#2024 weekly prompt challenge
mythicalamity · 5 months
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Link to ao3, start from week one: ✨ h e r e ✨
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💚 Käärijä Weekly Writing Challenge | 2 June 2024 💚
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Welcome to the Käärijä Weekly Writing Challenge. 💚
Our first prompt is : Dream
For this prompt the optional set word count is : 830 - 930 Words For this prompt the optional set deadline is : 8 June 2024
Prompts may be interpreted any way you like, but it must be part of your work in some way, shape or form. There is no minimum or maximum word count, and the set word count and deadline are optional for those who like the extra challenge. All the rules can be found here.
Here is the Challenge Collection on AO3 to which you can add your work.
PS. If you’d like to submit a prompt for this challenge, you can do so either by sending a message or ask. More info about this here.
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kokocarescommunity · 3 months
March W2 Self-harm awareness Discussion prompt Coping Skills
Week 2: March 11
Discussion prompt-
Coping skills are actually meant to stack and work together, one by itself is not as effective.
What coping skills do you find work best together?
Why do you think they work well together?
What situations do they work best for?
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Sight Unseen - recently
Bloganuary writing promptName an attraction or town close to home that you still haven’t got around to visiting.View all responses I’ve seen most of the local attractions at least once, thanks to out-of-town visitors. But it is curious how often the prompt to see some famous spot is a visit from family or friends rather than your initiative. We get too hung up on our routines. That’s why, after…
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ros3ybabe · 6 months
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Winter Break Goals/Habits/Things to Begin
So, my winter break begins Saturday officially, even tho I finish all my schoolwork by tomorrow/Thursday. I figured to keep me on track with my goal of being a better me in 2024, I'd make a list of some things I'd like to incorporate into my days during my 6 week long winter break! Not everything will be accomplished, but I'm going to try my hardest.
🩷 My Winter Break List 🩷
consistent workout routine 3-5 days a week
try out a pilates class (local studio)
study japanese/spanish every day (create a new routine for studying either)
consistent sleep schedule (10pm - 6am)
daily afternoon hot girl walks (30+ minutes)
daily gratitude journaling
answer a journal prompt daily
read every day, 1 chapter of a book minimum
pick up a hobby and practice it several times a week (drawing, crochet, etc)
daily morning and night skincare
daily meditation (in the morning)
educate myself on healthy financial habits
drink electrolytes daily
watch one episode of a TV show minimum (NOT American Dad - thats my comfort sho)
clean bedroom and do laundry often, weekly at worst
get ready for the day, every day (do my hair, wear clothes I DIDNT sleep in, maybe some light makeup)
eat breakfast every day
meet my protein goal daily
track all my habits daily
it seems like a lot, yes, but it is completely doable as some of these habits take 10 minutes or less and I have 24 hours in a day to fill up. I get bored very easy si if I don't set goals, I'll end up staying in bed on my phone all day long and that's not healthy or productive whatsoever. I'll include these in my daily challenge updates too to keep myself accountable!!
here's to trying ro be a better me!
til next time lovelies 🩷
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microficmay · 2 months
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Microfic May 2024
We are back, folks! Join us for our best and biggest year of microfics ever!! Microfic May is an open daily prompt challenge in which participants write a microfic a day in May. Here's the scoop for 2024!
We define microfics as works of fiction that are 50 words or less. However, this limit is merely a suggestion. We accept all lengths!
Open to all HP characters, ships, ratings, topics, and genres (as long as works are tagged and spoilered appropriately).
Participants must be age 18+ and follow DLDR, SALS, and YKINMKATO. (What does this mean?)
All prompts are optional, can be skipped, switched around, or combined. Just have fun and write!
For an extra challenge, try one of our optional ‘Weekly Challenges’ along with the day’s prompt.
To submit a work, add it to our collection on AO3 Microfic May 2024 or mention us on Tumblr @microficmay AND tag #microficmay2024.
Check the Info and FAQ pages for more info! (if the links aren’t working on mobile, try here)
🫶 Prompt list in plain text under the cut! 🫶
Prompts List 2024
Day 1: Create Day 2: Resplendent Day 3: Horizon Day 4: Decision Day 5: Dreams & Reality Day 6: Flare Day 7: Innocuous Day 8: Will Day 9: Agony Day 10: Rise & Fall Day 11: Curse Day 12: Vivid Day 13: Talisman Day 14: Humility Day 15: Nothing & Everything Day 16: Squabble Day 17: Worthy Day 18: Healing Day 19: Impatience Day 20: Push & Pull Day 21: Unhand Day 22: Precious Day 23: Mistake Day 24: Elation Day 25: Day & Night Day 26: Vex Day 27: Dandy Day 28: Fetching Day 29: Thrall Day 30: First & Last Day 31: Fulfilment
Alternate Prompts
Alt 1: Evolve Alt 2: Superfluous Alt 3: Idle Alt 4: Warmth Alt 5: Life & Death
Weekly Challenges (Optional)
Week 1: POV Challenge ↳ Create a microfic using 1st or 2nd person point of view.
Week 2: ‘A/An’ Challenge ↳ Don't use the articles 'a' or 'an' in your microfic.
Week 3: Format Challenge ↳ Create a microfic using a non-traditional format. Examples: epistolary, text fic, dialogue only, poetry, song lyrics, script, etc.
Week 4: Alphabet Challenge ↳ Include all the letters A-Z in your microfic.
BONUS CHALLENGE ↳ To be announced!
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summer-of-bad-batch · 1 month
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Welcome to Summer of Bad Batch! 
This is a light-hearted, weekly prompt challenge for the months June, July, and August! 
13 weeks with 13 prompts! 
I’m excited! 
Here’s how it’s going to work: 
Fill out THIS form to submit prompt ideas! Even if you don’t plan on completing the prompts yourself, please submit ideas for other artists and writers to work with! What would you like to see gallivanting across your dash this summer? Tell us! (The form will be open until May 18th)
Once prompts are submitted and compiled, there will be an opportunity to vote on your favorite prompts! The top 13 prompts will be the prompts used over the summer. Again, even if you aren’t a “participant”, please vote and share! You are a VERY important part of the fun! 
The weekly prompt will be posted at the beginning of each week (Sunday at 12a.m. CST)! If you are a participant, start working on the prompt whenever you want. Post whenever you want. It can be within the week of or later…the point of this prompt challenge is to be laid back and fun! There’s no real deadline! (Although the event ends August 31, 2024) 
At the end of the summer, participation awards will be given! Something cute, something fun, something sunny…bragging rights! There will be a participation award for the casual participant, and a completionist award for those who got all 13 prompts done. (This is based on the honor code…if you say you did 13 prompts, who am I to doubt??) 
Find “Rules” and my Q&A post HERE!
For those of you who have followed my main blog, @kybercrystals94, you’ll know that I’ve participated in a few prompt challenges over the past year. I love them! They motivate me to write, and inspire ideas I would never have thought of on my own. 
My hope for Summer of Bad Batch is that it will inspire fun stories about some of our favorite clone boys. There isn’t a specific genre to be followed, just prompts that can probably be taken any number of ways. 
I plan to dabble in some more lighthearted genres myself this summer, but go where the prompt takes you!
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mi6-cafe · 29 days
Get Ready for 007 Fest 2024!
007 Fest is a celebration of Bond for the whole month of July! We've made some changes to the format, illustrated in the slides below. You can also check out our new and updated Wordpress pages.
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What's staying the same from past 007 Fests?
We still have activities like the scavenger hunt, prompt tables, anon prompt exchange, and masterposts/brag sheets!
Why the changes?
007 Fest has always been about celebrating Bond, helping people achieve their personal fandom goals, and bringing the community together to have fun. In the past, the competitive nature of the points system has helped energize people but it has also led to conflict. (It could also be tedious, e.g., fandom taxes.) 
We hope that being on new time-zone-based teams will foster more community events and that the structured weekly goals will help people pace themselves. Also, we love that the ability to help others means that there is a chance for EVERY team to accomplish 100% of their goals! We hope to create a supportive environment where people can challenge themselves and grow together. 
When is all this happening?
June 01–15: 007 Fest sign-ups are open! 
June 18: 007 Fest teams, including team Discord channels, are released 
July 01: 007 Fest begins; participants make weekly goals every Mission Monday 
July 28: Team-Up Week begins as participants make one last push to help each other achieve their goals! 
July 31: 007 Fest ends at 11:59 PM your local time. 
If you have questions, please check out our FAQ on wordpress, but if you can't find the answer in there, reach out to us via the Cafe blog on tumblr, or find Castillon02 or Linorien on either slack or discord. One of us will see your question and do our best to answer.
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medusapelagia · 1 month
Other events: General, Rare Pairs, Character Centered Events - May Update
Stranger Things Big Bang ( @strangerthingsbigbang) The authors sign up are closed but the Artist sign up is open till May 11! Event info
Strangers Things Monsterfucker May challenge (@aidaronan) An event for the monsterfucker lovers! Event info
Hawkins microfic ( @hawkinsmicrofic) Here it is! Get ready to challenge yourself with a prompt and a defined number of words. May prompt is: Eyes - 528 words Event info
Billy Hargrove Big Bang ( @billybigbang2024) Billy Big Bang is back on under a new management! Join us! Writer Sign-Ups Close: May 15 Artist Sign-Ups Close: July 6 Event info
Stranger Things Sapphic Mini Bang ( @sapphicstevents) Writers Sign Ups are closed, but Artists Sign Ups are open till the 14th of June Event info
Corroded Coffin Fest ( @corrodedcoffinfest) This even will take place from July 1st thru July 31st but there are going to be some warm up events! MAY 15TH - GET A JOB JUNE 15TH - BAND ON THE RUN Event Info
A Stranger Summer ( @astrangersummer) A Strange Summer it's finally started! Have fun with some weekly prompts through the months of May, June, July, and August! Event info Prompts list
Summer Things Fest ( @summerthingsfest) A prompt base fest open to all ships! Prompts open on the 26th of April Claim from from the 10th of May Event info on AO3
BUCKLEWAY APPRECIATION WEEK Do you think it was a pity that Robin and Heather never got time together on screen? Here is your occasion to make it happen! Run from MAY 19 - 25 Event info
Metalsandwich Movie Mania ( @now-showing-at-the-hawk-events) Post-2000s Metalsandwich Movie Mania will take place June 9th-22nd Pre-2000s Metalsandwich Movie Mania will take place November 10th-23rd!  Event Info and prompts!
Eddie Munson Big Bang ( @eddiemunsonbigbang) It’s still a bit early but get ready to sign up to the most metal Big Band ever! Sign ups open on July 1st, 2024 and close on September 9th, 2024 Event info
Stevie week ( @stevieweek) A week were all Stevies are welcome! Non-binary, genderqueer, cisgender, gender fluid etc. From the 4th of July to the 10th of July Event info
Metal Sandwich Bingo ( @metalsandwichbingo) The bingo will take place 1 Oct - 31 Dec, 2024, more info closer to the event! Event Info
Steve Harrington Big Bang ( @steveharringtonbigbang) Finally we have some info about this Big Bang that was postponed to 2025! Sign Ups Open -- January 01, 2025 Sign Ups Close -- March 21, 2025 Event info
Stommy Big Bang ( @stommybigbang) It's still a work in progress but keep an eye on their page for more info soon!
StrangerThings Reverse Big Bang ( @strangerthingsreversebigbang) This year Big Bang was such a huge success that I can't wait for the next one! Sign-ups opening September 2025!
As always feel free to reblog and add other events!
Under the cut the past events if you want something to read!
Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang @strangerthingsreversebigbang Here is the AO3 collection !
Rare Pair Roulette ( @st-rarepair-roulette) Find all the fics in the AO3 collection!
Stranger Things Femslash ( @strangerthingsfemslash) Here is the AO3 Collection
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galenfeadraws · 16 days
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Linked Universe Discord Weekly Prompt #230: Animals!
Wild and his pet bear Snoots. Snoots was created by @kikker-oma, though she's a lot better at drawing bears than I am.
Today's challenges. Well... yeah, it's probably obvious. But also the angle of Wild's arm.
20th May 2024
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Choices March Challenge 2024
I asked and you answered. It seems like flowers and spring are prompts you are interested in for the March Challenge!
I hope you enjoy the prompts I chose. There is a mix of flowers, spring related words, March holidays, dialogue prompts, and visual floral prompts. I also posted some floral dividers that you're welcome to use.
Have Fun + Happy Creating!
Prompts + Guidelines below the cut!
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Flowers (these are some possibilities, but all flowers are accepted)
Bleeding Heart Flower
Corpse Flower
Jade Vine
Baby animals
Clear skies
Daylight saving
Fresh air
New Life
Outdoor activities + sports
Rain boots
Rainy days
Spring cleaning
Sunny weather
Warm temperatures
Longer days
March Holidays (these are some possibilities, but all March Holidays are accepted)
March 01: National Peanut Butter Lover's Day
March 08: International Women's Day
March 09: National Barbie Day + Get over it Day
March 11: National Napping Day
March 15: The Ides of March
March 16: National Panda Day
March 17: St. Patrick's Day
March 18: Awkward Moments Day
March19: First day of spring
March 23: National Puppy Day
March 30: National Take a Walk in the Park Day + Doctors' Day
March 31: Easter
Dialogue Prompts
"The flowers in the park seem to have a secret language, don't they?"
"Why does every spring bring back memories of that garden?"
"I can't believe you kept that secret from me all these years."
"Why do you always have to be so stubborn?"
"I never thought I'd see you again."
"Do you believe in second chances?"
"I thought we were in this together."
"You're not the person I thought you were."
"Sometimes silence speaks louder than words."
"Is it too late to start over?"
"I don't know who I am anymore."
"We're running out of time."
"Why are you really here?"
"Your laughter is my favorite melody."
"If our love story were a book, every page would be filled with the softest words and the sweetest kisses. What chapter are we on now?"
“Will you please shut up”
 “Of all the things i love about you, this is my favorite.”
Visual Prompts:
If one of these inspire a creative work from you feel free to use it. You can list the prompt topic + # (ie: Rainbow 3)
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Guidelines + Rules
Submitted works will be featured on a weekly masterlist
Every form of creative work can be submitted: fanfiction, drabbles, moodboards, edits, drawings, poems, songs, sketches, and more—all are welcomed.
Work from any book and story from the Choices (and Pixelberry) universe are welcome (new and old alike)!
You can participate as many times as you want during the month
Clearly list the prompt your used
You can combine submissions for this event and others
Please add a cut to avoid long posts and exposing other fans to triggering/disturbing content.
If your work is NS*W please label it as such and use appropriate warnings. Adult content should be hidden under the page break.
You can get creative with the prompts. It can be a variation of the word and/or concept. It doesn’t have to be exact or literal. If the word inspires a train of thought that led you to something different, put that in the notes and send it in! Have fun with it! Make them work for you! The ultimate goal is just to find joy in creating!
Please tag @choicesmonthlychallenge​​ and if you’d like to add me you can do so as well~ @lovealexhunt​​​ (feel free to DM me your work too since Tumblr tags are fickle)
Please do not submit work that has been created with AI. Works that contain AI will not be reblogged. If reblogged inadvertently and I find out they have AI, they will be deleted.
Late entries will be accepted through April 5
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callivich · 2 years
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The Gallavich fandom on tumblr is great - full of lovely, creative people who are friendly and welcoming. So if you’re new to tumblr or Gallavich or coming back after some time away, don’t be shy, get involved! (I think I’ve got all the current blogs that share work and/or run events but if I’ve missed anyone, please let me know!!)
@gallavichthings - for all things Gallavich, as well as events and writer interviews
@gallavichfanficlibrary - the place for finding a fic or getting recommendations
@gallavichfanartgallery - all the fanart you could want in one place
@ao3feed-gallavich - never miss a Gallavich fic on ao3 with this automated feed
@gallacrafts - a monthly Gallavich themed craft event
@galladrabbles - a weekly Gallavich themed drabble challenge
@shamelesscreatorsnetwork - events, tips and ideas for digital/visual creators
@shamelessbigbang - running the Shameless Big Bang event for fic and art
@mayo-in-the-morning - a Gallavich fanfic podcast
@gallavichprompts - send your Gallavich prompts and get creative inspiration (including a list of authors & artists who take prompts)
@spicygallavichcollab - collaborative event for writers and artists who want to create smut
@bottomiangallagher - bottom!Ian fanfic and fanart recommendations
@gallavich-headcanon Gallavich headcanon questions and meta discussion
@gallvichnanowrimo - a Gallavich themed blog for NaNoWrimo but inspiring posts for anytime of year
@slim-jims-in-this-shit-hole - @gallawitchxx’s spicy and smutty fanfic and fanart recs
@dailymikhailo - your daily dose of Mickey
@iangallaghersdaily - your daily dose of Ian
@usergallaghers - your daily dose of Shameless
@lil-domestic-bitches - a spicy aesthetic Gallavich blog
@gallavichcoloringbook - a place to download Gallavich art to colour
@gallavich-podfic - a place for Gallavich pod fics
@its-a-queer-thing - is running a Gallavich tropes event
@gallavichficfinds - Gallavich fanfic recs and a place to find fics
Every Gallavich Kiss list by @brain-matter
@francesroserecs - a Gallavich fanfic rec blog
@f-f-podcast - South Side Rules - A Shameless Podcast
@gallavichmeta - a place for discussion, meta, and analysis of Ian, Mickey and their relationship
@thegallavault - a fully fan-made, totally free collection of beloved Ian x Mickey fics in e-reader (.epub) format, complete with a custom cover that features fan art made by one of the many talented artists in the Gallavich fandom
@gallavich-fic-club - A community of fic readers and writers, as well as some brilliant fan artists, who love to connect about all of our favorite stories. We run a weekly fic discussion, and otherwise spend our days chatting about all things Gallavich!
Updated 26th April 2024
Mini Moodboard Story Challenges by @whatthebodygraspsnot - Gallavich picture prompts. What do you get when you put all the pieces together?
Tags to track: #gallavich #iangallagher #mickeymilkovich #ianxmickey #gallavichfanfic #gallavichfanart
Don’t forget: likes are great but reblogs are the best. Reblogs help share work, likes don’t do that. Please don’t steal and repost gifs, reblog gifs you like or use the gif search function (bottom left hand corner of a post) to include gifs you like in a post. Feel free to write comments in the tags or reply to posts, that’s a great way to show love and also engage with people. There’s lots of people who are happy to chat on here, so feel free to pop into their inbox and say hi 🙂
And feel free to make a #gallavichintro post to introduce yourself! And check out the lurker’s guide to the tumblr Gallavich fandom.
(p.s. I don’t know if it needs to be said but most people on here, like myself, are adults and only want to interact with other adults so please respect that if you are under 18)
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springintoastory · 2 months
Spring Into A Story 2024 COMING!
Hello all! This year, we are putting out a new challenge for all writers and all writer levels! Whether you are trying to write something new, edit, publish, outline, storyboard... Well, Spring Into A Story is a great challenge for all.
We'll have weekly posts with challenges to interact with other writers. Update us on your progress. Join writers for a Youtube or Instagram-hosted Live Write-in (great for setting time aside to meet your goals), and we'll have spring-themed writing prompts too.
Writing prompts and instructions will be posted soon. For tumblr users, we'll share short and flash fiction once a week (rules will be posted with the prompts). Use our hashtag (#springintoastory) on all social media and help us spread the word!
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kenteffect · 4 months
Looking for a community for Roy/Jamie enjoyers? Join our community of 400 strong in This Is Perverse: A (Horny) Roy/Jamie Server! We are Discord's largest server for hornyposting about Roy and Jamie and the filthy things they can get up to together. Join our bimonthly fanwork challenges like:
Good Boys Get Rewards - a mystery author challenge
Costume Party - a celebration of AUs
Sexy Christmas - a prompt exchange with 60 fics oriented around kinks requested by other authors
Writers Room - a collaborative challenge where groups of 6-7 members wrote fic round robin-style
The NEW and improved Roy/Jamie Big Bang for supersized fanworks, which will start accepting signups on February 5, 2024
and the upcoming F Words February - a challenge to create fanworks that include as many tags as possible beginning with F. This challenge goes live on February 12 so there is still time to join!
All fanwork challenges include prizes (real or virtual). You'll also find a book club, weekly episode rewatches and movie nights, game nights, pub quizzes, and a supportive community ready to provide art and writing help (23 Britpickers, 80+ Beta Readers, and 50+ football nerds ready to assist with the nitty-gritty details).
If you're looking to get your RJ fix met, look no further! We'll see you on the pitch 🥰
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52drabbles · 6 months
Welcome to the 52drabbles prompt list for 2024 —which, amusingly, has 53 prompts! (Thank you Leap Year!)
The goal behind this year-long opt-in challenge is to post a drabble every week. To be actively writing, and actively posting, all year.
To that end we've built a list of prompts for each week in 2024 —plus a handful of alternative prompts that can be subbed in for any week (or used as prompts for bonus drabbles, because MOAR drabbles is always good!) The prompts include images, songs, random words or phrases, tropes, and in April, for poetry month - poems.
If the prompt is in double quotes, the prompt must appear in the drabble, otherwise it's meant as inspiration. During April you can choose to write a poem of the type specified as your prompt, or write *about* that type of poem. For song prompts, pick out a lyric if you like, or be inspired by the vibe of the song. Whatever works!
Also included is a list of lengths - you may choose any length from the list to pair with any of the weekly prompts.
Although the challenge is to write a drabble a week, it's a completely voluntary, opt-in sort of challenge. No hard and fast deadlines, no turning them in - just write and post. If you're posting on tumblr, please tag them with @52drabbles so we can find them for monthly roundup posts!
All versions of Bond and all ships are welcome. And if you're not in the Bond fandom? Yeah, you can play, too :)
Pick one of the following lengths each week for your drabbles:
100 words exactly 150 words exactly 200 words exactly up to 300 words 300 words exactly 400 words exactly
For the month of January, the week starting Monday,
Jan 1 - Word: "bare" Jan 8 - Image:
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Jan 15 - Phrase: Cut to the chase Jan 22 - Song: Snake Eyes by Mumford & Sons Jan 29 - Trope: Shifter AU
Putting the rest of the year under a cut because the pics make it LONG -
Feb 5 - Word: "fence" Feb 12 - Image:
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Feb 19 - Phrase: Meanwhile, back at the ranch Feb 26 - Song: Behind Blue Eyes by The Who
Mar 4 - Trope: Dialogue only Mar 11 - Word: "lemon" Mar 18 - Image:
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Mar 25 - Word: "shoots"
Apr 1 - Poem type: haiku! Apr 8 - Poem type: limerick! Apr 15 - Poem type: bredlik! Apr 22 - Poem type: acrostic - "relish" Apr 29 - Poem type: remix! - turn any fic whose author agrees into a poem
May 6 - Phrase: Back to square one May 13 - Song: Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog May 20 - Trope: Historical figure May 27 - Word: "gimlet"
Jun 3 - Image:
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Jun 10 - Phrase: Take this job and … Jun 17 - Song: Fifth Symphony by Beethoven Jun 24 - Word: "heat"
Jul 1 - Trope: Wingfic Jul 8 - Word: "sculpture" Jul 15 - Image:
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Jul 22 - Phrase: Long in the tooth Jul 29 - Song: Something to Talk About by Bonnie Raitt
Aug 5 - Trope: Magical AU Aug 12 - Word: "flustered" Aug 19 - Image:
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Aug 26 - Phrase: On cloud nine
Sep 2 - Song: I Will Always Love You by Dolly Parton (or the Whitney Houston version, if you prefer) Sep 9 - Trope: Fix-it Sep 16 - Word: "kindling" Sep 23 - Image:
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Sep 30 - Phrase: Wild goose chase
Oct 7 - Song: Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffet Oct 14 - Trope: Forced proximity Oct 21 - Word: "leaves" Oct 28 - Image:
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Nov 4 - Phrase: Under your nose Nov 11 - Song: Let's Get It On by Marvin Gaye Nov 18 - Trope: Outsider Perspective Nov 25 - Word: "thread"
Dec 2 - Image:
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Dec 9 - Phrase: Gone but not forgotten Dec 16 - Song: School Days by Chuck Berry Dec 23 - Trope: Desert island Dec 30 - Word: "jet lag"
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lovebytz · 5 months
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Hello hello! Let's start prepping for AU April!
I chose to make a weekly challenge instead of daily because I feel it'll put waaay less pressure on both myself and everyone else.
Follow along with my prompts or don't, just have some fun! If you do decide to participate feel free to tag me as well and/or tag your posts #au april 2024 (Also! This is not just OCs or just fandom, it's whatever you want!)
Read more for elaborations on the prompts!
Week 1: Supernatural/Fairytale This one I thought would be a pretty interesting combination if people chose to do so! But otherwise, by supernatural I personally mean supernatural creatures! Werewolves, vampires, witches oh my! You can interpret this however you'd like though :-) Fairytale can be an aesthetic prompt, a character prompt, or even just inserting your characters of choice into your favorite fairytale!
Week 2: School/Band This week's prompts are much more straight forward. School just means putting your character(s) of choice in a school setting! This could be high school, university, or even grade school if you're so inclined. If they're already in school you could move them up or down in years! It's all up to you :-D Band can mean whatever you want it to mean, whether that be a group of rockstars or a couple of friends in someone's garage! What would suit your character(s) best?
Week 3: Merfolk/Pirate Luckily, these one's are pretty self-explanatory. Easy to mix too! Have some nautical fun and put your character(s) on the water!
Week 4: Coffee Shop/Fake Dating Blast from the past! Let's all embrace some old tropes and make something fun! Fake Dating doesn't have to be a ship either, it can be whatever dynamic you'd like.
I hope you have fun if you decide to participate! I'll be checking that tag throughout April so let's make some cool stuff!
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