#sacral chakra
moon syncing tip:
stop working during your bleed! i know there are those of you that go to school or go to work and are unable to take days of of work, but if possible, try to take off the first day of your bleed each month. when that’s not possible, do NO EXTRA WORK. create a system in your home where those who occupy your space with you are able to take care of you during that time of the month. if you live alone, plan your meals ahead + clean your home ahead of time. your bleed is meant to be a time to rest for a reason. you’re experiencing multiple bodily functions at once and your body needs to to recuperate so that this time can actually be used as a time for replenishment + rejuvenation. as women, it’s important that we start taking that time of the month very seriously.
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hot-astrology · 4 months
Venus Dimples & Orgasms
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"The Dimples of Venus/Apollo." You may have heard how Venus always leaves her mark on those she blesses. ~ Moon Devi 🌙
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Venuz: Those dimples on your back really have a personality of themselves the way they smile at me, even though your cheeks are covered by your jeans
DEVI: What!!! 🤭
Venuz: You heard me....that's a real sexxxy feature to have on a woman's body.
DEVI: I know that's why I wear the right outfits to show them off.....😉😏.
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Venuz: Righttttt
DEVI: Not to mention, I noticed you have dimples on your lower back as well... 👀
Venuz: yea.... but this is about you right now, and your dimples....
DEVI: It's nothing wrong, with a man having beauty impressions ; in the same area... you know men's dimples on the lower back are actually called " Apollo Dimples," and they are very sexy to see on men as well..... 👀
Venuz: ohhhhh so that's why women be checking out my back while I'm playing basketball with my shirt off lol 😂 
DEVI: yep...
Venuz: these dimples are supposed to be magnetic, they attract money, partners, and abundance
DEVI: Don't forget they give strong orgasms, and are a signifier of fertility, after all they are located right on the sacrum (sacral) area.  
Venuz: hmmmm..... that's why I have strong, long ass ejaculations... 
DEVI: Yes, I experience the same, it's a sensation I can never get enough of. I always feel it lingering afterwards. 😏
Venuz: Yes it feels like your soul is protruding out. 
Venuz: I notice when I'm tapped into my Venus energy full throttle, I can feel the essence of the sacral energy producing more power, and sexual drive,and creating a longer erection , and a thicker shaft due to the extra blood flow produced by these Venus dimples better yet by apollo dimples.
DEVI: Wow, that's very in-detail.... Apollo is a very strong symbol for attractiveness and idolatry similar to Venus. So this explains this energy perfectly. These dimples are very rare to see in women but especially men! Only 3% of men have them and 8% of women.
Venuz: well um... I guess I'm blessed. Do your orgasms drain you or make you want to have numerous back to back?
DEVI: my orgasms don't drain me, I definitely want to have numerous back to back.....😏
DEVI: I feel like these dimples release a special sensual energy within a person. I don't think they exist just because. They are there for a reason..
Venuz: I agree they exist for a reason. The body holds many different energy points, and the sacral area is a very strong area. It's our genitals and reproductive system. In human design we have our generators. And it's funny enough how  you & I are both generators. Generators possess a strong sacral center. Because they project a lot of energy outwardly.
DEVI: yesssss.... I love how you brought that up fr! Do you think all generators have sacral dimples tho?
Venuz: hmmmm.... I don't think so, but I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of them do or are generator manifestors.
Devi: I agree! I see these sacral dimples as energy points, and that honestly goes for all dimples. Because they are rare. They tell alot about the energy points on a person. Those with sacral dimples could have even struggled with fully expressing their sexuality due to having so much of it and bottling it up. I know I can relate to that lol.
Venuz: well.....
DEVI: What? You got that look.... what are you about to say..... smh lol 🤦🏽‍♀️
Venuz: you don't have to bottle it up anymore ya know...
DEVI: mhmmmm..... we'll see....
Venuz: I can only imagine you laying back with your legs open, deep inside you while you're climaxing back to back while I'm caressing your Venus dimples. Shoving him inside your root chakra deep inside your sacral.
DEVI: ....mmmmm stop it! I can feel her pulsating just from the thought of it...
Venuz: CUM HERE !
Venuz: Now turn around
Venuz: How does that feel? 
DEVI: The way you're licking my Venus dimples, I can only imagine the way your tongue would feel licking on my clit.
Venuz: Shittt...Why imagine! 🤤 👅 💦 
Devi: mmmm.... 👅 + 🍆 + 🥊 = 🌊
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𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭
𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑺𝒆𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑷𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒔: ➡ 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐳 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐳 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢
𝐃𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐲: @rookthornesartistry
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sultanesarah · 6 months
how would you recommend we go about healing our sacral and root chakras? which activities should we do? love your blog btw 🌟
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What has personally worked for me to heal my "lower" chakras, was to connect to the different realms of art which has activated all my senses to the fullest. I truly believe it is not necessary to utilize any sophisticated nor any expensive tool: make sensuality your lifestyle and in return sensuality will thank you with its sweetness.
The realm of movement: I started with pole dance which has truly connected me to more fluidity in life...and I will start belly dance soon. However, I do enjoy these belly dance workouts by Leilah Isaac on YouTube. You don't necessarily have to join any dance club or group as you can do it from the comfort of your home. I do believe lots of people underestimate the power of our hips, especially for women. Lots of emotional debris are rooted in our hips, which is the center of our sacral chakra, movement is truly a form of medicine.. A healed sacral chakra (and hips) can help you redirect your energy, think of snakes which can control the energies.. I think it is important for each individual to identify what form of movement is needed for navigating through the specific phase you are, e.g I have noticed when I was in my "I am tired of being the nice girl" phase, I started strength training to gain more mental strength and audacity.
The realm of passion: Ask yourself what truly make you passionate about in life? Is it reading? Is it going on nature walks? Music? Do the people around you make you feel good about yourself and about life? I know it could be difficult sometimes to make time for our passions and deepest wishes and to confront yourself to the truth etc..though but honestly the lust for life you will experience is worth all the efforts and time.
The realm of visuals and smells : During my stagnant period, I totally lost touch with my most adored hobby which are perfumes, oils and essential oils. I have personally realised that cultivating a sacred relationship with your body is a prerequisite to heal your lower chakras. How do you treat your body? Do you listen to your body? Do you give your body the Goddess treatment it deserves?
The realm of emotions: Check in with yourself emotionally..
Archetypal work: I picked up certain archetypes that I wanted to embody as a form of inspiration. For instance, to connect to my sacral chakra and remove all the stagnancy out of my life, I started to connect to archetypes as the exotic dancer archetype.. But most importantly, it must be noted that YOU know what is best for you as intuition comes hand in hand with a healthy sacral chakra.
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enchanted-moura · 6 months
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Let’s talk about: The Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra, the second chakra located between the root and solar plexus, governs the reproductive system, pelvic floor and gluteus muscles, deep lower abdominals, and lower stomach area.
When people say they have a deep knowing, they are referring to the seat of sacral chakra energy. The sacral chakra is what houses our energy of creation, our legacy. It is the portal through which we materialize things we sense in other dimensions. It is where the kundalini awakening begins. It is where life begins. The only place where beings from other dimensions can translate into our dimension.
The sacral chakra is tied to the color orange, so consider eating oranges or surrounding yourself with orange to help feed some energy back into this chakra system.
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Womb Trauma: Anatomically Female Body Karma
From histories of forcible impregnation, rape, forced abortion, miscarriage, stillborn, death in childbirth, death for not producing the right gender child, forced incest, incestual impregnation, and more horrors, the female body holds karma that male bodies do not.
There is something that happens when your DNA and another’s mix within you. Female bodies must integrate the DNA of the one who’s child she carries. Being forced to hold children from traumatic circumstances has created vast gendered karma that a lot of us women and modern aware men are attempting to work through as a team.
Women’s bodies have been used to bring evil into this world, have been used as a portal of the worst kind. It has brought a depravity and savagery to the human race. Men fear this power we hold, the power of the portal. And that fear is the basis of patriarchy and its need to protect women. It is why they subjugate us and hate us, something I’ve been thinking so deeply about recently. That is why male bodies have always protected female bodies. It’s not only about children, it’s what those children can become, can do.
For some women, choosing not to have children in pursuit of other passions is their own desired way of clearing the karma. For some, choosing to be a stay at home mom is their way of clearing the karma. That is why it’s not fair to judge women for their reproductive capabilities or decisions. Having the physical ability to give birth or not does not take away the creative power of the womb, even if it doesn’t “work” the way the patriarchy thinks it should.
Prostate Trauma: Anatomically Male Body Karma
Biologically male bodies do not have wombs, but they do have a prostate which is an important part of their reproductive system. This prostate holds the male seed of power and pleasure. It is no mistake that homophobic fears have been instilled within the human consciousness as a way to divorce men from ownership of their own pleasure in sex. It allows them to put all their sexual desires onto women. But what is lost is a core piece of their humanity.
I think it’s important for men to practice learning sexually about themselves with exploration on their own, without the crutch of porn or a partner. I believe men who may try prostate milking for themselves would allow a well of pleasure to free them from sexual addictions and other desires that are really a desire to connect more deeply to their own sexual center. It may result in crying. A lot of healing I’ve done through sexuality and orgasming has led to a breaking down of my defenses and I cry like a baby, so I can imagine many men who try to connect to themselves this way will at first feel grief for the self abandonment. The goal would be to hopefully reconnect yourself enough to where that outpouring of self love is ecstatic and not shameful or heartbreaking.
One of the cruelest parts of patriarchy is the way it shames men for sexual urges and completely disconnects them from their own agency as owners of sexual desires for purely their own exploration and pleasure, not tied to the masculine pursuit of fucking/subordinating sexually women (I have anew feminist theory I’m working on where I’m starting to think all sex is subjugation for women in a patriarchal structure, but I haven’t fledged it out, anyway, even in a female dominant sexual position I’d argue it’s still female subjugation because the change in power dynamics is the exact thing that makes it erotic, which therefore upholds the power imbalance) or procreation.
Circumcision Trauma: Horrors for all genitals
I remember asking my grandmother about female circumcision as a child because a model on America’s Next Top Model was mutilated as a child. She told me it was the removal of the clitoris in women. Female circumcisions are performed in the Middle East, and other places as a way to control female sexual pleasure. Because many Abrahamic religions teach that women are the root cause of male sexual desire, it is thought to be “clean” and “pure” to make sex literally only about procreation and not about pleasure.
Male circumcisions also reduce male pleasure by desensitizing the head of the penis. Male circumcisions are no longer medically necessary but are upheld for aesthetic or religious purposes. They are extremely common in America and it is a huge first trauma to a male child.
Both of these traumas are unnecessary and cruel in my opinion and there is healing to be had around genital mutilation for all circumcised women and men and for those who had their genitalia altered, such as those with ambiguous genitalia.
**I have heard my females friends talk negatively about uncircumcised penises and how they are gross, look weird, etc. If you are someone who has negative feelings towards the natural male penis, I urge you to heal this. Do not uphold the idea that child genital mutilation is okay because of your own ingrained concept of what a male penis should look like. If you reproduce, consider what it means as a human to believe you have the right to make choices about someone else’s body in such a profound way. It’s a violation of boundaries and personal rights**
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Signs of a blocked sacral chakra:
- reproductive issues, menstruation issues, hormonal imbalances
- sexual performance issues, such as low libido (low for your normal, I know some people are asexual), inability to orgasm, pain during penetration and dryness for women, inability to stay hard for men
- fear around being seen or sharing yourself with someone
- literally blocked when it comes to writers block or some other block in your creative process,
- in men specifically, homophobia which was used to keep men away from the power of their prostate
- fear or disgust with sex or genitals
Ways to heal the sacral chakra:
- hip opening stretches/yoga
- orgasming to sacral chakra solfeggio sounds, for male bodies, prostate milking and orgasming can help clear held trauma
- strengthening your pelvic floor, lower abdominals, glutes, hip flexors through exercise
- twerking and somatic dance, belly dancing, pole fitness, any exercise that makes you feel sexy, is sensuous and can help you allow yourself to be in the sexual power of your body
- painting or engaging in some other form of art that requires you to transform immaterial matter into material, such as turning a thought into a painting or a song, creating a business, taking something and transforming it into something else
- for those with wombs, womb healing is a big thing that can help you heal very deep ancestral karma we carry in our sacral chakra.
- look into ways to heal your cycle, become more intune with your menstrual cycle and its rhythms, consider getting off birth control or approaching hormonal and reproductive health more holistically (if it works for you! Stay on birth control if it works for you! Get off if it doesn’t)
- working through any sexual trauma you may have, it’s very challenging but it’s rewarding, but follow what feels good and right for you in the moment, don’t push through something if it feels wrong, don’t override your system to give into sexual requests of partners
-connect to your body through exercise, begin to really feel your muscles and your material form, learn how to use breath to engage muscles and how to move your body, learn your body deeply, become the expert on yourself
- drink a glass of orange juice a day and imagine it cleansing your sacral chakra
-kegle exercises!
- being naked, or learning to embrace your body in its rawest forms
- massage and other forms of self love that involve touching yourself, so like a face mask, putting on lotion, painting nails, hair masks, hair brushing, things that make you connect with your body
- sweat! I love sitting in dry saunas to just sweat, it helps to cleanse your body including your sacral chakra and other more grounded chakras like root and solar plexus too.
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kidestom · 5 months
50 Chakra Affirmations for Each of the Seven Major Chakras
In my chakra affirmations series, you'll find 50 chakra affirmations for each of the seven major chakras of the human energy field.
Each blog post provides an overview of the chakra along with fifty positive affirmations you can use to nurture healthy expression of that individual chakra.
These affirmations are a great resource you can use anytime. Click the link below to start using the affirmations!
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Root Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Balance, Inner Stability, and Vitality
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Sacral Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Warmth, Flexibility, and Creativity
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Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Confidence, Self-Worth, and Empowerment
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Heart Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Love, Compassion, and Inner Peace
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Throat Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Effective Communication, Authenticity, and Playfulness
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Third Eye Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Imagination, Intuition, and Awareness
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Crown Chakra Affirmations to Nurture Higher Consciousness
Healthy and balanced expressions of the seven energy centers can mean an optimal connection between your physical and energy body.
An optimal flow of energy or life force throughout the body and energy field promote overall health and well-being and bring about a long list of physical, psychological, and energetic benefits.
You can practice using the affirmations to increase the frequency of positive thoughts you experience related to the individual chakra function.
For more tips and guidance on consciousness expansion, visit my website!
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Money & The Lower Chakras
Money is connecting to our 3 lower chakras:
The root chakra deals with our security and stability. Are ability to feel safe and confident in our environment.
Sacral deals with our emotions, our creativity, passion, sexuality/sensuality. Creative ideas flow from this area in our lives and how we choose to express them.
Solar is our ego, our expression and how we use our raw power to get what we want.
Money flows to these 3 chakras the most. If these chakras are not in good condition, this usually shows that there is a blockage when it comes to the flow of money.
When it comes to your root chakra, do you not feel like you have enough money? do you not feel secure in your position or safe to have money?
With the sacral you most likely arent surrending to your emotions, could be uncomfortable with expressing your creativity, sensuality & sexuality. Out of all the chakras i mentioned, this is THE one you should focus on to know how to flow so that money can flow to YOU and not away from you.
Now with the solar, are you allowing yourself to be confident and fully in your power? You must reflect on why you arent allowing yourself to be who you are suppose to be because that helps KEEPS the money!
Now we understand the root chakra helps sustain it and make it last longer, the sacral is what keeps it flowing towards us, and the solar is what drives us to receive more !
So when these chakras are out of whack, it prevents us from allowing the universe to give us more. All 3 have a lot to do with what we want and how we go about it so its keep to allow yourself to have the desires you want without feeling like you cant get them in some way.
i hope this helps! i made this short sweet and simple for anyone who wants an idea on the chakras and how they work with us!
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toyastales · 6 months
Color is a power which directly influences the soul.
Wassily Kandinsky
Artwork by LaToya Cole
Title: Alpha and Omega - The Sacral Chakra
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azure-cherie · 2 years
𖣔 Chakras 𖣔
Mythology, Association with zodiac , shadow work .
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In Hinduism, the continuous flow of energy throughout the chakras is referred to as “Shakti”. The concept of chakra was first mentioned in the ancient sacred Hindu text, The Vedas, but also plays an important role in Tibetan Buddhism.
Chakras are located along the spine and influence different nerve systems, organs and glands with their energy. These vortexes of energy are originated from Brahman, according to Hindu beliefs. It is presumed that as Shakti flows from one chakra point to another it exhausts the body and soul. The energy that becomes coiled in the base of the spine (root chakra) is called Kundalini. The spiritual goal is to awaken and release the Kundalini in order to attain a greater consciousness and merge it with the Infinite consciousness of Brahman. Through meditation and Kundalini yoga, the energy can pass back up the spine until it reaches the top of the head (crown chakra), producing a mystical experience.
“Kundalini yoga consists of active and passive asana-based kriyas, pranayama, and meditations which target the whole body system (nervous system, glands, mental faculties, and chakras) to develop awareness, consciousness and spiritual strength.” –Yogi Bhajan
(the above part of mythology extracted from a website )
۞If you are able to balance all the seven chakras it leads to the rise of your kundalini , which enhances creativity and spirituality , most people have some of their chakras blocked .
۞Underactive chakras work Below their efficiency and over active work so much they overshadow the influence of other chakras .
۞Underactive chakras are better than overactive chakras because imagine having an overactive root chakra and working day and night sacrificing your sleep .
۞Chakras can be balanced using shadow work , meditation , reiki healing , yoga etc.
To determine which of your chakras is blocked you can take this test :
Names , Association & some symptoms:
1. Muladhara: The Root Chakra
located at base of the spine.
Associated with red
Normal : balance , good health , ease in following routines .
Overactive : panic ,anxiety , fear
Underactive : arthritis , colon problems , insecurity
2. Swadhisthana: The Sacral Chakra –
located below the navel.
Associated with orange.
Normal : creativity , no shame in sexuality / sensuality
Overactive : overindulgent in sex
Underactive : depression , creative blocks , fear
3. Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra –
located at the bottom of the breast bone.
Associated with yellow .
normal : determination, self-acceptance and will power
Overactive : stubborn , controlling
Underactive : lack of self confidence , stomach issues
4. Anahata: The Heart Chakra
located at the center of the chest.
Associated with green.
Normal : compassion , love
Overactive : envy , lack of personal boundaries
Underactive : loneliness , finding it hard to forgive
5. Vishuddha: The Throat Chakra
located at the throat over the larynx.
Associated with blue.
Normal : self expression , authenticity
Overactive : disrespectful , eristic
Underactive : thyroid imbalance , sore throat
6. Ajna: The Third Eye Chakra
located at front of the head in between eye brows. Associated with indigo
Normal : Intuition , optimism
Overactive : hallucination , paranoia
Underactive : pessimism , ignorance
7. Sahasrara: The Crown Chakra
located at the top of the head.
Associated with purple, or gold
Normal : wisdom , spiritual growth
Overactive : confusion , narcissism
Underactive : lack of desire , oversleeping
Chakras and zodiac :
𑁍Aries : solar plexus
𑁍Taurus : heart
𑁍Gemini : throat
𑁍Cancer :third eye
𑁍Leo : third eye
𑁍Virgo : throat
𑁍Libra : heart
𑁍Scorpio : solar plexus
𑁍Saggitarius : sacral
𑁍Capricorn root
𑁍Aquarius root
𑁍Pisces : sacral
Mantras :
You can also recognise your best chakra by chanting the mantra associated with it , the mantra which you feel most consciously is the mantra of your best chakra.
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Note : the yogis suggest that for crown chakra activation , you can either chant the mantra or just listen to your surroundings .
Shadow work:
Though there are various methods for activation of the chakras , i think starting with shadow work is the most efficient one , the journal promots given here are taken via Pinterest , so the credits go to the original makers .
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I hope I was able to provide you something , for knowing more , you can watch videos and search for it 🌻 .
Thank you for reading 🤍
Have a great day/ night 💫
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hersacralpleasures · 19 days
Her Seductress Lair 💋
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Hey Baby. Welcome to Her Seductress Lair
I’m Isis Aaliyah. Psychic Medium. Oracle Reader. Seductress. I specialize in Sacral Based/Sultry themed tarot/oracle readings to help open up the sensual desires in you. Here’s a bit of what you will see in the Lair
Types of Readings 🖤
❤️‍🔥 Pick A Pile (you + you’re person)
💦 Sensual Messages
(what your body craves/personal pleasure)
🍒 Tasty Pulls (sex toy of the week)
Divine Affirmations 🌹
👑 Divine Feminine Affirmations
❤️‍🔥 Divine P*ssy Affirmations
🍓 Rich Bitch Affirmations
🔥 Creativity Affirmations
Mini Erotic Stories 🖤
🩸 Steamy Short Stories
*Full Story will be posted inside my tarot channel (second link below)
Come In & Let’s Play🔥
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sultanesarah · 7 months
ever since I connected to Hathor.. to the arts and especially the art of dance.. life has been sweeter than ever… attracted high quality men too.. Life becomes sweet when you are connected to your sacral chakra. My life used to be sooo stagnant and I used to think too much about the past and those dusty men from the past. Aphrodite showed me how to clean the dust from the past and how to heal my heart.. and Hathor was here to sweeten my life. Don’t underestimate the power and the healing effects of dancing
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raquel-lopez · 8 months
Música Curativa Cuerpo, Alma y Emociones | 256Hz + 288Hz Chakra Raíz y Sacro | Meditación y Sueño 💫
Healing Music Body, Soul and Emotions | 256Hz + 288Hz Root and Sacral Chakra | Meditation and Sleep 💫
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ancientastarwis · 4 months
Sacral Chakra 🧡
The Sacral Chakra symbolizes creativity, sexual energy, abundance, power and pleasure. This is one of the most powerful chakras, as it vibrates at the same level of creation and holds the keys to inner unity.
Once open, the individual will begin a process of reassessment of their deservingness and abundance during which the material and spiritual planes will merge. This will give the individual a renewed concept of existence and a matching new approach to life.
The key to unlock the Sacral Chakra is FEELING DESERVING
The vibration of this chakra resonates with the SOUL
The fastest way to block this chakra is through ENVY
The wisdom hidden in this chakra is of ABUNDANCE
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In the last few days, I've noticed a deep Sacral Chakra Activation that is showing some physical symptoms. The double focus of the current activation on a Collective level is mother wounds and gender equality. The latter is clearing some imperfections on certain distorted beliefs about feminine energy vs masculine energy that led to a misunderstanding of the energies.
Some of the symptoms that indicate you are going through this Activation are: feeling pinching or twitching on private parts, healing body image issues, feeling more beautiful physically, self-care increases, power struggles diminish, in women breasts increase size, among others.
If you would like to balance and optimize your chakras, feel free to book a personal energy healing session with me. Message me for more info.
Have a beautiful day 🕉️🧘🏼
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princessmia-tarot · 9 months
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Affordable Chakra Cleanse and Balancing Spell
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indigohippiesun · 2 years
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themagikmirror · 8 months
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By now you should know I cross reference things if you’ve been following since 2021. If not, get with the program 👩🏻‍💻This is an updated version of an older post. When you book a reading with me, these are the type of things we discuss. Many times when chakras are discussed “alignment” is also discussed. Understand alignment has to be maintained, you can be in a alignment today and misaligned tomorrow. We must constantly choose alignment. On top of that alignment looks different for everyone. This is how unique we are. Each chakra is a tier of reality that we’re able to exist on & tap into, but we must also understand that we need ALL parts of ourselves to be aligned. Its not a single chakra, zodiac sign or placement that makes or breaks us. Compartmentalize, but then put it all back together 💖🪄Read & Comment Your Favorite Slide
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