#who gave these snarky kids weapons
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nanomooselet · 3 months
My Brother's Keeper (VI)
You may have noticed that I didn't extensively discuss Rollo, Livio, or Legato, which is maybe odd considering they are (and pretty blatantly so) parallels or foils to Wolfwood and the twins. And it's mostly because I'm trying not to let this damn thing become even longer (it was supposed to be three parts. Three. It's clocked out at seven, and that's after I took a machete to it to stop it becoming eight. Goddamnit) and I did already go on about all of them in the episodes they appeared.
It's also because at this point, Wolfwood's story (for the moment) is done. When he makes the choice to leave July and Vash behind, that's the end, and the reason he returns actually isn't about him at all. The narrative focus is instead on Meryl and Zazie, making sure we know what both have to say about this. It's good to know Zazie's displeased by this turn of events and very unlikely to ever again believe a word Knives says. (Humans will eat your planet just like they did their own and real quick Imma use Vash to eat the planet myself first sorry-not-sorry BYE WORMS.) It's sweet that Meryl's love of Vash didn't result in her death by Knives's jealousy, as it did for Rem and nearly did for Luida.
Nick's concerns, however, have always been limited to the orphanage and Livio, and their fates are both now out of his hands.
Everything always comes back to the twins, in the end. I think in this analysis I've come to understand the key to Stampede, which is that almost nothing in it is only about the thing it seems to be about. It's always also in some way about the twins.
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Wolfwood's part in Stampede is about how he was Knives's weapon and became Vash's follower. He goes from being Nicholas the Punisher full time, a walking dead man carrying his own tombstone, to being Nicholas D. Wolfwood, the awkward, scruffy, snarky dweeb who cares for his family with his whole heart and lives to see a kinder world. Inevitably he has been scarred and stained with blood - he remains the one who killed all those people on the cult's orders, and he'll bear the cross for them. But he's no longer limited to killing in order to save. There's a new path for him to follow.
It starts with doing what Vash would do: getting out of there while he still can before everything explodes. He just happens to scoop Meryl up as he's fleeing. When the twin angels ascend to do battle, the best place for mortals to be is anywhere but nearby.
He wasn't going to rescue Vash, and he never could have. Protecting Vash was the task Knives gave him, and that was out of an complete absence of respect for Vash as a person, a competent adult, a being of unimaginable power, an independent-thinking-individual-who-isn't-exactly-like-Knives etc. The very last fucking thing Vash needs is to wake up in the care of another paternalistic "older" brother - not that I believe Wolfwood would ever treat him the way Knives does, but frankly I can see why neither would want to take the risk.
(Also increasingly sure Knives is bsing about being the older twin. It's like how Wolfwood really is still a kid, and he acts like one, and honestly I think Vash treats him like one. Those startlingly fond, adoring expressions that blow you away a little bit? They're What Vash Is Like Always About Everyone. But especially kids. He's like that about Meryl, too, just less overtly.)
If anything, Vash saved Wolfwood. So Nick realises he has to survive, when before he kinda just wanted to die. He's no longer permitted some dumbfuck last stand. Fighting Knives is crazy and impossible, so let the impossible crazy man take care of it. It's his field of expertise. Love and peace ya'll. Woowoo's out.
Two things, however. The reason, in the manga, that Wolfwood didn't return to Hopeland (until he did), and the reason, in the manga, Chapel has none of the narrative's sympathy (not even Vash really gives a fuck when Wolfwood snaps his neck, and Chapel was already in a wheelchair at the time. I remember a bookclub post that declared God hates Chapel. I'm a layperson, but I'd call that theologically sound).
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I mean, there are multiple reasons, but the most relevant is that in the manga, this evil-minded wrinkly fuck trained Wolfwood to kill. Wolfwood believed that being a killer rendered him unfit to ever again return home, until the day Chapel launched a direct assault on the orphanage using Razlo and Livio, revenge upon Wolfwood for taking up another cause - being Vash's friend - when his sole loyalty and purpose was supposed to be in death. He's disgusted that Wolfwood let Vash's ideals blunt his edge when previously he was near-"perfect".
I can't tell you what shape these events will take. But I can tell you they're still in the future. Stampede is a prologue, and the final phase has not arrived. Wolfwood's beginning is complete. His real story is yet to come. And I don't think he's forgiven himself for fulfilling the contract, even if Vash has.
The angel's eye, the Eye of Michael, still watches.
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(And only the angel's? We'll see.)
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Anyway, back to the twins.
(Part I)
(Part II)
(Part III)
(Part IV)
(Part V)
(Part VII)
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Welcome to the Black Parade - McR
Pairing: Loki x Reader (established relationship) Summary: Your Asgardian lover doesn’t understand a certain nostalgic trend that you used to love…at least until he listens to your favorite song for himself. Warnings: smut-adjacency, sad reflection and emoness Word Count: 1k
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“A what?” Loki asked, his nose wrinkling with skepticism as you smiled and adjusted your Amy Lee wig. 
“An emo party!” you said, excited, observing yourself in the mirror. “It’s a weird theme party my friend Garrett is hosting.” 
“And what is emo?” Loki asked, his gaze running up and down your body, drinking in the tight black leather corset and bright red micromini/fishnet tights combo that left nearly nothing to the imagination. 
You tipped your head to the side, shaking your head. “Actually, the more I think about this, this is less ‘emo’ and more ‘goth,’ but both of these were trends from when I was in high school, and who remembers what is what anymore?”
“You still haven’t answered me,” Loki said. “I’m beginning to wonder if it’s something you don't want me to know about?”
“Oh no, that’s not it” you answered, shaking your head dismissively. “It’s just a little…secondhand embarrassment. I was just a kid when these were considered cool. Emo was a trend that sort of built itself around mood music, deep lyrics, poetry, darker fashions, and expressing your emotions no matter how depressing they can be. A lot of my friends and I related to that.”
Loki shrugged and looked you up and down. “So this party, you plan to dress like a sexy bank robber and go…feel things?”
You shrugged. “I think you would’ve been into it, honestly.”
“I’ll say I would have at that…”
Loki came up behind you and wrapped his strong arms around your middle. He could only see the tight leather, the naked flesh peeking out from under your shirt and above your corset, the mysterious air that the unnaturally jet-black wig gave to your appearance, the pale makeup and dark green eyeshadow..the chunky, studded jewelry and ankle boots that could double as weapons…
“I would be very into it…” he purred, tracing a lithe finger over your collarbone and down your cleavage, gently nudging his fingertip under your corset and seeking out a nipple to toy with, making you press your thighs together. 
“Oh, come on!” you moaned softly. “I’m going to be late. I’m sorry you can’t come, but Garrett wanted this to be college friends only.”
Loki bit his lip and raised an eyebrow, pulling away from you. “Maybe it’s best I didn’t. After all, this is just a silly fashion party or what you call it.”
You slowly pulled away from Loki, his hand desperate to cling to your breast but falling away as you turned to face him. “Silly or not, don’t knock anything you haven’t tried, Loki.”
Loki scoffed. “And tell me, princess, how does one try on this…emo?”
You smiled at his mischievous grin, daring you to accept his challenge and make him a believer. You went over to your closet and reached for a box on the top shelf, full of old CDs you hadn’t listened to since Spotify became a thing. You knew instantly which album you were looking for. After finding it, you quickly walked back over to Loki with snarky confidence, tossing him the CD. 
“The Black Parade?” he asked. 
You nodded as you went back to your mirror to touch up your lipstick one last time. “Bruce has a boombox down in the library. Go ahead, play it while I’m out and let me know what you think.”
Loki shrugged with skepticism. “Very well, darling, but I don’t see how a few songs--”
“--don’t just listen to the tunes. Listen to the words. Listen to the emotions,” you instructed, making a quick grab for your purse and giving yourself one last once-over in the mirror. “Yeah, Garrett, you’re getting an emo/goth hybrid tonight, so don’t be too pissed that I mixed up.”
You gave Loki a kiss that was a little too short for his liking before you brushed past him and went out the door, smiling to yourself as you purposefully added a little extra swagger to your hips on the way out. 
Oh, when you get back, I’m going to spank that leather right off your backside, Loki promised internally, watching your beautiful, shapely ass turn the corner and go out of sight.
Loki did as you’d told him, but he waited a while, closer to the time where you were expecting to return home. He closed the door to the library, found the boom-doohickey Bruce kept in there, took out the Philharmonic Orchestra’s latest version of Madama Butterfly out of the player, and popped in the MCR album you’d lent him. Instead of listening straight-through, he put the CD player on ‘random,’ and Number 5: Welcome to the Black Parade, was set to begin with the touch of a button. 
Loki had always appreciated music, and he knew the best way to absorb a new genre or concept was to be completely closed off to anything else but the melody and lyrics, so he found a comfortable sofa, took a seat, and closed his eyes as the first song began…
When I was a young boy My father took me into the city To see a marching band He said, "Son, when you grow up Would you be the savior of the broken The beaten and the damned?"
“Norns…” Loki murmured to himself, the mere mention of a boy and his father evocating some harsh memories in his mind. 
Just a man, I'm not a hero Just a boy, who had to sing this song Just a man, I'm not a hero I don't care…
You had your fun at the party, but you found yourself growing exhausted before midnight (as was usually the case now that you weren’t 21 anymore) and left a little earlier than you’d planned. 
“Maybe I was too harsh on Loki,” you thought to yourself as you re-entered the Avenger complex, making a beeline for Loki’s apartment. “He’s not even of Earth, so perhaps not understanding my enthusiasm for nostalgia is forgivable…”
You could hear your MCR CD playing from the library down the hall. He’s still listening, is he? You smiled. 
Heading into the library, Loki was lying supine on the sofa, staring blankly up at the ceiling, looking completely lost in thought. 
“Loki? Are you okay?”
“You handed me a therapist on record, woman,” Loki murmured quietly. “Every word, every note, is tailor-made to milk every last insecurity from my mind and force me to analyze it in the key of D major. All bitter memories of my so-called-father's treatment and expectation of me has been dug out of their graves and are now keeping me on the edge of an emotional precipice! Blast you, these men could make Odin Allfather weep like a babe!”
You tried to stifle a giggle. “Oh? Um…so…you like the album, then?” 
Loki waited a long time to answer. 
@mochie85 @lokisgoodgirl @roruna @holdmytesseract @muddyorbs @xorpsbane @mischief2sarawr @fictive-sl0th @silverfire475
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fr3sh-tragedies · 8 months
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Playing Minecraft with Boscha
[Just a few general headcanons on how I think playing Minecraft with Boscha would go if she were ever introduced to it. It's been a while since I've just written preferences instead of a full short story, so I hope it's up to par.]
-Okay, so–
-At first, when you introduced Boscha to Minecraft, she didn’t really care for it.
-She thought it was just some random game for little kids.
-It wasn’t until you finally convinced her to join your game while you played with Luz, Amity, and Willow that she gave in and decided to see why it was so popular in the human realm.
-After figuring out the controls, she was HOOKED.
-A game where you can control pretty much everything you want? Sign her up!
-She’d definitely prefer to play on creative so she could fly around and not worry about having to constantly type in cheats to get the materials she needs, but she’s not upset about playing on survival either.
-Defintelyyyy loves being one to farm for XP. It gives her the chance to kill enemies in the game and even get creative with it. She LOVES it without a doubt.
-For a while, she didn’t want to play alone. She had been introduced to the game with other friends, meaning she could kind of rely on them to help her gather resources and fight tougher enemies. She started playing on her own, however, upon realizing she could impress you and the others with her newest designs for her skin and builds (which she totally didn’t look up multiple online tutorials for at all).
-After a while, she really started to enjoy just being able to hop online and play with only you.
-It was really fun getting to spend time with you alone on such an intriguing game. She got to vent about her day and absolutely loved being able to crack jokes with you and just laugh and talk until the early hours of the morning when the two of you would finally log off and go to bed.
-Definitely expect her to spam you with requests to join her game whenever she isn’t busy.
-”Boscha, hun, you’ve gotta stop spamming me.”
-”But look at this thing I just found out about! If lightning strikes a creeper, it supercharges it and–”
-Will absolutely find a way into the Nether before she even has any of the gear remotely needed to survive.
-She doesn’t even know how Nether portals work, she was just messing around with lava and water, or somehow stumbled upon an abandoned portal and managed to ignite it.
-Speaking of ignition, you’d better hope she turned “fire spread” off because once she gets her hands on Flint and Steel, she’ll be setting everything ablaze.
-Will 100% go spelunking without any torches or backup pickaxes/shovels, and then complain when she finds out that she has to have a certain kind of tool to mine up diamond ore.
-Will also be the one who tries to take on multiple creepers, skeletons, or even the Enderdragon at once without a proper weapon. “I’ll beat your ass with my bare hands! Or–eh–whatever the hell these square-looking things are…”
-*QueenBoscha was slain by an arrow*
-"No fair! How'd you kill me, you bony bitch?"
-If, for some reason, she can’t play on her own console, she’ll invite herself to your house and either play split-screen with you on yours, or slide up behind you and hold you, resting her head against your shoulder while she watches you play. She’d definitely be interested in watching you play since you’ve played it much longer than her. She can learn different building techniques, ways to get around different terrains without boats and similar transportation, and hey, maybe she’ll actually learn how important it is to cRaFT A TOOL.
-Playing with her is always fun because she’s so quick to act snarky towards the fictional enemies in the game. Sure, she’ll jokingly yell at a zombie if it smacks her, but she gets so defensive if something attacks you.
-Sometimes it seems like she forgets that the game is entirely fictional and you aren’t actually being hurt. After a while of you teasing her about it, she starts to make fun of herself in a way. She’ll use the voice she had when mockingly reading one of the Azura books aloud. “I shall avenge thee!”
-For sure has pink-themed “equipment,” as she calls it. I’m talking pink controllers/keyboard + mouse, pink (probably LED) headphones, pink wrap for the console itself, etc. And not, like, pastel pink. Neon pink or a really bright shade of magenta.
-Her voice actress (Eden Riegel) said she’d absolutely be one to set trends in the human realm, but I think one of the trends she’d follow herself is trying to start a gaming channel.
-She’d definitely expect you to fully support her and even create a channel of your own so you could collaborate on the game.
-Eden also said Boscha’s favorite human snack would be Takis, so I can picture her snacking on those while she’s playing anything online.
-Overall, Boscha would absolutely love playing Minecraft, especially with you, and would kinda grow a little too obsessed with it for a while before moving on to a new game, though she'd always come back to Minecraft if she needed to relax.
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darksideofparis · 2 months
I really love this! Sky's background is pretty dark, but really intriguing at the same time. The Weeping Angel background and resulting trauma is so heartbreaking. And oh, yeah, the Doctor would go absolutely mental if their grandson was harmed. No one would be safe. Again, I love this and great job!
TW: 18+ topics such as addiction and an abusive relationship
Name: Skyler Jayden Harkness
Gender: Non-binary trans-masc. He/him or they/them pronouns, preference for they/them
Age: 21 (body stopped aging at this point)
General appearance: 5'7 with short and messy brown hair, hazel eyes, lean and lithe with a gymnast's build. Slender but muscular
Personality: Snarky and sarcastic, flirty but defensive due to trust issues. Sky can become serious in and instant and is a cunning individual with a ruthless streak like their father.
Special talents: Various Time Lord abilities, immortality, enhanced physcial condition, hand-to-hand training, extensive weapons and starship knowledge, total mechanical genius, fluent in over 1200 languages, skilled pilot, mid level psychic abilities.
Who they like better: Skyler's always been their dad's kid through and through. Jack was the 2nd person Sky came out to after their brother Johnny. Jack was also there for Sky when their ex boyfriend became horribly abusive, giving them weapons training. Despite that, Sky is still very close to their mother, Jenny encouraged Sky's gymnastics and cooking hobbies and gave them hand to hand training. Sky goes to Jenny if they need a hug.
Who they take after more: Sky takes after Jenny more. They're less of a flirt then Jack or Johnny. Sky's a genius, prefering to spend their time in a workshop or off adventuring through space and time. Sky lives by their grandfather's quote of "Not impossible just a bit unlikely". Skyler's a bit of a daredevil and adrenaline junkie and once stole Missy's TARDIS for "shits and giggles"
Weaknesses: PTSD (their ex boyfriend was physically, verbally and sexually abusive), extreme fear of The Weeping Angels due to them losing their best friend from childhood to them (their friend grew up in the past and eventually became Skyler's playschool teacher when Sky was a toddler), anxiety, arrogance (Sky has some of The Doctor's arrogance in his intelligence), alcoholism, cigarette addiction, ruthless and even cruel at times, impulsive and reckless always chasing adventure. Believe in their ability to get out of any situation due to their immortality
Backstory: Sky was born after their brother Johnny as Lacey Marigold Harkness, in Bristol KY, in October 2011 as Jenny wanted her mom and dad at the birth and The Doctor and Alex were visiting Alex's old friends at that point. At 2½, in preschool, Sky met and quickly befriended a young girl named Isabella "Izzy" Jones and the two stayed friends throughout elementary school and into middle school.
At 13 Izzy was Skyler's first kiss and she was the first person outside the family Sky came out to as trans. Tragically, less then 6 months later, a few days after Izzy's 14th birthday, while wandering, Sky and Izzy walked by a graveyard and Izzy noticed a statue that hadn't been there previously. Before Skyler could react, Izzy has turned away and The Weeping Angel moved and sent Izzy back to the past. Sky, moving through shock ane having been taught by The Doctor, led the angel to a shop window so it was always staring at its reflection, then fled back home and broke down in their father's arms.
This tragic event led to Skyler falling into a self destructive spiral, leading to a teen life of drinking and a relationship with a much older boy named Elijah Jackson that turned horribly abusive, which ended after Elijah forced himself on Skyler and Johnny caught him. The now 16 year old Skyler went back to therapy and put in their effort, allowing themselves to heal, despite gaining new trauma beyond seeing their friend die.
Skyler graduated top of their class and way beyond any human, having used The TARDIS library and knowledge from The TARDIS to learn about starship piloting and maintenance, hundreds of alien languages and intergalactic engineering. They then got picked up by their mom's parents to be gifted with a sonic device
The Doctor took them on some trips in The TARDIS with Alex and the family bonded. Skyler learnt how overprotective their grandparents can be after they took a blast from a Cyberman intended for Alex. Skyler came back to a life to discover Alex kneeling over them and several destroyed Cyber Squadrons around the family, The Doctor standing among it all, smoke curling off their jacket.
During one of their adventures, Skyler, now 19, stole Missy's TARDIS and briefly took it for a spin, proving to be a much calmer pilot then their grandfather and when asked by Jenny simply responded with "I read the manual". Skyler helped Alex and The Doctor lock Missy's TARDIS away but the Time Lady escaped. Skyler joined their father and their godmother Martha, acting as a liaison between Torchwood 3 and UNIT
Personal headcanon: Skyler is very close with all of their family but something of a loner when it comes to friends, still struggling with not shutting themselves out from friendships after losing Izzy. He's very close to his older brother Johnny and his Aunt Daffy. Sky once messed with Amy and Rory Pond by calling them "Great Aunt Amy and Great Uncle Rory".
Face Claim: Sasha Allen
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scourge-lover · 5 months
Arthas's world is small but worth it.
Which hurt more, Arthas's emotional distress from his complete lack of direction, or his broken bloody nose from Marwyn's unchecked rage? He nursed the grinding mess of cartilage and flesh that was magically mending.
Sleep would do nothing but cause him even more focus on his anguish. There was nothing to look forward to. He was out of control. Bolvar still sat encased in ice. Arthas felt powerless.
Only a tiny glimmer of light remained in the aching abyss that shrouded Arthas.
His master bedroom had been commandeered by children. It was not like he actually needed a bedroom, but not even that belonged to him anymore.
Falric stood at the double doors for the room, his back turned to Arthas. He was looking into the room. Surprisingly he wore no armor or weapon. Even if he did not need a weapon to slaughter anyone he wants, Falric never went without armor even when he was alive. It was like a second skin to him.
Arthas attempted a weak smile as Falric turned, but the scowl on Falric's face caused the smile to vanish immediately. He stiffened in response to the man moving toward him.
Falric's words stabbed like poisoned daggers. "You are alive because of Sapphire."
He grabbed Arthas's upper arm painfully tight and leaned in close.
"I should have let Marwyn cave in your face. The only reason I stopped him is I could not let Sapphire continue to witness that."
Arthas nodded in understanding. He could not bring himself to speak.
Falric dramatically jabbed one finger backwards to the bedroom.
"Your only allies in the entire world are in that room. And you don't deserve them. Fuck up again, and I will personally finish the job Marwyn started. No one will ever recognize what's left of you."
The threat echoed in the hallway. Arthas did not have a snarky rebuke or even a defensive response. He didn't look Falric in the eye. Falric shoved his shoulder into Arthas's on his way back to his usual post.
As soon as Arthas got near the doorway, he was hit with a wave of warmth. Braziers had been dragged into the room and filled to the brim with wood and lit. It felt more like the room sat in the middle of a volcano, not Icecrown Citadel.
Before he could even look for the kids, an impressively large wicker man rose up from the floor defensively. A deer skull as large as a horse's loomed over Arthas despite his own intimidating height. Porcupine spines bristled along the body of bone and wood. Cobalt blue magic blazed in the skull's eye sockets. This wicker man did not attack.
"You are Arthas?" It asked with a deep masculine voice.
Arthas gave it a discerning look, before nodding. With that silent confirmation, the wickerman moved aside.
The three children that were now Arthas' unfortunate charges sprawled all over the large bed. Three children. Two humans and a very young gnoll. Chompers had claimed a pillow all on her own, curled up into a little bundle of fur. Little gnoll cackles escaped her throat in her slumber. Sapphire's own faerie dragon and the little undead puppy Rot were piled up along with Mr. Bigglesworth and his kittens. Falric had not been lying when Arthas's entire world was in this one room.
Ethan and Sapphire, bound by blood, were lying next to each other. Sapphire used Ethan's shoulder as a pillow. Arthas never experienced having a cousin but having a sister had not seemed pleasant at the time.
Calia...How could she have had a child without Arthas knowing? They might have not been best friends, but Calia had confided in Arthas many times before. That one summer where Calia went away did not seem suspicious at the time, but that must have been when it happened. Who? Who could she have been so close with?
Both human kids were injured in one way or another. Arthas could not look at Sapphire's reddened flesh without the worst guilt. She would be bluer than her namesake in less than a day. Ethan's head had been swathed in frostweave gauze.
They looked like siblings in practice, if not in appearance. Perhaps they will be closer than him and Calia.
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I have just suddenly remembered my Kidclipse and Toddlunar AU, where Eclipse was a small child the entire time, and he designed Lunar and Bloodmoon to be toddlers so he would be the big brother. Kidclipse is basically 5, Toddlunar and Babyblood are basically 3.
Nobody realized he was a kid until the first time Sun went into the mindscape to talk face to face. And was confronted with a small child whose voice is so much squeakier without Sun’s voicebox filtering it. He came out of that spell panicking because that was not a scary villain, that was a traumatized child lashing out.
The months after that feature Kidclipse working through his fear of Sun and Moon, and his guilt about Babyblood (and July 16th) and Lunar (who’s birth went pretty similar to canon in that it freaked Sun out and messed up Moon’s head for a bit, causing Glamrock Freddy to be called in)
Kidclipse had a panic attack when Golden cast the suppression spell for the first time. He cried the whole time. And his voice was hoarser than usual when it finally wore off. Nobody really noticed, since that’s when they thought he was an evil adult.
He had another panic attack when Sun saw him in their mind, because he was freaking out about them knowing how small and weak he really is and scared they’d lock him away again. He got cuddles and affection out of it instead.
Priorities immediately shift from getting rid of Eclipse to getting this child his own body so they can actually raise him. Moon does most of the parenting until Kidclipse’s body is done.
Instead of the maternity chip, Kidclipse sabotaged Sun and Roxy’s relationship the old-fashioned way, with threats and bullying. He tied Roxy’s hair to pole once. He did it solely because he was sharing Sun’s body at the time and didn’t want her cooties.
Besides Roxy, he otherwise mostly acted like canon SaMS Eclipse until Sun saw him in their mind. He almost blew his cover several times though.
He still has Moon’s brains in his tiny child brain, so he still turns the barrels into deadly weapons. And doesn’t tell anyone. They fins out when Sun almost accidentally shoots a kid. Kidclipse and Gregory are great friends.
Kidclipse was grounded once for giving Gregory a disintegration gun. He’s also been grounded for installing swords in Babyblood.
Golden gives Kidclipse therapy when he babysits, because the entire family is too allergic to therapy tp actually book an appointment.
Toddlunar is the only one who acts like a normal child. Kidclipse is a snarky brat who likes to turn barrels into lasers and bombs, and Babyblood are the most violent and bloodthirsty toddlers anyone’s ever seen.
Glamrock Freddy was the second person to find out about Toddlunar. His sheer dad energy had Kidclipse confessing pretty quick, and apologizing for building a baby brother inside Moon’s head without permission.
Toddlunar just strolled up to Monty one day and declared them best friends, and Monty, under threat of Moon cutting them off from his bank account, had to go along with it instead of punting the toddler. Which quickly became “if anything happens to this child I’m destroying the world and then myself”.
July 16th still happened, but the twins are pint-sized, and mad about it once they realize they are not Sun-sized in the real world. Mass murder was so easy in Sun’s huge body, but the body they.manifested was tiny and can only kill rats. The new body was only a bit bigger, but much better for homicide purposes.
Monty get to babysit Babyblood during Daycare hours, because nobody trusts them near soft, fragile, tiny, blood-filled human children. Especially after Kidclipse gave them swords.
Kidclipse didn’t tell anyone about the Babyblood until October, because he was worried Sun and Moon would be mad at him. He made the mistake of telling Toddlunar, who spilled the beans by the end of the day.
KC, Moon, and Monty try to rediract Babyblood’s homicidal urges towards specifically assholes. It takes time because they are very small and need to learn how to take down adults for that.
When Killcode gains sentience, he immediately claims the four as his own, and has to coparent with Sun and Moon, his brothers.🦇
Oh right! I remember that. Reminds me of the one where they found out about lunar because eclipse panicked realizing his baby brother was alone in moons head and told moon so he wouldn’t mix him up with a virus or hurt him and because lunar was a baby and he needed to get in there to comfort the scared baby
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mxllitiam · 11 months
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g a l e h a w t h o r n e .
name : gale hawthorne. meaning : gale "joyous"; hawthorne "where hawthorn trees grow". nickname : nightingale (his mom). age : twenty-four. birthdate : april 18th. zodiac: aries sun, taurus rising, aquarius moon. gender identity : cisgender man , he / him. orientation : bisexual , biromantic. place of birth : district 12. current residence : district 12. occupation : citizen of district 12, mine worker, lottery winner, recruited by the rebellion .
tw: child abandonment, parental death.
Gale Hawthorne has been fighting his whole life. He is dirt under fingernails and matted down hair and scars on tan skin. All he's known is that he needs to scramble his way through life before it finds a way to sink him, and that's what he's always done.
He can't remember a life before his parents, not quite. His colorful and vivid memories are a well-painted picture far after his six or seven years of life, within the comfort of a newfound home to call his own. But he remembers the feeling. He remembers the cold abandonment of the streets, the chill in his bones that made him think he would die out there. Alone. He remembers thinking he'd give anything to have a family. He was four-years-old and already bargaining with death to let him live another day.
This was the certain weight that Gale carried everywhere – like a sack, a lump of grief that he dragged behind him, everywhere he went, from birth. He grew into a confident boy, and then soon into a snarky teenager, but he was still always a touch too sober. There was always a dullness in his eyes, even behind the childish glint of his one too many dry jokes. He was robbed of a childhood, and he could only emulate that same sort of freedom he saw on other kids.
And then he was robbed of his teenage years, too. It was only natural to step up when his father died, even if that gave him no time to mourn. Even if it meant choking back tears while he held his little siblings and his mother. He did what he'd always known best, he squared his shoulders up and he braved it, for the people he loves. People would often give him sad eyes and tell his mother about what a pity it was, that he had to become the man of the house so young, but Gale sees it as a blessing now. A blessing that he was the one to do it, so his siblings could cry when they needed to. A blessing that he could hunt and prepare meals and give the little ones baths, while his mother had time to grieve. A blessing that the sacrifice was his, not anyone else's, because he loves them so much.
Life is this, he learns. For people like him, life is baring his teeth and laughing at misery, and finding peace where he can. He takes care of his family, he loves with his heart tucked safely away in his chest. He's unlucky with love, he'd tell you, in the same breath he'd make some awfully dry remark about how maybe he could test his luck out in the Games, next. Maybe deep down, he always knew he and Katniss couldn't work, and maybe that still stings. His tongue is a weapon sharpened to precision that doesn't hesitate to protect the beating organ in his ribcage whenever he's near her or Peeta, these days.
The last year has been a blur. Losing the girl he loved – over and over again, first for the reaping, then for marriage, now for the capitol –, having to worry about his siblings and their names being called in the next few years, being whipped to near-death in the town square. He can feel something building in his throat, something in him pulled taut like a rubber band, ready to snap broken. This can't be the world they live in. Resentment pools somewhere in his stomach, at this whole thing, and at anyone who isn't actively doing something about it.
Enough of his bitter remarks eventually catch the attention of the rebellion. A hushed voice offers him a chance to help one day, while he's selling game in a back alley, and he takes it without any hesitation. A chance to make a difference, that's all he needs, he thinks.
And then his mother is reaped and he feels his shoulders caving in. Tall and broad Gale Hawthorne, suddenly small, a frail thing, no bigger than the four-year-old his mother found on the streets that one fateful night. He can't look at her for a while, and when he finally does, he knows she can see the terror in his eyes. He'd become immune to so many things, he'd toughen up in the face of so much pain, but not this. Now he doesn't think he could survive losing her, too. 
When he wins the lottery ticket, his chest burns with something foul. He is not naive enough to think that this is a sick joke from the universe, no, he knows everything has a certain hand behind it. So he bears it. For the first time in his life, the tides shift, and he chooses something else over taking care of his family. He kisses his siblings on the head and leaves them behind, to go fight for something better. He'll build a new world for them, teeth and nails, if he must.
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theinsanecrayonbox · 1 year
X-Force #38
Conclusion of the Xeno stuff! Huzzah!
Apparently this was all about Dom, cause she’s got internal narration throughout. Whatever, that’s fine.
So we pick up where we left off with our merry trio going to Moreau island and finding skinless monkey minions…I’m sorry, it’s Attack on Titans not monkeys
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See, that totally Attack on Titan
Deadpool cuts his way out of the giant. It dies. The other two land their plane. This stupid happens
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I’m on board with the vampire analogy, and yes I gave in with a cannibal joke, but cmon guys! Arkady doesn’t lick up random viscera. (Now if he’d actually licked Wade here maybe it’d be fun then but cmon)
Peacock man turns on his little telepath. The gang gets into the lab.
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Look it Arkady being a good and helpful boi
The “omnimutant” attacks, and it does not look nearly as silly as the version on the cover; it looks mostly like a composite Beast/Wolverine but has Arkady’s coils for some reason. Anywhos, it’s a tough fight
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See he’s a good boi and wants to help his team mates, while Beast just cares about the download. He unplugs at 98% to help
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Oh that’s kind of a neat effect, wonder what psychic power that is-
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WTH??? The death spores haven’t been shown to MELT people before. And one would think you’d be immune to your own power like this one, wouldn’t you?? Is Arkady dead now??? Also, how’d you get his genetic material to use Mr Peacock; I could buy you got the classic X-Force gang’s cause they’ve apparently fought you already? But Arkady hadn’t. And why are you interested in keeping and testing out Wade as if you didn’t already have him; we saw you had clones of him already.
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Ah yes, Beast being horrible and terrible. But also (sorry this was before the memo but my caps got mixed up)
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Xeno’s plan is literally SoS; is the X-stable just rehashing their own CURRENT ideas now?? Because Xeno’s “augment humans with mutant biotech/powers” is exactly what Graydon has Orchis doing over in Sabretooth/Exiles.
Anyways, kiddo controls omnimutant, they defeat Peacock. Domino goes to kill him, sees his scarred face then decides not to…but totally leaves his monsters to kill him. She goes outside to rejoin Deadpool who’s entertaining the kid…Arkady is lying on the ground by the plane maybe dead? Deadpool carries him into the plane in another panel…
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Right Dom, because no one else has never ever EVER stolen you’re genetic makeup to make a super powered entity. Nope. Weapon H is not real. Never ever.
My last snarky comment aside, that’s it. They blow up the lab on Genosha and head home I guess. Why was Colossus on the opening cast page if he was Sir Not-Appearing? I know he and Laura are joining next issue, but what?
Overall…eh, I’ve said it in other posts; this was billed as a finale for several books/storylines that I guess centered on Domino. But as someone who jumped in late to this series and didn’t read the others from the beginning either, it was lacking substance, not helped by the lack of footnote caption boxes to remind readers where to find plot points from the back issues. Is that on me for being late, well not the missing caption boxes, but yeah I give you it is a bit. But again, as a finale for several long things, it wasn’t really good.
And Beast still has to answer for his war crimes more so than just getting the cold shoulder from ‘his friends’ at the lunch table. Arkady was a good boi though (cannibalism aside) and made a new best friend in Deadpool, so that’s nice. It’ll be interesting to see what Colossus and Wolverine can bring to the team (and hopefully no more Logan since we get Laura??)
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askunderfamilyfrisk · 2 years
Dead Hearts
Authors' notes:
This was written while listening to Dead Hearts (the cover by Alec James Milewski), hence the title of the fic.
This story is about the reason Frisk climbed the mountain in Underfamily...and the reason they chose to stay with the skelebros.
While reading this, keep in mind, Frisk never backtracked, meaning they didn't participate in the hangout with Papyrus, nor did they get his number. They were deadset on continuing forward as quickly as possible. This means that they also politely declined Sans's offers to go to Grillby's & the Resort.
Another thing to keep in mind: Frisk's brain-buddies are present at the time this takes place. They just aren't mentioned until the end of this fic, because they weren't relevant until then, and Frisk ignores them pretty easily most times (unless its night time.)
Frisk uses they/them pronouns & Chara uses they/it pronouns.
TW: child death/loss, grieving over the loss of friends/love-interests, implied ableism, mentions of transphobia, slight-blood
It was an unrealistic thought. A fantasy. A concept everyone would have scoffed at, had they told the truth behind their exploration of the mountainside.
Logically, they knew that climbing a mountain known for accidents and missing-cases was probably not going to lead them to anything good. They understood the danger they were putting themself in.
Avalanches. Wild animals. Getting lost and starving or thirsting to death. Poisonous plants. The possibilities of death or harm were endless, and even at the young age of nine, they understood that.
However, they knew deep in their heart, one important fact; they couldn't live their life without trying. Trying to find them. Trying to save them.
Trying was better than nothing. And they were lucky - so, so lucky - to have been moved into Ebott's Home For Psychologically Troubled Children. Lucky because it was much closer to the Mountain than their home was...even if the knowledge that their mothers sent them away from home made them want to curl up and die.
Frisk's heart skipped a beat when they stumbled upon a campsite. A site with oh-so-familiar tents. Tents they had spent night-after-night cuddling with their soulmates, huddled under the stars in the backyard.
When they saw a blue, pink, and purple headband lying in the grass next to a gaping cavernous hole, they felt their blood run cold.
It was the gift they gave Malo for his birthday.
Frisk slipped the headband onto their wrist, hiding it under their blue sleeves. Best to keep a hold of it, to give Malo later when they found him. Plus, it was snugly wrapped around a bruise they had received earlier, after tripping while climbing up the mountainside. It would be a perfect makeshift bandage.
They looked down the hole, body trembling. They were afraid...afraid of what could be at the bottom. However, as they peeked over the edge, their soul flooded with relief. They saw no corpses. Malo - and any of their other lost soulmates who may have fallen (or jumped) - must have survived the fall.
They picked up a sturdy nearby stick, which had thorns at the end of it. They could use it as a weapon, if a wild animal was in the caverns below, and decided to attack them.
With DETERMINATION they never knew they had, they jumped into the hole.
They decided very quickly that Chara was not only a friend, but a cute friend. Even when they were being snarky and difficult, Frisk could tell that they cared - it did everything it could to keep Frisk out of trouble.
Not only that, but it's non-binary too! (Although, they hadn't known what that meant when Frisk brought it up, but it wasn't a bother explaining it to them...)
Frisk was the only non-binary kid at their school. All the kids found it weird...and most of the teachers seemed to as well. Every event that was split up by "boys and girls" was a nightmare...more often than not, Frisk was shoved into the girls side. Even when they expressed that if they had to choose they would choose the "boy side", the teachers just brushed them off, using the excuse of "biological sex" for their decision.
Then bathrooms came into the mix...Frisk hated using the restrooms at school...kids laughed at them, no matter which one they chose.
"You said you're not a boy or a girl! So why are you in the girls bathroom then, freak?"
"Ew, gross! Get out of the boys bathroom! You're not supposed to be in here! What are you, a pervert!?"
It filled them with a strong hatred for their gender; a strong hatred for a piece of who they are, of which they had no choice over.
But Chara understood that. Chara was a spirit, from back at the time of the witch-trials. Back then, things were even worse than present times...so if anyone understood what it was like to suffer from their gender, it had to be them.
That wasn't all that Chara seemed to understand. Chara fidgeted, ticked, grew annoyed with imperfections. From what little Frisk knew about mental conditions, they guessed that it had some form of OCD - just like their soulmate, Angelica! All around, it made them feel a lot more comfortable stimming in front of Chara.
Perhaps, when Chara got the chance to meet Frisk's soulmates...they would want to join their pact. Their promise.
But that would have to wait until they got the consent of the group first. No invitation until then. Frisk wasn't going to make that same mistake again...
Wandering through the Ruins was a waking nightmare.
With every twist and turn, monsters lunged out at Frisk, throwing bullets at them. And although their Moms would have encouraged them to fight back ("Self-defense is one of the most important things for a person to know. Especially for minorities like us!") Frisk couldn't bring themself to do anything except huddle in a ball, as each hit bruised their skin, or broke through their skin, leading to bloody scratches and wounds.
It was for that exact reason that Frisk quickly learned of their ability to come back from death. But it didn't stop them from falling apart during every battle, unable to take a stand.
Frisk was never one to stand up for themself. Their soulmate, Wish, was the one who did that back at school. And although he wore bunny-themed outfits everywhere he went, he was still intimidating. Enough so that any kid in school would back off when he entered a room.
They wished he was there to protect them...
It wasn't until Frisk's fifth death did Chara jump in.
Frisk had their eyes closed when it happened, having been huddled against the wall and afraid. Suddenly, they felt as though they had been shoved, and when they opened their eyes, everything around them looked ghostly. See-through.
Everything except for their body, which Chara was now controlling. Frisk panicked - Chara looked angry, and Frisk wasn't sure if they were going to hold back.
Frisk did the only thing they could think of. They grabbed Chara's shoulders, whisper-shouting panicked requests for them not to FIGHT.
Luckily, they complied without hesitance. Chara ACTED its way through the battle, dodging (almost) every bullet with fluid motion. It was impressive...beautiful, even.
From then on, the two children split control during battles. Chara acted as their voice...but, most importantly, they helped Frisk stand up for themself...
Frisk held back the urge to kiss them.
Finding Navaeh's ribbon made Frisk's heart sink, uncomfortably settling in their stomach. Frisk held the ribbon with an emptiness they couldn't describe, a feeling thats vacant and heavy with each shallow breath they could manage.
Frantically, they searched the area for any sign of her. Any sign of injury...but not a single drop of blood could be found. And although worry and fear felt as though it gripped Frisk by the neck, they didn't grieve.
They wouldn't grieve when there was no proof that she was lost. Instead, Frisk repeated the same words in their mind on repeat, until they could breathe properly again.
'Navy is okay. I just need to keep looking. Malo is down here, too. He would have protected her. He would have PERSEVERED with her. No matter what.'
Frisk could tell that Chara could hear their thoughts. They could also tell that Chara doubted what Frisk was thinking.
Neither child spoke a word to one another about it. Though, Frisk felt silent victory when they found Navy's toy knife up ahead. In their mind, that proved that she had made it ahead.
'That toy knife had never meant much to her, anyways. Its obvious she would leave it behind if she found something better!'
Despite Frisk's silent victory, Chara still avoided looking them in the eyes.
"Every human that falls down here meets the same fate. I have seen it again and again. They come. They leave. They die. You naive child...if you leave the RUINS...they...Asgore...will kill you. I am only protecting you, do you understand?...Go to your room."
Frisk gripped their shirt anxiously as Lady Toriel spoke. Looking into her eyes, Frisk could tell she was sad; bitter. Grieving.
And, despite how terrifying she looked with that expression in her eyes - looming at ten feet tall - they felt no fear. Only empathy.
'I watched them leave, too. I watched them get in that bus. I watched them wave goodbye,' Frisk thought, wishing they could find the strength to speak these words to Toriel.
'I, too, waited alone. I waited in our treehouse, crying, doubting they'd ever come back. And they didn't. They didn't return home.'
Frisk ran after Toriel, DETERMINATION burning in their chest, radiating through their body.
'But the difference between us is simple. I didn't keep waiting; I went looking for them. You haven't. So how could you know that they are dead, if you haven't seen with your own eyes?'
The battle with Toriel was the first one they didn't need Chara to get them through.
Immediately upon meeting Sans, Frisk wanted nothing more than to huddle inside of his jacket. They were freezing cold, shivering from head to toe, and he looked so cozy...his jacket looked like it had a texture of softness that was just right, and Frisk 'accidentally' brushed against it a few times, just to see if they were right. They were.
He smelled good, too. It was a perfect balance; not too overwhelming, but not too much focus needed to catch it. He smelled like pine needles, ketchup, fries, and burgers. It made their stomach grumble and whine, reminding them of how hungry they were.
Most of all, it reminded them of the after-school dates they had with their soulmates, at the small town restaurant called, Tobies.
All seven kids would huddle into the longest booth there was, in the back of the restaurant; it was not only perfect to fit all the group, but it had an excellent window view of the farmlands nearby.
Luci, with the KINDNESS of her heart, would buy everyone drinks, and three large orders of fries and chicken-strips to share. Frisk always ordered the same drink - a vanilla mango milkshake, with cinnamon-whip topping - and would eat, all the while cuddling against whoever they were closest to, resting their head on their shoulders and listening to them talk and breathe.
Just knowing they were alive and by their side was enough...
Frisk couldn't wait to get that back.
Finding Wish's glove in the box filled Frisk with pure euphoria. While people who didn't know his policy would have been concerned, Frisk had the privilege of knowing him personally.
Every Saturday, Frisk and their soulmates would gather in their treehouse, and talk about fears they had. From scary scenarios to recently experienced nightmares, they talked (or typed, in Frisk's case) vigorously. It was known as "Spooky Saturdays."
The point of these get togethers were to be vulnerable - to be open about uncomfortable topics, and grow closer from it. Not just that, but they also talked about solutions - ways to 'escape' or 'survive' these distressing situations they imagined. It was Wish's idea - he always was the BRAVEST of the seven.
One day, the topic of getting lost or kidnapped came up. And Frisk, despite everything, could remember distinctly what Wish's suggestion was.
'If I ever get lost, I'm going to leave something that is distinctly mine in an obvious place, so that rescuers will know I am nearby and find me!'
A box on a pathway was a perfect place to do that.
Gingerly, Frisk slipped on the glove, hoping to keep at least one of their hands from frostbite, before continuing with confidence.
Papyrus was one of the best people Frisk had met during their time Underground, equally matched with Chara and Sans. He was a blessing - a light of hope in Frisk's exhausting journey.
Frisk blessed him for his puzzles. They had been growing very fidgety without anything to stimulate them, and was sure they would have had a breakdown out of understimulation if it weren't for him.
The puzzles in the Ruins, while nice, just weren't the kinds of puzzles Frisk needed. Their autism required something different than memorizing games (which came naturally to them.) They needed pattern-games - and pattern-games, Papyrus supplied.
Honestly, they were thankful he was a 'human-hunting fanatic', if this was the 'traps' they were going to be given.
Frisk, admittedly, was annoyed when they had to buy back Wish's Bandanna. That lady must have found it, wherever he had laid it out - and instead of leaving it be, or finding the owner, she decided to sell it!
The audacity and disrespect of it was baffling. They wondered how often she had swiped someone's things if they accidentally dropped it, or left it outside their homes.
They didn't buy any of her goodies, regardless of how painfully hungry they were. They weren't going to pay someone like that anymore than they had to.
Frisk left the shop, bitter, but glad they had bought it before anyone else could. Chara seemed to know better than to ask about their frustration.
The fight with Papyrus was, admittedly, difficult. Frisk and Chara, even as a team, couldn't keep up with his attacks; the back and forth of stillness and movement was disorientating, especially for someone like Frisk, who struggled with both of those very things in everyday life.
So, as expected, they failed multiple times. But, much to Frisk's joy, Papyrus never killed them. He seemed to have perfect control over his attacks, immediately switching it off once they were worn down too much to fight.
And every time, they awoke inside of his unexpectedly warm shed, in a soft dog bed. If they had to guess, he probably didn't have a spare mattress, or he would have put it in there. He was too nice to be a serious prison-keeper.
There was also dry dog food in a bowl, a squeaky toy, and a note. Frisk could tell that this space was originally made for a dog - and probably still was, considering how recently-used everything in here seemed.
Frisk also had the nagging feeling that Papyrus was well aware they could open the door from inside the shed.
On their second time waking up in the shed, they saw the hot-dog cut up into the bowl of kibble. For some strange reason, they had the feeling that Sans was the one who added that, and not Papyrus...
The note was different, too. It was a concerned message from Papyrus. Frisk's heart swooned. They wondered if he'd let them hug him...
On their third time waking up in the shed, the note was the only thing that had changed.
Frisk swooned and stomped their feet happily. It was obvious that he had no ill-will, of course, but this...this made them want to lift him up and spin him around (though, they wondered if he was light enough for that.)
That feeling only intensified when Papyrus gave them the option to peacefully part-ways.
They decided to ask to be his friend.
It took everything inside of them to hold back from exploding into a squealing, jumping, flapping mess when he accepted their offer.
In fact, they did exactly that the moment he was out of sight.
Frisk's heart and soul pounded in heavy union when, of all voices, Anders' voice echoed from one of the crystal blue flowers. He gave a message so simple - a message that would sound ominous to anyone else - but filled frisk with nothing but unadulterated relief.
"I swore I saw something...behind that rushing water..."
It was a hint. A sign for Frisk - or anyone else they expected to try to save them. Frisk knew that it wasn't a mislead - Anders had too much INTEGRITY for that. It was the truth. It had to be.
Frisk ran faster than they had this entire journey. The bridges may have been slippery and wet causing them to stumble, and the water may have soaked their clothes, but they didn't care. Nothing would stop them from getting behind that water. Nothing would stop them from finding-
The only thing behind the rushing water was an abandoned tutu.
Frisk couldn't stop it when the tears poured down their face. They collapsed onto the ground, carefully grabbing Anders' tutu - which was coated lightly in dust - and hugged it, letting their tears drip onto it.
Chara said nothing. All they did was wrap their arms around Frisk, hugging them from behind, and resting its chin on their shoulder. Frisk didn't have the energy to hug back.
It was stupid...but hearing the voice of one of their soulmates, after months of loneliness, sitting in their bed at night, fearing they may never see any of them ever again...
For a moment...a single, beautiful moment...they thought their worries would finally be over...
They lay there, crying for an indetermined amount of time. It could have been minutes; it could have been hours. All they knew, was that instead of the warm embrace of the six people they had fallen in love with, they were met with a cold, dusty tutu, wet with their own tears.
It wasn't until Chara was brave enough to give the back of their head gentle kisses did they begin to catch their breath, and think clearly again.
It was the familiarity of the kisses that calmed them; Navaeh used to sneak kisses like that any time they were understimulated in math class. It helped that she had the desk right behind them, and that the teacher never paid attention to what the students were doing. She always took the time to do things like that for Frisk; her PATIENCE seemed to know no bounds.
'Just breathe. They didn't stick around back here, because it's been months...but that doesn't mean they're gone forever. They even left the tutu as a sign that they continued forward...just like Wish left the gloves and bandanna.'
With that thought repeating several times in their head, they slowly got back up, ready to continue their journey; however, this time, when they began to walk forward...they decided to hold Chara's hand.
They were soothed further when they found Anders' shoes further ahead. It proved that Frisk was right; they had continued forward.
Chara's grip on their hand tightened as Frisk picked up the shoes, continuing with their journey.
Frisk didn't like Gerson anymore than they liked the shopkeeper at Snowdin. Not only was Malo's notebook in his shop, up for sail, but his glasses were too! What kind of shopkeeper finds someone's glasses, and sells them?
Malo - being the clumsy boy he is - probably tripped and lost them in the water somewhere, or the long grass, or while running away from a monster!
'And now he's probably wandering around half-blind, holding onto Angelica's arm as his guide!'
If Frisk had the vocals Angelica did, they would have mimicked her famous phrase; "Where is the JUSTICE in this?!"
Frisk begrudgingly bought the glasses and notebook, and stormed out of the shop. Their stomach howled, desperate for food (the last thing they ate was a single piece of monster candy in the Ruins), but they was absolutely not going to buy a Crab Apple from that thief.
Gerson's jolly "Be careful out there, kid!" didn't make them feel anything but bitter.
"Seven. Seven human souls, and King Asgore will become a god. Six. Thats how many we've collected thus far."
Frisk felt their body run cold. Their throat felt dry. Their fists felt clammy...Undyne was speaking still, but Frisk wasn't listening. They didn't care to listen.
She had just told Frisk everything they needed to know.
They had their loves trapped somewhere, and were planning to slaughter them like pigs once they had a seventh human captured, too.
Frisk's vision went red. Their body was shaking. They could hear Undyne shouting, but it made no difference- Frisk marched forward.
They were going to get past her, without stooping to violence.
They were going to the hero their moms always told them they would be.
The battle with Undyne was the second one they didn't need Chara to get them through.
As Frisk's journey continued, they came across Lucielle's pan and apron. Just like the other items their soulmates owned, they carried it. The interdimensional box Alphys had installed onto their phone was quite the help, since they were beginning to run out of space in their pockets.
The interdimensional box also helped them keep an eye on their "bandage", which they'd left in a box back at Waterfall, seeing as they were running out of room. Now, Frisk could pull it out and give it to Malo when they reunited.
Most of the puzzles throughout Hotland were almost as stimulating as Papyrus's were, which helped ease their mind, and keep them focused on the task at hand.
They were in an even bigger hurry to get to Asgore's castle now that they had Undyne's words echoing in their mind...
Seeing Catty & Bratty with Angelica's gun and hat didn't surprise Frisk; it just annoyed them. They bought it and hurried onward.
They slowed, only momentarily, to wave at Sans at the entrance of the resort. They had the feeling that he wanted to talk to them, but they just couldn't spare the time; not when the lives of the people they trusted most in the world were at stake.
So, instead, they whispered "we'll talk later" as they passed him by. They knew he heard it, seeing as his eyelights looked them straight in the eyes, and he nodded ever-so-slightly, accepting this.
Hearing the story of what had come of Chara and its best friend made Frisk pause, if only temporarily, to hug and cradle Chara in their arms.
Chara cried. Frisk couldn't blame them...
They held onto Chara's knife and locket, out of respect. As far as they were concerned, Chara was a soulmate of theirs too.
When Frisk encountered Sans in the Judgement Hall, they had fully been expecting him to challenge them to a fight, just as his brother did. He was a sentry, so it was his duty, wasn't it?
When he started his speech, they were sure thats where it was headed. Sure, they hadn't killed anyone, but their LV and EXP hadn't been a concern to any of the other sentries, so why would it matter, anyways?
They were taken aback, however, when his speech turned sentimental.
"but you. you never gained any LOVE. 'course, that doesn't mean you're completely innocent or naive. just that you kept a certain tenderness in your heart. no matter the struggles or hardships you faced...you strived to do the right thing. you refused to hurt anyone. even when you ran away, you did it with a smile."
Frisk couldn't stop the tears from welling up. The heart ached longingly, and they wanted more than anything to hug him...their soul glowed warmly in their chest, and Chara leaned their head on Frisk's shoulder.
"you never gained LOVE, but you gained love. does that make sense? maybe not."
Tears fell down Frisk's face. Love. Love meant everything to them. Love was the reason they were here; love was the reason they were fighting so hard.
If it weren't for love, Frisk wouldn't have done any of this.
Navaeh. Wish. Anders. Malo. Lucielle. Angelica.
They were the soul definition behind what Frisk considered to be love. They were the ones who carved out a place in Frisk's heart. They were the ones who taught Frisk that love was unconditional. That love saw past flaws and quirks. That love embraced every part of who you are, even the bad parts.
And love is what gave Frisk the confidence to continue onwards, when Sans finished his speech and disappeared.
Maybe, Frisk was stalling their meeting with the king. Maybe, they really were just being thorough, and checking every possible location a prison may have been located.
Frisk couldn't remember now. Either way, it didn't matter the reasoning behind it.
All that mattered, was that they made the descent down the staircase to the right of the throne room...
Seven coffins came into view. Frisk physically felt their soul drop and cold sweat dripped down their back.
Each coffin had the illustration of a soul. But that wasn't the part that caught Frisk's attention.
It was the name, stamped on the front of each coffin, that made their lip tremble.
Names they recognized. Names they knew all too well.
Chara was speaking. Frisk wasn't listening. Couldn't listen. They needed to open the coffins. Needed to see what was inside. Because surely, surely, they were going to be empty.
They had to be empty. Frisk wouldn't be able to live another day - wouldn't be able to continue forward - if they weren't empty.
Frisk climbed over Chara's coffin, carefully putting their trembling hands on the coffin labeled "Wish."
The people in their head - who had been mostly quiet their whole journey - were screaming. Frisk had trouble controlling their arms; they knew that the people in their mind were trying to stop them. Were trying t hold them back from what they had to see.
Luckily, Frisk's DETERMINATION was stronger than theirs.
Chara tried to possess Frisk's body, too. They denied it. They wouldn't let anyone stop them.
They had to know.
'It's empty,' Frisk thought to themself, forcing their thoughts to be louder than the voices screaming at them, 'Theres nothing to be afraid of.'
With one swift move, Frisk flung upon the coffin's lid.
For the first time in their life, they screamed. They couldn't stop screaming. They fell backwards, hitting their head against the coffin behind them.
Frisk's screaming was too much for their unused throat. Their mouth filled with blood the longer and heavier they screamed, causing them to gag on the blood, and expel the contents in their stomach all over the floor.
All they could smell was vomit and rotting skin.
Frisk was sobbing. Weeping. In hysterics. They scrambled to their feet, helplessly reaching into Wish's coffin, cradling his deteriorating face in their hands.
'There are more coffins.'
Frisk swiftly pulled open the next coffin. And the next. And the next. Another. Someone was alive. One of them was alive. They HAD to be. They had to be. They had to be. They had to, they had to, they had to...
They shook each and every mangled corpse, desperately begging through their broken throat.
"Please don't leave me. Please. Please. You promised me. You promised me. You promised. You can't just leave me. Please, please, please. Get up. Its not funny anymore. Please, please, please, please."
They begged until their throat could no longer. Begged until they ran out of air. Begged until they collapsed,. They couldn't breathe. They were going to die, too. Their life is over. There is nothing left for their future.
Their soul cracked. DETERMINATION drained from them, leaving them feeling only one thing;
They didn't remember leaving the coffins. They couldn't even remember the walk back to Snowdin...maybe it was Chara or the people in their mind behind it.
Maybe they were dead inside, a corpse only half-conscious of their own actions...
Either way, they knew only only two things.
Their soulmates are dead.
They don't have the strength to fight the King; the monster who took their future from them.
The moment Papyrus was in view, they collapsed at his feet and wept, although they were too dehydrated for more tears to come out.
He ran to them immediately. He was speaking frantically, though they couldn't determine what he was saying.
Distantly, Frisk knew they were speaking. But they had no control over their words.
"They're dead. They're all dead. They're dead. They killed them. They killed all of them. He killed them. T-they're dead...dead...they're...they're..."
They were in shock, they could tell - but there was nothing they could do to get out of it. In fact, they didn't even think they wanted to get out of it. The pleasant numbness that came with it...they preferred to bask in it forever, rather than return to the devastation they felt earlier.
Papyrus carefully lifted them into his arms. Chara was holding them too. At some point, Sans must have joined them as well, because they felt his soft jacket and smooth skull press into their cheek. Frisk couldn't bring themself to care...they simply laid limp, whimpering and shivering, as they were brought into the skeleton brothers home.
The warmth of their embrace and the feverish exhaustion of both the snow and their crying knocked them out cold.
When the time came for them to awake, they prayed it was a nightmare. Prayed to wake up in their treehouse or Lucielle's tent, warm and safe in the arms of the people they had long-since titled their soulmates.
But when they opened their eyes, to see an unknown living room, everything good inside of them felt as though it had shattered.
Frisk could only feel numb. Everything inside of them seemed to have shut off.
They were trapped in a nightmare.
And they're never waking up.
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HELLO WHISKEY I HEAR WE ARE DOING BLORBO TALKS. i have so many. unfortunately you will have to put up with me talking about danny ohantom <3 i was tempted to go with gillion but ill save him for another time. daniel james phantom the original blorbo ever.
i love you unintentional trans allegories. i love you ghost themed superhero. danny was a 14 yr old kid who got caught up in his ghost hunter parents' crazy machinery trying to open a portal between the real world and the ghost zone (where all the ghosts live) and danny accidentally turned it on WHILE HE WAS INSIDE THE MACHINE. and it kind of. well. ripped him apart. the boy literally died at 14 . but also he didnt die. he got stuck between two dimensions and it made him fucked up and gave him superpowers !!!!!
Something i absolutely love abt the show is that in season 1, dannys powers are still REALLY new to him and he doesnt know how to use them. he doesnt learn how to actually weaponize his powers until episode 4 !!! for a monster of the week type show where he literally has to Fight Something every episode, thats a long ass time spent not knowing how to fight things!!!! he does stuff on accident like turning invisible at random or turning intangible and falling through the floor/through an object and tripping. its so. painfully awkward teen and i love it so much.
hes still a snarky annoying quippy teenage boy, but hes also scared. he doesnt know what the hell is going on ever, and the only person who has any idea what hes going through is another half-ghost who is. literally his arch nemesis!! actively trying to kill his dad!!! he cant go to that guy for help!!! but also theyre the only two people like this in the whole world so there is plenty of "we're a lot more similar than you realize" on both sides. augh.
luckily !!! he has two friends (Tucker and Sam) who were there with him the day of the accident and know everything about his powers. so hes not totally alone. and later on his older sister Jazz figures out his identity and has the mindset of "im not going to confront him about this, he'll come to me on his own terms" and instead helps cover for him with their parents behind his back :] and he does go to her about it eventually!! and she becomes part of the team!!! the sibling dynamic is so real. Jazz is so annoying sometimes but so is danny theres a really good balance of "siblings annoying each other but if you try to hurt them ill kill you" energy.
do not look at the dp fandom theyre all wrong about everything ever. the show is not full of angst 24/7 its actually very lighthearted and funny and fun to watch despite the. tanked writing in later episodes !!! however the premise is literally a teenage boy getting ripped apart by the ghost dimension so naturally the implications are. well. you know.
ANYWAY!!!!!! ghost boy forever. <3
MACCC I LOVE WHEN U TALK ABT DANNY PHANTOM!!! i didn't watch much of it but i watched a handful of episodes and yeagh that is guy goin thru Problems right there!!! my beloved blorbo in law <3 u go u funky lil teenage boy who got ripped apart by a ghost dimension and literally died at 14 but also didn't die <3 FUCKED UP PREMISE!!!LOVE THAT THE SHOW IS SO LIGHTHEARTED ABT IT!!!! that's so funny. making a comedy out of something fucked up <3
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wpdarlingpan · 3 years
Hello! I recently follow you and read your writing of DC. I love it, your writing are really good! For a request, i have this idea...
Platonic yandere Damian wayne with twin sister reader. Maybe, when they were kids, he used to be hated her because she was excelent in everything and have a little care and love from Talia. But she really care for his brother and then Ra al-ghul put them to fight among themselves on a cliff to see who was going to be the future leader and in a bad move, they ended up hanging up in the cliff. Then his sister, not wanting to see his brother die, brings him back to the surface and she ends up falling. Damian didn't know how to react and only receive a slap from his mother .
How about, after Damian goes to live with Bruce and being the new Robin, in one of the fights with Slade and his partner, this partner decides to let himself be trapped so that Slade can escape. In the Batcave, they take off the mask to discover that it is their sister, but someone very different, with another personality, cold, somewhat insane, hostile and very intelligent like that, because she was submerged in the Lazarus pit by Slade, who consider as a parent. Maybe Damian will try to reason with her and apologize for what he did to her. She tells him that it is too late and a smoke bomb explodes to reveal that Slade came for his daughter. She, determined, goes with him, but Damian tries to stop her, but is defeated and tells him that he should never have saved him, to see how Damian tears up and before leaving, he laughs and says "I didn't know that demons cry "
it could be possible? Thanks!!
Ukht: Sister in Arabic
Title: Not Again
Talia was surprised when she gave birth to twins. The boy a few minutes sooner than the girl. She was glad as well as they had two lethal weapons instead of one.
Two children with the blood of Talia Al Ghul and The Batman.
There was a boy she named Damian and she name the girl Y/N. She cared for them a short time after they were born then they were cared for mostly by maids.
As they grew older Damian began to despise his younger sister. She was perfect at everything and he was always second best. He believed she got all the love of their mother and grandfather and left him with none.
They were 10 when they were dropped at the top of the tallest mountain on their land and told to fight to determine the next Leader of the League Of Assassins. They were equals. They fought for hours as they each met each attack with one of equal force same with defense. They were bloody and bruised and Y/N couldn’t bare to hurt her brother anymore. But we she was about to give, she didn’t notice how close to the edge they were. The stood facing each other with their feet barely not over the edge but as Damian attack he knocked himself over the edge because he lost balance as he grew angry and let his emotions over ride his training. But as he fell he grabbed onto his sisters leg and she was pulled down with him. The didn’t fall far as they ended hanging onto a small ledge not to far from the top of the mountain.
Y/N knew what she had to do, but did she have the strength to do it is what she was questioning to herself.
She grabbed the rope she had attached to her belt and used one hand to toss it up and luckily for her it landed around a tall rock while the other end flew back down. The two ends of the rope were next to her and she leaned over and attached the rope to Damians belt as he struggled to hold on. He looked over once he felt the weight on his belt and he looked back at her questioningly.
“I love you Damian.” She said as she grabbed onto one end of the rope, pulling Damian up to the top as she used as much of the weight she could to work as a pulley system. She didn’t want him to bed up falling back down so as soon as she saw he was safely to the top, or as safe as you could be on the top of the mountain. She let go.
Damian screamed as he saw his sister fall beneath the clouds to her death, and he couldn’t do anything. He hated her all of his life for reasons she could not control and he didn’t realize that he never triplet hated her until he realized he never had been without her. She patched him up after fights in the middle of the night so he couldn’t protest, gave his pieces of food, tried to show him love but he wouldn’t accept it, not from her. 
He regretted it now.
A assassin flew a helicopter up to the mountain with Talia in the back going to collect Damian. Once she arrived and Damian had fought the pain and walked onto the helicopter, Talia slapped him sending him to the floor with a red hand print on his cheek. He wouldn’t cry, never.
They arrived back at the compound and Talia led him to Ra’s. Of course they talked about everything he did wrong then made him practice for 5 hours until it was perfect. After they sent him away to sleep he had nightmares of his sisters death, and how he hated her all those years.
The next day he was sent to live with his father after the league was attacked and Ra’s was killed. His mother handed him off and later on he decided to stay with his father even after he was to be brought back to the league. It had been a few months since then and Batman and Robin were in the middle of a fight with Slade otherwise known as deathstroke. He was a powerful force to be reckoned with. But even worse now, as he had a sidekick.
A fully masked figure wearing fighting gear and knifes strapped to their thigh, not to mention the very sharp Katana they were wielding, it was a difficult task for them both. But Batman dodged a stroke from the blade and the blade hit a gas pipe, as it was about to explode Slade ran off and Batman was about to go follow before she tackled him to the ground. They fought for a good couple seconds before Robin joined the fight and she was knocked out.
Batman and Robin swung out of the warehouse with Batman holding the masked figure as the pipe exploded leaving behind a burning building.
They put her in handcuffs and put her in the back of the batmobile as they drove home.
“Who do you think she is Batman?”
“I’m not sure.”
They drove home in silence, when did Slade get a partner?
Once in the bat cave they tied her to a chair before Alfred fixed up their cuts. The figure began to slowly wake up and she struggled in the chair before settling while staring at the duo.
“Why were you with Slade? A partner? Sidekick? Apprentice?” She doesn’t respond and continued to glare. The Bat stared right back and couldn’t help but think she was very short, just a inch or two below Damian. Her eyes seemed young as well but didn’t hold any innocence.
“You heard him, who are you?!” Damian demanded by Robin put a hand on his shoulder
They still didn’t respond. But, an idea came to mind. If she gave away her identity it would distract them enough for her to initiate a plan.
“Take off my mask Damian and see.” She spoke ominously while they both looked in shock that she knew his identity. He got over it and quickly ripped off her mask and he was staring into eyes alike to his own.
“Miss me? I’m sure you didn’t.”
“Who is she Damian?”
“He never told you about me?” She asked with a fake point then proceeded to smirk.
“Damian?” Batman questioned further but all domain could do was stare.
“I’m his twin sister.” If there was a time the bat had showed that he was shocked it would have been when he found out about Damian, but this one rivaled it.
He looked over to Damian but Damian turned away.
“Yep, his little sister only by a few minutes.”
Damian and Bruce took off the masks looked at her. Bruce saw the resemblances, between Damian and her, between her and himself.
Damian knelt in front of her and stared into her eyes.
“Forgive me ukht, please forgive me.” Tears gathered in his eyes surprising y/n. Damian crying? That’s not possible.
“Forgive you for what Damian?” Bruce questioned staring at his children.
Y/N had her lips pursed so Damian responded.
“Our mother and grandfather put us against each other in a mountain… it was a fight to the death to determine who would be the heir to the league. We fought for hours before I let me emotions lead and I fell. I grabbed onto y/n and she came down with me. We felt onto a ledge with barely enough room for us to hold on.” Bruce’s eyes are wide and slightly teary. “She grabbed her rope and made a pulley system. I was slipping, she tied it to my belt and jumped, telling me she loved me. Pulling me to the top as she Plummeted down. She fell, or rather let go so I could live.”
“And yet here we are.” She spoke snarky glaring at Damian.
“How are you here then?” Bruce questioned feeling as if he knew the answer. Jason was a standing example.
“You already know Bruce. The Lazarus Pit. Just like how it brought back Robin #2.” She smirked as he glared slightly. Damian glared back at their father as he needed to calm down.
“But did you know something Batman?” 
“What is it Y/N?”
“We always have a back up plan.”
With that the wall bursted open and Y/N shook of the robes she had been working away with a small knife. She held up a small tracker she had on her and smirked at their surprise faces. The duo threw on their masks even though their identity’s were already known.
Slade walked in with swords at the ready and he threw one to Y/N.
“Nice to see you.” Slade smirked at her.
“To you as well.”
“Ready to go?” He questioned her ignoring the bat and the bird.
“Ready when you are.” They nodded slightly and
Slade attacked Batman while she got Damian. With the help of a smoke Bomb and their disorientation from the information that she was alive, they were fairly easy to take down. They knocked the duo down to the floor and tied their legs together, just to give them enough time to escape.
“You can’t go! Not again.” Damian yelled with tears streaming down his face. He couldn’t lose her, not again.
“Wow look at that Slade.”
“What is it Y/N?” He played along as they turns towards the whole in the wall.
“I didn’t know Demons could cry. You learn something new everyday.”
Slade tossed another smoke Bomb into the cave as the last dispersed, distracting Damian and Bruce since they had almost gotten out of the rope, and got far away from the duo.
Damian stared at the hole in the wall in a mix of anger and sadness. Bruce in shock still.
Damian sobbed and fell to the floor in tears.
“Not again.”
Hopefully you liked it! Sorry it wasn’t too Yandere, I wasn’t sure how to make him a Yandere with this. But I how it was still good. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day! ♡
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pftones3482 · 3 years
One of the commissions I'm doing for @randomfandomfan ft Hurt/Comfort Adrinino. Find it on my AO3 here.
Set post Rocketear and pre any kind of romantic relationship (tho it's hinted at). This was already a fic I wanted to write, and one of the prompts they sent me fit the concept almost perfectly, so I ran with it.
Under a cut for length.
“It’s your fault.”
Nino jumped about a foot in the air, whirling from where he’d been shutting his door with his phone pointed menacingly at the source of the voice. His backpack smacked him in the hip, knocking him off kilter, and he stumbled, bracing himself on the doorknob. His eyes scanned the room slowly, shoulders easing when he didn’t spot anyone. “Hello?”
“What are you, dense, kid?” scoffed the voice again, from right in front of him, and Nino squeaked at an embarrassing pitch when he registered the Kwami floating there.
The Kwami.
The Kwami.
A black cat Kwami.
Nino dropped his defensive (if somewhat undignified) stance, staring at what was definitely Chat Noir’s Kwami. “Um. You’re not supposed to be here.”
The cat’s eerily green eyes rolled. “Wow. Intelligent.”
Nino spluttered, feeling awkward. “W-Well I’m sorry, dude, how do you expect me to react!” he demanded, throwing his hands up in the air. Something like ice settled in his gut as the Kwami’s existence finally clicked. “W-Wait, why are you here? What happened?”
“You happened,” the Kwami snapped, and uh. Okay. Not what Nino wanted to hear right now.
“YOU. Do you have any idea how much you upset him? How much you hurt him the other day? He won’t say it, Nino, but he’s hurting. He’s been hurting, and you unloaded on him and beat him and told him how awful he was and if you weren’t his best friend and I didn’t think you were the only one who could help right now, you’d be in a pile of rubble.”
Holy shit.
Nino had never heard a Kwami so pissed. Wayzz could get a little condescending sometimes, and Ladybug had admitted that her Kwami could be a little snarky (as could Trixx, as Alya had confirmed time and time again). But never had he seen a Kwami literally shaking in rage.
He’d be more terrified if the cat’s words weren’t sinking in.
“Hang on, hang on, dude,” Nino said, crossing his arms in an “x” through the air. “Is this about Rocketear? I apologized, I-I thought me and Chat were okay. Also like, I respect the guy, but he has no idea who I am, dude, we’re not best friends.”
“Had,” the cat spit out. “He had no idea who you were.”
Nino’s stomach swooped out from under him and he gripped his desk chair tightly to keep from tripping. “What?”
The Kwami gave him a smug, if not irritated, smile. “You told him yourself.”
“D-During…when I was fighting him?” Nino squeaked. “N-No, I saw the footage, I didn’t tell him I’m Carapace!”
The cat softened. “Before, Nino. Before you were akumatized.”
“I didn’t-”
“Of course, when Ladybug appears, he throws himself to her feet with roses and love confessions!”
“But he is always rejected, because Ladybug thinks that he’s annoying. And she is COMPLETELY right!”
Oh, fuck.
“I know because I’m also a superhero. I’m Carapace.”
Nino fumbled for his desk chair, sinking into it hard and banging his elbow on the back. The pain was almost numbing. He put his head in his hand, pushing his hat back off his head and staring blankly at the wall.
“Oh my god, dude, I-?”
The Kwami sounded almost sad this time, and that, somehow, was worse than him threatening to kill Nino.
He didn’t really remember being akumatized, until the end, when Alya broke him from Shadowmoth’s hold. And despite warnings from his friends, he’d watched the footage from his akumatization. Even without Alya recording, someone usually was, and the footage was always online by the end of the day.
He knew what he’d done to Chat Noir.
He’d seen the way he dropped his baton, a sign of surrender. The way Rocketear hadn’t hesitated to push him back with everything he had, pounding him again and again and again into that van, how he’d grabbed him by the head and slammed him backwards like-
The Kwami’s paw was gentle on his wrist and Nino shuddered, scrubbing at his eyes furiously and dislodging his glasses. “Oh my god, oh my god, where is he?” he choked out. “I-I need to find him right now, Kwami dude, I-I can’t believe I-”
“Plagg,” the Kwami offered, his scratchy voice easing Nino from his panic. “And it wasn’t you, kid.”
“B-But it was, that’s the worst part,” Nino whispered, standing and pacing now. “I hated him, I hated him so much I – oh my god, he tried to tell me.” He laughed, bitter, holding his hands together behind his head. “He tried to tell me Alya and Chat didn’t have a thing and I-”
“Nino,” Plagg interrupted. “He’s on the roof.”
Nino stopped, blinked at him. “He’s what.”
Plagg nodded upwards, his antenna bobbing. “On the roof. Been there every night for the last week.” His voice lowered. “He wanted to talk to you, but he’s too scared.”
“He’s on the…he’s on my roof?”
Nino scrambled around his room, grabbing a jacket and an extra hoodie before reaching out, snatching Plagg, and shoving him into his hat. He froze a millisecond later. “Um. Please don’t cataclysm me for that, dude.”
Plagg’s chuckle was more like a purr. “Please. As if I’d need to use all that on just you.”
Nino supposed he should be insulted, but with everything he now knew, he couldn’t find it in himself to care. It was nearly one am – he’d been out late studying with Alya – so now he crept from his room and to the front door, hopeful not to wake his family. Grabbed his key off the hook by the entrance, and then eased the apartment door shut behind him.
It was only one flight up to the roof access, usually locked, but Nino had come up here with Alya more times than he could count, so he knew that if you wiggled the lock just right, it would come undone on it’s own. They’d oiled the hinges ages ago so that it didn’t scream every time it was opened, and now it was silent as Nino pushed it up and stared over the flat top.
Adrien was silhouetted in the moonlight, precariously close to the edge, and it made Nino’s breath hitch. He pushed the door all the way open and clambered up onto the roof as quietly as possible, easing the hatch shut again before turning back to his best friend and slumping.
Best friend.
God, how could he have-?
“You didn’t know,” Plagg whispered, gentler than Nino had expected him to be. The Kwami zipped from his hat, hovering in the air next to him, and he offered Nino a grim smile. “I might hate you a little right now for what you did to him, but you didn’t know, kid.”
Nino let out a shaky breath and started the trek over to his friend, fiddling with his extra sweatshirt. The night air was chill, and he was glad he’d brought it – Adrien was in nothing but short sleeves.
“All week, huh?” he murmured, watching as Adrien jumped a little, fingers tightening on the edge of the roof. “Could’ve just called, dude.”
Adrien twisted, lips parting. “How did you know I was-?”
His eyes landed on Plagg and a squeak slipped from his mouth as his hand shot to his shirt pocket. It wouldn’t have been funny if he hadn’t gone so pale.
So Plagg hadn’t told him he was telling Nino. Interesting.
“Y-You can’t-! You told-?”
“You’ve been here all week, Adrien,” Plagg snapped. “You weren’t gonna tell him, I was. You need a cheese in your corner.”
Nino had no idea what that meant, but he couldn’t stop staring long enough to care.
Adrien’s eyes were tired. There was no glint in them. The circles under his eyes were deep – he must’ve been wearing makeup to school, because Nino hadn’t seen them until now. His hands were trembling, his lips were bitten raw, and Nino felt his entire heart shatter.
“I am…so sorry,” he choked out, tears spilling over. Adrien jolted, turning his gaze from Plagg to him.
“No, dude, no, I-I-I…I don’t care that I didn’t know. I should never have said those things, I should never have hurt you like that, oh my god dude, I hurt you so bad, I like could have killed you, a-a-and…”
He froze, reeling, and stumbled back. Adrien got to his feet warily, holding his hands up. “Nino?”
“You were gonna let me.”
He wanted it disproved, but Adrien’s flinch told him everything. His chest seized and Nino choked on his breath. “You were gonna let me, you would’ve fucking let me, you fucking asshole how could you? Do you have any fucking idea how much I care about you dude?”
He shoved Adrien without thinking, hands firm against his shoulders, pushing him back and away from the edge. Adrien’s eyes were wide, lip trembling, and Nino pushed him again, closer to the center of the roof, this time forcing the sweatshirt into his grasp. Adrien clung to it, lips parted, and Nino dragged his hands through his hair, pacing as Adrien shrugged the sweatshirt on. He’d left his hat downstairs, he registered somewhere in the back of his mind.
“Oh my god,” he choked out. “I-I…I’m so sorry dude. I’m so sorry, your dad, and then school, and modelling and your stupid model diet and then you’re a literal superhero and I’m supposed to be your best friend and I didn’t even…”
“You weren’t saying them about me,” Adrien whispered. “I know that.”
Nino spun to face him, vision blurry. “If you knew that you wouldn’t have been on my roof every night for the last week working up the nerve to talk to me. If you knew that you wouldn’t have thrown down your weapon and let me beat you to-”
He cut himself off with choked cry and he rushed at Adrien, clinging to him with a force he didn’t know he possessed. He cradled his friend’s head gently, heart sinking for a moment until he felt Adrien’s hands lift to settle tentatively on his back.
“I don’t hate you,” he whispered into Adrien’s ear. Nino swallowed, throat aching. “I don’t hate you, and I don’t hate Chat Noir. I was mad. A-And that’s not an excuse for what I said, and I’m so sorry. I’ve never hated Chat Noir, dude. He was always my favorite. I just…”
“You were upset,” Adrien finished, soft.
“Jumped to conclusions,” Nino corrected. “I was jealous of Alya keeping stuff from me, and I jumped to conclusions, and I hurt you, shit I-I hurt you, I-”
“I’m okay, Nino. It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay,” Nino croaked, tightening his grip. Something in him breathed easier when Adrien tightened his own back, harder, his shoulders starting to shake. “It’s not okay, I love you, dude. Don’t do that for me. Don’t ever stop fighting back when it’s your life at stake, I-I can’t…”
Adrien’s grip clenched in his hoodie and suddenly Nino’s neck was wet with tears. Nino carded his fingers through Adrien’s hair, turning his head just slightly to press his lips against his temple. “Talk to me, dude,” he whispered. “I’m here now, you don’t have to do this alone. Not anymore.”
“You can’t tell, Nino,” Adrien croaked. “I mean it, not even Alya. Y-You can’t. Promise me.”
He pushed Adrien back, gentle, and cupped his cheeks, swiping away the tears on his skin. “I promise,” he said firmly, staring Adrien in the eyes to show he meant it. “This is too big to tell, dude.”
“You told me-”
“I trusted you,” Nino said, squeezing Adrien’s shoulders. “I was pissed, and I knew I trusted you more than anyone, and I knew you wouldn’t say anything. A-And I was wrong, dude. I shouldn’t have told Alya’s identity. Mine is one thing, but that wasn’t okay. But man, dude, you have it rough as it is, without anyone knowing you’re a superhero. I’m not telling, dude.”
Adrien swallowed, throat bobbing, and glanced behind Nino, where he presumed Plagg was floating. Plagg must have indicated something, because he slumped and gave a weak smile. “Thank you, Nino.”
Nino shook his head. “Don’t thank me. D-Don’t…not after that.”
Adrien’s hands were on his cheeks now, fingers freezing. “Hey. It wasn’t you. You might’ve been mad, but it wasn’t you. It was Shadowmoth amplifying those emotions, and you beat him. You beat him, Nino. I’m…so proud of you for that,” he whispered, voice cracking.
Nino pulled him in again, arms clinging to his back and his nose pressed into the hood of Adrien’s borrowed sweatshirt. “I’m proud of you too, dude,” he said. He felt Adrien’s grip tighten on his back. “No one ever says it. I’m proud of you. And I’m-”
“If you say sorry one more time,” Adrien croaked, laughter behind his tears, “I will personally dangle you off the Eiffel Tower by your shield.”
Nino chuckled and stepped back, tugging Adrien’s wrists gently. “Come inside,” he pleaded. “It’s cold out.”
Adrien glanced behind his shoulder, teeth worrying at his lip. “I should get home,” he said. “It’s late.”
“Then they won’t notice,” Nino said, pulling him a step further. “C’mon, dude. You’ve been by yourself for so long. I wanna hear about being Chat Noir.”
Adrien looked back to him, lips parted. The glint in his eyes was illuminated by the surrounding buildings, and something in Nino’s stomach twisted in a way he wasn’t going to question at the moment. “Really?”
“You kidding? Of course, dude.”
Adrien’s mouth slid into a tiny smile now, head tilting in that puppy-dog way only he could pull off. “Yeah. Y-Yeah, I’d like that. If you’re sure it’s-”
Nino knelt down and lifted the roof access cover, climbing onto the ladder and looking back up at Adrien with what he hoped was an inviting grin. “Dude. Just get inside already.”
Sneaking back in was harder than sneaking out, only because now he had another person in tow, but they managed to get back into his room without waking anyone (even after their quick excursion to the kitchen for a block of sharp cheddar, because Plagg was whiny). Nino shut off all the lights in his room except his desk lamp, leaving the soft glow to illuminate the corner and moving to his bed.
Adrien hesitated at the foot of it, fiddling with the sweatshirt strings on Nino’s hoodie (and Nino was ignoring how much he liked that image, that was something he could confront in the morning). “Um.”
Nino rolled his eyes and held out an arm. “Come cuddle, bro. And tell me about being the hottest bachelor in Paris.”
That got a snort from his friend, and Adrien crawled into the bed next to him, flopping against Nino’s side and leaning his head against his shoulder as Nino tucked an arm around him. “I thought I was the hottest bachelor in Paris.”
“Oh my god, you and your alter ego literally are competing for the same spot, that’s so fucking funny,” Nino cackled, keeping his voice low so he didn’t wake Chris next door.
Adrien chuckled and then fell quiet, and Nino traced a circle on his arm, feeling the mood shift. “Wanna talk about what’s been going on with you and Ladybug?”
“How did you-?”
“It’s pretty obvious when you’re working directly next to the two of you. And especially now that I know it’s my best bro behind the mask? What’s up?”
Adrien went still again, and then rolled over, pressing his face into Nino’s shoulder. “Can we talk about that tomorrow?” he mumbled. “I’d rather just…hang out, for now.”
Nino tightened his grip, focused on the ceiling, and tried to quell the racing thoughts in his mind. “Of course, dude. Of course.”
Adrien’s breathing evened out, and Nino had a feeling he probably wasn’t heading home anytime soon. He didn’t care, just shifted to put his phone and glasses on his nightstand and then rolled over to hold his friend closer, smiling thinly when he instantly clung back.
Plagg was curled up on the pillow above Adrien’s head, and his cat eyes blinked sleepily as he studied Nino. “Thanks, kid.”
Nino loosened a hand and reached up, scratching the cat on the head, fully prepared to lose a finger. To his surprise, Plagg just purred and nudged up into the touch. “Thanks for breaking the rules for him,” he whispered back. “I’m sorry I put both of you through that.”
“You’re a good kid, Nino,” Plagg said, yawning and curling his tail around himself. “Stupid, but good. Wayzz likes you for a reason.”
The Kwami went quiet and started snoring, leaving Nino to flush at the compliment, run his fingers through Adrien’s hair, and fall asleep with a sense of calm he hadn’t felt in a long, long time.
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pascalpanic · 3 years
ok can i request a din djarin x reader where the reader is a badass but usually seduces her bounties to capture them, and din is both jealous and confused (bc she could kick anyone’s ass) and she whips out the line “don’t work for misogyny, make misogyny work for you” thank you so so much
Atin’la (Din Djarin x f!Reader)
Summary: Being a female bounty hunter is a pain in the ass. When you meet a Mandalorian man and begin traveling with him, you meet seemingly the only man in the bounty hunting trade that respects women. Too bad he’s a hopeless romantic too.
W/C: 4k
Warnings: language, alcohol, misogyny, threats of violence, mentions of weapons, Din doesn’t know how to emotion. rude terms to address a female (whore, bitch, etc.)
A/N: I had so much fun working on this request you guys! Fic requests are definitely open if inspiration strikes any of y’all. The bounty they capture in the later part is a Zabrak! I did some research into different humanoid species, and for reference, Zabraks are the species with a ring of horns on their head; the most notable one is Darth Maul. I linked the wookiepedia page here so you can get a feel for what they look like if you aren’t familiar with the species. 
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atin’la- tough
Being a bounty hunter and a woman is much harder than being one or the other.
Sexism runs rampant in circles dominated by men, and bounty hunting was certainly one of those circles. Finding a man impartial to women was the best you could get in hopes of employment, a man who actually gave a shit about the women was a dream. 
Luckily, you’d happened across a man who seemed to see directly past gender. A man who you weren’t even sure was a human, covered in beskar and refusing to even tell you his name. He asked you to call him Mando, and that was that.
You’d happened upon the man during a bounty hunt. You were an independent contractor, working for yourself. You’d pick up pucks from slain hunters, more often than not, or you’d run a spare job for Karga or his rivals. Money was the number one concern for you, over loyalty to a certain guild or a certain code.
The hunt was going somewhat easily. It all changed when you looked down and found a tiny green being sipping soup. It smiled cutely at you with tiny white teeth and you abandoned your mission for a moment to give the little thing a scratch on its head. He seemed to appreciate that, leaning into your touch and slipping his wide brown eyes closed.
The being’s father didn’t like that. You looked up to find a beskar-clad, broad-shouldered man pointing a pulse rifle at you. “Step away from the child.”
“Relax,” you said quickly, putting your hands in the air. “I’m not here for him.”
“How do I know that?” The modulated voice growled at you. 
“I’m an independent bounty hunter. Let me show you.” You grabbed a puck and tossed it to the man, who skillfully caught it while balancing his pulse rifle, aiming it directly at your heart. The man- well, you assumed it was a man- pressed the button, illuminating the dark alley with a holographic image of a mythrol. “See? It was registered to Jido Korden. He’s dead now. I stole the puck from his body.”
The black slit in the helmet looked from the puck back up at you. “You’re not Guild?”
“No,” you laughed. “Why bother working for one side when you can keep your opportunities open?” You asked, a smirk on your face. 
He shook his head. “I was assigned to this mythrol too.”
“That’s too damn bad, Mandalorian,” you shrugged and walked closer, snatching the puck back from his palm. “Unless you want to work together,” you snorted as you pocketed the little round piece, turning off the hologram. You looked down at the kid again. “Nice meeting you, squirt,” you hummed to the kid and scratched its head before turning to walk away. 
“Independent, huh?” The Mandalorian asked, lowering his pulse rifle.
You stopped in your tracks. “Yeah. What about it?”
“You have skills. I’ve seen your image before.”
“Better not have been on a bounty puck.” You crossed your arms and turned around. “Where is this going?”
“I… am in need of crewmates. This kid is a kriffing handful, and I can’t keep watching him and running bounties. It’s just not working out.”
“That sucks,” you shrugged. “Is this an offer?” He stared at you for a second, unreadable. His visor stared directly into your face. “Yes. Come work with me. We’ll take turns running bounties and staying on my ship with the kid.”
“Oh, you have a ship,” you raised an eyebrow as you looked up and down his body. “I’m not a working girl, you do know that?”
“Of course I know that,” the man said, annoyance evident in his modulated tone. “This is not a… partnership of that kind.”
You bit your lip and tilted your head as you looked at the man, the child, and back to the man. “50/50 split of payment.”
“Don’t make me negotiate a higher rate,” you chuckled. “50/50.”
You smiled. “Looks like you’ve got a partner, Mandalorian,” you said, hands on your waist. You walked closer and offered him a hand. He took it and you shook on the deal. You introduced yourself and he nodded. “What’s your name?” You asked.
“You can call me Mando.”
That was how your partnership with Mando began. Now, you’ve worked together for a few weeks. His missions tend to run longer than yours, taking upwards of a week. That leaves you on the ship with the child more, but it’s nice. It’s almost fun to pretend domesticity when the Mandalorian man is gone, playing with the child.
Green bean, baby boy, cutie, kiddo, nugget. The kid had many names under your care. You wonder if Mando ever calls him sweet names when you’re the one gone. You hum to the child and put him in his little knit hammock, hanging above the technically-shared bunk. It’s not really yours or Mando’s. One of you sleeps in it when the other is on the mission. One side has a small shelf with some of your belongings- your glasses, wax for chapped lips, a durasteel flask for water. The other is bare. That’s Mando’s side. 
The child is asleep, and you’re curled up against the back wall of the bunk, reading something on a holopad. Your home planet has a newsfeed you can stream, and you smile softly as you scroll through it. You take a sip of water from the metal flask and hear the child stirring. He wants to be near you, you can tell, as he reaches out a tiny three-fingered hand toward you. 
Shaking your head, you chuckle. “Alright, bud. Come here,” you allow, and the child jumps from his hammock onto your stomach, causing you to make a soft oof as he lands on you. The child giggles and crawls up your body, cuddling in against your chest. You set down the holopad and stroke the child’s big ears. He makes a little coo of happiness, snuggling in and closing his eyes. As much as you’d tried to get the child to sleep in his hammock, every night was like this. He wanted to be held and sung to and kissed between his big eyes. He was a baby, you suppose. You wonder if Mando indulges the child by doing this when it’s just him and the child.
As you close your eyes, you find yourself thinking about the Mandalorian. You liked him, you had to admit, making you smile placidly at the backs of your eyelids. He had a dry sense of humor. He was good to you. He’d indulge in conversation with you between the times one of you would go out on a hunt. He’d listen to you talk and comment along on your stories. He was good at domestics, you’d notice when you came back from your turn hunting. He’d wash and fold the child’s brown robes and his own capes, would polish his weapons and sometimes you could even smell remnants of cooking in the hull of the ship. 
Yes, you have to admit, you like Mando. He’s a good man. He treats you and his little green son well. In response to his kindness, you do what you can for him. You get treats at the marketplace with the child and leave them on his pilot’s seat for him to find. You polish his beskar for him at night when he sleeps, in just a helmet and his flight suit, up in the cockpit whenever the two of you are both aboard the ship. You write him notes of thanks and tuck them around the ship for him to find.
You fall asleep thinking about the man, the enigma shrouded in beskar and dark clothing, while you held the child close to your chest.
Mando likes you too. He smiles when he finds a note from you tucked in his pack he carries on missions. He snacks on the candies that you get for him, and even shares them with the child. He falls asleep in the same bunk, thinking about you, the child nestled alongside him. 
When he’s on a hunt, he thinks about you and the child constantly. He wonders if you ever think about him the way he thinks about you. He wonders if you consider him a friend. He views you as one. He pictures the way your eyes twinkle when you and the child get into mischief. He thinks about the way you laugh at his dry humor, the way you send a snarky comment right back at him. The way you’re good to him. The way he secretly yearns for you, for your touch, for your lips and your arms around him. 
Now, as he’s dragging a knocked-out twi’lek back to the ship, he hopes you’re asleep. He hopes he can catch a glimpse of how relaxed you look when you sleep, the way your nose twitches when you’re dreaming and you press kisses to the child’s head in moments of half-consciousness. He hopes he doesn’t wake you as he lowers the Crest’s ramp and walks up, quietly as he possibly can. The carbonite freezer is loud, and it wakes you. “Mando?” You call as you hear it, sitting up.
“Just me, cyar’ika.” 
You don’t know what the word means, but Mando loves to address you by the title. It probably means bitch or snarky one or sassy, you sometimes think. “How did it go?” You ask as you hear the heavy footsteps of the man come to the end of bunk. 
“Easily. He was hard to find but easy to take down.”
“The best kind. More time away from me,” you tease, rubbing your eyes and looking at the hulking man, the red and blue lights from various appliances just barely illuminating his shape. 
“You like it that way, I’m sure,” he teases back, sitting on the end of the bed and stripping off the beskar, setting it on the floor with a clunk. 
“Actually…” you trail off, smiling a little. “I was thinking we could do the next hunt together. I’d like to see your style. My next one is on Tatooine, we could leave the child with Peli. She adores him.”
He turns to look at you. It’s unbearably domestic, your hair messy and your shoulders bare in your sleeping camisole and soft legs visible with the shorts you wear, your glasses slipping down your nose. It’s hard to believe you’re a bounty hunter in this moment, he thinks to himself. You look so delicate and warm and soft. The opposite of him, rough and rude and harsh. “Who’s Peli?” he asks after a moment.
“Mando!” You laugh and smack his bare arm. “The lady with the wild hair. She runs the hangar?”
“That’s her name?”
“Yes, you bantha,” you grin and shake your head. “Her name is Peli. I cannot believe you.”
The child awakens at the noise and makes a noise of excitement as he sees Mando. “Hey, kid,” the Mandalorian chuckles and picks up the child, setting him on his lap. The child hugs him and Mando gives a soft laugh as he hugs him back, lightly. 
“Go back to sleep, cyare. I’ll pilot us to Tatooine and you can finally show me how terrible you are at bounty hunting.” He pats your calf softly, with an ungloved hand, and you do your best not to shiver at the touch of his strong hands on your bare skin. 
“You get some rest too,” you tell him with a soft smile, placing your hand on top of his. Your fingers are so much smaller than his, so much more delicate, and you trace the tips along the back of his hand. He nods and stands, setting the child back down next to your side. You lie back down and cuddle the child into your chest, trying not to think about how strong and warm his hand felt on your skin.
Once you arrive on Tatooine, you suit up. Your hair is slicked back to the best of your abilities, and your glasses are replaced with contacts. You pull on your skin-tight black tank top and black cargo pants, strapping your holster belt around your waist, slinging your ammunition belt over your shoulder, where it rests between your breasts. You strap one blade to your thigh and another to your upper arm, and pull on your trusted combat boots. You’re ready. “You can come down,” you shout up to Mando, who’s been patiently waiting in the cockpit for you to get changed. 
The man climbs down the ladder in his full beskar. Tatooine is a hot planet, so he’s omitted the cape for this mission. You can see a peek of skin when he moves his head, showing a little bit of tanned skin, and it makes you bite your lip and turn away. “You ready?” You ask him as you sling his backup pulse rifle- which you’ve claimed as yours now- over your shoulder.
He nods. “Looks like you are too.” The child has already been left with Peli, so everything is set. He walks closer to you and removes one of his metal vambraces, strapping it to your arm. It looks odd against your bare skin, only ever having seen it against the dark material of Mando’s flight suits or duraweave shirts. “This button,” he says and points to a triangular button, “is the comm in case we get separated.”
“You’re gonna be the one needing it,” you tease, pressing the button on his other vambrace. It makes a screeching feedback sound from being so close to the other receiver and you wince before pressing it again to turn it off.
“Sure I will,” he chuckles. 
“Show me the puck one more time?” You ask, looking up into the black T of his helmet. He nods and pulls it out, pressing the hologram. It’s a male Zabrak with a name listed beneath: Gar Thalcyon. Crimes: Bail Jumping, Resisting Arrest, Grand Theft X-Wing. “Shouldn’t be too hard. Men are easy,” you chuckle and take the puck, putting it in a pocket of your cargo pants. “Let’s go.” You walk out of the ship, leading Mando along.
You walk through the crowded marketplace of Tatooine, the Mandalorian man trailing behind you. Your head is held high. You don’t necessarily fit in; many Tatooinians wear robes and hoods to hide from the sun, but you obviously didn’t bother. The Mandalorian behind you most definitely doesn’t belong, attracting stares, but he doesn’t mind either. He’s used to it. 
Mos Eisley is, unfortunately, a dead end, you two discover after a day of searching. The bounty puck never indicates that you’re in the right location. Both you and Mando decide to get dinner at a cantina in town before you move on tomorrow. That’s what led the two of you to where you are: sitting in a more secluded booth, watching the cantina’s patrons get drunker by the minute. 
You’re sipping a bright pink cocktail, and Mando watches the world around the two of you, sneaking glances through his visor at you. “Isn’t this a little irresponsible for a mission?” You chuckle, swirling the skewer of fresh berries sitting in the glass in front of you. 
“He’s not around here. We’re not on mission time now,” he shrugs. 
“Oh, so is this like a date?” You tease with a smile. 
Mando freezes for a second. You hope you haven’t offended him somehow, but he tilts his head as he watches you. “Do you want it to be one?”
You bite your lip and swirl your drink faster. “I don’t know. It’s a little impractical for coworkers, for co-bounty hunters, is it not?” You chuckle, but there’s no humor in your voice as your throat goes dry. 
“It would be,” he nods in agreement. “But our job is only a contract between us. One that can be amended.”
You have a shy smile as you look up at him. “Do you want it to be one, Mando?” You ask. 
He’s silent for a moment. You mentally curse the beskar for hiding his expressions from you. 
“I do,” he finally acknowledges. 
The smile on your face breaks into a grin. “Then I guess we’re on our first date,” you laugh, sipping your neon-colored drink with a smile you can’t get off your face. “I suppose if we’re dating, I should know your name,” you ask him. 
It’s the first time you’ve pushed. You’ve never asked him to take off his helmet, never asked why he didn’t. You’ve been kind and caring and patient and damn, he wants to tell you so bad, but his eyes drift to the side and he sees a Zabrak walk in, and he immediately recognizes him as your target. 
Mando nods to the side. “Take him down and I’ll tell you.”
You look where he nodded and frown. “So much for a date,” you pout and look back at Mando. Sighing, you pick up your drink and stand. “Just know that I only have feelings for you, okay?” You ask, a hand on his shoulder as you walk to his side. 
“...Okay,” he nods, and you walk off, an extra sway in your hips. You may be wearing cargo pants, but your tight top and cinched belt accentuate your body. You’re gorgeous, Mando has to admit. 
The man sits at the bar and you pull up a stool next to him, smiling a little and sipping at your brightly colored drink. “Hey there.”
The man’s eyes look you up and down, and he licks his lips with an odd colored tongue. “Hey yourself. What’s your name, pretty thing?” He asks with hungry eyes. 
You need a cover name and you need it quick. “Manda,” you blurt with a smile, trying to hold back a laugh at the fact that you literally picked your date’s name- well, the one you know him by- but slightly augmented.
You rest your hand on the bar and the man picks up your hand, kissing your knuckles. “You can call me Gar.”
“Hello, Gar,” you giggle and bat your eyes at him. “What’s a man like yourself doing on Tatooine, hm?” You ask him, swirling your drink and sipping it as you look at him with doe eyes. 
He shrugs and looks forward, signaling the bartender for a drink. “I’m a wanted man, my dear,” he says with a salacious smile. 
He sure fucking is, you think to yourself, and you can’t help but snort. Maker, men are ridiculously easy targets. Your plays into your theme, at least. “Oh, and for what?” You ask, leaning in closer. You sneak a sedative dart from a pocket of your pants, holding it in the hand beneath the bar. 
“Stole an x-wing right off a Resistance base,” he chuckles, raising an eyebrow.
“Is that so?” You giggle, eyes wide. “How did you do that?”
He’s about to launch into a spiel when you stab the tranquilizer dart into the back of his hand. “Actually, don’t bother. I already know,” you chuckle, face close to his. He makes a noise of agony and surprise at the needle in his hand, and his body starts slumping. “Never lead by saying you’re a criminal,” you murmur next to his ear and stand, wrapping one of his arms around you and forcing him to walk along with you. 
“You’re a wanted man alright,” you chuckle as you walk out of the bar. You press the button on your comm. “Headed to the Crest. Cover our tab?” You ask into the vambrace. 
There’s a beat of silence. “Already on it, cyare,” the Mandalorian’s voice speaks through the beskar plate on your forearm. “How did you-
“Don’t work with misogyny, make misogyny work for you,” you grunt into the metal and drop your arm. 
The man groans as you drag him along. He looks drunk to anyone else, just barely coherent. “Fuckin’ bitch. Mandalorian’s little whore, huh?” he slurs at you, weakly trying to wrestle free of your grip but failing.
You push him into a nearby wall, twisting his arm at an impossible angle. “Try it again and I rip the horns from your head one by one,” you hiss into his ear.
“Okay, okay, sorry,” he whimpers and you let him go, pulling him into the earlier position.
Peli’s hangar is only a short distance away. As you enter, the green toddler squeals in excitement and runs over to you. “Hey cutie,” you laugh as you see him. Peli isn’t far behind. “Go sit with Peli a little longer, let me get this guy in the ship, okay baby?” You tell him, and he obeys, waddling back to Peli, who gives you a little wave.
“Goddamn,” the Zabrak man groans. “That mando is green under there, then? How could you fuck something like that-”
“I can and will slit your throat right now and let you bleed out. You want your life?” You murmur, grabbing the blade from your thigh and holding it to his neck. He nods frantically. “Then shut the fuck up,” you grunt to him and haul him up the ramp, into the carbonite freezer. He begs and pleads until the hiss of the freezer begins and the man is sealed. “Thank the fucking Maker,” you groan as the words stop. 
You climb back down the ramp to find Mando already holding the child and paying Peli. He thanks her one last time and you take the baby from Mando’s arms. “Were you flirting with him?” He asks, wasting no time. His tone is deadpan.
“Why the hell-”
“I wasn’t doing it for fun,” you grimace at him. “This is my fucking method. It’s much fucking easier, and if I have the advantage I might a well take it.”
“Well, I don’t like it.”
“That’s too fucking bad, Mando,” you practically spit, whipping around and walking deeper into the ship with the baby in your arms. “It’s my-”
You turn around and look at him. “I’m sorry, what?” you ask, clearly annoyed. 
“My name is Din. Din Djarin.”
The anger fades from your body quickly. “Din,” you say back to him, slowly. 
He nods. “I… just got jealous, I suppose. I’m sorry.”
You finally offer a small smile, albeit a tired one. “Thank you. I don’t like doing it either but… it’s my way,” you shrug. 
He walks closer, putting a hand on each of your arms. “I get it.”
You smile softly and put one hand over his beskar-clad chest. “I told you, I only have feelings for you,” you tell him.
He nods softly. “I’m glad. I like it that way.”
Chuckling, you shake your head. “Well, Din. I suppose we could finish our date in here. I could cook something.” You look down at the little green child in your arms. “With him, maybe it’ll be more of a family night.”
Din cups your face in a leather-gloved hand. “Thank you, cyare,” he murmurs, thumb tracing over your cheek.
“What does that mean?” You ask him, looking into where you think his eyes sit beneath the helmet.
He presses your forehead to his, the beskar cool against your warm skin from the Tatooine air. “Beloved,” he murmurs, his fingers tracing your cheekbones.
A small gasp escapes your lips before they form a smile. “Beloved,” you hum back as he wraps an arm around you. “I like being called that.”
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @luxurybeskar @binarydanvvers
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Persistent (Request)
Marvel cast x f!teen!co-star!reader
Genre: angst-ish, fluff
Request Description: Hellooo! Could you write a all the marvel cast men x teen! reader? Like they all go out to eat and hangout at a mall or something and when she goes in the women’s part of a store while they are all on the men’s side, some creepy dude keeps on hitting on her and like after she tries to politely decline his attempts and stuff rdj and the rest are like nuh uh this ain’t happening lol
Warnings: language, hints at smexual stuff, harassment, persistent asshole 
(A/N): this story includes anthony mackie, winston duke, sebastian stan, chris evans, robert downey jr and mark ruffalo. im sorry i didnt include alllll of the marvel dudes, but i just find it hard to cram them all into one fic :((( ALSO sorry if the ending is shitty hgssghsgsh
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“You don’t have to bring me with you.”
“It’s too late, we’re bringing you.”
“Y/n, you are not spending your birthday alone!” 
You and Anthony were bickering like always. There was a short break in filming the next marvel movie, and while many people, including you, were planning on going home for the week, Sebastian, Anthony, Winston, Chris and Tom and arranged a ‘guys night out’, if you will. 
You were going to enjoy your birthday that day with your family, but a couple of days before your family had cancelled, because of exams and overloading work. They promised you’d celebrate some other day, but you were still bummed out.
Anyway, Anthony had somehow reluctantly made you admit that you were celebrating alone, and had decided to instead drag you with him and the guys to their ‘night out’. 
“I don’t wanna come and just be a bother to everyone,” you mumbled. Anthony sighed and looked at you. He then diverted his eyes back to the road. 
“You’re not bothering anyone, N/n.”
“Well, you’re gonna have to cancel your plans to the strip club or whatever you were gonna do!” You stressed. Anthony gasped like a TV mean girl.
“Did you really think we were gonna go to a strip club? Y/n, that’s private business, you don’t do that with your guys.” 
“Well, what then?” 
The mall, apparently. 
You and Anthony both stood with your necks craned to look at the proud and boasting sign, ‘mall of America’. He’d shut up after your question and just parked the car, leading you to stand exactly there, in front of that famous mall. 
“You’re gonna go shopping?” you looked at him. 
“Yeah, and what about it?” 
Before you could start another argument with Anthony, you heard a familiar ‘hey!’ and snapped your head in the direction of the caller. Winston, Sebastian, Chris, Robert and Mark were all gathered together, seemingly waiting for you two. 
“Hey, there you are! We were waiting for you,” Chris said with his usual big, dorky smile on his lips. Him and Anthony hugged and then he pulled back to look at you. 
“Y/n, you okay with spending your birthday with us?” 
“Whatever, man,” was all you could say, making the group burst into laughter. 
You would never admit it to Anthony, or any of the others for that matter, but it was actually a lot of fun. You went into many stores for no apparent reason. The guys bought and helped you make a Build-A-Bear, which you named Svenbjorn, and he had a little detective suit and a little bag. 
You ate at a Denny’s, where Mark unfortunately, but rather predictably, spilled maple syrup on himself. Then you looked around stores for fancy suits and clothes and gifts for their loved ones. Your mood was brightened, and the guys sure didn’t seem to be displeased that you were there. 
“Let’s go in here real quick,” Sebastian had said, and everyone walked with him into the clothing store. You hadn’t actually bought anything that day, so you decided that maybe it wouldn’t hurt to look around a bit.
“I’m gonna go to the women’s section,” you said, pointing to the area at the other end of the store. 
“Sure,” Robert waved you off, as him and the others crowded around a blue suit. You rolled your eyes and bounded off to the women’s area. 
Your eyes found a pretty yellow shirt hanging on a rack near the back. You quickly made your way to it, standing and admiring it, checking the fabric and the price. 
“Hey, babygirl,” a cocky voice sounded beside you. You turned your head to see a boy around your age, an ugly smirk on his lips. His words almost made you vomit the Denny’s pancakes you’d just eaten, but you shook off the feeling. 
“Uh, hey,” you mumbled, turning back to the shirt. Now you fiddled with it nervously. 
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here alone, huh?” his voice was strangely predatory, something about it just didn’t sit right with you. It made you feel alerted and uncomfortable. 
“Looking at shirts..”
“I bet you’d look good in this one,” he said. You didn’t have to look to know he’d found some sheer-ass, see through, titty exposer. You did however peep, and, yes.. You were right. 
“Look, I’m not interested,” you sighed. 
“That’s too bad, girlie, I could make you feel real good.”
You scrunched up your nose in disgust. Your fingers gave up their grasp on the shirt, deciding that it would be best to just get out of there. The sound of your boots hitting the shiny floor sounded, as you began padding away.
“Hey, wait, where are you going?” you heard him walking behind you, the action of persistence making your heartbeat speed up. You were now panicking.
“Hey! Why are you following her?” you breathed out in relief. Winston was standing not too far away, Sebastian and Anthony behind him. He had lowered his voice to sound more threatening, which you normally would laugh at, but considering the situation, you were pretty relieved he did it. 
All the three men looked pretty damn angry. You didn’t know how much of the conversation they’d heard, but obviously enough. Hearing another set of boots, you snapped your head to see Chris, Mark and Robert jogging towards the scene. You made eye contact with Chris, who furrowed his brows in confusion. 
The boy was now looking at the six angry and buff men, swallowing fearfully. He was shaking and surely starting to sweat. You smirked. Asshole. You walked over to stand between Sebastian and Chris.
“Are you okay?” they both murmured, searching your eyes worriedly. The fact that they were so protective of you made you smile a bit. Although, the thought that you needed several men with you to the mall to protect you kind of sucked.
“I’m alright,” you said. Meanwhile, Winston, Anthony and Robert were approaching the kid with disapproving looks. 
“Didn’t your mom ever tell you to respect women? Huh?”
“What’s your issue, kid? You had such a big mouth just a moment ago?”
“Don’t ever talk to any woman like that ever again, you hear me?” 
They didn’t even touch him, just the anger and seriousness in their voices and on their faces was enough to get the message into the kids head. He nodded, breath shaking. Then, he dashed off between Winston and Anthony, running out of the store, like a dog with its tail between its hind legs. 
When the other three turned back to you, they were still angry. 
“I can’t believe him! I can’t believe that asshole!” Anthony muttered, disbelief ridden in his voice. Winston had grown softer, looking down at you in concern. 
“Are you okay, N/n? He didn’t touch you, did he?” You could tell he was actually worried. 
“No, no, nothing like that. It’s okay, guys, it really wasn’t that serious,” you explained, wanting them to calm down. You couldn’t be the reason why their ‘guys night’ was ruined.
“Not that serious? Y/n, he wasn’t backing off when you told him to!” Robert seemed even angrier that you were denying the severity of the issue. You just shrugged.
“This kind of stuff happens all the time, this time I just had you guys with me,” you explained. By the looks on their faces, that wasn’t the most reassuring answer. In fact, even Chris and Sebastian and Mark (the sweetest human being ever, theoretically incapable of feeling anger) were angry now, scoffing. 
“That’s not- That’s-” Chris put his hands on his hips like an angry mom. Sebastian squeezed your shoulder, making you look at him, to see his jaw clenched. 
“Y/n, if that ever happens to you, no matter how big or small, just call us, please,” Anthony said, eyes catching yours to express how serious he was. You nodded. “I mean that shit.” 
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll call you.” 
There was a moment of silence where everyone just basked in their anger, before Mark spoke up. 
“Hey, how about we just continue as planned and go watch a movie at the cinema?” 
Reluctantly, everyone started walking to the cinema. You noticed how your walking formation had changed, almost caging you in, protecting you. Although you, Mark and Winston kept a pretty solid conversation, you couldn’t help but overhear the other’s talking about how angry they still were. Of course, they had every right to. 
The night turned out alright again, as they slowly shook off their anger. The movie was great, and it created something new to talk about other than the ‘disrespectful little shit from earlier’. 
When Anthony drove you both back to the hotel you were both staying at, he had another serious conversation with you. He talked about staying safe and keeping a backup weapon and such.
He wasn’t usually serious, so you listened carefully. You were thankful that they had been there that day. So were they. And from that day on they all were a little bit more protective with you - whether it was in interviews or just in daily life - they kept you close and was always slightly suspicious of anyone talking to you. 
It meant a lot to you, and you thanked them, both for their protection, for an awesome birthday, and for one bitchin’ build-a-bear :)
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urimaginespimp · 3 years
Last Kiss (This Love pt 6)
Bucky x reader (elemental witch)
Set on Endgame.
Note: This one is a rollercoaster of emotions
previous part
Fear was creeping up within you as you stared at Thanos’ army approaching definitely outnumbering you and the rest of the team. Nevertheless, you were ready to fight in honor of Nat. The wound in your heart from losing her is too fresh.
But before you knew it, a golden ring, followed by another one after another started appearing behind you, and you were too struck to move when one by one, everyone who disappeared five years ago started walking out.
And then you see him, weapon in hand, ready to finish the fight.
The fear within you was long gone, and was suddenly replaced with hope.
Everybody was working together in the fight. You were holding your own pretty well, just killing any one of Thanos’ army near you or overwhelmingly attacking anyone else on your side. You paused for a second to catch your breath when a voice spoke behind you.
“Can’t you look ugly for once, doll? I mean we’re in a middle of a fight and you still look like an angel.” You turned and faced a panting Bucky. He was still holding a weapon, dirt and dried blood on him, but he was giving you a small grin.
Your eyes welled in tears as you take him in. Hell, you don’t know what to say...
But before you could finish embarrassing yourself before the man you’ve been waiting on for five years, he closed the space between you and captured you in a kiss.
His lips were softer than you’ve imagined them to be, but before you could even comprehend what was going on, he broke away.
“Buck-” you whispered.
“Just wanted to do that in case I turn to dust again.” he whispered with a shit-eating grin, before turning back to fighting.
You chuckled, shaking your head to not get too distracted from that welcomed rude interruption and went back to fighting.
Nat and Tony. Two of the first Midgardians you’ve met, and now you swore to hold in your heart forever.
It was just a little while after the funeral when you decided to sit with Tony’s daughter Morgan, and Happy.
“You’re Y/N.” She gazed up to you with wonder behind her eyes.
“Yeah, I was your dad’s friend.” you smiled, looking down next to you where she sat. You didn’t know Tony talked about any of you to her.
“He said you would be the best one to build forts with and that he didn’t like your boyfriend.” She tilted her head to the side, reminding you of Tony’s mannerisms.
“I uh... don’t have a boyfriend.” you coughed awkwardly.
“That’s ok, I’m not allowed to have one too.” she gave you a toothy grin. Happy and you exchanged looks.
“Is it Jesus with the robot arm? I saw him staring at you.” She asked you with no hesitation, prompting Happy to stand before you two.
“Yeah, that’s enough. Wanna get that cheeseburger now?” He offered his hand to her, which she took happily and said a quick bye to you.
You made a mental note to pay them a visit someday. Standing up from the seat, you walked down and stopped by the lake when Steve approached you, now in his suit.
“I saw the punk finally kissed you.” He smiled at you.
“We haven’t really talked about it yet. A funeral is hardly the best setting for it.” you shrugged.
“I hope that was the end of you being dumbasses around each other.” he nudged your shoulder, chuckling.
“I don’t know, Steve. I quiet enjoy making you want to pull out that golden hair of yours.” You smirked at him.
“Take care of each other, okay?” He faced you now, making you turn his way as well in confusion.
You were about to ask him why he was talking like he was leaving for good when it clicked. He smiled at you when he saw the realization dawn on you.
“Take care of us yourself, coward.” You smirked, but your eyes were also tearing up. Steve was leaving too.
“I just lifted your father’s hammer.” he feigned offense, and took a step closer to you, taking you in his free arm. “I love you, kid. Despite how much you like making my old heart uncomfortable sometimes.” you felt him kiss the top of your head.
“Again, I called you ‘daddy’ once and it was out of a dare.” you weakly punched his chest. “I love you too, old man. No matter how boring your war stories are.”
Breaking away from him, you wiped the stray tear on your cheek. “Go get that dance.” you smiled genuinely at him, which he returned.
“What, no last snarky remark to remember you by?” he teased, making you roll your eyes at him.
“Don’t break a hip doing so.”
“There we go.”
“Are you sure you wanna stay?” Thor asked you for the third time.
“I don’t like space that much.” you smiled at him. He decided that he was gonna join Quill and the rest of the group. “And with the amount of people who just missed 5 years, I wanna help them get back on their feet.”
“And the old man?”
“Father, I’m older than him.” you reminded. He still couldn’t accept it when Mantis pointed out to him that you have sexual love for the man with the lomg hair and metal arm. He was acting like a protective father.
“If he hurts you, you tell me.”
“Do you have a phone now? A computer?”
“No, what for?” He laughed at you.
“You’ll hear from me through Rocket.” you promised. “You guys take care of yourselves, ok?” and he assured you with a nod.
Throwing your arms around him, you promised to take care of New Asgard, and to stay out of trouble. Your father sealed his departure with a kiss on your temple and a promise to visit you when he can.
You were now walking around the property, exchanging greetings and goodbyes to the people who were still there while looking for Bucky, when you finally see him walking around aimlessly. And as if sensing your eyes on him, he looked your way.
You tried to give him a smile, and you were confused when he didn’t return it, just nodded at you and walked the other way.
You decided to follow him. Catching up, you were now only a few steps away from him when you called him.
“Buck are you okay?” you asked him, concern lacing your voice.
Stopping on his tracks, he turned around to face you with a serious expression.
“Steve left.” He stated looking at you with a frown etched on his forehead.
You nodded as a reply. You couldn’t begin to think how he was feeling.
“You know, it seems that everyone else already knows which path to take next except me. All I’ve been doing is jumping from one fight to another.” He started to rant.
“Y/N I was hiding in Wakanda. I need... I want to start finding myself now that I’m recovered. And let's face it. You need it too. We can’t keep living in a sanctuary. And I just think I can’t start fresh when I’m around people who would remind me even the tiniest of my parts as the winter soldier.” you were still trying to wrap your head around what he was saying when he spoke again.
“I’m sorry for kissing you. I wasn’t thinking straight.” he looked anywhere but you, but his face was contoured with certainty.
“Buck what are you saying?” deep down you knew. You just didn’t want to believe it.
“I’m saying I’m letting you go, Y/N.” He said, his eyes finally meeting yours. “Take care of yourself.” he finished, and turned away again, starting to walk away.
“Bucky I...” You wanted to tell him. To just let it finally out, but now something in you, maybe a little anger, stopped you from making any more of a fool of yourself.
But it didn't go unheard by the super soldier as he turned to look at you one last time.
“I know, Y/N. And I’m sorry but I can’t... I can’t love you the way you'd hope me to. You’ll see that I’m right someday, and you’ll thank me for it.” He gave you one last sad attemot of a smile, before finally leaving you, glued to where you were standing, unable to fathom what just happened while simultaneously feeling a part of you just... break.
(set a little into TFATWS finally)
WARNING: Mention of assault. Look out for *(start) and ** (end)
Six months. It’s been six months since you’ve last seen him. And every day it was getting harder to keep yourself from finally admitting to yourself that you’re mad at him.
True to your promise to Thor, you were taking care of the people of Asgard, using some of the wealth him left you with to send some of the younger ones to school, and with the help of Pepper, even buy some shares of some companies. To say the New Asgard was doing well would be an understatement. The people were merely taking up jobs out of interest.
Val as usual, saw through you. She told you it was okay to be mad – that it was a stepping point to start moving on.
“Come on Y/N. The dude kissed you and changed his mind just like that. I would’ve broken his nose if I were you.” She told you one night after catching you looking at a photo of him given to you by Steve. “You can’t tell me you’re not holding even just a tiny grudge.”
“Okay, if it makes you feel any better, I am holding a little resentment.” you shrugged at her, making her reply ‘good enough’.
You just didn’t think it was going to end that way for you both. And now you were wishing you’ve taken those 5 years as an opportunity to rid of any romantic feelings you had for him. Maybe then it wouldn’t have hurt at all when he left.
You tried to ask Sam a number of times if he had any idea how he was doing, but he’d say that Bucky kept ignoring his texts.
For a few weeks every night, you’d been wearing one of the only shirts he owned back in Wakanda. And before you sleep, you think of the image you’ve engraved in your mind – him sleeping peacefully next to you in Wakanda, just after a nightmare.  Then you’ll wake up the next morning hoping he’d have a good day, and that maybe something would remind him of you and make him wish he’d stayed. And It went that way over and over, until one distinct night.
There was knocking on your door late at night, waking you up from your sleep. Opening the door, you were met with three of the women you know, holding up a younger one who was crying and shaking in shock.
They explained that she’d been close to getting assaulted after a night of partying and losing sight of her friends. Thankfully the three women found her and were able to pry the man away. But what was worse was that this wasn’t the first time something like that happened.
Save the world once or twice, there would still be shitty people. That was what you realized that night.
So maybe he was right. You realized that what the Avengers taught you about Midgard didn’t cover much of the shitty things that happen frequently to innocent people.
And that was when you decided to replace nights off wallowing in self-pity, with going out at night, staying in clubs or hanging out in its bathrooms, just making sure everybody was safe. And soon enough, crime rate at night in your area reduced significantly.
Maybe if you divert your attention to literally anything else besides the man, you’d actually get over him.
All was well until one morning as you were kicking off the heels and taking of your dress from the night before to finally get some sleep, the tv you had on flashed something that caught your attention.
A stranger holding Steve’s Shield was being called the new Captain America.
What the actual fuck?
@eternalharry @iheartsebandchris @lizzarooni @the-ayo-lit @tanyaherondale @knowyourworth-sellyoursoul
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