#πŸ¦‹ don't you know that i am right here? ; answered
lillillian Β· 1 year
"Well, what's so strange about that?" -Tommy
Lil gave him a look that spoke for itself, as though he'd posed an unanswerable question. "Sorry, you don't know what's strange about only recognizing someone from one of Phil's films?" she asked, shaking her head incredulously. "I have literally never spoken to that girl in my life, but I could probably look up what sex position she did with my brother." Lil shuddered, her shoulders shaking at the thought. The only thing she'd requested from him was a list of who her twin had slept with so that she could look them up and be sure to never, ever try to flirt with them for the rest of her life. By now, she had the list committed to memory. "Don't worry, Kim's not on it. I would've told you by now if she was," Lil teased, giving him a teasing wink. "Is she here, by the way? We're supposed to have a scrimmage this week." @filmedbypickles
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lilmisssona Β· 3 months
π“’Φ΄ΰ»‹πŸ€¦ CHAPTER 1: An Intruder π“’Φ΄ΰ»‹πŸ€¦
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π“’Φ΄ΰ»‹πŸ€¦ PAIRING: Vampire! Hyunjin Γ— Witch! Fem Reader
π“’Φ΄ΰ»‹πŸ€¦ GENRE: Supernatural AU, SMAU, Enemies To Lovers, Murder Mystery AU
π“’Φ΄ΰ»‹πŸ€¦ PLOT: You're accepted to The University Of Magicks" You thought it was just a fun prank, a spam ad even. But when you get actually accepted, things start to get real....You move across the country to start your new life, only to get on the nerves of a certain vampire.... Join on this magical journey as you navigate through life, friendships , love and maybe even an ancient curse ??!! Will you be able to thrive or will this be a battle to survive ?
π“’Φ΄ΰ»‹πŸ€¦ WORD COUNT: 2K
π“’Φ΄ΰ»‹πŸ€¦ A/N: Someone's here. Except they are not someone you know... Is there an intruder ?
Let Me know what you think! New chapters every week!! ⸜(q˃ α΅• Λ‚ )⸝♑
π“’Φ΄ΰ»‹πŸ€¦ WARNINGS: Cussing, Painful memories of yn, platonic fluff
" And, the last bag is packed" You heaved a sigh of relief when you finished packing the last bag.
It was the dawn of 19th, you have to reach your destination by 21st evening.
Scanning your room, you made sure that everything is packed and tucked away.
As you won't be available for atleast an year or two. As that's what the curriculum says.
Seeking some well deserved rest, after the exhaustion of packing everything, you plop on your bed.
Sleep taking over your body quickly as your eyes grow heavy....
Weird sounds from your window, woke you up. It was already dusk when you opened your eyes.
You groaned in frustration as you heard the scratching sound again. Squinting your eyes and looking around, you spotted something dark at the window.
You gasped as you noticed there was something glowing outside. Fear engulfed your body, as you shivered looking at the mysterious figure.
Slowly, you approached your window, carrying your pepper spray and the bat you kept around for self defense.
With one swift motion, you opened the window and were about to scare it with the pepper spray, when you looked at the black blob.
It was not something... moreover someone. A cat. A black one at that with beautiful glowing eyes.
You smiled at your cute intruder as it looked at you with its huge eyes.
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" Who are you missy ? " you petted her head.
Welcomed by your warm gesture, your new guest invited herself in the house.
" I didn't say you're welcomed in! "
She purred and shuffled around your feet.
" Are you the neighbours cat love ?"
" Did you run away from home "
The kitten meowed at her, as if answering " yes " to the last question.
You smiled at her and crouched down to her level,
" Where do you even belong to kitty ? "
There was no answer from her side.
" Well, I don't see any name tag on you "
" So you're a stray kitten ? " The kitten meowed shyly.
"Well that makes the two of us honey."
You patted her slightly on the head.
" I don't have any food on me love " you sighed.
" I am moving far far away honey and I have tucked away all of my cookware in the cupboard. "
" But..." you suddenly remembered smiling,
" I do think I have a can of tuna in the fridge "
" Will that be enough for you love ?"
The kitten meowed a lot in reponse while rubbing her body against you.
" Ok, I'll bring it "
You went up to the kitchen and she followed you.
Opening and pouring the can of tuna in a small plate you handed it to her,
" Here you go missy "
The kitten chewed it hungrily.
" Hungry are we ? Eat well love! "
You smiled at the kitten eating well. A single tear dropped from your eye.
You always wanted a pet of your own. But never had the courage or time to adopt them and take care of them.
This one right here, is the kitten of your dreams.
Inviting herself in, she already made herself at home and also creeped your way so soon into your heart.
" I can't take you with me baby. " You sniffled.
" They won't allow any kind of pets "
" You have to go after finishing this ok honey ? " you fought back tears....
As if on cue. A message popped up again on your laptop.
You wiped your tears and walked towards your bed.
It was another email from the said University you're leaving for, on the 21st.
This is to inform, that all novice witches, necromancers and elves/fairies, are equired to bring one familiar with them.
They can be any animal and shouldn't be harmful to other students.
Example include - Cats, Dogs, Birds, Butterflies, badgers to name a few.
We are looking forward to your visit on the 21st!"
A bright smile formed on your lips as you closed the laptop and looked at your self invited guest.
You patted your head as you spoke to her
" Looks like you're coming along with me! "
The kitten meowed in response.
"You do require some stuff though" You told her as you scanned the room.
" Hmm, a blanket, a carrier, some pillows, cat food, litter box, some treats, toys to play, and most importantly a name tag. "
You searched and found a list of cat supplies online.
" How does the name Miss Tuna sound like ?" You asked the kitten who was sitting on yout lap now, comfortably.
" Meow ?" She half meowed in a quizzical way
" Miss Tuna is cute right ?" She purred in response, as if in affirmation.
Soon she fell asleep in your lap as you softly petted her head...
You ordered everything online and it was at your door in the morning.
Thankful for the quick deliveries in Korea, you opened the packages and made everything ready.
Slowly, you scooped Miss Tuna from your bed where was sleeping comfortably and placed her in her new bed.
Clad with soft mini pillows and a warm blanket. Her eyes shot open as soon as she felt unfamiliar grounds.
She meowed a little in response.
" This is your new bed baby. You booped her tiny nose.
" Sleep for tonight we have to leave early tomorrow alright ? You scratched her head a little.
Ms. Tuna, purred and instantly became comfortable at your touch, beckoning you with her tiny paws to scratch her more.
" You need more petting love ?"
" Meow " A soft but eager voice escaped her mouth.
" Alright baby but only a few minutes more ok ? "
" I am gonna have to work a little after that mhm ?" She didn't say anything.
Just looked at you with her big shining eyes as if nodding in agreement.
Hours turned into minutes, minutes into seconds and now its already the morning of the 21st.
You woke up early to pack everything left for the last minute.
Aka the plates, glasses, bathroom supplies to name a few.
Lastly you got ready and got Ms. Tuna, comfortable in her carrier.
She was a little grumpy this morning. But its obviously due to the sudden change.
So you made her carrier as comfortable as you can and placed her in.
Now it's already time for your cab to arrive, so you looked around for any last minute things left.
After making sure everything is ok, you grabbed your suitcases. There were three in total.
All your life packed in three suitcases and one new carrier for your newest member.
You still were unsure of keeping Ms. Tuna with you. But since childhood you were affectionate of animals.
As they are the only ones who didn't judge you....
They just silently listened to all your woes without looking at you with a sense of pity or shock.
You remembered the time, when your adoptive mum and dad had a cute beagle Cooper.
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You adored him to death and did your best to play with him and take care of him.
You told him stories and he just silently listened. Sometimes even nudged you for cuddles.
When they gave you away for adoption, your heart broke...
Cooper tried his best to block the door so that you can't leave.
Poor dog loved you to death as well. You were crying at his efforts.
But he was a mere small beagle and nothing your adoptive dad's hands can't hold.
He picked him up and sedated him for a couple of hours, as your mum forcefully left with you, to hand over to the social workers.
That was the end of your relationships with animals. Until now....
You tucked your last suitcase in the trunk of the cab and grabbed the carrier to sit with in the backseat.
Taking one last content look at the apartment that has been your home since a year, you instructer the driver your location and drove off…
The wind was crisp as it blew in your face....
The train ride to Namsuhara was really peaceful in a way.
No one to talk to. No one judging you. Only the curiosities about your new life.
Beautiful view on top of that.
And the company of your new familiar, Ms. Tuna, who was comfortably sleeping on your lap now.
A part of you wanted to preserve this moment forever.
This was much needed you believed....
A new beginning.
Not that you didn't like your freelance job or your achievements.
But this was a Something else altogether.
A beginning of a "new you".
A "you", no one will make fun of, or be terrified in a way they saw a ghost.
A "you" who'll be the on the same level as her peers.
A "you" who'll hopefully make new friends.
And lastly a "you" who won't be.... your thoughts, trailed off.
A blush creeped on your cheeks as you thought of the dark haired boy you stalked on instagram.
Something or everything was so ethereal about him, that you don't even beleive he's real.
His gaze intense, yet his smile ? enough to make your heart flutter.
Thinking about all of this, you relaxed in your seat and waited to reach your destination.
The sun was setting as it coloured the sky different hues of pinks, yellows, oranges and purple.
You got down from the train at your final destination- Namsuhara.
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The station was quaint and peaceful and you can spot distant mountains everywhere.
It was really refreshing to see such a beautiful place in real life.
As you've only seen it in videos and travelogues online.
You looked around to find someone who was from the University as they told you, they'll pick you up from the station.
But there was no one....
Only passengers who are either walking away with their families, or people who are waiting for the next train or just chilling around...
You put your head down and were about to contact on the number provided to you when you heard a scream!!
" You're here!! Yess! I'm so excited!"
Someone ran towards you and you were so scared they might bump into you and Ms. Tuna, you just quickly ducked.
You ducked down and squeezed your eyes shut, bracing for impact.
Yet there was nothing but deafening silence....
So you opened your eyes and saw two girls staring at you. You noticed their features, so distinct...
One was wearing a beautiful sage dress with little flower petals printed on it.
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She was looking like a fairy to be honest. The second wore a black crop with blue denims and a leather jacket.
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Both had such different aesthetics yet they looked comfortable in each other's company.
" If you're done checking us out, move your ass and get up ? We're actually getting late!"
The girl wearing a leather jacket spoke.
" Hey, she's overwhelmed hun don't speak to her like that."
" I am sorry she's moody like that sometimes...
" The girl wearing the sage dress spoke after defending you.
" Are you guys from the University ?" you asked them curious.
" Oh yeah we forgot to introduce ourselves, am I right ? I'm Yunjin and that's my friend"
" Karina, you can call me Rina or short. "
" Nice to meet you two." You sheepishly replied to them as you shook their hand.
" Let's get going then ? Our carriage is here" Yunjin smiled at you.
" Carriage ?" You asked surprised.
" Yeah it's on top of the mountains remember ?" Karina replied to you, half annoyed.
" Yeah, I'm sorry I forgot" you smiled at her as you three exited the station and walked towards a different path.
Yunjin grabbed your hand whispered,
" Don't mind her, she tends to get a little overwhelmed around new people."
" Its, ok I understand that. I have social anxiety as well" you whispered back.
" I love your familiar btw, very witch esque." She smiled at you as she glanced a look at Ms. Tuna.
" Thank you Yunjin, '' you replied.
" You're a fairy ? No way!" You gasped as you looked at Yunjin.
" Yes, a garden fairy hun" she replied smiling.
" And you're a Necromancer?" you smiled at Karina.
" Yes and I am also learning sword fighting. So if anyone bothers you let me know" Karina winked at you.
"This is an interesting start," you thought as the carriage moved away to the rockier higher terrains of the Enchanted peaks….
π“’Φ΄ΰ»‹πŸ€¦ OUR ETERNAL ALLIES: @atinyniki @kailee08 @writingforstraykids
@cheesemonky @skzoologist @minholing
@michelle4eveΒ  @jinnie-ret @thatonedemigodfromseoul
π“’Φ΄ΰ»‹πŸ€¦ NEW RECRUITMENTS: @star92Β  @arloo00 @dabiscrustyfeet @loxgirl2004 @lakoya
@kpopmenace143 @avokralaim @i2nsstuff
@yasssposts @kopikokrunch @wa-wandavision @nlr1606 @kangyeonie
@niaalove @bellandxx @annybah
@kaiyaba @seungminindabuilding
(Taglist is closed!!)
π“’Φ΄ΰ»‹πŸ€¦ ENDNOTE: Everything Here is a work of fiction and my own imagination. This does not represent the real life characteristics of Stray Kids.
Make sure to like, reblog, follow and turn your notifications on to get updated whenever I upload a new chapter!!
⸜(q˃ α΅• Λ‚ )⸝♑
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untilnextchapter Β· 9 months
Monthly Fanfictions Recommandation: September'23
Here are my best discoveries from the last weeks
🍬 The Authors
@kquil : a gentle author, writing about the Marauders, her writing will bring you peace and the writings are so soft. I love seeing her theme on my computer and seeing her icon on my dash is always a sign that I will read something good.
@luveline : you don't know if you want to read an Aaron Hotchner story or a good Marauder one? You don't need to change to another page, here is the wonderful Jade. She's so talented and you won't be disappointed if you want to check her work.
@thatfanficstuff : when I discovered this blog, I didn't know where I should go first. So many fandoms I love, so many characters, so many stories... So many comfort shows and so, comforting times after work. And sometimes, it's all I need. A gentle person writing some sweet stories.
@luci-in-trenchcoats : I read a few stories a few months ago but, I recently re-discovered this amazing author. With her works, I was back into Supernatural. So many hours spent at reading about our favourite hunters, so many series. And the best of the best: the writing skills are so great and it's so easy to read... Waow, just waow.
@imagineteamfreewill : Fluffy Supernatural fics and a lot of good AUs, all I need after a hard day at work. Meg is an excellent writer and you will spend a good time, I promise. I haven't read everything yet but, I know I have a few a good escapes in perspective. Don't hesitate , you will enjoy your time reading, I hope as much as I'm doing.
@anika-ann : I'm in my Marvel phase, I'm weak, I know. And, I think I found someone that could quench my thirst with so many good stories and good writing skills. I could spend hours reading about Steve Rogers. And I know I've found an unique writer because I loved a crossover story. I usually hate that. But here I am, reading a Criminal Minds / Avengers story and loving it. Thank you for that.
@crazyunsexycool : Another "Val", it can only be someone nice, right? But really, a sweetheart, someone with so much imagination, and a way to write about children... And I know what I'm talking about, I'm working in a nursery. It's so great to read something accurate when it's a subject you know. And except for the children, she's always here to answer your questions, being nice and taking time for her followers. I hadn't asked to be add into a taglist for a story for a long time. You won't be disappointed if you want to make a stop here.
🍭 The Stories
* = Smut (Minors DNI) || πŸ¦‹ = Series || Beware of the TW please
Not so secret admirer || @kquil (Remus Lupin x Reader, you can't hide your adoration for remus lupin and often end up staring at him, good thing he thinks you're really cute)
A star between hands πŸ¦‹ || @luveline (James Potter x Reader, finding out you’re princess isn’t half as intimidating as your new bodyguard, James. mutual pining, fluff)
if things go bad || @/luveline (Aaron Hotchner x Reader, Hotch rushes to get to you when you call him during a home invasion. angst, hurt/comfort)
True Mate πŸ¦‹ || @thatfanficstuff (Peter Hale x Reader)
Remember me || @/thatfanficstuff (Thranduil x Reader)
I Know Your Brother || @luci-in-trenchcoats (Sam Winchester x Reader, The reader is pulled out of Hell accidentally by Sam Winchester who’s wondering where his brother is…)
A Safe Mistake πŸ¦‹ || @/luci-in-trenchcoats (Nanny!Dean x Single Parent!reader, Dean’s in need of some extra cash to help Sam pay for his tuition and gets a job working as a nanny for the reader’s young son. As Dean becomes ingrained in the reader’s life though, he soon becomes more than just the nanny to them both…)
Beauty and the Beast πŸ¦‹ || @imagineteamfreewill (Dean Winchester x Reader AU, Living in a village is nice, and even though you’d always longed for adventure, you weren’t expecting to go on an adventure of your own anytime soon. But as soon as you take your father’s place as the prisoner of a Beast who lives in an enchanted castle, you’re surprised that adventure isn’t all it’s cracked up to beβ€”and neither are monsters)
Daisy || @/imagineteamfreewill (Sam Winchester x Deaf!Daughter!Reader, Sam breaks some bad news to his daughter, who’s deaf, and watches her start to grow up without her mother)
Love on the Brain πŸ¦‹ || @anika-ann (Steve Rogers x Reader / Crossover MCU-Criminal Minds, You found menacing pictures of you friend, colleague and neighbour Steve in your mailbox. Β  Someone might play it off as a bad joke, but you were an agent for the Avengers Initiative and a former FBI agent. You’ve seen cases like this and you were taking no chances. Not with Steve of all people. But you were going to need help; enter the BAU)
Hands Too Cold, but Heart of Gold πŸ¦‹ || @/anika-ann (Steve Rogers x Reader, Matt Murdock x Reader, You officially joined the Avengers only two months ago and you’re about to take off to yet another mission. Cap would like to have some extra help on this one – but the Avengers have approached the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen before and he made it pretty clear how he felt about it.Β Of course, this time it’s you who got stuck with trying to convince him once again. β€œI still don’t understand why it’s not you coming, oh Star Spangled Man with a Plan.” β€œI do have a plan. I have you.”)
Heart’s Munition πŸ¦‹ || @crazyunsexycool (Mob boss!Steve Rogers x Maid!Reader. I can't copy and paste all the resume but I swear, you'll love it. A bit of surprise but it's worth the world)
My little love * πŸ¦‹ || @/crazyunsexycool (Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader. Really long resume but in short, Bucky, Reader, children, Papa and Mama bears, great scenario, you'll love it I promise!)
That's all, for now.
Don't hesitate to share the stories you liked and tell the writers you enjoy their works, it always means a lot to them ❀️
Have a good reading,
Val 🌸
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a-constant-gay-panic Β· 2 years
i am BEGGING a rodrick heffley x trans!boy reader, can it be a one-shot but i don't mind the genre as long as its not angst lmao, everywhere else is dry of good x trans guy reader stuff but i love your work and i'm interested in what you can come up with. thank you very much :)
omg- okok so this was adorable and i had to write abt it! it's a bit shorter but i hope it's alright anon :)
Prince Charming
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pairing: rodrick heffley x trans!boy reader
summary: rodrick helps cheer you up after a crappy day and makes sure you know your true value.
warnings: light swearing (like 3 times?), brief mentions of transphobic parents, rlly cheesy and corny but other than that just some good old, loving fluff <3
word count: 455
a/n: also i'm glad to know you enjoy my work, thanks for that boost in my confidence love πŸ’• ik the gifs have nothing to do with the fic but he just looks so bloody good in them- πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹ (still debating whether i like it or not… i'll admit this is my first time writing something like this so lmk if it's any good 😭)
β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” X β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”
you're sitting in your room, blasting music from your speakers as you wait patiently for rodrick.
your door slams open and you jerk up from your slumped position, heart pounding from the sudden noise, to stare at the door. more specifically, your boyfriend who is standing in your doorway, chest heaving from (most likely) the run to your house.
rodrick steps inside and walks over to you, wrapping his arms around you and engulfing you in a hug.
you had called him shortly after you had gotten home, desperately needing to see him after your day at school. he slowly releases you from his embrace and walks towards your door, shutting it before pulling you onto your bed with him. as the two of you lay down you feel him stroking your hair, trying to give you comfort.
β€œwhat's wrong? are you ok?” rodrick speaks up after a while. β€œyeah… just needed to see you…” you mutter.
you can feel him shake his head slightly and laugh. β€œyou gave me a heart attack, you know that right? i thought it was your parents again...”
rodrick spoke carefully about your parents, knowing their views on you. they always disregarded your preferred pronouns and made you feel like utter crap. rodrick was always there for you though, comforting and sitting with you. reassuring you that you're perfect and all that he could want.
β€œno… not this time… just had a shitty day.” you tighten your grip around him, pulling him even closer to you.
β€œwell it's a good thing i'm here to make it less shitty then, yeah?” he chuckles and you can't stop the wide smile that appears on your face. you could always count on him to cheer you up.
β€œhow did i get so lucky to have you as my boyfriend?” you ask rhetorically. β€œif anything, i'm the lucky one. i mean come on, i managed to get the hottest guy in town to date me. and people say i have no talents.” he answers regardless, the last part with a hint of amusement.
you laugh at his words and lean up to press a gentle kiss on his cheek. β€œyou're adorable.” he smiles widely and shakes his head, β€œthat's all you.”
β€œcharming.” you say sarcastically, finding his cheesy comment ridiculous but cute nonetheless.
β€œprince charming.” he corrects. β€œah yes, how could i forget,” you pretend to faint, β€œmy handsome prince charming.” you carry on dramatically.
rodrick rolls his eyes at your actions and returns your kiss from earlier with his own on your cheek. β€œwell then you're my prince charming too.”
you nod, β€œi can live with that…” smiling at his words.
β€œi love you…” he mutters and your heart melts.
β€œi love you too.”
you've never said truer words in your life. this boy loved and accepted you for you, and how could you not live him back?
β€” β€” β€” β€” β€” X β€” β€” β€” β€” β€”
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mayullla Β· 2 years
Hi 😊
I've been following your blog for a while and I really love your writing πŸ’•βœ¨
For your event can I request Yan Heizou with 🌸+πŸ¦‹?
Hope you have a wonderful day πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•βœ¨
Title: Loving eyes
Character(s): Heizou (Genshin Impact) Summary: You felt like you were being watched, but you don't know who it was. Warnings/tags: Yandere, fem!reader, childhood friend, feelings of being watched, drabble Note: Oh hi~! ^^)/ Yeah I did see you on the activity list often thank you so much for the support!! also love you for the fact that you picked Heizou!
[ - A little present~! Event - Closed - ]
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"I love you~." You looked to your side to see a familiar face, burgundy hair, green eyes and one mole on each cheek under his eyes. "Ah. Hello, Heizou." You greeted smiling at him.
"I didn't think you would visit today." Standing up from your little farm, you tried to clean off the dirt of your yukata. "Don't you have work to do?"
"I finished," He told you leaning on the fence of your garden. "I came back because I missed you." You huffed at what he said. "Are you sure you should be here?"
"Can I not be with the person I love?" Heizou asked sweetly, a sly smile on his face and you rolled your eyes at him. "I love you too, but you should quit teasing me."
To you, he was more like family, a childhood friend you knew for a long time now.
"Now come in, I will bring you some snacks."
"Ah so dreamy." You thought you heard him whisper, glancing at the back. He was just watching you still with a smile on his face. You shook your head a little feeling as if you have misheard it, you didn't know why you were so bothered by it when it was like him to be a little flirt sometimes.
You yawned a little as you prepared crackers and tea, still tired from your nap. "Sleepy dear?" you looked to your side, Heizou was right beside you looking into your eyes. You gulped unable to scream in surprise as you lean back a little. "Heizou you scared me!" you smack him lightly on the chest.
"Sorry dear, I tend to have a habit of moving silently after all don't want my targets to notice me when I investigate them."
He laughed as you glared at him yet didn't seem to move from his spot to give you space, even when your movements become awkward, he didn't move instead stayed still watching you. Chatting as if he isn't taking your personal space.
"You didn't answer my questions, dear." He bit into his cracker, when it was just you and him sitting at the table eating the snacks all you could do was look away.
Should you tell him?
"I am having a hard time sleeping that is all." You wanted to change the topic as soon as possible but he didn't give you a chance. "Now, now, you shouldn't be lying to a detective, especially to one who knows you so well."
You wondered why he worded it like that, it was innocent really yet at the same time it made you nervous that the meaning was something else. But you tried to calm your raising heart telling yourself that it was words coming from a friend you knew for a long time. He was worried about you. Yeah... that should be the case.
"I... I..." It was hard to say when in the day and night you felt like you were being watched by someone, that someone was in your walls. Wherever you went you felt like you were stared at, at home, in your garden, in the market... trapped unable to escape. You cannot find peace alone in your own home, you thought the feeling would go the moment someone comes to your home... that you would not be alone anymore.
So how come it felt like it was right in front of you.
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goldendragonleaf Β· 2 months
I’m not very up to date with your ocs’ lore, so πŸ¦‹πŸ₯€ πŸͺπŸ§ƒ for anyone?
Original Ask Meme Here
eheheheh alright gotta start with Loga cause of course I am I'm not biased no I have no idea what you're talking about
The answers for Loga are under the cut. Depending on my mood or if someone asks for more I may do more characters. We'll see (:
Logama Jeviti Rihafo
πŸͺ Naturally, their home planet is the one and only Halcyon! The fabled land of paradise, filled with opportunity and technology beyond one's wildest dreams! What's that? It's not actually a planet? Oh don't worry about that it's not relevant at all...
πŸ§ƒ They appear to be of the Fodraph race, similar to the 'mammals' of your world. More specifically, a 'cat'. The majority of their body is covered in a layer of steel blue, bordering silver fur. The major exception to this are two ring-like patterns around their ears, as well as their disembodied paws, which are a pale cream color. Their fur is coarse, worn out from age, and I hypothesize that it was much more vibrant in their youth. Emerald wisps of seemingly pure energy trail behind their paws, but I have yet to find out what it is truly made of. They also have a brown prehensile tail, capable of endless logarithmic growth. Two translucent yellow fins stem from the base of their tail, but due to their levitating nature I am unsure of the function of said fins. Finally, perhaps the most notable feature that they have, is their face. They have a singular left eye, with a golden iris and emerald pupil. This appears to be a genetic mutation; there is no scarring where the right eye's position would be, and the socket is smooth. Their mouth also occasionally has fangs sticking out of it, with the interior appearing to be a vivid purple.
πŸ¦‹ β€œAh...the reaper?” β€œ...they have yet to find me.”
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…oh. You have finally arrived. To fix my mistakes again, no doubt. … You of all beings should know how irredeemable I am. As much as it goes against your nature…we both know that I do not deserve forgiveness. I suppose I am asking for a favor that I have not earned. …please. just… just…
let me go
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lillillians Β· 2 years
β€œ you were going to leave without saying goodbye? ”
β€œOh, shit, sorry, I forgot you were still here,” Lil said with a laugh, turning back toward her roommate as she made her way to the door. Kimi was usually at work at this time on a Thursday, but Lil had completely forgotten that she was working from home today. Lil was heading home for the weekend, mostly to check on Phil and hear how the date with this weirdly incredible-sounding girl went.Β β€œI’m just going home for the night to check on Phil. I’ll be back before movie night tomorrow, I promise. You know I wouldn’t miss the best night of the week with my best friend for nothing. I mean, not that Phil’s nothing, but you know what I mean. Just to be safe, don’t tell him I said that.”
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lillillian Β· 1 year
"How is any of this my fault?!" - Dash
With a huff, Lil rolled her eyes at the blonde, who had just bumped into her and spilled an entire can of beer on her jeans. She reached for the roll of paper towel on the kitchen counter, only to find it completely empty. Typical, for boys, as she'd painstakingly learned with her own brother. "What do you mean, how is it your fault?" she repeated incredulously. Without a second thought, she took Dash by the wrist, in search of something that could absorb the beer that was beginning to seep across the denim. "Do you have to cause problems everywhere you go? Can't you, like, stay in the corner and keep quiet for once?" she grumbled, finally reaching what she could only assume was a bathroom. Lil pressed her ear to the door, turning back to him with a grimace. "There's definitely more than one person in there, and you're going to kick them out," she demanded, leaning against the wall opposite the bathroom door. Lil nudged her head, as though to tell him to go. "Unless you know of a better place to find a towel around here." @speedash
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blackhairedjjun Β· 3 months
BHJJJJJJJJJ😭 I DONT KNOW YOUR TIMEZONE AND I SENT THIS AROUND 21 HOURS AGO TO BE EXACT AND I WENT THROUGH A NIGHT AND A DAY, I READ YOUR GUIDELINES BEFORE AND I DID, NOW. YOU SAID DON'T INTERACT AND HAVENT UET REPLIED TO MY ASK YET SO I WAS WPRRIED I MIGHT HAVE MADE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE BUT YOUR REPLY HAS ME FERAL, IT'S AN HONOUR TO BE YOUR ANON ITSELF! YOU DIDN'T GIVE UP EVEN THOUGH SFW has small audience and are still willing to serve us your fluffs that's more than an inspiration itself to not give up. I gave up but am still here lurking around to... ihihihihi 🀑 because you didn't give up so I undid my give up hahaha I can relate... sfw is easier to write. Stop not, you're quoting my words which are completely self indulgent statings which are facts according to me has me in a sobbing chokehold.
P.S. this is the best welcome I've ever gotten, I really am excited to talk to you more. I can talk about random topics right?? I love you❀️
πŸ¦‹ anon this is you right? you forgot to sign with your emoji hehe
omg please don’t worry, you didn’t make me uncomfy at all!! for reference my timezone is gmt+8, if you live in the americas i’m usually awake when you’re asleep amd vice versa :) (i’m actually going to bed after answering this ask) i was also out the whole day so i read your msg in the morning and didn’t have time to respond until nighttime! i can be pretty slow at answering asks tbh - sometimes i forget about the notif, sometimes i’m just offline or busy irl, sometimes i need time to think about my reply. i hope you don’t mind if i’m late in answering your asks!
πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΉπŸ₯Ή you really are so sweet. i just kept writing fluff because i enjoyed it too much to stop, and i was very lucky to find followers and mutuals who loved what i wrote, reblogged them, left comments, and were just really supportive. and i’m very grateful that you’re one of them!
of course you can talk to me about random topics πŸ’– love you too, butterfly anon! can’t wait to hear more from you!
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willowser Β· 11 months
I feel like you're not as close to us as you used to be :( it's sad
you know, my dear, it's actually interesting (and a little heartbreaking) that you bring this up because i have been feeling a little β€” hmm β€” i don't want to say 'distant' is the right word, but something synonymous, maybe.
i really feel like i've shifted into another tier ?? or something ??? if that makes any sense ??? and i really don't even have that many followers, but β€” it suddenly feels like i've gained a bunch out of nowhere. i'm sorry i am so slow to getting to my messages, i truly feel very horrible about it, to think that you might be waiting on my response πŸ₯Ί but i genuinely get so many these days that answering them all is just no longer feasible ! and i've tried so hard ! lately ! to get to everyone, but !! the number in my inbox seems to grow no matter how hard i try πŸ₯Ί and i don't want to keep closing it bc i like to think i'm approachable πŸ₯Ί but perhaps i'm really not anymore, if it takes me so long πŸ₯Ί
along with that β€” i feel like we've been a sweet little bubble for so long !! untouched by ugliness or just simple unkindness, a little happy family, and with the more people coming and going, not everyone is always as friendly as i'm used to ! which i'm still wrapping my head around LOL it's just a bit odd, and i don't know how to take the occasional back-handed comment.
idk ! all i can say is that i'm sorry it has been this way πŸ₯ΊπŸ©·βœ¨οΈ i wish i could promise that it will change, soon, for the better but β€” i don't want to give you a hope i can't deliver on πŸ₯Ί i also work a full time job, as well as trying to maintain our space here, and in our lil server; sometimes i work 9-10 days in a row and it's so exhausting 😭 but i can promise you that i'm doing my best πŸ₯Ί and that i have not forgotten you, nor will i ever πŸ₯Ί i'm coming !!! all i ask is that you have a little more patience πŸ©·βœ¨οΈπŸ¦‹
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mondayborn Β· 1 year
Blind Channel advent calendar
Day 21: β€žThe mistletoeβ€œ
As Olli was walking the last steps to the Helsinki Ice Hall for their last practice before christmas he still couldn’t believe they were going to be playing that venue soon. Of course it had always been their dream to play there, but to see it actually happening was just…it just didn’t feel real.
There was another thing on his mind though, and that was what his boys were up to right now. He was actually the last one to join the rehersal due to a last minute appointment, and he knew there was probably madness going on inside the venue right now. He also received a text from Joonas telling him to text him when he arrived at the venue, which meant he was probably up to something. Well it was nothing new to him, he knew to always expect the unexpected with either of them.
When Olli walked to their practice area he could see Joonas waiting for him in the doorway.
β€žHi Olliβ€œ Joonas greeted him with a smirk on his face, going in for a hug. A hug that Olli of course returned straight away. When they seperated again, Joonas didn’t move out of the doorway, but instead looked at him expectantly with the smirk from before even wider on his face.
β€žJoonas can weβ€¦β€œ Olli broke of, gesturing for him to move into the room instead.
β€žKiss firstβ€œ Joonas replied coming closer to Olli instead of moving away from him.
β€žHave I missed something?β€œ Olli asked confused but also slightly amused because this was just so Porko.
Instead of answering Joonas pointed up. When Olli spotted what he was pointing at everything made sense and he began to laugh.
β€žHow did that even get hereβ€œ he still managed to get out.
β€žOh you see our dearest Porko put that up himself this morning before everyone arrivedβ€œ Niko chimed into the conversation, coming up behind Joonas and petting him on the shoulder.
β€žAn opportunity I just couldn’t missβ€œ Joonas said, sounding and looking quite proud of himself.
β€žYeah he really did not miss one opportunity with this. Those lips have touched us allβ€œ Aleksi entered the conversation aswell.
β€žWell everyone but you Olliβ€œ Joonas looked at him in expectation.
β€žBisou bisou my dearest Olliβ€œ
- πŸ¦‹ wearing a santa hat
First of all I am so sorry that this is arriving two days late. I also had a bit of a hard time thinking about what to write for you, but than thought of this when I reread your kiss fics. I hope you like it, or maybe just find it a bit amusing at least. Please let me know though if you dont like it so I can write you another one.
Thank you this is really cute very Joonas 🀲
I have to be honest though the accompanying message made me very uncomfortable. I didn't sign up for whatever this little project is so to me this is very much a gift, something you did because you chose to.
Therefore dear πŸ¦‹ wearing a santa hat I would never ever think to:
a) blame you for being late (I didn't even know I was receiving a gift so why should I think this is late?)
b) say I don't like it (that would be crazy ungrateful! no one is entitled to extra fics from you)
People will like your work and people won't but the latter better shut up and say thank you because it's a gift!
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welcomehomeagereaskblog Β· 7 months
🌈About Blog🏠
[Party Coffin (Clown) is the creator/owner of the Welcome Home ARG, not me! this is just a sfw agere rp fan blog!] 🏠Characters that are open to ask at the moment are: Howdy, Frank, Poppy and Wally! will update as time goes on! 🎨Emojis that will indicate who is who! 🍎-Wally πŸ“-Poppy πŸ›-Howdy πŸ¦‹-Frank
(right now there isn't a lot for me to add here so it will be updated as time goes on!) -------------------------------------- About the person running the account! Name is Pluto! Pronouns: he/him minor age regressor but okay with babysitting agere friends! -------------------------------------------------- ☎️ if () is used to talk out of character then its not so serious, if [] is used to talk out of character it is more important to read! example [] would be about delayed posts, asks closed, such like that. While () would be about more minor things like will finish answering tomorrow and such! πŸ’Œ so sorry if it takes me awhile to get to your ask! my notifications don't work and i am busy more often than intended, please know that i will get to your ask sooner or later! πŸ“š if you are a more common anon you can go ahead and ask to be a certain anon! π”“˜Now taking stimboard requests! Anon List: Flying Anon
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priestess-of-yuri Β· 11 months
Dear Alice the witch,
It's me again. I am returning with the intention of seeking advice from you, from the cards, and from the spirits.
This time, it's a deeper issue, related to multiple events, one of them is somewhat related to my previous ask.
Everytime I love someone, they reject me romantically and actually insist on keeping me as a friend(it's hard, especially when they've loved me in the past). And viceversa. I've struggled in the recent months, when almost all my friends were in relationships ( they all either broke up, or ended in a drama), but I felt like the worst person on Earth, even if there were many single people, and such situations happened to anyone.
But in the last few days, I've been reminded of those feelings when my uncle told me he is dating someone ( A while ago, my parents suspected his interest towards a woman, a colleague of his.) While I am happy for him (he's been a celibate ever since I know him, expect a few instances), it feels like I've been stabbed with a knife in the back, because it reminds me how lonely I truly am.
My questions are - What are some possible reasons as to why this has happened to me for years, even for friendships during my childhood, and possible actions I can take, either to heal myself, or to be more appealing romantically?
You've done a fantastic job for my previous situation, and I would be truly grateful if you can answer this one too. If you can't, or feel uncomfortable, since you're aroace, or because my questions do not adhere to the rules, it's totally fine. I just wanted to have some clarity.
Thank you once again for everything, and I am so happy to see you being so thrilled!
hello again there my lovely loyal follower :3 i took quite a bit of time with your reading because i was waiting for the right time. thank you kindly for your patience πŸ¦‹πŸƒβœ¨πŸ’•
for your tarot reading, i asked "what are the possible reasons for you getting rejected?"
7 of Pentacles -- this is a card with a message of "you are almost there." you are wildly successful already, and your roots are growing. this could be a sign that your past with people is a reflection of your growth thus far, and you're encouraged to keep going. what are your true intentions? if what you are harvesting is not what you have desired, what needs to change?
Queen of Cups in reverse -- this is a huge sign that you are out of touch with your emotions. you're feeling insecure because you're concerned about the way this has become a pattern for you. you're suppressing your heart. and this only hurts you; your way to your truth is by listening to your emotions and understanding that they are not there to cause you suffering. pain is not your enemy. if it hurts, that's your alarm system telling you your needs aren't being met. delve deep into the waters of subconscious. trust in yourself, in your emotions. they're there to guide you like a compass. they're there to give you information and a general direction for you to take action. the more you trust, the more you feel, and the more you listen, the better you'll get at reading the waters, the air, the earth, the fire. the emotions, the thoughts, the body, the willpower that make you up. your emotions are the key to understanding it all, and to greater spiritual enlightenment.
The Moon -- this is a Major Arcana card casting a theme over your reading, and it's giving you a message much like what i read in your last card! fancy that :'D when you face uncertainty and confusion, you don't need to struggle. dive into the darkness instead, and let yourself drift under the moonlit waters. you can have faith and trust in the way that you're safe here. there is magic here, too. you won't be lost in the darkness if you allow yourself to see what the moon illuminates for you. if you allow yourself to listen to the whispers of your intuition rather than the screams of your anxiety, and drift to the surface of the waters to be enveloped again in the bright, beautiful moonlight. in illumination. you don't need to be afraid, because nothing inside you is your enemy. you are intrinsically whole and made up of shadows and light. you are human. you are lovable.
9 of Wands -- this is a message of "go for that final push." your latest hurt isn't a sign of failure. it's not a sign that you're losing yourself or distancing yourself further and further from your truth. on the contrary, you've actually achieved so much. you can rest easy at night knowing that what you've been through can be processed to lend you strength. it comprises your shadows and your light. you can go further, you can trust in one final push and know that the Universe will have your back.
The Emperor in reverse -- this second Major Arcana cards paints a picture that you have power, but you may not be utilising it well. perhaps you have a desire for control, or even have stubborn mindsets. whatever the case, you don't need to rule with an iron fist. soften your hands, and build your empire on a foundation of kindness and unconditional love. that's where true power and strength comes from, from vulnerability. trust in your emotions, and forge your own destiny. work with the people in your life or that enter your life by listening to their needs and wants, and maybe you'll get what you need and want too. unpack your hurt, let it be heard, and then open your heart to the world. it may be scary at first. it may never stop being scary. but you are protected under the Universe's light, and you are always loved.
King of Swords -- this seems to represent your potential. you can become a king that rules with logic and reason, blending spiritual and material pursuits in your own path. knowing the way rather than feeling the way. this could be your calling, to realise your potential of someone who can understand others and themselves and the right path forward.
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for your oracle reading, i asked "what can you do?"
Activated Earth -- this is a card of learning to trust where you're led. are you being called to visit somewhere? to travel? many believe that the sacred places along the Earth's surface can activate something inside us, and something inside the Earth too. maybe this isn't a literal journey that you're being called to, but a journey of the self. a pilgrimage of the soul. maybe you need to trust where you're led by the Universe, rather than always relying on logic. try seeking a middle path -- balance is true and right.
The Golden Children -- The Golden Children (Children of the Sun) are highly advanced beings said to reincarnate on Earth with little to no karma and possess incredible abilities. this card is calling you to tend to yourself, to your own inner child. it's asking you to nurture yourself with tenderness, with unconditional love. you deserve it, and you always have. see yourself blossom under your own light, and then ask yourself a question. "how can i treat others this way?"
A New Earth -- if you have a vision, this card is a sign to hold onto it. it's hard to trust in a vision before it has come to fruition! but the world needs dreamers in it. it needs people with hope. trust in yourself, and in your abilities. you can realise your potential and you can have the kind of relationships you want. have faith in yourself, in the Universe, in others. it's never wrong to hope.
Inner Earth -- this card speaks of ancient places like Lemuria, Atlantis and Δ€ryāvarta that went to a mysterious, subterranean place within the Earth when they were "lost." it also speaks of solutions and beginnings that are beyond your sight. because these lands... are they in the physical, or are they in the subconscious? perhaps what you need right now is to shake things up. you could be stuck or in a rut, but solutions and beginnings are always within reach. you just need to find a way to access them. so try doing something you wouldn't normally do to shift the energy, shift your focus -- and perhaps you'll come to what you need like magic.
I'm Sorry -- this is your calling to drop your defences entirely. be vulnerable, first with yourself and acknowledge what has gone wrong, and then with others. we live in divisive times. it can feel like a personal attack when we are hurt or triggered rather than an opportunity for healing. know that it's understandable to behave in hurt -- you're human -- but it's not conducive to healing yourself or others. this isn't about blame -- it's about unwinding the patterning that got us here. what can you do to acknowledge the hurt you've inflicted on others and yourself? personally, ancestrally, and collectively? how can you heal?
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thank you so much for seeking help from me a second time!!! i hope this serves you well. please remember to write as much feedback as you like on my site. πŸ’•πŸ¦‹πŸƒβœ¨
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misteria247 Β· 2 years
Thank you so much for answering my questions I appreciate, Gabrielle! 😊 Okay, I have four questions about "Just Another Day in the City of New York" fanfic for you. Q1: What are your thoughts on Reader's personality? Q2: What are your thoughts on Reader and Mikey's interactions? Q3: Will Reader have romantic moments with their ninja turtles in future chapters? Q4: How does Mikey feel about Reader? Because I am very curious about how does Mikey feel about Reader. ~πŸ¦‹
It's not a problem I love answering them Anon-!!! Thank you for sending me so many questions and engaging with me, I love absolutely every single moment of it!! Now to answer your questions wooo-!!!
For your first question, I believe that the Reader's personality is pretty average in terms of main characters. Pretty down to earth yet they're kind hearted enough to help out others even if it's not in their best interest. Basically the Reader is just a normal person who kinda accidentally finds themselves thrown into the wild and dangerous world of the Tmnt.
For your second question, so far the interactions between the Reader and Mikey are pretty standard. There's the possibility of a budding friendship should they survive the attack they'd been in in the last chapter.
For your third question, honestly I don't know yet if there'll be a romance between the Reader and the boys, seeing as how I'd only written three chapters so far, but there's a possibility of it happening. It just depends on how the story goes.
For your fourth question, Mikey's thoughts and feelings on the Reader is around the areas of being inspired and awed by them as well as terribly concerned for them. Our favorite box turtle had just been kidnapped and is being used for bait to lure in his older brothers, leaving a somewhat nasty impression of humans being somewhat untrustworthy. He's basically lost all hope in this situation when suddenly here comes the Reader falling out of a dusty vent, fully intending to help him escape. The Reader isn't really special, they're just a normal human who's obviously scared and frazzled about the situation they're in currently and they'd literally been nearly mugged the last time these two met. All in all the Reader has every right to not get involved with this type of thing, yet there they are putting themselves out there in the path of danger and uncertainty, all to help him out and get him to safety. It's this moment that Mikey's somewhat star struck by the Reader because they're literally doing something out of the kindness of their heart and just that moment of kindness awes our favorite box turtle just enough for him to want to help the Reader out as well. He personally thinks that the Reader is kinda crazy doing this kind of thing yet that's overshadowed by the kindness and courage and compassion that they're showing. It's honestly really sweet when you think about it.
Ahhhh anyways sorry for the ramblings Anon lol. Anyways thank you for sending in your questions I had a blast answering them and I hope that the answers satisfied you!!! πŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ’•
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cinemaspoppycornuwu Β· 1 year
π•€π•Ÿ π•žπ•ͺ π•’π•£π•žπ•€ πŸ”«πŸ¦‹
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"And once again he shoots himself..." Bria sighed as Giorno, Narancia and Mista entered the room together. Narancia had light wounds while Mista, got more severe ones. The gunslinger was famous for some things: first, being a huge flirt with every breathing woman. Second, shooting himself thousands of times. Third, he was in Bucciarati's team. And last, he is afraid of the number 4, for some stupid old reason which happened in the past.
"Oh, not again..." the honey blonde girl spoke to herself "Guido, you know the proceedment."
"Right..." he removed his shirt for her to analysis. Nicki was known to be the 'private doctor/nurse' of Passione by her studying in medicine and her stand, Vagalumes (capable of healing most kinds of wounds but can't heal some things like: miopic problems, color blindness, because these are genetic things. Even she needs glasses). "Bria, go check on Narancia for me while I take care of Gui."
"Hey! Careful, Bria!" Answered the young looking boy
"Calm down, I am just looking. Besides. Even if it was necessary for me to check... Everything, there wouldn't be a thing you needed to hide because I alreadyβ€”"
"NO NEED TO EXPOSE ME!" his blush intensified, from embarassment, which made Bria laugh like if they were actual siblings.
"Let's give a look... Hmmm... Vagalumes, I need some light here" her stand appeared and gently greeted Guido "Hm... I can see it! Lucky you it isn't that deep. I need a cloth or gauze. And a clamp to get those" and the stand went flying to get some "Thanks, ladies. Guido, I'll try to make it less painful as possible. Now..." said as cleaned "...you're lucky none of the bullets hit your back or any vital organs. It was a more superficial thing. And I must say I am even impressed there were less bullets this time!"
"Heh... Only you to take care of me, love" he winked at her. Guido admired the tiniest details. The way she bit her lip while concentrated, her focused chocolate brown eyes, the beautiful freckles all over her face.
"Okay... The last one... Done! Now, let's close up those wounds. Vagalumes!" The ten little creatures, mix of butterflies and moths landed on his olive-tanned skin and fluttered their wings to heal it "You should be more careful sometimes..."
"It is kinda worthy being all hurt to get treated by this incredible nurse~β™‘"
"Doc, I am feeling sick. I am gonna puke."
"Because Guido is being too cheesy!"
"Oh, Nara..." she sighed reliefed, already thinking before he had some food-poisoning.
"Thank you, Nicki. Now, do you need any help with that rascal there?"
"None. I'll just check on him and we are able to go home."
"Good. Cause it is friday and this saturday off and sunday is our off day" she smiled at his reply and directioned her attention back to Narancia. After everything, the couple cleaned up the area and organized it, leaving ready for monday. Their turn was over and now it was the perfect time to relax "It is still 17:50 P.M... What do you think of going out for a dinner only the two of us tonight?"
"Maybe we can leave it for the next weekend... Since... My period came right now... I've got cramps..."
"Need to say no more."
[At home]
Guido took off his suit and went to their bathroom to run a warm bath for both of them. Nicki removed her clothes and sat on the toilet to let the blood go there and wash the excess of it using a hygienic shower.
"This is stupid..."
"Maybe it was the stress of this week."
"Yeah... But I am kinda glad it came on the friday... My period takes 7 days. The first three days are the most hard due to the pain. The other ones are kinda light. In the seventh, almost no blood."
"I don't know how you girls handle it" said as he removed all of his clothes and divided in the bathtub. Guido had an amazing body. His chest was defined and he wore a pendant with a cross on it, resembling his family from catholic origins. He knew the traditions but he was a mostly "none-praticant". He had a some hair on his chest and in his strong, slightly veiny arms. For her, Guido Mista was her roman model.
"I don't know how you handle so many bullets" once she finished her private higiene, it was her turn to dive in the bathtub with him. Nicki thought her body wasn't of a model but as long as she could do her activites, it was perfect. But for Guido, her thick tights, the 96 of chest (author's quick note: I had to check on mine to see that 😭), her freckles all over the body, her soft tummy, her mere 1,52 metres tall everything was amazing "Oh, I was needing this..."
He kissed her neck gently and hugged her "It's okay, babe... You're safe here in my arms... Now, I'll spoil you this night..."
"Amore, this isn't necessary."
"My strong woman got cramps and I can't even help? Nonsense! I'll do some of your favourite snacks~"
"I don't deserve you" she kissed him as a thanks "You're too sweet~"
After a long relaxing bath, both got out and wore their most comfy pajamas. The one blonde wore was a little bit too big on her which made her gain the teasing nickname of Dopey (yes, one of Snow White's dwarfs. Because the size of his clothes). Sometimes none of them could have predicted they would have been destined to meet eachother. But it was one of the best things in their lives. Mista had only saw disgrace since the incident when he tried to defend a woman. Even though his friends were there, mafia is an obscure world, even when Giorno is trying to deal it with a new perspective and experimenting a new direction.
While for Nicki, she actually had a great life despite being humiliated sometimes in school and had her heart broken twice by one boy and a girl. Once she met Mista, she thought it could be different. And in fact was.
"Gui...?" She asked with a soft voice while cuddling with him.
"I love you... I know you know this but I had to say it..."
"I love you too, mia ragazza carina... You're so goddamn adorable... Please, don't change... And if you do, for the better version of yourself..."
"Leave it to me..." said as leaned foward to kiss his soft lips lazily. Yeah. They for sure found love. Not only that. They have met their own lifemates and best friends.
"Now, what would you like to watch?'
"You can watch something... I am feeling pain and I'll try to get some sleep...
"Okay... Want me to sing a lullaby for you?"
"I am just messing with you, love! Haha! Sweet dreams, princess... You're safe with me..."
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jimimn Β· 1 year
Ohh, I think you are right!! Now that I think about it, Jimin walking between the dancers in SMF does resemble him (& Jungkook) walking between the dancers in ON. And yes, the scale is huge!! I loved that wide angle (?) they used when they spinned the camera around, showing the dancers and the place. I couldn't figure out what this building is, someone said it might be a planetarium/observatory/whatever it's called in english. I'd love that so much, I think it ties into his moon theme so well and we know how much he loves the moon :( Also he looks hot af in those clothes and those reminded me of his vogue korea photoshoot with the tank top and the brown jacket. Sigh. He's just hot no matter what 😞
I LOVE Jimin's high notes, I am obsessed with them like it's not a coincidence all my favorite songs have at least one Jimin high note in them. Mikrokosmos, dream glow, your eyes tell, lights, film out stay gold, all his solo songs and I could keep going?? Like I'm truly obsessed with his high pitch. I love his lower register too, but my personal opinion is that higher songs suit him better. But this is just my opinion and preference 😊 But his verse in we are bulletproof pt2 and ma city though πŸ₯΅ I'm just obsessed with Jimin in general πŸ˜‚ OH and that thing he does with his voice when he starts singing... That's another obsession of mine. I cannot for the life of me figure out what it's called but he does it here too: twitter.com/BIGHIT_MUSIC/status/1356980775070011392?t=SomwrSdzsPcFTHSthy68pw&s=19 (sick and tired) * I * (don't wanna). The sound he makes at the beginning of the verse at * I *. The audio is like weird but he does this thing with his voice in other songs too but I literally couldn't find any when I really needed it πŸ™ƒ Anyway so yeah, when his voice kind of cracks like this, or it's kind of raspy, it's usually when he starts a word, I don't know what it's called but I'm obsessed with it whenever he does it, usually during live performances.
Also let's get back to what you said about him looking aggressive / fierce because HIS EYES? I needed to lay down because sitting wasn't enough. I love the duality his eyes have, he could literally be a puppykitty one second and then shoot daggers with his eyes. I love it. And I think he's also wearing pretty eyeshadow? πŸ‘€
I am!! I never really figured out if I am Jimin biased with namkook as my wreckers or namjikook biased with someone else as my wrecker because while I do love the others to death, namjikook just does something else to my brain that currently nobody else can do πŸ˜‚ oh don't even get me started on smoke sprite, Namjoon really gagged me with his verse and then 4 back to back Jungkook lives which I WILL NOT talk about for the sake of both of our sanities, and then Namkook flirting in front of my salad and Jungkook singing Christmas day and listening to there for you, and inviting Jimin for a drink when he's literally across the world? It was a lot πŸ˜‚ And I still have Namjoon on Jimin's album πŸ’€ I'm still a little sad about that yoonmin collab that they possibly scrapped because Yoongi was so excited to talk about it during the dinner 😭 maybe one day we'll have it 😞
You are Jikook biased, right? Is it only the two of them, or is there someone else as a bias (or only as a wrecker)? :)
ANYWAY sorry for the whole ass essay in your inbox 😭 I got carried away with trying to analyse Jimin's voice 😭😭 -πŸ¦‹
adding my answer under read more lol 😭😭😭
yessss omg i read on twt in the morning that they used some type of camera (i forgot the name) and they had a video attached of the camera working and it was spinning in circles 😭 I'm so excited!!!!! and yes omg the planetarium thing lmao i loooooove reading and making theories even if in the end it makes me look like an absolute clown πŸ˜‚ also the fact that this was just one small part of the mv and we could still very well get jimin dancing in the rain (not exactly rain but water would come from the ceiling inside the building basically fdhjhdjdhjs) because i saw someone also say that in the poster the ground was wet πŸ‘€ IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES!!! and omg yes his outfit too gave similar vibes to ON like i can easily imagine jimin dancing to ON in that outfit. but again this was probably just one of the looks from the mv 😳
AND SAAAAAAME SAME like i said yesterday that yes jimin's deep raspy voice sends my soul to the stratosphere, i do absolutely love his high voice more. he sounds angelic and yet so powerful. you get what i mean? and yes omg all those songs you mentioned are some of my faves too. even his high note harmonization with jinnie in 00:00 gives me goosebumps every single time. AND OH YEAH. OH YEAH THAT VIDEO. AND THE THING HE DID WITH *I* . I HEAR IT AND I AGREE. frick i got goosebumps just now when i heard it. that sexy raspy thing he does. you are right we're just obsessed with everything he does atp πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
hi eyes ... i could literally write essays about his eyes.. i saw ppl calling his *those eyes* (i know you know which one) siren eyes and i so agree. how does he do it i have no idea. and yes omg i think he's wearing eyeliner too on his waterline and it looks amazing.
ALSO ALSO WAIT can we talk about the soul chilling background vocals in the teaser? the harmonization i mean. i mean the horror like harmonization. IDK WHAT THATS CALLED. ive watched the teaser so many times now and that voice just straight up sends a chill down my spine. ugh im obsessed with each and every thing about the teaser.
LMAOOOOO same (im yoonminkook biased btw) and i too haven't figured out if im jimin biased with yoonkook as my bias wreckers or yoonminkook biased with someone else as my bias wrecker LIKE THIS IS TOO CONFUSINGHSJDHS which is why i call myself yoonminkook biased πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ oh and please same i am here still hoping that MAYBE... MAYBE yoongi is still featuring on smf pt. 2 BECAUSE idk that "yeah" in the teaser sounded like it could be yoongi's voice but then again when i think abt how if yoongi was featuring then wouldn't they have revealed it yesterday with the teaser like they did for on the street? if not then i do hope they'll have a collab in the future :(((((((
and don't be sorry omg i love talking about these things hehe <333 my inbox is always open <333
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