#6 separate people were involved in getting me food prepared by 3 of these people
ihamtmus · 6 months
my family is freaking crazy 😭😭 i've never had this much food in the fridge
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princeofgod-2021 · 7 months
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John 1:4
4. Most Prophets have had difficult lives of personal self-discipline, denials and sufferings.
Heb 11:36-38 And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings; yes, more, of bonds and imprisonments. They were stoned, they were sawed in two, were tempted, were slain with the sword. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented. The world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains and dens and caves of the earth. MKJV
God just called Moses into the cloud and I’m sure he didn’t know he’d be there for 40 days without food or water.
Maybe then he would have told the people.
Such is the life of a Prophet.
Exo 24:16,18 And the glory of the Lord was resting on Mount Sinai, and THE CLOUD WAS OVER IT FOR SIX DAYS; AND ON THE SEVENTH DAY HE SAID MOSES' NAME OUT OF THE CLOUD…And Moses went up the mountain, into the cloud, and WAS THERE FOR FORTY DAYS AND FORTY NIGHTS. BBE
Did you notice that Moses first waited for 7 days before God even had him proceed?
I guess that must have been for his consecration before he was even worthy to ascend the mountain.
5. True Prophets are mostly hated because they don’t commonly say what people like to hear.
Their functionalities mostly involved warning people about impending dangers and judgment.
Agabus spoke twice in Acts: 1st to warn of Famine and next about Paul’s imprisonment.
This is why people are commonly afraid of True Prophets.
1Sa 16:4 Samuel did what the LORD told him to do and went to Bethlehem, where the CITY LEADERS CAME TREMBLING TO MEET HIM AND ASKED, "IS THIS A PEACEFUL VISIT, SEER?" GNB
6. Lastly here, Prophets are commonly very lonely people because their lives are too enigmatic and complicated to comprehend.
They rarely dwell in the midst of people.
Mat 11:9-10 Or DID YOU ENCOUNTER A TRUE PROPHET OUT IN THE LONELY WILDERNESS? YES, JOHN WAS A PROPHET LIKE THOSE OF THE PAST, BUT HE IS EVEN MORE than that! He was the fulfillment of this Scripture: See, I am sending my prophetic messenger who will go ahead of me and prepare hearts to receive me. TPT
John the Baptist’s family were neither paupers nor homeless, but he separated himself to God.
Luk 1:80 Afterward, their son grew up and was strengthened by the Holy Spirit and he grew in his love for God. JOHN CHOSE TO LIVE IN THE LONELY WILDERNESS UNTIL THE DAY CAME WHEN HE WAS TO BE DISPLAYED PUBLICLY TO ISRAEL. TPT
They are also commonly found on Mountains or isolated places, far from people and dwellings.
They probably just feel nearer to God when they ascend Mountains.
2Ki 4:25 THE WOMAN WENT TO MOUNT CARMEL TO GET THE MAN OF GOD. The man of God saw the Shunammite woman coming from far away and said to his servant Gehazi, "Look, there's the Shunammite woman! ERV
Why treat this issue this seriously?
Many love to call themselves Prophets just because they see visions of the future or related experiences.
Can they “drink the cup” that Prophets drink?
Mar 10:37-38 “WE WANT TO SIT NEXT TO YOU WHEN YOU COME INTO YOUR GLORY,” they said, “one at your right hand and the other at your left.” Jesus said to them, “You don’t have a clue what you’re asking for! ARE YOU PREPARED TO DRINK FROM THE CUP OF SUFFERING THAT I AM ABOUT TO DRINK? And are you able to ENDURE the BAPTISM INTO DEATH that I am about to experience?” TPT
We like “seats of glory” and Labels of honour with engraved tags. We love to be seen as special with boisterous exploits in Ministry.
Apart from the error of pride, whatever honour you will receive as a Minister of the Gospel will have to remain within the scope of your own Ministry.
Rom 12:6-7 God’s marvelous grace IMPARTS TO EACH ONE OF US VARYING GIFTS AND MINISTRIES THAT ARE UNIQUELY OURS. So if God has given you the grace-gift of prophecy, you must activate your gift by using the proportion of faith you have to prophesy. If your grace-gift is serving, then thrive in serving others well. If you have the grace-gift of teaching, then be actively teaching and training others. GNB
There are GIFTS and then MINISTRIES.
If your CALLING is PROPHECY, go ahead, but you’ll definitely have the full experience and lifestyle of the Prophet.
But if it is a mere gift of Prophecy, use it along with your Ministry without tagging yourself as a Prophet. You will go into errors if you do.
Jer 29:9 They are prophesying lies to you and claiming my authority to do so. But I did not send them. I, the LORD, affirm it!’ NET
May God find us all in our individual place of Ministry when He comes, IN JESUS NAME.
Come back on Monday, for the last of this long but insightful Sub-Subtopic.
Keep Shinning!
Brother Prince
Friday, November 17, 2023
08055125517; 08023904307
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venusiangguk · 3 years
gold rush pt. 2 | jjk (m)
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>>pairing: jungkook x reader
>>genre: pwp, v little plot, smut, kinda fluffy, college au (kinda), established relationship
>>word count: 8.9k
>>warnings: romantic ass eating 😐, oral (m), fingering (m/f), butt stuff but it’s SEXY, explicit sex, crying, jungkook likes to be praised, soft koo, dom reader... but like soft, spitting in mouth, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, this is so soft, that good smut, literally like 7.5k of filth
>>notes: hot girls eat ass!! oc is a hot girl!! this involves butt stuff (just mouth and fingers, no pegging 😔), so if that isn’t ur cup of tea just read pt 1 again lol, i separated it this way in case there were people who weren’t down to go down... iykyk. but with that said, i encourage u to open ur eyes and ur mind and give this a chance 🤩
>>summary: jk finally lets you eat his ass 😁👍🏻
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 3
It’s day 6 of trying to get Jeongguk to let you eat his ass. It’s getting hard to function, and the sun doesn’t shine as bright as it used to. The week has been a rough one, filled with clenched butt cheeks, and fewer blow jobs than normal. You just can’t seem to stop yourself from wandering south when you’re down there, so you’ve lost the privilege. Constantly met with Jeongguk’s laughter filled eyes when he pulls you up to where you’re supposed to be, and a “You should not want to eat my ass this bad.”
He just doesn’t understand.
Currently you’re sat in the cafeteria with your friends, your eyes consistently roaming to a table across the large room. He’s laughing at something and his hands are clapping in front of him as he throws his head back. You rest your head on your arms, pouting, and you breathe a deep and miserable sigh.
“Alright y/n what the fuck?” Your friend Yuna says, flicking your cheeks.
Her speaking up causes a few of your other girlfriends at the table to direct their attention towards you. “Yeah, you’ve been like... pouty for the last few days. What’s going on?” Cho questions as well.
You debate keeping the silly internal struggle to yourself before giving in and stating plainly, “Gguk won’t let me eat his ass.” You blow absently at a piece of hair that falls into your face, eyes crossing as you look at it. Next to you, Jiwoo chokes on the zero cal drink that she’s been sipping.
Yuna stares at you blankly for a moment before recovering. “That’s... well that’s a predicament.” She hums in thought. “Does he actually not want to or is he just being shy and stubborn?”
“Second one.” You say. You’ve known your boyfriend for years and you’ve definitely learned how to tell when he’s being serious and when he’s just being stubborn. If you really thought he wasn’t about it you would have dropped it. But you know Jeongguk’s just being difficult because he thinks it’s funny to make you pine, and actually has at least some curiosity about the act. He just won’t admit it.
“Minjun was the same way,” Cho nods in solidarity. “But he likes it now.”
“How’d you get him to change his mind?” You ask perking up. A beacon of hope.
“We watched porn of it together.”
“That’s how I discovered it!” You gasp.
You pull your phone out to text your boyfriend.
minjun let’s cho eat his ass 🥺
You watch Jeongguk from across the room and see the moment he receives the text. He searches the lunch room before his eyes land on yours and he let’s out an incredulous harsh laugh, before shaking his head slightly to himself. You glance at your phone and see the text bubble appear in your messages.
koo 🥴:
maybe he’ll let you eat it too 🥺
You gape at your phone and look at your boyfriend only to see him talking to his friends again. He gives you a side glance and you see his smile grow bigger as he tries to ignore you.
Jeongguk’s sitting at his lunch table picking at the food in front of him listening as Jimin rambles about the not-so-great grade he got on his latest science test. “Why the fuck do I need to know that the sun will make it too hot for life to exist on earth in a couple billion years? Not only will I be dead, but that is just anxiety inducing.”
His phone that’s vibrating on the table catches his attention, a picture message from you on the home screen. He gets a little excited at the sheer potential that a picture message has and opens it eagerly. Sure the chances of getting a titty pic when it’s mid-day and you’re both in the middle of a lunch cafeteria are small... but they are never zero.
When he opens the message and sees the picture, he laughs loudly before clapping his hand over his mouth to quiet himself.
baby 🥺💘😏🧠🙄👊🏻:
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He’s about to respond when Taehyung says, “Alright, you can’t keep laughing at your phone and not tell us what’s so funny.”
Jeongguk looks at the couple in front of him a trace of a smile still lingers on his lips. He shows them what you sent. “Y/n wants to eat my ass so bad.” He laughs to himself, going back to his phone.
“Are you not letting her?” Jimin asks.
Jeongguk sets his phone to the side before he gets to respond. It’s clear his friends are ready to have a conversation about it. “I don’t think so.”
Jimin and Taehyung look at each other and smirk. “Why not? It feels really good.”
He looks between them silently before asking, “You’ve done it?” He receives two nods.
“This one’s a real ass-muncher.” Taehyung says jerking a thumb at his boyfriend. Jimin swats at him.
“He says like that like its a bad thing and like he doesn’t cum from just my mouth and my fingers.” Jimin rolls his eyes.
Jeongguk tenses and turns a little red. A little tremor of heat coursing through his body at the thought of feeling so good that he could cum without even having a hand around himself. “Just from that? No dick touching? Is that even possible?”
“Oh to be straight and oblivious to the wonders of butt stuff.” Jimin pouts at him like he feels bad for him.
Taehyung on the other hand is a bit more helpful. He pops a fry in his mouth and talks with his mouth full, “It’s possible. We have like a button in our ass that’s like... magic. You know what a prostate is right?”
Jeongguk scoffs. “Obviously.”
“Okay well let her put her fingers and tongue in your ass then, if you know so much about it. Have you eaten hers?”
“Yeah I’ve had my tongue in every crevice of that girls body.” He’s nodding and smiling like he’s proud. He glances at you, and he sees you huddled next to your friend, looking closely at something on her phone, your long hair falling like a curtain over your shoulder, some pooling on the table. You look so pretty. You feel his stare, and look at him. Your smile is soft, and your lips pucker in a little kiss. Chuu.
“Right,” Jimin says bringing Jeongguk back to the topic at hand, “Well if she let you, and you’re open to it you should let her... like it will actually feel better for you than it probably did for her.” Jeongguk looks like he’s about to defend his honor and sex skills, before Jimin cuts him off, “Not saying you didn’t do it right or whatever. It’s just that guys are like programmed to like it... like biologically or- something.”
“Or something.” Jeongguk repeats.
“Why don’t you want to in the first place? Is it because you think it’s gay?” Taehyung asks laughing, knowing that that’s not why.
Jeongguk gives him a bored deadpanned stare. “No. Maybe it’s because I shit out of my ass and don’t want her mouth near it? She’s perfect, she doesn’t deserve that.”
Jimin cackles. “Well it’s not like you just let her go for it! You have to prepare.”
Jeongguk sits and listens as his friends give him nothing less than a full comprehensive lecture on the logistics of ass eating and ass getting ate. Ass 101. He’s still unsure but hearing from guys who have actually done it and enjoyed it makes him feel a bit more open and curious. It has him pulling out his phone and tentatively typing out a text to you, finally replying to the picture you sent.
i’m thinking about it
He watches you, waiting for the text to get to you. He smiles when he sees you get excited at seeing his name on your home screen, something warm blossoming in his chest. He struggles to keep his face straight when he sees your head whip up, looking at him wide-eyed like you can’t believe what he just texted you. His fingers wiggle in a small wave, and the biggest smile slowly crawls across your face. He receives one last message before lunch ends.
baby 🥺💘😏🧠🙄👊🏻:
say less, sir 🤤
Jeongguk lays on his back patiently, looking down at you below him while you take your time planting soft kisses all the way down his body. He was in a quite docile mood considering all the pestering you’ve put him through the past few days. And despite what you both knew you had planned for him. Something he claimed to be nervous about, but you supposed one could be nervous and excited and pliant all at once.
When you take one of his nipples into your mouth he lets out a soft “oh...” his hands flying up like he wants to wrap them in your hair, hold you there till he’s pleased, but he catches himself when his arms are halfway raised. He brings them back down by his sides, fists the sheets like he’s holding himself back, like he wants to be good for you. As you lick and suck on the paired nipple, feeling it pebble in your mouth, you watch  Jeongguk’s mouth fall open silently while his eyebrows furrow and a wrinkle of pleasure forms between them. His cock is steadily going from warm and plump to hot and hard and leaking, you can feel it twitch against your lower belly.
He opens his eyes to watch you and you can see his pupils are blown and you smile up at him, a tiny bud still pulled between your teeth and Jeongguk whines. A high pitch needy, breathy noise falls from his lips before he pulls his bottom one between his teeth. His head turns to the side, baring his neck in subconscious submission, and God. He doesn’t get like this often but when he does? He is the prettiest sight.
Heat pools in your belly and your panties are already sticking to your bottom half. You hum before moving your ministrations to his torso, soft wet open mouth kisses being placed any and everywhere, prolonged ones on each of his abs. He works so hard for his body, his physique. It’s something he does for himself, but you feel lucky that you get to see him like this in all of his glory.
“Thank you.” You say as you place a kiss on the tattoo he has on his hip bone.
He hums, “For what?”
“For letting me see you like this,” You finally wrap a hand around his cock. You bite your lip when you feel it jump in your palm, “For letting me explore today. You’re so sexy, and so lovely, and so perfect. You work so hard, baby.” Kisses, so many kisses planted over his groin area, but never where he wants it most.
He huffs and you can see a flush from embarrassment darken the already present flush of arousal, due to the praise and mention of exploring. He squirms in your hold, not wanting to talk, probably wishing you would just get on with it already. Surely you can feel him throbbing in your hand, right?
Finally, you bring your lips to his frenulum and place the softest kitten lick to it and Jeongguk positively keens in your hold. You stroke his cock, squeezing on the upstroke to watch a bead of precum well at the top. It glistens, shiny and clear, at the pink head. You wrap your lips around the tip fully, lapping and swirling your tongue over it, humming at the heady, slightly bitter taste on your tongue. It’s not particularly pleasant per se but it’s sexy. The fact you get him so worked up that his cock can’t help but leak, so worked up that he can’t help the soft little whines that fall from his lips; the fact that he gets so turned on and hard and wet just from a few of your kisses and licks makes you moan with his cock in your mouth, thighs squeezing together for some type of pressure and relief.
You pop off with a harsh suck. “I can’t wait to taste you.” You groan, licking a broad stripe up his cock with the flat of your tongue.
He grumbles quietly shifting, sort of like he’s antsy and frustrated. He knows what you mean and he knows you don’t mean his cock that you just had in your mouth.
“What was that?” You ask through a smile, nipping at his hip with your teeth.
“Can you stop talking about it and just suck my dick so I can forget you’re even gonna do that?” He rolls his eyes and pouts down at you with a tiny scowl on his face.
“Oh baby,” You laugh, not patronizingly, but there is a little bit of a teasing lilt to your voice, “Are you still embarrassed?”
He doesn’t answer, just scowls harder if that was even possible.
You move away from his cock, and up his body. His eyes reflect panic and his hands finally move from the sheets to press on your shoulders, trying to keep you in place. “No, stay,” he whines.
You laugh again pushing against his hold before finally settling half on his chest. You rest a leg over his thigh, keeping your body close and pressed to his. You look into his big brown doe eyes that are slightly glassy from all the teasing. You can see some apprehension and nervousness swimming in them as you place a hand on his cheek, stroking softly. He closes his eyes and nuzzles into your palm before his hand comes up to hold your wrist, to just touch some more. His other hand runs up and down your body that’s resting half on top of him, tickling slightly like your the one that needs attention. He kisses your hand that’s on his cheek softly before looking at you again.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” You say quietly, thumb brushing over his cheek bone.
His eyes fall closed again and you can see his brow furrow once more, though this time it isn’t out of pleasure it’s because he’s thinking. Despite all the playful teasing and pestering and banter, you’ve always made sure to check that he was actually okay with you going down there. And, yeah, he was nervous but after talking about it seriously and doing some research together he always said he was fine with it. But you know things can change in the moment and you just want to double check, make sure that he still feels that way.
You hum in question gently, prompting a response.
He huffs, tightening his grip on your wrist, a nervous gesture. His eyes are still closed when he quietly says, “No I just... I- I’m not like backing out...”
“You can though.” You interrupt.
His eyes open quickly, and he shakes his head. “No, no I want to I just...” His voice starts off strong but tappers into a softer tone. “I want to I just feel a bit like... weird.”
Your brow furrows this time. “Why, baby?”
“I feel like I shouldn’t want you to.” He doesn’t meet your eyes and you can feel his cheek heat up in your palm.
Ahhhh, you think. Although you talked and teased about the topic, you realize that while Jeongguk agreed (whilst impishly feigning a faux diswant on principle) you never realized that the lighthearted “You shouldn’t want to eat my ass this bad” remarks may have stemmed from something serious, and weren’t just playful protests.
“Why do you feel that way?” You press gently.
His eyes flicker to you and then to your mouth, then back to something (nothing) off to the side. He has a small not-so-amused smile on his lips when he says, “It’s kinda taboo isn’t it?”
You can’t help but giggle at the word he used. Taboo. Out of all the things you guys have done, this is what he chooses to get shy about. Sweet boy.
“Not any more tabooo than you wanting to eat my ass, or fuck my ass.” You hum at him, stretching out the word in a teasing manner, making him look at you. You smile at him before continuing, “Or you like slapping me, or me gagging you with my panties, or-“
“Okay okay! I get it.” He laughs and places a kiss to your lips to get them to stop moving.
You beam, glad to see he’s a bit more relaxed. The boner however, is definitely gone, but that can be fixed.
“I’m not trying to convince you though.” You emphasize, “I only want to if you want to.”
He nods, softly smiling at you. “I want to.”
A salacious grin takes over your face and you sigh softly into his ear before whispering, “Perfect... I’m going to make you feel so good baby, make you feel so good with my tongue. Get you all whiny and red and sweaty. Maybe your legs will start to shake from how good it feels? Do you want that, Jeongguk?” You nip at his ear lobe as you feel a slight tremor run through his body. Your hips subtly roll against the side of his body, seeking any friction at this point. You feel him nod. “Maybe if you like my mouth enough we can use fingers when you’re ready baby.” You hear him suck in a sharp breath and slowly let it out on a shaky exhale. You grin and place a kiss to his temple before continuing. “Get them inside of you to find that spot that will really set you off. The spot that will make you cum for me. Wouldn’t that feel so good baby?”
He nods again and you can feel the hand that has been running up and down your back throughout the conversation grip at your ass roughly.
“Say it baby, I wanna hear you.”
He whines and struggles against the hand on his face that is now gripping his jaw, still putting up a little bit of a fight about wanting something he considers “taboo”. But he gives in easily enough when he realizes you won’t continue until you get more confirmation that he genuinely wants this, and is excited to have it.
“It’s gonna feel so good y/n. God, you’re gonna make me feel so good.” He’s shy when he says it, but he’s almost panting as well. At last, he’s giving in and admitting to himself that this is something that will feel good and is okay to want.
He grips your face and kisses you. It starts slow and tentative but quickly manifests into a kiss that is deep and hard, one that is full of lust and neediness. He bites at your lip needing to release some of the pent up frustration but at your whine of pain he licks over it apologetically, placing softer kisses instead for a moment before he rests his forehead against yours, both your breathing is ragged for a minute until he speaks up.
“Please y/n. I’m so hard.” He pleads in a soft whisper.
You take a second and look down between your bodies and sure enough, his cock has returned to full hardness, and your mouth waters seeing even more precum welling at the tip than before.
“I’m gonna suck it.”
“Please do.” Jeongguk laughs as you move down his body, but the laugh goes high pitched and breathy when you take him down your throat immediately.
“Fuck...” he sighs, his head falling back and eyes fluttering.
You pull off and close your eyes, relishing in the fact that you can make him feel like this. Grinning against his cock you place a kitten kiss to the shaft. “Good baby?”
He nods his head. “Yes yes, please keep going.”
You hum against the head causing Jeongguk to exhale sharply, hips twitching due to the vibrations. He’s so sensitive and you crave the reactions you pull from him. Whether they’re the soft noises and the small twitches or the loud moans and jerking muscles, they are all equally loved and desired.
Quickly you pull off and reach up placing your hand under his mouth, before he can protest at you pausing again. Maybe you’re being a little mean, but he sounds so pretty when he’s desperate and you just can’t help yourself.
“Spit.” You instruct.
You see him work his jaw, sharp edges protruding here and there while he gathers some in his mouth before spitting it into your hand. You peck a nipple on the way back down to his cock wrapping the spit filled hand around him. You see him watching you and you hold eye contact as you gather some of your own and let it drool from your mouth landing on the tip of his cock. You swear you see his eyes go impossibly darker, his jaw clenching, hands turning to fists in the sheets beneath you both.
When you stroke, mixing everything, his eyes close and he lets out a breath through his nose as he rests back and gets a little more comfortable. It’s not too messy, just the perfect amount of wetness for the glide to be slick and pleasing for him. You tighten your grip and twist under the head watching as the muscles in his stomach and thighs tense, a soft grunt draws your gaze to his face.
“Yeah... like that...” he whispers. He’s just barely rocking his hips into your hands, trying to be subtle while also trying to chase the feeling.
You speed up your hand, keeping up the movements he likes while adding your tongue to flick at the underside of his head. You glance at him and find him watching you again, a fucked out look on his face, mouth slightly parted and a bead of sweat running down his temple. Slowly you sink down watching him till you can’t anymore, burying the tip of your nose in the soft patch of neatly kept hair at the base of his cock. When you feel him hit the back of your throat you contract it and shake your head from side to side and finally, finally you pull out one of his loud and unrestrained moans. It goes straight to your pussy, making it feel like it’s pulsing in your panties.
You come up for a breath before you stay down as long as you can repeating the same actions that pulled the lovely moans from his throat and you continue to hear them as you feel him start to sink his hips, almost like he’s overwhelmed and trying to pull away from how good it feels, like he can’t handle how how good it feels.
In your peripheral vision you can see his hands twitching like he’s fighting with himself before he gives in and sinks them into your hair, pulling slightly before pushing your head down and bringing his hips back up. He’s not fucking your face, but he let’s his cock sink as far back as it can and let’s you work your throat around him, lets himself get overwhelmed instead of pulling away from the feeling like he was before.  
Jeongguk was a head pusher in every sense of the term. Some people hated when their partners did that, but you loved it. You loved it because Jeongguk was different from most head pushers. He had variety. Sometimes he liked pushing your head down and holding you there to choke you and watch tears form in your eyes, to watch your makeup run while you struggled to breathe. Sometimes he did it in a face-fucking way, his hips jackhammering while he moved your head up and down just the way he wanted it. This time though, he held your head down in a begging way. In a way that said “Oh god please, please don’t stop, it feels so fucking good, please stay there forever”.
Jeongguk is whimpering above you and you hum and moan loudly sending strong vibrations up your throat and down his cock and he’s thrashing, throwing his head back, grip in your hair tightening, a pleasant pain on your scalp.
“Oh my fucking god,” He groans, neck extended and his eyes squeezed shut.
His whole body is burning when you bring a hand down to massage his balls while still moving your throat against his tip and then all of a sudden he tenses and stills before he’s pulling you off, frantically chanting “Stop it, stop it.”
At lightening speed you grip the base of his cock, squeezing, trying to keep his orgasm at bay. Jeongguk’s whole body jerks with his cock, but no cum leaks out, only precum and spit making a mess on his angry, swollen cock. He relaxes back for a moment, cock still jumping, chest rising and falling as he catches his breath and you do the same and after you slowly release the hold you have on his cock you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand.
Suddenly your world is blurry and you’re quickly being pulled to his chest and smothered with his hands on your cheeks, and his lips everywhere they can reach.
“God. You’re so good, so so good y/n. So perfect, make me feel so good baby. How do you do it?” He praises you between kisses and you giggle, gently pawing at his chest to get him to stop or at least slow down.
He does and you take a second to look at him. And he’s glowing. His eyes are shining, like he was close to tears and his cheeks are flushed. His sweaty hair sticks to his forehead in places while the longer pieces are fanned out on the pillow underneath him. And his smile. He’s beaming and you are so in love.
You bring a hand up and brush some sweaty strands back off his face. His eyes close and he pushes into the touch like a kitten wanting pets. He sighs contentedly.
“You’re so beautiful, Jeongguk. So pretty.” You whisper, placing a kiss to his forehead.
You bring your hand down from his hair and cradle his cheek, running your thumb over his plump, red bottom lip. You can see faint teeth marks underneath it from where he was biting it. His eyelashes flutter on his cheek as his eyes close and he sighs quietly before he nibbles on the fingertip with his front teeth and then takes the whole thing into his mouth, sucking on it. You gasp quietly, and apply light pressure pushing down on the wetness of his tongue prying his mouth open and he just lets you.
Your lips find his, and you dip your tongue into his open mouth before your hand moves to his jaw to keep it agape and you fuck your tongue into it.
“This is how my tongue is gonna fuck you...” you whisper.
He whines high and needy, and his hands move to cup your cheeks. You moan before settling over him more comfortably and pushing your soaked panties to the side before wiggling till his cock is settled between your lips.
The night was supposed to be about him, but you need something before you lose it. You move your hips in small little thrusts, the length of his cock rubbing deliciously over you clit. You both gasp into each others mouths. The hands on your ass encourage you, pressing into your cheeks and the small of your back whenever you thrust forward, and the thumbs on your hips push when you grind back.
“Holy fuck you’re so wet.” He’s says it like he’s in awe, like he can’t believe it. Like he hasn’t made you this way so many times before.
You rest your forehead on his while continuing to grind on his cock. “Love you like this...” You grip his jaw again and pry it open, even though you know he would open willingly if you just asked. You look in his eyes searching, before you feel him nod in your hold. You lean forward over his mouth and let some spit fall into it, he moans while he eagerly drinks it down.
His grip on your hips tightens and you feel his cock jerk against your clit, but he’s good. He doesn’t cum.
“I love it too... just not all the time... it’s- a lot. Overwhelming.” He whispers, and you coo.
“I know baby, you’re doing so well. Color?” You ask.
“Green.” He answers without hesitation.
You smile and kiss him. “Wanna keep going?”
He flushes when he nods his head. “Please.”
Once again you find yourself between Jeongguk’s legs. You play with his cock a little before smoothing your hands under his thighs, trying to gently push them up and back but he whines and resists.
“You have to let me see baby.” You say, a smile in your voice.
Jeongguk squeezes his eyes shut and takes a deep breath before slowly letting his legs fall apart.
You hum, before saying, “Hand me a pillow please.”
He’s confused but does as you ask, understanding when you tap the side of his cheek with instructions to lift his hips, pillow settling underneath his ass and lower back, propping them up a little.
You settle back down on your tummy, and open his legs again. Jeongguk says nothing but you can feel his body shaking a little with a constant tremor. He takes a deep breath settling back into the pillow he placed behind his head so he can watch what you do next.
“Ready?” You ask, hands gripping at the meaty inside parts of his thighs. You get a stiff nod, but still no noises. You pout but get started by running your tongue flat over his balls, hoping to ease him into it.
You feel his thighs tense, as you lap at the hairless balls, sucking them into your mouth every once in a while. Your eyes constantly flicker to Jeongguk’s face to make sure there’s nothing wrong, but all you see is pleasure on his face while he breathes out in soft little puffs through his nose. His eyes are hooded and his lip is drawn between his teeth.
You hold his heady gaze and you place your first little lick on his perineum. At the contact, his head falls back, mouth hanging open. You wiggle closer to place a kiss to the area, transitioning to quick little flicks of your tongue and Jeongguk moans, and you watch as he spreads a bit more, lifting his feet so his knees are pulled closer to his chest, giving you easier access. You moan at his eagerness, and have to stop for a minute, putting a hand between your legs to just press on your center for some kind of relief.
His eyes are still closed, like he doesn’t want to see you between his legs licking at his most private area, but his quiet whining and restless shifting is enough to let you know that he’s okay and enjoying it.
You bring your hands up and place one on each of his cheeks, squeezing a little, admiring the soft give of his muscles. He’s so plush. You apply pressure so his legs fall farther back and then spread him apart. You bite your lip and your mouth waters at the thought of how good your going to make him feel.
Tentatively you poke your tongue out and trace it around the little ring of muscle. He gasps and tries to clench and close his legs but you hold them in place.
“It’s okay baby.”
“‘S weird...” He mumbles.
“I know. Just try to relax for me, okay?”
You hear him take a few deep breaths before you feel his body shake with a nod. His legs fall open again and you make quick work of his hole, placing your tongue flat over it, dragging all the way up to where his balls meet his perineum.
“Ohhh,” He breathes out.
You take that as a good sign before getting a bit rougher with your actions, less of the tentative licks and more of some tight sucking and quick flicking. He’s doing so well and you can hear him moaning above you. His cock is so hard and swollen on his belly, neglected and leaking.
“Pull your legs back baby.”
He opens his eyes and they are unfocused. It takes him a second to process what you asked him to do, but once he does he moves quickly. He has a hazy look in his eyes, his mouth in parted slightly, and his tongue peaks out to wet his lips as he gets comfortable in the new position.
“Watch me?” You plead, while licking over his hole again, eyes not leaving him waiting for a response.
His eyes close for just a moment and a wrinkle of pleasure forms between his brows and his cock jumps, a little spurt of precum oozing out. He inhales and opens his eyes on the exhale, breathing out a small “Okay.”
Once you start to figure out what he likes and what makes him happy, all you hear is the steadily getting louder pleased noises falling from his lips. You point your tongue and gently push past the tight ring of muscles and Jeongguk sobs. He brings a hand to his face and rubs over it, before throwing his arm over his face, hiding because he’s so overwhelmed. To your surprise he starts to gently rock against your tongue.
“Oh my god you’re so hot Jeongguk,” You moan.
“Don’t stop,” He begs. He sounds close to tears.
“Touch yourself, baby.”
You wait until you see his hand wrap around his cock giving himself a few slow strokes, wet eyes on you, waiting for you to keep going.
As soon as your mouth meets him again, his hand he has on his cock starts moving faster, almost frantically over his length and his hips are stuttering like he doesn’t know if he wants to fuck his hand or if he wants to fuck himself back onto your tongue. You decide for him and hold his hips close to your face, sucking repeatedly on the ring of fluttering muscle.
Jeongguk gasps, “I’m close, I wanna cum y/n- Please, I-“ His head falls back and his hand doesn’t slow.
You give your hum of approval against his hole, and watch him fall apart.
His head is thrown back and he’s so sweaty from working so hard for his release. His chest rises and falls in quick staccato breaths, and his free hand goes up to a nipple, lightly rubbing his thumb over it and he keens, before he goes silent, whole body stuttering and he chokes out nothing more than a quick, quiet “Cumming” before his cock pulses and shoots out 1, 2, 3 stripes of white, the rest dribbling down his length and over his fingers. His body almost convulses from the pleasure coursing through his veins. He keeps stroking, and he lets you keep licking until he squirms, uncomfortable from the overstimulation.
You wipe your mouth and immediately make your way up to his face, straddling his hips. You don’t care about the cum, but you’re carful to avoid his sensitive cock, which is a little deflated but still laying somewhat hard on his tummy. You’re both out of breath when you slam your lips against his so it’s more gasping into each other’s mouths while your lips occasionally meet before you need a breath again. But you’re desperate to show him how good he did.
You pull back and grip his face in your hands. His hands hold your wrists, like he’s keeping them in place on his cheeks. He’s still catching his breath with his eyes closed, but you want him to see how proud you are.
“Jeongguk, look at me.”
He does and his eyes are glassy and wet and his eyelashes are clumped together with unshed tears. He offers you a sheepish smile.
“You did so good baby. So fucking good. I love you.” You pepper kisses over his face.
He laughs breathlessly, “Didn’t get to your fingers...”
You laugh with him quietly. “That’s okay baby, we can do that next time. You were perfect.” You take a deep breath and collapse on top of him, resting your face in the crook of his neck, smiling while leaving small lovebites all over.
After a minute or so though, you feel him start to get restless underneath you.
“What is it baby?” You ask not really moving much.
He mumbles something into the top of your head.
“Huh?” You say sitting up to look at him.
He looks kinda petulant for someone who just came so hard it hit their neck.
He mumbles again.
“Koo. Words.”
He blushes and scowls looking away from you but the hands settled on your hips rub small circles into your hip bones, showing he’s not actually mad and most likely just being a brat.
“I want them now.” It’s quiet and pouty, but at least you understand him this time.
Your mouth opens in understanding but your eyebrows raise in surprise. You look over your shoulder and down to see his cock still laying plump and hard on his stomach in a little puddle of cum.
“Are you sure? We don’t have to, I know we said that was the plan but we can always do it ano-“
He grabs the back of your neck pulls you down to kiss you deep and slow, his tongue finding it’s way into your mouth. When he speaks again it’s soft against your lips.
“Please y/n... it felt so good,” A tiny peck is given as your noses touch.
You exhale a shaky breath, “Yeah, okay. If that’s what you want.”
He kisses you deeply again, but positions you over his cock so he can rut up into your pussy.
“Can’t you feel how bad I want it?” He whispers against your lips. He nips at the bottom one while smiling before pulling away and settling against the pillows again, looking at you expectantly once he gets comfortable.
You roll your eyes playfully. “Big words coming from someone who claimed they didn’t even want this like an hour ago.” You smile down at him, eyes sparkling.
He snickers. He breathes a deep sigh before settling back even more. “Yeah. That was before I came so hard that I almost blacked out.” His hands are behind his head and his eyes are closed like he’s reminiscing about a distant memory, a smug smile on his lips.
“You switch from being my baby to a pain so fast.” You pout as you settle once again between Jeongguk’s legs.
He parts them with a hum. “Still your baby... just- make me feel good please, I’m like so hard- throbbing.”
You suck on your fingers a little bit to get them wet before circling one around the ring of muscles. You don’t miss the tiny gasp, or the way his legs subconsciously part even wider.
“I don’t think it’s gonna feel the best at first....” You warn, applying the slightest pressure to his hole, before going back to circling it. “Hand me the lube on the nightstand please.”
Jeongguk obliges before he says, “I know just... go slow.” He sounds just a little bit nervous.
You give a quick nod while you open up Jeongguk’s half empty bottle of lube and drizzle some onto your fingers, lathering it over them to warm it some before getting them into position.
“Do you think about me when you use this?” you ask still running your slick fingers over him.
He nods and licks his lips subconsciously. “Mhmm sometimes.”
You fake gasp and bite at his knee by your side. You’re sitting crisscross applesauce in between his legs. “Only sometimes?”
“I watch porn too,” He giggles breathlessly. “Sometimes I look for girls that look like you though, if that helps.”
“It does not.” You say indignantly, only half joking.
He brings his foot up and lightly kicks at your leg. “You watch porn too that’s literally why we are in this mess right now. We watched it together.”
You full on laugh at that. He has a point. “Okay enough, hush and relax baby.”
You weren’t sure if it was better to warn Jeongguk, or just slowly ease him into it without saying anything. If you warned him you knew he would tense up and it would just make it harder on his body, but you also didn’t want to take him by surprise either.
You must have just been circling his rim for a minute because Jeongguk huffs before asking, “Are you gonna like... put it in or...?”
You take that as a go, and peck the inside of his thigh a preemptive apology because you knew it was going to hurt a little. Jeongguk had prepped you for the times you tried anal with him and you vividly remember the sting before it became bearable. Your hands and fingers were much smaller than his, and certainly much smaller than his cock, so you are hoping the pain isn’t too horrible and ends quickly.
Oh so slowly you start to sink your middle finger inside of him. He sucks in a breath through his teeth and when you flick your eyes up to look at him you can see his eyes squeezed shut tightly and his jaw clenched.
“I’m sorry are you okay? Does it hurt?”
He shakes his head. “Doesn’t really hurt yet, it’s just uncomfortable... Keep going.”
You nod softly before you resume what you were doing, and once you get down to your last knuckle, you wiggle your finger around inside for a second like you had seen in the porn that you and him watched together, hoping to stretch him out some.
Above you Jeongguk is taking shallow breaths the sort of sound like they are getting a little higher pitched at the end, and he shifts and wiggles a bit because of the foreign feeling. You glance at his cock and see that’s its gone just a little soft.
“Touching yourself might help you relax a little bit and it might make it feel a little bit better.” You suggest lightly.
Jeongguk doesn’t say anything but he does as he’s told, slowly stroking his cock back to it’s full length.
“That’s it, good boy. I can feel you’re less tense already.” You praise, and you start to move your finger in and out. It’s tight, but there’s a lot less resistance. You move them just a bit faster and focus on Jeongguk’s reactions.
His hand has started to move a bit faster over his cock, and his mouth is parted and his eyes are closed, like he’s lost in the feeling. There’s a flush on his face that has travelled all the way down his chest. Soft moans fall from his lips occasionally, although you can’t tell if that’s from you or him touching himself.
“Does it feel good?” You ask, genuinely curious.
“It feels…” He pauses like he’s unsure. “It feels… nice. I think.”
You snort. “You think?”
He laughs a little breathless, hand still stroking over his cock. “I mean it’s weird. But it’s not unpleasant. I could probably cum if I kept touching my dick.”
“Don’t cum, I haven’t found your button yet.” Your eyebrows furrow, determination set on your face.
“I do not have a button.” He says absently.
“You do. I’m gonna do the second one kay?”
“I don’t and okay.”
You ignore him and grab the lube again, adding a bit more. Your fingers find their place and as they start to sink in, Jeongguk sucks a sharp breath through his teeth, and goes rigid. You wince.
“Hurts…” He says quietly.
“I’m sorry baby.” You rub your free hand over his thigh, trying to comfort him. You give him a moment, he takes a few breaths before saying to keep going.
It takes a little bit but eventually you get both fingers in. Jeongguk isn’t feeling good yet, teeth grinding, body tense, and hands fisted in the sheets trying to ground himself, but you are determined to make it good for him. You get on your stomach and add your tongue to your fingers as you start to pull them out just to push them back in. The lube doesn’t taste very good, but the way that Jeongguk’s breath hitches when he feels your mouth on him again makes up for it.
“I- I love that.” He says, voice airy and soft as he turns his head to the side and into his shoulder like he’s trying to hide.
“Mmm, starting to feel good now baby?” You ask, flicking your tongue while your fingers start to sink in easily.
“Yeah, ‘s good…” He mumbles.
Once you’re sure that there’s no pain at all for Jeongguk, you start to crook your fingers inside of him on every thrust in trying to find that secret spot of his. Jeongguk sounds lovely while you’re searching, but the way he sounds when you finally hit it is like nothing you’ve heard from him before. It’s like he gets punched in the gut and looses his breath, a moan getting caught in his throat for a moment before he exhales a high pitched whine. You didn’t get to see it, too focused, but you know his eyes rolled back.
“There,” he breathes.
You moan as you rest your head against his thigh, focusing on your attention on your fingers and hitting that spot every time you move them inside of him. Each time you hit it sweet moans are punched out, or quiet affirmations are whispered. “Yes, please, more…”.
He has that look of pleasure on his face, the scrunched eyebrows, the parted mouth. He’s fidgety, and fussy like he just wants more but doesn’t know how to get it. He huffs, annoyed, before he starts to push back on your fingers.
“God… you’re so desperate for it,” You whisper completely captivated by how much pleasure Jeongguk looks like he’s in.
He doesn’t acknowledge you. Until you start to put a constant pressure on his prostate, rubbing.
“Oh fuck- I-“ He looks down to where your fingers are like he can’t believe the way they are making him feel before he throws his head back and let’s out a deep groan.
He lets you make him feel good, let’s the pleasure build up in his body until you start to feel him tense. His whines start to come out more frequently, almost constant moans filling the air. So noisy. His legs open more and you see how his toes curl in the sheets.
“Oh my god I think I’m gonna cum,” It’s said breathlessly, almost confused. Like he didn’t think that he would actually be able to cum just from your fingers inside of him, hands still at his sides fisted in the sheets.
“Yeah baby?” You ask, voice airy.
He nods, tongue poking out of his mouth like he’s concentrating.
Your arm hurts, but you keep thrusting and rubbing over that spot inside of him. His muscles are strained, and next to your body, you can see his legs start to tremble. His breathing is fast and short. His cock is fat and swollen laying in a puddle of precum, it looks like it hurts with how red it is. You take you other hand and start to rub on his perineum, stimulating him on the outside as well as the inside and that’s when he loses it.
He let’s out a choked cry before his body jerks up, curling in on itself. “Oh fuck I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming-“
You don’t let up, an awestruck smiling forming on your face as you watch Jeongguk fall apart on your fingers. He’s so tight around them, it’s like his body is begging you not to stop, keeping you in place. He feels like every hair on his body is standing on end and like his skin is overly receptive and sensitive to every little thing. Wave after wave of ecstasy is flowing over him. His whole body trembles, yet his cock doesn’t jerk like with his other orgasm. This time it just pulses flat on his stomach, cum leaking out of the tip adding to the mess that was already there. With every pulse of his cock, Jeongguk’s body curls more, back raise off the bed, abs flexed due to the strain on his core. The look on his face is one of indescribable pleasure. It’s obscene. After the final pulse of his cock, he falls back, absolutely spent.
Your fingers slowly come to a stop, and you carefully remove them from him and wipe them on the bed before you crawl over his thigh and flop down by his side. You peck his cheek, staying quiet this time, not wanting to overwhelm him. He’s still has tremors running through his body when he turns his head to look at you. His chest is heaving and his eyes are droopy, but there’s a sleepy smile on his lips. He curls onto his side so you guys are facing each other.
The silence is thick and heavy but not in a suffocating way. More so in a comforting way. The atmosphere feels like you both are wrapped in a weighted blanket, just relishing in the warm afterglow of what you did together.
You wiggle closer, hook a thigh over his hip. “How was it? Did you like it?” You don’t know why but you sound shy, kinda nervous.
He simply nods, a soft smile on his face as he brushes some hair behind your ear, hand coming to rest on your cheek for just a few seconds before it’s sliding down your arm, down your hip, playing with lacy top of your panties. He bumps noses with you, breathing in your exhales before he closes his eyes and fits his lips between yours. His hand slips into your panties.
You open easily for him, angling yourself mostly on your back so it’s easier for him to reach where you want him most. He sighs into your mouth when he feels how wet you are. He dips between your lips and you gasp, hand going down to grip at his wrist willing him not to tease, to not move his hand away.
“Don’t worry, I just wanna make you feel good baby.” He coos in your ear as his middle finger starts to rub slowly over your clit.
You let out soft whimpers at the slow pace that makes the fire in your belly curl and steadily grow.
“Jeongguk, I’m already close…” You warn.
“Mmm, that’s it baby. Want you to cum for me, like I came for you.” His finger speeds up some. “Fuck, you made me cum so hard y/n. Made me crazy. You always do.” He moans gently into your ear.
You nod, and your legs begin to tremble. “Don’t stop,” You beg, meaning both his fingers and his words.
“You wanna know what it felt like? You wanna know what you did to me?” He presses a touch harder, and nips are your cheek.
You nod again, subtly rocking your hips into his touch.
“You made me cum untouched y/n. Do you know how good you had to fuck me in order for that to happen? God, it was so intense, and I was just leaking so much the whole time. You did that to me baby, you made me feel that good. Fuck, I wanna make you feel that good too, please cum for me y/n. I know you’re close, I know your body just as well as you know mine.” He sounds desperate, just yearning to get you there. “I can tell by the way your legs are shaking, and the way you can’t stop whining my name. Sound so pretty baby, just for me. Your hand on my wrist is gripping so hard, like you can’t take what my fingers are doing to you. But you’re gonna take it and give me what I want right? Just like I gave you what you wanted, hmm?”
“Fuck, Jeongguk I’m cumming,” You cry, his words and his fingers making you shake and finally get the release that you’ve been putting off the whole night. Your thighs close over his hand but Jeongguk doesn’t let up, not until you’re cumming for the second time in a span of minutes.
“Please- I can’t-“ You squirm, and wiggle, until his fingers slow and finally slip form your panties. You sigh in bliss, body twitching as the last bits of your climax leave your body.
You turn back to your side and snuggle all the way against Jeongguk’s body, legs intertwining. Jeongguk runs his nails over your back, making little goosebumps sprout over your body. There’s a peaceful quiet coming over you, both tired from the events of the night. Jeongguk breaks it.
“Thank you for taking care of me.” It’s a timid statement, but you can hear how much he means it.  
You kiss softly over his heartbeat. “I always will.”
“Just please don’t ever ask to peg me.”
You simply hum. “Goodnight baby.”
i hope you liked it!! i’m thinking of writing a smutty drabble of when oc and jk watch the porn together 🤨 let me know if you would want to read that or anymore of this universe! comments, notes, and feedback are YEARNED for. my ask is also open if you want to request, share thoughts, or just talk
part 3 here!
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Walk Me Home - Ch 7
Summary: Twenty-four years ago, Kimberly Harper met a boy who changed the course of her entire life before up and leaving one night. She spent years moving past the memories, building a stable, satisfying career as professor of folklore and mythology at the local university. Then the accidents start, and she’s forced to seek help among her hunter contacts. All it takes is a knock on her office door to send Kimber’s carefully built emotional walls crumbling to the ground.
Featuring: Teen Winchesters, high school romance, reunions, misunderstandings, high intensity emotional turmoil, Dean’s love of pie, Dean being adorable, Sam being adorable and maybe a bit nosy eventually, much group adorkable-ness, show-style investigation, mention of our favorite werewolf, gratuitous and obvious love of fall, DID I MENTION ROMANCE, fluff, smut, tension. 
Warnings: Show level violence, show level parental neglect (let’s not John bash, I’m just saying), show-style witchcraft, show-level mental manipulation, stalking, bit of angst, sexual content (higher than show level),swearing, general yearning
Word Count: 3667
Author’s Note: All my love to @mskathywriteswords​ , @fangirlxwritesx67​, and @cracksinthewalls​ for so much of all the things. Thanks to everyone who read/reblogged/liked the first chapter. I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do. 
Keep in Mind: There are a lot of flashbacks. I tried to write current events in present tense and flashbacks in past tense. Here’s hoping I got everything right!
Please read/heed the warnings. 18+ ONLY. 
In Case You Missed It: Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 ItMightHaveBeenIntentional’s Masterlist
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Chapter 7
“A goddamned hex bag, Sam. I didn’t even see whoever it was. I was going to the bathroom, they tapped my shoulder and shoved it in my hand as I turned around. I was...it was…”
Kimber trails off, not ready to share what she saw while under the influence. She rubs circles on her temples, calming the dull throb that’s persisted ever since she woke up. Sam waits patiently for her to finish, giving her time to gather her thoughts.The motel room smells faintly of fries and coffee, and the shower hisses in the background as Kimber does her best to fill Sam in on her near-catastrophe. 
She and Dean had come straight back to the room after finding their way off the roof. Kimber headed right for the bathroom, cranking the shower up as hot as it would go to try and scrub some of the experience off, and Dean took the opportunity to check in with his brother. 
When Kimber emerged, feeling only slightly less violated but a little steadier on her feet, Dean ended his call with Sam with a stipulation that Sam let him know the second he found out anything at all helpful. Dean and Kimber had exchanged quick glances then before looking longingly at the bed.
“Nap?” Kimber asked hopefully. Dean didn’t bother answering verbally. He shucked his boots, flopped on the bed, and opened his arms in invitation. She joined him, and the two of them slept for nearly four hours until Sam knocked on the door with food and a disappointingly short report on his own morning’s work.
 Now Kimber is doing her best to bring him up to speed on their side, but for some reason, she keeps stopping short of telling him what her hallucination consisted of. She trusts Sam as she trusts his brother, but this is something she needs to talk to Dean about first. Preferably alone.
“I had very little control and was completely unaware of my actual surroundings. These are the most realistic hallucinations I’ve heard of from a hex bag. I’d say nearly on level with a djinn. This guy is good, Sam. And we’re not any closer.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” Sam counters, drumming his fingers on the table top. He leans forward, resting his forearm on the smooth surface. “We know Helen definitely didn’t fall. We know there weren’t any hex bags left at the scenes, but that doesn’t mean there weren’t any involved.”
He pauses to take a swig of water from his bottle, deliberating.
“We know he’s sneaky, know he can blend into a crowd without standing out. He may very well have been at some of your defense classes before but made an effort to not be noticed. We need to talk to your instructor, maybe some of the people in your class, see if anyone knows anything about him at all.”
“The class is in the campus rec center. I know the instructor’s name, but not her contact info. Class is tomorrow night, but we may be able to find her at the rec center before then.”
“Not ‘we.’ You’re staying here,” Dean says as he exits the bathroom. “After this morning, you’re staying right here until we end this son of a bitch.” 
Kimber’s temper flares at his commanding tone, and she bites back an acidic retort. She trusted Dean’s instincts all those years ago, and they most likely saved her life. Even in her hallucinogenic haze, she heard him and tried to listen. And she trusts him now, too.
But she’s tired and beyond stressed, and while she knows the day hasn’t treated Dean any better, he doesn’t have to be a dick.
“We’re not seventeen anymore, Dean. I’m not a naive little girl who needs to be bundled out of the way, and I sure as hell don’t take orders from you. Don’t think for one second that I’m staying out of this investigation. This is my life, and I’m in charge of it. Not you.”
Dean’s face darkens, the tendons in his neck flexing alarmingly as he opens his mouth to retort, but Sam cuts in before Dean gets a chance.
“Kimber,” Sam offers, ignoring when Dean’s glare shifts in his direction, “You know Dean is just worried about you. What if I go to the rec center, ask around. You could call ahead, explain why I’m coming, and then your instructor might be more willing to talk to me. Whoever the witch is, they’re probably expecting you to go to class at some point. It really would be safer if you stayed here.”
She grudgingly concedes that Sam’s plan is solid, a lot safer than her gallivanting around campus as if a psychopathic witch isn’t trying to kill her. She forces her brain to accept reason, expelling as much of her ire as she can with her next couple of breaths.
Sam stands, pushing back his chair and beginning to bag up the trash from their late lunch. Dean reaches for his jacket, but Sam puts out a hand, holding Dean’s eyes and shaking his head. Kimber doesn’t miss the muscle jumping just above Dean’s jaw or the way his expression softens fractionally when Sam’s eyes flick her way.
“Dean, maybe you should stay here, just in case. The witch probably doesn’t know where Kimber is, but we really can’t take that chance. She’ll be safer with you.”
Subtle, Sam, she thinks, sighing internally. Real subtle. 
To her surprise, however, Dean doesn’t argue. He grips the back of the cheap chair so hard that it squeaks in protest. His head dips down for a long pause, jaw and fingers flexing. When he resurfaces, his anger isn’t gone, but he is visibly more in control.
“You go, Sam. Kimber and I will regroup, see if she can remember anything else. I think we’re both pretty wiped from this morning, even after passing out. Is that okay?” 
Though the question is directed at Sam, his eyes move to Kimber, including her. She nods as Sam finishes gathering their take-out containers, offering Dean a conciliatory smile. The relief on Dean’s face dissolves what’s left of her irritation.
The sky outside is nearly dark when Sam leaves. Dean and Kimber sit on the two beds, facing each other in silence. They study each other for a long time, staring unashamedly as they search out reminders of the kids they once were, relics of the past that are now mixed with the scars their separate lives have carved with time and experience.
She can feel his gaze on her, heavy at first, and then as searching and tender as a lover’s caress. She wonders if he likes what he sees as much as he did twenty-four years ago. She hasn’t changed much, in her opinion, but, then, she’s not exactly an objective observer. Some lines, a little sag, some silver (which she actually likes). But all the main features are still there.
Kimber is the first to move. She slides to the side, tilting her head to indicate the empty spot next to her. Dean frowns, seemingly determined to keep his distance, and she shoots him a look of such utter exasperation that he actually cracks a smile for a second before he’s able to stop himself. 
“Fine,” he growls. He shoves up from his own bed, dropping down next to her with enough force to tip her off balance and send her tumbling into his side, where he is ready to catch her, as always.
A shudder runs through her at that realization.
“You...you got me,” she whispers. In her mind, she’s at the edge of the rooftop again, her heels on solid ground, nothing at all beneath her toes. “You…”
“Me,” he says, his tone heavy, weighed down with everything he isn’t saying aloud. “I got you.”
Flashes of terror, disorientation, fury boil through her so fast they steal her breath and her balance, and she grasps at the lifeline his shirt presents. Her fingers clench into the soft material. Her gut burns with bitter shame, and she’s blinded by a sudden onrush of hot, angry tears. 
Violated. That’s it. She feels violated, absolutely powerless against this unknown assailant. All these years of preparing herself, staying vigilant and alert, and yet it all came to absolutely nothing, in the end.
She shoves the heels of her hands against her eyes. How dare someone intrude upon her well-ordered life, bringing nothing but terror and violence? The tears flow faster, harder, the rage burning down to a fine point, honed and hard.
“I may be his target, for whatever messed up reason,” she hisses, “but I will not be his fucking victim.”
“Damn straight,” Dean agrees, his arm tightening around her back. He doesn’t offer any useless platitudes or promises he might not be able to keep. He simply agrees with every curse she spews out, holds her tighter when the scalding tears soak into his shirt, and unapologetically augments her wild declarations of revenge with his own suggestions of violence. 
Kimber knows they (probably) won’t act on any of it beyond what’s necessary, but it’s nice to share in a violent verbal tirade with someone who gets what she’s going through. 
“Thanks,” she finally says as she straightens up, having finally blown through her considerable cache of vitriol. He chuckles, looking down at his hands and rubbing them slowly together.
“I’ll plot revenge with you anytime, sweetheart. Gotta keep on your good side; I’d be an idiot to piss you off after finding out you’re capable of all that. That was, uh...creative.”
She bumps her shoulder against his, still feeling very raw and open but a lot more settled.
“Kimber,” he starts, deliberately avoiding her gaze. “What...what did you see? I get it if you can’t talk about it, but you were so zoned out when I chased you down. You were saying my name, but I got the feeling it wasn’t me me you were talkin’ to.”
When she falters, Dean puts his hand on his knee, palm up in a silent offer of support. When she takes his hand, the strength and warmth of his grip soaks into her, and she bolsters herself. 
Her brain shivers with revulsion, balking at the prospect of digging back through the earlier episode. She’s scared, so scared to go back to that place, even verbally, but she perseveres, pushing herself to get the words out. 
Because even if she can’t pull herself out this time, she’s going in knowing Dean is there, anchoring her to reality. 
“I got you.”
I know, she thinks. Instead of affirming aloud, she simply starts talking. 
“It started off like that one walk we went on, the trail with all the falling leaves.”
“I remember that day,” Dean says, studying their entwined fingers. “Your mom made that pumpkin pie for dessert. That was a good...that was one of the best days.”
“I think that’s why my mind went there. There’s no way to know for sure what spell he used on the hex bag, but it took me to that afternoon, sort of. You were ahead of me, and I kept trying to catch up, but I couldn’t. And the leaves kept falling in my face; there were so many more than the actual day, and I kept having to knock them away just to be able to see. It was hard to walk, to think.”
Dean squeezes gently, waiting for her to continue. She licks her dry lips, her face pinching in, but she pushes on, knowing she has to draw out the poison.
“I could hear you calling from behind us. I know that now, but I didn’t then. You, the real you, would break through every now and then. But I couldn’t stop following him. He led me to a house, a just-married couple. It was you and me, not us from then or from now, even. We were maybe in our early twenties? The house was a lot like my parents’. The pair of them, us, were so happy, so...together. And he said...the teenage you said…”
“What did I say?” Dean prompts, his voice soft and measured. 
“You told me it was your dream, that we could still have it, if I wanted. And I knew it wasn’t real, there were too many little parts that were wrong, that reminded me it wasn’t true. I knew we’d lost our chance all those years ago, but Dean...I wanted it. I wanted you, I wanted that life, and it seemed so easy to just give in. Take his hand, take that step, get our happily ever after. I wanted-”
She breaks off, the thought too big and too deep for her to vocalize. The past twenty-four hours catches up with her all at once: the anxiety and stress of her supernatural stalker, Dean’s unexpected arrival and the return of all her residual feelings for him, the shock of realizing she’d been wrong all this time about him forgetting her, the terror of finding herself literally on the edge…
She still cares for Dean, the feelings deep and aching, no matter how hard she shoved them into a metaphorical box and locked them away. She still has no idea why he never got in contact again, but at this particular moment in time, she no longer cares. 
I wanted to give you your dream after all, she thinks, and in the end I couldn’t even do that.
“Kimber, look at me.” His words grind out, ragged and thick. He turns towards her, his free hand moving to hold her face so she has no choice but to meet his gaze.
“Don’t you dare feel sorry. You saved your life. Yeah, I caught you,” he says, his eyebrows lowering warningly as she starts to interrupt. “Yeah, I got the hex bag out of your hand, but you knew what you were seeing was wrong. You felt it, you knew that wasn’t me, and you pulled yourself out. You fell away from the edge of the roof, not towards it. You did that. I just caught you, that’s all.”
He holds her gaze, and they sit frozen, mere inches between them. His eyes are ablaze, relentless in their determination to burn Kimber down to her base elements. She is speechless, without air or thought to offer another single word. 
But he waits, adamant, letting her make whatever final decision she feels is right, or at the very least, right for now. It seems he’s always waited for her to decide, and she owes it to both of them to end their shared misery.
She drops her gaze, loosening her hand from his. Her eyes rise with her fingers, and she places the barest tips against his jaw, wordlessly asking permission. In response, Dean lowers his arms, his hands moving to brush her hips as he presses into her touch. His eyes close, his face awash with elation almost to the point of pain.
She traces the fine lines surrounding the corners of his eyes, just as she wanted to do this morning. Her fingertips smooth the creases between his eyes, gliding over his furrowed eyebrows until he finally relents and lifts them. She presses the heel of one hand over the worry lines ingrained in his forehead before running her thumbs under the silky, delicate skin beneath his eyes, stained dark and bruised from years of sleepless nights. 
She finally allows herself the indulgence of mapping first his lower lip, then the upper, the pads of her fingers tingling. But the feel of him, the soft warmth, the scratchy stubble, the silk plush of his mouth, is too much and not enough for her overwhelmed senses. She needs more, needs him closer. 
His breath catches, fingers contracting, when she pulls his head down to place a kiss on first one temple, then the other. Another press of her lips just above the bridge of his nose, then one for each of his eyelids. A kiss for the tip of his nose, for each cheekbone, then each corner of his mouth. 
“Please.” She feels the movement of his lips, his plea so soft as to be inaudible. His hands are tense on her waist, just shy of painful. 
The knowledge that he wants her as much now as he did so long ago, even just the knowledge that he wants her, is heady and powerful. Lightheaded, giddy, she brushes feathering, teasing kisses across his lower lip, his upper lip, before claiming his entire mouth.
His reaction is so quick she doesn’t even realize she’s in his lap until he’s shoving back to get more purchase on the bed. His hands slide down from her waist, pulling her back with him. She shifts until her legs are on either side of his hips, settling more firmly as she deepens the kiss.  
Dean tugs, pulling her shirt loose from her waistband, and skates calloused palms over her flushed skin. She arches reflexively, and his lips trail down her chin, ghosting over her throat. She returns to him as fast as her position allows, desperate to touch, to taste, to drink him in. Four seconds away from Dean’s mouth is too long, nevermind twenty-four years. 
She is raw and aching from the weeks of worry and frustration, off-balance from her close brush with the void, and every movement sends her senses reeling. His strong, denim-clad thighs scrubbing through the thin fabric of her slacks. His day-old stubble abrading the taut column of her throat. The silk of his lips caressing her own, the sinful slide of his tongue.
She loses track of who removes whose clothing, but they are bare and joined in what feels like a heartbeat. Dean pulls her back into his lap, her hips firmly in his grip, and she stills against the intensity of his gaze. He throbs, hard and hot against her belly, and a tremor of need shivers down her spine.
He holds her eyes, one hand dragging down from her waist with torturous languor. Her flesh burns in the wake of his touch, muscles trembling in reaction. A breath jerks simultaneously from both of them when his fingers find their goal, and she nearly comes apart on him right there.
“Does this work for you?” he asks. His breathing is shallow, almost panting with the effort of restraint, and his eyes have taken on a glassy quality, but still he asks. And waits.
His eyes close at the first touch of her tight, wet heat, his lips parted as his eyebrows draw down, and she can’t decide if she prefers the feel of his fingers on her or the sight of him more. Then he moves his hand, curling his fingers inward, and she makes up her mind real damn quick.
“Please.” The whisper comes from one of them, but neither knows nor cares who. Dean’s fingers plunge, retreat, repeat until she’s riding his hand, oblivious to the obscene sounds coming from her mouth as well as where they’re joined.
Her hands drag up from where she’s been digging into his shoulders, anchoring firmly into his hair. She pulls his face back to hers, seeking his kiss even as his fingers press again and again. His tongue sweeps into her mouth, matching the curling rhythm of his fingers, and she’s so close she can almost taste her completion.
She’s so close, she just needs…
“Dean, please, I need-”
His free hand slides up her back to grip her shoulder from behind, and his cheek brushes against hers. His lips ghost over her earlobe, his breath hot against her neck.
“Come for me, sweetheart,” he growls, and that’s all she needs to hear. She buries her face in his neck, her breath coming in fits and stops as he murmurs broken bits of praise. Her hands slip from his face, arms draping around his neck as her limbs go loose and weak. She loses track of time, riding the last diminishing shocks his fingers stroke from her.
“Kimber, I...god, that was...I need you, are you ready?”
“I’ve never been ready for you,” she breathes as she rises up on trembling knees, “but I am so damned tired of waiting.” 
Dean’s eyes seem to cross for a moment, and he grips her like he’s afraid she’ll float away. A low, guttural sound works its way from his chest, the tendons in his neck stranding out tight and thick against his flushed skin. 
“Waited...so long…”
She leans in, her forehead sliding against his, and they move blindly, bound together and barreling towards completion with reckless abandon. His nails scrape against her shoulder blades, his teeth rasping down the crook of her neck. The sound he makes when she tangles her fingers into his hair, grips and pulls, makes something vital clench deep inside of her, and she moans his name shamelessly with every erratic roll of her hips.
Dean stiffens in her arms suddenly, cursing, his teeth bared. She rides him still, and he guides her hips with rough encouragement, their staccato breaths echoing through the still room. He claims her mouth just as she comes, and her cry is muffled against his desperate kiss.
She knows effort is involved in getting them into an actual horizontal position and under the blanket, but to Kimber it feels like she simply melts into bed with Dean. Just as the night before, she molds perfectly against his side, her head rising and falling with each of Dean’s breaths. He strokes her cheek with one hand, his other arm solid and strong around her back.
They drowse, fingers wandering aimlessly under the covers, occasionally stretching up or leaning down to meet for a kiss. Kimber drifts with Dean, sated and content to her soul. 
Just before she slips under completely, she hears him mutter, “Can’t believe we waited a quarter of a damned century to do that. Fuck was I thinkin’.”
Sleep claims Kimber with a smile on her lips.
Chapter 8
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firepiplup · 3 years
How do i say no to people
You know that analogy about people with adhd having spoons for energy management or whatever? My spoons are on backorder from like 2 months ago and more got on that list now
The problem is that all of the things I'm being asked to do are Very Important Things
I have to feed my diabetic cat. This in itself is not a problem, however she's needs to eat at a specific time (12 hour spacing) and my current sleeping situation along with work do not allow this to happen consistently. Currently trying for 7:30, we'll see how it goes
My apartment has bedbugs, and there's no way in fucking hell I'm sleeping on my living room floor until my scumlord landlord actually gets the guy to come back to spray because he did spray but I'm still seeing adults and i "need to give the spray time to work" it's been fucking 2 weeks i don't know how is supposed to work but i feel like after 2 weeks whatever spray you did isn't going to get any stronger i just want to sleep in my own bed it's been like this since fucking March
With that part explained, I'm sleeping at my mom's house on the other side of town. This in itself isn't much of a problem, however as "payment" i have to take care of her dog in the morning, to practice because she's going on a week long vacation in October and none of her dogs can just be taken care of like normal dogs. He needs to wear a diaper to leave the room while i pick up his shit and soiled weewee pad and mop the floor, give him some time to be out of his room, and then feed him his special food mix. The other dog has allergies and probably will get into something he shouldn't, then not use the bathroom outside even though he literally has a doggy door that has constant access to the backyard. Neither dog get along with each other, which is why they are separated. Thank fuck the cat is just normal, this is why i prefer them
Now with THAT explained, it's difficult to take care of my own cat on time in the morning. But as the legendary Billy Mays says: But wait, there's more!
I just got rehired at my job working in a local understaffed pizzeria. My friend, ego also works there, is on vacation (good for her, she deserves it, absolutely no negativity towards her) so i have acquired her hours. So i now work 6 days a week, kinda sorta clopen but i guess it's more of opelose. Or a combination of both? Idk. The point here is, I'm then dealing with essentially running half a restaurant alone 6 days a week, with it not being 7 purely because the owner himself ALSO has the same work schedule as far as I'm aware, and wanted to give himself a day off, and since we are so understaffed it would be impossible unless we literally closed. My tasks include answering the phone, washing dishes, making sandwiches, making dinners, folding pizza boxes, and cleaning the tables/equipment on that side of the restaurant. So essentially everything except making pizzas, cleaning the pizza area, mopping in general, and driving. We generally close at 9, 10 on Friday and Saturday. Guess who was explicitly rehired to close those days? Guess how that's going to work with me having to be home around 7:30 to take care of my own cat? I have no idea either. It's only for about 3 weeks, but my mom, whom i have not asked for any additional help with anything, won't feed the cat while i have work, even though there isn't a guarantee that i can leave on time to THEN RETURN to close, because again I'm the only one on that side of the building. I understand the fear of the bedbugs, so that's probably it, but it still fucking sucks because the kitchen is on the other side of the apartment from the bedroom and there is literally no reason to go there to feed her. But i get it
Did we get to where i can do my own ADLs? Of course not. My neighbor is in the hospital, and her husband is blind. This is a new development that was only discovered an hour before starting this post (about 3:30 am for me). She's ok, it's for mental health reasons, and that's her own business about that. Her husband being blind is not a new development however. And he needs help taking care of the pets, specifically the birds. Which is fine, they just also need to eat on their own schedule. 8am, around lunchtime, and 8pm. Guess who's still at work? One of the birds is special needs because her beak got injured and needs to be essentially spoon fed. Which the blind husband can't do at all. Fairly simple task, but just adding to my obligations that are Very Important because they involve making sure things don't starve to death while my neighbor is in Crisis
Ok let's see, that's 4 Very Important Tasks/Obligations, and only one was originally my own voluntary one. Still not at taking care of myself yet, but i have my shelter, i have my job ("part time" minimum wage, hurray. Part time because even with me being there 6 fucking days a week open to close it still isn't technically enough hours for the state to recognize it as full time), and I'm taking care of *counting* about 8 pets for the next week. Will unemployment give me my money that I've been claiming since March? No? Will they let me claim with my new working hours that makes that while process even harder? Technically but it'll take over an hour for it to process and it doesn't even do that in the end? Well fuck, guess i have to wait to get paid on the books in cash and beg for a hand written paystub and have my hours worked written down. Glad i earned $100 this week, i hope now that my hours have increased i get some more
Next on the list, appointments. Because I'm a dumbass who can't remember shit if it isn't consistently recurring, i overbooked myself for next week. My much needed therapy appointment with my therapist that I've only met once and is the replacement for my much better therapist that i actually had a relationship with is supposed to have a session with me on Tuesday. Will i remember to do it this time? Possibly since i actually remembered it's on Tuesday. Will she send me the reminder text with the zoom link? Probably not. Wednesday, my one day off, thank fuck for that, is the main problem with the scheduling. My med appointment is for 11:30. Cool, can do. Driving lesson at 12. Oh, that's a little close, but i can manage that probably. I only average 1 lesson per year and a half, so it's fine, it's "healthy" to be nervous about operating a death machine powered by explosions. Have to go to social services to pick up, or attempt to, a new food stamps card. They probably close at 5, and add a Non Driver, i need to rely on someone to take me. The sooner the better, but it can't be during the lesson. Don't forget to take care of the creatures before and during all of this.
Ok. Great. There's an hour before work. Time to shower, because it's so fucking hot I'll be sweating like crazy by the time i get around the corner to the pizzeria, with me literally getting out and dressed and then walking out the door. Glad i finally did still to take care of myself. Eating? I might have something i can heat up quickly while the cat eats and so i can take my own meds. Dishes? Those are going to have to wait, i hope the heat wave doesn't get too bad, but it's been like this for a while, still slowly chipping away at them. Sleep? Severe insomnia. I partially blame the bed, my mattress is so comfortable, i hope the bedbugs like it because i can't fucking use it right now. I'd be sleeping so fucking soundly if i were in my own bed, and yet here i am. Maybe i should take the Trazodone now. I just hope I'll wake up on time. Oh look I'm exhausted, can't afford to buy comparatively better prepared coffee from Dunkin, so i guess my shitty at home coffee is going to have to do. Black because i don't have any creamer or milk or lactose free milk in my house. Just the way i hate it. Gonna have to deal with that i guess, maybe I'll learn to like it
The coffee pot lives in my fridge now. I'm worried to put it with the other dishes because if it sits there, not being washed like everything else, then i won't even have the option of coffee. It's just water and ground up beans, I'm sure it's fine
Maybe i can find some kind of coping skill/hobby to help me through my limited me time. Let's see.... I like to crochet, and that helps me get through the dishes by letting me alternate between them and a row/round on one of my many started projects. What? It's in a giant garbage bag with a bedbug treatment stick because of the damn ass bedbugs? Can't open it for at least another week and even then there isn't a place to put the yarn safely? Well fuck. I found that really helpful with keeping me grounded. Umm, well looking online, i should *checks notes* buy new yarn in the meantime and keep it somewhere safe. Uh, well, i can't afford more yarn now and i have nowhere to put it. Videogames it is maybe? Oh fuck now I've hyper focused too long on pokemon, rhythm heaven, and whatever daily games i do, i think i have 5 of those of varying lengths of time spent on them
Did i remember to brush my teeth? No. Do i remember that i should and then when i get out of the shower so i forget to actually execute? Yes. Have i gone insane? Probably
How many spoons is a person supposed to have per day? It takes more for me just to get through the day in general. Why does everyone need me to do their Very Important Tasks? Why is there never anyone else? Can my neighbor just not buy more birds when she gets home from Crisis?
I just want to have good mental health, why is this so hard
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feetloaf87 · 3 years
Exactly How Laser Teeth Whitening Approaches Work.
Teeth Whitening
What Triggers Tooth Discolouration?
Split Tooth Syndrome.
Several Customers Ask Me For The Chelsea Smile.
Laser Teeth Whitening Belfast.
Smile Health Club Premium Whitening.
Teeth Whitening
Dentists usually use two types of teeth whitening procedures; one is known as carbamide peroxide, which is made from the hydrogen peroxide and the other is known as oxygen bleach. Both these teeth whitening procedures work in the same manner but with slightly different outcomes. Carbamide peroxide whitens teeth by absorbing the peroxide. However, it does have a foul smell and is rather uncomfortable to wear.
Before you get your teeth bleached, you ought to see your dentist for a basic examination.
Your dental expert will certainly also be able to correctly clean as well as prepare your teeth before the whitening therapy starts.
Right Here at Revitalise Dental Centre, our teeth whitening therapies begin with ₤ 500 as well as we are an official service provider of the very regarded Boutique Whitening solution.
How much teeth whitening prices depends completely on the type of therapy you pick and just how discoloured your teeth are to begin with.
Specialist teeth whitening treatments, using the higher dosage of hydrogen peroxide, can occupy to 6 weeks for you to attain your desired shade.
If you deal with periodontal illness, have tooth cavities, dental crowns or persistent sensitivity, after that you would not be an ideal prospect for tooth whitening treatment.
While you will begin to see a difference in your smile within simply a couple of short weeks, you will certainly require to stay on top of treatments to preserve the impact.
At the appointment, your dentist will have the ability to examine the overall problem of your mouth, teeth and periodontals.
It is necessary to understand that dental lightening is not a permanent therapy.
If you were to stop your treatments, even after you had actually achieved the preferred level of whitening, your teeth will certainly begin to progressively come to be discoloured once more.
There are also two other types of at-home teeth whitening treatments that you can try. They include the Zoom teeth whitening system and the laser teeth whitening system. The first one uses a light energy instrument that emits high intensity lights onto the stains. It works on the principle of applying intense heat directly onto the area you wish to have whiter teeth. This method does not work very well if your teeth are badly stained and if you have seriously discolored teeth.
What Triggers Tooth Discolouration?
Teeth whitening or teeth bleaching is simply the procedure of shining the white color of teeth in bright colors. Teeth whitening can be done with the help of teeth whitening products which can be bought from the market. There are various reasons due to which teeth may yellow or discolor. Yellow teeth may occur due to smoking of tobacco or because of consumption of green tea, coffee and aerated drinks. Blue teeth are generally caused due to congenital defects of teeth structure or age. Whatever the reason for teeth discoloring, they can be lightened up a great deal with the help of teeth whitening procedures.
Laser teeth whitening is a dental procedure that has greatly increased in popularity over the past few years. This procedure involves using a low-intensity, high-energy beam of light to illuminate a patient's teeth for whitening. The end result is that a person's smile will be much whiter than it was before.
Over-the-counter teeth whitening remedies are available in the market at affordable rates. In many cases, you can find them for free when you purchase a product from an off-line retailer. However, most products have a minimal effect on the discolored teeth. Many people end up using these products even after they have consulted a dentist and found out that these products are not very effective.
How often can you laser whiten your teeth?
Laser whitening can last 6 months or longer (some people say 1+ years), but, as mentioned before, every person is different. The amount of time that it lasts can be depend on tooth structure, personal diet habits, and overall oral health.
Hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening uses a very high concentration of this agent. As a result, the teeth whitening effects tend to be less effective in comparison to bleaches that use a lesser amount of peroxide. There can be several side effects associated with teeth whitening procedures such as sensitivity and irritation. When the sensitive tissues around the teeth are exposed to too much peroxide, they start getting damaged. The irritation can lead to tooth decay if proper dental precautions are not taken in time.
Fractured Tooth Disorder.
The second method uses the hydrogen peroxide compound as a bleaching agent. It works in a similar way as the in-office process. The main difference is that it is applied to the stains in the home using the hydrogen peroxide gel. This compound bleaches teeth by oxidizing the stains.
Can you whiten your teeth permanently?
Although teeth whitening can produce profound results, it does not last forever. Teeth become dingy and stained from the foods and beverages that we consume. The only true way to achieve a bright, white smile that lasts is through cosmetic dentistry in Los Gatos that results in permanent results such as veneers.
Many Customers Ask Me For The Chelsea Smile.
Over a period of time, those with weaker teeth may experience tooth sensitivity. If this is the case, a dentist may suggest that you switch to an at-home teeth whitening product to prevent this new problem from becoming worse. If the sensitivity does not go away, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist to discuss whether stronger solutions are available.
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Whitening strips are available over-the-counter in varying strengths. They are quite affordable and can easily be purchased from any drugstore. There are instances where in-office whitening treatments may not prove effective for certain individuals because of factors like dark or discolored teeth. For this reason, at-home whitening products may prove more effective. At home whitening treatments offer another option to those who do not wish to visit the dentist's office. While they can offer immediate results, it is important to realize that results will only last for a limited period of time.
The Crest Teeth Whitening Kit with Nearly 20,000 Perfect Reviews on Amazon Is 44% Off Today Only - PEOPLE
The Crest Teeth Whitening Kit with Nearly 20,000 Perfect Reviews on Amazon Is 44% Off Today Only.
Posted: Fri, 27 Nov 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
When choosing between the at-home teeth whiteners, it is important to consider how much whitening you want to achieve. Whitening products often contain three to five different types of peroxide compounds. Typically the weaker bleaches work better at removing light to moderate stains. The stronger bleaches have a more significant whitening effect as they react directly with the stains on the teeth, attacking them and lifting them out of the enamel.
The power of hydrogen peroxide: Finding long-term whitening solutions for your patients - RDH
The power of hydrogen peroxide: Finding long-term whitening solutions for your patients.
Posted: Tue, 01 Dec 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]
Oxygen bleaches include hydrogen peroxide and hence do not have the foul odor associated with the carbamide type. The hydrogen peroxide in such tooth whiteners reacts with the acid in the mouth, thereby creating a chemical reaction that produces the whitening results. This process may be initiated by brushing the teeth thoroughly with a toothpaste or even by using a small amount of hydrogen peroxide with a Q-tip or the likes. The effects of such tooth whitening treatments may vary from person to person, taking a few weeks for you to start seeing noticeable changes.
With some regularity, it is possible to see results of carbamide peroxide teeth whitening treatments. However, they may experience staining of some sorts while still others may experience discomfort after application. This discomfort generally occurs within a day or so. In case your dentist intends to use this procedure on a regular basis, you would have to submit to frequent clinic visits and endure a few minor discomforting episodes along the way.
It is important to realize that there are alternatives to dentist in-office whitening treatments. You can purchase strips that can be worn like jewelry for short periods of time, with results that are nearly instantaneous. Such strips contain a formulated blend of potassium nitrate and aluminium phosphate. https://www.sparklywhites.co.uk/contact/chorley/ , when applied on the teeth cause the compound to react with the existing minerals and bleach the stains out.
what's new in sparklywhites.co.uk's teeth whitening oldham of at-home whitening solution uses the LED light technology. This is the most effective of all the methods. You will need to store the LED light tubes and the whitening solution in separate containers so that you do not end up having the solution on the gums or in the trays. After the treatment, you will remove the trays and clean your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste.
How can I get white teeth in one day?
10 Ways to Whiten Teeth in a Day and Keep Healthy Gums 1. Brush with Baking Soda. 2. Use Hydrogen Peroxide. 3. Use Apple Cider Vinegar. 4. Activated Charcoal. 5. Powdered milk and toothpaste. 6. Coconut Oil Pulling with Baking soda. 7. Essential Oils Whitening Toothpaste. 8. Turmeric Whitening Toothpaste. More items•
In teeth whitening, a bleaching agent is applied to a tray that is placed on top of your mouth. A chemical reaction occurs with the peroxide, which removes the stains and whitens up your teeth. Usually, a dentist makes use of a bleaching agent known as hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide has the effect of oxidizing the stains that are present on your teeth. This process can be called "chemical oxidation".
Posted: Wed, 30 Sep 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
Smile Health Spa Costs Whitening.
One of the other methods of at-home bleaching is to use the home kits that are sold by professional dentists. These are generally made up of peroxide gels that you place directly onto the stains on your teeth. The problem with these is that you cannot do this at home without consulting a dentist who specializes in teeth whitening procedures. If you do not consult a dentist before using any of these products, you may end up damaging the sensitive tissue around the gum line during the application process.
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aspiringbelle · 3 years
Today was my first day back at work. Prepare for a major venting.
I told my boss last week that I would need to take it easy. I told her that I would need to take a break sometime to get something. She agreed.
Came in today, and my schedule was back to a normal load (Minus Christmas), with a 6 hour shift today. As usual, we were understaffed. As often is the case, things were not stocked by night shift, so I had to stock them. I was assigned to the drive through cashier position, which is designed for a one minute time limit per car at the window, according to corporate standards. (Needless to say, this time limit is regularly exceeded, despite our heroic effort.) The computer that tracks things doesn't care if we're short on people, have large orders, or are in the middle of a pandemic.
In addition to all this, I had to handle several times in which someone changed their order at the window, (which in many cases requires management approval), thus delaying us even further. At least two involved someone ordering small fries, and then coming up to the window with a coupon for free VALUE fries, which they intended to use for that order. (Value is smaller than the small.) One order had two people trying to use screenshots from the app to get free food. (Unlike other stores, we make sure to check to see if the app is being used.) At least two had people use coupons or the app at the window...which delays us and is generally uncourteous.
A word on timing here. Normal work people eat lunch at a set time. Many people do so around noon. It would stand to reason that business would be highest then, and decreasing afterwards. Our store considers lunch to begin at 10:30, and last till 2. After that is "Snack" from 2 to 5, in which things are supposed to slow down, and we can clean and restock. In fact, we stay very busy from before noon (which the company considers lunch, but sane people don't) to at least after 2 (right in snacktime). Today? We started getting busy before 11:30 (or not long after some have breakfast(!)), And slowed down only after 3.
Then, as often happens, around three o' clock, crew people began to leave. In a restaurant that cares about providing good service, they would have people come to replace them. No luck here- the one person who was coming in around that time had called out sick. In a restaurant that cares, they would have a list of people who are on call and can come in. Guess what? We don't have one. Our manager's boss has said that if we were short on people and had to close the dining room or drive through as a result, we needed to let him know. Rather than do that, we often keep it open, despite being short on people, and despite the lack of people leading to greater stress, poorer service, mistakes, and longer wait times.
Meanwhile, a bit after three, as is often the case, I was told to put on the headset to help take drive through orders. First, you need to understand that I likely have ADHD or similar, and do not do well with distractions. Having a headset on your ear that is often talking is certainly a distraction, even if just taking cash and serving food. Second, per corporate regulations, which get posted daily, the cashier and order taker are two separate people. They should be two different people. Guess what? All too often, in the afternoon, they are one person- usually me. I should also point out that the headset also hinders me hearing the customers, even when it's off. I have had to ask customers questions multiple times while wearing my headset. This increases the time of orders and stresses me out.
Now for the money factor. We are often the busiest store in our area. The company doesn't care about that in the rankings. The rankings care about surveys (many of which are filled out by complainers), and time (which we lose on for numerous reasons), but not business, either volume or money. We had to drain the drawer twice, once with money from breakfast and what I consider breakfast. Then from lunch and after lunch. That doesn't count the many credit cards we had. It also doesn't count the over 10% of total sales in discounts and coupons. (We have WAY too many of those, and little to no sign of decreasing.) We are still making money hand over fist, despite the pandemic, and despite many of our people getting raises. And we still won't hire more people, we still won't get an on-call list, and we won't consider closing part of the store due to lack of people. (Don't think I am being greedy. I have told people that I would take a pay CUT if we were to hire more people. Sadly, nobody has listened.)
And, back to the beginning, all this is stressful enough. This would be bad enough in normal times. These are not normal times. This would be bad enough if I was healthy and 100%. As you may know, I am recovering from COVID, and today is my first day back. This would be bad enough if I had no plans for a break or no need to purchase something. Last week, I asked my boss for a break sometime when I returned, so I could purchase some things. I hope to do it on a day later this week, when I get off a tiny bit early, and I can tell parents to pick me up late. This is worse in several ways.
This is what my work life is like. I have been in the restaurant business since 1997 (Not counting eight months unemployment in which I sought any non-restaurant job I could get, and got only one interview from a place that did not sell food or drink). I have sought to get out since 2015, when my last job closed. I have sought to get a paralegal job since before I graduated with my paralegal degree. I have only had one interview.
This should not be. This should not be at all.
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maelaola · 4 years
Away and Under the Weather: Part 3
This is it. My final and, in my opinion, WORST illness-related experience abroad. It actually involves a few different illnesses and was spread out over at least a month. It was painful, exhausting, and just bizarre. Enjoy! #1 It started with the flu... It started with the flu. Nothing special, just the flu. When you live in another country AND work with children, you're going to get sick now and then. It was around this time of year (April) in 2007. I don't even remember how bad a flu it was. I probably had a fever, some body aches and a runny nose. That's usually what I get. I taught lessons through it (as usual) and it was over. I didn't need to go to the doctor until later. The flu ended but the crap in my lungs never really went away. After a week or two of wheezing and coughing, I went to get checked out. At the hospital, I was shown around by my own English-speaking nurse to see two specialists and got an x-ray of my lungs. It cost less than US$50. (I miss Korea.) I had acute bronchitis. The flu had slightly inflamed my bronchial tubes and there was a little infection. They gave me antibiotics, pain pills, something for the mucus, and anti-inflammatory medicine. Getting treated in Korea by western medicine is different than at home. Korean hospitals also treated people using eastern medicine and I took advantage of that more after this experience. Eastern medicine is about treating the delicate balance that exists in your body and allowing your body to function at its peak potential. Western medicine works more like a band aid. You're hurt here; fix here. Western medicine in Korea takes this metaphor even further. Sick? In pain? Appendages double in size? Okay! What can we do to patch you up and get you back to work? On top of that, we really do blindly trust doctors a lot. Which is fine for the complicated stuff. But in Korea, you barely even know what medicine you're taking. They give me the list but there's a lot on there and it's hard to tell the pills apart. They prepare all the pills for you and separate them by dose in these long strips of vacuum sealed plastic baggies. Swallow the cocktail and get back to work. No need to wait for the effects to kick in. I can tell you that I took my first baggie on a Wednesday night or Thursday morning. I remember that because by Friday I was calling the nurse and taking the only sick leave I ever took in 3 years in Korea. I felt a little off on Thursday. Not sick, just off. So it took me (and my head teacher/neighbor who was walking home with me) completely by surprise when I randomly puked on the street Thursday night. I barely made it to the storm drain let alone even thinking about trying to find a toilet. Living abroad, I've had my share of food poisonings so the idea that my body was rejecting something was not foreign to me. But there was no food. It was like a hangover without the bliss of being an idiot the night before. Since it wasn't food, I assumed pills and called the nurse. I stopped taking all of them since I didn't know which was which in my poison cocktail. I didn't feel any better the next day as I started to have stomach problems come out the other end. Great. And remember how I couldn't have sick days? That was especially true my first year when our numbers were already small and there were teachers fleeing the country in the middle of the night every other week. Fortunately, though, through some luck--and a lot of pity from my head teacher and principal who watched me try to teach my 4pm-7pm elementary class from a chair when I wasn't running to the bathroom--my head teacher had her second three-hour slot free and taught my 7pm-10pm middle school class. So I went home and proceeded to have my worst weekend ever. I was supposed to be at a wedding. Instead, every three hours (like clockwork!) I crawled the three feet from my bed to the bathroom and then tried crawl back, dragging what was left of my tattered stomach on the floor. Eventually that was too much and I brought a pillow and blanket into the bathroom to sleep on the floor in between sessions. I didn't leave the house until Sunday afternoon. I limped across the street to get some saltines and electrolytes with some hope that I would be better before Monday. And, surprisingly, I was. My stomach was convinced everything was out that it didn't like and it stopped trying to kill me. On Monday, I was exhausted, soar, and really cranky but I was mobile enough to go down the hill to my work. I settled in my chair to be a white-faced, native speaker in front of 15 Korean kids for 6 hours. The kids were extra nice and the next few days went fine. Although, it still amazes me that the kids never viewed this behavior as strange. I could not stand most of the time and could barely speak but I was still there. Even now in Hong Kong, I often teach while wearing a doctor's mask when I have a cough or runny nose, and I have some kids come to EVERY class in a mask. Sick? Wrap it, cover it up, take a pill. But do it at work. In this case though, the pills were the problem. I talked to my mom on Skype later and she told me that it was probably the anti-inflammatory medicine. She used to work for a doctor and patients often called and complained of stomach problems when the doctor prescribed anti-inflammatory medicine. So that was it. The weekend was more than enough to learn my lesson. The body is connected, beware of pills, listen to your mother, work somewhere with sick days, bla, bla, bla... Teacher, finishee?? Anio. I got better and started to regale my friends with gross stories of the worst weekend ever. Around midweek, I decided that I was better enough to not cancel my rafting trip for the coming weekend. It was rafting in Korea, after all, which is only slightly more intense than floating down a lazy-river. It was mostly an excuse to drink somewhere else and also to watch a traditional Korean mask performance. Rafting was scheduled for Sunday so we watched the mask dance on Saturday. It was in a very cool theatre-in-the-round, and--despite not understanding a word they were saying--it was really funny! There was an ajumma character which is always a riot and at one point a guy pretended to cut off the fake bull's penis. It was an outdoor theater, and it was really hot, so most people sat in the shaded section. About 30 of us came on the trip and showed up late so a few of us sat in the sun so we could watch from the front row. It was really bright when I first stared down at my feet so I just thought I was seeing things. They felt a little strange and warm, but so did the rest of me. And I was wearing larger flip-flops so I wasn't uncomfortable. I felt a little stupid but I turned to my friend and said it anyway, "Do my feet look bigger to you?" I'm not sure if she could see or if she was just a little worried about the question I just asked but we needed a closer look. We walked around the edge of the seating and went outside to where it was shaded and we could see better. And there they were: cankles. I grew cankles in an afternoon! There was a weird fluster next as three of my friends and I tried to figure out what to do for a case of instant-fat-feet. I lay down on the ground and elevated them, someone put a cold water bottle on them, but mostly we just poked them a lot as if we were suddenly going to able to diagnose the problem. I freaked out for a while as they seemed to get bigger in the heat. Fortunately, they grew to certain size and stopped. They didn't hurt and I could walk. I didn't go to a doctor because I was where I usually was when stuff like this happens: in a village in a foreign country. The play ended and after some shopping we all got on the buses to go back to the place we were staying. A few more people got to see my exciting new development. Most of the theories tossed around that day had to do with the bus going up and down the hills and something with altitude. I kept them elevated and took some allergy pills or something. I even went rafting the next day. (Seriously, easy rafting.) I just kept showing people my fat feet hoping someone could tell me what was happening to me. Monday I went to work, fat feet and all. I got a kick out of freaking out the kids with my cankles. (It actually freaked out the other teachers and staff more.) They were still there a week later when my parents arrived in Korea. I'm sure it was a great sight for my mother, who hadn't seen me in nine months. Because that's what you want to see when your oldest child is all alone for the first time and on the other side of the world. That she's becoming deformed. My dad made me sleep in his special airplane socks that are supposed to give you even circulation and they started to really go down. Mom cleaned my apartment which was not in an acceptable state (is it ever?). I took my first real vacation since I arrived in Korea and relaxed in Jeju-do. It took some time but they went back to normal and I was all better. Finally, we sat down together with the Internet and tried to figure out why my feet blew up. (Mom is an experienced hiker and didn't buy the 'altitude' theory.) And there, at the bottom of the list, on some medical website under possible causes for swollen feet it said, "...may be caused by anti-inflammatory medicine." So that was it. I got the flu which gave me bronchitis that led to the worst weekend of my life followed by one of the weirdest. The lesson for all this is very simple and not at all original: Stuff happens. I did what I was supposed to. I was sick so I went to the doctor. Usually that's the end. Take the pills, drink some liquids, all better. Only this time the pills poisoned me, my stomach tried to kill me, and my feet doubled in size. The good experience that came out of this was that the next time I was sick, I was really willing to try acupuncture and Korean traditional medicine. Also, I try not to suck down pills like candy. My feet are big enough already. Unfortunately, I know this is not the end. Despite Hong Kong being more western than Korea and having more resources than Buenos Aires, I know it will happen again. You get sick, you fall down; drink your fluids, pick yourself up. It's just different when you don't speak the language.
Again, this is old content I wrote about nearly 10 years ago for another blog (http://laurabusan.blogspot.com/). It’s time I start writing again and bringing everything together.
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southernbell91 · 5 years
Some Secrets are Better left Dead Chapter 2
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I groaned as I rolled over, reaching for my phone, the Golden Girls theme song playing for the 3rd time this morning, Wade was anything if not persistent. “What!?” I croaked into the phone, my dry throat painfully obvious.
“Is that any way to talk to someone who has an order of Donuts and Coffee on it’s way to your front door as we speak?” My Best friend Wade asked feigning annoyance. “Now get your ass out of bed before the grub hub guy eats your Birthday breakfast.”
“Birthday?” I mumbled, glancing at my phone checking the date, sure enough March 9th. “Oh shit” I whispered seeing the excess amount of notifications on my phone. “Seriously, it’s the same day every fucking year, after 24 of them you would think you would have this figured out. Remind me, how are you the smart one again?” he asked sarcastically.
“Shut up” I grumbled, climbing out of bed after hearing a light knock at the door.”and Thanks for Breakfast Wade,I gotta run I’ll talk to you later”
“Anytime Ace, at least one of us remembered. Oh and Happy Birthday”. After taking the food, and thanking the driver I plopped down on the couch to catch up on the morning news.
I was mindlessly scrolling through my social media, listening to the News when the newscaster caught my attention.
“Tony Stark steps down as head of Stark Industries, former assistant Pepper Potts named CEO” She says.
  Now, why in the hell would Billionaire Tony Stark pass running his company over to a glorified secretary? I rewound the clip while chugging my coffee watching for any hints of anything strange, well stranger than the segment itself. The Video showed Tony at some Gala, cheesing it up for the camera as usual, a fiery redhead on his arm. Stark was a notorious playboy, aside from his assistant he seemed to have a different woman on his arm for every event he attended. The clip also showed Starks massive tower in the heart of New York City, it was his newest project and had only gotten completed a few years ago when he moved his company here from California, after having changed his focus from Military grade weapons to energy, there were rumors already that stark was working on a new facility somewhere but no one had managed to lock down a location, yet. After watching the clip 3 more times I decided I had my new project, I was going to get to the bottom of Starks strange behavior. What could it be Illness? Midlife Crisis? Maybe even blackmail? Whatever it is im going to get to the bottom of it.
 I jumped from the couch and started working on getting ready to head to the office, putting my shoulder length chestnut brown hair into a high ponytail tossed on a vintage Tee and some jeans and slid on my blue converse, my signature work look, then I was out the door. 
       25 minutes later I strolled into my office at the Midtown Journal, a woman on a Mission. I knew I wouldn’t have long to prep for our weekly assignment meeting,  so I sat down and started digging. I started with known associates, business and other. Pepper his assistant was an obvious one, along with his Driver slash Security Happy Hogan but other than the basics there wasn’t a whole lot there, at least not on the surface. I looked into Tony’s former business partner Obadiah Staine but came up empty, his departure from the company had been very sudden 3 years ago, right around the time of the switch from Weapons to Energy and he hadn’t really been heard from publicly since, definitely something to look into. A few more quick social searches showed that Stark had suddenly been seen hanging out with notorious Scientist Dr.Bruce Banner, that was strange. Banner had vanished off the face of the planet a few years ago after an experiment gone wrong and had only resurfaced in the last 6 months or so.   I started scrolling through a collection of pictures of Tony from the last year and was surprised to see that redhead again at least a dozen times, who was she and why was she important enough to be seen with Tony “I don’t wear the same thing twice” Stark? Definitely something to look into. Glancing at the clock I quickly saved everything I could into a file aptly named “Mr Money Bags” and jotted down some notes to mention to my editor and headed towards the conference room for our weekly Meeting. Being one of the only investigative Journalists on the team had its perks, it afforded me more time to dig into my article, I wasn’t a slave to a deadline like everyone else working on weekly prints, but that didn’t mean I didn’t have to still sit through these boring meetings while everyone presented their assignments for the week.     An hour into the meeting, 35 minutes of which was spent listening to the Sports columnist and entertainment editor argue over who should cover some game that involved the husband of some Pop singer or something, it was finally my turn to present. I straightened up in my seat practically twitching with nerves over this prospective article. Uncovering the truth about Tony Stark could not only put our Little newspaper on the map, but throw myself and our staff to the next level, but I wasn’t blind to the fact that Tony was also one of the wealthiest men in the world and that fact alone made him dangerous.     Dean, along with his brother Sam, was the Editor in Chief of the paper and the one who gave me my big break, Sam was more like friendly competition given he was the other Investigative journalist on staff. I glanced from Dean to Sam and back to Dean before speaking.     “It was announced on the news this morning that Tony Stark is stepping down as CEO of Stark Enterprises, now before you go giving me that look hear me out.” I Said, noticing Deans expression shifted, as if he was prepared to argue. The Financial editor glared at me, probably mad I scooped his story. “Stark is stepping down and handing over his fortune 500 company to his assistant Pepper Potts. That strike anyone else here as strange?” I asked glancing around the room. A few heads nodded others looked confused themselves, Deans expression was unreadable as he let me continue. “Something is going on there, of all the people to pass it to why her and why now? I wanna do some digging and see if I can’t find the bigger story behind this sudden change. I want to unearth everything I can about Tony Stark and blow this story out of the water.”  I finished, watching Dean for any type of reaction. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sam move slightly before he finally spoke. “You realize this could be nothing right? Also, digging into a man as powerful as Stark could be dangerous, why don’t you let”   “No!” I cut him off quickly, “I can handle it Sam, i'm not passing this story off to you, besides don’t you have some Slumlord to shake down or something?” I added rolling my eyes, irritated he would suggest I just hand off an assignment like this.
“Look im just saying Layla, you already have a laundry list of Enemies and I would hate for” “And Im sure starks list is bigger Sam” I cut him off again, glaring daggers at the shaggy haired brunette.
“Alright alright” Dean cut in, finally speaking. “You get 14 Days, come up with something Substantial in 2 weeks or I pass this story off to Sam. And It should go without saying but let me remind you to be careful”
I nodded, happy I won this confrontation, another 25 minutes later assignments had been passed out and we left the meeting everyone going our separate ways, I rushed straight to my office ready to jump into this.   Moments after I sat behind my desk I heard a light tap, looking up dean was standing in my doorway arms crossed leaning against the frame.   “ I know you’re determined to turn this into a story, I just wanted to remind you to stay safe. Sometimes the story isn’t worth risking everything.” “As Henry Anatole Grunwald Said “Journalism can never be silent: That is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault. It must speak, and speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder, the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are still in the air.” You may think im crazy Dean, but I feel it there’s a story here and Im gonna prove it.” He must have seen the determination on my face because after a heavy sigh he conceded “Ok, let me know if you need anything. I’ll do whatever I can to help you find the story. And if you need backup don’t hesitate to take Sam, I know he annoys you but he’s nearly as good a journalist as you, just don’t tell him I said that.” He added. I chuckled at his confession and nodded, “Thanks, I’ll let you know if something comes up.” He gave my a quick nod and tapped the door frame a few times before backing out the room, I fired my computer back up and sighed.   I’ve got work to do. 
Tags:  @lancetuckershairgel  @stuck-y-together   @buckmesideways22         @eurynome827    @book-dragon-13    @marvelous-meggi  @spacemansam @cametobuyplums  @loricameback    @collinsstanharbour       @marvelgirl7 @jewelofwinter @jobean12-blog​ @sebastiansloserclub​
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1-800-444-tune · 5 years
How to: #BOS #Grimoire
How To Create Your Own Book Of Shadows
A Book of Shadows is your personal journal of your magical journey. In it, you will write down any notes and insights you receive from other Witches, from the Universe, from your dreams, from books and websites and any other source you find them. You will write down your spells before you cast them and you will make notes about the casting and about your results. You will keep any tables of correspondences, recipes, sketches of magical plants, symbols and just about anything that comes to you that relates in any way to your magical practice.
It is wise for all magical practitioners of any tradition to have a Book Of Shadows as it provides an invaluable resource you will invariably return to time and again when your memory fails, not to mention the incredibly deep insight your periodic review of your Book of Shadows and provide into your own spiritual evolution.
Required Tools:🌻
To create your book of shadows you will need a book. You can purchase a blank journal, or a specialized Book of Shadows online or in many specialty shops. However, do not over-complicate this project. Having a Book of Shadows is more important than the form the Book comes in. A 3-Ring binder with loose leaf paper, or even a spiral notebook or a composition book is suitable to get you started simply for a very low cost. You can always copy your notes into a fancier book later if you can't acquire one now.
Personally, I like a 3-Ring binder because then I can add notes and recipes I've received from other people or printed from the internet. When I go to public rituals, I often receive typed notes from the ritual leaders. If I like the ritual, I want to stick it in my book of shadows. Also, sometimes I'm out and about or don't have access to my binder. I can jot down notes on any 8 1/2 by 11 piece of paper to add to my Book of Shadows later, I can even type it. A 3-ring binder makes it easy (assuming you also have access to a 3-hole punch). AND I can use dividers to make sections. AND it lays flat when it's open, making it easier to follow a recipe. OR I can just take the pages I need out and put them back in again later. AND, My mom made me a nifty embroidered fabric cover for my binder that makes it look and feel like a "real" Book of Shadows (Check out http://makezine.com/craft/how-to_sew_a_simple_fabric_boo/ for directions to do this yourself. You can also make a cover out of paper or get a binder with a clear sleeve on the outside, then you can paint, draw or print out a cover and slide it right into your clear sleeve.
You will also need a pen. Pencil marks wear off over time so a pen is best. Some folks like to have a special pen for their Book of Shadows. A refillable fountain pen is nice. But again, if it's too complicated, just get any old pen and go for it. Do not let your lack of a really cool pen interfere with the creation of your Book of Shadows!!
You will also need whatever tools you generally use to cleanse and consecrate your magical tools
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1. ☆Obtain and Organize Your Book
Consider how you want to organize your book. Although there are other methods, some good possibilities are the Table of Contents or Tab style and the Index Style.
Table of Contents Organization involves dividing your book into sections and having a Table of Contents somewhere in the book, usually near the beginning or end, that lists the starting page number of each section. Alternatively, the sections can be indicated by tabs.
If you are using a 3-ring binder, you can use tabed inserts to mark each section. If you are using a blank book, spiral notebook or composition book, you may wish to number your pages and create a Table of Contents or you can use colored post-it tabs to mark each section in your book. If you create a Table of Contents, make sure you do it on the second page, not the first. Leave the first page blank. Do not try to populate these sections at this time or you may get bogged down. Just create your sections and mark them out and move on to the next task for now. When you are ready to start writing, flip to that section and go for it.
The Index method does not divide up the book into sections. Instead, you list your main topics near the back or front of the book where they can easily be referenced and when you write in your book, you list the page number of what you just wrote under the appropriate topic in your index. So instead of flipping through sections, you would look at your index and see that you wrote about Topic A on page 8, 17, 22, and 91 and turn to those pages to find what you're looking for. Since you wrote the book, you probably wouldn't have to search through all of those pages to find exactly what you were looking for because you might remember that you wrote something recently or a long time ago.
Remember to leave the first page blank.
The following sections are suggested, but you may add or omit whichever sections you wish as best suits your personal practice and do not feel that you have to stick to this order.
1. ☆Rules to Live By
Many practitioners follow certain laws and it's a good idea to have them right up front where you can meditate on them, absorb them, explore them and refer to them quickly and easily. So here is where you keep your copy of The Wiccan Rede, The Charge of the Goddess, The Delphic Maxims, The Seven Hermetic Principles or whatever it is that guides you.
2. ☆Holy Days and Rites of Passage
In this section you will record the dates and special significance of any holy days you celebrate and any rites of passage you experience, either as the recipient of the rite or the officiant of the rite. These may include the traditional Western Sabbats as well as any monthly observances you participate in and any special personal days, such as birthday celebrations, initiations, handfasting and marriage rites, adulthood rites, naming ceremonies and whatever else comes up in your life and personal practice. Write notes about the significance of each event, the rituals tied to each event, including traditional foods, decorations and gift-giving practices as well as special ceremonies and journal each individual event you celebrate. If you celebrate these events with your family, this will make your Book of Shadows a very special heirloom to pass down through the generations.
3. ☆Symbols and Correspondences
In this section, you will keep any tables of correspondence you collect or develop as well as symbols, runes, magical languages, sigils and whatever else that is symbolic in nature that you find useful during your magical journey.
4. ☆Spells
In this section, you will write down each spell you perform before you perform it. Then you will journal about the actual spell after you have performed it and continue journaling about the results of the spell. Include your thoughts about what worked well and what felt weird and how you could have done it differently and how it can be improved.
(See How to Write Your Own Spell) and How to Cast a Spell )
5. ☆Recipes
Every holy day and rite of passage has food associated with it. Many witches also like to prepare special ritual wine or cakes consumed only as part of a magical ritual. If this is you, be sure to include a section for your recipes because it's a long time between Samhain feasts and you'd hate to leave out an ingredient in your famous pumpkin soup. If you have a special chant you like to recite while stirring to imbue your feast with magic, be sure to include this (or a cross-reference to the appropriate section.)
6. ☆Crafts
Many witches enjoy crafting their own magical tools and candles as well as making household items like soap. If this is you, include this section with step-by-step instructions for each item as well as notes for their use, spells that you like to imbue into the item (you can cross-reference to the spell section) and herbs or essential oils you like to use to scent items for specific purposes, seasonal variations, etc.
7. ☆Chants, prayers and songs
There are many lovely chants we come across online, in books and at public rituals and some of us even write our own. Your Book of Shadows should have a section for these even if they can be found in the Holy Day ritual and spell sections. If you have a prayer you say at dawn, at bedtime or at mealtimes, be sure to include these as well.
Do not be afraid to "steal" someone else's chant, prayer or song for your own personal use; that's what they put them out there for, just make sure you write down the name of the author, if you can find it. If you were to publish your book of shadows in either print or digital format (blog, website, e-book, etc.), you will need to contact the author or publisher to ask permission to include it. Otherwise, it will have to be removed from the public version.
8. ▪A Dream Journal
In this section, you will record any significant, especially vivid or recurring dreams that you experience. Include notes about what's going on in your life when you have these dreams.
Some people like to keep a separate dream journal and this is fine too.
(Read Dream Journal and Begin Lucid Dreaming)
9. ▪Journey or Meditation Journal
If you journey, engage in Astral Projection or practice meditation, keep a journal to record your experiences and impressions during these exercises. Be sure to include any music, fragrances or different methods you used so you can judge their effectiveness later.
Some people like to keep a journey or meditation journal separate from their Book of Shadows and this is fine too.
10. ♡Reading Journal
Keep track of whatever books or websites you use to gather information. Take notes in this journal section make sure you write down where the information came from in case you want to look it up again later. Often when I am reading a book (or a website) I will come across a "fact" or an anecdote that I would like to research further. This journal section is invaluable for me in those instances. (I love that my Kindle has a note-taking feature on it, but I do need to copy those notes into the paper journal as well.)
Sometimes you come across a piece of information in a book or website that you'd like to chew on for awhile before you actually add it to your Book of Shadows. This is a good place to jot that down.
11. ☆General Journal Section
It is nice to have an extra section at the end of your Book of Shadows to just journal in. Here you can work on that poem you don't have quite right, or record that omen you saw that may or may not be an omen or expound on how gorgeous the sunset was or make a note to ask Judy where she bought the incense she used at the last esbat because wow, that was some potent stuff and of course you'll want to write down the name of the vendor you discovered at the RenFest that carried the exact beads you've been looking for so you can order more from their website and you'll want to write down the day you felt like you were in a fog all day so you can speculate on the reasoning for your fog later when you're feeling more clearheaded.
12. ♡Decorate your Book
Unless you've purchased your book already decorated, you may wish to decorate it yourself. I had you create sections to make the book usable before I had you decorate it because I want you to be able to use it right away, even if it's not technically "finished" yet (Your Book of Shadows will never be finished). There is nothing more discouraging than the feeling that you have to do a bunch of work before you get started. Now you may decorate it if you wish, but you don't have to. You can paint or draw right on the book, or use scrapbooking supplies if that's what you're into.
You can learn to create a nifty fabric book cover at http://makezine.com/craft/how-to_sew_a_simple_fabric_boo/
Or you can make the good old fashioned paper book cover (you don't have to use a bag if you have craft paper or wrapping paper you'd rather use) http://specialchildren.about.com/od/schoolissues/ss/bookcover2.htm
If you are using a 3-ring binder with a clear sleeve cover, you can simply print off or draw or paint an image that is pleasing to you and slide it into the clear sleeve.
Many people also like to decorate the first page of every section. Feel free to do this as well. You can use scrapbooking tools or if you are an artist, use your own talents. I have also seen Books of Shadows that were illuminated throughout with sketches of herbs, postures, and just doodles and this is wonderful. The more /you/ you put into your Book, the more personal and magical it will become. Just don't get caught up in the decoration and forget to write. Of course, if your an artist and prefer to journal in illustrated form, that's fine too!
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13. □Cleanse and Consecrate Your Book
Cleanse your Book using your preferred method and then consecrate it, that is, declare its sacred purpose.
Check out How to Prepare Magickal Tools for Use
Once this is done, open up your book to the first page and write the following:
This is the magical Book of Shadows of {Your magical name} begun this day, {date}
You can elaborate on this if you like, but don't feel you have to. Some folks have written some Book of Shadows blessing rhymes that you might like to use and there are some more elaborate blessing rituals out there. You can find many of these using the search terms "Book of Shadows Blessing" in your favorite search engine. Choose one that you like and that reflects your intentions and beliefs. Or don't and keep it simple.
Now, hold the book out in front of you, preferably over a candle or burning incense (high enough that it won't catch fire) and read aloud what you just wrote.
14. ♡Write in Your Book of Shadows
Many people like to write a bit fancy in their Book of Shadows. Some artsy types use calligraphy, some like to write in a magical language or code. I always write in cursive in my Book of Shadows. It feels fancy to me and is apparently going to be a dead art in another generation. Go ahead and be fancy if you like, but don't get caught up in it. If you find you're spending more time re-writing the calligraphy that's not perfect or looking up magical languagesthan actually writing in your book, ditch the fancy and go for practical. The most important thing is that you write.
Write every day. Keep your Book of Shadows next to your bed so that you can write down your dreams as soon as you wake up and so that it is within arms reach when you wake from a dead sleep with some brilliant insight you won't even remember you had in the morning.
If you don't write every day, at least write every time you do a spell and at every Holy Day.
Additional Comments:🍎
When your Book of Shadows becomes overstuffed, you may wish to archive it and create a new one. I recommend you read through your old book completely first. This will provide useful insight into your magical evolution and will allow you to identify any information you want to make sure gets transferred to the new book.
For More Information:🍎
150 notes · View notes
ilovemygaydad · 5 years
Friends in Dark Places [remastered; ch 10]
pairing: moxiety and logince (later on), background eventual remile, background eventual remy/emile/deceit
WARNINGS: food mentions, eating, sex mentions, affair mentions, crude language, swearing, panic attacks, graphic depictions of self harm, suicidal ideation, abusive family members, yelling, fighting, blood, self hatred, self disgust, hurtful conversations, fear, anxiety, anger, homophobia, possibly something else
tag list: @hufflepuffgirl01 @cocobearthe4th @cas-is-a-hunter @band-be-boss-blog @theunoriginaldaisy
a/n: this chapter is SUPER intense, so please heed the warnings! as always, you’re free to ask for a modified chapter if you need it, but please be extra careful because none of those warnings are taken lightly!!!!
a/n 2: jsyk, it’s totally okay to ask for a modified chapter if you need it! i get it, and it’s no problem for me to quick edit a chapter or whatever :) also, feel free to send requests or questions that you have!
chapter 1 - chapter 2 - chapter 3 - chapter 4 - chapter 5 - chapter 6 - chapter 7 - chapter 8 - chapter 9 - chapter 11 - chapter 12
companion fics: exes and ‘oh’s
consider buying me a coffee
It had taken a while, but the idea of going and conversing with the others started to warm up to Virgil. Patton had wrapped his arm around Virgil’s waist and held him close, grounding the anxious teen and giving him small bits of courage. Soon, they stood up and and ventured to the main pavilion to introduce Virgil to the other people he hadn’t met yet. There was Jo, who had a really cool cut down the middle makeup look on his face, and Joan, who did the most ridiculous impressions, and Terrence, who was the biggest ball of energy in such a small body.
For once, it was actually enjoyable for Virgil to meet new people. Years of being almost completely alone--save for a few friends here and there and his shitty ex-boyfriend--had turned him almost completely solitary. At the party, he still clung to Patton like a scared five-year-old, but he felt a little more included in the group. When Virgil began to tense up, Patton would place his hand gently on his back to provide a tether to cling on.
After two hours of eating and chatting, the party was over. Patton, Logan, and Roman offered to stay after and help clean up, but Talyn shooed the boys away, saying something about how they didn’t need any help. Virgil knew it was because they wanted him home ASAP after his panic attack, but he couldn’t bring himself mind. He was tired, and all he wanted to do was wash all of this makeup off and hopefully get most of the glitter off of his body. One day, Roman would pay for this pink glitter catastrophe, but that was a whole other train of thought.
Patton and Virgil were dropped off at their house just before midnight. Both of the boys got ready for bed, and Virgil was just this close to falling asleep when Patton softly knocked on his door.
Virgil groaned and rolled over. “Yeah, Pat? What’s up?”
The door softly clicked open, and the soft hall lights filtered in, giving Patton a light yellow glow. He entered quietly and sat on the desk chair, just barely visible in the low light.
“I, uh, just wanted to say thank you for coming to the party tonight. And also to apologize for your panic attack. I shouldn’t have let myself get swept away when you obviously needed some extra support.” Although his tone was sweet and kind, there was deep regret laced in his words.
“Oh, Pat. It’s okay. It wasn’t even your fault that we got separated.” Virgil assured, propping himself onto his elbows.
There was a beat of silence before Patton hesitantly whispered, “Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” Virgil smiled even though it probably couldn’t be seen by Pat. “I’m sure.”
Patton nodded quickly and left, but not before giving Virgil a small thumbs up. Soon, both of the boys were asleep and the rough day was far behind them.
The next week passed by smoothly. Virgil had a grand total of just three panic attacks (and Patton had come to help with each one) and hadn’t relapsed a single time. He was really proud of himself, as was Patton, and he just felt better about himself. It was liberating to have actual friends to talk to and hang out with. He’d even persuaded Logan to join crew!
And then on that fateful Monday--May first, to be exact--everything came crumbling down. It seemed as if everything bad in the word just happened to fall on a Monday. That just made Mondays even more dreadful.
Virgil’s day had started off like normal. He’d woken up, gotten ready, eaten breakfast with Patton, and went off to school. It was almost ridiculously mundane. It was in second block, however, when the not-so-normal things began to happen.
“Virgil Thomas to Office A, please,” the voice on the speaker crackled.
Shit, Virgil thought. What the fuck did I do this time?
His teacher gestured at him to leave, so he did. The walk from his math classroom to the office was basically a joke, so he made his way as slowly as possible, going so far as to dawdle by the bubbler for a minute. 
As he walked up to the office, he saw his dad’s “secretary” standing at the doors. “Secretary” being used loosely, since she was, in reality, nothing more than the girl his dad had chosen to have an affair with this month.
“Hey, Virgil,” Nathalie cooed in her irritating voice. It sounded like sandpaper on ceramic plates. “Your dad is back in town and wanted me to let you know.”
“Why didn’t he just text me? He knows that I keep my phone on me at all times.” Virgil knew that he sounded bitter, but he didn’t care when his father was involved.
“He’s been very busy lately.” Yeah, probably doing you. “He hasn’t been able to find a time to take a break from work to text you.”
Work! Who knew that Nathalie could be so funny.
“Right. Well, I’m going to go back to class now, Nat. Bye!” He spun around on his heel and started to walk away when she cut him off.
“Oh, and your father wants you to have dinner with him tonight.” 
Fucking great.
“Um, I actually had plans with a friend tonight,” Virgil rushed, dancing carefully around his current living arrangements and schedule.
“Why don’t you invite them over? I’m sure your father would love to meet them!” 
Sure he would! Just like he was so fucking excited to meet Virgil’s boyfriend or any of his other friends when he’d brought them over.
“Sure. I’ll ask him.” He was never going to be able to get out of it, so he might as well try to get Patton to come along and soften the blow. Virgil walked to the bathroom instead of to his classroom, sitting in the nearest stall with his head in his hands until the bell rang.
“How do I look, Virge?” Patton modeled the black dress pants and blue polo get up he had on. His grey cardigan was actually on him, instead of hanging off of his shoulders or waist.
“Great! I don’t think Dad’ll have anything bad to say about that.” Virgil was ridiculously worried about his dad ripping the happy-go-lucky boy to absolute shreds. Mr. Thomas wasn’t the nicest or most accepting person on a good day, and any way that Virgil could protect his friend, he would.
“Awesome. Now, what are you wearing?” Patton’s question was innocent, but sent a small wave of anxiety through Virgil’s body.
“Uh, black jeans, some dress shoes, and a black jumper.” He’d worn this many times in front of his dad, and he hadn’t yet been ridiculed by his father for it. Unlike all of his other clothing.
Already, Virgil had wiped off all of his makeup and styled his hair out of its floppy fringe into a clean-cut look in preparation for the visit to see his dad. Any bandages that might have disrupted his appearance were removed, all scars were covered with foundation, and his whole personality purged of substance. Even his phone case had been switched out from the pretty galaxy case with the halloween Popsockets to the all black case with as much personality as a stick in the mud. It was absolutely dreadful.
“Well, I’m sure you’ll look fantastic, kiddo!”
Yeah. Sure.
“Alright, guys, have a good time! Just text me when you need to be picked up, Pat,” Mrs. Shea said before driving off, leaving Virgil and Patton stranded at the Thomas residence.
For once, the lights were on inside, giving the house the tiniest sense that it wasn’t vacant. Virgil couldn’t help but wonder which of his father’s chefs was cooking their meal. He hoped that it was Mei, whose food was both fancy enough to meet Mr. Thomas’ high expectations but held a sense of casualness that appealed to Virgil. 
The pair walked up to the front door and rang the bell, sending a custom chime echoing through the house. Almost instantly, a mildly-disheveled Nathalie opened the door, grinning ridiculously widely.
“Virgil! Who’s your friend, here?” She greeted with faux cheeriness.
“Uh, this is Patton. He’s a friend from school,” Virgil paused, unable to focus when he could see a white stain on Nat’s mouth. He motioned up to his lips with a small grimace. “You’ve got a little… something… on your mouth, Nathalie.”
Gross. He didn’t even want to think about what had been happening just moments before.
Nathalie wiped gently at her mouth with the back of her hand, being extra careful not to smudge her pristine red lipstick. Opening the door wider, she motioned the boys inside. Virgil led the way to the dining room, not even bothering to wait for Nathalie.
“Oh, Virgil,” Mr. Thomas said as they walked into the dining room. “I didn’t realize you’d brought someone along.” Shocking. “Is this another one of your ‘boyfriends?’”
A pinched smile spread across Virgil’s face. “No, dad. I’m not dating anyone. This is my school friend, Patton Shea.”
“Hey, Mr. Thomas. It’s a pleasure to meet you!” Patton’s happy voice lightened up the room’s atmosphere just the slightest amount, which all but astounded Virgil.
“Virgil could take some fashion notes from you, Patton. He’s always wearing those stupid looking skinny jeans and t-shirts. You look quite impressive and professional for a teenager,” Mr. Thomas commented, adjusting his glasses in a Logan-like manner. That was apparently all he had to say as he took a bite of the food in front of him.
Much to Virgil’s disappointment, it wasn’t Chinese. Apparently, the first dinner you’d have with your son in literal months wouldn’t be complete without a giant French buffet--complete with dessert.
“I--Thanks?” Pat stuttered, confused by the backhanded compliment. Virgil disregarded the comment, instead choosing to lead his friend to the table. They sat close enough to his dad to be considered polite, but it was definitely farther than an appropriate familial distance.
The three ate in silence for a few minutes before Mr. Thomas spoke again. “So, Patton, what are you planning on doing after high school? Virgil said he wanted to be a graphic designer, but he’s probably going to take up the family business. Arts degrees are just a waste of time and money; better to strive to be successful on the first try and not have to go back.”
Patton stiffened almost imperceptibly. “I was planning on going to school to be a therapist, but being a stay-at-home dad seems like a pretty nice idea, too.”
“Psychology is an interesting subject; I’d have to agree.” Mr. Thomas shifted his focus to his son. “Now, Virgil, what did you say you wanted to focus on in school? Something with video making?”
“It was video game design, but I’m not going after that, anymore. It was a stupid fever dream.” None of the food on Virgil’s plate was making it to his mouth; it had merely been stirred into a gloopy mess. He already felt like shit about himself, but leave it to his dad to be make him feel even worse.
“I’m going to go to the bathroom. Excuse me.” Virgil all but jumped up and sprinted from the room. 
Within a few seconds, he locked the door to the upstairs bathroom behind him. Virgil turned his head and stared at the reflection in the mirror. It looked nothing like him. The Virgil in the mirror was normal; he had no flaws, and he was the perfect son. His goals were steep but attainable, and he never said anything out of line. The real Virgil was anything but.
The real Virgil was a gigantic disappointment. He wanted to go into the arts, not business management. He had an attitude problem and a “screw The Man” ideology that ended up getting him into more trouble that necessary, yet he never changed his ways. The real Virgil was an emotional mess, not knowing how to properly express himself except through suicide or self harm. He was pathetic and stupid and, quite frankly, “too gay to function,” as his dad would say. There was no place in this world for the real him. Every single fucking time that his father was around, the façade was put up in some wimpy attempt to deflect some of the hateful words that would always be thrown his way.
And that’s when he broke. Tears streamed down his face, and choked sobs ran through his body. He thought he’d been getting better, but who was he kidding? This was the same old Virgil who’d attempted suicide not once--not twice. No, he’d attempted to fucking kill himself four times. But thank god that he’d survived! The world obviously needed Virgil Thomas’ fucking presence to keep it spinning.
Virgil gripped at his hair. He’d left his phone at the table, but he needed an escape from the emotions berating him.
Think, Virgil! There’s gotta be something that can help you.
His blurry eyes scanned the counter before landing on a familiar piece of metal.
Virgil reached out and grabbed the blade, flipping it open with ease. Memories of the past flitted through his mind. Ones where he’d said “just one last time” with false hopes that it’d be true, but the very next day, he’d be back in this bathroom, washing blood out of the tub. Weakness. Had he included that on his list? Because Virgil Thomas was weak.
“Just one last time,” he mocked as the blade sliced the skin of his forearm.
Pathetic. What kind of fucking child do you have to be to continually come back to a blade to solve your problems?
Another cut. And another. It was so calming--so ridiculously relaxing to watch the red blood splatter on the perfectly white floor where it mixed with his tears to make a watercolor painting.
Faggot. Nobody will love someone who’s gay, loser! Think of Jason. He ruined you.
A knock on the door jerked Virgil out of his daze, making him drop the knife in the process.
“Hey, Virgil? Are you okay? I can hear you crying, kiddo,” Patton worried; his words filtered through the door with a slight resonance.
“I’m fine, Patton. Don’t worry.” Yeah fucking right.
“Virge, please just let me in.” There was no way that Patton would take no for an answer.
“Okay.” Virgil pulled his sleeves down harshly, smearing a bit of blood onto his hands. He stepped in front of the blade and blood, trying to hide it from Pat’s prying eyes as he opened the door. A fake smile was plastered onto Virgil’s face. “See--”
“Is that blood?” Patton gasped and snatched Virgil’s wrists up. With an unprecedented gentleness, he rolled up the jumper sleeves that had started to plaster themselves to his arms. The look of worry on Pat’s face soon turned to one of pure anger.
He’s mad. You’ve upset him, and he’s going to kick you out. Maybe he’s finally realized what a mistake it was to save you--
“How dare your dad think he can say things like that to his own son! You deserve so fucking much, Virgil--in fact, you deserve the world. Yet here’s this asshole who won’t give you a god damn break, bringing you to hurt yourself because he can’t keep his idiocy to himself! Grab that towel; we’re going downstairs.�� Patton stormed out the room and down the stairs. Virgil followed a few paces behind, terrified out of his mind.
“Mr. Thomas! With all due respect--which is none, by the way--who the absolute fuck do you think you are to think that it’s okay to ridicule your own child like that?” Virgil’s dad opened his mouth to speak, but Pat cut him off. “No! You fucking listen to me; you’re a terrible father! Your child should never be brought to self harm as a coping mechanism--especially not by his own fucking father. Are you fucking kidding? Who gave you the right to do this? First, you spend all of your time away from Virgil, and then you go about barely ever talking to him, and to top it all off, you give him shit for everything that he has a fucking passion for!”
Both Virgil and his father were completely silent. Neither had expected such an outburst from the docile kid between them.
After a long few moments, Virgil said, “Let’s go, Pat.”
Virgil and Patton quickly left the house, not stopping until they were a street away. Patton called his mom to tell her to pick them up, and they sat on the curb to wait.
“Thank you, Patton. For standing up to me. Nobody’s ever done that before.” Virgil’s voice was soft and genuine. A little fluttering sensation rose in Pat’s stomach as he leaned towards his friend.
“It’s no problem, Virge.”
chapter 11
22 notes · View notes
themalhambird · 5 years
21 Tag
Tagged by @princess-of-france :D
RULES: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people that you’d like to get to know better. (Make a separate post!)
@verecunda @the-sound-of-distant-thunder ​
1. Nickname: My dad calls me Sares sometimes which is ironic given that my mum hates names being shortened and chose Sarah partly because it was already so short that people would…not do that (which is annoying, because if she didn’t mind names being shortened she might have put my middle name first, and I like Elizabeth SO much better than Sarah). My stepdad calls me Squidgit (pronounced Squidge it, btw, I don’t know when I decided to spell it squid git, but apparently I did and I’ve only just noticed how it could potentially be misread)
2. Zodiac: Gemini
3. Height: idk and I don’t have a tape measure handy. Over five foot though.
4. Last movie I saw: er… I can’t remember. The last thing I watched on Netflix was two episodes of How To Train Your Dragon: Race to the Edge.  I love that franchise.
5. Last thing I googled: The cinema times for HTTYD 3 this Thursday, my dad also loves it so we’re  going together
6. Favorite Musicians: Handel, Queen, Keane, Murray Gold.
7. Song stuck in my head: Nothing right now, which is unusual. I had Merlin Buries Lancelot stuck in my head for a bit at work earlier though.
8. Other blogs: I occasionally consider setting up a side blog where I talk about theatre productions I’ve been to see but I don’t know if anyone would actually be interested in that, so…
9. Do I get asks? Yes, frequently, and they always make me very very happy.  (If I don’t answer straight away, it’s because I meant to and stuff happened. I’ll get there eventually. Usually.)
10. Followers: 272
11. Following: 244
12. Amount of sleep: it depends, but if you want me to be anything approaching functional in the morning, I need to have had around 7 or 8. I mean, I’ve survived over twenty four hours without sleep before (there was a thing, involving my house keys, and losing them, it sucked majorly) but sleep is good.
13. Lucky number: I don’t have a lucky number. My favourite is thirty three…
14. What am I wearing: My green skinny jeans with six fully functional pockets, blue t-shirt with a badge from Canterbury Cathedral pinned to it, my purple fluffy dressing gown.
15. Dream job: Realistically, working in a bookshop and getting to do fun things with displays and activities for children because children deserve all the book-related fun they can possibly get. Unrealistically, I’m a published author raking in the millions (or at least enough to live on) popular enough to go do book signings in Europe and/or the US (or, y’know, popular enough to warrant doing book signings somewhere.)
16. Dream trip: My biggest motivation for learning to drive* is so I can go to Pontefract Castle. My dream trip would be going from castle to castle in England and Wales, drinking in the Plantagenet/Tudor feels and basking in history and sunshine.
*I am not, currently, learning to drive, I’ve got enough going on without having to figure out that as well. But I’m going to learn at some point. 
17. Favorite food: I’m not sure, for me food just sort of tends to…be there. Eating is a thing we have to do so I do it, but I don’t really care enough to have a favourite. Unless drinks count, in which case my favourite food is tea.
18. Play any instruments?: I can. I don’t. I’ve had piano lessons and violin lessons, but I haven’t touched a violin in six years, and the only interest I really have in playing the piano is messing around picking songs out by ear for five, ten minuets till I’m bored and go do other things. I do sing, well enough to sing the alto solo for “O thou that tellest good tiding to Zion” and the soprano solo for “The Heavens are Telling”, and a handful of other fun things with my church choir (granted, the rest of the choir were all in their seventies so I was pretty much the only option, but the choirmaster/organist wouldn’t’ve agreed to do the pieces  in the first place if he hadn’t thought I was good enough to pull it off)
19. Favorite song: I don’t have a favourite, as such, there’s lots of different ones I absolutely adore. Father and Son from Guardians of the Galaxy 2 always gives me feels, and is now stuck in my head, so I’ll put that.
20. Random fact about me: I hate phonecalls so much that deciding I was prepared to ring up and ask about buying a drawing was all the proof I needed to know that I really, really, really wanted it.
21. Describe yourself as aesthetic things: The smell of old books. The smell of new books. Daffodils, conkers. Blossom on the trees as spring kicks in and the skies get warmer; walled gardens when the roses are in bloom. Berries in bramble bushes and red and orange leaves crunching underfoot. Excitable Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, grass after rain, ruins, and castles and churches and towns that are so, so old but still standing. That stretch of the River Avon between the  theatres and the Church where Shakespeare’s buried. Nice hot tea, thinly ruled notebooks and ink-stained fingers. “You look so pretty without your glasses!” is a trope that can bite me- my glasses are fine thanks, albeit perpetually smudged. 
3 notes · View notes
Dancing Fear’s and Love (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
A/N: so I had this idea when watch this TV show called “Frasier” really good show btw i recommend. So i was watching season 3 episode 13 When I had this idea to follow the plot of that episode well not the exact plot but almost similar and add Bucky to it. So I hope y’all enjoy.  Please do read my other stories. *Link to masterlist.  
Y/N turns to Bucky for dance lessons to prepare herself for of Tony’s extravagant ball.
Word Count:  1,944
Warnings : swearing (light), action’s almost leading up to rape (but does NOT happen)
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I was sitting in my room reading my book and just when it was getting to the interesting part when F.R.I.D.A.Y makes an announcement “Miss, Y/N Mr. Stark is hosting a ball on Saturday” 
“Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y” I go back to reading my book and just as before I start to reading the first line of the paragraph Wanda burst through my door. 
“Have you heard ?” 
“Have I heard what ?” I say annoyed. 
“Well about the ball, are you going ?” She’s asked me 
“Um..” I still lay my gaze on the book but not reading.
“Don’t tell me you not going Y/N, I think you should go Jason will be there.”
“well that’s all the reason not to.”
Jason was another shield agent, we were dating for 3 months, and boy was it a good 3 months but one day he was just gone, he left a not on my table saying he can’t do this anymore. 
“Well don’t you think you should go just it’s been 6 months since the both of you broke up.” 
I let out sigh and told Wanda that I’ll think about it. 
I decided to close the book I was reading since I know that I won’t be reading much. 
“Saturday huh..” That’s like a day away and then realization hits “No that is a day away and I don’t even know how to dance. Oh shit, now what do I do ?”
The first thing that I do is open my closet to see if I have a gown to wear for the ball. I notice my old baby pink off shoulder gown with details of flowers and blue petals. 
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“Now that the dress is in check, the dancing part” I let out a frustrated groan and make my way to the kitchen to grab something to eat while making my way there I scroll through my phone for some waltz tutorial videos thinking that it might help.
I was busing being engrossed in my phone when I suddenly landed on something soft and warm when I opened my eyes I realized that I fell on top of Bucky. 
I hurried and got up trying to straighten myself tucking a stand of hair behind my ear since I got flustered. I knew Bucky for a while now, we talked a bit here and there and I helped him with coping with today’s world.
“I’m sooo sorry Bucky I didn’t see you” 
“Cleary, you were looking at your phone” he says while let out a chuckle. 
“So dance tutorial huh?” he asked me. 
“Yea, uh..Tony’s ball is tomorrow and I need to know how to dance” I mumbled feeling shy saying or rather admitting that I didn’t know how to dance. 
Bucky looked at me and gave me a nod, I was about to say bye and grab some food when Bucky grabbed my wrist to stop me. “You know I could teach you” he said with a expressionless face. I turned to him and my eyebrow curled upward “Excuse me ?”
“I mean I can help you practice dancing” he said, I looked at him shocked since I knew that Bucky didn’t like too much contact with people he was not used to it yet. And hugging is one thing but dancing needs full contact. 
“Are you sure ?” I spoke
“Yes doll” he gave me a firm nod.
“Do you have a date ?” he asks me.
“Uh..Yeah sort Sam kinda told me he will take me” 
Bucky just nodded. 
I told him that I would take up his offer and to met me in 15 minutes in my room.
He started me with some basic movies and then we worked our way up to The Waltz.
“Then the right foot goes back, the left back-and-over, and the right slides next to it”.
I do as he instructed me to. 
“And that's it! All right, once again, A one-two- Oh! three, a two-two-three, a three-two-three, a four-two three”
And we begin again. 
“This is boring, yet difficult.” I tell him with a pout.
He let’s out a small chuckle “Aw, there's no trick to dancing.It's just a matter of coordination.”
After a while we moved on to dancing the samba. 
To be honestly I was completely nervous and my heart pounding in my chest by the closeness between Bucky and I. It’s not everyday you get to dance with a handsome guy let alone when the guy happens to be your crush. All I did was rest my head on Bucky’s shoulder and we slow danced. I felt like time had stopped.
                                                                            ~ At the Ball ~
It was 3 hours until the ball, I got ready, I was doing my makeup when Wanda and Nat walk in looking hot if I may add. 
“So how you holding up ?” Wanda asks. 
“Alright I guess Just nervous” 
“Girl.. You look slay” Nat tells me with a gleam in her eye.
I just let out a chuckle out. 
In the next hour Sam calls me and tell me that he finally asked that girl he likes and is taking her to the ball and apologized to me. I told him that he could go to the ball with her, he told me that he will drop me at the ball. 
“You ready ?” Sam comes at my door. 
“As I’ll ever be” I smile nervous at him and take his hand. 
We reach the ball and I step in and Sam goes his separated way to find his date. I start scanning for Bucky. 
Whom I spot easily standing with a familiar blonde man. 
I walk up to where Bucky and Steve are. Steve hands me a glass of champagne which I gladly accept.
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“Hey you look great Y/N” 
“Thank you Steve” 
I turn to look at Bucky who’s eyes are wide and jaw slightly open. 
“Um..Bucky ?” I wave my hand in front of his face. 
“Ye-yes You look spectacular doll”. 
I blush lightly I avert my eyes from him and look at the dance floor. 
“Tony really does go all out” I let out a sigh. 
Bucky comes in front of me and takes my glass and sets it down. 
“Dance with me ?” 
I just nod at him. 
He leads me to the dance floor and I already that jerk of a face Jason and his date but I couldn’t care less. 
Bucky hold my hand in his and guides his other hand to his shoulder. 
We start by dancing the Waltz just like he thought me. The entire time I felt like my heart beating so fast and I felt time slowed down. 
I was so lost in Bucky’s beautiful eyes, I didn’t notice that a fast song was playing It was a Tango.
Bucky suggest we danced to it. 
“Come Y/N it’s really easy just like waltz except we have to be really close to each other.”
 “A tango! Oh, you never taught me a tango!” I say in almost a whisper shout. 
“Oh, you'll love it! It's perfect for you! This is a passionate, full-blooded dance.”
“ There's only one rule in the tango: our bodies must be in continuous contact, with not a sliver of daylight between us.” Bucky whispers in my ears. 
“I can do that. I think” I mummer. 
He put his hand on my lower back and pulled me close to his chest, I could feel his breath on my neck and it send shivers down my spine.
We start dancing and I never thought I would have so much fun. 
“You’r dazzling doll, absolutely brilliant” he let’s out praises and I start feel my cheeks heat up. 
“Your not half bad your self Bucky,”.
I was so caught up in the moment of the dance that I yelled it out. 
“Oh..Bucky I love you” I suddenly realized what I said and slapped my one hand on my mouth. 
And the perfect moment to everyone just looked at me, I felt so embarrassed. Bucky just stood their not saying anything, I took this as a sign that he didn’t like me back and I could feel the tears pricking my eyes. 
“Bucky I-I..” the next moment I know I’m running out of the room. In the distance I could hear Bucky shout out my name but I didn’t stop. 
I ran straight to the balcony, I started to silently cry, secretly hoping Bucky would chase after me but knowing now that it would never happen. 
While I was taking deep breaths to stop crying and wiping my eyes I heard shuffling noise behind.
“Bucky I’m sorry I-I” I turned around and was a bit taken back. 
“Sorry, love not Bucky” It was that jerk of a boyfriend Jason. 
He took a step towards me and I took a step back coming against the wall. I was too tired to deal with his dumb ass. 
“Jason what do want ?” I spoke coldly to him. 
He just laughed and said “ Quiet a show their Y/N, made me realize something” 
Just hearing his voice I wanted to puke, “Get lost” he won’t budge, He cornered me and pinned me to the wall and pinned my legs with his so I would move. 
“What the hel-” I was about to say when he try to force him self, I manage to head butt him. 
He groans in pain, “You shouldn’t have done that love”
“I’m not your love Jason, Get the fuck away from me and keep your filthily paws to yourself” I shout and spit at him. 
I was about to say more when. 
“Get the fuck away from my love” Bucky knocked the daylight out of Jason “Don’t go anywhere near her you fucker.” 
I finally grabbed Bucky and we moved away from Jason. 
I lead him to my room to cool down. 
“Are you ok ?” he asked full of concern. 
“Yes Bucky thank you” I finally realized that just a few minutes a go I let it slip that I love him. 
I open my mouth to speak but Bucky talks instead. 
“I was calling out for you, but you didn’t listen and ran away, Don’t run away when someone calls your name doll.” 
Bucky comes closer to me and intertwines his fingers with mine. 
“I was searching for you and lucky I heard your voice shouting that asshat.” 
“Bucky what are you d- ?”
Bucky shut me up with his lips on mine, I was so shocked at first but kissed him back. 
He broke the kiss, “Y/N I love you too, I was in love with you since the first time I saw you, 
But I didn’t want to tell you because Steve just brought me here, and I didn’t want to get you involved with me, 
But then you helped me with my nightmares without you knowing it. I was going to tell you I love you but you and that Jason guy got together and I didn’t have the chance.
So when you told me that you had feeling for me I was so shocked that I was dreaming and that’s why I didn’t say anything and by the time I came by you where running away”
I looked at Bucky with tears in my eyes and put my arms around his neck and Kissed him and told him I loved him for the second and this time he said it back. Finally my Love had come to me and I to him.
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keeloves · 5 years
From Paws to Thumbs Review
 As a belated valentine’s present to my boyfriend @disneyfanforever3 I am going to be writing a lengthy review of his fanfiction that he wrote on another website called deviant art. I will leave links if you are interested in checking it out. I have also decided I will be reviewing this chapter by chapter and then summarizing it up at the end. This way I can details correct that I didn’t in my video and so it will be nice and long and thorough. Also sorry if there are spoilers.
Chapter One kind of starts out slowly but that’s okay because we are having Scamp and Angel established as characters. Chapter one takes place after the ending Lady and the Tramp Scamp’s Adventure after Angel gets adopted. These two love to explore every possible chance they get. However Lady and Tramp don’t approve of them exploring. Scamp relationship with his parents more specifically Tramp reminds me of Triton and Ariel/Ariel and Melody. Both Tramp and Ariel lied to their children about their background and they have similar personalities but with slight differences. Both Angel and Scamp are feel like outsiders to their families but it is made even worse because of Scamp’s three annoying Bitch Sisters (See what what I did there?) Annette, Nicolette and Danielle because of how they always bully both Scamp and Angel. Lady isn’t so bad but she can be annoying but Tramp irritates the hell out of me in this chapter and that is mainly due to him making promises he never keeps, his hypocrisy and him of all people should understand Angel the best. Worst of all after Scamp and Angel bust curfew really badly and trying to reason with their parents Scamp over hears his parents talking about how they think about getting rid of Scamp and Angel simply because they can’t handle them. This really tragic especially for Angel because of how she bounced around from five families and doesn’t want to lose what she has and this is terrible for Scamp because this might mean he will be separated from Angel and thanks to his sisters bullying him he all ready feels unloved.
Chapter 2 also starts off somewhat slow but that is okay because in this chapter we are introduced to the third main character from this story Patch. Patch like Angel and Scamp loves to explore and go places. He loves his family dearly and his parents love him dearly but he also feels like he is treated unfairly because of how his parents treat his brother Lucky. Lucky like Scamp’s three annoying ass sisters loves to antagonize Patch. He bullies Patch, calls him mean names and constantly excludes from adventures that he goes on with his other two siblings Rolly and Penny. Rolly and Penny don’t bully Patch but they also just stand by while Lucky is bullying Patch and say nothing. Well one night after Lucky got home late during roll call for bed time Pongo pulls Lucky a side to talk to him about his behavior and why Patch shouldn’t go to dangerous places. This reminds me of Ariel and how Triton is always scolding her about going up to the surface. Long story short Patch and Pongo argue and Patch feels defeated. To make matters worse his brother Lucky convinces Patch that their parents will give Patch away. Now we have three dogs who love to explore and they feel lost alone and a little betrayed by their families. The Dalmatians move to America for a few reasons. One Anita and Darling are sisters in this story and they want to be closer to family and two to be safe from Cruella and her two idiot Hench men.
Chapter 3 is about how the Ratcliff’s move to New England to be safe from Cruella. They travel there by boat. In this chapter things start to pick up and move along at a faster. This is where Scamp and Angel meet Patch. The three of them instantly form a bond. Well after the three pups  argued with their parents mainly Pongo and Tramp and not feeling like their parents are listening. They go and explore this house. This house belongs to a magical Wizard named Chris (Yes the author/my boyfriend inserted himself into this story all though he shows up in the next chapter) Anyways Scamp, Angel and Patch explore this beautiful house. One room catches their attention it is the magic room. This room contains a crystal ball, and a bunch of magical potions. Well they accidentally knock a magic potion over not knowing it is a magic potion. The three dogs drink it because they are thirsty and believe it to be milk. After drinking this they feel weird and fall into a deep deep sleep and end up transforming into humans.
Chapter 4 This is the Chapter where we meet the narrator/Wizard Chris. He is is in early 20s. Like any other morning Wizard Chris went down to make himself some breakfast that is until he gets side tracked by some snoring coming from his magic room. There he finds three naked children. He was not to pleased to see three naked children so he quickly covered them in robes the color of their collars. Wizard Chris has his house located far on the country side and is very much a hermit. He only leaves his house for essential items like groceries and he only talks to people when he absolutely has too. Yeah he ain’t real social is he. Well from this chapter on little did Wizard Chris know his life would be changed forever by three very special friends Scamp, Angel and Patch. Also the three children freak out for a bit because they changed from dogs to humans. over night. (BTW yes Wizard Chris gives them clothes in fact I believe he posted those pics on Tumblr if not I will give you a link once I am done with this review.)
Chapter 5.
The parents Tramp, Lady, Peridita and Pongo all try and make up with the three pups. However they are super nervous of what they are going to say. Only problem with them trying to make up with the children is that the children are gone and the parents have no clue where they are. All four parents are worried about the kids. Pongo tries to go an makes amends with Patch. In this chapter Pongo and Peridita remind me of King Triton and Sebastian  from the episode of Little Mermaid episode called Charmed. In that episode Ariel discovers a magnifying glass which she calls a  “Bigger Mcjigger” but when her father sees it he gets angry and destroys it. Later on in the episode he is practicing his apology to Ariel which is what Pongo is doing when he is preparing to talk for Patch. Both Sebastian and Peridita remind Pongo and Triton that an apology that needs to come from the heart. This chapter is probably is one of the more fun chapters because we have worried parents, three run away children and best of all Cruella is plotting her escape from insane asylum. Cruella is one of the smartest villains ever. Her escape plan involves her stealing a news paper, faking injuries and knocking out one of the guards with the rolled up news paper and then stealing his uniform. She has to wear a hat to hide her skunk colored hair because well that would blow her cover if she didn’t. She also locks the guard in her cell. “Cruella Devil Cruella Devil” if she doesn’t scare you no evil thing will.
Chapter 6
In this chapter the three puppies now turned into human children thanks to the potion learn how to act like humans. Which meaning to walk like humans, eat like humans and refraining from their dog instincts like chasing squirrel  up trees. If you guys were wonder if there were any negative side affects to this potion I am afraid there is. All three children fall ill in this chapter but luckily these are common sicknesses in children. Scamp has measles, Angel has the flu and Patch has the Chicken Pox. All though for a moment Patch thinks he caught something from a chicken lol which I thought was cute. I also learned in this chapter you don’t give sick children belles because then they become annoying but still enduring. However before they got sick the four parents were looking for them. Perdita and Lady could sense that Scamp Angel and Patch were their children while Pongo and Tramp laughed. This chapter also shows that mothers tend to be more in tune with their children. Also Wizard Chris feels like an older brother taking care of his three younger siblings and plus his “Hard shell” begins to crack when the three children become ill. (Chasing Squirrels up trees happens in the next chapter.
Chapter 7
The children have recovered from their illnesses and they along with Wizard Chris had a fun day at the park and he of course has to teach them how to act like normal children as in un teaching them from their dogie instinct. However this chapter is where things start to get more interesting because “Wizard Chris” meets this “frail old woman” who some located the big mansion that the Wizard Chris lives at. She was tired because she walked in red stilettos yeah she ain’t real smart. Well it turns out that frail old woman was Cruella. She went and stole the magic book from that Wizard Chris owns. In this chapter she puts together her own team of Villains. She steals a potion that makes animals talk. This chapter she meets Buster an old friend turned enemy of Tramp. Cruella and Buster end up making a deal to help each other get revenge. Cruella mainly wants revenge on Patch since Patch is the one defeated her and Buster wants revenge on Tramp for stealing his “Girl” (Not Lady) and running off and getting married and he wants revenge on Scamp for abandoning him. If this happens Buster will be given the chance to be a human forever and he will have money and power. She also meets the Siamese cats as in the cats that belong to Aunt Sara. She also makes a deal with the cats by promising them a life supply of Fish food and milk. They are kind of group thinkers.
Chapter 8
This chapter is probably one of my favorites because it digs into Angel’s background and how she became a street dog and why she changed home five times before getting permanently adopted by the Darlings. In case anyone is wondering what Angel’s parents look like this them and Angel of course. Her mom is the golden retriever and her dad is the Pomeranian.  https://www.deviantart.com/azulalover1/art/Angel-and-her-Parents-764104159. Anyways a brief summery of Angel’s background and how she ended up a junk yard dog for years. Once Angel was a happy little puppy with two parents just playing in a junk yard well one day this dog catcher came for the dogs. The dogs tried to run away as fast as they can but Angel’s dad accidentally got ran over by the dog catcher vehicle and her mom ended up getting her paw caught in a rail road track and got hit by a train. The poor thing seeing her parents die no wonder she keeps having nightmares. The best part about this chapter for me though is that when she wishes she would have died and Wizard Chris, Patch and Scamp but mainly Scamp reassure that she is loved and that her new family (The Darlings) won’t put her out on the street again.
Chapter 9.
Okay I am not going to lie I am going to boost my own ego here a bit. See my boyfriend wrote Paws to Thumbs long before we ever met and in this chapter he was originally going to have Scamp being chased through out the woods. I was wondering if he would consider having a dynamic between the two boys Patch and Scamp because I haven’t seen them interact that much and he also wish he could find a way to include Patch more. Well thanks to my suggestion this chapter was posted later than expected and went through a major rewrite to include Patch more and incorporate him more into the story. I really love this chapter not just because I helped inspire it but because the two boys get a chance to bond and because they have a lot in common such as being well off in families and being born into luxuries that Angel did not have until she got adopted, they both feel like their parents don’t listen to them and they both have siblings that give them a hard time because they are jealous of Patch and Scamp and they love to explore. Anyways, the three Children and Wizard Chris are the park on a beautiful day just playing until Scamp hears a strange noise. Well it turned out to be a “bear” growling at him. It soon started to chase Scamp. Patch tries to help Scamp by jumping on the “bear’s” back but ends up getting thrown off towards Scamp and the boys are chased through the woods. Scamp is almost kidnapped by Buster (which he doesn’t recognize Buster because is in his human form not dog form) and if you are wondering why I put air quotes around bear its because the bear is “Reggie” another dog that is so scary even Buster is afraid of him and even before Reggie got transformed into an actual bear he looked like a dog bear hybrid. Luckily Patch knocks out Scamp (No pun intended since Patch has a brother named Lucky) I love this chapter because the two boys bond and open up to each other about their families and how they feel their parents don’t understand them. A side from being almost killed and kidnapped in this chapter this chapter was awesome. (There are more details but as I said I will be leaving a link below so you can go check out the fanfiction and I promised Chris I wouldn’t give too many spoilers lol)
Chapter 10
This chapter isn’t quite as exciting but this chapter warms my heart because I ship Scamp and Angel so much they are such an adorable couple and in this chapter I am reminded of Cory and Topanga because both couples confess they are in love with each other at age 14. Angel tells Scamp she is in love with him but while he is sleeping. Another reason this chapter warms my heart is because this shows how much these children have come to love and care about each other. First Angel has nightmares but those stop because Wizard Chris put a spell on her to stop the nightmares. Now Scamp keeps has nightmares one about being eaten by that strange bear and the one where he over hears his parents talking about sending him away (The second one did happen as discussed in the first chapter) however before he can tell Angel about the second dream because they over heard Patch having a bad dream and that dream was about Cruella. Angel and Scamp help Patch feel better by staying up with him and talking about the nightmares and Scamp then tells Angel about his second nightmares. I adore this chapter because the kids grow closer together and share a deeper bond and that is beautiful. Well shortly the nice moments are ruined between the children when a grumpy Wizard Chris gets out of bed and disguises himself as an ugly old hag as sweet revenge for waking him from his “beauty sleep”. However another reason I love this chapter very much is that we get a bit of back ground on the narrator (Wizard Chris’s background) about how he ran away from home when he was 10 years old and he claimed he was bullied and that his dad didn’t understand him. This shows that these four ar kindred spirits. This also shows that not only did these kids need Wizard Chris but it shows that Wizard Chris needed these kids too. In this chapter it is also revealed a magic mirror that Scamp sees in the magic room. The only problem is that the magic mirror shows Scamp’s reflection half and half. As in half human half dog. Oh and the last thing about this chapter is that Scamp finally confesses he is in love with Angel all though he doesn’t say it to Angel and  Wizard Chris has to tell him. I love this chapter so much.
Chapter 11
At this point the Scamp, Angel and Patch have been humans for a little over two months and Wizard Chris has found away to change them back into dogs but there are a few problems none of the children want to go back to being dogs. Wizard Chris is trying to convince them to turn back to dogs and make them go back to their families but the only problem with that is he is being hypocritical in this chapter since he refuses to work out his issues with his family and thankfully the kids call him out on this. While the four argue about whether or not they should go back to their families. The villians in this story finally make a reappearance. Buster, Cruella and the two Siamese Cats (Si and Am) that are now humans and the three are being reprimanded by Cruella for not being able to kidnap the children. Buster’s plan of revenge is to have Tramp’s family work for him for all eternity (Okay so I added that in for dramatic affect) and Cruella has plans to still make a coat out of them (I think that is still the plan) or she plans to enslave all the puppies. (I am sure my lovely boyfriend will correct me if I got stuff wrong lol)
Chapter 12
The kids ran away into the woods just until they were out of Wizard Chris’s sight and this where Scamp reveals the information about the magic mirror to Patch and Angel and how about the they see their reflections. When the Patch and Angel look into the mirrors themselves they like Scamp also see their reflection split in half as in half dog half human and this makes them more confused then ever. The mirror reminds me of the mirror in Harry Potter the magic mirrors reflect the individual's heart’s desire. Oh and Angel almost tells Scamp that she is in love with him but of course that nice moment had to be ruined by the bear “Reggie”, Buster Cruella and Si and Am. The children were so scared they ran for their lives they got separated and didn’t even realize where they were running to until it was too late. Patch ran into Cruella his worst nightmare. She put a spell on him to make him tell her where the other Dalmatians were. Patch tried to resist telling his family wearabouts but couldn’t because the magic was too strong and he gave in. Angel were being harassed by the two Siamese Cats the two ladies chased Angel and captured her and tied her up with a rope and Angel tried to escape but couldn’t. Scamp is captured by Buster. Scamp runs from and he thinks he is free from Buster only for Buster to capture him again. Buster tries to manipulate Scamp into going with him but luckily Scamp isn’t going in so easily. Well now to review Chapter 13
Chapter 13
Finally we get to see The Darlings, Rodger and Anita in this chapter because it feels like forever since we we have seen them this also means we see Pongo, Perdita, Lady and Tramp. This chapter is about to get real interesting because Wizard Chris meets the families of the three children officially. He goes and explains everything and after he is done he has to do a bit of convincing to prove he is telling the truth. Jim is the one who needs convincing the most. Well in his defense if a random man showed up to my house claiming he was a wizard with three dogs that had turned into human children I would be skeptical as hell too. Finally Jim believes him after Chris makes the animals talk. If the four humans as in the Darlings and Anita and Rodger didn’t believe in real magic before well they are about to believe now. Anita and Rodger become extra terrified when they find out that Cruella not only escaped the insane asylum and discovered where they were now living. Wizard Chris tries to stop her but he gets trapped in a bubble and he can only get out if someone from the outside knows the spell. Buster threatens revenge on Tramp by taking Scamp and because Tramp steals his girl.  Oh and the main characters. Oh and some other dogs get turned into humans and those dogs are Tramp, Lady, Perdita, Pongo, Tramp’s sisters Rolly, Penny and Lucky. (I am getting slightly lazy with this review lol)
Chapter 14
In this Chapter the children’s parents get turned into human by Cruella and luckily they were wearing clothes since they didn’t drink a potion. Angel frees Wizard Chris from this green bubble thing. It didn’t take long for Angel to escape since she grew up a street dog and knew how to get herself out of any tricky situation so growing up a street dog in this case worked to her advantage so her and Wizard Chris to try and go and find the others. Patch and Scamp were trying to negotiate with their stuborn siblings to help them. With Patch Penny was willing to help Rolly had to be convinced to help because he wanted food like usual and Lucky was annoyed with Patch because Lucky taunts Patch all the time. Tramp’s sister were being their usually bitchy selves. I love this chapter because it has one of my favorite moments! Patch and Scamp finally stand up to their bratty siblings. Scamp shoves his three sisters and Patch punched Lucky in the eye so yay! Finally Lucky admits his jealously to Patch and Lucky is jealous because he feels Patch is the favorite. Annette, Collette and Danielle finally confess their jealously to Scamp. They are jealous of Scamp and Angel because the two aren’t afraid to be themselves and for a long time the girls though they only had their looks to rely on. I find this chapter to be one of the more exciting chapters. Buster and Tramp full on fist fight the the bratty siblings are put in their place and it is awesome. (If Reviews beome a little skimpy I am trying not to give too much away as I said there will be a link after I am done reviewing this fanficition) Oh and Cruella destroys Wizard Chris’s magic carpet but before that he turns Reggie into a mouse. Plus as a mouse he probably won’t eat any humans or at least try and he was hella scary as a dog.
Chapter 15.
Buster tries to manipulate Scamp one more time. He tells Scamp that they could be human forever and that Scamp wouldn’t have to deal with Tramp’s lies. Scamp considers this for a split second and he comes to his senses. Scamp made that mistake once and wasn’t going to do it again. He loved his family and his father very much. Cruella Dev Vil tries to manipulate Angels by offering her what she wants and that is to bring her parents back to life. Magic can do several things but it can’t bring the dead back to life. Cruella tries to kill Angel but fortunately fails well fortunately to Scamp and Angel while unfortunately to Cruella. Scamp almost dies by falling out of a tree but luckily Wizard Chris has just enough magic to keep the tree but unfortunately due to the spell on his hands he wasn’t able to hold it long. Anyways Angel declines Cruella’s offer and realizes that she has a family that truly loves her. Once again Scamp was this close to telling Angel he is madly in love with her but that doesn’t happen for two reasons the villains interrupt them and because Angel isn’t sure they will make it out of their situation alive. Buster tries to kill Scamp and Angel but misses because he gets hit in the back of the head. Cruella tries to kill them but thankfully she misses because Patch jumps on her back. He tries to steal the book back but can’t he rips out a page he chants a spell hoping to harm Cruella but all he does is grow a dinky little flower. Cruella ties the three kids up and tries to kill the once more but fails. WIzard Chris wakes up frees the children and Buster and Cruella start to fight.
Chapter 16
This is the second to last chapter and it is kind of sad but I have enjoyed writing this review just like I have reading the fanfiction. I love this chapter because the main four characters bond and the kids learn how to do magic. They use a magic spell to defeat Buster and Cruella. However this spell requires four wizards because it has to have the four elements which are water, fire, earth and air. While the four Wizard Chris, Scamp Angel, and Patch have come up with a plan to defeat Buster and Cruella the two are arguing on who gets to kill who. This chapter reminded me of Halloween Town 2 when Marni wants to reopen the portal and her family and her one Goblin friend Luke who is not a warlock helps her anyway because he is her friend and he believes. The three children are not Wizards but they believe in magic they love each other. Oh and I forgot to mention that Cruella had split the ground earlier and turned into lava. Scamp tries to Angel he is in love but she wants him to hold off because at that moment life felt too short. The four defeated the two villains once and for all. However I would argue their own vanity and greed killed them. They fell in the lava. Scamp tried to save Buster but failed. When Cruella died her dark magic wore off and didn’t last forever. Si and Am turned back into cats and all of the magic Cruella performed was undone and the magic carptet was restored. If this chapter taught me anything revenge is never the answer and your own greed could litterally end up killing you. Also everyone makes up with their families and Lady and Angel have a beautiful moment together. Another one of my favorite moments is that Wizard Chris realizes how much he loves the children and the parents come to and understanding with their children. Oh and Scamp’s three sisters and Patch’s brother Lucky all get grounded for a month for bullying.
Chapter 17. 
Well people we have arrived at the final chapter. Wizard Chris heads back to go make up with his family. He is very sad because he has grown to love the children and he was going to miss them so finally he heads back to his family and at first they don’t recognize him because he is now a grown adult in his early 20s and not the 10 year old little boy that ran away. I also forgot to mention that Wizard Chris lied to the children about his family not looking for him because they did he just used magic to hide himself. The one reason his parents recognize and know that it is him is because of a scar he has on his right eyebrow. This chapter really warms my heart because Wizard Chris gets to make amends with his family gets them back in his life while also gaining a new family with the three children and their families. The three children decide to stay human so they can have a life of freedom and joy. They might have been born dogs but will live out the rest of their lives as humans. Also Wizard Chris moves his house along with the Darling’s house to be next the plantations where Anita and Rodger live along with the Dalmatians. Angel decides to live with Wizard  Chris, Jr is happy he gets a big brother and Patch is happy too! The three dogs now turned humans can live their life of freedom and still keep their family.
Well this review was going up later than I intended but none the less this was a belated Valentine’s day present for awesome boyfriend @disneyfanforever3. I really loved this fan-fiction because it shows that no matter what trouble you are having with family they will always love you and care for you. I also liked how Tramp developed in this series and I am happy he got a nice moment with Angel. He realizes that he should have understood her the most just because how similar their back grounds were. Also Scamp and Angel finally pronounce their love for each other and it makes me so happy! I hope I got some details right because for some chapters I skimmed and tried to give you the gist. Anyways here is a link to his fanfiction if you want to go check it out. https://www.deviantart.com/azulalover1/gallery/62089614/From-Paws-To-Thumbs 
Also I want state we have officially been dating for a month but we both think one month anniversaries are stupid but I just felt like sharing that. Anyways I hope enjoy this review. Oh and I should mention that Patch always felt like Lucky got special treatment. Well the reason Pongo and Perdita were easy on Lucky was because for Lucky was dead for a few moments when he was born hence why he was named Lucky.
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
First Lines Meme
RULES: List the openings of the last ten stories you published. Look to see if there are any patterns that you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any! Then tag some friends. 
Tagged by @shirasade - thaaank you, this looks like fun! ^o^
1. Percy glowered to himself as he walked through the bright sunny streets of New York. Birds were chirping, children were playing, couples were eating ice-cream. It was a beautiful spring day. That was what pissed Percy off a lot. (The Sun Can Fuck Right Off; Helios/Apollo/Percy, Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
2. Nico was one of the biggest donors of the marine sanctuary slash aquarium. He was a filthy-rich lawyer and he had always loved turtles, so he decided to donate some of his money to keep the turtles safe around here. That, of course, meant he was a guest of honor at the regular big galas."You know. It's befitting that you look like a penguin", noted his date for the night."Shut up, Will", grumbled Nico with a glare, elbowing his best friend. (It’s a Seal!; Nico/Percy, Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
3. It was really all Jace's fault, all things considered.It had started at the Seelie Court. Well, it had started before then. When Jace came into Simon's life, looking all gorgeous and badass and tempting. And the crush Simon had kept growing and growing, even more so after the bite. When Simon nearly drained Jace. It came as a convenient excuse. (Dreams of Vines and Virtue; Simon/Jace, Shadowhunters)
4. Hiccup winced as he entered the apartment, taking off his mask. "Babe, I'm... home?" "Oh, gee, how wonderful", drawled his boyfriend unimpressed. "And you're only three hours late." "You know I would have been home for dinner if I could have", sighed Hiccup. "I-" (Hiccup’s Apology; Hiccup/Jack, How to Train Your Dragon/Rise of the Guardians)
5. "OH MY GOD WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!" "Grover, stop yelling!" "YOU'RE YELLING, ANNABETH, I AM PANICING." "Grover. Annabeth is right, please calm down, this is already nerve-wrecking enough, love." "JUNI! WE'RE DYING AND I NEVER GOT TO PROPOSE TO YOU!" Percy nearly hit the brakes hard at that. Gripping the wheel tightly, he tried breathing deeply. "G-man, I love you, dude, but you really gotta shut up", grunted Percy. "The weather and the mountain are already making this drive way too hard. Your yelling does not help." (For Fuck’s Sake, What Are We Supposed to Do With the Body?; Nico/Percy, Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
6. Triton made a face and groaned. All he had wanted was a coffee. He had stayed up long making plans for the team – he was a swim-coach at college and a race was coming up. He really needed his coffee before facing his team. They were loud and exhausting. He liked most of them most of the time, but without coffee and breakfast, it was just not bearable.Instead of getting breakfast, he was now faced with his obnoxious ex-boyfriend. Teenage-mistake, really. Trying to rebel against his mother. Now, one of his biggest regrets. He groaned again. (Endless Sky; Triton/Percy, Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
7. Jonathan Christopher Wayland was ten years old when his father was brutally murdered in front of his eyes. It was a traumatic experience that he would never be able to shake off.And things didn't exactly get better afterward. Members of the Clave came and wanted to bring him to total strangers. Supposedly his father's parabatai – but... Jonathan had read a lot about parabatai and they were supposed to be close. So how come Jonathan had never met this parabatai and his father never talked about him? Jonathan didn't want to be taken to strangers. He was afraid. He was also, deep down, afraid that his father's parabatai would be just like his father. (Not All That Glitters is Gold; Magnus/Jace, Shadowhunters)
8. "Don't yell at me like I'm a child!""DON'T THROW SCISSORS! YOU'RE ACTING LIKE ONE, I'LL TREAT YOU LIKE ONE!"Krolia nearly fell off the stone she was sitting on in surprise. Looking around alarmed at the loud screaming from her son, she noted that no one else seemed alarmed at all. Allura was tending to Shiro, checking to see if he was alright after having been brought back from the dead yesterday. Pidge and Hunk were tinkering on something. They were trying to prepare everything, because the Paladins wanted to leave for Earth as soon as possible. Coran was pre-preparing food, everything that could last for longer periods of time, packing lunch for every lion. Coran was going to ride in the Blue Lion with Allura, now Keith and Lance were fighting over who would take Shiro with them. They had been arguing about this since yesterday. (Space Children; Keith/Lance, Voltron: Legendary Defender)
9. "This... This is so not the outcome I expected. I mean, was that even a possibility?""Don't ask me. In Central City everything is a possibility", replied Cisco wide-eyed.He turned to look at Felicity, but the blonde was still staring ahead with her mouth hanging open. With her husband still in prison, Felicity had gladly come over to help Cisco and Caitlin out, seeking a distraction and a problem she might actually be able to solve (for now. She planned on solving Oliver's problem too). With things now calmed down after the Thinker had been defeated, Caitlin worked full-time on trying to bring back Killer Frost. With the help of Cisco and Felicity, she made faster progress. Only that the end-result was not entirely what she had anticipated... (Separated But Together; Killer Frost/Caitlin, The Flash)
10. Querl Dox was not the most well-versed in emotions. Or social cues. Or the link between those."You're been... oddly gloomy since your return", noted Mon-El cautiously.Brainy blinked as he looked up at Mon-El. He attempted to put the piece of paper away before Mon-El could see it, but the Daxamite had already caught sight of it. He stopped Brainy from putting it away, instead taking it to twirl it around in his hand. (I Got a Jar of Dirt; Brainiac 5/Winn, Supergirl)
Okay, so, for the record: I absolutely love that Nicercy is the only ship that’s twice on this list and everything else is all fresh and that the last ten oneshots I wrote actually span six different fandoms.
Now, to the analysis! Because I am 100% aware of what I prefer to write for an opening. I pick one character from the main paring and write an opening sentence mostly involving their current emotions or situation and use that to tie into a brief introduction to what this fic’s setting is.
Here’s the new thing I noticed in this game: When I break that pattern by opening up in a dialogue instead, it’s because I think I’m funny. Dialogue fic openers only happen when I think I have a funny dialogue that’d be a cute way to open the story. All serious openings are reserved to the usual pattern.
That’s interesting. I did not notice that one before.
Sooo, as always, feel tagged if you really wanna do this! I really am not good at tagging people for these kinda games, sorry. Just do it if you want to! ;D
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crystalelemental · 5 years
FE Fates Replay - Part 3
When we left off, we were ready to make the decision between the Hoshidans, and the Nohrians.  On one side, our peaceful blood relatives, who have finally been reunited with you after all these years.  On the other, the people you’ve grown up with, who serve a mad king that seeks only to subjugate other nations.  Now...we must choose...
The decision between the two is interesting.  Based on the Nohrian events at the outset, we’ve been given a glimpse of what the kingdom is like on the inside, and then we’re shown how brutal their tactics can be once we join the Hoshidans.  The Hoshidan segments prepare us for the inevitability of the choice, and frame things as a matter of which family you are siding with.  That’s an important distinction.  It’s not a matter of your ideals.  Those are never in question.  Regardless of whose side you’ve been on, Corrin remains true: she seeks to protect people, and create a peaceful end for both sides.  The question is, which family do you belong with?
The Hoshidans seem convinced that you are meant to be with them, by virtue of blood.  But really, what is family anyway?  Yes, they are your “true” family, for whatever value that has.  But what have they done as your family?  Mostly, they’ve just tried to assure you that, although you’ve been raised in Nohr, you are one of them.  Hinoka has a pure display of emotion toward Corrin, but beyond that, they offer almost nothing else.  Compare that with the Nohrian siblings.  Xander, your older brother, who helped you train, day after day, so that one day you could leave the tower you were kept in.  Leo, risked his own head defying your father, just to help you hold to your ideals.  Elise, who visited you every day and kept you company in your imprisonment.  Camilla, who looks out for you and the other siblings.  Though the few chapters we had with them, we’ve seen how devoted they are to you, and the bonds you share.  Comparatively, the Hoshidans offer nothing other than “the truth,” that you are part of their family.  There are no bonds, and Corrin herself remarks on how she feels nothing toward these siblings outright.  Though your blood relation is there, your bonds are in Nohr.  The reason to side with Hoshido is your ideals, the path that fights directly for peace, and doesn’t involve dealing with Garon at all.  But the game has insisted that the choice should be based on which family you belong with, and that being the case, the choice should be obvious.  We side with Nohr.
“But what about the true route?”  Shhh!  Later, okay?
When you pick Nohr, it politely informs you that you won’t be getting extra experience or gold.  That’s funny, because I have the DLC, so I assure you I will not go without.  “I thought you wanted to maintain the difficulty of the game?”  Yeah?  I’m not gonna power level, but I want my money.
Anyway, the Hoshidans are devastated, and Ryoma goes on a lot about how it was your destiny to be on their side, and the Nohrians must have brainwashed you or some shit.  This is honestly the point where we should just turn around and leave, but instead, the Nohrians are insistent on fighting.  If they leave, the Hoshidans might think they’re scared, or worse, might think that Nohr coerced you into joining them.  No, we have to fight to show them that Corrin picked them over the Hoshidan siblings!  ...guys.  Guys, this is really petty.  Like...really petty.  I’m starting to have second thoughts.
I will note that, if Corrin fights with certain siblings in this map, you get a bit of extra dialogue.  I didn’t get Hinoka’s dialogue with Corrin, but Takumi’s is mostly him being like “I knew you’d betray us.”  Yeah, I guess even Takumi saw how boring his family was and knew I’d go back to the cool kid’s club.  That said, your dialogue with Sakura is fucked up, man.  Sakura can’t even fight, you run up to her and she’s like “Corrin, are you really going to fight me?”  And Corrin just goes “No, I just...need you to take a long nap...”  I know you mean knocking her unconscious, but damn, that’s harsh.
After the conflict, Azura tells you that your choice can’t be undone, but you’re sure to see each other again.  Jakob arrives and tells you he’s been looking for you.  You also run into Lilith.  Jakob’s confusion here is great.  Anyway, this brings us into My Castle for the first real time, and we can start setting up.  You know what that means!  The entire rest of this is going to be me VIOLENTLY COMPLAINING about My Castle!
Fuck this goddamn shitheap.  I hate it.  I think half the detriment to gameplay is right here, in this fucking place.  Let’s start with the worst: artificial resource collection.  There are 12 resources and 10 kinds of food.  Resources are used to upgrade your weapons, with different weapons needing different types of stones.  The stones, I believe, are separated into 6 for Nohr, 6 for Hoshido.  You need a veritable assload of resources to forge one weapon, and the level you can forge is pretty low.  You also need copies of said weapon at the same level, in order to forge up.  So you may be wondering, if I’m playing Nohr, and money is tight...how do I get the resources for this?  Short answer: you don’t.  Forging is so goddamned expensive you can’t realistically do it without the DLC.  More importantly, you only get one unit of resource from your own castle, and only of one type.  To get others, you need to go to other castles with wireless features, and do all that.  Then, you can also get bonuses for how often you visit or battle the other castles.  Oh, and the cap is 9999.  So...good luck with that, I guess.
“Wait, battle?” you ask.  Yes, you can battle other players in their castle!  Finally, Fire Emblem has PvP!  ...kinda?  The other team is AI controlled, so it’s not proper PvP, but they’re trying, I guess.  Anyway, what’s really funny is no one really does that.  PvP in this kind of game is stupid.  Why?  Because when you win, you can buy a skill from your opponent at a discounted rate, if you have the same character!  So, remember having to choose an alternate class for Corrin at the start of the game?  Let’s take my choice, Samurai.  Samurai can learn Vantage.  However, by choosing this path, I locked myself out of, say, Knight class, so I can’t get Pavise.  I can rectify this by going to the castle of someone who did pick Knight, and learn their Pavise skill by beating their castle, and they in turn could get Vantage by beating my team.  Now, put on your thinking caps, kids.  What is most valuable for everyone: setting up a proper fighting team, or setting up your units to be far away from the Seize point and letting them just run up to capture it?  The second, obviously.  They get skills, you get more visits from people who want things from you, and everything is great.  If you actually defend your castle?  You’re an asshole, and are what’s wrong with society.  Now this also creates other issues.  Marriage options in this game allow you to reclass to the classes of the person you married as well.  This means that, in essence, you can get every possible skills on any unit, depending on your pairing choices.  So finding people who chose differently is imperitive.  But there’s no way to find people who chose differently with any sort of reliability, so you’re sunk.
Now, the flipside there is that Awakening didn’t have this.  You had the classes and skills that were inherent to you, and nothing else.  I do like the idea of better balancing the kids and adults by expanding what the adults can learn, but the problem is that this whole process is tedious.  The only way to find those other skills is to locate someone online who is sharing their information, hasn’t updated their castle since sharing that information, and is apparently in the same country as you.  But more importantly?  Half the enjoyment of this kind of system is that units don’t play the same.  But now...they kinda do.  Anyone can be anything, but certain skills are definitely better than others.  There are certain combinations, but mostly you keep to a few tried and true configurations and don’t deviate.  So when you randomly go to castles hoping maybe someone will have Nyx with something unique, they tend to all have the same characters (lords or kids), and generally have the same skills throughout.
That said, there is one hysterical outcome of this, and that’s hacking.  Apparently, they didn’t think it would happen to them, or just weren’t prepared, but people immediately found a way to hack Aptitude onto every character in existence, and it spread like wildfire through this system.  So in a way, for anyone who is anti-hacking (which should be no one, but I know better), this system allowed everyone to be a cheater!  Even when you didn’t directly cheat, you still have cheats on!  Hell, even Hoshidan Unity is floating around all over, and I’m pretty sure that was an exclusive skill too!  Anything can be anywhere thanks to hacking, and this unnecessary system!
Then we have the Dragon Points, which you need to upgrade facilities.  You only get them from clearing maps and visiting other castles.  It’s another slow resource you need a lot of, because eventually you get statues of your units that, when created, increase their specific boon stat by up to 3 points for everyone who is well-supported with them.  So have fun farming dragon points out too!  Technically, you can do a bunch of these things at once, but it’s astonishing how, in a game all about quickly going from map to map and figuring out the strategy, their best idea for a central hub was a location that required you to stop actually playing the game for hours to farm materials.  Brilliantly done.
And this doesn’t even get into the controversial areas.  Prison is one, where you can capture enemy units and convert them to your side through...apparently torture?  I’ve heard that some lines suggest rape as torture, but I don’t know that for sure and I am so not willing to find out.  I don’t think Prison is actually necessary to improve, so I won’t even be building it.  Oh, right, fun facts: you need to upgrade some of these facilities to their max to recruit specific characters.  Flora won’t join you unless you have Fire Orb at rank 3, for some fucking reason.  I’m all for hidden characters, but that’s just obtuse.
The other is the most notorious one: the face-rubbing minigame.  I...god, what the hell were they thinking with this?  Guys, it was only cute in Pokemon because you want to give your little pupper Growlithe head pets.  They’re animals, and you’re petting animals, as is good and proper.  But these are humans, and you’re inviting them into your bedroom to stroke their face.  The US version got rid of it for your general cast, and only allows it for your wife/husband choice, but that’s...really not any better.  At all.  This mechanic never should’ve been in the game in the first place.  It’s creepy and uncomfortable, and I hate knowing it’s there.
I’m sure there will be other things for me to complain about, but for now, that’s all that immediately comes to mind.  The short of it is, I hate My Castle.  It was a terrible idea that does nothing but stall out gameplay for far too long, and completely invalidated the concept of making people choose a sub-class in the first place.  Half the fun should’ve been working with the pairings to get the shared skills to work in some combination, and instead you just play My Castle until you have the access to things.  Which costs money, so good luck with that.  I know, I know.  I can always play without those elements.  But the fact that they exist at all, and that I need tremendous amounts of resources just to forge weapons or upgrade the facilities here, means I may as well get skills while I’m doing it.  “Why don’t you just not forge weapons and use the stronger ones as the game progresses naturally?”  Ooohoho, friend.  Buddy.  Listen.  That’s another shout-fest for another day.  Safe to say, there’s a damned good reason you can’t just do that.
Ugh, this is making me irritable.  I think I’m gonna sit the rest of the evening out on this one.  If I’m gonna be fair to the game, I can’t be this riled while playing, so next part tomorrow, because tomorrow is, thankfully, a holiday.
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