sultanesarah · 1 day
I am one of the soft life pioneers but there was something about this movement that felt inauthentic and was bothering me. I didn't have the words to describe it but I finally found them. A soft life is not a life where there are never any problems. Those who have soft lives are not just living our lives, being lazy, not doing much, shopping, watching TV shows, and looking pretty. That is the social media performance. In a real soft life, the aim is not a stress-free, problem-free life where there are never any issues. A truly regulated nervous system can handle some stress, whether being triggered or coming up against an old pattern and habit, and regulate itself into harmony faster than most. Learning to slow down and fully receive when it is time, whether receiving love, intimacy, or support or learning to respond truthfully, whether with playfulness, laughter, or anger or by saying "yes" or "no" are healthy human responses depending upon the experience or situation. Positive stressors like working out with heavy weights, cold showers, warm sun, inversions, barefoot walking on gravel, high-intensity workouts, and the like are healthy for the body. They increase circulation --meaning--lymph flow and blood flow--a great sign of healthy body. The strongest most robust bodies thrive under stress as long as basic underlying human needs are met over a period of time like hydration or good rest. And what's also true is that not sleeping well for some nights or hydrating properly for a couple of days and getting back in the flow is also okay as long you are mindful and aware and take measures to get back into physiological harmony. All our bodies contain cancer cells, but a robust body can have specific "strands" of bacteria in the blood but they never develop into a disease, cancer, or "virus" and eventually become dormant or break down and dissolve out of the body as waste. Robust bodies with diversity in the gut, healthy stressors, and the *occasional* not-so healthy stressors like fried foods in seed oils from the Indonesian restaurant, a slice of cake with refined sugar from Grandma, the alcoholic drink, bouts of sadness or anger, or even a disagreement or conflict with someone you adore that is capable of being worked out into harmony, are completely human and healthy. A soft life simply means that there is generous space for true rest, relaxation, and care with very little worry or concern. -India Ame'ye, Author
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sultanesarah · 3 days
Hyper insecure men are like the plague and I have absolutely no sympathy for them. There is nothing positive about putting yourself down, being insecure is not a personality trait. Ladies, men who put you on a pedestal will never be your equals and will repeatedly fall into victim mentality. The problem with insecure men is that they will never see you as an equal, you will always be considered as the "prize" "the miracle" "the treasure" "something out of reach".
Knights can't pursue Goddesses...
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sultanesarah · 3 days
what do you mean i can’t read every book, study every academic subject, taste every food, live in every city in every country, visit every museum, listen to every single song ever produced, learn every language, meet every interesting person, memorize every particle of knowledge to ever exist ???
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sultanesarah · 4 days
Becoming more agile, lighthearted, sensuous, and playful in your body has a lot to do with your ability to release. To let go. To declutter. To excavate. To give away, (even the stuff that you love but never use). Dragging around old crates, boxes, and closets full of stuff makes your spirit heavy and cloudy, causing your body to feel more like a rock than like sun. Too much shit building up around you also messes up your mental health, digestion, quality of breathing, and weight as well. People have been trained to become slaves to old trophies, old chairs, old clothing, old shoes, old notebooks, old bags, old certificates, and the like. They learn to keep and hold on to the past for dear life, and never feel their own body’s aliveness as a result. --India Ame'ye, Author
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sultanesarah · 9 days
Whatever is truly meant for you won't pass you by, so go as slow as the slowest moving parts of you. Take your time. Don't mistreat or betray your body. Go on daily morning walks before looking at your phone. Be mindful of what you expose your tissues to on social media. Relax a bit more. Spend some days or hours in silence. Travel. Feel the warmth of the sun. Chew your food. A conscious wave of energy is moving through our solar system and will need more unburdened, relaxed, grounded, advanced human bodies to translate its intelligence into that will help to bring more harmony to the Earth realm. -India Ame'ye, Author
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sultanesarah · 15 days
Do you have any advice on procrastination / not letting your life slip past you?
Meditate on death. Simple but effective if you stray from fear or morbidity. All of this is temporary… tomorrow we could easily be gone. Will you have regrets? Did you tell that person you love them? I don’t really believe in failures or mistakes. Life is meant to be lived, not just dreamed or thought of. Get to it!
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sultanesarah · 16 days
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sultanesarah · 17 days
I’m not interested in life narratives that are entirely about discipline and eschew any sort of fun. You’ll regret working so hard when you get older—everyone I know over 40 who refused outings, drinking, fun, friends, relationships, etc. is now effectively miserable because they didn’t let themselves be human. Moderation is fine. Enjoying yourself is fine. Do the work, but don’t let the work become all you have to show for yourself.
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sultanesarah · 17 days
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Once she spent 400 denarii on a single pound of moisturiser, whose honey-and-oil base would have been enhanced by the addition of kyphi, the sweet and spicy blend of cinnamon, honey, wine and resin that was known to have a soporific effect on the body. Its distinctive aroma 'seductively brings on sleep, so that without getting drunk, the sorrows and tensions of daily anxieties are loosened and untied like tangled knots' — the perfect way to unwind at the end of a busy day.
The Egyptians had long used perfumes for ritual and political purposes, but Cleopatra was also fully aware that perfumes were most closely associated with love and sex, the domain of Hathor-Aphrodite, whose sacred flowers were myrtle and rose. This made it likely she would have selected Myrtinum, myrtle oil, or Rhodinon, rose oil. These substances were applied liberally to both skin and hair, and it was recommended so 'that your oiled tresses may not injure your splendid silk dresses, let this pin fix your twisted hair and keep it up.' For her meeting with Antonius, Cleopatra may have left sections of her hair to fall loosely about her shoulders in the manner of Isis-Aphrodite, whose 'long thick hair fell in tapering ringlets on her lovely neck'. Cleopatra would have worn numerous pearls from her fabulous collection. Portrayed on coins with pearl-tipped hairpins to lend gleaming lustre to her hair, Cleopatra also wore a long pearl necklace wound twice, flapper-style, around her neck. - Joann Fletcher, Cleopatra the Great: The Woman Behind the Legend
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sultanesarah · 17 days
i just want my life to revolve around love and art and passion and making others feel safe and secure and just enjoy living as a whole and i don't think that's too much to ask for tbh
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sultanesarah · 17 days
Women have been duped by this culture because we have not been properly taught the value of our self-care and wellness. I have never had a lover ask me if I'm bringing 50/50 to the table. If you are meeting lovers who are asking very low -wattage questions like 'what are you bringing to the table,' it's a good indication that your feminine energy is missing. Our elder grandmothers were never asked these type of questions. A potential lover would FEEL blessed just to be in their presence. A woman in this new generation must learn to value and take supremely good care of herself and any potential lover will naturally see the value in her without her needing to prove her worth. What you bring to the able should be evident in your quality of health, depth of heart, aura, posture, smile, ease, thoughtfulness, relaxed nature, and attention-to-detail. --India Ame'ye, Author
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sultanesarah · 17 days
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sultanesarah · 23 days
Everytime I feel stuck, I do a health reset. I know it sounds cliché lol, but we shouldn’t forget that sometimes energy can stay stuck in our bodies.
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Somehow life gets better when you take your vitamin D supplement, catch some sun, get out of your room and move your body.
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sultanesarah · 23 days
100 questions to talk about on the late night train at 11:04 pm (can also function as an ask list)
(second edition of this post)
1. What do you crave in a psychological sense? Intimacy, passion, purpose, belonging, social interaction, etc.?
2. What kind of emotions do the stars evoke for you, if any? The ocean, the sky, the moon?
3. Are you pretending to be something you're not?
4. Who's the most important person in your life right now? Why?
5. Do you see your parents in your appearance or behaviour? Are they favourable traits?
6. If you have siblings, are you similar to them, and in what ways? If you don't, do you think growing up with siblings would have changed your personality in any way?
7. Would you cannibalise a dead body in a life-or-death scenario? Does your answer change depending on whether they're a loved one or not?
8. In reverse, would you give permission for someone to eat you if they would die otherwise?
9. Do you know a lot about politics? Do you think it's important to be educated on them?
10. What are your feelings on cheating in relationships? Have you ever done it, has anyone ever cheated on you?
11. Do you think you have a particularly unique view on life?
12. What's your most controversial opinion? Would you state it publicly? What's the most controversial opinion that you would publicly support, if it's different?
13. Do you have trust issues?
14. What are you worried about right now, if anything?
15. Is there a song, book, movie, or other piece of media that has drastically altered your life? What was it, are there multiple?
16. What's the worst decision you've ever made? What's the best decision you've ever made?
17. What's the most interesting coincidence you've had happen to you (or someone you know)?
18. You're offered a one-way ticket to any place and time in history you want. You cannot return. You can't exist at the same time as your current self. You won't carry any diseases, nor will you be infected by others, you have enough money to survive (if relevant). You can speak the local language(s). You still look like yourself and have all your memories. Do you take this offer? Why or why not? Where do you go? What do you do? Does your answer change depending on whether you can alter the future or not?
19. In general, is there any historical event you desperately want to witness?
20. Do you think about your past or future more?
21. What's the luckiest you've ever been?
22. Do you want children? Why or why not?
23. What would you never admit to in real life?
24. Does your name suit you? Do you think you "look" like your name?
25. A classic - would you rather know the date of your death or the way you die? Would you rather know when you die or when your closest loved one dies?
26. Is marriage an important institution for you? Do you want to get married? Why or why not?
27. Do you think you have a "moral compass" and where or who do you think you got it from? Or do you think of it as something inherent to yourself?
28. What has influenced your taste in music?
29. How do you want your body to be treated after your death?
30. If you don't have tattoos, and had to get one, what would you get tattooed on you? Is getting tattooed a big deal to you? If you are tattooed, do you regret any?
31. Do you feel like you have a 'purpose'? What is it, if so?
32. What's a common thing that you think shouldn't exist (if any)?
33. What are your predictions for the next few years? Or tomorrow, even?
34. Is there someone you would do absolutely anything for? How loyal are you to your friends and family in general?
35. What's wrong with you? Physically, mentally, whatever comes to mind. What's right about you? What are your best and worst traits?
36. Do you like looking at artwork?
37. What stereotypes do you fulfil, what ones you do break?
38. Who do you miss, if anyone?
39. What taboo do you think should be discussed more, if any? Alternatively, do you think a topic that isn't taboo should be?
40. Would you sacrifice your life for a stranger? An acquaintance? A loved one?
41. Do you find it easy to ask for help?
42. Does affection come easily to you?
43. How do you express affection? How do you like to receive affection?
44. What's your pettiest "dealbreaker" in a relationship or friendship?
45. Do you put any value in the idea of "virginity"? Do you think there's a specific sexual act that makes someone no longer a virgin or is it more general sexual contact? Was/is losing your virginity a big deal to you?
46. Do you have a "right person, wrong time"?
47. Do you feel like you're impacting the world around you?
48. What do you think of the idiom "blood is thicker than water"?
49. If you have a nickname, where did it come from? Did you choose it, did someone else, did it naturally form?
50. What qualities do you find charming?
51. What can make you dislike someone very quickly?
52. Do you spend a lot of time thinking about the meaning of your life? Are you looking for meaning?
54. When were you the happiest in your life? The saddest? Why?
55. What reminds you of your childhood?
56. What (or who) do you daydream about?
57. Do you feel like you don't belong in your social circles, or in this world in general? If so, why?
58. Do you regret a lot of your choices?
59. What's something you can never tell your family?
60. What are you afraid of? What are your worst fears? Are you afraid of any of the following - the dark, fire, heights, being alone, people, spiders, snakes, blood, drowning, or death?
61. Are you a romantic person? Why?
62. What topic(s) have you drastically changed your opinion on?
63. Do you have a good relationship with your family? How would you describe your family in a single word? If your family is chosen, why or how did you choose them?
64. Do you feel like you know yourself very well?
65. When you look in the mirror, do you see yourself or your reflection? Do you make the distinction between those things?
66. If you are gay, did you struggle to accept your sexuality? Would you change it if you could?
67. What did you need to hear as a child?
68. What's the best advice you've ever been given?
69. Do you struggle with emotional expression or regulation? Do you suppress your feelings?
70. What do you hope others think of you? How would you like to be perceived?
71. Tell me something you don't like telling others.
72. Who did you last say "I love you" to? Who last said it to you?
73. Have you ever broken someone's heart? Would you change anything, looking back?
74. Do you believe in karma? Do you think someone can "deserve" bad things?
75. What is your favourite fairytale?
76. What do you label yourself as, if anything? What subcultures do you identify with, if any?
77. How long can you go without socialising?
78. Have you ever written a poem or song about someone? Or had someone write one about you? Do you hope to have either of those experiences in the future?
79. What stupid thing are you really insecure about?
80. What scars do you have, if any?
81. What's the worst crime you think you're capable of committing?
82. Do you get bored easily?
83. What's your type? Otherwise, do you think you attract a certain a sort of person?
84. What do you think is waiting for you after death, if anything? Does the idea of dying upset you? Why? Can you imagine nothingness?
85. What memories would describe as your "core" ones?
86. What could you talk about for hours?
87. What do you wish people would stop asking you?
88. What's an unusual but useful trait or talent you have?
89. Do you think of yourself as attractive?
90. What surname would you choose for yourself?
91. If I could only know one thing about you, what would be the most important thing?
92. Do you have any ghost stories? Or general encounters with the supernatural? Do you believe in ghosts?
93. What are two facts about yourself that are true, but seem contradictory? Or two beliefs you have that seem unlikely to exist together?
94. Who is the first person you tell good news to? Is is the same for bad news?
95. Where do you wish you had grown up? Do you think your childhood's natural landscape had a role in the person you are today?
96. What is the worst thing about your favourite person and the best thing about your least favourite person?
97. What is a trivial hill that you are willing to die on?
98. What genre of film or literature do you think your life is? Comedy, romance, action, horror, etc.? Alternatively, if you were written into a fictional universe, what genre would you be best suited for?
99. Do you enjoy "slice of life" media?
100. What do you want an answer to?
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sultanesarah · 23 days
Somehow life gets better when you take your vitamin D supplement, catch some sun, get out of your room and move your body.
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sultanesarah · 24 days
I have decided to stop fighting as the uncontrollable is in God’s hands. I am not quite sure why certain events happened despite us making efforts. Maybe someday things will make sense, or maybe they won’t. As Clarice Lispector said “My life is attempting to conquer that Unknown. Because God is from another world- the great ghost”.
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sultanesarah · 24 days
I think I would have wished to know this before. Many times, I took so many advices way too personal while most of this advice was rooted in jealousy, hatred, pain or trauma.
Before blindly assimilating anyone’s advice, criticism or compliment, one must understand from what state of consciousness and level of expertise/experience this person operates from. Discernment is probably the best gift you can ask for.
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