#womb healing
holistic womb healing tip:
aim to keep your womb warm by avoiding or limiting the amount of cold you put into your body and replacing it with warm foods + liquids. this increases blood flow to the uterus and aids in fertility! even if you're not trying to get pregnant, on a spiritual level, having a fertile womb allows you to naturally magnetize the things that you want in life with ease.
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teentoospoiled · 4 months
débutante diaries
weekly journal entries reflecting on my teen years, advising teenage viewers for their adulthood debut
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My ignorance sabotaged me.
As smart as I was as a teenager, I didn’t know any better making a lot of past choices. I either followed the misguidance of my mother or had to figure things out myself because no guidance was available.
How could I know any better when my parents, grandparents and other adult authority figures were equally immature?
Immature and ignorant about money, womanhood and specifically dating.
My ignorance has led me to experience many harsh lessons. Lessons that made sure I smartened myself up.
Not even harsh lessons. In fact, many of my “shoulda, coulda, would’ve,” moments come from reflecting on misuse of my time.
Instead of listening to music on my hour plus journey to work, I wish I was listening to podcasts about financial literacy and investing (like Bitcoin! Damn I should’ve!)
Instead of giving grown ass men access inside my teen body, I wish I could have educated myself on abstinence and how to practice hypergamy with boys my age. In addition to preparing myself for dating up as an adult.
I won’t waste time wishing anymore. Instead, I am choosing to teach myself game I deserved to know as a teen. Game about these boys (men now). Game about life and how evil, Shiesty people keep the world balanced.
I have entered a new, interesting part of my womanhood. One which has me reflecting on where I’ve been in life and where I’m going.
Where I’m going is determined by the steps I choose to take. That’s why I’m making more wiser moves, starting with journaling about my teenhood instead of trying my hardest to forget those memories, some memories being my darkest moments.
2024 is already starting off an interesting year. So, let me sign off by stating an intention for success:
I have evolved into a woman who inspires strangers on sight. My aura, attitude and accomplishments attracts additional abundance. I am proud of the person I am and the progress I’ve made.
BuyMeACoffee, but I prefer wine ;)
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 3 months
Subconscious Manifestation ; How the Womb connects us to the psyche of our hopes and dreams. Divine Fem Talks.
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Hey! So this is a small read on subconscious manifestation, using the womb. If you're someone who identifies with your womb than this is for you. The point of this read is to help understand how to the brain and the womb come together in terms of manifesting our realities. I start off with speaking about the subconscious and daydreaming alone, and then connect them all together. Anyways I hope you enjoy this reading and if you have some questions do feel free to ask !
Subconscious Manifestation - Using the mind to connect to the psyche of dreamed realities and making them more realistic day by day.
So you daydream correct? Maladaptive Daydreamers can make a 9-5 out of this constant roleplay of characters they've created with themselves and the world around them.
However, when we spend too much time in the mind, we have forgotten how to manuveur in the body. When we're not activating our conscious brains to morph into the realities we seek. We get lost in what we think is realistic. And whats realistic is not always true. It's something we've all grown accustomed to. So heres my tips on how to process the reality you want but taking a closer look from where it's coming from.
Why did I add the womb? Because the womb carries knowledge of what we need in this reality. And working with both changes the universe's law. Which is connected to the woman. So I'll explain in detail what I mean by this, changing universal law etc.
We are the universe, we carry knowledge, abilities, ideas, things from out of this world comes into this body of ours and we as women give it life. The soul of a baby has connected itself to the womb before you known you were pregnant, and again, you give birth bring life to the world and we celebrate newness in this earth.
So your brain is the same way, it connects the soul to an idea and the idea waits for it to be birthed. When we are day dreaming, we are connecting to the universe. We are connecting to a certain part of our brain that lets out a certain arousement for the dream to even live on. So in this case, I'll ask you this... What is something that you're dreaming of? what are you waiting for? Yin energy is darkness, it is connected to the shadows, and its birth is how it comes to the light.
Now with yin energy, this is unconscious mind written all over it. The mind knows its place but you don't. You surrendered to society's stigmas on how the mind really works but have you really checked in to view that society might not be listening to whats really changing in our bodies and minds? Our minds are capable of a thousand different things. And i want to relax on this and allow others to shape their minds to a new perspective and make things different for your future.
My favorite thing about the womb and the subconscious/unconscious mind is that astrology aligns it with the moon and neptune. The womb would be connected to venus.
Both energies are necessary for growth in manifestations, but when do we draw the line?
I've embraced apart of myself that knows that my manifestations can come to reality when you just believe, however it is so much deeper than we understand.
We can go out there and do the thing, but when their is something rejecting itself in our bodies, how can we work to get these energies moving?
The womb is connected to our emotions, and our mind is the one that brings out emotion into an idea. So both come together to make a fine daydream come into fruition and our intuition (the moon) / gut feeling gives us the green light if its a good emotion around it.
What happens when the emotions are discomforting? Then the mind is also going to make it discomforting. This is the unconscious speaking through the soul, and your mission is to go through the darkest parts of the self to figure out where it leads. The ocean of layers that goes on in the psyche is a mystery on its on, but its a story waiting to be held lke a book and wading for the individual to read the book of waves it has settled into the gates of the mind. It's mission is to let you know how it is feeling in there, and grazing into the subconscious gives us the enlightment we need to push it forward to our conscious.
When a person has not faced their emotions, let alone know how to control them.. They wither away the potential of creating long term satisfactory when coming along the waves of emotions hiding in the belly.
The womb is a safe space, its sacrad voice need not be scoulded. It lets us know as women how to heal, what it truly wants, how to relieve itself from the poison and to move to its desired vibration.
When the womb isn't getting the nutrients it needs, it will fall short of having claritive dispositions. Blinding the individual with distractions and whether or not the woman knows how to deal with this contraction, she will lose hope when she is uncertain with where her energy is needed. The pain of the womb being from generations of trauma women have faced, this dire need to get the womb and the mind back on track is a need. The womb and the mind in a woman is a powerful took in attracting, and many centuries ago women from past lives where able to commence a deity or natural power towards them because cosmic energy lives through them. We are the sacred portals of divine fruits, and we've lost that along the way.
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Let’s talk about: The Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra, the second chakra located between the root and solar plexus, governs the reproductive system, pelvic floor and gluteus muscles, deep lower abdominals, and lower stomach area.
When people say they have a deep knowing, they are referring to the seat of sacral chakra energy. The sacral chakra is what houses our energy of creation, our legacy. It is the portal through which we materialize things we sense in other dimensions. It is where the kundalini awakening begins. It is where life begins. The only place where beings from other dimensions can translate into our dimension.
The sacral chakra is tied to the color orange, so consider eating oranges or surrounding yourself with orange to help feed some energy back into this chakra system.
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Womb Trauma: Anatomically Female Body Karma
From histories of forcible impregnation, rape, forced abortion, miscarriage, stillborn, death in childbirth, death for not producing the right gender child, forced incest, incestual impregnation, and more horrors, the female body holds karma that male bodies do not.
There is something that happens when your DNA and another’s mix within you. Female bodies must integrate the DNA of the one who’s child she carries. Being forced to hold children from traumatic circumstances has created vast gendered karma that a lot of us women and modern aware men are attempting to work through as a team.
Women’s bodies have been used to bring evil into this world, have been used as a portal of the worst kind. It has brought a depravity and savagery to the human race. Men fear this power we hold, the power of the portal. And that fear is the basis of patriarchy and its need to protect women. It is why they subjugate us and hate us, something I’ve been thinking so deeply about recently. That is why male bodies have always protected female bodies. It’s not only about children, it’s what those children can become, can do.
For some women, choosing not to have children in pursuit of other passions is their own desired way of clearing the karma. For some, choosing to be a stay at home mom is their way of clearing the karma. That is why it’s not fair to judge women for their reproductive capabilities or decisions. Having the physical ability to give birth or not does not take away the creative power of the womb, even if it doesn’t “work” the way the patriarchy thinks it should.
Prostate Trauma: Anatomically Male Body Karma
Biologically male bodies do not have wombs, but they do have a prostate which is an important part of their reproductive system. This prostate holds the male seed of power and pleasure. It is no mistake that homophobic fears have been instilled within the human consciousness as a way to divorce men from ownership of their own pleasure in sex. It allows them to put all their sexual desires onto women. But what is lost is a core piece of their humanity.
I think it’s important for men to practice learning sexually about themselves with exploration on their own, without the crutch of porn or a partner. I believe men who may try prostate milking for themselves would allow a well of pleasure to free them from sexual addictions and other desires that are really a desire to connect more deeply to their own sexual center. It may result in crying. A lot of healing I’ve done through sexuality and orgasming has led to a breaking down of my defenses and I cry like a baby, so I can imagine many men who try to connect to themselves this way will at first feel grief for the self abandonment. The goal would be to hopefully reconnect yourself enough to where that outpouring of self love is ecstatic and not shameful or heartbreaking.
One of the cruelest parts of patriarchy is the way it shames men for sexual urges and completely disconnects them from their own agency as owners of sexual desires for purely their own exploration and pleasure, not tied to the masculine pursuit of fucking/subordinating sexually women (I have anew feminist theory I’m working on where I’m starting to think all sex is subjugation for women in a patriarchal structure, but I haven’t fledged it out, anyway, even in a female dominant sexual position I’d argue it’s still female subjugation because the change in power dynamics is the exact thing that makes it erotic, which therefore upholds the power imbalance) or procreation.
Circumcision Trauma: Horrors for all genitals
I remember asking my grandmother about female circumcision as a child because a model on America’s Next Top Model was mutilated as a child. She told me it was the removal of the clitoris in women. Female circumcisions are performed in the Middle East, and other places as a way to control female sexual pleasure. Because many Abrahamic religions teach that women are the root cause of male sexual desire, it is thought to be “clean” and “pure” to make sex literally only about procreation and not about pleasure.
Male circumcisions also reduce male pleasure by desensitizing the head of the penis. Male circumcisions are no longer medically necessary but are upheld for aesthetic or religious purposes. They are extremely common in America and it is a huge first trauma to a male child.
Both of these traumas are unnecessary and cruel in my opinion and there is healing to be had around genital mutilation for all circumcised women and men and for those who had their genitalia altered, such as those with ambiguous genitalia.
**I have heard my females friends talk negatively about uncircumcised penises and how they are gross, look weird, etc. If you are someone who has negative feelings towards the natural male penis, I urge you to heal this. Do not uphold the idea that child genital mutilation is okay because of your own ingrained concept of what a male penis should look like. If you reproduce, consider what it means as a human to believe you have the right to make choices about someone else’s body in such a profound way. It’s a violation of boundaries and personal rights**
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Signs of a blocked sacral chakra:
- reproductive issues, menstruation issues, hormonal imbalances
- sexual performance issues, such as low libido (low for your normal, I know some people are asexual), inability to orgasm, pain during penetration and dryness for women, inability to stay hard for men
- fear around being seen or sharing yourself with someone
- literally blocked when it comes to writers block or some other block in your creative process,
- in men specifically, homophobia which was used to keep men away from the power of their prostate
- fear or disgust with sex or genitals
Ways to heal the sacral chakra:
- hip opening stretches/yoga
- orgasming to sacral chakra solfeggio sounds, for male bodies, prostate milking and orgasming can help clear held trauma
- strengthening your pelvic floor, lower abdominals, glutes, hip flexors through exercise
- twerking and somatic dance, belly dancing, pole fitness, any exercise that makes you feel sexy, is sensuous and can help you allow yourself to be in the sexual power of your body
- painting or engaging in some other form of art that requires you to transform immaterial matter into material, such as turning a thought into a painting or a song, creating a business, taking something and transforming it into something else
- for those with wombs, womb healing is a big thing that can help you heal very deep ancestral karma we carry in our sacral chakra.
- look into ways to heal your cycle, become more intune with your menstrual cycle and its rhythms, consider getting off birth control or approaching hormonal and reproductive health more holistically (if it works for you! Stay on birth control if it works for you! Get off if it doesn’t)
- working through any sexual trauma you may have, it’s very challenging but it’s rewarding, but follow what feels good and right for you in the moment, don’t push through something if it feels wrong, don’t override your system to give into sexual requests of partners
-connect to your body through exercise, begin to really feel your muscles and your material form, learn how to use breath to engage muscles and how to move your body, learn your body deeply, become the expert on yourself
- drink a glass of orange juice a day and imagine it cleansing your sacral chakra
-kegle exercises!
- being naked, or learning to embrace your body in its rawest forms
- massage and other forms of self love that involve touching yourself, so like a face mask, putting on lotion, painting nails, hair masks, hair brushing, things that make you connect with your body
- sweat! I love sitting in dry saunas to just sweat, it helps to cleanse your body including your sacral chakra and other more grounded chakras like root and solar plexus too.
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windonthewaters · 5 months
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onwacollective · 3 months
I created this Womb Healing Masterpost a year or so ago. Since then, I’ve continued to grow this list of resources, adding more info as I learn it. Every book, interview, podcast on the list I’ve read or listened to and found useful in my own healing. But I realize all this info can be overwhelming, confusing, and time consuming to get through to create the real change needed to balance your hormones. So, I’ve created cycle syncing wallpaper habit reminders to support women and menstruating individuals in balancing their hormones HERE.
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How to use:
These are specifically created for the 80% of women experiencing hormonal imbalance. I’ve designed them to make integrating the information and ancestral wisdom needed to balance hormones easily accessible. Switch each wallpaper background as you transition through each phase of your cycle. Every time you glance at your phone you get a reminder of what to focus on at a specific point in your cycle.
Each wallpaper contains:
🌟 A hormonal phase specific grocery list informed by the Autoimmune protocol (AIP) which means it excludes largely known gut irritants like nuts, seeds, beans, eggs, nightshade vegetables etc.
🌟 A list of herbal teas specific to the needs of each hormonal phase
🌟 A list of self-care practices specific to each hormonal phase
🌟 A journaling prompt
🌟 An affirmation
🌟 Basic overview of the hormonal changes occurring within the body during each phase
🌟 A list of vitamins/minerals to focus on in each phase (grocery list includes foods that contain these vitamins/minerals!)
🌟 Best care practices and tips for each phase
I have a vision of these hanging as posters in schools to teach children about the changes in each cycle. I wanted to make balancing hormones so easy that teenage me could do it. The info on the habit reminders connects to the practices and teachings described in the original tumblr post so if you ever want to dive deeper into a segment of info you can. You can find more info on how to download HERE.
If we let it, womb healing can be a beautiful initiation into feminine power. Be gentle with yourself 💗
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tarotprincess888 · 2 months
Studying womb healing ❤️‍🩹
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✨beyond the pines homestead✨
the American Indian way of community, harvest, & breaking bread 🍞
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infinitehealer · 2 months
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𝔐𝔦𝔫𝔬𝔞𝔫 is the goddess on my necklace. Let’s discuss a taboo topic now that eye have your attention..
Sex Priestess~
many people associate the sacred prostitute archetype with physical touching and/multiple sexual encounters.
This archetype calls for one to purify sexual energy and/or recognize shame within and regressive sexual energy abuse. This is an energy eye have struggled with for a long time. Often abused by myself and partners I’ve shared my sacred cosmic space with.
The great goddess has enlightened me of my immaculate power and how to use it for healing and regeneration vs. regressing myself by being a slave to desire. Eye do believe in self expression and women being natural hedonistic beings, but with great power comes great responsibility lol. Maybe we should discuss more about the power of sexual energy and the inherent chaos of the sacred feminine ? Let me know your opinion on it..
Eye hope my transparency was inspiring or relatable to exist as catalyst towards your spiritual journey, connection to the feminine and/or body awareness. Asé.
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nattynaturalgal · 8 months
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Healing by Touch
“One hand on the heart & one hand on the womb. Prayers held for the ones that came before me that held me in their womb. Prayers held for the life that is coming forth through my portal. Prayers held for the immense love and warmth that takes up space within these two centers.”
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daportalpractitioner · 2 months
cycle syncing tip:
your follicular phase is the best time of your cycle to problem solve + troubleshoot. if you're experiencing any issues that are being caused by something outside of your power + you know you are not the problem, this is time to ask your womb to provide you with the solutions you need to solve your issues. surrender to the dead ends + allow her to reroute you!
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sappymama · 30 days
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Divine Feminine 🌸🫶🏻
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the-crazymedicinelady · 9 months
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umi-ananda · 1 year
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Some health yummies from Jacqui with Amongst The Wildflowers.
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junkbbykow · 1 year
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doodlebeefy · 1 year
Divine Feminine
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Inspired by the divine feminine and womb healing.
You should also check out My speedpaint/Lyric video for this piece!
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