#no emotional outbursts or prone to manipulation ? SEXY
wutheringskies · 11 months
I discovered Lan Wangji and now I'm completely in love with ISTJs
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hoseokisamood · 5 years
BTS as types of yanderes
Note: I’m reposting this because it was deleted? in the Tumblr purge. Sorry about that. Have a nice christmas everyone!
I’m writing this as a reference and also because it’ll clear up why I chose to write certain people the way that I did.
very much the overbearing type
obsessed with the idea of perfection
had loving parents growing up, and wants to have the same joy as them (or alternatively, you can pretend he had a bad family growing up and wants a perfect one to fix the ache inside)
connects his fantasy of having the perfect wife to the fantasy of having the perfect family
husband material
tl;dr he finds the image of having a pretty, obedient wife and perfect children very satisfying and almost arousing
controlling in a passive matter
expects to be listened to and finds disobedience distasteful
the end result of the relationship is marriage. period.
s/o cannot leave or do anything to disrupt the fantasy that jin wants
prefers emotional manipulation but is willing to become physical as another aspect of being the perfect husband (strong and dominant)
attracted to a strong personality and physically fit individual (a sign of mental fortitude)
the kind of person to very much fixate on the idea of s/o being the only one, no one else is even an option after finding them
sexual arousal is connected to tense interactions with s/o; aka he gets turned on from them feeling frightened or angry
he likes strong personalities because he considers himself a fantastic dominant and he likes the challenge of subduing someone who wouldn’t normally be subdued
not as attached to the idea of the perfect relationship as jin but nonetheless, he wants the outside world to think that he and s/o are a loving couple
wouldn’t hesitate to take away electronics or communication devices
his weakness is other men talking to his s/o
s/o is his. he said so, so they are. that’s the end of the story.
doesn’t feel the need to constantly give affection as a method of keeping his s/o; he feels that they should just be with him regardless
the least likely to care about the wants and needs of his s/o
not out of a lack of empathy for s/o but rather he genuinely feels that his desires are above theirs
no qualms about locking s/o up or chaining them to his bed/wall
if all in and all fails and s/o doesn’t act the way he wants, he’s fine with emotionally tormenting them to get the end result he needs
personality isn’t as important as s/o having the title of “suga’s s/o”
makes a habit out of subtly finding ways to cut off their other friends and family
unlike jin, finds no arousal or enjoyment at the thought of having a family; in fact, it’s the opposite. anything that removes s/o’s attention from him is bad and unnecessary.
desires the perfect relationship
wants to always be happy and wants s/o to always be happy
when they aren’t happy, he gets upset, and forces them to at least pretend to look happy
emotional and quick to change his mood at the drop of a hat
aware of how cheerful he looks on the outside and uses it to manipulate those around him
the kind of yandere that is characterized by fear
he is always afraid that his s/o is going to leave him or cheat on him with someone else because he considers himself not worthy of her
not the type of yandere to explicitly punish his s/o
he would rather go after the object (or what he percieves as being) of her affections
very much infantalizes and babies his s/o and refuses to think of them as being their own person, free of his control
however his need to see s/o happy may cause him to let go off the babying to let them go about their normal business
another selfish lover like suga. the relationship is 100% about him.
easily jealous, but doesn’t let it show in front of others.
after he starts dating s/o, he tries to make excuses to be alone with them as often as possible so that he can punish them for various things
truthfully its less about the jealousy aspect and more about the sadism
he enjoys knowing that he’s the only one that can cause s/o pain and pleasure at the same time
connects sexual arousal to the mindset of “owning s/o”
surprisingly, doesn’t need to be dating s/o to be satisfied. Regardless of whether s/o is dating or married to someone else, as long as he considers them “his”, he’s fine
unless he feels that s/o’s signficiant other is a threat, or that s/o is paying more attention to their family than him
in that case, he has no problem getting rid of them and just taking s/o for himself
painfully insecure and painfully desperate to prove himself to his s/o
thinks of himself as being the only man for s/o
doesn’t like to think about the fact that s/o has friends and family beyond him
“do you really need them when you have a man like me?”
jealousy is worst than rm’s and v’s combined
will lose his mind when s/o so much as even glances at another man
unlike jhope he takes it out on s/o instead of the other man
very rough sex and dominating behavior both inside the bedroom and outside of it
because he’s so emotionally attached to the idea of being a perfect boyfriend (keep in mind; jin wants to be perfect husband. jimin wants to be perfect boyfriend), he’ll start crying if he feels that s/o isn’t satisfied with him
if he ever gets into such a state, he’ll blame s/o and tie them up and leave them in his house
he’ll calm down after their helplessness reminds him that he has the power in the situation
shy and not that great at making friends so is really reliant on s/o
constantly conflicted due to by nature being submissive but also having the physical strength and charisma to be dominant
forces the latter persona a lot to keep s/o by his side
the kind to feel calm by watching his s/o sleep at night
just needs constant reminders from s/o that they belong to him
willing to hurt anyone for their sake
even himself
the only one out of the bunch to be willing to let them leave him (except for maybe jhope) as long as they reassured him that they loved him
the only thing he needs is that assurance of love
the kind of yandere that would rather die than see s/o hurt
like j-hope, prefers getting rid of oponents rather than hurt s/o
as he grows older and his behavior changes, his behavior will most likely mirror jimin’s; incredibly prone to jealousy and physically dominant
don’t see themselves as yanderes: Jin, Jungkook, Suga. 
Jin and Jungkook don’t understand the concept because they each believe what they do for s/o is correct. Jin thinks that he is being the perfect husband while Jungkook thinks its normal to want to protect his lover. Suga is aware of his unusual behavior, but doesn’t care about societal norms.
aware of their mental condition/yandereness: V, Rap Monster, J-Hope, Jimin. 
Only V and Rap Monster know how to control their behavior to trick Y/N. J-Hope and Jimin are aware that there is something slightly off with their behavior, but they justify it as being love (they very much take to the phrase “crazy in love”).
willing to hurt s/o: Suga, V, Jimin, Jin. 
Rap Monster would reluctantly do it, and only when absolutely necessary. Jungkook and J-Hope would never dare lay a hand on Y/N. V and Jimin are more into hurting her in the bedroom, while Suga and Jin think it’s necessary to dole out punishments from time to time.
willing to hurt s/o’s romantic interests: Suga, V, Jimin, Rap Monster, J-Hope, Jungkook. 
Only Jin wouldn’t hurt another man for his wife’s careless mistake.
willing to hurt s/o’s family/friends: V, Rap Monster, Jin. 
Jin only when absolutely desperate. The one line that Suga won’t cross because of his own love for his family. Out of the three I mentioned that are willing, only Rap Monster would go as far as to hurt a direct/close companion of Y/N’s. V and Jin would prefer cousins or estranged relatives to show off their capabilities without ruining their chances with Y/N’s family (they want Y/N’s family to not realize what kind of people they are). Rap Monster is okay with hurting a sibling or parent if it means Y/N is paying attention to him.
likes s/o to be defiant and rebellious: Rap Monster, V, Jimin.
Definitely Rap Monster’s thing. He and V get off on this kind of behavior from their lover. Reinforced the “I own her” mentality they love. Jimin finds it unbearably sexy as well, due to his own possessiveness issues.
prefers s/o to be obedient and quiet: Jin, Suga.
Truly the most controlling of the bunch. Jin needs Y/N to be the absolutely perfect version of his fantasy. And Suga just doesn’t like having to go out of his way to be sadistic on a good day.
doesn’t care because they like s/o either way: Jungkook, J-Hope.
100% in love with everything about Y/N. They’re dedicated to making her happy, so they don’t mind the occasional submissiveness or dramatic outburst. I mentioned that Jungkook will eventually gain some of Jimin’s characteristics, but this aspect of him will likely stay the same. He doesn’t need Y/N to be rebellious to find her sexy, nor does he need her to be obedient to want her.
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Lilith in the signs
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The Dark Moon is representative of the darker side of our nature, the negative side. It is the hidden depths that we know exist yet we prefer not to acknowledge.
LILITH IN ARIES- is sexually licentious and immodest, exploiting her physical body.  Exotic dancing, pornography and other shameless activities that reveal her nakedness suit her.  What she shows you is tempting.   She suffers from esteem issues, and she needs to be adored for her physical form.  She subjects herself to unspeakable disrespect and degradation.  She hides her leadership qualities, opting to show her baser instinct.  She is violent and blood-letting in her dealings with lovers.  She is a storm, culminating war and anger around herself.  She is prone to childish temperament and lying.  As a mother, she is self-absorbed and angry, using corporal punishment to discipline her children.  She proves dangerous and even murderous to her lovers.   As a mistress, she plays the role of the homewrecker, bulking at nothing to get what she wants. LILITH IN TAURUS- is sexually dirty, as her naturalness is embraced; she is no friend of soap and water.  She delights in sex in its most earthly, feral form. She truly loves the smell of sex and money.  Her scent is alluring, whether it is her natural musky scent or artificial sweetness.  She is stubborn and will not be controlled.  She is immodest in her spending. She hides her finances and is capable of murder for monetary gain. Lilith placed here indicates shamelessness and waste in her financial dealings.  As a mother, she is controlling over the children as she strips them from their possessions.  As a lover, she is a drain on the pocketbook.  As a mistress, she is aims to take money and possessions that are not hers.  She is the prostitute. LILITH IN GEMINI- expresses duplicity and is never sexually faithful.  She is two different people and hides beneath the Gemini mask.  She adores her make-up as it hides who she really is.  She is gifted with a snake’s tongue and a brilliant cunning mind.  Lilith in Gemini exploits the mind and ideas, making lovers think it is their own idea.  She talks dirty. She tempts you with her words and plants dirty thoughts; her voice is sexy.  She corrupts the young.   As  a mother, she educates her child on how to manipulate others and she plays favorites.  She amuses herself as she pits her children against their siblings; she exposes them to inappropriate information.   Relationships with her own siblings are likely strained or estranged.   She lies to her children.  As a lover, she is a promiscuous liar.  As a mistress, she is kept waiting.  Lilith harms by shamelessly revealing the most intimate details and spreading vicious rumors. LILITH IN CANCER- Lilith in her detriment in Cancer.  Cancer Lilith is an unhappy placement, indicating hidden emotions coupled with traumatic childhood experiences that intermittently surface as unhealthy emotional outbursts.  Sexual abuse is likely in this position during early childhood.  She exploits the feelings of others to her advantage.  Her seeming innocence lures in potential lovers.  As a mother, she is childlike, and the children must coddle her.  She may neglect their early childhood needs as they are busy taking up concern for her needs.  She may have difficulty during birth, may be barren or other people may serve as a substitute parent.   If she cannot bare children, this would cause her extreme emotional turmoil.  The early childhood home is littered with secrets.   As a lover, she harms others emotionally, using her children as a pawn.  As a mistress, she plays the victim, displaying her over-the-top outcry for help. LILITH IN LEO- Lilith in Leo expresses her sexuality in an animalistic way.  She tempts through her ability to feed one’s animal desires.  She hides her inner actress and opts for a more overbearing tyrannical personality.  She is controlling.  She is a child abuser and a liar.  She is creative when her art is released.  But, wasted talent can result out of fear of expressing this creation side of the self.  As a mother, her children remain in her shadow; she hides her children.  She minimizes their existence in some way by conveying the internal message that they and their opinions are unimportant and never asked for.  As a lover, she creates the perfect fantasy.  As a mistress, she is robbed of her limelight, and denied the center stage that Leo desires. LILITH IN VIRGO-  expresses her sexuality in an inhibited way.  She may suffer from confusion between the Eve/Lilith Mary/Naughty dichotomy.  She hides her sexuality–a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  She lures with her words.   She talks dirty.  She exploits her own willingness to please and serve. She is the sexual servant in a most degrading way.  She delights in perversions of all kinds; she corrupts the young.  There is a connection between Virgo and anal sex. As a mother, she is ultra-critical, teaching hygiene and cleanliness. She may neglect her children’s day-to-day needs.  She might either be sentenced to nurturing a sick child or she herself suffers from health ailments.  In early childhood, her day-to-day needs were neglected, possibly substituting a nurse or nanny.  As a lover, she is critical and sharp-tongued.  As a mistress, she is kept waiting, harming with her harsh critical words. LILITH IN LIBRA- Lilith in Libra expresses herself through another person.  Relationships might somehow cause her to err, and her partner choice may cause much suffering.  She may choose violent partners who hurt her.  Her sweet persona is alluring.  She’s a real lady–flirtatious and charming.  But, beneath the exterior lies a jealous angry lover who seems forever involved in tempestuous relationships or marriages.  Lilith in Libra denotes divorce, as Lilith cannot remain subservient.  Extramarital love affairs and violence are commonplace within the marriage.  As a mother, she is unfair and rules with harsh discipline.  There may be messy custody or legal battles concerning the children.  As a lover, she is aggressive, yet co-dependent.  As a mistress, she causes divorce.   LILITH IN SCORPIO- Lilith in Scorpio is the devil incarnate.  She exploits others sexually.  She delights in knowing other peoples’ deepest secrets, yet she will never admit her own.  She is magnetic and sexually seductive more than any other Lilith placement.  She is the succubus.  She is the faithful keeper of secrets that will never confess to all her innumerable immodest acts.  As a mother, she is abusive and sadistic. This position is associated with severe child abuse, flagellation and sexual abuse during early childhood.  This is often a cycle, as the person with Lilith in Scorpio was also subjected to abuse in childhood. Death of children in the placement is possible.  As a lover, she is manipulative, using her sexual prowess to gain the upper hand in any relationship.   Sex is her best weapon.  Jealousy and obsessive stalking behavior is common, making her dangerous in love.  She would not even balk at murder.  As a mistress, she aims to take other peoples’ money and possessions.  She is the prostitute. LILITH IN SAGITTARIUS- Lilith is in her fall in Sagittarius.  Lilith placed here makes unwise decisions and does not learn from mistakes.  She is dedicated to her secret philosophies, and she judges harshly.  This position denotes hypocrisy and lying.  She is sexual blasphemy, using sex as a spiritual purge.  Lilith here exploits her experience, compelling a lover to try her; she corrupts the young.  As a mother, she gives no advice, keeping her children uneducated in the ways of the world.  They must fend for themselves as she will never tell them.  She lies to her children.  As a lover, she is spiritually and sexually free, offering release from inhibition.  There may be distance between her and the one she loves.   As a mistress, she provides an escape, but ultimately, she is kept waiting. LILITH IN CAPRICORN- Lilith is dignified in Capricorn.  Lilith in this placement is practical.   Lilith is also ambitious and goal-oriented to the point of alienation of all others. Bad choices cause her to topple from the top, where she so badly wants to be.  The reputation is somehow marred by sexual scandal..  She will exploit her personal power, using sex as her weapon.  Her appearance that she has it all together lures lovers to her.  She may also appear innocent as Capricorn often does.  As a mother, she denies her children of basic needs–hunger and cold are denoted.  This position can indicate severe deprivation in early childhood.  The mother with Capricorn in Lilith is unloving and cold.   As a lover, she hides emotions, appearing cold and severe.  She remains reticent in love and cannot seem to express her deeply felt feelings.   As a mistress, she causes downfall of people in power. LILITH IN AQUARIUS- Lilith in Aquarius suffers from thwarted hope and dreams.  Erroneous life choices cause disastrous change and instability.  Homelessness is commonplace.  Bad choices also cause loss of friends over the years.   There could be estrangement from children and relationships with in-laws will be disruptive.  She is stubborn and associates with the wrong type of people.  Sexually, Lilith in Aquarius is magnetic and experimental. She tempts with her experimentative sexual openness.  She is immodest in the bedroom, willing to try anything.  She is the swinger.  As a mother, she dashes her children’s hopes and dreams.  She is cold, starving them of emotional expression.  As a lover, she is promiscuous and freedom-loving, and she will not be pinned down.  As a mistress, she causes chaos. LILITH IN PISCES- Lilith in Pisces is secretive and suffers from martyrdom.  The perpetual victim exploiting the sympathy of others to her own delight.  Lilith here suffers from subconscious ailments and mental illness.  She hides her wounds as this placement denotes sexual abuse and trauma during early childhood. Sexual inhibition and confusion is likely.  She ties herself to the dregs of society, allowing herself to be demeaned and used to satisfy the lower basic instincts of humankind.  Temptation lies in her power to hypnotize and create the perfect sexual fantasy; she fills her lovers’ cup with their most desired poison.  As a mother, she is prone to drug use neglects her children’s day-to-day needs.  As a lover, she is secretive and promiscuous.  Many clandestine affairs are indicated.  As a mistress, she is kept waiting in a shadowy fog of confusion. S
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