#A fact I knew but still giggle about every time I hear it
gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
Hello could I please request civilian!reader staring at the batboys for a long time and goes “why are you so perfect and handsome, I’m so lucky to have you and I will protect you with my tiny body and hands” 🌸
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Idk whether or not this is what you wanted anon but I hope you like it at least in some way 😂
Jason can’t help but let out a full belly laugh upon hearing your declaration after having stared at him for a full hour, as he walked over to you to cup your face in his hands and rest his head against yours.
‘How sweet you of chipmunk, I’ll make sure to keep that in mind whenever I’m in trouble.’ He murmurs as his thumbs stroked your cheeks.
He found it extremely endearing and sweet that you would ever go out of your way to protect someone like him but he preferred if you were to stay at home where it was relatively safe. Jason cared way too much about you to loose you, even if the comment was made in a lighthearted way.
Gotham was far too cruel for someone like you and you both knew it, the city was bound to swallow you whole before you even made it down the street.
The other thing that stuck in Jason’s mind how you thought he was perfect and handsome, to which he would always respond with;
‘I’m far from being either of those things chipmunk, but I’ll take the compliment.’
Jason didn’t view himself as an ugly dude but nor did he think of himself as handsome either, he grew up in Crime Alley and was taken in by a billionaire, he never had times to focus on the way he looked or acted in the eyes of others. Until you of course.
To Jason, Dick was someone many would consider a handsome and perfect man while those same many often regarded him as the complete opposite under the same breath. So whenever you held his face in your hands and called him handsome or perfect with a look of utter love and adoration in your eyes, Jason can’t help but find himself slowly starting to believe that he was in fact a handsome man.
If anything Jason views himself as the one who is lucky to have someone as good and as perfect as you and he reminds you of it day and night, whether he was Jason Todd, your perfect man or Red Hood, feared vigilante of Gotham.
Dick: found it really cute that you thought you could protect him, someone who had the insane flexibility and agility of a cat, but he wasn’t one to crush your dreams and aspirations.
‘My hero has finally come to save me?’ He’d gasp dramatically as he practically falls into your arms, causing you to buckle under his weight and collapse on the bed and giggle at his theatrics.
However he wouldn’t dare let you put yourself in danger in any way shape or form for the likes of him, he refused it as this life had nothing but take and take and take from him anything and everything he held dear.
He still remembered how he felt partially responsible for Jason’s death that he tries to make up for it by being in his corner when it seemed as though everyone thought ill of him.
So Dick really doesn’t want you going and pulling the heroic card on him as he wasn’t sure he’d be able to handle it, he’d act like he could when in reality he was doing far worse then anyone could imagine. So it be better if you let him do the saving.
Now Dick was aware of his own attractiveness and appeal but when you were the one calling him perfect and handsome, he’s smiling widely and internally kicking his feet and saying silly shit like;
‘You still have a crush on me? How embarrassing for you.’ To which you respond with ‘Dick we’ve been dating for 8 months-‘
When anyone else calls Dick handsome they are pointing out an already pre established fact, but when you’re the one saying he’s handsome it has more meaning as it felt as though he was being shown something that he never knew was there before. He lived for every time you called him handsome and it wasn’t because of an ego thing, he just like you calling him handsome and would never want to live in reality where he never heard you say it ever again.
‘I can protect us both without issue so there’s no need for that.’
He sometimes takes your word a little too literally, regardless whether you were joking or not.
He was the crime fighter out of you both, so just let him do all the fighting, he doesn’t want your eyes to be burdened with the violence and criminal activity that he was accustomed to.
Also when you called him perfect and handsome, Poor Damian didn’t know what to think as it wasn’t something he viewed himself as nor expected anyone outside of his family to either.
He could handle insults and such but soft words laced with love and care towards him was an entirely new feeling for him in general that it both scared and excited him simultaneously. Besides Damian wasn’t interested in tibial things such as being conventionally attractive or whatever troubles the average person, he never thought it of any importance when other things took presidency in his life.
However when you compliment him, Damian couldn’t help but feel as though he was a little boy again, he would feel himself stiffen for a moment before the appropriate response came to him as easy as breathing, because caring for you was as easy as breathing to Damian and he’d do anything to make sure you were safe and sound wherever you are; for without you he’d be deeply lost.
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sillymercury · 3 months
Totally Annoying and Not Funny at All
Azriel x reader
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Warnings: some swearing and suggestiveness
Word count: 6.7k (I’m so sorry??)
Summary: Azriel finds you annoying and he never laughs at your lame jokes… until he does.
Azriel tried his best to ignore the mumbling that was sounding behind him, tune it out like he did with everything else he didn't want to hear. He sighed rolling his shoulders as he continued to shlep up the uneven rocks.
He had been stuck with you... again. He tried raging against his brother’s order, insisting he could handle a simple recovery mission on his own but Rhys didn't budge, saying, "She's a fine scholar who has studied Marestone for years, with her help you can turn a three day mission into one and a half." But being here, with you, he couldn't help the but wondering on the implications of leaving you here and ditching the mission completely.
It started when you appeared in his doorway as he was getting ready to leave, his shadows alerted him of your presence and he stopped short to give you a hard look. Maybe if he looked mean enough you wouldn't want to go, he knew it wouldn't work but he had to try it anyway.
You let out a low whistle as your eyes tracked up and down his body, "Is that a sword in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" You had a devilish smile and your eyes shone with mischief. He just rolled his eyes at the words, the same line every time you see him. Last time you asked if it was a shadow, the time before that a dagger, and the time he was carrying training equipment you asked if it was a fighting dummy.
He didn't speak to you as you sauntered through his room uninvited and landed belly up on his bed, shadows darted around your face and you giggled "at least someone's happy to see me." You pawed at the shadows as they darted through your hands, a little cat and mouse with the naughty shadows that didn't listen when its master tried to call them back.
You rolled over and watched him as he continued to sheath daggers and swords all over his body as the shadows played in your hair. "You know," you started and he rolled his eyes again, knowing it was going to be a repeating offense since he had to spend the next day and a half with you, "The Northwood mountains are relatively safe, I don't think you'll be needing all that hardware."
He didn't have to look over to know you had a stupid grin plastered on your face as you watched him. He just huffed and responded coldly, "You never know." You didn't really and he knew that, you moved through the world like it was your playground and you were put on this planet for the sole reason of having fun, never worrying about the dangers life has to offer. Must be nice not having a dirty past he thought to himself.
You returned the sentiment by huffing in response as well, the only difference of yours was light and airy and not laced with annoyance. "Your right your right," you had opted to rolling back over and kicking your feet as the shadows swished around your ankles, "I hear badgers are particularly dangerous this time of year. I might need you to save me,” you laughed at your own dramatics and Azriel cut a glance in your direction only for his eyes to catch on your feet.
With two stomps he was next to the bed grabbing your ankles, he pulled you closer to the edge of the bed, earning and excited wooo from your lips before he threw your feet over the side. “No shoes on the bed,” was all he said before he went back to what he was doing, packing his sack with anything he could possibly need for the overnight trip.
You sat up straight and the shadow moved to curl around your neck like a scarf, “Sorry, I forgot that you’re a neat freak.” You were provoking him and he knew it but he still couldn’t help himself.
“I’m not a- I’m not a neat freak, I’m just not dirty,” his tone was meant to be offensive and he felt his anger rising at the fact that you didn’t take any.
“Pfft, says the guy who notices if his knives have been breathed on… you’d hate to see my room,” you seemed to remember the fact as you said it as you leaned over and started pushing around the things on his bed side table. You smiled at your actions as you could already see his reaction in your mind, meanwhile, a shiver when down Azriel spine. He didn’t even want to imagine your bedroom, the thought made his skin crawl. The one time he was tasked with picking you up from your apartment he saw through the crack in your door that you had clothes, shoes, books, and a bunch of random nick-nacks and toys strewn about haphazardly. “And I prefer to use the term messy. Not dirty.”
He was crossing the floor to the closet to grab his night sack when stopped to readjust his night table and he cut you a glare, “Shoes on the bed is dirty,” he gave you a once over before turning to walk in his closet. You made a face at his back before putting your feet on the bed again and kicking it wildly before moving back quickly as he came out. His shadows danced around you amused and you smiled at them. Laying back on your belly you made sure to keep your toes on the floor as you passed secrets back and forth with the shadows, giggling to yourself.
Azriel pulled the sack over a shoulder and looked over at your ass sticking up in the air, his eyes only lingered for a second but one of his shadows whispered to him, smack it, and with that he used all of his willpower to pull the shadows away from their bad influence. You frowned at the lost of your friend but stood up an asked “Ready Azzy baby?”
He frowned at the stupid nickname, he told you a million times not to use it but at this point he wasn’t sure if you even knew his real name. Looking you over clocking your attire he realized you didn’t have any belongings with you other than a small over the shoulder bag and his face morphed into a smirk at the thought of you sleeping on the ground. Your eyes shone at his reaction as he leaned towards you a whispered, “Don’t call me that.”
You shivered at his proximity and said, “Sir yes sir,” he leaned back and you bit your lip as he rounded you and walked toward the door, “I do as I’m told,” your tone was suggestive and his shadows tore from his grip to dance around your waist.
He didn’t turn but you could hear the smirk on his voice, “What if I told you to keep quiet for the rest of the trip?” He knew you would have some quick quip as to why you wouldn’t but alas a boys gotta try.
The suggestiveness lingered as you said, “Well then I might misbehave,” the shadows found your response amusing as they twisted up your torso but Azriel just responded with the shake of his head.
Now here you both were climbing up the Northwood mountains in search of a cave entrance, you had found two already but a quick sniff told you that it didn’t have what you were looking for. The flight was bearable, you didn’t talk much but when you did he would just fly faster so the wind would drown out your voice, you caught on and opted to spend the flight quietly leaning your head on his shoulder.
Being completely honest you liked Azriel but after your first meeting you knew he didn’t like you and never would, so the quips started off as a defense mechanism but you realized his shadows liked you and they seemed to love your teasing and playfulness so you settled for that; it also helped that Az looked so cute when he’s angry.
If Az was being honest he didn’t totally hate you, you were cute and your wit was unmatched but it was so much easier to act uninterested and distant.
At some point during your hike you were asking Az if he had heard the song that had been looping in your head, “Have you ever heard ‘Pl-“ was cut off by a swift no. You rolled your eyes and droned on and on about how you loved it and it was so amazing. You gave him a sample of what the song sounded like but since their wasn’t any lyrics you were just making noises with your mouth, you definitely weren’t doing the song justice and you knew he would find it terribly annoying but you couldn’t help yourself. You were just about to stop when he sent his shadows to muffle your voice and the act alone fueled you conviction so you kept going.
He had to use his entire mental capacity to force his shadows to quiet you, they didn’t want to because for some unholy reason he couldn’t discern, they liked the sound of your voice. They liked you in general but then again you were the only other person in the world who would talk and interact with them.
The mumbling stopped and he thanked the mother herself as he recalled the shadows that were quieting you but when he didn’t hear your footsteps he whipped around to scan the scene. For a brief second he thought with his luck you might have fallen over the side of the mountain, and he questioned whether that would be good luck or bad.
Instead you were face down in the dirt, he almost laughed at you splayed out on the ground like a starfish but stifled it and he walked over and nudged your arm with his foot. You rolled onto your back and stared directly at the sky, “I fell,” you said simply.
He bit back his laugh again, “Yea?”
“I was wondering how long it would take the Spymaster of the night court to notice, turns out 11 seconds.” He looked off into the distance so you wouldn’t see his smile, regaining control he looked back down but he couldn’t hide the amusement in his eye.
He shrugged down at her, “I guess your little friends didn’t see fit to tell me.” You sighed as you held out her hand, Az didn’t put much effort in trying to lift you but when you were dead weight he pulled harder. In that half second that he put all his force into pulling you up you brought your foot to his chest and pushed him over your head causing him to hit the ground with a thud.
You laughed heartily and he just stared at the sky listening to the sound. “Good one,” his voice was flat and that made you laugh harder. Rolling over you propped yourself up with your arms to witness the damage, it was his turn to be splayed like a starfish and you laughed so hard you thought your stomach would bust.
He tilted his head back to catch a glimpse and your smile was so broad he wondered if your cheeks hurt. He turned back to the sky and clocked the myriad of colors that dusted it, he had probably about an hour until sunset. He also propped himself up and scanned his surroundings once again, his shadows read his mind and told him this was as good of a place he would find to make camp. “It’s getting late, we should probably set up camp for the night.”
You moved to sit with your legs crossed and face the man who had his back to you. “Okay! What should I do?” Your not a camper, in fact you’ve never slept outside of a well established shelter with heating and cozy beds. For some reason when Rhys told you the trip would be overnight it didn’t even cross your mind that you would be sleeping outside.
“How about you just sit there and look pretty,” Az said as he got up and dusted himself off. You smiled at that, not only was it as close to a jest as he’s ever gotten but it’s also the closest to a compliment.
“Well I can definitely do that,” you leaned back onto the ground using our arm as cushions as watched the clouds glow as they moved across the painted sky. Azriel got to work, he collected sticks and logs to build a cozy little fire and catching a couple of small rabbits for food. He rummaged through his sack to pull out a pan and a pack of veggies to heat up with the meat before he pulled out his sack and tossed it to the side to unfold later.
When you smelled the food cooking you perked up and moved to crouch next to him and watch; you hadn’t even realized you were hungry until the smell hit. He looked at you out of the side of his eye, you were practically drooling as you stared at the food meant solely for him.
“I take it you didn’t pack any food,” he knew you didn’t, that’s why he caught the extra rabbits, he practically had magical foresight when it came to you. A vision of you begging for some of his food had him laughing to himself as his shadows did the hard work of catching the small creatures.
You purses your lips in thought before, “Oh!” You rummaged through your small bag and pulled out a baggie mixed with nuts, berries, and chocolates. “I brought trail mix, I’ll share if you do,” you sung the last part as you shook the baggie near his face.
He pushed the bag away lightly while shaking his head, “Fine. But I only like the chocolates,” it was a lie, he liked nuts and berries too but he had a feeling the chocolates were your favorite part so he opted to give you a taste of your own medicine. You grunted as you plopped down on your butt and mumbled a fine, whatever mostly to yourself. He smiled knowing you couldn’t see it as he finished cooking.
You two mostly ate in silence other than you offering up random facts about whatever popped in your head like how wombats poop squares or how peanuts can be used to make explosives. Azriel just nodded at whatever you said not admitting out loud what he didn’t know or what he found interesting. He offered you some of his water which turned out to be a mistake as you drank over half of it, he thanked his gift of foresight that told him to pack multiple canteens.
When you guys finished eating you both brushed your teeth with what was left of the water and Azriel was glad you at least packed your toothbrush even though you forgot toothpaste. Twilight was upon you when you finished, he rinsed off the dirty pan with the second canteen and shoved it to the bottom of his bag before rolling out his sleep sack. The corner of his eye caught you watching, awkwardly sat on your hands, lips pursed like you wanted to speak but were holding yourself back.
“Don’t even ask,” he said without looking at you as he slipped off his boots and the top layer of leather to reveal a tight fitted gray long sleeve.
“Oh come on! You don’t even have a second blanket?” When Az shook his head you groaned heavily, he made a slick comment about preparing better for overnight trips and you shook your head as you pulled your knees in close. “I didn’t know we’d be sleeping outside, I guess I assumed we’d have beds out here.”
“Oh yea,” Az said he climbed in, “Most mountains have rooms you can rent out, with heating and plumbing too. This one must just be defective.”
You couldn’t even be mad, he was making jokes, for the first time since you met him. All of your chipping must’ve cracked his icy exterior enough to make him open to shoot quips back at you. You thought about what else you might be able to pull from him as you curled into yourself on the hard ground with only your arm as a pillow.
It didn’t take long for the temperature to drop after the sun was completely gone and with the wind picking up the now small fire wasn’t doing much to help. Azriel couldn’t get to sleep, not with his shadows buzzing in his ear, she’s freezing, her lips are turning blue, she can’t feel her fingers. Not to mention your teeth chattering so hard he thought he would soon hear a crack. He got up and moved over to where you were attempting and failing to sleep and nudges your arm with his foot.
You rolled over to look at him and your lips were in fact tinged with blue, part of him felt bad at the sight as he purposely left his blankets just to spite you. “Go sleep in my sack.”
“Are you sure, what about you?” You sat up and looked at him to make sure he was serious, the light from the moon that shone on his face didn’t illuminate any semblance of a joke.
“I’ll be fine. It’s like you always say, I’m super hot,” you laughed at his words as you quickly moved to his sack.
“Thank you Azzy baby!” You called as you slipped off you shoes and windbreaker before sliding in, it was warm and it smelled like him and you let out a soft moan as you instantly felt warmer.
Az had wrapped his wings around himself in an attempt to make a barrier and the more he sat there the worse he felt for leaving you to the elements. You knew that despite what he said he would be just as freezing as you just were and you debated for a few minutes before speaking.
“You know this sack is big enough for two people,” you knew he was awake but when he didn’t answer you tried again, trying your hardest not to sound like a desperate creep, “I’m just saying, body heat will reduce the amount of heat loss. Survival 101.”
Az was freezing but he sat for a second as he debated whether or not to climb into that sack, how annoying could you be in your sleep? When a gust of wind blew against his back he just said screw it and silently made his way to you. He kicked off the untied boots before climbing in with you.
You kept your self from immediately scooting towards his warmth and let him get comfortable first. In a true gentlemanly fashion he offered his arm as a pillow and you silently swooned as you accepted it, he also brought he wing down over your body and it acted like a second blanket. Snaking your arms around his waist you tangled your legs with his and to your suprise he never stoped you or pulled away, in fact his other arm was secured around your middle. With his warmth and his smell shrouding you, you fell asleep quick and easy, much better than any bed.
Az didn’t sleep so easy, your body pressed to him was indeed keeping him warm but he wasn’t used to sleeping with someone like this. He had his share of lovers but he was never a cuddler and it didn’t help that you moved around a lot in your sleep, kicking him occasionally. With the moon higher above your heads he looked down at your sleeping face.
Though you still were finding a way to annoy him in your sleep, your state had him softening. Your skin looked so soft and pristine in the light from the moon and the hair pooled around your head glowed like a halo. You plump lips were slightly parted and you produced a light snore that had Az smiling to himself. He brought a scarred hand to caress the skin on your cheek while the arm that you layed on bent so he could twirled your hair, you let out a happy moan at the contact and he smiled as his hand took on a mind of its on. Trailing you from your cheek to your jaw, down the column of your neck and back up to swipe the soft skin of your lips.
You shifted and turned, he brought his hand back afraid he woke you, but when you just nuzzled your face deep into his chest he felt his heart jump. You inhaled his scent deeply and that seemed to settle your restlessness, his jumping heart felt a tug and he froze for a second. Looking down at you he couldn’t believe it, he felt around his heart and it wasn’t snapped but he was sure it was there.
“No,” he breathed as he looked at you wrapped around his body, “no way.” His shadows seemed excited by the revelation as they chanted yes, yes, yes, like they already knew. He wondered if the bond snapped for you already and that’s what you had been whispering to his shadows about, the thought made him shiver. He had been so cold and distasteful, you were a good fae and deserved better than that, you deserved a male who laughed at every stupid joke.
You registered his shiver in your sleep pulling him tighter to you and the simple thoughtless action made his eyes prickle. He held you tightly, memorizing the way your bodies fit together like puzzle pieces. He held back his tears by inhaling your scent of honeysuckle and roasted wood, with a gentle kiss on your brow he closed his eyes and promised his nosey shadows that he would be nice tomorrow.
Az was still asleep when you woke up, you didn’t want to move and even if you did you were trapped by his strong arm and wing. But you were content to stay like this forever, gazing up at his sleeping face. His tan skin was smooth and his nose and cheekbones were decorated with freckles, you brought your hand up to hover over his face, ghosting over the lines and ridges. His hair was tousled from sleep, falling like dominoes across his forehead and his plump lips were pouting . You let out a deep sigh as you pulled your hand back, why do you torture yourself this way. You wiggled around attempting to move away from him but your efforts were futile when his arm pulled you tighter to his body, he grunted as he turned his head to nuzzle into your hair.
Your stomach was doing flips at the action and you had to remind yourself he was asleep, the action was subconscious. You pulled your head back and laid your face inches from his and watched him breathe. His long eyelashes fluttered open and the first thing his golden eyes caught was you, the faint ghost of a smile touched his lips as his eyes roamed over your face. You smiled bright at him, “Good morning shadowsinger, is that a breakfast sausage in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
For the first time since you met him he chuckled lowly as he rolled on his back and stretched his arms behind his and, “aaand you ruined it.” You laughed as he watched you from the corner of his eyes and you sat up to looked directly at him. He must be in a good mood because he wasn’t scowling at you, in fact his face had an ease you’d never seen, he was positively yummy in his sleepy daze.
“My bad,” it was your turn to stretch since you were finally free from his iron grasp though his wing stayed splayed across your legs, “didn’t know there was anything to ruin.”
Az brought his fingers up to grab the ends of your hair, mindlessly twirling it around his fingers while you did the same to his shadows that excitedly came to greet you, “Your actually bareable when you sleep, you don’t talk and ruin it.” He meant his word as a joke but something clicked for you. Azriel is quiet and calm, he would probably prefer someone like him, maybe if you weren’t always badgering him for attention he could reciprocate your feelings. “Except for the fact that you’re a kicker.”
You laughed as his shadows danced away and you leaned back against your hand to look at his face again “Yea I probably should have warned you, my sisters refuse to share a bed with me for that exact reason.” When he didn’t look away or move your turned your attention back to your hands, the softness in his eyes was too much and you worried for your conviction. You reached out a finger to dance across the top of his wing which instantly retracted at your touch. He grunted as he moved to sit up, “Im sorry, I didn’t- I shouldn’t have-“
“Its fine,” He shook his head as he pushed the top of the sack off his body and made a move for his shoes, “I just don’t want to hear any more breakfast sausage jokes.” He smirked over his shoulder and you blushed at his suggestive tone, only able to nod as you noted the sensitivity of Illyrian wings. You pushed yourself up and grabbed your shoes as well before getting ready to hike again.
When your teeth were brushed, hair tied, and you finished reliving yourself Az had successfully packed up the rest of the camp as stood waiting for you. You began your hike and this time you remembered to keep your mouth shut, no suggestive jokes, no terrible singing, and no random facts. Just silence as you found another cave that didn’t have the distinct smell you were looking for. “I think we need to be higher up,” You said as you craned your neck to look up the mighty mountain that still lied ahead, “You could fly us up there and we could work our way down.”
He adjusting the sack on his shoulder and looked at you like you had a secret he was trying to figure out, after a few seconds of you shifting under his gaze he spoke, “Its fine,” he followed you eyes up the mountain, “I don’t mind walking.”
“Well I do,” you huffed walking up to him and wrapping your arms around his shoulder as you willed yourself to keep your eyes on the mountain, “my feet are killing me and I’d rather have a real bed tonight.” You didn’t mean for the first time you spoke since this morning to have a bite to it but you couldn’t help it, forcing yourself to shut up all day was like shaking up a beehive and then telling them they have to remain calm. You were buzzing under the surface but you hoped he would write it off as crankiness. Az got the message and just nodded, he scooped up your legs and shot into the air. You watched his powerful wings that your fingers itched to touch, instead you pressed your mouth to his shoulder and watched silently.
He landed near the top where the safe part of the trail ended and when he started walking without putting you down you pulled back to look at him, “You can put me down now.” He smirked at your words and tossed you up slightly to readjust you tighter against him.
“You don’t want to walk, I don’t mind walking,” he shrugged against you and you wanted to say ‘if you like me just say that’ but you bit your tongue as you were determined not to be annoying today. You just shook your head and put your mouth back to his shoulder, watching the sky over his back. “What? No comment?” When you shook your head he chuckled airily, “Must be my lucky day,” you could hear the smile in his voice and you just closed your eyes shaking your head lightly.
Az had tried to talk to you a couple times, recalling random facts you’ve told him or telling you his own. Each time you would either have a short response or just hum, channeling him and the way he reacted to you. You figured whatever your doing must’ve been working as he seemed much lighter and happier today, that hurt a deep part of you.
Az knew there was something wrong, you weren’t you, but he figured you must’ve been tired or cranky from the uncomfortable sleeping situation and all the walking. You were a scholar used to plushy couches and central air, you were totally out of your element. He eventually stopped trying so hard to get you to talk, he wanted to be good to you and that included reading the signs and not prying.
Eventually he came across a cave and when you hopped out of his arms and smelled the inside you were hit with the smell of rotten milk, you were in the right place. You beckoned him and as soon as he stepped in he started waving his hand in front of his nose, “Wooo, smells like Cass after too much dairy.” You bit your lip to hide your chuckle as you continued deeper into the cave, “Oh come on, that’s totally something you would say, I don’t even get a chuckle?”
Without turning around you just said “Ha ha,” in as stale of a voice you could muster, “Your almost as funny as me.”
Az’s small laugh echoed off the cave and your stomach turned as you memorized the formula; don’t speak too much, make jokes when prompted, keep a cool demeanor like him. “There she is,” he mused, and before he could go on you spoke.
“And there it is,” the smell was so pungent it was like the glass of toxic milk was right under your nose. You pointed up and thought a small whole in the ceiling there was sparkling lights shining through. Marestone despite its awful smell had a beautiful luminosity and many applications, it was embude I’m most magical technology as well as cured to be used in different medicines. The potent material would last for years as a single rock could be split between a hundred different uses.
“Give me a boost,” you said putting your hand on his shoulder and lifting your leg for him, he just looked at you dumbly.
“I’m not sending you up there,” he shook his head and moved your hand.
“Well your not gonna fit,” when he cut you a look your raised your hands defensively, you both knew it was true. There’s no way the big Illyrian warrior with the mega wingspan was fitting through that hole.
“Okay and what happens when you fall? Or the integrity of the cave gives out under you?” He put his hands on his hips in a mock attempt to show sincerity and you matched his movement.
“Ye of little faith,” you said wagging a finger, he just smiled. “Are you trying to extend this trip by another day? They grow on the ceiling, it’ll take forever to find another cave with rocks lower down.”
He just shrugged, “Okay,” he turned to walk away and your attempt to stay cool was thwarted when you groaned loudly.
“Fine, if you won’t help me up I’ll find my own way,” you started pawing at the cave wall, trying to find any wholes or cracks you could use to pull yourself up.
“Okay okay, with my luck you’ll kill yourself trying,” he came over and put his hands on your waist as he guided you away from the cave wall and easily lifted you up towards the whole. When that didn’t work he sat you on his shoulder before lifting you again at the knees, you stretched to reach through the whole and hoisted yourself up, sitting on the edge you had your feet dangling down towards Azriel who kept a hand on your ankle and watched from below.
You pulled out one of the four sealed canister and began pulling the soft rock out of the ceiling and filling it up. It didn’t take long to fill up the first, second, and third canister. The fourth is where you ran into trouble, you’d grabbed all the stone close to you so the rest was slightly out of reach. You pulled your ankle out of Azriel grasp and placed in on the other side of the hole as you stretched your body to reach the stones.
The canister was nearly full when your foot slid, “Are you okay? Can you reach it?” You called out letting him know you were fine and almost done, you moved to grab the last bit you could see when your foot slipped completely and the force dragged your body out of the whole.
Like the knight in shining armor he his Az caught you before you could hit the floor, clutching the glowing canister to your chest you stared up at him in awe. Sure, he would’ve caught anyone that fell but the way his arms were tight around you and his breathing ragged as he searched your face had your heart lurching.
When he caught you it snapped fully for him, you were his mate and there was no denying it. He felt like time slowed and all he could do was stare at your face, memorizing everything he missed before. He pulled on the bond and felt it was one sided and that caused his heart to surge, all of your flirting was because you wanted to and not because of a premature snapping of the bond.
Clearing your throat you jumped out of his arms and dusted yourself off before tucking the canister away. You mumbled your thanks before moving to the exit of the cave.
“Thanks?” He said genuinely sounding confused as he followed you, “No swooning and calling me ‘your hero,’” mocking your voice on the last part which earned him a scoff from you.
“I do know how to be serious Azriel”
“Yea but why would you want to? And since when do you use my real name?”
“Because I don’t want to make this trip miserable for you, and that was a stupid nickname anyway.” You squinted and used your hand as a shield when you stepped back in the sun, Az on your heels.
“Miser- what are you talking about?” He grabbed your wrist and turned you around to face him but you couldn’t meet his eyes so you just shook your head and looked down.
“Nothing, it’s- it’s nothing at all,” you tried to pull your wrist back but his grip was like iron. Your breath hitched when an unexpected and gentle hand traced your jaw and stopped at your chin, lifting your head up and bringing your eyes to his golden ones.
“If it’s making you upset then it’s not nothing,” his hand slipped to cup your cheek and your delusion allowed you to lean into the touch, reveling in its warmth. Your eyes fluttered closed and for a blissful second you let yourself believe he cared, “Talk to me baby.”
The pet name had your eyes flying open and suddenly the spell was broken, you pulled his hand away and pushed him back. The hope his simple actions had given you had you biting back tears, “Don’t call me baby. I’m not a child that needs coddling,” you spat out your words like poison on your tongue
“No I’m not-“ he tried to step forward but you matched him with a step back.
“I know Azriel, I know you don’t like me. I know you find me unbearable and annoying. I know you can never like me for who I truly am,” the tears were getting harder to push back, “Today when I acted different you seemed so much happier but that hurts more- it hurts more than your cold glares because I like you. Every since I met you all I’ve wanted is to make you laugh but-“ you were cut off by your own hiccup and your balled fist came up to wipe your tears but his shadows beat you to it.
Like a flash of lightning he was on you, cupping your cheeks and staring with wide, scared eyes. “No, no, no,” his words were soft when he tilted his forehead down to meet yours, your hands instinctively tried to pull on his wrists but he held true.
“Baby,” his low voice called to you and you closed your eyes tight as more tears fell, “Baby please don’t cry. I’m sorry, this is all my fault.” Your eyes opened again when his voice cracked and you could see he had his own tears he was fighting to keep at bay. You never thought you would see him look so sad, so broken.
“I was so mean to you, I tried to block you out and push you away because you’re everything I’m not. Your bright and fun and so damn happy, I couldn’t figure out what you saw in me and the fact that you even liked me so brazenly made me hate you- but not because of you or who you are but because of me and all of the shit I’ve spent centuries running from.
“You are not the one who has to change, I am. I’m so so sorry I ever made you feel like the real you wasn’t good enough, it’s so much more than enough. I’ll spend forever proving it to you.”
Tears were still clouding your vision so you blinked quickly to let them fall before you brought your hands to his face, moving your head back so you could inspect him. He was serious, and that made your heart jump like it was trying to leave your chest and fly into his. You just shook your head when you brought his lips down to yours.
It was like throwing fresh meat to starving lions, the originally soft kiss dissolved into a mess of frenzied passion and primal hunger. His hand tangled into your hair pulling your head in while the other pressed your bodies together firmly before tracking the curves of your body. Your hands were just as wild as they moved between pulling the hair on his nape to clawing his shoulders and neck. When his tongue darted out to swipe across your bottom lip, it snapped.
You flew back out of his grasp and stared as your one hand felt the lips that were now swollen and the other was on your heart that was now being pulled towards the man in front of you- to your mate. Azriel was your mate. You almost didn’t believe it, tugging on the bond to make sure it was real. A laugh left your lips when he tugged back, twice. Stepping back into his arms you kissed him again, slower this time as you memorized the way your lips molded together.
“You’re my mate,” you said breathlessly when you finally pulled away. He smiled down and nodded, you were grinning like a kid in a candy store. From the moment you met him he was all you ever wanted and now you could feel the bond that tied your hearts together, the string that always pulled you to him even before you knew of its existence. You wished you could find the mother and thank her personally for the blessing that was looking down at you with pure unbridled love and sending his feelings of adoration down the bond.
“That is if you’ll have me,” his arms circled your waist and his nose moved to the column of your neck, brushing up and down as he breathed you deep into his lungs. He hummed lightly before going on, “Can you forgive me for being such an asshole?”
You smiled to yourself, “I don’t know Azzy baby, I think you’re going to have to make it up to me.” A playful growl bubbled up as he lightly nipped your throat, earning him a surprised yelp.
You ended up feeding him some of the trail mix you made and the frenzy kicked in at your newly accepted bond. It’s safe to say you two didn’t make it home that night, or any night for the next month as you basked in the joys of being mated.
A/N: AHHHHHHHHHH my first fic😭
It felt a little rushed and slightly juvenile but I had so much fun writing her. I hope if you enjoyed it and if you hated it… no you didn’t tf?
Lols but srsly I love genuine feedback and if you got this far I LOVE YOU!!
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natti-ice · 3 months
Reader catching eddie jerking off and moaning her name
Pairing: Eddie Munson x gn!reader
Warnings: 18+ mdni,masturbation, blowjob, cum eating
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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You walk in the front door of you and Eddie's trailer after work and shut the door quietly, you toss your keys into the small bowl by the door and let out a sigh. You were so glad to finally be home after a long day and were looking forward to some much needed relaxation, you took off your shoes before placing them on the shoe rack. You tried to walk as quietly as possible as to not wake Eddie, he worked night shifts so he was normally asleep when you got home.
Unbeknownst to you, Eddie was in fact not sleeping. When you walked into the kitchen and started rummaging through the cabinets to find something to make for dinner, you heard something. At first you assumed it was some animal outside making noise and brushed it off, you continued to search through different boxes of pasta and ready-to-make meals when the sound got clearer.
Your ears perked up when you heard your name, you knew that voice very well, the desperation laced in every syllable, you've heard it so many times it's burned into your brain. You stopped immediately what you were doing and started to walk towards the back bedroom, the floor creaked slightly under your weight making you stop and curse yourself for not being as stealthy as you'd hoped you would be. You held your breath for a moment hoping that Eddie hadn't caught on to your presence, when you heard another soft moan you knew you were good to keep going.
As you approached your bedroom you noticed the door was cracked open, that's why you could hear everything so clearly, the closer you got to the door, the more turned on you became. You were always a sucker for hearing your name escape Eddie's lips, no matter the situation, even when he was mad at you it still drove you crazy when he said your name. Once you made it to the doorway you saw him, propped up against his pillow with the blanket scrunched up at the bottom of the bed. Eddie's eyes closed as his hand works his cock with ease, you could hear the squelching of the lube that coats his shaft.
You covered your mouth as you hold back a giggle, he looked so good laid out on the bed like that, all vulnerable and desperate for release. You debated on turning away and letting him be but something about your man fantasying about you while jerking off really turned you on.
"Need a hand, handsome?" Your voice called out breaking the thick tension in the air, Eddie's eyes immediately shot open and his hand stopped mid stroke but he didn't try to hide what he was doing.
"Oh hey babe," he chuckles softly "I didn't hear you come in." he looks you up and down, admiring every line of your shape "I wouldn't mind a little help" you could see the smirk growing on his face, his eyes lighting up at the prospect of you pleasuring him.
You smile and walk into the room, you get onto the bed and position your face above his crotch. "Well, allow me" you say seductively before dipping your head down to his cock, you look up at him as you swirl your tongue around his tip, the saltiness of his precum coating your tastebuds. Eddie's body shuddered slightly as you took his sensitive member in your mouth, you slowly moved your mouth up and down his length, you could taste his favorite cherry flavored lube that he loved to use on you.
His hands gripped the bed sheet beneath him as you increased your speed. "Oh fuck, just like that baby" he praised your work, you could hear his breathing becoming more rapid as you sucked him off, soft groans and slurping sounds bounced off the walls of your bedroom. You knew he was close, the tip of his cock pulsating in your mouth was an indication of his approaching orgasm, you kept the same rhythm and before you knew it his cum shot into the back of your throat.
“Mmm fuck” he groans loudly as he drops his load in your mouth. His chest rises up and down rapidly as he takes his cock out of your mouth and pulls you up to his chest, you quickly swallow his seed and rest your head on his chest. You can hear his heart pounding as he comes off his high, “thank you, sweetheart” he whispers, his voice was scratchy from the intense pleasure you just gave him. He plants a soft kiss on your forehead and wraps his arms around you, holding you close as an appreciation for your service.
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Tags: @tracymbcm @ali-r3n @thebiggestnaturaldisaster @canmargesimpson @nailbatanddungeon @queermaxwooo @zestychili @skrzydlak @supersmexyandhot @themadhattersqueen @arthurcerverogf @asimpforthe80s @yeaiamme2 @thepurplelovewitch @luv4peterba1lard @boa-hemian @thiccthighbby @jethro-mcgee-tony @keirasreplies @limerence-17 @mandies24 @tlclick73 @songbirdofthenight @evie-119 @spacedoutdaydreamer @emilyj444
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elllisaaa · 4 months
how seventeen would confess to you - hhu vers.
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-> pairing : svt hhu × gn!reader
-> words count : 2.9k words
-> genre : svt members crushing on you, fluff
-> warnings : while make you giggle and kick your feet
-> sorry if I made any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated !
-> masterlist | svt masterlist
hhu vers. | vu vers. | pu vers.
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cuddles, cuddles, cuddles !
once he tackled you on the couch or bed and you’re in his arms, you’re not getting up for at least an hour. 
watching long shows together, and you’re forbidden from watching even one episode without him, or he’ll get so pouty. 
big golden retriever energy, he’s always so smiley around you.
but also big on protecting you.
he’s the type to say “dress how you want, i can fight”, and he will definitely fight if needed.
always has an arm around you, making you feel safe in every situation
since both of you are friends since as far as you can remember, he’s like another member of your family.
i can literally picture your aunts asking you when you’re gonna marry him at every gathering lmao
with all of that, the line between friendly and romantic feelings is blurred, but cheol wished he had the courage to fully cross it. 
however, everyone and their mothers knew about his big crush on you, and about yours on him. 
his confession would be so domestic crying because i’m lonely. 
It wasn’t uncommon for you to cross paths with Seungcheol late at night. Just like you, he often got thirsty and you always ended up staying in the kitchen until the early hours of morning, and being sleepy at the family gathering. And this time was not different. Well, it was, in fact, a bit different. You had been aboard for the past year and only got back to Korea a few weeks before, so both of you hadn’t really seen each other and you had a lot to catch up on about your lives. 
“- And after that, this bitch didn’t even dare to look me in the eyes for the rest of the year ! Can you believe this ?
- I don’t like to judge people I don’t know, but she’s indeed a bitch.”
Both of you bursted out in laughter, and your heart felt warmer again. It was as if you were finally complete again. Being away from Seungcheol when he had been by your side for the majority of your life was the most difficult thing you ever had to do, and feeling him slip through your fingers as he started to respond less was horrible. He apologized so many times about how busy he was, and you knew it was not his fault, but still, you just wanted to be back home, back in his arms. 
“- Yeah, she definitely is.”
You landed your head on his shoulder with a smile, and Seungcheol feared that you would hear how fast his heart was beating. He was happy for you when you announced to him that you had the opportunity to go aboard for your studies, and he was immensely proud of you. But at the same time, all he wanted to do was convince you to not go and keep you forever with him. But he was only your best friend, and he couldn’t ask you to give up on your dreams for him. But he wished he could be your boyfriend instead. 
“- I have something to confess…”
You lifted your head from his shoulder, looking at him as you waited for his next words. Seungcheol eyes’ dived into yours, and he just knew. He knew that this was the right time, that the particular atmosphere surrounding the two of you would certainly never arise again. He had to do it now.
“- The day you left, I came to say goodbye at the airport, remember ?”
You nobbed. How could you not ? He had engulfed you in a big hug  that made you want to stay, and left you with teary eyes as you got on your flight.
“- I never told you what I did after. I drove off to the park we always played at when we were kids, and I cried on the swings for maybe two hours because all I could think about was that you were not with me. And it felt so wrong.”
Your right hand found purchase on his cheek, forcing him to look down at you as he consciously avoided your eyes since he started to tell you his little story. But your soft smile was the only reassurance he needed.
“- It felt wrong being away from you too. I missed you so much Cheol…
- Me too…”
And just like that, you both leaned in at the same time, your lips meeting in between and suddenly, everything felt right again, as if it was where you were supposed to be - in each other arms. 
“next time i’m squeezing myself in your luggage, i don’t want to spend another night without you in my arms.”
i don’t know how to explain it, but I’m sure you’ll get it when I say that this man is the definition of soft. 
he’s so cozy, every one of his hugs feels like a warm cocoon (that’s why you always find an excuse to get a hug).
very good at giving advice, and a good listener, he’s always there when you need a shoulder to cry on. 
you were friends with the other members at first, but slowly, you started to grow closer when he discovered how sweet and lovely you were. 
the more he talked with you, the more he found himself hooked.
literally has heart eyes for you (everyone and their mothers know about his crush on you) and would drop everything if you need him.
of course, he’ll be more than happy if you agreed to play video games with him, it doesn’t matter if you’re good at it or not 
it’s even better if you never played, he’ll have an excuse to make you sit on his lap while he teaches you how to use the controller. 
but in the end, he’s a simple guy, and he doesn’t see the point of hiding his crush for too long, but he also wants his confession to be meaningful. 
The boys had organized a big party for your birthday this year, and surprisingly, they succeeded at keeping it a secret until tonight. And the past months spent trying to perfect every little detail was worth it when they saw the big smile on your face and your teary eyes when you recognized your friends and family as you walked through the room. 
And even if Wonwoo couldn’t be more happy than seeing you wander around, laughing and smiling non-stop, he felt a weight on his heart. He wanted to steal you away from all these people, have you all for himself and finally tell you how he felt about you, finally tell you how glad he was to have you in his life. But he couldn’t, and he would never do that. He was just waiting patiently for your eyes to meet in the crowd, and for you to smile brightly at him. Every time you did that, his heart beat faster. 
“- Finally ! I’m so happy that everyone came, but I’m exhausted !
- I can imagine, you’ve been running around the whole night.”
You sighed dramatically as you seated yourself on the couch next to Wonwoo, resting your head on his shoulder. Like a habit, he put his arms around you, bringing you closer to him, just because you were so comfortable around each other that everyone else thought you were already dating. 
“- It’s the best surprise of my life. You guys are my favorites. Thank you for doing this for me.
- You deserved it, that and all the presents we prepared for you.”
You lifted your head from his shoulder, looking at him with a sparkle of curiosity in your eyes. 
“- And what’s yours Wonwoo ?”
He had planned to do it later, when everyone would have left, when he’ll have a moment alone with you. But if this wasn’t a sign that he had to do it now, he didn’t know what it was.
“- It’s not something material. It’s more… Spiritual I’ll say.
- It’s intriguing, tell me what it is.
- My heart. I’m offering you my heart, because you already have it, you did for a long time now, and I wanted to let you know, just in case you were feeling the same about me.”
Wonwoo knew how emotional you could get, but he didn’t expect you to cry from his confession. Still, he wiped your tears away, waiting for you to calm down with a soft smile on his face.
“- I feel the same, I’ve been feeling the same for so long. You have my heart too.”
“I’ll take care of it, I promise. I’ll always protect you.”
100% golden retriever energy
you would often tease him along with the members (because we all know that seventeen ultimate goal is to make fun of mingyu)
partner privilege : would not get as pouty as with his members, all it takes is a smile from you and you’re forgiven.
however, when you tease him about how being so muscular but so afraid of everything is a shame, he’ll be like a child throwing a tantrum. 
pouting until you compliment him (and cannot stop blushing once you do, he’s so cute someone help me).
tries to impress you all the time by flexing his muscles, showing how strong he is. 
he’s so obvious please, this boy cannot hide his love for you.
follows you everywhere like a lost puppy, just in case you need him (he’s adorable).
he feels so comfortable around you because beyond all the teasing, you’re very understanding and kind. 
you’re always here to remind him how amazing he is every time he doubts himself. 
and because he feels so comfortable around you, his confession would slip like it was the most natural thing ever. 
Mingyu always had a tendency to show off his skills whenever you were in the same room as him. Yes, he felt an incredible ego boost when you complimented him about his muscles, but what he took real pride in was how much he was able to make you laugh. He always feared that his jokes were lame, or just not your type of humor, but every time he cracked one, you bursted into giggles. And by the way you were beaming, there was no way that you were faking it. 
And he always managed to make you laugh in all types of situations, chuckling and resisting the urge of kicking his feet like a teenager everytime you hitted his shoulder playfully as you tried to contain your own giggles. Mingyu was addicted to the way your eyes were glowing with joy everytime you just smiled. However, he discovered that the easiest way to get you to laugh was to tell you all the stupid things his members did. Like now, as you were crying from how funny you found the story of Seungkwan volley ball. 
“- He really only discovered it when he saw that video ?
- Yeah, really ! You should’ve seen the betrayal in his eyes, it was priceless !”
And you were laughing again, your head thrown back, tears almost spilling out of your eyes. But Mingyu wasn’t laughing anymore, too lost in his contemplation, because you were literally a work of art to him. Every single detail about you was perfect, the more he discovered, the more he wanted to be yours.
“- Your smile is so beautiful, gosh… I love you so much…”
The melody of your giggles died as soon as you registered the meaning of his words. Silence enveloped the both of you as you stared at him as if you were trying to enter his mind and find all the answers to your questions. And Mingyu was forcing himself to keep his mouth shut, and not embarrass himself further, already cursing himself in his head for being so careless.
“- Wha- What did you say ?”
Mingyu was too focused on his overthinking to notice the little grin spreading on your lips. Of course, you already knew that he had a crush on you. Of course, you had a crush on him too because who doesn’t ? And of course, it was very cute to watch him stumble over his words with red cheeks. 
“- I-I said that you have a beautiful smile…
- And after that ?
- Don’t want to tell you.”
You giggled as you leaned in to peck his warm cheeks, restraining yourself from going in for his pouty lips too.
“- Well, just know that I love you so much too Gyu.”
“see, you heard it perfectly ! but i’ll tell you a hundred times if you want me to.”
he’s so random, like one minute he could joke along with you and the other he’s asking you the most existential question possible, fully serious about it. 
like we say vernon is just vernoning in the most vernon way possible. 
he's very chill about pretty much everything so it's really soothing to be around him.
he's your go-to person when you want to isolate yourself from the rest of the world because you could spend evenings just watching tv and not saying a word to each other
there's also times where both of you end up talking about your lives until the early hours of the morning. 
your relationship feels like it's all natural, there has never been an awkward state, only comfort. 
it's like hansol had known you for years because he felt so at ease every time you were with him. 
you made him feel like he was special and normal at the same time, and even if he doesn't show it often, he really appreciates it. 
you two liked to stay inside so it was rare for you to go out somewhere, but it was always unexpected and when it happened. 
hansol knew that you liked to be surprised, and often showed up on his days off to take you somewhere without telling you.
that's why you weren't shocked when he picked you up at 5 in the morning, on a random Sunday. 
“- Can I at least choose the music ?
- Go on.”
Hansol handed you his phone which was connected to the speakers of his car, letting you put on whatever song you wanted. He owed you this with how early he forced you to get out of bed on one of your days off. But he really wanted to take you to this spot he loved. He played it off as one of his random wishes, but he planned this in his mind for a long time, not all the details, but he knew he wanted to bring you there to tell you how he felt. 
He watched with a small smile on his lips as you opened the window, one of your favorite songs playing as you let the wind hit your face and make your hair fly all over your face. Hansol quickly focused on the road again, seeing that he was near your destination, he asked you to close your eyes.
“- Are we there ?
- Almost.”
The rest of the way was quiet, a comfortable silence settling between the two of you. When you finally felt that Hansol had stopped the car, you heard him go out of the driver seat to get to your side and help you get out too, ordering you to keep your eyes closed. He pushed you to take some steps forward before he finally authorized you to see what was in front of you.
“- You took me to the ocean ?”
You didn’t even turn around to look at him, too entranced by the sight in front of you. And all Hansol could do was smile when he saw how parkly your eyes were. 
“- I guess that I wanted you to see the sunset.”
You were rather speechless as Hansol got a blanket out of his car, leading you to the beach for you two to watch the sunrise on the horizon. He contemplated you as you ran around, touching the water to see if it was cold or not before finally sitting down beside him, your head finding his place on his shoulder, and his arms around yours.
“- Thank you for bringing me there… It’s beautiful…
- I wanted to make it special.”
Before you could even ask him what he was talking about, Hansol leaned in, his eyes fixed on your lips, and yours on his. Basking in the warm light of the sunset, he kissed you for the first time but certainly not the last, a smile spreading on his face as he rested his forehead against yours. 
“i think i could get used to this.”
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my works.
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svt taglist (fill in this to be added) :
@lil-kpopstan @hann1bee @iraisswiftie
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xcixmoon · 2 years
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"you're mine and only mine, understood?" ࿐ ˊˎ-
simon 'ghost' riley x reader
reminder, most of my stories are 18+ - keep in mind when reading.
note: im utterly in love with this man and down terribly for him.
simon 'ghost' riley x reader ; simon riley x reader ; simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader ; jealous!ghost x reader ; ghost x reader ; possesive!ghost x reader.
characters mentioned: simon 'ghost riley, john 'soap' mactavish, kyle 'gaz' garrick
warnings: smut, smut, smut, strong language and alcohol consumption.
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after a long day of planning, the group agreed to out for drinks in order to let loose before wheels up in a couple of days. soap and gaz were excited as they kept saying drinks were on them and to not worry about paying.
you were in your room before the night began, trying to plan your outfit for the night. you heard a light knock on your door, "come in!" you told them.
you looked over to see ghost walking, "Simon," a smile appeared on your face.
"hey, love," he responded.
you loved the nickname coming from him.
you were never the girl to care about nicknames in fact your sort of preferred to not have them in a relationship but my god does his accent make everything better.
you noticed he wasn't dressed in civvy clothes, "why aren't you dressed for tonight?" you asked him.
ghost was sitting on the edge of your bed, "I rather not go out tonight, just going to stay in with price to talk about what's upcomin'."
you rolled your eyes at him, "come on... come out with soap, gaz and I. it'll be fun." you looked at him.
"you know I prefer to stay in if I could." he responded. you walked over to ghost and sat on his lap.
"you don't wanna have fun with me?" you jokingly asked. ghosts hands slid down to rest at your hips, "I know other ways we could have fun, love." he told you.
butterflies fluttered within you, you began to slowly grind against him. a little moan escaped your lips when you began to speak, "we can have some fun right now," you lightly pushed simon down to lay on your bed, "but only if you agree to go out with me tonight."
"you really goin' to do this?" he asked you.
you nodded as you bit down on your lip whistle still moving your hips against ghosts lap. "please?" you asked nicely.
"fuckin' hell, how could I ever say no to that?" ghost grunted.
you giggled with excitement when he agreed, you began to take off your shirt to reveal your breast.
"did you plan this out?" ghost asked you as he sat up to start kissing you all over.
another thing to add to the list of things you love is that ghost practically worshipped your body. he was never the type to just dive into sex without showing you how much he loved all of you.
he wanted all of you to show how much he loves every bit.
you couldnt respond as he started kissing you and slowly moved to your neck. you loved having your neck kissed especially when he had one hand playing with one of your nipples. "fuck," you breathed out.
ghost took that as que to work his way down to your breast, his tongue working your nipple as he cupped it and began sucking. he nibbled on it slightly because he knew you loved it.
"simon..." you moaned in his ear.
"I love when you say my name like that love, do you like what I'm doing to you?" he asked cockily. of course he knew that you loved it but he also loved hearing you struggle with your words.
you nodded eagerly, "mhmm," was all you managed to get out.
ghost stopped kissing your body, "use your words, baby." he said.
you were upset that he stopped kissing you all over, "yes, I do. please, don't stop." you begged him.
a cocky, smug smile appeared on his face once you begged for me. ghost began again working his way from top to bottom, "for a second, I thought you were the one in charge tonight."
"shut up." you told him.
you wanted to be in charge but every time you easily melted under his touch.
it was rare that you were able to have full control. every once in a while ghost would encourage you to try to take the reigns for the night but you loved being worshipped by the man you love most that you just want him to do it.
ghost never complained.
he liked seeing you try to be the boss and found it cute when you would ask him to praise you instead.
“take your shirt off,” you told him. ghost did as you told to reveal his body. hes well in shape, you found his body beautiful with his scars that spread across his body. each time you traced your fingers on the scars, not to make ghost more aware of them but show him how much you loved him and them.
you began kissing each scar - his breath hitching with each kiss, getting lower to reach the top of his pants. You started unbuttoning his pants as ghost sat back and watched you.
You can see how hard he is under his briefs, “I wanna make you cum in my mouth first.”
Ghost threw his head back at your words, “first?” he asked you.
“Mhm,” you hummed, “We’ll be a little late, it’s okay.” you laughed.
you began removing his briefs and to reveal his hard cock. simon was above average in length, it wasn’t really surprising with how he was built and how he carried himself.
“Fuckin’ hell love, just suck it already.” simon pleaded. he was impatient and it amused you, instead of sucking him like he asked, you began stroking him.
simons hips bucked as your hands made contact, you looked up at him and seen him staring at you - watching every move. you flicked your tongue on the tip, the most sensitive part. “do you like when I do this?” you asked him as you began sucking him off.
“I love it, you look so beautiful taking me.” simon let out a moan as he felt the back of your throat. he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. his beautiful girl was able to take all of him and he loved the sight of it, “that’s my girl.” he praised you.
“how am I already so fuckin close already? You just started.” simon cursed at himself, “I want to feel you, love.”
you stopped yourself, “you wanna fuck me?” You teasingly asked him.
simon grabbed you and laid you down on the bed. He removed your pants, “I want all of you.” He reminded you.
a smile spread on your face at his words, his head disappeared to between your thighs. he started kissing each leg slowly as he made his way to your wet clit.
“youre so fucking wet from just sucking me off,” he told you. ghosts fingers found their way to your clit, he began rubbing it slowly.
a slightly loud moan left your lips.
“that’s a good girl,” he said, “you’re so fucking pretty when you’re under me.” simon watched you for a bit as you squirmed under his touch before his tongue eventually replaced his fingers.
“dont stop,” you moaned as you grabbed a handful of his hair, you pulled him closer so he knew to keep going.
“you taste as good as always sweetheart, you want to taste yourself?” he asked as he brought his fingers up.
you didn’t answer before you began sucking on his fingers, “that’s my pretty girl… you taste good, don’t you?”
you nodded at his words, “please make me cum.” you asked.
simon returned to rubbing your clit, “im gonna put it in, alright?” he let you know ahead of time. you’ve been with simon for a while and knew how he felt every single time but needed to prepared yourself as he was bigger than average.
simon grabbed one of your hands and rubbed his thumb softly across before letting his other hand guide the way into you.
“ah!” you lightly yelped, “fuck.”
simon stopped and looked at you, “let me know when to stop baby.” he reassured you.
“keep going, it feels good.” you told him, you loved the way you felt around him no matter if there was a slight bit of pain in the start.
he always let you know if you needed to speak up or if he was hurting you then to let him know. he had no problem taking his time with making you feel good. he was the best lover you ever had.
simon slowly slid all the way in, “you’re so fucking tight sweetheart, holy shit.” he cursed.
all you could do was moan in response as he started fucking you and rubbing your clit at the same time. this man knew you so well that it always blew your mind.
“fuck, simon. that feels-“ you tried to speak but couldn’t finish as a moan escape your mouth instead of words.
“can’t finish your words?” he asked amused.
you nodded your head no at him and focused on the pleasure he was giving you. simon began kissing you while still fucking you and rubbing your clit.
yours and simons body both glistened with sweat as you both move in sync with each other. your moans filled the room, the sound he loves most coming out of you.
“I’m so close baby, fuckin’ hell.” simon breathed into your ear. he was never the type to moan, he was more of a grunting type but a few moans were able to escape his lips once in a while.
you grabbed simons face, “cum in me,” you told him. both faces filled with sweat as he kept fucking you and looking into your eyes.
“are you sure?” he finally asked, “don’t play with me.” you continued to look at your lover in the eyes and repeated your words, “cum in me baby. I want all of you.”
You let out a loud moan as simon listened to your words, he kept looking in your eyes before finally closing them tightly as he did the final hip buck as he pumped you full of his thick cum.
you came all over his cock just as he came in you.
“christ,” simon panted. “how does it get better every time?”
you kissed Simon on the lips and both agreed to freshen to to meet with gaz and soap seeing as how you were both late.
“I’ll wait out your door,” he told you before kissing you once more. “I love you.”
you kiss him a little longer, “I love you more.” you told him.
you quickly dress up in something simple, you knew if you took too long Simon would try to use that as an excuse to stay in.
you threw on a few jewelry pieces before throwing on a leather jacket that simon gifted you awhile back. you took a quick look in the mirror and notice someone left a gift on your collarbone.
you shook your head with a smile and met with simon outside.
“do you think people will notice this?” you asked him, showing your new mark.
simon smiled, “no.” He cleared his throat. “soap keeps callin’ so let’s hurry up.”
simons hand found it’s way to the small of your back to lead you to the car. you felt your face grow slightly red at the gesture.
ghost was never the one to show pda and this one of his simple ways of showing it when you both were out. He was a total different person out in public compared to when it’s just you both in a room.
it was never a bad thing and it never bothered you because he never ever neglected you just because he preferred to keep you both private. He had little gestures to let you know he loves you when you’re with others.
it could be the small glances, your secret signal when others were around or when he would take the time to whisper something in your ear so others couldn’t hear.
ghosts hand rested on your thigh as he drove you both to where gaz and soap were last at. you noticed that the bar was quite busy as there was a line outside forming to get in.
“let me call soap,” ghost told you.
“yeah, im here but there’s a line outside. I don’t feel like waitin’ Johnny.” He told mactavish that was on the line.
“yeah,” he looked over to you, “y/n is with me.”
you could hear the already drunk Scottish yell in the phone as ghost slightly pulled it away from his ear. “hurry up or we’re leavin’.”
ghost got out of the car and opened the door for you, “thank you baby,” you stole a quick kiss from him. you noticed he started to blush at the gesture and couldn’t help but find amusement in it.
“riley’s!!!” soap joked as he yelled towards you both as you were walking up, “shut up.” you punched him softly in the stomach.
“uncalled for.” ghost to soap said as he followed.
you went over to greet gaz as you spotted him at a table filled with glasses. “Is this all mactavishs’ doing?” you asked gaz.
“of course.” he chuckled - you gave him a hug before noticing some other friends behind. you looked at Simon, “im gonna go say hi.” as you gestured towards the girls. you tugged at the hem of his sweatshirt and he nodded.
“i’ll be here.” as he took a seat with gaz and soap.
ghost noticed the other men looking at you. he knew you never paid attention to any of them but couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy hit him.
soap snapped him out of his thoughts when he came back with drinks, “im not drinkin’ tonight.” ghost told them.
Soap looked at him in disappointment, “sorry johnny, got y/n with me.”
The drunk Scottish rolled his eyes, “more for gaz and I.” he laughed.
ghost kept an eye on you every once in a while. He just wanted to make sure you were safe and no one attempted to touch you while you were talking with your friends.
he knew you sure as hell could take care of yourself but he wanted you to enjoy your night as you were chatting with friends. you would often catch him looking at you and give him your signal for ‘I love you’.
he would return the signal and let you get back to your conversation.
as you continued your conversations, you noticed the time, it was getting late and didn’t want to keep simon out later than what he wanted. he isn't an extrovert and you knew he was possibly running out of his social battery.
you had a few drinks and felt a bit tipsy but also felt ready to go back to base. “It was great catching up with you guys, think ima head back to base.” you told your friends.
you walked over to the table where simon, gaz, and soap still sat. soap was slurring his words worse than before and gaz was having a laugh out of it. you walked over to Simon and could tell he was ready, “Im gonna go to the bathroom then we could head back?”
“whenever you’re ready.” he said as he rubbed your thigh under the table, a simple gesture to let you know to take your time.
“you boys better call it a night too,” you laughed at gaz and soap. “it’s past your bedtime.”
you heard mactavish talk loudly as you made your way to the bathroom, “did she just mom us???” he asked.
“she did mate and she’s not wrong.” gaz told him.
you freshened up in the bathroom quickly to hopefully to try to get rid of the tipsy in you but only with slight luck of doing so. as you walked out the door you walked into a tall figure, “sorry!” You asked.
the tall man turned around with a smile on his face, “no worries.” before you could make your way around him he walked in front of you again.
“oops, sorry again…” you told him.
The man didn’t move.
you rolled your eyes at him, as you made the attempt leave again, he spoke, “hey, aren’t you y/n l/n?” he asked.
you shook your head no, “sorry, wrong person.” you quickly told him. "i'm headed out for the night so if you dont mind..." you tried to push him to the side.
"no, you're definitely her. ive seen you on base before." the man said.
a fake smile spread across your face, "well nice to meet you and goodnight." you finally made your way passed him but he grabbed you by the wrist - pulling you back towards him.
you were unreasonably close to him, your back against his chest. he reeked of alcohol.
oh god.
"let go of me," you said.
"im just trying to ge-"
before the man can continue to finish his sentence, you dug the back of your shoe into his and elbowed him in the nose when he bent down in pain.
"don't touch a woman when shes not interested." you warned him.
"you bitch!" he yelled as blood came out of his nose.
the whole bar was looking at your direction, you felt a presence behind you soon after. "the hell is goin' on here?" ghost asked.
"this prick wouldn't let me leave the door way." you told him.
you noticed ghost tense up, his hand formed a fist - you quickly turned around to make ghost bring his attention towards you. your hands rested on his face and you lowered his gaze towards you and he softened his look on you, "lets just leave." you told him.
you heard the man yell more as he was being thrown out but you were hand in hand with simon to try to quickly leave. gaz and soap were too wasted to drive themselves so they hitched a ride.
the tension in the car was suffocating.
"you guys held hands in public." soap spoke.
"shut it johnny." ghost warned.
you looked in the rear view mirror as soap threw his hands in defeat, "i was just sayin'..."
you couldn't help but smile at his silliness.
once you reached base gaz took soap immediately to the bathroom as he was on the verge of throwing up. you looked at ghost and could see he was still tense.
"come on," you took his hand and you both walked into his room.
you closed the door and turned around to meet ghosts lips once more.
"i love you," he said - "you're mine and only mine, understood?" he asked.
"are you mad?" you asked him.
ghost stopped kissing you to look at you, "im mad but not at you. im mad that people think they have the right to touch you when they're not me."
you pulled him in again for more kisses as those words left his lips, "i always feel jealous when people look at you." he spoke as he trailed down your neck - "i dont blame them but you're mine."
"im only yours, simon." you reassured him.
"does it bother you that i dont kiss you in public?" he finally asked, ghost stepped away from you and moved to the other side of the room. "im not exactly prince charming..." he trailed off.
you walked over to him, "no, because i know you love me and the little gestures we do make it even better. its like we have our language." you laughed as you hugged him from behind.
you felt his hands touch yours, "you are the love of my life, simon riley." you reminded him.
he turned to face you again, he picked you up - you wrapped your legs around him as you were finally eye level with him. "im a lucky man to have you." he said before kissing you.
he kissed you eagerly, with each kiss it was a step towards his bed.
you felt your back meet the bed as simon was still kissing you, "i want all of you again."
"i want you forever and always." you told him.
simon took off your jacket and shirt to reveal your lace bra, "is this new?" he asked as he was raising a brow.
you smiled, "just for you."
"matching?" he asked another.
"possibly, i guess you gotta reach the final destination to find out." you teased him.
simon returned to kissing you once more, taking his time as he reached to your breasts. your nipples harden as his tongue played with them over the lace.
he was teasing you.
"take it off..." you whined.
simon smiled as you did so, "was this expensive?"
"yes but i just want it off, please." you begged him.
simon pulled a pocket knife from his pants and put the blade on the center of the lace bra. your breasts spilling out of the newly cut bra. "so fuckin' perfect." he said before continuing his focus on your nipples.
you and simon have done knife play in the bedroom before but hes never used it to cut your bra off and its been a while since you've included it in the bedroom.
you felt more aroused at his actions, you tried to remove your pants along with simons but he stopped you, "are you the boss tonight?" he asked.
you didnt respond as you positioned yourself on top of simon, straddling him.
"im the boss because im desperate for you right now." you told him, an amused look spread across his face as he watched you remove the remaining of your clothing and his.
he looked at you with such awe as he watched you please yourself on him, slowly grinding against him to get your pussy more wet before beginning to ride him. his tip perfectly rubbed against your clit and you moved your hips against him.
"oh fuck," simon cursed.
you were a pretty sight to see as you threw your head back and your perfect moans filled his ears, you put some spit on the tip of his cock before slowly entering it within you.
"be careful, love." he told you, his hands rested at your hips to help you ease on him. you were unbelievably wet from teasing yourself on him and he knew that. "shit, shit, shit..." simon cursed.
you were able to finally sit perfectly on him and began riding at a steady pace.
simon had one arm resting behind his head with the other on your thigh as he just watched you please yourself on him, "you're doing so fucking good, my pretty girl." he praised.
this drove you wild as you began to quicken the pace, "dont rush it baby, im here all night for you." he reminded you. your pussy was throbbing from the pleasure you were giving yourself from simons cock, "tell me how much you love it."
all the words just evaporated from your brain to even try to explain how much you loved feeling him within you. you were fucking yourself dumb on his cock while he just watched in pleasure.
"mh- i dont ever want to stop." you managed to finally say.
"then dont stop baby, keep going until you cant." he said. his thumb found it way to your clit. you positioned yourself slightly back to let him play with it more as you continued to fuck yourself on him.
simon moved his thumb slowly and would randomly quicken the pace, he did the opposite of how you were moving. you've never experienced this amount of pleasure as you never often rode simon.
"fuck," you moaned loudly, "dont stop. im so fucking close simon!" you yelled.
simon moved positions to allow himself to finish the work of your doing to also give you a break. he didnt stop the pace you were moving at. your back pressed against the bed as simon was now towering over you.
"you did so good fuckin' yourself on me, love" he praised you, "im so proud of you." he kissed you.
the sound of your two bodies connecting filled the room, you both were so lucky that there were no other rooms near you. that luckily no one care hear you.
"am i cummin' in you?" simon asked.
you nodded eagerly as he continued to pound into you, "fuck, yes simon." you yelled. you felt him slow his pace, his thick cum spilling out of you.
there was so much of it.
"fuckin' love you" simon said as he finished.
you felt lightheaded from the high you both rode out. "i love you more."
simon grabbed a towel and some clothes for you, "let me clean you up, love."
you smiled at him as he did so, "lets get some rest?" he kissed your lips.
your eyes felt heavy, you felt him cover you up with his bed sheets before you fell asleep to leave simon smiling at you.
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writingsbychlo · 6 months
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summary; azriel is away on a mission, and you get an unexpected visitor. when he returns, you also get an unexpected surprise.
word count; 5988
notes; fun fact!! I got confused about which part I was on because I actually forgot all about the events of this part and started writing for part six before realising!! also the way this is months late... my bad, y’all. 
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Slumping a little further in the plush seat, your eyes scanned across the page before you for the fourth time. Finally, you’d settled on a book, after procrastinating it all morning. Then, you’d put it off with the excuse of cooking breakfast and eating, making a cup of tea… and then another. 
The house felt too big, too quiet, too light without shadows crawling in every corner. 
Azriel had been gone since yesterday morning, your first overnight alone without him as he did Cauldron knew what, Cauldron knows where, out in the world. He’d left early yesterday morning while you had still been asleep, waking you with a hand shaking your shoulder gently before the sun had even risen. Dressed in those same dark leathers, strapped head-to-toe with weapons, he’d mumbled about some sudden work from Rhys, and that explanation, along with a delicate kiss on your forehead, had been all you’d gotten. 
It had half felt like some kind of odd dream, until you’d woken up, and the house had been far too still without his presence. 
He was due back tonight, and you were holding onto that, attempting to focus back on your book. Three hours. Only forty pages in. 
You’d hardly made it two more pages, before there were footsteps on the creaky porch, your heart rate shooting through the roof, and a knock. A knock. Azriel wouldn't knock on his own front door. Matter of fact, Azriel would have likely just winnowed right to the door, not walked up the porch. 
On light steps, hoping whoever was on the other side couldn't hear you, you peeked up through the hole in the door, noting Elain standing on the other side. You barely knew her, recognising her only from the first dinner you’d shared with Azriel’s family, heart leaping into your throat at the sight of her. 
Clicking the door open after only a second or two of hesitation, she offered a beaming smile when your eyes met. 
“Hello, Elain.”
“You remember my name!” Her smile somehow only stretched wider, and it was like the sun itself seemed to get brighter as she did. You wanted to scoff. Did it just do that, or was Lucien out there somewhere, glowing every time she smiled? 
“Uh… Azriel isn’t here.”
“I know.” She waved a hand, as though that was supposed to be obvious in some way, following it up with a giggle. You wracked your brain, stumbling over every piece of information Azriel had given you on them all over the last couple of weeks. Seer. Elain was a seer. Had she seen Azriel leave and chosen this moment to approach you? “I’m here to see you.”
Apparently so. “Why?”
“I was thinking we could go for a walk in the public gardens together.”
“Why?” The word spilt out again, and she laughed, cocking her head to the side. “I’m, sorry, I don’t— I don’t mean to sound so rude. This situation is just unexpected, that’s all.”
“I know. I would have come sooner, but I was waiting for Azriel to be gone because he’s been playing defence about who gets to see you and when. He growled at Rhysand last week for asking how things were going.” Your stomach flipped at that, flopping in on itself and you rubbed a hand over your ribs slowly, hoping to steady the beating of your heart. “I’m not here for Rhysand, just to be clear. I’m not here for anyone, not even Az. I’m here for me, because I’d like to get to know you.”
“You want to get to know me?”
“Of course. You’re going to be around for a while—”
“I am?” She merely hummed, brows raising a little as humour shone in those doe-eyes, and your cheeks heated. “Seer, right. Of course. Do you want to come in for lunch or something, then?”
“I was thinking we could go for a picnic.” Nudging one delicately slippered foot out from under the hem of her dress, she nudged a picnic basket at her feet with her toes, and you shifted nervously from foot to foot. “It’s a nice day, and the Velaris Gardens are just beautiful. I volunteer sometimes, and I must say, the flowers this year are breathtaking.”
“Alright,” She was like a puppy, someone you just couldn't say no to when she stared at you with those big brown eyes, only seeming to light up more when you finally agreed. Leaving her standing on the porch for no more than a few minutes, you marked the page in your book, swapped out your loungewear for a summer dress and some sandals, and grabbed your keys. 
She had been right, the two of you were barely more than a few steps down the sidewalks before the golden rays of the sun truly began to soak into your skin, warming you. It was a lovely day. Hopefully, the sun was shining on Azriel too, wherever he was.
The streets of Velaris were crowded as the pair of you ventured closer to the busier parts of the city, your workplace was packed full, the tables outside almost overflowing, and one of the waitresses you’d come to know waved as you passed by, flustered and carrying a tray of drinks. 
Children were playing in the streets, darting from one side to another. Adults were wandering, lovers arm in arms, and friends gossiping. Here you were, wandering alongside Elain, who was humming a tune gently to herself under her breath. Only once you had entered the gardens, the kind old man at the front gate greeting Elain with a smile and a hug, did she speak up once again. 
Her tune came to an end as the two of you were walking down the main pathway, weeping willows curtaining on either side, birds chirping overhead and fluttering between branches in the trees. 
“I'm happy Azriel has you, you know.”
“You might be the only one.” Your words were bitter, harsh, and you wanted to bite them back in, still not entirely sure where you stood with Elain or to what extent you could trust her, but she only laughed again. “Apologies, that was…”
“Don’t worry.” That casual hand wave again, the metal bracelets on her wrist clinking as she did. One held a sun, another with a moon, a third gold band with an orange gem, and a fourth with a metal tag on a leather band, an engraving too small to make out. “Although, it’s not true. Nesta talks very fondly of you, and while Feyre might not speak up as often, she does not approve of the way Rhysand treats you.”
“Nesta is great. I shouldn’t have said that. And of course, I was out of turn to imply anything at all about the High Lord and Lady. I do—”
“Please, none of those formalities.” She stopped suddenly at the end of the pathway, aiming to turn neither left nor right, but instead stepping out onto the large field before you both, wildflowers cropping up, wandering across the soft ground and leaving you to trail through the grass behind her. “Rhysand can be a stubborn arse when he chooses to be, and Cassian is merely being bull-headed. Mor could be a swaying hand if she chose to, but she’s actively staying out of it, to let things play out on their own. Amren is… well, Amren.”
She had managed to coax a laugh from you, despite your wary mood, and she seemed to stand a little taller at the triumph. Finally finding a spot she liked and placing the basket down, Elain opened it up to pull out a blanket, flapping it out into the light breeze and laying it on the ground slowly. She sat on it, patting the space beside her for you to sit on, and opening the basket only when you had. 
“I brought several sandwiches, because I wasn’t sure which you’d enjoy.” She began to unstack each labelled and wrapped meal portion, laying them out around you both until the blanket was covered in food and treats, a wine glass in your hand as Elain filled it with bubbling grape juice. “I try not to drink as much these days.”
It seemed the two of you had moved on from whatever conversation you’d been having, and no matter how much you wanted to circle back around to it, it felt rude to do so when she was clearly leading the chat. She was rubbing a hand over her stomach with contemplation, and you swirled the bubbly drink in your glass. “Are you… are you trying for a baby?”
Her hair glinted in the sun as she tipped her head back, eyes closed and smiling at the sky. “We’re thinking about it. Nothing concrete yet, but, I know Lucien desires children. I do too. We aren’t putting any kind of timeframes on anything, but we’re getting into some good habits and lifestyle changes now.”
“I wish you both the best of luck,” 
She only hummed, again, a contemplative sound that seemed so wrapped up in mysterious and knowledge that it made your skin itch. To distract yourself, you took a sip of your drink, eyes scanning over the food options before you as she sighed and pulled herself back from whatever thoughts she had lost herself in. “My happiness with my mate now is so much due to Azriel.”
It was like a ball, bouncing back and forth between the walls, getting faster and faster as she whipped from the topic of Azriel to anything else, like she couldn't decide between acknowledging the elephant in the room or ignoring it. 
“I’m happy he has you.”
“So you’ve said.” You smirk, settling on a sandwich at last and unwrapping it. 
“There was a while when I thought I might be his happy ending, and he might be mine.” Your chewing slowed, and your focus fixed on her. You weren’t sure why she was saying these things, revealing things about his past or her own, whether it was some kind of game or not. She seemed to read all of this on your face, sitting up more fully to face you, legs crossing before her. “He never fought for me the same way he fights for you, though. Like he can’t help himself. What we had was hidden away and sneaking around in the dark. It was wrong for us both, I see that in hindsight, but with you, he doesn’t hide you. It’s like he wants the whole world to know you’re at his side.”
The food was like trying to swallow a mouthful of cottonwool, choking it down dry and wincing. “I don’t think what we have is the same. What you had must’ve been… well, like a real relationship. You do understand what me and Az have is more like an agreement, right?”
“Are all relationships not just agreements to be together, monogamously?”
You sipped at your drink, buying time to find a reply as she tucked into her own food, surely knowing she’d won this round. “Relationships are different.”
“In what way?”
“In every way!” You said, and she still only managed to look mildly amused, waiting for you to go on. “Relationships shouldn’t start the way ours did, for the intent of mutual benefit and gain. They’re supposed to be about passion and feelings and connection.”
“And do you not have passion, or feelings, for Azriel? Is there no connection?”
“What we have is complicated.” You didn’t know how to define it at all, everything that was shifting and changing so thoroughly was enough to make your head spin, and her mumble only confirmed that she knew she had the upper hand here. “How did Azriel help you to find Lucien if you were… together?”
“Oh, no, we were never together. We snuck around at night and shared heated looks across the dining room table. I wanted to choose my own path for once, not the one everyone was telling me I should be on. The one that led to Lucien. And Azriel, well, he just wanted someone. I wasn’t the right someone, I was just there.” That didn’t answer your question, not at all, but it seemed that if you were going to get the reply you wanted, it was in return for listening to the whole story. “We had stolen moments in dark corners, and Rhysand warned us off one another, put a stop to what likely would have ended in tragedy.”
“Seems like the High Lord is fond of telling Azriel who he can and cannot be with.”
“He had a sister once, you know.” The words struck cold, and you stiffened. Of course, you knew. Everyone in Prythian knew. Had heard of the tragedy before the first war, when the Lord of Night had lost his wife and daughter, leaving only the Prince who would soon take the throne. “She fell in love with someone who she shouldn’t have, someone who betrayed her in the end,”
“Should you be telling me this?”
“—and it broke him for so long. I had no idea about any of this until Feyre told me. He watched his sister get her heart broken before she lost her life, and watched his mate fall for Tamlin and get hurt. He watched Mor hide such an important part of herself and get hurt for centuries. He even watched Lucien pine for me while I was too blind to see him. He has watched love break and harm over the years, watched people abuse those feelings and use them for their own gain. He knows that need for touch more than anyone, and knows the price companionship can cost.”
“Elain,” The food was beginning to taste like ash, this was becoming more of a petition than a chat. “I understand that. I know he’s suffered too, I know he’s felt pain, and I’m sorry for that. But that doesn’t excuse him for his cruelty. It doesn’t excuse him for stopping Azriel from finding happiness. He cannot control everyone around him, no matter whether his intentions are good or not. Other people’s happiness is not his responsibility, and not his right. What, only mates are allowed to be together? Do you know how rare it is to find your mate? Azriel has waited five hundred years, he may never find his mate, but does that mean he should never be allowed to know happiness because Rhysand decrees it?”
She stared at you, lips pursed for a long moment, considering all that you had said. And then, instead of getting angry, or yelling, or defending them further, she smiled. She nodded her head and something passed over her face that you couldn't possibly decipher. “I’m glad to hear you say that.”
“Yes. Azriel would have fought for me, if I had asked him to. I’m sure I could have put up a fuss about it, but when he was told to stop, he did. That rejection…”
“Led you to Lucien?”
“Gods, no. It made me so angry. Azriel just rolled over and showed his belly because Rhysand snarled. I was mad, beyond words!” Your laughter broke free, surprising you both, until you were laughing together amongst the flowers. “He would barely look at me, wouldn't talk to me at all if not for polite dinner conversation. I’d gone from someone he’d feel up in dark corners to acting like I had a disease!”
“That’s awful!”
“I know! So, I wanted out. I was so stifled. I managed to persuade Rhysand to send me to the Human Lands for a while, to track down some information. Except, of course, I couldn't go alone. I needed an escort, and who better than the Emissary to the Human Lands?”
“This was Lucien?”
“Mhm.” She rolled her eyes, slipping away into her memories, a smile forming on her face. “Gods, he drove me insane. He was there all the time when I’d just been pulled from the Cauldron, like a lost puppy. So full of adoration and love. I was expecting that, but that’s not the Lucien who showed up. The one who showed up was so… nonchalant. Like the bond between us didn’t exist, we were friends, more like mere partners on a task. I even made a drunken move on him one night in a gross tavern far from The Wall, and he turned me down! Put me to bed and left a glass of water on the nightstand for me. Acted like it never happened in the morning.”
“Oh, Gods…” Your snicker bought you a mock glare from the flowery female beside you.
“I was even angrier, then. It was like nobody wanted me! So, when I returned, I gave Azriel a piece of my mind. And he let me yell at him for twenty minutes. And then awkwardly held me while I cried for another twenty.”
“Does this story have a happy ending? Well, I guess I know it does,” You offered her stomach a pointed look, “But when do we get there?”
“Fine, fine,” She rolled her own eyes now, “To keep it short, Azriel then offered to help me with Lucien. Managed to trick Lucien into going on our first date, a blind-date set-up, and wouldn't let him leave when he tried to. He then continued to help me sneak around with Lucien behind everybody’s backs, until we were ready to come out with it.”
“When was that?”
“Two weeks before we got married.” You fell to your back, laughter like light spilling from you at that, and she continued to share the details of everyone’s reactions through giggles of her own. “I’d seen all their responses, and I wanted to avoid them as long as possible! That was the last time I ignored my visions to try and put them off. What I see will happen, it's only a matter of time. I can’t avoid it.”
“That must suck for surprise parties and gifts.”
“Maybe, but it was pretty good to see you coming.” She smiled, laying herself down beside you and staring up at the sky overhead. “We will be good friends, you and I. I’ve seen that too.”
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You were preparing dinner when you finally heard Azriel arrive. The scuff of his boots on the porch, the rustle of his wings as he entered the house, and then—
Then the slam of the front door. So loud and violent that the house shook a little, trembling the trinkets in the hall that sat on the side unit. You tensed, hearing his loud huff of frustration. Shadows whipped and whirled through the house, a few even making it as far as you were in the kitchen, and you followed them, peeping around the threshold before they were all snapped back in a hurry to their owner. 
You saw his retreating back, stomping up the stairs of the house, tense lines and rigid muscles, disappearing in a dark cloud from sight. Another slam made you jump, one of the upstairs doors closing with a bang. 
Silence filled the house once again, far heavier and more tense than it previously had been, and you worried your lower lip between your teeth. 
It didn't feel like you were welcome, like perhaps this was a moment you shouldn't intrude on. But, was this not part of the reason that Azriel had brought you here in the first place? To comfort him, and be his support?
Minutes ticked by as you contemplated the matter, before deciding that at least checking in on him couldn't hurt. If he wanted alone time, he’d say that, and you’d happily give it to him. The idea of leaving him alone in his suffering created a phantom pain in your chest, spurring you up the stairs and on a search for him. 
He wasn’t hard to find, darkness flicking around the doorway of the office, idle shadows striking like dark lightning bolts in the air as you opened the door, only to find Azriel hunched over his desk, wings tense behind his body. 
“Hi, Az. It’s good to have you home.”
He only murmured, a vague noise, not even lifting his head from his work as you stood in the doorway. You paced a little further inside, standing by his desk, hoping to catch a glance of those pretty caramel eyes, but he kept his head down. His pen never stopped moving across the paper, his shadows never stopped their stormy swirling. 
“I’m going to start making dinner soon, if you want to come down?” He didn’t reply, just a grunt, and you gave up, despite the worry filling you from head to toe. “Alright, well, you know where to find me.”
With that, you left, a pulse of power following you from the room within as soon as you clicked the door shut, back pressed to the wood on the other side. With a couple of deep breaths, you steadied yourself. It was only a matter of time before something came up, everything had been going too smoothly, too perfectly to last. Azriel was bound to snap under all that pressure at some point, and if this was that snap, you could handle it. 
Setting a chicken off to roast only took a couple of minutes, basted and seasoned and into the oven, enough of a distraction to pull your thoughts away from the warrior upstairs. It was as you were chopping vegetables that your mind wandered back, the mind-numbing task of slicing peppers and carrots made it easy for your thoughts to trail back to Azriel.
Still, he had not emerged. Not for food, or water, or even some space from that office. 
Setting the table didn’t help to distract you either, laying down plates and cutlery and glasses, choosing a bottle of wine and setting it out to air, even going so far as to set down some candles, searching for matches to light them. The house was all but vibrating with power not, steady thumps that occasionally jostled the cutlery on the table with powerful bursts. 
Whatever had happened today had Azriel so riled up that his power was all but leaking out, siphons doing little to control the feelings welling inside him now. You’d never known the true strength of his power. Of course, you’d heard of the High Lord’s brothers, the spymaster and the warlord, the three champions of a lethal death-match among young soldiers, who’d come out bonded stronger than ever, with power to match. 
Never, though, did you expect to feel the power like this. Feel his emotions ricocheting off of every wall, bouncing through the foundations of the house. Suddenly, it dawned on you just how mighty the ranks of the Night Court truly were, a chill settling into your bones at the thought.
One bad mod, one temper tantrum, and the building could simply crumble to dust. Street lamps would flicker, and animals would scatter. Too many thoughts, too much and all of it became overwhelming as the house continued to tremble to the steady pattern of a heartbeat. 
Blowing out the candles as the flames flickered precariously once again, you put them away, not daring to risk them tipping over and creating a far worse problem. You knew the scars on Azriel’s hands, he’d told you the story behind them on one of the many nights the two of you had lay in bed, wrapped in one another’s arms, seeking comfort. 
Or perhaps, it had been during stolen moments in the café, when Azriel would come to visit you, sitting and doing his work at one of the tables in the back. He’d take a break only when you’d bring him a fresh pot of tea and a pastry, sit across his lap and talk in hushed whispers during the quieter parts of your shifts before you had to get back to work. 
It could even have been one of your late-night walks, or early-morning strolls, while the streets of Velaris were quiet and mist-kissed. Your hands clasped together tightly, his wing shielding around you as you walked together, talking of everything and anything that came to mind. 
He’d told you quiet stories of his past, of his present, of his hopes for the future. All about little baby Nyx, Nesta and her journey to finding the Valkyries, what it had been like growing up in the camps, or all the best little villages and towns he’d visited on his worldly travels. 
Your heart had been doing crazy things, lately. Crazy, stupid things, like skipping a beat and speeding up and bursting with adoration for a man so new to your life. It did crazy things, like encourage you back up the stairs an hour later, to ignore the tremble in your hands or the wobble in your step, heart calling out to him. 
You’d tried to ignore the urge. To sit and read your book, until you’d read the same line over and over while not absorbing a single word, and giving up with a frustrated huff. You re-basted the chicken, and added the vegetables to cook, and even set off some potatoes to boil but all the while, as your body worked, your mind and heart lay with him. 
This time, you knocked as you entered, knuckles a soft rap on the door before you pushed it open. Magic thrummed through the air, calling you closer and pushing you away, and you found Azriel, still in the same uncomfortable position, working at his desk. His shoulders were locked and rigid, his head hung, hair messy from constant tangling, and you lifted a hand, brushing it slowly through his hair. 
He barely even acknowledged you, nothing more than a grunt tossed in your direction as you stood by his side, and a sigh broke free from you. His lips were turned down in a frown, dragging all of his pretty features into misery too, and you hated to see this side of him. Hooking your fingers under his chin, his writing came to a stop as you forced his head to turn, to look up at you. His eyes were dull, a spark of irritation and anger bursting through them as recognition and consciousness flashed back into his lifeless form. 
This time, a growl tore free, that frown becoming a snarl as he pulled back, gaze narrowing a little. “I’m fucking working. What do you want?”
You froze, staring at him, taking in the exhaustion under his eyes, the pain in his stance, the spinning thoughts you could practically see surrounding him, so much so it must be dizzying and painful. Dropping your hand back to your side, he only returned to work, not sparing you another thought as he chased to catch up with the ones already running him ragged in his head. 
Silently walking away, you left his door open, hurrying away from the scene and back to the kitchen. Taking the kettle in trembling hands and filling it up, you set that to boil too, a mug from the cupboard clacking as you set it down on the counter, throwing open the doors to the tea cupboard soon after. 
Your nervous fingers skimmed across the labels, searching the front of each one, and it was as you were holding two, undecided on which to choose— perhaps just brew them together?— that the air in the room shifted, and a pair of strong arms wrapped tightly around your waist, tugging you back into a solid chest. 
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled, face tucking into the crook of your neck, where he left a kiss to your skin. His hold tightened, squeezing you against his body as he slumped down into you. “I’m sorry for yelling at you. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, Az.” You ran a hand along his forearm, banded around your body, feeling it loosen just a fraction as you squeezed. “I’m just so worried about you, I wanted to make you some tea to help, but I couldn't decide which one.”
At that, a whine slipped free from him, nuzzling deeper into your neck, another kiss, and another. Putting down the teas on the counter, you wiggled a little, managing to get him to loosen up just enough to turn in his arms. His forehead came to rest on your own, noses brushing, a sad frown on his lips as his eyes remained closed. 
“No more work. If I’m stressed to the point of snapping at you, then it’s too much. I’m sorry. You were just trying to help, and clearly, I needed the help.”
Looping your arms around his neck, he sighed, a happier sound as you scratched at the nape of his neck soothingly. “Stop apologising, Azriel. I appreciate it, but it’s unnecessary. I’m not angry at you, just concerned.”
“I like that you worry about me.” He whispered, deep voice running like honey as he bent enough to pick you up behind the backs of your legs, spinning you to place you onto the kitchen counter, and step comfortably between your thighs. “But you don’t deserve that kind of treatment. You deserve better. I don’t deserve you, but I don’t want to let you go.”
“I’m not going anywhere, Az. I wouldn't be in this relationship if I was going to run. I can handle you, even when you’re not at your best.”
He only answered with a shaky laugh, hands smoothing up your thighs to sit on your hips, squeezing in a series of happy pulses. “We’re in a relationship?”
Elation was clear on his face, no denying it, at your choice of words, and you gave a little chuckle of your own, nodding against him as your noses came back to brushing together, heads resting on one another. Your conversation with Elain flickered through your mind once again, and you wondered if she had seen this, seen you give into her whims and silently admit she was right. If she’d seen this, you hope she picked up on your mental scowl, too. “Well, what would you call what we have?”
“I like ‘relationship’. I like it a lot, actually.”
Throwing your arms over his shoulders, they looped around his neck, and you pushed your face up a little closer to him. “We may not be conventional, Az, but I like what we have. I like our relationship. I think we’re perfect as we are.”
He didn’t need words to respond, not this time, not as his mouth sealed over your own in a gentle, tender kiss. The first kiss you’d ever shared, a timid one, his lips working slowly and cautiously over yours, giving you plenty of time to pull away. 
You didn’t want to, kissing him back with just as much tenderness and affection as he was showing you, pouring every feeling you had into it, to make sure he knew just how much you cared. Your heart was beating hard, fast, racing like a drum under your ribcage as you melted into his touch. One scarred hand came up to cup your cheek, thumb smoothing across your skin, in tandem with every stroke of his lips. 
You pulled back for breath, just to find yourself tangled back up in him, his tongue stroking across your lower lip, teasing the roof of your mouth as you opened up for him. A groan skittered across your tongue from him, a pant for breath, his hand slipping up under your shirt to sit on your bare waist as you tugged on the slight curls of his hair. 
When he pulled back, at last, your lips were swollen, your lungs burning in the best way possible, and your head was spinning so much you could barely focus. The world felt fuzzy at your touch, glowing and glittering as you stole a final kiss from his lips, his soft chuckle breaking it. 
“Am I still invited for dinner with you?”
“Yes. I’m making chicken and potatoes.” Your smile lasted only a second, before you were sitting upright. Time had melted away around you, disappearing into dusk outside beyond the windows, “Oh, no, the potatoes!”
Pushing him back and hopping down from the counter, he watched with a dazed, kiss-drunk expression as you rushed to the stove, taking off the pan lid and prodding at the potatoes with a fork. 
“I amend my earlier statement. We’re having chicken and mashed potatoes, because these have gone soft. Entirely your fault for distracting me.”
“I distracted you?” He mused, sneaking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your shoulders, tugging you back to kiss at your cheeks, trailing down toward your mouth. 
“You know you did.” His only response was a smile. Draining the potatoes was a challenge, what with Azriel plastered to your back like a new limb that served no purpose, and you had to elbow him off in order to finish the food. 
While he waited, he tinkered with the dining room table, pouring two glasses of wine and rearranging. When you turned, he’d dug out the candles you’d put away, lighting them with a match once again, and blushing as he laid them out. “I thought they’d be romantic.”
“I like them.” Your cheeks were equally as heated, smiling to yourself as you turned away to check the food. 
His distance didn’t last long, as you searched for a knife with which to carve the chicken, he was once again backing you into a counter, his mouth hungrily descending upon your own. Mutters of ‘waiting long enough’ silenced on your mouth as he dove into you, hands on your body once again, trying to tempt you up onto the counter. 
“Let me cook, you menace,”
“Just a few more,” Was his barter, and those few kisses passed more and more time, his lips like a high you had to chase, until only the desperate urge to breathe could pull you apart. “Gods, I love that. I love kissing you.”
“I can tell.”
He rolled his eyes, but his smirk stayed, unashamed of his newfound addiction. 
“We need to eat, you need food.”
“I have everything I need, right here.” He leaned in again, lips puckered, and you tipped your head his mouth finding the edge of your jaw, and he grunted unhappily at the action, but mouthed at your skin nonetheless.
“How about after dinner, we can go upstairs and do some self-care. I’ll show you all the fancy new creams and skincare I got. We can relax, and cuddle, and read.”
“And there will be more kisses?”
“There will most definitely be more kisses.” You promised, cupping his face and bringing him back for a final peck. 
“Then I think I can agree to those terms.” He stared, pulling back just enough to fully take you in. As the urgency in his expression died down with the promise that this affection was not a one-time deal, his face took on blissfulness instead. Running his knuckles across your cheek, his face softened even further as you leaned into his touch, cupping his hand and pressing kisses to his scarred fingers. “You… You are my moon, do you know that? You light up even the darkest parts of life for me.”
His words were like whispered oaths, something too heavy for you to fully comprehend but burned into your mind regardless, and you gave him a sweet smile back. “You are my stars, Azriel.”
“Every last one. Glittering and perfect in the night, full of mystery and hopes and stories. You are my favourite part of the night sky.”
Your heads rested together, dinner temporarily forgotten just for another moment or so, to bask in the revelations of the evening. 
today changed everything for the better.
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heeseungwifey · 2 months
I'll pick you up - Park Sung Hoon
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pairing: idol!Sunghoon x y/n
warnings: contains smut! Minors don’t interact pls
Is a well-known fact by kpop fans that once an idol gets their driving license it means they’re having sex. Since they live in a dorm shared with their group members, they have no other choice but to fuck in the backseat of a car. 
Sunghoon is one of those idols. Annoyed he has to share a bedroom with the other 6 members of Enhypen, he got tired of having no privacy and got into driving classes ASAP. It was quite easy for him to pass the test, since he’s very skilful and has learnt a lot from driving video games. 
How does he get girls? easy, he can pick and choose at all the fanmeets, in which many fans would slide their phone numbers in tiny pieces of paper between the album pages when he’s gonna sign them. 
He often turns them away, scared of getting into a scandal. But, from time to time, he sees one fan he wishes he could call and meet up with. That's why he was so keen to get his driving licence so that he wouldn't have to wait so long.  
At the very first fanmeet Enhypen did after he passed the driving test, he was expectant of who was in the crowd. Many girls showed up, excited and happy to get an interaction with their favorite member of the group. As the fans sit down on the chairs in front of them, Sunghoon spots a girl with long dark hair and an angelic aura. She's a fan of his, a T-shirt with his picture on it and a banner with his name on it. Lucky him.
The queue moves way slower than he wishes, making him desperate to greet her. When he sees she’s already talking to one of the members, he can no longer focus on what he’s doing. All his signatures look like scribbles and he keeps forgetting the name of the fan in front of him. After many apologies, she’s right in front of him.
-Hello! What’s your name? - Sunghoon says as he stares at her while she sits on the chair in front of him. 
-Y/n - She says, shy and blushy, avoiding his eyes.  
- Y/n… a very pretty name - Sunghoon looks directly into her eyes, wanting to keep eye contact with her. 
-Thank you… - She looks at him and now she can’t stop giggling and darting her eyes from one side to the other of the room. 
-And tell me y/n… I see you’re wearing my face on your T-shirt. Am I your favourite?- Sunghoon smirks. 
-Yes, you are. Since the very beginning, I knew I wanted to be your fan. - she has sparkles in her eyes, enjoying talking about her dear bias.
-Good to know I have such loyal fans. You know, I have to admit you are also been my favourite since you walked in here. You’re beautiful. - Sunghoon lowers his voice and gets closer to her ear, freezing her on the spot. 
-Ahm… that’s, that’s… uhm I don’t know what to say… about that… ahm… - y/n gets surprised by a timer, indicating the time of their brief talk is over. 
Y/n doesn’t want to get up from the chair. She still has something to give to him. She looks at him in the eyes and shakes the pages of the album he just signed in front of him, a piece of paper falling from the inside. 
Sunghoon couldn’t be happier. He was worried she might be a fan who thought didn’t have a shot with him. She does, oh my god how much she does. He couldn’t think of anything or anyone else throughout the whole day. With her phone number written on a piece of paper in the bottom of his pocket, waiting for him to get off work.
When Sunghoon got to the dorms, he stared at his phone waiting to gather the courage to call her. He knows she wants to meet up with him, that’s why she gave him her phone number in the first place. So why was he feeling so doubtful? 
Sunghoon picks up his damn phone and calls her, jumping with every dial tone. When he’s about to give up, a voice on the other line answers:
-Hello…? Who’s this? - y/n answers the phone and Sunghoon can hear voices in the background, a male voice standing out from all of them. Is she with a dude right now? Isn’t she a fan of him? Why did that bother him so much?
Sunghoon thought about hanging up the call. It’s whatever. She has her own life, of course she’s not gonna be waiting for him to call her. When she repeats herself for the third time, he decides to just try it, this is not about catching feelings but a one-night stand with a groupie. 
-Hi! y/n, this is Sunghoon. Do you have a minute?
-Omg, what?! I had the feeling it could be you, I don’t know why... this is a strange hour to call someone don’t you think?
-I want to see you. I’ll pick you up wherever you are right now. You up?
There’s silence on the other side of the call. She’s thinking. She’s not stupid, it’s obvious what this is about. She has to decide whether to leave her dignity aside or be happy. She now chooses to be happy. 
-Sure! I'm in Itaewon right now with a bunch of friends. I was going to go home in fifteen minutes, but I can leave now… Is it okay for you?
-I’ll pick you up outside of the metro station. 5 minutes and I’m there. 
Sunghoon hangs up, not even letting her answer. With a bunch of friends? His ass. Sure there’s some dude in that friend group that has been trying to make moves on her since they met. Women are so naive. He couldn’t have a girl friend that looked like that. A doll straight out of a magazine. The most beautiful woman he has ever seen, and sure he has seen a lot of pretty girls at award shows. It’s gonna take a lot for him to forget about that man’s voice, reminding him that this is just gonna be a one-time thing. Or that’s what he tells himself.
He’s already waiting outside the metro station. There are a lot of people on the street since is a Friday night and everyone’s enjoying their free time drinking and going to clubs. He has done that a bunch of times but got so scared of getting caught that didn’t enjoy it one bit. 
A girl in a miniskirt and high heels walks alone around the entrance of the metro station, waiting for someone. Sunghoon realizes that he didn’t give any indication of how his car looks, and she doesn’t have a way of contacting him. Sunghoon curses at himself for being so careless, picking up his phone and calling her. 
-y/n I’m here. - Sunghoon observes as y/n looks around, looking for a car. 
-Hi! Ahm… What colour is your car? I swear there are so many people here It’s driving me crazy.
-Hold on, let me get out of the car and get you.
-That’s not necessary, just…
Sunghoon double-parks and gets fast in front of her. She looks gorgeous. Her eye makeup, sparkly and feminine and rosy cheeks. She seems to be a bit cold, so Sunghoon takes his coat off to put it on her. 
-You really didn’t need to get out, your car is pretty noticeable haha. If you had told me to look for the most expensive car around here, I would have walked to yours. 
-It would not be very gentlemanly of me to just wait for you in the car. Come on, let’s get inside, you’re gonna get cold. 
Sunghoon puts his hand on her shoulder, leading her to his car and opening the door for her. This is the least he can do, he sure does not plan on being a gentleman when they get in the backseat. But for now, he’s gonna give her a great time. 
He has a plan that although cliché, is still romantic. There’s a viewpoint in the Hannam-dong Hill in which one can park their car. That’s where he is headed. 
-So, where are we going? - y/n asks, turning to look at him curiously. 
-It’s a surprise. Just get comfortable. Is a 10-minute drive there. 
-May I ask you… why me? I know I gave you my phone number, but this is the craziest thing that has ever happened to me. 
Sunghoon looks at her, her body language showing an insecure side of her that Sunghoon rather than offputting finds charming and attractive. Constantly being surrounded by women who just care about their looks and are rather egocentric, y/n is just a normal girl. A gorgeous normal girl, with long legs and a pretty, pretty face. 
-Just because. Can’t I just want to spend my Friday night in your company? Since you're my fan, you might know a lot about me. I wanted to know more about you.
Y/n smiles from the passenger seat, charmed by his response. Although Sunghoon hadn’t prepared it, he was quite happy about how smooth that sounded. Guess he’ll get more experience once he starts doing this more often. 
The Spotify playlist is playing low on the car radio, giving a great ride for both. By the time Sunghoon gets to the viewpoint, y/n has already deciphered his plan. 
-Oh, the Hannam-dong hill, how fancy… I love this place, it’s such a beautiful sight of the Han River. Look, there’s a boat over there!
Sunghoon knows it was a good decision to come here. She seems so excited, pointing at the buildings and boats that can be seen from over there. With her flushed nose from the cold and his huge coat on her, his heart feels a warmth that scares him. What is he feeling right now for a girl he just met?
Overwhelmed by her cuteness, Sunghoon turns his mindset to the plan. This is not a date, he came here to fuck her. The faster he’s done with it, the earlier he can go to his dorm without having to give any explanations. 
-Y/n, get in the car. -He says coldly and gets in the backseat of his car, waiting for her to do the same. 
Y/n walks to the door of the back of the car. Slowly opens it, getting in with a cold breeze, looking at Sunghoon in the eyes just as he’s doing. The car is dark, with the only source of light being the streetlights.
Y/n realizes that her miniskirt has ridden up while sitting, revealing her thigh highs.  She attempts to cover them by pulling her skirt down, but Sunghoon stops her. His hands roam her legs, getting closer and closer. 
-May I… kiss you? - Sunghoon is focused on her lips, some lip tint still on them. She thought there was no use in reapplying before the date, so she just left them like that. 
-Sure… please do it - y/n didn’t have to say anything else, Sunghoon jumping to kiss her.
His hands were only on her thighs at first, but as the kiss got deeper he groped her ass and sat her on his lap. The miniskirt, now a belt pooling on her waist, and her hands all in his hair, pulling on the roots. 
The atmosphere feeling heavy, y/n had to take a breath. Grabbing Sunghoon by the neck and pushing him away, a string of saliva left behind, connecting them. He looks confused, as he might have not realised something have made her uncomfortable. 
-Are you good? Did something happen? - y/n just has her eyes closed, breathing and leaning her head back on the driver’s headrest. 
-No, just… take your shirt off. - Sunghoon follows her command immediately, his pale chest on display for her eyes to see. 
-Okay, I didn’t know this was gonna happen today so don’t laugh… - He raises an eyebrow, not understanding what she means. When y/n takes her top off, her breasts are cupped by a Hello Kitty bra, which makes Sunghoon giggle. 
-I told you not to laugh… - y/n pokes his cheek, giggling along with him. 
-You know what, I can fix it right now, don’t worry. - His hand goes to her back and unclasps her bra, her boobs bouncing free from the cute undergarment. 
Open-mouthed, he had never been in front of such pretty tits, taking her perky nipple to his mouth while he looks at her face. Y/n throws her head back, moaning in pleasure as she moves her hips, the feeling of his tongue connecting straight to her core. 
Sunghoon feels his hard-on rubbing inside his pants and it hurts bad, opening his pants and pulling them down to free his member, creating a tent on his boxers. Y/n whines at the sight, she knew he wasn’t average-sized but seeing in real life it sure seems big and girthy. 
-Hoon, I want to… help you with that - y/n gets off him as she places herself to give him head, being stopped. Sunghoon flips her by the legs so she’s on her back, laying on the seat while he hovers over her. 
-Such a good girl… wanting to take the lead. I’m sorry, this is my car, I make the decisions here.
Sunghoon gives a trail of kisses from her jaw to her belly button, licking her nipples on the way down. When he gets to her underwear, he just presses his pointy nose and smells, groaning.
-Delicious… uhm, the things I have been thinking of doing to you while in this position…  I don’t think I get to do them all today. - Sunghoon is hissing while he palms himself, enjoying the warmth of his head between her legs. 
-Please Hoon, take them off… it hurts - she’s rubbing her legs, trying to do something with the awful ache she has. 
Sunghoon peels her panties off, placing them on the headrest and pushing her legs to the side, so she opens them more and he gets to see her glistening pussy. His sight right now is to die for, the prettiest girl he has ever seen with watery eyes and rosy cheeks, open-legged for him. 
His mouth goes directly to it, savouring all of it as he licks, her moans making it difficult for him to concentrate. She grabs his hair, trying to keep him there as she’s feeling closer and closer to the climax. 
Inserting two fingers, Sunghoon works hard for her release, often looking at her to see her eyes rolling back and teeth biting her lip, trying to stop screaming. He might love blowjobs but, the pleasure it gives seeing a woman fall into madness as she contorts and whines would never compare. 
With loud screams and nonsensical sentences, Sunghoon knows he needs to keep working hard for her sweet venom to hit his tongue. Once she comes, she twists in pleasure, crying and tired of the cardio. 
Y/n lays there, heavy breathing and covering her eyes with her forearm, while Sunghoon cleans her by sticking his fingers and licking them. After a minute of gentle tummy rubs, he kisses her, grabbing her by the arms and sitting her up. 
-Hey pretty? Are you game over? - As hard as he might be now, he can’t help but think it is endearing how exhausted she seems, wishing he could just watch her sleep for a bit.
-I’m good, it’s just that it was so… strong. I have never come like that before. 
-I’ll take that as a compliment for my incredible labour. Hey, listen, if you’re too tired I can get you home and just…
-No, I’m good. I’m not getting out of here just yet. Aren’t you gonna fuck me? - she tilts her head and Sunghoon lets a laugh out, brushing her hair out of her face. 
Y/n grabs Sunghoon’s face with two hands and kisses him with passion, french kissing and their tongues up to each other's throats. She hops on his lap, her wet folds damping his boxer while she rubs herself. 
After licking and playing with her tits while making out, Sunghoon can no longer endure the pain on his member. He remembers that, before this date, he bought condoms and left them inside the glove box of his car. 
-Y/n hey… I need you to do me a favour - Sunghoon says as he keeps on peppering kisses on her face and upper body.
-Uhm, tell me… - she has her eyes closed while she answers, fisting his hair while he sucks on her nipples. 
-I have condoms… in the glove box… can you pick them for me from here?- He looks up, straight into her eyes. 
-Sure. Hold on, let me flip over. - She crosses her leg over his lap, now sitting the other way around, a nice view of her ass and back for Sunghoon. 
He holds her by the hips as he elongates over to the glove box of the car, thankful nobody was around to see her naked. On the back of the car, the windows are tinted but at the front, anyone could see her. 
She grabs the box and hands it to Sunghoon, who takes no time in opening it and ripping the wrapping of a condom to put it on. He taps her asscheek and she stands up, waiting for him to pull his underwear down, letting his member free. 
-Do you want me to put it in? - Sunghoon slaps his dick on her leg, asking for consent. 
-Of course I do! ... And if you don’t do it now I’ll do it myself… please Hoon, do it already! - It’s funny to Sunghoon how cute and sweet she seemed to him that morning at the fansign and how now she’s now begging for his cock in the backseat of his car. He loves girls like that, with duality. 
Not even a minute passes but y/n is already grabbing his member and sticking it in herself, her face of pleasure visible from the rear mirror. He needs to stop looking if he wants to last more than five seconds, her open mouth and furrowed eyebrows too much for him to look at. 
He instead focuses on her ass slapping on his thighs, wiggling with the movement. He grabs her by the hair lightly, pulling her to his chest while she keeps on moving. She grips the headrest in front of her with two hands, to help her keep on bouncing up and down. 
As soon as she gets tired and her movements become sloppier, she begins to whine for Sunghoon’s help, and he swiftly places her laying on the backseat, now in missionary position. 
With the windows steamed up from the heat in the car, they look into each other's eyes in the midst of the most passionate sex encounter they've ever had. They moan in unison, their skin sticking and a moist sound coming from where they connect. 
-So.. fucking good… I can’t let you go just yet… this can’t be the end… arghh… - Sunghoon is feeling anxious, with his and her climax approximating, he knows the end of this is coming. And he’s only wishing for this to last forever. 
-I’m…I’m…not going…anywhere, it’s… okaaay Hoon - Even though she can't say a complete sentence, what she means is true. If he's afraid of this ending, she's afraid it's the last time she'll ever see him again. It may be a great memory to cherish forever, but it's heartbreaking to think that it’ll never be repeated.  
She understands, from the moment she heard his voice on the phone until now, she knows her role. She’s a one-night stand, a groupie, a slut. She took the offer and left her dignity and integrity at Itaewon, trading her respect for herself for a quick fuck with a man who might not even care about her.
This is the first time she has done this. She has only had sex with men she was in a relationship with. Although nowadays is not a big deal, she promised herself she would take care of her body, never letting anyone have their way with her if they didn’t love her. 
But why is Sunghoon being way gentler than the men she swore loved her? Why does he look into her eyes with passion, fondness and warmth? Is he a psycho?
They both hold hands as they come, y/n first and then Sunghoon, falling on top of her and resting his head on her chest while she embraces him with her arms and legs. The car feels hot, perfect for them to have a quick nap in this position and not freeze in the cold of the night. 
At 4:30 am, after they’ve gotten dressed, they go to a convenience store, where they both pick onigiris and ramyun, hopping back into the car to eat. 
Sunghoon stares at y/n as she eats well the onigiri, hungry from all the exercise. A smile scapes from the corner of his lips, getting y/n’s attention. 
-What’s so funny? Do I have mayo on my face? - She looks into the rear mirror, checking. 
-No no, you don’t, I just think you’re so cute - Sunghoon pinches her cheek, laughing.
-Funny how you can still think that about me… tonight has been quite enlightening about my true self. -y/n looks outside of the passenger’s seat window. 
-You can be cute and have a good ride… to me that just makes you ten times hotter. I don’t know if you’re under the wrong impression, but I liked what we did tonight.
-It’s just… I have never done this before, I swear. I just like you so much that I had to… say yes. 
Sunghoon shouldn’t feel guilty, but he does. Without wanting, he pressured her into doing this. It made him insecure, and even though he does consider himself a handsome man, maybe he shouldn’t use his fame to meet up with girls, his fans.
-Sorry, if you felt pressured to meet up with me, I didn’t mean to… fuck, I feel like shit now. 
-Sunghoon that’s not… what I meant at all. It’s the best thing that has happened to me, the best time I’ve ever had. I am just afraid of what you might think about me now…
Her hand, which was rubbing his neck softly, stops. Sunghoon looks at her, a tint of shock in his eyes. So that is what this is all about. She’s scared he thinks she’s some sort of whore. When he has never felt this much intimacy, or connection… with anyone. Not even with some girlfriends in the past.
-Hey, what the fuck… what I think about you? C’mon, I would be an asshole if I thought shit about you. Y/n, all I know is that… if you ever wanted to meet up again, I’d cancel everything just to pick you up.
-Yeah, I guess so… to meet and do this again, right? That’s what I thought. You know, I wouldn’t feel good about that. - y/n looks outside the window, trying to end eye contact with Sunghoon, feeling betrayed by herself. 
- I mean as a date, y/n. If you wanted to meet, I would do it in a heartbeat just to see you again. We might have to hide, you know, so people don’t see us, me, around… don’t feel pressured to say yes this time, I just want you to know that I like your company before anything else. 
She looks at him, wondering if she should believe him. While it sounds sincere it also seems impossible for them to become something. He grabs her hand and kisses it, soft warm lips getting in touch with her cold skin. 
-We could try… Sunghoon, is safe to say that I love you… as an idol, and I don’t want to kill that version of you. A man who’s so passionate and caring about everything he does… please don’t hurt me and make me hate you…
-I would never do that, ever. I swear to you, y/n I’ll take the chance and never let it go… just, let’s try. Okay?
He holds both her hands now. And with that “okay”, she feels she could trust him. Now she feels like it was meant to happen, giving him her number, picking up the phone call… everything is connected. 
She gets closer to him and gives him a kiss, exciting Sunghoon who suddenly deepens the kiss, like a starved man that has been waiting decades for it. She reciprocates, minutes of the most loving kiss any of them have ever had. And of which there will be many more in the future. 
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pshcomforts · 2 months
➳ broken love | psh.
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dad!sunghoon x mom!femreader
“every time i think of you, it’s just killing me”
synopsis: you and sunghoon still see each other whenever your guys’ daughter, seo-ji, is dropped off to one another — and it’s obvious you two still love each other, even after the divorce papers were finalized.
warnings/content: written in third pov. angsty fluff(?) — mostly angst. kind of aged up(?). not proofread. cursing (i think). unresolved tension. mentions of pregnancy. reader used to hate kids (lmao).
comments, likes, and reposts are appreciated :)
word count: 3.4k
a/n: part two — ₊˚ʚ try again ɞ˚₊
fictional characters — dae (jungwon’s boyfriend), min-su (heeseung’s girlfriend), and ji-woo (jake’s girlfriend).
current song playing: broken love by gemini
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
0:48 ───|──────────────── 2:04
y/n’s heart was heavy with the burden of being at his doorstep.
“you got this,” she mumbled to herself, knocking the door with shaky hands.
a happy scream of a child was made, one that she knew at heart. her face lit up at the instant yell, already recognizing that it was no other than her adorable daughter, seo-ji.
“mommy’s here! mommy’s here!” the little kid screamed at the other end.
little shakes of the doorknob were heard before it opened to who she expected; her daughter and of course, her ex-husband, park sunghoon.
she felt her heart slightly shatter at the sight of him, anxiety taking over inch by inch.
“hey y/n,” he awkwardly said. her head nodded in response — “hey sunghoon.”
there was quick tension between them, both truthfully not knowing what to say after coming to terms of the divorce.
they still loved each other, longed for each other in fact.
“mommy!” their baby girl intruded, arms opening wide at the sight of her caretaker.
y/n’s face instantly lit up at her little girl, embracing the sweet hug she offered. “hey princess, how was your day with daddy?” she exclaimed with kisses around her daughter’s cheeks.
seo-ji giggled at the act with an utter — “mommy, stop!!”
the mom smiled at her, noticing her light dimples on display inherited from her father.
“it was good! daddy couldn’t stop talking about you and him though!!”
her sudden callout made y/n look at her ex-husband, finding him in a small blushing state.
“aish seo-ji, you said my secret was safe with you!!” he quickly exclaimed to avert her gaze, hands immediately finding their way to his daughter — tickling her all around.
y/n’s eyes softened at the sight, lips automatically upturning to a sweet smile. she missed this, the feeling of being a happy family.
when the giggles from seo-ji soon drowned out, she ran to go get her stuff from the apartment, leaving the two divorcees alone with each other.
they both quickly became awkward and tense like earlier. their hesitant glances towards one another were evidence that their relationship was on good terms only for their daughter, and perhaps more.
but for the time being, everything and anything was uncomfortable between them.
“so.. heard from jake that you have a date tonight?” y/n suddenly blurted, trying to break the ice.
the male’s head shot up. “hm? oh yeah..,” he paused — “sunoo just set it up for me, and practically begged me to go so…,” his voice weakened at the end with an awkward chuckle spurted out.
she nodded at his reasoning in return— “that’s good..,” she slightly trailed off at the end.
“and you?” he squeaked.
y/n gave a small laugh with a shake on her head. “oh no.. my life revolves around our little girl now. she will always have my full attention.” her eyes shifted from sunghoon to her daughter in the background, hearing the rushed talks from seo-ji as she tried to swiftly gather her belongings.
“she’s my life,” she murmured with a smile she didn’t know she had.
as her gaze stayed on their little girl, sunghoon kept his on her. his eyes sparkled with love that he still had for her — love that had never been resolved.
he missed her and her warmth. just everything about her, really.
but the divorce between them was still fresh, giving them fresh wounds to heal from — wounds that had been cut open from their constant fights and arguments.
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ — flashback
“sunghoon, please.” y/n sighed in a groggy expression.
“i’m tired too, can’t you see that? you can’t be the only one acting tired here.” he reverted back with a slight eye roll.
“i’ve been watching her all day, you were barely home.”
“you think i’d rather be out, doing work?” he spat. “i’d much rather stay home with our little girl, but does it look like i have a choice? i’m trying to provide for us.”
the girl groaned. “i’m trying to let seo-ji have a good life, you think that she can do that with only me?”
sunghoon clicked his tongue in annoyance as he slightly walked away. his hands were firmly on his hips as he uttered, “did you not just hear me? i want the best for my daughter too, i want to be there too. you’re the one who gets to be with her, i don’t.”
she sighed at his words, heart breaking down each time she let it ring in her ears. she was glad her baby was staying with min-su and her partner, heeseung for the night. the couple came to pick her up towards the end of the day, giving her and sunghoon a moment to say things.
and with their raised voices and constant arguing, she couldn’t help but feel grateful for them. otherwise, it would’ve woken her sweet girl.
she watched him roll his watery eyes. “what?” he croaked in a weakened tone, voice cracking with every strength he had to hold back his breakdown.
she didn’t continue, letting his eyes meet hers so they could speak their worries through the dreaded gaze.
“this isn’t working..,”
he sighed at the painful truth. “i know… it’s not.”
the two were sat a few feet away from each other as they came to terms of their situation. constant miscommunication and bottled feelings drifted their relationship apart.
“okay, mommy, ready!” seo-ji yelled, quickly clasping onto her mom’s hands. “bye daddy!”
y/n formed a half smile towards her old lover. “let me know when you’ll pick her up,” she mumbled.
sunghoon gave soft kisses towards his daughter before the two walked away — giving him memories of when he’d kiss his used-to-be girl goodbye whenever she left anywhere.
a faint sigh left his throat as he stumbled back into his apartment.
“i should get ready..,” he said to himself, walking away to his planned outfit.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
“hey baby, what are you doing?” ji-woo sweetly uttered to her friend’s daughter.
“i’m trying to draw you, auntie ji-woo!” seo-ji yelled back.
a few giggles went around as min-su uttered, “ooh! me next!”
“okay! wait! i’m almost done!”
y/n’s little girl beamed an eye smile, causing ji-woo to say — “she has your eyes.”
“yeah, but she has her dad’s cute smile.” y/n responded, letting her gaze linger on seo-ji’s adorned features.
“so.. you heard about sunghoon right?” dae mumbled with a lip bite.
she quickly glanced at jungwon’s boyfriend before looking back at her daughter, who peered her head up at her dad’s name.
“daddy?” seo-ji whispered.
y/n smiled and nodded. “mhm, daddy’s going out with a friend tonight, that’s why you’re with me!” she gave a soft ruffle to her little girl’s wavy hair — inherited from her mom, of course.
“how long will he be gone? i miss him.”
“you miss him? but i’m with you! how could you miss him when mommy is right here?” y/n pouted, hiding her grin.
“your mommy’s sad now, seo-ji! what are you gonna do!” yelled min-su with a slight gasp.
“oh no!” dae beamed.
“noo! i’m sorry!” seo-ji quickly exclaimed, jumping on her feet to comfort her mom. “help me, auntie min-su and uncle dae! ..mommy??” she poked her mom’s arm.
y/n peeked down at her and found her bulged, puppy eyes melting her heart instantly.
“i’m sorry! i like you just as much as i like daddy!”
“like? you don’t.. love?” the mom teased with a plastered grin.
“oh my gosh, your daughter’s trying to apologize to you!” dae chimed in, playfully scoffing.
y/n huffed out mounds of laughter in her stomach before forgiving her empathetic daughter. she tucked a few hair strands behind her ears, placing soft kisses on her forehead while murmuring, “i forgive you, seo-ji. are you hungry?”
the little girl furiously nodded her head as min-su uttered — “me too!” — followed by ji-woo and dae to chime in as well, causing y/n to laugh with a healing heart.
her daughter and her friends were all she needed.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
seo-ji remained in the dining room area, eating with rolled up sleeves and a tied hair done by her mom.
y/n and her three friends were near but stayed closer to the living room, carefully hearing for the little girl just in case something happened.
“she eats just like you,” min-su said with a slight snort.
her words caused a wide chuckle to erupt out of her friend. “seo-ji’s been with me a lot so i wouldn’t be surprised if she ate just like me.” y/n murmured back with her eyes staring at her daughter.
“are you really okay with the whole sunghoon thing though?”
she glanced at ji-woo who said it, but only nodded.
“nothing much i can do about it, he’s moving on.”
her heart tore a little, ripping open another wound in her chest that was barely healing. she didn’t like how every sentence she spewed left a bitter taste in her mouth, but what else could she do?
“i’m really sorry for how things turned out..,” one of her friends sympathetically said to her.
“it’s okay.. my little girl is all i need.” she murmured, glancing at seo-ji who was just about done.
“mommy! i’m done!”
just as y/n was about to get up, ji-woo stood first.
“don’t worry girl, i’ll get her.”
before the mom could protest, her friend had already rushed to seo-ji. a small smile formed on her face, feeling grateful for all three.
“come on, seo-ji, let’s wash your hands!”
“auntie ji-woo, where’s uncle jake? he’s always here.”
the two walked away to the bathroom, giving ji-woo the chance to give her reasoning that no uncles except dae would join for tonight.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
a few hours in, and seo-ji was wrapped in y/n’s arms now.
the little girl was settling into her nap time, eyes closing in an instant with the comforting warmth her mom radiated.
y/n continued to tuck a few wavy hair strands away from her daughter’s face, gaze fixated on every gorgeous feature she inherited from her and sunghoon combined.
“i never thought i’d actually see you become a mom.” ji-woo confirmed with a proud smile.
“we’re proud of you,” dae added in.
“you used to always hate kids, but now here you are, having one of your own in your arms.” min-su softly uttered, careful to not wake her niece.
everyone’s eyes gathered on the little girl who was softly snoring in her sleep.
y/n’s eyes were softened the most.
she did, in fact, hate kids, but she loved and cherished her daughter — her daughter, who she never imagined to have.
“it feels like we’ve seen you grown up,” ji-woo continued her sad talk. “remember when you always told us that you and sunghoon would be the last to have kids out of all of us?”
the four broke out into laughter as they thought back to their years of being in college.
“yeah..,” y/n’s heart sank as she remembered how good her and sunghoon used to be. “we were so sure of ourselves that we’d have kids after you all had yours too. we were so bad with handling kids before we had our little girl.”
she smiled back at the memory before hearing dae intrude — “now look at you, you were the first to have a kid.”
“me and heeseung next,” min-su prompted, causing hushed laughter to fill the air.
y/n beamed a wide grin afterwards, standing up to settle her baby down in the bedroom.
after doing it with ease, she walked back out and found dae specifically sitting where she had told sunghoon she was pregnant.
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ — flashback
“gorgeous, what happened??” sunghoon bursted out the door, heavy breaths of air leaving his lungs.
he clenched onto his chest with his eyes sewed shut, desperately gasping for oxygen as his girlfriend stayed sitting on the couch in silence.
“y/n? you okay?” he said in a softer tone. “what’s wrong?”
“sunghoon..,” she whimpered.
her head turned to meet his gaze, and almost immediately, her reddened eyes that were puffed from her tears worried the poor boy.
“hey, hey, why are you crying?” he attempted to comfort, arms immediately bringing her into his embrace.
“hoonie…,” she quietly called again.
sunghoon pulled away with a comforting hand placed on her cheek.
“what’s wrong, pretty?”
“i’m..,” y/n sighed with a heavy heart, feeling a lump in her throat as she uttered, “i’m pregnant.”
the male paused every muscle movement in his body. “w..what? you’re what?” he said in denial.
“i’m pregnant,” she repeated, fingers fidgeting around little picks of skin.
it now added up for sunghoon — all of why she was suddenly moody, why her period was delayed, why she kept talking about feeling sick — the girl he loved was pregnant.
a gasp of air left him as he grinned ear to ear, heart feeling full with the thought of a baby on the way.
“you’re pregnant,” he reiterated with an upbeat tone. “you’re really pregnant.” he quickly stood on his feet before yelping in joy. tears were quick to fill his eyes as he felt like someone who had just won the lottery.
as her boyfriend continued to celebrate, y/n stayed sitting, chewing on her lips in fear.
“sunghoon.. please sit..,”
the boy quickly obliged, though his excitement still seeped through him in every way possible.
slowly, her eyes trailed up to meet his. and almost instantly, her heart fluttered at how handsome he looked — but it shattered within seconds of the news she was gonna deliver to him.
“i don’t know if i want this…,” she cracked out.
“o..oh…,” hoon blinked with a dry throat. “you don’t want to keep the baby?”
y/n quickly shook her head, tears already filling her eyes for the worst outcome.
but his hands placed itself on hers, letting his fingers cling around to reassure while he continued — “it’s your decision, gorgeous, i won’t force you.”
she shot her head up at him, and sunghoon only pushed his lips together to form a confirming smile.
“having a baby with you is what i want, but just not right now. we’re too young, and we’re both barely starting life and-“
her constant blabbering was shut up by a quick peck on the lips from her boyfriend. “we are young, y/n, but this decision is entirely up to you. i want this with you, and i want to be a dad but if you decide that you don’t want to yet, then that’s okay.”
sunghoon’s thumb rubbed little strokes on her crying cheeks as he spoke with his caring eyes.
he wanted the baby, but he wanted y/n more.
“can i think about this first?” she uttered with sparkling eyes.
his thick brows knitted together to convey how she could even question a thing like that. “of course you can, pretty girl. think about it, and let me know.”
the boy placed a sweet and comforting kiss on his girl’s forehead before pulling her into a hug.
what broke y/n’s heart the most was how the stress of raising a child never bothered to pop into their head until later — when the continuous struggles got to the soon-married couple.
all they wanted was to be a family, and all they wanted was to have their daughter have loving parents who were in a loving relationship.
and of course they had their moments of joy when everything felt perfect for a while.
like when sunghoon would sleep closely next to seo-ji when she was an infant after watching her all day, and his body would be facing toward his baby girl. then y/n would come home, find them softly snoring, and laugh silently to herself when catching onto her baby’s wavy hair contrasting with hoon’s messy hair that fell to the front of his face.
or when seo-ji would wake up in some mornings with a sudden, personal preference on which parent she wanted — it mainly being y/n. and their little girl would cling onto her, making sunghoon pout in return of how his daughter had most of his features but would much rather be with her mom. little complaints would leave his mouth, but he secretly loved to see his small family together.
or, when seo-ji was still one, and sunghoon remained persistent in going ice skating so the three went to an ice rink. their baby would be dressed in warm clothing with mini earmuffs and gloves wrapped around her hands. and hoon would carefully glide the little girl around, letting her get used to the constant slippery surface while y/n personally sat the ice skating out and recorded instead.
or even, when they’d go to gatherings planned by their friends and everyone would instantly go to seo-ji, leaving the exhausted parents to intertwine their hands and watch how much their friends adored their child. little murmurs of — “us next?” would constantly be heard all around while uncle jay would try and snatch her away from everyone else.
nothing could beat those fond memories that were shared upon sunghoon, y/n, and their special little girl, seo-ji.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
a sigh left y/n as she walked to her ex-husband’s apartment. days had gone by since she was last here to pick her daughter up, and now she’s dropping her off once again.
“be good okay? i know daddy probably misses you a lot,” she muttered, hands moving her daughter’s strands of hair.
“mhm! i will!”
a few knocks on the door were made before it creaked open to the handsome man, sunghoon.
“daddy!” seo-ji yelled, quickly detangling her hands from her mom’s to jump into hoon’s arms.
“seo-ji! how’s my little girl?” he left constant kisses around her cheeks, causing little laughter to burst out of her.
y/n beamed a smile at the sight in front of her. she knew they weren’t a family anymore, but it was somewhat healing to know that they could still share loving moments like this.
she heard her old partner yell out in joy, laughing with their daughter and giving wide grins that still secretly lit up her heart.
she still loved him.
“alright, i’m gonna take off, but be good, seo-ji. i’ll come pick you up some time soon, okay?” y/n mumbled.
her baby girl stood with a pout. “you’re leaving already?” she frowned. “you can’t! i don’t want you to! just stay a little longer in daddy’s house.”
y/n immediately chuckled at her daughter’s words. “i have to go, i have to meet auntie ji-woo and them soon.”
seo-ji’s eyes were quickly filled with tears as her bottom lip puffed out. “please mommy..,”
the mom’s heart shattered at her words but she only sighed.
“i’m sorry baby, i’ll come soon though okay?”
her daughter sighed as well before giving a tight hug around her mom.
sunghoon watched his two girls with soft eyes, heart slightly melting at this cherishing memory.
he loved the little things like this when they were still together.
and the one thing that always made him fall in love with y/n even more was how she always mentioned her hatred for kids, but when their daughter came into their life, she immediately loved her with no resentment.
everything about y/n was his weakness and it still showed because —
he still loved her.
“i’ll miss you,” seo-ji muffled through her sobs.
“i’ll miss you too, seo-ji.” y/n pulled away, wiping the tears from her sweet girl as she placed a soft kiss on her cheeks. “have fun with dad though, he misses you a lot too.”
she glanced up to hoon with a half smile. “okay i have to go because if i’m any later, uncle dae will be scolding me! here’s her backpack.”
the girl raised the bag and allowed sunghoon to take it, letting his fingers softly graze against hers.
there was a flicker — a spark, almost, at their little touch.
something was obviously still alive between the two when they glanced up at each other, eyes quickly shifting back and forth with their unresolved tension.
a linger was made present in the air, both not wanting to break the locked gaze but needing to anyway.
y/n walked away after saying one last goodbye to her daughter, feeling heavily burdened at the weighed pressure in her heart; while sunghoon closed the door behind him, mind and heart painfully filled with the memory of his ex-wife, and the mere thought of how much he loved her.
they knew they couldn’t though.
they shouldn’t, for the sake of their daughter, seo-ji.
a/n: i just wanted to say as well, that i see the requested oneshots in my inbox, and i will try my best to write them! but it may take me a while, so please be patient with me <3 also someone tell me if this oneshot came out okay bc i wrote this at 3am with tired eyes..
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 4 months
You and Eddie are enemies, you can't stand each other, but when you spot him with Chrissy in the woods you're forced to confront your feelings for him and the fact you'll have to hide it from him.
He hates you, he'd only make your life miserable if he found out.
Everybody lives, nobody dies Au, angst to fluff, jealousy and idiots very much in love. 18+ mdni.
You can hear Eddie before you see him as you walk into the cafeteria with your cheer mates. As usual, he's making a spectacle of himself at the Hellfire table, standing on it and calling out the marching band, basketball players and the party crowd.
Rolling your eyes at his dramatics you attempt to walk past the table but Eddie seeks you out, a smirk on his face as he focuses his attention fully on you.
"There's my favourite cheerleader" his winks at you and you stand your ground, ready for whatever shit he's about to say.
His purpose was annoying you, or at least thats what it felt like. It was always you that got his ire, who grabbed his attention every time. Honestly it was the same for you when Eddie was around.
It was like both of you were moths to a flame, something simmered between the two of you that you couldn't place or at least if you could, you didn't want to examine the cause too closely.
"There's my favourite dumbass" you fire back and he clutches his heart like you've wounded him. Ever since you and Eddie laid eyes on each other it was like you were magnets to the other.
Whenever your paths crossed there was tension in the air, banter exchanged that left both of you bothered and wanting more... Whatever it was between the two of you could wait for another day, you had cheer practice, prom committee and a bake sale to organise.
You did not have time for Eddie Munson today.
Not that he cares about your plans. He jumps off the table and lands right in front of you. Ugh. "Munson, I haven't got time for your dramatics today, go bother someone else"
He pouts and it's frustrating that he looks almost endearing while doing it. "How can I cope if I haven't been told to go kiss my own ass and the many other insults you've spouted at me just in the last week or so sweetheart?"
Here's the thing. You're certain Eddie enjoys arguing with you, gets some sort of pleasure from it. If you're being honest you enjoy it too.
"Oh bite me, you'll survive Munson" his eyes light up and then you hear a snigger from behind you, it's his sheeples or whatever he calls them, Dustin, Lucas and Mike watching the two of you fascinated.
"You say I'm oblivious, look at those two" Mike mutters and Eddie still overhears even though Mike has whispered it.
"What was that Wheeler?" Eddie narrows his eyes at him and Mike turns pink and looks suddenly very interested in his soda. You slip away from Eddie when he's distracted.
Both of you are rattled by what Mike said but you try not to show it as you walk away.
As the day winds to an end you're beyond relieved to just be going home, then you notice Chrissy walking into the woods instead of heading home herself.
Curious, you follow her into the woods, then freeze as you find out that she's meeting up with Eddie.
It's an awkward conversation at first but the tension melts away as Eddie and Chrissy are talking, he's goofing around to make her smile.
Throws himself backwards into a pile of leaves, asking if there is something in his hair, shy little smiles and hiding his face with hair as he talks to her.
There's a sinking feeling in your stomach, an aching in your heart that multiples when Chrissy giggles along with Eddie.
Seeing enough you stomp away, crashing blindly through the trees, there's wetness on your cheeks and you realise you've been crying. Crying over Eddie fucking Munson and the fact he was obviously smitten with Chrissy.
It wasn't a surprise, everyone was and to Eddie you were just an annoyance, someone who pissed him off and that was that. You always knew that but now the realisation was paticularly crushing.
You liked Eddie, like really liked him. Of all the guys you could fall for, why did it have to be the one who spent half his time thinking of new ways to irratate the hell out of you?
Couldn't you have realised this any sooner?
Shit if he even knew how you felt about him it would he horrid for you, he would never let you forget it and show you his disgust.
So it was settled. You would stay far far away from Eddie Munson, and his cute dimples and pretty brown eyes. They were nothing but trouble.
For the next few days you keep your distance from Eddie. It's hard though, because he seems to be wherever you are with that amused grin on his face.
You don't even entertain his stupid barbs, you ignore him for as long as you can, but he's growing more frustrated that you aren't your usual sarcastic self.
It gets to the point that you turn around during one encounter and glare at him, embarrassed as tears pool in your eyes. "Will you just leave me alone Munson" his eyes widen at your tears, you storm away before he can say anything else.
Eddie does leave you alone, you don't see him the next day which is a rarity.
It doesn't last for too long, you find him at his van talking to one of The Hellfire Members. He turns around and spots you, shooing his friend away.
"Will you talk to me" he sounds almost pleading and it throws you off balance. There's no way he missed talking to you is there?
"Why for you to rant and insult me, or make me feel even more shitty about myself,'" he reels back like you've slapped him.
"What? I don't... 'he trails off as you scoff and turn away from him.
"Yes you do. Not all time but sometimes you're just fucking mean. I guess because I'm and I quote "so bitchy and vapid''you think that it won't bother me" his face falls and he shakes his head.
"I shouldn't have said that. I was a mean douchebag" you look away from him stubbornly and shrug.
"Yeah well, I'm not sweet and perfect like Chrissy, everyone adores her" fuck you adored her, so no wonder Eddie liked her.
"What does Chrissy have to do about this?" He looks puzzled. His big brown eyes searching you for an explanation.
Flustered you explain what you saw. "You were all flirty and sweet with her the other day, when I saw you in the woods together, not that I care" you wince realising that you've gave away that you do care very much.
This was stupid. You were jealous of your friend and you shouldn't be. Having enough you decide to walk away but Eddie follows you.
"Chrissy wanted some weed for her and Jason, that's all, I'm not interested in Chrissy princess and she's definitely not interested in me". You're stunned by this, you never expected Chrissy to ever try weed and this stops you in your tracks.
"Seriously?" you gape and he gestures for you to sit in his van, opens the door for you as he does so.
"Why were you avoiding me sweetheart?" he asks you his tone very gentle. You feel your whole body flush with mortification as he stares at you, waiting for an answer.
"Please don't make me say it Eddie, you'll only turn around and be a complete ass about it"
Or be sweet like he is now and turn you down kindly, looking at you with pity. There's a brief pause and then his fingers interlace through yours, the feel of his calloused fingers entwining with yours sends tingles down your spine.
"Tell me"
"I have feelings for you okay. l've fallen for you badly, seeing you with Chrissy made me realise that. So now you know and if you're going to be a dick about it then do it now" your lip wobbles but you refuse to cry again.
He softens and cradles your head in his hands. The gesture is so tender and kind.
"Sweetheart, you're all I think about. Every single day from the moment I wake up until I fall asleep. Only you" he kisses you tenderly and pulls you close to him, kisses you until you're both breathless and smiling goofily at each other.
"I'm so fucking into you sweetheart, one of the things I talked to Chrissy about, if you stuck around long enough to find out"
Now it makes sense why Chrissy asked you earlier if you had talked to Eddie, looked disappointed when you said no, gently urged you to.
"You know he talks about you a lot" Chrissy grinned at you, there's a knowing look in her eyes, yet you shrugged off what she said. Figured that he only talked about how you annoyed him.
Shit you were such an idiot to not see what she really meant. So wrapped up in the idea that it was Chrissy that Eddie was smitten with. Chrissy would never let anyone talk crap about you either, you should have known that.
Eddie rests his head against yours. Kisses it briefly then a cheesy smile forms on his face. "You're crazy about me huh sweetheart?" he teases and you roll your eyes at him.
"Doofus, you're just as crazy about me" he squeezes your hand, tugs you back in for another kiss that robs you if your next words. That's fine, you could argue about that later... much much later.
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rainydayathogwarts · 23 days
Valley-girl Charm - Bucky Barnes
Summary: In which reader from the 1940s knows just how to play the damsel in distress to get exactly what she wants in the modern age after coming out of the ice. Or should I say: 3 times Bucky did things for you, and the 1 time you did something for him. SMUT!!!
2.9k wc
Natasha knew body language better than anyone. Tony knew how to play the knight in shining armour better than any hero in the old tales they told.
So of course, they were the first ones to pick up on the little game you were playing. It had started the second you were back from under the ice, charming anyone you spoke to with your 1940's valley girl accent, using words you'd only hear in old television. Men fell at your feet the second words came out of your mouth, offering you anything you'd dream of, and it didn't have anything to do with the super-soldier serum in your system either. You politely declined every time, but eventually understood the kind of power you held.
The second charming method they noticed you had came from your gorgeous smile. The moment you looked up at someone through your long lashes and beamed widely, looking so innocent and kind, people were willing to give you the clothes off their back if you asked. Of course, you never accepted anything from complete strangers. The two Avengers had come to their conclusion that you were still accustoming yourself to the norms of the new world, unaware of your ability to bewitch people with your natural appeal, however it was not long before they were proven wrong.
They didn't know if it was the fact that you were so familiar to Bucky and Steve, a comfort amongst all things new that made them more vulnerable to do anything for you, or if it was just your flirt, but they were immediately intrigued after seeing your interactions with the soldiers. They'd seen the way you spoke to the two soldiers just after coming out of the ice and hadn't noticed anything unusual apart from the fact you'd essentially come out of a time machine. As the weeks, months passed, they knew your intentions.
It had started by witnessing a simple conversation between you and the two soldiers. "Well I'm all nerves about going to speak to Agent Fury about that last mission. He's going to get all bent and blow a fuse." The two soldiers stood either side of you turned to face you in such synchrony it had almost been comical. Bucky was the first to speak, "Don't worry doll, I can go speak to him if you'd like. You shouldn't be the one he chews out." "Anyway," Cuts in Steve "We were the ones who screwed up honey, not you." From across the kitchen, Natasha rolled her shoulders back, nudging Tony with her elbow lightly as she stirred sugar into her coffee. Their eyes widened slightly at the wide smile sprawling itself on your face, peeking back and forth between the two men.
"Really? You boys don't have to do that just for me." Steve straightened his posture impossibly at your comment, but it was Bucky who beat him to the comment. "Honey, I'd do anything for a broad like you." You cocked your head to the side, a hand coming up to rest on his muscled bicep. "Why, thank you Sergeant. You dreamboats are too kind". Natasha's eyes trailed over to Tony when the three of you finally left, the two boys accompanying you seemingly wherever you wanted to go. "See, I didn't understand half of that conversation, but they are wrapped around her finger." Tony hummed "She's smarter than we thought."
The second time they witnessed it, they were convinced that you did it on purpose, their image of you quickly turning from innocent and naive to a femme fatale, manipulating men into thinking they're doing things for you because they want to. You'd all been hitting the bars, only missing Thor from the team. You had been occupying a large round booth, wedged between Bucky and Natasha, giggling with her about the man she found attractive sat at the bar, whilst the four men at the table shared stories. Natasha's eyes were quickly drawn to your hand as you placed it on Bucky's thigh, the man putting his own hand over yours almost instantly as he glanced down at you. You returned his look, grinning widely before turning back to your conversation with the tall red-head.
Natasha carried on with the conversation, pretending not to notice the intimate moment you'd shared with the soldier, but her jaw went slack nonetheless when Bucky leaned closer to you not two minutes later, whispering "You're drinking a margarita, right?" And rising from his seat when you nodded at him, humming in agreement. Bucky joined the group once more with two drinks in hand: one for him and one for you, smiling proudly when you cocked your head to the side, insisting he didn't have to. He only wrapped one muscled arm around your shoulders as a response, pulling you closer to him despite the humidity of the bar.
When you leant your head on Bucky's shoulder, stealing a glimpse up at him though, Natasha was no longer assured that those tricks up your sleeve were to get what you wanted. Perhaps you used them to get who you wanted. She sipped her drink instead of making a comment, afraid to scare you away with any questions when you'd only just begun getting close to her. Maybe in a couple of weeks during a girls' trip to the bathroom she'd bring up your relationship with him.
That girls' trip didn't end up being in a bathroom, but in a changing room, because next time something so significant had happened, the entire team was training together for the first time in a while, and Steve had declared that you were all doing a round robin. If you were still in the military, sure - you'd have moaned about it, throwing your head back in disappointment and hoping your supervisor hadn't seen you complain. But now, with the super-serum in your bloodstream? Well, you supposed you could be in a worst position, like Tony's, who didn't have any super-powers or spy training. With so many of you on the team, it'd take numerous matches for everyone to have their turn against each of their teammates, so after a quick warm-up, everyone had settled down on the mats of the martial arts training area to watch.
Soon later, everyone who was sat on the mats was trying to catch their breath as two team-mates sparred on the mats. Tony stood after Thor and Steve's match, adding another tally next to Thor's name on the big planning whiteboard before turning around with a wide smirk on his face. "Last match of the day." Bucky hopped up from next to you, sticking a hand out for you to take. Hesitantly, you took it, only for him to pull you up to your feet. "Us?" You asked, only for him to nod. "Well, I'm gonna let you have it, Barnes." You teased, tightening your ponytail. "Oh come on, might as well reach for the sky now, y/n."
"Steve, what the hell are they saying?" Called out Clint, leaning over to see the blonde man from across Natasha. "She's gonna hit him hard, and he says she should just give up now." Replied the man, taking another sip from his water. Tony picked up the whistle next to him, blowing into it, before scrambling back to watch with the others. The second the time started, Bucky faltered - how the hell was he supposed to hit you? But there was already a fist flying to his face which he barely dodged, instead swatting your wrist away from him.
You stared at him intensely from behind your fists, shielding your face, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Come on Barnes!" Steve yelled from the sidelines. Bucky's face mirrored yours, his eyes laced with confusion, but he threw a fist anyhow, going for a body shot instead of your face. Nevertheless, you moved to the right, dodging his fist, and grabbing his arm as leverage to help you jump up. You threw your right leg over his shoulder, and behind his neck, swinging your other leg over his second shoulder, and crossing it over your right leg to trap his arm between your legs and over your torso. You tensed your quads as much as you could, hoping the triangle choke would work on him, but instead he used his metal arm to push your thigh over his head as much as he could. It was working, slowly but surely.
"Fuck" you muttered when he slipped his head in the gap between his shoulder and your thigh. You were now essentially hanging onto his arm, both legs over one shoulder. Before he could react, you flexed your core muscles, and sat up onto his shoulder. You released his arm, jumping off his shoulder so you landed behind him, and softly push-kicked him the back so he stumbled forward. As he did though, one hand reached behind him and grabbed your ankle, so you were dragged along with him. You slipped onto your back as he fell forward but Bucky was quicker, getting up instantly to straddle your hips. He leaned forward, above you, trying to get his arms around your neck to get you in a chokehold, but the second you giggled, he shot back up again.
"Sorry, that tickled." You insisted, hand coming to your neck to play the part better, a broad smile gracing your lips. Just as Bucky opened his mouth to say something, you reached out to grab both his hands, bucking your hips up and turning to the side to flip him over. You were on top of him in the blink of an eye, mimicking his movements as your arms snaked around his neck. You successfully put him in the same chokehold he had tried to put you in, but when you twisted your wrists, the blood supply to his face immediately cut off and you felt his hand tapping you twice on the shoulder. "You cheat." Was the first thing he said after his gasp for air, but you only shrugged, rolling off his chest. "I was only using sources available to me."
You giggled as you ran off to catch up to Natasha, already waiting for you by the doors to the changing room. "So..." She started, quite obviously. "So... What?" You echoed, looking up at her curiously, shimmying out of your shorts. You turn around so your back faces her as you struggle out of your sports bra, wrapping your towel around your sweaty body before spinning back around. "You and Bucky. This flirting has been going on for weeks. Do you like him, are you dating?" You laughed, cocking your head to the side. "You don't know?" She shook her head quickly, sitting down on a bench. On the other hand, you just opened one of the doors to the clean showers, calling out to her.
"Well, before the ice, me and Buck knew each other from the military, we got along well. The only problem was, he was my superior. I couldn't possibly make a pass at him and be known as the soldier who had the nerve to try and lay paws on her superior. But there was always something there..." At the lack of response, you stuck your head back out of the shower, to make sure Natasha was still there. "Natasha?" The spy looked at you with her mouth wide open in shock. "What!? And you never told me?" You shrugged, turning the water on. "Well I thought y'all knew."
Her silence told you enough about how much she really knew. As she muttered to herself on the other side of the door, you submerged yourself in the water, massaging shampoo into your hair, hearing flashes of "before the ice" and "he was your superior?" so you assumed she was still talking to you, even though you ignored most of what she said. You barely heard her goodbye and the sound of the changing room door opening and closing one more time, before the sound of water running was all you could hear.
"Y/n? Natasha let me in, she said you were done." You perked up at the sound of Bucky's voice, exclaiming "Here!" He approached the sound of your voice, stopping when he realised Natasha had deceived him. He stood in front of the dark wooden door, watching the steam dance in the space above your door. "Is it anything urgent?" The towel hanging from the door disappeared into the other side, and Bucky realised shaking his head wasn't enough of an answer because the door swung open to reveal you, soaking wet and completely naked with the exception of the small towel that barely covered your private parts. "Oh! Hey you!" You exclaimed, taken aback at his proximity, yet smiling all the while.
Bucky stood frozen in place, mouth ajar as he search for his words. "I'm sorry, I- I, you look beautiful." You giggled at his words, approaching his shirtless, freshly showered figure. His long hair was wet and skin was glistening, and he only wore a pair of jogger shorts to conceal himself. You have to admit, they weren't doing a great job and covering the growing tent in them. Your eyes trailed back up his body to meet his, smiling at him again. "Anything I can help you with, Sergeant?" Bucky's hands hesitantly rose to meet your hips. "I-No it's fine." Your hand met his and you dragged him with you three steps backwards, back into the shower you had just exited. You reached your arm behind him, locking the door once more.
"You're sure?" Bucky shook his head, pulling your hips flush against his as he slammed his lips against yours in a needy kiss. You gasped as your towel started to unravel, but you didn't try to stop it, wrapping your arms around Bucky's shoulders instead. When he separated from you, opening his eyes, they immediately widened, and his bit his lip, poorly trying to suppress a moan. You pushed Bucky back gently, urging him to sit on the small wooden bench. He sat down, legs spreading to make space for you between them, but when you started lowering yourself onto your knees, he shook his head frantically, begging "No, no, none of that, doll. I just want you sweetheart."
The cold metal of his arm flush against your skin chilled you as he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you up to sit on his laps. He grunted, frantically pulling down his cotton shorts. You aided him at doing so, gasping when his cock sprung out, the absence of any underwear surprising you. You immediately took his dick in your hands, watching as Bucky's face scrunched up in pleasure. You guided him inside you, sitting down flat on his dick, but you couldn't help the loud moan that escaped you as you did. You whined, beginning to drag yourself up and down his dick, gradually speeding up your movements. Bucky's hips met your frantically, until his pace was so quick you couldn't keep up. "Buck!" At your plead, he wrapped an arm around you, using his metal one to support both your weights on the wall, and he stood up, walking forward until your back was pressed against the cold shower wall.
You gasped at its feeling against your skin, jerking forward once more when Bucky's metal hand came up to play with your nipples as his speed increased once more. Bucky leaned his forehead against yours, cussing loudly before biting his bottom lip in fear of being heard. His hand left your breasts, instead blinding searching for the shower handle. When he found it, he immediately pushed it upwards, the instant noise of water shooting out moderately covering the sounds of pleasure you made. Your wrapped your arms around his tighter, grinding your pussy onto his pelvis as he thrusted into you, your clit rubbing on the short hairs near the base of his dick.
You busied yourself pressing kisses on Bucky's neck, the water squelching between your bodies as you passionately moved against each other. "Fuck y/n" Bucky moaned, chasing your lips, panting against them once he met them in a deep kiss. Your hands cupped his face as you kissed, deepening it impossibly, and his metal hand went straight to your clit, rubbing circles on it as fast as he could. Your leg twitched and you didn't have time to warn him before you were cumming all over him. "Shit!" Bucky grunted, pulling out of you as he balanced you on the wall, his hand coming to jerk himself off quicker. You put your hand over his, legs still wrapped around his torso, teasing his sensitive tip as you stroked him up and down. With a deep shudder, white stripes of cum shot out of him, painting your belly white, only to be washed away with the shower's stream.
Bucky put you down gently, making sure you wouldn't slip before cupping your face with his large hands and bringing you in for a much slower, more passionate kiss. You pulled away from him, keeping him close as you peppered kisses all over his face. He laughed, trying to pull away from you and saying,
"We should have done this about 80 years ago doll, don't you think?
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kalims · 10 months
what's that on your face?
⎯⎯ some type of, red smudge?
cw. gender neutral but mc wore lipstick (briefly)
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leona just liked you.
even if it took him less time to realize, and more wasted on just denying the thought; he knew there was something off when his eyes seem to focus from it's blurry lens full of sleep when his eyes land on you—that's not normal cause one of the things he does is space out when someone's talking.
it's not that he hates the person, he's just not interested in listening. his time would be spent better if they'd close their mouth and let him continue his sleep.
maybe that's what he likes about you. whenever you're around of him even if his eyes close, he can't seem to control his ears cause as much as he wants to block out the words you spout; he still listens attentively.
he was never one to sleep easily in noisy environments (not that he can't, he just wants peace. get it?) but there's something about your voice that lulls him to sleep. he isn't too upset about missing out on whatever you talked about when he drifts into the euthymia of dreams, cause even then. you show up when he isn't even awake, he could still hear you talk there anyways.
awake or asleep, you're everywhere. leona feels that he's neither irritated or elated about the fact.
should he even be upset when in the back of his mind—when you notice he's fallen asleep from his still stance from the grass floor you immediately shut up.
weirdly enough he feels cold for a second but that's quickly fading away when he feels a new type of warmth near him.
he wonders what you do when he's asleep cause he knows that's most likely you.
"what's that on your f—"
leona should be offended at ruggie unable to keep his gaze on the man's face before bursting into a fit of giggles, more so even finish his question.
with a furrow of his brows, and a cross of his arms. leona casts a steady, nonchalant look at ruggie, albeit confused. "what are you on now?"
he watches ruggie lean on the wall, almost having slid to the floor from how much yapping he was doing. he quirks a brow in intrigue but there's just really more impatience that curiosity from his tensing shoulders. what was wrong with his face then? last time he knew he was awfully handsome.
(you didn't fail to comment on that hours ago anyways.)
leona releases a long drawl of a sigh. he wasn't that bad looking, and even if. ruggie's seen his face for a long time. everyday, yesterday, just this morning. his face can't have shifted to that of a clown in a day and he really wants to believe it has if his normal face is something to laugh about.
you frown too much. stains your pretty face. he scowls, rubbing his ears. please leave his thoughts.
were you right?
he debates on just walking out because he can't deal with this but ruggie's just wiping the last of the stray tears that he spouted midst his fit of laughter. leona notes that he, essentially isn't looking at his face—but his forehead.
his frown deepens. "did I grow a damn third eye or something?" some type of spell that landed on him and no one told him about?
ruggie chortled even harder.
"you and (name) been busy being love birds?" the hyena pauses, grinning. a look of amusement. "ah wait. love lions?" then laughs at his own correction and joke.
leona doesn't find it funny at all, not a single muscle in his face strains into anything but the dead look carved into stone. he's heard a good portion of ruggie's lion jokes and it was getting out of hand.. and unfunny...
the hyena doesn't even give him an answer. too enraptured into shitting tears, the watery drop in the edges of his eyes are prominent and even slides down his cheek every time he has to blink but he even laughs harder.
to think he assumed ruggie was done when he was able to speak.
no, he laughed even harder.
with ruggie not responding to his questions—well, not that he's able to with the amount of snorting he's been doing that just takes away his ability to speak real, actual words. leona's forced to deal with his inner monolog picking out what he's done this time.
but please. if taken literally he doesn't do much.
what was so damn funny about his face?
leona's face twitches into a deeper look of irritation, his voice is drowned out by the loud laughter from ruggie so the boy can't even hear him and he doesn't even want to raise his voice.
if anything, you just kissed his face a while ago so if there was something wrong with it he would've been made known to that.
to be specific you kissed his forehead.
leona pauses. raising his hand to swipe his thumb finger against his forehead, the crease of his brows twitches when there's a pigmented, red shade on his finger. having more similarities to pink than the actual color due to his smudge.
seven.. he literally walked from the botanical garden, to the mirror chamber and now savanaclaw. his very existence demands respect and he's reduced to this.. man with a lipstick stain on his forehead like some type of mark.
leona can't help the huff that excludes from his mouth, partially stumped by your mere audacity and the whole predicament he's stuck in. even with all the realizations he's going through ruggie is still dying on the floor so he ignores him since the boy wasn't much use to figuring it out anyways.
it really wasn't that funny!
the other portion... maybe a bit smug, with all the goating he's made about you being his you were never too vocal about him being yours.
while there's been some kind of mutual understanding between you and leona, non-verbal. him, yours. and you, his.
you were bordering between the line of being loud about it and keeping it a tight label between the two of you only. but you were never this bold about it. the most you've done is probably mess with him in public.
but he can't deny there's some strange satisfaction within the thought of something of yours on him.
he shakes it away before it starts encasing his entire brain.
next day he makes sure every beastman can smell him on you, everyone else? feast your eyes upon the necklace (that he totally did not force you to accept) he always wore around, now fit rather snugly around your neck.
he always returns his favors after all.
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note. behold my half assed writing isk eat well. not pr
com me <3
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izurou · 1 year
“gonna suck up to me now, huh?”
the sound of levi’s voice greets your ears, coaxing your gaze from the television and onto him—him and your son, who’s all cuddled up in his arms.
your husband was on bath duty tonight, which is an undeniable favourite of his—one of those little moments that makes him feel like a good father, much better than the one he briefly had.
however, the unimpressed look on his face—this one just a little more intense than the one you’re used to—tells you that this evening’s bath wasn’t the perfect dream it normally is. come to think of it, you didn’t hear the usual fit of giggles coming from your little one, and your bigger one seems a lot wetter than when he went in there.
“little shit,” levi mutters, peering down at your son—who looks nothing short of innocent as he leans into his dad’s chest, snug and warm in his hooded penguin towel.
on any other night, your son would already be fed, bathed, and in bed at this hour, but your visit to uncle erwin’s ran a little longer than expected—he has a habit of rambling, and levi has a habit of enabling it.
“weren’t you supposed to be the one giving him the bath?” you smile as you swing your legs onto the floor and sit up, welcoming them beside you.
“easier said than done,” he replies, gently laying your baby down and rubbing the towel over his brown hair, which is uncharacteristically messy, much like his father’s first thing in the morning. “you teach him to splash like that?”
“no, but what’s the big deal?” you mumble, rolling a bottle of baby lotion toward them, and following it up with a clean diaper. “he had fun, arrest him.”
your baby has been an absolute angel since the day he was born—waking up no more than twice a night for a feeding, and falling back asleep mid bottle almost every time. he’s been sticking to the same schedule for a couple months now—eating and napping like clockwork. honestly, you didn’t think he had a mischievous bone in his little body, but—he’s still a baby, after all.
“twenty years without parole, you hear that?” levi pokes at your baby’s tummy as he talks—earning himself a few giggles.
“bit of a harsh sentence,” you point out, “do you have something against our son?”
“the kid shits himself daily,” he says, wiggling one of your son’s feet into the little plaid pyjama set erwin bought him. “of course i do.”
as much as you love your baby boy, you love your husband and his often questionable humour all the same—so it’s okay to laugh, right?
“because baby levi was above shitting himself?” you snort, hoping this answer is just as good as the previous one.
“yeah,” he hums, lifting your son onto his lap and smoothing a hand over his hair. “he must get that shit from you.”
should’ve known better than to expect anything more than that.
“right, sorry for passing that gene down,” you roll your eyes—but still find yourself scooting closer and leaning your head against his shoulder.
you knew levi was nervous about becoming a dad—he didn’t know the first thing about fatherhood, never had that example set for him, was never on the receiving end of any fatherly love. can you really give something you’ve never had?
“it’s bedtime,” you warn, glancing at your baby, who knows the word all too well—already clinging to his father for dear life in hopes of avoiding his crib altogether. “nice try, dad won’t save you.”
you can, maybe not always in the form of words, but in the things you do—levi is living proof.
“he’ll be out in ten minutes,” he hums, running a hand up and down your son’s back to soothe him, or at least attempt to. “long day of eating, shitting it out, and eating more.”
now, the two of you have a happy, healthy, loved little boy. he’s cute—almost a carbon copy of his dad, save for the few telltale features that indicate he’s every bit yours.
he’s smart too—he knows the meaning of at least a couple dozen words, and he’s mastered quite a few as well, his favourites being hi and dada.
in fact, he’s so smart—he’s about to master one more.
“dada, shit!”
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vampykween · 6 months
@suimon got me thinking about simon reacting to you thirsting over a fictional character hehe
simon doesn’t get it really. you’ve had your head buried in that book since he’s been back on leave. not that he’s jealous or anything… but didn’t you want to spend time with him? okay so maybe he’s a little jealous.
after a few more days of watching you hide coy smiles behind your hand and giggle and kick your feet at every turn of a page, he had truly had enough. he stalks over to your spot on the couch and plucks the book right from your hands.
“hey! si- oh my god…” your words die in your throat as you watch your boyfriend’s eyes skim over the pages of your book. your incredibly smutty romance book.
“jesus christ. this what’s got ya so worked up? i could fuck you far better than these words could ever describe love.”
you’re still reeling from the fact that simon caught a glimpse of what you’re reading, but the feeling of shock is slowly being overtaken by desire growing hot in you. the muscular man must tell by the look on your face because he cocks an eyebrow and leans down closer to your face.
“oh i see, is that what you want pet? poor girl, been alone so long. bet yer cunt is absolutely desperate for my cock,” simon’s husky voice floods your ears and it takes all your strength not to purr like a cat in heat at his words. you nod meekly hoping your wordless answer is enough for him to take you, but he clicks his tongue at you instead.
“c’mon i wanna hear ya beg for it baby.”
you swallow slowly and try to compose yourself, “please si, i need you so badly. missed the feeling of you fucking me so well.”
simon must feel sufficed by your answer because he lets out a guttural groan, scoops you up, and tosses you over his shoulder. he chuckles darkly at your protests and simply smacks the fat of your ass in warning. you ceased only because you knew what he would say anyway ‘behave. be a good girl, and i’ll treat ya like a good girl’
when the tall blond man throws you onto the bed and crawls up the length of your body, leaving hot wet kisses in his wake, you know you’re in for the night of your life.
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dazzlingjaeyun · 29 days
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐢 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 - 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐣𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠
best friend!jay x fem!reader
genre: best friends to lovers, some angst / some fluff
warnings: cussing, slightly jealous!jay
word count: ~3,5k
a/n: ahh i really enjoyed writing this one!! but the ending feels a bit rushed so i apologize for that
↝ dazzlingjaeyun's bookshelf
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you and jay had practically known each other since diapers, being best friends ever since you could remember. although over the years you had been through different friend groups, the two of you always stayed inseparable. in the end, it was always you. you and jay.
since you spent almost every day together, also now you were sitting on his bed across from him, your legs casually resting on top of his thighs while you had your laptop on your lap, typing away a report you had to finish. jay, on the other hand, was silently scrolling through every possible social media site to fight his boredom while waiting for you to be done. his other hand rested on your knee, softly tapping his index and middle fingers on your joggers alternately, as if tapping them along to a beat. being so used to his skinship, his soft touch didn't bother you.
after some more moments in silence with only the sounds of you tapping on your keyboard, you could hear jay sigh and saw him put down his phone from the corner of your eye. "how long are you going to work on this, it's been two hours", he whined.
you looked up from your laptop only to see your best friend pout at you, which made your lips curl up into a smile. "okay, big baby, i'm almost done and we'll watch your annoying movie after", you replied in a teasing tone. jay squinted his eyes, pretending to be annoyed, to which you chuckled before focusing back on your laptop screen.
"i think i should show her the movie too", jay interrupted again. "hm, who her?", you asked, rather inattentively.
jay clicked his tongue. "the girl i like, dumbass"
rolling your eyes, you finally looked up from your laptop again. the past weeks, he had not gone a day without mentioning 'the girl he likes' at least once. although you knew practically everything about him - and his plans with his crush - you still had no idea who she was nor what she looked like and whenever you asked, your friend would turn down your question, claiming you'd find out soon enough.
"yeah, you should watch this movie with her. i don't want to watch it for the 10th time", you replied sarcastically , earning another playfully annoyed look from jay.
"i'm serious, jay. stop saying what you want to do and then never make a move. she might not wait forever", you added, your voice more genuine than before. jay just bit down on his lower lip and nodded, looking to the side to avoid your eyes.
suddenly, you felt bad for what you had said. you didn't want to discourage him. it was quite the opposite; you wanted him to finally take his chance with whoever he had liked for a while now. you closed your laptop, not caring about the unfinished report at that very moment, grabbed a pillow from behind your back and threw it in jay's direction, careful to hit but not hurt him.
"you should really ask her to watch it with you, instead of me. she's not going to believe you're into her if you're stuck on my ass the entire time anyways", you said jokingly, trying to lighten up his mood again and in fact earning a soft giggle from him. he grabbed your laptop off your legs and instead pulled you towards him, your head hitting his chest softly.
"whatever you say", he said, grabbing the remote and turning on the tv while you got comfortable, resting your head on his chest and putting one arm around his torso. "now, it's movie time", he said, indicating you should stop speaking now, before starting the movie he had waited to watch with you and pulling your body just a tiny little bit closer to his. and words could not describe how comfortable you felt in that very moment. how completely comfortable and safe.
you didn't even notice that you had fallen asleep on jay's chest. it was not until he moved very slowly and carefully, trying the best he could to not wake you up. you slowly opened your sleepy eyes and lifted your head a little.
jay sighed at the realization. "i'm sorry... i was really trying to not wake you", he almost whispered, his voice soft and quiet. his words so carefully spoken, as if he could break you in half if he said them any louder.
only then you realized his fingers tangled in your hair - clearly the aftermath of having played with them while watching the movie.
"it's your fault i fell asleep in the first place. i always do when you play with my stupid hair", you managed to crack a joke, despite your tiredness.
jay scoffed jokingly. "stupid hair?", he asked as if you had insulted him. "you know they're soft and it's...", he stopped as if searching for the right word "...it's healing to play with them."
healing? the fact that he spoke of something as simple as playing with your hair as healing set something off. a weird, unfamiliar feeling in your stomach - one that you couldn't really classify.
"mh..." that was all you could reply, feeling overwhelmed and confused at the sudden change of feelings you experienced.
"you know... you'd make a good boyfriend. i'm sure the girl you like would enjoy having you caress her hair until she falls asleep", you just blurted out, mind still foggy by the state you were in.
you could feel jay's chest stop moving for a split second, indicating that he was holding his breath, before you heard him gulp.
"hm, probably"
"i'm so going to win this time", you said, self-confident, as you started the last and final round of the race, eyes fixated on the screen and hands wrapped tightly around the controller.
you were so caught up in the game that you got startled by the loud ringtone covering the sounds of the game. you tried to catch a glimpse of your phone to see who was calling, going back and forth from your phone to the tv screen - the inattentiveness causing your game character to hit an obstacle, much to the joy of your competitor. as you lost the game, you just dropped the controller in your lap and instead grabbed your phone to finally answer the video call.
"you better have a good reason to call me now, jay! i lost mario kart because of you!", you snapped, before your best friend could even greet you.
mario kart? he thought. that was your tradition. yours and jay's. playing mario kart on a friday evening. but he was clearly not with you right now. and for some reason, it bugged him. a lot. why would you carry on your tradition with someone else? but did he even have the right to claim a shared activity as solely yours and his? did he have the right to get hurt or even angry? he wasn't sure, so he tried to shrug it off.
he forced himself to let out a faked laugh. "who did you lose to?", he asked, trying to make it seem as if it wasn't a big deal for him. trying to not seem too curious about who you had replaced him with.
you moved your phone to the side, revealing your competitor, before moving it back for the camera to capture you only.
"huh? jake?", jay asked, visibly confused.
"i'll get some water and let the two of you talk", the boy in question chimed in as he stood up from the bed, giving you a short smile.
you looked up at him a little too long for jay's liking, before moving your eyes back to the phone screen. "so, why were you calling anyways?", you asked as jake walked out of your room.
"him, seriously? are you stupid or do you simply not care that he only wants to-"
"jay. i asked a question", you cut him off rather sternly.
he let out a long sigh at the tone of your voice, at the way your words left no room for further discussion. and if he thought about it, he also didn't have the right to tell you who to hang out with, after all.
"did you hear about this new café opening next week?", he finally carried on with the original reason why he called you. you nodded in response, so jay continued "they'll have like a small opening event, i wanted to ask you if you want to go with me?"
"um... well, jake asked me already", you replied, your voice now calmer and quieter, feeling almost guilty for turning jay down.
"what did you say?", he asked hurriedly, as if in a rush to find out about your answer. you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "i said yes. i thought-... you can ask the girl you like?"
"oh... um...", he started stuttering, bringing his hand up to scratch the back of his head awkwardly, "i did but she already had plans that day"
you just nodded. another unfamiliar feeling bubbling up in your stomach. the fact that he had already asked her before even considering you was somehow... irritating? he had asked her. not you. you were the second choice, after the first was not available. and suddenly, it crashed down on you. worries, fear. suddenly, you felt this irrational, immense fear of losing your best friend. of watching him just slip through your fingers, taking your years of friendship along with him.
"you okay? you're zoning out again", jay pulled you out of the spiral of thoughts. when your eyes focused back on him, you could make out the worried expression on his face.
without thinking about it, you just started babbling out your thoughts. "i'm scared that this will ruin our friendship, jay". his eyes widened and he opened his mouth to object, but again was interrupted by you. "sorry, i-"
you didn't get to finish as this time you were interrupted by the door opening again and jake stepping back into your room, a glass of water in each hand.
"you know what, jay... we'll talk about that another time, yeah? i'll see you, good night", you hurriedly hung up before he could even reply, leaving him on the other end of the line staring at his phone in surprise for a few seconds.
i'm scared that this will ruin our friendship, your words echoed in his head. oh, me too, he thought.
the day of the event came and you were just finishing to touch up your make up when you heard your door bell ring; the signal that jake was there and ready to pick you up.
the two of you drove to the café in his car in a comfortable silence, jake's voice softly humming along to the songs on the radio barely audible to you.
even after you had spent an hour or two at the café, trying not only the beverages but also some treats, the two of you still hadn't run out of topics to talk and laugh about.
you were so caught up in the conversation with jake that it took you some minutes to make out the tall figure standing in front of the table you two shared. only when you looked up finally, you saw your best friend standing there, practically piercing holes through your body with his eyes.
thanks to the video call a couple of days before, jay knew exactly where you'd be on that day. and with who. and for some reason, he felt the strong urge to check on you. an urge he couldn't fight, so he gave in and made his way to the same place. he just had to make sure you were okay after all, right? that's what a best friend would do if their best friend went out with a guy that seemed fishy. right?
but seeing the two of you just chatting with each other, laughing with each other, sitting a little too close to each other... he didn't know if he should feel relieved that your suspicious date was much less of a threat than he had thought. or if he in fact should feel even more threatened. because what if you'd end up liking the guy with the golden retriever-like eyes more than your best friend?
it was your scent tickling his nose that brought him back to reality. only then he realized the hug you had pulled him in, immediately reciprocating the gesture and wrapping his arms around your waist. just a little tighter than he would usually do.
jake, still sitting on the sofa, watched the scene in front of him, biting the inside of his cheek while jay's head was almost buried in the crook of your neck, taking in as much of your scent as possible.
finally, you let go of the way longer than normal hug, a slight shade of pink covering your cheeks. you quickly sat back down again, taking your iced coffee and gulping it down as if it could cool your face and stop the heat from rushing to your cheeks. why were you blushing anyway?
"hi jake", jay finally spoke up, looking down to said boy, who just nodded his head in return. "mind if i join you guys?"
"actually, yeah. i mind.", jake opposed.
jay was quick to reply, before you could even open your mouth "well good thing i only care about my best friend's opinion", emphasizing the possesive pronoun as if you were solely his property, not dared to even be looked at by anyone else.
"geez, fine. i was gonna head home anyways", jake said while standing up, "have a good time together then". and before you could hold him back, hell, before you could even say something, jake was already out the door.
your eyes followed him until he was out of sight and then went back to look at jay. although he hadn't intended for this to happen, he couldn't say he wasn't satisfied with the outcome nonetheless. until...
"what the fuck, jay?!"
if you weren't in public, you would have probably screamed at him. jay's eyes widened at your reaction. in all the years you had known each other, you had barely ever raised your voice at him in a serious manner. but he could tell that you were very serious right now.
"i'm... i'm sorry, i didn't mean to- he's just not good for you and-", he started stuttering out, before you cut him off.
"did you see him acting anyhow weird towards me? no. cause the only one who's acting weird is you, jay!"
he gulped. "but i'm your-"
"my what?", you interrupted again. "my best friend? right. not my parents, not my boyfriend. you're no one to tell me who to go out with!", you snapped.
"just because you don't have the balls to ask the stupid 'girl you like' out, you have to ruin my day as well?" you finally stood up and grabbed your bag. "for fucks sake, jay, get yourself together." you gave him one last glare, before storming off the café as well, making sure to hit his upper arm with your shoulder as you passed him. leaving him with a shocked face and a mind filled with so many thoughts, yet so empty, not able to say a word.
days passed and you did not speak to neither jake nor jay. whereas the latter had tried to contact you several times, jake had not reached out to you as much. you weren't happy about that but you weren't exactly hurt or upset either.
when it came to jay, a part of you was still mad at him, while another part of you wasn't. one minute you'd want to talk to him, and the next you'd damn yourself for that thought. safe to say your feelings and thoughts were just a rollercoaster at this point, and you were nowhere near sorting them out. the only constant: confusion.
the sudden ring of your door bell pulled you out of another never ending thought process. you stood up from your bed and made your way to the door, opening it without peeking through the small hole before. instant regret hit you as you saw who was standing right in front of you.
"hey... can i come in?"
hesitantly, you stepped aside, not able to reject your best friend, no matter how much you wanted to tell him to go home. after all, you had your reasons for not picking up the phone, not answering the texts. you didn't want to talk to him. not as long as you had no idea about what to think - what to feel.
jay entered, a big bag on his back, and just naturally walked past you and to the living room as if you had invited him to do so. you followed him with quick steps.
"i never said to go-"
you gave up as you saw him getting comfortable on the sofa already. he opened his bag, pulled out his guitar and finally looked at you. then he patted on the sofa, signaling you to sit down next to him.
"i want to show you something"
you were, yet again, confused, but curiosity got the best of you and you decided to take a seat next to him.
"i wrote this myself", he explained further and although you were expecting exactly what he'd say next, it still felt like a punch in the gut. "um... for the girl i like"
without thinking about it, you stood up again, ready to tell him to just leave, when he grabbed your hand and pulled you down again.
"i just want to hear your opinion on it", jay said in a soft voice.
and so he began letting his fingers slide over the strings elegantly, playing the chords so perfectly, while making everything look so effortless at the same time. his voice was soft, yet carried so much power. and in an instant, nothing else mattered. not what happened at the café, not his bold act of just walking in now, not your anger.
just jay's voice and the sounds of his guitar. so heavenly. and so not for you.
suddenly, your confusion sweeped away and tears started filling your eyes when the realization hit you. and it hit hard.
the realization of why everything about his not so little crush on this girl had bothered you so much. the realization of what you had actually felt when you had woken up on his chest with his hand in your hair a couple of weeks ago. and that you were not only scared of the friendship changing when he asked her out first. even the realization of why you were blushing after he had hugged you tightly in the café.
but mostly, the realization that you wanted nothing more than to be her.
jay's voice fell silent abruptly. he almost tossed away the guitar and instead brought both of his hands to your cheeks, cupping your face. his thumbs gently stroked your cheeks, sending goosebumps down your spine and although your vision was blurry, you could see his worried eyes fixated on yours.
"why are you crying?" jay asked carefully, as if he barely dared to break the silence.
you tried shaking your head but jay's hands on both sides of your face held you more tightly, almost like he was scared of losing you forever if he let go now.
"i'm sure she'll like it", you whispered, worried that if you spoke up, your voice would break.
jay inhaled deeply, his breath audibly shaking. "does she?"
you furrowed your eyebrows. "how would i-"
"do you?"
pang. your heart dropped to your knees. your stomach sank. your mind started racing and your heartbeat doubled its speed likewise.
pang. the next realization.
he had shown you the movie he wanted to show her.
he had asked you to join him to the event, but you had plans already.
he had shown you the song he wrote for the girl he likes.
for you.
all of those moments were about you, all along.
suddenly, the reason why he had never shown you a picture of her seemed so obvious.
the facts that he had never made a move and that he had reacted this way towards jake suddenly had reasons; fear of ruining the friendship and straight up jealousy.
as if to confirm your mind that was running laps around everything that had happened between you and your best friend the past weeks, you heard jay's soft words "it's you. it's always been you."
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thank you so much for reading up until here. it means the entire world to me and i hope you guys enjoyed it. please do not copy. ❤︎︎
feel free to leave any feedback & interact!
- dazzlingjaeyun
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buckybarnesb-tch · 6 months
Weekend Away-Klaus M.
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This wasn’t a request but I was feeling the need for something cute! I needed some warm and fuzzy Klaus in my life.
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‘Come on love, it’ll be fun…’ he tempted, knowing how badly I wanted to be able to spend time with him. Klaus and I had been hiding our relationship for a month now, the Scooby Gang still believing he is into Caroline but almost every night he had been climbing into my window in the Boarding House.
It wasn’t sex at first, in fact the first night he knocked on my window I told him to get lost, but Klaus Mikaelson was nothing if not persistent. He kept coming back, I would let him in and he would just lay in bed beside me while I watched whatever movie I had on that night. A week in I began bringing snacks to my room that he told me he liked one night, even sneaking one of Damon’s bottles of bourbon for him. It was that second week that he kissed me for the first time and it had spiraled out of my control.
‘I can’t. They’ll notice I’m gone Nik and then what? If I tell them I’m fucking you then I become a disloyal bitch-‘
‘If they’re really your friends then they’ll support who you want to be with, and you and I both know this is more than just fucking…tell me it’s more than just sex.’ The look on his face made me believe that he really did like me which is the only reason I gave in instead of either pretending this is all nothing for my own sanity or teasing him. The look on his face told me how much he cared for me and I knew in that moment that I couldn’t tease him and hurt his feelings. Anyone else would tell you that Klaus doesn’t have feelings but I know different. Klaus Mikaelson is one of the most sensitive men I’ve ever met in my life.
‘Okay. It’s more than sex, but that makes it worse Nik! That means I’m in love with the enemy-‘
‘You love me?’ I froze as I realized what I had said making me sigh heavily. ‘I knew it! They use you Y/n and you know that, you have to because my girl is not stupid. If they want to ditch you because you fell in love then they don’t care about you at all.’ I didn’t say anything, looking at him and unsurely waiting. ‘I love you too Princess. I love you very much, how could I not? You’re perfect! Now come with me, pack a small bag, you’ll be back on Monday and they can fuck themselves.’ I considered this, both his proposal and the fact that he had just admitted to loving me for the first time, I had known I loved him since that second week when he first kissed me but hearing that he reciprocated those feelings was the greatest feeling in the world. I grinned, jumping into his arms and pressing my lips to his excitedly and he lifted me by my butt, my thighs wrapping around his waist as he continued to kiss me. ‘Okay, pack! Let’s get going, I want to see you spread out in a hotel bed, tipsy on champagne with a strawberry between these perfect little lips.’ I couldn’t help my giggle at that, jumping down and grabbing an overnight bag, packing 2 pairs of clothes and my cutest underwear, knowing we probably wouldn’t be leaving the hotel room at all. He slapped my ass as I bent over to pull on my boots before grabbing my phone, him taking my bag and jumping out the window. ‘Come on then!’
‘You’ve lost it, no way-‘
‘You don’t trust me?’ I knew he was teasing me but his eyes looked at me like I would be betraying him if I answer anyway other than by jumping and I huffed a sigh, climbing through the window and falling very ungracefully into his arms. ‘There’s my girl. Now, let’s go get you naked and drunk in some silk sheets, hmm?’
‘I knew you only loved me for my body.’ He glared playfully at me before carrying me to his car. One of my favorite things about being with Nik is that he’s fun, when we’re together, just us, he smiles in a way that is completely contagious.
The drive to the hotel was fun, I made him listen to some of my music which I know he tolerates solely because I love it so much and an hour later we were checking into the fanciest hotel I had ever seen in my life. I felt like if I so much as touched something in here I would damage it with my poor people hands, half of the guests walking around looked like they belonged in Downton Abbey, even the staff looked richer than me.
‘Nik, is this really necessary? This place looks more like a castle than a hotel, I feel like everyone’s staring at me.’ He pulled me close by my waist and nuzzled into my neck, breathing me in which is something he often does to feel calm.
‘They’re not staring at you, when we get to the room it’ll be worth it, I promise. Only the best for my girl.’ He stepped up to the front desk and I toyed with his hair as he spoke to the clerk, getting the room key, the man’s voice changing from disinterest to excitement when Nik gave his name.
‘Ah yes, the Honeymoon suite. It’s been prepared to your specifications, if there’s anything I can do to make your stay here for the week more comfortable you just let me know.’
‘I will, thank you.’ I looked up at him as he pulled me away and towards the elevators.
‘The week? I’m here for a weekend! Who is joining you here after me, huh?’ He rolled his eyes, pulling me into the elevator and hitting our floor button.
‘Don’t be daft love, I was going to talk you into staying longer and once you sleep in the most comfortable bed you’ve ever laid on you’ll want to stay too, okay? Just give me a chance.’ He reasoned and I shrugged, going along with it as he led me to a door, unlocking it and watching as my jaw dropped. The door opened into a huge living room area, comfortable looking couches and a wall of windows looking out over the mountains that we were practically in the side of and it was gorgeous. ‘Come here.’ He led me to the door off to the side and the bedroom was bigger than the living room, another wall of all windows with a patio and a sliding door looking out over the trees. It took a second before I noticed the bed, bigger than a king size somehow and the white sheets were covered in rose petals, a huge heart spelling out “I love you” inside of it.
‘This is so cheesey and dumb and I love it so much!’ I could feel the tears escaping my eyes and I turned to pull Nik down to kiss me, him wiping the tears away with his thumbs gently. ‘Thank you…I love you so much.’ I kissed him again, pulling his jacket off, followed by mine.
‘Don’t you want to get some room service first? I thought-‘
‘Oh we will. It’s only 5, we can order dinner in a bit…though I do feel bad about fucking up the flowers…’ Nik growled, ripping my shirt over my head and my pants were gone before I could blink, him throwing me into a pile of rose petals which felt like silk on my skin.
‘You’re right, dinner can wait.’
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By the time we had gotten room service it was nearly 9pm and I realized how desperate this place is to keep Nik happy. I’m not sure whether it’s the rich as fuck thing or the honeymoon suite thing but either way I love it.
I talked him into coming down to the pool with me and though it was 11:30 at night the front desk opened it for us and promised us privacy.
‘This is awesome!’ I exclaimed, pulling off my top and shorts, leaving me in the forest green lingerie set that I had chosen while he ordered dinner, knowing it was his favorite set.
‘I would have told you to bring a bathing suit but I never thought you would want to go swimming.’ Nik teased, stripping to his boxers and hopping into the water.
‘No problem, I wouldn’t have if other people would have been here.’ I reached back to unclip my bra and his eyes widened. ‘Sorry, did you think I was going to ruin my panties and expensive bra by jumping into chlorine? Fuck no.’ I tossed it into the clothes pile before pulling my panties off and walking to the edge and jumping in. When I came back up I wiped my face and looked around, unable to find him, the dark room making it eerie and somehow also romantic.
His hand suddenly grabbed ahold of my ankle, pulling me under and as I opened my eyes I could see my boyfriend grinning excitedly at me. I pushed away from him, swimming backwards and seeing that he had also ditched his underwear, chasing after me until I had to breathe. ‘How is it that you’re even more gorgeous underwater?’ He teased, trying to pull me close.
‘My tits defy gravity?’ Klaus pulled me forward and pinned my tits to his chest, spinning us around playfully. ‘I’ve always wanted to go night swimming, this is amazing.’ His eyebrows went up, clearly shocked by that.
‘We’ll go to the beach and-‘
‘NO! Nopety nope nope. I meant a pool, sun up and down is when things like sharks start eating. I will not get in an ocean, pools though! I want a big pool with a waterfall and a grotto and all that, but fairy lights hanging all over above the pool as the only light, no neighbors to see me skinny dipping! I’ve always wanted to do this, it’s fun…I never thought you would join me though.’
‘You think I’m going to miss my Princess naked in a pool? You’re crazy!’ He laughed, leaning closer and pressing his lips to mine and wrapping his arms around my waist and prompting me to wrap my legs around his hips. ‘I’ll just have to get started on having a pool installed.’ At that moment he thrust his hips up and shoved himself straight up into me and I cried out, my voice echoing in the empty pool room making his eyes widen in excitement.
‘Klaus, no! No, people are going to hear and come in here to-Ahh!’ He used his grip on my waist to push and pull me on his cock, thrusting up hard which seemed to be extremely easy in the water. ‘Oh God! Fuck Nik! Don’t Stop! Please don’t stop-‘
‘Scream for me Princess! Let me hear you!’ He wrapped his arms around my body and held me almost painfully hard, shoving himself into me.
‘Yes! Oh-Ah! Fuck Klaus!’
‘That’s it Baby, scream for me! I can feel you squeezing my cock nice and tight, are you gonna cum for me? Cum all over my cock!’ As if his words were a magical trigger I felt that tightness in my belly, snap, and I cried out so loudly I worried about the glass walls shattering. ‘Gonna fill you up Baby, fill you so full it’ll stretch your insides, fuck-Fuck Ah!’ He growled, fangs pressed against my neck firmly and I held the back of his head, my fingers tangling in his wet hair before he bit into my neck. I could feel the pulls of my blood around his fangs but he was done quickly, not willing to hurt me by taking too much.
‘I didn’t see this being where our weekend went.’ I teased and he chuckled, pressing our lips together tenderly.
‘I love you.’
‘Hmm, I know. I love you too Nik.’ I told him, letting go of his hair and moving to pull away and get out but he didn’t let me go.
‘I love you so much Y/n.’ I looked back at him, curious why he’s talking like this.
‘I love you too. I know that the both of us haven’t always had love from people but I love you, do you hear me? I love you forever and that will never end! I’ll tell you every day if that’s what you need.’ He nodded slowly, as if admitting that he did, in fact, need that. ‘Good. Now let’s get back upstairs and you can pin me to a shower wall.’ I teased but he just held me firm.
‘I love you and I want you to be mine.’ I looked at him oddly.
‘I am yours you dumbass.’
He shook his head quickly. ‘Mine. All mine, in front of everyone with no reservations. I want to show you off, I want everyone to stop thinking I’m flirting with Caroline and I want men to stop thinking they can flirt with you while I can’t do anything about it…I want you.’
I had never in my life seen Klaus this open and vulnerable and I briefly wondered if anyone had. ‘Klaus, my friends-‘
‘Hate me and I’m fine with that. But if they won’t be okay with you being in love then they’re not your friends. I’m proud to show you off as mine, and I will never let any of my family say anything against you, despite how much Rebekah hates you…be mine Y/n, for real.’ I was stunned, never having expected this from him. He was the one who wanted to hide us in the first place and now here he is, wanting to tell everyone, I was just shocked. Apparently I hesitated too long because he sighed and pulled away but I grabbed ahold of him quickly, pulling him back to kiss me roughly.
‘All yours…for real. You’re gonna be the one taking me in when they kick me out of the Boarding House for fraternizing with the enemy.’ He snorted, his eyes shining in excitement. ‘You want them to kick me out, don’t you? You want me to move in with you and instead of asking you do this?’
‘Yup. You’re all mine love. Take this week to get used to waking up beside me in bed.’ I shoved his chest, making him laugh at my pathetic attempt at “hurting him” before I pulled myself up and grabbed my towel, running around the pool to the door and darting towards the elevators. I was barely covered as I pressed the button, watching the doors close just before he got to me. I giggled as I watched the numbers go up, exiting the elevator and moving to the room before arms encircled my waist, lifting me up and pinning me to the door. ‘You’re in for it now.’
‘I’m shaking, can’t you tell.’ I teased and he looked down, his face falling and looking worried as I said that.
‘You are shaking. What’s wrong?’ He worried, opening the door and whisking me inside.
‘I’m just cold from the water baby, I’m fine.’ I promised but all the joking was gone from his face and he locked the door, yanking my towel off and carrying me into the bathroom to start the warm water. ‘This is what you’re like as a boyfriend? A worry wart?’ His eyes were concerned as he rubbed my arms firmly and lifted me into the shower. ‘I could get used to it.’
‘Good. Because you’re all mine.’
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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doboosh · 2 years
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“Cara mia, don’t you trust me?”
Wednesday Addams x fem!reader
• Wednesday and reader get into a fight, it becomes heated in more ways than one.
Warnings(?) Wednesday (she’s a warning), cursing, violence, oral (fem receiving), bondage, chocking, mommy kink(?), dom/sub dynamic, dom!Wednesday, knife play, begging, overstimulation, and more..
I am not aware of the age of the characters so go make it safer they are all aged up to 18.
Please do not read if you are under 17!
Please enjoy!!
You didn’t understand what was so unlikeable about you to Wednesday.
You had always been friendly to people, always greeting people with a handshake and a smile, a brief hug to people you knew, coddling and smothering your friends with all the love you have to give.
You’re grateful enough that Wednesday even tolerates you to be around her, when you laugh a bit too loud by her side she doesn’t snap you a murderous look and leave, she tolerates it.
That’s all she does though, tolerates.
You’re not going to lie to yourself and say that this girls aura and cold gaze didn’t bring fluttering to your insides, make your mind reel in ways you may think you’d been drinking, drive your poor heart out it’s cage when she’s nearby. You have major feelings for Wednesday Addams.
The only problem is, the only way you can show that, is by upping the physical touch to a different level.
I mean, literally a different level, attempting to hold hands with the girl whenever you are walking to class, trying to hug her whenever you stop by her shared dorm room, pushing yourself into her when you hear a funny joke, sitting by her to talk to her, even when she doesn’t respond. Every time, you are rejected.
You can tell too, that it’s starting to aggravate her, you can tell by the way she snaps her dark eyes your way when you intercept her imaginary bubble.
Today though, you pushed it too far.
“Wednesday! Enid!” You yelled from across the yard, rushing to the pair of girls with haste.
“Y/n! Hi!” Enid giggles, opening her arms for one of your reoccurring bear hugs. Swinging each other back and forth when you finally dive into her.
Wednesday’s eye twitches a bit at the sight, though neither of you notice.
As you pull apart you watch as Enid’s eyes light up, still giggling. You smile a bit wider at the fact. “Did you hear about the accident one of the students made in one of their classes?” She asked, “We get to get out of the rest of our classes for the rest of the week!”
“Enid it’s Thursday, that’s not saying a lot” you giggle.
“I agree, I think it’s silly that a unintelligent students mistake-“ Wednesday buts in, “puts our time and our studies to his foolish consequences” she finishes, her cold gaze unnervingly still, as she huffs out a breath of slight anger.
You smile slightly, “Aw is poor Wednesday upset?,” you joke, as you reach to bring her into a hug.
She steps away from you and her lip slightly curls, “don’t touch me, I will indefinitely snap each one of your fingers off and then your neck”
You stutter a bit, she’s getting snappier too. You compose yourself and give a small smile, “Sorry Wednesday, you know I can’t help but try”
Wednesday merely scowls and turns away, leaving to either her dorm room, or to a hide out spot.
Your heart stings a bit, and your smiles drops as you turn to Enid. “What am I doing wrong? Is it me? Does she even like girls?”, you stutter as you start to bite at your nails.
“You’re not doing anything wrong!” Enid insists, holding your face softly, “that’s just how she is, you know that” she smiles genuinely.
“Hey I’ll tell you what,” the blonde haired girl continues, “I’m having a sleepover with Yuko tonight, how about you stop by my dorm and talk with Wednesday? You can’t keep hiding your feelings.”
You stare at her wide eyed, “no, no no no no, I am not confessing to her Enid!” You screech, “I can’t, I won’t”
“Please Y/n, for your sake, please” she begs, holding onto your hands as they dropped from your mouth.
You wanted to say no, to tell her to stop, but you knew this wasn’t healthy. May as well confess and get rejected than pin on a girl you have no chance on. So you agreed, you’ll tell her tonight.
This was a bad idea.
You can feel your breathing deepen as your stand outside Enid and Wednesday’s dorm. Your palms are sweating and you heartbeat is flying through the roof.
You slowly take a shuddering breath, put a smile on your scared face, and open the door.
“Wednesday?” You call out as you trudge through the doorway, “hey, can I talk to you?”
You see the girl in front of her typewriter and you can’t help but stop. Your breathing hitches as you look at her. She’s absolutely breathtaking to you.
The girl though, doesn’t respond. Still typing away.
“Wednesday?” You chuckle a little, “I know you can hear me”
Your taunting tone seems to make her stop, but she doesn’t look at you.
“Leave me alone, y/n. I’m not in the mood.” She says in her monotone voice.
“Wednesday I’m serious I really need to tell you something” you say, walking towards her. You barely make it into the middle of the room before she stand up and turns to you.
“Y/n, I am not Enid, I do not enjoy your presence. I don’t want hugs, or to hold hands, or for you to touch me right now. It is absolutely revolting, you are revolting. You’re voice is too high pitched at times and I swear to my dead ancestors that it rings at a pitch only dogs can hear. Leave me alone”
Your heart shatters.
You’ve been here before, you’ve had someone you like tell you this. Saying that’s why they can’t be with you.
You’re too much, they said.
This hurts worse, much worse. Coming from the mouth of a sickeningly gorgeous girl in front of you, her beautiful raven hair in her braids, her eyes burning with anger but still so likable non the less.
You made a mistake as well. Your mask dropped. Your smile dropped. Your heart dropped. Your tears, dropping down your cheeks.
“How.. dare you,” you seethe.
Wednesday’s eyes widen a bit, you’re not smiling? Why aren’t you smiling? You always smile.
“How dare you talk to me like that, Wednesday I know you’re not Enid, I know that. I’m sorry that I’m a physical person, that’s how I show my love, I’m not good with words like you are. Hah! Who am I kidding, you barely speak to anyone! I have tried to show you through actions how I feel about you! I’m sorry I’m just so annoying that you can’t stand my presence!” You scream, tears flooding down your cheeks.
Wednesday internally panics, you weren’t supposed to cry.
“I try to respect your boundaries! I really do, but it’s hard to especially when I have feelings for you! I want to be near you all the time, don’t you think it’s painful for me? I know you don’t like me and yet I still try only to get rejected over and over! God you are so blunt! You know I came here to confess to you, to apologize for my actions as well!” You sob, yelling at the girl in front of you.
You feel a twinge of embarrassment because of the feeling of some snot leaking from your nose, but your anger overpowers that.
Wednesday heart stutters for two things, her feelings are reciprocated, but she found out because you’re angry, crying, seething at her.
You stop, and take a deep breath in, your eyes hardening as you look at her. “Fine.” You snap, “you don’t like me? Then I won’t talk to you, I won’t try to push you anymore. That’s a promise Wednesday, a promise”
With that you storm out of the room, heading to your own bed.
You send a text to Enid, summarizing what happened. Not bothering to answer her, “oh my god are you okay?” Or her “I’m sorry”
On the other hand, Wednesday is still standing where she was when you left. Thing coming to her side to see if she’s alright.
For the first time in Wednesday Addams’ life, she almost screams. Screams for you to come back, and to let her hold you, to let her kiss you.
She didn’t mean what she said, she’s just been aggravated with everything happening. The Hyde, the murders, everything.
She nearly feels a tear slip.
She will make this up to you, she will win you back.
It’s been 2 days since you talked or interacted with Wednesday.
Of course you’re still talking to your friends, Enid, Xavier, Ajax.
You’ve gotten a lot closer to Xavier, he’s been helping you feel better. Taking you to paint and draw with him, and actually listening to your feelings.
“You don’t have to put on the mask around me,” he had said to you, “you deserve to feel the things your feeling”
Wednesday has never felt this much turmoil in her life, seeing you talk, hug, and smother other people, especially Xavier. Made her want to commit unforgivable offenses.
She wanted you to smother her. She wants you to hug her, to try to hold her hand, to bump her when you found a joke funny.
You. She wants you.
She had talked to Enid, they devised a plan together. Enid had known for a while that Wednesday has feelings for you. That’s why she pushed you to confess.
“She’s staring at you again” Xavier whispered to me, getting close to my ear, “she looks murderous”
You rolled your eyes and scoffed, “she has no right, she’s the one that said she wanted to be alone. I’m giving her what she wanted”
You couldn’t help but want to turn around, because truly, you missed her.
You turned towards Xavier, you watched as a devilish smile lit his face, “how about we make her mad?”
You grew confused, “mad? How?” You smirked slowly.
“Of course, with your consent, I kiss you. Maybe it’ll make her snap, or something” he suggested, his eyes sparking up mischievously.
Your breath spiked, not because you haven’t kissed anyone, you’ve kissed people before.
It was the fact that, if Wednesday did snap? What would she do.
Would she do something to you? Hopefully
You shuddered at the thought and smiled, “let’s do it, I’m serious, let’s do it” you giggled, Xavier’s eyes widened for a split second but then nodded.
“Okay just wait a couple minutes, I’ll do it by surprise”
You nodded and continued talking to him.
Oh how Wednesday wanted to rip his head off and feed it to the starving vultures that lurked by her home.
“Wednesday? Are you even listening, I’m trying to get my otp together right now” Enid huffed, throwing her arms in the air.
Wednesday glanced at her and then went back to watching the two of you.
“Look listen I know you’re mad, you like her a lot bu- oh my god”
Wednesday saw red
Xavier has grabbed your face, her loves face, and kissed you.
You are hers, she is yours.
Wednesday got up immediately, ignoring Enid’s calls behind her and strutted up to you.
You didn’t know he’d do it so soon, you were so surprised at the quickness, and even more surprised at the violent grabbing of your arm.
You were yanked away and pulled behind Wednesday Addams herself.
“Touch her again and I will personally cut out your tongue and sacrifice your still living body” she seethed, she looked angry, well as angry as her stoic face can get.
She turned to you and pulled you away, dragging you to wherever she may murder you at.
That’s what you were thinking at least.
You were going to die at the hands of the girl you would kill for.
You don’t know how you two got to the dorm room so quick, but before you know it you were being shoved into the room and onto to the bed.
You gasped as she threw you into the intended comfortable mattress, her eyes boring into yours with such fire that you swear you felt yourself get a little turned on.
She grabbed your face in her hand roughly, pulling you closer to hers.
“I am done with this cara mia, you will not ignore me anymore, you will not play with boys in front of me, and I am not going to isolate my feelings for you any longer”
You swear you could’ve died right then and there, she wasn’t raising her voice but each word sent a wave to your insides. You nearly moaned.
“Y/n L/n, I have very strong feelings for you. So strong that if your wish was for me to pull out my internal organs and let a wolf feast upon them, I would. If you were to ask me to carve your name upon every inch of my skin I would.”
That’s sweet.. in a way. You were still turned on, no disclosing that
She trails her free hand to the front of your chest, and her face gets impeccably closer.
“Tell me you still want me cara mia, tell me you feel the same and that I haven’t ran you off” she breathes, and I shiver.
“I do Wednesday, I do”
With those words, she pulls you into her lips. Cold and soft. Pillowy and rough. Heaven and hell all in one. This was your demise. She was your demise.
You moan into her mouth and she takes that as the opportunity to kiss you deeper. Her other hand grabbing at your breast with such haste that it scared you.
She pulled apart, “I am going to ravage you, ruin you for anyone else, you are mine. Don’t you trust me, cara mia?” She breathes into your mouth and your mind is so fogged that all you can do is nod.
She discards of her clothes and that’s when you lose it, you could almost feel your pupils dilate by looking at her.
You reach for her, and she allows it. You grasp at her skin and kiss her everywhere you can. Kissing upwards from her stomach to her neck. Suckling and biting when you get there.
She pulls on your hair and tuts, “so carnivorous, you’re already getting greedy mi vida”
She undressed you slowly, leaving kisses whenever she takes off a piece of clothing. You sigh and lay back onto the bed when she finally takes off your panties, pressing kisses to your thighs and near you heat.
“I haven’t had lunch today mi amor, but it seems you’ve kept this all for me” she murmured loud enough against your skin, following with a long lick to your heat.
The moan you let out could very much be audible to anyone outside the walls, so Wednesday fixes that, she shoved your own underwear into your mouth.
“If you’re good, I’ll take it out, you’re a good girl for me? Aren’t you mi corazon?” She smirks, as she dives back down.
You swear you’ve seen the gods, every god ever known.
She was absolutely ravishing you, drinking you up like a vampire starved, and your eyes roll back as she inserted two of her cold digits into you, curling and thrusting them into your body.
You’re glad she put your panties into your mouth, you couldn’t stop screaming.
Your legs started to lock up, and you reached for Wednesday’s head. Grabbing whatever you could until she locked her free fingers with yours, still drinking you in.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you let out a muffled scream. Body spasming uncontrollably as you finally snapped.
Wednesday didn’t stop though, no, instead she got more vicious. Almost like a monster.
Your body couldn’t stop shaking, your back arching as you still screamed behind the fabric in your mouth.
One high after another hit you, until finally, when she was satisfied, she pulled away. Wiping her chin as she scarily smiled at your face.
She kissed her way up your body again, taking the panties out of your mouth to replace them with the fingers she used on you, “clean them off for me my love, clean mommy up”
You swirled your tongue around her digits and moaned, locking eyes with the raven haired girl.
Her eyes were so dark, but you could see her pupils dilate even more than they had been.
She pulls her fingers out of your mouth, and replaces it with her lips, lavishing you and pulling you as impeccably close as she can.
It’s driving her crazy, the closeness of your bodies without any barrier.
Your eyes shut as you kiss her, that is until you hear a sharp ‘shink’ of an object, you open your eyes to see Wednesday holding a knife to the side of your head.
Your heart races for the millionth time that day, and you feel yourself get hornier as she whispers in your ear, “cara mia, let me mark you”
You moan as she sits up from your body, your warmth. She takes the knife to her thigh, carving your first name into the soft flesh. She doesn’t wince, or show any emotion as she does so. She just stares you in the eyes and smiles.
You get up as well, and present your own thigh to her.
She kisses a spot on your inner thigh, sucking a hickey right by her spot, and carves her name into your skin.
It should hurt, it really should.
All you can focus on though, is her face.
After she’s finished she licks away any blood, kissing you over the incisions.
“So beautiful, so so beautiful” she whispers.
Her eyes look over you with softening love, you’ve never seen her like this.
“Wednesd-“ you start, but she grabs your throat
“No my love, I love the way you say my name, but not in this moment, call me something else” she taunts, dragging her hand over your nipples.
“My love.. mommy, let me return the favor please, I want to taste you so bad” you whimper
“No mi vida, no this is about you. I made mistake, let me make it up to you” she murmured lovingly, stroking your cheek softly.
She grabs both of your wrists and grabs her tie off of the floor, and tying your wrists to her bed frame. Securely.
She linked herself with your legs and waist and started to ride you. The three you head back as she grasped onto your leg for stability. The two of you feeling an extreme amount of pleasure as your moans went higher. Wednesday even letting out a couple of noises herself.
“I’m sorry y/n” she gasped as she picked up her speed, once again, even with the ache between your legs you could feel the coil beginning to snap, “I’m so sorry I acted that way towards you, I do have feelings for you, I can’t breathe around you, I can feel my heart flying out of my chest whenever you are near me”
You grasp onto her hips, you beginning to rock with her as well.
“I want to be in a relationship with you mi amor, I want to love you, kill for you. I want you to find everything you need within me” she continues as she felt her own high coming, “please give me a chance my love”
You gasp, trying to get air as she rocked into you, “of course, you couldn’t push me away even if you tried” you said between breaths of air.
With those words, both of you finish simultaneously.
Wednesday slumps over your leg with a small moan, her body shaking, as you cry out and grab for her body.
When you both catch your breath, she lays herself down beside you, bringing you into her arms and kissing your head.
You pick your head up and kiss her softly, she reciprocated with just as much gentleness. Cradling your face in her hands and she smiles into the kiss.
“Does that mean we’re dating now” you giggle, sinking your head into her neck. Breathing her in.
She nods, “I suppose it does, cara mia”
With that you sink into a deep sleep, Wednesday putting you under the covers only to snuggle up beside you.
Maybe it wasn’t a mistake.
“They’ve been gone for a long time” Ajax whispers to Enid, who looks mortified.
“Sh” she snaps “don’t say anything”
The two boys purse their lips and nod.
“Should we go-“ Xavier starts, “I said SH” Enid snaps again.
On the inside Enid is ecstatic. Mortified? Yes, but so so happy.
Thank you all for reading, I’m up for criticism because not only is this my first time writing fan fiction but my first time writing smut. So give me advice please!!
I’m open to requests! I’ll do a list of fandoms I know of! But once again, thank you!
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