#Family Pack
warandpeas · 6 months
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yearningaces · 2 months
familial love with a werewolf pack?
The term dogpile took on a new meaning at the moment.
Because the damned mutt that dropped onto your back in his fully shifted form not actually hurting you, but certainly pinning you in place.
"Fucking, Ma! Ma, Ferg is doing it again!" You cry out from under the yellow and grey werewolf laying on top of you like a toddler.
Ma, the black fur werewolf, laying just a few feet away doesn't even raise her head while responding, "Ferg, be careful with your packmates."
Ferg just snorts, content to lounge where he is. The arrival of Nadia's pups rushing over to join him doesn't help.
It's Nadia who trots over, lifting each grey and black pup by their scruff and depositing them next to you instead of on top of you after nudging her snout to your cheek in silent greeting. "We must be gentle with our human, young ones."
"yes ma..."
"The human ain't careful with us!" It's Tarvish's voice that barks out next, the dark brown werewolf whining out his complaints, only to get his ear nipped by Da, the white werewolf offering a low growl. "You're a strong lad, 'sides, they keep your instincts sharp. Ya won't ever be surprised if they keep sneaking up on ya, making ya learn how to be more observant."
"Anyone!" You cry out again mostly in dramatic annoyance, shoving uselessly at Ferg's shifted form still splayed on top of you. The werewolf in question who's pretending to sleep with loud fake snoring.
"Depends!" Tarvish calls out to you this time, rising from his spot and slowly meandering over to you. "What's in it for me?"
Your eyes follow the scruffiest werewolf in the pack. "You can have my desserts when we get home tomorrow."
Tarvish huffs in thought. "All o' em?" He clarifies
"For the entire day."
Tarvish steps close enough that you can feel the earth shake slightly with his heavy paws. "... Nah." And with that, he deposits himself against your legs, only further impeding your movement.
There's a few barks of amusement among the clearing in the forest, and this starts an actual dogpile. Nadia laying on her back against your side, paws up in the air as her adoptive pups jump up to rest on her stomach. Da striding over and dropping down near your head, nosing against your cheek before shifting to make room for Ma who settles down similarly to him. She leans her snout down, licking the point of your nose carefully before resting her head on Da's backside.
Meanwhile, you're entirely surrounded by your pack.
Talk about a dogpile
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geekcavepodcast · 21 days
Family Pack Teaser
We need more People-Get-Sucked-Into-Games films.
Family game night goes wrong. A family is sucked into a mysterious card game and transported to a medieval village where they have to fend of werewolves each night.
Based on the board game The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow, itself inspired by the party game Werewolf (or Mafia), Family Pack is a comedy starring Jean Reno, Franck Dubosc, Suzanne Clément, Jonathan Lambert, and Gregory Fitoussi. François Uzan directs.
Family Pack hits Netflix in October 2024.
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celluloidrainbow · 1 year
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QUE FAISAIENT LES FEMMES PENDANT QUE L'HOMME MARCHAIT SUR LA LUNE? (2000) dir. Chris Vander Stappen July 1969. After two years spent in Canada, Sacha is back in her small Belgian town with two major news to break to her family only days before the Moon Landing: the first one is that instead of being married (or at least engaged) to a man as they so hoped, she has a Canadian girlfriend! The second is not less of a shocker to the family: instead of graduating as a radiologist in Montréal Sacha has left medical school whereas all the family, despite financial difficulties, has made enormous sacrifices to support her. How will her nearest and dearest react? (link in title)
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contac · 2 years
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safecastle-sale · 2 months
Buy Numanna Products Online at Best Prices
Numanna is a brand that produces high-quality, organic, and sustainable food for emergencies or daily use. They believe that food is a critical aspect of survival, and they want to make sure people have access to nutritious options no matter the circumstances.
Founded in 2012
Created with the goal of providing sustainable and organic food options
Pioneered the use of clean, non-GMO ingredients
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mcmahonerickson00 · 9 months
استكشف تلفازة.تيفي: عيش تجربة الترفيه الخاصة بك!
استعمل نفسك للانغماس في رحلة مشوقة مع تلفازة.تيفي، حيث تنتظرك تجارب ترفيهية لانهائية. احصل على جاهزية لاكتشاف عالمٍ من المحتوى المثير والوصول إلى عالمٍ من الاشتراكات الرائعة التي تلبي احتياجات المستخدمين في المغرب. في هذا المقال، سنكشف عن abonnement iptv لباقات IPTV التي تقدمها تلفازة.تيفي، لتعزيز تجربتك في مشاهدة الترفيه كما لم يحدث من قبل. باقة العائلة: مهرجان ممتع من المرح انطلق إلى باقة العائلة، حيث يستعرض لك السحر الخاص بالترفيه العائلي. مع مجموعة متنوعة من القنوات مصممة لكل الأعمار، تعتبر هذه الباقة بوابتك للابتسامات اللانهائية واللحظات التي لا تُنسى. سواء كنت تبحث عن المغامرات المرسومة أو أفلام العائلة الناجحة، أو الرياضة المليئة بالإثارة، تقدم لك باقة العائلة عالمًا ساحرًا سيحتفظ بتسلية الجميع. تأمل واستمتع وصنع ذكرياتٍ لا تُنسى معًا. باقة البداية: أشهِر رحلتك مع IPTV استعد لإشعال رحلتك في عالم IPTV. باقة البداية هي مفتاحك لاستكشاف عالمٍ من الترفيه المثير. استمتِع في مجموعةٍ متنوعةٍ من القنوات المباشرة ومكتبة واسعة من محتوى الفيديو حسب الطلب التي ستنقلك إلى قلب السرد المشوق. من السلاسل المثيرة للإدمان إلى الأفلام المبهرة، كل اختيار هو بوابةٌ إلى عوالمٍ جديدةٍ من الترفيه. بواجهة سهلة الاستخدام وتصفحٍ سلس، تبدأ رحلتك بنقرةٍ واحدة. باقة الأسد: ألهم جرأتك وشغفك إنها وقت الأسد للعبور إلى العالم الكبير والمثير من IPTV. باقة الأسد تجلب لك الحماس والشغف في كل ركنٍ من هذه التجربة الترفيهية. مع تشكيلةٍ مذهلةٍ من القنوات الرياضية والأفلام الحصرية والبرامج المفضلة للمشاهدين، ستشعر بقوة الأسد في كل مشهدٍ وفي كل لحظةٍ. استعد للاستمتاع بأقوى المباريات والتحديات والأفلام التي ستثير حواسك وتأخذك في رحلةٍ حماسية لا تُنسى. باقة الذهب: أخذ لحظاتك الثمينة
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دخولك إلى عالم IPTV لن يكتمل بدون باقة الذهب. اسرق لحظات الترفيه الثمينة واستمتع بمجموعةٍ واسعةٍ من القنوات الحصرية والبرامج المتميزة. سواء كنت من محبي الأفلام، أو عشاق الرياضة، أو مستكشفي الثقافات والأفكار، فإن باقة الذهب تعزز تجربتك في مشاهدة التلفزيون وتأخذك في رحلةٍ مثيرةٍ ومليئة بالتشويق. استعد لتجربةٍ مذهلة تفوق كل توقعاتك واستمتع بكل لحظةٍ منها. باقة Strong 4K: فتح الجمال الحقيقي للتلفاز انغمِس في عالمٍ من الجمال والتفاصيل الدقيقة مع باقة القوة الحقيقية 4K. استعد لمشاهدة مذهلة تفوق كل توقعاتك مع دقة الوضوح العالية. ستحول هذه الباقة تجربتك في مشاهدة الترفيه إلى مغامرةٍ بصريةٍ رائعة. استمتع بألوانٍ زاهية وتفاصيلٍ نابضة بالحياة في كل مشهدٍ تشاهده. قم برفع مستوى رحلتك في الترفيه إلى مستوى جديدٍ من الجمال والجودة مع باقة القوة الحقيقية 4K. في الختام: مع تلفازة.تيفي وباقاتها المميزة من IPTV، تتحدث لك تجربةٌ ترفيهيةٌ لا مثيل لها. انغمِس في عالمٍ من القنوات المباشرة والمحتوى المميز وتجربةٍ سهلة الاستخدام ومستوى عالٍ من الراحة. لمزيدٍ من المعلومات حول باقات IPTV وللاشتراك في الخدمة، تفضل بزيارة موقعنا www.telfaza.television..
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christensendreyer22 · 9 months
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La plateforme Telfaza.tv est votre solution idéale exclusive pour profiter des plus grands événements sportifs à ne pas manquer sur IPTV. Avec notre solution, ressentez l'intensité de la Champions League, de la Liga espagnole, de la Premier League anglaise, de la Bundesliga, du championnat français, du championnat italien et bien plus encore événements sportifs passionnants. Dans cet article, nous mettons en avant la particularité de Telfaza.tv pour la diffusion de ces compétitions majeures, vous permettant de profiter l'action sportive de premier plan depuis le confort de votre foyer. La Champions League : Sentez l'Émotion du Football Européen : Notre service Telfaza.tv vous offre une expérience sans égale pour assister à les matchs de la Champions League. Encouragez les plus grandes équipes européennes s'affronter pour le sacre, avec des affrontements épiques et des moments de brillant. Ne ratez aucun une seule minute de l'effervescence du football européen avec notre solution IPTV inégalée. LaLiga espagnole : La Crème de la Liga à Votre Portée : Plongez dans le spectacle du football espagnol avec la diffusion en direct de la Liga sur notre service Telfaza.tv . Vibrez au rythme des matchs des clubs légendaires tels que le FC Barcelone, le Real Madrid, l'Atletico Madrid et bien d'autres. Grâce à notre solution exclusive, immergez-vous dans l'top du football espagnol et délectez-vous les exploits et les buts époustouflants de ces formations talentueuses. Premier League anglaise : Immergez-vous dans l'Intensité de la Premier League : Le championnat de football anglais est connue pour son intensité. Avec notre plateforme Telfaza.tv, vous pouvez assister à les matchs de vos clubs favoris, qu'il s'agisse de Manchester United, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal ou d'autres clubs prestigieux. Ne ratez aucun les moments forts, les buts sensationnels et les surprises de la Premier League grâce à notre service IPTV exceptionnelle. Bundesliga : Le Talent du Football Allemand à Vos Yeux : Laissez-vous emporter par la passion du football allemand avec la diffusion en temps réel de la Bundesliga sur Telfaza.tv. Suivez les plus grands clubs allemands, tels que le Bayern Munich, le Borussia Dortmund, le RB Leipzig et bien d'autres, dans leur bataille pour le sommet. Avec notre exclusivité, vous pouvez apprécier le jeu rapide, l'intensité et la virtuosité du football allemand depuis le chez vous. Championnat Français : La Ligue 1 à l'Honneur : Soyez présent à tous les matchs du championnat français grâce à notre plateforme Telfaza.tv. Encouragez les équipes de renommée comme le Paris Saint-Germain, l'Olympique de Marseille, l'Olympique Lyonnais et bien d'autres dans leur bataille pour la suprématie nationale. Avec notre solution IPTV inégalée, vous pouvez soutenir votre formation favorite et vivre chaque but et chaque moment de suspense de la Ligue 1. Championnat Italien : Le Calcio sous les Feux de la Rampe : Regardez les matchs de la Série A italienne en direct sur Telfaza.tv. Plongez dans l'le style et la tactique du football italien en accompagnant des clubs légendaires comme la Juventus, l'Inter Milan, l'AC Milan et bien d'autres. Avec notre exclusivité, vous pouvez délecter-vous de les talents des joueurs italiens et ressentir l'ambiance singulière des stades italiens depuis le confort de votre foyer. Autres Événements Sportifs : Ressentez l'Action en Direct : En plus des méga-événements majeurs mentionnés, notre plateforme Telfaza.tv vous offre également l'opportunité pour de nombreux autres rencontres palpitantes de premier plan. Que ce soit des matches de tennis, des épreuves de Formule 1, des affrontements de boxe ou d'd'autres disciplines passionnantes, notre solution IPTV vous permet de rester connecté à l'action en direct et de ne pas passer à côté des moments forts du monde du sport. Conclusion :
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Notre service Telfaza.tv vous apporte une offre exclusive exceptionnelle pour la diffusion des principaux événements sportifs sur IPTV. Appréciez de la Champions League, de la Liga espagnole, de la Premier League anglaise, de la Bundesliga, du championnat français, du championnat italien et bien d'encore plus compétitions, l'ensemble depuis le confort de votre foyer. Ne manquez plus aucun moment d'action, de superbes buts et d'émotions intenses grâce à notre solution IPTV exclusive. Abonnez-vous dès maintenant à notre plateforme Telfaza.tv et vivez le sport comme jamais auparavant.
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wombywoo · 3 months
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detour 🚘
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Batkid Groupchat
Dick: someone save me pls
Jason: What's wrong?
Dick: Gala at Wayne Manor
Dick: This guy won't stop talking to me
Jason: lol sucks to suck
Damian: Sorry Richard, I cannot attend to the situation. That would give up my hiding spot.
Damian: I meant vantage point.
Damian: If any of you tell Bruce, I will murder you.
Cass: Damian, look up
*sends photo of Damian in the rafters of Wayne Manor*
Damian: Ah, great minds think alike I see.
Tim: hold up Dick, I wanna get out of this conversation too, I'll be over in a sec
Steph: Can't relate
Steph: This is why you don't let the first billionaire who offers adopt you
Steph: then you gotta go to the stuffy parties
Steph: Duke and I are the only smart ones
Duke: Agreed, have fun at the party
Later at the Gala
*Red Hood and the Outlaws come busting through the door*
Red Hood: This is a hostage situation
Red Hood: We want Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, and Damian Wayne.
Bruce, also desperately wanting to get out: Aren't you forgetting someone
Red Hood: Oh, right, Alfred Pennyworth
Bruce: aren't you forgetting someone else?
Red Hood: No
Bruce: Ja- Red Hood. Aren't you going to take me!
Red Hood: what would I need you for? I already have CEO of Wayne enterprises *ruffles Tim's hair, about to get fought by Tim* (under his breath: you fight back, I'm leaving you behind), a police officer, biological son of a billionaire, cool af dancer Cassandra Cain, and Alfred the Almighty
Bruce: don't you want a billionaire too?
Red Hood: If I take you, who is going to pay the ransom?
*Taking the Batkids and Alfred out of the gala as Bruce pouts*
Jason: one of you swipped Bruce's credit card before we left, right?
Tim: of course, we aren't amateurs
Jason: then ice cream on Bruce!
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oldmannapping · 8 months
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HC: Roy got that man-bag for Jason as a gag gift and now Jason carries his gun, a collapsible Red Hood helmet, and some chapstick in it.
That’s the only explanation for why he needs cargo pants AND that ridiculous bag. Chapstick and guns.
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pwoohiesims · 4 months
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Mommy & Me
Download:    ♡  ( Infants/Female poses )
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚ Please tag me on instagram @pwoohiesims or @pwoohiespam or @castiel.sims i will love to see your photo if you use them <3
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fluentisonus · 3 months
i just found a game of cards for sale online from like c. 1930s-50s where every card has a copy of a different ship painting done by my great great great uncle (maritime painter) on it
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smoke-glass · 1 month
Just an opinion I thought I should share
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imfromsixam · 1 year
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Wednesday Goth Bedroom (CC Pack for The Sims 4)
Here is the second part of what I wanted to accomplish for this October and November, and now you know what this theme was about! I have always been a fan of The Addams Family so this time I wanted to do something to play with them in The Sims 4.
In this CC Pack you will find a collection of furniture to create a gothic slightly modern bedroom for your Sims, but I as always, I tried to make dynamic recolors so you can use them however you like.
I think my favorite piece of this set is the fireplace and the bed frame, I like how the gothic details in the stone and wood ended up. 
This is obviously a perfect combination with my Love for Gothic Windows and Doors CC Pack.
Please let me know what do you think, I hope you like this CC Pack!
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Workaholics Anonymous 
Science Major: Man, I sure wish I had time to enjoy college but I have so much studying and homework to do. At least I'll get an easy high paying job after, right?
Physicist: I think I have a pretty good work life balance (does not, actually) and I think my grad students should have the same work life balance (which is not having that)
Astronomer: I work *about 40 hour weeks, but sometimes there are hours are in the middle of the night 'cause, y'know, stars. But who needs a consistent sleep schedule, really? Not me. I got Redbull.
Geologist: Sometimes I get to spend 15 hours a day wandering through the desert in severe weather conditions looking for cool rocks! also I have to like survey the land or whatever so I can get money
Chemist: Oh, you know, my PI only lets me see my family at night for dinner, then I have to come back and sleep in the lab, but overall I’d say I’m not too stressed.
Physician: Well, I had to work really hard, so why shouldn't everyone else have to work even harder? I'm sure the patients could only benefit from everyone being sleep deprived.
Biologist: I work so much I don’t even remember the last time I wasn’t working.
Science Major: huh?
Computer Scientist: Um… I work from home for at most 8 hours a day then play video games
Biologist: *licks lips*
Computer Scientist (Game Dev): I would murder you if I wasn't so... oh there I go- *passes out from exhaustion (hasn't slept or touched grass in five years)*
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