#¹ . analysis. 〝 the definition of damaged goods. 〞
petrovanity · 2 years
i’ve been thinking a lot about the concepts of “no humanity” and “no emotions” in tvd and how people who turn off their humanity are usually incredibly destructive, impulsive, and glib. they aren’t really emotionless because they have a lot of negativity and resentment. they are ambivalent to the suffering they cause but they are not ambivalent to others’ attempts to change them; they are very protective of their new state even if it is not something they chose for themselves (like elena).
it got me thinking – what if that’s what “true vampirism” is? like shutting off your humanity is literally shutting off the “human” parts of you that make you thrive as a part of a social species (like craving connection, acts of service, etc), the parts of you that you carried over after death. when you shut off your “humanity,” all that’s left is your “vampirism.”
and by comparison, vampires are a solitary species. they live alone and feed alone. they’re powerful enough that they don’t need each other to survive. their nature is to be individualistic and to take what they want when they want it. anyone who gets in their way is a threat that needs to be scared off (much like an animal scaring a competitor away from a food source or an animal being territorial). anyone who threatens their lifestyle and vampiric needs is seen as threatening their life and that’s why humanity-less vampires are so vicious towards those who try to re-instate their humanity.
the switch disappears as they get older because their vampirism merges with (or overpowers) their humanity over time.
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celestialscatterbrain · 7 months
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1. personal synastry and composite experiences and observations
Do not interact if you are a minor. (18+)
Sun in 8th house synastry: I was the house person they were the sun. I definitely developed insecurities I never had before as a result of this connection. With the sun shining brightly on my insecurities, they were hard to ignore and even harder to not project them entirely on the sun. A lot of “you did this to me!” energy. I didn’t consider myself a jealous person until this relationship and a lot of it came from wanting to be “good enough” in the eyes of the sun person. It’s like knowing you have these darker aspects in common and wanting them to see you can bond this way and see them in a way no one can. You also end up pushing limits together. You liked this? Now WE love this. You’re addicted to that? Now WE are addicted to it. Moderation is hard to achieve with sun in the 8th house synastry. It can also bring up insecurities surrounding sex with that person specifically, if poorly aspected. Explosive reactions and emotional outbursts aren’t foreign here. The house person can feel like a vampire being sunburned, with all its ugliness revealing itself from its body because of its interaction with this person. The 8H person wants a full, in-depth analysis of the sun person’s thoughts, intentions, and motivations. The plutonic energy wants to completely envelop the sun, compulsively in some cases, to know WHY they are the way they are, and why the sun presents themselves in certain ways. This is especially true if the sun person did something to hurt the 8H person, who can feel it more than is rational. The 8H person can really struggle with getting over any emotional harm or feelings of abandonment that come from the sun person. The 8H person can potentially resent the sun person for not being able to read them as intently as they could read the sun person. The sex, if and once insecurities are worked through, can bring you so much closer to one another and to yourself. I also feel like any disturbances or intimacy problems between you two can easily be felt by others or there can be blow ups in front of people you know, because the sun is a planet that illuminates wherever the light lands, whether you like it or not. Avoid public fights, because you will kiss and makeup but the damage in other people’s eyes will be done and opinions will be made. The 8H person might be able to see through any facade the sun person puts up, and this could lead to deep discussions that could be extremely healing for the Sun who might have to work through some things. The 8H person can also teach the sun person how to make more money and maybe even encourage them to start their own business. They can be known as a couple that makes a lot of money together. The sun person can also give sugar daddy/mommy vibes and the 8H the sugar baby, even if it neither one of the people involved are rich-rich. This is a highly binding placement. You two might find it difficult or even impossible to separate from each other even if the relationship has run its natural course. You guys are known as the couple that is “stuck” to one another.
Moon in 5th house synastry: *weird* but, for those who have this placement with a significant other, do you love to smell their body odor? I think in the house of children and fertility, it makes sense to love your partner’s pheromones. Something as weird as the smell of their armpits or stinky feet becomes comforting, idk?? This house is also really fun, and you can get a lot of emotional fulfillment out of acting like children together. 5H is ruled by Leo, so I also found that we had a lot of fun putting on “shows” for one another, and sort of making up our own characters and accents to make the other giggle. People are also really excited for the prospect of us having children together, and you’ll have friends volunteering to babysit or be the godparent of your unborn children LOL. Dressing up nice and going out on dates to somewhere with a great ambiance can be a great way to feel connected. Sharing perfume, or gifting each other perfumes or colognes. Loving the scents they wear. Same taste in candles? Candles as gifts. Lots of watching TV together? Having “shows” that feel wrong to watch without the other. Being called pretty by the other means a lot, and being pretty in each other’s eyes makes you feel good.
Moon in 12th house synastry: 12H synastry tends to have an awful reputation, and I get it when it’s a relationship that isn’t meant for you. However, my moon falls in my best friend’s 12H, and it is one of my favorite placements of ours. We have a telepathic connection where we can just look at the other and know what’s up. You preemptively know what will bother the other person and find it hard to understand how other people wouldn’t have assumed that thing would annoy your person. You understand each other’s motives, and can provide the ultimate shoulder to cry on or ear to listen with. When it’s a new interaction it can feel a bit intense, because how are you in my head!!! I feel like you can read my thoughts! It was like that for the both of us. It’s like, when together, both our consciousnesses transported to another realm where we are mutually perceiving something and our thoughts are being put on a radio for the other to listen to. Very spiritual relationship. You KNOW the vibes, and those feelings will be verified through the other person who already felt the same. She will never be wrong in my eyes and I will defend her to the death. We don’t even have to speak on certain days, but we can feel whatever mood the other one is in and check-up on each other accordingly. Whenever we have a strange dream or nightmare, the first thing we do is text each other and try to analyze what it could mean. I as the 12H person also dreamt of us becoming best friends before we formally met. The dreams i would have of her would always be loaded with spiritual symbolism. We also grew up with the same level of emotional attachment to our personal spiritualities and shared religion, which plays a large role in our understandings of one another. Most people just won’t get it, but she always will. She could read my crazy journal entries if she wanted to. 12H moon synastry is just unconditional love. Between friends at least, it feels like a long-lost twin connection. Also, her and I had gotten matching tattoos before we even knew of each other, both of them being for the same spiritual meaning!
Composite Mars in 3rd house: Lots of talking during sex, and lots of car sex— It might sometimes feel like that’s the easiest thing to talk about, or the conversation always steers to that direction. Sending nudes? Sexting. Maybe the only way you two could engage your sexual desire for one another is through sexting, because distance might not permit the full physical expression. If you don’t have a lot of experience knowing the other’s communication style, it can lead to a bit of random defensiveness or perceiving the other as communicating abrasively. I think it can lead to one trying to get reactions out of the other by saying something out of pocket.
Composite Mercury in 12th house: Pay attention to the dreams you have of this person! They will seriously tell you a lot about your dynamic, but don’t take them at face value! Lots of mystical elements to your dreams about them specifically, so maybe reviewing tarot card meanings and astrology concepts can help you decipher the meanings of your dreams. You might find it easier than expected to confide in each other or rant about your brain’s inner workings together. “I don’t know why I’m saying all that-“ or psychoanalyzing each other for fun. Talking about your less-than-desirable attributes. Being honest about your deceptive tendencies or specific lies you’ve told and why. Oversharing things that will usually make other people uncomfortable in the same context (like talking about your exes or failed situationships on a first date). Difficulties communicating when it’s not in person because it leaves too much room for confusion. Deceit is a real possibility though, with someone voluntarily “leaving out details” about their life outside of the relationship to avoid ruining the flow of energy or the dynamic. Having each other saved on your phones under fake names. Having to hide that you’re talking to this person from other people. One of you withdrawing communication to manipulatively make the other think about you more. Taking turns being each other’s therapist. Thinking about each other often but never expressing that, or the extent to which you think of one another. Thinking about the other at night before going to bed. “I started catching feelings for the girl that I’m currently having sex with, so it’s safe to say we don’t talk anymore, unless of course we’re having sex” in Sasquatch .22 by Bay Faction.
Composite Venus in 12th house: There really is a secretive component to this interaction that can feel impossible to bypass. Your family, friends, or society might not “approve” of you two together. One or both of you can be cheating on someone with this person. Only being able to meet up or be affectionate at night or in extremely private settings. The privacy of the relationship can help you open up a lot more than you’d expect to, because there’s no one but you two to perceive the other in this context. No judgments on how you two should behave with one another, so “let’s fully enjoy the moment while it lasts.” No one understanding your interaction or it’s purpose, and you probably don’t understand it either. Sending telepathic love notes. Longing. Intimate and romantic sex that haunts you or catches you off guard. Never wanting to be the first one to admit you’ve caught feelings. Ruining your sleep schedule to spend time with one another. Dreaming about romantically linking with them before it ever happens. Withdrawing once feelings start feeling real. The song “Lips of Angel” by Hinder reminds me of Composite Venus in 12H. “Illicit Affairs,” “August,” and “False God” by Taylor Swift. “Why Can’t I?” by Liz Phair. Gato de Noche by Bad Bunny. Sex by The 1975.
Lilith in 8th house synastry: Wanting to try things sexually with this person that wasn’t necessarily exciting with other partners. “You can do whatever you want to me, and I’ll let you.” Possibly experimenting with or preferring BDSM with one another. That Lana lyric that’s like: You fucked me so good that I almost said “I love you.” It might also be controversial if people knew you’ve had sex with one another. Revenge sex? As in, you two having sex might indirectly be spiting someone else, and it kind of feels like you’re dishing out delicious karma on a surprising silver platter— “lol if only they knew” You two might have fun misbehaving together. Doing what you both know you’re not supposed to be doing can make everything feel better, and even more reason to keep doing what you’re doing. Lana Del Rey in Diet Mountain Dew: “you’re no good for me, but baby I want you.” Wanting to be dangerous together. “Leave me bruised so I can’t forget you.” “Seeing you tonight is a bad idea, right?” This placement somewhat reminds me of a union between the death card and the devil card in tarot, with an emphasis on risk-stained sexual liberation. You can become symbolic of temptation in each other’s lives, so it’s hard to deny your impulses. Toxic by Britney Spears.
-D 🖤🕯
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evilbihan · 4 months
Kuai Liang is not "nice"
This is technically the second part of my character analysis for Kuai Liang, so be sure to check out the first part focusing on Kuai Liang's personality, goals and his relationship with his brothers and Harumi.
This part will focus on how Kuai Liang treats other characters and upon closer inspection, the image of the "sweet wholesome guy everyone adores" that the fandom crafted for him starts to crumble very quickly.
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Kitana and Mileena:
Mileena: My bond with Kitana can't be broken. Scorpion: I'd once thought the same of mine with Bi-Han.
Why exactly is Kuai Liang trying to make Mileena doubt Kitana's loyalty to her? We have all seen Kitana's tower ending. She has gone out of her way to secure her sister's reign, she defends Mileena fiercely and is genuinely worried about her. It upsets her to see other members of the court conspiring against her sister. Kitana is nothing but loyal to Mileena, in a way Kuai Liang was never loyal to Bi-Han.
"I'm disappointed in my brother's decisions and therefore everyone else's siblings suck too." That's not a healthy or mature mindset. He's projecting his own family issues onto Mileena and Kitana, who actually share a wholesome bond, and tries to create distrust and dispute where there is none. And why? Out of jealousy? It's hard to tell, but this was uncalled for.
It's particularly awful because Kitana is actually trying to help fix Kuai Liang's relationship with his own brother while it seems Kuai Liang is trying to ruin hers with Mileena.
Kitana: You've broken Kuai Liang's heart. Sub-Zero: It won't be the only part of him I damage.
Kitana: I understand congratulations are in order. Scorpion: How did news of my marriage reach Outworld?
Kitana: Weapons. Soldiers. Whatever you -- Scorpion: I have all that I need to defeat Bi-Han.
She's also offering him her and Outworld's support and is really just being nice to him, yet he never once shows gratitude and even tries to plant doubts about her in her sister's mind behind her back.
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Scorpion: If you would only feed on lower species -- Nitara: Humans are a lower species.
"Lower species"? What species exactly is Kuai Liang talking about here? What's his definition of a lower species? Tarkatans? Netherrealmers? One could assume he means animals, but then why doesn't he say so? Instead, he's using a term that's often used in f*cist language. Who or what he's referring to isn't specified either, but it's definitely a questionable choice of words regardless.
Let's be honest, the mindset that there's "lower species" that are not deserving of life, as Kuai Liang basically implies by claiming Nitara should feed on them instead, says quite a lot about the kind of person he is. No matter what he's speaking of here, I still think this is pretty fucked up from any standpoint, especially because Kuai Liang doesn't explicitly say that he's talking about animals.
This is just my opinion, but even if he were to "only" be talking about animals here, I think it's downright wrong to say any animals are a "lower species", given the fact that we very much depend on certain animals for our own survival. Even if we give Kuai Liang the benefit of the doubt, he still sounds incredibly uneducated and ignorant. To not value the life of other creatures is not a good look on him, but then again we've seen how much he values his own brother's life so the bar is quite literally in hell.
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Scorpion: Liu Kang's revelation has shaken my faith in him. Raiden: Understandable, given what he chose to hide.
Reptile: Am I right to put faith in Liu Kang? Scorpion: He's always proven worthy of mine.
Oh, has he now?
Kuai Liang is beginning to sound two-faced. He's certainly not conflicted because he still continues to follow Liu Kang and advices others to do the same. He also doesn't openly criticize or doubt Liu Kang like Tomáš and Bi-Han do. But he himself has lost some of his faith in Liu Kang, yet he judges Bi-Han for having done the same thing? Where does any of that make sense?
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Scorpion: You would shed your brother's blood? Sub-Zero: Because you choose to stand in my way.
The first blood shed was Bi-Han's, not Kuai Liang's, but because Bi-Han doesn't bear a visible scar, no one acknowledges that.
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Kuai Liang is once again showing manipulative behavior here. Blaming everything on his brother and pretending he did nothing wrong. Guilt tripping Bi-Han for something he himself has done.
Kuai Liang's actions are not even the biggest problem here. You can somehow justify what he did with him being hurt/angry when he found out about the true circumstances of his father's death. It's the fact that he refuses to take any responsibility for what he did and acts completely innocent although he's anything but, that shows he's not who the fandom makes him out to be.
Even Bi-Han stands by what he does. Kuai Liang can't even own up to his actions.
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Liu Kang:
Liu Kang: You allow vengeance to consume you. Scorpion: I should not punish Bi-Han for his crimes?
So, Liu Kang seems concerned with Kuai Liang's thirst for vengeance. What's even more noteworthy is that we have Kuai Liang, a mortal, speak to Liu Kang, a literal god, about punishing someone else as if he's entitled to do so? Should it not be up to Liu Kang to decide whether Bi-Han deserves forgiveness or punishment? Do we need to add a god complex to the list of Kuai Liang's flaws?
There's nothing honorable about vengeance. It's honorable to be the bigger person and to forgive.
As Chinese philosopher Confucius said:
“Love thy neighbour as thyself: Do not do to others what thou wouldst not wish be done to thyself: Forgive injuries. Forgive thy enemy, be reconciled to him, give him assistance, invoke God in his behalf.”
Kuai Liang has none of that honor he claims to value.
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Tanya: Liu Kang says we can trust you. Kuai Liang: As long as Outworld's goals don't conflict with Earthrealm's.
Let me translate it: "No, you can't. I'll stop being a reliable ally and might betray you as soon as our interests no longer align." Which is fair enough, he doesn't owe Outworld his loyalty. It's, however, funny that that's exactly what Bi-Han did with Liu Kang/Earthrealm too, but for some reason Kuai Liang is still delusional enough to think he's a more honorable man than his brother?
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Kung Lao:
Kung Lao: I bet I could be Shirai Ryu. Scorpion: First, you must learn humility.
Also Scorpion:
Ashrah: I'd do well to follow your example. Scorpion: Then start by studying my kombat.
Quan Chi: Your brother told me of all your weaknesses. Scorpion: A short conversation, sorcerer?
Kuai Liang is a hypocrite who doesn't practice what he preaches. These are just two of many dialogues in which he comes off as overly confident and boastful. He will try to force his own values and ideals onto others but will not uphold them himself. These dialogues are not even the only example of his hypocrisy, but more of that to come later.
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Smoke and the Shaolin monks:
Scorpion: Was it worth it, training with the Shaolin? Smoke: Let me show you what I learned.
Yet another example for Kuai Liang's arrogance. "Was it worth it?" What's that even supposed to mean? Admittedly, this might not sound as bad compared to everything else he's said but I invite you to go and listen to this specific intro and pay attention to the tone of his voice. To me, it very much sounds like, as a former Lin Kuei, he thinks there's nothing the monks can teach him and Tomáš anymore and therefore he sees training with them as a waste of time. Overall, Kuai Liang seems to hold little respect for his allies. He might not outright say it, but there's definitely a superiority complex there.
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Scorpion: Your mansion was unduly extravagant. Johnny Cage: It came with the megastardom. Package deal.
What gives Kuai Liang the right to judge Johnny for what he does with his money that he's earned from his movies? Judging people and acting like he has the moral high ground over them in any situation is something Kuai Liang does a lot. That alone might not automatically make him a bad person, but it's tasteless and impolite nonetheless.
Johnny Cage: With your skills you'd be a hit, Kuai Liang. Scorpion: Do I look like an entertainer?
Again, if you listen to the actual intro, the distaste in his voice is obvious. He seems to not have much respect for Johnny's profession or for most of his allies' professions, really. Remember his reaction to Tomáš training with the Shaolin monks?
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Scorpion: Like a dog, you bit the hand that fed you. Rain: You've no right to judge me, Earthrealmer.
He doesn't -- because did Kuai Liang not do the same to Bi-Han? It doesn't matter that Bi-Han chose the wrong side, Kuai Liang's oath was to his grandmaster, not to Earthrealm. Bi-Han broke his oath to Earthrealm and by breaking his own oath to his brother, Kuai Liang is no better. And as I already explained in the first part of my analysis, Kuai Liang always meant to overthrow Bi-Han, even before Bi-Han abandoned his duties to defend Earthrealm. Bi-Han gave in to corruption and became a traitor, Kuai Liang was always a traitor in disguise. Kuai Liang is yet again being a hypocrite in this situation and displays double standards.
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Scorpion: Do not let Sento become a crutch. Kenshi: I could win this fight with or without it.
Does anyone else think this comment sounds a lot like ableism? Who is he to tell a disabled man how to handle his disability? Kenshi is a badass, he's proven that countless of times and he doesn't need Kuai Liang's advice, but Kuai Liang has a habit of acting like he knows better than others.
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Bi-Han (again):
Shang Tsung: It was all too simple, pulling your brother's strings. Kuai Liang: It sickens me that he was so easily exploited.
Bi-Han fell victim to Shang Tsung's manipulation, yet here Kuai Liang is, blaming the victim. Meanwhile, Tomáš:
Smoke: I rue the day I ever met you. Quan Chi: No sense dwelling on the past, Tomáš.
Tomáš regrets ever meeting the sorcerers because he rightfully blames the people responsible for this whole mess, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, not Bi-Han. Kuai Liang is miles away from the same level of emotional maturity Tomáš has.
Scorpion: "Bi-Han's trail has led me to Sun Do." Li Mei: "I'll abide no vigilante justice, Kuai Liang."
Scorpion: If you know where he is, tell me. General Shao: As if I would spill your brother's secrets.
Scorpion: I need help to find Bi-Han. Johnny Cage: Y'know I was only a TV detective, right?
Kuai Liang is making his own family feud everyone else's problem.
SPOILERS: At the same time, when Bi-Han will crash Kuai Liang's wedding in the dlc according to leaks, Kuai Liang will "apologize" to those who attended that they got dragged into his war with Bi-Han, once again painting his brother as the villain. Could he be any more duplicitous? I think the main reason why Smoke is not mentioned in any leaks is because the writers might deliberately not want him to be there because the way Kuai Liang acts (wanting to kill Frost, leaving Bi-Han to suffer and die) would go against everything Tomáš believes in and they can't have someone make Scorpion look bad, so they decided to just have Tomáš not be there at all. If that doesn't say it all, I don't know what will.
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Kuai Liang:
Scorpion: I won't be consumed by vengeance. Scorpion: How can your father's death not burn you.
You know it's bad when your own alternate self starts judging you and criticizing your ways.
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Scorpion: I want to see the moment my father died. Geras: You are not ready to receive that knowledge.
I wonder why Geras denied Kuai Liang's request. Is he concerned that actually witnessing the event will make Kuai Liang lose his mind completely and he will make even more of an effort to kill Bi-Han? He surely seems to think Kuai Liang is too unstable to receive that information. But then again, Kuai Liang already wants to kill Bi-Han, he already tried to do it and he already knows what happened. When will he be ready in Geras' opinion? Once he already forgave Bi-Han (which seems like it won't happen at all)? Would that not just reignite his old hatred? Could it be that there's more to the death of Kuai Liang's father than we know? Is there something Geras is trying to hide from Kuai Liang on purpose?
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Ashrah: Bi-Han can be redeemed. Scorpion: I don't see how that's possible.
It sounds a lot like Kuai Liang doesn't want it to be possible. He wants to deny his brother a chance at redemption. He's also once again acting like he knows better than everyone else. It's getting to the point where he seems self-righteous and out of touch with reality.
So, tell me again, after all that, why are we calling Kuai Liang a nice guy?
To conclude this, Kuai Liang only appears "nice" in direct comparison to Bi-Han, not necessarily because he's a better person, he's just the more agreeable one of the two. Take Bi-Han out of the picture and it's plain to see Kuai Liang is really not that nice. I also don't see how Kuai Liang is the poor, traumatized victim that never did anything wrong in his life, as fans like to describe him as. Yes, he suffered as well, but victims can also become aggressors. There are plenty of situations in which that's the case for Kuai Liang. Again, this is not hate or an attempt to completely demonize him, just to show that the fandom has a wrong idea of who Kuai Liang is and what he's like.
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Kieran Duffy Mini Analysis
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Since I struggle to imagine how Kieran’s facial and body expressions are portrayed, I compiled some notes on clips and dialogue. Uploading for other Kieran fans to enjoy.
To the point: Kieran is not a stammering short coward. He is a plucky man who can stand his ground and leans into his whiny feebleness when his life depends on it. He’s funny and has more guts socially than much of the VDL gang!
I’m chapter 1, we get introduced to him with cowering after being slapped by Colm and fleeing rather than fight. Kieran isn’t a coward, more like a guy who squirms, lies, and pleads if his life depends on it. I suggest you read this post for more info on how Kieran’s apparent feebleness is an exaggeration he puts on to survive in a cut throat gang. After given time to wallow in the stables in Colter, Kieran starts putting up a fight and threatens the VDL gang with the O’Driscolls coming for them for taking him hostage. He fights his restraints and holds angry eye contact with his captors, only breaking breaking when the conversation ends and he falls over again. From what I can tell, Kieran always has a grumpy face whenever interacted with. He boldly says he’d rather die to Arthur’s face!
It’s in chapter 2 where his fight becomes more desperate from the starvation and abuse. He by no means gives up, he keeps up blabbering that he “ain’t an O’Driscoll” even tho he ends up divulging information and seems to know a suspicious lot about Colm and the O’Driscolls.
Mid chapter 2 and onwards, he mellows out into a guy who tries to be as nice and as unobtrusive as possible. He still keeps eye contact when speaking and even puts assertiveness behind some of his words. He has the guts to say to people’s face to leave him alone and stop fucking with him. He also doesn’t shy from grumbling and making “oh come on!🙄” gestures when verbally harassed by the gang. He visibly gets frustrated when called an O’Driscoll but he usually has to calm himself down till he can respond dejectedly rather than actually angrily. He did get upset with Sean and stand in front of him with no cowering to stand his ground when called an O’Driscoll (until he got headbutted).
He thanks people and sounds amused and surprisingly relaxed for his situation. (Idk how to explain it but) he has a smile in his tone of voice in some dialogue. Sometimes greets Arthur in a chipper way. Sweet! Even has the emotional vulnerability to apologize to Abigail about Jack going missing. Kieran asserts his value to the club by taking pride in his horse knowledge and fishing skill. He sternly Arthur he’ll “teach him something” when it comes to fishing. See, useful!
He is still easily threatened by the gang if they get up in his face or yell. He leans away, goes silent, slowly pulls his hands closer to his chest, and goes still when intimidated. It takes a few seconds before he relaxes afterwards. This is what I consider the extent of his cowardly behavior. He just shuts up and backs off. He only ups his pleading and squirming when his life actively depends on it.
Headcanon territory: after listening to ~7 minutes of cut Kieran fighting audio, I can definitely say that this man has some lungs on him! The rasp to his voice makes me think he’s worked his voice hoarse (haha, horse pun) enough times to leave permanent damage/evidence in his voice. I think he damaged his voice while with the O’Driscolls. When he’d be on a job, he’d rely on shouting threats and malicious taunting to intimidate the enemy since his looks aren’t that scary. Plus, if he was amongst a group of O’Driscoll during a gunfight, no one would get a good look at him as he dips out of cover to shoot, they’d just hear his raspy shouting about “cutting all their damn throats” and “this ain’t gonna end pretty, boys” (this one is my favorite because if you listen to the line, you can REALLY hear the rasp in the “boys”).
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say (whether he admits it or not) Kieran does enjoy gunfights. Kieran by no means asked to join a life of crime and I am sure he did NOT want to kill anyone at the start, but over time shit corrupts and feeling the power of firing and seeing his enemies drop gave Duffy a semblance of control back to his life. In a gunfight, no colleagues pay attention to him and he can simply enjoy his brief power trip.
A more wholesome HC: much of the cut Kieran audio has him talking or greeting the other gang members with friendliness. He’s comfortable enough to tease or criticize the VDL gang. I imagine these lines would’ve been for a version where he gets to stick with the gang long enough for him to be trusted and for him to relax into his natural personality! Kieran still has his mumbly quiet moments (usually when exhausted) but he also sounds like he’s smiling more and even making jokes. Even makes harmless jabs at Arthur if he returns to camp bloodied or dirty. Has the courage to ask questions (I can’t find the exact line but I heard a couple where he was asking Arthur what he was doing in “his space” and if he needed to borrow “his things” so Kieran was either given or claimed ownership of stuff) and set boundaries (many cut quotes of Kieran asking others to buzz off or give him space because he wants to be alone). He’ll even express his anger if you push his buttons too much. After ramping down his nature to be this declawed version of himself, I imagine being no only bark but bring on the bite feels amazing.
Tldr: Kieran isn’t your baby girl. He is a kick ass ex-O’Driscoll who is a great asset to the VDL gang.
I also wanna mention that this post utterly changed how I thought of Kieran. I suggest giving it a read!
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halfagone · 4 months
Cassandra Cain and Communication
I've been noticing an interesting trend in DPxDC fanfics lately where people write Cass like she's psychic, or in simpler terms: she can read someone and in an instant know how to help them. And while I can definitely see the merits of this kind of approach, there are a lot of things to keep in mind.
I cannot stress enough how isolated Cass' childhood was. When it's said that David Cain trained her only in the language of killing, it is not an exaggeration. In many early renditions of her character, Cass cannot speak at all, and if she can, only in short, brief sentences. Cass goes the first seventeen years of her life not knowing how to read.
That is a canonical plot point too. We see Barbara teaching Cass to read in Batman Volume 1 #567:
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Based on the context surrounding this scene, this is a regular occurrence between the pair. Cass has also sought out Stephanie before to read something for her (Batgirl Volume 1 #20). If you're curious about more analysis surrounding this particular subject, this post has some interesting points and shows the gradual shift in how DC handled her character.
But this is early into her time with the Batfamily. What about later on, when she's more assimilated to the Waynes and her fellow vigilantes?
Well, you don't even have to be a hardcore comic fan to see how she continues to struggle with expression and communication. In Wayne Family Adventures, episodes 32 and 33, we see how Cass' ability to read body language has also hurt her and her relationship with the people around her.
She doesn't mean to hurt Stephanie's feelings in these episodes, but the damage is real and it happened. Cass means well, ultimately, but she still doesn't know how or when to address these problems. She sees that Steph is hurting and wants to help; those are all admirable qualities! But in the end, she only pushes Stephanie further away, and is left feeling guilty and carrying self-loathing in the wake.
Here is also a reminder: Cass killed her first man at the age of 8 years old, and consequently ran away from her father when she realized killing was wrong. She did not know what he felt was fear. She did not know the definition of fear, nor the word for it. She just saw the expression on his face as he died, and realized that something was wrong, and ran away.
Cass doesn't arrive to Gotham until she's 17 years old, around the No Man's Land era, if I remember correctly. She is on the run for 9 years in this time, and sadly, she did not pick up many- if any- language or communication skills during this period. This isn't a fault on her character either, when she likely had to keep moving and didn't have time to connect with anyone like she did with Barbara, who could teach her how to speak and read.
But at the end of the day, it makes sense that Cass doesn't know how to socialize. Think of a real life example: some kids who grow up homeschooled struggle to make connections once they reach adulthood and start looking for a job. They've never had to make small talk, or address strangers face-to-face, so they don't know how to interact with people. Cass' situation is a more extreme version of this scenario, but with blood, brutal training, and child abuse involved.
At her core, Cass is a good person. And she will continue to be that good person. But she doesn't always have the answers. Nobody does! She'll continue to help people to the best of her abilities, but sometimes those abilities can be limited.
Cass is not a perfect person. When Bruce was lost in the timeline, and the remaining Batfamily members started to splinter and fall apart in the wake, Cass didn't remain in Gotham to help with the rising violence with Batman's absence. Instead, when her family needed her most, she went to Hong Kong, because she didn't want to be there without Bruce. She did briefly meet Tim in Paris, when she had saved him from the Daughters of Acheron, but she still doesn't accompany Tim, nor does she return to Gotham even after finding out the city is extremely understaffed.
Cass is well-meaning, but she is not faultless. We might not like to acknowledge the flaws of our favorite characters, but those flaws are a part of them! Just like how Bruce consistently fails to express himself is a part of his. Or how Dick tries to pretend that everything is fine so he doesn't have to address his own problems. Or how Jason can be inconsistent with his motivations and people get hurt as a result. Or how Tim keeps too many secrets and pushes people away, ruining multiple relationships in turn.
I could go on and on, but all these characters are more than just their flaws. The same thing with Cass.
So don't be afraid to show a Cass that doesn't know how to fix things. Don't be afraid to show a Cass that doesn't know what to do, but just tries her best. It's one of her most admirable qualities: always trying no matter what.
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rowanwithaz · 18 days
Comforting Heroism
Major Mha 423 spoilers
Unforgivable actions by understandable people:
This is really interesting to me. In this chapter Izuku says he can't forgive Shigaraki/AFO several times,and he's had similar sentiments before,but of course he can still see the hurt they're going through.
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A couple of things stood out to me.
This is a pattern throughout the war. Izuku can't forgive Shigaraki or AFO,because they've hurt too many people,but it doesn't dissipate their pain. Izuku doesn't want to save villains,he wants to save them from their hurt. Because he can understand AFO,because he can understand Shigaraki,he can't forgive them for what they've done,but he provided Shigaraki with a sense of comfort,went to Shigaraki's child self to comfort the crying boy inside him.
And this mentality Izuku has isn't knew by any means,the war before this is when he comes to the conclusion he wishes to save Shigaraki,
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I don't know if even he knew how he was going to though. So,in a sense,he's saved the crying boy inside Shigaraki,or should I say Nana did.
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(Shigaraki saying he wasn't able to crush Izuku's hand may be him saying he couldn't refuse Izuku's comfort,like Izuku said himself; taking someone's hand is a form of comfort. So in the end,Shigaraki wasn't able to deny Izuku's (and the vestiges') help any longer)
In this chapter Shigaraki confesses that he was a crying boy deep down,which he had been denying pretty heavily,and that part of him escaped,that crying boy was saved by being comforted.
And I think Shigaraki ending his own physical body was definitely some good ol' symbolism. With Shigaraki destroying the body that AFO took from him,the body AFO forced to be destructive,he saved everyone and the boy crying in his own self. Like a hero. Shigaraki getting to fulfill his life-long dream whilst ending his own pain and suffering just feels right.
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And the conclusion for AFO's pain and suffering and the explanation align with this.
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Izuku saying this after AFO was defeated makes sense. Izuku is putting an end to the cycle of pain and suffering. AFO used and used people,causing them to do the same things he's done,and the OFA users,Izuku,and Shigaraki have put an end to this once and for all.
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(This frame is chilling. AFO is just like, "Shiiiiiiiiiiit." )
Which was ALSO Izuku's goal.
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Izuku has wanted to end this seemingly endless line of suffering,the pain that caused this chain reaction,Izuku wanted to put an end to it.
Izuku didn't fail to save Shigaraki,he didn't fail to stop him and AFO either.
Izuku's pain and suffering:
Izuku himself has been suffering this whole war. Physically and emotionally. An interesting little thing I noticed when Izuku was fighting AFO,when Katsuki shows up,that's when Izuku tells AFO he can't forgive him.
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We have to remember what exactly AFO/Shigaraki put him through,last and especially this war.
Obviously,when they killed Katsuki,this gravely affected Izuku. So,I feel Izuku's pain and suffering from this
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Hasn't been resolved yet. One of two main reasons I believe this is at the end of the chapter Horikoshi is using this panel,
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Y'know,the one that happens right after Izuku forces his feelings down about Katsuki's death?
Izuku still has his own cycle of pain and suffering caused by AFO and Shigaraki,like in both wars,and I feel there's so much emotional damage that needs to be addressed.
I've been talking about comfort a lot throughout this analysis,and that's mainly because Horikoshi said in an interview a while back that he wanted to portray heroism in a specific way.
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Izuku comforting that crying boy,that is a form of reassurance. And throughout this war and chapter everyone has been feeling relieved merely by his presence alone. But,what about Izuku himself?
I feel this is where the whole, "You don't have to handle it all on your own," comes into place. I feel Katsuki needs to help Izuku feel reassurance in some way shape or form.
Izuku saved/won the day with everyone's combined efforts,but Izuku needs to rest.
And this whole sequence of events reminds me of the vigilante arc,and if everyone remembers,it goes like this.
Katsuki shows up,
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He takes out a villain,then lets class A help,
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they help Izuku with a sense of comfort,then Katsuki takes the wheel in emotionally connecting with Izuku. He reassures Izuku the greatest,because he's so special to him. So,people theorizing that Katsuki is going to catch Izuku (I dunno 'bout that) you're filling in the LAST blank. What goes before this?
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A talk. A simple. Emotional. Talk. I don't know if this will happen for sure,but it makes sense all things considered. One of the biggest reasons Izuku became a vigilante was because the war hurt his friends,and more specifically,hurt Katsuki.
And since Togachako parallels them,it wouldn't surprise me if they had another emotional talk in the battle field (wouldn't be too surprising since there isn't much danger anymore) and with class A watching,perhaps they'll tell each other their truth,the WHOLE truth.
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Random thought:
Speaking of Togachako parallels,I find it quite interesting that right Izuku's facial expressions look very similar in these frames when thinking of not hurting someone he loves,having a flashback to Katsuki getting hurt,then this latest chapter Izuku getting a little emotional after Katsuki helps.
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I think it's the eyes and eyebrow placement or something.
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moonandwind · 7 months
I wanted to bring you another analysis of Sesshomaru and Kagura's relationship with some details I hadn't noticed before. 👀
Did Sesshomaru know that Kagura wouldn't die even if her body took heavy damage? It's very likely that he had guessed it.
First of all I found a VERY interesting detail in the manga. Here Kagura tells Sesshomaru "Hakudoshi is a Naraku's offspring, he's like him" referring to the fact that no matter how many times you destroy his body, he doesn't die because he doesn't have his heart inside him. So Sesshomaru, consequently, could have definitely thought that Kagura is like that too, as she actually is.
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Another hint that Sesshomaru probably knew is that although Jaken and Rin are quite convinced that Kagura died with that huge hole in her chest, Sesshomaru is patiently waiting for her to wake up. Jaken even wonders "How did she get here in that state? She should be dead!".
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But in any case we know that many things on Sesshomaru's part would be out of his character, for example showing that he cares about a Naraku's offspring in front of someone would be too much for his pride but, as much as he tries to show that he doesn't care about her at all, some of his gestures betray him.
For example, when Kagura tells him about having found Naraku's heart, the first and only thing Sesshomaru feels like saying is to warn her that she's in danger "In that case, any further actions on your part are futile, Naraku would soon find out that you're going after his heart".
First he says he doesn't care what happened to her but the thing that seems to have caught his attention the most is that Naraku knows about Kagura's betrayal and he can't help but warn her, typical Sesshomaru behavior… 😏
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And when she leaves he watches her go away with an intense and worried look.
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Furthermore, it's significant that, right in the middle of this chapter, Rumiko inserted a scene in which Naraku talks about the fact that he doesn't kill Kagura yet because she's still useful to him for one thing. In the manga it's not specified what, however in the anime Naraku says that Kagura is a perfect bait for Inuyasha and his friends... 👀 Sesshomaru was close to find Naraku's heart but he gave it up to go to save Kagura...
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When they next met, Sesshomaru felt the need to protect her when Moryomaru was finding out that Kagura gave him the shards.
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And it's no coincidence that Sesshomaru got worried when he smelled Naraku's scent next to Kagura's and not before then, because at that moment he knew that Kagura was REALLY in danger.
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In conclusion, I think Rumiko Takahashi is really good at showing when Sesshomaru cares about someone without him going out of his character. 😊
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Do you think toby still show signs of PTSD from his dad or sometimes has episodes? (How does masky deal with him?)
(Not a request but if it seems like one you can delete srry 😓)
[If anyone finds anything I mention triggering please let me know and I’ll tag this]
Absolutely. I talked about this a bit in my Toby character analysis, but my Toby went through EXTREME torture and psychological damage at the hands of his father, and is definitely not mentally healed. Toby has trauma deeply ingrained in him and his behaviors, and they show up presently.
Toby avoids Masky personally at all costs. Masky likes to trigger him intentionally because he thinks it’s funny (which Masky gets HEAVILY punished for), so Toby just avoids him. Tim, on the flip side, works incredibly hard to try and help Toby. He works very hard to remind Toby that mistakes do not equal punishments, that it’s okay to fuck up, and that if he DOES get in trouble, the punishment will be nothing in the world like what his father would do to him.
There are times where Toby will hide in his room for days to weeks on end, unable to be around people because a trauma flare up is so bad. There are times where Toby has a manic break in the company of others due to a trigger, which will then cause him to hide away again because he feels he’s done wrong. Toby often doesn’t think he deserves good things, and will reject kind behavior. Toby has severe insomnia due to nightmares that he can’t get away from. Toby gets nervous if people are behind him, and when he hears people walking down the hall or towards his room, he memorizes their step pattern so he knows who it is instinctually. Toby has struggled with harming himself, although most of the time these days he’s gotten better.
When he first joined the mansion, Toby acted a lot as if he was a soldier obeying authority figures, as that was what his father had trained into him, and while 90% of the time now he doesn’t do that, sometimes he slips into a bad headspace and he goes back to those behaviors, and nobody can really get him to stop until it passes. Toby isn’t really happy-go-lucky a lot of the time. Most days he’s actually very very mellow, if not outright depressed in his behaviors. Toby never experienced a normal upbringing, so he doesn’t fully still understand how to behave in healthy settings, especially with such a large group like in the mansion, so he finds it hard to connect with others, especially because of his tics from his Tourette’s syndrome, which are his main source of insecurity. Toby tries his best to fit in and make progress with his healing, but even after all these years he still finds it very difficult a lot of the time, even though he’s made very good progress considering his starting position.
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appocalipse · 2 years
ok its me again… i cant decide if store or jewelry is better so maybe u just pick whichever one u like lol ty :)
hi ♥ i went with jewelry + exes to lovers hehe <3 hope you like it!
[JEWELRY; Wearing a piece of jewelry (ring/necklace/bracelet/watch) that the other bought. ]
Two seconds after you enter the bathroom, the door opens and Steve comes in.
"Here, let me help you," he says, already approaching before you can answer.
Breaking up with Steve had been one of the hardest things you'd ever done. The breakup hadn't happened because you didn't love him anymore, or because you were interested in someone else, or for any other reason ordinary couples break up.
No. You'd broken up with him for one simple reason: you were afraid you weren't good enough. Steve was kind, he was brave, and of course he was very handsome and charming, although those last two things didn't weigh that much in the balance of things. And if Nancy — who had been his first love —was anything to go by, you had very little chance of being the girlfriend Steve deserved. She was just perfect in your eyes; beautiful, smart, very, very brave. She would often risk her life for others, like he did. And if the two of them didn't work out together, why would it work out with you?
You're well aware that the whole problem may simply be in your mind, that you're being unfair — both to Steve and yourself — but you couldn't help it. So you had walked away, protecting yourself—even though part of you knew Steve would never hurt you.
That's why today, two months after you'd broken up with him, you considered not coming to Max's birthday; you knew he would be here. But you love Max and it wouldn't have been fair to her not to come for such a selfish reason.
Then, against your better judgment, you came, reason why you're now trapped in a very tiny space with your ex — with whom you're still very much in love with.
Steve does a brief damage analysis. There's a sizable stain on the front of the lovely green dress you're wearing, a mixture of scarlet and purple right over your heart, spreading like a bleeding.
It's just grape juice, of course. You're trying to remove it with a cloth soaked in ice water, but he's not sure it's working.
This unavoidably brings a memory to his mind, one he's not fond of. Steve hesitates.
Then he pushes it away; you're not Nancy. You and him aren't even together anymore.
He realizes he's not making himself feel any better with that thought.
"I'm fine, Steve," you say in a tone that's neither warm nor cold; a balanced, measured, trained tone. "You can go back to the party."
"I'm sorry," he replies, biting the inside of his cheek as he thinks about what to say next. Uh...
"It wasn't your fault."
"Yes, it was," he insists. It's a half truth; Steve and the kids were kicking a ball back and forth, some game you were trying not to pay attention to, and then it somehow ended up hitting the cup in your hand and disaster was done. "I'm sorry, I should have been more careful."
You don't look at him, too focused on the stain. "It was an accident," you say, and Steve hears the usual gentleness behind your voice. "And it's just a dress, anyway. It's okay."
"It's a pretty dress-very pretty."
It's a risky move, he thinks. But by then he's said it and there's nothing he can do about it.
Steve watches the way you swallow, the way you pause for a brief second, how you look at him and quickly look away. It's a reaction, at least.
You don't answer. The trailer is small and the bathroom proportionately tiny. The air practically crackles with tension around you two.
The stain seems to be fading, but the fabric is getting wetter, sticking to your skin, turning transparent…
"Steve," you whisper, and his gaze darts to your face immediately. Is it a warning or an invitation?
He had definitely been staring.
"Sorry," he says again.
"Stop apologizing."
You put the cloth under the running water. Steve hears a metallic clink before he sees where it comes from: your arm. Your wrist, more precisely, where the bracelet he gave you as a gift just a few months ago is.
Steve can't stop himself from taking your wrist into his hand for a better look, half expecting the object to disappear at any moment, only a figment of his imagination.
"You still have it," it's not a question because it would be stupid to ask when he can see it for himself, but Steve still can't believe you're wearing it.
It doesn't.
He looks at you. You look flustered, your cheeks warm. Your parted lips can't get any words out, and the only thing Steve can think about is placing his hand on the back of your neck and kissing you slowly.
You gently pull your wrist away from his touch. "Do you...want it back?"
"I- what? No!" he exclaims, as if the idea horrifies him. "No, I'm just…I'm just surprised you're wearing the bracelet I gave you, that's all."
"I like the bracelet."
"Only the bracelet?"
Maybe he's pushing his luck, he thinks. But there's hope on the way you hesitate before answering, on the look on your face.
You look at the floor, dropping the cloth on the sink. "I don't know what you want me to say."
"Dustin told me you have a date tomorrow."
It is true. To be honest, this date means so much to you that you had forgotten about it until this very moment.
"I'm trying to move on," you say honestly. And failing, is what you don't say.
"By wearing the bracelet I gave you? Doesn't it remind you of me at all?"
Every damn thing makes me think of you.
An exasperated sigh escapes your lips. "I'm trying to move on," you repeat, weaker this time, a whisper. He hears it.
"So if I kissed you right now, you wouldn't feel anything?"
A single step is enough for Steve to be directly in front of you. Your heart seems to have been replaced by something three times faster and much louder.
"Wouldn't you kiss me back?" he touches your face with a gentle hand, leaning into you slowly.
Not wanting to say yes, I'd kiss you back (the truth) but unable to say no (which is a big, big lie), you take a step back as he steps forward. Nowhere to go — your back hits the wall.
He breathes against your mouth and you close your eyes, letting your head rest against the wall. "Steve," you whisper.
"I love you," he whispers back. "I just- I love you. You can go on a date tomorrow, you can go on a hundred dates, it doesn't matter. I won't give up on you, you hear me? Not unless you tell me that I don't stand a chance."
You don't.
Steve walks away. You stand there, leaning against the wall long after you hear the door close behind him, desperately trying to catch your breath.
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chiisana-sukima · 4 months
Oh when you used to sing it to sleep
@jinkieswouldyoulookatthis and @blue-chimera - thank you both for your kind and thoughtful replies to my reblog of this post. The og post is getting quite long and also I don't want to put too much writing effort into a reblog that's susceptible to disappearance, so I'm continuing here instead.
I agree with you both that Dean's parentification and Sam's continued acceptance of vs rebellion against it as an adult are an important part of their dynamic. Dean's dying words in the finale attest to this beautifully (as well as many other things throughout the course of the show); I love you so much, my baby brother. To a certain extent Sam is Dean's baby and always will be.
I think though to a large extent, the framing by both Sam and Dean of Dean as Sam's parentified elder sibling is a mutually employed, mostly cooperative sanitization of the central and most damaging aspect of the roles they internalized through their upbringing: Sam is a monster and Dean is the tool to "take care of" it (double reading of "take care of" 100% intentional on my part). Because of this, while readings of spn through the lens of Dean's parentification are definitely valid, I do think they sometimes risk distorting or leaving out important aspects of the characters' personalities, motivations, and relationship.
Jinkies, in my fruitless quest to process without reblogging a take I knew the OP wouldn't appreciate, I had listened to the interview before posting, and I think while Jensen is being flip, he's also getting at what he sees as a truth in the brothers' relationship. I think he's right from a Doylist/co-creator/actor's perspective--Sam is the protagonist who we see through Dean, the deuteragonist's, eyes. Dean, as a piece of the narrative artifact, Supernatural, is there to save Sammy in a way that Sam (up to that point anyway) is not a piece of the narrative artifact whose purpose is to save Dean. From a Watsonian/in-universe perspective though, I think he's mistaken, and that his mistake is the reason his take sounds uncharitable, even aside from the flippant part.
It's just not a very convincing analysis imo to frame a character who spends the first few seasons rejecting immoral power, the next few in an arc that ends with him willingly subjected himself to eternal torture for the good of the world, and the one after that intending to sacrifice himself dramatically to rid the world of one particular species of monster but doesn't because Dean asks him not to, as self-absorbed or not particularly concerned with his effect on others, including on his brother. Likewise, Dean holds up well as a parentified older sibling with no sense of internal self and abysmal self-esteem in some ways, but in others not so much. He does have interests and priorities and a sense of purpose outside Sam. They're all over spn every day, much more so in fact than Sam's are. They're just not enough to override his Sam prioritization.
The main place I think this analysis fails on Dean's side though is that he, as an adult, is just not a very good parent. Obviously as a child he couldn't be expected to be a good parent (or a parent at all) and as an adult he's already damaged and so it's understandable that if big brother-ing Sam is how he chooses to spend the rest of his life, he may still not be equipped to do it. But he fails on such a fundamental, obvious level at the the most basic aspects of parenting--providing safety, unconditional love, and preparing your child to go out into the world as an independent adult--in ways that once he's a grown up are absolutely within his power to at least attempt (for example: if he wants Sam to be safer, it would ultimately have failed because of Fate, but the logical thing to do first would be not hunt. Dean could've followed Sam to Palo Alto. He could've told him to go to Harvard Law if he can't tolerate Stanford after Jess dies. Could've refused to support him throwing his life away of a mission of revenge. Bought him his own car, encouraged him to have his own tastes. Told him convincingly that trusting Ruby was a bad decision but Lucifer is still not his fault).
None of that is meant to be insulting to Dean though, because I don't think that parenting Sam is Dean's real job--even from Dean's perspective--and I don't think his real job is palatable enough that it would be better for either of them if he admitted what it is head on. What his and Sam's real jobs both are imo is being a container for Sam. On Dean's side, this means holding Sam in his arms with love or if that's not enough, holding him in the panic room, which, from this perspective, is also an act of love. Substituting his judgement for Sam's is an act of love. Not encouraging Sam to hold his own interests first or to grow towards independence are acts of love. Given the nature of (what I believe to be) Dean's actual job, they are effective and competent acts of love undertaken under impossible circumstances, even if the results are sometimes pretty horrific. Because they're still better than the alternative.
Likewise on Sam's side, doing his job well means being a model monster--go to an Ivy, exercise, eat healthy, cultivate empathy, don't have desires of your own, hold yourself to an impossible standard, suppress your anger, kill other monsters when they get out of line. And in the moments he can't manage all that--because who can?-- submit to Dean. When he does those things, he's succeeding at his job, and while it would be nice if "let your brother hit you" or "jump in the Cage with Lucifer" wasn't his job, in the world of spn, it is. He is right to be contained by Dean and wrong to have opinions or priorities of his own unless Dean approves them first.
I do think this sometimes ends up looking like Sam has better self-regard, because Dean's job is to "take care of" Sam, and Sam's job is also to "take care of" Sam. But actually they both have absolutely abysmal shit self-esteem. "I should submit to eternal torture because it's my fault someone else is going to do terrible things he could choose not to do if he wanted" is not the thinking of a person with healthy self-regard. The reason neither of them could fill a thimble with their self-esteem or healthy boundaries imo is because neither "monster" nor "blunt instrument" is a person. Neither of these roles is better or more healthy than the other. Fundamentally, if you don't see yourself first and foremost as a human person, then your life is going to suck horribly. And neither of them see themselves that way.
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petrovanity · 2 years
S1-4:  2294+ total.   2011+ magic, 1010+ elena, 1006+ jeremy, 1005+ matt, 75+ klaus, 52+ damon, 35 stefan, 15+ katherine, 15 caroline, 15 tomb vampires, 14+ alaric, 13 elijah, 12 hayley, 12 shane, 12 pastor young, 8+ mikael, 7+ john, 7+ jules, 7 rebekah, 5 esther, 5 rose, 5 bonnie, 4+ founder’s council, 4 isobel, 4 the brotherhood, 3+ kol, 2+ logan, 2 connor, 2 silas, 2 giuseppe, 1 harper, 1 mason, 1 tyler, 1 trevor, 1 slater, 1 stevie, 1 liz, 1 andie, 1 frederick, 1 tony, 1 bill, 1 unknown werewolves, 1 kol, 1 samantha gilbert, 1 alexander, 1 unknown man, 1 marcel
note: killing an entire sireline will count as 1000+ vampires
some characters die more than once  (jeremy, alaric, vicki) and  each death is counted  (ie vicki dies twice. damon gets +1 for turning vicki into a vampire and stefan gets +1 for staking vicki as a vampire).
full list below the read more
S1:  58+ total.   27+ damon, 14 tomb vampires, 8 stefan, 6+ john, 4+ founder’s council, 4+ alaric, 2+ logan, 2 isobel, 2 giuseppe, 2 katherine, 1 elena, 1 magic, 1 harper.
CHAPTER ONE (101-107): 13 total, 12 damon, 1 stefan
01 darren malloy: deceived and fed on (101) by damon
01 brooke fenton: deceived and fed on (101) by damon
02 unknown couple: deceived and fed on (102) by damon
01 mr. tanner: fed on (103) by damon
01 joseph salvatore: stabbed in self-defense (PS, 105, 509) by damon
01 zach salvatore: neck snapped (105) by damon
03 vicki’s friends: fed on (106) by damon
01 vicki donovan: neck snapped, turned (106) by damon
01 logan fell: fed on, turned (106) by damon
01 vicki donovan: staked in self-defense (107) by stefan
CHAPTER TWO (108-114): 12+ total, 8 damon, 3 stefan, 2 katherine, 1 elena, 2+ logan, 1 alaric, 1 magic
01 unknown boyfriend: fed on (108) by damon
01 lexi branson: staked (108) by damon
2+ hotel patrons (110) by logan
01 logan fell: staked (110) by alaric
01 bree: heart ripped out (111) by damon
01 isobel: fed on, turned (PS, 111) by damon
01 noah: staked (112) by stefan (and damon)
02 travelers: fed on (1864, 113) by katherine (and damon)
01 ben: burned to death, self defense (114) by stefan
01 sheila bennett: exhausted (114) by magic (and damon, stefan and elena)
CHAPTER THREE (115-122): 33+ total, 7+ damon, 4 stefan, 2 isobel, 3+ alaric, 2 giuseppe, 1 harper, 6+ john gilbert, 4+ the founder’s council, 14 tomb vampires
01 unknown hiker: fed on (115) by harper
01 trudie peterson: pushed down the stairs (115) by isobel’s accomplice (and isobel)
01 isobel’s accomplice: steps into traffic (115) by isobel
01 alaric saltzman: staked (115) by damon
01 bethanne: staked, self defense (116) by stefan
01 samantha gibbons: neck snapped (117) by damon
2+ tomb vampires: various methods (117) by damon and alaric
01 frederick: fed on, self defense (117) by stefan
01 john gilbert: neck snapped (118) by damon
13 human residents: unknown (118) by tomb vampires
02 stefan and damon: shot (1864, 120) by giuseppe
01 giuseppe salvatore: injured and fed on (1864, 120) by stefan
01 unnamed girl: fed on (1864, 120) by damon (and stefan)
01 henry: not sure (120) by alaric (and damon)
02 pearl and harper: staked (120) by john
01 annabelle zhu: staked (122) by john (and the founder’s council)
01 richard lockwood: neck snapped (122) by a tomb vampire (and john and the founder’s council)
2+ tomb vampires: burned alive (122) by the founder’s council (and john)
S2:  63+ total.   15 klaus, 11 damon, 11 stefan, 9 elijah, 7+ jules, 7 katherine, 5 rose, 3 caroline, 2 isobel, 2 bonnie, 1 mason, 1 tyler, 1 trevor, 1 slater, 1 stevie, 1 alaric, 1 elena, 1 magic, 1 matt, 1 john, 1 liz
CHAPTER ONE (201-207): 9 total, 4 damon, 4 katherine, 3 caroline, 1 mason, 1 tyler
01 jeremy gilbert: neck snapped, resurrected (201) by damon
01 caroline forbes: suffocated, turned (201) by katherine
01 carter: drained of blood (202) by caroline
01 jimmy: head trauma, self defense (205) by mason (and katherine)
02 sheriff deputies (205) by caroline and damon, self defense
01 mason lockwood: heart ripped out (206) by damon
01 aimee bradley: broken spine (207) by katherine
01 sarah: head trauma, self defense (207) by tyler (and katherine)
CHAPTER TWO (208-214): 32+ total, 5 damon, 4 stefan, 1 trevor, 9 elijah, 1 bonnie, 7 klaus, 5 rose, 3 katherine, 1 slater, 7 jules, 1 stevie
01 unknown man: fed on (208) by trevor
01 trevor: decapitated (208) by elijah
01 elijah mikaelson: staked, self defense (208) by damon (and stefan and bonnie)
01 katherine pierce: hung (209) by katherine (and klaus and rose)
01 unknown woman: staked and fed on (209) by rose (and katherine, self defense)
03 petrovas’ allies: brutally murdered (209) by klaus and his forces
03 petrova family: brutally murdered (209) by klaus and his forces
01 slater: staked (209) by slater (and elijah)
01 jeremy gilbert: fed on (210) by katherine
03 klaus’s men: broken spine, hearts ripped out, self defense (210) by elijah
2+ several campers: torn apart (212) by jules
01 sheriff’s deputy: blunt force trauma (212) by jules
01 park maintenance man: fed on (212) by rose (and jules)
02 unknown couple: fed on (212) by rose (and jules)
01 rose: staked, mercy kill (212) by damon (and jules)
01 jessica cohen: fed on (212) by damon
02 werewolves: hearts ripped out, self defense (213) by damon
02 werewolves: impaled, self defense (213) by stefan
01 brady: heart ripped out, self defense (214) by stefan
03 werewolves: hearts ripped out, self defense (214) by elijah
01 stevie: broken neck, self defense (214) by elijah
01 alaric saltzman: stabbed to death (214) by stevie
CHAPTER THREE (215-222): 22 total, 2 damon, 7 stefan, 1 alaric, 1 elena, 2 isobel, 8 klaus, 1 magic, 1 matt, 1 bonnie, 1 john, 1 liz
01 elijah mikaelson: daggered (215) alaric
01 elijah mikaelson: daggered (215) elena
01 honoria fell: fed on (1864, 215) by stefan
01 thomas fell: fed on (1864, 215) by stefan
01 johnathan gilbert: fed on, resurrected (1864, 215) by stefan
02 unknown women: fed on (1864, 215) by stefan
01 luka martin: burned to death (216) by damon
01 jonas martin: neck snapped (216) by stefan
01 isobel flemming: burned to death (217) by isobel (and klaus)
01 john gilbert: bitten, resurrected (217) by isobel
01 bonnie bennett: exhausted, self defense, resurrected (218) by magic (and klaus)
01 maddox: shot (220) by matt
01 jenna: turned (220) by klaus
01 jules: heart ripped out (221) by klaus
01 jenna: staked (221) by klaus
01 elena: fed on, resurrected (221) by klaus
01 greta martin: neck snapped (221) by damon
01 john gilbert: life force drained (221) by bonnie (and john)
01 elijah mikaelson: daggered (222) by klaus
01 jeremy gilbert: shot in crossfire, resurrected (222) by liz
01 unknown woman: fed on (222) by stefan (and klaus)
S3:  1092+ total.   1009+ magic, 1004+ matt, 35+ klaus, 14 stefan, 9 alaric, 8+ mikael, 8 damon, 6 rebekah, 5 esther, 3 elena, 2+ katherine, 2 bonnie, 2 elijah, 2 jeremy, 1 andie, 1 frederick, 1 tomb vampires, 1 tony, 1 bill, 1 unknown werewolves, 1 kol, 1 samantha gilbert
CHAPTER ONE (301-307): 42+ total, 29+ klaus, 11 stefan, 2+ katherine, 2 rebekah, 1 damon, 1 matt, 1 andie, 1 frederick, 1 tomb vampires
01 samara, memphis: fed on (301) by stefan (and klaus)
01 keisha, memphis: fed on (301) by stefan (and klaus)
01 andie starr: impact landing (301) by andie (and stefan)
01 ray sutton: neck snapped (301) by klaus
01 derek, pack mate: killed, potentially turned (301) by klaus
10+ werewolves: killed (302) by klaus
01 ray sutton: self defense (302) by stefan
10+ werewolves: fail to turn (302) by klaus
01 unknown woman: fed on (1920, 303) by stefan
01 liam grant: presumably fed on (1920, 303) by stefan
01 security guard: fed on (303) by rebekah (and klaus)
01 chicago girl: fed on (304) by klaus
01 chicago girl: fed on (304) by stefan
01 chicago girl: fed on (304) by rebekah
01 gloria: stabbed in the neck, self defense (304) by katherine
01 alaric saltzman: snapped neck (304) by damon
01 tyler lockwood: snapped neck (305) by klaus
01 dana, student: fed on (305) by stefan (and klaus)
01 chad, student: fed on (305) by stefan (and klaus)
01 matt: drowning (305) by matt
02 unknown girls: fed on (306) by stefan
1+ mourners and gravediggers: fed on (306) by katherine (for mikael)
01 tobias fell: mutilated (307) by frederick (and the tomb vampires)
CHAPTER TWO (308-315): 31+ total, 8+ mikael, 6 alaric, 5 magic, 5 klaus, 4 esther, 3 elena, 3 damon, 2 elijah, 2 stefan, 1 tony, 1 jeremy, 1 rebekah, 1 bill, 1 unknown werewolves
01 henrik: mutilated (900s, 308) by unknown werewolves
01 mikael: turned (900s, 308) by esther (likely)
01 rebekah: turned (900s, 308) by mikael
01 klaus: turned (900s, 308) by mikael
01 elijah: turned (900s, 308) by mikael
01 finn (assumed): turned (900s, 308) by mikael
01 kol (assumed): turned (900s, 308) by mikael
01 unknown man: fed on (900s, 308) by rebekah
01 klaus’s first kill (900s, 308) by klaus
2+ villagers/half the village (900s, 308) by mikael
01 esther mikaelson: heart ripped out (900s, 308) by klaus
01 mikael: daggered (309) by elena (and mikael)
01 rebekah mikaelson: daggered (309) by elena
01 hybrid doorman: heart ripped out (309) by damon
01 mikael: staked, white oak (309) by klaus
01 alaric: hit by a car (310) by tony (and klaus)
01 tony: shot and decapitated (310) by jeremy
01 unknown hybrid: heart ripped out (311) by damon
01 mindy, hybrid: decapitated (311) by stefan
01 brian walters: staked (311) by alaric (and magic)
01 darren warren: heart ripped out (312) by elijah
01 bill forbes: stabbed, turned (313) by alaric (and magic)
01 alaric: killed to resurrect (313) by elena
01 unknown girl: fed on (313) by klaus
01 bill forbes: does not transition (313) by bill
01 kol mikaelson: daggered (315) by alaric
03 rebekah, elijah, and finn: linked to kol (315) by magic (and esther and alaric)
01 abby bennett: snapped neck, turned (315) by damon (and stefan and elijah)
CHAPTER THREE (316-322): 1019+ total, 1004+ magic, 1003+ matt, 4 damon, 3 rebekah, 3 alaric, 2 bonnie, 1 kol, 1 klaus, 1 stefan, 1 esther, 1 jeremy, 1 samantha gilbert
01 zachariah salvatore: stabbed (1912, 316) by samantha gilbert (and magic)
01 unknown girl: fed on (1912, 316) by damon
01 marianna lockwood: fed on and decapitated (1912, 316) by stefan
01 samantha gilbert: killed, resurrected (1912, 316) by damon
01 piano man: fed on (317) by damon and rebekah
01 finn mikaelson: staked (318) by matt (and mystic falls)
01 sage: linked to finn (318) by magic (and matt)
01 troy: linked to finn (318) by magic (and matt)
1000+ vampires: linked to finn (318) by magic (and matt)
01 kol mikaelson: staked, resurrected (319) by damon
01 mary porter: staked (319) by kol
01 alaric saltzman: neck snapped (319) by klaus
01 rebekah mikaelson: daggered (320) by alaric
01 alaric saltzman: stabbed, turned (320) by esther
01 esther mikaelson: stabbed (320) by alaric
01 jeremy gilbert: life drained (321) by bonnie
01 klaus mikaelson: life drained (321) by bonnie (and jeremy)
01 klaus mikaelson: staked, body only (322) by alaric
01 elena gilbert: drowned (322) by rebekah
01 alaric saltzman: linked to elena (322) by magic (and rebekah)
S4: 1081+ total.   1005+ elena, 1004+ jeremy, 1000+ magic, 25+ klaus, 12 caroline, 12 hayley, 12 shane, 12 pastor young, 6 damon, 4 the brotherhood, 4 katherine, 2+ kol, 2 elijah, 2 stefan, 2 connor, 2 silas, 1 rebekah, 1 alexander, 1 unknown man, 1 marcel, 1 bonnie
CHAPTER ONE (401-402): 15 total, 12 pastor young, 1 stefan, 1 rebekah, 2 damon
01 pastor young: gas explosion (401) by pastor young
11 council members: gas explosion (401) by pastor young
01 deputy adams: head trauma (401) by stefan and rebekah (for elena)
01 sheriff deputy: snapped neck, self defense (401) by damon
01 sheriff deputy: impaled with shotgun, self defense (401) by damon
CHAPTER TWO (403-409): 30 total, 4 the brotherhood, 1 alexander, 2 connor, 19 klaus, 1 elena, 2 jeremy, 1 stefan, 12 hayley, 12 shane
01 unknown vampire: burned alive (1100s, 404) by the brotherhood
01 rebekah mikaelson: staked (1100s, 404) by alexander
03 elijah, kol, and finn: daggered (1100s, 404) by the brotherhood
01 nate: decapitated (404) by connor jordan
05 the brotherhood: murdered (404) by klaus
01 rebekah mikaelson: daggered (404) by klaus
01 hybrid dean: shot (405) by connor
01 connor jordan: snapped neck (405) by elena
01 hybrid chris: decapitated (406) by jeremy
01 hospital murderer: turned (407) by stefan
01 hospital murderer: killed (407) by jeremy
10 hybrids: decapitation/heart extraction (409) by klaus (and hayley and shane)
01 hybrid kimberly: decapitation/heart extraction (409) by klaus (and hayley and shane)
01 hybrid adrian: decapitation/heart extraction (409) by klaus (and hayley and shane)
01 carol lockwood: drowned (409) by klaus
CHAPTER THREE (410-415): 1011+ total, 5+ klaus, 1002+ jeremy, 2+ kol, 1 unknown man, 4 katherine, 1001+ elena, 1000+ magic, 1 silas
01 pizza delivery girl: turned (410) by klaus
01 pizza delivery girl: staked (410) by jeremy
2+ humans: turned (411) by klaus
2+ vampires: heart extraction (411) by kol (and klaus)
01 unknown man: stabbed (411) by himself (and katherine)
01 kol mikaelson: staked (412) by jeremy (and elena)
1000+ vampires: linked to kol (412) by magic (and jeremy and elena)
01 unknown man: hatchet in back (413) by katherine
01 massak: drained of blood (414) by katherine
01 jeremy gilbert: drained of blood (414) by silas (and katherine)
CHAPTER FOUR (416-423): 25 total, 3 elena, 4 damon, 1 silas, 12 caroline, 1 marcel, 2 elijah, 1 bonnie, 1 klaus
01 unknown woman: fed on (416) by elena
01 will: heart extraction (416) by damon
01 atticus shane: blood loss (416) by silas (possibly)
01 aja: stabbed in chest (417) by caroline
11 witches: killed (417) by caroline
02 unknown pair: fed on (1970s, 417) by damon
01 jolene: neck snapped (418) by elena
01 jane-anne: slashed neck (420) by marcel
01 unknown vampire: staked (420) by elijah
01 unknown vampire: heart extraction (420) by elijah
01 matt donovan: snapped neck (421) by damon
01 bonnie bennett: exhaustion (422) by bonnie
01 ghost aja: decapitated (423) by klaus
01 katherine pierce: cured (423) by elena
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potato-frend-blog · 15 days
Different Types of Propaganda: Part 1
Hello chuckle fucks of Tumblr, it's clear to me that you no fucking clue what propaganda is or how to spot it.
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So 1st is what is propaganda?
Definition of propaganda:
the spreading of ideas, information, or rumors to help or injure an institution, a cause, or a person ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one cause or to damage an opposing cause https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/propaganda
dissemination of information—facts, arguments, rumors, half-truths, or lies—to influence public opinion. It is often conveyed through mass media. https://www.britannica.com/topic/propaganda
information, ideas, opinions, or images, often only giving one part of an argument, that are broadcast, published, or in some other way spread to influence people's opinions https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/propaganda
Propaganda Techniques Explained
This video does a good job of summarizing the different techniques
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sybo484veJY (you have to copy the link because the video doesn't allow playback.)
Agenda Setting:
Agenda: a secret aim or reason for doing something. (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/agenda?q=Agenda)
A situation where critics perceive inexplicit political motives (or an institutional tendency to overlook underprivileged perspectives) to lie behind the choice of topics covered (e.g. in the news, current affairs, and documentaries), their relative importance (inferred from sequence and the relative amounts of space or time devoted to them), how they are presented, and what issues are backgrounded or excluded (see also selective representation). Media agendas are often set by ‘authoritative sources’ in government and industry upon which news organizations rely. The primary concern is that those in power thus call attention to issues that suit their agendas and distract attention from those that undermine them. It is usually argued that this influences or determines the terms and scope of public debate—not by telling people what to think but by telling them what to think about and controlling the salience for them of particular issues. (https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095355782)
Agenda setting means the "ability [of the news media] to influence the importance placed on the topics of the public agenda". If a news item is covered frequently and prominently, the audience will regard the issue as more important. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_techniques#:~:text=Bandwagon%20and%20%22inevitable%2Dvictory%22,the%20road%20to%20certain%20victory)
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Fear Appeal:
A psychological and rhetorical strategy in persuasive communication such as advertising that seeks to evoke a response of fear or anxiety in the audience by showing them an undesirable outcome that they can avoid by heeding the warning. This strategy is intended to increase the effectiveness of the message and it is commonly used in health and safety campaigns, such as those warning motorists not to drink and drive. (https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095812722?p=emailAWHA3YEy2eMug&d=/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095812722)
For example, fear can be used to drive votes toward a particular candidate or party—a method that relies on our natural instinct to find safety in numbers. And, a meta-analysis conducted by Albarracin and her colleagues found that messages with fear are nearly twice as effective as messages without fear (Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 141, No. 6, 2015). (https://www.apa.org/news/apa/2020/fear-motivator-elections)
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Appeal to Prejudice
Prejudice: an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge. (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/prejudice)
The one who makes the appeal to prejudice attempts to persuade you to act or feel in a certain way by associating his person, product or proposal with a certain one or more of your prejudices, positive or negative – a prejudice being a prejudgment wrapped in emotion and having a history. Not only does he rekindle your prejudice, he also arouses in you warm feelings toward the one (himself) who apparently shares your prejudice. And so it becomes much easier to make you believe or buy whatever he has to offer. (https://agloa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019PropGuidelinesSecD.pdf)
Using loaded or emotive terms to attach value or moral goodness to believing the proposition. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_techniques#:~:text=Bandwagon%20and%20%22inevitable%2Dvictory%22,the%20road%20to%20certain%20victory)
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Der ewige Jude, a pseudo-documentary directed by Fritz Hippler and influenced by German Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels, featured scenes of Jews in Warsaw and Lodz ghettos. The film was popular in Germany and occupied Europe, with notorious sequences comparing Jews to rats carrying contagion. The film also highlighted the alien nature of East European Jews, with "stereotypical" Polish Jews transformed into "western-looking" Jews. The film's crude characterizations and gruesome footage made it a hit with audiences, demonstrating that there was no difference between Jews in East European ghettos and those in German neighborhoods.( https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/der-ewige-jude)
Inevitable Victory + Bandwagon
Inevitable: certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/inevitable?q=Inevitable) + Victory: an occasion when you win a game, competition, election, war, etc. or the fact that you have won. (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/victory?q=Victory) = Certain to happen and cannot to be stopped or averted occasion when you win a game, competition, election, war, etc.
Bandwagon: an activity, group, movement, etc. that has become successful or fashionable and so attracts many new people. (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/bandwagon)
An effort is made to influence you to act in a certain way by asserting or implying that that is what is popular or what the majority is doing (https://agloa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019PropGuidelinesSecD.pdf)
invites those not already on the bandwagon to join those already on the road to certain victory. Those already or at least partially on the bandwagon are reassured that staying aboard is their best course of action. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_techniques#:~:text=Bandwagon%20and%20%22inevitable%2Dvictory%22,the%20road%20to%20certain%20victory)
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Beautiful People
The type of propaganda that deals with famous people or depicts attractive, happy people. This suggests if people buy a product or follow a certain ideology, they too will be happy or successful. (This is used more in advertising for products, instead of political reasons.) Usually for advertising rather than political purposes, sexual arousal may also be used. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_techniques#:~:text=Bandwagon%20and%20%22inevitable%2Dvictory%22,the%20road%20to%20certain%20victory)
depiction of attractive famous people or happy people to associate success or happiness with adherence to an idea or cause or purchase of a product. (https://www.dailywritingtips.com/50-types-of-propaganda/)
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Big lie
The repeated articulation of a complex of events that justify subsequent action. The descriptions of these events have elements of truth, and the "big lie" generalizations merge and eventually supplant the public's accurate perception of the underlying events. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_techniques#:~:text=Bandwagon%20and%20%22inevitable%2Dvictory%22,the%20road%20to%20certain%20victory)
A big lie (German: große Lüge) is a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the truth primarily used as a political propaganda technique. The German expression was first used by Adolf Hitler in his book Mein Kampf (1925) to describe how people could be induced to believe so colossal a lie because they would not believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously". Hitler claimed that the technique had been used by Jews to blame Germany's loss in World War I on German general Erich Ludendorff, who was a prominent nationalist political leader in the Weimar Republic. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_lie)
A deliberate gross distortion of the truth is used especially as a propaganda tactic. (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/big%20lie)
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Black-and-white fallacy
Presenting only two choices, with the product or idea being propagated as the better choice. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_techniques#Specific_techniques)
type of cognitive distortion characterized by the tendency to see things in absolutes, with no shades of grey in between. This type of thinking can manifest in various aspects of life, from relationships to work to personal beliefs. (https://www.psychowellnesscenter.com/Blog/how-does-black-and-white-thinking-affects-your-mood-and-behavior)
only two choices are given. You are either for something or against it; there is no middle ground or shades of gray. It is used to polarize issues and negate all attempts to find a common ground. (https://www.cuesta.edu/student/resources/ssc/study_guides/critical_thinking/103_think_logic_errors.html#:~:text=This%20technique%20is%20also%20called,to%20find%20a%20common%20ground)
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"“Globalize the Intifada” is a phrase used by pro-Palestinian activists that calls for aggressive resistance against Israel and those who support Israel. The most prominent expressions of intifada have been through violence so this phrase is often understood by those saying and hearing it as encouraging violence against Israelis, Jews, and institutions supporting Israel. While the intent of the person saying this phrase may be different, the impact on the Jewish community remains the same."
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See when people say "Globalize the Intifada" it implies that there are only two choices in the conflict. One, is the pro-Palestine side, that the aggressive resistance against Israel, and those who support it, and the pro-Israel side is the ones they are against. Without realizing that there is a peaceful option. ( The one I do not know because, one I am not a politician, and international politics is a mess. And two I do not know enough about the conflict to support a peaceful end where everyone is satisfied. )
Cherry picking
suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position while ignoring a significant portion of related and similar cases or data that may contradict that position. Cherry-picking may be committed intentionally or unintentionally. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherry_picking)
Present only evidence confirming your position, while ignoring or withholding an often more significant portion that contradicts it. (https://www.propwatch.org/category_results.php?cat_id=1&id=29&k=cherry+picking&p=propaganda.php)
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Example : “CLAIM: Four recent shootings show there has been an “incredible rise” in transgender or nonbinary mass shooters in the past few years, making the group “by far the largest group committing as a percentage of the population.” Donald Trump Jr. spread the narrative widely on Twitter, claiming the supposed “incredible rise” and later saying there was a clear trend forming. Hundreds of other social media users amplified the idea. Trump Jr. did not respond to a request for comment.” THE FACTS: While specific data on transgender and nonbinary mass shooters can be hard to isolate, available information shows that the overwhelming majority of assailants in mass shootings are cisgender males. In making the claim, social media users are citing four examples over the past five years in which the assailant in a shooting identified as trans or nonbinary: the November killing of five at a gay nightclub in Colorado Springs, Colorado; a 2019 shooting at a Denver-area school by two shooters, one of them a trans man, that left one student dead and eight wounded; a 2018 shooting at a Maryland warehouse that left four dead, including the shooter; and the shooting Monday in Nashville. The number of mass shootings committed by those identifying as trans or nonbinary — and their ratio compared to mass shootings committed by other groups — is hard to quantify. It depends on the database used, how the act is defined, and how gender identity is recorded — for example, transgender males may statistically be counted as just men. But experts agree that the most reputable information still shows a clear pattern that cisgender males are the most likely to commit such an act of mass violence.” (https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-transgender-nashville-shooting-misinformation-cd62492d066d41e820c138256570978c)
(02:15: cherry picking definition: Biden highlights only wage growth in "the bottom 40%," while not mentioning that, due to inflation, real wages actually declined for all other income groups.) (https://www.propwatch.org/category_results.php?cat_id=1&id=29&k=cherry+picking&p=propaganda.php)
Classical conditioning
That is, if A is always present when B is present and B causes a physical reaction (e.g. disgust, pleasure), then when presented with object A in the absence of B, that same reaction will be experienced. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_techniques#Specific_techniques)
The behavioral psychological method that systematically transfers feelings, thoughts, or dispositions through relationships. It pairs an object, event, or variable that elicits a particular natural or reflexive response (unconditioned stimulus) with a neutral one to the point that only the presence of the latter is required to induce the originally impulsive and event-specific response. This time, it’s no longer neutral but a conditioned stimulus. (https://www.thecable.ng/classical-conditioning-potent-political-strategy/)
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As you can see, the food products in both these ads have been depicted as mouth-watering and delicious, and are designed to cause consumers to feel hungry. (https://www.advergize.com/marketing/classical-conditioning-examples-in-psychology/#Classical_Conditioning_in_Advertising_Examples)
Ad hominem
A Latin phrase that has come to mean attacking one's opponent, as opposed to attacking their arguments. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_techniques#Specific_techniques)
attacking the character or motive of the person making an argument, rather than attacking the argument itself. (https://www.propwatch.org/term_results.php?cat_id=1&id=23&k=ad+hominem)
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(35:19: ad hominem definition: Warnock attacks the character of Walker and his allies for making allegations against his church, without addressing any of the specific allegations against his church.) (https://www.propwatch.org/term_results.php?cat_id=1&id=23&k=ad+hominem)
Ad nauseam
This uses tireless repetition of an idea. An idea, especially a simple slogan, that is repeated enough times, may begin to be taken as the truth. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_techniques#Specific_techniques)
repeating something over and over again, until it forms a mental association and/or becomes perceived as truth. Based on the "mere exposure effect," is a psychological phenomenon by which people tend to develop a preference for things merely because they're familiar to them, including things they don't like. This principle for example makes people more likely to prefer listening to a song they've heard before over a new song they've never heard and to believe something they hear repeatedly, even if they know it's untrue.(https://www.propwatch.org/category_results.php?cat_id=1&id=24&k=ad+nauseum&p=propaganda.php)
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"Make America Great Again"
Appeal to authority
Appeals to authority cite prominent figures to support a position, idea, argument, or course of action. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_techniques#Specific_techniques)
(also known as an appeal to false or unqualified authority) plays on people’s feelings of respect or familiarity towards a famous person to bypass critical thinking. It’s like someone is telling us “accept this because some authority said it.” (https://www.scribbr.com/fallacies/appeal-to-authority-fallacy/#:~:text=An%20appeal%20to%20authority%20)
appeal to anonymous authority - insisting something is true because an unnamed expert, study, or generalized group (like 'scientists') says it's true (https://www.propwatch.org/category_results.php?cat_id=1&id=73&k=appeal+to+anonymous+authority&p=propaganda.php)
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(09:56: appeal to anonymous authority see definition: There are "those that say" you can test too much, without identifying who those people are.) (https://www.propwatch.org/category_results.php?cat_id=1&id=73&k=appeal+to+anonymous+authority&p=propaganda.php)
Cognitive dissonance
People desire to be consistent. Suppose a pollster finds that a certain group of people hates his candidate for senator but loves actor A. They use actor A's endorsement of their candidate to change people's minds because people cannot tolerate inconsistency. They are forced to either dislike the actor or like the candidate. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_techniques#Specific_techniques)
Creates a feeling of mental stress when we encounter ideas or beliefs that conflict with our own. (https://www.propwatch.org/term_results.php?id=99&k=cognitive%20dissonance)
Psychological conflict resulting from incongruous beliefs and attitudes held simultaneously. (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cognitive%20dissonance)
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Common man
The approach attempts to convince the audience that the propagandist's positions reflect the common sense of the people. It is designed to win the confidence of the audience by communicating in the common manner and style of the target audience. Propagandists use ordinary language and mannerisms (and clothe their message in face-to-face and audiovisual communications) in attempting to identify their point of view with that of the average person. A common example of this type of propaganda is a political figure, usually running for a placement, in a backyard or shop doing daily routine things. This image appeals to the common person. With the plain folk's device, the propagandist can win the confidence of persons who resent or distrust foreign-sounding, intellectual speech, words, or mannerisms. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_techniques#Specific_techniques)
Establishing a connection with an audience based on being just like one of them and being able to empathize with their concerns. (https://www.propwatch.org/category_results.php?cat_id=1&id=30&k=common+folk&p=propaganda.php)
(04:53: common folk see definition) (https://www.propwatch.org/category_results.php?cat_id=1&id=30&k=common+folk&p=propaganda.php)
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Cult of personality
A cult of personality arises when an individual uses mass media to create an idealized and heroic public image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. The hero personality then advocates the positions that the propagandist desires to promote. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_techniques#Specific_techniques)
A situation in which a public figure (such as a political leader) is deliberately presented to the people of a country as a great person who should be admired and loved. (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cult%20of%20personality)
“Nazi propaganda often focused on glorifying Adolf Hitler as Germany’s sole savior in order to inspire a sense of personal devotion to him. Many films, books, newspapers, magazines, and other items portrayed Hitler as a strong and self-sacrificing father figure who personally embodied the character traits of the “ideal Nazi.”” (https://perspectives.ushmm.org/tag/cult-of-personality)
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(Recently appointed as German chancellor, Adolf Hitler greets President Paul von Hindenburg in Potsdam, Germany, on March 21, 1933. This pose was designed to project an image of Hitler as non-threatening to the established order. This particular image is from a popular postcard. The photo also appeared widely in both the German and international press. Hitler appears in civilian dress, bowing in deference to the heavily decorated von Hindenburg. The March 5, 1933, elections had conferred legitimacy on Hitler's leadership.) (https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/making-a-leader)
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Demonizing the enemy
Making individuals from the opposing nation, from a different ethnic group, or those who support the opposing viewpoint appear to be subhuman, worthless, or immoral, through suggestion or false accusations. Dehumanizing is also a term used synonymously with demonizing, the latter usually serves as an aspect of the former. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_techniques#Specific_techniques)
Psychological process whereby opponents view each other as less than human and thus not deserving of moral consideration. Jews in the eyes of Nazis and Tutsis in the eyes of Hutus (in the Rwandan genocide) are but two examples. Protracted conflict strains relationships and makes it difficult for parties to recognize that they are part of a shared human community. Such conditions often lead to feelings of intense hatred and alienation among conflicting parties. The more severe the conflict, the more the psychological distance between groups will widen.
“During the protracted conflict, feelings of anger, fear, and distrust shape the way that the parties perceive each other. Adversarial attitudes and perceptions develop and parties begin to attribute negative traits to their opponent. They may come to view the opponent as an evil enemy, deficient in moral virtue, or as a dangerous, warlike monster. Such images can stem from a desire for group identity and a need to contrast the distinctive attributes and virtues of one's own group with the vices of the "outside" group…Enemy images are usually black and white. The negative actions of one's opponent are thought to reflect their fundamental evil nature, traits, or motives. One's own faults, as well as the values and motivations behind the actions of one's opponent, are usually discounted, denied, or ignored. It becomes difficult to empathize or see where one's opponent is coming from.”
“Once certain groups are stigmatized as evil, morally inferior, and not fully human, the persecution of those groups becomes more psychologically acceptable. Restraints against aggression and violence begin to disappear. Not surprisingly, dehumanization increases the likelihood of violence and may cause a conflict to escalate out of control. Once a violence break over has occurred, it may seem even more acceptable for people to do things that they would have regarded as morally unthinkable before.Parties may come to believe that destruction of the other side is necessary, and pursue an overwhelming victory that will cause one's opponent to simply disappear. This sort of into-the-sea framing can cause lasting damage to relationships between the conflicting parties, making it more difficult to solve their underlying problems and leading to the loss of more innocent lives."(https://www.beyondintractability.org/essay/dehumanization)
“In Virginia, for example, we are witnessing the most anti-LGBT legislative session in the state’s history. So far, 9 anti-gay and anti-trans bills have been introduced. Some of the bills reveal a fixation with determining the “anatomical sex” of students to ensure that trans students are expelled from communal bathrooms. One goes so far as to impose a $50 civil penalty on any student who uses the “wrong” bathroom. Others seek to prevent trans people from updating their Virginia birth records to match their gender and limit nondiscrimination protections based on sex to people whose gender matches the gender assigned to them at birth.” (https://www.aclu.org/news/lgbtq-rights/legislators-across-country-set-their-sights-transgender-people)
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Propaganda towards an adversary to erode fighting spirit, and encourage surrender or defection. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_techniques#Specific_techniques)
Propaganda in wartime must seek to demoralize enemy morale. A primary objective of propaganda aimed at enemy nations is to break down their will to fight. It seeks to lower the enemy’s will to resist and it does this in several ways. One is to picture the military successes on the propagandist’s side. Another is to picture the armed might and economic power that the enemy has to face. Yet another is to picture the moral superiority of the cause against which the enemy is fighting. It is part of a nation’s strategic plan to intimidate enemy leaders, to separate them from their people, and to break down resistance by producing evidence that the mass of the enemy people have been deceived and misled. (https://www.historians.org/about-aha-and-membership/aha-history-and-archives/gi-roundtable-series/pamphlets/em-2-what-is-propaganda-(1944)/war-propaganda)
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blossom-hwa · 1 year
a detailed analysis of rizz levels across pretty much every group I stan 
chip ( @wingkkun​​ ) and I had a very interesting conversation about this a couple months ago. here are the results, complete with direct citations and paraphrasing from our instagram dms. I do not take constructive criticism but I will entertain debates in my inbox. think of it as a scientific peer review
table of contents (in order): txt | seventeen | stray kids | ateez | the boyz | honorary mentions (golcha, nct, p1h, beomhan)
(disclaimer: all of this is meant in good fun and is not meant to be rude or harmful to any member I talk about. I love every one of them and in the end this is all just a joke!)
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soobin: below the charts. this man has negative infinity rizz. less rizz than me and that’s saying something bc I only ever flirt on accident if I tried to do it on purpose the world would explode. the limit of his rizz as you approach any point is negative infinity and I do not feel sorry for saying this. in the wise words of chip, “we like you bc ur ultimate cringefail (affectionate)”
taehyun: net positive rizz. I'm definitely biased but also do not argue with me I will bite your face off. the amount of rizz he has is a true problem and I am not immune to it (neither are you). he’s so cute and he’s also so hot and smart and I'm never going to shut up if I keep going so I'll stop. positive rizz. off the charts. do not @ me.
beomgyu: please refer to hoshi’s bit below. they are one and the same. beomgyu had too much rizz it was eating him alive so his body compressed and converted it (lossless compression) to another form and now he’s a chaos monster who screams for a living and oozes what remains of his original rizz onstage. we love him for it
hyuka: +10 rizz because he’s cute. no more than that because he’s an overgrown baby (affectionate). he gives me a lot of brain damage but it’s just because of his plushies and his little brother energy so I feel like he could manipulate me with his rizz but it would only go so far before I either pat his head bc he’s so cute or I punch him in the face bc of the annoying sibling energy therefore he only gets ten points
yeonjun: after going through the entirety of our conversation I realize now that chip and I forgot to diagnose the rizz levels of the fourth gen it boy so now I'm pulling some shit out of my ass. net positive but low magnitude. I give him +3. mostly because he’s got insane stage presence and has the ability to kick beomgyu in the face but he’s soooooo pathetic. possibly reading skye’s ( @warmau​​ ) thoughts about him have influenced me but he’s pathetic hence the very very low magnitude of rizz. I am not sorry
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mingyu: rizzless. I direct you to this post I made because it’s factual and explains his horrifically low levels of rizz. do not be fooled by this man’s muscles he’s constantly screaming crying throwing up to be told he’s sexy but the second someone does tell him that he’s a blushing anime girl (affectionate) and we love him for it but he’s rizzless. negative off the charts
jun: rizzless but not in the same manner as mingyu he just does not know what rizz is. very similar to juyeon in this manner. the8 or dino have definitely tried to explain rizz to him before but he simply does not understand and does not care to. even if he did understand it I'm still not certain he’d care which gives him a lower magnitude rizz than mingyu which is better even if it’s still negative
the8: positive rizz with quite a high magnitude. I can’t quantify it but it doesn’t even matter because even though he has rizz he doesn’t use it. he’d rather tell us to stop having a parasocial relationship with people behind our little computer screens and ooze rizz via charisma on stage instead and I can respect that.
seungkwan: so much rizz. so much fucking rizz have you ever seen this man complimenting female idols on shows. have you ever seen this man tell idols they’re pretty and wonderful and beautiful in every which way without batting a damn eye and with so much earnestness I blush. cannot believe chip ever thought this man as on the same level of rizzlessness as soob smh
vernon: 0 rizz, but this does not mean he is rizzless. rizz is a spectrum and having 0 levels of it just means you are rizz neutral. purely neutral. no one has purely neutral rizz the way vernon does he’s simply so special. that one gose episode where he showed up in that rainbow hoodie with red glasses? that’s the epitome of rizz neutrality
s.coups: refer to daeyeol’s bit below. handsome. reliable. have you seen him with kkuma. I melt every time. unfortunately he is still horrifically pathetic and though we adore him for it this does unfortunately decrease his rizz levels drastically. without it he’d probably be somewhere at positive infinity but now he’s at like +8. the world knew that if coups wasn’t pathetic enough he’d be too powerful so they had to humble him.
hoshi: he doesn’t have rizz but it’s not like the nerds where their rizz levels are just buried in the negatives it’s more like the magnitude of his rizz was so high that it has since been compressed and turned into something else. so he has no rizz but it’s not because he was born pathetic, it’s because it was converted due to the law of conservation of rizz (real)
wonwoo: similar to taehyun in that they’re both very positive but slightly different. yes they are both gym rats yes they are both token introverts (sort of) but wonwoo is a gamer. their rizz is fundamentally different but they’ve evolved to be similar due to their personalities kinda like wings on bats and birds. as you can tell it’s been a while since I took biology
jeonghan: similar to lino in that he has rizz but he stole it. the difference between them is that lino has some natural organic rizz while jeonghan was born with none and stole all that he owns now. without this stolen rizz he would be a limp noodle dragging himself across the earth but now he’s a fairy. life isn’t fair
dino: negative but low magnitude. the first number I gave him was -14 I don’t really know why it was -14 specifically but the point is it’s supposed to be low magnitude. recently he began climbing my bias list and chip yesterday convinced me to change his magnitude to to something lower so I now give him -4. I am easily swayed
joshua: positive rizz in the same manner as jangjun et al. the man is fucking insane. insane charisma but also just plain insane. I'm not entirely convinced he didn’t steal some of it but while jeonghan freely admits that he stole it joshua keeps evading the question. there is a venn diagram of jangjun et al and lino et al and joshua is in the intersection
woozi: I considered an intersection between chanhee and the8 and I think woozi falls into it. perhaps I've just been gaslit into thinking he has positive rizz but let’s just roll with the thought. has some rizz like the8 (less than the8 though) but does not care to use it (like chanhee) and also doesn’t really care that it’s there. he just kinda lets it be
dk: net negative but low magnitude. I originally gave him -13 to bc I thought he was a step above dino but not by much. I still kind of think this way so I'm elevating him to -3 since dino got elevated to -4. sorry dino I think you’ll always be one step behind no matter how big of a crush I have on you
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lino: has rizz but in the wrong way. the man touches butts for a living AND he has cats he’s got to have some rizz hence the net positive but he also definitely stole some. please refer to my comments on this post for details he definitely does not organically have all this rizz but he’s stolen it and now it’s his you can’t ask for it back
chan: also has rizz but in the wrong way but also differently from lino. chan should not have as much rizz as he does but he’s got that “libra sun scorpio venus rizz” (chip) which makes him extremely dangerous. he’s a loser and for that I'd give him negative rizz but unfortunately he has an aura that separates him from the likes of mingyu (it’s the dilf dad energy) so he has net positive rizz of a dangerous magnitude.
jisung: we welcome another member to the ranks of the negative infinity rizz. do I even need to explain. does the anime girl babygirl pathetic cute energy not already do enough explanation for you. I should not have to spell out the fact that this man is rizzless at every point on the mathematic plane. I love him to death but that will not save him from the rizzless fate
seungmin: please refer to jangjun in the honorary mentions below. his rizz applies here. positive rizz. high magnitude. ridiculous for a man of his caliber but here we are. he’s got some weird mutant rizz and that’s all I can really say like.....what do you become when you have rizz levels +69,420. what do you fucking do. 
changbin: fluctuates between +10 and -10 like a sine curve (please refer to mingi’s bit for more information). his positive rizz is similar energy to yunho but louder and his negative rizz is just pathetic baby boy-ness. I adore him. big muscle men who are soft. I don’t have a section for wonho but if I did they’d be of very similar types. 
hyunjin: negative rizz. he’s an only child what else do I need to say. ferret energy. flails around. long limbs that he doesn’t know what to do with. so much baby girl energy I always want to laugh at him (affectionate). lovely boy so very lovely with such fucking negative rizz
felix: like jangjun and co his rizz got converted but unlike jangjun and co it was not converted to insanity. it was converted to something...... alien. idk how to explain it. asymptotic rizz, according to chip. weird behavior as x approaches infinity. I agree with this assessment. nothing earthly explains how this man is so ethereal so I have concluded that alien magic converted his rizz to ethereality
jeongin: ok so I did say vernon is the only one who’s truly reached rizz neutral but jeongin is pretty close. similar vibes. they’re both slightly insane of course but they are also more than likely to just stand there and vibe. this gives off rizz neutrality. jeongin is less neutral (probably tipped in the negative direction) but he’s getting there. 
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seonghwa: rizzless this man is the nerdiest nerd ever he is RIZZLESS. magnitude infinity in the negative region of the graph. he and soobin are two sides of the same coin the latter is a lanky little gamer dude and the former is a Star Wars nerd with a display case for his figurines. the absolute most negative rizz ever (affectionate)
yunho: oooooooo my god. positive rizz if I've ever seen one. so much rizz. so much fucking rizz. the magnitude of his rizz is off the charts and unlike the other insane ones his rizz didn’t get converted so he is DANGEROUS. if you ever meet this man in the wild run in the other direction you will not survive his pull. in the wise words of chip “yunho has |rizz| (absolute positive rizz)”
mingi: his rizz...fluctuates. like a sine curve idk. he alternates between having so much rizz it hurts and so little rizz it’s laughable. yes I have definitely been influenced by having seen him in concert twice (do NOT bring up the fact that he became a wrecker after the second). he knows he’s hot and will use that to the best of his ability but he’s also kind of pathetic and for some reason it doesn’t balance out so he fluctuates
jongho: has rizz. does not care to use it. falls in the same camp of the the8-ers (refer to the seventeen section) in which he prefers to simply ooze rizz onstage and kill everyone’s heart there instead of flirting with fans. respectable. also incredibly dangerous. everyone wants to hug him but if you try to his rizz will snap you in half but if not huggable then why hug shape?
hongjoong: net positive rizz but he’s convinced he has more than he does so I dock several points due to excessive confidence. panics too much when wooyoung tries to kiss him for me to restore them. if he gay panicked a little less then I might consider him having as much rizz as he says he does but alas he does not and so I will not. 
san: -10 rizz. negative but not too negative. he’s really cute and really hot but also really pathetic and I say this with the greatest fondness imaginable. remember that one poll where tiny voted him as the person they’d least like to vacation w bc he’d stay inside (don’t worry me too san)? same vibes. his patheticness outweighs his hotness and while they’re close, ultimately patheticness wins out. sorry not sorry
yeosang: net positive rizz but he does not use it. this is not by choice. he just doesn’t know how to. in fact I'm not fully convinced he knows what rizz is. in this manner he is somewhat similar to juyeon (refer to the boyz section below) except where juyeon’s rizz is negative infinity yeosang has some positive levels. in chip’s words get well soon yeo
wooyoung: falls in the same camp as hyunjae in that he has fully negative rizz and embraces this fact to use it as a weapon. dangerous man. fully insane. if his rizz was positive he’d be the same as jangjun and co but unfortunately he’s pathetic for hongjoong so his rizz is negative and is not handled the same way. 
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hyunjae: all of Bermuda line is rizzless to the max but in different ways. in hyunjae’s case he knows he is rizzless and fully accepts and utilizes this to his benefit. you’re telling me this man doesn’t know how pathetic (fond) he is? he’s self aware and will absolutely use this against you. as dangerous as those with high positive levels of rizz. watch the fuck out
younghoon: fully rizzless bc he’s in Bermuda line but is not self aware. in fact he protests that he does have positive rizz but look at this man. he has the energy of a dying victorian child trying to make it past this cold, cold winter. all you want to do is pat his head and coo at him to make him feel better he has no rizz. absolute negatives. 
juyeon: again, completely and negatively rizzless since he’s in Bermuda line but like younghoon he is fully unaware. in a different way though. why you ask? because this man definitely has no idea what rizz is. look at his sweet little eyes and tell me he knows. that’s right. you can’t. 
q: negative rizz. not as low as Bermuda line/seonghwa/soobin/etc. but still quite negative. the thing is no one ever tells him this or brings it up to his face because he’s dangerous. he may not know what rizz is but he does know what an insult is and if you say a word about his purported negative rizz levels you will not be heard from again. this is a warning. 
sangyeon: has net positive rizz. it isn’t super high but given the fact that I've just said four of his members have some of the lowest rizz levels imaginable it’s relatively high in the realm of tbz. can’t really explain it but he gets this rizz from his hot tired uncle energy that no one is immune to. have you seen him with his nephews? don’t argue with me. 
(at this point chip told me to stop making rizz comments bc their stomach hurt. I did not stop)
kevin: rizz levels -1. not quite negative infinity. in fact pretty far from it. still negative though and he’ll never recover from that. I'd say that I'm sorry but I'm really not no matter how much this man works out I will never be able to stop laughing at him to his face (in best friend fashion). love you kev
new: negative. not horrifically so like Bermuda line but still more negative than kev. you may be thinking what the fuck lina new has so much rizz wdym? you’re wrong. he doesn’t have rizz and he doesn’t care. his lack of care gives the illusion that he actually has positive rizz but he does not. do not be fooled
haknyeon: POSITIVE RIZZ. do not question the positive rizz of tangerine boy ju haknyeon. it may not be positive infinity but I do say he’s around +50ish and given the patheticness that surrounds him that’s pretty fucking good I’d say. so much rizz. so much true rizz. I love him
sunwoo: the most negative fucking rizz ever except he’s convinced it’s positive.  see without this unfounded conviction his rizz would just be somewhere around -50 and he’d be fine because Bermuda line exists but nooooo he decided to ruin it by being overly confident in his rizz powers so now he’s at negative infinity and one. sucks to suck.
jacob: (chip came up with this one) he has beomgyu and jangjun levels of rizz so like rizz off the charts but while a lot of it was converted into weirdness some of it stayed rizz so. hm. a tamer version of jangjun if you will. however beware because his rizz is once again increasing since he stopped playing league. watch out.
eric: negative rizz. same boat as sunwoo. their rizz magnitudes are the exact same and in the same direction (negative obviously) but it’s in a slightly different manner. both have unfounded confidence in their imaginary positive rizz levels but eric’s is in the manner of a teacher’s pet who thinks they’re popular while sunwoo is just plain mad
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jangjun (golden child): positive rizz and it’s terrible. I can’t tell you what the number is (it’s +69,420) but it’s really fucking high and I hate it. most of his rizz has been compressed and converted like hoshi’s to something resembling insanity but unlike hoshi there is a dangerous amount left. beware this man
daeyeol (golden child): +5 rizz. he’s handsome and reliable and if we got married I would be able to trust him to get things done. similar to sangyeon in that he’s got hot tired uncle energy but he’s also pathetic so he only gets five rizz points
mark (nct): negative rizz if I've ever seen one, but missing the negative infinity rizz by one point. I just need him differentiated from soobin and jisung and the other pathetic ones. mark is pathetic but I give him one point out of pity
beomhan (??): I don’t know anything about this guy except that he can’t cook and has high cholesterol problems from eating too many eggs but he’s in the same group as jangjun and co
keeho (p1h): I also don’t know anything about this guy except what chip has told me but I think he’s similar to chanhee and chip thinks he’s on sunwoo’s level. do with this information what you will
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
ahh~ i’m so glad you liked my little essay~!! i have a knack for analyzing and interpreting stuff, i just think it’s so fun. plus i needed a way to vent out my thoughts and feelings on the little hyper-fixation i’ve developed from your story, my brain just went into overdrive because of how unique it is so i couldn’t resist.
anyway, thank you, seriously thank you for enjoying it, and i’m super happy to say that i have come up with few a headcanons of my own. these are mainly könig headcanons, so they’re more of my interpretations and analysis on him. let me know what you think~! i hope you have a wonderful read, and please keep doing you, you are a wonderful writer, and incredibly talented!!
okay, so first:
despite könig’s openness and acceptance to engels interest in his weaponry, i highly doubt that he would actually allow her to indulge in using any of them. i would even consider that he wouldn’t even teach her how to use one, especially his guns. sure, he’s gifted her knifes but notice that they’re quite feminine and dainty even, könig does try to engage with engel and her interests but emasculates them in a way that should suit her, a cute little knife is practically harmless compared to the massive destruction of his guns. the furthest he would go to showing her anything is how to hold it, but he still wouldn’t want her to hold it herself, and he won’t even shoot it in front of her considering that would damage her hearing, and he can’t bring himself to do that to his baby.
with that, i do think könig is careful and cautious with his engel. i feel like he tries to filter through the good and the bad for her. yes, we’ve been given instances in which the exact opposite has happened, i.e. him stabbing her boss right in front of her, but that was acted purely on impulse. i think after that, he tries his best, and i mean he really tries to shield her from that ever again unless absolutely needed. however, if she were to ask for that twisted ruthless side of him again, because she has the tendency to be twisted herself, then i’m sure he would have to lay down some ground rules, and although hesitant, in the end, he would do anything for her. but despite that, he does not allow angel to consume things that he perceives to be negative for both him and her, and what i mean by that is that he doesn’t allow her to consume any material that could be triggering for him or anything that could alter her behavior that would negatively effect both of them. so, stuff like world news, social media, anything that could give her a sense of empowerment, he doesn’t allow her to have her own phone, she’s constantly monitored, and she’s never alone once she leaves home because könig has to always check in on her. könig absolutely does not want her to be influenced by anything, it’s another reason why she doesn’t have friends, and knowing she isn’t influenced by anything other than him helps keep him from being paranoid, anxious, and violent.
now, back to könig being a raging misogynist at times, he would definitely believe in the value of gender roles, and i mean nothing is more important to him than the normalcy and complacency of the ideal of gendered roles and relationships. also, i hate to admit it, but he just can’t see his woman doing or portraying anything too masculine, it’s a turn off for him, he prefers if she were to just stay at home and do “womanly things” and be a woman, whatever that entails. i think he would even encourage engel to quit the job that she has now, he probably never liked the fact that she worked in such a masculine environment, working such a dirty job in the first place. the only times when he’ll allow engel to even be remotely dominant is during sex, and it’s only if she wants to be, but even through sex he still has the upper hand and has this, ‘this is only happening because i’m allowing it to happen’ mentality. plus it’s a nice thing to let go, relax, and allow her to take control for a little bit, but he would always remind her, both sexually and domestically, where her place is.
könig is completely shameless when it comes to his physicality. he knows what he’s capable of and he knows engel loves his body, so he uses that to his advantage to show off and impress her more. so that means, more unnecessary bouts of strengths used in front of engel, more commitment to his workouts, wearing less clothes around her (he honestly prefers to be casually nude more than he likes to admit, i also think it’s a kink for him to see her so flustered from it too), and insane sex positions. i think he would really enjoy fucking/eating her out standing up, just anything that involves comfortably lifting her up and possibly manhandling her, in a safe way at least.
also, könig is the most expressive when it comes to his sexuality. again, he has little shame, but it’s only because there’s something so special in sex that allows him to let go and just do what he wants in such an intimate environment, and it’s because of engel that it only amps up way more. so, with that being said, the guy is incredibly kinky and experimental. like i said, he likes casual nudity, but only done on his part, he doesn’t really like engel flaunting her body the way he flaunts his and prefers for her to stay modest, it’s really because of the innocent aspect that she tends to play that gets him going because of it. i also see him thriving in animalistic, predator/prey type of sex, especially if it’s outdoors. every time they’re out hiking, camping, or just happen to be in a large remote wooded area, expect some wild sex happening between these two. he just really enjoys pushing his limits and boundaries through sex for the purposes of showcasing the emotions he is unable to communicate normally, which is why he often has an intense sexual drive, but he also enjoys letting go once in a while, being taken cared of, and feeling loved by engel. könig really bonds well when he has this outlet where his emotions, something he constantly suppresses, can be catered, and very often is his emotions expressed dominantly, whether as a hard dom or soft one, it’s mainly about control and acceptance for him.
something könig would slightly be ashamed of though, is receiving open comfort and affection. his upbringing is super fucked and his lack of affection and love as a child definitely shaped himself as a very undeserving man of any of that, although he craves it immensely. so, as contradictory as it is, while he loves giving devotion and intimacy for selfish reasons, he does have trouble accepting genuine love and warmth for himself. it’s something that takes time for him to recognize that he needs and accepts, especially with the right person. so, yes, he’s very hesitant of these instances, but by god, does engel make it so much easier for him. it’s no wonder he’s so indulgent with her and why he’s constantly pushing her limits, it is not because he’s consciously choosing to do the most insane shit but rather, he doesn’t realize it and it’s inappropriateness. i think if engel were to teach him how to properly love and care more respectfully and appropriately, you know something he wasn’t taught as a child, i think he would be a bit more mentally stable in his behavior. however, i do not think she will, it’s because of his dangerous behavior that drew her in the first place and his toxic, overwhelming personality that solidified her place in their relationship, so there’s no way she’s getting rid of könig’s obsessive, possessive, dominant traits that practically has made him into a sex god, but she will suggest therapy from time to time if he continues to exhibit insecure-like behaviors and especially when he’s going through ptsd episodes. i’m pretty sure he has both ptsd and c-ptsd, and to top that off, personality disorders, and mood disorders, soooo…
last but not least, and this one is purely self-indulgent on my end, he is a serial spender for his engel. dude makes an absurd amount of money for what does, and has no reason to use it… until engel walked into the picture. even since then, könig will buy anything for engel and help her splurge to keep her happy, comfortable, and away from society. this man will get her all the material items that she wants, clothes, a big new house, lots of land, entertainment, all the foods that she wants. want a dog and/or cat? sure! he’ll even supply her with weed if she’s that type of girl, but anything to keep her sane and occupied, he is willing to buy, just nothing too illegal, and definitely no vacation spots, dude is way too paranoid to travel and is not willing to risk it.
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These were just pure gold, *chef’s kiss* exquisite!! Every single sentence is perfection. So well thought out, and so well put! I don't even have the words to express how incredible this is (and I call myself a writer lol). Seriously, thank you again!! 💖
Also I want to participate (teacher teacher lemme participate please) by adding a few things:
The first one I wholly agree with, but I also believe König might have a little teeny tiny kink for watching how his innocent Engel brushes her fingertips down the barrel of his huge shotgun or holds one of his biggest knives in her *cute* little hands... The contrast between a woman’s softness and a massive, cold, brutal weapon drives this man crazy.
To indulge in his dark fantasies, he might allow Engel to come to the range with him once or twice. I imagine König getting off on showing a “fragile woman” how to handle and shoot a rifle 🙄 He thinks it’s both horrifying and drugging to see how her smaller body tries to absorb the recoil from his guns. Soon enough he’s like “Ok that’s enough” but not before he has enjoyed that peculiar scene a while longer.
And the fourth oh god. Gave me butterflies. He's shameless. I just know that König sleeps naked. Guy associates nighttime with masturbation – and nowadays, sex with his Engel – so off with his clothes, and off with hers, too. König also gives me semi-somno vibes: he would try to wake Engel up with his dick if he can't sleep. (Give me attention and love and provide me with a distraction from my anxiety! Now...!)
The sixth: yes, I don’t see things getting any "better" as in them suddenly calming the fuck down and learning healthy ways to live and love. They are too enamored with their dark side and as you said, I don't know if Engel would be that fascinated with König if he suddenly developed a conscience and healthy ways to cope with his trauma(s). Their escapades resemble a shared psychosis sometimes, but with time and patience this couple will perhaps find true love and relief together – something bigger and better, a way out of the spiral. They learn to dance on the knife’s edge, so to say. They might even start to behave 🩷
And the last one: YES he would spoil her to bits! One of the reasons for this is that König feels guilty. He doesn't know how to show love and devotion through emotional intimacy so he will try to show it through spending money on her. So yes to all of this.
I see Engel wishing for a pet to keep her company while he's away on longer missions. And König is so thick-skulled he wouldn't even bother to ask what type of pet she wants or if she has allergies, he just shows up with a cat one day like: "Hier. I brought this to you. Do you like my gift? I will bring you a different pet if you don't like this one. 🤨"
(And omg the image of Engel smoking a fat one or using a cute little bong on their porch, perhaps chilling out with that cat and giggling when König comes home... ^^)
Thank you so much for bringing these to us! Tbh I never wanted this essay to end 🩷😭 You're amazing I hope you know that!!
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twstgameplay · 4 months
Dorm Azul SSR Card Analysis
🐙: Hello everyone! I apologize that there have been a lack of card analysis. Requests for these are still closed, but I will start going through the ones that have been requested a long time ago. I'm very grateful to hear, though, that these have been very sought out by guppies, so hopefully I'll be able to get through the backlog completely ;u;
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Type: Balanced
Stats at Lv.80 [GROOVY]
Without buddies: HP 9,089 ATK 4,605
With all buddies (approximately): HP 12,723 ATK 6,216
Stats at Lv.100 [GROOVY + MLB]
Without buddies: HP 11,140 ATK 5,645
With all buddies (approximately): HP 15,596 ATK 7,620
Stats at Lv.110 [GROOVY + MLB + FRIENDSHIP]
Without buddies: HP 11,900 ATK 6,030
With all buddies (approximately): HP 16,660 ATK 8,140
Magic [Lv.10]
Water: One strong hit with a Small Single Heal and ATK UP S (Self/1T)
Water: Two strong hits that turns to three strong hits when DUO with Riddle is activated
Water: Two weak hits with Curse Immunity (Self and Ally/1T) and ATK UP S (Self/1T)
Riddle [HP S]
Jade [ATK M]
Idia [HP S]
Dorm Azul is a double Water Balanced SSR that gains a third Water spell upon limit breaking him thrice. Azul is the definition of a balanced card. His heal makes him viable for defense tests, and his double Water especially makes him coveted for Fire Defense. If his M3 is unlocked, activating Azul's Curse Immunity will allow him to heal despite Curse hitting him. On the other hand, his ATK M buddy with Jade allows him to be great at offense. Taking his Lv.100 stats for example, Azul's ATK with Jade in team is 7,620, which is high enough for a powerful duo overkill (around 9k per hit, equating to 27k in total). Even without Jade in team, Azul's ATK UP S on his first spell allows him to deal more damage, all the more if you use his first and second spell together. Dorm Azul works best in Fire Basic and Defense. For Fire Basic, his duo partner is Riddle, whose Dorm card (Fire/Fire) deals a lot of damage in spite of all neutral hit. Dorm Jade (Water/Fire), Union Jade (Cosmic/Water), and Broomquet Jade (Fire/Water) are some of the best options to boost Azul's ATK, and Robe Jade (Fire/Cosmic) as a f2p friendly option. As a bonus, having Dorm Idia (Fire/Cosmic) in team can boost Azul's HP further in case survival is needed, and this allows for Dorm Ortho, a fellow duo overkill, to be in the team. For Fire Defense, the best Riddle to use is Tsum Riddle (Cosmic/Water) due to his HP and ATK DOWN targeting 2 enemies at once. Robe Riddle (Fire/Water) is also a great f2p friendly option due to his high HP. Masquerade Idia (Water/Water) and Lab Idia (Water/Water) are the best options to use with Azul because of double Water, with the former being better due to higher HP and ATK DOWN L on first spell and the latter being a cheaper option. GM Idia (Water/Flora) and Dorm Idia are also good options especially due to mutual HP buddy with Azul, but the former has a weak spell and the latter has no advantage spells. Well worth noting that with Idia in team, this allows for Dorm Trey to be used together with Azul due to mutual Idia buddy. Azul also does very well in Cosmic and Omni Defense tests, mainly due to his heal and buddy synergy with other great cards. One of the best teams for both tests is Dorm Trey, Dorm Cater, Dorm Azul, Dorm Idia, and Beans Jade, with base HP 68,597 with all cards at Lv.80 and additional 15,620 HP from all heals. Azul and Idia have mutual HP buddy, and Beans Jade boosts Azul's ATK, making him one of the main damage dealers in the test. Dorm Idia can be replaced with GM Idia as well. Azul can also be useful in Water Basic. If you have Union Riddle (Cosmic/Flora), both of them have a mutual duo, with Riddle's ATK being boosted by Azul. Halloween Jade (Water/Flora) may be added to not only boost Azul's ATK but also to add an additional duo, with Lab Jade (Water/Flora) as a good cheaper option. Overall, Dorm Azul is a very versatile card that can be used in a lot of tests, with buddy synergy with numerous other amazing cards, many of them being permanent cards. Azul is a card very worth investing on.
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zeldasnotes · 1 year
BIRTH CHART ANALYSIS: Anne Perry (Juliet Hulme)
More about this case on my last post HERE❕
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WHO TF IS ANNE PERRY? Juliet Hulme's secret identity as crime novelist Anne Perry was discovered in 1994. Anne Perry and her best friend Pauline Parker killed Paulines mother with a brick and by choking her when they were just 15 & 16 years old. I have a post about them HERE. Perry says she never felt any sorrow over the death of Parker's mother because she hardly knew the woman. She blames her participation in the murder on being ill and on drugs. She also blames it on her former best friend Pauline. Today she is 84 years old.
North Node conjunct Mercury: It was a part of her life path to become an author. She handled a lot of her issues by writing. Made a living out of her memories & thoughts. Her dream from a young age was to become a published writer which she did. Mercury is also her MC ruler so she was destined to have a great career.
Waldemath Lilith conjunct Sun: She experienced a lot of Lilith related issues. She was outcasted(her own fault). It said in Paulines diary they had a sexual relationship which was not well recieved in 1954. She had a lot of Lilith traits to her personality like refusing to be silenced, refusing to let outcasting get to her and being obsessive in relationships. She also talked back to her male french teacher (This was 1954 and she was a 15 y/o girl talking back to a grown man) Waldemath Lilith is one of the most intense Liliths in my opinion. Lilith represents the dark feminine and unfortunately a very nasty side of that dark feminine.
Lucifer in the 1st house: Asteroid Lucifer is a lot about pride. She had such a damaged sense of pride that even to this day she have a hard time admitting what she did was wrong and is blaming other people for her crime. She holds her head high and smiles while talking about the murder. When asked if she ever thought about her victim she said "No. She was somebody I barely knew."
Dejanira conjunct Midheaven: Made a career out of how she victimized another human. A lot of her other books also have the theme of victimhood and abuse. She was later exposed very publicly.
Adonis conjunct Mars: She is very charming and good looking and always was. In her teenyears she was snobby and very arrogant. She was always very interested in status.
Lilith in Capricorn in the 2nd house: The 2nd house rules our morals and values, so an asteroid like Lilith can create some issues here. Anne had no problems with making money out of her crimes. She also had no issues with blaming the murder on her friend. Lilith in Capricorn shows how career oriented she is and how she always cared about status and money, even from a young age.
Ruler of the 8th in the 2nd house: She made A LOT of money out of killing someone. Not only the money she got from the book but also the movie became a success.
Jupiter in the 3rd house: She is very good at writing and communicating. Very manipulative and intelligent. Communication is definitely her strength. She also have a way of speaking that makes you listen to what she says.
Neptune conjunct Midheaven: Known for her great sense of fantasy when it comes to her other books (I hope shes not talking about herself in those too💀since her books are all crime novels). Also known now for lying. Neptune is also her 4th house ruler and shes known for what she did when she was still considered a kid.
Neptune conjunct Mars: She easily dissasociates and puts blame on others. She was extremely delusional and used to fantasize A LOT, i mean common she had her own world that she called ”The 4th world” She tried to say she felt forced to kill but former schoolmates were quick to come forward with how they remembered Juliet Hulme as a girl who didn't do anything she didn't want to. She was the boss in that relationship. She comes across as nicer than she really is.
Asteroid Lilith in the 3rd house: She wrote very taboo crime novels. She had a lot of issues with fantasy and was extremely delusional. Constantly creating fantasies around herself. She made up a world called ”The 4th world”. She had a very disturbing mind cracking jokes about the murder during trial. Her mind was fixated on having someone to control.
Venus conjunct Ascendant: Last but not least. Doesnt Venus 1st housers just seem to be so…blessed? Its like everything works out perfectly for them. And lets be honest if she was ugly people would see her as a monster for what she did. This is said about her: ”Juliet Hulme, daughter of a prominent English couple, came to New Zealand as a young girl when her father was recruited for a university position in Christchurch. Her lack of social skills did not stop the physically striking Juliet from making an impression on her classmates, albeit it, for the most part, a negative impression. ” She was born to rich parents and she is now rich because of her books(because of her murder).
ASTEROID NUMBERS: 1930, 16, 1181, 2101, h58, h21, h12, h13, 157, 7066, 3
In this video she talks about it:
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