting more time standing here arguing?” You ask breathlessly, anxiety clear in your shaking voice, “Just- show me what’s inside and we can keep going-”
“Fine,” he growls, stomping over and grabbing one of the vines. 
You audibly gasp as he grips it harshly, ignoring the loud hissing before he tears it from the handle of a wooden door. The demon tosses it carelessly to the ground, where it slowly slithers away. You hadn’t even seen the door there, you’re absolutely sure it was only rock just moments before. 
The hissing grows louder and you step back, watching in disgust as the vines wriggle and slither off of the door that becomes ever more visible the more they flee. Soon enough, the ancient mahogany door is clear of the snake vines. JK grabs the handle and yanks it open. Dust falls from around the doorway. 
You stare wordlessly into the dark tunnel it uncovered, a lump forming in your throat. 
“Why-” you gulp, “I-...H-has no one come in here for a while?”
The demon scoffs quietly in annoyance. 
“There are other entrances. I guess no one’s bothered to use this one for a couple hundred years.”
“Couple hundred years?” You echo quietly, staring into the void.
“Well,” he sighs and leans against the doorframe made of stone, “Ladies first.”
You glance at him to see a stupidly handsome smirk on his face. 
He’s far too aware of the fact that you don’t even break a small smile at his words, all you do is blink a few times before looking into the dark mountainside. 
Then you walk inside and are soon engulfed in blackness.
“Because mankind is lost,” she whispered lowly, “And has very much forgotten how to listen.”
A few tears fell down your cheeks and you brushed them away with the tips of your fingers. 
“Is there nothing to be done for them?”
“There is much.”
She smiled as she stood straight again and looked down at you tenderly. 
“What?” You whispered brokenly, “What can you angels do against such wickedness?” 
“We are stronger than any darkness, child. But we cannot force humans to choose, they have free will to do as they wish. So we can listen when they are broken, and we can bring them hope. There is a war going on, one that most mortals cannot see. Humans are much more important than they know, for they are constantly being fought over.”
You stared at her with wide shiny eyes.
“We will continue to fight for them, despite their blindness to our existence. Above all else, ____, hope is the most powerful weapon against evil. No human is born wicked, wickedness is made. As angels, dear child, we will fight for Him and his creations until the end. With the Father leading our armies, we will always be faithful, and we will always be strong.”
“And what about me?” You wiped your damp cheeks again, “Earlier, you asked if I would like to be an angel. Could I bring that to humans? Could I help them?” 
One of those proud smiles grew on her face. 
“...how did I live a life worthy of that choice?”
“Would you like to see?”
After a moment, you nodded slowly. 
Once again, there was a bright light around you, closing in until you could see nothing else. 
Then you were in a small room. You immediately recognized it as your childhood house. You were in the room where your mother prepared meals. 
It was as if you were a fly on the wall, watching the scene from your past unfold in front of you. 
Mother was there. 
A lump formed in your throat at the sight of her. She was saying something to six-year-old you, who was sitting on an old rickety stool close to the ground and peeling something carefully. 
You couldn’t see what it was, but you were unable to move from your spot in the corner to try and look. 
The tiny voice came from the child you. “What is it now, ____?”
Mother sounded irritated. You furrowed your brows as you watched. 
Why was she so upset? 
Tiny you smiled to yourself as you continued to peel what was in your hands, “There was a boy today that I saw.”
“Who? Jungkook?”
You giggled, “No. He was smaller than Jungkook…but he said he was nine!”
You got no reply. 
“Mother, he said he was eight, but how could he be so very small? How?”
“____,” she snapped, “I’m busy, can’t you hold it in until Yoongi comes? Talk his ear off instead of mine.”
You didn’t seem hurt by the comment, only nodded, “Ok.” Then you went back to your peeling.
Mother sighed loudly, “He was probably one of the kids from the village over. They always come crawling in here and start begging for scraps.”
“What? You think you’re hungry, child?” She sneered, “There are others out there hungrier than you. Be grateful for what you have, you hear me? That kid is probably so hungry he hasn’t grown. Probably isn’t much use at home.”
Standing in the corner, your eyes widened in shock as you placed a hand on your heart. 
How could she say something so horrible?
Little you immediately burst into tears, startling you. 
“Quiet down, ____! Why must you cry so much?”
“Oh Mo-mother!” You sniffled, “Can’t we share some of our food with him, please?”
“Absolutely not!” She hollered, “Why should we pay for his family’s incompetence??”
“But I don’t mind sharing,” you whispered tearfully, bottom lip protruding. 
“Any food going into that boy’s mouth from this house is off your plate,” she snarled, then told you to hush up as she finished her sewing. 
Everything faded away, then you were in a field. The small one behind the Kim’s barn. That boy was there, as little as you remembered. 
A bright smile graced his features as the six year-old you handed him a cloth with food in it. 
Even though it was plenty long ago, you remembered it clearly then. It was one of the many meals you had gathered from your plate and snuck to him. You swallowed thickly as you watched the tiny girl smile as the boy ate every last bit of food. You knew behind that smile, her tummy was growling awfully.
Before you could fully process it, there were suddenly images flashing in front of you, much like when you were watching your guardian angel during your lifetime. 
Images of you running through the forest and singing with the birds…ever so slightly moving your position so that the sun went into your eyes instead of your best friend’s…slipping another piece of bread from your plate and onto Mother’s when she wasn’t paying attention. 
She was talking about how hungry she was that day…
Rescuing bugs and lying on the floor of that sick boy’s room for hours and hours. 
Everything was going by too quickly. It felt like your entire life was playing in front of you, time passing slowly yet quickly at the same time.
All you could see were flashes of a girl hugging trees and speaking to her beloved clouds…offering to sit on a spot on the log after seeing it looked more rough than the other side before Jungkook could notice…struggling to hold the filled pail but saying nothing so that Yoongi wouldn’t need to carry it for you…quickly pulling weeds so your best friend wouldn’t have to do as many…
Such little acts, usually for Jungkook. 
He didn’t notice all those small things and you always made sure to be subtle so it would stay that way. You did it because you loved him, not because you wanted anything in return. 
The last thing you saw was you lying on the ground by the apple tree, looking at the sky through the leaves. 
That was your seventeenth birthday, the one Jungkook missed.
It was also the day you had forgiven your mother. 
The tear sliding down your cheek as you smiled at the white clouds shone brightly before the rest of the image lit up and disappeared. 
You gasped in a breath, unaware of the tears falling down your cheeks as your gaze focused back on the angel in front of you. 
“You know that you were not perfect,” she said gently, “But now you see the difference you made for others without knowing it. The love you always had for every single one of His creations.”
You wiped your eyes. 
“That kind of love for nature and humanity is rare to come by.”
You couldn’t help but drop your head into your hands and weep. You didn’t even know why you were crying, you were just feeling everything so intensely. 
“I know it must seem like a lot.”
The guardian angel’s voice was gentle and full of sympathy. 
“The decision is not meant to burden you. You need not say yes. You will be joyful no matter the choice.”
“I want to,” you sniffled, wiping your messy nose with the back of your hand, “If there’s anything I can do for those still on Earth, I want to. I want to help.”
The look in her eyes when you brought your gaze back to hers, was so full of love and something that you had never seen before. It was almost like…the look of a mother who was proud of you beyond words. 
That must be what it feels like. 
“Can I help him?” Fresh tears pooled in your eyes, “H-how long has it been since I passed? I don’t even know if he knows. Can I help him in any way? Please? Oh, please let me help him.”
The smile slowly slipped off the angel’s face. 
“What?” You caught your breath, “What’s happened?”
“It…It has been three days since you died, ____.”
“Three days?” You breathed in disbelief. 
“And…Jungkook,” you choke out, “Where is he? Does he know? Is he alright? He must b-”
The look on her face made your stomach drop. You gulped, trying your best to have the courage to ask. 
“Guardian angel…what’s happened?”
You keep your hands out in front of you as you walk along the hall inside the mountain. 
It doesn’t seem as though light has ever existed walking through here. It feels almost thick with the blackness, like you’re moving through syrup. You know he’s behind you, even though he hasn’t said a single word. His presence is unmistakable. It used to bring a wave of warm comfort over you, back when you were both young. Now, there’s a slight energy in the air when he’s around. The energy itself does not bring you comfort, but knowing he’s not far from you does. Just having him close is more than you’ve been able to have for so long. 
Finally, you see a tiny light in the distance. It looks like a ball of fire, way down at the end of the hall. The closer you get to it, the less it looks like a floating orb and more like a doorway. 
You freeze at the sound of his whispered warning, so soft you almost didn’t hear it. Not moving a single muscle, you wait with bated breath. It almost makes you jump out of your skin when you feel a cold hand on your waist, the chill seeping into your thin clothes and making you shiver. 
It doesn’t take much prompting for him to move you to the side gently, just enough so that he can squeeze past. A choked breath is stuck in your throat as you feel his body drag against yours. 
Then his touch is gone. 
You can see his silhouette in front of you, framed by the flaming orange doorway that’s only about fifty yards away. Your heart almost stops the next second when you see a few dark figures past the doorless arched entryway into whatever cavern is in the mountain, walking idly by as their voices carry down the hall.
“The Jia girl?” A high pitched snarling voice asks shortly. 
That voice was deeper, you don’t recognize either of them though, never heard them before.
“She relented quickly,” The higher voice cackled, “Didn’t take much.”
“If you’d gotten me sooner it would’ve taken even less.” 
The third voice that cuts in sends a chill down your spine. You know that one, but you only heard it once. The way he tenses next to you confirms it. 
What was his name…San? Sal?
Something with an S…
That was it, that was the name of the demon that you saw talking to JK. What is he doing here?
“Who cares if it’s already been done?” The first voice sneers, clearly irked.
It sounds like Sav and the whiny voiced demon are about to start arguing when the deep voice cuts in again. 
“Enough!” It growls loudly,, “Sav, have you found him? I thought I told you to figure it out.”
Silence follows, then Sav clears his throat. “The last I saw of him he was in the sixth circle.”
Him? Sixth- sixth circle?
A gasp gets stuck in your throat when it dawns on you. 
“Doing what?”
The menacing sound of the deep voice makes goosebumps go down your arms and legs. 
“How should I know? Probably just fucking around as he usually does.” 
A low chuckle floats down the hall. It’s so low you can feel it in your bones. You have a feeling it wasn’t a good idea for Sav to talk back like that. 
“Tell me Sav, if he’s always so busy fucking around, how does he manage to get almost three times as many souls as you each term?”
Your stomach twists violently. If you don’t get away you’re going to be extremely sick all over the floor. 
A freezing cold hand presses to your mouth as you get pushed into the wall gently, not to restrain you in any way, but to keep you from view. You hadn’t realized the whimper that left your lips after hearing the demon’s words. 
It’s silent outside the hall. It feels like an eternity passes before the low-pitched voice of the demon that seems to be higher in rank growls again, “You asked to be the one to deal punishment. If I don’t see it done by the beginning of next quarter, you will be strapped right next to him.”
The sound of heavy footfalls echoes around, then the loud slam of a door, which makes you jolt in his hold. More silence stretches on. 
Have the others left?
You glance up at JK, a question in your eyes. You can see the tense expression on his face as he stares towards the doorway, a hand still pressed to your mouth. He looks down at you, then slowly shakes his head. There’s just barely enough reddish light to see the way his jaw clenches and eyes squint in thought.
“I told you not to act so high and fuckin mighty- ah!”
A high-pitched yelp cuts off the whiny demon’s comment. 
“If you know what’s good for you, shut the fuck up,” Sav hisses, poison dripping from his tongue. 
Another chorus of footsteps bounces off the walls before the sound of two doors slamming echoes into the hall.
You watch him close his eyes slowly before he swallows and pulls the hand from your mouth. Tears form as much as you try to fight them. 
What were they saying? Why would he be in trouble? They said it themselves, he gets more souls than most of them. 
That reminder makes a wave of nausea wash over you and you put one of your own hands over your mouth to keep from being sick. 
He doesn’t say anything, just starts walking towards the glowing doorway, boots making a loud thunk with each step. It doesn’t seem like he’s worried. The way he walks emits an air of confidence. 
Maybe you shouldn’t have come in here…No. No no no. 
You need to see if this is what you’ve been thinking of, hoping for. 
No sound comes from your bare feet as you hurry down the hall after him, as quiet as a church mouse. 
When you step through the doorway, a small gasp slips from you despite your attempts to keep it in. 
It’s a large circular room. 
The distance from the wall in front of you is almost the length of a tennis court. You saw a few of those on Earth not long before coming here. The entire room looks to be the size of at least two of them but in a rounded form. 
The ceiling is so high you can’t see the top. The sheer vastness of the room is not what made you gasp though. It was the walls covered in glass windows; spanning the entirety of each wall. The windows do not lead to the outside, there is a blood red wall behind each of them. 
Inside, trapped between the wall and the glass, are thousands of darkened souls. 
You know if they were not here, they would be shining with a light that could not be extinguished. 
They would look like stars, only the size of your palm. 
These souls do not look like stars; they are black and shriveled as they hover in their designated place. 
Your shaking hands move over your mouth to keep in the horrified scream that wants so badly to come crawling out. The sound of your knees cracking on the cold marble floor echoes around the huge previously silent room.
JK turns from looking over the ones nearest to him to see you on the floor, torn hands shaking as they stay clamped over your mouth. Tears are streaming down your face as you look around the ever growing collection of tainted humanity. 
“Is this place…?” You finally whisper shakily, horror-struck.
“The Chamber of Souls,” JK responds quietly. Despite that, his voice echoes, feeling like it’s everywhere and closing in on you. 
The walls feel like they're moving inwards, hellbent on squishing you until you can’t breathe. 
Your head feels like it’s spinning as you close your eyes and pray fervently in your mind. 
It’s horrible, so horrible. It’s so sickening to look at. 
Your body is already weakening faster than you have time for. Angels were never meant to be in Hell. Seeing something like this, despite it being what you came for, is beyond what you thought you could handle. As an angel, it’s so much worse. 
To see the result of despair and anger and wickedness right in front of you…It is physically painful to be in the vicinity of these souls. 
JK walks over to you slowly, watching you closely as you shake on your knees, eyes diverted to the ground. 
“Why are you so upset?” He whispers coldly, eyes trained on your face when you look up at him. 
You drop your gaze back to the marble floor, “I wasn’t expecting it.”
He says nothing, and when you look up at him again, his eyes are slightly narrowed as he looks at you. You clear your throat and wipe at your eyes harshly. 
Pull it together, ____. 
Come on now, don’t blow it. 
Not when it’s so close.
“Sorry,” you let out a choked laugh, “I- think I’m just overwhelmed with everything right now.” 
All I need to do is find his. 
I am so so close.
“Are you ready to leave?” He asks, face not showing much emotion. 
“What? No!”
His brows furrow as you scramble to your feet and wipe at your eyes again. 
“Why? The ninth circle is-”
“I wanted to look around in here,” you manage to get out, then turn to walk away from him, ignoring his lingering stare. He’s way too silent for your comfort as you look at the souls grotesquely on display. 
How are you meant to know which one is his? Your mind is spinning in circles as you force yourself not to look at him. 
He hasn’t moved from where he was standing, but you can feel his stare on your back as you walk around the perimeter of the room.
“What’s in here?” You ask when you get to a spot where there is no glass on the wall, but a black wooden door with a rusted gold handle. 
“Exit.” He says bluntly. 
You make your feet keep walking until you reach another door that looks the same but with a dirtied silver handle. You look at him with a question in your eyes. 
“Ah,” you can feel your hands beginning to sweat as you scan the wall of souls over and over again, looking for any indication that one is different from another. 
You end up passing him and the hall that you came from as you go for another loop. 
Only this time, there’s a small alcove that you hadn’t noticed before that catches your eye. 
You stop and look into it. In the shadows is another black door that looks a bit more battered than the others. The handle is a deep crimson color. 
A pit settles in your stomach when you realize the scratches on the side of the door look like the result of long nails. As if someone was desperately clawing at the door in an attempt not to let it close. An icy phantom draft sends shivers down your back the longer you stare at the door.
“Step away from there.”
You jump at the sound of his voice, but scurry away from it anyway. 
“Why? What’s in there?” You ask breathlessly, fear making you shake as you stand close to his side. You want to forget the realization you had moments before he said that. 
The realization that the handle was not red, but bronze. That the bronze handle was covered in dark blood.
“It doesn’t matter. We’re leaving,” he says sharply, grabbing your arm and pulling you towards the hall that you came from. 
“Wait!” You cry desperately, eyes frantically scanning the walls again, “Wait, I can’t leave yet!!”
“Stop it!!” You scream, fighting him as he drags you down the pitch black hall, never letting up until you’re outside in the blood light of Hell once again. 
“What the fuck is your problem?!” He lets go of you unexpectedly, which makes you trip and fall to your hands and knees before scrambling back up and lunging for the entrance again. 
But the demon grabs you before you can go back in. 
“Let me go! Let!! Go!!” You screech as you try to fight him off, kicking and hitting as hard as you can. 
But you don’t stand a chance as he yanks you away and pushes you just hard enough so that you stumble and need to catch your balance. When you turn back he’s standing between you and the doorway. 
“Stop it!” He roars before you get the chance to dodge around him. 
You freeze for a moment, then fall to your bottom on the muddy ground in front of him, sobs ripping from your throat, tears leaving wide streaks on your dirty cheeks.
You can’t stop crying, it just keeps coming; salty droplets pouring down your face as your body shakes with heavy gut-wrenching sobs. He watches you grab at your tangled hair and scream.
Everything is ruined, you don’t know what to do anymore. 
That was your one chance and you blew it. This whole thing was your only chance…and you blew it. 
“I’m so sorry,” you can barely get the words out as you cry helplessly, nose running even as you try to wipe it, only succeeding in smearing more dirt around on your face, “I’m so sorry!!”
“Why are you sorry?” He snaps, not having a single clue as to what the hell is happening to you right now.
“I failed,” you whimper tearfully as more tears spill out, “I wasn’t strong enough, or smart enough.”
____, do not give up.
Please, listen to me-
“It’s too late!” You scream as you slap the ground before bursting into another round of uncontrollable sobbing, “Don’t you get it?! I lost! I failed!”
You only begin to settle when you see that he’s come closer and is looking down at you without anger, without anything but confusion on his pretty face. 
“Hey.” He calls to get your attention, sending the most painful pang into your heart as you look up at him, bottom lip trembling. 
Not even on your deathbed did you look such a mess.
“You can finish this,” he says, “The ninth circle is right there. You can make it to the Flame.”
A few straggling tears fall down your cheeks. 
“I never wanted the Flame,” you hear yourself saying miserably.
His head cocks to the side as his brows furrow. 
“What do you mean you never wanted the Flame? The Flame is why you came here, it’s why you’ve suffered through each and every-”
“It’s not.”
The pure confusion on his face makes a thought pop into your head. 
Confusion is the first step…
You hadn’t wanted to do it yet, it wouldn’t have worked before. Maybe it isn’t too late. Maybe if you do it now…it might work.
____, listen to me.
You struggle to your feet, wide eyes looking into his. 
His dark eyes flicker around your messy face stained with tears, the shining glimmer of hope in yours a huge contrast from the sobbing you had been doing only moments before. 
Then you’re stepping closer and he isn’t stepping away. 
He doesn’t even flinch when you take his face in your hands and raise yourself up on your tiptoes. 
He doesn’t protest, he doesn’t fight you at all when you pull him into a kiss. 
The second your lips touch, it’s like that last band snaps inside him and he can’t stop. 
He doesn’t want to stop.
A sigh leaves your mouth when you pull away. Only a second later, he pulls you back in, connecting your mouths again in a desperate kiss, his cold hands holding the nape of your neck. 
He tilts his head to the side to deepen the kiss and you gasp when you feel something wet prodding at the seam of your lips. The moment your mouth opens in that gasp, his tongue meets yours in a heated tangle. 
Your wet lips slide against his as a groan slips from him. 
“Fuck,” he moans icily into your mouth. 
You can feel his hands running down your sides with frenzied desire. 
Focus, I need to focus. 
Your eyes scrunch shut as you try to keep yourself in check. 
JK’s brows furrow as his mind begins to blur, a strange heat building up inside of him as he continues to kiss you. 
Green leaves and a bright sun flash in his mind, startling him enough to pull away. 
“Don’t stop,” you gasp, pulling him into you again. 
He shakes off the strange images and dives right back into your lips, an insatiable hunger burning in his lower stomach as his hands travel to your waist and grasp it roughly. 
Only moments later, he sees a roaring river and hears the sound of laughter. 
You feel him pull away again. 
“Just focus, it’s okay,” you whisper, hands cupping his cheeks as you press another kiss to his lips, “Just close your eyes and breathe.”
He wants to stop and ask you what’s going on, but he doesn’t waste a second before pressing his lips back to yours. One of your smaller hands cups his cheek, then you start running the tips of your fingers down his neck and shoulder before holding onto his bicep where that horrible tattoo lies. He feels you grip the sleeve of his shirt harshly, as if you’re dying to just tear it to shreds. 
A vase of dead roses flickers into his blurry mind, then the image of someone lying on a bed, hair splayed out around her.
His brows furrow more, but he doesn’t stop kissing you as the pictures he can’t make sense of fade away. He doesn’t stop his hands from sliding behind your waist and traveling up your back slowly.  
Trees crowd in all around his vision. 
There’s someone running in front of him. 
A small girl. 
She turns around briefly, a huge smile lighting up her face as she laughs. 
“You’re cheating!” 
She only laughs louder and continues to run until she’s disappeared into the bushes ahead. 
The demon’s eyes fly open and he pulls away. 
You gulp in a breath as you look up at him. 
Then your heart freezes in your chest when you realize what’s happened; the look on his face as he takes a step back from you turns your stomach to rot. 
“Wait,” your voice is weak as you reach a hand out to him. 
You can’t see anything but bewildered anger in his eyes. You were so focused you hadn’t known that he was touching your back. That he-
“Shut up.”
You snap your mouth shut. 
“Turn around,” he breathes, just barely keeping it contained. 
“I can expl-” “I said turn the fuck around!!” 
You flinch but make no move to do as he says. 
You can see the last bit of patience snap in his eyes as he grabs your arm and yanks you to him so that he can rip the cardigan off of you. It tears easily, falling to the ground as you put a shaking hand over your mouth and shrink away from him. 
The white wings on your back droop in defeat, the tips just barely brushing against the ground. 
The furious hatred on his face is clear. 
You’ve never seen him like this, not ever. 
“You’re a fucking angel?” His voice trembles with rage. 
He steps closer, making you flinch again, “Say that name again and I’ll rip your fucking head off.”
You gulp but don’t say a word. 
“So this was your little game the whole time, huh?” He hisses, stepping closer, “See if the precious angel could defeat a demon in Hell..and here I thought you were smart.”
“That wasn’t it,” you mumble, a few tears sliding down your cheeks. 
“What the hell were you thinking, little angel?” He glares at you in disgust, “That I would fall for you? Love you?” A sadistic chuckle leaves his lips as you close your eyes. 
You jump without opening your eyes when a harsh grip snags your upper arm and he pulls you to him. 
“You really thought I could care about you.” He muses with a dark chuckle, “You, a disgusting pathetic little puppet. I knew there was something off about you this whole time. Did He not give you enough love up there? Had to come to Hell to beg for it?”
You refuse to look at him, you just stand there, trembling and keeping your eyes screwed shut. 
“Open your eyes and look at me.”
Reluctantly, you do as he says. His dark ones are full of so much rage and hatred it makes you sick as he searches your watery gaze. 
Then you feel a cold hand close around your throat. 
“I would kill you right now,” he whispers in your ear coldly. You close your eyes when you feel him start to squeeze harder and harder until you can’t breathe, “If I thought you were worth any more of my time.”
A pained gasp escapes you when he shoves you to the ground. 
You hit the dirt harshly, arms buckling as they try to catch you, wings muddied and sore. Your watery eyes raise to him again, desperate and terrified. 
“Please don’t leave me,” you whisper helplessly, voice hoarse from his actions. You know what would come of an angel lost in this place.
He knows it too.
The demon looks down at you, the lowest angel in existence, with a loathing unmatched before spitting venomously, “Find your own way out of Hell.”
Your vision blurs with tears as he turns and walks off without a single hesitation, his tall dark figure getting smaller and smaller until you are completely and utterly alone. 
You sit there in stunned silence for a few minutes, just staring at the spot on the ground where he once stood. There is nothing in your mind, yet there is everything all at once. Everything is spinning wildly, nothing making sense. 
Then finally, a sliver of a cohesive thought passes through and you stumble to your feet, tripping over yourself in your haste to get back to the door. 
The snake vines have begun to return, attempting to hide it once more. 
You smack and tear at them viciously, tears pouring down your cheeks silently as you uncover the handle and yank open the door. 
The sound of your bare feet hitting the rocky ground softly as you run echoes off the walls in the darkness. Before long, you can see the archway ahead.
Despite the pain and fear filling you, you push yourself harder until you’re stumbling into the Chamber of Souls and falling to the marble floor. 
You stagger to your feet and hurry to the wall nearest you, eyes scanning the souls frantically as you limp quickly around the perimeter. 
They all look the same. 
They all look the exact same. 
You start to hyperventilate as you go, dirty fingers running along the glass and leaving smudges behind. 
Come on, Apple. 
You can do this. 
You gulp and force your exhausted legs to keep moving. 
He would not give up on you, no matter what.
Suck it up and keep moving.
Your eyes dart this way and that, mind screaming in a horrible panic when you realize you have no idea what to do. Then a thought occurs to you. 
Maybe you won’t be able to tell the difference by looking at them. But maybe you can in a different way. 
Your feet take off running back down the hall where you came from, until you are outside once again and looking for the first heavy thing you see. 
There’s a decent sized stone not far from the door. You grab it and run back inside, lungs burning as you don’t let yourself stop to take a breath. 
You can do this, Apple, you can do this. 
By the time you make it back into the room, you can barely breathe as you lug the rock over to a section of the glass. Closing your eyes, you mutter a quick prayer before opening them again and hurling the stone right at the fragile substance and watching it shatter. 
You put your arms over your face in an attempt to protect it from the worst of the flying pieces of sharp debris. Only your face, chest, and arms were cut by the shards, but not too badly. 
Your chest rises and falls in heavy breaths as you stare at the gaping hole in the windows in front of you, the blackened souls floating there, undisturbed. 
Just as you’re reaching a tentative hand in to grab one, to hold it and see if you can know who it once belonged to, there is a clapping sound from behind you. 
You whirl around to see a demon there, leaning against the archway you came into. 
His skin is pale, eyes dark blue and shaggy hair a dirty blonde that goes to the top of his prominent cheekbones.
The demon wears a fitting black shirt that’s tucked into the waist of his skinny black jeans.
There’s a smug smile on his unsettlingly handsome face as he claps his hands slowly, again, and again, and again. 
You say nothing, eyes drawn to the tattoo on his bicep; the dead monarch butterfly being strangled by a serpent. 
“Well, if it isn’t the little stowaway angel herself.”
You continue to stay mute, watching cautiously as he pushes himself off the rocky wall and starts to slowly walk to you from across the room. 
“I thought angels were supposed to be…I don’t know, pretty? Perfect little princesses of Heaven?” A dark chuckle leaves his throat at your silence.
Sav stops ten feet away from you. 
“You’re not any of those things, are you?”
When he takes another step towards you, you finally move, inching backwards along the edge of the room with each step he takes. The smirk on his face only grows as he observes your messy hair, bruised skin and dirty wings that droop behind you, currently at rest. 
“This is what JK risked everything for? Seriously?”
“How did you know I was here?” You ask sharply, eyes narrowing, “How did you know what I was and he didn’t?”
Sav scoffs. 
“Because he’s a fool-”
“Really? And why did it take you so long to find me then, if you’re so smart?”
His blue eyes narrow as he continues his slow but steady advance. 
“I wasn’t looking for you, little angel. I was looking for him.”
“That makes you look even stupider.”
You see his jaw clench. 
“I was busy,” he says, strangely calm, “I knew he was up to something, but honestly? I didn’t think even he would be so brainless as to lead an angel through Hell.”
“How did you know?”
“I didn’t. Not until now, at least,” he chuckles, “Your wings kind of tipped it off a bit, I suppose.”
You gulp, trying to figure out which way is your best bet on getting out. 
“Don’t even think about trying to escape, it’ll just be a tire for us both.”
You say nothing. 
“Where is he, anyway?” Sav’s creepy smile returns, “Your little demon lover.”
When you don’t say a word, he throws his head back and cackles. 
“He left you.”
Your hands are sweating as you clench them into fists, your eyes darting around to see which door you can get to quickest. It looks like the one with the silver handle might be your best choice. Sav is standing over by the bronze door in the alcove, the gold handled door is between you. The archway is straight across the room and you know where that leads, but he would catch you before you could make it out. 
Silver it is. 
“You do know what happens to naughty angels when they get caught in Hell, don’t you?”
All you do is stare at him, mentally timing yourself on when to run. 
“JK knew…and yet he left you.”
Your heart feels like it’s been impaled by a hundred swords. 
“It’s almost like he wants you to suffer.”
You continue to slowly inch your way around the perimeter as he keeps walking closer. 
You can make it to that door. 
“I wish he were here,” Sav pouts, “I’d pay to see the look on his face when I torture his little angel until she’s begging for me to have mercy. Telling me she will do anything to make it stop..”
You gulp, forcing yourself not to look at the door you are about to make a run through. 
It’s only a few feet away now. 
Sav is just about to make another snide comment about your appearance when you turn and bolt for the black wooden door with the silver handle. You can hear him screaming something angrily, but you don’t stop to find out what it is. You’re out the door faster than lightning and running at full speed down the pitch black hall. 
It’s unclear whether he’s followed you in with the sound of your panicked breathing echoing in your ears. Your body is so exhausted it feels like it’s going to collapse. You can’t let it. 
You almost made it out. 
The exit was only a few feet in front of you, when an arm riddled with muscles wrapped around your waist and pulled you back. 
The bloodcurdling scream that left you could’ve been heard miles away. 
It was a scream only those that knew the horrors that awaited them would understand.
It wasn’t Sav that grabbed you, it was a demon much larger than he. A demon that cackled maniacally as he dragged you back through the tunnel and into the Chamber of Souls, where Sav was waiting, a delighted smirk on his face as he stood there and watched you cry and fight as hard as you could, fear clear in your eyes. 
He knew. 
He knew you would never have made it out, no matter which door you chose. 
The demon holding you tightly against it- so hard it pinches your wings painfully- has red scales and a horrible long snout full of sharp teeth. It has bony ribs, but muscled arms and thighs as it stands on two mangled legs.
You grit your teeth, gathering yourself. Then you bite the demon’s slimy arm covered in scales, drawing a pained howl from him as he drops you to the floor, knocking the air out of your lungs. 
After a second, you scramble to your feet, blood dripping from your mouth. You aren’t sure if the blood is your own or the demon’s as it hisses curses at you. Sav just watches you closely as you heave in several breaths. 
“You could defeat us right now,” he says casually, “If He allows it. All you would need to do, little angel, is ask Him. Ask Him or one of His little minions to assist you. Call to His strongest minion of all, go ahead.”
You gulp and wipe at the bloody streaks on your chin, glaring at him. 
He’s right, you could get out of this. 
You can make them suffer.
“If ever you need me, little one, just say my name and I will come.”
“If you hurt us even a little bit though,” Sav looks at his nails, inspecting them as he sighs, “We will torture him greater than even the dealt punishment for not delivering enough souls to Hell.”
You close your eyes.
There was never even an inkling of a plan to leave Jungkook here, even after he left you. All you needed was to get out of this predicament. 
But you will not risk him enduring more agony because of you.
Sav tuts when you lower your head, staring at the floor. 
“Why so eager to help him when he couldn’t care less about you?”
You don’t say anything. 
Even as the demon that grabbed you in the hall harshly digs his clawed fingers into your arm, breaking the flesh and drawing blood, your arms wrest behind you, you still say nothing. 
“Thank you little angel,” a devilish smirk spreads on Sav’s pink lips, “For finally giving me something to hold over JK’s pretentious little head. You, I must say, are the most satisfying weakness of his that I could have ever hoped for.”
“I’m not his weakness,” you mumble, knees beginning to shake as the grip on your arms tightens, “You said it yourself, he left me.”
Sav scrutinizes you for a second longer, then he turns on his heel, the demon holding you following behind him as he heads for the alcove. 
Out of nowhere, another demon emerges as you walk. It’s a tall thin man with too big eyes and a smile that stretches across half his face. You swallow thickly when he grabs your left arm so that you’re being dragged between them, feet barely touching the ground. 
When you see Sav opening the door in the alcove, the one JK told you to stay away from, a terror you’ve never experienced takes root. 
Sav smiles sadistically at you. 
“You made a deal with a devil, darling. Now, you’re going to pay the price.”
Every fiber of your being is telling you to scream, to scream and scream and scream. To beg for someone to come save you.
Your body shakes uncontrollably as you’re dragged closer and closer to the door leading into stairs that fall into blackness. Tortured screams echo from below as you stare at the scratch marks on the door. 
If you weren’t restrained, you’re sure your own nails would be digging into that same wood. An act so desperate it would tear that wood to splinters in an attempt not to let the door close. 
Any mortal would have blacked out from pure gut-wrenching fear at the knowledge of what awaited them down those steps. 
You are too horrifyingly aware as you continue to tremble violently, arms sore as the demons clutch you tightly, pulling you closer and closer to the staircase. 
You are too terrified to scream. 
The demon standing in front of you raises a brow and tilts his head at your silence, "You really are loyal, aren't you? Well, pretty thing-"
Sav leans in, mockery dripping from his tongue as he whispers, "Semper fidelis, semper fortis, little angel." He tilts his head back and laughs, then he walks into the door first, the demons holding you following closely behind. 
“Don’t bother begging for mercy, doll,” he calls over his shoulder, “It doesn’t exist here.”
The last thing you see is Sav walking down the steps before the sound of the door behind you slamming shut reaches your ears. 
Then there’s nothing but darkness. 
a/n: tysm for reading, thoughts are always welcome, ily <3
taglist 1; @butterymin @kookxin @telepathytae @kooliv @highoffbaddecisions @meanum @smitssharon02 @kmpac @ggukkieland @jjanjankook @sugaslittlekookies @hobispriteu1306 @kimchibrat @slowlydeliciousjiminie @screamertannie @i-dont-give-a-fok @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @ohyeahjk @babycandy111 @era-genius @xmochiloverx @sopikooo @jamlessstars @bangtannie7 @nuttykittypainter @geniejunn @ane102 @charlesswife @ashbxnny @veronawrites @jjkw-7 @jinsundor @h-g-bts @justvibingsblog @hyunyeon @hellbornsworld @hiii-priestess @nuttypizzacat @vidaficrecs @royallyjjk @thvslvt @hoseoksluv89 @moonchilddna @idkjustlovingbts @aurorathi
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my-castles-crumbling · 6 months
Remus and James gift shopping for Sirius and Regulus and vice versa
I took a few creative liberties but this was SO MUCH FUN!
“This is impossible,” Regulus murmured, very tempted to slam his head against a nearby wall.
“James will like whatever you get him,” Sirius complained, throwing his hands up. “Remus is impossible! He only likes sweaters and books and he has a million of both!”
“Remus saves every single tissue you blow into. He’ll treasure whatever you wrap up. James has more money than he knows what to do with. What am I supposed to get him that he doesn’t already have?” Regulus shot back.
They both stood in the Muggle street, back-to-back, staring around the stores. 
“Why the fuck did we go to a Muggle shopping area?” Regulus griped after a moment of silence. 
Sirius shrugged helplessly. “It was supposed to be cute,” he murmured. “Like…original, or something.”
Regulus scoffed. “Let’s go,” he ordered decisively, and started dragging Sirius away.
But Sirius froze and pointed towards a small, brightly-decorated shop that looked like the advertising was aimed towards five-year-olds. “Reg, look!”
“Sirius…absolutely not.”
“C’mon, Reggie! It’s cute! Festive!”
“No, Sirius, I-”
“If you don’t come with me, I’ll tell James about that sweater you have stashed under your bed. You know, the one you stole from him and now you cuddle with every-” Sirius threatened, a devilish grin on his face.
“Fine!” Regulus agreed, trying not to turn pale. Asshole.
Two identical packages lay under the tree Christmas morning. One addressed to Remus and the other addressed to James. 
Regulus tried not to stare at them.
“Alright, these are for you two!” Sirius said happily, gesturing to the two boxes and then to Remus and James.
Regulus tried not to hit him.
Paper was torn. Boxes opened. And inside…
Regulus could see Remus’s lips quiver as he tried not to smile at his mug. 
“We painted them, Moony!” Sirius exclaimed, with the air of a child finally able to discuss a very thrilling secret. 
It was true. Sirius had blackmailed Regulus into painting mugs together in a small pottery painting shop. The experience had been rather tortuous for Regulus- to curb Sirius’s energy was difficult in a normal setting, let alone a place with so many breakable items. Indeed, Sirius was still washing paint out of his hair.
“It’s beautiful, Padfoot,” Remus grinned, looking over his mug.
Sirius immediately glowed and began pointing out all of the things he had crammed onto the mug- pictures of wolves and dogs and stars and moons and books and chocolate and so much more, all looking as though a toddler had fingerpainted it. 
Remus, of course, looked no less than thrilled, nodding along and asking appropriate questions as Sirius prattled on.
James, however, was examining his mug with a very different expression.
Regulus had gone for a somewhat different approach. He’d painted the mug a deep black and painstakingly plotted out each of the stars on the Leo constellation, then taken hours to illustrate the constellation with the smallest brush he could find. The only star that was not white was Regulus- the heart of Leo.
“It’s you…and me…” Regulus explained softly to James, feeling very self-conscious. James stayed silent, turning the mug over and over in his hand, still staring. Regulus felt pressured to continue. “I know you don’t drink a lot of tea or coffee but Sirius insisted that this was original and I thought maybe this was an okay idea because, you know, you’re like the lion…because of Gryffindor…and I’m, you know…Regulus. Heart…of the lion…”
But then James looked up at him, tears in his eyes, and he trailed off, his stomach like lead. Did James hate it that much? Had he fucked up that bad? Oh, gods, was James going to break up with him? Fuck, fuck, fuck-
“It’s perfect,” James whispered reverently.
And damn, he looked amazed. He looked at Regulus like he was…in love.
And before he knew it, Regulus felt himself pulled into a kiss.
Keep sending requests, guys! I love them!
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gutterfuuck · 10 days
Human!Mark with a Super-powered/Viltrumite!Reader
It’s cute he’s so possessive, as if we wouldn’t break him like a twig... 🙈
THISSSS this is incredible!! i am going crazy!!
i love this idea so much,, perhaps reader is an child of thragg. i am now putting my little headcanon in where i think that mark would have glasses and braces… real nerdy guy x girl that is only gentle with him… cute dynamic hehe!!
this is sfw since im writing a full fic currently, just some headcanons maybe to get the concept out there!! the fic will be called “the perfect girl”
cw: nothing really, as i have stated this is short, maybe a blurb? i am not sure haha,
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the youngest viltrumite to be sent to conquer a planet. you’re sent to earth to take over another viltrumite’s mission that was supposedly cut short due to his untimely death. as soon as you burst onto the scene you’d had everyone’s attention; splattering kaijus like they were bugs, stopping criminals with your presence alone, saving those who were weaker, more susceptible to danger. you’re quick to rise as a favourite of the public, surpassing even the guardians in popularity.
mark meets you at a comic book signing at a con because of course he does. you’re there because you find humans interesting, that and you’d caught wind of a possible attack incoming at the event. you doubted they’d actually come along seeing as you’d made your presence known and you weren’t too kind with your beatdowns. you’d never admit it, but you found this type of media entertaining, the stories would interest you. even though you were a viltrumite, there wasn’t any law that said you couldn’t have a little bit of fun. (you also somewhat enjoyed the fame and the fanbases that had cultivated around you since you decided you didn’t need a superhero name, your name was good enough)
brown eyes stare at you through thick framed glasses, sparkling with interest and recognition, a goofy braced sideways smile forming on his face. you raised an eyebrow, arms crossed over your chest as you stared dead into his eyes. mark almost dropped the stacks of comic books he held in his arms, you were ethereal. he’d seen you on tv, you were all over the newsfeeds sometimes so you were hard to avoid. he thought you were beautiful before, thought you looked like an angel now. other people had gotten pictures with you earlier so he was sure there wouldn’t be a problem if he asked.
he got his picture but you had gotten his number, watched him walk away with pink cheeks, caught in a sort of daze. mark felt so comfortable to you, so… familiar..? maybe all humans weren’t so bad, mark was proof of that.
when you’d come over for dinner with his family one night, you’d finally worked out why. you’d never met nolan, but had heard stories about him growing up on viltrum. he’d been priming the planet for invasion but had been killed which put a cap on things until your arrival about two and a half years ago after you’d proved yourself worthy. you had the shock of your life when you sat at the table and squinted at your boyfriend’s father, heart dropping when you connected the dots. you and mark had been together for months now, you’d know if he was a viltrumite… had the great nolan faked his own death and fathered an offspring with no powers? you almost scoffed at the irony. what a tired and cowardly old man, the karma of having a child with no abilities must have been damning enough. you thought about you and mark’s potential future children and a warmth washed over you, the same warmth that made you feel all gooey and sickly sweet inside.
“tell me about your planet.” he’d say, resting his head on your shoulder as you watched the stars together, “ah, viltrum… haven’t you heard of it before?” you questioned, head tilted into his. you couldn’t wait to report back in a few years, couldn’t wait to tell everyone about how you’d found nolan and he hadn’t been killed… but mark would’ve been heartbroken. you couldn’t do that to him, not yet at least, it seemed cruel. plus, he had no idea what a viltrumite was, though your pride as a viltrumite felt attacked as you’d figured his father hadn’t even mentioned mark’s background to him.
you told tall tales about how you’d created the best civilisation, how your kind helped other planets and those less fortunate… you’d tell him the truth eventually, you’d have to seeing as you wanted to keep mark for as long as human lifespans allowed you to. he would open his mouth and his eyes would widen in awe, saying something about how you were like a character from his comic books which made you nod in turn, the conversation slowly changing to the subject of the comic book he’d been talking about. before you met mark, you would’ve probably never been able to experience life in such a human way. before it felt as if you had no sense of individuality, now it felt like you couldn’t stop being yourself even if it was a little alien to you.
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bratz-kitten · 5 months
🪴 the signs as mitski lyrics 🍃🌱
aries: ‘i am a forest fire, and i am the fire and i am the forest and i am a witness watching it’ / ‘and i’ll go to work and i’ll go to sleep, and i’ll love the littler things’ – a burning hill
taurus: ‘at night on the rooftop i untie my hair, and watch from my plastic chair as my dark hair unleashes the night / the scent of flowers still in bloom from morning shower, and i say your name in hopes you’ll hear it in the stars’ – carry me out
gemini: ‘i will go jogging routinely, calmly and rhythmically run, and when i find that a knife’s sticking out of my side, i’ll pull it out without questioning why’ – fireworks
cancer: ‘i don’t know what to do without you, i don’t know where to put my hands / i’ve been trying to lay my head down, but i’m writing this at 3 a.m. / ‘i look up at the gaps of sunlight, i miss you more than anything’ – francis forever
leo: ‘i will wash your hair at night, and dry it off with care, i will see your body bare, and still i will live here’ / and while you sleep, i’ll be scared, so by the time you awake, i’ll be brave’ – i will
virgo: ‘your room was square, i once noticed from there, in your bed, as you slept, and i held my breath / everything had it’s own place, and i wondered what space would i take in the order you kept’ – square
libra: ‘if you need to be mean, be mean to me, i can take it and put it inside of me / if your hands need to break more than trinkets in your room, you can lean on my arm as you break my heart’ – i don’t smoke
scorpio: ‘i broke our belongings, they’re all on the floor, the room is now empty, nothing left to throw’ / ‘i broke what you gave me, but you kept giving more, and i’m sorry for taking, but i keep wanting more, more, more’ – humpty
sagittarius: ‘and i was so young when i behaved 25, yet now, i find i’ve grown into a tall child’ / ‘and i don’t wanna go home, let me walk to the top of the big night sky / please hurry, leave me, i can’t breathe, please don’t say you love me’ – first love/late spring
capricorn: ‘i’m all used up, pretty boy, over and over again, my nail colors are wearing off / see my hands, pretty boy, what do they tell you? ‘cause i’ve looked down on them not knowing why’ / ‘i can take a little bit more, let’s shake this poet out of the beast’ – bag of bones
aquarius: ‘oh hunter, if you didn’t want the beautiful so badly, perhaps you would have found it in your spirit singing softly / but hunter you were human, don’t forget it’ – pearl diver
pisces: ‘i cry at the start of every movie, i guess ‘cause i wish i was making things too’ / ‘i always knew the world moved on, i just didn’t know it would go without me’ – working for the knife
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 1 month
It’s ok to be afraid of something.
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Tara Carpenter x Fem Reader
It was a slightly cool day in New York City. You just woke up to a wonderful smell in the kitchen.
“Looks like Tara is making breakfast” you said, getting out of bed to thank your girlfriend.
You felt a warm feeling in your heart knowing that Tara is living with you in your shared apartment and the one you wake up with everyday.
You certainly have come a long way considering how must distrust and dislike Sam had towards you despite the twins and Anika adoring you.
Hell it took a lot of dinners and convincing from Tara for the older sibling to finally say yes to her moving in with you.
In the end, it was all worth it.
You made your way into the kitchen as Tara was finishing the second omelet and last bits of bacon. “Hi baby, did you sleep well?” You asked, kissing your girlfriend on the head while gathering the used pans and placing them in the sink.
She smiled saying yes but pouted a little bit
“Y/N! I was trying to surprise you with a breakfast in bed.” She said, playfully pushing you. You laughed “Kinda hard for it to be a surprise when your five star cooking always gets me up!
Also, you know how I feel when we eat in bed. I still feel crumbs in the sheets to this day.”
Tara scoffed “That’s because you eat like a child. Didn’t I have to wipe your mouth one time because you couldn’t be bothered to do it?”
You shrugged, grinning “Hey like I said. Five star cooking.”
Tara kissed your cheek “Since you’re up Y/N, you can help me set the plates up in the dining room.” You nodded and took the filled plates to the table. Tara came by and sat next to you but before you could eat, you got up
“Where are you going?” Tara asked
“I’m going to wash my hands real quick. One must have clean hands before eating.” You said heading to the bathroom, hearing Tara say from across the hall “just use utensils or a napkin”
After drying your hands from the water, you hear a scratching noise coming from the corner of the bathroom. You sighed, hoping those mice aren’t back as your messy neighbors from upstairs always had that issue. Self explanatory.
It wasn’t mice this time but your encounter didn’t stop you from screaming, running out of the bathroom over to your girlfriend.
Tara was pouring orange juice into your cup and almost spilled it when she heard your scream. “Baby! What’s wrong?” She said as you ducked behind her.
Your nerves were still shot but you managed to speak “I-I saw a spider in the bathroom…I-” She put her hand on your chest, feeling your rapid heart beat.
“Shh. It’s ok” she said sliding her flip flops on “Where is it?” When you told her where, you followed her behind.
Lucky the spider hasn’t moved from where it was
“Right there Tara, see!” You said pointing at the spot “I’m really sorry for having to put you in this situation, I know how big it is-“
Your lover simply walked up to the insect and squished it before it could escape. You were shocked yet amazed at the same time.
Although you couldn’t help but feel ashamed that you had to ask your girlfriend to do what you could have done in the first place, especially since you were Sam’s height and just as strong as her.
You never felt more ashamed in your life (well except for that one time you forgot to lock the door and Sam walked in on you guys doing it)
“Y/N. What’s wrong? I already took care of the creepy crawly.” Tara said as she cleaned up the mess.
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at Tara
“I guess I’m just a little embarrassed love. I mean I’m supposed to be this girl who’s the same height as Sam and built too but here I am being afraid of a little insect and asking you to kill it for me.” You said a bit annoyed.
Tara walked up to you, cupping your cheek “Baby, it’s ok to be afraid of something. No matter how tall or strong you are.”
You felt a sense of gratitude “but-“ she put a finger on your lips “No buts, I will always love you no matter what you fear or the flaws you have.”
You smiled
“That’s easy for you to say my little knight in shining armor. Not scared of any insects and all.”
She shrugged “Well, don’t expect me to take care of any mice Y/N. I’ll be up on that table faster than sonic.”
You laughed, putting an arm around Tara’s waist. “Don’t worry love, I’ll handle that. After all I’ll always love you no matter what you fear.”
Tara playfully tapped you before pulling you into a kiss. You both melted into each other’s touch before letting your tongues meet. You stayed that way before pulling away for air. “Let’s go finish our breakfast before it gets cold, you know it’s too early for dessert” Tara said taking your hand.
You smiled and shook your head, knowing how lucky you are to have found a brave and loyal woman.
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aismoker · 2 months
A real man keeps his word
By many of his friends, Tony's dad was regarded as the coolest. They thought he was cool with his leather jacket and his motorbike and not to forget, the ever present cigar in his mouth. And although Tony had a huge respect for him, he couldn't help it but to feel a bit jealous of his dad. It was as if his friends didn't really want to hang out with him, but rather with his dad. He wished more than once, that he could be as cool and manly as his dad.
One day, when he was around 15 years old, he thought he found the solution: smoking. It would be so cool to show up at his mates with one of his dad's cigars. He would get so many street creds for that. He imagined casually lighting it up in front of his friends, just like his dad did. To take a deep pull and let out a slow exhale. To hand the cigar to his friends and see how they would choke on the smoke... That would prove how badass he was!
Those images settled in his mind and over time he got more determined that he would do it. So, one evening, while his father was working on his motorbike, Tony walked into his father's study. He knew where to go. He had been plenty of times in that room. He opened the cabinet where his dad kept his humidor. He noticed how his hands were trembling in anticipation. He steadied himself and he opened the top of the humidor. Dozens of brown sticks seemed to look at him Tony took a breathe, he could smell the earthy aroma comong from the cigars. It was as if they were beckoning him. They invited him to take one. They were the key to everything he wanted. He only had to take one and he would become like his dad. Cool... strong... a man.
For a second, he hesitated. He would be stealing from his dad. His dad had always been good to him and he had always given him anything he wanted and he would reward him by being dishonest to him. It was wrong. Yet, the urge to take a cigar was stronger.
Tony moved his hand towards the cigars. He picked one up. A fewling of euphory washed over him. Soon he would be the cool guy... the guy his mates looked up to... the guy- "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING, SON?" his father said in a loud voice.
Tony snapped out of it. There he was, his hand still in the humidor. He was literally caught red-handed, like a child with his hand in the cookie jar. He felt his cheeks turn red. There was no point in lying. "I... I wanted to try one of your cigars, dad." "And why would you want to do that, son?", his dad asked. "I... I don't know... I mean it looks so cool... so manly... I mean, look at you! You smoke and drive your bike everwhere. You are the coolest guy in town... and... and...," he stumbled over his words. He felt so bad. "... and you thought that by smoking cigars, you would become a man?" his father finished the sentence, "Let me tell you this, son, smoking doesn't make you into a man, nor does driving a motorbike. Hard work, honesty and keeping your word... Those are the things that make real men." Tony could hear how disappointed his father was. He wanted to cry. "I am sorry, dad. I will never try smoking again!" His father saw how sorry his son was. In a softer voice he said: "I believe you son. Let's make a deal, you and I. If you work hard, be honest and keep your word and you don't start smoking until you are 21, you will get biking lessons as a reward." Tony, knowing that this was his way to redemption, promised it immediately.
From that day onwards, a change came over Tony. He used to be a bit of a slacker, but now he always gave his best. He worked hard in school and even though he was not a star student, he was always content with his grades, knowing that he gave it his all. Over the years he also was never caught lying. Always being honest was hard at first, but over time it gave Tony a confidence that he never imagined he could have. As for smoking, the temptation was always there, especially when several of his friends started smoking, but whenever the temptation became too strong, he just remembered the words of his father. "Hard work, honesty and keeping your word... Those are the things that make real men." He didn't do it because of the biking lessons. That was a nice bonus, but he really did it, because he wa ted to become a man, like his dad.
His father saw how his son had changed and he was proud of him. He was becoming a real man. He knew that several of his friends had started smoking, but he knew in a way that only fathers can know, that his son hadn't broken his word. He knew he could trust him.
So, on his 21st birthday, Tony got biking lessons and a few months later, he got his license. As he walked into the garage to tell his father the good news, he was astonished. For a moment he thought he saw double. Next to his dad's bike stood another bike. His dad came from behind, "Surprise, son." Tony was dumbfounded. His dad laughed. "You think you are up for a ride with your old man? I might know a thing or two that they don't tell you at those biking lessons." A grin appeared on Tony's face. "Of course!" "Great! Put this on!" His dad gave him a leather biker jacket. In less than a second, Tony had put the jacket on. There was something off, though. There was something in the inside pocket. He put his hand in and to his surprise he took a cigar out. "But... I thought... you always said... that cigars don't make you into a man." His dad grinned, "True son, but by working hard and keeping your promisses, you have shown that you ARE a man. The cigar is just a symbol for that." Tony walked up to his dad and embraced him. The recognition from his dad was the best gift he could ever receive.
A few months later, at the outskirts of town, two bikers stop at a parking place near the river. They take off their helmets and enjoy the fresh evening breeze. Almost in tandem their hands reach into their inside pockets, where they remove a cigar. As the older guy lights his cigar, the younger fumbles in the pockets. Once the cigar of the older guy is lit, the other ask: "Hey, can I use your lighter?" The other one grins, "Did you forgot yours again, son? It seems that there is still a lot your old man needs to teach you." Tony smiles as he lights up his cigar. He had become quite the expert.
The two men sit in silence, enjoying their cigars as they look into the sunset.
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dean-a-mean-tae · 5 months
Light At The End | Stray Kids Extra Member AU
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You shine bright Brighter than all the stars ... And your perfection even in your mistakes Give affection even when your heart aches
Chan x Nicholas | Those are song lyrics from Alvin and the Chipmunks ;-; | I hope this was to your standards!
WARNINGS: Discrimination, Racism, Could be perceived as self-harm (Nicholas gets hurt twice but is okay with both), anorexia (different for everyone this is based on my experience), I think that's it
I realized I forgot to put warnings, and I am so sorry. (Update 12/22/23 9:20)
Nicholas Ross Master List | Requested: Yes | Of The Tunnel Part 2
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"I'm gonna ask you something, and I want you to be honest," Chan whispered. His voice was loud in the silence of his room. Nicholas sat with him with a stuffed frog in his lap.  
They were in their spot again. The place Nicholas first opened up to Chan. The place where Chan swore to help Nicholas find himself.
"What happened?"
You know the phrase, 'Your parents are your first bullies,' right? They told you they did it to prepare you for the world, and it worked. You know the world is cruel, and nowhere is safe for you. Not even your head. Your head is clouded by judgment forced on you as a child.
"Why don't you talk to me?" They whine. They don't realize they follow in their parents' footsteps. They tell your business because it's family, then get angry when you do the same. Isn't that what they taught you?
Nicholas grew up in a world of hate and then got thrown into a world of more hate.
He couldn't handle the ones about his appearance. Why don't they like him? He's tall, has soft skin, has healthy hair, and is happy. He has proper hygiene and cares for his body as much as it allows. 
He was used to the comments about his talent, or lack thereof. He could handle the ones complaining about his spot in Stray Kids. Those were easy because they were true. These cuts weren't deep, and they reminded him of home.
"You did good in practice today," Felix said as he looped his arm through Nick's.
"Only because Minho hyung stayed behind and helped. I'm out of rhythm still," Nicholas denied, shaking his head.
But the ones about his appearance? His mother taught him to be proud of his complexion and how his hair grew from his scalp. So, what was wrong with him? Why don't they like him? Why can't they like him?
Maybe he should get a perm. Is that what it's called? A perm? The thing that gives you curls or takes your curls is a perm, right? Whatever, the stylist will know what he's talking about. It was her idea anyway.
"When will you tame these knots?" The woman groaned as she brushed through Nicholas' hair. It hurt, but he wouldn't say anything. She is the hairstylist. This is her job. It hurt when his momma braided his hair, but it always looked good when done.
"What knots? I brushed and plaited my hair," Nicholas explained, looking at the woman in the mirror. She would be pretty if she stopped glaring. Glaring gave her wrinkles around the eyes and reminded him of those pug dogs.
"We should put a relaxer in your hair. The chemicals will make it straight and fix these knots." She ignored him. She kept talking about his unmanageable hair and how difficult it was to work with him.
Relaxer, that's what it's called, or is it both? Nicholas can't remember. He should schedule one. He couldn't tell the members. Jeongin and Changbin would strangle him before letting him get rid of his curls.
"Nick, can you hear me?"
"Did you hear?" Someone whispered, and Nicholas tilted his head. The mirror showed the two stylists behind him.
"He only washes his hair once a month. Twice if his members help him," She grumbled. 
The woman in front of her grimaced in disgust, "Could you imagine the build-up?"
"What about his stylist?" The first one huffed, leaning to hide from a passing staff. "Don't you think it's selfish making her deal with the dirt?"
Maybe the relaxer will help make wash days easier. Simple wash days meant his hair could be washed frequently. 
His eyes were stinging again. 
"Don't rub your eye so hard," Chan scolded as he yanked Nicholas' arm away from his eye. The pull sent a pain up his shoulder, but it's okay. "You still have your contacts in."
Contacts? Oh, the new ones he got from Nicki. After one of the members gave her his account information, she would put money in his account and order things for him. A sweet woman, she is.
For some reason, these contacts prevent him from crying. He likes them.
"Is this about the comments?" Chan whispered. He knew? Of course, he knows. If Chan knows, then Minho knows. Minho finds these things before everyone.
Nicholas still can't find the strategy in Minho's methods.
He did it again. He fell down the rabbit hole. He needs to stop doing that. Did he eat today? He skipped breakfast cause he had an early practice. He promised Hyunjin he would eat later after vocal lessons. He drank a smoothie and ate an apple. 
Technically, he didn't lie. Hyunjin would still be mad, though.
"I need to eat something," Nicholas said, more like croaked. Had he been quiet this whole time?
"You're hungry?" Chan asked.
"No." But he knew he needed to eat something. He was doing so well. He ate two meals and four snacks yesterday. And he didn't throw up. He forgot to tell Nicki about that. 
Too late now. Progress gone.
"I'm proud of you." Maybe it was how soft Chan said. Or it could have been because of the raw emotion in his voice. But a quiet, pathetic sound left Nicholas' lips, and his fists tightened around the frog. Gentle hands guided him to warmth. 
You would think he'd be used to this by now. Comfort through touch or even words. He didn't have that from his parents, and his sister didn't know how to be gentle until they were older.
"I'm proud of you."
There it was again. The phrase that broke him. The phrase that scared him. He used to think love was conditional.
But a genuine love, platonic or romantic, is unconditional, even when it hurts. That's why it hurts to move on or forget.
He was moving now. Where is he going?
"Go to sleep, Nick," Chan whispered. Oh, he's being carried. That's why it's so warm. They're going home? He missed home. He wondered how they were doing.
"Thank you, Starlight," Nicholas whispered.
"You're welcome."
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Nicholas Ross Master list | Of The Tunnel Part 2
Tags list: @bada-lee-ily, @jinnie-ret, @hwxnghyynjin, @foxilsdenn, @rensahazard, You can be added by asking in the replies, sending me a message, or doing an ask thingy.
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sehyunie23 · 9 months
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Kiss - Minju
I opened my eyes, the sunshine gives light to my room. I was about to go up until I felt a weight on top of me. Looking at my chest and saw my girlfriend sleeping peacefully.
I giggled at what I am seeing and caressed her head.
After a few minutes, Minju groaned and wiggles at my embrace. I looked at her and she looked at me. Minju then closed her eyes and smiled at me.
"Good morning Y/n ah~," My girlfriend said in her low husky voice.
"Good morning my Minjugatto~," I said and Minju smacked my chest, making me giggle and stroke her hair.
"Hey~ that's not nice," Minju said in a whiny sleepy tone.
I chuckled at the girl and patted her head.
"C'mon Minju, let me hug you," I said and the girl immediately came to my level and she hugged me tightly.
"Warm~" Minju said as she snuggle herself, sharing her warmth. My Minju is really like a baby.
"Aigoo my baby. Are you tired Minju?" I asked the Minju as she nods in response.
I pecked Minju's forehead and strokes her hair.
"Sleep more Minmin," I said and Minju shook her head.
"Nooooo~ I want to spend my time with you~," Minju said still with her eyes closed.
I giggled at Minju as her mind is persistent while her body tells otherwise.
I continue to stroke Minju's hair and after a couple of minutes, Minju slept while snoring softly. I pecked her forehead and carefully removed myself from her hug.
I then stand up and stretched to feel that good feeling and washed up to get ready for the day.
I left Minju sleeping in my room and went to the kitchen to cook some breakfast.
Thinking about what breakfast should be great today, I decided to go with some scrambled eggs. Opening the heat and put the pan above it, I beat the eggs and stir the pan. Once the eggs are cooked, I put them on a plate and decided to cook some bacon for us as well. I put the bacon on the pan as well and it sizzles instantly. I was waiting for the bacon to be crispy until...
I closed the heat and immediately went to my bedroom and as I opened the door, I saw Minju on the floor holding her head.
I rushed to her and sat her up, then I looked at her worryingly and Minju just groaned.
"EhHhHh~ Why did you leave me oppa?!" Minju whined. Relieved that Minju is okay, I covered her with the blanket she is in and carried her to the kitchen counter.
Minju being easily flustered, she giggles and nuzzles her head on my chest.
"Hehe, oppa is so sweet," Minju said cooed and snuggles more at me.
I chuckled at the actions of my girlfriend and let her do what she wants.
We arrived at the kitchen and put her on the kitchen counter. Minju then opens her eyes and hugged the blanket covering her body.
"Hmmm~ smells delicious oppa," Minju said while sniffing the air.
"Eggs, bacon, and toast for breakfast Minmin," I said as I removed the bacon from the pan.
I grabbed some bread and toasted it, while the toaster is doing it's thing, I portioned the eggs and bacon for us and the bread is toasted. I finished plating the eggs and bacon and then grabbed our plates and put them on the dining table.
I went back for Minju and she spread her arms like a child waiting to be carried. I just giggled at her childish antics and carried her to her seat.
Minju then removed her blanket and started to scarf her food. I also gave her a glass of orange juice to drink and Minju then looked at me with her cheeks puffed because of the food and she smiled at me. Smiling at the frog as she continued eating her food, I then take a mental picture of her eating and then eat my portion as well.
--- time skip | night ---
Minju POV
The sun has set down and the moon shines up along with the stars in the dark sky. I am now on the balcony of Y/n oppa's apartment, enjoying the nature and chilly wind. Y/n oppa then entered the balcony with a fruit bowl in hand.
My eyes were immediately target locked at the bowl and I heard Y/n oppa snicker.
"Here you go froggy," Y/n oppa then handed me a fork and I grabbed it immediately and poked a blueberry and eat a fruit right away.
I squealed in delight and van feel Y/n oppa side hugging me. Placing my head on his shoulder, I sighed in contentment.
This is what I want in life, working as an actress, having a sweet boyfriend and having a peacetime just like this.
Y/n oppa then nudged me which made me hum.
"Come on Minmin, the drama will start in a few minutes," Y/n oppa said which made my eyes wide open.
"N-NO!" I shouted which made Y/n jolt in surprise.
"No?" Y/n asked confused.
"Ah I mean yes, no," I said.
This made Y/n oppa squint his eyes on me.
"And that is because?" Y/n oppa started.
"I uh- I you don't have to watch that," I answered nervously.
"Heyyy, c'mon Minmin, I would watch everything as long as you are there. So come on, let me see how good my girlfriend can act," Y/n oppa said and pecked my cheeks which made me blush and give myself to him.
Y/n oppa and I exited the balcony and we went to the living room. I opened the television and Y/n oppa bought some popcorn. I then continue to eat the fruit bowl oppa made and started watching the drama.
The duration of the drama went well, things were on the script, and now we are nearing the scene I am hiding from Y/n oppa.
I looked at oppa completely focused on the drama and then made my move. I jumped at Y/n oppa and kissed him. Y/n oppa was shocked but he reciprocated the kiss passionately and full of love.
I then parted my lips from Y/n oppa and smiled at me.
"Why did you do it Minju?" Y/n oppa asked as he hugged me tightly, tucking me in his warmth.
I then looked at the tv screen to see that it is the scene I don't want Y/n oppa to see. I tried to distract Y/n oppa but he is hugging me tightly, making me locked in my position.
Then the scene unfolds... The man cupped my face and kissed me.
I ducked my head down, avoiding a gaze from Y/n oppa, I then felt oppa's hand stroking my head and shake at his touch.
"Hmm? Yah Minju, why are you shaking?" Y/n oppa asked which made me calm.
Y/n oppa then loosened his hug and I looked at him with puppy eyes.
"Minju, why are you nervous?" Y/n oppa said which made me look away from him.
"Is this because from the kiss that I just witnessed?" Y/n oppa asked me, I didn't answer him and just dig my head into his chest, nuzzling my head as an apology.
I heard Y/n oppa chuckle and he ruffled my hair.
"Aigoo, it's just an act Minju," Y/n oppa said which made me look at him in little relief.
"T-then you are not m-mad?" I asked and Y/n oppa smiled.
"Every time you got a drama, you always talked to me about the things you will do, like scripts, times when other actors hug you or kiss you, and other kinds of stuff. It shows me that you are worthy of my trust, then why shouldn't I trust you?" Y/n oppa asked.
I teared up and smiled at Y/n oppa's words and hugged him tightly.
"You are the best jagi~," I said and rest my head at the crook of oppa's neck.
Y/n oppa then patted my back and chuckled.
"And you are the best Minju-ya. Also, don't worry about that kiss. I know that I am the only one who can get your true love's kiss," Y/n oppa said in a smug tone which made me giggle.
I faced him and pecked his lips.
"Only a peck?" Y/n oppa asked and pouted playfully.
I giggled at Y/n oppa's actions and this time, I gave him the true love's kiss he is talking about.
Talk about blissfulness when our lips touched. The love, passion, and warmth that we are longing everytime is present. A time where we nourish and celebrate our beautiful love.
Our lips then parted after a couple of minutes because we need air but after that kiss, Y/n oppa and I connected our foreheads and smiled at each other.
"Now that is what I call a true love's kiss," Y/n oppa said to which I smiled and leaned closer to his face again, connecting our lips again to feel the that true love's kiss.
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