#yes give me your well scheduled day ill take it
wutheringskies · 11 months
I discovered Lan Wangji and now I'm completely in love with ISTJs
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goosita · 6 months
trying to work when you're sick as young!politician!snow's secretary would be hard, but not for the reason you might think
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you've been sniffling since yesterday afternoon, but this morning when you woke up, you felt like you'd been hit by a train. every muscle in your body was sore, your throat hurt, your nose was running and you could tell you had at least a lowgrade fever. you glanced at your alarm clock next to your bed and groaned, seeing that you'd woken up just a little while before it was set to go off anyway.
you thought about calling in sick, but you've never done it before. were you supposed to call....coriolanus? directly? he was your only boss, you worked solely for him. but that thought made you feel even worse than your illness did. you knew that he had a busy day today full of meetings and work calls, and that you needed to be there to help organize his schedule. you couldn't stand the thought of disappointing him.
you sucked it up and took the hottest shower you could stand in efforts to clear your sinuses and stop the fever-induced chills wracking your body every few minutes. you knew coriolanus liked for you to look put-together in pretty dresses and heels, but today you just couldn't bring yourself to do it. you dressed in a loose blouse and pair of wide-leg trousers that felt comfortable enough, shoving your feet into flat shoes. good enough.
so now here you are, bundled in your sweater you keep at the office and trying hard to manifest that nobody will notice your red and raw nose or your watery eyes, least of all coriolanus. the wish goes ungranted, prayer unanswered as he strolls in and immediately stops and stares at you.
"what's wrong?" he asks.
"oh, um. just a little cold," you answer, voice nasally and much lower in pitch than normal. coriolanus frowns at you and shrugs his coat off, hanging it up and walking straight over to you to press the back of his hand to your forehead.
"you're burning up."
his lips turn down even further, not noticing the way you freeze at his sudden touch. coriolanus has been a lot more...touchy with you lately, but even still, this amount of concern is unexpected. his brows furrow at you, looking at you for a long moment. he carefully brushes your hair out of your face, looking over you and taking note of your outfit and general state. you can tell he notices that you've dressed much more comfortably than you usually would, and that your face is makeup-free and hair left at simply brushed through to undo any tangles.
"up," he tells you, gently lifting you out of your chair by your elbow.
"let's get you home," he says gently, rubbing a warm and heavy hand up and down your back. "you're in no shape to be here today. i'll have my driver take you back to your apartment."
you look at him confused, unsure what to say. you're not sure if he's upset that you're sick or if he's more worried for your wellbeing, but it makes you anxious that he's acting so abrupt and unceremonious, almost as if you being sick is putting him on edge.
"coryo...?" you ask quietly. he freezes where he stands, having gone to grab your jacket off the coatrack. you watch as his entire demeanor softens.
"yes, miss y/n?"
you swallow hard, wincing at the pain it causes in your throat. "are...are you upset with me?"
coriolanus' eyebrows draw inward and upward at your question, quickly shaking his head.
"oh, no. no, of course not," he breathes, rushing over to help you slide into your coat. "i'm worried about you is all. i don't want you making yourself sicker by being here today, you're clearly very unwell. it's not your fault you're ill."
he carefully zips up your coat, grabbing his red scarf from the rack as well. before you can protest, he's draping it around your neck and tying it.
"for extra warmth," he explains. "it's freezing out there today."
the scarf is so soft where it's tucked beneath your chin, instantly adding more warmth where you need it. coriolanus gives you a tiny smile, lips closed but small dimple appearing at the corner of his mouth.
you're led to the car by him, his hand resting between your shoulder blades the entire time. coriolanus opens the car door for you to slide into the back seat, instructing his driver to take you home and make sure you get into your apartment safe and sound. his voice holds so much authority when he speaks to the driver, a deepness and sternness that's never present when he's addressing you.
by the time you reach your apartment and climb the steps up, there are several beautifully packaged boxes waiting for you at your door, as well as a single red, long-stemmed rose. you tilt your head and bring them inside, opening them one by one to find that coriolanus has had soup, bread, and medicine delivered to you. attached to the rose by a red satin ribbon is a note that simply reads:
"get well soon, darling"
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oepionie · 1 year
Synopsis: Yuuken interrogates some of the boys on the campus about their special someone. Hearing their loving ramblings on you was certainly not what he expected.
Tags: Self-Indulgent, Fluff, Angst if you squint really hard, Reader is not Yuu, Tweels are a bit...too mad in love, I brainrotted so hard, You're Malleus' fiancee, Malleus doesn't know how to tell a joke someone help him
Cw. Riddle's Mother, Overworking, Hospitalizations, Poor living conditions, Illness, Bullying, Allusions to violence, Marriage, Tad bit of possesive behavior, Description of stabbing
WordCount: 2k+ | 💌Masterlist
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About: Riddle's Rose
"Rose? I see you've met that troublesome intern at the library. That's a nickname. Their name is (Y/N) and yes, they are my partner." "A-Ah? I'm so direct? Well, you asked me a question! Though...I would prefer that this discussion end here. I prefer to keep my relationship with them private.”
Chat: Childhood Memories
“Ever since we were young, (Y/N) was quite rebellious. The complete opposite of me as a child, really. They were always sneaking off during the night and coming over to visit me. Mother...didn't approve of them and often screamed in their face. I was quite terrified she would scare them away, though that didn't stop them at all. Haha, I think they got even more persistent afterwards. I am truly glad I met them.”
Personal Story: To the Hospital
“Again...? I see. Thank you, Trey. Hmph, I'll have to schedule another visit once more."
> "Riddle? What's wrong?"
"Ah, Yuuken—It's Rose. They've gotten admitted to the hospital...again. (Y/N) is quite impulsive and tends to bite off more than they can chew. On more than occasion, like now, I would find out about their hospital admissions via Trey days or even weeks after."
>"Aren't you dating? Why aren't they telling you?"
"They claim that they withhold the information from me out of concern for my workload or out of fear of being a burden. Though that is—a sentiment I don't understand. Nothing is more important to me than their health."
About: The Photo In His Wallet
"Where is it?! Man, I'm so fucked if I lost it—Oh?! Oi, Yuuken! That wallet's mine! Man, thanks a lot. I really would've been screwed over if it weren't for you." "Eh? The photo? Shishishishi curious, aren't cha? Hmmm...how 'bout this? You get me a steaming hot meat bun and I'll give you a story time about them."
Chat: A Hopeful Future
"My studies? Course I take them seriously! That's what's gonna' put food on the table one day. Plus, I wanna' give (Y/N) the life they deserve—What'd I mean? Well, if I'm going to be their husband, I want 'em to live comfortably. It's not like we need anythin' luxurious, anyways. As long as we're together and there's enough food to go by, it's going to be all right."
Personal Story: In Sickness and In Health
"....that's good to hear. Please look after 'em, granny. Love ya." The call ends and Ruggie sighs. "That's the best news I've received since."
"Guh-?! Man! What's with you and sneaking up on me!? Yeah yeah—you heard right...news. Granny just called me to talk about (Y/N), their health is looking up. Tell ya' what, I knew that deal with Azul was worth it. I managed to snag some medicine and send it home."
>"Oh? Medicine?"
"Yeah. Ever since my first year of high school, they were sick and bedridden. (Y/N)'s parents don't have enough money for a doctor, so there's not much they can do. Of course, I'm out here doin' my best to help too."
"I really...I really wanna see them up and runnin' again. Hey, who knows—maybe we'll get to make flower crowns for the village kids again...together."
About: An Interrogation
"Yuuken, you’ve met (Y/N), I hear. Well, as their partner, it's only right that I ask you about it. I assume you don't mind. So, what is your opinion of them? Nothing short of perfection, I hope."
"Hm? You think they're nice? Good then."
Chat: Busy Octoboss
"With all the deals, my maintenance of my academic ranking, and my position as Monstro Lounge's manager, my workload is quite substantial compared to most. And, I regret to say that it does get in the way of my personal life, including quality time with my lover. It tears at my heart, yet I cherish how they're so understanding and patient. Still, sometimes I can't help but think I am undeserving of them..."
Personal Story: Deep Sea Bonds
"My childhood is not something that I appreciate or want to remember. Yet, despite everything I've been through, I do think it is pleasant to look back on the days when I met them. You see, (Y/N) was bullied too. They were just like me, relentlessly bad mouthed and hurt by the kids around us. However, they never failed to greet me every day with a bright smile on their face."
>"What a sunny person."
"They'd also always have the courage and bravery to stand up for me, often taking the brunt of the bullying. I wish I could say I did the same for them...but I was far too cowardly back then..."
>"Wow. You two must be really close, then."
"Of course. They've been through a lot.Which is exactly why I won't allow anyone to speak ill of them anymore." Azul pauses, smiling slyly. "Say, Yuuken. You'll tell me if anyone casts aspersions on my Angelfish, won't you?"
About: A Helping Hand
"Hm? What's that? Ah, you’ve met my darling pearl. I see. I do notice how you’ve been frequenting Monstro Lounge lately…Have you perhaps acquired a romantic interest towards them? No? Hehe, Alright." "Now, to answer your question, yes, that is right; (Y/N) routinely comes over to visit and aid me in my Mountain Treks. I couldn't be more grateful for their assistance."
Chat: The Pearl Ring
"Oya? I see you're curious about the ring I've been crafting. Well, it's for (Y/N). You see, in merfolk culture, we create handcrafted jewelry to serve as a courting gift. This is one of many ornaments I plan on giving them. Though, this one is...particularly unique. Ah, well...(Y/N) Leech does have a nice ring to it, does it not?"
Personal Story: A Jaded Reaction
"Oya? (Y/N) is spending the night at Ramshackle? Whatever reason for?"
>"Grim wanted to have a game night."
"Ah. I see. How...lovely. What's that? My smile is frightening you? Oho, now is it? Hehe, my deepest apologies. We eels tend to be quite...protective. I so anticipate you to take good care of them. And fret not, as long as you keep them away from any harm, no disputes shall arise."
>"Uh...and if something happened?"
"What if something happened...? Well, I'm sure you wouldn't mind being hunted down the face of the earth, tied up, and pulled down to the deepest pits of the blue ocean, where no one can hear your anguished cries for help...Would you?" 
"Just joking. I would never do that."
About: A Sea Walnut
"(Y/N)? Aha~~~ You've heard of my little sea walnut? They're so adorable and squishy, yanno!—Is there a problem? If you got a problem with 'em, I'll squeeze you." "Oh? Not scared at all, huh? Ehe~ You sure are ballsy. Tread carefully now, shrimpy~!"
About: Ocean Currents
"Whenever a strong ocean current comes, sea walnut always huddles close to me and grabs my arm. They've always been afraid of being blasted away."
"They used to do that a lot when we were kids, but it never gets old. Hehe~ Sometimes, I lead them to places where the waves are strong, jus' so they can cling onto me! It's so funny to see 'em get afraid and scramble after me when I move too far away. "
Personal Story: Shark Attack
"Hmm~? Oh, what're these bite marks? Rad, aren't they? I got them after fighting a buncha' sharks."
>"Sharks?! Why would you do that?"
"To get these. It's shark teeth. Our anniversary is comin' up, and Jade suggested that I should make some jewelry for them. It's a merfolk courting thing. Azul 'n Jade told me to get them pearls, but I thought that was boring. So, I'm making one with shark teeth instead! Isn't that cool~?"
>"I-I guess, but what happened to the sharks?"
"Ugh. None of them were a fun hunt. The entire hoard swam away so fast. Can you believe it???… I’m not the typa eel who would let my prey get away that easily, though. And it’s not like I had anything better to do. Ehehe! There were so many of those sharks swarming around, but I managed to squeeze them all! Well, it was worth it in the end cuz I got what I wanted. I'll do anythin' for my little sea walnut~"
About: A Hearty Meal
“What am i doing? Well, I'm making some Roast Chicken with Sumac Flatbread. Oh? Who's (Y/N)? Ah, Kalim must have told you, huh. (Y/N) is my partner. They are truly wonderful."
"For example—Though I like to think I'm skilled at disguising my true feelings, the moment I go to see them, they already know what I'm thinking. They have a keen sense of intuition and always seem to know what I need and when I need it. Truly, I'm grateful for such a caring—Ah, I'm sorry. I was rambling again."
Chat: Snake-Eyed Envy
"I can't dispute that a lot of people back home are vying for their affection.That bothers me at times. As Kalim's babysitter-ehem, retainer, I don't have enough time to check in on them every day...However, as cheesy as it sounds, I have yet to meet someone who is as smitten with (Y/N) as I am."
Personal Story: World Left Unsaid
"I soon understood that I was more than the circumstances of my birth, all thanks to (Y/N). In fact, My bond with Kalim has become stronger and more genuine thanks to them. I...realized my hatred for Kalim was just my desire for my circumstances to be different...I didn't hate him at all. Without (Y/N), I would never have understood it."
>"They must be very important to you, Jamil."
"Absolutely. I was terrified that I might lose them after my overblot. But to my surprise, they stayed with me. Naturally, it hurt them, but they were really compassionate towards me and about how much I had to go through."
>"Do they know of what you feel?"
"I...I don't think (Y/N) realizes just how much I cherish them. I don't think now's the right time for that though. I've hurt them too much and I still have a long way to go before I fix things."
About: He's Engaged?!
"I am, indeed, betrothed. Heh. Why are you looking so bewildered, Child of Man? If I'm going to be a king someday, it only makes sense that I would need someone to reign alongside me, no? At first glance, (Y/N) may seem aloof, but as you get to know them more, you'll see that they are actually incredibly lovely and warm."
"You never thought I was one for romance? My, my... What a bold statement, you best learn how to hold your tongue. Have you considered that I could use lightning to smite you where you stand?...Now, now—That was a joke. You don't have to cower in fear."
Chat: Safe And Sound
"My precious treasure tells me that I tend to get protective at times. Though can you really fault a lover for wanting to protect the one who is most important to them in this cruel, ruthless world. One where others will not hesitate to turn on you?"
Personal Story: The Art Of War
"I am actually the first of my lineage to wed someone who is not a noble. You see, (Y/N) is a knight-in-training. And, as you can probably guess, they served as my retainer. To see them at work was truly a magnificent sight to witness. They command attention and radiate strength. While I had always admired them, I could not bring myself to express my true feelings to them. Until...that night."
>"That night?"
"Yes. On the evening of Silver's 16th birthday, someone had rushed at me with a dagger in hand. (Y/N) was the first to respond and took the hit for me...The sound of their screams as the knife tore through their flesh was truly...horrifying."
>"That's horrible! What happened to the guy?"
"Worry not, he was taken care of accordingly....If there is anything I’ve learned from Lilia's many teachings, it’s that the worst calamities that befall an army arise from hesitation. To avoid further offensives, one must deal with and eliminate adversaries as soon as possible. Don't you think so?"
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Closeted Theories 
A.N: Was finishing up my other Neuvillette series and this one just dropped into my head. Mighta have something to do with the fact I finished the Neuvillette storyquest the other day and he’s still on the brain. That was an awesome quest!! Definitely one of my hallmark favorites!
Genshin Impact MasterList
Picture this scenario: 
You were currently locked in a storage room closet, in the Palais Mermonia with Monsieur Neuviellette by your side.
Got it in your head?
Hard to picture, wasn’t it? 
Yeah, it would have been hard for you too, only a scant five minutes ago. 
But right now, this is your reality. 
You heard a gaggle giggling on the other side of the door as it shut. You dimly heard the lock as well. Then the voice of Sedene spoke over it, “Don’t worry, we will relieve you in an hour!” 
Then you heard the giggling and paddling of feet retreat. You just blinked at the door for a bit before finally looking up at Monsieur Neuvillette. It was a rare sight to behold, actually. He had frozen like a statue as he stared blankly at the door in front of him. 
“Check back with me, when you processed this.” you stated, “This is a lot even for a human.”  
You looked around the store room which was filled with mostly documents and books. It was big enough for two people to fit just so and had a single light on the ceiling. Thinking back you weren’t sure how you managed to get in this predicament but before you could try to analyze it further, Neuvillette stirred. Ahh, looks like he was coming back this way. It only took about five minutes. 
“Ahh, Miss. Y/N, I’d like to apologize for them. I don’t know what they hope to accomplish by this but I promise they mean no ill will.”
“Of course not. Those little younguns couldn’t do ill will if they tried, mischievous on the other hand is another matter. Anyway, can’t you break down the door or something?” 
Monsieur Neuvillette held his chin in thought, “Yes, easily. Though I hate to destroy such workmanship. It’s hardly the doors fault….” 
You smack your lips together, “Well, unless a Hydro Dragon suddenly knows how to pick a lock, we don’t know exactly how long we will be here for. Besides, isn't this getting in the way of your business to attend to? 
“Sedene clearly said they’d be back in an hour. My next meeting is scheduled for then. I don’t have any pressing matters right now. However, I would usually be using this time to get ahead on paperwork.” 
“...Hm. So they planned this down to the letter. I mean can’t have the Chief Justice of Fontaine and its Iudex, missing important functions over….being locked in a closet, now can we?” 
Neuvillette shook his head, “No, sounds quite lucidious to say it out loud like that.”  
“Equally as ridiculous as our reality. However they should be lucky I’m not claustrophobic.” 
Monsieur Neuvillette swung his eyes around to you, “Claustrophobic?” 
“Yes, some humans will start panicking in a tight place. They begin to feel the wall closing in on them and such.” 
Monsieur Neuvillette eyes widened at this, “Truly?! I hadn’t realized. And you are alright? I’ll break down the door immediately!” 
You reached out a hand in front of him, “I said I was fine! I’m not claustrophobic, only mildly amused and mostly annoyed. The only thing I worry about is how dus…” You paused in the process of wiping a finger over a shelf, rubbing them together, “Not so much as a speck of dust. Most impeccable.” 
“Of course not. I have learned that if left unattended a room like this will begin to rot. To take care of that, we have those hired to routinely clean spaces like this.” 
“Nothing escapes you, does it?” 
“Except for this.” He let out a sigh, “Rest assured, I shall have to give them a stern talking too.” 
You head bobbed up and down once, as you managed to find a reasonably comfortable spot to lean on the wall. 
Silence floated for a while before Neuvillette finally heaved a deep sigh, “Try as I might, I cannot see the reason for this insipid affair. Whatever possessed them to attempt this thing?” 
You snorted once making lavender eyes lock with yours. When you didn’t say anything more Neuvillette asked, “Why do I feel like you have an idea? Can you not share it with me if that’s the case?” 
You looked away then, “It would only be a theory at this point. I’d hate to paint them with conjecture.” 
“Let us hear it anyway. We have nothing else to do, until then and besides I’d like a better picture of what is going on before I speak with them on this matter. Perhaps there are some critical clues I am missing.” 
Neuvillette watched as you absently began to “arrange” the books on the shelf next to you, your eyes not meeting his. Meanwhile his lavender eyes did not depart from you.
A lull prolonged itself until…
“Miss. Y/N are you….embarrassed, perhaps?” 
You snapped your head up, “What the-?! What makes you say that?” 
“Well, you have…” 
“I don’t want to play by play.” You interrupted knowing that Neuvillette was going to literally tell you all the actions he observed to arrive at this conclusion. It was bad enough that he was looking at you the entire time in expectation and equally bad that there was only room between you for a person to barely slip through. 
You cleared your throat turning away, “Actually I was thinking about it and it might be kinda, slightly my fault.” 
“I hardly doubt that but what do you feel you have done?” 
“Excuse me? Could you speak up?” 
“I said….” You jerked your head up only to stop when you realized that Neuvillette had closed the distance between you and was looking down at you with furrowed eyebrows. Clearly he had gotten closer to hear you better but still. 
You swallowed, snatching your eyes away from him, “I read the Melusines a story a little while ago.” 
“Yes, that doesn’t sound so horrible. In fact, I thank you for taking time out of your day to spend with them.” 
“Yes, yes, you're welcome. It’s fine. It’s just….they may have taken a story a little too…..realistically.” 
“In what manner?” 
“It was a romance story. One scene…the couple was trapped in a storeroom, you know?” 
“I see. And what does this have to do with our predicament now?” 
You almost banged your head on the shelf. You did not want to explain it in detail. Most humans would pick up and put two and two together. However, given that Neuvilletter wasn’t human, you couldn’t and didn't expect him to have two and two much less know to put them together in this instance.  
You heave a sigh. That still didn’t mean you wanted to explain this. 
“...I’m sorry. This is making you uncomfortable. We should cease talking about this then.” 
You felt Neuvillette put as much space between you as he was able. Part of you was grateful. Being locked in a storeroom with Neuvillette of all people was doing nothing for your nerves although you pride yourself in comporting yourself regardless of the situation. You knew it really wasn’t fair to keep Neuvillette in the dark, especially when he genuinely did not have the pieces needed to put together the puzzle. 
“It’s a common plot device in romance stories. When a couple is locked in a confined room it’s used to further their relationship.” You said this in one breath not looking up. 
You could practically hear the gears in Neuvillette’s head turning. 
“I see. They had hoped that our relationship would progress and that is why they did this.” 
You hoped your laugh wasn’t forced, “What relationship? We don’t have one. We are just friends.” 
“Yes, we are friends.” 
You bobbed your head absently and just when you were beginning to find your footing, you felt Neuvillette move. Looking up, you startled to see him looming over you.
Wait, why was he even closer than last time?
Your throat went dry. 
“Rest assured, I will still express my displeasure at such extreme methods but I shouldn't let their goodwill go to waste. I suppose they were getting tired of my lack of courage.” 
“.....W-w-what are you talking about?” 
Neuvillette lifted his arms and trapped you within, his hands holding onto the shelf in front of you.
Hold on! What is this situation?!
You were pretty sure that Monsieur Neuvillette had never read such a scene before so why was he an accomplished actor now?
You knew you were looking up at him like a trapped boar. 
“I think I finally understand what message they were trying to send. I suppose they were getting tired of me taking my time. Had I had my way, I would still be taking time. Although I have an abundance of time, the fact is you do not. It’s unfair of me to continue to make you wait.” 
By now your head and eyes were spinning. Why did it seem like this went from 0 to 100 real quick? You weren’t even following anymore. 
“Miss. Y/N, when this is over, will you accompany me to dinner at Hotel Debord? Ah, I suppose I should convey my feelings first, shouldn’t I? Forgive me, allow me a minute to gather my bearings.” 
You turned so your back was to the shelf, looking up at Neuvillette, “H-h-hold on! Aren’t you…? What are you even doing? We are friends…” Your eyes dart back and forth, “...aren’t we?” 
“Of course, I am loath to lose our friendship but I confess I find myself thinking about…deeper things when it comes to us.” 
“Y-y-you do?” 
Of course you always like Monsieur Neuvillette but you’d never in your wildest dreams thought that a friendship with him could turn into more. You were just happy that he trusted you enough to become friends with you. The two of you had met through the Traveler actually. And being a Descender yourself, you had become privy to the fact that he was the Hydro Dragon. As the Traveler moved on to other nations with the goal of finding their sibling you lingered in Fontaine finding the nation agreeing with you. Fontaine eventually became your home base even as you travel to other nations. Unlike the Traveler you had no lofty goals in mind. 
“I confess this is so. However perhaps I’ve been spending too much time pondering on the idea instead of acting on it. The Melusines must have picked up on my feelings.” 
Ah, now that might explain why the Melusines went through a period of forcing you to read just about every romance book they could come across. Was this all research to help Monsieur Neuvillette?  
Your previous annoyance at being locked in a storage room was quickly dwindling even from the little bit you had. You hoped that you hadn’t displayed any odd tendencies when Monsieur Neuvillette was concerned that the Melusines picked up on. You thought you had had an impenetrable shield. 
“They had urged me to at least talk to you about it but I had refused. I wanted to ponder this a little more and see if it had merit. However, although I have learned more about humans, the complexities of this kind of thing still perplexes me. Sedene did present to me a list of findings about your behavior that made me think that perhaps you might feel more on the subject than you let on.” 
You stiffened and replied in which you hoped with a coolness that belied your feelings, “Such as?” 
“You have brought me meals when unasked for.” 
“We are friends. I’m interested in your health and you are busy.  Thought I’d help out here and there. There is nothing untoward about that.” 
“You made some of them yourself.” 
“Again, friendship.” 
“I have no basis for such things. Perhaps friends do make each other meals. This was a thought I came to as well. Next, they have observed that when I leave, your gaze lingers.” 
Your right eyebrow twitched, “....I’m making sure you leave.” 
That sounded lame even to your ears but you challenged it by looking Neuvillette straight in the eye. You would not bend first. 
“....and they have heard you give a…and I quote, ‘an heartrending sigh.’” 
You would have spat at this and your face showed. You looked away folding your arms, “Denied!! What does a ‘heartrending sigh’ even sound like? I didn’t swoon like a maiden.” 
“So you admit that you did in fact sigh?” 
Your whole face twitched this time, “Denied! You need to do better than this! It’s all circumstantial at best!” 
“Very well then. I’m not sure I should reveal this but….apparently, there were some Melusines in earshot when you and Navia were having a private conversation. They heard Navia ask when you were quote “going to make your intentions known.” And your reply was, and I quote, “When a boar flies and all the water in Fontaine is set on fire.”” 
Given that they were Melusines, in earshot was probably a generous term. You couldn’t help but to slap both hands over your face. Everything within you wanted to deny it but you couldn't very well make a liar out of both the Melusines and Navia. 
“Not to worry, I did admonish them about listening to private conversations such as those.” 
“I should find the nearest volcano in Natlan and jump in it.” 
Monsieur Neuvillette’s eyes widened as he placed his hands on your shoulders, “Don’t even joke about such things Y/N!” 
You still hadn’t raised your head. 
“Miss. Y/N, would it be wrong of us to try to see if our relationship can grow deeper?” 
Your voice was muffled by your hands, “Why, you want it to?” 
“Hm, I believe I would. You?” 
“....I’m amenable to it.” 
Monsieur Neuvillette’s mouth quirked, “I’m pleased to hear this. Won’t you look at me?” 
“Maybe after we get out of here.” 
Ahh, you were being shy about this. A chuckle escaped the Hydro Dragon. You reached one hand to slap him in the chest, “Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, please be silent!” 
The chuckle turned into a laugh then. 
Then you felt him stepping away, “Very well. I know the benefits of having to gather oneself. We will have plenty of time to address this. Ah, what did you say to dinner?” 
You turned away from him, as you dropped your hands from your face, once again “arranging” the books.
A small smile made its way to your face as you replied softly, “Sure. I’ll be there.” 
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Unhealthy Obsession
a/n hi everyone I think this chapter will be more intriguing than the first one but other than that I hope you enjoy chapter two also again i apologize there are any grammar mistakes lmaoo okayyy enjoyyyyy :)
part one
Tw: sexual content, kissing
and adult language if there is anything else lemme know :))
Part two: I need you
It was the next morning you had gotten all ready for your first day at a new school. You received a text from Kirby saying she was five minutes away. You looked in the mirror once more before grabbing your bag, phone, and keys and heading out the door your aunt Luna said
“have a wonderful day at school honey text me if you need any” she smiles at you “Thank you Luna I love you” she replies “I love you too sweetheart also don't worry ill lock it behind you” She gestures to the door.
You walked outside and see Kirby sitting in her car waiting for you. You walk over and get in the car smiling at Kirby. “hi y/n how are you? are you ready for your first day?” she says in an enthusiastic tone. You reply “I'm ready just very nervous” You get in the car and buckle your seat belt. “I completely get that but I've got you Don't worry I’ll introduce you to some of my friends and you can sit with me at lunch if you would like” You smiled and just processed what she said for a second hoping she would introduce you to Charlie.
You apologize for getting lost in thought and say “Thank you Kirby it's nice to know I'm not alone I think today is gonna go well hopefully” You guys just made small talk the rest of the ride. Once you got there you and Kirby were a little early so there weren't too many people she showed you to the office so you could pick up your schedule and while she was walking you to your first-period class you were reading the paper while walking and you bump into someone and drop your paper and phone.
You bent down to grab your stuff and before you, you even have time to be upset you hear a voice say “Oh my god I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going” You look up to see a curly-haired boy with big blue eyes looking at you apologetically.
You smiled and reassured him it was okay. Kirby looked at Charlie and told him to watch where he was going and not to freakin take you out literally within the first few minutes of you being here. You look at Kirby and then Charlie almost waiting for an introduction. Kirby caught on and said “Oh yeah my bad this is Y/n she just moved back to Woodsboro” She smiled “and y/n this is charlie walker you know the boy we were talking about yesterday”
You felt your cheeks start to get hot and turned pink in embarrassment. Charlie speaks up and reaches his hand out “It's good to meet you y/n” You reached your hand out to shake his and say “It's good to meet you, Charlie”.
“so what class do you have a first period” “Biology how about you?” “omg me too what room number?” you responded “Uhh room 609” Kirby butted in “Hey y/n I gotta get to my first period I’ll see you at lunch okay? and charlie why don't u offer to walk her to class him?” she said it in a kinda bitchy smart ass way but it made u laugh. he said “well y/n can I walk you to class” he gave a nervous smile “I would like that thank you charlie”
He showed you to room 609. You guys walk in to only see the teacher sitting at his desk he looks up and gives you a friendly smile “You must new your y/n, right?” you said yes. And told him it was good to meet him.
You asked if there was any schoolwork you had to catch up on since it was your first day and everything and it was the middle of the semester “No I don’t think there’s anything that you have to do we got you covered and if it’s all right with you, I’m gonna make charlie you are the partner for this rest of semester” you smiled “that would be great” you look over and make eye contact with charlie. You both smiled.
The rest of the day flew by at lunch you sat with Kirby and a girl named Jill. It was now the last period of the day and Kirby and Charlie both had the same class it was English.
You were sitting in the back of the class with both Kirby and Charlie, whispering to each other giggling, but try not to cost too much of a scene by the end of the class you and Kirby couldn’t stop laughing you almost pissed her pants the bell rang. You grabbed your stuff instead up. 
Kirby offered to walk you out when Charlie talk to you on the shoulder and said  “Would you wanna go to the cinema club meeting you don’t have to join the club, but what do you wanna at least go to one to see if you’d like it?” you smiled at him you wanted too but you were so tired and wanted to go home you responded to him.
“I would love to Charlie but I really wanna go home” his face turned to disappointment and he said “Oh okay it's okay I understand maybe another day” You felt kinda bad “Okay maybe I can go what time does it end and ill go under one condition..”
“And what is that?” he said curiously “You have to drive me home after” He agreed and you guys started walking to the cinema club. Your hands brushed together while walking and he nervously pulled his hand away. you look at him and admire his beautiful face thinking how cute he is when he is nervous.
He looks over and down at you “What?” he asks “Nothing you just have really beautiful eyes” You smile while he starts to blush “T-thank you y/n” he stuttered because you made him all flustered You guys made it to the classroom and walked in to only see his best friend Robbie. Charlie had told you a little bit about him and the weird glasses he wore that had a camera live-streaming everything. Robbie looked over smiled and said “My omg you must be y/n im so happy you could make it”
oh my god. Robbie knew who you were and he was glad you made it bro. That means Charlie has been talking about you. “oh yeah of course I'm glad I was able to come too Charlie invited me” you say with a smile. you look over at Charlie who is lightly blushing and you guys make eye contact in that moment you wanted to kiss him you looked at his lips and then back up to his eyes. it was that feeling you felt when you first saw him. it felt like the stop had slowed. As soon as you felt as if the moment was over Charlie cleared his throat.
The rest of the meeting went go you just talked about the stab movies and all their theories now. as Charlie had promised before he was gonna give you a ride home. You and Charlie walked out of the school side by side. You guys made it to his car and with your back to the car and him reaching to grab the handle of the door he almost had you pinned there.
your heart rate speed up as did your breathing. you were so close to him that he looked and your lips and at that moment you needed him. He moved closer to you causing your breath to hitch you leaned in and he did the same before your lips touched he asked if he could kiss you. “yes Charlie please I need you”
Not a second later he kissed you and the kiss got more intense your breathing was heavy and he pulled away and said “I need to take you home” You whined pleading with him to kiss you again because you didn't want this moment to end.
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(Sh)Arc en Seal
Do you pronounce Ciel as Seel or Se-el? I say Se-el
Ruby: Ah! The Beach! Do you Jnpr's already here, yeah?
Yang: 'Course they are, we're a bit late, Which means there's No Time to waste! Let's Put up the Net, Get in the Wet, and watch the Sunset!
Weiss: Ugh, why didn't you let me put sunblock on Before coming here! Let's set up the Umbrellas and Towels first! We've got all day to play! It'll be annoying when we want a break and have nowhere to sit.
Blake: I'll help. besides, I'd rather wait a bit before facing you, Nora, and/or Pyrrha in Volleyball.
???: oh! Ruby! Sal -
Ruby: Huh?
???: -U-
WBY: *step off to the side*
Ruby: Aw crud.
Penny, Moving very fast: -TATIONS! *tackle Hugs Ruby*
Ruby: Hi! Penny! I should really be expecting that by now! Okay! Wow! *Breathes* Okay! What are doing here! How are you?
Penny: I am doing Quite well Ruby! I am here because my Partner Ciel was invited by a friend of hers, who turned out to be Jaune!
Yang: Jaune's friends with Miss "time is of the essence"?
Weiss: Forgive us me for finding that hard to believe. Jaune isn't the first to come to mind when it comes to scheduling.
Penny: There is much more to Ciel than her desires for Timeliness, and Jaune is more often than not Schedule oriented than the rest of you is he not?
Blake: THinking about it I guess he is. He always wakes up at six,
Ruby: He never turns assignments in late ...
Yang: He takes a power nap after class and his Training sessions with Pyrrha always happen at the same time.
Weiss: Yes, yes, we can all name his schedule off the top of our heads, but this stuff is getting heavy and I'd like to sit down. Where'd all the Energy about the beach go?
Ruby: You're right! Come on team (and Penny!) Move out!
Pyrrha: Hello again~ Glad you finally made it! We're set up over there, and we got our own net set up.
Weiss: Thank goodness. I'm worn out from the car ride. I'm gonna go rest a bit.
Ruby: Where's Jaune and Ciel?
Penny: They have gone Fishing!
Blake: really!?! Where!?!? Have they caught any fish yet!?!?
Penny: Out there! *She points to the sea*
Yang: ... Are they on a boat or something?
Nora: Nope! They're swimming! Ciel's REALLY fast! she's so cool! eh, mostly, She can be a real stick in the mud when it comes to timing, but she's still really cool!
Blake: I really want some fish! When ill they be done?
At that Moment Jaune stepped out of the water, Carrying a sizable net of fish.
Jaune: Guys! You finally made it! What happened?
Blake: FISH!
Ruby: Traffic. That and our alarms were ... Messed up.
Jaune: Hmm., Well you're here, and You know Penny and Ciel are here too.
Yang: Where is the time-keeper anyways
Seal!Faunus Ciel: Hello! Penny time!
Ciel swam on her back, sunning while staying in the water
Penny: Fishing has completed three minutes and 42 seconds before expected time! You managed to hold your breath thirty-two seconds longer than your previously recorded time, One minute and twelve point four seconds less than your personal record!
Ciel: Excellent!
She dove back under the water, before returning to the beach. She shook the water off her fur and wrapping arms around Jaune.
Ciel: That gives me three minutes to relax with you.
Jaune: Ciel! Not in front of our friends!
Ciel: They can waste their time worrying, Let's spend ours together! *Mwah*
RWBY: *Shock*
Jaune: Aw, Ci-ci! You're -ow- Claws! Your claws!
Ciel: Sorry! I got excited!
Jaune: I know. I love you~
Ciel: You're quite dear to me as well.
Blake: So? Uh, fish?
Penny: It is the scheduled time to begin Grilling!
Ciel: Then beginning to Grill we shall.
Ruby: How long has that been going on?
Jaune: Eh, couple weeks. We met at the Weekend Run of the "Return to the Past" Trilogy the theater was running.
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persephone11110 · 6 months
A Different Dialect | b.bradshaw
prompt: “You can’t keep hiding this stuff.”- credit: @memesomething
tw:illness—hiding said illness, past child abuse, self esteem issues, protective b.b, readers a mom| dad bradley bradshaw, reader is masking her pain, the word throw up is mentioned and vomit— also the act of throwing up is mentioned, perfectionism, pushing yourself to exhaustion, 15 years into the future
reader goes by angel
children names: Cobie and and Nicky
this a random one-shot/ apart of FALLEN ANGEL Series
AN: Its been awhile since I posted to this series, random idea was born after listeing to Because of You. And i also pulled a quote from one of my fav shows ever Bojack Horseman , ever have a hard time trying to write the middle of a fic
Self care….not your biggest strong suit, which is pretty funny for ER/n. Lets just say Bradley doesn’t find it so funny.
This is all started because of your weak immune system. It was shameful how someone who’s been a ER/n for the past decade and half didn’t recognize the severity and symptoms of the flu. For crying out loud your a mom and a wife, your the definition of unstoppable,someone who doesn’t get the chance to fall apart. And yet here we are—laying on bedroom floor, curled up in pain. Weakness doesn’t look good on you Y/n Bradshaw.
Let’s turn the clock back.
This time, you had the chance to hide your sickness from your other half—since he recently taken promotion of Captain he had been busy with students and paper work. As evil as its sounds—you just didnt want him fretting over you, ruining his work schedule because of you, missing out with friend’s because of you.
Being sick today wasn’t any different, you usually toughen it out—pushing yourself while sick was a familiarity, well before you became an adult. You gone to school with body aches, slight fevers, the twins sports game with severe nausea—taking medicine to soothe it. Nothing made you stop—as you learned at a young age age,“Y/n the world doesn’t stop just because your sick.”
You could remember the last time you got sick as a child and the memories are faint but some of it is ingrained into the back of your mind.
“Y/n remember what we say about crying... crying is stupid!"— Dad had grown tired of your loud wails, having come home from a important dinner, he grabbed you by your jaw and gripped it tightly. “Don’t make me have to tell you again”.
You cupped your forehead once again, it felt like someone was taking a knife pulling it in and out. Only couple more hours and twins could be put in their rooms for bedtime. Then you could fall apart—cry if you needed to, throw up if you needed to.
What you didnt expect was your husband to come home early.
“Honey its just a little cold”, you mother batted your hands away from your nose, she stood behind you smoothing the sides of your dresses perfectly.“Your father needs at your best for this dinner, the governor might be considering giving him the funding he deserves”.
You didn’t deserve to be cared for, you didn’t earn the right to stay home like your parents did.
You rolled your shoulders back, you looked in the mirror, praying to god that your mascara didn’t smudge. You put on a fake smile because god forbid you didn’t you smile hard enough infront of strangers your father would have your backside and a belt.
“Come on Y/n, Linda!”’your father shouted from downstairs, he stood at the end of staircase. His shoulders squared straight, his eyes portraying nothing but coldness, it really added to the whole army man persona. “Don’t have all day”.
You sniffled one more time, you swallowed the snot down your throat. Mom hated the way your nose looked after you blew it too many times.
You spent the entire night politely turning down men old enough to your father,while also keeping the bile of vomit down. Multitasker
“Dear god Y/n loosen up, your father needs all the support he can get”. Your mother walked past you, whispering into your ear.
“Yes ma’am, let me go freshen up real quick”, your were face down in toliet, biles of vomit coming up. Remembering where you were, you quickly stood flushing the toliet— you held onto the stall wall.
An older woman passed you onto the way to the sink. “This generation,what makes you think a man is going to want you like that if cant even hold your liquor?”. The silvered hair woman voice held a certain amount of digust that even your own mother couldn’t beat.
Pull yourself together Y/n.
You can do better than this, you were taught trained better than this.
Walking through the front door Bradley expected two things, his wife helping the twins with last minute homework Or Cobie and Nicky chasing after Orbit, causing a mess to happen around the house.
Quiet house. Bradley allowed his feet to bring him to their shared bedroom.
He didn’t expect for his wife to laying on the floor curled up in a fetal position.“Angel!” Bradley shouts as he slides on to the ground, he didn’t have time to panic—years of being in miltary and being father kicked in. He pressed his finger into your neck hoping and praying to god there was pulse somewhere.
“Brad?” You open your eyes, your confused the worry look Bradley was wearing.“Whats wrong?”.
“Whats wrong Y/n?” His voice dripping with sarcasm, “I just found my wife unconscious on the floor”. You and Bradley are sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Bradley lets not be hysterical, I wasn’t unconscious I’ve worked a graveyard shift while also taking care of the kids”. Your was voice strained, you lost it while at Cobie soccer game.
You squeezed your eyes the ceiling light was starting to bother you, and because you didn’t want Bradley to see you cry.
Bradley gave you once over and started to feel his bubbling anger starting to faint away. “Angel we’re partners remember?” He’s caressing your face, “I have your six, you know that right?”
You peered your eyes back open, and whispered“I know that, I just…..nevermind it doesn’t matter”.
You start to move away from him“the twins need some important forms signed Brad-Brad and Orbit needs to be let out again”.
“Y/n dont worry about that, right now we need to talk about your lack of self care”. Bradley pulls you back to him, “Please let me take care of you”. The amount of emotion that filled Bradley voice broke your heart, you didn’t mean to make him upset.
“We also need to talk about I didn’t even notice my own damn wife was in so much pain”. Bradley ran his hands through hair, “I mean how I couldn’t I?”.
“Well Brad you’ve been working long hours since becoming a captain, the navy needs you more than usual to”. You smile weakly, the last thing you wanted to do was make Bradley feel bad for being promoted.
“Oh angel Im sorry, thats it I’m taking a leave of absence”. Bradley tone held a no-none sense tone.
“No,no Bradley I’m fine this something im used to, sometimes you need make sacrifices”. You speak like its fact, you’ve never been told otherwise.
Bradley sighs his eyes rimming with tears, its got this far without Bradley noticing.“No Y/n your just used to making unnecessary sacrifices for everyone else”.
“When the last time you’ve been taken care of— when’s the last time I spend the day taking care of you?”. Bradley voice was soft, careful to not wake the kids. “Y/n let me take care of you, my wife the mother of kids deserves to be loved , cherised and taken care of”. His voice is quiet, he puts his hand into yours. “I got you Y/n Helen Bradshaw”.
“I know you do Bradley Peter Bradshaw”.
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savnofilter · 2 years
Wisdom Teeth Aftercare
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                    LoV + Giran x [GN]Reader
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CONTENT WARNING(S): sav attempting fluff, mentions of wounds & medicine doses, def an insert, semi established-relationships.
WORD COUNT: 1.5k [5 mins].
READ MORE: masterlist + [students & adult masterlists]
A/N: im in so so so much pain. wrote this because im lonley and would kill to have one of these beautiful characters to aid me. these would be longer if i wasnt so delirious rn. (not proofread)
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Dabi knows what to do but also does not. 
hes been through a lot of painful situations wheres hes needed to take medication, and most times he isnt even able to take any. 
hes trying his best to comfort for you in his own little warped way. 
"Hey, sit back down" Dabi snaps at you in annoyance as you attempt to leave your bed, and rolls his eyes at your mumble-whining. "You're delirious right now, don't argue with me."
he makes sure that your night stand is always replenished. hes like a little nurse and even in your medicated haze, you find it super cute.
♱ you cant tell him that tho… he'll get pouty. not something you hate but its the bratty behavior that follows it.
gives you tons of forehead kisses because he cant give you cheek ones cuz of your swollen cheeks. 
its practically killing him he cant just cup them while theyre big the way they are. 
is definitely teasing you as he takes care of you. sometimes putting stuff out of your reach or eating a burger in front of you knowing you wont be able to do that for a couple of days. 
"Fine fine, say ahh-- oh wait." Dabi snickers. 
he really thought he ate, huh? i guess he did (literally).
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Shigaraki does not know what hes doing. 
"You want cuddles or sumthin'??" He tilts his head as you look at him with the most annoying puppy dog eyes you can muster up. 
he unfortunately believes that you could suck it up but we all know its because deep down he enjoys pain a little too much. 
is actually persistent on giving you your meds for you to heal with.
although dont expect it to be accurate all the time…. 
he isnt as attentive and usually drops by to spend some time with you since he doesnt want you to be alone too much. 
even with how awkward it is, he'll give you the "normal'' amount of affection and give your head and cheekbone area light kisses for you to feel better.
"You know I can go steal a way stronger dose right?" 
If you could frantically shake your head no you would.
he'll sometimes let you play video games with him so he can also keep himself entertained as well. 
he doesnt assimilate into your schedule like Dabi does but he tries his best to still help you no matter what.
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Toga in a very odd way is ecstatic that youre in pain. 
♱ not like she isnt “odd” already,,
shes very excited to play nurse and help you heal. probably dresses for the part too.
"We'll get you back up on your feet in no time!"Toga declares happily, shoving a small spoon into your mouth with applesauce on it. 
is whistling or humming as she helps you out and somehow acquired some non-prescriptive cute glasses. she'll tilt them up or press them closer as she checks the doses. 
shes actually pretty on top of it (but you do have to double check if its correct because you know how careless she can be without ill intent).
she'll get you stuff animals and blankets for you to nap in. 
has it so shes sleeping over (not that thats new anyways).
gives you lots of affections but makes sure to be soft so she doesnt hurt you by accident.
if youre in any kind of pain, you can always count Toga be there to aid you. 
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youd think with Spinner's cool demeanor would make you think otherwise but nope. 
hes clocking your schedule and making sure you got everything set. 
"You have everything for 12 pm right?" He checks in and takes your small little nod as a yes. He releases a small sigh to himself and leaves to take a tinkle. He let's out one of the most loudest sighs of worry you've ever heard from him. It's pretty funny when you realize he's been trying to keep composed this whole time.
unlike Toga, he has actual glasses. 
looks like such a grandpa taking care of you. 
youre so entertained by him that honestly it distracts you a bit from the soreness and the pain. 
he gets mopey when he cant cuddle you on days where youre in too much discomfort. 
has you basically nesting as you recover. 
a little all over the place? yes. would you still rate your experience with his 10/10? 
of course.
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literally do not expect too much from him. 
with all Twice's sides it really differs on what youre getting that day (sometimes throughout if its a hectic 24 hours).
he is trying his best since he doesnt like seeing you in pain and gives you lots of kisses. 😭
idc what anyone says out of the whole league, hes the most caring. 
when hes attentive, hes on it. 
checking your temp, getting your foods, making sure you have your cool & hot pads. also has alarms so he can remind himself when to check up on you. 
unfortunately he doesnt want to seem like a bother so he tries to not to be too much in your space </3
he knows you dont mind but he gets self conscience as he normally does. 
even when hes not tending to you hes just chilling in your vicinity when you two arent interacting. 
he thinks he couldve helped you more but you think he did great. 
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Mr Compress is all the extravaganza. you said calling in sick, bro heard "time to pamper and preform".
even if its the smallest things he'll give it to you in fun little ways so you arent bored out of your mind. 
♱ and also so you dont feel skipping out on doses and actually take them. 
you werent aware but this mf also has multiple costumes?? youre pleased to have learnt this. 
he is a show man after all…
of course he doesnt over do it, he wants you rested not overstimulated. 
is a very chill man to be around when hes not doing flip and tricks and you cant decide which of him you like more (you dont choose ultimately).
of course he has a little something up his sleeve to keep you on your toes but you cant complain with that. 
did he essentially treat you like a kid? yes. 
do you care tho? not at all. 
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Kurogiri is the most put together out of them. 
(youre supposed to be surprised by this revelation.)
i mean, what do you expect from a man who has taken care of another man for years…?
makes sure youre doing everything so you can recover expeditiously. 
isnt doing all that affection stuff honestly. 
he drops in, replenishes everything you need and dips. 
he kind of treats you like youre sick and it lowkey hurts your feelings with how much he avoids you. 
in general hes give an average amount of affection so you sometimes have to speak up when he hasnt cuddled you for some time. 
even with all your requests he never seems bothered how much you ask and what you ask for. :')
he is pretty good but sometimes you wish he could be a bit softer (sue me).
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imagine Toga but 2.0. 
Magne isnt as energetic and into the role of the 'nurse' but is very much still doting. 
feeds you in the beginning stages before you gotta remine them that they definitely dont have to. 😭
when youre feeling extra cranky theyll try and coax you into it (consensually ofc who do you think youre with?!)
"I know you don't feel like it but you'll feel much better once you take it." Magne rubs your shoulder as you whimper in pain, and presses a gentle and chaste kiss to your temple. 
even with how bubbly and outgoing they are, they are just as stern. 
is one to make sure youre having a laid experience while making sure your lazy attitude will not interfere with your healing process. 
makes sure to have a big celebration thing when you are fully healed and gives you all the cuddles that you may have missed out on when you were healing. 
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AHT AHT stfu hes on the list dont say anything. 
Giran's methods may be ghetto but he gets the job DONE. 
"Y'know I got my own knocked out by and old friend of mine" 
"Crazy shit, I know! But he's some psychiatrist or sumthin' so I trusted the bastard anyways!" 
um… moving on…
is in and out of your place but makes sure that youre well taken of when hes there. 
its like a roulette if when you wake up he'll be on your bed watching TV or if hes nowhere to be seen without a trace. 
will give you the rare kiss but more of his gentle behaviors are like little pokes to your cheeks just because of how puffy they are. 
♱ got you those get well presents and theyre so cute. </3
his treatment is nothing special but it definitely helped you feel better. 
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mayiwritesomething · 3 months
Love is an Unfamiliar Name (Pt. 3)
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Wordcount: 1,1k
A/N: just fluff
You had experienced perhaps the most challenging day on set: broken equipment, multiple re-shoots due to technical glitches, two team members falling ill (whom you personally ensured were taken care of), an angry and frustrated director due to the events, and to top it off, you were dealing with the discomfort of your period. The day seemed to drag on for what felt like 127 hours.
Finally back in the comfort of your hotel room, you indulged in a relaxing long bath and changed into your cozy Adidas set before sinking into your bed. The events of the day kept replaying in your mind—the things you could have avoided, the areas you could have improved upon—and as you glanced at the clock, it read 2:00 am.
Knowing that the next day was a scheduled day off, most people were out partying or getting drunk, seeking solace from the day's stress. However, you were too frustrated to be in the company of others, even though Jenny insisted that you should make her some company.
Despite the urge to stay in, the thought of being confined pushed you to venture outside onto a small deck besides your accommodations. It was a comfortable space, furnished with sofas, and offered a great view. And you could smoke. An old habit you had long given up, yet this day warranted just one cigarette. Miraculously, you managed to resist the temptation of smoking an entire pack in one go.
As you settled in, you lit your cigarette and gazed up at the stars, which sparkled brilliantly in the night sky. You attempted to identify the constellations as time drifted by: the Big Dipper, Perseus, and Andromeda. You even spotted Saturn and Jupiter among the twinkling celestial bodies.
Watching the smoke from your cigarette drift upwards, you sang softly to yourself:
"Stars are never sleeping
Dead ones and the living
Hmmm hmmm hm hm hmmm
And they know just what we do
That we toss and turn at night
They're waiting to make their moves
For the stars are out tonight"
Lighting another cigarette and reclining on the chaise, you glanced at the clock. It read 3:24 AM. Lost in your thoughts, you continued to hum the tune, the lyrics resonating with the late-night atmosphere.
"You always seemed like a Bowie fan." A male voice suddenly pierced the quiet night. Scared, you nearly tumbled off the chaise, the cigarette forgotten in the commotion, your heart pounding in your chest.
"What the hell, PEDRO!" you exclaimed, still attempting to steady your breath.
"Sorry… I didn't mean to scare you," Pedro apologized, taking a seat beside you. As the filming progressed, you and him began to bond, discovering a shared love for strong coffee that led to more frequent conversations.
"Insomnia?" he asked.
"Yes, it's been a rough day," you replied, giving him some space. "Sit." Despite the initial discomfort, you found yourself growing accustomed to his proximity as you conversed.
"I wasn't around today, so you missed me, I know," he remarked as he lit his cigarette, "No need to hide."
You sat with your knees drawn up to your chest, offering a small smile in response. "Definitely, Pedro. Definitely." You knew he was trying to lift your spirits, and just as you had grown accustomed to his mannerisms, he had grown accustomed to yours. He knew you were giving your best.
Sensing your subdued mood, he inched closer and inquired softly, "Hey babe, what's going on inside that head of yours?"
“Babe? That’s a new one,” you replied, surprised. "No big deal, just a whirlwind of thoughts and overwhelm," you said, gazing up at the stars.
"That's your usual girl… but is there something else?" He pressed gently.
"Oh… Today is the worst day ever," you confessed, the unbridled emotions of the day taking hold as tears welled in your eyes. "Nothing went right; people got yelled at because of my incompetence. As their leader, I should have known how to avoid this shit," you expressed, frustration evident in your voice. "I don't even know why I took this job man." Your arms remained tightly wound around your knees, the weight of the day and unregulated hormones bearing down on you.
You missed your actual home and your friends, and you also felt guilty that your team took the blame for every problem, despite your logical side reminding you that the defective equipment you received couldn't withstand the cold weather. Overwhelmed by it all, you couldn't hold back the tears any longer.
"I know how it feels—I mean, the frustration... Come here, it’s ok," he said tenderly, aware of your discomfort with physical contact but recognizing your need for comfort. "Hey, I know you're not one for physical touch, but I don’t think it will hurt you now." Reluctantly, you allowed his arms to envelop you as you surrendered to your tears. "Just let it out, baby... Relax”
"I'm so sorry," you apologized through sobs as your head found its place against his chest, feeling the gentle caress of his fingers through your hair.
"For what?" he questioned softly.
"You came to smoke, relax, you know, and now you have..." the tears resurfaced.
"To be with you?” He answered laughing, “You don't have to apologize for anything." He reassured calmly.
"Why..." your words were interrupted by your sobs, "not... out... why... here?" You clung tightly to him.
"Huh, I wanted to have a good night's sleep, which I was enjoying by far. You know I’m a terrible sleeper, so I came out here to smoke, as I sometimes do," he explained, his fingers still gentle in your hair and the dampness of your tears soaking into both of your clothes. He said something else, but you couldn’t understand.
Lifting your head to meet his gaze, you observed an unfamiliar tenderness in his eyes, his hands continuing to caress your hair with a gentle touch that you didn't want to be stopped.
"Gosh, I must look terrible, don't I?" You voiced your inner tought, getting a laugh from him as he teasingly replied, "You're looking like a sad gremlin, which is kinda cute, i’m sorry."
His laughter was contagious, and you found yourself joining in. With his arms still around you, you settled back against his chest again and whispered shyly, "Can we stay like this a little longer?"
"As long as you want... As long as you need," he reassured, adjusting your positions for comfort. Whispering in spanish, he added, "Considering this is the only way you let me get closer."
Although you understood his words, you chose not to let him know, not wanting to disrupt the moment. Instead, as holding him tighter, you opted to heed the advice from the 80s song and simply enjoy the silence, as this very moment, together, was something you just found out to want just as much as him.
"Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm."
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canaidliafail · 1 year
ellie williams x f!reader 🌿
[ part 2 ]
Ellie invites you to a party which she comes all ready and strapped up for.
proof read by God and a prayer so Ill provide some holy water as an apology. so….theres mostly sexual tension but let me know if you want me to write a part two. idk. Was heavily self indulgent but if you enjoy it Ill be happy to know so
2k words
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“what?” she laughed getting all coy and shy with you, her shoulders slightly rising to hide her face
“You look really pretty” you smiled and reached out to fix a stray hair that fell in her face neatly tucking it behind her ear
“Oh shut up” she said and gently shoved your shoulder. You pushed yourself away from the fence and walked back into the house writing down your entry
3 runners
1 clicker
Was a good day overall. You looked up to see her walk in, a hand around the nape of her neck while she looked anywhere but at you
“Yes, williams?” you teased
“We are having a party tonight. Will you join?”
“hm…” you pursed your lips and turned to lean against the table fiddling with the pen in your hand, tossing and turning it in your fingers
“Who’s we?” you asked playfully and she rolled her eyes
“Well Dina, and jesse and-“
she went on trying to remember and list every possible person who would come and you had to laugh at how seriously she took everything you said
“I'll come. Not for long since I'm out on patrol early tomorrow but I'll join you for a bit” you said and turned back to the book log to note down some notes.
Ellie looked your figure up and down. You insisted on wearing shorts over thick leggings for practicality though she knew you did it cause they accentuated your ass shape better than jeans. Your puffed up jacket with its fur giving you a positively roguish look and those dirty old combat boots
Rare to see a fashionista these days. At first it drove her insane
“You've gotta be shitting me. I'm not going on patrol with her” she tried to pull every string without getting anywhere till she settled on that well, some days just don't go your way
so she rode shimmer and let you take the lead being always a few steps behind. That was until she saw you in combat. Oh you know what stealth meant and you wielded that bow with a hawk's eye. Nothing could get past you
and that's when she understood that you dressed whichever way pleased you, because you were just that confident in your skills.
God she loved everything about you. Too much almost. It took her a good few months to come to terms with it but once she did she found herself looking at you like a lovesick puppy.
suddenly all those girl-ish things she hated became endearing and she was excited to see your name next to hers on schedule the same way she was boiling with rage when she saw you paired up with someone else.
“williams?” she snapped out of her thoughts and looked at you again standing a few inches away from her
“Ah there you are. Were you thinking of tits again?” You teased and Ellie gasped and frowned in shock unable to get used to your vulgar tone and freedom of lewd speech
“Shut up”
“what no shame in it. I do it all the time” you tossed the hint and she latched onto it harder than she held onto life these days.
She does too?
and that's when she bit her lip, ravenous. She was going to make a move at the party and she was going to make it matter
You've had your eyes set on Williams for a while now. Ever since she dated that artist girl that gave her,her tattoo. You were content admiring her from the side as some unattainable type of college crush. Made your mornings fun and gave you something to think about occasionally.
That was until she broke up and you slowly noticed how she gave you more and more attention. How her scoffs turned into chuckles and her frown turned into soft wrinkles around her eyes when she laughed at your poor taste in jokes
You never knew that this is what it felt like to be noticed by her, because it was something else. The first time you wore shorts out on patrol was an accident. You overslept due to a date leading to an eventful night and so you left the house in a hurry. You played it off with false confidence acting as if you intended to look that way out on patrol but once you saw how ellies eyes were fixated on your thighs and ass, oh boy did that change the game.
She didn't say much but her eyes were devouring you out in the open. That night you were painfully aroused and wet and a one night stand seemed like a fruitless attempt to quench your thirst. tonight you prayed that the reason she invited you over to hangout with her friends was due to an ulterior motive
You wore a skirt you had attempted to re-style by mixing the fabric of your exs cargo pants and tucked in a baggy T giving you the effortless look you always strived to achieve . You'd have to be hung upside down and burned before you admitted to anyone how much time you spent on your appearance and how much it actually mattered to you.
with one final look you tested out your movements and expressions in front of your mirror to make sure nothing fell out of line and grabbed your backpack. You reached the house at the far end of the town and knocked. Dina greeted you with that warm smile she always gave everyone
she whistles and gave you a side hug “You have a way of making everyone stop to look at you” you chuckled “Oh you flatter me”
she took you downstairs to the basement where the true party was happening. Music, drinks and lights coming out of the fog from the weed. Oh Ellie really did mean a party.
“Come , make yourself comfortable. Think ellie is pouring herself another drink over there” she said and gave you a knowing look which you couldn’t entirely grasp considering you had barely talked with the woman before
You didn’t even want to know where the hell did they find all of these supplies or who and what they traded them for but you sure as hell was going to enjoy it all. You took your time greeting everyone, stopping a bit longer with a few to exchange more than a greeting and rushing your way through the ones you ghosted after a one night stand finally reaching your destination. The table with the drinks. You started pouring yourself one when you felt a very familiar set of arms wrap around your waist
“You did come!” you smiled, your cheeks heating up realizing how close to your face, ellies was. you turned around with an easy smile and cocked a brow
“Well how could I miss it?” You scanned her outfit and your eyes stayed a moment too long on her pants noticing how baggy they were, and then the rolled up sleeves of her oversized hoodie. Oh this was an entirely different Ellie
“What?” she said with a soft frown “Something about my looks?” she questioned and her head dropped to scan her clothes. You shook your head
“No. You look different. That's all” hot, would be the correct word but you restrained from coming on too strong this soon. You still were unsure of her intentions after all
“Well like a good different or..?” she tried and took a step closer one arm on the table leaning against you and surprisingly towering over you slightly. your throat was dry and you were sure the bass held nothing against the beating of your heart.
“Wouldn't you like to know” was the best you could say your voice not as confident as you wanted it to sound but she seemed more than pleased with what she got out of you. She pulled out a joint out of her pocket and tucked it behind her ear
“Ellie, you coming?”
“Yeah on my way” she said, not breaking eye contact with you. She pushed herself away from the table and with a smirk winked at you “I'll see you around” and went Dinas way to see what she needed.
You breathed out a sigh of relief and downed whatever you had poured in your cup in an attempt to gather yourself together. Oh this would be difficult
Card games weren't your forte so you settled for a quick round of beer pong, which mind you, hardly any of the cups contained beer alone. One round after the other and now you found yourself with enough confidence to join some other girls dancing to the music and lip syncing with them. It had been a while since you let loose like that and so you gave it your all trying to ignore the gnawing fear of the fact that Ellie was nowhere to be seen. You wondered if she had found someone else for the night and thus changed her plans of pursuing you. So you just did what you knew how to do best
Ignore your problems
The girl in front of you seemed cute enough to make a pass at and she did seem like she was expecting something more out of you given how she had her arms around your neck and grinder her hips against yours. You acted oblivious,indulging her provocative dance with moves of your own knowing that perhaps you were the main attraction of everyone else in the room at that moment. Not that it mattered. Half of these fuckers were zooted out of their minds probably, high on crappy weed or questionable alcohol.
She whispered in your ear calling you by your last name “You are gonna make a move or are you just gonna keep me high and dry all night?” And you barked a laugh not ready for a response, that thankfully you didn't have to give when you were yanked back from your waist by the star of the night
“Sorry I think she had a little too much to drink” she said with a smile but her tone was more of a threat than anything. You glared at her for a moment unsure of why you were angry as she dragged you away by your waist and leaned against the wall
“Can I go now?” You tried but she pulled your body closer, your back flush against her chest. You found out a very dangerous piece of information in that second as your ass found her hips that should have been flat. But there was a delicious bump.
She came strapped
You turned in her embrace and realized if there was anyone who may have been drunk and needed fresh air that was her. Her lips were parted as she stared at you contemplating something seemingly lost in her own moment.
“Wanna go out for some fresh air?” You offered and she nodded, grabbing your hand and taking you out of the basement to the backyard. She looked around at the misty empty space and walked to one of the couches still not letting go of your wrist. She sat down and pulled you with no hesitation on your lap “So who was that girl?” She questioned you immediately, a slight warning in her tone that you ate up right away
“Ah, she was cute wasnt she?” You teased liking the idea that you made her jealous. Hell she had abandoned you for most of the night so you might as well take your revenge now
“Is that what you think?” She asked brows raised accepting your challenge. You knew she had the upper hand in this but you wouldn't dare let her know that
“I do, which is why I’m upset at you for so rudely interrupting us. Where the hell were you anyways, Williams?” You asked hoping your voice gave the jab that it intended and she just smirked pulling out the unsmoked blunt that was tucked on her ear
“Then by all means, you can go back in, dance and grind the night away” You felt like you would cry. This would be the first time a woman would’ve brought you to tears so fast and so quick but that thought faded away like smoke “Or…” she added
You quickly made yourself comfortable in her lap,sitting sideways,legs tossed over the armchair, excitement bubbling in your chest once again
“Or?” You urged her to continue and she took her damn sweet time lighting up the blunt and taking a long fat drag that she breathed out in endless waves and ripples from the side of her lips “Or you can stay here, and find out when being with a woman really is about” She said with booming confidence. Thank God you were seated cause your knees would’ve given out on you right then and there. She passed you the blunt like she was asking you to sign an agreement of choosing sides and you grabbed it,no hesitation to be found
“You sure do know how to make a girl feel special” You tried to hide how flustered you were and hoped your remark would avert her attention away from your thighs that you tried to close tighter to provide some kind of friction, or comfort to your aching now core
“Am I wrong though?” She continued and you stared at her long and hard while taking another drag and passing her the blunt again
“Wrong about what?” You felt dumb but you were glad to see her entertained
“You want me. It's why you’re here so willingly sitting on my lap. You never gave a fuck about that girl in the first place” She said reading right through you
“I-“ your throat was dry and your cheeks were burning. She moved her face closer to yours,one arm very loosely hanging around your shoulder, scratching leisurely at your back making you shiver. She cocked her head to the side slowly and her eyes fell on your lips.
“I knew your bark was worse than your bite” She said with affection almost and pulled you in for a long and hard kiss
Ellie was a good kisser you realized. Your mind strayed quickly wondering if she could eat you out that skillfully as well as she moved her tongue and lips on yours with such passion and hunger that made you elicit the most whorish and loud moans,drowned out by her mouth.
You have never been more turned on by this act alone yet you quickly switched positions and turned around to fully sit on her lap,legs on either side of her thighs, dry humping her crotch and grasping at her cropped hair needing more, not wanting to ever break away from this kiss. She ushered you further by bringing your hips even closer to the point where you were perfectly seated against her clothed strap on.
You whimpered and she pulled away for a second panting and looking down with a soft smile “somethings wrong?” You asked suddenly insecure and uncertain of what happened and she just shook your head “No just, You drive me crazy” She growled and dove back for another kiss determined to pull out more of those lovely sounds you made. She experimentally thrusted her hips up that made you gasp out loud breaking the kiss “I have to know” you tried to say between the continuous kisses that ellie showered you with “hm?” She asked not breaking contact from your skin and nibbling on your neck now, bruising it,decorating it with bite marks.
“Why did you come strapped? Who were you after?”
And she laughed, laying further down,her spine against the tilted back of the couch and with you almost laying on top of her. She spread her legs further and in queue you did so as well, almost whining at the loss of friction.
“Oh I knew I wanted to fuck you from the second I gave you that invite today morning”
She roughly bit your neck now and you moaned,loud and clear,praying that no one was at the upper floor of the house cause they would’ve surely heard that
“In fact I wanted to bend you over that table and take you then and there but I wanted to do this right. To be slow and gentle” she whispered against your skin, her fingers slipping beneath your hoodie and teasing the hem of your bra not quite giving you the much needed release from the desired contact.
“But fuck do you make it difficult for me to hold back”
She hissed and her hips, grinding against yours with more fervor than before as she went in for another open mouthed kiss, her velvet tongue stroking yours, almost spelling out her name, claiming you as hers.
“We can go slow from tomorrow” you said panting unable to bear any more teasing“Today I want you to fuck me like the animal in heat that you are Williams” You said and she grabbed your hair turning the two of you around in the couch with her on top of you and kicked your legs open
“Oh I will”
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jaehyunsprincesspeach · 9 months
Hii can i please request a fic Where Taeyong is sick (like maybe he has food poisoning or something) and y/n drops everything to take care of him because he calls saying he needs her 🥹
please excuse me while I go cry in the corner
this is so cute omg my heart is gonna burst!
hope y'all enjoy, and thank you for the request <3
All the love ~ lunar
I Need You
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Pairing: Taeyong x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of stress/anxiety , mentions of hospitals , mentions of illness (food poisoning , exhaustion), fluffy fluff
“Good morning baby, have a good day!”
You text your boyfriend Taeyong as you wake up in the morning, surprised that you are awake before he is. Usually you are waking up to a message from him, but with how busy he has been since releasing his solo album, as well as NCT Nation with their comeback, you are happy that he is able to get a little more rest today.
As you get up and get ready for your day, you are waiting for Taeyong to return your message, as he always answers as quickly as he can, when he has the opportunity to. Thinking he is still asleep, you push away the thoughts that are beginning to cloud your head, as the worry starts to set in, you remind yourself that he is probably sleeping… hopefully.
Driving to work, you have your music blasting, singing along to every song that comes on. Thankfully you left earlier than you normally do, as there is bumper to bumper traffic. Enjoying your music, suddenly you receive a call from Taeyong that caught you by surprise. Suspicion settles in your mind, as you answer the call. It’s rare for him to call so early in the morning, usually he saves that for late night FaceTime calls when he is at the studio, and needs you to keep him company while he produces new music.
“Hey baby, how did you sleep?”
“I need you.” Three simple words that hold so much meaning.
“What’s going on Tae, are you okay?”
“I don’t know. I don’t feel good. Something feels wrong. I just need you.”
“I’m on my way, love. Just stay in bed okay? I’ll be there soon.”
“Thank you, y/n, I love you.”
“I love you too, see you soon.”
As soon as you hung up the phone, you are getting off of the road at the nearest exit, nerves spiked, and worry taking over your mind. You called your boss to say that you would be missing work due to an emergency, and drive to Taeyong’s house as fast as you can.
Taeyong is the strongest person you have ever met. You’ve never known how he does it, but he always manages to get himself up early, and stay up late, working on what he loves. He never seems to get burnt out, and never seems to be tired from the strenuous schedules that he has set for him. Yes, he loves what he does, and he loves the busy lifestyle that he has, but surely you thought at some point he would need a break. Not once has he shown anyone other than you his exhaustion and stress. He tells you everything. All of his stress and worries and anything that could possibly be on his mind. But never before has he called sounding as worried as he did then. Never once has he shown an ounce of weakness when it comes to not only his job but his physical health as well. Of course, throughout the time of your relationship, he has been sick, usually with a common cold, but your gut is telling you this is something different. Something he’s never experienced before, and that’s what scares you.
Upon arriving to his house, you leave all of your belongings in your car, and rush into the house. You find him in his bed, clutching his stomach. Immediately, you run out to the kitchen and run some hot water on a towel, and take it to him, laying him on his back so that you can place the towel on his stomach.
“Hi my love, I’m here, whats going on?”
“I don’t know, everything just hurts.”
“I think we should go get you checked out.”
Giving you a hum of approval, you gather some things that he may need and take them to your car, before getting him out of bed, and getting him to the car, making sure to bring an extra empty plastic bag, just in case. Driving, he is silent, and so are you, as the anxiety courses through your veins. As soon as you arrive at the hospital, you run inside to get someone to help you, doing your absolute best not to draw any attention to you or the idol.
After he gets checked out by the doctors, you are brought in from the waiting room, unable to hide the worry on your features. The doctor explains that it is a combination of food poisoning, that is enhanced from exhaustion, and that they will be keeping Taeyong in the hospital overnight, till the effects die down and he is more comfortable. He’s asleep from the medication that the doctors gave him. Even in his sickly state, he looks so peaceful sleeping.
You pull up a chair next to the bed, and grab his hand, simply sitting in silence as the doctor leaves, and Taeyong gets the well deserved rest he needs. Studying his features, it’s still a shock to you how lucky you are to be with a man like him. After a while of sitting in the room, simply holding his hand, Taeyong wakes up.
“Y/n, you’re here.” He says with a sleepy smile
“Of course I am Tae, I’ll always be here.” You reply, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.
For the next few hours, the two of you talk like normal, and you know that Taeyong is doing his best to seem like he is okay, but you hate that he is pretending in front of you. You know that he is only doing it so that you wont worry as much, but it makes you worry more not knowing how he is really feeling.
“Tae, why are you masking?”
“Masking? What do you mean love?”
“I know you’re trying to make it seem like you feel better. Please, please don’t hide how you’re feeling around me.”
“Im sorry baby, I just don’t want you to worry too much. I know you have your own stuff going on, and I know you called out of work to be here.”
“I called out of work to take care of the man I love, thats all that I care about right now. Everything I have going on is not nearly as important to me as you are. Please don’t hide anything from me, I want to help, love.”
“What would I do with out you? You’re so good to me”, he says placing a hand on your cheek, “I love you y/n.”
“I love you too Tae.”
“What time are you going home?”
“Im not.”
“What do you mean? You need to sleep!”
“What I need is to know that you are okay. I can’t do that when I’m not here with you. Sorry baby, you’re stuck with me.” You say earning a hum of approval from him, followed by a kiss on the back of your hand. “Get some sleep my love, I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“You know, I really do need you. Whenever you’re not around, nothing makes sense, nothing feels right. Even being here, I know that everything will be okay, since you’re here with me.”
“I wouldn’t leave you for the world.” With that you place a soft kiss on his lips, and he begins to drift off to sleep, refusing to let go of your hand.
As he sleeps that night, you stay awake for majority of the time, simply thinking about all of the wonderful memories you have with him, as well as his words to you. I need you. Three simple words that hold so much meaning. As you drift off to sleep these words ring through your mind, and your heart swells with love.
“I need you too Taeyong.”
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strayheartless · 5 months
I have more Babyroth/ First babys things bouncing round my head. So here have whatever this is:
Based on this post
I think I should make it clear that these version of ASG will grow up different. They are still integrally them but without the angst and the jealousy. Sephiroth for one, doesn’t speak the same. He’s a little less formal and up tight. He’s still quite well spoken but Sephiroth “seph” Lockhart Strife is far more likely to yell “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK GENESIS?!?” When something goes wrong.
Genesis is far less confrontational. He’s still a pyromaniac don’t get me wrong - Cloud spends his life spraying things with fire extinguishers - but it’s usually cause he’s been messing with materia and it’s an accident rather than he’s mad and wants to burn down the world. He and Seph still get into arguments, but Gen is also far more likely to apologies when he knows he’s wrong.
Angeal is the chillest of the three kids. He likes to garden with his Uncle Barrat and and cousin Marlene; he’s quiet and cuddly; he’s a complete Mamas boy as well. Where Seph grew immediately attached to Cloud, Angeal kind of thinks Tifa can do no wrong. He likes to bake with her and helps her with food orders in the bar a lot.
Bedtime is Clouds domain. Tifa is very clear that yes, she’s their mom but she’s not giving up the bar, and Clouds work Schedule is far more flexible. Usually during the day Tifa entertains them while Cloud pops in and out on jobs, but the clock hits 4:30 pm and they swap places for the night. Cloud also tends to handle getting children out of bed. The way he sees it it he took them on, their his responsibility, Tifa should not have to deal with more than she chooses.
That being said, they are a pretty good team. It would be difficult to wrangle both Seph and Gen if they weren’t. Cloud gets them up; Tifa feeds them; Cloud handles learning; Tifa handles exercise and community work; Cloud makes dinner and introduces new foods; Tifa strong arms them into the bath; Cloud reads to them and gets them to sleep; Tifa makes sure she says good night before she leaves and checks on them when she come in from the bar. It just works for them.
When Angeal and Genesis turn up on the door step Sephiroth is about 16 months old so theirs a bit of an age difference between them that’s a reverse of the original one. He did NOT immediately take to no longer being an only child. Specifically he took umbrage with no longer being Clouds only priority.
This is because Genesis was an extremely sickly infant. They weren’t actually sure if he’d make it at some points. He’s got childhood Asthma -but he grows out of it; he is in a constant struggle to put on weight; he’s diabetic, and occasionally is right kidney just decides to give up for a bit. Vincent has hypothesised that it has something to do with his past (future?) degradation. But it’s later revealed by Tseng that “no, he was that ill as a child originally, Hollander just used to send test drugs to his parents occasionally.”
Angeals a pretty emotional kid. He’s not headstrong and rough like Seph and Gen but he cries pretty easily. As he grows up he’s still pretty easily set off and all cloud can think of is that thinly little ravenette boy who used to shuffle into the living room with his blanket and curl up next to Cloud because he had a nightmare. Clouds gone soft, Sue him.
One of the most memorable childhood incidents between the tree of them is the time Seph got Gens head stuck between the banister rails on the stairs.
Angeal once swallowed a spider and then proceeded to panic himself in to throwing up on the kitchen floor.
4 year old Seph is of the opinion that Cloud is “older than God” to which Cloud replies “it’s the stress of looking after three cracked out racoon children, it adds years to your face.”
Genesis tells the kids at school not to be mean to him because he’s uncle Vincent is a vampire and will “eat your liver with white wine sauce”. Vincent does not deny this when asked about it by a teacher at pick up time… yet nor does he confirm it. Everyone is unnerved.
Angeal insists on pulling up garden weeds and hiding them in his bed. Cloud is tired of explaining that plants are for pots ore the garden NOT for beds!
Yuffie likes to play a game when she comes to visit it’s called “did Cloud say this to his children or his dog?” Her favourite is “please do not lick the screen door, I just cleaned it!” He did not say it to the dog.
To answer Salty’s question no Zack and Aerith do not come back in this AU, mostly because they both found peace with each other. But also because they were not crack head evil lab experiments in their previous lives. Angeal gets added on the technicality that he did a lot of shit while being “conflicted by honour”
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stargazer-sims · 4 months
The More Things Change...
... the more they stay the same.
Victor and Yuri have grown a lot since their early days together, but no matter how much time passes, some things remain as consistent as ever.
Yuri matured significantly and managed to conquer his paralyzing self-doubt. He runs his own successful communications firm now and is well respected in the business community. But, he still dissolves into a sad little puddle and demands all the attention when he's not feeling well.
As for Victor, he's still working at the hospital and he continues feeling fulfilled by his profession. He likes caring for all his patients and makes their comfort his priority, but the patient who'll always be first on his list of priorities is the clingy and still impossibly cute one he has at home.
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Yuri: I’m sorry I’m ruining your day off. I know you wanted to go biking with Davey and Lindsey, but now you’re stuck with me instead.
Victor: I’d rather be stuck with you than with anybody else.
Yuri: Not when I’m ill.
Victor: Any time, no matter what. You know that.
Yuri: I feel bad that you’re missing your adventure because of me.
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Victor: It’s okay. The mountain bike trails aren’t about to disappear, and the weather will probably be warm enough for a few more weeks. I’ll have other chances to go.
Yuri: I wish I wasn’t so anxious about being alone. Otherwise, you could’ve gone anyway.
Victor: Honestly, I’m anxious about you being alone when you’re sick, too. Even if you didn’t mind, I don’t think I could’ve just left you.
Yuri: I need you.
Victor: I know.
Yuri: You make it better. I know that probably sounds like a silly thing to say since you can't actually make it hurt less, but you just... make it better. I don't know how to explain it.
Victor: It’s all right. You don’t have to explain anything.
Yuri: Stay close to me. Please.
Victor: I'm here.
Yuri: I was doing so well for so long, but I suppose this was inevitable. They don't call it a chronic illness for no reason, do they?
Victor: I'll take care of you. Don't worry.
Yuri: I know you will, but that doesn't stop me from wishing this wasn't happening.
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Victor: Do you think you’d be more comfortable in bed? I can go upstairs with you and we can cuddle for a while if you want. Maybe I could give you a belly rub.
Yuri: I’d really like a belly rub, but I’m not certain I can move. Not until the painkillers start to work.
Victor: That bad?
Yuri: Yes. It's that awful cramping pain, like someone's twisting my insides.
Victor: Do you feel nauseous too?
Yuri: Mm-hmm. I've been feeling uncomfortable for the past few days, but it's gotten quite a lot worse since this morning.
Victor: You didn’t say anything.
Yuri: The pain was manageable, and I've been busy. But I'm worried this might be the start of a new flare-up, and I don't have time for my body to betray me like that right now. I've got too much work to do.
Victor: I don't think your body understands your work schedule, love.
Yuri: *grumbling* Stupid body.
Victor: *laughing* Would it be inappropriate for me to say how ridiculously adorable you are?
Yuri: Probably, but I won't complain.
Victor: Let me know when you feel like you can move. I'll help you upstairs, and I'll take your temperature.
Yuri: Do I feel warm?
Victor: A little.
Yuri: Oh... brilliant. This had better not be another infection, or I'll—
Victor: What?
Yuri: I'll cry. I'll quite literally cry.
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Victor: It might not be as bad as you think.
Yuri: What if it is?
Victor: If you have a fever or if you're still in a lot of pain tomorrow, I'll take you to the urgent care clinic. In the meantime, try to rest, okay?
Yuri: Maybe we should go now. I mean, not this minute, but when Caroline gets back from shopping with your mother.
Victor: Do you want me to text Mom and let her know what's up? I'm sure Caroline can have dinner with her and Julian, and hang out there for the evening.
Yuri: No, it's fine. I can wait until she gets back at least, and I think she's old enough to stay by herself while we're gone.
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Victor: I don't like the idea of her staying alone, and I'm not sure I can handle being worried about both of you.
Yuri: If anything happens, your parents are across the street.
Victor: You're not concerned at all?
Yuri: Of course, but she's seventeen years old. She needs to be independent at some point.
Victor: I know, but maybe not at this specific point. Maybe we can let her stay on her own for a few hours when you're feeling better, when we can both be available if she needs anything.
Yuri: You know you're being overprotective, don't you?
Victor: You say that like it's bad.
Yuri: It's not necessarily bad. You can overprotect me all you want, but Caroline has a much different temperament than me, and she might not always appreciate being protected as much as I do. I think you need to let go, just a little.
Victor: I don't know. I don't like it.
Yuri: What do you want to do, then?
Victor: I still think she should stay with Mom and Julian.
Yuri: Okay.
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Caroline: I'm back from shopping! I can't wait to show you the cute... Oh! Papa, what's wrong?
Yuri: It's all right, Caroline.
Caroline: How is it all right? Are you sick? You were fine when I left. Was it something you ate, or...?
Victor: Papa hasn't been feeling good for the past few days. It seems it finally caught up with him.
Caroline: You're going to take him to the doctor, right?
Victor: We were just talking about that, as a matter of fact. We decided we're going to urgent care.
Caroline: Urgent care? But that's like, for when it's really serious. Papa, you haven't needed to go there in ages. Not since just after we got back from Sulani last time. That's like, almost two years. This isn't going to be like the times you've had to be in the hospital for weeks, is it? 'Cause those are terrifying.
Yuri: That's what I'm hoping to avoid.
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Caroline: Well, if you're going to the urgent care clinic, I'm coming with you. I'll hold your hand while we're waiting, and I'll do whatever you need me to.
Yuri: Well, I guess that's your dilemma sorted, Victor.
Caroline: What dilemma?
Yuri: He didn't want you to stay here by yourself.
Caroline: What are you even talking about? There's no way I'd stay here by myself in this situation. LIke, I'm already freaking out, so can you imagine how much worse it'd be if I was here worrying about you all alone?
Yuri: I thought you might like to have the house to yourself.
Caroline: Maybe if it was just a normal day and I had a few hours to myself to do something fun, but not right now. Maybe you can let me have the house to myself some other time. You know, like when you're feeling better and I'm not losing my mind over all the worst-case scenarios and stuff.
Victor: There's not going to be a worst-case scenario.
Caroline: I'm coming with you so I can hear the doctor say that.
Victor: Because I'm totally not a fully-qualified registered nurse.
Caroline: Victor, that's not what I mean! You totally are, but you know there's a hierarchy or whatever. Husband first, then nurse. And you can't say there isn't, because I've seen you acting even more panicked than me when Yuri's sick, and I know for sure you'd never be like that with your patients.
Victor: I do not panic. I'm one hundred percent calm. Trust me, I'm a professional.
Yuri: I don't think you're convincing her, love.
Caroline: You're not. Now, stop pretending to be a tough guy, 'cause we all know the truth. And don't tell me I'm not allowed to come with you because this is one time I'm not gonna do as I'm told.
Yuri: Oh? Just this one time?
Caroline: Ugh! You guys are so infuriating! How can I even love you so much when you're so annoying?
Victor: We're not going to tell you not to come. I'd like it if you did.
Yuri: I would too. I certainly wouldn't turn down the offer of you holding my hand while we're waiting.
Caroline: I know that's not much. It's not going to fix anything, but I also know you really don't like going to the doctor, so hopefully it'll make the whole thing a bit easier.
Yuri: Don't say it's not much. You might be surprised how much it truly can fix when you know you're with somebody who loves you.
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big-ass-magnet · 5 days
Relatively Speaking, This Will Probably Be Fine (Ch 2)
Fandom: Girl Genius Rating: T Summary: Barry has left Agatha in the care of his mother, Teodora. As far as anyone knows, she is the daughter of a family friend and Teodora's ward, keeping her company while her sons are missing and her husband's illness keeps him on death's doorstep. It is up to Lady Teodora to ensure that no one questions this story.
A prequel to 'Helpful, in a Heterodyne Sort of Way'!
<Last Chapter | Next Chapter>
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The important thing, Teodora knew, was to get ahead of any rumors before they could start. Even the possibility of a new Heterodyne would bring the eyes of Europa onto them.
So the day after Barry left, Teodora took Agatha Sannikova with her to the market.
Teodora had made a point not to let her sons’ disappearance or her husband’s illness interrupt her schedule, even after all this time. She hoped it brought a sense of normalcy to the people of Mechanicsburg in a time of such uncertainty. The Heterodynes are out of reach, the Jägers are gone, an outsider rules the town, but it is Wednesday and Lady Teodora is going to the market.
Sometimes she worried it was instead a reminder of a family dead in all but name, the last survivor and the only one they didn’t need.
The moment she set foot outside, she knew she had been right to move quickly. All eyes fixed on the little girl at her side. She saw people drifting together in twos and threes, whispering to each other, a hopeful hunger in their expressions.
“Now, you stay close, Agatha,” Teodora said as they approached the market stalls.
“Yes, Ms Teodora,” Agatha said obediently. Teodora saw that reach the people’s ears, souring hope with the first touch of uncertainty. She prayed this would work. Oh, why couldn't Barry have taken the girl to Punch and Judy? But she had not been able to find the strength to insist. Now that she knew Agatha existed, Teodora wanted her close.
“We’re going to go straight to the grocer’s first, but on our way back, I want you to look around at the stores and pick out two new things for your room. You'll be living with me from now on, and I want the house to feel like a home to you.”
Agatha gave her a strange sort of smile—the indulgent kind an adult might give a child who was being unrealistic.
And sure enough, on the way home, the things Agatha considered were all small trinkets, things that could be easily tucked into a bag or a pocket. Barry had been right—the lack of stability had begun to take its toll.
“How about one of those paintings?” Teodora suggested. “Maybe that one, with the clank in the forest? Your uncle said you like clanks.”
“It is pretty,” Agatha said, softly, longingly. But then she shook her head. “Too big.”
“They’ll bring it to the house if you don’t want to carry it.”
Again that indulgent smile.
“To fit in my bag, Ms Teodora. And too expensive to leave behind.”
“You don’t have to put it in a bag—”
But Agatha’s eyes went wide.
“Look at that!”
She obediently did not release Teodora’s hand, but instead dragged her all the way across the road to a little cart of novelty clocks. All eyes were on Agatha now, and Teodora’s heart began to beat faster. If this didn’t work—if Agatha didn’t—if the people didn’t care about the—
The clockmaker had been keeping his hands busy, and showing off his skill, by assembling a clock right at the stall. Agatha stood on tiptoes to see all the pieces and tools, her eyes shining.
“You like it?” he asked, pleased. He lifted the half-finished clock and turned the back to Agatha so she could see the mechanism. “Go on, push that button there.”
“But it’s not done yet,” Agatha said. “I can see the pieces that are missing.”
The clockmaker’s eyes lit up, and a wave of nausea rolled over Teodora.
“Can you now?” he said, smiling. “Well it can still run, even without all the parts.”
“Sure. Just can’t keep time very well.”
Warily, eyeing the clockmaker as if he might be pulling some trick, Agatha reached out and pushed the button. A tiny counterweight dropped, and cogs began to turn. Agatha watched, eyes alight, fixing her attention on each part of the mechanism one at a time, fascinated by their intricate movements.
“It sounds so much prettier than a pocket watch,” she said.
“That’ll be the pendulum. You can’t put one in a watch, ‘cause it only works properly when it’s stable. As soon as you move it around, physics kicks in and plays hob on the tempo.”
“What if you built it so the pendulum ignored the physics?”
The clockmaker smiled, folded his hands on the table before him, and leaned forward. His manner was casual, but he was eager, and all around Teodora could feel the Mechanicsburg crowd begin to form around them. Moths to the Heterodyne flame. 
“And how do you suggest I do that?”
Agatha gnawed on her lip, eyes flicking over the clockwork.
“Something gyroscopic—no, but that would only be good for keeping it still. Maybe some sort of counterweight! Something that could—”
Suddenly she let out a cry of pain and grabbed her head.
“Ow! Ow, ow ow—”
Teodora wrapped her arm around Agatha’s shoulders as the clockmaker sat back, alarmed.
“I didn’t—”
“It’s alright,” Teodora reassured him. “She gets these headaches sometimes, when she gets...overwhelmed.”
And that did it. The light left his eyes. All around them, Mechanicsburg turned away. The whispers faded, the rumors stillborn.  Whoever this mysterious girl was, she wasn’t the mystery they wanted. Whoever heard of a Heterodyne who got headaches when she thought too hard—and over something as simple as clockwork?
“Ah. Poor thing.”
Teodora felt relieved.
And she felt like a monster.
“Come along, dear,” she said, soothingly, leading Agatha away. “Let’s get you home and you can lie down.”
“It hurts,” Agatha sobbed.
“It’ll be alright,” Teodora said, every word burning like hellfire in her mouth. “You just need to be sure to take it slow, next time.”
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mischaswife · 7 months
Oh shit.
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(part one.)
Pairing: Eddie munson x (FEM) Reader
Genre: fluff,Angst
TW: swearing, not proof read
Summary: Your the new girl in town. Moving all the way from canada. But you meet two kids. Steve harrington and eddie munson. Lets just say your first week in hawkins was...Not a good one.
Based off: The muse, drama class
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"Yo, did you hear there is a new girl?" Steve asked Eddie. "Yeah, so what? And i dont care i need to graduate this year" Eddie said not looking away from his class work. "Cool. Anyways ive heard shes smokeing hot. And sense Nancy whats to be a bitch and go after little jonny boy, I need a girl to be my prom queen this year" Steve tells Eddie.
The classroom door opens and everyone looks at who walks in. "Alright class this is our new student, Moveing here all the way from Canada! Plese introduce yourself" Ms.Halley says and turns to you. "Oh uhm, yeah i just moved here from canada and i like to sing, Act and my freinds in canda say i throw killer parties. And i have a cat" you say fiddleing with your fingers. "Great! Now you can go sit next to steve harrington in the 5th row, he can tell you what weve been doing" Ms.Halley says pointing to a seat.
you nod and sit next to steve and put your bag next to your chair. "Hi, Im steve." Steve smiles. "Hello,im (name)" you smile back. "Your voice is very pretty, just like you. Shit my bad" he laughs softly, you laugh softly as well. "This is my friend, Eddie munson," He says looking at the boy behind you, "Hey," Eddie says with a half smile, you wave back with a smile and face steve. "So what have we been doing?" you ask him. "Oh weve been reading The pillars of the earth by Ken Follett" Steve says. You nod and the bell rings.
"Rember! You all have a math test after lunch!" Ms.Halley yells as everyone walks out. You stick with steve and compate schedule. You have 3 classes with him. But not your next period. "Hey eddie!" you call out to eddie and be walks to you, "Yes?" he asks. "Lemme see your schedule" you say and he give it to you, "Look we have the sams next period" you smile. "guess we do" he smiles back. "Gotta go steve, see you at lunch?" you say. "Yeah ill see you then" he smiles then you and eddie walk to class.
Steve stoops eddie after class and takes him to an ally way "You need to ask her on a date for me" Steve says, "What? Do it yourself" eddie tells steve and is avout to walk away but steve stops him. "If you do this ill make my dad make you the openers of the city hall music contest and make you win" steve says. Eddie looks at him and smirks "Deal"
(time skip to the next day)
Eddie bumps into you "Oh shit my bad" he says as he helps get your stuff off the ground, "Yeah its okay" you say as eddie hands you your stuff.
"okay munson, just ask her to go on a date with steve" Eddie tells himself and looks at you.
"Wanna go on a date with me?" he asks
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tsukimefuku · 3 months
Overdue introduction post
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She/Her • bi/pan • AuDHD non-monogamous lady • professional tinkerer • this year I’m gonna be unstable unstoppable
If you like anything I write, please leave a comment. I do my best answer each and every one made :)
I don’t usually take requests because I came back to writing in order to let my AuDHD run wild like a toddler with a pair of scissors, completely unbound by earthly restraints. However, I do take suggestions, if you’d like to send one in my Asks.
Pen name and meaning: Tsukime Fuku or Fuku-Chan. I wanted something to resemble the owl I feel like, most of the time (I have terrible sleeping issues). Fukurou (梟) in Japanese means Owl, so I just decided to shorten it in katakana (フク). I wrote Tsukime in kanji (疲明) mixing up the gloomy and tired aspect from “Tsuki” with the bright one from “Me”. I’m a tired, gloomy, somewhat optimistic millenial owl.
My letters from the LGBTQIAP+ community: B for kissing multiple genders and A for demisexual (I can’t spell, sorry). Also, I’ve got a wife.
Where I’m from: A country well known for being God's wild random sandbox experiment 🇧🇷 For that reason, English is not my native language (you can communicate with me in Portuguese, Spanish and English. If by any chance you say something in Italian, please make it three-year-old friendly).
Current fandoms: Jujutsu Kaisen (main) and Hazbin Hotel (secondary).
Former or everlasting fandoms: Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist, flanaverse, Bojack Horseman, Rurouni Kenshin, Avatar (both The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra — I’m a Korra stan), Sherlock (books, stories, and BBC Series), Steven Universe, House MD, Supernatural, and other things I’ll add as I remember them.
Favorite genres of fiction: murder/mystery (b1tch! grew up reading Sherlock), terror, horror, drama and millennial comedy / dark humor. Currently, I’ve been getting into smutty fiction and rather enjoying it. I also want to write some chick lit stories, so...
Fun(?) facts about me I had enough time to come up with, instead of nervously sweating in the middle of a date thinking about them (this might get updated regularly, but probably won't - most recent will be at the bottom of the list):
Yes, I’m a criminal defense attorney. I love and hate my job multiple times a day.
I have a deranged type of humor (it's because of my inner demons. They have many voices. One of them is Carol)
I am unhinged and shitpost like a hell spawn. That's not a fun fact, it's a warning
I'm controlled by a monkey with a typewriter that lives inside my head. It feeds off of my anxiety during the day, then gives it back to me at night. It's lovely.
My writing process goes about like this: I get an idea. It plagues my every waking moment. If I don't write it, I realistically believe it might consume me into oblivion. So I write. Should I write because it's fun? Sure. Do I write to quench the thirst for dopamine of my inner demons (that have many voices, one of them is Carol)? Absolutely.
I got diagnosed with ADHD in my early 20's, and autism in my late 20's. These were definitely my roaring 20's, and we don't talk about it.
I try to be a kind person when I can. As a lady in her late 20's with some life and trauma experience involving mental illnesses, addiction, grief, and much more, you can always DM me if by any chance you need to talk about anything. I don't bite (much).
I realized I've been chatting with an online acquaintance that lives with a 12+ hour difference. That's how fucked my sleep schedule is — you can't fuck up your sleep schedule if you have none, amiright?
I need a soundtrack for everything I'm doing. It makes talking to people in real life very difficult.
I never know what day of the month it is. It's led me to receive happy birthday's unannounced and feel very confused at the people congratulating me on "my special day". I had done nothing special. It made no sense.
I tend to write very fast. It's the monkey's fault.
My most unpopular opinion: HIMYM ending was the correct choice, and made perfect sense for Ted and Robin.
My favorite quotes in English are the ending to The Great Gatsby (“so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past”) and a tidbit from Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest (“Truth is rarely pure and never simple”).
My favorite poem of all time is "Tabacaria" by Fernando Pessoa.
Something you’ll NEVER see me writing in love stories is romanticized jealousy and possessiveness. Everyone has their thing, but that’s really not mine, and I don’t enjoy writing it. When I DO write about jealousy, I like to explore the underlying insecurity and pain behind it.
I’m here to spread the non-monogamy queer agenda.
If you read this through the end, thank you, and I'm slightly concerned for your mental well-being. Come on over and have a cup of tea.
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