#when I heard strawberry on the tv I was like HUH
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Knock at the Cabin (2023 dir. M Night Shyamalan)
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itsmebytch001 · 5 months
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Angel had noticed Alastor had barley moved from his frozen stance awaiting by the door like a statue looking off into the distance clutching his staff with an unusually tight grip.
Angel: "Hey Husk, what's got Al all frozen like that?"
Husk looked up from his rag shining his glass and glanced over to Alastor still frozen and unblinking.
Husk: "Ugh, His kids coming to visit, they don't see each other often but whenever they do see each other, Al makes a whole big thing of it, stressin me out" He grumped out.
Angel: "His daughter? How is that possible? Ain't me like, Asexual or something? How you gonna have a kid if you won't bone?"
Husk: "I dunno, maybe she's adopted, she got his eye's though"
Angel: "Huh, so you've met her?"
Husk: "A couple times"
Angel: "Is she like him...with the radio and the tentacles?"
Niffty: "Nah"
Angel: "Ah! Niff Jesus we gotta but a bell on ya, you can't just run up on a guy like that jeez"
Niffty: "She's more into modern tech, and no tentacles, none that Ive seen" She said caressing her knife slowly.
Angel: "aha, well why she coming in now? it's been like five month's I ain't never heard him talk about her"
Husk: "No idea, last I heard they fell out after she brought a TV"
Niffty: "The guy hates Tech" She said, scratching her knife into the wooden table front of the bar.
*knock Knock*
Alastor's already strained smile expanded to reach his eyes as he strides to the door swiftly opening the door to reveal...
Alastor: "Y/N! So very good to see you my dear, Oh how I've missed you" He said pulling her in to the foyer in a tight, unnatural embrace , Angel leered over to get a proper look at her, from across the room little could be seen her face squashed into her fathers torso as she pushed herself away he squinted to look at her face, and indeed he did have his eyes, but little else, except the yellow teeth.
Y/n: "Good to see you to Dad, I've missed you too i guess" She said under her breath.
Alastor's eye twitched, you had just walked in the door and already you are testing him.
Alastor: "I heard that My love, keep your snide little comments to yourself, m'kay?" He asked, snapping his neck to the left.
Alastor: "Chum's! come greet my dear Y/n won't you?!" He bellowed pushing you towards the bar by the small of your back.
Y/n: "Dad, I already know Niff and Husk I-"
Alastor: "OH! but you haven't met Angel Dust, oh he's such a character" He said practically shoving you onto a stool across from Angel.
Y/n: "Hey Husk"
Husk: "Hey Y/n...you want me to make you something?"
Y/n: "Yeah, Gin and Tonic please" You said slumped over the bar.
Alastor: "She'll take a strawberry lemonade"
Y/n: "Dad I'm too old for thi-"
Alastor: "She'll take a strawberry Lemonade" He said again sternly looking you in the eye.
Alastor: "Now my Dear, where oh where are you belongings'?"
Y/n: "Just outside the door" You answered as Husk poured you a Strawberry Lemonade passing it over to you.
Alastor: "Good good, Husk go take them to Y/n's room won't you?"
Husk: "I'm a bartender not a bags boy Al"
Alastor: " I said go get her bags"
Husk lowly exhaled and dragged his sorry self towards the door.
Alastor: "right well, Angel this is my daughter Y/n"
Angel: "Daughter aye? And how exactly did that happen?"
Alastor: "Why what ever do you mean dear Angel?"
Angel: "Ain't you asexual? Can't exactly have a kid if you ain't boned someone"
Alastor: "Oh! well I made her of course"
Angel: "What?"
Y/n: "He made me, as a precaution"
Alastor: "Oh no dear we've been over this, I made you because I wanted to raise you"
Y/n: "Uh huh"
Angel: "Wait wait, I'm confused did you make her as like, a Frankenstein while you were alive or like..?"
Alastor: "No no, I bared no children when I was alive I made her down here"
Angel: "Okay but HOW?"
Alastor: "with some gold dust, an old voodoo doll and a rib of mine. It doesn't hurt to to supplied with a sum of power and magic of course"
Angel: "...uh huh" he watched as Husk dragged your bags up the stairs.
Alastor: "And my lovley creation will be staying with us for some times"
Y/n: "A month, that's all"
Alastor: "Oh a whole month! we have so much catching up too do, shame you won't ever answer any of my messages"
Y/n: "maybe I would if it weren't in the form of a telegram!"
Alastor: "Oh you young people, with your phones and TV's, whatever happnded to radio"
Y/n: "oh god please don't start" He patted your head as you slumped even further down the bar.
Alastor: "Yes well, while you chat with Angel I'll be sure to arrange the others I'm sure they'll be dying to meet you"
Y/n: "Yeah, okay Dad" you said dismissively sipping on your straw, Alastor of course saw this as his body tensed forcing himself to walk off following Husk up the stairs to corral the other tenants.
Angel: "So, Toot's you don't seem all that happy to see your pop's why is that?"
Y/n: "I didn't want to come here, It's just till extermination day since that dates been moved up"
Angel: "Oh, so your coming here for safety? well this place get's attacked every other week so I'm not sure if that's a great idea"
Y/n: "Oh no, I don't want to be here, It's just my Dad is convinced my place isn't safe enough, and he goes on about how we barley chat (mainly because he refuses to get a phone) and like 'how would I know if you were slain, am I just supposed to go looking for you sliced corpse' and besdies it's not like I have a choice so here I am, until the end of this month and then I'll finally go home again and not talk to the fucker for another seven years"
Angel: "Damm, if you hate the guy so much why not just not come, technically your Hell born so I'm sure you could leave the city, go on down somewhere like Pride, or Lust he can't come dragging you back"
Y/n: "Oh, but he can"
Angel: "How? Guy can't leave the ring"
Y/n: "You've seen that keyring of that little doll on his staff?"
Angel: "Yeah?"
Y/n: "That's me. He shakes that thing a couple times and BOOM and back where he wants me, coming 'voluntarily' just feel's less shit I guess"
Angel:" Oh...Damm" he looked over around the bar awkwardly tapping his foot waiting for Al to come back while you sipped on your god damm strawberry Lemonade.
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Pt 2 anyone?
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yuquinzel · 1 year
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“what did you just call me?” rin asks, whipping his head faster than an owl turning to you.
“i asked if you wanna order pizza, or if you're in the mood for chinese?” you repeat.
“no, that's not what you said.” he raises an eyebrow.
“i did though? that's all i said.” you seem to be enjoying this, whatever you're trying to do. rin knows you're messing with him, with your amused little smile and the way you're tilting your head to the side to feign innocence tells him enough.
“i was sure i heard you call me something...” his voice trails off, gaze slowly going back to the tv screen.
you're trying not to snicker at the poor man, who was peacefully watching a soccer match until now when you called out to him.
“dunno what you're talking about... bro.” you say with a casual shrug and rin shoots you a look with eyes as wide as saucers, lips parting slightly with mild surprise and utter disbelief.
he's now fully turned to you, eyes narrowing with each word, “dont. call. me. that.”
“hmm? what do you mean?” you chuckle playfully, and rin's glare darkens ten times more.
“you know what i mean, y/n.”
you almost feel guilty, with the way he's frowning at you like a pouting child. it's cute really, because you know exactly what he's talking about.
“oh, you mean ‘bro’? you don't like that? why not?” you bring a hand to caress his cheeks.
“what if i called you ‘sis’ huh? then what? you wouldn't like it either,” he grumbles, grabbing your hand to press a kiss to your knuckles.
“valid point,” you laugh, and it soothes rin's frown to a much softer stroke of his lips. he breathes against your hand, closing his eyes and pressing a few more kisses to the tips of your fingers.
“well then, what do you want for dinner babygirl? ”
it's hilarious— the way his eyes shot open, the slight twitch of his eyebrows and the look of pure horror on rin's face. he's puzzled, eyeing you up and down, “what the fuck?”
“c'mon, it's cute! it's full of affection and endearment,” rin's frown is returned with ten times more intensity, he's actually scowling now, “i mean look at you—” you bring you other hand to cup his cheeks, “you're so babygirl.”
“i. am. not.” he says, cheeks sweetly puffed against your palms in annoyance but there's also a faint glow of strawberries, “you're insufferable.”
“whatever you say babygirl” you kiss him.
and he kisses you back, “shut up.”
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© yuquinzel2023 [ plagiarism is a violation of moral rights ! ]
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toji-girl · 1 month
18+ only content - mdni
I deleted the twitter videos, so these are just 1.7k drabbles ft Toji and Sukuna!
tags: fem reader + explicit smut + creampie
It was like you enjoyed testing Toji's patience when it came to certain things, like when you put on his favorite dress of yours or when you really wanted to push him you'd walk around the house butt naked.
His eyes would follow you like a cartoon character would follow the smell of a pie. Sometimes it felt like his personal hell when you enjoyed teasing him by seductively brushing against him.
"Oh, sorry baby." You would giggle and either squeeze his ass or pecs only to twirl out of his reach when he tries to grab for you wanting to feel your softness under his roughish touch.
He would hum and let out a 'ya sure doll' with a slight huff but little did you know that Toji enjoyed it despite his grumbling, he just wasn't sure how to express how much he liked being touched on.
Sometimes he'd playfully call you a succubus with how you teased him and you'd really get into that role sometimes by wearing the most brazen lingerie you could buy at the store or order online.
Like now when he lounged on the couch after a long day at work it felt like his bones were mush as he melted on the cushions until you emerged from the bathroom smelling like a bowl of strawberries with a hint of cream that made his mouth water.
Toji let out a low wolf whistle, his eyes shifting from the TV to you that seemed to glow with lust the more he eyed you up and down taking in every bare inch of your skin that he's touched more times than he could count but he still couldn't get enough of you.
His hand shot out to slap your ass but you playfully swatted him away and curled on the other end of the couch with your book. "Oh, so now you're just bein' a tease, huh?" Toji drawled when you spread your legs which in turn separated your pussylips giving him a good view.
You shrugged and stretched one leg out to rest your foot on his lap, his fingers instantly finding the arch of it to massage away the tender pain that blossomed under the flesh causing it to pulse with an ache.
Your soft moans made his dick twitch and the scent of your sweet arousal didn't help either, the way it all but drooled a clear and sticky slick that Toji would taste like the best thing he's ever had in his life.
"Feels good, don't stop please." You begged softly, your eyes fluttering shut as your phone slipped from your hand dropping to your belly just when he started massaging your other foot gently.
Toji chuckled and leaned in to stroke your pussy with his free hand toying with your cunt's opening watching the hole stretch around one finger before shrinking back when he pulled out in a teasing manner.
"I've heard that before." He smirked and leaned over more forgetting the foot massage as your pussy came closer to his mouth.
You snapped your legs shut which in turn caught Toji's head between them as you softly flicked his forehead. "This is payback for last week when you teased me all day and left me alone that same night."
The man pouted almost as he stared at you making you burst out into a fit of giggles, to see a man like Toji of his stature all but pouting like a kid that couldn't have cookies for dinner was cute and funny.
"What's so funny?" He hummed wishing he could taste you.
You threaded your fingers through his hair and tugged on it softly with another round of giggles before you claimed off the couch.
A few days later all Toji could think about was you with your legs spread obscenely wide open and his tongue buried in your sweet cunt eating and lapping it like a dog drinking from a water bowl.
Now he knew that you'd be a few minutes later after work so he stood by the door naked waiting for your key to slide in the lock before he opened it for you to hear you gasp and drop your purse. "Baby! Oh my! What if someone saw you?!" You squeaked stepping inside.
Toji shrugged and grabbed your hips pulling you closer to him, his hands moving to rest on your ass giving it a squeeze molding your body to his as he dipped down to kiss you deeply and tenderly.
Large hands cupped and gripped your ass before moving to your hips then they were lifting your shirt off quickly breaking the kiss for a moment before Toji was on you again pressing you into the wall.
He tasted of whiskey and lust as his tongue tangled with yours moving together in an erotic dance, your fingers found purchase in his hair as you tilted your head to welcome more of him in gladly.
You could feel how hard he was when his hips pressed into you, his fingers hooked into the band of your panties and skirt ripping them from your body, the loud rrriiiiipppp sounding out in the entryway.
Toji didn't stop until you were naked like him. "Jump for me." He instructed you with a tone that left no room for argument, not that you would when you were wound up this tight and oh so very needy.
Listening you jumped letting him catch you and put you down on the table near the door making you grip Toji's bicep. "Wait - can this thing even hold me up?" You whined feeling your skin heat and prickle.
"It will and if it doesn't I'll catch you darlin'."
Once you were comfortable leaning against the wall as you spread your legs wide open letting Toji push them back and move your arms to keep you like this for him, his eyes dropped down to your wet pussy with a deep growl that vibrated in his chest.
"Remember how you kept teasin' me the other night?" He asked in a husky voice catching your chin between his thumb and forefinger.
You nodded and looked up at him already in a trance as you stared at your husband who towered above you with a smirk. "Good girl."
He wrapped thick fingers around his shaft giving himself a few pumps as his other hand cupped your pussy before splaying you open to dip his fingers inside of you, twisting and turning slowly knowing the spots that would have you creaming around him.
Matching the pace Toji watched as you bucked your hips seeking more of him. "I want you inside me please baby please, it's been so long!" You begged pitifully with wet wide eyes that made him twitch.
The fat length of his cock laid against your wet sex, the tip angry and leaking a copious amount of pre-cum which added to the sticky sweet slick that made your pussy a wet mess. "So needy for me, mh?"
You rolled your hips and tilted your hips down wanting to feel more f his fingers, your body needed that stretch before he could fuck you or it would be uncomfortable otherwise.
He pulled his fingers from your cunt with a wet squelch loving the way it made you flustered as he used your slick as a makeshift lube on his cock that he slapped on your pussy with a smirk and a moan.
Slowly Toji thrust inside you while holding the base of his dick while the other rested on the underside of your leg, when he got past his head you gasped and gripped your ankle with a soft grunt.
He fucked you with slow rolls of his hips leaning over you now to press his palms against the wall as he bore most of his weight stretching you out, his eyes shifted down to where you two were connected making his heart flutter with how you took him.
Then he looked down at you and cupped your jaw in a tight yet gentle hold, it was him saying 'you're mine' without him actually saying it. His thumb traced your bottom lip tugging it down as he thrust all the way in bottoming out making it feel like he was in your stomach.
Toji was able to pull soft cries from you as he made the table knock against the wall no doubt making everything on your neighbor's wall fall off but neither of you could care, not when he was hitting all the spots that made your toes curl and your head hazy with a heady lust.
His name was a chant that poured from your lips like communion wine and he was your savior.
The way your pussy pulsed around him made his sack tighten as his hands moved down again when his orgasm feasted off yours, you could feel each twitch as he filled you with a load of warm sticky cum that seeped down between the globes of your ass and on the floor.
You both panted heavily as he pulled out slowly hearing you whine from the loss as he thrust back in with a smirk painting his scarred lips, inky strands fell across his handsome face as he tilted his head back huffing and moaning your name so deeply.
Each time he pulled back a thick glob of pearly cum would string from you to him when he bottomed out again fucking his essence back into you deeper until he was sure part of him would always be in you.
Toji played with your pussy like it was a game of sorts, rubbing the head between your cum covered lips hearing you softly grunt and whine about how embarrassing it was not like you weren't just taking his dick like a well-seasoned porno.
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tags: fem reader + explicit smut + this is inspired by @buttdumplin and I's DMS screaming about uncle! Sukuna with a breeding kink + toddler! Yuuji and Jin make an appearance + he picks you up because he's strong as hell dkjbr I mean have you seen him!?!
Throughout the apartment, you could hear Sukuna's stomping and feel it vibrate the floors as he playfully chased his nephew around who stayed the night with you both last night after Jin and his wife went on a date after several months of not having one.
Truth be told you were ecstatic to watch the pink-haired boy who reminded you a lot of your husband and Jin too, of course, seeing that he is his son but you knew his uncle was an influence.
Sometimes Sukuna was good and bad at it.
A few times you'd catch him giving Yuuji a piece of food that you knew Jin wouldn't want him to have because he begged and begged for it and Sukuna couldn't stand the whining anymore or when you caught them in the living room making a fort after midnight because he had nightmares.
Overall though, Sukuna was a great uncle and despite his outward attitude about it all you knew that he was Yuuji's biggest protector, and sometimes he acted more like his dad than his uncle.
You could hear Yuuji's little giggles as he rounded the corner into the living room waddling over to where you sat on the couch finishing up some paperwork for work when he threw himself in your lap.
"Auntie! Kunnie is coming to get me!" Yuuji wailed playfully, his cherub cheeks glowed with health and a deep belly laugh when Sukuna was quick to join the room with a fake snarl glaring at you.
He drew a fake gun from his pocket as you wrestled the little boy behind you before holding your hands up. "Don't shoot! I have no idea where he went!" You mustered up the best cry you could and sobbed.
Sukuna hummed and winked at you when Yuuji wasn't looking setting off a million butterflies in your belly as he came closer. "You sure you haven't seen a little brat runnin' around here?" He asked again bending down to be at eye level with you with a smirk.
His scent wafted around you like a warm hug as you resisted the urge to kiss him, to feel the softness of his lips against yours.
During the intense eye contact, Yuuji popped out from behind you to wrap his little arms around Sukuna's neck who dropped to the floor carefully letting his nephew wrestle him down. "Auntie! Get him!"
You couldn't help but giggle then you felt a warmth begin to gradually grow in your womb until it felt like there was a raging fire inside you taking over every fiber of your being making you want Sukuna's baby.
Or perhaps several and you weren't even sure why this was coming on so strongly, you've seen Sukuna and Yuuji play together more times than you could count and the both of you even held him when he was a newborn baby fresh from the womb himself.
Sukuna stopped mid-tickle to look at you deep in thought as you stood idly by the couch still until he called your name pulling you from your thoughts. "Sorry, I got lost in some thinking. Now do you still need me to beat off Kunnie?" You asked Yuuji in a cheery voice.
You were clearly thinking about something that had you zoning out even over Yuuji's ear-drum-shattering giggles that could be high-pitched when he squealed. "Yes! Get him, Auntie!" He cried out.
Before you could make it over to them Sukuna was quick on his feet and stood with Yuuji tucked in his arms. "You will never catch me!" He hooted and shot you a playfully dirty look before taking off.
"Help! Help me! He's going to tickle me!" Yuuji whined and laughed throwing his little head back when Sukuna gently tossed him on the bed when you entered the room with the broom holding it out.
Sukuna and Yuuji both looked at you with wide eyes as the little boy started clapping and jumping up and down on the mattress as you and Sukuna engaged in a fake battle that made the little boy excited.
It was nothing for you and your husband to make Yuuji laugh and feel like he was having the time of his life then the thought of him having a cousin to play with made your skin prickle with heat again.
The thought was planted in your mind and it created small dreamlike movies that were filtered with a soft glow of Sukuna rubbing your swollen belly and Yuuji wanting to protect you fiercely.
As you watched them together you couldn't douse the feeling no matter how much you wanted to, Sukuna never really showed interest in that and it was something you've both talked about before.
If it happened then it did and if didn't then you and he could snuggle and spoil Yuuji to death instead, your husband always joked that at least you could give the little boy back and you two could go home.
"Thank you again for watching him, I hope he wasn't a handful," Jin told the both of you when he scooped up his mini-him cradling his head as he whined softly looking at you.
You reached out and kissed his head when Sukuna wrapped his arm around your waist tugging you closer, sometimes he didn't enjoy seeing you give anyone any affection despite knowing how silly it was. "No, never. He is always a delight to have around." You hummed.
Once the door was closed you leaned against it looking at your husband as he stepped closer pressing his arm above your head, one finger hooked under your chin tilting your head up to meet his gaze.
"What are you thinking about sweetheart?" He asked huskily wanting to know what was bothering you.
Your eyes darted all over his face not meeting his until you finally looked at him. "I want a baby." You blurted wishing you could shove the words back into your mouth and take them back, chew it all up.
His mouth parted subtly as your words worked their way through his brain, you've been married four years now after dating for a year and have done a lot of traveling and stuff just you two wanted to do. "Really? Want my baby that bad, huh?" He teased leaning down closer.
Your skin broke out in another flush of heat as your heart thrummed as you darted looking between both eyes trying to see if he was serious. "I do, yes but if you don't then-" He cut you off with a kiss that left you breathless when he pulled away and picked you up.
"Sukuna!" You shrieked when he tossed you over his shoulder like you weighed nothing, one large hand coming down to smack your ass hearing you squeal as he walked into the bedroom putting tossing you on the bed before crawling up your body blocking the light.
He was massive as he towered above you, his lips curled into a sexy smirk as he moved to kneel between your legs slowly pulling your pants and panties off and tossing them behind him with a chuckle.
You spread your legs bucking and seeking his hands that traced the curves and dips of your thighs and hips watching you grow needy for him as he cupped your pussy before squeezing it entirely making you cover your face. "Don't hide from me." He told you in a soft demand.
Instantly your hands dropped to your sides as he leaned down to kiss each hip slowly dragging his tongue across your heated flesh until he met your slick pussy that was throbbing for his touch. "Please, baby!"
Usually, Sukuna would love to tease you but your smell was sickly sweet making his tongue loll out to lick a wide stripe up your cunt meeting your clit with a messy kiss smearing your arousal on his face.
His hands gripped the fat of your thighs pinning you to the bed as he devoured you like a man starved kissing and licking every inch of your pussy almost until his tongue almost met your other hole making you shiver and grasp the bedsheets moaning his name.
Pleasure waved over you like soft warmth that made you never want to leave it as he brought you over the edge just by his tongue that slipped inside of you tasting your cum like it was the elixir of life.
Once you were lucid enough Sukuna helped you up and took your spot helping you straddle him reverse cow-girl style as his hands gripped your hips guiding your cunt closer to his twitching cock.
He watched his low lids as the head teased your opening before he pushed in flexing his abdominal muscles and thighs as you curled your fingers into the sheets fucking you with fast and deep thrusts.
Sukuna's hands squeezed the fat of your ass moving you up and down the length of his cock, the loud wet squelch of him fucking you made your ears ring and rush with blood making you dizzy as your hand found the wall in front of you meeting each of his thrusts.
"Kuna! Baby!" You whined throwing your head back as the sounds and smell of sex filled the room leaving behind a perfume for later.
His palms glided all over your ass as you fucked him the best you could bouncing up and down and throwing your ass back on him already feeling your second orgasm rise like steam until your body was jerking on top of him, your pussy gripped him tightly.
You reached back patting his arm fucked out enough that his name was a slur as he fucked you through your climax loving the way your cunt rippled along his cock until it was twitching and filling you with a thickness and warmth that made you sigh in content.
He watched as it came out making a complete mess of where you two met, it was white and sticky as he smeared it over your ass making it shiny and all his as you laid your upper body down.
Sukuna didn't want it to end though, not the way you kept grinding down on him seeking more of his cum even though you were beyond sensitive and your legs were quivering you started up again.
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malertop · 2 months
Ethan Landry x Male Reader
Wet & Naked
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Gif is not mine!
Help I got this idea at 3 am..literally,so idk if it's my idea or i have seen a fanfiction of that but well it might be mine and I just my brain and it might be not and I don't remember anything!
Y/N and Ethan we're known as the most cute and dorkiest couple by the cour five (With Y/N it's gonna be five) and by the Kirchis Family.Ethan is a shy,dorky,horror movie fan and the boyfriend who is a total freak who is sometimes way too shy or awkward..and the one who has abs and is strong,and Y/N is the shy,cute,selfless little guy who doesn't believe in himself,and also the shorter boyfriend..and the one who doesn't have abs or anything (but if you read this and have abs then you just do).Chad,Ethan and Y/N are in the same dorm and that couldn't make Ethan happier.
But the little problem in their relationship is that Ethan always barges/enters Y/N's room at any time just to talk to him about something,no metter if he's doing his homework,is playing,is sleeping,is trying to sleep,eat and more more.
As Y/N was changing after he got out of the shower he started to prepare his clothes and as he finally decided what he will wear he just got his pj since it's literally 9 PM and it's dark.He put his pj in his bed and was about to change when he heard his door opening
"Y/N you won't believe wha-" Ethan entered and said that while going inside his boyfriend room "Ethan!" Y/N yelled as then Ethan looked at the boy who had nothing but a towel that he tried to use to cover himself "Oh My God,i-i am so sorry i promise i won't look,i will leave right now!" Ethan said as he closed his eyes and headed to the door but as he did he tripped and accidentally grabbed Y/N's towel without his knowledge."Ow that hurt" Ethan said as he then opened his eyes just to see Y/N naked Infront of him,Y/N's cock was big and long without it being hard as water dropped from it,he was probably already 7 or 8 whole inches without even being hard and his upper body was wet from the water as his whole naked body parts were shining because of the lamp's in his room."God i-i am sorry!" Y/N said as he fastly run out of his dorm to run in the bathroom passing Ethan who was on the floor.
-After 10 minutes Y/N was still in the bathroom hiding as Ethan and Chad are together watching TV-
"What was that kind of yelling?" Chad asked Ethan who stopped back from his shock "Huh?What yelling?" Ethan said confused "You know..the one that happened over 10 minutes ago..You and Y/N kind of yell and then I saw him go into the bathroom..I mean only him closing the door but yeah" Ethan then started blushing like a tomato or a strawberry,he just saw Y/N naked,his boyfriend who is Y/N was naked and he saw him naked.Ethan was flustered as his face got hotter "dude are you...blushing?" Chad said looking at Ethan who then instantly just looked at him and said "W-What?" "Dude you are blushing as a tomato!" Chad said as Ethan whispered yell "shut up!" defensively,Chad chuckled as he made fun of the dork "And why is dork blushing?" Chad teased Ethan "I am not a dork!" Ethan replied again defensively but not as the last time,Ethan looked at Chad who was waiting for the answer "I..I um..I saw Y/N naked,BUT IT WAS AN ACCIDENT I PROMISE!" Chad's smile even got bigger as he was ready to literally bully him "and what,I mean you guys have been dating for 4 months already,not a big of a deal" Chad said as he tried not to make fun of the dork who was blushing like a tomato "or..you just started at his dick and was amazed" Chad then couldn't take it anymore and just started laughing as Ethan blushed even more "dude his dick wasn't even hard and was already 7 or 8 inches." Chad then stopped laughing right away and looked at his roommate "Wait What" Chad asked again from shock "Yeah um..I slipped and I accidentally grabbed his towel and i saw his dick,and i don't know if he noticed but umm...I think that's why he is hiding" Ethan said as he started to get hotter and hotter once again "Wait..so you're telling me that you saw the shyest and shortest guy from all of us..naked..and his di-" "yes Chad I am saying that" but as Ethan said that they both heard the TV and looked over there just to see Y/N in his pj's watching TV on the couch."Okay well you need to stop blushing,or oh wait,his dick and body is on your mind!" Chad started to laugh quietly "Shut up dude..not funny" "It sure is to me" Ethan then looked at Y/N "i wish i could have seen more..or...do something more" he thought in his mind
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rhoorl · 1 month
Delta Landscaping | Chapter 17: Cousin Joel
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Series Masterlist | Chapter 17 A03 Link 323 Mulefall Crt Chapter One: Monday (by @trulybetty)
Word Count: 7k
A/N: This is probably the chapter I’ve been the most excited about. In case you missed it, the Delta Landscaping universe is expanding. @trulybetty and I have been collaborating behind the scenes for months on this companion series. More to come at the end!
Previously on As the Mule Falls: Benny featured heavily as the boys continued to get him ready for fight night. The neighbors hosted a party at Lucille’s house to welcome the Pikes and Vanessa to the neighborhood. Benny and Vanessa finally kissed, which was inadvertently live-streamed via the Pike’s Ring doorbell camera. 
In this Episode: If this were an actual TV show, this would be the episode when that special guest star they’d been teasing all season finally shows up. dun dun dun Cousin Joel finally arrives. Before we get to him though, there’s some Benny and Vanessa to get through. Then we have the boys at the gym and enjoying a meal together. Thoughts on which neighbor Joel meets first?
Chapter Warnings: Cousin Joel. I’ve edged you for months with his arrival and he’s finally here. Other warnings - mention of hangovers, children, flustered Benny, the boys at the gym, swearing, and more food. Also, David. But, you should already that by now. 
*Cue the theme music and roll opening credits*
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Five Days to Fight Night
Marcus groaned as he heard Mariella flopping around in her crib through the baby monitor. He could already feel the pounding headache starting despite preemptively taking some Tylenol last night. 
Next to him, Victoria rubbed her eyes. “I'm never drinking again,” she groaned.
With a chuckle, Marcus leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Get some rest sweetheart, I'll get the kids up. Don't worry about today. Stay home. Vandy and I can take them to the aquarium.”
“Oh shit, that was today, ughhh. I'm the worst mom ever.” She flipped on her stomach, burying her head into the pillow. 
“Baby, you're not the worst. You're just a mom with a hangover. Just sit tight, I'll bring you some coffee soon.”
“Can you just pluck my eyeballs out instead, they're throbbing,” she whined.
“Hangovers are a bit different than in your 20s huh?” He smirked. “I'll be back, mi amor.”
Victoria looked up, squinting as she watched her husband throw on a pair of thin gray sweatpants. “I love you.”
He paused as he fed his arms through his faded Washington Capitals T-shirt sleeves. “I love you too. As much as I love seeing you like this,” his eyebrow twitched as his eyes dragged down her body, appreciating how little of the comforter was covering her naked form, “you should probably throw some clothes on in case you get an unexpected visitor.”
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Vanessa padded down the stairs to the smell of coffee and pancakes as Disney Junior played softly on the TV. She was still on cloud nine from her kiss with Benny after he walked her home last night.
She rounded the corner to the kitchen and leaned against the wall, a soft smile across her face as she watched Marcus. He hummed a tune to himself as he cut up strawberries for Mariella, swaying to whatever imaginary beat he was playing in his head. It was in these small moments that Vanessa appreciated her brother-in-law even more; he was her standard for what a father and husband should be.
Sensing someone behind him, Marcus turned around slowly before a giant smile flashed across his face realizing who it was. “Oh hey, Vandy! You have a good walk home last night? Benny get you back here ok?” He tried to suppress his grin, eyes following Vanessa as she walked over to the coffee pot. Her cheeks flushed, remembering the way her and Benny's tongues tangled together.
“He did, it was a good…walk,” she cleared her throat. “Where's Vic?”
“Your sister is nursing what she calls ‘the world's worst hangover’ so she's still in bed,” Marcus said as he flipped a pancake. “Looks like it's just you and me taking them to the aquarium today,” he nodded toward the living room.
“Buck, you're probably not feeling too hot either, you guys got back late. You can stay, I'll take them. Besides, I'm sure having hours to yourselves with an empty house will perk Vic right on up,” she snorted as she sipped her coffee.
Marcus shifted his weight to one leg, drumming his fingers along the quartz countertop. Vanessa had a point. He did have a splitting headache and would much rather spend a lazy day in bed with his wife than surrounded by people.
“You make a compelling case…you sure you're ok taking both of them on your own?” He looked over at Vanessa who nodded with a tight smile. She was an amazing aunt and the kids adored her, but he knew she got anxious doing things alone with them in public. Suddenly, a lightbulb went off. “Hey, I know…why don't you ask Benny to go with you?”
“Bunny?! I see Bunny?” Mariella screamed from her high chair, clapping her little hands.
“Umm…we'll see Mari,” Vanessa called over before she turned to Marcus. “She has superhero hearing I swear,” she whispered.
“Only when it suits her,” Marcus winked.
“You put me in a real bind here, Buck. She's going to be so disappointed.”
“Just ask, I'm sure he'll say yes,” he avoided her gaze as he put some pancakes on a plate for her.
“I'm sure he has plenty of better things to do on a Sunday than spend it with two kids at an aquarium,” Vanessa rolled her eyes, pouring syrup over her neatly formed stack.
“Yeah but you'll be there…c'mon just try, give him a call…pleaaaase,” he pouted. “Do it for Mari.’
“That's downright cruel you know, using your daughter like that,” she narrowed her eyes with one hand on her hip.
Marcus threw his hands up in surrender, “you'll thank me later.”
Vanessa took a deep breath as she eyed her phone.
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Will couldn't help but grin when Benny trudged into the kitchen, tossing his phone on the counter and running a hand through his hair. He’d been debating texting Vanessa good morning but didn’t want to seem too eager.
“How was the rest of your night?”
Benny's eyes narrowed. Will was a morning person, sure, but he was a bit too chipper. “Good…just walked Vanessa home.”
“How'd that go? Made sure she got there safe and sound?” Will winked.
Benny was thankful to have his back to his brother as he poured his coffee. He blushed remembering their kiss…and what he did once he got home.
“Speak of the devil, look who's calling,” Will picked up Benny's phone from the counter and handed it to his brother, eyeing him as he listened to one side of the conversation. 
Benny shifted from one foot to the other as he talked to Vanessa. He sported a toothy grin as he rubbed the back of his neck, occasionally breaking into some nervous laughter. 
“I really don't mind…when do we leave…ok I'll be there. See you soon.” He stared at his phone as he hung up.
Benny told him about how the Pikes were nursing hangovers and that the kids were supposed to go to the aquarium today. He noted that Vanessa sounded nervous to ask him to go with her, but he accepted before she could get it out. 
“Wow, I know you like kids but damn, she must really be special,” Will chuckled.   
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Victoria managed to get herself out of bed in time to help change the kids into their marine-themed outfits and pack their bags. She sat on the couch fussing with Mariella to get her little curls into pigtails when Marcus walked by, arms flexed while carrying a folded stroller. 
“Babe, I’m going to go put this in Vandy’s car and then I’ll come back to load up the bags.”
“Ok…looking good there Agent Pike,” she winked as he rolled his eyes, even though his chest puffed out at her praise. If there was one thing about Victoria, she always made sure Marcus knew how much she appreciated him in all aspects.
As Marcus closed the trunk of Vanessa’s SUV he heard heavy footsteps behind him, turning in time to see Benny walking up the driveway. 
“Oh hey man,” Marcus waved.
“Hey! How’re you feeling?” Benny shook Marcus’ outstretched hand.
“Killer headache, but I’m in better shape than Vic. Thanks for going with Vandy, means a lot that she won’t have to go by herself,” Marcus smiled.
“Course, it’s going to be fun…need help loading anything else up?” 
“Nah, all good. Just have to get Nico and corral Hurricane Mari, but it’ll help now that you’re here. She may listen to you. C’mon, come inside.”
Benny and Marcus walked over the threshold just as Vanessa came down the stairs. She was dressed in a simple black athletic dress and sneakers. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail with a Tampa Bay Rays baseball cap. Benny’s eyes trailed down her neck to her exposed collarbone, involuntarily licking his lips as he remembered kissing it mere hours ago.
Vanessa paused when she saw Benny, amazed at how made the most casual outfit look so good. He paired a tie-dyed “Miller Contracting” T-shirt with a simple pair of slate gray shorts. His hair was still damp, he clearly took a quick shower before coming over. He passed his baseball cap between his hands as he looked at her, his eyebrows doing that little puppy dog look that always made her melt.
“Bunny!” Mariella squealed, getting herself down from the couch and scurrying over to Benny who quickly picked her up and tossed her in the air to a fit of giggles.
“Hey baby girl, you excited to go see some fishies?” 
Mariella babbled on as Marcus and Victoria gathered everything and Vanessa got her crossbody and keys. Nico looked on a bit shy as he packed up his tablet and headphones into his backpack 
“Hey bud,” Benny bent down on one knee, Mariella clutching his side. “I'm excited to hang out with you today.” 
Nico smiled and Vanessa’s heart skipped a beat. She knew she was getting ahead of herself, but she couldn't help the butterflies seeing how seamlessly Benny fit into her family. 
Walking up to Benny, she quickly hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, “It’s not too late if you want to back out,” she whispered.
“Nah, you’re stuck with me,” he winked. “Besides, I’ve always wanted to go to this aquarium, just didn't wanna go by myself.”
With a wave to Marcus and Vanessa, they were off. Benny offered to drive, but Vanessa politely declined, saying she needed him on entertainment duty should Mariella grow tired of her tablet. 
They seemed to hit every red light on the way to the interstate, but it gave Benny and Vanessa a chance to steal glances at each other. At one particularly long light, she looked over and noticed his hand twitch before covering it with his other hand in his lap.
“Everything ok?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Hmm? Oh yeah… it’s just…” He didn't want to admit how nervous, but excited he was. “I haven't told you yet, but you look really pretty today.” He swallowed hard.
Vanessa was thankful the light turned green, so she could face forward and try to cover the fact that she was starting to blush. “Well, thank you. You look pretty good today yourself.”
She placed her hand on the gear changer, seeing out of the corner of her eye that he was looking at her hand. Deciding to just go for it, she moved her hand to grab his, which he eagerly took. He brought their joined hands up to his lips, kissing the back of her hand, and then moved to each knuckle. They stayed like that for a while before Benny dropped her hand so he could rest his on her thigh. The contact sent an electric pulse down Vanessa's spine.
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David: How's everyone feeling? Just came back from a run and everyone looks to still be sleeping.
Melissa: How are you even up right now? My head feels like it’s in a vice 😩
Ty: He got up at 6. He's unfazed
David: I feel fantastic! 
David: Thoughts on inviting Tori and Ness to this group chat?
Megan: Already have nicknames for them huh? 😆 But I vote yes, they're fun!
Ty: Agreed, they're fun. Ness is so sweet, I'm trying to see if I can help her find a job.
Olivia: That's so sweet of you Ty!
Lucille: She and Benny are so sweet.
Oliva: They’re so cute!! 😍
David: Who's going to be the one to spill that we all watched them kiss?
Ty: I feel like we know *cough* Liv
Oliva: Hey!
Katie: Aw guys, we can’t say anything. They're going to be so embarrassed if they find out! I swore Will to secrecy
Ty: You hear that babe? Zip it.
David: Alexa play Our Lips Are Sealed 
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“Aaaand we're here! Sit tight while Bunny and I load up ok?” Vanessa looked back at her niece and nephew who nodded enthusiastically.
She popped her trunk open and got out, slipping on her crossbody before making her way around to the back of her SUV. There, she saw Benny busying himself with unloading the stroller, struggling with how to unfold it. 
“Here, it’s just…this latch right here,” she pointed. 
She used her sunglasses as a cover to admire how Benny’s forearms flexed as he undid the latch and opened up the stroller before going to help get Mariella out of her car seat. The toddler protested a bit when Benny tried to put her in her stroller. Vanessa couldn't help but laugh, realizing that Benny was going to get a full dose of headstrong Mariella today. 
“Bunny, no…uppies! Uppies peeeease!” She pleaded, raising her hands toward him.
Vanessa was about to step in when Benny put his hand up to stop her and turned his attention to Mariella. “Baby girl, how about this. When we get inside the aquarium you get allll the uppies you want. But right now when we’re in the parking lot, can you go in the stroller for me? Please?”
The little girl twisted her face as she processed what he said before finally pointing to her stroller. Benny pulled out some Goldfish crackers from the lunchbox, placing some on the tray in front of Mariella who clapped and eagerly started shoveling them into her mouth.
“Dang, Goldfish crackers at an aquarium. Your sister is hardcore,” Benny quipped as he started walking with the stroller.
Vanessa giggled. “You’re kind of a natural at this, you have any kids I should know about?” She side-eyed him with a smirk as she and Nico walked hand-in-hand towards the entrance. 
Benny brushed his hair back and put on his hat. “Nah, I don't have any kids. I do have a niece though. Well, she's technically not my niece, she's my cousin Joel’s daughter, Sarah…she made me this shirt,” he proudly showed it off. “I lived with Joel for a bit when she was a toddler. I dunno, being around Mari reminds me of those times.” 
“Well, you're a natural,” Vanessa smiled, noticing how his face lit up when he talked about Sarah.
They walked the rest of the way in comfortable silence, making the queue to purchase tickets. Despite her protest, Benny insisted on paying for everyone and stopping to take the commemorative photo at the entrance. As soon as they scanned their tickets, Mariella put her hands up and made a grabby motion with her tiny hands.
“You have a good memory,” Benny chuckled as he picked her up. “C'mon let’s go explore huh?”
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Vanessa noticed that every time they stepped foot into a new room Benny quickly scanned the space to identify all of the exits. Although it broke her heart that being on alert was second nature to him, it did make her feel safe. Outside of Marcus, she had never felt safer with another man than Benny. It definitely helped ease her anxiety about going out with Mariella and Nico alone.
Benny was so patient with the kids. Mariella clutched at his side like a baby koala. His arms had to be hurting, but he never complained. The pair was simply adorable. Occasionally, she asked to be put down so she could walk up to a tank. It was in those moments when Benny made sure to pay extra attention to Nico, which elicited big, but shy smiles from the boy.
Mariella insisted her brother walk her to the next exhibit, the one with jellyfish she was so excited about. Vanessa looked on affectionately as the two navigated their way hand in hand. She didn't realize that Benny had moved closer to her, his hand brushing against hers before he finally reached for it. He looked up at the sign as they walked under it and snorted. 
“What’s so funny?” Vanessa arched an eyebrow. 
“Sorry…it's just,” he chuckled, angling his chin up so Vanessa could read the sign. 
No Bone Zone
“Hell of a name for an exhibit, don't cha think?” 
Vanessa groaned and rolled her eyes which made Benny clutch his stomach as he laughed. 
“Sorry, sorry…I just had to, it was too funny to pass up,” he flashed the biggest smile.
“I feel like I could make a joke, but I don’t know…” Vanessa smirked. 
“Make a dirty joke here? With kids around?” Benny sarcastically scoffed. “What am I going to do with you boss lady?”
Vanessa flashed a mischievous look. She got up on her tiptoes, her lips hovering around his ears, goosebumps forming on his forearms, “Wouldn’t you like to know?” She quickly got back flat on her feet, winked at him, and scurried off to catch up with Mariella and Nico, leaving Benny a bit stunned…and insanely turned on. 
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“It kinda smells weird, you smell that?” Benny asked, sniffing the air before he turned to see Vanessa's smirk. “What?”
Vanessa turned her attention to Mariella, “Do you need your diaper changed?” Mariella nodded and then turned to Benny who suddenly looked panicked. “Don’t worry Bun, I won't subject you to the full immersive experience,” she winked. She grabbed the backpack and turned to her niece, “Ok, we'll be back, ven aquí mi amor.”
Mariella reluctantly let go of Benny’s hand. He turned to Nico who looked nervous. To his left, Benny noticed a small interactive table for kids with some activities. “Nico, wanna go over there while we wait on the girls? I think they have coloring.”
Nico’s face lit up as he walked up and saw some coloring pages. He found a spot to sit while Benny struggled to get his tall frame into one of the small chairs. Once seated, he grabbed a few colored pencils and asked which animal was Nico's favorite so he could start sketching. 
Benny got a bit frustrated with himself, not liking how the fins of the shark were turning out. He took off his hat and ran his fingers through his hair before putting the cap on backward. He noticed Nico looking up at him. 
“Tia likes your hat like that.” He said softly before quickly focusing his attention back on coloring.
Benny felt himself blushing, wondering what Vanessa may have said for Nico to know that. He cleared his throat and picked his pencil back up to continue sketching. “You know, I really like your Aun- I mean your Tia.” 
Nico nodded, not looking up as he continued to color in his cartoon shark. After a few moments, he stopped and turned to face Benny. “Her last boyfriend made her cry a lot. Are you going to make her cry?”
Benny shook his head, his brows pinched as he regarded the boy, “No, no buddy. That's the last thing I wanna do.”
“Good, because I like when she smiles. And she smiles a lot around you. And she laughs too. I like that.” And with a small smile, he went back to coloring.
Benny could feel himself tearing up at the boy's candor. He didn't know a lot about Vanessa's ex, but he gathered it was a bit tumultuous at best.
“You boys having fun?” Vanessa appeared behind Benny, her eyes looked a bit misty seeing the boys bonding.
“Sure are, nice to have some guy time, right Nico?” Benny knocked the little boy lightly on his shoulder. 
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“You really don't have to get them anything, Bun,” Vanessa leaned over as they watched Mariella peruse the stuffed animals in the gift shop while Nico looked at the books.
“I know, but I want to. It was a fun day, we should get something to remember it.” Mariella excitedly pointed at a pink jellyfish, her big brown eyes looking up at Benny. “This one?” He pointed to the toy, laughing when she started jumping up and down. “What about you darlin’?” He looked at Vanessa.
“Me? I… you're sweet, but I don’t need anything.” She looked down, feeling her face get warm.
“C’mon, course you do. My treat.”
Vanessa grinned as she looked at the display of stuffed marine animals, trying to control herself when all she wanted to do was squeal and kick her feet.
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“Here, let me drive,” Benny lightly grabbed Vanessa's wrist after they finished loading everything up. “Just relax, I've got this.”
“Ok, thank you.” Vanessa smiled. Today was fun, but also overstimulating. She was thankful for the offer and appreciative that Benny thought to do it.
As they pulled out of the parking lot, she looked over her shoulder to see both kids passed out. Benny turned on the radio, turning it down slightly as he hummed along. Vanessa rested her head against the headrest and turned her face toward Benny, admiring how his forearm on the steering wheel flexed when he turned a corner. 
She reached for his right arm, fingers grazing down his forearm until she reached his hand and threaded her fingers with his. He glanced over with a quick smile and brought her hand up, again pressing his lips to it. The rest of the drive they kept in some contact, whether it was holding hands or Benny resting his hand on Vanessa's thigh.
When the exit for Torrey Hills was in sight, Benny looked over, “You can say no if you'd rather have some alone time, but the guys’re going to a baseball game tonight…I was gonna stay home and watch a movie since I should get to sleep early…if you wanna come over…no pressure.”
Vanessa placed her hand on top of the one Benny had rooted on her thigh, “I'd like that. I can make you something for dinner. My treat for putting up with us all day.”
“You don't need to do that sweetheart. It was fun, I liked hanging out with you…all of you.”
“Bun, I know you have to be hungry. Goldfish crackers and that sad turkey sandwich from the café didn't cut it…besides, I can’t have you starving on my watch. We have to keep your strength up for Friday, right?”
Benny glanced over with a smirk, “Good point. I’m kinda trying to win this fight. I’ve got some extra…motivation.”
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Four Days to Fight Night
“I made it baby girl…yeah, I’ll tell them you said hi…maybe we can FaceTime with everyone later ok? Alright, have fun with your mom. Love you.”
Joel cursed under his breath as he walked out of baggage claim to the bustling, chaotic scene that was arrivals. The Florida humidity was thick and he already felt the beads of sweat forming on the back of his neck. He set his backpack on the ground and undid the buttons on his green plaid shirt, deciding to just go ahead and take it off leaving him in his white Miller Contracting T-shirt. 
He spotted Will’s Jeep in the distance, waving over the crowd which Will acknowledged as he made his way over to the curb.
Will looked around Joel, brow furrowed as his cousin opened the door, “Where’s Tommy?”
“Well hello to you too,” Joel scoffed, putting his suitcase in the back before settling into the passenger seat. “It’s hot as hell here man.”
“Welcome to Florida,” Will winked, clapping Joel on the shoulder. “Good to see you J.” He put the Jeep in drive and started to make his way out of the chaos.
“Good to see you too man. Sarah says hi, she sent me with some stuff for you and the guys.”
“She’s a sweetheart…hopefully you can bring her next time. I’m sure Bean will lose his mind wanting to take her over to Disney or something,” Will chuckled.
“Yeah and maybe Tommy’ll stay out of trouble for more than five goddamn minutes and he can come too,” Joel shook his head as he took in the rows of palm trees lining the road.
“What’d he do this time?”
Joel took a deep breath in through his nose and out, “I dunno…he went to a bar, sounds like some guy was harassin’ the bartender…girl he likes. Anyway, one thing led to another and he decked the guy, knocked ‘em unconscious, so he got taken into Travis County. By the time he got around to callin’ me it was early this mornin’ and I needed to leave for the airport...at least I have a free airline ticket now,” Joel shook his head with a smirk. 
“Damn…sounds like we should have had him out here to help Fish train Benny then huh?” Will looked over with a lopsided grin.
“How’s he doin’?” Joel asked.
Will glanced over, “Gotta say, I was really nervous when he first signed up for this but over the last week or so…I dunno man, he's unstoppable.”
“Good…good. Reckon Nox has something to do with that. She seems like a sweet girl.” Joel looked over quickly making eye contact briefly before the stoplight turned green.
Will paused, taking in the fact that Joel not only had an unprompted nickname for Vanessa already, but he seemed so supportive of the relationship. “She is…really sweet girl and she looks at Benny like he's the most important person in the world, which is a good thing because he does the same with her,” Will chuckled. “He's started drawing again…even singing too, heard him in the shower the other day. He thinks I don’t notice, but I'm pretty sure I saw him writing too.”
“The kid sounds happy, he deserves it…” Joel trailed off, smiling at himself.
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Megan: I'm surprised you aren't camped out on your lawn waiting!
Ty: Don't give him ideas. We're out scouting a couple of wedding venues for a client so we are going to be gone all day.
David: The. Worst. So we need one of you to send us the goods when daddy shows up
Megan: 💀
Melissa: Ty do you just walk around with a spray bottle for him 😆 
David: You could dump my ass in the bay and it still wouldn't quench this THIRST
Megan: Well at least you're self aware
David: Katie. I need a flight number. Airline. General ETA. Anythingggg
Lucille: He'll definitely be here by dinner time, Benny asked if I could make them some food for tonight. I’m at the hair salon so I may miss his arrival.
Megan: I’m in the waiting room for Connor’s physical so we’re not around either.
Olivia: I don’t even know what time it is right now. Diana was up and down all night.
Melissa: I’m with a client today. 
David: Katie. You’re my only hope. 
David: Katie??
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Joel looked out the window as Will turned into the subdivision and turned down Mule Fall Court. “Looks like a nice place,” he observed.
“It is, I think you’ll like it here. It’s quiet, but the people are really fun.” Will pulled into the driveway and cut off the ignition.
Joel climbed out of the Jeep and took a look around, giving an approving nod at the landscaping in front of 319. He looked further down the street at the other houses and their manicured lawns, stopping to admire the construction of one of the homes a few doors down. It had a beautiful, large window in its front room.
Will started pointing out where everyone lived, starting with Lucille. “Great fuckin’ cook man, you’ll see tonight. She’s been taking care of us so we look after her.” He then pointed out Megan’s house, Melissa and Danny’s, Olivia and Chris’, and David and Ty’s. “And right over there is where Vanessa lives with her sister Victoria and her brother-in-law Marcus.”
“Well, ain't it damn Leave It To Beaver ‘round these parts,” Joel chuckled, wiping the sweat off his forehead. 
A sudden slam of a door made them both turn their heads. Katie carefully rushed across her porch, minding some of the gaps between the planks so as to not trip in her heels and break an ankle. She had rushed home quickly before her big presentation to find an elusive USB drive. Her hands were full as she made her way down to her car, juggling her sweater, purse, and work bag.
“Oh, someone I want you to meet,” Will smiled, patting Joel on the chest as he took off in a light jog down the driveway. “Hey, Katie!” He called over.
She was even more beautiful in person than the photos Joel had seen or that random FaceTime they had a few weeks ago. Trailing behind Will, he cleared his throat, taking full advantage of the fact that he was wearing sunglasses, giving her an appreciative up and down, stopping just a beat longer to admire how her legs looked in her pencil skirt and heels.
“Hey, Will,” Katie responded a bit out of breath.
“Katie, I wanted you to meet Joel,” he patted his cousin on the back. “He’s in town for an overdue vacation and just in time for Benny’s fight this weekend!” 
Joel extended his hand, his sunglasses now pushed to his forehead. “It’s great to finally meet you, Katie. I’ve heard a lot about you from Will,” he said with a friendly smirk. 
“So you’re the infamous Cousin Joel we’ve been hearing so much about?” 
Amused by the question, Joel’s smirk turned into a smile, “Infamous, huh? I hope Will's been keeping it a positive one,” he joked.
Will raised an eyebrow at Joel’s flirtatious tone, one that he knew very well from their younger days, but hadn’t heard in well over a decade. Joel and Katie stayed looking at each other for a beat before the sound of running feet snapped them out of it. 
“J MONEEEEYYY! You made it!” Benny sprinted across the street and leapt at Joel who caught his taller cousin with ease. 
Katie chuckled, seeing Benny so excited. Will mentioned how much he was looking forward to Joel’s visit, but now witnessing his reaction in real time, the energy was infectious. 
“Bean. It’s good to see you.” Joel’s eyes crinkled at the corners as he hugged his younger cousin with equal enthusiasm. 
Benny pulled back after a moment and grinned at Katie, his eyes sparkling excitedly, “So you got to meet the man himself!”
“Indeed,” Katie responded. She knew this sudden uptick in activity at the end of her driveway was sure to have pulled the attention of the Neighborhood Watch. The group chat would be blowing up any minute now. “But, J Money? Did I hear that right?”
Joel laughed, “It’s a nickname,” Benny swung his arm around Joel’s shoulder, “It’s a long story.” 
Katie willed herself not to melt into a puddle with the way Joel smiled at her. Her phone buzzing in her hands brought her back to reality. “Sorry,” she held up her phone. She could have sworn she saw a flash of disappointment sweep across Joel’s face, but she didn’t focus on it.
“Work?” Will asked, giving her a sympathetic look.
“Yeah,” she mumbled as she read Miranda’s message and looked back to the guys. “Unfortunately. Big presentation.”
Will nodded sympathetically. This presentation had been weighing on Katie for the past week, but he knew she could handle it after all the preparation she put in. “No rest for the wicked.” he quipped with a wink.
“Yeah,” Katie rummaged through her tote for her car keys before finally finding them at the bottom of her bag.
Benny pulled Joel’s attention away, running through his training regime for the week. Will walked a couple of steps closer to Katie and placed a reassuring hand on her arm, “You got this Kat.”
“Thank you,” she said with a tight smile. Her phone buzzed again and she sighed, “Okay, I really have to go now.”
They all quickly said their goodbyes, Joel and Katie lingering on each other just a beat longer than the rest. 
“J, you wanna come to the gym today? Fish says I need to take it easy, but I dunno maybe you wanna get in there, see what we've been up to, n’case you have suggestions,” Benny shadowboxed towards Joel as they made their way across the street. 
“Yeah Bean, sounds good, whatever you want man,” Joel smirked, wrapping his arm around Benny’s shoulders.
Benny talked a mile a minute on the way back to the house, Will laughing occasionally at how his brother’s hands flailed as he gestured excitedly. Joel turned his head, catching Katie who watched them all with a smile. He nodded his chin towards her to say goodbye, feeling something he wasn't quite sure how to describe. 
Katie took a deep breath before getting into her car and dialing her phone. “Hey, Miranda, I’m on my way back to the office… yeah I’ve got it. We need coffee, what can I get you?”
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Benny connected with a combination, putting a bit too much behind his last punch, and knocking Frankie off balance.
“Ok, Ben, you're good man, let's put up the gloves and get out of here,” Will called over from the side.
Next to him, Joel chuckled, arms folded in front of him as he stood with his legs hip distance apart. After sitting for a few hours on the flight and then in the car, he didn't mind standing around and watching Benny spar. Santiago tossed a towel to Benny and Frankie while Connor brought their water bottles over.
“Whad’ya think J?” Benny asked as he tried to catch his breath. He flipped his hair back frustrated that it was getting in his eyes.
“Lookin’ good Bean, how are you feeling?”
“Good, actually…yeah, I feel good,” he smiled.
“You need to ask Vanessa to give you a haircut, hermano…you were too distracted with your hair getting in your eyes, I almost got you a few times,” Frankie’s hand ruffled through the front of Benny's hair.
Joel and Will exchanged a knowing look. “She cuts hair too?” Joel asked with an arched brow, eliciting a snort from Santiago.
“She did mine,” Connor offered, his bright eyes looking up at Joel.
Joel gave the boy a once over, his head cocked to the side with an approving look and shrug. “Talented girl, huh Bean?”
“Wonder if you’ll get some special treatment, Ben, get the full service,” Santiago snorted, ducking to avoid Frankie slapping him upside the head as he cut his eyes towards Connor.
Benny felt his face getting hot so he turned on his heels and headed toward the weights, missing the way all the guys tried to stifle their laughter. 
The group trailed behind, pairing off to different stations to finish their workouts. Joel walked over to Benny, who sat on a bench checking his phone.
“Need a spot?” Joel asked softly.
Benny turned around, sporting a big smile, “Yeah, that'd be great.” He reclined onto the bench and under the bar bracing himself to do some bench presses. 
“This gonna be your last fight Bean?” 
“We'll…see…depends on…how it…goes,” Benny managed between reps, racking the bar and taking a deep breath. 
“You seem more focused this time…this guy do somethin' to piss you off or what?” Joel chuckled softly to himself. As he brought the bar off the rack, his chest tensed, waiting for Benny to start his next set.
“Nah,” Benny chuckled. “I dunno…feels like…things are…clicking,” he let out a big exhale. 
“That's good Bean, that's good,” Joel looked down with a soft smile as Benny gritted his teeth to finish the set.
After two more sets, Benny slid from under the bar, sitting up and wiping his brow with his shirt.
“You should get that haircut,” Joel smirked.
Benny looked down at his feet, feeling warm as he thought about Vanessa and her fingers in his hair like they were the night before. As he glanced up at Joel, he chuckled. “You need one too?”
“Nah, but I'll go with you…supervise.”
Benny snorted and they both started laughing. Benny hopped off the bench and gestured towards it. “C'mon old man, you gonna do a couple of sets or what?” 
Joel stretched his arms up, his shirt riding up a bit before he brought his hands to his hips, “Sure, rack it up, Bean.”
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“She should be here any second,” Benny rubbed his hands together looking over to Joel with a huge grin. 
And almost on cue, they heard the doorbell, Frankie moving to answer the door while Will finished setting the table and Santiago poured whiskey for everyone.
“Hola Lulu,” Frankie said softly, the corners of his mouth lifted into a smile before he leaned down to kiss Lucille.
“Hola mi amor,” she leaned in, patting his arm. Frankie pulled back, brows drawn together as he saw she was empty-handed. “I didn’t forget the food Francisco, it’s down there,” she nodded behind her to the little wagon at the bottom of the porch steps. 
Frankie tutted, “¿por qué no llamaste? We would have helped bring this over.”
“Ay, I didn’t want to bother, figured I’d just drop it off anyway.”
“Drop it off?” Benny appeared behind Frankie, Joel trailing behind him. “What do you mean Lulu? You’re not gonna stay and have dinner with us?”
“I didn’t want to impose, mi vida. It’s ok, I have leftovers,” Lucille waved him off.
Joel cleared his throat, pushing himself past Benny so he stood shoulder to shoulder with Frankie. “Hola, señora soy Joel,” he reached out to shake her hand. 
She eagerly took his hand, realizing how frail her small hand looked in his. She felt the rough calluses of his palms, the hands of a working man. He was striking, his broad frame seemed to tower over the other men, but there was a softness tucked away in his eyes as he looked down at her. “Joel. Un placer conocerte. You speak Spanish a lot better que tus primos,” she winked.
Joel chuckled, looking over his shoulder at Benny who pouted a bit. “Well, I cheated a bit. Grew up speaking Spanish because of my mom.”
“Bueno, well, I’ll leave you boys to it,” she started to turn before Joel pipped up.
“Where are you going? Stay with us. How’re we supposed to compliment the cook if she’s gone?” He winked. She got the sense this man could be quite persuasive when he wanted to be.
“Yea, Lulu, please stay,” Benny pleaded, resting his forearm on Joel’s shoulder.
“Ok, ok, fine. Here let’s get everything in before it gets cold,” she motioned towards the wagon.
She spared no expense in preparing this meal, knowing she had five grown men to feed, really six if you count how much Benny had been eating in the lead up to his fight. Arroz con pollo was always a crowd-pleaser and easy to make in bulk. She also brought some yucca, black beans and snuck in a few favorites for the guys – empanadas for Benny, maduros for Frankie, tostones for Santiago, and a flan for Will.
They sat around talking, catching up, and eating. Lucille watched on fondly as Joel shared the latest with his daughter Sarah. His face softened when he spoke of his little girl, she could tell what a proud father he was. 
As the last forks hit the plates, Joel pushed his forward, leaning back in his chair, resting his hands on the back of his head, and letting out a low whistle. “Wow, Lucille, that was delicious. Couldn’t remember the last time I had a meal like that.”
Lucille blushed as the rest of the guys chimed in with their praise. “Oh stop, you mean to tell me you don’t have an old neighbor who cooks for you and your daughter and brother?”
Joel shook his head laughing, leaning forward to rest his forearms on the table. “Nah, best Mrs. Adler can do is cookies. They’re mighty fine cookies, mind you, but she’s not much of a cook.”
“Well, I’m glad you liked it,” she pushed back from the table, moving to get herself up to start clearing the dishes. 
Joel moved, resting a hand on hers, “No ma’am, you sit on down. We’ll take care of it.” He stood up and took her plate and glass from her. Frankie, Santiago, and Will all followed suit and started promptly clearing the table.
Benny stayed back, scooting his chair closer to Lucille whose eyes lingered on the men as they walked to the kitchen, “Hey Lulu, I…um…I have a question”
“Que mi vida?” She raised her eyebrow.
“I was wondering if sometime you could show me how to make something.”
“Empanadas may be a little advanced, but we can try it,” she smiled, patting his hand.
“No, no, not that. I…um…could you show me how to make Cuban coffee sometime?”
She eyed him conspiratorially and nodded, whispering that she’d be happy to give him a lesson just as Frankie returned to the table. 
“Lulu, we’ll clean everything up…return all the dishes tomorrow if that’s ok?”
“Well, with this kind of service I may be making dinner for you all every night,” she laughed.
Benny and Frankie laughed as they helped her get to her feet. 
“C’mon, I’ll walk you home,” Frankie offered her his hand as he walked her over to the kitchen to say goodbye to everyone.
Lucille and Frankie exchanged small talk as they walked the short distance back to her house. Before long, the conversation naturally shifted to Jo. 
“She’s actually coming on Friday, for Benny’s fight,” his hopeful eyes found Lucille’s.
She cocked her head to the side, the corners of her mouth curling up as she rubbed his arm, “Well, I’m excited to meet her. Can’t wait to see the woman who is making you look like that.”
His forehead creased, “Look like what?”
“In love.” She said matter of factly. It didn’t take extremely astute powers of observation to see the shift in Frankie’s demeanor over the last two weeks. The sadness that used to be at the surface, ever present in his eyes even when he smiled, had evaporated. There was a glow to him. He seemed more relaxed, sure of himself…happy. 
Frankie chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, taking in her words. With a deep breath, his eyes met hers, “yeah, yeah maybe I am.”
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Next Time on As the Mule Falls: Benny goes to a foodie event with Vanessa (get the Bingo cards back out, we'll have a cameo). The boys have a poker night. And there’s another encounter between Katie and Joel. David also continues to wait until he can get eyes on Joel.
A/N: Hi! Sooo…what do we think? Benny and Vanessa continue to be one of my favorite storylines, but Cousin Joel is right up there! 
I’m still sharing some extras between chapters. Since the last chapter, I posted a little extra of Benny’s Instagram thanks to the creative help of @undercoverpena. I also had a Benny x Vanessa post, After, about how they both reacted to their first kiss. I’m planning on posting another Benny x Vanessa extra about what happened after the aquarium. 
I highly recommend checking out 323 Mulefall Crt if you want some more Cousin Joel! We've been dropping little hints for months and I'm so excited to finally share it. Betty - working on this little universe with you has brought me so much joy. Thank you <3
Until next time!
Taglist: @goodwithcheese / @gemmahale / @trulybetty / @noxturnalpascal / @periodtsparadox
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discotitsposts · 1 month
i heard that
reader overhears spencer checking on their baby
dad spencer x mom reader
rated e for everyone
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As you lay your lovely baby girl down for her nap after gently rocking her, you hear footsteps behind you. You turn and see Spencer with the sweetest smile on his face.
“She’s so tired.” You whisper very quietly.
Spencer leans over the crib and just stares at her smiling. Tears brimming his eyes at the sight.
“She’s so precious.” He whispers quietly back. You motion for him to follow you to the kitchen and you make yourselves a snack.
“Let’s watch something!” You say picking up the baby monitor and your lunch and bringing it into the living room.
Spencer picks up his own lunch and gets you both something to drink. “Sure,” he calls from the kitchen, “You can pick something.”
You rack your brain for what to pick when you hear a noise. “Spence did you hear that?”
“Hear what?” He walks in and hands you your drink.
You motion him to “shh” and listen carefully.
You can hear your little baby softly babbling in her sleep.
“I’ll go check on her.” Spencer says getting up and going upstairs. You nod and pick a tv show to watch. You listen to the monitor and hear the shuffling of Spencer entering the room over the sound of your daughter, now crying.
“What’s the matter little princess? What do you need? Are you hungry?” You hear him say. “Here maybe this will help.” You hear the sound of him walking and figure he must be taking her to the rocking chair to calm her down. She quiets down immediately.
“Oh now you’re sleepy again. You just missed us, huh? I’m sorry sweetheart. I love you so much.” He continues speaking softly to her. “You have no idea darling. You and your mother are the best things that ever happened to me. Do you know that?” He’s speaking so gently.
His words have you in tears. This was too adorable. You hear him laugh over the monitor. You have to see this. You grab your phone and sneak up the stairs and watch him cradling her.
“You both make me so so happy everyday and remind me of the good in this world.” He’s having a hard time holding back any emotion by now and is crying tears of joy while laughing.
You snap a picture and then get a look at your daughter’s face and almost start laughing. She’s looking up at him in confusion.
(like this 🤨)
He keeps talking while she’s staring up at him like omg dude put me back to bed already, and it’s killing you! You start wheeze laughing because you can’t hold it in anymore. Spencer hears your faint laughing and looks down at your daughter.
“Oh really? I didn’t know you understood what I said. Wow! So expressive. You wanna go back to bed now?” He asks standing up.
She simply responds with “ah,” and smiles.
“Alright, geez, go back to sleep little ms. bossy pants.” He gives her a kiss on her head and then gently lays her back down and covers her with her baby blanket with the lions and giraffes on it.
You step into the room smiling so hard your face hurts.
“You,” He holds her tiny little hand, she grabs his finger. “Have captivated my heart since you were born.” He removes his hand and spins around. “And you, have had my heart since the day we met.” He taps your nose. You smile.
“ah,” She coos one last time before nodding off.
“Doesn’t she look cozy?” Spencer nods. She’s wearing a fuzzy pink strawberry print onesie, courtesy of auntie Penelope. You turn on her moon and stars nightlight and gently shut the door.
You and Spencer are quiet until you get back downstairs.
“When did you sneak in?” He asks.
“When I heard you tell her how much you love us.”
“Oh you heard that?” He asks.
You pick up the baby monitor, “I heard that.”
“Ahh, makes sense.” He lays down on the couch loosening his tie and removing his shoes. He takes a candy from the snack bowl and eats it.
You lay down on the couch with him and click play on The Munsters.
Three episodes in, you’ve fallen asleep too. Yawning at first before your eyes closed fully. Spencer keeps awake and watches you while running his hand through your hair. His soft caresses had practically welcomed the sleepiness into your eyes.
Spencer was the happiest he’d ever been.
the end💞
happy spencer happy spencer
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ltash · 18 days
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Piss Poor Tea
Ghost has to drive you to the city and he is not happy about it so he has something on his mind.
Ghost! I need you to take her to the city. She needs to get her belongings from her apartment." Laswell said.
"Why Me? Soap can drive her." He countered.
"Because I said so, Lieutenant," Laswell replied firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument. "Besides, you have your car here. It's more convenient."
A heavy sigh escaped Ghost's lips, his reluctance evident in the way he shifted his weight. "Fine, I'll take her," he relented, though the frustration lingered in his voice.
"Soap will accompany you too." Laswell said.
"Ok! When do we leave?" Ghost inquired, his voice tinged with a hint of reluctance.
"As soon as possible," Laswell replied briskly. "I am giving you a day off. Try to make it quick. Tomorrow we will be finalizing our next mission." With that, she declared, "Meeting is dismissed."
Ghost turned to me, his gaze lingering for a moment before he stated, "Meet me in an hour. Get ready." Then, without waiting for a response, he left the room.
The journey stretched on for two long hours, with Soap's incessant chatter filling the car.
"Aye LT! Why was strawberry crying?" Soap quipped, unable to contain his own laughter. "Because it was in a jam."
"Put on some music, please. I'm getting bored," I interjected, hoping to drown out Soap's jokes.
Throughout the ride, I noticed Ghost's gaze fixed on me in the rearview mirror, his eyes unwavering. "LT! You have a staring problem?" I teased, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Look ahead, or we'll be in big trouble."
Ghost finally tore his eyes away from me in the mirror and refocused on the road ahead, his expression unreadable.
After a long journey, we finally arrived at my home in the afternoon. I turned the key in the lock and swung the door open, inviting Ghost and Soap inside.
"Welcome to my abode boys where I only got to spend 2 hours of my life. Make yourself at home." I joked around.
"Nice home lass." Soap added. Do you have a car too? He asked.
"Yes. They shipped my car beforehand. Its a Tesla. Its in the underground parking." I said. "And speaking of that I remembered it wasn't charged."
Soap replied. "A Tesla, huh? Fancy choice." He chuckled.
"Yeah, but not very practical if it's not charged," Ghost remarked.
"Don't worry, we can take care of that later," Soap said with a grin. "First, let's get your stuff."
"Do you drink?" Ghost asked.
"Yes I drink but only coffee. Sorry you won't find any Bourbon here." I chuckled.
"Good enough for me," Ghost said with a smirk. "But I drink tea."
Soap chimed in, "I could use a cup too, if you don't mind.
"Tea it is then," I corrected myself with a smile. "I'll put the kettle on."
I remembeed there was milk in the fridge which I hadn't even opened. Thankfully it wasn't gone bad.
As I was making tea Ghost came to stand against the counter. Soap was busy watching TV.
I added milk, sugar and tea altogether and put it on the stove.
Ghost was watching me closely and he intervened.
"You have to mix tea and water first and bring it to a boil then add a dash of milk and sugar according to taste. You are doing it wrong." He added.
"My mother used to make tea like that. I like it that way more." I said and gave him a smile.
"Its not English tea then." Ghost came closer and said very softly.
It gave me chills down my spine hearing him so close to me.
"You have to try it. Trust me." I replied.
"Jesus! Trying this tea will be more difficult than our Al Qatala mission." He scoffed.
He then went back to the couch to sit Soap.
After making tea I served it with biscuits and chips.
"Here you go gentlemen." I said placing the tray on the table.
"Thankyou Lass, for your hospitability." Soap chuckled.
Feeling the need for a change of clothes, I excused myself and made my way to the bathroom.
"Piss poor tea." I heard Ghost saying.
My blood started to boil at his remarks. Why does he have to be such a jerk?
My bags were already packed, untouched since my arrival. Retrieving my belongings, I selected a black, high-waisted leather skirt that hugged my curves, complemented by a velvet, noodle-strap blouse. Tossing on a leather jacket for good measure, I emerged from the room feeling refreshed and ready.
Returning to the common area, I found Ghost once again staring at me with his intense gaze. It was like his eyes were boring into my soul, igniting a fire within me that I struggled to contain. Sitting down on the couch opposite him, I tried to focus on anything but the way his eyes seemed to strip me bare with their intensity.
"Maybe we should hang out for a bit," I suggested, breaking the silence that lingered between us.
"I need to get something from my apartment too," Ghost muttered, his voice low and somewhat hesitant.
"Alright, let's go to a club then. You can get what you're looking for from your home, and then we'll head back," I replied, trying to keep the mood light.
"Fine," he agreed, his tone begrudging.
Soap, always eager to join in on the fun, chimed in, "I'M COMING TOO!"
"Of course you are! We won't leave you here," I laughed lightly, grateful for the opportunity to break the tension.
We arrived at the club, and Ghost ordered his usual bourbon while Soap opted for whiskey. As for me, I stuck to my usual coke, preferring to stay sober.
Soap indulged in drink after drink, quickly downing several, while Ghost kept a more measured pace. By the time we decided to call it a night, Soap was already passed out in the car, leaving Ghost and me to handle the situation.
"It's getting late. We need to get Soap home," I urged Ghost as we made our way to the car.
He drove to his apartment.
"We don't have much time Ghost. We need to leave. Make it quick please." I said.
Ghost glanced at me, his expression serious. "I can't drive a long distance properly after drinking. It's not safe. We'll have to spend the night here," he explained.
Concerned about Soap's well-being, I hesitated. "What about Soap?" I asked.
Ghost shrugged, unfazed. "Leave him in the car. Come with me if you want to. I won't take long," he suggested.
Despite my reservations, I knew he had a point.
Trusting him as my lieutenant, I reluctantly agreed. "Fine. Let's go," I said, steeling myself for what lay ahead.
The car came to a halt in front of a nondescript building, and I glanced over at Soap, who was sound asleep in the backseat.
Ghost opened the door, and I followed him inside the building, the weight of the night's events hanging heavy on my mind.
We rode the elevator up to the second floor, and I followed Ghost down the hall to his apartment, his confident stride unwavering.
As he unlocked the door and stepped inside, I followed suit, feeling a sense of unease settle over me.
He kicked off his shoes, leaving them neatly by the door, I saw him barefoot the first time.
I couldn't help but steal a glance at his feet, his toes were perfectly aligned, even this man's feet were perfect.
He opened his bedroom door and entered. My glance darting on his back, his cargo pants were tight around his thighs.
He looked so good in those.
Taking in my surroundings, I noted the simplicity of his apartment, the sparse furnishings lending an air of minimalism to the space.
"Come inside. I won't bite." His thick British voice echoed from his bedroom.
Reluctantly, I stepped into his bedroom, feeling a wave of apprehension wash over me. Ghost was perched on the edge of his bed, his gaze fixed on me as I entered.
I hesitated, unsure of what to say or do in this unexpected situation. But his reassuring tone eased some of my tension, and I took a hesitant step forward, closing the distance between us.
"What do you need from here?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady despite the turmoil swirling inside me.
Ghost got up from his bed and walked over to a table in the corner of the room. There was a laptop and some files on the table. He picked up one of the files and started looking through it carefully.
He seemed focused on what he was doing, flipping through the pages with care.
"I need to give these papers to Capt. Price," he said.
I stood beside him, observing as he flipped through the pages. "What is this?" I asked, curious about the contents.
He remained silent for a moment before responding. "Forget it," he finally said dismissively.
But then he looked at me, and suddenly, a sharp piece of paper cut his thumb. He cursed softly, shaking his hand in pain. I did not know he took off his gloves.
"Show me," I said, taking hold of his hand and bringing his thumb to my lips, sucking away the blood from the paper cut.
The sweet and metallic taste of his blood touched my lips.
He stood there in total shock, his expression caught between surprise and confusion. A small groan escaped from his lips, his eyes narrowing at me with a mix of emotions.
I let go of his thumb, breaking the silence that had settled between us. "It should be fine now," I said softly, trying to ease the tension in the air.
He placed his hand on my cheek, the warmth of his touch radiating to my face, sending a shiver down my spine. "What have you just done to me, Angela?" he asked softly, rolling his balaclava up to his nose, his eyes locked on mine.
I struggled to find the words, but before I could respond, his lips crashed into mine, silencing any further conversation.
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galadoesart · 2 years
Period Comfort | Preferences - Moon Knight
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Summary: Moon Boys gave you comfort and help you around when you’re in period.
Pairing/s: Marc Spector x F! Reader / Steven Grant F! Reader / Jake Lockley x F! Reader Word count: 6k+ Warning/s: None, except fluff and a bit of sexual innuendo for Jake’s part (only if you squint) / hurt / comfort
A/N: I have nothing else to say except I love them so much. I don’t have enough knowledge of DID, my only source is from the tv series itself and if I portrayed DID incorrect, please let know. Feedbacks / coffee are very much appreciated! I hope you guys are doing well, have fun reading! xoxo. 
Marc Spector He knew what month would be next about your period, in fact, he have this period tracker installed on his phone. When you found this out by yourself, you keep teasing him about it that maybe he’s the one who’s having a period. Of course, after that, he didn’t uninstall it, even though there are times that he might be late to know that it’s your “time of the month” he never failed to buy your needs.
Groaning from the sudden pain in your lower abdomen, you decided to get up from the bed and headed straight to the bathroom. Of course, Marc noticed your sudden movements, checking his period tracker on his phone he realized that it was indeed your time of the month.
He then quickly grab your towel, pads, and your comfy clothes and a chair so he can wait patiently to you outside of the bathroom. Little did you know, Khonshu is reminding Marc your boyfriend that he got a mission for him. “Seriously, right now?” “Well? I’ll call Taweret if she needs help.” “No, she needed me so I’ll pass.” The god huff in annoyance and take his leave. “Babe?” “Hm? Oh – sorry, it’s just that-” “Khonshu?” “Yeah, but no worries I’ll stay.”
After Marc gave you the things that you need, he then decided to prepare something for your breakfast. Steven is actually insisting to help him out but Marc is a stubborn one who wants to prepare things for you, in the end, he , let Steven do the work out of sheer panic (just a bit, don’t worry).
However you heard the ruckus in the kitchen, but the boys are quick who’s to front. “Steven?” “No - I mean, he just went back to our headspace.” You sit in the dining area while he gives you oatmeal, there a mixed nuts on top with few a strawberries and you smiled at his actions. Mumbling ‘thank you, babe’ you started eating breakfast.
We can all agree that deep inside Marc Spector is a big softie deep inside, making sure you got what you needed, eat at least two or three meals if you’re not feeling well because of the cramps he will most likely to offer some painkillers, and a heating pad.
Since he’s not good with affirmations, instead of letting Steven front he asks what words he has to avoid while on your period, to help you out mentally and emotionally of course.
Steven Grant You suddenly stirred awake, not because of Steven whose currently cuddling you but the sudden sharp pain from your lower abdomen. ‘Time of the month huh’ You thought to yourself, moving Steven’s arms from your waist trying not to wake him up you get out of bed slowly.
Immediately check the bedsheet if there’s bloodstain and thankfully there’s none. There were also visible stains in your undergarments but nothing too much to worry about, so you take a shower and put on some comfortable clothes.
However as you came out of the bathroom, you found Steven sitting on the edge of the bed. “You’re early, love?” He yawns while he stands up and walks over in your direction. “You look pale… What happened?” cupping your cheeks gently with his large hands, he put one hand to your forehead to check if by chance you have a fever you chuckle at his actions but seconds later your expression went into a painful one “I’m on my period…” You hissed in pain, you don’t remember being this awful on your first day, and of course, Steven is worried.
 Since Steven never had a woman before he’s asking Marc for hygienic products that you needed, in a way that you won’t be annoyed.
He makes sure that there are enough snacks for you in the pantry, or if you ran out he will storm out and buy whatever you need.
He’s so attentive by the way, trying to remember all the foods that you want during your period, he makes sure that there are enough snacks for you in the cupboard or anywhere near you when you’re resting.
Whenever Steven is at work, he always tries his best to call you whenever he’s on break asking how are you holding up with your period, or what dinner and desserts you want so he can buy you when he comes home.
Jake Lockley The pain in your lower stomach wakens from your slumber, sadly Jake wasn’t around for you to snuggle over or help to ease your pain apparently he’s on a mission with Khonshu. You’re not sure when will Jake go home and as much as you want to stay in bed, curl and probably cry from the pain that you’re having, you decided to finally get up and clean yourself up.
You noticed that there were a small stain on the bedsheet so you decided to run in to the washing machine as you get yourself cleaned up. Usually, when Jake wasn’t around, you use his shampoo and soap, at least even from his scent you feel safe that he’s with you.
While having a relaxing shower, you didn’t notice that Jake finally comes home. His first instinct was to find and greet you with a good morning kiss but – “Princesa? I’m home!” When he found you coming out from the bathroom he dropped his duffle bag and immediately runs towards at you. He chuckle when he smelled you – exactly as him. “What’s the occasion princesa?” You hissed in sudden pain from your lower abdomen. “I’m not in the mood, okay?” You rolled your eyes, clearly irritated – looking back at his face it’s clearly that he got hurt from your remarks, a pang of guilt rush through you “I – look, I’m sorry papi - .” “Shh… It’s fine, you’re in your period. Do you want anything princesa?” Instead of answering Jake’s question, you embrace him.
Like Steven, he’s also cluless what’s going on with you and of course Marc with his past relationship with Layla he explained it carefully. He took note of what hygienic products that you often used when you’re in period.
Since he just came home from his mission, he’ll try his best to give everything you need. Especially in terms of food, whenever Jake got a chance he would cook anything that you want to eat and he will.
If he caught you on your phone trying to order something he would go full mode chef – “Princesa what did I told you? You could’ve just ask!” “I don’t want to bother you papi, plus you should be resting too -” “Princesa you are never a bother” He looks at you lovingly while he kissed your forehead “Just ask away what you need okay?”
There are some instances that he had to leave again because of his mission so he make sure that you have enough of snacks that you need in a pantry, just like Marc and Steven he tries his best to make phone calls whenever he’s away making sure that you’re doing okay.
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red-hemlock · 4 months
your name: Steve! (Or Ezra, do you like Ezra better? You know what, just call me whatever you want.)
Romantic or platonic?: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,romantic, 👉👈
A night in or dinner out or an activity?: I think I heard somewhere that you like carnivals? Let's just make sure Dr. Quinzel hasn't claimed it before we go.
Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: The second one.
What's your perfect date?: Something on the waterfront or a rooftop. It's a mild night where we can look out onto the city or the reflection of the lights on the water, my arm around you, just the two of us. And also no one's trying to murder us at that particular moment. The simple things.
Would you cook for me?: Yes!
Would you let me cook for you?: Yes!!!
Can we make-out?: Y.Yes.
Make out in private or in public?: Is this an actual necessary question? I don't know?? Do you want to make out where everyone's watching us?
Do you like to cuddle?: Very much so.
Blankets or no blankets for cuddling?: Again, some of these questions don't seem completely necessary. I guess I like being cozy under some nice blankets? Is that what it's asking?
Couch or bed?: For which activity? Couch is nice for cuddling because that's usually where the TV is :)
What are at least 3 hobbies of yours?: Okay, so, I restore old phones and stuff, but it's really a lot more interesting than it sounds! There's a really neat history associated with each model, and it's so cool to learn what parts stay the same over time and what changes, (especially between companies and brands and, y'know, what country they were made in, that sort of thing). It's not just phones, though, some of my favorites I've worked on have actually been those old electrical telegraphs? The wood on those is beautiful, you have to see them sometime. Anyway, the point is that I really just like fixing up any of those old devices, it doesn't have to be strictly a "phone," or whatever. ...what was the question, again?
Tell me something about you no else knows: ...whoof! Is it just me, or did this questionnaire escalate quickly? I mean, it wants me to share a secret that no one else knows in the whole world? That's tough. ...huh. Um. I'm pretty sure Mr. Afton knows literally everything there is to know about me. Except for. What he doesn't know, but you already know that, so. ...I don't know. I'm allergic to pecans but I eat them anyway?
Why do you want to be my valentine?: You're. Wow. Why wouldn't someone want to be your Valentine? You're the whole package. You're top of your field, incredibly skilled and competent... smart, funny, drop-dead gorgeous. And... for Valentine's Day specifically, I think I just want the chance to get to know you when you're not working. Because as perfect as you already are, I know that the more I get to know you, the more you'll continue to impress.
What makes you a good Valentine?: ...after that last question, I'm starting to wonder if I have enough to offer to actually be good enough for y I'd be a a great Valentine! We have a nice rhythm going already, and I really care. I'd go the extra length to make this special. ...and if things go poorly and you decide to off me, you know I won't be able to fight back lmao. (That was a joke.)
Who Wants to be This Potato's Valentine? @mute-call
When not taken with a job, Riversong Locke usually wasn't given to snoop within things that were not expressly 'hers'. Yet as her eyes bore down on the corner of this not-so-very stealthily hidden piece of paper, two words run a rampant chant within her head: 'Read this'. And so she does. Gaze drawn straight-away to the bullet-points and few hastily scratched-out bits, River thought it to be a checklist of some kind at first. Perhaps a grocery list?
That is, until she began reading the paper proper.
Surprise is an understatement, she didn't think he would actually fill-out the thing, let alone do it in a way that was clearly genuine. Was that a spot of pink on her cheeks? It was one of the many things she liked about him though, the way he kept her on her toes.
"Silly darling, you should've just said something..." Yet it was probably far easier to do it this way than face-to-face. Her answer, though?
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Plucking a post-it from the table, a single heart is drawn dead-center in pastel-pink ink and dried by slow exhalation of her breath. Still grinning, the 'application' is returned where it once lay, waiting to be found later by the 'Nervous Nancy' she calls her boss.
Should be as resound a 'yes' as any.
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laffy-taffy-creations · 8 months
This fic was cross-posted on AO3 here
Family Forged in Fire
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Recording | Made to Watch | "It should've been me"
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Words: 1,163
Warnings: house fire, PTSD, childhood trauma, character death
The first thing I saw was smoke. The room got all hazy. It looked like dark fog. And the smell was bad.
Something’s wrong, this isn’t normal.
I went down stairs. “Mommy! Daddy! Something’s wrong with the air!”
But the downstairs was worse. I looked for one of them, either of them, but all I found was…
“MAMA!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. She was on the floor, still, not moving. Her face was wrong. It wasn’t her. “Mama! Mama wake up! MAMA! PAPA SOMETHING’S WRONG WITH MOMMY!”
I heard something behind me. I looked over. Whatever was wrong with mommy is wrong with daddy too. I crawled over to him. “Papa? PAPA! WHY AREN’T EITHER OF YOU ANSWERING?!”
I started crying. Mommy told me the best thing for me to do when I was hurting, on the inside or out, was cry and it’d feel better. But it didnt stop hurting. Nothing stopped hurting.
The air started getting hot. I saw something orange starting to spread from the kitchen to where I was. A big man dressed in primary colors walked up to me and picked me up. “Your parents aren’t coming back kid. I’m sorry. Let’s get you out of here.”
I knew his voice. I cried even harder. This is the man that mama and papa were shouting at earlier. What happened to them was caused by him.
He held me around the chest tighter, my breathing got more difficult. “Shut up kid, you’re gonna act like nothing happened, am I clear? I’m saving you from a housefire. I did not kill your parents, they burned to death. I didn’t start the fire, it came from burning food. Now be quiet or I’ll throw you in the flames too.”
I cried and cired. It was all I could do.
He killed them. I dont want to die. I dont wanna die I dont wanna die I dont wanna die-
----《 ¤ 》----
“Hey nii-san.”
“Hey. Whatcha watching?” I asked as I walked down the stairs to get a snack.
I actually need to catch up on the news. “You mind if I join you?”
“Do whatever you want. There’s nothing about him so I think we’ll be fine.”
I got myself some strawberries and sat down next to the figuratively and literally explosive blonde that was my brother.
My phone buzzed with a message and I opened it up while I listened to the newscaster in the background.
Charging Port: [Hey, watcha doin?]
Me: [Hanging out with my brother]
Charging Port: [...you mean your adoptive brother?]
Me: [Details, details…]
Me: [Also yes literally who else would I be talking about]
Charging Port: [I’m just making sure]
Me: [What do you think I have a secret brother that survived the fire and has been living in Japan, completely unknown for 13 years?]
Charging Port: [lol]
Me: [Anyways, what did you need?]
Charging Port: [uhhhh dont watch the news]
Charging Port: [especially not FNN]
“...hey Kat, what channel is this?”
“Fuji? Why?”
“Okay good, Kaminari said I needed to stay away from this channel right now. Our TV has what, a 1 minute delay compared to his on this channel?”
He smirked. “Well, let’s see what he didnt want you to see.”
The scene changed. A fire. A house fire.
I only saw it for a few seconds before I was four again, unable to wake up my parents, not knowing what was going on, the only thing I was sure of being the hero that ‘saved me’ killing them and covering it up with a fire.
They shouldn’t have died, it should’ve been me, they shouldn’t have died, it should’ve been me, they shouldn’t-
“CLO!” nii-san was shaking me now.
“Wha- huh?”
“...Pikachu was right, we shouldn’t have watched the news, holy fuck thank the gods you’re normal again.”
I looked back to the screen. That fire was at Mina’s house.
“<...we dont believe anybody is in the house, but this can be used as a good example of…>”
Mina said she was home alone tonight and wouldn’t be leaving the house.
Both my body and my brain suddenly kicked it into high gear and I dashed back up to my room, changing as quickly as I could into my fireproof suit. C’mon, c’mon, there isn’t much time…
I put on a jacket and put one of my high-grade filter mechanical filter masks in the pocket.
I grabbed a second one for me and went back downstairs, going to the bathroom and rummaging through some of Mom’s things for a hair tie and bobby pins, putting my long hair up into a messy bun so none of it would catch fire.
I put on my mask and travelled through the shadows right outside the house. I could feel my phone buzzing relentlessly in my pocket but I didnt care.
I drew the Ancient Geldyrn symbol for goodluck on my chest and kicked in the backdoor.
Where are you.
I ran up the stairs to her room and pounded on it. “MINA! MINA CAN YOU HEAR ME?!?!” The door was locked from inside.
Please answer please answer please answer…
Nothing. I took a step back and slammed my body against the door, enough to break the latch.
I saw her passed out on the floor. I kneeled down and pput my filter mask on her as quick as I could. You’re gonna survive, You will survive, I will not let you die.
I secured it around her head, grabbed her phone and threw her over my shoulder before running downstairs, through the livingroom-
Dont think about it, dont think about it.
As soon as we were out I was able to find a substantial enough shadow to travel back through and I dropped her on the couch before letting out a sigh of exhaustion.
“Good gods Clo, you need to not do that,”
“Do what?” I asked, sprawling myself out on the floor.
“Suddenly running around and fucking teleporting to her! All I saw was you rushing around like a madman then a slight figure in the background of the broadcast! You could’ve atleast given me a warning.”
“Too little time, my rushing around was your warning.”
“You could’ve called the pros or something! Or I dont know, at least shown yourself a bit more to the news so they knew they were wrong???”
I looked at my brother and smiled slyly. “You know damn well why I dont trust either of them.”
He facepalmed.
Izuku had appeared in the time I was gone apparently. “Why dont you trust them?”
Both me and Kat said in unison, “We dont talk to cops here.”
I laughed while he groaned. He knew what was coming.
“Oh boy, do I have a lot to fill you in on~”
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veraghost · 2 years
𝔣𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔶𝔬𝔲 - 𝔰𝔲𝔫𝔞 𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔲
𝔞𝔲𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔯𝔰 𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢: this is for @meloomi and her four season collab! i had a really hard time writing this but autumn is the prettiest season so i needed to write something. this is purely fluff, i wanted it to be something my suna babies could come back to <3
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 1.2k
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“October 31st” the calendar read, the day you’ve been waiting for since the trees starting turning shades of orange and red, since the air got just a little cooler.  It’s Suna’s favourite season, his personality shows through specifically on Halloween night - tonight - when he can steal all the good candy from your neighbours and put it into your bucket so that the kids keep coming back every year. Going to clubs and partying, meeting up with the twins, Aran and Kita, enjoying the one day a year where you all hangout before going back to your busy lives.
Looking at your phone, noticing it’s only 11am, and you have no idea how you’ll pass the time before you raid the neighbours and the little kids in the subdivision start trick-or-treating before their bedtimes. Trying to think of something to pass the time, you turn on the TV in your house and throw on a movie while you make breakfast. Deciding on Scream you work on making yourself something to eat, treating yourself to chocolate-chip pancakes. 
You feel a pair of hands wrap around your waist, a chin against your shoulder. Suna’s voice lightly humming against your neck, enjoying the simplicity of your life. He’s in his volleyball hoodie and a pair of matching shorts, looking absolutely beautiful. 
“Good morning, sunshine,” he mumbles against you, rubbing up and down your sides before kissing your cheek and starting to set the table. “You know, I heard that Melissa has those candies you like, maybe I should just steal them for you? I’m she’d understand since she loves that we’re still together after so many years.” He starts, winking at you before turning his head to the TV, throughly enjoying watching the screams of pain during the movie, getting lost in the movie. 
You watch him before getting back to the pancakes, making sure they don’t burn on the pan. He looks so at ease, so peaceful with the sunlight from your thin curtains hitting his face. I can’t believe he’s already thinking about his plans to steal the candies, he just woke up. You think to yourself, but Suna has always been punctual, even with his lazy habits he’s always had a plan for days like this. 
“Hey Rin, I was thinking maybe we could go to the bookstore today? Since it’s that time of the year and I just wanna get out of the house and spend some time with you before we go partying.” You ask him curiously, knowing he usually likes to stay in before partying, getting some much needed calm time with you before the chaos the twins will ensue. “Yeah, we haven’t been out in forever huh? We can eat and then I’ll drive us there if you want?” He answers back, pulling the maple syrup and strawberries out of the fridge before reaching into the pantry and getting the icing sugar. 
The drive to the bookstore is short, but you cherish it nonetheless. Looking at all the books in the store you forgot just how much you missed reading, spending hours in other worlds, reading about peoples lives. You don’t know where Suna wandered off too, probably seeing if he’s made it into any magazines with all the interviews he does after games. 
Walking into the fiction section, you decide on a couple books you’ve been meaning to read before you feel a tap on your shoulder, turning around to see Suna with a coffee in both hands, reaching on out to you. “You got me a coffee? Rin, you didn’t need to pay I could’ve done it myself-” “No, I feel bad I’ve been busy with training and games and everything and I know this isn’t nearly enough of an apology but I hope this’ll be a start.” He explains, forcing the cup into your hand before taking a sip of his own, wrapping his free hand around your waist and listens to you talk about the books you’ve chosen all the way until you get into the car. 
“Now what do we do?” You ask him, you really only wanted to grab a few more books before you spend your free time snuggled into a blanket, reading them until your eyes go buggy. “Wanna go to the café down the street to grab a little snack? Or just go home and we can order in and watch a movie before the twins decide to raid our home for the third? No fourth year in a row?” He answers, turning the key into the ignition and letting the car rumble.
Once you’ve agreed on a plan, he starts driving home while you’re ordering a pizza, even remembering everyones orders so no one will complain when they arrive. Stopping quickly at the liquor store to grab something to pregame with, you choose a variety of different things, knowing your boyfriend has a knack for bartending - a skill you don’t know how he acquired, but you’re not complaining. 
Suna spends at least two hours taking candy from your neighbours, only the best. You remember how last year he asked every kid that came to the house early to find out what candies they liked, so he can keep his title as best house on the block. You even go with him, laughing when he almost gets caught by a couple neighbours, him blowing it off as “I just don’t know how much to put into my bowl this year since the neighbourhood has grown so much,” while his pockets are stuffed with said neighbours candy. When he thinks he’s gotten enough you return back to your house and get ready for your guests to arrive.
By 5:30, the twins have come barging in, using the spare key they found months ago to allow them in whenever, much to Suna’s demise, he swears they search the porch just so they don’t have to knock on the door, just to make him a little more annoyed at them then normal. And just in Miya fashion, they come in bickering about something you don’t even bothering asking about.  
Kita comes in not too long later, you gave him the correct time, always telling the twins a little earlier since they’re never on time. He comes in with more alcohol, along with some snacks when you guys go clubbing later tonight. He always thinks of everything, and you’re thankful that everything you can’t think of he can, making sure all your bases are covered. 
Since Aran lives in the centre part of the city, he meets you a couple hours later once you’ve had a couple drinks back at your house and you are all dressed and ready to go partying. You hit up a multitude of different clubs, even running into a few people Suna played against in high school and during his V1 division career. You’re thankful that Kita doesn’t drink as much as the rest of you do, having a designated driver for the night.
Getting ready for bed, you take of your makeup haphazardly before brushing your teeth and crawling into bed. Cuddling into Suna’s arms, feeling him play in your hair while you draw shapes on his chest, slowly falling asleep into a blissful state, floating away into dreamworld. 
You don’t know how long you were out for, but you hope that the bowl is empty and none of your neighbours come knocking on your door demanding for an explanation for the amount of candy in their bowls while yours empties within hours.
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bonvoyagenoona · 2 years
amomk jin gently guiding mrs. kim by the hand through the crowd let’s say maybe at the farmers market or something
and at that moment mrs. kim suddenly got brief flashbacks to the time where SHE would look all the way down at her firstborn’s tiny head next to her legs with his tiny short arm stretched up to hold her hand in his tiny hand when he was a tiny little boy, walking to the park… and now she’s staring at his broad back, towering over her, trying to be her shield from the crowd… her firstborn is a grown 31 year old man now, no longer the tiny baby whose tiny hands she used to hold 😖😖😖
Waaah so cute! Ugh, this makes me think of eldest sibling things too...
At the farmer’s market, early one Sunday, present day. Jin and Mrs. Kim are walking side-by-side.
Jin: Shame about those tomatoes.
Mrs. Kim: And the eggplants. 
Jin can’t help but giggle.
Mrs. Kim: Must be hard times.
Jin can’t help but giggle again.
Mrs. Kim: (disappointed) Jin.
Jin: Sorry. (pause) Y’know, I read something about subsidies not being allocated properly this year, which caused a lot of operational issues for some of these farmers.
Mrs. Kim: That’s frustrating. (sighs) I guess for tonight, maybe we’ll have to supplement what we get here with what we can find at the store. For the eggplants, I was hoping we could get bigger ones so that---
Jin: Ah! Eomma, I see the honey farmer starting to pack up!
Mrs. Kim: Oh?
Jin: Let’s go!
He quickly takes Mrs. Kim’s hand, steps forward, and curls his arm behind him, elbow jutting out, the backs of his knuckles resting in the small of his back, as he pulls her into him and shields her from the crowd, which they are walking against.
Mrs. Kim smiles at his sweaty back and remembers something.
At the farmer’s market, early one Sunday, years ago. Jin and Mrs. Kim are walking side-by-side.
5-Year-Old Jin: (still chewing his bite of fresh strawberry) 
Mrs. Kim: You like going to the market with Eomma?
5-Year-Old Jin nods enthusiastically.
5-Year-Old Jin: (holding up the giant strawberry in the air) This is the bestest-estest strawberry ever! 
Mrs. Kim: We should bring Joonie and Tae-Tae when they’re a bit bigger!
5-Year-Old Jin: (suddenly stopping) NO!
Mrs. Kim stops and looks at him in surprise.
5-Year-Old Jin: I-I mean... (looks regretful)
Mrs. Kim stops and bends down to get eye-level with Jin as he throws the strawberry stem to the ground.
5-Year-Old Jin: I’m sorry, Eomma.
Mrs. Kim: For what?
5-Year-Old purses his lips.
Mrs. Kim: (understanding) Jinnie, we’ve been busy with Joonie and Tae-Tae, huh?
5-Year-Old Jin nods.
Mrs. Kim: I miss having alone time with you sometimes. Do you miss that, too?
5-Year-Old Jin looks unsure of what to say.
Mrs. Kim: It’s OK. You can tell me. What do you miss about life when Joonie and Tae-Tae weren’t with us yet?
5-Year-Old Jin: Well... sometimes I miss sitting on your lap when we watch TV. And I miss how you and Appa used to feed me. (takes a big breath) But I know I’m Big Kid Jin now, so I can’t do that anymore.
Mrs. Kim frowns, feeling a swell of regret in her chest. But then she smiles and wipes the strawberry strains from his cheeks.
Mrs. Kim: Even though things might have changed a little bit, we will always make time to have Eomma and Jinnie time, OK? It might not happen all the time, and it might not be getting to sit in Eomma’s lap, or Appa feeding you, but we’ll find other ways. OK?
5-Year-Old Jin smiles.
5-Year-Old Jin: OK.
Mrs. Kim: Now, let’s go pick up something special.
5-Year-Old Jin: (eyes wide) What is it?
Mrs. Kim: Have you ever seen a beehive?
5-Year-Old Jin: Real bees?
Mrs. Kim: Yep, ones that make honey! There’s a honey farmer in a booth over there. Let’s go get a jar, and when we get home, before Joonie and Tae-Tae wake up, we can cut up some strawberries and put them on honey toast. What do you think about that?
5-Year-Old Jin: That’s the bestest-estest-estest breakfast I ever heard!
Mrs. Kim: Let’s go!
She steps in front of Jin and curls her arm around her back, letting the backs of her knuckles rest in the small of her back, as she leads him through the thickening crowd.
5-Year-Old Jin smiles happily and places a strawberrry kiss on her wrist, making Mrs. Kim laugh.
At the farmer’s market, back in present day.
Mrs. Kim lifts her hand, bringing Jin’s with it, and presses a kiss on his wrist.
Jin keeps marching forward, with a warm smile.
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source: pinterest
Read A Map of Mrs. Kims / AMOMK here!
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gginscandy28 · 2 years
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Nurse Y/N
Gintoki x Reader
⚠️A lil fluff,NSFW ⚠️
-im sorry if my writing sucks asf...its my 1st time writing this ff and i just write what i feel like
-also im sorry if its very technical w nursing thingys 😅
-pls pls lmk if you have any feedbacks/ comments/ideas too thank uu
-bg:youre a 22 y/o single nurse who is a part timer workng in clinics and hospitals in Edo to find extra $$ while still wanting to have some free time
-you where chatting up with ur patients as u finished up ur wound dressing in ur drs clinic
-and you see a glimpse of him walking with his gang,the yorozuya
-hes seen you a few times and recognises you as the nurse who is soft spoken and very strong while transferring pts
-you would sometimes just have small talks with him during ur pockets of time
-usually talking about daily lives and just laughing off at him teasing the other nurses
-you lowkey have a crush on him as he prevented another pervy pt from touching ur ass when you were prepping your meds
-anddd you do know gin has a nurse kink as he shoots some dirty jokes like "hmm someone gonna poke me real hard uh" or a "damn gurl that light pink dress be looking good on the floor"
-you just haha *sakamoto laughs* your way out
the story:
-you just chilling and watching dramas on tv
-shinpachi suddenly called you and requested you to take care of gin for 5 days as both shinpachi n kagura are gonna take over the yorozura for a bit
-gin got into a accident while riding his scooter and hit a light while tryna avoid a car
-he broke his left arm and leg and also has several wounds on his scalp and back
-and gins usual care giver otae is busy w the smile cabaret
-plus shinpachi n kaguras gonna stay the remaining nights at shins dojo to allow gin to recuperate well
-you just agreed and told him that ur coming tmr
-you replinished and packed your duty bag and essentials as your gonna stay the night the next day
-you just hope for the best and nothing goes wrong
-knock knock
-"hello,anyone home? y/n here,shinpachi requested me to come!"
-"just come in,the doors not locked" a male voice echoes inside
-"aitee,coming in"
-you changed to inner slippers and propped your bags near the table
-you sat on the blue couch facing the injured man lying down with jump covering his face
-"yo,i heard you got into an accident.. btw imma help change your dressing and care for you and the house for a bit...just bare with me aite"
-"gosh this shinpachi,told him i can care for myself but i guess i got my own personal nurse now huh haha" gin shrugged taking out the jump and sitting up
-you guys disscussed on the timings to eat,preferred food,shower timings and you familiarised yourself to the office so its easier to get things
-you told gin to stay out and you went into an empty room to put ur stuff
-you unpacked and arranged your sleeping tatami
-you decided to sweep and clean the office as its messy w strawberry milk cartons and rubbish
-and its squeaky clean
-You then cooked some lunch as gins mentioned that hes hungry
-"y/n ,arent you tired? go and rest after this...you did
alot.if not ill end up having to be your nurse" gin as he ate rice
-"nah im good,you know im restless right...im not the type to sit until i feel like im done.plus lets wash up and ill do up your dressing later"
-gin needed help with showering as he cant reach his back and he is worried of soaking his wounds
-he also joked that youre gonna be shy showering him but youve taken care of so many people that you dont feel a thing
-you reassured gin that your gonna cover his casts with plastic wrap and it wont get wet..you also gonna clean him darn well
-you cleared the dishes and helped walk him to the washroom
-you rolled up ur pants sonit wont get wet
-you took his clothes off and covered his cast with plastic
-"dayum you ripped son"
-"aye thanks but dont stare at my tittiess aight,im getting cold" gin laughed
-his body is just dayum...so different from the pts you took care of
-his skin so bright,his shoulder so wide luke worldwide handsome,his arms can choke,his pectoral muscles so big,his 6 pack abs be like the buns in the bakery,and you just try not to look at this birbu
-you can feel his body heat..he felt so warm
-you adjusted the temp and got gin to wash wherever he can and you assisted to wash his back
-"let me know if its too hot/cold ,im gonna scrub ur back now"
-you brushed his back up and down,left and right not leaving any dirt behind
-"y/n you breathing so hard,you okay? hahaha mustve been your 1st time seeing a body this toned" gin checked on you
-"haha yeah...but how you so ripped if you keep consuming sweets bruh"
-"of course theres a way how samurais do it *wink wink"
-you dried him up with a towel,wiping every inch of his body
-and helped him put on his green pyjamas
-"yay we done,now this bigg baby is fresh.you lie down,imma get my things"you said as you went out
-"is it gonna be painful y/n? i see the dr stitched me for one of the wounds and its quite big too"
"imma give you ur pain meds so it wont be painful,trust me ill do it with no pain"
-you washed your hands and prepped your wound dressing kit
-gin just stares and observes you in awe
-"okay gonna start now,just dont touch my hands or your wounds gonna be dirty and it wont heal well"
-gin broke the silence and tried to fill the atmosphere
-"y/n,idk if ive asked you but what made u be a nurse? coz u wanna marry a doctor or you like to inject people?" gin joked
-"ugh come on,really hahah...i wanna be a nurse coz i feel statisfaction when my patients are well and the feeling of being thanked is just out of this world...also the feeling of adrenaline is so good"
-"ah thats great,being a nurse is not easy too...i mean ive seen ur colleagues in the hopsital...man great respect for u guys...also i just have a soft spot for nurses"
-"yeah right" you rolled your eyes and you knew what he meant...
-you finished dressing his wound and stood up to throw the rubbish
-you came back and suddenly he pulled you by the arm
-he got closer and closer to your face
-you just blanked and wondered whats going on
-"y/n your really pretty,i wonder if you have a s/o? man its a waste if you didnt have one" gin smirked
- you flinched and just said you dont bother to have one coz of ur job and your scared to be in one
-you needing to take care of others but you feel bad for a s/o to take care of you and being to clingy
-you excused yourself to wash up and got him to rest
stay tuned for the next part!
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twiststreet · 2 years
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A behind the scenes photo from the movie Cujo (1983).  
I’ve been inching along with Salem’s Lot, or just thinking a lot about Stephen King lately, generally, for some reason.  I always mention how I think it’s going to be apocalyptic when he dies, in terms of the public reaction because of how many people have read his work, read his work at a formative age, worked on adaptations of his books, watched those, etc.  The size of his pop culture impact, where I don’t think people have really truly grappled with it, and I think can’t until he passes, and it’s complete.
But: 64 novels, 200 short stories, at least 48 movies and 30 TV shows that credit him one way or another?  Sure, lots of hacks put up numbers, James Patterson or whoever-- but King feels different.  The work’s varied, at least: Carrie isn’t Gerald’s Game isn’t The Stand isn’t The Dark Tower isn’t, I don’t know, “1408″ or The Mist or “Strawberry Spring” or whatever. He just shits out real stories with such regularity...
I’ve listened to a few episodes of Fangoria’s Kingcast podcast.  I don’t love the podcast but they’ve had some okay guests.  Bill Hader talks about the Stephen King impression him and Mulaney used to do, and how On Writing impacted his life, in an otherwise pretty bad episode.  (Podcasters always try to force Hader to be a Funtime Wacky Guy-- I think maybe he’s not that guy!!).  Grady Hendrix makes a weirdly persuasive case as From a Buick 8 as being an important part of King’s career arc, which I’d never heard anyone say before-- I’ve never heard that book come up at all.  Rian Johnson talking about On Writing-- pretty much nothing to say!  Matt Fraction talks about the Dark Tower books as an addiction metaphor-- but he has the apt comparison, which is Jack Kirby.  
You can talk about Agatha Christie in terms of-- she was as big an author arguably for pop culture or whatever.  But I think Kirby’s the comparison that feels the most right to me, just in terms of ... Just constantly creating, a shark constantly in motion.  The example of Jack Kirby no one lives up to, no one even tries, you can tear your hair out as a fan but you know: maybe it’s too big a thing to grapple with.  Kirby had some terrible books, bad runs, bad characters-- his Black Panther run is cute but you can definitely skip it, say, same as ... I don’t know, King’s Eyes of the Dragon (my first King book).  But just that... that thing of just being an engine of story... King grappling with addiction, Kirby grappling with seeing concentration camps up close, but both through these genres they deform around them through their passage.  
I mean, it’s not what every book should be or every author.  King’s deficiencies are obvious-- the weird shit in some of those books is not a secret, and you know: I have some of his books lying around his apartment that are really hard to get enthused about picking up, probably won’t ever read.  And good lord, his tweets.  Or I mean... There’s a lot going on over there!  But just that thing he boils down in On Writing, of just “oh you have to read a lot and you have to write a lot”, like... His body of work becomes interesting beyond the work, as just theory in practice, I guess.  I’m not articulating that well, but anyways, my lunch is over so I’m not going to try harder than that...
Anyways:  that fucking guy, huh?  Yeah, geez, how about that guy...
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elsjanehoppers · 2 years
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[ jessie mei li | non-binary | she/they | twenty-one ] —— it’s just another typical week in hawkins i guess — isn’t that right, jane “eleven” hopper? huh, guess they can’t hear me over angel by madonna playing on their walkman, but it looks like they’re unemployed. did you know el has been in hawkins for almost her whole life, minus a few months? yeah, they’ve been described as a bit cautious, but i suppose them also being protective outweighs the negative. i’ve also heard people say they remind them of an oversized benny’s t-shirt that looks like its going to swallow you whole, singing to the radio while dancing around the room and looking at teen magazines, freshly made eggos drizzled with syrup… however, that could just be this weeks newest rumor.
                                        the basics //
BIRTH NAME :  Jane Hopper. ALIAS  /  NICKNAME :  Eleven, El. AGE :  21. DATE  OF  BIRTH : November 1, 1965. PLACE OF BIRTH : Hawkins, Indiana. RESIDENCE :  Hawkins, Indiana. EDUCATION : None, has a forged GED. OCCUPATION :  Unemployed. GENDER : Non-binary. SEXUALITY :  Unsure. FACECLAIM :  Jessie Mei Li.
HAIR COLOR : Dark brown. HAIR STYLE : Medium length, straight or pulled back. EYE  COLOR :  Brown. HEIGHT : 5′3″. SCENT :  Floral. SCARS :  A line on their left ankle from trying to get part of the Mindflayer out of them. TATTOOS :  011 on their left wrist. PIERCINGS :  None. CLOTHING :  Flannel shirts, colorful outfits, scrunchy, jeans, converse.
ZODIAC : Scorpio. MBTI : ISFP. ALIGNMENT : Chaotic Neutral. HOGWARTS HOUSE : Gryffindor. ELEMENT : Water.   LOVE LANGUAGE : Quality time, words of affirmation, and receiving gifts.
STRENGTHS : telekinesis, levitation, portal manipulation, biokinesis, resurrection, esp, remote viewing, telepathy, mind walking, memory reading, psychometry, technopathy, stealthy, morse code, fighting, intellect, those they care about. WEAKNESSES :  Crowds, those they care about, overexertion. PHYSICAL AILMENTS :  None. ALLERGIES : Bees. SLEEPING HABITS :  Light sleeper. SOCIABILITY : Socially awkward, shy. POSITIVE  TRAITS :  Protective, kind, inquisitive, caring, big hearted, curious, resourceful, courageous, loyal, independent. NEGATIVE TRAITS : Cautious, stubborn, impulsive, easily jealous, self-sacrificing, easily angered, over emotional. FEARS :  Losing those they love, the Upside Down, someone taking them away, being imprisoned. HOBBIES :  Comic book reading, listening to music, watching TV, drawing, practicing their powers. MOST VALUED POSSESSION : The hair tie Hopper gave them, her walkie-talkie, anything her friends have given her.
ADDICTIONS :  Eggos. DRUG  USE :  None. ALCOHOL USE :  None. FAVORITE FOOD : Eggos. FAVORITE DRINK : Strawberry milkshakes, coffee with 3 cream and 6 sugars. FAVORITE MOVIE : Sixteen Candles. FAVORITE SHOW : Miami Vice. FAVORITE SONG : Angel by Madonna. FAVORITE COLOR : Any that remind them of spring flowers. FAVORITE FLOWER : Tulips, lilies, daisies. FAVORITE SEASON : Spring. FAVORITE WEATHER : Sunny.
FATHER :  Unknown (biological), Jim Hopper (adoptive). MOTHER : Terry Ives (biological), Joyce Byers (adoptive). SIBLINGS :  Jonathan & Will Byers (adoptive). PARTNERS : Mike Wheeler (ex). CHILDREN :  None.
INSPIRATIONS :  Stargirl Caraway (Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli), Alina Starkov (Shadow & Bone), Matilda Wormwood (Matilda), Carrie White (Carrie), Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter).
                                      bio //
Eleven was born on November 1st to Terry Ives, but she never knew their mother as Dr. Brenner took her upon her birth. Hell, she didn’t even know what day their birthday or who her mother was really until they were 19. It wasn’t stuff they did at the lab. Anything that made them individuals got pushed out so they could be pushed to be the best and then even better than that. The strength of their powers were the only thing allowed to make them different than the others. Special.
With her memories back, El knows more about their time at the lab than they did when she first met the party. She remembers the others like 002 bullying her and them finding a friend in 001 (who she didn’t know was 001 at the time). They remember sending him to the upside down and the change that happened after. How frightened she was on the things they did and now being the only one left, how she was pushed more and more to do whatever Papa wanted them to do.
Finally, though, she escaped. They got out of the lab and upon their first time out, she found comfort from a man named Benny, only for him to be ripped from her quick. Hiding in the woods and trying to find somewhere to go in the darkness and rain, they were found by Mike, Dustin, and Lucas trying to find their friend Will and her life was forever changed.
Hiding at Mike’s house had their experiencing a mix of emotions. They were happy to be free and seemingly in a safe location. They were scared that she would be found and have to go back. And she was worried that she was putting their new friends in danger. All of it deemed to be true as they wanted to go to the lab and they were spotted by Papa’s men and had to run here and there and their using their  powers more and more while she helped locate Will. And to save her friends, they used her power to get rid of the monster ( Demogorgon, Mike called it that ) and ended up in the Upside Down themselves.
Getting out of the Upside Down was easy. There was still a little gate open and the scared Eleven went to Mike’s home only to find the cops were there. It was too dangerous and so they took to the woods and started fighting for survival. That is until Hopper found them and brought her to this old cabin in the woods. Together, they fixed it up and it was nice. However as the days passed, they was getting more and more impatient to let Mike know they were alive. That she was there in the world and she was growing tired and defiant of Hopper constantly trying to make them safe. She understood to a point, but they felt imprisoned again and all she craved was that freedom.
So, one day when he was out, they left the cabin like she wasn’t supposed to do. They saw a woman that pointed her in the direction of where Mike would be and there she saw him talking to a girl ( who was this? did he not care as much as he once did? ). This upset El and they went home to find an upset Hopper. The two fought and she used their powers against him out of anger and cried themselves to sleep while being locked in their room.
The next day when she was cleaning up their mess while Hopper was gone, they ended up finding information on her mama and ended up finding her in their head. They backed a bag and hitchhiked to their mother’s house. However, finding her wasn’t what they expected. Mama wasn’t able to communicate well and she talked with her aunt and discovered bits of what happened before she went to communicate with Mama herself through their powers. Mama showed them in flashes different parts of what happened. She talked to her aunt and talked about the girl she saw there and ended up going and finding Kali. They left her aunts after stealing some money and went out to find her sister.
The time with Kali was different than anything they knew. Her sister, like themselves, had a group she could trust with their powers and she saw they were doing what they thought was right. They ended up learning more about her powers and how to get them to be stronger ( now it reminded her of when 001 did it ) and while they went out to take care of the man that hurt Mama, she felt this wasn’t the life they wanted. She didn’t want to hurt this man and they felt like being with Kali was like being with Papa all over again. So, as the cops entered the scene, she left and went back home.
Going back home, they discovered that things hadn’t been easy there. The Mind Flayer had control of Will and they needed to stop it. She needed to close the gate. So with a short lived reunion with the people she loved and meeting this new girl ( Max, her name is Max ), they left to the lab and worked their powers to the extreme to close the gate and it worked. 
The aftermath was the lab closing for good and she was now officially adopted by Hopper. They waere still in hiding from anyone who would want to get them or their powers, but she had more freedom and she got to see their friends. She got to see Mike. There was a lot of time just spent with them. Talking and laughing. He’d show them music and introduce her to so much. They were happy. Really, really happy.
The summer came and things started changing. Mike was lying to them and she went to Max to talk. They got close quick and after playing a game, they discovered something was going on with Max’s stepbrother, Billy. Trying to figure out what, with the rest of the party, they discovered the Mind Flayer now had him and was adding more to his collection. They tried helping Billy escape, but nothing worked and while the physical form of the Mind Flayer was defeated, lives were still lost (including Hopper) and El was left powerless.
After what felt like funeral upon funeral, El and the Byers, now being under Joyce’s care, moved to California to get away from the tragedies they experienced in Hawkins. El was sad to be leaving Mike and their friends, but part of her looked forward to seeing more of the world. However, things weren’t as great as they seemed. They missed their friends in Hawkins terribly and she had started taking some classes and this woman named Angela bullied them. She started lying in her letters to Mike saying how great California was. This leading up to Mike coming to see her and her still trying to pretend things were okay up until they ran into Angela and she changed all that.
After attacking Angela for her bullying them and embarrassing them in front of Mike, she got arrested and was on her way to a jail when Owens intervened. They instead went to a facility in the Nevada desert and there, discovered Papa was alive. Through multiple tasks and going through old memories that was suppressed and thinking she hurt all the ones like them, she ended up coming out with the truth and with her power back.
As the government tried getting them, she escaped through the use of her powers and in the process, their papa was dead and they were saved by Mike, Will, Jonathan, and Argyle. Telling them, their friends were in danger, they moved to try to get to Hawkins, but they couldn’t get there in time. That’s when they tried intervening to save Max, however, 001 ( they call him Vecna ) took someone else. She was able to still get in there and distract him long enough for their friends to defeat him. However, after going back to Hawkins, she found that it wasn’t soon enough as the town was destroyed.
Moving back to Hawkins was more of a change than they thought. Happy to have Hopper back, the family lived together and eventually, her and Mike decided to break up. For them, it was the need to protect him from all this. While there was peace, she worried every day something was going to happen and she started doing some training on her own to keep her powers strong so she would be ready if anything happened.
Slowly, they noticed things happening. It started with the missing boy that ended up being found and now with this tornado and the bats, El knows something is starting and they’re scared they’re not ready for it.
                                          headcanons //
While they are happy she escaped the lab, some days she regrets it because they feels they have put the lives of everyone she loves so much at risk and that is the last thing they ever wanted to do.
They are working on strengthening their powers every day, sometimes in secret. She wants to be prepared for whatever is coming next and wants to make sure they are at full strength. She’ll spend hours a day focusing on one part of her powers, though its mostly the telekinesis as they have become cautious of her ESP abilities and them possibly opening another gate if she’s not careful.
They’re working slightly to discover who she is and what they like and dislike. She’s open to all new things and wants to try everything at least once ( try before you deny ).
They don’t have a job since she doesn’t have much skills and is still learning new things, even though Owens got her a forged diploma to make it look like they had an education.
Things they do like: coffee with 6 sugars ( you can’t even taste of coffee, Hopper says ) and 3 creams. eggos, of course (preferably with whipped cream and some candy). strawberry milkshakes. comic books. listening to all kinds of music. watching tv with hopper. watching movies (her favorite is sixteen candles). learning new things. pineapple on pizza.
Things they don’t like: coke (reminds her of the lab). chocolate milkshakes (reminds her of angela). the movie carrie (reminds her too much of herself).
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