#He matches Tony in those other gifs I posted!
zappedbyzabka · 4 months
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“The brother”
Aka: Missing Brady Bunch boy
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Don’t make this little guy angry.
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kitkat238984 · 1 month
I Bid This Bitch Goodbye
Summary: As Tony Khan's niece and junior producer, you were placed in charge of an auction event where fans can win a date with their favourite wrestlers.
But when you spy a face that has caused you nothing but trouble, you are determined to bring this bitch to the ground.
Notes: I meant to post this yesterday but oh well. Happy late birthday, Hook.
4339 words.
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There was nothing particularly special about you. You were just an ordinary woman with an ordinary life, ordinary parents, and an ordinary education. You supposed the fact that your uncle-in-law happened to be a billionaire made you a little less ordinary than some others, but you never let it get to your head. Whilst in highschool you refused to let anyone know that were in close connections to such major businessmen in the sports industry. They would have flipped. 
The friends you made were genuine and you were thankful for that… but unfortunately the enemies you made were also genuine. Right bitches they were. 
You did try to make a living for yourself at first by working in a gas station, however, you weren’t really going anywhere with minimum wage, and the offer to work with your uncle in his new wrestling company was always on the table sooooo why not? A little career push never hurt anyone. 
You were now a junior producer, learning the backstage roles that made up the AEW family that you were so warmly welcomed into with open arms. Everyone seemed to like you there and you gained many friends in your first few months, Hook being one of the wrestlers you’d grown especially close with, originally getting along because of your similar ages, and now you acted as if you’d been friends since childhood. 
Of course, like any good childhood friend, he loved to mess with you and tease you, for example whenever you’re tasked to call him to the ring he thinks it’s a funny idea to go wandering around backstage, forcing you to go on a wild goose chase trying to find him. 
“I need to start keeping an air tag on you”. 
“Or maybe you should start being good at your job?” 
“I’d actually be able to do my job if you weren’t constantly playing hide and go seek”. 
Such a child… 
Or how about the few times he snatched the clipboard straight out of your hands and held it above his head where you couldn’t reach? 
“Just give it back. I need to get back to work”. 
“No one’s stopping you from working”. 
“There very clearly is someone stopping me”. 
What a dick… 
But! Today, he would regret all those times where he’d taken advantage of your job and made you look like a fool. He would be at your complete mercy and like hell would you take any pity on him; you were going to have your own back on this guy and he was going to suffer and you were going to enjoy watching it. Just like any good wrestling match. 
You walked through the hall with a proud smile glued to your face, looking forward to seeing the faces of over-adoring wrestling fans, full of hope that they can outbid everyone else for a date with some of the most favourite wrestlers AEW had to offer. 
As the organiser, you were one of the first people to arrive, only a couple of other producers and stagehands present who were setting up chairs - which were most likely to be discarded once they were in such close proximity to the wrestlers. 
Oh, revenge was sweet indeed. You made this happen, Y/N. You’re an absolute genius. 
When you proposed the idea of a charity fundraiser to your good ol’ uncle Tony about auctioning off dates with the wrestlers - not only to boost good publicity, but to give something to young children who had dreams of wrestling professionally - he immediately fell in love with the idea and told you to start making plans and secure some good people for the event. 
Those wrestlers needed to be put to good use anyway. You knew they were good for something. 
“Hey, have we got enough chairs for everyone?” you asked one of your colleagues who was setting up the seating. 
“Uhh I think so. If not, only a few people will have to stand”. 
You hum in response and start setting up the microphone and speakers before your sound guy arrives to take over. You’d hoped he would arrive soon because you had no fucking clue what you were doing. You were just tired of walking around watching everyone else do stuff. 
Whilst playing with the buttons of the soundboard, a loud, ear-piercing boom echoed through the hall, accompanied by a few pained cries you’d caused people. 
Oh, the cringe. 
You practically threw the microphone down and stepped away from the area you were working on. 
Best to leave it to the professionals. 
“Good idea. Deafen us so we can’t hear the screaming superfans later”. 
You turned to the sound of Hook’s voice to see him at the very end of the hall having just walked through the door. Just your luck for him to walk in as you embarrass yourself. But your luck was about to get better. 
“Thank you”, you replied genuinely, watching his figure moving in your direction. “You’ll need it when they’re screaming in your ears all night. Probably in more ways than one knowing your record”. 
He laughed softly and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck as he stood only a few feet away from you. 
“Hah you got me there, huh? A manwhore? Is that what you women call ‘em?” 
You shot him a warm, patronising smile. “Only behind your back”. You quickly changed your mind. “Oh who am I kidding? I call you that to your face”. 
You brushed past him, abandoning your post at the soundboard to help finish setting up the chairs, Hook closely following behind like a loyal puppy with his owner. 
“Nah I wouldn’t do that. Not with a fan, at least”. 
“Why’s that, fuckboy?” You joked. 
“Very funny”, he responded, rolling his eyes. “I’d feel like I'm taking advantage of their love and adoration for me or something like that. Not that I’d blame them of course”. 
You immediately stopped what you were doing and sent him a raised eyebrow. Like you’d believe that story. In the time you had known him, Hook had numerous women hanging off his arm (and that was only from what you had seen on social nights out with work), and sometimes those numerous women would be on one occasion. You were grateful you didn’t share the same hotel with him. Those were sounds you most definitely did not want to hear. 
He seemed to have noticed the scepticism written on your face and spoke before you had a chance to reply. “You don’t believe me?”, he asked in subtle disbelief. “I can be a gentleman, you know?” 
“You? A gentleman? I bet you’ve never even dated a girl before. I’ve only ever seen you walk out of bars with these ‘female friends’ of yours”. Despite ultimately joking, your teasing did have some truth behind it. For the four years you’d known him, you had never known this man to go out on a single actual date like to a restaurant or the movies or something cheesy like that. 
It didn’t bother you, of course. Or at least that’s what you kept on telling yourself. You had no reason to be jealous; you didn’t even like him in that way nor had you ever thought about him romantically. That was partially true until this moment. 
Sure you appreciated him, just the same as you appreciated all your hot friends. You work in the wrestling industry full of strong, sweaty, fit guys and girls. What did you expect? 
Fine! You admitted Hook was easy on the eyes. So what? It’s not like you’d ever wondered what those perfectly sculptured muscles he so proudly displays in the ring yet modestly covers underneath his hoodie felt like. And it never once crossed your mind what was so addictive about running your hands through his tousled hair as you’d seen him among all the women do repeatedly. 
Nope. None of that. Not. At. All… 
It couldn’t be that soft, right? 
Stop those intrusive thoughts, Y/N! It would never happen anyway. 
“You’ll see one day”, he defended, snapping you out of your thoughts. “I’m just trying to have fun whilst I’m still young. I’m not rushing life like you seem to be doing”. 
You sensed that you may have struck a nerve with the harsh tones in his voice as he looked at you expectedly, although you quickly felt awkward, a little ashamed of yourself for criticising his early life choices and perhaps taking your jokes a little too far. 
A big apology would have to wait, though, as there was so much shit to be done before the event started and it would have been unfair if you weren’t pulling your weight enough. After all, this was your chance to show your uncle that you had what it takes to progress in the company. 
Temporarily moving the problems with Hook to the back of your mind, you opened your mouth to speak a quick ‘sorry’ with the intention of making it up to him later like buying him a drink or something. However, another voice from only a few feet away echoed through the spacious hall. 
“Hey, who’s been messing with this setup?” 
Your sound guy must have come in without you noticing because you whipped your head around to see his face scrunched up with such confusion and frustration. You winced and turned away, pretending you didn’t know anything. Perhaps there was time for one long, drawn out apology. 
Never had you been more relieved to be made fun of, hearing the sound of a snicker from a certain hooded figure standing before you to which you smiled lightheartedly in response. You should have known he wouldn’t stay mad at you for long. 
What seemed like what was meant to be the end of the conversation clearly wasn’t because Hook still insisted on standing opposite you, staring and twitching his nose as if something was bothering him. 
“What do you want?” You asked, not wasting any time and getting back to setting up chairs. 
“What makes you think I want something?” 
“Oh I’m sorry. Don’t you?” Sarcasm was basically your second language. 
Hook was silent for a few seconds, allowing yourself to secretly smirk whilst your back was turned away from him. Just wait for it. 
“Okay yeah I do want something”. Bingo. You were right as always. “I need you to bid for me”. 
You scoffed into a breathy laugh. He couldn’t be serious, right? That’s like straight up asking you on a date without actually saying it and with a lot more complications than there needed to be. He continued. 
“I’d give you the money back, I swear. I just really really don’t want to date a fan who’s desperate enough to be here to win a date with me. It’ll be chaos”. 
As much as you questioned the cruel wording, you understood where his point was coming from. The entry fee in itself was five-hundred dollars and these people would have had to have been glued to their screen, waiting for the tickets to go on sale. On top of that, they wouldn’t even guarantee a date because they’d still have to bid a ridiculous amount of money in the auction. 
You’d love to help him but you already had your sweet sweet revenge all planned out. 
“Ooo it’s sooooo nice that you’re willing to give all that money to charity, and I’d hate seeing you at the mercy of some overbearing girl - or guy for that matter - buuut no. I’m not going to bid for you. It’d be wrong of me since, if you haven’t noticed, I’m running the whole thing”. 
Hook’s silence spoke volume as he now knew exactly how you felt about him being in this auction. 
“Bitch…” he muttered, turning to the side. 
“What was that?” you asked sternly, finally facing him, not having stopped setting up the chairs until now. 
“I said I… need to talk to Mitch”. He pointed to one of the guys on the other side of the room and pretended to approach him. 
You sighed before calling out whilst he was still within a few feet away, “His name is Thomas”. 
“Then I need to talk to Thomas, bitch”. 
“Oh just fuck off”. The conversation ended with you indignantly laughing at his teenager-y antics. 
Every single chair that you among others had placed had someone sat in it - well, they were all allocated, at least. One crazed fan that caught your eye was standing, of course, violently shaking the person next to her who you really hoped was her friend and not some stranger she was using as a human cocktail shaker. 
It was show time. Honestly, you had no other job than to make sure everything was in check, ensuring that the auction went as you had envisioned. No introduction was needed as Tony Shiavone (who was way too happy to be the announcer for a change) went straight to it, announcing the first wrestler up for grabs, and you were quite content standing off to the side where you could watch the whole show as well as watching the crowd. 
“Coming in from St. Marks Place, he’s cold-hearted, he’s definitely handsome, and the girls go crazy for him”. 
Ha ha! Although it was the first auction, this was definitely the main event in your opinion. The one you had been looking forward to the most. 
“Weighing in at 202 pounds, he currently holds the championship for the best single life. He’s Hoooooooooook!” 
If the pool of merchandise wasn’t enough to figure out exactly how big of fans these people were, the screaming made it all too obvious. You hardly heard his song playing due to a mix of the yelling and the (hopefully temporary) deafness it caused you. 
Seeing Hook walk on stage as just himself without the aloof persona he puts on was strange to say the least. It felt as though all these people got to experience a side to him that only you had the pleasure of seeing, which you knew was absolutely ludicrous because you weren’t the only person in his life. Perhaps it was the fact that these ‘people’ were the women who were about to pay a ridiculous amount of money at a chance for his heart. 
Was this what jealousy felt like? 
No, of course not. You had no reason to be jealous. You were about to relish in the suffering he was about to endure by one of these fans. 
But what if the date… went well? What if he actually started a relationship with that woman? What would that mean for the two of you? 
You desperately tried to shake your head out of those thoughts. He said he wouldn’t romantically involve himself with a fan anyway. 
…but what if-? No! Shut up, Y/N! 
Hook’s eyes immediately met yours, eyebrows raising as if to say ‘wish me luck’, to which you smirked in a reply, reminding yourself that this whole event was meant to be enjoyable for you. 
“And we’ll start the bidding at three-hundred dollars. Oh straight in with the three-hundred”. 
The bids came in so fast that you could hardly comprehend how many bidding paddles were flying up in the air until they began to slow down as the price continued to rise to those outrageous prices you were waiting to hear. 
“Two-thousand dollars to the woman in the front here. Is there a twenty-one-hundred here?” 
The higher the bids came in, the fewer women that were left standing, eventually cutting it down to just two, and then to one, and boy were they desperate. 
“That’s five-thousand dollars to the woman at the front going once”. 
Pause. You peered at the lucky lady who had won the date with Hook and what came into your view could have made your body implode from how badly your blood was boiling. 
“Going twice”. 
Pause. It couldn’t be her, could it? But that long golden blonde hair and sharp facial features were completely undeniable. 
“Five-thousand one-hundred!” Your voice spoke out before you even had time to think, your glare not having left the woman who stood on the front row. Her disgusting victorious smile returned her natural hideous jealous scowl you’d known for years which whipped in your direction as probably many other heads, including Hook’s, did - not that you were paying any attention to anyone else now that the woman who had been harassing you for almost two years was here in front of you. 
You were lucky you hadn’t spoken to the audience yet because you feared what kind of backlash you and the company would have received if anyone knew you - an organiser - started bidding in their own event. 
“Two-hundred!” Her voice fought back to which you quickly retaliated with a hundred dollars more. Like hell was this bitch going to get what she wanted. 
You knew Petra from highschool. She was one of those who thought she and her friends were oh so much better than you because of how much makeup they wore and how trendy their new Prada outfit was. She even bragged about her grades from time to time. After all, she did a lot of grinding on hard work to achieve those. 
“Six thousand!” 
Where the hell was she getting this money from? 
You presumed she was rich all these years, but not ‘I’m gonna buy myself a famous boyfriend’ rich. 
“Seven!” You on the other hand had no reason to worry about money. One huge benefit of working in your uncle’s business was the generous pay. Uncle Tony really did not hold out when it came to paying his staff. 
You could see Hook’s perplexed look from beneath his hoodie directed at you, most likely wondering why you had such the change of heart, but you couldn’t let your focus drift away from the burden sitting on the front row. She must pay. 
After you graduated and All Elite Wrestling had taken off, word had gotten out that you were Tony Khan’s niece, so when you mistakenly decided to post on Instagram about your new job there, the number of private messages you had received from people you had hardly spoken to in the past came flooding in, asking if you could get them tickets, or arrange a meet and greet with their favourites. 
You’d decided to ignore all of them, however, there was one who was painfully persistent that you eventually had to tell them to shut the fuck up because it was never gonna happen. That person was, of course, Petra. Every week or so it was all ‘Can you set me up with Hook?’, ‘Oh my god isn’t Hook just the hottest?’, and ‘Can’t you do this for me after all you put me through in high school?’ 
Who the hell did she think she was? A princess? Not everything isn’t her fault. 
You didn’t fail to notice the slight panic in her widened eyes after you raised the price by another thousand dollars. 
Where’s daddy’s allowance now, bitch? 
She hesitantly gestured to Shiavone to up the bid another hundred, however, now you knew she was running short of money, you felt you could wrap this up pretty swiftly. 
“Eight-thousand dollars”, you said with a smirk. You were definitely going over your limit and you’d probably have to budget your shopping for a couple of months, but boy would it be worth it in the end to see that smug face wiped clean off. 
“Nine-thousand dollars!” How many sugar daddies does this girl have? She probably knows she can leave and suck someone’s dick for another 1k. 
No matter how she got the money, you knew you had more. 
“Ten–thousand dollars!” The murmurs and Petra’s silence spoke all. You saw her visibly gulp and glance around the floor in disbelief. She wasn’t going to find another two thousand dollars on the floor so you really did not know what she could have been looking around for. She lost her pride a long time ago and she sure as hell wasn’t going to find it here. 
“And the date with Hook goes to uhh… the lady over there for ten-thousand dollars!” 
You sent Tony a small, thankful smile for not telling everyone who you were, and you were quite surprised that Petra hadn’t said anything appalling yet given she too knew that you had to have had a part in this event. She’d even begged you for weeks in advance if you could rig the event for her. In hindsight, you really shouldn’t have been at all shocked to see her here. 
One of the backstage crew gestured for you to follow them to which you obliged, leaving the noise of disappointed groans behind you. One glance at Hook before you disappeared behind the curtain told you that this situation was just as awkward for him as it was now for you. 
Your mind scoured for a suitable justification as to why you might have spoken up when you did. 
You could say it was for charity? Those unfortunate kids were about to be bathed in riches and opportunities with the amount of money being thrown at them. 
Not having any faith in your poor, disingenuous excuse, and seeing Hook making his way towards you, you decided that perhaps it would be better if you simply told him the truth. It was a valid reason after all. You wanted Hook to suffer for all the teasing he had done to you in the past but you didn’t want to torture him to death. 
“Is that why you decided to work here?” 
You stared at him with a puzzled look and he continued. 
“Because you’re a secret superfan?” 
Rolling your eyes, you scoffed and whilst waiting for an actual response to come to your mind, another half laugh, half scoff filled the silence, making his claim seem like the truth. You had not joined the AEW team because you were a Hook superfan (because you weren’t), but over the years of working alongside him in the background, you had naturally become one of his biggest fans. 
“Yeah, you wish”. You regretted the poor excuse for a comeback as soon as it left your lips. 
“Sooo are you gonna tell me why you just bid for me or are you gonna stand there all awkward?” He asked after a long hesitation. 
Yep. The truth is better than an obvious lie. 
“I knew the other woman from high school and trust me when I tell you that I was doing you a favour. She’s a slut. A tart. A whore if you will. I swear in God’s name if I ever see her again I will-” 
“Alright alright I get it. You can tell me more on our date”. 
You were glad Tyler decided to interrupt you there as you hadn’t even realised your hands clawing at thin air as if choking the very woman you hadn’t been able to get out of your life since you started working here. She had caused nothing but distractions and… 
Wait, what? 
Hook chuckled at your doe eyes. “You won fair and square, right?” 
“Well yeah but I didn’t realise that– I didn’t think– I thought you wouldn’t– okay, a date sounds great”. 
“Are you sure? I didn’t think you’d want to date a ‘fuckboy’ like me”. 
Ah shit. Yeah you forgot about that. Well you supposed now would be a better time than any for an apology. 
“Look I really am sorry for that. I was–” 
“It doesn’t matter. You weren’t completely wrong. But I won’t be like that with you. How about tonight?” 
You sent a warm smile of relief. Perhaps you had just been in denial all this time because you were suddenly super excited for this date with this good-looking, hilarious, kind friend of yours. 
“Sounds perfect. It’ll probably be late, though. I have to help clean up”. 
“I’ll wait, don’t worry”. 
He edged past you and left you with your heart feeling like it was about to burst out of your chest and with butterflies hitting every inch of your stomach lining. The shaky breath you let out was quickly sucked back in when two hands gripped your hips and pulled your body close to theirs. 
“I like it when you're nervous around me. Cocky didn’t suit you”, Hook muttered in your ear. Every part of you tingled now and you felt you could hardly move. 
That would’ve been awkward if it wasn’t Hook. 
You managed to turn your body, watching him make his way to the back door, looking like he was walking down a fashion runway or something. 
Before he could reach for the handle, you called out to him, not letting him get away with the comment you had just realised he made. 
“You’re still going to pay me back, though, right?” 
He turned with a smirk and without saying anything, stuck both his middle fingers up at you before leaving the building. 
Smug bastard… 
You spent the remainder of the day with a gigantic grin plastered upon your face. You hadn’t dared show yourself on stage as the organiser after your little showdown with Petra, and you had hoped that all of those people out there would never figure out who you were either. 
Perhaps she would leave you alone now after that whole ordeal, knowing that she lost and would finally be able to accept that she will never be able to get to Hook through you. You had to give her some credit, however, because without her, some other girl would have won and you would never have been given this date opportunity. 
Instead, you would probably be eating ice cream in bed in pure jealousy rather than savouring the humiliation you had originally wished upon your date. 
Your date… Ah! Exciting! This ten grand had better be worth it. 
Bonus: A few private messages! (I had no idea what I was doing)
Message #1
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Message #2
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Message #3 (Blurry schmurry. It's fine)
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End notes: I would like to apologise for being naive. I thought it was cool that Chris and Hook were teaming, especially since I saw Chris Jericho's band in Feb (which was great btw) and I got overexcited at their collaboration. I scold myself everyday since he pushed Taz and took the belt.
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kilikina34512 · 1 year
Hands Off of Me, Please
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So this is a bit outside of the usual for this series as I don’t really make it smutty, but I still wanted to write Bucky being more of a typical alpha. Not sure how well I did that, but I still like the story, so I decided to share it. Divider courtesy of @firefly-graphics. Make sure to check them out!
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Pairing: alpha!Bucky x omega!reader
Summary: After getting a few "fun" toys to enjoy with your alpha, another alpha decides to make himself a temporary nuisance.
Warnings: A/B/O, alpha/omega, implied smut, sexy time toy shopping
Word Count: 962
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A quick, sweet kiss was all you shared with Bucky before, much to his reluctance, you went your separate ways through the mall. Christmas was only a few days away and you had some last minute gifts to get, a few of them for your alpha. This was why you needed him anywhere else.
The holidays were always exciting for you. The omega in you sang in joy at getting to give others presents that brought them joy and happiness.
And thankfully, due to Bucky being an as needed Avenger, you got to do your shopping on Tony’s dime.
You were leaving from buying high quality pencils and charcoals for Steve’s not-so-secret secret love of drawing and on your way to get one of your alpha’s last gifts. The whole trek, you were internally preening at how festive you’d finally finished making your apartment.
The whole compound was decorated, but you’d made sure to do the same in your living space. Warm white strands of Christmas lights were swirled around garland that lined each doorway. Your personal tree that was just taller than Bucky was wrapped in the same lights with a collage of traditional red bauble ornaments and cute ornaments that marked moments in life. Your favorite one was the picture frame of your first Christmas together.
A mixture of Christmas music from both modern day and his era played when you both wanted background music. Your alpha had turned his nose up at Mariah Carey at first, but you saw the reluctant amusement as you bounced, swayed, and acted out how all you wanted for Christmas was him.
You blinked back into reality as you entered the adult store. The omega in you protested going in, knowing your alpha wouldn’t want you possibly around other alphas that had sex on the mind, but you really wanted to get Bucky his last gift.
And that meant pushing your omega’s hesitancy and following through with your shopping.
You grabbed a basket and browse through the items on your way through. The bit of brat in you couldn’t resist grabbing a candle on your way past it. The label that said, “When this candle is lit, gimme that dick!” was too tempting and you knew would provide a good laugh.
After selecting a few more things for fun times, you picked up what you’d aimed for: a plug.
Bucky has whines often that he couldn’t knot you on work mornings, since it would make him late for training, but he hated that you only carried an underlying smell of him. You were mated and bonded so your scents did combine, but you both still had your own primary scent above it your partner’s. Expect post coitus. Then, anyone near you could smell your alpha on you.
This was what led you to research solutions to this problem. A plug that would hold his cream inside you like his knot would.
After picking a black and gold one, naturally to match his vibranium arm, you proceeded to check out. Your experience had been good until then.
Just as you were exiting the store, an arm grabbed yours, halting you in your tracks. “What interesting choices you bought, and as an omega no less. You must be fun in the sack.”
The slimy voice was as grating to your senses as the strong alpha scent of burned rubber and gasoline fumes. Your lips pulled back in a snarl as you tried unsuccessfully to snatch your arm out of his grip.
“Hands off of me, please,” you growled through clenched teeth. Your anger doing nothing but making the smile on his face grow wider.
“I think I’d rather explore those toys with you, omega.”
Before you could fully give into the panic that was starting to sweep through you at the realization of what this strange alpha wanted to do with you, a gloved hand that made a whirling noise gripped the alpha’s wrist.
“I believe my omega told you to remove your hand.” Bucky’s snarl reverberated around you all as rage radiated in the dominance your alpha immediately began projecting. You weren’t sure if it was the pressure Bucky was using or the alpha had some sense of self-preservation, but the hand quickly released your bicep.
Moving you behind him with his flesh palm against your hip, you smiled contentedly as your alpha exuded every bit of the dark danger he could be. None of the sweet, docile, gentle alpha he was with you could be seen outside of his soft hold on you.  The pair stood staring at each other, aggression in each line of their bodies.  You never really saw Bucky like this: standing at his full height, tension lining each inch of him, every muscle ready to strike and defend his mate.  After a few moments of the alpha's sizing each other up, testing who was radiating more dominance, the stranger bowed his head in submission.  “Get lost,” Bucky growled. 
 Thankfully, the other alpha did. Turning on his heels, concern battled with anger in his gaze as your soldier asked, “You okay, ‘Mega?”
“I’m more than fine, Alpha. Thank you for saving me.”
“Always.” He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before looking down at you, a fire in his eyes. “I need you,” he growled as he pressed his nose against your neck, inhaling sharply. “You don’t smell strongly enough of me.”
Grinning excitedly, you whispered, “I saw a bathroom four stores down that had an out of order sign on it.”
And that’s where you spent the next several minutes with Bucky deep inside you against the wall as you both kept your faces into each other’s necks and shoulders. You to muffle your cries of ecstasy and him to quiet his words of loving possessiveness.  
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writing-house-of-m · 9 months
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: The group talks about the fight against Thanos
A/N: Three for three! I hope this one makes up for the angst posted yesterday 😊 For those who care, here is the request. Comments, reblogs and likes are much appreciated!
Prompt: "That was the night I nearly lost you."
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It is the end of another party. This time, one thrown in celebration of successfully defeating Thanos once and for all.
It didn't matter where you were hiding Vision from him, Thanos kept finding him. So, when a plan was formed to hide Vision in Wakanda, everyone was ready to make it the last stand. It was a good thing Strange and Wong were able to gather so many people.
Most of those who helped in the final battle were still here, dotted around in the lounge area.
Everyone was exchanging stories about their version of events. All of you were in agreement about being in awe when Carol destroyed a ship single handedly.
You wouldn't have believed Bucky when he spoke about the raccoon he was fighting alongside if you didn't see the creature with your own eyes. You along with Thor and Peter had to corroborate his story. Especially to Tony who was sceptical.
Okoye spoke about the relief she felt at seeing the King again after he was thrown across the field. King T'Challa commented, saying the experience was not one of his finest moments making everyone laugh.
There were no major casualties and no deaths so it felt easy to joke about such things. You can only imagine what it would have felt like to fail such a risky plan.
It was Wanda's turn to speak, "That was the night I nearly lost you," she says, looking at you and squeezing your knee as she leans more into your side.
You and Wanda had each other's backs the whole time, fighting alongside one another. You have always worked well together. Finishing off enemies for the other left and right.
"I left your side for like, a second," you scoff, cinching your eyebrows, everyone laughing and looking amused at the scene.
Knowing Wanda could hold her own you left her so you could help Scott who was covered with aliens, like an apple overthrown by ants. Because she didn't notice you leave, too busy 'kicking names and taking ass,' as Mantis put it, Wanda was worried you were hurt. That was until she heard you compare Scott to Godzilla through her comms.
"I know, but I thought you were hurt," Wanda pouts.
You smile at her antics and begin to lean in to kiss her saying she is being ridiculous but you are cut short with all the jeers you hear from everyone in the room.
"No one needs to see that, lovebirds," you hear Natasha's disgust, loud and clear.
The conversation swiftly moves on to Thor talking about his new axe, Stormbreaker, and all the things it can do. Your attention is turned to Wanda as his voice drones on in the background.
"Hey," you whisper to get Wanda to look at you. When her green eyes meet yours you think of how lucky you are to be able to call her yours.
"You know I'm never gonna die, right? I still need to marry you," you say quietly while grinning.
Wanda smacks your chest, her grin matching yours. Before her next action she quickly looks around the room. You don't have time to ask what she is doing because in the next second her lips are on yours but gone just as fast.
"That's all good and well but you have to propose first," she says, centimetres from your lips.
You want to rebuttal but your attention is sucked back into the discussion around you when Scott says your name, recounting his events on almost being drowned alive by 'smelly aliens'. Hope, who is sitting beside him, shakes her head giggling at his explanation.
Conversations and drinks keep flowing long into the night.
Steve makes a heartfelt speech about everyone doing a good job in keeping the people on this planet safe. He goes on to say everyone who showed up for the fight has given everyone on Earth and even life beyond the stars a chance to appreciate their loved ones and live another day.
You always wondered what the endgame of this superhero life would be for you. But it's this. You're holding it in your arms and are surrounded by it.
The next step in your life is to make Wanda your wife, which you will do as soon as you perfect the proposal you have been planning. Together you will build a real life together and your friends will be there to witness it all.
Resting your head against Wanda's, your mind drifts to a normal life filled with white picket fences, crying babies, school pick ups and drop offs, regular home cooked meals. The stress of PTA meetings, bake sales, sports tryouts, college options. It all has you smiling to yourself.
You can't wait.
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charg3rs0ck3t · 1 year
“Rest now, I’m here”
Tw: blood, guns, death, angst, trauma, nightmares/ panic attacks, self degradation etc etc
Content: Valentine’s Day stuff, maybe I’ll post fluff but this has got bare minimum fluff in it so be warned. I also hope the last sentences burns as it did for me writing it.
Please correct me I’m writing it too early in the morning
Bucky Barnes x reader angst
//early Valentine’s Day fic//
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Bucky was sure he’d met his match, but he’d never admit it.
His heart had changed, and so had the times, women weren’t flocking to him as they once would. He preferred it that way, he didn’t deserve them, and they didn’t deserve his baggage. There was too much about him that detested the idea of putting another person through the stress and responsibility that trolleyed after him, A weight and chain forged at his ankle. The chain that would eventually suffocate all those he cared for as he wound them into his fucked up life.
That’s what it had done, all that he’d known now gone, figments of the past and he, a side piece to a tourist attraction, that or a cold blooded killer.
What had he to contribute, what had he deserved to live for?
Then, he saw you, and it just clicked. His brain had transformed and his soul became a beacon only hoping to attract a minute of attention.
It was unusual, it was scary. He was a man that had killed hundreds, albeit not on his own volition, yet he was scared of you? Scared of his feelings? Scared of that humanity that was seeping through that constructed facade of stability he had put up? That stability that kept him here, kept him sane, kept the others trust.
You were just a new shield recruit, found by some accidental power surge you’d made just of the pacific coast, high enough in rank and power to warrant a seating with the avengers, but still an unknown face to the public, a ghost among the masses. But something about it felt so similar, familiar even. Something about it felt so right.
It all happened to go by as a blur, and suddenly here you were,a prodigy, an avenger. Moving into the vacant room next door, a wall between you. Originally he had the floor to himself as to complaints of his nightly outbursts, and an overall lack of trust in him, especially on Tony’s part. But some new software ‘or something’ had been updated and tony was sure it would soundproof enough, ‘this time!’ But despite that looming sense of original isolation from the team, he was hopeful, he needed to understand what was happening to him.
The days went on and he led in dreamless wake, afraid to scare you, afraid to fall asleep, afraid for you to hear him, afraid for you to fear him. So he stayed awake.
You noticed.
Of course you’d notice, he was a superhero but he was no Superman. He had much more earthly kryptonite, forming first as the gauntness of his face, the deepening bag under his eyes, and finally the yawns where his head would drift and yet violently shoot back up, his eyes swiping the room. You couldn’t understand why he had felt so unwelcoming compared to the others, especially when he interested you so. He enthralled you only to push away any advances. ‘What had you done wrong?’ Was a thought often crossing your mind as you’d catch him glaring intently as he’d inspect your face from afar.
That was all until one night, perhaps he had finally given into his sleep deprived state. But as you listened to his soft breathing through the wall in which both of your beds were pushed up to, you swore you heard a hitch- and then a sob,- and then another.
A hitch-A sob- A scream- a cry, a pain filled wail, and it was pure.
A nightmare, or an intruder, no matter what you had convinced yourself, you had to go and check. It wasn’t right not to. And you were only partially relived it was the former.
A knock on the door revealed it’s already ajar state as it creaked open slowly, the rusted hinges a drone below the sharp intakes and sobs that wracked the contortion of sheets and the man that lay across the floor. He was shaking, sure enough seeming awake and aware but still, shaking.
So you announced yourself, loud enough for him to hear and still civil enough to not make his panic increase. After receiving his acknowledgment, you took those first step towards.
“Don’t worry, you can rest now, I’m here.”
Those steps, those words, the words that would condemn you to your fate, with him. Calming him that night, and the many to follow, all despite his begs for you to leave, for you to allow him to deal with HIS problems alone. Movie nights and platonic cuddling quickly became something more, a mutual understanding of a need to be closer than friends.
You were perfect, together and for each other. There was mutuality, adoration and complete understanding, you had your baggage, and he had his.
Not everything stays perfect or can be so infinitely though. Tony’s frequent party’s, more than enough alcohol and irritability led to more arguments than necessary, all surrounded by the prying ears of the ever so nosey guests. However, the existence of the arguments being more than common, did not mean either of you wanted them.
They were usually fuelled by deep rooted anxieties and quelled by long talks and quiet walks. You could never be apart for long.
Joint at the hip and the heart.
Bucky had been away for a mission for a few months now, you knew how stressful missions were. He was meant to return two weeks ago, and then one week ago, but finally it was confirmed that he was to return today, February 12th, two days before Valentine’s Day.
You had spent the extra time away distracting yourself with planning for the day, a relaxing bath run and set for him for when he returns and a heart shaped picnic basket inconspicuously hidden below your bed.
You hadn’t expected it to go like this. Whenever either of you would get back from missions, it would be common practice to run up to each other and wrap in an embrace. But something about this time was different. Bucky was weak, not only physically but mentally. He was scattered in hastily stitched and covered wounds and was caked in mud. For the first time ever, he pushed you away, turned his cheek and trudged his way to medbay.
If only you had seen the tear that ran down his cheek and felt the aching violently stab of an ice pick, rammed figuratively into his chest, as he saw your deflated eyes and slightly agape mouth.
Bucky didn’t appear for the mission briefing, but you did, determined to know what was wrong. Only to find out of the worse, Bucky’s nightmares in their true form. Winter soldier had made its return on their mission and so their Bucky had not.
Consoling him from this would be no easy feat, especially since he kept pushing you away. He was afraid to touch you, to hurt you. He would never hurt you, and he would never forgive himself if he did.
In the day he was back, he slowly began to open up again, finally taking up on the bath as he rinsed himself of grime and sin.
He didn’t understand, he hated what he was, he was a monster, but you loved him.
And he loved you.
So when the first thing he’d said to you after 3 months, 12 days, 7 hours, 53 minutes and 7 seconds of radio silence, was petty and sarcastic. He hated himself.
And so away he hid again, until the day of love.
He awoke to a note slid under his door, a tacky heart sticker on its face, and he tilted his head wondering if this was an apology for something you hadn’t done wrong.
Then it hit him.
And he panicked, he had known you had been planning something special for today for months, and he had barely got you a gift.
Well, he had one thing he wanted to give you today. Something that had been hidden in his sock drawer since your first date.
A ring, a slim band but fuelled with all his love and soul.
So he opened the home-made envelope and found directions to a field not far from the compound. So he pocketed the white box and rushed to you.
A giggling spectacle, across the path, waving frantically at his fast approaching figure. But for a second, as he was almost right in front of you, you turned, head tilted towards the wooded forest laid beside the picnic blanket. Cookies and muffins and sandwiches, you were wearing his favourite sundress, everything was perfect. Or would have been.
He stood behind you, distanced, and got down on one knee, box in hand and speech prepared in his head.
It happened in a second,
He was too slow,
A sharp rip of a gunshot— then another - stuck through his head. Dropping the box, In a moment he had to make a decision, catch you, or stop a third shot. He chose the latter.
A man lay dead in the forest now.
You lay dying in his arms.
With tears prickling your eyes you look up at him and painfully laugh
“It’s kind of romantic isn’t it.” You said, trying to bring a sense of humour to the scenario, and ignoring the blood that was as much yours as the rogue agent who had shot you.
It had stained the grass and splattered the food. Worst of all, it plagued his hands, after all of his attempts, his will for no harm to come to you, your blood still caked his hands. It plagued your body and it plagued his.
He let out a small smile, trying to encourage you to keep your eyes open.
“They’ll be here soon baby, please, just hold on, keep on telling me those jokes you love so much. Tell me, what have you done all this time I’ve been away?” He got desperate “Tell me something, talk away! Please! Anything!” His eyes are streaming, blood and tears mixing in the scene.
“I wanted to watch the sunrise with you this morning- but you seemed so tired so I let you sleep.” You stated, strained and sleepy.
It got quiet before he could hear your throat gargle up and feel your body begin to shake.
Quietly you croaked, “I don’t wanna die Buck, I wanna stay here, I wanna stay with you for the rest of my life, promise me?”
And of course he nodded, searching beside him for that ring as he sobbed.
“If that’s so— then— marry me?” All you could do was let out a pitiful nod and a glance up at his eyes.
You stared into those eyes for so long, he thought that maybe— but then you blinked, slowly. You were exhausted, however much you loved each other he couldn’t keep you.
“Don’t worry, you can rest now, I’m here.” He said with a mournful smile on his face and you with a ring on your finger.
Your eyes had finally closed by the time help arrived.
And although selfish, a part of him had lost hope, and that part understood you got your wish, you stayed with him until your dying breath.
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AN: just something t hat came to my mind. :)
Pairing: Stucky x reader
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Well, you were satisfied with your main job as a personal assistant in the avenger tower, but the training every week ( Tony made everyone train, just in case) and the endless hours barely left any time for you to have any kind of relationship of your own, and the fun time you had in the bedroom was mainly your toys. You refused to have one-night stands, but since your job left you without the possibility of having a boyfriend, you opted for this instead.
Starting an onlyfans was just the cherry on top. A plus thrill to add, and of course the flirtatious messages from your followers just added to that. Bucky, Steve and Sam didn't bother to remember the name of a simple assistant, so they called you peach or doll most of the time. You decided since they wouldn't need to go on onlyfans, and since peach was such a common nickname you could get away with AssistantPeach, going for the sexy-secretary wibe. You didn't really needed to buy anything for this, since you never showed more than your body. Your face was off limits, mainly for protecting your identity. You just hit 15k followers, so you decided this week you would go live instead of posting pictures. You spent the last week posting pictures in less and less clothing, the last one just yesterday, reminding your followers that today, you'll go live, the first time ever. On the picture you were fully naked, holding a peach in front of your right nipple with your left hand, effectively hiding your left one, while using your right hand to hold a peach, hiding your cunt. It was sexy, but somehow you still seemed like a goddess. Your peachy blonde hair falling on your shoulders in loose waves. You opted for some golden hour glow as well, making you look like you shone yourself. The amount of comments you got for that one were the most you ever had.
One stood out the most. It was from someone named Tinman40 and it said:
"How can someone not worship you 24/7? Literal Goddess, can't possibly wait for your live, it's a shame others will se as well... can i get a private show?"
At first you found it rude to ask for a private show, then you just found it sweet. You bought a sunset lamp, so you intended to use it in your live.
When you started your live there were already thousands waiting. You opted for a setting that only let premium members write in the chat, there were still a lot of them, but it was way more managable this way. The camera turned on, sunset lamp set on you, you wore a white dress, which was more cottage core than secretary, your hair hanging on your shoulders as always. You were like a princess this time. And they did not fail to mention that. Of course there were some comments that just asked you to get naked and fuck yourself already, but your admins took care of those soon enough.
You didn't really need the money, but as adviced, by your best friend, you set price goals, as to when will you remove and what. You soon hit the first goal, slowly teasingly stripping yourself of the dress, revealing a white silk nightgown, revealing your collarbones, your neck. That's when Tinman40 dropped his first comment. He was a VIP member, so his comments were red colored.
"I wish i could be there to worship you"
You blushed hard seeing it, but he never had a chance to see that of course.
Soon enough they reached the next goal, which had you drop the nightgown, revealing a red lace bralette and matching panties. Your fair skin, the lights, the red of the lace was just simply dreamy. You slowly, caressed your skin, leaving goosebumps as you imagined a handsome man caressing you, worshipping you.
The rapid rising of your chest did not miss Tinman40's eyes, as he commented again.
"Are you thinking of me Peach? About how i'd caress you, how i'd kiss you, mark you up? I would pleasure you until you beg for me to stop."
You never talked, they never heard your voice, but you forgot you left the mic on. So he was able to hear the whimper that escaped you. He probably smirked to himself, as more and more goosebumps showed on your skin. You couldn't help but run your hands over your hardened nipples, and slide on down slowly to circle your aching nub slowly. Just before hitting the next goal, there was a comment again in red.
"I'll pay 10 grand if you turn this off and make yourself cum while thinking of me"
Your hand stopped. It was tempting. He knew you thought about it. So there was a ping on your phone, to let you know, he did transfer it. So you sent out a messeage, with a few spicy pictures you did for the 15k celebration. You felt brave, so you messeaged Tinman40. You had a platform where they can only message you, if you messaged them first.
"You're gonna have to give me more than a little think of me... " then you hit send, shutting your pc down, turning off the lights, and laying on your bed. Then your phone pinged. New messeage.
"Well, i'd rather be there to do this all, but i guess thiss will do. I can't believe you reached out. So happy."
Then another:
"I would pick you up, so youd had to have those legs around my waist, while i hold you, and kiss you so passionately you'd never want to let you go if not for air, my hands would roam around your heavenly body, slowly ridding you of your bra, before putting you gently on the bed. I'd kiss every inch of your skin, before kissing your still clothed mound, but surely those panties would be ruined by then, i'd get you new ones, but tear those down as well. I'd kiss every inch of your pussy, eat you like a starved man. God, i bet you are as sweet as you look. I nearly came just thinkin about it. When you came on my mouth, i'd slowly kiss my way up to capture your lips again, letting you taste yourself, before making you come on my fingers, i need to prepare you for me.. I just know you'd fit perfectly, gripping me thightly, not wanting to let go, and hell, i'd rather live buried deep in that pussy i promise. I'd start off slow... caresses, kisses.. Then gradually i'd pick up my pace... getting rougher, making you come the third time... Then i'd bring you on top of me, let you do what you want, in your pace, gripping your ass, making you feel just how much i want you... By the time of the 4th you'd only remember my name, but it's okay, there's nothing more i'd like to hear than those whimpers, and you moaning my name. I'd shoot my seed so deep, youd be leaking of me for days, making you smell of me, so everybody would know that you're mine..Then i'd clean you up a bit, before pulling you close so you could sleep safely in my arms, only to wake up there too.."
You shivered as you read that message slowly, trying to keep pace, pleasuring yourself. In the end you sent a picture of your now soaked bedding, as you know it was probably what he wanted anyways. Then went to shower. After you cleaned yourself, you took another look on your notifications, there was another message from him.
"Gosh, just how more perfect can you get, i'd love to make you squirt and moan my name.. I hope you had a great shower.. Sleep well Peach, sending you kisses. Hope your boyfriend takes care of you.. I know i would."
You smiled sadly at the message. You wish this were real. You wish someone like im would really care for you, not just paying for your content for his own pleasure.
"Just little old me alone here with my toys. It is alright, i wouldn't have time for anything else anyway. Main job taking all the time. But you sure did leave me with things to think about while using them.. "
Then you went to sleep.
Meanwhile in the avenger tower...
-Buck is everything alright, i heard noise.... shit sorry.. -Said Steve as barged into Bucky's room, only to find him cleaning himself up.
When he went to the kitchen to get water, Sam and Steve were watching a movie in the livingroom, so he joined.
-Assistant again huh?
-She messaged me you know.. - he said with a boyish smirk, as the two looked at eachother dumfounded.
-What? No way. I wished she messaged me months back.. So what happened?
-Well she wanted me to give her something to think of.. I mean.. i kinda made her shut the live down...
-THERE WAS A LIVE? - they asked in unison, already reaching for their phones.
-Well you can see her stripping her cute ass to underwear, the rest was .. private.. - he said as he showed them the pic of your ruined bedding.
The next day you were sitting in the conference room, cause there was a briefing, and since you were their assistant, you had to be there to make sure they'll know the information afterwards as well.
They greeted you, and you smiled at them, you hair in your usual bun. They never really took notice of you. You were just a plain assistant. Of course they were the avengers, they could get anyone. So they fell into conversation easily while waiting for Tony.
-I still can't believe she texted you man.. i mean that video.. gosh i wish i could've been there. - said Sam
-Well what can i say, i'm one lucky guy... - smirked Bucky.
-Well i mean.. that doesn't mean she'd ever let you get close to her tho.. Onlyfans is a thing, meeting is another.. Didn't you say she said that her main job doesn't let's her have a relationship anyways? Not to mention, i'd be sure pissed if 15k people saw daily whats mine. - said Steve. But you dropped your pen when you heard the story. Too many things matching. You said sorry as you picked it up, adjusting your glasses on the bridge of your nose. That's when Bucky notices your hair. It's the exact colour as the AssistantPeach's, and you're also an assistant. He raises one of his brows, but let's go of the thought as Tony enters.
-Good morning gentlemen, (Y/n). Before we start, please bring me a coffee (Y/n), thank you.
You do as Tony asks, not noticing Bucky checking you out. Even your form is matching hers.. He adjusts himself in his chair, earning looks from Sam and Steve. After the brief, you run out, as Tony asked you to check with Bruce for your yearly check up. It was mandatory that everyone working here would get themselves checked up yearly.
The assistant of Bruce asked you to unbotton your blouse so they can check your heart condition, as well as your lungs. You didn't notice Bucky watching you from outside. The shock on his face as he remembers the red lace bra you're wearing. He leaves to train, finding Sam and Steve there as well as Natasha.
-I was right, it's her.. - he says.
-Who? - Natasha asks.
-Buck thinks our assistant is the girl he talked to on Onlyfans. - said Sam smirking.
-Well she was wearing that red bra today.. -he said, before landing a blow in the side of Steve.
-So you not only being a creep and pay for Onlyfans, you peep on one of your colleagues just cause she happens to have the same bra? Way to be a creep Buck. - Nat shouts laughing.
-But i can find out for you if you're really that smitten. - she says smirking.
-Oh he is smitten.. but i won't say i dont understand.. - says Steve as he shows her the picture with the peaches.
-Shit... Well i mean.. if we are working with her.. i sure want a bite of that peach... - she says.
-Don't you dare Romanov... - Bucky threatens.
The next morning Bucky finds you chatting over a coffee with Natasha. And decides to just listen in a little bit. Making sure she's not making any moves on you.
-So then what about beer with the team on friday? You're just as much a teammate as the rest of us.. I mean.. where would we be without your brains (Y/n)? - she flirts. -Bring your boyfriend too.
-What boyfriend Nat? You know i spend like all my time here. Who would possibly put up with a workaholic. But i can do friday night though. I have the weekend off for once. - you say.
-Good then i still have a chance. - she wink at you before leaving. You just mutter a small "What the fuck was that" , and it makes Bucky smile.
-Hey Peach, could you help me with yesterday's brief? You were so pretty i forgot. - came in Sam.
-I can, and no need to flatter me Sam, you never pay attention in there. - you laughed as you reached for the notes you took, giving them to him.
-I heard you're coming on friday. Still can't believe you never came to these.. - he said smiling.
When he left, you checked your clothing. Something must be out of place. Everyone started to be flirty, and you couldn't quite place it. Everything was modest and business-y so you just put the thought aside. They surely didn't flirt with you.
Friday in the pub...
You entered the pub a little later than what was agreed on. Tinman40 messaged, asking what are you doing tonight, he said he hopes noone will charm you away from him. You opted for saying that they wouldn't get far, since you still don't have time for a relationship anyways.
You were smushed between Steve and Bucky, their cologne making you almost dizzy. They smelled amazing, and their closeness were making you all kinds of hot. They were handsome, and waaaay out of your league. You wore a little black dress, your leather jacket. Which nearly showed your butt as Sam twirled you upon arriving, while he whistled, saying how good you looked.
Nat had an idea of truth or dare. You were always afraid of truths, so you mostly opted for dare. That's how you ended up, taking a shot of tequila, with the salt and lemon waiting to be licked off of Steve's face.
All of you were tipsy at this point. You were giggling that you indeed finished the dare. Steve adjusted himself and smirked at the team.
-Well i would lie if i said that wasn't sexy as fuck.. Glad you're not going for truths girl. -he said winking, making you blush.
Next up was Sam. He chose truth.
-What is one thing you think you should be ashamed of, but you arent? - you asked.
-Good one (Y/n).. - he said - i think it's the fact that even tho i don't think anyone would deal with an avenger boyfriend, i find enough pleasure on onlyfans.. - you snort at his answer.
-What? it's no shame.. - he says laughing.
After a few truths and Steve's dare, it's you again. You chose truth, surprising everybody. But now you had enough drinks in you to be brave.
Nat was the one asking.
-If you could have any fantasy or story became real life, what would it be?
-Ugh well... thats a hard question.
-Sexual! - she giggled.
-Oh geez, straight in there are you... let's see.. i think one that one of my subscribers told me a while ago. - you say, instantly blushing. The corner of Bucky's lips moving into a smug halfsmile.
-What subscribers doll? - Sam asks with a toothy grin.
-One question per truths Mr. Wilson. - you say giggling. But at this point they were all sure you were the one that now they all followed on Onlyfans.
-You up Tinman, truth or dare? - Steve asked Bucky, as your eyes widened. No, no no, this can't be. Why would they be on there. Why would he be on there? You saw a different intern hanging off of him every day. Surely it's a coincidence.
-Dare. - he said taking a swing of his bottle.
-I Dare you toooooo.... hm.. what do i dare you to... oh right, tequila shot, with the salt and lemon on (Y/n) neck. - he said winking. You were possibly too out of it to realize what it ment, until you felt his lips on your your neck, lingering a bit too long, making you remember the message your subscriber sent, while you squeezed your thighs together, a whimper nearly escape your mouth. You immeadiately needed another shot, amking the others laugh.
-What? - you asked.
When it was your turn again you opted for the safe dare. This time you were dared by Natasha to show a nude pic of yourself. Well it's nothing that 15k people didn't see already. You showed her the now infamous one with the peaches. Her eyes widened, but before the guys could see why, you locked your phone.
-Jesus (Y/n), that's hot as fuck. - she said, clinking her glass to yours, you winking at her. You excused yourself to go to the ladiesroom.
-Guys.. it's her. -Nat said, all of the guys chin's falling to the ground.
-Game on then. - Steve said smirking.
When you came back, there were 3 sets of eyes on you.
-What? Did something happen? - you asked.
-Nothing doll, come sit. Let's continue the game. - Bucky said, putting his hand on your side, making you shiver as he helped you back to your previous position, smushed between the supersoldiers.
-Bucky, truth or dare? - you asked smiling at him.
-Kiss anyone in the group, for at least 10 seconds. - you said, thinking he'll go for Steve since they are in a relationship already.
But then he slowly snaked a hand behind your back, while the other going on your neck before he crashed his lips on yours, this was already more than 10 seconds, but he didn't want to let you go. He only did when Sam said to get a room. You nearly whimpered at the loss of contact, but then looked guilty-ly at Steve, but you only saw his smirking face as he caressed your shoulder. Only then did you notice that his hand was over your shoulder while Bucky was kissing you.
Nat was out of it at this point so Sam decided he'll just help her back to the tower. Steve and Bucky stayed behind with you.
After another shot, Steve looked at you and said:
-Well i sure as hell regret not peeping on the picture you showed to Nat...
You were drunk as hell so you thought it wouldn't matter if they saw. 15k people already did anyways.
-Here look, i mean.. 15k people already saw it, what's two more. - you smiled.
Bucky wasn't looking just took another shot.
-Sorry, i know you're not interested, i just.. i don't know why i said two more. - you said, putting a strand of hair behind your ears. Chuckling. Why would he be interested anyways.
-Oh i am doll, but i already saw it. - he said smirking.
-What? Where? - you asked as the color left your face.
-Well.. let's just say that you stopped your live cause of me. - he smirked, as you hid your face in your hands.
-Geeez.. Please stop joking guys.
-I'm not doll, but i sure as hell wasnt joking in your dm-'s either.. - he said getting closer to you, inhaling near your neck, sending a shiwer down your spine.-I'd love to show oyu just how much this is not a joke...
-That doesn't change the facts that i'm not looking for a one night stand, nor do i have time for more.
-Let us take you out on a date tomorrow.. We might be able to change your mind..- Steve whispered before kissing just under your ear. You could feel Bucky's breath on your lips, as he whispered -Give us a chance doll, you wouldn't regret it... - and you couldn't help but nod, as he captured your lips again.
The next morning you wake up with a splitting headache, when you hear knocks on your door. You put your gown on, as you go to open your door. Only to find Steve and Bucky smiling. One with coffee, the other with aspirin. You are too sleepy and hungover to care, so you invite them in.
-Can we postpone the date? I don't think i'll be able to leave the house today. Gosh i'm dying... how are you two not dying... ?
-Serum doll... but it's alright, we can stay and take care of you.. - Bucky said, voice sow low, you nearly whimpered.
You groaned - You can go and like rummage through my undies and shit, just let me die out here... and like close the curtains please, i'm getting blind...
They laughed looking at you. Bucky took two aspirins and a bottle of cold water and kneeled next to your suffering form.
-Take these doll, and when it's better we can watch a movie or something. We don't have to go anywhere. - he said while gently caressing the side of your face.
-You don't even like me, why are you being like this? - you murmured softly. You really did not understand. -I .. i mean you both have interns hanging off your arms right or left. Each prettier than before.. and I'm just me... - you said with your eyes closed.
-Doll, did you ever see any of us doing anything with them at all? Only you have nickname as well...
-You never paid me any mind, why would i thought you want something? Sure we would've flirted over onlyfans, not even knowing we worked together.
-Well i have had my suspicions, and you seem pretty unapproachable at work, so we had to find a way... - Bucky said as he took your hand.
-Think about it, come on a few dates with us, see how it feels, then we can go from there. We work at the same place, i'm sure we can figure the times out.. - said Steve which made you look at them.
-I-is this some kind of joke? - you say sitting up, facing them.
They chuckle.
-..Did the kiss at the bar feel like a joke to you (Y/n)? - Bucky asked as his blue orbs almost turned entirely black, while you couldn't hel but blush as you bit down your lip.
-Then what about what Steve said? If this is going to work, yall have to deal with me not quitting onlyfans... - you looked at them.
Steve slowly started to unbutton his shirt, revealing his upperbody. Damn, he really was like a god.
-Well, i thought about that.. As long as they know you're ours i wouldn't mind... I mean... i think this - he motions to his body - would look pretty good next to your perfect little body... And i much rather see me and Buck fill you up instead of your toys... -he said smirking, as Bucky started to caress upwards on your thigh. You hid your face in your hands to prevent them from seeing you blush.
-Cat got your tongue sweetheart? - Bucky murmured as he placed a kiss to your knee, looking at you with so much attraction.
-I just.. It's hard to grasp that this is not a joke... Also... you kissing me and him being shirtless is pretty distracting.. -you said.
They looked at eachother smirking before Steve scooped you up, heading towards your bedroom. He wasn't looking at the way, he was staring into your eyes before you slowly kissed him. The next thing you know, you are standing in your bedroom, sandwiched between them, as they kiss you anywhere they can, while Steve slowly got rid of your robe. Bucky took a step back, adoring the body he saw on the pictures, finally before him, within his grasp.
Well damn - said Steve, making you giggle as he looked over your body. You felt a little selfconscious before they practically jumped at you. Hands all over, nearly overwhelming with all their kisses. You were gently put in your bed, as Steve continued to kiss you, caress you where he could, before you felt small kisses going towards where you needed them the most. Bucky slowly, teasingly made his way up to where he wanted to be for months now. With his first fat lick you moaned into Steve's mouth, grabbing his bicep harder, making him smile into the kiss, before he went down to your neck.
-Sweet like peaches man.. sweet like peaches... - Bucky said as he indeed ate you out like a starving man, and you knew this was the day he and Steve will make that dream come true...
2 months later...
-Steve where did you hide my vibrator again? -you asked frustrated. You just hit 50k and were supposed to go live again, this time staying.
-Well i throw it away. - he stated, standing in the door of your bedroom with his hands crossed in front of your chest.
-Then how am i supposed to go live now? Jesus Steve... - you said as you started to rummage through your sex-stuff. You didn't realize he slowly walked up to you, only when he put a blindfold over your eyes.
He whispered into your ears.
-It's about time they know you're in good hands baby.. - before leading you back to your bed, tying your hands above your head to the headboard.
-Now be good, and stay silent.. we don't want them to know our names now do we? - he asked in a low growl and you just nodded, wetness already pooling in your white lace panties. Then you heard Bucky's extremely low voice.
-Hey guys, thank you for subscribing to our godess's page, we thought we'd surprise you and her as well today for hitting 50k... The live will be different this time.. There will be no goals, but you can pay to make us do certain things to her, listed under the live below... She doesn't know any of them so make sure she'll enjoy it in the meantime.. Oh and another little rule.. Honey, you are not allowed to cum until the end of the live... so fellas... enjoy.
This sent a shiver down your spine. This newfound excitement was entirely something else.
-Aaaand there is the first donation baby.. do you want to know what is it? - Steve asked and you nodded. They wore masks, because this would surely coulnd't be managed without them...
-It was from Romanov.. - he said chuckling, realizing that your friends are watching as well.. - and she wants us to rid you of your cute little underwear, then B here, will slowly, play with your sweet little folds before insterting one finger.. - your breath hitched.
Being blindfolded meant hightened senses.. which meant you were closer than you thought you are. As you started fluttering around Bucky's finger he pulled it out, leaving you squirming for more. That made them chuckle.
-Poor baby... did you want to cum? -Bucky murmured as he licked you off of his fingers.
The laptop you used pinged, notifying you all of another donation. This made Bucky smirk.
-Well honey, don't your subscribers love you so much... Birdman here asked you to be so kind and warm S-'s cock for him.. No moving though. - he said, making you whimper instantly, as you felt Steve move behind you, propping you up until he aligned himself with your tight little cunt, and slowly pushing you down on it, only stopping when he was fully in you as he took hold of your legs, taking them as far apart as he could, showing you off to the camera and Bucky. Bucky smirked, as he saw you welcome Steve fully, your folds glistening, and he couldn't help but draw a small circle on your aching nub with his thumb, making you moan and flutter around Steve.
-Damn man, she's gripping me so thight... - he said with a growl, and you accidentally started to grind on him. Then there was a slap on both your inner thighs.
-Tsk Tsk Tsk honey... what did i say about not moving just warming? - asked Bucky as you whimpered. Well you may not even be allowed to cum after the live ends now... be a good girl and tell your little fans here how S feels..
-S-s-so big... so full.. -you said as you fluttered around him again, making him grab your thighs a little rougher. This will surely leave marks. He run his nose down your neck before kissing it.
-Well honey if you keep fluttering around me s'much i won't be able to hold back either... - he said but before you could react there was another ping.
Bucky chuckled.
-Well Romanov surely would like you to lose this game honey.. -was all he said, before you nearly cum. His tongue started to slowly lap on your clit, making you flutter around Steve, and he couldn't help but thurst a few.
-S-so close.. - you whimpered as they stopped and stilled immediately. -please... - you pleaded.
Then there was a vip comment... You didn't know but it was the team's lawyer, Andy, whom you worked with frequently. He knew about your Onlyfans, he always checks everybody he works with.. and you were his favourite free-time activities.
"I'll pay yall 25 grand if you make her squirt on his cock."
-Well what do you say honey, can you squirt for ABlaywer? - Bucky asked, and you were nodding rapidly, tears soaking into the blindfold.
Thats when Bucky's hand started to play with your clit, the other with your nipple, while Steve started to thurst in and out of you in the most delicious way, while one of his hand went up to your throat.
You started to grip him thightly, moaning loudly but you weren't quite there yet, or so you thought, but then Bucky held your hitachi wand to your clit, making you scream and squirt all over Steve's cock and legs almost immediately, leaving you quietly shaking in his hold, as Bucky licked your clit a few times. Making you moan loudly.
-Well so much for not letting her cum until the end.. -Steve said.
-It's alright.. we can switch it up to make her cum so many times, she begs for us to stop... -Bucky smirked all evil.
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wawamouse · 3 months
Oz Rewatch 3: S3E03: Legs
Apparently when we were watching 2x03, I typed something wrong into google and thought THAT episode was titled “Legs”… We even wondered why the episode was titled “Legs”. Turns out, that episode was titled “Great Men” and THIS episode is titled “Legs”…which makes a LOT more sense—2x03 was the episode that Glynn was being a bastard to Miguel for personal reasons.
Anyway, these week’s storylines are as follows:
Gloria goes to the news about the negligence of Garvey and the attempted suicide of Miguel; Devlin does damage control; Garvey is removed from Oz
Stanislofsky arrives at Oz
On Death Row, Shirley suggests to Richie to take Schillinger down with him
McManus visits Snake on Death Row; inmates discuss Coyle; McManus visits Augustus in PC; Coyle is killed on Nappa’s orders; Pierce and Wangler plot revenge
Ricardo issues—feeling abandoned, trouble with Hughes
Said hunger strike continues; wins points
Howell and McManus argument; McManus tries to get Glynn to fire Howell
Murphy becomes the new supervisor of Em City; O’Reily problems; Murphy and O’Reily bond about being Irish; Murphy agrees to give pointers about Cyril’s boxing training
Pasquin vs Pacamo first boxing match (Biker vs Italians)
Aunt Brenda comes to visit Ryan and Cyril; worried about the boxing outcomes, Ryan decides to bribe one of he christians to give him drugs to drug the water bottles; Cyril wins against Robson
Bob diabtes problems; Bsumalis spits in his own food to put off Schillinger; Rebadow meets his son and grandson
Nappa has HIV, moves into Unit E
Keller post stabbing; starts to see Sister Pete; Beecher reveals that he (possibly) (probably) was the one to stab Stabler
Andrew Peter Schillinger arrives. Tobias sighs according to the captions. But it looks like laughter
if my points in this suck an there’s typos it’s because I can’t feel my face rn lol especially near the end of things
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Sister: When did she start wearing sweater? She’s turning into the priest guy. They share a wardrobe?
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Sister: That means nothing
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I always thought it was kind of funny to have Miguel looking so damn cozy in the hospital ward but Sister pointed out that they were probably just doing it to cover Miguel's neck/not wanting to do bruise make up or having failed to do it convincingly
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Sister: oh, she’s making one of those Nazi arm band things?
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Sister; That guy’s the leader of the latinos now? Me: No Sister: Oh so the other guy is just lazy about showing up to things? Me: Maybe he’s in the hole. Sister: And he has the nerve to tell Miguel he’s not brown enough…
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Sister: What’s he going to do with that basket anyway? Me: He could fashion it into a weapon… Sister: Make a trojan horse. An even gianter gift basket that he hides inside...
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Sister: Can you be on HBP medication and not eat? Me: I think they just forgot about that
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I still don't understand tbh. What’s the implication here? That he’s going to bite off the rest?
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Sister: I thought he said 'bitches not around'.... Me: Same
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Sister: (rolling around) This is so BORING… you’re not the Joker… Carry ON….
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Sister: This guy was a serial killer in Bones. He ate people, I think.
Stray Thoughts
I had forgotten what Stanislofsky’s crime was but I didn’t remember it be Possession of Stolen Good with Intent to Sell lol
Sister thinks the inmates are far too impressed with Miss Sally’s assets; “If they saw real pin up girls their heads would explode”.
Ricardo fucked someone’s cousin at a wake; sex at wakes seems to be a surprising trend in this show
Carlo shirt; same style as a shirt Chico has in season 6. Then again Jaz Hoyt has the same shirt in one episode of s4 or s5 (more likely). I like to think they sell it in the commissary
Tony Masters wearing a shirt that say “I <3 Cops”… Ironic?
Brenda's “You got the devil in you” bit always reminds me of the “Ya just like ya fatha” vine.
TINy LITTLE CHCO CLAPS ( edit: ok my bad, he wasn’t clapping, he was rubbing his hands together like a little housefly)
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oh wow Fiona’s unitard had a g-string. work
Narrator says he was a sprinter. Is he speaking as Augustus?
The fact that I managed to not misspell everyone names in this write up (Caught them all, anywya)…. I think I kept calleing Augustus McAllister lol And Elliot Stabler
Jorge is always in the background of Library scenes, I’ve noticed. Literate king.
Not enough Miguel? I kept Rick Dalton pointing at the screen whenever Chico was there because I am 😭 somewhat Inebriated at this point
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pualaha · 2 years
i drive alone past your street
I wrote this a year ago and meant to post it then, but I was going through a rough time, so here it is!! I am really excited for it!
a/n: hello friends! so here is the first fic on this page. this was requested a while ago on elena’s page, but y’all know what happened sooooooo. anyway, please enjoy this song fic of Olivia Rodridgo’s song, “Drivers License”. however, this was really long and the timeline does not match the one in the show (we made most of this up as we went lol), so please understand the mistakes there might be. we love you guys <3. 
!⚠️TW⚠️!: breakups, foul language, drugs, drinking, sexual assault, 
mentions of: sweet pea (obvi), pretty much all of the teens in riverdale, pop tate, fp jones.
meanings of abbreviations: y/n- your name, y/l/n- your last name, y/m/n- your middle name, y/ms/n- your mother’s name, y/d/n- your dad’s name, y/b/n- your brother’s name, y/s/n- your sister’s name, y/n/n- your nick name.
word count (including lyrics): 3,664
type of fic: angsty/ sad
sweet pea x female serpent reader
bold: lyrics
italics: flashbacks
bold italics: alternate reality
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I got my driver's license last week Just like we always talked about 'Cause you were so excited for me To finally drive up to your house
you were beyond ecstatic. finally, you had your own freedom- a drivers license! you called your best friend, toni, to tell her the good news. she told you to go to pops chock’lit shoppe to celebrate, the place with the best milkshakes in all of america- or so you liked to believe. 
you got to your destination and walked inside ready for a fun, but relaxing evening with your best friend. one that you had needed for a while. however when you walked inside there was a loud bang and people shouting ‘surprise’. shocked, you started laughing and ran to toni. of course, you were happy to see your serpent family celebrating a huge milestone in your life, but you were looking for the person who you had been missing the most. someone who was so excited for you to get your license so you could drive to his house instead of walk at night- sweet pea. sadly, you knew he wouldn’t be there. you had broken up two weeks ago and he would be with the, well what you serpents called the north side queen, josie mccoy. 
after the party, that lasted way too long for your liking, you drove along the south side of riverdale. you claimed that you just wanted to get of feel of the car you had already been driving even before you were legally allowed to, but in reality, you wanted to see if he was home and if he was, was she with him. the answer to both of those questions happened to be yes, making your heart break on a day that it was supposed to make it rejoice.
But today I drove through the suburbs Crying 'cause you weren't around  
a week had passed since you got your license and truly you were so thankful for being able to drive. you could clear your head, go to parties, have car sleepovers, which happened more often than many believed, and now that school had started- drive to school. since it was the start of a new school year meant you could meet new people and get your mind off of sweet pea, which was impossible to do. since your circle ran so closely.
every time the serpents were together, josie was always there with him. even in the most important and secretive meetings, she was there and no one seemed to care. things were worse at school, though. sweet pea no longer sat with you and your friends and almost every time you turned a corner, there they were all over each other. he was never this touchy with you and that hurt the worst. what did she have? ‘everything.’ you thought.
you, along with toni, fangs, cheryl, betty, archie, jughead, and veronica, sat in the commons area, talking and laughing. you wanted to laugh and have fun, but you just stared out the window at the two unlikely lovers. 
“earth to y/n,” fangs, one of your best friends snapped his fingers in front of your face.
you shook your head, “sorry.”
“what’re you thinking about?” he furrowed his eyebrows.
“how are you guys so okay with this,” you pointed to sweet pea and josie, “i mean he doesn’t even talk to you guys when i’m around. how are you not hurting?” everyone turned to you, but fangs and toni looked at the ground.
“of course it hurts, but we weren’t involved with SP like you were, we didn’t have that connection with him, babe. however, that doesn’t mean i wouldn’t love to see them break up.” toni sighed. tears brimmed your eyes as you saw them laugh, like throwing their heads back type of laugh. 
you picked up your stuff abruptly, accidentally hitting the window hard, “i just remembered that i have to go.”
everyone looked at you with confusion, except for sweet pea who looked a little bit guilty, but that expression didn’t last long.
getting into your car, you started to scream and cry. you let everything out. finally, you decided to go to yours and sweet pea’s favorite- scratch that, used to be favorite- spot. neither of you had been there since the breakup. it was on the north side of riverdale, in the woods. you two went there because to you, it felt like you guys didn’t belong to the wrong side of the tracks. 
there was a little fort you guys built that had blankets, pillows, and a cooler. everything was in the same place, more run down and messy, but almost nothing had changed. it reflected you perfectly- broken with signs of him left around. the blankets and pillows reeked but you didn’t care. you snuggled into them, laying in the woods of the riverdale suburbs and cried. you cried until you feel asleep, your mind drifting into another memory. 
And you're probably with that one girl Who always made me doubt She's so much better than me She's everything I'm insecure about
a meeting had been called at the whyte wyrm. you were dreading it but only because you were dreading seeing sweet pea and josie, but they never showed up. you hated that, which was weird. you thought that if they weren’t around you’d feel better, but you didn’t because at least when they were there you could see what was happening. you knew what they were doing, where they were and whatnot, but they were gone, you didn’t know anything now. which scared you more than seeing them together. 
honestly, you weren’t surprised about him breaking up with you and going to her, you knew it was only a matter of time. she had clear skin, lived on the north side, could drive months before you could, she was taller, her hair was much prettier and fuller than yours, hell she could sing, and her body. her body was crafted by aphrodite herself. everything about her was desirable. and although you were trying to convince yourself that you were surprised, you weren't.
Yeah, today I drove through the south side 'Cause how could I ever love someone else?
today was the day of a bonfire. you had no idea why the serpents were throwing one, but they really didn’t need a reason. 4 weeks, 4 days, 19 hours, 10 minutes, and 50 seconds, that was how long you two had been broken up. you should’ve been over him by now. 
“hey topaz, fogarty, y’all wanna get plastered?” you raised a cocky smile. this was the first thing you had said since you got there. the two looked at you, knowing this would be a bad idea, but you needed it. 
“you’re so on, y/l/n!” Fangs jumped up and ran to get beers.
toni scooted closer to you and grabbed your hand, “hey, love, are you sure this is a good idea?”
“toni, it’s been almost 5 weeks, i should be over him!”
‘y/n, girl, you guys dated for more than two years, you shouldn’t be over him, not even close.” you shrugged her hand off.
“please, t, let me do this, i need this. plus it won’t take me long to get drunk, i am a lightweight!” you both laughed as fangs came back, arms full of beer. 
“you ready, serpent goddess?” he eyed you. 
toni looked at him with a lost look, “did you just call her ‘serpent goddess’?”
“uh yeah. what do your ears not work? she is the daughter of two of the most respected serpents and her family has been in the serpents the longest- she has a pure serpent bloodline.”
you smiled, “okaaay, fangs, i like that. prepare to lose to the serpent goddess.” you all laughed. unbeknownst to you, a dark-haired boy was looking at his old friends missing them, but mainly looking at you, wishing you could be friends again. 
a few hours later and 5 beers down, you were drunk off your ass. so badly that you were flirting with almost everyone you saw. it was all fun and games until someone grabbed your butt. 
“woah,” you shook your head looking around to see who did that.
“sorry, princess, ya jus look too good to not talk ta,” a random serpent smiled with ugly crooked teeth.
“um, don‘t, please.” you whispered to the ground.
“wha was that, ya’re gon have ta speak up,” he lifted your face.
“hey! you heard her, she said leave.” you were cut off by him. something you never expected. your eyes grew wide. 
“wha’d ya say boy?”
“i said leave her alone, it’s not that hard.” by now everyone had stopped talking to look at what was unraveling before their eyes. FP started making his way to the center.
“what is going on?” the big man yelled.
“nothin’." the crooked smiled man snarled.
“that’s what i thought, y’all go back to doing what you were.” FP yelled to the crowd, making them disperse leaving the two of you alone in the middle.
“are you okay, y/n/n?” sweet pea went to grab your arm.
“i’m fine.” you dead panned, jerking your am away. he lifted his arms in surrender and walked away. you turned around wondering why he came to your rescue, of course you were thankful for that, but he hadn’t made a move to talk to you since the breakup.
And I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me 'Cause you said forever now I drive alone past your street
“shut up, sweet pea! you annoy the hell out of me!” you screamed at him.
“i annoy you? really? dude, imagine what it’s like to be with you! you are so whining all the time! that’s all you ever do! bro i am so tired of it.” he slammed his fist into the table. you flinched back, “did you just flinch? is that what you think of me, y/n? that i would hit you?”
“what- no- baby-”
“ya’know maybe we do need to break up. i think that’d be for the best.”
“what? no sweets, please-”
“leave. you can get your stuff tomorrow.” he faced the opposite direction. you were both crying, and despite your whole body screaming at you to run to him and stay, you turned around and left. something neither of you expected. something else that surprised you both was the fact that he didn’t run after you.
it had been a bad day, a really bad day. on top of the breakup, your parents were going through a rough patch. your dad would go on these drinking sprees. they never lasted more than 2 weeks, but what he did during those two weeks, only he knew, and he claimed he was too drunk to remember anything so you never knew what he did. 
sweet pea normally helped you when your dad went wild. no one else knew, you didn’t want people to feel bad for you or think badly of your parents. you were, like fangs put it, the serpent goddess. you were one of the only people who had married parents that seemed to love each other, you lived in a house- not anything like the north side but a house nonetheless, your grades were exceptional and you were sitting in the top 5 of your class. everything on the outside made it seem like you were the ‘perfect’ south side girl. so there was no way anyone else could know.
you had just gotten home from school to find your dad gone and your mom bawling on the couch, which sucked. there was no way you could deal with that mess at the moment. this made the already terrible day, worse. but at least home had your bed and no one could pick on you like everyone at school had decided to do today. especially cheryl. although you were toni’s best friend, that never stopped the red head from treating you like scum. 
finally you were in your room, able to sleep but you noticed crumbled up paper on your floor. your room was a mess, but this seemed out of place, mainly because you hadn’t seen it there before. confused, you started to unravel it when you saw the words, ‘my girl’. of course sweet pea copied it from the actual song, but he did because he knew how much you loved both the movie and song. 
you had made up your mind, seeing him was your best option. you needed to know why he didn’t run after you when you broke up and why he saved you at the bonfire. getting in the car you kept on talking yourself up and saying that he wanted to talk too. so you drove to his house. thankfully, josie wasn’t there. you walked up to the door, then chickened out. no you couldn’t do that, it was too hard. however, it was like the universe wanted to laugh in your face, sweet pea opened the door.
“y/n/n?” he asked.
“sweet pea, hey.”
“what’re you doing here?”
you looked around, wondering what to do with your hands because they suddenly felt awkward and sweaty, “i shouldn’t have come, you’re probably on your way to see josie and i don’t want to keep you.” you turned around.
“hey, y/n, wait.”
“yes?” hope.
“please don’t, come here i mean. it’s rough for the both of us. and i know this has been really hard for you, so spare us both the pain.” and it was gone.
“are you serious right now? you’re hurting? sure.”
sweet pea rolled his eyes, “i know it doesn’t look like it, but i am.”
“are you sure,” you scoffed, “ because you seem to be real happy.”
“also why the hell did you get so protective of me at the bonfire?”
“because you were making a fool of yourself!”
tears rolled down your face and in the quietest voice, you said, “how are you so okay? because i’m not.”
“don’t sweet pea! don’t call me that! i’m so sorry. i-i’m gonna go now.”
And all my friends are tired Of hearing how much I miss you but I kinda feel sorry for them 'Cause they'll never know you the way that I do
“y/n, get up,” toni yelled through the window in your room. it was sunday, days after you tried to confront sweet pea. you didn’t leave your room bed when someone called, you wouldn’t let someone in your room. it had pissed your mom off. when your dad was going through his phase, you were her rock, but now both you and your father were down in rabbit holes and she didn’t know how to fix it.
“no,” you croaked, too quiet, but toni still responded.
“you have to get up one day,” the pink-haired girl groaned.
“come on girl, lets go get milkshakes,” fangs yelled, too loud.
toni audibly hit his arm, “shut up dufus, she can hear you just fine.”
you just sighed, you hadn’t been talking or moving for days so your body and throat ached, but you could ignore the pain- it was a super power that everyone in riverdale possessed. finally you had noticed silence and prayed that it would stay that way, you weren’t ready to see people, but there your friends were kneeling before your bed with faces of pity. you didn’t even hear them come in, too engrosed in your thoughts.
you shook your head, avoiding eye contact with them, looking through them like they were glass. then the tears came again. you were surprised that you still had the water left in your body to cry. you literally hadn’t moved from the position you were in since you got in it. the bed fit around you perfectly, like it was engulfing you, whispering, “stay, i won’t hurt you. stay.” so you stayed. 
crying and mourning the broken relationship 24/7 made you feel like your friends would get tired of you. you believed that soon enough they would leave you and honestly, you were thankful. the faster they left, the more you could hurt and get over it. right now was the perfect time to leave. yet, there was still a tiny part that had hoped they’d be with you every moment. luckily it was the latter. 
taking a deep breath in, you whispered, “please don’t leave me.” your mouth betrayed your mind, but you didn’t care, you needed them with you.
Yeah, today I drove through the suburbs And pictured I was driving home to you
“hi baby! i’m home!” you shouted to your soon-to-be husband. 
sweet pea came running around the corner to pick you up, “i have missed you so much, did you know that?” 
smiling, you responded,  “baby you are the definition of ‘golden retriever boyfriend’. i loved you.”
“i love you, too, pretty girl,” his expression turned serious, “seriously, everyday i see you a-and your beauty just amazes me. i truly am so lucky. some would even say, the luckiest man in the world.”
“you are too good to me, mr. sweet pea.”
he licked your face, becoming playful again, “i know, mrs. sweet pea.” 
“eww,” you tried to wiggle from his grip, “this is what i mean by golden retriever boyfriend, you’re a dog!”
“oh baby girl, i can show you dog,” he winked. you made a disgusted face.
“absolutely not.” you both laughed.
“i can’t wait until you come home to me everyday,” he whispered, dragging you to the couch.
confused, you said, “i already do.”
“no, no, i mean like- when we’re married and we can leave this place and move to a beautiful city. a real home.”
“sweet pea, i don’t care where we go. you are my home.”
Red lights Stop signs I still see your face In the white cars Front yards
Can't drive past the places We used to Go to 'Cause I still fucking love you, babe
it felt like you’d hit every single red light on the way home from school. which of course it wasn’t that many, but sitting in your car felt like forever. you looked out the window to see a white bmw. this reminded you of sweet pea, who told you how it was his favorite car and that he wanted to buy one someday. then you saw his face, in the driver's side of the car. the license plate read, ‘SerPent’. clever. of course, next to him was the girl you wanted so badly to hate, and kind of did- josie mccoy. 
he parked and ran over to her door, opening it and bowing, like a knight. something he never cared to do for you. she had a cute little picnic basket hanging on one of her arms and a blanket on the other. he grabbed the blanket and sat it down on the beautiful green grass, making you realize it was the front of josie’s house. her house was huge, definitely more than two stories. it was white all around with those roman columns supporting the balcony on the second floor. it amazed you and no doubt amazed him, too. 
the curly-haired girl looked at you and smiled, giving a little wave. you just nodded your head, and drove away when the light finally turned green. you went to the old drive-in movie that closed down a while back. this was the first place you ever had sex. it was the best night of your life. opening up to sweet pea about your non-existent sex life took months, so when you were redy to have sex with him, he was slow and sweet- passionate. you were thankful it closed down because him sharing the only thing that the two of you had left with someone would kill you. that was your experience with him. yours.
Sidewalks We crossed I still hear your voice In the traffic We're laughing Over all the noise God, I'm so blue Know we're through But I still fucking love you, babe
“baaaaaabyyyyy,” sweet pea cried out. you two were in toni’s truck getting back from a date in greendale, currently stuck in traffic. “baby please look at me.”
you ignored him and looked out at the window. you were pissed at him for getting into another fight before you left the restaraunt. 
“y/n, look, baby, i truly am sorry-”
“save it, sweet pea,” you deadpanned. of course, right when you wanted to be angry, your favorite song turned on. sweet pea smiled and turned the volume up way too loud. then, in an effort to make you laugh, he started belting out the words, messing up multiple times. 
‘haha! see, y/n/n, i see you smiling over there!” 
“shut up, whore,” you laughed. he tickled your sides as you begged for him to stop. finally, he did.
“hey, but in all seriousness, i am sorry, but i swear i’ve been working on it.”
“i know, my love, and i’m so proud of you,” you kissed his cheek.
then he grabbed your chin, pulling you back to kiss his lips, “i love you, pretty girl.”
“i love you, too.”
'Cause you said forever now I drive alone past your street Yeah, you said forever now I drive alone past your street
 father pea <3:
‘foreverrrrrr, i promise. rat’
you looked at your messages with sweet pea. the last text between you too in 7 weeks. you let out a chuckle at his name. remembering how he asked you to him daddy, but you couldn’t do it without laughing, thinking about saying, ‘ father pea’ instead. 
“i love you, too. rat,” you cried, in a small voice, “forever.”
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jjongolese · 2 years
(Spoiler for Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story — up until episode 7, also there’s a bit of a rant)
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Disclaimer: Just to let you know that I’m not one of those fangirls that falls in love with serial killers, this is just me simply commenting on a part of the movie. This does not mean that I condone anything that he had done or even justifying what he did. I’m just a normal guy that is very honest about my opinions and just wanted to express that.
I do give my condolences to the families and friends of victims that are affected by Jeffrey Dahmer though.
Update: I just found out that the part that I spoke about with Tony and Jeffrey didn’t actually happen. He basically lured him into his house like literally every other victims. It’s quite sad that Netflix would make a movie out of something that real and is still affecting families and would get some details wrong. I could see why they changed it slightly for the dramatic effects, but this shouldn’t be taken lightly as it should.
Although I am upset that Netflix would do such a thing and not even at least fact check, I will keep my vent up since I did wanted to let it out. Also, I do wanted to make people not feel alone in this since I also really liked them together.
Please note that I didn’t make this post out of disrespect since this is me reacting to a movie adaptation that I watched. Any misinformation, I will address.
I can’t be the only one that shipped Jeffrey and Tony together. It had seemed as if he found someone that understands him and would do the same back.
I even loved how when they saw each other they would literally hugged and then their little moments on that date. They were smiling and giggling at each other. I really thought this was when we could finally see that he could find this “missing person” that makes him feel like someone after going through a lot of trauma growing up, especially with the fact that he has been an outcast from his high school class where people would bully him so much that they would literally scribble him out of the yearbook.
Even the part where he didn’t ended up drugging him, I thought that was when he finally realised that he did found this person he was looking for all these years and that he could finally change it up. Or even if he doesn’t change, he could still be partners in crime as they would lure more victims in for threesomes or orgies and then drug them before killing them or something. At this point, I didn’t care. As long as Tony would be alive and be Jeffrey’s boyfriend, that was all I ever wanted, and I’d be so glad to hear that.
Sadly, his anger and detachment issues got the best of him as he still couldn’t get the hint that people has lives and needed to work, so he just murdered him just like that.
The moment I found out that Tony died, my heart sank. This was his best match and all of his interactions with the man was nothing but positive and full of genuine chemistry. I even had to awe so loudly when he kissed him on the cheek or when he managed to get his signs right. I was literally rooting for him, like a cheerleader. I was so glad he was able to have those feelings for him and to even have him decide last minute not to poison his drink like he would always do to his victims. I was so happy for Jeffrey and the fact that he could had possibly found his first actual boyfriend.
I’m still sad as I lay in my room thinking about the events that could occur if he never killed him. You know, like more dates such as a walk in the park with Jeffrey holding a camera so they could take pictures since Tony wanted to be a model, or even a road trip or something. Or even them getting married after gay marriage has finally be legalised where they live. I wanted to see them grow old together and maybe even spend the rest of their lives until they died. Even if they do go behind bars due to murder or anything, I’d still be glad because they would always have each other regardless.
Man… if only he knew that people go to work, just like how he did. However, they would still love him just as much. This guy is so fucked up in the head that he was blinded by his own ignorance. Tony loves him, and he knows that. He just needed to go to work because he needs to get money for himself, just like the fact that he needed to get money just to find an apartment that he could afford. Why can’t he just understand such thing?
Tony really didn’t deserve that treatment from Jeffrey. He gave so much love to him that it even touched his heart and yet he still killed him. All just because he works and took that to heart. The man even had to reassure him that just because he’s not with him doesn’t mean he doesn’t love him. Bless his heart. He died trying to explain to his possibly love of his life that he still loves him even though he’s not with him.
I still cry every time I imagine that scene when he confessed. He’s really a sick man that killed someone as innocent as Tony. I know this is a show, but this is based in real life experiences. I’m still upset now, but I know he’s in a good place somewhere. Jeffrey deserves someone, but not Tony. In fact, it should be nobody at all that would give him that kind of love and then get death returned to them.
Rest in peace, Tony.
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In infinity war when stephen vanished for 5 years did you think he was dead for real? How did you deal with that?
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(I’m just gonna answer all of these in one post. Buckle up cause y’all bout to get a whole story…)
When the blip occurred, I first checked throughout the Sanctums and Kamar-Taj to see who remained and if anyone was harmed. It took a while to settle everyone from panicking. The moment I could though, I performed a tracking spell to find Stephen. It fizzled out immediately, meaning he was dead gone.
He was gone. He was up in space and he… he was there alone. I didn’t know why, how, when, where… I didn’t know anything because I decided to stay on Earth. Would it have been different if I was there? What happened to him? Had the Maw pushed Stephen’s limits too far? Had Thanos taken his life in order to take the Time Stone? If Thanos succeeded in his plan, then that surely had to be the reason my spell sizzled out.
For months I had assumed Thanos murdered my friend. I was forced to take the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme in the time of mass confusion and panic. I managed like I was expected to do, but it was hard. I had gotten used to the unimpressive jokes to try and make me smile. I’d gotten used to walking into the library to find the Cloak of Levitation sprawled out like a blanket over a sleeping man slumped in a way that would surely leave him with cricks in the morning. I couldn’t grieve for those moments I’d never have again. I had to be a leader, I had to be the Sorcerer Supreme.
I turned to fighting as a way to deal with the grief and stress. It worked, for a while. I’d gained a reputation for myself and made some pretty good earnings from my matches. I made alliances with other heroes. Thor and Valkyrie had shown me New Asgard and promised assistance should I ever need it. Rocket had once mentioned where I could find the Ravengers. Shuri had taken an interest in the Astral Plane. I had to be a leader. I had to pick up the scraps of our decimated world and make it something better. I had to pretend like the silence wasn’t a little too loud most days. I had to move on.
Since I was promoted to Sorcerer Supreme, we needed a new librarian. Enter Sara Wolfe, who would eventually end up becoming the person to ground me. Around her, I wasn’t Sorcerer Supreme, I was just someone who loved books. She listened to me talk about how guilty I felt over Stephen’s death... over everyone’s deaths, really. He had only been with us for two years. He wasn’t meant to go out that soon, especially not like that. She was a comfort I didn’t know I needed that finally allowed me to start genuinely moving on.
At the Stark’s wedding, Tony revealed to me that Stephen in fact wasn’t killed by Thanos, rather, he was blipped alongside the others with the final words, “there was no other way.” Tony informed me of everything Stephen had done while on Titan, including viewing the possible outcomes. That knowledge brought me the last piece of comfort I needed. Stephen had a plan.
I’m sure you know the rest. Bruce Banner snapped his fingers, bringing back half the population, including all of the blipped sorcerers, even Stephen. It took less than a minute for a portal to form in the Courtyard and for a mostly unharmed Stephen to step through. Admittedly, it hurt a bit how quickly Stephen got to business, telling me to get together as many alliances as we had. He missed me though, I could tell.
@doctorstrangeaskblog, I’m glad you’re back.
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writtenfangirl · 2 years
Lies and Truths
I'm gonna go ahead and say that I'm not too happy about this one but I needed to post a fic to get my creative juices flowing so that I can get on to doing my requests
I do have ideas for this fic's part 2 so if that's something you guys would want to read, let me know!
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Life could not get any better than this. At least, that’s what Steve thought.
In his arms was the most beautiful, most amazing human being who loved him as dearly as he loved her. Y/N was, in all honesty, almost too good to be true. Not only was she beautiful, she was kind and patient too, so much so that the Avengers, Steve’s and Y/N’s family, all think of her as their mother hen.
His family, however big or little they may appear, was just as amazing, even if his family wasn’t a family in the traditional sense of the word. But no one could deny that the Avengers were a family in their own right. They spent most of their waking moments together, training and having fun and generally just soaking up each other’s presence, no matter how mundane the activity is.
And yes, sure, as with every family, arguments are bound to arise. After all, you couldn’t share a living space with Natasha and Yelena and not expect there to be a screaming match at least once a month, nor can you expect a truly peaceful existence in the compound with Tony, Bruce—and on occasion, Peter—tinkering away in their lab.
But it was still all in good fun and Steve wouldn’t trade his life for anything else in the world because Y/N was always there. Always watching out for them, taking care of everyone and generally helping Steve keep the peace.
It wasn’t a conventional existence, not by a long shot, but it was a good one.
Which is why Steve found himself fondly smiling at the scene in front of him.
“Ms. Y/L/N, c’mon!” Peter whined. “I just need tomorrow’s lotto numbers. Just this once, please.”
Y/N didn’t even so much look up at the newspaper she was perusing as she said a quick and succinct, “No.”
“Peter,” Y/N said, finally looking up and giving Peter a leveling stare. “First of all, you’re 17 years old. You can’t bet on the lotto even if I wanted to give it to you and second of all, why do you want them anyway? You know that anything you and May need, Tony can provide.”
“Uhhhh,” Peter’s eyes darted to the side, focusing on someone behind Y/N before he quickly met Y/N’s eyes. “No reason.”
Y/N’s eyes narrowed. “That wasn’t at all suspicious, Peter.” And quicker than anyone could predict, Y/N’s head snapped behind her and saw Clint before he could duck out of her sight from behind the column where he was “hiding”, an almost guilty expression on his face. “Really, Barton? Asking the kid to do your dirty work for you?”
“Dammit, Parker!” Clint grumbled, giving the kid a slight glare as he peeled himself off the wall and approached the kitchen table where Y/N and Steve had been staying.
“I’m sorry!” Peter said to Y/N, a pleading look in his eyes. “Mr. Barton promised me he’d teach me archery if I could get tomorrow’s lotto numbers off of you!”
“I’m not sorry,” Clint said with a shrug. “I need those numbers, Y/N. You gonna give them?”
“Why do you need them?” Y/N said, clearly getting exasperated, which had a smile curling at the edges of Steve’s lips. He always thought she looked so cute when she was exasperated.
“For the money,” Clint said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Clearly it’s for the money,” Y/N snapped, “but I fail to understand why you need the money! Are you becoming destitute, Clint? Gambling debts I haven’t heard of? Do you owe shady people?”
“None to any of those but my daughter’s turning 21 and Kate and I will take her to Atlantic City to gamble.”
“I don’t need the whole jackpot. A 100 grand will do just fine! That’s more than enough for the weekend.”
“What’s the use of your powers to see through time if you won’t use it for yourself?”
“Fine! I’ll stop asking,” Clint grumbled before he stalked off, with Peter in a tow.
Y/N sighed as she rubbed the spot between her brows. “I swear, this family is going to be the death of me one day.”
Steve gave her a grin. “Maybe but at least you know there’s never a dull day in the compound.”
She simply sighed again before standing up from her seat across Steve, the newspaper she was reading momentarily forgotten. She rounded the table between them and Steve pulled her into his lap, with Y/N facing him. It was almost instinctive how she would nestle her head in the space in Steve’s neck and how he would wrap his arms around her. Steve would almost always notice how their breathings would match with their hearts beating in time to each other.
It was here, in these moments, when Steve would feel the most like himself. No haunting memories of the war dogging at his heels, no anxiety about when and where the next fight was going to be, no noise that could shatter their little bubble of tranquility.
Just them.
Just Steve and Y/N.
“Strange is down in the lab with Tony and Bruce. Maybe I should go down there, make sure nothing is on fire,” Y/N muttered into his neck, her breath hot against his skin.
“They’re big boys, I’m sure they’re fine.” In truth, Steve wasn’t sure. Tony and Strange’s egos were both so large, it was hard to tell which was was bigger and with the two of them in a room with Bruce Banner, who could easily turn into the Hulk when angered, it seemed like a recipe for disaster.
But quiet moments with Y/N were becoming far and few in between and Steve wasn’t willing to give this one up, no matter how short lived it would be.
“They called Wanda and Vision down there too,” Y/N noted but her voice didn’t have the same determined edge it usually has. She seemed tired, sleepy even. “Strange has the time stone and Vision has the mind stone. Who knows what they could be doing down there.”
“They’ll be fine. Banner’s with them. He’ll be responsible.”
“Remember Ultron?”
“Tony always remembers his mistakes.”
“Hmm,” Y/N hummed, relenting. For a moment, Steve thought she might have drifted off but she began to speak again.
“Did you know the chances of you being born is one in 400 trillion?”
Steve furrowed his eyebrows in thought, an amused smile curling at his lips. “Where are you going with this?”
Y/N pulled away from him leaving an imprint of her heat on the crook of his neck. There was an uncharacteristically serious gleam in her eyes, one that Steve rarely ever saw.
“One in 400 trillion, Steve. In comparison to the lottery, which is one in 300 million, those are really, really small chances. When a person is born, it’s nothing short of a miracle. I don’t even know who I am or where I came from and you were born in a different time and yet somehow, we found each other. You and me. In the large vastness of the universe, the infinite multiverses that exists, we found each other in this one. What are the odds of that?”
Steve’s eyes softened. His arms tightened around her, and a desperate savage desire to see Y/N loved and protected gripped Steve so tightly that for a moment, he couldn’t breathe.
Y/N didn’t know who she was and where she came from. The only link she ever had with her past was her name and her abilities. Time was a fickle thing and it wasn’t just anyone who could control it. It was through Y/N that the Avengers learned of the users of the Mystic Arts. Strange had felt a disturbance in the time stream and had come to the compound thinking that there would be danger, only to find Y/N, a defenseless girl who didn’t even know when her birthday was.
That was three years ago and now Y/N has established an identity for herself. One that had the Avengers protecting her as fiercely as she protected them.
Steve couldn’t even imagine what life would have been like if she hadn’t come along but he knew one thing. His life was better now that she was here and he would spend the rest of his life reminding Y/N of that if he has to.
“I don’t know much about odds but I do know this. There will never come a day when I stop calling myself lucky for having you in my life.”
She grinned at him, wide and light, her whole face beaming at him and his words. “You really know how to win a girl over huh, Steve Rogers.”
“Just this girl in my arms right now.”
“Aren’t you laying it on thick today, Captain.”
“Oh come on! Really?! In the kitchen?! In front of our food?!”
Both Y/N and Steve’s heads swiveled to the side, surprised looks on their faces as Tony emerged from one of the doors that led to the kitchen, his hands shielding his eyes.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, an almost amused look on his face. “Nothing is happening, Tony. All our clothes are in tact.”
“You expect me to take your word for it?” Tony snorted but he nonetheless lowered his hands and really looked at them. “You need to stop doing that in public places.”
“We’re not out on the street,” Y/N rolled her eyes as she unfurled herself from Steve.
“But you’re in the kitchen!”
“We were alone.”
“You telling me that if I hadn’t come in here, something else could be going on right now?!”
Y/N simply rolled her eyes. “Stop being so immature, Tony.”
“Stop being so immature, Tony,” Tony said in a high voice that was likely meant to imitate Y/N but was really a very poor imitation of her.
Y/N rolled her eyes again and gave Steve a can-you-believe-this-guy? look. Steve gave her an amused smile in return.
“What are you doing here, anyway?”
“Nat was looking for Steve,” Tony shrugged, “said that you’re suppose to be training right now.”
“Oh, crap,” Steve said as he quickly jumped to his feet. He completely forgot that he was suppose to be out training with Natasha and Yelena. That would have made their afternoon really fun if Steve had remembered. “You coming with me, Y/N?”
She shook her head. “No.”
That was that. Y/N never trained with any of them. She was hugely adversed towards violence and even if she knew that violence was something her family had to partake in for their jobs, it didn’t mean she had to participate in it herself. She never came into the training room to fight with anyone and the only time she ever trained with any of them was to learn self-defense that was taught to her by Steve or by Nat and Yelena or if she was with Stephen honing her abilities.
All the same. Y/N didn’t leave the compound to go with them on missions. She was their eyes and ears, the person who communicated in their comms to make sure that everyone was relatively safe. Her job may not have been as glamorous as everyone else’s but it didn’t make her any less important. In fact, it could be argued that without her, their jobs as Avengers wouldn’t be possible at all.
Just then, Stephen emerged in the same room Tony came out of, dusting his cloak off of dust that Steve couldn’t see. “Oh, Y/N. Just the person I was looking for. You and I are—“
Steve’s body reacted against the explosion faster than his mind could follow. His hands reached for Y/N, wrapping it around her waist instinctively, his body curling against hers in a protective shield.
Steve could feel rubble rain down on them, the gasp that came out of Y/N’s at the shock of the explosion that rattled the room. Steve hadn’t even realized that there was a protective cocoon of magic around them and he could do nothing but gape at the large hole that now replaced the solid wall.
He could hear several footsteps rounding the corner, followed by the sound of Natasha’s, “What the hell was that?!”
But Steve couldn’t focus on anything else that was happening around him except for the person he held in his arms.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Steve said when he noticed Y/N’s pale face, his eyes scanning her body for any sign of injury but there was none.
But her expression didn’t change. Y/N’s attention was focused entirely on the hole before them, a fearful look in her eyes. Her breathing was quick, a sickly sheen of sweat coating her forehead. Her eyes didn’t even so much as leave the gaping hole in the wall as she stood up.
“Y/N?” Steve heard Natasha ask but Y/N didn’t even so much as acknowledge her.
Then Y/N turned around, a horrified look on her face as she turned to them, to her family and friends, and said in a voice that cleaved Steve’s heart in half, “I’m so sorry.”
And then almost as if on cue, a large, giant spaceship of alien origin flew right before the hole in the wall. A ramp emerged from lip of the aircraft, sliding down until it reached the edge of the large hole in the wall. Five aliens emerged from within, each of different species. But it was clear that the leader of the group was the largest of the five, with purple skin, bulging muscles the size of boulders and a large golden gauntlet covering his left hand. He had an impressive air, one that commanded the respect of everyone in the room.
“So this is Earth,” the purple alien said in a deep rumbling voice. “How quaint.”
“Who the hell are you,” Tony said, already armored up without Steve even noticing. He felt Wanda’s presence behind him and felt the cold metal of his shield softly hit his arm. He took it from her gratefully but his attention was still focused on the scene unfolding before him.
“Thanos,” Strange supplied, a grave look on his face as he regarded the large alien in front of them. “And the Black Order.”
“Who?” Vision asked.
“He’s a genocidal warlord known throughout the universe for his desire to wipe out half of all life using the infinity stones. He’s conquered thousands of worlds, wiping out of half of their population at random.”
“That’s barbaric,” Wanda said, a horrified look on her face.
“What the hell is he doing here?” Steve asked, his voice steady and strong, betraying none of the trepidation he felt.
“I came for those,” Thanos pointed towards Vision and Strange, or rather the stones that were embedded in their head and amulets respectively.
“Well, the Avengers are on break so you can come back another day, Mr. Grape,” Tony said. Steve could hear his suit powering up as he aimed his blaster at Thanos’ head.
“I’m quite disappointed. I would have expected that I’d have the stones by now, my child.”
“How exactly do you think you’ll do that?” Natasha said, inducing as much snark as she could into her tone.
“Do not dare speak to the great Thanos, mortal. He does not address you,” Said one of the other aliens, the tall one with a flat face.
“Now, now, Ebony Maw. Play nice,” Thanos said, almost in an admonishing voice. “I trust your sister has an explanation for her tardiness.”
For a moment there was silence. And then someone spoke, a voice that Steve would recognize just about anywhere. “Father, I was not expecting you.”
Y/N emerged from the crowd, her face pale, her eyes almost filled with tears as she spoke.
“Have you disappointed me, Y/N? As your sisters Gamora and Nebula have done?”
Y/N didn’t speak. She simply turned to Steve, her eyes full of regret as she whispered, “I am so sorry.”
“What the hell is going on here?” Steve heard Clint demand but Steve’s attention were focused only on Y/N.
“I have come to collect what my daughter has promised to get me.” Thanos replied.
“Your daughter?” Natasha demanded.
“You mean Y/N,” Strange said, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “But Y/N’s harmless. She can barely control her powers and she would never even hurt a fly!”
“Is that what my sister has led you to believe?” Ebony Maw scoffed. “Y/N is not just Y/N. She is the Onyx Sword. The fiercest fighter in the whole universe. The most powerful magic user in all the realm. The greatest of Thanos’s children. She is far from harmless and she was sent here by our father to get those stones. And she has failed.” Ebony Maw sneered the last sentence, a look of disgust changing his features.
“Careful with your words, Maw,” the only woman of the alien group said fiercely, “Our sister has not proven herself disloyal yet.”
“Children,” Thanos said in an almost admonishing voice. “We mustn’t argue in front of strangers.”
“Y/N?” Steve heard himself say. He sounded so far away, like he was underwater, the sounds of the waves crashing above him. His heart drop, his stomach churning like the distant waves that were crashing into him. Y/N turned to him, her (E/C) swimming with sorrow and regret.
Steve didn’t want to believe it, he didn’t want to believe that the woman who he thought he would spend the rest of his life with was nothing but a liar and a cheat. There was an explanation for this, an explanation for everything. Y/N wouldn’t hurt him like this. She would never hurt him like this.
But her eyes told a different story. The regret in her eyes had nausea roiling Steve’s stomach and if it hadn’t been for his strong sense of self-control, he would have emptied the contents of stomach right there and then.
Why did it seem like a lifetime ago when Steve held her in his arms, in this very kitchen, picturing the future they would have together.
“None of it was a lie,” She spoke so lowly that only Steve could hear her. Her words came out garbled and fast and it took every amount of focus Steve possessed to make sure he didn’t miss a single word. “Every time I told you I loved you, I meant every word. Every time I said I loved our family, I meant every single word. I never lied about that. I thought I had more time to find a way out, to stop all of this but I was wrong. You have to trust me, please. You have to trust me.” Then she turned away from him, towards the man she called Father. Her face morphed into that of firm and steady resolve.
Her words barely registered in his mind. The moment Steve saw her hardening resolve, his nausea increased tenfold.
She was going to do something, he was sure of it. She had the look in her eyes, the tiny star that appeared whenever her determination to complete a task far exceeded her will to survive. He’d seen happen only once. When Y/N had chosen to sacrifice herself for Steve when Hydra Agents attacked the compound. She was lucky to have survived but it was after that attack when Steve knew exactly just how important she was to him.
How important she still is.
He couldn’t let her do whatever she was planning to do, not by herself and not without his help. Something in Steve told him that whatever was going to happen right now would decide not only his fate but the fate of the rest of the world as well.
“Y/N, don’t do this,” Steve said, gripping arm tightly in desperation.
“How amusing,” Maw said mockingly when he noted the gesture. “A little pup has latched on to my sister.”
But Steve didn’t care about the way Thanos was looking at him and Y/N nor did he care about the hurt in the faces of his family. All he cared about right now was her.
“Steve, let go,” Y/N said, her voice low, almost soothing. In any other circumstances, her voice would have been a balm to any sort of pain he felt but not today. Today all he could feel was fear lodging in his throat, its claws as sharp as knifes.
“You don’t have to do this.”
“I know. But I want to. Trust me.” She gave him one last look, a look that lasted a lifetime. He saw everything in that look, everything that was and everything that could have been. She shrugged him off, gave him a soft and sad smile and faced her father.
“Father,” Y/N said, her voice strong for the first time since Thanos’ arrival. She looked fearless, different somehow. Steve had seen her fearless before but he had never seen her like this. She was a warrior queen ready to fight to the death if it meant liberation for her people. “I will not—“
“Be disloyal? Disappoint me? Tell me, daughter. What exactly is the reason why your six month mission to retrieve the time stone and the mind stone took three years to accomplish?”
“There is no explanation that will satisfy you—“
“Have you betrayed me as your sisters have done?”
“No, I have not. I will—“
“Then do as you are told and finish the job or I will have your brothers and sister finish it for you. I trust you know what will happen to your little friends should the family decide to attack.”
And just like that, Y/N turned to them, her eyes swimming with regret before hardening into determination. She looked each of them in the eye, as if trying to convey a hidden message that none of them understood. Her eyes finally landed on Steve, her mouth began moving silently and for a moment, Steve wondered if she was praying. It took him a moment before she realized what she was saying something.
“I love you. I love you. I love you.” Repeating those three words over and over again until Steve wondered whether she was convincing herself or him.
Then she raised her hand. A golden glow seemed to wrap around her fingers like tendrils of ribbons and then Steve’s vision went black.
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authoressskr · 3 years
october is it’s own magic
[october 12th]
Characters: f!plus size reader, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, James Rhodes, Pepper Potts, Clint Barton, mentions of Maria Hill, Phil Coulson, and Nick Fury
Warnings: Language, no Beta, basically this is me writing for myself   ::    Notes: this will be a series. i will be posting it (hopefully*) every other day until Halloween. And thanks to @firefly-graphics for the use of the divider!  ::   Word Count: 1947
Soulmate AU. Bucky has a secret admirer. They keep leaving him all sorts of autumnal goodies with little notes. But who the hell is it?!
Please do NOT repost, copy & paste, post, translate, or share my works on any other platform without my EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION.
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[october 11th]
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Bucky doesn’t want to be suspicious of his soulmate. He doesn’t.
But you’re making things difficult.
As he had shrugged on his jacked prior to leaving to take you to lunch yesterday, Clint had walked by with Tony and said lowly as they passed by, “Good things come to those who wait,” before the two of them had continued down the hallway as if he hadn’t said a thing.
He’d taken you to a small brewery for lunch, enjoying the atmosphere and your company. Learning about you was one of his new favorite pastimes. Your preferences and funny stories about growing up. The ease of which it was for him to open up and tell you about his childhood, things he’d almost forgotten about his sisters, and the beginnings of his sweet tooth.
Bucky aches for you the more he learns. And yes, he selfishly wants to know you feel even a sliver of the same, but he’s also getting more impatient with every passing day - and with every gift.
He knows by now he’ll be a crazed, on-edge man by Halloween at this rate.
How is this not eating at you is what he is currently running repeatedly through his brain...driving him to just this side of mad.
You had sat there so calm, so self-deprecating, so open. Driving him to the brink.
Then you’d reached out, placing your hand gently over his gloved one, immediately quelling the doubt boiling within him.
“You okay, Bucky? I think you zoned out on me for a bit there.” He can tell you want to ask if he’s thinking about his soulmate, but you hold back that question, the slight twitch of your hand letting him know you want to pull away with your thoughts now wandering to the other as you both just stare at each other across the table. You pull your hand back after a long minute, looking down at your nearly empty plate despairing. Motioning to the waiter for the check as you begin to fidget, swallowing hard. “Maybe this was all a bad idea. Or a good idea that just burned out…” You whisper, staring down at your plate unwaveringly as he notices your left-hand slide around to your right side, a little under where the bottom of your bra sits, a finger stroking a few times over a particular spot.
“Don’t say that babydoll,” Bucky whispers, tightening his hand on the table into a fist as his eyes bore into your downcast face. “Please don’t say that.” The waiter brings the check and Bucky hands him fifty dollars with a gruff order to keep the change and not come back, please. “Babydoll...look at me.” Blinking rapidly you look up, jaw clenched. Bucky unfurls his left hand and points to the spot you’re still holding your hand protectively over. “That matches mine. Nothing will ever convince me otherwise.” Bucky summons courage before he speaks next, taking a deep breath through his nose. “If you don’t want me, then I’ll stop everything. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
You slide from the little booth and shove yourself onto his side, arms wrapped around his middle as he automatically folds you into his embrace.
“Don’t remove yourself from me. Stay, Bucky.” Your voice is muffled against his chest, but each word resonates completely through his whole body. “I’m afraid to fall,” comes next, so heartbreakingly whispered it nearly brings tears to his own eyes, tightening his arms around her almost painfully.
“I’ll catch you. I swear,” He pulls his arm away to tilt your chin up to look at him as he confesses.
“If you want me to fall, you know that we’re soulmates - I need you to let this person show and you make that choice between us. I’ll give myself little by little until then, trusting in you. In this. But I want you to know, James, I never doubted you’ll catch me.” Your fingers come up to pull away from his flesh fingers that held your chin, interlinking yours with his.
“This isn’t how I pictured lunch going,” Bucky huffs out, breaking eye contact before being drawn right back in as you scoff then give a breathy laugh.
“Me neither. But pretty par for the course for my love life.”
“I’d love to say ‘Not any more’ but I’m a few decades out of practice,” He watches a cautious smile stretch across your face, all trace of tears gone.
“Believe it or not, that’s not the weirdest sentence I’ve ever heard.”
“‘Cause you live such an exciting life, huh, doll?”
“I mean, my sort-of boyfriend slash dude I’m kind of dating is a WWII vet and I threatened his drugged up patriotic bestie over donuts, so...ya know...it’s certainly an interesting job life thing.” Bucky snorts at your description of Steve before leaning the small distance down to kiss you.
It’s like the period to this long ass paragraph in this novel you two are beginning. A softer ending to your first sort of fight.
“Wanna go have a make-up makeout session?” You breathe against his lips, lips twitching up in a smile.
“You read my fuckin’ mind, pretty girl.”
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Walking into the kitchen that next morning with a dark maroon hoodie on with the Stark Industries logo on one arm and the SHIELD logo on the other, holding an extra-large coffee, talking with Natasha about Tony and Pepper’s trip next week to London, Bucky is just enamored all over again. It emphasizes all the curves and dips, making his mouth water as he remembers vividly those curves pressed against him and under him in the back seat of one of Tony’s cars. He had been tempted to beg you to take a long lunch every few days after that.
You spending a good fifteen minutes after you got back trying to tame your hair and covering all the lovely little marks he’d left you had been the cherry atop his make-up makeout session.
Sam had commented when Bucky swaggered in that he was glad he didn’t look as constipated as he normally did and Bucky had just flipped him off and stole Sam’s precious stash of Butterfingers and Baby Ruths.
You halt when you see him already leaning against the counter, three extra-large round tins with big bat stickers and bright orange bows sitting in a line right by his left hip, a cocky smile stretched on his lips.
“Good mornin’, pretty girl,” Bucky purrs, making your neck and cheeks flush almost immediately.
“Stop that,” You chastise with a playful eye-roll, placing a hand on his chest to balance yourself as you press your lips gently to his.
“I’m glad we’re all working copacetic now and all that jazz, but open the damn tins,” Tony grunts, sliding into the furthest barstool while sporting some very dark glasses and a glass of tomato juice that Bucky no doubt believes everyone can smell the vodka from.
“Ready for today’s Friday,” Bucky informs the AI, who chirps her acknowledgment as he turns to the three tins sitting before him. 
The cardstock is tucked under the bow closest to you and Natasha, “To the cutest pumpkin in the patch, Bucky. Love, me.” Setting the paper aside, he gently pries his finger under the first tin’s lid, he chuckles. 
“Pumpkin pie,” Bucky begins, making a face. “I’m gonna throw it away.”
“What?! Why?!”
“It could be poisoned, doll! And pumpkin pie was never my favorite flavor.”
“We’ve been through this before! FRIDAY is that pie poisoned?” You give him a big eye-roll and then look at him like he’d grown another head. “Also, what the fuck?! Who doesn’t like pumpkin pie??”
“Miss, no poison that I can sense or read.”
“See?!” Steve and Natasha are grinning at the two of you ping-ponging back and forth over pie. Bucky gestures, metal hand sweeping towards the open tin.
“Maybe you want to try a bite if you believe it isn’t?? Humm??”  You watch as Bucky goes to the utensil drawer and pulls out a fork, bumping it closed with his hip and scoops a bit of pie onto the fork, holding it out to you with that same cocky grin back in place. The color comes back to your neck and cheeks as Bucky moves the fork closer.  “See! Even you won’t -”  Your mouth closes around the fork full and then slides off, licking your mauve painted lips before a smile spreads out onto your face with an eyebrow raised in challenge. Bucky drops his mouth open and you do the same in retort, opening your mouth to show you’ve swallowed it.
“Like I said...Not. Poisoned.” Bucky looks a little dumbfounded before his lips twitch, twirling the fork in his fingers with the knowing smile stretching onto his pink lips. Scooping himself a bite and slowly putting it into his mouth, noting the sharp breath you take as he closes his eyes to savor the flavors before withdrawing the fork slowly.
“Mmhmm. You were right, pumpkin. It’s delicious too.” He purrs, smugly grinning over at you. Something flutters through your eyes when he calls you pumpkin, making his whole stance loosen a little in relief to see he hadn’t pushed too far back to flirty after yesterday.
“I’m taking that with me, so you might want to open the other two, Sarge.” He chuckles before pulling you closer to kiss you sweetly.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“God you two are gross,” Pietro yells from his perch on the arm of the large sofa, making everyone add in their nods of agreement.
Bucky just scoffs before reaching for the middle tin, feeling your hand smooth over his back a couple of times.
The middle tin is a pumpkin pecan pie that makes his mouth water just looking at it and the last one is an identical one to the first.
“Whoever this is is smart,” Sam remarks as Tony slurps down the last of his bloody mary. “Gonna send you into a sugar coma then probably drag your ass off somewhere.”
He hears you snort into your coffee cup lid, eyes looking wide over at Natasha, turning to catch the end of a smirky smile you two share.
“I’d pay good money to see anyone drag his big ass anywhere,” Steve scoffs as he digs a fork into the first pie while you gape at him. “What?” He mutters around his mouthful, you pulling the tin away from in front of him and pushing the lid back on as Bucky full belly laughs.
“Don’t touch my pumpkin’s pie.”
“I don’t joke about my favorite foods, okay?” Your phone is trilling from your hoodie pocket as Steve side-eyes the closed pumpkin pie tin in front of you. “Shit. Tony, shake it off. Ross’s secretary is in the lobby. Security says we’re being served.”
“This sounds like a Pepper and legal thing.”
“That’s right, but Pepper is who just told me to get your ass to her office,” You show him the dimmed screen as he grunts his displeasure.
“Fine. Let’s go then. Goddamn Ross,” He mumbles loudly as Wanda hands him a large insulated cup of coffee, Tony thanking her gruffly as he shuffles slowly to the elevator.
“I gotta go, sweetheart,” You rise up and kiss the underside of Bucky’s jaw followed by his cheek. “Thanks for the pie,” You wink as you scoop up the tin and follow after Tony.
“I feel like we should be already planning a wedding with you two idiots…” Vision nods at Clint’s words as Natasha elbows Bucky out of the way of the pies.
“19 more days and we’ll see.”
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[october 13th]
tagging: @chelsea072498 @clockworkmorningglory @sakurablossom4 @galaxiesinmymind @mizzezm @ladywintersoldat​ @marvelatthisone​
Note: The owners/makers/distributors have all the rights and etc. Don’t sue me. I’m poor enough and stressed as is ;)
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starktonyx · 4 years
Heal (Peter Parker x Reader)
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Word count: 3.5k
Description: On a mission with the team, reader is mind controlled by HYDRA and attacks Peter.
Requested by anon: I wanted to request something really angsty with Peter like the reader is being controlled by someone and is sent to kill peter and she’s succeeding because peter refuses to hurt her and in the last minute when she snaps out of it because she thinks she actually killed him and yeah.
Note: Out of all of the angst I’ve written this is the most dramatic one (I think) so enjoy the heartbreak!. Also this is the first time I post in a while and I’m really really happy about it.
You had one mission, and it was the only thing repeating over and over again in your head.
Kill spiderman Kill spiderman Kill spiderman
A wave of coldness ran through your body, your hands slightly trembled. You didn't remember your name, or why you were in that military base in the first place. The only thing you knew was you were suited up and you had a mission, the small white 'A' embroidered in the side of your suit caught your attention, but you couldn't figure out what it stood for.
You couldn't hear anything other than a raspy voice with an accent ordering you to kill the man in a red and blue suit. Sometimes a faint desperate voice told you to stop, the voice sounded familiar but you pushed it back, there was no time for distractions.
You had to kill spiderman.
It didn't take long before you found the infamous man, although when you approached him and he spoke his voice sounded very teenager like. What was your age again? You couldn't figure that out either. That didn't matter anyways, you were on a mission.
The whole thing was almost blurry and too quick, one second you were in front of him and the other you already had the upper hand on the fight. You noticed your strength matched his, so you took advantage of that. He wasn't really fighting back though, he was pulling his punches and holding back. You didn't understand why.
"What the hell are you doing Y/n?" He desperately asked, but you just punched him again.
His voice was extremely familiar, and who the hell was Y/n? The raspy voice in your head quickly blocked further thoughts, so you kicked the guy this time.
He tried to defend himself with some sort of web fluid, but you were quick to crush the devices on his wrist with your own hands.
"You need to stop, I don't know what's wrong with you" He said, trying to evade your hits, but you were quick.
You suddenly remembered a move and jumped on his shoulders, wrapping your legs around his neck and hitting his head with your elbows. You were sure someone had taught you that but couldn't remember who.
"Stop this! I don't want to hurt you" He begged, why didn't he just shut up?
He held up quite well to your attacks, but since he wasn't exactly defending himself his body was slowly giving up.
The rest of the fight was quick, the more you hit him the more the raspy voice repeated itself in your head. You felt high, your vision was blurry yet you kept fighting, as if you were a muppet and someone else was controlling your movements, punches and kicks.
You couldn't stop until you killed him.
"Y/n stop! please. You know who I am ... love please don't do this" The guy kept begging, was he crying? You couldn't tell since the mask covered his face.
Love? The more familiar the voice sounded, the more you pushed it to the back of your head. Couldn't he shut up? You sure as hell couldn't stop yourself.
You were sure you shot him at least once, or perhaps stabbed him? Maybe both. You didn't even know where the blood was coming from.
"This is not you" He panted, spitting blood on the floor and clutching his side. "I'm not gonna fight you"
"As you wish" You replies, your low voice gave him chills.
You finally threw him to the ground, his head hitting the floor with a loud thud. He was so weak, he could barely lift his arms to stop you from choking him.
Peter didn't even know how he got into this position, everything happened so quickly. Of course you had been on his lap before, but this time wasn't like the others.
This time you were choking the life out of him.
He was terrified, he could look straight into your eyes for the first time in the fight. They were void, angry, a red cast covered them as if you were some kind of murder machine.
What have they done to you, he thought.
If you had been a mere human with no superpowers he would've been fine, he would've been able to stop you the moment you threw your first punch at him. But you weren't just a human, you had super soldier serum running through your veins.
His arms ached, and even though he pushed you with all the strength he had left it wasn't enough to stop you. Getting up wasn't even an option, the fractures you had caused with your kicks made it impossible.
Peter was slowly losing consciousness, and for a second he regretted not defending himself. But he couldn't hurt you, ever. He knew he would die first before lifting a hand to hurt you.
He suddenly had an idea, his last hope to bring you back to your senses.
He took his mask off.
It seemed to work, you instantly let go of his neck, he coughed until he was able to breathe again. You lifted your fist as an instinct, but before you could do anything he spoke.
"Yo–you know who I am" His voice was raspy from the trauma on his throat. "Come on love, it's me Peter ... your Peter"
You held your fist in the air, panting heavily as you analyzed the details of his face. You were no longer seeing spiderman, the man you were sent to kill. He was just a boy.
And you knew him.
You slowly lowered your fist as your mind adjusted back to reality, your head began to hurt when racing thoughts and memories came back. You could finally remember your name, you realized who was your actual team, and who was the person you almost killed.
Peter Parker.
He watched your thought process carefully, he finally let out a sigh of relief when he saw your face change from I'm going to murder you to what the hell is going on, and felt a wash of relief when your eyes softened and the red disappeared. The raspy voice inside your head was finally gone now.
However, the relief only lasted a few seconds, as he saw your face ultimately change to what the fuck did I just do.
Peter wished one day he can forget this moment, right when he saw the life leave your eyes, even when you weren't the one bleeding out on the floor, even when you weren't the one dying.
At least not on the outside.
As you snapped back to reality you got up from his lap and walked a few steps back from his body, unconsciously lifting a hand to cover your mouth but stopped when you realized thick blood covered it.
"Oh my god" You sobbed quietly, the weak sound of your voice was hidden behind your own heart beat stumping in your ears.
Peter tried to speak, he wanted to say something to assure you it wasn't your fault but breathing was becoming a harder task, let alone getting words out of his mouth. He used what was left of his strength to barely lift his head to look at you. He tried his best to give you a tiny smile, one you almost confused as a sign of pain from how weak it was.
You weren't able to keep eye contact with him, your eyes darted through the room but soon realized you couldn't keep looking at the place covered in blood and destruction either. When you looked Peter again you noticed he wasn't conscious anymore, and finally came back to your senses as if someone had slapped you in the face.
You needed to get help.
You realized how your comms had been deactivated, and as soon as you turned them on again you heard your teammates casually banter as they kicked ass like they used to every mission, completely oblivious to what happened.
"To–Tony" You called out, but your raspy voice wasn't loud enough and they kept bickering. You cleared your throat, taking a big breath to prevent your voice from shaking again. "Tony I need help, Peter is— Peter is down"
The whole team fell in silence, some punches and grunts could still be heard but even though the comms you could feel the tension building.
"I'm on my way" Tony's low tone made you shiver.
You walked further from Peter and waited in a corner of the room, looking expectantly at the window for Tony's arrival. A part of you wanted to hold Peter in your arms, but you were stuck on your feet as you were afraid to hurt him even more.
You couldn't get close to him, what if you hurt him again? The only thing that kept you from completely losing it was FRIDAY's reassurance that Peter's heart was still beating.
It didn't take long before Tony reached your location, the sound of his repulsors landing harshly next to Peter's body startled you, and he wasted no time in making questions as FRIDAY scanned him.
"What the hell happened here?" He asked, but you stayed silent in your position.
He was worried, how could he not be? His pupil was dying in his arms and his girlfriend was paralyzed in the other side of the room. He couldn't even understand why the hell were you standing so far away.
Before he could ask you Natasha made her appearance in the room, eyes quickly scanning the situation until they landed on your shaking figure.
You nervously hid your hands behind your back, you were scared to face the consequences of your actions.
You were ashamed.
"I'm so sorry" You couldn't contain the sobs anymore, shaking your head in denial like a terrified child waiting for punishment.
Tony was overwhelmed by how hurt Peter was and trying to patch him up before he bled out, so he couldn't understand why you would apologize for something like this.
But Natasha paid more attention, she noticed how you kept your bloody hands hidden, yet you forgot about the blood that stained your face. Of course she noticed Peter's wounds were common injuries in enemies you confronted, and even those never ended as badly because you tended to have mercy.
Yet none of that was enough to keep Peter safe.
It took only a matter of seconds for the trained spy to realize what happened, and she was a master in masking her reactions and emotions, but this time she couldn't keep herself from gasping in shock.
She took a step towards you, but she quickly was stopped by Wanda's hand. The latter had just arrived with Steve, and she didn't only know what happened.
She could see the images replaying over and over again in your head. So she walked towards you instead of Natasha, and only shushed you when you tried to explain yourself.
She has never been mind controlled, but she had been the one controlling other people, and she understood how vile and destructive it could be. So she could only hold your weak body breaking down in her arms, trying to block herself from the horrible images in your head.
As she walked with you to the jet she felt almost tired from the energy irradiating your body, as hard as she tried to not lurk through your thoughts she couldn't help but feel how miserable you felt.
You wished it was you dying instead of Peter.
So she knew it was best to send you to sleep through the whole ride home, and made sure you had only good dreams.
At least you could be happy in your sleep.
The ride home was silent, apart from the sudden noises the machine that registered Peter's heartbeat made every once in a while. The avengers were shocked, HYDRA had hurt the youngest members of the team, the purest and whatnot, and it happened right under their noses.
Tony beat himself up the whole trip, he had failed both of you, all his fancy systems and technology couldn't keep you safe.
The next days in the compound were hell to everyone. Even though Peter was having an excellent recovery due to his healing abilities, the progress was only physical.
He wanted to see you from the moment he woke up surrounded by doctors. He knew it wasn't your fault, he didn't blame you. He could never.
So he cried and begged to see you, but Tony wouldn't allow him. He knew you needed space, he knew how bad it would affect you to see Peter's injures. So he made him wait, at least until the the fractures healed and the bruises faded from purple to a faint yellow.
Until he didn't limp anymore.
And you? You were a mess. From the moment you arrived the compound you were put through multiple tests to find out what was wrong with you, but nothing showed up. Whatever HYDRA had done to you was momentarily, it left no traces and you were "fine".
Except nothing was fine, you couldn't trust yourself, not after what you did. So you isolated yourself, moved to a room as far away from everyone as possible. And they all knew not to bother you.
Almost the whole team had been through mind control at one point, they knew it took time to heal.
After a few days – that felt like eternity – Peter was finally allowed to go see you, although Tony made sure to warn him there was no guarantees you would even open the door to him.
Peter was more than nervous, his fingers fiddled together as he waited outside your isolation room. It took him time to gather up the courage and a big breath before knocking the door.
You knew Peter was outside from the moment he arrived, his hesitation made you wish he would just turn around and leave, but the knock on the door told you otherwise. You sat down in your bed and hugged your legs, laying your head on your knees.
"Y/n, it's me" He said softly, you just listened carefully on the other side of the door. "Can –can I come in? Please, I need to see you" He sighed deeply when he got no answer, but he wasn't doing to leave.
His voice was brittle, weak. Just like that day when he took off his mask and told you to stop. You shook your head in an attempt to keep the haunted memories away, and buried yourself more in your position.
You heard shuffling on the outside but he didn't leave, you guessed he sat down on the floor. You could almost picture him in your head, almost in the same position you were except he was probably messing up his hair, a habit he had when stressed.
Peter replayed the events over and over in his head. As much as he hated to admit it, you had been starring every nightmare he had since that day. He felt extremely guilty as well, he knew it was wrong to leave you alone in that hydra building. In every mission he was always by your side, but this time you insisted you were fine and you would collect the data yourself. You should've never parted ways.
You sighed, you knew he wasn't going to leave any time soon and you were just prolonging your suffering. Maybe if you just let him in for a moment and avoided him he would leave sooner.
Peter quickly got up after hearing you tell FRIDAY to open the door, and he took a deep breath before entering the room. The first thing he saw was you sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at your hands to avoid eye contact with him.
Of course you couldn't look at him, you were afraid to see him laying on the floor bleeding out just like you did days ago.
He stood by the door, afraid to come closer without your approval.
"How are you?" He mentally slapped himself as soon as the words came out, it was stupid question. He was just eager to talk to you. "I ... I'm fine– I mean, everything has almost healed" He felt stupid once again, he wasn't sure if what he was saying was what you wanted to hear.
And it apparently wasn't since you didn't answer, you just kept staring at your hands motionless.
"Love please, I need you to talk to me" He pleaded, his eyes starting to water. He unconsciously stepped forward to reach you but was instantly stopped by your harsh voice.
"Don't come closer, please" You pleaded too, fixing your eyes on the floor.
When Peter heard your voice he felt like a bucket of cold water was thrown over him. There was no warmth, no emotion, no love.
Just like your eyes that day.
"Alright, I want you to listen to me then" He said firmly this time, he was exasperated. "You know it wasn't your fault, whatever they did to you, you're not responsible for that" He began, softer tone this time. "I wish I could make you understand I don't blame you for this, I love you. I still do, I promise"
You finally lifted your head for your bloodshot eyes to meet his. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw his appearance. He did look better than that day, not as swollen and certainly not covered in blood anymore. But there were still bruises scattered through his body, faded out but you could only imagine how they looked before they did. And his eyes? You had never seen him so heartbroken before.
"How could you let me do something like this?" You finally broke the silence, biting the inside of your cheeks to keep you from sobbing.
You didn't mean to blame him, that wasn't your intention even though your words came out harsher than you wished.
But he could've done something. Anything.
"What?" He frowned, that wasn't the response he was expecting from you.
"You could've stopped me, you are strong enough to do it" You said getting up from the bed, all the anger and pain you kept inside was finally coming out. "Why didn't you stop me!?"
"I–I tried, but you wouldn't listen to me" Peter couldn't help but get defensive too. "If I tried any harder I would've hurt you"
"I wouldn't have cared even if you killed me!" Your voice finally gave up and you broke down in sobs, covering your face in your hands.
Your yell startled Peter, and as much as he wanted to hug you he still respected the boundaries you had given him when you let him in. He took a deep breath and exasperatedly ran a hand though his hair, he didn't want to fight you, that's the last thing he wanted.
So instead of yelling back he softened his voice. "I would. I would have cared as much as you care about almost killing me"
You wiped your eyes to look at him again, and you noticed how bad he was restraining himself in his position.
"You can't say shit like that" He continued, trying control his brittle voice. "What happened to you is not fair, for any of us. I'm so sorry I didn't try harder to stop you, but I can't even bring myself to playfully hit your arm, let alone fighting you. Why do you think we never train together? I can't hurt you, I would never want that" He explained himself, sniffling after finishing his sentence.
"But I hurt you"
"You could never hurt me, not on purpose, I know that" He sighed shaking his head, there was only one way to change your mind.
He stepped forward once again, and even though you put your hands in front of your body to stop him, he kept walking this time.
"No no Peter– please don't" You stepped back but stumbled with the bed and couldn't back off anymore.
He gently took your hands and softly caressed them with his thumbs, trying his best to give you a smile.
"Hey hey, it's okay" He reassured you as if he was talking to a baby. "See? Your hands are not hurting me love, I know they won't" He said, you hesitated for a second but you had missed him more than anything, so you couldn't help yourself from jumping into his arms.
"I'm so sorry Peter" You sobbed in his chest as he finally engulfed you into a hug, his warm torso somehow bringing you the comfort you've needed the past days.
"I know" He sobbed too, and planted a kiss on your head. "I'm sorry too"
You broke the distance from the hug just enough to look at him. As he stared back at your teary eyes, he could finally see how broken your soul was.
"Do you really still love me? After what I did I–" You were interrupted by his lips on yours.
The kiss was salty, desperate. Filled with emotion and pain from two broken souls that deserved better. When the kiss was over you genuinely smiled for the first time again, and Peter couldn't help but giggle too.
"Come on, let's heal together love"
Tags (if you want to be added/removed let me know)
@geeksareunique @princessdancingonthesunshine @lyrxbz @spideygirl2003 @parkerpeter24​ @calledthechildanya​
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plentyoffandoms · 3 years
Soulmates (Part 18)
Eddie Kingston x f/Reader
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
AU now because my dumbass forgot his parents are divorced.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me.
Warnings: swearing.
I am going to write one more chapter for this. I can't just do the last bit in one chapter. What was I thinking?!
Main Masterlist ♡ AEW Masterlist ♡ Soulmates Masterlist ♡ Eddie Kingston Masterlist
Summary: Eddie thought he lost the love of his life all those years ago after cheating on her, but he sees her one day & meets his three teenaged children. This is their story.
Eddie Kingston's POV:
I was in Santa Fe, New Mexico getting ready for our PPV event that was happening that night. Jon and I versus 2.O. They have come along way and whoever wins this, will go up against the tag team champions, which are still the Young Bucks.
I just got off a video call with Y/N and the kids. Val was in our bed with Y/N while she did her homework.
Once we moved to Yonkers, the kids wanted to go back to public school. Which was fine with Y/N and I as with her being on bed rest, she couldn't do the homeschooling like she was.
As Y/N was talking about how my mother has been over more and more, and how thankful she was for her, my mind just zoned in on how beautiful my pregnant wife was.
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She was ready for our baby to leave her body and I don't blame her. She has been on bed rest for months and Y/N is the type of person who was always on the move.
Her due date was only a few weeks away and I will be off of work to be there as much as possible.
I had a few hours to kill until it was time for the show so a few of us went to this place called Cafe Pasqual's.
It was nice to go out with Jon, James, Dustin, and Matt, but I do miss my family.
I have been gone only for a couple of days and have already got their gifts bought and packed away in a suitcase. I always return with gifts for each of them.
The five of us finished our meals and went to the venue. I was doing the commentary until my match and I was nervous and I don't know why.
I know after today I will be off until the baby is born but something wasn't sitting right with me and Jim Ross noticed.
During the break he asked me if I was doing okay. I was honest with him and let him know that yes everything was fine, but I just had a bad feeling.
He didn't get time to respond because we were back live and then I had to go and get changed for my match.
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All through the match I still couldn't shake this feeling. I was overjoyed that Jon and I won, but the feeling seemed to get worse.
That is when I noticed the missed calls from my kids, Y/N and my parents.
My heart sank as I listened to the first voicemail from Val. "Dad, we called an ambulance. Mom stood up and her thighs were covered in blood. We called Nana and Papa. They are coming to get us to take us to the hospital. Please get here." By the end, she was crying.
I saw Tony and Nick talking and I rushed up to them. "I gotta go home. The kids called an ambulance, Y/N is bleeding."
"Go, go. Keep us posted." Tony said.
I called for an Taxi, but got told the wait would be half an hour, so I ordered an Uber instead.
I grabbed my bag from the change room and Jon was waiting there. Shit, I forgot that we were going out after this.
"Where you been?" He asked gruffly but his tone completely changed when he saw the panicked look on my face.
"Y/N was bleeding and the kids called to say that Y/N was taken to the hospital. My parents went and got the kids."
Jon grabbed his bag and the two of us ran out of the building. The Uber was just pulling in thankfully.
We headed to the hotel to grab our stuff. Jon didn't even have to tell me, I already knew he was going to be coming with me.
He was worried, I could see it on his face. He wasn't even trying to hide it. As we were waiting for our next Uber, I called Des. No answer. Called Val and Max, same thing.
I was starting to panic even more now. My finger was shaking as I pressed the button to call my Mom.
Who thankfully picked up. "Ma, what's going on? I'm just waiting for a Uber to get to the airport."
"Eddie, you're not going to make it in time."
The Uber pulled up and we got in it. Jon told the driver to get us to the airport as fast as possible.
"What is going on Mom?"
"Y/N has been taken in for an emergency c-section. What happened was placental abruption."
"What the hell is that?"
"It's when the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus Eddie. She lost alot of blood."
No, no, I can't lose her like this. I heard Val in the background asking to talk to me. My mom must of handed her the phone.
"I'm here sweetie. I'm on my way."
"Dad, we are scared. When will you get here?"
My heart broke hearing my daughter say that. It hurt even more when I told her that I won't be there until tomorrow as the flight is like 7 hours.
"Be strong Val. I'll be there as soon as I can. Jon and I will head straight to the hospital. Just text me or call me. I will be paying for in-flight texting and Wi-Fi."
"Okay Dad. Love you."
"Love you too. Let me talk to your brothers."
I talked to both Max and Des to see how they were doing. They were like Val, which was to be expected. I made sure to say love you to them. I said it to my parents as well.
I hung up the phone and told Jon what was happening. His face paled and he took a deep breath.
He was already texting Renee who was texting Amanda.
"Renee and Nora will be on a flight tomorrow. Amanda and the boys will be on one some time during the night."
All I could do was nod my head. I was afraid if I spoke, I would break down.
We got to the airport, and did what we had to do. We boarded the plane. I wasn't talking much and just having one of my best friends there really helped me with nerves.
The kids kept sending me updates anytime they got told something. Jon was napping when I got the news.
I hit his shoulder and he woke up. "What's going on? Everything okay?" He asked while rubbing his eyes.
"They are both okay. My wife and son are going to live." I couldn't keep the tears at bay anymore.
Jon pulled me in for a hug and I cried in his arms. The stewardess came by to see if there was anything wrong.
"My wife had an emergency c-section and they are both doing okay. My daughter just let me know." I said with a watery smile.
"Congratulations then sir."
I was finally able to nap. I woke up to Jon shaking me awake. It was time for us to get ready to leave the plane.
It felt like it took forever to leave the airport. Grabbed one of the many taxis that were waiting outside and told them to take us to St. John's Riverside Hospital in Yonkers.
"How you holding up?" Jon asked me.
"Still nervous but doing much better. Knowing that Y/N and our son is okay is all that matters."
I text my kids that I was on my and they told me which floor and room Y/N was in.
I saw my parents in the waiting room and the next thing I knew I was wrapped up in my mother's arms. My father hugged us both and then went and joined Jon who sat down.
"She is strong that one Eddie. She flatlined once with all the blood she lost." My mom whispered to me.
"The kids didn't tell me that."
"I didn't tell them. She pulled through and that is all that matters." My mom said as she patted my cheek.
"Where are the kids?"
"In with their Mom. Y/N is doing good, tired but good."
"How is my son?"
"Healthy as can be. Big boy. Looks just like you did."
I was now standing outside Y/N's hospital room door, I took a deep breath and walked in.
"Dad." Max said as he rushed over to me. Des and Val followed suit. I hugged them all and gave them a kiss on the head.
"My love." I said to her as I walked over to her. I leaned down and cupped her face with one hand and kissed her.
"I could of lost you." I said against her lips.
"I know but I am still here. Ready to spend the rest of our lives together and raise our four beautiful children."
"Have you named him?" I asked her as I sat in the seat next to her bed.
"I was waiting for you. I haven't told anyone yet."
"Have you seen him yet?"
"We have. I'll get a nurse to bring him in."
We had to wait for a bit but the nurse finally came with our son.
The nurse placed my handsome man in my arms. My mom wasn't kidding, he looks just like me.
"Kids, we would like to introduce you too your baby brother. His name is.."
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The door flung open at that moment and interrupted Y/N from finally telling everyone the name we picked.
Final Part
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ladyeliot · 3 years
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Your legacy is my nightmare [½]  Re-written
Avengers: Age of Ultron / Post Civil War
Pairing: Avengers/Tony Stark x Avenger!Reader
Summary: Your past was marked by Tony Stark, ever since a Stark Industries bomb hit that restaurant when you were 10 years old, during an attack on Novi Grad, the capital of Sokovia. From that moment on, the rage for revenge took hold of you, but things didn’t turn out the way you expected.
Warnings: Angst. Trauma. Deaths. Violence.
Word count: 5378
A/N:  Sorry for my spelling and grammatical mistakes, English is not my native language, I am learning.
Reader Powers: Psionic Force Projection. Psionic force fields that she can manipulate in various ways. 
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When you were five years old you discovered that there was a completely different world inside that magic box. A world that seemed far away from the small town you lived in, a world that could capture your attention, that made you laugh, that grabbed you, and that you dreamed of living in in the future. It was then that American sitcoms became your world.
Your childhood in Novi Grad, the capital of Sokovia, was like that of any other child, totally happy. You were an only child, you were born and raised in a hard-working and extremely loving family, your parents loved you and you loved them, because all they wanted was to make you happy. Your birth took place on a sunny morning in June, creating the tradition that every birthday you went out to do something special, something out of the ordinary routine of everyday life. On your sixth birthday your parents took you to the amusement park, discovering that you weren’t too fond of Ferris wheels. During your eighth birthday your parents opted to take you to a football match, which you enjoyed quite a lot. On your ninth birthday, the three of you took a little trip to the mountains, discovering that you were completely allergic to wasp stings, but on your tenth birthday, everything changed.
For several weeks you had been pestering your mother to go to the new restaurant that had opened in the city centre. Remember that you were madly in love with American sitcoms from the 1950s, which were constantly on reruns on Sokovia television, so you couldn’t have been luckier when you found out that they had opened an American-style restaurant in the city centre. Your mother used to make excuses for not going, but not because she didn’t want to, but because she wanted to wait until your tenth birthday to go and have lunch with the three of you as a family, and that’s how it happened. The morning of your tenth birthday, Novi Grad dawned bright and shiny, there was hardly a cloud in the sky, and the sun was shining. It was Saturday, so there was neither school nor any job that would prevent you from spending the day apart. Your face changed to excitement when you discovered a note along with a special breakfast, informing you of a surprise lunch at Fred’s, the American-style restaurant. At the time you thought you were the luckiest girl in the universe, and that nothing and no one was going to change your mind, but things never work out the way you expect them to.
At around 13:15 you were seated at a table, and you yourself had decided which table you preferred, opting for the one right next to the large window, where you could watch the crowds passing by on the street. While your father informed the waitress about the menu you were going to have, you played with the bottle of ketchup while looking out of the window, on Saturdays the centre was usually crowded and that put you in a good mood. A Jukebox harmonised the atmosphere with typical songs of that decade, you had no idea what the song was, but you knew that you had heard it before in some sitcom. You were delighted, you seemed to be part of one of those comic scenes that made you laugh night after night, however something outside caught your attention, making you drop the bottle of ketchup from your hands. The scene was strange, people were no longer walking, running, no longer laughing, shouting, but you barely had time to utter “Mum…” before a bomb smashed through the large window.
Trauma. An inconsistent word that has so many negative connotations for the person who suffers from it. You never thought that a life filled with numerous catastrophic experiences could ever find the meaning of the word ‘Peace’ again, yet there you were, searching for it. The placid singing of the water crashing against the stones of the riverbed was the best melody you could wake up to every morning. After so many years you had found a place away from civilisation, far from the terror of humanity. A hut in the middle of the green and brown fields of Wakanda, a place where nothing and no one could disturb you. You could say, you could barely remember the time when you were at peace with yourself, maybe your childhood, but there was nothing left of that. However, the harmony around you, together with the humility of country life had given you back all the strength you needed to be able to go on with your life.
But now the question is how you came to Wakanda and why. It had been almost a year since a terrifying experience in the maximum security prison for humans with superpowers, also known as the Raft, prevented you from ever finding inner peace again. During the indeterminate period of time you were held in that underwater facility, the guards did terrible things to your brain. Fear for your powers caused them to take the initiative in using brain torture methods, the only way they discovered that was effective in overriding them. It left scars on you that would last a lifetime, if you made it out of there alive, which you came to believe would be impossible.
The next question is how you came to find yourself in that situation, but we’d better go back to the beginning, when that bomb hit that American-style restaurant in your hometown of Novi Grad. The darkness came moments after the projectile pierced the glass of that building and found its way into the ruins inside, creating a gaping hole underground. The loss of time and space came upon you, when you opened your eyes there was nothing, it was all darkness, yet a red, flickering light was just a few centimetres from your face. You could not move, your limbs were confined by the debris, you could only see the light that slightly illuminated the small air chamber in which you found yourself. You saw that metallic object in front of you, which had written on its side words that were engraved in your memory forever 'Stark Industries’.
It was a long period in which tears silently flowed from your eyes, it was indescribable the way fear clung to your body, with a small hope of being found that flickered on and off with that red light. You hardly knew what that light meant, that it really was a 'lucky break’ for you, at least that’s what all the news said when you were rescued two days later. Eventually you discovered that the bomb must have exploded, that like your parents and all the other members of the local, you must have died.
Your life after that did not improve, but you found them, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Your similar experiences during the bombing of Sokovia brought you together, they had also lost their parents and now you were three orphans who were confined from house to house waiting to come of age and flee the place.  The country of Sokovia became a war zone, with US troops frequently invading the streets, causing protests by the locals to intensify. During your youth you were a very active part of them, along with the twins, especially those against 'Stark Industries’. What those experiences generated was that the hatred you had hidden for Stark resurfaced again. The three of you wanted to purge your nation of foreign conflicts, so you met a division fighting for the same thing called HYDRA. You joined together, hoping to change the world, hoping to seek peace and freedom again, but that is not what happened. That group had very different ideas, ideas that you three were obviously not a part of, yet your innocence played a trick on you. Stucker, the leader of the division, offered you power, an outlet in the fight against violence, and you accepted, exposing yourselves to a series of physical experiments, called the 'Miracles’ programme. The programme consisted of exposing your bodies to radiation emitted through a sceptre that you had no idea what it was. Thirty-two people participated in the experiment, only you three remained alive. This caused a series of supernatural powers to develop in each of you. In your case, the psionic force took control of your body.
At this point HYDRA had got what it wanted, three superhumans to fight the Avengers, including Iron Man, aka Tony Stark, CEO of Stark Industries. It was impossible to admit that this was too juicy an incentive for you to pass up. The Avengers travelled to Sokovia with the intention of stealing the sceptre that gave you your powers. It was then, at the age of 25, after fifteen years of waiting for that moment, that you came face to face with the creator of the bomb that killed your parents, in that HYDRA operations centre in Sokovia. For the first time you could look him in the eye.
“Hey, J, a quick infrared scanner to the room,” he said in the middle of that wide ship, he had shed the suit, which was now operating on its own.
“The column to your left, I detected a human presence, with radiation levels off the charts,” the suit spoke up, discovering your position.
There was no point in staying hidden, it was the opposite of what you wanted, you wanted him to see you, to have the courage to look you in the eye, to not know who you were and let him know. Tony turned quickly towards that column that the inner voice of his suit had informed him about and bumped into you. The moment came. The brown of his iris projected towards you, he looked terribly harmless, he raised his left hand and Iron Man’s limb covered his own, projecting the palm of his hand towards your body. A smirk of arrogance amplified on your mouth.
“I mean you no harm,” his voice came out fast.
“So late,” you whispered without wiping away the smile, as you slowly raised your palms, creating a psionic field in a circular shape.
Just as Iron Man’s limb had attached itself to yours, the entire suit suddenly encircled your body. At that very moment you projected the psionic field towards him, starting a fierce battle in the middle of that ship. A battle that lasted no more than ten minutes due to your lack of ability to control, manipulate and project your powers. But that would be the first of many times you were to encounter him, that first encounter left you with a thirst for vengeance that would eventually fade, but at that moment it was impossible for you to know.
Things evolved over time, from HYDRA you came to ULTRON, who immersed you in his power, told you he was coming to save the world, but also to wipe out the Avengers, trapping you again in his intentions, believing his were the same as yours. Baron Von Strucker was killed shortly after by Ultron, now it was just the four of you, Ultron, the Maximoff twins and you.
At Salvage Yard, on the African Coast, was the second encounter. Your little group had headed out to meet Ulysses Klaue, an international criminal and underground black market arms dealer, to obtain the world’s most durable material, vibranium, however the Avengers also showed up, making the encounter more interesting. Thor, Captain America and Iron Man stood before the four of you in the middle of a gorge of corridors inside that container ship. There was Iron Man again, covering the body of Tony Stark inside.
“Are you comfortable?” Pietro turned his gaze to a set of missiles that were located on the lower deck. “Like the old times?
"This was never my life,” Iron Man replied, his voice neutral.
“Of course not,” you interjected, stepping to Pietro’s side. “He’s just the enforcer, isn’t he?”
“You can still walk away from this,” Captain America interjected, offering a nostalgic gesture from under his helmet.
“Oh, we’ll do it,” you said with marked indifference. “When the time comes.”
“I know you have suffered,” Captain America commented, eliciting a broad smile from you.
“You know that…” you whispered with a grin, lowering your gaze to your hands where psionic force was slowly concentrating through your fingers. “I really don’t care if you know.”
“It’s about me,” Tony’s stiff voice hit the mark.
“Bingo,” you said wryly just as a wide psionic field formed between your hands offering the signal for the battle to begin.
Disproportionate beams of light slammed into your pupils, energy bursting from each of you, causing the others to stand on guard and find their opponent to carry out their actions. Ultron’s minions moved to counterattack, while you scattered without a specific destination. You had had weeks of training to be able to face the new encounter you all knew was coming, and you could feel your control over your powers becoming more extended, but to do so you had to have your full attention focused on your actions.
The clash between you and Iron Man sent you off course, into a maze of dark corridors and passageways that were only illuminated by the energy coming out of that armour. Your psionic strength kept at bay the radiation that poured from the palm of his gauntlets and the monorail on his chest, causing it to bounce hard off the iron blocks of the walls.
“I’m not who you think I am,” Tony Stark’s voice came through the armour.
“Very subtle when you hide behind a mask,” your words caused the mask that covered Tony’s face to be exposed.
You stared into his eyes, feeling the energy burning inside you, feeling it building up in your hands, so you raised the palm of your hands without holding back, letting all that power come out and collide with the stealth lightning that Tony Stark let out of the palm of his hands. As if the two segments of energy were fighting a battle of their own they connected. With each draw of energy, exhaustion began to wash over you, knowing that you couldn’t last much longer than a couple of minutes in that situation. The clash caused sparks to reach each of the four sides of that corridor, denting the iron, melting it, but neither of you noticed.
At the third minute you pulled your hands away and threw yourself to one side so that its beam would not hit your body. Almost out of breath you dropped to the ground holding your palms up, Tony stopped the repulsor bolts of his gauntlets and turned his gaze upon you, but just as he took a step to approach you, a sharp, screeching noise caused you to change the destination of your gaze. What your eyes saw caused a nightmare to cling to your memory, the ceiling began to collapse, your exhaustion prevented you from creating a psionic field, your body became unresponsive and your mind locked. Your only institute was to close your eyes as tightly as you could, not knowing what was going to happen, but at that very moment when you heard how everything started to collapse, arms caught your body clutching it against a rigid chest and pulled you out.
So it was that once again a new failure was added to the list of your interventions. When you opened your eyes your body was lying prostrate in a corner of the main ship’s nave, where it had all started, but where there was no one left. The consumption of energy you had expended had left you without a shred of power within you. You looked up, your eyes a representation of the terror that had just reminded you of that moment, barely able to keep your breathing calm, and barely able to keep the words in your mouth when you saw Tony Stark’s face in front of yours again, before he looked away and walked away.
That was a turning point, for the next time you met Tony Stark face to face, you were on the same side. After the battle at Salvage Yard, the four of you, Ultron, the twins and you travelled to Seoul where Ultron’s true intentions were revealed. Ultron intended to create a genocide of humanity as a whole, he intended to create an enhanced body to dispose of his own. This horrified the three of you, causing you to flee from his power, causing Ultron’s wrath to prevail, creating a conflict in Seoul, in which the Avengers appeared. But the important thing in that was that the three of you joined the Avengers to save what had been your city, the place where you were born, Novi Grad.
You knew of Ultron’s plans for humanity, his intention was to create a device that would lift the city of Novi Grad into the sky, then drop it to Earth in a meteoric impact. On the way back to Sokovia, the place where it all began, a host of inexplicable feelings came to you, anger, shame, humiliation, hypocrisy… all related to your actions. Silence was present over the three of you, no conversations except those present to plan actions upon your arrival.
“Ultron knows we’re coming. Odds are we’ll be riding into heavy fire, and that’s what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn’t. So our priority is getting them out, ” the words coming from Steve made you nod, keeping your eyes averted. “All they want is to live their lives in peace, and that’s not going to happen today.” You felt Tony’s eyes on you, you looked up to confirm it, but this meeting of glances made you uncomfortable, changing your position. “But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done, and find out what Ultron’s been building. We find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us.” He paused. “Ultron thinks we’re monsters and we’re what’s wrong with the world. This isn’t just about beating him. It’s about whether he’s right.“
Those last words crashed into you, you had been asking yourself the same question for weeks, you also needed to have an answer to it. So that’s how the end of the beginning began. You could never imagine what it would be like to see hundreds of people running through those streets again, the streets where you had grown up, where you had fought for your ideals and where you were now saving all those people so that the events you had experienced would never happen again. Each of you had a specific area, your mission was to guide the population to the safe side, protecting them from Ultron’s minions. Everything seemed to be going as assured, however time ran out, the ground began to crack, creating cracks, splitting the earth, causing an area of the city to rise into the air.
The terror of the scene brought you back to your childhood, you leaned against a building keeping your breathing as calm as possible and looked around you, the horror was present again, the screams of the people made a dent inside you, you closed your eyelids as tight as possible and put your hands to your head trying to erase that sound from your mind. Your back was slowly sliding down the wall until you were sitting completely on the ruins of the building.
“Hey!” Steve’s voice sounded close to you. “Are you okay?” his question barely got an answer from you, you felt his hand resting on your shoulder. “Hey, look at me. Are you okay?” you opened your eyes again and with a terrified look on your face you nodded, looking for the strength to face it. “I need you, those people need you, I know this is crazy, I know you’re terrified, but so are they.” You looked around you contemplating the massacre. “You can help them, they are your people.”
Again, Steve’s words gave you the courage you needed to find the calm within yourself, stand up and do everything you could to stop those robots that Ultron had built and turned into his allies. You knew what your mission was, you had a mission now and you couldn’t let it paralyse you.
“Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed… walk it off.”
The population was congregated in a specific point of the city, there was no solution to evict them if that part of the city did not come down and land again, until a ship, the Helicarrier, appeared between the clouds to create a solution to one of your problems, the eviction of the population. Now all that was left to do was to get that piece of land back in place.
“Avengers, time to work for a living,” Tony announced over the intercom. While the population was getting to safety in the boats, you as a whole had gathered at the church in Novi Grad, where Ultron had located the core, or rather the button, with which he would bring the city down, destroying all of humanity.
“What’s the plan?” you asked, confused by the situation.
“This is the drill. If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose,” Tony replied pointing to the vibranium contraption in the centre of the shattered dome.
In front of you hundreds of robots captained by Ultron approached without stopping their pace. You sucked air into your lungs, awaiting the arrival of one of the most crucial moments of your existence, perhaps the most crucial, for in a few hours you could possibly be extinct along with humanity.
“This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me,” Ultron also had his plan and that was. “How could you possibly hope to stop me?”
“Well, like the old man said,” Tony looked at each of you. “Together.”
The battle for survival began. You thought the previous battles you had fought were the ones that could change the course of your destiny, the ones where you had faced Tony Stark, but you couldn’t have been more wrong, that was nothing compared to what you were going through right now. Each of you was part of that team, your energy was renewed every time you used it because you were fighting for a reason, the strength in you shone through. You were all a team and you were getting through this together. One by one Ultron’s robots fell, until there were none left standing, but it wasn’t over.
“We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I’ll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you,” Steve asked just after the last robot was down.
“The core-” began Tony after he had bared his face, but you barely let him finish his words.
“I’ll protect it,” you said firmly, giving a slight nod to yourself, “it’s my job.”
Tony connected his eyes with yours offering you a slight nod, just before he covered his face again and flew away. “I’ll stay with you,” added Wanda to whom you offered a faint smile before everyone disappeared from the scene and Pietro was ordered to return to you once everyone was in the boats. Everything seemed to be going according to plan, only a few straggling robots were presenting themselves to you with the intention of overthrowing your mission, but something happened. You felt your friend’s body collapse right behind you, you turned your head and saw Wanda’s face distorted, your eyes widened in confusion as she began to utter a scream that made your eardrums ring. She fell to her knees, causing her powers to spiral out of control in the crash, destroying every element in her path, so you had to create a force field around yourself in the hope that you would be unaffected. Your thoughts began to connect, trying to find an answer to his attitude, and you found it. Pietro.
You both walked through the streets, but she scattered within minutes Wanda disappeared in search of Ultron, leaving you there, but there was no one left to fight with, or fight for. It was at the very moment you questioned the functionality of your existence that Novi Grad plummeted thousands of feet into the air, offering you the answer to your question. Your eyes closed but you were no longer afraid, on the contrary, you had been able to find peace, everything came to an end in the same place where it all began. But as if someone had been watching over you, you felt arms holding your body and slowing down the frantic rhythm of the plummeting fall. You opened your eyes and found yourself being held by Iron Man’s armour.
“ I got you,” he said flying in the opposite direction, managing to dodge the ruins of that city. “Now Thor!”
A new turning point that changed the course of your actions and your destiny lay before you. Despite your best efforts, nearly 120 lives were lost during the Battle of Sokovia, including that of Pietro Maximoff. It was a before and after, symbolising the power of war and what could be its fatal consequences. For you it was a judgement, a learning experience, feeling guilty for much of what had happened, for helping HYDRA, for helping Ultron, to elaborate his actions. Your guilt led you to rethink your future, the course of new events led you and Wanda to a new country. You arrived in the United States, welcoming the New Avengers Facility as a new home. Offering you a roof to sleep under, training for your powers and a new family, though you didn’t feel that way at first.
You spent many hours in search of solitude, at the end of that green esplanade, when the tall oak trees were beginning to remind you of home. It was one afternoon in the first week, when you were still adjusting to it all, and you found yourself reading, leaning against a tree trunk.
“Hiding?” Tony’s voice pulled you out of your reading. “Oh, Sylvia Plath, great,” you looked at him, but offered no response, so he opted to sit awkwardly right in front of you on the grass. “Listen, we haven’t had much time… you know,” he took off his sunglasses and shrugged. “I’ve been looking through the files and … I know what happened to you… with your parents.”
“You know,” you said with a raised eyebrow, putting the book aside. “Do you also know what happened to the other thousands of people or do you only have a file on me and a file on Wanda and Pietro?”
The confidence in your voice was at odds with the insecurity Tony was showing, so when you saw him turn his head to the right side as he crumpled his face you opted to do what you had been thinking about for the last few days, call it a day.
“Listen. I’ve spent many years imagining what it would be like when I had you in front of me,” you began to say calmly, keeping your gaze fixed on your fingers as Tony watched you with his head cocked to one side, listening to you intently. “In what I was going to tell you, in the way I would let you know the pain I felt inside, because to me you were to blame for everything bad that had happened to me,” you paused, took a breath and thought about what you were going to say next. “But the moment I had you in front of me I didn’t say anything I had planned to say, I let my anger and pain guide me, and it didn’t do any good. The same thing happened the second time, and the third time it was pointless because there was something much more important to fight for.”
“I…” Tony interjected.
“Please, let me finish,” you cut him off, causing Tony to nod and turn his attention back to you. Sadness clouded his features. “So now I have you in front of me again I just want you to know that I have realised that…” you paused causing Tony to make a slight gesture of approaching you, but when you started to speak again he stopped. “I have no intention of you bearing my ghosts, but I need you to know that I spent two days under the rubble waiting for Stark to kill me,” your voice cracked, and Tony’s eyes reddened. “Watching your name light up on the side of that missile every time that flashing red light illuminated the darkness, hearing that beeping sound that I still can’t erase from my mind, terrified that my breathing would cause that bomb to detonate because my limbs could barely move.”
For the first time you raised your face to meet wide open brown eyes, reddened and unable to hold your gaze for long. Tony’s face was pale during those moments, his body was no longer upright and he was nervously running his hand over his lips.
“With that said, it only remains for me to let you know that I will not let the hatred and vengeance of a ten year old consume me,” you looked back down at your hands, allowing Tony’s eyes to fall on you again. “I’ve seen the power that resentment brings with it, I don’t want that for myself,” you connected your gazes. “Then I suppose I must forgive you in order to move forward.”
Silence. Silence flooded the room leaving heavy breaths in the air that symbolised the tension of the situation you were both experiencing for the first time right now. There was no right answer to everything you had said, it was clear to you that Tony didn’t know how to act at that moment. You sat cross-legged on the damp grass, watching him, seeing how he couldn’t hold your gaze since you had explained that you saw his name reflected in that missile. Yet he fought against it and focused his brown eyes on yours.
“I promise you…” he began stiffly, but again you cut him off.
“Tony, don’t promise me anything,” your voice was soft, as if you were talking to a small child.  "Please.“
After your denial of his action, he only nodded. He merely nodded as he intertwined his fingers and began to fidget restlessly with his left leg.
"Then I don’t know what you want,” his tone offered an enormous insecurity marked by nervousness.
“That’s the point. I don’t want anything, Tony,” you said without fidgeting.
“All right,” he nodded confusedly, rising quickly but awkwardly from the grass in an attempt to get away from the situation. “So… I hope it’s all to your liking.”
With that said, he turned his back on you and left the same way he had come. Leaving you under the shade of that oak tree with Sylvia Plath.
Now, too much had happened since then, much of it was why you found yourself in Wakanda trying to juxtapose all that had happened, but what you didn’t know was that on that placid morning when you went for a walk along the banks of that small riverbed, Shuri and T'Challa would come to inform you that he was there and that he had asked to speak with you.
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twiststreet · 2 years
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Watching Ambulance the other day, as a Michael Bay Appreciator, I was struck by the scene of the gay FBI agent kissing his boyfriend quickly on screen on his way to getting into some ambulance-related hijinx. Disney nerds always pretend a lot less is some great advance for humanity, and all, whereas Michael Bay was just, like, “Here you go, you little assholes-- now check out my sweet new drone!!!”  (His new drone RULES).  And what struck me about it is just how... since 1995, without making a big deal of it that I’ve ever noticed, Michael Bay has always sort of had black characters usually featuring prominently in his movies (the only exceptions I can think of being the fourth Transformer, unless you count voices, which I don’t think you should, and 13 Hours, which was a true story though I don’t know if they whitewashed it, and Wikipedia says that still had a Persian in it-- the translator, at least).  
Bay’s treatment of race is not like super-super-cool-- I don’t think Tony Todd or Bokeem won any NAACP awards for The Rock (yet).  (Michael Clarke Duncan should have won an award for The Island, he was hilarious in that movie, but you know: politics).  And Transformers 2 had the issues it had, where some of the transforming robots were kinda not cool, racially-speaking.  I think Michael Bay’s idea of “what black people are like” is oftentimes very.... broad/not-okay (though with the acknowledgment that everyone in a Michael Bay movie is going to be pretty broad generally-- Jake Gyllenhaal angrily screams “THIS IS CASHMERE” at the top of the lungs at one point in Ambulance, and it’s... to me, it’s cinema).  The gay guy in Ambulance certainly isn’t going to win a GLAAD award.  
But the thing that struck me is how lurking behind all the explosions with Bay, I think you kinda get a glimpse of Bay’s Big Picture idea of America.  It’s not one where Asians really exist, which okay, bummer I guess, you know... but I think it’s more, like... Black?  White?  As long as you’re a cop or a soldier, you’re okay with him!  As long as you can make a car explode while a woman in lingerie writhes around on a mirror, Michael Bay says welcome to America...?  
Which may feel a way, but as things go...? That’s a very achievable test for being a Good American.  Can I as a Michael Bay American make my car explode, while I watch from a distance, holding a copy of Maxim Magazine?  I think I can do that!  I think that’s an American Dream that’s a lot more affordable than home ownership anyways. All you need is a rag and some matches.  I’m not sure if they still sell Maxim, but you know, fingers crossed.  You gotta be white to be in a Harry Potter or a Lord of the Ring, those are the rules, but you get to be in a Michael Bay movie if you’re a minority, provided that you sometimes might have to yell “Awww hell no.”  But yelling  “Awww hell no” is a lot easier than remembering all the words to the national anthem, and it’s more open to people of different creeds than your pledge of allegiance.   
I think we should put Michael Bay in charge of patriotism, I guess is what I’m saying.  I just don’t know what could go wrong! *Cut to a horrifying future where everything everywhere has been exploded, and we are all have to hide in the ruins from roving lingerie cannibal-girl gangs*  Oh sorry, guys.  I guess I goofed it on that one.  I should’ve thought that tumblr post out more.  Whoops!
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