hayatheauthor · 2 months
"Why do you care so much about accidentally leaving people out?" Because I've had friend groups where they were the planets and I was their Pluto.
I've had friend groups where our dynamics revolved around a Sun, with everyone vying for their attention if only to bask in their light for a mere moment. Where our thinly strung bonds collapsed the second our Sun left.
I've had friend groups where they bonded as Saturn's rings, finding solace in their shared shortcomings while isolating those more talented than them.
But I've also had friend groups where we bond as Neptune and Uranus—so similar we could be known as twins. Friend groups like Venus and Earth: so awfully different, yet it was those differences that kept us together.
And I would rather create a social system like the latter than the former.
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27paperlilies · 10 months
I'm always missing some unspoken cue, it's like I'm in a play, but I was never handed a script.
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alwaysbewoke · 10 days
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elllteo · 3 months
Creators I love you but it's time to wake up
Among rumors about our tumblr user data being sold off to Midjourney/Generative AI, recent Extremely transphobic events (that have been ongoing) coming to a head, another extremely concerning internet censorship bill being pushed in upper levels of government, and a general air of frustration over how the site belongs to and is operated by perhaps the second stupidest CEO (second only to twitters own) of our age, I'm very done with the last few vestiges of what the old internet held for artists.
And if you're reading this, you probably are too.
I know we're tired. We are all tired. It is not always viable to pack up shop and move, again and again and again.
From tumblr to twitter to anywhere else we've ever grown up posting, things no longer work. Our audiences are kneecapped by aggressive and hostile algorithms, our reach is abysmal - if we aren't shadow-banned or silenced for one (transphobic) reason or another, we're thrust into an ever growing pit of hostility where the only thing that drives clicks is fighting and contention.
We're tired. We're so fucking tired. We aren't businesses, we aren't content mills, we cannot keep this pace that modern social media has set for us, to wring every ounce of creativity out of us to profit from and leave us rotting.
The key to staying afloat here, and I cannot stress this enough, is to stay connected to your peers.
Pack up and move as units if you must. Exodus from the sites that are killing us. Push your entire friend group of artists to move from one site to the next that promises you a kinder experience.
Art drives movements, it drives change, it is all that encompasses being human. If you take that away from the shitty places, they will be left with nothing but a cesspit of inhumanity and the people who follow you will be more incentivized than ever to move with you.
Yes, this is terrifying. There are no guarantees. There never was, and never are, and never will be.
But stay connected. Stay human.
Support each other and be willing to hold hands and jump when we all - as a group - need to jump from the flames we're all trying to convince ourselves wont kill us before rescue comes.
Rescue isn't coming, rescue will be found hand in hand with each other. I'm offering you my hand, please take it. There's always a new start, there are always helping hands reaching for you. You have to look up from the doom-scroll long enough to see and take them.
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jessiarts · 3 months
I feel like a lot of people who stress about being/getting popular on social media don't realize that they don't actually want to be internet famous, they just want community.
In this essay I will-
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quanticq · 8 months
Hey Q! Sorry for bothering you, but for some reason I can no longer find any of your tik tok accounts 😭 Did they get deleted or something?
Hi this is Q! I’m coming out of the woodwork to address this, since I did went radio silent out of the blue so it’s not a bother at all
The short answer is Yes, I deleted my tiktok
Yes delete not deactivate, I’m not coming back to That app or IG or Twt, I deleted my socials except here and YouTube, I honestly felt so overwhelmed with everything, I realized I’m not even posting for myself anymore there. A lots of people crossed my boundaries time and time again I felt so helpless, bitter with myself. I guess I was just overwhelmed with the attention I got; both positive and negatives ones.
Im done and I want to start over so that’s why I’m here and on YouTube, I already posted some of these on my community tab on YT but here’s what I have in mind for the future of the content I want to create: more detail under the cut, and also;
CW: very brief mention of spiraling, harm inflict oneself or others, paranoia, etc
•Long-form content: my attention span is a bit messed up from consuming and making short-form content to the point where I can’t focus in university. I want to create something meaningful. It’s not that my previous content was not meaningful, no. I had fun and no time is wasted when I have fun, it was warm… but as I mentioned earlier, I just felt this lingering bitterness the longer I stayed making those short-form content. It really felt like I was on the verge of losing it. Especially with how the bigger following I have the less people think of me as a person than just another content creator you see on the internet,
I want to create long-form content, I’m so tired of forcing myself to generate 15 second content. On tiktok it just feels like I’m just creating and not really connecting. I want to try something new, maybe create an open space for meaningful discussion in the comments. I don’t think I can stand another copy-paste tiktok comment anymore. You know what I meant if you’re frequent on that app.
•Art Content with Commentary: and don’t worry this won’t be those petty artist drama issue, but I will still cover anything serious
it could be love letters or video essays ranging from fan fictions, fandom culture, the art scene and so much more. I may even share a bit of my personal life, this will be self indulgent after all! I want to make it fun for myself and as well to those who comes across my channel. I really REALLY want to create a genuine following.
On tiktok it’s so easy to gain following but not so easy to retain them, it’s mostly because of the algorithm and the FYP feature there.
On Tiktok most content that would get featured as an artist there would be creative work has to be either; more than exceptional which is pressuring enough already to consistent posters, straight up suggestive content shown to minors (tiktok doesn’t really have a blocked keywords feature but it’s so disheartening to see these creators intentionally not using the sensitive warning since it could limit their reach significantly) oh yes we can’t forget the negativity surrounding beginner artists or “art lore”
All of this cesspool of negativity, it’s a whole can of worms but it will be one of my prominent topics that I wish to discuss in my future art commentaries. I hope you guys are looking forward to those! I might bring in a few people or so to talk about it with me
and finally;
•Streaming: I used to do a lot of streams during the weekends on the clock app and it was super fun! I want to bring that back but that would have to wait since I’m unfamiliar with some features on YouTube, and I’m aware that YT does not have a discoverable feature for stream but that’s alright, I want to start something small first.
In short; I’ll figure it out! just need some baby steps before I start streaming again.
I apologize for deleting everything out of the blue, if I’m gonna be honest it was partially planned because I’ve been thinking about deleting my tiktok, twitter and Instagram for a while now but how it happened? In my breakdown I realized that I don’t want anyone to see me spiral, especially now that I realized how young my audience are, I’m not sure how that happened but I guess posting fandom contents does attract the young ones somehow inevitably, even though my content is nowhere near as suggestive, but I do talk about serious topics from time to time… but I digress, its not fair for them to deal with me if they see me spiral publicly,
it is especially not fair to them to console me. When I was younger than 14, I’ve been in a position where I have to talk down someone who was older, maybe 4-5 years older than me, from harming themselves or anyone, it was traumatizing and unpleasant. I don’t wish for anyone to go through that, it’s very painful.
It’s been… hard for me to ground myself. Ive been seeing things through a kaleidoscope of emotions; I was trying to focus on everything but it’s just too overwhelming so eventually I cracked. But please don’t worry I’ve been doing better now, after some time away from my online persona, and of course spending time with my beloved girlfriend, I see things much more clearly now.
Thank you to anyone who read this and much so appreciate those who understand where I’m coming from
Also now that I think of it can my stuff be considered as lost media now? Amazing! But please don’t be sad the fun I had was genuine!
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Thank you again to those who genuinely enjoyed my content on tiktok but it’s time for me to try my hand at something new, I will still be dwelling in my creative headspace just.. away from public for now,
if you’re looking forward for my future post, make sure to check out my YouTube! I still have a lot I need to cook hehe, this is one of the few!
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More post soon, Bye bye! -Q
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writingwithfolklore · 10 months
Since publishers care so much more now about authors having followers (and even self publish seems to need it), how do you recommend writers just starting to get some? I’m working on my first book, but feel really discouraged by how online-centric the field has become since I’m definitely more introverted and not big on social media.
Hey, I know exactly what you mean. I've never really considered myself a social media person--this blog is my first like public social media account and I really had no idea it would make it to where it is now.
Some authors believe that their work will speak for itself, that they don't need to play the social media game in order to get published or sell books. I don't really trust that--especially not when the other writers publishers are looking at are on social media. That's just free marketing, and who would turn down saving money?
So here's what I'll say about it: start small. Start with one writing blog that you think no one will ever really find. Or an instagram where you post quotes or screenshots of writing advice (credit them, though!).
Follow other accounts doing the same thing. There's some writing accounts on instagram I follow just to see how other people are doing it, @alex.wrtng and @coffeebeanwriting (on here and insta) are both good ones. There's a lot of ways to do it depending on the kind of stuff you want to post.
The good news is--if you're consistent and stick to it, the people will find you, and as long as you're not on a more video-centric social media, you don't really ever have to show your face or reveal who you are. Eventually you'll get a little bit more comfortable in it.
It kind of just takes one moment where you have to be so so brave, and then it gets easier after that. And hey, if you start something, send me a message and I'll be your first follower :)
Good luck!
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raineandsky · 6 months
The hero’s capture shouldn’t have happened. She’s not even entirely sure how it happened. She stepped a foot wrong, or so she assumes, and the villain’s henchmen had leapt on her.
She’s contemplating her predicament from the villain’s classic choice of iron bars and dingy jail cell. Nothing is adding up. The villain always targets her when she’s obvious—in the public eye, in the limelight, on show. Tonight his henchmen found her alone, on a random street, blending into the background. How the hell did they know where she was? Who she was?
Her blood runs cold at the implications. If they found her this easily, who’s to say who else they could find? It doesn’t bear thinking about, not when she’s as useless as this in a goddamn cell.
The door opposite clanks open like it’s purposely announcing the newcomer. Not that it needs to, since the hero knows exactly who’s approaching her cell by the clicking of heels and the swish of a well-loved coat.
“Fancy seeing you here,” the villain greets, his grin weaving into his voice.
The hero doesn’t even grace him with a glance. She stares at his shoes instead. “What a coincidence.”
“Thought you’d at least be curious who got you here.”
“Not really.” The hero scowls. “I know all your henchmen by name by now.”
The villain makes a noise vaguely resembling a laugh. “No, my dear hero. Not who picked you up. Who found you.”
The hero frowns. She can smell a trap from a mile away. “You, I assumed.”
The following silence forces the hero’s gaze up to the villain’s face. The grin in his voice is also on his face, the asshole. “No. Not me.”
He turns to gesture beyond the doorway, and curiosity gets the better of her. She leans to look past him at the pair of figures traipsing into the room, heavy footfalls punctuated by quick, nervous steps. A henchman, and someone else.
“Meet,” the villain says with a smug glint in his eye, “your new nemesis.”
The hero’s eyes fall on someone familiar. Someone small, young, easily drawn to the wrong side.
“[Sidekick]?” She can’t help the name coming out a little incensed. Her sidekick cringes at her tone. “I swear to god, [Villain], you’re going to—”
“He came to us,” he interrupts, and the hero shuts up in disbelief. “He wanted to share some really pivotal stuff with us. Didn’t you?”
The sidekick nods and smiles pleasantly when the villain ruffles his hair. The hero can’t believe what she’s seeing. “[Sidekick],” she says again, softer. “He’s tricking you. They’re the bad guys.”
“We didn’t trick anyone,” the villain says shortly, as if her judgement offended him. “We told him the truth, and he picked his side.”
“You weren’t very nice to me,” the sidekick adds quietly.
“Yeah, and that.” The villain looks positively delighted at the hero’s disgraced expression. “You weren’t very nice to him. So he came and told us exactly where we could find you and when.”
The hero barely holds back her blanch. The sidekick gives her one last glance, mildly disinterested, before reaching back for the henchman, and they take his hand like a parent. They throw a glance to the villain, and with a short nod of confirmation they steer the sidekick back to the door.
“[Sidekick]!” the hero calls desperately, but he ignores her. The door clanks shut again, and the villain sighs.
“He’s a good kid,” he comments idly. “You missed out.”
The hero’s barely containing her seething. “You poisoned his mind.”
“God, no, [Hero], what do you take me for? A monster?” He barks a mocking laugh. “No, I opened his eyes. He’s the first of many.”
The hero can only glare. She doesn’t trust herself to speak, but the villain seems more than happy to fill the space for her. “Now” — He settles on an upturned bucket that’s seen god knows what liquids — “let me tell you all about how great he’s doing without you.”
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justalittlesolarpunk · 2 months
Hey! I have to write a big piece of music for my disseration, and I've known for a while it was going to address climate change. Your page (along with the active solarpunk community here on Tumblr) has convinced me to write a solarpunk piece instead. You're awesome and I'm glad you do what you do.
Any ideas for a title? I'm terrible at those.
Hello, first off so sorry this is late, I really hope I haven’t missed the deadline for your dissertation. I’m so honoured and pleased you’ve picked solarpunk for the topic, and I’d love to hear the piece when it’s finished if you’d be ok with that!
In terms of titles, it’s hard to suggest any without hearing your music or knowing more about the type of song - is it instrumental? Are there lyrics? What style/genre is it? Also being asked has made every good idea leave my brain aha. But will try! Here are some suggestions off the top of my head:
Into The Future
Turnsole [this is an old medieval word for turning towards the sun]
To Better Things
Ecophilia [I love this bc in the original Greek it translates to ‘love of home’]
After The Fire
As you can see this is not my forte either, but I hope either my ideas or your own much more creative brain come up with something fitting, and congrats on making solarpunk music! That’s super exciting. If you’re wanting to get it out there I know that the Environmental Music Prize, Outrage + Optimism and Solarpunk Futures are all interested in this kind of stuff and could help you spread your work to more people. Best of luck, and I hope you keep writing songs for the planet!
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tips for editing novels i wrote instead of editing
these are mainly targeted to people who find it hard to focus on editing (like yours truly) but really helps for anyone.
work section by section. i started doing this and it wasn't working because i kept reading on to the section after instead of focusing on editing the one section so what i did is copy paste the section (each should be no more than like 1000 words) onto another document and work on it there. read it over and over again until it sounds the way you want it to sound that copy paste it onto the other document and move on to the next section.
sit somewhere quiet. absolutely quiet.
no music.
turn off the wifi on your phone and on your laptop.
to get the emotion right in a scene, listen to music that embodies it. can't catch me now (olivia rodrigo) and east of eden (zella day) are what i'm listening to right now. of course, i can't write and listen to music at the same time because that's the kind of person i am but before you start writing, listen to the music and really get in the feels because emotion is what drives a story forward more than plot
i actually saw an author say this, i can't remember who, but it's good to have a song that evokes emotion so you can write the emotion properly
THESAURUSES. lifesavers. i can't come up with the perfect word to describe something because i have poor memory but the thesaurus always remembers (am i even spelling it right?)
drink water. (now. stand up. if you don't istg i'll find you.)
change the cliches. don't say it was a dark and stormy night. say it was a starless night that smothered even the smallest lamp lit in the little window of a small store at the edge of the abandoned town.
don't tell me what happened, tell me how it felt. it was not cold. her nose stung and her fingernails turned blue, she stamped her feet to keep warm, she shivered despite herself, her teeth chattering.
i think the trick is to search for every time you used the word 'was' and change it to a feeling
read aloud. do impressions. make your annoying character sound like your social studies teacher from 11th grade. have fun with it. just make sure the dialogue doesn't sound stiff and make sure the sentences flow well.
as a rule, shorter sentences flow better and are easier to understand
add more internal monologue, have your character try to reason things in their heads, don't have them just observe what's happening.
this is something i struggle with but if you have a mystery with a grand reveal in the end, keep track of what your readers know and don't know. reveal tiny clues that only fit when you finally see the full picture. be as evil with it as you want.
for motivation, reread your favorite scene (mine is the mc and love interest being adorable)
also, imagine the book being published. who would you dedicate it to? how many people would make tumblr posts analyzing it, how many people would make memes, who would the fandom ship?
finally, unrelated to editing, but if you must kill off characters, don't do it just because you want something dramatic and you need the plot to move forward, only do it for two reasons:
a) it completes the character's arc (i.e. they were afraid of death but when someone they truly loved was in danger they jumped in front of a bullet to save them)
b) they're going to come back to life later as a metaphor for phoenixes rising or something
personally, my favorite thing to do is to leave the death ambiguous. no one will know if the character really died or not (not even me)
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letsberealgenz · 2 months
how to exit your lazy era — level up, stay motivated and make 2024 your best year🕯️
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Firstly why do we even get stuck in our lazy era?
no motivation
you just faced a major failure
not seeing the results you want after working for so long
a way of procrastinating
an easy way to put away all your important task aside
“It’s easy to not do anything in life. It doesn’t even require any effort whatsoever.”
How to overcome this?
Plan your days earlier
Honestly we often hear people giving all sort of tips and tricks to be productive, but the thing is nothing works unless you have a vision for how your day is going to look like. Didn’t they say this?
“Visualization is the key to manifestation.”
2. Start your day with a boost of motivation
This is coming from a personal experience of mine. The only way I overcome my morning sickness was actually by quickly hitting the play button of my favorite motivational podcast as soon as I switch off my alarm. Now it feels like an autopilot mode. For real, try it out.
“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” — Jim Ryun
3. Do what you love first thing first
Game-changer. It is one of the prime reason why I LOVE (not like) but LOVE getting up early after discovering the main hack of morning routine which is to do something that truly excites you to your very core.
It could be painting, reading, dancing, journaling, writing, singing, working out, walking, sitting outside sipping your favorite coffee, walking your dog, or literally not even doing anything. Whatever that soothes you, calms your soul and rejuvenates your being. BOOM! That’s exactly what you need to do as soon as you’re up.
For me personally, I love meditating, reading while sipping my coffee and just spending time with nature. The serenity and tranquility can’t be put into words to be honest!
“Slow morning is the recipe to my productivity for real.”
4. Sweating it out
Have you ever been in a situation (I'm sure we all have been in this one) where your body feels sluggish after lunch probably in the late noon? YES! It feels so horrible like you can’t keep your eyes open without consuming doses of caffeine.
Plus working from home is becoming a norm after the pandemic, therefore being stagnant is becoming more of a common trait that binds all of us together. Sitting still in front of your PC, sending emails through your handphone, recording content and et cetera.
This constant stagnation is actually preventing the daily movement our body needs to rejuvenate. Therefore, when we don’t get it that’s when the laziness kicks in. We do know the root problem right now and the root solution would be to move your body as often as you can.
Working out doesn’t need to fit into this standard practice social media has eluded us all by the frame of being in the gym. Honestly there’s more than that.
As long as you are sweating, you’re good my friend.
5. Vision board
Vision board is one of the easiest, accessible and FUN thing you can do to get yourself out of the rut. I don’t think so we need to go all around again to get the gist of vision board but it would be incomplete if I don’t share this secret with you.
Make a physical and a digital board. The physical one plays a role to be sitting in a space where you spend most of your time at. For instance, your office, work-studio, hostel and et cetera.
And the digital one is as important as the physical one because most of the time we are indulged or I would say obliged to our gadjets these days. Therefore, by setting your vision board as your lock screen wallpaper is definitely going to give you the sense of awakening your mind needs whenever you feel you’re slacking off.
PS: Pinterest is a great tool you can start off with.
6. Use your bank balance as a source of motivation
This is such a good way to actually get you moving. It’s a source of trigger that makes you question yourself like:
How am I supposed to achieve all of my goals on the vision board if I am not taking any sort of action from my side?
That million-dollar home, vacation and experience is not going to come alive if you’re just sitting and wishing for it.
7. Read self help books
I am sure everybody who’s legit on 
 platform is an avid-reader. I am not going to speak about the power of books because you know it all. The key is just to pick the right books according to your current life’s situation.
The main gist today is to help you exit your lazy era. So here are some book recommendations from my side.
Atomic Habit by James Clear
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Man’s Search for Meaning Viktor E. Frankl
The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
The Miracle Equation by Hal Elrod
Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz
The Concise 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins
Think Like A Monk by Jay Shetty
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Stillness is the key by Ryan Holiday
PS: What’s your favorite self-help book? Reply to this.
Stick till the very end because I am sharing with you the main HACK that nobody talks about.
8. Design your environment in a way that motivates you
We all have heard the phrase how your environment influences you. The least you could do is be conscious of how powerful your social circle is, the people whom you hangout with, the people whom you work with, the people you choose to have relationships with and the place you choose to live in.
It’s these little things that makes the most difference in your life at the end of the day.
9. Step out if that’s what you need
Honestly, a change of environment is what you need sometimes. Our body, out entire being recognizes when we are stuck in the same space for quite some time and this could be the #1 reason why you’ve been procrastinating. Probably you could do this:
Go to your favorite restaurant/café
Work from the library
Honestly choose a spot where you feel you could really maximize your potential and somewhere that actually motivates you to step up. Do better!
10. Allow yourself to be lazy at times
AHHHH! This is the magic pill I was speaking about. I realized nobody seems to tell you this but let’s be real. The only way to exit your lazy era is by giving yourself room to actually be lazy. You can’t expect yourself to transform overnight. You can’t expect to be productive 24/7. You can’t expect yourself to meet all the high standards you’ve set yourself up to.
And I want you to know this. It’s okay to be lazy sometimes. It’s okay to catch yourself not doing anything sometimes. But always remember this.
You shall only reward yourself to be lazy when you’ve absolutely fulfilled the promise you’ve made. The tasks you need to complete. The assignments you need to submit. The thesis you need to work on. The presentation you need to deliver.
Trust me if you implement all of the above habits, you would realize this:
“It’s the small changes in your daily life that you needed all along for your long-term success.”
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remylong · 27 days
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heididthat · 1 month
So I did a likkle ting while taking a break from studying for my last exam of the year.
Backstory: so before my computer wiped in October and I lost all my CC and save files, I decided to make a legacy family in late to early 2023(?) (The Bure Family) consisting of mom and dad (Kandi and Landon), 3 sons (Kamden, Kalen and Karson) and a baby girl (Kamia). The plan was to have Kamden, the oldest befriend Eunjoo, the fourth of six Sung-Vale Children (I'll do more posts on their families in the future). However, they happened to have a crush on each other naturally so by their sophomore year of high school, they became official.
In their senior year, however, Kamden jumped the gun on me and spontaneously proposed to Eunjoo at the Romance Festival (this was around mid 2023). I still do how he managed to do that but she said yes and they've been engaged on the low (with the exception of their families knowing). After High school graduation, Eunjoo moved from her parents San Myshuno and into The Bure Family Home in San Sequoia, where she and Kamden sleep on opposite ends of the house, per his mother's request.
Joon-Su and Sangria, the Sung-Vale Parents, and The Bures both agreed that they would fully finance the wedding if Eunjoo and Kamden graduated from their postsecondary studies first. Well after a tumultuous “four years” of postsecondary studies, I'm pleased to announce that both Eunjoo and Kamden will be completing their degrees in History (Pre-Law) and Economics (Education) respectively, in the spring and have set a wedding date for this coming summer!
In celebration of their upcoming nuptials, I wanted to share some photos and gifs!
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I got so excited, I was just doing whatever
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The gifs:
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(The quality of the second one is trash because Tumblr wouldn't let me be great lolol 🧍🏾‍♀️)
Lastly, my favourite edits of all the photos I took:
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I love my sims🥰
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How do I tell you,
that I took the train an hour early,
just to maybe spend ten minutes with you?
How do I tell you,
that our conversations never feel long enough,
not even those til’ four at night?
How do I tell you,
that you awaken my emotions from slumber,
things I have never felt before?
How could I ever tell you,
that I am falling for your eyes,
for your smile and for your laugh?
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free-grandmaa · 1 month
" Trapped Qi..
A mean goodbye..
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raineandsky · 7 months
Being a receptionist is boring, but it has its perks. It’s safe, for one, and the civilian can watch the drama of whatever the hero and villain are fighting over from the comfort of an ergonomic desk chair. Their desk is tucked nicely into a corner near the back of the entrance hall, just in case the front of the building comes flying off for any reason.
It’s been a calm day outside, much to the civilian’s relief and boredom. It has been for the past week, actually. People trail in and out, not in any hurry, and the civilian idly pings them into the building or, god forbid, has to make a phone call for one of them.
They’re already well into the swing of things when the nth person of the day approaches the desk. The civilian can see them from out of the corner of their eye from where they’re staring at their computer screen. There’s a second of silence—no telltale slap of ID card on wood—until the person on the other side clears their throat expectantly.
The civilian glances up from their screen, only to do a double take. This guy isn’t from around here. He’s dressed in a smart suit and tie like everyone else, but his sense of smart seems to be the complete opposite of what this company considers smart. He graces them with a polite smile, a rarity that you learn to not expect as a receptionist.
“Good morning, [Civilian],” he opens kindly, before glancing at the watch hugging his wrist “or good afternoon, as of two minutes ago.”
The bland customer service line they were going to grace him with dies on their tongue. “Wh– How do you know my name?”
That smile again. “I was hoping to speak with you somewhere private.”
“You’re not getting me to secondary location,” the civilian snaps back immediately.
“I have some affairs the agency thinks you might have an interest in.”
That gives the civilian pause. “The… heroes agency?”
“Hey, man,” someone says from behind the man, “You’re holding up the line.”
The agency man ignores her. “Can we speak privately?”
“No.” The civilian folds their arms, sinking down in their seat for emphasis. “You can tell everyone here why you know my name, stalker.”
The man glances at the slowly growing, irritable queue behind him before leaning over the desk slightly and lowering his voice. “The agency’s in need of new heroes.”
“That doesn’t answer… any of my questions.”
Another glance over his shoulder at the first woman scowling at him. “We have files on everyone in this city. We need new heroes, so we’re finding the most suited options from the civilians here. You can be a hero, [Civilian].”
“And… I fit this heroic profile?”
The man smiles again, brighter. “You do. A perfect match, in fact.”
The civilian frowns confusedly, looking at their hands like they hold answers. “I thought heroes had, like, powers.”
“We can talk about that later.”
The civilian glances back up at him. If he’s lying, he’s very good at hiding it. “Okay. Move over so these people can get in.”
The man positively beams as he steps aside. The woman behind him huffs with a quiet “finally” and slams his ID card down with comfortable familiarity.
It takes ten minutes to get the line of antsy workers into the building. The man waits, impossibly patient, apologising here and there as people pass. He lets the civilian get everyone in before returning to his spot at the desk. “[Civilian]?”
They huff as they get to their feet, scribbling a quick note and shoving it on the front of the desk where people can see it before letting the barriers open. They step around the desk, giving the man a suspicious once over. “If you’re fucking with me I’ll kill you.”
The man laughs, the sound short and genuine. “I’ve no doubt. Let’s get you to the agency.”
One of the workers watches as the two of them wander back out onto the street. The heroes are coming up short. They’re employing civilians to fill in for a job meant for people with superpowers.
The villain couldn’t have turned up to their day job at a better time.
They pull their phone out as they continue into the building. Best not be late. The heroes are at their weakest, they type into a text littered with hasty spelling errors. Prepare to infiltrate the agency. We’re going in tonight.
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