#when i posted this on ig he reposted it ok?
yuri-vision · 4 months
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me omw to explode norway
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kindahoping4forever · 9 months
Ash IG Story
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mirkoluvs · 7 months
notes: funfact sugurus my fav animanga character 🤭
→ gojo ver. !!
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♥︎ liked by sugeto, thestrongest, shokoko, utahim3, and others…
y/nstivies: my starboy
tagged: sugeto
↳ sugeto: why are you implying that i dont treat her well.
↳ shokoko: im not im implying that im better than you and she should break up with you and get with me.
↳ sugeto: wow.
↳ y/nstivies: that’s a tempting offer idk…
↳ sugeto: ???
thestrongest: me when i came up with this whole outfit
↳ sugeto: no you didn’t??????
↳ thestrongest: suguru pls don’t discredit me rn.
↳ sugeto: you LITERALLY told me i picked a good outfit before i walked out
↳ thestrongest: ok but like i mentally approved it so if i didn’t do that you would’ve changed and then you wouldn’t have that on so
↳ sugeto: i want to be happy so i’m ignoring you.
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♥︎ liked by thestrongest, y/nstivies, kenton, haibabara, and others…
sugeto: you are my sea, you are my sunshine
tagged: y/nstivies
↳ sugeto: i love you more baby 🖤
shokoko: cant even hate he did research for this one.
↳ sugeto: what can i say 😜
↳ shokoko: now i can hate on you using that stupid ass emoji
↳ y/nstivites: yeah that was a little…
↳ sugeto: can i live.
↳ thestrongest: youre not getting a gf anytime soon lil bro
↳ sugeto: what is your problem
↳ thestrongest: bitter.
↳ thestrongest: i’m sorry haibara you will get gf soon!
↳ haibabara: THANKS!!!!
↳ kenton: i wish i was this happy
↳ sugeto: i can somehow hear him through the phone
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♥︎ liked by utahim3, thestrongest, shokoko, sugeto, and others…
y/nstivites: when he knows how to do your hair better than you do 😍
tagged: sugeto
sugeto: hair stylists are lucky i decided to become a jujutsu sorcerer
↳ y/nstivites: they’d be unemployed 😞
utahim3: this is cute ig. like i guess it is like idk i guess.
↳ thestrongest: crazy level of hating
liked by sugeto
↳ utahim3: didnt you just tell haibara that he’d never get a gf cause you were jealous of these two.
↳ thestrongest: what happened to forgive and forget wtf…
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♥︎ liked by shokoko, sugeto, kenton, the strongest, and others…
y/nstivites: took a picture so itd last longer
tagged: sugeto
sugeto: dont need a picture when im here
↳ y/nstivites: 🙁🤍
↳ sugeto: 🖤
↳ thestrongest: this is disgusting
↳ shokoko: for once i agree
shokoko: had to burn my film camera after this one
shokoko: i need a cigarette
↳ y/nstivites: had to post this so they wouldn’t catch onto us yk you’re my #1 😙
↳ shokoko: omg ur so right
↳ sugeto: i don’t like this entire thread?????
↳ thestrongest: suguru i got you dont even worry
↳ sugeto: get away from me NOW.
↳ thestrongest: 🙁
thestrongest: u guys always have the corniest captions
↳ y/nstivites: ok then wtf do you want me to make it.
↳ thestrongest: idk something like we went to tinkle together after this
↳ y/nstivites: WHAT
↳ sugeto: EXCUSE ME?????
↳ thestrongest: oh ok so now i’m the weird one.
↳ kenton: you’re just now figuring this out?
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© mirkoluvs. please do not copy, modify, or repost on other platforms. thank you !!
864 notes · View notes
ridhearts · 2 years
all for show {housewardens}
!! THIS IS A REPOST !! If you see a copy of this post floating around, that was INTENTIONAL! I was shadowbanned :(
@sakurarabbit18 requested: Hi, there~! So I have this really fun idea in my head. I would like a headcannon in which the fem! reader asks the housewardens to be her pretend boyfriend. But what happens when the boys fall in love for real? Super fluff, please! Thanks
sits on hands. I LOVE fake dating hehehe I left the reason for the fake dating kinda vague because I did NOT have a reason they’d agree to ready but I still hope it’s enjoyable! Also sorry if the least two are a bit short I was both getting tired and don’t know a lot about them yet so I’m still in need of some practice ig!
(also sorry for the second tag, I hope you don’t mind!)
I hope you enjoy! Feel free to leave a request!
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If you watch closely, you can see Riddle go through the five stages of grief as soon as you ask him.
Denial: no way. The prefect who has stopped Overblot after Overblot is not reducing their problem solving skills to this. (They are.)
Anger: How could they?!?! Do they have no respect for the way dating is usually done?! For themselves?! (Apparently not.)
Bargaining: Well, surely it doesn’t have to be him. Ask Ace or Deuce! Just say he’s your boyfriend and don’t make him actually do anything. (It won’t work that way.)
Depression: Is….is he seriously going to do this? If anybody finds out, his reputation will be dragged through the mud! He can imagine the field day Ace and Deuce will have if you ever tell them…
Acceptance: Riddle’s made up his mind,  and he is not happy about the decision he made.
You barely have time to cheer for your victory, because before Riddle does anything, he is setting down the ground rules. Most of them start ok: hand holding was a-ok, hugs should rarely be a surprise, only short cheek kisses allowed (he turned bright red and hastily agreed to whatever you said was acceptable)… He even insisted you had to maintain a certain grade point average if he were to help you, as if you were some kind of athlete on a scholarship. Eventually the two of you settle the details, and you skip happily out of the office with a new (fake) boyfriend ready for…whatever it is you have planned.
Riddle, at first, was very…stiff. He wasn’t sure what exactly he was supposed to be doing. After all, he had little to no experience and it’s not like he was particularly invested in the relationship as anything other than a good friend and a man of his word. You’re the one initiating any affection, and the best he can do is not appear wildly uncomfortable and embarrassed when you do.
It’s not that you make him uncomfortable. It’s just…if this were real, he’d definitely opt for affairs to be more private. Making such a literal show out of something that he’d like to keep private just feels…a bit weird.
Don’t worry, though! Eventually, he falls into the act, and he is damn good at pretending to be the perfect boyfriend. It’s definitely less ‘naturally suave and charming’ and more ‘this boy has definitely memorized a syllabus (or several) for an etiquette class before’ but hey! Whatever works, right? Just hope there isn’t a pivotal moment with Ace and Deuce around because…they are weirded out by their bestie pretending to date their housewarden, and they make it known.
“What are you two looking at?” Riddle asked sharply, fighting the urge to shift uncomfortably in his seat. Ace and Deuce had been staring at him like he had grown a second head ever since you left to get your lunch, and he was beginning to fear the incoming outburst.
It was Ace who cracked first, hitting the table with one hand. “Dude, what are you doing? It’d be weird enough if you were dating them for real, but this is even weirder! It’s way weirder, right?”
Deuce nodded. “Definitely. I mean, it’s not exactly our business, but…”
“But we have to watch it from our lunch table! So I think we should get to speak our minds if it’s a daily occurrence.”
Riddle sighed, doing his best not to make a scene. “The prefect and I have everything under control, so-”
Ace’s face suddenly brightened as he got an idea. From experience, Riddle knew that was definitely not good. “Oooohh, I get it! You’re just trying to prove to them that you’d be a good boyfriend because you like them!”
Unable to hold himself back, Riddle stood from his seat and watched as the pair cowered before him. “Don’t you two know how many rules you’re breaking by delving into other people’s personal business? Another word out of you and I’ll have your heads!”
Riddle catches feelings somewhere in the middle of the act (or, if he already had them, they get worse), but he doesn’t even realize anything’s amiss until you tell him you’ll free him in a few days. Then he spends the night wondering why the thought made him feel so heavy and panicky.
He doesn’t strike me as the type to ask you out once the deal is over, though. Honestly, he’s probably still analyzing every last detail, every last emotion he had around you while also trying to figure out if you feel similarly. Did you ask him to be your fake boyfriend because you wanted him to make a move, or do you just really trust him? Were you flustered when he played his part exceptionally well because you liked him, or were you a better actor than he thought?
If YOU ask him out, he’ll stand there starstruck for a solid few seconds before clearing his throat and eventually agreeing. If you don’t, it’ll take him some time. But eventually he’ll ask for your company and begin gently prodding you under the guise of asking if he did a good job. No matter what you answer - telling him yes or teasing him for how strict he was about the whole thing - he’ll clear his throat before asking…did that make you wonder what it’d be like to date for real? He can promise that there will be less rules for this relationship…or, at the very least, more leeway.
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Leona is the worst choice if you’re trying to actually accomplish something, but the best choice if this is a last-ditch attempt to see if he likes you likes you.
Very few things are worth putting in the effort, and the amount of stupid things on that already short list is 0. When you tell him your plan, the only reason Leona doesn’t condescendingly laugh in your face is because he’s pretending to be asleep (a point of pride, really, considering you wouldn’t continue your blathering if you didn’t think he could hear you.)
Whatever your reason for needing a fake boyfriend, you’re only going to convince him through bargaining. Keep in mind, putting up with you and pretending to enjoy it is a tall order. If you’re stuck skipping Crewel’s class two days a week and bringing Leona lunch so he can use you as a pillow, consider that getting off easy.
…you almost would consider yourself lucky, if Leona actually held up his end of the deal. He isn’t pretending to enjoy this at all. Hell, half the time he isn’t even with you. And when he is, he’s doing off or just as gruff as usual. You don’t have a fake boyfriend any more than you have a grumpy lion to babysit.
It’s weird, though, because now Leona is reluctant to leave your side. Before, you could push him off you and eventually have him swagger away to do something else. Now, your prodding is met with a snide grin and him asking you, “What, herbivore, isn’t this what you wanted? I seem to remember you begging and pleading me to-”
Hopefully you don’t need the fact that this is fake to be a secret because…he won’t listen. Whoops.
Honestly, you’re surprised he’s even fulfilling any part of the deal. But the moment you need someone on your defense team, it’s like he appears out of thin air,  teeth bared and bad attitude sharpened for lethal destruction.
The second years that were bothering you scrambled to their feet, not willing to go toe-to-toe with Leona when it only took one swipe of his arm to knock them both to the ground. They stammered out useless apologies, meant more to be shields and less to be peacemakers, before running back to safety.
“Tch. Young enough to get into trouble and old enough to prey on the weak,” Leona muttered, rolling his shoulders back as if to shake the irritation off. You tried to blink away your surprise before he turned around, not willing to be the subject of his ire after he nonchalantly threw twice your weight to the ground. But of course he already knew. “What’re you looking so shocked for? I barely did anything.”
“I…didn’t realize you were there,” you said simply. Leona’s ears almost imperceptibly flattened and his tail stilled in its lazy movements against the ground.
Before you could ask him about it, he scoffed. “No wonder they thought you were an easy target, then.”
Neither of you can pinpoint exactly when your arrangement became enjoyable, per se. When you started it felt like your relationship was worse than it had been before, but now Leona seemed to love nuzzling into your shoulder and he could, more often than not, be found trailing after you (as long as you promised you weren’t going far or to do something exhausting). You didn’t remember when he decided it was alright if you ran your fingers through his hair or over his ears, either.
He’s not going to be the one to take the leap and make anything official. As far as he’s concerned, if you’re enjoying yourself you’ll stick around. and if you leave, well, it couldn’t be said he wasn’t your first choice if he never gave you a choice, right? If you’re interested in labels and stuff……just tell him that you no longer need a fake boyfriend but are looking for the real deal. If you ask sweetly enough, he might just offer to fill the spot in for you.
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When he hears your proposition, he’s torn between two perspectives: one, that you’re certainly toying with him and about to call him a fool for even accepting, or two, that this could be an excellent investment opportunity. He’s nervous, absolutely, but he’s never sensed that sort of hostility from you. (Ignoring the fact that he’s “lowkey” thought you made the sun shine for a while now). So he accepts your proposition, with a very clear IOU from you.
(In his giddiness, he couldn’t quite figure out what to take from you out of this deal, yet he was wise enough to think not wanting anything might make him look desperate. You, in your desperation from…whatever you needed him for, didn’t care much for specifics as long as you got a yes. Perhaps you were BOTH fools.)
Azul puts on quite a show as a fake boyfriend. He’s a master at sidling up beside you when you’re walking in the halls, falling into step with you like it was nothing. His conversation is light, easy, and you find your laughter to come naturally. Azul finds himself handing you small trinkets, charms to hang off your belongings or snacks from the Mostro Lounge (because he’s seen what you put together from Ramshackle, and he describes it to you as cute, his true distaste dripping off his words.)
But there are moments he gets…shy. Like if you laugh for a moment too long he starts to think you thought he was funny for real. Or when you toy nervously with the charm hanging off your phone, or insist he share the snacks he brought for you. When Azul works up the nerve to drape his coat over your shoulders, allowing you to nap atop your assignments while he finishes paperwork, he wants to reach out and touch you, admire the shape of your face, maybe push your hair away, just a bit…
But he doesn’t. For as well as he puts on a show, Azul has never initiated any of the affection. You have, sure. You grab his arm as you walk through the halls, you lean on him when he’s sitting close to you, you’ve even been so bold as to kiss his cheek a few times. Each time, Azul has heard his own word stutter, felt his breath catch and his cheeks warm. It was easy to pretend you were interested in him the way he was interested in you. But at the back of his mind, a voice reminded him that this was pretend. There was a time limit.
As the end of your little deal approaches, Azul gets more and more distant. He stiffens more when you touch him, and sometimes he interrupts your move to kiss his cheek and instead kisses your hand. The one thing he doesn’t give up, though, is walking with you whenever he can.
One night, when he steps onto your porch and prepares to bid you goodnight (he’s never been inside, you note, not since you’ve started this whole charade),  you stop him from leaving with a gentle call of his name.
Instantly, he freezes, but he still responds in a level voice. “Yes?”
There is finality hanging in the air, heavier with each day your final date approaches. Rarely has there been a time where you felt just how important a moment was, yet here this moment was, catching you entirely unprepared.
“…what about my IOU?"
"What?” Azul jolted, forcing his glasses askew instead of pushing them up like he intended. “Oh, yes. Your end of the deal.”
Where you felt tension, Azul felt it even more, wanting nothing more than to curl up into a trembling, sniffling ball somewhere and figure out what was going on. He thought he could use this scheme as a practice run, proving to you just how capable he was and how good of a boyfriend he could be so you’d surely realize what you were missing and want him. Instead, it felt more like you were doing a victory lap, then three, then five, proving that you really had captured his heart long ago.
It’ll be up to you to offer up a real relationship. For as much as Azul tries to be the confident businessman with answers to everything, he’s still not quite to the point where he can just brazenly ask you out. Besides, asking you to date him to fulfill a deal just feels nasty and insincere. Nervous and self-conscious as he is, Azul is still greedy, and he wants your love to be genuine, should he ever earn it.
(It’ll be up to you to let him know he already has, but won’t you take the jump if you know he’s already yours?)
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Here’s the thing: Kalim missed the part where you said fake boyfriend.
As a friend, Kalim is naturally affectionate. He’s not just ‘lean on your shoulder when he’s tired’ affectionate, either. He’s a ‘lean on your shoulder all the time like it’s a wireless charger and he’s a phone at 3% battery’ affectionate. A ‘tackle you to the ground if he’s been away from you for more than an hour’ affectionate. A ‘here, let me shower you in gifts worth more than you’d see in your life otherwise’ affectionate.
So it makes sense that you’d ask him - surely, nothing would change, right? Maybe you’d hold hands a little more obviously, or make up ridiculous pet names for fun, but it couldn’t be too bad, right? Plus, Kalim didn’t leave a bad impression on anybody (mostly), so he’s an obvious choice for a good fake boyfriend.
However….the gifts start rolling in, and you’re not sure what to do.
If Kalim missed the part where you said fake, you were at fault for not following up and setting up clear rules and boundaries. Sometimes Kalim gets so excited about things, you get swept up in the whirlwind, too. But the small mountain of (real???? Almost definitely but you’re too scared to check) gold jewelry growing underneath the socks in your drawers is enough to send you into a small panic.
At first, you try to play it cool, as if this is normal and expected and not totally stressful. Aside from the gifts, things are fine! Kalim is a natural at slinging an arm around you and leaning into you like it’s nothing. He doesn’t just hug you anymore, he holds you tightly and nuzzles up to you, eager to prove you fit like complimentary puzzle pieces. And, while you aren’t familiar with the culture around dating and courting in the Scalding Sands, the garments he begins gifting you seem awfully familiar to the significant pieces he was talking about just days before you got yourself into this mess.
Whatever plot you needed a fake boyfriend for is quickly swept aside as you try to figure out what to do with your maybe-fake-maybe-accidentally-real boyfriend situation. You try to ask Jamil for help, but he only gives a flat look that screams ‘you got yourself into this mess’ and ducks away to go to basketball practice. Clearly an intervention is in order, but you feel like you’re the one that’s lost, and Kalim is a bullet train without working breaks.
“You do remember that the plan was for us to fake our relationship, right?”
There. You said it. That dreaded ‘what are we?’ that you never thought you’d actually have to say was out in the open, feeling just as heavy on your shoulders as it did in your chest. Part of you wondered if you sounded too accusatory, but you were at wit’s end trying to figure the way out of the woods you had gotten lost in.
Kalim’s smile dropped, his eyes widening as his hand flew instinctively to his chest in surprise, his arm a shield in case your words turned to daggers. For a brief second, a crestfallen expression flickered across his face, eyes unfocused and eyebrows furrowing. Just as quickly, though, he replaced it with a smile, one more hollow than before. His hand then moved to rub the back of his neck.
“I overdid it again, didn’t I?”
It’s one of the few times you’ll see Kalim embarrassed and thrown off-kilter. He laughs, but it’s hollow and uncomfortable and you immediately feel bad for being the reason he’s like this. But Kalim is an expert at rebounding, and he’s honest to boot. So he takes a deep breath and proclaims that ok, maybe he messed up the fake dating part, but if you were happy with the way things were going, why not continue where you left off…?
It’s a little strange, at first. Kalim has a little difficulty remembering that to you, you just started dating but to him, it’s been about a month. But his boundless energy swept you away in the first place, and it’ll sweep you away again if you let it. Just…maybe tell him to ease up on the gifts. You’re running out of space for everything he’s given you.
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You’re going to need a very good explanation to even get him to consider this.
See, if you were anywhere but NRC, Vil would assume you were using him for fame or something. It’s not a reflection on you, it’s just that he has eyes on him all the time when he’s in public so naturally you would get some exposure. Honestly, for that reason alone he may reject your proposition, as it’s not worth any of the pain you’d go through just to have a little fun for whatever you need a fake boyfriend for.
But you are at NRC, so things are a little different. Not entirely, as he is still very busy at school and wouldn’t have time to keep the charade up for long. BUT. If you have a specific event and he deems it worthy of his attention, then…fine. He’ll be your date…if you pass his training.
(So maybe this is less 'fake dating’ and more 'you’ve made a fatal mistake asking Vil to be your date to the NRC version of the homecoming dance for revenge,’ but it gets the job done.)
No matter what you already know or have prepared, Vil is taking the reins on this project and he will NOT accept anything less than perfection. It may have been difficult to get him to agree to this, but once he’s part of the plan he is in it to win it. Do you already have an outfit? Too bad if he doesn’t like it, the two of you are an item, you will look the part and it will not look like that. Do you need to know how to dance? Well, lucky you, you’ve got yourself a personal trainer who is extremely adept at all types of dances. Vil doesn’t cut corners on anything, and to top it off he is an actor. You are going to look like the perfect couple whether you like it or not.
The first few weeks of preparations put more strain on your relationship than anything. Vil is renowned for being a vicious teacher, and you were already simply looking for an easy way out of your problem. The two of you are at each other’s throats, practically snarling at each other each time you pull each other in to practice a dance again.
Eventually it mellows down, of course, and the tense frustration simmering between you two is erased as you focus on a joint goal. Maybe you wouldn’t be taking an easy way out of your problem, but you’d have a fake boyfriend at the end of the day, which is really what you wanted. Besides, you’re starting to pick up on Vil’s sense of humor, the dry and sarcastic quips he makes while you guys are chatting through your last runthrough of the evening. If you’re trying to avoid or get back at a certain person through this plot, he’s immediately invested and on your side, meeting every frustrated sigh of yours with a comment.
Vil would be lying if he said he wasn’t sensing the changes in the atmosphere between the two of you. You’ve been spending more and more time together, so of course you’ve grown closer, but he’s finding you endlessly endearing. He rather likes how hard you’ve been working to meet his standards, and though petty drama is beneath him, he finds it rather amusing how far you’d go to purposely spite someone. Vil is rather glad he took you up on your ridiculous offer; you never fail to surpass his expectations, and he’s finding out that he rather enjoys that about you.
The day of your event rolls around, and a part of you is nervous. You realize you have no idea how you’re going to deal with the fallout - people will surely wonder why you dropped the Vil Schoenheit, how you landed him in the first place, and all of a sudden you’re certain you forgot everything you spent so much time learning. This isn’t the first time Vil’s dealt with a rookie that has a bad case of stage fright, though. However, this might be the first time he’s purposely making it worse.
“By the way,” Vil starts moments before he opens the door to lead you into the room where everybody else is already mingling. “You don’t mind if I give a few last-minute notes, do you?”
Immediately you tense, flinching aggressively as if trying to retreat into a shell. Vil, stoic as always, watches you sputter with an expertly-concealed smirk. His perfectly painted lips barely quirk up at the corners, but if you were less preoccupied, he knows you would’ve spotted it anyway.
“Of course you don’t,” he decides for you, ignoring your fragmented protests. “We are prepared to give them the most dazzling display they’ve seen yet, but it’s missing a certain authenticity. Why settle for mere costume jewelry when we can offer them something real.”
“Authenticity…” You murmur, your eyes searching his. Something almost mischievous sparks within them, and a few moments later everything finally clicks. “Wait, are you really asking me out?”
“Does it surprise you? I can’t imagine it’d be much different than what we’ve already been doing.”
“…There will probably be less dancing.”
“Hm. What a shame. I suppose we’ll have to make tonight count, then.” With that, Vil opened the doors, allowing all eyes to almost immediately fall on you. Your face grew warm and you took a side-step closer to Vil, hoping to gain a fraction of the confidence he radiated.
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You are trying to kill him, aren’t you? He already said he was sorry he got the rare character you were excited for and you didn’t a thousand times, there’s no need to resort to murder!!
I don’t think Idia has it in him to do this irl. If you’re in a chat room and some people are being creeps, he can step in. But that’s kind of a one time thing.
However…he will agree to be your emergency contact.
In a car and you don’t feel safe? Talk to him the whole way and put him on speaker. Need someone to send you a barrage of texts so it looks like someone has been begging for your attention? He’s your man. After a short while, he’ll even send lazy pictures of half his face so you have something to show others like 'see? see?? I told you I have a boyfriend.’
Here’s the thing that Idia won’t tell you: He’ll pick up your calls at any time, as soon as he gets them. He’ll respond to you as quickly as he can just to hear back from you even faster. He’s not so good at letting people know how he feels or even knowing himself how he feels, and the thought of you knowing how much he values you leaves him feeling kind of itchy, but he’s happy to help you if you’re in need. Honestly, the thought soothes some of the complicated feelings he’s opened himself into. Maybe the cute selfies and messages you send are part of an act, but you genuinely trust him to be your fake boyfriend. It’s an honor all its own, if you think about it.
Except he CAN’T think about it because the more he realizes what sort of shoujo manga hijinks he agreed to and he crawls under his covers to process it.
Idia checked his phone while the next level loads, shoulders slumping once he saw it was all game notifications and nothing from you. He thought about sending you another message, especially since some of your last messages mentioned someone giving you a bad vibe and wanting to leave, but what if he just ruined your socialization by asking about you?
Maybe you didn’t need a fake boyfriend anymore because you had found a real one.
Idia turned his volume up again in case you messaged, and started his game.
Sometimes Idia talks himself into a bad mood, one that ruins his vibe for forever both because he feels worthless and then feels more worthless for thinking about you in such a bad light. You can even notice it over text in the slightly longer response time and the suddenly accurate punctuation.
He won’t do much about his feelings, even as they continue to grow. He’s already fighting for his life out here, trying to figure out the brand new environment he threw himself into. You’ll have to take the next step - but don’t worry about him rejecting you. You seem to have a knack for roping him into your crazy ideas already.
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His first thought is oh, dear. I’ve made a grave mistake somewhere.
Similar to Azul, he’ll start to think that perhaps this is a trial period, or a courting ritual from where you’re from. Those are the only terms he’ll understand it under. Everything else confuses him - why act exactly like you’re dating and not date for real and have the benefits forever?
Still, once he wraps his head around it, he goes all in. If you want to convince people he’s your boyfriend, he is going to convince people. Malleus before had a habit of toeing the line, occasionally acting a bit intimately that might suggest he had feelings for you. Now he’s over-the-top romantic, taking advice from every  piece of courting and dating rituals and advice he’s ever perceived. (Some of it goes better than others, and yes, Lilia’s advice is 50/50)
The bad news is, since he is still Malleus, people are hardly around to see the show you’re putting on. The good news is this plan has worked wonders if you were trying to get some creep off your back.
“So, where else do you need to go today?”
The other people on the sidewalk gave you a much wider berth than normal, not wanting to approach the formidable Malleus Draconia. It would have been funny, how they avoided the man who was nothing but sweet on you, if it wasn’t sort of sad. You could see why Malleus felt so isolated all the time - you were feeling crestfallen after a few hours a day of this obvious avoidance.
“Actually, I only need to head home. Grim’s waiting on me to make dinner,” You answered, shrugging your bag higher on your shoulder. “Thanks for walking with-”
“I’ll be happy to accompany you,” He interrupted before you could urge him to part ways with you. Furrowing your eyebrows, you nodded.
“Okay…if you insist.”
If you let him know it’s about time to start winding down the act, Malleus…won’t listen. He’ll never overstep to make you uncomfortable, but having such singular attention from you for so long was kind of a dream come true. Plus, Malleus has a sinking feeling that your withdrawal won’t stop once the two of you return to being friends as you were.
If you don’t make a move, he will. The two of you will be walking at night like you used to, and it’ll be one of the most romantic things you could think of in such short notice. Please, please accept him - he isn’t sure he can lose you now, not when he’s already in this deep.
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rewritingcanon · 11 months
marauder characters red flags teehee
james: one of them rich, only children who tries to cosplay poverty. like he will live in a share house when he doesnt need to, eat two minute noodles every day when he doesnt need to, complain about his rent when he can totally afford it, and repost sibling media but will tag his friends instead ☠️
lily: has y/n syndrome
sirius: not a surprise to anyone, but he will do the most heinous thing and will say ‘it was just for laughs 🤷‍♂️’ when questioned about it
remus: SO niche but is the type of bitch to run the socialist club and hold meetings but to get in the entry fee will be like $60
peter: type to say “that’s ok. no one really likes me anyways 🚶‍♂️” when he gets rejected (he’s actually being genuine about it…. which is still icky tbh)
severus: no skincare routine, no hair care routine… seriously eating two meals a day and sleeping seven hours a night his idea of self care
regulus: gatekeeps anything he likes and if he finds out you have a shared interest with him…… be prepared for 28 questions to prove you’re a ‘real fan’.
barty: type to scratch his butt and then sniff his hand
evan: type to ask for a whimper audio. or ask for a thug shake.
marlene: would ransack a church. probably would do it during a sermon too
dorcas: purposefully puts on a mommy voice for clout💀💀
mary: you’re ranting to her but she always has to give you advice. and then she asks you ‘was my advice good? everyone says my advice is the best ☺️’
emmeline: will cook/bake you something bc she wants to do something nice for you but everything she makes is literally poisonous and will give you food poisoning (and she manages to do this by accident every time, which is even more impressive)
lucius: would call someone a peasant, and it may seem like he’s just teasing, but he quite literally isn’t. he fucking hates the poor.
narcissa: thinks gaslighting is a love language
fabian: when asked ‘do i look fat in this?’ he just laughs. he wont even answer you. he’ll just laugh
sybill: will think she’s oppressed because people dont like her being a seer 🥺
alice: will offer to cut her friend’s hair and will give them the most ugly ass cut of their life
frank: posts gym workout photos on his ig
pandora: people talk about the ‘2020 cringe era’ but in all truth thats just her rancid personality
xenophilius: is an adult with bracers. his name is also xenophilius 🤮
petunia: is the type to ask in a really scarily angry tone “im sorry, am i boring you?” if you yawn around her whilst she’s talking
gilderoy: would say some insane type of shit when doing his makeup like “mirror mirror on the wall” or something. and be lowkey serious about it. he’s fucking delulu bro.
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inchidentally · 6 months
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(sorry for editing to keep things out of tags) (also preface that I ship pretty much anyone with anyone but that car lando, land oscar and char los are by far my favorites)
ok first and foremost I have to laugh so hard at them choosing Lando and Oscar?? as "pure PR" when
car|ando is quite LITERALLY used as Formula 1 PR ?? the official accounts of Ferr/ari, Mc|aren, Carlos' personal socials, Quad|rant,LN 4, F1, TV networks, Netflix and DTS,the whole of the Vegas race and every. single. sponsor. use car|ando to boost visibility. that's not a commentary on the validity of their friendship at all but it is quite literally a PR bromance that rakes in views and engagement
let's all be honest here the Mc|aren media folks are still hardcore car|ando people and can only bring themselves to remember the land|oscar ship name once in a blue moon (I have mixed feelings about that but I'm also not a fan of containment breaches so ig I'm relieved one of my ships isn't used as social media corporate currency??)
people's biggest complaint/compliment (depending on who's speaking) for Oscar is that he doesn't play up for cameras the way Carlos and Daniel do and struggles at PR !! literally he was only a little bit better at this in Prema and only because he'd known most of those boys for 5+ years already and their audience was tiny!
every single comment from a non fandom F1 fan on land|oscar content is how unusually shy Lando is around Oscar or how Oscar needs to "come out of his shell" and "not make Lando work so hard"
and Daniel "Mr. F1 PR Department" Ricc|ardo????? are they seriously saying Lando and Oscar (who are still trying to figure out how much they can even casually touch each other) are PR when Daniel and dan|do ticks every single bromance box????
like who the hell but a twitter user who ships rpf like it's a government conspiracy would pick land|oscar out of all Lando ships for a fake or publicity friendship when they literally don't do any of the pretend gay stuff or the horseplay or the memes etc. that is literally the wildest take I've heard in yeARS
anyway as usual I thought creepily deeply into this and decided to spend my time unable to sleep typing an essay weeeeeeeeee
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see I was mostly lurking part time during the dando era so I wasn't sure but fr why isn't there this "competition" between dando and carlando like there is with carlando landoscar?? dando was MAJOR gay fandom service by comparison and they've consistently spent more time together outside of racing weekends and hobbies than Lando and Carlos since Carlos has always spent most of his travel and downtime during the season with Isa and now Rebecca. Daniel and Lando go on little excursions together even now and he was with Lando much longer as a teammate than Carlos.
so for people who've left reality to the point of thinking these men are in a genuine secret gay romance competition for Lando… surely Daniel/dando should be the ultimate enemy number one?? especially when evidence immediately surfaced that Carlos' thirst posts on Lando's bday were his side of the thirst posts Rebecca did the same day from their holiday right after the Brazilian GP, whereas Daniel took Lando with him in a small group of close friends to the desert after Vegas. if I were someone who thought that all F1 girlfriends are "PR escorts" - or whatever bullshit is the latest sexist woman-hating theory of choice - then I'd be so mad at Carlos for "ditching" Lando for Rebecca and then Daniel posting not one but two beautiful, moody pics of traveling with him. forget that Lando only reposted Oscar's birthday post, surely Daniel posting on the account he only made because of Lando with a camera he only bought because of Lando pictures OF LANDO is the biggest source of betrayal !!
I just. cannot imagine wanting rpf to be this exhausting and enraging when you can just ship all of them and also not create conspiracy theories about girlfriends that keep getting disproved at every turn.
but yeah as anon #2 said it's not even like carlando are super close friends outside of F1 (as Lando himself said) the way George and Alex are but I don't see anyone in rages about galex or their irl relationships or saying they can't be shipped with any other driver?? maybe I just don't see it on my feeds but it's definitely not as big a deal as the carlando exclusivity stuff that's been bubbling up everywhere.
and exactly! as sweet as it is that Lando and Carlos pair up in the few moments the drivers are all doing media duties etc together it's also what every. other. driver. is doing with their buddies. sometimes they stand in larger groups but those moments are when they get to catch up with guys outside their own team. Oscar and Logan find each other every single time and a lot of that time they spend away from the other drivers. Max and Charles, Yuki and Pierre, Esteban and Lance etc etc. much as I would love it if this implied that all of these driver friends are suckin and fuckin their bros on the DL it's tragically not the case.
I feel like maybe?? carlando as a ship developed into part of the fans going larries level of problematic is because the Lando they watched with Carlos was so young and literally formed a lot of his F1 persona around Carlos. that version of Lando is basically a handy self-insert for fans worshiping Carlos.
as we know Carlos does NOT view himself as the number 2 driver even when he in every technical sense is. so it speaks to just how much of a little uncooked chicken nugget Lando was during their season together that Carlos has never once viewed Lando as competition and even now sees him as a lil cub kind of like Max V does with Lando. they're happy Lando succeeds but he's not classed in with the guys they really get pissed off with or perceive as threatening.
Lando talked here about how he spent a lot of that first season in F1 anxious about his performance compared to Carlos and his own future in F1 and that he largely had to work to put on a smiley face for the cameras. I actually think that entire first half of the clip is a great example of how the carlando chemistry came from Carlos being someone who loves being silly and laughing a lot in his time off the track and how convenient that was for Lando to help hide how much he was going through privately. when the media decided that Lando is meant to be adorable and silly all the time, someone as easy to get along with as Carlos was perfect timing. did nothing for Lando's actual personal struggle behind the scenes but it kept up a solid boundary between Lando and the media. I can't find it now but there's that old interview of Carlos being dismayed at Lando one day being sullen and quiet even when Carlos tried to joke with him - he was half kidding but Lando looked a bit uncomfortable and said "yeah I don't know why I'm like that sometimes". then it just got joked off as Lando being a moody teenager (which Lando visibly didn't really like).
so like, this is what their relationship has always been! Carlos represents a place Lando can go to and not have his demons or his problems follow him. and for someone who has always been used to physical affection, Carlos' lack of boundaries has always been extremely welcome as an endorphins boost.
but let's be honest here that's exactly the same super physically comfortable chemistry Carlos had even with Max and now has with Charles. I know the charlos of it all is probably a whole other hornets nest but fact is that to Carlos, Charles is equally a grown man to him and they can do the whole european buddies jokey flirting thing without it being weird. not the same as with Lando…
I've got to point out that when you look at comments not from fangirls, carlando as a "ship" is seen by F1 fans as big brother and baby brother or even dad and son relationship. this video was recently posted again from the stream where Carlos very firmly shut down people asking him to kiss Lando. whereas he'll jokingly ask Charles for a kiss and call him "darling" while being pretend domestic together. it's pretty damn clear that Carlos will joke about the bromance with Lando to an extent but Lando is The Baby and a little brother. Carlos wants to take care of Lando and he does not view him as a contemporary the way he does with Charles.
and considering Lando still suffers from the same anxieties and getting stuck in his own head, I've said before how I love that hanging with Carlos can still clear those cobwebs away. they can golf or just chat about any old bullshit and Lando can escape whatever is hanging over him for a while.
I truly do not know why people find that very real relationship insufficiently sweet and amazing and think that imagining them to be secret boyfriends is so much better ?? I mean absolutely rpf it the way I do for fun! but how bad does someone's gaydar have to be to think Carlos would have a single clue what to do with a penis that's not his own lfhajhfsa. American fans need to spend some time watching European friend groups and realize the insecure nohomo thing does NOT exist outside the US.
idk how many girlfriends have to get harassed or how far the media will push it before Lando or Carlos actually get sick of the whole ship thing but I think I speak for all rational carlando fans when I say that it's well past time to throw this whole conspiracy theory away. folks need to enjoy their friendship and ship them how you want for fun but don't push this thing to the point of even more discomfort. or worse make them change their behavior to get the focus off of them.
especially when you come to the landoscar of it all and deciding that it's a battle of the rpf ships. we've all seen those delusions in other fandoms result in baffling amount of hate that cross over into real life and how ugly it gets. carlando comments are already pretty out of control on Lando content that doesn't even remotely involve Carlos and it's bleeding onto McLaren content that involves Oscar.
I guess if I really make a few leaps in lofic then I can maaaaybe kind of see ? where that insecurity is coming from with those shippers. I do not understand it but if I had to guess it's possibly that we're seeing a totally different side of Lando than usual since he's been teammates with Oscar. and that for once, Lando's growth isn't dictated or based on his teammate being a big PR personality.
professionally he has said many times he's been pushed by Oscar into his own best F1 season yet. he's also matured a huge amount when it comes to his own failures and we've never heard him be so grown up and balanced as when he talks about how happy he is for Oscar and McLaren that Oscar got the sprint win before he did. that the "hurt" he feels over it is entirely because he is angry at himself for making mistakes. him doing the season farewell video and being able to ruefully joke but be genuinely proud of Oscar is so different from little Lando slumped and barely clapping during Carlos' departing speech or Lando looking out of it and a bit annoyed when Daniel would still try to do jokes after a particularly brutal result. Lando is behaving on his own terms in his own team now. he's The Guy.
Lando's grown UP. we're seeing a very finished article in him. and it's not because he's reacting to who Oscar is it's because Oscar's just letting him be. he's seen Oscar choose not to fake it or play up for the media and realized 'oh! I can be upset or depressed if I feel like it and not dance like a puppet when people want me to be fun and silly!'. he saw Oscar's urgency to prove himself after finally getting a seat and Lando realized that Oscar was just assuming that Lando would default be the superior! he saw Oscar backing away or leaving room for Lando to be the fan favorite and Lando's natural instinct was actually to let himself be quieter and take up only as much space as he wanted to! he's spent the whole season being asked to be an F1 global representative all on his own with no bromance attached and Oscar is there back at the garage or the McLaren motor home smiling and congratulating him like always!
in short, Lando suddenly has room and space to be whatever he chooses and Oscar has been open to any and all of it. they became immediate competition for each other without needing to hastily construct a friendship or bromance to negotiate it. Oscar shrugs off his own disappointments and doesn't gloat or overdo his achievements and oh! isn't it nice that he isn't expecting anything from Lando except respect! Lando doesn't have to navigate anyone else!
that's why I refer to them as sort of I guess a plantonic crush? I did this equally huge and weird post about this here. Oscar has admired Lando for a long time and Lando has absolutely loved having a teammate who doesn't view him as a baby or a kid brother. Lando is so intrigued by how calm and solid and strong Oscar is and Oscar still cannot quite believe Lando is right there in his life and as his teammate. the little cautious dance they're doing is absolutely precious but also because it's so intensely earnest. they both have such big long term plans for themselves and they are so happy to be working on those together that they aren't doing the whole let's find a schtick or do a bromance thing. if it takes them a long time to settle what their relationship is then so what!
and I guess for people who want to think that Carlos and Lando's friendship is 'superior' to every other relationship in their lives (as if Max F will ever be dethroned in Lando's life) it's got to take the already unstable mindset and upset it even more to see Lando personally growing into someone they don't really recognize and at least in some part because of Oscar.
because the carlando shipping that I see from these more extreme people (and I fully acknowledge they're a loud minority) basically eradicates Lando's agency and identity outside of finding Carlos hilarious or hot. they misinterpret Carlos being the authoritative role into Carlos being fully in control of carlando and Lando basically dancing to his tune and reacting to him. they never post the serious, slightly darker side of Lando because it's typically not associated with Carlos. unless it's Lando missing Carlos or upset that Carlos isn't around lol.
so I can only imagine that Oscar's arrival coinciding with a more mature and focused Lando who allows himself to want to be taken seriously and no longer spends all of his on-camera time screeching with laughter or flailing around is ummm not to the taste of those people. Lando still has screeching fits sometimes but he's overall a much calmer person and it's nice to know that when he laughs with Oscar it's always genuine since Oscar has no idea how to play up for laughs. it's probably why Those Fans are now aggressively posting Lando and Carlos doing the driver's parade together (again, among all the other paired off drivers lol) with "ALWAYS TOGETHER" AND "ALWAYS COMING BACK TO EACH OTHER" as if fate is trying to stop carlando from being the only thing that matters. because I guess in their minds, Lando can't just be believed when he says that Carlos is an F1 buddy the way other guys have F1 buddies and Lando can't grow up and have a personal best year without Singapore being solely about carlando and how Carlos took care of him (fuck off???? Lando would've gotten P2 or P3 anyway bc he had an excellent race??) and Lando won't be heard when he says actually Silverstone was his favorite race not Singapore because Carlos Carlos Carlos.
of course Lando can't have found a new kind of friend and teammate in a guy like Oscar who is wholly unlike Carlos in every single way imaginable because that would mean there are parts of Lando that don't suit Carlos and carlando. it would also imply that Oscar is a better teammate for Lando than Carlos was (which is true) and that oh no if Lando is no longer pining for Carlos to be his teammate again (he isn't and he said so) then that means Lando exists outside of carlando and that means they're gonna have to pile extra hard onto proving every single instance where carlando is still one of the most important things in Lando's life (it isn't and that wouldn't be healthy). it would also imply that purely platonic friendship between Carlos and Lando is basically pointless no no they've got to be fucking and in romantic love that's what makes them special not just the fact that they love being in each other's company and have full and happy lives outside each other.
I just.
reaalllly hope it all calms down soon and they leave Oscar out of this mess.
and thank FUCK Oscar's gf Lily has been fully accepted by landoscar fans from the start because the amount of vile hate and petty exclusion Rebecca is receiving makes it honestly a little bit hard for me to be ra ra carlando even just for fun right now.
will it stop me being carlando trash in the tags? no. but my conscience is cringing a bit.
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toomuchracket · 5 months
okay so if lyla's conceived after 10th anniversary concert she'd end up being a june baby which means she'd show up to europe shows this year with the little 2nd trimester bump!! so many milf fits.... matty distracted by u on stage... fans having daily meltdowns over the motherquake
you're lowkey stressing in the office about it one day because "it's springtime in europe i need to be chic but also what does that look like when i'm this pregnant" - matty tries to do a (genuine) "you're beautiful you're glowing you'll look incredible in anything" bit but you're like "i love you but you're no help", but then i think patti's like "you know what, the band all have outfits, let me focus on you for a bit" and you're like "oh thank god" lol. it's a lot of cool stretchy or floaty maxi dresses, as you can imagine, but she also manages to source the most incredible black jersey jumpsuits that you're just obsessed with - you wear them for like two shows and then you have to stop because matty keeps looking at you and missing cues lmfao. he catches himself doing it though, and he's like "guys i'm so sorry my girlfriend is just really fucking beautiful"; there are cheers from tne crowd, and he laughs like "exactly! back the fuck off, though, she's spoken for. but yeah, she's gorgeous and amazing and without her and her organisational skills we literally would not all be here tonight. oh, wait - what's that, darling? ok, she says thanks" lol. joel or jack or someone takes a pic of you smiling shyly at the side of the stage while this is happening and they post it to ig, and some of the fans, like you said, have a meltdown - i suspect reposts and comments like "matty wasn't exaggerating omg she really is so beautiful", and "THE FIT OH MY GOD", and "i know she hasn't had the baby yet but she's already mother i fear". needless to say, they lose their SHIT at the pics of you and matty just going about your day, a) because again the fits are a slay and b) because he's holding the bump and it's adorable. it's just a lovely time, really, the best way to finish up work before you go home and nest and prep for lyla's arrival <3
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spamgyu · 3 months
I'm still on that chisme but it seems like the dude Sir is a gemini... I...
I think you need to put Woozi higher because of the anime hobby. The 6 hour live. He singing Digimon Adventure intro
Also, Shua being the least loser when he doesn't understand the games. My beautiful whimsical orange cat energy baby. The lights are on and nobodys home
A GEMINI???? yeah no queen needs to run .... I HEARD HE HAD A TWIN??? THAT HE WAS COPYING??? that story was so fucking wild bro i would have killed him if i were her idk that's just me.
FUCK i forgot about the 6hour live........ alright okay new loser line up:
Wonwoo — there's literally a whole twitter thread with 2k+ reposts to support my claim, all his weverse post during their pledis mandated break, copying pokemon sounds
Seungcheol — head bitchless man in charge. my bitchless accusations against him held up in court.
Hoshi — ipad kid, two finger zoom in, using millenial ass slang, just discovered boomerang feature on ig in 2023
Jeonghan — swallowed his toothpaste. "hehe carats hehe i just ran into my bed hehehe im bleeding hehe". pimple patch.
Woozi — "carats the house in italy was so nice" /posts a vid of him working out/, straight up eating unseasoned meat in the soop "for the gainzzz", no social life, one sip of wine changed him, 6 hour live, anime but also idk anime not loser enough for me...., willing to defend coke zero to death
Dino — purely for his lack of social media awareness. how is it that his older brothers gotta teach him how to use instagram. the way he was complaining about having too many to use during nana tour. loser ass boomer omfg
Mingyu — that one video from the Louis Vuitton show, behind the scenes of him taking bf pics, him and aji, dagger game noises,
Vernon — Nana tour mafia, the gc literally ignores him, phonecase saga, following Mingyu around in the kitchen, will fight in the trenches for his favorite movie ok letterboxd top user
Dokyeom — kazoo up his nose, dodgeball, dropping that thot ass pajama photo shoot in his hotel, screaming in hotel gym, salute
Jun — rock paper scissor pose, lets short king Seungkwan bully him baby get up omfg, "normal" one ... but mafia triggers like okay baby if u say so, never beating babygirl allegations
Seungkwan — stressed over missing his emotional support soccer ball... twice (italy and la), knows jellyfish is harmless /crying throwing up screaming drowning/, head theater kid of svt
Minghao — him crying throwing up during lockdown on all social media platforms, scorpio, only child allegations, hoshi and mingyu's babygirl
Joshua — only child rage like baby not everything is a personal attack calm down pls, every gose his eyes are just "???", from LA
ALSO SHUA is weird but he's not a loser.
He's just from LA LKASDFJLDFAJ
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 months
He was seen filming on set like everyone expected middle of March and the woman who got a pic with him and his costar mentioned it was a pic from two weeks earlier (before end of March).
But instead of happily letting him be - yay he is working!
Somebody just had to insert this bag of salt into the conversation.
First with a random nothing burger restaurant follow that didn’t get traction because nobody knew for sure if it was true.
People then forgot about it and went a weekend not discussing said bag of salt.
Monday rolls around and suddenly someone saw him AND her last week in Grand Canyon, a state over from where he was filming, where she was wearing a dress and he was in a cardigan. In the middle of the desert/mountain.
The situational location choices are always just plausible enough to be like “ok guess it’s not that far or it’s not impossible” but it’s always from someone who didn’t get a pic because he ran away or her phone ran out of battery. But she runs to twitter a week later to tell Salt’s fan club and someone inserts how beautiful she is with her amazing style so her style account knows it wasn’t for lack of trying!
If there’s no photo evidence, you can bet she’ll follow something on IG or like a post or comment that alludes to the convo being talked about. If there is photo evidence her style account magically gets the play by play outfit except the one where she was accidentally outed to be a baby shower in PT when she was supposed to be spending all her time between LA/NYC for “work.” That one didn’t make the style archive and also didn’t get reposted by salt bag herself. I wonder why.
Once, twice, three times, 20 times.
Are we a pattern or a frequent coincidence?
You pretty much summed it all up. Lather, rinse, repeat. I thought she was privately living her best life…
I’m tired and bored. Can I go back on vacation??
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neptuniadoesstuff · 2 months
JJ goes to a Mamic-owned Restaurant after getting some fancy ahh prosthetics- (TW/CW) (Warnings underneath)
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Self Cannibalism
Human Flesh/Thigh (Which belongs to the blonde dood in this picture)
Yeh uh... that's it rlly... Whatever you tumblt plz don't murk me I was just bored as he'll when making this I AM NOT INTO CANNIBALISM! THIS IS JUST WHAT JJ WOULD DO IF HE WAS BORED BCS HE' A COMPLETE MANIAC!
Also this takes place in a Mamic-owned restaurant. (Explained in the title & thumb) & Mamics... eet hoomon meat.
Ok me's gonna stahp yappin now & show the image here.
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Yehp- that's the image- & yes, that is JJ's thigh. HIS OWN THIGH! & HE' EETING IT!
(Now before u ask what the red suace is.. its a wine sauce.... ok it kinda has bl00d in it but we dont talk about that ok?)
Now imma put this in the Cursed art pile I made of JJ/Greenbel. (Bcs this aint the first time i made cursed Greenbel art)
Character: JJ the Rascal (Jeremiah Greenbel) (Mine ig. But originally by Rayark & Archpray)
Art: Mine.
Program: IbisPaint x.
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my Blog's pinned project clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PEASE CREDIT ME!
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gracebethartacc · 1 year
I’ve been seeing ppl when making their HMS designs usually point out design details and I didn’t initially do that w mine when I posted them so uh better late than never ig!
Gonna repost the designs here just for reference: 
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Ok on to the notes!:
-circles/round shapes 
-fluffy/poofy hair 
-more casual/comfy clothes (almost like a pajama look?) 
-black as a accent color to act as a call back to that originally being his color 
-lots of heart shapes (the sides of his shoes, shoe laces being loopy rather than the X shape I usually do to make a heart style shape, the tie on his sweatpants etc etc)
-stitches/rag doll aesthetic (nod to the “tore me at the seams” line, also just because I personally associate stitches with hearts?? No reason idk just an unconscious thing ? Maybe it can be seen as a foil to mind being robotic and heart being “soft”? Idk there’s definitely symbolism to it I’m just too stupid to articulate it sorry lol 
-blindfold is expressive/works as an emoter/has sonic eyes logic, just bc I think it’s really fun to draw, he can be cartoony, as a treat.
-eyes start like the others (white w black/dark iris) but after going blind the colors inverse (black with white iris) (OMG LIKE IN FNAF!???!?🤯)
-purple heart shaped pupils 
-wings optional I’m still debating on them BUT I’m definitely making it be so him and mind get a angel and devil on the shoulder theme (plus the added thing about heart playing the victim “perfect little angel who can do no wrong” and how he vilifies and (quite literally in this case) demonizes Mind) 
-bleed from chest
-square shapes
-hair slicked back rather than in his face like the others
-collared shirt under sweater to give a more presentable vibe
-platform boots to make him taller/give him the superiority complex (plus they look cool that too lol) 
-necklace is a brain because …you know…. mind (made my designs before the Q&A revealed what the necklace actually was, so jus’ took creative liberty, plus so him being the representation of the mind was more visually shown considering how heavily I plastered hearts and eyes on Heart and Soul lol (I’m just gonna say the irl/drum stick necklace can be part of my CJ/Whole design instead)) 
-YOU UNDERSTAND MECHANICAL HANDS ARE THE RULER OF EVERYTHING ok but seriously: robotic design just in general, I really like his split on the top head I’m proud of that idea lol (actually if it’s not obvious but I tried to give all of them some form of… something going on with their faces!! So hearts stitches minds bolts and souls half and half you get it) 
-blue square pupils, it’s hard to make out unless you zoom in but I give him android style eyes (those lines going from the corners of his pupil to his iris, kinda like how portal does it?? I don’t remember oof but that almost like— camera zooming in kind of look? That, I was going for that)) 
-like heart, his old color (white) acts as an accent color 
-would have bat wings as previously mentioned to insinuate demon motif 
-bleed from head
-triangles/sharp/pointed shapes 
-combo of both half and half and gray colors 
-almost like?? Punk style clothing? 
-patches on jacket (a crown, upside down cross, eye, eclipse, trident, and heart respectively) (the cross was semi a nod to hokum all ye faithful just bc I like that cover a lot personally lol) 
-messier hair
-halo intended to resemble rope/noose but idk how obvious I made it idk ??
-shadow half of face to reference the CCCC cover art and their appearance in light/night 
-the extra eyes are optional/at will 
-more a lore thing but I HC the “shadowy form” was originally an at will thing when he became mad, but after some particularly bad day it ends up getting stuck like that
-gets a more biblically accurate angle style appearance (eye motif/body horror/halo etc) Soul is the god to Heart and Minds shoulder angel and devil if you get what I mean (both to nod to the general concept of the soul being rooted heavily in religion as well as two wuv and the soul electric) 
-red ring shaped pupil to insinuate a halo shape
-half and half wings 
-bleed from eye (eyes are the windows to the soul/angle motif/soul always watching and having to keep an eye on H&M) 
Wasn’t going to mention him considering I literally just… drew Chonny from TMR and that’s it lmao?? But eh might as well mention him while I’m here
-regular shaped pupils (static colored)
-tally hall color nail polish (nod to the CCCC cover art)
-hair is more naturally drawn rather than stylized/shaped 
-white sweater to act as an inverse to HMS all having black/dark colored sweaters
-similar shoes to Heart, half and half jacket to match Soul, necklace to match Mind (not in ref but will be added later probably)
Extra/general stuff/small details:
-Their hair frizz bits are all matching their previously mentioned shape language (and lack there of in Whole’s case)
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-the before (haha get it) they fully formed/gained consciousness designs keep to same general shape language idea, and gray specifically has a mouth as a nod to how Soul was the first one properly shown/we were shown their lips while the other two still were kept as the white and black heads for a bit before they inevitably got shown properly in TME
-the pre night/light designs I also don’t really feel the need to mention just bc they are pretty straight forward n snagged from TME/just their regular designs but missing the added layers n jackets n stuff ? Plus ig the added detail they are much more humanoid at the start I think is neat :3
uhhhh ig that’s it ?? Yeah sorry idk how to end this post just wanted an excuse to talk about my designs lol 
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
“He posted photos of Nadia from his camera roll”…. Ok but can we also talk about how there were no pap/red carpet/modelling photos of her for him to use as she wasn’t “famous” then? (And don’t come at me, but would we call her famous now🤷🏽‍♀️?) Tom using red carpet pics of his lady looking unreal is a real compliment in my opinion, and the fact that they came from one’s fan pages have posted makes it even cuter. You can just imagine his explore page. He’s like “I saw that pic of my lady and I liked it so much I’m reposting it”…. Like why wouldn’t he take a choice from all the stunning photos there are of his girl out there????
Chiiiiile.... Tadia lovers cling to those TWO photos of Nadia that Tom posted to his IG like it's the Holy Grail cuz they know that's all they have lol 😆
Seriously.... Imo it was a 4 or 5 month pandemic fling that masqueraded as some "deep love" cuz we were all in lock down lol 😆 😄
And yea, Nadia wasn't doing any type of red carpet events during lock down when he was dating her. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Anyway, I digress....
I think it's cute he goes out of his way to get pics of his woman (Zendaya) online to post lol 🤭
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yesterdayiwrote · 1 year
ok need a few reference w/articles and pics because not following F2 until recently, I lost some pearls here! to be further accurate: the karting trophy/George photographer, the asking for nudes and getting aired on main and I guess the passionate speech was about Alex losing his seat in RB? But I would still vote for when they pushed the beds together because that was the golden goose of their lore, imo. Can you do a Danorge too (not sure how you feel about them, tho)?
Oh god, see this is one downside of the polls feature, and tumblr being awful to search. I will write out longer explanations and add the links in when I find them/someone takes pity on me and links them
There is footage of Alex winning a karting trophy when he’s like…a baby, from Jenson Button and the camera pans around to the photographers and front and centre is tiny George Russell with his camera phone out kind of full Kris Jenner “You’re doing amazing sweetie” energy. LINK
I actually don’t know if George asked for the nudes or someone else but someone sent Lily an ask on IG for Alex nudes and she reposted it to stories with the caption “If anyone has them it’s you @/georgerussell63” LINK
Their F2 winner pics were ridiculous, including Alex inexplicably karate kicking George, them standing back to back like they’re having a height measuring competition (which they actually were) and just a general ‘Just Married’ vibe from all of them. You can see a lot of them in THIS POST
George’s passionate speech was actually in Hungary 2020. He outqualified Alex which was obviously…not good for Alex… and when he got asked by Sky he told them Red Bull are making Alex look stupid because he’s so talented and it’s obvious they’re not giving him the same car and that they should sort it out for him. VIDEO
Idk if there’s enough Daniel/George moments? I mean they’ve only been friends properly since F1 whereas George and Alex have nearly 20 years of stuff to use 😂 I should have included George moving in with the Albons but I forgot 😭 and I also should have included LA and Alex reposting the lingerie edit 🤦🏼‍♀️
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greazyfloz · 1 year
OK literally I made a post the other day about Nolan’s Instagram being private, and ppl were so fuxking mean to me and saying that he wasn’t private and that I need to check my facts LIKE IM SORRY WHAT
Like I had to delete the post and everything cause it genuinely was making me upset with the amount of things in my inbox like going at me
Honestly instagram is the most toxic app ever because everyone's ig has a different algorithm and set up. For example, I know people that can't repost private account pictures at all onto their stories, and then there are some accounts (most I believe) that will.
And the likes on post situation. I have like 5 or 6 different accounts on my phone and some accounts will show me exactly how many likes someone got and some will just tell me others.
So technically everyone is right. But I mean, I know for a fact he is private because only one of my accounts follow him and the rest of my accounts don't and they all say he is private.
As for haters- I'm guessing you have a pretty big platform/following on tumblr and that is when people will usually rip.. people are anonymous for a reason
anonymous = cowardly.
I use to date someone pretty big in hockey, kinda still is. And people were SO mean. Social media is toxic. I barely use my instagram, or snapchat because people are mean. As soon as I get one out of pocket insult on tumblr I can guarantee that I will probably stop posting as much.
Anonymous haters are losers :)
Keep doing you!
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twinprime · 2 years
ok anyway since my video will not upload. i got the hold the hot drummer’s cymbal while he played it and when he took the cymbal back he grabbed my hand.. posted it on my ig story and the band reposted it to theirs. manually breathing rn. insert wow she’s literally me meme and the she in question is fanfiction y/n
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mortoxtea · 28 days
Landon is still following Alida so I'm not getting too excited. OK not true I'm very excited that he deliberately went way back in his posts to remove her. Finally something damn lol
I think people need to learn that a follow on IG doesn’t mean anything. Do we really think Eija, Valter, and Gustaf follow Alida because they like her? They actually didn’t follow her until years after Bill got with her. In fact, they didn’t follow her until after people pointed out that they didn’t follow her (on Tumblr) and this was like a year or two after Oona was born. If any of them had wanted to follow her because they wanted to follow her they’d have done it before the first child was born not after.
Alida seems like the type of absolute bitch that would lose her mind if these people stopped following her (while she was still with Bill in some way). On top of that, I think that a lot of these people follow her to see what/if she posts so they can see if they need to do any sort of damage control because she’s known to do that as well. Like that photo she reposted of Bill a few years ago that came down shortly after because she obviously wasn’t supposed to have reposted it (then the account that shared it suddenly went private, a lot of Alida’s friends went private after she shared something having to do with them).
A follow on social media doesn’t mean you like that person. A follow can mean anything. I also think it’s fairly obvious that Landon was never thrilled with Alida to begin with he was just being a good friend to Bill. With how things are going right now I wouldn’t put it past Alida to post something she really shouldn’t post and people want to watch to make sure they can do something about it if or when she does. Having all these eyes on her might be what’s keeping her from doing it when we all know she has to want to post a lot more than she is.
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